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Coins & Medals
JUNE 28th & 29th, 1880,
739 & 741 BROADWAY.
344 Fulton Street, mtOOKLYN.
Catalogue lE^r EBT^PHDSSAED _
Send Bids to
who will faithfully execute the same.
United States and Foreign
Historical and Personal,
Sutler’s Checks, Silver Copperheads,
English & other Foreign Medals,
A Few Ancient Coins, Canada Coins and
Medals, etc., etc.,
Messrs. BANGS & CO.,
739 & 741 Broadway, New York,
On Monday and Tuesday Afternoons, June 28th and 29th,
Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auctioneers, and Coin dealers
Catalogue by ED. FROSSARD,
(eo 1 Alexander the Great. Tetradrachm. Head. Rev., Ju- piter seated. Good
U 2 Ptolemy I. Struck for Tyre. Tetradrachm. Very fair 3o 3 Thurrium. Lucana. Didrachm. Head. Rev., Ox. Very good
v° 4 Rhodes. Didrachm. Phoebus. Rev., Rose. Cast i<3 5 Dyrrachium. Illyria. Didrachm. Fair, but pierced (, 0 6 Antiochia. Tetradrachm. Head of Nero. Rev., Eagle. Good
lo 7 Cos. Caria. Obolus. Head. Rev., Grab. Fair to 8 Sicily. Hiero I. Head. Rev., Horseman. Very fair cop- per coin. Size 16
3t> 9 Syracuse, Ptolemy, Alexandria, etc. Very fair lot of Greek coppers 8 pieces
71 10 Cyme, Philip I., etc. Another lot. Fair 5 pieces
TV 11 Memia, Carbonia, Titunia, Scribonia. Family denarii.
Good lot 4 pieces
43 12 Another lot of Family denarii. Also, Postumia, quiuarius.
Average very fair 12 pieces
40 13 Imperial denarii. Some early issues in the lot. Average good 2 1 pieces
liv 1 1 Small bronze of Constantine, etc. Several with she- wolf on reverse. Very fair lot 15 pieces
Gr 15 Galba. g. b. Rev., Inscription. Good 16 Antoninus Pius. g. b. Very Good. Cast 15*Galba. g. b. Rev., e. x s c ob Gives Servatos. Good 11 6 ^Antoninus Pius. g. b. Very good. Cast H 17 Faustina St. g. b. Rev., Aeternitas. Good 14-18 Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, etc. g. b. Very fair lot.
G pieces
\o 19 Lot of m. b., among them quite a number of early emperors.
Barely fair to nearly good 28 pieces
A 20 Lot of 3d Bronze, various emperors. Poor to good 30 pcs.
4 21 Another lot of 3d Bronze. Same condition 30 pieces
4 22 Another lot of 3d Bronze. Same condition 30 pieces
4 23 Still another. 3d Bronze. Same condition 42 pieces
24 Oval brass medallion, with bust of Martyr in* high relief.
Rev., blank. Cast, but fine. Size 21
25 Another, with female bust. Very fair. Pierced. Size 21
b 26 Another. Hercules (?) standing. Very good. Alloy of tin. Size 18
27 Male bearded head, bust draped, in very high relief. Alloy of tin. Size 16
b 28 Female head. Alloy of tin. Size 18 ■ 29 Fine cast of head, with helmet. Size 18 Vi 30 Bust in oval, and walking figures. Very fair casts. Size 30 and 22 2 pieces
\.O0 31 Universite Laval, Quebec. Rev., Prix de poesie franyaise. Fine bronze medal. Size 24
lv 32 Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, 1858. Rev., Inscription. White metal. Proof. Size 26 33 Bust of Prince of Wales. Rev., To commemorate visit, etc., i860. W. M. Proof. Size 28
a 34 Sameobv. Rev., Victoria bridge. W. M. Pierced. Size 28 l 35 To commemorate the Inauguration of Victoria bridge. W. M. Proof. Size 32
36 Numismatic and Arch. Soc. of Montreal. Rev., Instituted . 1862. Inaugurated 1870. W. M. Proof. Size 26 p 37 20 cents. 1858. Very fine. Scarce
XU 38 25 cents. 1870 and ’72. Fine 2 pieces
U 39 10 cents. 1858 and ’72. Uncirculated 2 pieces
p- 40 10 cents, 1872. Newfoundland. Very good 1 41 5 cents. 1858, ’70 and ’72. Uncirculated 3 pieces
o 42 Penny tokens of Canada, Nova Scotia, etc. Some scarce. Very good lot 14 pieces
43 Un Sou tokens, with bouquet. All different. Some very scarce. Fair to fine 13 pieces
Cq 44 Wellington halfpenny tokens. All different. Fair to fine
13 pieces
45 Nova Scotia; Bank halfpenny tokens, etc. Good lot. 10 pcs j t 46 Canada, 1830; Upper Canada; Prince Edward Island, etc.
Halfpenny tokens. Some scarce. Very fair lot 16 pcs IV 47 Th. & Wm. Molson, 1837. Half p. token. Very good 1^48 Dneseman, Butcher, Belleville, etc. Rev., Bouquet. Scarce. Good
\\ 49 Roy, Brown, Shaw, Rutherford Bro. and other scarce half- penny tokens. Good lot 10 pieces
50 North Am. Token, 1781, and another. Fair and poor. 2 pcs 3A 51 Devins and Bolton. Vegetable worm pastilles, etc. Scarce token. Very fine
A 52 R. Sharpley, watchmaker, &c. Scarce brass token. Unc. to 53 Bust of Victoria. Model cent without date. Brass. Rare and fine. Size 12
Vi 54 Different cents, half-cents, &c., of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, all with bust of Victoria. Very good lot 14 pieces
D 55 Stephens, 1 135. Bust, &c. Historical Series. Fine bronze medal by Dassier. Size 24
j 56 Charles II. Bust. Rev., Bust of Catharina. Light bronze; probably cast. Good. Size 26
r 57 James II. Bust. Rev., Lion couchant. Good. Bronze cast. Size 30
by 58 Prince of Orange and Anna of England. Busts. Very fine. And another with bust of Prince of Orange. Good. Size 26 2 pieces
59 George III., 1760. Bust. Fine cast. Size 25
60 The same. Rev., Church at Birmingham. Fine W. M.
Size 26
61 George III. and Charlotte. Coronation medal. Fine; brass
cast. Size 24
b 62 George IV. Bust. Dif. rev. W. M. Fine, but one pierced. Size 28 2 pieces
63 William IV. Bust. Rev., London bridge. Bronze. Good.
Size 32
64 Frederick Duke of York. Rev., Military trophy. Tin.
Fine. Size 24
65 Princess Charlotte. Mortuary medal. Bronze. Fine. Size 24
5 66 Gust of Win. IV. Rev., Bust of Adelaide. Fine. Tin.
Size 24
l 67 Victoria and Albert. Marriage medal. Very fine. W.M. Size 28
68 Other medals of Victoria and Prince Albert (one pierced).
Fine. W. M. Sizes 20 to 32 4 pieces
69 London Exposition medals, etc. Fine lot. W.M. Sizes 24
to 33 8 pieces
bo 70 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. 1872. Bust. Rev., National thanksgiving for recovery, etc. Beautiful bronze medal by Wyon. Size 36
lb 71 The same. President of Royal Commission. Bronze. Size 30 1 72 The same, with bust of Princess Alexandra. W.M. Pierced. Size 24
V 73 Wellington. Bust. Rev., The English army arrives in the
Peninsula. Very fine bronze medal by Mudie. Size 25
V 74 Bust of Wellington. Mortuary, etc. Very fine. W.M. Sizes
24 to 32 3 pieces
15 75 Nelson. Trafalgar mortuary. W. M. Fine. Size 32 r 76 Bust. Rev., Francis Henry Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. Bronze. Fine. Size 26
77 Bust of Rokeby, Lord Primate of all Ireland, 1789. Rev., The Heavens proclaim the glory of God. Fine bronze. Size 33
\v~ 78 The Young Roscius, 1804. Fine bust by Webb. Rev., Not yet mature, yet matchless. Bronze. Size 26 V- 79 Lord Byron. Bust. Lead cast, bronzed. Size 32 >5 80 Viscount Perry. Bust by Mossop. Rev., Blank. Bronze. Size 26
Co 81 Martinus Folkes. Rev., Pyramid. Very fine and rare Ma- sonic medal, struck at Rome 1743. Bronze. Size 23 P 82 Dublin Society, nostri plena caloris. Ireland seated, with lance and cornucopia, rests upon the Irish shield. Rev., Blank. Beautiful oval medal by Mossor. Bronze. Size 32 by 36
7- 83 Lord Collingwood, and other white metal medals; commun- ion token, etc. All fine. Average size 20 7 pieces
7^84 Baptist Mission, 1842. Jubilee. W.M. Fine. Size 27 u 85 Building. School medal. W. M. Proof. Size 27
86 Bust of Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter. 3d Centennial medal, 1835. White metal. Proof. Size 28
)o 87 William Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury. Bust. Rev., Inscription. Fine bronze medal by Dassier. Size 20 c. U 88 William Crabtree and William Steadman Busts, side by side. Rev., Centenary of the First Baptist Church, Bradford. Fine bronze medal by Taylor. Size .32 8 89 Rev. Wm. Romaine (died 1795). Bust. Rev., But I
trusted in thee, O Lord, etc. Fine bronze medal; and another. Sizes 20 and 22 2 pieces
90 Royal Exchange, London, 1844. Views of building. Fine bronze medal. Size 38
i ; 91 Prosperity to Farley. View of building. Rev., Sherley
Estate Agricultural Prize. Fine bronze medal. Size 32 ll- 92 Preston Society Medal for the Improvement of Agriculture.
Female figure and rural scene. Rev., Blank. Bronze. Very fine. Size 30
• 2- 93 Wanstead Infant Asylum Medal. Building. Rev., Coats of arms and inscription. Very fine. Bronze 1 94 Henry VIII. lead cast ; and two other bronze and W. M.,
pierced. Fair lot 3 pieces
95 Tradesmen’s Penny tokens. All different. Good lot. 13 pcs
96 Uncharitable Monopolizer. Man swallowing the world, etc.
Rare token in W. M. Uncirculated. Size 23 h 97 Coventry, 1793. Halfpenny token. Barely fair, and 1794.
Good 2 pieces
98 Drury Lane Theatre. Pit. Rev., Blank. Good
" 1 99 Masonic Halfpenny. 1790. Fine
100 Magna Charta Halfpenny, 1794. Nearly proof
101 Halfpenny tokens. Very fine or uncirculated 6 pieces
U- 102 Halfpenny tokens. Different. Good to fine 20 pieces
*C-103 Halfpenny tokens. Different. Good to fine 24 pieces
2-V 104 Another lot. Different. Very fair to good 20 pieces
J 105 Another lot. Different. Very fair to good. 20 pieces
106 Liberty and Commerce, muled with obverses of English halfpennies. Barely fair 2 pieces
IfL 107 Am I not a man and a brother ? 1795. Rare farthing token. Fine
o 108 Farthing tokens. Good 6 pieces
109 Halfpenny tokens, issued after 1811. Good 7 pieces
110 Copper and brass Coronation Mcdalets, etc. Poor to very good 37 pieces
4A-111 Charles I. Small copper coins. Fair to good 13 pieces
3' 112 James II. Gun money. 1689. Aug-. XII. Good 2 pieces
It- 113 The same. Nov. XII. Fair and good 2 pieces
lG H4 The same. Dec. XXX. Good i3 115 The same. 1690. Feb. XII. Fair
1*1 116 The same. May XXX. Very fair. Scarce
)r-yll7 Miscellaneous English copper coins. Some old dates. Good lot 30 pieces
S' 118 St. Helena, Ionia Island, Jamaica, etc. Good 6 pieces
If- 119 East India, Siam tin coin, etc. Mostly very good 13 pieces
120 Henry VI. Groat. Struck at Calais. Good cj 121 Henry VIII. Half groat. 3d or 4th coinage. Very fair
2_o 122 Elizabeth. 1575. Sixpence. Rose behind head. Good
\\ 123 Charles I. Two and one pence. Fair 2 pieces
U 124 Commonwealth. Two and one pence. The former good,
the latter barely fair and pierced 2 pieces
l.'jS'125 Oliver Cromwell. 1658. Crown. Good impression, but no inscription on edge. Not warranted, but may be genuine
I .‘[0 126 Charles II. 1666. Crown. Fine
S' 127 The same. Three and twopence. Fair 2 pieces
• S' 128 Charles II., James II., William and Mary, William III. and
Anne. Four and threepence. Three pierced. Fair and good 8 pieces
boo 129 William III. 1696. Crown. Barely fair ^ 130 George and George III. Threepence and pennies. Good
3 pieces
V> 131 George I. and IT. Shillings. Fair and good 5 pieces
\\ 132 The same. Sixpences. Good and fine. Also Bank token
for fivepence 4 pieces
133 George III. 1817. Half crown. Uncirculated l.tjo 134 George IV. 1821. Crown. Uncirculated 44-135 George and William IV., Victoria. Shillings. Fine. 4 pcs [\ 136 The same. Sixpences. Good and fine 5 pieces
|Ul37 The same. 4, 3, 2, 14 and 1 pence. Maundy money, etc.
Good to uncirculated 1 1 pieces
Jj^l38 Victoria. 1847. Gothic crown. Proof. Scarce
U-o 138« The same. 1872. Gothic florin. Fine
if- 139 The same. Shillings, 2, and sixpences, 5. IJncir. 0 pieces
V 140 The same. 4, 3, 2, 1^, and 1 pence; Maundy money, etc.
Very fair to fine 20 pieces
U 141 Demerary and Essequebo. Shilling, L and Fair to good 4 pieces
I 7 142 The same. Shilling and Colonial ^ crown. Good. 2 pieces
Isf 143 Old India. Two rupees. Arabic characters. Good 37 144 The same. Rupees. Varieties. Fine 2 pieces
io 145 The same. Quarter rupee. Very fine impression. Uncir. IS" 146 William IV. and Victoria. I and \ rupees. Good 4 pieces 7 147 Victoria. Hong Kong. 10 and 5 cents. Uncir. 5 pieces l < o 148 The same. 1867. Hong Kong dollar. Good 107 149 Dollar. Same as last, but 1868. Good bo 150 Rupee India. 1875. Uncirculated
151 Victoria. 2 annas. Good 3 pieces
C o 152 Siam. Tikal. Elephant. Rev., 3 pagodas. Barely fair
\ .oo 153 Louis XV. 1726. Crown. Barely fair
l oo 154 The same. 1764. Crown. Fair
So 155 Louis XVI. 1791. Half-crown. Good <7 156 Louis XIV. and XVI. Eighth’s crown, etc. Fair 5 pieces H-o 157 Louis XV. 1731. Isles du Vent. Jg crown. Scarce American Colonial coin
W 158 Napoleon I. 1812. 5 francs. Very fair
^7 159 The same. 1813. 5 francs. Good
l> 160 The same. Franc, \ and Barely fair 4 pieces
77 161 Charles X. 1827. 5 francs. Very fine
7U 162 The same. 1828. 5 francs. Very fair
163 Louis XVIII. to Louis Philippe. 2 francs. Barely fair. 4 pcs
164 Charles X. and Louis Philippe. Francs, \ and Fair. 6 pcs
ic> 165 Henry V. 1833. £ franc silver, struck in copper. Very
fine. Scarce
t) S 166 Republic. 1848. 5 francs. Figures standing. Good
13 167 The same. 1848. 20 francs gold. Struck in tin
168 Napoleon III. 1868. 5 francs. Uncirculated
3b 169 The same. 2 francs. Different. Fine
170 The same. Franc, L }■ Uncirculated
171 The same. Francs, 4; \ and Good
2 pieces 5 pieces 10 pieces
1 72 n iV3 1^174 \%. 175
5" 176
v 177
if- 178
5 179 180
2-i' 181
L 182 I 183 (o 184 1 185
6 186
l.oo 187
(• 188
35” 189 5" 190
191 >1 192
Republic. 1873. 5 francs. Fine
The same. Franc, % and Good 3 pieces
Copper coins. Good and fine 10 pieces
Napoleon III. 10 centimes, with outlines of Prussian hel- met. Good
Monneron Revolutionary tokens. One silvered. Two sizes.
Very good 3 pieces
Medals of literary celebrities. Portraits of Montaigne, La- fontaine, Montesquieu, De Sevigne and Moliere. Rev., Blank. Fine bronze, but look like casts. Size 26. 5 pcs
Galerie des Grands Homines. Bernard de St. Pierre, De Vauban, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Jacques Callot. Fine ; bronze. Size 24 4 pieces
Medals of celebrated Frenchmen, all with portraits. Various metals. Fine. Average size 22 5 pieces
Medalets of celebrated Frenchmen. Octagonal and round.
Brass and (1) tin. Fine. Size 16 6 pieces
Daniel Jean Richard. Portrait. Introducing Watchmaking into Switzerland. Fine bronze. Size 20 Bronze medals of members of roval families, etc. Portraits.
Fine. Sizes 20 to 32 6 pieces
The same. Medalets, bronze, copper, brass, etc. All fine.
Average size 16 10 pieces
Lyceum Award medal. Fine head. Size 21; and another, size 27. Bronze 2 pieces
Buonaparte, General-en-Chef, etc. Light bronze. Fair.
Size 26
L’Armee franchise passe le St. Bernard, etc.; fine bronze cast, size 25; and two others in brass and white metal with busts of Bonaparte; size 22 3 pieces
Napoleon Bonarparte. Fine bust with tricornered hat by Rogat. Rev., Translation aux Invalides 1840. Bronze. Very fine. Size 32
The same. Medalets, round and octagonal, various metals.
Nearly all very fine. Average size 15 14 pieces
Shell. Bust of Josephine. Silver. Fine. Size 26 Louis XVIII. and Charles X., the latter with reverse com- memorative of consecration. Fine. Bronze. Size 26
2 pieces
Louis Philippe. Bronze, brass and tin medalets. Fine.
Size 17 4 pieces
Republic. 1848. Aux braves morts pour la liberte. Angel
writing on monument. Fine; copper silvered (?) Size 26
(> 193 Gallia, seated. Rev., Wreath. Bronze. Fine. Size 20 3 194 Gallia, standing. Flag, scale and cock on monuments. t Rev., Inscription. W. M., burnished. Very line. Size 28
11 195 Trophy of flags inscribed 1792-1848. Rev., Inscription.
Copper with loop. Very fine. Size 21 t S’ 190 1848. Affre, Archbishop of Paris, addressing revolutionists from top of barricade. Rev., Inscription. White metal proof. Size 20
b 197 Medalets, with bust of Archbishop Affre. Very fine. 2 pcs 'U 198 Bust of Lamartine. Different reverses. Fine bronze medals with loop. Size 22 2 pieces
199 184S. Large white metal medals, struck in commemoration of establishment of Republic. Fine (one of extremely odd design) 2 pieces
' 200 Medalets with loop commemorating various events in 1848.
Several metals. All fine 1 1 pieces
A 201 Trelon, Weldon & Weil. Store card. Copper. Size 24 I 202 Napoleon III. Bust. Rev., Exposition Universelle 1867. Tin, gilt. Fine. Size 31
ligr 203 The same. Struck on the same occasion. Rev., View of building and circle of 27 shields of the principal nations of the world. Tin; but the head, inscription and shield on reverse struck in brass. Very fine. Size 32 3 204 Napoleon III. and Eugenie. Busts jugata. Rev., Inscrip- tion. Tin. Fine. Size 32
5" 205 Medalets relating to various events in the life of Napoleon III. Mostly brass or copper with loops. Fine. Average size 15 25 pieces
■ 206 Prince Imperial. Birth medalet. “ Que Dieu etende sur toi sa protection divine.” A vow not realized in this in- stance. Brass, with loop. Size 14. Fine and rare
I.Uj 207 Dollars. 1794. Electrotype. Silvered. Good 305 208 1795. Flowing hair. Very fine impression (So 209 1795. From the same dies. Fair »ifo 210 1796. Small date. Barely fair 2M 1797. Six stars facing. Good (JV 212 1798. Large date. Very fair lU 213 1799. Six stars facing. Good
_ v- 214 U* 215
lit 216
M* 217 218 i,tt» 219
\.oo 220
loo 221 I to 222 l .id 223 l.io 224 101-225 l,oo 226
1, or 227 I.Se 228 loo 229 lor 230 7° 231 . oo 232 hf 233 at 234
rr 235
236 I ff 237 ff 238 jT 239 ff 240
ioo 241
Wf 242 it 243 244 t. 245 lit 246 -t' 247 U 248 i-jf 249 250 ^o 251 1 7 U 252 U 253
Five stars facing.
Iiair a little rubbed. Fine and
1799. scarce
1800. Nearly fine impression
1801. Very good
1802. Struck over ’01. Nearly fine
1803. Hair rubbed. Good
1804. Electrotype. Silvered. Good
1836. Flying eagle. Very fine; but two slight scratches in obverse field
1859. Orleans mint. Fine
1872. Carson City mint. Uncirculated
1873. Slightly tarnished proof 1873. Trade dollar. Proof
Half dollars. 1795. Hair rubbed. Very fair 1795. From different dies. Same condition From different dies. Very fair Poor. Everything visible. Scarce Better than last. Fah'
Four berries on laurel branch. Very good Connected stars and date. Fine Barely fair. Scarce Very good Very good
Fine impression. Uncirculated Orleans. Uncirculated Fine; scarce Uncirculated
1851. 1854. 1869. 1876.
Rubbed. Fair
Proof Proof
Quarter dollars. 1804.
1805. Same condition
1818. Very fine
1841. Uncirculated
1847. Very nearly uncirculated
1850. Very fine
1859. Nearly uncirculated
1860. Proof
1862. Uncirculated
1S77. Nearly proof
Twenty cent piece. 1875. Proof
Dimes. 1796. Fair and scarce
1800. Very poor and pierced
254 /V 255 11* 256 ff 257 -o 258 IG 259
I 260 i-j 261 So 26 i 3 , 263 to 264
II 265 U 266
U 267 l,W 268
269 3o 270 l! 271 i*j 272 i<] 273 It- 274 \c 275 U 276 lo 277 r{ 278 Gu 279 ;0 280 •To 281 do 282
283 Lo 284 1} 285 lo 286 JTf 287
288 ^ 289 L 290 (■ 291
'>0- 292
1805. Good; scarce
1807. Good, but twice pierced
1821 and ’22, the latter very poor 2 pieces
1828. Uncirculated. Brilliant
1830. Uncirculated
1831. Very nearly uncirculated
1834. Very tine
1835. Very nearly uncirculated
1836. Uncirculated
1837. Uncirculated
1837. Liberty seated. Uncirculated
1838. Liberty seated, with stars. Very fine
1839. Very tine 1841. Very tine
1846. Nearly good. Scarce
1852. Orleans. Very tine
1853. Without arrows. Good 1853. With arrows. Uncirculated
1857. Orleans. Uncirculated
1858. Orleans. Very fine
1859. Uncirculated
1859. Orleans. Fine
1860. Proof
1863. Very slightly tarnished proof
1864. Proof
1865. Proof
1866. Very tine
1867. Proof
1869. Proof
1870. Proof
1875. Barely circulated
1876. Proof
1877 and ’78. Very fine 2 pieces
Half dimes. 1794. Very good, but pierced through 17 of date. Rare
1831, ?32 and ’35. Barely circulated 3 pieces
1837. Liberty seated. Uncirculated
1841, ’42, ’43, ’45, ’47 and ’48. Fine 6 pieces
1849, ’53, ’56, and ?57. Fine or uncirculated 4 pieces
1858. Proof
S 293 1860. Proof U 294 1862. Proof
295 IV 296 297 i 298 299 G 300 l\c 301 5*| 302 0 303 *] 304 305 IV 306 isc 307 \ oi- 308 \ o'*- 309 lot 310 ( ot3 1 1 *H> 312
II 313 34 314 H5-315
W 316 f0 317 7f318
0- 319 jT 320
1- | 321
322 3 [ 323 17 324 it 325
lli 326 Ut 327 S' 328 (jV 329 IV 330 1* 331
1870. Proof
1871. Proof
1872. Proof and uncirculated 2 pieces
Three cent pieces. 1851. Uncirculated
1852. Uncirculated
1853. Uncirculated
1854. Uncirculated
1855. Good. Scarce
1856. Very good
1858. Uncirculated
1859, ’60 and ’61. Very fine or uncirculated 3 pieces
1862. Proof
1863. Proof 1866. Proof
1868. Proof
1869. Proof 1871. Proof
1877. Three cents, nickel. Uncirculated
1794 and ’95. Barely fair 3 pieces
1796. Draped bust. Fair 2 pieces
1797. Obverse die cracked and a few minute nicks. Olive color, and very nearly uncirculated
1798. 1800, ’01 and ’02. Varieties. Very fair 6 pieces
1802. Nearly fine impression
1802. Rev., -jUj-. Very good, but scratched
1803. Nearly fine
1803. Rev., over and die broken. Very fair
1804. Broken die. Electrotype
1804. Restrike. Bright
1805. Very good
1806. Bairly fair
1807. Varieties. Nearly good, but one stamped “Loomis”
3 pieces
1808. Very fair
1809. Fair. Date very good
1810 over ’09. Fair
1811. Good. Scarce
1812. Good
1813. Better than last. Scarce
\1A ^32 \ 333
it- 334
3o 335 4-e> 336 3c 337 % 338 4-o 339 0-r 340 if.f 341 3f 342 II 343 I'l 344 if 345
6S~ 346
35" 348 1] 349 4-1 350 /I 351 -3 352 11 353 lo 354 lb 355
a\f 356 3“ 357
l-lf 358 I.V359
V 360
If 361 f 362 d 363 lo 364
t 365 366
1814. Plain and crossed 4. Fair and good 2 pieces
1815. Blank planchet for this date
1816. Die broken on edge. Stars weak on left, but uncir- culated
1817. Wide date. Dark olive. Uncirculated
1817. 17 close together. Brick color. Uncirculated
1817. Fifteen stars. Very good
1818. Connected stars. Brick color. Uncirculated
1819. Small, wide date. Red. Uncirculated
1819. Large date. Dark olive. Uncirculated
1820. Perfect date. Uncirculated
1820. Connected stars. Red. Uncirculated
1818, ’21 and ’22. Good 3 pieces
1823 over ’22. Very fair. Scarce
1823. A much better impression, but piece nicked out of planchet near point of bust
1823. Mint restrike. Only one slight crack. Sharp and line impression
1823. Mint restrike. Crack and break on edge. Sharp and very fine
1823. Another. Two cracks and break on edge. Fine
1824. Good
1825. Very fine
1827. Well struck. Fine
1827, ’28, ’29 and ’30. Very good 4 pieces
1830. Fine
1831. Stars connected with strong break. Fine
1831, ’32 and ’33. Very good impressions 3 pieces
1834. Uncirculated. Struck on polished planchet
1834. Connected stars, and ’35, varieties. Nearly fine
3 pieces
1836. Stars rounded. Uncirculated
1837. Plain hairstring. Stars connected and not all sharp, otherwise uncirculated. Olive color
1837. Beaded hairstring. A few stars rounded. Olive color. Uncirculated
1838. Beaded hairstring. A few stars rounded. Uncir.
1838. Duplicate of last. Very fine
1839. Head of ’38. Very good
1839. Booby head. A trifle better than last
1840. Large date, and ’41. Very good 2 pieces
1842. Large and small dates. The former fine 2 pieces
r 367 |
1843. |
Ob. and rev. of ’42. Good |
jS 368 |
1843. |
Ob. and rev. of ’44. Olive color. |
Fine. Scarce |
U-1, 369 |
1844. |
Uncirculated. Slightly tarnished. |
Scarce |
$ 370 |
1845. |
Fine and scarce |
2 pieces |
f 371 |
1846. |
Fine |
* CO to |
1846. |
Good, and very good |
2 pieces |
CO -<r CO |
1847. |
Uncirculated |
1 ro 374 |
1848. |
Red. Uncirculated |
\V 375 |
1848. |
Olive color. Uncirculated |
U 376 |
1849. |
Red. Uncirculated |
ia 377 |
1849. |
Darker. Nearly uncirculated |
5 378 |
1850. |
Uncirculated |
if 379 |
1850. |
Duplicate. Same condition |
a 380 |
1851. |
Uncirculated |
^ 381 |
1851. |
Duplicates. Uncirculated |
2 pieces |
f * 382 |
1852. |
Uncirculated |
i 383 |
1852. |
Duplicate. Uncirculated |
5" 384 |
1853. |
Red. Uncirculated |
1 385 |
1853. |
Duplicate. Uncirculated |
do 386 |
1854. |
Beautiful impression. Red. Uncirculated |
t-o 387 |
1854. |
Duplicate. Uncirculated |
V* C-' CO 00 GO |
1855. |
Straight and slanting ’55. Red. Uncirculated. 2 pcs |
li 389 |
1855. |
Slanting ’55. Red. Uncirculated |
'lo 390 |
1856. |
Red. Uncirculated |
1 391 |
1856. |
Duplicates. Uncirculated |
2 pieces |
/f 392 |
1857. |
Large date. Olive color. Uncirculated |
(C 393 |
1857. |
Small date. Red. Uncirculated |
394 |
1794. |
Very fair. Scarce |
fv 395 |
1795. |
Thick and thin planchets, Fair |
2 pieces |
^,oo 396 |
1797. |
Lettered edge. Good. Very rare |
variety |
3 397 |
1800 and ’03. Fair |
2 pieces |
T 398 |
1804. |
Crossed 4, with stand. Fine |
"] 399 1805, ’06, ’07, ’08 and ’09. Good or fine 7 pieces
'i-o 400 1810. Very fair. Scarce
$c 401 1811. Has been pierced and neatly plugged. Very good and rare
35“ 402 1811. Electrotype of the restrike with original obverse and reverse of previous date
403 1828. With 12 and 13 stars. Fine and uncirculated. 2 pieces
% |
404 |
1828. |
13 stars. Beautiful impression. Uncirculated |
C' |
405 |
1829. |
Uncirculated 2 pieces |
406 |
1831. |
Possibly altered date ; if so, remarkably well ex- |
edited. Good |
407 |
1832. |
Uncirculated |
ir |
408 |
1833. |
Red. Uncirculated |
h |
409 |
1833 |
Duplicate. Olive color. Uncirculated |
3 |
410 |
1834. |
Very nearly uncirculated |
i - |
411 |
1835. |
Uncirculated |
.5 if |
412 |
1837. |
Half Cent worth of pure copper Fine |
1 ,00 |
413 |
1842. |
Fine electrotype |
I.'-hj 414 |
1847. |
Fine electrotype |
It- |
415 |
1849. |
Large date. Very fine |
6* |
416 |
1850. |
Very fine |
U • |
417 |
1851. |
Very fine |
u |
418 |
1852. |
Electrotype |
419 |
1853. |
Olive color. Uncirculated |
u |
420 |
1854. |
Dark red. Uncirculated |
1 |
421 |
1854. |
Uncirculated 2 pieces |
422 |
1855. |
Red. Uncirculated |
V |
423 |
1855. |
Dark olive. Uncirculated |
424 |
1856. |
Uncirculated |
v V |
425 |
1857. |
Uncirculated |
0 |
426 |
Duplicates of preceding dates. Mostly very fine or uncir- |
> 427 Nickel Cents. 1857 to ’64, except ’60. 428 Bronze Cents. 1864— ’79. Mostly very fine
9 pieces Good and tine 7 pieces 15 pieces
429 Washington and Independence. 1783. Military bust. Also, double head cent. Fair 2 pieces
ic> 430 Nova Constellatio. 1783 and ’85. Varieties. Fair 4 pieces 431 New Jersey. 1786-’88. Varieties. Including the fox or dog type. Poor to good 6 pieces
-To 432 Connecticut. 1787 (Crosby 14-H). The date has a pheon on each side. Very good. Rare
\ w 433 Connecticut Cents. l785-’88. Poor to very good. Dif- ferent 11 pieces
434 Vermont Cents. Barely fair 2 pieces
o 435 Massachusetts Cents. 1788. Barely fair 2 pieces
w 436 \\s 437
5o 438
3l 440 n 441 '|V442
7(3 443
if 444
f 445 if 446 I, uf 447
13 448 lA 449
l.o* 450 | s o 45 1 ir 452 453
4-u 454
loo 455
io 456
14- 457 i f 458 459 a 460
Fugio. 1787. S. IT. & IT. S. Fair 4 pieces
North American Token. 1781. Fair
*** The following 5 lots are modern copies, In uncirculated condition : Hog Island Shilling. Brass
Higley Connecticut Copper. 1737. Deer. Rev., Three hammers crowned. Silver The same. Copper
The same. Nickel and brass 2 pieces
Confederatio. 1785. Rev., the same, but cluster of stars larger. Copper
Washington and Independence Cent. 1783. Copper. Re- strike from original dies
Libertas Americana. Rev., Gallia protecting the infant America. Good ; edge battered. May be a cast The same. Electrotype.
William Washington for Cowpens. Bronze. Fine. Size 28 1783. Sic Hostes Concordia jungit amicos. Struck to com- memorate treaty of peace at Versailles, 1783. Original. Tin. Fine. Size 27
Washington before Boston. Electrotype. Size 42 John Quincy Adams. Rev., Peace and Plenty. Bronze. Fine. Size 39
James Madison. Same reverse. Bronze. Fine. Size 39 Andrew Jackson. Same reverse. Bronze. Fine. Size 39 John Tyler. Same reverse. Bronze. Fine. Size 39 Major-General Zachary Taylor. Rev., Resolution of Con- gress for Monterey. Bronze. Fine. Size 40 Zachary Taylor. Rev., Born Nov. 2, 1784. Died July 9, 1850, etc. Bronze. Very good. Size 36 Presented by the City of New York to the N. Y. Regiment of Volunteers in Mexico. Arms of New' York City. Rev., Names of battles. Bronze. Very fine. Size 32 General Lafayette. Rev., The defender of American and French liberty, etc. Bronze Nearly proof. Size 30 Franklin and Montyon. Busts. Bronze. Very good. Size 26 Benj. Franklin. Series Numismatica. Bronze. Good. Size 25 Admiral Vernon. Varieties. Tin. Fair 2 pieces
Tin medal with French and American Flags. Clipped. Size 24
40 1 Banker Hill. A Nation’s Gratitude. Rev., Bust ol Harri- son, and inscription. Silver. Very line. Size 24 c y 462 The same obverse. Rev., Blank. Copper, brass and white metal. Size 24 3 pieces
I a 403 Aug. *B. Sage’s Historical Tokens, Nos. 1 to 14 inclusive.
Copper, and in nearly proof condition. Rare as a set.
14 pieces
3 464 The same. No. 7. Brass and W. M. Fine 2 pieces
% 465 The same. No. 11. Brass and W. M. Fine 2 pieces
466 The Old Jersey Ship. Rev., Carpenter’s Hall, Phila., and City Hall, N. Y. Copper, brass and white metal. Very fine 3 pieces
iv- 467 Old Middle Dutch Church, N. Y. Rev., A riding school for British Dragoons, etc. Copper. Very fine. Size 21 1 468 Penn’s Treaty. 1682. Copper and brass. Very fine.
Size 19 3 pieces
G> 469 The same. Rev., Sir Clinton’s House. Copper. Very fine 470 Constitution and Guerriere. Copper, brass and white metal. Fine 4 pieces
• 471 Jefferson, Madison and Harrison. Rev., Residences. White metal. Fine. Size 22 3 pieces
lo 472 Great Eastern. 1859. Silver. Good. Size 19 > 473 The same and five of 1860. Copper, brass and white metal.
Fine 6 pieces
2^ 474 Andrew Jackson. Bust. Rev., Urn and inscription. White metal, pierced. Good and scarce. Size 17 2„| 475 Henry Clay. Bust. Rev., In Commemoration of the great Democratic Convention held at Balto., 1844. White metal. Very good. Size 23
. 3 476 The same. Rev., Inscription. Fine. White metal, pierced. Size 22
L 477 Filmore, Buchanan, Fremont, Douglass. White metal (3 pieces). Good lot 6 pieces
1 478 James Buchanan. Bust. Rev., Inscription. Copper. Very
fine. Size 20
b- 479 Political Medalets. Brass. Fair and pierced to fine. 12 pcs C 480 Abraham Lincoln. 1860. Bust. Rev., Let Liberty be Na- tional, Slavery Sectional. Copper and white metal. Fine and scarce. Size 19 3 pieces
V 481 The Same. 1860. Bust to right. Rev., Freedom National, Slavery Sectional. Brass. Fine and scarce. Size 16
‘ 482 The same. 1860. Bust to left. Rev., The great Railsplitter of the West must and shall be our next President. Cop- per. Fine and scarce. Size 22