PRICE TEN CENTS. ^THEATRES -CIRCUSES FIFTY-SIX PAGES. PARKS — FAIRS AiwericaJs LeadiDg Amaseiwent Weekly REGISTERED IN UNITED 8TATES PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXII No. 49. CINCINNATI— NEW YORK— CHICAGO December 3, 1910. COUNT JOHN ALEXANDER VON MOURIK DE BEAUFORT AND HIS FAMOUS CANINE. PM« «• The BMlboa j c i * *■ ■beet asm sew Book lift. Immesae and cooudete stack . Goods shipped asme day: BO waits. "AT T BW BOM OF THE SQUABS DEAL." A. BtrTCBBEBO. Ill W. Ontario St., Ohloaca, m. _ f white rcuc \ VALLEY VjLnO TbeaoGemeexe ebemiealwhlte aaccbJm. Cant be told from hard they cant be Bled and will eat aleaa. Brilliancy guaranteed a j«n, All n 11K solid told dUmoDd mooutllixs- Wlllsend. etrfcertns. pin or smd on e uuiuii — all cha ins no money la ede an po. gr Write tor Fl HOROSCOPES Printed rortnnea, $1 pes LOOS: F utar s Photos, risible and la risible, ft per 1.000, Palmists and Fortune Teilera* limnillea ■taam far samel as J*. 3-1 DOTJX, Utr Myrtle I I llll skwktra; ». T. Want Crowds? Then jrive away a stick of Chewing Gam with YOUR AO ON. HELMET GUM Exhibition. Model Morlng complete, and In splendid eon- dittos; projects s perfect picture. Also largest modd Colombia Grapoophooe. extra .load and an new; cast S100. win fate aw ti>r tbe entire outfit, tudndlnf ■ 1 1 1 aaiii Ii a. picture sheet, rec- etc. D. G. HARTMAN, Kenton, 0. ";- INDEX TO GONTENTS E ■ " • late, - - • EDITORIALS EDITORIAL BULLETIN . . . \ . . . ....... '. • .V.'. '• ... . • •> • • ;« THE AMERICAN. DRAMA AND DRAMATIST. . ; I . . .,. ... .. THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA . V THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO. .'^ .y. ........... . THE VATOEVTLXJB WEEK IN CHICAGO.; — 1 •■• ?> 5 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK ... ...... . VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICjTURES .; THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK : . . PRINCIPALS WITH LEADING BURLESQUE CO. (Illustration) . . . BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS V> THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN EUROPE. BURLESQUE AND BURLESQUE P. S . . . THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS . . CIRCTJS NEWS eeeeee. •**•••••■ READERS* COLUM1V ...•••ee*.e ____ - _______ SK-ATEN G R LIS K Nlte WS ...s**eoeaseeee* FTT.M SYNOPSES tf' 1 1 iM RELEASES •*• TR A D ES DIRECTORY • Perform -rs Managers and Agents. . Burlesque Stock and Repertoire.. Dramatic- and Musical. Skating Rink Attractio Bands and Orchestras . Minstrels . . Circus ..... Miscellaneous Carnival . ..... . . ... ... ... .., ................. • .. - f - .... ... ..... . Page. ... » .. 4 .. B . .6-7 . . 8 . . 9 V 10 . . 11 . . 12 .. 13 14-16 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 20 . . 22 .. 24 . . 26 . . 29 . . 42 . . 48 30 35 37 38 39 41 41 41 46 The ILL. 7 OOTJOT SIAaTonM DONT SEND A CENT Genuine Diamond Innovation an* In Years. —A AFtEl jii iin liuilln til g9998 h fm. rxpms aflM rjESXTRIPTION — Each ladles' rtmc. men'a ring, atea'e etn a or eearf ads and ladles' Is act In nlatlnam with SSTVEK PKBTEOT BLDl-aBITI OsUtUIMM DIA- MONDS. Imported direct tram Amsterdam br held la 14k cold and the work Is so ■analt Tbe serosa; of nlatlnsm la irmly ooa ly ln xaalooa that the aeras diamonds _ to blend: OIVINQ AIX TBS FOtsL BMAOTr'AMO baUIXIAwOB OF A _ DIAMOND. Mot tbe old. Oat d aster effect, bat tbe raised aettlnx, TIFT Alt T BTYLB. It yoo want the most wondarfolly bemtifal bit of Jewelry on the market tovday, at • f pcetsl card, (but so ■oney), ordertnf p^^rbod or rtas (alrtss alas of Oarer with place of stria*), and we wul ship at once. Open tbe ee^kaxe ta roar expreae otSce. If not an we elslm tee It, keep roar money, teress the SS *»* ™ PV *»• **t**m .ebArfse botb ways. Castes of any artest. sat with? fsaalae dismoods ioU like «m tw>. nth . r naM „ t*o. tw, ton. DIAMOND IMP08TERS EST. 1874 Columbus Memorial Bl do., lOS State Strecl, CHICAGO THE LATEST MUSIC FOR PLAYER AND ELECTRIC PIANOS ON SPOOLS AND ENDLESS ROLLS PRICE, 50 cents to $1.50 Per Roll 60 pieces so new every month. that they are old by the time others produce them SEND FOR CATALOGUES AND BULLETINS UNITED STATES MUSIC CO., v^SKSKtS P JaMtraCUn chahaj to atoek and east ahfcf ImaaedlstelF. WnSm band chan, tlst saaMat far sat^s- doe e nee. A d s. Pe st. B, BTXBL rUUtl- TUB! CO.. Orast Ifasa. CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People Southern Iron Equipment Co. ATLANTA, GA. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TKUNE 3 -YEAH GUARANTEE IS- la.. M-ia.. SO- In., as in., at- la.. M-ia.. M-ln.. to- la. . LOOK AT THE »RICKI 110.00 EM mm Km savaa tfJi KB Km Bound with oar New Cold- Boiled Steal BlaWU lauf. Three-ply B. B. 4 B. trunk wood, hand-ri rttod tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. C00 deposit rsaalraa ob C. 0. D. B. B. 4. B. TRUNK COMPANY. 447 Wood St. iM redereil L Factory : 32-40 I as tM I la St., I PITT8BU HQ, -A. When in the following cities aawe TTHB and EXPRESS "The Same, from the < New York, N. T.. L Cblcaro. 1U.. htarahall FtaU * We. Akron. Obis J. ~ - Altoons, Ps. Altooaa Isather Aonsta. Os. Aa Baltleaon ..a j. Os. (1 OS. OA Usore, hid. on. llaas.. O.... . K T. Balls, Meat... Cincinnati. O. . Clereland, O. . . Columbus, O. CrawfordeTUle, las. 1 Cumberland. Md. aL B law. d. jton, O p. T .aia b i r sr s_aaa) Dstrolt, kllch. , ohadbolt A Chase Foatorla, Ohio The Paur dotaisf Os Grand Baplds, W. Wl '.'.Frtak O. Philltaa Trosk Fastan / * Oarew Os Be ek . tt Traak Os WallaaTi orand Baplds. htleh. Psai aBraes Bamntos, Ont Hamilton leather Oeeda Os Hlddiatowii/O.'.'. Sewark, OMs Farkerabara, W. Vs. Philadelphia, Pa.. Wat. OSXtJ Help Portland, Ma.. Portamoatb O. ProTtdeoce, E. Richmond, lad Bacwsw. hllea.... Bprlosfleld. O....;. Byracoae, N. T Timn. Ohio........ te o^::::::: Tre as on, VL. 7..... Waabiastoa. D. C. Wheel lax, ^ Ta.. Wilkes- Rarra. Pa. . T aneai in e. Ohio... . .J. Is, Brackett A Oh sseessssses*. aT OasU ......... B*rT7 4k Ob. ,. .htniee n a ra aaa Oa , . .. . . Lleoe rrss = ~ -- . . i '» ...Zlresr Clotblny Oa ..BborUa: Department Store .Becker's Leather Oeoda Os arts A sal fan rrey h. Ksmmssat .Ttm Warner ator. The Theatrical Profession will hppraei »t* the saving of time and — thill DECEMBER 9, 1910. Ttic Billboard ■ > CHICAGO. ST. LOUI& irl Treat Bonding. SAN FRANCISCO. I B. C. PARIS, FRANCE. 121 Km : T vfp- s»SST No lint- AovzRTnmra. *fTf -* 'j aaat. m— —ia— t. .Tlltlt ixlf page, |70; Q.aart«i p»x». Stt- tiwment mtuaiim l«u tham 4r« liau »oo pud. So axtn ehut* to Canaatan or Fonl«n ■ ab- icnben. .3. THZ BTT T.ROABD la for ul< ■ by all bis friends nod that means evcrvhod- as everybody la a friend of Dan s. Don't have to wish for good luck. Dan, as that la yours al- ways. HOUSE STAFF FOR MR. FISHELL. Arthur S. Flshell Assistant Manager Jamea Baasford Treasurer William Timlin Assistant Treasurer Chaa. Vollmer ..• 8nperlntenden Kaltenhaler Musical Director ne Cblef Doorman em .Assistant Doorman Dlre.t a stunner: Dear Mr. North— Will you Jvlse me (enclosed stamped envelope), of The Midnight Bona chorus? Thanks. Here von sre. "O. B." (who ever you are)— Jack Reynolds, the sgent of the show. Is the sponsor for this list, so If SHE la not "thow present" don't blame me: The Ei " garet Ti Kathleen roL PERSONNEL. OF CHORDS. Shoppers, Brides, Guests, etc — Misses Rclnuardt. Glr ■- Desss Gibson, .. Eater Lee, Helen Helen Irwin. Waitresses. Owlets, Carmen*— Misses Avery, Mabel Landers, Margaret Day, Conway, Bella Desmond. Eatella Reeves. Nan Fredericks, Edna MsrrUl Dixie Evelyn Bllr Mar- Mary Gardener's Guests, etc.— Misses MUIer. Johnson. Gnesta. Clerks. College Boys, Bridegrooms and Toreadors. Amlna .Boys, ate. — Messrs. Hal Frost, Harry Simpson. Martin Boswortb. Josep' Bsumeister. W. L. Hobart. ' Raymond! Starth. Stanley Rhoades. Robt. MUliken. H. J. Kirk- wood. Gns Bacl. Gerald McDonald, Joseph Gnth- rle. Arthur Hartley, William Jones, John Ham- Uton. Harry Prew. Harry 8hea. William Wal tber. Fred Howard. Ralph Shlpman. A short time ago. thousands of people langbed -d cried over the humor and pathoa depleted A Circuit Rlder-a Wife, that ran serially in -| Saturday Evening Post last winter. Begin - in hopeful young manhood and womanhood, "ain story of the Georgia hills was un- to the grave. Superannuated, cut off from the activities of life, cast longer of service even In the Held the old Methodist minuter soon * was laid away. Now. the story so well told In semi-factiou form, has had Its ending In real life. Rev. Lunday Harris, the "Circuit Rider" about whom revolved the story, died by suicide In a retreat near CartersvIIle. Gs.. recently. The story created considerable attention throughout the country. It was anonymous, bat In toe first few Instalments was recognized the talented hand of Mrs. L. H. Harris, who during the recent years had developed a literary style unusual In its clearness and apt in Its crlspneas and breadth. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were during the greater part of their lives residents of Georgia. He belonged to the North Georgia Conference, and during' most of the year's "rode" country cir- cuits, where the pay waa small, opportunity for attracting attention meager, appreciation often lacking, but chance for doing good im- mense. ▲ few years ago. he held a charge at Col- lege Park near Atlanta, and during the past year or two. having resigned active pastoral work on account of 01 health, filled a position with a Methodist publishing house in Nash- ville. Recently be and Mrs. Harris came back to the North Georgia mountains, staying near Cartenrtrie ha the hope that he would regain EDITORIAL BULLETIN THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER NEXT WEEK Next week will witness the publication of our annual Christmas Number, which promises to fully justify our anticipations previously expressed as the handsomest, most thorough, most complete and most useful holiday number that we have ever given to our readers. Each feature of the amusement. business will be separately and exhaustively provided and commented upon. There will be articles dealing with The Theatrical Season So Far ; The Shake-up in the Booking Field; The Status of The Motion Picture J The Evolution of Vaudeville > The Progress of Melodrama ; The World of White Tops; The Carnival of The Present; Future of The Amusement Park; The Youngest of The Amuse- ment Family; Making.Demand for Music ; Since Bur- lesque Cleaned House. These articles will all be written from an intimate knowledge of conditions and will deal with vital facts and phases. In addition to these special features, The Christmas Number will contain the usual departments devoted to the week's news and information. The List Feature will constitute the publication of our revised and cor- rected lists of theatres and motion picture theatres in all the cities of the United States and Canada exceed- ing 20,000 population. The Number will be profusely illustrated with timely, appropriate and beautiful photographs of people iden- tified with the profession of amusement in both its artistic and business departments. The cover will be beautifully lithographed in five colors and will be- sufficiently attractive to warrant its .preservation by all lovers of beauty in poster effect. In fact, the nature of The Christmas Number will warrant its preservation in entirety for many months, inasmuch as the information contained in it will be of usefulness and assistance for a long time. The very advertisements, of which there will be a vast number in the Christmas Number, will constitute an interesting kind of reading of a practical nature. On another page of this issue will be found an order slip, which being filled out and mailed to us with 10c. will insure any of our transient readers the receipt of a copy of The Christmas Number, which will be so large- ly in demand that the news-stands may not be able to fill all the requests. An effective alternative would be for those who are desirous of procuring copies of The Christmas Number to make reservation and deposit the price of single copies with their news dealers early next week so that the increased demand for the special number will not deprive them of it. suffering, the "Circuit Rider" awallowed poison and wrote "finis" to a story thst will lire among the great depletions of heart ' tragedies. ♦ - Executive atsff for the Bam 8. and Lee Shu bert (Inc.) The City Co.: Acting Manager .. ... Mr. Fred Kimball Business Manager .. .. .. Mr. Bam P. Oeraon htage Manager ...... ., .. Mr. John Jex There's one of tbe finest pairs Ftcd Kimball and Sam Oersoo. O Joy "meetlu' up" with these boys. ♦ Executive staff. Olympic Theatre. St. Louts: Manager .. P. Short Press Representative W. D. Cave IJusiness Manager and Tress. .. Walter E. Mania Assistant Tressurer Dick Rlchey Musical Director Henry J. Benjamin Scenic Arils. 1*. J. Toomey Advertising Agent .. .. .. . .D. J. Llgbtner 8tage Carp«-nter Edgar C. Larrner Electrician William Lee Master of Properties William Horn Doorkeeper Joseph 8 tree per Flortat ^. ■ . Blesses Floral Co. Marie Tempest's executive staff for Caste: Acting Manager Stanley Preston Business Mansger Thomas A. McKee Stage Manager Mclntyre Wlcksteed With The Midnight Sons Company: Manager Chaa. H. Tale Arthur R. Evans . . John B. Reynolds Dlekersou Stage Business Manager Assistant Tlerrbsrd DIcL Maater Mechanic Charles Fortler Assistant Frank J. Sullivan Flyman .. Bud Rebcr Ciller Electrician Jack Ellis Assistant Gilbert MacLean Front Operator Howard Ilugglns Moving Picture Operator . . . . George Letgbton Maater of Properties John W. Clinton Assistant Frank Cummlngt Wa V , . r ° b f m ' ltnt M '» *>"• Assistant Miss Bee Kelly Trap Drummer Lew Bcbaeffer Maurice Spyer hea an orchestra at tbe Colum- bia Theatre, si. Loala. that la remarkable In Its finesse snd thorough knowledge of raude- vllllan'a music. * Galettl'a Monkeya present an act. Monkeys* Day at tbe County Fair, that's a pippin. Clever monks and clever Idea. Galettl'a a clever hoy. ♦ Mignonette Kokln haa Annette Kellrrmann and many other statuesque beauties laabod to the maat when It cornea to^'form." If (bete are any more versatile chap* that the Twin Brothers Blgotetto tar he It from me to ever want to think of the time they bare pot lo rehearsing and practicing the many things Ihey do to do the many things they do. They do Jnggllng, Chlneso tricks, mimics, musics] acta. Illusions, acrobatics, aerial ^gymnsjtlcs. *. MS*, ••V'.-t Vsudeville lost a mighty fine funny act when Bert Howard and John T. Bay split recent- ly. Funniest act I ever saw was their Gsuxy Twins. Too bad you spilt, but Howard tella me thst slthougb being a feature oa each bill every week, he waa unable to obtain proper aalary dua tbe act, and that waa tbe reason of the split. Mr. Howard Joined bands with Effle Lawrence and they are presenting their set st present over the inter state Circuit. Now It reads. II. D. Buckley, manager Oar- rick Theatre, St. Loula, and all of us say: "Three rbeera for Buckley and a tiger." Mighty One, deserving chap. Here's a barrel of good wlahca and best of luck to you, old pal. from one wbo la proud to extend tbe same. Mr. Hockley's staff la. as follows: _,. . Treasurer .. .. T.". Boscoe Buckley Advertising Agent Charlei Currau Muslcsl Director D. D. Bafuaoo Chief Doorman .. .. ,. .. .. .. Frank Kurrua Chief Uaber .. Anna Woodward Master Mechanic EdwiIdWeatrup Electrician .. George Tbomi»oo Maater of Properties .. .. Theodore A. Uhl Chief Engineer Chaa. Brighton . Wm. 8m*th • > * • • • . • • BOainiii The noted artists who hare helped to make up tbe history of the Colombia Theatre. St. Louis, are legion. Including George M. Cohan. Robert Hllllard Nance O'Nell. ROM SUbl. Rose Coghlan, The Four Cohans, The Four Mortons. William H. Thompson, Grace Van - Studdlford. Minnie Sellgman, Mclntyre and Heath, Helen Bertram, VVs.ier C. Kelly, Bon and Fenton. Rice and Cohen. Camilla D'Arville. Emmett Corrlgan. Tbe Fadettes, Delia Fox. Winona Win- ters and Lew Bully, J. J. Morton, Edmund pay. Crrsiy snd Oayne, Clayton Whit* and Maris Stuart. Ryan and Richfield. Mrs. Langtry. Henry Lee. The Great Lafayette. Claries Vance. Tom Nawn, Eva Tanguay, The Great Lester, Coram, Charlei Warner. Flo lrwln, William Ccortlellh. Ethel Levey, Julius Stcger. Bert Leslie. Amelia Summervllle. Qua Edwards, Countess Olga Von Hatxfeldt. Stella Mayhew. Rifle Fay, Mabel Har- rison and Joe Howard, Margie Clin*, Sidney Drew, Pauline Hall. George. Prlmroae, Hilda 8 pong. Big City Quartette. Empire City Quar- tette. John T. Kelly, Mary Norman, Cbarmloo, Marguerite Bylvla. Eugene Cowles. Marshall P. Wilder, Valerie Bergere. Alice Lloyd. Clifton Crawford. Cbarlee Evans, Walter Jones. Mabel Hlte. Edwin Stevens, Besale Clayton, Wilfred Clarke. Fanny Rice, Valeaka Burratt. Bdna Aug. May Melville. Tuorne and Carleton, Elisabeth Murray. 8. Miller Kent, Williams and Walker. Felix and Barry, Stlnson snd Marton. Edwin Ar- den. Truly Shattuck, E. J. Connelly, Cliff Gor- don, Tbe Four Fords James K. Rosen * Gabriel. Paplnta. Carter DeHaren. Jam- ton. Ben Welch, Edith Helena, Cecelia Loftus. Hondlnl, Paul Spadonl. Bert Lory. May Boley. Nat M. WUIa. and many others. Many of these bsve since acquired fame In otter Olds, while any number of established dramatic atari bare oscaslonslly appeared In the Columbia. Harry E. Bryant Is bsck with The Girl In the Taxi. Don't conflict the meaning of tbli. mean he la manager with the abow. Bryant and Cave put over some hot onea In St. Loula papers and how tbe sheets felll Wow! ^.DECEMBER 3, 1910. Yh B 1,1 1 boar d IThe American Drama and Dramatist The history of drama and dramatist? in America, discloses the fact that this country has not been prolific In dra matic authors. The list of those who have produced works that have lived the required time to become standard or classic Is very small, but this list, howbeit terse, contains a few of in- ternational fame. Dramatizations and adaptations, have In recent years been found far more profitable than author- t ship, and the present system of one Person star acting, has subordinated author, adapter and the army of actors alike to the one chief performer. Hence, many of the pieces that have attained popularity in recent years, are known almost wholly by the name of the star actor or actress. A few years ago. patrons of the drama went to see Brown's Deluge; now they generally go to see Smith In the Deluge. And so, with few exceptions, the author or adapter has become a personage con- sidered of little importance. As pre- viously noted, the list of American dramatists la small and with but few shining lights. Robert M. B.lrd. whose lifetime was from 1803 to 1854, wrote three tragedies. I. e.. The Gladiator (In which Edwin Forrest achieved one of his most pronounced successes). Or- aloosa, and the Broker of Bogota, in 182S, George H. Boker. of Philadel- phia, began his earthly existence, and amid his public and other literary duties, produced the tragedies, Calay- nos. In 1848, and Anne Boleyn, In 1850. Leonor de Guzman, Francesca da Rim- ini. The Betrothal, and The Widow's Marriage, are among others from his David Paul Brown was" born In 1T95. His penchant wis law, and dur- ing his services at the bar, he devel- oped a literary ability, which gave to the stage the tragedy Sortorlus. or the Roman Patriot. In this drama the elder Booth appeared in the title role. Among his other dramatic effusions may be mentioned a melodrama, called The Trial. The Prophet of St. Paul's, and a farce. Love and Honor. Brown died at the ripe old age of 77 years. Bartley Campbell, who Is considered the most prolific of American dram- atists was born in 1843. His extreme application to the writing of dramas resulted In Insanity and death. He died during the year 1888. Principal among his works were: Through Fire, produced In 1871; Peril, written the following year; Fate. Risks, The Vir- ginian, and Gran Vale, produced In 1874: On the Rhine. Heroine In Rags. How Women Love, the title of which was later changed to The Vigilante*. Clio, Fairfax or Life In the Sunny South. My Partner. The Galley Slave, My Qeraldine, Siberia, Paqulta, The White Slave, and Matrimony. Another student of the law whose dramatic efforts were famous in their time, was Robert T. Conrad. He was i In 1810. and lived until 1858. His work was noticeable In Aylmere, which tragedy Edwin Forrest bought outright from the author, and In which he appeared for many yean. He took the part of Jack Cade, and the fame of the actor In that character grad- ually led the play to be better known by the principal part than tta title. Conrad wrote a tragedy which he called The Heretic, but It Is the gen- eral belief that this play was never put on the stage. Augustln Daly, born in 1838, besides -adapting many French and German works, wrote Divorce, Pique, Horizon, and Under the Gaslight. In 1852, the noted platform lecturer, Anna E. Dickinson was born. During her career, she wrote A Crown of Thorns, and appeared In the principal role during 1876. Later she wrote Aurellan for John McCullough. Julia Ward Howe, contributed The World's Own to dramatic literature, and also wrote Hippolytus for Edwin Booth. The former was played at Wallack's Theatre, in 1885. but the latter has never been published nor acted. » Joseph Stevens Jones, born In 1811, and who died in 1877, was credited with the authorship' of more than 200 plays, among which the best known are: The Silver Spoon, Solon Shingle. Eugene Aram, Siege of Boston, Moll Pitcher, The Carpenter of Rouen. The While America was still a colony, or to give the exact date. William Dunlap was born In 1766. He was an artist, but his two most important literary efforts. The Father, and Andre, met with considerable favor and enthu- siasm. Mr. Dunlap died In 1839. A prologue to the rollicking panto- mime. Huoipty Dumpty, was written by Abraham Oakley Hall, for a period Mayor of New York. This statesman also wrote The Crucible, in which he appeared as Wllmot Klerton. Branson Howard was born In 1841. To him might be applied the distinc- tion of being the father of the society play In America. His chief writings ere: Saratoga, produced In 1870; Dia- monds, in 1872: Hurricane. 1878: The Banker's Daughter, the same year; Wives, 1879: Toung Mrs. Wlnthrop. 1882; One of Our Girts, 1886; and Met by Chance, produced In 1887. Surgeon of Paris, The Last Dollar, Paul Revere, and Captain Lascar. It was In the Silver Spoon that Wm. Warren, as Jefferson Scattering Bat- ktns, achieved one of his earlier Anna Cora Mowatt, born In 1819. and who died In 1870. was an actress ot exceptional ability, a writer of pleas- ing fiction, and the author of three plays. Guizara, The Persian Slave, Fashion, a comedy, and Armand or the Peer and the Peasant. James Kirk Paulding, a friend of and collaborator with Washington Ir- ving, acknowledged authorship of a volume of comedies. Including the Buck tails, or the American In England. He was assisted in these by his son, Washington Irving Paulding. He was born in 1779, and died In I860. John Howard Payne (1792-1862) author of a large number of dramas. It was In his Clarl. or the Maid of Milan, that he Introduced his eternal song. Home. Sweet Home. His Brutus, a tragedy, was produced In 1818, with Edmund Kean In the prin- cipal part, and his Charles the Second was a favorite with Charles Kemble. Epes Sargent wrote a five-act play. The Bride of Genoa, for Josephine Clifton, and a tragedy, Velasco, for Ellen Tree. Harriet Beecher Stowe, with no In- tention of producing a work for dra- matic presentation, invested Uncle Tom's Cabin, with such a wealth and completeness of dramatic requisites, that the book fell almost naturally into the lines and situations of stage action. Uncle Tom's Cabin proved one of the most thrilling dramas the world has ever Nathaniel Parker Willis (1807-67) wrote two dramas, Tortesa, the Usurer, and Bianca Vlscontl. and Samuel Wood worth (1785-1842) produced sev- eral dramas, but the fame of his i The Old Oaken Bucket, of all his other writings. Of the present day dramatic authors whose works can stand the test of public opinion, there are but very few. David Belasco, the peer of living American dramatists, has one or two plays to his credit that have withstood several seasons of hard usage. Clyde Fitch has written a few plays that may live out another generation, and there may be one or two i who will be children and grandchildren of who read this article, have attained the age . of theatre-going, but that is all. American dramatic literature of- fers nothing that can be immortalized. England, France, Germany and other European countries have produced writers and are of : round. Shakespeare. Mollere. and others too numerous to here, will delight the Intelligent play- goer. America, first in industry, greatest in wealth and grandest In Its govern- ment. Is lacking In the finer arts. Not only has It produced less artists, fewer musicians and a smaller number of writers than Its older relatives, but Its people are without the temperament and artistic qualities so delightful in our European cousins. We must, however, consider this: No country has achieved such remarkable progress as America. In the records of ment as Is the case of the United States. If we must acknowledge an inferiority in artistic developments, we can point to our Industrial achieve- ments with more pride than any other nation. We are a young nation. Shakespeare's advent was sixteen hun- dred years after the Christian era be- gan. Our greatest writers (with few exceptions) have lived in the past three or four centuries. If we could glimpse Into the future, perhaps visions of even greater writers than our Immortal poets and authors would be revealed to us. Who knows what great genius may be morrow? T he Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. NEW CI RCUIT FORMED Promoters of the Eastern Burlesque Wheel Incorporate Under Name of L. Lawrence Weber Co-operative Booking Company New York, Not. 25 (Special to The Billboard). — Announcements hare been made that a. cir- cuit similar to the one operated by Stair and Hail In bai been formed, and that the promoter* an rapidly Interesting theatre managers through- out the country In the Be heme. No antagonistic rivalry to the old lad established firm of Stair and Havlln Is mentioned and the primary motive Is by no means to wage battle on the solidly founded melodramatic company. When the announcements were made last July, that a new melodramatic and musical comedy circuit would be formed, the wiseacres In the show business snook their beads Incredulously, and offered the opinion that It would not be a go. That the Idea waa not merely a beautiful chimera, has been proven, however, tor the promoters have organised with a capital stock of S123.000. The new company Is known aa the I*. Law- rence Weber Co-operative Booking Company. Associated with Mr. Weber are B. K. Hynl-k- I. Herbert Mack and Bam 8. Scrlbner. They will begin operations In August, with 40 thea- tres at their command, at least two of which will be in Greater New York. In general - the booking system will follow wheel scheme of the Columbia Amassment two enterprises have The attractions will „_s and musical shows. The new circuit of theatres is but the long delayed outcome , of an Insurgency of years' standing, beaded 'in the first Instance by Gas HH1. The attractions of this manager for a num- ber of seasons were Stair A Havlln staples. Few other producers made money in the popu- lar- price theatres, but the Bill shows rare- ly failed to "bring- home the bacon." But the time came when Mr. Hill also balked, to the extent of catting down the num- be an Invitation to producing managers. HUI's name does not appear organizers of the new Stair ahout* P tn" OT re tt Ues b 'for there Is no question that be has been preparing for some months to branch oat next season upon a scale far In excess of . his activities of re- cent years. Acting aa organizing agent for the parties mentioned above, are two energetic men, the Messrs. Drake and Elroy. and it is said that they are meeting with entirely satisfactory success in adding to the general structure. It seems to be taken for granted that the new Bronx Theatre secured by Gordon A North will be added to those In control of the move- ment against Stair It Havlln, but that Is 00.) It was alleged at the time that the exac- tions of the circuit managers In the matter of terms were such as to preclude the possibility •f profits upon shows of desirable quality — for In order to secure time In the theatres where money could be msde It was neces- sary also to play the other booses where there was no living chance for an even break. Other conditions also were complained of, ' It was the aim of Mr. Htn and his asso- thelr circuit upon lines which Important Decision Rendered Toronto. Ont., Nor. 23 (Special to The Bill- board). — Of significance to theatrical managers U the Judgment rendered by Justice Teetzel In ng with costs joint action for two claims against the Toronto Theatre ig the Gaiety Theatre (Eastern rlesque house) and Manager Thus. R. Edward W. Hyde, Jr., and Olivet D. were plaintiffs, and sued because they ejected from the theatre on March 12. They claimed, too, that they were assaulted by the former theatre oncer, Archie Woods. The plaintiffs, according to. the evidence, assumed seats not called for by their tickets. The men refused to vacate when requested. When tbe^ boose officer took hold of one of the Justice Teetxel ruled m r states to play a single season. She joined the company of Mrs. Leslie Carter, and then helped David In The Auctioneer. Instead of stay- ngle season, she has stayed ten years. _ Warfleld In successes following The Auctioneer, and appearing with other Belasco stars from time to time. '■The last time - I saw George. Edwardea," said Mlaa Davis yesterday, "I asked nun, rather Jokingly, why be didn't offer me a part.' He answered, •because I haven't, any-'. part that would suit yon; they don't write" parts of that a?:w»S: Vv ,a?U: • on" peg* ■»!.)•••"• ■ ' : * ■ ' VICTOR MOORE 'S PLAY Latest Vehicle of the Slangy Comedian Offers Little Oppor- tunity for Display of His Talents — The Play, as a Whole, is Good. But It Lacks Action Baltimore, lid.. Nov. 28 (Special to The Bill- board).— The Happiest Nlgbt of His Life waa presented at the Academy of Music for the first time in the United States Isst Moudsy nlgbt. It wss a real performance on s real stage with real actors, before a real audience. The show rag greeted with enthusiasm because It was worthy of the reception tiist s plesslog produc- tion Reserves. The audience quickly discerned toe good points In the dialogue and greatly ap- plauded the catchy songs. The play ss a whole Is very good, but it lacks action and ginger. Victor Moore appears In the leading role with bis usual slangy expressions, which are supplied by the maater of the art, Junle McCree. Victor Moore has a very good part, but be does not appear to any great advantage, as he has little opportunity to display himself properly. The action of the play takes plsce In New York City. The 0 THE LITTLE DAMOZEL. The above is taken from Act 1, and the actors are. from left to right, Cyril May Buckley and Frank Lacy. opens at Jelllman's residence. Tom Dawson (Jack Henderson.) a nephew of the Jelllmrns. Is domiciled with bis nncle, and be -brings home with him a friend, Dick Brennsn (Victor Moore) ss the two have been making a nlgbt of It. Tom had been playing the ponies. a-d as a re- sult, his finances are low. To recoup hla losses, he helps nimself to bis uncle's cash-box. Tom fears tbst his peculations will be discovered, and Dick and be conceive the Idea to take the uncle out and show him a good time. The uncle Is very qnlet snd reserved, never hav- ing indulged in sports or amusements, only spending bis time In books. Bowers, etc. They Impress blm with the fact that the good time will cost him $500. which Is enough for Tom to repay the amount he had taken from bis nncle. hnt this Is only Incidental. The uncle la told that be will see prise fights, plenty of pretty girls, etc. . . The second act shows Mrs. Blckett't garage, where the revelry takes plsce. Minnie Randolph the°T of tbs? Protective 1 win. or the order ts sup- posed to be In session in New York. Jsne Rirketis ts celebrating her birthday, but ber sweetheart. Tom Dawson, waa not Invited. But he go. s anyhow with his friend. Dick Brennan. disguised as s minister who hss been expected to address the convention. This causes no end of complications and amusement. Dick and Minnie become infatuated with one another and sbe changes her mind about uplifting widow*. Dick la a New Yorker, and' Minnie Is from Chi- cago, and the two bare a quarrel aa to their respective cities, which Is brought ont la a catchy song, entitled New - York and Cbicsgo. In the third act all differences are settled sat- isfactorily, and " of tbe previous somas PbU Riley appeared aa the nncle, Harry JeT- i LtttleBeld. ss popsr. doe. some reveiry IIB.CS place. Aliuuie naunoipn ! Whltford) had already appeared on at tbe head of tbe Chicago delegation or the Protective Order of Young Widows. The order ts for the purpose of uplifting young 1 ows, sod the convention of tbe order ts llmao: Emms very clever dancing; Annabel., several catchy songs, and she appear* to ad- vsntsge, as she bss more to do tbsn any other character. John T. Kelly, aa a policeman, was ' Rose, aa Jane Rlcketts, did (Continued on page 00.) Collier Plays In Darkness Syracuse. St. Y.. Nov. 22 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — As a result of s fire In the nlsnt of the Syracuse Lighting Company, the Wlctln- Opera Honse was plunged into darkness on Mon- day evening. November 21. William Collier. In I'll Be Hanged If I Do. was plsylng that evening. It was near tbe end of the second act that the lights In tbe honse began to grow dim and fin ally went out. The lights remained so for several hours afterward, bat nevertheless tbe performance waa carried on, tbe actors carrying candles to light their way snd lanterns were nsed by the stage bands to set the scenes. There was no excitement caused " darkness, nor did anyone other theatres were m ' from private plants. THE STUDEB AKER TIME TABLE. Cbicsgo. III., Nov. 20 (Special to The Bill- board). — George Ade. Davis, who originates snd Hosts publicity for the Stndebaker Theatre, baa constructed a neat little folder- in the form of a time table, which be calls the "Laughing Line." It' Is gotten op very attractively, and contains much railroad talk about The Clrl In The Train, now playing at tbe J sxr L. uia; stt-uCT. 3 by the andden the house. The PLANNING NEW THEATRE. LaJunta. Col.. Nov. 25 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — If present plans materialise. La Junta win soon bave a new playboose which wlll-eoat In the' neighborhood of S100 000. A site baa been secured, snd plans for the been drawn- " The First False Steps Funny bow good newspaper men go wrong. Walter Taylor, of tbe Atlanta (Oa.), Journal, has been elected city clerk of that city; Jack Tranter, of the Buffalo Times, hss been elected to the Assembly: Jack Dalley. of tbe rittabnrg Post. Is clerk to tbe Msyor of that City, sn.l W. B. Smith, of the Buffalo Courier, bat been sent to Congress. Here Is a bnncb of good fel- lows that made life easy for the advance press men, and were capital fellows eltber on the desk or on tbe street Xotblng but good luck Is wished them, snd the worst Inck tbat any of tbe press agents wish tbem Is tbat thev will retnrn to newapaper work when they tire of politics. . LAM ADE RETIRES. Wllllamauort. Pa.. Nor. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboard).— Fred M. Lamade bss retired ss manager of the Family Theatre, which la now controlled by the National Theatre Company, tinder a lease signed last week. Robert Ellis NEW MANAGER AT GRAND. Burlington. Is.. Nov. 25 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — R. F. Holmes Is now manager of the Crand. baring succeeded H. 8. Hcovlll. Mr. ScovlII has moved to Davenport, Is., where he will contlifne as auditor tor tie' lows.llllnots circuit. Mr. Holmes has bran connected wlib rsarttlLa. ,,d |£ r i!i? Ei" '? 21*21 10 ^• rta ? » par Hies, lbs last being local treasurer of the honse. New Theatres For Honolulu Honolulu, H. I., Nor. 12. — In less than a year Honolulu will have three new ptayboosea. Messrs. Scully and Lore bave abont completed a new moving picture and raudrvUle bouse, which opens for business In ten days. Just in the rear of this enterprise Is tbe big Audito- rium, which will have a sestlng capacity of 1.500, a big pipe organ, and all modern con- veniences. It will be flolaheri early part of next year. The third new venture will be backed by Mr. Rosenberg, a prominent local financier, wbo Is baring the old Print*** Skat- ing Rink overhauled and rem class vaudeville and picture bouse. The a sltlon of these playhouses wl," nine theatres all told. A THEATRICAL EDITORIAL. The Kansas City Star, for November 31, editorialises ss follows: "Jake Willis, a character In Edwin Sheldon's play, Tbe Nigger, tells Governor Morrow on* day that be Is unalterably opposed to lynching; tbat no matter what tbe blsck man's crime may be. the law should tske Its course. The next dsy Jske's own daughter Is a victim of tbe crime tbat causes most lyncblngs, and Jake be- comes the Implacable leader of an Irresistible mob. "The point Is tbat Jake Is no longer a fit per ■on to psas Judgment In inch a case s* this. No more is SO audience tbat has witnessed tbe first two acts of The Nigger In a mood to lis- ten to the race problem discussion of the last act. Indeed, tbe first two art* are so realistic ss to be Inciting and debasing. The realism of the drama, together with tbe sensationalism and ""f""* o' tbe pictorial Wiling used in ei- public, just as were The Clansmsn snd tbe methods employed to popularize that atrocity. The fact that The Nigger- Is a. much arrester work dramatically than Its cheap "roretattner. dees not alter the. effect of presenting it./,/.',;,.! "Tlie theatre Is no placo to lllnslrsto ana discuss, tbs race problem.. ..Nor, would It be sf.. feetlve in nnv other plsce" to -rot row or seeom- psny Illustration with dtfatwsjlosv. 'F0T . «W striking 11 lust rat Inn or sngarst Inn of lynching, of , tbs crime for which lynching. Is perpetrated. - of tbe blasting effects of blood taint are may be. ''";!* lime to bar the rare problem lbs theatre. . It accomplishes notbii good; It secompllsbes much (hat la - DECEMBER 3, 1910. T la.e Billboard The Amusement Week in America THE NE ST EGG SCORES Premiere of New Comedy. Enthusiastically Applauded Atlantic City— Zelda Sears Annexes Another Distinct Triumph to a Long List of Successes in Atlantic City, N. J., Not. 20 (Special to The Billboard).— On Not. IT, the first performance of a new play called The Neat En. a comedy by Annie Caldwell, waa (Wen at the Apollo Theatre, with Zelda Sear* In the leading role. The critics oa the Atlantic City papers were at reliance In commenting on the production, the City Dally Press having credited the play with being wholesome, legitimate and one of the best that hss been seen In this city for some time. The Review on the other hand said: The Neat Egg is not s great play, it doesn't aim to be and Its occasional pretty dSTlces of mild villainy era counted Irritable necessities. However, it Is all very simple • end diverting. There are some exclusively clever lines In the play that are delightfully epigrammatic. Miss Sears hs* added another triumph to her list. 8he made the moat of every line 1st her pare The sup- porting caat la entirely adequate, night audience was large and eery la Its reception of the new play. AST^or^CHASACrrERa^ ^ • . « ■ »• ■• ■•■ .Julian .Walter SHUBERT8 SECURE LEASE. Montgomery. Ala., Not. 28 (Special to The Billboard).— Manager W. K. Couch, of the Ma- jestic Theatre, baa closed a deal with the Shu- berts. whereby their attractions will be shown st the Majestic. The Sbuberts expect to have from one to three attractiona each week and when no attractions are booked the usual vau- deville bill will be presented. The first at- traction was Murray 4 Mack, who appeared here Nor. 23. " ' 8UNDAY SHOW COSTLY. Akron. O.. Not. 2« (Special to The Billboard — P. E. Johnson, manager of the Colonial Thea- tre of Akron. 0., was fined (100 and costs In Probate Court Monday for Introducing a talk tug and ninging act during bis Sunday picture show on November IS. Johnson pleaded not guilty when first arraigned. Later he chanced hla plea to guilty. He was arrested on Informa- tion furnished the court by the county prosecu- tor's office. Inspector Issues Warning Minneapolis. Minn.. Not. 2S (Special to The Billboard i.— The following; letter of warning; waa mailed Wednesday. November 23, by Build- ing Inspector James 0. Houghton, to the man- ager, of all theatres operating in Minneapolis: "During the winter and aprlng months your theatres will be undoubtedly well patronised bT the theatergoing pnblle. and they peruana will tax the seating capacity of yonr boose. ••1 therefore deem It my duty st this time to remind yon of the provision! of Section 33 of the ordinance known aa the Theatre Ordin- ance.* which provides that 'the aisles, pasasge- waya and atalrwaya of all buildings affected by the provisions of thlg ordinance, now or here- after erected, shall be kept clear of camp etools and chairs, and ahall not be obstructed In any manner whatsoever.' •'No person or persons shall be allowed to stand In or occupy any of the aisles or passage- waya of any ancb building during any entertain Dent, service, exhibition, lecture, concert or public performance of any kind. "Ton will also see to It that all your flre- flghtlng apparatus is In proper working order and ready for Instant uae; that the ventilating, lhafta and skylights will open instantly should the occasion demand it. and that everything In and about yonr building la kept In a clean, aafe and sanitary con dition.'' MILLER CLOS E8 TOUR. Now York.' NOT. 2fl (Special to The Billboard^ Benry Miller's tour In Her Husband's Wife closed tonight. MISS H. WINNIFRED D-WITT. Miss B. Wlnnlfred DeWltt, manager of Cbase'e "Theatre, at Washington, D. C, la a shining example of the successful young woman In business. Ulsa DeWltt's position la anything but a sine- cure, the duties con- nected with it being of a manifold character, ronslsnt and arduous. She hooka practically nil the attractiona and keeps cloae watch over their operatlona, arrang- es the weekly programs, hss control of the staff, supervises tht box office operatlona, and direct, the stage and scenic Miss DeWltt Is familiar with lbs Oploycs. details of • theatre, theatrical profession. with, the Alice Adama, the Deacon's daughter .. .. Evelyn Varden Oeorglanns Mills, her chum Blanche Hall Pansy Etta, a product of the poor farm ... ,. •• .. ■• ,, ,* ..Ruth Wells Biff Adama, hero of the race track .... .'. H. Bratton Kennedy Jack Hamlin, a atrflnger In Eden Center. . Robert Dempster Virginia Rodnel. who knew htm before .... • • Helen Liodroth Wylie Baaaett, a pure food champion .. .. Frederic k Burton Miss Hetty Gander, a modiste, who goes out by the day Zelda Seara ACT 1 — The dining room of Deacon Adams' Home. ?j ACT 2. — "The best room" st Hetty Gander's. ACT a — A autre of apartments in the Hudson • ;: ' ' RATES AND LI CENSES President of the Swain Show Co. Answers Previously Pub- lished Articles — Believes Matter in Question Should Be Given More Serious Consideration En route. Not. 1». ttio. Editor The Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. Dear 8lr:— Referring to articles in the issue of The Billboard. November 19, More About Rates, by J. M. Busby, and Show License, by A. O. Allen, I would like to reply.. Through a letter published in The Billboard by Mr. Busby early In 1910, I allowed myself to be associated with this controversy, "One. Two and Three-car vs. Railroads of Arkansas." the gentlemen of the Railroad Com- mission of Arkansas aa the honorable body of judges and Jury. We had a splendid argument to offer to this honorable body by referring to the statutes of Texas as adopted by that railroad commis- sion m 1008. thanks to the energy put forward THE CONCERT. Scene taken from Act III, showing Jsoet Beecher end Leo Dltrlchsteln. No Music On Sunday Erie. Pa.. Nor. 23 (Special to The Billboard). — C R. Brown, who baa just purchased the old Albin Theatre, started to run music In connec- tion with his pictures last Sunday and waa arrested- It baa been the custom of the smaller picture shows on the main street to close their planoa on Snnday and show the pictures without music, but Mr. Brown, who hss had consider- able ax per! roc* In the moving- picture rhestre line and who la well versed In the laws of Penu- ■ylTUlt, started his piano but waa immediately arrested. Two other theatres hare been havlne music oa Sunday, rla. The Happy Hour and the Alpha, but both these theatres are located off the main street. The outcome of thta case will be watched with considerable Interest by theatre owners and managers, not only In Erie bat in all the citlei of PeoniylTanI*. PRISONER S ENJ OY SHOW. Cleveland, o.. Not. 25 (Special to The Bill- board) Through the courtesy of Harry Levy. assistant manager or the Star Theatre, a Tery pleasing entertainment waa given the Inmates of the County Jail on Thanksclvlng morning. Those taking part were: Raymond Hltcbcock. Howard and Bernard, singing and talking art- ists, and Pearl Violet and Billy Meehan. Dick Farnum and Kathryu Delmar and the Musical Stewsrts. from Sam T. Jack's Company. The Opera House orchestra furnished the music. CHORISTER SERIOUSLY ILL. Chorister Sprains Ankle Portsmouth. O., Nor. 25 (Special to The Bill- board) .—Josephine Sanders, one of the chorus with the Sheehan Opera Company, narrowly es- caped a serious accident at the Grand Opera House Thursday night. She slipped and fell on the stair ' leading to the stage, suffering a badly sprained ankle. MORT H. SINGER'S PLANS. Chicago, hi.. No. 20 (Special to The Bill- board).— Mort H. Singer, the Chicago producer of musical comedies, announces quite an ambi- tions schedule of events. At this time Mr. Singer hsa upon the road Henry Woodruff, in 'lb ■ Genius: Leooa Watson, starring In The Golden. Girl; Harry Bulger, la The Flirting Princess: Joseph B. Howard, starring; In his own musical piece. The Ooddeas of Liberty, and OlWe VaU. la Miss Nobody from Stsrland. At this time Mr. Singer hss no number two companies upon the mad. but directly after the holidays, it is bis Intention to send ont severs) to play the above named pieces. It la also Mr. Singer's Intention to produce his annual new musical play In Chicago early In January. William A. Singer, brother to Mort H. Singer, is personalty directing the tour of Miss Nobody from Stsrland. while Col. Samuel Thau occupies the large roll-top in the general office aa gen- eral booking manager. The business stsff of the Henry Woodruff Com- pany flnda Stewart LIthirow back with the show, and Walter Botto ahead. Bod Wagoner la do- ing the advance work for Miss Nobody Prom atarland. whUa Chart ea P. Donoghuo is the act Aa I considered the Arkansas suit of great importance, requiring the beet legal talent ob- tainable. I asked the Board of Trade of Little Rock to recommend an attorney, or Arm of at- torneys that would wield the moat Influence before the railroad communion of Arkansas. Tbey recommended the learned Honorable Morris M. Cotm, of that city. Mr. Cohn Is one of the best known corporation lawyers in the South, consequently he demands the highest pay for hla services. After receiving an assurance from Mr. that he would represent* my On Interest concerned, I retained lug a letter to Mr. Cohn, to Mr. Busby and Mr. Allen. Also say general agent. Mr. X*. o. waa present la Little Bock on the day, quoted in Mr. Busby's letter for tt>- ' but discovered that it was not to. I anlt concerning all railroads. System alone being Involved. However, my t "I this ranee from Mr. Cohn r Arm and the mutual TJS.£UrSm statutes. _ Upon the aama day, Mr. Cohn asked the rail- road commission to designate a date that all railroads should show why they likewise should not handle one. two and three-car ahowa in passenger service regardless of what the cars contained, aa long aa they were private can. I re-engaged Mr. Cohn to represent my firm. Also to meet all showmen that might be In Little Bock, interested In this controversy. It Is not so much a matter of rates aa Use ruling of different lines to throw this of business into freight service, - freight in town In time to erect dally exhibitions. My two shows are week-stand dramatic rep- ertoire companies, exhibiting under curves. We could accept freight service and make our towns and while, perhapa. In a measure, it would he to our Interest to hare these arbi- trary rules practised jTy Hlftis *^ ^"^ntsned what 1Ntt&k and B wh5 n bas*al«idy^T T en to Milwaukee's Hand- some Auditorium In Milwaukee la located one of the largest and finest Auditoriums In the country. It was erected by private subscription, and cost abovrt a quarter ox a mmion dollars. Public spirited eltlsena reallied the necessity of a commodious convention ball and by them s movement received ^t^Jjnceptic«^on^Jnly^aa. Association appointed a committee of business men to consider the subject In ail Its phases and advise noon a suitable coarse of action. The old Exposition building waa destroyed by Are on Sunday afternoon, June 4. 1900. Until Is 1 *. 'jSaSht EST and b to? 'other'large' 1 gath- erings. Overcoming many obstacles, the. sponsors suc- ceeded In raising the sum of (230.000 by private subscription. The municipality voted an equal sum. thus providing a total building fund of (500,000. ^ . The erection of the Auditorium after soon commenced, and ci until the completion of the 1 her. 1909. Milwaukee's Auditorium p as t asia all the re- quirements for a large and commodious con- vention hall, namely: Ample seating capacity and perfect appointments, access lb 11 ley and adaptability, absolute safety, requisite stsge end stage facilities, complete accessories In the shape of wardrobe, toilets, telegraph and tele- aeeommodatlone with ample pet- ition space, banrtuet and assembly a market haU, committee and retiring WILL BUILD TRACK. King, N. C. Not. 28 (Special to The Bill- board). — The stockholders of the Stokes County ralr have passed a resolution to build a race- track and In order to raise the necessary funds, will solicit stock in Forsyth. Sorry and adjoining The Golden Girl is managed by and heralded by Zack Harris. Ralph T. Kettering remains In the Chicago ottV-s as general . press representative and fur- nishes the emsll-town managers and news- papers with Items shout all the Singer shows. Mort EL. Singer, as representative, for Herman , or Milwaukee, controls the policy of the theatre, to be built on Clark street, near and in association with the Me 8 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Amusement Week in Chicago THE GIR L IN TH E TRAIN Opens at Studebaker Theatre and Meets with Demonstra- tions of Approval — Oak Theatre Opened on Thanks= giving Day as Popular Price Vaudeville House Chicago. II]., sot. 23 (Special to The board).— After a l baker opened on Girl In tbe Train. THE GIRL IN THE TRAIN — An Imported mus- ical co m edy In three acta with score by Leo rail and book by Victor Leon, adapted by Harry B. Smith. Presented in Chleaco with Frank Daniel* and company at tne Stude- baker Theatre. Not. 21, 1810. with the fol- io wing- cast: Karel Van Myrtena Edwin Wilson Jana ..Bailie Fisher Pleter Bockenstlegel Phmp Branson Gonda Van der Loo Vera MMsstsssl Judge Van Tramp .. ..Frank Daniels Attorney Van Deader .. .. .. ..Henry Vincent Attorney_de Liege Donald Hall .. .. ..James Beaney ..AOeeu Hodgson .. ..Martin Hayden .. ..Gilbert Clayton The Beadle"..". " " '.".Lloyd Jimet An Old Maid . -Almyra Sessions The Chicago critics had the following to say In their renews: Frederic Hattou, of The Post: "The niece went, last nlgbt, with a fine swing and the sndlence either was doubled op orer Mr. Dan- iels or swaying In Its coUectlTe seat to the rhythm of the captivating Fall score. The ra- rions song numbers are given Tery well by Sal- Ile Fisher. .Vera MIcbelens, Edwin Wilson, and James Beaney." ~>anlela as a comedian. James of The Record-Herald said: J left his sndlence gasping, helpless. Jtt eyes. The people had laughed until they ached and they were almost glad when. In a grand flnale of rhetoric and blither, be wafted himself away on. •possibly technical and cap- tions, but none the less forceful. • • • Teem- ing with evidences and outcropping*. • • • Sub- lime, secure, serene.* ■ Erie Delamarter, of The Inter-Ocean: "Ther- Is no other way of putting It. It Is Frank Daniels again at the pleasant taak of rattling the bones, being Interlocutor, chorus and band The Girl In the Train Is the present subject of his sleight-of-hand and quirk of tongue, and no one In the large audience gathered at the art^erenlna^woald own a The Nigger at McVickers* THE CAST (In the order In Slmms. Morrow's Butler .. Jinny. Morrow's "Mammy" Maud Dnrand Clifton Noyes J. M- ColvllJe (President of the Noyes' Distilling Works.) Georgians Byrd Florence Rockwell Philip Morrow Got Bates Post (Of Morrows Best and sheriff of Westhnry Co l Pttrdy .. .. .. .. .. .. . . T. C. Hamilton (Deputy Sheriff of Westbury County.) Byrd Jnlla Hanchett Joe White Henry Hnll Jake wniis k. c. Forrest Barring-ton Jmek Barnes (The Governor's Private Secretary.) Chief of Police TUton .. .. . .D. W. " 'Colonel Khapp. of the 5th MnitJa .. . . . . - J. W . ACT 2— April 23. the Gover City Hoose- About 10 o'clock _ ACT 3 — April 26. the Governor's flee at the CspItoL Evening. Place — the Sooth. Time — Now. EXECUTIVE STAFF FOR W. A. BRADT. Ltd. Barry Elmer Manager Win- Cnlllngton .. .. .. ..Stage Mastagwr Wm. Allen Carpenter John Taylor .. .j Properties Jo*. R. Powell OAK THE ATRE OPENED. Chicago, ni., Nov. 28 (Special to The Bill- board). — The new Oak Theatre, situated on Artnl- tage and Western avenue*. Chicago, opened on Thanksgiving Day. This theatre Is owned * the Northwestern Co-operative Amusement Asao- i. which Is composed of the business men vicinity of this sbowbouse. Tt (Continued on page 50.) 'Ameer' has lost his Interest in bis own trick*-" O. I— Hall, of The Journal : "There are a great many persons of thestregolng habit who believe there can not be too mnch of Daniels In a musical show. We are one of those per- [ on page 50.) NEW TH EATRE PLANNED Drawings and Specifications for a Twenty-Story Theatre and Office Building Accepted — Julian Eltinge Follows Otis Skinner at Chicago. 111.. Not. 26 (Special to The Bill board). — Plans have been prepared for the con stractlon of a new twenty-story theatre and office building to occupy a piece of land bavins a frontage nf 115 feet. The land on which the new building will stand la on tb* south side BEATRICE NOYES. Chicago. Buffalo's New Venture Chicago. 111., Not. 26 (Special to The Bill- board). — It I* the Intention of Harry O'Brien, better known as "Original Young Buffalo," to launch bis own show this coming season. He Is now In Chicago for the purpose of gathering together material for his new enterprise. It is hi* intention to carry from four to six cars. Young Buffalo's -hooting act will be the main feature, while his five-year-old daughter and wife wOl also bask In the limelight and give demonstrations of their ability with firearms. Young Buffalo has bad an Interesting career and dnrlng bla many year* In the snow business ha* done thing* that he may well he proud of He gained bis knowledge of snooting when a mere lad of twelve and since then has developed Into one of the best shots of the day. He bv been associated with such organizations as Ken- nedy Brothers' Wild West. Snyder Brothers A* Doakers' Wild West. Dden's Wild West an.' the Mitchell Carnival Company. He ha* trav- eled with the Kentucky Belles and the High School Girls Burlesque Companies. He camped out on the Solllvan A Coosldlne Circuit for some Joke Well- At Chicago's Neighboring Chicago. Not. 28 (Special to The Billboard). — The current attraction at tbe BIJoo is Sapbo, while the stirring melodrama. Sidetracked, Is holding forth at tbe Criterion. Joe Hortlx In Our Friend Frit*, is entertaining the natrons of tbe Olobe and The Phantom Detective la the attraction at Weber's. Tbe Sonl Kiss !> the of- fering at the Crown, and the attraction at tbe Haymarket la Brewster'* Million*. The Na- tional Theatre Is offering Paid In Full to its patrons. The Marie Nelson Players, st People's The- atre, are this week Interpreting- What? and tbe resident stock company at the Marlowe la offer- ing The Temperance Town. The stock com- pany at the College Theatre Is presenting The Lion and tbe Mouse. The leading role* will be played by Mlas Bertha Crrlghton and Richard Thornton, who has been secured by the College Mr. O'Brien's title or "Original Young Bof bU 0 rights'to 1> the u»e 1 of 3 tbIt"nsnIe"" , and the Inter-Ocean Building. Tha theatre wui have a seating capacity of 2.200. When Marriage a la Carte la produced here the first of the year, at the Grand Opera House. May Wehlen. the Vlenesse prima donna, will have as her principal comedian. Harry Conor, last seen here as co-star with Mabel Barrtaon In Loin'! Husbands. Julian Eltinge will appear In hi* moalcal play. The Fascinating widow, at the tlllnola Theatre, following Ott* Skinner's engagement there. Mr. Eltinge will Impersonate Jack, a college boy. who. to win the lady of bis heart-, desire" disguises himself as * fascinating widow The Christmas attraction at the Illinois Theatre will be The Arcadians. MI** Anna Fltxhugn, the prima donna In Lower Berth 13. at the Whitney Opera House, may go loto grand opera as soon as her engage- ment at the Whitney la over. Andreas DlppeL of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, baa beard ber sing and he has already opened nsgn- tlitlons with her. Mis* Fltahngn baa had some experience In grand opera and was regarded abroad aa a very unusual Siebel In Faust. Marcus La Blanche, a nephew of Sir Henry Irving, and who closely klnarosn. Is " MAXINE ELLIOTT AT THE LYRIC. Chicago. 111., Nor. 28 (Special to The BUI board). — Miss Maxln* Elliott opened her two weeks' engagement at tbe Lyric Theatre. Chi- cago, last Monday night. Nor. 38, playing in Frank Stayton'a comedy. The Inferior Sex. This play has to do with a woman hater who I* writ- ing a book on woman-hating and who has sailed off alone Non his yacht that be may be undls turbed- During the action of the play he rescues s lady who la adrift In a small boat, and Stock Chicago. 111., Not. 28 board). — Frank G a nolo, the Bra of Kllmt A (Special to The BU1- managlng director of »lo, lessees of the near Imperial Theatre, the playhouse at Madison street and Western s turned from New York, where b confer with J. J. Shubert regarding the of attractions to he hooked at that theatre. Messrs. Gazxolo and Shubert could not come to a satisfactory agreement, and therefore the in- dependent attractions will not play tbe impe- rial. The theatre will be operated by Kllmt A Gaxzolo a* * hish-clas* stock company tbeatre. Mr. Gasxolo also announce* that be will open the Imperial Christmas week and will offer bla ?E k, £Sr SKINNER AT I Chicago. 111., Not. 28 (Special to The Bill- board).— Thl* Is ott* Skinner's laat week at tbe Illinois Theatre In Tour Humble Servant. , Tbe critic* all apeak highly of Mr. Skinner's Interpretation of the role of Lafayette Towers. Following are opinion* of the varloua critics oh the Chicago dallle*. Amy Leslie, of tbe I good and bad. have h the almanac, thus far. hot nothing so cob- webbed with tbe genuine, so full of dreams snd gentle grace of heart aa tola fluttering apothe- osis of enthusiasms sstray. of veiling the tear* of tbe soul, mouness and gracious •s a setting for a i than It t* as a draml nleal skill. And Mr. delightfully and with t— the curtain cornea down om a fled audience." James O'Donnell Bennett, of the Record-Her- ald: "It aroused mnch mirth and commanded fond attention, and It enabled' Mr. Skinner to frolic Incessantly In a etratn of half-mad, balf- genulne heroic*, to Tlxnallre an engaging figure out of the past and to delight observation with the disclosure or the manifold grace*. . Shinnies, pictorial flights and vehement Imaginings." Hrle Delamarter. of the Inter-Ocean: "Yonr Humble Servant, revealed at the Illinois Theatre laat evening all the noble sentiment, sll tbe picturesque settlnrs or riling snd felling for- tunes, sll the hnman Interest they prefer to at- tribute to the Inhabitants of that reticent world." i O. L. Hall, of the Journal: "Like ill tbe fig- ments of tbe fancy of Its authors, this play, now on view for the first time here, la more a fairy tale than a history. Virtu* again wears DECEMBER 3, 1910. - The Billboard 9 TWEN TY-TWO ACTS Will Compose Program to be Offered at American Music Hall — Performances will Run Interrupted Four Hours and Only Acts of First Magnitude will be Offered Chic* to. 111., Not. 26 (SpeeUl to The Bill- board). — The most remarkable departure la Chi- cago's vaudeville history will attend next week's program it toe American Mafic Hall, when Wm. Morris. Inc., will present twenty-two star acts each of two performances dally. The shows will start at 1:30 and 7:30 P. M., and will not end untU 5:30 and 11:30 P. M.. giving to each performance fonr solid boors, with more than flee acts per boor In the unbroken procession Only sketches will ' M. The sing- acrobatic per- wbere only of the stage. their foil formsnces will sore-lire number the Incidental 1 dlctorlea. WILLARD HA8 BIG BILL. Chicago. 111.. Not. 26 (Special to Toe Bill- board). — The Ten Georgia Campers were the headline act thla week and scored a big hit. Rose Johnson pleased. Harry Dearrs and Com psny. Lawrence and Harvey and the Zelgler Trio made op the rest of the bill. of the heat WILSON AVE . BILL. Chicago. 111.. Not. 26 (Special to The BUI board). — The Four Flylni Banvarda. Blake's An MERITORIOUS BILL AT MAJESTIC. st toe Areola and Company. In a epectacui act. opened the bill. Thla act can he only fairly good. Mr. Tony and Miss Erot Ballot, European equilibrists and gymnasts, performed some mar- reloos feats In acrobatic work with weights, rings, etc. (Continued on page 53.) 1 • 11 1 wf! m A Amour the stars of the twenty-two will be Joe Welch. La Petite Mlgrjon. Billy Dillon. Aus- tin Brothers, Kennedy and Eooney. Kara, the great Juggler: The Shirkers. Arnold Daly's great one-act play: The Zlsreuner Quartette, an Euro- pean Importation; Jessie Brougbton. an English pianist, and other acts of like character. PERSO NAL P ATTER Some Notes of the Great and Near Great in the Vaudeville World Who Have Been Seen In and Around the Breezy Town Morty Hymen. Terry Sherman and Eddie -Van Schaack, open Monday, Not. 28. at the Hun garlan Cafe, Milwaukee. They bare Just closed eight weeks In Dulutb. where they were a de- cided hit. The boys are using Harry Von Til ser'a songs, which are going great with " especially Lorey Joe. which is a ' Vaudeville BHI s. Majestic and Dance. A — Touy-Baloit- No. 3. roll B — Croaran and Parks. Trerett No. 6. In One. K. Hay ward and Jessie Hay ward. Comedy 8ketch. Majestic No, 5 D— wJe" Job 8 '""' Pi n 1 Will rd No, """T ifont PUDO,0 ■ ,, '• wnUnI No - E — Edouard Jose. Dramatic Sketch. Amcr lean No. 3. Foil Stage. F — Tom sod Stacla Moore. Singing and Talking. American No. 4, In One. 0 — Signer Arrl. Art Models. American No. 5. roll sure. H— Nichols sisters. Singing and Dancing. Majestic No. S, In One. 1— MLI.E- DAZIE. PANTOMIME ACT. Majestic No. 10. Toil Stage. J— Atoo Comedy roar. Farcical Sketrti. Majestic No. », Open In One. CI co- in Full. CHICAGO'S HOLDOVER SHOWS. Chicago, Not. 20 (Special to The Billboard 1 —Thla la the last week of The Aviator at •* Olympic Theatre. Thla humorous comedy will take up Ita quarters In New York. Get-Rlrh Quick Wslllngford wilt be the next attraction at thla theatre. At the Whitney Opera House, Lower Berth IS la entertaining and amusing the many who freqnrot thla theatre. The Chocolate sotd'e. la still at the Osrrlck. laying claim to splendid business. Miss Alice Yorke wss recently added to the cast- The Spendthrift has flnnly es- tablished Itself at the Chicago Opera Honse as well aa in the favor of many of Chicago's tbea- At Powers' Theatre, The Commuters holds sway with Ita efficient cast who do many thing* that convulse the audiences with laughter. The City, with Ita tensity, la conceded by those who have seen- It. to be s wonderful play, acted In wttT'iti'sp'ritosUstle story. 8 cooUonea* et h the Oort to entertain and please the many woo visit this showboose. At tba La Sails Opera Honse The Sweetest Olrl in Paris haa entered Its fourteenth week and la as much In demand as ever. This pro- duction will tmdnnbtedly stay In our midst un- til sometime after the new year. ' Our Mlaa Oihbs Is in Its last week at the Colonial Thea- Theatre Opens Chicago, 111.. Not. 26 (Special to The Bill- board). — This theatre waa just opened to the public at a Thanksgiving matinee. It is con- trolled by Hnrtlg and Sea moo with M. B. Schlrs singer as manager. They have spent $30,000 in rebuilding, decorating, ete. Altre and Mitchell, who opened the btll as elerer comedy Jugglers, had an accident and could not go on with the act. They do a revolv- ing ladder act and the wire broke bringing them down to the stage with a tremendous force and cutting the wrist of Mitchell so badly that they could not go on with the act, * Henrietta. Byron, who went on second, could hardly sing the music being so poor. The drum- mer was not op In his traps sod could do noth- ing. The orchestra was terrible. Mrs. Kva ray, who was the added attraction ■t the Star and Darter • few good but there waa a ten or before she appeared and the t de Beaufort Makes Debut Chicago, ill.. Not. 26 board). — Lee Tong Foo. Lauder, waa Indeed a gt American Music Hall. Raymond Flnley and Lottie lee of travesties on familiar Itles and follies, are good. Edouard Jose, the French character a very etroctg dramatic sketch. Strike, was a hit. air. Jose Is one of the most talented actors that bare played the American Music Hall. There are about twenty people In the cast and the sketch la founded on the celebrated play, entitled La oats. The scene Is a court rn In France. Tom and Stasia Moore got over. Moore has a eery good voice. He Introduced That Men delssohn Tune In splendid style. Stasia Moor* csn bo classed aa nothing more or leas than a fashion plate. Her gowns are " all she does Is to wear them. Josephine Leroy and Bowman Brothers are ^ T , lDg . access with Harold Bosslter'a Olrl of My Dreams. Klgoletto Brothers are using Maid of Chi- cago. Count de Beaufort made a decided hit at the Americas Music Hall last week with Harold Eosalter's Maid of Chlcsgo. Adolpb Marks, attorney for Marine Reming- ton, reports that she has received Judgment sgslnat William Morris. Inc.. for Moo salary doe her for two weeks, when she waa laid off by Morris. Her contract called for seven weak* and she only received Ore. W. F. Mann, advance agent for The Plotter Company, haa received Judgment against Lester G. Snerly for $119.40 salary doe him. Altro and Mitchell, comedy acrobats, who opened the first show st the new Casino Thea- fsU ^* Dk, * lvln K ^atlnee. were injured In a and the™adde? T fen on the stage wmTthese Two performers. The Wsokegan Dally Sun got mixed In Its underlines one day last week. Cute of Coy de Trlekey and Charles Williams were used- Mbas John Nemo St. Louis, where be attended the session of the American Federation of Labor. He went to Cincinnati this week on business connected with the White Bats-Actors' Colon, as the or- ganisation Is now known. Ethel Whiteside and "Those Picks," in The Follies of Coontown. appeared at the Wlllard st week, completing a few weeks on the Frank Q. Doyle time before SEW £ B be w4?M gjVwt ly. The Cromwell a opened their American tour at the American Music Hall In New Orleans a few weeks ago and played their first In New York no's, sr H- C. BInthenthal. Barry Hanf and S. E. WObolt have acquired the entire Interests in the Orpbeo Theatre, Pine Blnff. Ark., playing; moving pictures and vandevilie. C E. Phil pot. manager of the Elks* Theatre, illsinsml of his interests rn the Orpbeo and will In the future devote his entire time to the Elks. Trevett Offers Excellent Bill Chlcsgo. -Relsuer Not. 3d (Special to The Billboard), and Cook, comedy Jugglers- v. bo opened the btll st the Trerett last week, were very good. May Taylor, the Jolly singer, who Introduced the atory song, entitled The Rose, which wms an Impersonation of Edna Wallace Jumping Jupiter, Era Quartette. strels. with their indeed worthy of BUI. set of Its kind seen on the stage, wss The act Is mystifying and went big. Kara, the greatest of modern the andlenec about thirty Count De Beaufort, faced a hostile audience. The Count la an actor and be can prove It- He did so when be made his debut st the American Music Hall and also proved his right to tell any kind of story about his nerre and get away with it. H * also Introduced his dog "Bob" to the audience. The Count stay* on the pay-roll unless per- chance, the dog catchers should get "Bob." Before the Count did his maiden turn Colonel Thompson acted lost a little bit like a man who fix-ured be might soon figure aa a before some sort of a tragic fact, body better start anything" quoth ttu grimly. "I've got plain clothes men the boose." Lease It to the Count with his winning smile and Jolly way. He won many friends who .had come to Jeer him. The Fonr Mortons, who were reviewed last week, headlined the All-star bill, are not i sary for another r Sam tried to poll Inimitable wax. 10 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Amusement Week in New York THE SP ECKLED BAND Fails to Meet With Its Manager's Anticipations of Success. Characterized as Melodrama Replete With Crudities but ^Destined by its Author's Eminence to Live SPECKLED BAM) -An adventure of Garrlck Theatre. Dr. Grlm.-8t.j- Bylott Edwin Stevens Enid Stnnor Irene Fenwlck Itn Staunton Katherine Brook Bodgers -.. John Flndlay n. H. McCcJlum Cyril Chadwlek ■ > • ' •'« ■■ ■ .Bon rlpln Mr. Longbrac* Alexander Prank Mr. Brewer Ivan F. Simpson Inspector Downing W. CoaU Bnah Coroner's Officer John M. Troogbtua Mr. Bolt Loam lag Frank Shannon Mr. Jamea B. Montague -W. Soderllng BOIjr Kenneth Melnkcn Dr. Wataon Its Dawson Fetera O. Later Mr. Sherlock Holmes .. ..Charlaa Mlllward The Times. Not. 22: "Persons who aaw that sensational classic. Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model, will probably recall aome of the various direful deeds attempted upon the heroine by the Tlllaln of the piece. At one place, for In stance, be bound Nellie to a railroad track at s moment when the lightning expreae waa due: at another Nellie, by hla ordera. waa tied hand and foot and thrown from a bridge into the East Blver, whence ahe waa luckily rescued by the hero, and so on from one direful exi to another. Finally, in the Uat act the ooa person quite naively remarked: why are yon afraid of me?' ••Somehow or other we are reminded more than once of Nellie and her Tlllalnooa friend at the Derrick Theatre last evening, where Dr. G rimes by Bylott, an Anglo-Indian (something very dreadful yon may be sure from the way Mr. Sherlock Holmes dwelt upon It), after cum passing the death of one slater, abnalng the other, and lastly planning for her death, re- peatedly Inquired why aha waa 'suspicious' of The World: "It waa only too apparent aa The Speckled Band uncoiled Its tenooue length at the derrick Theatre that Broadway audiences have lost their appetite for melodramatic sensation allien of Its peculiar brand. This attempt laat Bight to make Sherlock Holmes the hero of a new set of adventures waa not In the same elaaa with the one In which William Gillette originally figured. But, leaving aside compsrl- eooa. It the newer play had been performed Charles Dickson Sues Daniel Arthur New York. Nov. 28 (Special to The Billboard), —Charles Dickson, author of The Simple Life, and owner of the play by that name, brought suit against Daniel V. Arthur and Avery Hop- wood In the United States Circuit Court yester- day for plagiarism, In connection with the pro- duction ofJudy Forgot. In which Mlaa Marie Cabin la now playing at the Broadway Theatre. Mr. Dickson, through hla attorney, Bobert L. Turk, sought an injunction restraining Mr. Arthur (from further presentation of the place, and he demanded Judgment of $100 for the drat per- formance and $30 for each subsequent presen- tation of Judy Forgot. Max D. Josephson, counsel for Messrs. Arthur and Hop wood, said that the theme of sensory aphasia had been made use of In numerous other plays, and bad been known from time Imme- morial, and that therefore hia clients could not be_gnilty^of plagiarism. to^whl'cnTo^preparc a CHEVALIER IN NEW COMEDY. New York, Nov. 28 (Special to the Billboard). — Albert Chevalier came to Albany's Harmanus Bleecker Hall, Nor. 24. at the head of a com- pany In a brand-new three-act comedy, entitled Daddy Dotard, In which the star la a co-author. The play pleased a large audience. PREMIER E OF KATY DID. Baltimore. Md.. Nov. 28 (Special to The Bill- board). — -The first metropolitan production of Katy Did, a musical version of My Friend from India, was given at Ford's Theatre, " The piece waa given Its Initial November 18. at Pittsfield, Mass. W. C. Duncan and Frank Smlthson are the authors of the book and lyric, while the music Is composed by Karl Hoschna. Mr. Hoschna has on page 60.) ACTRESS INJURED. New Yore:. Hot. 28 (Special to The Billboard i —Lottie Gil soo. st one time s popnlsr actress, tripped while descending the stairs of the ele- vated station, at Third avenue and 180th street Uat night, and was picked op with a severe "t&^SSna^ who said ahe lived at No. 3T> r Third avenue, tripped when about ten steps above the sidewalk. She was nnermsvAraa vrben carried Into a dreg * to ^^^ v ^ n ^l-^*SeZi ten years ago It might have been expected to send st lesst a stray thrill or, two op and dowu Ita audience's spine. Now all that even lta mns exciting situations can hope to do ia to raise ripples of derisive laughter." The Sun: "Inaptred by the au-ceaa of Wll- maklng^ a play more or : page 50.) MAETERLI NCK'S LATEST — ' Mary Magdalene will be Presented at the New York Theatre, Monday Evening, December 5, with Miss Olga Nethersole in the Title Role Maurice Maeterllnck'a latest drama, Mary Magdalene, will have lta world premiere at The New Theatre on Monday night, Dec. 5, with Mlaa Olga Nethersole In the title role. The presentation will be made by Llebler A Co., managers of Mlaa Nethersole, and owners of the American rlghte of the Maeterlinck play. Mlaa - It, f? PHYLLIS GORDON, ; with Eddie Foy In Dp and Marie Doro's Newest Stunt New York. Nov. 22 (Special to The Blllboa-" —In Philadelphia last night Miss Msrle Doro accomplished the difficult feat of performing her own play In one theatre and leaving between acts to dedicate Philadelphia's newest theatre, the Nixon, which la several blocks distant from the Broad Street Theatre, where Hies Doro la appearing In the William Gillette comedy. Elec- tricity. With the aid of an automobile driven In defiance of Philadelphia's traffic and speed lews. Miss Doro. In stage costume, kept her appoint- ments with both audiences. She dedicated the new Nixon Theatre, which stands at Fifty- second and Market streets, made a speech, re- turned to the Broad street Theatre, and entered upon the third act of Electricity aa if nothing had happened. Allowing for Miss Doro'a ber rhetorical pannes and the punctuated her ■ remarks, 1 to consume a fun twelve he hand clapping tba> ber speech managed Oily Succeeds i Grace LaRue New York. Nov. 28 (Special to The Billboard). — The Shuberta announce that Marietta Oily. German actress, whose playing waa a feature of the Sbubert presentation of Henri Bernstein's The Whirlwind laat season, will replace Grace La Rue lu the title role of Madame Troubadour In the lyric, beginning next Friday evening The present star baa been ordered by ber physician to take two or three weeka away from work. She will follow ber rest by appearing In a new mnalcal production, probably The Barefoot Dancer. This mualcal comedy la by the com- poser of Madame Troubadour. By appearing In the title role of Madame Troubadour, Marietta Oily will present an illus- tration of the versatility of German players, going quickly from the "legltlmsts" to musical comedy. The singing and dancing of Marietta OJJy ta rehearsals have made a splendid lm- companlment will be furnished by the Bnaalan Sy-mpbony Orchestra, of alxty pieces. Modest Altschuler conducting. The presentation Is made possible through an arrangement between the directors of The New Theatre and Llebler A Co. The Llebler firm considered The New Theatre the moat appropriate house in which to make the production, and the directors found that by postponing the Initial performance of The Arrow Maker to December 18. and sending the repertory company on a fortnight's tour, they could give to their sub- scribers and the general public the opportunity or seeing Maeterllnck'a new drama. This will be the first opportunity America has hsd of witnessing s Maeterlinck play before lu production abroad. In spite of the fact, there- fore, thst The Arrow Maker was ready for pro- duction even to the laat costume and scenic detail. It was agreed . that Mary Magdalen* should be given at all performances for two weeks. More than ordinary Interest will attach to tbr mualcal setting of the tragedy, as themes never before beard in this country will be played throughout the drama. Mr. Altschuler has for aome time been delving Into manuscripts of Judsea and the Orient, dating back over three hundred years, and has completed a acore of Oriental melodlea and Hebraic and Gregorian chants, wblcb will be employed not only aa In- cidental music, but between the acta aa well. When Mlaa Nethersole returned from abroad recently, ahe announced that ahe would- appear shortly In a new role In which ahe would realise the ambition that has spurred her for a lifetime. She was not st liberty st thst lime to disclose the name of the play, but ahe did say (hat she waa wholly In sympathy and understanding with the i last and i In her career. The play la rounded on the Biblical story of Mary of Magdalene. Christ la represented by s Voice. The poet Is said to have drawn his lines boldly, even to representing Lodus Verus. the Bomsn general and tempter of Mary, as be- lieving Jesus to be his successful rival for bar love. Moreover, the woman dUcovers that bar wholly in aympathy and understanding with woman to be depicted. She considered the act the most powerful she hsd ever read, added that It would mark the highest point surrender to the lust of the officer is the pries she must psy If she win ssve from cruclflila the Nasarene, wh Ufa to her. The uo a new U. B. Offices Sue Felix Isman New York. Nov. 28 (Special to The Billboard). —The suit for S230.000 damages, brought In me United 8tates Circuit Court In be b sir of the United Booking Offices against Felix lamtn for breach of contract made in 1007. by which he agreed to keep out of the* vaudeville business for ten years, has been discontinued, end a aimilar suit baa been brought In the Supreme Court. Percy Williams has been succeeded aa plaintiff by Harry T. Jordan, manager for B. F. Keith. In Philadelphia. Isman aays the agreement waa In violation of the anti-trust law. He declares ho la wtlHuf agreement^" ECLIPSE OR COLLISION? New York, Not. 28 (Special to The BUI hoard). — The public will reap the benefit of the lively theatrical rivalry which will bring Into direct competition E. H. Bothers, and Miss Julia Marlowe In their Shakeapearean repertoire and Mme. Sarah Bernhardt In ber extensive list of French plays when these prominent stars of two notions begin their engagementa elmnl taoeously st neighboring theatres on Broadway on December 0. Mr. Sothern, who la now appearing in Boston wired hla managers, the Sfauberte. yesterday, that be had determined to fix popular prices ot sdmlsslon throughout hi* engagement at the Broadway Theatre. The scale will extend from tl.BO to SO cents. The Shnberts have promised to do their beet to keep (he seats off the sidewalk. Macbelb ■ ■ ! ! — UP AND DOWN BROADWAY. New Ifork, Nov. 28 (Special to The Billboard). — Rehearsals beaan last week for The Boas, the new play by Edward Sheldon, author of Men- tion Nell and The Nigger, In which William A. Brady will present Holbrook Bllnn. Utile Hudson Collier will play the role or Mrs. Hofer In The Great Name, supporting Hcnr< Kolkcr, when that German Imported comedy !• prod need next month by Henry W. Ssvsge. Miss Collier has appeared -In The Servant in the House and was leading woman for Otis Skinner. Olga Nethersole, William B. Crane and Nat Mrs. George Primrose, wife of the ml will appear next week at Hammersteln'a vie torla. She will he beard exclusively In Irish B0.) . DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 11 otion Pictures and Vaudeville LAW DO ES NOT APPLY Decision Rendered by Erie, Pa., Judge in Favor of Moving Picture Theatre Manager Creates State Wide Interest Among Exhibitors ■rle. Pa., Nor. 28 (Special to The Billboard). —Judge .Wall log la Court lait Saturday after- noon, took from the Jury ot the Quarter Seaaloaa Court the esse of II. T. and T. r. Connelly, tbe managers and owner* of the Happy Hour Then tra, who were charged with refuting to take oat a State theatrical license, aa required by taw. The Judge, after all tbe testimony wa* In tad the law had been quoted by Attorney Eng- lish, ruled that tbe theatre did not come under (ha general law licensing opera bouses: that It Waa a moving picture show and that sew legis- lation would bare to be enacted governing tbe licensing of amusement places of this character If tbe State wanted to enlarge tbe license law. The costs were placed oo the county. The ease waa a Terr close one, and all the erldence waa based on the fact that a certain theatre In Pittsburg waa running moving pictures In the afternoon and vaudeville In the evening, while the Happy Hoar waa running HYMAN A DD8 ANOTHER. Los Angeles, Cel.. Nor. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — Arthur s. Hyman. president of the Western Film Company, also owner of tbe Western Amusement Company, Luna Park. Col- lege, Hyman, Boyal and Rounder motion pic tore theatres, all la thl* city, hat purchased for 130,000 tbe Urn Angeles Theatre, at 610 Hate street. Mr. Hyman took Immediate pos- session and will operate the house at least for are years, or daring the Ufa of the present lease. AU of tbe theatres controlled by Mr. after Hyman and hla asaocli tbe highest type of the PLAN NEW THEATRE. san Antonio, Tea., Nor. 20 (Special to Billboard).— Lloyd Spencer, late ■he Boyal Theatre, la to erect a randerllie I lug Mr. proposed Success One of the beat prod acta of tbe Bdlson Com- pany, released within tbe pant several months Is tbe film called A Daughter of the Mine*. While the story la laid along old and conven- tional lines, there are a number of innovations that brighten what might otherwise be a very stale subject. The story discloses the son ot a mining superintendent in lore with a miner's daugbter. The usual paternal objec- tions sre raised, the father of the boy on ac- count of social barriers and the glrl'a parent, ballerina the young men to be a trlfler. The Inevitable elopement occurs snd after the couple bar* bean united In wedlock, the usual for glrenesaes snd blessings are extended. The nor- elty la the method of elopment. The onle meane . Another noticeable feature of the film la that the spectator la spared tbe monotony of witnessing all tbe preparations for escape, etc.. that art usually employed to lengthen a film of thia kind, whilst the strongest point In favor of this film Is Ita scenic Investiture. A group ot miners showing tne men leaving the mines la very realistic, and the picturesque scenery of the Canadian mountains la beautiful. The character delineation of the old miner aa well aa the roll of heroine an well enacted and barring tbe fact that the story la rather old. tbe film la In all other respects much bet- ter than ths average. Released Nor. 25: length oeo teat. COUNT VON MOUR1K DE BEAU- FORT. (Sea title page.) Ha ha* signed a contract with the Imp Mor- Plcture Co., to note for a special release. ~ runt de Beaufort. VICTORIA THEATRE CHANGES. victoria, B. C, Nor. 28 (Special to Tbe Millboard).— The name of Ike Pant aires The- atre baa been changed to the Lor ream. It Is now tnder new management, tbe bouse directors he- 'ng tba Boobim-Roblnton Company. Hal Reld closed his show. The Kentucklans, tatt week In Brooklyn at the Court Theatre. John Oltnea, formerly manager of The Ken- racklan. la now manager of The Cowboy and tbe Thief Company. - A apeclal company presenting For ! Hotber'a Sake will open December 8, tor a tour of New England and the province*. It will be - •he management of Monte Thompson. In the afternoon and evening, with one or two acta of vaudeville between the reels. Tin- Judge decided that tbe randerllie waa inci- dental and that morlng pictures waa the policy of tbe boose. LAEMML E TAKE S COUNT Enterprising Chicago Film Manufacturer Secures Nobleman to Pose for a Series of Pictures — Publicity Given Count Insures Big Demand for Pictures Chicago, Nor. 28 (Special to The Billboard). —The lateat and one of the biggest explosions In the film business wss caused by the an- nouncement that Carl Laemmle had secured the exclusive rights for picturing on film tne moat S. & C. Transfers ers Seattle, Wish., Nov. 20 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — Geo, E. Trumbull, manager ot tba Ma- Jeatlc Theatre here, for Sullivan at Consldlue; ass been transferred to Victoria, B. C, where he will hare tba management of the s. fit C bouse, tba Grand. Joan M. Cooke, of the Grand Theatre, Tacotna, win succeed Mr. Tram bull at the Majestic. (Continued on page SO.) Western Theatre Company Formed Pueblo, Col., Nor. 28 (Special to The Bill- board).— >Tbe Photo-Play Theatre Company thta week filed articles of. Incorporation with tba In mo- pa ny la to operate tlon picture nltna. pany are H. Lloyd Kent, B. D. V. Reeve. widely adrerttsed man of the hour. Count de Beaufort. Tbe Count and hla escapades sre oc- cupying front-page positions In the prominent newspapers all over tbe world. At every per- form ancs at which be appeared at tbe American Music Hall, Chicago, he packed the house. Mr. Laemmle, with hi* usual foresight and aggres- sive Initiative at once taw tba possibilities of picturing tbe Count oa film so that the entire public could rlew him as be It and 'satisfy tbe curiosity aroused by tbe newspaper*. Hla decision once made, Mr. Laemmle Interviewed the Count and opened negotiations. Shortly af- ter they were under way another big film manu- facturer Jumped Into the bidding but aa prompt- ly fell Into tbe background when Laemmle raised the ante with leaps and bounds and made It evident that be would attain hla purpose no matter what the coat The result Is that the morlng picture public of the world are now offered through the Inde- pendent Morlng Picture* Company a featnre sub- ject which the exbtbltnr can display with the advantage ot reaping tbe harvest or advertising which the newspapers have given to the sub- ject and which will accordingly nrge a rlslt to the place where It la cm rlew. This scoop add* another to tbe numerable Hat which baa canard Carl Laemmle to be considered, and rightfully ao, aa not only one of tha beat-known film men In the business, but also one of the 11 vest of live wires aa a pioneer. KEARNEY'S EXCHANGE PROS- PERING. Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. 28 (Special Ixcban^ l7 now 'offerlrfg' tram"*!* to' to Tbe weeks' consecutive time, and alto reports they hire time for large acta. Mr. Kearney la now negotiating on a propo- sition, by wbtch. If proven successful, he wlU be able to add about fifteen weekt ot new time to bis eaebsnge. Tbe Kearney Exchange Is filling the wanta of Kansas City and tha West. Meridian, Mis*., ha* two new theatre*. The Prlnceis. under the management ot B. Frank Isaac*, opened November 21, and tbe Majestic. under the will be ot of Capt. W. D. AmenL Value of Indus- trial Pictures With a born of the subject, and a keen Insight into It. itterson study of fold possibilities. Wattrrson B. Botnaeker. general manager of tbe recently-formed Indue trial Morlng Picture Company, of Chicago, con cluslrely seta forth In hit prospectus the ralue of motion pictures aa an adrertlslng medium. Mutton picture*." ful drawing card. be write*, "are a They attract, entertain. In tereat, explain and conrince. Tbe best sdver. tlsemeot In the world will never be written be- cause morlng pictures are the auperlatlre ad- rertlslng medium and exceed the limitation* of your pen. "Industrial moving picture* are advertising educators. jp— In favor of plcted. bat tl . a espsble and entertaining teacher.' By tba method ot the Industrial Moving Pic- ture Company the deftly concealed adrertlslng menage In the film Is delivered undisturbed by directing Influence*. From a scenario of tbe advertiser's subject la arranged a film replete with entertaining Interest. In this manner tbe advertising I* successfully Tilled. WbU» the name and purpose of the advertiser la promin- ently Identified. isi moving picture* are advertising They not only give widest publicity f the firm whose operations are de- they educate their audience and are MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR'S Morlng picture operator*, Cincinnati Local No. 1SS, gave an entertainment ball at the Cen- tral Turner Ball, Cincinnati, on tbe evening of October SO. at which tba exhibitor* snd renters wen all represented. Tom Riley ami Ed Bernard!, ot tbe Southern Film Exchange and A. Dresner, nf the Magnetic Film Exchange, were In attendance. Mr. Dresner, by the way. being; the only honorary member of the local, toe officer* of which are: Ed. Klrtcb, jpretl- dent; Jas. Curt la. vice-president: Harry Sehwart*. secretsry and treasurer; Ed. Walker, i agent, and Fred Blere, sargeant at- The committee on arrsngementa were: _ William Newman, Harry Charles Rnsarll. The bill lasted from seven In tbe evening until four o'clock In tbe morning and there were many beautiful dances partic- ipated in. chief among which was a moonlight effect dance upon which were thrown rarloas color* of spot light* arranged by tbe members nf the local. Three cash prises were given for tbe dance*, amounting to $30. that tbe boy* *8O0. *115 of the program. It la estimated of 12 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Vaudeville Week in New York ANOTHER RECRUIT i FIRST HONORS OR NONE To Vaudeville Stage is Hilda Spong — Emotional Actress will Travel Under Wm. Morris' Banner, and Begin New York Engagement at American Music Hall Next.Week New York, Not. 26 (SpecUl to ^Bmbo«e _ J M ". , !. h » , L» ftpsl Hoose opened Its doors •t 20. M her name on the ssme program with Gertrude Hoffman, whose name waa canted oo the last page of the program, announcing this artist's presence at the boose this week. Whatever the differences between the two actresses may be. Eva steadfastly refused to appear under the above conditions. No change waa made in tbe printing on the program, so that Era absented herself for the week. No interference with the remainder of her bookings was thereby Incurred, owing to her great honse-fllling shllu< " erratic Eva, aa she terms herself, is AT THE AMERICAN. New York, Nor. 26 (Special to The Billboard.'. — The American Music Hsll bad another one of those 23 big shows, although anniversary week has past and gone. On Monday evening, November 21. before time had been given Morris to arrange everything perfectly the performance commenced at 7:30 p. m. and lasted until the midnight boor. Clarice Vance returned to New York's two- a-day and won her audience by that Indefinable womanly charm although she la not built oo the same proportions of the type wbo usually iXKScsa feminine charm. Her good nature la Infections, and accounts for ber success in the rendition of You Can Lead a Mole to Water, But You Cannot Make Him Drink. Arnold Daly presented his vehicle. The Tan Dyck. Ms nrst American aoceeaa. The clstlon or his playlet seemed to be between two factions— tb; gallery, who . him on two or three occasions during the exposition which allows the sketch to pet devoid of action for over half the act, and the two lower floor*, who knew the ability of the Englishman and gave him ample reason to ad- dress the audience at the conclusion of his third encore. "This incident this evening, recalls to mind the remark made by an American favorite on a similar occasion: 'What can you (tbe gal- lery) and I do against so many' (pointing to the balance of the audience.)" Act very good. on page 45.) The Two-a-day Bunch at The Musical Stoddarda are putting on a act, entitled The Absent-Mloded Professor the Plaxa this week. Fred Ray, formerly of Fred Ray's Players Company, la very III In West Philadelphia. Tony Caatellane snd brother are playing In vaudeville around New York In their bicycle act. Dalley Brothers, skatorlal artlata. are present- ing their set on United time. Five weeks of G. Molsseo's pantomime have been booked to appear consecutively at Morrla' hoose. The American. Lest week Mlna Mlnar featured in Paris by Night; this week she is featuring in Tbe Apsche Dsuce. The other three lo sppesr are Danses Classlque Rnsse Company; Mme. Daxle in L' Amour De 1 ' A rt Isle, snd Nina Peyne in La Somnambulist. Win Shaw la breaking lo a new act called Fooiiight Impressions, on Joe Wood's time. A very pretty little Oak. la being prea Stock Company by F. Jones. Cecil Magnna, Grace Gibbons I/nil-e Brunette. Manager Holmes re business as being very good. Walter F. Jones, formerly with the People's Slock Company, Chicago, u bow a member of the Harlem Stock Company. The Brat big act to claim tbe distinction of arriving in the metropolis via the new Pennsyl- vania toooell waa tbat of Gertrude Hoffmann, this week's feature at K. A P.'a Fifth Avo. - Mr. Purely, former manager of tbe Bryant Theatre, bss left the old stand which la now In charge of J. E. Dnnn. The latter man Is one of experience, who esn sbly take charge of tbe 42d street boose. Me haa already Instituted an amateur tryout night, which wlU occur every Monday evening. Julius Bteger Is now playing -The Way to the Heart, for only a limited number of times. Be soon returns lo tbe legitimate aUge. ' swlschor and Evans, who formerly did s sing- ing and tslklng act. will soon commence to do a story in one with a special drop, called Seeing the Sea In 0, from tbe pen of Jack Gorman. ■ ■ AT THE FIFTH AVENUE. New York. Not. 26 (Special to The Billboard I . — Manager Qua McCone's theatre Is entitled to the honor nf being the first Broadway honee to Introduce the "daylight" Dim, whereby, through a new deTlee attached to the moving picture ma- chine, the bouse need no longer be subjected to jjected ui. jive neeu no longer oe sou J ecu *"}!}'» »■»• the picture n being pro* on the cortaln. - „ Owing to K»a Tangnsy's voluntary absence. Martrn Arburkle headlined with hla * playfet, The Welrher. Hla selection week's All-Star Mil. and tbe notlci compsnled It In laat week's Issue, tber notice superfluous. I on pag. 48.) DECEMBER 3, 1010. The Billboard 1* PRINCIPALS lea mis? burl e5que Companies 14 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1810. BIG] AMU SE BROO KLYN , N. Y. Max Rogers and C. William Kolb appeared tor the Brit time as joint comedians in The Summer Widowers at the Sam S. Sbubert Thea- tre here last week, they being- engaged to strengthen tbe show owing to the fact that Ire oe^ Franklin withdrew from the cast during a croba tic Tct^wa's^e^tni^t^ra^Ion 1 wltt'toe and Cady's Beauty Trust at tbe Star last week. Frank E. McAleer. a Brooklyn boy, recelTed his many acquaintances here last week. Mr. McAleer is manager of Rice and Cady's Beauty Trust. Kyrle Bellew has returned to his old play. Raffles, and Is appearing at tbe Montana Theatre this week. - - The Man Prom the Sea. a brand-new vaude- ville act, which treats of the mysteries of wireless, was seen for the drat time at tbe Orpbenm last week, where it scored a big hit. A big special production of Tbe Bohemian grl Is booked for Teller's Broadway, week of In future the Court Theatre will be known of Melodrama." There "The of thoroughly aea- . will present of ALBANY, N. Y. Law Fields. Nat Fields. Edgar Selwyn and Margaret Hire were In Albany. November IT. for the performance of William Collier In I'll Be Hanged If I Do. at Harmanna Bleecker Ball. Mr. Selwyn Is part author and Mr. Field, manager of the a how. The force waa going through tbe process or being whipped Into shape for tbe New York opening at the Comedy Thea- tre. Not. 28. and tbe caat was changed by the addition of Mlas Mand Gilbert and Frederick Eamelton. Mr. Esmeltun took his part on one day's notice. He Is known in Albany as the of the Comedy Stock Company. i oilier. Jr.. aged ten. made his debut aa an actor In this play. So great a success attended the performance of tbe Metropolitan Opera Company In Madame Butterfly that Ben Franklin, the local Impre- sario, hopes to secure at least one more date before the season closes. During the engagement of Walter Damroscb on November 19. a handsome new scene, suitable for concert settings, was disclosed. It Is the work of John Corert- The engagement of William Collier, at Bar- manna Bleecker Hall recalled the fact that Manager Gilbert Cordon, of the Ball, started hla theatrical career on tbe. beela of Collier. The latter was call boy at Daly's Theatre and boylab prank li . was dismissed i. who rose to high place In WILLIAM B. Cllbert Dalj'e glee this rousing good Klpp. manager of tbe • Harry the BALTIMORE, MD. The plana for the west Fayette street, have been completed by the architects. 0. G. Slmonaon. of this city, and W. McElfalrlek. of New Tort. The theatre win be erected directly opposite Ford's Opera House. The buddings on the site will shortly be rased and work on the new structure stsrted. Tbe bnlldlog will be a handsome structure of the modern French design. It will be the first theatre erected here with a prominent street front snd sn alley In tbe rear and with open courts on each aide. The main floor has three large entrances and fonr exits besides which lead Into the open courts. There will be wide enf wltbln the theatre leading to tbe _ gallery. Each has fonr separate and _ exits and stairways also leading Into the courts. The audience can leave the theatre In- three different directions In the quickest possi- ble time. The seating capacity will be 2.000 and tbe theatre will have all tbe modern conven- iences snd equipped with all the modern safety devices known In bnlldlng construction. The stage will have a proscenium arch 40 feet wide and obstructed depth of 33 feet. Tbe entire stage, dressing rooms, stslrs. etc.. are separated from the auditorium by ma or fireproof walls. The bunding will be proof properly ventilated and heated, bril- liantly Illuminated and eonlpped with an ef- - flelent sprinkler system. Special attention has been given the acoustics and the seats will be so arranged that the distance from the curtain line to tbe back of tbe aodltorinm will be less than tbe width. The lot la 1S5 feet deep and 90 feet, 6 Inches wide and especially adapted for Ita purpose. The main entrance wfll be large and the artis- tic decorations win be very pleasing. The fa- cade win be of stone, terra cotta and brick. Iron panels, a handsome Iron snd glsss marquise snd plate glass. There vrtn be a atone on one side and a cafe on the other side of the main entrance. There will be a rathskeller .In tbe basement and bil- liard and pool rooms on tbe second and third floors. Tbe bnlldlng will cost about $150,000. Bids Will be asked about January 1. anil tbe bnlldlng WW be completed ' about the latter part of Angnst. Local capital baa been Invested In this enterprise. The Empire Theatre Company . wan organised and Incorporated under the lawa of Delaware and la a subsidiary corporation of the Empire Circuit Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, which' latter company and Its officers and directors " have contributed tbe of the capital required for this en- was a hot time In the old town Nor. "•■.-I event of the ^jear^ la Olrls. chairman and master of ceremonies. The great success of the ball waa dne entirely to bis ef- forts. As a result of his industry and activity be waa branded with tbe letters— B. F. O. K-. which means Best Fellow On Earth. All tbe society ladles from the Parisian Widows and Rector's Burlesquers were present as well as members of other compsnles plsylng In tbe city. SILVAN SCHENTHAL. PITTSBURG, PA. Quite a bit of welcome news to local theatre- goers was the announcement that commencing Monday. Nov. 28, tbe scale of prices at tbe Du- inesne Theatre will be reduced. Tbe question of a reduction In prices hsa been under considers lion for several month*. The Moiart. Club opens ita season Thanksgiv- ing night at Carnegie Mualc Hall, presenting Faust. A chorus of two hundred will partici- pate. Miss Ellen Terry delivered a lecture at the Nixon Theatre Tuesday afternoon to an over- flow audience. Miss Terry delivered her lec- ture from manuscript except at Intervals, when NEW HAVEN, CONN. that S. Z. magnate or New Engl Hyperion Theatre, now In local F. The most vital the ' 'i7rcb7sed T tbe cased" and U rtin"by tbe It is reported that the price paid- by Mr. Poll was 1200.000. The Shubcrla' lease does not ex- pire until Msy 1, 1014. Whether the new own- er will make any effort to get tbe Sbuberta to sell ont their lease before tbat time can not be learned. It la said that roll will entirely re- model the Hyperion before be books for It any attractions under bis management. Another vital change and one that effects the Immediate future la the return of Mr. Eldridge to New Haven as manager of the Hyperion. Mr. Eldrldge succeeds Mr. Wlswsll, who bss gone elsewhere In tbe Sbnberts' Interest. This being football week tbe theatres have done a rushing business. Over at tbe Grand, where Tbe Arcadians was tbe attraction. Mr. Yack discovered that speculators hsd secured between 73 and lOO of tbe choicest seats which waa a tragic thing In hla eyea as he la deter- mined to keep his theatre tree from every thing of tbat sort. * THE LYMAN (TWIN) BROTHERS AND PATTI ROSA, 21. the musical farce that la road this eeaaon. record on the she elucidated upon certain qnotatlona. Miss Terry'e readings were ss thoroughly enjoyed aa ber previous visits, when she waa aeen to ad- vantage in deeper roles. The advance sale for tbe respective concerts to be given at the Soldiers' Memorial Hall are satisfactory. The first concert will he given Monday. December 6. by the New York Philhar- monic Orchestra (Its first appearance In Pitts- burg). The second concert In tbe series will be given by tbe Boston Symphony Orchestra (which baa not been beard In Plttabnrg -for sixteen years). The third and fourth coo certs In the series will be by tbe Theodore Thomas Orchestra of Chicago on February 21 and Marcb 27. Tuesday night, at tbe Alvln. Miss Mand Lam- throat affection that her understudy, Miss Nan was compelled to take her place. Miss Brennan acquitted herself admirably. Harry Barwood, Conway Tearle. David Glass- ford Rosa Rand, and Allison Sklowortb are In the city rehearsing with Mlas BIHIe Burke her new piny. Snranne. Mia a Burke closes In her present play tbti week. Mr. John SteppUng la the new addition to the Davla Stock Company. What might have been a serious accident hap- pened at tbe Dnqnesne when tbe bat pin In the bat of Miss Mary "Hall, tbe leading lady, came in contact with an electric light wire. There was a flash which frightened tbe audience and players, but Miss Hall was equal to the occa- sion. Mlas Haifa hand was badly buroed. On next Sunday tbe Alvln stage will be en- larged to accommodate The New York Hippo- drome Spectacle, which appears at the Alvln next week. I saw a letter from Mr. Geo. L. Marion to Mr. Sydney Wire. In which Mr. Marlon expresses bis many thanka to tbe many charitably In- >r their ^eealatance. Prom^tne LOUIS L. KAUFMAN. An Injunction wss brongbt agslnst tbe brad man In tbe deal who Immediately appealed tbe esse, but Mr. Yack kept a watch, detailing tickets shouId*'b« "sold'o "Tbe^o' "l*" It. w*SJ . awe. Jb.^M. jm/Mr.°Y r !Jk. onTle^ A big event In theatrical circles this week opening November 20. la the flftb anniversary of Poll's New Theatre. Preparations for It were most elsborate. It waa on the nlglit of Nov. 20. 1905 tbat Mr. Poll opened hla splendid vso- deviiie theatre to tbe New Haven pnbllr. Prominent men from all over tbe State were present sa Mr. Poll's guests. They Included the Governor of the Slate, an ex-gnvernor. the mayor of both New naven and Hertford with men high In professional circles snd tbe com merrlsl world from all tbe large Connecticut towns. It waa a brilliant opening and the anniversary celebration Is to equal It In every way. JEAN I' A It DEE CI, A UK. CLEVELAND, O. ""^ ™" The N « w York Hippodrome Cirrus en lour with 25 cara and 800 performers, will spnesr at tbe Hippodrome week of Dec. 8. This will be In competition with tbe Adems Royal In- door circus which Is booked here tbat week under the auspices of the gbrlners. That original methoda and ilathe; advertising are sure to bring about practical results, waa successfully demonstrated by Manager L. II. Becht. of the Mall Theatre. Mr. Beeht. who Is the pioneer In the motion 'picture business In Cleveland, haa s e c ond tbe- exclusive rlghre for Ohio In the much talked about Bnffalp Bill fllm, and Incidental to .In prxsliwil m he took the unprecedented step In motion picture business of tsklng a fnll half-page of adver B*«\J" * w » t '" nln « ***■ papers. Sunday. November 20 tbe number of paid admlaslima was the largeat In the history of tbe Mall — even surpassing the record day of tbe recent Cuya- - Opera House at Chicago Junction opeoed vaudeville, November 12. Tula bouse had dark for a year. Boaa snd Shaw, mualrai boga Co. Centennial. On Monday. Nov. there were over 2.000 paid drcde wen turned away, and Indiana under the Buck Bailey * Co., who ture. giving dally parades, are a part of the advertising acheme. 0. M. Weailey la tbe ad vanra man. while Bob Sherwood, an announcer of circus fame, la the official lecturer. As evidence or tbe system under which tbr modern film exchange la operated and prepared to meet all emergencies. The Victor Film Ex- change, which suffered a Ore laal week losing tbelr entire stock of 105 films, the service waa 'nit slightly delayed In a few Instances and ths exchange did not lose a single boose aa tbe re- sult of the Ore, The Bert Marshall Vaudeville Circuit haa taken over Ave houses of tbe Moae Beta C- cult and five acta of vaudeville have been In- s tailed In each bouse. The Nor walk (0.) bouse opened on November 21. while the Find lay (0.1 bouse opened on the 24th. The Opera House at ~ ' with been nondescripts, were oa tbe bill. , opening the bouse, and they are reported to have been a riot. The Bert Marshall Circuit la now book- ing houses from Toledo, o . to Kocbeater. N. Y . and aa far aoutb as Wheeling. W. v«. Among the acts plsylng on this circuit may be mentioned: Boaa and Shaw, Frank DuVall The Two Highlands, and The Sonera, gymnasia.' Tbe Sanrord "■ time for a 1 giving. Eva Thatcher and Company opened oa tbe Cleveland Vaudeville Circuit Tbankaglvln- Da' They will play stock repertoire tor fifteen weeks and then lump West. Tbe Olympic Stock Company, an aggrearat1"n of fourteen people, who have been playing stock for the past eight years, have also been secured for the Cleveland Vaudeville Circuit. They have a new play, entitled In the Service of the King, a story of the French revolution, which they will produce shortly. The roster of the company la aa rollosrs: J. H. tVvereux. Leroy Deveraux. Lenta O. Shea. John Biggs. Alfred Reed. Wm. Chase. Richard Baggerty, J. Hyaeh, Geo. Howard. Mlsa L. Beth. Miss Leu- ore Deveraux and Mlaa Anna Dwyer- Tbe roster of Kchoeus' Happy Yir i ii gsi *»-s. playing Cleveland Vaudeville time, haa been augmented by tbe engagement of Mlsa Frieda Semler. who la a dainty character DON - CINCINNATI, O. This week a new poller gnea lain affect at though Col. I. M. II aanasi nasa l t on miprfit. Edward L. tbe Morris of tbe Orr sgrr. Commencing this week, sixteen acta coo stltute the program. It la announced that later In tbe aeaaon a hill of aa maay aa twenty acta will be presented. Angela Dolores, a former member of tbe local Pike Stock Company. la tbe new leading lady of the Forepaugb Stock Company at tbe Olympic Theatre. Hersrbe! Mayall returns aa leading man. Roth made tbelr first apiiesrance Sunday In Brown of Harvard. Charles Maekay and l.llllan Kemble. who. until this week, played leads with tbe Forepaugb Company, have gone East. It la probable that tbe Lyceum Theatre will not be reopened this season. Thai lloldeu Stork weekV n bot P ^wed *'t w'" 'uSS "* SEE* tbe dangerous eood permit Ita further ■.A. Boshnell. a eai of The Tlmea-Btsr. osl the Orpbenm last week. "Pony" Joe Altman. tbe roller skater, waa Claudia Kendel. on the art staff at married November 22. to of thta elty. Tbe new Family Theatre , which la being creeled on tbe site of the old Mslestlc concert hall on Vine street, will be opened about the first of I he new year. Popular priced vaudeville win be tbe policy. laaac Lloaoa will be local manager of ihe house. Charles McKlnney and Mlsa Fred. Helns. members of the Jardln de Parts Olrls. plsylng at tbe ~ retrv, last week, were mar- by^ Squire Bell, j McJCIuney, gave Ms ZoU and Rogers, two local Cincinnati bora, mule their debut last week at lb* F.tnprr.s On Monday night the local bank clerk, with their Mends, occupied the entire Urat Boor, and when the boys came on, they were given aa oration lasting more thin flvo minutes. With »mb en- thualaam It Is no wonder that their art went with a rim that Justified tbe bnntts of applause tbat were numerous and frequent. Both boy I were reclplrnta of beautiful boqueta or flowers on the bank clerks' night. Miller Hoggins, second haseinsn of the St. I /nils (National League) baseball club. Is oper- ating tbe Mnslc Hall Blnk tola season. The rink game la not new to i Huevtna. who waa formerly owner and manager of tbe Princess Rink on Walnut Hills. MONTREAL, QUE., CAN. Two. new theatres for St. Catherine street are praitlcnily assured. One of the tola la situated at the corner of Blenry and Br. Catherine, and the nth r at Rt. Alexander and St. Catherine. Aid. J... Robinson ha. admitted that the Mor- A oompl.t. Hat of Wring in the cltiea In th# d#p>rt" 18. DECEMBER 3, 1910. 15 [brief I rU people «r« tli« prlDclptl cootondan for tbe theatre of Bleury tod St. Catherine. Tbe second prospect has behind It the com- pany tbat oto and control, tbe Orpneom and theatres la Ottawa, Hamilton, Loudon, and Quebec. It la beaded bj Jaa. Duffleld. of Lon- don: Albert Dyment, and other*. Grand opera, now In Ita fifth week, haa been, ao far. a huge anotcaa. The management la making arrangements ao aa to guarantee another aeaaou In lim. N. v TORONTO, CAN. Last week Peter T. Orlffln circuit, was of toe of tbe John Orlffln the president and general mana- f*r of tbe Orlffln Amusement Co., Ltd., baa recently retnmed borne after a business to or sf three works orer bis large circuit of vaudeville theatre*. Mr. Orlffln la ft) lux to dispose of his piciure bouses and baa sold two ao far to a stock company for (30.000. Tbe company In- tends having an up-to-date theatre In every town or Importance In Canada, where It la represented at present. Besides popular vaude- ville it will book tbe Mr showi Harvey Oaban. who baa . been leader or tbe Gayrty orcbt-etra during the long Illness of W J. Oberoelcr, left town tbla week to " BydelPa London Belles ss musical The censor committee of tbe Bastera Wberl vlaltrd tbla city recently. JOSEPH 01MBON. NEW O RLEA NS, LA. A big International aviation meet will be held December 1-4. some of the srlstora to take part In It are: John B. Motaaaat. Charles K. Hamilton. Claude OrshSlUe- White. Olenn B. Curtlsa. Robert McCurdy. Frank Ely, c. J. Mara. three French aelators. Simon. Barrier and Osrros. and some of the Wright students. Many big cssh prises bars ai ready been offered for the best flights. 8. J. Burger la handling tbs — et. the U>mn ette. Henri Wehrmann. a local musician and rr. will soon hare bis latest opera. The Swimming Girl, produced In New York by John Com. Prof. Wehrmann la the latest addi- tion to tbe New Orleans Symphony and master of the Beethoren Stria Wll. A. KANSAS CITY, MO. Rehearsals are tbe mle for tbe young folks who are gong to take part In the Kermis to be glees at the Bhabert Theatre, the week of December 5. for the benefit of the Kansas City EE tsS&yu^SSS trs Kan... City lb* week of Dec. 5 end will lend her ssal.tsDce to the snccess of the Kerala. J. J. Shubert. who Is In Ksnssa City on bus- iness, announces thst December 23. Cbrl.tmss Day. will see Con rent! on Hall la gala attire for the scenic spectacles presented at tbe New York Hlppodromo by tbe origins] Hippodrome Company. Louis Shonse, manager of tbe 11.11. autes tbat tbe atage will bare to be enlarged three limes Its present aire to accommodate the eosspany. The engagement will lsst two weeks with especlglly eV I ear's ftay. • features for New Tbe newsboys of Ksnsss City were guests or Auditorium Theatre. agent of tbe Theatrical . this city, died St tbe Saturday night. Nor. id. of WU. W. SHELLEY. TO LEDO, O. Doc Jaa. Culver. Is with na and mating great preparations ror the arrlral of hie esteemed pal, Larry McLean, tbe receiving end nf tbe Cln- A great time la anticipated. Popular oeo. Bcbnettlr, of tbat city, la eapscted to hear great things. Harry Birch and rannle hearsing a new electrical I Chap nipple, and wife are bouse for the holi- days. They bare played considerable time In Indiana and their barnyard novelty la the real beedllaer. Of all tbe creations of Rube type, msnnger Barton, of the Lydell-Vnugba Company, came In tbe spot light laat week, playing tbe bit of Dannial Ttbhatts. In The College Widow. Re la a wonder la tbe constable nf the college town, it is thought that one of toe Ylclolty tillage, will get an option on him. If Alton. business manager of The Millionaire Kid, dors not make tbla town, a report will to be aent Into the A Harfin offlce. la reported that Anna Kra jj^ayg. paid me ouds, ad- . of Tbe Thief; John Glen no, Tbs Olrl la the Tail; John Mrobaney. Paid In mil, and laat but not least. Tom North, wltb bla atnriea of the Gentry Shows of tbe summer, and or what be will do for The Newlyweda tbs coming **!«. Mitchell. I. J. right and Jimmy Sprats A complete list of attractions ap- pearing In the oitiee mentioned on this page (• given In the) mant beginning on page) 18. they are going to Join out In the rale. Mac McCormlek has turned bla Into a vaudeville house and place la playing to large does some stunts and la rector of tbe other acta. Word baa been received tbat Monia Calne, the Irlab Thrush from Jersey, la In advance of Panama, n weekly booking for the Lyceum anon. Cy Schwab, one or our old-town boys, waa with na laat week wltb tbe Howe'a Lore Cure Girls. Cy Is watched closely by his gusrdlan angel, (wife) who Is also with tbe same com- pany. Some of the principals were bis guests at tbe homestead and an evening In borne cook- ing as tbe treat for the members.. Walter Moore, of the Lyceum Theatre, bsa been requested to have Bob La than and Fred K raster join Tbe Thief. Things more when tbey come around. Joe Hurtle la stringing cable In the foyers of toe Arcade Sundays. The usual large crowds are tearing down tbe exlta. Ottl Klives Is reporting tbat owing to tbe great success of the Lydeii-Vaugbn Company In tbelr six weeka of stock at bla theatre, tbey are to return here lor a summer engagemenL Rachel May Clark, of the Payera Stock, to •landing many Idle momenta In her dressing room at tbe American making up little trlnk- eta for tbe little waifs of our city for Xmas. Several natives of tbe old town are with us. Among them are Cross and Msy, the origin- ator* Of the famous song, Casey^Joi MINNEA POLIS , MINN. John Webber, who appeared at the Metro Cilltan Opera House, November 20 to 23. In la atrimony a failure. Is a local boy whose par- ents moved hers from Massachusetts when he waa three years of age. He was prominent In nor hood to pnblle readings snd recltstlona from which be entered upon a tbesplan career, his Brat appearance having been with the late Clay dement In stock st Denver. Colo. Another well-known actor to Mill Cltyttee. although not a native Of Minneapolis, to Wil- fred Clarke, who Is appearing at the Unique Theatre tbla week la bla own Farce. Wbat Will Happen Nextf Ilr. Clarke appeared In tbla city In 1880 at. the opening performance of the old Hennepin Avenue Theatre (now the Lyric) playing at that time wltb Booth and Bar- rett, in 1891 be wss leading comedian with Jacob Lltts- Stock Company, which played al- ternately between Mlnnespolls and St. Paul. Manager Coaa. P. Salisbury, of tbe Lyric Theatre, announces as addition, to the Lyric - nf Jos. Theatre Stock Company the engagement or Baeatogton. formerly l&WflSII latter a vraU- known local hoy who baa" had dxinldr Tabic stork n pertence. Oa Monday evening. November 21. during tbe engagement of Miss Cousuelo Bally In Baby Mine at the Shnbert Theatre, the University of Minnesota foot ball team attended aa guests of tbe management. The boxes were reserved for tbe players snd tbe entire house decorated with tbe University colors. During tbs engagement of Bob Fttsslmmons and bla wife at tbe Miles Theatre, week of November 14. a novel souvenir waa given away throng-fa a drawing. Tbe novelty waa none other than a picture of the pugilist framed la a horseshoe which be himself welded at a local torge. Capacity bouse, all through the week testified to tbe enormous popularity so Joyed by tbe ei champion. Tbe Unique Theatre ' baa discovered a new and novel means ut advertising. "BUI" Kay nor. Twin City representative of Sullivan and Conaldlne, baa bla headquarters at this theatre. Bill also aaa a Boaton bull -dog named "Mae." and with the coming of cold weather Mar baa acquired n new blanket which' bears tbe letter Int. "Unique Mascot." and when Mac ta given his dally airing— well, needless to say be at - BO little attention. • RODERIC STB. FLECRE. SEAT TLE, W ASH. While In Taeoma.' Nuv. 13. I bad an Inter- view with tbe managers of tbe different pic- ture houaoa and other theatres and found bout neaa very good, especially at tbe Sullivan at Conaldlne house— the Grand. Juhn W. Cook, acting manager, atstes that Sam H.ller win re- lieve him ss manager. December 18, he (Cook) returning to Seattle aa manager of tbe Mu- les lie. Mr. H.ller ta well known on tbe eosat. lis waa formerly with the Norrla Bros.- Clr and later m mac during Hon. Owing to a derailment of a sleeper on the Northern Pacific between Portland and Seattle. Virginia Harned and Company did not arrive In Seattle In time for tbelr scheduled perform- ance on tbe evening of Nov. 10. C. Harrison Green, business manager of tbe Seattle Dally 8tar. who h.s been with the pa- per eleven years, h.s resigned. Nearly every advance agent and manager of theatrical road companies visiting Seattle during tbe paat twenty years, knows Arthur Calder. passenger agent of the Canadian Pacific at Seattle, will be glad tn learn of bla well -de- served promotion to tbe position of aaatatant general passenger agent of the Canadian Pari" at Chicago, Previous to bis departure the local transportation and press clubs banqueted him. Corhett Morris. Juvenile man of tbe Rna- aell and Drew Slock Co., at the Alhatnbra. haa accepted sn engagement with the Lyric Thea- tre Stock Company In Minneapolis. Tentative puna for tbe new Metropolitan Theatre, whlrh Klaw * Krlanger of New York, will build at tbe southeast corner of Feme.*- avenue snd University street, were received November IS by tbe Seattle office of Howell and Rtnki-rt. architect".. A rrprpsrntstlTis of Stoos £5 W. Conaldlne sent word from New York to the general offices of Sullivan and Conal- dlne circuit here, tbat be bad purchased a new theatre In San Diego for (250.000 and an- other In St. Louis for a price considerable higher. The St. Louis bouse is considered one of tbe most Important links In tbe 8. * C. chain. It breaks op the one long Jump tbey had oa tbe Southern time snd gives them a boose which will seat 1.400 persons. On November 18th Alex. Pantagea purchased the Plymouth Cburch property at the northeast double corner of Third avenue and University street for 1325.000 and will Immediately Im- prove tbe property with a new theatre to cost f200.000. It will be the home of high-class dramatic and operatic atock companies — six mouths of each year to be devoted to each class of theatrical amusement. LBM A. SHORTEIDGE. furnish na with bllla or not. otters tom" " P — * for the building, tbey wUI OMAHA, NEB. The American Music Hall Is dark this wsek. owing to n dispute between tbe two wings of tbe William Morris Circuit. No advertising matter was ordered by Joseph Pile, msnsger. and no advance notices sent out. which situation naturally lead one to believe tbat tbe Of Morris would be dark. Manager Pile denied, through tbe eulumna nf tbe newspspers. thst bis bouse would close. Arthur Brandels, of tbe J. L. Branded A Sons, owners of the theatre, said In an Inter- view: ' "We are so far from both tbe San Francisco and New York o Sices of the William Morris Interests, that we are not well Informed of their Intentions. The local management of the house will probably remain the same and Mr. Pile probably will continue as manager, no matter who fnmlahea the shoes. We cannot asy aa yet whether the William Morris Circuit win continue to There may be bouse, sa we nave several offers fron awaiting to come Into Omaha. We the Omaha public that the .house wUI not be dark for more than a week or two." It la rumored that the Pantagea Circuit are mighty .n iious to sin. Into Omaha and take tbe Morris are strong attractions. The orders- to close came from Walter Hon* Seeley, manager of the western wing . of the Morris Interests. Tbe local house Is leased for several years by the American Music Hsll Com- pany Of Nebraska. In which the WlUism MOT- rls Company, western, owns seventy-live per cent, of Ibe capital stock. If tbe Morrla Com psny gets new la have to get som of the building or be obliged to pay rent on the building for the term of the lease. Also there Is a strong rumor that the Orpbeum In- terests are after tbe Morris house, color lent to this argument by tbe fact tbat Martin Beck, general manager of tbe Orpbeum Circuit, twice visited Manager Pile, of tbe American, when be (Beck) waa here recently. Manager Pile claims the patronage la steadily lacresslng. Hsp Ward. Harry Token. Lucy Daly and "Doc" and Mrs. Breed have tor tbe paat twelve years eaten their Thanksgiving dinner together In this city at the home or Doc. Breed. Ward meet "at* the 0 "homo 'of Doe' Breed* and^bave a "family" reunion. Tbla year the dinner waa held at tbe Strehlow. one of the swellest apart meats In tbe city. Needless to say, tbe wit and humor that floated orer the bones of the turkey would suffice- far many a comedy. Tbe songs of -the --other days'* sang that night carried the five back Into tbe past, where they met old friends now gone to the beyond. Commencing this week. Edwin Lynch replaces Averlll Harris as leading man of the Woodward Stork Company, which la playing at Ibe Boyd. Mr, Lynch baa played with Amelia Bingham and other well-known people. Mr.. Harris returns to New Tork. Other changes Include tbe addition or John J. McCahe and A. M. Keller, to fill va- nnclea. Lloyd Ingrabam, imr aas'lat-M wltb a dramatic school wltb Prof. W. C. Chambers, an exuert dancing teacher. Tbe Orpbeum has increased Ita patronage in this city despite tbe competition of the Amer- ican Mualc Hall. Vacant aeata at tbe evening performances are rare occurrences. Outside or writing the music snd lyrics snd tbs score to his musical corned lea. staging tbem and rehearsing them, revising and revamp- ing and playing the principal part himself. Rlcherd Carle hss sbsolutrly nothing to do with his music. i comedies. Also, he takes n wise and knowing squint at tbe box-offlc sheets ante In a while. Probably this accounts for the suc- cesa of Carle. Row arrange we should think of thst! Til bet that, the answer. frank Phelps, formerly treasurer of the Kmg and" I V^eJ"tSottlon 1 . t T he ^ *^jtf£yr ^ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL All the animal acta have been 'Frisco. We have some seventy-five or _ moving picture nooses all charging Are centa admission, and tbla week another — the moat elaborate and classiest of them sll — opened Its doors. It la called Hansler's Theatre, aad waa built expressly for the purpose by F. 0. Hanaler. It Is located on Fillmore street near Sutter, wltb sn established nickelodeon on ench side, mak- ing three aide by aide and one on tbe opposite aide of tbe a tree t, thus making In all four on the block. Hanaler haa established a new pol- icy, firstly admission for evening Is ten centa and afternoon Ave centa. In addition to four reels of pictures, a lady string orchestra with, Madam Sophia as soloist, and a high class lady singer. Is offered. Another feature .la tbe high-priced, leather covered opera chain, also beating plant and ladles Mr. Thomas of tbe Portola next week for a trip to Mexico to visit bis brother, after which he journeys to Cobalt. Can., to Inspect some silver mines in which be is In- terested. From Cobalt be goes to New York, thence to Boston, his old borne. Reports from Seattle mention tbat Alex, Pantagea purchased the site nf the Plymouth Church, adjoining the poet -office and will at onco demolish tbe building and erect In lis place a theatre to coat 8300.000. A long program was offered Friday afternoon. Not. 18. at the Columbia- Theatre for tbe bene- tt of the charity fund of the Associated Theat- rical Managers of San Francisco. Tbe Colum- bia Theatre orchestra, enlarged, furnished tbe music for the overture, after which Shubert'a Company played an act from The Blue Mo nd ladles retiring rooms Leahy, one of the pro snd Grand Theatres, wll Blanche Walsh snd Company presented tbe third act cf The Other Woman: William Faversham offered a coster recitation: Julia Opp. a Rou- manian folk lore. Others who contributed were: Bessie Bartocsle, Howard Ulckmsn and Thorn ae Chattertoo. lu a sketch. Lorn Lieb; Mai Dill, Beatrice Mlchclena, Nelson Downs. Billy Van. Grant and Hoag. Alfred, the Great, the trained chimpanzee, and two numbers from tbe recent Klrmess. Packed house at $2.00 per bead, at- tended. Tbe Valencia Theatre will reopen December B with tbe Perry Glrtoo Stock Company, pre- senting The Cowpuncber. Tbls will be followed by The Mlssourisn. It Is tbe Intention to offer n nsaaun of melodrama. George D. Ma - will be leading man. and Miss Iva _ leading woman. Popular prices ranging 10 to 50 cents will be chsrged. George Be ban. after an absence of l teen years from bere (bis natlee cltyl. . at the Orpbeum and received an oration as well ss many floral offerings. Billboard callers this week Included Carpos Brothers, sensational band balancers: Welsser snd Desm, black face tesm: Frank Voerg. com- edy musician; Parry and Berry, comedy acro- bats; Zeradoa Brothers, novelty eqnlllbtlata: Billy MeBreen, comedy acrobat: Siberian Rus- sian Dancers, Four Sensational Olivers, wire walkers: George Dalbente. Australian balsncer. snd Miss Malale Rowlands, society entertainer, n recent arrival from Australia; Gerceorttl Brothers, acrobats and hat throwers: Vsrd- Imperaonstor; Scnsell Foster, get formers, snd Con American 8 hows. tea^eek'^indcrsrodent Bertha Folta. a well-1 actress, waa married 1 Henry Newman. Both sf tbe Newman-Polta Thea several yesrs, playing (Continued on page 22.) EDWARD EL8NER, City and State bonds to. the amount of $10,000,000 for the Panama Pacific International Exposition and In addition $7000 000 h.a been subscribed. With a capital of glT.aoO.000 'Frisco expects congressional en d orsemeo t . as we do not ask a penny from 1b.- nnvernment and in the event of winning tb' battle the world la promised the greatest fat ever held, aa we have tbe climate, the location tbe grit and above all the money. Ho1Hog*berry'a Opera House tn Bolllster. was destroyed by Are November 11. st sn early hour In the morning. Tbe Gay Widow Company, which placed the house the previous evening, lost twenty-eight trunks with $3,000 worth a* wsrrlroba?.. Total lOSS to theatre, Jtt.SOO. with ^j^Q*^B^S''^Wlld ^mlJSIrcM^oaed It. her Jnnlpero Serra In tbe MIsaton play at Riverside. * to be ' by ! < 16 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. ===== LONDON NEWS LETTER Multiplicity of Music Halls Stirs London County Council to Action — Legislators will Protect the Old Halls by Discontinuing Promiscuous Issuance of License During the put three yearn there ku been an enormous increase In the number of music haljs mod places of amusement In Loudon, and as I hare recently explained, those responsible bare itUl a huge building program before them. But now the London County Council, which grants the license thst sJlows a place of amuse- ment to open Its doors, bin made dp its mind to take a band In the game. • A majority of members on the council nave come to the conclusion that variety theatres In the metropolis are being multiplied to an extent, which, they say. Is likely to lead to undesirable results. In future, therefore, they hare determined that an applicant for ■ new It- cense should be called upon to prose that the On the whole the proposal Is ,_ "within the last few day* may be summarized thus: "The London County Council ban evidently determined but only Just In time — that Lon- don shall not be made the background of a manic ball war, whose consequences would be disastrous and widespread. "Not only would the east army of persons who are actually engaged In the business suffer, but the savings of thousands of small investors are threatened by schemes recently announced which would only have the effect of ruining the proprietor* in which they are Interested. "A music hall license Is granted nnder condi- tions which can only be complied with by a big outlay of capital. Is It fair that another hall "" be erected within a few yards of .a »al- whlcb has been built np under anee.? are being proposed in districts which are already fully provided for. Their erection on sites almost adjacent to existing nooses would simply have the effect of ruining the old balls without any compensating ad- vantages to the theatregoing public. The Ful- ham Empire, to ' the erection of which local objection has been taken, la a case In point. Its position would be only a few yarda from the old established Crsnrlile at Walham Green, and If It should be built a fierce fight for mere existence would Immediately ensue. The King's Cross hooie would clash with the present ball In the Bus ton Bond, snd slmilsr objections can. be urged against nearly all the building schemes pot forward within the next few months.*' Of coarse the person who bss aroused this antagonism Is Oswsld BtoU. who Is a kind of Napoleon of the music balls over here. Ax I wrote you a week or two ago be bas Just sey- ered bis connection with the Moss Empires and has started to build halls on his own account ail over London. I see no reason why he should not do this ir be wants to snd am not aware of any cause wby existing halls should be given a kind or monopoly and be protected according, ly- In any case It seems that the artists mnst gsln in the end. But from sn Inside source I understand that the London County Council. In the present instance, will not oppose the build- ing of the balls which 3 toll bas already planned but will put all kinds of obstacles In the wsy of further building. Still, by the time he bas flnlxbed bis present program Stoll may once more be on the right side of his old friends, and tbst may alter the question considerably. I fancy that before very lone we are going to see a very acute Oghr In London between the electric theatres and the religious bodies. The Istter claim that tbe picture palaces tend to demoralize the young and accentuate the "Con tlnentsiislng" of tbe Sabbath. 80 far as I have been able to discover, no objection has been taken to the character of the Sims shown, bnt the objection will be lost on tbe general ground that It is wrong for any amusements to be Indulged In on Sundays. Tbe fact of the matter la that the picture abovt-a. where opened 00 Sundays, have proved an enormous success. They have clearly dem- onstrated that tbe public needs amusement dh Sundays. In fact, tbe popularity of the shows . goes far to prove that If tbe theatres and music halls were opened on Sundays there would be plenty of people to make them a great success What the religious bodies are therefore np - against la the growing tendency to make Sunday a day of pleasure In London. Only those who hare experienced one can Imagine how deadly dull a London Sunday can be although the Inno- vation of the electric theatres during tbe last two years bas brightened up tbe appear- ance of things Immensely. It Is unquestion- able that the great mass of the population waats Just as many facilities for amusement on tbe Sunday as on every other day. On tbe other hand the Sabbathsrlans are Just as deter- mined * that : the old Puritan Sundar shall re- main as firmly established ss even For this reason they regard the picture paUces as tie thin end of tbe wedge snd are dghtin^ them tooth and sail accordingly. But before Very long the matter will have to be settled on broad lines. ' and then there wm be sl fight Indeed. When that time comes ' at point will hare to be taken ser- u-rotmt by the religious bodies them- It Is that at tbe present time there Is a working man and his Inaday evening. That la there they are not wanted once - tng the vDe liquor generally people of this class would be W. Kay Is shortly lent. If he doe. be of his notions con- Idea Is to shorten to their essentials. "We bare." be saya. "too much 'preparation.* too much 'atmosphere' and too much 'prelude.' Let us get to tbe story. I'lay your piece between nine-fifteen and eleven. People can come to the theatre leisurely then. That la quite time enough for your story." Bnt I am afraid that * there la one character- istic of an English audience that be bas not yet grasped. That Is that they Ilk* an awful lot for their money. As It Is. there are always grumbles when a piece starts st pine and finishes at eleven. A play lasting only an hour and a half — my word, what a roar there would be! PARIS NEWS LETTER Theatrical Offerings are Becoming Better and a General Aggrandizement of Conditions is Anticipated — Some ■ Generalities on the Amusement Things theatrical hare po|>ped In an Interest- ing way hereabouts Ibis w.ek. A couple of plays, not half bad. and several otber pieces of lesser Importance, have conic U|*ra tbe scene sod make us think that the season baa at last really got a' start. riiomme Mysterl. ux _ls the first on the bill. This happened at the Theatre Sarah Bernhardt don't anybody because the "Olvln For get It ica. her and dark. Not a bit or her son. Is on the Into tbrlr bead that Is away over yonder Is all shut up I piece. 1' Homme 3 Men). Is by th.- (The Mys- M. GALIPAUX, The French ' actor who created the roll of tbe Magpie In Chantecler. - It Is become a member of tbe Comedle-Frsncalse. will Jay Gould, who has Just married Eddie Kelly, late of tbe Gaiety Theatre. For some time be has been bidding persistently for Gaiety Thea- tre shares and bas now acquired over four thou- sand of them. I hear that he la willing to buy tens of thousands of them and go on buying until he has acquired a preponderating Influence. But he refuses to «*ay whom he Intends to "star" when be bas got control. " I wonder If be intends to give his wife a chance? Last Saturday eveulng'e production of The Quaker Girl, at the new Adelphl, had long been eagerly awaited and those who managed to book seats were In no way disappointed. Not only does, the niece for sneer magnificence snd taste and beauty take a place at once by Itself bnt tbe old theatre bss been renovated and brought up-to-date In each a fashion as to make it one of the finest theatres In the world. Of course one does not expect to find an elab- orate plot in a musical comedy but the one In the present Instance la quite up to the average. In any case- It Is a spl en d i d spectacle and a first-rate entertainment. The story is easily told. Mathllde. an exiled Bonapartlst princess runs away from a school in London in order to marry a soldier by tbe name of Charter!*. Sbe arrives at a little conn try village and thence comes the bridegroom. . accompanied by an American lore with - a little Quaker girl of the village, called Prudence. The Istter part is played by Gertie Millar and Is probably tbe best role she bas ever had. enterprise In which a large working capital necessary. Baymood Is seen to be one of tl class of mono maniacs who believe tberowl Andre de Lorde. and bis very el tor. Alfred Blnel. Tbe piece called a continuation of the c among which might be nsmed Dr. Gondron, The Fool's Concert, and so on. For It la a bo play, and has for Its principal character. Insane person. Raymond and Lionel Bercler are brothers. They, are engaged In a tremendous commercial Is that _ themselves persecuted, snd as a climax to the malady, be attacks bis wife. Louise, and all bnt strangles her to death before be can be stopped. He Is now piscrd In an asylum for treatment. There ir a law in France wblcb makes It necessary for sll money Invested by a man who loses bis mind, to be withdrawn. In this caae Raymond's money was taken from the enterprise carried on by tbe two brothers, and suddenly the business was plnngrd Into a condition bor- Lionrl Is d sperate. He must . a ruin and the only way to do that Is to secure tbe release of Raymond from the mad-house. He bes■ ■** Raymond's free- dom. The physician In charge Is violently cp- poaed to the scheme. He has se n too many strange crimes committed by Just such men ss Raymond. Lionel asks for an examination be- fore another phyalclan. This scene Is very strong, taking place as It Is supposed to do. In tbe study of the Insane asylum. Raymond Is brought F»le. nervous. He answers all rationally. He I* let go. Is horrible, la s hair-raising wife s second lime, thinking- her In a conspiracy to kill him. Lionel lutervroes to tbe nick of time. "You, too!" the Insane brother shrieks, and with superhuman strength, be burls himself upon Lionel snd shakes him slowly to death. Isngblng play. The audience Is keyed up to such "pitch of excitement that I bey don't get over It for a week. One critic had everybody, on the open- ing night, looking keenly Into the eyes of their coachmen snd bsck drivers' to see If by chance they were mad. lb- Attack In the Night (1'Attaqne Nocturne) follows this play at tbe Berabardt. and Is s cotnedle in two acta, by Andre de Lorde and another collaborator. Mauaaon-ForeMler. Both are well played and received good notices. PORTE SAINT MARTIN. Porte Saint Martin, was the scene of the 1 important premiere of the week. l'Aventarler Is tbe name of It. (The Adventurer). Alfred Cspus being its creator. Jacques Gueroy's father Is a Ig manufacturer, but the business trembles on tbe brink of ruin. Jacques, the vacillating spendthrift and weak- ling. Is the person who has' pot It there. There seems to b» no escape from bankruptcy. At thla Juncture. ETlenne Hanson, ocrthew of Gueroy. snd a rolling stone sort of fellow, drifts upon tbe scene. Be bas made his fortune In the colonies and Is expecting a home. Instead th -re is a cool tested In Uncle Gueroy's bousa which he resents. Also be has I In love with Genevieve, whose sister Is the 1 of Jacques, the rake. She. however. Is tbe promised wife of a rising young deputy, named vareze. and here Ransoa Is balked. Asked by Gueroy for a loan 10 save the business from ruin. he. sore from the chilly reception and bis failure In love, flatly refuses. Genevieve finds a note written by Jacques to bis wife saying he bas brought ruin on the fam- ily and Intends killing himself. She pleads with Jacques and makes him promise to recon- sider, that sbe herself, will try to help him and bis fath-r. Personally, now sbe appeals to Hanson, and be agrees to let Gueroy have the money. He does It tboogh. on one condition: That he. himself, shall be tbe master of the business. And master b- Is, In bis nigged way be sees tbe downfall of tbe "arrivlst" Vsrese. Tbe match * between the deputy and Genevieve Is broken off and you can guess tbe rest. Lnclen Gutrry. who nearly s year ago created Chantecler. this time created tbe part of Ranson. Jean Connelln Is tbe manufacturer. Slgnoret. the Mile. CASINO DE PARIS. La Crane use la called s ••mlmodrama." It Is wordless sketch In one act and two scenes, snd Is played by a very clever company of pan- minimis!*, beaded by Mme. Sabary-DJelL This novelty has Just been sdded to tbe bill st the Casino de Pari*. Tbe sketch Is at first mil of humor, but becomes almost a tragedy. Pascual Is very clerer. espeelally In the part where be sees tbe apparition of tbe woman be believes he has strangled. The piece la quite a success. THE MICHEL. There Isn't a theatre In Psrls which gives more fnn for tbe money than the Theatre Michel. First nights there are always s^drtlght.^ This crested Madame X) and Andre Brule (ere* tor of Arse tic Lupin), on tbe bill, added to the Interest. Tbe play Is In two acta. It la by Francis de Crolsset. who adapted Maurice Le Blase** ator- les of Areene Lupin to the stage. It » quite Parisian and thus defies description. However. It tells tbe story of a young EnglUbman who fall* In lore with a French girl and la fright- fully embarrassed when It comes to making love, because be can't speak French and sbe knows no English. There are all sorts of complication! and a good ending. Andre Brule la delightful »• the Englishman, and Mme. Jane Hading Is. of coarse, superb ss the French girl. A I'lmposslble, a one-set piece, by J. *• Frappa. beads tbe Theatre Michel bill, and La Dame du Second, by Miguel Zamacola. Is the good night vehicle. This Is also la one act. WOMAN'S THEATRE. The .loth of November arm see a re opening of La Haltr. the woman'a theatre, which was In- augurated last season by Mme. Bert be Dangen- Be*.-, under the honorary presidency of Mme. Judith Gentler. This tb-atrr, aa The Bilbos rd explained at the time, was organised for tbe purpose of pre- senting ibe works of feminine writer*' only, or the works where one of lbs collaborators Is s warns n. It had a big success. Of course. It may be add d. there la no playbonae belonging to this theatrical association, but one of Ibe regular theatres Is used. This time It happens to be ibe Theatre Michel.- Tbe program in clndr* Feu Brown, hy Mme. Andre Onens; pie- A REVIVAL. Tbe Houlfes-I'srlslens bas placed another of lis revivals on the hoards. It Is Xsntho Cbex le* Courllsanes again, with tbe atar of th* " herself. Mine. Cora 1-aparcerle. In th part of Xsntho. 1 page 28.) DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 17 3* Burlesque and Burlesquers THE WORLD OF BURLESQUE. By SY DNEY WIRE. Wben the theatrical producer take* the musical comedy vehicle, and attempts to trans plant it. body and soul — ryes, boon and all ai It were, on to the bnrleaqae stage and to Ol od r ""bor 1 ! "'a* "adl 0 n'c»'"the" ltlr o I i t t r 'la t0 "f ly lb* ssme. I. R. , rAILUBB. The reason la not far to aeek and to tboa* who have the situation closely, the aolutloo la r well-kaown slayer* tbe principal role*, rood, looks well a ad apparent. Toe buriesque audi race ot to day la blase and la far too Irritable to allow IMelf to be bothered with My Intricate plot which require* Ions atretcbea of tiresome dia- logue to explain. It la looklag for action and rapid Are comedy. Good muale, good singing a good-looking and well drilled eboraa of daintily costumed glrta. and If tbe book does contain plot or story. It moat be told la a synopalaed manner with all asd every bit of au peril do ui dialogue eliminated. - Situations moat be hand- led with all the celerity poaatble. entrance* and exlta made with all the apeed that good Judg- ment will allow, and tbe smallest stage wait muat be carefully aTolded. If there la any fault to be found with Phil Sberidan'a new abow. It la tbe lack of action which la at time* distinctly noticeable. Tbe Brokers* need*^ 7ew'sees««D»^^ B b^ k 'Me»aril! Yorke and Adams, tbe story of wblcb la too well known to and an excellent has beeo engaged to Ed. Morton, a* B. handles his part with every satisfaction, wbll* AI. Hall. In tbe "Row Do I Know" character of Wood-Be Holmes, sraa tbe hit of the abow. Tbe parts of Plats snd Scbultx. formerly band- led by Torke Jr. Adams, are well taken care of by Dave Tine aod Mark Adams, and although Mr." Tine appeared to be suffering from a bad cold, hla arork waa excellent. Mr. Adama was possibly tbe beat of tbe two and hla work la con- siderably more gracefol than that of his partner. Fyrt* Dencn. wbo. by the way. apeaka with a pleaalng English accent, made a capital Lulu Haaleton. and made an impression with several nicely, her ballad in the and I - m. aa Mollis well. The _ weU taken care of by those to whom tl and with tbe exception or a the action drags slightly, tax About tbe chorus, I feel loath to speak, as Phil Sheridan, tbe owner of the show. Is old and eery dear friend, bat I know that he will agree with me wben I say that the numbers are bad. eery bad. Tbe abow baa recently un- dergone a complete reorganisation and tbe re- hearsals were confined to a few daya only. Th musical numbers are. In coraseqneoce. eery poor and with the present corps de ballet, little Im- provement can be looked for. Tbe girls are not of the hlgbeet standard either In looka or In singing qualities and their work la nnusual!< tbe show, with a few rbi of the chorus wilt probably "♦ Although undergoing a strenuous process of modification, the Sam T. Jack Show la by no means the worst attraction the Western- Wheel has got. snd from a alluring; standpoint It would stand a bully chance with tbe beat of them. Tbe show ts beaded by Bob Tan Oa t e n , always ~ bat nevertheless fanny with a dry and luring humor entirely hla own. Aa the aaow atanda at present thee* la not mnch show to It. aa far aa tbe book la concerned, bat what by fenulne comedy, of Bob and the t of the clever prima donna. — r. who I* possessed of a sweet jotee of unusual range and power. Her ballad. Lose Once Again ha the Springtime, waa a tbea't'y'witb *sn u^kln™ Uonght J for 'the "thaw of _ other In rapid s ucm sa tun that It was. at times, bard to believe that the girls had time to make tt» The chorus la an exceptionally good lection of all bard workers and evi- dently good singers, ss some of the choruses sounded nicely noon tbe erenlng that I wit- nessed the abow. Tbe favorite numbers were. Come Out and Play Ball With lie. l-acv Anna Lou. Maybe You're Not the Only - One Who Lores lie, Betty Brown, Jangle Band, Tbe Beautiful Bag, and Tan Oaten'a Agony Band. I moat not forget to mention th* clever - work ot Billy Meeban and bla talented wife, Violet Pearl, wbo were the life and soul of the show. Their work In the olio, and In fact all through th* action of the abow made them easy fav- orites with tbe audience and It seemed a pity their wonderful dancing specialty and ee- wltb lota of good comedy, bright scenery, plenty donna role, and doea It In an easy and graceful manner. J. C Hanson. William Harris. George Martin, Virginia Ware, Josephine " 1 did nl nicely and a to do his court-room atoff. which, how- ever, got them laughing. Bla agony band la also bat a change of the song would be minor parte, strong olio helped tbe show mi I The olio Includes Helen Tan and Bonet Martin and Ware, and Mile. Emerie In a pleaalng Charm Ion act. Joe Watson la do- I Ing bla parodies during the action of tbe piece. where they seem to go better than they did I In one. Tbe Lady Buccaneers la one of the | beat Western Wheel shows I hare seen this season, and It la sore to get the money for Its deserving owners, and two better fellows newer Heed than Harry M. 8trouae and the popular Wash Martin. 4> On the beautiful state blgbway. a fwv miles from Albany In New York State, and with- in sight of the main road, there atanda a pala- tial modern dwelling which la surrounded t 200 acres of tbe most fertile land, all of wblcb Is under cultivation. It fat one of tbe room prosperous farms In the vicinity and la the prop- erty of a well-known burlesque comedian, whose favorite character la German. The thought of this tactful and exemplary member of th- There la an olio with the abow which is good enough and which la opened by Billy Meehan and Violet Pearl. In a singing and dancing act. They are followed by Farnnm and Delmar'e act, which consists of some good singing and some ludicrous pantomime and acrobatic work. The Musical Stewarts have a ' pleasing musical Set while Elmer Collins and Lew Christy, killed a few mutates with a stationary cycling ar- rangement which although billed aa an added at- traction, created but little Interest. ♦ ■ When the Western Wheel can show a few more attractions like Harry stronse's Lady Buc- caneers, they will certainly have to build larger theatres or arrange to secure bigger houses to take core of their audiences. Harry's snow, last season, waa good and this season It la better. It Is an- old style burlesque I know Through bla and beer. And now he's aa rich aa a lord. It would be well If many of na could take an Inspiration from our frugal friend above men- tioned, and a little effort at economy would make a deal of difference to Iota of ua in tbe snow business- It's astonishing what a small amount a man can lire on wben be goes to b. at nlgbta after tbe show. ♦ Tbe roster with Harry Strouae and Was') Martin's Lady Buccaneers la: Harry M 8trouse. manager: Wash Martin, business man- ager:. Joseph K. Watson, atage manager: .FreV Asbbach. musical director; Prank Gorman, car neuter: Tboa. Gresfaam. electrician, and Mrs MEMBERS OF THE FIRM OF HURTIG AND SEAMON. of changes of good, clean wardrobe and a chorus of well-shaped and pretty girls, all of whom are workers and singers. The eight ponies could carry off tbe tea cake for this aeaaon's line-up and would win eaally. Jos. K. Watson, tbe runny little comedian with the thin vol re. I* again the principal co median and la a great favorite. Helen Van Buren. stately and beautiful, bandies the prima Blaine, wardrobe mistress. The caat include* Jos. K. Watson. J. C. Hanson. William Harris George Martin. Harry Wise. C. Frase. C- Pearl. P. Anderson. B. Morehouse. Helen Tan Buren. Tlnttnla K. Ware. Josephine Boort. Maxle Merril. Llraie Bogers. Cleo Marshall. Stella Billiard. Marie Gray. Fannie Andrews. Margaret Harris. Gene Howard. Ellno Lena Franklin. Holdla Gil more. Delia with tbe abow' . with Pbll . baa been compelled to owing to tosa of bis Bla part In tbe esat of tbe show will be by Joe Freed, a young and rising dialect comedian, who opened with the at Cleveland thla week. ♦ W. E. Kerns, general agent fur the . _ polltan Shows No. 1 during tbe past season, la now In Chicago, making arrangements to take out on tbe road a burlesque abow, featuring that "Indian Girl Stelle." The roater of the company is aa follows: W. E. Kerns, sol* own- er and general manager; Doc. Bros dwell, gen- eral agent; George Adama, electrician: Miss Bessie Busaell. musical director; Frank ' stage carpenter; Frank Henlt. trick Scott and Ferguson, comedians: Maui Clara Scott. Besate Miller. Maudt . , Johnson. Mae Adams. Mayble Boon. Doris and Grace Harris. ♦ Everyone wbo bears Felix Adler sing hla fanny Spsgstte medley. Is wandering where be got tbe clever and bizarre orchestration which goes with It. The accompaniment la a double time Turkey In the Straw melody, which la cleverly arranged to suit tbe harmony of tie* song. It Immediately catches tbe ear and la tbe cause of general comment. Felix aaja that the orchestration In question waa written tor blm by the leader of a Fort Worth orchestra, and that It coat blm but two dollars. Phil Sheridan baa temporarily retired from active work and has returned to hU home at Bath Beach, where ^^{.^^^""'r^S t , iken*2sre* < of by Sam L. Tuck, the weB known theatrical manager. Tbe Aeon Comedy Four, which waa to have been the added attraction with the Star and Garter Girls during their engagement at tbe Gayety. Pi taburg were obliged to cancel ow"-- to th* sickness of s member of tbe set. T. were replaced by Charlie Case, who made a hit teUlng his audience* about bla father. Charlie Franklin, tbe well-known agent ]s ahead of Morris Walnslock's Rector Girls (Western Wheel 1. which show Is now headed be Francis Salllrsn. The special attractions With the show are The Rrianxa Trio and Ay*s- The present executive staff of Pbll Sheridan's show Is: Phil Sheridan, owner; Sam L. Tuck, manager: Jos. Shaddock, leads: stage msnsger: Ben Morner. *t Ed. Bauer, electrician, and Mrs robe mistress. ^ Harry Clark. late manager of Sam Bowe'a Bialto Rounders. Is In Sew York, and will re- main there for several weeka. P- Ill-feeling between himself and i states that be may rejoin the sbos weeka. nd win re- Ithln s few Ethel Underbill, a young and rising melodra- matic star. Is considering an offer from •» Eastern Wheel manager for next season. Miss rnderhlll Is young, possesses unusual rstanty. snd Is sure to be warmly welcomed In burlesque. ♦ It Is ststed that Jack Singer will have a third show on the Eastern wheel next aeasotx. ills present attractions, which are playing _to biE business, sre The Behman Show and That The exeeutWe staff with Charlie Robinson's Crusoe Girls Is: Cbaj. Robinson, owner:! Bd-Da- v Id sou. manager: Harry link, advance repre- sentative; Harry Anner. musical dtretinr; Joe NOTES O F TH E ROAD. The Empire Theatre. Quanah. Texas, man- aged by L. M. Cobb*, Is now being booked by Sullivan at Considlne. Hoiser and Goes, comedy acrobats, wbo have just finished a seaanu of thirty-four weeks with tbe Mighty Ussg Shows, open December * *t Kansas City, on th* Ted 8 parka time. Jos. J. Kelly baa been released from the White Cross Sanitarium. Jaekaoo. Mich., where he waa confined for eight week*. Be resumed work November 31. opening at the BUoo Thea- tre. Jackson. Tbe Interstate Vaudeville 8how. under can- eaa. opened Its season la Lit bonis. Oi.. No*. Is. The executive ataK of the company in- J. O. Kvlna. proprietor; A. C. Erlns, F. B. Glen, secretary. O. P. Ball. Benny Miller, agent: Box* Carrol, superintendent of canvas: 8. Cllovanall. band director. Performers are: Aerial Seboena. The Crafesux. Wm. Meeker. Vsxsseno. Qua Klrslfo. John Vol sin sad Dexter. Nerve, the akelrb which was headlined orer the Orpoeum circuit last season with George Bloomqnest playing tbe principal role. Is now being presented over the Eaatem TJ. B. O. time, with Tom Derles In Mr. Bloomquest's part. Ruby S. Thorpe I. .mi with the act. and tbe other part Is being filled by George War- rlngton. Mamie Lincoln I'lxley and Hamilton Mott bare joined The 81ns of a Father Company. Thomas Dixon, tbe author of tbe play, wbo has been with the company for several weeks play- ing Ibe trading role, left the company at At- lanta. Ga., November IB, and returned to New Tovk. Llbbey and TTayer, those clever singers, scored tbelr usual bll at the -Empire Theatre, Calgary, Alia. One of Ibe local papers thought so much ot Llbbey ami Trayer that thry mentioned tbe fact In their editorial roll Tbe Bijou Theatre, at Kingston. X. Y.. owned by tbe BUoa Theatre Co.. has been purchased by Seymour Warner. George W. Carr, the former manager and part owner, baa gone to New York City, where he will be connected with WUmer and Vincent. . The Gilbert and McKolght Tanderllle Com- pany baa been organised, and conxjata of Mc Knight, hypnotist: Adelslde Austin, eonbrette: Gilbert and Daeta. comedy sketch artists; Jere Lee, monologist, and Stanley Trio, In a play- Ooea and Jowphlne opened tbelr second ses- son on the Orpbeum Circuit at Spokane, Wash., November 21. At the completion of tbelr tour of Orpbeum theatres they go Into rehearsal with a musical comedy, which win open In July. The Terre Haute Theatrical Exchange, a Terre Bante, Ind., has changed hands. F. P Jones, formerly of the vaudeville team of Jones and Atbertoa. I* tbe new msnsger. sueceedlug Wm. Klott, who has retired. Edward T. Haekker. former manager of this theatre, will, on Jsnosry 1. open s ww pic- ture and vaudeville house In Lexington. Mo. Vau- deville routings will bo furnished by Sullivan and Considlne. Leavltt'a Theatre. Sanford. Me., was open*d recently under tbe management of P. C. Lea- wltt. agency. Sol Dan, wbo la connected wHth tbe Shubert Theatre, Bltrmtngham. Ala., has published a vatuabte reference and diary fnr vaudeville artiats. Tbe book should find a ready aale. Cbas. Kenna "Tbe Yankee Father'" now playing tbe Wm. Morris circuit, will fulfil return engagementa In England next spring and summer under Mr. Morris' management. Owing to the death of Mr. Ketaler's ^mother Th* Retaler* have .been called to Wichita. Kan., where they will their father for several weeks. with W. B. Hlnes. tbe lessee of tbe tre. Alliance, o.. baa sold the Cowans, of Cleveland. O. vllle will be continued. O' Claire and McDonald have received contracts for nine more weeka of W. V. M. A. tlm*. They are just finishing a tour of tbe Miller Circuit In Oklahoma and Kansas. The Musical Flake, after thirty-fire weeka' season with the New York Show Boat, dosed at New Orleans, and opened on the Green- wood time at Pensacola. Fla., Not. 28. The Great Williams, trick barrel and bottle jumper, la now owner and manager of the College Girls All Lady Minstrels. The set Is now playing the Don trick time. Mile. Clifford, sword swallower. and Karl Eauton. late of tbe Gollmar Bros.' Show, opened their winter season st the Lyric Thewtre. Xoungatown, O n Not. 28. McOrall and Perry, theatrical agenta. with lees ua Oh* >e business i on by John F. The Pendleton new set for vaix sketch, with a t present playing dates on It, but after the holidays wlU work with a lady partner, doing a singing snd dancing act In one. Frank Milton and DeLong Staters are booked solid for over a year, land until May, when tbe Orpbeum Circuit. Prof. H. Wilson baa forsaken the road and located la New York City, from where he will direct the destinies of all of Woodford's edu- cated animal acts. .Ti* < i!?•i«.? ),T " w • hT P n0 »» , »- «re booked solid until 1912. They pis, East of Clevc- they open for a tour ot , Irwin Family soon close with the Vaudeville Show and^wUl ^ro » The Wm. J. lrwln Fa M. A. Bailey "~ Steelvllle. Mo., ter circus. The Three Troupers. O. F. Alger. Fulton and Frank Tan Dnacon. opened Norman Jefferles Southern time at Mobile. Ala., Not. 93. . Hampton and Basaett hold contracts to open on tbe Pantages' Circuit February 23. They are now playing In Chicago for tbe W. T. M. A. Jolly Wild and Company sttred an Immense bit st HammerstehVs Victoria T » and Lotta opened at Dea Moines. I... 24. for a tour of the S. 4 fc. tlm. of the Adelaide Hermann Is appearing at Hammer- stein's Victoria thla week. In an entirely new set ot spectacular magic and Illusion*. Theatre%lsnsfl.dd. , "o°"w5 of Mr. Hilton. After one year's separation. Grojean and Mauser hare re-united. They opened In a new act at Kansas City. Mo.. Nor. 17. Billy and Ere Merrlam open December 19. at Seattle. Waab.. for a twenty-four weeks' tour of tbe West. Hilda Hawthorne and "Johnnie" opened on tbe Orpbeum Circuit at Spokane. Wash., Not. 20. Th* Three Musical Lore It as opened on th* Interstate time, Knoxvllle, Tenn., Nor. 1*. Odiva baa returned to hunting trip In Northern Selroa Braatx, the ope January 31. 18 X ti e Billboard DECEMBER 3. 1910. ALABAMA. Ut-— GRAND (H. C. Foarton. mar.) Ctrl from O. S. A. 19: Sins of a Katner A Fool Th.Te W»B 25. MAJESTIC (W. K. Conch, mgr.) - Week of Not. 21, Eugene Em- mett. character singer; Billy Morris and Sher- wood Staters, singers; Minnie Bernhardt'* Mar- ionettes; EmOe CberTlel, trick violinist; Nadje, queen of equipoise; .Murray and Mack 25. ARKANSA8. ..f"^ ? 0CK -- MAJESTIC - Week Nor.. 21. Allen Wightman. Martin Van Bergen. LaTor Br S*S D " if" ™' e "d Margaret Let, Yackl.y and Bnnnell, Bessie Browning. Miss Lnciile Mol- K*L £ An , T0L tF - s - ^""ell. nigV.) Not. 2} — • Theoilorc I orch Co., In Chums- Nor 23 Th.-odore Lorch Co. In The Man from Nowhere: £°t- f 4 " 26 - Theodore Larch Co. In Alaska. KEMPNEB (A. M. Ybanez. mgr.) Not. 21, from Mississippi: 22-23. Walker - Melting Pot: 24. Frederick :aeser; 25, The Man of the CALIFORNIA. 108 ANGELES AUDITORIUM (L. E. Beht- "t mgr.) Grand Opera Company week «' 2T; I-arlowa and Mordkln week of 27. MASON 2 V **± HOUSE (W. T. Wyatt. mgr., The Fortune Hunter week of 21. MAJESTIC (OlI- rer Moroaco. mgr.) Mme. Nazlmora we- k of 21; The World .and Bis Wife week of 28. BUB- BANK (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) Bnrbank Stock iSkw^-mV 0 .' ^..sT- 1 -^ Smpant GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Chas. V. KaTanangh; mgr.) Ferris Bartman and Company In The Spring Chicken week of 21. OBPHEUM (Clar- ence Drown, mgr.) Augusta Close. Will art! Blmm» «Dd Company, Thurber and Madison. La - John P. Wade and Company. Qutnn iTSKjJtS 1 ,T he Ini Martins weet of I i, ANTA S ES (I - A - Joniwon. mgr.) Alfre 1 -^„V. n L K 9 E ^ snah and Milter. Staley and Blrbeck. - — ' local acts week 20. CHUTES (Ed. S"?-* . So ,? bl i Toe*". London Quartette. Andy McLeod. Burke and Carter, Schenck Fam- in' %£?}fZ?I*.™!& WI '"»n» «nd pictures week g 5 '., WIGWAM (Sam BarrK mgr., Lady Betty, goto nod Peyser. Imperial Three. Campbell and kates. Three Escardos. IMstel and Costing, and pictures week 20. AMERICAN — - - *-) Barry Von Fossen. Jaw. and pictures week COLORADO, — — TABOB. GRAND THEATRE (Peter pot™ "P-V 1 ^ ™ m *x week of 27. OR- SgfDM (A C. Carson, mgr.) Dlnkelsnlel's Christmas. Waterbnry Brothers and Tenner. Lew Solly Unny a and Gideon. Alpha Troupe, ifne and O-Ponnell and Two Racketts week of 21- AUDITORIUM (Geo. A. Colling, mgr 1 SS er *.2„ ."JJCj. 1 * J" The Beauty Spot week of 2?. BROADWAY (Peter McConrr. mgr.. The Three Twins wi-ek of 28. PANTAGES (W. A. Weston, mgr. ) Seymore's Dogs, Jack Golden .and V"S S>WJ «■* Maxle and Allon Shaw week of 10. MAJESTIC (J. Rnsh Bronaeu. mgr.) Walter Law and Company. Leonard Louie and Gillette. Musical Trio. Martini and Maxmllllan! " and Miss Anna Lee. Th- Ven? oa Lushing, ana 1 (Ed. Homan. -Post Mnslcal 20. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT.— JACKSON'S (J. J. Fltrpat- rick. mcr.1 The Circus Chap 23: The Country Boy 24: Seven Days Dec. 2: The Arcadians S - . E 0 !- 1 ' 8 if* Carrey, mgr.) The Haven and 8ydn 7 Company. Exposition Fbnr. Blossom Seeler. Claude and Fannie Usher. The Van Der Koars. Charles Alcott. Three Mascagnos and pictures week of 21. KEENEY'S EMPIRE (S. L. Oswald, mgr.) Francisco Redding and Com- gtnyv Ht J mn k *J d Westeott. Fanklef Trio. Sam DELAWARE. Wilmington. — avenue (Conness and Ed- wards, mgrs.) Avenue Stock Company In SL Elmo week of 21. GABRICK (W. L. Dorksta- der mar.) Byrne Brothers In Eight Pells. Elgnt- tPa I.mipotians. Arthur Deagon. Witt's Maids of Melody. Simons. Shay and Pnget. The Cali- fornia Dancing Four. Tramlor and Nixon and Walter Ellis week of 21. LYRIC (W. H. Ren- tier, mgr., Merrltt and Clark, Jones and Brown, Wilson, Watson and pictures week of 21. 1 DISTRICT COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON.— NATIONAL (W. H. Rap- ley, mgr.) The Arcadians week of 21. COLUM- BIA (Fred W. Berser. mrr.) He Fell In Lore With His Wife week of 2L BELASCO f L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) Alias Jimmy Valentine week of 21. CHASE'S (H. Winifred De Witt, mgr., Ma rlon Carson and Company week of 21. G A YET r (George Peck, mgr.) Has tings Big Snow week of $L NEW LYCEUM (Eugene Reman, mgr. , Tiger Lilies w-ek of 21. CASINO aid Stock Co., mgrs.) Anita, The Singing Girl week of 2L ACADEMY (J. W. Lyons, mgr.) St. Elmo week of 21. GEORGIA. ATLANTA.— GRAND. The Marriage of a Star 21-23. OBPHEUM. The Old Homestead 21-22. LYRIC. At the Mercy of Tiberius week Of 2L. • SAVANNAH.— NEW SAVANNAH (W. B. Seesklnd. mgr.) Madame X 24-26: Clara Lipman in The Marriage of a Star 28-29: Lew Field's Midnight Sons 30. BIJOU (C. W. Bex. mgr.) Ben Hur 28-30. LIBERTY (Frank and Hubert bandy, mgrs.) Reese Prosser and Miss - Helen Reed, Pero and Wilson. Le Moorne Broth rs. Knight and Keyer and Clerer Conkey, and pic- tures week of 21. OBPHEUM (Joseph A. WUenaay^mgr- , Norrla's Baboons^Carre^ and Arthur ' Rlgby, Austin and Taps and pictures week of 2L ILLINOIS. CHICAGO. — AUDITORIUM (C. Ulrlch. mgr.) Grand Oiiera; fourth ' COLONIAL (Janes J. GIbbs: third week. CORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.) The Seventh mgr.) The Spendthrift; third week. GABRICK (Herbert C. Dure, mgr.) The Chocolate Soldier: tenth week-. ILLINOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr.) Otis Skinner In Your Humble Servant. GRAND OPEBA HOUSE (Harry Ask in. mgr.) The City: fourth week. LYRIC (L. J. Anhalt, mgr.) Maxlne Elliott in The Inferior Sex; first week. LA SALLE OPEBA HOUSE (Harry Askln, mgr.) The Sweetest Girl In Paris; fourteenth r.) The weefeu McVICKER'S (Geo. Nigger; first week.- OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer. mgr.) The Aviator; seventh week. POWERS' (Harry J. Powers, mgr.) The Com maters; fifth week. PRINCESS (Mort EL Singer, mgr.) Purple; ninth week. KANSAS. LEAVENWORTH.— PEOPLE'S' (P. H. Alex- ander, mgr.) Three Weeks Nov. 20; The Squaw Man 27; Harry Wilson's P. and W. Players, Indefinite. SOLDIERS' HOME (Bert Morton, mgr., The. Genius Not. 23. NEW OBPHEUM (M. B- Shanberg, mgT.) Lopez and Lopes, Eddie Gray, Hawkins, Slddon and Company, and El- liott and West Not. 20 23. PALM (C. F. Men- sing, mrr. , Sidney Jerome and Company. The Mnslcal Shermans, and Miss li Lille Lobr Nov. 20-24. T0PEEA. — GRAND OPEBA HOUSE (Boy Crawford, mgr.) Henry Woodruff In The Genius 21; My Cinderella .Girl 22; The Lottery Man 25-26; Adelaide Thurston 28; The Man Between Dee. 3: The Gentleman from Mississippi Dee. 10; Boae Melville In Sis Hopkins 10: The Three Twins 17; The Norwoods. Hypnotists, week IS. KENTUCKY. LOTflSVTT.T.E, — MACAULEY'S (J. T. Macau- ley, mgr.) The Girt in the Taxi 21: The Girl of My Dreams week of 28. MASONIC (W. G. Garlety. mgr.) Henry E. Dixey In The Naked Troth 21: Cyril Scott In The Lottery Man 23-24. AVENUE (C. A. Shaw, mgr.) Lena Rivers week of fX MABY ANDERSON (James L. Weed, mgr.) La-Pla. Lyons and Yosco. Nellie Nichols. Ward. Klare and Ward. Hamld Alexander. Four Cllftons, Bert and Lotta Walton. Paul Lacrolx week of 21. WALNUT STREET (McCarthy and Ward, mgrs.) Bey's Comedy Circus. Sully and Hussy, Guise. Hlrschorn. Alpine Troupe, Lenard and Drake, and Era Mudge week of 21. POI KINS (Irvln Simons, mgr.) Loputa Perea, Tlppel and Kllment Ralph Cummings and Co.. Lillian Wright, and Lloyd and Clayton and CapL Packard's Seals and Sea Lions week of 2L GAYETY (Al. Bonller, mgr.) Trocadero Burlesqners week of 21. BUCKING" race McCrooklln. mgr.) The Passing .' or 2L. ARMORY (Shrloers) Royal Indoor Circus Not. 28- Dec 3. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS.— DAUPH1NE (H. Green wald. mgr.) James T. Powers In Havana week of 20; Mary Mannerlng In A Man's World w ek of 27. TULANE (T. c. Campbell, mgr.) Mrs. of the list of combined theatres ..»»«...*.... ......... •••*•••■■■•••••««••••••••■•••••».,., ................... Girl -STUDEBAKBB (Ed. Sullivan. In the Train; third week. WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE (Frank C Peers, mgr.) Lower Berth 13; seventh week. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (CoL Wm. Thomp- son, mgr., Vaudeville. BUSH TEMPLE (W. P. Shaver, mgr.) Bereh- tesgadener Beanern Theatre Company. Tttle. TBEVETT (W. S. Qnlnn. mgr.) VandeTOle. BIJOU (Wm. Roche, mgr., Sapbo. COLLEGE (Rev. F. V. McCabe, mgr.) The Lion and the Mouse. CRITERION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Sidetracked. CROWN (Paul BJckaon. mgr.. The Soul Kiss. GLOBE (J. R- Brown, mgr.) Joe Hortlx In Our Frl-nd Ffltx. (J. H. Brown, mgr.) Brew- ster's M. perance NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mar-) Paid In Full. PEOP LE'S (John Prince, mgr.) What WEBER'S (Weber Bros., mgrs.) The ton Detectives. ALHAMBBA (Weber Bros., mgrs.) Tb night Maidens. EMPIRE (H. J. Herk. mgr.) Sam T. Jack's Jack's Company. FOLLY (J. J. Fermessy, mgr.) Jarden de Paris. STAR AND GARTER (Wm. Bee be, mgr.) Robinson Crusoe Girls, INDIANA. EVAKHVII.T.P. — WELL'S BIJOU (Cbas. Swee- ton, mgr.) Jnggllng Mathls. Barrlngton and others 21-23. The Girl In the Tsxl 24; Field's Minstrels 26; Dsns Thompson In The Old Home- stead 30. MAJESTIC (Henry Meyers, mgr., Paid In Full 20-23: ~ 25; Tim Murphy 28: IOWA. BBS MOINES. — FOSTER'S (Ed. Milliard, mgr.) The Dollar Princess 23; Richard Carle and Edna Walac- Hopper In Jumplnir Jupiter 24. GRAND (Ed. Milliard. mgT.) The Man Between 20-23; The Millionaire Kid 23 27. AUDITORIUM (W. F. Hellwlck, mgr.) The Flower of the Ranch 20; Margaret Illlnaton in The Whirlwind 24: Miss Nobody from Star- land 26-27. PRINCESS (Elbert Getcbell, mgr.) Brewster's Millions week of 20. ORPHEUM (H. San Newberg, mgr.. At thj Waldorf. Lou Angerm. Flsnaran and Edwards, The Jack Ar- tois Duo, William Flemen and Company, Lem Pot. 8a vo and pictures week, of 21. Flske la Becky Sharpe week of 21: Robert Bil- liard In A Tool There Was week of 27: The Spendthrift week of Dec 4. CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) Al. H. Wilson In Mets In Ireland week of 20; School Days week of 27. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (J. Cowan, mgr.) Frank Sheridan and Company, Brothers Lloyd. Claude Golden, Charles Kenna, Edney Brothers and Company. Austin Bros.. Seven Flore ax Fam- ily week of 30. ORPHEUM (J. Blstea. mgr.) Dan Burke and Girls. Porter J. White and Corn- er. Maxim's Models. Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmle Marie Fenton. Ed. Fennel and Lena Ty- son. Beneres Valentine and Dooley. Klnodrome week of 21. FRENCH OPEBA HOUSE (J. Layolle. mgr. I Jules Layolle'a Grand French Opera Company in t-es Hngoenets 22: Maoen 24: Sigurd 28. ATTIENAETJM (Y. M. H. Asan.. mars., New Orleans Symphony Oreb'-stra. Ser- erln Frank, conductor. 20. CIRCUS GROUNDS (N. 0. By. and L. Co.. mgrs.) Gentry Bros.' Snows 20. WINTER GARDEN (P. B. ~ Braehards. The W~ week of 21. .. THEATRE (Jul- ius Cahn. mgr.) Qnlncy Adams Sawyer 21-23; Lillian Bucklncbam In The Stampede 24-20; Baker and Castle's superb production of Grain tark 28-29; The Chocolate Soldier Dec. 14; (l ocal). U. a T. Mloatrels Dec. 10. B. P. KEITH'S' dim'. E. Moore, mgr.) Keith's Stock - In Monte Cristo 21 and week: Mrs. 28 and week. PORTLAND ) Mrs. William E. An- Jd mnslcal act: Alexis and Schall, comedy and contortion; Elsie Tucll, the Kentucky girl; Mile. Blcbsrns, Parisian wire novelty: Nellie Eltlnge and Co.. comedy sketcb entitled. Picking a Winner: The Pboto Plays 21 and week. CONGRESS (Emit H. Ger- stile, mgr.) Joe Weston's Nine Merry Klddos presenting the best of all school sets: Gilbert E. Losee, singing specialty; Kennedy and Mack acrobat comedians; Herbert Leroy, orator; mov- ing pictures 21 and week. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE.— ACADEMY OF MTJ8I0 lit. J. Lebmayer. mgr.) Victor Moore In The Happiest Night of His Life week 21: The Round- Up w ek 28. FORD'S OPERA H0U8E (Cbss. E. Ford, mgr.) Katie Did week 21; Julian Eltlnge week 28. AUDITORIUM (Jeff D. Bernstein, mar.) Forbes Roberston In The Pssslng of the Third CSS-ftS. w< S k 21;-Frltxl 8cheB week 28. MARYLAND (F. C. Bcbsnberger. mgr.) Ger- trude Hoffman. Linden Beekwlth. Williams and Segal. Armlnta and Burke, Tnscano Bros., Dev Iln and Ellwood week 21. SAVOY (8 J. 8a phler, mgr.) The Boston Players In 21: The Lion and ■Y [ Strong-heart FRED ROWLAND IN VAUDEVILLE MAYBELLE J ILLY BOTHER AND KEL6ARD In Their PIANOLOGUE AND SINGING ACT CH AS. E. WILSHIK. Exolu.l.. A 0 .nt PROF. W. H. VAN OORN AND CO. THERMOS-ARKTOS Mile. Auline Reno FRANCESCO CREATORS AND Hi: Billy Graham - Le Moyne & Co. THE COTTON BUDS "Moonlight on the K . A. P. TIME. ALABAMA COMEDY FOUB (COLORED) JOHN BURNHAM, Mgr, 214 W. 2 9th SC. N. Y. C RALPH W. ALICE Prswantlna Thai r Comedy Pi ay 1st LAST ROOM, THIRD FLOOR EDITH— HARCKE— HENRI OPERATIC SINGING ACT UnMssd Tim* ALETHEIA & ALEKO Exponwita erf Tsttpsthy and VUlon Andrew Tombes Light Comedian with College Girls* Company FAY TUNIS INGENUE WITH WORLD OF PLEASURE CO. The Billboard 19 THE VENETIAN FOUR — PRISENTINQ — A NIGHT IN VENICE IN VAUDEVILLE SAM. I. CURTIS & CO. - THE ORIGINAL "SCHOOL ACT." featuring Mi latest song l uce— . T> M. a to, th. Land of Draaaa," and LOUISE GATTE "A Real Dancer" JANE IE Cooper and Bartell In their Conudj PlayUt MALI IV DA. a RACE OLADYS Wilson Sisters WATSON SISTERS The TcrpsieherMn Fashion Mm. A Gr«t Sucom With THE DAINTY DUCHESS The Three Fondeliers Comody Acrobats and Jugglers KEITH-PROCTOR GRACE LEONARD •THE AMERICAN BOY" Asalstad by FRANK WILSON InmiUU Tim* 9m. Palmar MOORE an F 1 o ray n o«s d ELLIOTT "A Matrimonj ttlmaCs Comady ial Substitute" 5 hi Vau de-vllte RUBEOICKINSOU THE a. a nd C. Cl roult JOHN at. QUISLCY LEONARD and ALVIN win till Crazy Fnt IN VAU DEVI LLC LOUISE Mi* * Harlem Opera Hoon. Address, at PlocTOE's, New Terk City, OAYKTT (W. I* Ballanf. mar.) Big Show week 21; The Girls from Happylaod week 28. MONUMENTAL (Montague Jacobs, mgr.) The Jolly OlrU week 21; New Ccntnry Olria week 28. VICTORIA (C. B. Lewis. marl Harris aod Beaoregarde, Maria. 8tewart, The Honghtma, Ladell tad Belmont, Van Lear and Bom*. W I] lard RotchlnsoB and Compsny. Col- orado Charlie- and &iater, Daobar'a Clrcua week SI. WILSON OL L. Schaibiey. . "ay^obert MASSACHUSETTS. 7 ALL KITES.— ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Geo. 8. Wiley, mgr.; Julias Cahn, lessee; The Sbn- berts) Forrest Htanl.y and Aasoclste Players la repertoire week Nor. 21. SAVOY (L. M. Boss, mgr.; J alius Cabn, leasee; Lowe's bookings) The Operator, drama, good: The Yoshlmltls, clever Japanese; Potts and Company In ■ketch, very good; Honey Johnson, comedian, good; Ten Merry Youngsters, fine; Tlllle Wbltney. plano- logne; 8tnart and Keller, novelty singing and dancing*, good; Foar Juggling Johnsons, clever; The Lowescope week or Nor. 21. BIJOU (L. M. Boas, mgr.: Lowe's bookings) The Three MeOrades, Scotch norelty: Mildred Flora, singer; And raon and Evans, aketch: Nov. 21-23. PRE- MIER (L. M. Boas, mgr.; Lowe's bookings) Two Boses, musical act; Burke and Be lily, sketch: Carl Hatch". eld, singer; pictures Nor. 21-23. Nor. 27. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Madame Sherry week Not. 27: The Girl In the Kimono week Dee. 4. BIJOU OPERA HOUSE (Thio. I_ Haya. mgr.) bis Hopkins with Rose Melville week Not. 27: Ad- ventures of Polly week Dee. 4. LYRIC (Cos*. I'. Ballibory, mgr.i The Lyric Theatre Stock Comi'any In Msmaelle week Nor. 27. DEWEY (Arcbli- Miller, mgr.) Pat White's Gaiety OlrU week Nor. 27; Washington Society Girls week it.) Wilfred The Cycling Kelly pb Dee. 4. UNIQUE (Jack Elliott, mgr.) Clark and Company. Harry Gilbert. Ttu BrnnetUs. Bawls sod Van Kaufmai White and the Motlograpl " B. Simon, mgr.) or. 27; Boole's aod LatTerty. week Nor. 27, The Runaway Girls week Knickerbo cke rs we. k Dec. 4. ST. PAUL.— METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Henry Miller In Her Husband's Wire Not. 20: Is Matrimony a Failure T Not. 24-27: The Girl In tbe Kimono week Nor. 27. 8HU- BEBT (T. M. Scanloo. mgr.) The Whitney Opera Co. In Tbe Chocolate Soldier week Not. 20: Baby Mine week Not. 27. ACniTORICM (Mr. Botbwell, cood.) St. Paul Symphony Or- chestra. Twin City Grand Opera by Tbe Chi- cago Grand Opera Co.. repertoire: Jan. 12. Massenet's Thala: Friday afternoon. Offenbach's Tales of Hoffman; Friday evening, Othello; Saturday matlne -. I'occlnl'g new opera, Tbe Girl of tbe Golden West: Saturday evening. Char- renter's lionise. GRAND (Theo. L_ Haya. mgr.) Hose Melville In 81s Hopkins week Nov. 20; The Adventures of folly week Nor. 27. OBl'll ECM ^Clarence Dean, mgr..) IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF JOHS w COHSIOINC sx, laxo Oentl«s-n,-yind herewith copy for SULUVAH t> COHSIMHE for Space Bo 88 f 1/4 Pace at 835.00) In your Cfcria train Edition. tunlty offered and that, In Tiew of the fact that only profit Baa resulted fron previous advertioiric contracts with your Under this sane cover I an servdinc photoo of both Br. Sulli- van and Kr.Consldlne. Kindly hare nade half tones of <-aoli l.tB the copy herewith. H.T. costs please bill us at thio office. With beat wishes for the success of your annual venture. SULLXVAM 6 COHSIMHE oen'l How About YOUR Ad. for the Xmas Number? LOWELL.— OPERA ROUSE (R. A. Wade, ' Tbe Family 22-23; Tbe Final Settlement Lew Dockstad r'a Minstrels 28. COLON. Cnnnlnanam and Farley. Blrtlnl. Beeele and George Morln. Florence Mann, week of 21. MERRIMACK IF. J. Carrol, mgr.) Kenney and Hollla. Besnvsla aad Marlda Company. Boss Sisters, aod pictures week or 21. _ SBBIROITSLD.— COUBT SQUARE (D. 0. Gllmore. mgr.) A Bit or Blarney 23; Gertrude Elliott In The Dawa of a To-Morrow 24-20. POU"* (A. J. Breen. mcr.) Clara Belle Jer- ome and Company. Cooroy and' Le Ma Ire, El Ids Morris, Tom Davles, Tbe Pour Readings. The Clipper Quartette. Claude M. Boofle snd pic- tures week of 21. NE7JSON (H. J. Dllleoacb. mgr.) Walters and Frank. Will Campbell, Jack Lee, Byson and Clare. Jeanette Klein. Lane and K roner an d pictures week of 21. WORCESTEB.. — FBANKL1N SQUARE (Jarrtea B. Sheehan. mgr.lA Minister's Sweetheart week of 21. WORCESTER EXCHANGE (John K. Bark*, cost.) Gertrude - of A To-Morrow 21-22; Three Twins 28 -AO. MINNESOTA. _ DTJXTJTH. — ORPHEU1I (H- W. Plerong. mgr.) Cavaoa. McDonald. Crawford and Montrose, Frank Sogers, Granville and Rogers, Herbert and Warren, Elsie Wolff sort Waldos' and pic- ture, week of 21. EMPRESS (J. t_ Maltland. mgr.) The baaalrea, Lest' r Bernard. Emily Dodd and Company. Hammond and Forrester. Mabel McRlnley. Carson and Faro urn week of MTX1TEAP0L3.— SHUTIERT (A. I. Bain- bridge, Jr., mgr.) The Chocolate Soldier week inai.. Kevins and Erwood, Tan Brothers. Tbe Klno- drouie -and Orpheum Orchestra week Nor. 20. STAR (A. Moeller. tap.) Bobemlsns with Andy Cartlner and Ida Nlcolsl week of Nov. 20. MA- JESTIC (Jack Cook, mgr.) Mr. BERNARD WINTON THAT HEBREW CLOWN TH AT S ALL • With SUN BROS.' SHOWS, SEASON JAMES SILVER "MUSICAL RUBE" Originator of tbe Ptpe-Plano (Patented) Pirn tea keep off THE ORIGINAL KEELEY and PARKS "THE KID AND THE KIDLET" HODKINS CIRCUIT EDWARD L. NELSON "Oh You Voice" Care The Billboard HUFFORD and CHAIN — Prsasnti Hi mm hum in* tie maMWm W V. A. CIRCUIT MUSICAL ALWARD XYLOPHONIST SuMlvan-Conaldlna Circuit BEATRICE TURNER SINGING COMEDIENNE Sulllvan-Conaidlns Circuit DOWNARD and DOWNARD in their Comedy Sketch "Bracing Up" ■ -— Norman W. Merrill "THAT YALE FRESHMAN" II UUOE.ILIE illaTS V0KIII6. MISSOURI. CTXT. — .WILLIS WOOD (Woodward and Bnra-ss. bets.) Week 20. Adelaide Thurs- ton In Miss Ananias: ueek 27. The Dollar Prin- cess. SHUBERT (Earl Steward, mgr.) Week 20. Gay Bstes Post In Tbe Nigger: week 27. The Jolly Bachelor, with Stella May hew. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Hudson and Jodah, mgrs.) Week 20. In Old Kentucky: week 27. Geo. Evens'. Boner Boy. aad bis Minstrel*. OR- PHEUM (Martin Lehman, res. mgr.) Week 2a excellent vaudeville bill aa follows: Operatic Festival. The Poor Fords. 8tepp. Mrbllnger and Klna. Red ford and W Inch, ar r. Fred "D aw e s . Bred Bros., Orpbeum Concert Orchestra. Photo- play, and second week anil re engagement of TlhM. J. Byan-Blchfleld Company. EMPRESS (D. F. McCoy, mgr.) Week 20. vaudeville aa follow,: Joe Tlnk r. Alb. ra' Tea Polar Bears. Krough and Francis. Al La' AUDITORIUM " (Lav Lehman, mgr. I Stock company, week 20. Cauxht la the Rain; tame company week 2T. In Plere of the Plains. GILLIS (E. S. Brtgham. mgr.) Week 20. Benlah Poynter In The Little Olrl Ho Purgot: week 27, Bappy Hooligan. (Con tinned on page 22.) ARDI ELI . I IROS. ATHLETES ALF. T. WILTON, Mar. THE ORIGINAL tsr NEVAROS Hisrb-ctasa Tight Wtrs Wslkars, J I>sneers. Cyclists, etc. Address all em rlence to CHARLES NEVA HO. 639 Lay ton R.-U levant. Mllwaake*. Wla. SUSIE PAYNE —COMEDIENNE— A SINGING. TALKING AND DANCING ACT Introducing oorreot types of Boa lbs rn Dsrksas 20 The Billboard : . ' DECEMBER 3, 1910. SAWDUST AND TANBARK Resume of. the Two Bills' 1910 Season— Big , Aggregation Representing Enterprises of Col. Cody and Major : Li l lie — Robinson Puts Out Winter Show On the RIalto an. outposts throughout the country, the fall I gossip Includes dtscuslon of arenic matters, and lesllons arise as. "How stand the rec- tbe past season? Is every bond ful- d?"— Answer from the Two Bills, "Aye. and every promise kept; every friendly prognos- tication, every hope and erery wlsn have be- come accomplished facts." The Cody and Lillie Alliance, merging the standard attraction of Buffalo Bill's Wild West •nd Pawnee BUI'S Par East has made a success that financially and artistically reaches the grade of an achievement. The long season covering ■ territory from the •nn-risc on the Atlantic to the son-set waters of the Pacific, has been fruitful of 8 harvest gleaned from the field of fortune, accompanied by extraordinary luck, besides being astonish- ingly effective In the satisfaction given to pa- trons by delivering "the goods." This la a summary of the result of the pre- liminary tour, marking the parting from arenlc connection of the old Scout, Buffalo Bill. worked to a they jobs am. most be across. Col. Cody, with that virility so long asso- ciated with the frontiersmen, as spry as iu days long gone by, never missed a performance — ap- pearing In seven numbers and In his shooting act displaying aU his old-time skill with un- rtimmed eye In hitting the globes at galloping speed. " It goes without saying that General Manager Louis E. Cooke, the dean of his class, direct- ing an able advance staff (Charles Dcgnon. Lester Murray. Victor Cooke. Sam Fielders and Van Osteo la the van) and perfecting details, was a decidedly ^active ^factor in accomplUhing u'so^rXient! ™' ~* 4 W C On the disbanding at Little Rock, the people dispersed in all directions. The horses ..ere shipped to their farm paddocks in Pennsylvania; the cars and paraphernalia to Trenton winter- quarters. COL. VERNON C. SEAVER. Be In president and pen ral manager of the Yonne PuI~aIo Wild We bin first In clrcusdom. Although b's show hastily orgauiz d and u lions as tu weather, etc.. his aggressiveness I laced him In the blub cstee and the "wlnd-op" fonnd the Colonel with a host of n-,w frlebds. WOB ndl- hlm So pronounced has been the good fortune of the outflt, that common gossip of the Doubting Thomas kind Is eclipsed affectually by dally and weekly echoes from the fields that have been resounding broadcast all summer. First, as to Inck In weather; running be- tween the raindrops: being before or after the forest fires; escaping the Storm King; not a blow-down; not one losing day; not one lost performance; always on time; frequent phe- nomenal turn-sways reaching as high as nine cities successively; San Francisco capturing the season"* laurels, actually closing the ticket sale ten minutes before 8 o'clock the second night; the Status as a natural exhibition acknowledged In a contest In Frisco, confirmed by the coons of Texas, and admitted by the tax authorities: arriving in Texas behind a Norther, and enjoying Indian Summer weather In toe closing day late In November (10th Lit . sending all home- boom - [ packing- canvas without ' The organization with CoL Cody and Johnny Baker behind the curtain, a company of het- erogeneous character, forming a marvelonsly "Happy Family;" Major LIUIe In constant command in front with an executive ability, courtesy and tact that infected his associates, led by such experienced old campaigners as Col. Charley Thompson. George Wilson, (whose in- ner was a banking asset In itself); with Charley MeClaln and others well equipped to handle the public with politeness, an Ideal season was regretfully closed. Sympathy must be extended to the ticket Cba'rley Melius', for^ne arirMna natar/o? Col. Cody, besides bis duties with the exhibi- tion, kept In constant touch with his various enterprises In Wyoming, Nebraska and Arizona. He established a line of automobiles between Cody' City and Yellowstone Park with great success, starting from the Hotel Irma, Cody City, to Pe-ha-hae-ka Typee and Waplta Lodge In the Forest Reserve. His North Plstte ranch has bad added a herd of 0,000 sheep. The Bit Horn Basin Ranches are booming, and Bonlta Mines near Tucson. Arlxons. and 1.800 acres or placer land are fast developing into paying property; '-two quartz mills being In action and Indications pointing to Immensely pay- ing results. Col. Cody left for tbe mines im- mediately the night the exhibition closed; to the tune of Billy Sweeney's Band. Major Lillie has visited Pawnee City and fixed his fences to permit his supervision of the Installation at Trenton when be returns to attend his bank duties as president, big ranches, bis Buffalo Breeding Reserve, and see the finish- ing touches on. and take op bis abode In his new $40,000 colonial style msnslon. Next season for tbe farewell visits of Col. Cody to the large Internal cities. Philadelphia. Boston. Washington. Baltimore. Denver and Chi- cago, a program Is being prepsred which will render tbe final tour memorable In the annals of exhibitions, wben be will lay down bis scepter snd place the mansgerlsl msntie on tbe shoulders of his younger pioneer comrade. Major Gordon Lillie. The Buffalo Question Don't let yourself be buffaloed into buying an outfit of an inferior nature. Consult ue fi rat. Our many years of experience in tent building have given ua knowlodg that means money to yo " lAr many j ■ knowl you. We are considered the fore- most tent builders in America. Get your nam* en our list for some of that free information that means money to you. WE ARE ALSO AGE NTS for BOLT E & WEYER LIGHTS. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. COW. r. NEUMANN, jr.. Prse. JOHN C. MoCAFFERY. TrMS. 22-28 North Desplalnes Street, WALTER P. DRIVER, Vloe-Prea. COWARD St. LITZ INO.CR, S.o-y. CHICAGO. ILL. UNIFORMS for Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc Scad for CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. Western Uniform Co. 21-* S. CLARK ST. CHICAGO 10 IflU ii > i ■ « ItCI 01 HUT Hal GOSS' SHOW A CANVAS \> y BLACK TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers stso ton if* citiiog i«o siccus «nc usi Ihe J. C. GOSS CO. "V,',",;" Phone Canal 8864 Established 1865 Thomson & Vandiveer MAN DFACTTJRER8 OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 81« East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, O. TENTS SHOW TENT8. BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND C0VBR8 and everything- in canvas. Send for catalogue. 1 1 BROS TEltT t HNKt N BRUSHES FOR BILLPOSTERS "Ei.Ei.Cire.s"$3.75 "Eiealtlor" $3.25 "Qutkir Gitj" 2.76 "Ii. 1 Rojil" 2.60 SideShowPainting* SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, III*. PORTABLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE BOLTE & WEYER M. • c. mi. Mgan •treat, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now Lb tbe time we need the work son can give quick action and close price QUALITY THE BEST TIE COLUMBUS TENT t AWNING CI COLUMBUS. OHIO WE SAVE FOR T.FABT.. CARS, so ft. Ions, (or snipping scenery, automobiles, advance, baggage, lirlvlli'Ki'. stock and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for sh ow a nd circus companies. Reasonable HE^mrilAct HORSE CAR CO.. Boom tit, Michigan Asanas, Chicago. WILLIAM BART ELS CO. Dsalars In Wild Animal,, 160 Greenwich Btrsst, Vsw York City. SCENERY THE FINEST SHOW PAINTIN0B AT LOWEST SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAVDEN A CO. af. T. RUNEY .iWxwraa Cincinnati. Ohio TKaatrteai-Citeue PaeteassgMre. Circus ai Clubs, logne. and Novelties. Stamp for call VAN WYCK, Cincinnati. 0. i ■EARS, SNAKES, MONKEY lYaske. atonssar ~ STAMW WILD AI«I .11. Y. and Show (Canvas Black and whits; new or s e c ond -band. Bargains In second-band tops. OMAHA TENT ft AWNING CO. OMAHA, N la". West of Salt Lake City. Address, BUM TENT * AWNINO CO.. SAN PBANOISOO, GAL. Car builders. All classes. Show Cars a clalty. Shops, Harvey, Illinois. H0TCHK3BS. BLUE * COMPANY, Ml Hallway Exehaags Building, SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS DECEMBER 3/ 1910. The Bill ROBINSON TO PUT OUT WINTER CIRCUS. ClnclnnalMe tc^be Judg^'wlnter TlrcuS thTt'^wIll w ■ . train of Its own can to transport it through the country. It will be the John Roblnaon Winter Clrcua ant wlU take to the road tbe flrat of the year. Arraugementa hare bean made for the appearance of toll sew enterprise In a number of the leading cltlea In the Eaet and middle Weat. Tba John Roblnaon Circus baa been moat favorably known tor tbe past elgtaty- aeven years and tbe new winter clrcua will be tbe Terr cream of tbe big abow wlrb a number of new attractions added. It will be billed lust as tbe blf show baa always been and there Is no reaaon why It should not get money. Tbe executive alaff baa already been selected and while It will carry tbe namee of many of tbe ataff of the Ten Bis, there are many new one, that will be identified with the winter clr- cua only. Tba rutin* acta, aerial acta and around acta will be aeTecled from tbe very heal obtainable and tbe aggregation of trained anl mala will be particularly Interesting. In connection with the regular clrcua per. formanca there will be a perfectly organised and historically esact wild west exhibition. Tbla" will be made a feature of. To conform wltb tbe beat of drcusea a atreet parade wll be given In each town and this is considered by the showmen as getting ■ winter clrcua aa near tbe summer event as poeelble. The Boblnaon large herd of elephants will form part of the exhibit loo and It will be tbe only ho- that any winter circus carries. The policy of the clrcua will be to mabe tba Indoor circus aa near tbe big summer abow aa possible and ilng will be left undone to attain tbla. Tbe ter clrcua train will be made up of. twenty care and will be run In one or two aectlone aa tbe occasion may require. Mr. John Roblnaon will be tbe manager. Ed. C. Knupp will take care of tbe railroads. Pre Mettle will promote. Col. Heckman will bare full charge of the advertising. John D. Care) will be general press a sent with two assletao'- and several . minor offices are yet to be filled. Tbna far tbe advance arrangements base -be highly aatlafactory and tbe winter circus Is billed solid until the opening of the summer eeaeon for tbe Ten Big. CANDY BUTCHER INJURED. Baton Rouge. La., Not. 28.— Sidney Rosen Matt, better known as 8td Maxwell, candy butcher with tbe Forepaogh-Selle Bros.' Clrcua, met with a painful accident bare la at week. While walking orer tbe cars of a train while In motion, he dipped and fell between two cars, both of bU feat being cut off above tbe ankle. He waa removed to a local hospital, where his chances of recovery are eery favor- able. Hie home a< •trv*rt. Nrw York City. RINGLING8 WILL BUILD HOTEL. Spokane. Waab.. Nor. M.— Tbe Singling will be tbe name of a new $230,000 hotel at White Sulphur Springs. Moat., which J< president of Rlngllng Bros.' An pany, will build at once. Tbe tana Bprlnga will be converted Into a fashion able resort and will become tbe permanent win- terqnsrters for Rlngllng Bros.' Shows. The new hotel will be located on tbe White and Yellowstone National Park Com- MORROW SIGN9 WITH SUN BROS. Morrow, who closed a three years' with the Al. O. Barnes Animal at Fresno. Cel.. Nor. 12. baa elanod with the Sun Bros.' Straws for tbe season of 1911. Mr. Morrow waa presented wltb a nnm ber of tokena of eateem by different members of the -Barnea ataff. .... ELEPHANT 18 EXECUTED. New York. Not. 25. -It look boo grains of cyanide of potassium, a deadly poison, to kill the Oypay Queen, a trick elephant. Ihla after- noon in execution of the death ecatence uwaaed on her for the hilling of ber keeper. 'Robert on October 20 last. It CIRCUS GROUND, TO BE SOLD. ! ft. smith. Ark., Not. 28.— The old clrcua ground, south of Grand arenne. la to be sub- divided st once into city lota and placed on tbe market through tbe varloua. local dealers. TAKE ME BACK TO OLD MON- TANA.- ■ Take me back to Old Montana when tbe show ' haa closed tbla fall. To tbe land of golden eunset where we can bear ■ tbe cattle bawl. Where the cowboy's call haa echoed, from o'er the great divide. Where we bear our comrades calling, aa across 'the plaint tbey ride, Where there sln't no city's glitter, street cars and automobiles. . No Waldorf Astorls snd fifty-dollar mesls. Where they don't serve mldnlgt and angle cake. But Just tbe good old-raabloneil plea like mother used to bake. • Take me where the old Mleeoori and the muddy Yellowatoue, ' Winds Ita way down rocky canyon* and through bills of boney comb. Where they don't have flat Iron buildings nor no forty story attacks. But just the plain, old rsnch house snd the long alfalfa stacks. Where tbe mountain guide sn rrsdy for tbe tourist. have attended tbe 101 Ranch Real WUd West Show dally, and to-day be ta conaldered by all Intellectual people aa the greatrat of all tbe wild west performers In bis line, and still re- tains his title as the Lasso King, snd from the grace and easy manner In whlcb be manipulate* tbe lariat. It will no doubt be a number of yeare before bis honored title will be captured by another. In bis* letter be re porta that tbe 101 Ranch Wild West 8 how bss bsd a very successful sea- son playjof to capacity business at all times. The poem will no doubt recall the memories of tbe paat to bis old cowboy friends. - Motlne, m.. Not. roster mother to Buffalo Bill BUFFALO BILL'S MOTHER DIE8. Margaret s« I Wm. F. Code re. N-v la. She RING B ARN GOSSIP. een wlnt penser hsve pity on sr. Opposition between be in order and DENI80N W. STONE. "Den" Stone was fourteen years old ran away, from his home. Burlington. Vt. Not only wss be tbe son of a lawyer, bnt be was named In compliment to a promi- nent Vermont lawyer. Judge Denlttoo. Yet even these pro- pitiatory circumstances did not Incline him towards sealing- wax, tape and briers, for be walked twenty-flve miles from Bennington to Brattleboro to Join Irs Cole's Zoological In- stitute, or which beth B. Bowea waa equestrian director. The menagerie consisted of six csges of anlrnaU. snd tbe chief performance In the arena wss Elbert Howes' act of riding and driving two horses and "carrying" the new- comer. Den Stone's second season In tbe arena waa with Nat • Howes' Circus, to Join which It look him three weeks to travel from New York to Pittsburg. Pa., by ataxee. It was In 1840 thst. having appeared aa clown under the late other enterprises, It la I on boat two troup revive tbe yeari. and railroad, and Joseph Foster. In tbe pantomime of "Mother Goose." be first took to the cap aud-balls. As s manager, betweeo lrM2 and 1ST5, be waa prominently Identified wltb Stone eV. McCollnin's. Stone at Msdlgsn's, snd Stone at Murray's Circus, snd also with "Den Stone's Circus and Central Park Menagerie. In 1865, despite s lsw against equeatrlan en- tertainments, wblcb lsw. If enforced, would have bank- rupted bla company, tbe Stone, Bosston A Murray Circus pitched tent in twenty towns and cltlea of Vermont, and, cl -arlng 130.000. strengthened tbe foundation of bla fortune. After the Rebellion, bis company waa tbe flrat to appear In many of tbe Southern cities. In addition to his numerous for Mr. Stone that he was the first manager ^to pot a circus t ere'coola low wants for sleep. ssgeealt Take me to the land of g rea s e wo o d. and prleklert ear. Where tba girls are not ao plenty that wear tbe merry widow balr. . ... But Juet the plain old cowgirl who wear boots and Stetaoo felts. Where they ride and tie the long-bora and don the cartridge belta. Take me where the long-born cattle and the buffalo la bands, Casd to graae along tbe coolies In the lower before reed to graae bad lands. of gun. gilt- Take me back to okt. taring gold was sought. And we read In Western Action where tbe fa dlen flgbte were fought. i Farewell to aaaoky city where tba ana can't . ahlne for clouda. Where they're adopted the use of aeroplanes . to escape the surging crowds. Me tor tbe big fall round up where I am eurt- ' of three square meets. Back to tbe old cbuck wagon and tbe boardln _ 'are alwaya ready when the . Is the rod. Take me tack to old Montana, let ma die there when I am old ... ' N. B. — Tbe above ' poem entitled. Take Mo Rack to Old Montana, waa composed by Fred D. Burns, tbe celebrated laaao expert, who la one of tbe leading performers of the 101 Ranch Real Wild Weat Show. Mr. Burns hss traveled wltb all tba big ones for a number of years, and appears more popular now then ever with tbe Inrge audiences that Knopp, of the John Boblnaon Winter Circus, was In Buffalo laat week, looking after tbe In i of tba big indoor abow. Tbe John Roe Winter Clrcua will carry ISO head ' of * for draft purposes. These, of course, will figure tn the street 'parade but besides tbeae there will be twenty-flve ring horses sntl those to be used in tbe big menage acta. Tbr John Boblnaon Winter Circus will carry s bsnd Of twenty pieces and wRl be featured In re concert preceding each performance. When tbe John Roblnaon Winter Clrcua bits tbe town and gets busy with Its billing there la cer- tainly going to be eome rustling among tl theatre publicity givers. Tbla ssme John Rob- inson baa long had a' reputation for billing and tbe line of paper haa alwaya been regarded aa some paper. California Frank's Wild West went Into win terqoartera at the Fair Grounds. Augusta. Oa.. after a most successful aeaaon. having had only reek. California Frank and wife. . Mamie Francis, and a party of friends are spending a few weeks on a bunting trip down tbe Savaaaah River. Barry l'arrlab. train master; Smithy BUlboxr address" Hotel.. Rhoda Royal will not bare the game to himself tbla winter, it la good authority that ~ a winter circus of It will travel on Ita the flrat attempt of wli B. Ilboard callers. They left as their p -CO-, or the forty-two years of bis life In tbe clrens busi- ness, either ss a' performer, proprietor or agent: Be has been re-engaged aa special contracting agent with the Yankee Roblnaon Show for the aeaaon of 1011. Devlin's Zouaves closed their sixth season with the Two Bills' Show snd nave returned to their borne. Jackson. Mich. Capt. Harry Devlin has signed for s vaudeville tour, and aa soon aa new uniforms and equipment arrive, be will take a company of twelve orer tbe Pan- tsges Circuit. Tbe Great Wagner Show la now In winter quarters at Weatwood, 0.. a suburb of Day. ton. Preparations are- being made ' the show for n< In May. ner Show or loio. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright have Just rloaed a successful aeaaon of twenty-nine weeks with Jonea Brothers' Buffalo Wild West. 1 the winter tbey will play vaudeville Mr. and Mrs. Wright are now tn New making arrangements for toe tour. on page 28.) enlarge n early FOR SALE Wagon Show Property Cheap for i Mustt Ind. cash, or will give time on outfit TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS. Car- nival, Case Cover*. Buy where COTTON growsand DUCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. Sand »rs-GI over Tent Co., Rome, Ga. JO* KaVLX OR XTITfTaWOK for anything I can use In wagon clrens: lis red pi nan baby piano .with case: all In Wanted, for next aeaaon. ALL KINDS Or CIR- CUS ACTS. Address r. H M. Law. Co.. New Tork. MURRAY & COMPANY, Inc 640-648 Meridian Street, - - - . CHICAGO. I CraCTJH PEOPLE ATTENTION —I. Homer D. Hobeon, own and control large and email bod lea of Texas Panhandle land, which 1 am now offering at greatly reduced prices, snd on terms that will enable you to secure a piece of land that will auk - you Independent for lite. Tbe Panhandle " Mnrrtca ever did la developing ae no other part of Aa tbla development la permanent. Get It to-day and your unearned profits will be greater than If yon wait. Every dollar Invested here now will double In tbe next twelve months. Don't wait If yon have any money to Invest:, do it now. The I and Snow now *-o!nar on at tbe Coliseum In Chicago, la expending balr a ejawlaal dollars in advertising tbe Panhandle. Fifty thousand people moved into the Panhandle laat year. Write me, explaining jour wants and If yon are unable to go 1 win make a selection for yon, aa 'I am thoroughly acquainted with every acre I am offering, having looked It an over. It la all good agricultural land. All lettere promptly answered. It you want to make a aafe In yea t men t, write me to-day. All titles perfect, a a I b old patent from State of Texas. ' HUMJUt P. HOMOaT. WH Vltiianiig Are.. CkJeage. Ilia. THE Young Buffalo Wild West Under Canvas Season 1911 WSS^X^StSg. Season 1911 , 0 m BUTTALO Young Buffalo's daughter, "Baby Ruth," the'young- est rifle shot in the world, will be one of the many features of the show. The World Famous Millie Vera will appear at each performance. The Original Young Buffalo, the undefeated and undeniable straight and trick shooter of the world, heads this aggregation. Remember, thle la at claan, morel MMS1EI, SEATMEI. IIBITIEI. TMIIIEI. COOKS. Mrm JOE WANTPI. Cowboys, Broncho Busters, ¥¥«n i Kitf Trick RideRJ (Ridera ^ stock preferred), Ropers, Fancy Ropers and Twirl - era, Steer Riders, Knife Throwers, Circus Acts of all descriptions that do two or more turns. All and side shows to let. 22 Tine Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1010. Readers' Column ADDRESSES WANTED. The address of the Ben Greet Players la de- sired by Chas. E. Darts, care Western N. X. A I'a. Traction Co.. Olean. N. T. Chan. H. Smith desires to locate hla son. Cbas. E. Smith, who. when laat beard of. was with Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company. "The Booker." P. O. Box 191. Uarham, N. C. desires to learn the present address of Bea- Addr«v«. of Donee IJnty. formerly of Jae. P. Lee Stock Company, la deal red by Miss Blanche Carr. of Ibe Jess M. Flnley Stock Company. C. G. Osborn. whose address is Terminal Ho- tel. 35th and 8tb are.. New York City, desires to locate Mae I. Osborn. also known aa Mae Anbrey. formerly one of the Petite Slaters. Mrs. F- C. Gay. of 304 W. Main street. Lex- ington. Ky.. Is anxlona to learn the present whereabouts or Mr. and Mrs. Fred s. Cutter (Cotter and Soole.) Julius Klelst. care Oliver Bottling A Supply Co.. Pontine. Mich, wants to ascertain the ad- dress or Bnrton C. Evans, singer. Madame 1 aclare, or Grand Crossing. Chicago. HI., would like to be Informed of the address of Nellie LaQ 11. elms rider. Mrs. Bacbel E. Pearson, of Rowland. N. C. desires to learn the address of her son. Lenton Pearson, who has been traveling with a caxnl- ral company. - The present address of Walter Thomas Webb, last winter with the Bhoda Royal Indoor Circus as property man, and this season with the Sells Kioto Show. Is being sought by Mrs. Bell Webb. 308 E. 33rd ^Bonlevard. Chicago, JU^ ■ Mr? 1 W."^ re Neimoud 1 *ta dSreeTb j* Harrj^Klne ley. of 813 Front street. Columbus Ga. Rela tires of Lew GUck are anxlona to learn hla present whereabouts. Address alias M. Barn tt. I'JV w. 14th street. Chicago. 111. Mr. D. Wragg. General Dellrery. Worcester. Msss., desln-s to learn the present address of Chas.^E- Hgtoer. formerly ^wlth th-.-^Dralc FOnr. Fit. neslr» B to e ieaixi ,> tne l aSesaof" WoL* Warner! lecturer. Mrs. Felix Slrtgnano. — The Banda Boma la ea route with the Kranse Greater Shows. The 3 la Francis Normandy. — Harry Overton has left Bt. Loots and gone "to Chicago. We hare not b en Informed of the name of his new musical production. ♦ J. B. Wilson. Pari", Kr. — Address the Ring- ling Brothers, Baraboo, Wis. ♦ Miss R. B.. Shenandoah. Ia. — The address of Trio la 1802 Park Dear Sir — Vonr burlesque number Is excellent, wish The Billboard life-long i Yours rery truly, J AS. 0. BAR TO, Barto A McCue. Midnight Maldel ♦ . Belolt, Wis., Not. 10, 1 Editor The Billboard. Dear Sir — My attractions this week drawn good bouses. On November 16. 1 l benefit for the dry band here and had a good house. Friday night I bad an Irish automobile race, with a fair crowd present, . I hare recelred letters this week from points ss far East aa New York and aa far West aa. San Francisco, telling me of different attractions to pnt on. Gn?as that shows The B aboard Manager Broad f*. Rink. John Forsett. — The wlnterquarters of the John Robinson Show are located la Terrace Park, 0.; or tbe Forepaolth-SellA Show and the Singling Brothers* Circus. In Baraboo. Wis.; the Hagen- beck-Walace Show In Pern, Ind.; the Barnum and Bail y Show In Bridgeport, Conn., and the SVUs-FIoto Show In Denrer. Colo. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. (Continued from page 19.) C. w. Foster arrived here several days ago to Join the Great American Shows as general maMger.^whlch leares Nor. 25 for a season Ned Foley, the well -known carnival promoter, who Is associated with Tony Gorman, has had almost all the successful csrulrals in the Star*- this season. They win - hare" charge of the amusement, of the North Beach Carnival Thanksgiving week. AH the scenery, c ostum e. Ing to the Kolb and Dm at auction and brought $2.' to terminate the partners!,]: DDI. Bitty Bice, proprietor of a saloon adjoining the Orpheum Theatre, waa arrested Saturday. November 19. on - a charge" of ''scalping"' or pbeum tickets. The arrest of Rice marks tt-' climax of a war that haa waged between tbe .Orpheum management and a number of saloon who sell Orpheum tickets. While It la - that Bice ami other ssloonlsts In the •■scalp" tickets. Rice maintains tickets merely for the accom- ttrona and delivers at regular tbe oootinntHl til 5 puff 1 jr*^Injj fan these matters, the police determined to make a test case, hence the arrest of Rice. The outcome of tbe ease Is being watcher* with keen Inter e s t by hundreds of patrons of the Or- Bert La Blanc, a well-known character come arlan. la now perfecting- a comedy aketcb wife eight people. Including a singing choral. It Is called Tbe Pawnbroker's Pastime, and Intro- duce seven alne-brer numt-er*. fire rhsnr-s o* w ardro be, and epedat scenery. It la Intended for randerllle theatres and rata thirty minutes. 1. N. Cohen la special agent for this produc- tion. Rons aDd^ ^onx ^Ieft^fr^r^gs^Ar^rles^t Rose Hoey Stevens, known aa The Prima Donna with the Smile, opened In Spokaue. Nov 13. for a tour of Pantages* bouses. The second offering of tbe Max Dill Company at tbe Garrlck Theatre. The Girl and tbe Baron, opened before a rery slim audience and failed to make the expected Impression. The follow Ing nights failed to aee much Improvement In attendance. An the members of the Great American Shows arrived here from all over the country and left November 23 for Honolulu. * The Seqnoa Moving Picture Theatre, the finest of its Jtlnd In tbe city, opened Its doors In Sac this week. It Is fully equipped wit i lieautllul ly* decora t ed and^hna^^caparity Tony Lubelskl. formerly amusement i of the Portals Cafe, and now at tbe brad of the American Circuit of Theatres and Cafes bas been appointed exclusive manager of amuse- ment department and booking agent of tbe Otleon Cafe, ti.e largest and most centrally Iocs*'* csfe In tbe city. It la the Intention of using folly 11,000 worth of acts weekly all of tbe highest class. Mr. LnbclakI will leave for New Tort at ones to engage talent, celre from four _ weeks or more at bouse In addition to work at other cafes. Another nickelodeon Is belnj Market street a few doors from the New Em- press Theatre. IN OAKLAND. Lady Betty, tbe Bostock monk, failed to play the Bell Theatre, owing to sickness, and Prince You turkey. King of the Wire, was sub stl toted, being hooked by I. N. Cohen. A deed of $2,000,000 made by the Realty Company was placed on record Nor. IS Tbe deed la made out to the Union Trust Com- pany of San . Francisco. The property Included In the deed consists of the Oakland and some of the company'e other theatres. The Oakland property la already sub Ject to a mortgage of $125,000. Lisa Lehman, famous composer, and her vocal played a matinee performance Frl- 1C, at Te Liberty ■ni—itre. RUBE COHEN. and Attractions. (Continued from page 19.) CENTURY (Jog. R. Donegan, mgr.) Week 20. The Cherr y Blossoms; week 27, Cozy Corner Girls. GAYETT (Burt Mrl'ball. mgr.) Week 20. Al Re-res' Big Beauty Show; week 27, Bobie'a Knickerbockers. BT. JOSEPH. — TOOTLE (C. TJ. Phllley. mgr.) My Cinderella _Glrl 20-21: The ~ Tottery :C. TJ. Putney, mgr.) Just Out of College 20-21; Thre-> Weeks 22-23: Cosy Corner Girls 24-26; The Man Between 27-30: Bohemian Bur- leaSuuera Dee. 1-3. PANTAGES (H. Beaumont, mgr.) Week 20. John L. Sullivan and Jake KB- raln. Mason, Wilbur and Jordon. Robert Tan Allan. Tanner and Gilbe rt, The Cllnper Duo and and Pants reseope. MAJESTIC (Fr-d Cosman. mgr.) Week 20. Miss Its la. Dorothy DeSebflle Company. Dorothy Earl.. Tbe RInaldoa. 11- ated songs and moving pictures. BUOC Co P ' re' hca'nin mK r' ) week 20? V "" X - NEBRASKA. XJHCOXJT. — OLIVER (P. C Zehrung. mgr.) Tbe Lottery Man 21; Just Out of College 23; Henry Woodruff In Tbe Genius 24: Margaret mingtoo in The Whirlwind 25. LYRIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.) Strongbeart week of 21: Fifty Miles from Boston week of 28. ORPHEUM (H. E. Billings, mgr.) Bemeses. the Egyptian won- der worker. Linton and Lawrence. Irene How- ley. The Kress Trl Hsrvelle, Williams week of 21. OMAHA.— BBANDEIS fW. J- Burgess, mgr.: K_ A K_ boo kin ra) Biehard Carle In Jumping Jupiter with Edna Wallace Hopper 20-23: Tbe Dollar Princess 24-28. KBTJ0 (Cbas. Breed. mgr.: Stair . Jr. Harlha bookings) Mr. Raymond Paine In The Millionaire Kid 20-23; Vangbap Glaser In The Man Between 24-28. GAYETY (E. I_ Johnson, mgr.: Eastern Wheel booklnrs) Clarke's Runaway Girls 20 and week. BOYD (Wm._ Warren, mgr.) Woodward Stock Co. : Lange In under Two Flags 20 snd NEW. JERSEY. NEWARK. — NEWARK (A. W. Bobbins, mgr.) Tbe Bohemian Girl week of 21; Helen Ware In The Deserters 28-Dec, 1; Mme. Sarah Bernhardt Dec. 2-8. PXOCTOB'8 (B. C Stewart, mgr.) Fanny Ward and Company, Mr. snd Mrs. Thorn- ton Frlel. Goldsmith and Hoppe. Field Bros., Wot ui w ood's Circus. Marti or. Carle and Ru- dolph. Lulu Dixon. Laddie Cliff week of 21. COLUMBIA (J. W. Jacobs, mgr.) Barney 011 more in Kelley from the Emerald Isle wee 21: The Climax week (Lee Ottolengue, mgr.) of 21; Toe Beauty " week of of 28. WAtDMANS The Golden Crook week week of 28. EMPIRE of 21; NEW YORK. ALBANY. — ttlBMirm BLEECKER HALL (J. Gilbert Gordon, mgr.) Two Men and a Girl 21-22: Grace George 24: Albert Cheraller 23- 26: Thomas A. Wise 28-30. EMPIRE (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Queens -of ET^ ,n ( 6^S^cS-"mgr V rWe.. F ern r lies of tbe Day 22-26. BROOKLYN MONTAUK (Edward Trail. mgr.) Tbe Arcadians week of 21: Kyrle BeTlew In Raffles week of 28. TELLER'S BROADWAY (Leo C. Teller, mgr.) Tbe Lily week of 21; Tbe Bohemian Girl week of 28. SAM L. &7IU- BEBT"S (L. J. Rod li quel, mgr.) The Passing or the Third Floor Back week of 28. MAJES- TIC (W. C. Frldley. mgr.) The Summer Widow- ers week of 28. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. H- Springer, mgr.) Harry Kelly in Tbe Deacon snd tbe Lady week of 28. COURT (W. F. Middle ton. mgr.) Thomas E. Shea week of 21. AMPHION (Q. A. Netma. mgr. i Thronsh Death Valley week of 28. EMPIRE (George McManus. mgr.) Broadway Gaiety Girls week of 21: Merry Whirl week of 28. CASINO (Charles Daniels, mgr.) Merry Whirl week of 21: Follies of the Day week of 28. ' STAR (James Clark, mgr.) Bice and Cady'a Big Show week of 21: Tbe CrackTjsek's week of 28. OAYETY (H. B. Denny, mar-) The Kerens ders week of 21: Queen of Jsrrtln de Paris week of 28. PHILLIP'S LYCETJM .(Lonls _Phllllpa. mgr.) . Stock. PAY- ngr.) All the Comforts or Home week of 21. PAYTON'S LEE AVENUE (Corse 1'aytoD. mgr.) Paid In Full week of 21. GOTHAM (Pauline II. Boyle, mgr.) Forbes Stock Company In Tbe Girl From <>..t Yonder we. k of 28. CRESCENT (Law Parker, mgr.) Crescent Stock Company In Such ' Ittle Onsen week of 28. QRBENrOlNT Benedict Blatt. mgr.) Lily Lena. Fay. Two !oleya and Fay. Wright and Dl-trlcb. Brown and Ayer. -Hal Darts snd lues Macaulry, Bobby Banfor and Brothers, Hanlon Dean and Han Ion. Sam Mann and Company, wetk of 21. 0B- I'HEUM (Frank Kllhols. mgr.) Lillian Shaw. Jean Marcel's Art Studies, Chaa. King and Elisabeth Brlce. Bothwell Browne. Yorke and Adams, Seven Belforda, Henry CI I re and Mai Walker. Juggling Burkes. The Man From tha Sea week of 2L BDJOHAjiTON. — STONE OPEBA BOCSE (O. S. Hathaway, mgr.) Tbe Girl or tbe Mountains 21; Tbe Lottery Man 23: Reuben In New York 24; Grace George in Sauce for tbe Goose 23; The Blue Mouse 26. ARMORY (Stephen Os- wald, mgr.) Royal Venetian Ban< Morrlsey and Rich. Mabel Carew, Covert, and pictures 21-23. TT.HTBn —LYCEUM (Rela Circuit) Tbe Lot- tery Man 22: The Bine Mouse 24: William Col- lier In 111 Be Ranged If I Do 25; The Nigger 26. MOZABT (OTw. MIddletoo) Bobjns-Eor- n r lisyr's In Ibe Squaw Man 21-26. 8YRACTJSE. — BAST ABLE (S. Bastable. mgr.) Soul Klsa 21-23; At tbe Old Cross Boads 24-26: Rosary week 28. WIETING (J. L. Kerr, mgr.) Grace George In Sauce for the Goose 23: Grace Van Studdlford in A Bridal Trip 24-20: The Dawn of a To-Morrow Dec. 1-3. CRESCENT (J. J. Brest In, mgr.) Caylor and WUtaie, Jos Kelsey. Sa Hrras. Luetic and Yoast, Eugene West snd Catherine Henry week of Not. 21. TJTTCA. — ORPHEUM (Ford S. Anderson, mgr.) Mebxn's Animal Circus. Cyril snd Farley, and Maud dement 21-23. MAJESTIC (J. Q. Brooks, mgr.) Grace George 21: Al. W. Martin's Uncle Tom's Cabin 22; Two Men and a Girl 23; S-reo Days 24: Paid In Full 25-26, HIPPODROME (P. F. Clancy, mgr.) Guild Musical Comedy Company. Charlotte Meyer and Eatyle Ladd. Martin Guild. Miss Florence Gets, Murray and Moore, and pictures week of 2L SHUBERT (Wm. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.) Tbe Rolfonlana. Danover and Arnold. Gerald Grtffln and The BeU Boy Trio. " of 21. OHIO. VIHCIM H ATT. — GR *, NP The House Next Door week of 28- KEITII COLUMBIA (Harry K. Shockley. mgr.) Bro- thers Rlguletto. Flo Irwin Company, The Horse D-aler. Oscar Lorraine, The Three Lelgbtons, Amy Roller and Boys, Bow en. Una and Moll, La\ Pla and pictures week or 27. LYRIC (Jss. E. Fennessy. mgr.) The Midnight Sous week or 27. OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and -L. Fore pa ugh Fish, mgr.) Brown of Harvard week or 27. WALNUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.: Stair A Har- lln, bookings) Tbe Virginian week or 27. EM- PRESS (E. H. Robinson, mgr.; Sullivan and Consldlne Circuit ( Silverado. Ceo. Hays awl Clancy Twins. Saraghan. Lennox and Company. Hartrngton. Mildred and Lester, Holmes and BUey. Youugman Family and pictures week of 27. PEOPLE'S (James Fennessy. mgr.; West- ern Wheel) The Passing Parade week or 27. STANDARD (F. J. dements, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Lore Makers week of 27. HEUCK'S (Geo- AKRON GRAND OPEBA BOUSE (O. L. Elaler. mgr.) Paul GUmore In Tbe Bachelor 21; The Merry Widow 23. COLONIAL (F. E. John- son, mgr.) Billy Swede, Hall and Jennie Col born, Eurendall Brot" Sparrow. Ned Dandy, tastes) week of 21. CLEVELAND.— OPERA HOUSE (A. F. Harts, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock In The Man Who Owns Broadway 21 and week. COLONIAL (F. Ray Corns tnck. mgr.) Eddie Foy In Up and Down Broadway week of 21. LYCEUM (G. M. Todd, mgr.) Thurston. Magician, week of 21, CLEVELAND (G. M. Todd, mgr.) Joe Bortla In Oar Ftt-nd Frits week of 21. STAB. Sam T. Jack's Company week of 2L EMPIBE. New Star and Garter Show week of 2L KEITH'S PROSPECT. Vaudeville: The Great Elton, head- liner. TOLEDO.— VALENTINE (Harry Smith, mgr.) The Girl I n the Taxi Nor. 23-24: Elsie Janls 25-28. LYCEUM (Wslter Moore, mgr.) Paid rleES!!-?^',^ 0 " 23 ' Newlyweds week Nor. 27. AMERICAN (T. H_ Tiemey. mgr.) Tbe Majesty snd M.ld week Nov. 20; Our New Minister -eS Nor. 27. EMPIBE (Harry Winters, mgr.i Rob- inson Show week Nor. 20; Tbe Star and Garter Show week Nor. 27. AUDITORIUM (Otto Klleves. mgr.) Week Nor. 21. The College Widow; Qulney Adams Sawyer week of 27. PENNSYLVANIA. ERIE. — MAJESTIC (John L. GDaon. mgr.: Beta Circuit) The City Nor. 21; The Smart Set In Hla Honor, the Barber Nor. 22; Alias Jimmy Valentine Nor. 23-24: Ian Robertson In The Paaaing of tbe Third Floor Back Nor. 26. PARK (Jeff Call an. mgr.; Agent, U. B. O.) Week Nor. 21: The Herring-Cnrtlsa Aero Plans; Pollard comedy juggler: Uxxie Erana and Jefferson Loyd: PhyUla Lee. and Albert Harn-a: Five Brown Brothers, saxophone players; Minnie St. Claire^ COLONIAL (A, P. rYeacbler. mgr.: C. K- Cummins, aast. mgr.: booking Independent) Week Nor. 21: Bnrkbardt, Kelly and Company, Don Tin Yaw, Chinese Baritone; Modetaky Tronpe, Buntan singers and dancers; Boyd and Mo ran : E! error Otis and Company: Jack Dresden and the Orrtwa y Girts, alnglog and dancing. H ARR18B TTR0 .—MAJESTIC (M. H. Mefrlck, mgr.) Jos. King's East Lynne 21; Local Mln- ■fri',' **Z- F1 ?. , i3' , „"L'' n| xht Sons 23 24: Daniel Boone 23. ORPHEUM (Floyd Hopkins mgr.) Onanlp- Primrose Four, Hopkins. Axteile snd Company. H. T. McCou'nell and I Company! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Mnalral Johnstons. Lena Psntser an d Company week of 21. JO H aT S T OWH .-CAMBHlA, (H. W. 8hPrer. mgr.) The Iron King 23; The Wolf 24; Rector'a Burlesque 25; Hoyt's Comedy Company 26. -LANCASTER— PULTON (C. A. Yecker. mgr.) The Rejnvenatlon of Aunt Mary Nor. 22. The County Sheriff 23. Tbe Minister's Daughter 24 The Midnight Sons 23-26. FAMILY (Edw. Mo- Zart, mgr.) The Trenton Burglar 21 and week. AVATEtTRS— Six new vaudeville ae and arranged especially for amatenr u . dnclng Dntch. Irish, robe. dude, tramp. Het tongb, and black fare characters. All for M. B. BEI-U Bearden. Term. GOOD LTJCX m TEAR nuajf f Great novelty for post card dealers and atreet agents. Slags money. LTTHO. OO^ NEARY & MILLER America's Cleverest Oancins Duo IN VAUDEVILLE OPEN FOR BURLESQUE CMAS. RUTH BURNS & CLARKE THE M EBKEW AND THK LADY Now in Van da rllle. Add. oars Whit* Rata. The Laf rasers li (itir ttrM-iii erat#j ckttet "GETTING EVEN" IN VAUDEVILLE I HE THREE SHORTIES — In Their— IN VAUDEVILLE. ACT EDWTJI HOBBY, Sensational Aerial Gjssnaet and Dp-Side- Down siaa. Dates wanted. Indoor Exuoaluous. Rinks. Greater Vaudeville, etc. 8. Adams Street, Peoria, HUsois. HYDE & BEHMAN AMUMMCMT COM MM V Temple Bar Building. Brooklyn, N. T. Star Tbaa tra • Brooklyn Oayery Tha alia .......... BraaHlyn O a j ety Thiaua ........ Vtrnssaraj Star ass) QettaT Always Onssrat Tl an ■ for Wm Musical Glastes Ass. Hiklja. a. K Sketches- WRITTEN TO ORDER Original warn. 1 Mi ra tea. Wrtaa aadaaata, asrlmlng ataaap. K. T. MALM tU ». Glabra ■tmt, Oasaa. Vr» Tark. Re'moh Gems ■aaey aaMsaSaaS laadaraliksad -haa aa> aaaSa, fatl ae Ml H ala l aas» las. lavsaTtaa «««««« si Bat aady la «JK a»M — lau> i all sail inssiliailil ganv Bet aa kaltatkav Oaaraataad a* aaaaala as UTOS,«M|,| - ^ MANUSCRIPT «•«-•' . PLAYS - SALE I a -a-a t A S! ill Musical Bills J. C DEAGAN Clark Bt. Inventor and Mfr. to the profession. Write for oor new Illustrated cat- alog. New hits. Al- waya reliable. TO TRAP .tall :»ani amvWanwtamlatl rode. Xaaaaroo, Aaformn " nil rfiih WaahU tnnurt of a daja' I rial C ■, Zal d la r Drum Co. tnrt.0. Oamlial gjj* Plojsii Oatslogua of Prafi Skatchaa, kt Becttatlona, M t rRjj mux * _ »« Ti 1 * Aaaateor liUatral DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 23 HARRIS and RANDALL la T h.i r Rural Camadw IMM "SO MILES FROU NOWHERE " (oommm) IN VAU DEVI LLC THREE NATIONAL COMWUES COMEDY ACROBATS Urn *V C. emeu IT OWCN OIRTHUOI WRIGHT & STANLEY a. C. CIRCUIT Aubrey Rich Ctamtir NHintiii ii St« IN VAUDEVILLE ECKHOFF & GORDON MrieiJ LMfhukifs • ULLIVA*)-CO*lBIOIe»E OIROUIT ROUH,SHEAN and NOLAN IH VAUDEVILLE DANTE S FUJI SEANCE Dean-Orr Sisters i Skeet GalMier PAT RE ILLY " IN THE DAYS OF *tl " »allrvan-Con*JdlR*Clroult duke n. lec •crt auoacoh DUKE and BERT LULU DIXON Character Sagiai aa4 Daadaf Not. 23-24. The City; 25. Moving Plot on* : 2«. Grace I In Sauce for Mamie isfooy Blicl 'iilac of this old rsvorlte house with mock too Coom. idli s (Joan n. Docking, mgr.) Wetk Not. 21. The Photo Shop with Fleming and Charts* J. Stone: The h\ Trio. U Sherman, Bailer lot's Dogs. _ Bros.. CIS ode But. J sines NeU sad Ed/the Chapman and the Hectograph. POLl'S NEW ACADEMY (John H. Docking, mgr.) Grand opening of this old favorite house with stock col' 21-23. Winners. Ill lUDl O.- NIXON (T. P. Kirk, mgr.) BU- lle Burke In Mrs. Dot week Nor. 21; H«!e Janls In The 811m Princess week 28. AAV IN (Harr Darl*. mgr.) Second week ot The Mid night Sons; week Not. 28. The Great New York Hippodrome Show. GRAND (Barry DstIs, mgr.). High -class Tanderlll*, featuring Rose Pltonof, and 14 other acta week Not. 21. Capa- city business. Week Not. 28, featuring Bra Tangaay. LYCEUM (B. M. dalles, mgr.) Eu- genie Blair In The Light Eternal week Not. 21: we-k Not. 28. St. Elmo. DUQUESNE (Harry Dsrls, mgr.) The Da Tin Stock Company present week Not. 21. On the Quiet: week Not. 28. The Great Divide. OAYETY (Henry Kurtaman. mgr.) Marathon Girls wrek Not. 21; week Not 28; Parisian Widows. ACADEMY (Harry Wll llama, mgr.) The Lady K. Watson i week of 2L WTLEE8-BARRF,— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (D. M. Can dm in, mgr.) Not. 21-23, Qneen of the Ontlaw Camp: 24. The Nigger: 25-26. The City: 28. Grace George: 29. The Circus Chap: SO, East Lynne: Dec. 2-3, Passing of the Third Floor Back. KESB1T (D; M. CanSman. mgr.) Week 21. Phil Maher'a Stock Company; wgek 28. dark. POLl'S (Gordon Wrlgbter. mgr.) Week Not. 21, Tom Walker, Sammy Watson's Farmyard, Cbae. F. Samoa. Mllo. BelJ Company. Lynch and Zeilec. Hathaway, and Mack. Floyd Mack. Week 28, Claude hadte Sherman. Howard Bros.. Connolly and Webb, Tom Nawn and Co., Gavin, Kenney and Nobody. The Three Hlekey Bros. LOZBRNB (1-e-oo Ferindlnl, mgr.) Nor. 21-23. Penannt Win- ners: 24-26, Gtria from Dixie: 28-30. Yankee Doodle Girls: Dec 1-3. Merry Maiden; 5-7. The Ducklings: 8-10, Watson's Burleaquars; 12- 14. - Edwsrds. John A_ West. Myrtle Victoria. Dixon Peters week of 20. OBPHEDM (Dslton Bros., mgra.) Wolford and Sterena. Billy Van. George 8. Vans, Leo Dnlmager, Stuart Barnes, niche and Haynea week of 20. GAXVESTOH— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Cbax. Brian, mgr.) The Lottery Mao 22. A born Opera Company 23-24. CRYSTAL (O. Jorgensen. mgr.) ureal Kleter snd Scotch Lss- ale, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Talrott, The Beano Duo. and The Three Dale* week of 20. HOUSTON. — PBINCE (DaTe Wela. mar.) Go- ing Some 21; The Moose of a Thousand Canine* 22; TIM Lottery Mao 23-24; Aborn'a English Opera Co. 25-27. MAJESTIC (Chas. A. McVar- lsnd. mgr.) F. Mosetto and Assistant. Jnggiers. excellent: Ellma Ellwood, soprano soloist, big bit; Mr. Douglas A. Flint, In the Mixers, treat; J sines Brock man. chevalier*, excelelat: Kesaelv's European Marionettes, sn exceptions] set. Dig hit; Alice B. rry. pocket edition comedienne, ex- eeUi-nt: Moneta Fire, An Evening at Home, neadllner,- great, big hit: week 20. COZY (Msnrlc* excellent: hit; CI irk Wayne, eccentric eomi-dy. pleased; Volght and Volgnt, Jugglei*. went well; P ose snd St. Claire, good; week 20. EMPIRE (R. B. Mor- ris, mgr.) Beed Comedy Company in repertoire week of 20. • SAM AJTTOaTXO. — ROYAL THEATRE (J. M. Nix. mgr.) Cunrtni-y and .Jeanette. Jnggiers, good; Austin Walsh, speaking sketch, eery and Cecum, sketch. The Last Dot- _ (Carl Bred, mgr.) Henry W. Savage'e production of Madame X week Not. 20. GRAND (Gilbert Barry, .mgr.) Our New Minister wrek Not. 20. SEATTLE (Harry Cort. mgr.) The College Widow week Not. 20. Al. HAM BR A (Russell snd Drew, mgra.) Fablo Roman! week Nor. 20. LOIS (Duncan Inrv-r- arliy. mgr.) Shore Acres week Nor. 20. OR- PHEUM (Carl Belter, mgr.) Mr. Bymack, Ida O'Day. Marvelous Griffith. Hilda Thomas •■ad Loo Hsll. Stanley snd Morton. Psul Floras. Bto week Not. 21. MAJESTIC (John W. Cook, mgr. (The George Bonos I r Troupe, Varden Perry and Wilbur. Leo and Chapman. Robert Carter snd Kstbryn Waters, Witty Edwards sad Jo* PROF. HOMER BUTLER'S BAND AND GEORGIA MINSTRELS. ill t - ^ Alines feature with Gollmar Bros.*. Shows, aea ion 1810. WTLLIAXSPORT. — L ICOUIKG OPERA HOUSE (L. J. Flak, mgr.) The City 22: Harry Kelley 24. FAMILY (Robert ~ Allen and Chtnault RHODE ISLAND. . PROVIDENCE. — P EOTIDIKOI OPERA hocsb IF. R, Wsadelsehaerer. mar.) Mlaa Blanch Ring In The Yankee Girl week of 21. IMPERIAL (W. A.' Baldwin, mgr.) Baldwin. Melville Stock Company in Parted on Her Bridal Tour week ot 21. EMPIRE (Sol. Bran nig, mgr.) Flake O'Bara hi The Wearing of the Green week of 2L WESTMINSTER (Geo. F. Collin, mgr.) Fred Irwin's Bis Show weak of XX. SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON. — ACADEMY OF MTJSIO (a B. Matthews, mgr.) Madame ▼ Nor. 22-23; Clara Lipman Dec. 1. MAJESTIC (0. U Brandt lev. mgr.) The Great Kenney. acrobat and gymnast, sad Nellie Borks were One; Marie lull! and Bobble Burke have a clever playlet; iatWli « comedians, red the Roberts, Rand and and Marshall. TENNESSEE. HARHVTLUC— OBPF1ECM (Gevjrg* _ mgr.) Stan Stanley and Brother, Jim Ruther- ford and Company. The Laval's. Dainty Helen Rosas. Murray and Jones, snd picture* week of 21. GRAND (George Hickman, mgr.) Sam 1 and Ida Kelly, Caamua and La Mar. Mart mi- ' ier. Clothllde and Montrose, sad picture* week of 21. BIJOU (George Hickman, mgr.) The Wanderer we -k of 21: Rosalind at Red ~ week of 28. VENDOME (W. Ethel TOR TEXAS. _ -DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Oeocxe Aaay, mgr.) The Girl Behind the Counter SI* 21: The Queen of toe Moulin Bong* 23-24; Th* of LJoerty 25-26. MAJESTIC (8. F. mar.) Millard snd Bond, Udell and nrth. Wosanw Midgets, Otto and EmUy Mots, Blckoelt and Olboey, Lee and Kslhevins weak of 30. - ■ SPOKAHE. — SPOKANE THEATRE (Charles W. York, mgr.) Baker Stock Company 14-20: The College Widow 21-27. WE8T VIRGINIA. WHEELING.—- COURT (E- L. Moore, mgr.) Henry Kl lawoeth' s Ooerammergsn picture* 30: Sheehan Opera Co. la H Troratore 21. APOLLO (H. W. Rogers, mgr.) High Flyers 2128. VIC- TORIA (Geo. Sharer, mgr.) Prof. Rand's Musi- cal and Acrobatic Dogs. Dixon and Mack, black- face comedians, singers and dancer*; Sberer and Newkirk, musical sketch; pelxer and White, - r artist*: Fred SC Onice an " CANADA. .TON. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Al- lte R- Loudon, mgr.) Sooaa'a Band 23; Miss Delia Clarke In Toe White Squaw 23-26. MONTREAL — ORPHKUM (Q. F. DriseoU. mgr.) Will H. Murphy snd Blanche Nichols and Company, G ruber's Animals, Beatrice In- gram and Company. Mr. and Mrs. Voelker, Ray- mond and Caver ly, Hal Merrltt. K easier and Lee, Harry Brown and Mile. Martha week of 2L FBAXCAIS (J. 0. Homer, mgr.) Petite Laarie Ordnay. Kent Sisters, Bailey sad Tear. The Three Kohls. Frledlsnder snd Clark, sad Shelton Brooks, week of 21. CASINO (A. N. Sharp, mgr. ) The Soatham Four, Willis Lewis, Th,. Great Roc knee and Company week ot 21. CRYSTAL PALACE (W. Hodges, mar.) Frank and Sherman, Wood and Russell. The Vanity Trio week of tL HIS MAJESTY'S (H. Q. Brooks, mgr.) Grand opera week of 28. ROYAL (O. McBriea. mgr.) Miner's Americana weak of 28. SHES BROOKE, OUT. — 8HEBBR0OKE (W. A. Tlpert. mgr.) Augusta Parry Stock Company T0R0HTO, ONT. — ROYAL ALEXANDER (la Soimaa. mgr.) The Merry Widow 21-26; Grace Vaa StoddTford la The Bridal Trip ss Dec. 3. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard. mgr.) Nat C. Goodwin In The Captain 21-23; Mm*. Sarah 25-2*: Raymond Hitchcock in The Owns Broadway 28- Dee. 3. GRAND Awakening ol Ifeeoi £1-26: rhe White Sonaw 28-Dec. 3. MASSEY HALL (Ni wr" - mgr.) Catherine Countlss in The Heleae Bit" 3. MAK tthrow. mgr.) Bmlle De Oogorsa (Dan Pierce, mgr.) Th* Aaiericana 21-26: The World of Pleasure 28-Dec 3. OAYETY (T. B. ^ Olria 21-26; Boa* 33. STAB SOMMERS & HORTON In Thalr Comady Skit "I CAN'T FIND A TREE" IN VAUDEVILLE WHITE'S COMEDY MULES ThaTwo FunnlsstMulsion the) American Stag* WM. LVKENSi AQENT Kaleh and Fioalm PAUL RUBY NEVINS & ERWOOD MAX E. HAYES, IT BERNARD end CANTER SINKING ANI TALKING ACT In' H. A. HUGUENOT «V CO. The Deceivers M BURKE In Vaudavlii*. THE HUXTABLES Tied with » Bow of UNITED TIME TEMPLE and HUFF In their Burterjquo OPERATIC COMEDY 8 KIT UNITED TIME E. DANIEL LEIGHTON — LUCILLE PHELPS & CO. THE GAME UNITED TIME COMEDIENNE JOB WOOD CltCClT Hi oript UW.1H SaHii JOB H UY CflrUAlB")^ i« in Vaudeville on OOD CIRCUIT FRED G. COLE JOSEPHINE I "TIE LITTLE The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1010. SKATIN G RINK NEWS Skater Suspended by Western Skating Association — John McDonald Again in Form— Other Skating News of Interest By JULIAN T. FITZGERALD. Chicago, III., Nov. 26 (Special to The Bill- board). — L. Ehclm. an Ice skater, who baa been skating under tbe nam* of James Wtaln- ney. at tbe Ice Palace, since tbe opening race, ben been suspended by tbe Board of Control of the Western Skating Ass'n for sixty days. CM suspension Is from November 13 to J miliary 11. 1911. Wbinney (under which name be skated), wbo^bss KOD^seTeral^ Prkeshi Uejre nmhe \d 8. Herman Leweck. tbe acrobatic Ice skater, baa been siring exhibitions at tbe Ice Palac •Ince tbe rink opened In September. Lewec* Is a "dare-devil" akater. and bolda many records for backward Jumping over cbalrs. table* -an-* hurdles. He bolda tbe record for blgh Jumping backward over tbe hurdles of three feet and elgbt inches; also Jumps four chairs backwanb-- three feet high. He la one of tbe fastest back- ward skaters In tbe world. Mr. Leweck. besides the -Mcdonald again in form. . John McDonald, one of the- smallest skaters In Chicago, and one of tbe gamest sprinters In tbe roller game, who It was thought a few weeks back would never be able to compete In races again, has come back. McDonald won the closing series of two mile . races at the -McLEAN IS WINNER. The first class "C" Ice race that ' baa been akated at tbe. new Ice Palace waa skated Mon- day sight, November 14. Twelve of the fast- est claae "C" abaters competed. The race. was akated In two bests and a final. Tbe first beat bad the following starters: Nels Jacohson. Fred J. Marsolph. Alban Zahnen. Harmon Newell. A. S- Nordgren and E. J. Lampp. The beat was WOO by Newell. Marsolph. second: Jacobaon. third. Time— 1:34 1-6. Tbe second heat bad aa starters: Robert McLean, M. W. Leedy. Otto Larsen. Joseph Dickinson and A. -rat waa won by McLean. Larsen , third. Time— 1:28.- In the final neat McLean started out as a ••A" akater and tbe win liarsen finished a good third. Time— 1:28 (-3. , .♦ .-. SHAMROCKS DEFEAT MOHAWKS. Wednesday night tbe elimination games were played at tbe Ice Palace between the Shamrocks and . tbe Mohawks, two Dew hockey team -t that are fighting to get Into tbe new Chicago Lcacue. Tbe score wsa 8 to 1 In favor of tbe Shamrocks. The Mohawks weak at t np a great -n tbe ac l but were halt better PARTY AT MADISON GARDENS. The Madison Garden Roller Rink management Ing parties on Wed- I, in tbe form of a waa presented with a country jsy suit. The party waa a great suc- cess, and tbe rink waa packed to the capacity. Manager MeConnack aaya hla rink la paylm better this season at this time than It did last season, and that be has a list of parties that will entertain tbe akatlng fans the rest of the Soma of the Ideas of Mr. McCormack DARE-DEVIL LEWECK, Champion backward Jumper of tbe world. Hla record for high jumping backward Is 3 ft., 6 In. Hurley Davidson writes: "I suppose -you will t hink 1 have disappeared altogether and am list- ed among tbe dead. But such Is not the case, for I am very much alive. I certainly bad a dandy trip out West. I saw the big fight at Reno. Nev., and believe me It. waa tbe. greatest gathering of sports I ever witnessed. 'As to the flgbt-it was very poor, and If It hadn't been for the tooting of the anto horns when the fight was over you would have' thought that we were going to a funeral. I apent a week at Frisco, then San Jose, Holllster, Santa Crux. Watsonvllle, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles. Ocean Park, Catalina Island and Long Beach. I akated in ' Long Beacb, Los Angeles, to big business and twice In Palo Alto, where I de- feated Fred Martin, tbe Pacific Coast cham- pion. In a mile race, also gave bhn ten . yards In one mile and won. "Before leaving California I underwent an operation from a fall I received in my back. Jumping over elgbt chairs, and I am happy to say I feel all right again. Oat' of tbe four months I was away, two-thirds of the time I slept out In the open air, the first time I bare bad to rest in twelve years and I certainly did need It. I came from 'Frisco to St. Paul, to train Walter (Young) Miller, tbe world's welter weight champion wrestler, for his match with Otto Snter, of Cleveland, <)., bat bad to leave tbe night of tbelr match (Nov. 10) to skate at Omaha. Neb., from tbe 10th - to 13th. Tbe match waa a draw after three hours and six minutes of wrestling. "I opened here to a dandy business snd Sun- day night we had 850 skaters and over 500 spectators — not bad for tbe fifth sessoo. Mr. Fielding and Miss Carlos called to see me on their way to Lincoln, Neb., and they were sur- prised to see the rink crowds. In connection with my regular exhibition I skated a mile relay against fonr skaters, tbe best In- this part of the conn try. they going a quarter of a mOa each. I won easy In 2:49. Mr. Glllan. manager of the Auditorium Rink here, la thinking of putting on one big race meet In February, If he can get the fastest skaters to compete. I go back to St. Paul from here and expert to see you In tbe near future." BUNKER BEATEN BY SKA' The race between William Stanley, champion Indoor Marathon runner, and Henry Becker, ex- cbamplon roller skater ' of Illinois, and Bert Spooncr, ax -champion amateur Ice akater of Can- ada, at the Ice Palace, Wednesday night. Nor. 18, tbe skaters . to akate a. mile, and a third against the'rnnner^a one- mile — wait a grand race from start to finish. Tbe sksters woo by one lap In 4:41, while the runner's time was 5:02. Stanley not being satisfied with the showing be made In this race, baa accepted the chal- lenge of Norval Baptle, champion apeed skster of the world, to run - one mile while Baptle skates a, mile and a third, giving the runner a Hying start. This race will be pulled off In tbe near future. ■ . ! '-\" * ♦ " • . " SEVEN YKAII OLD WONDKH. In the one-half mile boys' race akated at the Ice Palace Wednesday night. November 18. one of the greatest exhibitions of akatlng by a mere child waa pulled off. There were nine boys ranging from ten to fifteen years old lined up at the tape. Among them waa the little seven- year-old son or the proprietor of a large isnndry establishment, wbo la one of tbe real skating waa only fans. Tbe youngster was only up to. t Shoulder of the rest of the boys and when ha went to toe tbe scratch It looked aa If be waa only a mascot, bnt wben tbe race was started II was a different story. The youngster fell twice during tbe race enough to pnt any skater oat of tbe race, bnt be waa np In an Instant and going after tbe leaders. Tbe last lap waa Just started when he wss about 30 yards to the bad, and by a grand sprint overtook tbe leaders and won by a raid. This Is tbe second race be baa won and be baa only been akatlng a few PALMER AND BEAUMONT WIN. In the tbirty-mlnnte handicap team race skated Friday nlgbt, Nov. 18 at tbe Sans Soncl Rink In which twenty of tbe fastest skaters on rollers participated. Palmer and Beaumont Mulshed first, wltb Angella and Reed second, sbd Gllllckson snd Caswell, third. After skst- Ing fifteen minutes and getting a lead of almost a lap. Pair - Beaumont, A record 1 — skating nine miles In the 8ERIES GOES TO HALVORSEN. Thursday night. November IT. tbe third and deciding race of tbe series of three handicap race* for three silver loving cups was skated and won by Harry Halvorsen. who scored ten points. A. C- G. Anderson won- tbe second place by elgbt points, third cup going to Otto Larsen. who scored fonr points. The time for this race was the fastest that baa been skated In the West In a long time. The mile was akated In 2:39. ♦ HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TO DISBAND. Disruption of tbe Chicago Hockey Asaocls- tlon, recently formed seems certain following tbe demand of tbe hockey men that the Palace management pay tbem 1250 a game. The suc- cess of tbe opening of the league schednle In the game between tbe Murrays and tbe White Socks last Friday before a crowd that filled the Ice Palace emboldened tbe Hockey Association to make Its demand at this time. However, Manager Thos. W. Prior, of tbe Ice Palace, gave a radical answer to the demand. It Is said. He ordered the players to take their belong- the Palace and to consider tbem- untll they were lngs ! selves TUB NEW WTJKLITZXR FACTORY— FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose. The world's largest and only complete line. 50 different styles, including ' FianOrcbeatra, Planl no. Plate Piano, automatic orchestra) ' b 3-no ta Play er Pi ano. Mandotl a Quart* t . S k a tl n jf Kink Bands. 88-note Player Plane. Mandolin Sextet. Automatic Military Hands, Violin Piano, Automatic Harp, Etc. Wurlitier waa the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field and it to- day tbe world's largest manufacturer. t Branches, in moat Large cities. Writs for big 84-page catalog, picturing the entire Wurlitier line. ■7 We Supply the U.S. Government tilth Musical Instruments. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. CINCINNATI (117 to Ul E. 4th) J"" «» * "aS *»^»w«y. * 5th Ave.); CHICAGO (268 * tag Wabash) ; PHILADELPHIA (1U* Chsalaat); ST, LOOTS Henley Roller Skates Latest Model, Bsll-BcaHng Blnk Nickel-plated Steel. Ball Bearing nation Aluminum or Boxwood Rollers. Henley Racing Skates by speed skaters everywhere, sad are also desirable for Individual use, where tbe driest and most complete skate In the market la desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS M. C HENLEY, Mi*, ti Sirfici Riik ail Dmci Flms Ovwrl.OOeirt Una. Mtss In Thres aires. For Boiler Rinks, a ran— meat Companies. Dsnc* Balls, Contractors and II olid era eieljsIrM Machine easily rented to Coutrsctors and I Balld- of Its own accord. Built on tbe only correct principle. Guaranteed to be the BEST machine wltb which to produce an even, smooth surface on any kind of wood -floor, old or new. bard or aoft. Will surface from 5,000 to 7,000 so, ft. once over Id 8 boors. Two to fonr time over will make It smooth and lave). Send for our FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION, at. L. SCHLUt TEa, 101-ios V. canal Street. Chicago, 111. Hew York Office, 1001 Hat Iron Building. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. Organised to give greitsr prominence to bona toe Professional tUISIS fsBSM « S S bare a flnlshed act to otter Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters and to p i —a t s rosier a ketlng ta general. Address DOT IUU BJCTS0EDS, 1M0 Broadway. «. T. OH* ears The BUIeeers. All the Stars of World JACK F0T0H entertaining novelty comedy act before the public. Addrsea Billboard, Claelnaatl. O. VAN FRANK The Dare Devil, reataree 27-ln. top c HAJkV&AHfl Proosarlsg their latest ss ees ss RINKLAND Mitt ADELAIDE E. D'VORAK TBI Matt WOBIWft In bar H. A. SIMMONS «.t^&-^ FANCY t K ATI NO BCKLCaQUC pirtonasr Msaaisrslrlll khxfjr writ, aarl r rocki*"* . - * - esi ~- - - aa w v.,. a ■ •»« smu ^*a*e - ■ — paru tddraas, Tt Broad Street, M. T. city THE UOiTJSOARD'S CLASS DTCKD BUSLNK8S DIRECTORY GIVE* DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard the ganiee under the former arrangement. AH this happened Sattinlsjr and Tom Prior prom- ises to itand pat. while -Charlre nMIr, preel- dent of tb« lev League, announces (bat toe league gsrues will not proceed until nine finan- cial agreement ta reached wltb the 1'alace of ficlala. ______ MATTOON RINK REOPENS. Mattooo, III.. Nor. 20 (Special to The Bill- board).— Tbe Armory Skating Blnk reupened Monday wllb big attendance. Jack England, of BraneTlU e. Ind.. U the new pro prietor. MUNCH DEFENDS TITLE. J. W. Munch, of Milwaukee, defended bl> title of Nortbweatern rbamploo at tbe Lincoln Park Blnk. Dululb. Minn.. Nor. S-10, agalnat Prank Bryant, tbe Duluth cbamplon and the challenger, f be rsevs of wblcb there were three, were for a puree of $100 and a aide bet of flOO, and were for a distance of one mile. Bryant won tbe first race and Munch the re- maining two. A return match race between tbe two tksters baa been arranged. It will be held at Rlvervlew Park to Milwaukee. RIN K NO TE. In Ibe fire wblcb destroyed the Stadium Blnk. ontreal. Manager A. Csutbler. who bad bla SnNH adJoKlng the rink, loat all bl. be- PARIS LETTER. (Cootlnoed from bag* 10.) vaudeville MAN. Henry M. Zlegler. the well-known theatrical nun of Cincinnati, la In I'arla again after ■ trip through Ccrmauy. He baa been making I'-rto hi. home km month, now and U getllug to be a regular Parlalan. ". MOVES TO PABI8. Prank A. Small, general press representative of tbe 1. Calvin Brown enlerprlaea. haa MM to Parle and haa rented a home In tbe Eiffel Tower anarter. In other worda be la near tbe scene of the new park. Ma«lc City, wulctt Mr. Brown la building for next aeaaon. Mr. Small a daughter la with him. He own -a Horn Man cheater. England, directly, .though of «». It la needless to aay, the Cnlled States claimed him first of all and few showmen there are. who don't know him— or bo don't know. For the nth* he haa been ' .. Parle. New York. _ rid. and all around tbe tonr again. ' 1 DBAS' EM AT ODBOX. . " ' ode "f Ibe moat fsmoas comedians country Is Dranem, of Ibe Eldorado. ■ more than once, don't - • a In thla Bnt I'tc ■pokru of him before,' more than once. He will soon be seen In 4* Medeeln Malgre 1*1. at the Odeou, aa this piece or Xlollerr'a la scheduled for December. No mora Interesting event has In the proteaa lonal world In a n for .everybody, la .bead over r to see how he will come out. month r b— la with curiosity to see how' be will come out. Dra- nem reminds on* of Harry Watson. Ibe burteequo Csnny-feUow. rather more than any one else I can think or at present. It some manager signs up Mr. Wataon to play a John Drew comedy role there'd be some eagerness to see bow be cam oot. wouldn't there? Well- that'a just the. attnatloa orer here. ....... ] 1 OCILBERTS ADVICE. ; Tvette OuUbert. yoo know, la teaching young Mea bow to warble- She lectures, now then on lb* art. Rhe, aaya that singers o not to get It Into their beads, by watching pro- fbsaloaa la, that to gel off a runny song well la easy, requires no real' art and little practice. To do a simple song of tbe kind we call topi- cal and get tbe best there la In It ont of It. Deeds study almost aa hard. If not quits ss ■ If going In for grand opera. Taw laeh; ledge on the subject, she says. Is what Ibe profession. DOt to mention the pub- the Sard so many amateurish -perfi KTOILB PAI—CE. : • : The bill at the Etolle Palace at present, has twenty-one numbers. Among them la tbst of Joe and Willy, two Australian youths, tbe younger of whom does a comedy acrobatic danc- ing stunt that la quite good. Kit Von. de- scribed an "An Americas Imitator." on the bnt. la one or tbe leading restores. He does all sorts of lmlUtloas, vocal and mechanical. Otbera Saltier, wire walker, ' about aycllats. , - i ' LUNA PABK. The usnmer aeaaon ended at Luna Park Sun- day. In suite of a auperabundanea of wetness there waa a big crowd on band lo see the bars put up for lbs winter orer tbe doors of Ibe various places of amusement. Hut — Luna Park leada a double life. Unlike moat summer parks. Ibis one la a winter park too. The ' Palace of IMtlea" haa been gutted and a floor laid for a roller skating rink. Manager Akoon had a rink there laat winter and made money. Its hopes to rrpest. He will bold bo a In* exhibitions also. Sam McVee, the negro pugilist, so well known In America, and Jim John eon. a new-comer, will mlz It at Luna the latter part of tbe month. 1 WINS THKM ALL. hji"nrst C roor' weekt"wun" tb« k Arm."te h rdsm^lUuk here and they like him so well he baa atgned up tor another four weeka In addition. He haa ao far been In alx races, each time with s torsi crack, and In all of them bo haa shown hta opponents what bis bark looka like. He has not tost a single race. Before he leaves he will probably race Bodney reters. now In Marseilles, who recently won tbo one mile championship of nance. After finishing at Paris, Carey will go to Marseille!. Berlin, Antwerp and perhaps one or two. other Ruropeaa cities. Afterwards he KeToV-^fo?': s^WJKR ss GENERALITIES. Jim Connors, the electrician of the Thompson Scenic Railway at Luna Park, was; this • week, tendered a dinner by bla associates, when be waa presented with a gold watcb Just to Show him thoy thought right chap. The Three Meers. are featured at the won quite there. The Moulin Ronge place for tbemaelrea on tbe bill hack to giving balls auch aa those which gave thla resort Ita first fame. Tb y are doing all they can to re- gain lost prestige. JI a nadirs de Cottena and Olympic, are to start anon a cinematograph performances at LONDON LETTER. (Continued from page 10.) ecrtptlon. There la Larose, Chief of Police, who Is working might and main to torn the Princess out of France. There la tbe wicked Prince Carlo, who alms at the seduction of Pru- dence, who all tbe time Is working quietly to earn her living In a fashionable dressmaker's In Paris, the enamored Tony atlU faithful; and there la another Intrigue in which P roe be, a maid from the same village aa Prudence, and ber fiance are engaged. And in the Isst set there la s splendid scene at the restaurant known as the Pre Catalan, near Longchampa. where a nippy ending Is preceded by a won- derful dance. AB the principals are In lock as to their parte. . Joseph Coyne, aa Tony Is just tbe careless, eaay-golog figure that he knows bow to depict so admirably. Hayden Coffin, aa tbe soldier, looks handsome and alngs In his old form, while Elsie Spsln has a chance to make tbe most of ber splendid voice as the Princess. One of the biggest ancceaaes of all Is Grade Leigh, a charming eoubrette who ought to hare more to do than she does. There are severs! excellent soots In tbe Prof. W. R. Jones, ventriloquist snd magi- dsn, hss dosed with the Adam Fetser Show or 111 health, snd Is now st his home, K sgaln?n the U a , prJng b * blj J °' n ** S. Stough. this season with Gentry Bros.' Car So. 1, antl formerly connected with tbe No. 1 Car of- Rlngllng Brothers, la now In advance of Hester's two-car lent allow, producing Cus- ter's Laat Fight. Geo. M. Burk'a Wild West has closed on tbe fair circuits snd Is now playing one and two day »taud» through South Carolina. Tbe outfit Is now carrying sixteen bead of stock and vo people. asselman. connected wltb one rf the _ cars this season, returned to Burling- ton, la.. Not. of tbe No. 3 SeUs He wlll^be ^aeU charge piece, notably Gertie Millar's A Runaway Match. Little Quaker Maid. A Good Girl and a Bad Boy and Tip-Toe. George Carrey, one of Ed- warden' latest discoveries, bis a huge success with a haunting waits aong. Come to the Ball. The piece la written by James Tsner, snd composed by Lionel Mockton. while Adrisn Ross snd Percy Oreenbenk bsve supplied the lyrics. Tbe nrst night wss witnessed by a most re- markable gathering; almost every Well-known face In London waa present while the boxes were nesrly completely filled with mnltt-mU- " < Tue"tbeatre Itself U almost unrecognisable. It la now second to none In London In beauly and luxurlousuess. The old vestibule haa en- tirely disappeared and In Ita place la a very handsome entrance ball Illuminated with hidden celling lamps and richly panelled In old oak. Twelve commodious private boxes, four flank- ing the proscenium and eight at the back of tbe dresa circle are conspicuous, while tbe Royal box hss been enlsrged with retiring rooms lux- uriously furnished In Louis XVI. attached. There are 2IS stalls, a huge apace for the orchestra, and a wonderful rake which will render alght-aeelng In a crowded house quite" I The color Is rose snd gold, and ted with grey, glvea a aurprlslag and lightness to the wbole of tbe In- terior. Gertie Millar's dressing room might well be carted by a docbesa. The famous bslloon girt la tbe litest novcjty at tbe Palace. She was to nave made her ap- pearance some . weeks ago but waa prevented from so doing by an accident that might easily have proved fatal, mim Denarber. together with several companions, had let oot on an aerial' flight, during the course of which a faulty valve brought the- party precipitately to earth from ■ height of T.000 feet. Lorklly tbe gnp- pllng Iron of Ibe balloon csDgbt In an oak tree for a second or two and thus partially broke tbe fall. But for that none of tbe occupants of tbe balloon eoulrt possibly have escaped with their Uvea. At the Palace Mlaa Denarber la seen seated In tbe car of a large balloon wblcb Boating oot from tbe atage, makes s tonr of the auditorium. The secret Is so well kept that no one seems to know exsctly how It Is done, so the act joattftes Its title of "the balloon mystery." ' Two Amerlrsn acta are gaining considerable popularity on tbe balls here at the present mo- ment. One la Rlnaldo. "the travellDg violinist" who la now appearing at tbe Tlvoll. and proving a huge draw. Hta first selection, the Poet and Peasant ©vvarture. la perfectly rendered, bnt ibe droll composition which follows, entitled Hlnsldo'a Rag. completely convulses tl He has 1 great future before him In t try. Tbc Eight Saxonea are tbe other turn wblcb baa achieved a great popularity. Tbelr dances a hit extraordinary to us. and the trans- parent scent ry used, showing the dressing is also a bit of a novelty In this daaa of I think that tbe act could be greatly Improved as It stands at present, snd when It Is. It ought to go exceedingly well In London. But to my mind, tbe dsnclng might be a little bet- ter, tbe singing Improved— or cat ont. — the changes - made more rapidly. Wben these Im- provements are made then the popularity already obtained will be greatly enhanced In the fa- tore. RING BARN GOSSIP. (Continued from page 21.) "Tommy" Thompson has graduated Into tbe general agent class, and la making good In con- nection wltb the Messrs. Shubrrt'a big road production of tbe traveling Hlpppodronie Show, which haa aa Ita features Pioneer Dsys snd the Llllputlsn Circus. Mile. Excels and Jessie Franks, who were formerly with leading circuses, opened tbls week In vaudeville In Chicago, for the W. V M. A. They arrived la Chicago recently from tbe Weat, where tbey have proven a big success In Tettdeville. Prince Onwsh, boomerang thrower, closed his second sessoo wltb tbe Two Rills Show, and bis been re-engiged for next' lesson. He will be the lesdlng man ot Ortn Lewis' three-act musical comedy, entitled The Dixie Moon, during lh« winter. Edward Arlington, owner of 101 Ranch Rejl Wild Weat Show, la planning for an extended trip In his new automobile. He expects to be gone at leaat a month. Mr. Arlington Is both an enthusiast and. au expert In handling a ma- chine. Mike Fagan. boat billposter " on csr No. 3 closed rirs with W. J. Mill- er's Wild west at Cumberland. Md. He i been engaged for next season as chief of cowboys and arena manager. Gentleman Joe Gonsiles snd wife. Princess Pocohontas, will be restored wltb Young Buf- falo'! Wild West and World of Congress, and not with Young Buffalo's Wild West ss pre- viously stated. Will J.- Yenncr, ufflrial program igent for tbe Hagenbeck-Wsllace Show last, season, his been very IB with typhoid fever, being confined to the Memorial Hospital. Piqua, O. He Is now convalescing. Carl Nemo, barrel Jumper and equilibrist, closed with the Gollmsr Bros.' Circus Nov. 8. He hss gone to his borne In Qolncyv III., for ■ few weeks rest, before starting bis vaude- ville season. Joe Becker ia now in advance of Wiedemann Bros.' Show and reports business good Id Georgia and Florida. Mr. Wiedemann la preparing for his big wild west show which opens early In March. W. Al. White, of tbe Rlngllng Circus. Is spending a few daya with bis mother st Brigh- ton, la., prior to an engagement wltb tbe Hlck- msn-Bessey Repertoire Compsoy for the winter. Frank Shields, the Texaa giant, died at his home In OreenvUle. Tex.. Nov. 8- He snd his three brothers, all giants, traveled with tbe Banram and Bailey Show several years ago. The James Adama No. 2 8 how. under the management of C. P. Hsraden. closed the sea- son at GaatonU, N. C, Nov. 19, aod has gone Into winter quarters at Charlotte, X. C. Prof. J. A. Rum hold's cowboy and cowgirl ' band Joined Geo. M. Bork's Wild Weat show for the winter. J. A. Allen snd wife, bucking horse s of denart- «•■ Show h»ve also the ma- E. Winner, better known is Colorado Kid, the boy fancy trick rider ami rope spinner, has signed with Young Buffalo's Wild West and Texas Bangers for next sesaon- Massey, who was assistant contracting for Uagenbeck and Wallace Circus, sea- 1910.. will go. Into the motion pictura O' the Bags ahead of the Xigcer for W . formerly press sgent for -Wallace Show, bas gone out Weslern company playing The A. Brady. Arthur Hoffman haa been re-engaged for next season us sl.lesbow manager of tbe Uagenbeck- Wallace Shows. Tbls will make his third ses- son with that Harry O'Brien Is Chicago, arranging the . cldental to the organisation of tbe wild west he Is to take oot next FOR EXCHANGE 30 pairs of Window Skates, size 10, 10H and U. for 8, 6V, and 9. Address. R. J. GARB EE, Charlotte, Mich. tit C_ _ S i Plva p O-s stngfe-^lass* «_*^t ttlsaav lolln s^tacbtDent. for Bast- ssslks Re •lEFFKltS-JOHNSON 10t> _■» F IGHT PICTURES) XL Bsrs'a your osly akaasa aa asa u_ miles hsvs ate,, red eriglaal Boss si loess seas The Best Rink Skate .lie.. Odsrsmniplepairsni l~ Write for froo i % \ mbIKiM— »j»i We supply part, ft o/akmtM CUCAfiO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY, 1123 W»ifclifti» BlvtJ„ CHICAGO, ILL. OUR 1 9 1 O NATIONAL SLEEVE CAMERA, No. 20 perfect, A money-maker. Best of Its kind: Makes i%4s2^ alas $30.00 to S30.00 per dsy esa be made la good locstiona. Nor " New and pictures. roslve cup. Lens with sdjustable focus and dial plate for taking pictures at different distances; slso magnetic reversible plate holder for taking) groups. faat aa you can gat persons In front of the rata thane by tea, le each. Takes pictures rapidly. No experience required. Any < Instructions. Camera, complete, flT.fiO. operate Plates, le each. Developer, 23c par package. Mounta. 25c to" 80e' per 100. Deposit of U.00 required on all orders; balance. C- O. D.. and charges. Will anawar ail questions promptly. We are also dealers la all alaee of dry ferrotype pistes. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPH MACHINE COMPANY, U BEAVER STREET, NEW TORI, >. 1. BIG MONEY IN OUR Get ««sT j||aV SOAP - AGE sa9[_3 — *tbat I SHOWS. QAB man cleared »i.ooe.M toll AUTOMOBILE AERIAL RACER THE NEW AUTOMOBILE GRAVITY ROAD ■U.V 3..i1' : ' \t Ill • "~^*_ ' ' mm a great fellow ana go a] 1 of the John Robinson Ten Big Shows, ek v hie fourth season with lhat ahow and haa rs. well-known wtre-walkera. turned to hla home at Shelbyvllle. III., wl te rniios Herg.-re. Tbey .have he has taken a position at tbe Royal Butte . where Buffet. PARK MANAGERS should Invpstlgste this novel Automobile Ride before building for 1911. No- experiment. TAKES THE PEACE of the ever popular Scenic R. R. Coaster and Figure Eight. Cheaper, better and safer thsn suy other racer. We use standard i One operator for 12 automobiles. Big earning capacity. We build road. Write for full particulars. AUTOMOBILE AERIAL ROAD CO.. W.llsburg, W. V_, 26 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. FILM PRODUCTIONS of All Films Booked for Immediate Release by Patents Company and Sales Company — Release Dates and Subject Lengths are Given for Guidance of Exhibitors .• ; ■• ■ PATENTS CO. EDISON. THE CAPTAIN'S BRIDE (Dram*: release Dee. 9: length, 1.000 feet). — Tii.- Captain's Bride U writ tea by John La- ther Loos. The story Is that or a yuung girl at sea on her honeymoon, who. when the ship Is wrecked. Is separated from by life-saving crew. Physically _ for the experience, bat her has completely- left her. Alone among the rough but good-hearted men. It U thongbi best that ahe aboold chooae one of them for her huHbaod. and she selects her rescuer, the cap- tain. Her real husband, meantime, has been picked up by a passing ship and arrives just ia time to prevent the wedding- The way that the yoong wire's memory Is brought back and are superb In their ' SELIG. THE QUEEN OF HEARTS (Drama; released Not 28; length. 1.000 feet).— With a a reverse fortune overtaking farmer Aden, banker Black offers him succor, his underlying motive being thus to wend his wsy Into the affections of Al- len's daughter. May. The girl has a sweetheart. Dick Harmon who, though poor In purse. I» in manhood. Dick decides to he may return and iter. Daring Dick's dad in furthering bis friendship with May and Her father. The wed- ding day is set — the honeymoon begun; almost at the name moment a message cornea from Dick telling of hla good fortune and asking May to defer her marriage with Black until hla arrival. But too late, for May and her hnsbsnd are al- ready on their wsy to Europe- I-ater we find Black and his wife seated In their villa at Monte Carlo— their experiences In fsr-away It- aly are not at all pleasing, and many times Hay's mind would wander back to the title farm and her girlhood friend. Dick. A succession of events transpire rapidly and we find the mort gsge.on Allen's tsrm held by Blsck'ls bought np by Dick, and -what appeared as an accident. falls to sleep. In this condition wifey and mother find him. Wifey and mother are wise ones, so with the sld of friends they devise a " n to cure him of bis drinking. To this end they Invent "the other woman*} pressing Into ten-ice a lady friend who writes a note to Wflklns accepting an offer of marriage which the pretends be msde her while In his cups. Of coarse, he Is In no condition to remember where be wss or what he did the night before. The lady also accepts an invitation she pretends be extended to take luncheon with him at his hoove. The scheme Is worked out and causes Wilklns much annoyance. Bat wifey and mother accomplish their end, for Wilklns, thoroughly In earnest exclaims "Never ' OADM0NT. (George kh*1 dp.) SAMSON'S BETRAYAL (colored drama; released Not. 26; length 619 feet).— DalUsb, tempted by th,- Philistines, resolves to betray Samson Into their bands in pay- ment of a sum of money. Delilah learns the secret of Samson's strength, which lies in his hair, and she causes a man to shave off the seven locks of Samson's head. And for the betrayal wss Delilah paid by the Philistines eleven hun- dred pieces of silver. The production Is said to be elaborately staged. CALINO TRAVELS AS A PRINCE (comedy; releaaed Nor. 20; length 480 feet). — Callno. por- ter to a prince, by using his master's transpor- tation and letters of credit, is enabled to make s considerable cruise to act the part of a dismally. THE FLAT NEXT DOOR (comedy; released Nov. 29; length 722 feet). — Mr. Tonafauo. be- cause of ids youth snd glib conversation, wins a young widow's heart, but thraagb cowardice loses hla tmsnre to bis bated rlral. Mr. Old- boy, who are tbe charming lady from TAKA3CON ON THE BHONB (scenic; re- leased Not. 29; lenjrtb 243 feet).— Subtitles of s showing to this subject are: Bridge span tbe Rhone between Beancalr and Tsrascon s built In tbe fourteenth century; tbe mar ket street and town ball; statute In memory of the town's deliverance from a dragon; the villa Tar tarn; and the castle of Ilea uca ire at son set. • ..••■••••a. .... . % — ..••..•■......•..........••.•a resulted in tbe death of a final re- uniting of and May and her first love. THE STEPMOTHER (Drama: released Dec. 1; length, 1.000 feet). — A happy brother and sister await some news from their father, who bad gone to the city for a visit- In time s letter comes and casts gloom over the happy Ut- ile, farm home, stating that he had a great sur- prise for them— that be bad met a lovely wo- man and tbey were now the proud possessor of a step mother. The new bead of tbe family ar- rives, and at once trouble la brewing. Snbse- uuent events prove that tbe step-mother is an adventuress and bad married the farmer only for his money. With " band aends away the happiness Is reston " little family. THE WIDOW OF MILL CREEK FTJVT (Com- edy; release Dec 5; length, 1,000 feet).— San- dy Donlln marries the Widow of Mill Creek Flats. The latter bss visions of a life of sun- shine snd roses and Sandy la to be ber gardener. Sandy's duty Is to get in the wood, peel pota- toes and indulge In other exercises prscticed sround the home. He Is down-cast. He plana to escape the servitude snd embraces the first 'opportunity that presents trance. His absence Is Uniqoe Is on. BIOGBAPH. A PLAIN SONG (d 1 -ased Nov. 28; length 997 feet). — Edith Is a salesgirl department store snd tol In j tolls most arduously to eke the Uvea of ber decrepit father and blind mother. A traveling repertoire ■few "^kw ^aW manager, who enters the store ElSS ^^kaaaSW' advertising hut show, meets ber ■Mud persuades her to go away with him. She ■paves a letter for ber parents that she is tired Pwof the drudgery and longing for pleasure has none away. Arriving at the railroad station, where ahe Is to meet her tempter, she sees a party of old folks on their way to the almshouse. One of them la sightless snd a voice from her soul speaks to her. Realising that ahe has been playing with fire she turns upon her heel, and runs back home. Her eyes have been opened to the falseness of the world and she Is now more than ever determined to perform her sacrificial duty of caring for the old folks. EFFECTING A CUBE (comedy: released Dec. SI length 997 feet).— Mrs. Wilklns and It mother leave home to spend the night with friends, and will return some time next day. tED BY A PHANTOM (colored drama; re- Dec. 3: length 712 feet). — A colored film, ; the story of thst melancholy ruler, the LUBED BY leased telling king of Thole, whose sorrow at sweetheart drove him to lesve follow s vision to hla death. NANCrS WEDDING TRIP (comedy: released Dec. 3; length 273 feet).— In thla film is in- troduced a furious ride by Nancy on the back of a mad bulL Danger ant blned to produce laughs and A MAN OF honor (drama; released Dec Si length 834 feet).— The hero of this drama, at a great sacrifice and by endangering his life, saves the woman be loves from the tongue of scandal. PROF. SCHLKMIEL'S HAT ((comedy; releas- ed Dec. «; length 171 feet).— A trick film, reel lag off s tale of a mysterious t " and mystery sre combined In the THE REVOLT (drama; released Dec. 10 length 943 feet). — la a realistic mannei exciting story of tbe days of Charles, tbe Dsupblo. In France, is told. El tonne Marcel (tbe mayor of Paris), aided by a band of woods- men known aa "Tbe Wolves" snd by the peas- ants, sweeps the nobles out of power for a time, but through excessive violence loses sll thst be has gained for tbe people, and is himself killed. THE PHANTOM RIDER (mystery; released Dec 13; length 279 feet). — A atory of a mys- terious highwayman, who is visible to tbe officers or tbe law until they are about to capture him. when he vanishes In the sir. to appear agsln Just beyond their reach, and to lead them Into more trials THE CLOSED GATE (drams; released Dec. 13. length 676 feet). — While her mother enrage* In an Interesting flirtation with an army officer, tbe baby heroine of. tbe tale flndi egress from the grounds of ber home, snd Is soon lost In tbe streets of Paris. She narrowly escapes death several times before she is found by the USB AN- ECLIPSE. THE RETURN AT MID NIGHT (Drama: . released Nor 30; length. 034 feet).— Because of bis love for a poor gypsy girl, tbe hero of this story Is driven from borne by He merries 'We hammer away on QUALITY always, became QUALITY is the solvation of the moving picture business! " We are going to release an Imp on Mon- day, Dec. 5th, which we believe is the smartest comedy we have ever made — even better than "Fruit snd new release deals with Gerald become grest emotional actors t troubles Iesd to s terrifically clothed In nothing but barrels. If yon ssy again Is to send you tbe II ASPIRATIONS OF GERALD AID PERCY" Decern ber 5th.) After thst, on Thursday. Dec 8, com drama. Tbe scenario was written by s the geme from printer's devil to mana|_ this Imp, Invite the newspaper men In jour city to del performance for their benefit. They win be ke. and will hare more n title of this release Is '"TWIXT LOYALTY AID LOVE" [(Released December 8th.) Are yo n doing jour (hare toward getting TWO IMPS XTZRT WEEK1 Hundreds of exhibitors, by constantly ding-donging at their exchanges bare i week- Jon can-do toe^same thlngJOou will only keep evert aat^ ■ Independent Mooing 'Pictures Co. of America. 102 IV. 1 01 st St., New York. Carl Laemmk. Pres. All Imp Films are . REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 AI BANl ST. BOSTON, MASS. Send for ■.- ■ ». a f*fiffl REELS -SI A REEL PER DAY- Aoortc. ALAMO FILM EXCHANGE.™ ■tMOTal^U!^ IF YOU SEE IT IN THE BILLBOARD, lti,i, THEM SO. DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 27 rocatlons; we eee womnl water carriers, quaint nailer rarta, aiul men with note leitn orer their Ifiih Beep off tb* ana's Seres r»r« «. thej work. There la an air of aorolty shoot to* encreedlng picture of elepbaate at work. Hmt are seen dragging and rushing huge Iocs and then, the day's teeke orar. they scramble, wtlb exrrsordlosrj oatllrr. eonaldering their ErV t bnlk dowo a ateap slope Into las rlter. _ .« ther roll la the mud. end aqolrt walar through their trnnks. to the discomfort of their keepers, who moat oot lease them. THK DEATH or ADMIRAL COLIOSY (Urs- release Ok. T: length. «OS tot).— The ore deals with tb* plana of tb* wtrked qoeeu- oifapr. Cstherlne d> Medici, aimed at tb* pe- tlrsl InHnrnr* of Admiral Callgnr. trader of tb* optioalilnn rarlT. Sb* flrat arranges an tempi oo tli* life of Collgor. Tb* crime vm □□avenged, m l tb* Haguenote mnrmnr at tb* death of tbrlr beloved leader. Catherine mikea tola an *xena* for prrsusdlag her wretched *«n Cbarlea IX.. In sign lb* order for Ibelr maaas- ere. Tb* snhseiuent scene abowa tba qneeo- motbrr nbtalnlDg tba reluctant consent of Iba unbappr Cbt rise. After tb* 'deeadfol dar I* done, and tb* streets or Paris are detuned In blood, tb* Klnit la haooted br the 'boats of the men. women anil . ebMren t *™,Jg£j£} n l'ATHB FBEBK8. A BORDER TALK (Col- ored drama: released Not. »: length. «7B feetl:— A band of nmnsylera are writing at tba tiTern lo a wild part of Bohemia for e Teniae, in order lo carry ' nOBt* Sfnods serosa tb* frontier. Tb* entrance of Itanael, a enatoma ofn- beTe. tbej know that In. IB lor* with Mairl- aa. th* Innkeeper - a daoxa- tar. Zlncara. a grpsr delving girl, a nemler of tb* b nd. of/era to felt fortune*. Tb* rants are abnlBed and Malrlna rats a heart, far lore, aad a spsd*,. tb* sin of death. Hansel Is or- dered to II* In watt for tb* smnswlers that nljrbr. Zlarara Is forred by the ordera sad threats of tb* rhlef to direr! the dinar r br luring Hansel Info, their power. Tbla kbe doe* bot arterwsrd* releases him at tb* ee*f of her lire. Bn the erll omen of the cards cornea true. Her brae* art. however, alforda Hansel means la collect Ma m*n In time to Intercept death Is avenger! hr that of hands of Hansel himself. A FRKAK (Acrobatic: releaaed Nor. M: length. 3S3 fret). — Tie fore the ramera s eontne. tlonlat-of remarkable ability perfbnaa hla act. WHO IB NKI.MK ( Comedy : released Nor W: length, oso feet).— Oeorsr Bobbins thought that he would aurpriae hia wtf* and bay her a anna for her birthday. Ha selects oo* esJlsd Nellie and sire* hi' check la payment nil wire ttls- corrni hla check hook, and Is sorprl>*d to And tb* stab of the laat cheek marked "Far Nellie. Hon." Of course, aha mtamdarstanda, and de- rides to return to mother, leering a Bote for George that be ran so to hla Nellie. Bern raise home, tb* knabaod lads the note and check hook. He heal as to unrlersteud. He arraagee a meet- ing with her. aod satiafaetoHly explains ererr- F1 NLA N D — FALLS OF IUATBA (Scenic — A eol ... of the fails leased Not. 90: lenxtb. flu reel > A colored picture abowuur tha Of Imatra. THR TAT.B THR ItTRROR TOLD (Drama: re- leased Dec. S: leoxts. Tots feetl— Loul.a Oerrln a widow with a little boy of alt years, la drarorlng to etrvurgle her way thronah life. W I en .... With •IsJoaa of election from ibelr lodgings before her. the mother appropriates a pane containing tire proeccdln, ' . : »ltr,.-.r.l - employer by means of a mirror. The employer eaten Loolaa's room and flada the landlord-a letter demanding payment. Ha reads behind Louisa's back. A few seconds later Louisa's son com as la from school, proudly wesrlsa; a medal presented to htm for dlllreoce. Tha) em- ployer, rompaaalonate for hla mother, hands him roar sold eol Be wader the pretext of wiablna- to (Ire him sa addition. 1 reward. . WHAT A DINNER (Comedy; released Dae. t; lenxth. *44 festl. — te. Crimp is decidedly eenn- trtc and apparently tikes to chew bla way Ihrourb a food dinner before retlrlny to rest. It la probably tha excellencs of bla Laat meal that la rrsuonalble for tbo weird nlalnmarr that aa- aalled him that alfht. When the doctor awak- ens la tba aw rains; ha toda hlaueir dssperiUly Ifhtlmx tha bed clr- _ THE MAID OF NtAOARA (Drama; releaaed Dee. S; lemrtb, M6 laat).— Eaoomalt. a yanas warrior, haa obtained tha consent of Chief Red Doa to bla mnrrlaao with tbo chiefs danabtar. It Is time for tha annual earrlflcw to propitiate tha Spirit of tba Cataract. Tbla la tha selection by lot of oo* of tba ami •ui danrbters of Iba Irsaraola aad plarlnx s canoe to Boat te death orer the fall a. d Doe'a dausbter la chosen. RBOOBsall Her life la nit, dlaeonaolate, plaafea Into tba water and la quickly sacked uoder. bat he knows be will meet his toes in the Happy Rnntlna Ground*. 8ALE3 CO. IMP. (Carl Laramie.) THE ASPIKATIOV OF GERALD AND PERCY (comedy: re- lease Dee. 5; lenictb feetl. — Gerald aad T. tlrlnc of th. hum drum occupation of clerklnj; In a depart- ment atore. become In- tereeted In dramatic pnrsiilia and aaplre to become rmotlnnal art or*. They finally se- cure en rare men ti< btrt are quickly dlachiraed. Next they pallet la the army. Tlrlne; "f military life, they ileaerl. Their escapade, .re numerous ami ludicrous. TWIXT LOYALTY AND LOTB (drama: re lease Dee. 8: length 900 feet).— Frank MeCrack- ea la placed la tb* mansclna editor's sent hr tbo owner or Tb* Dslly Csll. Mis promotloo mskes It pnsstM* for blm to marry Marys ret. daughter of the Hon. Hiram Johnana. n-fo-m can lldate for mayor. Rdwaril Cranston, private eecretsry to Johnson. Is secretly In lor* wltl* Msnraret. and tows to break off tb* match.. II rifles Johnsoo'a safe and uneartha erittenre S CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS Imported Chlnaware. per 100 tS.OO All leather I'nree. per 100 3,00 Trick Matrh Roy. per ctoss T3 JapSDeSe Zithers, per (TOSS , .73 Fancy Wood Whistle*, per mo an .73 Jai aieae Turtle la Glass Box. per groan .00 Fanry Colored Return Balls, per cross.... 1.2S Horn* shoe Mirror, asst. colors, per moss.. 1.00 Norelty Acrobat Bkeletno*. p r jrros* Trnaa, half deposit, balance. C 0. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO. MMfT Woodland Arsons. Cl-relsnd. 0. FOR SALE— PASSION PUT FILM MO SLIDES Brush Electric Lighting Set 3 cents a K. W. — what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying the Electric Light Company. Also save one-half of the ' Oss, Oaaalrne or Kara nan; 10 H. P.; weight • Iba. List aano subject to discount. subject to dlseount. TO-DAT rOB OATAiOODX. Of 120. Use Direct Current, which is far superior to Al t era at ing THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CO, Box B-3. DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Fast Ufa Of P. O. I Pradbral Sob. 170, u.olll.. Ind. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES STEREOfT ICONS, HIDES, ACCESSOIIES. Yob Can Start • Paying FILM EI6IUIE on $120.00 For aal*. PAJtTICIlLABlt seat for a 9c a tamp, near TO liyht dynamo, machines, model teats, . Math*- chain, caae bottoai ehalra l*ATRsra hsnit-rolored Passion Play. S.114 ft. far rant or aal*. Bsat aim serrlcs at hi ■ s o l CHAWOay Pri ce Bay. Owner and kUmsawr. SO* W. 4t% Iwtoo OW**faat»Taf*f''*. KjT* FIGHT PICTURES are always cood paytaa; attraetlooa. Write for oar special fealnres and low rental terms, FTJ- TIAHA FILM KXCHAKOE. 1*M B. Troy St.. tom aAXX— Three Zdison two-pin machines, all complete. «S0 each: two Edison one-pla naa- II complete, *t(» each; Fflma for Bale; flrat claas condition, tt to 918 per reel. SILVERMAN, 10} tth Ave., I'ittaburt, Pa. BAJIO Al* IV TILXS AID 80HQ SLIDES -100 reels Btaa. elegaat cnadltlon. Ft per reel aad ap; 30 seta son* slides, perfect condition, $1.73 per set. with music, r Send postal for Hats, Oood fllm sereke faralsbrd at lowest price* la the Sooth. 8 applies, lUryslna In near and second- hand M. P. machines and yss mak Lux oo tilts, P. O. BOX 800, New Orleaas, La. S wanson-Crawfor d Film Co. | FILM RENTERS 723-734 Century Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DE- PARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. NERVE! Well Mr. Eihibiter, We Tbbt So READ OUR EXHIBITOR'S OUTFIT — (Packed in handy cartons.) 50 PINK LABEL ELECT RA CARBONS, (oared) 5-8x6 in. 5,000 TICKETS, any color 5c and 10c (numbered) 2 PEARL-WHITE CONDENSERS.fruime size) 6H, 7K or 9 1 CAN "EXHIBITOR'S" MACHINE OIL 1 BOTTLE "EXHIBITOR'S" CEMENT, "that sticks" SORE I Anything too oood in bi*xer Iota. Machines. Jbehino Parte. Chairs". Supplioe and sell paying Moving Pietar* Theatres. Wo hair* four good one* for aala now. $3.05 We bay UUT0RS SUPPLY HOUSE, Sutt 1, Lyric Thutri BM e . Fort Warie. M. Bettor ordor your Marry Crtrlstmss and Now YoarSllrJsa now. NOTE— Throosh error The Billboard and Moving Picture World Advertisements offer 100 carbons —should be 60. SIX KEELS OP 1*1 LIB . one. shipment, with Si do a aod SJldra. SIZ.OO TWELVE KEELS, two abJpoaeBta. mth Strfaa aad SMdoa, 91S.OO YOU PAY EXPHttMOC BOTH WAYS WARNING — Yoo eaua't c*s gold doUnra for tOo. and yaa omn't awt good Alma for lass roocer SILVER SAVER WILL SAVE YOU SILVER ^S^'^\.'SL^S^iZr bMtn - LIBERTY FILM RENTING COs. VrtS THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. 8100,000.00 INCORPORATION OPERATING THE ■— CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. AMP T HI 315 W. 4th Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. =jf 309 Arcade Building, DAYTON, OHIO. Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent >ut. Reference : — SALES CO., 1 1 1 E. 14th S t. y New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop us a line- 28 The Billboard DECEMBER £ 1fltt.- prorrlng Johnson's connection with street oar- ing sraft of twenty years before. He then goes to the office of Toe Dally Call and surrepti- tiously places the papers upon Frank Mccrack- en's desk. The young managing editor reads nd la filled with Dim to the ere of the of Johnson'* p of his good name. Margaret pleads with Prank to suppress the story bat be Is compelled to refuse. Margaret In desperation, seizes a mallet and shatters the type In the locked form. It Is press time, the story Is "killed"— her father's nsme has been Bared. At this moment a message la brought to Frank which sdrlses him that the opposing candidate to Johnson has withdrawn because of graft charges snd that In consequence. Johnson is assured of election. . Frank turns to Margaret, shows her . the mes- sage and congratulates her upon the success of ner coup. She forgives him for what "he at- tempted to do. extends ber arms to him and the harmony between them Is folly restored. CHAMPION. INDIAN LAND GRAB (drama; release** 30; length 950 feet). — A young Indian I is cent to Washington as representatire be- fore the president and cabinet to secure jostle and proper redress for the fraudulent barter of their lands, la defeated In his mission be- cause of the machinations of Arthur Stnlghtlnz. the lobbyist, and his daughter. The yonng chief returns to bis people, despondent and humiliated. The daughter of the lobbyist is brought to a realization that she Intensely lores the redman, and. determined to undo the wrong perpetrated in which abe played part, she ap- peals for a signed statement that will leaTe the Indiana their land. Hurrying westward she ar- to prerent the summary death the young chief by Leaving the parch - i with the tribe, -abe follows the young red- into the woods, and at bis request to re- Ftnally-be is " ■ lore and hi* BISON. TRUE WESTERN HON- ' OB (Drama: released Not. 22: length. 1.000 feet). — With a h andsome race and • graceful East- ern yeneer. Hal brings sorrow to Bob's heart by turning Sue's bead. Not content, however, Hal increases his flirtatious operations, and Is slapped by Ann. Her sweet- heart. Bill, takes a hand and Is shot by Hal. who la penned by Bob and the cowboys. Wound- ed and captured by Bob. Hal is In a precar position, but Sue begs Bob to aare him from avenging cowboys. Assured of Sue's love, is in a charitable mood, and assists his while rival to escape. A CHEYENNE'S LOVE FOR A SIOUX (Dra- ma; released Not. 25; length, 1,000 feet).— This film tei Is of a romance which "plunged two In- dian nations into a deadly war. Owatah. daugh- ter of Big Thunder, a Sioux. Indian chief, falls In love with Waokomla, son of Painted Post, leader of the Cheyenoes. The match is opposed by the girl's father, and her jelopement and pur- suit convert the path of Cupid into, a battle- field. In which the Sioux 'are defeated and Big Thunder captured. Given the choice of being -treated as a prisoner of war (which i agreeable fathe -jtter role, the p and all ends' happily. the Bob it- • - RELIANCE. SO RUNS THE WAY (Drama: released Nor. 26; length, 1,000 feet). — To remove her husband, a poor bank clerk, who la anguished by her per- fidy, she connives to cast suspicion of theft upon him, sending him to a felon's cell, and secur- ing a divorce, marries the guilty cashier. Re- moval from humble surroundings to a palatial residence fans to a glowing beat her burning desire for costly raiment and glittering gems. "—J husband Is forced to ■an of Jewels from . reproved she taunts the cashier, to a . of madness in which be takes her life. follows the arrest— the examination of the i — the confession and conviction, and the bowed, manacled entrance into the penitentiary, where a dramatic meeting takes place with the his Innocence established, is about to be iiuru i ana guiiams genu. orced to greater and greater not content, abe accepts 'ram an admirer, and when MARKSMAN (Comedy: AMBBOSIO. GOUNOD'S. AVE MA- RIA (Drama; released Not. 23: length. 500 ft.) — Stirred by the sweet music of the violin in the church. Elsie, an Invalid. secures an introduction to «he jP Uye, h wbo falls to i her on the and plays for the enraptured KlrL The es- capade la disastrous, for ■Ir' hastens her end, and her laat to hear once more Gounod's beautiful Ave Maria- The heart-broken musician, unable o bear ber. loss. ends, his life in. the sea. THE STORY OF A 'PAIR. •OK BOOTS (Com- dy: released Not. 23: length. 500 feet).— This object is on the same reel wf with Gounod's Are - SOLAX. " " _ ONE TOUCH OF NATUBE (Drama: , released Nor. 25: length. — feet).— The story deals with deserted cornea wealthy. NESTOR. VALLEY FOLKS (drama: released Nor. 30: length — ). — Ned Wright and Sue Benem bad married deaplte the objection of Sue's father, Joe Benem. Two years pass — to Ned and Sue, two very abort and" happy yean — with only one cloud to mar their- horlxoo. Joe Benem re- mained obstinate. Then, when one day a let- ter arrived from Sue stating' that Ned had taken ill with a fever and Imploring ber grandmother to come at once. Grandmother and grand- father arrive to 'find Sue unconscious beside the body of ber husband. Harrying the old man off -for help, grandmother finally succeeded in reviving the young widow. Then, after Ned had been laid to reft. Sue and her daughter were brought back to father.- With a glad cry Joe Benem gathered them to 'him breast, men- tally rowing that there should be no more un- In their llres If he could help It. AMERICAN. •;_> -"■"•.' THE REGENERATION (drams; released Nov. 28; length 050 feet). — A young couple in a country town were piecing - out an existence. The husband waa upright and honorable. The wife was pretty but dissatisfied. Unable longer to bear the limitations of town life, the wife deserted with: a rich distracted by the wife a despised thing. In desperation, and In a half drunken frenzy, he attempts suicide, but Is saved from a watery . grave by life-savers. Again he takes up his wandering, grovelling along the country roads.- He comes upon - s vineyard home - of a -girl and her mother. The women are in a despondent state because of the dissolute condition of their vines. Porerty was haunting them and they are powerless to avert it. The degenerate found a great solace to the presence of the girl and offered his serv- ices .in the vineyard for his board. Tie was taken In and the regeneration of the Tines and the man began. A year passed and the vineyard prospered under the hand of .man and girl. The man. forgetting his past In the Joy of ' his present, declared his lore for the girl, and- she gave herself to him in the purest of lore, this point, fate ful hi spirit of the has regenera of her lore: A TOUCHING AFFAIR (comedy: Dee. 1; length 950 feet). — George Kenwood, a wealthy and indulgent father, orders bis frolic- some, derll-may-care son from the bouse. .The son. Harry, falls lu_ love .with and marries 'An- nie, n pretty stenographer. 'When advised . of his son's marriage the father sends his check for Ore hundred dollars, his blessing and Infor- mation,- that this remittance would be the 'last he would receive. But soon the meagre dowry la exhausted, and with the Irate landlord -and for .payment Harry Is driven to desperate means. He hits upon a plan by which he hopes- to soften his father's, re solve- . He wires the old gentleman that .the To. him. Harry of — the baby la pickaninny. - Everyone Is berates Harry for ■tarts angrily to leave the room, kr a work . basket and several articles of infant's apparel fall to the floor. - He picks up the ire f ant's shirt and a little shoe. Looks enquiring- ly at Annie, who blushing ly droops ber head. The father is convinced that the stork Is abort ]v to . - . -• - OF A SAC- t ft.).— ward. Margaret, to mar- riage with his son. John. Margaret agrees to the union simply for the sake of her kind old guardian, as she does not lore John, and 'besides, she knows him to be a gambler. One evening at" his dab, John Hla creditor Insists on payment. debt, John contemplates tampering i ex's safe. A good friend of his, Phillip divines John's Intentions, and follows " " sequent incidents place Bossy and Jc light of would-be thieves. Bossy assumes John's guilt for the sake of Margaret, whom be lores. The next day John Is obliged to confess to his father his gambling debt. In order to save bla son's honor, the father consents to pay the debt, but orders bis son. from the house. Be- fore tearing. John releases Margaret 'from ber row, recommending that abe accept Phillip, who lores her. The noble Phillip finds In the love of Margaret a full reward for hla sacrifice. THE LAUNDRY GIRL'S GOOD-NIGHT (Trick film; release Dec. 5; length. 82 feet).— After • long dsy's work, the laundry girl la exceedingly weary, and sits down to rest. ' Presently, before her eyes the objects of her careful la- bor, collars, cuffs, shirts, etc., all white and glossy, tske unto themselves the form of llring things, and vnj one accord come"" forward to make acknowledgment to the little' maiden or their appreciation of ber skillful treatment of themselves. After hsrlng performed for the amusement of the tired girl, the grateful bit* of linen arrange themselves so - aa to form, a fan- tastic snd most, magnificent "Good-nlghL': - r POWERS. ... THE NEW MAGDALEN (Drama: released Nor. 10; length — feet). — Mercy Merrick Is the' victim "of s heartless man. She Is - about to commit suicide, buf is prevented from " doing so by Julian Gray, a young curate.' Mercy enlists ■ts a Red Cross nurse In the war. Grace Rose- berry, on her way to England to be adopted by her relative. Lady Janet Roy. Is struck by a piece of shell and left for dead. Mercy Merrick angea clothes with Miss Rose berry; takes letter of Introduction, snd la adopted as Grace Roaeberry by Lady Roy. A German army surgeon performs an operation on Grace Rose- berry snd saves her life. Julian Gray falls In ■cognising her real Grace Roseberry appears: she Is about to be taken away as a lunatic when Mercy Merrick herself to be an noble young minister tells her that she has suf- fered enough, and. aa hla wife, the repentant Mercy finds a true shelter.. THOU SHALT NOT KILL (Drama: released Not. 22: length, — feet). — A Kentucky parson persuades Caleb Howe and John . Smlthson to make- a written oath that they will end their fend. Dick, the son of old man Howe, becomes Intoxicated and shoots at everybody he encoun- ters. He tackles James Damon, who. In defend- ing himself, kills young Howe. Pursued by mountaineers, Danton takes refuge In the home of the dead man's father, who conceals him from the would-be lynchers- When the old man learns that the man be saved Is the one" who shot bis son be Is about- to slay Danton. He looks at the Bible in which his oath "to kin no more" la written. He lowers his pistol snd sends Danton back to his family. ABSENT-MINDED ARTHUR (Comedy: re- leased Nor. 22; length. — feet). — Arthur Is ab- sent-minded. On the street be meets a girl and forgets his own sweetheart : his mistakes when he courts bis sweetheart are Indlcrons. The climax Is reached when be dons his full dress clothes to to put I VALUE —BEYOND PRICE (Drama: released Not. 29: length. 1.000 ft.). — Capt Smith sails away on his vessel, leaving be- hind blm his wife snd little ' way of value Levy. »iw to take this. Levy offers to care for the little girl, snd to this the mother finally consents-' Half to Jest, he- gives to the mother a pawn ticket for the little girl which he fills out to read that "a precious Jewer," "rslne be- yond price." has been left be redeemed ."at any time, realising she la - tickets In that be la not dead. And be la not. Is given the envelope, and redeems his precious JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN (Drams: re- leased Dec, 2: length, 1.000 feet):— John Hall »fax, an orphan, is adopted by Abel Fletcher, s rich Quaker. Halifax la later driven from the Quaker's home by Fletcher for some fancied In- jury. About this time there is great discontent at the mill owned by Fletcher. A mob storms the home of- the Quaker. John helps. Fletcher, his son. snd Ursula, the daughter, with whom John has fallen In love. Finally be wins Fletch- er's consent to a compromise with' the work- men. Realising that he owes -hla property and life to John. Fletcher asks bis forgiveness tor his bride. ' Fir Reit-Patbe Colored Passu Play . • » Complete, $5-00 per day. C. E. DUPHEE, ... Kane, Pa. WE BUY FILM WE SELL FILM Chicago. XSL Wanted-Position by an A-l Baritone Singer Position Wanted Experienced Operator and Singer W, E. W. & R. 8. G. CO.. No. 5 E. nut St., Shamoki n, Pa. "Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present" (WESTERN COMEDY) RELEASED SATURDAY, DCC. (Lenfth. spprox. 1,000 Fast) Just bubbling over with mirth, heart interest, sentiment. A big, wholesome, laughing hit; charac- teristic of * "Love's Awakening" - - '• (PASTORAL— DRAMA) - vr. dec. a. (Length, apprai. 1000 Feet) Though simple in story, thia pho- toplay is strong in heart interest and intense dramatic situations. There is a' sincerity in the acting, and a sparkle to the pi which will delight you. to go Ask your Exchanges for ALL Essanay's Posters. V,. .*. .n - •„»•- . I ESSANAY FILM MFG. CO., «S6 H. Clara Bt. . A The Light That Never Fails CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. 108 W. 4th St., CINCINNATI, O. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! IN MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, Patbe Passion Plar, fetereoptleotu, Wms, Slides and Supplies. Power Csmeragrspb. ST9; Edison Klnetoacope, SOS; cioeograpfa, $23. User others. Send for gap. 33. HABBACH * 00.. 809 Fil- bert St., Philadelphia Pa. ! Hie Billboard's THE MOTIOGatAPH Motion Pietora Machinal la A WONDES ArJ will 1NCBIAJB T0UB BUilNtM. It prejarU FI — ■ PTXADT tod WONDCmrnLLY BBILL1AKT plrTsri kss minute rewind from sura creak, rerelriag 5?-==- . as^LONO ' B * t °* sM u o'ser wscTflssa, and 'NOT 0N1 nit _ r i. TL. •* „ tad all males, bat MOaTB , ■>> The arahrrpraas Oalet rite for catalog to-day a, writes— "kfotlojrapS at A. "'P«ed stscj «av far BBPAIRn." P0B BKPAIB4." tie! OSS Oas Ontat Is tan) amij salhtfaaaatT rasa 1 1 I FILM RELEASES RELEASE ' DATES-PA ATE NTS CO. Paths, Ki Tboreday— Bk>f»j>J>. Labia. Meliee. Sells. Irlday — Bdleoa, Kalem. Path*. Vltaaranh. earcmlaj — Mttinnr. Hanmoat-BlalBe, Paths, vi • ttfraph. . . . . . . . -• t; IIBOM MANUTAOTTOINO COMPANY. ^ BDIBON MANUPACTUH 4— Mora Than BU Daty (drama i 1000 14 — TW Chases ladlaae (educational) . . . . MO 14— tw stolon Parker (drama) too 18— The Hnaai of Brraa OaWaa (drams) M» U— a Vaddlat Trip (ten Montreal laroojh _ ITaaaia t» Hona Kane; ............ .1000 ■ nn Breach at^MaajEBaa (drmme) 1000 Bwtee Oelde (dnaa) .^M0 Litt). Station Aceat (drama)... _ Trip Ore* tbe Koeky aad Selkirk Moentalae la Pa Bade (atanlrl.. ...... t— The SbJp'a Hoahend (comedy) 11 — Tts. Adoption (drama) U— The LaeaU'e Birthday (comedy) IB— lata the Jawe at Death (drama).... 16 — Tbe stolen Claim (drama) 1000 . 18— Tb. Tormak rr, tbe Doll and ttaa DarD ■ • • • a * • * ■ * 990 (drama) . . MS d) 1000 of the Mlnea (drama).... M» - M"»-J .....lOOO S75 Mai .....1000 1 AM^aa Arcoaat of a Li e (comedy) . that .1000 Bearded Bandit (drama)..*.. 1000 Tl Steak and Leek ; They Oat wka ta a ■aw le an ( t ceia aj ) '.. 9U U ' Papa'a , treat Oatta* (eeaeedy) 6M IS— Ska Oewboy'a Motber-ta-Law ( ia_HLrla«" a'Oa'm' ray (Draw) Mtafovtaaa (comedy ) .... 12— The Marked Trail (drama) is— 4m ir ..Pint siaht (onmedy) a (tmna'_ . ... a Bala, (umity).... 4M at Balsa* Oeleh (drama) MS ■itharhi (eoonedy) ( L imits) DaU (drama) ■a raaittera tl' Sa— The Maaaaaa af the Tlolla I ST— The Paaalaa ef \ Onad (cooe.dr) ST) T7— The Prrmeaal (Cemedyi IBB Walla J.... •—Walter to. S (drama) HI T— The PaattlTa (drama) 000 Mt— amaapee Charity (drama) ............ aaa 14 — Bonahloe 8oe (drama) 808 IT— The Troableeome Baby (comedy) ...... att IT— I^>Te to Qn«rantln» (eoroedrl 508 -91 — The Bona of the Wlldwood Plate (drm- ■■ ma) ...v.......... boo *H— Hi. »w Ud (comedy) s.'.m Ml 14— ,Not.8o Bad aa it. 8e«mad ( comedy)..-. 432 ™ Sa. Plain Boas (drama) WT . (drama) 887 Phet 1— Kffectlnr a Cure (oomedj) .' 807 ' sauo. •—Par Bar Osmtrr's saka (draau)....1000 10 The Baal tart am (eeeaedy) MOO 15— la the jOJoHea Herroet Time (draaaa) 100O IT— Vaa Pbremaa (drama) MS M— Two Beys ta Has ( drama ) looo 8 Sbaat^a? JsWCaa iiS'ty}!""""! ass 17— Busted Bopaa (draaaa) M-^stttj ad Oat at Oeort (drams) S — The Bartr Sett lore (i _ )...... a ) •, 1S00 (drama) ..619 11— Acton* mad field Day (topical) ... .MT 14— Ou the booratepa (comedy) SOT 15— The Lecacy (drama). Ml IS— ASM Robin Or ay (drama) Ml 31— Daay Jama* DomoatJe Troablaa (com- edy) 1000 22— Clotbca Baka tss HSB (eoaMdrj Ml M— A Day oa tka trench. BattlaaUp Joa- Uca (topical) MS n Jean Ooaa Paraslas (drama) .1008 28 — Captain Barnacla'i Chaperon (com- edy) '••••••■•■.■■■..*..■■.•. .....j... mea 20 — The Telephone (drama) o«5 Norember— * . . Paet 1— A Double Bopameat (oomedy) M» t— The Children'. Berolt (cotaady) I. . ! :. . . 802 5— In the Mountain, of Keatoeky (drama) 878 8 — A Tale of a Bat (comedj)... V. 864 11— The Nine of DUmosda (drama)..-.... MO B — Jeaa Ooea PubJar (drama) M8 Iff T>iama1l— The atcact Bias (drama) 8M M— la the Spree wald (traTalofaa) Xtt November— — -' Peet 2 — Tragic Ooaeealmiat (drama) 540 I froaalas tba Aadaa (tra-reioarna) 150 8— The Secret of tba Cellar (drama) 788 9— A Trip Throass Scotland (ecanlc) SIT 18— Tba Bleat Barona (drama) 800 18— An Alpine Batreat (aranlc) 142 23 — Behind the Mask (drama) 518 28 — Nantee end Ita ftearoaadlnjn (ecanlc) 450 SO— The Return at Mldniaht ( drama 1. 034 ^M-^Ramble Tbronsh Ceylon (trare-losoe) . . . MILIKS. BUir - . Sutaea (araeaK. of Mlechlef (comedy) «•••«••• .•.•..a... MM 3 — Birthday Clsara (comedy) 10— A Moon tain Wife (Drama! m EDISON ing , THE PERFECT MACHINE •The only machine projecting a rock steady, flickerless . and brilliant picture. READ THIS : "I am now using .one of your new Type "B" Im- proved and have found it an easy machine to handle. I will always be glad to recommend the Edison to anyone who wants to buy a Moving p; "*"~ Machine." J. A. BRUMLEY, ' Edisonia Theatres, Harri man. Tenn. Edison Manufacturing Company N.J^ 90 Am, ANTI-TRUST FILM COMPANY BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD T— The Lady Barbara T — Tba Bachelor (com 10— Ttaa Vampire (drai 14— Mr. Poar-Plaah (comedy). IT— Orstltado (drams) .... M— No Place like Soma (co .1000 .1000 ■hat .torn .1000 .1000 .inoo ..1000 edy) VITAQRAPH. « — Kaaaomadi or, a T-^The Lait ef the ...................... OACMONT. ( O e maa Blataa.) * — The Little Acrobat (drama).. • H » Plaaea aad the Dag (comedy) 11— The Lorera* MIB (colored phantaay) 11 The T hl ea Pileada (drama) id— The Eanoaaca af a Kectclaca (drama).. lS-araadmothar'a Plot (drama) 18— Pha atom B lda froaa Arx U _ ( tr* Tt lChSJTJS> ) .......,....4...........e 1' 22— The Cheat (drama) M— The Plrat Gray Hair (drama) »— The Ufa ef NoTamher— i— Both Wan stuns (i 1 — Plcnraaaraa Majorca aeaa (icealc) ............a.......... B — Taa puhlat Smack (drama) a— Pharaoh: or. Iaraal ta Bsypt (blatetl cal drama) .....1.. ......... M— laltafal Onto Death (drams) IS— A Trtn to the 01 oe Grotto. Capri. Italy (acaale?) IS— Both Were Stans (comedy) STV tlon itoplcaj) ™..7~^TT..T7. TIT IS— Spaamh Loral ty (topical) a— C«t I oto the Plamca (Biblical drama) t%— A Womaa'a Wit (comedy) Ml M — Samaon'a Betrayal (colored drama).... SIS 28— CaUno Trarele aa a Prince (comedy) . . 488 29— The Plat Next Door (comedy) 722 29— Taraacoo on the Rhone (aeenlc) S4S December— ..- •-• . . - Peet S— Dared by a Phantom (colored drama) Tlx 8— Maneya Weddlnt Trip (comedy)..... 273 8 — A Man of Honor (drama).. 834 ■0 — Profeaeor 8chlemlel*a Bat (comedy):.. 1T1 lO— The Berolt (drama)....." 042 Rider (mystery) 2TB Gate (drama) 878 - (drama). ..MM T — Bis Bat Tan Down (drama) 12— S>orty-riTa Mmateo from (comedy) ............................ iw 14 — Winona (drama) 880 15— Tyranny oC taa Dark (drama) SSO *1— 1*» mtocatloa of ssiaabeth (farce) ISM 18— The Btroaxaat Tie (drama) SSS " -Indian Pata'a Orstttede (drama) Blder*s Romaace (draatt)'sso Booth B s— aUlTa* - Oaad's Baertaecs (drams)....: .S i Pea 4 Woman') \, Honor (drama)..'.... 11— A Man aad a dlrl (drama) u— *Te» Attack on Port R!d*etr (drama) 16 — A Drama of the Preaeot (drama).,.. MO IS— Jim Brldcer's Indian Bride (drama)... — from Old " ef th Power's Picture Plays] The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. ROUTES AHEAD Taleg rami inquiring for routes not n thnmo columns will bo ignored (An additional lis , --• - • m routes, received wo mie xor lion, may be found in anothe . trolly requested to contribute their dates (or tola depart- Tbe Billboard sot later tbin Saturday or each week to losnre publication, all mall for profenalooala free of charga. Members of tbe profession are addressed la cere of Tbe Billboard, and It will RartelJ * Oarfleld: 2«» E. 63d it.. Cleveland. Ranm. Will: 97 Wolcott St.. New Haven Coon. Reach. Rllly: 120 Randolph at.. Cblcaco. Reno ft Hamilton: 339 Hickory at.. Buffalo, feard. Billy: 1401 Drayton at., Savannah, Ga. Reck ft Krana: 14 N. 9th at., Phils. Pecker Ssmnel: 6620 Kinsman Road, Cleveland. Rediol. Mme.: 112 5th ire., Chicago. Reerber. Win S.: White Bate, N. Y. 0. Bees." Two: 502 Bryant see.. Chicago. Belrord Family: Palace Hotel, SIS N. Clark at., " Chicago. Bell. Bert (Prince as) Phltllpeburg. Kan. Bennett Rros..- 258 W. 63th at. N. T. C Bennett & Marcello: 206 W. 67th St. X. Y. C. Bergere, Jeanette ft Bote: 224 W. «h at.. N. Acts with burlesque eom| b« found in another column. When no data' is given the week of Dec 3 is to be supplied. Abbott ft Alba: 1252 Dlrersey Bird., Chicago. Adams. Billy: 45 Union St.. Cambridge. Mm. Adams ft Lewis: 106 W Baker St.. Atlants. Ga. Adgle ft Her Lions: 2tO K. 4Ttb St.. S. Y. C. Adier. Hsrry: White Rata. Y. C.. Anerns. The: 3219 Colorado aye.. Chicago. . Altken Bros.: 2*4 Bedford at.. Fall Blyer. Mass, Altken*. Tare Great: 2219 Grarler at.. ' Near Or- leans. Albani: 1805 Broadway. N. Y. C. Alderfer. Cbas. : Drater, I mi. Aldrach. Blanche: Atbena,' Ga. Al drldg c. Cbaa. II.: 20 K. Berkley at:. Union ». ^ (Grand) Glasgow. Scotland. Mot 28- I Kenan: 125 Brewer it.. Norfolk. Vs. (I's. Job.. Peter the Great: 422 BloomBeld «t.. Hobokeo, X. J. Alrarsdo's, 8., Costs: 1235 N. Msln St., Decatnr, HI. • • • .- .. . Alain ft Zends: Box 385. Dresden.. 0. - ■ ■' ~ Amrrifu Dancers. Sis: 10 Plain? St., Providence. American Singing Four: 410 E. 10th St.. BW, N. T. - Amsterdam Quartette: 131 W. 41st at., N. X*. 0. Anderson ft Ellison: ' 3003 Locnat St.. Phils. - _C«rr of Psnl Tan- It, St. ' Annls. Mrs. Wm. E. : 00! w . 139th St.,' N. Y. c. . . : " •■ ; Anthony. Wm. R. : The BlUboard.- oiurinnatl. Apollo Quartette: 03- X. Slate at., Chicago. Archer ft Cant: Greenwich. X. T. Arnold, Geo.: Box 193. Shattnck. Okla- ' _ Arnold, Hazel: . The Billboard, Cincinnati. Arnold ft Rickey: Osrego. N. T. P.: Care Psnl Tanslg. 104 B. 14tb at.. Msters: 12 80. Nrwatead are. St. Lonls. . a. a G. : 410 South 4th are.. Mt. Vernon. Austin ft Klirmker: 3110 E St.. I'hlla. Atlantis ft Flak (Crescent) Albany, C a. Asdra. Beaa (Prioress) Ft. Worth, Tex,; Pas- time) Dallas, 5-10. Adair ft Dahn (Trevett) Chicago. Alpine Troope. Fire (Temple) Hamilton. Can.: (Temple) Ottasr- Alfretts. Great ( Rapid a. 5 111. Alton. Ethel (Xew Bun), not St) Lenlarnie. Amerea. Three (Colonial) Alb rarer ft Baby At!" St Lonls. lit . 5-10. rlalr. Eddie, ft Edytbe Henney (Trevett) C cago; (Majestic) KaUmaaoo, Mich., 5-10. Newsboys Qnartette (BIJou) Wis.; (MBes) Minneapolis. Mln„ . 5-10. Adonis A Dog (Mslestlel Johnstown. Pa- Annanla. FI Te (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga. Alexander. Geo. B. (Lyric) Terre Haute, Ind.: (Colonial) Indiana nolle. 5-10. Adelmaon. Joseph. Family (Orpbemn) Ogden. U.: (Orpbeum) Salt Lake. 5-10. Apdste's Animals (Majestic) Chicago; (Colom- bia) 8t Lonls. r, 10. ■ A lien. Lester (Msjrstir) LaCrosne, Wis.; (Ham- lin Are.) ebleago. ill., 6-10. ■■■ Archer. Lou (Majestic) LaCrosse, Wis.; (Ham lln Are.) Chicago., ill., r, 10. Adalr. Art (Orpbeom) Leavenworth. Kan.; (Colombia) Kansas City. 5-10. Arnolds. Cbas. (K. ft P.) Greensbnrg. Ind.: (Harris Grandl Bloomlngtoa. 6-10. Alpha Troupe (Orpbeom) Oakland, Csl. Allen. Ere (Empire) Bridgeport Conn. Anitree's Living Porcelains (Orpbeum) San Fran- cisco. Antrim, Harry (Matestlc) Jacksonville. Fla. A polios. The (AndltorlnmV Norwich. Conn. Ar filler. Jack. Duo (Orpbemn) Kansaa City. Mo. Arlington Fonr (Majestic) Paterson. N. J. -Ardell Bros. (Star) Padncab. Ky.; (Gem) Cairo, Mo.. 5-10. Appleby, E. J. (Boyal) Brooklyn. . AItIdo ft- Bialto (American) Cincinnati; (Sotmr ba) Delaware 5-10. Bainies, Four: 2«U W. Church St.. Newark. O. Bawd. Blanche: 12 W. Both St.. N-.T. C. Baker ft Com alia: 613 E. 45tb st.. Chicago. Baker, Sid: 1808 Race St.. Cincinnati. Banks. Charley: 317 Park nee., Baltimore. Banyan, Alfred: 122 Smith sr.; Winnipeg. Can. Barber ft Palmer ( American) Omaha. Neb. Bsmstesd. Bd. H., Jr., 311 E..2fth St.. N; Y. -C. _ : . .... H. T. 4429 S. 716 Place, Chl- Blaocs Mile. : Care Max Hiisch. ■ O.-H.. N. Y. C. Blgelows, The: 2882 ' Monroe' St., Chicago Byrne, John H. W.: 218 W. 31 tb st.. N. . Y. C. Booth Trio (Trent) Trenton. N. J. Bldrtte. Hssel (Vaudeville) Pine Bluff. Ark Bradley ft Ward (Family) St. Joseph. Mich. Bowers, Walters ft Crooker (Majestic) Chicago; (Columbia) St. Louis, 6-10., . ... Brand. Lanra MarUere (Griffin's) St Catherines. Ont, Can. Brown ft Darts: Decatur, Ind., 1-3. Burt. Nellie (Jefferson) St. Augtl (Majestic) Columbus. Gs.. 6-10. Bornham ft Lee (John It. Smith Show) Latta, S. C BlondelL Mable (Caswell) Kloston. N. C. Bsader-LaTelle Trio (Chutes) San Francisco; (rautigri') Los Angeles. 5-10. Blessing. Mr. & Mrs. (Goodwin's) Hannibal. Ma. I-S: (Star) Columbia. 5.7. Beard. Billy (Majestic) Little Bock, Ark.; (Ma- jestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.. 5-10. Bretonne. May. ft Co. (Plsas) Hslleybnry. Can.; (Princess) Cobalt 5-10. Benont Duo (New Star) Monde. Ind.; (Crya- tal) Anderson. 5-10. '■ Brlnkmaa ft Steele Sisters (Arcade) Toledo, O. (Orpbeum) Canton, 5-10. Bloomqoest Players (Poll's, . (Orpheum) Montresl. Csn.. 6- Brooks, A. G. (»th Phil a. Bernard & Orth (Majestic) JscksooTllle. Fin.: ^g?3nar^L^ Blsmphln. Behr ft _ Ethel Bay (Grand) Mas 0.; (American) Eljrta. 5-10. Baorty ft Fields (Grand) Hamilton. O.: (New Murray) Richmond, Ind.. 5-10. Brovrnlng Bessie (MaJeMtC) Ft. Worth. Tel.: (Majestic) Dallas^ 5-10. r Benrere. Valerie. Players (Temple) Rochester N. Y.; (Keltb'a) Colnmbus. O.. 6-10. Bellmack Sisters (Why Not) Greenfield. Ind. This blank is available for no route cards. Cards will route data in case you have be mailed upon application.. Week Theatre City State • _ tat't " .' t ■ .... V • -- . . .. ... ' PERMANENT ADDR1 If you are unable to give route, and desire to have your man cut address listed, kindly provide the using this blank. . - -^ ==F= Name • .vV? .- \yfy-" • •■ :. ! •a, Capt. Sea Lions: Care Das Programme, Bimbos, Tbe: 094 Paelfle at. Apple ton Wis. Blsbee ft Connelly: Hotel Rookery. Keewanse, III. Black ft McCnne: 19 Neponset are., Boston. Blair ft IavToe: 2040 Amsterdam are.. N. Y. Blancbard ft Marlln: 1159 Oct a via at, San Francisco. BlondelL Mabel. 1131 N. 3d are.. KnoivlUe, Warren st, Brook- Boston City Qnartette: Ira. Boutin ^ ^^u^u^Y^ 14th Braata: 8elm at. N. Y.' 0. Br a bin's Ladles Quartette: 1129 8. Hill St, Loa Angeles. .. Brand, Laura Xartlrre: BIS Main at.. Buffalo. Rraun Sinters: Blchardaon Park, Dels. Brenner. Samuel N.: 2858 Tulip at.. Pblla. Brinkleya. Tbe: 424 W. 39tb St.. N. Y. C. Brltton, Nellie: 140 Morris st.. Pblla. , Brlttons. Three Mnslcsl: 729 Liberty see.: Brook- Bo'ises. Sensational: 875 Jackson nee.. Bronx, n, y. c. -r . Broadway Comedy Qnartette: 20 Williams are., Brooklyn. .Brooks A 'Brooks:- Tbe Billboard. Cincinnati. Brown ft- Darla: 24 Forry are.. Newark, O. Brownies, Tbe. ft Co.: 6th ft Jackson sts., Topeks, Kan. Browning. Resale: 340 K- BStb at. N Y. C. Bodda. Aerial: 20 N. Union st, Aurora. III. Btmrtra ft Alger: 2319 W. Main St., Loolsrllle. Ky. . ' -. Buntb ft Rndd: OlO Beloen are.. Chicago. Burr ess. Harvey J.: 627 Trenton are., Pitts- Imrg. Ps. Boreas. Russrn 934X4 So. Flgneros at. Los Angeles. Csl Poms, BlUy X.:. White Bats, W. T. 0. : Burt. Al. J.: Bancroft Bldg.. Altoona. Ps. C. Byron ft Langdoo (Majestic) Little Bock. Ark. Byron ft 5-10. Better, Harry, ft Co. (Panteges*) Sscnunento. Csl.; (Chutes) Sin Francisco. 5-10. Byrne. Myrtle, ft Co. (Majestic) Bt .Minn.; (BIJou) Oshkosh. Wis.. 5-10. Boynlon ft Bonrke (Orpheum) Memphis, (Orpbeum) New Orleans. La., 6-10v Blcknsll ' ft Olbney (Majestic) Houston, Tex.; (Princess) Hot S priors. Ark., 0-10. Beers, Leo (Majestic) Charles town. 8. C; (Or pbenm) Savannah. Oa., 5-10. Barret ft Karle (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala.: (Grsnd) KnoiTllIc, Tenn. 5-10. Beban, George (Orpbeum) Oakland. Csl.. 28 1 Dec- 10. Boiler. Amy, ft Quartette (Columbia) Clncln natl. ■Ma, IelvenwoV E 5r 0 -,C W,Ch,U - cTty Mo.* " n >n«'e (Orpbeom) Kansas Batbtn'g Girls (Orpbeum) Minneapolis: (Or- phenm) 8t. Psol. 5-10. Barnes ft Crawford (Dominion) Ottawa, Csn.: (Orpbeum) Montreal, 6-10. Burke, Jobn ft Mae (Pantagee') 8acramento. Csl.. 5-10. B1 & JT OTr Mllwsnkes; (Ms- Jestlc) Chicago, 6-10. Bison City Poor (Orpheum) Des Moines, Is.: (Orpbeum) .Kansas City, Mo.. 0 10. Bebees, Those (Colonial) Wlchlts rails. Teg.. 1 •3. Belmont Joe: Edlnbtrrg, Scotland, r. 10; Hen- ley Eng., 12-17: Exeter. 19-247 MAGIC IXsae, % m POCKET TIIICK St. ■. T. Electric Tattooing Machines, 55.08 Stencils. XOc up. ^Designs, colors, needles, ete ?iV o Ma^re:t. P ^rc!?rr- THEATRICAL LAWYER MAI HICK 140 aTaaaan Street, Reduced Bates to tbe FREE— MAGIC CATALOGUE — FREE Bdcspea, Mind Beading. Magic. New Acts snd Creations, and second-hand bargains. Address W. AI.nEBT TK1PP. 6 Foster 8l/ New Be? ford, Mass. A. LOWTHER FORREST i ABCBTTTCT • J atAKTLAND, SCO TWO COLOR LFTTKSHZAD8. $1.50 With a neat design and a halt-tons cot front your photo. Samples for 2c atamp. CLAY CK.N. TEK ENGRAVING CO.. Clay Center. Ksnss-. PLAYS "RAM as AND v AUUKV 1 1 i s> material. 50c: my Make-op Book. ISc: Illuts to eurs. 15c. Cataloa; Phee. a k. I, 808 Poater Bldg.. Milwaukee. Wla. Agents. Legitimate cbloea; patented: sells oa roc Slot II a tlcular«. 'OISHA CO . Arvtcrso'i!! Iol " ' '^ Ventriloquist Figures, Merry -Go- Round. Oct an Were Swing, Black Art, Lunette, Tents, Mu- seum of Anatomy. Organs. Marionettes. P. D. Figures, etc. Lists Inst ont All bargains. W. tl. J. 81 1 AW. Victoria. Ma. La* n(W TOBJC. VISIT C. SCHUu-S RESTAURANT Table ds Bote Dinner SOc. 124 West Mth bt, between 7th Ave, and B'wsy r wiib one treatment. gl.-VO; two treat ments. (2.29. Tst- toolng machines. $9 np. Stencils, " colon. Inka. deslgats, needlsa, etc. 8e price list. PROF. H. W. BKBEC. 1st St.. Weat Cedar Baplda. Iowa. Card I layers' Block Oat aad Una Work lax. Onaraatewd tJat bast Taw tars colors, red an* bios. Incladtag 2 qaOl peas, only 11.00. For eatsloarss of aportlag jsooda, isrlan 2e atassn. NOTBLTY BAITaB. BIO Michigan St.. Bnffslo. If. x*> •ATFNTt SECURED OB FEB HETTJItN- rmt Cll I* so. Free report aa to patent, ability. Illustrated O olds Book and List of In- ventions wanted sent FREE. VICTOR J. EVANS ft CO.. Washington. D. C. TUBERCULOSIS If Suffering with consumption, writs to "Till ACTOR'S FRIEND." DR. OEO. BBOWV. Prssl. daat JPias JUsues Saallaitaai Atlanta. Oa, ><• r erenee— OtU xfsrisnd. Mary Marble, Little Chip, j no. Dunne. Jake Walls, Ungb Cardoxa, etc., etc. TISSUE PAPER any color, n so. I CAN PUCE YOB n the VAHEVJLLE STAGE get an act and engagement. 80 yea re* . lence. Free Instructive eorveapoadence co of prafesatoaal advice. This offer Parflrnlara 10c which Is rr-fnaoed. TaBKT.T.B, Sin A, lesostar, Ind. ACTOR ^avI'arLl^/n'eaw rasswnss taws. 8ae mum "vst-fass mi •st Ss"avW aaavssssev . a aa BT iMlSsslB Itasna Wis. «-_OMwn. tr- 3, 1910. ■ The Billboard Brunettes. Cycling (Unique) Minneapolis: (HI Jou) Dulutb B-10. CalrertParxers. The: Portland, Me. "SB Slilen: Clarendon Howl, CM- ««. CUT. * rthell : SOO W. 18th .t.. Cirle, Irrlng: 4303 N. 41it ft., CbletfO. cmn * Clark: SIS Prospect in,, Buffalo. Carl loo Sisters: 403 W. 28 IH sc., N. X. O. Carol Slaters; 104 W. 16th st.. N. Y. C. Cirolri. The: SIS E. 141b St., N. X. 0. Ciron 4 Efarbart: Fair Ha Ten, N. J. Otrrol ton * Vaa: 0428 Moots Vlala .t., Lo. An Hotel, Ft. Worth. Caaada, Three: Caae, Charley: Lockport. M. Y Caae. Paul: 81 8. Clark B& Chicago. Gasaaangb A Lancaster: TOO A. Indiana are.. Kaoaaa City, Mo. Cbantrell A Schuyler: 210 Prospect arc.. Ijn. Chapman Bisters: 1820 MUborn at., Ind* Chase ft Carina: 2910 8. Halated It., Chase, Clifton E. : 44 Btb It.. New Bedford. Clayton, Panl: 1420 Elm tt, Cincinnati, Clayton Trio: The BUI board. Cincinnati. Clements A I>ee: 029 First St., IsaolSTlUe. Clermont. Jean: 104 K. 14th at., M. X. a Cllopor, Jesse * Delia: 6119 Bo. 1 it, Tteomi. Cllto* A Byrrester: 224 N. loth at.. Pall a. Co.V^*Th^^?^^ h -' t -- MT --° Ns y. Colombia Mnaleal Foot: 212 W. c. Columbiana, Fire, Inc.: rtndlay, 0. Comatoek. Boy: TS21 Osdar are.. Clereland. Cookey, Clerer: Wanaan, Wis. Cook * Hrllman: 13 H Spring at.. Newark. N. J. Cornelias, air.: 81 Flak sts.. Maapeth, U I.. Cotter * Bo olden: Can Norman Jsfftrlss, Oth at Arch sts.. PhUe. Courtney ft Jeanette: 1B10 W. 14th Place- Chi- cago. Creree, Edwin p.: 233 N. Sherman at.. Bar City. Mich. Crawford, Glenn 8.: 14S» Baxter at. Toledo. o. Crawford a Delsiacey: 110 Ludlow at., BeBe- fontaioe. 0. • , Crayton. F. Lawrence: 70S Herri ck at.. BImirs. Crelgntoo, J. C: no troll us. Dick: Vands' W. 46tb at., N. T. 0. Crooks. Chaa. If.: Mnakegon. Mich. Cnllen Bros.: 2018 Hhneorth at., Phils. Cliff. Laddie (Hammeratela'a) N. I. 0.1 (8th Are) N. X. C. 8-10. Cnrrht a Earls (family! Pitt abase;. Fa. Crswford at DeLanoey (lata) Saline, Kan.. 13. t>#*t3 tJLa ) f^af^A t f lew &-10 Cortreti A Hamnioai (Prtjx-wee) Bt. Paul. Garrofl^nUtto Troopo (Star) Chicago; (Plaaa) CblCijO, ft- 10. Carrol. Helena. * Co. (BIJoo) Rsclne, Wi. Cm as. Mrs. Gardner (Kelth'a) Pbila. Cora TonngWood. Sextette (Majesri " m. . . v Bisters ^Liberty) H.r- ^^ST .*"•' Chase. Billy (Oread) PortUad, Ore. Chrrrtel. Rmtla (Majestic) Oolnmhna. O. .; (Ma- jestic* Little Rack, Art. B-to. Camllle'a Dog arms (PsnUges') Pueblo. Colo.; (I'sntagef) St. Joseph. Mo.. 5 10. Caraoa £ WTllard (Poll's) Bridgeport. Oonn.: (roll's) Berantoa. Pa.. 6 lo. Cord us A Ma ad (Hlttner-s) Chicago; ( r Iodlaoapolla, 8-1a Connelly. Mr. * Mrs. Irwin (Orpheom) Bt. Paul: (Orpheom) Dnloth. B-10. Creaay * rrayoe (Columbia) 81. LOala; (Ms _ jostle) Mllwankee. no. Cain* A odom (Crystal) Mllwankee. 11. (Orpbeum) Oakland, Cel., 2ft Tbe> (Ornhwom) Kan Clatre. Wla.: (Or -Jn> Bt. Paol. Minn.. B-10. Clark. Fiorrtts (Park) Brie, Pa. Clipper Qaartetta (Poll's) Wllksa-Barre. Pa. Connolly * Webb iPtdPsV WIlkwa-Barre^Pa. Ormoor * Moras (Fsmlly) Pittsburg. Pa. Dalley a Wall: TM Bo. Western are.. Chicago. Dale. Dainty Dot tie: 2S3 W. 88th at.. N. T. 0. Daly A O'Brien (National) Sydney. Auatralia. lodef. Ds Yen port. Pearls B. (Orpheom) Rntler, Pa. r Catlta: 880 Ttb are.. N. T. C »rmo. Billy: 503 JJ. Clark at., Chicago. r: 11 a Ttb at., Krle, Pa. V. »th at.. N. T. mat*. Julius J. : I1T B. BSth at., N. Y. DeTmoro A Darrell; 1818 Oth are.. B. Oakland. Oil. PaLorla, Dick: 218 8was at., nuffaio. ' KmE B^: rtl C.^, U W c. , Ml2! ,> " * aVstgna, 0. wra 1 bIsk fit ■ la. Dee 141. sMors A Grace ta: Flndlay, o. Blckea, Muairal: 818 First at.. Macon, da. " ab, Loo lee: m lutraaa at. Atlanta. Qa. Dickens * Floyd: 848 Rhode Island at., Bat- tahv Dickinson, Richard: Melrose. Mass. Dlstoo. Madeline: 034 Longwood ere.. N. T. 0. Dlrolea, ..a: 143 E. Btb it.. Mansfleld. 0. Dolan It Leoharr: 2400 7th are.. N. T. 0. Donoran * Mack In: 1180 Taylor at, Ft. Wayne. Doric' Trio: 037 N. State at-. Caieago. Dorscb * Bussell: 804 8. Belmont are., Newark, N. J. Does. Billy: 102 8. High at. Colombia. Tenn. Desnrlea. Myrtle: sterere Bonne, Chicago. Downard 4k Downard: Cyclone. lad. Downey ft Wlllard: 41 linwood are.. Detroit. Drew, Carroll: Actor's Fond, Gaiety Theatre Bldig.. tt. T. C. Dnaa-Bedear Troupe: Beading, Pa. Dunbar A Fisher: White Bata, N. Y. 0. Donley At Merrill: Onion Hotel. Donswortb * Welder: Dad'a Daaswortb * Welder: Di Daplile. Earnest A.: Tai Eng.. Indef. Durnlng, Parsoo Jo (People's) LeaTeaworth, Kan. Do Rosa A Qalrln: M3T Wsrerley are, naU. DeWlndt, Marjorla a (Lyric) 1-8, Damltresro Troupe (Park) Pklla. Dearea. Harry. A Co. (Wilson) Chicago; (Crys- tal) Cairo so B-10. d" 1 * '"t 1 " p* 1 i^b { ?o$!L£) c B™\£ to 'p* lL Bmrrm. Tba> (Manhattan O. B.) tt. Y. C DaConpa. Zatda (0. H.) NOea. Ulch.. 1-8. DeVUbla. Greet (O. II. ) Lnaraaaport. Ind.' (O. II.) Xokomo. o 10. DeVelde * Eelda (Kelth'a) PhOa.: (Keith's) Pateraoa, N. J..- 8-10. Da'y'a C.Kintry ^ Choir (Onuid) ^Victoria. B. C. 14 Dec. 10. DeBetmo * LaDtre (Poll's) BprUgaeld. Mass.; (Poirs) Worcester. 8-10. Diamond Four (Hamlin) Chicago; (Empress) Ft. Woa^^Tax.. BjlO^ ^ ^«"'^"y^to a ™TtmpieT ,1 B«| 1 e^Wr, N. DeWoUes, Four (Kelth'a) PhBa. • Dlion A Nelson (Orpbeom) Lima. O.: (Gayety) Indiana polls, lad., 5 10. Dark Knights, Ten: Now Castle. Pa.. Dubois. B-10. Downs, T. Nelsoa (Wigwam) Baa Francisco; (American) Baa Francisco. 8-10. Del mar A Del mar (Pan la res') Den re r. 0 1ft Donoran A Arnold (Poll's) Scrsnton. Pa.. 28- Dee. 8. Dantea, The: 8-10* Darts A Ham (Majestic) (Hamlin Are.) Chlcsgo. 111., B-10. Dlnkelaplel'a Christmas, with Bernard A. Rein- old (Orpbeom) Kanaaa City, Mo.. 6-10. D.liaa. Beolah (MaJeeUe) Charleston. 8. C; (Orpheum) BaTannab. Ga., 8-10. Dale A Boyle (Grand) K.anariiie. lad. . Dag-trsll Slaters (Majestic) Patareon. N. J. Dean. OUT. Co. (Orphenm) Seattle. Doa. Emma (Majestic) Dearer. Doprea. Fred (Orpheom) Memphis. Tenn. Bdmsn A Day lor: Box 30. Richmond, Ind. Bdytba. Corlane: 228 8. Bo bey at.. Chicago. Bl Barto: 2881 N. Holllngwood St., Phils. Elliott. Katbrya (King's) Jackson. Ga. 5 A Wi" • MABEL WcKINLEY IN VAUDEVILLE CAINE & ODOM right: 2811 N. May st. City. Kan. English Roaebnds: Beech. N. T. A Bel Jan 10. Caber * Welsh: 1831 ■Cam ortd. Flora. A Bsby: C. Ethsrdo. Naomi :_ Fslr Hsren. N\ X Evana. Bessr v&iL. d ale: 3700 COttag* Orore arm., Chl- Eralyn Sisters: tSS Green are., Brooklyn. Elliott. Katbrya (Aadltorinm) Newnan. Oa. Engttsb. Jack (Jefferson) St. Angastlne. FIs. Krt< kson, Knnte. Company (Poll's) Springfield. hlaaa.: (PnlPa) Worcester. 8-10. Ehreodall Bros. A Dnttoa (Park) Erie. Fa. Eagle * The Girl. Adolph Knoll, mgr.: (Or- pbrtim) Peoria. TIL El wood. Elms (Princess) UtUa Bock. Ark. raaa** Er '*(('«', mUl'T' WlUenaburg. Pa.. 1-8. Edw ar ds, Shorty (Walnut St.) Lonlsrtlle. Fanat, Grace: ToiB N. Slate st.. Chicago. Fernind ex-May Dm: 207 B. BTth at.. N. T. 0. Fields. Will ii.. A LsAdells: 8041 W. Karens wood Park are.. Chicago. Flneberg. Nannie: 1148 So. 18th at.. Phlta. Fisher. W. X.: Spring A Plum a la., Newton. nojdeiis. The: 8132 R at.. San Diego, Cel. STUB. W: as Si., woo uavape, , Art: 284 Watklaa at.. Brooklyn, a. Lonlae: 128 So. Broad at. Mi Uankato, Saginaw, Franklin. Ghers A Oo : 612 N. Chicago. Franklin. II. . * Standards : Berlin, Germany. Fraak. Jos. J.: 138 S. Commerce at.. Grand Baplda, Mich. Praam, Big At Edytba: 12 Hotchktaa at., Btng hampton. N. T. Frasar. MsrrrVona: Hlghlsnd Park, Qnlney. 111. Fraaar Trio: 16 lamaa aee„ Rahway, N. J. Frearh, Harry: 818 N. Main at., Mt. Pleaaaat. Mica. Fray. Henry: lear Medlson are;.. N. T. c Friend A Downing: 418 Strand, W. 0.. London, Eng., April 13, ladaf. Frltehte A Adams: White Rata, N. T. a Frnxo Trio: 8708 28th are South. Mlnaeanolla. Fanning. Jdo. I.: 188 Ollre at.. New Htren, J.; Faatas. Two: 8 Onion Sanare. N. T. O. Fox A Braoa (Proctor'a) Plalnfleld, N. (Proetor'a) Jersey City. 8-10. Frank. .leasee* 3.: Bot Bprlogs. Ark.; Utile Rock, a io. Fields * Hanson (NOrka) Akron. 0.; (Will lard) Chlcsgo. 111., 8-10. Fentoa. Marie (Majeatle) Des Molnea, la.. 8- 10. I FT SONG TAILORS | BOOKED SOLID UNTIL NEXT SEPTEMBER. I THE GREAT BENEDICT Know Thyself Psychic Wonder Tk. .ct flit it ..k ■mi far ail The Billboard SPARKS VAUDEVILLE. TED with Its arJUIatlons, can now offer acta of merit, aa snproxlnaataly two years' time oa practically one contract; the largest and moat perfectly systematise! popular priced Taoderllle circuit la the world; a strong statement, bot It's absolutely trat. If yonr house to playing Tsodwrllle there era many reasons why yoo sbonld be nalng oar serrlee: we'll show yon these reasons If yon will comm nnlcste w ith n s. Don't d el ay: d o It now. These kind of acta are the "sore-are" kind: ^!5SF^S22!l w J l £* yKKa r SSJEH TCHAH ^ btdbbt jkbom-e a oo. KILL 4k XAJTX TBTOBLL A FTJIXZB CU ll BJ t * BOTTLE URMOXSS * LKWIB OaOXE A SILAJTHOBI TZX> A OXACZ XTjaaTBXT, kfAXTZXOTJB L 00 FEB A LaMABOW CHA8. H, DeVEATJX * CO. HABBIHOTOB A 1 TrTE D0T8KKHTYB JaTrnOAZT 8j£EB,VAjf8 LAVTire A INMAH BOPEAK A MATTBlER CAJLMOHDE A DUBOIS CKAWTOBS A JIXXAXCT 100 or mora ta the game class. TED SPARKS* VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT (Member Of the Association or AflUlatetl Vanderllle Agents.) BUILDING. . .. All IxaF Distance Phones. KANSAS CITY. MO. STOld - CBNTTJBT Acta wishing to play thai time will playing opposition honaes. This Is tape rat ire. 32 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. Flwft. nick J. (Francais) Montreal; (Gralut) Freeuinu. .Maurice (Orphenm) Salt l.J'.e. L. Fay. Two Colors & Fay INM, Scran. >n. Fa. Fogarty. Prank tKelth'a) Phlla. _.. Finney, . Maud * Gladys lOrpucr.m) V.loux City. . Ia.: (Orphenm) Des Molars. 5-10. Fuller'a,- Loie. Ballet of Light (Mary Anderson) Louisville; (Grand) Evansvllle. 5-10. Frevoll Frank (Alrdome) Chattanooga. Teuu.; (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala.. 5-10. Fanxm. Billy. * Clark Sisters (Orpbeam) Spo- kane, 5-10. ...» Field's. Harry, School Kids (Majestic) LaCroasc, Wis.; (Hamlin Ave.) Chicago. HI., 6-10. Foley & Earl (Coliseum) Phoenix, Aria. Flechtl's, Otto, Tyroleans (Virginia) Gabberte. Two: White Bats, K Y._ C. Juggling:. IT? White St., G " J Galloway. W. P.: Care of the the Glencoe, Montgomery. Ala. Gardlnera, Three: 1038 N. Stb st, Phllo. Gar-on, Marion: 703 W. 178th St.. N. Y. C. Gay lor,' Chas.: 788 17jth St.. Detroit. - Gayior -Afuratf:- 18 Abingdon Square, >.Y. O. George & Gott: 214 Lee are.. Sapnlpa. Okla. Gejer, Bert: Palace Hotel, Chicago. Glbney A Earle: 509 Madison aye.. Toledo. O. Gibson- -Bros.: 2 Willow St., Brooklyn. Gibson, Ted & Kate: 906 Gates are., Brooklyn. GUday * Fox: 208 State St.. Chicago. Godfrey, Hal: Care P. Casey, Long Acre Bldg., Gotten & Hughes: Mllford, Mass. G on: ales A (Monarch) Lawton. Okla. Goodhne * Bnrgesn: white Fe's X. T. C. Gorman & Bell: 136 4th are., N. Y. C Gorman & West: 1855 Lexington are., N. Y. 0. Gorton. Ed. * Llxxle: 14 Charles St., Detroit. Goss. Eu...e: Bayinoad »t.. Fall Hirer. Mass. Gould, Wm.: Green Boom Club, 130 W. 47th St.. K Y C Graham* A 'Randall: 327 Pearl st.. Brooklyn. Cranberry st LaMoo: 1553 Broadway, X. Y. C. Grant it Brewer: 34 Boyce are.. Walla Walla, Wash. „ Gray. Enid: 20 W. 125th at.. X. Y. C. - Gray & Graham (Fuller's) New Zealand, Austra- lia. Oct. 1-Nor. 30. Gray A Gray: 1022 Bird St., Joplln. Mo. I * Co: 8104 St. Clair are., N. E., Cleve- HL Greene & Parker: Xatlonal Greenwood, Bessie: 365 N. Grimthd. Fred L.: Care- Monroe at.. Montgomery, Grlgoletl'a Aerial Ballet Un, Ger., Dec. 1-31. * Greet: White Eats, N. Y. C. Guise. JohnnIe:"?(ew Brnmrwlck. N. J. Gray, Harry P. (Dreamland) Waterloo. la. Tom. Sr Co. (Orpbeum) Lima, O., 5-IO. LeMbync. Perry A Co. (White Pal Garson, Marlon, A Co. (Chase's) Wash., D. C Gabriel. Muter, A Co.' (Proctor's) Newark. N J.; > vi =A . Gossans. Bobby fO. H.) Klngsvllle. n„t.. rj««. Goodman. Joe (Uirtej) Birmingham. Ala-.-.sS-j .. Haley at Haley: I r.'J Pierce Bldg., St. 1-oujJi. S Hall A Briscoe: 58 Orchard st, Norwich. Conn:" Hall. E. Clayton Kalner Collier Co.: Elmhurut, Pa. »J>S ' HaJlman ft Murphy: 913 McKean at.. I'hDs. liaison. Boys:. 21 E. 98th St., N. Y.- C. . -;. Halsted. Wlltard: 113% Jochlam at.. Mobile. Halworlh, Jack:" 12S W. Erie it.; Chicago. Kanrmoo ft LyteU: 484 Cottage at.. Rochester, Hampton ft Bassett: 4866 Wlnthrop- area. CM H^fey *• Jarrla: .230 Hoboken St., 3 y. Helene: Plana. 0. i . ; ' jj y, las. E.: 4 Fuller St., Toronto.- Harper ft Jameson: Box 1145, Muskogee, Okla. Harris ft Robinson: 152 Lake St. , Chicago. Harris, Fred: 831 E. 40th St., Chicago. Hsskell, Loney: 4T Lexington are.. N. Y. C. en: 74 Sydney i Hatches. The: 47 E. 132d St., K. Y..C. Hawes Sisters: 3852 Belmont are., Hiwkllii, Homer: 22S Boyd St., Hawley ft Bachen: 1317 X. t Heather, Joale: 21 23 84th at., LaBelle: 63 W. 7th st.. Mt. Vernon, ft Sheldon: 184 E. Randolph St., Chi . Mo. Herrmann, Adelaide: Gllsey House, X. Y. C Hewlettea. The: 1200 20th St., Denver. Hllbert, Ben: 828 Sawmill are.. Allegheny. Pa. Hlllman Lucille ■ ( Vendome) Houston, Tex. Hlllon'ans. The': 2531 Chatham St., Cincinnati. Hoi ton Geo. A.: 22 Bank St.. Brunswick. Me. " Held Park. K. J. Etxel nve., St. Louis. 436 6th St.. Jacksonville, Fla Hallinger, Dillon: The Billboard. Chicago. Huntings, Four: Fair Haven. N. J. Huxtabes. The: 18 Oliver at.. Salem. Mass. Hyatt ft LeNore: 1612 W. Lanvale it., Biltl Torrlngtoo, Conn. . E. .Frederic, ft Co. (Grand) Syracuse, i (Temple) Detroit. Mich., 5-10. Hilda ' (Orphenm) Seattle; (Or- -re.. B-IO. c) Waco. Tex. ft Goes- (Yale) Kansas City. Kan., a: Hart, Marie ft Billy (Orphenm) Spokane; (Or- pbeum) Seattle. 5-10. Herrmann, Adelaide (Hammer-stein's) X. X. C naywood Sisters (Xatlonal) Cleveland. HutTord ft Chain (Folly) Oklahoma City,- Okla.; (Princess) Wichita, Kan.. 6-10. Haney, Edith (Bijou) Qolncy, ill.; (Galety Sprlogfield. 5-10. Hasty, Charlie (Majestic) Birmingham, Ala.: (Majestic) Columbus, Ga.. 5-10. Harris * Rami nil (Star) Mnncle. Ind.: (In- diana) Marion, 5-10. . Hansone ft Co. (Grand) Donors. Pa. Hole. Albert (5th Ave.) N. Y. C.; (Shuberf Utlca. X. Y.. 5-10. Holland. Happy Doc (Miles) Detroit; (Temple) Grand Rapids. 5-10. Herbert. The Frogman (Alrdome) Chattanooga. Tenn.; (Grand) Knoxvllle, 5-10. Hammond ft Forrester _(BIJou) Winnipeg. Cnn. Hamilton. Estella B. "(Bijou) Oshkosh. Wis.: &&£gr?&T£!& f.. cam. Colo. Hatfield. Fannie, ft Co. (New BIJou) Worcester. Mass. Harrington. May (Grand) Wallace, Idaho. Hall. Geo, P. (Warborton) Yonkers. K. Y. Haney ft Long (Trevett) Chicago. Hodge. Robert Henry, ft Co. (Keith's) Paw- tu.ket. R. I. . Harris. Grove ft Co. (Majestic) E. St. Louis. 111.: (Majestic) Little Rock. Ark., 5-10. Hytnark (Orpbeum) Portland, Ore. Barrel's Marionette Circus (Lyric) Oelwein. la.. 28-30. Huntings. Four (Keith's) Columbus, O. Hrey ft Moxar (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala., 6-10. Havelocka, The (Main St.) Peoria. III.; (Or- pbeum) So. Bend, Ind.. 5-10. Hani on Bros. (Orphenm) St. Paul- Hall Sitters (Orphenm) Dallas. Tex. Howard Bros.. Flying Banjos (Poll's) Wilfces- Barre. Pa.; (Poll's) Hartford, Coon., 5-10. Holman, Harry (Poll's) Bridgeport. Conn. Hamlin. Richard, ft Louise (Mary Anderson. Louisville. Hickman Bros. (Princess) Wichita, Kan. Hnxtables, The (Lyceum) Stamford. Conn., 1-3. Hlnman, Capt. Sidney. Life Saving Dogs (Lin- coln. 135th st. ft Lenox ave) N. Y. C. Hammond ft Forrester (Bljoo) Winnipeg, Can. Norka) Akron. O. n (Holborn) London. Eng.. . Salfort, 12-17; (Palace) Cao- dlfT, 19-24. Hathaway. Kelly ft Mack (Poll's) Sew Haveo. Conn. Hayes Sisters: Brockvllle, Ont., Can. Heare ft Ratter (Empire) Phils. Howard ft Howard (Oi Hymer. John B., tc Co. aarvty & ■ DeVora Trio (Orphenm) Sioux City, It.: (or'heum) Minneapolis. Minn., 5-10. Harris ft Wilson (Star) Oi - Hedge. John. Ac Ponies (' land) Chicago 6-10. r 6: Ross (BIJoa) Jl„ S Two (BIJoa) Fargo. K. ft Byan (Orphenm) Savaani Jestlc) Charleston, S. C. 5-10. It Happened In Arixona (MaJesUc) utile Rock. Ark.; (Majestic) Ft- Worth. Tex.. 5-10. Instrumental Trio: Reclor'a Cafe, 17th ft Curtis its., Denver. Irwlns. Two: 3681 E. 71st St.. Clevelsnd. Isblkawa Jap Troupe: 7300 Sangamon at., Jarvfs°'& Harrison: 26 McKlnley St.. Hartford. Conn. :■„: . -Jennlnga ft Renfrew: 714'-Bcoadway. Everett, nammooa a rorrestei Hanson. Harry L. (N Hsynian 4: Franklin 5 10; (Regent) Sal dtff, 19-24. (Orphenm) Montreal. Fla . On.; (Ma- Cbl- Jerome ft Li-Roy: 814 Mary St.. St. Joseph, Mo. Jester. Jolly /estt: 423 So. Park St., High Point, X. C. Jennets, The: 948 Western ave... Chicago. Jewel, Boy E : 612 N. 23d sL, Mat toon. III. Johnston, Mnslcsl: 388 Eighth are., x. Y. C. Jones. Roy c. -. 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Jones ft Whltehesd: 47 W. 28th at. N. Y. C. Jordan, Earl: 209 E. 6th St.. Lexington.- Kj. Jones. Alexander (Green's)' Cedar Rapids. Ia.: (Grand) Lincoln. Xeb.. 5-10. JoUy, wild ft Co. (Kellh's) Boston. Jewell's Manikins (Orpbeum) Oakland. Cal.. . 27-Dec.- 10. -. , Jun.-s * Gill am «). Htl'Lowell,; MaSS. Juiige, Harrard (Star) ChlciKo. ' Jeter ft: Rogers ..(Poll's) Bridgeport. Conn.; (Poll's) Hartford, 6-10. Jackson, Clements: ~516 Are. C. Sao Antonio. "Tex. Jennlnga ft Renfrew (Orpbeum) teas ft DeU (liyric) Gn KalchI Trio: 1221 E. 71st i jj Chicago. KarteUo Bros.: Psterson, X. J. Kaofmana. The: 240 E. 35th. at.. Chicago. Keating & Murray: Wild wood, N. 1. Keeley ft Parks: Care Mrs. Dsrldaon. 281 W. 150th at, HrfT.. Or*--"-. Keene. Mattle: -Hotel Gerard, X. Y. C. Kelcey Sisters, Three: 4832 Cbrlstlana ave., Chicago. Kelly, Joe (9th 4 Arch sts.) Phils. •-'eUy * Henry:' 2738 Frankford ave., Phlla. Keltnera. The: 133 Colonial Place, Dallas. Tex. Kenney ft Hollis: 64 Harvard ave., Allston. Kent^ A Wilson: 60GO Monroe ave., Chicago. King Bros.: 211 4th ave., Scfifnectady, X. Y. King, Violet: Winter Gardens. Blackpool, Eng. -ssag&Sk&^iw City, Okla. Klein ft Erlanger:l 587 E. 42d at. Cleveland. Klein Trio: 4750 Olden bent ave., St. Lonls. KUdo. J. F-: 2149 Thomas St., Chicago. KUnefelters, The: Box '463. Hswarden. Ia. Klos Slaters. Three: Care Paul Taoslg. 104 T. 14th at. N Y. C. Kohler. . Frank ft May: 240 -S. Chestnut it., MarysTllIe. 0. Kohl. Gns ft Marlon: 911 Fourth St. Milwaukee. Koppes, The: 117 W. 23d St., X. Y. C. Kotsro. Frank: 905 Race st. Phils. Kramers. The: Analomlnk. Pa. Kramer-Bruno Trio: Care Tauslg, 104- E. 14th St.. -X. Y. C. K Ind! > Xormen - 205 Gostlln st, Hammond. Kronco-Mansfleld Trio: Xew Mlirord. Conn. Klein * Clifton (Archer) Chicago; (Gaiety) Galesbnrg. 6-10. Kaufman's The (Lyceum) Mlnot. N. D.. (Ma- jestic) Willlston. 5-10. Kelly. Jack 4 Violet (Shea's) Buffalo-, (Shea's) Toronto, 5-10. Keatons, Three (Poll's) (natbaway's) Lowell. 5-10. Kltamura (Temple) Detroit " "i|s (gavoy) E.. ft Co. (Orphenm) Spokane, Kenney ft Knight 5-10. Fall River. Mass. Keller. Jessie (Bowery) N. Y. C. Kennedy ft Lee (Pastime) Boston. Kelgley, Great (Henrietta) Princeton. Ky. Kcnna. Chas. (American) Xew Orleans. King Bros. (Empress) Kansas City, Mo.; (Ma- jestic) Des Moines, Ia.. 5-10. Kovarlck (Cbmluue) Augusta, Me.; (Rockland) Rockland. 5-10. Kaufman Troupe (Grand) Indianapolis; (Mary Anderson) "Louisville. 5-10. Kokln, Mignonette (Majestic) Milwaukee. Kuhns, Three White (Orpbeum) Oakland. Cat: (Orpheum) Los Angeles, 5-10. ■ .-. . Kelley 4 Wentworth (Gaiety) Sprlngneld.. 111.. 1-3;. (Lyric) Danville, 6-7; (Orpheum) Cham- paign, 8-10. Kane. Leonard (Majeatle) Dallas. Tex.;. (Ma- jestic) Houston. 5-10. ■ Kaufman Bros. (Orpbeum) Ocdcn, U. ; (Or- pheum) Salt Lake. 5-10. Knrtls Roosters (Msjcstlc) LaCrosse. Wis.: (Bl- joo) Mason City. Ia.. 5-10. Kane. Jas. E. (Germantownl Phils. Lshl. Cecil ft Avery: 1017 Liguna at. San Fran- cisco. Lakola 4 Lorain: Palace Hotel. Chicago. - LaDelles, Four: Decatur, Ind. LaMarcha, Franklc: 462 W. 26tb St.. Chicago. La Marr, Frank, Gen. Del., Grand Rapids. Mich.. Lamblottea. The: Mt Vernon. 0. LaMera. Paul: 27 Monroe at. Albany. X. Y. Lamonte. Frank: (Majestic) Phils. LaMont's Cockatoos: 1553 Broadway. X. Y. C. LaMoure Bros.: 64 Cedar Lake ave., Minneap- olis. Lancaster. Mr. 4 Mrs. Tom:' Xew Castle. Dels. Lancaster ft Miller: (Arcade-Grand I Houtilam. Wash. Lansings, The: 210 X. Broadway. Baltimore. LaRocca. Roxy P.-: U2 Washburn. 111. La Rose Bros.: 107 E. 31st st, X. Y. C. LaRne ft Holmes: 21 Ullle St.. Newark. X. J. LaSalle A Llnd: Jamestown, X. V. ■ LaToska, Phil: 135 W. 22d st. Los Angeles. Laughing Horse: 601 E. 178th It, X. Y*. C La Veen, Cross ft Co.: 71 Sea at., Rockland. Me. La villas. The: Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. Lawrence ft Wright: 1553 Broadway. X. Y. C. LeClair ft Sampson: 112 5th ave., Chicago. LeG range 4 Gordon: 2823 Washington are.. St. Louis. Lenerta, Two: 6636 Union- ave... Chicago. Leonon. Bert: 559 W. Washington at., Chicago. Leo, Jolly: 1820 Vineyard St., Phlla. Leonard ft Phillips (Hong Koug Tbeo.) Toledo. 0. LeRoy 4 Diamond: White Rat*. X. Y. C. Leslie, Regtna: 361 Tremoot St.. Boston. LeVerne ft Johnson: 4802 X. Seeley ave.; Chi- cago. Levlno, Dolph 4 Snsie: 14 Prospect at.. W. Ha- Lincoln*. Four: 2156 Huron st, Chicago. Lines, Harry: 420 6th st. South. Minneapolis. K5r™S? *58s nr Lye U ' B .;e-.. 5 G'., , e.: ester, N. Y. Lock woods. Mnslcsl: 133 Cannon at. Pough- keepale. X. Y. Lolsset. Katie: 104 E. 14th st, K. Y. C. Lombard!. Toe: Care Paul Tauslg. 104 E. 14th at, N. Y. C. Lowe, - P. J. 2720 18th ave. South, Minneapolis. Lowe. Leslie J. (Hong Kong) Toledo. 0. Lublns. Four Dsnclng: 1728 N. 21st at.. Phlla. Lucas. Hazel Heston (Msjestlc) St. Psnl. Luce 4 Luce: 926 X. Broad at, Phlla. Lewis ft Chapin (Auditorium) Lynn, Mass.; (Colonial) Lawrence. 5-10. i. no, iron,. Marvin J. (Rose) Cle Elum. Wash. Llnd (Xatlonal) San Francisco. Larayette-Lamont Co. (Majeatle) Ia.; (Majestic) Dubuqoe. 5-10. London Quartette (Pantagea') Los Langdons The (Star) Chlcsgo; (Trevett) Chi- cago. 5-10. Lord ft Meek (Capital) Richmond. 5-10. Loveuberg's Chas. College Life. (Poll's) Scran- ton. Pa. Lovenberg's. Cbas.. Xeapolltan*. M. Llttleneld. vX co| 0r B?'o I, ' > 0,< "°' U ' : (0rpn,,,,,,) D * n - LaTeil Bros. (Nickel) Lawrence. Maaa.; (Pre- mier) Xewbnryport. 5-10. LeSngwell, Nat. ft Co. (Los Angeles) Los An- geles. LaToy Bros. (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex.; (Ma- jestic) Dallas, 5-10. Laurie ft Aleen (Auditorium) York, Pa.; (Fam- ily) Wllllamaport. 5-10. Lowe. Musical (Republic) Chicago; (Colonial) St Louis, 5-10. Longworths. The: Dnbnqoe. Ia.; Rock Island,. Lane ft O'Donnell (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb,.: '5-. Leonard. Grace. Co. (Majestic) Dallas. Tex.; (Majestic) Houston, 5-10. La eery. Will (Qneen) 8an Diego, Cal. LaMont Harry ft n 0 (Music Hall) Lewlaton. Me., 1-3; (Pastime) Brunswick. 5-7; (O. H.) Augusta. 8-10. m ■ ■ • ' Leslie. Geo. W. (Family) Rochester, N. Y. ' Lennan, Bert (Princess) St Paul. Lloyd. Mr. 4 Mrs- nugb (Orpheum) Minne- apolis. Lynch ft Zeller (Keith's) Pawtucket. R. I. Lonlne. Harry (Auditorium) Cincinnati. LaVettea. The (Pastime) Msquokets. Ia. Milton ft DeLong Sisters (Colonial) Xorfolk. Va.; (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga„ 510. Mexican Marimba Quartette (Park) Phlla.; (Plasa) Polta. 5-10. Makjrenko Duo (Majestlcl Montgomery, Ala.; (Majestic) Birmingham 6-10. Moneta Five (Princess) Hot Springs Ark. McKensle 4 Benton (Orpheum) Osry Ind. McConnell Sisters: 1247 W. Madison st. Oil Clgf). MrCallongh. Carl: Room 1205. Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago. McDonald, Eddie ft John: 210 South ave.. Wllk- Insburg. Pa. McDonald. O. L.: 818 Superior at. Toledo. O, Macdooald Sisters: 12 Bacne st, San ~ Slclntyre ft Groves: 403 B. 15tb at. M at e, N V^' Ac,m ' 8ocle,T - ,33 w - «« D McK.niey. Nell: 288 Rank St. Newark. N. J. Mack. Billy (Casino) Galveston. . Tex. Mack. Lee: Wlcklow notel. Chicago. . . Macks, Two: 246 N. 59tb St.. Phlla. M.11IS ft Bart: 221 W. 42nd st. N Y. C. Mangean Troupe: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. Manning Trio: 70 Clancy at. Grand Rapids. Mich. Marimba Band (Orphenm) _ Nov. 1-30: (Winter Garten) . Dec. 1-31. SOUVENIRS for Falra. Catrnl vala, Mckelodsjoaa, - Plct-re Shows, Clrcnsaa and CalahraUoau. white buttoni, braided snap. celluloid Onlsb, 2 Per groaa...$4.78 SOUVKNLR WHIPS — Fancy celluloid handle 2 wh ite buttons, braided lo op. Per gross ... |6.50 — ■ a— i JA P CANES, per hundred ', 1125 SOUVENIR PENNANTS, 6x17. felt, per ^66 2.TS We carry a complete line of Carnival and Streetmen'a goods, such as Toys, Balloons Knives and Canes for racks. Jewelry, etc. Cat- alogue on application. OOE, YONOE ft 00., Ninth and Lncmq Ay., BT. LOTTIS, MO. The Big EU Wheel FOR 1911 la the boiled down cal skill, combined srltt .years of ex^, and In the shop, to build the best amusement wheel ever put op, AND WE DO. We have happily com- Dined the beauty of the wheel with the reliability of construction, which pleases the eye and also satisfies toe sense of absolute ssfety. A pleasure to own are 1 STS^S S^uX OW t SSS AT LIBERTY Operator & Electrician *Vi Tears' experience. Married, sober, ateady,- and reliable. Bent references. Address W. B.- WILSON, 415 n. 3rd St., Sleubeavllle. 0. LIBERTY ED. COKE Char AT LIBERTY- MANAGER ForYaudeillle or Picture Sbow Will taka half Interest In s good I food baritone mice. Hlllsboro, 111. AT LIBERTY A-No.1 Expert; can h years- experli Address JOB Meridian, Miss. GOOD SHOWS WANTED to play LeesvUle, La., it National Then parity 620. Bast show town la state, tlon 5.000. . Situated on K. C. B. B. Beaumont and Bhreveport. Address J. Z. — WANTED — ' . Good Feature Acts DaTenpnrt. WANTED LADY ACROBAT. — To Join young man In hand balancing act. Weight not over 120 - Will explain all In Tenter. Send photo, which will be returned. Addreaa your letter IVEY. 103 N. Locust street, Ottawa, K«n. • WANTED— CLOWN flood Knock about Clown to work with Kicking Mula in vandevllle. Bend photo sad lowest for engagement , ISM ktiohlgan avsnus, Ghloago, 111. Wanted- Mer r y-Go-Round tcr, n, y. . . • " DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 33 OM. P.: 3306 So. Wellington at.. Maritoo 'A'BmlK Mar Tint: The _ Martin*, Carl * N. Y. 0. Martinet tie * Sylveater: 8726 Leeds at., Phil a. Maaon Chaa. A.: 121 W. 42ml at.. N. V. 0. Wathleaen. Walter: 843 W. Ohio at.. Chicago. Maxwell A Dudley: 108 W. 00th at.. N. Y. Maxwell, Joe: Room 12. N. Y. ■ nSfc'W**** 144 B. 4Mb '■«•. N^Y-.C- Mayo A Howe: care Bert Levey, 144 rowell at.. : Ban Franclaco. Mean. Serceant: White Rata. N. Y. O. Melnotte-Lanole Trio: 48 Maryland ave., Cum- berland, Md. Melroae Comedy Four: 8100 Qroveland are., CM Melv'ue, Marvelous: Interlaken, N. Y. Menth Jno. B.: 283T Bo. 41st are.. Chicago. Merrill. Norman W.: VanBuren Hotel. Chicago. Merritt A Lore : Fair Haven. N. J. _■ Meyer. Davla (Lyceum) Edmonton. Alta.. Can. Meyers, Belle: 442 E. 188lh at.. N. Y. «. M.jers. Jack: 212 E. lOflth at.. N. Y ; Milan A DuBola: Welllnj Miller, Larry (Prlnreaa) Miller, Thereaa: 118 W. City. Okie. MUlm.n Trio Wfc^gfj-ffla; Not. 1-30; (Winter Garten) Dec. 1-81. & Crelly: 3430 Rhodra are., Chicago. * Clara: 111 E. 128th at., N. Y. C. B. Tbo*.: 018 W. 48th at., Lo* Angeles, otrell. Chaa.: 104 B. 14th at. N. Y. C. Moore*. Vive Flying: 800 F at., M ancle, Ind. MoocT Tom A Stasis: care B. A. Myera. 1402 JSSFV: £': T Bo«" 31. HanraeUle. Ala. Morgan' * Cheater: Pboebas. "V*. Morris, Leon: 83 W. 7th at., Mt. Vernon. N. Y . Morton. Oeo. C. : Oen. Del.. Augnsta. Me. Son * Fry*: 588 7th are.. N. Y. C. . . Moat Twlna: 344 Fayette at., Brldgeton. N. J. Mowatta. Pearleaa (Lelblacb'a) Brealaa. _p*r.. Not. 1-30; (Apollo) Nnremborg. Dec. 1-31. Murphy, Harry P.: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Murphy. J. C.: 425 80. 5th are,. Nashville. Murray* Myll* A Orxb: Moacoda. Wl*. Mlllson A Bo«« BprlngSeld, 111., 5- in. ' Marlo-Aldo Trio (Orpheum) 8pokane: (Orpbeum) Seattle S-IO. . _ ,_ Mack A Walker (Poll'e) Hartford, Conn.; (Po- H 1 *) New Haren 810. Monre. Oeorg* Aualln (Orpheum) Montreal. 5- ^\g£ m l&2- M*rl»*.«.. He) Carterrtll*. 111.. 5 10. Mil"" Slatera (Ornbeom) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland. Ore.. 8-10. Markee Bra*. (BUon) Oahkoab. Wla.; (Cryetsl) Milwaukee 5-10. McN.-ni Lorlne (8lttner*a) Chicago. • Mitchell A Cain (Regent) Hal font. Eng. H@J?%O^SiW Win- nlpeg. Can,. WO. . . . . Metropolitan Minstrels. Wb. J. Doe-Wy, mgr.: ) Hamilton. Can, ,Ma- 10. (Cry.t.1) Bj U. Vega*. N. 2025 Frultvai* are.. Oakland. N.^dene. O.w.ld A Borger: ISO B. 128th at.. Nemo. Qarl: TS1 N. 2nd at.. Qnlncy. Rl. " Newman. Harry: 113 Fifth ave., Chicago. Nlblo * Riley: IBM Third are.. Brooklyn. Nichols «l Croix: White Bat*. N. T. C. Nlchola A Smith: 012 Addliiton are.. Chicago. Nanette: 184 Henry at., Brooklyn. Norton. C. Porter: (1142 Klmbsrk sve.. Chicago. Norton. Great: 044 Newton at., Chicago. No****. Moatral: New Rrlghlon, Pa. National Cnmlqne*. Three (Grand) Tacoma. Waah.: (Grand) Portland. Ore.. 5-10. Nelaon-XIchola Troupe (Star) Ithaca. N. Y.; (Crmcentl Syrtcnae. 8-10. Naftager*. The. (O. II.) Edlna, Mo.. 6-7: (O. II.) LaBell* S-10. Newton 01 ay da (Empre**) Montgomery, Al»„ Nor. 14.Drc. 10. Novsroa, Three (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Rochester's. Y.. 5-10. Nannary. May A Co. (Grand) Portland Ore. Xawn Tnm, * Co. (Poll's) Wllkea-Rartc, Pa.: (Kelth'a) Phlla .0-10. Neiiaa A Bldred (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah. Nlebola Slater* (Lyric) Dayton, 0.; (Mary An- demon) LonlaTllle, Ky„ 8-10. Nugent. J. O. (Orphetim) Lincoln. Neb.: (Or- pheum) Sioux City. la., 8-10. Nrvln* A Krwnod (Ornticnml Dululta. Minn.; (Or- pbenm) Minneapolis 8-10. Noble * nrooka (BUon) Jaekaon. etlea) Terre Haute. Ind.. 6-10. Silver?" SSL.. "SV'orenVh.w .1 :. (V.rl- O'Neill, Bay B.: 712 Fulton Bldg.. Plttaburg. Pa. Orbaaany*. Irma. Cockalooa: care B. Ober- ' mayer. 1431 Broadway, N. Y. C. Oaborn, Teddy: 711 Coortland are.. Kokomo. ' Ind. Oyerfleld, A.: 880 Glenwood are., Buffalo, X.. Y. Owen. Dorothy M*e: 3047 Both at., Chicago. Orren (Orpheum) Gary, Ind. • Odlva (HnmmeMteln'a) N. Y. C; (Kellb'a) Boa- ton 5-10. ^ ' nt) p I d pre 0?Naill M Tr1o (Orpheum). . Waterloo, la., 8-10. .. . , ■ . lOlympler. Fire (Orpheimi) New Orleana, La. Parland-Newball Co.: 431 Roaaell are., Coving- ton, Ky. Parrla. Jr.. Geo. W.: 2534 N. Franklin at.. I Phlla. Panlln*. J. B.: Dantrllle, N. v. Paull A Walton: 726 Bth are.. Plttabnrg. Pa. ream A Aylward: 265 Michigan are.. Chicago. Pearae A Maaon: Van Bnren Hotel. Chicago. Pelham A lmlg: Platen. Pa. Peter* A Chamberlain: 268 24th Place. Chicago. Phillip* A Newell: 218 So. Howell at.. Owoaao. Mlcb. Pike*. Mualcal: 103 W. Oley at.. Reading, Pa. Plane. Fred 8. (Prince**) Duluth. Minn. Polrler*. The: White Rata. Chicago, porter. Chaa. F.: 606 Lincoln are.. Bay City. ' Mlcb. Potter A Harrla: 1715 Leland are Towell. Eddie: White Rat*. N. Y. Portland, C — J.: S24 N. t:- 1758 Larrabee at., 8at 6. Chl- PriceA BeU: 182 Floyd at.. Pall a a, Tex. Price. Harry M.i 034 Longwood are.. N. T. C. Percy. Gene A. (Majeatlc) Ft. Worth, Tex.; ! (Majeatlc) Dallag 5-10. reraonl A Halllday (Ma)eatle) St. Paul. Prlmroae Four (Colonial) Norfolk, Va.; (Alble) ! Eaatoo. Pa., 5-10. - . Pearre Slater*. Three (Empire) Ft. Dodge, la.; (Cryatal) Waterloo 8-10. Peter* Phil A Nettle (Washington) Spokane; (Majeatlc) Seattle 8-10. - J>hllllpa, 8*mpg__P. (NUon) Phil*.; (Park) Pl blf)*S* y - bltIng-(MaJr*llc) Chicago; (Colum- bia) St. Loola 5-10. Ploeti-Larella 81etera (Majeatlc) Bott*. Mont.. 3-10. Quaker City Quartette: 403 Macon at.. Brooklyn. Queen Mat> A We la: Brlll'a Hotel. South 10th at.. Phlla. Qnlncy. Too*.: Jacksonville. Fla. Qnlgler -ro*. (Orpheum) Spokane; (Orpbeum) Seattle 6-10. Satin. John: 6001 Cbontean are St. Lonla. Randall. Billy: 1.000 K. 8rh at.. Ttayton. O. Rapier. John: 473 Cole are., Dallaa. Tex. Ray. Engenle: 8802 Prairie are.. Chicago. Raymond. Evelyn: 48 W. Erie at.. Chicago. Beading 81 at era: 411 W. 30th at.. N. Y. C. Reed A Marlow: 793 Main at.. Dallai. Tex. Reed. Wm. D.: Gallatin Pike. Naahvlll*. T Reeve*. Roe: 155S Bro*dw*y. N. T. C. Rellly A Lewi*: 64 W. 118th at.. N. Y. C. Renafaaw. Bert: White Rata. N. Y. 0. An.lrla. Dec. 1-31. Rboad*' M*rlooeHe»: 33 W. 8th *t.. Cheater. P«. Rice. Frank A Tree: 6340 Vernon are.. Chicago. Rlrharda. Two Aerial: 288 Jencka at.. Fall ulv I er, Maaa. RIea-rorte. Harry E.: York Spring*. P*. BlnnerRrndo Trio: 238 Seventh at.. Grand Rapid*. Mich. Rioter. Tom: 336 E. 123rd «t.. 1*. Y. C. Retort. Dainty June: 1310 Hal»ey at.. Brook lyn. Rlvenhall. Fred: 290 Central Park. N. Y. 0. Robert*, naye* A Robert*: Cedar Manor. Jamai- ca N Y Rohe'rta A Little: Block HUnd. R. I. Roberta. Little Lord: 454 E. 47lh.t,. Chicago. Rohlnno. Bobble A Haxelle: 5128 42nd are.. Bonfh, Minneapolis. Rotrar* Twlna: 2312 ! Roland A Francla: 31 133 17th at. Wheeling. W. :.. Zanewvni*. O. oshlng are.. Rronklyn. Reien. Chaa. B.: 45 W. 117th *t.._N. Y. i cago. Romanoff*. I Va. Romola. Bob: SIS Root A Whltej m t„ . ^ T c »t.. Brooklyn. A Green: 74 E. 114tb *t.. N. V. C. Sister*. Three: 83 Cnmherford St., Provl- 'j.: 43 Merrlmac at.. Rochester, l«: 1J16 W. High at.. BprlngOeld. Redmond A Smllh (BUon) Pierre. 8. D.. 1-A Rntan** Ron* Plnta (Orphenml Canton. O.: (Snnl Marlon 8-10. Ranf. CTaude (Poll's) Wllkea-Rarre. Pa.: (Broadway) Camden. N. J.. 5-10. Rathskeller Trio (Slttner'al Chicago, 28-Dec. Hl Reeklaw Troone Reekie** (People'*) Phil*. Rnsvell A Smith's Minstrels (Orpheum) Gaston. Pa.: (Colonial) Norfolk. Va.. 5-10. Rlanns. Fonr (Orphenm) Sioux City, la.: (Or- pheum) Kansas City. Mo.. 5-10. Reltr Clsvton * RellT (Maleatle) Madison. Wis.: : (Empire) Milwaukee 6-10. Rolls n,i. Geo.. A Co. (Francal*) Montreal: (Grand) Cleveland 5-10. _ Rawla * Von Kaufman (TJntquei Minneapolis; (BIJool Dnltith 8-10. _ • „ Rohlseh A Chlltlress (Prl*clllal Cleveland: (Or- pheum) Alliance 5-.10. Roode. Osnde M. (Colonial) Lawrence. Ma**.: (Auditorium) I^nn MO. Roaalrea. The (V|lnnl Winnipeg. Can. Bos., fcddle G. (Matestlc) Dallaa. Tex.: (Males- tic) Houston 5-10. • • Roskow Mldgela (Ornhenm) Salt Lake Clly. 1'tah: (Orpbeum) Denver. Col.. 5-10. Ry*n. The*. J.. RlrhfleM Pa. (Colnmbla) St. Loul*: (M*testtc) Mllwankee. 5-10. Rice Snlly * Seott (Shea'a) Toronto; (Lyric) Dsytnn. O.. 5-10. _ ■ Recti Bros. (Orphenm) Slonx City. I*.: (Orph- eum) Mln^eanoll*. .Minn.. 6-10. Rocamora. Suranne (Orsnil) Intllanapolla: (Co- lumbia) Cincinnati 5-10. Ravmond. Bttby (Trent) Trenton N. J.: (Tem- ple) Detroit. Mich.. 5-10. Roekway A Conway (Grand) Knoxvllle, Tenn.: (Alrdome) Chattanooga 5-10. • ■ .... . WORLD'S GREATEST AERIAL ACT NOW PLAYING ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Address BERT BANVABD. Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. OPEN AIR Flying Baldwins Aerial Batnrn Act. T. W. GBEENXEAF, Mgr., 314 V. 3rd St., Quincy. HI. HEAD M. NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. Pails, Fairs, Cihtatiais, Etc. the: act thev all talk about. FLYING WERNTZ DUO .Sensational Aerostatic Gym naaU of Qnallty ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO M CAD U. WCRNTZ. 40(7 Broadway, CLEVELAND. O. M am i Alvarado's Acrobatic Goats . THAT QUALITY ANIMAL ACT Largest and best troupe of Educated Goat* in the World. Play- ing Vaudeville. Time booked solid. PtnuMit Address, can White Rats, 1553 Brndwaj, New Tilt CRf Earl Withrow & Edna May Glover -PRESENTINQ- High-Class Singing and Talking Sketches Juat Co. VAUDEVILLE ACTS THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT all the principal opera honaea and picture theatres tbrongbont Canada. Immediate and me to acta with das*. No limit for feature novelties. Write or wire to-day. aumx em e u i t, variety thzatab buildiho, tohonto, "**n ff n WArtRSON PEN Entlr* ly Now ■ATE I BUT FBIMTIIN PCM Hrvmm - IB.OO - . . Sample, JtOe. aseh mmU-FUlmr Fountain fmnm. OSS.OO Or- wHiTEsoN co^^tms^^imitmvLmm,^ The Only House in the World Manufacturing Our Own Goods Catering direct to demonstrator* and streetmen. Oat my catalogue for tha holiday*. Pen* In solid gold and gold plate. Send and get a sample of mr new button package York department atorea like hot cakes. Knife Sharpener*. Potato Knlvea, 0 Telephonee. lienor Hone*. Gas Lighter*. Band and gat tb* Information. - " ■ J. FINANCING MANAGER WANTED FOR THE- eltlea. Next season with did prospects. Only tnorongtaly rsllsbl* person write for spring and summer time. 1911. Address BECktTABT. Buite II Auditorium STREETMEN DEMONSTRATORS UDKIOf UTK PEMCHLA. Non le.kaMa. rnbbar BftUbad. Big 25c seller. " OOWAJfT. 401-401 Mftk Paaplalnaa Qnaraataad UP JMk BampJ* bv alnna aftnaat, Ckioago. Ifl. gtv* aa1 Me. OC OOMJtEEOIAL SOTXLTtn WANTED! LOOK! W ANTED! H. Sanger Indoor Fair Co. will open their winter aesaon December 12. near Chicago. Can place Human Bonlette Wheel and it will get big money. Also Glass Snow. Penny Arcade. Flea Circus, 4-ln-i. FUtform and Freak Show*, ra fact, any Novelty Attraction that can set up In small space. Will aell ezcloalre. the following Concessions: 1*41 Rack. Knife Back. Cane Rack. Ice Cream Cone*. Fortune Telling, J*p Bowling Alley. Juice. Peanut* and Popcorn. Photo Gallery, Glass Stand, and any other clean Concession. Want four flrat-class Free Attractions. Would like to hear from Aerial Act and Trick House Act. This company will play large ctttea under auspices of Merchants' Asaoclatlona, Lodge* *nd Bands. In large Skating Rinks and Coliseums. Merchants In each city wilt have display booths at Fair. There will be A BAND and plenty of novel attractions In esch city to draw the crowds. Can use two Queen Contest Promoter*. Will guarantee 14 weeks' work. Address H. SANGER, Oaneral **nag*r, Revere Room. CHICAGO. ILL. A sober, reliable hustler, with $1 ,000.00, can interest himsejf ,with an experienced manager owning valuable show property and prospects of big summer profits. Bank references exchanged. Address: SUMAfER ATTRACTION, care of Billboard. Cmcinnati 34 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910: Bey, George W. (Brlnkman) Bemldjl, Minn. Honrs, Three (BIJon) Dnluth. Minn.; (Bijou j Winnipeg. Cm., 5-10. Bhoades' Marionette Theatre (O. H.) Stanford; Me.. 1-3. Tex.; (Crystal) Galveston (^benm) Bt. John ft Bridges: 427 E. 68th st, N. Y. a gsuford ft Darlington: 3860 Pennsgrove St., W. Phlln. Santaqulns. Aerial: 030 Navajo at, Denrer. Savoy ft Savoy: 30 Hubbard Court, Chicago. Sawyer ft DeLina: 43 Pembina St., Buffalo. Bberer ft New kirk: 18 Good.ll at.. Buffalo. Sblavonl Troupe: care Paul Taust B . 104 E. 14th St.. N. Y. C. Bchrler. Mr. & Mrs. Win. K. : 808 W. 12th St. Chicago. Scarles. Arthur: 8858 Cottage Grore arc, Chi- cago. 8ed wicks. Fire: 3308 are. I, Galveston. Tex. Relby. Hal M. : 204 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. Semon Duo: 1553 Broadway N. Y. C. Seney, Vincent & Seney: 1182 go. Main St., Fall Hirer. Haas. Shades. Carl F-: 733 Clifton are.. Springfield. °- the: o08 N .a.r krt .. Chicago. 8hle'lds ft Shields. a*. Shields. The: 207 City Hall. Mew Orleans. Short ft Click: Box 1101. Dallas. Tex. Slohrecbt, Arthur: 323 So. Broadway, Lexington, Ky. - - - Stive no ft Co. (Pantages*) St. Joseph. Mo. Simmons. Great: 2072 Ogden are.. Chicago. Bkremka Staters: 104 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C Blosson. Paollne: 4945 Michigan aye., Chicago. 8mltb ft Adams: 1139 W. Tan Bnren st, Chi are.. Atlanta. Smith * O. Solar ft Rogers: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. Sorensen. Chris: 1802 K. Western ave.. Chicago. Sow a ah Bros.: Crestoo, la. _ Spanldlnc, Do pace ft Ted: Box 285, Osslnlng, st?nW ft Chambers: Cnlon are. ft Oak Lane. Walter ft Yil: 1586 Broadway. N. 7 Harry si: 208 N. Max (Clnogrsph) Los ft Donahue: ear* Ted Hunt Stewart ft Karl: 125 Euclid are., Woodbury. N. J. ~ ' Stewart ft Malcolm: Box 87. Cynthlana. Inn. Stlckney. Louise (N. Y. Hippodrome) s. Y C Stokes ft Ryan: White Bats, N. Y. a Story. Musical: Palace Hotel. Chicago. Stutsman ft May: 619 Washington sr., wnilams- port Pa. _ 8uiiivan. Harry: White Bats. N. Y. C. ' May: Commercial Hotel, Chi Y. O. "it, Pblla. ... iMeJeStJeT *£k I .land. DX; (Empire) Milwaukee, Wis., 5-10. 8weency ft Boooey (Boblnson) Clnclnnsll. Sherman DeForeat ft Co. (Kmprsas) Milwaukee: (BIJon) Fargo, N. D„ 5-10. ISnownen. Marie (Victoria) Wheeling, W. Vs.; (Grand) Columbus. O., 6-10. Btagpooles. Pour (City) Brockton. Mass.: (Gor- don) Chelsea 5-10. Sterling Bros. (Mystic) Pittsburg, Kan., 1-3. Bbortles. Three (Lyric) Newark. N. J.. 1-S. Sorrier, ft 8tnrke (Orphenm) Hevsnnsh, Oa.; (Majestic) Charleston. 8. a, 5 10 8wor ft Mack (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or riheum) Denrer. Col.. 5-10. rllng ft Chapman (Majestic) Butte, Mont; (Majestic) Spokane, Wash., 5-1 o. Seely ft Hnmey (Hopkins') Loulrvflle; (Msjes- tle) Rloomlngton. rn r> lO. Stafford. Frank, ft Co. (Mary Anderson) sill.-. Sterena, Pearl (BIJon) Battle Creek. II (Star) Ithaea. N. Y-. 5-10. JklsbOTrciryT'Ol _ (Majestic) Little > Ft Worth. Tex-. 5-10. The (Grand Family) Fargo, N.' D.; c) Kan Claire. Wis.. 5-10. Daniel T. (Majeatle) Denver 3-10. _ Mnaleal (Main St.) Peoria. 111. Sampson ft Douglas (Majestic). East St Louis. 111.: (Majestic! Little Bock. Ark.. 5-10. Steuhene. Hal. Co. (Colombia) Cincinnati: (Or- phenm) ETsnartHe, ind.. 5-10. ilssell Bros, ft Co. (r I Bros, ft Co. (Orphenm) Los Angela , Edith: 218 W. 34th st. N. TVC. . Wm.: 1SB5 Third are.. N. Y. C- Tsylor, Mae (Lyric) Danville, III.; {Star) Chica- go 5-10. Torcat ft Flor d'AUxa (Trerett) Chicago; (Star) Chicago 5-10. Temple Quartette (Orphenm) San Francisco; (Or- phenm) Oakland 5-10. Tambo ft Tambo (Empire) Newcastle, Eng., 5- 10; (Empire) South Shields 12-17; (Empire) Edinburgh. Scotland. 19-24: (Empire) Glaa- gow 28-31. -v *' • Troupers, Three (5th Are.) Nashville, Teen. Teny ft Sennits (Doric) Chisbolm, Minn.: (BI- Jon) Superior, Wis., 5-10. Ullne ft Rose: 1759 W. Lake at. Chicago. The Billboard. Cin- Valeutinos, Four Flying clnnatl. Valletta ft Trrr1Tl. Frank ft Freda: Phlla. Texana ft Reynolds: 2717 Dnmalne st. New Orleans. ft Wright: 603 Welle at. Chicago. Tracer ft Carter: tit «th are.. Seattle. Treat's. Csot, Seals: Tonowanda. . N. Y. Troy. Nelson ft Troy: B. T. D. No. 1, Box 8. Trlrrrar^Glynd^: 1017 W. State at.. Clean. N. w_ Turners, Musical: 1808 Felix it, St Joseph. Mo. Thomas. A. J. (Crescent) Albany. Oa. ; 1401 w. 4th are.. Knorvllle. Tens., 8-10. Trolley Tar Trio (Empire) MUwankee; (Acad Chicago B-10. ■ (Winter ( Cle i elsnd fWln- (Mtlea) Detroit: (Crystal) (Tern Die) e) Bo — (Columbia) St. Louis. Mo.. 6-10. Til ton. Lneflo (Liberty) (BIJon) Ancnsta 5-10. Tends. Harry (Keith's) ' tteal 5-10. T< Neel: '(OrpYram) N. Y.; Oa., 1-8; J (Orpheum) Mon- 5-10- BTe.. Cleee- Valley Forge Comedy Four: 81 Wllsey at, Newark. N. J. Valolse Bros.: 318 South are.. Bridgeport. Conn. Van Aiken. LUltan: 10130 Para ell are.. Chi- cago. Van-Berkley Co.: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. a VsnDsJle Sisters: 514 W. 135th at. N. Y. C an Horn, Bobby: 139 Best st, Dayton. O. arlety Comedy Trio: 1515 Barth are., Indlan- Vedmar. Bene: 8285 Broadway. N. Y. C- Vernon ft Beno: 1017 Division are., Shrereport, La. Vernon, Paul: 814 N. Birch st. Crestoo. la. Verno. Geo.: 2218 N. Lambert st, Phils. Vice. Fred M.: 213 4th are. Homestead, Pa. Vlctorine, Merryn: White Rats. Chicago. Vincent John B. : 820 Olive st. Indianapolis. Viols, Otto: 41 Sheffield are., Brooklyn. Vlrden ft Dunlsp: White Bats. N. Y. C. VontcBo ft Nina: Continental Hotel. Chicago. Van Epos. Jack (Boblnson) Cincinnati. 1-8: (Majestic) Portsmouth 5-7; Jackson 8-10. Visocchl. Anthony ft Andrew (Poll's) New Ha- ven, Conn.; (Poll's) Bridgeport 5-10. Van Bros. (Orphenm) Dnluth, Minn.: (Orphenm) Minneapolis s-10. Veronica £ Hurl Falls (Palace) Blackpool, Eng., 5-10: (Empire) London 12. lndef, Vagges. The (vaudeville) Fresno, Cat; (Los 5-10. Fern (BIJon) Dnluth. Minn.; (Ill Winnipeg. Can.. 5-10. off (New Murray) Richmond, Ind.; (In- diana) Marlon 5-10. Vlncettl. Joe (Majestic) Colnmbus. Oa. Valentine ft Dooley (Orphenm) Mobile. Ala. Voxel ft Wandas (Elks') Pine Bluff, Ark. Vivians. Two (Hippodrome) Cleveland; (Chase's) Wash.. D. C. 5 10. Waddell. Frank: 2321 Krdrlc are., Chicago. Walker, Musical: 1624 Brookslde St. Indian- apolis. Wallace ft Beach: 324 Carmen at, Jacksonville, Fie. W si tons, six: 89 N. Superior at. Toledo, O. Ward. BOly: care Belch Vaudeville Circuit 265 Richmond at. Toronto. Ward ft Weber: 1107 W. Poplar st. York. Pa. Ward ft Webster: Palace Hotel. Chicago. ■ Ward, Starr ft Ward: 250 N. 4th at.. Memphis, s: 113V, Jochlam st. ",04 Werner's _ _ Mobile. Ala. Warren ft Francis: Box 643. Cheyenne. Wyo. Warrlcka. The: 1182 Sedgwick st. Chics, Wsrtenberg Bros.: can Pan! 14th St.. N. Y. 0. Washburn. PesrI: 1930 Mohawk at. Washer Bros.: Oakland, Ky. Waters, J as. R. : care Clarice, 1560 Broadway, n. y. a Watson's, Sammy, Farmyard CI reus: 383 N. Pauls »ve. , Jersey City. N. . J. Wesdlek ft LaDue: White Bats, N. Y. C Weber. Cbss. D.: 828 Tssker st. Phils. Welch. Jaa. A.: 211 E. 14th st. N. Y. C. Went worth ft Burns (Orpheum) EI Paso. Tex. Wesley. ^Lynn A^UMj^Portsrnooth^ 0.^ ^ asrtern Union Trio: 2241 E. Clearfield ' st. Whitman Bros.: 1835 Chestnut at. Phlla. Whitney. Til ley: 86 Kane at. Buffalo. Wilk es: Ada: Harrison. N. T. Wllks. Moflte Tom (Sun) Cincinnati. Williams, Cbss.: 2653 Rntger at.. St. Louis. Williams. Happy Frank (Huston's) Klamath Falls. Ore. Wills. Nat M. : 301 W. 96th st. N. Y. 0. Wilts at Hassan: 156 Manhattan are.. N. Y. 0. WUIa ft Hutchinson: 253 W. 65th St. N. Y. C. Wilson. Grace: 1527 La Salle are.. Chicago. Ltale: 175 ~ t Bleb: ~ . ave.. Wleh- Wllsoo ft Wlaamts's W1 throw I Its. Kaz Winston's Seals (Winter Garten) Berlin. Ger.. Dec. 1-81. Wolfe*. Musical: White Rats. Chicago. Wolf. Moore ft Young: Gloucester. N. J. Wood. Milt: White Bats. N. Y. C. Wood. Ollle: 534 W. 159th at. N Y C. Woods. Lew: 5080 Falrmount st. St Louis. Woods Musics] Trio: 1511 W. Tucker st, Phlla. Wormwood's Monkeys: 554 W. 49th st. N. Y. Wyckoff, Fred: 60 Water at. Lyons. N. Y. Wrlles. The: 533 W. Romans st, San Antonio. (Park) Wxsong. Leslie EL: 423 N. 8th st. St J. Wenrtck ft Walton (Shea's) Erie. Pa.. 5-10. Wakahams Tto u ue (Rljonl Marinette. Wis., 5- 7: (BUnu) Green Bsy 8-10. Wills ft Goetz (Star) Stanton. III. Wolffbelm Enaene (Omhenm) McKeesport, Ps. Wilton ft Delmar (Majestic) Denrer. Wiahhorn ft WDson (Crystal) Chicago;. (Archer) Chicago 5-10. Washer Bros. (Grand) New Albany. Ind. Wormwood's Bte-rrle Monkeys: 554 W. 49th at N. Y. C: (Colonial) N. Y. C. 5-10. Warren ft Rlrnehsrd (Family) Lafayette. Ind.. (Orphenm) Champaign, HL, 5-7; (Lyric) Dan- ville 8-10. Wtesser ft Dean (Pantages*) Denrer: (Pantages) Pneblo 5-10. Wheelers. The Australian (Orphenm) Salt Lake City: (Orpheum) Denrer. Col., 5-10. Wnilams ft Gordon (Orpbeum) Atlanta. Oa. Williams *^^^ B * t . iI ^^^ 1 ^-^^ b ^^^ Winkles- Kress Trio (Prospect) Cleveland (Rhea's) Toronto 6-10. WnUrt ft Bond Ofalestlc) Hooston. Tex. (Princess) Hot Springs Ark., 5-10. Xsrters. Four: 2144 W. 20th St., Chicago. O. Turks, The: 5610 Prescott are., St Louts, Mo. Young, Ethyl: 18 W. Ohio st. Chicago. Yscklay ft Bunnell Co. (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Majestic) Dallas 510. Toong. Ollle. ft April (Polt'a) Bridgeport, Coon.; (Poll's) Worcester, Mass.. 5-10. Young, DeWltt, ft Sister (Wigwam) San Fran- cisco; (Grand) Sacramento 6-10, - ft BUlIe: 1OS0 62nd at. Oakland. Cat Ztegler Trio: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Zlerow. Harry: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Zola, The White: 4129 ElMa are., Chicago. Zell ft Rod sera (Empress) Milwaukee. ft Mandel (Empress) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Or- ralrebUd, ACTS WITH MISCELLANE- OUS COMPANIES. Blsbee * Connelly: Stetner's Comedians. Bowman, BOly It. : DeBna Bros.' Minstrels. QssasaBak Bdward: The Midnight Sons. Connelly, Lloyd ft Grace: Stelner's r DeVere ft OaVere: Two Americana. OuBerry Bis tars: Frank J. Powers' Hypnotic Votel'a Mlnatrela. 11: Rank 1. Powers' HypnoUc (Jobs, J no. : Voxel's Minstrels. dross ft Jackson: Matinee Girt Co, Harrison. Leo. P.: Fighting Parson. Bershey: Voxel's Minstrels. U overly, silent: Waldrn Co.. Magicians. Laroy ft Adams: DeBoe Bros.' Minstrels. Powell, Clarence: Rlchsrda ft Prlngls Mlnatrela. PnUen. LueUa: Keith's Stock Co. nlmpaoo, Oscar: Crawford's Uncle Zeko Co. Stanton ft Klnting: Brown from Missouri Co. Torner * Powell: Joshua Slmpklns Co. Whipple. Waldo: George Sidney Co. Whlttlngtons. The: Stelner's Comsdlana. WUllson, Herbert: Field's Minstrels. Woodward, Roma In L.: Gorton's Mlnstrsls. ACTS WITH COMPANIES Adams ft Ookii (Miss * wu - Thai Crass Hsjsjytseal. laatls ft Bsmctt Majssmca. Baksr-XkaVee Triot Damty Pslkisa Three JasjgUag: Olrts Showmen and concessionairea will find this a rare opportunity to do a good busi- S8 during the winter months. Address J. W. NEWMAN, Manager, San Juan, Porto Rico. ..... ft thnakamt Bol rUvtna. data, ft OOlI Holllckers. Bsask ft Wkd asi CrMa fswaa alack. lao. j.. ft Os-: Mum Oaaek ft Osdektotsi Brtssdlasa. Cblspl, Ida: Irwin's Bit Bhsw. Clalr, Idat Oosy Ctanssr Girls. OUrk. Mai: Lady Bant Belli STlsJrassWsV 1 ' = P.: Sam T. Ji OaDlas ft Hswlsy Yanks. OsObas ft scarry: F Oasauua, at— - Lore Oooper ft Brews: Boa Tubs. Omar. Jaa. B. ft Locla: Jersey LOlsa. CxjrbTtt. Ads: Miss New York. Jr. SaTg7 r Rlcky'*0< Oslxhtoa Bros, i Crwahy. Basal: Jersey LOJea. Oartta ft SllllSSt Oratory Olrts. Daere, Loalai Faillaa of the Day. DarlS A HsrrU, Ml S S SSt Jardla da Paris Olrls. Desalasr ft Alton: Isssrlrsns D. Wolfs, lis Ms ft Lasjerl Lsra Mak< ritssa ft Haarai Taakee Dsadls Olrls. Dtxoa, Balis: Oonsgs Olrla. Dobson, Frxak: MonUa Rouge. Dohertys. T Orsaaslsndi Dnaedla Tnmps: Dnaetta. Vlotatta gli^^ksSia*; ft'otwsswsy eiisworta. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry: . ■aim arte, km..: Lady nanaaaaia Cmerwim A Hills: Boblnson Crusoe Olrla. Kvarstt. fllltisli: Fads ft Palllss. Feeiey ft : Boa Teats, risk., Gsrtnda: Brlgadlen. Worsoe, ljenia: Columbia Bs rl ssaasrs. Foo, Ah Ling: r ' Frsnds ft Deity: *ew Task. Jr. Olrls. HsissFlsai. Old fr ana, aid ft astlth: aukfar' Frseman Bros.: Girls from Gallagher ft Bheaa: Big f Oartsn. Si— ars ft Ml Happylaad. Mllursd: BresUway Oatatr OtrU. w.ahingu,n - Gordon Highlander., Musical: Parisian Widows Graham ft Randal): Marathon Olrla. Oraat ft OaUlag Orsavm. ft afar Otaea, Winifred Pat watt.', amlsty « : Cherry Blossssi- "■TT". wjuurea: Ermawiy GllU. Hail Bros.: Vanity Pair. VnnBurenSt Chicago DICE CARDS s»as O I C K * , „ • « aj aj CAI ••••»••». •••!••> HUNT A. CO. 56 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. ILL. THE FIRST INSULAR FAIR OF PORTO RICO SAN JUAN, MARCH 2-7, 1911 Supported by trie Insular Qovarnmant CATALOG I GORDON I MOinsoii t atssksy Makers. BsaUet 4 Rayaold Watcaaa: mSo HassBtaa keei selling Basin, GORDON &. MORRISON "o^ettV'nous.'sl lasirlcs, cuT-fajciB CATALOwUl Wa sod-- at FXLBT CUT] IIT ■o Ws are axel eat as V. M. A. - law-sal X. WsMna Mawst, Tnv mm k a PMtal M M tmmmto *Toa can BUkS 110 to tX> a j ! vaUajd. to developing solutJoa. The capacity at oar mstlls s s " ) BnUlMd plctnr— so Price, of i Ba ca la s s sad 110 00. tesod for circulars deecrlblma . We are h.sdqosrtses for supplies o( sll kttasts Picture Mschloes. AMERICAH MINUTE PHOTO CO., D»Pt- K. WgsWt W. Itth »«.. ChtwaBO SOUVENIR S3S N OVILTI for PaL HpUSSa. Jobbers. Agents and wins ARTISTS aMPPUM Send for free illustrated list of foods. . DECEMBER 3, 1910. X he Billboard 36 BathawayB Slaseli.Maleatlea. Hajuee, Beatrice: Americana. - Oertradet rauaa of the Day. A xteyaetde: FoiUee of the Day. la * Uaat: Waahlastoa Society atria. _ a nakar: Broadway Oalaty otru. Bean, Umx fMUaa of Ike Day. Helena, La ball*: Keataeky Bella.. Hill. Cherry * HU1: Harrr Haetl -utoa. Maria: IWllaa of ika Bay. * Hanao: vmmmmm J Bros.- flylM BaaJea: .ard * Lewie: Vaalty Parr. A Lairla: Pal Whlte'e O * Cortoae trwla. Baths Irwta'a Bis. ]>BMa * FlUawsfd: Bowery Bo Jeatln* * Flaila: Tiger LlW Jakaatoa * Buckler: Oeldea Croak. Takaana * BUm: latpa-rlels. Eaafmis A a« wt.iia: Moalto 1 * Blot Kalcko t^brhtna * Co.: f.t. " . mi Jetty Olrta. lUtaa: OaUaa* Olrla. CW Wl Kalekarboekata. tr Treat. Karl: atria Iras OUda. r A . Slaters: Mod la Bsoaw. Lwfltl * CupMl: Jardln de Parte lanBrr * Clayton: Ttfar Ull Uaiird * W«rd: Marathon • Laraar. Dan: aaw rti a a a to * Bar Hawatai uaswa, (knt Jardxa de Paala Olrla. LllHiil BMaaii Star Skew Olrla. hmla, Etta, A Co.: .TUjar Ltllea. A* Lneori _ Monica! * Baatar: . Dare: A TIM. Marlaa a LUIIaa: Maria. Utalee. DM Beawa CadetAl Hwr * Bsaaa: Irwta'a Bte Show. Marshall * Kla«: Ootdeo MartaU Pkally: Eeeterk MarMa * DeMar: Lady Martta * Daa MrTlwaaM * I ... aviotrrr * Ackar: fkUlao af tka Day. " McOam: - Alcoa Thee.: Manager Rip Pan winkle. Sooth era Co. AJIra, Harry: eliiifer Third Dtgnt, Co. B. Ulan. Jack: Maaaaar Allen Stack Co. tun, sim: Maaaaar Bona* af a Tbooaai Alien. C. 0.: Ac*at Polly of the Clrcua. Alger. OUle: Manager Boee Stahl Co. alrmaa. Data: Maaaaar Minister's Bareetheart. indrawn, Fred O.: Manager Oraaetark. Baatara v aba It. Jolt an: Maaaaar Bartba Kallrk Co. Appletoo. Quo. J.: Manager Uaxlne Elliott Co. tnaatroaa. Oao.: Maaaaar Smaaorra. atom. Itaaaay: Agrot Millionaire Kid. J.: ataaaaar Virginia Barbel der. B. A.: Asaat CkocoUto Soldier. Baeheider. A. W.t Agent Blanche Walak Oa. Baron, c. K. : Agent Ckaaavcay Co. lUllay. Barry A.: Maaaaar Tka Tab*. Ball ay. U B-: Mamafar CUra Llpman Co. Bake*. Jan. T.t Maaaaar Star Show Olrla. *ttm. P. T. : A a ao t Dual la Vara am oo. Barry. Fraak: Agent Tka Thief. Barney Aftkar l»: Maaasar fortune n on tar. (Una, Baa: Maaaaar Sixth (Yuaaianflawat Baatlth. Barry: Agent Batkarat, Jee. Co. tUehtoi, r. Trail. Waatafa Co. aWcxwrlrh. AL: Asaat Bedwards. W. BL: An Allen Block CO. Aajeai FMd'a Mlaatrakv Paal: Asaat Maxlna Elliott Co. Or.: Maaaaar Volunteer Oreaalat. . BaBa: . Agaat Pat Whltr'a Oalaty Olrla. . Hi yaw. Jaa: Asaat flirt la tka Kimono. Btsaiow. Joa: Asaat Ward * Takaa 00. _ Maaaaar Btafet of War. maaaretkal. Oaa.: Maaaaar Naaskty Mariatta. U Ida lib t Mi — Id - Manager OI..«.._ M s.__«....._.....___„ HVV _.._.. _ ■ SiM or Amucnoa. ... ■• : ...... Maria Slataaa: Bawaay MoiWo * Oaasao: Ban. Marsky. fraak. * Co.: Star ■a aril * BaUi BaWcfcan. BBaW * Ba i at at i Parkdaa rmtm. Braakt CaiaaahU af tka >a P il a, Oaa ill S> HUl; Q raarl * Maahaa: Saxa T. Jack "a Baoo CUB Qomrxatta: Btxa T. lack aaTAaswatt! iardla da Parta * Lakoai Marataaa _ * Barklay: Vada * tatttaa. Traat ftorSoaT O.^ Aadrawt Oallaca Olrla. A Laaacai Taakao Boa InUa A htuaraa: Bohaaalaaa. i PatUaa of tka Day. Ska Day. Waltb A Maltlaad: Vaalty fair. Wanton A Waldroa: etar akrar r Wblta, Boavta. Ballaoa OM " WniltaU. M ol lit, A Oct Or. wUUaxaa A Broaaai Oraekar Wood Braa.: Taalty Pair. Worth * Wolf.- Marry Mat! Tilt * Orlof : Onay fJaraor tWs. Doedlt tjaarwttoi Boaa SydaU'a Taaaf Broa.1 DockUas*. aSt MUa.1 Otria fna. ) Asaat Slate Jaala On. ford. Walton: Maaasar Ontrade Elliott Co. Brady. S. B.: Ajvat Sdoaw-Maa. Wcatcrm Co. aawdy. a w.t Aaaat Brknnt Paya. Brady. J. Thaa.t Aaaot Cwatatj aula. Brazjr, okaa.i Asaat Eatckarkatkarn. Braadaa. OhaA! Asaat Cow had the Biakaay. Jack: m Paid tai ltdl Oa. rarBL W. BLt A*l Brooke. Ctaaa. H. : Brafkaaaklra. W. P.: Wtfo'a fajoBy Oa. Brawa. w. M.i _ Biaaar, fraak T.s Asaat Behart Bdaaaa 00. Btyaat. B. B.1 Maaasar OM to tka TaxL Barklay. Jaa.1 Maaasar Otla _ — ll.>.J".s Aawat.Madaaw Z Raitrm Oa. IB - •a Pally •Mas. Marry B. tier. Oraaood B. Ilferd Co. tnfar Cain. Mi wire: Arret In Paaami. Caldar. Prank: Maaaaar Docklbaaa. Oaldwaa. A. B.: Mieeset Prankltn WaodrnS Oatlakaa. Okaa. «. : Asaat Bererty. Caaapball. Was. B.: Maaasar Baoe Qa^ aa, jfaa.t As - Jul owt or vaiitm. B.I Maaasw Mjtaa. Na ataarra 0a. CSS! C«iU«Al^: B1 A,SS kl SiaA, Prlara. Wo. S. . ■ ' *wSt-^C*.*- Oheeet, Oao. A.: Maaasar The Co, fUbjaaoB. B. W.t Maaasar Olrla froaa Ba band. ""' 1 mexobcre of the Act ore* Wtmd. of America, axe payable oa No Ten bar Ba. It orlll be of aaalalaoce to the Fond If return pontage aboold aloraja be encJoaed. The food ta "la organisation, and what It can aare contribute* to rollere the tndlgvQt. Prior to Ita it, aaalataoca for the lmporerlaned prafvaalonal waa principally caaaal, Indlacrlmln- dlapiaportlonate and meaare. anxnlllatlnc and dlahaarteatas. Thla atata of affalra had lone been admitted and deplored, the neceaalty for a chance conceded, and re mediae fraaraeatly at- tempted wit boot aurcraa. In June, 18S2, toe prearnt Actora* Fund of America waa focadaS. and thronah It the principal dlapenaatlon of beoerolence to the public amuaemant world tor atlaad and ai It la for eltalble apptleaata to Ita an bovntlral aa Ita _ t" enlarge I hat Ire wrll aa praent neceaaaiy which hitherto haa been a aacrlflre of Independence and a atnltllcatloa _ 8trenaoaaly labor to procure new life and annnal metnbera to the Pond, and ward the maintenance of The Act ore' Band noma. Do not procrastinate; do not bacfcatUe. ' plication blink - • IsiOM BT-LAWS: •SUCTION 18. The Kxecotlre Committee may admit aa a profeaaloB or acting. ataSias. d a nctn a on the atase. the minaien ... of amuaemeat. and other persons interested and concerned In or who cam a Urlnx froxn or with any reputable place of amaaemaat, oa payment af tka doaa for oaa yaar." ■ KAMJI ,. •••I I i „ , MI l.a.l.M.IM.I IM.MHM MltllMllltllllll.l M ,„.„ SB f + + mmtl + m + m,„ m . 99 ... • *» ••• THBATBB 0B COMPANY ATTACHED TO. eoeeaaeeeaoeooeoaeeeeeoooeeeeeeeeoeeeeeea,.oeea«aeooe • mm • mimik... iwitiMt>'aM>tMmMt«M««ia»M»wi«*a«t«aM«airta'i»Ma «i t aa tkM»M aaaaaaa.......a......a......*ooaa.aaaa............... a* ao oo >• oao aw ••••eaaa* a aao •••••• •••••• .....AT LIBERTY..... A First-class Band and Orchestra Instructor, I Iran kkd popular music for band and - Bl asp part of the country. •■S0KRBNCKS.*' care BOIhoard. EUGENE COX (l« U.) \tH Th lirM t The Billboard 3* DECEMBER 3, 1910. Colli™. Doherry: Muirr Arrlral of Klttr- Cone, Jo*. VT. : Manager Isbmael. Oaoudln*. D. A.: Manager In Old Kentucky. Conway. Dm.: IfU Ole Olaoo. CooJ.x. P. ST] llmin .Nc«l,i.ri» and Their &Sk b7 Ct2?; Emerson : Manager Gertrude EULott yea. B.: Manager Jmr LUIea. Edwmrd: Agent Madame 8 berry. ■ . Jrmsby: Agent Bertha Kallch 6o. Court.. J no. C: Agent Xewlywede and Their Baby. No. 2. _ Coyne, If. C: Agent The Spendthrift. Western Co. CraM. dm. C: atanager Through Death Tai- lor. Cranston, W.: Manager Wade'a Time, the Place ear. the Girl Co. _ 0.1 Agent Three Twins. Cunning ham, Samuel: Manager Schiller Am. Go-'e Paid In roll. Cm-ran. J no. Agent In the Bishop's Carriage. Carry. D. C. : Manager viola Allen Co. Cotter, Wallace B.: Manager My WUe'a Pan*- Cotter. gsred Malinger 811 rer Thread*. Daly, J no. P.: Manager Henry Miller Co. Daeldesn. Barry: Agent Walker Whiteside Co. Darfdaoo. Ed. : atanager Roblneoo Crunae nirls. Darta, Harry: Agent Third Degree. Co. A. Daw eon, 8tasley F. : Agent Checker!. Dayton, Brightly: Agent Gentleman from Mla- D'Arry, H. A.: Agent John Mason Co. Dean. Tnala P.: Manager France! Starr Co. Decker. W. : Agent Broken Idol. 1 Delaner. Xddle: Manager 81a Perkins. Delator*. L-: Manager Human Heart!, South- ern Co. Delltlt. Job.: Manager Checkers, ' Detnpeey, a T.i Agent Olrl or the Monntslne. Dempeey, S. : Agent Aeroaa the Great Dtrlde. DaMnth, H. 0.: Manager Three Twins, Weatera Co. at— i- Harry c. : Agent Olrl and the Banger. Deaaanar, Bam: Agent World of Pleasure. Diamond, Bd. 8.: Manager Going Some. Dibble. L. H. : ^Aaant Shadowed by^Thi °* pT: Manager" Big Barbew^ '.: Manager Mlaa Htarland. _ Dorney, Joe.: Agent Star Show GlrU. Bleknrd: Manager IJUlaa Rnaaell Co. Wallace: Agent The Burgomaster. 11 N. : Manager Tiger Lilies. Dnchemln. A. A.: Agent Harry Kelly Co. DoColn. Prank: Agent Three Weeks. Dnamn, TUTaay: Agent Trnradaras- Dnggaa. waiter b.: Agent The. Beaary. Eastman. Adoiph: Agent The City. Z Eherle. Roht. M. : Manager Wm. dinette Co Ecknardt. Jack: Agent Golden Crook. Eckharrit. a W.: Agent Cat and the Piddle, tklmonaton. Joe.: Agent The Thief. No. 1. Edwards. Chaa. P.: Manager Cherry Bloaaoma. Ktsfeit. Kurt: Manager May trwln Co. •■• • • Kiitott. wm m : Agent J. I. Dodeon Co. - Harry: Manager The Nigger. Geo.: Manager House of a i Co. A. a " u Km ton Bis ton, K ery. H. B. : Km ery. Roy C. : Agent Eaatem Co. Bps tela, Louis:- Manager Marry Whit Btten, Wm. J.: Agent Elate Janla Co. Manager The Spendthrift. The City Bast nt At. B. Wtlaoai Co. Millionaire Kid. _ GtrU. Li M.: Manager Cnaaneey Olcott Co. Bert: atanagsrr got- aws t g j a l eh WaJllagford. Pelts. Jss. A.: "Manager Wm. Mseaoley Co. ~ Lt Manager Mlaa Haw Task. Jr. Brani. Maurice J.: Manage Co. Brent. Edward: Agent At. ramham, Harry: Manager Panat. Jack: Manager Cant Padrla, J no. asps em Co. Fielder, Percy: Agent Al. Field.. Beat: Agent Taj Fields. Chaa.: Agent I Ptnberg, Abe: Agent Americana, rtnley, W. A.: Agent Baft Lyase. Ptenar. H. R_: Agent Taagkaa Olaear Co. rtsAor. Sam: A«ent Ilappj Hooligan. ntchctt, Ben T.: Agent Pennant Winners. Pltagerald. Gerald: Agent Hnneynvaoa Trail. Pines. Prod P.: Manager Olrl from Rertor'. r uck, jr.. Trod: Agaat Chinatown Trnak Myn Florida, Geo. A.: Agaat Olrl from eteetor's. fToyd.^Wslter^^AgeM ^ril^Seott Co^ Foreman. J. W.: ^Arrnt Kentucky Poreaaao. Chaa at: Manager Ks ruum, Axthnr: Agent Tha St Pbaaa. Lonla J.: Agent CecS Bpooner Co. " rr. Root.: - Manager BUI and Jane. Booth 'u C: Agent Ooddesa or Gordlnler. Clyde H. : Agent Gordon Broa.' Rep- ertoire CO. Gordlnler. E. 0. : Manager Gordon Broa.' Reper- toire Co. Gordon. Chaa.: Manager Uncle Dare Hoi comb. Gordon. Mag: Agent Paaalng Parade. Goring, J no. P.: Manager Firing Una. Gorman, Wm. at: Gorman, Alex. D.: Gray, Geo. N. : Ai Greerea. Walter: Manager Pat Whlta'a Gaiety Girls. . , Green, Fred: Agaat Bone Hill Folly Co. Greene, Arthnr A.: Agent Robert MantaU Co. Grew. J no.: Agent Human Hearts, Northern Co. Groda, lxay: Manager Dreamland Burlesaners. Orossitt, Henri: Agent Prince of Pllaen. Gonn. P. T.: Manager O'Neill s Paid In Full Co. Goran. Dare: Agent lore Makers. Hale, Geo. M.: Agent Cosy Corner Olrl a. Hale. J no. 8.: Manager Wright Lo rimer Co. Hale. W. M. : Manager Una and the Mouse. Hammett, Melville: Manager The Lily, llamberg, Alfred P.: Manager. Loala Mann Co. Ilnmbnrger. AL: Manager Mother. Ilanley, Joe.: Manager Eaat Ljnne Hardy, Marlboro oj " Harrington, J. C: era GOk. Darrla, Arthnr: Agent Harris, Benny: Manager Parisian Widows. Harris. Wm., Jr.: Manager Robert Bdeeon Co. Harris, Geo. H. : Manager Gentleman from Mb- slsstppl. Harrison, Sam: Manager Adeline Genee Co. Harley. Bart, Agent Ninety and Mlaa. K Edward ,.= i Hayes. Chaa.: Agent The Hayes. Chaa. W. : Agent ' H ernes. D. W.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hay ward. Fred A.: Manager Bine Moose, West- ern Co. Heatey. Joe.: Manager Bast Lynns. - Hrarn, Harry B. : Manager Message from Beno. Hesrn. James, Agent Kentucky Bailee. Hedges, Barry H.: Agent College Glrla. HenVrlln. Chaa. II. : Manager Three Weeks. Hrltman. Dare: Agent Mae Lal'ortr Stock Co. Herman, A. w.: Manager School Days. Hern don, Richard t Manager Girl of My. Dreams. Hertsanan. Chaa. L.: Agent Olrl In Waiting. Hem-lit. J. H. : Manager Ole Olsen. iwitt. Wm. Jndklna: Agent Great Powers Co. Heater. Wm.: Agent Franklin Woodruff Co. Hibben. B. H. : Agent Bohemians. Hill. H. P.: Manager The Burgomaster H II bo urn, H.: Manager Bowery Detect!' era Co. DUbonro. Tom: Agent Bowery Deteetlrn, West era Co. - Hoadley. Fred it.: Manager Hilly, the Kid. Hogarty. J no. : Manager I Lilian Ihisnin Co. Hodgeman, Taos.: Manager Prince of Pilar n_ Hoffman, F.rwln: Agent House of a Thousand ' Candles, Co.. A. ■ ;. ■ . — I Hoass. Prank: Agent Loute Mann. Go. Kiem. Philip: Manager The Gamblers. Klein. Mark: Manager Bernard Daly Co. Kilns. Da rid: Axant Cecil a noons r Co. Braoae. Ben: Agent Vanity Pair. Kreyer. B. P.: Manager Flaming Arrow. Lambert. Harry: Agent Serea Days. Land on, J. Sheldon: Agent Is Matrimony a FaU oref Lane, Joe: Agent Stiver Threads. Lawrence, C P.: Manager Stair A Harlln's Wolf Co. Lnnrltt, Loo B-: Manager Wild Ore. LeaTltt. Harry: Agaat Mlnlater'a BweetheaxL LcBter, Geo.: Agent Granatark Eastern Co. Lehman, Joa.: Manager College Girls. Leasts, Wm. H. : Manager The Rosary, Co. B. Leoal, Harry: Manager Cracker Jacks, . Leslie, Jan.: Agaat Cherry Blossoms, Isester. Edward: Manager In the Btahop'a Car ruge. Lerltt, Joa: Manager Glrla from Dixie. I J hennas. J. J.: Agent Merry. Whirl. ■ ' ter, Jan.: Agent Daniel Boone ma the Trail. Follies of the Day. of Msnager Henry Woodruff Li ening. Gas: Mansf Link. Harry: Agent Link. Bearx W.: Henry W.: Stewart: 'Site. Uthgow Co. ' r * Uttle, B, W. : Msnager Cecil Spooner Co. Jringaton, Frank: Manager Big BaiuuVf Bbow Urlngaton. Lewla: Manager Runaway Girls Lofton, Walter: Manager Iron King. Logan. Freak: af — Lofanan, AL B.: Cabbage Patch. Lorraine, F. B.: Agent Girl la the Ktmi Lothian, Chaa.: Manager Be ten Days. uotlo.' Arthnr A.: Agent LouU Mann Co. -uhin, Al.: Manager Bohemlsna I Loce, M. F.: Agent Martin's D. T. C. Oo. tsrther, H. H. : Agent Mme. Naslmova Co. . Lyon. Goo. W. : Manager Across the Great Di- vide. •I ae Donald. W. D.: Manager Olsser's SL Elmo Oo. ; j niacin tyre. Geo. D. : Manager Henry PL Direy WaeTH Agent Rosalind at Bod Karl a.: Oo. J. TV: Manager Kirk Brown Oo. le: Manager Harry Kelly Co. H.: Agent Wade'i Tims, the Place and the Olrl Co.. ■addon. WagnJie, W m. B. Sahara Prank: Manager Hello Bill. Stanley, Edmund: Manager Cat and the Fiddle. Mansfield. E. W.: Manager Third Decree. Co. Uarble. W. H. : Agent May Robaon Co. * - - nartfit. OUrer: Ageat Benlah Poynter Co. Hartln, Wean.: Agent Lady Br Martin, D. la.: Al U. J.: From which exits are* to be Billboard must be i sure insertion. W Photographs for publication in Christmas by December 1st to in- ner: Agent Girl P. F : Maaaarr V. tens: Aaa-nt The city, j J. Frank: Ajrrnt TheCI B- Jn£ Agent Mrs. Flake On. ~ M-: .Maauuntr Tate Sqnnw , joo. tt Aawaf otri tn ta» pl__ GHekhanf. Chaa.: Manager Rosalind nt - Oetn. Weatera Co. . ' etrave. Jack: Mannar* Ths> K-atrtcklan. Goett. em: Mensurer Kew ly wssta anal Baby. No. l. Ooe-jtl er, ^pliortae : Manager Wnbjwrrn CtndereUa Grace Tan Sroddlford Co. 1 Merry Widow. Baatero Co. 1 -ha tan Teal, ansger Adelaide Thurston Holmes. Ni Hope, I. H Hone. Jno. Hope. Prands X.: Hopkins, Frank: Manager Richard Carle' Co. F.t Manager Ward * Token Co. teas. Arthnr J.: ■ Co. ■ r. a U: Agent Howard. Joa. M.: din do Parte. Howard. Wm. H. en Co. Howe. Bon H.: Trail, Eastern Co Hnfftnan, train Co.. Horth- of the Jar- Agent Ell and Jane. South of a Huut. Geo. R. : Agent Bight a' • Rurat, Frank: Agent Rowland A CUfford'a Wolf Oo. Fiurttg, Loo; Manager Ginger. Girls. Hut tun. J. 8.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hyde. J. Clarence: Agent Frances - Starr Oo. Ireaoo. Frank O. : Manager Joshua essapklna. lease. Phil B.: Manager College Glrla. Jack, R. B_: Manager The Spendthrift. Weatera Co Jacks. Bflly: Agent Bamnm-Baffele Benaattone. Jackson. WHlla F.t Manager rTCO Sited St Red - Gste. Baatem Co. . J-: Co. Oo. sTatbews. H. P.: Agent Fortune Hnmter. ' l at tor. P. 8.: Agent Midnight Bona, Weatera) Hayer,' Leoa: I Hsynsrd. Richard T.: amlth Oo. atcAleer, Prank: Ageat _ - cgfirrerk, Chaa.. atcCJne, J. |j Agent McCnllongh. B. J : A. UcDnnlel, llobt. : Ageat KcDonald. Geo. £.: Agent Lire Wire. McDonald, Chaa.: Manager Rip Tan Winkle,! Eastern Co. or Do well. Roht. : Agent Mra, Wlgga of Cabbage Patch. atcDowell, Ed. N.: Agent Max Plganan On. MeBMtee. Jan. F.t Agent Firing line. MacFarlaod, B. A.: Msnsger Blanche Bate! Co. McKee, Thos. A.: Agent Marie Tempest Co. nTseGeaehy, Chan.: Agent Wm. OIBette Oe. vtcGIbeny. c. D.: Agent May Irwin Oo. McGlne. Jaa. A.: Agent Norwood's Seatitlons. VcLeaa.^Al.: Manager Flake O'Hara Co. ». J.: Agent Oet-atob-ajolek Wal lennlnra. Wm. ▼.: Agent Jersey 111 I as. Totraorsa. R A.: Arent fjanford Dodao C Johnson. J. Burt: Manager Life for Life ~.z Agent ~ rat On 1 >n: M.nai ~l Agent Agent M lohnatooe. O. D.t Agent _ Jones, Jack: Agent Our New Jonas. A. Bmaraon: Mr T-ntan. Wl ed Ksbn. Johnnl em. Karm. SL J.r ana. RobL It: • Ob, Bats. Loula: A rant Robert HIHIard Co. Keller. Arthnr J.: Agent Ladn.Olsser CO. Kelly, perry J.: Manager Honeymoon Trail. Kelly. Kdward J.: Agent The Trrglntan. Kerne. Unman: Agent Thompson's Pally of the Clrroe Co. K ' " " h" T c h' °° ' lltYum^^litSr^StUL 00 ' Km'raewr. B. H.: Agent Stewart's My Wife'! Family Co. Kimble. Fred: Manager The City. Kloeota. rtarr W.: Manager Onr Mew sine. Barf s. : Manager Cyril Klnr. Fred: Manag" SM tfclntyre. Bobt B.: era Oo. aTcKlrmey. Chaa. H.: nTscMshon, Jno.: Oe. IfcNamara. Jack: Agent InUlaa of the Day. MeSweea. J. 8.: Agent Message from Reno. HeTenn Shenaani Msnager light Bursal. Keats, Jno : Ageat Joan Drew Co. Meek. Fred: Manager WUton Laurkayn On. ateeelng, Man: Manager Passing Parade, tfaaslnger, Walter: Agent Olrl la the Tail. Jletager. FraBk: Agei>t Dockllars. ' « «T*r. Barry S. : Agent Mln New Tors. Jr tleyorn. Walter: Agent Jolly Olrte. Heyeri W. J.: Agent Joe Hortli Co. tPHeSl, Jas.: Manner Bererly. sTichei. Jutlua: Agent Runaway Olrte. Miller, Louis: Agent Gentleman from Mlaalaelppl. ♦nner. Tad: Agent Brewster*! Millions ■TffleT. Arthur: Manager Dollar. Prtncnea. Miner. Case. T. K. : Agent The Lily. "Jl'er, C. W.: Agent Kirk Brown Co, ' 'Aotltor, WOl P.: Manager Max Firman Co. M^goe, Jno,: Manager Girl In taVTaxL joore, rtaa. A.: Manager Chocolate Moore, Postsri algent Cat and tha F ooore, G.t Agent Paid In Full. Uorrte. Jas.: Agent Wine Gey. Morrteon. .A. : Agent The Wolf. p.i • OS. JOHN H.W.BYRNE Writes Play* that Play Right BIS W. SAtls Sit... Now York Clap $54.00 Hi ~Z THE RECORD OP THK CAMERA-SCOPE And we can prove it. An^ one can operate) it. Son minute'. Price i era-Scope wi th auppiiea for m siring 800 pictures) (enough to pn for the complete outfit), $ts.oo Extra buttons, gl per hundred : antra rrsmee, * t .so inr- groaa. Be lndep>B- oent and make money for ynor seir. Write to-day. ^agJd^S Mew Tors. mTT. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS We bear to announce that oai 1910 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Of the most i eompWte Hast at NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAY I0TELTT IF8. CI. D«|H.I,37lrtgt Jones tt, NEW VOIIK, N. V. mrOEHEES. rttlYILEOE MEN Tnone playing week atandn can asska hOOOa neoan Uafielllng our VEHDIIO OAK ITS (KaSIel. Agnata raan ng from $100 to 1309 weekly. Pan racket rat a work la any town la Use C. B. 1 " rouifTAiM prtf oo.. SAW aUarU A< Olty. r earteae ELECTRIC SHOW The Olrl Who Tamos Btectrlrlty. Tate la a Barrel Laial ■ ate. * rtuuT^miSw ^" ^ ' U % ^'^ AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED B. & 0. LEADER Good repertoire of lainess. Violin travel. R. F. BATES, Superior, Neb. n At LIBERTY. AFTER DEC 4TH Not a drop of booze. No chaser. Can route, book, post, and do press work. Ticket, if far. Beat references. Save stamp* if you don't need a hustler. Ills. ape if you don't need TEXAS DENTON, Wanted— To Book nrst elssa Hands. Mid- winter Circuses and other similar attractlooa. State plainly what yon hare. Andreas HALT lakTb ADDrroBlCsi. Bait Lake, titan. WANTED — High-clans attractions or all kinds. Big theatre, nice etage, electric lights. State nalreralty and other roilegeo hare. Patronage excellent. Write LEB U. BOoSBtaU Mgt. Opera House, Oxford, Mlaa. STOCK AND KEPEBTOrBB COatPAKLES WANTED AT FAMILY THBATBE, , CHATHAM, OUT. Good Stage.. BOO Seata. FOB BALI— 10c Morlng Plctore Theatre. Town S.600. $1,100 caih. Only amusement of any kind, 40 miles ont of Chicago. O. BDDLKt. Oen. Del., Chicago, 111. DECEMBErt 3, 1910. * The Billboard Haras, tnak 1.1 Agait Omn Oram* a Morton, Wed* L.I Ktt Itanta. M Mott. San>o.l Ci Imlllaud th» Uou M«Xlt7, Om: AMt BtoarJd-TJp. Moron, Wm. n. : HiDiger Tk« City, No. J. sine niter, Wm. f.: MiMfer Jn. K. H«c il, Hour ■■: Msnsgsr Little i.tMinigerMorey Stock Co., WMt- HlllIK TutH Doodle Qtrlg. Nsmsck, Tboa.:. Agent Maude Adami Co. Newell. NkI: Viuih Port of It lulus la. Newman, Harry: Ageat TilkH Doodl* Otrl». Newton. Cbaa. L.: Mutnr But Iras*. Nolin, Ooo. P.:- Agent iiMM Lupin. North, Tom? Agent Newly wsde and Their Baby, w. ,e .- riorum. Will !>.: irwt sfcrsddeo's Flats. •' Nye, B. B.l Msnsgsr Dills K eras nda MlnstrsU. Oaks*. Al. B.l Agmt Utaooil Olrt. J.: Agent Breednrsy. Ostoty O'Brien. BrtDcb: Agent Cathirlne Countlae Co. O'Connrr. Cbsi. Michel? Agent Too Bnssry. .' O'DmhII, Frank J.: Agent The Ntggsr. ' Orwlg, Ctua. B.s Agent Manhattan Opera oo. | Oeborne, J no. J.: Ifasager Girl to Wsitfng. Oaboraa, Rolsnd: Managsr Loot Trail. Packard. J. I. : Maneger Turning Point, raiser. Jag. B.: Manager Tbo Virginias. Parka, Ira: Agtnt Going some. Parr In. Lee: Agent Hqoaw Man. Western Oo. . Partoo. B. «. : Maaagar Jolly Olrla. _ Pawling. Arthar 8. : Manager Sam T. Jack'. Barlssqoera. Paada. J. <).: Maaager Mrs. Flake Co. it Tbroagh Death Taller. Tbo Climax. Agent Cotter'e My Wlfa'a Waoager Greet Powers Co. Trivsllng Balasaaan. Peal. Norman: Agent In Old Kentucky. Pearaon. Roger: Agent Through Death 1 Pennypecker. Henry: Agent The Clbasx. People . T. Tel at ' Family Co. PtrklBf, Bert B. Parte j fa Prank Paytma, Job. ■.: Manager Falataar Org ante t- Pbelpe, rraakt Maaagar UcFao-dens Flats. Phillips. A.: Agent Qbta from HasnyUad. Phillips, A. J.: Ageat Bo wary Bnrfiaswoca. Phillips, M. 1*.: Mas agar Thos. Jefferson Co. Phillips, i. e. : Hunger BnOrad sad Boa- dare Oo. Ptalnoay. Arthur 8.: Manager Madame X. East- ern Co. Pierce, I>. 8.: Manager Troesdsroe. PI arson. Benry: Maaager Barry Clay Blaaay Oo. Plo.kl. Louie J.: Prion. Jr.. Augns men. Co. A. Plzley. St. it I.. : Msaager Sin. ot Fstsar. PetUnalll, Joe: Manager Vanity fair. Pollock. Jan.: Agent Dollar Princess. Pond. L. Maaager Port of Mlsslsg Mas. Co. B. Powrra, Howard: Manager The Shoemaker. Powera. A. *_ Maaager Barriers Baia i d Away. Pray, Roland O.: Mass gar Cathrlne Oonntlse Os. Prsecott. F. P. : Mannsvr Olrt and the Bangnr. Preaton. Stanley: Manager Marie Tempest Co. Price. B. D.t Maaagar Bobort Billiard Go. Priest. Roht. w : Agent DeWnlf Hopper Oo. Trunk Mys- X. A. I Msaager Jolly .' Wm. D.: Agent Bernard Daly Co. Horry. Ii.rry: Agent Human nearta. South arn Co Belebenbarb, Harry: Agent Third Degree Co. B. Rem, Louts: Maaagar Baaa Hanson. Ha no, a H. : Maaagar Human Hearts, North _ arm Co. Reynold a. M. at Agent Rollick em. * Reynolds, Jno. I).: Agent Midnight Sous. Bwaolda, Wm. Bartlett : Manager Blanche Blag Rice. Cheater il.: Agent Elsie Fergnson Co Rica, K- L. : Ageat Barriers Baraed Away. Rice. M. ».: Maaagar Light Eternal. Richarde. Alaa: Ageat Lstlmore A Leigh Stock Rich. AI.I Msaager Brewster's Mil lions. B Dlek: Managsr Uowsi a.rtbarX.1 Ageat ■enaalhst scant T -_LI Msnsger Mlaaoorl Qlrl. Robb. Bod: Msaager Thomas B. Rhea Oo. Bonis. Loalat Msaager Knickerbocker.. Roberts. J. K.i Manager Tha Thief, He. 1. Robey, B. C: Agent J.». T. Powers Co. Bobbins. Jan.: Agent The Spendthrift. Eastern On. Robineoo, Chss.1 Maaagar Robinson Crusoe Qlrl a. R ob l aaoa. Samt Mse Bablaaoa. Jno. R.: Rohtaaon. A. O.: Ageat Wm. Bodel, R. A.: Maagger May Roddy, W. H.1 Agent Marry Widow. Roe. Thoa. t Ageat Cowboy aad the Thief. Roles. Welter M. : Agent Flower or the Ranch. Roebm, Will: Maaagar Jsrdla do Parts Rose, Barry: Ageat Big Reel aw. Roasnbaam, Ed.: Manager Follies of IS 10. Ed.,* Jr.: . Agei gent Richard Carle' Oo. Maaagar Follies of New s Fsll- the Mercy of Roeanbanm, Rosenthal. E. M York aad Parts. Ross. Wilson s.: Manager Is Matrimony Ross, Fred O.: Manager Bohemlao Girl. Roth. Al. 8. : Maaager De Wolf Hopper Co. Rowland. Jr., Ed.: Manager Cowboy and I Thief. Sicken. E. U : Agent Jag. K. Beckett Co. Saga, Percy: Ageat fetaeen Dan. Sageraoa, F. P.: Msnsger At Tiberias. Sammts, Oeo. W.: Agent Nst 0. Goodwin Oo. Ssaders, A. R.: Agent Mildred sad Rooclere Co. fJsnngera. T. B. : Maaager Tim Murphy Oo. Ssasders, CUude: Agent Girl of My Dreams. Saunders. C. E. : Msnsger Three Twins, Esst- ern Co. . . Salter. Ed.: Msnsger Flirting Princess. Scbayer, E. Richard: Agent TrgTaltng Salea- ^■sa^ Go. A. ^ ^ wiao Es t era Co. ' So! I on. Chu. A.: Maaager Cow and tha Moon. B ^-fjrford Wm " K " Seymour, Cbaa.: Agent Ninety and Nine. Sharer. Edwsrd: Manager Merry Malgeaa. Shapiro. Il.rry: Ageat Imperials. SbeUey!* Howard Ageat Naughty Marietta. Shields. R. : era Co. Khoemaker. Jack: BE Slmondg, Tnao.: Simons, Bob aumjestm. Baa v.: Oo. Co. Western sieein, L. J. i Manager Bererly, WeeU smith. Matt: aianager Midnight Sana. Kmith, Oeo. T-: Maaager Sam T. Jack's r smith. Howard: Mugger Robert MaatgU Co. Smith. Leslie E. : Manager Phil Ma her Oo. Spanglae, Ony: Asjent Flirting Pi tasaas-, Spaagler, A. V.: Maaager Joe Borlta Co. Bparka, W. K. : Agent Tbomaa B. shea Co. r-paara, Joe.: Maaager Oet Blch-Qnlck-WsUtng- Strom . Sulllrsn. Rweattnin. Salbaalaad. J. Agent Dockstsdar-s Mhsrtrala. it. J. M.: 'Msaagar Madame Sherry, use, Harry M. : Maaager Lady Bnc ca nssi lrsn. Oeo. A.: Agent Turning Point, atman. Harry: Ageat Tha Murphy Co. SydeU. Jack: Ageat Talbot, Lewis: Mai Taylor, crha. a w *£tTr&°V. Barry: Maaager Baanty Trnat. Manager TVs city. Ageat Was. Macs al ay Co. P.1 Ageat Jolly Bachelors. Msaagsr Fourth Batata. Lt Maaager Blanche Walsh Oo. tar: Manager Walker Whiteside Tine*. B. W.I Agent W. H.: Co. . Van Ettea, De teniae. Tatter. J. K.: Managsr Dsn Cnpld. , . Victor, Loon: Agent Bine Moose, Westers Co. Vlon, Jos. F.s Msaagsr The Cilmaa. . — VOS-ai. JnO. W : Manager Vogel'a Minstrels. Ton OtUnger, Benjamin: Maagger Summer Widowers. . . Manager Rector Girls. Waggoner. Rod: Agent Henry Woodruff Go. Wagner. B. at Agent Way Down But Waldroa. S. W. : Maaager Bl and Jane, Oa. . . Will. Jga,i Msaager Adrentarea of Polly. Walsh. Towaasad: Ageat Otis Sklaaer Co. Welsh. Wm. H. : Agrnt Old Homeatead. Walters, Elmer: Agent Wright Lortmer Co. Walters, Cbaa. U: VI ins gar Happy Hooligan. Wsltsra, Ooo. D.: Ageat Adreatnrea at Polly. Ward. Root. J.: Ageat The Stampede. Ward. Hsrola: Agast Olsrs I.I cm a a Oo, Warner, Edwin: Maaagar Super ha. Qlrl of the Watson. LAW! oirss. Wee. O. SL : Msnagar Weeden, James: Manager Tha Sboemaker, Weinberg, Samt Manager Wise Ony.. Wertbelmer: Agent Oraaatark, Bouthera Co. Wheeler, w. o. : Agent WUton Lscksys Co. Wheel • r, A. P.: Agent Boaaa of a Tnoaaaad Candles. Oo. B. Whllks. J as.: Ageat Parisian widows. Whltbeck. Frank: Agent Harry Clay Blsney Co. While. AL W.: Agent Flake O'Bsra. White, Oeo. P.: Agent Winning Miss. White. J. Loads: Manager Bssste McCoy Co. Whl tiler. H. BL: Maaager Bowery Detecttre. Wbltlendale. Jaa.: Manager Polly of the W legend. Cbaa. P.: Manager Quean of mis. W Iceberg. Frank: Msnsger Star * Garter W Iceberg, Sam 8.: Ageat Star A Garter Show. WDcoz. Tboa. C: Agei>t St. Elmo Oo. Walk. Jacob; Agent Baby viae. Western Co. w ii ken, Wm. L.: Agent Boater Brown. Williams, Arthur 0.: Agent Qlrl of My Dreams. Williams, J. B.: Msnsger Msode Adsma Co. Williams, Frank: Agent Wnaco fliiieemllh Oo WllBima, era Oo. A.1 WRtlsma, C strela. Will lama. Cbaa. A.: Manager AH tone. Williamson, D. R : Agent Tiger Ulles Krauk m.: Agent Wills Amuse. Sqnaw Man Oo. W Ss^hrL" B " M * n * I * r " nm% - anf PUce ami w n lets, Clarence W.: Cbsa. D.: . P.: Msaagsr LOln'a Wllstach. CIszton: Msnsger Sotheru Marlowe Co Woodtborpe. L. B.: Managsr Nat a Goodwin Oa. Woggoner, Bod: Agent Benry Wood ruff Co. Wool folk. Wm. W.: Manager la Panama. Wool mil. Roy is: Msnsger Winning Mrsav. Wright, Fred BL: Agent Wm. Hodge Co. Wants, Cbaa. H. : Manager Bright Bras. Wystt, Benry: Manager Fighting Parson. Tsger, Walter D. : Agent Olrl from Rector's. Young. Benry: Manager The Cltmex. Young, rrcd Grant: Agent Adelaide Thurston Co. Yeomsns. L. C. : Manager The Wolf. Young. Oh SB.: Agent Schiller Am. Co.'a Paid S.R.STITT 51 W. 29th St. Professional Trunks, guaran- teed for 5 years. 1125.00 MADE Is lb. record m ou d»y wits my 'loTisi»i8 Fflrtiw Whittu" To tar" or "Otpgy Qnssn.** Inililtss issdliiiB* — — t'"'g-»t*« rs end' ssnwnsa lesMSSSgs raws. BOWER, 1IT aarass thset. Brooklyn, M.T. Telle no. L. CLl Manager Shadowed by Three. Zwelfel. Fred B..: Menager Jaa. T. Powera Co. BURLESQUE. Americans. Teddy Slmondi. mgr.: (Roysll' Montreal, 28-Dec. 3: (Boward) Boston. .', 10. .... Beauty Trust. Harry W. Thompson, mgr.: (W.ldm.nn'i) Nawark, ,28-Dec Zi. (Empire) Brbmsn Show, jack 8lnger, mgr.: (Gaiety) De- troit. 28-Dec. S: (Osyety) Toronto. 8-10. Big Bsoocr Show. Frank Urlngatoo. mgr.: (Gsyety) Mllwsoke*. 28-Dec. S; (SUr * Garter! Chicago, r. 10. , " . Big Berlew. nrnry P. Dlsoo. mgr.: (Atenoel Detroit, 28-Dec. 8: (Lafayette) Buffalo. 8-10 Bohemians. Al. Lobln. mgr.: (Lyceum) St. Joseph. Dec. 1-3: .(Century) Kansas City. 8 10. Bon Tons (Casino) Brooklyn. 8-10. 3: (Star) Preferred because it is best. Stafford Chairs built to last. No flimsy, three-ply stock in seats or backs; no stove plate standards to snap or break. Chairs like out IN STOCK AND E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO. Aak for Cataloa 303. CHICAGO, . - . ILLINOIS MARTINKA &co. Headquarters of Magtrlgsn ha America. Send SSe far ear 1810-11 fully Ulnatrstsd grand catalogue ; Parlor Tricks Catalogue free. nW Sixth Arenas, Raw Send for samples and prices on our tum- bling MATS. ACME DRUMMERS SUPPLY CO. 2813 and 2815 W. 22nd St., CH ICAGO, ILL. WANTED, QUICK, CAR Hotel Car Wanted. Rent with Privilege of Porcbue STANDARD LAND CO., 1210 P Street. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED— Well trained troupe of dogs, workers: small bucking mule; riding bi monkeys. For Bale — Tally no, wsntrobe wl_ knock down bsuil wsgon. pure white 18 In. pony, well trained. For further particular*, address SEIBKI, BKO&V Wstertown. Wis. SHOWMEN ATTENTION* — Cbcrokee Indian, new gresse paint: guaranteed not to injure the akin .snil .to .wssn ott in ■ water snd lesre skin ss t postpaid. 25 cents. JESSE Gore. St.. Hamilton. Ont.. Can. mieea not to injure wet minute with cold before applied. Sample. WE C. TOWN'SsWD. 10 33 Hilo Peanut Machines 1 Souvenir rusts l, 1 Perfume Breath, all One condition; lot Sd3: S30 cash, balance on arrival. W. I. COOK. Memphis. Tana. FOB SALE: KXCHAVOE. OX BtEMT— Movtna gui Picture hfschlass snd sTlms. St erroptlcon.. «U; Acetylene a as Genera tore. *a.2n. Catalogue.. Is. BBTZ. 802 K 23d St., N. T. C. Ws f— yoo 25 per cent. FOR SALE— 24*32 Tent, 8-ft. well, blue snd white drill, alternate stripes. SO wide, bine border and thoroughly roped, for girl snow. Brand new: $68.00. - esMHianr A CO., Indianapolis, lad. FOR SALE— Two Coyotea and Prairie Dog In nice ceges. for only $12; a Wild, Cat. S20 : Ant Bear. X20; IMssom. gS; Badger, $18. All these are In nice cages aad all tame but Wild Cat. A rare chance: Do not wire. Cash with order. H. HIVENUUBU. Box 123, West Boy Is too. Mass. FOR SALE. CHEAP-Ijuge Cardboard Organ, soluble for rink or merry-go-round. Wanted, about dosen Penny Picture Slot Machines. Mills make. OODEN BROS., 218 E. Tioga St., Phila- delphia. Pa. The Christmas Number of The Billboard Will be issued December 6th 9 dated December 10th. When sending copy allow time for the mails one way. also one day for making cuts. ... Last Forms Close Saturday, Dec. 3rd. 416 Elm THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO. Phone, Main 2769. O. 38 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. . Dick Elder, mgr. : (Col C 28-Dec- 3; (Gayerj ) Phlla . . Lords Stark, mgr.: (Empire) New ark. 28-Dec. 3; (Bowery) X. T. C. 5-10. Broadway Gaiety Girls. Loula Oberwonh. mar.: (Mlnefe Bronx) K. X. C, 28-Dec. 3; (8th Arc | N. Y. C.. 5-10. Century Glrla, Jack Faust, mgr.: (MoDtumental ) Baltimore. 28-Dec 3: (Lyric) Alien town 5. (Academe) Reading, 6; (Ma}e»tlc) Harrisbnrg, 7; (WUhler) Altoooa. 8; (Cambria) John* town. 9. Cherry Blossoms, Chas. F. Edwards, mxr.: (Standard) St. Louis. 28-Dec 3; (Empire) Id dlanapoUa. 6-10. Cullrse Glrla. Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Garden) Buffalo, 28-Dec. S; (Corinthian) Rochester. 5-10. Columbia Burlesquera. Frank Logan, mgr.: (Corinthian) Rochester, 28-Dec 3; (Mohawk. Schenectady. 57; (Empire) Albany, 8-10. Cory Corner Glrla. Sam Koblnson. mgr.: (Ceri- tnry) Kansas City. 28-Dec 3: (Standard) St. Loola. 6-10. Cracker Jacks, Harry Leonl. lyn. 28-Dec. 3: V Dainty Ducbeae: (! 30; (Empire) Albany, Dec 1-3; (Gayety j Boston. 6-10. ?EmpW)^"e"wafk! Are.) N. T. C. 5-10. Ducklings, Frank Calder. mgr.: (Bon Ton) Jer- aey City. 28-30: (Folly) Peterson. Dec 1-3: < Luzerne) Wilkes Barre. 6-7; (Colombia) ScraOtOO. 8-10. Fads and Follies. Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.: (Mar-' ray Hill) X. X. C. 28-Dec 3; Metropolis, 5-10. Of New York and Paris. B. M. Rosen- ( Empire) Albany. 28-30; (Mo- saeetady. Nor. 1-3; (Gayety; 6-10. of the Day, Barney Gerard, mgr.: 28-Dec 3; (Empire) Jnrtig. mgr.: (Metropolis X. C. 28-Dec 3; (Westminster) Provi- ice. 6-10. from Dixie. Jos. Leant t. mgr.: (Troca- rtero) Phil a.. 28-Dec 3: (Lyceum) Wash., l C, 5-10. Glrla From Happyland. E_ w. Chlpman. mgr.) (Gayety) Baltimore, 28-Dec 3; (Gayety i Wash., D. C 6-10. Golden Crook. Its. Fulton, mgr.: (Empire) Ho- boken. 28-Dec 3; (Hurtle A Seaman's) N. X. C, 5-10. H as tin g s '. Harry, Snow: (Gayety) Wash., D. C. 28-Dec. 3; (Gayety) Pittsburg. 5-10. Jardln da Pads Girls. Will _ ly) Chicago. 28-Dec 8: (at 10. Jersey Utles. Jaa. Loulsrllle, 28-Dec 3; 5-10. (Cambria) burg. 5-10. Kentucky Bellea _ a, plre) Indianapolis, • Loulsrllle. 5-10. Knlckerbc " m Kansas r.** 5-10. Majesties. Fred Irwin. ProTldence. 28-Dec 3; •10. Marathon Girls. Phil Sheridan, mgr.: (Empire) Cleveland. 28-Dec 3; (Albambra) Chicago. 5-100. "b^ ""sTa^^^ikes-Barre Dec 1-3; (Trocadero) PhHa_. 5-10. Merry Whirl. Loots Epstein, mgr.: (Empire) Brooklyn. 28-Dec 3; (Miner's Bronx) N. X. C.. 5-10. Midnight Maidens. Chas. Taylor, mgr.: (Al- bambra) Chicago, 28-Dec 3: (Gayety) De- troit. 5-10. • " : -- ■■ Miss New Xork. Jr.. Wm. Fenneagj. mgr.: (Buckingham) LoolsrUle, 28-Dec 3j (Peo- ple's) Cincinnati, 5-10. Moulin Bonge. Manrlce Jacobs, mgr.: (Howard) 28-Dec 3: (Columbia) Boston, 5-10 Widows. F. Abbott, mgr.: (Gayety) 28-Dec 3; (Empire) Chicago, 6- Moe Messing, mgr.: (People's) >Dec 3: (Empire) Chicago. 5-10. Winner.. Hoot. Mills, mgr.: Lay-off at Phlla., 28-Dec 3; (Casino) Brooklyn. 5- lo.- Queen of Bohemia Max Spieget mgr. A Seamon'a) N. T. C. 28-Dec 3- HDD N. X. C.„ 5-10. Qneena of the Jardin de Paris. Jos. Howard, mgr.: (Gayety) Brooklyn. 28-Dec 3; (Olym- pic) N. X. C 5-10. Rector Glrla. Morria Wainstoek. mgr.: (Acad- emy) Pi tts b urg . 28-Dec 3; (Star) Cleveland. 5-10. Bee-res', AL, Beauty Snow (Gayety) Omaha. 28-Dec 2: (Gayety) Minneapolis. 6-10. Bentz-Santtey. Burt Kendrtck. mgr.: (Gayetv P>na.. 2S-Dec. 3: (Gayety) Baltimore. 6-10. (Bowery) X T. C-. 28-Dec 3: (FoUy) Paterson, 5-7; (Bon Ton) Jersey City. 8-10. Bunaway Glrla. P. S. Clark, mgr.: fGayetv Minneapolis, 28-Dec 3; (Gayety). Milwaukee, 5-10. Sam T. Jack's. Geo. T. Smith, mgr.: (Empire) Chicago. 28-Dec 3: (Star) Milwaukee. 5-10. Serenaders. Geo. Armstrong, mgr.: (Olymnle If. X. C 28-Dec 3: (Casino) Phlla.. 5-10. Star A Garter Show. Frank Wlesberg. mgr.: (Emnlre) Toledo. 28-Dec 3. Star Show Girls. John T. Baker, -mgr.: (La- fayette) Buffalo. 28-Dec 3; ■ (Star) Toronto. 5-10. Sydetl's, Bose. London Belles. W. 8. Campbell 28-Dec 3: (Car mgr.: (Gsyetr) 1 den) Buffalo. 5-10. "wish!: Trocaderoa, Chas. H- Waldroo. mgr.: (Gayety) St, Loola, 28-Dec 3; (Gayety) Kanaaa City. M Vanity Fair. Jos. Pettlngill. mgr.: (Gayety) 28-Dec 8; (Colombia) N. y. c. 5- WashlngtOD Society Girl*, Loo Watson, mgr.: (Star) Milwaukee. 28-Dec 3; (Dewey) Mln neapolla. 5-10. Watson's Brrriesqoera. W. B. Watson, mgr.: (Folly) Paterson. 28-30; (Bon Ton) Jersey City. Dec 1-3; (Columbia) Scran ton. 6-7; (Lnxeme) Wilkes- Barre. 8-10. White's, Bat, Gaiety Girls, Walter Greaves, mgr.: (Dewey) Minneapolis, 28-Dec 3; (Star) 8t Paul. 5 10. Wise Guy: (Columbia) Boston, 28-Dec 3; (Bon Ton) Jersey City, 5-7: (Folly) Paterson, 8-10. World of Pleasure, Louis Talbot, mgr.: (Star Toronto. 28-Dec 3: (Royal) Montreal. 5-10. Yankee Doodle Glrla, Sol. Myers, mgr.: (Ln- xeme) WUkea-Barre, 28-30; (Colombia) Scran- ton. Dec 1-3; Lay-ol at Phlla.. 5-10. STOCK AND REPERTOIRE Academy of Music Stock Co., Wm. Fox, mgr.: X. X. C. Ang. 29. lndef. Alcazar Stock Co., Bdasco & Mayer, mgra.: San Francisco, Cat, Ang. 28, lndef. Arrine-Benton Players: Indiana polls. Ind., Sept. 5. lndef. Auditorium Stock Co., Geo. L. Laske, mgr.: Kansas City, Mo., Not. 8, lndef. Avenue Stock Co., Conne&s A Edwards, mgrs.: Wilmington. Dels.. Oct. 8. lndef. Alll, Mock Sad, Stock Co.: Superior, Wis.. 28- Dec 3. Buckley, Louise. Stock Co.. Harry Hamilton, mgr.: Oakland. CaL: 28-Dec 3; San Jose 5- 17. Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Spo- kane. Wash.. Sept. 4. lndef. Baker Stock Co.. Gee L. Baker, mgr.: Port- land, Ore., Oct. 17, lndef. Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Seat- tle. Wash.. SepL 11. lndef. Baldwin -Melville Stock Co.: Walter S. Baldwin, mgr.: ProTldence. B- I., Nor. 14. lndef. Co., Frank M. Norcross, Inc. Oct. 17. lndef. Belasco * Stone Stock Co., Belasco A Stone. mgrs-: Los Angeles, CaL, lndef. BIJou Players: Bay City. Mich.. lndef. BIJon Stock Co.. Kllmt * Gaxzulo, mgrs.: Chi- cago, ni.. July 3. lndef. Bijou Stock Co.: Pawtocket R- I.. Ang. 8. lndef. Bishop's Players. W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oak- land, CaL. lndef. Blttner. Bill, Stock Co.: Tulsa. Ok la.. Oct. 24. indef. Bunting, Emma, Associate Players: Jackson- ville Pla.. Oct 2. lndef. Burbank Stock Co.. Oliver Morosco. mgr.: Lo» Angeles. CaL. Index. Calumet Stock Co., John T. Conner?, mgr.: So. Chicago. HI., Sept. 4. lndef. College Stock Co.. M. Gleasou. mgr.: Chicago. ITL. Not. 7. lndef. Cooeland Bros.' Stock Co.: Wichita. Kan., Oct. 17. indef. Cornell's. Harry. Players. J. W. Gillette, mgr.: Btrtte. Mont.. Aug. 14. indef. Craig. John, Stock Co.: Boston, Mass., Ang. 29. Co.: Percy Williams, mgr.: N. X.. Sept. 8. indef. Co.£ Wm. A. Can, mgr.: Cambridge, Carroll ComedT Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.: Sallne- Ttllc 0.. 28-Dec 3; Barnesboro. Pa.. 5-10. Cosmopolitan Players, Al Phillips, mgr.: Tncnm- eert N. M-. 28-30: DaThart Dec. 1-3: Guy-man. Okla.. 5-7: Liberal. Kan.. 8-10. Chauncey-Keiffer Stock Co.. Fred Channcey, mgr.: Greens burg. Pa.. 28-Dec 3. Chicago Stock Co.. Chas. H. BoasKam, mgr.: Oil City. Pa.. 28-Dec 3: Jamestown. N. X., 5-10. Culhane's Comedians, will E. Cnlhanc mgr.: Uhrlchrvnie. O.. 28-Dec 3. Dorothy Stock Co., Dougherty A Cox. mgrs.: Litchfleld. Minn.. 20; WUlmar Dec 1: Monte- video 2: Mllbank, S. D.. 3: Webster 5-7; Gro- ton 8-10. DoFotbT Stock Co., M. A. Beld, mgr.: Tolas. Okla.. 28-Dec 3. Davis S'n~k Co.. rTarry Darls. mgr.: Pittsburg. Pa., Sept. 5, Indef. Dominion Players. W. B. Lawrence, mgr.: Win- nipeg. Can., Ang. 29. Indef. Dowlan Stock Co.. W. C. Dowlan. land. Ore.. Oct. 1. lndef. Em n I re Stock Co.. Monte Holyoke, Mass.. indef. Forbes Stock Co.. Gus A Irn. N. X., Sept. 8, Indef. Forbes Stock Co., Gns A. Forbes, mgr.: Stam- ford. Conn.. Nor. 28. Indef. Forenaugb Stock Co.. Geo. F. A L. Forepangh Fish, mgrs.: Cincinnati. 0.. Sept 18. lndef. Finiey Stock Co.. Ji boro. Ark.. Indef. Co.. E. O. Gordln- ler. mgr.: Camthersrllle. Mo.. 28-30: FlTtheTOle, Ark., Dec. 1-3: Portageville. Mo., 5-7. Grayce, Helen, Co.. N. Apnell. mgr.: Amster- dam. X. X.. 28-Dec 3; Gloversvflle 6-10. Gray Stoek Co.:. Bncyrna. 0.. 5-10. German Stock Co.: Cincinnati. O.. Oct. 2. I- def. German Stock Co.: Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. T- Indef.. German Stock Co.. Theo. Bnrgarth, mgr.: "N. X. C. Sept. 24. lndef. German Stock Co.. Max Hanlsch. mgr.: rhlla. Sept. 24. indef. ■ German Stock Co.: 8t Louis. Mo.. Oct 2 indef. Glrtoo Stock Co.: Los Angeles. Cat. June 20. lndef. Glass Stock Co.: El Paso. Tex.. Oct. 2. Ind»» Grahame. Ferdinand. Stock Co.: Rlchmoml. Tnd.. Oct. 3. Indef. Grand Stock Co.. M. Keeney. mgr.: Reading. Pa.. Oct. 24. Indef. Hall's Associate Players: Key West. Fla. Oct. 22. Indef. Hsrlln Stoek Co., Wm. Garen. mgr.: 8* Lorrta. Mo. Aug. 8. lndef. Harward. "Grace, stock Co.: Oak Park, Chi earo. III.. Indef. Henderson Slock Co.. W. J. A B. B. Hender- son, mam.: Slows Cl'c. Ia.. 28- Dec. 1; Le- Mar. 2-3: Cherokee 5-10. - ^ Benerloire Co, Co.. Harry G. Manitowoc. Wis., 28-Dec 3; 10. Hlllman a Stoek Co.. F. P. Hlllman. nlnas, Kan., 28-30; Norton Dec. 1. 5-7. Imperial Theatre Stock Co., Kllmt A mgrs.: Chicago, 111., lndef. Indiana stock Co.: So. Bend, Ind., Sept. 4. lndef. [ngersoll Stock Co., Wm. logeraoll, mgr.: Sal: Lake. D., Sept 4. lndef. Jeavona. Irene. Stock Co., Thoa. J. Jeavona. mgr.: Waahlngton, Pa.. 28-Dec. S. Keith Stock Co.. Cato S. Keith, mgr.: Newark. O.. 28-Ded 8; Fostorla 5-10. Kelly stock Co., Sherman Kelly, mgr.: Red Wing. Minn.. 28-Dec. 3; Keyes Sisters Stock Co.. C. Clarksburg. W. Vs.. 28- Dec 3. Klark. Gladys. Stock Co.. J. E. Balfour, mgr.: Haverhill, Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Keeue. Lorraine. Associate Players. H. L. Law- rence, mgr.: Bloomlngton. III.. Indef. Keith Stock Co., James B. Moore, mgr.: Port- land. Me.. April 19. lndef. Ring. Joseph, Stock Co.: Lancaster. Pa.. SepL 6. Indef. Lawrence Players. D. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Seat- tle, Wash., Jnly 25. lndef. Lewis-Oliver Stock Co.. Otis Oliver, mgr.: Srreator, 111., lndef. Lorcb. Theodore, Stock Co.: Little Bock, Ark., lndef. Lyceum Stock Co.. Louis Phillips, mgr.: Brook- lyn X. X.. lndef. Lyric Stock Co.. L. 51. Gorman, mgr.: Lincoln, Neb., Ang. 29; lndef. Lyric Stock Co.. Chas. P. Minneapolis. Minn., lndef. Lytell-Taughan. Stock Co., I Toledo. O.. Oct 17-Dee 17. Lockea. The. Harry Sohna, mgr.: Medford. Ok- la.. 28-30: Blackwell Dee. 1-3; Pawbuska 6-7; Oxford. Kan.. 8-10. Long Stock Co.. Frank E. Long, mgr.: Calu- met. Mich., 21 -Dec. 3. La Porte. Mae, Stock Co., Joe McEnroe, mgr.: Kalamaxoo, Mich., 28-Dec 3; Battle Creek 4 Lewis Stock Co.. W. F. Lewis, mgr.: Scotts Bluff. Xcb., 2S-Dee A MyTkle-Harder Stock Co.: Kingston, X. X.. 2S-Dec 3: Schenectady 5-10. Maker. Phil. Co.. Leslie E. Smith, mgr.: War erly. S. X., 28-Dec 3; Genera 5-10. Maxwell-Hall Stock Co.. Jefferson Hall, mgr.: BelTldere. I1L. 28-Dec 8; Janearllle. Wis.. 5-10. Murphy, mgr.: Clmaron, Kan., 28-Dec 3: Dodge City 5-10. Murray-Ma rkey Co., John J. Murray, mgr.: Cobalt Ont. Can., 28-Dec 3: Sudbury 5-10. Manhattan Stock Co.: Logansport, Ind-. 28- Moore, Frederick. Stock Co.: Salt Lake, U.. Oct 7. bidet. Morris-Thurston Stock Co.: Bay City. Mich.. SepL 4. Indef. National Stock Co.: Montreal, Can., Ang. 15, Kelson. Marie. Players,- Rodney Chicago. III., SepL 6. Indef. ew Criterion Stock Co.. Kllmt A 14. Ho tor: N- X. C. Not. North Bros.' Stock Co.: Nielsen Marie. Co.: ~ Had Dec 1-3. Opera House Players: Orphenm Stock Co., Phlla.. lndef. ParteBo Stoek Co.. W. A. Partello. mgr.: Cal- gary, Alta., Can., Indef. Passaic Block Co.: Passaic N. J., indef. Paycen Stock Co.. E. 8. Lasrreuce. mgr.: To- ledo. 0.. Ang. 28. Indef. Payton's BIJon Stock Co.. Corse Par ton, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. X.. Sept 5. Indef. Payton'a Lee Avenue Stock Co.. Corse Pavtoo. mgr.: Brooklyn. N. X.. Aug. 29, indef. Payton Stoek Co., Corse Payton. boken. N. J.. Ang. 20. Indef. People's Stock Co.: Flint. Mich.. Sept. ft. In def. Perochl-Gypxene Co.. a D. Pa. Fla.. lndef. Plalnfleld Stock Ca. Harrj Plainfleld. N. J., Sept 5. Princess Stock Co.. Victor H. Davenport. Is.. Indef. Prlnoe«« stock Cc: Des Moines, la., Ang. 2S indef. Prlngle. Delia. Co.. C. K. Van Auger, mgr.: Boise, Ida.. Aug. 22. Indef. Rohyna A Domer Players: Elmira. S. J.. Oct. 8. Indef. Bnssell & Drew Stock Co.: Seattle. Wash.. Aug. 28. lndef. PIckerts. The Four. Co.. Willis Plckert mgr.: Newbern, N. C. 28-Dec. 3: Greenville. S. a. Spears', Baldwin. Stork Co.. Roy MeDowelle. mgr.: Tipton, Ind.. 27-Dee 3: Kokooo 5 10. Strong. Arery Co.. Sfnnte ThompMu. mgr.: Taunton. Maaa.. 28-Dec. 3; Fall River 6-10. Snow Stock Co.. Mo-tlmer Snow, mgr.: Troy. N. X.. Not. 7. indet .mgr.. xroy. Spoouer. Edna May. Stock Co.. Mary Gibha Spooner. mgr.: Jersey City. N. J.. Oct. a Stone Stock Co.: Flint. Mich.. Ang. 28. Indef. Trousdale Bros.' Stock Co.: Cedar Rapids. I a Sent 26. Indef. Taylor Stork Co H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Phoe- nlvrllle. Pa.. 28-Dec 3. VanDyke A Eaton Co.. c. Mack, mgr.: Des Moine.. Ia.. Not. 14. Indef. Wolf, Stoek Co.. J. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Wichita Kan.. Ang. 29. lndef. Woodward Stock Co., O. D. Woodward, mgr.: Omaha. Neb.. Ang. 27. lndef. Wood, Sla'cr. 8tock Co.: McGhee. Ark.. 2S-30: Lake Village Dee. 141. MINIATURE ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES For Miniature Hallways. Very pretty little ma- chine. Boy can operate them. I. F. MUG El S CO., Conn litmd, In Tort. "A Now Ad Every Week." WANTED Acrobat that la a good gronod Tumb- ler. for comedy acrobatic act. Tell all In Brat test Unit mi ttw tort, ft. SUtikiEMs Writ* for Ca t alon a i sod Prions. T— ■>»■■<■ ■ a ileal lml> ubjib North Tonawsnds. N. Y. THE CIRCLING WAVE For the the moat one. Baafly and q ulckly set op i lnerpenalve to operate, and to place to place Operated by Seats 80 people Maude by Now la the Urns to •j « ' . ' ■ \ c- V *- — . - '^-v-.-rJ - "S* ' - CAROUSELS AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS I.T..U. M. AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY AJTD BASEBAIiIj NO\ r KaVTTE8 Writs for price list Wat. wTfBTFLETJf, Hi 80* Jf. Baeosat 8t. Pklladalpkia, Pa-, V. B> THIS FRAME ONLY |1.15 A QR088 Oc o m p I e t e with Ptaa. Plates tor all cannon ma- chines, 88.60 per 1.000: less than 1.000. 70 caats per 100. All other sup- plies for mloote pletuxa mschlaea at a cut rata price. If yon want the best goods at the lowest prices, and prompt ship- meuta. addrema your order D»pt. o HI. . tall thorn ... DECEMBER 3, 1910. X tx Billboard 3© Alma. Where Do Yon LIT*. Jo*. mgr.: N. Y. C.. Sept. 20, laosC. Aviator, Tbe, Coban 4k Harris, mgr*.: ClfO. 111.. Oct. 18- Dec. S. ArriT.i or Kitty. Dotaartv Collin* Oo.. Chi; , Com., SO; Putnam Dee. 1; Sooth- briJge, JltM.. 1; Woouocket. B. 1:, 8; At- tleboro, Man., 5; Taoatoa S: Plrmoutb 7; Bocklaod 8: South rrsadaskasa •; Xaroaxd 10. Acnes toe Great Divide, Oeo. W. Lyon mgr.. YVooewoc. Wla., S; Beedabnrs 6: Evaoavtlle 7; Sharon 8; Harvard. 111.. Blenmond 10. Alien'* Musical ComedT Co., Billy Allen, mgr.: Sapulpa, Okla.. 28- Dec 8. A born English Grand Opera CO.: Ban Antonio, Tex., 28- Dee. 1; Austin 2; Waco S; fl Worm D-T; DaUaa 8-10. As In* Sua. Went Down, Arthur C. Alston, prop. * mgr.: Lou I. y! lie. Kj., 27 -Dec. 3. At the Mercy of Tiberias, aiaaer A st»lr, mgra. : Birmingham, Ala., 28- Dec. 3. Adventure* or Polly, BIanejr-8pooner Am. Co.. Inc.. mare-: St. Panl. Minn.. 2T-Dee. 3; aClaneapoUs 4-10. - A« Told Id tbe HUli, Alex Story, bit.: Bicn- tnond. Ky.. 30: Wlncheater Dec. 1; Mt Ster- llns 2: CTnthJana 3: Maa-rtlle 9: Vanrebor* «: Portamoatn, 0., T; Georgetown 8; Blan- ebeatcr M • « A read I ana, Tbe. Chaa. Frocanaa. mgr.: Waah- logton. D. C, 2S-DCC. S. Areadlana, Tbe. Coas. Frobmu, mgr.: Bridge- port. Conn., 3. Ariiona. Cbaa. A. Willi. mi. mgr.: Denver. Col.. 5-10. Arsene Lupin. Chit. ItobOAn, mgr.: N. X. C. 28 Dec. 3. Baby Mine (Eaatero). Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. T. C, Aog. 23. ladef. Bate*. Blanche, Id Nobody'a Widow. Darld Bel aaco. mgr.: N. X. C. Nor. 10. lndef. Bernard. 8am. In He Came From Milwaukee, Tbe Saoberta, nigra.: N. Yi C. Sept. 21, lndef. Bine Bird. Tbe Sboberta, mgr*.: N. Y. C. 8ept- 28. lndef. BeU Boy. T. H. Ealand. mgr.: Shelbytllle, Kv.. 28-30: Lawrenceborg Dee. 1-8; Georgetown 5-7; Harrodeborg 6-10. BOly tbe Kid. F. B. Boadley. mgr.: Boryrua. 0.. 80: Lima Dec. ij Flndlay 2; Ft. Wayne. ■ 3: Cincinnati. O.. 5-10. . I 4k U Moo** Jaw. Saak., Can.. 1 s. t - .-. ■ Brown. Boater Brown- Am. Co.. props.: Galeiburr. 1TL. 30; Canton Dec 1: TJrbana 2: DaBTfJle 3; Indiana poll*, Ind., 0-7; Day too, 0.. 8-10. Bliney. Harry Clay. In tbe Boy of Wall Street. Henry Pleraon. mgr.: Chicago, in . 20-Dec 3; St. Paul, Minn., 4-10. Beverly (Eaatrrn). De La mater A Non-la, Inc., mgra.: T j nat ng. Mich., SO; Charlotte Dec 1; Pontlae 2; Ana Arbor 3; Cleveland, 0. 5- 10. Beverly (Western). Delamater A Xorrte. Inc. mgra.: Marlon, o.. 30: TUBS Dec 1: Foa- torla 2; Lima 3; Flndlay 3 DeBanr* 8; Van Wert T; St. Marys 8; Muscle, Ind., 9: Ander- aon 10. — Brewster** MUHoaa. Al. Bleb, mgr.: Chicago. 111.. 27-Dec 3; Davenport, Is.. 4; Bock I aland. tatsaw^WSMM? Mtoi*" S^akataabi Jack son Bembardt, Mne. Sarah. In Repertoire. W. F. Connor, mgr.: Bochester. N. Y. . SO; Allen- town, Pa.. Dec 1; Newark. N. J. 2-3; N. T. C. 8-31. Baby Mine (Western). Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: St. Paul. Minn.. SS-Dec 3. Barrlaoa. Mabel. In Loin's Hosbanda. The Sbn- berta. mgra.: Boston Mass.. 28- Dec. 8. Bernard. Dlek. la the Otrt Behind the Counter. Lew Ftelda, mgr.: Tulaa. Okla., SO. Bellew Kyrle. In Baffle*. Cbaa. Frobman, mgr.: » 80: Ft, Wayne. Ind.. Dec 1 BsUex A Ao " • -lo. St. T.. Bright Eves. Ind.. SO. Ben Hot. Ktaw A Krlaager, mgra. rill*. Fl... i_a_ -a . -a Bachelor-a Honeymoon (Southern!. Leon A. 00- aoo. mgr.: Madlsna. Kan.. 80. Burke, Blllle. la Snaaaae. Cbaa. trohmaa. mrr.: BufTalo. X. Y- 5-1Q. Csblll. Marl*, la Judy forgot. Daniel V. Arthur. mgr.: Jt. t. c.. Out. « Dec. 8, Carter. Mrs. Leal I e, la Two Womea. joha cv.rt. mgr.: X. T. C.. Nor. 28, ladef. Cborelile Soldier (Westm). F. C. Wkltner. mrr.: CMeago. DL. Sept. 29, lndef. City. The. The Sinberta, mgra.: Chicago, III.. Nor. 6. lndef. Coin.t, Wm.. Id I'll Be Hanged If I Do. Lew Field*, mgr.: N. T. C. Nor. 28, la' ' Commuters, The (Eastern!. Henry B. mgr.: N. T. C An*. IB. lndef. Commntera. Tbe (Western). Henry R. Harria. . mgr.: Chicago. Til.. Oct- SI -Dear. 34. Concert. Tbe. David BeUseo, mgr.: N. T. C. Oct. S. ladef. Country Boy. Henrr B. Harria. mgr.: N. V . C Aug. 2D. lndef. Candy Olrl. B. M. Oarfleld mgr.: Mendola, 111.. 30; Sycamore Dec I: Amhoy 2: Morrison 3; Davenport. la.. 4: West Liberty B: Vinton 6: Montlcr'lo 7; Mancbeater 8; Independence 0; Waterloo 10, ■ . Clarke. Frederic J. Covgmve. mgr.: Neepawa. Man. c.n.. 30; Raaaell Dec. 1: Blacarth 2: Yorkrnwr. ■»*«.. 8. City, The (Western), Wm. H. Notoo, mgr.: Ft. Worth. Tea.. 2-S. Climax The (United Play Cc'a), H. R. Cory. mgr.: Rlong Fall*. 8. D.. 1: Yankton 2: Sprlnefleld 3: Oe-Me* ft: Platte 8: Alexandria T: Mitchell. 8: Maakvta. Mlaa.. 0: Pratnenl Am. Co.. vaaaw. jurat n iaee. i ; i-rnvo 3; Bingham Can- yon 3: Salt » h„ *•: Ord T)ec 1: Fremont t; amoi-th 3- >'. X.. 30. Dressier. Msrle. in TUUe'* Nightmare. Lew Flelda. mgr.: N. Y. C. 28-Dec 8.- Dliey. Henry E-. " Brady, mgr.: Dec 1-3. Elliott, Mulne, In tbe Inferior Sex. Gee J. Applet on. mgr.: - Chicago. ID,. 28- Dec 10. 'Ell and Jane (Southern t, Harry Green, mgr.: Borland. Ark.. 30; Benton Dec 1: Arkadel- pbla 2; Gordon 3;. Preeoott 5; Nashville 8. Eaat Lynoe. Chas. L. Weaton. aigr-: Kllleeo. Tex.. 30; Weat Dec I; Hill born 2; Alrarado 8: Borers 7; Caldwell 8; Belleville 9; La- Grange 10. Bdeeoo, Robert. In Where tbe Trail Divides, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: St. Loul*. Mo.. 27- Dec 8. Elltage. Julian la the Faaclaatlng widow. A. H. Woods, mgr.:, Baltimore. Md.. 28-Dec. 3. Evans. Cba*. K-, In He Loved a Lassie. D. V. Arthur mgr.: Cleveland. 0.. 28-Dec 8. Elliott. Gertrude, In the Dawn of a To- Morrow. Llebler A Co.. mgra.: Syracuse. N. X., 1-3. Fairbanks. Douglas, In The Cab. Wm. A. Brady mgr.: N. X. C Nor. 1. lndef. (Eastern). Cohan A Harris. 19. lndef. Inc. mar*.: Dec Is Sun- • 8: rVrwlckTrwikea-B.'rTTj 4%-aaMn.. at, X.,' Ithaca 10. Fortune Heater CWentera). Cohan A Harria. mgra.: Sao Jose. Cel.. 2B-30: Oakland Dee. 1-3: Stockton S: Sacramento 6; Ogden. Utah. 8: Laramie Wye 9: Cheyenne 10. Flower of the Ranch. LeComtr. Flrsher A Wade. mars.: Qntnry. HI.. 30: Kh-karnie. Mo.. Dee. . 1: Mexico- 2- Pulton 3: Columbia R; S-dalla 8: Clinton 7: Spring It Id S: Au.iat 9; Joplta 10. Flirt lou Prln-ee» Uort H- Slnarer. . mrr. : FT. Wayne. .Ind.. Is Lafayette 2: Andersoa 3: Lnnlavine. Ky.. 8-7: Mt. Sterling 8; Hunting- tan. W. Va-. 9- Charleston lo. FUhrlnr Parson (Western), Henry Wyatt mrr.: Ft. Atkinson, Wla.. SO; Belolt Dec 1; Kdger- taa 2. FT aire. Mr*.. - fa Peck-r Sharp naretsavo n-ev Flake, sssrr.r Mo-at g neaerv A'a., ^ti; Brrmlng- hint IV>c Ir Atlanta. (1*.. ? 1 Fsttleaa of-TOia, F. Zlesrfeld. Jr.. mgr.: Phils.. 2t.Dec.17. Favershem Wm.. la the WorM ml His Wife: Loo Angeles. Cel.. W-rec 3. OraMfv, The. A»thnr*' Pro.ln-1-ag Co.. mgra.: N. X. C Oet. 31. lndef. Oenee. Adeline. In the B«eheln--Bellee, ttl— . A Krlaager, mgra.: N. Y. C. Nor. 7, ln- def. Oet Rleh Onlck WalUnarfVuvt. Cohan A Harris. mrr*.: N. X. C. 8-nt. to. lndef. Gillette. Was.. In Reiwrfol-e. Chaa. Frobman. vesre.: N. V. C-. Dee. It tndef. Olri la the T«vl. A. H. Wood*, mgr.: N. V a. Oct. 94 ln-«ef. Glvt In the Train. Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: Chicago. Til.. Now. 14. lndef. Gleaaar Inlu, In tbe Girt and tbe Kalaer. The Shrbert*. mrr*.: N. T. C. Now. 21. lw*-e Glr* f*om Rome. R. O. Kingston, mgr.: Sallne- v/llle. 0-. 1; Minerva S; Carroll ton 8: Cam- bridge 10. ■ Orel and the Ranger (T. A. Nnrmaa**!. Frenk P. p a a aa ott. mgr.: ThtMto. TeT. AO- Walnut Springs Dec 1; Whitney 2: McGregor 3. Glaaer Tanrhan, In the Man Ttetween. Vanchan Glaser. mrr.: St. Jnaenb. Mo.. 27-30: l>av- eeiwva-th. Ken.. Dee. lr tat w te u ce 2: Topeka 8: Ktn«a* ntr. Mo. 4-10. Olrl from D. B. A (Raavevaai. Rarrr 8co't. mrr.: . CWa«ahHflare. Md.. sr.; s«ttabavry race. 1 : Dover. Dela. 2: Nnrrr>tnwa. Fa.. S: Rnrltogtaa, N. y. • s-'em T: Mlllvllle 8: Lakewood 9: Bed Bank 10, Olrl from IT. ft. A. fOaitrsH. Ha-rv Scott. mgr.: Chi <+»»•<•.. Okl*.. 80: Tuawtno Pee. It thtnean 8- Wlehtta Falls. Tex., .1: Galnes- arnt. fi- IWnWa «: Sherman T: Booham 8: 1 9: - The Milner Self -Righting •AU-aAisle Opera Chair The- Only Practical All. a IsU Chair on Th • Only Chair for Con cm. to Floors. Tho Only Sanitary Chair. Always in Alignment, Though It I* All-alsta. Gua ran tared In Writing for Ton Year.. Writs* Us. THE JL R. MILNER SEATING CO., New Philadelphia, 0. Itw York Afsats— ••ISTOI ft S8HE0, 115 L 14tk St n I. Y. Cltf. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have claimed it to be the strongest trunk in America; for the improved we claim the lightest in weight. 32- long, 20- wide. 22- 34- " 21- •• 28- 36" " 22- " 24- 38- •■ 23-. " 26- • ■•>■* ■•**•■•>■> 14.00 THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO. 1641 N. Hancock Street, Philadelphia, Penn. $48.00 IN THIS FOR YOU! A Regular Package For 1 Cent SPEARMINT SHU. Packed 20 psciisri to the bos: — 60 boxra to rhar cast c « ch stick wi su u ed aepararerf In r. 1 ,200 5c. paciarca cost eon only $12.00— TOO sell It for $60.00. YOCat P ORDER AT ONCC. DI-GESTO OUM < NOVELTY DEALERS AND SPECIALTY MEN! WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS AND NOVELTIES FOR HOLIDAY SELLING. : of notions, canes, knives, flash goods, jewelry, specialties, souvenirs, etc.. at lowest prices. WHte for our largo oataloou*. Mallad traeon application. LEVIN BROS.. Terre Haute. Ind. FIGURE 8*S Parks-Racing Coasters— Judicious Investments lo Park* and Riding Devices offer splendid returns. Even an old park? can be rebuilt and revitalized at small cost. My experience of 15 years in building parks and riding devices and in their management is at your com- mand. I can save you 25 per cent. Write me. Paul D. Howse, 167 Dwrbom St, Chicago, HI. Supt. Sana Souci Park, Manager White (Sty, Manager Forest ] 1899-1903 1904-1908 1909-10 P. S. — I am making a Western trip soon and am particularly Western parks, as I may call upon you and "show you." AT LIBERTY A Spirited. Experienced Organizer and Director if Butf, Qrdestra, Open Add Best rsfervtnoss. Only I •ORGANIZER," S»«tties nd iisical bstitatim. list party noad answer, car* Billboard, Cincinnati, O. > ACCOUN T BOOK RECEIPTS and EXPENSES doth cover, pocket size, 10 cents, postpaid. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. 416 Elm Sttaaot. CINCINNATI. OHIO. THEATRICAL MANAGERS Showmen, Inventors. Magicians HAVE TOtT ANY ARTICLE YOU WANT send os description or d rawing to estimate WAT anNlAlTraE. 238 miles. 34 tret ~ MADE TO ORDER OK aTAsTTJT. We made tbe ~ » set 40 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. dosta. Ga.. 6; Wlj Phlla.. 28- Glrl aad the Outlaw, Roy LaMarr. mgr.: Chi ' eago. III.. 4-10. Gentleman from Mississippi, sritb. Thorn. A. Wise (Wm. A- HraJy's). Chas, D. Wilson. mgr.: Albany. X. V.. 28-30. GcatlcmiD from MIeslssippi (Wm. A- Brady's) Geo. H. Harris n c r.: Enid. Okla., 30; Blt- tiesvllle Dec. 1; Coffryville, Kan.. 2; Pittsburg 3: Springfield. Mo.. 4: Joplln 5: Ft. Scott. Kan.. 6; Independence 7: WIcblta. Kan.. 8; Manhattan 9: Topeka 10. Clri from U. S. A. (Southern). Harry Seott. Fla-. 30 Gainesville Dec. Jecksonvllle «; Val- Wsycross 7; Savannah 8; leu* 8: Macon 10. Goddvaa of Liberty. Mort H. Singer. Anatln. Tex.. 1; San Antonio 2-3; Galveston 4; Honston 5-6; Beaumont 7: Shreveport, La., 8; Teiarkans, Ark.. 9: Hot Springs lo-ii. Golden Girl. Mort H- Slnrer. mgr. : Peoria. IU 1: Sterling 2; Madison. Wit. 3; Racine 4: Milwaukee 5: Kenosha 8: Elgin. TIL. 7; La- Sal le 8; Bloomington 9; Champaign 10. Graujttark (Eastern). Baker ft Caatle. mm.: Pueblo. CoL. 30. • KVntral). ~ Me.. 30V _ (Western). _ Terre Bante. Ind.. 30. Gillette. Wm l n Repertoire. Chas. Frobmsn, mgr.: Conn.. 1-3; X. Y. c., S. In- def- Goodwin. Nat C. In Tbe Captain. Klaar * Er- langer. mgrs.: Phlla., 28- Dec 3. GUmore. Barney. HarUn ft Nicola 1. mgra.: Phil- adelphia 2S-Dec 3. Grand Opera Co.: X. Y. C, indef. Grand Opera Co.. Henry Bnaaell. mgr.: Boston. Mass.. Index. Grand Opera Co.. Henry DlppeL mgr.: Chi- cago. ILL. Indef. Girl of tbe Mountain*. O. E. Wee. mgr.: Vine- land. X. J.. 30; Salem Dec 1; MUIvlIle 2: Glaaaboro 3. G Wnne^ 1 5i>lL la £l0'. 8 George. Grace. In Si Brady, mgr.: X. 1 Girlies. Frederic ~ Dec 3. Glri of My Dreams: Lonlxrttle. Ky.. 2S-Dec 3. Going Some: Natcbltochea. La.. 1. Hartman. Ferris. Musical Comedy Co.: Lot Angelas. Cal.. Oct. 17. lndef. a antler. G. P. & Battle Williams. Chas. Froh man. mgr.: London, Eng., Not. 28. indef. Heart of tbe Rockies: Anbnrn, Ind.. 30: ~" Dec 1: Winchester 2; New Caatle 3; xllle B; Frankfort 6; Madison 7. gg^WltfM Dec is BIcblend 2; Wash- _8-10. *>n Tran. Kelly * Fitzgerald, mgra.: C«iy, Ia., 30; Decorah Dec 1; Austin, j 2: Faribault 3: St. Cloud 4: Winnipeg. (■■"•■ 3-7: Grand Forks. N. D., 8; Fargo 9; ler One False Step (Elliott ft Allison's): Empo- rium. Pa.. 30; St. Marys Dec 1; Johnsonburg 2: Smethnort 3: ML Jewett 5: Kane 6; Rldgeway 7: Stonesboro 9; Mercer 10. laroed. Virginia. In the Woman He Married, .» m " J - «leswortb. mgr.: Hamilton. Mont.. 30: Bntte Dec 1; Great Falls 2; Helena 3- Boseman 5: Big Timber 8; Billing, 7; Miles JSS. 8 i GI * ndI " «: Dickinson. N. D.. 10. Htchcock. Raymond. In tbe Man Woo Owns S?*2fa. CohnD * Harrla, mgra.: Toronto, Can., 28-Dec. 3: Detroit. Mich.. 5-10. - of a Thousand Candles (Rowland ft Gae- A). Ceo. J. Elmore, mgr.: Fergus ir rv *>r Wahpeton, N. D., Dec 1: Pierre' £' ttrt0m * T = Brooking. 8; Huron 9; H ?°1,. <* « Tbonssnd Candles (Rowland ft Can- s'" » Co. B.I. C- B. Radford, mgr.: Lampas- sa». Tei.. 30. . * ">■• m 8"-: Phlla., 21-Dec. 3. He Fell [a Lore With His Wife. Bothner ft Campbell, mgrs.: Wa-b.. D. C. 28-Dec 3. "i^ R" 1 "'"- In A Fool There Was. Fred- eric Thompson, mgr.: New Orleans. La.. 28- "S-Dec'"!' to 0nr ^rleD,, Frit * : Cn,c *« 0 ' m - Irwin. May! In Getting a Polish. Llebler ft C-- mgra.: X. Y. a. Nor. T. Indef. Importance of Being Earnest. Chas. Frobman. mgr.: jr. T. C. Nor. 14. Indef. '"J?"". 0 !* ,AI - Elch Production Co. 'a). Wm. W. W mgr.: Ft. Wayne. Ind., 30; Grand Baplds. Mich.. Dec 8-10. Is Matrimony a Failure. David Belasco mgr.- Omaha. Neb.. 27-30: Des Moines. Is. Dec li Otrnmwa 2; Atchison. Kan.. 3- Kansas Clrv' Mo.. 4-10. -W Isle of Spice (P. A. Wade's). Herbert J. Carter. mgr.: Oklahoma City. Okla.. 30. Ia J, b **'**°f>'*C*rri,ge, Baker ft Castle, mgra.: St. Marys. 0.. 30. . Jnvenile Bostonlans. B. E. Lang, mgr.: Areola Saak.. Can.. 30: Beaton. Man.. Dec 1;. Sonrla 2: Hartney 3; Brandon 5-8: Mellta 7; Naplnka Jnst Out of College. Bothner ft Campbell mgrs.: Norfolk. Neb.. 30: Columbus Dec 1; York 2; Lincoln 3. - - Janis. Elsie. In tbe Slim Princess. Chas. Dil- IJngham mgr.: Pittabttrg. Pa.. 28-Dec 3; Cincinnati. O-. 5-10. Jolly Bachelors. Lew Fields, mgrs.- Kansas City. Mo.. 28-Dec 3. Kidnapped for a Million (Perry'a). Engene Per- ry, mgr.: Roodhouse, DJ.. 30: nilopoUs Dec 2: Warerly 3; DlTerson 4: Bethany 8: Dana Ind.. 7: Cayuga 8; Veedersburg 9; W. Leb- anon 10. Kelly. Harry In the Deacon and the Lady. aSSee* f Wert *- mgTS - : BrooUTn . N. Y., Katie I>M. Jo.. M. Galtes. mgr.: CWco. CaL. 3. W. Frank Tamehni. mgr.: Chl- «... m~ Oct. 15. fndef. Lanbam's Lyric Players. O. F. Lanbam, mgr.: Springfield. O.. 28- Dec 3. Lelen. Berr. In tbe- Man on Brown, mgr.: Gnlfport. 30; Deniopolls. Ala., Dec U Meridian. MlsaT. 2: Selma. Ala.. .1: Montgomery 5; Greenrllle 8: Troy 7; Colon Springs 8; Knfanla 9; Amer- Icns. Ga.. 10. Lily. The. Darld Belaseo. UtUe too. Can.. 1; 5-10. Lottery Man (Eastern). Frederic Gage, mgr.: Brantford. Can., 10: St. Tboma, Dec 1: London 2-3: Woodstock 5; Stratford S; Berlin 7: Gait 8: Hamilton 9-10..':- Llfe for Life, J. Burl Johnson, mgr.: UL Car- roil. 111.. 20; Lena Dec 1: Scholia burg. Wis.. 2; Warren, 111.. 3. ' Lipman Clara, ln the Marriage of a Star. Wm. A Brady, mgr.: Charleston, S. C. 1. Lorlmer. Wright, In tbe Shepherd King. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Providence B. L, 28-Dec 3. Lost Trail, Wills Am. Co.. mgrs.: Des Moines. Ia.. 1 3: Atchison. Kan., 9. Lottery Man. Chaa. W. Keogb. mgr.: 'Ft. Scott. Kan., 8. Lyman Twins, in Prise Winners: Hayfleld, Ky., . 2. Madame Sbarry. Fraxee. Lederer ft Woods, mgrs.: N. T. C. Aug. 30. lndef. Madame Troubadour. Tbe Sbuberta, mgra.: X. Y. C Oct, 10, lndef. Manhattan Opera Co.. R. H. Kane, mgr.: Mo- bile. Ala., Not. 21-Dec SL Montreal Opera Co.: Montreal. Can.. Oct. 31- Dec 24 -*-.., Mother. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C. Sept. 7-Dec 3. My Cinderella Girl (No. 1), Delamater & Xorrls. Inc. mgra.: Ft. Smith. Ark.. 30; Little Rock Dec 1: Pine BlnS 2; Hot Springs 3: Texsr- kana 5: Shrereport, La.. 6: Greenrllle, Tex.. 7: Paris 8; Sherman 9: Denlson 10. My Cinderella Girl (No. 2). Delamater ft Norrls. Inc. mgra.: Hancock, Mich.. 30; Calomel Dec 1: Marquette 2: Saul t ste. Marie 3: Onaway - 4: Cheboygan S; Traverse. City 6: Manistee 7; Cadillac 8; Big Baplds 9; Mus- kegon 10. Matinee Girl. Frank De Alley mgr.: Del Rio. Tex.. 29-30: Eagle Pass Dec 1: TjTalde 2: Hondo 3: New Braunfela 4: San Marcos 5: FloresTllIe 6; Beevllle 7: Corpus Chrlstl 8: Port Lavaca 9: Vlcto-la in. Melville. Rose, in Sis Hopkins. J. B. Stirling. mgr.: Minneapolis. Minn. 27-Dec. 3; Xew TTIm 4; Sioux Falls. S. D., 8; Sioux City, la.. 7: Des Moines 8-10. Ma.'ime Sherry (Bnsd Co ». Fraxee lederer ft Woods props.: Minneapolis. Minn., 27-Dec 3: St. Paul 5-10. Midnight Sons. Lew Fields- (Eastern). Chas. H. Gale, mgr.: Cincinnati. O.. 27-Dec 3. Midnight Sons (Lew Fields' Western). Matt Smith, mgr.: Savannah Ga.. 30: Jacks Fla.. Dec 1-2: Macon. G*.. 3; Atlanta 5- 10. Minister's Sweetheerr. Dive Altman. mgr.: Boa- ton. Mass. 28-Pec 3: Snrincnelil 5-10. Missouri Girl. Merle H. Xorton, mgr.: Penns- horo. W. Va.. 30. - Man of tbe Hour. C. M. Holly, mcr.: Atlanta Oa.. 2"-T>ee. 1- r"»«»?s-«nnca. T"*i n . - 5-10. MeFadden'a Flats. Tsrton ft Wlswell. mgra.: Grand Rsnlda v\cb.. 27-30: Hammond. Ind-. Dec. 1: Clu. Til.. 2: Decatur 3. Murphy. Tim. T. E. Saunders, mcr. : Indianapolis. Ind 28-30: Tonlsvllie. Ky.' Dec. 1-3. Maeenley. Wm.. I» Clss'mates Jas. A. Feltz. wier.: Parsens Kan.. 3A. Montenmerv ft S*one In the Old Town. Chas. pnilngham. mgr.: Poston. Mass.. 14-Dec. 17. Ml'l'ma^ Kid Knwi' * "rlrtm mgrs.: Paris. li.. 27-80: Snrlngfle'.' Dec. 1-3. M-''"ip X (F^steml. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Phlla . 28-Dec 10. . M*^sme X (Western). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: f-roms Wash.. 1-2: Aberdeen 3; Portland. Ore.. K-7: Fnaene 8: Chleo. Cal.. 1». Madame X (Southern). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Albany. Ga. 30; Columbna- Dec 1; Macon 2- 3: Birmingham. Ala., , 5-6: Jackson. Miss.. 7: Baton Rouge. La., 8; Natchez. Miss.. 9: Vtcksburg 10. Merry Widow (Eastern) Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Ft. Wayne. Ind., 30: Elkhart Dec 1; Lt~ec. 3; Grand Raplda. Mich., 4-7; Kalamaaoo 8; Lan- sing 9; Jackson 10. Newly weds and Their Baby (Western), Leffler Bratton Co.. props.: Webb City. Mo.. 20; Springfield Dec 1; Fayettevllle, Ark., 2; Ft. Smith 3; Muskogee, Okla., 6; Tulsa 8; Oklo noma City 7; Guthrie 8; Enid 9; WIcblta, Kan.. 10. Nigger. The. with Goy Bates r. L. E. Pond, mgr.: McPberaon, Kan.. 30. Paid In Foil, Wagennale ft Kemper, mgra.: El- wood, Ind., 30; Anderson Dec 2; Muncie 3; Noblesvllle 5: Logansport 7; Hnotlngton 8: . Blntrton 9. Passing of the Third Floor Bsek. Tbe Sbnberts. mgrs.: Wllkes-Barre. Pa.; 2-3. Paid In Full. Wagenbals ft Kemper, mgrs.: Chi- cago. TIL. 28-Dec 3. Powers. James T-, in Havana, Tbe Sbnberts. mgrs.: Memphis Tenn., 28-30. Phelan's Mnaical Comedy Co.. E. V. Pbelan. mgr.: Lawrence. Mass. . 28-Dec 3. Prince of His Race. Oscar Graham, mgr.: Cald- well. Tex.. 3D; Belleville Dec. L Pinker ton Girl: Kearney. Neb.. 8. Queen of tbe Ontlaw-s Camp. J. E. Clifford, mgr.: Phlla.. 28-Dec. 3. Qulncy Adams Sawyer. Atkinson ft Thatcher, mgrs.: Springfield. Mass.. Behecca of Snnnybrook Farm N. T. Cm Oct. 3. Indef. Rip Van Winkle (Southern). Tboa Alton mgr.: Snlllvan. Ind.. 30: Robinson. 111., Dec. 1: Parla 2. Rip Van Winkle (Eastern). Chas. McDonald. mgr.: Decatur Ind.. 30; Bluff tost Dec 1; Huntington 2: Anburn 3. £ Rosalind at Red Gate (Western), Gaskell-Mae- Vltty -Carpenter Co.. Inc.. mgrs.: Charles City. Ia.. 30: Mason City Dec 1: Albert Lea. Minn.. 2: Lacrosse Wis.. 3: Winona. MJaat. 4: Rochester 5: Faribault 8: NorthDeld 7; Jlna Wing 8: Hastings 9: Stillwater 10. - -IS?: Russell Lillian. In In Search of s Brooks, mgr.: 10. Royal Slave (Eastern), J. M. Jacobs, mgr.: Clop Campbell. Pa.. 1; Altoona 2; Phttrfpe- hurg Si Huntingdon 5: Lewlstown 8: Northum- berland 7: Lykena 8: Tower City 9; Potts- town 10. * Rosary. The (Rowland ft Clifford's). M. 8. Goldslne. mgr.: Champaign. 111.. 30. Rosary. The (Rowland ft Clifford's Co. No. 31. Wm. H. Lemle, mgr.: Indiana polla, Ind., 28- Dec 3; Chicago III.. 4-10. Robertson. Forbes, in tbe Paaalng of tbe Third Floor Back. The Sbnberts. mgrs.: Brooklyn, X. v.. 28-Dec. 3. Round-Dp. Joseph Brooks, mgr.: Baltimore Md.. 28-Dec. 3. Rohson May. In the Rejuvenation of Aunt Ma- Dec 3 Jmey C " 7, S> a8- Red Mill. H. B. Emery, mgr.: Wooater. 0.. 2: BeUalre 8. Rosary. Tbe. Gasken ft MaeVltty. mgrs.: Du- luth. Minn. 27-30; Little Falls Dec. 1; Still- water 2: Winona 3; Mankato 4. Rosary. Tbe, Rowland, ft Clifford, Inc. mgra.: Baltimore, Md.. 28-Dec. 3. Ring, Blanche, ln tbe Yankee Girl, Lew Fields, mgr.: Boston, Maaa.. 28-Dec 10. Royal Blare (Clarence Bennett's), Geo. H. B»bb mgr.: Lake Crystal, Minn., 80: Wlndom, Dec 1; Waterville 2; Mankato 3; New Prague 4; Heron Lake 6; Jackson 7; Eathervllle la., 8: Emmettaburg 9; Uatbven 10. Rosalind at Bed Gate (Eastern), Gaakell Mac Vltty-Carpenter Co., Inc. mgrs. : Naahvllle. Tenu., 28-Dec. 3. Seven Days, Wagenbals ft Kemper, mgrs.: Bos- ton. Maaa., Oct 24. Indef. Seventh Daughter, Llebler ft Co.: mgrs.: Chi- cago, III., Not. 13, lndef. Speckled Band, Chaa. Frobman, mgr.: N. Y. a. Nov. 21. Indef. . Spendthrift, Tbe, Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Chicago, in., Nor. 14. lndef. Silver Threads, Joe Lane, mgr.: Omaha. Neb., 27-30; Norfolk Dec 1: Sioux City, la., 2 3; Des Moines 4.7; Lincoln. Neb., 8-B; Nebraaka City 10. , Learn to Ten May How Yew Address at Ones and Receive a free of a Wonderful Book ea Bypnetlam, powerful yon value control over i ana of fluence! Do you 1 banish sickness, to reform friend, to gain business anas im. to gain wealth, position and happiness 1 If yon do, yon must learn to Hypnotise — Why not! No other accom- plishment is so easily, acquired. It can be mas- tered, in a few boors* time without leaving your home. Then yon can surprise and startle all your friends by placing others under this hyp- notic speU and making them think, act and feel lost as yon it for hours. at a time. You can by giving exhibitions, curing dis- eases or by teaching the art to otbere. In short. Hypnotism la the very key to Health. Wealth and Happiness. The coat of learning la but a trifle. Success sore. Investigate now! Write at once for free illustrated booklet on Hypnotism. Personal Magnetism, Magnetic Heal- ing and other occult sciences. Jnst send your name and address and tbe book will be sent at once by mall, free and postpaid. Address. M. D. BUTTS, Sta. A. . Je> " MAN Good knock-about, to work with kicking mole. Varw bat experienced need apply. I. H1CKEY, 1804 Michigan a vs.. Chicago, PI. WANTED— CLUB JUGGLER WANTED — Tent Shows. Gypsy Camps. Freaks and Concessions of all kinds for the Great Esst- ern Carnival and Indoor Circus Co.. who will •bow In Scbenectsdy, tinder the auspices of the Loyal Order or Moose, week beginning Dec. 10. who have good dates In New York State and Maaa. Write quick and address all communi- cations In brief form, staling terms and oblige me. Address all mall. to LAWRENCE ~ 141 So. Centre St.. Schenectady. N. Y. _ inplt with my Porcupines. Decide now to have Flint's Porcu- pines to help yon to the bigger business — more money. LINW0OD FLINT, North Watetford. Maine. Mansgera of Floating Theatres requiring s thorough and reliable actor of ability, director and scenic artist, with plays, to tske charge of atage and produce (repertoire show), on salary or partnership, or having theatre to rent, address P. H. CLIFFORD, 520 Jane at.. New Ibcrls, La. ORANGE MFG. CO-/^ 3 ^ LARGEST THEATRICAL COSTUMERS IN AMERICA DvtiS OT i^ l ii^ d .i n * . Br ^. w .V M«Jter». fanbrette and Ankle Dresses. Ersnlng inTn^vy o?«i woriS" any perils £ l"" " "? ^ ' DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Bl 11 boa r d 41 Sweetest Olrl in Parts. Harry Askln. geo. mgr.: Cblcsgo. III., Aug. 20. Inilef. Sunur Souib (J. C. Rockwell'*): Bldgetowa, Ont., fun., SO; Blenheim Dec. 1; Leaming- ton 2; Klogsvllle 21; Aniheratbunr S; Ka*«x 6: Tlllbury 7: Tuameavllle 8; Dnidra V; I'ort Huron, Mich., 10. Shadowed by Ibrw (W. F. llann'sl. L. C. ZelJeno mgr. : Uancbe.ter, 1*., 1; Independ- ence -'; Waterloo 3; Maraballtown 4; Belnbeck S; Oelweln 8; Hpeocer T; New Hampton 8; Nora Springs u : Rock ford 10. Boul Klaa (Eastern!. Ulttentnnl Bros., uigr*. : Towanda, N. V., 30; Owego Dec. 1; Cortland 2; Itbaea 3; Blngbamton 5; Oneonta 6; Borne 7; Little Palla 8; Jobnatown O; Amsterdam 10. Boul Klaa ( Western i, Mlttentbal Broa., mgra.: Clilcago, 111.. 28-Dec. 10. Stubborn Cinderella. Cbaa. A. Goettler. mgr.: Ft. Worth. Tex.. 20-30; Norman, Okla., Dec. 1; Gulbrle 2; Arkamia city. Kan., 3; Win- Held B: Wichita 8; Newton T; Hutchinson 8: Dodge City S; Garden City 10. Sot hem. E. 11.. * Julia Marlowe, Claxton Wll- ataeh. mgr.: Boston, Mass., u Dec. 3. 81ns of the Father, Geo. II. Brennan. mgr.: Btrmlngbam. Ala.. SO-Dec. 1; A Dots too 2; Gadaden 3; Rome. Ga„ S; Chattanooga Tenn., 6-7; Decalur. Ala., 8; Huotsvllle 9; Columbia. Tenn., 10. Shoemaker. The, Qua Hill, mgr.: Milwaukee, Win.. 38- Dec. 3: Chicago, III., 8-10. gpooner, Cecil, Blaney-Spooner Am. Co., Inc., mgra.: Birmingham. Ala.. 28-Dcc 3; Atlan- ta, Ga.. 5-10. Smart Set (No. 1) Barton * Wliwell, mgra.: Detroit. Mich.. 37-Dec. 3. . . Starr, Frances. In the Easiest Way, David Be- laico. mgr.: Dayton, O., 30; Springfield Dec. 1; Columbus 2-3; Richmond Ind., S: Ander- aon 8: Ft. Wayne 7; Lafayette 8; Elkhart 0; South Bend 10. Sidney. George, In the Joy Rider. Geo. H. M colal. mgr.: Chattanooga, Tenn:, 28-30; Knox- Ttlle Dee. 1-3: Birmingham. Ala.. 0-10. 8tabl. Rose, In the Chorus Lady, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Cnnneravlllr, Ind., 30; Lo- S*u«norv Dec. 3. School Daya. Stair A Ha vim mgra.- New or leans. La., 27-Dec. 3. Snperba. - Edwla Warner, mgr. : Milwaukee. Wis.. S7-Dee. 3. 81a Perkins (C. Jay Smltb'a). Eddie Delaney. mgr.: Berkley Spring*. W. Va., 30; Hancock, Vs.. 3: St. Uarye 8: SlatersTllle 8: Woods- Mil.. Dec. 1: Cumberland 2: Clarksburg. W. fte'd. C 7: Wrllaburg 8; C'ouoellsv Hie. Pa., 8; Cnlontown 10. St. Elmo. Glaaer at Stair, mam-: Pittsburg. Pa.. 28- Dec. 3. Sqmw Man (H. E. Plerc* & Co.'i Western). J. K. Cat en. mgr.: Cedar Raplda. la.. 90: Clinton Dec. I: Free-port. HI.. 2: Rock font 3: Mollis- 4: Mnseatlne. la., S; Davenport 6: Rock Island. 111., T; Dobnooe. Ia.. S: Prairie du Chteo. Wis.. II. . Squaw Man (H. K. Pierce 4 Com 8oatbern), Wm. Oilman, mgr.: Port Arthur, TrX.. 30. Squaw Man. Wills Am. Co.. mgra.: Ashtabula. O.. SO: Sbaroo. Pa.. Dec. 1; Alliance, o.. 2: Mansflelil 3. t. Oils lo Your Humble Servant. Chaa. mgr.: Chleara. 1IL. II -Dec. X ntrl In The Mikado. The Sbnbrrts. Palttmore. Md.. SS-Der. 3. Bears. Zelda. In the Seat Eg*: N. Y. C. 22. In- def. St. Elmo. Lee Moses, mgr.: Neb.. 30. Spendthrift The (No, 21. Frederic ! mgr.: New Orleans. La.. S-10. Sheehsn English Grand Opera Co.. Joa. Sbee- han. mgr.: Jamestown N. T.. 2. Summer widowers. Lew Field*, mgr.: Brook- lyn. N. Y.. 28-lsse. 3. 8*jrn Days, wageahsls * Kemper. mgr*.: Bridgeport. Conn.. 2. Ml Rarmnnn. Musical Cnmea'y C-.: El Paw. Neb.. Jec. Mi Weeks.^Cbaa!' f H. ea. la.. 21.30: o__ Beatrice S: Jun-llon City. Kan.. 6: Bmn. 7: Wichita 0: WlnfleM 10. ftJSa Sf p|, "» V* ?•* Olrl (WestemV »- Time. vV'llsrd ntrr.: Ore" SO- . Dee. U Wall. 1T.0., Pallid™ Two Ameriestm Abroad (Kaatern). Roht. H. Harris, mgr.: Rlcbwood. W. Va.. 30: Parson. Dec. It Thorns. 2: Blklns S. Two Am. rie, n , Abroad » On trail. CW.; A. Tesff ™re.' Marlon, in., SO: Mt. Cannel Dee., li Carboodale 2: Morpbyaboro 3: Cairo Thnraton. Magician Wade L. Morton, mgr.: Daylon. o.. 28-30: Cblnmbn Dec. 14: Wheel. t ,bm - "L. V »" *S» *: Peters- burg. Va.. SO; Richmond Dec. 1: Fredericks- burg 2; York, Pa., 3; Lancaster 5; Pboentx- Tllle 6. Coburn's. J. A.: Aberdeen. Ml**.. 30. Down In Dixie, Barton * wiaweU. mgrs.: Pine Bluff. Ark.. 30. Evans' Honey Boy. Geo. Evans, mgr.: Kansas City. Mo.. 28-Dee. 3. Field's, AL O.: Columbia. Tenn..'30: HuutsTllle. Ala.. Dee. 1; Gadaden 2: Rome. Ga.. 3; Ath- ena B; Abberllle. S. C. 8: Greenrllle 7: Ral- eigh. N. C. 8: Greensboro 0; DsuTlIte. Vs.. 10. Koi'b Lone Star, nndrr canvas. Roy E. Fox. mgr.: Columbua Tex.. 28-30: Weimar Dec. 1-3: Schnlenburg 5-7: Fist on is 8-10. RetoOeld's. Slg. Lady Minstrels: (Crawford's) St. Louis. Mo., Indef. Rl-hsrds A Prlngle's. Holland A Fllklna. mgra.: Wlnalow. Aria.. 30. WANTED ATTRACTIONS FLORALA, ALA. Population, 3,000; Leockhart, 1 mile, 2,000; Paxton, 2.000; Lake wood, 1,500. Stage owning, 32x18. Pros- cenium arch, 22 feet. Can hang any scenery. FIEI3H ft EVIIB, Hanigert. ACROBATS, NOTICE Billboard. AT LIBERTY- -GRODNO TUMBLER To iota acrobatic act or partner, comedy straight. Address. "Acrobat." care Billboi Cincinnati. MONKEYS-BIRDS Dodging Rhesus M outer*, ready for work, with - S3 caah with order. Canary Birds willow cage* foe wheels and pie* animals for jangle show*, write AND PA Wanted a Boy or Girl between the age* 'of 18 and 18, that can do a little acrobatic work. Moat not weight over 110 lbs. Mo objections to a good amateur. Ad- dress B. A.*, care The Billboard. Cincinnati. O. WAMTED — Slldo Trombone, Clarinet, Alto to double violin; other musician* write. Musical Act doubling brass. Salarj low for winter. One •bow a day. Beat of treatment. Bonier* don't wrlto. FRANK T. GRIFFITH. Band Master, shiner, Tex., Dec. S; Yorktown, 5. TOR BALE, LARGE BAGGAGE WAGONS — Any number small cage, tableau, wardrobe and ticket wagons; i TO ft. baggage car (S-wheel trucks): 1 combination sleeper and baggage car: tent* or .11 ktrxla: svsts: poles; stringers: lack*,- etc. Address GKXTKY BROS., Bloomlugton. Indiana. 1 : WANTED Floss Canity Machine. S> price at once. JOHN J. Cincinnati, Ohio. IT your supply of route < haunted, twk for l Is ft- THE GREATEST MIND-READING ACT OF ALL THE CENTURIES Till* la the act which baa drawn more money, created more talk and Inspired more wonder- ment than all other Mind-reading exhibitions combined. The work baa been made famous by all the great leader* In the field of Psychic Demonstration. Having been favored with the patronage of every performer who has achieved any measure or auccesa along this line, we can satisfactorily equip any one who desires to feature thla character of entertainment. In general outline the act la a» follows: Members of the audience desiring any Information whatever— family matters, lost or stolen property, business advice or counsel, etc., etc., pot their queries Into writing, which never leave* their possession *nd la *>en by no other person. The writer* are Identified and placed by the performer from the stage who. though blindfolded, seated or standing, with absolutely paralysing correctness, reads tbe questions and ' either on tbe spot, by mall or at a subsequent Interview— as la Indicated by matter under consideration. The act I* not purchasable elsewhere. We have It for sale In It* entirety. While we complete, ample and explicit directions for the entire routine, we wish to state that tbe funda- mental basis Is mechanics! and that all the Instructions lu the world would be absolutely useless without the Ingeniously constructed mechanism and appliance* we supply. No study, no memory, no codes, slgnsls. . confederacy, "horse*." etc., necessary-. A perfectly creditable performance la wltnln tb • reach of any person possessed of average Intelligence, and without practice, wl|hln an hour of tbe receipt of tbe outfit we send. It Is perfectly practicable In a small ball. Please Note: Tb* performer, at no tims, work* under a aheat or otlur drapery — he or she Is In full view of fbe audience during tbe entire seance- It can also be utilised In a demonstration of ordinary s-cond sight, using article* borrowed In tbe audience and without a word being spoken or ■ question being asked. It can be used In absolutely perfect duplication of "Karnos." made world-famous by Kellar. I Blackboard TVst. tbe Bank Note Test. Cards on the Table. Tbe "Knight's Toox." TOST Our offer Is to furnish everything necessary. Including apparatus and complete printed In- • 1 Catalog; New Illustrated Catalogue. Are You Looking for a CHRISTMAS MONEY MAKER? Out of our "27 varieties" of flashy, vet tasty, packages of assortment* of Toilft Goods and Soaps, at unbelievable prices, you surely will find one that fills the bill NOT A DEAD ONE IN THE ENTIRE LOT From time to time we have run full page *nd double page ada. in The BiU- board, showing up "Ufecssize" cuts of some of our leaden. And talk about the way Th» Billboard readers have gone up against these propositions- they have been "eating them alive." HERE'S A FEW LIVE ONES OF THE "27" ForJ^he Lad^ea on a^hwse-to-houae canvass: Our latest creation, ^ur fume Packages. For that Gantlaman: Our Gentlemen's Shaving Outfit — Shampoo Combination — "Lucky 'Leven,'* etc. For Street Work: Our Two Bit Winner— Half-yard of Soap and Shears Combination — Cuticle Soap, and Cuff Button Set, etc. For Stores: An evening or rainy day proposition — Our "No Game of Chance' Raffle Plan with $4.50 Shaver s Outfit as the price package. For Souvenirs Z We have suitable articles for Vaudeville and Moving Picturv Shows, Carnivals, Medicine Shows, Paddle Wheels, etc. WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? AS WE MAKE THE GOODS we are not tied down to a limited line. We are prepared to make up a proposition for most any purpose. in touch with us and we will show you how to _ You give E. M. DAVIS 320 Union Park Court, COMPANY, CHICAGO. . PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT ■ tasrp jjpp IB ocrKJtax, tjuauiKsa omcx STrmvaw sun cohbcdtstk blb o.. — KAJUSOaT STXXKTB, SUITE 7. 1440 BR01DWAT, iTT L E. WASH. ' YORK CITY. UjTOOUT, o.n. Mgr. emus O. nsowjr, Xgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. 87 Sav Clark St.. c*i o*a~o. m. PAUL G0UDH0H. Third assl Bssttls. Was*. KAUHIOS J. BTnurs. 1 UR sad IMS Mark 1 asaawteaa Tlaaatia 1 Saa rnaolsoo, Oi W. P. BZXSX. At Liberty - A-1 Vaudeville Manager Desires position as manager of vaudeville or M P. Theatre. A showman of ability, thoroughly experienced, sober, reliable and a hustler; five years manager of a 10c and 20c vaudeville house in Chicago; last season and this, vaudeville house in the West; best of references.. Address E. D. HOPSON, care Billboard, Chicago. SEND YOUR ROUTE TO THE BILLBOARD TO-DAY. 42 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. DIRECTORY Of AgmU, Hotels, Mmie Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical. Circus and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged. Advertisements not exceeding one Una tn length will be published, properly classified. Is gals directory «t the rate of (10 for one yesr md jMrjrosvar*. Dick ft Fitagerald. 228 Ann it. New Tork City. Adolph B. Belm. 808 Footer Bldg.. MUwaukaa. Wis. POPCORN. . Bradihaw Co., 288 Greenwich st, N. T O. Dlrnblrger Popcorn Co.. 185 Seneca at. Buffalo, Oardeo City Popcorn Works, 46 State St. Ch'go. Bnckhslm Bros, ft Eckstein, Harrison and Peoria ■tg., Chicago. POPCORN MACHINES. W. Z. Long, 172 Htgb it., Spring field. 0. PORCUPINES. Lin wood H. Flint North Waterford, Ma. PORTABLE PIANOS. The CMnmbua Piano Co., Colombo!. O. POST CARDS FOR MACHINES. Dijdirk Spsclatty Co., 80S Temple Bldg-. St DECEMBER 3, 1910. Tim Billboard 43 PRINTERS. MS-'- Printing Co.. 418 Kim at. Cincinnati. 0. RACING COASTER BUILDERS. McKay Oonatr. Co., Rockefeller BIdg.. Clerelend. Ohio. ROLL TICKETS. National Roll Ticket Co.. Sbamokln. Pa. Shemokln. Fa. ROUGE. . I Co., 120 w. Slat at.. N. T. O. 8CENIC PAINTER8. And Ttealeia In Seen ery, Xto. tCngene Oox. 1528 Van Burea at.. Chleaco, 111. ftnncla C. Dwm, 251 el nth at.. N. T. C. Enkeboll Art Co.. 5306 N. ZTtb at.. Omaha, Neb. Joan Hcrfnrtta, 2183 Boone at., Cincinnati, O. . The Myero Co.. Inc. 144 N. 3d at.. SteubonstUe, Ohio. New Tort Stud toe, 1004 Tinea Bids., N. T. C. ■chell'a Scenic Studio, 330 Sycamore at., Oolum- bua. O. Sara in * Lnndls Co., 41T 8. Clinton, Chicago. Toomir * Volland Scenic Co.. 2313 Market it., St. Loo is. Iio. Howard Tatxlr. 1302 Center at., Milwaukee. Wli. 8CENIC RAILWAYS. Paul D. Bowse, 1ST Dearborn St.. Chicago. SECOND-HAND 8HOW GOODS. Olxie Film Exchange. Owenaboro, Kj. SELF-PLAYING PIAN08. Berry-Wood Piano Player Co., K ansae City, Ho. Lron 4c Healy. 205 Wabaah a**., Chicago, 111. Budolph woxlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. 0. 8. Music CO.. 2836 W. Leke at., Chicago. 8HOOTING GALLERIES. Olsmond Koselty Co.. Schenectady, If. T. B. B. Hippie. 809 Tine at., Philadelphia. Pa. B. B. Hoffman A Son. 542 Jackson Bird.. Ch'go. W. r. Mangela Co.. Coney Island, N. T. a W. Parker, AbUeoe. Kanean. A. 1. Smith. S84T W. Tea Boron at. Chicago. *i.WSE9»i?!W Walk. Cone, u- was. Wurfaela. 208 N. 2d at, Philadelphia. Pa. SHOW PRINTERS. Print Co.. SSS Aaylun at., Bart- «ti. o. 8IDE 8H0W PAINTINGS. J_ »fk T28 Bine Island Aee.. Chicago, att. Do Moulin Bros. A Co.. Orernrtlle. 111. ■ntoholl Art Co, 6306 N. nth at.. Omaha. Hah. S- i ^"* n * °°- 10« Broadway. Brooklyn. . C. B. Went and Awn. Co.. 22 28 N. Pesplslnee . 0. 8IOE 8HOW 8UPPLIE8. No. Cambridge, SKATES. r Rink Supply C r. Co., l SLOT MACHINES, of and Diamond Noreiry Co.. SehenecUdy. N. T. A. t. riaher A Co.. 434 2d are.. Pittsburg. Pa. A Healy. 205 Wabaah are., Chicago. BL H■**»>•>•• 44 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. .^^(CioitaJi" from, page 29.) LtTBIN. 3— ibe Haggase Smasher (drama) 0T5 o — Woman's Vanity, (corned j) .......... 860 8— Taa Gold Blend (comedy) •. U)— The Clown and the Minuter (drama) 890 13 — Ida's Carter (comedy) 090 17— Hearts and Politics (drama) 990 20— Hawkins 1 Hat (comedy) 800 20 — Archie's Archery (comedy) 460 t4 — Romance In the Bockles (drama) 27— False. Love and Trm ' 31— Brother! (drams) . November — 3 — Mlka the Housemaid ssg rto lug ■ imi^.. 10— The Mystery of the Tom Not* .o^a^i-^Vr^mV) (drama) 850 400 990 FA THE FEEBE8. October— • 8— Batty Is 8tm at Her Old Trlcka (com- edy) 490 3 — Molucca Islands (colored scenic) 459 8 — Mirth and Sorrow (drama)........... 875 8 — Different Trades In Bombay (colored industrial) 410 7 — Slippery Jim (trick comedy) 638 7— A Life for rare (tragedy) 881 8 — An Indian's Gra tirade (drama) 990 10— Tha Stigma (drama) 830 10— Betty la Punished (comedy) 881 13 — A Summer Flirtation (comedy) 900 14— Wexther (drama) 892 19 — Aeroplanes la Flight ami Construc- tion (Industrial; 680 15 — The Aviation Crass (comedy) 248 17— One on Mnx.(comedv) „... 831 17-Jtnks Wants to be sn.Aarobat (com- edy) 897 19— On twit te4 (drama) 788 19 — Around Pekln (scenic) 215 21— Bia Life for a Queen (colored bistort- . eal drama) 918 22— Mystery of Lonely Galch (drama) 950 24— Another's Ghost (drama) 748 24— Hagenbeck'a Menagerie (educational) 303 28— Motor Fiend (comedy) 610 28 — Bruges, Belglnvn (scenic) 870 28— Max m the Alps (comedy) 610 28 — Buffalo Fight (colored topical) 838 29— The Indian and the Maid (drama).... 996 81 — Max Has Trouble with His Eyes 894 .. 272 .................. 831 Feet 2— Cowboy Justice (drama) 780 3— The Facorl Family (acrobatic) 4 — Woman of Samaria (colored biblical) 6 — Abraham Lincoln's Clemency (patriotic drama) ............................. 1080 t~ Max In a Dilemma (Comedy) .... ..." 446 7 — Mlcro-CmematoaTapny — Recurrent Fe- ver ("Educational) _ 9 — Mexican Legend (Drama) 1033 11— A Black Heart (Colored Drama) 11 — Dutch Types (Colored Scenic) . 12 — A Gambler's End (Drama) ... 1000 14— A Shadow of the Past (drama) 18— Pliraedra '<< 18— Military Cyclists- of _ rJonal) ........ ...2^~..i2..-2T« 19— The Other Way (comedy) .U..-995 21 — The Old Longshoreman (drama) 831 21— New Sooth Wales Gold Mine (educa- tional) eso 23 — How- Rastoa Gets His Turkey (comedy) '898 23— Wonderful Plates (colored, trick) 897 25 — lais (colored Egyptian drama) 492 25 — A Doe's Instinct (drams) 479 26 — An Eleventh Hour Redemption (drama) 998 28 — A Border Tale (colored drama) 679 28— A Freak (acrobatic) SO— Who Is Nellie (comedy) SO — Finland — Falls of Imatra (colored sc nlc) ........................... . . . . . 344 December— Feet of Niagara (drama).... ..v. RELEASE DATES — SALES CO. Monday — Eclair,- -Imp. Tankee. American, i Tnesdsy — Bison. Powers. Thanbouser. Wednesday — Ambroslo, Atlas. Champion. Nestor. Thursday — Itala. Imp. Defender. American. ■ Feet 8— AB the World Is a Stage (drama) 990 6— The Deciding Tots (drama) 1000 SB— Tea Plain Dog (drama) BOO 10— A Game of Hearts (comedy) 600 -18 — The Garden of Fate (Roman drama) . ..inno 17— Mother - and Child (drama) 990 120 — The Fur Coat (comedy).. 995 24— The Count of Montsbeno (comedy i-.luuo 27 — IgsiidilBsuTin's Spring Sons; (drama)-. 800 27— The Hobble Skirt (comedy) 600 81— The Idol's Kye (draau) 990 Hovember— Feet s^e~™^ww^HttsaT (COaBsBdy) seat aa ak 6f ab ■ • - - * 99G 7— Keeping His Word (drama) 990 10— The Model's Redemption (drama).... 901 14— Os Double (Comedy drama) SOS 17— Font™-. Wheel (Drama) 900 21— Their Day of Thanks (drama) 900 24— The Country Boarder (drama) 990 128 — The Revolving Doors (comedy) 988 December — Feet : 1 — A Child's Judgment (drama) 995 \ 5 — The Aspirations of Gerald and Percy iiW ' (drama") .... 990 ' 4 W*>F (dfaUTJS) •»»•»•••«•••■•••-»••••••• ; 4— The Beeckwood Ghost (comedy) R— Within an. Inch of . Hie Life (drama) ■ 11 — Slmoson'a Sksrte (comedy) ........... 16 — A Woman's wit (drama) ............ IS — Sleepy Jones (drams) ............... IS— The Devil (comedy) 22 — UMTS of Gold (drama. ............ 25— The Plot That Failed (drama) 25 — The Lord and the Lady (comedy) ■ * a vmfcvsalre (Drama) rest. I— Tha Sheriff and Mlsa Jones (Drama).. l— Mental Science (Comedy) 5— A Rqsaiin Romance (Drama) ........ 8 — Moonshine and Lots (Drama) ...... « — When Lots la Young (Comedy) 12 — The Ordeal of Helen Gray (drama).... 15 — How Women Love (drama) 15 — A Woman Lawyer (comedy) BISON. tctober— Feet 4 — Yonng Deer's Return (drama) 988 7— TbeQlrl Scout (drama) lono 11 — A Cowboy's Daring Rescue (drama) 975 14— The Prayer of the Miner's Child (dra- ma) 985 18— The Lure of Gold (drama) 982 21— The Wrong Trail (drama) 950 iO— The Girl Cowboy (drama) 1000 »— A Bed Girl's Friendship (drama) ... .1000 November— T Feet 1— The Fatal Gold Nonet (Drama) ....1000 4— Bed Wing and the White Girl (drama) 1000 s— The Branded Man (drama) 1000 II— Bud's Triumph (drama) 1000 15— The Flight of Red Wing (drama) 1000 18 — An Indian Maiden's Choice (drama) . .1000 22— True Western. Honor (drama) 1000 23 — A Cheyenne's Love for a Sioux (dra ma) «*..... 1000 AMBB03IO. •etober— • Feet 5— The Pit That Speaks ». 800 8 — Tweed! ed urn's Duel (comedy) BOO 12— The Betrothed'8 Secrets (drama) 615 12— Tweedledum On His First Bicycle (comedy) .- 206 19— Tweedlednm's Sleeping Sickness and How He Was Cured (comedy) 384 19 — ^Excursion on the Chain of Mount Blanc (scenic) 832 *a — Launching me First Italian Dread- naught (scenic) BOO 28 — Tweedledum Wants to be a Jockey (comedy) BOO vOTsrmbee— Feat. 2— The Slave of Carthage (Drama) 1000 9— A Floating Message (drama) 1000 16 — The Mermaid (drama) 800 16— Tweedledum Gets Employed In the Corporation Body (comedy) BOO 23 — Gounod's Ave Maria (drama) 800 23— The 8tory of a Pair of Boots (comedy) 500 ITALA. •Itober— "■ Feet v -Foolshead. Fisherman (comedy) ! 600 « — Mrs. Cannon Is Warm (comedy) .... BOO t Mraterles of Bridge of Sighs at Venice (scenic) ............... 908 15— A> Pearl of a Boy (comedy) 608 15— «olen Boots and Paid Shoes (comedy) 281 26-~The Columny (drama) "... 805 22— The False Coin (drama) 496 22 — Foolshead Between Two Flrea (com- edy) a ■ 800 2T — Ruin (drama) .....low) jb_ Bksasassass. on* the Lake of Garde (see- j-"*, •>•*••• - •- ••••••»•»»•-••'•- boo ahe ad Volunteers on the ( COOlftljr ) >*.••>• at • »•*>•• ••»•>•« • . • a fiOO Feet It of Grandmother (Drama) -.1000 wr of Insomols (Comedy) ..1000 5— Where Hare I Put My Fountain Pen- (comedy) 200 lO — The Black Gondola (drama). 800 10 — A Stormy Sea r 800 12— Fool shead Knows and Does All (com- edyi — — toon 12— The Coalman's Soap (comedy)....:... 414 17— lodge and Father (drama) 1000 19— Foolshead Victim of HIa Honesty (com- edy) : 800 19 — An Original Palette (comedy) 500 24— Sacrificed (drama) 1000 26 — A Chosen Marksman (comedy) 500 26— A. Windy Day (comedy) SOO October— 4— Leon of the Table 7 — Avenged (drama) 11— Pocahontas (drama) 14— Delightful Dolly f 18— Oh, W hat a 21— Their Cfilld Lord Nomuuer ■ ■ s»a> 1 — Mistress and the Maid (drama) 4 — The American and toe- Queen (drama) a— The Utile Fire Chief (Comedy drama) 0 " in Land Grab (drama) 1 930 DEFENDER. 6— Wild BUI'S L *** 6># at * * f>a)al 9 * *"24J 17— Where Too Go. I Go (comedy) STf November— Feet a— Tatty Bnya a Bath (Comedy) 279 • — Her niarv (Drama) * 670 11— The Truth Revealed (drama) 629 11 — Bin as a Boxer (comedy) *27 18 — BUI as a Lover (comedy) 462 18— Blopps In Search of the Black Hand (comedy) .,.....■.•...■■........,.>• 468 25— In Friendship's Name (drama) W)l ATLAS FILM CO. October— • Feet 5 — When Cupid Keeps (drama) 12 — Curing a Grouch (comedy) ■> 12— The Si 8. Maoratanla (scenic) (9— The Oat Cams Back (comedy) 19— Imperfect Perfectoa (comedy) 99— A Touching Mystery (comedy) YorsmbeT — - real 1 — Turning of the Worm (comedy) S— That Dog Gone Dog (comedy) 9— The King of Beggars (Drama) .... 16— The Hand of Providence (drama) 23 — Cast Thy Bread Upon tbe Water (dra- ma) .' 30— Saved by a Vision (drama) ECLAIR. October— Feet 5— Through the Ruins of Carthage (scan- 1c) 660 . I — Behind the Bcenea of tha Cinema Stags (topical) 820 10— The Carmelite (drama) 670 10— Tha Order la to March (drama) 295 IT— Dr. Qoetfrey's Conscience (drama) 658 17 — An Indian Chief's Generosity (drama) 821 94— Saved by Her Dog (drama) 485 24- Ths Absent Minded Doctor (comedy).. 515 31— Little Mother (drama) 686 81— The Manufacture of Cheese at Boqoe- _ fart (Industrial) 880 November — Feet 7 — Tbe Resurrection of Lasarua (biblical story) 64S 7— Religious Fetea at Thlbit (educational) 33u 14— Glnhara (drama) 720 14— Tbe Devil's Billiard Table (comedy).. 270 21 — The Balled Mother (comedy-drama)., 28— The Wreck (drama) BOO 28— A Dlnicult Capture (fairy story) 360 December— Feet Eti y ) • * • •••>•) aw • •**•>•> • **••■••>••*■•• SS — GBBAT NORTHERN FILM CO. October— ' Feet 8 — Tha Storms of Life (drama) IB — Saved by Bosco (drama) 800 18— wnile Visits a Moving Picture Show (comedy) 490 22— The Artlit's Lack (drama) 29 — Who Is She (drama) ......... ...... November— Feet. 6— Ths Jewel Case (Drama) 5— A Fata] Picnic (Comedy) 13— World's Wrestling Champions (topical) 13— Mother -in Law Arrives (Comedy) ...... - 19— The Diamond Swindler (drama) ...... - 26 — Kean, or The Prince and the Actor (drama) NESTOR FILM CO. . October— Feet 8— The Golden Hoard (drama) 930 ta — BUver Plume Mine (drama) 970 19— Tbe Boys of Topsy Turry Ranch (dra- ma) 860 26— Rev. John Wright of Missouri (drama) 970 Vovember — Feet 2— The Girl from tbe East (comedy) 950 9 — The Woodsman (drama) 16 — The Ranchman's Bride 23 — A Deal in Indians too 30— Valley Folks (drama).. October— Feet 3— Women of the West (drama) 950 10— The Monogramed Cigarette (drama) . . 17 — The Copper and the Crook (drama)... 17— The Cat Came Back (comedy) 24— Solving the Bond Theft (drama) 990 81 — Italian .Sherlock Holmes (drama) Feet. of the West (Drama) -Tbe Infant Heir's Disappearance (dra- woii-v T™r (drami)- v.:;. .v;. • of an Actress (drama).... 14— The (drama) Lady of Cheater (drama), of the SsveUl (drama)., y Dairy Maid (drama)... .low _- ; Gray of the Dawn (drama)... 29— The Armorer's Daughter (drama).. 1000 .tssss issr'tki-ie.-^ »^ B n^^wSr e (i^. ( i d ~^ ) w — *n tne Webb (Drama) 12— The Heroine of tbe 101 ma) .. .. .................w... ....... 19— Oklahoma Bill (drama) 26 — Stage Coach Tom (drama) 1000 December — Feet 3— The Cattlemen's Feud (drama) 1000 CO rest ........ AMERICAN FILM NoTember— • 14 — Romantic Bedakln (drams) 17— The Lore of tbe City (drams) 21 — Starlight's Devotion (drama) 24-Notblng But Money (comedy 24 — A Big Joke (comedy) rar 28— The Regeneration (drama) 050 December— Feet 1— A Touching Affair (comedy) 950 8— Vera, the Gypsy Girl (drama) 020 8 — Two Locky Jims (comedy) 9-15 T4T 21— A Child's SacrtSca (dl 28 — Tbe Sergeant's Daughter Norember— . 4— A Fatefn) Gift (drama) 11 — A Widow and Her Child (drama).... IS — ncr Father's Sin (drama)...... 25— One Touch of Nature (drama) FOR BALE — Boxing. Somersault Trick Dogs and Doves. Picture Machines. Films, Crank Piano, or will exchange for Shetland Ponies, Msglc, small Illusions. Films. Boiler Skates. PKOF. HARRY SMITH, Orats, Pa. LEAVENWORTH, KAN. . - « - • ■ - ■» J. L. Menalng la auditor of tbe new Menalgg Amusement Co. frith Carl Menalng aa manager. They control seven bouses In this vicinity. Louis Gordon Is bsck In tbe box-office at tbe Orpheum In place of Dave 8e anion, -'who bat accepted a position with tbe Shaberta'ln St. Louis. Manufacturing la expected to begin at the Parker factory aa soon aa tbe machinery arrive, from Abilene. Nothing will be left at the old plant. - A novel feature of tbe olncea In the Dew . building Is that Mr. Parker can alt at bla deak and see entire operations on both tbe first and second floors. Tbe Great Parker Shows have been very suc- cessful In Texss. They will soon, arrive here for tbe winter. Two new depsrtmenta will be added to the Parker factory that wilt be of much Interest to show people. One la for the building of aeroplanes and tbe other for the manufacture of motor tru cks. The now Greenwood Theatre, at Cartersrllle, 0a., was opened Not. 14. J. H. Danlela Is It* manager. mm The Comedy Unbreakable Hat For stage, maskers and parades. Easy to pack; don't hurt to crush it; made to order, any mate- rial, any color, any quantity. Price, f 1.00 up. LOUIS, THE HAT MAKER 1024 rillmors) Street, gas Francisco. Cat. SPECIAL! BI8 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION PROJECT Sure money for wild west shows, horse breeders, moving picture Arms. etc. MANUSCRIPTS! Original parodies on recent elections. Moving Day In Portugal. Luxurious protean vaudeville sketch for big time. Imported new pantomime of 15 persons surpassing Mile. Daxle's acts. State your own price In 1st letter. CHARLIE WBBER, 1203 Schiller Bldg.. 100 Bandolph 8t.. Chicago, His. ' PRINCE YOUTURKEY "KING OF THE WIRE" AND "THRILLING SLIDE FOR LIFE" Seven seasons with Barnom and Bailey's Circus. Re-engaged for 1011. Sow playing winter sea- son In Honolulu. Booked by 1. N. Col bank Bldg.. San Francisco. Address board," San Francisco. BOSTON TERRIERS OF HIGH QU*\LITY I don't handle anything bnt high-class stock. Will ship to reliable parlies anywhere on ap- prov.1. Proven XS^STV^^^ stamp for reply. H. S. heeley. Wllmette. IM. Notice to Magicians Just off the preaa. Bargain a trlcka and feature lllust real goods. NATIONAL Main Street, Aurora, Ills. WANTED, PLANTATION PEOPLE who can double band and aUge; cornet, elarlnet and trap drummer preferred. Jerry aurtin, write. All winter's engagement. Tickets to tne right people. Write or wire. Address DICK GARDNER, Manager Plantation Show with Sls- trunk Co.. Lyons. Oa.. week Mot. 28. ACROBAT WANTED TOP M0DNTEB for hand-to-band balancing: one who can do some tumbling. Weight about 1-i pounds. Have tlmo booked. Address E. W., 68 W. Ontario St., (1 flat), Chicago. HI. FOB, BALE— Moving Picture Films: SO reels, some brand new, otbere slightly used. Oood Western, dramatics and comics. 610 per reel. One Power No. 6 chine, sioo: 1 Edison Ex. son. F. 1010 If, 2nd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PATHX PASSION PLAT. For rent or sale; In best condition. Writs quick. J. S H 10 K, • _ , 2088 ». Clark, OhloagO, W. Opera House In good mannl dlewest. Tell all in II ret HOLLAND. Cicero, Ind. Rent 'wSSSK DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Dill board ■ AT THE COLONIAL. (Continued from page 12.) Hooloo Ben, Ida. Sweet as Apple Cider, and uls latest addition. Molaaaea Candy, savors alao of the unique and only lend* to strengthen hla popularity with the New Yorkers, lie belongs on the All star bill beyond a doubt; furthermore. In tbe uppermost position. Other acta worthy of stellar classification were Ro- land Weat, In hla protean production, The Under World; Marshall P. Wilder, tbe hum- orlat, whoae jokes are gratlfytngly pungent and cleverly put orer; Robledlllo, the loose-wire art- lat, and Laeky'a Planopblend Minstrels. In which Ben Linn, McCarty and Gladys Lock wood atand out for apeclal mention. Tbe " - act. Tbey cllnebed tbelr right to variety. crayon eketcblngs furnish * Catherine Hayes and Sabe'l Johnaon. self- termed. Two Members of the Beef Trust. hare an amusing oddity In Tbe Dream of Old Hays. Tbelr tinging is Terr good, tbe range of Miss Johnson's TOlce deserving apeclal note. Dlnab was never more csp tl r at I □«! j rendered and tbelr Tama Man finish furnishes 'an excellent exit for them. Mattheweon and Meyers, with May Tully. In Curres. furnish a very entertaining twenty odd minute entertainment. No matter bow tbe baseball fa rod tea acted tbey would be praised bat tbelr stage work la Indeed creditable and tbey are extremely welt assisted by May Tnlly. who is one of tbe cleverest Imitators on Broad- W Erna and Jenny Gascb finished the bill tbelr acrobatic offering. Act !e very good. AT THE AMERICAN. (Continued from pace 12.) Mlna Miner In Molaaao'a pantomime produc- tion, l'arls by Night, did some twirling and •lancing that Justlfles ber rise from vaudeville to the legitimate which will take place daring December. IB tbe Boston Fadettes Orchestra, Mlaa Caro- line B. Nichols directs a big act Of unique mber Is tbe descriptive ina' Strike, wherein one by one the girls leave tbe orchestra on atrlke " leader baa but one musician, the wno. Incidentally la exceedingly clev- erer, after a number on tbe dram, tbe strikers gradually return to tbe former posi- tions and wind up tbelr act with a lively tune that makes tbe act distinctly entertaining. Taylor Granville, In Tbe Star Boot, deserves special mention. Act very good. Adams and Mack present a comedy magic num- ber and opened tbe big bill. Act very good. Max Cooper, second on the bill, merely aang That's the Fellow I -Want to Oct to the accom- paniment of descriptive slides. This act was only ordinary. - ..... Brothers Carpatu. Roumanian oar gymnasts, are featuring a double somersault -from the Brat bar to tbe third clearing the middle bar with- out touching it. Their act la excellent aa far as tbe straight work la concerned. It however, psy two snch proficient gymnasts dispense with tbelr little comedy. Johnson and Wells, colored singers and dancers are us I njg^ Cotton Town sad Do Ton Love Me over*'rrom'^aaf 0 week'. *^rhe "eel ec Hon" or "cards on Isst week's All-Star bill speaks enough to render another notice of hla act unnecessary. Chaa. Bartholomew entertained with a good Imitation of George Laanwood and his song to the key. wills Holt Wakefield. In tbe planologue and her jeweled staff, was very good. She talked My Old Kentucky Home. Maxlnt and Bobby and tbelr clever canine mimic were especially appreciated. For a teetl lal of their cleverness rater to the on tbe New York All star program ■ff-SK Bertoasl and Archeogellt, operatic doo, have a fine act. Both voices wry mellow — ber range wonderful. Harry Jolson Joked (long at a merry clip. Tbe Bohemian Quintette were very deserving. If they do not make tbla week'a All Star bill It will be because some one else had Just a little ehade tbe better on them. Hanlon and Clifton closed with some clever acrobatic turns. Tbe big fellow end bis fat. stubby partner make a lively team. - George Primrose, tbe old-time minstrel msn. waa alao there. Although a good many auns nave risen and set since tbe graceful exponent of black-face comedy has broken Into the game, he still retains those characteristics that won bis title for blm. His two nimble-footed assist- ants are Murphy and Franklin. AT THE FIFTH AVENUE. (Continued from page 12.) way favorltea by this time. Tbelr act baa re- ceived previous notice, and Is s recognised hit. Tbe Cbas. Abern Troupe of cycling comedians bsve alao received paat notices, sod their cy- cling act of "07 varieties," is by this time well- known. They could not be denied All-Star po- sition. Tbe number end kind of cycles tbey have are tbe most curious collection In vaudeville. A very pretty offering Is that of the Bagwell Suiters, Natalie and Aurle, wherefore tbey have been Included In tbla week'a atellar list. The conception of their act is very pretty, and an air of daintiness pervades tbe whole n Nonette, tbe gypsy violinist, pleased ly. She brings tbe house down with ber Cava! lerla Rust lea na finish. Pstsy Doyle, tbe droll, stoop-shouldered Irish- man, has bis own way of putting them over. His act la good. Barry and Wolford were also on the program with their Song Booth set. look in Isst week's issue for your criticisms. Tbe bill wss opened by Wentwortb. Testa and dog. Teddy, who have a good act for this po- sition. Closing station was given Tbe Four Onettl Sisters, who swung snd twirled In fit fashion for an act In last position. Their act la very MENZELI Scloal of PTOfessional Dancing n ft, Mtfc It, bet. 5th Ave. ft B'way, N. T. 0. TENTS 30x60. 30x30. 20x30 2.000 ft. of 10- ft. CO., 1007 W. JOHN T. WARREN THEATRICAL AGENCY SENEfl»l. BOOKING OFFICE Suit* 5. 141 W. 7th St. Cincinnati, O. Dramatic and Vaudeville people, write or call. Managers, wire your needs. an with small troupe of doga that can do other turns- Magician or* Acrobatic act that change for a week. Will boy four small dogs that are well trained: alao want to buy Ventriloquist Figures (Irish and Negro), and good magical apparatus that la cheep snd in good condition. Have Tent, 40x60. with Marquee, for sale or exchange. Sal rail, write. Address DR. E. H. DeALVA. Commercial Hotel, Win- nipeg, Man., Can. Open da tea for Sundays, matinee Tsrre Santa, as burlesque shows, ferred. GIANT RACING COASTER We can build it for one-third less than the present type of Racing Coaster. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT. COASTER CONSTRUCTION CO. WHITE CITY, - - - - CHICAGO. AGENTS $1 Box for 15c. THEY SAY "WE ARE CRAZY" WHO SAYS SO? OUR COMPETITORS. SAY SO— WE DON'T CAKE: — Our lateat snd biggest success haa got them guessing, that's all. They can't duplicate It. OUR HEW BOX COHTAIHS One SOc bottle Florodo Perfume, one 25c bottle Liquid Shampoo, one 25c bottle Cucumber Cream. Actual value X1.00, and worth It COST TO AGENTS 15 CENTS Can you beat It? Don't stop to figure HOW w* do It. WE DO DO IT. Bend 15c and for yourself. Fancy box, beautiful labels. Imitation cut glass bottles. Hlgh-grad Bella like hot cakes. Gives satisfaction. Biggest flash on earth for the money. PARKER CHEMICAL COMPANY, 233 Market Street; CHICAGO. RING PERFORMERS, NOTICE Would like to join a No. 1 Ring or Hand-Balancing Act. Recognized act only. Height 5 feet 4j4 inches. Weight 140 pounds Address "J. N. f " Chicago office, Billboard. The Herbert A. Kline Shows NOW CONTRACTING FOR SEASON 1911 of 14 strictly first-class clean aide snows and three riding devices, a atei MACY AND MATTHEWS' NEW OLYMPIC SHOWS Can place Electric and other Snows, piece Band, good Door Talker. Con Cap. Denham, M. D. Ory, it M. ville. Alabama. Nov. 28- Dec. 3. WANTED-Leading Man-Leading Lady b Juvenile. Western wardrobe. Those doing specialties preferred. Alao strong Comet Both Juvenile. Western wardrobe. Those doing specialties preferred. Alao strong Comet dooble stsge or piano. Any one useful to Western Bill snd Band Show, write o r wire quick. Booked until last or April. Must be sober and bave One appearance. Address GEO. AXTXBXkX, XaaaaTsr Boss of Z Ranch Co., Walnut Ridge, Ark., Dec t; Jones bo ro. Ark., Dec t; Harris burg, Ark., Set ^JmS^mJ^JM^'' Deef t 10 n *' **" 7i Tm * atT ' **• S; WANTED-200 Opera Chairs Cheap for cash. State make and bow long used. For sale, Edison one-pin machine, complete, $73 cash. Slides snd Music, $1.00. Announcement Slides, 25c. Sbsdea to light bouse brilliant while picture Is on. 23c each. ORPHETJM. lACrange. Ga. BILLBOARD'S 1 AT,T, l -—CALIFORNIA FRANK'S ALL if STAR HIPPODROME WILD WEST FOR SEASON 1911— LARGER AND BETTER THAN EVER WANTED - THE BEST WILD WEST PEOPLE in the business, including Cowgirls, Cowboys, Ropers, Riders, Indians, Mexicans, Hostlers, Canvasmen, People to Cook House, man and wife preferred. All must be ladies and geatlemen. Booze fighters need not apply. Every knows the reputation of this show. Fine costumes; best people; best exhibitions; best cook house; and never missi pay day. Want to hear from Band Leader that can furnish Ladies 1 and Cowboy Band. Musicians write. Will Buy Combination, also Sleeper and Baggage Cars; must be in good condition and cheap. For Sale — Eight head Texas Long Horn Steers. Have horses an! acorn noiittons for ambitious people to work new stuff in Winter Quarter s, Fair Grounds, Augusta, Ga. C. F. HAFLEY, CALIFORNIA FRANK, - - - Owner and Strong Man and Flossie, write. run one id a out 46 *ym r^r - ^ yv ■ ■ > «»k^ Dodr. . Shows r Husk, Tex.. 30: Lufkln Dec T; Groveton 2; Nscbgdocbes 3; Jackson- ville S; Kemp 6: Athens 7; Hubbard Teague 8; Mexl. 10. • , una- Indoor Circus: Louisville. Ky.. Cleveland. 0.. 0-10. Concord.. N. C. 30; " ~ .■.;.«•;■.,>». f The Billboard MISCELLANEOUS. *! •'*. si»>: . - • , '. ?„,.'•■. • Albnrtls-Arrullla Co.. J. w. Randolph, mgr.: Helena, Mont., 27-Dec. 3: Havre 4-10. Almond's, Jetbro, M. P. Show, under canvas: Albemarle, N. C. 28- Dec. 3; season ends. Alxeda's Hypnotic Comedy Co.. Band & Orcbeg- ; txa, H. B. Bice, mgr.: Newton, -Kan.. 28 Dec. _ Ollveto, mgr.: G«.. ,2«-I)ec. 3. . Rarnum-Rntllcs Sensation, B. G. Barnnm, mgr.: '• Iron River. Mich.. 27-Dec. 3; Iron Mountain 9 5-10. Call Concert Co., Prof. Jas. B. Call, mgr.: 7: New Plymouth. 0.. 28-Dec. 8. Congo Kloff. W. A. Xhomaa, mar.: Lincoln, Kan., 30; Brooks Me Dec. 1-2; Nlckerson 3-4; Can- . ton 5; McPheraon 6: Hntchlnson 7. ' Davie A Kay's Electric Sbowa: Carrlngton. N. : D., 30: Valley City Dec 1-2; Manden 3-4. Edwards'. J. a.. Animal Show: Kansas City, Mo., lndef. Gilbert A McKnlght Vaudeville Co.. Albert Gil- bert, mgr.: St. Cbarlea, 111.. S-7; Sterling 8. Herbert fillpln Show: Ed. 8. Gilpin, mgr.: St. Francis, Ark., 28-Dec. 8V Litchfield. ML Trio: Caldwell. Tex.. 30; Lock- hart Dee. 1; PeanaJI' 2; Edna 3; Hondo 5; Del Rio 6; Kerrville 7; Kennedy 8; Corpna Ohrlatl 8; San Diego 10. Lee'e Glaaa Blowers. Jack Lee, mgr.: Kimball. W. Va., 28-Dec 3. Mack's Hypnotic Comedy Co.. J. E. Mack, mgr.: Deepwater. Mo., 28-30; Osceola Dec 1-3. Masco t . . Educated Horse. H. S. Magolre, mgr. : DenJaon. Tex.. 28-Dec. 3.. Mysterious Smith Co.. A»— ♦ ' Arlington, la., 3a P. L ! ■ Llles Amusement Co.: Boawell, Okie., 28- Dec. 8. Llttlejohn'a United Shows, Thorn. P. Llttlejohn. mgr.: Talbotlon. Ga.. 28-Dec. 3. Palace Amusement Co., Fancier A Todd, Eutaw, Ala., 28-Dec 3. Parker, Great. StoM^on T. Kennedy, mgr.: St. LuuIb Shows , E. W. Weaver, mgr.: Allen- dale. S. O., 28-Dec 3. _ • Smith Greater Shows: Florence, S. C, 28-Dec. • a. Smith, John R., Shows, 8c Buffalo Bauch Wild West: Latta. 8. C.7 28-Dec. 8. Westcott United Shows, M. B.' Weatcott, mgr.: Aberdeen. Miss., 28-Dec. 3; Meridian S-10. Woody Combined Shows: Beralce. La.. 28 Dec. 8; Joneaboro 6-10. Additional Dates. Abrama, Morris (Audltorlnm) Winchester, Ky.. (Dream) JetTersonvUle, Ind.. 5-7; (Grand) New Albany, Ind., 8-10. „ Almee, Mile. (Severe House") Chicago; (Ly . ceum) Port Arthur, Out., Can., 5-10. Ann, The (Theatorlum) Carbondale, III., 1-3. Addison * Livingston (Idle Hour) Grand Bap Ids. Mich. Aurora Tronpe (Orpbenm) Denver. Bowen, Lisa *' Moll (Columbia) Cincinnati. Burke Sisters (Orpheum) 1 Cincinnati. Brown Duo (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Burleigh's Aeroplane Girl (Majestic) Denver. Bonlta A Lew Hearn (Orpheum) Denver. Baseballltla (Orpheum) Denver. Bartlno'a Dogs (Liberty) Savannah, Ga. Booth A Lynn (Folly) Shawnee, Okla. ■ .. . . Charbtno Bros-, Three (Colonial) Norfolk, vs.; (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga.. S-10. Carre 4 Carre (Lyric) Cardlngton, O., 1-3. Colby, Chaa. (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Corlllo, Leo (Grand) Pittsburg, Pa. Conlln, Steele A Carr (Orpheum) Harrlsbnrg, Pa. Cooper & Robinson (Orpbenm) Harrtabnrg, Pi. DeMar. Carrie (Columbia) Cincinnati. Dnnn & Glazier (Orpheum) Cincinnati. De Lisle, Joggling (Orpbenm) Denver. — OIRDER BLANK The Christmas Number of The Billboard will be on sale at all news- stands next week, but as this edition Is usually exhausted early in the week, professionals who wish to insure receiving; a copy may use this .blank in ordering; direct from The Billboard Publishing/Co.; (16 Elm Street. ,0>: Knclosed find 10 i Number to for a copy of ■ • ; ■ ... ....... route at " KM -"' . ••• four or five days in , HI .'. . ?• .•*» '•.'•/jr. 't1 New Era Show Boat. W. P. McNalr. mgr.: • Plaqnemlne. La., 80. • ,, Xewmann The Great, hypnotist: Great Falls, Mont.. 28-30: Helena Dec 1-3; PocateBo 5-7; Idabo Falls 8-10. . New Orleans students, Don Palmer, mgr.: Hil- ton. Wis., 80; SechlervUle Dec 1. ■ Norwood'a Sensations. M. H. Norwood, mgr. Liberty, Mo.. 28-Dec 3; Newton, Kan.. 6-10. Oaee's Mow., Temple of Palmistry: San Fran- cisco. Cal., lndef. , _ - Powers. Great Co.. Bert B. Perkins, mgr.: Barn Vt.. 28-Dec. 8. _ *V ' B^ymond. th. Gnat: London, Eng.. Oct. 81. Stark's Glass Blowers: Los Angeles, Cel.. ln- def. Starr Silver Show: Wichita. Kan.. 28-Dec 8. Thompson's Entertainers. Frank H. Thompson, mgr.: Bloomlngton, Wis.. 5-10. Victor. Magician, Engene Krlck, mgr.: Liver- more, la., 80: Badcllffe Dec 1; Story City 2: Eagle Grove 3; Breda. 4. - Waldeu * Co.. Magicians. 8. Worden, mgr.: Waterloo. Wla.. 30 Dee. 1; Ohio. DL, 2; Cor- ■wU 8; Rutland. In.. 6; Low Point, DL, 8; SheUrock. la.. 7: Klenune 8; Bnlraburg 9; Akron 10. • • .' Williams'. Prof.. Troubadours. B. C. Pog mgr.: Watertown. Fla., 30; McClency 1; Fernandlna 2-3: Lawtey 4-5; Stark B: 1. 7: Archie 8; Cedar Key 9; Otter Creek 10. Zimmerman's. Max. Market Day r * (Midway) St. Paul. Minn., lndef. Znlma: Chicago. DX, lndef. CARNIVAL COMPANIES Barfcoot Amusement Co.. No. 1, K. G. Barkoot, 1 mgr.: Selma, Ala., 28-Dec. "8, Barkoot Amusement Co., No. 2, J. C. Simpson. - mgr.: Brunswick. Ga.. 28-Dec 3. Campbell United Shows, W. H. Campbell, -•mgr.-: Clarksdale. Miss.. 27-Dec. 3. Coffree Snows, Capt. C. H. Coffree, mgr.: BlrthevUle. Ark., 28-Dec 8. Cosmopolitan Shows, H. Snyder, mgr.: Eagle Like, Tex., 28-Dec. 3. Gfbsou Amusement Enterprises, Jaa. H. Gibson. mgr.: Nashville. Tenn.. 28-Dec. 3. Great 1 Eastern Snows, T. E. " i Madlll. Okla., 2frD«. & ^ * B EWena, S Ark* m »£ec!' I; ~ 5-10. - ' Krme Greater Shows, Ban Newnan. Ga., 28-Dec.' 8. ' _" Landee Bros.' Shows. Prank Huntington, mgr. Leesvllle, La., 28-Dec. 8. DeGascogne Cadets (Keith's) Pbtla. DcOnxo Bros. A Friday (Grand) Plttabnrg, Ps. Doty, Sam (Orpbenm) Harrlsbnrg. Pa. Flaka, Musical (Orpheum) Penaacola. Fla. Force A WlUlama (Orpbenm) Dea M»li^. la.; (Orpbenm) Lincoln, Neb., 5-10. Edwards', Qua. School Boya and Girls (Grand) Pittsburg, Pa. Floods, Four (Orpbenm) Harriabnrg, Genaro 4 Gavin, Pa, • _ Granat. Louis M. (Family) Mollne. III.. 6-10. Goodwin * Elliott (Temple) Hamilton. Can.: (Dominion) Ottawa, 6-10. Hfllonlana. The (Princess) Columbus, O. art's) Braxa, Ind.,- 6-7. (Stew- HSthswsys, The (Drexel) Welland, Ont.. Can. Hayes, Geo., * Clancy Twins (Empress) Cin- cinnati. Harrington. cinnatL Holmes A BUey (Empress) Cincinnati. Hone Dealer (Columbia) Cincinnati. Henrys. Four (Pantagea) Denver. Irwin, Flo, A Co. (Colombia) Cincinnati. Iwamoto Hlnode Tronpe (Grand) Grand Forks, Infeid A Howard (Idea) Fond dn Lac, Wis.; (Temple) Grand Raplda, Mich., 6-10. Johnson A Carlisle (Auditorium) Cincinnati. Jose. Edouard (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Jones, Grant * Jones (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Jennie. Mme. (Majestic) Denrer. Jolea A Otto (Orpbenm) New Orleans. King. Chaa. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. King A King (Pantagcs') Denrer. Kelly A Latterly (Dnlqne) Minneapolis. KarteUo Bros. (Garrlek) Stockton, Cal. Lobae A Sterling (Whitney's) Fltebbnrg. Maaa. Lelgni, The (Lyric) Greenville, Tex. IJvingvtons . Three (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga.; (Ma- jestic) Chicago. DL. 5-10. Lorraine. Oscar (Colombia) Cincinnati. Lelghtons, Three (Colombia) Cincinnati. LaPla (Columbia) Cincinnati. Lester A Moore (Majestic) Denver. Lealle * Knade (Idle, Hour) Slkeston, Mo., 1-3. Leroy A Harvey (Majestic) Denver. Lancaster. Hay ward * Lancaster (Msjestlc) Denver. Leo, Joe, Tronpe (Pants kcs') Denver. Lloyd A Roberts (Orpbenm) New Orleans. McMabon A CLappelle (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Mascsgnls, The (Orpheum) Cincinnati. McLarens. Five Musical (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. McNlsh A McNIsh (Msjestlc) Cedar Baplds, Is! DECEMBER 3, 1911). -- i " '■ Martell, Lewis, Trio (MajesUc) Cedar Rapids, lit.' »'»l-.-» r'.il Monarcha of Melody (Eeith'a) Phiia. MaxweU. Joe. .* Co. (Orpbenm) Harriabnrg, Pa. McGreevy. Mr.* A Mra. Jack (Orpbenm) New Or- Dog (Arch) CM- McDowell, rlcaij^CIi: Merediths, cago. Normans, Five Juggling (Orpheum) Cincinnati. PhlUlpa, Gorr (Orpbenm) Denver. Patty-Frank Tronpe (Keith's) PbUa. Rlgoletto Bros. (Columbia) Clnclnnat' Ryan. Mona. * CO. (Orpheum) New Silverado (Empress) Cincinnati. Saraghan-Lennox Co. (Empress) Cincinnati. Spong, Hilda (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Simpson. Cora (Majestic) Denver. Singer. Fred . (Orpbenm) Denver. ■» ■ Sale, Chick (Majestic) Cedar Baplds, Is. Sherman, Sadie (Poll's! Wllkes-Barre. Ps. Slxemore. Arthur L.: Geneseo, - 111., 28-Dec. 3. Stevens. Max: Cartervtlte, 111.. 1-8. - Tallman, Great (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Thompson. Wm. H. (Keith's) Phils. . Tanguay. Eva (Grand) Plttabnrg. Pa. Tom-Jack Trio (Shubert) Utlca, N. Y.; (Orph- eum) Harrlsbnrg, Fa., 5-10. Weber Family (Savoy) Superior. ■ Wis. Wray A Bay's Marionettes (Palace) Ft. Wil- liams, Ont., Can. Youngman ■ Family I Empress) Cincinnati. ADDITIO NAL ROUTE8. (Received too late for classification.) Boas of z Ranch. Geo. Attebery, mgr.: Walnut Bldge, Ark., 2; Joneaboro 3;. Harriabnrg 5: - 8.^ Marianna 7; Forest City 8; (B), E. J. Carpenter, mgr.: Clif- ton Forge, Va.. 80; Covington Dec. 1; Berkley. W. Va., 2; Hlnton 3; Charleston 6; Hunting- ton 8; Williamson 7; North Fork 8; Pocahon- tas, Vs., 9; Bluefleld. W. Vs., 10. Missouri Girls (Eastern). Frank W. Richardson mgr.: Sandoval, III.,. 30: Salem Dec. 1; Klnmnndy 2: SL Elmo 3; Altamont 5; Greenup 8; Newton 7; Olney 8; Oblong 9; Mt. Carmel 10. Mildred and Rooclere, In Princess Iris. Harry Bonclere. mgr.: Butler, Pa.. SO; Kl ttanning Dec 1; Vandergrift 3; Tarentum 8: Blalrs- vlUe 6; Indiana 8; Johnstown 7; Oreensbnrg <•■ Cbarlerol 9; Monessen 10. - Al. H., Sidney R. Ellis, mgr.: Jack- COMPANY DISBANDS. Douglas Arts.. Nov. 28 (Special to The B1U- bosrd).— The Jas. P. Lee Musical Co.. after playing successfully throughout the Southwest and Arlsona. disbands at Douglas. Ariz., after playing a two-night engagement. Mr. Lea has returned to Los Angeles, where be will a new company of about twenty-five reorganise people. AGENT SOBER AND RELIABLE JOS.LEEINC, CLEVELAND, 0. General Delivery. AT LIBERTY C. F. WALLANDER VIOLINIST Experienced and reliable. Double elide, trom- .Locate In lively town. Teacher. Address CAF. WALLANDER, Newmeyer Theatre, Eaalon. CLARINETIST (SCHOOLED) EXPERIENCED — A. F. off M. ^S^^^.. I ?S. t • KJV&iS^ w «»-«l«se Musical OTganlxatlon. Do clarinet solos. No boose. b^.^Wlnn^'ro. grlaT ' " m - AT Far rington & Casselman MAGICIAN COMEDIAN A-i sets; no ama- e^PCnw.^TlckeUl Yes. FOR RENT JUST OUT Singer Bros. New Book if Specialties THE BEST CATALOGUE IN THE TRADE If you are a Concessionaire. Novelty. Jew. elry. Motion or Fair Worker, Canvasser Streetmsu. Auctioneer, ■ Knlfeboard ilan' Hoop-la Game, or General Merchant, rou cannot afford to be without It. It contains full and complete lines In newest Novelties. Souvenirs, Watches. Jew- el 'T■„ F ° aI,t ■, la , p * , "• Optical Goods, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Yankee Notions. Carnl- val Goods, etc.. etc.. at wholesale only. dealer (aa we want to keep this book out of the consumers' hands), and sending us your permanent address we will be pleased to send you this book free. SIMPER BROS., 88 Bowery. H. T. city. WANTED VAUDEVILLE ACTS. Plenty of time for good sots. Cooper f dreu* nreet- agent when be adhered to facta Instead of exaggeration. Townaend Walah, who ha* t Sir. Otis Skinner for the Cith blaaer, will reat hla - uncbes his new play, for New York City. I connected with ' Oar _j knell hiring been eonoded for Drew'* offering. Servant, list be may devote bla attenUon to tbe reheerelng of a new play, lined for an early preijnUUom. Tbe Deep Purple baa made a deep Impression In Chicago. The before and after breakfast salutation being: • Good morning! 1 Bate you i Tbe Deep Purple t" It's Tbe Deep Purple [, noon and night. From the Ilpa or 'but'worda'of pratee'fur tBa wonderful In Mr. Frederick Donegbey. U shier A Co bare a scribe who appreciate* the Talus of getting under tbe akin. Hla human Interest The Calumet Stock wUI glra a benefit , striking garment maker*. Upon pernalng a letter from Oeorgs W. Good- hart, the following word* chilled my blood: "I bare Juet finished gathering a lot of worms, and I am DOW filed." A few minutes later my blood warmed upon recalling tbe fact of George being an angler. Jerry Delhi, manager Mingling Brother*' car ■umber 3. la la Lancaster. Pa., engaged in tbe manufacture of cigars. Tom Good bar t. boas bUlpoaler car number t, la al*o spending the winter Tolling tbe weed. In that part of the Colonial Theatre called the "Foyer d* Laze," 1 beard a well-groomed gentleman remark to hla companion: "Some person must hare hypnotised F rob. man." After the final curtain had descended I waa of the same opinion. How In tbe name of common sense the far- seeing, well-seasoned Char of ibr.trlr.Is seer became tangled In the meshed web of Our , Miss otbba Morris gar* a*- to . un- derstand, worked Itself Into fever-heat over Pauline Mr. Morel, alao circulated that the aame foggy London cut dldoea of ectasy orer Our Miae Glbba. Bsmaey ffi • trt — therefore, bla abatement may bear the exoneration of Mr. Frohman. Be that a* It may, this happen* to be America —better etUl. It la Chicago. And suffice It la to aay: Chicago has not betrayed a single degree of emotion orer Our Miss Glbba or the once heralded pink pajama girl— Pauline Chaae. And la reckoning the cause of depreealon In tbe box-otnee one moat not heap tbe blame wholly on atar and play, bat consider the hair hundred watery-eyed choristers who are adept at unharmoatalag. atiff In Joint and of low ebb us looks. Then there la tbe stage direction with us earmark! or crudeneta, and a cooglom- rrstlon of so called music that undoubtedly tor- ture* eren those who haee to earn their dally atlpend In tbe orchentra pit. Without question, Bert Leslie la tbe thread that baa preeented Our Mlaa Glbba from being scattered to tbe four wind* of failure. Aa slithers, a glib- tangoed American crook. Leslie ranks superb. Down in the American Music Hall, where ran- deruie i* offered in exchange for coin of the realm, Jaeqoe* tos Mourlk de Beaufort, a count of many nneettled accounta. Is gurgling, twice daily, shout the girl whom be deems the apple of bla monocbled eye. .. At • freak of Interest this royal-blooded per- ACTOR HAS NARROW ESCAPE. oils. Minn.. Nor. 20 (Specie! to Tbe — While Watchman Ryan, of tbe Hotel Nicollet, waa oaktag his round* last sight, ha observed smoke Issuing through tbe sides of a closed transom, of the room, occupied by Roger* Barker, the atock actor, who until recently waa appearing aa leading man with the Lyric Theatre Stock Company, upon break- ing Into tbe room be found Mr. Barker semi conscious, and the furnishings of the room In s blaa*. He extinguished tbe fire with a chem- ical, and called for a physician, who worked orer the actor for a half bonr before rerlelnir ENGAGE C ORBET T MORRIS. fSSSFbJ &gZ If &&&& Lyric Theatre, operating tbe Lyric Theatre Stock Company engaged for bla company Cor- bett Morrla. who will ri Mr. M, ' PRINQLE TAKES LEA8E. Beerett, Wash., Nor. M (Special to The Bill- board).— Tbe Everett Theatre, which bat been eloaed during the earlier part of the sesson on •rcount of dlBcultle* between tbe management •nd tbe atage hands, wss reopened this week a lotto held by Johnnie Prlogle. Tbe Btoer Company it now playing at the Solax Film- THE BEST FILM MADE Friday, Kor. SS ONE TOUCH OF NATOUE Tbe .lory deala with a coun- try girl who marries tbe city chap, abandoning her country lore. Later they separate, the husband taking their little boy with him. Years later tbe huabaud dlea and the boy uses bla Influence to bring about a marriage between bit mo- ther and her former lore. - RELEASES — Friday Sao. S WHAT IB TO BE WILL BE Jack and Stanley both lore Mollte— tbe belle of the Fish- ing Village. Jack learea on a xoyage. and newa coming of the supposed wreck, Mollte marries Stanley. Tear* later Jack turns up, but Motile, after a - self. F riday. Deo. 0 LADY BETTT'S Tbe tale of a coquette ea- gerly sought by two admir- er*. Gypsy witchcraft teaches her that one of her lorera It false. Disguised aa a Continental officer tbe be- come* Involved In a duel with the fortune bnntlng lover, but finally succeeds In extricating herself and winning her true afS *i afgafaV Telephone. 1864 ^laX Company M7 Fourth Ave., New York. TO EVAN 8 MINSTRELS. George Murrsy who wsa UI for three weeke at hla home, ha* entirely recovered and la again ahead of George Brent' Honey Boy Mln- etrele. BOTTO 18 TRANSFERRED. Chicago, ni.. Not. board).— Mort D. Botto at the 23 (Special to Tbe Hill ar baa transferred Walter CINCINNATI LODGE BALL. meeting tbe At the lttt regular Lodge No. 33. T. M. A., tbe annual nomlna of officers for 1911 took place. Vlce-Prealdent Wm. Keensn was nominated for president, and will be elected wltbont opposition. Mr. Kee- nen la a member of tbe I. A. T. S. E. . and la w.dely known around tbe circuit, having been atage carpenter with Loula Jamea for aeveral year*. Andy Hetteabelmer. treasurer of the Walnut Street Theatre for the put eighteen K^^^WrealSer without opposition. Kdward Hollenktmp, tecrettry, and Frank Xng- llab. treasurer. Will alao he re elected. There are several candidate* tor marshal, trustees, end President Henry B. Herbert and Andy Hettes- Vs.. next July. '*"** Tbe Ball Committee 1* extending aa invi- tation to all performera. whether they are T. M. A.'s or not. Who play Cincinnati week of December 8. to attend the and milk and dress given by tbe lodge at Central Turner "Tg. Decern! —ROLL TICKETS- ••THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own special ticket, amy printing any colon, avrxnirataly numbered, en guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET 5,000— $1.25 10,000— 2 60 Caen with the order. 100,000—10.00 NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokln, Ponn ACTOR 8 TAKE CHARGE. Zan ear tile, o.. Not. 20. — The George Tenon Stock Company Instigated by Baab * Keller, of New York, three weeka ago, baa merged Itself Into a commonwealth, and as now owned by the acting folka and W. 8. Canning, of tbe Beea Circuit. Baab A Keller got tired of the gsme and left, whereupon tba atage people got together and made an arrangement with the Circuit people to continue under the contract, whleb wat la force with employer*. MARRIAGES. hslla. ^Tealng. nber 8. John 0. Weber- a Band will rurnleh tbe innate, and the ball will be the biggest one Cincinnati baa seen in i long time. Flnt Grand Vice-President 0. W. Schweltaer bit been chosen chief for that evening by the committee la charge. CHICAGO LODGE BENEFIT. The Sixth ananal benefit of Chicago Lodge, No. 4. T. M. A., will be held at the Chicago Opera House, Friday afternoon. December 2. nun. The committee In charge of the benefit have promised an excellent bill for tbe occa- sion. ' T. M. A. NOTES. With the Initiation Into tbe rani* of the T. M. A. of Wm. Crookshenk. Bernard Benchart. and Carol Toelle. at Norrlatown. Pa., recently, tbe Batten Daniel Boone on tbe Trail Com- pany boaata that every male member of tbe company, except, the Indiana, are T. M. A.'s. Tbe Company alao baa one lady member of the T. M. A.'s. Mlaa Leila Hodgea, of Pueblo. Colo., Lodge No. TO. MAGNETIC TO JOIN GENERAL FILMT John r. Hennegan tg In New York and It 1* rumored that be la In conference with O. K. Kennedy and tbe directors of the Patent* Co., contemplating tbe aale of tbe Msgnetlc Film Service In Cincinnati, to tbe General Film Co. SARAH TR UAX ENGAGED. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. Ifj (Special to The Billboard,. -Min.gc-r Charlet P. Salisbury, of the Lyric Theatre Stock Company, playing the Lyric Theatre, announce* that be bat completed arrangement* for • tlx week*' HMMl of Ssrsh Trnsr ss leading lady of hla atock com- pany. Mlaa Tnax will make her orat appear- ance on the Lyric boards. Sunday marine* of December 4. aa Lady Urania. In Tba Adventure* of Lady Ursula. Miss Tnax sloes ber marriage to a Mill City man and ber retirement from the tttge. bit be en making thlt city b er borne. NEW L EADIN G MAN. Wilmington. Del.. Not. M (Sneclal to The Billboard).— Mr. Lewie J. Cody entered upon hla duties aa leading man or tbe Avenue Amusement Stock Company, pitying at the Avenue Theatre. Wilmington, Dele., thla week. Mr. Cody Is not aew to tbe bosrda, baring achieved quite a au reeaa to New York City. HI* eneotng bill to Wilmington waa St. Elmo, be portray lag admirably tba character of St. NKWHON HAAS — Billy Heat vaudeville per rmer, waa married to Mlaa Llaale New son. a ,n profeealonal. In Decatur, Ala.. Not. 14. H. Schafer. MABTIN-EMBLETON.— Mr. O. Wellford Km bleton. superintendent of llghtt with the Sella- Floto Show*, and Mlaa Clara France* Martin, were married at tbe M. E. Church, lath and Wabath, Chicago, Nor. 14. They will reside at 3613 Wabath Avenue. Chicago. MKLIJ.NGKR WELLS— Mr. R. 8. Wells, man- ager of the Novelty Theatre. Topeka, Kansas, wat married November 17, Is Newklrk, Okla.. to Mlaa Gertrude Melllnger. formerly illustrated song singer at tbe Novelty. BRADLBT-WABB. — Alfred F. Ware (non-pro- feealoaal), of Chicago, waa married to Juniata M. Bradley .of The Six Music*! SplUers, Novem- ber 22. la Lima. 0. PATTERSON- ART*.— Harry Art*, electrician with Tbe Parisian Widows Co.. and Sophie Patterson, a pretty young woman of the tame company, were married Tuuraday morning. Not. 24, us Waahlngton. D. C. by the Bar. Dr. v. ▼. Tndor, at tbe latterie residence, 021 M street. A aumptuou* wadding breakfaat waa served at tbe residence of tbe groom'a parent* on N street. N, W. Mr. Arts, senior, la a promt neat Weehlngtoulan. being president of the local Master Plumbers' Association. The young couple will remain with The Parisian Widows till to* end of tbe aeaaon and will then take up their residence tn Washington. Mlaa Patterson', duties with the Widow* consists of posing In a series of living plct urri. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Slrlgnano are tba parent* of a too. Joaepb Felix, born Oct. 29. The baby It a grandson of Signer Slrlgnano, bandmaster nf the Banda Roma, the Italian band. Mrs. Slrlgnano was formerly Mlaa Boa* Bandeau, of pittsaeid, Mass. to Mr. and Mrs. Pliny F. Rntledge (Jeanne Pickering), a son. Thursday, Not. 24. Bora to Lnomlt and Sandy (Mrs. Q. a Loom- la), November 10, a eleven- pound girl. Mother and child doing nicely. Mr. Loomls la playing trap drums and ringing illustrated songs at tbe Lyric In Rock Island. 111., for the winter. Bon to Mr. and Mr*. Jamea 1 City, on November IT. MELVILLE.— M. Melville, Lost in Society's whir) Co.. Stillwater. Okla.. November 2. HUBLT.— Tom B. Hnrly died In tba ... Can., November aeaaon he waa tn the ad Dramatic Co.. and during id cbargt of tba cart. Ha at Medicine Hat, Alta. typhoid fever. Laat vanca of Burt Imaon the tenting season had leave* a wife and baby, hla era and two listers. Tbe remains were Bowbells. N. D., for burial. ■VANS— George 0. Bran*, local mi the Orphean. Theatre, Douglas. Thursdsy. Not. 10, at 0:3O p. m. Of kit death It attributed " tbe heart, coming aa a old tubercular truant*. Mr. Kraae took charge of the theatre this season under tbe leasee at Frank Bleb, of B) Texaa. Laat year be waa secretary t* n#On. and was associated with hla posting business, body wat thlpped to bla borne In Keoknh. Iowa, la car* of the Kike Ledge. . FITTERS— Wm. J. Fetter*, prominent ecealt at hla^bome_la Philadelphia. Nov. 10, to S I aged 73 Of dlsesi . Barrett, Fanny Davenport, other stsra of yean ago. MENKEMELLEB. — Henry er of Henry Menkemeller. J tbe South with - at bit home, at aa advanc LAZARUS. — Bernard (Ike) Laaama, aged 00 and killed himself at the Ford Ha- te), Rochester. Pa.. November IS. Ijitsrn. wsa carried by various circuses at different time* aa detective. HEINE.— Alfton Helnt, a head balancer wit. the John H. Sparke Show, died at tba City Ho* P"*J. -Janata. Qa Nor. 20. after a brief 111 aeta. Death waa due to pneumonia. Deceased wss thirty year* of age. and * member of ▼aldoata, Qa.. B. P. O. E. and B Lodge of White Bate. Tbe body waa to Brooklyn by tba A agnate Kike. VICTORIA, B. C, CAN. « m SL "SS J*"*. wm 9*— hm December 5. Tbe Society of Londoners sre preparing . warm welcome for ber on ber arrival here. The first of a series of Snaday evening eon cert* by tbe Vsneoover City Band, during tbe coming winter months, was given In the Do minion Hall laat 8unday. in addition to the band nnmbera, vocal selections well known vocal' ' or the hall part ol defray 'Mai ■£' J ec, | !o =» were gtren bj and a eSS^uS? Is* taken' np"te picture* Vanconver to be shown In connection of la alt lecturer*. Mr. Warner wUI also secure motion picture* of scenes In tbe Rockies and Selkirk*. Irwin Carver Co.. Ltd.. of this city, has commenced suit against the Starland Limited of Winnipeg, Man. The suit Is for $1,334.88 for labor and material oaed tn repair* and altera- tion* to tbe Lyric Theatre. The Starland Lim- ited attempted to nn the Lyric aa a picture bouse laat summer, but hsd to give It up. Tbe Ber. Merton Smith In a lecture on Tbe Evil, of a Great City, delivered at tbe Royal Theatre laat Sunday afternoon. aide of life. tine; that they He fortber stated that 48 The Billboard <* DECEMBER 3, 1910. LADIE8* LIST. Adim, Kim Etna Alien. Mlaa India B. Amber. Madam Anderson. Junes Anne*. Mm- Bessie Barber, Mlas Lottie Barfleld. Mia. C. E. Gsskin. Mrs. W. CT. Gibson. Beatrice tilbaaa, Mia* laoae* Gilbert, Mr*. Held Gillette. Mia. Prances Glenn. Mi™ Kettle Glover, MIm Constance Gould. Mi»* Ann* Urandy. Mlaa ttladya ••Gray, Mra. Florence K. Gray. Miss Bath Ureea. Mlas ISdaa Ureea. Mra. K. Greenwood. Mia lotte Grey, Florence •♦Griffith. Hit* Barlur. Mlaa Hosalee Back, Mra. H. Barrt. Cwitf Hadley, Mlaa Alberta B "J7- A1 5" Hanna. Mra. Lottie Barfjett, Ethel Harrietts*). MadeMi B****»r. Mr*. B«t Harrla, Mlaa Dixie ■jtfi" •* J— • ••Harrlnaton, Corrlne Mra. a iv. Billings, Ida _ „__. BUUaca. Mra. Binford Blabee. Mlaa Florence Bishop. Mra. WlHard "Bowrna Mra. Bower*. Mra. B. -aswssua, lira. B. L. Bradley. Grace "Boektar. Mrs. Jack BnrdeD, Mlaa OeerfJs Bsrdetta. Mlaa srailfy* Bardatta. Mlaa 1 Bernstein. Myrtle Burtoa. Miss Dolly Sraea Mlaa Beaale „„. Dollle E. Campbell. Mlaa Myrtle Carlos*, Mm Canny CaxnaT Mlaa Pam Carrlngton. Mra. E. Ccaddartoo. Mlaa IJly Cases, Mrs. Albert He* to, Mlaa Krsokle Herr. Mlaa Noadlc Herrmann. Mrs. W. Hlehcoek. Alice Hlckey. Mra. Maad ••nin. Christine Hill, Bthel Hill art. Mra. Oara ••Hitchcock. Alice Hodge, Mra. Royal Hoi and. Mis. Mamie ••Hoillngrr. Boae Holmes. Mra. W. H. Holt. Mlaa Thin. Maria flosmer. Mra. J. *" Bm Hnher. Mra. Boat. Oertrod. B. Una ton. Ingeraoll. Jackson, Mildred Jackson, Mlaa ouie a h. J arty. Mlaa Tony Jennesen, Mrs. J. C ••Jerome. Cl.r* Bella Jewel. Mlaa M. Mlna Cobora Mra. 8. W. Cody. Umlse Collins. Miss Placid* M- _ Collins, norma W. Col ton. Mn. Loo Comb*. Mr*. R- M. Colon Ion, Mra. J- W. Connery. Mra. Mabel Corn-all. Mlaa M. A. CoataUo. Mra. Balph ••Coaart, Amatta Crenahsw. Ml** Nallla Croaby. Mra. M*rjla i -oahtaa . Many a Dale, Mm* Hy Iri * Daly, Mlaa Dorothy Darr. Mlaa Ethel ••Darragk. Mabel TJaugfaerty. Mrs. Alice Darn. Ella W. DstIs. Mlaa JoanlU Darr*. Pearl Darn. Mra. Stella Keller. Mlaa Kim, Locllle King. Miss Patsy King. Mlaa Pearl Kins. Mra. Rosa Knight, Fanny Bernard Koenlx. Mlaa Helen LaBarber. Mlaa g LaMarr, Mlaa Gaaala I a M a rr . Mlaa Trddle LaNeta. Mile. V mVmm^m MUB KTS •• I-aTour. Mrs. Clara •■Ija Terse, Vivien LaVlerre. Helen Mrs. Irene Decorum, Mra. J. F. DeLarsh. Mlaa Lenore DeLong. Blrdette _ DeVon. Miss Geneve H. DeVorsk. Mlaa Adeline •»DTorak. Adeline Dean, Miss Leota DeaD-Orr Hint era Deaae. Mrs* Daisy "Deveer. Dallle Derere. Ethel Mlaa Ady Laxara. LeRoy, Gladya LeRoy, Hilda LeKoy. Josephine LeRoy, Mrs. L. C "LeBoy 8 lit era Ij-scb. Mra. Helea Lee, Mra. Dnke B Lee, Miss Gladys Lcldeeker. Bertha Leonl, Mlaa Baby •Leroy, Josephine Linden. Violet "Longf i Jeanette Grac Lucas, Mrs. Hellen Dlvlan, Mlaa Amy nixJs, Princess Dooley. Kate Dorlne. Mme. Nell May McDaaald* «. - -. Doreey. Mra. C. A. Mclntyre. Mrs. O. Poncsn. Mlaa Charlotte McMDJen. Mrs. A. Dor* II. Mra. Harry Eerie, Dorothy K. FJalne, Miss Mable Elder. Madam Faneber, Miss Bui Fallon. Mlaa Era tS&i Mlas Mas Fan ton. Mma Fr» Flnley. Bessie Flnley. Mra. aaan.awjaa Miner, suss u Madam Mareella^m* Mlaa B- Mack, Miss T. Main, Mra. Albert m Main. M. R. Msrettl, Mlas Pearl Marlon. Miss E. Marahsll. Mra. Irsae Msrteb, Mlaa B. A. Martyn. Mlas Dollle ••Maaoo Hilda Mattbaoa. Mlaa B. u Mead. Mlas Blanche M * "Meadowa. Made* MOlnaey, Mra. K Melville. . Miss I.. ■ Miller, Mlaa DoiUa Montgomery. Mlaa M. Morton. Mlas. Janet - Mowlslnl, Stella MuJhall, Laeme ' r,. Fay . ■_ Bell O-CormeU. Mr.. I. M. O'Cs, Tk« O'Dessa, Mlaa Hat tie Oypenhelmei Orion, lea Osmond, Mrs. H. B, Parrett. Mra. E. ParteUo. J. Patten. Mlas Jesale ric*. Mlaa Wea. •Piper, B, M. Plated Mra. W. A. PontUex, Mra. C. M. 1'ODch, Anna Powers, Jesse M. Price, Alma B. Praetor, Era Smith, Mra. M. B. aiullh, Sadie ho a hi. Mh-a Grace Stanley, Emily Pearl Siauley, Mlaa. L. i. Stanley. Boae Stanley. Vera star. Miss Bell ••Stein, Delia Stewart, dandle P. Taylor S latere Thalford, Mlas B. Therkla. Mlaa B. Thelma t .Thompaon. n*na Randall. Msybelle Rankin. Both Kautbmell. Mlaa G. Uead, Mua Durutnea Hinaido. Miaa It* Rio. Mlaa Babe Roberta, Lizzie Roberts, Miss L. Robinson. May Boae, Bath Baseman, Mrs. Albert Boaa, Wllma c RoyaJ. Bote Byaa, Aanea Ryan. Gertrude yan. Miss St Clair. Mabel Satterfleld. Nola Scbells. Madame Scbloaaberr, DoUy eatord. Mrs. R. Beymoar, Jaue Seymoor, OUrla Shaffer. Mlaa U ••Sheehan, Valarle Showbeix. Lola ■aowan. Mlaa Man BInunona. Miss Helen SmiXetta, Delay. Hmlth. Mra- K. W. RmlUi, May E. B. _ M . Mrs. Bo. r. Mrs. B. Van Bnren, Mlaa H. Vance. Miaa Mord Vincent. Mlaa V. VlncetU, Pearl V Irian. Army Waldo. Miss O. Walker. Else WaHaee. Mlaa Anna Warren.' Mlaa S. Wesson. Grac* Watson Slaters Wayland, Era ••Wsje. Dorothy Wei.lurr. Georalnl* I ■ W-Ieb Waaw Welby, Mary Waller, Mlaa L. Wells. Mlaa Irene West, Anna B. we. t. LUltaa White. Erelyn White, LUlle Whitman. Mlaa M. Wllhnr, Mrs. Ben. ••Wnmot, Elala ••Wllnnn. El ale May wiuon, Mra. L. wmiama. Mra. Clara Williams. Grayce Woods, Mils Law Wright, Lillian TherrL Lola Zampa, Mlas Vnj. Chsa. Breckenrldze. John P. Kr*iuiea. • Bresenham. Ed. Bresford, S. C. Bristol, Lew B. Brittendale. B d. Brooks & Brooks •'Brown jUuum. Co. Brown dt Flneb Brown, AL W. Brown, Arthnr Brown, Charley Brown Family Brown, Frank Brown. Jeaa Brown, J. W. Brows, Paul M, Broara. B. F Edd. J. w. B. - Burke. Jubo V Harness. Boy Bnrnh*m A Lee Bnrnbsrdt. E. B. ••Burns. Harry Horns. Harry orris. Waiter Barrows * Leslie Barton. John** ateher, bbk Bnscb, A. S. Brrd, Robert Cain, J as. L. Caloe 4 Odom Caldwell, A. B. Calkins. Fred Callahan, Chas. touch ••Calllcott, F. W. Campbell, C. H. Campbell. William Cart well. Watklna Carl, Frank Camas. The CarolT. J Carpaatar. Frank a. Carpenter. Fred Carr, Win. A. Cralf, WUtsrd a Crawford. Robert C. Creator*. G. Crlcbton, liarwood Critea, W. A. Crook. Barney crouch, Wesley A. Crowley * Mclakrea Crownorer. Clyde Cunnlngbam. Arthnr Cunningham. Paul curler. C. W. Curtis, Gray Cnabman, Wm. C. Cutler, F. L. Cutter. Frank J. Cutting, Chsa. B. ••DabU, Tkoa. Daggett. Elliott Dalby. P. M. Dale, Arthur Daley & Everett Daiton, Carl M. Daltoa, Lewis Daniels, fcrank J. Darnell, Jesae Daogbarry, a. b. Daugherty. Jamea Darld. Bdgar Dsvla, Carl DstIs, C. D. Dsvls. G. U Dsela. L. H. Da wnen, W. L, Day. Al. DaBaiaa trier. larwla ••Dedalrrnie, Bid DeForeal. Ham ••DeKreko. Jean DaLaFontalaa. Barry DsLsney, Ralph DeLonc. G. Lewis DeTeUea, Joe DeVoare. Chaa. Dean, AL Dearmln, W. H. Beaton. Loa Dedrtck. Dare Delmont. Fred A. Dennis. John W. '. L, Dewel, Geo. Dick. AL Dieken. Emory Dillingham, W. W. ! ! THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE of this gratuitous dlatrOmtion of maB are at the Cincinnati matter should > ba addraaaed, tmleas It la known that It win be i to recalea It through the Maw York or Chicago bar aan a. Is la can of Tn* Billboard, kindly indicate what com I or la wnat Una of the bu sts a ss ha Is atigsjad. a ting the aam* of thai i prompt deUrery or i All mall Indicated by Gtaklll. W. 0. 10c Harris, AL O. ••tt l ll U tt I MM Prof. Dutch Abbott & Clayue Co. Abbott. Cbaa. n. iMle Barnell. Jack nam C. F. H. Adama. P 1 Baranaw. Addison * Livingston ••Baaaage, Bert Baasay. Hla Basaey. Slg Basaett, Ben . Bate*, i.. Ancn Bayles. W. Bear, Alfred S. Beekerlck. AL BeGar, Harry Kelger. Albert BeR. Cbaa. Hell, Cheater A. Bell. Ed. M. Bell, Joe ••Belmont. Fred Ml Aiken ft tamos Alton. Tbos. Albaln, L. 0. ■Albert, Vincent ATbartL Vincent Albright, Dan M. Alderson. Byron Allan, W. N- AUard. Geo. Allen, O. W. Allen. Lee AJien. Walter B. ••Allen, Willie N. AlW, Amis, Harry. Andrews, Chaa. Ahgelsberg. Anthony Aagaa, J. B. " Anhener. H. W. Ante!, P. Anthony. William B. Applebanae. George Arbaekla. Harry u. . Wm. Jo* Aahton ft C. B. _ I t A tklns. B. B. Atterbury Att.rbnry. A_ D ••Atbartrtiry, ~ Austin. Dick "Austin, Gilbert Aaaxtf Trio, Paal Bsckman, Johi BtfwaBf Frank B*n*y a% Bailey BsCry, Bill (Plato) Bandy, B. 8. . Bailey. Nicholas Baity Bros. . Balcom. Frank ••Balaatrler. Loo la D* Boyle," Fraada Benedict. Barry Benner, Cbaa. N. Bennett. Fred 0. He no It A Moffat Berg, pun Berre. Arthur Barry * Benson Biggs. Fred ••Bllllck, Harry Bllllnga, San Ford Blsekfoot. Cllf Binder, J. BuiBOp, Edgar Bishop, Horace Blackburn, Wm. H. Ml*eam*«r*. i P Blair. Harry J. Fisnehard. Oscar Bledsoe, J. B. Bletxacker. Charley Blnm, C. V. Bobo. h. W. Bonelll. Jaa. Booker, Archie Boone, John 0. Booth A Lynn Booth, J. C. Bos ley, Joe Boas, Walter Boswen, Paytaa Boner*. Claude Boyd. 0. ■. Boyer, L. M. Bane, Albert BaaBeU, Frank E. Brsdea, C. A. s Canoll, Carson, Csrter, Fred C. Chas. K. Cbarlea -J. Carter. I>oa Carter. Herbert 3. Carnth, Borr Cataa, Bod CaTusagk. Robert Chafln, James hamblln. G. F. Chaney. Loa Channell, H. E. Cliai>t>man. Whltle Charblnneu, George Cbaa*. Loots Chatrleld, Robert Cberney, Albert rherslb r. Frank Cbndreaa. C. L. fhrlstena-a * Geo. Clark * Berry risrk. Bonny Clark. Capt. Clark, C. P. Clark, H. Fredonla nark, J. C. Clarke, a c. Clements, Joe L. ••aersc. P n Clirrord ft Clifford Clifford, Billy Close. Jack Clure, R. H. Cody. W. ». Coldnr. J. L. Cole, Sam Pole. W. W. Coleman, A. 8. Coleman, W. J. Collier. Ben E. Colllna. Blllte J. Oonini, 0. T. Colllna, Earl Colton. Jamea B. Cnmedan. iWDaaWTH, Ta dTt Cnrmors Family ••Connora. John Cook, Carl W. Cook, Chaa. C. Cones, Musical Dlzoa, Harry I) Iron. John Dodge, B. L. Dodaoa. Mel Tin Dokea, Joe Donnelly. Denia Dooo ho. Beady Donoran, Geo. F. Ponwnlr. W. L. Huraey. H. C. Dougherty. L. H. Douglas ft Moscrop Downard ft Downard Dnwua, C. L. Downs, Fred S. Drs t >er. Bert ft Ban nuke ft Bert DuraltTescu, Mlttu ••Dnnlerey ft Willi. ma ••Dunlesy. Arthur •Dunlop. Harry W. Dnnn. Jo* Donne. Tbomaa Potter ••Dunning. Calvin Dwyer. William M. Eaton. O. J. Ebaogb, Don C. Ehort. Fred Eckert. Clarence Erkhoff ft Gordon Edrington"'chss. B. Ed son. Robert B. Wwarda, Jack Ellas, Harry Eltet. Charles Elliott ft Blraley Kills. W. Emerson ft LeClrar ■malTe»TvB4Jc*i. Brgottl. Jos Brtrkana. Carl H. Erllnger. Henry Erring. Chll. Esllck. Jsck Estoclet. Al. D. Evani. W. B. Everett, Joe Ewlna. Gertrude Eirella ft Franks Ere. Wm. Eagls Faccenda. Albert Corey; D. F; rt . y eI, FTs5 0b CarajBow, John n.rrl.;^ Stattr? 'Bon' 0 ' 0 ^« co^o?: do? %£z, n c£: . Court. Percy ••Fanalon. Cbaa. K Conghlia, John X. Ferrsll, O*o w Cowles. C. W. Flek, 0. Eddie V. Laytoa Flddei, Mr. Fladiar. «. a. Kigner, Chaa. W. Flnley, Jeaa It. Finn, Irving B. Floaegaa, BUly Fisher, Fred Fisher, Harry F. Fleher. J. u. Flaber, Boaa O. Fishers, The El sn aery. Fred Flavio Bros. Fleming, James Fletcher. B. Fioetker, Henry Florida, Geo. A. Foley ft Earl ••Ford. J. T. Ford, Victor Foreman, U. Beaton Pure pa ugh, Geo. M. ••Foster, W. B. Fowler, F. BL Fowler, Otto France. Bdward Franklin. N. H. Frederick. The Friedman. Leo Fuller. Wm. Putrb, Regie Gable, F. P. Oslyon. Ilapny Walt Gap. Sensational Gardiner, Eddie GaretL Hsrrv liartlald. Uerman f larelBM. Oksiallal Gams, Lothar Garland. Doe Oartaad, Eddi. A. Garaer. Mama Otrratt. Baa Oetk, Albert nicks ft Blcka Hick*. 0. 8 •Ulldr* tb, Hill, Jo. Ilo.g. M. 8. Mud**. Uau. M. Uoouiu ft Dolores 1 i off ma n, Frank Hoffman, Frank Hoffmaas, cycling Hofuelatar. Fred A Huldawortb. Chaa. HoIUad, Chaa. Holmes w. it. n^CEdwlo Plot. Barry Holu. I«da * Holier ft Grass Homer, Doog Boose, Cheater - ' Lcaley i Baylow iTowltt.^narlle"' Howland. P. 8 . II I Ubbrd. L. W. Gates. Gavin, Oeorcs Gay, Fred L. Gay, Great Oeaaaro ft His Bead Oiaf a e . Hamry Gentry, Chaa. Gibson, Del Gilbert. Henry "in fVmi Oilman. Wm. Gllplns. The v-s GUaoo. Leon A. ••Glrason. Little Lew Glover. Will Golleneteln. John Gooding. Marshall Goodwin, Bay 8 Goodwin. Wallace V. Oorhy. Rl-'.-rd L Gordon. Cliff Gordon. Eddie Gordon. Prank Gordon, nerheet Oordem J Re, Gorman A. F. Gorton Mlnat. Gossage. Geo. Gould, it B. Goyt. Bnvwy Golnter. L C Graham. E. B. Graham. Frank Grant, Doc Gnat. E. P. Grant. Barry Graufogel. J. B. ••Gray. RnssvU Green ft Tall •Oreenloek ft Byrd Oner. James •Otetsneord. Fraak Grimtb. Frank ••Grifflih. Frank T. Griffin, F. 8. Hughes, Boy lingo. Victor Hnlbnrd. B. N. Hull. D. B. Boot. Cal aasn. a. H. Hunter. Harry C Huntington. Frank •Umatreaa Hestaa, Wm. Hy it. Larry H. Hyde. Chaa. Ingalls, Clyde l**ails. Dunxld ft i, Ingerson, Harry B. Ingrsms. The TWo lrwia, Warraa vaa Movalty r» Fred Janieke. Harry Jan*. K. j. Jenkins, Albert SeUume, A. B. doe) Johnaon. Clarence Johnson. Hal lie ••Jobbsob, Mr. Joaaatoa, X. A. -JoAaartrm*. 11. oasa ft Wkttsa Jones. A. C ••Jones, Harry Jones, Boy F. ••Jordan. Jordan. W. Joseph, Herman Joalyn, Robert A. Josselya, Robert Hackett. i ruddock. Leslie it. Hall, Harry Ball. B. F. Hall. Jack Han, Jefferaoo Tan. John ••Han. Leo Hall, W. A Bailer ft «* strove llamherjr. rOT namlltoB ft Cross TV*m1ltnn. Geo. W. Hamilton. Ollte 1'nmmond. J B Hampton. Manioc "Keith. Conrad Keller, H. B. Keller, Walter Keller. T. H. Kelly. Pat ••Kelly, Pat B. Kendall. Royal A. Kendall Eara Keanard. Ed. Kennedy. Kennlnlngvr. Kent. C. o. Hanford. Elmer TTanley. Lawrence rfannaford. Stanley nsnson. Arthnr nsralsnflr.. Cbrll Barter. Myrkl* Harding ft Wassea Harger. Press nsrrsha. The ■tarTlngtOB. C. ' B. Harrington, Frank ••Harrington. W. F. Harris. Cortland Harris, H. R. Harria. Xsek Barf, Aleme . Hart. 0. Hsrtwell. Frank Ifsshrnok. Wm. H. naseh. nugn "aaflnis. J. natsn. Mr. Bawpt. Carl J. •Hayes. F. B. Haves, R. nays. Jaa Ttaatna. Fred kf, Heddsn. Bert 0. nolntvmsn, B. R. Hsndrlx ft MeMshea Henelta. C. H. Hengsl. Btsvsn B. ■twnrv . sri neeherf ft Tance vferberi, Harry Harass. Wm. £•*«•. «. Si. J. R. Kerns, Walter E. Knilrm. Frank P. Klneade. Mr. Kinch. Barry King, Charles 0. Barry Knanp. i Knlsbt. Barry SToehler, A. I.. Knndoh. H. Koater. H A LsRreqne. H. E. LaMarr. J. A. LaRoe, Bert T*Rae. William LaRalle. Jo* ••TaTonr. Frank rs veiio. wnttsBi I.acheco. Leota tVas a ei ft vaxtaan Iamherto. John Lamont. W. E. Lang. Bd. Q. Laranb ft Bcottte Larkrss, Jsaany J*.iev. Art Latllp. Dave Lawier. Frank ••Layloa. D. B. lawrenc*. R. W. Lawaos, Al. M. Tatytoa. W. R. Laastta, Jack LeClslr. ■ r T**pf*r, R. DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 49 . . Hoy. Chaa. Hoy. Leon i.uch * Vance uvea, B. J. ■ eague. Jla» Lee. Htrrj ft Virginia Lee, CUM. K, Lee, Dave * Myrtle tare, Duke B. Kbau'i, Leon. Dan iMnard, Charley Leonard, I. lam Leopold. Jacob u-roj- * Blolae l.eelfe. Damn si. Uater, Jim Lerln. Willie 1^ Tie * Loyd l»w la * Be tea Lew la. A. Lewla, Chaa. Li-win. Jack ••Lewie. Harry l*wls, L. C. Lewi*. Newen a Lc wla, R. W. . Ley toe, TOla Lillian. Frank * l.lndtleye. The Link. Billy Uord. M. H. Loard, W. V. "Lottos. Whit. I-nhss 4k Starting [/■hue, Ralpb London, BUI London. Jamee Long, Chaa. D. long. E. H. •«Lae«. hmm w. Lorraine, F. B. Lore, Harry Lorlna, frank Lawantbal, I. Lnlgl, Geo. Lmter. Carl Lyneb, Humphrey Lyona. O. A. Lytle, Moody McCarthy. Jobn R. Met^'caV? UcCune. Chai McDanlel. WIU 0. McDonald. Alex. XIcFall. Boy McGee. J. W. Meflre. Mike Mclnall. Mr. Ed. Mclntlre A Co. McLaln, B. Star Maeart, Prank Mare. Jamea J. Mark. C. J. Markle. W. Walter Maddox. R. C. Uadlson. Thou. H. - Maeby. J. D. Magulre. Tboa. Main. A K Maine. N Maine. Will MaTette. O. t, stsjvero A Cook Mann. Wflhor Ma*a*eM A Welack WsnsflelJ r H. Manwo, Geo. Markle. W R Marahall. M. •Mfsrtln A Polk Martin. Jack Martin. Mr. Jerry May. 811m Mrlllvan. Geo. "grille. Howard ** p rvve. Bar Menallna. Clarke Men*., J. B. M»»«fe. «. Miller. Bnek. "Miller Oeo. Miller. Prank Miller. W. J. MlHe. 0. R. Miner. E. K. Mli.-h.-li. A. B. "JM). MkB Moll Arthur Monday, Mttle \Ioti row. Cfaaa. W«oee4>. U Monn. 0. W. ••Moore. Archie ■-Mnore. Cheater A. W«ra». H. Mornn. Wllllim S " "* " *. Win Morgan. Jack "-"'•a. O. £ MomhT. Bart Mnrtie. Charles C. Kaenle Ixinla ?. W. . Mr. Tom Morton A Fairfield "Mease. f*a Moaa. Charley Mnlllna. Mnmrord. 0. C. JJnrphy. a V. Mnrohy, R. p. MnrphT. T».. ». Murphy. Riley Nadall, Prof. Naden. T#w ?•">•«. Mr. K. "Nslhandlan, Jake Nauman, R. J. Needham. W. P. Nelaon. Clarence Nerte, Bam Neee*. 0. ». Newman. Val. Newman. Ralph Jtebnl. Mr. Joe. Nlehola, Lew Noble. Mr. Cbaa. Noble. Cbaa. W. Nugent, Ed. OBri*n. Dick «** r-DeU. B. M. Ogden, J. E. Ogden, Cbaa. F. Ogden. George oilier. B. L. Ollfan. Al. O'Rourke, Frank ••Orr, Mr. B. Ortaneye. Felix Oaterllng, 0. F. "itch, Btera Owens. BUlle •Owes*, Col. F. O. •Padgett, Geo U. Packard. Tfaadloa Page. Blller Palmer, A. T. .'srker, W. J. Parrot* Parkjurat. H. C. ••Persia, Oeo. W. Patteraon, Eugene I'atteraon, A. D. Patrick A Franc laco Pale, M. P. Panl. Bd. C. Pavlowa A Mom kin Payne, Harry C. Pearaall, J. T. lv ar»ou. Lenton Peeler, R. M. •Irce, R. Peace, D. B. Pennock. M. A. Nnaluwa. A. P. Penny. A. B. Perbam. 8. A. Perry, H. H. Peteraoa. 8. A. i-htlllps, Percy Walter Jr. Philips, Pierce. B. M. Pllheam. Harry I Piano Polly. Harry Polo. Bddy Poleoo. Mr. H. 8. Porter. Jobn W. Potter. H. Poulaeo. A. I. Power* A Wltaoo ""well. Mr. * Mis. Preroat. V. P. Prewelt. Eddie R. Price, a. B. ■•rltcbard. Cicero Proctor, Ooo. H. '• v» , w— y . rrKew A. Q.i lc ley. James Babltoek. J. "Race. Howard Rado. Pbll ••Raretta. Will •are. Eddie . Raymond A Harper Raymond. Prof. ' ' **Bo a» ood a . tk.- two Bead* A Wright Heeler. Orril " ' ••Reeree. Jobn Reelea. R. M. »e»ar, Oil Reno, C. R. Kenrmlt. Cbaa. Henio. rraak Roaaoai, The Rerolon. Oeo. Reynard. A. D. ••Reynold*. P J. w-»noi.i«. Bart Rnea. Harry Rhcada. Waller Rboadea. Dick Rhodes. Walter •lee. W. if. J. Rlpp, Mr. Jack Robe mo, Mr. B. Roberta. F. R. Roberts. J. H. Roberta, s. I. Robertson, O. P. Boblneon, Robert ••BoMmb, Bebsrt BoebOB. P. L. '•Bodgsrs. B. J. Rodney, James Ronens. The Rowe. William Rnmbold. Jaa. A. Rusk, J. W. Rnaaell. C A. Rnaaell, B. L. Rnaaell. E. W. ••Russell. MOT ••Buaaeii. _ yen. Harrv Ryley, J. Fred Salmon, Fred Sanders, Oeo. Rardell. T. Saaaaman. W. A. Searjeant. Oeo. W. dnrosl ». w. Seymour, Willi* Rebnler. O. B. ••Schardlng. J. Rchnmm. Harry Schneider. Dirk Scott. Barl Scott. J no. M. Scott, Btchard W. Reott A Clark Beeyo. The TnadasaU, H. B. Trailer, p. R. irldan 4 Short Sbelley, John Sheridan, Teddy Short. W. L, Shortla. Doc Shropshire. Jaa. Sbolta,' Wm. 0. Slegel. Julius Simmons. C. Sinclair, C. H. Slater A Finch Slater. J. F. ■loan, James Smith, C. F. Smith. Ray Smith, William Smith, Cbaa. Smith, Cbaa. Smith, 0. B. smith. John Smith, J. B. ••Balpley, Henry Sommerrllle. E. V. Southwell. E. B. (MtaarkS. Cbaa. Spear*. John Spencer, Hngb Spears. Eddie 8tanley A Alleene Stallo. Mr. Lew Starr. Bab* teadmas, F. Sterena, F. H. StelUnga. The Htevens. W. Slewart, Musical Stelner. Fred Sleeena, W. C. Stewart A Backatt VSSSSl'P- Stone. Pbll ler, L. _pton. Dr. Wm. Upchorch, Mr. Grundy Van Dyne. J. H. Vans, Two Vernon, Great Veasella, 8. Marco ••Vlncente. Dr. Vltnccl, Mike Vlelan A Barbell ••Vollttt.- w. Boa, ■Van An. Al. Voa Erlchaon. U A. Von Jerome. Mr. •Wagner, Frank Wallace, O. Waller. C Wallace. Jo*. K. Wallner. 0. WaahbnrB. O. A. Wataon, Cliff Waterbnry, J. p. Way. E. C. Wayne. Fred ••WMdtek. Utty Wearer, Herman Weaver. B. W. ••Weadlck, Gay . Webb. T. B. Webster. Fred ' Weeks, Mr. u E. Weels, C. M. Weed. Dan OWalek Wellington, Dick Wells, A. Welach. M. B. " Lew Stubbing*. W. H. Stnart. Jack K. Snlllran. T. B. Snttoo, J. B. Sutton. Prank Sutton, Bert Swain, C. Walter 'Tanner. B. H. Teely. Jack Teller, O. O. Terry, B. C. Thslg. Amg. Thome. Charles Thompson, Prank IT. Thorn. N. F. Thomaa. Oeonre Thomas, J. w. . H array West. C W. White. Allan H. White. Ben White. Floyd White. Jesse Wiley. K. p. WUk, Jos WUker, Harry ••Wnilama. Floyd WHllsms. H. J. •-Williams, King Wlllaon. Jennie Williams. Klnt Winiama. Wtnton William*. W. G. Wilkes, Monte Tom Wlrlarde. Jack Wolf. Philip Wombolt. Oeo. Wood. Jamea A. Wrlarht. F. W. ••TeaMe. Walter W. Younir. W. B. Voungman, Ray Zeeb, Mr. 0. Tlemey, Jamea . muses. TUlaoB. B. A. Til . DIcL Zero. Cbaa. ZVmtb, J. c. Zlerow, • Harry Zlllle. Msrt w. WS r.rry «rr,ll lUBS Of gOOdS fOT blgS pitch •« street eoraBV.aales. Cheap Jewelry (or lot*: wtrae Htooe Pins. Rings Brooch as. Cutlery, Baaora, Sbeara, Rasor Strops. Biaabas. Soap, etc.. tvif ailing Foam tain Psaa. BhMiy Stoaes, Memorandum Books, Combs, Ma- rions. Canes. Whips, sad a full lias of Cararra) foods ot all kinds for Carnival Workers. Oat •logos tree. Deposit required on all C. O. D Shryock-Todd Notion Co ST. LOUIS. U.! $15 to $35 Per Day This la wbsl you esa ttoaka by onsrsttag oas or our Woadarrol Ferrotype Bseklnsa Oar Iskssl Modal Ro. a Woadscfsl Psirotyar Bashlaa mskaa tares sums of plo tnras on nlasss aMzaM, Huh aad tt L. Button pistes. It at also re ss i a lbl sfor T s aina BSSSas. la b l u lBS sad bouses. Our Uktesturooaa,TS4o Camera Boons, mskaa * button plo tureetaoBSBUAota. Wsskaoaaaaa factors asesrsl dtssreavt stress of street tta tyas machines aad so* pi lea ter same. We are the original manufacturers or the Ferrule pe s i sals sTsaiblas Ssao tor oar rear catalogue, glrlog fotl psrtlcul ' thaUort ■ deposit isqnlrsd wll Htm TOM niMTTPl BtX Dans. A M*M D slaaoay Bt- , KXW YORK CTTT, N. T.. U. a, a_ TATTOOING REMOVED — Do It yourself. One treatment. $1.50. Tattooing Machine*, (5. up. Stencils, 10c up. Alio colors. Inks, d reigns, needles, etc. Send for free price list. PBOF. H. W. REBEC, 1103 8. 1st St., Watt, Cedar Bapti*. Xa. _ • - ' - ANY ROD Y KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT THE WHEREABOUTS OP WM. RITCHIE, KINDLY COMMUNICATE WITH MRS. JAMBS HITCUIE. 1P1 U KEEN ST.. CUMBERLAND. MD. A WHIRLWIND SELLER FOR STREETMER OUTDOOR VEHDORS BEFORE. BUNKUM DOG is the neatest delusive novelty of the Everybody "falls" for it. As a seller for this Holiday season articles we know of will equal it. For Streetmen it is the pected "Prospect" that will make good. DOZEN SPECIAL HOLIDAY GOODS FOR STREETMEN season, but few ex- No. N-120 N-121 N-122 N-129 Nl» N-124 ..■■•.......■■.a. N-239S N-23MI N-T132 N 0077 N-422S are attractlre to the hustler. Celluloid Tumbling Clowns, dressed, new, Celluloid Roily Polly, email else. aaat. flgnrvu. Cell u!i i Id Holly Polly, large size. asat. Bgurcs.. Roily Polly Santa Clans, email alae Holly Polly Santa Claua. large alae. Walking Figures, celluloid, s ' MECHANICAL Tap Tap Cart, with man pushing It., .,».»••*..« •••,,«•••• Bpll Airship. Zeppelin model*. ...... Quack Quack Cart with three docks pulling It New Century Cycle, well-known Beetle, large site, eery Interesting A FEW VERY GOOD STAPLE TOYS Tin Violins, wood finish, complete Tin Violins, aa above, larger Santa Clans, mama, papa talking born. Colored Canary Bird Whistle Banning Mice, black 6.00 3.60 e.oo 7.50 .30 .53 .30 55 1.80 1.80 1.80 !:« **ss»»e> 3.25 2.80 1.T5 ssssswia »_»_» e • • • • • * 80C p eJeAsOOp aJSelasB^Og 'and f f7 00 ln " decor * Uon * two We send no catalog and ship no goods to In writing for catalog, say if you want Streetmen's 256-page or the large 779-page book, and state when last you received our catalog.. WB SUPPLY Streetmen. Vendors, Cane Back and Knife Board Ma*, Blfb Fitch and nab. Pond Operators. Street Fair sad Carol ral Workers, Tra.ellng Medicine Shows. Circuses. Auc- We are Manufacture**, Im- Stint ILLINOIS OUR BTROBO UBB Jewelry, Wa ttb a * . Cutlery. Cane*. Rllrer ware. Yankee NotloOS. NOTsltlss aad aVnselal- tlea la Immense ta rlety. Quick aallara ta BUUaosrr. Dry Ooods, Bnsdrlss. Lea- ther and B a b b • r Goods. Books aad Soo- eanlrs. P r • m t u w Good*. Adrartudag Ma, 8h aS fSffi Bopplles of sll klDds, WANTED -CI RCUS PEO PLE QUICK International Aviators- Inc. TOURING ENTIRE SOUTH ON OUR OWN SPECIAL TRAIN Want A-l Boss Canvasman. Top 140 with two fifti«s. No seats. No night shows. Three days and week stands. Assistant Boss who can and will handle Chandelier Lights when necessary. Light Men, Trainmen, Canvasmen, Cooks, Waiters, etc. All Departments except Horsemen and Performers. CHAS. DAVIS, Supt. Working Department. CONCESSIONS OF ALL LEGITIMATE KINDS Peanuts, Popcorn, Candy, Crackerjacks, Souvenirs, Canes, Pennants, Post Cards, Photo Gallery, Lunch Stand, Soft Drinks, Hot Dogs. etc. NO GRAFT, NO GAMBLING. This is not a carnival proposition, but a great all-day exhibition, playing to thousands of people daily. The biggest outdoor exhibition that was ever seen. Draws more people than a big circus. BOOKED SOLID FOR A YEAR. A Gold Mine For Real Ones. Don't .write. Come on if you have the goods. LIEUT. JIM P. ANDERSON, Supt. Concessions. P. I- YOUNG, Q.u.rai Manager. Addreiiall communications to GEORGE H. HAMILTON. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Nov. 26. 27. 28. 29. Memphis. Term., Nov. 30. Dee. 1 and X New Orleans for a Great Meet after Memphis. Read the Richmond, Virginia, Papers. See what happened there. Great. THE MASTODON OF aTT. W^STsfft^WSAND -WTT.T.'FW WANTED. For the King's Daughters' Big Street Feir and Carnival, at Meridian, Miss, free on the main street* around the Poet-OtBce and Uarket. the week commencing Dec. 5 and ending Dec. 10. We own and carry the following nlgo-class features: 1 — Carry-Da- All; 2 — Ferris Wheel; S — Ocean Wave; 4 — Congress of World's Wonders: 8 — Miller's UsgnlBcent Minstrels; 0 — Hindoo Theatre; 7 — Dreamland; 8— Francella'a Roman Hip- podrome; 0 — Palace of Mystery; 10— Jungleland; 11 — Bra, the Fat Girl; 12— Monster Snakes; 13 — Miller' s Merry Maidens; 14— Baby Prince. Two Big Free Acta and Concert Band. Wanted, any non-conflicting Sbowa aod good Platform Snows ud any strictly Legitimate Oonc.- s a l o n a. Several more hlg ones to follow. Addreea mall J. G. MILLER, Gen. Mgr., Meridian, Miss. Telephone or wire to M. A. GOWDY. Forest, Mis*. IF YOU SEE IT IN THE BILLBOARD, TEL.L. THEM SO. The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. RATES AND LICENSES. 1 ' (Continued from page 7.) M 3 a real legitimate way — to at of employing the beat counsel obtainable regardless of coat. While the Arksnaas matter la not settled, having been carried . over three times at tlie rv enest of the railroad companies, Mr. Cotm In- form* us that he thinks the statutes will be adopted as written and prepared by himself. .True, proprietors and managers of small •hows are valuable witnesses before the com- provided they do not talk too orach, as Dtleinen salt these matters to them. Consequently, an Important case such as this one Is materially strengthened by being pre- sented by able connsel, as ' the : railroads have attorney a galore, and when a person other than a lawyer attempts to argue a matter before them, they feel as" though their dignity is being sacrificed and prefer to listen only to the pub- lic si witnesses. •-, I hare not -entered Into the Tamlslan* mat- ter -with Mr. Busby as we felt that' we could proceed .with' more stable reference If we waited until the Arkansas .matter became a statute, and then. It ought to be big by having the great States of it Is not a matter ut the freight department tents, poles, live stock, et rate cars. The freight departments bare claimed the busi- ness, as they are superior In authority In rail- road' circles; the passenger departments bare keen compelled to leave this line of business to the freight departments where the general freight agents have^ demanded It. ^ get transportation on -passenger trains, ban to proceed csrefully and try to avoid mistakes, as one turn down, especially la the State of Arkansas at this time, would mean a great We instructed our attorney , to concede to the railroads that no riding devices would be car- ried and all live stock exceeding four bead of horses; not considering monkeys, birds, et cet- era, should be charged at the rate of two rents per mile, the same as passenger rates. We bare not considered that the railroads ba genersl have been a menace to small show- men. On the other band, we felt, had It not seen for railroads, many of us would not be tn existence In the present business, at least. However, it Is to our Interest to give rail- roads to understand In -a substantial way that we are willing to let well enough alone, but when they enforce arbitrary rules, we have business sense enough to employ legal talent that will represent us In such - we will be 'Vns procured better rstes. attorney not tn ask for Mr. AUen states that had we been better represented before the Little Bock Commis- sion, we could base We Instructed our _ better rate*, as the present statute, uj framed tad submitted to tbe Arkansas body, f adopt- ed. Is tbe fairest snd offers the small showman the cbespest kind of transportation. The aame proposition should apply regard- ing license It Is useless to discuss the subject ♦f free llc-nse ss we hare always fell It was a pleasure to play a reasonable chats*, and then we could feel that .we were citherns of the community and demand protection a* much. Where the law* of -tbe 8tste permit too municipalities to. enact, their own • license laws, It tends to work . hardship upon any tent ■bow- man. •*• • What 'ought to hav anoeoarsired Is s statu lory license that applies to State, county and ajonlrlpal corporation*. Referring to ourselves individual^, and this slso applies to many small showmen, we elslm that we are a bona-flde theatrical organisation snd that we are entitled to the same privilege ts^e 'bestre or^opera house^ w W n«V*broad e and 1< mlght spp formed general passenger agent in America tbst does not purchase a copy of The Bill- board each week, and what can possibly be bis Impression of these matters if the profeaslon Is to be represented - by a Jester '/ ... ' ,. . A. great deal has been said about showmen organizing. This will never be . done, but you will nnd the names of successful ■ showmen coupled with these contributions, snd the others do not count. What all small showmen ' should do Is to avoid tbe general offices about trifling matter* when- It could be handled with the local agent. In fact, we have numbers of lines tbst we have gone over each sessoo, snd we do not find It necessary to write the genersl office ex- cept to tell the division superintendent by letter our Itinerary and to send a carbon copy to each agent In towns where we expect to truly. W. I. SWAIN SHOW CO.. _. By W. I. Swain, pres. Home office, 615 Elm St.. St. Louis, Mo. VICTOR MOORE'S NEW PLAY. (Continued from page 0.) Jnnle McCree and Sydney Rosenfeld are the author*, and Albert Ton TUaer composed the The members of tbe Baltimore Chapter of tbe American Institute of Banking were present at the opening. Besides the bankers, there was a large' gathering of fashionable people. THE GIRL IN THE TRAIN AT THE 3TUDEBAKER. 8.) . ippy last night the rest of the sndlence, which was large and glsd It was alive. Amy " Leslie, or The Dally News: . demure and sweet, sung beautifully i.ud looked a picture In various costly clouds and colors. Vera Micbalena, brilliant, handsome, rsklsb and animated, made a bit both by ber rich comedy and ber fine, athletic sort of vocal Ism. Edwin Wilson dances and sings well snd Pbll Branson Is good. Henry Vincent and Don- ald Hall were both capital and Martyn Hay- den both original and eccentric as tbe conductor with a college past- Edna Hunter, pretty and pink. - bss nothing to do, and Alleen Hodgson, naive and nervous, will be valuable when she Is less so and sings In tune. Jns. Besney an-' sll tbe men are good, and tbe chorus girls sing finely and look charming." OAK THEATRE OPEN ED. (Continued from psge 8.) by 8os- spply to a mod. Iron. amusement constructed of eloth. If the Arksnsss mstter Is settled or becomes a law. we are willing to extend this scrap Into Louisiana or any other State where our trest- ' at the hands of the railroad companies Joke. This Jesting Is well enough among the pro- fession but it sbould be understood that these articles n nit _ their _ way__ In to the general PSSS- — ha* been very handsomely decorated 1 man and Land la and seats 1.200 people. Two shows a night are given and an ad of ten and twenty cents b charged. Wo. Mor- ris, Inc., books the house and as an opening bill offered Oreve snd Green. Beld Sisters, Fa- mous Ishlksws Jape Irwin and Hertog and Ed- ward Blondell. besides two thousand feet of moving pictures of the Independent msnnfsc- ture. Tbe house executive staff Includes M. J. Ksrger. manager: Bert Goldman, advertising manager; J. BL Miller, musical director; Tom Cnnnlnghsm. stage manager; Miss F. Berger, Karl Tompkins, operator, and J superintendent. CASINO THEATRE. tra. The whole bill was a failure at the opening performance. Tbe bouse looks beautiful In its decorations and new lighting system, everything being complete, and with a ought to mske a sue s -r ...... MERITORIOUS BILL AT MAJE8TIC. - set. are very clever. Harry K. Baywsrd snd Miss Jessie Hay ward. In a comedy sketch, entitled Holding Out, offer something of merit. - Harry Clifton, tbe English character singer, assisted - _ by his wife, was a frost. Jsne Court hope and her Comr story of tbe offered a Maater Boss, a lad of fourteen years, who takes the character of Teddy, la a very accomplished actor. Special scenery is carried. The act has some good points. . ' : . Nichols Sisters, those ever-welcome Kentucky belles. In songs and dances, were Indeed a bit on the bill. The Avon Comedy Four, a school sketch, were s riot. The voice* of the boys are wonderful. (The Tragedy of ■ Mardl Gran), The cast Is as follows: Marie, .the little daughter of Madame Lulaette , t .. Mssler Morris Emmer Charlotte, msld to Madame Lulsetto. .. ... •• .. V. .. ... Miss Freds Slemona Msdsme 'Lulaette, premier ballerina at l'Opera Mile. Dasle Baron Duval, an admirer of Madame Lulsette Mr. Robert De Clesslls Jean, a thief Slg. Rlccardo St. Ella Gendarme Mr. Frank Roberts SCENE — Apartment of Mme. Lulsette, Bne the Mardl Graa Carnival. James Thornton, tbe favorite author 'of many good songs, in bis songs and timely sayings, wss liked. Alonxo Bra ceo Troupe, who have Just finished a season with the Bsrnum A Bslley Show, closed the bill. These elgbt wonderful tumb- lers and acrobats were certainly appropriate for such a position. The program was Indeed one of behold Sberlock Holme* on the stsge. Wltb one Holmes, Mr. Gillette's, tbe public bss iwca familiar these msny years. Now another slier- lock, Mr. Charles altllwsrd's, and lie Is uulte as interesting, and. If you will have It so. quite as convincing as the Orst. He Is cleverer, indeed, In disguise. Ue disguises not only his appearance, but bis voice. The first Sherlock of your acquaintance never did that; his voice was always u nmistakable." ■ MAETERLINCK'S LATEST. (Continued from page 10.) r great beauty and power He In tbe simplicity wltb which the tale la unfolded, and that It la darinf In Inception, reverential In treatment and ac- cumulative In force. The translation has bees msde by Alexander Telxelra de Msttos. PREMIERE OF KATY DID. «n page 10.) CHICAGO HOLDOVER SHOWS. (Continued from page 9.) The Msyoress, with May DeSousa. will be the next attraction for this show Purple, with Us story of tbe reiving tbe generous patron S.-C. MANAGERS TRANSFERRED. (Continued from page 11.) Dean Worley, connected with tbe staff of the Grand Theatre, Tacoma, Wash., has been trana- ferred to tbe Grand Theatre. Sacramento. Cat John W. Consldlue will spend the next three weeks with Tim Sullivan at the Springs. The new SnUlvsn St Conaldlue theatre, tbe at - San Francisco, opens November 4. Circuit, will * THE SPECKLED . BAND. (Contlnud from page 10.) Holmes. Consn Doyle took his pen In hand to mske a plsy of bis own. He selected bis story, Tbe 8peckled Rand, as tbe fonndstioo for hi* drama. How little use he msde of bis pen and bow expertly be 'employed means more conduc- ive to success In plsywrltlng was proved last night at the Garrlck Theatre when Charles - loeed Tbe Speckled Band for the New York. The play Is an ab- asia -that kept tbe audience pro sted tn, every erne of tbe highly snd wholly - Improbable scenes." Tbe American : . "Why does a good short story make a bad long play 7 Why did Sir Arthur Consn Doyle bold us absorbed - by the mystery of The : Speckled Band In his snort story and appeal .nnramaKakaasly to osrr se n se of humor in his play 7 Well, yoo are not permitted to mys- tify sxi audience. You. may mystify reader*, and keep them on the tenterhooks till the very last pop. and the jr*nv* thoroughly yon do It. f more successful your short story. But sn sndl- ence has sot to know! An sadlence won't be good until a last set clears np things. An sa- dlence must know what the characters In the plsy don't know. To be sure, tbe sudlenre at tbe Osrrtck la not kept completely In tbe dsrk. Tbe Inference Is that they'll see saar they go borne. But the thing Isn't go< It is futile. It Is Insufficient." Tbe Tribune: "Con an Doyle's stories are better than his plays. His latest ptsy Is s stage arrangement of one of bis abort stories, one of the Sberlock Holme* series, snd on tbst account, of course. It Is bound to find an audi- ence. Just as It was bound to find a manager. It la rlcb In cheerful crudities, and you take It good naturedly. because tbe author admits yon to bis confidence wltb a manner that Is childlike and bland. It Is quite tbe proper thing to turn np superior noses st tbe Sherlock Holmes stories, even though tbe owners of tbe stories wltb fearful Joy, shout bedtime. And so it hspnens tbst lust ss millions or humans or one color or another waited fer Colonel Sell- er's Bye Wash, olber millions, mostly white hit* of various tongues, feel a secret eagerness to written some extremely pretty music for Katy Did. Tbe librettists bave preserved all tbe familiar situations of My Friend from India In tbe cast are Bert Baker, Alfred Keppeler. Freddie J. Nice, Louis A. Simon, Joseph Adel- man, D. W. Market. Clifford P. Satin. Eileen Kearney. Anna Wilkes. .Bvsleen Danmore. Josle Intrlpod snd May Vokes. A dsuclng special!? la Introduced by Adelaide snd Johnny J. (luglu*- Jos. M. Oaltea Is the producer of t he piece. UP AND DOWN BROADWAY. (Con tinned from page 10.) William A. Brady s nominees tbst. after the engagement of Douglas Falrbanka in The Cab. st the Circle next week. Mr. Fairbanks will be presented at tbe Majestic Theatre, Brooklyn, and then wUl make a brief tour, pending a re- turn engagement In New York. Mia. Grace Whlatler, a niece of the artist and a member of the Bessie Abbott Opera Com usny will sing the part of Soankl In Madams Butterfly during the Southern tour of tbst com psny, during which this Puccini opera, aawell ss his La Bobeme, will be sung. Miss Whist- ler was Mancngnl'e personal selection for onr of the Important roles In Ysobel, for the pre- sentation of which tbe Bessie Abbott Opera Company waa organised. • ~ : Edward Mscksy bss been east to plsy the role of Lucius Verus, the Roman general In tMIJf A Co -a production of Mau-y Mse^ManManrlre Maeterlinck's latest plsy, which win receive lis first performsnce on any stag* at the New Theatre on Moreiey evening December 8. Miss Constance Collier, tbe English actress, who was last seen tn this country In Israel, will bave a prominent part la Mis* Ethel Barry- more'* production of Plnero's Trelswney of the Wells, which begins an engagement at the Empire Theatre on January 2. She will aise give a number of special matinees ill «he Cri- terion Theatre, appearing first as Nancy nyks* In Oliver Twist- After an absence of ten years from musical G riant part In Ma cLellan and Ivan In rehearsal under of^Uel'ler 00 ! .^h3°-A. TS&jTtS. M *tf tas* r jApsln a Theatre ^n ^ts# NEW CIRCUIT FORMED. (ContUrasd from «.) hardly likely. The open rupture between thl» hurieiiii- firm and the Eastern Wheel lead* Jo tr^morv^aJoTabl. deduction that : their en^ try to New York Is Intended aa % M M*— M tbe very men who appear as movers -UK, Wes'tem W^l striving to bresk Into tbe Esstl" He replied, "loo esrly to LJ^L>f It Is quit* possible. I'm tn on the Gordon * North theatre, yon kx»w." . This fact Is Interesting for the reason 'lis. nil! Is one of the very . besvlwt tovestors is tbe properties, of the Eastern Wheel. **d_K nta ie?M nr luimnw " ' . . circuit Is but one of the situation which a* yet to but partly With Heart* of the Rockies Company sre Misses Irene Russell. Harry Psyne and KUa tThirp; Messrs. Frank* Moss. Omer Lear. Free* Newman, Esrl Drakw. Jas. B. Schsfcr, Hsrrv L. Psyne. Crawford Montla and Lawrence Beld. Wm. McCury Is sdvsnes agent. .1st- BILLY ELLWOOD, 2nd Vlo.-Pr... , Tarn. B. J. WILLIAMS. I Mobil*. At.. Association of Affiliated Vaudeville Agents HOWARD rOOQ LEW WREN ' C. K. WILLIAMS '" FRANK 'H. CALDWELL BILLY ELLWOOD B. j: WILLIAMS GEO. B. GREEN WOOD EDWARD CAVANAQH: SAM MASSELL; . M. 3. WHITEHEAD 1 .- "•".i v'-'-i'f"'-' ■>••'*•• .-- >M"A>i .rff«< '"•-.' •!. • NORMAN JE.FFERIES, Philadelphia, Pa., SOLE EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE Managers wanting exclusive bookings are requested to write the nearest officer of the Association and full information regarding Agent in your territory will be furnished. PERFORMERS — This Association through its agents is booking over two years' consec- utive work. Before playing opposition time you are invited to write the nearest office of the Association and full information will be given you. DECEMBER 3, 1010. rhe Billboard 61 LIGHT EFFECTS Cv«rythlng Electrical for Thtatm, Parks, rroductloni a r. d Vaudavill* Acta. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. This, mam Davis, took a* a Salted o.tll «.» on ik) - in ilia bid mid* famous In tbe days of n* r London triumphs. This put, >In. Ponsonby de Cootu Wragg*. ta that of a. lady who might aril have been named Nan*- She drove two husbands to lb* woods, ■■ the librettist ex- presses It, sod whan tor? got out of the woods. It was "uly to ba confronted by the eaoea of "'Marr' a la Carta will ba given a spaedy proihicllun by IJrblcr aod Company. The cut U rehearelng dally. Miss Orate \vuisth-r, a niece of tbe artist, and a member of tbe Bessie Abbott Opera Com Emit, wilt aloe the part of Suxukl In Madame uttrrflT dories tbe Southern tour of that com nauv. during which this Puccini opera, aa well „ hla La Bohcme, will be anna;. Idlaa Wblatler waa Masregnl'a personal selection for one of .be «"P»J«»« »gJ | «^2 rt *-9*? 1 .- CARNIVAL CONV ERSATION. Pasaing Events. Comment en Parson- attiss. Obsarvations of Conditions and Suggestions for Better- ment. Br "BI D OHIO *." (Written upeeUnyor^Tb.^ Paint up- Winter quarter* now. AiwaV? neeStf ..Sed-Oood door talker*. ■ What makes a wttd weat wild J Aak Gordon. InnoTatlnna d tremeiy radical. An advertisement to be effective, mnat lesr* a dlatlnct mental Impression. Do It now. Do not wait for next season to make tboae contemplated Improvt All who knew Jolly Trlxle, the sorry to bear of her death. Tbe public dors Dot want to know, ••What la It:" tbe j went to know what It la. Hare yon ever aeen anybody set mora out of a slaas show than Will Z. 8mlth cant Tbe best that most men (at out of the show business la to hare a clear named after them. Son— "What makes a merry -era- round, go round?" Father— ">'lckele, my son, nickels." Isn't be the wIh father? Frank 8. Reed, business manager for tb* Backslln Ben Show, aaya. "Hla mi " la pnre, but he la not oslag If." What has become or tb* Indepao men's Protective AssoclstlonT Also phs.ia. « hat bar* they dona for the good of ta* The utile Russian Prince, onder the man- agemeat of Fraok it. Bllts. atill proves to ba the heat alngl* boat offlce attraction In Cam! valdoni. John J. Stock did and doss let mors mosey oat at a Katcenjamoxr Kaatle than say of his Imitators or followers. Woo aald original? Charles D. Wlllsrd. why don't yon pot one of your Temple of Mnsic Shows under canvass and get aome of the money that la coming to yon» Elbert Hubbard says. "People like to more, •ren If they only go round In a circle." Tbte may have something to do with the perennial natality of the merry-go-round, t It possible tbat Wllllsm (Billy) Persca and A. J. (Determination ) Murphy are back at It ■gala? If you are. success to you, aa It takea you two fellow* to get tb* money. It dor* not seem to make mnch apparent dif- ference to sons companies r long aa they can move to Sunday cornea. ^.8. Edward*, _ the beat , . on the road. Ill- contL__ nuat really he something In rtlalng aavnt* do eofaetb prove* that tb* man. Advertising agents do aomeibiag more than "y turn' - to almply furnish the Information that yonr t scare. - gels tba money. It la because It Is and weU managed. If It doe. B0t, I met Dan R. Lewis (tbe talker), wttb tbe "Two Bill*' Show." this summer. Dan baa a persoasllty aod a retching line of conversation that abonld elevsta him to a position hi* bar than tbe bloe teate. If a show s good ahow _ It la the fault do not, One* there » rag a a wreck golog to a •bey bad a blow-down caught Are. and other tl the manager reported good that for optimism 1 Not enough attention la paid to tb* minute details that would enhance and make possible tb* beat remit*, both artistically and financially. I fan cite innumerable Instances Is the ex- ploitation and presentation of otherwise credit able and worthy shows and organisation* wherein Ihla I* lacking. i ■ , "DOC" Wsddell aaya, "(leorge W. Rollins would be a hlg hit a* s Chautauqua lecturer and Lyceum Bureau feature." For tbe good of the business ba Is now la, let ns bona he remains "here be la. The bnalneaa needa mora men In It with Rollins' capacities. > ~> .-v O. A. Donthlt. the boy who handle* 'tb* brush for the Lafayette (Ind.) Rlllpoatlog Co., la axunc billposter. Yon can depend upon every (beet laid out going up neatly. 11* seeps up a nice line of boarda, and la a good fellow for agents to meet. , c t . , J -i , s . . , ■ M. Mil (Bcnnle) Taylor, formerly on* of the most prominent carnival concessionaries, ta now managing the New Richmond Theatre,' North Adnma. Ma**., the real flratrlasi house of tbe city (playing Schubert attractions). Bennle Is making good: hla experiences on tbe road are •erring him wall' la' thla eapaelt*. ■ Some one will eventually pat oat that "big •op" scheme and make It a go. -It must be more than merely a carnival company under tanraaa. . Combine Curia M. Smith'* conception of It with- Lew Itorktey. spectacular Idea* and ability to execute thing* ot magnitude, and you has* got It aaactl*., ^ tfllows, I this*.'. Sotuauow lie got tb* political be* is bis bonnet..- It buxsetj at. hard, that he ran* for the Maaisfatarrm The- baa as net aoxxlng now. Harry ta an ambitious, brainy fallow. Take It from me, you will bear from him. Woold Ilka >o sea blm back la tba gam*. There are many In the business selling con- fetti, who po**i>.y are not Informed aa to Its origin. The following allpped from a small town weekly, may u* Interesting: "That history of confetti la rather carious. Several year* ago ■ large printing works In Paris was turning out Immense quantltlea of calendars, through which * amall round hole bad been punched to receive an eyelet for holding the aheet* together. A heap of the little circular scraps of paper cot out by the punch accumulated on a table, and one of the machine men amused himself by scattering a handful Of them over a working glrl'a hair. She Immediately enatebed np a handful and throw them In hla face. Other girl* followed her maniple, and the first con- fettl battle began. The head of tha eatabllsh. meat came In, when It wu at Ita height, and being what tbe Americana call a 'smart man,' he st once realised tbat there waa 'money In It. He ordered special machinery, placed large quantltlea of tbe new article on tb* market, made a fortune, and created a new Industry." CARNIVAL NOTE8. Bbleld'a Big Specialty Show left New Orleans November 24 for Ita third annual tour of the tropics. With tb* aggregation are Miss Pearl Wllleta, Illusions; alias Edna Bates, poses piss tlqoe; Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. Cosby. Bed Clsyton ami Mis* Pssrl McVey, Using model*; Jimmy Col son. black-face comedian; Mis* Myrtle Rose, song and dance; Tha Hyaous, musical act. Tb company will play all tba principal cities In Central America, opening In Bellxe, British Hon dnra*. for tb* month of December. Tbe Herbert A. Kline Shows closed at San Antonio, Tex**, Not. 20. Tbe nut season will be opened May 29. at Flint, Mich. Alice, tha wonder: Trlxle, tbe fat girl; Mills' Foot in One, Ruhl'a Flea Circus, Delgarlan and Zlnnly'a streets of Cairo, Dan Carlos Dog and Monkey Hotel. Doe Turner'* Seven In One, 0111' Roulette, Merry-Go-Rround end Ferris bar* been signed tor the 1811 aeaaon. Veola Thompson, restored this season on tbe Parker attraction* as tb* "remarkable woman anoouncer. lecturer and musician," baa cos* tracted with tbe Amalgamated Amusement As- sociation for a feature production In which ah* will lecture and play tbe piano simultaneously. The Little Russian Prince cloaca hla aeaaon at Pensarola, Fla., from where be will go to New Orleans for the. winter. The little fellow's manager, Frank H. BUts. and" Mrs. BUts, will also spend the winter ta New Orleans. Cbaa. Nstll bu sold hla Intereat In the New Olympic Shows The outfit continue* under tha management of Msey and Matthew*. Tbe line- up consists of four Shows, merry go-round, band, and twenty concessions. Mr. K. B. Nelmy, of tbe Nelmy Show*, who waa recently operated on for appendicitis st St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago, la Improving very rapidly, and Is expected to return to the show within a few weeks. The will H. Welder Show* have closed their eeeaou or twenty-five weeks, and gone lata winter quarter* st Coal too. O. Th* company will reopen Its next season the first week In May. DeKreko Brothers went In Chicago last week, and report a successful aeaaon. While In tha city they transacted a few deal* In tha lntereat of their organisation. Geo. W. Rollins has closed bis aeaaon. and la now In winter quarter* at Central City Puk, Macon, Oa. The aeaaon wu a very good on*, according to Mr. Rollins. Too*. Qntncy, direr, baa closed a aeaaon of thirty-two week* with the Smith Greater Show*, ■nd Will apend tb* winter IB Jacksonville. KIs. Hamilton'* Big It v*- In-One and Ortrlch Farm closed tb* season, with the United Faira Book- ing Association at Penaacola, Fla. Uoore'a Electric Palace. Ilosa' Indiana, and The Armless Wonders have Joined tbe Great apead th* winter In Loa CaL FRANK BLITZ DEAD. New Orleans, La.. Nov. 33 (Special to Tha BUUusrd).- rrank BUts. th* well-known show *aa*s.'*s xat ta k- L xaa* ivexty > tad* *aorBtnr- »n la ►nail? entered" the prutVaslo^ln hTTln'ffncy. Hla father was tha famous Signer BUts. a noted "'whlilTur. BUts has been with practical.- all the large tented attractions of th* day. It waa not until be took Into charge that wonder- ful freak, "Millie Christine," tbe two-beaded woman, that brought blm Into prominence. H toured almoat the entire globe, and thla country aevsrsl time* with her. He managed that at- traction for twenty-seven year*. About three years ago be took tb* manage cot of that famous midget, "Tb* RusaIso Tb* Prince;" In fact bad Just closed on* of tbe moat successful season* of his' hard-working ca reer, wben be waa suddenly taken 111, ' and Just a* suddenly passed away. He was a member ot tba local Lodge of Klka. woo bar* taken entire charge of tha funeral, also- Continental Lodge.. KL of IV ot Philadelphia. Ha Is aur- vlerd- by hi* widow. Louise. (Aunt Loa *• she waa called) bla mother and two brothers. Mrs. BUts will roraata In Now Orleans In definitely, at 191 ' HARRISON LEAVES CHICAGO. Chicago, III., Not.' 3D (Bpeclal to The Bill- board).— George A. Harrison, who waa for- merly manager with vaudeville theatre* In White City and Foreet Park, Chicago, baa ac- cepted, a similar position in a Loa Angelea, CaL park' at A naw device, known as haa been Invented and paten lam. Jr., of Jamestown, N. four motion picture* and lib «~ - ,J. . .■..■...«•,■»' .\-,:-, -*v »..'..... vse; FAIR AT PORTO Tbe drat Insular Fair in Porto Biro win he held st San Juan, March 2 to 7. Tha Brst week In March was chosen for th* date* beeaaee of the fine weather at^tbat time of th* year. J. W. Newman, who In seasons put acted u sec- retary of tbe Kentucky State Fair, Is one of the officials of the Insular Fair. DIRECT0R8 ELECTED. Chicago, 111., Not. 20 (Special to The Bill- board). — At the recent election of directors for Chicago'* White City, the following were chosen: Paul D. How**, Monde Blefeld, Jo- seph Blefeld. Aaron J. Jones, Adolph Llnlck. Frsnk Bering, Eugene Blefeld. RING BARN GOSSIP. Mr*. M. Warren, mother of Mrs. Sara Nelson ot the Nelson family of acrobats. saUed Nov 22 for London, Eng., expecting to return soon with tb* rest of her family. Horace B. Coleman and S. A. Dalalel. mual- clana with the RlngUng Bra*.' concert band, are wintering at tbelr borne* In Oakaloou and Wbst Cheer, la., respectively. Keller Bros.* Wagon Show haa closed and gone Into winter quarter* at Oatbrtesrllle, S. 0. This show will agsln go on th* road the third week tn February. George Grlfflng, who last aeaaon waa In the advance of tbe 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show, la again with tbe Dllllon Brothers, at tbe opera house In Cortland, N. X. Mlas Lncnie Mulhall. formerly with tbe 101 Bench Show, waa given anlte an ovation npon her appearance at tba Majeatic Theatre. Little Rock, Ark., Nor. 21. Mahlon Wllll*ma. mnalclan with the Barnum and Bailey Show, la visiting hla folka at Oak*, loo**. I*., before joining the Bboda Royal Cir- cus tor tbe winter. Edward Conroy. who was on the cu of 101 Ranch Real Wild Weat Show laat aeaaon, I* associate manager at the opera honae In Hanover, Pa. John Boblaon. with tb* Show the put aeaaon, haa with Stetson'* U. T. C. Co. Keeaport, Pa. The Adrian D. Sharp* Tent Show I* In winter quarter* at Gary. S. D.. having closed Its season sfter playing through the Dlkota*. and Iowa. •drertlstDg* noreltie* and o npon the prominence be Harry Karl reports a pleaunt aeaaon tb* Forepaugh Sells Show and wRl be ■gent of that enterprise again next seaeo John D. Carey, press sgent last season for tbe 101 Bancb. was In New York City lut week to confer on bulneas with Ed. Arlington. Bob Simons, opposition agent with Bingltng Bro*.' Shows laat aeaaon. Is now located with an Baatern Wheel barleaqne attraction. Th* AL O. Barnes Animal Circus closed at Fresno. Cel., Nor. 13. and shipped to Ita new wtnterqusrtera st Ban Franc laco. Tbe Melnotte-Lanot* Trio, lit* of tb* Fore paugh Sella Show, opens In Chicago for Frank Q. Doyle on December B. It ta reported that tb* Two Bill* will open tb* aeaaon next year In Chicago, and tha 101 Bench at New York. Tbe Boralnl Troop* 1* being heavily restored on th* Frank Q. Doyle Circuit of Taudevllle houses In Chicago. it ii Harvey, g* beck-W«llace Show, New York City. Tony Helnaman. ot Is dter I* wintering at place ha will pot l and Weldon Troupe aalled for Honolulu November 23. with the Great American Circus. Tha aeaaon of th* Fbrepangh-Salhi Show terminated at Hard!*, MR**., Nov. 23. Walter Murphy, con trac ting agent for the 101 Ranch laat season. I* In Naw Xovfc City. . Jos Cramer, with tba I\jrep*ogh-8*fl» Bros* Show, 1* tbe prood father of a girl. _ The John H. Sparks Show doses Its aeaaon at Albemarle, N. C. Dee. 1. The- Bert Del no Troop* go** with tba Ring ling Brother* next season. Madam Bedlni la booked on tba at arris and Sullivan and Consilium time. Noble's Tent Show will close at Charleston, 8. 0.. December 10. 01 do** Dec. VAUDEVILLE CHATTER. New York. Not. 38 (Special to The Billboard) . — After spending a year and a half In th* Weal on tbe Orphcam time, Ray Montgomery and the nealy Slater* are again In New York. They in- tend sailing f»r- London next June, to fulfil 1 an engagement at the Coliseum. Tbe dale of the appearance of Alfred Jack- son, ' poster ear toon 1st. at the Victoria, has been postponed from Nor. 28 to Dee. 13. . The metropolitan try-out of Gold and See- wsld, comedy wireless sketch, entitled Knocks snd Shocks, take* place st Hammers teln'a Roof Garden on December 2. Tbe act requlree the full atake and la laid In the laboratory of « aclentlit 1 * home, using three people la Ita pres- entation: s. w. Gobi, the Inventor: V. L. See- w*M. tbe Janitor, . and Mamie Manse*, aa the PRO Pel I [to ats 1303-S Broadway, Naw Vorsi City November 27. Morris Is contributing tha book- ings. John Lawson. who gained prominence In New York recently, will soon return to this jide to RICH MOND , VA. This msn's town was tbe busiest burg tn Dixie Thanksgiving week. The International Aviation Meet, tbe annual session of th* Vlntlnl* Educational Conference, the visit ot President Taft. and tbe Ylrgtala- Carollns football game combined to attract thousand* of out-of-town folk*, who swelled the throng of amusement seeker*. The perform ■nee* of the bird-men during the four days of the International tlble extent again! 1.1. J ho i week, tn moat cue* to flowing. . i , t At on* ot th* theatres, tb* Colonial, the regular prices' were lifted fifty per cent rot both matinee and evening performance*. Thanks- giving Day. the wisdom of which poller may be questioned In view of tb* many complaints tue procedure provoked from regulsr ' patrons of tbe house. * It waa ■ prosperous week for every catablleV tnent In the smnsement line and a Te 1 •eat up from every manager's office, thins of which are yet audible Thomaa W. Ryley. who no alyly came Into possession of Frederic Thompson's Bljon The*! ire outcart. My Man. that be waa on tbe road - Ulklt-uiru whs pa. tun ivwa tasa/w -s-— lonal meet militated to no percen- a gainst the matinee receipts of tb* He playhouse* were crowded at nlgbt tbe week. In most case* to ov*r- ig Sooth with It before bl* absence rrom the Lambs' Clnb waa noted, cam* shyly Into tbe Academy of Music Not. 22. with the expniwated edition of tbe Forest Halaey dramatisation ot Tbe QnaUty of Mercy for an engagement of three performances. Big business came ta By ley. who went away elated and holding hi* brad highly. ... Manager Ed. P. Lyon* celebrated. Not. 18. the seventh anniversary of bl* narrm- escane rrom death tn Keith's Theatre. Philadelphia. . He was manager ot that .house, at . tba time. Just before s mstlnee he waa making an In aneetlon or soma work done on a tank which stood on the roof of the theatre, stnrobline be plunged throrgb tbe glass skylight, bejd foremost, falling npon Ibe Iron stairway leadtnr tn tb* balcony aod fracturing his skull. at or geone at the Hahnemann Hnanltal opined that the '^'"'^^'^jn'Jy"?,,^ ^^"su'tnSnth. "it waa a close call all right." be said. "When I waa hurtling throngh apace I passed a* near to the pearly gates of tbe New Jernaatem that I could nee tb* atmlleht on. th* dome of the and hear tb* rustling ot angels mnwrment way. At tha* i Nathan Apjwll SOtd *»» pal big theatre, to rsar kntrwn, t bey control a HARRISBURG, PA. •lllea, : for Harrtaburg tn aa amusement hes-lnnlng of the ratev**t*r tn tha SbotnTrt*. As It weft , ra*t number of meritorious mad ahow*. wnffJr Moses Rets, owner' of the '-rest of the stock. has nothing on the road, and durtng the** few months but a. handful of flat cl*w..atqw«.h*Tt , been presented. A couple of blond and thunder dramas ■*~we*k' ta •wtrat-Trad td atifflce pieTTb u* to tbo present arrangement. Nothing baa been done, towards rebuilding oa tbe site of tbe old Grand - Opera tlon-e de- stroyed by fire' three' y*anr'ago: *22».nno has been asked by tbe Welghtmsn estste of Phila- delphia for the plot of ground but nobody ha* done any business. It would -make *n excellent .home for, tbe bidding; .9 f «, thuatre for popular^ J. ek Keller, the balloonist". I popped Into tows, for a tew Honrs tbe other d»y. to shake hand* with old friend*. _ V . . WILL M. TAIT. . . NEW-'JERSfey QOSSIf. Loney Haskell opened hi* Untied tour at the B ?uck.r£r Homer Miles, formerly of the Hudson Company at Union Hill. N. J... made his Initial sppesrsncejt i his own one-act sketch, entitle* On * Side Sires... Wis* JaruS Cowvrormerly leading lady ol son Stock tompsny. Is now leading Uilr In Thr of Hat Gamblers, now being produced In Maxlne Br not t'o Theatre. New York.- •■•"« . . * ■ ' - • I-* — 1 .. Tha Goldberg Brother*, proprietors of th* .Commercial Hotel. Hamilton, .Out.. -Can., bea- qurtert all toe American, perfot ta Hamilton. JBsnkag Wng Tiay, 52 The Billboard » DECEMBER 3, wio. MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. Tbe AJb.n Theatre oo Stale street, Erie. Pa., which runs' moving pictures' and vaudeville. > has been sold to C. R. Brown of Youngatown. O., who Is remodeling tbe place, and will- open tbe theatre under tbe new name of Photo-Play Tnea- tre. He baa Installed a large .mirror screen tbe first one In. Erie. Instead "of tbe curtain which the pictures hare -heretofore been shown oo. and baa also pat a four-piece orchestra In tbe theatre. J. J. Ellis, manager of tbe Brjon Theatre at Cloqoet. Minn., has sold _hU Interest to ftliss Anna Caron. secretary and treaanrer of tbe the- atre and has gone to bin former home In Be- .mldll. Minn., to reside. Mr. Ellis retires from liiuloeBs on uccoont of anffeiing from a paralytic stroke received last summer. Tbe old Parker Open House. Mason City, la. baa be*n remodeled and opened aa a fire-cent picture show under tbe name. of tbe Cnlqnj- George U Williamson la tbe manager. - , John K. Mclrer will, erect an up-to •■**"■ aa a • a a a a • aa**-* s . Ball t ! TO 0 TP Consolidated Amnae. Co.. 28 W. Lexing- ton st. Baltimore MINNESOTA Laemmle Film Service. 400 Sykes_ MICHIGAN A Supply Co.. MISSOURI Bijou Film & Am. Co., 1""" Grand ave.. - .. Kansas City J. W. Morgan. 1310 Walnut St., Kaataa City SiransonCrawford Film Co.; Century Bldg. St. Louis Laemmle F. Serr., 1517 Farnam at^Omaba HEW YORK T" Albany Film Ex.. 418 B'way. Albany. N. Y. Victor Film Serr.. 39 Church at.. Buffalo HEW YORK CITY Exhibitors' Film Co. 203 E. 15th at.* Empire Film Co. 150 E. 14th TO* Great Eastern Film Ex 21 E. 14th rtj Hudson Film Co. 138 E. 14th so Paramount Film Ex 61 W. 14th st.- Peerless Film Co 94 nftb Wm. Stelner F. Ex . ,110 Fourth OHIO Capital Film Service Co., 422 N- High Coluinbua. O. Clnclnnatl-Rnckeye FUm Co.. 309 Ar- cane Bldg. Dayton Cincinnati-Buckeye Film Co.. 315 W. «. , i tb ™ Clnclnnsll Toledo Film Ex.. 316 Superior at.. Toledo Victor. F. Serr., Prospect A Huron sta.. ■ Cleveland 0REG0H Inderiendent West. Film Ex.. 8wetland BM « Portland OKLAHOMA United M. P. Co.. 112 Main st., Okla. city PENNSYLVANIA Eagle Film Ex.. 143 N. 9th St., Philadelphia Philadelphia F. Ex., 03 Texas Film Exchange. 311 Elm at, Dallas UTAH Co-Operatlve Film Ex.. 320 Atlaa Block. ••••^v ij.l.- .;- "«» Lake City WASHINGTON Paelflc Film Ex Globe Bldg 8eatllr Western Film Exchange, Bldg. ... Milwaukee Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Co. Ill East Fourteenth Street, Now York City WE WERE SURPRISED To see how many exhibitors havp been WAITING for us to btart to. RENT films. WELL, we are going to start RIGHT NOW and give you a chance to rent some of our GOOD FILMS CHEAP. HERE IS WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER: . From our stock of almost 2,500 reels we have selected the best 1,000 reels for our rental department. Remember, our business is cleaning films and our rental de- partment is a new venture. We have met with wonderful success and have made lots of friends selling films. Every man that we do business with receives a square deal and fair treatment all the way through. The cream of our entire stock is now for rent. Every reel has been cleaned and put into first- class condition. STOP and THINK what this means. OUR PRICES are no higher than you have been paying for junk. Plenty of FEATURES and GOOD COMEDY. Get in touch with us. WRITE TODAY! YOU will PRQFIT, so will we. F1LMERS, 173 f. Iraen St., ■MrlaUtt, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. PHOTOGRAPHERS, ATTENTION t LANTERN SLIDES _ New original alines for any song sent (Stats number wanted), each Trie. From kodak nsfi- Uve^Mc. Latest song stock slide*. Me. Tl ■ colored. DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard EAST LIVERPOOL, O. Bkiuk of the Illness of J. C. Walsh. Sr., Um work of remodeling Wslsb's Dreamlan.l Theatre ku been deferred tniteSaltely. Plana hid heen prepared for doubling tbe aeatlog cap- acity of tbe house, and the enlarging of the stare. Tbe Improvements' hare been beld up out 11 tbe complete recovery of tbe elder WalaU. Dreamland la being managed by J. C. Waljh. Jr. Doe to four 8. R. O. booaea at tbe Ceramic Theatre of Ben Hor, Manager William Tallman la planning to bave a number of toe "neavtcr" road ahowa come to tbta city thla aeaaon. It la estimated that the four ahowa drew to tbe boiofflce nearly f 10.000, which la the record fiv tbta city. It . la an open secret that the Ceramic thla year la peat years. "Bed" of the Ceramic. While In tbe oil Selda looking after aome of hie properties. Manager L. J. Herroo. of tbe American Theatre, waa struck on tbe fore- head juat between tbe eyea. by ^ tool I •» It waa discolored for a tbe accident. When Got. J ml son Flarmoo recently apoke here, a good story leaked out about da! Held, of Tbe Kentucklao. Bled waa playlog -In Co- lumbus. He and Mr. Harmon are good frlcoJs. ReM received a curtain call, and knowing the Governor with bla family, waa la tbe bouse, ra reported to bare aald: "Ladles and gentlemeo— I am thankful for tbta generous approval of our efforts, and I'll make a brief address aa a re- ■q] t. 1 place the name of Governor Judano Harmon, of Oblo. In nomination for president ot the United Statre." It Is reported Beld got a better "band" than ever. Thomas Xjounris baa nan at the Ceramic. Jack Srbmlt. manager of the Scenic Theatre. Minneapolis. Minn., returned thla week from a prolonged hunting trip In and around Mllle Lacs. Minn. lack waa luckier than many of the hunters, as be brought the fruits of bla labors. Keep Your • On Us INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS, 14T 4th Av»., Htm York City LAHQMT DEALERS III THE WORLD IK SECOND-HAND FILMS IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS FOR SALE 2 Bareback Horses Aged seven and Bine years: finely tra ined for Jockey or somersault act. Address VICTOR BUBI. ll&l Ass.. Chicago, ni. FOB SALE OB TO LEASE — A complete Mens* erle, conslatlcg of Lions. Leopards. Jaguars. Hy- ensa cinnamon and Black Bears. Elephants, Camels. Sacred Cattle, two big Animal Acts, one Act consisting of Use (S) Lions: also an- other big Act with two (2) mala lions, two <2) Jaguars, one (1) Mountain Lion, and two (2) Cinnamon Bean. Also Are (S) Flstcsrs. Advance Car. one (1) Privilege Car, TEXAS SNAKES Large stock now on hand; can fill any elsed or- der. Hied to handle. W. OOELL LEA ILK, Baa Antonio, Ta*. WttEDlS OF ANATOMY BARGAiHS SO. 100 or 200 Model Museums, or separate fig- ures, cheap. If bought qnlck. BE HATFIELD. 1M* Market, St. Leoia, ate. FOB SALE— One 60 foot Top, SO foot M. P.; aeata. btsea and reserves; poles, stakes and rig glng. Entire lighting outfit; stage scenery: one J!??*** f Pj«» 0 ' _E* , lr» ontflt Chines, Kllms. Te n?e* "c b a 'ate. j8£S| P 1 " ■fPPllc* of all kinds bought and soM. WM. U TAMMB. fi Bo. 10th at.. SL Loots. Mo. all Band. . 8tde Shows, EMOWS. g t s a swall. Kiss. WASTED— HAN0 PLAYRR AND 8INOBB for M. P. Show. One who does " L. 1VI. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE CO. FOR STAGE AND STRKCT WEAR. Originators «f SAlVflPIJE: AND SHORT-VAMP Hosiery to i matah all oolora at p.pul SIXTH AVE., - 'J the "POWER'S" agency, the Iftits fir Greit Britain and Inlind THE WALTURDAW CO., LONDON ANOTHER TERRITORY CO NQUERED. Europe Surrenders To POWER'S CameragraphNo.G The return of our Vice-President from Europe marks the introduction of POWER'S CAUERAGRAPH No. 6 into the European market on an unprecedented scale. After careful consideration of the ap- plications of a large number of houses for gents were appointed: Agtit* far CmrHisiial Earapi THE DEUTSCHE VITASCOPE CO. These houses are leaders in their respective territories and their desire for the "POWER'S" agency is another strong testimony to the merits of Power's Camera graph No. 6, in which they have shown their confidence by placing initial orders for one hundred and fifty No. 6 Cameragraphs. These are the largest European picture machines and they ma the superiority over all other i i orders ever placed for American moving NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY 115-117 Nassau Street, For Thirteen Yea NEW YORK CITY. THE THANHOUSER 2- A -WEEK Sav "THaVNHOUSCR" to ths Exchange Mam and You'll Oat wpT.wasjst OF TUESDAY. DEC 6. Els Thaahoossr Photo! RIP VAN WINKLE Is here Masterplcced by Tbaobotraer for yoor es- pecial edification. Flash a "Blp Van Winkle Soon Here" slide on your screen every night for s week before yoo ran the picture. Post the synopsis on your "Coming Thsnhonser" board NOW— THIS MINUTE! Boom the Um far and wide. It will live np to all yoor expectatlona of It — np to all yon say about It. We give you the Thanbotnter word for THAT! And remem- ber, we've sever tipped you wrong yet. Have we? Then (to ahead and advertise this picture until everyone who knows snoot Rip Vsn Win- kle knows you've got his BEST picture. No. 103. Code word. Rip. rkt.fabt: of fbmdat, dec ». THE GIRLS HE LEFT BEHIND HIM Will appeal to everyone who bss s aweetbeart. bsd a sweetheart, or ia coins to have a sweet- heart— and we're all In one or more of these rlaraiarsMnna. That la. tbe picture will appeal to EVERYBODY! Ifa a wonderful fdm for that reaaoo. and we know you won't let It get past ume reel ° Ut ^ * Cli * A "' AOd "* THE IRON-CLAD LOVER Which la aa Iron-clad comedy success that win 1 on the mstlc L_. pie positively want. Glrllroo. THAT THAN HOUSE R PHOTO FRAME fori slating of portraits of the famous Thanh ooser "Stock." framed in solid oak. ii ^•W^^iadtt in^pthj with ig i to you Ttl« For Systtm's ^nlfsfT Add THANHOUSER COMPANY, SHIPPING I EXHIBITORS, WRITE ACME FILM EXCHANGE Fourth Ave. and Ferry St., Tittsburg, Pa. 30 to 75-day Independent Service of 12 reels, $18.00 weekly with posters. Over 75 days' service, 12 reels, S 15.00. goods shipped anywhere, $1.00 per reel per week. Begin Now To make money for yourself. Be your own boss. Be independent. The Wonder Cannon Camera Has given hundreds their start. No big- ger money-getter at all out-ot-door affairs. Makes eight finished photo buttons in one minute, ready to be worn. No experience; no dark room. ■ Complete Outfit Only $25.00 This buys Wonder Cannon Camera Tripod and supplies to make 400 finished photo buttons. Extra plates, SI .00 per hundred. Gilt frames, $1.10 per and up. Write to-day for FREE CATALOG. Chicago Ferritypt Co., D " 2 p o • Chicago, n. FREE CATALOG Cards, Die*, Chips, Clubroom Furniture* KCfsNAN ad ra. CO. lMPssuborn Bt^Oiisogo AT LIBERTY Exp Priced Cornet, B.&0. A. F. OF M. Will troop or locate. Sober and reliable. B. J. ACUFF. Sm Aotoolo. Tex. AT LIBERTY A-l HOUSE MANAGER AND OPERATOR For M. P. Shows, with bet years' experience. Strictly COOPBMDEB, Jasonville, Ind. BAND AT LIBERTY. DECEMBER 17 Fourteen pieces. Address F. A. afSSint, Band- ■ master, can Waidsmann Bros.' Show, Cordate, Ga... Ssc 6; Ft. Vallar. Qa.. 9: LaJFayitte. Ala.. Sac. IS; Alexander City 15; Vincent, Ala., Ifa AT LIBERTY Owing to closing ol theatre orchestra — 6 rat-class CORNET PLAYER WANTED THESMITH 6REATER SHOWS A first class animal trainer that can break lions, etc. Florence, S. C, week Novem- ber 28, Orangeburg, S. C, FIAJTOS CHEAP— We are closing oat oar line of Electric 4s-note Pianos, $100: ' PIANO CO.. quick before too 3817 S. Halated Si FILMS FOR SALE RARE BARGAINS We have over 800 reels we are going to dispose of at from $5.00 to J 14.00 per reel. All are in fine serviceable condition and the biggest bargains ever offered Write quick and get list before stock is broken. Wilt send subject to examination. Will also reclean any film after sale for $1.50 per reel; making it like new. Writ* today. Don't wait. Burns Crown Film Company. - 111-113 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. The Billboard I New Conventions I Ann lstnn — ■ Alabama April 2S-27. D. Muiit^nra>-ry Ala Birmingham — Alabama Educational Aaaooiatlon. April" 12-21. W. C. Griggs, Mobile. Ala. -Alabama State Federation of La- 24- L- Bowen. P. O. UtUa Bock— United Confederate Veterans, afar 18-18. Win. E. Mlckle, Ma]. Gen., New Or La. ARIZONA Globe — Grand Lodge, Grand Kncam bekah Assembly I. O. O. F. A| Geo. A. Minis, Phoenix, Ariz. W. D. Doolittle. of Terra Haute. Ind., baa B-cbaaed toe Majestic Tbeatre, Washington, ui.. from Dare Padgett, who baa bad Charge of this playhouse alnce Its opening. Mr. Doo- Uttle will present vaudeville acta In connection wltb moving plctnrea and illustrated songs. Mr. Doolittle for some time bos been operating a theatre at Clay City, Ind. J. M. Brennan. formerly treasurer of Hunt lngtou Theatre, Huntington, W. Va., baa been made manager of the Majestic Theatre, Port Huron. Mich.; The Wlleoxson Opera House, at Carroll ton. Mo., has been leased by the Associated Theatre* Company, of Kansas City. Julius Kauffman. manager of the Opera Hoil"e at Galllpolia, o., Is sporting a new automobile.. - Anaconda, Mont., has a new vaudeville thea- tre. It la called The Imperial. WITH THE S TOCK COMPANIES. Manager Gieason. of the College Tbeatre, Chi- cago, III., has engaged Richard Thornton to act as leading man with the hew stock com of California. of Cal- W. of l». r,;. Ban Francisco — Grand if ami a. April 18-18. 602. 110 Sutter St. San Francisco — Grand Council Band 8. California. April 17. Thoe. A. Davlea, *r. Boom 502. 110 8 otter at. comrEcncnT Waterbury — Grand Lodge of Connecticut, N. E. 0. P. April 12. Jeremiah Wall, B60 Grand are.. New Haven. Conn. DELAWARE Wilmington— Grand Temple of Delaware. April 24. Mrs. John Palmer, Jr.. 1900 Delaware DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington— Daughters of the American Revolu- tion- April 1T-22. Mrs. Mabel Q. 8 worm Continental Hall. FLORIDA Jacksonville — Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star. May — , 18U. a. B. Carter, Holly Bill, Fla. GEORGIA Atlanta— Georgia Ponltry Sbow. January 9-15. C O. — Ira A MASSACHUSETTS _ States Veteran Flremenla January 10. Wm. H. Hatha »r ay. Place, Gloucester, Mass. . MISSOURI — City — Southwestern Lumbermen's Asso- ciation. Jan. 25-27. Harry A. Go ranch, 707 B. A. Long Bldg. FEBBBTXVABTA .ii,X. AHentown— AUentown Fanciers' Association. Dec 28-31. B. C. Sechler, 528 Washington. Nashville — Tennessee Horticultural Society. Jan. 28. Prof. C. A. Keffer. aecr.-treaj., Knox ■vllle. Tenn. CAJSTADA • . - - -'- :» * Barrie. Out. — Provincial Grand Chapter of Onta- rio, West Grand Black Knights of Ireland. March 7. E. A. Fennell. Grand Registrar, 347 Howland ave.. Toronto. Ont. ;« Peterborough— Ontario Hardware A Store .Deal- era' AssodaUon. February 21-24. Weston • Wrigley, 143 University St., Toronto. Out.; Lombard-Bamblna Co., the World's Famous Toupee Makers Our work could not be duplicated elsewhere under' any price. Ulnatrated catalogue and 'Instruc- tions for self measurement sent upon request. Work aent on approval with twenty four hours' examination, and If not satisfactory, send it bsck and we pay charges both ways. THE LOM- BARD-BAKU Iff A CO., 113 Monroe, and 4*7 Washington su., Lynn, Mass. " AMUSEMENT PARK OWNER OR MANAGER, READ THIS! I design, build or remodel Parks and Amusements, change old Shows and Riding Devices Into new ami do It at little cost. Was d. signer for Thompson and Dundy during nrat construction of Cs Rsrk In water color, snowing what impr CE CAKY, SO Church St., Montclalr. N Luna 1'ark, Coney Island. 12 yeana* experience and tbls count build with by making blrd's-vye view of park In water color, sbowln be made. For particulars an beln you raise money what Improvements sre to GOOD R Io'bVr LE Fred Knhlman. who for the put two is been stage carpenter with the Cutter Stock Company, has joined Dalety Mae La Falte Company. A permanent stock company under the man agement of Monte Thompson will open in Brock ton, Mass.. early in December. EL E. Steiner baa changed the name of hla company. Hereafter It will be known Stelner's Down, the Slope Company instead of Steiner's Famous Comedians On December 26. Monte Thompson will Install a permanent stock company at Hathaway's Tbe- atre, Brockton, Mass. One play a week will be the policy. W. F. Dugan, late of the Hatton-Balley Com- pany baa joined Steiner's Down the Slope Com- pany. He Is appearing in the leading role. The Schiller Players disbanded at the close of their season at the Bijou Theatre, Savannah. Ga._ Hot. 26. The playing In FORMING POLO LEAGUE. Kalamazoo, Mich.. Nov. 28 (Special to The Billboard). — A City Polo League is now being organized here. Games will be played at the Roll Away Rink, on North Bnrdlck street, twice will Permanent position to right party. State salary expected. HUMMELL BROS.. ., Box 57, Belle Vernon, Pa. MACON! MACON! MACON! Plant l»y PaO| Trains NEE M THE OLD VETERANS' BIG DOINGS Week Dec. 12 ■Ail STREET Address N. R. SETTER LEE, Secy., Maoon. Ga. CONCESSION PEOPLE, WRITE QUICK! UiPflH I MAP Ml I MAPftt. I Can Uaethe Bast of Show. Only. fflAuUII ! ItiAuUN J lYl A U U II ( POLI LEASES SCRA NTON HOUSE. i ScrsBton. Pa" Nov. 28 (Special to The Bill- board). — 8. Z. Poll baa leased the Academe of Music from the Rels peo-t- fn- » .. «f ten years, snd next week will open It with the >ek Company, which has been transferred from Wilkes B aire. Pa. Corrections and Changes. -For the principal female role in Daddy Dn- fard,' the new four-act character comedy in ■which Albert Cbavaller wtll make bis first American appearance on the "legitimate" ft Liebler and Company have engaged Violet Hem- Ing, ' who last year created -the title role In Re beet- a -of Sonny brook Farm. Comprising the roster of An Aristocratic Tramp Company an: Auger Brothers, own- ers; . A. M. Anlger. . manager; J. ' It. Anltter, treasurer; Mrs. A. M. Anlger. P. E. Brort—le'-. D. B, Bsrr, T. B. Beatty, A. K. Tox, N. P. Helitasd. Howard F. Sloan, G; C. M. Gam. Mrs. J. C. M. Oarn,* . Bessie Delmore and Bonnie Hamilton. Fred Hottenslein Is In advance, : H. li. Brtttendali, " master Oompi Comedians to the Slope. ARMSTRONG'S GREATER UNITED SHOWS LAUREL, MISS., NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 3. \ HAITI ESBURG, MISS., DECEMBER 5 TO 11. / .OTHER' GOOD TOWNS TO [FOLLOW. Can place a good Plantation Sbow and any otber good Sbow that does not conflict. Will five good Cook House exclusive. Concessions snd gsmes that want some real money had better get busy for Battleaburg. A long season with nothing but the best. Address C. H, ARMSTRONG'S UNITED SHOWS. Laurel. Mississippi. At Liberty after Dec. 3rd THE CLAYTON TRIO SAMSONIAN ATHLETES— ROMAN RING ARTISTS HAND BALANCING AND PHENOMENAL FEATS OF STRENGTH O. C. KLYKE, MANAGES, 32 Bast Srd Street. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Are You Looking For Some Live Ones? It so. listen! The Sunny Soutb bas a big crop of cotton; everybody has money this year. Military Festival. Selma, Ala., week Nor. 28; Business Men's Festival, Glrard, Ala., week Dee. 5. Legiti- mate Concessions looking for money, wire quick. Also can place 3 cat two more up-to-date Shows. . - . K.JG. BARKOOT^Salma.lAla. Fred Hottenslein IS In advance, tteudali, late of The Tillage Post- ?"play h tS MMtean^beav^'l/Down 1 AT-ftWAMA: •- " ' Glrard— Business Men's Free "Street Fair 5-11. D. E. Foster, secy. Selma — Military Tournament and Gala Nor. 28 Dee. 4. It. E. L. Neel, secy. P HII.IP PISiy ISLANDS Manila — Carnival. Feb. 21-28. NOTES OF TH E ROAD. Oscar Terry, formerly operator at the Fam- ily Theatre, Frankford. Ind., and Bay Hnffer vocalist at the same theatre, have embarked In er the The Espe Trio opened In Chicago. November 28. for tbe W. V. M. A. Lanra Roth, wbo was recently married to Albert Espe, bas given up her own act, and la now a member of The Espe Trio. . .Ardell Brothers have been booked solid until September, 1911. by Fred Zobedle. They November 28, at Paducab, Ky., for their tour of the Interstate Circuit. Barry Holler, professionally known aa Apollo, has returned to Cincinnati. He Is featuring bin wire, acrobatic and hand balancing act with Alrona-ZoelleT Trio baye 'left .the. Cherry Blos- soms, and are now playing dates for the w. V. PLAYHOUSE NOTES. ss man- Wash.. The active la now "In the -hands of Mr. alobr- who is assisted by A. B. McCorklll ss bos- manager. Th» Virginia . Thornton Stork Company-, under, tbe managed ear. of T. Daniel Tnwlery Is playing an Laden oite engagement at (10) for LIST BOOK OF THEATRICAL MANAGERS, BOOKING AGENTS AND . EXCHANGES In the United 6 fates and Cana- AlpttatMtleally arranoad. Contain, about 1400 names and da. • adressea. A valtiabla book for ovary performer. Thai Billboard Pub. Co. 418 ELM ST., CINCINNATI, O ROLL TICKETS Tear Own bpedal Ticks t. any printing, front and back. "LOOK THESE PRICES OVER " ,000 — SI .26 20.CC0 — 54.C0 c . 60.CC0— [J6.C0 — 2.60 30.000 — 6. CO 100,000 —J. 9.60 Stock Tickets. BIx Oaata • Thousand. " FOR PABJffl, BASE >ST.r Ulrlt QO HOUrrE XStX ita a umbering guaranteed. Oaah with order; ne O. O. D. WBITI FOB IMBlasa ROYAL TICKET CO.. - Shamokln, Penn. M U Is the recognised doa will And a friendly Twenty-Bfth Btreet; Telephone, 1TI2" THE LONDON S I G H A LL of Taaaerille Artists throughout the world. Americans visiting hj» at 14 Leicester Street. W. a NEW XOBK OFTJCK. M W. Subserlptien, $2.00 ■ Ymp. 85 Shaftesbury 'Avenue, - The Leading Journal ol tbe Moving Picture business in Europe. Hal the largest circulation and it the best Advertising Medium, bar none. Sample Cepy Mailed Free. LONDON, W., ENGLAND. THE BILLBOARD IS BEING EXHAUSTED RAPIDLY. If you want enalte keap past racerd ef your dataa, send for It today. PRICE / PAPER. COVER, 10 canto PRICE j LEATHER COVER, THE BILLBOARD' PUB.- CO..- * 4164)8 Italft. Clnolnnatl.O.t DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard ------ . - • . - 6C HALLBERG, THE ECONOMIZER MAN'S Specialties for M. P. Theatres Hallberg Economizer— for M. P. Machine saves two-thirds on current bill and gives 40% improvement in light. All makes Motion Picture Machines. Electra Pink Label Carbons. Full line of selected Supplies and Repair Parts. «J. H. HALLBERG, F>e *^" , °° 36 E. 23rd Street, NEW YORK $513 Clstr Profit Id 51 Dm from an in vestment of $160 II the renult from operating one American Box Ball Alley. Two oth- er* cleared oyer S2.000.00 Brat year f others 0T*r f 1,200.00 la two months. Foor otoera took* In f3.20O.O0 in nip* months. On In this ba.lneea yourself. Yon can atart with 190.00. Nearly T.000 alleya sold to date. More popular to-day than erer. These Alleys pay from 130.00 to 173.00 each per week In any town. No gambling derlce. but the beat thing on earth for clean amnaement and phyateal exercise. Patronised by the best people, who form clnbs and No expense to Install or. operate. No special' floor required, no pin boy We sell only one customer in towns of moderate else. Write Bring tbelr friends, seeded. Receipt* nearly all proflt. to-day for booklet anil eaay payment plan (2») AKUUOAM BOX BALL CO., 1170 Van Bnrsn Street, IndlsaspoUs. Indiana- WANTED FOR K. 6. Barkoot Greater Show i , No. 2: £tn place at once for the three beat town. In tbe State of Georgia, and balance of the winter, one more good Show, while or black top. "(Hlnaion preferred); one good strong Platform 8bow. few Legitimate Concessions, Photo ssd Glsss Engrstlng open. Look the route orer. Write or wire; eTerytblng answered. Waycroaa. Ga.. week Nov- 28; Thomaaville, Ok., auspices Business lien, week Dec S; then to Taldosta, «... week Dee. 13, on tbe main atreeta, auspice. Tbe V al- l-untie Library Association. _8ome more good ones to follow. Will be oot all winter, i a* per route, I. C. — WANTED - ONE MORE SHOW Also one Grind Show tbst does not conflict. Can plsee Ferris Wheel and a Ugt Legitimate Con- . cessions especially NorelUes and Confetti, Lunch. Knife and Cane Backs. We book only one ' of s kind. Want one more good Comedian for Plantation Show. Ail winter", engagement. Write • or wire &ISTRUNK CABN1VAL CO., Lyons, Ga.. week Not. 28. auspices Volunteer Fire Co. KRAUSE GREATER SHOWS WANT FERRIS WHEEL good Electric or Illualon Snow, Super ba, Craay House, to Join at onoe. Other clean Shows and Concession, write. Newnsn, Ga., Nor. 28-DeCi S; Cordeie, Ga.. i -10; Fltagerald, Ga.. 12-17; Watch the Christmas issne of The BiUboard. Wanted for the Meek Amusement Co. Two more shows that do not conflict, plantation people, sister teams, musical acta, vaudeville people, chorus girls. Long winter season south, St. Martinsville, La., Nov 29 to Dec. 4, Franklin, La., Dec. 6th to 11th. WANTED FOR FRANK ADAMS SHOW TWO OR THREE GOOD PERFORMERS Han and wife preferred. TM1 for ssle or I Jna± what yoa do. Name eery lowest salary. No time for C. C. KENNEDY SHOWS WANT Performers doing two or more acts in big show. Cook, Host- lers. Want to lease sixty or seventy-foot combination car. CORRIGAN. TEXAS. WARNING! control all dramatic rights to the Edward Eggleston novel, "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" which is fully protected by copyright. Any person endeavoring to play other than my dramatization will be punished according to law. BEULAH POYNTER. WANTED— I WANT TO BUY OR RENT ANOTHER CAR Combination Sleeper and Baggage Not less than CO feet; also want to buy a complete, second-hand tent outfit for Re ertoire Company^ Must be in first-class condition. Will pay cash for same. ^ Quic Address Capt. David Latllp. G. D., Oklahoma City. Okla. NESTOR FILMS FOR NESTOR BULLETINS, writ* to NESTOR LI ST 2002, 147 Fourth Av.„ N. Y. DEMAND AND GET THESE TWO WINNERS ! ! ! VALLEY RELEASED WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1910. A Rousing Drama of Country Life, Full of Sweet Pathos. READ SYNOPSIS ON PAGE 28 "TheConqoeringHero" FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1910. A Roaring Comedy with Plenty of Wholesome. Mirth. it I F IT'S A NESTOR, IT'S GOOD 1 1 1 ONE GOOD NESTOR OUT EVERY WEDNESDAY I •SOLO ONLY BY- DAVID HOHSLEY, 147 Fourth Atb.. New YoTkCityTI DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE SALES COMPANY. THE STANDARD The Machine that Gives Results Only machine approved by Underwriters of New All parts are interchange- able. Good (or a lifetime. FIREPROOF — FLICKER LESS Write for Catalogue. De- partment B, AMERICAN MOVING PICTURE MACHINE COMPANY 101 BEEKMAN STREET. NEW YORK AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED MANAGER FOR Vaudeville or Picture House Can furnish best of raf.renc..; aobar, reliable.; cam do pre. ADDRESS 1 HARRY T. LAY M ON ANACONDA, MONTANA JOHN F». QUI1NJ1V THE GREAT EXPOSE OF GAMBLING METHODS Positively the Greatest Drawing Card of any Vaudavllle Aot on Any Time id for endorsements. >■! Address, cane TH E BILLBOARD DECEMBER 3, 1910. THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 3. 1C-1Q. MOTHER SENSATIONAL ' SCOOP" FOR INDEPENDENT M. P. EXHIBITORS ! ! ? The "Imp*' Company at Enormous Expense Secures Exclusive Contract with the To Pose in a Special "Imp** Release Out bidding and outgeneraling another film manufacturer (not an Independent one), the "Imp" Company, has secured an exclusive contract with Count de Beaufort, the now famous French nobleman whose -private affairs have been crowding the columns of newspapers all over the civil- ized world during the past three weeks. The Count, by the time, this adver- tisement appears, will have posed before "Imp" cameras with other perfomers in a drama entitled "The Romance of Count de Beaufort.", The film is to be released the minute we can complete the developing, printing and shipping. It will be one of the greatest FEATURE FILMS ever produced in America. For the first time, in the history of moving pictures a GENUINE, BONA-FIDE NOBLEMAN will appear in the leading role of a ing picture playlet. Imagine what it means to every INDEPENDENT EXHIBITOR who gets this FEATURE FILM! Imagine what a sensation it will cause in every city, village and hamlet where there is a moving picture theatre ! Imagine what a local sensation every Independent Ex- hibitor can create by advertising such a film in his local newspapers ! jyowttien. a worjf to every Independ- ent Exhibitor — a i word we want you to give your most serious thought — The "Imp" Company can not possibly make a cent of profit on this release. The price paid to Count de Beaufort makes profit out of the question. We are spend- ing this money for two reasons: First — To give Independent Exhibitors some- thing to crow about. Second— To adver- tise, the enterprise of the "Imp" Com- pany. If you Independent Exhibitors 4 want to derive the benefit of such a FEATURE FILM it is up to you to do one thing, namely — -. TELEGRAPH your exchange to book you for the "Romance of Count de Beau- fort" at the earliest possible moment. Don't wait to write, TELEGRAPH, and do it now! The film will cost vou more your exchange more. Don't quibble with your exchange about the extra charge. Pay it like a true sport. You are not taking any chances. You are go- ing to get a feature film that you'll be glad to get on a return date more than once,! ThafsIaH]you|have toJdoXshow us thatjyou appreciate this attempt to give you Telegraph Your Exchange Right Now and ■ . - — - ; • INDEPENDENT MOVING PICTURES CO., OF AMERICA 102 West 101st Street, New York. Carl Laemmle, President ;MBER BRUSH For Gas, Gasoline or Kerosene. Horse Power, 10. Dynamo, normal capacity, 4 k. w.; Maximum 5K k. w. Weight of complete outfit, as shown in cut, 1,350 lbs. Space occupied, 24 x 57 inches. WITH TANKS, ON TRUCK FOR PORTABLE WORK, (LESS DISCOUNT.) Designed by Alanson P. Brush, inventor and de- signer of Cadillac, Brush Runabout, Oakland, and other leading Automobiles. The only engine giving perfect regulation. Bearings large and ample, workmanship first- class,., whole outfit weighs less than the fly wheels of most other engines, owing to Brush Patented Balancing System, which enables^/us to get^best results without excessive weight. SPECIAL 60-VOLT OUTFIT for movingpicture work. Only about 50 volts are needed at the arc, and with 120 volt current half is wasted. In60-volt * outfit, after using 25 to 35 amperes, there is- enough current for 100 or more 16 c. p. tungsten lamps, or the equivalent in other sizes. Flaming arcs, the greatest advertising light in the world, may be used. Don't pay for 8 to 10 k. w. from 80 cents to $1.50 an "hour, when with the proper outfit 3 or 4 k. w. at \ 3 CENTS A KILOWATT is ample. ' ' Sold and guaranteed by a concern engaged in the manufacture and sale of Engines, Machinery and Tools for over forty years. FROM "THE FILM INDEX," JULY 16, 1910. ELECTRICITY FOR MOVING PICTURE SHOWS avini: electric current at Owners and managers of mo theatres have their share of tribulation, the obtaining of suitable reasonable prices is not.; the leas troubles. C Alternating current Is' not well moving- picture work, and under many tlons is almost intolerable, especially in lower cycles, with as in the large number of instances in the regulation is poor. » at at a ideal, but In most of the the large ones as well,' the ia 5 to 15 per cent, in i is particularly true of which Alio win;; for i Is ample, but companies is : up to 220 volte, so that I for one-half to three-quarters of the current paid for is wasted in the rheostat. As to price, this Is a serious of the principal" items, of expens is the electric current The ompanies in most towns, and large, towards the is most aggravating, shrewdness, that the \Hght, and usually push prices up ' It Is not unusual to find a 1.000 to 1.500 K. w. rate of 12 to 15 " these conditions, many ast year or so put in ht plant, thus cutting of current materially; but, as most of nsist of the ordinary type of gas engine, the regulation Is n.t improved, because the standard type of gas or gasoline engine Is not suitable for this work, and will not regulate closely. Besides, these are usually put out with dynamos of 110 to 125 volts, so that half of the current Is - of a require a which is not always Electric Lighting Set. all the ltles referred to In the foregoing are The 100-page catalog issued by The Chas. A. Strellnger Co., Bates street, Detroit. Mich., Is undoubtedly the most complete work on small. Isolated electric lighting plants ever printed, and gives a mass of Information of great value to users of electric light and power. This catalog Is sent free to any address,, and will be found Invaluable, even to those who do not electricity. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CO. Box B-3, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. ■ DECEMBER 10, 1910. ^^^^^ The Billboard 1.. . - of tire; Season, S.& LEE -„■-* '. COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT COMPANY J. HERBERT MACK, President. R. K. HYNICKA 1 CHARLES WALDRQN \ Dir*ctor». CHARLES BARTON ' ) L. LAWRENCE WEBER, Treasurer. JULES HURTIG, Vice-President. SAM. A. SCRIBNER, Sic'j aid 6h. ■gr. ■ PLAYING ONLY THE RECOGNIZED BURLESQUE ATTRACTIONS t Goli usement Company Building, Broadway and 47th Street, NEW YORK. LOUIS ROB IE' STILL THE REIGNING FAD OF High-Class Burlesque M Kew Crowtiig tte THatns Omwl iuri CertnBri by m Columbia Amusement Go. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY FRIENDS = r to Barney eyers Mabel Mckinley SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE CIRCUIT Booking Only Tho Boot Thoro Is In Vaudeville TIME THAT IS WORTH WHILE FOR ACTS THAT ARE WORTH THE TIME GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE: Sullivan A. Consld in* Bldg., Third Am. and Madison Straat, S«ttl«, Wash. .GENERAL MANAGER FRED LINCOLN). »'•«•*• aaaaaa *••*•*•>•>•.»•«>•• GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE, 1440 Broadway, N. Y., CHRIS O. BROWN. ".--»*. —. r— ■ ■ ■■-■>■■■ ■■■■■■ BRANCH OFFICES: Paul Coudron, 69 S. Clark St., Chicago. Bart Plttman, Majaatlo Thaatra, i. w. oovnam Donvor, Colo. W..P. Raaaa, Amarloan Thaatra, Sen Fronelseo. General Weetern Booking Offico! Sullivan 4. Consld In e 2 The Gill board DECEMBER 10, 1010. WANT CROWDS? Then give away a stick of CHEWING GUM . -'-WITH— YOUR AD ON. Write tor-samples and prices. . - GUM SHOP n and Ml CINCINNATI op; FOB EVEBY PURPOSE 1.000 STYLES The A. H. Andrews Co. ESTABLISHED 1883 WHITE FOB CAT. No. 1 174-1 76 Wabash Avsnue. CHICAGO, ILL, BranehM In all leading oltlaa. NEW LINE OF STOCK PAPER ■ —FOR WESTERN MELODRAMAS will fit most any border drama. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT, jfinsnE kentpcky. n ™ IMP H ATI* TO TRAP DRUMMERS A Limited Tim. Offer Special Offer I Bin Shell, t X 11 t amnausi u rode. Eutuoo. An«or* or Slunk Cmit Dram W. iUp with p n t l to to or • da ye' trlaL C. P. Zeldlar Drum Co. Dept. o. cimuod. Ohio. whitf. rcur VALLEY UL.H3 To roeGemo arc chemical wbite eepphlrea- Cant be told from dlajnorjda except by an expert. I add «nd fir. diamond tcete. 80 hard Jbey can't be flted and will cut (Jan. Brilliancy cnarajiteed at yean. All o miutol tn nig ao 114 lolddlamopd mocntlnra. Wlllsend b the Retail Business Magical Apparatus IHcetrataJ-Cataloc. tree; Mammoth Profctlonal Catalog. 25_ ct e. ; T jest. oat.- New Barxmln Bbeet and new Book and complete ■tock. Goods ablpped HE" day: 00 wait*. AT THE SIGN - OF- THE SQUARE DEAL" A. moXKXBESO, 161 w. Ontario Sc.. CHeace. ru. BOOKTHOS WAaTTrTD for Open Boose; seat- ing; .-.parity 500: population. . 3J0O. MnatraJ isiasi a.,,,/ DONT SEND A CENT etWOffoaml "^Sg*Lr best Item erer ossd to boost lm ^**eJ. «a>* *wj* Theatre Chairs Ablolntely ~~ Ireskall. Mass. Non-B Suitable for thi-atre and m . picture shows, Ws carry these chain In etock end can tblp ■rnioedletely. Becoad Suitable for small •fating for out of. Jour ua*. Ad d. D ept. B. STEEL rUHSfl. TUBE CO., Grand Bsplds. Mich. Bos- ton office, 224 Iwaw. New Tork Office. loS^fth"**' CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People Southern Iron Equipment Co. ATLANTA, GA. BB.&B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TBUNK S.TEAB GUARANTEE • •In. It In LOOK AT THE emiCEl (IS. OS Cold-Holled ,\ Jilt- ing. Three-ply B. B. dt B trunk wood, hand-n voted tippine tray. BEND FOB FREE CATALOGUE $5.00 deposit required on C O, II. sbJpoiSBtt. B. B. 4b 447 TBUNK COMPANY. I St; .-•St MB federal j PA. When in the foUowinc eltiee soTe TIME and EXPRESS CHARGES by gettina •The Some Trunk," "8ame Qua ran tne" from the dealers below: * New York. N/T Chicago, in..; :;. Akron, Ohio..". Altoooa, Pa. Boston. " ..^...Olasbsl Bras. ..Marshall FWd * Co. J. B. Bpsncsr Ooode Co. Bueyroa, O.. Buffalo, N. . T... BottS, Moat.... Cincinnati, O. .- Clereland, O. . . . Colnmbos, Ohio. Crawfordt rllle. lnd. . . . . »»»• M «- • O - It. Mlcb, ..Altoona Leather _ Anpiiu Trunk Oo. C. J. Dunn Co. (2 stores) ....W. \V. Wlnahlp - ■ - ■ - a • e • e a e a* e ee ooaft* R. eBseTol .rnuk o. ~ .-..Tos MaMey ACarew Oo. Ukly A Bockett Trunk Co. Wall a rk' a V...LoeJs -BlseboS .. .B- H. Sheerer D. Tjeeaasrd's Boa .Basdbolt A Obses m.llnee sttendance. Very speelsi st 10.00 per sroee. All C. O. IteT un t TfTii' ^ EL "jl "u * " p " t ** dlaeoaat for 111 ottrt ted csl pnrpoees. It's , Tipton, for son- Toledo. TAKITO. OGAWA 4 CO . 166 E.LaKe St.. Chicago Fostorls, Ohio. .The Peter ciothlrur Co. Grand Baplde. Mich .-. . . Pen! Bfsrl Bemllton. Ont UamUton Leather Goods Oo. IiidlsBaDolts. Ind,... Cbas. Mayer A Co. LaFSyetls, Ind Losb * Bene Co. Lebanon. Ind.... Elbrrt ■ Perklas Lima, O .Th. Hoover Beasb Co. Mlddletown. O Kilter Harare. A BOOT Co. Newark, Ohio J Bd, r>oe Perkerebur*-, W. Va .B. Nathan Pa. • Wra, Carry , OBlo ••, k&jWmm&L - — ™ — »■■ 1 , OB t a • •••••►«• • • • > ±.»*aM ^Mgr l roTld.DcB, M. 1 Berry * uo. Richmond, Ind Vflller Heroeee Co. Jail saw Mlcb Llsbermsa Trunk Co Sprlntflcld. Ohio Wra. . UcOnlloch Syracuse. N. Syracaea Trrmk Works Tiffin. Ohio..... .-•Vr.....'.EIrfer Clothlna Co. Tipton, Ind .\\8hortle IrspsrtrosDt. Store 3fe^7:::::;:i::!:::!ffl^ -.ex .Bscker-s Leather Qooda Co. THE BILJjBOARD MAKES A SPECIAIi COMPfilMENTARY RATE OK ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OP THE PROFESSION ON PROFES- SIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AT LIBERTY CARDS. >s-tV. •» a ,V..Vrr' The Theatrical ~ ate the eAvintr »' time Watch inls H^i 'iuot REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES. PATENT OFFICE. Volnme XXII. Wo. 50. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK— CHICAGO December 10, 1910. 4- *Ttie Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. : ■ - . ' • . HENRY B. HARRIS' ENTERPRISES, season itHO-iou HUDSON THEATRE, W. 44th St., near Broadway, NEW YORK HACKE IT THEATRE, W. 42nd St., near Broadway, NEW YORK WALNUT ST. THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA JACKSON'S THEATRE, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. . ROBERT EDESON in "WHERE THE TRAIL DIVIDES" ROSE STAHL in "THE CHORUS LADY" ELSIE FERGUSON in a new play EDMUND BREESE in "THE SCARECROW" HELEN WARE in "THE DESERTERS" HEDWIG REICHER in a new play ."THE SNOBS". - THE TRAVELING SALESMAN "A' THE TRAVELING SALESMAN "B" THE THIRD DEGREE "A" THE THIRD DEGREE "B" THE COMMUTERS "A" THE COMMUTERS "B" THE LION AND THE MOUSE THE COUNTRY BOY "A" THE COUNTRY BOY "B" ,. ,.„ ^ RUTH ST. DENIS in EAST INDIAN AND EGYPTIAN DANCES '.V* k % > i ; *e:^-%'-'---"f MERRY CHRISTMAS Vaudeville agency Chicago Opera House Block „ CHICAGO PRO SP £ ROUS NEW YE AR HARRY WILLIAMS' PITTSBURG. PA. PLAYING- WESTERN WHEEL ATTRACTIONS '. ■ -7". -■- T ' ^ ^ ^^ ^^ >:■■< - t „ •■■:r-^»W%D>»W»» i THE CARTER PLAYS CAN BE HAD ON ROYALTY Also a number of clever Vaudeville Sketches with effects. LINCOLN J. CARTER, Criterion Theatre, - - - - CHICAGO. m BAYR00TY TRI0-3 Oriental Wonder Workers Gun Drill and Spinning, Whirling Dervish, Roman -Turkish Com bat. U p - to - d a to Novelty of Oriental Splendor Time open. Address,. . J. ML ft AY ROOT Y, BEST EVER TO MY FRIENDS s ■ -WITH HARRY VON TILZER WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP Wire-Walkers' Oil-Paper and Silk Umbrellas A1m> theatre souvenirs. Sample souvenir sent post-paid receipt of 25c. Write for prices—Umbralsi. W. A. MENTZER, Importer Japanese Goods, 92-94 LAKE STREET, . ~ CHICAGO ELLA HERBERT WESTON THEATRICAL BOOKING - AGENT Vaudeville acts desiring time in California address 019 020 Westbank Bldg., San Francisco. Can arrange for 4 to 8 weeks in. Honolulu. . ... , ■ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all friends. TH E BILLBOARD MAKES A SPECIAL COMPLIMENT ARV RATE 416 Elm St CINCINNATI OHIO I ON ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OP THE PROFESSION ON PROFE8- SIO feim at., OinUIWWATI, OH IO. SIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS and at liberty cards. JSULLIVAIV & CONSIDINE = — -~ - - »-» t • *». I • rvj • - - — - PRESENT: %HE SUPERB . .-v • . '- ••- - i-.. THE STUNNING SECOND WESTERN SEASON "■" : ±.\-\.ir X : ' : '^K V ' .,.-5, * "i r Address "The Billboard," San Francisco. December 10, 1910. The Billboard 6 The only practical and tested -out power-operated stage hoisting and trimming apparatus on the market. Placed on fly, floor or stage any position.' One man— distant control. Built for one curtain as well as for 60 or more. Enormous saving in stage operation and effi- ciency tripled. Saves cost of installation in less than two seasons. Write for particulars.' THE electric SCENERY HOIST CO., Hamilton, Ohio. _ ™ ^ — — THIS IS A. CUT OF OUR— No. 3-X Theatrical Trunk Covered and bound with the heaviest, hard fibre and lined with hard fibre, with 3 thicknesses of veneer hardwood between the outside covering and the inside lining, making the best theatrical trunk on earth. Has two trays, one deep tray partitioned and one second tray with wooden bottom. This trunk has a 5- year guarantee, a guarantee with half a million dollars behind it and one thousand testimonials from people who know and have tried them all. so sa se -to ,i Price, 5*20.00 *22.SO $25.00 $27.50 : : WIRE. WRITE Oil PHONE YOUR ORDER TO HENRY POLLACK TRUNK CO., Manufacturers, 442-444 Elm Street, Opera House Block, DALLAS, TEXAS. SLOT MACHINES Wo Buy, Soil, Exchange, Repair all kinds off Slot Machines — -ALSO • Brass Founders and Finishers, Electroplate™, General Machin- ists, model and experimental work*. ;> - |£ A. J. Fisher & Co. PA. =FOR SAL E A First-Class AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE at CONEY ISLAND Location and lease all right. A money-maker; not a dead one. Inves- tigation solicited. Twenty-five Thousand Dollars required. Address, ABC, care of "The BiUboard," New York €ity ; I rrptN SLIDES Made to Order for Lecturers LA MovUf Picture Theatres, mil those who want high-grade work. Only *e«r»' experience In ctldc making rubles me to guarantee work, from pbotoa, aketcbe*, engraving*, arc! plain. 30 eta.; dnelr colored. « Vt^Y tlldrs, plain *12; roton-d J17..W. Hare 10.CCO negatives nnd and euhjrct required. GEO. jr. QOIDTHOBPE, Mi W. 14th the he* Price* out 41 .ViOSiSefifc NEW YORK. 0, Holland Building. 1440 Broadway Telephone 1830 Bryant. CHICAGO. 8T. LOUIS. I Ml ; J203 f SAN FRANCISCO. Weetbank Building. WO Market St.. Junction Market. Bllla and Stockton St.. Suite 621. LONDON, ENGLAND. 170 Temple Chamber*. K. c. PARIS, FRANCE. W. H. DONAL080N, Publisher. ISSUED WEEKLY, and entered aa Secoud-Clasx Matter at Poat Office. Clnctn- - for trie editorial or bualra 416 PCBUSHLNG COMPANY, f. S. A. y»e>v, e ,v ». H« tiaenaent meuoncr 8ab»criptlon, K a juar; S moat hi, |S| • maatha, ft. Payable in advance. TRE'BIXXBOABD ia for aalo on all traiaa and newa ataxia throughout the Uoit:d Btatea and Canada, which are aupplied by tha American Yawa Oo.. and' Ita brancnea. It ia alao on aala "at BraataAc'a. 37 Avenu© da l'Opera. Paria, France, .wh a not on aala. pleaae notify thia Bemittaaeaa abauld be made by dBtatcd or made payable to liabi % - aolioJtad copy. pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo< r Christmas Greetings The Billboard wishes to extend to its readers in all climes, cordial Christmas greetings. This is the season of peace and good-will throughoutthe civilized world. At the same time we take occasion to express our sincere appreci- ation^ of. the friendliness evinced on all sides through the co-operation and patronage of those 4vho are identified with us as readers^ as patrons, as correspondents and as representatives. There is another class, the boosters, to whom our thanks are due; for their eagerness to proclaim the merits of Old Billy Boy, we are always grateful We are not unmindf ul that, the splendid support extended The Billboard throughout they ear imposes an obligation which we cheerfully assume-r-an obligation to continue to hold fast to the disinterested, unprejudiced and impartial at- titude towards all branches of the profession which has characterized our policy in the past Unhampered and unfettered by alliances of any character. The Billboard in of amusement. The year just passed has been one of delightful associ- ations. possibility of successful controversion that it has been a year prolific of newly formed friendships and a closer cementing of the old ones; . To those who believe in us, and to The Billboard's multitude of f riends throughout the world, we repeat: A Mavmi Y m n o rm A n f-1 n »-» n a t n n A Drnendrnii e» /V/j-m i V/j n a* •Ur '. ■ 000000000000<>0<><><><><><>0<>C^^ THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER. 1910 %0 .... i T Is a wise manager who knows his own booking agent these days. The shake-up in the booking field that occurred the latter part of last season and which has extended into this season in an even more aggravated form, has managers of the- atres and attractions in different sections of the country guessing as to what attractions they are going to get At times, they do not even know whether they are going to get any. The traveling manager for his part does not know from one town to another in several sections of the country whether he < is .going to play one house or another until he gets into the' city where the en- gagement is to be filled. Wrangling often occurs. Sometimes the travel- ing manager will find that If he plays according to contract, he will see- saw back and forth between Klaw and Erianger's an 1 The Shuberts* theatres Indefinitely. This is the re- sult of a subsequent change in the circuits that occurred after he had made his contract with one or the other. A little chain of theatres here, that ; yesterday belonged to Is today being booked by The Shu- berts, and over there another chain of theatres that were being booked by The Shuberts is being booked by the Klaw- and Ertanger-offlces to- day. Sometimes the manager of a traveling attraction will insist on. playing the theatres 'according to his original contract, then a wrangle takes place, and bad feeling ensue. This was the case with Al. G. Field, the minstrel man, in the South this season. He insisted on playing houses according to his original contract, and' he did play them. The result was that in each stand where the booking was in contro- versy, he was forced to put up" a. guarantee fund, and this fund in the aggregate now must amount to many thousands of dollars. On the other hand the manager of a thea- tre which was formerly a link ill a chain booked in connection with one of the big circuits finds that his booking office has transferred Its aSlllatlon, and left him on a high sea of uncertainty. These chaotic conditions prevail for the most part In the South, and the Northwest, and may be ascribed to the insurgent movement that was started last spring when Jul- . lus Cahn and Mose Rets severed their connection with what Is known as the theatrical syndicate (consisting of Klaw and Erlanger, Frohman and Hayman, and Nixon and Nlrdllnger) and affiliated them- selves wtth the Shuberts. They were followed later by the booking agents of chains of theatres In many parts of the country, the most significant being that of John Cort, whose chain of theatres ex- tended . through several states of the extreme Northwest. It was first expected that the Theatrical Producing Managers' Asso- ciation would repudiate the insurgent house managers and booking agents. The Theatrical Producing Managers* Association did repudiate the organization who styled itself the Theatre Owners' Association, but Wm. A Brail y was followed by several others of the Theatrical Produc- ing Managers* Association in declaring his independence' from The Theatrical Producing Managers' Association, and allying himself with the Theatre Owners'. Association. The latest development is the consummation of a sort of protocol between the antagonistic factions, which It is believed will result In a final arrangement by which the attractions of both big booking agencies will be reciprocally booked into the houses one of the other. If this condition Is brought about, it will be the nearest approach to the ideal that we have made in this country. It is difficult to anticipate just what the effect of an amicable arrangement of this kind would be. One con- tingency Is almost assured: a good many houses would be eliminated, for whereas there were too many attractions and not enough houses before the Messrs. Shubert broke away from the syndicate, so many bouses have been built and opened since that time that there are now average • for Him too many first-class houses for the attractions that are available. It ia more than probable that a great many of these houses will go over to vaudeville. On the other hand, some observers of the situation maintain that the conditions will revert to first principles; that is, that the .situation will resolve itself again so that managers of theatres will book their own attractions — that is, make their contracts direct with the managers of the attractions, and disregard altogether the booking agents. Whether this condition would be healthy or not is a question. It would mean long jumps .and uncertain engagements unless each manager of an at- traction should maintain a regular booking staff on hts own account. This would be so difficult as -to be almost Impossible. So the situation stands chaotic in the extreme, with no immediate prospect of order. The syndicate bookings have reached a very high state of system. The local manager had been almost entirely relieved of the re. sponslbillty of booking his attrac- tions. He would depend upon his booking agents to supply him with a list of attractions of a very high quality. It only remained to give these attractions- the . necessary, sort of co-operation ' after they were booked, and when they came Into his theatre, per- haps this elimination of responsi- bility on. the part of the theatre manager was not the best thing for the business. In any case, the man- agers got -out of touch" with the pulse of the public; their energy -In drawing the crowds waned; they came to depend almost entirely up- on the drawing power of their at- tractions for bringing patronage to the theatres. Perhaps the manager was too nearly eliminated as a fac- tor. His power of observation be- came atrophied. Getting away from the dally grind he lessened his en- .. ergy and, to an extent, lost Interest In time he became to feel that his personality was not to be taken In- to consideration as an influence' In bringing people to his theatre. - All this was bad. Personality goes a long way. The patrons of theatres even In the big cities like to come Into personal contact with the managers of the theatres who are providing them with their weekly amusements. No doubt the time has come when the . theatre managers will have to return to their alert ieek- lng for patronage; when they will have to exercise their ingenuity to attract patronage to their houses. Where the owner-manager does not possess this quality of personality he may have to engage, and pay for the services of energetic men who do possess this quality to manage his theatres. Perhaps this to the solution and when all the edges have been rounded off. and all the corners have been success- fully turned, we will return to that state of settled bookings, plus local "■ - •- 1 manager's- efforts, that character- ized the- days before the revolution in theatrical amusement In America. It is hardly probable that as some contend, the day will come again when managers will book their attractions Independently. This plan would entail too much expense and Involve too much uncertainty. It would, of course, restore the old order of competition, but competition in the amusement business is usually accompanied by a degree Of chaos and extravagance of expenditure that, coupled with the essential ab- sence of rules for success, precipitates affairs Into the states alter- nately of feverish- panic and passive Indifference. Individual bookings are more consistent with the successful conduct of vandevllle than of the "legitimate." This is because It is more expen- sive for entire companies to travel than It Is for Individual acts to And their way from town to town. There would be little chance for big companies employing barnstorm* ing methods. In the days and in the districts of barnstorming, salaries were as uncertain as the weather In April, and where salaries are un- certain conditions are unhealthy. In any contingency, somebody Is sure to get the worst of It. The very secret of all perpetuation Is natural THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 ooooooooooooooooo j AUDEVHJL.E is as different from the old-time variety as a healthy and fully developed child sprung from puny parents is different from them. Variety was the amusement of our days of development. Vaude- ville is the amusement of our days of maturity as a commercial community. Variety was a sort of ille- gitimate off-spring from the French revue. Vaude- ville stands alone as a peculiar and characteristic form of amusement. It is different in America than in England. We believe that the American vaude- ville performance Is better than that given in the English Music Hall, the English point of view to the contrary notwithstanding. We are just as certain that vaudeville is superior to the French revue. Let us see what vaudeville la: In the revue which corresponds more closely to our musical comedy,- than our vaudeville does to It, there is sort of a wraith of a. plot manifesting it- self here and there; insinuating lt- ' self where it has no business, and twiriR to make its presence felt in spite of all obstacles. The descrip- tion of the French revue Is really .the -definition or vaudeville accord- ing to the true significance of the word, but vaudeville has out-grown its definition. The American vaudeville per- formance is put together to enter- tain all classes of people and people of all grades of Intelligence above the lowest. . That is where It In the West we have such doughty spirits as Martin Beck, who, having strengthened his own forces to the point where he was in abso- lute authority In the West, attained to the point where he had an equal voice with his Eastern compeers in making terms. The Orpheum Cir- cuit has long been one of the strongest organizations of theatres devoted to vaudeville amusement Sullivan & Consldlne In the far West operate a chain of houses that reach all the way to the Ohio Valley. There are numerous others, like Sun and Pantages, who have attained < to a very high degree of success in the operation of vaudeville circuits of thea- tres and catalogues of acts!".' It's a great business, this thing of amusing the brain-fagged Amer- ican public, and not the least great of the several branches and forms of amusement is vaudeville. A few years ago, in a Western city, a man without capital but with" unbounded confidence In his own ability, opened up a little' theatre, the main entrance of which was on alley. Vaudeville was variety early days of vaudeville, or rather In the days when variety was in its prime, there were com- paratively very few theatres de- voted to this form of amusement In the United States. There was no systematic method of booking vaudeville attractions. Variety troupes trooped where they could get engagements, and Invariably they traveled as organisations. To-day la is all different. The Mils are made up according to the. plans .of the managers of local vaudeville .theatres. Each manager selects those acts which he knows from experience with . his public will please his patrons', taste. Indirect- ly then, or by representation, the American public In each section. In each city, or town is choosing those vaudeville acts from week to week that will afford It the most pleasur- able kind of entertainment. But this Is not to say that the vaudeville booking agents are with- out voice in the matter. They are primarily responsible for the high standard to which vaudeville has It has not been a great . years since F. F. Proctor. B. F. Keith, E. F. Albee, Percy Wil- liams and others were not only In- dependent of each other, but were engaged In the strongest kind of competition. The growth of vau- deville,' Its development In resour- ces, made the combination of these powerful _ trary to the usual rule in such matters, the elimination of competition contributed to a general elevation of the vaudeville system as a whole. Today, the vaudeville performer can not only get bookings from coast to coast with short Jumps and week engagements throughout the whole trip, but he can cross the Atlantic on the same contract and play many weeks' bookings In Europe. A few years ago, William Morris was a salaried employe In a vau- deville booking office. Today he Is one of the moat powerful booking agents in the world. There Is hardly an Instance in amusement- annals where one man practically without capital ever succeeded so far In attracting the Investment of other people's money to meet his enormous capacity for conceiving and executing vaudeville coups. Within a very short period' Of time Mr. Morris was. able to make contracts with vaude- ville performers for extensive engagements throughout the United States. He alone, on his own responsibility and without any great amount of capital of his own, succeeded In accomplishing what others, with seem- ingly equal experience and ability and an unlimited command of capital have failed to do. then, and this little theatre was the only one of Its kind In the city. People went to it. They found the entertainment so pressing that they went again, and finally became reg- ular patrons. The manager's ness grew and the manager with his business. He Improved his house, and as far as it was within his power, he Improved his per- formance. Finally the house was rebuilt with the entrance on one of the principal thoroughfares, the manager reached out am quired interest In theatres in cities. He became a power to reckon with. This in a concrete Instance. Ex- amples In the abstract might be cited without number. They show not only the possibilities of vaude- ville for amusing the public, for Interesting the people, and attract- ing their money, but they show also the possibilities open to the man of brains and ability, whether he has capital, or not. One man's ability may lie In managing theatres; an- other's may lie in providing acta and performances for those thea- tres; but there la money in vaude- ville. From the' professional point of view: many a consummate artist of the histrionic kind has been attract- ed from the so-called legitimate "legitimate" In its of this Is Keenan, whom William Winter once called the representative American actor. Amelia Bingham aeems to prefer vaudeville to the theatre where regular dramatic per- formances are given. Numerous ex- amples of alienation from the legiti- mate to the vaudeville stage might be mentioned. They would all tend to the same end: to show that va- riety (or vaudeville) has been di- vested of all its unsavory attach- ments.' Vaudeville stands to-day as a form of amusement that is as as to any other form. Vaudeville is legiu- The public taste In amusement changes. The change Is the resu t of progression and. deductively, the progression Is the result of competi- tion. Of competition there will always be sufficient in vaudeville. It Is reckoned that by the year two thousand there will be four hun- dred millions of people In the United States. With such enormous ' growth the resources for amusement will be strengthened, and, while the present generation la not vitally Interested in what conditions will be ninety or a hundred years from now. It la conducive < to know that no retrogression to anticipated. One time a ] stated Incidentally that the world is expected to come to an end in seventy-five million years. A man In the audience jumped up ly and interrupted' him. • . "How— how long did you say?" he asked excitedly. "Seventy-five million years." ' replied the speaker, surprised at the Interruption. "Oh," said the questioner with an audible, sibilant sigh of relief, "I thought you said seventy-five thousand!" <><><><><><><><><>0«CK><><^^ THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 ooooooooooooooooo ARNIVAL companies have discarded all the old methods of graft among the legitimate forms of few brief years ago, the carnival was enjoying the acme of its success.. Its halcyon days were fewer than they would have been had not the attraction of the carnival, as a means of making big profit on small capital, enlisted under its banner, unscrupulous men of questionable prin- ciple, who gave no thought to the future, of the but were satisfied to get what they could out of it while it This spirit sounded the knell of the carnival business a3 the . lucrative form of amusement the United States has ever known. The carnival started modestly. Prank W. Gaskill. of Canton, Ohio, is generally credited with having instituted it in the form which be- came most popular. Mr. Gaskill's immediate and tremendous success advertised the possibilities of the business to such an extent that Frank Bostock and Francis and James Ferari joined their capital of a similar kind of Immediately there were imitators beyond the space to enumerate, and the carnival business took on such a boom as no entertainment of the indoor and outdoor character had Methods of book- The advance (who immediately became i a promoter) would go in- to a town and by some clever de- vice engender a carnival spirit among the merchants, manufactur- ers and business men of the com- munity. A meeting would be called and the promoter would put his proposition before the members present. Then a guarantee fund would be raised. The whole Idea being based upon the prospect of Increased business in the town be- cause of the attraction. The car nival aggregation usually consisted of a number of separate and dis- shows, concessions : and set up on the i of t various shows, vices and in addition to them the privilege men. all paid either per- centage of the gross receipts or stipulated amounts of privilege money to the company in control of the! outfit. So in addition to the guarantee fund or bonus money, which was usually sufficient in amount to carry the aggregation from town to town, the so-called proprietors of these communities of shows received large amounts in aggregate percentages from the various attractions and privileges. It was a unique business and es- sentially a business capable of large returns while its popularity lasted. But as any man of organizing abil- ity could launch a carnival com- pany (provided he employed promoters who could make contracts with local committees), and as the moral character and business integrity of the majority of these organizers was conspicuous by its absence, the carnival, or street fair business, took on a quality of unsavory I ness and discredit among the better class of citizens that made it practically Impossible for local committees, however strong their influence, to 5- the use of the streets from their city governments for carnival The first serious blow that the carnival business received, however, was its repudiation by. the Supreme Lodge of Elks. Up to that time, Elks' lodges, being composed usually of the most progressive and en- terprising men of the various local communities, • were most readily made to see the commercial and business possibilities contingent upon the "holding of street fairs, and as the fame of the carnival business spread among the Elks' lodges scattered throughout the country, the efforts of the carnival promoters were reduced to a minimum. The secretaries of the Elks' lodges, often being instructed to seek to induce carnival companies to visit the cities represented by these lodges. In a short time, however, the bad repute of the carnival business and its close alliance with Elks' lodges, threatened the reputation of the Elks themselves, and at the Grand Lodge convention, held in Los Angeles, the edict went forth, placing a ban upon the sponsoring of carnivals by the local lodges. Of course. Elks' lodges continued to father carni- vals clandestinely and surreptitiously, but when this was done, the In- fluence of the Elks auspices was lost, and the result was not as gratify- ing as it had been before. Meantime, unscrupulous carnival men con- tinued to present meretricious, salacious and demoralizing attractions, such as Egyptian dances and other performances of equally debasing character. From the warmest approval, local communities went to the of irreconcilable repudiation of the carnival business, and a of the real progressive and far-seeing m a n agers of carnivals • driven out of the business along with their unscrupulous colleagues competitors. To-day there are probably a dozen carnival companies of real importance operating In the United States. Their methods of doing business have been systematized and dis- ciplined to the extent that shows are assured of a : if not a feverish popularity In the sections they visit. During the past two years a good many cities that had been closed to carnivals by the bad repute of the business, have again opened, though there is lit- tle prospect that the carnival busi- ness will ever again reach the pop- ularity that it enjoyed during the seasons of 1902 and 1903. r That the carnival business has kept alive at all, is due to such progressive and undaunted spirits as C W. Parker, James Patterson, Herbert A- Kline. Harry Snyder and several others. A year or two ago, Harry Sny- ' der. of The Great Cosmopolitan Shows, conceived the Idea of an enormous tent under which his at- tractions, concessions, privileges, and devices were to be sheltered from the elements, but on account of the difficulty attendant 1 upon the erection and taking down of this enormous canvas (which was big- ger than that used by any of our biggest circuses), the project finally abandoned at to The Whatever may be the future of the carnival business— whatever may be the stigma attaching to it in its lowest form, it stands and will probably continue to stand as the most prosperous while it lasted as well as the most popular and the most widely self-advertising form of amusement ever known in this country. After the American street Fair became so tremendously popular, amusement promoters in other parts of the world, seeing Its advantages, were enterprising enough to insti- tute the same form of amusement in divers places. The carnival in reality spread to the Antipodes, and while it never enjoyed the vogue , ■ anywhere else that it did in Amer- ica, it has prove J very popular In other places. . In the Azores, the pleas- ure-loving Latins took readily to carnival amusement, and It flourishes there to-day from season to season. During the great popularity of the street fair in America, a carnival man visited Gibraltar, and selecting a post card showing the precipitous character of the country, he wrote upon It to a friend In America: "This would be a hell of a good carnival town if there was only some place to put up the shows." A great many of those enterprising showmen who made fortunes In the carnival business, and who were either forced out or abandoned It Of their own accord When Its -popularity waned.' have since engaged In other forms of amusement, where their carnival experience has stood them In good stead. So the carnival served Its purpose. Its day of greatest popularity constitutes an epoch In the amusement business. Those showmen- who have clung to the business are now deriving a very substantial profit from season to season.* though their returns are nothing to be compared with what the same aggregations would have netted them a few years ago. C. W. Parker. James Patterson; Herbert Kline and the Cosmopolitan Carnival proprietors are excellent day success in the carnival THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 I AND for popular music Is best created In the theatre. The growth and development of popular music publishing in this country. If treated chron- ologically and with the necessary degree of senti- ment, would read like a. romance. It remained for Americans to discover, or invent, a systematic means of exploiting popular song suc- cesses. It is logical (as it Is strange that the dis- covery has never been made before) that the vaudeville performer should have been chosen as this agency of popularization. In England they had long had the music hall, which, in its turn, was a development from the Saturday evening singing sessions in the public house; but in England the custom has been, as it still is — for each singer to practically teach the words and air of each song to his audience. This, of course, eliminates the possibility of wide circulation for pub- lished music. This custom of Inculcating by repetition, dates back to When the visitors and patrons at the public house selected a chairman, whose duty it was to teach the members the words and tunes of all the latest songs. The English music hall never outgrew this, and the custom is as boorsome to the visitor from for- lt Is discouraging to him who contemplates the publica- tion of popular music in Englan 1, as conducted in the United States. Traditions In England are not easily overcome. So It is that the publication of popular music In America is unique in Its methods, founded on the strongest foundation for success, and characterised by principles of system and national predisposition that make for its prosperity. When we hark back to the tre- mendous vogue of Little Annie Rooney. Mary Green. Comrades. Down On the Farm. After the Ball; and their innumerable successors In public favor, and larity. we begin to i pioneers who were responsible for the exploitation of these songs on the system that gave them popu- larity In all sections of the country at the same time, had discovered a medium well calculated to. supplant the old method of dissemination them would be considered (and would probably be really) an Injustice. Eut out of this chaos grew system and order. The song writers who had temperament and little business acumen returned to the writing of songs, and left the publishing of them to those of better business judgment. To-day the publication and distribution of popular music is con- ducted on the strictest business principles. It would entail many pages to describe these methods. Suffice It to say that the business of music publishing never was on so high a scale of commercial conduct, and never was the outlook for Its future brighter than it is to-day. The process has been "survival of the Attest:" elimination of the unlit; destruction of those supererogations of composition that once threatened the entire Industry. So we see that those conditions,' indigenous to America, which gave rise to our system of popular music publishing, and which have fostered and nurtured it through many vicissitudes, still obtain — are, in fact, indestructible. We have | At the same time It gave rise to the music publishing business as it 's conducted to-day. Hut for future generations in America, the phrase "the songs that mother used to sing" will not have the meaning that It now has, -for the system Is different. There was a time when songs spread like infection through the army and the villages scattered throughout the land. They were taught and learned without the printed page. That la not true of the present system. The Increase In circulation and the possibilities of circulation of popular music to-day is largely pro- portionate with the Increased number of pianos in the homes. The piano manufacturer and the publisher of popular music have worked hand in hand without even the semblance of co-operation. It Is true that the progressives in the piano manufacturing business have appre- ciated this most potent factor In the demand for pianos, but the greater majority of them have failed to do so. Still, we are satisfied that the publication or popular music has created the Increased demand for the Cheaper grade of pianos. On the other hand, the rule works inversely, and the growing demand for pianos has fostered and nourished . the In- terests of the popular music publisher. There was a time, and It was not long ago. that the music publishers were almost overwhelmed with their own success. Song writers invested their royalties In plants for the publication of their own compositions and those of other writers who had not yet become their own publishers. The earnings were so great and the system so primitive that many of them were swamped In the high seas (no pun is Intended) of their own prosperity. These flascoes have been so recent that to specify time when the singers and instrumentalists work material harm to the Industry as a whole. We have also passed the time when the song writer was deceived by the mirage of prosper- ity as a publisher. Factors have found their proper places; condi- tions Justed I What could be written i sic In general and song writers In particular could be strung out In- definitely, and would occupy miles and miles of writing space; but what's the use? The publishers are too busy to read all of It, the writers would only be really Interested tn the parts devoted to their personal compositions, and the public would rather listen to the song Itself than to a word description, an essay con- cerning Us class, or an analytical discussion of Its origin. The music publisher operates a peculiar insti- tution. If you don't believe It, ask one 'of 'em yourself. Thelr*a Is a commercial, but with surface show- ings that indicate "art" tn Its softest sense. Plagiarists infest this field. They revel and delight In Its pilfer- ing opportunities. We do not believe that there is nothing new under the sun. Can- didly, we are of the opinion that Just as the rolling stone often ac- quires a beautiful polish, so a song running the gamut of claimants may improve In transit, and by evolution be decidedly benefitted. At present there are more than a few "im- provers" who choose material and rehash and tone with good results. These song doctors are artists in their line; so much so, la fact, that they seldom lose a case. They are Ingenious If n< certainly are they willing, ever. It may not advisedly be said that the conscientious writers of original music are In the minority. The current epoch in the history of music la as replete with authors and composers as any period of time in the annals of the business. If their contributions are not as enduring or their style as edifying and noticeable as tn other years, blame It on the ultimate consumer, the public, whose demands govern and are responsible for the quantity and quality of th«. production. The publisher caters to this public. With the advent of the ten cent theatre came the revolution that gradually educated the patron to vaucwllle, thr patron in time grew more exacting. They wanted more acts and better acts, which widened the field and at the same time Increased the managers' weekly salary list, until he was forced to either raise his prices or build larger places — generally both — to accommodate the patrons. Thus, the "store show" gradually gave way to the vaudeville theatre, until now there is scarcely a town worth mentioning that can not boast of at least one vaudeville house — some towns, two or three — where they are offering acts and paying salaries that would have been thought impossible a few years ago. All of this has. of course, necessitated the booking of thousands of acts, a large percentage of which use either instrumental music or songs. THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 ooooooooooooooooo Uons URLESQUE is to-day regulated by the highest de- gree of system that characterizes the operation of any form of the theatrical business. The exact route of every show is laid out in immutable form for the entire season before the attraction opens its first engagement. The manager of every bur- lesque house knows lust exactly what attraction he is going to have for every week and every day throughout the season. As the burlesque system is the most highly perfected, so is the burlesque patronage the most nearly stable. These quallflca- to make burlesque a most attractive form of amusement point of view. There is no speculation connected with the casting of one's fortunes with the burlesque attraction. There is no contingency, however remote, of two weeks rehearsals without pay, two weeks more of hard work • on the road, and then a sudden closing. A burlesque contract is as good as a United States bond, so long as its provisions are carried out by the actor. It was not always so. Burlesque has matured and developed into a legitimate form of amusement very rapidly. Only a few years ago, all burlesque companies were what the burlesquers now call "turkey"' shows. That is, attractions - that filled promiscuous engagements, as the "wild cat" company does in the legitimate. Burlesque was then in very bad repute. It based its claim for any popularity that it enjoyed clandestinely on Its salacious and suggestive features. The burlesque ■ show drew people to the theatre who were ashamed to have their friends know that they Were. there, or who went openly in face of the stigma attaching to such habits. The burlesque attraction ..was a contraband attraction. A man never mentioned his intention to go or his having been there to his family. He "usually evaded this' by the pretext of a business or club engagement, in anticipation or in explanation of his absence from home. All kinds of alibis were de- vised. This condition has changed. .A man may take his wife to a bur- lesque performance now, with the same degree of assurance that her sense of modesty will not be vio- lated, that would attend his taking her to a theatre where the musical comedy brand of attraction is being presented. It is a far cry from such discredit to such approval, but bur- lesque has accomplished it thor- oughly, steadily and without chance of reversion in the past few years. It Is interesting to note, the pride with which the reformers of bur- lesque speak of their work. They have gone about It seriously, know- ing the obstacles that confronted them, but with a definite, tangible task to perform, and with a thorough grasp of the methods and means ' necessary to its performance. Practically everything that was venal has been removed from the burlesque show. that was popular In the days of its undignified vogue. The Egyptian dancer, upon the advertisements of whom managers based their chief claims for patronage, has been almost entirely eliminated. Suggestive lines with double meanings that once constituted all burlesque dialogue, and upon the conception of which writers of all burlesque sketches expended the greater part of their energy and ingenuity, have also been relegated to the limbo of unnecessary and undesirable things. The burlesque performance of today moves with a snap and ginger that is highly commendable, and that has never been imitated, either upon the legitimate comedy or the musical comedy stage. Scenic and sartorial accessories have been ameliorated In the same proportion. Those who are Indifferent to what burlesque used to he or who have forgotten . Its quondam umsavoryness. may best draw their comparison between the burlesque stage of a decade ago and of the present time, by taking the contemporary performance at the Moulin Bouge in Paris as a representative of the former, and any of the seventy attractions that make up the shows of both "Wheels," Empire and Columbia Cir- cuits, as representative of the latter. In The Moulin Rouge brand" of performance, we find the story dealing with such incidents as are seldom found outside the red light district of a big city. The plots are meretric- ious, the dialogues are salacious, and the performance is generally de- basing. The American burlesque show, on the other hand, is put to- gether to amuse rather than to pander to immoral thoughts , and pro- clivities. The burlesque show, as we know It in this country to-day. is about as good a recipe for melancholy and ennui as can be formulated. The comedy quality is of a generally high standard. The plot is obvious enough not to weary, and at the same time slight enough to allow the liberties necessary for the rapid carrying forward of the show as a vehicle for the cleverness of the various performers who participate in It- The choruses are chosen for voice quality as well as for physi- cal pulcritude in Its individual numbers and in ensemble. The comedians are selected because they are superior In the delineation and presentation of certain lines of grotesque and genteel comedy work. The principal women are Invariably good singers and at least This perfection of harmony of grouping is due to the able efforts and perspicacious fore- sight of the men who stand at the head of the burlesque combination as producing managers. They are without exception, men of .wide ex- perience In their work. They are generally men of moral stamina and high character. . They have taken burlesque out of the cate- gory of forbidden things, placing It among other forms of approved en- tertainment. Burlesque, perhaps, has not reached Its highest standard even yet, but It has gone far. The men who are promoting it promise a still further regeneration. We have confidence in the successful achievement of their alms, because of the success they have already compassed In their past perform- ances. With the energy end Intelligence that is now being directed towards its regeneration there "is no reason to believe but will continue to progress as systematically and as surely In the future as It has In the past. It Is the amusement of the busy man In a strange city, and what city has not a consider- able floating or transient popula- tion of liberal spirits who enjoy nothing In the way of theatrical amusement more than catchy mu- sic, choruses and ensembles plead- ing to the eye and rapid-moving, obvious comedy of the innocuous sort while they enjoy their cigars nnd forget that they are deprived temporarily of home and Its com- panionship. It is this class that makes up the preponderating por- tion of burlesque patronage to-day, and through Its enlistment bur- lesque has found It possible to abandon Its one-time appeal to the out- cast spirit* whose Philistinism has no stronger alibi than a kind of dar- ing swagger, and devote itself to the legitimate entertainment of he business-fatigued mind of a higher grade of intelligence. Burlesque may never be the accepted family amusement, but It has already undergone a degree of regeneration that augurs well fof 'It* future. The chief Interest of all who are engaged In tho promotion of any kind of amusement as a business or as a profession Is Its Immediate TP . ^ ? u,mBto BUCc es». The principal concern then of all who aro Identified with burlesque as a business or as a profession Is its perpetu- ation on tho highest scale of success consistent with healthy growth and natural development. He who Is in for a day or for the present and obvious opportunity Is not to be considered. In a measure the public Is to be left out of the consideration also, or to be considered only second- arily; but we need have no fear for the public which, with Anthony Comstock's assistance will take care of Its own Interests. All hall to the burlesque of the future. ^ooooooooooooooo THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 oooooooooooooooo^ ELODRAMA has left the cheap theatre, and taking on the necessary refinement, has gone into the higher priced houses. The situation has been made thus complex through the advent of the motion picture melodrama. By thU agent it was forced oat of the cheap house, but all other things being equal, it is more than probable that melodrama in Its more refined form would nave become popu- lar in the higher priced houses, and with more cultured audiences under any circumstances. Mel- with vital aspects of life. Sentimentality may be over-concentrated in them, but over-concentration is always a sort of compromise between the artistic and the real. Coincidence must neces- sarily be exaggerated in drama of any kind. Incidents and happenings must be made to follow consecutively In order to sustain the inter- est. The writer of melodrama must conceive of the possible happening of mental crises In each of the members of the small group, that In real life would extend possibly Into the experiences Of only in a thousand people, an period of many years: But every serious drama must partake some- what of the nature of the melo If it would be vital. 80 the writer who is dealing with the Joys and sorrows, the haps and mishaps of life, must play to a certain extent upon the lmpresalonableneas of his audience. Melodrama, next to tragedy, is the oldest form of playwriting, and the line of demarkatlon between melodrama and tragedy must nec- essarily be very closely drawn. Re- move a few of the features of the old Greek classics, and yon "have melodrama; divest Shakespeare of his philosophical dialogues and solil- oquies, and In all his heavier plays you will find melodrama as tbe basic quality. Going a little fur- ther we. may even assume that melodrama Is the pattern Into which the warp and woof of all living drama Is woven. Dramatists have never got away entirely the old Idea that love betwee sexes is a scourge. It is through the Intensity of a love theme that the Incidental features of any play are carried on with the essential dramatic Interest. Impressionableness is a part of human nature. It may be covered up and glossed over by education and refining environment, but It la never completely eradicated. In- versely then the smaller the oppor- tunity for education and culture, the greater the degree of sentlmen- tallsm and the more leeway given to Impressionableness. The writer of melodrama for the masses builds upon this foundation. He writes in the simple language of the grown-up child about mat- ters and things that are of Interest to the person who has matured physically while remaining mentally undeveloped. Many the washerwoman whose tears drop into the steam- ing suds as she mentally rehearses the experiences of the distressed heroine of the previous night's performance. But the day of Lincoln J. Carter and Theodore Kremer la over. Their methods were different, but each made his peculiar appeal to the pro- letariat. Carter was the David Belasco of cheap melodrama; perhaps he may even more correctly be compared with Clyde Fitch. Every one of hie successes depended chiefly upon the successful working out of some ingenious, though crude, device of stagecraft. Lincoln Carter was a genius in his. line. Blood and thunder may have constituted his chief claim to glory among those who are not mentally above attributing glory to such causes, but he handled his blood and thunder with an understanding of his audience that is deserving of commendation. Theo- dore Kremer was not a genius. His plays. If plays they can be called, were lacking In originality, but what they lacked In originality, they made up In intensity of crude, unshackled emotion. Both these men are due more credit than they have ever been given, for surely It to not a below distinction to contribute amusement (even though It be expressed in the shedding of many tears) to those poor souls whose corporeal handicap entitles them to the deepest sympathy. But as the uncultured mind thinks In pictures, the advent of the mo- tion picture melodrama spoiled the business of Kremer, of Carter, and of their colleagues and contemporaries. The audiences that formerly sat In the melodrama house eating peanuts and weeping briny tears, giving way to uncouth cachlnatory expression of amusement and delight, now buy the same sensations for five cents a reel, and sit in the front rows of the motion picture theatre. That is why some manufacturers of motion pictures And it profitable to produce melodramas for projection on the tomlme or acted by living actors on the stage at every performance among the Brahmin caste of our own United States. Among cultured folk In America, the melodrama was held in abey- ance by the popularity of the war play, the Western drama, and the drama of society. American aud- iences do not differ from those of other countries in desiring to see the whims and foibles of society put before the footlights. But. perhaps, after all. It is not the ex- position of these whims and folbka that Interests them so much as the belief that they are learning how real society acts and ought to act. That Is why the society play has held the public's fancy so long In this country where necessarily, society Is still in the process of formation. But of recent years the close observer has detected a ten- dency toward the preference for melodrama qualities In the plays presented in our first-class thea- tres. One might cite numerous examples in support of this conten- tion, not the least convincing of which would be Clyde Fitch's last play. The City, over which New Tork literally went wild, and was followed by tbe rest of the coun- try in its enthusiastic approval of tensity. We may then expect a vogue for melodrama In our first-class thea- tres that will extend over a more or less lengthy period of time. We do not believe that this vogue will mark a retrogression of taste. For several years the drama has been becoming more and more anaemic. The public cannot lose by the In- jection of more real feeling into its drama, for by this Injection the of cynicism will be Within the past few weeks a company has been Incorporated for the express purpose of pro- ducing melodrama over a circuit of theatres that will be operated along the same lines as those con- stituting the two burlesque "wheels." This does not look like a symptom of pessimism among are Interested In the to the extent of putting their money Into It for its promo- tion and perpetuation, but Indicates true optimism for it. There Is little doubt that Messrs. Stair and Havlin will combat this enterprise by booking melodramas of a higher grade of merit again into their houses that have, during: the past two years, been given over to musical comedy and to motion pictures. Who will write these melodramas. Is a question of more interest than of Immediate Importance, but what to probably of more cance Is the quality and nature of the melodramas themselves. T is' little doubt that the return to melodrama will be a reversion to a the la, confessedly, on a higher plane gen- erally than It to In America the melodrama has never ceased to be pop- ular. The writer recalls having sat In Drury Lane Theatre from a quarter past seven in the evening till "alt paust" twelve while a long drawn out melodrama of the most sensational (though clean) kind was being* enthusiastically applauded by a characteristically elite aud- ience such as can always be seen at Old Drury. . will get to in America. THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 AUL. D. HOWSE, of Chicago, has long been consid- ered an authority on all that pertains to the amuse- ment park. His experience and success have Justi- fied this confidence. Asked what, in his opinion is to be the future of the amusement park in America, be replied: "What is the future of the amusement park?" This is a question propounded to me ten times a week. It Is put by park owners, concessionaires and those whose only interest in the subject is based on delightful hours spent in these ; That the park business has fallen oft during the last two years cannot be disputed so that the question is one in very general circulation. My reply generally 1b about like this: "The park business has passed through the bonanza stage which follows the establishment of any new enterprise which catches popu- lar fancy. Its patronage has tied down' now to a regular normal basis. Many parks were built at too much expense and too many were built in many cities. Aa soon as the surplus is wiped out and park managers learn by exper- ience the class of attractions which are lasting, the business will be a vaudeville and moving picture thea- tres all over the country has had much to do with the decrease In the park patronage. Again so much money was Invested in park attrac- tions, particularly buildings, that their owners have hesitated to de- stroy any of them and substitute of Again a number of parks have been designed and built by archi- tects who have had no knowledge of the park business and the de- mands of park patrons. These parks have been overloaded with build- ings when rides should have been built. Even today this same mis- take is being made. Within the past two weeks I have received from ct Southwestern city, plans of a park laid out by local architects which I am certain will be an ab- solute failure. The plans call for ten or twelve buildings and one small ride. Buildings costing sev- eral thousands of dollars are plan- ned for penny arcades and the like. This park owner will never see his money back and within his first season he is certain to have half of his buildings vacant and bringing no revenue. Not only will he suf- fer from loss of revenue but the empty buildings will give his resort a deserted appearance which is cer- tain to be Injurious. -. Not over two or three show build- ings can bring any return to a park owner. Outside of e good sized vaude- ville building one other show building would be the wisest investment. His money should be Invested In rides, a ball room and such other at- tractions as the public wants and from which a good revenue is certain. The park of 1911 sho did be designed with an eye to the future. All spaces should not be filled in merely to form a solid wall of one attrac- tion after another. In 1912, when a new feature comes out, the park should have a space for It without destroying the investment of 1911. Rides should be built so that after a couple of years they can be' rebuilt and the form of them changed at a nominal cost. Every Improvement should be made with an eye to the future. Recently I visited a Southern city at the invitation of some Intending Investors in an amusement park. I spent two days looking over the sit- uation. I found In a small city one park in existence which was rather modern and doing a profitable business. I advised my friends not to bund another park but to buy the present plant and put their money in alterations. Instead of investing $100,000 as was contemplated they will be able to acquire a park for less than half this sum. If they built a new place, the business would be so divide i that neither would do well. In one park 1 have under construction. I placed a figure 8. Sev- eral persons remarked to me that they doubted my Judgment In put- ting in a ride of this character. They thought a giant coaster would be best. I explained to them that the park was new to this locality and that after the figure 8 had operated a year or two I could rebuild it Into a modern coaster at nominal cost and bring It up-to-date. With this explanation they agreed with me that the Idea of the future of the park had not entered Into their calculations. My energies have been directed towards cheapening the cost of- parks and their attractions, particularly riding devices on the coaster order. I recently submitted to a traction company for a city of about 25.000 population, plans for a park to cost $25,000. Including a theatre, band shell grill room, one show building, several booths and two riding devices. These plans cut In two the Investment contemplated for such a plant. Another set of plans for a park In a city of 150.000 called for a total Investment of $50,000 and this plant I have now under way. In both of these parks there will be ample spaces left for the meritorious attractions which de- velop during the next few years without destroying any of the in- In future park building we- must depend on the experience of the past and profit by the knowledge gleaned of the public's taste for open air amusement The park must be designed for operation at a nominal figure and with ample earning capacity. By making worth of changes in a park which had ope- rated several years. I recently mod- ernized the entire plant and cut its operating cost from $350 per day to $225, yet at the same time I Increased Its earning capacity. This park operated at a loss In 1909 and showed a handsome profit In 1910. after the changes had been The entire coat of the was charged against this on's operating expense. So In the long run. the future of the park business, in my opinion, depends upon the judgment used by the park owners and managers. It Is not discouraging, but promts- '"fie ow to draw the crowds! That's the perplexing problem which con- fronts owners and managers cast- ing their destinies with the amuse- ment business In any of Its phases. For generations the park pur- veyor has taxed all his resources of inventiveness in an effort to de- vise something new which would be effective In luring the always curi- ous public to the box office or ticket window. He has spent many a sleepless night arguing the pros and cons of his newest Ideas along this line. Owners and managers of parks and their employees have called into play a great variety of devices for amusing the fickle pub- lic, and to beguile the possessors of the "eagle" into their confidence, and eventually Influence a change of ownership In the Uncle Sam piece. Who Is It that doesn't remember the wild, insane fervor with which people spent their money at the World's Fair in Chicago? There was but one meaning to this: the novelty was so new and the unique methods of showing so strange and pleasing that it captivated all lovers of diversion In amusement. There were new features never before Introduced to the public. There were also some old attractions, but they were served up In such a delicious style that they seemed new. Everything, with but a few exceptions, went with a snap and bang. So variety and change to meet the progress of the times are the secrets of success In operating the amusement park. The manager of any park makes a mistake when he retains any de- vice or concession after It has lost Its novelty and attractiveness to the public. The manufacturers of several of the devices most popular for a few seasons have gone Into bankruptcy trying to promote their sales, and so keep their factories running after the novelty and attract- iveness had worn off. The public demands novelty. — 14 «<>o<><><^<><>^^>^ THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 ooooooooooooooooo picture as a form of i to stay. Ita very progress determines that, than half a decade ago. the olograph, the Edison and other companies which are now allied under the banner of The Motion Picture Patents Com- pany, were making- nothing; but outdoor picture,. None of them operate l a stock company, and the number of exhibitors outside of the regular vaude- ville theatres which put the pictures on merely as an incidental feature, was very small. To-day the manufacture, sale, rental and exhibition of motion picture films, Is an Industry representing; the output of many millions of dollars. The mo- tto.) picture has grown In merit as it has increased in popularity. The principal manufacturers of America devote themselves almost exclusively to the produc.lsn of entertaining; pictures, and do not. like Paihe- Freres, of Prance, principally, and several European companies, make a large number of educational films. The educational Alms there- fore are mostly imports and these Importations and distributions are handled chiefly by Mr. George Klelne. who Is one of the most Im- portant figures in the American motion picture business. The manufacturing end of the industry 1» represented now by some twenty-live or thirty compa- nies, each of which releases from two to three reels of Rim per week. More than half of these manufac- turers are members of the Motion Picture Patents Company, a com- bination or all the original manu- facturers of Alms in America, and claiming to control the patents on motion picture cameras and pro- jecting machines to such an extent that any other camera manufac- tured or used In America Is char- acterised by them an infringement. The other faction of manufacturers who call themselves the Indepen- dents are producing Alms with Eu- ropean made cameras and project- ing them with various brands of machines. Those exchanges or middlemen who buy their product from the manufacturers represent- ed In the Motion Picture Patents Company, rent them to exhibitors who are under contract to use only the Alms manufactured by the Pat- ents Company and to project them through the Patents Company's machines which they do not buy outright, but upon which they pay a license or. royalty or $3.00 per week. The Patents Company Is a On the other hand the Indepen- dents so-called, sell their film to exchange men. who In turn rent to exhibitors at a scale that Is made to compete with the Patents Com- pany's scale, and who project the pictures through any manufacture of projecting; machine that they may prefer to use. So there Is strong competition in the Held. Licensed theatrej and ludependent theatres are situated side by side in all the cities through- out the country, and while the fight for supremacy between the two factions Is very bitter, the public cares very little about the struggle of the manufacturers, and seeks only to be entertained by the best pictures available. The American Biograph Company has long represented the acme In quality of films. Their productions have been made at the greatest expense, both with regard to the selection of the company engaged to act out the pantomime plays and the technical handling of dims. Pathe- Preres have also represented quality In another line, and until recently, their European pictures were In very grest demand, but since they have Instituted an American plant for the entire making of the pictures, the demand for the domestic produotlon has largely superseded that of the Importation. The Vitagraph Company's pictures, The Edison Company's production, and that of Seilg, Kalem, Essanay, Lubin and other Eu- ropean pictures, which are Imported by Mr. George Klelne. are each characterised by their own Individuality, and each occupies Its own position In the preference of the public. To Mr. Carl Laemmle. who started In the business as a dealer in licensed films, but who afterwards "went independent." Is largely due the strenuousness and success with which the efforts of the Independents tc establish system, have been carried on. There are other men of brains and ability in the Independent field also, and who manufacture pro- ductions that have their demand on the part of the public through the medium of the exchange. The degree of progress that has been made In the manufacture and distribution of motion pictures during the past three or four years Is almost Incredible. Whereas there were only a few hundred theatres (which were theatres In name only, for the most part being store-room I transformed into places of exhibition for the motion picture) three years ago. there are now thousands of theatres operated exclusively for the exhibition of motion pictures. Some of them have been built at tremendous expense and are elaborately, even sumptuously equipped. , Competition among the exhibit- ors has brought the - motion pic- ture "performance" up to a very high standard of quality. In larger cities, in the down-town districts, three reels of film are usually shown, with an Illustrated song, and In some Instances, a vaudeville act or two of more or less merit, to break the monotony. These ex- hibition theatres are provided with comfortable seats and an orchestra consisting of from one to three pieces (Including the drummer who works the "effects") and are made to conform entirely with the fire and sanitary ordinances. The only obstacle in the way of the continued progress of motion picture popularity seems to lie with the manufacturers. Recent pro- ductions have been characterized by a lack of originality of subject and by a sort of sameness in the working out of plots and a tenden- cy to revert to old subjects that proved popular. Perhaps the man- ufacturers are not anxious to con- tinue too strong a struggle of com- petition, realizing that this would increase the cost of production. It seems manifest to the close ob- server of the situation that there Is a tacit agreement among them to leave further Increase of popu- larity and prestige making to the exchanges and the exhibitors. Per- haps they are right, but it would seem that this is not quite fair to the exchanges and exhibitors. It may be. though, that the per cent, of profit Is being more Justly equal- ized now that the exhibitor has to provide more. comforts for his pa- rent hla films at a lower scale of prices. For a long time the man- ufacturers bore the brunt of the battle of progress and. maybe, they are entitled now to lie back for a time and reap the profits from their pioneer effort. However this may be. it seems probable that there will soon be renewal of the old competition among manufacturers. They will have to buy a better grade of scenarios, and they will have to employ better actors to produce them. The manufacturers that have been devoting themselves entirely to Western pictures (horse-back riding, representing posses, hunting, road agents, etc.), will have to And stronger themes upon which to base their stories, if they hope to keep up with the progress of events In the motion picture field. Altogether, the prospect 1 most encouraging. There Is no occasion for anything but optimism in the outlook. American manufacturers of Aim are gradually finding a larger field for their product In Europe. The Edison Company, for Instance, re- cently disposed of twenty-three copies of one reel of Aim in London alone, and while this is probably the top-noteh reached by American manufacturers, it Is estimated that each one of the Aim producers most popular in America will dispose of an average of one hundred copies to each Aim produced In the European market The sale of Aim in America will be equalized by the dropping out of theatres in districts that are over-crowded with them, and the opening of others In locations that are at present without them. — 15 ■ ■ ■ ■ THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 season just among the most successful ones on record. First, there were more big circuses en tour throughout?^ he season than there have ever been before In American. Ringling Brothers had three big circuses out this season: the one that bears their own name, the Barnum & Bailey, and the Forepaugh-Sells Show, the last-named hav- ing been sent out for the first time since it was bought In by James A. Bailey at the Columbus. Ohio, sale, to 1905. The Hagenbeck-Wallace' Show and the John Robinson Ten Big Shows took the road to. their usual magnitude 'and magnificence. The wild west contingent .-was strongly and adequately represented by the Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill Wild West and Great Par East, "and the Miller Bros, and Arlington's 101-Ranch Wlia West. " Numerous} shows of smaller size- were 'represented In the' circus horoscope, ijan R. Rob- inson metamorphosed fels carnival aggregation Into a circus, calling It The Robinson Famous Shows.' J. Augustus Jones sent out a wild west to addition; to his" other shows. The Sells- Kioto Circus played at re- duced prices of admission through- out the Western territory. n was' a season of strong oppo- sition- 'throughout. The first sensa- tional encounter occurred at Co- lumbus. Ohio, were the Hagenbeck- Wallace Circus and Miller Brothers' Wild West competed for patronage on the same lot. A great deal of opposition billing was done; all summer, however, good crops and flourishing Industries contributed \o excellent receipts for ail partici- pants and practically every show that started clean puUed Into win- terquartera with a good big balance on the right side of Its ledger. ' • Only a few Incidents of an un- toward nature, and these of only minor significance, occurred during the season. The most disastrous ac- cident, but one in which no person was injured, was the burning of the Barnum and Bailey tent at Schenectady, N. T. t on May 21. There was no serious railroad acci- dents or disastrous blow-downs. The entire season passed off with- out a single serious catastrophe. The only premature closing was .that of the Norrls & Rowe Show which was taken over by the cred- itors at Newport. Kentucky, on May 9, and transferred to the Hagenbeck-Wallace wlnterquarters at Peru, Indiana, where the show was sold at auction to satisfy the claims against It. A peculiar inci- dent of the sale -was' the purchase of a larger part of the dtatflt by one of its former proprietors, Walter annon, who" was backed up by E. Brotherton; of Ashtabula,' 6. At the end of the time allotted by the court for the purchase money to be paid over, Mr. Shannon ac- . _ .. . . knowledged his Inability to raise the necessary funds, thereby forfeiting the $3,000 guarantee which he had put up as a deposit ' At the ; second sale, Mr. Shannon again ' appeared as a bidder, and was 'announced as the purchaser of the outfit for the • sum' of J 1 5.000' plus the $3,000 guarantee which he had deposited. But the court ruled against this sale and Messrs. Shannon and Brotherton were in a good way to lose a large part of the Jl 8,000. But the subse- quent and final sale- of -the property brought a sufficient sum to pay off the debts Incurred to quartering the show during the time it had been held in abeyance to the action of the purchaser and the decisions of ■ the court, and to satisfy the chief creditors. As the case stands, Messrs. Shannon and Brotherton are reputed to have lost in the neighborhood of $6.'00"0 pn the transaction. ; Another notable incident of the season was the testing out of the Texas license by. the Ringling Brothers. The state revenue agent pro- tested "" against ' the ' continuous performance device which the Messrs. Ringling Instituted while the Forepaugh-Sells Show was to Texas, as a Justifiable means of evading the enormous and exorbitant license fee levied by the Lone Star State, and the case" was tried. No final decision - has been heard on ltblsT matter,' but Inasmuch as the Federal court '■■ : " ■' ..!•'..•• >-:v;.:'o ; '• .- ■ . - ■: ■■ ••• • ■ J 4 _ the state revenue agent from Inter- fering through arrests and other persecution with the continuous per- formance arrangement, there Is little doubt that the Ringling Brothers will win out In the final hearing. This will mean a victory for all cir- cuses which will naturally adopt the same means of evading the exorbi- tant license in Texas If the state does not revise Its laws affecting them. It is estimated that for 'the Forepaugh-Sells Show alone the Rlngllng Bros, saved more than $14,000 by the continuous performance device. Mr. H H. Tammen. proprietor of the Sells-Floto Shows, endeavored, during the early part of the season, to induce the city councils In terri- tory booked by his competitors - to pass ordinances by which shows would be taxed on a graduated scale In ratio to the number of cars carried. Mr. Tammen's efforts were generally recognized as a subterfuge for the purpose of making licenses prohibitive to the towns Included In the itinerary of his competitors and which they would bo compelled to exhibit in because their railroad contracts had already been made so the scheme proved as futile as it was inexcusable, and Mr. Tammen's unprofessional methods "were final- ly given the rebuke they deserved. Altogether the season was grati- fying to proprietary showmen as well as to the performing contin- gent, among which there were un- usually few accidents and scarcely any suits for unpaid salaries, ex- cept In the Instance of the N orris & Rowe Show which closed in the middle of the season. In this connection it may be ob- served that recent years" have wit- nessed a gradual decline In the number of forced and premature closings and to the number of suits for unpaid salaries growing out of that as well as all other causes. This condition is due to the prog- ress to systemati ration of shows and to the rise In affluence that makes it possible for most show- men to start out now each season with sufficient capital to meet all of weather and p«r- adventure that The most notably cl feature of the circus business la that the men now at Its head have for the most part risen through all the gradations of change and de- velopment In this same business. With the single exception of H. H. Tammen, proprietor of the Sells- Floto show, all those successful spirits who^ are concerned with the way have had their education In this business and to no other — have served their apprenticeship and their term of skilled workman- ship In the circus shop, and were not recruited from any other busi- ness. This fact would seem to In- dicate that the circus business is so unique In its nature that, how- ever attractive it may be from the standpoint of dividends, no cler whose education has been gained in the counting-house is doughty enough to chance his Investments to an enterprise that can be Intelli- gently directed only by those who have had years of experience under the white tops and who have learned to view with complacency the loss \ tSS^^SSr*'""-- 9 *-''* the weather and of the circus- promoters, and through the prosecution of those principles of pro- gresslon and reform that, underlay even Its humble station It has taken ffsw.% f^ Ity '° r « o« buslnes. that has « virtue pecu- liar to it through Its mission to amuse and entertain ■4 *J£ e m . e K a » geH v f .t aturo °. r »'* circus attaches to It an educational i £ a \ U .™ 1 at * whether «*> or imagined, to responsible in large degree '.for ts success. . Already preparations are under -way for next season, and the mam- wh„ it T2 th t.^ ,C Ii - hey are be,nr <»rried on indicate, that those who are in the highest degree responsible for the: circus business in its chief essentials are inspired by-true optimism by the- prospect upon which thejr are looking out .T"™ v ftAOOOOO<>o<><>< ^_^ ; _ THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 AIRS, both county and state, their rapid growth and development, and their Importance to the people generally, la a subject now commanding earnest thought in practically every section of and. that they be not onward march of progress, it Is very essential that aoond. conservative business methods be employed In their management. From the small acorn springs the mighty oak and , from the earlier .exhibitions of our forefathers — necessarily limited In their scope and Influence— have developed the mod- ern county fair and the stupendous state exposition, each now universally recognized aa a factor of the our arts and industries. In the d be learned may be properly sen ted it Is necessary that each de- partment be systematically organ- ised, both as to management and arrangement of exhibits and dis- plays. We win not attempt to here treat this subject from the exhibit viewpoint, but will a few hints regarding department management. In ence to the duties and responsibili- ties of the superintendent. Tears ago there was bat one official of a fair — the secretary; but the day has long since passed when the success or failure of an exhibition Is dependent upon the efforts of one man. and to-day at each suc- il fair will you find a loyal of energetic progressive men composing the board of managers, each charged with important de- partmental duties. They act in uni- son with the secretary, and the fruits of their united effort are that now at- They have thus been lifted from the plane of a frolic to Institutions of real worth and merit. Each department of a fair should be Independently organised, with proper officials In charge, and rules neither too stringent nor too lax should be established for Its gov eminent. The enforcement of these roles should be placed In the hands of the head of each particular de- partment, he to reign supreme in all questions or disputes that may arise, except those of such moment as In his Judgment require action of the fall board of managers. By so Investing the superintendent with absolute control of his de- partment, you will eliminate many, if not all. of the minor complaints that now reach the ears of the busy secretary. Trivial complaints, such aa the Issuance of the proper num- ber of passes, disagreements regard- ing space, etc.. should never en- croach upon the secretary's time, un- less brought to his attention by the superintendent. Errors In entries prop- erly belong to the secretary, and by him will be promptly adjusted, but . aside from these there should be naught from the various departments to vex and worry him. His time and attention are fully occupied in the executive department of the exhibition, and his troubles are many, with- out added burdens. In selecting your superintendent, do so with a view as to- his special ' adaptability for the department assigned: Impress upon him strongly the .responsibilities of his position: Insure him that the full strength of the • of managers will sanction his every act when In accordance with vernlng rules; make him a superintendent In fact as well as In with full authority oyer his department, and many of the rough that now serve to clog the wheels of smoothness will disappear, are established to he observed, therefore rigidly enforce all those appear In your catalogue, and play no favorites. Each department should be equipped with a full corps of helpers, capabte of transacting all business pertaining to that department, and arranged as to be unnecessary tor any exhibitor to call upon the sec- ary, exoept to reoeWe his premium voucher or correct entrance errors. Abandon the committee idea and place your trust In one capable man for each department. It will please your exhibitors, as when they have a grievance or request they know where to find the proper official, and are 'not "Jack-eyed" from one man to another, as is now prevalent at This same rule should apply to concessions, and you should not expect your concessioner to always perhaps after being located by the man he presumed to be in another member of the committee sternly commands him to move, as that location has been reserved for the swing man. It Is the small details that perfect the mechanism: the large errors are so glaring that all may see. How often does It happen that Mr. Exhibitor or Concessioner, in quest of information, seeks the superintendent, and by that official is referred to the secretary for reply. This entails, in a majority of cases, a trudge and there he inquires of the clerk for the secretary, and Is politely in- formed that that official Is engaged at present. It then becomes neces- sary for him to await his turn, with perhaps a dozen or more gentlemen, until that officer is at leisure to hear his request or complaint. After the loss of much valuable time, he secures an audience with the secretary, only to be Informed that the matter In question will be adjusted after a conference with the superintendent or committee In charge. He departs, vexed and dis- appointed. How different would It be if Mr. Exhibitor, approaching the superintendent, Is Informed that the matter will attention a method there would be no waits nor loss of time, and would prevail in the department. It may be a little more high-sound- ing to Inform the exhibitor that his request will be referred to the com- mittee or secretary, but It Is much more business like for the super- intendent to immediately adjust all differences in his department. How many societies are there that have lost a valued exhibitor or a profitable concessioner by these red-tape methods, when, had the superin- tendent been empowered with proper authority, all would have been serene, The fallacy of the old adage. "Two heads are better than one." was never more forcibly presented than In the settlement of minor disputes and complaints be- tween fair societies and exhibitors or concessioners. Ohio stands pre-eminent as the leading fair state of the Union, and of its eighty-eight counties, no less than seventy-five are annually con- ducting agricultural and Industrial exhibitions. Their directorate is composed of the most progressive men of the state, and I dare say that here at a majority of these ex- hibitions, the superintendent is su- preme In his department, while per- sonally I know of many state and county exhibitions In the sister states that are still In the dark ages, or, I will not attempt to go farther In a discussion of this subject, but will leave these few thoughts regarding the duUes and responsibilities of the superintendent' for your consideration. The subject of Systematic Fair Management Is a broad one. and through the columns of The Bill- . board we could probably discuss it through the long winter months. By the interchange of Ideas much good would result, and we trust Its col- umns will he freely used by fair managers for that purpose. The lazy man who went out to the pasture field and sat down on a stool and waited for the cow to Isaiah: no to him and be milked. Is sitting there yet— with an empty bucket. That lazy chap wouldn't be worth a coss aa secretary of any fair in the world. It takes a Uve wire to be a successful fair manager. Any man who can swim up stream can arrive at this stage. It la very much like the poet said of the lightning bug: "The lightning bog- Is a brilliant thing But the Insect has no mind, So it goes, on .-stumbling through the With Its headlight on behind." 18 Time Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. - ■ ■ ■ Chicago's Outlying Theatres Situation Among Those Houses Which Are Far from the I to themln- nte Innovations in advertising. The Trerett. which has played vaudeville, booked by the association, and which proved a very bad propo- sition, la now a record breaker, booked by Sulli- van and Consldlue. and managed by L. I. Mon- tague. The reason for this may lie In a slight reduction In the sr>~r**S3loo price bot I lay It to the better class vaudeville acta that bare heretofore been denied Chicago, owing to this Arm being shut off from activities In this city by a syndicate of magnates. We have the Wilson Avenue Theatre, the Red ale. the Julian, the Hasa and the Rex. all play- ing splendid vaudeville and -Mug business. Op- posite the Bex, a new tbestr-. called the Im- perial, bas been bnUt by George Be idler, and leased to Kllmt and Gazxolo. who will open It Christmas week with a stock company playing The Lion and the Moose. This Is another fact that proves my statement that stock has been retired In Chicago. The picture show Is almost eliminated, the ten-cent vaudeville Its place, but ' In turn, i believe, that' within five years time we will Had the situation here restored to the prosperous activities of - Ave years ago. One thine that proves it la the Increase of sale in gallery tickets. The -galleries of the theatres nave soffered. bnt see now rapidly coming into their own again, Thla 1st ~ tlcvahie In the ouilylng the damage was the greatrt proximity of the picture drvllle. Tbe ten cent I of people wbo never Inside of a l beat re and it will be that will help shortly. The old vulgar burlesque has vi la its stead we have tbe censored kind that com pares creditably with some big musical shows. The Star and Garter, managed by William Beebe. and tbe Empire, managed by that bully booster, isay H. Berk, are parking them In owing i« a stmng cv-wnrahip^wlelded^ by^lbeer are beglonlng to sprinkle tbe audi- ence*. This fact, boan-rer. Is not Dotb-eahle at the Folly, arks-re Mr. Fennrsry toleratm the dialogue that wa- eliminated by Herk, when the same *b»>ws played bJn theatre. ] do not believe I ana tree drag conn dangerous ground when I say thai tbe era of tbe legitimate has arrived, and that It la flrst felt, at thla time, la tbe m districts. The raise In tbe arris of drama, melodrama, borlesqne and vaudeville proves ray statement, and it" will mean much to tbe theatrical business. Clean snows, goal shows and the elimination of the hsshsilr- 1 - cofu , Man of yore, will again Chicago la Its old niche as lea's best "show town." SUNDAY 8HOW8 MITTEO. Carthage, The Mo., Dec, S . 41.— Tbe City ■ J s!red ,b * the. oance r^ibltLng^ 8 ° 0 ^* T CooocO has aroused clubwomen and the Law and Order League, and it Is not unlikely that tbe next session of tbe Council will be a stormy one. Carthage has never had eves a picture snow on Sunday nntti lsat 8nmmer. when tbe Chautauqua was here, pot on Kyle's Bsnd for s Sunday attraction. At that Haw tbe picture theatre* were opened, and at Council's lsat meeting the entire ordinance was annulled without any notice. /The wniards hare Joined French'* New Sensation Show, dosing tha MB. Twenty years ago vaudeville was known as I days that Involved the . e bouse*, the wine- room As tbe years passed awa' a gradual change was taking place: variety be- gan to Invade tbe better class of theatre*- There s ee m t d to be a growing demand for Just tbe kind of sn entertainment'- that variety gave. The people liked It bnt demsnded better and more refined acts. Tbe salaries gradually grew in sixe tratn tbe brighter lights In tbe legitimate- and musical comedies began to sit op and take notice and one by one they began growing Int. What IS now vaudeville. The refinement of vaudeville baa caused It to become a staple article with a standard of value as Intrinsic as wheat. — ed and It is now an enterprise of millionaire* Vaudeville is not the cunningly devised trie 1 of the charlatan; it la offered In beautiful tem- ples of decent pleasure and enjoyed by counties tho usands tbe world over. Vaudeville is still usee small chap bot holds out a promising development Into a strong healthy maturity: ^'.-gradually tbe public's tastes are changing:.-, a wee bit tired of the .of the psst yean, they in Vaudeville all demand a bit of the sketches with strong heart-Interest are comin Into their own. This has been shown by the favor In which W. H. Thompson, In Pride of Regiment: George Bebsn, In The Sign of the Bose. have been received ont West and else- where. Tbese well acted. Intensely dramatic sl-etches hsve been praised by both the p"> I and tbe press wherever they bsva " clientele tbst they are the made In 'Frisco sad I.os Thompson 4 Bebsn playlets test hits ever Mel area teat Angeles, lerre great praise for tbeos picture houses that la a way compete with them for public favor. The time is fast approaching when the public wfQ demand at least half • an evening's entertainment made up of a one or two-set playlet along strong emotional line* for there are maoy people who enjoy having their heart strings touched, wbo like to be compelled to weep or to think sad who take great pleasure la the excellence of tha acting for Its own aaka. DECEMBER 10. 1910. The Billboard The Metropolitan Vaudeville Situation Description and Discussion of Conditions Prevailing in the Metropolis LAND. ttraetlve than the (Utter of •; the pretty place* depicted ob tie scenery, the merry lltutl* of the da nci n g feet, the cheerful echo of tht warbling TOlcc and the mirth and Jollity of the happy come- dian! What could be mot* alluring than thla pUutot irtlflclult/; thin tola vocation whose sole purpose I* to entertain! Yam, Indeed, ao it t* for the observer of poetic temperament who •era music la the blsdes of ma* and bear* •ymphonle* from tbe bomblest teed. He see* all tolas* with ■ glorious toocb to thorn. Tro* It la that toe vaodevllllan tail! of metTlnient— br doe* make paople lsugu or trewB at hi* will — there are roouivut* of much la hi* work— oat " of the profession ware orvcapoTdlngly ited. Finally, toe so-cslled maxluinm was readied and It was a case of too umj ■eta soolllng tb* broth. In onler to work, art* rendered tbrlr service* for cheeper wag**, to which manager* gladly responded, tsperlslly «lne* competition aoon began to tell oiwo (Iterr weekly rrceliite. la accordaaeo salaries * tinned dwindling ontD w« are brought**.* reedlx* that aboTi- quoted ■aytcg— the atafe la place for the little mas. Tot both the Ms aod little an tolling hard la the game— endeavoring to ootdo competition and eaiiylng one to reach, and tb* other tri ozslntala a position at tbe top. What" else than rant de- alre> would hare Induced William H. T h a in poon to abandon hla irtlstie vehicle, Tbe Canllnal'a Stratagem tbe first week after It* metropolitan before contained vaudeville bare now devoted themselves to this form of entertainment. Dra- matic, burle-sooe. stock aod other bona** now- Open tbelr doors on the Sabbath to vaudeville admirers, Jjov log picture parlors are also rnn- njDfc vandevllle where In runny Instances they lately bat bad tbe film to offer. New vaude- ville theatre* have been aod are being built. The prospect! la that of ao acute commercial tnaael. At tbe beginning of tbe aeaaoo. the public bad only partaken of nine big They- considered the- amount qnlt Brit a great change baa taken effec the first of November. For tbe week of tbe gaged "a twenty-two act Ins on. on* In each of the three rtas*. .at the- As yet this Is the last step mad*, bat what may yet come I* beyond conjecture. All that can be said Is that the - vsssteerille - stalest lav never aa It before baa been extremely In- teresting aod foil of competition that bar* caused rapid chaoses aod colossal under tskinse. Accordingly. In review, we awe that everybody most be on tbe alert from tbe man who Invent* tbe act through all tbe different related divi- sions, to the man who performs It — ha must keep abreaaf with tbe times and drive, hi* chariot wltb aa ambitions and ateady a castles arreted and air castle* destroyed. It bas been ofttlmea remarked that the it**-*, especially that of vaudeville, la no place for tbe small man, that only tbe big msn (meaning tb* top-ranker) enjoy* die pleasure* of tbe profession. This Is Just aa true to-day aa It ever wis. He, at to* top Urea, white be. on the lower height*, strlvas to lie*. Now, a* (or to- day, there Is no one profession flailin g a* many member*, la which ao m any people are working for a mere livelihood — while on the other hand, the vaudeville pro- fession I* paying many , man much better than many another profess too pay* its followers. Bat to get from tbe bottom to the top atxuirfins' tbnn'eaii Comparatively tew res •vunailt or even tbe toy But tola la (be case la all forma of livelihood. Tm*. but consider the vast number o( performer* that are struggling. Why fat Ibis the esse, you ask? The Joint exhibition of vaudeville acta with the moving picture film, la srestly responsible for the number. All readers remember tbe dsys aodatloa. tatnment waa sought for itself alone. Tb* public cared not for aa added Incentive to Induce tbelr •epport and patronage. They en. Joyed vaudeville for Itself stone aad realised what anch f si thful pione er s ss the late Tony Pastor and B. F. Keith bad accomplished when they derated variety to the form Into which their strong strong moulded It* advancement, is many of my readers win recall the old form ot variety — It waa hot the undeveloped, shapeless p iw a a etasot of vaudeville, related as* to tbe other like tb* growl- ing, creeping caterpillar to tbe ■■te iaorp h os a d butterfly — tb* former rode aod irritating to observe — the Utter LI!£ £-*^_5**'L l ? u j s * 4ealgned, Tb* devel 30RCHO IN VAUDE- VILLE. Cspt. Loot* Sore bo. cbamprora deep sea diver, who for tbe past fifteen year* baa been one of. tbe most popular park and fair, at- the public. I u- flrat vsoilevlll* tractions before the public angnratea bi« first vaoili season on Dec. 12. opening at the New Majestic - .Sheet] Patcrson. .IC J., on the 1 .Cspt. j fSorebo, ever foaUUea of the offerings been one' whit Im- paired. Tbe standard I* the same hot tb* cum- ber of offering* haa been greatly Inert seed. When It was found a profitable investment to couple vaudeville with tbe film In tbe moving picture boas*, a great influx of recruits tend- ered their e tr vl t ee to the u-viug picture thea- tre manager*. They ante making money and e*ald consequently offer ladodag salary to tb* pwrformrr who would eater bis boas*. Many who bad taken op tb* pro fission before tht* ■a m e nd , refused to wars In*** bona**, hat *t**r* yielded to the eondlttona and Introduced I?*L 'JB'Issl Into tb* una praise for hla aketcb — a wonderful close- ness of detail In hla scenery and setting, a remarkable garden effect, and a charming per- vading atmosphere ot Innocence and simplicity throughout the offering — but s role too llfetwm. too void of action, too amall for a msn of Thompson's power. Tbe manager* proposed tbe same *usg *sti nns a n d tbe atar accordingly went In rehearsal for a new play, Tbe Flute player. Thla 1* bat one example — there are many more. Any one conversant with the vaudeville" si tuatlvm know* that performer* are continually chang- ing, strengthening, discarding and Improving tbelr acta so aa not to alnk backward. Aa the performer — ao the manag.r. both of tbe E reduction aad tb* theatre. How many act* are proved disappointments so far this season? Statistic*, will atte»t_ Tbe managers bar* Th f a undertaking; then when bis alogan, "the days of nine seta and a reel are over." waa pro- nounced and fulfilled from week to week, the metropolis realized that vandevllle waa taking another twist and turn. For a few week*, tbe •Itnatioa made no outward changes, although much qolet deliberation was accorded the big bin Idea by tbe other managers. Most have remained stesdfsst to tbelr nine set bills, but Ilaninirrsteln conceived the Idea of transforming the- Manhattan Opera Boose Into s domicile for vaudeville. Not only did h- raise tbe number of acta to twenty-three at thla boose beginning Sunday. November 27, but be even went a *tep farther and haa done what may be termed, clr- csslslog" vaudeville. Tb* etas* of the Man- hattan Opera House waa too big for acta of tbe sine*, tb* Jof tb* battleship Msloo _ ana. whet* he wa» em- ployed by the government to., re- cover many of tbe bodies of the united States sailors, has; fig- ured prominently In tbe public eye. Many times during his professional career he baa been, called upon to examine sunken, vessels wltb tbe slew of raising them. He bas loveatlgated assay of tbe proposed sites for -new channel*, and It i who finally determined th* visibility ot sinking tb* t from New York to Jersey City. la hi* vrandevUIe act. Sore ho. will carry two package cars of paraphernalia. Tbe act repre- sents * full-rigged sailing vessel In tb* first scene, showing - it sinking, and tbe different mode* aod methods of life saving. -In the second scene la SS*M*S— *ssl the 'bottom of the sen. with s huge tank filled with 80,000 gal- lons of water. manifest* the dl rivers anal deep sea diving, how bodies ar». 1 " recovered from sunken ships, examined, and how tbe treasure- Is removed from the bottom 'of the sea. Also an Interesting restore ot tbe set will be a sub marine telephone, Invented by Cspt. Sore bo. by which peo- ple tn the audience will be en- ' sbled to tslk to the diver, ss tbe latter work* under fifteen .or twenty feet of water. . There are twruly five people to tbe act. which bas been entirely rebuilt, at an actual exp-na* of something like fifteen t bonis nd dollar*. TUNSTALL 18 PROMOTED. Mints** polls. Minn.. Dec. s— (Special to Tb* Billboard ■- — K. O. Tnnststh who bas been asso- ciated with tbe hoove stsoT or th,- Metropolitan, Opera Hon** for over fifteen years, and who two years ago acted aa boslnesa manager for tb* Kvrrl* Stock Company during It* summer en- gagement at that theatre, has heca promoter* to tb* position of business manager of tb* Metropolitan Oi*ra House la St. Paul.. Tb* place of assistant treasurer at the local theatre thus left vacant win be filled by William ilso of tbe bouse staff. The Billboard DECEMBER 10, ma NEW YORK'S OVER-PRODUCTIVITY A Mid-Season Comment on Things Theatrical Along Broadway It take* i teal pessimist to look backward! optimistically over the theatrical season so- tar only bait bnrdled. Last year It waa tlie une — the rear before and ones preceding that not quite so strenuously disastrous. The past ft -the public 1 or fancy a terrific twist, sod r J cat what number to play. There baTe been a few notable l uces al e s and many failure*. Manager* alone are to blame for thing* that went bad — and the real manager takes onto himself full credit far misjudgmcn t — the piker — along with the fellow who believes that ail yuletlde writing* should he toned down irrespective of truth — thinks the public taste a hard one to cater to — not a bit. New York la aaalnlnely conceited — moat of those who bins It through here try bard to be- Here that the world worth while stops st l2Sth street— Manhattan in the past has abro- gated to itself the folly of stamping success or failure cm theatrical venture — that time has gone — the public to-day don't care ■ whit whether Broadway Ukes or likes not a ahow — the critics are realizing — public also — that they are ' a one- pencil institution, and even mena- " gen who formerly bad an extra cigar, a good fellow, bar money for the scribes, are realis- ing; that newspaper bonk doe* not make a sue- New York should not, and will •-■ ' In the future be the theatrical This Is a better play for the Terry-Nellaon force* than waa its predecessor. The Scarlet Pimpernel, better, that It* for American aud- iences. It Is better acted, too, sod It bsd need be- In England Henry of Navarre baa bean one of the chief Teiry-Nellsoo successes. It la likely to serve this wen-known pair of players to more advantage in New York than the piece popular In Kngland - It ad It gives Mr. Terry to display bis qualities as an and the audience's cordial reception of the re- sult seems to ahow that the public baa a hearty appetite for this kind of thine eren st this day. Farce* aren't always those slap-bang affaire in which moat of the actor* rush breathlessly In and out and make all the racket they them are. m ore's the pity, but can make s nod 1 Batter ta the l*t_ thora don't disappoint, and they do L plications that keep thins* going as There's the tenderfoot a trial, far Instance, with a jury of Waal si naff acting, after they bad been persuaded to "do It lawful," and not to string op the accused on I lu n— si anil si evi- dence. In this scene Mr. Coiner acta aa Us ears lawyer, and in addlttea to th* Interest ta Lbs situation, as It la worked east to a mkWMt, there U a delicious snggi stlrta of astir* ea lagan procedure wbta "tmcornpetent lrrereteat. and immaterial" an sprung with other oo>eetlona. There'a no linn In going tea thai late the plot. There's a snap and sparkle snd yet a droUneaa about the dialogue that Bates mosi of the langhlag powan of the piece, aad sack qualities are lost ha aa at tem pt at ojescriptloa. Tbe cast la something of a family affair, for William Collier, Jr., makes nil first appeal SMI as an aetor la a email bay part of eoaaa pram Inenee; Helena OoUiee Osrrick aad Paula Ifazr, slater and wife of the a tar . as re the wctnen's parts, and there's also • f la the i ts^dsT We are to spend money and grab en the " ! of pretension to erer reach la real strives for the omega ng — the last word In fashion— Hring and spend little forty all our own, trice to outdo the other. T he - real New Yorker does not support Coney Istaad — the real New Yorker, contributes bat a little to the managerial opulence or the play's success. -lets oar -country "- who. after many month* of wraps g few I eTtss-Pts Tot B po&xJ wtiy — — snd Broadway.!* .waiting — two dol- lars is the average price charged for fairly good eeate — except from speculators — snd ■ country cousin aeated In the real luxury of red velvet, elbowing bedlamond soci- ety — in on a on a pass — thinks the ahow t — chiefly because la hi* home town, fifty cent a Is all the best seat Is worth— snd a few days lster be goes back, tells r whst a swell time be r of that two-dollar seat, _ cles over the great show— no man likes to ' admit he's been stung. That's one of oar critics. Society — another — ramble* oyer to the opera— to look oyer Its neighbor — pays eight or ten dollars per look— and Is wen satisfied— end knows all the lingerie f " tut. Usually fifty cents worth of ~ -seat doe* him — and he mart like It or he'll stay away — and. be- lieve me. brother — no manager erer counts the money be has on the around floor — he look* at the bal- cony and the roosts— there's where the wherewithal for salaries snd lee linger. critics hare long enjoyed the free ticket - -they get so ss to expect courtesies — is held so cheap aa the thing thing. to the show perpetually, or later falls la a rat of fault Then, too. they suffer from we"'* 1 lust the same as the high living ep- -snd from -these sources we derive our criticisms, the supposed "vox popoM" on theatricals — It took the managers a long time to wake up — bat the coma baa disappeared, show men realize now that once and for an they moat cater to the public — dirty theatricals are orer with — melodrsma will come back modified — ramie l ille, will undergo a severe change; — bur- lesque look* to be a favorite — Shakespeare will sot do tor New York— the . rogue of farce com- edy win pass away la a season or so and plays of the underworld will gire way to the lighter fancies of ex traraganxa snd musi cal nothings. The fs Hares this season hare been many, the ■nrrrssis few but lasting. Hew York setters from u i v i pi oduc Uillj jan rn ami stage manager* rehearsed their casts for months. Now 'a COm- mlaslon at given a playwright l ater the show is produced _ta hurry at Broadway price*. at ttmea aa tsspaasat aa his father. Mass Hair's part waa none tea bag. aad aha waa tally awl <* it- Of tsa> i lb si a Twisas* ttadlay stood oat aa a Westerner af the always jaeahls Metropolitan Ojus H* bar XS. to attend the arnt , t ion of the season of Wagner* t I nhaaglla. There waa la the east only on* singer who bad aad ba aa heard ta former j sain Biaahaw. who sang the Mr. Hlaakaw at forme* ancee la other operas thai what M< be could onday night that ha la a who la likely to prove a useful member Of the USausSy. His sale*) waa dear aad stroag. his Intonstlos bararlahty correct, his diction excellent- la e d i tl'te a be poeaeasses a ognre aad sssurheg lust fit admirably Uto the Wag tied him even If there was llrmifleane* ta hi* - Mores* as Klaa. waa. aa always, qoeenlr la bearing, bat bar voice sounded at time* worn, especially In the' upper rearUtar. Mr. aseaa - er waa - a sombre aad uuwtlfns voiced rrardrtch roa Tstraaaad, and Mas*. Homer at Mr. Hinckley aa Interpretations. Skirt daa r*n i tly. their teeth to the end of s rope, to the atartUasj feat palfonaid by the eusteea Cvsimas. who austseasvsj ss*r as, ,ts la the HI B- llks eel 'or Miss NeOson, perhaps. It does not b. She, st any rate, makes Marguerite so like the French actress who In The actor. do so much, de valols - Scarlet Pimpernel became the wife of the ad venturous Englishman, that no way occurs to the spectator for telling the two ladles apart. But Mr. Terry catches and depicts certain traits of the Protestant king aa history and anecdote bare reported them, and be depicts them with much force snd insight. The Catholic king, Charles IX., Is so well played by Mr. Mal- colm Cherry that the work of tab actor in this play is easily the second In merit. . . The Incidents chosen by the dramatist are In the main, of course. Henry's odd wooing of Marguerite, and the plots which culminate in the St. Bartholomew Massacre; the several at- tenrpts of Catharine de Medici upon Henry's life; the efforts of the Doc de Guise to ob- tain the lore of Henry's queen: snd the eu- pentitleus belief of Catherine snd Charles In the fortune-telling of the adroit Italian pois- oner sstrologer. Cosmo Rngglerf. Many' of the characters In the play are but shadows. Some little history, or legend which has the effect of history. Is twisted snd suppressed for Marguerite's ns of the coo dry are her sided character. IVAnJon is nothing but fool, snd Navarre merely kisses the h Mate, de 8s are. However, the msny- a pale - of day night, November 28. the quietest aud most an aee In a piece called I'll The play Itself is not noiseless by s good deal, but lis noise Is not of the offensive kind, sod Collier la the aame suave, witty. Imperii neut and highly amusing personage In hi* new role sa he has been ever since he first became s star and allowed himself to be called Willie. Collier himself helped Edgar Selwyn write the play, which Is exactly what the public ha* come to expect or him. It la fall of repartee. Jokes snd wllty dialogue, with a plot that i't bare to stand the acid test of calculating n. and through It all Collier acta aa It ere not acting at all. snaps out humor with- out a smile, sod gives Ibe Impression tbat what be Is laying J tut occurred to him. There's al- ways a welcome for him in such a part and In each a play, and it waa a most enthaslutle greeting that be received. His psrt this time is that of a young sen of a rich father, who baa alwaya dona the thinking for both, go not having to think for himself, the young man forgela an. engagement to get married, thereby upsetting one of his parent's pet Ideas. The engagement la broken a* a re- sult of his lapse of memory, aad the youngster Is tent out West with only $10,000 to wort his own wsy. After the first set, if doughnuts that be will make a worthlen all, or some for the West the Sisters Oai aisa. — onday nigh t. itorrab a new dress program podrome. They lege girls oat for a little ball when they ataka their sw- irl nee, bat woes they display Oa strcngth of their Jaws aad the delicate trie* of their evolutions, the scholastic Ulusioa J* no more. They look Ilka angels ta th* air and In th* glow of the color fights. _ The Hippodrome pat aa a practically new circus bill Monday. November 38- B i ll ell the fslr lerUlarta. It te Massed some deter acro- batic work by the So da Ko Company, saw member of which la a diminutive poy arsassd aa "Buttons." who pslfuistia fasts which would bars been s fine stock ta trade for ta* veteran wiairda of the Th* L ■ of L_ entertained th* , eat startled at the daring swtag* af Mbat Vic tori a Oodoaa on i slack wire. Mint KU Brsl aa aad Frederick Derrick, knew* to all who ns** rial ted circuses ta the last baa 1 gars a SnUbsd saosatrlaa set, and Mr. Xederwsld presented himself with -Ida highly educated "Darwinian" monkey. The International Cup Bscs aad Tc« BSD**, of Niagara war* seen la their usual form. The new circus sets gavs Tsrlaty to the utuafisii and furnished a contrast with th* brilllaat spec- tacles. And for briefer mention of the ■ wlaarda of tag ring. posing of Toe fwor Nigh tona and th* & s- >f The Brothers Patty downs talrs on their THE BILLBOARD XMAS NUMBER, 1910 8an Jose. Cal.. November 25. 1910 To the Editor of The Billboard, 41« Elm street, Dear Sir — As I have lately Orient. I thought I would write you. as the of Interest to Billboard readers. I left San Francisco on the Pacific mall steamer. Asia. Dec 7. 1909, Kong. China. I took with me two balloons and my Wm. Baldwin, the great aeronaut, accompanied me on the trip. Alter six days of pleasant sailing;, we arrived at Honolulu the »em of the Pacific Honolulu Is a very prosperous city of 60.000 inhabitants, and is one of the best show towns in the world. It has an up-to-date opera, house, a vaudeville house, and no less than eight pic- ture shows, and a skating rink. Most of the picture shows are putting on vaudevUle acts, and they are all doing well, at 10c, 15c and 25c Honolulu Is also a fine circus town. I toured the Hawaiian Islands sev- eral years ago with my own circus, and did very well. After a stay of twenty-four hours at Honolulu, we sailed for Yokohama, where we ar- rived ten days later. Yokohama Is a very fine city, with a population of about SO0.O0O people, including about 2,000 foreigners, but It Is a very bad show town. They have a smalt opera house In Yokohama (foreign style), and two picture shows, run by Japanese, and a great many native theatres. The prices of admission to the native theatres and picture shows range from 1 Vj cents to 25 cents. Japan la called A Japanese syndicate has recently started an amusement park In Tokyo. It Is called Luna Park. The price of admission ta 5 sen, 2ft cents gold. After a stay of three days in Yokohama, we sailed for Kobe. Japan. Kobe Is a fine city, has a native population of about 500.000. and 400 or 600 Europeans. Kobe Las many native shows, but none run exclusively for Europeans. We stayed twelve hours In Kobe. Then on to w«r»««iri, Mini. g ^ r?ni h the Inland Sea of Japan, one of the with beautiful Islands and crowded with picturesque fishing boats and Junks. Nagasaki la a very pretty place, nestling under beautifully terraced hills, but the place Is ab- solutely dead. After coaling, we sailed for Shang- - hal. China, where we arrived forty-eight hours later. Shanghai is one of the finest cities in the Ori- ent, with 'a native population of over 500.000. and a white popula- tion of about*. 000. It possesses many, beautiful buildings, built In foreign style Shanghai la a fine show town. It has an opera house, and two up-to-date picture shows that play vaudeville. They have a Penang when I arrived, but business was poor. Sumatra. After a pleasant run of twelve^hours. I arrived at Delhi, and found It to be a very good show town, but small. Population about 60.000, 2.000 Hollanders, the test Malays, Japanese and Chinese. Delhi has one cinematograph, which Is coining money. Bysack's Circus was there also, doing- well. " I made a balloon ascension on March 18. and done very well. After my ascension, I was approached by the private secre- tary of the Sultan of Langkat, and was engaged to make an ascension at his palace, at Tan Jong Poera, Sumatra. On March 20, I made the ascension, and landed in the Jungle, which is Infected with tigers and deadly snakes. The Sultan sent about 100 men of his guard after me. and they soon got me out of the Jungle safe and sound. The Sultan made me some very handsome presents. I left Tan Jong Poera on March 22. for the Federal Malay States. I arrived at Ipoh, F. M. S.. on the evening of March 23. Ipoh Is a thriving town. In the center of good show town, of about 6.000 In- habitants. Malaya. Chinese. Japan- ese. Hindoos, and a few whites. I made an ascension in Ipotn, April 3, 'to a good paying audience. Ipoh supports one cinematograph, which Is making money. Bysack's Circus arrived here as I was leaving for 'Quala Lumpar, F. M. S„ and Will undoubtedly do very ! I arrived at Quala April 4. Quala Lumpar Is a fine town, possessing many fine build- ings and beautiful streets. It is the capital of the Federated Malay States. There are many rich tin mines and rubber plantations In the native shown in Quala, I all are doing well. I made a balloon ascension April 9, and done very well Leaving Quala Lumpar by train on April 10, I arrived at Ma- lacca on the 11th, where I took, steamer for Singapore", arriving there on the 12th. Beautiful Singa- pore, with its wide streets, beautiful buildings and fine docks. Singa- pore had a population" of about 300,000, and Is distinctly cosmopoli- tan. Nearly all races are .repre- sented In Singapore; no less than thirty-eight 1 there. v twice a year, in May and October. After a stay of twenty-four hours In Shanghai, we ■ailed for Hong Kong, arriving there two days later. Hong Kong is one of the best show towns In the Orient. It hss a native population of 500,000, and about 8,000 Europeans. It has a fine Town Hall, where the European companies play, three up-to-date picture shows for cinemato- graphs), as they call them out there. They are coining money at prices ranging from 30 cento to $3. Hong Kong currency. Hong Kong has a race course, situated in Happy Valley. They hold two meetings a nd February. Harmaton'a Circus and the Hippodrome ■ visit Hong Kong twice a year, playing about four weeks each time, to good business. Boxing Is booming in Hong Kong, and many good bouts are pulled oS there In the winter time. I made a balloon ascension in Hong Kong on January 29, 1910, and done very well. I left Hong Kong on February 16 for Penang, In the Straits Settle- ments, 3,000 miles south of Hong Kong. I arrived there safely ten days later. Penang has a mixed population, Malays, Chinese, Hindoos, Japan- ese, and a few white*. The business! la all In the hands of the Chinese. It supports two picture shows. Bysack's Hippodrome P" at prices ranging from 10 cento to 32. Singapore currency, two shows a night, pictures only. Both cine- matographs are owned by a Chin- ese gentleman. There Is a fine Town Hall In Singapore, where the- atric etc In Singapore on April 18 and 23. to poor business. I left Singapore on April 15, for Bangkok Slam, by N. D. L. steamer. Arrived there four days later. Bangkok to a very beautiful city, but very unhealthy in the summer time. Cholera was raging when I arrived. Bangkok has three large cin- ematographs, and they are all coining money. It Is a good circus town. I played Bangkok for six weeks with my own circus fourteen years ago, to big business. I also made an ascension with my big balloon before the king fourteen years ago. and I landed In the harem. As the cholera was so bad this time, I concluded to go on to Hong Kong, and return later. I sailed for Hong Kong on a N. D. L. steamer on May 2, arriving in Hong Kong on May 9. From Hong Kong I went to Formosa, and had a look around the capital. Tarwan la a city of 80,000 inhabitants, and it to fine place, but not a good show town. From Formosa, I went to Yokohama. Japan, where I remained until September 27. I sailed on that date tor San Francisco, on the Pacific mall steamer, Mongolia. I arrived In San Francisco on October 18. and was glad to get back to God's country. In every country that I vtolted. I did my best to boost old Billy Boy. This last trip to the Orient was my tenth, and I expect to return again Tours truly, CAPTAIN J. W. The Billboard December is, ibio. in ■ THE NIGGER AT MeVICKER'S. Chicago. Dec. 1 (Special to The Billboard) .— This U the second week of Edward Sheldon's The Kisser, at McVlcker'a Theatre. In their review of this production the critics had the- follow ins to say: O. L. Bad. of The Journal: "A well-made. play in which we are shown draws the color line. Gay Ins unchanged. It of _a_ JSne study ^of loi where the with power." bach Into Its seats at the end of the second act and gasped. Men of racial prejudice cursed be- neath their breath: women's cheeks flamed red. then "blanched. Then came the realization that In the hands of these players a brutal story told brullshly had txen lifted ont of abyssmsl depths of repugnant exposition of the naked animal In man to stand out at once. as a trl smpb of dramatic art. and finally In the ultimate really to teach s lesson In the manll- Frederlc notion, of The Post: "The essential melodramatic quality, of the play was empha- sised last night, however, and one saw more of the obrtooa then he did when the New ec. l (Special to The BUI board). —This Is the second sod last week of Ifaxtoe El- liott's appearance at the Lyric Theatre in The Following are remarks' taken from Percy Hammond, of Bliotfs new play la a entertainment, not, however. Without its _ •of observations.' dealing Inconsequentially with the habit of misogyny. It Is set in that com fortable environment of affluence In which Mis- Elliott la most om .roen ts l . and It permits her to revel extravagantly In the. Insistent melodies of gesture sod diction which are such an Important property of her acting manner." - Erie Dalamarter. of The . Inter-Ocean: "It has piquancy and sparkle: It has the benefit of novel locale — that of ■ yacht's cabin and deck — and It Is cursed with a dabby last act. Otherwise it enjoys fair to-middling health. It helin to pass two hours pleasantly, and It 1* perfectly proper."--..': .•.-.•.,t>. - L- Hall, of The. Journal: .-'The story I- Chicago. Dec. (Special to The Billboard).— Grand Concert Band, the direction of Col. 0..B. SkIS will be considerably augmented this season. It Is the Colonel's Intention to sdd to this already fa moos organisation. The Scotch Lassies Baud and the Irish Colleens and Irish Harp Players and Vocalists, together with opers singers. This will increase the band - to sixty people, each member an accomplished musician. A number of novelties of an original nature win be In- troduced- ■ Numbers selected from the greatest masters and classical pieces win be rendered as well ss the best popular selections of the day. Miss Helen May Butler, who ^last season WlSTlft ^t^'"^ 0 pUc^ " Ia D °prerf.i^ D, Lo™ Antoinette Belter, s young lady of great ability CHICAGO FILM NOTES. to The Billboard).— s mads Its sppear- . In Chicago. It Is known as ibe T. A. Mick Exchange and la conducted by Mlaa alack, for- merly of the Klelne Optical Co. Miss alack Is Indeed well fitted for Ibe work ibe has under- taken and the schooling she received whilst with the Klelne people is now standing ber Id good stead. Miss Mack Is a business woman of ability possessed by few and It Is evident from the outset with ambition such ss she that success must attend ber. Mr. Plough, of tbe Anti-Trust Film Service, has secured the Illinois sod Wisconsin rights for the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee B1U Wild West and Far East Films. He It as Tbe booklet recently Issued by W. B. Both acker of tbe Induatrlsl Moving Picture Com- pany, has resulted In many Inquiries as to tbe nature of this firms proposition. Needless to say what the result will be. It Is a case of a bird In the band la worth two In the bush. THE FASCINATING WIDOW AT THE COLONIAL. nSMun^ Mm'jus haracterlxatlons, opened h CM cago engagement at the Illinois Theatre list Monday night. Dec S. In the new Hauerbach and Huschna musical comedy. Tbe Fascinating Widow. This play has to do with an athletic college boy, who is in lore with the daughter of tbe matron of the girls' section of tbe col- lege. To win this young lady, he disguises him- self as s widow In order to show up but rival In his true colors. This he does so well that the chap who la engaged to the girl throws ber over and proposes to the widow. Tbe company assisting Mr. E. tinge includes Bath Maycjiffe. Carrie Perkins, June Ms this, Almanore Francis. -imand during tbe It Is desired. Already arrangements nave been made with New York people to present One la that city for the Euaael Sag." Endowment K und BIG VAUDEVILLE ACT IN PREPA- RATION. Chicago, Dec 2 (special to The Billboard) — L. Hirsch, who baa office* In tbe Chicago Opera noose Block, baa an act - In preparation that looks like a winner.' It has an electric curtain a aee-aaw_effect,_auch_aa waa used la A IMPERIAL STOCK COMPANY. *» . • Chicago. Dec S (Special to The Billboard).— Manager Frank Oaxxolo, or tbe Imperial Theatre. Western avenue and Madison stre.t, announces tbe following players for his new stock com- pany: Frederick Julian, Lee Ellsworth. Ida Oleaa, Harvey Bays, and Louise Glaus. * house opens Christmas day. Mia seen la ber original role of Lion and The Mouse. PERCY WILLIAMS. very we^ Of a bit of eicltement. bat Is ss thin of the entertainment la In th. J hi rather liberal in giving the au- thor a quarter of the credit." . James O'Donnr-n Bennett: 'This lark aboard a yacht la a pretty tblnapun trifle with hardly material enough for more than a playlet bat MM Maxlne Elliott, who gets to be a better act- ress every season, gives a charming performance In It, jnd^the theatre rippled with laughter SI- CHICAGO'S HOLDOVER SHOWS. Chicago. Nov. 30 to Tbe Billboard). — Tbe City, with Its thave heard ^of this splendid play. V Htnntera at Powers' Theatre, la offering comedy F° r a nature that la wholesome and enjoyed by S all who visit this ahowbooae. Lower Berth IS Is making good at the Whitney Opera House, and la proclaimed by those who have seen it to be a worthy production, full of good songs and many laughs. The Spendthrift at the Chicago Opera House, with its combination of strong drama and good comedy, la entertaining tbe audiences of -this ahowbooae In a manner that la pleasing to them. There Is no let-up In tbe of The Sweetest Girl in Paris at the -ra House. This musical comedy Is at a pace that speaks wen for tbe of Mr. Asklo st tb< - At tbe Garrlck. The Of Is swaying Its audiences to tbe beautiful music this production _ Deep Purple la In Its tenth week at tbe Theatre, and as big s drawing card as ever. Frank Daniels is convulsing his audiences as much aa ever at the Stndebaker in The Girl In Us Interpretation of^a Jjndge pre- AT CHICAGO'S NEIGHBORING Great Jewel Mystery, while Sapbo moves from the Bijou to the Criterion. The Smart Set is at the Globe, and The Fatal Wedding Is entertaining the patrons at Weber's. The Bosary la prill entertaining Chlcngoans and this week Is making Its home at tbe Crown. A Winning Mis* Is the offering at the TTaymarket. and Tbe S"nl Kiss mores from the Crown to the The Marie Nelson Players, at People's Theatre, are this week . Interpreting Hearts Desire, and the resi- dent stock company at the Marlowe Is offering Th Lion and the Mouse. The New College In ' CARRIE KING IN CHICAGO. eC. 2 (Special to The Billboard).— who will clans with any of them to promoting a prodnrti-jn. U In _ some great things for Tbe May which opened at the Colonial on Sunday night, Dec. 4. Tbe play, in ■ way. deals with the suffragette question and one of her stunts was to dUtrflmte bandaootely engrave, amonsrsf the suffragettes who attended t Show which was held at tbe Collseom. Inrtil-nrally Mrs. King tells a goo . a hoot Mian May DeSooaa. who is appearing la Tbe Mayoress. Ml as DeSousa, it appears, bought well the art of handling tbe baton and of procuring the greatest amount of music from her organisation. Tbe band will be beautifully costumed and arranged so aa to rep- resent the National flag, with tbe members appropriately costumed so as to represent the Stars and Stripes. - GET- RICH -QUICK WALLING FORD AT TH E OL YMPIC. Chicago. Dec I (Special to The Billboard). — George M. Cohan's new comedy, Get-Blch-Qulck Walllngford. opened at the Olympic Theatre on Monday ' night. Dec 4. . The theme of this production centers aronad a Mr. Walllngford. whose get-rlch-qulck schemes are always kept within the law, but who. nevertheless, la s "crook" sod a successful one. He picks a Ilttlr town by the name of Itattlesburg for tbe scene of his operations, a alow bat wealthy dry In tbe Middle West. He picks out a good woman In the community to act aa his stenographer. Sbe begins to rehabilitate him snd send him on the straight road. Tbe company Is beaded by Balph Smart, who plays Walllngford: George Parsons 1s seen as Blarkle Daw: Mlaa Myrtle TinnehUI acts as Wellington!'* secretary, while other parts are assumed by Royal Tracey. J. H. Manning. J. D. O'Hara. Joseph Kanfman. Wm. J. I-hlne.v. Howard Mlsslm-r. A. V. Gibson. Charles WlUard. Aimer Symoods. William Wal- cott, Milton Pollock. James Matthews. H. I.. Barnes, Yosbim Sakual. Ella Sothern. Carolyn Gordon. " Maclyn. DUN ROY WITH THE CHOCOLATE 80LDIER. Chicago. Dec 2 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — Will Beed Dunroy, who has been doing press work for the various theatres about Chicago. I- now associated with tbe Chocolate Soldier Com- pany playing at ' tbe Qarrick Theatre in tbe capacity of press agent, lie la also taking care of the publicity for Lower Berth Thirteen now current at the Whitney Opera House. Mr. Dunroy was not so long ago Assistant Bnndny Editor of tbe Record-Herald. His past work makes It evident that bis efforts In behslf of Tbe Arizona Trio, at Joplln. Mo., for a tbe Hodklss' time. THE Chicago. Dec 1 (Special to The Billboard). — On Sunday evening. Dec 4. Tbe Mayoress opened at the Colonial Theatre This musical comedy Is the result of the jffocU^of loha T.JIall. "ho Chicago. Dec 2 (Special to The Billboard) George 0. 8tevensoo, well known In Chicago as a writer of ability. Is now associated with Percy Win la ma in tbe capacity of analstsnt press agent to Nellie Revell- It hi evident that with this combination at the publicity helm Percy Williams' enterprises must be break - 8AID AND 8EEN IN Chicago, Dec. 3, (Special to Tbe Billboard) Changes were made la the cast of three Chi- cago plays last week. Robert T. Haines re- placed Edmund Breese la The Spendthrift: Edna Baker, recently with "The Penalty, took the part played In The Aviator, by Christine Nor- man and Tell Taylor ■ nccst did Al. Fields Is Lower Berth 13. Tully Marshall, of Tbe City, now playing at the Grand Opera Hooae. Is to be starred Id a new production as soon as be ts thrtaagb with his present part. Sallle Fisher, of The Girl In tbe Train, playing at the Stndebaker. has been promised by Charles Dillingham to be starred in two years. Bo«e 8tahl. who made her farewell appearance in The Chorus Lady, at Powers- Theatre last season and another farewell appearance In tbe same play at the Chicago Opera House, this fall, will make ber third farewell appearance In the play at Mr Ticker's Theatre. In December. Douglas Fairbanks and Tbe Cor., scheduled to make his appearance at tbe New Comedy Theatre (Zlegfeld) last Monday, did not show up and It has been hinted that tbe parties to the leaae of the theatre could not came to an agree- ment. May wood, a suburb of Chicago. Is to have a new theatre and office building to coat In tbe neighborhood of (100.000. Arrangements have been made la all the Shubert box-offices whereby people going to New York ran a ec ni e tbetr theatre tickets la Chicago before they leave Tbe New York illpponrome shows win be ought to Chicago the Brat of February and will Tbe play deals with tbe political situation of a New England city. In which tbe voters have elected a strong-minded woman as Msyoree*. The Mayonsa. of course, tries to live np to all tbe promise* sbe has made ber roostltneuts, with tbe result that' disaster soon threatens the town, and the men again come into their own. Tbe eaat loctades. May DeSOusa. I.nrllle Saun- ders, Edith Sinclair. Grace Leigh. May Bouion. Claud I r Clarke. Edna Cunningham. Harry Ben- 8AL0ME CALLED IMMORAL AND 18 WI THDR AWN. Chicago. Dee. 8 (Special to The Billboard) Salome baa been withdrawn from tbe reperfnlr* of tbe Chicago Grand Opera Company, dnring their stay In this city and for the season at least. The opera proved offensive to certain patrons of tbe Auditorium and they called Chief of Police Steward's attention to It and he In torn forbid future performances of II. It was claimed that tbe dance of toe Seven Veils enacted by Mary Garden waa Immoral. This, however, lie* not cast any reflections on the company and their future i enjov tbe same p i of their stay here. TWO MEN AN D A G IRL AT CORT. Chicago. Dec. 1 (Special to The Billboard).— On Monday night. Dec. 0. Two Men and A Girl made Its bow to Chicago at tbe Cort Theatre. Tbe well known Bailey and Austin besd a well selected caat. who do well the " for them to COL. 8KIFF PR0M0TE8 PAGEANTS Chicago. Dec. 2 (Special to The Billboard). — Col. o. E. Skiff, well-known In the amusement world as a promoter. Is making arrangements with tbe various large cities throughout the 8tates to present Historical Pageanta there, representing tile city from the time of Us founding np to tbe present day. These pa- tbey arrive la their native begin rehearsing a new niece. Mart n. Ringer Is making a canvas of his va- rious musical shows when they come within a short distance of Chicago. A week ago be visited MNs Nobody from Starland. at MM Johnny Beers baa turned down aa offer to play to play a week's engagemewt la Lower Berth IS at the Whitney Opera noose. Pr«e1My C W. Murphy thought It would hurt the Invlneiht' Johnny as he woold play the part of a rrevellee salesman and If smuldn't do foe a ball player to smote, drink sod gamble tbe way traveling Major C. F. Rhodes and H. E. Thurston, of the Vnung Buffalo BUI Wild West "how west to Trenton. N. J of Major T.lllle they r They went- to K to purchase tbe wintering on tbe exposition grounds at vllle. . M-rrlnee a la carte, for many weeks past advertised aa tbe successor to Toe City at tbe Grand Opera Honae. will go to New York In stead and Its place here will be taken by Felix Alhtnl's operetta. Madame Tronhtdonr. Mile. Marietta Oily, will head the east and will be aaststed by Miss Georgia Cains snd Mr. Van Rensselaer Wbeeler. Margaret llilngton will play W Chicago engagement at the Lyric, coming to that house on Dec-mh-r 12th. In Tbe Whirlwind. Tbe new bnrlesqup house rlslns oa Clark ■treat. Jttst north of Madison, will be called l*« Columbia Instead, of tbe Gab If the* succeed In r .3 W S£ A vaudeville show was given at the penlten Mary at Hl-marck. N. D-. - The followtk given at ine pruneae !>.. Thanksgiving day. took^psrt:^ WaUer^Pr Tbe Francisco", for ten week* on the of Cleveland. 10, 1910. The Dill board • ■ Dancing l-Uuoo ml Bart. American, "' B — Eralle Saber. _ Trmll, No. 8. In On*. tr». Walters tad Crocker, tad Acrobatic*. , . Majestic. No. 8, Open In roll; c! to Ob*. icr Quartette. instrumental 1 Singing. Ataerlcau. No. 10, In Full. Nellie Xlcaols, Singing Comedienne. Majestic. No. 11. la One. 'F— Garcia, Shadowgraph. • American. No. 9, roll Stage. - "Doc" W*He, 0 8 ^°«Jj«Q n< ■WHITb'aN'D 8TCART. ( No. 10. Pall Talking Con No. IT. In Ooe. MAJESTIC THEATRE. It to at tba • (Special to The Billboard).— obviously toe Inteotloo of Manager Glover, i Majestic Tbeatre. Chicago, that not merely " la toe bill aball be except loaal bat that all tbe bookloga aball "' le rsnre of available tbe week of Dee. 4. or two acta to a ertlsti In t nxlaoHj — well wllb Wettoo are two of toe dr line od the United Time. George Falls and Barry Olrla to Tbe Boy Next Door, were excellent. Felix la one of the beat pantomime actor* seen thta wesson. Harry Tlgbe. aealercd by Loey Monroe. In An- Kplaode of Thursday Mfht, waa good. You're a Dream, wblcb waa eong by both, took welL Mr. Tlgbe. In ' Awfully Glad I knock -oat. Mr. Tlgbe will be remembered ss tbe leading man with Seven Days and Mort Slnger'a Golden Gin Company. Bowera. Walters and Crookey. tbe three robes In dancing and acrobatic stunts, and woo also excellent. "Doe" White, one of tbe great era, haa a wonderfullv ■e seen on tbe "Doc" to si TlUcr's I'm a Member of tbe ball players, hi not like some AMERICAN to The Billboard). — Chicago. Dec. 3 Owing to tbe trem evoked by tbe anniversary bill ' of twenty-two acts, William Morris, Inc.. announces that tbe policy of twenty-two stars on each btU will be continued Indefinitely. In ordei Mate Mr. Morris' Intention of standard of bis proa-rams at tbe r expense, be announces for next week a latest bis Istest song. It Wasn't What Wat, At All, waa good. Tell It to Sweeney, to ~ Thought It Metxettl Troupe, probably the greatest of sc- robstlc sod tumbling acts on tbe American stage, were certainly deterring of tbe closing position on the All -a tar bill. The feats per- formed by these people are indeed too dan- gerous, as It might mean the loan of a life at any performance. Jack Ark, the world's champion of diabolo, was good. * Tula Is s novelty act and takes welL Tudor Cameron and Bonnie Gsylord. In a com- J tied On and OS tbe Stage, edy sketch, entitled with tbelr own settings, are comedians of ex eepttooal character. Cameron la one of tbe cleverest eccentric dancers teen at tba tbeatre tblt season, .... Count de Beaufort, who waa held over for the second week, still continues to draw tbe crowds, and la tbe great box-offlce Dumber. He ttlU continues to tell what he pleaaee about himself and gets awsy with It. Toe Count has " new dance for hit first song. Quartette, who are Europe's ""nlA"! act to a are the audience sbont _ a riot. Joe Welch, In A Study of. Life, In Us Jewish sayings, area immense. Tboae who bare seen Joe Welch St past performances, need no Intro- duction to bis data of work. Mason and Bart, who are probably the great- est, bar artists oc .the Morris time, perform some marvelous feats.-".. - Tbe Bitot Trio, dainty dancers, were good. Austin Brothers, eccentric comedians, were TREV THEATRE. i, Dec 8 (Special to Tbe Billboard).— aggregation of high-class acta baa bo* been seen heretofore at the Trevett this tea- son, Adair and Dahn. novelty tight-wire art lata, who opened the bill, are Indeed artists of clever merit. This set crested enthusiasm from that start and made tbe bill tbe grand sat Lisa that It was. Adair and Oenney. In Classical Tomfoolery, have an act that would go much better should they pnt In more substantia! matter. However, tbe one nam her in their set, entitled When tbe Bight Girl Comes Along, wss rendered la great . style. Ed. Pierce sad Marie Roslyn. The Operatic Toreadors. In songs and sayings were good. " Emily Darrell. In tbelr own original Ides, entitled Scenes Seen Behind the Scenes. This to one of tbe most novel and lev terveilng sets seen on tbe Western Circuit thta season. Del more sna Darrell are certainly sn- tertalnlng tod pleased the audience. violin!, who rendered a few selections oa taw violin, was excellent. Torcat. the great French comedian, ssslsted by Mile. Flor d' Allxa. presenting tbe only troupe of trained game roosters in tbe world, waa lntai sat- > °Tbe Four Piccolo Midgets, the smallest com edlsns In tbe world, presenting some new snd unsttempted feats la tbe acrobatic circle, were clever. Emtle Sobers, one of the Georgia Minstrels, In songs snd savings, wss tbe bit of tbe- bill. Re had tbe audience In flta of laughter ginning with tbe famooe and beautiful young English actress. Fannie Ward, who will play a bright comedy. An Unlucky Star, which la ad- mirably Btt-d to bee conspicuous talents. Mlsw * plsyed for a year and a bait in one play London theatre, and her beauty and grace ►e- literally tbe loaat of tbe town. With tl A this new play she has been la vaudeville, taking her place _ porta n I dramatic iters who have sit loo In tbla difficult field. Aside from Mlsa Ward, the bill Includes the Four Fords — brothers and sisters — who are noted aa tbe create*! clog ami fancy step dancers In tbe world. Ryan and Richucld. who rank as the beet or irlsb aiara. will play one nf tbelr coo raising farcra, which la always certain to liven program. Frank Tlnnry. I be eccentric ... jB. whose novel comedy bss carried blm man tbe front rank within tbe past two rear*. It mother welcome favorite, who always leaves tbe audience ssklng for more, and College Life, s breeay mualc-lsdeu'playirt. with a lively uni- versity tone.- will be another appetising feature. The Three California Girls, charming dispensers of potinlar music, and the Big City Four. esse of Mhe beat or male quartets, will provide as attractive musical Interlude, and Lillian Ashley, the lively sinning comedienne, will be mother favorite oa tbla remarkable bin. One of the greatest favorite of tbe American stage. An nette K- Hermann, the perfect woman and sen sstlonsl swimmer, will come to the Majestic Dec. 12. -With sn exceptionally strong aggregation of •tar sets st tbe Amerl. sn Music nail Isst week, tbe Majestic continued to pack tbelr bouse at a very jwrrormince. and with each jveortle at Harry Tlgbe. "Doe" White. Clayton White ana Mane Stuart, Nellie Nichols, snd tlrleus Fred- erick In Tbe Tales of Hoffman, we are not sur- prised. Sttren, the European prestldurltsteur. la a magician with a few clever tricks, bat talks too much. Should be eliminate his speech, tbe tct would go much better. Slegle snd Mttbewt. comedy musicians, were exceptionally good, but were placed too early on the bill. Prof. Apdale'a Zoological Circus, with dogs, monkeys, bears, etc.. wss very good. Miss Elsie Fays, Mr. Jos Miller snd Mr. 8am Weston. In Tbe Act Dainty, presenting songs. extraordinary Investment. Including tbe fol- lowing notables: Grace La Rne. the sensational American musical comedy star, recently at tb> bead of Madam Tronbsdonr. and Molly May; Hilda Spong. the famous dramatic star, and a carefully selected company presented by Arnold Daly, la Bridge. Mr. Daly's rlrld one-act play; Dsrey and Pony Moore. FJlis Island, with Joe Welch, and a company of fifty people: Cartmel' t nd Harris. Garcia. Connelly Sitters, Harry- M son, Dora Martial. Zlgenner Quartette, and others of note, making up a full array o.' twenty-two acts. Tbe Anniversary Week at the American Music Hall waa Indeed one of the largest weeks Colo- nel Thompson has had since the opening of tblt beautiful vaudeville house. With twenty-two all-stsr acta, tbe entertainment lasting from 1:30 to 8:30, and from 7:30 to tbe midnight boor, are are sot surprised at hsvlug teen the sign "Sold Ont" la front of the theatre at e»- cry performance. William Van Allen, musical comedian, who opened tbe bill, wat excellent. Charles Ring. Illustrated songs, waa In tbe class with Vsn Allen. Kara, tbe greatest of modern Jugglers, who waa tbe fourth on tbe bill, waa renewed last week. We cannot understand why thla wonder- ful Juggler, wss placed so early oa tbe pro- gram. It must bare been to Inspire enthusi- asm. Clayton Kennedy and Mettle Rooney. In the eccentric comedy, entitled Tbe Happy Medium, and Foster and Foster, la music, mirth snd song, were good, Jesse Rmngbtoa and Dennis Creed on. la a rvsral and musical scene. Tbla la a high-class act and arortby of mention. Lee Kohlmar. la tbe Trials and Tribulations of a German Servant Girl was omitted the last part of tbe week, tbe Chicago police having tal-et this tct off on account of vulgar and suggestive matter wblcb they refused to eliminate. It baa been further atated by Mr. Jack Late, presa agent for the Hall, that he will be glren no more. time on the Motrin Circuit. Thus eadeth tbe chapter of Lee Kohlmar. Garcia, th • 8hadovrgrsphlst, who, which can be atated without fear of contradiction, la tbe greatest of tbem all. Billy Dillon, tbe man With a thousand songs, and the author of Keep Your Foot on the Soft, Soft Pedal. Hyp-hyp- hypootise Me. and Blanche La Petite Mlgnon, wbo Impersonated Marie Dressier. George Cohan and a few other celeb- rities, waa excellent. oyed by everyone wb one or two dramatic this marvelous bill, a little of tbe would be suppressed. Whlrb might be better. Colonel William A. Thompson Informs the Chicago public that he will continue thla twenty- tsvo-set all-star bill until further notice, as the public want It. and be to there to see that the public get It. FATTER. Chicago. Dee. 8 (Special to Tbe Billboard!.— Morris Jones, tbe perfnaae kid. and Eddie Con Inn. character comedian, will represent tbe F Q. Doyle oTIee at tbe performs nee of the T. M A., which to to be' held at the ■ Chicago Opera Friday afternoon, T>ecenber C ■ Greene, of Harold la certainly making; a record for the _ "Doe" White. Harry Ttgbe. Nellie Nichols- Count de Beaufort. Tbe Zlgenner Quartette. Mary Gardner and. Will Van Allan will testify We wilt expect to see Mr. Greene aa a mem- ber of the flrm thla coming year. De Mtcbele Brothers are playing oa the Inter- state time snd are meeting with great su c c ess with Rosslter's Girl of My Dreams. Haarl 8wsnson . la going oa the Morris Time for an Indefinite period. Among tbe songs that she to meeting success wltb are Tbe Girt Upon the ta the Sweetest of, and Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Irene Romalne waa called to West Baden, tad., on account of the serious Illness of her mother. She expects to remain off the circuit. Bowman Brothers write that they are meet- lug wltb great su cce ss with Harold Rosalter". Girl of My Dreams. They hare a long period of time on the Orpheum Circuit. . It la rumored that the pretty little plaao player In Harold Rosslter'e office, Ethel Swan- son, was the Cause of Count de Beaufort's ting- ing Little Msld of Old Chicago, and his success wltb that eong ta due to Miss Swanaoo. . (Continued on page S6.1 •> affected, with thla eliminated her act b *Ed7l* , "walsb win be tbe coming feature. ANNIVERSARY WEEK A BIG SUCCESS. .;> Chicago. Dec. 3 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — The bepefit. perf'irmance glren at the Chicago Opera House. Friday afternoon. Decern her 1. for the Theatrical Mechanical Benevolent elation waa a grand saeceaa. The following.- are the list of performers wbo rendered their Esrie'and Little Jimmy la a musical Bert riot. Mexican Zamora JFamlly In their JhrtlUag quemer.' aerial sensation. "El New Traplso Trio lemer." Mlsw Zoe Barnett. by ry Askln. Mnlooe snd Molone. acrobatic dancing. Mlsa Anna Fttsbugb. prima donna of Berth 13." Mr. Alexander Csrr. by Harry Thlr Third Act of The l_ Mlsa Trtxle Frigsnas In Paras.—- - Tom Faxon, singing Harold Hits. Dsrls and Cooper, alnxlog snd dancing. Herbert snd Lee In Tbe New Girl. Mr. Ed. Karanangh. popular singer. Mlsa Flo Jaeobson. Godlewskl ~~ Musical Story, by kind permission of I at Cnnklln. _ Miss Isabella Patrlcola. singing That Tttnmerel." ■ ■ • Miss Anna Max, singing J. W. Stern A Oo. a Msndrll'lo and hla hand of 23 takjullV HMj * The ushers sold silk programs during the per- formance. Money for same waa turned over tWtW A .I Ut lBlhB - ' cancel all time 1 neas of Mb The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010. Late Miscellaneous News MURPHY'S NEW PLAY. Colombo*. O.. Dec 3 (Special to The ixt night »t toe marked the premiere of Tim ] Jodge Barmelee, written by F. local playwright. The play la In three acta, and deals with the widely discussed local-option ljueatlon. The flrat act Is the beat of the three. It de rations the sltustioo of a family ruled by a tyrannical wife, who la so absorbed In the cause of temperance that the la allowing her own household to ran to ruin. Mr. Murphy has the part of the weak and henpecked husband, a Character which he makes both humorous and pathetic. The main Idea of the play la ex- pressed in the following speech: •Too frequently out of the so-called model home come both the cause of reform and the reformer." The play was greeted by a large audience. The company received several curtain calls at the end of the third act, and Mr. Murphy was called upon for a speech, which he gar* in a -very captl rating manner. Mr. Domn was unfortunately, WSS compelled the first act on account of ni- ls the cut: , the second of Mrs. » ...'..........Tun Murphy . OH, an oltra-cierlcal, middle-aged clergyman Harry Cowley Robert Barmelee. the Judge's - Billing, one of the boy a Richard V. Sterling. Brewer, Mrs. Barmelee'e son .......... .............. Herbert Hey wood Celeetla; Barmelee, the Judge's wife ... Aubrey Powell ROYAL- ADAMS OPENING. Louliriiie. Ky., Dec. 8 (Special to The- Bill- board.)— The season of the Royal Adams Indoor Circus opene here Monday evening. The show was given the entire week In the Armory, and was attended by large audiences, d one. The Hf program la arranged admirably. In charge of tna ring la John Agee. who ate performs a daring riding act. Other acta are the Three Ty Belle Julian Sisters, Iron-law act; Bart Ik's Russian Cossacks, Russian Whirlwinds; Chaa. Balgrlat. who la performing a two-hack somer- sault from the ground; John Carroll's Dancing Horses; Miss Carrie Noremberg, with a troop* Of trick dogs and ponies; Three Sylvan Sisters. Tin- 1 Hilton*. eiini-strlsnkj^Uapt. !°NeI- troupe of _ act; Mrs. Chaa. _ r of ten perform era; -~iar. the airship horse: Bob Dntton; The Balgrlat Family, and Cept. Walter C. ■harp. The show closes with an exhibition of Oklahoma Bill's Wild West, Introducing John r 'Chai Wert,, ■ a re Ab Johnson. Dick Ford. Chad. Wertx, Eddie Nemo. Fred Banting, £fj™?d Worth, mck Bed* 11a, T. Moore, Fred Mitchell, Harry Wentworth, Phil Darling. ^Horace Webb. Phil King, Jack Harris. Jerry W^A 0 ? . an £ "" re Kerfyses- The band la Beaded by Park B. Prentiss. V The business staff la composed of X. J. WH- ,'llamsnn, press repTesentslire la adrsnce; Henry Goldenberg. press sgent; Bob CsTanangh. con- tracting agent; Frank Harris, advertising agent; A. M. Witt, treasurer; Bob Ccrmteny. tick- ets; Joe Miller, superintendent of ' properties; Chaa. Lucky, assistant npejutendent of prop -• Capt. Sharp, maeteTof trararporUtlon. THE MAYOR Roebeaier. N. Y.. Dee. 8 (Special to The Bui hoard). — A potpourri, of music and song, bearing the dual title of The Mayoress or When Women Bole, bad its lint presentation at the Lyceum - Theatre Monday night. The Hbret t on are by Arthur Lamb, and the music by John T. RAILROAD TICK ETS AGAIN. ■dltor The Billboard. Cincinnati. 0. Ilr:— Ballerina that means of this ts _ to an, man agers. I wish you would jss ttiff following* Oa Oct. 22d we recelred a telephone can fiom Joe. Rappialrr. who w»a^jt^agcrotx«^Ill.. asking WASHBURN, Is to . 8 to Mr. Pete Me M a rt 1 o . of III Moines, Is. The mar rlaga wm take place at tna home of the bride, at IPSO Mohawk street. Chicago. Immediately after the wedding the bridal couple wm lease for New Tort, and then Europe, where they will remain nnffl Jane. Miss Washburn has been on the stag* since she was sight years old, and In that failed to show op. When we arrived at Crystal City, Mo., we received a telegram as follows: "Send six tickets and $8.50 to pay room rent." We called him up over the 'phone and tuhl him we would wire him S25 more than covering the expense, through the First National Ban! of Duqooln, III., which we did. After waitlnir two days. I called np the bank and was Informed that he had received the money. Then callln-. up the railroad agent I waa told be had bought tickets for another place not coming to us, am have not heard from him since. We believe that people of this kind should be advertised. TICKET S ELLE R DEVICE. A new Invention, called the Security Ticket Selling Machine, la made by the R. H. May land Theatrical A Specialty Mfg. Co.. the head ot the company being R. H. May land, who la known the world over as a manufacturer of musical bells and novelties for the theatrical Pt ^ f <™e?^-. : o i -> • -• - SPAULOING ON PICTURE HOUSES. | » St. Louis. Mo.. Dec. 3 (Special to The Bill- board).— Charles A. Spaoldlng, owner of the Olympic Theatre and lessee of the Century Theatre. Is quoted as having said the following regarding the motion picture theatre: "The advent of the nickelodeon and ten-cent theatres is not one which threatens to Injure the o'd established playhouses. They will either run their course aa a fad or will ateadlly advance their price of admission until tbey become real theatres. Business la bad but I have found the same la prevailing In all lines." LEN SPEN CER'S LYCEUM. Len Spencer la Introducing at ala big musical agency on Fourteenth street, New York, a new booking system, combining all the requirements of the law, together with the necessary details of bis own bustneaa, qq forma which have been approved by the Commlialoner of Licenses. Jack Salkeld, who for many seasons has been dolmj publicity work for such lead! BLANCHE BATES. She opened at the Euclid A' r play. Nobody's Widow. The box of the machlue oak and holda two reels of two price and make. ftfeiSt L\^hoS"tSrssS" visis, the operator does not touch, and at the same time a bell rings and an automatic re g later records the number sold. Thla does away with the chance of the operator selling tickets twice. As the register is locked, the manager carrying the key, the operator baa no means of kn owi ng bow many tickets have been sold. The great- est feature of this invention is its accuracy. Many of the largest amusement parka In this country have already placed large orders for NEW THEAT RE IN BEAUFORT. Beaufort. 8. C-. Dec 3 (Special to The~8UI- bnard). — A new theatre will be opened In Beau- fort. Jan. U with Alexander Meyers aa manager. will be booked. The - tor BO O ANOTHER MIN8TREL 8HOW. Chicago, in.. Dee. S (Special to The Bin- board). — King and Carson open a minstrel show at Fort Wayne, Ind.. Dee. 14. A ear and art- icles of wardrobe were purchased of B. EL Wll Co., of Chicago, la now a booking dark at Mr. Spencer'a Lyceum. Montgomery it. Throop, clnb agent, baa taken desk room at Len Spencer'a. Lyceum. Robert O. Sklllman. formerly manager of the Fourteenth street branch ot the Novelty Slide Co., la now identified with the Bong aide de- partment of Len Spencer'a Lyceum. William H. Prorxman. formerly a II caused booking sgent, to now in charge of the Scran- ton branch of Len Spencer'a Lyceum, located In the Real Batata Building on Washington atreet, Hi-Tanton. Pa. Mr. Proiaman la supplying over fifty vaudeville and moving picture theatres with song elides and musical .rt lata in all llnea. „ Wf'ter C.- Simon, formerly of the Sam Fox S5njr of* The' m-- ■ EXPEC T BIG 8 EA8QN. cJ5S m f n *f f ™r nt ° f Brighton Beach Park at CouT Island. New York, reaped a fins harvest 2°™ J?,* mr « expendlrnrea or last winter In new bulifjlnga along the Pike, and doubling tne capacity of the bathing pavilion, new con ccssionsires coming in from all quarters and the aesson proving very reoumerative to all con- cerned. The 0 ant Safety Coaster proved g irreit coat" 1 Ma-— — SffiS °" * ta " coat. Many new all The future of thla grand property la now assured; and It I* attracting the attention of all blgh-elaaa amusement promoters. By actual count of railroad tlcketa, one million peon], passed through the Brooklyn Rapid Transit gates upon the park property besides . large number from the Long Island Railroad terminal at east aide of the property, and from the trolley ears at Sheepaoeed Bay, PREMIERE IN B ROOKLYN. Brooklyn. M. Y.. Dec. 8 (Special ts The Bill- board).— On Monday night at the Bijou Theatre the premiere production .«f Marie V. FlraOerald'a new play was made. The piece la still without a name, and a prise of the beat title ' producer. Mlaa FltxGe raid's new play Is a drama dealing with mother lore. It kindly received. MRS. W YATT DEAD. „. N 5 W Haven cons., Dec. 3 (Special to The Billboard) — The creator ot rbe part of Topay. ha Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mrs. Julia Wyalt. ol-l at her borne here Thursday, at the age of eighty •even year*. Mrs. Wyatt. for board) thla week. booked through the D. B. O. On the opening bill were: The Tuscan Brothers. Bagwell Sta- ters. Brown. Harris and Brow.. Chick Sale. Beatrice Ingram and Company, Arlington and Wormwood's Monkeys. Max Cold Meta are I of the SUIT AGAINST ABADIE. bofrol^fSlt'hS; beet, nU'tTtbi drool? court to replevin atock certiorates, books and leases Rngene. H. Amusement Company, retary of the concert . It la aeaerted by Karl Hobtlt ot the Inter state Amusement be baa a claim against services rendered. . by the Inter -state AbauUo former!, waa arc- KOLKER BEGINS REHEAR8AL8 New Tort, Dee. 8 (Special to The Billboard). — Tula week Henry Kolkcr commenced rebearaala In The Great Name, a play adapted from tor German by J. Clarence Harvey. Ka gaged for the piece, besides Mr. Kotker are: Harry 1 — Harry Tanary. Bngeso Habenwart. Bartsbelm. Arthur Boyt, Rudolf Dnerlag. 1 KJrkland. Rosa Wbytal. Llaale H»' MAG BEE 80NQ HITS. I Mee la the peculiar name for aa lo- wing. It derived ita name f t a m note Indiana In Florida. Thla pretty dim e pecul rod Its name from the fWsal which la published by the lishlng CO., 0 f Oo- _ "*< _ formers are meeting with these two aplendid nornfe success, "The Alligator"! hummer for a daney two-step. BEN HARR IS W ITHDRAWS. Atlantic Olty. N. J.. Dec. 8 (Spec Is! to ' Billboard).— Ban Harris baa resigned aa ager of the Young- a Pier Theatre attar - agreement with the owners. It to pr that be will open ARRE8TED FOR MURDER. Davenport. la.. Dec. 8 (Special to The Bin- board) — Harry Bradbury, an employee of the American Theatre, bag been arrested, charged with the murder of Jobs H. Brnak. who was found deed after a quarrel With'. Brnnk'a death wag caused by a fail down Bight Ot atalrs. for which Bradbury la said t have been responsible. FARNUM'8 NEW * VEHICLE. New York. Doc. 8 (Special to ' — Llebler and Company nave ar by Edwin Mild LUCILLE MULHALL. In a saw act at the Majestic Theatre, Bast St. Loula, III., re- cently. Mils Mnlhall does a roping net that la dlfferant. Tii*l,".j'' : * ' 3S»W.Si "n . Hk 1 DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard News JAS. KERN AN' S PH ILANTHROPY. Baltimore, Hd.. DM. 1 (Special to The Kill board). — Mr. Jamas I- Kanun. tba veteran the- atrical manager la - Baltimore, la arranging plans to (Ira a local charltabla ineritutlon a Una share of bla fortune. Slaca be has ea tabllaaad bin mUllon-doIlar triple enterprise. In baa shown bla genero s ity to many waya to- wards tba Inmates of charl table losUtatloot. He baa taken special latereat In the Hospital for Crippled Children and tba Inmates nave often been bla guests at tba Maryland Theatre, The for thee* crippled children la st present ' on Nortb Charles street and Mr. Ker- located _ Ban bss arranged with Caughy. Beam and Car- ter, local real estate agents, to purchase a large tract of ground In Wa lb rook and to erect a handsome and commodloua home for the children In the eahurbe. The land lnclodes slate acres, which coat Mr. Kenan $80,000. On this land will erect modern buildings of the oeed type. Mr. Keman la one of the . cent and influential men la Baltlmnre ba Is known as one of tbe most cbarltable His generosity Is unbounded and be a a helping hand In a thooaand waya. Bla donations to noapltale are eery large. Mr. Keman aerred In the Confederate Army during the CItII War and be la ever ready to aid a comrade la dlatreea. Be to a regular contribu- tor to maintain the Confederate Soidlers' Home •t Plkervllle. air. Keman'a gift exceeds all expectation! and It la owe of tbe moat generate charitable offertngs In the history or tbe city. Lawyers bar* been busy for several daya In arranging tba final papers wbtrb will be signed In wllb the trusteeship for Mr. Ker- nan'a property and the Income from this will go towards' Ibis new Institution. It Is expected to here It completed by the eprlng of 1912. Mr, Kernan will make a further announcement re- garding the details of bla plana. MARION ENJOY8 THAN K3GI VINO DINNER. Wilkes R.rre, Pa.. Nor. 25. — Been Geo. I.. Marton, the convicted theatrical agent, waa happy Thankaglvlae Day. Ha waa thank ml to know that many of bla own profession, located In various parts or tola country and aa far aa New Mexico, are at 111 hie friend.. Their friend ahlp waa fittingly displayed when John D. Shea, provider for Hotel Hart, waa ushered Into bis ceil st tbe county Jail, and presented him with aa elaborate Tba nksgl ring dinner, or, aa Marlon expressed It, "a dinner fit far tbe godi.". . The dinner was seat to Marlon through funds forwarded to Mr. Shea by actors. Una tub ecrtption waa received from K. C. Kliklne, man- ager of Richards and Prlagle'a Minstrels, now ploying In Raton, New Mexico. When Mr. Shea waa abown Into Marlon'a cell by tbe keeper,, and lbs actor told tbat this Thankaglrlng dinner had arrived' Marlon arose from bla cot aad threw bla arms about the man's neck and aald. "I knew my frlenda remember tat." Tba actor agent glad- tbr heart, of many of tbe prisoner, by THE ROS ARY ABROAD. Boatou. Uaae.. Dee. fi (Special (• Tba Bill bosrd I . — Too Dn ssry la com Ins to Boston, sod the Oleho Theatre la to receive Edward c Roar' new play. The opeulag of tba three weeks' en i»nt of The Horary la tbe Hob will begin a maflnaa an Dae. 20. Harrington Re> win Play the leadlag role of tbe Cathul' la the Boston company. Mayor J "ha F raid baa written llowund and dlflurd'a ■ i p rasiatattvo that It will be wttb pl«a»ui tbat bla family will attend the opening per formaaca. At the end of tba regular theatrical season the com p any which will plar The Rosary In Boa too, will go to Ireland with the production a der the direction Of I be two owners. Edward W aad Edwin Clifford. It la announced. Iso go sod there In those mysterious wings, with pipe. Just know that out In front tbe people paid to ass ma act — If I could look lost one* outside shove tbe dazzling door., snd wstrb tbe night unfurl tbe 'leetrlc lighted letters of my name! Ab, than from my leaping brea.t each nnfilled. cherished bops I'd burl, and lira content la such cherished hope I'd burl, -and live content In such bl.trlonlc feme. WALTER ORDINANCE AGAINST TION. SPECULA- Colnmbis. 8. c. Dee. 8 (Special to Tba Bill- board). — Ticket .peculation alteged to have ran Its course during the sale for Ben Bur laat week baa led to the probability of tbe passage of an ordinance which waa to-day brought to tbe attention of city council by the manager of tbe local theatre himself. i red here laat week under dl- * Erlanger. There were five Columbia Theatre and a em all. The tickets were NEW CORT PRODUCTIONS. New York. Dec. S (Special to Tbe Billboard). — It la announced from tbe Cort offices that Max Flgman will nave a new play next season. Other productions In prep. ration by the Authors' Producing Company, of which John Cort la president, are: A new play by Henry Arthur Jones; a play by Margaret Mayo, and a drama- tisation of Montague Olaaa' Potash and Perl- mutter atorlea, by Charles Klein -snd Mr. Olaaa. All three play, are Intended for production dur- ing the present season. THE POLACK EXCHANGE ENTER8 ONE NIGHT STAND FIELD. Pittsburg Vaudeville Agent Organizes Pittsburg. Pa.. Dee. 3 (Special to The Bill- board.) — H. R. Polack, or the Polark Booking Exchange of tbla city, la rehearsing a one night stand burlesque show which will open tba season at the Apollo Theatre. Wheeling, W. Vs., Man- BES8IE WYNN, THE CALL OF THE FOOTLIGHTS. (A Schoolboy. Meditation.) Oh, gee. I wlaht that I waa on the stags, a real lira actor ana; I'd give a 1st If I could eland behind those white tin sheltered lights snd hand oat 0 reel SB wisdom of a Shahe- aneara aage. Ilka Bob MaatoU or Ba t h s rn . Or else. If I wss but the leading maa to tbat there ■thai Barry more aad ran and rmu s d bar from ■ad, t ieat b et uiia fate, I'd ba well oa to ' i'a rate, if I could go. aayaatf tba CURTIS LISTON. ho ran his automobile Into n .tone curbing to avoid striking n motorcyclist who attempted to cross directly la front of tbe machine, Mr. Land was shaken np but Buffered no braises; Manager Jack achmldt, or the Theatre, who waa with Mr. COL. SEAVER'S PLANS. young Buffalo's Wild West Snow wOl bars as a feature among a quartet of abarpahootiSat ex- perts, next eeaaon. the renowned wing and rifle ahot. Annie Oakley, whose fame aa the greatest woman ahot la the world la known In all civilised countries. The contracts for the sen arm of 1B1< havs Just been cloaed by Vernon O. Beaver, with the Intention, It la announced, of •how one of the biggest snd best shows on tbs road next at present Introducing a new entitled. Stop Your Bluahlng. Roale. . t on sals at T o'clock la the morning, num i having been given out at 3:30 la the tnorn- of the sale. her. las; of !L There were aome criticism, bi c e ns e large block, of the ticket, were bought In by pnmle purchasing for special parties. One town In the State aeat a maa over who boogbt 125 and aome of tbe other towns bought large lots or tickets. This naturally led to aome specula- tlon Ideal and during tbe closing day or two of the ante eoma rickets were held by thuee who had bought them for higher prices. Manager Brawn, of tba Columbia Theatre, did all In bla power to have the aale or ticket « go .monthly hut be could not prevent sperals- tion. Ho has anggreted as « remedy la Mali, eases the paaaage of too ordinance which pro video tbat any person round guilty or ticket epeeul.tloo .hall be llsWe to a fine of WO « NEW 1*00,000 THEATRE. Daa Moines, la.. Dee. 3 (Special to Tbe Btll board).— Elbert and Oetrbelt. proprietors of the Princess. Unique and Msjeetle Theatres here, cloaed a contract for tba erection «f a $200,000 playhouse In tbla city. Detalla have not been given out. . JONES' NEW PLAY. New York. Dee. 3 (Special to The Billboard) The name selected for Henry Arthur Jones' latest play la We Can't Be as Bad as all That. latest pl.y m We C The piece, will be day, December S. The show will ba billed aa Tba Dainty rare* Burlesque rs, aad will carry about twenty-five people. The prevent company Includes Billy Ilellman. Tony Murphy. Barry Steppe, King and Mason, Zslda Palmer, Tbe Bennet Sisters and the LeRoy Staters, The •how will be conducted along tbe old school bur league lines and Ita opening burletta will be called A Gay Widow's Party, while tba bur rssqoe will be known aa In Cannibal Lam). These will be Int. r*p.-rm,l by an olio of four acta Including tbe Bennett Slaters snd LaBeUe Mor- gtana aa the features. Tbe show will bo man- aged by Arthur mat, with Qeorge Lay ton to advance. Robert Barker la tbe musical dl- NEW O PERA HOUSE. Loudonvllle. O., Dee. 3 (Special to The Bill- board). — The Loudon Opera House will be com- pleted by Dec. 31. The house la a new ground floor theatre, up-to-date la every respect, snd ROSEMARY GLOSZ RETIRES. Detroit, Mich., Dee. S (Special to Tba Bin board).— Mrs. David 8. Ra w , fu r ai r ily Rosemary aloes, of The Merry Widow fame, who was recently married, announces her permanent re- tirement tram the stage. LUND IN AUTO ACCIDENT. quarter Of artists, sod C Insry la tbe galaxy of target experts. The foregoing feature performers are aald to ba only a few among many hardliners Mr. Beaver will bava with bla abow next season. These four names In themselves, however, should prove a great attraction as their fame la widely known. Miss Oskley's reputation waa gained by such exploits as hitting 1.010 smaU discs thrown Into the air In succession, without a .ingle i The discs were little more than an Inch of the wonder ure the .ee on at a playing card 23 times ' tance or twelve Tarda. Curtla List on la the official champion rifle shot of America, be baring won the champion- ahlp gold medal and tba title at Pittsburg. Pa., la a match open to the world. February T-12 last, under the auspices Of the Indoor league Of the United State*. He waa a fea- ture with Young Buffalo'. Wild West Show laat eeeson and attracted widespread farce by bla remarkably clever work with the rifle. He ltloos. Targets war* ...... ■ ' ■ ' — wa»m» SEgg ma from bla target. These acta I from tba spectators. ' The p** 1 ** of Mr. L new train of twenty-firs cars, alx last season; entirely new canvas, ( - of apeclal uvaser abow CHANGE OF POLICY. McXeeeport, Pa.. Dec. B (Special to Tbe Bill- board) — After December IS. the now White Theatre will be known aa tbe Hippodrome and win play vaudeville Instead of road attractions aa heretofore. Vaudeville win be abandoned at the Orphenm and traveling attraction, bonked tor the balance of the eeaaon at the new White will be transferred to tbe Orphenm. The policy now n revs 11 Ins at the Orpbeum win ha adopted by tbe Hippodrome management, Flra acts will bo bookad. and three shows will bo given each day. Tba admission prices will be o. 10 and 20 cents. BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS GRANT. ED. Nsw York. Dec. S (Special to The Billboard). Mrs. Leila Koerber, who Is Marie Pi i aster on tbe ita ye. was granted a discharge from hank runtry by Judge Hough. Her liabilities were $2tvooo, and no i Truly si..ti also granted a ANNIE OAKLEY. 26 X M e Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910, The Vaudeville Week in New York ALL-STAR NEW YORK BILL, WEEK MONDAY. NOV. 28, 1S10. A — Brileeialre Brothers, Acrobats. Fifth Arams. Full Stage, poster. Acrobatic^ Dog Act. ■in iwtnorne emit. ' Colfpnfal. Is _ E — Tom Terrias ud Co.. Is A CuaL AmcrioltL Kail 8u BB8MM F— Cliff Gordon, Grrman 1 American. In One. H— J-=*.to* Lorch Family, Blxley Act. Full sun. This la the special Christmas Number' of Old Billyboy, and only an AU-atar collection of au- farriatlve acta could property grace Ira columns, a h oei la tela wtrk'i setectlOD of mighty acta, all top-notcbrrs to their reapectlTe departments. Of eonrae. Certrnde Hoffman lands feature posi- tion and afforda a very fitting beadliner for this apeclal Isaac Sorely no one doubts her rer— all know her ability, eoneede 7 ud willingly assign toe big Place to lta proper owner. Her review waa so lone, so at* aast wllbaL so meritorious, tost she occu- pies posldoo* O. and B. Clarice Mayne and J allot if) were rirala, bat not strong enough ' 1 the -erttstle - dancer'a posttlon dis- Aootner. act that deaerrea its n^e 1 "™ 1 of snpertor merit Is that of Tom Ter Ibv4f and the character of • moat potent artist to malm sin the same atandard of the produc- tion la actlaa; aa It enjoys In liters tore. The charm! ax* sketch la thoroughly handled and could never for a minute be denied the final po si ti on before intermission. Cliff Gordon, the comic philosophical German Senator, who la so worried about what may transpire In the future; the l-.rcb Family, excellent rlaley artists, and the Betleelaln- Brothers, acrobats, at sery ap- propriately Into their respective placea. Hawttkarse and Bnrt aa well as Claode and Fxnnie Usher, bad much competition ■r —A long show. Interspersed with some eery strung acta, entertained the audiences of the Morr* bouse last week. To begin with, severs! sets cJtnched their placea on the All-star bOl and therefore need no further discussion. These were Cliff Gordon, the German senator; Tom Trrrlss snd Company In his adsotstlon of? Dick, ew's -A Chrtatmaa Carol, and Ed. Footer and Dog. Several acta offered very close competi- tion to those who sre occupying All -star posl- Mraaa- These were La treys previously written aja. catas. A. Bbrelow snd Mlrxl Hsjos in The etrl and the Guy. very cleverly por tr ay ed by the farvorltre. Ross snd Fenton In Just like s ykisi' a up to the two stars' ability, and ,'s Co.. m A Night In an English Han, too well-known for further IVaij r " an d Kesrf r m .. banjotata. Haroloi- a ■ falcated wagaaawat. snd Joale and WBlle op ss worthy acts, not quite the " (T) 1 Of ha hi; a headTTaet ,. a in nfllliill 'ill ill anil a huge favor- ite throughout sD cities covered by the Morris Clrsarft. Tne raaastnlax act* eaa be treated as nefan Tresf, Brochera Carps tti. good in their acrobatic line, bet off on the comedy: Ed. Earns, bead Jnggler and gymnasts, good: and Loretts Boyd, a song slide singer, passable. Altogether, however, the bOl was very good. . KEITH & PROCTOR ENCOUNTER and* _ at these theatres have - not been members of the Stage Hands' Union, si though onion members had been trying to talk them Into their fold for some time It waa not until Monday morning, Nov. 28, however, that their persuasion showed results. The trouble ha* been traced to the Fifth Avenue Theatre, where Manager McCnne asked clea for those of vaudeville. The duo occupied Important roles In the Sam T. Jack show. Sidney Grsnt bids adieu to vaudeville for a role In the Madame Sherry road company for Woods. Fro zee snd Lederer. Grsnt made much of bis reputation aa Chantecler In the Barnyard Romeo. Anna Tiaker, May Oolre. Lottie Ken- dall. Ansa Boyd. DaUaa Welford and William Cameron 1 Three new acts or the larger prooortlnes made their entry to New York last week, and seemed to receive the Indorsement or the msosgers — The Fonda Troupe, Mason sod Murray and Chas. P. Moore and Helen Starr, In a playlet. The Saerl- flce, which deals with the morphine question. Chaa. Blgelow enters vaudeville under Wen. Morris In a characteristic monologue, while Robert T. Haines will tear under the United Banner In a sketch entitled. Derelicts. Who la TUNIS F. DEAN. Mr. Dean was ling s David Junior partner in the theatrical firm of Harris. Brit ton and Dean, coo- in the principal cities, bot for the |w,st six years on the execntlve staff - Mr. Dean represents Mr. Belsoen • u tour with Frances Starr's Com- • Way. men down early Monday A. M.. to erect the big scenery for Gertrude Hoffmann's review, which having been lost In transit, bad not appeared until the early boors of Monday. Bnt the men did not return, and Mr. McCone arrival Monday, that s general been declared, for the other Keith and Proctor managers also proved to be without the services of their regular help also. The situation required prompt action, which waa Immediately given, a* each of ' the Ave 'managers " donned working clothes, and with the assistance of doorman, asters and helpers from the booking offices, soon bad all la readiness for Monday's matinee, which went off on schedule time, and with well regu- lated stage manipulation. By the time the matinee ^i^mnt to take care of the stage re- ' Jesse I asky Informs us that he has noted some new novelties over In Europe, which be Intends Ingrafting Into the new Follies Ber- Tbearre productions, opon bis arrival In " States shout January I. Although much annoyed, agers found the Incident an upon. Outside of Manager Bock, of the teenth Street Bijou Dream, all -were n> less green at their stage owes, bat as Manager SchTrraarrn, of the Twenty-third Street boose rxnreaaed -It. 'the* /.left na their lobe, and we - ■ - - York. Dec. 8 (Special to The 4- J ••: KEITH & PROCTOR'8 FIFTH AVE. BILL. York - t*ec- 3 (Special to The Billboard.) — Keith snd Proctor's boose contributed the fol- lowing acta to New York's All-atar bill: Claude and Fannie C«h -r. Belleclalre Brothers and Ger- trude Hoffman, the lsst named being the besd- llner. therefore, no further . dlscossloo. Acts that followed closely on the brers of acta on •he All-star program were Ollle Yoong and April, rtlabolo snd bobble experts, and World *. nd P'bRs'on. in tbelr miscellaneous offering. AI Liir*t beXaD ' lo toe very good class. Next Id Hoe cornea Gordon Eldrld and Com- pany In their act. Won by a Leg. loo far-fetched to^ be entirely _ snited for conllno-d popularity. The end of 'the set. of the flr-t itarL borrever. retrieves do of the Br.l tart Albert nole. the boy sop: ■watly, 111 waa a great one. especially rsher's snd the act of Gee- MME. MENZE LI TA UOHT THEM. New York. Dec. 8 (Special to The Billboard) — A recent discussion of artistic dancing termi- nated with the conclusion that artlatic dancing must be taught, and Is not to be cousins red purely Inborn. Where did Ruth 81. Deals. Oer trade Hoffmann, Mend Allen, 1 the well-known Edna May, Julia Marlowe and Maade gala their artistic dsnelag ajoslldest Investigation reveals 11ms. ateaseli, of the Knickerbocker School of Dancing, located at 22 E. loth street. New York City, aa their teachers, 8he has been In the business for many years, giving her personal attention to each puplL She a. so number* amongst her I Una Clayton, Caaail, Petite FOX LEA8E8 THE CITY THEATRE. D : en-town House on New York, Dec. 2 (Special to The ] —The lease of the Clly Theatre to Fox, ooe of Its directors, waa eomolc day, Nov. 28. for a term ot twenty -right The leasee waa one ot the City Theatre ey Theatre, a snd also owner of the Dewey . below oa Rsst Fourteenth street- vaudeville situation la very competitive In tha't vicinity, the Olympic, an Eastern wheel bur league bouse; the Academy ot Music, stork bouse; the Dewey, the Mirror snd several M. P. bouses offering Sunday vaudeville bUla. ll has been re pox bad that the -dir. c tans all favored - a big Sunday vaudeville bill for the City Theatre with but one execution. Never tbelesa, two shows ot vaudeville on the Sabbath were Installed on Sunday. Nov. 27. the bookings being attended to by the Wm. Morris Circuit. During the week, the City Tbj tlnue to present old Broadway Theatre will coo- THE SILHOUETTE QIRL MEETS New York. Dec 3 (Special to The 1 -Bert Levy a Parisian novelty baa a Metropolitan audience. placed over a winner In bis greatly Iniprun projection, which outlines the form of Its ferns subjects with wonderful drllcacr of shadow. Then, too, la Mile. Heloise. be has aa ex tremely well proportioned lady to aaibooette. Her graceful form is advantageously employed In Levy's Wordless Stories. The Artist and Model snd The Wooing of the Faun. *■ Hammeratein Is re sp o ns ible for their pi es t n c e In ihia PACIFIC COA8T VAUDEVILLE Lind. the clever impersonator, ts BOW msktng his second tour over the 8a!ilvan-O0Ba»ldlne Clr cult. The first waa mads Jost two years ago. He came direct from Europe and opened his sesson In Cincinnati, Cisco, where " at the New Dec 4. ♦ The Westbsok Building, Ban Francisco, is 1 the real headquarters tor all liars of meets. At present the principal the 'Frisco office of The Billboard. Booking Office. American Circuit ot and Cafes, Tooy Lnbelskl. booking 1 Herbert Weston, booking agent: L _ smueemeot broker: Archie Levy and H. J. L»a rltt. booking ageata; Golden West Carol al Company, J. Orewy. booking agent; the Panama I 'arise exposition Amusement Co.. Chsrir* Cole. W. z. Tiffany. l:louglaa . . . , Mrs. J. H...Doagles. her . Emily Lytton girlT! .. .. •• ». .. .. ■■ Oaa Waldrop Miss Blair .. Edjthr Thorne Mlaa Henderson .. Nan Pari a (Goeata at Gordon Inn.) Mlaa Zonne. telephone operator ... Irene Warileld The Aviator, described aa a farcical comedy, deal* with the homor aa well aa the science of aarooantlca. The story of the play being woven ■ of a " artrand the successful author • book entitled ta hsvlng The Aviator who, to enjoy rent and quiet after kia arduous literary labors, blei " - - nable annuner hotel In the ' he la Immv an young woman with him. . In one of the chapter* of his book, the writer baa described a daring flight by night over Long Island, and a facetious friend who bag accompanied him. circulates the rumor that it was the "book man's", personal experience, so that besides being the author of the year'a ' seller" he la hailed aa a hero of the air. da antes to the situation and the hero a flue time g 1 1 aavsaa his Imaginary it, when along cornea a genuine aria- tar from France equipped with two aeroplanes, aad the snorting blood of the male guests of the unit having been aronsed by the "book aria tor's" vivid recital of bla mythical con- guests of the air, they propose a race in the eaorJe to^settio their supremacy, -i ^ aC one of hla seropSanes to tSFrlnl and the aathor. who has perl latently recited Ma vision- ary trip Into the misty to the bewildered guests, ta Induced, much against hla will, to enter the race which be wins, to the great surprise of the meddlesome friend whose story Inveigled him Into the life- risking venture and bla own devout Ifumkfulnees for Its successful termination. Wallace Bddlnger appears In the title role tf The ATigtofTTn the third act of which he 'hi war. Virtue wins and she drives Pascal oat Into the night. Then the contrite DeMargyl ap- pears. She receives bim coldly. He embraces her, . At the next moment they have aworn their eternal devotion. Bat only for a moment. Back comes the Marquis to taunt his rival and expose hla old mistress In all her perfidious treachery- There is the expected blow, the In- evitable challenge and out Into the world for- lornly strides the embittered Comte. "This writer did not see the Anal act. bat he will wager bis reserved sest 'coupons against a last year's door -check that the duel Is fought, the Comte la wounded and la nursed back to health and happiness by Jeannlne In time for the final curtain. This grand old fustian was mounted at the Lyric with great prodigality. Mra. Carter's rapid-fire elocution wss In good order. Her sobs, snlflTes, gurgitations, moans and shrieks were let off at exactly the right moments. Bat one -thing was lacking. May we be so unkind aa to. suggest that Mra. Carter nor longer • con- veys the illusion of s -rrollcsome, youthful bal- let dancer? The fierce white light which beats upon an emotional star la apt Jo expose the ~ nets of the word to say bowerer. of the beat of the CoUIerlsme develop. It mat- ters not that the end ta no stronger than It should be. Perclval returning to civilisation a fabulously rich young msn, who liquidates bis accounts with bla father and marries the girl of his choice. The preceding acta hare served to show William In ail hla amusing aides; the audience bss bad Its nil of laughter, and the Collier family collectively hsa reasonable assur- ance of a comfortable living for some time to come. And William la not the only funny Collier in this laughable family reunion. Ills slater now and then gets an opportunity to prove that the Collier wit la a family heirloom, and even William Junior manifests a bright and happy aide aa tbe little bandit who la saving money to go East aa far aa Cincinnati an.. Cleveland. So. therefore, while we must not look too Impertinently Into the lawa of cause and effect to find a reason why people laogh at hi comedy, the fact that they do moat plead for its popularity. . ■ . AT THE VAUDEVILLE HOUSES. New York, Dec. 3 (Special to The Billboard). —At the Savoy last week the Won Morrow, written by Edward Huff and •SKY R0CKET8" 8AY8 CRITIC. New York, Two Women, Not. 80 (Special to Tbe Billboard.) of Mra. Leslie Csrter's new play, which opened In New York. Nov. the Now York World baa the following: "Mrs. Leslie Carter began her season of J tionai pyrotechnics at the Lyric Theatre, day night, in Two Women, a play by Rupert Hashes, who acknowledges that It la an adap- tation of The Statoe of Flesh, an Italian drama by T. CIcconL His admission, while In keep- lag with literary Integrity, seemed almost saspiifliius. It waa only too apparent that the feverish tirades which cro w n e d each of the Ire acta could never have been written by en American. "Of coarse, tbe playhouse was crowded. Of coarse, the audience roared with delight when Mra. Carter — may her long power never grow —began to set off the sky^rocjk^ts^romsn se? too! ?t" wae"a« "tLa'Scally^effectlve at the same time ss nntrne to reason able plausibility aa any stage performance could _ etbly be. A few thousand people who will split gloves applauding during the next six weeks vrfli disagree with this statement, bnt It la true, nevertheless. Such Is the tribute that lungs and lingo always win from the crowd. •"The parentage of this old fashioned melo- drama of nerfervld emotions la not difficult to trace. Even tf it were written bnt yesterday It belongs to the vintage of the middle sixties. Dumas must have been Its grandfather, and CamOle, Frou-Frou and an the rest are its 11 1- ths brothers and slaters. The model on which It la built la so rigid snd the mould In which its characters are cast is so conventional that every experienced playgoer knowe them by heart. "There waa the modest, vine-dad cottage to - J. him from the gutter. There they billed and cooed while she did the family sewing and he painted pictures of her lovely face. There, too, Jeannette died. As dissolution came after her ten minutes' harangue to the empty air it must be Inferred that sbe talked herself to death. "in plays like this the second set must pro- vide a contrasting scene. So It pictures the Bal Tabarln, with Its half-clad women of tbe demimonde snd their drunken snd paretic ap- pendages In high revel. And here Comte Remy da Margyl meets the vilest of Its habitues, the ballet dancer, Jeannlne. who la the exact physical counterpart of his dead Jeannette. It takes nut a moment for him to engage her to go to the country to alt aa a model for tbe portrait of hla dead wife. to De Margyl 'a cottage we go in the Jeannlne. like Camilla. Is now re- he talks only of chickens and cows But De Margyl Is blind to her pure passion. So once more to tbe glitter snd profanity of the Bal Tabarln she goes In the next act* "Ton see her In the luxurious apartment of the Marquis Pascal de Pondrss. It wss ever thus I Jeannine's reformation baa not yet worn off. Good and evil forces In her nature are at AN AMERICAN-EUROPEAN MAGNATE. PARK New York, Dec S (Special to The Billboard.) — Mr. John Calvin Brown, with hla Earl's Court. Lradou. Magi Clty^ Parle^ white ( city, ^ Man doubtedl j one of the most important figures °fo the park amusement line In any country. Be now dominates tbe situation In the can! tela of li * T 'g'."d and France with tbe largest and richest floating and. resident populations in the world as well aa being absolutely alone ta) that line In the manufacturing capitals of ETurlaad and Spain. Karl's Court, London, will, next year, he In Its 24th year and la the oldest gad most popular retort of the kind in Europe and repre- sents an outlay of several millions. Magic City. In Paris, la located In the center of tbe cur and la being reconstructed for next season. Whit* City, at Manchester, la the pioneer of i parks in England and coat gtOO.OOO Barcelona Park la one of the moat I places on earth and coat more than while there la yet a lot of money to It. Mr. Brown's entire managerial up of Americana. , in gSOO.000, be spent OS "tag I ELIZABETH MeNAUGHTON TAIN ED. New York, Dec 3 (8peclsl to The nilboard.) — So anxious were the inspectors to prevent Ktkal Leneve, partner to Dr. Crippec, from entering the port of New York; that more tdan ■ half dosen pssaengers on the White Star Line Ma- jestic, en tour from Queensland to the V. B. were held on suspicion of. being the bunted McNaughton, sister to Tom McNsnght. comedian, who ta husband to Alice Iioyt! striving in the port of New York, the inspects Jojd. After woman. Amongst their number wsa Elisabeth statel Is h 1 pott were taken to nulla Island for cross examination and despite the Innocent actress's protests, aha was here detained until Pat Casey arrived aad establishing her identity, conducted her to Man- hattan soil. The two-a-day impresario had one awful time getting there between the taxi- cab strike snd the Independents of the inspec- tors who delayed to s'u'wbV k " to " HOW DOES HE DO ITf New —Tom that w way. It la a mystery now I apace that Is being given throughout the country, weds' third As the Comte. Robert Warrick was gallant, but rather incoherent In his speech. As the Marquis. Brandon Hunt scowled snd scowli-d and ™^» th rtlU,, d |tf IU ' 1 ^F• Trl • 0,, Hunter lm- The others really did not. matter, for Mrs. Car- the stage." m ' ° WILLIAM COLLIER'S NEW VE- HICLE. New York, Dec. 3 (Special to The Billboard). — rn Be Hanged If I Do, the new comedy In which Wm. Collier la appearing at tbe Corned* Theatre, is a typical Collier piece In which Col- lier represents a light-hearted, breezy, thor- oughly unreliable scion of g despairing family. Matters begin to get lively from the moment that we find Perclval forgetting his wedding day snd receiving a visit from the bride' ber anxious relatives, on a mission of Inanlr why the groom bss fslled to materialize. There Is an amusing scene between Perclval snd his fiancee aa they sit down to breakfast and tall things over, an episode where usage requires that matters should be adjusted and all end In But in this gerded, and Perclval sallies snd woolly West to regenerate things take s turn for the threatened with hanging by wild Ivsl ta . s regularly consti- tuted jury and a qualified Judicial presiding officer. Imagine the fun when Perclval buys np all' the rope and ' every hall of twine in 'the community to forestall s possible tragedy. He acta aa bla own lawyer In court, and here some ton, was given Its tryoot and made the hit that Its producers, tbe Ruff A Sheridan Agency, bad predicted. The csst comprises lis Hampton, Frank Martin and Margaret Hatch. Tbe first mentioned, well-known aa a leading stock wom- an In Loa Angeles far many years, the second ss having been two years with Molssso snd tbe lsst mentioned well known in the metropolis. Tbe time of the play ta the year two thousand snd one snd Its plsce the ninety-sixth floor of tbe Metropolitan Apartments la Pittsburg, a suburb of New York. James Keane tried out a new vaudeville act of four people, entitled Held for Ransom. In ■ rd. Mass. - New Bedford Keane will be remembered as having formerly appeared In The Bishop's Carriage and other Llebler attractions. May Belle Moyiea is again In having closed with The WIi eleven-personed vsndoville act. A. DARING PERCH ACT. New York, Dec. 8 (Special to The Billboard.) — The Royal Tokyo Japanese Troupe, now play- ing United time, have recently Invented one of the most difficult tricks ever performed by an acrobatic troupe. It Is called a perch act. The Japanese underatander raises a long pole on his shoulder. Attached to the ton of this pole about thirty feet from tbe ground is a horlsontal bar. Two Jspsnese boys are sent to the top of this snd go through the regular acrobatic evolutions on this pole. Those wbo bare witnessed the act aay It is the most daring perch stunt ever at- tempted, which la CAGNEY TELLS OF ENGLISH OUT- LOOK. New York. Dec S (Special to The Billboard). —Col. T. O. Cagnay, of Caguey's " Railway Co.. who spent a part of the son In England and on the continent, of bla attractions. Is back Is New York. He placed both bis miniature raflxrayand hla tower circular awing in that offer be instance _ CUlar BWlng last season, aa be did at ■ Is,.. Tbe Csgney Company baa secured tbe coneas- ston for clrcnlsr swings st the Glasgow. Beot- lsnd. Exposition. While In the Isles, agement of tbe Borne and Ti " queated toe Colonel to visit arrer — the HENRY OF N AVARRE. New York. Dec S (Special to Tbe Billboard.) — Julia Nellsou snd Fred Terry, tbe Liandao favorites, changed their bill November 28, to Henry of Navarre, at the Knickerbocker, Tbe play Is from the pen of William Devereatrx, The subject deals with the conspiracy that ushers In the historical masaacre of Bartholo- mew and the coming to Paris of Henry to woo Marguerite da Yslols, sister of Charles IX, and daughter of Catherine de Medici. . One exciting episode follows another and the whole piece la ss theatrically effective ss s piece csn possibly be that ta designed to appeal on sensational premises. History bss been con- veniently Ignored where It threatened to inter fere with this striving for affect, bat M " character SS a luring bride la beau on page 64.) * TWO WOMEN. New York, Dec S (Special to The BlUnoard). — Mra. Leslie Carter came in for on oration from the largest audience of the season when they greeted ber st the Lyric last Monday evening in Two Women, s play adapted by Rupert Hngbes from the Italian or T. CIcconL The audience greeted ber with storms of ap- plause, snd called ber out agals and again af- ter tbe fourth set, even compelling ber to The production Is generally re- garded as rivaling anything aba. ever appeared In under- fielasco. strange to ; - relate, there la a strong party In New York that la anxious for Mrs. Carter "to come back" and Show her former manager a thing or two. This pgrty'sl- wsys gathers In full force to demonstrate Its spprecletlon of her art and to encourage her to continue the fight for Independent recognition. This party la probably strong enough to All the theater for severs] weeks, and, aa ber engage- ment la specifically limited to six weeks, the Titian-haired actress will go on tour with no to complain of ber support In Gotham, age pr~ ■ullarlj histrionic end beautiful on page 64.) Resides, to the average plsygoeY Two Wi is that peculiarly DECEMBER 10, 1910. I h e e ill board 29 Masters of Oriental Athletics ROYAL TOKYO JAPANESE TROUPE •:yy rti** .r*5 .. ft '. *» £? r :>'= # ! ARTHUR W. TADA, Manager : v ,* • . .. •• * Direct from Tokyo, Nippon—Only playing the biggest Circuses, Hippodromes, Parks, Expositions PRESENTING THE FOLLOWING ACCOM LPISHMENTS Wonderful Pyramid Acts and Acrobatic work, never Introduced by Japanese Troupe before. Foot Juggler -Umbrella, Barrel, Foot Balancing, Juggling Boy by Profes- sional Juggler. Perch Act — 21 feet perch, a wonderful act. No light bamboo, bar weighing 85 lbs., head stand on top. Perch Bar Act — never accomplished before, except in Japan about fourteen years ago. Most sensational act ever Introduced. Bar weighs 80 lbs. Slide for Life— a most attractive act, any length and any height. - Novelties on Slack and Tight Wire. ■ Many other acts we have, most of them are entl rely new and never eeen before. OPEN FOR PROPOSITIONS FROM CIRCU THIS WINTER PLAYING FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ON UNITED TIME • FOR OPEN TIME AND TERMS ADDRESS | JOHN C. JACKEL, Business Representative, p Knickerbocker Theatre Building, - - - - - 1402 Broadway, NEW YORK. I 30 The Billboard DECEMBER 10. 1910. Music and the A MID-SEASON REVIEW OF THE MUSIC PUBLISHING BUSI- NESS OF NEW YORK. With a Backward Glance at the lion. front all parts of the the funeral slump . In - cosines*, there Is oo e line In particular w Worm Lens, baa Stern and Compan: Bslisrd MacDouald, who wrote I'm Longin? tor Someone to Lore Me. I Wlab I had My Ol ' Girl Back Again, I've Got the Time. Tee Got the Msec, bat It s Bard to Find the Girl. Aralns. and Nix on. renewed his contraei for another term ot years. Goodwin and Goodwin are using I'm rooking for a Nice Young Fellow. Stern's new converse, tkm song, and If I Could Bee as far Ahead and Follow tbe Car Tracks, from tbe catalogue of tbe same publishers. My. What a Tunny Little World This l« Stern's spot-light number, and If I Could See aa far Abend, another Stern song, are being uao,. by the Harrison West Trio. The Cameron Brothers, who combine music and art. are drawing scenes from Al. 8olman'« latest bsss solo. The Sexton and the Bell. ■ of the boys , sings tbe song wbUe the other II- they dropped the price to .ten cents a copy, -while they were paying the publishers from twelve-and-a-half to nf teen cents a copy -In- taooMTid lota. This is Just an Instance .going to * show bow ail the*, latest music baa been} farced on the public and drawn to their notice. Then, on the other hand. " tbe moment a pub-. Usher gets a new manuscript that baa tbe. ap- pearance of a "hit." It Is immediately . put oat broadcast to the singers and piano players in .these department stores, snd to tbe most likely artists the song win bit In tbe vaude- ville and moving picture booses that use sing- ing tarns throughout tbe country. In this way a song quickly becomes known and popular, and either scores a big "bit" and registers a rea~y seller, or dies the ordinary death on the Sbliaher'a shelf, and la quickly forgotten - for t new and lire material. Through this meth- od, and Judicious advertising In tbe daily and amusement papers, the' new song Is Introduced ana brought to notice. Some publishers In New York bare even gone to tbe extent to force a song, of using a hurdy-gurdy on tbe ride streets off Broadway, with a whistler or singer, using the song sll day long to get It before the public and force its popularity. Regarding tbe securing of tbe vast amount of material used yearly by tbe music publisher*, many wonder where tbey obtain their Ideas, tbe words and music' Each, snd every one of these firms have ^thelr^oyct^staff o^ writers to^botb ont^aome^'ij'ea 11 the year round, while on the other band tbey are always on the lookout for new Ideas and material. Of course, each day brings more or less copy from some aspirant who Is sure be or sbe has struck an Idea that la .going to bring fame and fortune to the pub- lisher and themselves. These manuscripts are eltBer quickly accepted, rejected or returned, but In some esses are held snd stowed away In the safe for quick use in emergency, for one aver knows Just what to going to tickle tbe another publisher wants to g similar- or on tbe same A ease of this kind happened only a time ago with AL Trabem. a writer of 1 successes, with bis AH Over Town. He tbe words, while Percy Wenricb. the composer ot Put On Your -Old ' Grey Bonnet, added the music, and delivered It to Fred II Ms. the publisher, over five years ago. That song laid in the Mills' safe for over Ore years (snd fire on . Twenty-ninth street. out) without the big Mills' t seeing the light or day. for the that there was no market In tbe Interim for that style of a song. Sometimes It's tbe two-step, s march, or rag. that's In so It Is with the demand in music. It changes In public favor almost as as the atyles in women's s Girl from Lillian " ly Hello 1 Boy from Old New from Tennessee. . The Irish-American Trio' an using My Lore Is Greater Than the World. . Urforrf and Simons are alnging When a Boy from. Old New Hampshire Lores a Girl from Tenon set. Dems. Beed and- Reed continue to feature Play That Barber Shop Cborrf. Flora Russell to taking several e n cores with I'm oo tbe Right Side ot tbe Bight Girl at -the Right Time and Place. rr Frank Farvon, with Irwin's Majesties, la singing Oh, Yon Bear Cat Bag and Play That Baris-r P~ ' Tbe Old St aee. Stella Tnbln la singing My Lore la Greater Than tbe World. - ■ - The Delnmnt's song repertory consists of I'd Bather Say Hello than ~ a Boy from Old New from Tenausssee. Brown snd Brown are featuring Tbe < Twirl. A. J.- Lyons Is singing Plsy that Shoo^Cbord. ^ wiane hi M Lo I Greater ~ HOW TO FIND THE SOUL OF YOUR VOICE. IXOHA EVERY voice has Its Soul, or that I am positive, hot It takes years and years -for one to find that Son] and to bring It to life. In other words It means tbe hard work of cultiva- tion. I bare a treatise on the voice that I be- lieve will awaken you to the realisation tbs- It has a Soul that to merely passive and await- ing tbe proper means of bringing It to life. Tbe qualities a tone must bars to give satia 2— Clear (ot the right height) . 3 — Scroop snd foil. 4 — Finn, not trembling. 5 — Durable. Let us enter more etnsely into the promises which cause these qualities. A strong, he-llhr chest and good respirator' and vocal organs must be nsmed aa tbe first eoorflrfnn foe the production of tones: without those a g"> the asme aa before, although the work at 'the aoda fountain appears to be lesi tiresome. >»l tbe pert formerly bandied by Barry San her Is considerably Improved by Lee Hickman, woo gets a laugh at every "All right." The mimical numbers are fairly good, and are helped materially by the efforts of a better than the average cborna. Tbe favorite num- bers were Jungle Band, by Julia Sinclair: Ka- penola Prance, by Clara Berg: I Love It. by Clara Berg, and Mindy, by Nellie Lock wood. Miss Locswood, la a chorister who sings nicely snd is possessed of a charming Dgure. and leads her number In a aatlafactory manner. The olio consist! of four acta, and la opened by Lsj^^Hlckmann^ and H^rry^Bentley.^ tn^a r>wr °'o3 ^t^tSLSS he haa now a better aet act, and la one of the brightest of ornaments In the whole show. She looks well, dresses well, alngs well, and, above all. la possessed of a magnetic personality which Immediately wins the hearts of her bouse from boxes to gallery. The Parlalan Wldowa la a good ahow and will of the better will _ Walnatock'a Rector Girts In this column In sn earlier issue, so that there win be no necessity to again cover the ahow, which li practically tbe aame as st tbe opening of the season. There hsa been quite s number of changes In the company, of which a correct list Is: Morris Walnatoch. manager; Charles Franklin, agent; Tom McRti, George C. John- son, William Johnson. Joseph Palardo. Anna Seoette. Lydls Jospy. Lore Harvey. Romeo Bri- ans!. 8llvlo Liodlnn. May Smith. Rlanrbe Book- er, Jessie Clark. Marie Daniels. Edith ganders, Hilda Hayes. Winnie Crowe. Ethel Crane, dand- le Stewart. Evelyn Robinson. Gertrude Turner. Helen Mrmn and Qeraldloe Flem- will return to vaudeville, opening on the Soil!- van A Conaldlne time, at Chicago. December 18. Mr. MeBei will represent the third prin- cipal comedian The Rector Girl* has had this season, having opened the lesson with Tom Robinson, who was succeeded by Sullivan, who. In torn waa succeeded by Tom McBea. ♦ Newcomers with The Parisian Widows are Artbur and Belle Bell, who replace Kelso and Lelghton. who closed at Washington last week. Emily Miles, who recently closed with Tbe Boa Tons, ha* also Joined tbe ahow. and will play the Ingenue part. With Bell and Bell with the abow, and The Gordon Highlander!, toe ahow will have two musical acta to carry, so thai who waa formerly with i::r Girl, Joined the i " Han-y Beatley seems to msnags to find a artser every season. I recall a few of I have seen billed with him. cooi cqnentl j ful , often spoiling a number by their wilful lack of In- terest. WItb some show*, where the stage management la unusually lag, conditions become almost dis- heartening, and when the ahow has been a few weeka on the road, the dancing numbers can be scarcely recognised from the original work producers and - the girls, their own particular tncll- nber 1* utterly mined. On* Of tbe most objectionable faults of thin elsss of chorus is tbe breaking up of the work before the entrances are reached for tbe exit*, the girls walking off tbe otsg* In s disorder- ly snd demoralised manner, which - lta orlg- e'lsck'c of discipline malu- by those In charge of the company back to the proscenium arch. It eeeme aa though some solution to this Question could eas- ily be arrived at. and It la certain that a raat Improvement could bo brought about where real discipline existed. Carelessly dressed choris- ters are another baneful Influence, while badly made-up glrli also help to mar tbe general effect of tbe work. It seem! that the leader of a ahow could easily overlook the** Item*, aa he I* always in front snd Is In S convenient position, to notice such Important detail! as torn dresses, boles and rnna In tights and stockings, and to keep a gen- eral eye on the personal appear- ance and work of the chorus on the stage, in many European countries, tbe chorus is under tbe absolute control of tbe musical director, who rehearses all of the singing num- bers end supervise* tbe work of tbe choristers st tbe rehearsal and dur- ing performances. It such a condi- tion is ever brought into effect on this aide, leaders will have to be especially selected, snd only capable men engaged, aa the difficulty would A few days ago the leader of s certain Eastern Wheel theatre gave 1 to hi! orrtestrs^to^esae chorus wore f all ■ up the sing Ing end. The orchestra denly In the middle of the clioma song, with tbe result that scarcely a sound came from the atage. After the curtain waa rung down, the atage manager of the ahow angrily asked. . "What Is the matter elth your orchestra?" The counter question of wss: "Wnat la the matter el" changed hot little since I a year igo at the Star and Garter, snd the material of tbe psat three season* Is still re- tained. There are a number of changes In the personnel, tome of which are for the better. The Actors' Boarding Hon**, with a nice new lo- ries netting, appears brighter then of yore, snd when I law the ahow, a week ago,, all of the parti were capably handled by those to whom they wire assigned. Lee HIckmana. as the legit.. Arthur Bell as Harry Cole, Hal Groves aa tbe Irian comedian. Harry Bentley as tbe Jew Comedian. George Ntblo aa the atage door , Ike Wi" ■ «> awmtley. Hawley and Sauber and Bentley, and no man and Beatley. Keen Harry, the more the mesne It up. Hooper and Brown, the singing dancing boys, who opened the with Ed Bosh's In vaudeville snd eea- are nliylng^ few conrenrent 'weeka foe ♦ Joe K. Watson, of the Lady Buc- caneers, hates to be Interrupted by off-atag* disturbance* while work lag. sad severely reprimand* any atage bands who fall to go abool their work tn sa quiet a manner as possible. La at week, while the ei/iw waa playing Harry Williams' A emy, at Pittsburg. Joe lost his per. end gave one of his chorus * strong talking to: la fact, the talk waa ao atrong that the offended Chorister obtained s warrant for tbe comedian'! arrest. Joe was fined SB. and returned to the theatre. Tbe Chorister also returned to the the- atre and dressed for tbe perform- ance, bat Just before the curtain, went op she wis handed bar salary. her notice. The atage. A letter from George Marion In- forms me that oar unf or tuns ta- me nd Is not entirely neglected, and. that WUkes-Bane. Pa., find time to atep over to the county prison snd spend few cheering momenta with tbe lonesome prisoner. On Thanksgiving Dsy. Mrs. Raymond Still and John I). She*, proprietor of Hart's Hotel. aent George over n full-course Thanksgiving dinner and a box of cigars. Mr. She* personally accompa- nying tbe messenger In an sato. -Mr. She* hi! geen very generous to poor- George In the boor of bis ■miction, ind bss done much to make thloiiv comfortable for the ex-actor anal minigrr wbo lives In a terror of sua pease awaiting the decision which will either mesa a long term of Im- prisonment or I deith sentence. All wbo knew George L. Marlon In bis freedom, will sympathise with htm In bis trouble*, snd those who ire familiar with tb* true fact* of the case are unanimous la the belief tbut-f the deed was committed during %M mentil aberration brought about byfj worry and sngulah of s broke* bee rt- s ed and disappointed man. George L. Marlon la a Southerner by birth and breeding, and Is possessed of the peculiar and hlgh-etrurjg tern- Sooth, i Where- ..all *■ the property nun. Rail* is the leadlag lady. Oars Berg ss Rallte . Julia Sinclair aa the landlady, and Emily Mllei as Susie Moore, all worked hard and ap- peared to get tb* moat oat of the funny sit sari ooa with which the show la replete. rue rehearsal icene la aa funny n ever, although Benny pierce la missed at times. Ike Wall la the whole show In this ecene, and appear* to he making a bigger bit each eeiioa. One of the triumphs of the show Is Is the Interesting testers whew the atage I* set In toll vt-w of the audience, which seemed highly interest- loudly cheered the versatile Ike •« " —i of the before. Tbe Musical Gordon Highlanders follow HIckmana and Bentley. sad open with the Scotch bsgpipes, which they play well- Tbe act couslets of two brawny and baadsome ion* of tbe Scotch highlands, and a talented bnt plc- turesque daughter of the hills, all attired In the brilliant uniform of the Gordon Highlanders, one of Greet Britain's most popular Infantry regiments. The trio ex cell In versatility - and In addition to their clever selections aa many Instruments, they also ling nicely and dance gracefully. One of the features of tulaT unus- ually clever Imported set, U tbe combination of metal instruments which includes a unique piece of musical mechanism known as the sil- ver piano. With •elections on i variety of In- struments, ranging from the bagpipe and con- certina to Ibe mandolin and trombone, and with worthy singing and equally clever danc- " Gordon Highlanders ing. tbe Scotch I* esr set which la well suited for a burlesque olio,' which Is bound to mike a bit on any well bal- anced bill anywhere. George Ntblo and Helen Spencer follow the Highlanders with one of the beat dancing seta la the hnslnes*. and their eucce** I* .well deserved. Tbe olio Is clos ed by Hal Groves and Clara Berg In one of the best slngtng- *n<> talking acta ever seea tn a horleaqne olio, and our friend Hal la to be congratulated la having secu r e d the partnership of one of the most tal- ented little women on tat stag*. I have seen Hal with several former partners, all men. hat peer* to p rest a* the happy ting her stuff over at lust tb In Just the right manner, and witty, and la of the proceeded to PIttaton. Pa., where the la to be married to a non-profeadooal. Nan Ryin, for- merly of tbe Sisters Rysn. and one of the heat workers tn tbe chorus of The Psrlsisn Widows, left the show at Washington list week. Ml»» Uyan was suffer tog from a severe cold, which made It impossible for her to remsla on the road. There la s young msa ahead Of Harry Heat- lag's Rig -Show, who is setting s good example to burlesque agents. He Is working hard to boost his attraction, snd Is making every ef- fort to secure nevrspaper recognition, la every town he vlalts ,je newspaper offices sad leave* a stick of so of copy with the dramatic critic or tbe city editor. A lot of tbe old-timers may laugh at this young msn. bnt he la making good, and what la more, la landtag a fair percentage of advance 'dope. Tula la something that many of the - wise one* haven't been able to do. and they'll have to take their beta off fo this ener- getic young man. who la doing the hard work, and is acting an the -din of n wedge tn hla effort to thaw the long -existing lee barrier which has kept the burlesque end of the show business from getting Its aha re of free advertising In the dally newspapers. The young man I refer to la frank L. Smith, wbo baa graduated from the right school, the circus advance esr. sad wbo can handle i plate brush or tack a when occasion require*. Go may good inch follow yon. rranels J. Sullivan closed with Morris Waln- atock'a Rector Glrli on Saturday Isat, st Pitts- burg, sir. Sullivan will he replaced by Tom McCrea. who will take nn the prlnrli " slew of fidelity nod have s deep sad pro- respect for chastity In woman. George tad loved too well, hot we all feel that there were circumstance* and condition* In eoo- nectlon with tbe esse which i of tbe man wbo now Hi who Is awaiting, with all decision of the court. Margaret Howard and Millie Blair, of The Passing Parade, are rehearsing a sister act. which they will endeavor to hook over tbe Sul- Uvaa A Conaldlne time, at tb* close of tbe lesson. They may probably frame s larger act, carrying about seven girls, with s sv e le j changes of wardrobe. The aet wOl then be man- aged by a I am In receipt of a copy of flayers Qua. alp. tbe breexy little sheet which li being pub- lished by Bernard Denny, manager of Hyde snd Behman • Gayety Theatre. Brooklyn. The mldi paper has created a deal of Interest and existence Is Jnlla Sinclair closed with The Parisian Wld- owa on Saturday last, and returned to New York, where she will probably rem sin far the balance of the seaaon. The pelt Of the landlady played by the popular Jnlla. wBl he taken car* or by Arthur Bell, wbo had taw part last season. Ml** Sinclair left tb- roea- owing te a alight mid which had sff--t*A VP- 32 The Blllb o a r d DECEMBER 10, 1910. THE WORLD A' WHEEL The Week's News of Rinks and Skaters— Julian T. Fitz- Chicago. Ill-, Dec. 3 (Special to The Billboard). — In the tbnw^iaarter mile open amateur race skated at the Ice Palace, Xor. 23- In which »lx or the fastest of Ciau A skaters competed, one of the moat ereuly races so far skated at the Ice Palace was witnessed by the spectators present. A. C. G. Anderson, being out of the race, left the balance of skater* so closely matched, that until the last lap It was hard to ten who would be the winner. The following skaters lined op st the tape: Walter E. Gun derson. of the Illinois Athletic Clob; Harmon Newell and Nels N. Jscobson. of the Irish Amer- ican Athletic Club; lioiger Jensen. Fred J. laarsolpb. and Otto Larsen- At the crack of tho run, Jensen look the lead and carried the skaters around at a merry clip for one lap, then Gunderson forged ahead and held that pace for two laps. At this point, Xewell tried to take the lead, but Jacobson, wbo' wag also trying to gain bis position, blocked Newell- forcing him on the inside- of the track, and took the lead himself. This gate Gunderson a good chance to make Urn Jump, which be did on the seventh lap. With a grand sprint, won the race by twenty yards. Jacobson finished second, and alareolpb third. Time 2:24 1-0. CARNIVAL IS BIG On Thanksgiving night, the first masque car- nival at the new Ice Palace was held. It was a bis success. One of the largest programs so far booked at the Palace wa* nicely arranged and pulled off on scheduled time. The first event on the program was two bests of the one-mile Class "A" scratch rsce. In which eight of Chi- cago's fastest skaters competed. The Orst heat was won by A. C. G. Anderson. Fred J. Mar" ■olpb, second, and Hulger Jensen, third. Time 1:37. The secoiul beat was won by W. B. Gunderson. Nels X. Jscobson. second, snd 11. W. Leedy, third. Time 1:37. The next wss sn ex- hibition of barrel Jumping by .Morris Wood, fol- lowed by a fox chase by Norval Bsptle, world's all-around champion skater. The final nest wss then skated, and was a grand event, and waa captured by Anderson, tbe Western champion; Gunderson. second, and Jansen, third. The time was 3:00 2-5. After the final of the Claaa "A" race, the grand march of the masqne carnival wag carried oat, snd shout ninety of tbe most beautiful costumed skaters ever seen la an event of this kind lined np for the march. Hiss Dorothy Smith, who wss one or the Orst lsdles to skate at the new Ice Pslsce. won one or the most valuable prises. She wore a beautiful Mei KBETJQER WINS CTJP RACE. By finishing In third place last Rnnday even- ing, Al. Krenger won the Blvervlew cup series mareln of seven points from Prank Neul. ame In second, with Driscoll snd McDonald and fourth, respectively. The long series, hsd Its beginning severs! weeks sgo, wss led with a two-mile final. McDonald won I think if all rink managers would read Tbe Billboard and would write a story for It oc- casionally of what they are doing; do plenty of newspaper advertising, and keep up tbe ap- pearance or their rings, there would be quite a revival of tbe roller skating business, which la certainly one of the most profitable as well as one of tbe best amusements there Is, I would also suggest that the roller skate manu- facturers offer some Inducement' for the rink manager jrho will furnish the best feature for Tours very truly, < BLACKBURN SKATED .WELL New Tort, Dec. 3 (Special to The Billboard). —William Blackburn, the professional champion, won one of the best victories Thursday night at the Metropolitan Boiler Blnk, when be de- feated: a large, field of the fastest skaters in the East. In a two-mile handicap race. In the fast time of 0:40 2-0. The race was characterised by considerable fouling, and two of tbe con- testants. Iisrry Burke snd Frank Brewer, both from Bridgeport. Conn., were put out of the race by tbe referee, Mark Minos*. -The former was In good form, and when be committed tbe foul, stood a fairly good chance of winning. J^wnay. another Bridgeport skater. - Of " Allison, New Tork. Dec 2 (Special to The Billboard). —••Joe" Jordan, of New York, former A. A. 0. champion, came back to hla own again Monday night, when be defeated a large Held from scratch, in the three-mile handicap race for amateurs, decided at the Metropolitan Boiler Blnk, Broadway and Fifty-second street. Jordan skated a beady race, and caught the handicap men one by one. His time for the rsce waa 8:41 2.5. J. Tlnney. of the Belleville A. C, of Newark, N. J., also starting from scratch, fin- ished second, with third. NEW SKATING RINK. Robert McLean, of tbe Illinois Athletic Club, finished first In Ibe one-hair mile final race at the Ice Palace. Monday night. Nov. 28, from a u'ene l'.i".ST. 'frJST SsrsslpTb^ed^ad. HOCKEY GAMES BOOKED. Manager Thoa. W. Prior, of the Ice Palace, la negotiating with tbe Northern hockey team, of Dnluth. Minn., for an lnter-elty series with the Illinois Athletic Club team, to ba olayed at the Palace on Dec. 8. DOUGLAS SKATING CLUB RK nitOANIZKD. Tbe Douglas Skating Club, which disbanded three years ago, has re organized. The club quit because of the weather conditions, which Interferred with many of their scheduled events, but It now has the Ice Palace to fall back on in emergencies. 41. W. Leedy was elected president, snd Robert McLean, vrtre-nrealdrnt of the new clob. Tbe club has a membership or and before will have RINK FEATURES. - Ohio I have read the letter or Mr. Lee Largent. manager of the rink In P.eioit. Wis.. In The Billboard of Nor. 12, and heartily agree with him In what be says with regard (o rink man- agers publishing their features In The Billboard. I think If all managers would read The Billboard and occasionally write a story of what they un- doing In the way of specisl features. Tbe Blll- bosrd would willingly publish the same, and the roller rink page or The Billboard would become a very profitable page for all rink managers. We have a beautiful rink In Greenaburg In which the amount or $29-000 has been Invested. The rink snd the floor are kept In the best possible condition, and always looks inviting to our patrons. We are beginning tbe fifth sesson of tbe rink business, snd business continues about as good as the first sesson. Tbe week of Thanksgiving or this sesson wss one of tbe best In tbe history of the rink. We bad large crowds or skaters on tbe afternoon and evening or Thanksgiving Day. . During tbe week of Christmas, we will bare g monster Christmas tree In the center of the rink. The tree will be designed and constructed by Mr. Elmer Kunkte. one of tbe owners of tbe rink. The tree will be trimmed with hundreds of minis tnre electric lamps snd other decora- tions, and will revolve alowly. being operated by a small electric motor. We hare a Moonlight Carnival every Friday evening, with specisl decorations. Including an Illuminated moon -that appears to be slowly »OTer two big mountains. We hare a program foe this occasion, and also ~yr an skaters. Among the *: ~ Charleston. W. Va., Dee. 8 (Special to Tbe Billboard >. —The town .council of Charleston baa issued s permit to J. Henkel ITenry, of Winchester. Vs.. to erect a brick building, to be used as a skating rink and vaudeville and picture theatre combined. Mr. eratea a similar enterprise In built a skating rink a couple of Msrtlnsburg, W. Va. WILL BUY OR LEASE ROLLER RINK or building proposlt population. Address ROLLER RINK, care Ihe No suitable. 8tate all In first letter. I'tloo considered In city nnder 40,000 Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. C. F. BATH. Abilene, Write for information L ,} Musical Glass e '-^ SohaSaatlal, loud, pore ba Mai, mm to tons) aant ussy* Fsstse, alogue. with fon tsformatlos viffl Ba as receipt ofssaasjps. 1- ahssas saa a. gfcaeawi Bttg.. SfS Flasboes Avsu. Brooklyn, nr. Y. I 7S AGENTS. STREET and MEDICTJTE MEW— We have something extraordinary In soap: this*- and twelve rake ssmple bores. Wonder nx ter a. Write us. MFRS.' SAXPLXHO TJUBTfTTMO 6YBTEM. Dayton. O. ELECTRIC SHOW The Girl Wbo Ta act. Is a headl carnivals, fairs, act. i Electricity. This la a novel moving picture shows, $150 buys complete for MANAGERS, NOTICE! BETTER THAN A BARKER! THE VERY THING YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Just the thing for Cafo», Side Shews, Skating Rinks, Marry - go - rounds, Dance Halls, Amusement Perks. BA iTfr-.f-jt The BEST and MOST MODERN Organs and O rc h estrlons. A large shipment of the latest models of Organs and Orchestrions from well- known manufacturers of Germany has just been received. * Ihese instruments are most elaborate and artistic in construction, and the musical attachments- the most modern. Send for our latest list of cardboard music, all the latest musical numbers. A. BERN I, Sole Agent for Gavioli & Co., Paris. 220 W. 14th St., New York City.. Tel. 628 Chelsea. J Tbe "KINGBEE" of SHOW PRINTERS T. H. McKONE'S South Bend, Indiana POSTER PRINTING GO. Commercial and High-Class Posters Executed on Short Notice -ROLL TICKE "THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own specisl ticket, printing, any colors, accurst ecisJ ticket, any printing, any colors, accurately numbered, evnry SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET. 5,000 — 31.26 20.000— S4.00 60,006 — ST. CO ~. 10,000— 2.60 26,000— 6.60 100,000 —104)0 Prompt shipment. Gash with the order. COUPON TICKETS, 6,000— S3 SO. 1x2. STOCK TICKETS— BIX CENTS. Get the i NATIONAL TICKET CO, Shamokln, Pann. ft IS A MATCHLESS SELLER FOR STREET WORK QTDppTfVlpN Get buf, y — order some at once — get your share of thcae M ■ aVVaUlj I AfAaUll easily to be made profits. We bare good supply bat no more shipments expected before first of . an hand- First come, first served. Send money with order: avoid delay. Fine high-grade finish, elegant looker, aaUsoea ersrysodr. No. S4741. Orede 1. Dos., $1.35 Gross. $13.00 No. S4742. Gravis at. Dos.. I.IO Gross. 12.SO N. SHURE CO., Wholesale, 220 Madison St, CHICAGO. □ YRD AERIAL 13 □ R EE " C T 5 DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 33 LARGE ATTEN DAN CE AT 8ELBY. The Helby Boiler BlSk. at Bt. Peul. Minn., has been opened by Manager Hennr A. Kennedy. aueplcloua clrcuni.tanro. 8 In Co the first nljrbt lb* attendance at toe risk been exxawdTngly large. WjC^, Manager Kennedy la latradacliig serBTal nor- title.. Monday night of each weak -jpglnt crer to toe women, particularly, aid -ssebj. woman attending ia ticket, good any time Friday allot. A ten piece band penaea the annate. Three aeealona are bald at the rink six deyx Of the week, the Selby being doted on Sunday. Special attractlo In addition to bowling alley, and a m>« vilj, aeaaaa aw to Charlie Jleakina. of rating waits, si ran wits witching abandon of Mlaa 8IMMON8 TOUR ING WE8T. H. A. Simmons, the fancy trick atllt and comedy akater. appeared at the Duqoeaas G" dene. Pittsburg, laat week, and la tola week gltr- lug bla exhibition at Miller Huggm*' Mtixl Hall rink. Cincinnati. This it Mr. Brat trip waat In three yeara, HAMILTON, CAW. George Stroud, tbe popular treasurer of Temple Theatre, la still enjoying bltstelf somewhere op In tbe wild, of Muakoka with Ma big gun. Tbey any George baa copped enongb gasae to keep bla tather'a hotel going for some time. And then again tbey do say money will hoy a lot of .tuft. Tbe Toronto Telegram. In Its report of tbe Merry Widow Company,- playing week of Not. 21,. at tbe Boyal Alexandra in that city, banded oat ttda nice bouquet t" HamUton: •The captlrei tbe graceful and yet Bwwl__ Mabel WUber (Son la), and Mr. Charle. Me. kin. (the Prince), bad to be repeated half a doses tlmea to eattafy Inalatent encores, at tbe Boyal Alexandra laat night. As Prince Danllo, Mr. Charles Meaklns plays the pan akllfnlly. His agility and abandon aa a dancer are marreloaa, aad bla rendering of the aoloa la aa acceptable aa eier." v.utrey l. King, of tbe Savoy Theatre, played — ek of Nor. 31 to turn away boslneaa Tbe i manufacturers. It. 0. . Knowlee. ex-rsuderlHlsn. of tbe team of Morton and Knowlrs, la bnlldinaT n new tbea- tre In the Bronx, New Turk. Glad to bear tbe Devi, Dick, and when completed, let's hear from yon: Hundred, of yonr old achool mates are etlll here: yea. emnjb to charter a train and glre you another reception like the) one you re- ceived at tbe Saroy Theatre here a couple yeara ago. nick, tbe Central School bell rings oat jnet the same aa when yon rroddrd along Bay afreet when a wee little chap In knickerbockers. Good lock to yon and your Bronx Theatre. vs. Tbe Case of Sergeant Wilde, by Mrs. Leila Burton Well., waa produced for the Brat time canity! nS%t3jPSPsa1 fonnd* 1 **' °"V It" ' — — ■ — Miller and Kinney bate A Pair of Kids (Western) < "ALICE TEDDY" THE ROLLER SKATING REAR ••ALICK TEDDY." the roller ekatlng bear. iA?*/" working. A real lire bear akatea. racea. -?, ;!'"' *.' C k- on . »sll-bsarln« roller akatea: wrestle catcb-a. catch-can. Playing vauderllle and rinks. GEO. ti. 0RAP8EV, Ma BIcbardaon Skate Co., Chicago, Ul. Eddie Delaney haa takes the management of tbe . Eastern Bit Perk 1st Company, replacing Ed . Kadow. BUY—ROLLER SKATES — SELL All makM; tUfto rink floor powder. CAST Bin SUPPLY 00., ■aadtuky. O. FOR SALE- -MILITARY BAND IRGAN with drams, etc.; ia good condition. Also one lot of Wlnalow BoUa 084, Morgantown. W. Va. IOOOhSreSKATES For ante. Perfect condition. 000 Wlnalow Fi- bre*. aTETBOPOLJTajr BXXTX, 1«M Broadway, New York City. USE SHEA'S SPEED SURFACER up-to-date, non-allp preparation for tisk as. Haa so aqoal. Used by that loading rinks. Send for 10-lb. sample box at $1.50 for trial. PBTBB J. bur a. kUgr-. ss Jam Assy,-, w.. Detroit. Mies. ROLLER RINK EQUIPMENT —FOR 875 BIcbardaon Ball-bearing Skates, all In floe order; two Electric Planoe, Peerless sad Snbllma; Chairs. Tickets, Offlco Furniture, etc: every - in fine ahape. doing excellent boalneaa. >d reason for eelllng. 125,000 In trl-cltlee. 7.1x173 ft. Poasesmon glten Jan. 7, lull. GEO. B. WOBK. Bock I aland. 111. A VERY FINE 110 key.; playt atandard cardboard music, end leaa .y.tem. Also a n amber of email er organ. at tary low prices. If _ looking for a good up-to-date Instrument, write to-day for price Hat. La teat innate fornlahed. We make a specialty of t ran. Tormina* cylinder orgsas to oar patent endless system. Best work- hip. C. aaiaT.aiB Darby, Pa. FOR SALE 500 Pair Roller Skates Flrsrt-olaM Condition Will sell in lots to suit customer. Address: FRANK BURTJGen. Manager, The Lakeside Realty and - Amuse ment Co.,', Denver, Colo. ORGANS ron- MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, SKATING RINKS, TENT SHOWS, ETC. A few repaired ami 'rebuilt with NEW UP-TO-DATE MT'SIC offered at a LOW PRICE. WE MANUFAC- TURE, RE- PAIR and put NEW MUSIC on all KINDS OF ORGANS. State your wants fully. S. GEBHARDT CO. t., - Philadelphia. Pa. JOHANNES Ws believe it. Tkesiintlt «| sthors know it. Order a sample pair and be oonvtnosd. Write for free cata- logue. We carry a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for other makes of skates. SKATE COMPANY, 1123 Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL: YOUNG'S II Y-SPEDE SKATES LEAD THEM ALU YOBDg's sionalSkaters Lightest, StroBgestMi Fastest Skate Made. • JAY WILLIE BLACKBURN, Champion of New York. — Sand forCataloaua ■ Henley Roller Skates latest Model, Ball-] ty of all Henley Racing Skates •ad skstars everywhere, sad are alas desirable for Individual taw, where the finest sad moat complete akata la the market Is destrsd. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS 8aad 1 Official M.C Bend for Baste Catalogue, Official Polo Guide ROLLER SKATES One Thousand Pairs FOR SALE ONE HALF ORIGINAL PRICE Richardson, ball bearing, steel roller skates, used very Utile, in good shape. Will sell in lots of 100. Address COLISEUM CO., 135 Adams St., Chicago, III. Mad. to State. Rink a d d Dane b FIbms Ovar 1,000 in Uaa. Maala In Thrs*> ataasv for Hollar Rink*. Amuaemaut Clnmpaalea. Pa sea Hall a. Contractors and BBlldera sveiswuwie. Machine saallj rented to Contractors and Band- ers st s net profit of not leaa than f 10 to $2fi a dsy. It Is eery easily operated aa wban tas handle la ralaed ft la Inrltnad to more forward of Its own accord. Built on tas naif principle. Guaranteed to he the BEST s with which to produce an even, aa on any kind of wood Soar, old or I -oft. Will surface from 0.000 to 7.000 so, ft, once over In 8 hoars. Two to four tlmea orer will make It amootb and level. Seed tor oar KM EX TRIAL PROPOSITION. Bt, X» SOHXTTX- TKB, 1 OS- IBS V. Osaal Street, Chieage, UL slew York Oat os. lOM Flat Iras Balldisg. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. Organised to glre greater prominence to bona fide Professional Skaters— those who hare s finished act to offer Manager, aeeklng Exhibition Skaters— and to promote roller akatlng in general. Address SECT EAKI.E REYNOLDS, 1440 Broadway, N. T. Olty, OSTS The Billboard. All the Stars of the Skating World are waaa* or the oxoaxizatiov. JACK FOTCH German Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex- pert roller akater. Presenting the moat entertaining novelty comedy act before tbe pnbllc. Address Billboard, Cincinnati. O. THE HARRAH8 RINKLAND With Special Scenery. ON THE \V. V. A. TIME. VAN FRANK The Dare Derll, feature. 27 In. top cycle akatea. coast of death, barrel Jumping, blah and broad Jumping, dancing on the Indiana. MISS ADELAIDE E. D'VORAK THE OIRL WONDER. In her marvcloua Fancy and Trick Skat- ing Exhibition, concluding each night with a race aa-alnat any man In the Rink. Ad- dress 3147 E. «3th Street, Clerelsnd. O. H. A. SIMMONS Greatest llelng exponent of tbe art of Patlnare — Snpertor Artlatlc Trick and rtgnre Skating— A.toolKblns Stilt Skating — Marvelow Skating on toy wagona. The only real FANCY SKATING BURLESQUE performer. Managers will kindly write early for booking. Address, 73 Broad Street, N. y. City. 34 The Bill board DECEMBER 10, 1910. BIG USE BROOKLYN, N. Y. 511s* Jessie McAllster. who la one of Brooklyn's leading women, and ban appeared with mam of tbe best stock companies, baa returned to toe Forbes McAllster Stock Company, at Percy Q. Williams' Gotham Theatre. Herbert Kelsey and Effle Shannon presented for the first time on any stage, a new one-act y. The Enemy, at the Orpueum last week. 'x'bree ring vaudeville has started In Manhattan, and so far the Brooklyn vaudeville managers have no .cause for alarm. Brooklyn! tes are good Judge* of vaudeville, and desire to see a vaudeville entertainment given In the same manner or policy that Percy G. Williams ha* pursued In bla chain of vaudeville theatres here, which is nine or ten acts of excellent quality. The public will soon tire of any vaudeville bin with four or five good acts mixed in with sixteen acts of inferior quality. Marie V. Fitzgerald's new play still remains without a name. It was presented at the BIJou Theatre last week. The play Is patterned after the type of M a d a m e X and Mother. Corse Fay- ton has offered »35 to the person wbo will sug- gest the most appropriate name for this play. Circus acts are very plentiful In Brooklyn this Green point. The Sunday concerts, given at the Majestic Theatre, are attracting unusually large crowds. Loew's Sunday concerts are proving to be very popular at the Sam 8. Shubert Theatre. Mrs. Ida Huzza, a well known midget, wbo Is the wife of Major LIttlenuger. died at the City Hospital In Jersey City last week. Mrs. Huns'* last public appearance was st the Midget City, Coney Island. N. Y. The Theatrical Union was held st Sarngerbund Hall, Nor. 28, was a big success. Prof. J< furnished the music. The Court Theatre starts a new policy this ek. and opens with the sentlng melodramas. - Oennaro's Band la an extra Follies of the Day. at the .rest a Favorite Waltz, which g^orgiTh! 1 ALBANY, N."Y. Thanksgiving day waa the occasion of a fam- ily party of well-known, stage- people at Har- nus Bleecker Hall, where ' Grace George presented bar new play. Sauce for the Goose. William A- Brady, Miss George's husband, waa on hand, supervising the performsnce. which has been oat bat a few nights, and Will Ism A. Brady. Jr., the Image of hie clever mother, aat " and cntbu- great George's play that to displace . Prof. commodate the crowd. At all the theatres Thanksgiving . Day, a col- lection was taken op for the local tuberculosis pavilion. Throogn the courtesy of the managers, curtain speeches were msde by local physicians, explaining the cause for the collection. Grace George wrote a substantial check for the fund. Albert Chevalier made hut first appearance In Albany In fifteen yesrs. In Daddy- Dufard, Nov. 25-26. His plsy looks like a winner. . The New Theatre Company will make a two weeks' tour around New York, while s company presents Maeterlinck's Mary Albany will be visited Dec » it). Charles Y. Barton, manager of the Lytell- Yaughan Players, who played a lona* stock en gagement at Hermanns Bleecker Hall last mi" Bis company will mer. waa In town Sunday. His com pan: return to Albany during the spring. ghW S% opeSng^'cnefeTt was at Har- BALTIMORE, MD. Miss Annabelle Whltford. during her en- gagement In Baltimore was Informed that di- vorce proceedings were Instituted In New York by her husband. In private life she Is Mrs. Harry Biasing;. "Baby" LIppmsn, wbo Is a well-known dancer, was married November 22 In Philadel- phia, to William B. Anderson, a wealthy broker of^ the Quaker City. The bride la a Baltimore Plana for the erection of a large amusement bo nding at Baltimore and Gllmor streets for the Empire Theatre company are being pre- pared by Paul Emmert. architect. The new structure will have a frontage of 56 feet and a depth of 110 feet. Vaudeville and moving pic tores will be featured. The bonding will be equipped with all the modern improvements and the front will be ornate In beauty and brilliant- If. illuminated with electricity. The construction of the new Eureka Theatre at 1433-35 West Lafayette avenne will shortly The contract for the building has - In Cowan. The theatre will or Its kind In the country, a user and McClusky are the architects. The building will be two stories high with a front of 40 feet and a depth of 125 feet. The first floor will be used for moving pictures and the second floor for pool tables. Florence May. who played one of the prin- cipal roles In Katy Did, Is popular In tola dty- Dnrlng her visit here, a dinner was given In her honor at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Hlrabberg. 1937 Madison avenue. Kiss May is a native of Georgia but has many frlendi to this city. meeting waa held In the reception room of Banner Exposition in 1914. The committee of 100 recently appointed to outline the plans for the exposition unanimously adopted tbe report of the sub-committee of seven appointed to nominate officers, suggest committees and a plan of organization. A city-wide conference will be held In January for the purpose of giving definite shape to the plans and to arouse widespread Interest In regards to the exposl- tlon. In the meantime, the various sub-com- mittees will be organized and a definite site selected and a general plan will be outlined. The object of this exposition la to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the national anthem of Frauds Scott Key. which be com- posed when be saw the "Dawn's Early Light" at Fort McHenry from the deck of a British warship. The Wilson Theatre In this city baa made ar- wlth the play meats to play "Bp lit" week with the os Theatre in Washington. The acts that at the Wilson the first three days of the at the Cosmos the last three and acts playing the Cosmos WUson. SYLVAN SCHENTHAL. CLEVELAND, O. or the newly effected a Lou Deweln and W. G with the The assoclai of keeping that no one of tbe business, it Is - composed bf seventy- live, of the. more reliable film users In Cleve- land and vicinity. Tbe Boulevard Theatre, recently opened on tbe West Side, running pictures and vaudeville, booked by tbe Cleveland Vaudeville Co., pos- the unique feature of being the only pic- open until two and three o'clock In the morning to accommodate, the car employees. The man- agement la making a big nit with this plan. Walter King, wbo has been playing twenty weeks on tie Griffin time, arrived In Cleveland last week. Be will take oat a musical comedy company of eight people booking bis own pro- ductions. BHIy and Pearl Meehan, who were tbe hit with Sam T. Jack's Own Show (Western Wheel Burlesque), closed with that show Nov. 26. Mr. Meehan has accepted an engagement with the Gordon and North Merry Whirl Company. Mr. ^and Mrs- ^Meehan were succeeded by Lew The Orphenm Theatre baa discontinued vaude- ville and la now a straight moving picture boose.. Herb Bell, who has been produclns- musical comedy for tbe last three months there, has accepted an engagement of a similar na- ture In Fort William, Ont.. while the bslsnce of the company went to Chicago. The Presents Theatre did not change their to the two shift they would l ■s lead- the cent. and tbe PreaeJJla now claims the priced bin In vaudeville In tbe dty. . . The popularity of Sunday concerts In Cleve- land was again demonstrated on tbe occasion of Sousa'a Band at Keith'a Hippodrome on Nov. ST, The big house was sold out for two per- formances. The hit of the bill at Keith'a Hippodrome the week of Nor. 28 were the Two Vivians. In* a novelty sharpen ootlng act. Their work of bell ringing by sbsrpshooting Is sn especially novel feature. Botfe and his Bolfonlana also went » * ' - don HOLBBOOE. ' NORFOLK, VA. Norfolk, s city of 85.000 souls, from the cen- sus" last report, has been slighted lately from The Well's syndicate which really owns this city theatrically apesklng. has at last come to agreements whereby Norfolk" will see some of the New York successes by the open-door route. Tbe city has always, been a goo and never has there been a poor the attraction waa the cause. We (Norfolk) have been visited this season by a great array of dramatic as well as musical stars, and old Dixie always eliminates the cold shoulder. Now cornea the great special announcement that the great French tragedienne. Mme. Sara Bernhardt, will Include this city In ber ltlnersry. Our managers are always for first-class attrac- tions, and we generally get our share. Vauderllle. tbe now i paying smosement. has a the little metropolis of tbe -ertaln stronghold on South. Tbe Colonial Theatre was really a white ele- phsnt to the owners until the progressive firm of Winner ft Vincent took charge and Installed the now popular two-a-day shows. Mr. S. W. Donalds, the resident manager, Is a genial young man, with old experience In the vaudeville business, and be gives the patrons or this theatre beautiful all that Is desired For treasurer. Mr. A. Newton Gtab hss a strong- hold on the lovers of the variety fraternity of this city. By the way. It la aald tbat Mr. Glsh made a great rake-off at tbe raees, lately run In this city. All the picture parlors are holding out nicely. Now as tbe Christmas shoppers are making the rounds for bargains, tbej drop In for t rest, thereby- the proprietors benefit. Mrs. Mary TMvon Thaeker, the talented sister of tbe dramatic writer. Rev. Thomas Dixon, has Just pat on the market a book of. tbe South, entitled. "The Strength or the Weak." Mr. Harrison Grey Flake baa the rights for the dra- matic producing of same. Mr. Maxwell M. Cramer, the clever cartooulat na,^.de d .^k^or»XW."Sty" Leo. J. Greenwood, the Yiddish is laying off In this city, his home town, uz after the holidays. Be la a welcome visitor to the office of BlUy Boy. Prof. Chss. Borjes and bis elite orchestra, who have tbe Colonial Theatre music contract, fill la Sunday afternoons at oar popular hostelry, The Lorraine. The management or the Colonial Theatre la giving photos of tbe beadllncra every Saturday matinee to ladles holding orchestra seats. -Mr. Ernest Psddon. otherwise known as "Goo Goo," does some heavy advertising for the Col- onial Theatre, of which he Is general advertising "i^vrtsh sU Billy Boy's readers a merry Christ- mas as well aa a progressive New Year. LOUIS S. SALSBUBY. CINCINNATI, O. Last week the Orpheum started on it* new policy of playing alxteen acta. The 'result of the first week's experiment waa gratifying. Donald Dunbar, wbo has been press represen- tative for tbe Orpheum, has accepted a similar position at Wm. Morris' theatre In St. Louis Visitors In Cincinnati last week were John Corf and Edward Bloom, tbe Utter Wm. Mor- ris' representstlve. J as. S- layers and George M. Brink have pur- chased the Interest of George Breasler tn tbe Auditorium Theatre. It la probsble tbat tbe new msnagers will abandon the policy of vsude- Ttne and Install a stock company. At the American this week a new policy went Into effect Tbe management la now giv- ing two ahows ■ day. the first running continu- ously from noon nntll « o'clock, and the second from 8 to 11. At the middle of the week tbe evening snow of tbe first half Ukes tbe after- noon, and vice versa. The engagement of Angela Dolores, ss leading woman with the Forepangb Stork Company waa but a temporary one. Mlas Dolores has re- turned to. Chicago, and the leading roles will be Interpreted by Jennie Ellison. Manager Geo. F. fish, of the company.- Is now In New York enraging people for his aggregation. Jos. Ratlin*, wbo la a member of Tbe Midnight Sons, which waa at tbe Lyric last week. Is a Cincinnati i>oy. ills many friends gave him a of a novel election no will be permitted at tbe Orpheum. To deter- mine tbe attitude of patrons In tbe matter, tbe management of the boose • sent ont circulars msde up In the form of ballots asking them to vote upon the Issue. The final count stood 210 for smoking and 8,635 against It. The Ninety and Nine, a thrilling melodrama. ley 1 1? maMge^of'the* show 1 "** * DENVER, COLO. warmly The recent The Sells-Floto housed In their winter-quarters here, arrival of Bon, the baby hippopotamus, nas to do with tbe attractiveness of this > to the pnbll< tske advantage The doors are thrown open to the pnbll ry Sunday and large crowds tske advantag of tbe rare eight of a circus menagerie In the winter time. Another big attraction there la the baby twin elephants. Kaa and Mo, which come In for a big snare of the attention. Work la progressing very nicely on tbe new Shnbert Theatre In Denver. Nothing definite, however, can be learned as to the date or tbe opening. The new Barns Theatre at Colorado Springs. Colo., will be a One one. Tbe big new theatre at Greeley, Colo., Is nesting completion and should be ready for shows within several months. The msny Denver friends of WUIette Kershaw, wbo played In stock at the El Itch Gardens this " were sorry to bear of ber automobile up. Mlas Kershaw was a great favorite In Denver Last summer. Although It Is In almost mid winter. Manager Bnrt his arranged for roller skating and danclnr at Lakeside. Plana are being msde to Lakeside larger and at Pueblo on Thanksgiving Day by the society people of that town where abe wss the guest st an elaborate spread, after wblch tbe entire dinner party attended the matinee performance of Miss Russell. The promoters of the aviation meet In Den- ver, In which Ralph Johnatone lost bis life, say tbe affair was not a financial success aa thousands of people were lined np on the vscsnt lots as well ss streets outside of tbe grounds. The Isst dsy waa more or less of tbe big crowds aa Bud Mara In a Curtis machine was unable to get off tbe ground bat a few feet, and unable to make a flight the failure of which he attri- buted to tbe ratified atmosphere at tbls-mtle highs] tirade. **lss Charlotte Thompson nlaywrlgbt *"-" author accompanied Miss Lillian Russell and ber company to Denver. Miss Thompson Is on her wsv to 8an Francisco to visit ber mother. She will fesve Sen Frsnclsco tn time to be In New York for the Initial production there of ber new plsy, Jan. 18, 1911. Mlas Thompson played the part of Halleluiah Mary In Sslvs- tlon Nell when Mrs. Fiske toured tbe eontl- Tbere will be plenty of dances for tbe thea- trical fraternity dnrlng the winter, SS dsnces are being arranged for by tbe blllera, posters. etc " ' JULIAN HELBER. 8AVANNAH, GA. The second season of tbe Schiller Players at the BIJou, closed Nov. 26 snd op to tbe present time no definite Information aa to tbe future plans of tbe BIJou can he attained, thonsb It is understood from authoritative source tbat thl- bousa will reopen with an entirely new stork company about Christmas. Tbe BIJou la under vriVcn^eTw* Bex 1 ".; resident sL^' Miss Irene ' ing of the Schiller Players bean leading of till, company, has be^engtfed to play lead* ARTHUR M. 8T. LOUIS, MO. This week began, aa last week ended, with no great rush at our theatres, jet a slight Improvement la noticeable at the various box offices which denotes that before the new yssr Is begun tbe houses will again be getting at - leaat as much business as last year. Tba Im- portant event of last week waa the Lakes to the Golf Deep Waterways ' Convention, which more than S.000 attended. The delegates were gives everything their hearts desired and the cost waa not considered. They were given tickets thst entitled them to admission Into any of the St. Louis Theatres, snd they were very nearly all were taken advantage of. Tbe only a ttrac tlona In tbe city tbla week are the offerings at tbe local theatres, and about d work to the man- agers' Interests. Br. Stockhouse has been mad* business m ea- sier of tba new Oolutnbta Theatre bar*. Tbe position was vacated by Mr. Harry Wallace when be wss made manager of tbe Havlbj Theatre. Br. Frank R. Tata delayed making sn appointment for the purpose of getting the very best material possible for this position, and Mr. Stockhouss's selection was bis conclu- sion. Mr. Stockhouse for a large number of seesons furnished the programs for tbe Golom bis. snd during that time became thoroughly familiar with tbe workings of tbla theatre. Ula success la assured. Cbarlea A. Spauldlng. the owner of the Olympic Theatre, the St. James Hotel and much other property. Including the lease on tba Ota tury Theatre, la lu the stay aa a guest of m Tbla la his first visit t. World's Fair waa held Tbe Coliseum last week was given over to the National Business Show. It baa proved a novelty tn tbe way or an exhibition. Tbe Harmonious roar, LeRoy, McXsod, Mc- Donald and Price, formerly of the Oem Theatre, have Just signed s long contract with Mr. Baa- aiicr, for service at toe Caalno Theatre. Their term at tbe Gem Theatre extended over tare yean and waa part of tbe success of tbla the- atre. The slum, as of Mr. Ha the quartette for tbe Casino. To. excellent understanding of barm, them pronounced favorites with public. Tba Elks, St. Louis Lodge No. 9. srv holding a Charity Indoor Circus st tba Cott- aruin here this week. Bappy Holmes hi is charge. SOd S - big SncceSS la anticipated. The Elks atone have rtlspnasd of over 50,000 admis- sion tickets. Tbe great success of Will B. Creasy snd Blanche Dayue at the Columbia this week has caused the management to continue their en- gagement over another week. It is not of tare that a team la bald here in vaudeville for taste then one weak, especially when tbe sketch hss been seen In the city before. Another motion picture theatre opened Its ran. hss «i pended go.OOO ofthe bonding. That theatre to downtown patronage this week. It be Ing tba LyrlC, st Sixth snd Pine streets The owner, bar. Rj Improvement complete. Including a balcony. Tbe public of Ht Lools. especially him personally, hare been grt over the sudden death of Wm. O. _ who died In Ban Antonio, lax., OB November II. Hla high wire axMbltioaa la this city st both Lamp's Park Carnival asm tbe Pythian Charity Carnival recently, gays us a chance to become familiar with him aasl big skill as a high wtrt performer. Ail those who bed the good fortune to know him will sadly He leaves a wits snd four NEW ORLEANS, LA. The New Orleans Symphony Orchestra the direction of Prof, gervtn O. Frank, gave lu first musical concert of that season Neveaa- ber 20. at the A t he n ae um The Piano soloist was Miss Uvaodais. The organisation 1* strict- ly a local one, co m p osed of sixty musicians and will take to tbe road short!; - territory. They will return _ ral more concerts during tba winter. The Russian Symphony Orchestra of fifty- one musicians and four singers under the dlrec ■ 1 — — — NASHVILLE, TENN. For fees cornelians, who ware billed to appear ai the Orpheum week of Nov. 21. faUed to nut la their appearance. Kolb and Miller, a pair of German comedlana, filled tba vacated spot. Jim H. Rutherford, lata of tbe Bagenbeek Wallace shows. Is playing vaudeville, "a Is booked solid until tbe spring opening of tba Sells-Floto Shows, With which be Is engaged SS principal producing clown. „ Kolb and Miller, "Just Two Natural Germans.' have been booked on the Inter-State time for sis Reynolds and Miller, slater act. opened o» the Sullivan and Conatdlne time Dec. 11. st ths "l Bag, A oomplals Hat of attraetlovis ap- pearing Tn the oltlea mentioned on this page i. given In the depart- ment beginning on DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard BRIEF | TO LEDO , O. Daniel TibbeU. the town marshal In the Col- leg* wuow. la w« played thla week by Charles V. Barton, the manager of the company. A mm engiged la Buffalo to pliy the part did not show op and late Friday night, after an unsuccessful search of Toledo for an actor, Mr. Barton Jumped to and said be wonld play It blm- aalf. Burton hit not played a part la years and therefore his little eon Jimmy, two and a half yearn old, baa nerer eeen hie father In makeup. Last Tuesday, J oat be foes the mati- nee curtain rang op. aire. Barton took Jimmy back to see bis father. The kid looked him over and didn't rseofnlae him until Barton nooks. Tbs kid Intently took ths make-up or Us fsther In and aald to bla mother, "Dads Is so funny." "Wish the audience would think ma" aald Barton. Mrs. Barton and the kid went oat front, sod when, In ths first set. Barton appssred ha cot a treat laugh. Coming off he asked those In the wings If they " bad heard the reception bla careful ma Ice- up and boalnaea received and Ussy said they bad and congratu- lated him on It. . Not until after tbs matinee waa ths secret of ths laugh dlsflossd. lira. Barton and Jimmy were alttlnc In the laat row and When Barton appeared, tbe kid caoaed the laugh by yelling along, "thers's Da da." Mtn- ■av Barton la now tree tins all comers. city building Inspector, la ng the local theatre boys. ths ml fallow among tbs local tl Try to place la extra sa.ta or st saw sss bow far you can set- He a bona sad wagon from tbs city, tn sSbtnfso. 1 the Iocs] etui played to B. tbs wibssjia on ths stags, rss to ret sonssthnu cycle and a bicycle ipsd a Thanksgiving H. O. and some bad O eor g s Btoasr, of Tbs Player, did re turn ths •Star knife, bat failed to allp a -pie c e of change ta order h i ■ Both Tom North, of Ths Newlyweds. am* Msurlee Cains, of In Panama, are kicking about tbs Haas they spent tn ths Booth. HI Wsat, tbs star pi tenor of tbs Toledo HI Wsat, tbs star pltehar of tbs Tclrd- ress,. la tbs braty OBe these day, handling tbs ■tag Wagner and Frank Cannes neckwear st Con Nolan baa gSt back bath ths variety stuff and Friday sight waa csoght tn tbs act of sasktaa; for tbs aramtrs di aaslsg-rooea. Prom Ma ma t s sat tt was a robs character, at some ban dance. ! Tail Murray la making things hum st Mc- Csssaaek*e Garden Thea tr e en Bwasrlor street. It la stated that Dudley, the popular man In the singing line. Is BOOB to leSTS for the eoaat. Bad Causa, props of tbs ▲reads, haa returned frssa bis hsatiaa^ tripsin. .Mlrblgsn . Lou Lay- "tV WayM Hotel, tha™ theatrical headqnar- ••• - • 1 rsbsarsslv Blchmond Theatre snd some six additional mar- lag picture theatres. Another line of amusement which took root here about a year ago la the large ewell cafes that offer only tn. Wheat and classiest form of vaudeville entertainment where notable per- formers appear nightly. Theee cafes are patron- ised most liberally, and atlll another form of cafes that ester more to the maoars employ hundreds of TaudeTlIle performers. Tbe building of a Grand Opera House to cost $2,000,000. la now an assured fact, aa the merchants' asso- ciations bars taken the matter In hand, and the capital Is arallsble. Ths handsome new Empreaa Theatre opened Sunday. November a, with an excellent program, beaded by Lind. the world-famed classical dancer. Osrclnettl Brothers, novelty acrobats and hat throwers, late with Bar hare been booked aa an National Theatre laat C. time to follow. Wednesday, November 23. found s of mends snd relatives bidding: shedding tears ss the Steamer palled oot for Honolulu with tbe largest crowd of performers that seer left hers st one time. Honolulu will not suffer for want or amuse- ments lo til Its branches. Among tbe promi- nent performers that sailed were Ed. Bllbon and wire. To to Biearbrt. prunes To* turkey. May. Hassi, Ida and Charles W si do a. Ben Be no, max. Polo and Diss, Frank Voerg. Harry Cnrren. Tata Ducrow, Charles Tate. George be tier, Three Mobile slaters. Miss Del Tars. Joseph Tails, Julia Napoll. Tl of Ths Mile. Andrlana. Ju aenta prominent m and Foster's Great Poster accompanied the party as general gar.- In addition to tbs above, about fifteen vaudc vl n e performers were paaengara who go to play the vaudeville booses In Honolulu. Barly in January, aa International aviation meet will be held bare at which the moat famous flying, men of tbs .world will appear. Fifty leading business men decided this at a meeting Of ths fThsmbsi of Commerce on November 22. A fund of $100,000 win be provided to trans- port tbs aviators and to offer them prises. This meet !■ expected to bring thousands of visitors to oar city. ■ ■ ' Hand BocfewsU opened Monday, November 20, la moxlcal company. ' She signed fir a twenty weeks* contract. Firth Annual Citrus Pair win take place at Vlaalla. December 8 to 10 Inclusive. Sacramento win have Its Citrus Fair February It U Ik Tbs Dodges, singers and dancers, have signed to play over fair-man's Southern Vaodevuls Cir- cuit^ Tbs Osrcraattt Brothers, acrobats' and hat rtvvwero. -have signed with ths Belts Flo to ShOWS for season Mil. Will Tyler, a very clever foot equilibrist, s . cent arrive! from AoStrsllS, made his first Amsrlcsa appearance at tbs American Theatre. Francisco aa a special addsd attraction _ and wife are with tbs Star ■ Garter Show. Ths Bryan Ooaapsny has added another wsgon fSF tbS billing of the local houses. All the ad- rsrtUIng agents Of tbe various theatres wear a Is la to •AN FRANCISCO. CAL. 88? year has rolled — ed to tbs ths last . over 415.000. snd with our bar suburbs, over 820,000 from which we over a naif million people sit within s lo-cent rids to our metropolis. This makes sa the sixth largest city la tbs Halted Btatea. This Is certainly a wonderful showing, of which ws ara proud. At peasant a movement for tbs Of San Francisco with her popu- dlag cities sad towns Is being ths O tester Baa Frsnrisco lasagne our consolidation, 'Frisco will ha ~ alas la tbs Dal ted States sad eittc. of ths world, with fully — on. Being a sssport city, and an all-year round tourist pout, the amassment ■uslnaas bars Is of much Importance, laaasgsig backward, this particular Una baa Kept ap folly with the times and wa now offer Si kudo of amusements for all kinds of people. Our Co- lombia. Savoy, derrick. Princess, Aleaaar. snd American, ail class A buildings, present tbs beat of combination traveling companies and Mack. Oar Orpbsam. ss One a house aa there ta In the world, presents the bast TaadsrUls. rsas, the new 8. tod 0. circuit let pal sea la way of dscaratloca appointments la rated ss the finest Of popu- lar priced vaudeville theatres. Besides theee We bars the National. Wigwam, also 8. and 0. bea st s, sad Chotss Theatre, presenting Psn- tage.- acta. la addition. In ths center of the city and unliving dlatrlcta. ws have soma ten theatres offering a cheaper line of vaudeville with moving pictures ss tbe main attraction.. IB tbs moving picture theatres there- are St Pe«*«t about ninety bouses, all apparently making good. Every district ha. one or mors moving plot ore theatre, sad most all ara com- fortable, well ventilated snd attractive places. The Chute. Psrk, full of all ths latest riding ••ejeee, a large too and dance pavilion, la never overlooked by our visitors. With tbs prospect of the Pansma-Paeiac Exposition to take "place hers In loin, for which wa bare raised *li\800, 000 tad uk do appropriation from Congress, ws have the host outlook for a prosperous future, where our climate sllows us to keep our doors and tbs Kropresa, ntvase. a perfect pi A eompleta list of pearlnp. In the oltlss msntloned on thl$) pass It given In tha depart- ment beginning on pag* 38. is now giving «i t Of | trs, which la business. Ha _ a taw vaudeville acta of thla bo ass. Billboard visitors last week included Tony Kitamana Asa hi, on the Orpbenm Circuit; The Vsgges, bag poachers; Dick Bawley. trapaalat: Ts, Daren- Superintendent Anderson, aa well as the phy- sicians watching tbe experiment, are unable to say whether or not the pboto plays bare a cure lira effect upon tbe unfortunates, bnt are nnanl Inmates dally. During the tests, a score or more of humorous films were used, snd the strange audience loud In Its msnlfestatloDS of delight. George Sidney, known throughout the country sa Busy Isay, dived down Into bla pocket Sunday night. Nov. 27, and handed a local deputy sheriff $921 In greenback.. The deputy bad a writ of attachment, and threatened to tie up tbe abow. It waa within a few minutes of train time train time when be snd Miss Bud Brosdley. s chorus girl, tbe plaintiff, appeared at the depot to attach the acenery, trunks, etc. Sidney, bow- ever, thwarted the well laid scheme to embarrass him by producing the cash. Mlaa Broadley, alleging breach of contract, claims $180 salary, the amount aba wonld have received bed ahe continued her thirty five weeka contract. Sidney claims that he govs tbe girl two weeks' notice, and announced his Intention of fighting tha case. D. D. Stair. New York, la owner of The Joy Blder, ra Which Sidney and the plaintiff played. BDW. J. Mc COBMAOK. SEAT TLE, W A8H. Tha Northern Pacific opened the new $50,000 depot at KUenaburg. Wash., to the public, Nov. lb. Tha annual Poultry Show of the Seattle King County Poultry Association opens Dec 10. Miss Marguerite Frye, a society favorite, graduate of Seattle's High School sod former co-ed of tbe University of Washington, made her debut In vaudeville la a e1 H gt"g and dancing specialty Nov. 22 and -did so well that Mr. Burns, Sulllvsn A Oonsldlne's booking sgent. promptly offered her a contract for the whole of Sulllvsn snd MEMPHIS, TENN. F. F. Nordmann. a ahovrman from Chicago, pre vented s psnlc tbst might have resulted seriously la ths Crystal Moving Picture Theatre. Sunday, Nor. ST. Nordmann bad hist entered the theatre, which was crowded with its usual hi* Sunday after- noon audience, when he discovered smoke latulng from a crack in the floor. Realising that a panic might ensue If tha audience became aware of ths fact that there wsa a ore In the cellar. Nordmann resorted to a c lever schema to get the crowd out of the bonding. Fortunately the operator wsa changing reels, snd the screen waa dark. Nordmann, much to ths surprise of the manager and attaches, an nouaced tbst the picture machine wss broken beyond repair, and that tt would ba Impossible -to continue the abow. The audience Bled out aa orderly aa school children going through tbe form of s are drill. A few minutes later clouds of emoke were of tbe theatre. The blue was coo- __ cellar, hot It waa Impossible to glvs V Sunday evening owing to the stifling ■moke scent that pervaded tbe place. Nordmann'. prompt measure was warmly com- mented by the local press. A strange coincidence waa tha fsct that ths operator fc^g^Fgl ^JH* * The lira Chiefs di s covered. Bather than to allow aa understudy to play when be bad advertised that Hist Beulab Poynter would appear st bis theatre. Manager " to or her mother. The pretty little, actress ts very popular In thla city, and Interest was been In her first appearance here In her new show. Owing to the collapse of the two upper floors of tbs bnlldiag lo which the Palace Theatre Is located. 1ST Oobo has dosed hle^p Main street. Msnagor Marry Indefinitely. ' data Of opening will depend upon the declsh of Building Inspector Dsn C Newton, who w! pass npoa tbe safety of jgw theatre. Jiw Tbe ths decision w> Will _ Palace comblntUoo vwdevllle tnd picture show. -uperlntendeat J. A. Anderson, of lbs Shelby County Poor sad lassos Asylam. is considertnc purchasing a moving picture machine for tbs benefit of his patients. Through tbe generosity of General Mansgsr Burl B. R Linger, of the Majestic Amusement Company, operating picture ahowa In this city-, seversl teats bars been made with motion plc- ' to ths delight tare machine, at thS asylum. of the Inm. tea. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. The Orpheum, Jske Wells' closed Saturday. No. 28. Poor cause. It It understood the with stock ra a few weeks. Tbe following wars visitors st tbe Birming- ham Billboard office. I803H Third svenus: Chss. A. Zerm. Jan. A Lai veer. Jobs A Hooter. W. a. WUlIsma, James w. Besttle. Harry L. Whit- ing, T. F. rannlng. Charles Kolkrr. Robert De mp s t er. W. 8. Wtahboorn snd Wm. Perseh. J. B. Rhodes haa signed with ths Howe Goes la now manager of tha ndver- of ths Amusement Guide. Using depar Birmingham. H. W. ENGLISH. KANSAS CITY, MO. The year iftio. now fast drawing to n close, hss been, and Is. one of the moot prosperous tn this big show town's theatrical history. There have not been many changes. A new the atra and one completely remodeled. Is about the exteot of new developments In theatrical cir- cles in Ka nsas city. The Willi. Wood Thestre. during- the summer months of 1910. waa redecorated and now more "a title given by Its ad- WDlls-Wood hss a large . r its patronage not alone - City bnt the surrounding towns sod thTblg theatrical o*erreOT*nt°the WI!Il"wo<». or one of Its famous W.-H. concert series. The management still remains In the Arm name or Woodward snd Burgess, with the real management In the capable hands of Mr. Frank Woodward. Mr. Woodward la ably assisted In ths management of Mr. O. H. Buckley, the popular business sad assistant manager. The big traveling stars all come to the Willis •on and tbe " gratifying PITTSBURG, PA. Within the year nothing new or startling has taken place theatrically, yet It la a pleasure to make mention of tbe rsct tbst tbe good old times have again returned, and If reports are bona -fids at given me by the managers of the different playhouses throughout the dry, then hsppy Is the mansgsr, the owner and oil con- cerned. The Invariable report bat been that from twenty five to thirty-three per cent. In- crease In business has been accompltehed. wonld be led to believe tbst Pittsburg 1 particularly blessed. Of course, wa have bsd our bumps, and theatrically speaking we bars bad nothing; to brag for tome time. Commercially, business hasn't been up to tha standard, yet within the paat month a sport In sll lines has been notlcesble even though there hss been a drop In the output of the different mills and the bit coke Industries. While It Is true that tbs chances ore for the respective msaagsrs to claim Improvement and to all outward appearances abow. or claim big Increase In business, nevertheless I am Id a position to note the conditions sod most admit that mors pleasing or favorable conditions bar* not be en no ticeable for soma time. eomvT r^the^lT^t^ctloas^unta' tbey*havw played one- night stands for several months. The troth of tha matter It, I can recall one particular play that haa so tar failed to reach us. snd know that It made quite a bit In New York, and am confident there ara others. Tbe only one which comae to my mind at present la Madame -X. Of course there are eoootb high class attractions to keep tbe l e sp e c l l vs ho us es busy, and with performances of merit, yet one naturally wonld suppose that the larger points would gut all of them (at any rata those of merit) before ths smaller towns, where to play i -Wood eseh season and tbe business done by the shows resident and show to both Thestre ts said to be * by th~ their long electric lights st each ams! lights are lowered for "tha go out slowly sll over tbe 1 curtain.' When the the HgMa The Sbnbrrts. one of the beat paylog I chain of hlgh-clsss theatres. The Sam S. Sbu- bert Theatre, to give It Its fall title. Is s mem- orial theatre to tbe late Sam 8. Shubert. but It tt known to Kansas City and tbe theatre patrons ss "Ths Shubert" or "tha house cosy." The Interior of the Shnbert I. all done lo s warm, deep, red tone with a cream tone lo the roursl decorations and this, with tbe many daaallng electric lights, makes It One Of tbe prettiest snd cosiest theatres in the country. A feature of tbe Shnbert deserving of speclsl mention Is the lighting effect. The boxes have ■ ' . >r background, d the result Is very fetching, for each in dividual light Is reflected In tbe mirrors and tbe glow and dimness of a turned-down light l> over the bouse. The Shubert. bars retained for tbta oeaeoa. Mr. Karl Steward, who since his Incumbency aa resident manager, has made him- self popular and well liked by every one. Mr Steward Is s real Kansas City boy and naturally baa many friends tn bis home town. Mr. Fred Steward, brother of Mr. Earl stew- ard, la the treasurer of the Shnbert. Mr. K. S Hansen la his assistant tn the box office. That tbe Shubert. think wen of Kaunas City as - show town tl evidenced by the msny two weeks' engagement, that are now being given Ksum- Clty by Shubert stars. And these two weeks' -rents sre s success a. bustnsos la eiwe- - tiefeetory, Thla season soma of tbe musical ahowa tnd the big dramatic stare have come to Kansas city. Tbe Grand Opera House ts a theatre that wilt ever remain flrmly fixed in tha affections of tbla city's theatre going public. No matter what theatres may come or what theatres mar go, tbe Grand can al ways do an excellent busi- ness. There are regular attendants of the Grand on pag, «*,) Mat ths largest thing polled oft here that be of interest to Billboard readers, ta tha Dg over of the Doqoesne Amusement and ad tbe Plttsbu mange by the practically clot natsd owing to Calcium . Mr. Clark win have chars ■ ina^nlaat (p. C. U * F. Cx.) will taking ore Suppft Co. snd Film I dosed several to ths serious ! of the attorney for the General Film Co. however, that ths General rum Co. Is a na- ture In tha Pittsburg Bald no noticeable Chhnge Is either seen or heard from the other evehange.. They sre stiB in existence sod doing practical- ly ta well aa aver, and this applies to ths In- dependent as wsU aa Assoelstlno mam bars; • > fact, there Is no notices bis change ba tha 1 ' Baas Of the Oenersl Fl^m_ Co. .tncs taking • **ie two principal Tha locstiona ooed aa beretof of the Fourth av _ While Mr. Lande will" have charge Of t bo Du- quesue Am. A B. Ota. Bz. oa Great street sad Fourth .venue. With over 400 customer, to supply tbe General Film Co. hss decided to continue the two plants, not that the business couldn't ba bandied under one roof, aad to ad- van tags at that, yet to overcome, any unlooked for happening, snd aa a protection to their assay patrons tl wall as themselves. Business Is reported good from tbs different Sim exchanges, ths Peerless, the Independent. the Liberty, tbs Crown, snd J. Frank Batch, aa well at from the Acme snd tha Cot-Bats. At the Nixon, our leading playhouse, there prevails a spirit or Joviality, this owing to the grest Improvement of business this ass son snd sn ercepttoual bright outlook for tba remainder of tha Bsawm. Another restore which adds much to th* comfort of all connected or visiting tba theatre aa well ss the general public la tba reopeol i of the Nixon Cafe. This resort hss alwa - - been popular with tba players sa wall aa tha management tnd the public. The Atvln, our other leading bouse. Is making a record. There Is no doubt bat what this sea- son will be the bsoner. With this boose ss well sa tba others, the attractions to follow sre ss good If not better than those already am here, win continue good. previously melodraa Tbe Lyceum, where previously melodrama held sway, the same good reports concerning business are beard. I have from Mr. Wilson, tba ad ThcTeXaS over ' three per cent. Tha -fsct that tba LyoeOm haa enteral jnrttc drama leaves ua now without ~a -noose -whorebs this class of performance can gala entrance here. At tbe Doqnesne, where the Harry Davis Stock Company holda sway, sod which baa became so endeared to the hearts of the thousands who love the stock company better, are emphatic In their prolan of the management. The news which was given to the public a few days air - to the effect that tbe prices would be reduced so that no seat during the night performance wonld exeeed fifty rents, and making twenty- flvs cents tbe limit for matinees messs tboo- aanda more who will avsll themselves of the opportunity of seeing s most capable company peasant ths leading plays of the day. So far si the Grind Is concerned, tbe house where unless you secure your rests early It la • a ease of stand or get left, there ts bsrdly any chance for - comment. Thla boose ta an- other nnder tbe management of Mr. Harry Davis, where high class vaudeville la given. We have the two burlesoue wheels playing our burlesque boaars. Thla la Itself telle a big story. We get the beat In burlesque at tbe two houses, the Gsyety and Academy. Mr. Kurtsmaa. manager of the Gayety. gives a very flowery report of business. He assures m» thla will be the banner season for tbe Gayety. snd Mr. Harry Williams, owner and manager of tha Academy ts very Jubilant over the WIT business hss Improved. We sre now to he considered si ■ booking agency center, with six concerns doing this branch of business. Amongst the number are: PolUck Booking Exchange. Liberty Vsodevflle - pag. - - -i.e...-.-. 36 Time Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910, "OLD DAN RICE" Man who Made People Laugh— The World's Talking and Singing Clown— The Pioneer of Shakespearean Clowns Xo nutter where von might go. traveling the world over, la every clime where tbe EugUih Isugnage Is spoken, there Is probably none whose name U better known than that ot tbe lllus- trloua circus clown. "Old Din Rice." Most people Uke to read of the exploits of a poor boy who began life In majclng his way through tbe paths of bardshlp and ton by tbe earnest attention to doty and sweat of bla brow, rose to distinction and recognized the world orer as >n who could Instantly throw and completely, through bla sayings and actions, 1* a complete to away the bines and make yon ready to either cry with delight or scream with langhter. The writer was an acquaintance of Dan Bice In IMS, and I can never remember, through as- sociation, of ever seeing htm In a sad mood — always happy, bo matter what reverses in life might bring. ^ A good trait for all present-day Dan .Rice waa a figure most prominently asso- ciated with the development and growth of that «reat and wonderful Institution, the American circus. Few men connected with tbe sswdust ring were ever better known, and In bla dsy this famous clown's name was as well known as those of Washington, Lincoln, Grant, Daniel Boone- or Kit Carson, all of whose actions were very much In the public eye. It has been aome years since Dsn Bice waa in "harness, so to apeak." and to aome of the younger generation be waa only a With tbclr parents, however, jiobody Dan Bice's place, and though excruciatingly fanny, fathers, mothers always Informed their offspring. "Ton ought to hare seen Dsn Bice In hla palmy dan.'' Dan Rice was born January 25, 1823, at the corner of Chambers and Mulberry streets. New York City, over the grocery owned by bla father. Hla real name waa Daniel Michael MeLarln. Hla father, Daniel McLarlD, Dick-named tbe boy "Dan Rice." after a famous down In Ireland. After his father's death hla mother married a man named Mooahan. who had a dairy near Freehold. Monmouth county. New Jersey, and Dan, when a small boy, delivered milk to hla step- f ether's customers.. Hla Bister. Elisa- beth, married Jacob Scboles.' a circus rider, who lived long In New Jersey (tbe stste which pro- duces such good circus men). 'Dan, weary of the milk route, struck out for himself when voting, and made bis way to Pittsburg, where be was successively stsble boy, race' horse rider and back driver. After a 'little time, under the name of Dan Bice, he achieved prominence. If not exactly fame, as the owner and exhibitor ot a learned pig. with which be and a man named Lindsay traveled through Pennsylvania and neighboring states. Rice, and Lindsay sang songs and danced, bnt the pig was tbe principal attraction. Dan Rice, when saked about bla early expe- riences by the writer, said, "that although It waa many years ago. It waa 'still sad to relate that the sudden death or the star performer — the pig— broke up that show." and be drifted oat to Nauvoo. Illinois, where " were under Joseph Smith's l_ malned with them for a time. He returned to Pittsburg and went to driving a hark again. He married there his first wife, end went to New Xork City In 1841. maklne that connection was kept np unlil about 1800. when they separated. In 1853. In consequence of some legal pro- ceedings instituted by Spauldlng for recovery of payment for a show with which be bad fitted Rice ont a couple of years before. Rice lost s handsome farm wblcb be bad acquired In Colombia county. New York. Shortly after that Dan bought a homestead In Glrard, Pa., and a One farm two or three miles from that town, where he sheltered bis show In the winter. It was about this time tbst he made the acquaint- ance of Philip Dlefenbach. a stout Germsn Isd, who lived st Erie, Ps., wltb bis parents, and Dlefenbach, showing an adaptability to the circus business. Rice took blm under hi* wing and ever afterwards a friendship was continued with both men. Phil. Dlefenbach was In later yeara, practically the originator of tbe "tea cent clrcna," which at the present day has a strong bold upon tbe American poblle. b Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Co By lf36 Rice hsd so far recovered from the disaster which followed the severance of his connection with Spauldlng that he was deemed a wealthy man. and certainly as s popular one wherever be traveled. For be waa a genial, e-hule-snuleri fellow, kind snd courteous, aeem- Ing to think nothing of riches more than aa a means to promote the bspplness of all around blm. Fortnne smiled upon blm steadily op to i860, when there waa a separation between blm snd his wife. Old showmen have told tbe writer that "Dan lost bla lack when be parted from her." She was spoken or aa a noble wo- man, wbo by gentle methods, supplied Dan wltb the guidance which be needed. She had never been a professional before ber marriage, bot be taught her a menage act, which she continued to do np to tbe time of their separation. Her daughter Elizabeth became tbe wife of Charles Reed, a celebrated pad rider. The daughter Catherine married and lived in O Irani. Pa., with ber mother, Boon after ber divorce Mrs. Rice married Charles Warren. Rice's treas- urer, who had acted aa agent between husband and wife la the negotiations preceding the divorce, and the couple rejoined the show, be proposing to continue to act aa treasurer, and she to continue her riding, bnt after a abort time both places were vacant. la the early part of 1800 Bice's Show Journeyed by wagons from tbe East to St. Louis __ lagement ot John Tryon. In the company with blm at that time were Barney Williams. Daniel Emtnett. Daniel Gard- ner. Prank" W. Whlttaker and others, whose names have since attained wide celebrity on the stage and. In the sawdust ring. During the season of 1846 he traveled with Seth B. Howes' Circus. Setb B. Howes was a brother of Nathan Howes, one of tbe old "flit- root combination." which . atarted the fsmons Zoological Institute at 3T Bowery. He billed and advertised Dan Rice more extensively thin any clqwn wa^gdYertlsed before In this conn "7- was to supply — Jal carriage and horses, with splendidly liveried coachman and footman, to tnat^nj™ through the country. In the winter or IfH; 6. Daniel made hla first appearance In Philadelphia In General Rnfua Welch's National Amphitheatre, which was thru at the corner ot Ninth and Chestnut streets, on the site now oc- cupied by tbe Continental Hotel. At tbst time he was simply - a good - "rough knock-about clown. In the phraaeologr^f the ring, not >«h niil.t.-.. ,k. ' ,1 - " . . quick to catch points on the endlenee "from the . and innocent of any knowledge of " lTely Nicholas riag-nia«ter. Shakespeare. He tried Johnson and Betty . Yt Horace Xlekolls and so pacify of ring maater, and yet a bit with either. Finally he got Frank W. Whlttaker. who was at the time maater of the ring for other clowns in the same enow, assigned to him. and on his first nlgbt made a hit. on business sug- gested by Whlttaker. which carried him Into instant popularity with Philadelphia audiences. That hit cost Sandy Jamleson. leader of tbe or- chestra, a new violin, tor pert of the runny ^"^mo'oT'tue* iS-S?-^ h " nb " D ' P '»» k wife joined tbe show here as general slstant and wardrobe woman. It la also related that about that time Cbarlea Beed snd Jullsn Kent were apprenticed wltb Dan Bice, and be required them nniler all circumstances on Sunday to read to blm from one to three chapters of tbe Bible, an eccentricity akin to that which prompted blm to build meeting houses for tbe colored people down Sooth. He Is said to have built half a dozen meeting bouses. Prom 1880 to 1862 he wee In tbe South. The story got afloat . In tbe North that Dan bad bloomed out aa a rampant rebel, and w.hen he appeared In tbe Walnut Street Theatre. Phila- delphia, la the winter of 1802-8, be met with a very hostile reception. When tbe supposed rebel appeared In the ring there waa a crowded house to greet blm with s tornado of hisses, groans, yells or "Secession- ist." "Johnny Reb" and suggestions . tbst be should be shot or bsngesl. Fortonstely for blm he bsd the conrage to atsnd up In tbe ring an'' face bla sec users until they were weary or shnntlng. Then be told them that be waa and always had been a t'nloo man. that bla home and Interests were Northern, but that be could not get out of tbe Confederacy sooner or other- wise than he did, and. that be bad done nothing that' be deemed deserved any apology- His manliness, even more than b|s words, won tor blm new considers t Inn bnt I hough - there waa no longer any Idea of mobbing blm. enongh donbt was l-ft In many minds to cast a shadow over bla popularity. la 1863 bis show, after a dlaastroos season. went to pieces, snd most of It was sold for debt. Ont of tbe wreck be saved his famous blind trick stallion. "Excelsior." and hla pair of trained Burmese cattle. He was the first man wbo ever trained and Introduced In the circus ring a performing rhinoceros. in 1RA4 a contract for two seasons was msde with Adam Forepangh by which Rice received for bis services as clown and for tbe services of his trained horse and cattle 135.000 for each sea- son. In 1866 he received fl.OOp per week through as a clown wltff John O'vtrlen. and Daring the summer of 1848. Rice was a clown with Welch's traveling show In Canada, and In the succeeding year he went to New Or- leans wltb bis first manager. Doctor Spauldlng. At this time, It Is said. Mr. Van Ordrn. a brother-in-law or Doctor Spauldlng. took a liking to Dsn'BIce, and urged him to much-needed men- tal Improvement, supplying him with Shakes- peare, Byron and other dramatic and poetic works, aiding blm In making from them the selections on which he subsequently became known, as tbe "Shakespearean clown," and aa Rice bad through Nature's riror a voice of McCulIongh and the Cheaterfleldlan grace or a Booth or Barrett, be aoon electrified the clrcns- golng World. Bice being enroursged to study, not only tor bis professional purposes, but tor tbe acquisition ot general knowledge. Mr. Van ' - wrote a number of Rice's most pop- nlar a talned tor a season of twenty-six weeks In 18d7 be re- ceived $21. WW) from tbe then ' [lemmings and Cooper's cirrus. The shove salaries have never been duplicated In present dsy circus companies, aa money In those days appeared to be mors plentiful than wafer. Although It may seem odd to relate that Dan Rice's "star of destiny" from tbst time seemed to be steadily waning. Hla property at ftlrsrri was swept awsy by tbe foredoMvire " f a mnrt- gsge. He bsd married again. Ilia second wife, the daughter of a banker In Olrard. owned a considerable amount of property In her own right, bnt Rice WSS mined. Disappointment seemed lo rmblffer him, and his hsblts grew worse, but be kept In the ring as clown each season wltb the young elrewe men of the dsy snd could bold bis own at all times and make good. During the Chicago season of 1870 he clowned one week for Adam Fore- pangh. Just to show that be waa or/t all In. In 1881 be wss out wltb William sjtftw. onder the firm name or Hire and Mow. Mil the part- nership wss. dissolved by bis enforced retire ment before the close of the aewssas. Some years afterwards be struck an oil well on bis wife's property la flfrsfrl, out np > dey rick, aet a drill to work, organised • sloe* rim nans- and sold stock to Avery Smith, IWh fv Howes and John J. Nalhsns and other "old. timers" of tbe circus business bnt It waa whi ascertained that there waa not a plat of petro- leum within 100 miles of tbe well. on page W.) 3 OUR NE W BOOK IS FREE & We have ready for mailing our new Catalogue of Circus Property, containing ^ BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND GOODS INC LU DING- TENTS, SEATS, LIGHTS, CURTAINS, SCENIUMS, DRAMATIC OUTFITS, Etc. Buy your 101 1 outfit out of this BO OK OF BAW OAINR. Send in your request DOW, Baker &, Loekwood Mfg. Co., Kansas City, cq Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc Sat far CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. 814 S. JD 'HJi MrUTlTlO* a»C* 01 !«t«> liil G0SS' SHOW JB* CANVAS V • S SLACK TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers siho lot if n emioc i-io si coin hiko usi Phone Thomson & Vandiveer M ANtlKAt-TUrtEItS OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. : 816 East fwarl Street. CINCINNATI, O. BRUSHES FOR BILLPOSTERS "Ei.Ei.Ciron"$375 '•f.c.liiir" J3.26 "Quaker Git." 2.75 "lo. 1 Rtjal" 2.E0 BERNARD BRUSH CO., Rector Bdt, Cfcicip TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now la tbe time we need tbe work auntf can give quick action and eloae price. QUALITY THE BEST THE COUHBK TENT ft AWNNC Ct " OHIO WE HAVE FOR LEASE, OAKS. SO ft. long fa* snipping sevnerj. automobiles, sdvaace. baggage, privilege, slock and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for sh ow s nd circus companies. ReeamebU rates. THE ARRIS PALACE HORRY OAR 00., Boom 611, 1M Mloalgaa Avenue. Chicago, WILLIAM BART ELS CO. Dealers la Wild 1(0 Greenwich Street, Haw Tark dry. s3 33 THE FINEST SHOW PAI»TI»08 AT LOWEST PRICES. T, II us wbat rou "»»sl ass] we will •end LOWEST est imate and Illustrate,! catalog. < EHXEBOIX ART CO., Omaha. Nate. RUNEY _ _ TaaS S S jS asa l -CteslUa Photographs-^ Clrous and Juggling Apparatus ^guT B EDWAHX VAR r 'wTCat 'f^lalnlatr O. SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Bill* Island Ave., Chicago. Ills. TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS, Car nival. Cage Covers. Buy where COTTON growsand DUCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed, Sanders-Glover Teat Co., Rome, Gs — WANTED — FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR PORTABLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THEWkTE.WEiEr.CO. • K. Mlahlg.e StrMI, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HOT ISO. aOxliO. 50x80. SO* no, 10*30, JOsSS blsck, SOO camping tenU srjl 2 000 rt. oflO-ft. •rail. D at. KERB RTFO. CO.. 1007 W. Phase ( &SJ!i' ° kU "*°- Dto- Side Show People, Take Notice On acconat or the death ot sir. ObenaUlar. I bought all negatives and Block of tbe una. All orders from above negatives win receive prompt attention. Soliciting- your orders, I TENTS and Show Canvas Its; new or SsK-»*s] bsud OMAHA TENT * AWNING CO. OMAHA, NIBR. West of Salt take Cite. Address. ItlK TEXT * AWWIJTO CO.. SAN ritAMCISCO. C.V1. Show Tents snd Canvas Goods Of all tlesrrlptlona. Writs for oar latest Mess. lll'-MMKNWA Y A SON, M-OS Mouth St.. N. V. 0. TENTS, CI RCUS SCATS fnie. snd Slskss. bought and sold. Send for "at. I'BAltl, Van, Northvllle. New Terk. TENTS m Refreshment Tents, alas 10x15, tt llT.a:: 21 Iturrrstmirnt Tenia, alls 10«30. at .-"J 1 "'- These Tenia are hip style and have I ft. walls, anil are all complete with iwles. gun". DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 37 RING BARN GOS8IP. _ neat of Campbell Bum.' Hbow* _ II* member* with a TUank*«lYln» dinner at Beerlllp. Tex. Tho menu conalatrd or eoup, turkey bouillon an crotone. ™«omim a la royal; rell*be», potato »«l»d, OUeraln* plrklea Fr't'ucb alaw, bleached colerr; enlreee. epaabettl Itallunne, French glbleta with drop dumpling*, meat*, roaat turkey wltb ojrater drraalog anal cranberry aattca: refutable*, creamed maabed potalue*. »tev»ed tomatoea and *o«*r corn; .!■ « aert. tapioca pudding, lemon' aauca, pearb. mince and apple pie; bereragra. Iced tea. coffee, dear*, llatneld Havana. Mike Welle waa tbr cbef. Advance Car No. 2. of Ban Bro*.' 8 bowl cloaed the aeaaon at Macoo. (in.. Nor. 20. The car covered about 12.500 mile*. Waiting fourteen atalea. Tbt complete roater at the clou of the tcanon Included: Geo. 0. Beckley. car manager; A. W. Moore. In cbargo of paper; Pred O. Bow-' era, J. Ned Blley. Cbaa. riordy, Kdw. Mabooey. John C. Sugg*. Cn«*. Katea, Cbaa. McOUl. Oe*. Nelaon. blllpoatera; Pred O. Cooper and Cbaa. O Smith, lithographer*; Joe. Boyd, banner*; Fred W. Green, herald*; M. JB. Hlldebraad. chef; C. Smith, porter; Cbaa. Hlgglna, paate Tboa. P. Wiedemann, of the Wiedemann Show*, purchaaed from Jonea Bro*., at Pulaakl, Trnn.. November IS. rioting date of the abow, twenty-nine head of draft boreea and arena atock, car*, wagona, and other abow properly. Tola waa ahlpped to wlnterquarter* at liarrlabnrg. 111., where be baa the can and wagona recently purchaaed from M. I. Clark, atored. The Wiedemann Broa.* Sbow* will cloae December IT. at Vincent, Ala. Clare A. Berger,. who baa been treaaorer and pre** agent of Jonea Bro*.* Buffalo Ranch, wblcb cloaed Ita aeaaon at Pulaakl. Trnn.. Nov. 12. la iptndiaf ■ few dan In Cincinnati. Mr. Berger waa highly aocceaafnl In handling hi* two position* and following hla atay here will Irate for Pennaylranla polnta ^to g*"***' g tn^tbaeuj. * Bott " 10 K " ch - u "'*° J. Aognirtu Jon** waa In Corry, Pa., lait week "en route to Warren, where hla wild weat •bow goce Into quarter*. Mr. Jonea attempted to hecore the BadUtor Building*- ibat vra* on 5 < 1un^^bemf"Tbe*Ba l dlator > llu'ihilnil. f^lrm be remembered, were need a* wlnterqaarter* for dole Broa.' Circuit. Oco. V. Connor .and wife cloned the aeaaon with the 101 Ranch at Writ Point. Ml.... Nor. IB. They at* now. rearing at tbrlr winter borne at ChlUleothe. Ohio. Mr. Connor will now de- vote hla Ume^joaklag t after hla farm*. *Dd about mtS&Ti abowa of the loTCaacS Wnd Went for the aeaaotvof ? , Mr. and Mr*. John B. of twaary-nlne Wright hare eloaed a 1th th* Jonea Buffalo Wild Wet HI,.. vt and are taking before atartlog In on their York City. Tbey will tannine and Company, border The Ketrow «. Ur. Km/a SS? SfS from work for four weeks. ■ur ■bcb wuri iur iu« new trfniur/ King, h wloterqi Al. A, Beam, for the past *lx year* one of the agenta of the Barnum and Bailey Show, la doing the adranca work for the New Century Olrla. one of ' traction*, company, tope." Capt. H. Balder, the Lion King, baa charge of the Dowole and Wheeler wloterquartera at Oxford, Pa. The Captain baa been with the Wheeler Bbowa for the paat Are year*, and will be aeen with the new combination next aeaaon. baring charge of all the wild animal acta. Jaa. M. Beacb, epecia! agent for Bun Broa.' 8bowa, cloaed hla fourth conaecutlve aeaaon with that organization at Macon. Oa.. Nor. 26. lie will apeod the winter In that city. Mr. Beacb baa been re-engaged for the aeaaon of 1011. making bla fifth aeaaon wltb the Sun Bbow. 0. n. Tinner, wbo bandied the mnale depart- ment with Col* Broa.' Clrcu* for Br* aeaaona. and who la now resting at hla home In Mem pbla. Mo., baa contracted to furnlab the moalr Wltb Howe'. Great log aeaaon. Herman Q. Smith, the well-known clrcu* agent, laat aeaaon general preen representative of the Great Parker Bbowa, la now aaalatant manager and pre** reprr tentative for the new Majeetlr Theatre at Dubuque, la. Bobt. Plaber baa joined the Carroll Comerl: Company aa agent. the com- Mr. Ed. Allen and Wife A snap shot of Mr. and Mrs. Allen in Chicago. Mr. Allen was married the 15th of November at David City, Nebr. He is well-known in the profession as a producing clown. SEALS, LIONS, ELEPHANTS, PONIES, DOGS, ami all kinds of animal acts, aerial acta, clowns, MUSICAL ACTS FOR CO.VCBR T.— CIRCUS BAND for acsurod indoor circus, begins Jan. 23, 191 1. W. V HOBERDIER, Mgr., Canton, Ohio. CIRCUS PEOPLE WANTED FOR SEASON 1911 -IN ALL BRANCHES MASTERSON'S RAILROAD SHOWS Advance Men, Side Show Attractions, Musicians, Leaps and Tumblers. Knock ai>o Lit Clowns that can double in concert, Jap Family, First-class Singing and Talking Clown, Aerial Acts, Magician for side show, Work ing Force. No . Boozers or Chasers. Money sure to the right people. Address, J AS. MASTERSON, Charleston, W. Va* 1880— 31»t ANNUAL TOUR — 1911 THE FRANK A. BOBBINS ALL-FEATURE SHOWS, CIRCUS. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE BEBQCN AMUSEMENT CO.. • WANTED FOR THE SEASON Of 1911, COMM ENCING APRIL 25th NEXT. FIRST-CLASS AND WELL-DRESSED ACTS of •vary kind and natur* for elroua, mid. show and eonaart; Chorus Girl* and Ballat Daneara, Boas** for all dapartmanta ; Man to run oookt.nt; MANAGER FOR SIDE-SHOW AND CONCERT; Ganaral Suparlntandant; and Paopla for Advanoa. Prlvllaga Car and Candy for rant. Advanoa psopls addreaa, JOHN HENRY RICE. I Agant, J.ra.y City. N.J. -ALL OTHER* ADDRESS- The Showmen's Santa Claus Has Selected Us as His Official Representative. He Knows That We Have The Best Line of Show Equipment TO BE HAD ANYWHERE. EVERY DAY IS A MERRY CHRISTMAS With our customers, for when you do business with us you are assured of absolute satisfaction and perfect service. SPEND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Feel that contentment and satisfaction that go along with one of our equipments. Experience that happy feeling that all our other have. . PUT UP A FRONT That will place you amongst the foremost showmen; one that gives your show a clean and rich appearance— one of those money-getters. WE EMPLOY THE BEST SIDE SHOW ARTISTS IN AMERICA Place your order with us now and get that particular attention the season permits us to give you. ■ UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. EDW. P. NEUMAKK, Jr., Pres. JOHN C. McCAEFEJRY,- Treas. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vice-Prea. 3? EDWARD R. LITZINGF.R, Secy. r. 22-28 North Desplalnes St., CHICAGO, ILL. TENTS Show Tents, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Carnival Tents, Walls for Base Ball Grounds and Airdomes, Merry-Go- Round Tops, Seats, Flags, Lights, and everything in Canvas. We make a specialty of water- proofing canvas. WriU fir citi'og »nd stmd4ud list. DOUGHERTY BROS. TCNT t AWNING CO. 109-111 S. Main Street, - - ST. LOUIS. LOUIS RUHE it., NEW YORK IMPORTER OF Wild Animals, Monkeys, Python Snakes, Show Birds. Canary Birds for Wheel. Bargains in Imported Female Lions. MURRAY & COMPANY, Inc. — 1C* m 640-648 Meridian CHICAGO. FRANK A. BOBBINS, General Manager, JEBSEY CITY, N. J. SPANGLES MILLOT BROTHERS. Mfrs. 4T 1-1 W. Third St.. nCW YORK. 38 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010. ALABAMA. (W-^Vattle. mgr.) CAPITOL THEATRE IF. S. Pennell. mgr.) Xor. 28, The Spend- thrift; 20-30. The Third Degree. KEMP- NER THEATRE (A- 51. Tbua. mgr.) Sot. MTS; W sr ^po^r, ttssr ILLINOIS. CHICAGO — AUDITORIUM (C. Ulrica, mgr.) Grind opera: fifth 1MAL - Brady, mgr.) The CALIFORNIA LOB AJTGELE8 AUDITORIUM (T*. E. Beny- mer. mgr.) Ellen Terry 28; Psclowa and M. Mordiln Xor. 30- Dec 3. MASON OPERA HOUSE (W. T. Wjatt. mgr.) Blanche Walab In The Other Woman week of Dee. 5. MAJESTIC (Ollrer MoroKO. mgr.) William Faverabam in The World and His Wife week of 28. BUR- BANK (Ollrer Morocco, mgr.) The Bnrbank Stock Company In Texas week of Nor. 28. BE- LASCO (John H- Blackwood, mgr.) The Relasco Stock Company In The Case of Sargeant WUde week of 28: ui< company in The Teat week of Dec 3. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Chaa. V. KaTanangh, mgr.) Ferris Hart man and Company In Nearly a Hero week of Dee. 5. ORPHXTJM (Clarence Drown, mgr.) Barrymore Rankin and Company. The Old Soldier Fiddlers, Frank Mor- rell. The California Minstrels, and The Gas On- law Trio week of 28. LOS ANGELES (E. J. Donoellan. mgr.) Rice and Prevoat, Carl Pant- ser Trio. La Belle Meeker. John and Bertha Glee- son and Fred Woniih.n Nat Leffingwell and Company. Barry Bloom and SIgnora Bea Verera week of 28. PA STAGES (J. A. Johnson, mgr.) Behenck Troope, Sophie Tucker, Chat Burke and Company. Andy MeLeoo and London Quartette week of 28. OLYMPIC (Loo! a B- Jacobs, mgr.) Olympic Monacal Comedy Company in The Fol- lies of 1811 week of 28. PRINCESS (Elmer N. Workman, mgr.) The Princess Musical Com- edy Company In T he Undertaker week of 28. ■AM FRAMCXBCO. — COLUMBIA (Gottiob, Marx A Co.. mgrs.) Lillian Rnssell in In Search of a Sinner week of Not. 28; Ellen Terry mat. Dee. 1- SAVOY (Fred Baser, mgr.) Second week of DeWolf Hopper In A Matinee IdoL GARRICK (N. Maxner, mgr.) Max DPI and Co. In Dream City week 28. PRINCESS (S- Loelek. max.) Mrs. Wlxm In the Cabbage Patch week 28. ALCAZAR (G. H. Darts, mgr.) Stock Co in The Dollar Mark week of 28. DREAMLAND (W. L. Greenaba -) Tetraaalnl In Concert Dee. 6-10. Utt- (Jobn Morrlscy. mgr.) Wm. Far- nnm sad Co.. The DufBn-Redeay Troope, Mere- dith Sisters. Sadie Pm-man. Six Musical Cut- tya. Callahan and St. George. Andree's Stud- ies in Porcelain, Temple Quartette week 27. NATIONAL (D. J. Gran man. mgr.) Lind,. McXamee. Flo Adler. Chaa. Wayne and Co.. John Dillon. Johnson, Davenport and T^rfia and moving pictures week 27. CHTJTKS (Ed. Lery. mgr.) Blglow's Merry Youngsters. Ham- ilton Bros., Baader-Laeen Troope. Gnldo Goll- dlni, Finn and For d. RomaneUl and moving pic- tures week 27. AMERICAN (E. Homan, mgr.) Will Tyler. Billy Van, Jas. Post Co. and morlng pictures week 27. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) DeWltt Tonne and Sister. Cox and Far- ley. Jos. Kelter and Co.. T. Nelson Downs, "and Wilson, Orletta and " pictures week of 27. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT— JACKSON'S (J. J. FlL rick, mgr.) Seren Days Dec 2: The Areat Dec. 3. POLTS (Lewis Garrey. mgr.) Out Boys In Bine. Wm. H. Macait and Ethel Brad- ford. Tom H. Dartes. Reldy and Currier. O'Dell and Klntev. Dillon and Harry Holman and pie- tares week of 28. KEENEY'S EMPIRE (A. B. Oswald, mgr.) Era Taylor. Healy and Barry. Joe Gallagher. Setchlng Brothers. The Elec- tric TrJo and pictures week of 28. HARTFORD. — PARSON'S (H. C. Parson, mgr.) Seren Days 28-29; The Third Rail William Gillette Dec. 3 POLIS (S. Z. P mgr.) The Little Stranger bead " Nor. 28. MERIDEN. — POLPS (S. . Poll, mgr.) Wood's Animal Circus of Horse. Dogs. Cats and Po- nies. Blgelow and Cambree. Arnofd'w BTstton 8 and B Com erts 27: Seven DVyJ D 30?1rte l Arc^ana^ec? O L DELAWARE. WHJUHGIOH. — AVENUE (Conness 4 Ed wards, mgrs.) The Avcnne Stock Compaov lc The Great Divide week of Nor. 28. LYRIC (W. H. Benner. mgr.) Terry and Fllnn. Wm Green. The All Is week of Nor. 28. GARRICK CW. L. Dockstader. mgr.) The Courtiers, Katb ryn Os term an snd Her Company. Mabel Berra. PewJtt. Marcus. Ardell and WUllama. Harry L. Webb snd Edwin Barry week of Nor. 28 DIST RICT OF COLUMBIA. ' WASHINGTON.— BELASC0 (L. Stoddard Tar- lor. mgr.) Marie CahlU In Jndy Forjrot week of Dec. S. COLUMBIA (Fred G. Berger. mgr.) The Country Boy sreek of 5. NATIONAL (W. H. Bapley. mgr.) Ethel Barrymore In Mid-Chan- nel week of 3. CHASE'S (H. Winifred DeWItt. mgr.) Christy Msttnewson. Chief Meyers snd May T ally he ad a Tioderille hill for week of 5. GATETY (Geo-ge Peck, mgr.) Girls from Happyland week of 5. LYCEUM (Enxene Ker nan. mgr.) Girls from Dixie week of S. HOW- ARD (Howrtrl Stock Company, mgrs.) A Girl's Best Friend week of 5. CASINO (W. H. Msy- er. mgr.) Three O'Connpr Sisters, Silver and Burke. Nelson Waring, Cummlngs and Derery. Mr. e nl Mrs. La Verne week of 28. ACADEMY. OF ^MTJSTC (J. W. Lyons, mgr.) The Rosary ■' ' GEORGIA. ALBANY— RAWLINS (A.' C. Pdf-BIo^mT^ COLONIAL (Jl Mayoress; first week. CORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.) Bailey and Attain to Two Men and a Girl. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (George Kings bury, mgr.) The Spendthrift; fourth week. ILLINOIS (W1U 1. Davis, mgr.) Julian El- tince In Faaclnatlng Widow; first week. GARRICK (Herbert C. Dnce, mgr.) The Chocolate Soldier; eleventh week. LYRIC (L. J. Anhalt. mgr.) Marine Elliott; second week. i T..saT.T.g OPERA HOUSE' (Harry Askln. mgr.) The Sweetest Girl In Paris; fifteenth C Warren, mgr.) The '.) Get Rich mgr.) Deep mgr.) Tile McVICKER'S (Geo. Nigger; second week. OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer. Quick Walllngford: first POWERS' (Harry J. " maters; sixth, week. PRINCESS (Mart H. Singer, Purple: tenth week. STTJDEBAKEB (Ed. Sullivan, Girl in the Train; fourth week. WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE (Frank 0. Peers, mgr.) Lower Berth 13: eighth week. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (CoL Wm. BUSH TEMPLE (W. P. Sharer, mgr.) Berth- tesgadener B ACADEMY MAJESTIC devllle. TBEVETT (W. BIJOU '■ Mystery. COLLEGE (Rev. CRITERION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Sapho. CROWN (Pan! Rtcksou, mgr.) The Rosary. GLOBE («. R. Brown, mgr.) The Smart Set. HAY MARKET (J. H. Brown, mgr.) A ~ nlng Mlas. MARLOWE (Capt Montague, mgr.) Lion and the Mouse. NATIONAL (J. P. Jewel P. V. McGsbe, mgr.) mgr.) Flaming Arrow 27-30; Graualark Dec. 2: Miss Nobody from Starland Dec. 23. NEW GRAND (Martin Beck, mgr.) Four Huntings. Ward Klare and Company. Blnua. Blnna and Blnna Four Cllftona, Alclde Capltalne. Hanld Alexander. Witt s Roses of Klldsrr, snd pic- tures week of 27. _ . . XOKOKO SIPE (O. W Slpe. mgr) Bal.l«ln and Spears Stock Company 5-10; Powell snd Co- hen's Musical Comedy Company 12-17 HEW CASTLE.— ALCAZAR (B. F. Browo. mgr.) The Girl In the Taxi Dee. 2: The Dud- ley Buck Concert Co. December 25. NEW GRAND (W. W. McEwen. mgr.) King Slock Company In The Man of Her Choice 28; The Circus Girl 29: Lena Rivers 30; Signal of Liberty Dec. 1: The Crisis Dee. 2. RICHMOND. — GENNETT (U. G. Summers, lessee snd mgr ; Miss Aflle McVickera. res. mgr.) The Girl io the Taxi Nov. 2S; lo Panama 29; Seven Days 30; Rose Sishl In The Churns Lady Dee. 1: St. Elmo 3; Frances Slarr lu The Easiest Way 5. THE NEW MURRAY (O. G. Murray, owner and mgr. Sun Circuit) Nalada, the nymph of the sea and queen of the sir; The Hirschhoms, Alpine entertainers; Von Hon*, poet comedy mimic: Scott snd Wallace, musical comedy entertainers week of Nov. 28. THE COLISEUM (Clem Gear, mgr.) Basket ball and skating. IOWA. BURLINGTON— GRAND OPERA ROUSE (R. F. Holmes, mgr.; Don Stuart, booting agent) Golden Girl Nor. 30: Alma Wo Wohnst Do Dec 1-2; Dsn Cupid 3; Lion and the Mouse 6; California Girls 12; Happy Hooligan 17; Madam Naxlmora 22. GARRICK (J. M. Root, mgr.; W. V. M. A., booking agents) Week of Nov. 28. first bsir. Rash, Ling. Toy snd Co.. " Lockhart, linger; Terry and H. Dalton snd Gar- pea and Lopea. Mar- tin Howard, internal hart, singer. Thus. P. Holer, Chaa. Bradley and Garzickscope. DATEMPORTT— THE NEW AMERICAN (Chaa. BerkeU, mgr.; Wllllsm Morris bookings.) Week of Not. 28: Jsek G. McCIallen and May Carson, roller skating; Toe Musical Geralds: The Crura wells. Juggling doo; Ray Crocker and the Four th ea tre s is IMiwMCwMVMMaaM'daattMM^MMMM-'Ma.MH* of To e a tre »«•«••••••• •••••••■..«•«...... ■•■•■•..»•••••••..••..•■....■.. Nam* of Manager and I lira— of laforaaant PEOPLE'S (John Prince, mgr.) Heart's De- sire. WEBER'S (Weber Bros-, mgrs.) The Fatal Wedding. ALHaMBRA (Weber Bros., mgrs.) The Star EMPr. Parade. FOLLY (J. J. Fenneasy, mgr.) Lady STAR and GARTER (Wm. Bee be. mgr.) Big Banner Show. ALTON.— TEMPLE (Wm. Savage, mgr.) The Third Degree Nov. 27 1 Powell and Cohan. Musi- cal Comedy Company week of 28. BIOGRAPH (W. T. Sampson, mgr.) McCormlek and Mc- cormick head bill for we-k of Nor. 28. — N (F. Raleigh, mgr.) The Traveling Salesman 28; The Third Degree Dec. 2: Mlas Nobody from Star- land Dec 3. The Climax 5: Checkers 8; The Golden Girl 9: The Man On the Box 10. MA- JESTIC (Guy Martin, mgr.) La Grecla, Charles Clark and Company, Dick Miller, Irwin and Herzog, Joe Bush's Eight Happy Youngsters and pic tures week of 28. DECATUR, — POWER'S (Too*. P. Ronan, mgr.) Under Southern Skies Dee. 6: Fiddler's Contest 7; The Climax 8: Jeffries-Johnson Pic- tures 10: Golden Girl 12: The Girl from Rec- tor's 13; The Lottery Man IS; Robert Wlt- lard 17. BIJOU (A. Blgfrled. mgr.) The Op- erator. Rlfner and Cook. Ross snd Osks. Lace and Luce. Three English Girls. Mile. Nadje. Nanus Bryant, Jimmle Lucas, Colloo Brothers, Howard and Lawrence week of 28. ELGIN.— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Tblelen A Prlekett. mgrs.)- A Wlnnlnc Miss 28: Elk.' Minstrels 29-30. STAR VAUDEVILLE (Tble- len A Prlekett, mgrs.) Tom Linton. Cllne and Clifton. Al. Coleman, comedian, 28-30. JACKSONVILLE.— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (L. P. Anderson, mgr.) The Third Degree 28; The Alasksn Dec. 1. OTTAWA. — OTTAWA (Msdge Dnffy, mgr.) The Man on The Box Nov. 27- Seven Dsys 29. OTTTfJCwA — GRAND (J. T. Jersey, mgrs.) The Lost Trail 28. GARRICK (J. M. Root, mgr.) The Elliotts. Miss Vivian Early. Mllla and Moulton. Billy HeDermott. Lonlils' Monkeys, Allman snd McFsrlaod, Browo Newman Co., Jack Mill er. Carroll-Gillette Troope week of 2*. HOCXFORD— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Horn Flanuey, mgr.) The Bqaiw-Min Pec. 3. OR- PHEUM (A. J. Bhtmp. mgr.) Mara Twins. Welsh Lynch snd Company. Bock man and Own week of 28. MAJESTIC. Holman Brothers. Harry sod pictures week of 28. INDIANA. EVANS VILLE. — WEI-LH' FU0R (Chas. Bwee- ) The Trawling Bslesmsn 30: Den- MMKSTIC^ffwrV Meyer.! Pickaninnies In singing and dancing melange Watson and Dwyer. In bits of musical comedy; morion pictures. PRINCESS (Victor H. Shaffer, mgr.) The Princess Stock Company In Dora Thorn week of Nov. 27. GRAND (D. L. Hughes, mgr.; K. A E. bookings.) Mark Smith and Dallaa Tyler In The Travel ing S slesmsn Dec 4: Adelaide Thurston 8. BURTIS (Wm. Klines, mgr.; Independent Bookings.) Margaret Illlng ton In The Whirlwind Dec. 1: The Man on the Box S; The Squaw Man 4; The California Girt. Burlesque rs 7; Henry Woodruff In The Oenlut 11: The Lion snd the Mouse 13; Nancy 18. DtrBUQTJE. — GRAND (Wm. L. mgr.) Ishmsel 27. WA' — KAN8AS. FORT BOOTT.— DAVIDSON (Hsrry C. Era- leb, mgr.) Under Southern Skies 28; Isle of Spice Dec. 8: — GenL___ Set Dec. 7. LEAVENWORTH. — PEOPLE'S (P. H. Alex- Me-N-Wm«Z:.-Bmanboaae -MV7 ETAOIN TAOI snder. mgr.) The Squsw-Man Nov. 27: The Man Between Dec 1: The Climax 23. NEW OR- PflEUM (M. R. Shsnberg. mgr.) Tom Linton's Jnngle Girls. Msrrous. Art Adslre snd Russell snd Church for Nov. 27-31. PALM (C. P. Men- sing, mgr.) Zltts Coleman Shannon. Flirrlngton and Prltcbards for Nor. 23-31. KENTUCKY. HENDERSON. — PARK (J. D. Kllgonr. mgr.) Frsnk Dudley Stock Co. week of S. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS — TTJLANE (T. C. Camp- bell, mgr.) Robert III I Hard In A Fool There Wss week of 27; The Spendthrift week of 4- The Third Degree week of Kn. DAUPHIMR (11. Oreenwsld. mgr.) Mary Mannerlng la A Msn'a World week of 29: Wslker Whltsadde In The Melilng-Pot week of 4. CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) School Dsyi week of V.iJl!J h ?. »l: rr » of Tiberius week of 4. OR- PHEUM (J. Blates. mgr.) The Five Olymplers. Lee Lloyd and Jay Roberta, Mr. and Mr». Jack Mcflreery. Jennings snd Renfrew, Mons Rysn sod Co., Waller Orshsm. Jewel's snd Otto Viols. Klnwlrome week of 28. AMERI- CAN MUSIC IIAI.I, (J. Cowan, mgr.) Brstrlrn MeKenile, Walter Shannon and Co.. Harry Mayo. Rene Graham, Four Mnslrsl Avolins. Cu- vette. Keoneman Bros,. Lyster Obamnera. Amerlseo|ie week of 27. FRENCH Ol'KUA HOUSE (J. Ijyolle. mgr.) Jules Lsynllo's IN WAUOCVILLC MAVBCLLC BOTHER ■ILLY ARDJCB.6sRD PIANOLOGUE CHAS.C WIU AND SINGING ACT PROF. VS. H. VAN PORN AND CO. THERMOS-ARKTOS ••THC tNOWIALL ACT" A Nowlty that Is • Rtil F«turt, . Auline Reno A do t» ] ' j 9f ivml I food . FRANCESCO CREATORE AND HIS BAN DA VERDI PlsssrtUeiQ the Ptsrcurnssa i ia Navvsjs* "A Night In NaptM" New In VaiMOanrllsa. Bra-M-LeMByieiC.. THE COTTON BUDS N. A (COLOIICO) JOHN BURN HAM, Mgr. L.N.Y.C. ■»L»H W. A LICK Fnisntlm Thai r CsM t lBsly LAST ROOM. THIRD FLOOR EDITH— HARCKE-- HENRI OPERATIC SINGING ACT Unlt»*l Tim* ALETHE1A & ALEKO of Tarapathy and KINO Andrew Tombes Light Comedian with College 6lrls' Company FAY TUNIS INGENUE WITH WORLD OF PLEASURE CO. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 39 HARRIS and RANDALL In Their Rural Comedy •katah "60 MILES FROM ^NOWHERE " IN VAUOKVU.LC THREE NATIONAL COMIQUES COMEDY ACROBATS ■ . A. C. CIRCUIT own OErtTftUOE WRIGHT & STANLEY Til mm tti tkt Mitt. •. a. C. CIRCUIT Aubrey Rich Ctaracter Delineation ii Sob? in NOLAN, SHEANaed NOLAN IN VAUDEVILLE THE- D AN T E S FUJI SEANCE Dean - Orr Sisters «d Skeet GaUagher SulHT*n-Con»ldin* PAT RE ILLY I by M mg FLO WKiaa la the THE DAYS OF »61 » DUKE R. Ul BERT OUDQEON DUKE and BERT ■•■1 Co wpanchera la Vaudeville Kislf* Thwwln,, J* o p* Bp 1 n n I n 0 , LI JLl J DIXON . . . V Kalth and Proctor Oreailt and Chanault The I Oth Century rind IN VAUDEVILLE ECKHOFF ft MisiciHiMl G( IBI IROON tin • ULLIVAN-CONIIOINI CIRCUIT renee Club 28; Serena O. Prank Orchestra 1. CITY PARK RACE TRACK (N. 0. Jockey Club, mm.) N. O. ■ Item Arlatlon Aim. Mwt. 1-8 WINTER GARDEN (F. B. Cbsae. mgr.) Arnold Sisters im Bslfour. Josa Mel- tllle aod Co.. Gardeograph week of 2T. MAINE. PO RTLAflT). — J EFFEB&ON THEATRE (Ju- lio* Cebn. mir.i Tbe Chocolate Soldier 1-3; Doekatadrr's Minstrels 8. B. r. KEITH'S (J. K. Moore. mgr.) Keith's Stack Co la Mr*. Tem- ple"* Telegram 28 and week: u. T. C. Mlo- ■uele (local) 10. PORTLAND (June* W. Oreelr. mgr.) Leakey's Seres Hoboes, Teude- rllle's greatest coined j ; MU«. Psola. queen of tbe Byior rings; Oleeoe Burt*. Psrker Palmer Co., Photo I'lsjrs. Portlsnd's Premier Orchestrs 28 sod week. BHRDLD HRDLU 28 and week. CONGRESS (Em 11 a. GeratUe, mgr. ) Brlodamoor, Kelly and Adams, BI)oo Ras- 28 and week. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE.— ACADEMY OF MOSIC (It, J. Lehmsjer, mgr.) Tbe Bound Dp week of Sot. 28; Tbe Arcadians week of Dee. 3. FORD'S OPERA HOUSE (Cnaa. E. Ford, mgr.) Julian El tinge la Tbe Fascinating Widow week of Not. 28; Seren Dsjs week of Dec. S. AUDITOR IL'M (Jeff. D. Bernstein, mgr.) Frltxl Scbeff la Tbe MIksdo week of Nor. 28; Grace George In Sauce for tbe Uooae week of Dee. 3. MARY- LAND (P. C. 8cbnnbexger. mgr.) Doth well Browne, Trorato, Adonis, Marshall Montgomery, Skremka 8isters. Blasett and Scott. Mason sad Keeler sod The Leading Lsdr week of Not. 28. HOLL1DAY STREET (W. F. Rife, mgr.) The mgr. Rosary week of Nor. 28; At the Old ' Cross Roads week of Dec. 3. SAVOY (8. J. Sapuler. nagr.> The Boston Plsyers la Tbe Lion sad tbe Moose week of Nor. 28; Girls week of Dec. 3 0a YET Y (W. L. Ballaof. mgr.) Girls from HappTlaod week of Nor. 28: Rents-Santley Co week of Dee. 5. MONUMENTAL (Moo I ague Jacobs, mgr.) New Century Girts week of Nor. 28; Tiger Ltllea week of Dec 5. VICTORIA (C. E. Lewis, mgr.) Jsae Cooper. Ellse Bsrtels sad Company, Serlllo sad Plfo. Due Van fle Id. Goochard, J, Casey Msck ssd Company, Cast el- isor Bros.. Fay St. Clair and The New York Jollr Four week of Nor. 28. WILSON (M. L. Scbalblej. mgr.) Hettery sad Toting. Hall Bros.. Florence White. Drake and Morgan. Al. Wilson, Schwab and Knell. Wynenns and Whirlwind. Frank Nash. Madge Hog be*. 80*117 and Wil- liams and James A. Reynolds week of Not. 28. LUBIN'3. Tbe D'Ealmon*. W. A. Thorn*. Wm. " Myrtle Nelson and James Wolf week mgr.) Hope. Booth and Company. Bento Bros.. Raymons and Hall, The Stanley Sextette, Clara Rodger*, Jerome White, and the Motlogiapa week of 4- 8HDBEBT (A. O. Balnbrldge. Jr., mar.) High-grade Bbobert attractions week of 4. ORPHEUM (G. E. Raymond, mgr > HIgb-claas continuous eaoderUle week of 4. SOUTHERN (W. A. Kelly, mgr.) High-class continuous raudeTllle week of 4. PRINCESS (Clyde Hlten- '.) Continuous rauderlUe, motion ple- "" itreted *ong* week of 4. CASINO Kaecb, mgr.) Roller skstlng. con- cert orchestra, etc.. week of 4. ROLL-AWAY RINK (L. D. Mathlaa. mgr.) Roller skstlng and concert orchestra week of 4. ST. PATH METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott. mgr.) Tbe Girl la the Kimono, with Miss Frsnces Warren week of Not. 27; Madame Sher- ry week of Dec. 4; Robert Edeson In Where tbe Trail DlTldes Dee. 11-14: Adelaide Thurston In Miss Ansn l ss Dec. 13-18. 8HUBEBT (T. M. Scanlon. mgr.) Baby Mine week of Nor. 27. ('.hand (Theo. L. Hare*, mgrj The Adren 1 of Not. tnre* of Polly week t. 21: Harry Clay MASSACHUSETTS. FALL sUTZm.— ACADEMY OP MUSIC (Geo. 8. Wiley, mgr.) Fannie Retnhsrd la Tbe Jew- ish Soul 28-3; The Chocolate Soldier 30: Qnlney Adams Sawyer IS. SAVOY (L. If. Boss, mgr.) Wright Hantlngtnn and Company. Great Ring l lng . Laura Ordwsy. Dorta Opera Company. Kenney and H sills. Barns Brother*; Wslsh an d Melrose and pictures week of 28. LOWELI OPERA HOUSE (R. A. Ward. mgr.) Lew Dockstadsr sad His Minstrels Nor. 28; Lillian Buckingham In The Stampede 23-30; Klirk-Urban Company Dec 1-4: Tbe Chocolate Soldier 9-10. HATHAWAY. V alter*. Bergere sad Company. Anita Diaz. Lillian Lerln. Knox and AlTla. Robinson and Lefebore, Barry John- son and Company, and picture* week of 28. academy OF mcsic (Tom White, mgr ) Mr. sad Mrs. Cert, Probt, the magic wblatler. Happy Day* In Dixie. The Italian Trio week or 28. EMPIRE (M. France* Bare, mgr.) WUlard and Oompaar Stela aod Earl. Bob Flaley. and pic- ture* week of 2S. MERRIMACK SQUARE (F. J. Camel, mgr.) Mr*. Tom Thumb and Company, Hasan Six. Imperial Dancers. Lesriln the Jug- gler, Flora and Russell, sad pictures week of Not. 28. gPRmOFTEU).— COURT SQUARE (D. 0. Gil re, mgr.) Qnlney Adams Saw-re Twins Dee. 1-3. POUS (S. J Knube Ehlekson and Company. Karl Emy and HI* Pets. Wright and Dietrich. Kenny. Nobody and Piatt. Albert Sutherland. De Renso and La Dae. and picture* week of 28. GILMORE (Henry Webber, mgr.) The Cowboy Minstrels, Gavettg and Birr, Hughes and Tiffany, The LoVltts. Wllllsm Dick. Alien. Delwaln and Harold, sad picture* week of 28. NELSON (H. J. DiUenbeck, mgr.) Gofortrj sod Doyle, Fay St. Clair, Ado) no Adams and Company. Hortoa and Soreera. Julie Ray Tracer. The Stanleya. and ptCt lll l » week of 28. - (John r. Burke. Dec. : Joans loTers tofetber again. Hastily drlnklns ' t apiece, tier pretend tbej bare | ties and aroane. Kins la sent for and with Us cornea a pojslclan. who la let Into the scheme. In the excitement the ajoarrel la forsotten by the love™. Ha Tier ac- complished their nan - pose , the old reprobates confess their rase. FAITH TUX MAX (Drama; release Dec 12; length. SOO feet). — A post rider- Is siren some valuable Jewelry by a wealthy country gentle- man, with Instruction! to deliver It moat care- tolly at tbe other end of his root*. On the way. feeling fatigued, he lies down for a brief nap, placing ms post-bag beside him. and or hia faithful dog. Max. to guard it. Be bat Max soon realizes this fact and Starting op in great ' la a young bachelor, who has finally succumbed : to the charms of tbe other sex and arranged for I a dire into matrimony. At this momentous stage of his life, he receives a note of felicita- tion sWned "An Old Sweetheart of Tours." Gar lng into the Are, Jack dreamily contemplates the letter and tries to think which "old sweet- heart" It could he. Visions of each one of them pass before his eyas. At the fcnal tableau he sees the group of old sweethesrts wsrlng good lack to him. THE I HON' -CLAD LOVER (Comedy: released Dec S; length. feet). — Tom haa angered Bes- sie's father and la not permitted by tbe old man to call on Bessie. Bis efforts to see tbe girl ~»ew4el»«e«.«vl«e father's orders receive a rather rode shock. Tom boys a salt of armor, puts It on, and has himself delivered at the boose as a present to Bessie. Dick, a rival of Tom's for the hand of Bessie, finds out that Tom la Inside the armor, and make* life miser- able for him. Tom, unable to stand this, tries to announce himself, bat only succeeds in tumb- ling over and breaking a valuable vase. Bes- sie's pa has the "armor" thrown out. Dick's conscience makM^hlm^tell Bessie that Tom was NESTOR. THE CONQUERING HERO (Comedy; Dee- 7; length — ). — Why bis daughter, should so stubbornly prefer Lee Howard to tbe wealthy Roger El kins. Nathan Bradford was totally at a loss to understand. He had forbid- den Lee the boose and threatened to disinherit his daughter, yet be feared they might elope at any moment. This, however. Roger El kins volunteered to prevent by appointing himself body-cnard to the young lady whenever she left the bonne. Indeed It was In this manner that he found their improvised post-office In tbe hollow of a tree. and. from their letters dis- covered that the elopement they had feared was " for that nlsbt. With Nathan hour young ......... the bone's head, barking and growling. In his aaftOeavor to get him to return. The dog's ac- tions finally become ao extravagant that Ml master regretfully decides that the an- imal has gone mad and eboota it. Poor, faith- ful Max. woonrled and dying, rises weakly and crawling painfully back to their recent bivouac Ilea down beside the treasure be had been told to guard, and here he la later deeply Borrowing i aware of the loss to recover It. THE POOR STUDENT (Drama; release Dec 15: length. 990 feet). -John Shay, tbe son of a widow in very moderate circumstances, decides to go to college and work bis way through. Tbe college la a eo-edneatlonal Inarltntlon. and at the same boarding house where John occupies a room are a number of young lady students. Among Ibis number are Hazel Jones and 1st belle Smith, the latter a very popular girl, but one poaaesstn*: a very haughty disposition. John Im- agines himself in love with TaabeBe, and In or- der to cite rent to bis feeling, pnrcbaaea for her out of his slim savings s bunch of violets. This fondly lays at her place at tbe table. laa- belle I* Incensed upon learning who bad brongbt the violets and throws the flowers angrily to tbe nope, ji.zei. who baa closely observed the sr- ralr. feeUng deep sympathy for John, rises and picking np the violets, asks Us permission io keep them. This, of course, be gratefnlly grants ner. He then, realizing the vast difference In the character of the two girls, lets bis heart go out to the one wbo showed sncb dellr-stely ex- pressed sympathy. He also realizes most fully tbe hnmlllatlns position be occupies at tbe school and. accompanied by a close friend. leaves for the West. Striking a rich placer mine and selling it advantageously, he returns to seek ont the little girl who proved a true friend. He JS?" If* *; d „ ,ohn .« mother Is proud of her son's people received a set back. Other schemes of the young people to win over the old man are equally as dismal failures as the first. Nothing daunted, however. Lea set about engaging tbe toughest -looking man In the vicinity to waylay Laura, her father, and Roger. In the midst of tbe disturbance, Lee, tbe i would rush op, knock each n receive the old man's congratulations with his consent to their marriage. Tbe scheme worked better than even Lee had planned— for just as the father was humbly offering his apology and blessing to the happy couple. Bill Allen's dog took a band, sending Roger np a tree, where be waa forced to remain until BUI came boms several boars later. THE PILGRIM (drams; release Dec 14 length — ). — The boys were holding an Inrilgna tJoo meeting. That Pilgrim from the East. Jack Warren, bad walked In and taken posses si on of the hotel as though ha owned It- To be sure, old man Clayton was III and tbe work was certainly too mncb for Jane; still she might bare asked one of them to help. As It wss. they meant to make things pretty warm for blm; and they did. A quarrel waa at Its height when announcement was made of Clay ton's death, effectively potting an end to the strife. Hostilities were, nevertheless, renewed a few days later when the boy found that Jane was still retaining Jack as ber aaslstant. Jaxte now Intervened and commanded tbe boya to lease. Then after they are gone, quietly but firmly she Insisted upon Jack doing the same. Three montba paased. Finding tbe work entirely too great for her strength and the "help" most unreliable THAXHOCSER RIP VAX WINKLE (Drama: released Dec. 8: length. 1.000 feet). —Rip Van Winkle la driven from his home by bis wife upon bis re- turn late one night from a day's carouse. In the fare of a terri- ble atorm. and with only his dog Schneider and his ralfhfnl rifle to protect blm. Rip wanders toward* tbe mountains. Here be comes across a band of Gnomes wbo are supposed to be the spirits of RendTtk Hudson and bia merry men. The Gnomes give Rip some magic schnapps to drink, and under Its Influence be gnea to aleep for twenty years. When he wakes he la an old man and - in ragged clothes, his /log la dead, and bis rifle rusted away. Returning to bia old borne be finds his wife married to an- other man, his daughter grown to womanhood, and moat of bis friends dead and gone. Blp. however, finally managea to prove hla Identity and la happily reunited with bia family. LEFT BEHIND (Comedy: re- Red fern WHS 5 GIRLS HE^LEFT I was old home forever. On the way to the station she Is met by Jack. Gently be persuaded the girl to come to his cabin, whll he hurried away for a minister. Bnt no sooner was tbe ceremony performed and the clergyman and bis wife congratulating tbe happy pair than the boya brtrst Into tbe room. They had arrived to run Jack ont of town, but tbe pros ence of tbe minister and tbe sight of tbe mar- riage certificate caused them to beat a abarne ECLAIR. THE BOWLING CRAZE I (Comedy; released Dec. 12: length. 445 feet).— Jack becomes extremely interested lo tbe game of | howling, and after watch- ing for a considerable I length of time, feels a | atrong desire to partlc- In tbe game creep- er him. He begs allowed to loin In | the contest, bnt be la wonderfnlly awkward, and makes sncb fearful blander* that be la srsted- By turned out. However, our valiant friend la not discouraged, and be Immediately sets to work to train himself. Before long be become* a flrat-cl***^ bowler. Tbe proud Jack tbeo^pre- J sent* nee more to w.iy;ilK u Ipafe In lng over to be *l 55th Ye 66th Year At Brussels, 1910 BRUSSELS INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION The Wurlitzer PianOrchestra ( Automatic Oreheetra) was awarded the Grand Prize Largest, most magnificent automatic orchestra ever built; represents an orchestra of fifty musicians. The PianOrchestra, can not be equaled for Moving Picture Theatres. It furnishes better music than musicians, plays cuts out the expense of i Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose. The world's largest and only complete line, 50 different styles, including PianOrchestra, Player Pi, : Military Band*. Violin! ■Wurlitzer wits the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field anil is today the world's largest manufacturer. Branches! in most large cities. Write for bin; 84-pngc cntnlog, picturing Ihc entire Wurlitccr line. 17 We Supply the V. S. Government »>>rh Musical In THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. ClKCnTaTATI (117 to Ml E 4th) | MEW YORK (St as IT W. Ma set. aVwey- » Ml. A**.): CHJCAOO (IN a. til Wabash) t PHILADELPHIA (lilt Obeatant)) ST. LOW (111 Una) i OLEVEXAMD (MS l>ro*paot Are., 8 E.) ; OOLUatAUB, 0. (IT X. Malm DECEMBER 10s, 1910. The Billboard 41 tbarn all to smiths*. "oUK DEAR OXCLB FBOM allEBICA (Com- ,-Sr- rslraaa Dec. 12: bulk. 470 toft).— Uncle l>,,rooJ. ail sccsotrlc old fallow, Is cspsctsd by hta orplirw. At tbsy ars callrd >«>; from Uome »«/ uneiptctnllr, lb»T Instruct tlietr serv- »ut Baptist, to look after Ike comfort or their onels until toej retnro. Is csaa ba should srrlvr Id Ike mvanilow. Sborilv after iba jooa« mm hare drpsrlrd tkarr la a rim at Ika ML Kaolin Immwllatelv coaeloilra lust It roast be i OursD.I. sod hsstcos to Iba door. Torre he B »da a very dllapMalKl-looklUf tramp. H* lu-mbcrlm tkat lbs uncle la a giiecr oltl fellow. Baptist uermlta tbe brnar to enter aod abowa Iilm e»err allentlon. Wbeo tbe real Uocle Do- rind makea bis apiwaranrr. ke la furiooa. Com- ,.ll.ailona are aipialoed and pacta and aapbcsr settle down to a ml Jollification. YANKEE. QUEEN OP THE NI- HILISTS (Drama: re Iraard Dec. 2; leactb, — fret).— Cirl Sophls Petrnff. brotber and ala- ter. are leaden of tba Nlblllata. To carry out their plana Sfalust Ike goreratneot, a apr la aent to tbe palace of the OorfrnorOeuvrsl. to obtain Information eltaJ to their causa, -ue any U discovered and eze- Soldlers atorm the etraagbold of the Nlblllata. capturing all within nicest Sophia, who earapea by man of a secret passage. Tbe captives are sentenced to 8luerla for life. Join- ing a band of gypsies. Sophia disguises her- self as a dancer aod managed to gala admit- tance to the Governor General's palace. Throogh her wit and resoarce Sophia auaagea to effect the release of her brother, and, later j oinin g him. embarka for America. WHEN ME WORLD SLEEPS (Drama: re- leased Dec. S; length. — feet) James itadl- sos ha ■ loat oearlir In the nock market. HU friend Wesley rlalta him aod learee la kU care s wsllet cvntalalaa fire tbossaod dollars. The wallet la placed la sladlaon'a aafe. and la the morning Madison hands the wallet to Wesley, bat the money la gone. Wesley charges ilsd- Isoo with taring atoleo tbe mow;. A detactlTe li called In. The myalery la aolred wbea thai three men lying la wall, see Uadleoo'a wife enter la ber olgnt robe, open tbe safe and place tbe missing money Inside. Then they realise that Mrs. Madlsoo It • aoeonamtaillat gad baa taken and replaced the money la her sleep. THE MEDICINE MAN (Comedy: released Dec 6 'edl'° It ' 1 faa — '^rUnT^Indl ^"eha* *^^* mtrra these Indiana after the medicine haa taken effect are locUerooa. Sam la reacoed by BUI Smith, who lakes htm to the home of his sweetheart. "Kit" Thomas. Sam's smooth man- ners make a hit with "Kit." who throws poor Bill over. "Old Man" Thomas catches Sam kissing "Kit" sod st the point of s pistol makes him promise to merry the girl as boob as be brings the sheriff. Sato explains that he Is already a married man. and persuades "Kit" to THE REHEARSAL (Drang; released Dec. 6; length. — ft). — Mrs. Vsl Allen, a society ama- teur actress, engages Robert Hnrloww to "coach" her la pries te re bee real for an amateur per- formance, ght it fascinated bjr the actor, who Is equally smitten with her charms. Harlaet'a wife lesma or ber b n ar ter aa'a laf srnstloo aod fol- lows him to the- society woman's borne, where be finds the pair la a lore areas sot In the play book. Tbe sc tor's wife denounces the wo- man, whose husbsad enters la the midst of tbe scene, sod demands to know wbtt It all means. With great msgnsnlmlty tbe actor's wife says: IT A. LA. A PAINrUL DEBT (Drams: released Dec. 1: length. 1.000 feet).— This him Is one of Itala'a festnre dramatic productions. THE BIO DRUM (Comedy: releassd Dee. S; length. BOO feet). — A comedy subject on the r. another amuitog i reel with Tbe Dog Keeper. RELIANCE WHEN WOMAN WILLS (Drama: released Dec 3: length. 1.000 feet).— The experience of sa unsophisticated girl for wham a trap la laid by a young roue. Forma the plot of lata aim. A wealthy, honorable man. laeenaed at tbe di- abolical plot, extricates ber from a distressing dilemma. Tbe wlasomertrss and purity of tbe maiden srlns his Jove. Later, ss bis wife, end ctton foi Mm. her rural pret- by culture sad magnificent ,og beauty, she wreaks baroc with the heart of the rake who sougb " "rl.^n"" V *'* »' mstee to tbe mncb. and tbe 'Sassy a bare some hilarious experiences with inem. The handsome writer of the letter Is rea- died from the mob hr a pretty girl, and la re- wsrded for the msnltng be received by win- ning her for bin wire. A Cim.n OP THE WILD (Drama: released Dec. 2: length. J.OOO fret). — An Indian Is ex- elled from hla tribe, with his wife sad girl. AMERICAN. VERA. TUB OYPSY OIRL (Drama: released I>ec P.; length. 820 recti. — Ill-treated and abused hy the tyrsnt king of her Irlhe, Vera, the gyp- •y girl, deserts her companions. Alone sod ex ^corV\noek? ,0 ^ll'\ihl*\oai^ ,0 l.«" cTelTi.? In the morning a young farmer finds ber sleeping. He takes ber to his people, end tbe girl begins g sew life la the midst of Her lore for the young fsrmeT dsy by day, and be unconsciously h his brotherly devotion. Becom- ing Jealous of the young farmer, she learee to Join her people. The newa of tbe gypsy's ab- sence awakena la tbe young farmer tbe knowl- edge of hie lore for Vers. He beads log party, gad finding the girl, brings ber back Into the sphere of peace and happiness. TWO LUCKY JIMS (Comedy: released Dec. 8; length. OSS re. ti. — The two Jims depicted la this picture loved the tame girl. One was ex- ceedingly fat and the other equally exceedingly slim. Slim Jim waa tbe father's choice, sod fst Jim the mother's fsrorltr. Both Jim's su.1 tbe girl's psrenls had their plans Is connection with their respective but unluckily or luckily, ss the esse may be. tbe girl bad a lover. The rather did not like the lover and forbade biro tbe tight to tbe boose, so be wss compelled. In order to press bis suit, to sneak In surreptitiously. Tbe ardent wooing of Slim Jim la appessed by tbe girl's promise to elope with him; likewise that of 811m Jim's pooderous riesl. The fallnre of tbe girl to meet lbs two st the sppolnled time caused each one sep- arately to atart toward tbe ranch, with a view to ascertaining tbe reason for tbe delay. In their sesrch they unexpectedly meet each other, sad finding ooe another on the same mission. In ladigastloo decide to Inrestlgsta. They discov- ered tbal In tbe Interim ao elopement had taken place, and tkat the girl had departed with ber personally favored suitor. Bat Capld won oat. despite I be efforts of the two Jims and tbe glrfa parents to prevent tbe marriage. A few years elapsed, snd tbe two Jims weot to visit the home of their successful rivsL They found him awrstlly engaged at tbe wash-tub. while his Indolent wife ast by bossing tbe Job. The t on page 44.) WEST VTEOnriA KAJfAOZRS attention Is in- vite,! to the money-making, rsnunlar Buffalo Bill Crest West. Pawnee Bill Far East. Tbe entire show as It la ares In the big tent In motion pictures, three thousand feet, with lecture, can be contracted, abarw or mat. from Colonel Jos. A. Parker, only excitative owner state rights for West Virginia. Will taay under suspires Lod- ges. Churches, or Societies. Liberal terms- A good steady, experienced man wanted to manage oa) the road. Offers aad full particulars will Be received. State all. Address COL. JOSEPU A. PARKER. 301 Summer fat.. H baton. W. Vs. : oa C. « O. B. B. KB. VICTDXZ SHOW BUM!— Hers Is s golden owrsartualty for yon. We manufacture tbe finest peanuts you ever tasted or. We pat them ■p la wax sacks, (retail price S cents). Slakes yaw dandy article to give away oa special ladles' aad children's days. Makea your competitor set up and take notice. Price S2.00 per hundred, money to accompany order. Try It once: you will be delighted with results. For farther Infor- ms tvon. address UABPLB BROS.. Toledo. Ohio. WE BUY FILM WE SELL FILM Plenty est faarare reels. J, s. Se pa good ce-ey of Jsmea Bros, aad Young Missouri, or sale. CHICAGO FILM BROKERS Car. "The Cowboy's Vindication" (WESTERN DRAMA) RELEASED SATURDAY, DEC. 10. Laaarth. approx. MO Feat) In this photoplay our Western producers have offered a very strong subiect, which in some features wilt be found to eclipse any of their recent serious dramas. The story is unusually strong, the acting sincere and convincing. The cast is excellent, photography superb. "A Tangled Masquerade" {An Fsasnsy 'PhoXofaroo") RELEASED TUESDAY, OCC. 13. (Length, approx. 1000 Fast) In comedy of this nature the Essanay producers have no equal. In this "photofarcc" laughs chase each other from scene to scene. Every situation is extremely fun- ny, while the photography is clean cut, clever and brilliant. BOOK IT FOR A BIO DAY ESSANAY tu h . dark I I have just issued a handy, novel, loose-leaf pad called "Jemmies Supplementary Film List." You can have one for the asking, whether you're using Independent films or not It will not only serve as a correct guide to the best Independent films on the market, but it will increase your respect for the buying power of The Laemmlc Film Service. Shoot me J 'our name and address, ask (or a copy of this loose- eaf film list and you'll get a copy by return mail. ALWAYS BUY MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES FROM ME No matter whether you're running Independent or other films, forget the film fight when buying machines and accessories. Make it a cold-blooded business proposition. Buy where you can get the quickest action, the lowest prices and the best treatment. Deal with the biggest buyer and seller of moving picture equipment in America. My Chicago, Minneapolis and Omaha offices always cany a complete stock of everything pertaining to the business. Write to either of them. CARL LAEMMLE, Pr»«idant The Laemmle Film Service 196-198 LAKE ST., CHICAGO Omaha, Portland, City. Tin Mggwl and Jtst film Rentar In the World The Billboard DECEMBER 10. 1910. THE VENETIAN FOUR 5EMTING - A NIGHT IN VENICE SAM. I. CURTIS & GO. THE ORIGINAL "SCHOOL ACT." Itdr latest aaa LOUISE GATTE "A Real Dancer" Now featured on Inter-State time. J AMI Im tharlr Comsdy Playlet MALINDA K. and P. Tim*. « HACK •laoys Wilson Sisters IINSERS AND DANCERS Special mhit, siaberate aaitieaa. Mow Baaytaa lim iWn, mmMi Nnu- ■at i Hi— The UrtiH. Baa m "r * WATSON SISTERS Th« T«rp*lehor«a«i Fashion THE DAINTY DUCHESS The Three Fondeliers INovsltyXComady Acrobats j and Jugglera I KEITH -PROCTOR LEONARD Qeo. Palmar^! Fiorsnoa, MOORE and ELLIOTT HUBE DICKIMSOR EX-JUSTICE OF THE S. a na C. Of lilt JOHN J. QUISLEY Exolumlve Agant* Slier/ Taeatre lldr, IE* TOM CTTI _ JLVjH Tie Boys witObe Crazy Feet IN VAUDEVILLE » ' Theatres and Attractions. au PHEUM * Passing of the Third Floor Back week "f 28. Gertrude Elliott, In The Dawn of a Tu-Morrow. week of Dec 5. MAJESTIC (W. C. Fridl-y mgr.) The Summer Widowers week of 28. Douglas Fairbanks In The Cub week of 15. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. B. Springer. i.1 The Deacon and the Lady week of 28. mgr.) The Queer at 5. COURT (W T. Mlddletoo, mgr.) Melodram week of 28. EMPIRE (George The Merry Whirl week of 28. 1 week of Dec 6. CASINO (Charles Daniels mgr.) Follies of the Day week og 28. The Pen- nant Winners week of Dec 8. STAR (Jame* J. Clark, mgr.) The Crack erjteks week of 2« The Bon Tons week of Dec S. GAYETY (H. B. Denny, mgr.) The Queen of the Jardln De Paris, week of 28. Foil tee of New York and Paris week of Dec 5. FULTON (Harry King, mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures week of 28. PAYTON'S BUOU (Corse Payton. mgr.) Bijou Stock Company In The Play Without ■ Name week of 28. PAYTON'S LEE AVENUE (Corse Payton. mgr.) Corse Payton Stock Company In Fifty Miles From Boston week of 28. CRES- CENT (Lew Parker, mgr.) Crescent Stock Com- pany In Such a Little Queen week of 28. Billy week of Dee. 8. GOTHAM (Pauline H. Boyle, mgr.) Forbes Stock Dempsny In The flirt From Out Yonder week of 28. OREENPOINT (Benedict Blatt, mgr.) Geo. M. Cohan's The Msn From the Sea. Marcel Art Studies. Ren Welch. Pedersou Brothers. Empire Comedy Four. The Tossing Austins week of 28. ORPHEI'M (Frank Knlolx. mgr.) Herbert Kelcey and Er- ne Sbsnnon. Lily Lens. Msrshal Wilder. Jesse L. Lssky's Minstrels. Gaseh Sisters. Jetter so-1 Rogers. Christy and Wills and Eddie I-eonanl and Mab el Bnssell week of 28. BUTTAIQ ST AR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.) Week 28, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt: last half. Chaoncey Olcott. TECK (J. Olshel. mgr.) Week 28. . Bslley and Austin and Co., In Two Men and s Olrl: week of Dee. S. The Fourth Estate. LYRIC (Lsughlln, mgr.) Week of 28. Polly of I he „ c L r 21i **** Dm - »• Light Eternal. '■^^TTJ 15 *: Ilnckley. rogrs.) Week of 28. Albert Whelsn. floe; Murphy snd Nleh- Ola. excellent: El Be Fsy, very good: down Zertbo, very good: Rita Itedfleld. Colnmhla Four. Jack snd Violet Kelly, Clemmons snd T»-sn, eqnslly as gno«l. made up s very nice bill. Pictures cloalng. Week Dec. 8, Mrln- tyre and fleam, BntOHAMTOtf. — STONE OPERA nol-'RE (O. 8. nsthaway, mgr.) Olrl In the Foot nail Game (local talent) 28; The Nigger »; East I.ynne Dec. I. ARMORY THEATRE (Htenben Oswald, mgr.) Ernesto Misters. The Base Ball Quartet: RUly . Fella. Bentella. TTenntogs, Lewis and Bennlngs and pictures 28 TO. DUUKIRK.— nitOIIA V (J. U Dmhan. mgr.) My Dnels from New York 28 2d; Chsnnrey Ol- cott Dec. S; PssqnsJe 7. NRUON (Russell Lawrence, mgr.) Allan Jlmmle Valenllne 29. EX Ml HA — LYCEUM (Hels Clrrnlt Co . mgr.) Howe's Moving Pletores 28; Katelle Allen 28- Jjec. 3. MIIZART (0. W. Mlddleton, mgr.) Mre. Templs's Telegram 28- 1 lee g. XTWOSTOaT— KIN08TON OPEn A nOUKR (C. Tols, mgr.) Myril- nardee Stock to. 3. BlJOf) (It. Warner, mgr.) Oeo. P. BERNARD WINTON THAT HEBREW CLOWN ■ UN B"0».' OHPWS.OKASON Itia JAMES SILVER "MUSICAL RUBE" Originator of tka (Patented) Pirates keep off KEELEY and PARKS HODKINt CIRCUIT L. "Oh You Voice* and CHAIN — Prsssntlng — TtuCwtawlteiritbr^^ W V A. CIRCUIT MUSICAL ALWARD XYL0PH0NIST Sulllwan-Conaldlna Circuit sc in their Comedy Sketch Bracing Up Norman W. Merrill "THAT YALE FRESHMAN" II UD0E1ILIE ftlW.TS W0MII6. ARDELL BROS. ATHLETES ALF. T. WILTON, Mtr. NEVAROS t Wk^ Walkses, J j^t iMBSk «aa Lay' OT SUSIE PAYNE —COMEDIENNE— A IINQINC, TALK INS AND DANCING ACI Introdueing eorraat typaa of Soathsm Dart •> DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 43 OfWZOO.— RICHARDSON (Birl Burgess, mgr.! The Country Boy 30; The Nigger Dec. 1; The Champlln Stock Company week of Dec. ° P0 U0KXEEP8IE. — COLLI.NO WOOD OPERA BOUH (W. O. Milliard. mgr.) A Messsge from Beno 2d> ^ The B0CHZ«TrE.-LYCEOl. (M. E. Wolff. mgr., Jiayonss or When _Women_Bnle 28 ; »; 3 1 B ) U I ' *" VI ITIKH MUUliu (M,— _ , Bernhardt 30; The Country Boy Dec. 1-3; •wodtbrlft 0-7; Hint Lupin 8 10. 911C (P. W. Alio, mgr.) Cinderella 2»-30; HEItl \* • «• •»*»••/ ve • » «w nv— — Tbe New Theatre Company of New York 5-7. BAKEB (P. W. Parry, our.) Cathrlne Conatlaa in The Awakening of Helena Richie week 28; Uy Man ST. TEMPLE (J. H. Pino, mgr.) Dr. Carl Herman. Frank Tlnoej. Taylor Kraals- man and White, Valeria Bergers Meyers. «■ _ . Doga and Cata. Bobert Da — ~. ..... Uar Ellnore, Carbrer Brotbera and picture! ""k 28 COOK OPERA U0O8E (Mr. Howry, mar.) Harry U Sbroder r— Jobnaona, Buroa Slatera, Toi Dean and llanlon tod the p! COBINTHIAN (P. N. Strau.i. Inubla Burlesque™ week of 28. ETBACUSe!— WIET1NO OPERA BOOSE (J. L Kerr. mgr.) Dawn of a To-morrow Dec. 1-3; Bohemian Girl 6-10. BASTABLE (S. Btattble. mar.) ttoeary Nor. 28- Dec 3: Araene Lopln 6-7. oPASD tJ._Pe.rU.eUH eegr.) S3 _j, Victoria and week of Nor. 28. EXT ( J . J- Bresuo. mgT.) 8elaor Trio, .■ Fletcher and Company, Prank Eeans, Nlchola Troupe, Mlaa Beta Cnrtla week "'tJTTCA.— HIPPODROME (P. P. Clancy. mgr.) Jamea Hircourt and Company, C. F. Buffos, Demorio and Bell 27-30: The Rolllnston Trio. Terry Mack. Cbarletoo and Jerome, and plctnrea Dec 1-3. ORPHECM (Ford 8. Anderaoo. mgr.) Poet and Ruaaell, Seymour and Bnma. Pica re Tronpe 27-30; Harvard and Cronell. Tounce and Marka 1-3. MAJESTIC (J. O. Brook*, mar.) Gertrude Elliott In The Dawn of a To-morrow 80; Tbe Nigger Dec. 2-S. SHUBERT (Wm. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.) The HerrlngCurlla Aeroplane, OrnbeCa Animate. Raymond and Carerly. Me- Connell and Slmpaoo. Tom Jack Trio. Prlnceas Mtroff and Shields and Rogers week of 27. NORTH CAROLINA. CHARLOTTE.— ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Jno. L. Croro. mgr.) Gov. Bob Taylor 28; Tbe Mid- night Son. 30. ALAMO (L. Moore, mgr) Scott Lratte'e Mnaleal Comedy Tronpe Si-Dec. S. OBXEBnBOHO.— OPERA HOUSE (H. E. Tate, mgr.) The Midnight Son* 2»: Al. 0. Field Dee. 8. BIJOtJ (S.ter and Collins, mgra.) Daye. a. Billy Trio. Company. Tbe teman. Hanlon. lores week 28. .) Tbe Co- CRESCENT *(J? J.° Brealin'I T *mgTO and Daye. Eld la Beeves. Hied. and Sjts. and pictures week of 27, OR- UM (H. a Whltton. mgr.) The Hill Trio, rrlne Manning. Martin Barn. Mabel BJon- plrtnrea week of OHIO. — GRAND (John Berlin, mar-) J an la In Tbe Slim Princess week of Dec. KEITH'S COLUMBIA (Harry K. Sboek- ) Frank Keenan and Cocopany, Swat sad Otto, Hoc/ sad Lee. Hamid Alexander, Original Six KaoAnaana, Rolfe and His Rolfoatana and plctnrea week of Dec. 4. LYBIC (James E. rVnpeaay. mgr.) Henry E. Dixie In Tbe Naked Troth week of Dec. 4. WALNUT (W. P. Jackass, mgr.; stair A Hat- lln bookings) In Old Kentucky week of Dec. 4. OLYMPIC (Geo. P. and I* Focepattgb Flab, mgrs.) Tbe Porepaogb Stock Company In All of ■ Sadden Peggy week of Dec. 4. EMPRESS (B. H. Robinson, mgr.) Edith A. Montrose, gsaagsa Lsngdon. Bobert Roland. Number - 44. Oiitiuat Dunlap. Prosit Trio, sad pictures week of Dec. 4. PEOPLE'S (James Fenneasy. mgr.; Western Wheel) Mlaa New York. Jr.. week' Dec 4- STANDARD (P. J. Clements, mgr.; Baatern Wheel) Case. Robinson's Crusoe Girls week of Dec. 4. HEUCK'S (Geo. Heock, mgT.) Billy the KM week of Dec. 4. AXROV. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (O. L. Bs!er, mgr.) Ward sad Vokes 8-9; Thurston the 1 a 12-14; Bererly 16-17; Tbe County . 19-21. COLONIAL (P. B. Johnson. Polk and Polk. Bd. Lenore. Brans and Minnie St. Claire, Warren and Brock- way. Lawaon sad Namoo. 28-20. NORKA (U. C Winter, mgr.) Gordon Trio. Boyd and Moras. Bxrtboldl'e Cockatoos, Chester sad Grace. Msrdo Trio week of 28. OXXVELAJQ). — OPERA HOUSE (A. P. Harts, mgr.) Tbe Dollar Prlnceas week of Nor. 28. COLONIAL (P. Bay Oomatock, mgr.) Cbss. E. Eraas sad Adele Ritchie In They Loved a Lassie week of Nor. 28. LYCEUM. The Wolf " of Not. 28. CLEVELAND. Lena RI of Nor. 2 j iwk of Not. week of Not. 28. LtstA— THE FADROT (L H. Cunningham, mgr.) RlBy the Kid 1. Merry Widow 2. Ber- erly of Oranstsrk. Plttcbogr Orcheatrs 7. THE ORPHECM (Will Q. Williams, mgr. Oos Sun booking.) Fslr show week of 28 with Delia r a Comedy Circus, beadllaer; Dainty June Soya, Roberta la Tbe Doll Maker's _ Nelson, acrobata: Llsale Waller; Di xon, black race comedians. aTWARK — AUDITORIUM (Central Ohio As- sociated Theatres, lessees; M. ' Sbes. mgr.) The Keith Stock Co. week of Not. 28. Tbe Vlr- Dec. 5, I Am King 8. Dots Holcomb and 7. Tbe gqnaw Men 10, the Wolf it The Red MIU 14.^-he Man of the Hour 17. ORPH1UM (O. O. Murrr. lessee; M. P. Bsasstt, local act; mgr.) Week of No*. 28, Lamp Bros., comedy act; Winifred Stewart, comedienne: Gli- des Bisters, singing snd danclig; Leonlda McCsll Co.. comedy sketch; Theodore Cam tie sod La* Jess norelly contortionists: Knickerbocker Trio, soloists; Defrrs. Gypsy Tlollnlat; The Great 8s he rs. Illusionist; Orphlumacope. .Good bosl- 8TBTJBEWILLE. — GRAND (A. Morley. mgr.) High Boiler Dec. R: Red Mill 0; Ward sod Vokes 14. NATIONAL (Wm. O. Hartshorn, mgr.) Wlllard's Temple of Music. Marls Snow- den, nnwsrd and Dolores, Doyle. White snd De Oront. Phil Brown, and pictures week of 28. 8FR1E0FHLD. — FAIRBANKS. The Trarrllng Salesman 28; Frances Starr In The Easiest War I Dee. 1; Oet Rich Quirk Wslllngford 2. NF.W BUN. La Veen and Cross. The namltna. Ethel 1 Alton and Company. Sam Rood. Henry sad Lin* 6. OBPHEUM (Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) Joe Maxwell sod Company. Hoys. Leaning snd Company. The Poor Floods. Conllo, Steels snd Conilo. Cooper snd Bobtnaon, 8am Doty. De- came and Dog week of 27. HAZLET01L — GRAND (John B. Blsalnger. mgr.) The City 30. The Blue Mouae Dec. 7: Tbe Cst snd the Fiddle 12. PALACE (Jaa. H. A Jos. Laoghran, props.) Samuel Tbomberg and Co.. Dick Stead. Geo. Brown snd his Dogs. Stewart snd Doasboe and pictures week of 28. LANCASTER — FULTON (C. A. Yecker. mgr.) Daniel Boone on Tbe Trail 28; Sauce for the Goose Dec. 1; The Cat snd the Fiddle 3. fam- ily (Ed. Mossrt. mgr.) Going Some week of 28. 8CRANT0N.— LYCEUM THEATRE (Thomas Gibbons, mgr. Not. 28-29. Isn Robertson In The Paaalng of the Third Floor Back: Dec. 2-3. Tbe Blue Moose. POM'S (Jobs Duckling, mgr.) Week of Not. 28, Cbarlea LoTenberg Musical playlet. College Life; Snowden and Benhsm. The Three Bremens. The Peerleaa Two Macka. Geo. Lewie and James Csaey. Kramer snd 8pUlsne. Uns Clsytoa snd Co.. snd the Electograph. P0- LI'S NEW ACADEMY (John Docking, mgr.) Poll's Stock Company, supporting Grace Hoff and Wlllard Blackmore In Tbo Little Minister, for week of Not. 28. COLOMBIA THEATRE (George Nelson Teets, mgr.) Not. 28-30. Tbe Merry Maidens with 8am Rice: Dee. 1-3. Yankee Doodle Girls: Dec. 5-7. .ie Original Billy Wat- son and Hl« Beef Truat. WTLKES-BABBE.— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (D. M. Cauffmsn. mgr.) Not. 28. Grace George: 30. Esst Lynne: Dec. 2-3, The Passing of tbe Third Floor Back; 6, Tbe Blue Mouse; 0. Tbe Firing Line. NE8BIT THEATRE (D. M. Canff- nu. mgr.) Boose dark. POLPB (Gordon Wrtghter, mgr.) Week 28, Gerald Ortfflu snd Company, Sharkey. Gelsler and Lewis, Sadie Sbermaa, Claude Ranfe, Howard Brothers, aad the Electro graph. Week Dec. 3. Tbe Black Bro*.. Connelly snd Webb. Rose Royal's Chesterfield, Wright and Dletrlck. Kramer snd Spatle. Week Dec. 12, Jose snd Helols Amoras. DonoTaa sad Arnold. Lea Mssragoaes sad others. LUZERNE (Leon Fertndlnl, mgr.) Nor. 28-30, Yankee Doo- dl- Girls: Dec. 1-3. Merry Maldeaa: 6-7. Tbe Ducklings: 8-10, Watson's Bnrlesquers; 12-14, U mpire : 13-17. Rolllckers: 10-21. Moulin Rouge. WTT.T.TAat SPORT.— LYCOMING OPERA HOUSE (L. O. Flsk. mgr.) Tbe Passing of the Third Floor Back 28; Homan Hearts Dee. 2. FAMILY (Robert EBIs. mgr.) The Fsneana. Mr. Prank PslrcbUd. and Mrs. Nst Wartoa, Lillian Mayntrd, Chief War Clond and Company week of 28. RHODE ISLAND. PROVTDENCE. — PROVIDENCE 0 P B B A HOUSE (Felix B. Weadelschaefer. mgr.) Tbe Shepherd King we ek of SS; Marie Dressier la Time's Nightmare week of Dee. 6; The Choc- olate Soldier week of 12. BMPIBE (Sol Brsu- nlg. mgr.) My Man week of 28: The Climax week of Dec. S; Tbe Rosary week of 12- IM- PERIAL (W. R. Baldwin, mgr,) Baldwin- Mel Tllle Stock Company In Human Hearts week of 28: same company In Tbelma week of Dec. 5. WESTMINSTER (Geo. F. Collier, mgr.) Fred Irwin's Majesties week of 28; The Gin- ger Girl, week of Dec 5; Fsds SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON.- ACADEMY OF MUSIC R. Msttbews. mgr.) Clara Llnmaa 30 Sons Dec. 2; Wilton Lackaye 8: Bea Opera Company 5. MAJESTIC (O. L. Brandt- ley, mgr.) Wayne aad Marshall; Band snd Byron, pleased: Harry Antrim, made good; Prof. C E. Roberta' Bats. Cata and Dogs headlined the bltt. Business week Not. 26, good. Week Dee. S, Louise Career and Tom Murray. Louise Gatte, Leo Beers, Bamlah Dallas. . . COLtrgtBIA — COLUMBIA (Fred Bee bee. mgr.) Ethel Barry mo re Not. 20; Tbe Girl In tbe Taxi Dec, 3: Soul's Band Dec «: Tbe Arcadians TOUTI^AKOTA. JACXBOV. — : Elmo Nor. 28. UOXTILLB. — BTAUB'3 (FriH Stiob, mgr.) The Serraat la the House 28; Tbe Girl la tbe Taxi SO; Soosa and Bis Band Dec. 6. BI- g W^^!^ A &^^ n joy Ride r Dec. 1-3. EASHYXLLE. — OBPHEUM (George Hickman, mgr ) CanL Plckard'g . Part ormlag Seals and Sea > Ions, beidllaer aet: LQltso Wright and her i Compsny, Pro vol: motion Not. 28-Dee. s. GRAND OKLAHOMA. Tbs Cow snd tbe Moon 4: PENNSYLVANIA. k— MAJESTIC (H. M. Melrlck. -0: ^ Ca, h snd |t ,h. plctnrea week of (George Hickman, mgr.) Ttppel snd Kllmeot. Laplta Peres, Pearl Alien. Tbe MItcbela. motion pictures week of Not. 28- Dec. 3. BIJOU (Geo. Hickman, mgr.) Rosalind at Red Gate week of Not. 28- Dec. 3; Miss Benlsb Poynter In Tbe Little Girl That He Forgot Dec. 6-10. VEN- DOME (W. A. Sbeeta, mgr.) Miss Pearl Sin- clair In The Girl ls the Tail Not. 28-20: Tbe Old Bomestesd Not. SO- Dec. 1; The Trsreltng Salesman Dec. 2-3; Tbe Servant In tbe House 6-8; Bobert nil lard la A Fool There Wsa 0-10. FIFTH AVENUE (F. P. Furlong, mgr.) The Btaachsrd Trio, Three Musical Troopers. Coden and Clifford, Lola and Laird, Prof. Humes, (apeelsl added attraction), motion pictures week of Not. 2SDec 3. THE AUDITORIUM (Da LongRlce mar.) The Orphean Musical Club, one Ptrfvl lUalDOO NOTo aWV TEXAS. DALLAS, — DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Amy, mgr.) A Stubborn Cinderella 28: Viola Allen In The White Slater 20-30: Tbe Witching Hour 1-3. MAJESTIC (O. F. Gould, mgr.) Leonard Kane. Leo Filler. Grace Leonard. Msc- Dowcll snd Virginia Drew Tresrott. Eddie 0. Ross, Stanley Edwards snd Company week of 27. ORPHEUM (Dslton Brothers, mgrs.) Msx- well snd Dudley. Tbe Hall Slaters. Tbe Royal Suglruoto Jins. Leerer and Palmer week of 28. nAPPY HOUR (Dalton Brothers, mgrs.) Msr- Tel^tta Cowles. Ben Rrasdt. Princeton and Yale week of 27. 0ALVE8T0H,— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Cnis. T. Brian, mar.) Tbe Witching Hour 27; Mary Manna ring 28; The Msn of the Hour 29. CRYS- TAL (0. K. Jorgen, sen. mgr.) The Three Methrern Slatera. Auatln Walsh. Arlington sad Helat on. Reea Trio, snd pictures week of 27. HOUSTON. — PRINCE (Dsre Wela. mar.) John Mason In Tbe Witching Hour 28-29; Tbe atan nf the Hour Dec 1. MAJESTIC (Chas. A. Me Fartand. mgr.) Wlllard and Bond, Cedar snd Ktgar, Blcknell and Glbney. Otto and Emily Mett. Iyd«ll and Bnttrrwarth, Lee and Rath- mo. Haley. Ramsey Slaters, week of 28. COZY (Maurice Wolf, mgr.) Kelter and Scotch Lassie. Neil I a Dure. Shale snd Cole. Fernsndea May Hay Duo, Bobert De Venn. Downey, Wlllard and Swain, week of 28. EMPIRE (B. B. Morris, mgr.) Richards- Reed Comedy Company week of 28. WASHINGTON. SPOKAWE.— AUDITORIUM (Harry C. wesrd. mgr.) Tbe Nigger Dec. 4-«; Tbe of Pllien 8-10; Onr New Mlnlater 11-13. SPO- KANE (Cbarles Y. Work, mgr.) The Baker Stock Company In Tbe Barrier week of 27. ORPHECM (Joseph A. MuUer. mgr.) Mrs. Charles Leonard Fletcher, Joseph Hsrt's Bathing Girls. Qolgley Brothers. Lew Wells, Mr. Welling- ton Cross snd Miss Lois Josephine. Marie snd Billy Hsrt, Msrlo and Aldo Trio week or 27. WASHINGTON (G. 0. Blikeslee. mgr.) Rosa Naynon. Carroll and Cook. Phil sod Nettle Peters, Tbe Arnesena, McDonald and Huntington and Josephine Alnslee week of 27. WEST VIRGINIA. CHARLESTON. — BUR LEW OPERA HOUSE (N. 8. Borlew, mgr.) Two Americans Abroad 28; WTTrTFT.TTfO VIRGINIA (Cbss. A. Feloler. mgr.) The Light Eternal with Mlas Eugenie Blair 28-30. COUBT (E. L. Moore, mgr.) Prin- cess Iris 26. APOLLO (H. W. Rogers, mgr.) Monte Csrlo Girls 28-Dec. 3. VICTORIA (Ceo. Shafer, mgr.) Lizzie Wilson In G< The Larson Troupe, acrobata; L_ burlesque comedians; Brennen sketch; The Gypsy WISCONSIN. BELOIT. — WILSON'S OPERA HOUSE (R_ H. WUaon. mgr.) The Fighting Person Dec. 1; Baby . Mine Dec 2. FOBS DU LAC— HENRY BOYLE (P. B. Haber. mgr.) Howe'a Pictures 20: The Climax Dec 2. IDEA VAUDEVILLE (Oscar J. Voliert. mgr.) Wlnncld Dooglas. Brown and Birtllettl. George Wilson, Arnoldo's Performing Leopards snd Panthers, Alaace snd Lorraine. James Tsch- ell, snd plctnrea week of Nor. 24 Dec. L JANESvTLE. — MYERS (L M. Myers, mgr.) Paid la Foil 30; Tbe Fighting Person Dec. 1; Louis Mann, Dec 3. CANADA. HAMILTON, 0NT. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Allie B_ London, mgr.) Chauacey Olcott la Barry or Bally mo re 29-30: Tbe Little Damosel Dec 1; Grace Van Stnddlford 8; Albert Cber- •Iler 9-10. MONTREAL. — CRYSTAL PALACE (W. Hodg- ea, mgr.) DowBlag aad Fowle, Car ley Carlos, Tbe Engforda, A J. Farrell week of 28. CA- SINO (A. U. Sharp, mgr.) Tbe Crown Mnaleal Duo. Howard snd De Leon. Reeres and B rod- eo me. Thomas J. Lawlor week of 28. FRANCAIS (J. 0. H oo ley, mgr.) Tbe Three Alee, Kreako snd Fas. The Greet McGsrrey. Vincent Van Dyck. Florence Modena and Company, and The Kalletts week of 28. ORPHEUM (O. F. Drls- coll. mgr.) Tom Walker, Tbe Wessena. Agnes Scott snd Henry Eesne. Cbadwlck Trio. Will H Fox. OUTottl Troobsdoctrs. Tbe Kemps. The Colllbrls week of 28. HIS MAJESTY'S (H. Q. Brook a. mgr.) Grand opera week of 5. PRINCESS (H. C Jodge, mgr.) Albert Chess- ller In Daddy Dufsrd week of 28; Sydney Drew In Billy week of 8. ROYAL (O. MeBrlea, mgr.) Miner's Americana week of 28; The World of Pleasure week of 8. STTEWBROOXE.— CLEMENT (W. A. Ttpert. mgr.) June Agaott Stock Company week of 28; The Mummy and tbe Humming Bird Dec 7: Tbe Third Degree Dee. 23. TORONTO. OUT. — ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Bnlman. mgr.) Grace Van Stnddlford la A Bridal Trip 28-3. PRINCESS (0. B. Sheppsrd, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock In The Msn Who Owsa Broadway week of 28; Maode 5-10.' GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.) Tbe White Squaw weak of 28. Tbe Thief week of Dec 6. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.) Hlgb-elaaa vaodeTBle. MAS- SET HALL (N. Withrow, mgr.) Frederick vil- li ers D ee. 8; Toronto Symphony Orchestra Dec a GAYETY (T. B. Henry, mgr.) Rose 87- deU'a London Belles week of 28: The Behnasn Show week of Dec 5. STAR (Dan T. Pierce, mgr.) Tbe World of Pleasure week of 28; Star Snow Girls week of Dec 5. VANCOrrVER. B. C — VANCOUVER OPERA HOUSE IB. R. Rleketta, mgr.) Madame X 29-30; Ole Olson Dec 2: EUen Terry 6: A Broken Idol 0-7. EMPRESS (Waiter Sanford. mgr.) The Third Degree week of 28. SOULFUL EYES \ Sparkling. brillUst magnetic eyes: LONG SILKY LASHES. No Tiallaiosna, Atraphtxw. or any other nnlaarai in tbla Drsparstion. Bed ssd aJeepy eyes disap- pear Immediately. g 1.00 per hot He; snooxb^ for HELLO, GANG! Just out of show business and troop- ing. Now playing an indefinite engagement at Show Folks' Head- quarters. Glad to see all the folks. A little lunch and hav e one. JACK TIERNEY, OYSTER BAY. 815 Jteritoi, apptait, Wttn fcM. TtUao, 0. Cycles • M. BALQLEY, 341 Cast 14th St. New York City Frank Burt Kobe -Comedy Trick Violin and Jntftfler IN VAUDEVILLE EARL WITHROW AND EDNA MAY GLOVER WITH Rukia aad Lawnaee iasteai Cinady Co. NEARY & MILLER America's Cleverest Dancing Doo IN VAUDEVILLE OPEN FOR BURLESQUE CHAS. RUTH BURNS & CLARKE THE HEBREW AND THE LADY Now in Vsu deville. Add. ears Whits Rata. The Laf rasers la (hair asraaaiaf com ad, skatea "GETTING EVEN" IN VAUDEVILLE THE THREE SHORTIES —In Their— NEW-FASHIONED ROHAN BIN6JACT IN VAUDEVILLE. RAND'S DOGS In Vaudeville Evary Weak far Always Bliss Lillian LaBlanche Little Lady that sings with the Band NOW PLAYING TEXAS. EDWIBT HO DDT, bertaa rional Aerial a and Up Side-Down ItaB. Chick Over field Comedy Wire Artist A BUT XXA8 TO XT SHOW FaUEMOS. especially to all the performers, muslclsns. etc.. that worked for me In tbe following thestres: Shack's Opera Boose, Cleburne. Tex.; Bucking- ham Theatre, Temple. Tex.: rark Theatre. Lsm- paaaa. Tex.; Theatre Carnitine, El Taao, Tex.; waahlagton Theatre. Fashion Theatre. Bells TJnloa Thestre and Psnams Mnsic Hall. San An- tonio. Tex. Also the following road shows: Shack's Operatic Minstrels and Shackle t fa Char- acter Impersonators. DROP MB A POSTAL. atcC. SHACKIJ Antoaio, Texas PRINCE YOUTURKEY "KING OF THE WIRE" AND "THRILLING SLIDE FOR LIFE" Be Ten aeaaons with Barnnm and Bailey's ClRaa, Re-engsgvd for 1911. Now playing winter sea- son In Honolulu. Rooked by I. N. Cohen. West- bank Hlils.. San Francisco. Address "The Bill- board." Ssn Ftsnclaco. If yon ass it In The Billboard, tall then as. The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Film Synopses ardent low hid degenerated Into a ben-pecked husband. Alter nitneulng several rloipnt dem- of domestic rranqalllry pnuctumj by a lot of bawling kid*, the two Jlma atole away and congratulated each other on their locky mU- AMBKOSIO. THE JUDAS MONET (Drama; released Not. 30; length, 500 feet).— Mar- qnla de Coutras. exiled by the revolutionists, baa taken refage In England, and a price of a thousand crowns Is laid upon his head. Be Is compelled to visit France In ' plans t friend. to meet bis old . L . DuMonlln. The tatter's son betrays the- Maniola, uuu Is arrested. DuMonlln Is heart- brokro at the treachery of bis sou. and to save the family bnnor executes the youth. — iEBS (Comedy; re- feet).-A com- of a cou- th E TWO SCHOOL leased Novemlier 30; edy flim aliowlog the pie of students. COLUMBIA. THE CATTLEMEN'S FEUD (Drama: released Dec S: Ivoath — feet). — This Is a romance of the broad prairies of the West; of berda of countless rattle; of man's greed for pastured Balds, ripening to resentment until - is named to Fend fury. After diet between the ranches, peace the union of loving " SOLAX. WHAT IS TO BE. WILL BE (Drama; re- leased Dec 2: length. — feet). — Molly Newell, the besuty of the little village by the sea. Is loved by Jsrk and 8tanley. Sbe favors Jack, and they plight their troth. Jack leaves on a long voyage. For several months no newa of the ship la received: but at laat tidings of the complete loaa of tbe good old ship comes to the village. Molly la heart-broken. Stanley offers to marry re-r. and after mocb persuasion Molly finally serrpts. After a lapse of two years Jack returns. To blm Molly explains tbe cir- ennutancrw. Though tempted to fly wltb each other. Jsrk's nobility of soul and Molly's sense of duty ranaea them to halt. Jack departs, nevrr to return, and Molly Is saved. LADY BETTY'S STRATAGEM (Drama; re-. Ies>rd Dec II: length, — feet). — Lady Betty Is beset by two suitors. Sue seems unable to .make op ber mind as to whom she shall finally Choi A gypsy fortune tolled Imparts tbe Informal that _J Imnarta the Infor — ._ or her two lovers seeks her Angered, Betty disguises herself as a man to And. out the truth. Her escapade culminates In ber discovery that one of ber lovers la a villain. In angry resentment Of a remark made by htm, reflecting upon beraelf. Lady Hetty slaps his face. and finds herself In- volved In a dneC The results of tbe encounter — how Lady Retry la extricated from the peril oua position In which she finds herself— bow true love finally triumphs — bow vlllslny Is overcome — Is set forth In a succession of Interesting PATENT8 CO. EDISON. THE COWPONCHEB-S GLOVE (Drama: released Dec 2; length. 1.000 feet).— The picture opens with a scene showing the Western borne of a father and daughter. The cowpuncber enters. He hss his heart aet upon winning the glrl'a affections: bat the girl evidently has other views upon the subject, al- though her father practically pronileev, her hand In marriage upon the lowpnncher'a return from the round up. Jim. tbe cownnneher, uas rot been entirely honest In bis dealings and now stands In a fair way of having Ma neck stretched from tbe brsncb of a cedar tree by a lyncblng gang before morning. This Informa- tion la communicated to another cowboy by bla finding of a glove outside of the county Jail window. In wblcb glove Is a note from the prisoner. Imploring the finder to give blm to stsrt life over sgaln iranger does not know the culprit, bnt by the sppeal for help he takes the . end ancceeda In securing tbe keys of the Jsll snd throwing them In through the barred window to Jim without either man aeelng the other. The only reward he hss for his service la s pair of gloves, which are initialed, and In wblcb be found tbe note. Slipping them Into bla pocket be paaaea on Into the night, while Jim. a few momenta later, makes bis escape. The cowbiiy wbo assisted In Jim'a escape after- wards meets tbe girl of the first scene and wins ber love. He does not know that her faiuer ban promleed her In marriage to Jim nntll he threatens to come and take her away for his wife that very night. The young lover decide* lo bead off hfa plan, and the two men meet oa a awlnging bridge over a dangerous chasm. Tbe desperate fight which fallows ter- mlnatea when Jim discovers bis glove In the of bis sntagnnlat. and tbe truth la revealed to blm that tbla Is tbe msn wbo ssved bla life from the lynching gang, in the final scene the lovers are reunited. THE WINNING OF MISS LANGDON (Com- edy-drama: released Dec. 6; length 095 feet). — Jack Nurvmrth bad one dealre. one ambition, and one hope In life — to win tbe heart and hand of Mis* Langdon. He bas been born and reared In luxury and wealth, bnt larked some of those finer qualities wblcb go towards the making of a glrl'a Ideal, such aa tbe fancy of Mis* Langdon had pictured to beraelf. Bnt Jack proved his worth when Mlse Langdon was In danger, and thus entirely changed ber opinion of him. Eventually she placed all her future happiness . In hla keeping. THE LirE OF A SALMON (Industrial: re- lease,! Dec. 7; length. 4*0 feet).— In this picture Is shown the spawn In Its various stages of ev- olution until It takes tbe form of a tloy salmon. These small fish remain lo fresh water until a certain age. then drift down tbe mountain streams until they reach the salt sea. wblrb Is tbelr habitation for three years. Then back they go to tbelr birth place, and lay their spawn: and so the operation continues sge after age, or would so. hot for the Inventive genius to cans for their plsce In tbe world's market. AMATEUR NIGHT (Comedy: released Dec. T; length. 550 feet). — This film la a comedy picture. Interwoven wltb a love story, the outcome or whlcb la dependent upon tbe re- sult of a young amateur actress to whom "am- ateur night" meana ao much. Tbe girl loses ber chance to become - an actress, bnt Is made happy, since she and ber lover are united. MELIES. ★ WHAT GREAT BEAR LEARNED (Drama; released Dec 8; length — feet). — A Mexican playing card* wltb a party of cowboys, la aided by bla Inamorata In pasalng an ex- tra card Into bla hand In order to cheat bis opponents. The trick Is detected and tbe trlckstere exposed. Tbe Mexican and tbe girl are permit- ted to leave. Ont In tbe wilds tbe two schem- ers have to shift the best tbey can. They come serosa some Indiana who are panning gold dirt In a stream. Through trickery they learn tbe source of tbe gold-dust, rob tbe Indiana of tbelr treasure, and are about to flee tbe country wben tbe red men discover tbe intrigue. Great Bear, wbo baa discarded his squaw for tbe cbarma of tbe Mexican beauty, challengea the Mexican. Tbe chief strikes his antagonist, and be falls wounded to the ground. The Indiana lift blm - to bla feet and throw blm on bis horse; pnt the womsn on her horse, and tell them to go or tbey will surfer tbe consequences. Tbey leave. Great Bear's wife stands before blm; be bangs bis bead In abime and aays be has learned s lesson. She promises to forgive VITAORAPH. JACK FAT AND JIM SLIM AT CONEY IS- LAND (Comedy: re- leased Dec 2; length. 051 feet).— Jack and Jim go to Coney Island without letting their wives know anything about it. Arriving at tbe Island, tbey throw themselves Into the fan. which is fast and fu- rioua. Their wives discover their absence and (Continued on page 48.) THE LANG REWINDER (PATENTED) STANDARD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD For Sale by AU Leading Film Exchange.. Manufactured by The Lang Manofac taring Co., Oleap, N.Y..U.S.A. Improved Cam, Star, Arbor and Sprocket, $12. OO 80 PER CENT. SAVED ON REPAIR BILLS rileswrlm Pioturw TESTIMONIALS: "Grand Success" aays on*. "Fine Job" aava another. "Cracker Jack aaya another. "Worth toll.OO" aaya another. "Brilliant Work" aaya another. Express your machine to me. No extra charge for putting It in; you pay express charges both ways. . 3Q42 im AsslUansd Avs tnuei. CHICAGO. ILL. STAY- ON OIL 20c Per Half-Pint Can 99 66 ONCE TRIED — ALWAVS Tho boat oil for M. P. m jonines. Doss not thin and run oft gears or apattar. Also fro* from oarbon or mlnaral and dooa not gum on maehlna. STAY-ON OIL COMPANY, 46 E. 14th Street, NEW YORK .is; EXHIBITORS! If you want the SPECIAL "IMP" RELEASE eaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaavBaaMaaatai ava.vLWewBa.-a.-a.-air.TaHB aaaaaaaBBsaaBBaaaaaBBBBBaBnaae posed exclusively for the "Imp" by Count de Beaufor t, Himself aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaasaaaaavvaassusl aBBBBBBBaBBB SaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBVaBavaTaaaB saBBaaY^aYaaBVaBasaaBBY^nHaBBBBBSBBBBBBBl Telegraph your Exchange NOW I >'t g story that will appeal to every heart. When you see how the dog acts, you'll doff your hat to him and to usl "THE POjiTsTODENT" Relenae Doe. 16. This story is made into a full reel because it de- serves to be. The interest in the love affairs of a student and his sweetheart is main- tained in splendid shape from sturt to finish. Sec that you get this film 73T to tiniHh r*ce that you get tins film and also the split reel. Ding (long at your exchange until you get TWO IMPS every blessed week of your lifel 20 LICENSED EXHIBITORS in 20 DAYS! . — Transfer Their Allegiance to The Independents I Mr. Schercr of the Bijou Film A Amusement Co., Kansas City, says: 'The number of licensed exhibitors that have lately flown over to the Independent fold gives ua every reason to believe that tho climax of the situation is[at hand. We could mention 20 licensed exhibitors that we have taken over in the course of 20 days." IMP LITH06RAPHS ARE PRAISED Mr Schercr in the same letter says: "Your new lithographs are indeed of (inequal- ity. Improvements of this kind arc assisting exchange men to introduce independent scrvico in localities where it was hardly thought possible Keep up the good work I "j DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 45 Release Monday, December 19 Length, about 900 Feet THE DEAD LETTER The story of two lovers, united after many years of misunderstanding because of a letter that was lost. A beautiful drama that begins shortly after the Civil War time, and has its happy ending about twenty-five years later. Executed with the vigor and trueness to life which have made LUBIN films famous all over the world. LUBIN FILMS— CLEAR AS A BELL No matter what you are looking for in the way of picture stories, you can't find anything better than Lubin's. The Sign of the Bell means success. The immense growth of the Lubin business has made necessary the erec- tion of a new plant which is now in full operation. REGGIE'S ENGAGEMENT Released Thursday, Dec. 8 Length, about 990 Feet This is a howl from start to finish: Poor hall-room Reggie gets into all kinds of trouble while trying to make an impression at the home of his wealthy sweetheart. He wins her, too. THE MUSICAL RANCH Release Thursday, Dec. 15 Length, about 990 Feet A delightful comedy in Western setting and with plenty of love interest. The kind of picture that people go out and tell their friends about. AN EXILE'S LOVE Release Monday, Dec. 12 Length, about 990 Feet An unusual story of the love of an exiled Prince for an American Girl. Deep heart interest and the acme of Lubin acting throughout. AN AMERICAN COUNT Release Thursday, Dec. 22 Length, about 975 Feet Another of Lubin's screaming comedies that make people forget their troubles and give them the want to-come- again feeling. SEND FOR CATALOG OF OUR 1910 "MARVEL" PROJECTING MACHINE LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Modern New Studios 20th and Indiana Ave., PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHICAGO, 22 Fifth A«.. LONDON. 46 Garrard St., W. BERLIN, 36 Fri*drleh Str. * JJLL ' 46 The Bi llboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. LEN SPENCER S LYCEUM Song Slide Service Newest, Latest and Best Illustrated Bong Sides Bought, Sold, Rented Special Run New Run . Standard Run and Commercial Run Song Slide Service At Lowest Rental Rates consistent with Good Service. Send for Lists and Terms. Music Publishers' r- r cy Vocalists, Pianists, Vio- linists, Drummers, 'Instrumental- ists and Moving Picture Artists in all lines provided upon short notice. Special Offices and Studios at Disposal of Managers and Artists. Call, Write, Wire or Phone. 46 East 14th Street NEW YORK CITY JUST OUT FOR ORCHESTRA At An Evening Entertainment. Overture. 10 parts. Olio and Piano part. 20 cents. Sam- ple Tlolln parts of all my publications sent tree with order. HANS THOMPSON. Music Pub- lisher. 330 Maple Are., Clinton. Iowa. if Up&x Coglei and "GIVE MEAN AMERICAN GIRL"— opy. Beautiful Slides, $5.00 BYRNES & WALSH THEATRICAL C0STUMERS Gowna and Millinery. Expert Corsettiers. Coa- tamea remodeled. Orders promptly executed. M7 W. 4M BL, Sew York. Phone Bryant 2188. Aniline dye-drops for vand evWe a cts to carry lav trsnna^n specialty. ABTHDB ~ Grand Opera House, las Angeles. SKETCHES. MONOLOGUES, Etc. t to order for the profession. Low KANSA8 CITY, MO. (Continued from pare 3S.) who always deem the Grand attractions worth while. The management ia still kept on in the name of Hudson and Jndah, for Hudson la a well-known theatrical name, but Mr. A. Jndah la the sole manager of the Grand, Mr. Jndah It bosiDefis from A to & The Grand is a popular-price boose but many collar sad a half shows come to the Grand- Shows that elsewhere command this money plsy at the Grand for one dollar and perhaps this 1> one of the s e o ' iiia of the Grand's suc c e ss . This season George Brans* Honey Boy Minstrels, seen last year at the Will Is- Wood for s dollar and a half were at the Grand. Jason Hstekln is the mnch-Uked and esteemed treasurer and press representative of the Grand Opera House, air. Bate kin has been treasurer at the Grand also, since it was a Grand, and It Is Impossible to think of this theatre without the pleasant, affable smile of Mr. Batekin. He has In the box -Office as assistant treasurer. Mr. Everett Wilson, who also has many friends both In the theatrical profession and out. The Orpheum Is the theatre that waa com- pletely remodeled during the summer of 1910. The entire front waa torn out and a new and hsndaotne commodious lobby put In and the en- tire "-^"T was made new with new dressing- rooms, new boxes and an enlarged seating capacity. The theatre was also ■completely re- decorated, repapered and renrdshed. the tone color being a cool, restful green, eery pleasing to the eye. Tbe Orpheum presents hlgh-cUss vaudeville. The Orpbeum likewise bss an enormous patron- age. Every night standing room is an one can ret at tie time the show starts and even the matinee, are the boose almost ailed. This Is a record that la hard to beat by a theatre anywhere. And the reason for this patronage Is the excellence of the shows offered always I- the almost minimum fee charged for admission. Mr. Martin Lehman Is resident manager of the Orpheum as he has been for the past twelve years, or since the Inception of the Orpbeum. Mr. Jos. Stl. bel Is no longer assistant manager. Mr. O. K- Hlginbotham Is the assistant man- ager this season, also In charge of the Or- pneum'a press department and so the man- agement and publicity are both well looked after. Mr. Htgginbotham waa formerly in vau- deville, being with an act known as Phoroao. Mr. L. A. Keller Is still treasurer at the Orpbeum. Thsnksglving night broke the bouse record at the Orpheum. Even with the In- creased aeating^esp^cirr^^the^ ^^'Iruthed 1" see the show. *It°vr?s estimated that more than a thousand were turned away unable to obtain even st"""T room. Manager Lehm a n said that be has never seen so many people at this theatre before. The newest theatre In Ksnsas City la the Empress, the Sulllvsn Considina vaudeville hotrse- This theatre was thrown -open to the public May SO. 1S10 and since then has been running .with three shows a day. one matinee and two evening performance's- Mr. D. F. Mc- Coy la resident manager of The Empress. The vaudeville at the Empress as the posters an- nounce, la ••vaudeville as you sea In New York" and la well worth while. A theatre that has node atre that has undergone several changes last year, although now hack to Its position aa a .lock boose, la the lu- ll. In^Jsnnsry^of ^ ^j^f^ ._ Mr. P 'o P D. C *Woodwsrd. and for half a week presented Harry Lander and a se- lected vsudevule company. It waa the Inten- tion of the Morris people to have a theatre In srsjasal City and give' vaudeville here with weekly change of bin. Mr. Martin Lehman resident manager of the Orpheum and acting for the Orpheum Circuit obtained a five-year lease oa the Auditorium Theatre and so Mor- rie was cot out of a noose in Kansas City. Then the fate of the Auditorium was In doubt, during the winter it remained dark, the • - ~ — ■» — ♦ a— lal. i_a a. do with au uunng urc . . Orpbeum circuit not deciding what tt It. - During the summer It was I overhauled and freshened np and on 6. a sew stock company commenced a _ Mr. I-awrenre Lehman, who waa assistant manager at the Orpbeum during the early part of this season. Is now manager of the USrL vl UUI ass, p l MJ 1 1 w aa* lava* ass— ■ as ■■,•»>- •» • ■ Auditorium Theatre. With the big Orphenm press department back of It and the capable management of Mr. Lehman there Is no doubt that the new theatre and new stock company will be a success. The GlUta Theatre la the oldest theatre In Kansas City. The Galls Is a popular-price bouse and has a big following. Even when the theatricals se sauna were most strenuous the Oil lis suffered the least for the business there waa at all times very satisfactory. Capa- city on Sundays and holiday a la what the Gil- lie does with a very good showing at all the matinees snd evening performances. The man- agement of the QIUIS Is In the bands of Mr. E. 8. Brlgham, who la a well-known flgnre In thea- trical circles and a very able showman Mr. I. K. Sherlock Is treasurer. Mr. Leroy Simons Is the business manager of the GUlls. Mr. Sher- lock Is on the main door and also advertising agent of the Gulls. Both the burlesque booses of Ksnsas City are doing a very excellent business. The Century Is the Western Wheel house manager by Mr. Jos. B. Douegan and It Is s very successful The' Gayety on the Eastern Wheel U managed by Mr. Burt McPhsil, a well-known theatrl- C *Here^r"wlshlng the theatres, the show fplk and every member of the theatrical proffrilon s very Merry Christmas and a moat joyous New Year. If the New Year Is judged by the kindly action of old 1910. It will be a Terr sac- -' year In Kansas City. All WILLIAM W. SHELLEY. PIPE TONE Toldtnx OTlan. »ILO>. 4 octaw key board. Think of It: Missies Oak or stabosanv rinlab. Tai- ls m banner offer. Bests* tlon. Bellows. Car* and T-ta eatlsfled. Llttls 01 Order today . A. L. fit WALTHAM WATCHES cpE plT FULL JEWELED $11165 You do not par. one penny until you bevj 1 and easmSnodthi. Hiirb-Grade. Pol! .. -..led W.ltham Watch, with Patent Hair , . T~— V-^. sprintt. in any style plain or engraved C as e .right ... • whs-st. in TOOT own hands. gnjes si ' ' aMism OREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFER ■|SM^ s^j IMC -li^'SlI V fc-U U-RH at fJaTi SUM. jTftTTl r t M ' W *s"L your salary, we will trust you for a hieh grade ORNAMENTAL ■ WW9 ft Hit ii m mm ti § : ! f§ arir m aa aa aa mzts' trvr K : m f ■ LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. OUR PRICES AND SUG- _ GESTIONSWILL INTEREST YOU. S P'inta and Frwa The Kanneberg Roofing and Ceiling Co. Manufaoturars Eel Ipsa Signs CANTON, - OHIO. $48.00 IN THIS FOR YOU! A Regular ae, a For 1 Cent Packed 20 packages to the box- «0 boxes to thecsit eac h stick mapped sefaarsarry la a peak jper. 1,200 5c. packages coat you only $l2.0O-you sdl if for iflO.OO. YOtJR IVOHT ORDER AT ONCC. DI-GESTO GUM CO.. ROCHESTER. N. V. NOVELTIES, JEWELRY. S PECIALTIES! Singer Bros.' New Book of Specialties THE BEST CATALOGUE IN THE TRAOE If yon are a Concessionaire, Novelty, Jewelry, Notion or Fair Worker, Canvasser, Street- man, Auctioneer. Knife board Man, Hoop-la Game, or General Merchant, you cannot afford to no wltbont It- , ■ , It contains full and complete lines In newest Novelties, Souvenirs, Watches, Jewelry, Fountain Pens, Optical Goods, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Yankee Notions, Carnival Goods, etc., etc., st wholesale only. By satisfying us that you are a legitimate dealer (aa we want to keep this book out of the consumers' bands), and sending us your permanent address, we will be pleassd to send you this book free. SINGER BROS., 82 Bowery, N. Y. CITY. WIRE ARTISTS AND METAL ENGRAVERS We manufacture anything in Pearl Plates for Wire Artists, also any shape or style in Whits Metal, ready for engraving names, in gold or silver shading. A few of our leading apeclsltles being maple leaves, ovale, or any ehaped beanty pin, scarf pin, etc.. ate. Ia the pesrl line ws are ? to give you the best quality and guarantee each piece to be the taest nnlah ol BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY III NEW ENGLAND PEARL COMPANY Established 1893. 40 Clifford Strwwt, Provldanoe). R. Has O. ROOSEN COMPANY ARK THE LCADINa M AMU FACTU RERA OF PERMANENT POSTER INKS FOR BLOCK WORK, ZINC and STONE Compare the bright and anappy appearance of theatrical poster Inks sine* w» has* mads a specially of them against the regular poster Inks sold by our competitors. PERMANENT BEDS A SPECIALTY. BROOKLYN, N. Y- ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED for that LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY The musical hit of list season In Chicago and other cities, feature of ballet. Splendid : Naat with the addltlen.i lid proaiM-cta. Only thoroughly reliable, financial party need ens*, r. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 47 PHOTOGRAPHERS, ATTENTION ! wf.^'Gi. "■» era k. i% to u; electric light for photographs — poet cards In particular— Juat aa faat and make* aa perfect picture*. Pronounced s marvelous auc- cesa by camera manufactur- er*. Ilaa 8.O00 candle evenly distributed and packed t>7 adjuitihle sterling nickel re- flector*. Tbla machine la aa- sembled . tlon la a few — --- mime* bat i dime s worth of gasoline per evening. Tbl* "•Hydro-Photo" llarut machine baa tb* Mine manufacturer* rvpotitlon back of It u our Fimotu rrlmo Portable Mi- chines and Are Lamp* In na* by iitf in everywhere. Writ, for Frio. Lb*. WINDHORST 4k CO. ■aksr* of the fiBM Prima Show Lighta, 1044 If. 11th Btra*t, toll. CAN HIRE THESE FBOM Automatic! Base Ball Co. 46 Corn hi 1 1, Bo ■ I I "Patented" Spring clockwork. Inside each clothed, life- like ngwe. make* catcher's bands and batter's bat. unjili, always moving. For Park. Fair. LOOK HERE!! I MORRISON Wholesale law el era and Opticians Eatab. MM Chicago. - HI. We it* the low- whole- CUTLERY MOVELTIES We are exclusive C. 8. A. Agents for the grestrst Money "inlet It Makers. Hamlet _ Kgynold Witches; also Hamilton best selling xtasxara, GORDON tV MORRISON WholsssJs Jssrslsrs Madison Itrest, Ohlosgo. HI. FOR TRAVELIN8 — JUST OUT! Self Winding Indoor Clothes Lines for light washing/. Strong, neat and durable. Can be pat Op and taken down Instantly. Oat ■>f the way when not In use. Fir* Inches so. as re; weighs trounce*. Packed In neat box. Send reaentatlve. Tbej have organised tb* Oriental Amusement Company, interesting Pittsburg capital, aad wUl carry oat their conception of •bor* tY sc'aT^The' JSSFETff'. glve^'the famous by Rath St. Deals. artiste, under canvaa In tb* towns and cities throughout th* country where these noted performers hsve not appeared. Each dance la to be ataged In a pretentions uaatt, the equipment being already under construction and a special - ■nd si-ranged feet* n aca ea a r. of construction. Tb* World'* championship Roller Races win eocra be held it tbl Oirdeot, and Manager John J. Bell la open for entries or Information "fwUh iRui Merry"" Chrtitmas and a Hippy N,W T '"- LOUIS L- KAUFMAN. larius iimiij usiuh v»^™n»»*>» tent with ■ Urge seating capacity MEYER'S MAKE-UP GUARANTEED Without good make-up, genius would bo a failure. Make-up is dependent upon the grease paint and powder used. Use Meyer's Make-up and get the guaranteed Pure and Harmless. Ask for it and get it. Only a little more and worth it. SOLD EVERYWHERE, or nddrea. CHAS. MEYER, ■ M«w "EXTENDED VISION" Or "LOOKING BEYOND THIS WORLD" This book baa a RICH BINDING. Large Type, and a Wide Margin. There are TWENTY- ONE CHAPTERS. W. J. COLVILLE, one of the most celebrated Authors and Lecturers before the world today, baa written the "Fore Word." Some of the best poem* on Heaven, both TABLE 'oF^CHAPTERsV "How long does it tiki for a Soul to reach Its heavenly n Graves Net Three Feat long," "Do Spirits suffer whan they ae* as la aorrow V' So rather oa Earth." •■Oar Mother which Art in Heaven." "Onr Brothers and Slaters bera- «ft*r." "Mate* in Spirit Life." "Celestial Attendants." "Spirit Soldiers of tb* Civil War." friend* in th* OrestB.yond.-_ "F^plcymeat of Immortals." "Suicide and its after Eff . — "What is Death!" "Thar* are Ho D*>d. ,f "Heaven a City, a Country, and a Condi! OffUid* th* Church." (A chapter biff with comfort). Price, $1.00 Net. (Postages •nd Wrapping, 16 eta.) DR. 6. TABOR THOMPSON, 526 SPRUCE ST., Boston's Theatrical Store The only place in Boston where you will find a complete assortment of theatrical supplies. Everything at cut prices. GREEN'S PHARMACY, 232 Tre-mont Street, Cor. Eliot, nearly opp. Majestic Theatre. OF ELITA COLD CREAM 50c 1 lb. ELECTRICAL DIAMONDS You can make bis n raonds. They are the finest iraita of the genuine swaS^S* article ever produced. We have them in rings, scarf pins, studs, and ladies' brooches, at such prices that will enable you to sell them at low — Rings, 80c p«r dox.n. Brooches, $1.60 par doian, Send for our illustrated catalog of watches, jewelry, silver-ware, ete. It is a winner. Address LEON WILDER ft SONS. - 83 Bowery, New York City. N. Y YOUR PICTURE on a POST CARD TAKE* and FINISHED in HALF A MINUTE gi.voo to *.v..t*i per day can Iw earn il by of wealing ooe of • Our Isteit Model Nu. 4 Wonderful Kerruiyiw Machine t. pictures: On bntloa plate*, wblrb can be i».unte.i la a lHai'S and 2Vsx3,i plats*, which can- be mounted la a for mailing. It U also reversible for las These pictures are < BOOM BEQUIBED company each machine, ami they are so simple to learn the bos lives* tn 30 minute*. A complete , and sella for 15c and Sic. The couplet* anil Wonderful Ferrotype Machine. Tripod, wltb enough tore* (200 of each else), £10.00. Price of onr No. Machine, SIT: No. S Machine, SI*. Trio Camera Scope, which BUTTON PICTURES IN ONE MINUTE, I1B.O0. We are the Original and largest manufacturers of the Ferrotype Sleeve Machine*. Plates. Mount*, and all other snppllea for Street Tin Tn e Machine*, bend for our f ree catalogue, g m deposit required with all ordrr*. balance. C O. I>. IIW YORK laOU nsletlnc of •ear No. 4 Mi to make 000 plo 1 Machine. »15: No. * .1 JLOOKIJ 0 87 Cls. g 0 Postpaid, o hj "* SUmprTasan ' * J 1.000 Extra gnuasieed aattsfsctloa or exchanged it onr expense. C. A. RIEDELL, Mide In % sis*. S Inch robber. Mack handle*. Fancy white nwent. Only on* to a customer. Write tor prices. 445. Atlanta, Ga. NEW LETTERHEADS print loir* We have Jost Issued 1 One new catalog of letterhead sample* and half-tone engravings. It to of the asoat complete and elaborate aver gotte n out by any one la Us* the* trie* 1 or vaudeville tine basin**!. It contains about 40 new designs for letterheads suitable for Theatrical He per Companies. Circus, Wild West. M. P. Operators. Musicians, Magicians. Handcuff Experts, Acrobats. bougxnd Dance Artists. Aerial and Trapese Performers, Contortionists. Balluonlats, Airship yen. Wire Walkers, la fact, i design for nearly every act on the theatrical, circa* or vaudeville stage. Too can choose • design from onr catelnar and It w ill equal or surpass * special engraved Job. while the price win be only SS.40 TO*. SCO nr TWO CO LOBS. wblehlnclud*. a half-ton* cut from your photo. If a double design or two half- tone* ire required the price will be 11.50 more. These catalogs actually coat us 25 cent* rscb. bnt *r* wsnt aU live ONES tn have It. ao wUl send on* by return mall upon receipt of 10 cent* In stamp* or coin. We also — work to order, and employ only the beat artist* and designers. Send yoar a*. Pis te this i d In yonr hook— 1 1 ajar not appear again. CLAY CENTER ENGRAVING CO., Clay Canter, Nana**. THEATRICAL LUMBER Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write for i THE JOHN GILLKPIC I COMPANY CHICAGO, HAVE YOU ANT TOO WANT MADE TO . Xhe Billboard DECEMBER JO, 1910. 'Film Synop MtfattMf bo.'-w 44.) to follow ttomu Tl aople of sporty ladles, sddJog w tte Id Use midst of their amusement, their «m' opus) them -nd take them In tow. t»e next day flnoa tbem seated on their fire- e e rsne s at basse reeoontlar. their experience* and IsrjgMttg orer the good time they bad down at the Isle by the sea. THE PBEACHKirs WIFE (Drama: released Dec »: lengtn. 1.001 feet).— In this drama the nnj-UWIui prejudice of self-lsstirated moraU came near wrecking two Urea, and la corrected by tbe rebenion against them by a rouog wife. THE TINTYPE BOMANCE (Comedr: released Dee. «; length. 9W8 feet).— The Tintype Ro- mance Is a refined comedr and lore story In wbieh rne Vlujx»ph dog. Jm^cb^ii the em- PATHE FKERES. THE CLEVER DOMES- TIC (Comedy; released Dec 5: length. 485 ft). - Jack Fairbanks, who Is blessed with poor rela- tions. . consents to take .the protege ot a joaag cousin from the country Into his service ss valet. Tommy, the cousin, who has all the freshness of the rnbe. dnly arrives. The innumerable blunders be commits are the des- Ultlmately, after baring; i practically the whole of bis borne wrecked. : senda 'Tommy. back to bis country surround- IE MEXICAN TUMBLERS (Acrobatic; rc- e Dec, 5; length, 476 feet).— An acrobatic In which some remarkable feats exem- r the .glUt, and sprlghtlmess ot the re- AN ANIMATED ARMCHAIR (Comedy; re- leased Dec 7: leog-th, 050 feet).— Mrs. Thomp- son does not approve of the marriage of her daughter. Alice, to - Harry Stereos, but after Harry has shown symptoms of a hero be not an objection removed, bat that be la Implored by Mrs. Thompson to marry Alice. COCOANUT PLANTATION (Scenic; released Dec 7; length. MS feet). — A colored scenic (Dm that Is gonad to entertain those who wish to see natnres bean If. SAVED IN THE NICK OP TIME (Drams; re- leased Dec 9:, length, 800 feet).— Stella baa gone . to stay st a ' watering place with her father, a retired mill owner, who has the mis- fortune ' paralyzed In. the lower part of his body. She la Introduced by one of her aesjoalntsnces to Albert, a gentleman adventurer, who would like to secure Stella's dowry. "Stella Is fascinated by bis polished manner and good looks, and listens to him s tilonsl y- There Is also staying at the same hotel another suitor for Stella's band, Henry Cresp. He has known her and her father for some time, and nothing would please the old man better ban to bare him as a eon In-law. Henry presses his suit, bat Stella refuses him, as she Is won by Al- bert. She - In trod nee* the latter to her father, - but be Is' less guDeiese than she, and perce i ves that beneath the surface Albert Is little better than a rogue, and he tells him In rmmlstihshln terms that be will not consent to bla daughter's marriage to him. and that the acquaintance between him and. Stella had better end. Albert la furious and writes a note to Stella to meet him at Gall Rock. ' threatening to end bis life unless be can be sure of her lore. Stella keeps the appointment, tearing, her father asleep In bis bath chair on the sands. She- suddenly re- members this, and, wresting " herself from her lover's arms, sees the Incoming tide mounting to her rather 1 a knees. The old gentleman Is awakened, bnt powerless to stir, can only shoot In feeble voice. Fortunately, his cries are beard by Henry, who happens to be near enough to clamber down the rocks and dash through the water to rescue him. Stella, who the whole scene, yields to Impnln him with her hand an d heart. SOAP IN HIS EYES (Comedy: released Dec a: length. 184 feet).— Smlthers. with his eyes full of soap, gropes through his Oar. ov ertur ning tables and' -knocking down ornaments In his er- ratic coarse. Arriving oat on the landing, he dew-ends the stairs In a peculiar manner, creat- ing havoc on the way. Arriving at the porch, he comes -across the Janitor, who,, disgusted st being pushed inlo a bucket of water, retaliates by throwing wnter over him. The result Is not what be expected, but. relieved or this soap. Smlthers dances on the sidewalk and showers blessings on the astonished Janitor. HER FIRST HUSRAXD'S RETURN (Drama; released Dec. 10; length. 900 feet).— The hap- piness of Mr. and Mrs Thurston Is checked when an Individual enters upon the' scene. The Individual la Mrs. Thurston's first husband, Tom Warren, who years before hsd been reported killed In a railroad accident. Warren demands money. She gives him all she has, and. fear- ing to lose George Tbnrstou's love, promises to send him more In the morning If only he will go. He agrees to leave on these conditions. That night a burglar enters the bouse sml Is rummag- ing aronnd the room. Helen enters and the burglar hides behind a screen. At this moment Warren returns and renews bis demands for Immediate payment. He shows her their marriage certifi- cate. She struggles to obtain It and the screen Is upset and the bnrglar brought to view. War- ren draws bis revolver and In a struggle with the burglar it falls to the ground. Helen selres the weapon, end In a fissb has covered both warren and the other man. She bids the burg- lar strike s match and burn the certificate In Warren's uplifted hand. He does V>. She con- tinues to .keep both ot tbem covered and orders the burglar to leave by the window. Helen then telephones to the police. Two officers are soon at the bouse, and pointing to the kit left behind by the real culprit, she bands orer War ren as the burglar. At this moment George ~ rston enters. . Helen eiplstns that she bsd i disturbed by a bnrglar. and while the p..- Jead _ Warren etf In custody, she falls In t -tenia. ' TV THE WILDERNESS '(Drama; released Dec 8; length. 1,000 feetl.— To for- thcr bis own ends, and In pUt of revenge. . Slmno - aronseg the Indiana into BIOGHAPH. . A CHILD'S STEATEGEM (Drama; released Dec 5; length 898 feet).— Mrs Wal- ton la. one of those Jealons- on the psrt of her husband to- wards any 'one of the female hi- Her foolish Imagin a ti on Is the cause of a stormy scene, and a separation seems Inevitable All this transpires with the little ten-year-old daughter as witness Xezl morning Mrs. Walton packs her trunk and leaves a note to her husband to the effect that she Is determined to begin divorce proceedings. The little one now intervenes, but with pour success. While she la sitting pondering at the table, so article Is the newspaper concerning s black hand kid napping strikes her gaxe. The very thing! Suppose something could happen to her, everybody would become alarmed and excited, and mamma and papa would no doubt forget their own differences in their efforts to Uft the veil of mystery from her. She perfects her scheme and puts It Into effect, with the result that father and mother were brought to realise bow foolish they had been. . . - TURNING THE TABLES (Comedy; released Dec 8; length. 418 feet). — Mr. Peck has long had « weakness fur going out with the boys, even tboagb a married man. His wife grow* tired of -these regular sessions and puts her. foot down bard. Peck, however, must go out,' so be resorts to that effective subterfuge, "sick friend." It goes, and be Is allowed until ten to return. At ten o'clock the game was lust getting warm and a breakaway wss Impossible. Mrs. Peck bss begun to doubt the truth of the "sick friend" story, and a tarts out after the renegade Peck, making towards the nearest cafe. Entering, she loudly Insisted that the manager present her husband. Peck, who is in the back room, hears her voice, and diving out the back way, beats It for home, while the Madam Is xearcblug for him. Getting into bed, after pat- ting the clock on a couple of hours, he is ap- parently asleep when she returns- Aroused by her entrance, be with mock dignity, demands to know where she bss been. Well, be really makes her feel the Incriminating evidence of her own apparently compromising position, and not being able to give convincing proof of her own innocence, she becomes abjectly contrite, promising never to deny Peck his little pas- times. HAPPY JACK, A HERO (Comedy; released Dec 8; length. 676 feet).— It Is the evening of a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Stamford In honor ot their daughter's birthday. The house Is beautifully decorated and one of the features is the antique room. In this room stands figure In a suit of armor of value. During sod the maid the Ibis figure is the butler, fearful of the out to get some one to stand ha the suit In- stead- Happy Jack, the rover, passing by at the time, takes the Job on the promise of a good feed. There have been a couple of sneak thieves operating In society' circles, and they, teaming ot the - affair, plan to attend. In evening suits they present themselves and while the butler la engaged with one of tbem, the oth- er pilfers two Invitation cards, which gain them admittance. The daughter Is presented by her father with a beautiful diamond and pearl neck- lace. Daring the evening the crooks nip It, and going to the antique room to examine their spoil, espy an open safe This Is easy, snd they at once begin to help themselves. This Is done under the eye of Jack, whom they think Is a stand of 'armor. When their work at the safe la about complete. Jack discloses himself, holds them up and hands them into custody. Yon ' reward now amounts to some- a LIGHT EFFECTS Everything Electrical for Theatres. Parks, Productions and Vaudeville Acts. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. PROPRIETORS against the whites. Thrilling oght. bnt In the end the red Keep Yeur • On US INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS, ■MSB. 14T 4th A vs., Hew York City LARGEST DEAUCRS IN TH* WORLD IN SECOND-HAND FILMS IMPORTERS AND EXPORTEPS and. beat Uorlog Pic In city of 15.000 Inhabitants : on Ohio Hirer; aeats 330: oiwra chairs and now running. Everything up-to-date. Bayer mast bars $1,000. Also a Orst-claas Penny Arcade of 100 almost new machines of up-to-date ones. Address at once. C. - B. -CLARK. I run ton. Ohio. ■3 -Art.-.-' ■-' COLUMBIA FILMS' INCREASE YOUR PROFITS BY USIN6 COLUMBIA FILMS BY FAR THE The release of "The Cattlemen's Feud" has been postponed to Dec. 17, 1910, and from this; time on we will make weekly re- leases. We have decided not to send our releases through the Motion Picture Distributing arid Sales Co., of New York, but will sell direct to all exchanges. RELEASE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1*10 The Cattlemen's Feud" sfaf MR. EXHIBITOR-Insiat on getting COLUMBIA FILMS, for it will pay you. Colombia Film Co., mA •» «- New York City ■2-4-iU' AND GOOD ONES, TOOI THE THANHOUSER-2-A-WEEK RELEASE Or FBID AY. DEC. IS The Story of (he Oris Wise Hut TflsMILLIONAIREMILKMAN No. 108. Cod* Word. RELEASE OF TU ESDAY. DEC. 13 Another Bnbjeet of the Thanhouser Detective Series. No. 167. LOVE AND LAW Code Word, Law. "VICAR OF WAKEFIELD" IS COMINGI isPvkeWJ ass. i , - v> . **■ , THAT THANHOUSER PHOTOFRAME of portraits of the famous Than 13 1° depth .. rder. This is the >rs ice country over are calling THE GREATEST LOBB Y DISH For System's Sake Address) SHIPPING DEFT., THAN HOUSER COM PAN Y. New Roch.ll., Now York . •2-4-U. AND GOOD ONES, TOOI t NESTOR FILMS TWO OF A KIND THE KIND YOU AND THE PUBLIC WANT — GET THEM! TheConqueringHero For Release Dec. 7th.. A Mirth -Provoking Film. GET IT I THE PILGRIM For Release Ds>c. 1 4th. A Delightful Thriller. GET IT! READ SYNOPSES ON PAG E 40. BEAR In mind, NESTOR'S RELEASE DAY— WEDNESDAY. R.msmbsrthit "IF IT'S A NESTOR, IT'S GOOD." For bulletins write to "NESTORLIST," 147 Fourth Ave., New York. Nsstor Films are distributed through " DAVID HOBSLEY, 147 Fourth A,e„ New York City. | MOTION PICTURE and VAUDEVILLE EXHIBITORS IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WANT? the Eihihltorn' 1'Sjrne. Complete ootuts furnished from the electric lighting plant to the screen, new or second-bsod. at reduced prices. Spools! rsles to members of the fcsblbltors' League. Competent operators, musicians and msnagera with references are requested to enroll upon our roster. Corre.p..nd-nce solicited. Address l.BAOUB EXCIIAXOB, Conoeaut. Ohio. FOR SALE — MOVING PICTURE THEATRES FINDLAY, OHIO. OBERLIN, OHIO. IONIA. MICH. •WRITE QUICK AND BUY RIGHT. For Information, write, EXHIBITORS SUPPLY HOUSE, Suite 1, Lyric Theatre BiitdiRf. FORT WAYNF. IND. We buy end sell M. P.Thsstrsa. AM kind, or M. P. Theatre Supplies. Th^5 Billboard 49 MOVING PICTUR E NEWS Kansas City, Mo., Council Introduces Stringent^ Ordinance fqr Regulation of Movjng Picture Theatres—Notes ■ ff: of ther^Mnufacttirera and Late Releases ORDINANCE AGAINST THEATRE. Council S ItaMU tO Tbc Kill • Introdocrd Into the a law, loc«l motion One of the requirement* u that no Hat In the theatre ahall be mart than tlx fret from aa alula. Tbli requirement will bit bard the ■ulkr theatre* In whlrh there bat two titles, sot tluac e«ch wall. It la also demanded that operators undergo ' "wt baa not baas DIXIE EXCHANGE GROWING. The Dlile Film Company, of New Orieana, La., of »blch H. riebteabm la petwldent, hss experienced s wonderful growth In boalncae dar- ing toe part Ibree months. 7 Tbrre months ago I waa purchasing nine reels of film weekly, and to-day in buying twmtj fmr reels of aim weekly of different makes," saya Mr. Flchtenorrg. "We are not advertising that wa art parchaxlog dnpllcate copies of any particular make, but hare se- lected twenty- foan* different reels. oar point of view we consider tbat _ urban** that will Invest 9S.400. for film, and p*<0. for mat. of operation weekly, will be avaaHeotty eqnlnpcd to Handle the requirements of m»t pertlralar ezhtbltora. This tba Dixit Film F.x change la enabled to do.' The Dixie AMERICAN'S WESTE RN RELEASE. Tba American Film Company, on December 8, will release Its Brat western dim. entitled Two Larky Jims. With this bane tba American Film Company inaugurates a series of western wttfeta about three weeks of tba forma ■ of the company, a crow of actors bat beta i poeln* for pictures. The location ■the headquarters of tbia acting com- pany la In the State of New Mexico. In and arsaod the trttlenent of old Santa Fe. The aaaajnany cemprteea fifteen people. The greater mtJarHj at whom are talented and experienced la acting before moving pletara cameras. It la Ike Intention of lbs maaageaent of tba IHiliaa Film Company to -reseaaa one we a t e rn aim each week on el tber M ooday or Tnnuday. BUFFALO BILL PICTURES. ~~ rights for most of the stares pictures of the Buffalo Bill Wild _ j Ha to beta* handled by tba and Pawnee Bill Film Co. Collins and Colllne bars New York Bute: Comfort and Van Dyne bare Masaarhtnwtta and Rhode 1 aland. Quebec and tba Maritime Prov bacee; J. A. Morrison. Ontario; Canadian Film Exchange baa Western Canada: Louie Bccbt. Ohio: Antl-Trnst Film Co.. Illinois and wlnmn- am; Fred rtoSasaa. Kentucky; J. A. Parker. West V Ira tail a; Petersburg Amusement Oo.. Vir- ata la and North Carolina; Wat. Oppenbrlmer. Florida. Alabama and Georgia; P. O. Cameron. Taxaa: Albert Jackeoa, Oklahoma; J. A. Joree New Mexico. Arlaoaa and Nerada; H. Walk. and California. FILM NO TES. Eberbsrd Schneider, wall known mo-tat; pic- ture man of Second avenue. New Task, la now Washington, where be Intends Joining pteae- ara and baalneaa. Having been an old otBcer of tat Oafataa nary, and nigh op In tba Am" ttan Aaanrlatlon of German total ters. be went at Was h ta g i c a s to represent bis seder at the no veiling or tba Baron won Steuben moeameat aa December T. After tba ceremony. Mr Schneider purposes to a trend to tome legal matter* relevant to bit bull nets, wblrb dntl will bold blm la tba capital city onttl tba and of the weak. La «t week brought Mr. B. 8. nntchtnaon. t of the American Motion Picture Co. Tnrk for a bnatnaaa trip of about a MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. Permits bare been leaned for tba erection or two now then tro t la Lonlevllle. Ky. Oae per •It waa leaned to tba Royal Theatre Com«an- attgateeatb street tad Broadway for a brick hnTldla* to coat tiaooO. Tbs ' " " - The Theatre Compa lldlng to coat tin. ran. Tba a tincture will h completed by Jannary 1. Tba other permit we. Unroed to tba West Rrnai" (or a' ■fmeture to he way at a coat of 813.' be finished by Mar !• Obarlntta, N. C la to bare a new motion pic- ture theatre to be opened at No. 14 North Tryon street within the next 10 days. Frank H. Harris., who la man titer Of tba Kdlaoota. wfll alto be manager or tba new place, tba tame of which will be A-Muee-C. Tba Fortune Tbeatre, Blent rails. 8. D.. ander tba manattmtnt of P. For trine, baa dosed Its door* on account of Continued poor t o w n tea, . Thai theatre waa originally Tba Oneta. '.- aWne Bklna acre red hit connection with tba Metropolitan Booktnc Oflleen Chicago. 111.. wcaajbet 1, to . take the presidency and aen^ral leaagement of toe Advance, Film and Advertlt- It is tba Chiefs Intention La take tba matter dp at once sad pott himself at much as possible on the merits of taw performance from tba _ Urn aad poatibly plctnrea later. a and vandrvtlle theatre, W "tiKTaS^ PARAGRAPRIC PENCILING8. Chicago, 111... Dec. 3. — George if. Cohan apent a few hours In town Monday. Nor. 28. prior to parting for Cotombux, Ohio, where be will add tba omening touches to a aecood edition of Oct- Rlch-Qntrk-Walllnsford. which la underlined for a ran at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, com- Dec. 4, re that bla Chicago offering ♦ . P. J. Warrrll. who adjusted baslncea matters for the Focepaugh Sella" Cirrus laat season. Is la tbs "Windy City." visiting bla brother. Mr. Warrell bat many Mends, both In the clrrna and dramatic profeaalon, imoor them being FJdmuod Breeae. who waa at one time under Mr. . Cohan aa be. equal If known to the vande of sketch writers." desk uf the 8onth lad.. Tribune, tad ntabllsbed offices In tba Oneoota Building, where be will devote bla attention e xclnaleelr to the writing uf playleta. That all Counts look alike to J. Krehmaa. bead waiter In the Kltxabethlan room. Conxnaa Hotel, waa made etldent the other evening when Jacques Von Moorlk do Reaufort waltxed Into the room, accompanied by bla famooa canine "Bob." Now, "Bob" may bare been all that the Count claimed, bnt the women aeated In the " ibetblan and Pomnellan rooms did not take to the dog. and requested that the beast Of course, the Count objected In ~ In the ejectment of Chief of Potter Steward la busily engaged at bouaecleanlng. and If the Chlof'a activities do not wane. Chicago wfU aeon be known aa the ■oral example of tktt country. The Nigger, playing at MrVIeker'a. baa been reviewed by the police department's eeueor. and found. It la »ald. to contain more than art. Then came a anmrnoaa tn Lee Koblmar. appear- ing at the American Music HSU. to report st the city hall anting of ... diplomatic la consenting to omit the In an opinion recently tiled, the branch Ap- pellate Court holds tbat llaom.y aitarars to loe city for tba exercise by lte officials of Its police power In ssfeguardtna the public. ■ It waa (Iran In tba suit brought against tba city far dsmagea of 990,000 by William a. Clark, owaar of tba People's Tbeatre. The suit grew oat of tbs exactions of the city council concern lag theatres Immediately follow- ing the Iroquois Tbeatre Ore. Clark aougbt damages af tar bla theatre bad been closed twice. THEATRES RE-OPENED. Flint. Mich.. Dec. B (Special to Tba Bill- board).— All theatres aad other placet of amuse- ment bare ^ro-oocned. after being ^cloaed tap _ A. Ha BnOlraa ak natt. O., Dec U7 la a aklt called jerry tba Janitor. Mr. Murray la of tba old team of Murray and In OneMonth MADE mm A LONG MACHINL next move waa the decapitation of "Sa which baa fanned the admirers of the WUde-Stranea maale-drama Into burning Indig- nation. . and caus ed con trove I ay between Mlaa Marr Garden and Chief Steward. The Chief a vera tbat the "monkey -eh lues over the bead of John the Baptlat, or Jochaoaan, aa the character la called In, the play, formed the moat objectionable feettnV of the acting." And the Chief drove the abaft deeper by remarking If tf the etieet, the people Would call It cheap. Why. Mary Garden wallows around like a cat In a bed of catnip." And Mlaa Garden voiced her opinion of the .Chief tbla wlae: "Chief Steward la rile, vulgar and low-minded, dee be never would hart gained the Impression of 'Salome' that be did. If one baa a prurient mind, one may find evil In any- thing. But If one looks for art and apnreclalee It, there It nothing la 'Salome' to offend the moat exacting. I am thoroughly disgusted with your ge n er a l euperiatendeDt of police." Then Mlaa Garden cttacbed her Bets and added strength to her feeling by' taring: "I am tick Of thla twaddle about Immorality. If It la con- tinued. I ehatl leave Chicago and go to Phila- delphia or tome place where art Is appreciated aad view aa art. and not aa something else." The directors of the grand opera, coamaay ▼rawed the situation tn a civil manner. "What wa want to do la pat on opera that It art. and that will And favor with the pohHc." aald John C Shaffer. "Now that the opera baa been withdrawn." continued Mr. Shaffer. "I will way there never waa the altghteat Intention on the part of the company to antagonist the notice or officials who have any -onnectlon with the affair. Tba directors of the company would not countenance deftnance of authority, even If anv- bnd> bad counseled such a course, which nobody did." Mr. Bernard TTtrteb, business manager of the opera company, when Interviewed, aald: "The management baa derided to withdraw the per- formance of 'Salome.' Nothing will be anb- Conttarit atream of olck- ela — dimes — quarters. Al- ways money coming In . _ — Crhwjettca going out. Kan, congenial, fascinating, exciting baalneaa. Son couldn't pick a plaaaanter, eafer one. Popcorn Crlapertes are da- ucloua, wholesome, different ' e asy to digest won't hurt anyone. All like them— children parents — old folks. Profits pile up fast and easy Somewhere in yoor town there la a email vacant store — a part of a building— a window — a little nook where the rent la low. There you can art - on yoor machine, make Crlapettea and coin money all winter long— ajo, X20. area aao a day profit. If location la good you'll make more. MILLIONS MAOF IN 5 CENT PIECES lhmk of the fortunes made la B and 10c _. street car companies — 5c shows — all big Investments. Crlapette machines make big money oo email Invest- ment. Special ability or training not required. Anyone can ell Crlapettea. Failure Impossible. Machine parte e a sil y understood and worked enor- Ftdl Instructions with each machine— secret for- -etltlon — no trouble to make Bales. Money pours Rm- wfMf Um$ kn Perrlne. CaL.— "One day 'a sales 9S8B.OO. Did 932,000 In seven months." Fay. Texaa, did over XS 000 la Memphis ha « months. Chandler * Badd, Ohio, report Brat day a sales 2,300 " rankhonae. Ohio, took In *w Brat night. What Art Yt a Msf Ts Us This Wia tt r? j Joat barely exist— pick op a Job here and there— spend hoars of preeloaa time looking far poorly paid work when there Isn't any — live on the money you've caved? DON'T DO IT. Write me. Let me atart von In big paying baalneaa. I bare made a fortune— built a big. prosperous retail ^^rr«r^.?' x^snaacb^p^s of myTwn w^lthlh. 5 ^ W a Z. LOIS BParBOFXEXD, 0. Ars Yss Its Mas I'm Bsisg ts Msls ts lidtpiiriiiM— Riehit? Success la yours If yon can go after IV Opportunity looms big before yon. It may never cocao year way again. Decide now to get In the game — In the whirlpool of success, it's great — glortoua — Inspiring. Assert yourself — be Independent- Cut loose forever from Irksome tasks — long boors - tSOT PeF- Don't dredge foe others. Enjoy the fruits of jour labor yourself --reap the peoOta. That a t be way.- No chance to lose. - Beet aeaaon lust at hand. Work all or part time — Just evenings If. jot wish. At leant investigate. Get fall particulate — reporta from mere. Sea what others hart, what yon can do. ACT BOW. TJBB THZ OOTJTOM. LONG, 199 High Ste, SPRINGFIELD, O. All oar plena had been laid to put on ■Salome,* and aa the opera la not to be heard, the tbeatre will be dark on ~ 4h Reports from Milwaukee, where Mary Garden la announced to appear In "Salome" no Dec. S. are to the effect that the opera will be presented without molestation. at any show la to Brat aea who will swear thai the a indecent," aald Chief Jinte Mayor Setdel m of Ihe opinion tbat tt la time ' Is bridge wl enough to cross the 1 to It. • Thla ' company, now being Incorporated, will have a capital of «3O.O0O. and will manufacture William Young. St. Loots' chief of police, waa more decisive- when ha waa qaeatloaed aa to whether presentation of "Salome" would be K nnltled In St. Lenta, where H It booked for n. S. "If tba enow la Immoral, it will not be 'polled off* tn St, Leant," aald the chief. DECEMBER 10. 19W FILM RELEASES! RELEASE DATES— SALES CO. llondsy— Eclair. Imp, Yankee, American. Tuesday— Bison. Powers. Thannooser. Wednesday — Ambrosia, Atlas. Champion. Neetor. Thursday — Itala. Imp, Defender, " Friday— Bison, Solas, Thaal Saturday— Great Northern. Capitol, Bellance. ' IMP. (Carl Laemmle.) October 10— Jea Plain Dos (drama) 10 — A Game of Hearts (comedy) Harden of^ Kate ^( II 3 — Willie (comedy) 7 — Keeping HIa Word (drama) 10 — Tbe Model's Redemption (di_ 14 — The Doable (comedy drama) IT— Fortune's Wheel (drama) ?1— TbeU Way of Thanks (drama) 24— Tb* Country Boarder (drama) 28— The Bevol^ Feet MB 990 985 .... 900 :::: wo .... 985 Teet 995 —at Percy (comedy) . 995 rtxt Loyalty and Lore (drama) 990 Clever Bone (comedy) 500 Urfnl Max _ (drama) 500 1— A Child's J _ 5 — The Aaplratlons COMPANY. (comedy) Wit (drama) ■ (drama) Hi — Toe Devil (comedy) -. 22— Hearta of Gold (drama) -The Plot That Failed (drama)... ""— Lord and tl~ _ enturee of a November — ■■• 1 Ida* Jonas (. (comedy) ............. lance (drama) 8— Moonshine and Lore (drama) .... 8 — When Lore la Toons; (comedy) ...... 12 — The Ordeal of Helen Gray (drama)... J*— Hoar Women Lore (drama) , 'drama) Feet f ..... . 3 — When the World Bleeps (drama) •—The Medicine Kan (comedy) (drama) .. of the Miner's IS— Tb^torV oV'dotd' (drama*) ...I..."..'.. 9k 21— The Wrong Trail (drama) 850 .25— The Olrl Cowboy (drama) 1000 Olrl'a Friendship (drama) 1000 M 1000 1— The Fatal Gold Ni Cold Nugget (drama): and the White Olrl (drama) 15— The FI T Jt"of t 'Rrt wing (drama)... 18— An Indian Maiden's Choice (drama) . .'. S — Trn » Western Honor (drama) : 25— A Cfaeyenne'a Lore for a Bronx (dra- •"■i ."..1000 29 — The Bam of the Wild (< AMBBOSIO. edum On Ills'* Ftrst n **BIcycii .. 645 Bel ledledom (comedy) ; 288 19 — Tweedledum's Sleeping Sickness and How He Was Cored (comedy)....... 884 19 — Excursion on the .Chain of Mount Blanc MM WM lW si ■ - First Italian Dread • •...■»■■*.••.••.■• 900 to be a Jockey (comedy) ......*.. 500 — iber— Fast 2 — The Slave of Carthage (drama) 1000 9— A Floating Message (drama) 1000 16— The Mermaid (drama) BOO 18-r-Tweedledum Geta Employed In the Corporation Body (comedy) 500 23— Goonod'a Are Maria (drama) 500 »— The Story of a Pair of Boots (comedy) 500 ITALA. October — Feet IS — A Pearl of a Boy (comedy) 608 W— gtolen Boots and Paid Shoes (comedy) 281 - (drama) .„. 805 (drama) 496 Two Fires (com- 500 1000 _ on the Lake of Garda (see- SIC) ............ ........ 500 29— Foolsbead Volunteers on the Bed Cross (comedy) 500 Fault of Grandmother (drama) .. 1000 of Insomnia (comedy) 1080 5 — Where Hare I Put My Fountain Pen (comedy) . ............ lO — The Black Gondola (drama) ....... 10— A Stormy Sea 500 12 — Foolsbead Knows and Does Ail (com edy) looo 12 — The Coalman's -Soap (comedy) 414 IT— Judge and . Father (drama) 1000 19— Fbolahead Victim of HIa Honesty (com- edy) 50O a Original Palette (comedy) 500 1000 . 500 .......... 500 Feet • •••>• a . * - - 1000 • •>• **»>.•*- GOO .......... 500 ._ Painful Debt (drama) .. S-r-Thc Big Dram (comedy) .„ 3— The Dog Keeper (comedy) . innn .1000 IS — Ob. What a Knight (comedy) lOOO 21 — Their Child (drama) 1000 25— Young Lord Stanley (drama) ■....„<:. 1000 28— The Fairies Hallowe'en (fairy story )..1000 KoTembee — . ... - Feet 1— Mistress and the Maid (drama) 1000 4— The American and the Qoeen (drama) 1000 8— The Little Fire Chief (comedy drama) 1000 11 — The American and the Quc. n (drama) 1000 15— Paul and Virginia (drama) 1000 18— The City of Her Dreams (drama) .... 1000 22 — A Thanksgiving Surprise (drama).... 1000 25 — A Wild Flower and the Sow .(drama) 1000 29 — Value Beyond Price (drama) ..1000 December — Feet 2— John" Halifax, Gentleman (drama) 1000 6 — Kip Van Winkle (drama) 1000 9— The Girls Be Left Behind Him (com edyj CHAMPION. October— Feet 12— How the Tenderfoot Hade Good" (dra- ma) ........ . ..................... - 950 1»— Stolen by Indians (drama) 950 26— Doings at the Bench (comedy) 950 November — . ' Feet 2— CaUKht by the Cowboys (drama) 950 »— Tbe Ranchman and the Miser (drama) .. 16— Th* Way of the West (drama) 950 23 — Let ra Give Tbanka (drama) ; 950 30— The Indian Land Grab (drama) 950 tecember— Feat 7— Hearta of the Weft (drama).... 930 . DEFENDER. October— Feet 13— *Ehe ' Tate of a Camera Told (comedy- . *< drama) .................. ^. ...... 20— The Heart of a Cowboy (drama) ..... 27 — A Clause in the Will (drama) ....... November - 3 — Cohen's Generosity (drama) 10— The "Last Straw -(drama) 17— The Education of Mary Jane (drama) (drama) ...~i.v-... LUX. . , _ . October— 13— BO! and the Missing Key (comedy). 13 — The Runaway Star (comedy) (comedy) .... 847 ill •••••••ai at! V 27— Bha Bequlred strength and Got It (com- a. a * a a a * a> •> *■*«*•> a • a • ■ • - aG6a» 1 Go (comedy) 887 Feet Buys a Bath (comedy) " 279 3— Her Diary (drama) 670 11— The Truth Revealed (drama) 11 — Bill as a Boxer let IS — BUI aa a Lover (o — 18— Bloppa in Search of j (comtNly ) ..•.....•••••*••-■*>•••••• 4 'IK SC^in Friendship's Name (drama)' 901 December — Feet 2— Bill as an Operator (comedy) 485 2— Necessity la the Mother of Invention (f I mm a ) •*•.•••>»>■ • •••••>•• *•*>••• • • v*lv " CO. .Feet : ™ JJB Grouch (comedy) .. 12— The 8. 8. Msuretanla (scenic) 19 — The Cat Came Back (comedy) 19 — Imperfect 1 T H E I MONDAY. NKITN i A Drama Intense andlEnthralling .• ■aaaaaaaaaaass SB] savvsawv a-aBasa^-sna^ ■ I I I V _____ RELEASED THURSDAY. 8TH "Two Lucky Jims" A Western Comedy — REAL Western. . ■ Ask your Exchange to both the above releases. They are CRACKER- JACKS.; , American Film Mfg. Go. •w ■■ . 23 — Caat Thy Bread Upon the Water (dra- ma) ; W-SaTCr^bjr • Vision (drama) 7-N^tnre'a Nobleman (drama) ..^"^ ECLAIR. October — - Feet 10 — The Carmelite (drama) ST0 10— The Order Is to March (drama) 29$ 17— Dr. Godfrey's Conscience (drsma) 8.19 17 — An Indian Chief's Generosity (drama) 321 24 — Saved by Her Dog (drama) 483 24 — The Absent Minded Doctor (comedy).. B15 81— Little Mother (drsma) :.. 638 31 — The Manufacture of Cbeeae at Roque- fort (Industrial) 830 November — Feet 7 — The Resurrection of Lauras (Biblical story) .-. 648 7— Religious Fetes at Thibet (educational) SS0 14 — Olnhara (drama) :. 720 14— The Devil's Bllllsrd Tsble (comedy) .. 270 21 — The Exiled Mother (comedy-drama).. 920 28 — The Wreck (drama) BOO 28— A Difficult Capture (fairy story) 380 lecember— Feet 5 — The Price of a Sacrifice (drama) .... 833 S — The Laundry Olrl'a Good night (com- edy) «•■••«**• a .. .,.«,...,. P82 12— The Bowling Craze (comedy) 443 12 — Our Dear Uncle from America (comedy) 470 GREAT NORTHERN FILM CO. October— Feet 16 — Saved by Boaco (drama) 600 13 — Willie visit, a Moving Picture Snow (comedy) 400 22 — The Artist's l.nck (drama) 29 — Who Is She (drama) November — Feet 5 — The Jewel Caw (drama) 6 — A Fatal Picnic (comedy} 12 — World's Wrestling Champions (topical) 12— Mother-In Law Arrives (comedy) 19— The Diamond Swindler (drama) (di awe) ' .«......•..••»»•.■•«.»..■.. December— Feet .8— The Birthday Present (drama) ....... NESTOR FILM CO. October— Feet 12— Silver Plume Mine (drama) ........ . 970 19— The Boys of Topsy Turvy Ranch (dra- 26 — Bev. John Wright of Missouri' "(drama) 970 November — Feet 2— The Olrl. from the Rsst (comedy) 910 7 — The Conquering Hero (e*medy) 9 — The Woodsman (drama) 960 14— The Pilgrim (drama) — Motion Picture and Vaudeville Thoatra 29.000 population; no opnositiou. 390 chain, admission 10 and 15c. 6 years' lease. Very mod ret ur ns. Price 83-000 cash. Good reason for selling. Address C. DAVIS. 99 Elisabeth S t.. West New Brighton. Btaten Inland. N. Y. atOTOK ATTACH1CEHT8 for moving picture sg es^aa, ta^c^ble^ 7M Ave., Hvanavtlle. Ind. PATHC PASSION PLAY WANTED In best of condition. State how long need, low- eat eaah price. J. GTJRLOW. 126 Chestnut. Ely- rla. O. FILM BAXOAXhTB TO CLOSE OUT— 10 reels st 88.00 per reel; 6 reeta at 84.00 per reel; 5 reels at 88.00 per reel; 8 reels at 86.00 per reel. No list. First come, first served. E. W. McFAR- LANP, Warren. Ohio. Fl LMS'TOTRADE, $3 PER REEL Most he ratable condition. ECONOMY FILM CO., 4th Ave., near Ferry 8L, Pittsburg. Pa. CASH TOR M. P. MACHTJTES, Film. Tent. Chairs, etc If you want quick caah. give full description and lowest price. LYRIC afUTO CO.. Canton, Ohio. ... FUJI BARGAINS — Big H»t of nn,. subjects: no junk, but will sell aa cheap aa you buy JUNK from others. Send stamp to show you mean business. A good Power No. 6. complete, for 883; (big bargain). Write to-day. CANTON FUJI KKCBLANOB, Canton. Ohio. BEST FILM SERVICE In the country at Anti-Trust price*. M. P. machines and supplies bought and sold. Film for sale at lc per foot on. For particulars, write T11K CENTRAL TRADING CO., Watcrtown. Wisconsin. ' - §§ MofiBg Picture machine, player and auger. Locate and play oa ferred^wSr^AGBR NElISn oVrA HODBB. Chailron. Nebr. FOR BALE-1.000 ft reels film, 83 to 828 reel ; Bellg machine. 883; Mode] B. gas out- fit, 828; new Power, Edison machines. 8100; odd elides. Be; seta. 81- For Bent— 6.000 ft mm. 88; 12,000 ft. Dim. 812; late film, all one shipment Will buy film, machines. Pas- sion Play. EL DAVI8. Watcrtown. Wis. EDISON Wishes steady position. Strictly sober, and am not afraid of work. PAUL 8LIVEN8KI, JR. 318 S. St., Ironwood, Mich. MOVING PICTURES aod everything that goes with FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT. • FILMS CLEANED a ad REPAIRED. SPECIAL TITLES AND SLIDES. Oar baslDema "bmm crown at a MERRY dip, and we are gaining frlenda by the wore. We are comparatively . new concern. At first competition waa keen, sad some thought that- w» wouldn't laat ontU XMAS But asyl day the fere us. OUB MOTTO IS "THE GOLDEN BULB," Our eonrteoos treatment AND A XtjeVrTw 'our ' customers" to*^rina* set business with fat. -We ARB HAPPY over our wonderful reputation we have .something to be proeat of. Hera coat as the \ NEW YEAR and we can assure you that our .MAIN .OBJECT will be to RATI STY BVKBTBODY. We never misrepresent snytalng, and alwaya make good at thla end wlthP* I .roflt. ao will WE. r F We buy and esll second hand ma- Chines \ What have yon to sell? - yon need 7 Get in toncl YOU will . SEND FOB Writa tattsay. COMMERCIAL FILMERS, i e-.'l naa.i CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. tXcHAKGa! I YOU R. OLD PICTURE MACHMS original coat. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I Power No. 0 machine, all complete and per- fect, only need a abort time. $100; Pi the Pro- fessional, all complete, need one week. 8180; second-band and rebuilt machines, 848 and op. gTMjjgg BWOB- MoCOOK. WC». ORIGINAL WO LO AST - NELSON Fia ht. Complete), 8350.00 ORIGINAL NELSON- Q ANB no MX, Complete, 888O.OO All Dim. .re In good running condition, it moderate prices. If hsve the dims renovated, scratches, etc., the price per reel egtra. . CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE Ohloaft, OmIm, Dtmr, Salt IsM CHy If you see It in ^ DECEMBER 10^ 1910. -rime 111 bo ■ 61 lfr-Tbe Baachmii'i Bride (drum) MO . 23 — A Drat In Indians (comedy) SO— Valley Fol*« (dtnn) - - ' YANKEE FILM COMPANY. . _ , F*et i Homiw< Curerette (drama) .... it— Tue Copper and the Crook (drama). ... IT— The Cat^Cair^Bte^eoaedyK^. ^ riS!5f" Fret uPJSET Infant "Helr'e DuuippisMuiee' (dra- ma) . •••»»«•••«..«...•..»••••••••» 21— Lone flfolfe Trust (drama) 28— The Heart of an Actress (drama) , | D MS5n of the MuDlate (drama)...:. ' ' on*""-- , °M— iTie ««a Ladj of Obe.ter (drama) MS 21- The Unt of the Savelll (drama) . . . . 800 38— The Prettr Dairy Maid (drama) 488 i 28 — Tontollnl Is In Lnva (comedy) 480 Woeemlist Foot 4— A Wooden Bwort (comedy -dram.) 800 ■ . ■ Mi. "ift^-A Bbot In the 22— The Locket (drama) ' 2S — Why TtM-y Signed tin Pledge (drama) RELIANCE. ("October— Fee t ' 22 — In the Gray ef the Dawn (drama) .... 29 — Tbe Armorer'. Daughter (drama) 1000 November— Jeet 5— Where Sea and Shore Doth Meet (drama) ...... ...1000 12— Under a Changing Sky (drama) 1000 !•— Mooldere of Soula (drama). 1000 the Way (drama) 1000 . Will, (dram., !5S5 COLUMBIA. ^Tracked _ -Inline" Web (drama) ... November— Feet 12— The Heroine of the 101. Bench (dr. oa) ••»••••«..*....••.■.■«(...*..... t '■ ■ >m. Rill Mr.m.l - J22S ■tad (dram.) lS5S AMERICAN FILM MANUFACTURING CO. - Soremher— • ■ Feet 14 — Rom en tie Redskin (drama) «y /drama! .... — 1 (drama) »0» _ (eomedy) 740 24— A Big Joke (comedy) 220 28— Th. Regeneration (drama) 000 ~>ecemher — Feet 1— i Vara, to. Oypay Olrt ( d ra □ 1 *.....■■..■ 21— A Chlld'a flaerlSee (drama) .'. . • 28 — The*. Danchter (drama).... November— Feet 4— A Fatefni Gift (drama) 11 — A -Widow and Bw CUM IS— Her Father*a Sin ' 2S— One Touch of M December — RELEASE DATES— PATENTS CO. Mondsy— Blocnph. Lobln. Pathe. Belle. Tuesday— Edison, Gsumont-Klelne. Vllaciapb, Wednesday— Bdlaon. Eclipse Klelne, Pathe. Ka lem. '■ . .. . Thnraday— Blocraph, Lobln. If el lea. Sells. ^.e^e.. v.. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. October— Fact 11— The Sons That Beached Hie Heart (drama) ...... ...... ............ .. .1000 14— The Chunco Indian, (educational) 230 14— The Stolen Father (drama) 750 18— The Home of Seren Oablea (drama) 983 21 — A Wedding Trip from Montreal through Canada to Hone Kong 1000 28— Ilia Breach of Discipline (drama) .1000 28— The Swiss Guide (drama) 900 November— . Feet I — The Key of Ufa (myotic comedy).... ~ of the Plain* (drama) eonta of America (topical) «— Tue Little Station Agent (drama! 8— A Trip Oecr the Rocky and Selkirk Mountain* la Canada (ecenlc) 8— The Bhtp'a Husband (comedy) 11 — The Adoption (drama) 11 — The Lassie's Birthday (comedy) IB— Into the J»wi of Death (drama) 18— The Stolen Claim (drama) 1000 18 — Tbe Tormaker, the Doll and tho Dart! ' (comedy) 880 . ikig1ring^drami)....«B 22-Hla Moth dram.) jjgg , . . ■ . 1O0O £S 80 — Anne December— 2— The Cowpnncber'a Glove (drama) ....1000 e— Tho Wlnnlui* of Uln Langdoa (drama) 80C* T— The Life of a Salmon (Industrial) 440 T— Amateur Nleht (comedy) W0 8— The Captain 1 ! Bride (drama) 1000 "1 Old Mlver Mine In Peru (Industrial) 2S0 :. .7.. ...1000 w r Y. 12— Hank and Lanks New Scheme (com utlug AY. Get Wise to » ■ _ *.vw .-.i ueuir v wumjj ) 003 12— Papa', First Outloa (comedy) IB^Tbe, Cowboy. Mother In-Law («•» Jf| * • ••*•*•*•*, • *, , * * a »•••*•*••*• e * IVW* •lank* l'n.?*^nk S , ra ^'nriYed ' 'Ooea't- (comedy) .*.••»•«■•*••*•»••»••»... 2Ti 'ale of the Range (drama).. 1000 ?.nh B °? n T VST®* TikV " Rea. " (comedy) 28— The- Silent Message- (drama) . .1000 November— Feet 1 — Henk end Lank. Lire Sarers (eomedy) 1— The Maeqnerede Cop (comedy) ..... 8— The Westerner's Wsy (drama) 1000 8— A Fortan.te Misfortune (comedy) Bio Carbons MADE FOR THE EXPERT The'BIO Carbon is'especially designed to meet the requirements of the critical man. It is a better carbon, and naturally re- quires intelligent use — You wouldn't ex- pect a two-minute trotter to make the mark under the lashfof a "bull-whacker." The better the operator, the more he thinks of BIO Carbons. for the asking If you mention Billboard. waasmamawmsmamamaaasaaasamasmaammam™. ALBA Flame ARC LAMPS The most effective way to get people into your theatre is to provide abundant, cheerful, illumination on the outside. Most people have a good deal of the moth in their make-up — they can't resist the lure of light. Don't confuse the ALBA with the old- fashioned, glaring yellow Flame Arc of "Bowery" fame. The ALBA appeals to people of refinement. It achieves an artistic e ffect — hot a barbaric assault on ASK FOR CATALOG C. CHARLES L. KIEWERT CO. NEW YORK. PITTSBURG. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE. SAN FRANCISCO. ; • ....... 13— The Harked Trail (drama) IS— Lore at lint bight (eomedy) , 1» — Tb« Uttie Prospector (drama) 22 — That Popular Tone ( corned j) ........ 22— Hank and Lank, Sandwich Men (com- 2el — a wwr™ Woman*. Way (drama) ... .1000 28 — The Tie That Binds (drama) 883 December— Feet S— Circle C Ranch Wedding (drama) 1000 October Feet . lO— That Chink at Golden Caleb (drama) 888 18 — A Lucky Toothache (comedy) 578 18— The Manber (comedy) 419 IT— The Broken Doll (drama)... 88T 20— The Banker's Daughter, (drama) 88» 24— The Meaeago of the Violin (drama) 897 27— The Passing of a Grouch (comedy) S37 27— Tbe Proposal (eomedy) 481 21— Two Little Waif, (modern fairy tale) 88T Noroeaber— , Feet 3 — Walter No. 8 (drama) 887 : T— The IMgltlee (drama) 888 10— Simple Charity (drama) 893 21— The Song of the Wlldwood Flute (dra- ^ 24— Hla^ew'Lid^c^'edy)"".'.".".".'."."." 6«3 24— Not So Bad aa It Seemed (comedy).... 432 28— A Plain Song (drama) 997. December — Feet 1 — Effecting a Core (comedy) 987 8 — A Child's Stratagem (drama) 808 8 — Turning the Table, (comedy) 418 8— Happy Jack, a Hero (comedy) 878 October— BEXAQ. gje 10 — The Sanitarium (comedy) 1000 IS— In the Golden Harreat Time (drama) 1000 17— The Foreman (drama) 095 20— Two Bo j. In Blue (drama) 1000 24— Oh. Yon Skeleton (comedy) 885 24— Ghost of the Oren (comedy) 383 27— Blasted Hopes (drama) 1000 31— SetUed Out of Court (dram.) 1000 NoTembar— Feet 3 — Tbe Early Settler, (drama) . 1000 7— Tbe Lady Barbers (comedy) 1000 7 — Tba Bachelor (comedy) 10OO 10— Tho Vampire (dram.) -.1000 14 — Mr. Four-KluBb (comedy) 880 IT — Gratitude (drama) 1000 21 — No Place Like Home (eomedy) 21 — The Dull . Rasor (comedy) 24— The Merry Wires of Windsor (comedy) 28— Tbe Queen of Hearts (drama) 1000 December — Feet 1— The Stepmother (drama) M000 . 8— The Widow of Mill Creek Flat (com- y ) ...•.•••**•*••.••••.*•*••*•••• 1000 V1TAOBAPH. October— Feet 11 — Brother Msn (drsma) 818 H — Actor.' Fund Field D.y (topical) 887 14 — On the Doorstep, (comedy) 867 18 — The Legacy (drama) 891 18 — Auld Robin Gray (drama) 091 21— Daey Jooea' Domestic Trouble, (com- cdy ) .....•«•••;•.... 1000 22— Clothes Make the Man (comedy) 9S3 22 — A Day on tbe French Battleahlp Jos- .tlee (topical)' S35 28— Jean Goes Foraging (drama) 1008 28 — Captain Barnacle's Chaperon (com- edy) a OjM 29 — The Telepbooe (drama) ............... 885 November — Feet 1 — A Double Elopement (eomedy) 009 4 — The Children'. Revolt (comedy) 002 8 — In tho Mountain, of Kentucky (dram.) 078 8— A Tale of a net (comedy) 9H 11— Tbe Nine of Diamonds (drama) 900 12— Oe.n Go-. Klahloit (dram.) BSS 15 — Drumstick, (drama) ..' 90S 18— A Modern Courtship (comedy) The Bum and the Bomb (comedy)..... D. Rlmlnl (drama) ........ 28 — Suspicion (drama) . ,. 28— A Four-Footed Pest (comedy) 23 — The Statu. Dog (comedy) -. 28— Lore, Lock and Gasoline (drama).... 29— A Woman's Lorn (drama) PATHE PASSION PLAY FOR RENT— PICTORIAL POSTERS, . Holy S. Slides, ft J. MELIES RELEASES 4r Dec. la.'lOlO Dec. 22. lSlO OLD NORMS' GIRL A WESTERN WELCOME A Very Strong .Drama Bound to Draw A New Western Comedy Full of Laughe Good Patronage and Excitement Approximate length, 980 feet Approximate length, 980 feet We Have Colored Posters. Too. Writ* Ua for Them If Your Exchaag. Does Not Supply You. ★ G. MELIES. 204 E. 38th St.. New York City ^ Womterw Hope— ntmtivs). JOHN B.ROCK. 100 H»r>dolpr»«f-.Ch l — >oe. III. ^\ Do You Want a New Ho. 6 Power's Head IF SO WRITE US. GEO. M. HOKE SUPPLY CO., 81 Clark Street, - - Chicago, III. THE MOTIOGKAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WONDER Ami will 1NCREA&R YOUR BUSINESS. It project. FLICS STEADY ami WONDERFULLY minute rewind from proof shatter, etc., no AS LONO. C II. D.. of Keokuk, low., writes — "kfotloerrsph BIT and BUSINESS INCREASED WONDERFULLY.'* T. L. K.. or 111., write. — "Used everj day for seres and NOT ONE PENNY FOR REPAIRS." F. J. K.. of Kansas City. Mo., write. — "Opera Una Motlofrapk rated all make., but NONE TO COMPARE WITH MOTIOOIt A I'M . " ud up. Tbe Enterprise Calcium Qss Outfit la the only satisfactory llrtt. Wrfte . for «taky to-day. •_. ._ ... WJTXXXWK1BE OPTICAL SO O . AROMA FOAM THE FRAGRANT AND POWERFUL PERFUMED DISINFECTANT on are oaiaff a perfumed disinfectant as a spray la your theatre. Investigate tbe nwrlta of IMA FOAM. Cornea In two perfumes. Orange Blossom and Geranium.- Both are most refreeh- and Latins and do not leave th.t "be«dacbe after effect." so common to products of this re. Write for prices. Yours for all Sanitary Service. atlon, New Y« Sutte SlOO 80 Wall Street SUPPLIES AT HALF PRICE Rio.. tx\ Areo, «r.| i ................ *t *«.....'. ........ i SPECIAL Lamps for rower machine Noiseless Be winder (complete!... Condensers. Imported Stock Tickets, roll of --0OO .S 4.50 . 3. BO . -T5 . .18 All parts and other supplies pertaining to Ibe moving picture business at excep- tionally low price.. Send for catalogue. I MOTION PICTURE SUPPLY CO., 61 W. 141- St., NEW YORK CITY The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. 2 — Jack- Fat and Jim slim at Coney la- , land (eomi-dy) ... 901 8 — The ITeecher's Wife (drama) 1001 imance (comedy) 808 i Lsst (comedy) 9X1 geMl's Bone (drama) 978 l-ew and tbr Man (drama) 1010 CRBAN-ECLIP8E. (George Klelne). 12— Foiled by a Cigarette (drama) Feet 981 -In the Shadow of the Night (drama) S02 odd j" Fishing oft Palermo, Italy (ln- dostrlal) GOO 2 — Tragic Concealment (drama) 2 — Crossing the Andes (travelogue) ... 0— The Secret of the Cellar (drama). •—A Trip Through Scotland (scenic) . 19— The Hlvsl Barons (drama) IS— An Alpine Hetreat (scenic) ....... hind the Mask (drama) 640 350 788 217 800 142 618 -Nantes and Its Surroundings (scenic) 450 SO— The Betnrn at Midnight (drama) 634 *).. 810 of Admiral Collgny MEL1ES. October — 13 — Out of Mischief (c 20— Uncle Jim (drama) 27— Under Stars and Bars (drama). November— 8— Blrthdar Cigars (comedy) Wife ' FVet . 860 . 850 . 870 (drama) . " at Bear Learned ( ' (drama) ..•■•..■...a GADMONT. (George Klelne). October— " Feat 11— The Lovers' Mill (colored phantasy) 283 11 — The Three Friends (drama) 10 — The Romance of a Necklace (drama) 18— Grandmother's Plot (drama) .. IS — Phantom Rids- from AIx la (travelogue) 168 99— The Cheat (drama) 808 36— The First Gray .Hair (drama) 654 25— The Amnion (comedy) S4K 38— The life of Moll-re (historical drama) 1 1 — Both Were btong (comedy) l-i'ictutvsque Majorca In the Medlterra- Egypt (Mated- 1050 12 — Faithful Unto Death (drama) t 12 — A Trip to the oloe Grotto. Capri, Italy (scenic) 808 - IE — Both Were Btnng (comedy) .......... 685 15— Plcturesq oe Majorca (scenic) 376 IS — Lisbon Before and During the Revolu- tion .(topical) 727 1y) ....■•*..,. 881 i red drama) . ■ 018 36— Callno Travels is a Prince (comedy)''. 488 28— The Flat Next Door (comedy) 722 29 Tsrsecoo- on the Rhone- I scenic) — 243 Teeember— '! Feet 8 — Lured by a Phantom (colored drama) . . 712 5 — Nancy's W. tiding Trip (comedy) 278 6 — A Msn of Honor (drama)' C 6— Profeaoor Behlcmfel's Hat (comedy)... 171 Revolt (drama) 842 ntom Blder (mystery) 278 ' Gate (drama) .'. 676 KAI-EM COMPANY. FWat r-Flve Minutes from Broadway (comedy) W* 14 — Wlnons (drama) , ... f_ 19 — Tyranny of the Dark (drama) ...... 888 21— The Education of Elizabeth (farce) 1000 rf ammSSFmiiii sill ■ ...... 2— The Bough Rider's 4 — Rllver Clood's Sacrifice ( 8 — For s Worasn's Honor (i 11 — A Man and a. Girl (drama) 11— The Attack on Fort Rldgely (drama) 16— A Drama of the Present (drama).... 1«— Jim Brldger'a Indian Bride (drams) .. .1000 -The Lsrt from Old Ireland (drama) -The Roses of the Virgin (drama)..... _ Touch of a Child's Hand (drams) W0 L0BIN. October— Feet 10— The Clown and the Minister (drama) 990 13 — Lls'a Career (comedy) 880 17— Hearts and Politics (drama) 890 20— Hawkins' Hst (comedy) 800 20— Archie's Archery (comedy) 430 24— Romance In the Rockies (drama) 880 2T-Fal«e Love snd True (drama) 600 81 — Brothers (drama) 930 I November — * - Feet I 8— Mike the Housemaid 890 7— The Taming of Wild Bill (drama) .... 890 10 — The Mystsry of the Torn Note (com- edy I .............................. 080 10— The Gambler's Charm (drama) 458 14— The Street Preacher (drama) 980 IT-Blgh, in Front gggjgg^W .... « of Laiy K (comedy) 990 and Shadows (drsms) 880 TO Amusement Promoters At Herewith is a list of the states which are for sale and the price for the Exclusive rights for the complete set of the BILL FILMS 3,000 FEET of the owners of (comedy) F S5o PATHE-FRERES. Feat 10 — The Stigma (drama) : 630 10— Betty Is PnDlxbetl (comedy) 351 12 — A Summer Flirtation (comedy) 990 14 — Wart her (drama) .. 892 15— Aeropianea In Flight and Construe- .. tton (Industrial) 680 15— The Aviation Craze (comedy) 243 17— One on Max (comedy) ..i 631 IT— J Inks ^ Wants to bo an Acrobat (com- 19 — Aratfrut I'pklu (acinic) HI 21— His Lire Tor a Queen (colored hlstorl. * Csl'daVBU) ' 818 22 — Mystery a* Lonely Gulch (drama) 900 24— Another's Cho«t (drama) V* . (ediicatlonal) 203 J) . . - ." •' yW ■>■*>»••»>•• . *»70 The list also with the the Rights. The Moving Pictures of the BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST & PAWNEE BILL FAR EAST are the greatest money makers ever pro- duced. They are in a class by themselves. They are the first and only pictures, which do not decrease in value after having been exhibited. Return dates have proven to be as profitable as the first exhibition. The film rents from $50.00 per day up and when played on a percentage basis from 50 per cent, to 75 per cent, of the gross receipts is the share received by the owners of State rights. Advance the prices for these pictures to 25, 35 and 50 cents. _ , If you have any doubts regarding .the quality . and drawing power of these films, get in touch ; . with any owner of State Rights arid learn what • they have to. say. Select the state that you want from , the list of unsold states and mail or wire us a deposit of $100.00 and we will forward contracts. We require a surety bond of $1,000.00 on " each contract This you can. secure from any Bonding Company for $10.00. We can furnish every thing needed in the way of advertising matter. . STATES SOLD MASSACHUSETTS — RHODE IBLAND: Comfort * Van Dyne, 61 W. 14th New York City. CALIFORNIA— WASHINGTON: H. ft Slmmonda Co.) Co.. Petersburg. Vs. Is P. O. Cameron, Dallas, Texas. TT.TXNOIB — WISCONSIN: Anti-Trust Film ARKABBAS: 8. A. Aronld. Helena. Ark. NORTH DAKOTA: B. L. DaVla. Ambrose N. D. WESTERN CANADA: Canadian Film Exchange, Calgary, Alberta. Canada BEw MEXICO— ARIZONA— NEVADA: B. A. Joyce, Silver City. N. M. MICHIGAN: H. E. Smith. Toledo Film Exchange. WEST VIHGINIA : J. A Parker. Hlnton. W. Vs. new YOU: Collins as Collins, Dtlca, N. T. KENTUCKY: Fred Hoffman A Co.. LoDlarUIe, Ky. FLORIDA— GEORGIA— ALABAMA: Waa. Oppenhslmer. Fla. ■• MI8B0URI: J. P. Atkins. 8t. Lonlg, Mo. ONTARIO: J. A. Morrison. Meaford. OnL. Canada. Indiana: Leroy Tudor * J. B. Davidson, Monde. Ind. OHIO: Lools Becbt, Mall Theatre. Clef eland, 0. PENNSYLVANIA: F. A. Tipton. Ill K. 14th 8L. N.w York City. OKLAHOMA: Albert Jackson, ~ QUEBEC AND MARITIME ] Montreal. Canada. 6. COLORADO . 1,000.00 SOUTH DAKOTA 800.00 MINNESOTA. ......... 1.000.00 LOUISIANA 1.000.00 800.00 1,200.00 MARYLAND f CONNECTICUT 1.000.00 MISSISSIPPI L 000. 00 Street, NEW JERSEY NEW a. • • . a . • ORE00N UTAH ... •***•*». .aeosse* >■•••• • «•••*• • • • • e ■ 1,080.00 800.00 1,000.00 WRITE QUICK OR WIRE 111 E. Fourteenth St., - New York City FOR SAL E — Moving Pie tars _ Lubln. Combination: also One Ventrlloqalel Fig nre; both are snaps. I THE EMPORIUM. Ft Wayne, .......... IND. FOB BALE — Power Picture Mod; Edison Pauloo repair part, cheap. Peoaacola. Fla. Al NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lc.4o.vtll.. O . wUI he completad by Dee. 21. 1810.. New from the ground op; modern and up-to-date la every respect. Coat 133.000. Heating capacity, little over 700. The location la Id a live aad proa perons town of 2. GOO and as there, la. no opera bouse worthy of meatloo within 20 miles, are have an excellent territory from which to draw large crowde. WUI hook atest-claae. rasas aad , up to date sbowa that has* open dates- . HTJOO H. YOtmO, MOH.. 1 Londonvflle. - - - . . ... ..... -Ohio FOR SALE CHEAP ' A lrraTasticsx gnow. ost veyrroM FLOOD Ulnlaiure. dTaauIvlng ' stcrroptlrtaa. Luoetl' (mint. platform Show, tm-o sets Leetnra Bets Slides; mike offer. Will exchange What have ynvtT w. J -t-ooK. 180 West Main Street. Richmond, Indiana. ' Oa aeocsat of 01 health Z ass saaayillid is aaD my .entire abow outfit, conslatl.g or the onl; original Siberian tortnra board la exlttract. In clodlng entire handcuff act, smsll maglcsl ef recta, great cabinet mystery, 8 trims*. C plete instructions for everjihing. Jut the flt for some one who la trying besdwsy In the show boalneaa. 8800 takes en tire outfit. Address R. H. GROSSMAN, 10» Lake Ave.. Detroit. Minn. IK hai.e — 8 trained goats. « dogs ud prope. , > takes bunch. 1 backlog donkey. 833: canopy ±mi40, 160 ft. 10 ft. side wall, osed lb res weeks: one 30 ft. B. T. Good poles, bo stakes: stake poller, sll for 880- Lnbln M. P. 8 real of 81ms. model B. ass outfit; used three time., all. for 1 100.00. Every tf- 5 eta It. Address, . .Igons. lows.' roR •AIB-Candy \ paddles. Eierjtblng LTm,.f h M'o P - WANTED TO BUY one complete roller pole outfit, including acta, csgsa, balla, sticks, and everything that (OH with a oomplrts Olltflt. I The field la new, and a coo pi. of pcofsaaloaal playeri might do well bare. Addrtaa, SALT LAKE AUDITORIUM. Salt Lake City. P»»b- wanted— Performer for easy comedy, Jew ' part. Can use lady planlit: alio c«m»dl«n Wire or write qnlek. Other useful people com mnnlrste. A PAIR 08* PINKS COMPANY. Cbarleaton. Mo., Ttbr Blytbevllla, Ark., Bib: Oaceols. Ark., 8th; Carotbersvllls, Mo., 10; Para- gould. Ark., 12th. Medicine Lecturer At Liberty Strong Lecturer and office; 18 years' e> Oooil hahlta and dreaaer on and off. MEDICAL LECTURER, Otn. Del., Mlrh. Open air medicine Oklahoma City; all play Instrument. State ill flrat performers: otrset wore; rlnler. Lond sla««ri and flrat latter. CAPT DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 53 S©1 a x' S<->la x'SJ a S©1 a x'S^la x' Sola x' T4eFHm that jg NeVerDisappoints ^3 H — II al lo Ibe AIim (couiedyl 610 Kight (colored topical) -. -..848 20— The Indian and th.- Ilald (drama) OSS 31— Max Ilaa Trooble With 111* Eras g ^ Sl—Ni-'w' sTyfi" inkwell Vw»«ljV'. 2T2 31— IlarJIIlDg (scenic) 881 Norember — . .' • " ■ ' »•?* 2— Cowboy Juitlct- (drama) TSO 2— The Facorl Family (acrobatic) 243 1- Woman of Samaria (colored biblical) 002 3 — Abraham Lincoln's Clemency (patriotic drama) 1030 7— Max Id a Dilemma (comedy) 446 7 — ulcro-ClD.'niatoaraiiby — Recurrent Fe- ver (educational! .i 440 8— Mexican Legend (drama) 1033 11— A Black Heart (colored drama) 623 ■1 natch Types (colored acenlc) 338 12— A Oambler'e End (drama) 1000 14— A Shadow of the Past (drama). 863 I a — Lore Langhe at Locksmiths (comedy) BBS IB— The Other' Way' (comedy)' 003 21 — The Old Lena-shoreman (drama) .... 881 11— Xe«r South Wales Gold Mine (ednea- tloual) 630 23— How Hastus Gets Ills Turkey (comedy) MM 23— Wonderful I'latea (colored trick) SOT ila (colored Egyptian drama I 482 IWk'n Inatloct (drama) 479 _n Eleventh Hour Hedemptlou (drama) 098 28 — A Border Tale t color, d drama) 670 28— A Freak (acrobatic) 283 SO— Who la Nellie (comedy) 600 30 — Finland— Fslls of Imatra (colored ece- ole) U 84* December Feet 2— The Tale the Mirror Told (drama) 646 2— What a Dinner (comedy) 344 S— The Maid of Niagara (drama) 60S 5— The Clerer Domestic (com ily) 488 5 — The Mexican Tumblers (acrobatic) 476 7 — The Animated Armchair (comedy) 6SO 7— Cocoanot Plantation (colored acenlc).. 848 seed In the Nick of Time (drama)... 600 Hla Eyes (comedy) ......... 1*4 '; Hoeband'a Return (drama).. 600 R08TER8 OF^ULTON. ONT., The following an* the execotlre end work- ing forces of every theatre In Hamilton. Can. The Hat was complied by Addle I* Richardson. The Billboard correspondent, upon information fnrniibed from the managers of the rarlona theatres la that city: Grand Opera noose— Owner. Ambrose J. Rruali: manager. Allle R. Loodoo: tres Barer. Alt. Xtrowgvr; boi«fflce. Myer Mints; adter- director. Isaac Lomaa; head naher. Robert Stamp; door manager, John H. ritsgerald; head officer. Frank Wall: stage manager, Ed- ward Lavts; electrician. Ernest W. Waft; prop- erty man. Percy C. Tlmmons; flyman, Tboa. Mc- Nab; house, combination; ".rat-class; capacity, 1,782. Temple — Owners, Canadian Theatrical Circuit: manager, John a. Appletoa; treexarcr, Oeo. Btroud. Jr.; box office. Allan Eaanon, Jr.; ad- vertising represents tire. Edward (Red) Mal- coimaon; musical director, Samuel J. Beall; trad uaber, Bert Pboenlx; door manager, Peter Kenny; bead officer, James Dasbper; atage man- ager. John Lavla; electrician. Albert Tompkins: property man. WaUy Adams; second hand. Wm. Smith: flyman. Robert Mcintosh. House playa Kclth'a hlgh-claaa vaudeville: capacity. 1 moalcal director. William Btroud; »«u.s*r. . door manager, James Bastings: bead oScer, Thomas Dean; stage manager. Fred Dougherty; electrician, Percy Tingling: property man, John Wallman. Boose playa In- dependent bookings ; capacity, 1,360. Red Mill— owner*. Canadian Multlphone Com- Sany: manager, Fred J. Rogers; treaenrer, F Marshall; box-offlce. Mlas Ada Bolaton; mu- sical director. William C. Moore; head naher, O. Rogers; door manager, Oliver Cook head officer. Jake Lewis; stage manager. Btanley R. Murphy: electrician. George H. A. Adams. Boase playa Verbeck'a bookings: baa magnlncen' penny arcade; capacity. BOO. Crystal Palace— Owners, L. J. Applegath and Bon. (Toronto. Can.): manager. Herbert Clay- ton; treasurer. Mrs, Herbert Clayton: box-office Miss Olga Hoffman; moalcal director. Percy A. WUlaon: head usher. William II. Plckard: door manager. Calvin W. Brldlnger: bead officer. William K. plckard; atsge manager. O.wge F.lTlllr: electrician, MUton A. Rarllrmau. House playa Orlffln's bookings; capacity. 300. Colonial — Owners, Colonial Amusement Com- pany; manager. Grey B. Odium; treasurer. Wm. 1. Melody; box onTce. Mlaa Nelll? Melody; p'sn- Iste. Miss St. Elmo Dobbin i; l.-sf! naher. Fred, crick Powell: door sSM r. Willi im fole; electrician. Frank Kelly. I loose pl.tys pictures and Illustrated songs; c»t>» Ity. 400 Undone— Owners, BIcard Amusement Company manager. John R. Stewart: assistant manager. El win Clark; box-offlce. Mlaa Doris Moore; planlate. Miss Btella Maaaey; bead uaber. Josep Boiler; door manager, Ernest B. Harris; bead o Ulcer. Barry Ryan; electrician. Frederick Bat- dasaarl. Hons* playa pictures and Illustrated songs; rapacity, 800. Oayety — Owner and manager. John R. Cambden: box-offlce. alias Ere Harnlah; plsuls Roy 8tereos; electrlclsn. Harry Neville. Hone. Playa plctnrei; alio has penny arcade; capacity. WHAT IS TO BE, WILL BE Jsck and Btanley both lore Molly, belle ot the fishing Tillage. Jack leaves on a voy- age, and Molly, hearing of hla apposed ship- wreck, marries Stanley. Boase years later Jack turns np, but finding Molly apparently happy, he returns again to the sea. FRIDAY, DECXMBZX tth. LADY BETTY'S STRATEGY Society tifnlly Staged The hand of Lady Betty la sought by two admirers. A gypsy tells Betty that her losers Is false, nental Officer, a be " with the fortune succeeda In extricating her true lorer'a heart. ' FRIDAY, DECK TWO SUITS The man has a — a sweetheart. Both men purchase light suits, which leads to aide- splitting complications with the wife and sweetheart. The plot be- comes so entangled that nothing bat toe police court can atraighten It oat. Perfect Workmanship Steady, Beautiful Photography Strong Stories Told in Detail "THE BEST FILM MADE" Looks Now on 30th Run as the GUARANTEED AGAINST DEFECTS Telephone 1804 BtuyYesant. 147 Fourth Avenue, - NEW YORK. Sold through THE SALES* COMPANY. Ill C. 14th St.. N.Y. tolax >olax Jolax ANTI-TRUST FILM COMPANY I BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD i 79 S. Clark St.. CHICAGO | MOVING PICTURE THEATRE FOR SALE IN GOOD TOWN Close to Chicago. Well established: elegant equipment; good location; good lease; max every week. I hare other Interests requiring all of my lime and am tired of depi "manager." Good, clean proposition. $2,500 cash, or (3.000, halt cash, halt Una: ban real estste security. Address) "NICKEL THUTHI." rare Billboard. Clnttsnatl. Ohio. WANTED, TO BUY WELL ESTABLISHED FILM MANUFACTURING COMPANY ArUlresa - CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO.. P. O. Nashville. Tenn. One Electric Banjo; one No. 5 Power's Moving Picture Machine, plete with extra head; one Shooting Gallery, complete. Address GEO. P. ROGERS. P. Q. Box 384. Atlantic City. N. J. THE BUXBOAItU IS AMERICA'S LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY AMUSEMENT JOl'HNAL. SUBSCRIPTION. S4.0O A YEAR; 6 MONTHS, $3.00; 3 MONTHS. $1.00. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE NO EXTRA CHARCK TO FOREIGN Sl'nsTRIRRRS. Powers Picture Plays 64 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. LONDON NEWS LETTER Several New Plays Produced-^The London County Council and Music Halls— Thomas Beecham Abandoning His Grand Opera Experiment In writing A Single Man for Cyril Maude at the Playhouse. Hubert Henry Day bu evidently been inspired by the cynical sayingy "Men marry when they like, women, wben they' can.". His Ugbt and airy comedy -la baaed on the Ingenious matrimonial Intrigue for the favor of a crusty think about falling In lore until his hair baa turned, grey; a slater in-law, Iaahella Wartblngton, with true womanliness, has plotted to And him a partner, and until this end has writ- ten to the one school friend of her acquaintance who baa drawn a blank In the matrimonial lot- tery. So ihe invites Louise Parker to the plecv without consulting anybody, and Miss Parker.' a worldly creature of thirty, arrives with count- less frocks at the dramatic moment wben Hubert has lost startled the family circle by the an- nouncement - of his engagement- to Haggis Cot- trell. a Ctrl In her teens. The efforts of Robert to play tennis all the afternoon and generally to be as young again as his betbothed. supply the chief comedy mo- tive of the second act. Louise Is no wise abashed by .the fact of Robert's gagement continues to pursue him ing - attentions. The one note of .. is sounded by Robert's little stenographer. Hesel tine, who has a hopeless passion ■ for her master and Is heartbroken by the prospect of his coming wedding. And thus the way la pre- pared for a dainty third act In the author's very best style. Robert, exhausted by unusual " hols, has- anno on ced hla intention. At the moment It Is served, the stenographer comes along with some completed work. She to on the} ny to a "penny reading" snd has s smart- .evening frock, under her cloak. Thus It come* about that for the first time in the only lady ballet dancer who was ever presented at the court of the late Queen Victoria and she is the only tody on the stage 'who has studied medicine snd surgery. Mile. Dolll for some time walked that Roosevelt Hospital. Speaking of the Beecham family I might tloo that It has Just been announced that mas Beecham, who has been experimenting prae- PARIS NEWS LETTER Leoncavallo Personally Supervises Production of Newest Light Opera, Malbrouk S'en Va-t-en Guerre, at the Apollo— Miss Dacre at the Al ham bra Very rra tnrai 1 y the closure that the tv For a brief second they forget, embrace and. of course, Louise Parker steps in snd discovers them. ' The end of all Is that little Maggie, of her own sccord. tells Worthlngton that she likes him well enough but that be -Is" too old to be her has band- And never did a JO ted man re- ceive his dismissal with such a smile aa Cyril Mande. the Robert, puts on. Hilda Trevelyan. as Miss Hesel tine has one of the " that to see. ~ Nsn~CT~PrIce~ls well of Louise snd May Jerrold to wife. The play ' and looks like luckiest of men— a lot of At the Uttle Theatre _. baa Just pot on two plays. . the first a three art comedy by Was Cicely Hamilton, called Just to Get Married, toe other . a one-act tragedy by Miss Alma-Tsdema, entitled A Merciful Soul. In the former, alias Hamilton has a" very amusing way 'of showing us bow ' unpleasant things can be made for a nice penniless girl who has no occupation and no prospects but marriage. The heroine. Georgina - Vlcary. ber lived with an aunt and undo In the She was a nice girl with an acute humor, snd wben her sunt spent sixty .. clothes for her In order that she might the more readily attract the eye and af- fections of sn eUrible Georgina laughed: -If I at all events I'll have four For all that. Georgina did nothing to the willing victims to uer charm. She saw Ing dishonest In marrying for a living and an art-school friend advised her to stand on ber own and respect herself. Georgina refused be- cause the alternative meant art In Loudon lodg- ings and the cooking of ber own dinner on a smelly oil-stove! The frank discussion by Georgina and the " 1 lmusehold of Georgian's position and pros- of marriage is very amusing. Georgina tlf declares that a perfectly useless woman conld do nothing but marry and In that frame of mind, snd with not a trace of affection for him. she led the man on to a proposal and ac- cepted him. On the ere of the marriage how- ever, she became ashamed of herself threw blm over, told blm she was not going to spoil hlJ- Hfe. and to the horror of her relatives made a bolt to join ber stndent friend in London. But on her way to town she once again came across her dejected and rejected admirer. He was still faithful, and Georgina. toncbed by his attitude, found that, after all. he wag not Indifferent to her. found him. is fact, "quite nice." and be- ing a girl of ordinary type, asked blm to marrr her. . Miss Alms-Tadema's little tragedv. The Mer-' dfnl Soul,. fa a story of a fslthless'brlde snd s merdfuL husband who takes bis own life In rm?fere^:!sr*4krng bets: . It was e great gnrprlse to learn that Mile. Vbeen making a and ot Drury Lane, deratand that his company will be with that of Covent Garden. - This, by the way, ought to" make Hammer- stein think. Here is Beecham. one of . the keen est musicians In' gn f'*~1 and with unlimited funds at hto back, driven to the conclusion that there is 'only room for' one -.grand opera company to London. If, despite this warning. Hammers tein proceeds with the huge, theatre that he is to build In Kinxsway. he will only have .himself to thank should bis experiment turn out a complete failure. As I Indicated last week, the Loudon County Council, despite . the opposition raised, have granted licenses to Oswald 8 toll for the five or six : additional variety palaces which he Is about to build in London. But at the same time an unmistakable hint was given blm snd other promoters that tha Council thinks, that the time has. come, to call s bait. . At the present time, London undoubtedly has got about as many music hails ss it wants and to continue build- ing them unchecked would simply mean ' In the end that a great deal ot money would be thro w n away and the pi established no uses would i slderahle loss. Two quite good plays hare been launched this week In the shape of The Unwritten Law. adapted by Laurence Irvtng^from^ Dosrtoleffski's ^l^s^^rt^^PrS? Anstey^from hto weS* is a frni-blooded ] rer of an" ardent Russia and also goes deeply Into the the methods employed in some parts of Europe for. trapping a criminal, finishing up with a kind of Sherlock.-. Holmes"- drams at the finish. The piece centers round Laurence Irving, as Bas- kolnlkorf. the hero,' and: Mtos Mabel Hackney as Santo, the heroine, it received a fine reception on tin first night, and looks like being a winner. Vice Versa is chiefly remarkable for the won- derful set ot clever children that' the producer - have, managed to get -together for. the school Frederick Volpe Is very suc- wbo to changed into ' There's s lull In the storm this week. At the time of writing, theatre managers are thinking more about how they are going to light their theatres than what they produce In them. Inas- much as the flood-waters are returning, threat- ening to do aa much damage as they did last Jsnuary and February. Candles, oil lamps and what not were the rule in playhouses then. It will be remembered. - However, there is still room for hope. Rng- glcro Leoncavallo, composer of l'Pagllaeei, this week presented at the Apollo Theatre, where The Merry Widow ran for so long, hto newest work, Mai brook s'en va-t-en Guerre, (Mslbrouk Goes to War). The work has already been produced In Rome and Florence with consider- able success. inasmuch aa It Is more than probable than an American manager will bring the, piece out, I thought It likely that Bill board readers might care to hear what the composer himself had to say of it. "fiaJbrouk," he said, "la a comedy, or rather a farce, and I hare treated the music farcically In consequence. The theme of the opera U, of course, the old French folk-song, Malbrouk s'en va-t-en Guerre, known In the United Stales and In most English-speaking countries as" the air for. For H;'s a Jolly Good Fellow. I carry that all the way through the piece, though here and there I deflect It Into cartel tares of famous operatic passages. For example, to the over- ture, the folk-song suddenly nUvence of the passage for Tell., while later on 1 bring In several other Ideas. I do this that in order to avoid the charge of plagiarism. I have caused to be inserted in the Apollo pro- grams sn announcement of the trick; "Malbrouk Is not the famous English duke, as many . The music Is much , older thao that. We have actually traced It back to the music of the. funeral of the Doc de Guise. ' The Malbrouk of the opera Is a sort of free-booter, who aa ' king of Lower Navarre, withholds his net from the Ring of France. "The opera opens with his marriage to the lovely Alba, and shows how Malbrouk. call** away to ngbt the Moors, has to leave hla bride at the church door, peal Rea enough not to enough, and they are ding when they start any other country grumbl Frsoce _. but If so, I fancy they have made a mistake, for I am' sure there never was a play that the ordinary small boy or girl would appreciate leas. 'All the ssme It makes a capital farce and should not be missed by anyone who has the chance of seeing it. - Owing to the great success of Count Hannibal as a dancer s-t - the"' Coliseum „. Is the daughter^f /Thomas Beecham. the pill magnate, anil- sfsfetr of Thomas Beecham of Covent Garden opers£fame. Like so many other famous artists. Mile. Dolll has chosen her ca- reer from pure lore of dancing. Some yean back she was ordered -by ber 'physician to try dancing as an exercise, and her love for the art became gradnanilv so great that, although possessed of a large private fortune, she decided to adopt the stage as a profession. She Is the Chicago. 111.. . Dee. 3 (Special to The Bill- board). — Owing to an eruption among the di- rectors of the Calumet Theatre, South Chicago, IU-, the Calumet Stock Company ceases to ex- ist to-day. . . While business has not been of paying pro- portions at this house, the installation of Wm Jossey revived matters pany lived in hope of sey did prove' the " of misunderstand peace to such an extent that all bets were called off.: The principals will move as follows:. Wm. Jossey. while not engaged, has two well-known managers bidding- for his services. : Ed. Bailey and Eddie Ponlter have signed contracts with the management of toe Lyric Stock Company, Lincoln, Neb. Miss Florence Johnstone, who depart Sunday for signed to pro tray second . Benton Stock Comnanr. Louise Glaum will as- sume ingenue roles with the Imperial Stock Company. Chicago. - ■ Mtos Lea Bemonde, who made many friends daring ber short engagement In South Chicago by ber clever delineation of character roles, has had several offers, but at ' the present wrltinr has made no definite arrangements. . - PROVIDENCE, R. I. it of the Nlckle' and BIJoo The- atres, gave a Thanksgiving dinner to their em- ployees on the stage of the Nlckle. Vanity Fair Park, located in East Providence, was sold at snctlon on Wednesday. November SO. Further details of the sale will be given In a later edition. - W. E. GREENE. The second annual grand ball of the I. A- T. , S. E. Local 17. of Louisville. Ky.. was held I Nor. 28. John Hyanu. of The Girl of My «s*u>» company, lead the grand march. Jack Van Epps has finished thirty -five weeks of W. V. M. A. time snd Is working his wsy toward New York on the Coney Holmes Circuit. _ her to the care of Binsldo. his with the girl. Binsldo Impersonates his uncle in order to gain access to Alba's chamber. Af- terwards, when Malbrouk really returns, he to unable to understand why it to that Alba ap- ara so astonished to see him back so soon a Using that be has been deceived, he goes to the guard room, and cuts off the moustache of the lightest' sleeper among the cavalleres. - g mm to the- guilty man. . The lightest Is Hipaldo. and be Is the guilty party, but. quickly 'gathering -the gist of things, he cuts off the moustache of all the others of the guard, and in this way foils his uncle. Finally the Moors invade Lower Navarre, and Malbrouk bride deposed by the King of France, leaving, his de, by *«ncjent tow, to his nephew, whom the King has* raised to Malbrouk's throne. Hither- to, the serenade of Rlnaldo under Alba's window In Act II, sod the Blind Man's Bluff chorus In Act I, have been rigorously applauded. Also the musical psrshpheae of Hamlet's soliloquy, by Malbrouk. . when . be returns and argues .it out with himself whether -he his been deceived." Brown, J. Calvin Brown, the over and back of the new emuaame.t park here. Magic City, to an American. He is doing a mighty big business in Paris. And be isn't grumbling. Likawine -lbs manages somehow or other to get things done pretty nearly on schedule time. It's true, ha has -a very able stsff about him who help him along l—alili ■ r i but then that to not everything. I know of other people who have the staffs, bat not the action. - - . What I started out to say when I ran off this: Everything to Is shape now for the swift erection of Magic City. Brown to on the home stretch. ! Every plan to drawn far every device In the park and the model of every device stanli. ready for use. All tha red taps of leases, and purchases, snd whatnot, baa been unwound right down to toe bobbin, and all that now remains la to put the building up.. I can hear tha chap who baa built things In this town say: "Well, that's a mighty big 'all'." . It Isn't a big "all" to Brown. He haa a construction craw that gives cards and spades to most any bunch going then gets there ahead of the band-wagon- Thry hare neves . trailed fa . behind the' calliope yet. and wben "Spring, Oh, gentle Spring" comes along with her floods and flowers and bad colds snd as. Magic City win be nestling by the " of r To I which I power typewriter. Magic City ber gates to the world around Easter, 1911. Vr ' :"UI THS B0I8. Young Fernand Akocm Is . getting . hla affairs He is in spot, but ali Ak i a sbo4, kl good°Sooirh U Jardln 67 Acciimatatiou to a muni dpal property and. visited as- it to annua! I j by t hop sanda upon tha top of thous a nd s or chil dren snd their parents, something of eduea- tional value to preferable. - Native villages 1-kUappinos, Japanese, etc.. nrhanlfal devices which sre entertaining snd at the same time instructive; a coal mine ride, for example; a baby Incubator; a dii p t t a ■ evhlb l tl on. or the like of any of these, to the thing. Fernand Akoun. la tha younger brother or Gaston Akocm, manager «f Luna Park bare. The Jardln, however, to entirely la Fernanda hands. He is prepared to offer engagements, he say* of two or three years nected as ■ he is with . Bt Pt Uf sOar i, - mm This range of latitude mow asnar* nwianfa - ** at the first night of the comic quite pleased with the work. As . there is s deal ot. tomfoolery, snd of the Paris critics seemed to think there, was s bit too much. The music, caricaturing well known operas at It docs, but always with the theme of For He's a Jolly Good Fellow running through It, la pleasing enough- M. Cordrsdettl, of the Milan Opera Company. It appears, learned French especially that he might sing* the role of .Malbrouk, and be deserves credit for his good work. His rich baritone voice Is most pleasing. M roe. Cebroa-Norbens. of the Oper a -Comlqoe, appears In the role of Alba, and sings the part charmingly. M. Con- iomb. is the nephew Blnaldo. He is a tenot with a really rich voice. Mme. Dbervllly. the ro-nedlenne. is delightful. Others ara wen placed in the cast. The pieces will very probably have a long run at the Aoollo. the action and the music having Just the sort of lilt which the French take to amastngly. Still. It to my personal opinion that the work will not add greatly to Leoncavallo's repntatlon. THE ALHAMBRA. The Alhambra comes nearer being tbe real thing In vtndevlllc tb»n any other house In Paris. We have vaudeville here, but It Is always more or less In diluted form — revues with vsude- vllte acts slipped Id here end there. The Al- hambra comes pretty nearly baring the real thing, ss we. Americans know it. Pragaon beads tbe bill now as be did the fortnight preceding this one. Ills songs, de- livered as they are, tlilewlse from ihe piano, sre inimitable, and be la alone worth tbe price. Our own Louise Dacre aod her Oeorgla plea- ninnies, come near enough to sharing honors with the best there Is on tbe bill to make any difference there might be. Indlstlngulshshle. She Is giving to Partslsns something they never saw before, and they appreciate It wonderfully much. She la really making a big hit. The Aerial Hhsws are a big card, loo, as Is Alllster. of the "thousand heads." On tbe whole, tbe bill is one of the best the Alhimbra has bad In t long time. MAGIC CTTT. Did yon ever try to gef a concession In France? Did you ever set shout to buy or lease s piece of ground lo Paris, then build something op It? If you did, then you know something about what It means — tbe red tape, and delays and things. For French people have got the philosophy of living down pst. and they know LCNA PARK. " Gestae Akonn' s place, Luna Park, haa shut up shop for the winter, so Car aa the summer amusement features, ara concerned, and his Palace of Pellea to now a first class roller ska ting" rink. This week Sam McVey and Jim Johnson, two colored pugs from America, mis It to a finish at tbe rink. • • • • * m a a a a a- a a a a s o * **'"• ■ : — -^-^ ■^gjftYff'^r'*'"' A • ' • GENERAL MIXTURE OF * •. PROFESSIONAL NOTES. * Jesse Carey, the American roller-skater racer finishes hto engagement at tbe Paris rink, the Amsterdam, Dec. T, sfter which dste he will be connected with one of the beat known skaU manufacturers conce r ns known to the assesses*, training a hockey team for exhibition fron throughout Europe. . ■' ♦ The roller skating business to nicking up at present here. Most all tbe risks ara bit inn good crowds. . ♦ The K. Koch Orchestra, from the Opera, fur nlshea the music at tha Palais do Glace, lue ice rink in the Cbsmpe Elysees. This la one Of the permanent money-makers la Paris, to always of th The lec h ♦ . .,1 Tbe Olymple, which was to have luaueuraiiM a series of • cinema tegraph matinees Friday ot t!..s week, has been obliged to put off the open- ing performance until Monday ot Claudlne.Is tbe title of Moulin Rouge at present. 1 now given st tbe old stand, fairly well. act .at Ihe The Amblgu this week will offer a nt- r- entlUed Train de S:4T. a military play. In acta and eight scenes. Leo Marches made is plsy from a lomance by Georges Coort'llne. " win be preceded, by tbe well-known, on'- " H <♦ - Mme. Oabrlele n»JaBe. now louring had to cancel one .of her engagements on »•-"••"••' of Illness. Though suffering severely tttm » cold In her lungs, she hs* •"Utluoe.l with work, save this one exception. (Continued on page MP-' 66 T 1* Ulbo W10. OFFICIAL ANNOU NCEMENT Of New Circuit for Melodrama and 'Musical Comedy Pro- : ductions Made— Plans Have Been Consummated and Operations Will Begin Immediately ... (Special to TV Blllboard). BDomnarat concern! on the — mt mentioned to feese col- umns la.t we,k was given oat by the promoters Monday. TbeIrJ»tt«.lollowe:." •-. ... Plans have been folly consummated for the eaUbUshmrnt of a clrrult of popular price tbea- creei eavrerhur- the principal., dries of the United Htatei «d.! i'ansda. A, CCg|»w * » i on called Toe L. Lawrence Weber Co^Dfaprative Booking dr cult, with offlcee In the Colombia Theatre MkV log. Broadway . and-. Fa s Ly e a i au th -street,- haa been formed under, the 'laws ot Jbo State- of Rear York with a capital stork of J12S.0OQ. The In- corporators are: h. Lawrence Weber. J. Herbert Black. Samuel ». ScTlloiesyof New York, • •ml K. HynIcta.50f,f4jKlDDitl. It | a the I tb*-carganl**t.on tdlacdrdre forty pealeetto arraear'ln them. There ami be only one theatre ro~ eaeh of the Isrge dilee except Maw Tort; Brooklyn. Chicago and Philadelphia there will be two or three.,, i hare been entered into _ Itr -Philadelphia and contrac ts hare been made for a theatre to Washington. D. c. and In Baltimore and Newark. In any city where' a theatre la not available, Os WSSat rJ will be acquired and a bouse erected. Under the renlatlons of the new company, any in dirldus) or concern owning, or controlling the leaae of ar dealrabla theatre may place the home to toe circuit, for which an allotment of stock will be made. it Ik bettered that In view of the present con- of ' the theatrical business all over the there la a surplus of theatres In pra- elty and that for tbla reason there tleaHy V* win be. In .this i way, .„ 'bem^^rorefnUy* made upon entirely le- The M Btasajy forty attractions ■d\ into fire classes.* namely: melo- dr ama j/ioclvty T ' plays. .-• comedy -drams, f • ree co is ad y|sral_- musical comedy. -There will bp eight of MCftvavf. these and they will be booked BO that no -peeVermasee of similar character will fol low snSsaaac la aaey-of itre houses. 'thus providing • drvasmssad style of '-entertainment- - Bespouslblo producing" managers will be In rltrd k> come Into thV oorppratlop. and' those who mky He selected will be' granted a franchise to JnmsMM -their shrews oeer the circuit and each arm receive a number of aharaa • of atoek rn any, I hue carry I nf oat the co opera I Ire — *tn> ayati-m will- be under ■ the general control of a board of who will responsibility for the proper conduct c tbrea and for the character of the pel tbcatrra and the maintenance" at- all times of a high standard of excellence In .the productions. L- Lswreoce Weber, the originator of. the plan, has Issued a statement In which be aays: "Tbla la literally a co-operative company. Every per- aon, whether In the theatre or In the producing end of' the butoeu, win be a stock-holder In the corporation and share to the g-oeral .benefits. It la not planned aa an opposition to any existing system ; In the theatrical bctalnaaa. The main point or it all. aside from providing theatres aa carefully condor-ted as the best In the merJrTln ^erery cheap-price -idea. I do- not res.' Tbla term has , .always eras! re. We will offer the public merltorlona entertainment, -a/rren -fcuelean. perfectly appointed theatres at actually cheap prices. The scale baa not been faHy -determined. But It will be cheap. tr " ."•*' l/."\sv£'- - • • "We are convinced that -the. moving picture basil that have been drawing enormous crowds all over the country, have created -many thou- aanda of new theatre g oeraj These people will respond to an opportimlty to. see live; actors on a real stage, to place of the dumb reflections npon a screen, it the same .price or oven. at a trifling- advance. And, ^]f W '»'-» » operative plan, we can afford to present much, more expensive productions than have aver been seen at popular price theatre*. , since every: thea- tre In the circuit and every producing manager shares In the profits of the entire system instead of having to take only the results of his own Individual receipts. - . whatever they may be. i the In win appeal to the masses who efljoy good shows by gl'ing them something better than- they have ever had, and at much lower prices. People of limited means, all over the United States, are 'getting the worst of it.' as the aaylng goes, to the matter of theatrical entertainment.- . " " 'tft "Tbey cannot afford to pay the prices exacted to see realty high -class performances, prices that have gradually grown prohibitive. 2 A few years ■SO. cwnparaUteiy. tbe^gbesf price for the best. seats In the leading theatres to the country N EW YORK-L OCAL.. FORBIDS Tl PS. New York, lh-c B (SpVekal to The Billboard).. — ■ I. T P. i:. haa- pases fl an ordinance for- any or Its rncmbera from aco-ptlng tips .-e prnfeaaliin.. tail b- because their salaries are aodb. that almrild aopport them and bees use the acceptance; of gratuitous money bejlttlee- the arnica* Stage hand. -This action la the Culmlua bon uLjurtneroiia^ complaints filed bY members, of the profession who- refused to tip for -what they considered the mere execution of. expected aervlces. Many stag.' bands, however, are said to have- taken sdvsntsr have made -It 'almost ' act' espertstly whenTIt,. r to be .set. up. Tbla advice . passed oat last weak .aw Be Wtntw carta, president, apeak* high ly f.irTIfie union t»3|ly v erfd shows they are poa- - — — of the proper - amrtt. Tin- practice of working gratul tana gifts bad bean much abused, and any efforta to accom- plish Its abolishment sliould be aided aa much aa psaatbla. ~ , , . v& '-r'.a-- New Turk. Dee. 6 (Special to The Billboard) - —A. change to plana baa been' made in the policy of the City Theatre since the first art- icle was inserted in this leans concerning the recant lease of twenty-eight years granted to Wm. Fox. of the Fox Amusement enterprises. At first the .new lessee considered old Broadway favorite plays during the week and vaudeville only on Sunday, but the fact la that after the present week of raffles, which ' closes -Saturday night. December 10. vaudeville will * form of entertainment offered at the City ' Ore. It bad been staled that Ibis playhouse too- few to Jnstlfy.'ljg contlnaaDre as a I of drama, alllsjogn no suspicions of its present policy was arvbsed until Wm. Fox came Into a^day^aodr^f '"ailf bT'th I Q e< ^ mb " ROBINSON WINS SUIT. 1 dollars aa damages was a ward - I'Juha r. HMbinauo by. Judge Spiegel last ■ --. agalirat George Forepaugh Flab, _ tV'-of -Use- Forepaugh Stock Company. . la now playing at the Olympic Theatre. i. The Forepaugh Company formerly the old Boblnson' Opera Uoose. but - It to take over, the -lease of the Boblnson brought suit for S6.000, was awarded that amount by Judge THREE K.-E. SHOWS CLOSE. Mich... Dec 3 (Special to The BUI t three Klaw and BrUuger attrac- "clisae slmnltawonaiy, appears to ahjnincance in the warfare waged - Klaw .The Nat Goodwin Company doses to-day at Orand Ilaplda;._«a>ie Tempeat" Cloaes 1 tovilghf In -Detroit, and Wm. H. Crane wound up hU tour to-night In Buffalo. The Goodwin Com- pany leaves Orand Baplda for New York Im- mediately after the show, and en route will * - — - «—.- e« ~— at Grand the The ork to- ''rJatT Goodwin will go to Want Baden. Ind.. for HU company played here he newJJIadmer Theatre to the s. mediately after the show, and en roati SST SS^&^l^ BTlo-New To! d. A. Lodge , entertained all rlsltlug members of the theatrical proreaaloo and the etaK of the KooxvUIe. tbeatrea. The entertainment was styled a Thanksgiving ska ru- ble, and was a^novrltj to- every respect. The nlgbt'a enterUlnmant opened at 11:80 P. M.. with a selection by the combined orchestras ol - tbeatree,- fcdlowed-fiy an . ad all the Knoxvllle dress of welcome, by All . director or the B-j — _ -— violin solo, and state Prealdent. Brother of Id-' Professor J. J. Qnlgley. of .Memphis, then addressed tb ^n%. toktog fc, hto»b J ect.,...Wh.t b - - era then Invited to the adioln _k* to the atratos of Dixie, they and served with at typical Dixie spread, 'poesnin and sw-H-t 'taters. Tennessee sboatT spare ribs and backbone, bam, tongue, salads and all the good eatables that go with Ti urn aits hospitality were there in plenty, and a champagne punch aa an appetizer and . several barrela of "Alt I leldle[M-i if." to help -through lite. ' ' This was the first entertainment ever ' alven by Knoxvllle Lodge, and was cxrapllmentary to tie Cedl Spooncr Co., Jane Ware 4 Co., Gard- ner A Walker, Cedar * Hgarr- Karl Lnrter. Vevolle. Clarence Oliver^ The Orcat Dayton. and 'the staffs of the Knoxvllle theatres, am the Lodge has get an example that will surely be appreciated by tb* poor trooper en route At the does of the entertainment, eaerj. visitor waa presented with a flask, labelled "Smoky Mountain Mnonibloe," a product for wblcb the region Immediately crmtJgooua to Knox villa Is world-famous. - " ' — ' .. BOSTOCK IN EUROPE. Frank C. Bostock, who baa been abroad for some time, writes that be will probably re- main In Europe for a year or two longer, but that he hopes to return to American eventu- ally. THEATRE8 MU8T BE CLOSED. Hot Springs. Ark.. Dee. 8 (Special to Tb Billboard).— The light between the local .theatre managers and the authorities with Sunday clos tog aa the Issue, resulted to • defeat for the -h-atrr manager*. Dick Balrd. manager of the At bis trial tbla week Imposed. The mi Is behind them In Sunday abosra and tborltlea. through their demand*. guilty and a fine that the public to have STRANDED I N M INNEAPOLIS. Minneapolis, Minn.. Dec S (Special to The Il!b"«rd) Joe Booker, a rough-rider of Mil- ler Broth era and Bddle Arllngton'e 101 Banco to stranded to Minora poll*, doe to failure of a fellow employe to keep faith on the matter of paying expenses after Hooker had made a trip from Mobile. Ala.,, to clear him of a serious charge on which be was lodged .to tb*' Ramsey Connty Jail since fair week, Sept. 5. ' cleared, left "town A UNIQU E SE NTENCE. -Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 27 (Special to Billboard).— City Jndge P. Harry Kelly unique sentences on George Lewis and Harry Foster, clrcns followers, when tbey wi 1 ottering, ad been In from Merid- ian, Mias., where several abowa had disbanded. •-Wen, you're lost the men we're looking -for," declared the. jndge with a amBe. . "Those rock pile prisoners have taken to alnglug . funeral and church meeting aonga. That'll' never do. Now I'm going, to let yon fellows go over there for s while. - I'm not going -to Im p o se' any definite sentence bat will order your release jost as soon as yon (an organise a minstrel troupe among the prisoners." Lewis and Foster ana wneklng with a will and hold dally rehearsals. Tbey say that they will " the city court some day : BUILDING NEW THEATREY Sacramento. Oai... ' Dec. B (Special to -The Billboard); — The, Cypres* • Theatre Company, recently formed." will erect here a- new theatre at the northeast corner of Thlrty-flfth street and Cypress avenue. Oak Park. Work will bo commenced at once. The directors and stock- holders of the company are: I- B. Wattoner. president; Jos.. Holmes, vice-president; J. 8. MrHabon, secretary; L- Christie, tr e a s ur er : Alien Ballon, manager: j. M. Barry, J. T. Canton and B. F. Driver, directors- 'BUSINESS POOR IN VAN I A. PENNSYL- The show business through the smaller towns -of "Pennaylranla I* reported to be very bad till* season. 'This condition Is dne to a eeuerel de- pression la the business of the , Keystone 8tate. We would lodge, however, from -the letters re- celled, thai the better class of shown are doing fairly well. It'U sMr-tle poorrr class of at, yractiona that are running behind.. '•. *. MOORE'S TRIAL- OPENED Vlnceunes, Ind., December 8 (Special to The BDIboard).— The trlsl of Menlo E. Moore, thest rical manager, charged, with the murder of Charles Edward Gibson, wealthy oil operator, was opened this week. The - plea of > the de- fendant's counsel fs that when Moore shot , and killed Gibson be waa In a fit of Insanity, caused the knowledge of Gibson'* f smll lurl tl will, CLOSE ON SUNDAV8. Castle. Ind., Dec. S (Special to The Bill- board) All -theatres la New Castle will be closed to-morrow and hereafter on Sundays as tbe result of an order burned to-night by Chief of Police Bnrr. Tor some week* local playhouses have been operated on Sunday aa giving per for charity. . JANETWH EATLEY ENOAGED. I Bait Lake City, Utah, Dec. 8 (Special to The Billboard). — Mlaa Jane ■ Wbeatley, who formerly appeared under management of David Belaaco and also with various stock companies, bs* been DEAN IN CINCINNATI. Geo. A. Dean, formerly of ClDclnnntl. aliui recently adrance mtiD. for Leltoy Stock Com- pany, waa a caller Saoday. Dec. 4. eo route to Partterabnnt, to Join .' Kryem Sutcra Stock Co.. in their fljjhth tuaiaal tour. SELDEN SNYDER ILL. Phoenix, Arix., Nov. 29. IS10. Billboard Pabllahlog Co., Cincinnati, 0. Editor. Dear Sir: — Selden B. Snyder, better known through tbe country aa Smiles, at one time clrcns candy batcher, and of late years with Frank Trltt, Springfield. Ohio, also a num- ber of years with Fred Heeaenhauer, Phoenix Theatre, Columbus, Oblo, is to poor circum- stances, with tuberculosis here, and wlshe* to hear from all friends. If you win publish this, it will be a great favor to him and me also, -and oblige. Yours very, truly. - Samuel Marks. P. S -All mall addressed to Sslden E. Sny- der, care ge neral delivery, Pboeplg, Arlx. AMERICAN SHOWS IN HONO- LULU. San Francisco. Cat.. Nov. 28. — Tbe Great American Snows aalled for Honolulu Nov. 23 per tbe Steamer Wllbelmlna. Tbla organisation Is headed by tbe Slegriat-SUbon troupe of len aerial lata, who have been tor tbe paat fourteen years featured with tbe Barnum aod Bnlley Shows, Includes Prince Yonturkey. King of tin Wire, another Barnom ami Bailey feature: Four Welduna. acrobats: Ben Bono, equlllbrlat: Dlaa Polo and Dlas. borlxontsl bsr performers; rrsnk Voerg, comedy monies! art; tier's troupe of performing dogs, Joe Vail. Mile. Andrtan*. ^gnra-toa^JallT' K.poll " 1 Signer Galeepp* Cetalina, a qnsrtstte of rau.i oitwra. II ta tolendad to tlvi7i*Sootl^h' wseaa ondef canra*. tV 5~F0ater ta the gen- eral manager. The shew opaassd Dec. b. INDOOR CIRCUS TOUR OFF. engsgeo ror n nan received assurances from the proprietors that the show would go oat as planned. What canted tbe sodden ternrloatloo of (rrangement* and the announcement that tbe tear would not be made cannot be learned. ' Geo. Cbeflto la nOW" business manager of B. K. Pierce and Company 'a Squaw Man Company, and Wm. Oilman to manager with the . compsur Lillian Helaa, member. of The' Cow and the Moon Company, now playing la tb* Tabor Grand Theatre. 1* suffering from, a moat dangerous operation. She will not be able to leave with tbe company and will remain to -Denver at tbe Ht. Joseph' a Hospital until all danger la paat KUNZ and KUNZ 1 -^^m Li & Edward and Blanche Kunz America's. Classiest Novelty VIOLIN and SINGING ACT Displaying the finest and most cost- ly Wardrobe ever seen in a similar act SPECIAL VELVET DROPS PEROXIDE Oxy Cream la absolutely puree Will msse your akin, snow-white- will " remove wrinkle*. freckle* and blsrkhesSs and make »onr com- piealoo clear., fresh and beautiful. An elegant preparattoti for,- rough and chapped baode. A great remedy for sunburn *rat taiined skin, not at your drnggiat'a, send 25c for a Jar, fanned skin. 8 BELL CHEMICAL CO. 60 E. 116th Street. Now York City SPANaLINO WITHOUT STITCHCBjq CRONER'J SPARKLE EMBROIDERY SH In any oslar or dsslgn asm stags m al nm e e and draper!**. W* mail 7- Inch bottsrfly OS rsoslpt Of 60 ceato (coin) a* eanplt of sparkls em- broldsry. If 0 nay r»f nndad an demand. . Cou r- teooalr yonra. ALBERT B. CBOHXat, SO* IrM W. Mnd St.. V. T. City, opposlU Kammsntjia s Victoria. Chewing Gum Wrtt* for apeelal price on machines. Vending Co.. Walnut Bt.. Wttsburg. Pa L THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. i&ftlrSi COLUMBUS, OHW DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 66a - ■ THOS. QUINCY AMERICA'S MOST SCIENTIFIC, SHALLOW WATER, HEAD FOREMOST High Diver • SECOND TO NONE ■• Tbea. J. Q. Malar. Jr.; l..t It. ,,.r. known The*. Qnlac, . M raara* axpariaaca back at rwrj dire. Thi. W not praeaatad la ttaa naaal dara drrtl f.»hion. bat u • adaaust drra br * fka larfnat pcrronaar la kla Una; tba l»lt. Complete •pedal ITtnoa. Wtntar addreaa, koeelaad Hotel. JicknocTrUe,-! rii s JMfc M an Vbltn R.t.. 15&S Broedwar, N«w Tort City. Miss Mce Izola Christmas and Happy New Year to •II Rats and Friends from the MARVELOUS COWLES FAMILY ■ Addraaa. Altoona. Wl... or Whit. R.t. of New York City. Miss Alice Izola, formerly of the "ARMONS." Now having big suc- cess on Fisher time, doing a musical act out of the ordinary, featuring the Saxophone and the Banjo. If jrta aaa rl t» 1 rig % e*> ■ l?" I >a ^ A - - - A Real Novelty. 3 Acts hTl. (I. E.) In Comedy or Straight. Roman Ring Gymnasts, Hand-to-hand Equili- tionlsta Ftitur- World's Groatsst Child]! .Gymnast LITTLE MARGUERITE MANAGERS OF PARKS, FAIRS. VAUDEVILLE Look this Act up. Ask Anybody, Everybody. Now I . ■ I9U-12 America's Leading Equestrians MLLE. VICTORIA AND ORRIN DAVENPORT Acknowledged ky aU aa tba aeateat aad act la eaoderlllo. Feat ur ed eereo aaaaaaa wltb Baranai and Bailey Clrcoa. Carry our own Door pad, a SO feat rinu. and all mcr aai r y paraphernalia far tba act. in trodctlac a combination of difficult trick baraback rid- In*. Ala mrdlata o k, a ii b i at a r . M. T. vc^><><><><><><><>0<><>0<><>C^^ HUFFORD and CHAIN Presenting THE COLORED PARSON AND THE MINSTREL MAN W. V. A. CIRCUIT THE BILLBOARD MAKES A SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY IlATi: ON ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION ON PROFES- AND AT Lawrence Crayton HANDCUFF * EXPERT AND ILLUSIONIST ^iSrSSSm! Ca "> of THE BILLBOARD "Dara Dertl" Waat. dlrea bred foremoet from laddar tower, a terrific deaeeet of «S tot. Kilns «■ bla cbaat on n .kid placed at aa ancle of GO deirraa. With Wort oam Allen Caralral Coolant, f . laat aeaeon. Opea for booking* ; 111. Funniest Chanticleer Clown Girl on Earth. With the pig. Featured attrac- tion at Dreamland Park. Late at Keith Hippodrome. Open for circulars and parks nex* - 66b Tlie Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010. •9k., f. I FEMALE IMPERSONATOR IN VAUDEVILLE. '♦ : Address, care of- BLLLBOARD, CHICAGO. MORRIS & KRAME* BUCILFaCE G IN VAUDEVILLE Will— HANEY and LONG— Florence ; and dancing act. Big JOSEPH K. WATSON AND- 40 CLEVER BURLESQUERS 40 M.~ STROUSE. MGR. WASH. MARTIN, BUS. MGR. TOM JACK TRIO EUROPEAN MUSICAL NOVELTY 1 - 1 H 5 E. KIR KE ADAMS & CO. THE WORLD'S GREATEST KNIFE THROWERS EQUILIBRISTS i SEASON SEASON SEASON SEASON DECEMBER 5th,' HARRISBURG, PA., ORPHEUS MR. PAT CASEY 1807-08-M r. Martin Beck, Orphaum Road 19O8-09— Keith's Tour. 1909*10 — European Tour. 1910-11— Keith and Proctor's Circuit. IS OUR AGENT. Sip I is! • ts w iy 8 ■ something new fob i9ii. XHE GREAT K. HASSAN BEN ABDIC Morocco Iron-Jawed "WoBder, Builders. An act beautiful wit n electrical enects, gi scenery of the land of sphinx and pyramids. Madam Beoabdlc, The Dervish One Ml Jnll features. ] Our team act is a 1 HappyJNew^Ye and £bis troupe of Oriental Dancers and Pyramid th electrical effects, gorgeous costumes, and special iinx and pyramids. Madam Beoabdlc. The Dervish . The Little 8panish Egyptian Dancer, will be one of our Wm.H.Davies. Address, care THE BILLBOARD, Chicago. Merry Christmas and -hit on the to friends. TP YOUR The above act is one of the very best acts of its kind in the amusement world today. The act has not lost a week in_seven years, and .wij^back their""title~at all times- as the The aboia u ao axccUaot llcenaaa o( Klnr Cola, toe clcicr raDtrlloqoUt. woo wu with * Porrpaogh-Srlli Snow ttala ataaoB, isd !• YOl'K ROUTE BIIjLBOARD to-day. TO Till"- DECEMBER. 10i 1010. The Billboard 56c r. n THE GREAT ORION- . MAGICIAN AND ILLUSIONIST I ASSISTED BY MADAME OLLIE — FEATURING A— I Magical and Scientific of Sue Goodwin The above is a late photo of MARIE HART BILLY HART In an Original Novel Comedy Playlet, THE CIRCUS GIRL. Vaaatfla Mute, aa aba la often called by prrsx. la a dansbter of r. A. ClUUm. of the GDlUm Pimilr. Stay laat appeared taajcther with Golianr Wmf, areas la UML Bat* then Maria baa bees c uau ec la d wtth dramatic panlea. moalcal c o m edl a a - ajal aijiaj can alas, taaci, act, walk a wire, do < needle. Beat __ if if Tt>« can. Qooef lack to cTcrrbody. MARIS AND BILLY HABT. on tbc Orphean Circuit and leetlng with bis COL. «J. A. PATTEE COL. PATTEFS OLD SOLDIER FIDDLER ACT "Tm Bats ia Bin" "To. Sans if Dixia" Who actatllr r*rred In oppoalnt armies daring of the jean, portion daring a reunion twenty 7 rare tnrr toe of rrterane. • yaodctUlf'a graateat norclty act. Playing tba Orphcam Circuit, Wcat: Keith and Proetor'a time. Beet. Permanent add free. 1-4 Knickerbocker Theatre Bids., New York City. Curran & Milton The above likeness is a reproduction of Sue Goodwin, the well known, popular Coon Shouter, and impersonator of well-known stars. She is famous throughout America as the "Eddie Leonard Girl;" having given impersonations of Leonard Ida i Henderson's Music Hall, Coney Considine time, under the direction of Nash & Goudron in Gold cV Silver. it America as tne "tuaase Leonard uin; navmg given impersonations rd for years, singing "Ida Apple Cider." She has been nicknamed Marrincha, the first one to make the Italian song successful at n's Music Hall, Coney Island. She' ia now touring the Sullivan dc Torcat and Flor D'Aliza PRESENTING THE ONLY TROUPE OF TRAINED GAME ROOSTERS IN THE WORLD. FIAYINS W. V. U. A. TIME. Jimmie s Positively one of the daintiest, clean- public. V W -ba. Avallon Troupe EUROPEAN ACROBATS LATE OF THE SELLS-FOBEPAUGH SHOW At Present Playing 12 Weeks for and Considine Chicago Office. THE D ANTES Fuji «>• ... ■^^ASPECIALTYOrJ jAW ■. ■:■ and quality ^ 56d The Billboard DECEMBER * J910. THE FAMOUS NELSON EUROPEAN CHARACTER CHANGE. ELEC NOVELTY ACT. making . decided hit on tbe Pacific Coast. having been playing lib boom. TUB iMAYFAIRS are tbe nun of tbe DAVID MEYER Wltb the Sherman MuxJcal Comedy Company. ~~'«ar*I by prv»e and public an one of tbe Brlnw rom-dlana tbat baa played on tbe Always giving a clean and legitimate JO of tbe Hebrew character. . After a months' m at tbe Orpbeum Theatre, Cal- AJta.. baa been encased for another loos ED. MILLS to an of y*. I bear so malice. I lore you aH. So be merry each Xmas till tbe last curtain ealL ED. MILLS, if yr ale-Harder Company. Sammy Watson's Farmyard Circus It la ! to explain and describe tbe excellent quality and perfection of this unique production. Tbe act Is an Engl lab offering presented exclusively by Mr, Watson. Tbe beautiful appearance of bla doge ererywbere. Variety of animals indi CUBAN MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY — — P E O P L E — I DIRECT FROM HAVANA Touring America in their" own "Cuban" private car, carrying their own uniformed ass Band and Orchestra. Grand Gala Street Parade, and Free Band ~ Bi in front of Opera House. 7 p. m, featuring Cuba's greatest singers and : specialties. - In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, sand in Your Open Tim*. CLARENCE E. RUNEY, RUNEY BLDGS., CIN. O. ILES THEATRE NILES, OHIO POPULATION 10,000 Capacity 1,200. New Lights. Ne Remodeled. - - Redecorated. Better JACK STAFFORD, as the "BIG NOISE," the man He talks continuously— even in famous. 6— Big Days and Nights— 6. LAKE VILLAGE, ARK. Dee. IS to 24 Inclusive. Under tbe auspice* of tbe firemen and It's on tbe street In tbe heart of tbe town. WANTED — All kinds of Snows; also want Merry -Go- Round and Ferris Wbe.-I. Snow* pay 25 per cent. Concessions 410: no exclusive*, and everything goes. Want to bear from free acta. Tell all in first letter. Under management Will Herschsl and K. H. Kinkade. Address ■ ■ -- : ""; ■ T. H. KINKADE. Box 255. Lake Village, Ark. FOR SALE Like new, 1 Long's Popcorn Crispette Machine, $90 00; Large Rotary Popper, $20.00; Shaker Popper, $3.00 ; 2 Gas Furnaces, $5.00 each; Copper Kettles, 3-gal., $4.00, 10-gal, $6.00; or the lot, $125.0 0. MARTIN LUHH 1115 Delaware Aye., Buffalo, N. Y. AT LIBERTY NOVELTY PERFORMER Acrobatic Comedian, Juggler, Fire Act, Magician, Illusionist, etc. Fine wardrobe and reliable. D. PALA- RO, 507 E. 3rd St., Winona, Minn. G POWDER. — Greatest joke oat; blow N. J. AT LIBERTY Tuba, B. & O. Experienced and reliable. C H AS. WIL- LIAMS, Commercial Hotel, Athena, Ga. AT LIBERTY ADVANCE AGENT For Carnival Company or A-l Show. Close con tractor, sober and reliable; can roots and book jonr show in good territory and dellrer toe go ods. Knows the Southern territory. Address AGEJTT, can Leek Box 51, Bellaira, Ohio. AT LIBERTY After Dec. 7th, on account of i Miles A. 1 Nlelsoo Seed, ingenues, Juveniles. Joint only. Only responsible managers Wanted-A-1 Pianist rOR miOal play ACT, LAST OB OEMT; 8tsts all In first Wizard of the Forest Whistler and An Act oat of the Ordinary. Add. care Billboard, Cincinnati,' 0. RATHSKELLER TRIO IBS. At first they do a and then they craftily lore laugh, then • hurrah, and laughter at rattling good mnaic. tbe audience Into a then a tumult of Tenor Yodler and Straight - A new recruit in the ranks of Advanced Burlesque. Permanent address, Broadway, care of White Rata. roa Ware. MIX— An A no it age ft Onion Clrcltr- Nearly new and In Oral Buyer can bare pri Fair.. Address 3. T. board, Cincinnati. 0. connttl ' DECEMBER 10, 1910. - ■ The Billboard 5€e I The blgnet t»Io« seer offend for th* dkut. Extra tan;, raj Per Ana.. 11.40; per sr. hesdqusrter* (or watch**. Jewelry, We Th* Home of B*T*lrl«*. its- its z. — at.. caie***. m. The wonder Cannon Camera will make 700 Independent. There Is no Dif- fer money-maker on the market. Yoo can make g flnl-bxl photo bottona 1b on* minute, ready "$25.00 STARTS YOU Df TOOK OVS 1U1UUH. Thla pays for a complete out- flt — Wonder Cannon, tripod, and enonsb sapldlea to make 400 flntahed photo hot tone. b U DdTed' , ' l «?lt P ftT' ''""tlS ■ttrsetlons. FREE CAT A Ohiosgo, IU. too.. D^tlHro 3 Striking Machines 32 feet high, portable, strong, durable . siid well finished. W. F. MANGELS CO., CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. "A NEW AD EVERY WEEK " Plata* for all Cannon ' Maohlnaa. ««.» a 1.000; lean than a 1.000. TO eta a 100. Pramee Ilk* eat. SLM per troaa. We sell all euppllee -for minute pic- ture ■ aaa a aaa at a ent- rate price. ITIew list "ent mtbx Cmt-Kau^ f hoto radkt., fVloaaw, m. Can Lease, or Sell Tour Theatre or Park NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED ■en row theatre, It. p. hoaee or pan, quickly and to 700T adrantage. THEATBE aUCCHA-SGE. K. T. Ckristau and New Tear PENNANTS for tha Hell-i - days. , PENNANTS Special prices to I jobber*.. ■UltLES AND 60 Lf CANES At lowest prices. MNDLE CO. 25 ..« If yon want an article wulc^si'll»"sf eight and attract, ererybody'a attention, order , tola. It Is th* beat toy oat. Bold pet fro**. $21.00; per dosea. WJ». Sample. JSC Streefmen-a Tn..a and Horns and goods for holiday trade. We carry , a large' Una of CanTassers and '-Peddlers' loads. Ererythlag tha t aella w*U sg*$ bring* In Lb. coins. Catalogue free." . . ;^ '-*.;"»' ' ' COE, Y0N6E & tO.. 9th and Lucas Ava., St. Loiila, Mo. MAKE $21.1 NEXT SATURDAY p. Be quick, write today. MARVEL VAPORIZER LaanaudL Startling new intention. Jaataas. Makea Obmmoa lamp a -Vapor Cur* oil bnurta spawaa IS»t manUee to break. Brtniaai. »klu> ttaht. Low la price - eella wUSflre-i to ( la a Li«tru: Aeaora. -q.lckt.t. **> aaw." Krelarr. Mo..c. one weeh. Exciting eaay. prohtable work. L Wlae.. made Sis OraS d*r. Au* oa p caa aaahat thlav pee say. eo kany. UUBBT. Zoo caa arsraga $42.00 A WEEK Men or women, t h is i a roar opportunity. stXFKHI* EJtCE IS CXN'tCEBaARY, work lil ortMrt 3me. MMk* bl* none j — be i ndej* ndent. Mot for ■>!» B h-t arrets. We girt, joo protraction »vnd ■•■41 wto ■» ■ QOOO« PROF. PAMAHASIKA AND HIS BIRD ACT. J The abort U a correct likeness of Prof. Pamabaslka In bli new bird act Tbla la tb* grandest "orate act of tropical birds In America. Pamabaslka la alao the owner of Bra other Ha Ja the owner of eery large and hsndeome tralnlr quarters adjoining bla borne tea. The Professor Is widely COMEDY HORIZONTAL BAR ARTISTS and BURLESQUE BOXERS Creators of Circuit Just Returned from Three-year . Engagement in Europe 10 WANTm Thentrlral Profession to send " ™» cents^aUj-er^^ ' it 'j Sa' nat it. In America. Pamabaslks la alao _ the owner of eery large and handaome training qc In Philadelphia. Be bas from 200 to 400 animals on bsnd at all times. known in the profession, be being before tbe public since be waa nine years of age. He bas been In tbe lyceom field for tbe past eight years, and next season Is to have two companies plsylng throughout the West, the time being already booked. He baa devoted his life to his performing peta and baa been known from boyhood as Pamabaalka, and was tbe first to call an act of bis kind, "Performing Pets." He extendi an Inrltatlon to all In the profession to call at bis head- quarters adjoining bla borne at 2327 North 6 th St., Philadelphia, at any Um >. I. MAYJTAKD BCHWAXIZ. HAUT 8. LOBOH. SCHWARTZ & LORCH Writers, Composers, Producers , MONOLOGS PARODIES SKETCHES PERFORMERS, WRITE OR CALL. 210-211 Kedzie BIdg., - 120 Randolph St., Chicago. MANAGERS AN D P EKTOKMERfl AT LIBERTY SHOULD AVAIL v 1. 1 a i * OF TH E SPE CIAL OOMPLTMENTARY ADVERTISING . . JlTi ■ MM SW BBafl UsL*DsB sTIb? TU MS* *Wt-» 4~±W-MW!*CTCY+*~*^T ran Bstj ssa.wJaa.iaaa . — ass — of at ; Three Juggling Millers This excellent trio have a - CLUB JUGGLING ACT Out of the ordinary. , Western audien- ces are giving them well-deserved applause. Their eleven club shower is their feature. JACK RAYMOND 1. • - \ € i "Si, m f ~ • I ' \: . ■ - ' ) i , \l Jack Raymond, manager of Raymond". Big Tent Tbe lire, U meeting with abundant sue- cess. His dancing piano aet Is a feature with the show, and Jm carries twenty -eer.n people. Hla permanent address is 443 E. Kim 81. Sprlng- Mo - i— CHARLIE EDENBERG Sparring Partner Now In Taadarllla, presenting a dIBJeult. ar- tistic, norelty equulbrlitle act. lost Snlsbed IS successful weeks on Interstate clrrnlt Coo- ing Bast shortly. Merry Xmaa, friends. Per- maoent slid rest, Whits Bats, New Tork. SHOWS WANTED. FOB OPERA BOOT! »'»» DEC E M B E R '10, 19 to. Tit BIl Hj o 66g T^b of tie W Create* High Diver.. *®^&m$Mk£ with Nat. tW eatnre free .Owner. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO all. RD ROBERT e Human Doll in 7«S ■ A J ■ m iboot IT minutes, roslttrely « til» feature act. Address s. 0. Height *4 Inches, weight 14 it.,., -2 male snd J retnele. Act runs until the nuilt rt MnuiT. 54 E. 47th Street, CHICAGO. i>. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. ousaav, m. F ATO Q0TOH0K. 1117 ud 11U ICarfcat St.. Anwhu^kata off''' CHADWICK & HASKIN — STUDIO AT — INTERLAKEN, N. Y. SCENERY - NOW I? BOOKING For 1911-12 The Pride of AIL America. Phenomenal Suc- cess During 1910. Enlarged, Aug- mented, Better- than-ev'er for Com- ing Season. 60 MEMBERS 60 The Greatest Gathering of Lady Musicians Ever Assembled, In eroding 12 Opera Singers. 7 Instrumental So- loists. 8 Lady Pipers. ' 8 Lady Harpists. 4 Charming Dan- cers, Offering New, De- cided Artistic .Novelties. " Thl. Gr.l( Bind of 60 Lady M U.Iola n ■ W 1 1 1 B. Und.r th. Baton Of LORA ANTOINETTE REITER Th» World's Grwatsst Lady Corntt Virtuoso Specially secured to appear with this Great Keature*«Band arrvthe ROYAL SCOTCH LASSIE. RAND — Pipers- and Dancers, and th*r IRISH COLLEEN BAND — Harpists and Vocalists: The, united 'costumed and seated on. special elevated stage r representing a living flag of color, tone and harmony. 5& ^ t • Write for Time and .Terms, . COL. O. C. SKIFF, • 116 D.arborn St., Chicago. Have Few Weeks Open For Ladies' Band of 35. Pieces. •'.IV *i> C'7 r \ • ^ J ' . T \ *■ * * • • ~ v. : : £ . if. >• - ' . .... Antinarelli's Royal Italian Band of Soloists pictured above, have been the musical sensation at Chicago, Cleveland, Toronto and HanlOn's Point for the past two years. They are now open for negotiations for the coming Spring and Summer seasons and interested parties should com- municate with either JAMES E. FURLONG, 117 Powers Building, or Director BIAGIO ANTINARELU, 8 Mohawk Street, Rochester. New York, id open NEW VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR ONE DOLLAR 1,000 Laugh*. 100 Original Stories, latest up-to-date, cross Are Gag*, a Uonoloiroe Stream one nil, long, Dutch, ■ Irian. HjtSjE Jaw. Tramp Comedy Skit*. ALL THE ABOVE MBflB RB THIB WEJLh, m/ui rOS OVX DOLLAR, wnvi Chrlatmaa bargain clearance, sale to adtertlae my new corned; acta written to order for $10, 120 and 130 or better. Send a tamp and money order to-day for lUnatratrd catalogue and price Uat of Taylor's ramons Plays and VenderlUe Acta. Beat known writer and erase director of the present op-to-date atyla that sets yoo the money. THIS IS MY LAST WEEK AT BARGAIN PRIC ES- Write to-day— it means eocce ea— Jnmpa joor place on the bill. ASH WXXX DOUBLE THE M0JTET TOTJ ARE OETTZKO. CHAS. A. TATXOR, ISO Eaat Mth Street. Til Billboard The above U a food likeness of Mr. Sbarp- ■teen mm he tppwi In The Cowboy. Indian, sad The Lady. Es was formerly- or the TBOdje- Tlllc tr«m of Wheeler and Sharpsteen. and baa )oet recently retsraed to the dramatic stage. i ST - ■- - - ' — &J£ ' ' " excrllant Bbcneas of ALTA nOUSJC. LADY BUlD. who I a tab Who says ba nerer aaw Us art, hence U on able to stj Jovt haw, cool or' bad It la. "How- sTer.r be adda, "Ineemnrli •» the 34 in. Taylor la usually in aome dreurtng room and the photos ont in the lobby, wbj I gua na tap let mQi! be «ri riant.-. ELLIS BUMPHIH HEHR MOM The champion singers of vaudeville, in comedy stunts. Ethel Ray, char- acter change Vocalist and Dancer. GIRDIA MAY DAVIS fat woman Tbe season of Girdle May Darta. fat woman, who baa been under the management of ■. J. Dnlsney for tbe past three years came to a close at Brownsville, Ps., October 31. 1010. The snow was on tbe road tweaty-sertn weeks sod corered * distance of nearly eerea thousand mile*. TooffUK Ohio, Indiana, M i chigan , Kentucky. West Virginia, and Pennaylranla, this smaon. Nine oae-5f tbe biggest la oar history. Tbe ontflt was shipped to wlntrrqnartere at. Pine OroWTV. Vs., s-bere ClrdU May parts. Oeoree K_ Conawsr. alfcday grinder and charge of tranaportatloe. dad BURN KENWORTHY )AND HELEN DUFFY Kenwortby and Duffy are &w working West from Chicago on Flaher time, tbelr rehlcle belie a comedy playlet. "The Midnight Episode." written for Ibem by Mr. II. L. Oatea. former dramatic critic on the St. Lonla Times. An extract from a Western paper tells— "Kenworthy and Daffy arS >e»t we havered In recent years." far and away the best ' MANAGER FLYING BICKETTS FIELDING and CARLOS Helen Ckrlos of Field fog and Qarl4 recognized V preap-'aiid pwb^9 «f the World a Skating Act. 'Now playing IK 7 j I 1 V" Mm T* ^ 1 V TTte Buyers' who. and where. you ARMSTRONG'S GREATER UNITED SHOWS HilllESBURG, list., Deo. 6-11; GRETNA, UL.'Dn. 12-17. Otbar Bood Towm ti Folliw. A long season with nothing but the beat. Want ilrrry Go I Cone anions, any gnnd 8bows come on. Sere"' OBEATHE UNITED SHOWS, Hattlesbarg. DAN OHIO TOU* Soma Act — tome Danrlni floed alngtag and cbangea. Work In Always V. city. WAT. ,; An op-to-data. rr act, ™ ,k ' ln « £ < t ", r YOUR ROTJTE TO The Blllb Twentieth Oratory B. C ophoae oafllt: food as new h aUOHTO". IiUJto^ " Colombia Qrsph- ; a bargain. 7* V. Peoria, HI. JOB BALE— The big Octopus that fot the money at Blrerrlew. Chicago, thla aeaaoo. A h Bj IT U Baaoer. 3 Nrxrv Dtps with Oashy frame- Bp; aaw Blrtn, oaad. two meats*: eort fts. WM boy light DowD-Town Wagon or half lotcraat tn aaaall Wage* fftow or anything «ood- .KaUV LIB KINO. 1811 Latrobe St.. Parka iabllrg. - W. V*. • . ■• ■ ■pedal Carloo- wbol* ebow, for aire I n- tZMMX ABOABB: auBT LOOK!— Ylewa for pie- ton mtf»'"-*, TBe per at*. All wlnani. Order •one bow. Cellloeeope* and mil. Pkrtnrw Mm- cklaea, flO to SZaValao other naakdaaa, like aaw. Write FRKD I. SFKLUIAM, Star Theatre. " °- . for Bate, road- i'"t trra. 4 and o taaap li Opposite aide lettered tat flat white let ten. - wMued. What la It worth to tot 1 Make " raiCDaX, nw taomo nov. «%»» ft. ' :TUtOUiM)lonlM» nuka aalr; co good raadltteaJ WALTKB mlllman. « it.. Hoiborr. BntQ B . Man. ,t-wO*obbtd. BbjB for oalck sale: eonptets; picture Theatrs. Twwa moaetnaat of ass Chicago. O. DUDLlY. large VeBtruOaalat Flg- for S15.00. Also large 5, reading TDK OBM. 811 ITH. Conors, H. T. other.. Electric Slot ruaw, fw. Dewera, Big Six, and McCOSKXB. 210-12 Machine, bought. 2 N. 8th. I-bUa.. Pa. BABOAIBS — Testa, folding chain, 01m*, B. 0. grapbonhoDe. aroall dynamo and engtae, motor track. Power No. S macbla*. aad serpsatlaa oot- K mWlB. SIT W. Chestnut St., tewhrrllle. Kj. BIT BROW FOB BALE — Swell mommlfled Mer- aaald with palutlag: alan cad striped Teat. BOB BAXB — Merry -Oo-Bonod, 40 ft.. 94 rocking burses, 4 chariot*, lb. p. .tram engine, orgaa; Herschejl make; In good, rnnnlng or — painted last spring ; SMO. CHABLB& SO Colorado Are., tndlaaapolla. li FOB BALK— Oeneral Btand In good park. Lunch gB^a^H^OHTV M W«ShSeK VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES MAM Circuit ol ~ No Vaudeville* McCRAY & McCRAY Theatrical Agents and Amusement Promoters FAIRMONT, W. VAi NOW BOOKING as. REN DELHI E. LEWIS GREAT SEBREE THE3MYPNOTI( Supported by PRIN And Many Others. TTtsm fjrs) aVtsinmosif warning ^llsmct|otu*« wyrttss. THE AUTOMATIC Mucilage [Spreader It BsMSf 1 Tfcwww All Can be retailed at a'fcig profit for 10c and is cheap at a half dolls r. Sample by mail 15e. - Commerclaf Novelty Co. We are also the : manufacturers of THE QUEEN 8TYLOGRAPHIC INK PENCIL.. Black and red finished, good writer; looks like the $2.50 pen. Retails at 25e. IaU|m profits. Sample 26c. ftOLL TICKETS ••LOOK THESE PRICES OVER" — $1 .26 20,000 — S4.00 00.000 — SB. 00 — 2.60 30,000— 8.00 190,000 — BM| Bis Oaata a TWwaaad. . j : . '• W WB1TB BOB ROYAL TICKET CO, ■ mo kin, Psnn. MECHANICAL TOYS AND NOVELTIES S18 Gross. FOR HOLIDAY SELLING Writ! fir Catilaf ue -Mailei Free ti Dealers Also a complete line of Premiums, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Optical Goods, Specialties, etc.; at lowest pri ces. LEVIN BROS. Est. 1886. / ' f TERRE HAUTE,- 1 MP. To whom It may roopera:— This la to certify that we Bars gtrr a tha oar piece. A Tnu Banger, to Ptaaloa aad.Boeklaa. OkUfWa-SHOW PRINTING OOHTaNT. Tb* BBdrralgsed baa the eicloalr* right to A Texas Baagwr la all Baal era territory aauVr tSe sbers loaa*. ssd anyooe^l.jlflg this piece or allowing It tssbs prodatwd wfll be pronptlj unsacatad. U A. 8TAN1 - - A * *wg e- - 8 I TO LEASE OS SELL. . Writs JORaT a wawwww Chippewa Valla, WU. SLOT MACHINES BIX T HB BBW IBI ABP BBBT TBCDa wB SM tbade S TrknrLA TOBa: A MUSBJaJu rr . in. imc. TBTOBO. aTOBZT^BTTSM. BOO S SS* STcsrSa.'ssft s •pectal lot prices. UT BOTXLTT OOMP AWT. ' SJaa afaatar-ra a aw Largsat Jakhara U tss WerU. Sal imimsoop p.. whit atitt fhti rA FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Penny Arcade of SO selected araekta trad* for wslgbsn Of BBS. Can he Ooaa. Alao Popeora Ma FOR SALE 89-Key GAVIOLI ORGAN U. T. OOOK. . CHEAP: CAMn. akra, Oslaaakws, Ba. BOX BAXB.. g mx OObTBTBSTTOB _ AkTD DrsiSO CAB. owe SO fool Baggag* Car. J- BLA WCB. 63*4 Psaa. Asa.. Plttahgrg. Pa. BOB BBXB CHXAB— » Begtoa atoxic Brass, Sajillaia Plana, eprtog power, 1 Huk? Machine, 2 I.'uwa; Testers, drips, etc CHAs. B. BHOBMAKBB. Alado, in. Taaderllka Theatre. CHAS. r. ways to make No matirr what USB Of - was - ■aha nnwaw. - W orth POatgaMr^ntTJH^ A BB> yowr girl alag In the »k>o. Will draw big crowd.. AH completa. . ataam for racily. Baikait BwaaMa, IkS at., las =^w»- awrawas. WABTZS — Ahoat few raaalag fssT at ft, aid* waU:. atasTbe la gsoS enaait! rk aap far eaaa. or 1 wfll trags swwS ' i "Clgkt Ob tat. jxrnuto AIAlOMlv . it. a &3 . (prefer . nast bo ta good condition aad caoaxt for For aakt. a lot or Arcade Machines? js Northamptoa Street. WUkes-Barre, Pa. Circle Wars; wajm High elan ailiaiUiaa of all Big the* Irs, sars atsgs, _sf anlreral ty lectric Ughta. SUt* other rolleree here. I'atraaage i ct kt. H ckhx ~ klks*. BBtXV ktsr. Opera WABT TO BUT. A COB LION AMD A BKAB. ADD. CAR. H. SNIDKS'S TBAI AM1UAL ftBuW. OXTORD. PA. WANTED — ILACK TtHT Baad aiae; nast bo ta good condition. B. J. 81-ICKKRmAN. 1S3 Cnaptn St. Blnghlratna. New York WAKTKD, BOPOOBB ABB BBABOT WABOB at ooce, for eaaa. Aaawer with fall lafar- D. P. BROWN. ISO Main Street. Oil WANTED AT ONCE PnOTOCUPfl POST CAUS B*aa)w to Your Order fesngAn and ca t a l oawo hoax ! Writs os today. s & f fatfe^&l M t» x> a r el DECEMBER 1o; 1910. MAIZiE ROWLANDS. < 8sa^-.,v .... .. - .. - • .. - - -J -' ■• „ ■'■ ■■' ■ " - - - , ; ; - • - ■ • < •• • - . - Mlsa Malrle Rowland* fa a well-known and popular society entertainer, recently an-ired from, Australia, ■uriw 1 she 'played ortT the Harry Kiekarrta and James Brennan'a Clrcntts. She Is now * fT fcl **l ber first American bcwi gn X oTer there la i " a cjerer BCEg- COmpOSS a aVlll S td care The Billboard, San lYandaco. e played am- the Harry Kickarria and James Brennan'a circuits, sue is now nerlean torn- In randerflle, and Judging from the trunkfol or press notices she la -no question -that she will be seen. Tery soon on the .bis Ume. She ts also oser cad pianist, and some fifteen popular sonjra ace to her credit. Can be MALVERN - — : ~. T^T- THOMAS H. ANDREWS '.if ' Mr. Andrew*, woo will be recognized by a host of friends, la the oldest stage mechanic' la the West. All performers always address hlxo as Colonel, on account of his close resemblance to Col. Cody, '"BofTalo BUI.** Col. Andrews was no the staff of the old l Theatre, sway back in 1S73. when this popular boose was managed bj Tbomas k Theatre. San Francisco. . .7 . V ' «> r '.7' 5--ARTISTIC ATHLETES- -5 ALWAYS BUSY. ... - -i*.!?*: r*3 -i """ • Virna* Bolton, I ffifcriit- tie Star oi '.'Swat MLffi- gan," wfaio has twin- kled her. way over the Orpheum Circuit, and (Photo F- Jf. Stein, 16 E. 42nd Street, York City.) -•; ■ To my Associate Players; Managers in the grand- stand, Game Promoters, Pressmen, ." Dope" Writers, Door Sentinels, Ground-keepers, and Ball Fans, I extend Compliments of the Sea- —VIRNA BOLTON: . .CiPT O EVEKTUALLY - IT IS 0URBEST ASSET- ^M* TtffmMC/rr/MMfwtfto, Cm, a oua 75 ctnr HatF T0NE . F4 CTS. OUR, 0OOKLCT ANO PC5TCflftO CIRCULAR, FOR, 10 CTS. 3 x ^^l°3 CASH WITH ORDER. n. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 66k Ni3* Xr : 1 VOIGT and Y0IGT SENSATIONAL Swinging Slack Win GARCINETTI BROS. European Acrobats and Hat Throwers : Mow idarta* eandwrtri* on Pacific Oeaet. Booted ■olid wltkMhvflate Show* 8nra 1911. Ad dreaa can Tba Billboard, San ftaaelaco. TRICKS and ILLUSIONS Miss Botler ha* dosed the seaaon with for tba winter eeaaon for bcr own attraction, avallabl* for winter enxaxementa. Owlax to the wide popularity or Mtsa Bntter'a name and the excellent repatatlon aba baa established as a directress, the band promises to be a real aen aat lon , especially since moat elaborate 355 hare been made for paper and coatames. Toe latter will be of royal purple and white. Mlaa Batler adeertlacs ber band.aa "A FVatuie Band With FVat ma Acta.** 10. HAXTON. JiKSBN A _ at Ktrm. of Tricks and nio- World. MS LafUll* St.. and T510 YORK AND CHI it and Scenery L. HIRSCH, Prop. Chicago O. H. Blk., - Chicago, BaJLOAUT— Road Outfit; Ed. Unlrereal Machine. 1 : ae n» w ; 2,000 ft. Film. 9 c«c^oooooooooooo HAND BALANCER wanted at once. Moat be able to da a rood one- hand balance. Good salary to right party.. Act work* year around. Iililiaaa "BALANCBK." care Billboard, CnJcaro. . C FRANK MAUOC The Aerial GromweOs AT LIBERTY The week of the Mb. at Cc after weak of the 12th. City. Mo. -ft DUNCAN CLARK Pleased to hear trass Basteta afsaaisrs with open time after January 1. Ooarantee or •bar- in* terms DON CAN CLARK AMUSEMENT CO., Boon 1001, 100 Washington St.. Chicago. SALLAH BEN ALI, Oriental Entertainers Two Seasons— 1909-10 With John Robinson's Ten Big Shows. *ea* * \ Open for Engagements for coming ■ Permanent Address: 40. 661 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing Sow appearing in their new act entitled, "A Teat of AITectkm-" It la a tabloid comedy play- let, carrying apeclal scenery, special furniture and electrical effects. Mr. and Mrs. Bleating (wtteb la their real name), bare been appearing tn Tanderille for the paat seren yearaV— " Harper and Jameson Parisian Acrobatic "will be seen next year In a brand new act. "'Agents take notice." Begarda to all oar friends, - ^wishing them a Merry Xmas_and a Prosperous i*ew Year. We are TO-DAY. XO H A MERRY CHRISTMAS : AND : All Artists and Managers The Gus Son Booking Exchange SPRINGFIELD, OHIO CHICAGO. CINCINNATI. PITTSBUKG. THE Who created a SENSATION with the Musical StEle- phants during their ltmg engagement at the Hippo- drome, New York, and for the past two seasons with The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Pawnee Bill Far East, will shortly appear in vaudeville in their musical act which has made, them famous throughout Europe and Managers, watch for the Rossis. Something entirely new and novel. Never before wit- . nessed in America — or elsewhere. Perm. add. The Billboard, 1440 B'way, New York. WANTED OPENING CHRISTMAS WEEK CLARA TURNER HOWARD , D.C. GEO. W. HARVEL THE HARVELS OF Har vel' s Marionette «n making good on ' Manager** Association time In Iowa. . depends entirely npon Dare and simple poppet manlpulstlon for the saceea alt has achJaved. It occupies 15- minutes sod the motto of "soma laogh. some scream, and then some." Is no ex- aggeration. During the three years this act haa been In TaodeTlIte It haa Drier disappointed or CYRENE J. HARVEL £36 Actors, Actresses and Performers! We Have an Excellent Assortment of 'Designs for Letterheads Suitable for Musicians, Magicians, Acrobats. Contortionists. Aerialists, Jugglers and Other Acta in 1 ! TWO TINT COLORS for. 2 cent stamp. THE CHURCH 416 Elm ° : ^ ■'••*..t -> •' PRINTING CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO V i .... - - „ 10, 1010. The BUlb RING OUT:: SONGS RING IN THE NEW HERE ARE THE VERT IAHST ILLUSTRATED SUCCESSES: j a I'm Looking For A Nice Young Fellow v Who Is Looking *oro Nloo Young Olrl. Let Me Have a Kiss Until To-Morrow Novel Cong Hit. TB.n I'll ( It Yucatana Man You Stole My Gal Serlo Com lo Stop Your RqsIb •»"<*•< A Uugh RlEht Brings. The Stars YOU Soml-Hlflh-Clai Ballad Gome After Breakfast I've Got THe Time, ail Tie Place Wish I Had Old 6irl Back Amena Lore Beams COMPLETE SETS OF ABOVE $4.50 l,So».%$4.60 JOS. W. STERN ft CO. HW«- mm •Mk CEVTV1T UCZ4-UIO. As absolutely Transparent. Alr-dcilng Metal Vanish used on Gold, Sllrer. Brut and Broaae Ornameata and Wan. No atom ton hands from dally pointing when once Uc* OUIdj I. ap- plied: It mB the metal surf see tiring a pee- naocat brilliancy tor mart to come. Sample bottle Be. and 4c poatasa: ft plat 50c.: Pint We: owart *J.25. This samlah U from lb. choicest material sad to axtaatarrely sard u European cities. Bait .Meat. V. 8. A. tad Caa- Ut. JL- B. Oells, No. Jtl WUUWld At*.. Jersey City. R. J. --.V- PROFE5SION A LS NOTICE if y«J want tha • 1« teat oordty to scad your frt ?°S; ror •'*¥*»*•» greeting send joiir photo tad 80 cent, and, jrst I hand-drawn rs-l Cards MTO Oottsgr AW?. 8t. Unit, Mo WANTED Fir Wester n Overlan d Shows PEBPOBMBRS AND MDSIOIANS. show Be eer " BROWN. mats name and fame by communicating with 1. BERLIN, MS Bait 13th — St.. N. T. C. Mo— U UAL rAXOBra-Agn. All hits. All on lata songs. Sketob for I. U. and I. P.. S3c. Blackface Monotont, 28c. Oat Book. 25c. Two 28c. Tri* tatlrt lot. $1.00. E. L. Triter.Kast Ueerrcol. O. THEATRE WANTED In middle Westers States. Bttpoatlblt party will lease or rent opera house, raaderilla or electric tbeetre. Will boy natures If cheep. Ad- < iltrt. OrPOBTONlTY. cart Best -Cheapest Music "Tr-ia* lln.oe. „ # T AV A. sTa% east ■ IS I ate. Ear «t> ■ M - sCLdhaam. fiw "Rinks, Picture Shows Merry-Go-Rounds ThonMarKl.i or Testimonial* and a business of the biggest kind, pro ve> that we can: 1st— sntisfy 2nd- guv e yon Remember, you must bave. CATALOG ! is what The Lyon &HeaIy Military Band brass band; are per- fect in insinimen ta- , tion; play in faultless time, and do not get ont of order. : □ sizes, ft om tbe smallest Easy time payments The Famous Welte & Sons llwttfdOglwOl it wSirtic l e w i B d €5-lota Pianos »t*S2 and steady service, able proposition in tbe market. Send for our bio; free catalog-. Lowest prices i n America on Automatic Musical Instruments of tbe highest musical value, and of guaranteed durability. Men* 28- OS Adams Sinai CHICAGO, ILL. ssssssssss_ffi 12 REAL PARODIES FOR $1 EnryBitakrtiilatif.popilarmp. SkitciiiJ.idipit,SsBgt l Ptradi8i l ite. l writtiitoordgr. THE "REAL-AX" VAUDEVILLE PRODUCING ASS'N ?7Z°EZlZ?&&i'i«o WANTED ! lapy HARPISTS & PIPERS (Irish Harpa ): for The American Ladies Grand Concert Band Season of 1811. Also Brst-clsss Lady Musicians. Address, COL, 0. E. Stem.. Ill D FABB OBJf STREET, OHICAQO. Walker Theatre Grand Avenue, LOS ANGELES, CAL For lease for a long term from January 15th, 1911, at ad- vantageous rates. This Theatre is fully equipped, has a capacity of 800 and is situated in the heart of the residential section; the door. For terms write or wire P I E P E R Los Angeles, Cal. J . HARRY Walker Theatre Building WANTED FOR ST. LOUIS AMUSEMENT CO. One or Two Up-to-date Sbows For Winter Photo Gallery and Glass Stand to Join Thomson, Ga., week December 5th; Washington, Ga., week December 12th; Mi I ledgevi lie, Ga., week December 19th; Eastman, Ga, week December 26th. 8MN1> YOLK TO STOCK OR REPERTOIRE COMPANIES gov wanted "mm TO PLAY EUZABETHTON, TCNN. A good show town. - Population, 3,800. Theatre seating capacity, 600; electric lights, 5 dressing rooms, 21 ft. opening, 21 ft. from front to rear wall, 44 ft. from to wall. Can only use tack scenery. BO ROIL HARRY EUZABETHTON, M. P. OPERATOR Wants Seeer, years' erperii ALSTON?" 41^"" THEATRE TO LEASE City 24.000. stem Ma Seats 940. Stsge ample for largest shows. Would make great Tsnderllle and moTtng pletnre theatre. Owner has other business. Reliabl e p arties only considered. Ad dl e s . "PEULEY," SB Long Wharf, Boston, Mass. BRADLEY THEATRE Putnam, Conn. Id. Morrill, tor A-l Attractions. Seating capacity LOSS. NEW K. if P. JEFFERSON VlLLC. INC Capacity l.ioo: licensed hooso: only mm In city. Thoroughly modern: latest system electric Beat- lac; steam heat. Orer 20,000 people within tan minutes by earvr Via* proposition. Now ready for bookings. A Artless JOB. O. — - sonrille. lad. wwww_- jogger. Attractions of all kinds. New Opera Hooso: electric lights; s esring capacity shoot too. Open sboat Dec. IS. in mod show town at 1.200 pop ola ties: fsc- tories and timber works. PARMA O F Ell A HOUSE. Parma. Mo. CRYSTAL OPERA 1 . HOUSE Rogeraville, Tenn. 500. All rotors at " _JS* ShOW tOWB IB E. .tt. , u^wT^r no A. H. CBO8S. Owner and ataaaas*. Seating cipaclty 50 colors of l^hta. Ho- La Grande Theatre. ALEXANDRIA, LA. Want to 1 on main street between p, equipped stam. Manager restored" ta tad I doa't know the but fan as nor hat* I time to look after It- lflarht retain halt In tenet with good party. A. kV JOHNSON, Dragglst. Monmouth, 111. Wanted to Kent- - Opera Hoatatw or Ttadetnit Tell all ta 1NMAN. tad Picture House la lira town. — kaaT^UE St.. Laporte, lad. IE! EMPIRE THEAIRE, SiSUTOOl, THE MAJESTIC THEATRE Bu shnell, LI. FOR BAT.P, VaoderOJe Theatre la a people. Boating capacity Ing. other boslness. Will Write to MANAGER B1I0D pensborg. Pa. of B.500 for aau- cbesn |f Mid TH BATHS, Bhlp- THSATBZ TO BEST to responsible partj for V4 of profit.; also bare 2 N. T. Military 48-key Baad Organs. Peerless Dec. Piano. M. P. Ma- chine, rums, etc., for sals st one-half pries. Doa't writs unless you mean business. I. H. HBNBT. Winchester. Vs. FBZSKAB AH. 00., playing Xmaa week, wsnts four ap-trcda Go- Round. VtDdeTllle tta 8hOWB, Merry Dee. 1-10. FOB. SALE— The Superior Theatre, sis . i m nsostaa^ jstetam OBtBt. Price $3,100. W. H. 56n The Billboard ROSS & SHAW Musical Nondescripts WM, Z. HERMAN The act they are all talking about. The only act of its kind in America. i up at every . -i - .. . Wfcxfc**" ' - Laura Marti ere Brand I. • j..,T7 *. Singing and . Daneing Comtdlsnns Formerly of Martiere Sisters, later Brand Siatera. . The past year working 'single and meeting with great success in vaudeville. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to All. • • -- , PEDRO. A DisthMtivelyJJovel Act. Something from the rest. S8IE OPEN TIME AFTER JANUARY 1st Permanent Address 6a22 BerdeUe Ave., CLEVELAND, O. WASTED TO EXCHANGE— Orchestra Unite: Or will — MENZELI — European School of Artistic Dancing and Pantomime EXPRESSION, AESTHETIC GRACE, AMATEURS COACHED. Grecian, Classic, Toe, Ballet, Nation- al, Fancy, Grotes- que, Eccentric, Comic, Vaudeville and all styles of Stage ~ nated. Soms of Amerleaa, »■• Blanol, Mauda Adama.Pala- dino. Faro. Bartolletl, Rlalta. Caaatl, Anita Laalla, Plttarl. Alanndrla. Tharaal, Theo- dora . St. Tall, Edna May, LottlaMrilllama.MaHal.loyd, Nolan a argar. Julia Maria**, Asa Rahan. Moroad.a Laigh, ga^lmo^^a.',! call Myrtlll*. Originator of "Salome.", '•gprlnf Son.-." IVamplre." "SaUnellaT* "Blue Danntw." "Pear G»nt. pin?' Prelude** hS^'dm "CIbmIc Dalwe Boaas" and Spre- tacnlar Balleta arranaad. Chan- tecler Dance, and Norrltj Vaode- mil. Acts prod need. •HfcppftlU." ^Oli^yJ^Oioeonda" and Opera MANAGERS TAKE NOTICE. MENZELI, 22 East 16th St.,N. Y.C. tfWtiffffr, INSTRUMENTAL TRIO NOW ENTERTAININO AT NEW RECTOR CAFE, 17th and Curtis Str—ta, DENVER, COLO. MANAGERS AND PERFORMERS AT THEMSELVES OF THE SPECIAL RATE ACCORDED MEMBERS OF TTON OF AT LIBERTY CARDS. SHOULD AVAII AMERICAN COWBOY BAND MR. PARK, Manager An attraction that will draw the crowds and get the money. A record breaker everywhere is the Musical Hound-Up AMERICAN COWBOY BAND High-grade Concert, Characteristic and Circus Music. 20 men in troupe. Will bally-hoo your city. Now booking fourth season. SPECIAL FEATURES— Trick Riding, Fancy Shooting, Rope Spinning, etc. Write at once for full particulars, terms, references and open time. •» 61 EAT WESTERN BOOKING AGENCY, Manaaera. 321 Mint Areada Bldg., Phlla., Pa. THE TWO ORIGINAL LEES Globe Walkers and Globe Trotters and -Knife and Battle Axe Experts are home during the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the profession. See ad in other column. GEO. PALMER MOORE -or- MOORE & ELLIOTT Presenting "A Matrimonial Substitute" In Vauderaia^ Rot* Crv«;;>. ale. Write raat to jroo. M. a, Dajton. 0. "•MfcfflliWltia 1 1 r r ~ ■ - board The mum* Jenifer and George, two ttrlklnglj (Iris, presenting; aa act abova- taa a* yodeia. of tnla act It Helene Carral a ixi if ]g a good likeness of Orient Carrat, a former dramatic trading woman, who la now la raudevlllr. presenting the problem plarlet. "Hebscea's Dream." written apcclallr for hat by N.i 8. rcrbar. Th. company Morris. BEND YOUR ROUTE TO BILLBOARD TO-DAY. Mil*. Alm*« haa closed her road show after S rears In Cuba. Mexico and the Southern States, and has re-entered Taode»llle. Has Just nnttbed a number of W. V. II: A. houses and opens Dec SUG I KOTO'S JAPANESE TROUPE -NOW PLAY I NG- Professionally Knowo -.TTTt . as- — — — : KARL NELSON Balancing Trapeze Artist, is the feature free attraction with the Sistrunk Amusement Co. Am do ing nicely. n ! REGARDS TO MX FRIENDS Jake B. MM THAT NOVELTY MUSICAL TRAMP IN VAUDCVILLt TERESA MILLER Sullivan and Considine Time, Chicago Office. H«m LOWE & LOWE ••The Eccentric Porte The Girl" In Vaudeville A. A. A. No. 5 Merry 66p The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010,' PARIS LETTER. or the rnorb _ B hi* bed this sax. which bad in hla room. H« ered. however. Tbe United States HmhlMT wu the tMs week, of e very Interesting exhibition and pc/fonnaace nndi-r the suspires of tbe So- ciety of tbe History of tbe Theatre. llUe. Ar- ietta P u t arte . M- IW> Max. Madame Bartet (of the Corned le-Francalae), Mile. Bott. VI me. 81- mone (creator of the pheasant la Chan ted erl, lime. DeJoa, of the Opera, aad m«n/ ether well- known professional people, took part. Fnzaoii. of tbe Alhambra, should not be forgot, either, In this connection. Belles of la eoxif (tl . Agree Mol. (AT- to Jules GUrette, wlU interpret one of tbe pr In- tone, expected play, be Vlell tea Porto- Blche. tt Ite ex- La Voile do Bonbeor b the sarae of the Or tntal piece, by Oeorxes Clemencem. es-Premler of rreae*. wadeta will bo produced la Dscsmber. as an opera, at tbe Besalsaanee. Saartel Fa are hU fltted einste to tbe work. Mile. Jeanne Batty wad Oastna Dnhoee. a* It la reported. For etx weeks Mile. Botly ■IS been awwarlog ta Lb Petit Dim (The - 1) at the Athene*, and now It seems > «od" has caught bar in his snares. — — MA RRIAG ES. ' ■ WO I.F-H B ATH. — ^^^UmEotiI Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Holbeek, of Atlanta. Os. inonucea tbe birth of a daughter, born Oct. 15. 19X0. Dr. nolbeck Is one of tbe prominent ta and tbe correspondent of that city. ■- to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SUUto. a .rand boy. Not. 26th 1010. Ur. 81 HI to -Fetilah roynter) died' at"' IInlnrs[tr™Hoapltah Kansas City. Mo.. Snnday. NoT. 37. 18 EM AN. — P. H. Wiseman, a" musician, — In the latter part of tbe TO's and In the •80's. waa connected with a number of traveling dramatic troapea, clrcoaes and minstrel com- panies, died suddenly of heart disease on tbe street near bis reeldeoee- at Malta. O.. Nor. 29, axed slity-three >e«rar. Mr. Wiseman was a mtwlclan of high standing; and about twenty- flve or thirty yearn ago was band and orchestra leader with tbe Fannie B. Price Dramatic Com- pany. Jnlta Co Ten try Company, the Murray -Ober Comedy Company (Geo. Ober and Ada Murray, later Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ober) : Miles Ortnn'a end other circuses, and for several years leader of orchestra with A I. O. Field'e*. and other companies. He retired from the profes- sion several years ajro on account of 111 health and later years worked at hla trade, painter and decorator. As director of tbe Tillage band, fare Instructions on violin to prlrate pupil* Ilaey c. i with Bantam A Bailee i sea, died suddenly m St Mow. last week, after a hemorrhage. Lodge' No. S3, T. M. A:; of which member, took charge of tbe remains, an them shipped to Cincinnati, where mt» Wsa mad*. Abraaaa baa brothers who are Inrnt In the dims acid. BATCHXLLA F. F. Batrhella, better known aa "Batch." an old Urn* trooper, died In Waco. Tana, Nor. 22. Batch has been with all tbe "big ones" and played under most all tbe prominent leaders of the past aad present. He waa playing tuba With the Singling Bros, when Ai. Bbagllng old a Joggling act la the ehow sod some of the other brothers played ta the band. JAMBS. — James DL James, aa old-time show- man, died at his residence tn Pancoaatburg. Thanksgiving Day, November 24. Jim es, aa be was known, waa born In Brooklyn. Y.. m years ago. He entered the show nesa as a msglclsn. and made s reputation for himself aa an Ulnaion with what he called "Tbe Heedless." Later be joined J. M. French's Show. After an engagement with that aggrega- tion be embarked In mercantile pursuits, bnt attll went en tour during tbe tenting season. For tbe oast three years be was connected with Fred Locke's Show. A widow anrrlTes him. He waa burled under Masonic rites. RIDDLE. — George Riddle, en old setor, who appeared In the support of Booth and other stars, died In Boston. Mass.. Nor. 27. ... WORMALD. — Wm. Woruiald. also known ss Wm. Wombold. billposter, died Monday. Nor. 28. at the Jefferson Hotel, Cincinnati, of heart trouble. Burial was made at Evergreen Ceme- tery, Newport. Ky. Wormald waa SO years old sod commenced traveling In 1879 with the Fore- Kugh Show. Later he was with tbe W. W. Col ow, Barnam Show. Buffalo Bill's Wild West. W. L- Main's. King Franklin and Wallace Show, John Robinson's Circus snd Coffery's Wild West. He Is survived by three brothers. Charles, Thomas and George. !' FLAOG. — Mis. A. H. Flags, mother of Laura Addene, died at ber borne la W. Fltcbburg. Pa., after an Illness of seven months, of Bright'* «y. Besides Laura Adelenr she tera. Mrs. Q. Ilsuser. of New- lex MslUett, of W. Fltcbburg. ittended through ber last Ulness by Miss Adelene. who resumes work at the Ca si no Alex Henry clay Blaney la a student of tbe rich icousejoua humor shown by tbe real Sooth (Tdarkej, and Mr. Blaney relates this story. Be says It Is sn sctual happening. Two col- ored people applied at a minister's residence to b* married, and aa they wer* not known t. the c lergyman, be. of course, asked ..a ' rfrekr MHf? uuiataura. * ■** " "Hav* yon been married before T" asksd tbe •Tea, sab." "Wife deadt" "No. sab." "Where IS eheT" "Down South, sab." "Well, doesn't aha lire with youT" "Well. sab. she don' ler me." "Why did she leave root" •■Doo'^rlabtJy know dst, sab. You sec I wa minis G & S A "G &,S Neverbreak Trunk" ha. «TCi7 good feature- a food trunk aliooU prmnii O aVZ^k J vi vast '. BaTa ' o rfi ,i b G 5| S; g S-PLY VENEER G * S NEVERBREAK TRUNKS 82 la. M to. _S«_to. 38 to. 40 la. Us flf. |1T |1S 119 XRB O A ■ aTXVj ^-guaranteed by the Travelers' Casualty Cora pany of *ewar*_ a n d e a sts a certllcale which la registered at lbs home offlc* of the company L. GOLDSMITH tV SON JTTWAJUC, M. 1. BBTA RTJ STTg D SLIDES Here's yosrr Carssasu atisrst Jssrt to bs good at Cswtataaaa time, wa will mall yon a Merry Christmas and Happy New Tear slide for Ik. It's s beauty . Write to-day. Boat delay. Our revised catalog Joat out. NIAGARA SUD1 COMPANY. Loclnjort, H. T. BIRTHS. Bora to Mr. aad Mrs. . Arthur Benack. at Minneapolis Minn., on Balurdsy. Nov. 19, a alas isaiisl boy- air. Benack is spieler at the of hflsassilials Mother '■warjL' aad Seating Opera Houses, Moving Picture Theatres, Auditoriums and Concert Halls. Seats in all styles, from the cheapest all-wood, to the most We guarantee all goods and allow no one to undersell us. '! -WRITE FOR PR I CCS TODAY. •Ma GEO. W. BENNETT, No. 744 W. 5 th St., Cincinnati, O. HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF PENNY ARCADE MACHINES OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE art BARGAIN PRICES. CAN SHIP FMMJ BUFFALO, N.Y. * CINCINNATI, 0. 6E0. W. BENNETT MANAGERS, ATTENTION! NOW la the Time to Arrange For Your I>Jex» t*t nmanlm. Wa build and Imtill AmuMmtnt Dw.IOSM Of atrery daacrlp- | tlon. Mschsn leal. EJsjctrlcal. Sc.nlQ. Optical, arte., on any Contracts taken I sit ions and Conventions. Plans ami Material furnished for Devices, so you can install same your- self, if detgred. Floral Clocks designed and furnished complete. in the Amusement Line. Special ScenefyT ^eatricmf Proper- ties, etc. Illustrated Catalog use, price lists and all information on ap- plication. Second-Hsnd Dsrvloaw of All Kinds on hand for sale, offcrtkl subject to prioi sale and sold F. 0. B. cities in which same are now located. Send at once for complete list, giving description and all i nf ormati on. NEW IDEAS AND DEVICES FOR THE SEASON OF 1911 THE J. W. ZARRO CONSTRUCTION CO.. warn t »a«ig »m. Cincinnati Q. UNITED BOOHING OFFICES OF AMERICA AGENCY DECEMBl** 1ft Iftft The Billboard i ; • ■- - ' The first man in the world to introduce the AUSTRALIAN Stock- whip Act. I successfully toured Australia and India for sixteen years. All other STOCKWHIP Acts of today are imitators. I am the ORIGINATOR of the AUSTRALIAN STOCKWHIP Act, and I defy contradiction. I am prepared to meet any man in the world in a Stockwhip manipulating contest for any amount of money; whips any weight or length, at any place or time. (FRED LINDSAY, the supposed Australian Whip Expert preferred.) I am prepared to forfeit $500 to Lindsay or any other whip act if they can produce one press notice or program from one or any theatre, or touring show or circus, by whom they were engaged in Australia, as Lindsay is not heard of there as a whip expert 'pTsformeCor a millionaire, as he calfe himself. Assisted by the ONLY Female Whip Performed in the WORLD. VIOLET KELLY. NOTE— THIS IS TRUTH, and NOT HOT AIR. JACK ANO VIOLET KELLY Playing United Time. Booked solid by our father who art in Putnam Buildings. JO PAIGE SMITH. The Sensationalloises BIGGEST, BEST, MOST THRILLING OUTSIDE ATTRACTION ON EARTH As a free act that will draw for Parks, Fairs, Street Fairs, Carnivals, i : better For Circulars, Lithos, Descriptive Matter, Write HARRY BOISE, No. 100 W..t 143d Strsst. NEW YORK CITY -WANTED QUICK-J for Keith Stock Co. Ludlu Jar»nli. WorotD. capable of playing ■ few Ingenue*; moil be joung. pretty, good wardrobe; mu for character* Mil hr.vlon; MM be An feet nine Inchea or orer. Pbolos and pro- ■ J — i moat accompany Sr»t latter. Only flret-claea people wanted ■■ thin In the beat abow In the it. Adrtmw CATO s. KEITH, week bee. 1-. Aabtand. <>.: IVrc. 10. Ft. Wayne. ^e. SO. Battl. Creek, Mich. . .. , , , . AAvn:.TT~::i< ■ ":*'■). • ■ • 5 1 i w i : I . t I .>.....* It H i»< I » 4 . it Ih'll ii 1 I * < v ^ Parland-Newhall Company MUSICAL NOVELTY ACT EnglUh BeU Ringers Bras* OPEN time: First Two Weeks In January, and After April 15th. -ADORE CHICAGO MUSICAL EXCHANGE, STEINWAY HALL, CHICAGO. Uncle Tom's Cabin People Wanted Wanted, four people; woman for To pay. woman for Eliaa. man to direct musician*; doable .tax*, state If yon do specialties, all first latter. Hotel; abow never clone.. Tickets If known. Address BROWNUM at HMD, Dec. 9. Leeija, N. D.; 10, Derllalake; 12. RtiKl.y; 1*. Towner: 16. Iftaoti IT. SEND TOUR ROUTE TO THE BILLBOARD TO-DAY. - 68 DECEMBER 10. 1810. Wireless Supplies and Electrical ^ Novelties for Holiday The best metallic friction spark Press the button, the lid springs " lite the wick. Unscrew vslve which wW lsst 8 Combination pocket light and cigar lighter, lighter on the market. Will last a lifetime. Press t op. and the spsrks from the "Cerlc-lron" pin tanlte and fill with 40 drops benzine, gasoline or alcohol wnJ tine preferred. Regular price, $1.50. Onr price. v by mall, postpaid — - - - 95c Eortra "'Cerlc-lron" refill mil - . . .. — :.- .■ — » — - — .? - - • — - • -lCo Nickel Tungsten Flashlight, with (new process) Merchlor Battery, ami enameled Tungsten Bulb. Price by man. postpaid .SS En silver finish V 1M In gold flnish v. . . 1.80 (Mcttblory .■.••»••»•*•••*• *>•• ■>*•••• ••••••.•••^ ••»• ?n Bolb (flat ) a . . s -»*--»-■».»•• •••*•»• •*** No. "2 Complete Electric Train Ontflt consisting of Locomotive. Tender, 2 trail- ers, and set of third rail track (2 straight and 4 curved). Will operate on 1 or 2 dry ceils. Holiday price, complete, by express. .11. 85 No. 9. Larger Locomotive with bead- t "*""' light, larger trailers, and 4 sections straight and 4 sections curved track. Price complete, .*. 13.90 Extra sections (1 foot) third rail track : t .18 We carry a complete stock of Wireless Goods. Flash Lights and Batteries, Tungsten and Carbon Battery Lamps, Telegraph Outfits, Motors. »*"iri"~ Trains, Toys, and Pocket Cigar Lighters. Bead 4o stamp for our Wlrsleu Booklet and General Catalog; of Electrical Novelties. PRICES: Wireless Booklet. Bet; Large Catalog, 80 par cent Discount. ANDERSON LIGHT AND SPECIALTY CO. 10 LA Otty Hall). HERE YOU ARE - A NEW ITEM FOR STREETMEN The Magic Rainbow Fan 15 shapes can-be made with it. Just the thing ,for Souvenir' pu rposes. ' Price , $3.25 Gross. WHITESON COMPANY Hudquarttrt for Strntmen's Goods 240 Mad lion Street, ' • t - ' CHICAGO, ILL. CLOSED CANES and PENNANTS FACTOBY TO KETAIXEK 'We manufacture the most eitenaiv* line in the country. If you wish to enjoy a sensation of looming bigDrol .get in touch wit h us and oar low Doit now, before you get mired in of poor stuff M d poor sellers of other maker* Catalog free. Samples submitted. CftWO HFC Cd, 311 312 W. Micsitai Shift, »CAM, HI GIANT RACING COASTER We can build it for one-third less than the -present type of Racing Coaster/ LET US TELL YOU ABOUT if ft •i i COASTER CONSTRUCTION CO. WHITE CITY. - - . - .- CHICAGO. BIGGEST MONEY-GETTER BEST SELLER FOR THE HOLIDAYS COMBINATION FIELD-GLASS ! Seres instruments in one. 930 per gross. - Sample 60 cents. . BERK B-ROS. 629-33 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY THE UNDER CO., 560-562 (lint St, lata Cttf, Mo. OUR 1910 NATIONAL SLEEVE CAMERA, No. 20 ptenreaf $3?oo"to 'jsaoo^^d'sV roslve cop. Lens with adjustable f Best of Its kind. Makes 1K*3V. sis. can be made In good locations. N on -cor cop. Lens with adjustable tocos and dial plate for taking pic tons si different distances; also magnetic reversible plate bolder for taking groups Takes pictures rapidly: as fast aa yon can get persona In front of the Una No experience required. Any one can operate them by following printed Instructions. Camera, complete, S17.50. Plates, le each. Developer. ZSe pet package. Mounts, 25c to 80c per 100. Deposit of $5.00 required on si orders: balance, C- O. V. and charges. Will answer all questions promptly We are also dealers In an sixes of dry ferrotype pistes. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPH MACHINE COMPANY, .,9> BEAVER STREET, HEW TOES, M. X OF ALL THE I.KADER8. BUSINESS OIKKCTOKT GIVE T Are You Looking for a CHRISTMAS MONEY yet tasty, packages of assortments of you surely will find onojtfeat Out of our "27 varieties" of Toilet Goods and Soaps, at CUb the bill. NOT A DEAD ONE IN THE ENTIRE LOT From time to time we have run full page and double page ads. in The Bill- board, showing up "-life-size" cuts of some of *Our leadens,' ArwJMiaJk about the way The Billboard readers have gone up against these propositions— they have been "eatins them alive." ; HERE'S A FEW LIVE ONES Of THE ••27" For th • Lad I as on a house-to-house canvass: Our 1st - J Bab; Package— American Beauty— EmfMBas Toilet Set — 0 fume Packages. " ' " For *hs» Gsntlsmsn: Our Gentlemen's Combination — "Lucky 'Leven," etc. . 'T For Street Work! Our Two Bit Winner— Half-yard of- Soap and; Shears Combination— Cuticle Soap, and Cuff Button Set, etc. , For Stores: An evening or rainy day propositiop — Our -"No Gmie of Chance' Raffle Plan; with $4 50 Shaver's Outfit as the' prise package: ^<." • '• For Souvenirs ! We have suitable articles for Vaudeville^ and Moving Picture Shows, Carnivals, Medicine Shows, Paddle Wheels, etc, ifik- . WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? AS WE MAKE THE GOODS we are not tied down to a limited line. We are prepared to make up a pxbpemtion for most any purpose. : « v - v&jERS&L- If you are a "live wire" est in touch with us and we will show you hesw to make more money than ever before. You give more and make more. ! • E. M. DAVIS SOAP COMPANY, , ~| 320 Union Park Court. V~ ^l«mMlM 1 -» » y . : " - THE WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS 1911. Winter Quarters. After December 24, address — Angusta, Ga. STREETMEN and CARNIVAL WORKERS To make money, get In touch with .nor noose. * We sre .msno- fuL-turlnglthe Trench Poodle Dogs hit on the Paoajt'wheeTaV nTlra and Carnivals and will be a big- seller for a Christmas noveltj. Oor MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW Yi: Alt PENNANTS will brlnar you good proOU. Do- French Poodle Docjs ^^S* 1WJD0LPH BROS., 520 s. Stk St., Philadelphia, P«. Does Your Show Need a Doctor? If so, write quick; tell us what you heed, and let us furnish the remedy. THE PRAETORIUS & SIBLEY AGENCY, . t Bryant 2230. 29.33 West 42d Street. New York. DECEMBER 10k 1*10. The Billboard 69 FOR SALE Two First Class ANIMAL ACTS One elaborate BIRD aot and one DOO ACT, conalatlng of MONKEYS, /SHEEP. GOAT and HANDSOME PONT. Addreaa ' 0E0. E. ROBEETS, ttrt Worth Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TENT & AWNING CO. Of NEW YORK. X EN X S of all kind* TENTS, all rlean. New York city. _JD St.. AT LIBERTY - FOR SIDE SHOW. SEASON 1911 . KING COLE Magie, Punch and Judy, Lecturer Exp.rl.noo.nd Ability. 1802 State St.. CHICAGO, ILL. Tuekar Bros.* Famous SHOW PAINTINGS TUCKER & MILLARD 670 Com muni paw Ave,, Jarwey City, N.J. Live Snakes and Animals We can faraleb too with all klnda of Texaa and Mexican wild anlmala and anakes direct from onr farm and Used aafe to " ped aame day reeelTed. ANIMAL FARM, W. A. Brown.Tllle, Texaa. CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION Wanted, good wasted roa xonxo picture theatre. A-i piano PUYKB; a. F. of M.; prefer one who can ala* Ulnatralad aong*. Aiao flrat-elaaa Dnlon Operator. WU1 boy 800 to '400 Opera Chain; moat be la . «ood condition. Addreaa CASE A MILES. Colon town. Pa. WANTED — BENTON VILLE OPERA HOUSE BentonrUlc. Ark. Small-sized Boy about 70 Used to Risky or Acrobatic Work *a WILL TYLER Care The Billboard, San Francisco — WANTED — ORIENTAL DANCER pec. 6 to 12 and longer. Moat be A 1. Alao WANTED - PERFORMERS The Roa* KUIan Show wanta 8lagle Perfortn- rra doing two or more torna, doable In braes preferred, Steady work the rear ■ round state all In nrat letter. Addraaa KOBE XXLXAJf. Dad. Ie J. Georgia. WANTED ATTRACTIONS FLORALA, ALA. Population, 3,000; Lockhart, 1 mile, 2,000; Paxton, 2.000; Lake wood, t,500. Stage onening, 32x18. Pros- cenium arch, 22 feet. Can hang any scenery. FRENCH ft EWINB, Man.gers. WANTED A Good Stock, Repertoire. Opera or Comedy Company For indefinite time. Star Theatre, Tampa Write CO. PARSOxVS. Tampa, Fla. IN WINT ERQU ARTER8. Where the Circuses, Carnival Com- panies and Miseellaneoue Tent Showa May Be Found. Barnnm A Bailer, era Office,, 221 (West- IlL) * ' Buffalo BUl'a Wild Wear, combined with Paw. ?" t BUra rar Ea*t. Trenton, N. J., (New York Offlcea. 818 Putnam Bldg., Time. Sq.) •— " Bro*.'. Falrborr. Nebf Boa: * Poor Show*. Medina, N. X Flak, Dode, Snows, Wonewoc, Wis. •Yrrepangh. Adam. A gelU Broa.'. wis.. (Chlcmco Offlcea. 221 ioatlto Gentry Broa.', Bloomlngtoo. Ind. OoUntar Bros.', Baraboo, wis. Haaenbeek- Wallace, Peru, Ind. Bowa'a Great London show,, Verona, Pa. Jones Broa.' Boffalo Bases W. W., Warren, Ps. lAMont Broa.' Salem. HI. Millar Broa.' * Arlbxgton'e 101 Banch Wild West, Pssssle, H. J. *«W"s£».Jolin. 3"L B, « Bbo,n - Terrace Park. O.. (Cincinnati Ofllce, second National Bank BlngUng Broa.'. Baraboo, Wis.. (Chicago Of- flcea. 221 InaUtot. Place.) Bobbins' . Frank A.. Jersey CUT. N. J. Sella- rioto. 288 Brine* Bldg.. Dearer, Cola Son Bros.'. Central City Park. Macon, 0>. Wheder'a, Al. F.. 8howa, Oxford. Pa. Young Bnffslo'a Wild Weat. P*or Yankee Boblnaon Show, Granger. Offlcea, Do. Moines, la.) CARNIVAL COMPANIES. Barnes, 3. J.. Amusement Co., Poplar Bluff. Mo. Bleater** Combined Showa, Geo. W. Blester, mgr., willlanuport. Pa. Good ell Showa. c. M. Goodell. mgr.: Chapln. i» . r. Pana. 111. Heber Broa.' Show, 2S8 B. 17th are.. O. Ilonret Bill'* Show. Jones, H. D.. r Anderson, Ind. Kennedy". X. % T. Banch, Perry, Okla. Keller Bros." Wagon Show, Gnthrlesvllk-. S C Lampe Bro*.' Newest Shows. Ahsecon. N. J. LeVant'a Big Tent Show. Thompaonrllle. M'eli. Lock*, Fred, Sbow, Pencos.tbury. O. Lowande'a. Oacar. Bay Slate Showa. Keaditg Mass. Lee A Kelly's^ Imperial Circus Carnival. N 'W RocheUc. N. Y. Lambrlgger Animal Sbow, Orrrlllr. O. Nelaon'a. Blllle. Sbow, North Cambridge. M a. Ogreeta. Maudelelgk. and Rer Big Btm-h of Blackberries. 6237 Ada at.. Chicago. 111. Rollins'. Geo. w . All New Zoological Central City Park. Macon, Ga. Ripley'.. Geo. W.. Old-Time Minstrels, Geo. W. Ripley, mgr.. Homer. N. T. Rlppel Bro*.. Goa Rlppel. mgr., 1 fort, Ind. 8barpe, The Adrian D., Tent Shannon Broa.' Rig Tent 8bo mgr.. Ludlnatoa. Mich. Schepp'e Dog. Poor and Monkey Clrcu*. Cres Dayton Gary. 8. D. ry Shannon. cent Ilia. Louisville. Ky. Swift'*, Jack. Airdome Show*. Goldengate. 111. Silver's. Bert. Model Tent Show, Cryetal. Mich. Starrett'a Clrcua, 87 Clermont are., Brooklyn. N. T. Skerbeck'e Wild Weat A Clrcna. Dorchester, Wla. Smith's, E. G.. Colossal Showa A Trained am mil Exposition. Atwater, O. Spaun, Byron. Media. P*. T liter BUl'a Wild Weat No. 1. D. W. Pi-nlne. mgr.. Eaton Rapid*. Mich. Tompkins' Western Attractions. Charles 11 Thompson, mgr.. New Rone. P*. ttden'e. CoL. Dog A Pony Sbow. Flanagan, III. Welder. Will II.. Show., Coalton, O. Wonderland Tent Show*. J. W. Boehm, mgr.. Ellenboro. W. Va. Wren Bro*. Lelnelc. O. Yankee American Show, 1613 8. 14th »t.. She- boygan. Wis. GOOD PROPOSITION FOR STREETMEN . Demonstrated in all principal cities AVOID this TROUBLE ^55^ Each 3 Ideal Scarf Forms, With Full Printed Instructions, -I Or a Pure Silk Knit- Scarf on the form. 50 colors, light, dark and fancy. Merit ion color you wish. Easy to put on. No pulling. Do not go around collar — therefore last longer. Always in shape. Fits secure. . •» NOON EN MFG. CO. 60 Church St., - New York City Notice to All People in the Circus Profession Call your attention to the fact that on account of the death of M. R. Kunkely the business will continue at the old stand 163 -South St., New York, under the capable management of his son, Mr. M. E. Kunkely, who has been associated with his -: father in the tent business since 1871, manufacturing tents of all kinds. Old and new customers will be taken care of the' KUNKELY TENT AND AWNING COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, INC., 163 South Street, New York City. WANTED ! SIDE SHOW PEOPLE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, Curiosity, Freaks. Vaudeville, Ticket Sellers, Etc. Any and All Things to Make up a Firet-Class Annex. Address Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros.' s n hTw1 BARABOO, WIS. COMPLETE WAGON SHOW Tent* all new last season: Advance, Ticket. Band and Baggage Wagons, Cage*. Carryall. Sur- rey, and Bagglea. Seata. Wardrobe, etc. Price eery reasonable; half cash. " responsible party, or would exchange for real eatate. Will glee pure" title (which la copyrlcbted). Addreaa *I. P. WHEELER. Oxford. Pa. r /VISJIMA 1VI. DONOVAN MAKER OF AIL KINDS OF CIRCUS AND STAGE COSTUMES Address 2527 Haekbsrry SL, Cincinnati, Ohio. Krause Greater Shows WANT Can place Ferris Wheel, Crazy House, or any show that does not conflict Electric Theatre if first-class, to join for Hks'iltiElGali Week, Fitzgerald, ja., Dec. 1217. We Play Key West under Firemen MANAGERS AND PERFORMERS AT LIBERTY SHOULD AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THE SPECIAL COMPLfflEXTARY ADVERTISING KATE CCO IU) ED^ MKMBERS OF TlfE PROFESSION FOR PUBLIOA- 60 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. LIST OF CONVENTIONS CONCLAVES AND ASSEMBLIES board's Un- Compiled By Means of to Fair Followers, Etc a — Alabama V - An^*^1 rmmi Seam la llim _' 12 24. W. C. Grlass. Mobile. Aim. Bl n a l Bg ii i m — Alibi m 8tate Federation of Li- bar. April 24. L. Bowen. P. O. Box 860, Birmingham Ala. ontaromerj— Trl-SUtc Laundry Aaaod Same tJme in March, 1»1L J. J. Veld, ence. All. bekah IrmtiMj i. o. O. P. _Q«o. A. Wats. Phoenix, Art*. Tnoan— O. K. 8. Ormd Chapter. Feb. 16-17. Bartlct Jean ODrer. Prescort. Arte - Turen a Crane 1 Lodge r. a a. m. of Arisona. fab. 14. Geo. J. Boakrofv. Onod Secretary, Box 8SS. Tucson. Arlsons. Tocsoo— Grand Chapter R. A. M. of Arizona. rtb. 18. Geo. J. Boakroge, Grand Secretary. Box 838. Tncnon, Aria. T nt a m Grand Command try K. T. of artarma Feb. 15. Geo. J. ~ [ — United Confederate Veterans. Hay Wm. BL Mckle. MaJ. Gen., New Or- Ia. of Ctrl Zota Los Angeles — National Editorial Veto. — , Ht W. V. Parrott. Waterloo. La. Paaadana— Bute Oomadl^of California Jr. O. U. iLM.. *Ur**L Jan. — . 1B1L Octagon. Washington. D. C ■aa Pranciaco — California Tonus Men's Chrla- tloo Aaaoclatlon. March 10-12. 191 L San rranclaoo — Grand Chapter K. A. M. of Cal- ifornia. April 18-19. Wm. A. Darles, Boom 602. 110 Sutter «t. Ban Pranciaco— Grand Coaacll Band S. W. of California. April IT. Thoa. A. Darin, record- er. Boom B02. 110 Hotter at. Ban Jose — Grand Commandery Knights Templars of California. April 20-21. Wm. A. Da rice. COLORADO Dae. 12-17. H. H. Chile, Colorado Gala. Daarter— National Western stock Show. Jan. 18- Jtt, 1»11. r. P. Johnson. Box IOOB, Dearer, Dearer— Colorado Batall Hardware and Irnple- nt Aaan. Jan. — . lull. r. Hoys. Bool- B. C Wada^Tj Y. it. C. Coll'lna — State a. Feb. 9 12. A. Bids.. Dearer, OoL Greeley — Retail Merchants* Aaan. Jan. — , 1811- a. A. OalbraMh, Beectric Bids., Dearer, Colo. txiirxKOTicrcT Brtdaeport — Bcldreporr. Pool try. Pigeon and Pet Bborjt Aaan. Dee. ' Sylran are., B. aal Hartford — O. E. 8. 181L Harriet BnrweU. 638 Main at... Win atad. Conn. Harrford — Order of the Bantern Star. Jan. — , 191 L Harriet I. Barer el I. Wlnsted. Conn. Mrrtden— -Grand Commandery of Conn., K. T. March 14. KU C. Blrdaey, aeey. Ml dd l a t iaaf n Mlddleaex Ootmty Pool try Show. Daat^lS-lT. C L. task. Box 882 Hlddletown. Waterburr — Grand Lodge of O. P. April 12. 3r- are., Ne ' . - DELAW. Dorer — Delaware State Otaaare P. of H. Dae. IS. Waaler Webb. Dorer. lad. - Dorer— Delaware Caca B uracil' Ana Dae. SB. A. B. Grantham, g aas aifc . DeL Dorer— Pentnaola BWrvJcnlrnral- **oeleey. - Jan. 10-12. 181 L. Wi " rare. Waal ay Webb, Dorer. Del. Lodge a. O. C. W. of Delawi A. M. Pen, 21. W. J. 8th at. Wilmington. DeL Wflmlna^ton — Grand ^Temple of DeUware._ Aprfl are. Waahlnxton 1 aanriaOon of Paaaenger steamboat Lines. Dee. 14. Geo. A. White. Hsdaom Blear Day Line. New York City, f " Waahlnatoo — National Hirer and Harbors Coo arreae. Dec 7-8. J. p. Ellison, SO* BL Ptoat at., rioei naU. 0. National Dee. 8. Charles L. Muse. 841 War Dept. Bids.. Wasblnarten. D. c. Wasting on— National Board of Trade. Jan. 17-19, 191 L W. B. Tucker.. 256 Tha Bonne, Philadelphia. Pa. WaahlBgton — GraDd Lodge p. A. A. M. D. C Dee. 21. A. w. Johns ton. Masonic Temple. Waahlasbn. D. C WaahlDgton — American CI etc Association. Dee. 15-18. . Richard B. Watrooa, Union Trust Bids. Washington— Grand Lodge P. A. A. If.. D. a Dee. 21. A. W. Johnston. Masonic Temple. Washington — Daughters of the American Berolo- tlon. April 17-22. atedt. Memorial Con Washington— National Association of^M Jackaonrtlle— P. at A. BL. Grand Lodge. Jan. 17-18. 1911. W. P. Webster, Uaaaolc Temple. Jackson rllle. Pla. JackaonrtUe — Grand Cbapter Order Eastern Star. May — . 19 1L A. H. Carter, Holly Hill. Fla. Penaaeola — Florida Educational Aaan. Dee. 27- 81. J. T. Diamond, Milton. Pla. St. Aoarnstlne — Florida Srare Pederadon of La- bor, .tan. 17. 1911. J. A. Roberts. Ybor City. Pli. Tampa — American Horticultural Society. Jan. Sl-Peb. 4. E. O. Ramies. Jacksonville. Pla. Tim at — National Assn. of 15-19. 1911. W. 3d. at.. Coldwater. Mich. GEORGIA Athens— Geoirls Dairy and Lire Stock Am. Jan. — . 1911. Milton P. Jorsoaroe, Ath- ena. Ga. . Atlanta— Alpha Tin Omen Fraternity. Dee. — . Claude B. Wilson. Lincoln. Neb. Atlanta— Kappa Delta Soriority. April Miss Mary s. Thomas, 1731 College • Imnbla, 8. C. Atlanta— Georgia Poultry Show.!/ January 9 15. C. O. HarweU. aeey. TtMrnasrlUe— Georgja ^Q^ fel 'nril^ 5ocl Albion— Edwards County *" nitty I mm Dec 21- 24. D. A. Macauley, Albion, m. —Western Printers' Aaan. of UL" John k Bine laland— Northeastern Illinois Fanciers' Aa •odatioo. Jan. 18-21. 1911. A. W. T. Doer- maun. Bine Island. 111. Caaey Cas e y Poultry Aaan. Jan. 28-28. J. J. Eider, 10S Sooth Jasper are., Casey, II L Gentralla— Southern Illinois Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. Peb. 1-2. Chaa. N. Hall. Sandoral. 111. Champaign — rUlnoU Firemen's Ann. Jam. io 12. 1911. W. E. Price, Champaign. 111. ipalam — Illinois Slate BorUcniti l, Sl-Feb. 10, 1911. llcagn-^-UUnob Gaa Association. March IS- IS. C. B. Strohn. Elgin. 111. JUL oral Society. W. B. Lloyd, Kla- 18-10. J. a Bedlngtoo 191 Market at.. CM- caxo. UL Chicago— Great Mid-West P. A P. Stock Ansa. Dec 8-14. TTaeo. Hewes, can Inland Poultry JoumaL Indians lolls, Ind. Obieseo — Illinois State Teachers' i ess Dec. 27-28. CaraUaa Greta, 408 W. Adams sL, Macomb. ILL eratlon. Dec 27-80. J. O. Smith are.. Detroit. Mich. Chicago — Illinois Lumber and Mason Supply Dealers' Aaan. P»b. 8-0. OeO. W. Ho re* kiss, 818 De a rborn at., Chicago, in. Ohlcaro— Illinois Retail Hardwire Aaan. Fab. 28- March 4. 1911. Leon D. Slab. Bleu III. Cbleaeo — The Balls-ay Appliances I saiii la Mi ill March 20-25. John N. Beynolds, 808 Dear- born sL Chicago — Amerlcaa By. Ens. A M. W. Asso- ciation. March 21-23. E. H. Priteh. 988 Monadnnck Blk. Chicago — Illinois Slate Rot tiers' ProL Aasn . March 81. D. IlQeslog. Bock Island. III. Elgin — Elgin Poultry Association. Jan. 9-14. U. B. Meredith. 881 Congress at. Beat St. I-oola— Illinois Society or I Jan. — . 91L U. BL of^Englp* i rs and M oo adnock Block, CJi Icago, M Geneaeo — Henry Ooorrty Poultry A asm. Dec. 28 SL Phlueaa Morrusr. Genesee. 111. Havana — Montgomery Pooltry PaneSaae' Aaan. Show. Dec. 28-81. BenJ. L \lefaddan. Hit- ana. OL Ottawa — Illinois Farmers' Institute. Peb. 21-23 H. A. McKeene. 8prtna8eld. 111. Ottswi— Illinois Firmera Instlrnte Feb. 21-28. 1911. H. A. McK, SprinstSeld. IIL Pice- Pans Pooltry J. A. Blckerdlkc, •wrla— IlllDola Ice Dealers' •»'i i s Calleoder. pres.. GalesboiT. tTL Polo— Polo Pooltry laaa Jam. 2 7. 1811. rrxsk Mm an. Polo. III. Springfielrl— State Grange of Illinois. Dec IS IS. Mine Jeaoette P. Yatea. Ttanlan. HI. SprtncaeM — minola State Teacbers' Aaaoruttoa. Dec 28-30. CaroUae Qrole. Macomb. 11L Drbini— Corn - rNTJIANA Andersoo — Indlaos Retail Merch arses Jan. 17-19. luii. Tboous P. Palfrey, Via- rennea. Ind. Crawfordsrrllla — Montgomery Oo. Poultry Show. Jan. 9-14. J. T. Morris. B. B. No. S, Craw rotdSTllle. Ind. Goa hen— Maple City Panelen' Aaan. Jan. 28- 28. 1911. H. E. Km is. 20" Dec Huntington — Wabash V< 17-2L 1911. Harry L. Hontlngton. lod. Indiana polls — Indiana aociatlon. Jan. S. Fayette. Ind. In d i anapolis — Indiana Fntemsl lod. Indianapolis— Saving and Lfitn Asao. Leaua of Indiana. Feb. 8, 1911. A. L. Gntbell. Sbel- brrllle. Ind 'ndlanapolls — Fanciers' Assn. of Indiana. Feb. *- in. C. R. Mllhooa. Lebiooo. Iod. Indianapolis — Indiana Ice Dealers' Aaaoclstlon. Feh, 23 W. K. tairtrlnos. Marina. Ind. Kakomo— Howard Co. Fanciers' Association. Dec. 19-24. Elmer Tbomu, Center. Ind. Lafayette — Indiana State Dairy Association. Jan. 12-13. Prof. J. D. Jarela. -fmdoe tjol Terslty. La Fayette— American Assn. of Dec 27-28. La Fayette — SL a B. Road Manager Agent, Or House Manager, AT LIBERTY 12 years' experience with recognised companies Just closed 30 weeks' - ■raion ss mis sirer The Dixie. Krraand'a (Ten! i. Minstrels. Would locate In good town on any reasonable lusts. Write or wire B. H. NYE, Temple The atre. New Orleans, La., until Dec 10. Chas. Dryden Foot and Hand Juggler, AT LIBERTY For Circus, Vaudeville or Csrnivsls. After Dec. l7th. Dodville, Ala., - - 14. Alexander City, Ala., - 15. Good Water, Ala., - - 16. Vincent, Ala., - - 17. ADVANCE AGENT At Liberty after Dec. 6 Sober and all-day worker. One- night rep. Salary reasonable. Add. WM. R. ANTHONY. Gen. Del., - " ■ Welch, W. Va. Supi Cloyd Harrison & Son Perm. Address, McPherscm, Kana. TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY A-l Flker. Motion picture show preferred. Also expert operator. Reasonable salary. DRUM- MER. Box 284. Sapolpa. Okla. Experienced in all lines — concert, theatre or hotel preferred. A. F. of M.; would locate, (am also graduate piano tuner) or travel with high-class musical organiza- tion.. Do Clarinet Solos. No booze. Good references. Address "CLARINET SO- LOIST," Waukegan, III., Dec. 5-10; Wis., 11-18. . If yea aaa it la The BUI board, tail tkaaa as. MR. MANAGER— Have You Got "SECURITY^ in Your Box Office? I Without "Security" You Cannot Be Secure ™ If you are NOT one of the raanv who have "SECTTR- i St - ix. S. ft > ' one of the many who have "SECUR- ITY," let us Bend you the "OPEN DOOR FOR SECURITY," which will tell you all about THE SECURITY TICKET SELLING MACHINE The most practical and accurate machine on the market for use in places of Amusement using reel ^) tickets. "SECURITY Moving Picture Parks. Carnival C Reel Tickets, tha SECURITY TICKET SELLING MACHINE R. H. MAY LAND THEATRICAL & SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING CO., Inc., all"the monev for you." It is practical. It is simple of construction. It ia easy to operate. It will last for years. Small lea ks In time will sink the largest ship. Have you got any leake in your Box Office? Have you ever thought of the small leaks? It'e the email ones that do the most BY THAT MEANS SECURITY Vaudevi lls^Theatres, SECURITY TICKET SELLIN6 MACHINE The only accurate and practical machine of its kind on the market, for the sale of Reel Tickets DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? of Its ty users think of It. 351 Adams St., Brooklyn, New York. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard A GREAT OPPORTUNITY T FORTUNE the AMUSEMENT BUSINESS - "* ' Sea-Side Park, Splendidly Equipped, with Grand Beach, for Lease or Sale STEEPLECHASE ISLAND. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Located right in the harbor, and connected by steel bridge, 60 acres, laid out and built on, with the finest Electric Plant in New England, 40,000 lights; Superb Ball Room; Large Bathing Pavilion; Swimming Pool- Theatre; Hotel Pavilions; Toboggan; and, in fact, every form of modern amusement; fully furnished and ready for immediate operation. The only resort catering to half a million people. Owner retiring. Will I to party who must be right, or no use applying. CAPT. PAUL B0YT0N, Steeplechase Island, - BRIDGEPORT, CONN. i -low* . C. 8. -Iowa ] — i a B. Plstt. Vsb JUL. — . Cement Daer*. I*. _ -Iowa State TrareHnc Mea*e Hi Jam. 11. >•*!. L. C. A. Oau, Da* IKIns. Dm ftjMI law State Battteoltaral Society. DM. IS- la. Waaler Or iiae. Da* Mora**, la. Oea Mnrtu — Oorn Belt Mhi a 'awd ace rs* Aaaa. 0*c — . a. C. Wallaea. Oca Matrnrn. la. —law* Park and Ferealxy IS. Waaler Oimm, State SS^.a." •a* Mataaa laws HaiMa sad Granite Dearer** A*** j in is-JO. i»n. p. A, Wakatar. a» W. Nlata aL Da* M o laca . la. Baa Miim In we Traeellas M*a*B Saw*. J ta- il, mi. U a Osaka, Des Metses, Is. Da* Molaa* low* Poultry ami I tt Stack lat a la. .S-U. mi. K. H. Owthrte. Da* Matnee. Dai Kola**— Da* Motets Tkrasktr Clob. March 14-16. W. L. Xnabloed, Runely BMs. Da* Molnee— low* Retail Hardware Saaadatlaa and Hardwire inhibit. Feb. X1-2A. A B. SUa. Mason City. Is. ffellana nnnt&MT lawa Paaltry aad Fat Stack Saw*. Oaa. * 8. a. o. Klnhaea. Dwa- aanaea. Iowa. IT. Dodie— low*. Iod. Telephone ASKdlttos. March 14 17. W. J. TbiU, SOS 310 De* Motaes Ufe Bide.. Oaa KoiBca. Ia. laws raUa— Hartkwfstera Pool or Fancier** As- aaetatfae. Dae. 12-18. H. C Mum. Mew Haaataa— New Baautea Pool or Jan. »-48. 1911. J. c. Uon- CoUet* at Maalc Wlcalu. Ka. waidaa City— w aetata Kaaaae Poultry Dae. 14 If, . A. Basle/, Q art to CttF. L laoniandfoce— A. u. U. W. Keb. XI. lull, a M. Forde. Eaiparla. Kane. LeaTaawortb— Leeecaworrh Fooltrr Show. Jaa. nio, nil. rred T. Hys, 1331 OUT* at, Jaa. _*-«. ism. L. K. Call, Menhattaa, Kawtsa— OtBtrsl Kuss* Poultry " Dae. 5-10. a D. Jdartla. .\ aw too. Bass. Outs*— Kaaaae Stat* Oraasa. DeeTU-lS. A. L. Boat*. SSS E. Park at-, olarae. Kaaa. Pi lienors — X. M. 0. A. rah. 18-18. L H. Oallyaa. atcr. Sallaa— Oaldee Belt P. A P. Stock Skew. Dee. Baa H, Beaear, Sallaa, Kaaa. weeks — assess State Hertlcnltural Society fiee. — . Walter Wetlkvoae. Topeka, Kaaa. Topeka— Kaaaae Editorial Aaaa. Jaa. — . 1811. 1. B. JonalB. SteTltDS. Kan. Jan. 20-23, Mil. - Socletj of aVjulty. Kentucky lilrlalou. Jan. 11, lull. S. B. Bob- , ertsoe, Ctlboun, Kj. t^jSTll T * LueilaelHo Pool try Saow. Jaa. IS 21. ion. Ckea. o. um. 2S1B Broadway. W. Loubrrllle Ky. t^oisTlIle— Kentucky Retail Hardware ' Start Dealer*' Aaea. Feb. Il-XS. J. If. Stoae. Star tU. Ky. LOUIBIAKA Monroe — Loultlin* 8unday-3ebool Aaaoelatlon Marck 10-17. Too*. V. EllaaT. 916 Maleoa Blancka Bld(., New Orleane, La. New Orleane— Orand Lease F. A A. M. Slat. Loolelana. Feb. 8-8. Btekard Lambert, Ua aoolo Tempi*. Mew La. New Orle ana— American Aaaoclatloa of Ballwu mi. c. a. . April Dearborn it.. Aonstt— Malae But* Dalrjsiea'i Assa, Dm , *-9. Leon 8. MerrU. Solon. Me. A ornate— Mala* Bleu Oranse P. at B. Dec . B. B. Ubbj, Aakars. Ma. Anruiu— Main* WeakU Newapaper Publtabtra AHOclatlOB. April IS. L. 0. Haakell. 11 Park at.. Plttafleld. Me. eilawortb— Mercbanta' rood Fair. F*b. JO-M. ">»?oort-rr»*port Poohry Ass. Dee. ITS* Oeorw* P. Lawa, ton a taia A. F*b. 17-18. tula. «I Maine. Otsriss tt Portlaad — Ma toe Uec 14-17. April w. cars X. M. C. . smith. Water a Great Conacl, M. Plalatad. li a*W«» Bepuklltas Bdlurlsl Assa. Dae IS. J. uaaat Alas. Bex 1ST. Sanapolie, Md. aaeaa aw sa eataaal aaaaaae* a* ttmrttmrnx *». BL h> eea. xMt, ivii. o~ m. oovmoe, 11V tHraaee et-. baMMDon. Md. baH iiur e MaeySaas Ponttrr * Plsaas Assa. Jaa. S-T. Uee. O. am we, JOBJ a Mena ate.. Baltlatura, Md. Oalumore— L u. O. P. Orand Lear*. Aprti ll-M. Was. — Jeaee. 1. o. o. r. SaSasta. dauoaaoee— Oread CeeacU Storal Arcaaaaa. Apr. — ,1*11. wuiior r. omits, la W. SarstatS »u tie stele AeaaelaMaB eT As- aaatast rwetasalafa. trek. XX. Jaaa S. Pita- (araiu, 't—i ,m *. Mass. ■■ ekaasei — American IkanaeaJas SocaaSj. eat weak am eaarea. A. a*. J. Bear. I m i i aaes n l k i. lao. Uailus U art as PaalUT Skew. Jaa. M-14, MU. Jaa. xa-reB. *. 1*1 i- Parh aaaaarv, Boatas, lealuk kg* net Asia Skew. Marck 4-11. I, tkraaSSaal S trars Squara. kaaSSa, M ae* leetaa — haaSaaal Saeencr aaew. March XJ-AscU i, l»ii. Cheater L Oeraptiell. S Park Swaara, . _ of tk* Grip or Mlcklsu. Dec -;-2S. P. M. Ackerman, LsnslSf. Mien. ie'^.Jl'"^.^ 0 ""^ 8 ^ Jaa. IS- la. Mil. Kcaeat fleiiatai. atanaaaaa, aat-a. fort Huron — Retail Qrocere A General Mar- ^j.^r'p: 1 ^ reb - -• Part Bama — lateraatloaal FaBdera* Aaea. Jaa. . £?S^. ft 5" k>r « Port Hnrop, Mick, aawjjaa HlllsaiiS Oormtj Pool try ajss. Dec. 1S-16. Barry Adaaae. Mick. At. Braask M feklaaa Faaclor* * Breeder*' Aa- aoclatlon. Jan. 3-7. Warren Coffman, Ben- toa Harbor. H. B_ No. 8. T*raa Hirer*— Three Klrara Pooltrr Aaaociatton. _ J aa. 11 -14, B. B. Oebbert, 214 it. Joe 8t. ^"te* aty— Mlcklsaa state Grant*. Dee. 1S-1S. J. W. Hatchlna. BaBerer. 11 lc Ubert Las— Mlssessu Xs AaaneUtlon. Fee. IS IS. _ . T. M. C A.. Mlaaeapolle. Man. Mtss ea pnl le— ABaeticaa Assn. for the AdTance- a>a»t of Science. Dee. SSJtt. U O. Howard. Saaltkaaalas IssMtatJan. Waaalastaa. d. C w asa * asaaa l i m a rl ca n fb a mlr a l So cl etT. Dec — . Cbaa. L. Parsoas, DarkSBi. M. B. Wlhnaipnlli Mlnneeota Sta Asaweta J. Adnata, OS MlaneengllB. Sllsa. dlaneaaoue— Nstaoaal Le*ne of MairkisM, Jam. H Mil. j«sa Ml B at.. WaabJastaa. D. C *<~ Pan!— rlonaweatem A. A. O. Feb. S, 1911 are.. St. sr. ~ Mertdlea Martdlaa Pool try and Pat Stock MJSW. Dae. lS-lT. A. V. Kayo. oUaUnn Hanry Oooniy Punluy Aaaa. Sac 14- lo. H. u Anaaatraas. Ulataa. Ma. S ana* a City — aiaaaa Alpha BseUea rratenalty. Dec XS-SL. Clarence W. 8 to wall. 1ST Waat- auneur at.. Prat i da ae *. R. L Kasaa* city — Weaten Waiaaijiuaa'a Aaaa. Dec . la is. 8V J- Holmaa. B. B. Me. S. Leee- Marck — . Mil. alila. Maa*. Beetua — tsuaaoa Cat Club. Jaa. 11-13- Ckae. B. kutaooi, 8w Berera at-, Karen, Maa*. Bo* tun — Motor Boat * Basis* Skew. Jan. Xb- ran. A Cbeeur 1. Uampbali. maaaaer, » **ara Sqoara. Soatuit— Orand Lodf* of MtauchBSttts, M. B. U. P_ Marck a. B. 8. Mlackley, tread **c relary, lut Treaaoat at. Boatue — New Kasianii State* Veteran Firemen - * Leaxue. January 1U. Ws H. BatSSWSJ, 1* Ulratdale PUce, Olooc ealar, kla aa. °*Ktt»aeeaa*f — War. Apcu'le, Mil. O. li. Ueaid, X4 Summer at., .Nona Hampton. Maes. LoareU— otata, OaiocU of Oarneoteea. Jaaa. 1* zu. aaaa. P. tmromn. Jr., IS Bead arc. Bet > uke. Man. _ _ Worceater— Maeaachoaatta Bute Gr*»«*- Das. IS- 14. Waa. M. Muward. M. Baeraa. Mas*. MlCHiQAN o Bay City — Mack l(aa Dairy nan' a Aaaa. Feb XI -*4. Mil. Kd. S. Power*. Bart. Mick. Dauvat — UteraaUeaal Mt a maa' a Oalea. Dec — Wsv u. rrasaar. Ife Lewis at.. Buetoa. Mas*. laairait-^iaJueaa State Puaitry Oeeie-' a— a, l. MIA. J. A. Taraear. Uetnut— Mlckbrss State Bowlinx April — . Mil. C Symona. aecy. Ueuutt — Mlealsaa Batter A Kss Car Loan soipprra' Aaaa. Marck B-1U. M. I>. WUUama, Hoacll, Mick. - Oetrolt — Mlcnlxan Wool Dealara' Aaaa. March o-e. J. A. Jueanaan, Oxford. Mica, uetrnlt— Ideal Beecrr* Aaaoclatlon. Feb. 14-17 B. B. Newcoatb. 1*01 MaJetUe Bide Uetralt — MU-ulxao Hardware Mtr*.' Aaaa. Jaa. M a. J. c Knox. Cadillac. Mich. Detroit— Ulcbixan Bean Jobbers' Assa.. JeB. 1H-X1. J. A. Baalk. pres., Lenox. Mick. Detroit— Lake Carrlef*' Aaan. Jea. 18- IS. Oaa. A. Marr. j _ Detroit— Automobile Snow. Jan. 18- XI. K. B Oaela. n* trait— Lam bar Carrier*- Aaeoctatlojo. Jaa. 18- IT. W. D. Bamlltoa. Cblcaro, UL Cl mora — I. O. O. F. April M. Albert J. Dae tins*— Raatlnsa 14- IS- Too*. B. Ithaea— Oratlet Cooaty Assa. Dec. AS. 0. Ma. a. Ithece. knek. Lasalax— Ceatral Mlcklsas JPSsltai aad Pet Bteef Asss ■ lax. Mick, ijiaalne-— kMfwaSBB Aaaa. 1'eb. T-S, City— Western Retail Implement and Vehicle feeler*- Aaaa. Jan. 17-is. H. J. Maalae. airtlaae. Wam l*«ne*i city — Ceatral abort! Jaa. X4-X8, MIX, B. O. l ark are.. Calcase. Hi. Kanaea City — BonUiweatera elation. Jan. 23-27. Hal B. A LonjJ Bids. MaryeUle— Weetera la- IS. K. J. " worth, Ban. St. Loula— An XV. T. M. Career. AT LIBERTY • After Dae. 10th Howe & Barlow Novelty Slack Wire Equilibrists, Featuring Wire — Suspended by the Flrat-claaa Managers and Aeenta Only, addrea* ARTHUR HOWE AT LIBERTY Sober and a hustler. Best of references iven. Address H.R-THOS, 2304 Olive -St.' AT LIBERTY RALPH MARTINE A-1 PIANIST Double stage or brass. Ticket? Yes. Address 1037 LA SALLE AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. Top Flat. AT LIBERTY HY MACK Pianist and Masical Artist Don't need ticket. State requirements and offer. Addreas 607 N. f Chicago, 111. "'■ Xata*. arte*. Slate IX. Mix. A. U lASstry. Baaae. Wla. Natleaal Alartae Kasinaan' dal Aaaa. Jan. 10-21. UuTWa F. XI state at-. New lork City. St. Luaie Halted Mine Worker* et Jan. 17 31, MIX, Bdertn I very, ] Ufr Mats., isdlaaapalla, lad. St. Louie — Utarnataaaal Aaaa. Boaaa aad Deuce* tare of the D. SL — . lull. waaa. AJreaaaUlj Pataraon. M. J. at. Louie— Co* torn Csttara' Aaea. of Jan. XA-XT. lull. J. A. aeott. 98 ec. Uaelpa. Oat.. Can. it Lots* — American Bcoaomic Aaaa. Dae. X. -V Car».-r. Cambridse. Maaa. It- Looia — Mlaaoojrl Betall Bardwer* tioa. Feh. IT-XL, F. D. Kasstalaa. KOHTAH A noaaraa* — Montana rjtate Teackera* Aaan. Dec — . Mrv sarsk Mora*. BUIlnx*. Moat. dfcannla — Moatsaa 8tata Pooltxy AaeocUtlon- Jas. Sl-fak. A J. Ia. Darack. Bone. Meat. I.tat of Norelty AcU: Knife ami Battte Ax* Tk rowing. Serpentine Denee. Bataaelna on Be- TolelnsOlobe with electrical effect*. M a niste e - Borne. Punch and Judy and Maslc. Can cnanx* comedy acts nlcbtly. All oar work atricUy 8r*t- claee; strictly acher end rvllaote. Woold like to hear from a rood reliable med. ahow. roe Sale, Punch and Judy Frame with ftst for ahlpplnc: net of Knlre*. all In _ condition. Addrea* TUB LEES. .480 So. Street. Wla. M alloy. Vnaaost. Neb. daatlas* Jaakfaaka atat* i-ooitry Aaea, Jan. id-.-u. A. u. Bmlth, LJacoln, *b. Jaraala — Nek ra aka Stat* Bernenltanl aoclecy . Jaa. IT- 18, Mil. M. C. u. MarakaU, Oapetol Bklx., Lincoln. Nab. Uacola — K*braaks Bays sad Qllia* Club. Jan. 10-2U, J»U. B. a BUhop. Capitol Bids.. Ua- IJ&ari4a.~ltSa. , "*" a Assn. Jan. i$-». Lincoln. Neb. C E. HE1NRICH Character Cwe-ian ui Ckaifi Artist baa eome open time after Dec. A. Can cJmase entire act It needed, for 8 nlxhta, alniinw. aaoo- olocue* and up-to-date. Would like to bear oiosuee anu op-iw-uaie. nw« " ■' from manasere of moelas plctore and e*od*eUl* tbratre* that are la need of a sood drawtns card and a box-office winner. Addrea* C B. BE1NB1CH. WANTED— FAT GIRL She Must be Fat also other freaks — WRIl Ten Weeks' Engagement 320 S. Mail Street, Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 10. 1910. -Nebraska Cement Users' Assoelstlon. Mb.' 1-3- FtUt Palmer. Oakland. Nab. OkiU — Nebraska Be tall Hardware Association. fat. 7-11. J. Frank Ban, Lincoln, Neb. Omaha— Federation Nebraaka Retailers. Mareb 7* W. H. A Yen ■ Dec Atlantic City— New Jersey Teachers' Aaan. Dec 2T 2». Cba*. B. Bore, Blab School. Atlantic AtUsUe'citT— 2Stb Regiment N. J. V. Dec IS. Jamas V. Trancnard. Bridge ton, N. 1. Camden — Grand Cbnndl Legion of Bed Cross. March 31. Wallace McGeorse, M. D... 521 Broadway. Hawark— New Jertey Bona of American Hero- lotten. Jan s, 1011. J. J. HobbeU. 810 Broad at.. Newark. N. J. Princeton — New Jersey State Conference of Charities and Corrections. Probably Feb., toil. J. Byron Deacon. 17th at Chestnut at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Red Bank — Monmoath Poultry Show. Dec 7-10. P. t. Grlaleaan. Clinton Poultry Tarda. Bad Jersey Stats Horticultural Sod- 14-18. H. O. Taylor, Rlrerton, Trenton — New Jersey .Board of _A*-rl cul to re . Jan. New York Clty- 18-20, 1911. Franklin Dye Tranten, N. J. Trenton— Veterinary Medical Aaan. of Mew Jer- sey. Jan. 12, 1911. Or. Wm. Herbert Lows, 117-133 Trenton are., Patsraon, N. J. Trenton— Great Council _ Feb. 25- Daniel at. Stevens, 9 ST. at.. Camden. Bt. i. id Lodge Knlghta Feb. lS-lfl. WWW YOBX XT Q. Fox, BnflaaO, K. I. uffalo Kennel Club. March 7-10. Sey- p. White, tu Walts Bids. eHmirs— Elmlrs Poultry Show. Jan. 10-13, 1811. Barry H. Hays, 112 take St., Elmlra, N. 1. Fayette rllla — American Cheviot Sheep Society. Dec 28-30. F. K. Daw ley. Fayett*vHIe. N. X. Huntington — Hnnttngton Puultiy and Pet Stock Aaan. Jan. 24-28. 1811. G. Fred XlanTy. Box S. Hnntlngtoa. L. I.. N. Y. JansBstown — Chautauqua County Poultry Snow. Jejniswtowu. N. *Y H *™ m *** u T 828 ■"* 11 * B - Xsw Task— Aaan. of 1 marl res Portland Oral est jekaassaj Dec 19-14. Percy H. WHaon. U99 Land Title Bids., Pblladelpela. Pa. American Society of Meeban- Dec 6-S. Calvin W. Mice. 20 w. SSth at.. New Tork City. New Xork City— New Xork Poultry Show. Dec. 27-81. H. Crawford. Mon t rJal r . N. J. New Tork City— The American Society of Heat Jerk City— The lag and VentOatli Wm. M. Nortooort — Nl tsettrs Assn. J Northport, N. X. Ogdensbnrg— Su Lawrence Poultry Aaan. Show. Jan. 10-18. ISlx. May 1- Mouland. 18 Ford H. T»_ sty Poultry Aaan. Jan. 10-13. 1911. J. W. Parkharwt, Pulsafcl. N. Y Tork State He tall Im pieman! valors- Aaa». Dec — . c. K. Wothy, It. Byron, H. N. T. Bocbeater — National Aaan. Retail " NuraarynHn. Jan. 26. 1911. F. E. Grorer. Roobester. N. X. Schenectady — aOectrle City Poultry and Pst Stock Aaan. Jan, 18-21. Geo. B~ Sbaober. Balbrton Lkke. N. T. Syracuse— New Xork State Bar Assn. Third . miah In Jsnosry. Frederick B. Wadhants, 37 Twiddle Bide.. Albany, K. T. Syracuse— Patrons of Industry State of N. X. N. T. Cincinnati— Ohio IBJ11. y. aoo. E. 4th tt of BstaU Lumbar Deal- Jan. — i 1911. B. N. Haywood. Gar. * Trust Bids.. Columbus, O. Colombo) — Ohio Corn Improvement Aaan. Jan. SO-Feb. 11, 1911. L. H. Goddard. Woo. tar, O. Columbus — Ohio State Poultry Show. Jan. 18- 21. 1911. Wm. E. Hague, Schulta Bids., Columbus. O. _ . Oolasabaa — American Bleeders' eaavai la I Ion Fab. 1-8. Hon. W. M. Hays, D. 8. Dept. of Agri erlcan s** 1 *^^ State Dairymen'. 1-9, Loo E. •nance I Jan- 18-21. Poultry Geo. A. Wela, Elmore. 0. GrssnrfUs — The Ohio Protective Fab. 7. Gso. M. Ds trick, BellefDotalna, Hartrille— Hartville Poultry Aaan. Snow. 28-3 L B. J. Pelarln. Bartvllta. O. ML Vernon — Knox County Poultry and Stock Aaan. Jan. 18-20. Luther A. 81 ML Vernon. O. Toledo— Licensed Tugmen'e Protective Jan. 17 21, 1911. J. A. Pass. Toledo. Wapakuneta — Auglaize Co. Pet Stock and Association. Dec 12-17. Dec 27-30. a W. Best, 18 N. Church et.. Charlotte. N. C. Bale lgh— Interstate Y. M. C. A. Jan. 28-28. G. C Huntington. V. M. C. A., Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh— F. 4A.M. Grand Lodge of North Csi ollna. Jan. 10-14. 1911. J. C. ~ aonle Temple. Halelgb. N. C HOKTH DAKOTA DwrBs _ tJon. Jan. — , 191L . C. N. Forki N. D. Fargo — Trl-State Grain, and soeUtlou. Jan. 17 20, IB 11. T. Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Grand Forks — North Dakota Association. Feb. — . 1811. Moot, N. D. rjarjo"" Cincinnati — Westers Paper Box Manufacturer.' Aaan. Jan. 17 20. Fred* Davenport, Third and Main ate., Cincinnati, O. ' O. Dec A van. IL Corn 810 District No. 2. of Workers of Jr.. 811 w. ton. u. Wooater — Wooater Poultry 4. 18-11. Arthur Smith. 8. Wooater. O. Chlckaaha — Grand Lodge Oklahoma W. 0. □ W. Fab. .7. . W. R. Welch, Oatarte. Okla. Bald — Oklahoma Live Stock Breeders' Anas. Dec 11-18. F. 8. Kirk. Enid. Okla. Oklahoma City— Great CoancJl of Oklahoma Im. ~ Order -of Bed Men. March 14. W. B. Dec 12-17 Pendleton — Pendleton Poultry Show. Dec 13 18. Edgar F. Averill. Pendleton. Ore, 28-81. B. a Sechler, S28 Waabinston. Altoena — Blair County Poultry Asau. Jan 0- 14, 1911. H. W. Tingling. 1018 Twenty- aecond are.. Ai toons. Pa. Apollo— Kill Tallay Poultry and Pot Stack Aaan. Dec 8-10. A. 8. antbrU, Apollo. Pa. Buier — Beaver Valley *PooI try Aaan. Jan. 11- 14.. J.- Maya Kcoff. Bearer, Pa. BoUtr— Paanay lranla StAta Or tugs P. af a. Dec 18-18. J. T. Sllaila. Thnmuaualssa. Pa. Chsrrahersburs — aTrsnkHn County Poultry Asm. Jan. 18-21, 1911. Edward B. Eckel. Chamorrs bare. Pa. Posltry Assn. Ch o w . Dec 12- - jdley, Eaa ton , Pa* Erie— Erie Kennel dob. March 14.17. A _ r Obsrmsn. BIT Sana avw. City— Cvsns City Poultry and Pet Stock tioa. Jan. 11-15. I. F. alcrarland. Harriaburs — PesnaylvanlB Federation of Liquor Dealers. Jan. 24, 1911. Capt. Jan. B. Mnr- phy, 884 N. 07th at,, Philadelphia. Pa. LI tits — Lancaster County Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Aaan. Dec 27-81. James H- Breit Izan. Lints. Pa. ktcKna poit MtK a e a p o it Poultry Show. Dec 23-Jan. 1. W. W. Sole., 2111, Fifth arc, McJveeaport, Pa. - Philadelphia — Artisans' Order of Mutual Protec- tion. March 8. wm. Pst ton, 204 Odd Fel- lows Temple Pit tabors— Slovak League of D. 8. Jnly 5, 1911. yTeaO Stokes are.. Brad dock. A, O. D. W. In'd Trust Bid*, of Rhode : I. O. O. F. March 1. Wm. H. T. 1 Grand Scribe. 88 Weyboeset,- Providence. B. 1. Woousocket — Woonsocket Poultry Associ.tios. Dec 18-17. C. O. Smith. . . ! Better Get Wise and Recover Some of Your Losses ■ -. ' .' Forget about shows that cost fortunes to keep iip, and Get Busy Making Money instead of losing it . GEORGE C. TILY0U, ORIGINATOR AND OWNER OF THE FAMOUS PATENTED Which have made millions of people happy at Coney Island, Atlantic City and in other places that get twenty-five cents general admission, and now entertaining all Europe with the famous ROULETTE WHEEL and similar Money- Makers, has for the first time concluded to offer same to all Park Managers, and to that end will dispose of Rights. Plans, Devices, etc. Address , . ' ■ • GEORGE C. TILYOU, - - - - - STEEPLECHASE PARK. CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. KING OF ALL ATTRACTIONS s. The Builder, are lamps momlnate the streets, then so to spesk the nest day dawns upon the lUllpntlan cl ty, above which la shown of other features, all of which co to make up this great city which covera 48 square feet of Tbc world's urea teat achievement In miniature automatic wonders, and most eurtexaful mechanical exhibition ever shown. Impossible to Im- itate. Tills is the orlKlnal and baa been on toe road ITS years wltn Breatist succeaa. Being a perfect reproduction in miniature of a typi- cal American city, everything working automatically, that required Otc years of MR. KEMPF*S early life, from the age of 10. wber, he commenced at work In one corner of bla fatber'a barn, at Capac, Mich , .later moving to more commodious quarters; where the struggle kept up. and after many diecoursitenieuts and trials it wss brought to completion. Bis worksblp wss always the Mecca of tile curious, a few of the principal feature! are enumerated aa follows: A Mtu<"> of a mountain at one end which slopes toward the city proper, cuu tains s cost mine, with miners dlcalng coal, etc., slso a strvem rim • down tbc mountain, furnlsblng power to a tiny working sswmui. ■ mountain railway runa up the slope to tie eutnmlt bouse. At inr- foot of the mountain, the factory and marine dl.trlct commences, ehow- foundries. etc. The msrlne scene shows various tyi«-» vi-ssel., bridges, docks, dredges, pile drlvera. grain eleratora, automatic coal hoist., etc.. etc Beyond thla la the buslne-f district, snowing every phase of modern commercial life: convey.oi'y' of all types plyioc up and down the streets. A Bve set theatre, vm changes of scenery In each act Is giving a continuous performance. characters acting aa If they were endowed with life. Magninoni churches sod public buildings (Trace this section, and last, but n"< least, s perfect model of s vestlbnlte cspress train, which alone ioj'» three months to build, appears from a tunnel beneath tbc mouniniu. approaching the station, stopping for pesaengere, etc Leaving ■> coaches at the station, the locomotive proceeds down the trsck wuo SSi t Srou^ g, .7.e , ? ,r wMch ,? g cou P rci.'".o 00 «b, coacoea ana oiaeppe.ra beneath 'the mountain. Every flvo minutes beautiful chime, are heard from the church tower announclnit the 110" of day. the llRhtnoiue flakes, the bnlldlnas grsduslly llsht up, "J"? the latest mode of travel In the alrahlp. Much more conM be told sooni and la operated entirely by electricity. Permanent addreaa. CAl al. DECEMBER 10,. 1910. The Billboard 63 SOUTH OAROLIN A ^rtanbiirs Poultry, ind Pet Stock 10-12. 1811. C. W. Axbnoi. S. O. ' SOUTH DAKOTA Dakota Dm A Grain Grow Jan. 1*41. Prof, a Willi.. as. D. ■ 9 ■ . -•:-r- r. tb Dakota Independent Telephone i X. R _ J»n. 1112. mi. D. R. Bock. Bad- Dee. .n.liauu. aa— fcoothera Educational Aaas. - . «-ai. U- B. nierly. Caattanooea. Tana. Dee. aorrllle tocUtion. Ja tllle. Tf no. 1011 PL. Haraed. GtarhsTffie. lluMOM-ltnMH* Stmt* Kraat»m_ elation. Jen, Prof. O. kf. secr.-trea*.. Knorrilla. Term. «.s.hellls — Ttaiinil Bortlcnltor — ' M Prof. C A. K.n:«r. aecy.- tllle, Tenn. Cor?' Wortb^A.n.rlcan Nltionjl Ura Stock A»- soefstloa. J«n- — . 1B1L I. W. Taaallaaoa. Stareb S-1S. Wm. N.hemUh Wlfgtoa, 408 Worth— National . jow. March 18-18. B. a Rbome. Jr. oton — Retail Hardware and Implement Deal- „! Amu. of T..ia f-*t>. 14-1*7 i»ll. Jo*, g johnato*. IBS Mala at.. Dallas, Tea. das Antonio— American Asaoclstlon of Oaneral Batsaja Anata. Fab. 13- IT. J. B, Quick. G f Ry. Toroato. Oat.. Can. Waco— State BeDekah aa a wa kfc I. O. O. T. March a. Mrs. I. D. aalt Laks City — Utah Stat* Poultry Assam. Jan. » :« a J. Sadtr. 8338 8. Tth it.. 8.. gait Lakh Otr. Ctah. aiawpoft^Newa— AaU 7am. 11-18. 1811. lliaiiTla Oosnty. Vl WASHUtOTOM Bna^Dttol^'t^'sB^wS atnhert O. Wetter. BnultaOle Bade. TaMBW. Waah. AVniMaBlr _ Seattle — Waahlogton State Association Letter Fab. 38. Mr. Alma Upton, Ho- K s tth as at Hardware and la*. clement Aaaa. . Ja Spokane. Waak* - Taeeata— Washington Bteattaal Amm. Dee. XT-SB. O. cTwhltaer. Bryant School. Im» mSu Walla-Walla Wall. Poultry Aaaoeia- aaa. Jan. 18-11. H. Dickinson. Bax 888. fa rtlsna Wh>»oashj Agrl cultural ^AiajaeUtlafc^Jaa^lil*. 8. A. eUttooT~Ja»i Si-fa*. 8. 0. A. Wis. stDwaekaa — Wisconsin Retail Vehicle Dealer." Dec. 1* IS. ■waa, en superior at., AnUxo, Wla. afflwaa h eo W ls risn a lii Ratal! Hardware (un. Jan. »1 tmb. 1-8. C. A- Peek. Berlin. Wla. aruwaokse — Na tion al Caaaata* team lallis*. Fab. J* 1 * . * *• Oomn, Bal Ate Ha. «— Wkacoaala gut. Bottlers' Aaaarta- Seeood week In March. MS. J. B» Jr.. STT ktnwaakaa- at. TTlartiaala state BpMtaallat Aaao- M.reh Sl-SS. Loalaa a. Loebel. ITS kotwood. NM.— P. O. Lads* Ot Newfoundland L 0, O. British America. Sacead week la '•»•■ 1BU- eerdaa Mlllty, St. John*. New- fonadUad. B.rrle. Ont — Prortoelal Or.od Chapter of Onta- rio, wm oraod Black Kalfkts ot Irelaad. - *- rcb 7. E. A, fennel]. Grand Baftatfar. MT Rowland are.. Toronto. Oat. Oo.lpk. Ont. — American Leicester Breeder.- Amm. Dec. a. J. Tempi*, rameron. III. IJdner, B. C— Andoat Order of Daltod Work- ™« of Britlak Cotnmbl*. Mam. 18. J. T. Mcllnjoy*. P. o. Baa UT. Victoria. B. O. ,r, T ^7 n .~. 0oi — p **'^x> n PooMtt Amm. Jaa. n ' A? 1 - Joaapb KaUy. M« Kkac at.. Patar- „ "«. Ala., week or Dee. 28. Now boys here "I* a «ood one ftfht on the Public Square with good proa- pact* far Bra more, all within a hundred and fifty mile*. Nothing contracted yet. Wire or write quick. If yon are right. Pro- tfctloB SOSd. Address W. 8. FILLET, Elba. Attractions, Companies, two to eight people, with open date*, for one or three-days' stand, thalia Equipped for Tsodeellle In con- _ with motion' plcrarea EDWIN LEON- ARD, Mgr.. Plain City, O. M*n*xer* — Record this adtcrtlaenieat for 1811. ret-clsss Medicine Performer* with change for week. Blark-face, Irltb. Dutch, Song and Dance Comedian*, Doubles. Singles. Acro- bat* and Aerial Artists write. Salary unlimited It yon make good. Don't answer unless eon are op-to-dat*. state all In first Utter. PARKE HS. cue Gen. Del.. Kanaaa City. Mo. WA8TTXD QUICK, U1TIU8JEB. Matt dellrer the good*. 23 per cent, of snip*. Work Missouri. Write or wire. DR. K_ GEORGE. Mendon, Missouri. WABTEO, PIAB0 ACCOhfPAlflST who can double some orchestra Instrument: first Tlolln or b.s. preferred. flT.OO week. Steady theatre. Sir night*, three matinee*. A. P. M. F, ~ ~ 408 ttk At*., X?.. Hasirlll., ' WAkTXZS, GOOD ATTRACT10HS— Ka.le Lake. Tex.; population 2,500. New house. Lagrange, Tex., 3,500; good booae. Both good abow town*. Want strong stock company. PTBJED'K B08T-. MAN. Managar. Eagle Lake, Texas. WASTED— High class attraction to opera boo**. Goad - •est*. CHAR. W. Clay City, ma. -Dramatic _ acta playing Lyric Theatre. Narsjot* Use. & , Taxa*. B. D. BRANDO i The Handcuff Kind eata: "Tour Siberian Transport Chain Is the beat escape 1 er.r saw." W* sell It complete, including a steel chain, padlock and InatracUona for ONE DOLLAR. tit wsaffi K * * 0 * 5 -4 a-1 -: 4 ■ 5 Lothrop's] Fog Ho-rn THE WORLD'S GREATEST BALLY HOO OVER 6,000 IN USE. i Isa Grastest Crs*4 Collecfor Kiowa. Delivered to any part of tlte United Slates upon receipt BTsB .88 OO Send lor Circular. «?1 O. L. D. LOTH HOP &. SON, Gloucester, Mass. of 9h \ THE M0UNTF0RD MFG. WORKS wish to announce that they are now manufacturing and ready to put on the market THEIR OWN 1 ERROTYPE DRY PLATE, that will be known as the "MIRROR' and we guarantee it to be the BEST on the MARKET This guarantee covers every plate or MONEY RE FUNDED. To convince you that we have the BEST, we will, for t ne next 30 days, mail to you absolutely free of charge a sample package of plates \% x 2}g with - developer for same. Send us your name and address. Wishing you a MERRY^CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NE W YF.AR.1j ■ MOUNTFORD MFGTwORKS S. MOUWTrOBO, Prop.* - "a wm 96-98-100 Maiden Una, New York MR. MANAGER: If You Miss This You Miss a Good One. Learn to' Make Your Own Display Signs— or Let Some Bright Man in Your Employ Embrace This Opportunity. we WTLX GIVE absolutely FREE to readera of TBS BILLBOARD, a dear, con- cise, explicit, and practical course of Instruction In SHOW-CARD WnUTTSG. It is the heat coarse for self-instruction esse designed. The method and arra n g eme nt la eo wtnspla that you at mm fasHnatt nl with -the lesson* from the atart. HERE JS 0TTR OFFER — To the Brat 78 readers, who purchase our small ontfl t of TJTH0UA READY TO USE WATER COLORS, (white, bl.ek. bine. gold). nnbllsaed be SHOW-CARD and Term 11 loo. pnbll LTTHOLIA COLORS. UXHOLIA OOIXIR8 .re htsVDE FROhT PIOKZHTS, not aa colors, bnt not made with water. Use L1TH0LIA COLORS once and joa will -conltnoe to do so. decorating. . , let oi repeat- too wOl be delighted with XJTHOXXA. Resdj to ose. Works Ilka water Spleadld far Interior A FREE COURSE IN SHOW-CARD WRITING with each otrtfit of LTTHOLIA READY TO USE COLORS, to the first 73 readers who resoond to this ad. x Now wtitsf^— Write now for clrcolsrs, price of LITHO Ll A COLOR COMPANY, - STREETMEN! GET BUSY! SPARK METAL GAS LIGHTERS - 512.60 par 100. Sails for 2S Canta Each. - Real novelty, staple article and big seller. Good for 7, lights. Renewals, 7 cents each. Poc ches, 50 cents, each. Regards to friends in the profession., I am better equipped than ever in Regards to fnends in the profession., i am better equipped thai manufacture of Musical Novelties, Ventriloquial Figures, Props, etc. A. T. HOEVET MECHANICAL LABORATORY, — ELGIN and W A TP II 17 C WALTHAM If A 1 1 ilLO All clean goods In electro-plated, gold BUed aad ■liter cages, from |1 50 op; wholesale only (poaltlrely no retail). For peddler*, aoetlooeers. f.lra. et. . Sesd for price lis t. J. I* L0RIE. Room 47, Jewelers' Hollaing, 873 W.shlngtoc 8treet, Beaton, Mass. OPERA CHAIRS, PARK SETTEES f. A. CHOATE SEATING CO., Albany, N. Y. Card Machine Bargains OO apiece takes Mills and CaOIa'a Iron Stand hUehlnea— Jnmboa and No,. 8 Sattaaa. tn lots of 10 or awe*. 2. ATKINSON. 1810 B. St. Loola At*.. Chicago. CAROUSE STEIN AN D GOLDSTEIN, Or ACTOR EES, hare St.. Brooklyn. New Y. CAROUSEL MAN- BOX OFFICE POSITION — -i,. to leave city, erence. Box Office, care of The Bill- board, Cincinnati, O. RINK OUTFIT FOR SALE 300 pairs Richardson Skates. Military Band Organ. 35 pieces Music. All Tool* aad Re- pairs Everything la fl rat-class sha pe. WW sell cheap. Address RINK OUTFIT, cars The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. TOE BALE, SKATING BJaTK tn town of 50.000. No opposition. Good reason for Belling. Answer quick. V. A., care Rill board, Cincinnati, O. wiiMnri OPERA house, a -a ting capacity -M0. Bookings wanted for the seasons ot 1811- 1818; comedy, dramatic and minstrel — The Billboard DECEMBER 10, nn. JOHN H. W.BYRNE tkat PUy Riftt < St.. N«w York Cits Readers' Column .00 PER DAY THE RECORD OF THE CAMERA-SCOPE And we can prove it. Anyone can operate it. Makes 6 onioned But- ton Photographs a minute. Price of Cam- era-Scope with sup- plies for making 300 pictures (enough to pay for the complete outfit), OSS.OO. Ext™ bottom, $1 per bondre-l: extra duM, XL SO par grows. Be Indepen- dent and make money for yoor- n ta to-day. of Jlmmle Brahme la desired by 1 Gordon, 2802 Lucas are., St. The LeQrsnge LouleTMt B. p., ears Helen Grey, 284 e. 16ta at. Chi- cago, in., daatraa the address of A. If. Potter. Ed. Farmer, Terra Hante. Iod., would Ilka to bare toe addreas of atlas LtUlao Sutton, former- ly with tbe Great Parker Shows. for by SIGHT-SELLING Miss Florence T. Hamilton desires tbe address of Eugene Mai, manager Ladlea' Loesedo Band. _ Mrs. a. Friedman, 1343 -'Wsshlngtoo are., Bronx, N. Y.. desires to local* Minnie McKay, also known aa Storm. Maker. Geo. H. Rtt pp. can The Mercory, Baa Jose, CaJL, la anxlocs to learn the- address of Prof. Andre, magician. John Meagher. Jr.. 3027 Mariposa at, 8t Loala, la anxtoos to learn of tbe w hereabouts of bis brother, ~ Gold Plated Signet Rings 2~ *-j2 , . ekbone ™}fl ot * Qo«1Kt that make* the price ridiculous. 35c sellers, ill 00 cross- 50e EXCEP- SPECIAL SALE OP- lutif ul Soubrette And Ankle Dresses Jae. K. Brady— (1) The Col. Animal Snow la In wtnterqnai burg. Pa. (3) Tbe Danny still on the road playing (8) We bare no record. Edward o. Marshall — C. H. alter of Henry W. Ss rage's Madam Company), and ^ Jot rn^ MarMab on ani T. A. Q — B. wins. Walker, of and Walker, U not dead. Frank Barney — The wlnterqnartera of Robin n'a Ten Big Shows are at Terrace Park, O. Tbe offices of tbe shows are In tho Second Na- tional Bank Bids.. Cincinnati. Jennie Baker— Tbe Barn am and Bailey Show ■BY- GRASS MATS Hand woven, any size. Durable and serv- iceable. PriOw $1.50 pap yard. A HAT THAT LOOKS like REAL grass. iwrieu Bit ft., 31fl Ent Mi strut I. T. ■LOT MACHTHES cheap. Make oa an offer for ' or aU of the following: 10 Mills' Deweys, ' °"ljes W « MTOe' QusrSseo™"'' 40 , Globe Peanut Machines. 2 Wnrlltxer Ton- ne Electric Pianos. J. E. NELSON * CO.. SS17 So. Balstsd Sxnst Silk, Spun Silk, Silkoline. Worst- ed and Cotton Tights and Shirts. Leatards, Combination Suits and paddings made to order for the- atrical, gymnasium and athletic use. Send for price list and pies. ss-sTEItsrySt,, Brooklyn, r}. Y. Tack and Window Cards ni Card*. Dodgere. Post Cuds. lartesr- a and Koveltlea. Printing the heat prtoaa aannoa prompt. J. P. Farley PBXBT- CO.. 1106 8.7th St, Bt Lou Is. Mo. HOROSCOPES Printed Fortunes. $1 per 1.000; Fntnre Photos, visible and In- visible. $2 per 1.900. Palmists and Fortune Tellers- Supplies, bramp for samples. J. U DOT* 1W7 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, M. T. a a*., asssi Of tho Booney The address of Mlsa Lney Wagner, with the Rentfrow Stork Company formerly la belog songbt by Ransom J. Powell, Lumber Ex change Bids;.. Minneapolis. Mint The present whereabouts of Norvall Wallace U being sought by B. C. Dale, San Antonio. Texas. j 8 latere Is ssked 3303 North 82nd St. CAGNEY TELLS OF ENGLISH OUT- LOOK. Altogether, manufacturer page 38.) the American amusement device — r was In England only a month, but enjoys tbe unique distinction of having won tbs respect and esteem of such reputable men ss •■ sTv Mk n *aV*i— .- V v| ■ Vv5& SaJW^JV* Vt . **v ■ J*";' ^ ' das. Le Moyne Loading man with Acme Stock Co.. Everell. Weeh. Mr. La 11 oyne came to Everett for a speeial 10 waeka' taiga lament and ia now in bis 80th weak. Ha ia author of "The Cowboy A Nobleman.'* >a playlet having* big auceaaa oat Coast. fa *4 > RALPH W. ALICE De HAVEN and WHITNEY Presenting i , Their Comedy Playlet LAST ROOM, THIRD FLOOR. SEND YOUR ROUTS: TO BILLBOARD TO-DAY. Ttie Billboard 10, 1910. : ' . •• Si ROUTES AHEAD So.- . . not will be ignored. Managers and performer* are res pec trolly requested to ■ _ Bootes mast reach The Billboard not later than Saturday or each week to "" lard forwards all maU for professionals free of charge. Members of the profession are on the road, to hare their man addressed In care of The Billboard, and it will Baker. Sid: 1606 Race st, Cincinnati. Balrd. Blanche: 12 W. 80th at., N. T. O. Banks, Charley: 317 Park are., Baltimore. Banyan, Alfred: 122 Smith St., Winnipeg. Can. Barber Ac Palmer (American) Omaha, Neb. Barns tead. Jr., Ed. H.: 311 E. 29th st. N. T. 0. Barrett. Frank: 240 6th are.. N. T. C Barry. Frank 289 -tth st. Troy, H. T. A Oarneld: 2689 E. 03rd St.. Clevelsnd. Will: 97 Wolcott St., New Haven, Conn. Billy: 120 Bandolph St., Chlcsgo. lie an « Hamilton: 339 Hickory st., Buffalo. Beard. Billy: 1401 Drayton at., Savannah. Oa. Beck i Evans: 14 N. 9th at.. Phi La. in another column ) B * ckrr > 8am net: 5620 Kinsman Road, cievc- be found in another column. When no- date is given the week of Dec 5-10 is to be Abbott * Alba: 1252 Dlversey Bird., Chicago. Billy: 45 Union st., Cambridge. Mass. * Lewis: 108 W. Baker St.. Atlanta. OS. . . , ; Adgte A Her Lions: 210 E. 47th St.. N. Y. C. Adfar, Harry: White Bats. N. Y. C. Aldraeh. Blanche: Athens, Oa. Aldrtdge, Chas. H.: 20 El Berkley St., Union- town. Pa. . All. Geo. (Grand) ■ Glasgow. Scotland. Not. 28- II area 1. Allen ft Kama: 125 Brewer at. Norfolk. Vs. Jos., Peter the Great: -I N. Mam it. AlTin A Zends: Box 888. Bread en. o. American Dancers, Six: 10 Plain St., ProTldeaee, I B. L .... . • American "'"r^r your: 410 E. 188th sr.. Bronx. N. X." • ■ • .. Amsterdam Qoartette: 131 W. 41st St.. N. X. C. Anderson * UUsOOl «803 Locust St., Phils. A ad e i s uu s. Australian Twin: care Pan! Tauslg. 104 BL 14th St., N» X. C Andrews * Abbott Co.: 3982 Morgan at, St. Amis. Mrs. Wm. BL: 001 W. 139th St. N. X. O. Anthony, Wm. K. : The BIB board. Cincinnati Apollo qoartette: 639 N. State St. Chicago. Archer ft Carr: Greenwich, N. X. . Arnold. Geo.: Box 193. Shattnek. Okla. Arnold. Hasel: The Billboard. Cincinnati. - Arnold ft Rickey: Owego. N. X. Artuss. F.: care Pa of Tanaig. 104 e. 14tb at. N. T. C. Slaters: 12 80. Newstead are.. 8t Aoer. B. ft O.: 410 South 4th are.. Mt Ver- ■ N . T. I ft Klumker: 8110 E. St, Phils. Alrloo ft Rlalto (Superba) Delaware, o.; (Or- phenm) Mansfield 12-17. Ardell Bros. (Gem) Cairo. Mo. Arnold. Jack (Pull's) New Haven, Conn., 12-17. Almee. Mile. (Revere House) Chicago; (Lyceum) Port Arthur. Ont, Can.. 12-17. Abrams, Morria (Grand) New Albany. Ind.. 8-10. Antrim, Harry (Jefferson) St Angus tine, Bla.; (Majeatlc) Montgomery, Ala. 12-17. - AnaUn. Billy D.: EdwsrdsrUIe. HL; Utchfleld 12-14; Staunton 15-17. ■ ' •.. ! _ ■ . . Andra. Bess (Pastime) Dallas. Tex.; (Lyric) Oklahoma City. Okie., .12-17. Alpine Troops, five (Temple) Ottawa, Can.; (Orpheum) Montreal 12-17. Alfer.tta. Great (Temple) ~ ; St) Bedlnl, Mme.: 112 5th are., Chicago. Beecber. Will 8-: White Bats. N. Y. C Bees. Two: 5C2 Bryant are.,- Chicago. Bel ford Family: Palace Hotel, 518 N. Clark at, Chicago. Bell. Bert (Princess) Phllllpsbarg. Km. Bennett Bros.: 258 W. 65th St., N. X. C. Bunth A Bndd: 910 Beldon are.. Burgess, Harvey J.: 827 Trenton are., PI Pa. Burgess, Bnssell: 934 H Bo. Figuerou st, Los Burns, Billy X.: White Bats. N. Y. C. Bart, Al. J.: Bancroft BIdf., Al toons, Pa. Busby ft Williams: 681 W. 144th St. N. Y. 0. Byers A Hermann: 8849 Paxton Road, Cincin- nati. Byrne, John H. W.: 218 W. 84th at, N. T. 0. Bldette, Hasel (Lyric) Ft Smith. Ark. Beard, Billy (Majeatlc) Ft. Worth, Tex.; (Ma- jestic) Dallas 12-17. Bondlnl Brothers (Orpheom) Dei Moines, la.. 12- Brunettee, Cycling (BIJou) (BIJou) Winnipeg, Can., 12-17. Booth Trio (Jacques) Waterbnry, Conn.; (Hath- away'a) New Bedford, Mass.. 12-17. Bradley ft Ward (Royal) Manistee, Mich.; (Dreamland) Traverse City 12-17. Bowers. Walters ft Crook er (Columbia) 8t. Burt, Nellie (Majestic) Columbus, Oa.; (Ma- jestic) Montgomery. Als., 12-17. Bsader-LaVelle Trio (Pantagea') Los Angeles (Pantages) Denv Bre tonne, Bebont Duo (' ety) Indian Brlnkman A ! O.; (Norka) PiafW^ (Orpheom) Canton Orphenm) Montreal. Bernard ft Orth (Majestic) Coltrmbua, Gs.; (Ma Jeatlc) Montgomery. Ala.. 12-17. Blampbin ft Hchr,, ft Ethel May (American) Elyrla, O. Bandy A Fields (New Murray ) Richmond. Ind. (Star) Mnncle. 12-17. Bergere. Valerie,' Players (Keith's) Columbus, O.; < Poll's) Scranton, Pa., 12 17. Byron A Langdon (Majeatlc) Little Rock, Ark.; ' tic) Ft. ~ (Majestic) Worth, Tex., 12-17. This blank is available for no route cards. route data in case you have be Week — . ' " 1 '■' • ■ ■ '; City " J.a.-v.-u.-.^ryr' I ' ■ State ■ ■ Alton. Ethel (Walnut Indianapolis 12-17. Albraxar A Baby Athlone (Majestic) East St Louis. III. Adair. Eddie, ft Edjtbe Henney (Majestic) Kala- Mlch. American. Xew.lK.j s'^Qijarlette^ (Miles) olla; (Majeatlc) St raai usn , • Anderson ft Evans (BIJou) Orange, N. J., 8-10. Armani-. Five (Kelth'a) PhTla.. 12-17. ' Alexander. Geo. B. (Colonial) Indianapolis; (Apollo) Wheeling. W. Vs., 12-17. AdelmsD. Joseps, Family (Orpheom) Salt Lake City.: (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Minn.. 12-24. t VBl£EF&w* mm) st - ***** (Gr " a) r's) "efflea^a?" 11 " A ™ > ^fcigif 12!l7* m, ' ,, A "" > CnIC " IO: «"*»ei*s> Adair, Art (Columbia) Kanaaa r.ity Kan.: (Ma Jestle) Cedar Raplda, la., 12-17.' Anglo-Saxon Trio (Orpheom) Cobalt, Ont, Can. Arizona Trio (Lyric) Joplln, Mo. Allen, Leon ft Bertie (Grand) Marysrllle. O.; (Grand) Columbus 12-14: (Orpheum) Zanes- Tille 15-17. Adonis A Dog (Orpheum) Harrlsbnrg, Pa. Allen ft Lea (Pantagea') Denver. Alpha Troupe (Orphenm) Los Angeles. Allmon A Nevlns (Orphenm) Dallas. Arlington Four (Orpheum) Harrlsbnrg, Pa. Artols, Jack, Duo (Orpheum) Sioux City, la. .Japs (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal. Austin A Smith . EdwardsvUle. IB. Alexander. Harold (Columbia) Cincinnati. Alphas, Fire (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo. Arns. The: ' Madison, 111.. 8-10. Arnolds. ' Chaa. (Cramp's) Columbus, Ind.; (Grand) Madison. 12-17. Booth. Hope, A Co. (Unique) Minneapolis. ' Bento- Bros. (Unique) Minneapolis. Brcmgh ton, - Jessie (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Barrister.^ Jack^^rnheonj) I ! 1 :. V,^i^y^l - ■ ■ . If you are unable to give route, and desire to have your per- manent address listed, kindly provide the necessary information, using this blank f • \ ) r !.."«, .'.•4!-f..= , '»'SP»- '- . ." . .r . c.- '*S.'TV'" •' "' '• .'- Hi. Permanent Address 28 W. 87th St., N..Y. C. fc Boss: 224 W. *3th St.. Muss Leslie: Chicago. Bianca. Mile.: can Max Hlrseh, Metropolitan 0. Blgeiow,* The: 2883 Monroe st, Chicago. Bllyck'i Cspt, Sea Lions: care Dag Programme, Berlin, Oer. - Bimbos, The: 8M Paclnc St.. Appleton. Win. Blabee ft Connelly: Hotel Rookery. Kewawnee, IU. Black A McCrme: IS Neponaet a vs., Boston. Blair A LaFoe: 204O Amsterdam are., N. Y.O. Blanchard ft Marlln: 1159 Octarla St., Ban Francisco. .It ' Blomieil. Mabel: 1181 N. 3d are.. Knoxvnie, Boston City Quartette: 470 Warren st. Brook- Bo'utln ft Ttllson: White Bate. N. Y. 'C. Braats. Selma: care Tanaig. 104 B. 14th St. N. Y. C . . Brahm's Ladles Quartette: 1129 8. mil at, Los Angeles. Brand. Laura Martlera: SIS Main St., Buffalo. Brann Sisters: Richardson Psrk, Dels. Brenner, Samnel N-: 2898 Tulip St. Phils. Brlnkleys. The: 424 W. 89th at, N. Y. O. Britton, Nellie: 140 Morris st, Phils. Brlttons. Three Musical: 72B Liberty are.. -Brooklyn- Boise?, sensational: 875 Jackson are., Bronx. N. Y. C. Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 WUIIama are.. Brooklyn. Brooks ft Brooks: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Brown ft Davis: 24 Forry sve., Newark, 0. Brownies. The, ft Co.: 8th ft Jackson ats.. To peks. Kan. :-:-^.^;;;- Browning, Bessie: 840 E. Both St, N. Y. 0. Bud da. Aerial; 28 N. Ohlon at.. Aurora. HI. - Main at, Louisville. Browning Bessie (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Botter, Harry, A Co. (Chutes) Ran Francisco; (Pantagea) Los Angeles, 12-17. Byrne, Myrtle, ft Co. (Bijou) Oehkosb, WU. Boynton ft Bourse (Orphenm) New Orleans. BlckneU ft Glbney (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark. Beers, Leo (Orpheum) Savannah, 0a. Barret ft Earle (Grand) KnoxvUIe. Tana. Beban, George (Orphenm) Oakland. Cat: (Or- phenm) Loa Angeles, 12-17. Bellmootea. The (Orpheum) Leavenworth, Kan.; (Columbia) Kansas City. 12-17. Barry, Mr. A alls, Jlmmle (Orphenm) Kansas «{/, Mo.; (Orphenm) Sioux City, la., 13-17. Bathing Girls (Orpheum) St. Paul. Barnes A Crawford (Orpheum) Montreal; (Po- U'a) Sorlngdeld, Mass., 12-17. Burke, John A Mae (Pantages) Sacramento, Bl^'tj'F^i^MaJesUcrCh'cs^fo; Bison' City Four (Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orpheum) Omaha. Neb., 12-17. Behees, Those (Idle Hour) Denlson, Tex., 8-10. Burton A Burton (Empire) Indianapolis. Burns ft Fell (Lyric) Sedalla. Mo., 8-10. Boyd, Maxle (O. H.) Bellinger. Tex. Belmont, Joe: Hanley, Eng., 12-17; ' ', 26 31. 24; Coventry, Broe A Maxim (Scenic) Ames, la. Byron ft Langdon (Majestic) LltUe Bock. Ark. St., New Clarendon Hotel, ^Oonn. Campbell-Clark Hitlers csgo. Carl ft Rbell: 408 W. 18tb St., Kansas MO. Carle, Irving: 4203 N. 4tst at, Chicago. Cariln A Clark: 018 Prospect are., Buffalo. Carlton Slaters: 463 W. 28tb st, N. Y. 0. Carol Slaters: 101 W. .18th st, N. Y. C. Carolya. The: 218 E. U'h at, N Y. C. Caroo ft Herbert: Fair Haven, N. J. CarreltOB ft V «n : 0428 Mont. It. ' A n % e It 1 * . Barbara A - Marphy: Mslba Hotel, Ft. Chi- City. I. MILLER, (me.), Maker 202 W.23SST, N.Y. ofTheetrloal Boot. end ■he •'■hellnsj; Woreted Tlahta. S2.00: Cotton Tight, it oo ; s.ik Tighta from S2.«S up Shirt* to mateh. all same arloe ■ a tlahts . Pumps 26 centa, Gait- era. 81. oo; deatio Support. re. *1 .00, C i ot r. s u pport.r s, 7 6 oanti. Bend for catalogue and sample of tights free. Positively a deposit JOHN SPlCEft. successor to %p™i Bros.. 84-80 Woodbine 8t„ Br N. Y.; New York Office T ' 1 Union 8q.; Chicago 413. MedJnah Bldg. ems la I no fasts, f oU err ar las. 1-mata.cortof dla iSr la aoliS tsM aasuUats. a saw- pa B s a w nsumM svss. Sat ae ua. taste.. Baais.tMS aa sasaaaa as glaas Bssa sat aearavtL Witts Sat It •- rta. I jtwtLsv oo, see M. HYDE & BEHMAN AMUSKMKN8T COMPANY Temple Bar Building Brooklyn, N. T. Star Theatre .... Gayety Theatre Bros*iys Qayety Thsa U s nttsharg ■tar and Sertar CJsiaaas Al waya Opaa Ttmae for Fa IANDOW" THEATRICAL THuNr SatnSSatll sfsassf- telet straatik— km un ^a aajra taosa. ■saelaa. su i at ad~srtaa r. . hi*, tars hsaifa sad sal; head itiilit Any sssssal saaa aniSs to orasr. wans sea READ THIS .5 greatest lad offered. Poaltl (14. styles of pleti eluding tb..H»M* SELDOM EQUALLED NEVER EXCELLED J. W. TSCHUDI'S BANNERS 728S.Sieiid St.. IT. LOUIS, 10. PROFESSIONALS And EMPLOYEES of THEATRES ARC ELIGIBLE to MEMBERSHIP IN THE T. 1MI. A. (Theatrical Meahanloal Aaaoelatlen) I'urely s B<-ne*oleat Aasociatloa u i g sa ls a d ta d the sick and dUtrensd. aad to bsry ths - an. I^stgrs la 110 cities la United eutse ass) i.aaada. Oprna Its lodgsa to the theatrical world, neeutr'e sertlrea free. Weekly sick ossavlta, small dura. Talk to ths aatployea of any toes tre and be convinced ot Its valoa to a»a»hars of the profession, or for Information coacarshag the organisation of new lodges, write to R. C. NEWMAN. Q rend a ss y , •haa'a Theatre, Toronto, Canada. WM. T. BUTLER. Q.P. Tax. "«<2JSa MANUSCRIPT aooM PLAYS'" SALE (mt ^ .'4 LA SALLt S>1 lit >:i,,.V'-'!i'J::. '::;>^rWSA.ii^.i\ j.' .:."- If yon e»a It in The tall 'DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 67 Csesds. Tnree: Darllnaton. Wla, ... . .... . Cut: Cbarlej: Lock-port, N. Y. Cue. Paul: 81 So. Clark it.. Chicago. Carina Mb * Lancaaler: TOO A Indiana are., XlUU City. Mo. _ Cuantrell * Schuyler: 318 Prospect »»•., Brook- Chsnmsn Slater*: 162a Mllbnrn at.. Indianapolis. Cbaae at Carina: 2810 So. Balated at., Chicago. CbaK, Clifton E. : 44 Stb It, New Bedford, Clawaoa. Boaeoe: 1704 Brownleo at., Marlon. Clarion, Paul: 1420 Elm at. Cincinnati, 0. nrt^m f & SppS'ljEVStu*: ISftfe ^SL. Ta- afro™* sjTrester: 234 N. 10th at,, Phlla. Ctotllde * Montrose: 328 W. S8th at.. N. Y. a Costtas. Three Unalcal: 144 W. Seneca at, Codj" Louise: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Colea, Three Unalcal: 149 Beala are., Bllox.1, Ulaa. Columbia Unalcal roar: 313 W. 42nd at.. N. y. o. Col mini !>l aos, Fife. Inc. : Flndlar, O. Comatoek. Hoy: 1321 Cedar are,, Cleveland. Cooker, Clever: Waoaau, Wla. Cook * Hellman: 1314 Spring St., Newark. N J CorilalUi, Six: 81 Flak *▼«.. Mawpeth. L. I.. Cotter i Boulden: care Norman Jefferles, 9th v Arob it a. Phlla CotTrtney * ieennetie: 1010 W. 14th Place. Chicago. Crarea, Edwin P.: 283 N. Sherman at.. Bay CIVr. Ulch. _ . . Crawford, Glen B.: 1438 Baxter at.. Toledo, O. Crawford * Delancey: HO Ludlow at., Belle- fontalne, O. Cra^ton. r Lawrence: TO. 3. 0.: 115 Of mm it, _*£ * ■ Crooke,"cass. ' M .': Unskegon. Mich. Cnllen Bros.: 2916 El la worth at., Phlla. Carbrer Bros. (Keith's) Phils. Cnrtla Sam. A Co. (Orphrnm) Cincinnati. Cbarblno Bros.. Thrt-e (Forsyth) AUanta, Oa.; (Keith's) Phlla., Pa.. 12 it. Carr, Ernest, & Co. 12-1T. Col Tina. The (Orphenmi St Clifford * Burke (New Grand) dm! * Laddie (Manhattan 0. H.) N. K ft; (5th At..) N. V. C 12-1T. ■ - . Clifford. Edltn. In The Basle and The Olrl (Ma- jestic) DoboQue, la., 1217. Caraon Bros. TOrph-um) Dee Molnee. la. Cbsaslno (Bsamarsteln's) N Y- ft; (Moaic Hall) Pawtackst. B. I.. 13-1T. CUftoni. Four (Msjeatlci MDwsnaw*; 104 E 14th st. N. Y. a.^2-". • ... .„ . Cross * Josephine (Orpheom) SeatUe: (Orph earn) Portland, Or*., 13-17. ,_ - Cerroll-Otllette Troops (Plaaa) Chicago; (Ked- Cn?t^°als>*aii (Orpheom) Oakland, Cat. B-17. Cody. Arthur. A Msrrltt Sisters (Bljon) An (Colonial) N. X. ft: (Or- iJ-lT. <••■* BOCK. ATI — 8t Joseph, M Wis. c^Uttle Bock. Ark. Cords* £ Maud (Colonial) Indianapolis: (Apol- loth, illnn.; (Orpheom) Winnipeg. Can., 13- Cressrllls. Nail la (Franklin) Phlla. WmWft (BUoo,*r cSSi ». 1T H.) llel^-horcs nt. Crsres. K. P. (Veodertlle) Grand Rapid Carroll at Leslie: Camden, N. J. _ CUrslsnd, CI a ode 4) Martoo (Orphanm) Connor * Moras (Family) .Detroit ChVtaty^i'wUU. (Me^ae).P«t«wea. ». » . Martorle CC _ oa.. Three Da rta Bros., DeVilbla. On tt (0. Cat: Dan Bros. (Pan tares) Sacramento. (Chntaa) San Francisco 13-lT. Dsns * Bodg* (Cryatal) CMnmnos, lad.. 8 10. Y. O. Daly 4k O'Brien (National) Sydney . Australia, tads'. Daren port Perl. B. (Orphanm) Butler. Pa. Day, Cartta: OM Tth are.. N. Y. C. DeAnno, BUly: 008 N. Clark it.. Chicago. DeRnio. Homer: 11 B. Tth at. Erie, Pa. DeCampe . any: Henderson. N. O. DsFays, Liana 4k Brelyn: 4T W. 38th at, «■ Delamere. Jnllus J.t III IS. B8tli at.. N. X. C. Dehors * D.rr.11: 1010 9th as* ... Oakland. Dei^k^acd:^ ^Aorn^.J^Akro,. O. Dealer Bros.: Cadillac, Mirk. DeMarlo (Clrcoa OlolstUI) St Petersburg, Buaaia. Dec. 141; (Boucher's) Vienna. Aus- tria. Jan. 141. DeMora 4k Oracets: Flndtay. O. _ Denlckee, Musical: 018 First St., Macon. Oa. DeVoe 4k Mack: Manaoeld, O. Dick, Bay: 023 Ohio are.. Kokomo, Ind. Dlckena 4t Floyd: 84S Bhods Islsnd st, Buffalo. Dickinson. Richard: Melrose, Mate. _ D Is ton, Madeline: 084 Loogwood are., N. Y. 0. ditoNs. The: 143 m. Oth at, MaasSeld. O. Dolan 4k Lenharr: 3400 Tth are.. N. Y. O. Dnnltk: Clarendon Hotel. Chicago. Dooner. Doris: 848 Lincoln at, Johnatown. Pa. Donor. n A M actio: 1130 Taylor St., Ft Wayne. Ind. Doric Trio: 987 N. Stale at, Chicago. _> Dorseh 4k Bnsaell: 004 a. Belmont are., Newark, N j Does, Billy: 109 So. High at, Colombia, Tana. Douglas. Myrtle: Berere Honss. Chicago, i Downard 4k Downard: Cyclone, Ind. Downey. 4k Wlllard: 41 Unwood are., Detroit Drew, Carroll: Actors' rand, Gaiety Theatre BIdB.. N. Y. C. Dnmn-Badcay Troop* : Beading. Pa. Dunbar * FUbtr: Whit* Rata, N. Y. a Merrill: Union Hotel, DnpUle, Ernest A.: Vsnaerllls Club, London. Indef. Darning, Parson Jo (People's) Leavenworth. Kan. DnRoss aV Qslrln: 1837 Wsrerley are., Cincin- nati. Desres, Harry, 4k Co. (Cryatal) Chicago. Dnpres. Fred (Orpheom) New Orleans. Dsrmody (Qermsntown) Phlla. Darrows, The (Manhattan 0. H.) N. X. ft DeVelde 4k Zelda (Kelth'a) Pateraon, N. J.: (I-oll's) Seranton. Pa., tx-n. Daly's Country Choir (Orand) Tacoma, Wash.; (Grand) PortUnd. Ore.; 12-17. Drew, Pat (Empress) Montgomery, Ala.; (Ala- mo) New Orleans, La., 12-17. DaBenso 4k LaDne (Poll'a) Worcester. Maaa. ; (Orand) Syracuse, N. X„ 12-17. Dlsmond Four (Binpreaa) Ft. Worth, Tex.; (Or- DUnn 4k Nelson (Osyety) Dsrk Knights, Ten: Dubois, Downs, T. Nelson ( (Los Angeles) Loe Angeles, pheom) Dallas, ' on 4k k B ras. (L Delmar A Delmar (Pantsi Ugea) Pneblo, 12-17. Donovan 4k Arnold (roll's) It's) Bridgeport. Conn., Dantes, The: Cleveland. Daria 4k Moran (Hamlin Are.) Chicago; (bltt- ner'e) Chicago. 12-17. _ DtnketapIeTs Cbristmss, with Bernard A. Bel nold (Orpheom) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orph- anm) Dea Moines, la., 12-17. Dallaa. Beulah (Orpheum) Ssrannah, Oa.; (Ma- jrstlc) JackaonrtUe, Fla„ 12-17. Dalton, Thoa. H. (Majestic) Bock island, ill.. 12-14; (Family) Cllntoo. Ia., 15-17. " DeCoupe. Zelda (Montanke) Hudson, Mich., 0-10. Derek). B. J. M. : Klchmopd, Vs., 5-17. Dagwell 8 latere (Orpheom) Harrisborg. Pa. Dean. Draaei IU. Ed man A Osylor: Box 30, Richmond. Ind. Bdytho. Oortnne: 22S So. Bobey at, Chicago. ElBarto: 2081 N. Holltngwood at., Phlla. Kmmereon 4 Wright: 3811 N. May st, Kansas w. 1st .1.. Brighton _ st, PhOs. Del.. Wash., D. 0. 14-Jan. 15. Esher sk Welsh: Esmond. Flora A Eape Trio: 1711 KlEardo. Naomi: Eraos, Bessie: 8703 Cottage Orore are., Chi- cago. Evelyn Slaters: 203 Greene era.. Brooklyn. Eldrid, Gordon. A Co. (Keith's) Phlla. Elliott. Kstbrya (City) Taldoata, Oa. OUre. A Co. (Orpheom) New Orleans.. (Majestic) " PARKERS JUMPING THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL PORTABLE. JUMPING HORSE CARRY-US "ALL ON THE MARKET CARRY US ALL AND THE GREATEST MONEY MAKER IN THE AMUSEMENT LINE. ONE MACHINE EAHNED 81S.tSO.00 IN 28 WEEKS IN 1004. ONE MA CHIN E EARNED 417,043.00 IN 20 WEE KS TJT IMS. ONE MACHINE EARNED *ie.<»S.OO IN IB WEEKS IN 1008. ONE MACHINE EARNED 010,017.00 IN 17 WEEKS IN- 1007, ONE MACHINE EARNED 012,162.00 IN 27 WEE KS IN 1000. ONE KA CHUTE EARNED 010.(40.00 IN OS WEEKS IN 1909. win ha rerlfled to proapectlre customers, Writs for cata Factories: c. w. ind LtoTSiwDrtt, Kids. THE BEAUTY SPOT OF MICHIGAN HAGUE PARK, Jackson, Mich, _ beach in the world. Fishing, boating. • 60 acres of grove, 120 acres in all. Only amusement park in this part of country. 3 miles from city. Free gate. WANTS— New Concessions, up-to-date. Address J. ALBEIT OKU. Preside* aid Gtnnl Manager, 409 Gratt St.. PITTSBURG, PA DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF ALL AND ANY KIND OF Fsnnlnc, lSt : Cn^ter > "Jno, 1 !"" 100 Ollea at.. New Fe'ntaa! Two: 0 Union Square. N, T- C- Fanat, -Ones: 1010 N. state St.. Chlesao. rrrnandrs-Var Doo: 307 K. 87th at.. N. T. C Fields. Will H„ A LsAdslls: 0041 W. Karens- wood Park are.. Chlcoao. Flnebert. Nsnnle: 1140 So- 10th sfc. PhOa. Flabar, W. X.: Sprlog A Plom sea., Newton. nojdeiia. The: 01SS H at., Ois Mem. Cal. Foaar. Art: 104 Watklna st,. Brooklrn. Ford A Umlas: 128 So. Broad at.. Mankato. Fox. Frank: l'erers House, Chics sn- Fox A Summers: 017 N. 10th at, Kafluaw, Ulch. Franklin. Ooeer A Co. : 610 N. Dearborn are.. Cnteaco. _ . . , ' . rranklln. H„ A Standards: BAhnsdorfer Moeh kl, Berlin, Ocrm.ny. Frank. Jos. J.: ISO So. Commerce St., Orand Baplda, HI eh. ■ Frsns. sir A Edythe: U Botchklaa st, Bins- hamton. N. E. Frsser Trio: 10 Inmen see.. Bahwaj, N. J. French. Harrj: 018 N. Main at, alt. Pleassnt. Mich. Fray. Henry: 1007 Msdlson ara„ N. T. a Friend A Downln«: .18 Strand. W. a, London. Enc.. April 18. Indef. Fri telle A Adams: White Bats. N. T. C. Froao Trio: 0700 20th are.. Sooth, aflnneapolla. Fnlton, Chaa. If.: 8038 Indiana are.. Chlcaco. Ferrj, J. Banks: Buffalo, Okla. Pagan. Noodles (Trenl) Trenton, N. J.; (aa^ a^\U W TSrec.^ Detroit. « ». Frank, Joacrth l.i Utile Bock, Ark.; Guthrie. Okla.. 12 17. FOX at E.ana (Proctor - .) Jersej City, N. J.; (Proctor's 33rd St,) N. T. C. 13-17. Fields A Hsnaon (Willi. rd) Chleafo; (Pekln) F*nton**°»Ia^ie 1 (Males tic) Dos Moines, la.; (Orpheom) Omaha, Neh., 12-17. . Fern. Bar (Bljon) Winnipeg, Can.; (Majestic) nntte, Mont.. 12-17. Flowar. Dick J. (Grand) Cincinnati. 12-17. Freeman, Maurice (Orpheom) Lincoln, Neb.. 1217. Finney, Mand A Oladya (Ornhenm) Dea Molni la.: (Orpnenm) Minoespoila. Minn.. 12-17. Fuller'a. Lol Eransrllle, lad.: FreVcjV. Fred -(Majestic) irrs^i?^. M A n, fiark , SUtera (Orpheom) Spo- Farnon, kana. Fields A Hanson (Wlllard) Chlcajro; (Pekln) Chicago: (Slttner's) Chicago, .12-17.. Foley A Karl (Coll (Stttner'a) Chicago, 12-f ^"nVsoU^Neb. ntagerald, Troy: 204 W. Green at., Hide Point, Florens* Family (American Music Hall) Omaha. nechtlV Otto, Tyroleans (Empire) Caljary, Csn.: (Psntsges) 8pokane. Wash., 12-17. PARK RIDING DEVICES .... As «d is -tier built 4M that you will net be out all Writs) for tar ma and particulars). Our KANKAKEE CONSTRUCTION CO., will mil. KANKAKEE, ILL I Getting a BO-foot ride each rerolo- Uon. Npthlng Ilka It. Strictly la a class of Its own. It la M fast heagti not a toy, bat a real Urn merry-go- round. Can not tip (rear. Nothing: 0* or wosr out. Baa counter hal- or Of aide rldlni for Either or both riders csn propel or either can atop the other. Attracts more attention than all other dsrlcsa la the parka. Writs f or full anatJoo. OTT rrrnrrr.-s' a wla □ Dspt. Z, El Ease, m. «t» oo„ AEROPLANES 30-40 horaa powar, S2.0OO. Quar- antaod to fr«. Tuition froa. Can R. O. RUBEL JR. *Su CO.. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG Of Aaronautloal Supplies m al lad on of 10 contain •tamps. WRITE US LOUISVILLE, KY. FOR LEASE-CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS FOR THE COMING) SEASON AT CAMDEN PARK The finest Park on the Ohio Hirer between Pit tabors; and Cincinnati, with a drawing r> over a hundred thooaaad. Addraas H. O. VIA, Manager. Box 33. Huntington. W. Vs. BRONCHO JOHN WILD WEST The Big First-class Open-air Attraction J. H. SULLIVAN, Mgr., Valparaiso, Indi FOR PARKS, FAIRS AND CARZlVALS— AUTOMATIC MOVING FIGURES Ball throwing devioea. Ail figures work mechanically and made to loot. Bold aa representad and piannteed. Send in orders for Spring SonMthing; and Jgggjg^ C. H. HIGGINS, Mfr„ 1326 Sycamor* St.. CINCINNATI, OHIO. MANAGERS AND PERFORMERS AT LIBERTY SHOULD AVAIL TTIKMSELVES OF THE SPECIAL, COMPLIMENTARY ADVERTISING RATE ACCORDED MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION FOR PUBLICA- TION OE AT" The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010. — — NEXT SEASON 25 Can 400 People NEXT SEASON Brand New Train of Can Best of Ac :FOR = (VERNON C SEAVER, Gen. Mgr.) FOR SEASON 1911 ■ Performers and Arena People of All Kinds Advance Car Managers, Billposters, Bannennen, Lithographers, Programmers, Ticket Sellers, Arena Announcer, Arena Director, Train Master, Boss Canvasman, Assistant Canvasman, Steward and Cook-house employes, Drivers, Grooms and Helpers. Also Side Show People, Freaks and Novelty Acts of all descriptions. In fact, Wild West talent of any kind will receive consideration. PRIVILEGES STILL OPEN. Suggestions for Novelty F. Svl Positively nothing bnl courteous treatment to every performer and employe. Positively so gambling ga "Wl t tactics will be tolerated. Positively a far bltftfer and better show than last i a ph. , as Is well known. NEXT SEASON Such Stars aa Annie Oakley. Cant. Rogardla, Curtis Lis* ton and Col O. D. Stevens. Ihe greatest quartet of greatest • • • . 108 East Madison Street, .(Winter Quartara, , Gen'l Mgr. CHICAGO, ILL. NEXT SEASON One of the Biggest, Gmbberta. Two: Wblte Bat*. N. T. C Gallawar. W. P.: can The Glenmore, Moctgom err.' Ala. Gardiners. Three: 1958 M. 8th it.. Phlla. OaxadB. Marina: 703 W. 178th at.. N. T. C. Gaylor. Cbaa.: 768 17th it.. Detroit. Osylnc A Graff: IS Abingdon 8q.. N. Y. a u: 4 Willow it.. Brooklyn . Ted * Kite: 90S Gate* are., Brooklyn. GUdjT * Fox: SOS State St.. CUctgo. . . Gleaaoo. Little Lew: Wblte Bats. N. X. C. Godfrey. Hal: care P. Casey, Long " N. T. OL Gold™ a Hogbee: MBford. Mu». Gooxales, A. (Monarch) Lawton, Okla. j ? Goodhue a Burgess: White Rats. N. T. C. . •* Green Bo \ Y C raham" & Randall: 327 Pearl at.. Brooklyn. Graoberry a LaMoa: 1553 Broadway. N- Y. C. Grant 4 Brewer: 34 Bojee are.. Walla Walla. Wash. Gray. Enid: 28 W. 125 th st_. N. T. C. Gray a Gray: 1B22 Btrd St.. Jopllo, Mo. Grdlna a Co.: 610* St. Clair are.. N. E., m. Greene 4 Parker: Greenwood. Bessie: Griffith*. Fred Monroe at.. Montgomery. Grlgolettl's Aerial Ballet (Wl Hn. Germany. Dec. 1-31. Groom SUtera: 503 N. Hermitage are.. Trenton. N. J. Groet a Grot: White Rats. S. T. C. GoUe. Johnnie: New Brnojnrlck. N- J. Grey a risk (Keith's) Phlla. Georgia Campers (Orpbeom) Cincinnati. Goodman. Joe (Arcade) Orlando. Fla. Goodwin & Elliott (Dominion) Ottawa. Can.; (Shobert) Utlca. K Y.. 12-17. Ganuey, Ray (Orpbeum) San Francisco. Granar, Lotus M. (Family) Mollne. ru.; (Tre- Tett) Chicago. 12-17. Good rode. Great (YaudeTllle) Otsego. Mich. Grimes. Tom. a Co. (Orphenm) Lima. O.; (Or- phemn) Newark. 12-17. Gabriel. I — Master, a Co. (5th Are.) N. T. C. a Satcbell (Colonial) Lawrence. Mass. Capt. Max. a Mile. Adeline's Ani- mals (Grand) Pittsburg. Pa.; (Keith's) Co- Inmlma. O.. 12-17. GUden Slaters. Three (Orphenm) Lima. 0. ' Green.' Ethel (Grand) Syracuse. N. T.; (Trent) V. 3.. .12-17. a Marx < Se'«h™ ) - too. Pa.. 12 17. Crover Mildred, a Sick Richards (Orphenm) Ogden, TJ.: (Orpfarnm) Salt I-ake. 12-17. OraSTlIIe a Rogers (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Ha j- « Chicago. 12-17. — r (O. n.) Ayimer. Ont_. Can. ^ledy Lane^mmp^^DetroK. Htmtlnga, Four (Columbia) CH""** 1 Hoey a Lee (Columbia) Cincinnati. Hallen a Hayes lOrpheum) Cincinnati. Hawkins. .Lew (Keith's) Phlla. Howley, Irene (Orphenm) Kansas City. Mo. Ho Her, Cora Mirklr, a Co. (Miles) Minneapolis. Holland a Webb (Miles) Haley a ~ Hall A V Hall, E. Clayton-Ksther Collier Co.: Hallman a Morphy: 913 McK< Hsleon Boys: 21 K. SSth at. N. T. a ■ HalstecU. Wniard: ,118% Jocblam at., .Mobile. Ala. : ' ' ■ Hal worth. Jack: 128 W. Erie at*. Cbleaavi Hammnn a LyteH: 484 Cottage st., , Rochester, N. T. Hampton a Baasett: 4866 Wlntlirop^assf^-.Chl- HanJey A Jarrta: 230 Hobokeo at.. Rutherford, N. J. Hardy, Delene: PTque.'0. " : ■""' Hardy. las. E.: 48 Puller at.. Toronto. Harper a Jameson: Box 1145. Muskogee, Okla. Harris A Robinson: 152 Lake St. Chicago. Harris. Fred: Hasken, Li Hatch, E. Hatches. The: 47 K_182nd at. N._Y. C. Hawea Sisters: i aodubsoo: awe iaie »*- . vokiko. Red: SSI E. 40tb St.. Chicago. ' Looey: 47 Lexington are., N. Y. C. !. Warren: 74 Sydney at. Boston. H. T. Helene. LaBeile: 68 W. 7th iL, Mt. Vernon. M. Y. Henderson a Sheldon: 164 E. Randolph at. Chi- cago. Hendersons, The: ' 105 E. Morgan at. 8edalia. Mo. Herrmann. Adelaide: Gtlsey House, N. Y. C. Hevflettes, The: 1200 20th at, Denver. Hubert. Ben: 828 Sawmill are.. Allegheny, Pa. HDlman. Lucnie (Vendome) Houston. Tex. Hlllnnlsna. The: 2531 Chatham at. Cincinnati. Hoi ton. Geo. A.; 22 Bank' at. Brunswick, Me. Hnppe. Vera: Rldu-Onld Park. K. J. Howard a Boyd: 5551 Etxel ate., St. Loots. Howie Slaters: 438 8th at.. Jacksonville. Fla. Holllnxer. PIDon: The Bulboard. Chicago. Hnntlnga. Poor: Pair Haven, K. j. Hoxtablea, The: 18 OUrer at., Salem, Mass. Hyatt a Lenore: 1612 W. Lanrale at. Bait! ' more. • Hyde a Talbot: Torrlngton. Coon. Harrel's Marionette Clrcos (Family) Muses- tine. la.. 8-10. Hood. Sam (Arcade) Toledo. O.; (Bljoo) Pique. Harris "a Pierce (Wigwam) Muskogee. Okla., 8-10. Harris. Fred: 323 Broadway. Paducah. Ky.. 1-81. Huntress (Grand) Tacoma, Wash. ; (Grand) Port- land. Ore.. 12-17. Hanson, Harry L. (WUllard) Chicago; (PeklD) Chicago. 12-17. Howard, Hap (Orpbeum) Cobolt, Cao. Hessle (Orpbeum) Boise, Idaho; (Lyceum) Og- den. TJ.. 12-17. Herbert Froarmao (Grand) Knoxrllle, Tenn. : (Majestic) Charleston 8. C. 12-1T. Hawley. E. Frederic. Ic Co. (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Rochester, X. Y.. 12 17. Holier a Got* (Yale) Kansas City, Kan.; (Colonial) Atchison. 11-17. Hedge. John, a Ponies (Ashland) Chicago, B-1T. Hawthorne. Hilda (Orpbeom) Portland. Ore. Hart Marie a BUly (Orpbeom) Seattle; (Or- phenm) Portland, Ore., 12-17. Harford a Chain (Princess) Wlcl— Haney. Edith (Gaiety) Springfield. Irr'a) Chicago. 12-17. Hasty. Charlie (Majestic) Columbus, Qs.: (Ma- jestic) Charleston, g. OL 12-17. Harris A Randall (Indiana) Marlon. 1 ray) Richmond, 12-17. Hole. Albert (Shubert) Ctlea, N. Y. ; 12-17. Jestlc) St Paul, 12-17. Harris. Grore. A Co.. (Majestic) Little Bock. Ark.; (Majestic) Ft Worth. Tex., 12-17. Hoey A iloaar (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala.: (Majestic) Birmingham. 12-17. Harelocka. The (Orphenm) So. Bend. Ind.; (Geyety) So. Chicago, lit. 12-17. Hanlon Bros. (Orpbeum) Spokane. 12-17. Howard Bros. Flying Banjo* (Polt'a) Hartford. Conn.: (Poll's) Bridgeport. Harrey a DeVora Trio (Oi ' (Orpbeom) Dnlotb, 12-17. Hart's Joseph. Dlnkelsplel'a Christmas Co. (Or- phenm) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orpbeom) ' Des Moines, la., 12-17. Hart's. Joseph, Little Stranger Co. (Poll's) New Hsren. Cono.: (Coloolsl) 3. Y. C. 12-17. Haas a Adair (Stewart) Brazil. Ind.: (Dixie) . Dolontoiro. Pa.. 12-14; " - ' lied, Md.. 15-17. (Maryland) Camber- Oayeo sisters: Cornwall, Ont, Can. Hayward a Hayward (New Grand) ETanarule, Ind. Hathaway, Conn. Cayman a 12-17: IPtlaee) don. 26-31. Herman. Lew (Grand) Hamilton. Can. ' Hymer. John B.. a Co. (Sbuhert) ntlea. N. Y. Trio: Rector's Cafe. 17th a Curtla ) Loo- Charleston, 12-17. •t„ Chi- 8. Ci ppened In Arizona (Majestic) Ft Worth Jap lnneas a Bysn (Majestic) (Majestic) Columbus. Qs, lofeld _ (MP It Happened Texan. Ingrama. Two (Gayety) Iwamoto HI node Troupe f Jordan. Harry (VIrtotia) . Jones. Alexander (Grand) Lincoln, Neb.; (Grand) Topeka, Kan., 12*17. Jet era a Rogers (Poll's) n art ford. Conn.: (Or- phenm) Montreal, Can.. 12-17. Jewell's Manikins (Orphenm) Oakland. Cat. Johnson a Carlisle (Aitdllorlnm) Cincinnati, effers. Emma: 636 Cortland are.. Bronx. N. Y. 0. Jennlnga a ■ Jseksn Tag. Jarrls a Harrison: 26 McKlnley St., Hartford. 714 Broadway, Ererett, a T^roy: 814 Msry at. 81. Jester, Jolly Jean: 423 So. Park St, High Point. N. C. Jennets. The: M8 N. Western see.. Chicago. Jewel. Bey R. : 613 It. 23rd at. Mattnoo, BL Johostoo. Musical : 888 Eighth are., N. Y. C Jones. Boy C: 1S5S Broadway. H. Y. O: Jooes A Whitehead: 47 W. 28th St.. N. Y. C. Jordan. Karl- 200 F_ etb at., Lextaartoo. Ky. Jctscsa. Ai. (Orpbeum) Kaoaaa City. Mo. Jackson, Ollle (imerlcu) San FYanclsco; (Wlf ) San Pnocisco. 12-17. ' -. 4&32 Christiana are.. . A Co. (C Kara (Orpbeom) Cincinnati. Kilchl Trio: 1227 E. 71it at. Chlcaro. Ksrtello Bros.: I'slimiai K. J. Kanfmaoa. The: 2 SO E. SSth at. Chicago. Keating a SI array: WOdwood, N. J. Kertjy * Pirki: cars Mrs. DarldaoB, 281 ISOth «t. N. T. C Keen*. Slattle: Hotel Gerard, It. Y. O. Kr-lrry Slitert, Tare*: Chicago. Kelly. Toe -K. (8th and Arch 8t) PhUa. Kelly a Henry: 27SS Frank ford are., Phlla. K.ltDera, The: 1« Colonial I'lace. Dallas, To. Kenn y a HoUIa: 64 Barrard are.. All. too, Mssas, Kent a King Kros.: 211 ith'sreT. rwhroertady.^T Y. King. Violet: Winter Oa: Klag a Bailey: 208 W. Klngsley a Roberta: hsasa City. Okla. Klein A Brlanger: 1S87 E. 42nd at. Clereland. Klelo Trio: 4758 Old. nberg are., St. Loula. Klldo. J. P.: 2149 Thomas at, Chicago. PS aTatSasn "H H,w "**' lm ' Kohler. Prank a May: 240 8. Chestnut at. Marysrillc. o. Kobl. Gos a Marlon: oil Fourth st. Mtlwsnke*. Koppes, The: 117 W. 23rd St. N. Y. O. Kmaro, Frank: BOS Race at,, rbllt. Kramers. The: Aualomlnk, Pa. Kramer nrnno Trio: care Taoalg. 104 E. 14th, Kraroo N a T Nora 203 0 til at H mmond raroo a Norm en. 203 Ooatlln at, Hammo Krooco-Mansllf Kjrr.pI.Io a K&sS'is E. St. Loola. 12-17. Kanfmaana. The (Majestic) Wimattm. M. D.i (Hljno) Great Falls. Mont.. 12-17. Kelly. Jack a Violet (Shea's) Toronto. Keatona. Three (Hatha way's) Lowell, Mass.: (Hatbawsy's) New Bedford. 12-17. Knlxbt. Harlan K.. a Co.. (Orpbeom) Spokane: KjWlK)^ ,., (Msjaa- Ik) IJiCross*. Wis.. 12-17. s Keller A Wentworth (Orphsotn) Obampiln, III.. 8-10: (Varieties) Terre Hsote. InxL. 12-17. Ksofmsn Itroa.. (Orphenm) Salt Lake. U.t (Orphenm I Drnrer. Cola. 12-17. Kane. Lenoard (MsJeaHO Hooatoo, Tag.j (Prlnreaa) Hot Springs. Ark.. ' DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 69 Klrssmltb Bletera (Temple) It. Wayne, Ind. Labi. Cecil * Aver*: 1U17 Lasuua it., San Francisco. Lakolo at Lorain: Palace Hotel LaDelles. Four: Decatur. Ind. Laalarcbe. FTankle: 4*2 W. 20th st.. Chicago. La Marc. Frank: Gen. Del.. Grand Baplda, Mich. Lamblottee. The: Mt. Vernon,. O. LaMi ra. I'anl : 27 Monroe at.. Albany. N. Y. LamoQte. Frank: (Majestic) Phlla. LaMoot'S Cockitoos: 1838 Broadway. N. T. 0, La Moure Broa.: 04 Cedar Lake are., M Innes po- ll .> - Lancaster, Mr. A Mra. Tom: New Caatle, Del a Lancaster at Miller (Arcade-Grand) Hoqolam, Lenetngs. The: 210 N. Broadway. Baltimore. LaRocco. Boay P.: Box 62, Washburn, III. La Rose Broa.: 107 E. Slat at. N. Y. 0. LeRue * Holmes: 21 Llllle St. Newark, N. 7. LaSalle A I. Ind: Jamestown, N. Y. LaToaka, Phil.: 135 W. 22nd sc., Los Angeles. Laogblcg Horse Co..: 601 E. lTStn at, N. Y. 0, LaVe c. Cross * Co.: 71 Sea at, Rockland. Me LsViiles. The: Grand Paclnc Hotel. Chlcaso. Lawn-nee 4 Wright; 1033 Broadway, N, Y. a LeClsIr Ss Sampson: 112 8th are., Chicago. Le« range * Gordon: 2823 Washington st, St. Louis. ' ■ Leoerts. Two: 0636 Union are.. Chicago. Lennon. Bert: 550 W. Waahlnston at, Chlcaso. Leo. Jolly: 1820 Vineyard st, Phlla. Leonard * Phillips (Hons Kons) Toledo. O. LeBoy * Diamond: White Bats, N. Y. C. Leal I >, Beglna: 361 Tremont at, Boston. La Verne * Johnson: 4802 N. Secley aTe„ Chlcaso. Lerlno. Dolph * Bnsle: 14 Prospect st. W. Ha UncoJns, °Foor: 2130 Huron at. Cblcago. Unas. Harry: 420 6th st. Sooth Minneapolis. Ungerman, Bam * Lory: 703 N. Oth at., Phtla. Uovd 4 Falls: 588 Lyell are.. Gates. Koc beater, Lockwnod a. Mnalcai: 133 Cannon at, Poush krepale. N. Y. • .. _ _ Lolaaet. Kstle: 104 E. 14th St.. N. Y. C. Lombard a. The: can Paul Tanalg. 104 EL 14th - w J. (Hons Kons) Toledo, O. Dancing: 1728 N. Slat at, Pblla. _ Basel Beaton (Majestic) St I'aul. Loe- 4 Lace: 026 N. Broad st.. Phlla. •angrtou " !^sa»a?~s£ t. Lewis * Chaplo s. 13 in. S9.50 $0.85 15 in. 12.00 1.10 18 in. 15.00 1.50 Tovn and Novelties of all kinda — right out of stock. No eataicarue. Send in orders at once. Deposit required OB all C O. D. orders. 6. Fmkil & Sms. 132 Park Ro«. In Toik City AGENTS, LOOK I OUT NOVEMBER ZStll new 16x30 Negro Bellcloos Pictures: "Negro Of Agra" and "Negro 1'rotectlng Angel." Our agents are coining money with our other pictures, "BEACON LIGHTS,*' "JACK JOHN- SON." and "JESUS DIED FOB NEGROES." Portraits. Pillow Totaa. Frt as moles FUSE. BERLIN Dept. 16, - SLOT MACHINES BOUGHT AND SOLD WANTED — A CAROUSEL (Morry-Qo-Round) . Must be good In fl Add. CAROUSEL, There Is probably no more popular sporting man In New Jersey thsn Ssm S. Weill, proprle- Caalno. Korth Bergen. N. J. of bchuetien Pars, when- of Weill's Casino. North he" bis Oerman Volksfaat Is held ' to book any abowa that come In inday, where be can accommodate 1.000. The Casino Clnh and Leonard Mercy Assn. meet at Sim's Csslno. two of the most popular clubs In New Jersey. Sam was formerly manager of Solaer's Harlem River Casino, and the Ice Palace 8hatln« Bins both of New York. CARS The game of ''Sixteen Hundred'' may best be described as an elabora- tion of Five Hundred/ which in turn is a combination of Euchre and Bridge. But Sixteen Hundred is more, much more, than a mere hodge-podge. It literally abounds in snares and pitfalls for the un- wary, and no end of mirth and hilarity. It appeals strongly to the skill- ful player also, for its possibilities in the way of subtle Btrategi clever coups are well nigh less. PRICE, TEN CENTS. CHURCH PTG. CO. 416 Elm St., - Cincinnati, O. AT LIBERTY Trap Drummer PAUL. Street, Ashland, Oregon. PIAN I AT Anything that pays aalar bouae or small road ahow. cine snow, llenty of Abbeville, Ga. AT LIBERTY Stage Cirp en ter, House CI AN, care The Billboard: Cincinnati. Ohio. PEBT0R1CEX8 AND AGENTS, here It la. The very latest patent out. Light jour room la theatre or private room. No matches required. The greatest Invention ever known. 5.000 sold LEARN TO HYPNOTIZE! ALL MAY NOW LEARN! WONDERFUL FREE! Do yon want to know how to utilise the most powerful and mysterious force of nature? Do yon value control over others? Do yon value the means of eecurlng friendship and per- sonal influence? Do yon value the power to conquer pain and banish (Icknesa. to re- ■ a misguided friend, to gsln business snccvaa. to gain wealth, position and >!ness? If yon do. yon must tesrn to Hypnotize. Why not? No other anient Is so easily acquired. It can be mastered In a few hours' time, without leaving your home. Then yon can surprise and startle all your friends by placing others under thla hypnotic spell and making them think, act and feel Just as you desire. Ton can perform the most wonderful and astounding feats and fun and smua- ment for Honrs at a time. Yon csn make mosey by giving exhibitions, caring diseases or by teaching the art to othera. In short. Hypno- tism la the very key to Health. Wealth and Hsppl The coat of learning la bnt a trlHe. Success " ite bow! Write st once for free li- on nypnotlsm. Personal Magnetism. ...allng. and other occult sciences. Just _ name and address and the book will be eent yon at once by mall, free and postpaid. k DDR I. D. BETTS, Station E, Jackson. Michigan. 70 X he Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. PWUlm * Newell: 218 So. Howell st, Owosso, Sherer & NewMrk: 18 _ Moaicai: m^*. m~Bog. |-fST». | Y °c? e: C " e P,Dl Plane, Fred S. (Princess) Dnloth. Mian. Polrlers, The: White Bab. Chicago. — P.: 806 Lincoln are.. Bay City, at Harris: 171* Leland are., Chicago. I. Eddie: White Bata. N. Y. C. • Power. Chaa.: Portland, Conn. Powen. Prank J.: 324 N. Academy at.. Janes Title, WIb. Powen. Great: 1758 Larrabee it., Chicago. . Price A Bell: 182 Fiord St.. Dallas. Tex. Price. Henry St.: 834 Longwood in„ N. Y. C. Parts by Night (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Polk A Polk (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Pederson Bros. (Keith's) Phlla. Pierce. Lollta n. (Wigwam) Muskogee. Otia. 8-10. Prosit' Trio (Empress) Cincinnati. Pryor & Claire: Joplla. Mo., 8-10; Carthage. 12 14; Nowata. Okla.. 15-17. Perry. Gene A. (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma Jestic) Houston, 12-17. Person! 4 Halllday (Main St.) Peoria. 111.. 12- Sbremka Sisters: 104 E. 14th St., N. Y. C 14th Scbrler, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. K. : 808 W. 12th St., Chicago. . '.. . Searles, Arthur: 8858 Cottage Grove are., Chi- cago. Sedgwlcks. Fire: 3309 Aye. L Gal res ton, Tex. Selby, Hal M.: 204 SchlUer Bldg., Chicago. Semon Dno: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. a Sency. Vincent ft 8eney: 1182 So. Main sL. Fall Hirer, Mass. Shades, Carl F. : 733 Clifton ave., Springfield, O. Shaw. Edythe: 508 N. Clark St.. Chicago. Shaw, Lew A Nellie: 1445 Ogdeu arc, Chicago. Shea, Tex & Mabel: 522 N. Main at, Dayton, O. Shields, Johnnie: 278 Woodward are.. Atlanta, Q a. Shields ft Bodgers: Box 29, Brldgeman. Mich. Shields. The: 207 City Hall, New Orleans. Short ft Gllck: Box 1101. Dallas, Tex. Sletorecbt Arthur: 323 So. Broadway, ton,- Ky. Simmons. Grest: 2072 Ogden are.. Chicago. SilTeno ft Co. (Pantagea) SL Joseph. Mo. SUcker, M. U: 4S N. Broadway,' Akron. O. Slosson, Pauline: 4545 Michigan are., Chicago. IT. Primrose Four (Able) Eastern. Pa. Pearce Sisters Three (Crystal) Waterloo, la.: Smith ft Adams: 1139 W. Tan Buren St.. Chi- (Princess) 8L Psul. Minn.. 12-17. : i , ngo- _ Peters. PhU. & Nettle (Majestic) Seattle. i smith A Brown: 1324 St. John are.. Toledo, O. Phillips. Samuel P.- (Park) Phils. ! Solar ft Rogers: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Pringle ft Whiting (Columbia) St. Louis: Sorensen Chris: 1S02 N Western are.. Chicago. (Grand) Indianapolis, 12-17. : g°wa«& Broj-: Creaton la- Ploetz-Larella Sisters (Majestic) Bntte, Mont.: Spauldlng, Dupee ft Ted: Box 285. Osalnlng. N. (Washington) Spokane. Waah.. 12-17. Porter. Chaa. F. Stanley ft Chambers: Union are. ft Oak Lane. Phlla. Stanley, Harry 8.: 20S N. Broadway, Baltimore. Stanton, Walter ft Val: 1536 Broadway, N. Y. C. Stereos, Max (Clnograpb) Los Angeles. Stewart ft Donahue: care Ted Schroeder, Hunt- 1 lngton Chambers, Boston. 10th st.. lOrphenm) Mien. Qneen Mab ft Wi Phlla. Qnlncy. Tbna.: Jsrksonvllle. Fla. Qnlgley Bros. (Urphenm) buttle Portland. Ore.. 12-17. Bsjan. John: 601 Chouteau are., St, Louis. Bandall. Billy: 1000 EL 5th St.. Dayton. O. Bapler. John: 473 Cole are., Dallas. Tex. Bay. Eugenie: 5602 Prairie are., Chicago. Raymond. Erelyn: 48 W. Erie St., Chicago. Beading Sisters: 411 W. 30th St.. N. Y. C. Beed ft Marlow: 793 Main St., Dallas, Tex. Heed. Wm. D.: Gallatin Pike, Nashville, Tens. Reeve*. Boe: 1563 Broadway. N. Y. C. BeUly ft Lewis: 64 W. 118th St.. N. Y. C Brnabaw. Bert: White Bata, N. Y. c. Tr"«"»i The: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Bex Trio: 261 R_ 2nd St.. Pern, Ind. Bey. Billy: 1011% Congress aye.. Houston. Tex. Reynolds ft Donegan (Ronacber's) Vienna, Aus- tria, Dec 1-31: (Hanaa) Hamburg. Jan. 1 31. Bboads' Marionettes: 33 W. 8th st., Chester. Pa. Bice. Frank A True: 6340 Vernon are.. Chicago. Richards, Two Aerial: 28S Jeneka St., Vail Hirer, Sf&o 1 E. : York Borings. Pa. : 238 Seventh St., Grand Hap- yfTom: 838 E. 128W St. N. T. 0. ' ll^P^^^Cen^rs^Psrk. N. ^JO^ Roberta". Hayes A Roberts: Cedar Manor, Ja- maica, N. V. Roberta ft Little: Block Island. B_ L Roberts. Little Lord: 494 E_ 47th St.. Chicago. Roblson, Bobbin ft Haselle : 5128 42nd aye., S., Minneapolis, Rogers Twin.: [ st^i«ma a Thuds: . Stewart ft Earl: 125 Euclid aye., Woodbury, 1 N. J. Stewart ft Malcolm: Box 87, Cynthlana. Ind. SUckney. Louise (N. Y. Hippodrome) N. Y. C. I Stokes ft Ryan: White Bata. N. Y. C. Story. Musical: Palace Hotel, Chics Stotxman ft May: 619 Washington St., port. Pa. Snlllvan, — Swanson. cage. Sylow. Henry: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. Syta A Sytx: 140 Morris St.. Phlla. Stine. Cbaa. J. (PoU'a) Waterbury. Conn.; (Po- ll's) Worcester. Mass.. 12-17. Sugimoto Japanese Troupe (Pastime) Wichita. Kan. . Senxrll Bros.. Flying (Lyceum) Ogden. U. ! 81egrtst Troupe (Wlnter-Clrcns) Cleveland; (Wlnter-Ctrcua) Buffalo. 12-17. Shorttea. Three (Jones) Brooklyn. 8-10. Strickland. Babe (Empire) Milwaukee; (Ml Jestic) Madison, 12-17. Smith ft Sumner (Majestic) WUlIstoo. N. D.. S-10; (Bijou Family) Grest Falls, Mont.. 12- 17. Scott ft Wilson (Grand) Sacramento, CsL; (Los Angeles) Los Angeles. 12-17. Sherman. Deforest A Co. (BIJon) Fargo. N. P. : (Bijou) Dnluth, Minn., 12-17. Marie (Grand) Colombo*. 0.. (Star) 12-17. Mmmrn. ft'Storke (Majestic)* Charleston, 8. C. : (Majestic) Jacksonville. Fla.. 1S-17. Swor A Mack (Orphenm) Denver. Sherlock, Frank: 514 W. ISSth St.. N. Y. C. i Stirling ft Chapman (Majestic) Spokane; (Ma- r Jestic) Seattle. 12-17. . -. Sully A Hnasey (Majestic) Bloomlngton. HI.: (MaJesUc) Xogansport, lnd.. 12-1T. Stafford. Prank, ft Co. (Mary Anderson) Lou- isville. . Spragne ft Dixon (Star) Ithaca. N. T. ; (Cres- • cent) Syracuse. 12 17. Snrtngford Twins (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex. i^Oepn^m?^ Cra^kS™ ; .' 8nlUvan. Daniel J.: (Majestic) Denver Col. Sampson ft Douglas (Majestic) Little Bock. I Art; (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex., 12-17. _ . ; Stephens. Hal. Co. (Orphetnn) BvsnsvtDe, Ind. ; ) Galveston. Tex., (Gr snd) Indianapolis, 12-17. - . ! SpUsell Bros, ft Co. (Orpbenm) Ogden. U., 12 " 1 17. _ 8-10. t Via '■ 1 1 a*"i I Santaqnlna. Aerial (Alpha) Denver. Ro«* ft El Is (FsmOy) Targo. N. D.; (Mnjrsttc) . 8nIUT « 0 . Harry, ft Co. (Trerett) Chicago: Ean Claire. Wis.. 12-17. (Kedsle Ave.) Chicago, 12-17. Bntan's Song Birds (Son) Marlon., O.; (Or- I gggg™ The (icademy) Buffalo: (Grand) pheom) TJrns 12-17. . Oleveland. 12-19. B,D r ^.. C l a Q' ,e i m!.. vSn iSonaghan. Lennox & Oo. (Empress) tPolfa) Springfleld Mags.. K-17. . (Unique) Minneapolis. 12-17. Redmond A Smith (Gaiety) St PanL , Sldonle. Mile. (BIJon) lows City. la.. 8-10. BnaaeU A Smith's Minstrels (Colonial) Norfolk. [ sm>n Johonv. A Sisters (Grand) St Loots Vs.: (Sbnoert) Utlca. N. Y., 12-17. Four (Orpbenm) Kansas r~ n) St. Panl. Minn.. 12-17. . Clayton 4 Belff (Empire) Milwaukee; . Tanner. Wm. 'laxa) Chicago. 12-17. I Tekara. Magi Holland. Geo.. A Co. (Grand) Cleveland; (Em- > spoils. press) Cincinnati. 12-17. ' Terrffl. Frank A Freda: 857 N. Orkaney s Rawia ft VonKanfman (Bijou) Dnluth. Minn.; i Phlla. (BIJon) Winnipeg. Can., 12-17. Tfxana ft Reynolds: 2717 Dumalne St., Ni . Rnhlvh A Childress (Orpbenm) Alliance. O. 1 _J DrI *» D *; ' kfi'oif. Claorte M. (Auditorium) Lynn. Mass. Thomas A Wright: SOS Wells St.. Chicago. ■ Boaalrea. The (Majestic) Bntte. Mont. 12-17. Romanoffs, Three': 133 17th st, RomoU. Bob: 218 Turner at. ZaneavDl*, O. Hoot ft White: 688. Flushing are., Brooklyn. Rosen. Chase: 45 W. 117th st, "N. Y. C. . Boaenes. The: 438 Llnwood st, Brooklyn. .. Boas A Green: 74 K_ 114th st, N. Y. C. Boas Sisters. Three: 65 Cnmerford at, Provt- r *- — «» L L: 43 Merlmsc st. Rochester. N.Y. vis: 1316 W. High st. Springfield. Baymond ft Hall (Unique) Minneapolis. Rod sera, darn (Unique) Minneapolis. "Boifonlans. The (Columbia) Cincinnati. Bound, Robert (Empress) Cincinnati. Bice ft Cohan (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. ■ Richards ft. Moatroas (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. worn"? | B man. jounnv, at sisters turana) ot Louis. 12-17. | st aalre. Winifred: Benton Harbor, Mich, i City. Mo.; (Or- ! Srmsn. Stanley (Grand) Hamilton, O. 7. Talbot Edith: 218 W. 34th st, N. Y. C. ' Boss. Eddie G. (Majestic) Houston, Jearlc) Montgomery. Ala.. 12-1T. eta (Orr" Bjan. ; (Ma- Midgets (Orpbenm) Dearer. Thos. J.. Rlcbleld Co. (Majestic) Mn- (Msjestlc) Chicago. 12-17. > A 8cott (Lyric) Dayton. O.: Columbus, 12-17. (Orpbenm) Minneapolis; (Ornheum) 12-17. Snzanne (Colombia) Cincinnati: (Mary Anderson) Louisville. Ky., 12-17. - Bnby. ft Oo^ (Teninle) Detroit; (Tem- ple) Rochester. N. Y-. _ Rathskeller Trio (Sinner's) dent) Chicago. 12-17. Rohrs. Three (BIJon) Winnipeg, Jesrtc) Bntte. Mont. 17-24. Boekway A Conway (Alrrlome) Chattanooga. Tenn.; (Orpbenm) Savannah. Ga.; 12-17. Rye^Gjo. VTTBn Three (. Joe ft Can ; (Ma 8. D.. Thompson, Melvln: 343 N. c. H. Yl 98M H. T. " A Tops. Topsy A Tops: n . i Tracer ft Carter: 717 6th are.. Seattle. Treat's, ("apt. Seals: Tonawanda. N. Y. Troy. Nelson ft Troy: R. F. D. Ho. t. Box 8. Sheboycan. Wla. Tnrncr A Glyndon: 1017 W. State St., Olean. N. Y. Tnrners. Musical: 1806 Felix St. St. Joseph. Mo. (Win Haii la burg, Pa. ; Ling Toy (Plana) Chicago. Stanley Sextette (Unique) Minneapolis. Swit Mmigan (Cobrmnla) Cln< ' Sameroff A Sanala . (Columbia ) Semon, Chaa. F. (Keith's) PbDa. BpadooL Panl (Keith's) Phlla. St Jobn A Bridges: 427 E. 58th St. N . Y. C- Sanford A ~ PhRv. Tom-Jack Trio (Orpbenm) (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga.. 12-17. Tarltrm ft Tarlton (Crystal) Holsmgton. Kan.. 8-10. Thomas. A. J.: 1401 W. 4th ave., KnorvIUe, I Tenn., 5-17. I Trolley Car Trio (Academy) Chicago; (Audi- t torlnm) Des Moines. la., 12-17. . Toner A Norman (Crystal) Milwaukee: (BIJon) 1 Osbkoah. 12-17. Tlnney, Frank (CnlomMs) St Lools. r. Tnton. Lnrne (BIJon) Augusta. Ga. T aorta. Harry (Orpbenm) Montreal; (Dotnlnlorj' I Ottawa. 12-17. Top O* Th' World Dancers (Orpbenm) i apoUs; (Orphenm) Buloth. - 12-ItT , Taylor. Mae (Star) Chicago; (Grand) Chlca-r 12-17. Terry A Schnlta (BIJon) Snperlor. Wis.; (Ma Jestic) Sioux Falls, 8. D.. 12-17. Torcat ft Fior d' Alias (Star) Chicago. TCmple Quartette (Orphenm) Oakland. Cat, 5- 17. Tambo ft Tambo (Empire) Sooth Sblelda. Eng. 12-17; (Empire) Edinburgh. Scotland, IP (Empire) Glasgow, 26-31; (Empire) Dublin. Ireland, 2-7. Tallman, Grest (American) Chicago. Tambo Dno (0. H. ) Danville. Danville. K^. . W°"LaJke at! TJllne A Ctonla Musicians (Parlor) Omaha. Neb.. 8-10 (Crystal) Ho. Platte. Neb.. 12-14; (Jewell Grand Island. Neb.. 15-17. Valentlnoe. Four Flying: The Billboard. Cin- cinnati. Valletta ft Lameon: 1329 St Clair are., Cleve- land. Valley Forge Comedy Four: 81 WUsey St., New- srk, N. J. • Valolae Bros.: 318 South are., Bridgeport, Coon. Van Aiken, Lillian: 10130 Parnell ave.. Chi- cago. Van-BarMey Co.: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. VanDalle slaters: 514 W. 135th st, N. Y. C. Vsn Horn. Bobby: 139 Best St. Dayton. O. Vanlon. Great: 672 South 5th st, Louisville. Variety Comedy Trio: 1515 Barth ave., Indian Vedmar. Bene: 3285 Broadwayi N. Y. C Vernon ft Beno: 1617 Division ave., Shreveport. ' La. Vernon. Panl: 614 N. Birch st, Creston. Is. Verno. Geo.: 2218 N. Lambert at. Phils. Veronica ft Hurl Falls (Empire) London, Eng., Dec. 13. Indef. Vice. Fred M.: 213 4th ave.. Homestead. Pa. VIctorlne, Mervyn: White Bats, Chicago. Vincent John B.: 820 OUre st, Indianapolis. Viola, Otto: 41 Sheffield are., Brooklyn. Vlrden A Dunlap: White Bats. N. Y. C Vontello A Nina: Continental Hotel, Chicago. VanAUen, Will (Orphenm) Cincinnati. VanEpps, Jack: Jackson. O.. 8-10. Vardoa. Perry ft Wnber (Grand) Victoria. B- C. Can.; (Grand) Tacoma. Waah.. 12-17. VlBocchL Anthony ft Andrew (Poll's) 12-17. Vagges. The (Los Angeles) Los Angeles; San Diego. 12-17. VauDyek A Fern (Bijou) Winnipeg, Jestic) Bntte. Mont. 12-17. VanHoff (Indiana) Marlon. Ind. Vivians. Two (Chaae'a) Wash., D. C; (3th Ave.) N. Y. C. 12-17. Van. Chaa. ft Fannie (Keith's) Columbus. 0. Van. Billy, ft Beaumont Sisters (Maryland) Bsl- (VIctorial^N. Y. C. _12-17. ft Tenney Viola Wstrrbury City, Mo. WQsoo. Geo. (MRes) Minneapolis. Waddell, Frank: 2321 Kedxle ave.. Chicago. Walker, Musical: 1524 Brooks! de st, IndUnapo- Fls. Waltons. Six: SB N. Snperlor st. Toledo. 0. Ward. Billy: care Bolch Vaudeville Circuit 265 Ward ft Wt Ward ft Ward. Si Tenn. • Warner's Juvenile Minstrels: 113M Jochlsm st, Mobile, Ala. '• Warren A Frauds: Box 643. Cheyenne. Wyo. Washer Waters. Jas. R. : N. Y. a - Watson's. Sammy. Farmyard Circus: 333 N. Pauls ave.. Jersey city. N. J. . Weadlck ft LaDne: White Bata. N. Y. C. Weber, Chaa. D.: 828 Taaker st. Phlla. Welch. Jsa. A.: 211 E. 14th st. N. Y. C Wentworth A Burns (Orph-nmV El Paso, Tex. Wesley. Lynn ft Una: Portsmouth. 0. West ft Benton: 81 School st. Bnffslo. N. T. West Dare Devil: Tremont Hotel. Danville. m. Western Union Trio: 2241 E. Clearteld St., Phfla. West Slaters: 1412 Jefferson ave.. Brooklyn. Weston Slaters, Three: 282 E. 201at st. Bronx. N. Y. Whitehead ft Orierson: '2466 8th are.. N. Y. C Whitman. Bros.: 1335 Chestnut St. Phlla. . Whitney. TRley: 30 Kane st, Buffalo. Wilkes, -Ada: Harrison. N. Y. Wllks. Monte ~ Williams, ~ Williams, Falls, Ore. Williams. Harry A.: 55 Sella ave.. Atlanta. Ga. wnia, Nat It: 801 W. 96th at. N. Y. C. Wills ft Haassn: 156 Manhattan are.. N. Y. 0. Wills ft Hutchinson: 258 W. 55th St. N. Y. C. Wilson, Grace: 1527 LaSalle ave.. — Wilson. LI nl e: 170 - Wilson ft Rich: 73 Wings tea. Minstrel: Wlthrow ft Glover: 862 N. Emporia a vs.. Its, Kan. Winston's Seals (Winter Garten) Dec. ML - Woifes. Musical: White Bata. Chicago. Wolf, Moore A Young: Gloncester. N. J. Wood. Milt: White Rata. N. Y. C. Wood. Ollle: 534 W. 158th St.. N. T. C. Woods. Lew: 503O Fainnoont st. St Louis. Woods Musical Trio: 1B11 W. Tucker st. Phils. Wormwood's Monkeys: 554 W. 49th St.. N. Y. 0. Wyckoff. Fred: 60 Water st. Lyons. N. Y. Wyll-s, The: 535 W. Bomana St.. Ban Antonio, Tex. Wysonr. Leslie E.: 423 N. 8th St., St. Joseph, Woods, Lew (Hippodrome) Huntington. W. Vs.. 8-10; (Hippodrome) Charleston, 12-17. Wllllsms ft Sterling (Happy-Hoar) Gainesville. Tex. Wsmer ft Rhodes: 110 W. Main at.. Palll. lad. Whitest one. Natty (Maryland) Baltimore: (Vic- toria) N. T. 0.. 12-17. CAN YOU BEAT IT? LOOK AT No stock paper, .1 9.50 PRICES FOR _ Send 4c stamps for 1910-11 ~ 10M 6X24 heralds, 2 sides,- ... 10M 12x18 heralds, 4 pagas ... 10M 14x21 heralds, « page* la 50 10M 9x12 heralds, 4 pages, book paper 12.50 10M 12x18 heralds, book paper, 4 pagan 17 DO 10M lOttxl* heralds, 4 pages, book i to nights, one side (6 forms, no casta.. 15.00 30M I 30M 3x8 to- nights, 6 SOM free tlcketa. . 10M SHsSM card beralda 9.00 1,000 4 ply tack cards, type 7.00 10M mstlnea tlcketa, 3x5)1 ■- 5.00 500 one sheets, type, one color 7.00 50O half sheets, one color. . .• 4.00 GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY , lit., U.S. A. YOUR NAME and ADDRESS Stamped on this basaSosaa anekaled ES Maes) Wsick Peft aga Uris ( beck k?f^.»«P. t22-J»ow Ingordera. Wsslaosupplv Manki hacks and slaapint ovists, ataarr grm. es) DspC tx.»Oosrna«y gt, Brooklyn. B.J. ORIGINATOR— NOT IMITATOR Opirth HiiYs Priaitn Th e easiest and quickest way to make my. Let them gather pennies (or day in and day oat The best for cigars and candies. Writs asyf.l.aisjsli.ra. LLUAinii $1.75 I have serretrsj of boxss that I will sail a For Sale— A Business An old, well established Sporting Goods Business with a general repair shop, tools and machinery. About 64.000. To wind up estate as owner la dead. $3,000 takes It Help will stay and ran It M. N. WRRTZ, Adnar.. ThomaevUIe, Oa. NUDE IN ART Double Snbjecta. 11x14 inches. 20c: Jeffries- Johnson Fight rllp- movement. ioc; Old Man Ornmp Pottery Statoe, 10c; Soccesa Card Ma- chines, (3.00; Penny Connters, 75c to SLaO; Brass and Alnmlnmn Cheeks, XI. 00 a 100: 37.50 a 1.000. gLOWIB MTO. CO.. ClneiPnatl. O. BENJAMIN BURGER SCENIC ARTIST IB y**TB. aaetUttard Tls»»slUsl St. 1 Mo. SxtLiiq/ of CfCfy de»crlptlca. LEARN TO BE A SPIELER Two complete, reliable book* OS that fonjoct. Anyone ean learn. Kan 115.00 to 325.00 per week. Both books.. 35c: no staaapa. W. H. DUKE, B. F. D. No. 3, PARTNER WANTED Micaf ictnrer of Intomatlc Mortar, Novel ties for Parka, Fairs and Cam! rait. C H. HI (JOINS. 1X30 Sycamore St.. Cincinnati. O. HOTICE— -Jikc'a Showmen's Besdq Barters en- larged, taking In bolldlna east. Boom for all. Glass covered photo board; showmen's lunch at noon; call and see; greatest retreat In the world. 1028 Market St., St Loots. Mo. ' SMITH'S PLAK" — Greatest money-maker ever devised; nets 820 to 840 weekly. Can b; worked In every town from coast to coast "Oat next" Psrtlculsrs free. MOMABCH COMl'iNY, 488 Main Street, Bonne Terre, Mo, GUMMFD LABI Two colon, 33c per thousand up, STANDARD STICKER CO., 1342, Rotherford, New Jersey. TO PEOFESHOH-AL DECORATORS— Wben lo need of flags, emblematic poll-downs. Masonic, Odd Fellows. Elks. etc.. or Jobs In " material a, thins* yon can't get elsewh to THE WESTERN FIREWORKS CO., Denver, Colorado. Do It Now. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Bfj^SME Other tb"atrlcsl lob prices. Warner Show Philadelphia. Pa. ROW TO START JR SHOW XUaMVXM. (Copyright), 8 different books, 10c. AH acts. FRED M0RPHET*8 SCHOOL. 837 N. 12th Street. Philadelphia, Pa. . ORANGE MFG.CO.; os *~ 3 %? LARGEST THEATRICAL COSTUMERS IN AMERICA SfMVlat tttmtliw to Indlvldo*' nrrt-ri. may nnry of rb*> world, »ny p*tin4, Bnohrrtt* a&d AnkU - MtllUrr oalformi ■&/ army of tho worid M for colot%& OataJoc No. T. DECEMBER 10, 1910. Wlnkler-Kreaa Trio (Bnea'e) Toronto; (Park) Eric. Pa.. 13-17. Waehlngton * Prince Trio (Olob«) Kanaaa CUT. Mo. Wcnrlck * Waldon (Park) Brio, pa. _ Williams, Ore«t (BlJoo) Jollet. III.: (BIJou Elgin. 13-17. Wood*. W. J.. * Co. (Orpnenm) Prceport, ni. Wakahama Troop* (Bijou) Oreen Bay, Wli.. 8-10; (Bijou) Appletoo. 1J-1T; {Cry»t*l) Manitowoc. 17-10. Waabbnrn * WB*on^( Archer); St. Joaepb, Mo., 12-17. Wheeler*. The Australian (Orpbeom) Denrer. Wlllard A Bond (Prlnceaa) Hot Spring*. Ark. Waabbom, Pearl: SO Cathedral Parkway, N t. a Waaber Broa, (American) Cincinnati. Williams A Gordon (kCaJearJe) Jackaonmie. n*. William* * Segal (Lyric) Dayton 0. Wright. Lillian: Birmingham. Ala. Wornelle A Nelaoo (Colonial) at. Loola. Sarlers, Four: 2144 W. 20th at.. Cnlcago. Vamamoto Broa.: Wlncbaatcr, a feeble. Walter W.: The Billboard. Chicago. York*. Tne: GdlO Preacott are.. 8t_ Loots. Mo. Tonne, Ethyl: 18 W. Ohio at., Chicago. Young. Dewttt, A Slater* (Grand) Sacramento, CaL; (American) San Frandaco. 12- 17. Yaekley * Bunnell Go. (Majestic) Dallas. Tea.: (Majestic) Houston, 12-17. Young. OUle. A April (Poll's) (Poll's) Sprlngneld. 12-17. Zeno * Mendel (Orphenm) Dalian. Zamloh A BUlle : 1000 62nd at., Oakland, CaL Zeradoa Broa.: HDlyart, Waah. Zlegier Trio: Tbs ACTS WITH MISCELLAWE- n, Billy B.: DeBne Broa. y, Ben: Pair of Pinks. Caatano, Id ward: Tba Midnight So — Connelly, Lloyd * Grace: Kleiner • OnmadUna. DeVere A Devere: Two Awerlran* DnBerry Blatare: Frank J. power*' Hypnotic Shown. El Us. Harry: Yogel'a Minstrel*. _ Falrcblld; Bell: Frank J. Power*' Hypnotic Show. Goa*. J no.: Togel'a Mlnatrela. ana m Jackaon: Mattnao OH Co. - Harrison, Leo P.: Fighting Parana. nmjAmm Family: B^kl"""* Famooa Slow a. Herabey: Togel'a Minstrels. . - -- - - HtTerly, Silent: Walden Co., Magician*. Jooe* * onum: Tale Stock Co, Lsiwy Ac Adsms: DeBae Broa.' Minstrels. Powell, Clarence: Btcharda * Prlngle Minstrels. Pollen, Loella: Keith'. Stock Co. _ Simpson. Oacar: Crawford'! Dnda Zeke Co. Stanton A Kin tin*: Brawn from Miami ill I Co. Tomer A Powell: Joanna 81m n kln * Co. ' Bell 81*tera: Khoda Royal'* Indoor Clrcni. ACTS WITH BURLESQUE FIB swt Was*, bslaw. liwUnatlng ' • ■•> • •• **a • *• •_• • • •• »«"_•' Bams of Ad Adsms At onhl: Girts from Dixie. Adams A wtataldi Harry Halting* SB Allen A Clark: Robinson Cronos Girl*. Alela A K«*ary: Tiger Lille*. Alpine Quartette: Bowery Bnrli American Qnartrtt*: American*. Armstroog*. Three: jv Show. HtppyUnd. r-DeVoe Trio: Dainty ' oaanant*. Three Joggling: 0 Iris Banta*. Poor: Colnmbla Barrett * Ball*: Robin* Barr Slarera: OoDeaw Olrls. Barto A XcCoe: Midnight Maiden*. Belmont, Hay: Century Girl*. Bennett * Boae: Boss Sydell'a London Belles. Bernbard A Dunham: Bohemians. Barron, oim. at Co.: Sollicker*. Bliek ft White: Oiri* from Bappyland. Black. Jno. J., A Co.: Miss New York. Jr. Boon en. The: Brigadier*. Brady g, Mabooey: Irwin'* Big Snow. Brown, Lea A Green: Barton. Joe: Cherry Borne tt A Gear: Oentnry Olrls. Bnseh- DeVere roar: Al. Reerea* Beaoty Show. Cabin. Wm.: Al. Bee re*' Beaoty Show. Campbell A Parker: Boa* Sydell 1 * London 1 Campbell * Webar: Boa* Sydell'a Lon " Cirmelo'* Parisian Model! : Broads Girl*. Chick * Chick! era: Brigadier*. Criapl. Ida: Irwta'* Big Show. Clair, Ida: Oony Corner Girl*. Cole A Warner: Sollicker*. H.: Ml** New arrow: Kantneky Bell _ A Mile*: Fad* ft Folllea, Oollln*. Elmer P.: Sam T. Jack'* Collins A Hawley: Tsnkee E Colllna A Sherry: Pennant Cook A 8yMa: Vanity Fair. Cooper A Brown: Bon Ton*. Cooper. In. B. A Lncla: Jersey Lille*. Corbett. Ada: Ml** New York, Jr. Contrary SI iter*: Bellman Show. Craig Btcby: Cory Corner Girl*. Ostaiton Broa. : Midnight Maiden*. Col too A ,.,-,,» Croaby, Haael: Jersey L1U«. Cortln ft Steren*: Century Girls, i Dacre, Loole: Folllea of the Day. Darts A Harris, Misses: Jardln d* Parte Glrla. Doming ft Alton: American*. De Wolfe, Linton A Lanier: Lore Maker*. Dixon A Hearn: Yankee Doodle Girl*. Dixon. Belle: College Glrla. Dobertye. The: Americans. Dollar Troupe: Beanty Traat. Dreamland: Dreamland Borlesqner*. Donedln Troupe: Boo Ton*. Duett*, Vlolette: Moulin Bouge. Edwards, Chaa. r., * Co.: Cherry Bloaaoms. Elliott, Maude, A Co.: Jersey Lilies. Ellsworth. Mr. A Mr*. Harry: Century Girls. Kmerle. Mile.: Lady Buccaneer*. Emerson A Hills: Bobtnaon Crusoe Girls. Brerett. Gertrude: Fads * Folllea. Feeley A Kelly: Bon Ton*. Flike, Oartrode: Brigadier*. Florede. Nellie: Columbia Bnrleeqoer*. Foo, Ah Ling: Bohemian*. Frnnela At Decry: Imperials. Frank Slaters: Ml** New York, Jr. Fran*. Slg. A Edith: Ginger Glrla. Freeman Broa.: Girls from Hsppyland. Gallagber A She an: Big Banner Snow. Garden. So mm er« A Nleodemu*: Girl* Happy land. • ■ Ollmore. Mildred: Broadway Gaiety Glrla. Golden. Sam: Washington Society Girls. Goldle, Annette: . Big Banner Show. Goodner A Hngbes: Imperial*. Gordon Highlander*, Musical: Parisian widow*. Grant A Catling: Pat White's Gaiety Grisaille A Mack: Cherry Blossoms. Green. Winifred: Runaway Girl*. GroTe* * Clare: Parisian Widow*. Hall Broa.: Vanity Fair. HanVwifi The: Pennant winner*. Hanson A Bonet: Lady Buccaneer*. HarcooTt, Frank: Cracker Jack*. Harcoort, Daisy: Tiger Lille*. Harlowe, Beatrice: JoOy Americans. Follies or the Day. Hayes" A Reynolds: Folllea of the Day. Haxelton * Hunt: Wuhlnrton Society Glrli. Hearn, Bam: Follies of Cm Day. Helen* LsBeDe: Kentucky Belles. Hill, Cherry At Hill: Harry Hastings' Show. HDton, Marie: FOUlot of the Day. H olden A Harron: Knickerbocker*. Howard At Lewi*: Vanity Fair. Homes * Lewis: Pat white'* G Imboff. Conn A Corlnne: Fads A Irwta, Roth: Irwin'* Big Show. Jamas, Prior A Algter: Jersey Lilies. Jinaen A Fltxgerald: Bowery Burlesqnera. Jemkin* A FlaTln: Tiger Lille*. Johnston A^ickley:^ " K«ufinan** Sawtetla: Kelly A Rio: ' t A Co.: 1 Jolly Glrla. A" n ^. W K^rtaek.«. Krpp A Klppy : KntcxernocaTera. Ktrk. ■limi t Beauty Trust. . LsFreya: Marathon Glrla. Lang, Karl: Gtrla from Dixie. Lawrencn At Thomnaon: Bohemli Lea Butsatn: Moulin Bonze. Leatltt A Campbell: Jardln d* Lefnar A Clayton: . Tiger Lille*. Lerner. . Dare : Americana. Leroy, Loretta: AL K) Lewis A Green: Dainty Docbesa. J Lease tte A Her Modes*: Rector Girl*. Lretxmaton. Cora: Jardln de Parte Girl*. -. Loekwood suters: Star show Glrla, . !. Rita. A Co.: Tiger. 1411c*. Payne: Cherry Bloaaoma. ya Foot: imperials. _ A Layering: . Cosy Corner girl*. Majestle Moslcal Four: Broadway Gaiety Girl* Mardo At Hunter: Cosy Corner Girl*. Marlon, Dare: Dreamland Burleaouer*. Marlon At Tboenpsoo: Girls from Dixie. Marion A Lillian: Oratory Glrla. Mario, Louise. Bad Baren Cadets; Vanity Fair. Starr gs Brans: Irwin's Big Show. Marshall A King: Golden Crook. Marten Family: Kentoeky Belle*. Martin A Ware: -Lady Buccaneers. Martin A Da nasal: Duckling*. McDonald * Price: Duckling*. _ Mclntyra * Acker: Folllea of tt* _pay. McGarry and McOarry: Pena McGregor. Bandy: Brigadier*. Melrose Comedy Poor: Lady . II Queen* of the Jardln de Paris. Bennett. A Co.: Mta* New York, Jr. Four: Golden Crook. Moore, Helen Jeaale, A Co.: Colombia Bnr leaqoer*. Morln Bister*: Bowery Bnrleaquer*. Morton. Ed.: Marathon Girl*. Mullen A txmgan: Serenader*. Murphy. Frank, * Co.: Star Show Girl*. Nadell A Beti: Rolllckera. Nlblo A Spencer: Parisian Widow*. O'Brien. Frank: Colnmbla Borleaqoers. Orpheus Comedy Four: Qoeena of the de Parte. %^iJ?*SSL£a2m Glrla. ' Patridga. Mildred: Kentucky Bene*. Peateon. Goldle A HIU: Ginger Glrla. Pearl a Meehan: Sam T. Jack'* Buriewjuwra. Pbelp*. Aogoata: Jirdra de Parti Gtrla. Prcnro Troupe: Parisian Widows. Plroacona* Family. Fire: Cracker Jack*. Pott*r-H»rtw*U Trio: Big Banner Snow. Powder At Capstan: Folllea of New York and Part*. . .-eroat A Brown: Moulin Rouse. Reded A Hartley: Star Show Glrla Bald. Wakefield ft Jackson: Runaway Gtrla, Rarer* A Voir: Pennant Winners. Roattna. Adeltna: Queen* of the Jardln de Paris. Robinson, Chaa.: Robinson Crusoe Girl*. Romas. Six English: Irwin'* Big Show. Katharine: Duckling*. ' At Georgette: Pat White** Gaiety Girl*. " ~Boa*. Prima Donna with COLLEGE GIRLS COMPANY SHOES This Srjli fa Coif, fief lid, Friiebiid, For Stage Folk In vast variety of styles, for every i^JjlT' purpose and occasion. All leathers. $3.00 ' satin and velvet. SPECIAL Ballot Sll pa, $1 Slippers, - • $3.50 $4.00 Ortfllnatadand I Do*lon*d by Wa wgg *a»r-aww pay mm a >m«g| 58 Third Ave., New York. MAIL ORDERS TO ANY DESTINATION. JAMES E. COOPER ===== PRESENTS - = CO. LEON ERROL PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN . James E. and Lucia Cooper "CHATTERING CHUMS" Johnnie "THE MON FRA Hazel Crosby •THE SMALLEST PRIMA [DONNA 111 BURLESQUE" Millar Musical Four Stella Chatelaine "THE RAG DANCER* Robert f PLAYING THE LIGHT COMEDY ROLES AT LIBERTY FOR SEASON 1911 Sensational Fire Dive 100 ft. INTO 6ft. OF WATER BALLOON ASCENSIONS DAY OR NIGHT - 15 Year* of Refer* rtoa . CHAS. WILLIAMS, 2652 lulftr Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. I FOR SALE! Finest and Biggest Money Making AIRDOME IrTtha Middle Wast. Located on Main Street. Choicest Spot in 7-d»y City of 20,000; 200 miles from Chicago, with No Competition. to I I heavier interests taking hi* time. Aetdraaa "AIRDOMC." Car* billboard, Chicago. '_ 72 The Billboard DECEMBER 10. 1910. Bears. Gladys: Mldnleht Selblol A Grorlol: wut 8emou Duo: Ginger Girls. Serosa, , T SheppeU, Sheridan. Sparrow. Marie: Parlalan Sr. Clair. Fanale: Boa Xoi Stewarts, Mimical : Sam T. Stroaxse. Jack: Golden Crook. Society Trio: Cherry Blossoms. Thornton, Geo.: Bowery Borlesqaers. Tombes. Andrew: College Girls. Tniedo Fonr: Beauty Trnat. Vslrroo at La mo re: Yankee Doodle Girls. Yalroorr, Loin A Mildred: Botaemlans. Van Karen. Helen: Lady Buccaneers. Ton Tons. Follies of the Day . : Marathon Glrle. Tyoer, Id j I la: AI. Beeree' Beanty Show Ward, wni J.: Follies of the Day. Watson Sisters: Dainty Duchess. Welch * Malt land: Vanity Fair. Weston £ Waldroa: Stir Snow Girls. White. Boneta. Balloon Girl: Brigadiers. Wllllama. Mollis. * Co.: Cracker " Wllllama 4 Brooks: Cracker Jacks. Wood Bros.: Vanity Fair. . Worm & Wolfe: Merry Mai Yale * Orloff: Cosy Corner Yankee Doodle Abbott. Frank: Manager Parisian Widows. Ab rants, Edw. J.: Agent The City, Eastern Co. C. F.: Manager Martin's U. T. C. Alloa, Tbos.: . era Co. Allen. Harry: Manager Third Degree. Co. B. Allen, Jack: Manager Allen Stock Co. Allen. Sim: Manager House of a Candles. Hen. C Altmanf O. : Agent Pally of the Circus. _.!e: Manager Base Statu Co. Dare: Brace. Bert B. : Agent Wilson's Two Orphans Co. Bryan, Brysot. H. J.: Agent Golden Girl. : Manager Girl " Bockley. Jos.: Manager Otis Buell. F. T.: Agent Madame Bulkley. chss. T. : Manager Bollen. Bossing, Harry B. : Bolter. Ormond H. : dlford Co. Cable, Geo. P.: Agent The Squaw Man, South- ern Co. Calo. Maurice: Ageat In I _ Calder. Frank: Manager Ducklings. Caldwell. A. E.: Manager Call -of the Wild. Caldwell, J as. : Agent Peck's Bad Boy. Callahan, Cuaa. S.: Agent Beverly. Campbell. Win. S.: Manager Hose SydeU's Lon- don Belles. Campbell. Jno.: Agent Just Out of College. Canny, A. II.: Manager Mine. Kazlmora Co. Canity, C. S>.: Agent Sis Hopkins, "isad. Campbell B. : Agent Dollar Princess. No 2. Caven. Col. J. E. : Manager Squaw Man, West- ern Co. ■ E- P.: 'Agent MORT. H. SINGER'S ATTRACTIONS 1010-1911- Princess Theatre Bldg., HENRY In the Song Comedy, 'The (ienlns BARRY BUG In "The directed by Mr. Singer, OLIVE VAIL In "Miss Nobody from Stnrland' LEON A WATSON In "The Golden Girl'* JOSEPH E. HOWARD In "The Goddess of Liberty" VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES time. to break their SfDfl In y on r i York, we would be pleased at all times to ssslat yon, and can book yon , troi tbe beat time lo thla locality, and performers of ability can alwaya get time, we only book responsible bouses. ROYER'S VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Tol. 1117 COURT. Rooms. 205-6-7. Appole, Bldg., 238 Fourth Ay.. PITTSBURG, PA. Clark. Clauxmai Clifford, Camp. Conn, Edwin J.i Manager Tbe Bound-Up, Conn. 1.: Agent Hans 'Hanson. Cohn. Bobt^J.:^ Manager Soul KlM.^Eastera Co. Com no. H. D.: •treat. Cone. Joe. W.: Manager Consadlne. D. A.: " Conway. Geo;: Cooley. P. M.: Baby. No. 2. Cook. Chan. Emerson: Manager Gertrude Elliott Co. Cooper. Jaa. E.: Manager Jersey Lilies. Corbett. Edw " Cory. H. B,: Cosgrove. J.: Manager Frederic Clarke Co. Coat an, Geo.: CoottS, J DO. K. Bsby, No. 2. Name Andrews, Co. Fred O.: Andrews. B. C: Manager Paid In Full. Ankerm tiler. Emll: Manager Bailey A Austin Co. Appletoo. Geo. J.: Manager Marine Elliott Co: Manager Virginia named _ B. A.: Agent Chocolate Soldier. Ider, A. W.: Agent Blanche Wslsh Co. . c. B. : Agent Chaoscey Olcott Co. Bailey. Harry A.: Manager The Thief. Bailey, L. B.: Manager Clara Lipman Co. Jno. T.: Manager Star Show Girls. Agent The Thief. Co. Beard, Geo. Francis: Agent Raymond Hitchcock Co. Becbtol. F. O.: Agent Daniel Boone on the " Western Co. : Agent Allen Stork Co. i: Agent Maxlne Elliott Co. Benjamin. Paol Benson* Wql: Manager Volunteer Organist. Bernstein. Robe: Agent Pat White's Gaiety Girls. Beyuier. Joe: Agent Girl In the Kimono. Blgelow. Joe: Agent Ward and Yokes Co. Block. Fred: Manager Right of Way. Bin men thai, Geo.: Manager Naughty Marietta. Bodlne, C. W.: Agent Hearts of tbe Rockies. Bolsn, Ben.: Agept Midnight Maidens. Bond. Rollin; Agent Lottery Man. Booth, C. n. : Manager Madame X. Western Co. Botto, Walter D.: Agent Henry Woodruff Co. -Bowman, Chas. E. : Manager Grace Cameron Co. Boyer, W. T.: Manager Ninety and Nine. - Bradbury. Harry: Agent Port of Missing I" Brsden. Edw. A.: Agent Elsie Janls Co. Bradfield, A. Mayo: Manager moon. Central Co. Bradford. Walton: Manager G Bradford, Chaa.: Agent Eddie Foy Co. Brady, 8- E. : Agent Squaw Man, Western. Co. Brady. S. W.: Agent School Days. Brady, J. Tboa.: Agent Century Girls. Brags;. Chas.: Agent Knickerbockers. Brandon, Chas.: Agent Cow and the Moon. Paid In Full Co. Brill, W. H.: Agent Bright Eyes. Brooke, Chas. H. : Manager County Sheriff. Stewart's My Co. CO. _ F. K_: Agent Madame- X. V.: Manager Stetson's V. T. a Co. _ . _ ii£ ii — Co. Manager Through Death V el- Coyne, If. C: Crane, Chas. L. ley. Cranston. W.: Manager Wade'a Time, tbe Place and the Girt Co. - Crosman, Forest B.: Manager As the Sun Went Down. Crulckshank, Frank C: Agent Katy Did. TT.nli>rh,m Ss m net z Manager flVMn.. Am. Co. 'a Paid In Foil. Cm-ran, Jno.: Agent In tbe Bishop's Carriage. Carry. D. C: 7 Cutter, Wallace It.: ■ 1ly. • ' - »re '" Cutler, Fred 8.: Manager Sllrer Daly. Jno. P.: Manager Henry Miller Co. Parldson. Harry: Agent Walker Whiteside Co. Davidson, Ed.: Manager Robinson Crusoe .Girls. Davis, Harry: Agent Third Degree, Co. A. Dsrls. Lester A. : Agent Paid la Fall. Dawson, Stanley F-: Agent Checkers. Dayton, Brightly: Agent Ge sIsslppL D'Arcy. H. A.: Agent John Mason Co. Dean, Tunis F. : Manager Frances Starr Co. Decker. W.: Agent Broken Idol. Delaney, Eddie: Manager Sis Perkins. Delmore. L. : Manager Human Hearts. Sooth- DeMllt, Jos.: Manager Checkers. Dempsey, C. F. : / Agent Gentleman from Mis- Agent Bose 8tsbl Co. : Manager Deep l*urple. c Manager Girl from Bee- Co. Dennis, Harry c: Agent Girl and tbe Desaaaer, Sam: Agent World of Pleasure. Diamond, Ed. s. : Manager Going Some. Dibble, L. H.: Agent Shadowed by Three. Dixon, Henry P.: Manager Big Berlew. Doberty. Cameron W.: Agent Prince of Hla Race. Dolan. E. J.: Agent The Rosary, Southern Co. Dolson. Alfred I_: Donaghey, Fredertcl Dontuetta, Lewis K tor's. Donogboe. Chaa. P.: Starland. Dorney. Jos-: Agent Star Show Glrle. Dorney, Richard: Manager Lillian Russell Co. Dnrthlck. Wallace: Agent Tbe Burgomaster. Drew. WU1 N.: Manager Tiger Dochemln. A. A.: Agent Harry Kelly Co. DuCoIn, Frank: Agent Three Weeks. Dngan. Tiffany: Agent Trocaderos. Dnggan. Walter S.: Agent Tbe Bossry. Agent Tbe City. Manager Wm. Gillette Co. Agent Cst and tbe Fiddle. Agent The Thief, No. 1. _.. Manager Cherry Blossoms. Elifelt, Kurt: Manager May Irwin Co. Elliott. .Will M-: Agent J. B. Dodaon Co. Elmer. Harry: Manager The Nigger. Elmore. Geo. : Manager Hons* of S Candles, Co. A. Eastman, Adolpb: Eherle, Bobt. M. : Eckhardt. C. W.: Edtuooston, Jos.: Edwards. Chss. F.: New York Rap WANTED, at a" enRftfemeo ts. SHEREK & BRAFF, Ltd. THJEATRICAL ^VAUDEVI LLC MANAGER S tntlve, MAURICE H. ROSE, Room 6, 1*40 Broadw. 1 acta, desiring Ear THE LIBERTY VAUDEVILLE CONTRACTING CO. 711-712-713 FULTON BUILDING, PITTSBURG, PA. i~ CLAIRE Mclaughlin, a.norel Han.g.r Extends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everybody on Earth MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MORGANSTERN, Pittsburg, Pa. I ACCOUNT BOOK RECEIPTS and EXPENSES Cloth cover, pocket size, 10 cents, postpaid. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. 416 Elm Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO. THEATRICAL MANAGERS EUGENE COX VFIMFRY (In It.) 1 528 ftfl lira Strati. 0116180. ^VjUl ^ JUJI J. AT LIBERTY A Spirited, Experienced Organizer and Director of Bui, Orcftestra, Opera Coapairj, Choral Stciatte in) Itasfcal tBtftrtim. Bsst rafS'Sness. Only taiponilbl. p.rty tlMd aniwtt. Address "ORGANIZER," - - car* Billboard, Cincinnati, O. MIDGET AT LIBERTY In Tauderoie as Dutch comedian, single. Most Tcrsatu* sotce. Smaller than the famous Tom Thumb. 28 years of COUNT, care The Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. Automatic Banjos for Orat-class late model, high-powered Automobile Runabout, good as new. Picture Mschlnes, Sapho, or Mills' Address WM. TOMPKINS. Illon, New York. For Op Sale and mechanically COLE & ROGERS' SHOWS WANT-GOOD INSIDE SIDE-SHOW MAN, Midway Dancer. Lavere, write. All privileges for sale. No graft. Add BILLBOARD. Show opens early in Febru ary. Will buy long sleeper for Wanted-Acts of All Descriptions for LaMar and Ward's Big Mid. winter Circus Auspices F. O. Eagles, Bloomlngton, III., Week Dae. 26th. Add. ED. LAMAR, Mgr.. S1S E. Wood St.. Bloomlngton. III. LOOK! a»«S IS the BIO OKE— cbrlstmaa week at lake Village, Ark., under aosplcea Firemen. Bis rail FestlrgI, and eTerjrtblng Is os the streets; In the heart of the dry. WANTED— Sbows of erery description, also Mrrrr Oo Bound. Concessions #10; no ez'elnslves. sod OTerythlng fixed. Sbows 23 per cent.' Wanted to near from good Free At tr,ctloni. Statu all In Brit letter. No time to fool. .Under matugrment Will Horiehal and T. H. Ktnkade. / Lake Village, Ark. p. s.— Thla la no Caralral Company. THE BILLBOARD'S CLASSIFIED BUSINESS . DIRECTORY GIVES THE ADDRESSES OF AIXi THE LEADERS. . DECEMBER 10, 1910, The Billboard 73 Manager Marxaret IIHsf- JLgeal Mack'* Hypnotic . Comedy Msnaxer Bed Mill. Agent Bo«allod at Bed Gate, Eisner. Edward W.: ton Co. Elston, J. A. Co. Emery, H. B.: Emery. Boy C. KaatetD Co. Epateln, Louis: Manager Merry Whirl. . Etteo, Wm. 3. : Agent Elsie Janla Co. Ersna, Kobt. il.z Manager Tbo Spendttarlft, Baatern Co. Brans. Maurice J.: Manager The City, Eastern Co. Ererett, Edward: Agent Al. H. WUaon Co. Farobam, Harry: Manager Millionaire Kid. Fsnst, Jack: Manager Century oirla. redrla, Joo. M.: Manager Chaoncey Olcott Co. Felta, J a*, a.: Manager Wm. Macanley Co. Manager Mlaa New York. Jr. Agent Man or the Hoar. Eaet- Feoneaay, Wm.: Fetleka, Jno. : era Co. Flelda. Chaa.: Flnberg, Abe: Flnley. W. A.: Flaher, K. R. Fisher, 8am: Agent Summer Wldowera. Agent Americana. . Agent Eaat Lynn*. Agent Vanghan Olaeer Co. Agent Hippy Hooligan. Fltchett. Ben T.: Agent Pennant Winner*. FItxgerald. Gerald: Agent Honeymoon Tr Fleck. Fred. Jr.: Agent Chinatown Trunk Mya- tony. Fleck. Fred F. : Manager Olrl from Sector'*. Florida. Geo. A.: Agent Girl from Rector'*. Floyd, Walter: Agent Cyril Scott Co. Ford. B. 8.: Manager Ssnford Dodge Co. Ford. Geo. D. ■ Agent Jefferaou DeAngells Co. Foreman, J. W.: Agent Kentucky Belle*. Foreman. Chaa. B.: Manager Kentucky Belle*. Folaom. Arthur: Agent The Shoemaker. Foeae. Urals J.: Agent Cecil Bpooner Co. Foster. Boht.: Manager Ell and Jane, Soathern Co. . fox, L. C: Agent Sodden of Liberty. • Frank. Wm.: Manager Ethel Bannon Co. Fraokel, Jo*. W.: Agent Baby Mine, Wee tern Co. - Frankland. Geo. W. : Manager St. Elmo Co. Freedman. Samoel: Agent Cyril Scott Co. Freeman. W. W.: Manager Midnight Freeman. Frank E. : Agent Queen of Friedman. Leon: A cent Polite* or 1810. Friedman, Philip: Manager The Climax. Fulton, Jan.: Manager Golden Crook. Falcon. Harry S.: Agent Montgomery A Stone Co. Fulton. Jeaa: Manager Bowl and A CllSord'i Wolf Co. Oalbralth. Ted E. : Agent Vogel'a Minstrels. Gale. Howard: Agent Three Twin*. Wcatern Co. Gardner, Doc: Agent Olrl In the Kimono. GarileM. B. JeT.: Manager Candy Girl. Garyn, w. B. : Manager Venetian Glaaer Co. Geraon, Sam: Agent The City. Gibbon*. J. Frank: Agent The Climax. Olffen. B. I_: Agent Mr*. Flake Co. Oilman. W. Mil Manager The Snnasr Man. Glennoo. Joo. L.: Agent Olrl la the Taxi. ' Glletautr Co**.: Manser BoaaJlnd at Bed Gate. Western Co. Ooett, Geo.: Baby, NO.-1. Ooettler. Alpbonae: OoJden ."»«: ^ijteot Oordlnler. Clyde H. : ertolre Co. Oordlnler. E. O. tolre Co. Gordon, Max: Agent Goring. Jno. P.: Manager Firing Gorman. Wm. K.: Agent Fourth Eatate. Gorman. Alex n.: Manager Rollick er*. Grady. Hash A.: Manager Julian rating* Co. Grainger, Jaa.: Agent The City. Eaat era Co. Or*****. Walter: Manager Pat Walt*'* Oalety Girls. Green, Maurice: Agent Robert HlUIard Co. Greene. Arthur A.: Agent Robert Mantcn Co. Greenway. Harry: Agent Klaalng Girt. Grew, Jno.: Agent Human Heart*. Northern Co. . Oroda, Igay: Manager Dreamland Burleaqoera. Oranlt. -Henri: Agent Prince of P11**Q- Ounn, F. T. : Manager O'Neill's Paid In Full Co. Gnran, Dare: Agent Lore Maker*. Bale, Geo. M. : Agent Bohemian*. Hale, Jno. 8,: Manager Wright Lorlmer Co. Hale, W. M.: Manager Lion and the Moot*. Hammett. MelelUe: Manager The Lily. Hamberger, Alfred P.: Manager Lonla Mann Co. Hamburger. Al.: Manager Mother. Hanley. Joa.: Manager Eaat Lynne. Hardy. Marlborough: Manager Raster Brown. Harrla, Arthur: Agent Girla from Dixie. Harris, Wm., Jr.: Manager Robert Edeaon Co. Harrla. Geo. H.: Manager Gentleman from Ml. alsslppl. Harrison, Sam: Manager Adeline Gene* Co. Barley, Bnrt: Agent Ninety and Nine. Harmon. W. F. : Manager My Cinderella Girl. Victor: Manager Rddl* Fby Co. i.jTwl XLj ^qnderelU QM. Haakell. Chaa.: Agent The Arcadians. Haynea, D. W.: Agent VloU Allen Co. Haywerd. Fred A.: Manager Blue Monae, *w era Co.* JJearn, Harry B.: Manager Meaaage from Reno. Hearn. James: Agent Kentucky Belle*. Heath. Percy: Agent Mule Damo*rl. Hedgea. Harry if: Agent College Glrlt. flefferlln. Chaa. H.: Manager Three Weeka. Heltman. Dan: Agent Ma* L* Porte stock Co. Herman, A. w.: Manager School Daya. Herndon. Richard: Manager Olrl of My Dream*. Hertamaa. Ciss. L.: Agent Victor Moore Co. Hewitt. J. n.: Manager of Ole Olaen. Hewitt, Win. Jndklns: Agent Oreat Power* Co. Heater. Wm.: Agent Call of the Wild. Hlhben. E. H. : Agent Bohemian*. Hill. H. P.: Manager.The Burgomaster. Hllbourn. R.: Manager Bowery Detectlre. East- ern Co. Hllboum. Tom: Agent Bowery DeteetlTe. West- ern Co. Hoidley. Fred R. : Manager Billy, the Kid. Hogarty. Jon.: Manager Lillian Knaarll Co. Hodgeman. Thoa.: Manager Prior* or Hoffman. Envln: Agent House of * Candlea. Co. A. Hogan. Prank: Agent Louis Mann Co. Hogan. Jno. B.: Manager Wagenhala A P*td In Full Co. mm Co. H. Wilson Co. Hon lugs worth. Frank: Agent As the Sun Went Down. Holly, Chaa. M.: Manager Man of the Hour, Xaatern Co. Holmes, Ned: Agent Grace Van Studdlford Co. Hope, I. W.: Agent Merry Widow, Eastern Co. Hope, Jno. V.: Manager Olrl In the Taxi. Hope, Francis X.: Manager Adelaide Thnraton Co. Hopklne, Frank: Manager Richard Carle Co. Hopper, Geo. F.: Manager Ward A Votes Co. Hoskln. W. H. : Agent Final SetUement. Hottenaleln, Fred: Agent An Aristocratic Tramp. Houghton, Arthur J.: Manager Montgomery A Stone CO. Hoorer, 0. L.: Agent Chase-Lister Co., North- em. Howard. Jo*. M. : Manager Queens of the Jar- din d* Part*. Howard. Wm. H.: Agent Ell and Jane. South- ern Co. Howe, Ben H.: Manager Daniel Boone on the Trail, Eastern Co. Hoffman. Erwln: Agent House of a Thousand Candle*. Co. A. Hughes, T. E.: Agent The Squaw Man. Hunt. Geo. B. : Agent Right of Way. Hurst. Frank- Agent Rowland A Clifford'* Wolt Co. Hurtlg. Lou: Manager Ginger Girls. Hut too. J. 8.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hyde, J. Clarence: Agent Frances Starr Co. Isaac, Phil B. : Manager College Girls. Jack, B. B. : Manager The Spendthrift, Western Co. Jacks. Billy: Agent Barnum-Raffcla Sensations. Jackson, WUUa P.: Manager Rosalind at Red date. Eastern Co. Jackson, Harry J.: Manager Beulah Poynter Co. Jacobs, Maurice: Manager Moulin Rouge. Jaeobaon, Clarence: Manager Country Boy. Co. B. Jennlcg*. Wm. V.: Agent Jersey Lille*. n. A.: Agent San ford Dodge Co. J. Bnrt: Manager Life for Life. Johnston*. G. D. : Agent George Sidney Co. Jones, Jack: Agent Oar New Minister. Jones, A. Emerson: Manager Goddess of Liberty. Jordan. Fred W. : Agent Grace George Co. Kabn, Johnnie: Agent Morey Stock Co.. West- ern. Kara, E. J.: Agent Lena Hirers. Kane. Boot. H.: M*n*xer Maobattnn Opera Co. Kane, The*.: Agent The Nigger. No. 2 Co. Katx, Louis: Agent Robert Hllllard Co. Karen* ugh. M. J.: Manager Kissing Girl. Keller, Arthur J.: Agent Loin GI**er Co. Keller, Wm.: Agent BaUey A Austin Co. Kelly. Perry J.: Manager Honeymoon Trail. Kelly. Edward J.: Agent The Vlrglnlin. "a Polly of the Llpman Western Co. H. Crane Co. Agent Stewart's Wife's Kennedy, Kennedy, V. 1 Keogh, Cnss. W.: Kfilmeer, B. H. : Fsmlly Co. Kimble. Fred: Manager The City. Kincald. Bert W.: Manager Our New Minister. Karl 8.: Manager Cyril Scott Co. Fred: Msnag*r Araen* Lupin. _ ton. R. G.: Msnager Gin from Home. Klerkner, Jaa. G.: Manager Royal Slave. Klein, Pajlip: Manager The Gamblers. Kline. Darid: Agent Wm. H. Crane Co. Kranse, Ben: Agent Vanity Fair. Kreyer, B. P.: Manager Flaming Arrow. Lambert, Harry: Agent Seren Days. J. Sheldon: Agent la Matrimony a Fail- ure* Lane. Joe: Agent Sllrer Thread*. Lanbam. Fred K. : Agent Home stock Co. iAorenej,^. I- : Msnager Lorraine Keene As Lswresjosw- C F.: Minarer Stair A Harlln's isakOTflBm Manager Wild Are. Lea rlrtee Barry: Agent Minister's Sweetheart. I^ffler. **•>*•>: Agent Granstsrk Ea«tern Co. Lehmsa^aVaa.: Mansger College Girls. Lemle. % H. : Manager The Rotary. Sooth- ?Ag*at Cherry 1 rard: Manager In the Car- on the Trail. Lester. rlage. Lerttt. Jo*: Mi Llberman. J. J.: Ueffler. Jan.: Baatern Co. Llenlmr. Gna: Manager Follies of the Day. Unk, Henry W.: Manager Pair of Conotry Kids. Llthgow. 8trwsrt: Manager Henry Woodruff Co. Little, it. W-: Maoager Cecil Spoooer Co. Llrlngaton. Frank: Manager «lg Bmner Show. Llrlngston. Lewis: Manager Runaway Girls. Logan. Frank: Manager Colombia "nrlesauera. Lohm.rj. Al. K. : Manager Mrs. Wigs* of the Cabbage paten. Long. Robt. Edgar: Agent Henry E. Dlxey Co. Lorraine. F. 8.: Agent Girl In the Kimono. Lothian. Chaa.: Manager Seren Days. Lotto. Arthur A.: Afrnt When- Sweet Sixteen. Lnhln AL: Manaser Bohemians. Lore. M. P.: Agent Martin'* 17. T. C. Co. Lntber. H*. H. : Agent Mme. NarlmoTa Co. Lyon. Geo. W.: Manager Across the Great Dl- rlde. Me-Donald. W. D. : Manager Gla-er's St. Elmo Co. MarFarland. K, A.: Manager Rlanrbe Rates Co. MaeGeachy. Cha*.: Agent Wm. Gillette Co. Maelntyre. Geo. D-: Manager Henry E- nixey Co. MaeMahon. Jno.: Agent Madame X. Western Co. MaeVltty. K»rl O.: Agent Boeallnil at Red Gate. Eastern Co. . Maesnley. J. T.: Msnager Kirk Brown Co. Markny. Andrew: Msnss-r Bi«» Mel»tll» Co. Markenale Archie: Manager Harry Kelly Co. Marker, FrauV H.: Aeent Wade'a Time, the Pl-es an* the Olrl Co. Marfdon. TMIIt: Agent Washington Society Girt*. Madden, Richard J.: Manager j, R, Dodson Co. M sen I re. Wm. E.: Agent Midnight Sons. West- Msh-rJ^'Frank: Manaser Hello Bill. Manley. Edmund: Manseer C«* and the Fiddle. Mansfield, E. W.: Manager Third Degree. Co. Marn'e W. H. : Agent Mas- Bntwo-. Ct>. Msrtell. Ollrer: Aeent Beulah Pornter Co. M»rf«n. Wash:: Aeent T.sdy **itccat Msrtln. D. L-: Agent Red Mill. Mathews. H. F. : Agent - M'ttox, P. 8.: AgeBt SI - 1 Mafae- Ma- Myers. Sol.: Manager Yankee Doodle Girls. Xarnaek, Thoa.: Asent Maude Adams Co. Xewell. Ned: Manager Port of Ml using Men. - Harry: Agent 'Tanks* Doodle Orris. »«- L. : Manager East Lynne. F.: Agent " Manager Blanche Bins Reynolds. Jno. B. : Agent Midnight Sons, East. era Co. Reynolds, Wm. Bartlett . Co. - Rice. M. E.: Manager Light Eternal. Bice, H. W.: Asent Girl from TJ. 8. A.. Central Co. Rich. AL : Manager Brewster's Millions. Richards. Dick: Agent Country Boy, Co. B. Richards. Alan: Asent Lstlmore t Leigh Stock Co. Richardson. J. B_: Manager Jessie Cotton Co. Richardson, Frank W.: Manager Missouri Girl, Eastern Co. Rider, E. Dick: Manager Bowery Rleaenherger. Arthur L. : Asent Riley, Wm. Franklin: Agent The Alaskan. Kith. Jos.: Manager Missouri Girl. Robb, Bod: Manager Thomas E. Shea Co. Ruble. Louis: -Manager Knickerbockers. Roberts, J. K_ : Manager The Thief. No. I. Robey; H. C: Asent Jaa. T. Powers Co. Bobbins, Jas.: Agent The Spendthrift, Eastern Co. Robinson, Sam: Manager Cory Corner Girls. Robinson, jno. R.: Agent Sam T. Jack's Btrr- lesquers. Rohlnaon, A. C: Agent Wm. Collier Co. Rod el, B. A.: Manager May Bobson Co. Roddy. W. H. : Asent Merry Widow. Roe. Thoa.: Agent Cowboy and the Thief. - Roles, Walter M-: Agent Flower of the -Bench. Roehm. WU1: Manager Jardln da Parla Girls RoseibamnT Ed .^Manager Follies' "of 1B10. Roaenhsnm. Ed.. Jr.: Asent Richard Carle Co. Rosen thai, E. 51. : Manager Follies of Mew York and Parla. T>#^T T t h aI J J : ^ r— "t Jnllert rP^ntr" Co. Ross, WOson S.: Manager la Matrimony a Fall- lire? Rosa. Fred^O. : ^ ManagerJ^bemUn GlrL^ Rowland, Jr., Ed.: Manager Cowboy and the Sackett, E. L.: Agent Jaa. K. Hackett Co. Sage; Percy: Agent Seven Days. Ssgerson, F. P.: Manager At the Mercy of Ti- Sallabnry, Chaa.: Agent Frederic Clarke Co. Samuels, Geo. W-: Agent Nat C. Goodwin Co. Sanders, A. R. : Agent Mildred and Booclere 09." Saunders, T. E. : Manager Tim Murphy Co. Saunders, Claude: Agent Girl of My 1] Saunders. C. E. : Manager Katie Did. Salter. Ed.: Manager flirting Princess. Schayer. E_ B* ■ man. Co. A. Scants, r era Co. SeUon. Chaa. A.. Semple. Wm. K,: Agent Get-RIch-Qnlck Wal- llngford. Seymour. Chaa.: Agent Ninety and Nine. Sharer. Edward: Manager Merry Maidens. Shapiro. Harry: Agent Imperials. Shea, Daniel: Manager Evans' Honey. Boy Min- strels. Shelley. Howard: Agent Naughty Marietta. Melville Win D.: Oakes. AL H : Agent Oberwortb. Louis J.: Girls. O'Brien. Branch: Agent Cathrtne CormtlBS Co. OXonner. Chaa. Michel: Agent The Rosary. OUonnell. Frank J.: in ill Till Nigger. 1'NeU, w. H-: Manager Paid In Wrjll. Jfwlg, Chaa. B. : Agent Manhattan Open Co. Osborne. Roland:. Manager Lost TraTL " Packard. J. I*--: Manager Turning Potat. Paine. Lonla: Manager Mrs. Leslie Carter Co. PkMer. Jas. H.: Manager The Virginian. Parka. Ira: Agent Going Some. Parker. C D.: Agent Blue Mouse. Cot B. Farvtn. Lee: Agent Squaw Man. Western Co. Patton. R. K : Manager JoUy Girls. Pawling. Arthur S. : Manager Sam T. Jack'x Borlesqcers. . Payne. Harry I_: Manager Hearts of the Rockies Ptede. J. G.: Manager Mrs. Flake Co. Peel. Norman: Agent In Old Kentucky. Pearson. Roger: Agent Throueh Death Valley. Pennypacker. Henry: Agent The Climax. Pepnle. T. Twlght: Agent Cutter's My Wife'* Family Co. Perkins. Bert B.: Manager Great Powers Co. Perley. Frank: Manager' Traveling Salesman, Co. B. Peyton. Jo.. E.: Manager Volunteer Organist." Phelps, Frank: Manager McFadden's Plata. Pbl llpa, a.: Agent GIrii from Happyland PbnjiS: ViL: •M^.gf^^^/e'tiS^Cn. \ dere Co. Manager Mildred and Bou- I Phlnner Arthur S.: Manager Madame X East r ern Co. rick "in. J. w.: Agent Field's Minstrels. Pierce. F. S.: Manager Trocaderoe. Plerson. Henry: Manager Harry Clay Blaney Co. PIton. Jr.. Augustus: Manager Traveling Sales- man. Co. A. Ptoley. Starr L.: Manager Sins of a Father. — Tin. Joe.: Agent Doner Princess. E.: Manager Port of Missing Men. Stephenson. Fred: Agent Dockstader'a Ml nab Story. Alex: Manager As Told In the Tims. Stout. J. M- : Manager Madame Sherry. Road Manager Lady A mri» C wsanak' Plsley. SI P Co.' k Mys- . Roland G. : Manager Csthrlne Conn Has Co. Presoott. F. P.: Manager Girl and the Ranger. Preston. Stanley: Manager Marie Tempest Co. Price. E. D. : Manager Robert HUllard Co. Priest. Robt. w.: Agent DeWolf Hopper Co. Purdy, Dr. G. W. : Agent Bohemian Girl. Qnlnn. Vincent J.: Agent Sweetest Girl In Dixie. Radford. C. B.: Manager House of a Thousand Candles. Co. B. Say, Whi taker: Agent Traveling Salesman, Co. Reed. J. A.: Manager Jolly Bachelors. ey. Harry: Agent Human Hearts, South- Co. r: Agent Third Degree) Co. B. Agent Rosalind at Red Gate, Co. Simons, Bob: SI moods, Teddy Simpson, Ben F. Western 1 Co. •<•■--.. Slevtn, L. J.: Manager Beverly. Western Co. Smith, Matt: Manager Midnight Bong. Western Smith. Geo, T.: Manager Sam T. Jack's Show. Smith, Howard: Manager Robert Mantell Co. Smith, Merle E.: Manager Golden Girl. Leslie e. : Manager Phil Maber Co, ■a, Guy: Agent Flirting Spangler, A. V.: Sparks, w. Spears. Jos Geo Lon: E.: Agenr^The Family. Mewaat-t xMlgirTIsm • . e.: Manager George "Sidney Co. C M-: Manager Our Village Poet a Minstrels. Co. Agent Evans Honey Boy Whiteside Slruuse, Harry M, Sturges, Chaa. B. Minstrels. Sullivan. Geo. A-: Agent Turning Point. Sweatman. Harry: Agent Tim Murphy Co. Sutherland, J. C: Manager TJi " SUea. SydeU, Jack: Agent Bose SydeR's Talbot. Lewis: Manager World of Taylor, Chaa. E. : Manager Midnight 1 ThaO. Charles Mark: . Agent Wlldfire- Tbompaon. Franklin: Manager Old Homestead. Teaff, Chaa. A.: Manager Daniel Boone on the Trail, Central Co. Thomas, Arthur G. : Manager My Cinderella Girl. Thompson, Harry: Manager Beanty Trnst. Tflton, E. B. : Manager Mary Manserlng Co. TimbaO, Fred: Manager The City. Tlerney, Edward: Agent Wm. Macauley Co. Toohey, Jno. P.: Agent JoHy Bachelors. Towers. David: Manager Fourth Estate. •Travers. Wm. M. : Manager Blanche Walsh Co. Tuck, Sam U: Manager Marathon Girls. Turner. Walter: Manager Walker Whll Turner, Smith: Agent At the Mercy of Tlbe rtoa. Vance, B. W. : Agent Bowery Detective, East- ern Co. Van Ztten, W. H. : Manager Yankee Doodle Detective. Vetter. J. K.: Manager Dan Cupid. Victor. Leon: Agent Blue Mouse, Western Co. Vlon, Joa. F. : Manager The Climax. Vogel. Jno. W.: Msnager Vogel'g Minstrels. Von Ottlnger, Benjamin: Manager Summer Wid- owers. Walnatock, Morris: Manager Rector Girls. Wsggoner. Rod: Agent Henry Woodruff Co. Wagner, N. C.S Agent Way Down East. Waldron, S. W. : Manager Ell and Jane. Coast Co. ' . Wall. Jan.: Manager Adventures of Polly. Walsh, Townaend: Agent Otis Skinner Co. Walsh. Wm. H. : Agent Old Homestead. Walters. Elmer: Agent Wright Lo rimer Co. Walters, Chaa. L.: Manager Happy Hooligan. Walters. Geo. D.: Agent Adventures of Polly. Ward, Harold: Agent Clara LI run an Co. Warner, Edwin Watson, Lew: Wee. O. E.: Wertnelmer: Agent Granstark. Southern Co. Wheeler, W. O.: Agent Wilton Lackaye. Wheeler. A. P.: Asent House of a Thousand Candles, Co. B. _ _ Whltbeck. Frank: Agent Harry Clay Blaney Co. White. AL W.: Agent Flak O'Hara. White. J. Louis: Manager Bessie McCoy Co. White. Geo. F. : Agent Winning Mlas. White, WO! L.: Msnager Final Settlement- Whlttler. H. H.: Manager Bowery Detective. Whi tt en dale. Jaa.: Manager Polly of the Clrcns. WIegand. Chaa. F. : Manager Queen of Bohemia. Wlesberg, Frank: Manager Star A Garter Show. Welaberg, Sao B.: Agent Star * Carter Show. Wlckham. H. A.: Manager Merry Widow. Wilcox. Thoa. C: Agent 8t_ Elmo Co. WUk, Jacob: Agent Baby Mine. Western Co. W Ilk en. Wm. L.: Agent Buster Brown. Williams. Arthur G. : Agent Girl of My Dreams. wnilima. a R-: Agent Soul Kiss. Eaatern Co. WUllama. J. R.: Manager Maude Adama Co. WOllama. Frank: Agent Weedon Grossmlth Co. WUllama. Fred C: Manager Granstark, South- ern Co. Williams, A.: Msnager Panama. Williams, C. Lee:. Manager Dockstsder's Min- strels WUllama, Chaa. A.: Manager Arizona. Williamson. D. R- : Manager Tiger Lilies. Wlllsrd. Prank M.: Agent Willis Amuse. Squaw- Man Co. Wlllard. L. B. : Manager Time, the .Place and the Girl. Wlllets. Clarence W.: Manager Seven Daja. Wnson. E. G. : Manager Girl from D. S. A.. Central Co, Wilson. Chia. D.: Manager Gentleman from Mississippi. wnstach. Jno.: Agent Mary Mannerlng Co. Wllatacb, C tax ton: Manager Sothern-Marlowe Co. Woodthorpe, L. E. : Manager Nat C. Goodwin Co. . ■ Wool folk. Wm. W.: Manager In Panama. Wool folk. Boyle: Manager Winning Miss. Wright, Fred E-: Agent Wm. Hodge Co. Wuertx. Chaa. H. : Manager Bright Eyes. Wyatt, Henry: Manager Fighting Parson. Yager. Walter D.: Agent Girl from Yale. Chaa. H.: Ms Midnight Young, Henry: Manager The Climax. Young, Fred Grant: Agent Adelaide Thurston Co. Yeomans. T.. C: Manager The Wolf. Young, Chaa.: Agent Schiller Am. Co. 'a Paid In Poll. Young. Leroy: Agent My CtndereUa GlrL - M "Msnager*JaX^. b r^werrCo. plre) Hoboken. N. Y. C. 12-17 s. mgr.: (Howard) Bos- a) Boston. 12-17. W. Thompson, mgr.: (Em- 10; ((Hortlg A Seamon's) Behinan i Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: (Gayety) To- ronto. 9-10: (Garden) Buffalo. 12-17. Big Banner Show. Fran) and Garter) Chicago. 12-17. Big Review, Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: (Lafayette) Buffalo, 6-10; (Star) Toronto, 12-17. Bohemians.- AL Lubln. mgr.: (Century) Kansas Newark. 12-17. Bowery Bnrlesqoera, E. Dick Rider, mgr.: (Gay- ety) Phlla.. O-10: (Star) Srooklrn. 12-17. Brigadiers. Louis Stark, mgr.: (Bowery) N. T. C 5-10; (Pony) Paterson, 12-14; (Bon Ton) Jersey City. 15-1T. Broadway Gaiety Glrla, Lonla Oberworth, mgr.: (8th Are.) N. Y. C , 5-10; (Empire) Newark, 12-17. Century Girls, Jack Faust, mgr.: . (Majestic) Hanrrishnrg, 7; (Miehler) Alloona. 8: (Cam- bria) Johnstown, »; (Academy) " 12-17. mgr. : ■ (WaMmann's) Soboken. 12-17. plre) Indianapolis, 0-10 ville, U-1T. College Glrla. • Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Corinthian) Rochester. 5-10; (Mohawk) Schenectady, 12-14; (Empire) Albany. 15-17. Columbia Burlesqoers. Prank - lasrSTt, ' mgr. : ( Mo- hawk) Schenectady. 6-7: (Empire) Albany 8-10; (Gayety) Boston. 12-17. Coxy Corner Girls, Ssm Robinson, mgr.: (Stand- ard) SL Lonla, 6-10; (Empire) Indianapolis. 12-17. ^Newart* C &*iof ( Em plre ) ' Hoi Dainty Duchess: (Oayety) Boston. 6-10; (Col nmhla) N. Y. C. 12-17. Dreamland Burlesque™. Iray Grodx. mgr.: (Em- pire) Newark. 5-10; (Bowery) N. Y. C, 12-17. Dockllngs, Prank Calder. mgr.: (Lnierne) ~ Barre. 8-7; (Columbia) " off at Phlla.. 12-17. Fads and Follies. Chaa. B tropolia) N. T. C. 8-10; deuce. 12-17. Follies of New York . mgr.: (Caret N. T. C, 12-1 Follies of the Day. plre) Brooklyn. C., U-17. 8-10; Lay- (Me- B. M. _ 6-10; (Oljmplc) «r.: (Em- Bronx) N. T. Ginger Glrla. Lon Hnrtlg, I Providence. 5-10: (Casino) (Westminster) 12-17. • igr.: (Lycenm) tal) Baltimore, Girls from Dixie, Jos. Lesvitt Wash., D. C , 5-10; (Monoi W-17. Glrla from Happyland. E. W. Chlpman. mgr.: (Gayety) Waab., D. C, 6-10; (Oayety) Pitta- burg, 12-17. Golden Crook. Jaa. Fulton, mgr.: (Hnrtlg A Seamon's) N. T. C. 6-1©; (Murray Hill) N. T. C, 13-17. Hastings'. Hurry, Snow: (Oayety) Pittsburg, 6-10: (Empire) Cleveland. 12-17. Imperials. Sim WUllama, mgr.: (Lyceum) St. Joseph, 8-10; (Century) City. 12-17. Irwin's Big Show: (Empire) Albany. 6-7; (Mo- hawk) Schenectady, 8-10; (Oayety) Brooklyn, 12-17. Jardln de Parts Girls, will Roehm, mgr.: (Are.) Detroit. '6-10: (Lafayette) Buffalo. 12-17. Jersey Lilies. Jas. Cooper, mgr.: (Gayety) St. Louis. 610: (Osretr) Ksnsss City. 1217. Jolly Olris, B. E. Pattern, mgr.: (Academy) PltUbnrg, 5-10; (Btar) Cleveland 12-17. Ke (B«kroih?mJ M ^ dnnalt. 12-17. Knickerbockers, Louis Omaha, 5-fl; RoWs, mgr.: ,'Osyety) Lady Borcsoeeni, '^Mikerfiarry"'* 6-10; ' (Oayenr) Minneapolis. 12 •r». Harry it. Stroose (■tan Milwaukee. ?2*\1. . Clark, mtf.l (Oayety) (Oayaly) St. Lonls, 12-17. THE FIRST INSULAR FAIR OF PORTO RICO SAN JUAN, MARCH 2-7, 1911 the Insurer Qovsrn men t ratM?e»jBk>aaJrea wilt find this an. neas during the winter months . Address J. W. NEWMAN, Manager, San Joan, i*ort© JtuCO. The Big Eli Wheel FOR 1911 la build amusement wheal ever put up. AMD WE DO. Ws bats happily com bined the beanty of the wheel with the reliability of construe Hoc which pleases the eye M " sense of absolute safety. and opera te^ one Ot tbese DICE CARDS wwss DICE CAHDS.. HUNT & CO. 56 FIFTH AVE.,*= CHICAGO, ILL SOUVENIR goods 'mm NOV CLTIEI for Falra.ntuil.iiis Houses. Jobbers. Agents and IBW— wistsi Asmara sueei-HS Send for free Ulostratul list of goods. T. H. MO TT CO-. (IS- (I! KitMH ST, CMsAiL iDcaadescent Lups 1 s" M*l CH TgAN *AVK. lamps at aame Old prices— •tesgf, «o. ; oolorwd, To. giRTT ELECTaUC CO.. 15 Mlehlt>a Avsnns, ' Mjjjfc —FOR SALE- HUMAN LAUNDRY Also Pilgrims' Progress; good condition; cheap. AMUSEMENT PARK BY. 00.. S231 Locust St.. St. Lonla. Mo. FOB BALE, AESOPLAVS or Flying Machine. A perfect 16x33 foot model of tbs latest sclen- tide wonder, complete in every detail. Made to pack In small apace for shipment. -Anyone can operate same. Gasoline engine, painting, banners, electrotypes, etc., to advertise. A money aettlna abow. Coat **O0: «10O takes H. O. WALLEB, Oeu. Dei., MONKEYS-BIRDS Dodgiag B basse Monkeys, ready for work, with hsrtissai. fie: gs csah with seder. Canary ■}**■ lo tndlTldoal willow cages far whea l a and pick- out Small animals for 1 angle shows. Wrm CITI0 BUS gTOAX. SSI Madlsos It, Caloasra. JEFFRIES-JOHNSON 19f »PISNTPIOTURIt It i'a yn a«lr eaaaw ■ ; aaa Saas. vaaaaaratlwarlaal Saswallssw Saass Skis asssssssalS gassSSSSSSja aad sas ■Taanias aSsaaeaa ot kart Maws aa* J^^FIQHT HOT E ^sassW ■sea's law aely ek. H ^ °" -* 1 '•*"*' 1 DECEMBER 10, 19.10. V h e Bl lib o a r d J-lTl Marathon Qlrls, Bim L. Tnek. mgr.: (Empire) Toledo. 5 10: (Stir ud Outer) Chicsso. 12-17. Kerrj' Baldens, Edward abater. m(i : (Tro- cadero) Polls.. 5-10; (Lyceum) W»»H., D. ft, 12-17. Merrj Whllr. Louis Epstein, mgr.: (Miner's Bronx) N. Y. C. 5-10 (8th Are.) N. X. C, 12-1T. MKlnlght Baldens. Cbes. Taylor, mgr.: (Qayetj) Detroit, 5-10. (Qaretr) Toronto. 12-17. alias New York, Jr., Wm. FeaoeaiT. mgr.: (Peo- ple'*) Cincinnati, 510: (FoUr) Chicago. 1217. Moulin Bouge. Maurice Jacobs, mgr.: (Colombia! Boatoo, 6-10; (Boo Ton) Jersey City, 12-14; (roll!) Patereoo, 15-17. Parisian Widows. F. Abbott, mgr.: (Empire) . CUnlaod. 5-10; (Empire) Toledo. 12-17. Paaalog Parade, Moo Seaming, mgr.: (Empire) Chicago, 5-10: (Atcbm) Detroit, 12-17. Peanut winner*, Boot. 11111a, mgr.: (Oaalso) Brooklyn. 5-10: (Empire) Brooklyn, 12-17. Qneen of Bohemia, Bax Spiegel, mgr.: (Murray HUD N. Y. a, 5-10; (sfetropoils) N. Y. C. 12-17. Qoeena of the Jardln da Parle, Joe. Howard. mgr.: (ulymplc) N. Y. C, 5-10; (Oayety) Fhlla., 12-17. Sector Girls, Morris Walnatock, mgr.: (8tar) Clereland, 5-10; (Empire) Chicago. 12 17. Seeree'. AL, Beauty show (Oayety) illnne a po- ll!. 5-10: (Oayety) BUwankse. 12-" ae»ta-8antler Bart BalUmore. 6 10: (C Boblnson Crnsoe Olrla, Ed. DaTldaon. mgr.: (8taadard) Cincinnati, 8-10; (Oayety) Louis TlUe. 12-17. Sollickers, Alex. Gorman, mgr.: (Polly) Pater- aoo, 5-7; (Bon Too) Jeraey City, 8-10; (Colum- bia) Seranton, 12-14; (Loserne) WUkeaj Bam. 15-17. Runaway Olrla, P. 8. dark, mgr.: (Oayety) UUwaakee, 0-10; (Alhambn) Chicago, 12-17. Sam T. Jack's, Geo. T. 8ml tb. mgr.: (Star) Milwaukee, 6-10; (Dewey) Minneapolis. 12-17. Serenaders, Oeo. Armeoroog. mgr.: (Caalno) PklU., 5-10; (Oayety) BalUmore. 12-17. Star A Garter " (Albambra) ~ natl. 13-11. Star Show Olrla, Jobs T. Baker, mgr.: (Star) Toronto, 5-10; (Boyel) Montreal. 12-17 Sydell'*, Bone. London Belle*. W. S. Campbell, aagr.: (QsrOsn) BoJalo. 6-10: (CorontMao) Rochester, 12-17. Tiger Lilies, Wm. Drew, mgr.: (Monumental) Baltimore. 5-10: (Lyric) Allen town. 12: (Acad- emy) Heading. IS: (Majestic) Baarlaborg. M; JMlahlcr) Altoona, IS; (Cambria) Johnstown, 18.' Trocaderos Caaa. H. Waldron. mgr:. (Oayety) Kanaaa City. 6-10: (Oayety) Omaha. 12-15. Vanity Pair. Joe. Pettlngni. mgr.: (Colombia) M. Y. a. 6-10; tOgajnoTPMli.. 12-17. Washington Society Glrla. Loo Wstaoo. mgr.: (Dewey) BlnneenoUs. 6-10: (Star) St. Paul. 12-1T. . Wataon'a Bn il aa qwr a, W. B. Watson, mgr.: (Columbia) Scran ton. 5-7: (Loaerne) Wllkeav Barre. S-10: (Trocadero) Phils.. 12-17. White's, Pat, Gaiety Olrla, Walter Orearee. gs&Ss^BW ™ 0: lVTe,aa) 8t - (Columbia) Serantan, 'l£lT? a *'*'** m ' World ox Plrssure, Louis Talbot, mgr.: (Boyal) Montreal. 5-10: (Howard) Boston. 12-17. Yankee Doodle atria, Sol Myers, mgr.: Lay-off at PhUa., 5-10; (Casino) Brooklyn. 12-17. . mgr.: Olneta- mgr.: Win- mgr. : Port- Cox's): Oroton 8-10; Langford nor. 28, inder. Ck Co. Oeo. F. A L. Forepsngb Dominion Players, W. B. Lawrence, nlpeg. Can., Aug. 29, Inter. Dowian Stock Co., W. C. Dowlan, land, Ore., Oct. L lndef. Dougherty Stock Co. (Dougherty A Webster, a. D.. 6-T; - 12-14; Brttton 16-17. Dudley. Frank, Stock Co.: Empire Stock Co., Monte Thompson, mgr.: oke, Mass., lndef. Forbes 8toek Co., One A. For bee. mgr. tm. N. Y.. Sept. S, lndef. Forbes Stock Co.. Gas A. Forbes, mgr.: Stem ford. Conn., Nor. 28, lndef, Forepangh Stock ' Flab, mgrs. : C Flnley Stock Co.. . bores Ark... lndef. . ii-17. _ O. Oordlnler, PortsgesUle. Mo.. 5-7. Grayce, Helen, Co.. N. Appall, mgr.: Olorers- Tflle. N. Y.. 6-10; Troy 12-17. Gray stock Co.: Bocyroa, O.. 6-10. Oerman 8tock Co.: Cincinnati. .0.. Oct. 2. lndef. German Stock Co.: Milwaukee, wis., Sept. 20, lndef. Oerman Stock Co., Theo. Burgartb. mgr.: X. Y. a, Sept. 24, lndef. Oermu Stock Co.. Max Hanlsch. mgr.: Phils.. Sept. 24. lndef. Oerman stock Co.: St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 2, lndef. Glrton Stock Co.: Los Angeles, Cel., June 28. rndef. Qrshsnfe^Fertlnsnd, P s"<£k T 0oV: WchinWd D . d Ind.. Oct. 3. lndef Grand Stock Co.. M. Keeney. max.: Beading. Pa.. Oct. 24. lndef. Hall's Associate Players: Key West. Fls., Oct. 22, lndef. - , Haella Stock On., Wm. Oaren. mgr.: St. Louis. Mo.. Aug. 8, lndef. Hayward, Grace, stock Co.: Oak Park., Chicago, 111., lndef. HsB. Don C. Repertoire Co.: Capron. III.. 5 10 Caledonia 12-17: , is.."s-io. Co.. Harry O. LI how. mgr.: „. , 4-10; Fond dn Las 12-17. HU1 man's Stock Co., F. P. Hill man. mgr.: Lebanon, Kan.. 5-7; Kensington 8-10; Agra 12- Hlmmeletn Imperial Stock Co.. J no. A. Hlmme- lela. mgr.: Springfield, I1L, 4-10; DanrlUe 12-17. HtmmeJeln Associate Players, J no. A. Hlmme- leln. mgr.: Anderson. Ind., 28- Dec. 10; Nob- learlUe 12-17. Hyde's Theatre Party. W. O. McWsttera. mgr.: Ooabneton, O., 6-10. Imperial Theatre Stock Co.. KUmpt A Gaxaolo, nrgrs.: Chicago. TIL. lndef. Inxereoll Stock Co.. Wm. Ingereoll. mgr.: Salt Lake, U., Sept. 4, lndef. Keene, Lorraine. Associate PI ay era, H. L. Law reoce. mgr.: Blooming too. 111., lndef. Keith Stock Co.. James B. Moore, mar land. Me., April 10. Ind. King. Joseph. Stock Co.: 5. lndef. Keith Stock Co. Cato 8. Keith, mgr.: Foatorla. 6-10: Ashland 12-17. STOCK AND REPERTOIRE Fox, mgr.: San Kelly, mgr.: WI 12- . of Moalc Stock Co.. M. Y.JO.. Aug. SB, lndef. Stock Co.. Beeaseo A Mare Francisco. Cel., Aug. 28. lndef. Atlanta, Alley Comedy Co., Y. C. Alley, mgr. Oa.. lndef. Are ta a Ben ton Players: India as polls. Ind., Sept. 5. lndef. Auditorium Stock Co.. Oeo, L. Leaks, mgr.: Kansas city. Mo., Nor. «. lndef. A recur Stock Co.. Connens A Edwards, eagre.: Wilmington Dels., Oct. S. tadef. Baker Stock Co.. Oeo. L. Baker, mgr. : Spokane, Wash.. Sept. 4. lndef. Baker Stock On., Oeo. L. Baker, mgr.: Portland, Ore., Oct. 17, tadef. Baker Stock Co.. Oeo. L. Baker, mgr.: Seattle, Wssb., Sept- 11. lndef. Bald-In- MelTllle Stock Co.: Walter 8. BakJwtn, mart: Prorldence. B. I., Nor. 14. tnder. Barker- Rogers Slock Co., Frank If. Nor cross, mgr.: So. Bead, Ind.. Oct. 17. lndef. -k Co.. Belnneo A Stone. BUoo Stock' On.: Bishop's - Tulsa. Okls., Oct. 34. B- I~ CniT. lode?"*' Blttner. BUI. Stock Co. lndef. Boston Players. Oeo. C. Wilson, mgr.: Haiti more. Md.. Not. 21. lndef. Boston Comedy Co.. H. Price Webber, mgr.: Brldgeton. N. 8.. Can., M0; Middltton 11- Buckley. Loolse. Stock Co.. mgr.: San Joae, Cel., 5-17. Banting, Emma, Associate ~ Fla.. Oct- 2. lndef. Burba nk Stock Co.. Ollrer Morosco, mgr. : Lea Angeles, Cel.. lndef. Calumet Stock Co., John T. Cooners, mgr.; So Chicago. III.. Sept. 4. lndef. ^'«VoT OCk 7 Co^M. Ol.asou. mgr.: Chicago. Oopeisnd Bros'.' Slock Co.: Wichita, Kan.. Oct, IT. lndef. Onmell's Hairy. Players. J. W. OlUette. mgr.: Butte, Mont.. Aug. 14. lndef. Crsig.^John, Stock Co.; Bee too, Mass., Aug. 29, Crescent Stock Co.. Percy Williams, mj lyn. Mi Y.. Sept. S. Tadef. Carroll Comedy Co.. Ion Carroll, mgr boro. Pa.. 5-10: Scottdale 12-1T. Cbamplln Stock Co.: Oswego, N. Y.. 8-10. Chicago Stock Co.. Cbaa. H. RoaaKam. mgr-: Jamestown. N. Y.. 6-10: Klmlra 12-17. Cosmopolitan players. Al. Phillips, mgr.: Cay- man, Okls.. 5-7; Llbersl. Ksn.. S-10. Calhsne's Comedians. So. 1. Will E. Culbsne, mgr.: Marlon. O. 510: Mt. Vernon 12-17. Cnlhsne'a ComMl .ue, No. 3. Maely Allyn. mgr.: Mt Vernon, o.. 5-10; Cbllllcothe. 12-17. . Cnthane's Comedlsns, No. S. Tom Wilson, mgr.; Three Rivera. Mich., 6-10; Alexandria. (ad.. 12-17. Cnlhane's Comedians. No. 4, Wm. H. Chsse. ?£Iy w,nth ** tn - Ini - 5 " 10; N,w ° Mt ™ uaria stock Co.. Hsrry Darts, mgr.: Ps., Sept. 5, lndef. Kelly Stork Co.. noua. Minn., 5-10 Klsrk Crtjan Stock Co.. Lawrence. Mans., 6-7. La Porte, Mae. Stock Co.. Joe Battle Creek. Mich.. 5-10; LaPorte. Ind.. Lstlmore A Leigh Stock Co.; Stonghton, Wis., 5- 10; Chippewa FaUa 12 17. Lor kes The Harry Souns, mgr. : Pa w heska. Okla. . 6-7; Oxford. Kan.. 8-10; Sterling 12-14; Soi- onion 15-17. Long Stock Co.. Frank E. Long, mgr.: Calu- met. Mich.. Not. 21-Dec. 24. Lewis Stock Co.: Padach, Ky., 5-10. Lawrence Players, D. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Seat- tle. Wash.. July 25. lndef. Lewis- Ol iTer Stock Co.. Otis Ollrer. mgr.: Streator. in., lndef. Loreh. Theodore. Stock Co.. Little Rock, Ark., tndef. Lyceum Stock Co.. Loola Phi 111 pa. mgr.:' Brook- lyn, 14. Y.. lndef. Lyric Stock Co.. L. M. Gorman, mgr.: Lincoln, Mnte Ang, 2»v Indnt. .' Lyric arneaLjaaa^amanw. r. Enmn 1 m -mmr— wwt nnapdrta, nnnmntnnananajian»-i'»r g »e-^.-^ -L- LyteU-Varjghan. Stock OX, Cfftx. Btaton, mgr.: Toledo. 0.. Oct. tf-DatNrlT. Moore. ss-rederiek. Reek Co.: Salt takn. n_ fact Co.: isj'^-r,aW- 1 ----- - 10; Little . ■ '«. jBaaw D » and route for professional copies. Others " Crystal Street. Worcester. Mans. 76 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Princes* Victor H. SchaffeT. Set Co., Davenport. In.. Im Prtiion. awl Co.: Des Moin<-». la.. Aug. lndef. Prlngte. Delta. Co.. C. K. Van Anker. Everett. Wuh.. lndef. Plckerta. The Four. Co.. Willi* Pickett. Rockingham. X. C. 5 10; Greenville. 12-17. Russell Stock Co.. Edward Ruaaell, uigr. : So. Bend. lad., 28-Dec. 10. Kobyn* ft Doroer Players: Eimlra. N. J., Oct. 3. lndef. Ruaaell A Drew Stock Co.: Seattle. Wash.. Air. 28, lndef. Snow Block Co.. Mortimer Snow, mgr.: Troj, X. Y„. Xor. 7. lndef. ' ; - SiNjoner. . Edna May, Stock Co . Mary ' dtbb* .spooner. mgr.: Jersey City. X. "J., Oct. 3. ItkWf,.. ■ '-, _-, ' . ' Shannon Rroa.' Stock Co.. Harry Shannon, mgr.: Crestline. O., 5-7:' Detroit. Mich.. .18-24. '. .'. .. Sight* Stock Co.. J. W. -Slghtavngr.: ••Btm- berry. Mo.. 5-10; McFall 12-14: Jameson 13-17." Hpeere.- Baldwin. Stock Co J Kay McDowelle mgr. : Kokomo, tod t>- lo . .* ■ * ' Thornton. Virginia.-' Stock Co., ' Bclllngbam, Wash., lndef. ■ i' Trousdale Bros.* Stock Co.: Cedar Bap Ida, is.. Sept. 26, lndef,.-- . :~ ; . i' Tempest Dramatic Co.. J. L. Tempest, mgr.:. Os- wego. N. Y„ 5-10; St. JohmtTinerj2-M. -. :»:. Taylor Stock Co.. H. W. - Taylor, -mgr.: Haver- atraw. X. Y., 6-ltt. ., . . C^ V'-ii Taylor. Albert, Co. ,-E: J. Lnaaerrs. mgr.: Marble Moines. Ia., Xov. 14. lndef. mJ» ' . i. £ diet WO,te - WICh,U ' Woodward Stock Co., O. D. Woodward, .mgr.: Onitr, Xeb., Aug. 27. lndef. ji Woods 8Uters Stock Co.: Prorldeuce,. La., 5-7; Taliulah 8-10: Natchitoches 1415. Yale Stock Co.. Monte Thompson, mgr.; Lowell, ■ l.b-7. y, . DRAMATIC 8c MUSICAL ' • j . . is v .•■ Alma. Where Do Ydo Llv>.' Jos. Weber, mgr.; X. Y. a. Sept. 26. Inder. Aviator. The. Cohan A Harrla. mgra.: X. Y. C, Dec. 0, lndef. Aborn English Grand Opera Co.: Ft. Worth, Tex.. 5-7: Dallas 8-10: Oklahoma City, Okla.. 1244; McAlester IS; Mnakogee 1A-, Tolaa 17. Arrival of Kitty, Doberty Collins Co., mgrs.: Plymouth. Mass., 7: Rockland 8; So. Framlng- ham 9: Msynard 10: Harerhlll 12. As Told In the Rills. Alex Story n month. 0., 7: George Wellington 12: Gret Jamestown 16: Xenla 17. At the Mercy of * New Orleans, 12-17. Adventures of Polly. Blaaey-Spooner Am. Co.. Inc., mgrs.: Minneapolis, Mian., 4-10; Dayton, 0., 15-17. . . Acroas the Great Divide. Geo. W. Lyon, mar,: ETanarllle, Wis. 7: Sharon 8: Harvard. III.. S: Richmond 10: 8betidan 12; Shabbana 13; . Rntlsnd 14; Wslnnt 10; Tolnca 18; Roanoke 17. At the Old Craaa Boads. Arthur C. Alston, mgr.: Baltimore. Md., 5-10. . - Arcadians, The, Chsa. rrohmsn. mgr.: Bal- timore.- Md., 6-10: Cleveland, o., 12-17. Arcadlat... The (Special). Chen. ~ ens is. cnaitanooga, Arliona, Chsa. A. Williams, mgr.: CbL. 6-10. Araene Lupin, Chsa. Frobman. mgr.: N..Y., 6-7: Bocheater 8-10: Oawego eraVlIIe 13; Troy 14: PltUHeld. 1 N. Adams IS; Worcester It Adama. Maode. In What ~ Chaa. Probmau. mgr. : London 12; Uemlltuu 13; 13: Bocbester 18-17. Harrison. Mshel. In Lnln's Huabanila. The Shu- berja. mgrs.: Boston, Mass.. 28-Dec. ,10. Blue .Moose, W. B. Frederick s. mgr.: HiM-tun. Pa;, 7. - , Bellew. Krrle. In Ra flies. Chsa. N.|Y. C. 6-10. f Bohemian Girl. Milton ft Syracuse. N. Y".,' 6-10. Ben Hnr. Klaw A Erlangcr. Ga., 6-10. . 1 • B "i?'. B ""f_. , In Suianne. «'„,,. Froh-nan. ^hT^- Wm - p - can ' a - -«*" Barrjmore. .Ethel. In _ B "^Y M, C De &%' U UY m - *• -f = B ■k'Jk.*. Au " ,,n - l ° t T wo M,-n «»4 Girl. The Batea. Blanche In Xohody's Widow. David Bt laico mer.: N. Y. C, Not. 15. lndef. of . Z t R, 5 co v. 0 ' 0 - A'tebery. mgr.: Msri- «nni i Ark. 7: Forest City 8: Clarendon 0 Blue Motwe (B>. E. J. Carpenter, mgr.: Wit- llamaon. W Va 7: North Fork 8; Poeahontaa Vs., 6: Blnefleld. W. Vs.. in- Wvtbefiiie el,; IFte^L^^.-^^JeTaK Beverly mgrs. ton 12-... Ber-rly (Western I. Delamater & Korrls. Inc mgrs : Van Wert. O.. 7: St. Marys 8: Mu n : ele. in*,. 9; Anderson 10: Ft. Wayne 11- Blnffton 12; HuntlnEton 13; Logansport 14 : Kokomo 15: Frankfort 16: Cranrfordsvllle 17' Bright Eyes Chas. U. Wuen. mgr.: Snrtngfleld'. O., 7: Columbus 8-10: Cincinnati. 1*MT Br-wster's Mmions At. Rich, mgr.: Waterloo. Is., 7: Dnboqne 8: Winona. Minn.. 9: Eao Claire. Wis., lO: K. Paol. Minn. 11-17. BUney, Harry Clay. In The Boy from Will Street, Henry Pleraon. mgr.: 8t. Panl. Minn.. 4-10; Minneapolis U-17. Boater Brown. Boater Brows Am. Co.. props.: IndlanarxdJj. Ind., 6-7; Dayton. O.. 8-10; Co- lnmbns 12-14; Marlon 15; Morencl. Mich.. 18: Jackson 17. . Billy the Kid. F. B- Hoadley. mgr.: Cincinnati, ...5-7: Harrodsbnrg 8-10; - 15-17.. K Sarah, In Repertoire. W. V. K,. Y. C.. 5-S1, . t -. ... , . Cort. Chocolate Soldier (Eaitrrn) P. C. Whitney, mgr.: Chicago, ILL, Sept. 28, lndef. City. The. The Shnberta, mgra:: Chicago, 111.. Not. 6, lndef. Collier. Wm., in I'U Be Hanger) If I Do, Lew Fields, mgr.: X. Y. C, Nor. 28. lndef. Commuters. The (Eastern), Henri- B. Harris. mgr.: X. Y. C., Aug. 15, lndef. Commote rg. The (WeeterD), Henry B. Harrle. cS&.^r^-S^;^*. y. c. Oct, 3, lndef. Country Boy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: X. V. C. Aog. 20. lndef. Climax, The (United Play Co.'s). II. B. Cory. mgr.: Alexandria, B. D., 7: Mitchell 8; Man kato, Minn.. 0; Bralncrd. 10; Crookston 12; Grand Forks. N. D.. 13; Fargo 14; Jamestown 16^ Bismarck 16: Mandan 17. City; The (Western), Wm. H. Moxon, mgr.: Ft. 'Worth, Tex., 24i. . ;. Candy Girl. B. M. Garfield, mgr.: Montlctllo. Ia., 7; Manchester 8; Independence 9; Water- loo 10. •' . '. • "' Checkers, Stair & Harltn. mgrs.: Peoria, III., 4-7; Bloomtngton - 8: Springfield 9-10: Kan- -aasa City, Mo., U-17. -• Oonntlis, Cathrlne. In Toe Awakening of Helena • Rtehfe. B. O. Pray, mgr.: Newark. N. J.. 5 / ' 10; Phils,, Pa., 12-17. ..■ . . Cameron, Daisy (Kerr Am. Co.'s. Inc.), C. H. Kerr. gen. mgr.-: Brunswick, Mo., 8; Macon »;. KlrkBrtlle lOl Qulnry. Ul., 11. " '•, . Cameron, Grace. In Nancy (Kerr Am. Co. 'a. Ore., 17. - i"-..^ C»t and the Fidaie. Cn4i. A. "Sellon, mgr.: Bagerstown. Md., 7: Chamberabarg. Pa^.. 8: Lebanon 9: Pottsvllle 10: Harleton, 12;. Pltta- ' ton 18; WUkes Barre 14; Scrantoo 15;, Bing- ham ton, -N. Y., 18; Schenectady 17. '. '- Cablll. Marie. In Jndy Forgot, l>. V. Arthur, '•.lndef. . ■ -- ; ■■ , Carle,' Richard, In Jomplog Jupiter. ITnn t Lederer, -"mgrs-i- Clereland. O., .5-7. Si < ':>"- r . Chocolate /Soldier (Eastern), F. C. whlinry, togr.i >Lawniuce. . Man.,. !(. LowplL . 0-10: ProTldcnce, R. I.. 12-17. t " V. - Country Boy (B), Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Wash.. D. C, 5-10. Cowboy and the Thief. Rowland ic Clifford. Inc.. mgrs.: Boston. Mass., 6-10. Chinatown . Trunk Mystery: . Albany, X. Y., 7-8. Climax. The. Jos. M. IVuw, nice. Provl- 15-17. mgr.: Atlantic Clarke, Frederic, J. Cosgrore, mgr.: Rapid City. Man., Can., 9; Mlnlota 10: Portage la Prai- rie 12: Dryden. out.. 13: Port Arthur 14-15; Ft. William 16-17. . . Dollar Prlnceas, Chaa. Frohman, mgr.: PltMt- bnrg, Pa., 5-10; Baltimore, Md., 12-17. Dollar 'Princess. (Special), ?bss.. frohman. mgr.: Denver, Cot., 6-10: Pnehlo 12: Cotor-tdo Strrlngs IS; Sslt Lake City 15-17. Drew, John, In Smith. Chaa. Frohmtn. mgr.: Newark. N. J.. 6-10: Pittsburg. Pa., 12-17. Dressier. Marls. In Time's Nightmare, Lew ' Fields, mgr.: Providence, R. I„ 6-10i >■> , Dlxey, Henry B„ In 'The Naked Truth. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Cincinnati. O.. 6-10. Dsn Cupid, J. K. Vetter, mgr.: Iowa City. la.. Drew. Sydney, in Billy:', Can,/-'0-lo. Drifting: New Haven, Conn., 8. XK Down the Slope. H. E. Stelner, mirr.: RayHlle. La., 7; Boston 8; Arcadia 9; Glbnslaod 10. Deep Purple, Mebler & Co., mgra.: Chicago, 111., Oct. 3, lndef. Dill, Max M.: San Francisco, Cel.. Oct. 24. lndef. Daniel Boone on the Trail (Eastern), Ben 11. Howe, mgr.: Kittinnlng, Pa., 12; I'trkenbnrg, W. Va.. 14: Portsmouth, O.. 15; SL Marys. „ W .' , V "i' 18: Be"' 1 ™- °-.i 7 -,„ . , _ Daniel Boone on the Trail (Western). 8. A. Mitchell, mgr.: Pierre. £>. D., 14; Blunt 15; Iroquois 16: Elkton 17. Dodge, Sanford, B. S. Ford, mgr.: Greenwood, B. C, Can., 7-8; Grand Fails 010. Donaldson, Arthur, Gus Hill, mgr.: Louisville, Ky„ 5-10: Birmingham. Ala.. 12-17. Dodeon. J. E., In The House Next Door. Cohan & Harrla. mgrs.: St. Louis, Mo., 4-10; Wash., D. C. 12-17. HI and Jane (Southern). Harry Green, mgr.: Stamps, Ark.. 7; Magnolia S; Junction 0; El- dorado 10; Dermott 13. EUlott. Marine, In The Inferior Sex, Geo. J. Appleton. mgr.: Chicago. III.. 28-Dec. 10: St. Paul, Minn.. 12-14; Mlnneapolla 15-17. East Lynne, Chaa. L. ' Newton, mgr.: Rogers. Tex., 7; Caldwell 8: Belleville 0; LaGmnge 10: San Marcos 12; Granger 13: Elgin 14: Bastrop 13: Yoakum 16; Cuero 17. ' Edeaon, Robert, ia Where the Trail Divides, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Milwaukee. Wla.. 4. 7; St. Paul. Minn.. 11-14: Mlnneapolla 15-17. EUlott. Gertrude, In the Dawn of a To-Morrow. Llebler & Co.. mgra.: Brooklyn, N. Y„ 6-10.. Eltlnge. Julian. In the Fascinating Widow. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Cnlcago, III., 6-24. Flake, Mrs., In Becky Sbarp. Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.: Jacksonville, Fla.. 12: Savannah, Ga.. 13: Augusta 14: Columbia. S. C... 15; Salisbury, X. C, 10; Richmond, Vs., 17. jriamlng arrow. E. F. Kreyer. mgr.: Xew Caa- ' tie. Ind., 7; Muncle 8; Union City 9: I'lqua. o.. io. Fairbanks. Douglaa, in The Cnb. Wm. A. Bra- dy, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 510. Fortune Hunter taa jt s tj ). Cohan * 11 rrla, Kl AND Gee, It's Great to be in Love. ENCLOSE STAMPS FOR COPY. SEAR-WILSON MUSIC GO , 3343 Indiana Ave., - Chicago. »■ ' ■« " UunUr^^setern). ^Cohan At 11 onrth 'Estate. Llebler *' Co.. ingrs.: Im Fonrth Eatate. Llebler * Co.. mgrs.; Itnffalo. N. x., 5-7. Follies of 1010. F. Zlegfeld. Jr.. mgr.: I'lilla., 21-Dec. 17. Fighting Parson (Western), Henry Wyatt. mgr.: Monroe, Wis... 7; Freeporl. 111.. 8: Belvlucre 10; Aurora 11. Flirting Prlnceas. with Harry Bulger. Mort R. Singer, mgr. : Louisville, Ky„ 3-7; Mt, Sterl- ing fS: Huntington. \V. Vs.. 0: Charleston 10; Cincinnati. O 11-1T ■ - Cincinnati. O.. 11-17. Firing Line, Delamater A Norrls. Inc.. mgrs.: Berwick. Pa.. 7; Wllkes-Harre 8; Eltulrs. N. Y . 8: Ithaca 10: Syracuse 12 14; Hochesler 15-17. , ^. Fortune Hunter (Western). Cohan & Harris, mgra.: Ogden. U., 8; Laramie, Wyo., 0: Chey- enne 10: Denver. Colo., 12-17. '" Flgman. Max. In Mary Jane's 'Pa.- Jobn Cort. mgr.: Vancouver. B. C, Can., 8-10; Seattle, Wash., U-17. Flower of the Ranch, LeOonite. Flesh. t A Wade, mgra.: Clinton. Mo.,- 7:- 8' rlugdeld 8; Anmra 9: Joplln 10: Colombo,. Kan.i 12: Pltlsl>:cn, 111., Nor. 14, Indef. r Lola. In Th« Girl and the Ralaer. btru. m«n.: N. Y. C. Nor. 21. lade CM- Gillette. Win. mar.: N. IT, DM "lleer. Ba ladef, Crsostark ' (Saltern). Bikrr * Caitje, mgra Victor. Colo.. 7: Boulder 8; Ft Oolllai Si (Irvlrj- 10; Denier 11-17. <3rsn«tark (Central). Baker* Caatle, men.: Bld- dvfnrd. Me., 7: 8anford 8: Dover, N. H., B; Gloaceater, Mas*.. 10; 8alem 12: Atlleboro 13 ; Plymouth 14; Taunton 10; Fall Blrar, Masa., 16-17. Oranatars (Soothernl, Baker ft Caatle. mm: Canton, III.. 7; Macomb 8: Qalacy S; ITannl- bal. Mo., 10: Sprlnirteld. III.. IMS: Macon. 0a„ 14; Mooerly 15; Sedalla 10; Warrena- Olr| ar rrom' Home. B. O. Klngaton, mgr.: Cam bridge. O., lO: Waahlngton 0. 11., 14; Drown* town, I ml.. IT. „ . _ „ _ Ooddesa of Liberty. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Beau- mont, Tex.. 7; Sareeeport, La.. 8: Texarkana, Ark.. 0: Hot Sprlng/lO-ll: little Bnek 12; Van Buren 13; Kt. Smith 14; FarettorlUe 15; Mo.kof.-e. Okl... 1«; Oklabom. Cltjr 17-18. ilden fllrl. Mort H. 81ager, mgr.: Elgin. 111.. 14: Mexico 15: Col nmb in 16; Jeffer- C vaoKhan. In The Man Between, Vaagaaa r, mgr.: Kanaaa City. Mo., 4-10; St. Loola 11-17. -Girl from V. R. A. (Eastern!. Barry Scott, mar.: Salrm. N. J.. 7: 511 n villi. 8: Uuwvod 8: Red Bank 10: Boonton 12; Waldeo. N. 14; bangfrtlea 15: l'lttafleld. Man.. 17. _ , Battle Wnilama. Chaa. Iroa- man. mar.: London, Ens;., Nor. X8. Indef. Her One Fain Step (Elliott ft Alllaon'a): Rldg way. Pi., 7; BlODeaboro 9; Mercer. 10; Zellen- onle 12; Ellwood City 13; Bntler 14; Toronto. O.. 15: Brllalre 18; Newcomeratown 17. Happy Hooligan. One Hill, mgr.: bx. Joaepb, Mo^S-7; Omaha. Neb.. 8-10; Dee Molnca. la.. Haroed, Virginia. In The Woman Be Married, Arthur J. Ayleawortb, mgr.: Bllllnga, Moot.. 7; Mllee City 8: Oleodlra 9; Dlcktneon. N D„ 10; Mandan 11; Btamarck 12; Jameatoa n [Itebcock, BAymond, In The Man Woo Own* Broadway. Cohan ft narrla. mgra.: Detroit. Mien.. 5-10: Boiralo. N. T.. 12-17. Unman Hearu (Southern). Lea Delmare, mgr.: Vildoata, Oa., 7: Waycroaa 8: Bruaawlck 9: Barannah 10: Pernandlaa, Fla., 12; Jack- aonrttle 13-15: Palatka 18: Deland 17. nouae of a Thouaand Candlea (Rowland A Oae- kell'a Co. A.). Geo. J. Elmore, mgr.: Water- towa, S. D., 7; Brooklaga 8: Huron 9: Pierre 10; Phillip 12; Deadwood 13: Spearflah 14: . Lead 15; Belle Fourcbe 10: Rapid City 17. Irwin. May. In Oettlng a Pollah. Uebler ft Co., , mgra.: N. T. C. Nor. 7. Indef. Importance of Being Karneat. Chaa. Prohman. mgr.: N Y. a. Not. 14. Inder. In Old Kentucky, A. W. Dingwall, mgr.: Cin- cinnati. 0.. 4-10: LoulBTllle, Kr.. 11-17. InPanama (Al. Bleb Production Co.'al. Wm. W. Woolfolk. mgr.: Grand Raplda, Mich., 8- . 10; Toledo. O., 1117. ll Matrimony a Failure. Darld Belaaco. mgr.: Kanaaa City. Mo.. 4-10: St. Louie. 11-17. In the Blahop'a Carriage. Baker A Caatle. mgra.: Pontlac. Mich., 7; Ann Arbor 8; Port nuron 0; Bay City 10: Owoaao 11; Cadillac 12; Tra- eerae city 13; Maatate* 14: Ludlngton IS: Big Raplda 18; Muakegon 17. Illlngton. Margaret, In The Whirlwind, Bdw. Bowea. mgr.: St. Loola. Mo., 4-10. tela of 8plce (P. A. Wade'a). Herbert J. . S* r, i r >^ B, « r " Keneaa aty, Mo., 4-10. JoHy Bachrlora. Lew Flclda. mgr.: Kanaaa City, Mo.. 28- Dec. 7. Janla. Elale. In The Slim Prlnceaa, Chaa. Dllllna. ham mgr.: Cincinnati. O., 0-10; Detroit. Mich.. 12-17. Juyealla Boatonlana. B. E. Laag. mgr.: Mcllta. . Man.. Can., 7: Naplnka 8. Jnit Oot of College. Botbner A Campbell, mgra.: Soldier*' Home, Leavenworth. Kan., 7: Law- rence 8: Ottawa B: Paraona 10: Jnnlln. Mo.. Kidnapped for a Million (Perry'.). Eugene rerrr. mgr.: Dana, lod., 7; Cayuga 8: Vee- der»fiurg 9: W. Lebanon 10: Kingman 12: 28 Dec uT" a,l,e *' m * r '- Bo" ,0 « Lojt Trill, willg Amuw. Co., mgri.: Neb., 4-7; Atchlaon, Kan.. 9. Reel Hair, Crop Wig, ev Ulowa, rv ateSa BaaaST Ralmaaa 7SS. njri- lAti «tr.- ail 4th Ara.. Naw Tort. Lily, to*. I 'arm Belaaco. mgr. 10; Newark. N. J.. 12-17. Lottery Man (Eastern), Frederic Gage, mgr.: Berlin, Out., Can., 7; Gait 8; Hamilton 0-10: Peterlwro 12; Belleville 13; Klngaton 14; Brock- ton 13: Ottawa 18-17. Madam* Bherry. Fraxee, Lederer A Wood., mgra. : N. Y. C.. Aug. 30, Indef. Madame Troubadonr. Tbe Sbuberta. mgra.: N. Y. 0.. Oet. 10. Indef. - . Manhattan Opera Co.. B. H. Kane, mgr.: Mo- bile, Ala., Nor. 31-Dec. 31. SS*24. 0PCT " C °' : UoBtrea1 ' C * B '' 001 31 - MotheV. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C. Sept. 7, Indef. My Wlfe'a Family. Wallace R. Cutter, mgr.: Plqua. o.. 9-10; Sidney 12; Tippecanoe City Mildred A Rouclere, In Prlnceaa iris. Harry Bonder*, mgr.: Johnatown. Pa., 7: Oreena- bttra 8; Charlerol 9: Mooenen 10; Browna- Tlll* 12; Connellarllle 13: Scottdale 14; Mt. Pleeaant 15; TJnlontown 16; Morgantown, W. ▼*.. 17. McCoy, Beeale. In The Echo. Chaa. Dillingham. mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 5-10; N. Y. a. 12-17. Maeenley. Wm.. In Cl.eamatee. Jaa. B. KelU. McAleeter. Okla.. 7; Shawnee 8: ' aoururr, v.i, . , . nuawuon City 10-11; Norman 12: Ardmore 14; Denlaon, Tex.. 15; Denton 18; Ft. Worth 17. Mlaaourl Girl (Eastern). Frank W. Richardson, mgr.: Newton. III.. 7: Olney 8: Oblong ft; Mt. Carmel 10: Endeld 12: Falrfleld 13; Harrla- burg 14; Eldorado 15; Johnston city 16: Mar- lon 17. Mlaaourl Olrl (Merle H. Norton's). Joa. Rltb. max.: Wayncsbnrg. Pa., 7; Tarentum 8: Blm- eraburg 9; Latrobe 10: Irwin 12; Wlodber 14; lUrm-aboro 13: Clearteld 17. My ClnderelU Girt (No. 1). Delamater A Nor- rto. Inc. mere.: Greenville. Tex.. 7; Parla 8; Bherman 8: Denlaon 10; HeAleetcr. Okla.. 12; Moakogee 13; Vlnlta 14; Tulsa -IS: El Reno 18; Bald 17. My Cinderella Olrl (No. 2), Delamater ft Nor- rta. Inc., mere.: Manlatee, Mich.. 7; Cadil- lac 8: Bif Raplda 9: Mnakegon 10; Battle Creek 11-12; Charlotte 13.- Owoaao 14; Lannlna- 13; Jackson 16; Flint 17. Matinee Olrl. Frank DeAUey. mgr.: BeevlUe. T«.. 7: Corpna Chrlatr 8: Port Laeaca 0; Victoria 10. . . Melville, Rose, In Sle Hi mgr.: Sloox City. Ia., .i un Omaha, Neb.. 11-14: Lincoln 15; IS: St. Joseph. Mo.. 17. Midnight Sons (Lew fields' Weeterni, Matt Smith, mgr.) Atlanta, Oa.. 5-10; Chattanooga. Tenn.. 12-13; Birmingham. Ala.. 14-13: Mo- bil* 16-17. Minister's Sweetheart. Dava Airman, mgr.: 15-17. Montgomery A Stone. In The' Old Town. Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: Beaton. -Maaa.. 14-D*c. 17. Mack. ~ Ark., Lake Madame X (Beetern), Henry W. Ravage, mgr.: Phlla., 6-10: Boston. Maaa..' 12-31. Madam* X (We* tern). Henry W. Sarage, mgr.: Portland. Ore.. 5-7; Eugene 8; Culco. Cel., 10; San Franelaeo' 11-24. *•• Madame X'(Soathern>, Henry W. Savsre. mar.: Jaekaon. Mlaa., 7; .Batoa.- Rouge. La.. 6: Natchex. Mlaa.. 9; Vlckaiurg 10: Yaxoo City 12: Clarkedale 13; Jaekaon 14: Clarkavllle *3: 17 on peg. 89.) The Three Shorties 0? V . c < AS \ ii w < af ■ f —IN THEIR— NEW-FASHIONED ROMAN RING ACT IN VAUDEVILLE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF = =J0HN CORT MRS. LESLIE CARTER (In a play based upon the Drama by T. Cicconi) g Wt hughes "TWO WOMEN" At *' LYRIC (5?gtIow! THE AUTHORS' PRODUCING COMPANY ANNOUNCES CHARLES KLEIN'S "The GAMBLERS" With GEO. NASH, a t MAXINE ELLIOT T'S THEATRE now. Other Productions in Preparation: A Play by Henry Arthur Jones. A Play by Margaret Mayo. "Potash and Perlmutter" Stories dramatized bv Chas. Klein and Montague All productions under the stage direction of ( MAX FIGM AN £&V nmi ELLI8 ' "MARY JANES DAW A Triumph in Musical Organization and Production ■ m ■re Chamberlain AND HIS- All -American Band "Th. Acb. of Ongi.alit, ..d "THE CIVIL WAR" Superlative in conception of novel electrical effects. Elaborately stnged.and costumed. AN AMERICAN BAND FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Not an experiment, but a tried and proven success. FOR- DRAWING POWER UNSURPASSED. NOW BOOKING PARK SEASON OF 1911. ADORtSS- L. J. CHAMBERLAIN. - - Sh.mokln, Pa. WILL TYLER AUSTRALIAN FOOT EQUILIBRIST New Making His First American Tour. Opsntd In San Frar Cisco at the) American Thaatra, Making an Emphatic Hit. For Optn Tim a and Tirmi Addrass I. N. COHEN, Spaolal Raprasantatlva Carw Th, Billboard 621 Waatbank Building, San Francisco, Cat. THE OFALLTHK business directory; gives 78 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. DIRECTORY Of Agents, Hotels, Musie Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged. Adrertlsraenta not exceeding oos 11ns In length will be published, proper!/ daselfled. In tads directory at tbs rate of xio for one year (03 fames), prorlded they are of an acceptable nature. Price Include* one rear's aubscrlp- tlon to The Billboard. : • Each additional lice or additional claeelflce- UaD. without •□bacrlbtlon. S7.B0 per ennnm. One Use will be allowed to edrertleer* free of charge for each $100 worth of apace need *T*l5 dSectorV'la rerleed sad corrected weekly. • In Una name* and addresses being re- aa soon as they are racelred. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. ger Brom_. 82 Bowery. .New York City. Shore Co., 220 Medtaon at.. Chicago. ADVERTISING STICKERS. Louis HI. AERIAL ADVERTISING. BLUs J. Conyne. 3508 HcEsCan btc, • AERONAUTS. . Belmont Staters Balloon Co.. Bead City. Mich, kflaa Dorothy De Vonds. Box TBfl. Otsego. Mich. Prof. Chae. Swerta, Humboldt, Tenn. The St Clair Oirls. Thorn nsonrllle, Mich. AEROPLANES. . Bex 78, Midlaon Square, Mew York City. AMERICAN TAILORS. B_ Nlepage A Co., IN Bay at.. Toronto. Can. AMU8EMENT 8UPPLIE8. Hereehell-Splllmen Co.. No. Tonewentla. N. Y. C W. Parker, Abilene. Kan. U. a. Mnaic Co., 1938 N. Western are., Chicago. ANIMAL DEALER8. 100 Greenwich at., N. Y. C. North Waterford. Me. too arena, Kansas City, Mo., and Col. tools Kobe. 248 a rand ac; New York City; '. Wens * Mackenaen, Yardley, Pa. ANNOUNCEMENT 8LIDE8. tarn Co., Inc. 24 Union Square, E.. N. Y. c. ARC LIGHT8. . J. H. Hsllberg. SB E. 2Sd at. New York City. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. V: Botanical Decorating Co.. 810 Fifth arc. Chi- cago, in. J. r. OaatboH Si Co., Denellle, 111. . Artttelal Flower Co., Inc., 1877-1679 4T0.. CURTAINS. V ALandls Co.. 417 8. Clinton it., Ch'go. a W. Trainer. 80 Pearl *L, Boaton. Maaa. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONO- MIZERS. J. H. Hsllberg, 88 B. 23d at. New York City. M. Power Co.. 118 Nasaan at. New York City. AUTOMATIC M M E y^|AL IN8TRU BADGE8. BUTTONS. Newman Mfg. Co., 811 Woodland are., Cleee- Co.. 122 8. 4th at. are.. o. -LOONS— HOT-AIR. Northwestern Balloon Co., 34C Chicago. BALL THROWING GAMES, all Novelty Co., 204 ISth at, Otn'tl, BAND INSTRUMENTS. ! Bonae. 528 Elm at. Cln'U. O. 206 Wabaah are. Chicago, nt Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. BAND MUSIC. - . nnmore Mnalc House. 028 Elm at. Ctn'ti. O. BANNERS. °- »• J« B » » no **"•• Co- L Elaenateln. 44 Ann at, New York City. Naastlla Bros., S3 Atlantic are.. Boston. Mass. Newman Mfg. Co., 041 Woodland see.. CUre- Isad, O. 8. Seboen * Son, 80 Aaa St, New York City, tarrock Todd Co.. 824 N. 8ta st. St Louie, Mo. N. Slrare Co.. 2X0 Midlaon at.. Chicago. Singer Bros., 83 Bowery, New York City. Weitern Bargain BOOM, 373 S. Madlaon. Ch'go. CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. t. B. Hallherg, 84 E. 284 st. New York. City. CAROU8EL8. a. A. Dentael. 8641 German town are-. PhUe. Herscbell-SpUlmu Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. a W. Finer, Abilene, Kan. CARS ( R- R- Amu Palace Hons Car Co., M Chicago, III. lcka Locotnotiee and Car Works. 277 at.. Chleago. in. withers Iron a : . BuUdlng, Atlanta, Qa. The Ventre Trans. Co., 8d National Beak Bids.. St' Loans, Mo. '■_ CASH REGISTERS (2nd HAND). - Queen City Be. A Second-hand Cosh R^l.ter Co.'. SIB Vine st; ClnclnnaU, O. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS. Helmet CO.. Inc.. IS W. 8th at, Cincinnati, o; Toledo Chewing Gam Co., 408 Jackson St., To- ledo, 0. J CIGAR8. L. Benebeln Cit '' U *' CIRCUS 8 Co., 217-18 Grant Labia, 936 Market at, Philadelphia, Pa. Laemmle Film Berrlce, IBS Lake st, Chicago; Braaarflls. lad.; Mempala. Tenn.; Neb.: Salt take City; Minneapolis, Portland, Ore.; Montreal, Qoe, Can.; peg. II an.. Can. Morpby. O. J., Blyrla. O. Nee. Mot. Pie. Co.. 422 Tort at., Ohio mm Bxeh., 40 8. Third It, Pat he Cinematograph Co, 41 W. 38U it, n. Y. C. Pittsburg Caletnm tight A Film Co. Pittsburg. Pa.; Dee Molae*. la.; RocheetaT, N. T.| Lin- coln. Neb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha. Neb.; Wllkes-Bar-e. Pa. Southern FUm Brchange, 17 Opera Place, Cla'tt Sooth, mm tech.. 34» Mala it, Norfolk, Vi. Standard FUm Bscs.. 181 Washington at. Ch'go. Spoor. Geo. K., 03 N. Clark at.. Chicago, til. U. B, rilm Bxchange, 81 8. Clark st, Chicago. Onlt*! states mm Brokers and Importer*. 41 Union Square. New York City. Western Film Exchange, 841 Century Bldg.. St. Lou la, Mo. FILM CEMENT MANUFACTURERS. Atlas Supply Co.. Msnayunk, Philadelphia, Pa. - H. Bajlberg, 88 B. 381 St. New York City. * Son, 1222-24 Oak st. CIRCUS WAGONS. Csgea, Den* sad Bead Chariots. A Bulllran A Eagle, IB Canal st. Pern, lad. CLOWN WHITE. M. St.ln Cosmetic Co., 130 W. Slat st, N. Y. 0. CO ASTER 8. D. Bowse, 187 Dearborn at. Chicago. - COLD CREAM. . M. SUln Ooeaetle Co.. ISO W. 81st st, K. X. O. COMEDY BOOKS. Ifsdlsen's Bodget No. 13. |l: 1404 td ire.. Haw Yeefe. • - •«■ . ' COM PEN 8 ARC. Fort Wayne Electric Work*. Port WsyBS, lad, . CONES. A. T. Diets, 137 Mlchlgin St. Toledo. 0. r. I* Tarh.ll Mfg. Co.. S4S Klnsle. Chlee TBThhoJl Mfg. Co.. 440 N. Ma CONFECTIONERY M< Wan. CONE MACHINERY. Market Pises, Co- ACHINE8. CONFECTIONS. * Bck«teln. Herrleon * CONFETTI. R. Johnson, 80 Pike st, Seattle, Wash. B10 s^Bth ^etj Philadelphia. Pa. W. r.. Co., Memphis, alouee. XTJ a CORN POPPERS. 1T2 Hlgjh art., RptiBrAsM. O. af^sW TB-tT m CURTAIN COATING FOR MOVING PICTURE CURTAINS. Scenic studio. W. Water St, BILLPOSTERS' SUPPLIES. BOOK AND ROYALTY PLAYS.™" Bennett's Dramatic Exchange, 88 Dearborn at. Chicago. „ BOOKING AGENTS. Ted Spark* 1 Vandernie Circuit. Century Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. - ■ BUILDERS OF RIDING DEVICE8. The McKay Construction Co.. Rockefeller Bldg.. Cleveland, O. -BURNT CORK. M. 8teln Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 81 at., N. Y. C. CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Oes Manufacturer.. Ctnctsnstl Calcium Light Co., 108* 4th, Cln'tl Brker 'Bros.. 604 Oilre at. St Louis. Mo. Pittsburg Calcium Light A Film Co.. Plttabnre Pa.; DCS Moines. la.; Rochester, N. Y. ; Lin- coln, Neb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha. Neb.; and Wlkee Harre. Pa. Bt Loola Calcium Light Co.. BIB Elm at. St. toula. Mo. . • - tn Calcium Light Works. 188 Halting* Detroit. Mich. - . CALLIOPES. I Krats, EranXTflle. tod. Ml A Co., Pearl A Ludlow at*.. Cln- °CAMEPASCOPES. Lane. New York CANES AND WHIPS; Clereland Cane Co., Clereland. O. .City. DECORATORS. A Boa CO., 10-12 darnel a a ELECTRIC FAN 8. SSd st. New York City. RIC LIGHTING OUTFITS 880 W. ^«>th «t.,^N. Y^O. EYE BROW PENCILS. Ceexnetle Co.. ISO W. Slot et, N. Y. a FACE POWDER. Cosmetic Co.. 130 W. 81st St, N. T. C. FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt Sisters. 147 W. 44th St, Chicago. HI. T. O. Mott 418 Dearborn at.. Chicago. 111. FELT PEN I Holiday Nortlty Mfg. Co., New York City. FESTOONING. • Mfg. Co.. 808-807 Bergen N. Y. • ± FILMS. st. American Film Brokers, 187 4th see.. New York. Amer. lUm Serrlee. 77 B. Clark (t, Chicago, smer. FUm Serrlee, 168 N. Mein st, Memphis. Anti-Trust FUm Co.. 77 8. Clark st. Chicago. Chicago Film Bxchange. 48 Jackson Bled., Chl- Omaha; Dourer; Salt Lake City; San 317 W. 4th. Cln'tl. Crawford. 0. T., FUm Bxeh.. 1041-5 Locnit «t. St Loola. Mo-; lonlarUle. Ky. ; New Orleans, lav H. DaTlx, We terto wj. Wis. Dixie FUm Bxchange. Oweusboro, Ky. Xdlaoa Mfg. Co.. 10 Fifth are., N. Y. a, end Orange, n . J . J. H. H«nb*rg, 90 B. SSd ft. New Tort City. H. A H. FDra Serrlee. 880 Monednoek Block, Chlce ro. 111. ^ •-: - C. L. Hull A Co.. 1608 B. 87th st. Chicago, •umont Co.. Congreee STs., Fluihlag, L. l t ef. w # ... r ■■ .w-.'. . .-'/i, F COTTON / PIREPROOFE,. 3o., 170 Greene st, N. Y. 0. Fl REWORKS. Consolidated Firework* Co., Beading, 0. Gregory Firework* Co., 118 D* arbors at, Ch'go. A. R. Marrystt 82 Park Place, N. Y. 0.. •- Fireworks Co., Sehenecteey, N. Y. Co.. Trenton, n. J. FLAGS. Bndolph Broa.. B20 S. Btb et Philadelphia. Pa. D. S. Tent and Awn. Co.. 33-38 N. Deiplelne* st, Chicago- FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M. L. Beatastar. 103 8. Canal St.. Chicago. FORTUNE TELLING DEVICE8. ' GAMING DEVICES, SpleiTlie, Clnh Ho nee F uisHi e, Etc Cherloa^A Oo^ SST 7th BTS., ^fSW T^k^CTty^ Z. Long. ITS High St., BptijvrBsld, 0. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. aTske>-7» Bwaee, 0014 Oreeee, Eta. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slit st, N. Y. O. HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. HARNE88. I Trapplnse for Olross aad SilSI Id ward Elrke, 157 Canal St, N. T. C. Be ha em ha Plume Co.. 813 Metropolitan arenoe. ""fa, w. y ICE CREAM DI8HER8. Klagery Mfg. Co.. Cradnnatt o. ". INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES. Gordon. NSb. INSURANCE. Mingle A Wood. 188 Broadway. N. Y. dtp. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Tsklto. Ogewe A Co.. 108 B. Leke st. Caicsge. JEWELRY. Vet BtSgS Uee. Bennett Jewelry Co.. 104B N. 10th et.. Phtla. K. B. Dodge A Co., Masonle Tempi*, Chicago. N. Shore Co.. 220 Madison it, Chicago. Bhryeek-TMd Co.. 834 N. 8th st. St Louie. Mo. Stager Broa.. 88 Bowery. Ne w York City. Western Bargain House. 373 B. Msdtsos, Ch'go. JUGGLERS' GOODS, ■dw. Tea Wyek, I48B Pollen are., Olsetnnatt KNIVES. Cleweland Cane Co.. Cleeelend, O. OoIdherg^Jewelry Co.. ill W. 6th et., Newman Mfg. Co.. 841 Woodland see. lend. O. Bros., 83 Bowery. New York City. L. Welghiom, 343 E. Madison it, Cb'go. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRROR8. 7. M. Nsnghtea. Hotel Meyer Bldg.. Peoria, m. LIGHT8. BL BsJta A Weyer, 8 B. Mlchlgin gl D. 8. T«t end Awa. Co.. 22 2R Wtadhorst A Co.. 104-108 N. 12th it, St Loul*. MAGICAL SUPPLIES ANDSCHOOL. BambergMaglc and Novelty Co., 1108 New York City. MFR8. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES. American Box Ball Co.. 1280 Tan Bnrea st. Indianapolis. Ind. Annltaga A Gnlnn. Sprlngrllla, N. T. Ell Bridge Co.. Boodbouae. III. HereeheR-SpUlm ea Co.. N. Tosawanda. N. Y. W. F. Mangels. Co.. Coney IHand. N. Y. 0. W. Parker. Abilene. Kan. A. J. Smith. 8247 W. Veo Bnren et.. Cblcaeo. Wm. Wnrffletn, 208 N. 3d at.. Philadelphia. Pa. MERRY.GO ri ROyND Ri OR N GANS AND Lyon A Heely. 206 Wabaah ere. . Chleegs. Bndolph WnrUtaer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN- MENT AUCTION. arrmtnn, 601 Broadway, H. Ys MOVING PICTURE MACHINE8. American FH Brokers, IB7 4th are. , New York. American Vltagr.pb Co., 116 Naaaau it, Niw York City. Amer. Pllm Berrlce, 77 s. Clerk it, Chicago. "fT 1 "- 'M N. Mile i st. Memphi*. City; Ban Chicago Film cago; Omaha; Francisco. Crawford, O. T., Film It. St Loul*, Mo.; - lean*, La. 10 r - a - *»* Osomoot Co., Congreee are., Flushing, h. I.. J. H. HaUberg, 88 B. SSd at. New York City. Harbech A Co., 800 nluert et., Philadelphia. Pa. H. A H. Film Serrlee, 800 Monednoek Block. Chicago, IU. O. B. Klelne. 602 6th ere. . New York City. Laemmle Film Berrlce, 106 Lake et., Chicago; Evanirllle, Ind.; Memphis Tenn.; Ornate, Neb.; Salt Lake City. Minneapolis, Minn.; Portland, Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; Winni- peg, Man., Can. 8. Labia, 928 Market it. Philadelphia. Pa. Magnetic FUm Berrlce. Clnctnne'tl, o. Nicholas Power Co.. 116 Nsassu at, N. Y. C. Psthe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 25th *t. N. Y. C. Pittsburg Calcium Light A Film Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.; Des Molnee, Is.; Rochester. N. Y. ; Lin- coln. Neb.; Cincinnati, 0.; Omaha, Neb.; WUkes-Birre, Pa. . Bberherd Schneider. 100 B. 12th et. N. Y. C. South. Film Exch., 245 Main at, Norfolk, Ya. Stebblns. Chae. If., 1028 Main st. City. Mo. Standard Film Bxeh., 161 Washington et. Chi- cago. V. 8. Film Bxeh.. 81 8. Clark it. Cblcsgo. [>e Mfg. Co.. 112 E- Randolph *t. Cbl- Vlascope CM °' VlJUSICAl Brooklyn. N. Y. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lyon A Btaly, 208 Wabash sea., Cblcsgo. Mo ileal Instrnmest Works. . Cincinnati and Chicago. N08E PUTTY. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 81st st. N. T. C. NOVELTIES. Cos. Yooge A Co.. 006 Loess are.. 8t Louie. Mo. Goldsmith Toy Imp.. Co., 123 B. 4th, Cincinnati. Gordon A Morrison, 190-301' B. Madison, Chi- cago. Goldberg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6th St. Kansas Ho?ldiy " ? otc1It Mfg. Co., 87 Greet Jonee It. New York City. T. O. Mott, 416 Dearborn et-. Obleago. Bndolph Bros.. 830 B. 5th at. N. Shore Co., 320 Midlaon st. Odd Co.. 824 N. Stb et St. Loul. Confetti Co., Co.. 356 .Broadway. St Loola. lie. jea Mfg. Strane City. United Nortlty Co.. 806-K 8th are.. N. T. 0. Bargain Houee, 272 Beat Medleoo. OPERA CHAIRS. American Beating Co.. 218 Wabash see.. Chl'go. A. H. Andre we. 1T4 Wabash are.. Chicago. Oarule-Ooudle Mfg. Co., 807 Delaware st. Ban- nee City. Mo. J. Et Hellb N. Y. 'bars. 88 B. SSd st. New York City. Hardee ty Mfg. Co.. Canal Dorer. O. A. B. MBner I Royal Metal K." 1 ! 0 ' Stafford Mfg. Co.. CbicagO. Steel Furniture Co.. Grand Raplde. ORANGEADE. The Corner Co.. SOS Maryland at. Chaa. T. Morrtaeey Co.. 3480 Harrlsoo, > 0RGAN8 AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. .Jle th. Abilene. K en. A. Bsfnt 220 W. 14th *t. New York Oty. G.rlnli A Co., SI Bond st, Now York City. • Johannes 8. Gebbardt Co.. 8034 Lawrence at. PhlUdelphla, PS. . _ _ . _ _ ITS Musical N. T. Wnriltser Co., ClnclnnaU A PAPIER MACHE. American Oeooretlng Co., 1406 K. Irrlng Perk Bled.. Chicago, llT. ««. Ceralrel Papier ^Meche^ Worke. sss-sao Watf Waur ■ t -p A °^°^ |L , j;^ R8> Paul D. Hawse, 187 Dearborn at. Cblcsgo. PATENT8 SECURED. Victor J. Brene A Co., Weahlngton, D. 0. PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES, WHOLESALE. B w C.J.njaro p A Co.. Pen. ire . A 22nd St. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY. Mff. Co., Cincinnati. PENNANT8. A Shlmmel. 144 Park Row, N. Y. City. PERFORATED MUSIC. ' Xor aClsrctriO Plavzi04i. U. 8. Mmlc Co., 3930 W. Lake it, Chicago. PHOTO BUTTON MACHINES. Amer. Minute Photo Co., 720 W. 12th. Chlcaau. Cot-Bate Photo gopply Co., 1347 8. Halated It, Chicago. Chicago Ferrotype Co.. Ferrotype Bldg., Chl'go. Nat'l Photo Machine Co.. 80 Bearer *t, N. J. C. N. Y. Ferrotype Co.. 168* Delancey it, N. T- W?'8T Moontford. 100 M.lde. Lsne. N. T. 0. PHOTOGRAPHERS. . Young A Csrl. N. W. cor. 7th and Tins Cincinnati. O. AND M 39. ^ a, AgsBtg aad Broker*. d, 228 Ann *t. New York City. 806 Fester Bldg., Mllwsukee. POPCORN. Greenwich st. N. Y- City. Co.. 185 Senec* it. Budilo. i" H rV'l*on\Vd C p b eor| , » POPCORN MACHINES. X. Long. 172 High It. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The B 1 U b o a r d P0RCUPfNE8. Lluwood B. mint. North Wsterford, Me. PORTABLE PIANOS. The Colombue Piano. Co., Columbia, .0. ■' P08T CARDS FOR MACHINES. Daydark Specialty Co.. 003 Temple Bldg., SI. L0,,l ' , ' M °" PRINTERS. Of MetoTUlgPoata^Bji^Typ, Steads, AckermsnnQuIgley Litbo. Co., Kanaa* City. Mo. American 8 bow Print Co., Milwaukee. Wla. " tno. Co'.. Newport, Ky. ir. . ig. Co.. 613 Elm st. lit. Looli, Mo. WUmana. 386-8 telomere* at.. DiUu. T ' X ' PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Lstterhesds. Contracts and Pro grama. Church Printing Co., 416 Elm at., Cincinnati. O. RACING C0A8TER BUILDERS. ~ SONG BOOKS. Win. W. Delaney. 117 Park Row. N T. City. W. B. Hubbs, 264 WUHam at.. New York City. SONG 8LIDE8. ;nleago Jrawford, 0. at.. Bt. " £' 1ST Loute'vuS!' Ky^tl.w^or- Ck'veland. O. ROLL TICKET8. National Boll Ticket Co., Shamokln, Pa. floral Ticket Co., Shamokln, Pa. ROUGE. at. stein CoameUe Co.. 130 w. Slat at., M, V. C SCENIC PAINTER8. And Doalara In Soaaary, Etc. Eugene Cox, 1628 Van Boreo at., Chicago. Francis a Dwyer. 2S1 E. 4th it. N. V. C. Bnkeboll Art Co.. 5306 N. 27th St.. Omaha, Neb. at". A.. W., WW i, . — * ' 1 1 »«>« John Herfurth. 2183 Boone at.. Or The Myera Co.. Inc., 144 N. 3d at.. A- Land la Co.. 417 8. Clinton. Chicago, roomey * Vollend Scenic Co., 2312 Market at., Bt. Louis. Mo. Howard Tuttle. 1202 Center at, Milwaukee, wla. SCENIC RAILWAYS. Paul D. Howe*. 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. 8ECOND-HAND 8H0W GOODS. Film Exchange. Owenaboro, Ky. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. i Piano Player Co., Kansas City. Un. •aly. 208 Wabash ave.- arl' tier Co.. Cincinnati i Co., 3930 W. Lake St., SHOOTING GALLERIES. Novelty Co.. Schenectady, N. T. K. K. Hippie, 8W Vine at. Philadelphia. Pa. C It. Hoffman A Son. 542 Jackaon Blvd.. Cb'go. W. F. Mangel. Co Oooey lalsod. N. I. C W. Per kcr. Abilene, Kan. iV i: ' land. N. v. Wo. WnrBeln, 206 N. 3d st, Philadelphia, Pa. SHOW PRINTERS. Calhoun Show. Print Co.. 386 Aaylum at.. Hart- ford. Conn. • Boncy Show Print Liberty A Logan ate.. Cln ClaUUtl. O* SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. 8. Bock 728 Bine Inland are., Chicago. 111. Da Moulin Bros. A Co.. Greenville. I1L Knkeboll Art Co., 8306 N 27 tb at., Omaha, Neb. e J. Haydeo A Co., 106 Broadway, Brooklyn. O. 8. Tent and Awn. Co., 22 28 N. Deaplalnea at. Chicago. 8IDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Wm. Nelson,- No. Cambridge), Haas. SKATES. American Bolter Blnk Sopply Co., Bandnaky, O. Chicago Roller Skate Co.. 1123 Waahlngton Blvd.. Chicago.. 111. . af. O. Henley. Richmond, lad. 1 Ssmuel Wlntlow Skate Co., Worcester, Mass. 8LOT MACHINE8. Maauracturaxe of aad Dealers taw' Otamood Novelty Co., Schenectady. N. T. A. J. Fisher A Co.. 434 3d eve.. Pittsburg. Pa. Lyon A Uealy. 206 Wabaah ave., Chicago. 111. aUUe Novelty Co.. Chicago, 111. • O. 8. llosle Co., 2330 W. Lake St., Chicago. Rndolph Wurlltxer Co., Clnclnnstl A Chicago. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTES. Olaha Co., 1022 Main st, Anderson, Ind, SNAKE DEALERS. W. O'Dell Learn, San Antonio. Tax. Snake Co., San Antonio. Texas. - Box 270. ~ ti. A H. tila Service, SOU Uoaadnock Block. Chicago, in. Laemmle Film Service. 196 Lake sc. Chicago: gtvaasrllle, Ind.; Memphis, Tenn.; Omaha. Nab.; Salt Lake City: Minneapolis, Minn.: Portland. Ore.: Montreal. Quo.. Can.; winni peg, Mas., Can. Lake 8 hare Film A Bnpply Co., 814 Superior at, Cleveland. Ohio, lent Co., lac. 34 Union Square. New York City. Novelty glide Co., 221 B. 63d at., N. T. City. i. Labia, 928 Market St.. Philadelphia. SPECIAL SLIDES. Mfg. Co.. 77-79 i Clark at. Ch'go. I AND EYE-GLASSES. Low-Pricd. New York City. GUM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat St. N. X. C. 8TAGE HARDWARE. X. R- Clancy, agr Salute at.. Syracuse. N. Y. C. STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. I. H. Haliberg. 36 E. 23d* at.. New York City, los. Mencbea saectrle Co.. 360 W. 60th st. Yark City. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Co., 209 57th st. Chlean. STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES. . ■ For Fair Follow u Cos, Tonga Co., 904 Lucas Ave., Bt Louis, Mo. Bark Bros, 629 Broadway, N. Y. a M. M. Davis Boap Co.. 310 Union P.rlt Place. Chicago. Goldberg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6th at, Kansas City. Me. Gordon A Morrison, 180-201 B. Madison. Ch'go. Ooldamlth Toy Imp. Co.. 123 IV 4th. Cincinnati. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 87 Great Jonas st. Nsw York City. Levin Bros.. Terre Haute. Ind. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve- land. O. Shryotk-Todd Co. 824 N. 8th at at Loola, Mo. 2t. Share Co.. 230 Madiaoa at. Chicago. L. L. Young Co.. 69 Oornhlll. Boston. Maaa. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. Slack Mfg. Co.. 128 Franklin at. Chicago. UL Harry Welahaam. 28cV Madison st. Chicago. UL Western Bargain House. 278 B. Madison, Ch'go. Yost A Co.. 900 Filbert st, Philadelphia. Pa. TALKING PICTURE MACHINE8. Qaumoat Co., Congress are., Flushing. L. L, ' TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Iw. m. Brown, 118 Mate at. Aurora. UL TENT8. Baker A Loekwood. 7th. A Wyandotte sts.. K an- us fatly. Me. Oelambna Teat aad Awn. Co., Colssibas, 0. Ca rule -Goodie Co., 807 Delaware City. Me. thirty at V. TICKET CHOPPERS. Bright. Strswa Bide.. Cleveland. 0. TICKET PRINTERS. Arena Ticket Co'.. 300 Dearborn at. Chicago. National Ticket Co., Shamokln. Pa. Bees Printing Co. . lotn At Hirwj eta.. -Oman*. Trlmoaat Plin, ST Albany at, Boston, Maaa. Weldon. WUlUma A Lick, Fort Smith, Ark. Wllllama A Lick. San Francisco. Csl. TIGHT8. A Well. 78 Wboater at. N. Y. City. TOY BALLOON 8. re.. Boston. Msss. Geo. A- Patnrei. 41 Warren at.. New York City. Shryock-Todd Co.. 834 N. 8th it. 8t Louie, Mo. Singer Bros., 83 Bowery, New York City. Weatern Bargain Bonn. 273 E. Madla oa . Ch'go. TRUNKS. A Bag Co.. 152 B- Trunk Co., 447 Wood St.. TURNSTILES. Dough Co., 109 8. * MZg. 'oo^ 1 10O7 IC W. St. at J. 0. D. M Chi' Wl 1 Murray A Co.. _ Tbomsoa A VaadlTear. 616 ». Pearl. _. 0. 8. That aad Asm. Co.. 22-38 N. Deaplaiaes St, Chicago. THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS Kanneberg BooSng and Celling Co., Canton. 0. THEATRICAL CO8TUME8 AND . WIGS. Wm. Beck A I On.. 10-12 Cln- clanatt O. . reeger. 621 Walnut at. St Loola. Mo. THEATRICAL INSURANCE EX- CHANGE. Jan. B. Hogs, 416 Electric Bldg., Cleveland. O. John THEATRICAL LUMBER. THEATRICAL PROPERTIED , 78 1 H. Bright Straws Bldg., Cleveland, 0. UNIFORMS. Da Moulin Bros. A Co.. 1090 B. Foarth at. Greenville. III. Westsra Uniform Co., 214 8. Clark at, Ch'go. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Padle Coaat Amusement Co.. American Bank Bldg.. Seattle. Waah. Ted Sparks' Theatrical Exchange. Century Bldg.. Kanass City, Mo. . VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. 0. F. Ames, 317 H. 86th st. Nsw York dry. WATCHES. N. Shore Co.. 330 Madlaoa st.. Chicago. III. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. M. Y. C. WIGS. Max*- Hp ul Tricot Mask*, Percy awing Bnpply nodes, Decatur. I1L WILD ANIMAL dealers. Putnam's ret aad Wild j Animal store. 490 Washington st., Buffalo, N. Y. Louis Rubs. 348 Grand sic. Hew York City. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. T. 0. Matt, 418 Dearborn st. Chicago. UL —THIS IS OUR— $1.25 Combination Cut HALFTONE, WITHOUT BORDER, 75 of*. For Letterheads, Heralds and News- papers it can't be beat. We axe fust beginning. Watch un grow. Quality perfect. Service unexcelled. TlutricH Evan* t PiWfcCi CINCINNATI. OHIO. WHAT'S BETTER FOB XMA8— Talking Par- rots. Singing Canaries, those large deep orange canaries, direct from England: Globes. Fancy Fiah, Pete, all klnde. Remember, our prices ere lowest. We guarantee lafe arrival. DAYTON BIRD STORE. Dayton. O. FOB, BALE— Best Dp-town Wagon on the road, 1200: Advance Wagon, swell. 275. Wsnt to buy largest and taUeat horse In the world, also • mall calliope tor pony wagon. Will trade now I Ira iron banner for^good^ Cli - Neleoovtlle. O. Arcade Machinee: 4 AutostsTOOACopes, 110 each; 2 Illustrated Song machines, f20 each; 1 Ministers Perfume Sprayer and Stand, fl2.B0: SO set Views sad Signs. Ms per set; 10 sets Views, signs sad Records. 8LO0 per set Above are all Mills- nuke and I will guarantee In perfect condition. Address F. W. BLOOD. 210 W. 2nd St.. Minot. N. D. OTB CUB WAOOHB AND PAPER FOX BEST Film. like Bills. 8 high, can be split; no printing; ox* with any streamer; lc per sheet. Lot of Magi c. Loading Runs, Chocks. Ropes and Tackle. CIRCTJ8. care BUI beard. Cincinnati. Ohio. MTJSXOAX AOkTMTS— Steel Merimbaphone. Dea- dltlon; cost $05; Ncodeaha. Kansas. FOB SALE— Smallest Doras t Colt; Shetland Stock. ' tonne. , the world. *1S0; Wheel. of - Quartoecopes. 10 Machlnee. 12-car I buy. aeU and repair all klnde ■ - • . . ■> This is our 75-cent H-Jf-Tone>, or a 3x4 for $1, cash with or dor Knox ville Engraving Co. 515 IH FIVE FOOT HORSE ™™ •CHEAP Personal Hand-Colored Post-Cards These are made for you, and you only. Your portrait it inserted in a beautiful border. Border in one color, and the portrait hand-colored in tour catchy colors. THREE -WAYS- ONE COLOR ONLY We insert your portrait in a border selected from our circular. Print in one color. |j in another. TWO COLORS We print border in one color and your portrait II portrait in FIVE COLORS then hand-color. Week THE QUEEN Cirr ENGRAVING CO., OXXTXX XOXXaVX »,••*>•>• •••••• ■■•■••■••»•« •••• •••••••••••• CINCINNATI, OHIO ThSs Week Next Week •teeeiieeess 80 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Merry Widow (Southern). Henry W. garage, mar.: Parkersborx. W. Va_. 1- Fairmont 8: Unrgantown 9; Clarksburg 10: Washington, Ps., 13; UcKeesport 13; Latrobe 14; DuBole IS; Wllllamsport 16: Wllkes-Barre 17. - Mia* Nobody from starland. Will A Singer. »p.: St. UnOm. Mo.. 4-10; Alton, 1IL, 11-12; Edwsrriaviiie 13: Henderson. Ky.. 14; Owens- boro 15: Frankfort 16: Lexington 17. Man on the Box. Q. L. Lawrence, mgr.: Prince- ton. TIL. 7; Monmootb 8; Galeeburg 9: Bnr- UatlOD. H.. 10; Ft. Madison 11: Macomb, BE, 12; Canton 13; Petersburg 14; Maaon City 15: Havana 16; Springfield 17. Mao on the Box. E. E. Trousdale, mgr.: Mar shall. HI.. 7: Paris 8: Champaign 9; Monti- cello 10: Dec* tor 12: Jacksonville 13; Lincoln 14; Taylorrllle 15; Bloom Ington 17. Man on the Box, Winn W. Trontdale. mgr.: Wakefield. Neb.. 7: Klngsley. Ia.. 8: Whiting !i CorrectloDTttla 10: Onawa 12; Battle Creek 18; Ida Grove 14; Lake City 15; Bockwell City 16; Manson 17. Man on the Box. Moots Thompson, mgr.: nehi"loT' Cmmbrtd « e ' Md - 8: K " U > D 9: U< ??- V J etor - Thc . Happiest Night of His Life. fraxee 4 Lederer. mgrs.: Phlla., 28- Dee. 10. Man tell. Rohert. in Repertoire. Win. A. Brady. mgr.: Milwaukee. Wis.. 4-10. Mannerlng. Mary, in A Man's World. The Sho- berta. mars.: Little Bock. Ark.. 7; Memphis. Tenn.. 8. MacDonald. Christie. In The Spring Maid. Wer- bj. * Luscber, mgrs.: Boston. Mass.. 5-17. Madame .Sherry (Road Co.). Fraxre A Lederer. mars.: St. Paul. Minn.. 4-10. Midnight Sons (Law Fields' Eastern), Char. H. . sale, mgr.: Indianapolis. Ind.. 5-7. My.*'/e'« Family. W. L. Stewart, mgr.: Rer- Sf»* B- C. Can.. 7-8; Bossland 9; Trail 16- Fernto'lV 3W * m 14-15; Cranbrooke lt ^i M V" *5?- , ^yrMnse'"ovio ,,, * r * : Bocn€,,er ' Msn of the Hoor: C Wooater. I o".' uf'jtewark 17l ^be- "rtth Gay Bates Post. The Suu- v..i • Calcago, m., SS-Dee. 10. SSf™ •^ n,e e^ Ulu "Pertolre. The Shu • '" T ^* , Z* Co-. The Sboberta, mgrs.: Roches ter.N. Y., 5-7: Schenectady 8; Albany B-10- S : rfngne!d. Mass.. 12-13: Jfew Haveo! Conn . Uebler M. N. Netheraole. Olga, In Mary * Co.. mgrs.: w. x. C g-rt. *"!*hty. Martetta._ Oscar Hammers tela, mar : X. T. a. Jfor. 7. lndef J ^ M '^ * Tr V i Terry. Klaw * Er larger. ™*™- : N. I. C. Oct. 24. Brief. Newly-weds and Their Baby (Eastern). LeflVr- ' ™ " n , n Co.. props.: Grand s»ap**-. Mich.. 4- tro u'll-r?" " 81 LM1 ^* £ Jackson 10; De- N rSS^T?".. and Their Baby (Western): Leffler- PraUDn Co.. props.: Oklahoma City. Okla.. 7: Ontnrle 8; Enid 9; Wichita, Kan.. 10- Halina J2l ,nn 5 tlon City 18: Concordia 14; ~ Neh.. 35; York 16: Grand laland 17. (II • -Olaon. J. H. Hewitt. Wash., T: Mt Vernon 8; TO: Seattle U-17. Onr Village Poatmaater (Perry*s). C 1C ssaltfc, mxr : Stanford. DL, 7; . " Man! to 10: Cobs 12; Lewl»town 15. O Harm, T Fls ^AI. McLean, mgr.: Pi OI ?-J? om ^ ,, '*?'.. F £! 11 * Thompaon, mgr.: St. Iania. Mo.. 4-10; Kaaaaa City. 11-17. Osjr New Minister. Barry Doe I Parker, mgr. Wsltsbnrx. Wash.. 7: Colfax 8: Pullman 9 Le wlaton. Ida-. 10: Spokane. Wash.. 11-13; Mb-oids. Moot.. 14. Olcott. Channcey, in Barry of BaCymore. An- gnstns PI ton. mgr.: Cleveland. O.. 5-10. Powen * Cohan Musical Comedy Co. (Eastern) ?^ eII „^.. PorteU<> . "h*™.: Edwardarllle. 111. 5-10: CollhUTtile II: Nokomla 12-17. Phantom Detect! re. Rowland A Clifford Chicago, m., 6-10.- ' P *Jl^%J^' I , w *««5'»ll * Kemper. •L** -St' *" 7: Peoria 4-lOT *T P^IO™^ msr So?"" XSg* C0mrfj ' Co.: M^on. Prince of His Race. Oscar Graham, mgr.: TIc- Clty , 10 TeJt " ! 8; WhaVtorfo: Itar Paid In Full (Wacenhals * Kemper's) . „ W V. mCT - : Logansport, Ind.. 7 ton 8: Blnffton 9; Marlon 10- Mlc : J* : J.* 1 J . D * r »'* 0 14: Hammond is : 1«: Coldwater. Mich. 17 ™°™ M ™' a ? 1 Comedy Co., Chaa. A. Pryor, mgr.: Honaton. Tex., 5-10: Galreston 12-17 P0 ^r. *! n ^J*™-?'* -T°.t He Tenn.. 5-10; Knoxmie *, P fit 0 £aie? sir^iof^jr'' P ", D . am i ' Pe, 3?'« 1 - 0 Art WDllama. mgr.: Royal i'iitl: MlSn^^L^rne fi ^ 10 = 16 "££ g 0 rS. n 7 e b^7t Centr^fcliyf : rfrinV ft fe-Broief B^^^ ^^MJS Wslls^ Wssh., 7: Spokane 8-10: Wallace. Ida. 12: Mlaaonla. Mont.. 13: Bntte 14- Greii Fans 15: Helena 16: Billings 17 PO aV f » 1 ii M !? ,c S" HswSS * G«keU's Co. of the Highway. Morrison A Hefferlln. a..: 0f lWM.% W 'V Ca, B .% , • E " ai9 » rt Robertson, Forbes, in The Passing of tne TMrd Floor Back. The Shoberts. mgra.: Boston. Mass.. 5-17. Blng. Blanche, in The Yankee Girl. Lew Field/ mgr.: Boston. Mara- 28- Dec. 10. •II, Annie, in The Impostor, Chss. Froh- mgr.: Atlantic City. N. J.. 8-9. . The. Rowland Sc Clifford. Inc.. mgra.- Waahmgton. D. C 5-10. Bosalind I at Bed Gate (Eaatern), Osskell-Msc yitty-Crrpenter Co.. mgrs.: Bristol. Tenn.. ; JT« Bloefleld. W. , . • Reoben In New York: Randolph, Vt, 7-8. Bed Mill. H. B. Emery, mgr.: BeUalre. 0. , 8: StenbenTllle 9: Newark 14. . mgrs.: Phlla.. 12-17. Rebecca or Sntmrbrook rjam. Joi. Brooks, mgr.: X. T. C, Oct. S,,lndef. ltorliwlcr. X S5* Royal Blare (Eastern). J. M. Jacobs, mgr.: Northumberland. Pa., 7; Lykens 8; Tower City •; Pottatown 10; Lebanon 12; Ephrata 13; I'hoenlxTllle 14: CoatesvUle 15; York 16-17. Royal Slaae (Clarence Bennett's). Geo. H- Bnbb, Jackson, Minn.. 7; Estherrllle. Ia.. 8; bnrg 9; Bntbren 10: MUford 12: Hart- Sanborn 14; Prim g bar 15; Bock Rsplds . larch wood 17. Bnsadl, Lillian, in in Search of a Sinner. Jos. Brooks, mgr. : San 10: Sacramento 12: 14: Oakland 15-17. Rosary, The (Rowland A Clifford's), M. 8. Cold- Sine, mgr.: Olney, III.. 7; Mt. Vernon 8: Du- Qooln 9: Marlon 10-. Cairo 11; Terre Hante. Ind.. 12-14: Brain 15; CrawfordsrUle 16; Frankfort 17. Rosary, The (Rowland & Clifford's Southern) Wm. H. Lemle. mgr.: Chicago. 111.. 4-10: Ben ton Harbor. Mich., 11; I tie Creek, Mich., 13; Ji ids 15-17. re— .ii—a at Bed Gate (Western). GaskeU-Mae- V It ty Carpenter Co., Inc.. mgrs.: Korthneld. Minn., 7; Bed Wing 8: Hastings 9: Stillwater 10; St. Cloud 11; Royal ton 12: Staples 13; Detroit 14; Alexandria IS; Fergus Falls 16; Wan pe ton. N. D-, 17. ■ara. Zelda. In the Nest Egg. L. C. Wlswell. mgr.: N. Y. C. Xor. 23. lndef. Seren Days. Waxen hala A Kemper, mgrs.: Bos- ton, Mass., Oct. 24, lndef. Speckled Band. Chaa. Frohman, mgr.: X. Y. C.. Nor. 21. lndef. Spendthrift. The. Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Chi- cago, 111.. Not. 14. lndef. . Sweetest Girl in Paris. Harry As kin. gen. mgr.: Chicago, III.. Ang. 29. lndef. Stubborn Cinderella, Chaa. A. Goettler. mxr.: Newton. Kan., 7; Hutchinson 8; Dodge City 9: Garden City 10; Trinidad. Colo., 11; Pneblo. 12: Victor IS: Colorado springs 14; Boulder 15; Ft. Collins 16; Greeley 17. Sweetest Girl In Dixie (MlUer Bros.'):' Auatln, Minn., 7; Winnebago 10. St. Elmo. Glsser A Stair, mgrs. : Dayton. O.. 5-7: Colmnbns 8-10: Cincinnati 11-17. Sidney, George, in Th- Joy Rider. E. D. Stair, mgr.: Blrmlngbam. Ala.. 5-10; New Orleans, La-. 11-17. ■ • Snperba. Edwin Warner, mgr.: Toledo. O.. 4-10: Grand Baplds. Mich.. U-14; Port Huron 15: Saginaw 16-17. School Days. Stair A HarUn. Inc. mgrs.: Mem- phis, Tenn., 5-10: Maabrllle 12-17. Sunny South (J. C. Bnckwell's): Tilbury. Oct.. Can.. 7; Thomas rille 8: Dresden 9: Port Huron. Mich., 10: Pontlac 11; Oxford 12: Lapeer 13 Battle Creek 14; Kalsmssoo 15; City. Ind.. 16: Hammond 17. Sllrer Threads. Joe Lane. mgr. 4-7; Lincoln. - Neb.. 8-9: I St. Joseph. Mo.. 11-14; A: . Beatrice, Neb.. 16; Fairbury . 17. Shadowed by Three (W. F. Mann-a). L. c. Zel leno. mgr.: 8nmner. la.. 7: New Hampton 8 Nora 8prtnxs 9; Rockford 10. Sow Kiss (Esatern). MIttenthal I Borne, N. Y.. 7: Little FalU 8: i Amsterdam 10: Albany 12-13; ":; Sonl KISS ( Chicago, m„ 4-^ 15-17. Sothern, E. H., A Julia Marlowe, in Repertoire. Claxton WiUtach, mgr.: N. Y. C. 5-31. 8ins of the Father. Geo. H. Brennan. mgr.: Chattanooga. Tenn.. 6-7: Decatur, Ala.. 8; Huntirrflle 9: Columbia. Tenn., 10. Shoemaker, The. Gus Hill, mgr.: Chicago. HI.. 5-10: 8t. Loots. Mo.. 12-17. Spomer. Cecil. Blaney-Spooner Am. Co., mgrs.: AtlanU, Ga.. 5-10. Starr, Frances, in The . Easiest Way. David Balaam, mgr.: Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 7: Lafayette 8:' Elkhart 9: So. Bend 10: Kalamazoo, Mich.. 12; Grand Rapids 13; Flint 14; Battle Creek 15: Toledo. O., 16-17. Sis Perkins (C. Jay Smith's). Eddie Delaney. mgr.) Woodsneld. O.. 7: Wellsbnrg 8 O., 15: Athens 16: Charleston. W. Vs.. 17. Sqnaw Man. II. E. Pierce -A Co.'s Western), J. E. Caven. mgr.: Rock- Island, III.. 7; Du- bnqoe. Is.. 9: Prairie du Chlen. Wis.. 10; laCrowe 11: Rochester. - Minn.. 12: Owatonna 13: Albert Lea 14; New Dim 15. Sqnaw Man (H. E. Pierce A Co.'s Southern).: Texarkana. Ark., 7; Camden 8; Hot Spcinxs 8: Little Bock 10: Poplar Bluff 11: Cairo. 111., 12; Murphysboro IS; BeUerlUe 14. Stahl. Rose, in the Chorus Lady, Henry B. I^ 4 Grs»?Bapida*(M2 mCO ' SUen "' T ' JarkBon - BOOKED UNTIL AUGUST 28. 1911 •••••••• Direction M. S. BENTHAM Nothing Like it in Existence Wonderful Kifiit] EvtT Interesting. Instructive. Historical. THRILLING and AMUSING ALL TAKES PLACE UNDER WATER ■ ■ ADDRESS CAPT. LOUIS SORCHO Care The Billboard 1440 Broadway, New York LaPETITE EMELIE TROUPE OF CYCLISTS & * - *^ The daintiest, most novel and pleasing trick bicycle act obtainable. rV.irdrobe, ability snd Featuring the Three i everywhere. A 9 word. Time snd 30 Lowell Street, Wishing Ton A Merry TAKE NOTIZ Prosperous New Year KLEVER, KWA1NT, KARACTER HISS CONNIE MAC Ottii F. Wood and Out. That will be the 1911 Marvel of December io, 1910. The Bill l> o a r d 81 COSTS YOU ONLY 15 CTS-— SELLS LIKE HOT CAKES FOR 50 CTS. HERE IT IS. (BIGGEST MONEY-MAKER YOU EVER SAW — Picture shown exact size of Box and of each of the three Im. Cut-Glass Bottle*. L&bela and Neck Bands Lithographed in eight Colors and Gold. Bottles with Fancy Caps and Ribboned. Fancy Picture Top Box lined with French Crepe. Looks like a Dollar Bill. Quality such that you needn't hesitate to sell a Box to your own mother for 50 cents. Our factory running night and day, double force, to keep up with orders. Send 15 cents for a Box— see for yourself. Honey back if not satisfied. PARKER CHEM 1 1 AL. COMPANY. 233 Markwt St.. CHICAGO. Tima. O., Snoaw-B.n. Wills la. Co.. mm. FtndUr t; Urn. S: Newtrt 10. Snmmar Widowers,' Law 0.. 8-10. ^ .Dtn.WliMUl ft Tt s-aa, la Tat Mikado, .' ■aw.: PltMnri. Pa.. B-li Opeaxttbrm. Tka. feoderic — New Orleans. La., no. ■pjadtkrtft, Tka, rrederle Rochester. N. Y.. 5-7. it. HBO. N*U T-womey. mar.: Bedlaa. N. T.. 7: Lockport 8; Cenandatirea B: EmkMrtr 10. WliUrd. mar.: Portland. Or*.. 4-10: A. to- rt » li: Kelao. Will.. 12: OMtraBe 13; ib Atef. T*i. A. H. woods, mar.t Toronto. S-10. ~ Ta«v^tSS Sm7 * HurT< *' "tr.rHtw Or- Tkantoa. AAtltM*. la kflss Aaaabu. Cohan ft SV*fr "FJV Omaha. Baa,. 4 7: Daren port. !§.. 0; lauaaapoua, Minn.. 11.14; St. Pan! _ 1HT. Turning- Point. Jar U - 5-10. ■sr.: PbUa.. Co.: El Paao, Three Weeks. Morrison ft BafTerltn, mat*.: Cal- can. III.. 11-24. Two Americana Abroad (Eastern). L. L. Harris. Kittanntoa^' , 14^"ohjMrMwn 12 is Latrotoo 10- Altoooa w. Two Americana Abroad (Central), a A. Ten*, or.: alelMaabora. ill.. 13: Eldorado IS: Mar- lon 14: Christopher IS; Chester IS; Morpnya- boco 17. Tborston. afajtdaB. Wada L. Morton, mar.: Whecitac W. Vs.. B-T; To uaaato w a VO.. 8-10; Aaron 12-14; Anderaoe, lad., US; It Wayne 1S-1T. Uncle Tom's Cabin (AL W. Martin's). Wm. Ktbbl*. ma*.: Creaton, la.. T: Bad Oak 8; Ptattamoatb, Neb.. S: Lincoln 10: Oooocil 8 intra. Ia.. 11: Waboo. Nab.. It: Tart IS; Oraad Inland 14: Baatrtca IS: Kin.. 18; Tow** IT. Under Southern Skies, bit.: FatrMRT. Hi.. T: Drbana Si 10; Terre Baato. lad.. 11. Dp aad Bowa Broadway, with Kddle roy. Ta* Bhaberta. aura.: St. Loo Is, Mo., s-10. Cnele Tom'a Cahla (Stetson's). Leon Wama- bnrn. mgr.; Plttnbont. Ran.. T. Uncle DaT* Holcomb: Newark. O.. T. T, rT V. WW teal da. Walker, ta ta* Mettlar Pot. Ltebler * Co.. aaar*.: X*w Orleans. La.. S-10. Wltsoo. Francis, la the Bachelor's Baby, Chi*. tr.: Boatoa. Maaa.. 28- Dec. IT. War*. Helen, ta Tb* B i a aU a i a, Henry B. Har- ria, mar" Pall... 6-17. Wise, Tana, ft., la A Oentlaman from Missis- sippi (Wm. a. Brady's). Chaa. D. WUaoa. mar.: Jersey City, N. J.. S-IO. Warner, B. B... ta Allan Jimmy Valentine. Llebler A Co., mara.: Baltlmora. Md.. S-10. Ward*, rradextek: Aoatta. Tax.. IS; rt- ' Worts 9 -10. wlun. ta ta* Ottrar W« ner. Neb., T. Wolf, Tb»: Nawark. a, 10. WUaon. AL H. , Sidney B. Ella, mar.: Colo™ baa, Qa.. T; Macoo 8; SL Anxnattae, Ha.. 9; JackaoBTUla 10-11; rtavaaaaW. Oa.. U; Ckarieatoa. S, C IS; Oolnmbu 14; Anaoata, Oa., IS: Atlanta lftTtV When Sweet aiiteen. Krer-Wall Co.. J nr.. mara.: Bprtnafleld, Urn., 5-7; Wort-eater g- 10: Atlantic City, M. J., 12-14; Tranton 15- Ward ft Voaea, ta Tronrje atakara, B. D. Starr, mar.: Yoonaatown, OX. 8-7; Akron S-10: Wheel lat. W. Va.. 1S-1T. . Waldmam. Bdaard. I. J. Mocrlacrn. mar.: Stttkaamtoo. N. T.. 12; Oreenport 13; Rlr- «rb*a< 14: Port Jeffenion IS; Bactapott 18. ,°il^"t: tTate'rl olt, The. Stair A BaeUa. mara.: Detroit, Mica,, S-10; Chlcaao, iu., 11-17. WUdftre, Harry Doe! Parker, mcr.: Colombia. O., 5-7; Canton 8: Borbaatar. Pa.. >; Brl* 10: Toronto. Can., 12-17. Widow Parkas, F. J. 1 8. D.. 7: Howard g : Ifadlsaa »; Dell 10: rtaadrcaa 12: Pipestone. 14 too.. U. cay 14: Marshall IS; LltchOald 18: Baaaoa IT. Wlaard r" : Caitkaaa, Dell BapTdA l. 18: Tra- MINSTREL Bla dry (Jaa W. Total'a): Chester, Pa.. T; BatrtatewB 8; Pottatown 0; All an town 10. Cobora'a. J. A.: Oreeoaboro. Ala.. 7: Damon* 11a S; Satlma 9: Union Springs 10; Troy 11-11: IS: Dawson, Oa.. 14: Albany IS; Amerlroa 18; Colomha IT. DeRne Bra, 1 : Toms Riser. N. J., T; Barnerat 8; T^akehnrat 9: Bammootoa 10. iia DocHUder-s. Lew: Portland. Me., I; LaW- alaaa.. 10. Hooey Boy. 0*0. Bran*, mar.: Haaa- „ Tm, 9-10. Field'.. Al. O.: OreeaTfll*. 8. C.. T; B i l ia fk , B. a. 8: Greensboro 9: Danyfll*. Ta™ 19; W; Bloeneld. W. Ta.. IS: Wmiam- :-■ - ..VK' -' 82 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 10, igio. MB 14: Charleston IS; I O., 17. l«: rox'a i>one 'Star, under cunt, Boy Z. Tot, mgr.: Sebalcobnnr. Texw S-7: Flatouta fcv Lading 12-14; Segnln 13-17. id's. Slg., Lsdy: (Crawford's) St. Louis. Lair. Fischer & Art.. 6-10. BANDS & ORCHESTRAS. D'Urbano's Italian Band, • Geo. ChaDta, mar.: Calumet. Mich., 5-10; Superior, Wis.. 12-13: Dulotb. Minn.. 14-17. Bounds' Ladle* Orcbeatra. H. 0- Bonnda, mar.: Troy. N. Y., 7; Coxseckle 8: Plttsfleld. Ma**.. 9; St. Joonsrtlle. N. Y.. 10; Glovcrarllle 11; BlrbasU Springs 13: Leonardsrllle 14: Mot rtsvUl* IS; Esrlrllle 10; Bmjroi 17. RlfftHTigr Rink Attractions. Alice Teddy. Boiler Skating Bear. Geo. B. Crap- o.. no. WlMW SES CarapbaU Bros.': Victoria. Tec. 7; Oolald 8; Edna 9; Richmond 10: Orange 12. risk's. Dode. Shorn,-. Athena. Tex.. 7; Hnbbar.l 8; Teaan* B: " CARNIVAL COMPANIES Armstrong's Oreatcr United bora, Ml**., no. ". • uuement Co.. No. 1. K. O. Bar Olrard. Ala., 0-10. oaement Co.. No. 2, J. 0. Blmpaon, U TbonunlUa. 0... S-10; Valdott* 12- Irraul'i Stadium Shows. J. M. OreenTlUe. Ml**.. S-10. Kranaa Greater Hbow*. Ban Kraoae, mgr.: Cor dele. O*.. 5-10: Mtxeerald 12-17. Landea Bras.' Snows, rrank Huntington, mar.: De Kidder. La., 5-10. Lae-Orant Mardl Oraa A Carnival Co.. H. Grant. mar.: BosseUrUle. Ala-. 6 10; Haleyrllle 12 S-10. Hew Olympic Shown, Macy A Matthews, mar*.: W. Bio. too. Ala.. S-10. St. Louis Show. K. W. Wearer, mar. ana. O*.. S-10. aiatrcmk Co., N. B. W. Blstrnnk. mgr. bant, a a., 8-10: Cochran 12-17. _ _ Smith Oreater Bbowa: Oranaebnrw. H. 0., 6- od Or- Wlchlt*. Kan.. mgr.: 11-17 ebeetra. 4-10. . Barnuni Baffle* Sensation. R. O Iron Mountain. Mich.. 4-10: Mi Congo Kins. W. A. Tboma*. mgr. Kan.. 7: Oabome 12-13; Stockton 14; IS; Ktrwlo 10; Norton 17-18. Dell*. Myaterloua. Dell II. Cook, mar.: Wln- 12-17. City. Sterling-. 111.. 5-10. . „ II. Trio: j Kercvllle.^Tex.. T. Ken noraon''"*': 9 AlDanV D 15f°Lancaater cheater, V*., s-10: Banorer. Pa.. Edwards'. J. S.. Animal Show: I Gilbert a^McKnlght Vandernie" Co.. Albert rrs) Niagara Fall*. X. V., 8-10. - -t. ... ! . -. Crawford A J)clancey (I Jet on Kansas City. Kan.. S-IO: (Lyric) Sedalla. Mo., 12-17. Conlln. Steele A Can (Grand) Pitsburg. Pa., 6-10; (Lyric) Dayton. O.V 12-17. Carton. Dare (Bead-O-Scope). Montreal S-IO. DeLialr, .Juggling (Orpheinn) Lincoln, Neb.. 6- 10; (MaJeeJei Chicago. 111.. -12 17. Basis Im perish Three lLos Angeles) Los Angeles, "S-10; (Garrlck) San Diego. 12 IT. Hsner A Long. 117 tate St.. ernon. Bonier A Rosa (Liberty) Saris das, Ga., 5-10. Harger. Polly (Cosy) Houston. Tex., S-IO. Karl (Garrlck) Wilmington, Del... 5-10; (Keith's! PhDa., Pa.. 12-17. Kltamnra Jipanese Troupe (Temple) Rochester. N. Y . 5 10; (Majes tie) Milwaukee. Wis.. 12- Larslls, The (Liberty) 8aT*nnab, Gs- S-IO; (BIJoo) Jacksonville. Fla.. 1M7. LlTlncaton*. The (Majestic) Milwaukee. 5-10; (Majestic) Chicago. 12-17. Lamp* Bros. (Indiana) Marion. Ind., 6-10. , r4B LaCIsIr A West (0. B.) Toronto.' 6-10. <• • Lit tie John's United Shows. Tbos. P. Littlejokn.- mgr., Bylrester. Gs., S-10: Tift on. 12-17. -• • Murray, Mr. A Mrs. B. J. (Deandl) Amarlllo, Tex., 8-10. 8w«ey A Wolffbelm's, Buffalo 5-10. Weber Family (HIsr A Carter) Chicago. Urine 8tstoei (Academy) IUD.. s- : BnUrUle. Miss., V ' ' ■ : •• • - • ADDITIONAL PERFORMERS. Clark, Delia, to the White Bqnair. Louis t. Werbs, mgr.: Cobough. Oot-. Canada. 7: Trenton 8; Napanee 0; Kingston lO; Ooloome. 12; Plcton 13; BeUerllle 14; Oananoqua IB; Horriiburg 16; Cornwall 17. Carle. Richard. In Jumping Jupiter, ftaaee A Lederer. mgra.: CI er el and, O.. 5-7: K. Llrer pool 8; Wheeling, W. Va., 9-10; Phils., Pa.. 11-24. City. The (Eastern). The Sbuberts. mgra.: Lan- caater. Pa., 7; Lebanon 8; Hsrrlatrarg 9-10; Bnntlngdon 12; Alltoona IS: Johnstown 14; Green* burg IS; Butler 16; New Caatl* 17. American 8t. Pslr Exhibition Co, nirmtna-ham. Dodge. Sin fori i, 8. 8. Ford, mgr.: Beretstoke. B. C. Can., 12-13; Ksmloops 14-15; Keolowna Olrl and the Banger (J. A, Norman's). Frank P. Preacott, mgr.: Dursnt. OkU.. 10; Atoka 12; Leblgb IS: Coalgate 14; Ada IB; Holden- vllle 16; Okmulgee 17. Bouse of a Thousand Csndles (B). Rowland A Oaakell, mgra.: SUmford. Tex.. 7; Anson H Tburber 9: Westberford 10; Mexla 12: Groes- beck 13; Calrart 14; Beanie 18; JacksoorUle 10; Nscogdocbes 17. Hello BUI, Frank Mahsrs, mgr. : Cory don, la., 8; Centerrllls 9: UnlonrUIe. Mo., 10; Nortn- ger 12; KlrkSTllls 13: Qnren City 14; Atlanta 15: Brookfleld 10; " 1 1 111 nun's Ideal S' Aurora. Kan., Lse's >1 aisss 1 Blowera, Jack Lee, mgr.: Wslcb. W. Va.. S-10. Ninety and Nine, W. T. Boyer, mgr.: Chicago, 111 . 4-24. Shadowed by Three (W. F. Mann's), L. C. Zelleno, mgr.: Sumner. Ia., 7; New Hamp- ton 8; jj 1 * 0 ™ iff^Brlt?.' i R ° Ck i2^ a Al°* OW f3; Austin. Minn.'. 18. Texas Banger (Western), Boy W. Sampson, mgr.: Van Buren, Ark., 9; Ft. Smith 10: A WHIRLWIND SELLER FOR STREETMEN AND OUTDOOR VENDORS BUNKUM DOG is the neatest delusive Everybody "falls" for it. As a seller for articles we know of will equal it. For Street men it is the long ex- pected "Prospect" that will make good. DOZEN, $3.00. {SPECIAL HOLIDAY GOODS FOR STREETMEN A* sellers there are none better. These are altractlrs gooda, popular, and pay big prod la of the season, but few No. N-120 N 121 N-122 N-12* N-na N-124 Celluloid Tumbling Clowns. Orsasjed. ns Celluloid Roily Polly, small star. asst. Celluloid Holly Polly, large also. asst. tf Roily Polly Santa Clans, small else Kolly Polly Santa Clans, large alas.. .......... Wslklng Figures, celluloid, asst. style*. Dew.... MECHANICAL TOYS-SOME NEW ONES >j»asew«a,s>sss>ajs>*>ea>< • •••*>••• •••••••*•••• • • •*>••«*■*•••••••••«« ■ *>•>*•>>■■•*•,*••■*>■ i Tap Ta Cart, with nuu) poshlas It. ipil Airablp, ZcpprUn LTiixIfl ...... uck Qaack Cart with thm docka pnllloi It. •w CvBiarr Cycla. well-known... larcr *l*r. • ••••*>•• •••*>*e 1.80 I 80 1.80 1:3 A FEW VERY GOOD STAPLE TOYS N-23SO N-23S6 N-7132 N-80T7 N- — »•'•*•••• a 9 aaaa • •••••*•••■••••.•*>* •••••• r Watcbea, lam selection of atjles at 4 'sS'sWoi?. raSSrW at Per gxo- 80c. 11-00. K.M. Tin Violins, wood nnlsh. complete Tin Violins, aa ahore, larger.... Santa Clans, mama, pans talking Colored Canary Bird WbtsUe. ... Running Mice, black Toy Watches, li Bed Taper Belli 83.00. 10.00. S8.S0. (17.80 Wreaths and Bells for Xmss decoration, two excellent styles, par gross, «4.00 and »T-00 We send no catalog and ship no gooda to consumera In writing for catalog, say if you want St reel men's 256 page or the large 776-page book,, and state when last you received our catalog. wz botfly Btrsetmsn, Vendors. Cans Back and Knife Board Men. High Pitch and Fish Pond Operators, street Fair and Camlral Workers. Traveling Medietas Show*, Circuses. Auc- tioneers. Concession- aire.. Premium OIt- M. O. We are Manufaoturan, lav N. SIME CO. 221-222 Maim Stotl CHICAGO. - ILLINOIS ova mon lot Cutlery, ■111 lotleaa. •.»3 Yankee No Noras Ms. tssn la i rietj. Quick sellers Ul Stationery. Dry Goods. Hsjlwlrias. lass- t her and Bobber Oooda, Books aad Boo- renlra. P r S B* 1 B ■ Oooda. Goods, Oaralrsl etc.. etc. AdTerttsUg 3^ it Parks, Flint ud * TV" r-r we -* ... ■ . * Or.* • • *i smaat Jtansawr, The Oreatea Laughing 1 the Amuse Investment. Easily managed, "inr one can be sue cesaful. Running expenses hardly anything. Al- ways resdy for business. No trouble to get the people In. The roars of laughter from pleased patrons drsw the crowds better thsn any balllhoo. Our Improved mirrors sre msde of a highly polished nickel coinpo*!tlon metal. They can not rust and) will not tsrulsh. 8sme appearance aa the glass mir- rors and sower same purpose at far less coat. Be- llirbt In weight i-hraakable, they are (be- ing _ only really ponsble mirrors ever made. Ws " ~m _m-y. NAUOHTOW made the lunching mirror a specialty, nlsh Idea* Ibst are sure to get the u to day rnr roll nsrllcnlsrs. 1*. M. AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Mayer Building. PEORIA. ILLINOIS. and ran fur- Write Hot.) HUM ANATONE " lrt iKtrimtot Em limiled. C. F. BATH The Well Known ORGAN BUILDER Nothing like It In the world. Produces sweetest music, whether It be the loyous notes or s qolck-step or the solemn strain of a church hymn: la fact, any class or music can be played upon the Bnmanatone without practice, aa It Is almost a arlf-playlnf instrument. Flayed with a piano or any other sccompantment. the effect is entrancing. The beak seller and money getter (or fslr*. carnivals, celebrations and demon ■tratloot. send for new price list. Kamplea 12 and ST cents. HUMAWATOflE CO.. 104-108 Nssssa St.. WCkkt VOBK CITV lMflsssi sBv * BaUL all characters, snort curly hair, II; straight hair. 11/ If f VL I *2; Gent'a Dress, short curly hair, sewed part. II: rest IM IVI ll human hair, ret. part on netting foundation, blari. 12: ■■ 1 ^«*wa*"# colors, 12.26: crop straight bslr on celt. I1.T5: Negro. 23c. 50c. -|1; Tom, 50c. 85c. $1.75: Topsy. $1.60. 12.25; Indian. $1.50. UM: Chinese. «1, $2.50; Buster Brown or Shoulder, blsck. $2; colors, $2.20; Bridget. Old xisld or Msrtbs Wssb,, $3.85; Ladles' Pompadour. $4.25; Msry Jane, ret. part, black, colors, $2.75; Zulu or Negress. |2; Cowboy, black, $2.2B; colors, $2.50; Indian Ysqul l.adj. Untie 8sn>. |2.00; Geo. Wssb.. 12.75. 13.50. 17: hauls Clsus. $2; Wild Man. $2; Ladles' (A Pine Jute Wigs, assortment of six vsrletles. $4.20; Gent's Wis*, same price. Chamois top on hair wigs. 50e extra. High-grade Msskr, lSe escb, 00c iticne, 20c; Full Beards. 25c. —. . PERCY EWINO BUPPLT HOUSE. any or our hair wigs, 50c extra. High-grade Masks, 15c escb, 00c per dos.; better onsltty, with - ' " 2(J ' ioV *onr d h2i ; m^^.n"i ,, r" h ^l.f te ^l^ a "» B !^!!l^ ,, • 28 • Hff 1 VAUDEVILLE AC I S THE GRIFFIN CIRCU1I DECEMBER 1% 1910. The Billboard — .THE- Kohl-Castle — THEATRES IN CHICAGO MARTIN BECK, Vlc.-Pr..t. LYMAN B. GLOVER. G.n. Mgr. THE Chicago Opera House HOME OF BIG PRODUCTIONS AND 'The Man From Home," and "Madame X," are among the notable runs at this favorite theatre. The Olympic AND UP-TO-DATE. Not long since finished a run of eight months with "The Fortune Hunter"; Now, "GeURich-Quick Wallingford." The Majestic FINEST THEATRE IN AMERICA. Playing only the highest fined vaudevi'le. In a 1 of re- itaeif. Haymarket Theatre The great and beautiful theatre of the big West 8idc. In the pink of condition and playing high-class combinations at popular prices. THE Academy of Music Playing good vaudeville for the HERE IS A LUCKY NOVELTY LINCOLN "Wtir tits rob sad jom never go broke." A rsal Lincoln Penny In the center. Flalabed In oiMlaod ellnr. copper and brae*. Oomplf U with (trap and boekl*. Ageuta "iciM. Write for trrnu and prices. Sample, toe. neb: thm (or 50c Americas Bads* Co.. Mann ract urr ra. Dept. B. 141 ■ W Michigan at., Chicago, TO. FREE CATALOG Cards, Die*. Chip*. CI u broom Furnltura 185 Dearborn St.. TOUR PICTURE Hi POS- TAL II OIE MINUTE The pit tore* art developed, toned and Balabed la a ■In- gle developing notation. Or- cnlars dearrlblni our ma- Strtat. Colon**. HI. W*a*«*a TO LEASE — Lake Idlrwild. a be.uttrol •pot connlilloii uf forty acres, ilae pleatf of watar for boailnit. pavilion oOsSO feet; lunch *oem 34x40 feat p.nfli are . Wtrlc ilghted. alao contain* club house, one hundred awl forty lockera. The Kenton Country CI Ob pars *M* etch member per year. yatles North of K-uton, Ohio, Population Lt.onn 1 ate la one and one-half tee-prlvllcge leaned to" a company See yearn "for »™«i.oo per year. Here la a ble? bargain (or the Tight man. For further particulars, address V. SALISBURY. Kenton. Ohio. 60 TO HOW'S IIICIERBOCIER RESUUR1IT SIO rtn clkve 'nperlor Ave., nest to Onlonlal Theatre. J^\itf^taS '^bWnw'dumtr 1 »e "OLD DAN RICE." (Coo tinned from pace 36.) J oat before (be war Das was trgrrllaf with hla company tbronfb Ohio and Indiana and Pennsylvania, and while playing Cincinnati, the pride of the ahow were two trained elephant* named Lalla Rookb anil Hannibal. The cirrus bad to rrou the rlrer, and there were no bridge* at that time. Bice aaw an opportunity to ad- vert I »e bl« prta. and no flooded the city with flaming announcements that Lalla Boohh wonld swim the Ohio Hirer at the month of tha Lick- ing. A great crowd gathered on the rlrer banka to «ee the sight* and sure enough the big elephant made the crowing. It being the first and only caae on record where the feat waa accompllalied In Cincinnati. Hire reproduced the (eat neit at Hamilton. <>.. tile wrlter'a home, bot uaed the other eleplMat aamed Baoalhal. crowing the rlrer at the font of Baaln at reel now named Court street, the exrnae uaed at that time' was that the old covered wooden bridge would not auataln the elephant'* weight. Id 1878 Ban Rlre reformed In St. Louie, and afterward* delivered temperance lecture*, occa- sionally allpplnc hack Into old path*. Mr. Adam Forepangh once aald that he wonld let nan nice fix bin own terma for a aeanon In California If he wnnld engage to keep aober the *e**on tlirongb. bat the offer wa* vefneed. In ism Nathan*. June and BiTley .telegraphed to Dan In Olranl. that they would paj hi* own price aa a clown for four week* In their city. If be wonld permit hi* salary to atand rrntll the eouclmUon of hla engagement aa- a hood for hi* nobrlety. lie erf treed the offer, keying that be wonld rather hare f 100 a week' and liberty In do aa be pleased than any terms on *nch con- ditlona. . ' ■■' la Olrard. Pa., at one time be ran a newspa- per called The Cosmopolite. He annght elec- tion to Congress In 1870 from that district, bot failed to get It. When wealthy be gave away great fume of money to pnbllr Instltntlon* In that part of the connrry. and still more. It Is said. In private charities. lie bnllt a soldier*' monument, aald tn bare cost t-W ono. Vet. ss sn eld «ho wsasn and '-tend of hla said, then wen long yean In which Rlre could not borrow S3.0V In Olrard If he wanted It. During the CtvtJ War General Fremont seised a at earner Rlre owned, the J a me* Rsnsnoajd. at St. Ionia, and made rise of It -for Government pnrpoee*. Rice applied to the Government for compensation, and Sct2.ono damages wa. award ed him. At hi- t by Pr carta* It. n Rlee ami Jlv*. M. C Rohloeon were mar- ried at Pehnlrnherg. Texae. Jnoe 8. IWX. - Mr. Rlre originated the funny trick mnle per- formance. "Pete and Barney." that baa bad m*ay Imitator*, hot which never ha* approached the slde-spllttlng Thin Rlee entertainment. Mr*. George Jrunler. wife of the lale fleorg- Jeonler. the father of the famona Jennler ramllr of rider* and semhsts. I* a Cincinnati realdent and known br all good trooper*, nan Rlee made three fortunes, bnt died a com pa ra- ti rrly poor man. He married three time*. Ill* third wife survive* him. She lives In Tex**. sey'teb'V'lttOO.' E " 1 L ° B ' Br *° rh - N ' w ,er — J. MILTON* TRARER. -»»ifii. aaiaaa s ana l unmnKrat wans- At bl« roinest this money waa «pent etdeot Lincoln and Beeretaiy Stanton, for wounded enldlera.and their families. L08 ANGELES' NEW PARK. Lous Park, Los Angeles. Calif., waa f • old Chote* Park, located at the Washington and Main streets. A Den cornc- th* ration of La* Ar«*vle* rta*l der the dlreellon or P. P. Sergeant, baa taken over Jbte' property and ha* reconstructed It e a coat of *2nn.nnn. maklog It one of in- finest all-year-round amnaement reaorta la th.- world. The dellgbtfnl climate of Loa Angeles make» It pnsalhle (or a park to operate throughout the entire year. with th* exception of a conple of month* tn the late winter. th* r most delightful of any ( Of C ' Jndldng from trie list of attractions now com- pleted ami those nndcr construction. Luna Park: ran sorely be considered a* ranking among ih ■ very bewt In the 1'nlte.i Rtates. Very few park* an able to grant ten-year leaan to attrac lion*. Still fewer are able to enter Into co- tract* with hands for a solid ynr. Sehllaeoy'* Roval Htmgarlan Rand has recently been aim on by the I.nna Park tnanacement. and will play enneerta afternoon* and evening* for ret solid year. It will be th* policy of th* park management to nae only hand* of national reputation*, each band to be under contract for one year. Another Innovation of I.nna P*rit will be the method In which It* free attractions win he bandied. Only one act or attraction will N eog-ged at a tlm*. hot the one attraction *■ eng a ged will be of aneh magnitude that It ran he retained for period* of three month* or nv and each individual attraction will he ex- ploited as being the greatest of Its kind at rslnahle. The" tret or opening attraction aa a free act Is Emma Newklrk. professionally know aa the Diving Venn*. Ml** Newklrk opened at I.nna Park. Nor. 1*. under s three month*' A featrme wm ha a trained wild •how. which baa Dot yet been eogagerV. I.nna Park should al*o prove attractive to prlvlleg* people on account of the ye»r roun.l ^A^few of the new rides which are to" haw their first IntrrVrtelten to • the poSUe In Lone Park, are as folloant .- < Pf> J. n. Thorn paon'a acenle raUWa*'. known a* Nemo's Trip to Slnmbertsnd: rirfjni the Oran i Canyon, another of lb* new hi* rides, one wM-'> rw^t^VllBtkl «be/Mor^^WMoii^ausJ^ Ride, which Is to ban It* Inlttai Intrclnetlm. to th* amusement world with th, openln* • Luna Park. * V The management of T.ang will brln the h*w» or F. P. Ssrgeant. who was gene-al manager of the Hagenheek Wtld Animal Show at th* St Toots World** Fair, and aim connected with dlffereat clrc na e a. _ % Tewta and t-ake Mnslesl Qomedy Oorapany « again plavln* la the Start*, arter a two weeka' tone In Calfary tad four weeks tn Edmonton Canada. ^Tb^JJfO^ror ^t.lf*k Company close* December NET PROFIT OF OVER 200% THE PEERLESS PEANUT YENDING MACHINE IS Sanitary. Slutf Proof. Perfect, Profitable. Rnat-Proof. Infallible. Ornamental. Absolutely t.aarnn - teed. Lowest la Price. : o THE PEERLESS HAS All working parts constructed entirely of alumi- num. Three costs of enamel baked under on* secret process. Fewer working parts than any other vending machine heretofore cooairocted. ' hie cup which can be regulated to vend at from 41 to sic per pound. O EARNING CAPACITY AND RESULTS Bnt salted pea Data coat 10c per P>>tin.L the PEERLESS selling tbem at die. Net profit at least 31c. In a goal location the PEEK LESS will sell from two to fin pound a of nut* dally. Figure What th!* means at th* end Of a week and then for a year on one or more machine*- WRITE FOR PRICES AND CIKCL'I AK8 OF THIS AND OTHER MACHINES, THE HAMILTON MANUFACTURING CO. C A. WORTH* M T. W. ALLEN Wortham -Allen United Shows ? EXTEND COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON AND, after playing all the principal cities of the mid west, have closed a most successful season. Are now in winter quarters rebuilding and organizing a new show complete for the coining season. This will eclipse all former efforts, as we are adding many new and novel features. Will carry a special train of eighteen cars and a twenty piece band. Have contracted Sydney C. White, the aeroplane man who always flies. Only booking the best of time and the big events. Real showmen write. Permanent address, Dan- ville. Illinois. SX. LOUIS BRANCH NOW OPEN t WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION BOOKING THEATRES IN SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL MISSOURI I EASTERN KENTUCKY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ARKANSAS EASTERN TENNESSEE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS I EASTERN OKLAHOMA Address all communications to OSCAR DANE, Bijou Theatre Bldg., 608 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. The BERT MARSHALL VAUDEVILLE AGENCY -BIDS YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AMD A HAPPY NEW YEAR. The largest vandevtlle circuit la Northern Ohio', offering t-nexeelled aerrtc* to managers and continuous tlm* to perfarmer*. Writ* or phone. BRRT MARSH A I J.. Superior Building, op posit* City H*n..CT .»JV«LAXD. OHIO. ■■ ille Co., Inc. Manage ra' Aaaa. An establlahed circuit of < ng the null time. ' J. 11. FARRKLL. OtsasnV Tan Eoclld Art Operators, Musicians, or any Moving Picture or Vaudeville Theatre employs* — , Valuable information will be sent to you abeutoteh; fee*. I which will eoabl* yon to add SIS or mors weakly to WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO., 100 So. O lie. St., LOS ANOELCS. CAL- WANTED— FOR THE JAMES SHELBY SHOWS MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS sober and reliable and ready to loin at oner. Performer* In all Una* except preferred^ h5» parade do ^rdBbt Jri r Veecell. join at once. Us. 84. Tii e B . I 1 1 to o a p d mm. OMAHA, NEB. Tbe Brit hslf of tbe theatrical season la Om- aha has sees a bis change which many de- clare Is bat tbe beginning of more chaoses to come In the early months of the season, tbe American Mu»ic Hall started oat In grand style, and bad the people coming- their way In encouraging numbers. Hut aa time drifted an, tbe crowds dwindled at tbe American ontU tbe chance came, with the result that the Rumor has It that the- American Manic Hal will probably be the home of a flue stock com- pany, more ..than likely the Woodward stock, now holding the boards at the old Boyd, and drawing fine houses. When' tbe Wool ward stock started In - tbe coxy - Bnrwood (now tbe Qayety) It was tbe talk and delight of the wP£M@£ by playing stock. The boose and location is Ideal for stock purposes. The ajwaaatan la owned, by tbe Brandela people, owners of tbe Brandela Theatre, Woodward and Burg ess being tbe management of the 1st- Tbe Orpheom. to tbe naked eye of tbe reg- ular patrons, baa not suffered by the competi- tion sprung by the coming of the Morris peo- ple, tbe crowds at the Orpbenm being aa luff It was shown that the .Amer- cut In on the patronage at the extra act was taken off . tbe alaeaa wag alow at the Brandela at the start of tbe season, partly on account of tbe unusually warm weather. Manager Burgess ears business now la One and looks for aa exceptionally good season through the winter months. .Next September tbe Shnberta win take oeer coming of tbe Sbobert attractions will bare on at tbe Brandela, time only will tell. Competition will be fairly stilt at drat, bnt we bellrre the two legitimate theatres will do a good business. The Shnberts Intend to spend a great deal of money on tbe refurnlah- bsg and decorating of mis theatre. Tbe sest- bsg capacity la greater than -the -new Bran- dela. • The Shnberta hare long tried to get "Doc" Breed U enjoying one of tbe beat seasons of his career at the Kmc. He re- ports all his traveling companies doing good easiness. The dsns or st tractions at tbe Krug haa been steadily derated, antO at present, most of tbe dates are filled by high-class mel- odramas, comic operaa or dramas. Tbe claaa or patronage has also steadily Im pro red. "Doc" ' a special 1st In ailrrrtlslng, as the A 1 Har- dly. Owing to the Inst to mske illnneapolle In autlaee. by tearing Sati ■are a Balsaed. and they know It. Tbe Gayety la one of the moat prosperous houses In tbe city. When Manager Johnson broached burlesque for Omaba to tbe powers that be of the Colombia Amusement Co.. they couldn't see him. Their mind conjured op the old Omaha of ten years ago, when open dance halls, cbesp burlesque reaorta and rowdy Joiota claimed the patronage. Modern burlesque waa tried in Omaha, and with the results that It la one of the beat paying attractions In the anpanlea .Sr-wa. . leave Friday night, tbe Edith Spen- cer Stock Company playing tbe Saturday mat- inee and night dates. Major Bill McCune arrlred In Omaha a con- ale of days ago. In charge of a band of Slonx Taoisns, part of Buffs] o Bill's Wild West, on their way back to the Pine Ridge Agency. So far back that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, haa Major Bill had charge of tbe aborigines from Col. Cody's show. There were Ofty-four "Injuns" In the band. Chief Iron Tall .erred as aide ts Major Bill. The Bill Bbow ended Its season st Little Bock. Ark., and Major Bill waa on hand aa usual to i take charge of hla redskins. Kelley, steward with the Yankee Rob- ows tbe past season, haa reran In South Omaha, where be will i the winter M t 1 I - ORDLAR The above cut is a good likeness of Mile. Ordlarwho is nhe Original Girl with the Dreamy " Eyes," who has been making more than good. A No. 1 Oriental Dancer . Open for next season ; burles- que preferred. Merry Christmas and a iappy New Year to all. ^ .■ . TO OPEN ON UNITED TIME AT ■ JANUARY 16th. . - • ■ i» ■ , tj ft « ' , ,« .. ... ,« Great Telson in Action Telion will be at liberty for the'eoming season'with his new sensa- tional tricks, also his wonderful slide for life on 'wires while mounted on roller skates. Would like to hear from circus ; managers and vaude- ville agents. Can be addressed, GRAND JIAPIDS, MICH. IN THE DANCE OF DAWN. A distinct and fascinating novelty, making a decided hit. THE BILLBOARD. DECEMBER 1* 1910. T h e Dill boa r d 86 » NLW OKLt ANMA. irpe. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. ■"^ SAN ANT0NI0JEX. ~1% BHflMCI ons nUIHODSKR PDRCRASIMO . wriTl us FILM LARGEST SUPPL Y*"° REPAIR DEPA RTMENT IN THE SOUTH dixie rim co. MAIN OFFICE 7ZZ-724-72G MAISON BLANCHE NEW ORLEANS La >; tn. theatrical btriaw la com p. tba reyolarly Ucuat tlmtra, lata l booa rotad • fatter* ittw an axparlaac* of thro* month.. And tha rot. mdi to bo .boot OD- (Blowoa. ,. « UK op*alos of ta* n-cui.r theatrical HUH •ha Oily Aodltortaaj, * treat turo ilk. .tractor., with ■ ocatlay capacity at 4,600 and a ranerat* •Uy* .boat forty hat wlda ud attaoa doop, waa ••ml to trOTollny theatrical attraction, by tka city balldlny lnaptctor art lay fur taa eooacfi eoautlftao, at a natal at arty dollar* a porforai- aaco. I ien m aad ataaaaore ot taa local Ih aa lr aa w«a alarmed. Taolr fooro, howorar. wero ao qnlcklr dUpallad that do fonnal pntMt .yalnat thla obrtooaly on competition waa oeor pra- »»(cd ta taa council. , *. taw lycaam attraeUoaa wcia tba only book- Ian a»ao ataea taa "municipal theatre" TORONTOt _ WBO b»T. tbeaMolToa tha aoaaoa oro bOaa Oa' lor, who baa boon aayoyod by Da rid Balaaco for Tba Ooacart. bow playtny tn Maw Tort, aad atlaa Maod Proctor, oa boar with Kodaaio Tba third treat coBcart ot tba Toroato Sym- phony Orehoatra, traak 8. Woltnaaa. con- doctor. wtU toko ploeo Doc a, at la* htaoay Hall. Ma t Haataa, aopraao, will bo tba aaalittny art lit. btadaBM Sarah Barahardt'a oayayoaiaat at tka Barr Mctatoah appeared at taa Hud. atra, union tiiu. bat wal k ., ta a aww okoteh man tha pea of Ooorto D. Parkar. en titled Tha maachaTu. Tha, act will llktty proaa to ba ot haadltaa quality. TBI CAST. Dick Bockw.ll, a Wyomtny ranchman .. .. -. Barr htelatoah Ralph Draw, a frlaad of BackwaU'a at. t>a «eaa Bory baa takra tba rataa daat nuaafar of tba Bnplra a ly roaitiattad mortnr plcrara and boaaa. Mlaa Bory will ba waU roaaoi tha No. 1 Girl ta dark'. Many .. damio akatrb oa araatcal Uaoa that a hit for tba lait two aaaai of raaa- Balph A. Ward, maaaicr af tha [anD Honaa, baa tnaByaratad a plaa what tJckats ordered by phase ar. delrrerod U QBly caw of The Billboard OECEMBER 10, 1™- MAJESTIC THEATRE. (Continued from page 23.) wtnt bis. Thr performance was atonprd bj the Honorable "Doc" WUte at tbe otarnlaa; per- formases Monday matinee. Ml success betas; ao ftttt. Clayton Wblte and Marie Stnart. Id Cherle. by OtorfT v. Il.ilnrt. Tbia U ode of tbe broi eamnlr situations seen at tbe Majeatie this ■MM. Mr. White la trolj a eounlUo. and with kla line Of nee track dope be carried lb. e with htm erery mloate be araa on tbe Hiss Smart, who "alcked tbe comedy" on. I» i clever woman. The act went blsr. and la certainly deaerrlns of a position on the All atar bm. Nellie Nichols, that pleasing: eliurlnc come- dienne, woo ffaee Inperaonatlona of N«ra Bayea. Cecil Lean. Cbarlea Blselow and Ben Welch, was a riot. She Bade a decided bit with Thai Beautiful Kas> • Unci's presentation of Offenbach's opera. CAST, -?- Antonla JUss Helena. Frederick Dr. Miracle.. Mr. George Crampton Hoffmann, a poet ......Mr. Jobs rbllllp* Creaprt. Antonla's father Mr. Prank Vernon Hedwlg. a aerrant Ubccs Afacrs Selfert A Voice ................Mian Alice HITJa SCENE — Mttslc Boom In the CreapeTs Hooae. Next Week — Annette" Kellermann— PACIFIC COAST VAUDEVILLE (Continued on P«X* 36.) The Natlcnal Theatre. sclllllsplnc i to 10 and SO < Bailer "nnd Fnlfet. Pttllj MrMcs ret". J«k Gardner ami Company. May Kannary and Coov pa nr. fat Bellly and Company.- Tennis Trio. Oeorre Boobalr Troupe. Pelham. Stephen Orat- too and Coupany. Carroll in.I Cook., Erwa Nny- nan' and Birds.' Kretore. Tbomss Potter. Dnnn. Camra ami Tbelra: Flo Adler. McKamee. John Dillon, and Wayne and Company,. ♦ ^.1 •' ■ Pantacea* CIreoIt la playlna; tbe roUowlna;: Mnrphy and Wniard, The Military Dancers. A ielte De 1-estnle. Charles R. B Tsnderllle acts sad th e com posing of w nTnaJcsd I> cora«dy. Mr. HeopeckT bare, tb* book and lyrics for two more to _ Gladya Sears, of tbe Midnight Maidens ».. at the Albassbra Theatre, baa tbe song hit of the show, entitled' TJoWsns Lore, and Is ereathsg s sensation not only das to tbe wsy WE HAVE A LINE OF THE [ON THE MARKET. Send 50 cents for set of six samples. L. L. YOUNG CO. 69 Corn hi II. - STREETMEN We carry s full line of goods for high pitch and street corner sales. Cheap Jewelry {Or package lots; White Stone Plus, Blngs. Studs snd Brooches. Cntlery, Bason, Shears, Razor Strops, Brashes, Soap, etc.. Self-fill lug Fountain Pens, Emery Stones, Memorandum Books, Combs, No- tions, Canes, Whips, and s full line of Carnival goods of an kinds for Camiral Workers. Cat- alogue free. Deposit required on sH O. O. D. Shryock-Todd Notion Co. WANTED FOR S Circus People for Season 1911 -TT- Efllarged ii erery departaent The best eoripd 28-ca/ sknii taoiea. "For'the big show, the very best. performers' and acts, riders, clowns, aerialists, acrobats, sensational novelties address DAN R. ROBINSON, Nashville, Tenn. For the side show, suitable attractions, strange and curious people, musical acts, address DAN R. ROBINSON, Nashville, Tenn. _ For the advance, fifty billposters, agents, opposition men, address GEO. W. A I KENS, Nashville, Tenn. MANAGERS of BIG DOINGS Write the Show that Gets the Money TURNER'S SEVEN-IN-ONE Will be new next year from soup to "nuts." "Every thing v next year from soup to nuts." new but the name. DOC TURNER, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. John Robinson 10 Big Shows — — SEASON 1911 Want Circus People, for Advance and Show, Performers, Clowns, Novelty and Sensational Acts, Performing Animals of all kinds, Cavalry Men, Rough Riders, Cowboys, etc. ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS : aasessB* DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 87 —FLORENCE [FRANKC- HARRIS and RANDALL ■occeMfolly vUjins IflM Ru- tin* on tb« 8 an Circuit and will open on tfc>- W. V. It. Ait Now Tear*! week. Tbeir net to eonyrlfhtfd and they carry an entire apednl string the Interior of n country giocwrj Max Asher •V'; JSsKk i Comedian XI With Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co for the past two seasons. Now tour- ing Canada. Going to Seattle, Wash., Star Ttieatre, * The Kaufmanns CHASXC HESTER 5 Co, Chas. Chester and Co. UP-TO-DATE NOVELTY EQUILIBRISTS — Always Working THE MEREDITHS i DOG 'SN00ZER' THE BULLDOG WITH A COLLEGE EDUCATION Pi SNOOZER. INTELLECTUAL BULLDOG. Now playing Western Vaudeville Managers' Association time. Per- manent address, White Rats of America, 112 Fifth Ave.. Chicago, III. Direction, LEE KRAUS. 'S PRIZE BABY BOY Just finished ten pleasant weeks in the Northwest, booked solid until March, petting acquainted with the country, but still young, and plenty of time in which to be heard from. A Merry Xtiiaa and a Prosperous New Year to all frieu J.i HANDSOME JOHNNY WEBB Age 5 Y. Weighs 157 Lbs. Not a freak of Nature, but considered by press and public as a great prod'gy and the most marvelous and most re- markable baby boy in the world. This is the same Johnny WebL thai entertained thousands of people'on Mar- ket street for 12 weeks in Philadelphia. The same Johnny Webb that was the talk of Cleveland a year ago while enter- taining at Keith's Society Circus. As a drawing card he has no equal ; as a clever little^entertainer he stands alone in his class. Moving'Picture Theatres, if you want to pack your.' house you want Johnny Webb, the children's and ladies' favor- ite. Would like to hear from Booking Agents, Moving Picture Theatres, Indoor Expositions. Regards to friends. Address A. V. MAUS, Mgr.. K ASH IMA Tin Human Billiard Table An Exhibition of Skill and Dexterity which has astonished the people of both hemispheres. Mile. Sidonie i J--- mi Sfjgh * * •■St. -" -* Mil*. Sldanla). a F ranch, German, English and Spanish Singar with Original Spanish Dances. I'UtIdk w. V. If. A. tin,, and salnlas fan* tT.rjwhpre. Her coatames i ■Ian creitionj. PcrouuwDt ic lum i of America, New York. MITCHELL & BROWNING IN TBK1R ACT "HIS LAST CASE" bare played. The will be Ml " SKM) VOIR BIIXRO.ARn TO-DAY TO TOT 86 The Bi lit* oard MAJE8TIC THEATRE. (Continued from pace 23.) Tbe pvtt or ounce was Hopped by thr went Mg. Honorable "Doe" Waits «t the "opening per- formance Monday matinee, hla nccua being ao treat. . • • . Clayton White and Marie Stuart, In Cbrrte, by George V. Ilubart. Tbia la ose ~ of - the . best comedy . sltnatiuns seen, at '■• the Uajeatlc this season. Ur. White la '. trnly a conmlian. and with hla line of race track dope be carried Ita.- andlenee ulttf him every minute he -was on Its* stage. Mine Smart, who -»lcke- Bron Opera Company touring tbe South. Dear friend a. please write. - . . Leroy and DI among, who Just arrived In Chi- cago arier playing tblrty-slx weeks down South, will ptay a few weeks of Doyle time while getting ibeir new act ready for the road: The Trevett Theatre hss been leased by Bui Ilvsn and Consldlne. They will commence book- ing their acts to the borne December 12, with Anna Eva Fay aa tbe head attraction. Mr. n. A. Meier will be the only one of the old employes that will remain and he will hold Us posit Ion as treasurer. Ben Bornsteln Is responsible for the. success of "Doe" White, wbo made a decided" hit at the Majestic last week. "Doc" Member of Ibe Patsy dab. going big- with him. Mtos Jesneiie Lee. here* ft OTH with An Airship, to wort c n e igj hss been spent It. _ No money or expense baa been spared" In I this s shining example of what can be i pitched by a woman along novel and sensational Uses. The act will consist of an exact renro- docttoo or s large aeroplane, with special scen- ery and electrical effect*. Miss Lee will be un- der the direction of Schwartz and I. Wiggle. Loren. Harry Lorch. whose _ hare attained considers ble sac- era*., hare opened new offices In the Kedale Bnlldlng In canjunctton with the Independent v«Ddcriiie MsnsgeTs' Association. These ener getic chaps are now folly, embarked In tbe bnsl acta of writing, managing and producing Ugh class vaudeville acts and the com p osing of special songs. . At the present time they are rehearsing a new musical comedy, Mr. Hen peck, and have tbe book and lyrics, for two more to Co.. at the of the Midnight Maidens _j Theatre, has the goat: hit . entitled Ylddlshs Lore, and to cr e a ti ng a i matins not only doe to the way she sings It. bat sets every line of the song as well. Miss Bran Is In a rUaa by herself ■when It comes to character singing. . Alsace and Bart, who hasa been staying ami They're Won Every Nation'. Battle Bat Their Own, i and It will undoubtedly prove the Bea- m's winner for them. Tbe Swtefcards, Joseph snd "Louise, la the musical comedy playlet, Tbe Shoplifters, by Loula Wealyn. are using In their act two big witmark numbers. Cheer Up. - Brothers, and Love Sick. These are tbe two beat numbers Mr. Swlckard has had In years. They are now play- ing the Pantagea time. •.- . ."- *"■- Amy Bntler states that she hss absolutely no fault to Ond with tbe manner In which Will Bos- sltcr's Some of These Days song- to behaving with her. ' The Courtney Slaters, with the Behman Show, say they are extlncting all kinds of encores with Some nf These Days and My Ever Loving South- ern Gal. i' Marine Remington is finding My Ever Loving Southern Gal a splendid number for her and her dancing "picks." Wright and Stanley have a new act by Geo. B. Alexander. The Four Keenes, s newly . organized ladles' quartette, hare been booked for an extended en- igement by Edwsrd Hayman. . J a a. Moo tsgue. -formerly manager of the Mar- we Theatre, will be tbe -manager of the Trevett Theatre commencing December 12, when the bnnse will be honked by tbe Solllvsn- Cousldlne Clrenlt. There will be two shows at " t and a matinee dally. Bornsteln leaves for New York Monday, will remain six weeks. "We think ' so bsve decided to glee quoth Harry. Yi a va c ation," thus quoin Harry. him TUzer. Theatre Seatiitg u a Scientific and Decorative Art ■\a7 E DESIGN niid build Opera Chairs to " meet any mechanical requirementji of the arrangement in the various i rici ines, slopes and terraces necessary in theatre building; NEW YORK'S OVER-PRODUC- TIVITY. (Continued from page 20.) whose newspaper. The il. tlgnres In the Arsene Lupin, the tbe Grand Opera House, rcelved Norrtnher 28. - Mailame Troubadour, leading part, was presented stre November 28. fot tbe moved from tbe Lyric - Bronaon Howsrd*s mrtodi wss presented to crowded bt emy or Music. November 28. Miss Marie Dressier waa cordially received at the West End Theatre. November 28. In Tit- tle's Nightmare, In which she bad a long and 1 at -tbe Herald Square. . . . . Carter Is -appearing at the Lyric ro Women, a new comedy by Un- pen Hughes. r i ... .. r . ■ -. Owing to the two weeks' engagement of Mary Magdalene at the New Theatre, which began on Monday. December 5. the New Theatre Company will make a ten days* tonr of fire cities. The company will appear In Rochester on December 9. Q and 7: Schnnectaily. the 8th: Albany, the. 9th snd 10th: Springfield, the 12th snd nth. and mw Haven, the 141b. The entire company will be taken, and presentations of Dsn, Sister Beatrice and Tbe Tbnnderboldt will be -given. Mrs. Patrick Campbell to to appear at. the Knickerbocker Theatre on December 10, in The Foolish Virgin. - Frobman and Klaw Jr. Rrlanger will open their new Blackstooe Theatre .In Chicago on .Decem- ber^Sl,^ w^en^ W 1 1 l^sm^^H. Crane will be seen -r Bedloe. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | in the use of space, yet preserv- ing the proper relation of posts and obtaimug the maximum of comf ort, durability and style. - the theatres of the U. 8.- seated _ S»nd for Catalog S3. . Moving Picture Seating Chairs of the built-up^Jeaeer type. 9 More of our make used than all others combined. Built to stand hard use. Noiseless, durable, attractive. Large stock for rush shipments. -*fr* swting plan. Ask tor Catalog S4. 215 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO 19 West 18th St.. NEW YORK PHILAOELPHI* Mrs. —Do yon wsnt ind hss i No matches get tbe ton ■ fore? We bsve It. staatlr: no oil. ' L week. Tbe very latest nam" pie, 23 eta. 8MI1TI gin St.. Uvn-ncr. Mass. TATTOO TJtO BEsxOVEB— Do It vonrself. -One treatment. fl.SO. Tsttoolng Maehlnea, IS. np. Stencils. 10c np. Abo colors. Inks, designs, needles, etc. Send for fee* price list. PROF. H. W. REBEC. 1104 & 1st St.. Wsst, Cedar Baplda. Is. THE- [ON THE MARKET. Send SO cents for set of six samples. L. L. YOUNG CO. 69 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. STREETMEN line or goods for high i Jewelry Shryock-Todd Notion Co. WANTED FOR Circus People for Season 1911 Enlarge- in tnrerj — ..: VV--'' " -". ^Tste It est (tjaf ^8 *C2f slww Jm AlHwCS* - af» ; - - .■ - -<» .KIT, f , ■'■ .J For the big show, the very best;^ormers. and acts, riders, clowns, aerialists, acrobats, sensational novelties address DAN R. ROBINSON. Nashville, Tenn. r y "• ■: ■■ ' J? - ■. . ..- For the side show, suitable attractions, strange and curious * acts, adc!res9 . : . ■■ '■ : - DAN R. ROBINSON, Nashville, Tenn. .. For the advance, fifty billposters, agents, opposition men, address GEO. W. AIKENS, Nashville, Tenn. MANAGERS of BIG DOINGS Write the Show that Gets the Money Will be new next year from soup to nutsr "Everything new but the name. - . DOC TURNER, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' John Robinson 10 Big Shows SEASON 1911 Want Circus People, for Advance and Show, Performers, Clowns, Novelty and Sensational Acts, Performing Animals of all kinds, Cavalry Men, Rough Riders, Cowboys, etc. ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS : DECEMBER 10. 1910. The Billboard 87 —FLORENCE [FRANKC.— HARRIS and RANDALL '•sV#' - f . & m •bo aa»e been ■occeeifnlly nlajlns Mlw Ran- dall'* own dm; rural comedy. entitled, "SO Mae* from Nowhere." Jut Onlaned the batter time on the Bun Circuit ud will open on Ux- or. V. M. A.. New Tear's week. Their act ta copyrighted and tbay carry an entire special of • Max Asher With Lewis A Lake Musical Comedy Co for the past two seasons. .Now tour- ing Canada. Going to Seattle, Wash., Star Theatre, for. long'engagement. The Kauf manns Just finished ten pleasant weeks in the Northwest, booked solid until March. Getting acquainted with the country, but •till young, and plenty of time in which to be heard from. A Merry Xnias and a Prosperous New Year to all irien J*. if yo« »m » la ti ~ CHA15.VC HESTER S Co, \ mm. I Chas. Chester and Co. UP-TO-DATE NOVELTY EQUILIBRISTS Always Working THE MEREDITHS and DOG 'SN00ZER' THE BULLDOG WITH A COLLEGE EDUCATION SNOOZER, INTELLECTUAL BULLDOG. Now playing Western Vaudeville Managers' Association time. Per- manent address, White Rats of America, 112 Fifth Ave.. Chicago, 111. Direction, LEE KRAUS. AMERICA'S PRIZE BABY BOY HANDSOME JOHNNY WEBB Age S Yean. Weigh. 157 Lba. Not a freak of Nature, but considered by press and public as a great prodigy and the most marvelous and most re- markable baby boy in the world. This is the same Johnny Webt th»t entertained thousands of people'on Mar- ket street for 12 weeks in Philadelphia. The same Johnny Webb that was the talk of Cleveland a year ago while enter- taining at Keith's society Circus. As a drawi ng card he has no equal ; as a'elever littk'.entertainer he stands alone in Jlie class. Mo ving'Picture Theatres, if you want to pack your' house you want Johnny Webb, the children's and ladies' favor- ite. Would like to hear from Booking Agents, Moving Picture Theatres, Indoor ^Expositions. Regards to friends. Address A. V. MADS. Mrfr.. St.. KASHIMA The Human Billiard Table An Exhibition of Skill and Dexterity which has astonished the people of both Mile. Sidonie Mil*. Sidonlw, « French, ^.r. English and Spanish Singer with Original Spanish Dane Marine \o. V. If. A. time and gaining f*TO> •Terywnere. Her coatume* are. the la teat Part Actreeeea of America, New York. ' -si 9 MITCHELL & BROWNING "HIS LAST CASE" h"! ^a^. 0 "^inalTmembar*rf uSTtrta win be remembered under the team name, a Mitchell end Jeee formerly of Drjden an- MltcbaU. % SEND VOUB ROUTE TO TUB BILLBOARD TO-DAY. ^ . . >,. ;;. 88 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. SEASON 1911- -Bigger, Grander Better Than Ever ■SEASON 1911 Carrying bur own light plants, making night brighter than day. All new Wagon Prof. Rocco Saracina's Royal Italian Band of 20 pieces. PROF. COLEMAN, IN HIS MAMMOTH BALLOON ACTS, Starting Where Others 'Leave' Off, Making From 3 to 8 Separate Parachute Drops Fiom One Balloon. CYC LO N E. *In~His Tapin g the Ga p. DEVIL DE RALLA, 12— Big Paid Shows— 12 3— BIG RIDING DEVICES— 3 Featuring Our 512,000.00 Carousel- new this season. Traveling in OUR OWN SPECIAL TRAIN !— To join at Tampa for a long, sure season, ANY NEW SHOW that does l Must be clean and moral and no catch-penny. Prefer one with wagon front. WANTED !— To Buy, Troupe of Elephants, 4 more Flat Care, 2 Stock or Baggage Cars. ' ' ADDRESS - j •- ■ ■ - . WANTED ! — Musicians for Colored Band, Scenic Painters and - Carpenters to go to Jacksonville, Fla., at once. All new fronts and shows will be built at Jacksonville. Show will stay en route aU winter. ANIMAL TRAINERS !— Man for combination group of 14 mixed animals. Lady for Lion act to dance with lions. All acts broke to work. FOR SALE ! — All of last season's Tents, s and Films. . En route, or Billboard Owner and Manager Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. JoeS." * and ROUTE — Week of Dec. 5th, Quim-y, Fla. Week of Dec. 12th, Bain bridge, Ga. Week of Dec 19th, Ocala, Fla. Week of Dec. 26th, Lakeland. Weeks of Jan. 2d and 9th, Tampa. Week? of Jan. 16th and 23d, Key West, Fla. Fair Associations Write lVIe Fop Dates Carnival Followers, Venders, .r . • A GOOD CHRISTMAS SELLER, PUT UP IN ATTRACTIVE CARTONS Are you aware of the fact that you are losing BIG MONEY, SSS every hour of the DAY T WHY ? Because only 27 men and 8 women are selling the only Money-Getter of the 20th century. — t selling article in the world, without wheels, the YMPLOPHONE MALLEST OUNDING Instrument ever placed on the market Sells on sight when dem- onstrated. Our agents are making from $25 to 535 per week day, $53 to $75 on Saturdays. So get busy, get in line with us and let us put you on the road to I U. S. and Canada for at le to play tins High-Pitch Men, General Sand 10 Wholesale, era can use the for the HoueesJMusle Houses. Moving Mature Shews de> Souv.nir or Advertising Novslty 1 10 cents for sample. • Wholesale Priess and all ether Information, addr MIKE GLUCK Av. Would like to bear from the following : Ban Cook. Joe or Harry Frost, Frank Farrel, Dotes, BarrlU, Harry La pin, Jos Hlller, Sidney Bolpitiis, Char lea Johnson. Bal Gniman, Frank •tarn. JARDIN D' ACCLIMATATION PARIS, FRANCE. Xo be open MARCH 1911. The most beautiful and largest natural PARK in the WORLD, situated in the heart of Paris in the Boia de Boulogne. Easily accessible from everywhere in the city. Largest attendance in the world. ^^i^^^S^. MR. FERNAND AKOUN For the first time amusement privileges are granted by the Paris Municipal UNRIVALLED OPPORTUNITY For high-class Educational and Instructive Exhibitions and Devices. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM CONCESSIONAIRES OF Wild West Shows, Baby Incubators, Coal Mine Ride, Ostrich . Electrical Shows. Etc. CIRCULAR BUILOINO 140 FEET IN OlAMCTCrt AVAILABLE. WANT NATIVE VILLAGE ONLY ON t VI entered into for Three years on European Continent if address am COMMUNICATIONS to FERNAND AKOUN & CO.. Jardin D* Acclimatation, PARIS. FRANCE. The Billboard WE ARE ON THE GROUND FLOOR SO GET IN WITH US The Most Modernly Equipped Film Exchange in the United States^ We are now located in our new quarters — Ground Floor, Columbia Building 106-108 Prospect Avenue. ^" Expense has not been considered in making this Exchange the most modern and complete. Our large and well selected stock is augmented each week by the output of ■ the Associated Licensed Manufacturers We arrange in detail special exhibitions for I and Power's Cameragraphs DERS OF PROJECTION MACHINES Remember, a perfect machine projects a perfect picture. THE RECOGNIZED LEADERS OF PROJECTION MA A large supply of parts, gas outfits, spot lights, etc., always in stock. Machine in connection, guaranteeing all work. We carry in stock EVERYTHING for the MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. The Lake Shore Film & Supply Co. GROUND FLOOR, COLUMBIA BUILDING, 106108 Prospect Ave., CLEVELAND. ■ You wide-awake theatrical folks, liisiness men and women, etc., here's your handsome, independent income. LISTEN, while we say it: Mills Coin Operated Weighing* Scales Profits of SO% to 3QO% accidents, e That means provision against had seasons, should your regular income temporarily cease. And this money is yours practically without effort You can operate a hundred scales and they will not interfere in the least with your present occupation or pursuits. All you need do is simply to locate them and collect their earnings, or pay so re trusty lad a small commission to do this for ; Coin Operated Weighing Scales are Automatic Money Male. The enormous revenues of the N; Weighing Scale and the Automatic Weighing Scale Company of this country are derived solely there- from. The earning capacity from one machine ranges from 50 cents to $2 or $3 weekly, and they work steadily week days, holidays — four seasons a There are thousands of splendid locations already waiting — skating rinks, amusement resorts, news-stands, moving picture theatres, saloons, bil- liard halls, etc And a hundred scales should easily realize for you from $2,000 to $3,000 a year. This money is payable in cash dividends whenever you It goes on continuously — year after year. This is an honorable, legitimate way to become finan- cially independent. Such an opportunity may never present itself again. So, seize it quickly— GET STARTED. A moderate investment insures you a handsome income in 191 1. Write for particulars immediately to MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY MILLS BUILDING, ... . CHICAGO, U. S. A. 90 - - - - - ■ T; tl. Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. LET LADIES- LI8T. Adair, Mrs. Battle Adams, Miss Elvli Allen, ills* Elsie Allen. Miss India B. Gilbert. Miss Reld UlUetie, urs. truces Glenn. Miss Nettle ••Ardmore, Muriel Arlington, Mile. Gene Armstrong, Mrs. Harry Am, Mm. Agnes Am. Mrs. Fred Aaal. Mrs. Dot Aahton, Miss Joslc Ash ton, Mrs. K. Asplnwall. N«n J." Anbrey, Mae Inez Auburn Sisters Balds. Madam Bailey. Miss Blllle ••BanTard. Maadle Bsreld. Mrs. C. B. Barlier. Miss r Barri. Geneve Barry. Almee Bartlett. Ethel Baaaaxe. Mrs. Bart Bear Mrs. AL Standing -Vflss. Mrs. B. L. . Bell, Betty BeU. Hattle Grand}-,. Miss Gladys "Gray, Mrs. Florence Gray, Mian Ruth Green, Miss Edna Green, Mrs. F. L. Greenwood, Miss Char lotto : Grey, Florence Hack, Mrs. H. Hauler. Miss Alberta Ha una, Mrs. Lome Harriet ti-s. Madam Harris. Miss Dixie "Harrington. Corrlne ••Harrington, Mrs. Guy L. Hatch, Miss Klmore Heath, Miss Frank!. Herri Miss Noadle Hitchcock, Alice ••Hill. Christine Hill. Ethel billiard, Mrs. Clara ••Hitchcock, Alice Hodge. Mrs. Royal "Hotter, -Com Mickle Bishop, Mrs. Wlllard Blake, Mrs. Joe B..wers. Mrs. B. foyer. Mrs. L. M Bradley, Grace Br sham. Mrs. Nat ••Uolllnger. Bose Homus. Mrs. W. H. Holt. Miss HIraa Hope, Flossie Hortcnse, Olga Jean llowi« Sisters IngeraoU, Bessie Jackson. Miss Edith u.-usiii, airs, nai ««vaavn, suae nc Brlttaln, Mrs. Tberon. Jackson, Mildred BrOASa \lr« (111... JsmuS UaluJ Brooks. Mrs. Olive frown, Mrs. A. H. James, Mabel Jannsen, Mrs. 0. H. Jsrdy, Miss Tony Bryant. Miss Princess Jewel, Miss M. "Buckley. Mrs. Jack John*,n, Mis. Dode Bnxdell. . MIsa Georgle Bnrnstelo. Myrtle 3 art on. Grace ■antler. Miss Bessie Butler. Madam Zui Jngle. Dollle E. Oslo. Mrs. Nellie Oalklns. Mrs. Fred Christine. Mgr. Millie JsmpbeU. MIsa Myrtle Osnlngtnn. Mrs. B. Oyse.. Miss Bertha •fChadderton. Lilly Chester. Miss Grace ■Jerk. Mrs. Eddie CJark. Miss LotUe 01 ay born. Miss Dolly SJesry. Mrs. Mlna fflirtoo. Mrs. j.^.1. Oc*bs. Mrs. Hnlda Cobnrn. Mrs. 8. w. Cody. Lonlse Oonins. Miss Dody "Langdoo, Lr. Collins. Mia. Placid a 14. La"". MIsa Combs. Mrs. R, M. Lavenbers;, Miss Ad, Oomptoo, Mrs. j. W _ L.wr»jiee..Jlns,. B 32* Oonnellr. Mra. Lr™,, t, Laxara. Msdsm Oonnery. Mrs. Mabel I'S 0 '" Gladys Johnson. Mrs. Newt Karr Mra. B. F. Keally. Mrs. Pat Kcone, Miss Mary Kelky. Miss Mary Kellog. Mildred K)"K. KIMr n. - ! King, Nellie King, MIsa Patsy King. Miss " Knight, Far. . Knowles, Bessie C Koenlg, Miss Helen LaMsrr. Miss ieddle LsJffeba, Mlie. . Layiiinlan. Miss FlO LaSsile, Edna ••La Verne, Vivian LaVlerre, Helen Laehman, Mrs. Irene Lano, Masle - , .■•Lfngdon." Ldclle B. _ — • j . an. aianei Oostello. Mrs. Ralph "Coaart. Anette Dale. Mis. Srivi. D*Almalne, Rose Daly. Mlas Dorothy Oantols. Mrs. Dells Dsnker. Mr. W r Darling. Mis. illee. " fJsruC Mrs. Jack Davis Miss Juanlta Davis, Pearl Davis. Mrs. Stella %Cpm«. Mrs. Rose JJeCornm. Mrs. y. y. LeRoy, Hilda LeBoy. Mrs.^e<-ll Leach. Mrs^Heien Ledget . iBTDony Leogstt, Mrs. Leon. Lee' Mrs; o "ii' *" Leidecker. Bertha . LeonL llli. " "Leslie, Mra. Leona Levelgne, MIsa Alice K. Linden, violet Lloyd. Mrs. Rose Lloyd. Mrs. S. P. "J-™*. Jesnette Grace Lucifer. MIsa Kmely "s>omm. Mrs. y. w J-naxer. Miss Erne P^-oor.!.. M „. Ka-W !/}»■ Muss Dorothy DeLsrsh. Miss Leoora McCsnn, Frances DeVorsk. MlssTd'uneJ 1 .^™- ••D'Vorak. Artel l™ ••MaCarte Slaters *»e.._ * J "'SS All, ••D'Vocak. Adeline Dean Orr Sister, P"™"; Miss Dslay "neM Inrtt. Msjorle C Delmsln. MLsSmde geemonrt Stock Co. "fvere. Msdsm Olvlan. Mis, .\ by Dorln'e.' Mm.. Mack. Mlas T Marettl, Miss Pearl Marlon, MIsa E. Marten. Mlas B. A. Msrtyn. Mlas Dollle ••Mason. Hilda Matthena. Mum K. "Meadow.. Madge Melnney. Mrs. E "elvllle. MIsa J •T'rmr. «m». ueiville. Mlw —Harl. Violet ^ Karle. DorothT K. ■srle. MIsa Dnrle L Bston. Mrs o. J. Oslne. visa M.ble sudor. Msdsm JJ|-tt. Mrs. Msndle Bite. Msdsm Blllson. Mlas Tlllle Bmnre. Mrs. Msrgle Eri"k. Mrs, Harry Fsncher. Miss Rnhy Fallon. Mtsa Era . Jen-ton Miss Psy Fields. Mrs. Frances Flnley. Ressle Mnley. Mrs. Jessie M. ftoster. Mr. Pete Miller. Mrs. Frsnk MIU.. Mis. kl ••Mogul. Edith Moody, Miss Grace Morion, Miss Janet Mowlslnl. Rtel.a Mpgiren, Mrs. Charles Mnrray. Fsy Myers. Mrs. Rose Nsdjl/MIa. •••\»lhsnrtlsn. Bell W. Mchola. Mm. Le W Mtram. Bessie NorreU. Miss Agnes iPConnelL Mrs. J. M o-C's. The Oakerson. Mrs. J. S. Osmond. Mrs. H. .K. Parr. Mlas Lulu raster. Mr. Pete Parret, Mra. Edn. Franks. Jessie J. Patten, Miss Jessie rrrelsnd. Miss Mortel •'Pearson. Mrs. Ralph Frwl.nrt Nell ••Pelhsm. Dn. P Frey. Florence ••Piper. E. M. Friedman. Mrs. Leo Pontltex. K. M ••Fnller. Mrs. Florence Pooch,. Anna ••Fulsome. Maneh Powers. Jesse M. Gs'Iowsv. Edna Price; Alms B. - •^Sslrlns. r.nilan "M tabard. - Gardiner. Gladys T. Proctor. Era Tneckla, Miss B. Thelma 1 Thompson. Dsns ton. Miss Dollle Rlcharde, K. J. Richards. Helen ••RInaido, Ida Rlnaldo. Mlas Its Rlnslle, Miss Rntb Rio. Miss Babe Robinson, May Rosemsn. Mrs. Albert Roes. Miss A. M. Ross, Wilms C. Boyal, - Ryan, Ag Ryan. Gel Ryan, Miss St. Clair. Mable SL Leon, Ida Scblosaberg.* Dolly Seaford, Mrs. Emms Seymour, OUtU Shaffer. Miss L. ••Sbeehsn. Valarle Shields, Mrs. Lonlsa Sbowberg, Lola Sibley. Mlas N. SmUetta. Daisy Smith. Msy E. E. Smith. Ss Stshl. Miss I Stanley, Emily Pesrl Stanley, Rose Stanley. Vera Star, Miss Carrie ••Stein. Delia Stewart, Candle P. Stockman. Mra. Cora Strawb, Edith Sullivan, Mayme Tarplen. Princess Taylor. Miss M. B. Taylor Sisters Tbalford. Miss B. Tompkins, Mable Tracy, May Trenscb. Mrs. Bo. Turner, Mrs. B. Turner. Mrs. Grace Vsldes, Miss Agsnlts Van Boren. Miss H. Velsre. Mrs. Mays Vernon, Dora toy Vlncettl. Pearl VInsen. Mrs. T. W. Vivian. Annr Waldo. Miss G. Walker, Elsa Walker, Miss Myrtle Wallace. Mtss Anna Wsll.ce, Ella Warren, Miss K. Watson Sisters Wayland, Evs ••Ware. - Wedlner. Weeks. L. E. (I Welch. Esse Welby. Mary Wo- lor. Miss L. Wenzel, Miss Leafy West, Anna K. '. "Weatbonse. Minnie White.- Evelyn White, UUIe Whitman. Miss M. Williams, Frances Willis, Lonlse Wilson. Mrs. L. Woods. Mrs. Lew Wright." I.llllsn Tberrl, Lola ••Zamora, Carina Zampa. Miss Zenola Mme. GENTLEMEN'S LI8T. Abbott * Clayne Co. ••Abort, Jack Abraham. Odle Abren, Vh Adams, Ot Adams, P. : Beckwlth. B. L. ••Beecbnm, Chaa. BeU. Chss. Byrd, Robert Cain, Jaa. L. Caldwell. A. E. Calkins. Fred. Callahan, Chss. Couch Campbell. T. ». Campbell. William Canneld. WU1 F. Cannon, Mat Carey, John D. - Carl. Frank Carol}-. J. Carroll, Fred C. ,Cnrson, Chas. K. Carson. Walter Carter, <; bar lea J. Carter, Don Carter. Herbert J. C.rtledge. S. D. Csrtwrlght, CUsrley Carutb. Burr Chsnn. James Chambltn, G. F. Champion. Jack. Chancy. Lou Channed. H. E. Chapman. Roy K. Chapman. Wm. 0. Coappman, Whittle Charblnnen. George Chase, Louis Chefslo, N. S. Cberney, Albert Cheuvront. C. P Chevalier, Frank Childress, C. L. Chlswell. Joe Clsrk * Berry Clark at Conner aark. C. P. Clark. Eocene Clsrk, H. Fredouls CI » ike, C. C. Clarke. Harry Clements. Joe L. ••Clergg. Pi H. Cleveland. G«o. W. Clifford- & Clifford Clifford. BlUy Clifton. Wm. R. Close, Jack CI ova l Clnre. B. H. Colcher. Harry ielfYs. Day, AL DeBorde, Robert ••DeClalrrllle. Sid DeKrego. Cbsrles ••DeKreko, Jesn DeLaFontslue, Harry Del. any. Ralph DeLong, G. Lewis DeNova. Fred DeVoare. Cb. Dean, AL Dcarmln. W. II. Deaton, Loo Dellett, Jack Penula. John W. Dent. Raleigh Derrlll, F. V Derrlll. Jsck Hesmond. L. Desmond. W. L. IVerelo. J. M. Dewel, Geo. Hlsmond. L. D. Dicken, Emory Plladlne. Harry V. Dlxon. John Dodson. Melvln Donnelly. Deals Donovan. Geo. F. Donovan. James ••Dooley. Jim Doss. Billy Douglss & Moscrop Dougherty. L_ H. Downsrd * Downard Downs. C. L. Downs. Fred D. Dunbar. Cb.S. B. ••Dunlop. Harry W. Iiunne. Tbomss Potter ••Dunning. Cslvln Dwyer. William M. Esry. Fred F.bsugh. Don C. Eberhsrt. T. H. Enert. Fred Eckert. Clarence Erkboff ft Gordon Edgsr. Harry Edmonda. R. J. Rdsoo, Robert R. Ellet. Charles Ellsworth. Phil EUIott_* Straley Ik Garner. Marvin Gaston. Albert Gavin. George Gay, Fred L. Gay, Great Gennaro A His Uana Gentry, K. R. Gesnter. Henry Gemller, F.van I. Oethle, Albert Gibson, Del Gilbert, Henry GUmsn. Wm. Ollmore, Bert GUlmore. The Gllplns. The Two Ollson, Leon A. Olsseoek. Foster Johnson, Chsrley Johnson, Blllle Johnson, Csrroll i doo)" Clar __. . H , Honey Jones * Wkltlen Jones, R. Tattoo Jones, A. C. Jones, Harrey Jones, Henry o. Jones: Dick "^Vr'F" 7 Jones, noy f. Jonieo, Ilsrry Jonlon, Kit - hi.. uisacocE. rosier. « u »m uu i " ••Qlrssos^. Utile I ... Jordan. Claren Glover. Will - ••Jordan, Btsn tlAerlnn C I I rF >SS^I I THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE I X The besdqnsrters of this grstnltons dlstrlbntlnn of msll sre st the CINCINNATI X offices, where all such matter should be addressed, unless It Is known tost It will be X more convenient for addressee, to receive It through the New York or Chicago bureaus. Z In addressing mall to Individuals In care of The Billboard, kindly Indlcste what com 4- pany (If any) each Is identified with or In what line of the business he Is engsged. * When possible, addressees should be Identified by Incorporating the name of the show • or company In' the address of msll sent to them. This l isures prompt delivery or despatch i and saves Infinite trouble In The Billboard's postofllce depsrtmrnt. ♦ All mall advertised In tbl. list Is being held at the ♦ Indicated by the chsrsctcrs • (New York 1 . •• (Chicago). ['.reels st Cincinnati office and amount, due. Amelia ..llaxier. 11. Vie Bingham, alls. Franrboltl ft J.a» .Johnson. Blllle 6c Levis. B. Ac u ,:':■*£ 3, 7; - ■Lord, nisi Klenor MrrrrV. J. W. B. 7c . Sol I log. , Chas. A. OC i. Xormsa. Ned ■ITyne./Mrs. Martha *c ■•.ttrrson. a D. -> Roehst. Don 4e „ VanGorder, L. . Wllllsms. Hsrry r< witt,. k. x. ******** * * ** * *****+***************** * AdeU, B. 8. Ahm.t. Nln. A Ikes. Geo. W. Albert, H. O. Albert, Vincent Albright. Dah M. . Alderson. Byron Allan. W. N. Allen, G. W. Allen. Lee . • '. , Allen, Walter it ••Allen. Willie X. Anders. Chas. Andersnn. David Altaoberg. Wm. Alton. Tons. AlwsrdV Musical Amis. H.rry Andrews. Chss. Angelaberg. i Anthony Alltel. P. Arhnekle. Hsrry G. ••Armsnd H. - Armstrong. A.- A,nni* t ronjc, Hjntny Arnold. Aloswortb Arqnette, Wm. Arxressle.'..Jos » Ashbangh, Geo. W. • AST) tOO Jk Karle Atkins. B. B. Atterbury. A. D. ••Atterrmry. George Atterbury. Geo. at Wn Austin. Dirk ••Austin. Gilbert Avery, Randolph Aycock, Joseph P. Backus, Frsnk i Bailey & Bailey rtalley. Bill (Plotor ' Bslley, Itlasky Bailey. Nicholas Baity Bros. Baker. Myron Baker, Nick Balcom, Frank Baleetrter Louis D. i.-t The flrest. Penedlct. Harry Benjamin. Ed It Bennett, Bam Benobdlc. Ksxaro - ••Bernards. Original Berry. Jack Best, Homer J. BldweU. Fred E. . ••rilllck. Harry Blsbee, R. M. ■ - Rlttorr. Bill Ulackfoot, CUf rinder. J Blackmore, T. Blair. Harry J. rianchard. Oscar riedsoe. J. H. Bletxacker. Charley Plum, C. V. , Blnmbardt, Wm. BochmOer. Albert Bolln, Jack. ■'noker. Archls, foone, John C. -.»th * Lynn P.-Iey. Joe i'i»s... Walter ,""rs.vren. Psyton Bowers. C A. Powers. CTsude ••Bracbsrd. Pan! Brsden. C. A. • Bray. Chas. Breckrnrldge, John F. Jttendsle, H. 8. Prnwn. AL W. »*-own. Arthur ••Brown, Chss. I'rnwn, Cbsriey rrown Family frown. J. W. Browne, David O. Brownlee. J. W. ••Brace, B. E. ••Proee. Balnb Esgoli Brutbnt, Tlce Frysnt, Wm. Wm. T. . J, Cnlemsn. W. J. Coleman. W.- R - Ce*Uer, Ben -E. Collins, Blllle J. ••Collins. Chss Collins. Karl Collin., H. D. ••Collins, J. J.' Col too, James R. Comed.n. Eddie V ConroyT Alton A Con- . roy. Cook. Csrl .W. Cooper. Geo. B. Copes, Musical Corey, E. D. Comellow. John Harris Cosgrove. Fred Cotton. Don Conghlln. John X. Covington, Zellob ••Cowen. Robert Cowles. C. W. Craig. Willsrd Crawford. Robert C. Crawford, 8. O. C restore, Francesco Creator*'. 0. ■' Cf lebtou, H.rveood CuDlgsn, Thoa. J. Cnnnlnghsm. Pan! Curley. C. W. Cnrrsn. ' Jack Cortls (Csck) Crownover, Clyde B.a«-y. SIg "assetr. Ben Batbnrst, Xesl Been A Hamilton Bear. Alfred 8. Beckerlck. AL 111* - Borness, Boy rnrnnam A f^e rnrnhardt. B. H. ••Burns. Harry Burton. -Hsrry - J. B. C. Cutler. F. L. ("utter. Frank J. Cutting. Chas. E. ••Dabll. Thos. Dsggett. Elliott Dsle. Arthur Daley A Everett DsIIss, Wm. Dslton, Csrl M. Dspon. Lewis Daniel. Prof, tJ. A. Dsrilng Fred I). I)..rnell. Jesse D.vrr, b ."Edg, i r- * Dsvld, Frank Davidson. V. Dsvla. Csrl Dsrls. O. L Darts, J. L. Dsrls, Logan Dnvls, U H. Dsrts. Robert M. — a». BleU Ergolll. Jos Erllnger. Henry Krvlog. Chss. Eallck. Jsck Ks i ridge. Chaa. r Eatoclet. AL D. Everett, Joe Bx cells * Frank > Fseeenda.' Albert Fsncher.'jobn* Farrrll A Lay Ion Fao.t. Bra ■ Pawsett; H. A. Fay, Boy Felix, George ••Fenelon. Chss. B. Fiedler. 8. H. Firmer. Chs«. W. Flnley. Jes. M Finn. Irving 8. Fink. Harry Flnnegan. Billy Fisher. Fred Fisher, E Fisher. J. 0. F!.k. L V. I tannery. Fred Fancber. E. ., FIsvlo Bros. Fleming, James ' • Floetker. Henry Flowers, Any . Fiorids. Geo. A. Foley A Earl ••Ford. J. T. Ford, Victor . Ford. Tbomss Foreman H. Benton Forepangh, Geo. it. Fosner, f. Foster, Ed ••Foster. W. B. Fotch. Jsck Frsnee. Edwsrd Franklin. N. H. •■■ranklln. l.nttle Frederick. The Oresl Friedman. Leo Fnller. Wm. Futcb. Regie l.ble. fry Osn. Senstlonsl Gallon. Jlmrale Gallagher. Jaa. II. Gardiner. Eddie Girett, Harry Garfield. Herman Garalnlo. Ctieraller — , Lnlber vsSssa s' " Gordon. Cliff Gordon. Rlrbard Gordon, Frank Gordon. J. Saunders Gorton Mlnst, Gosssge. Geo. Gould. R. R. Gnyt. Emory Gray. Bee Ho Graham. E. B. Graham. Frsnk Grant. Doc Grant, E. P. Graves, B. A. Green A Tall ••Gray. Bnssell ••Grsnsm. John ••Greenlock A Byrd Greer. James ••Griffith. Prank 1. Grlstrold. Frank R. Grogsn. Cnrlle Grow. Herbert Grogesn. Porlee Grossman, Fennle Gnlce, Walter inlnter. L. P. nsddocka. The Hadley. Dock Haddock. Leslie R n«n. Jack "all. Jefferson Haltett, Joe Haller. Ssm C. Hall. John ••HsU. Leo Hall. W. A. Hamlltnn. Ollle Hamilton. Frsih Hamlltnn »> Hampton. 7 ••Hsnroek. nanford. Elmer "snson. Arthur nsney. Wm. Hsnerd. Earl narslsnflo. Chris Harder. Myrkle nsrger. Press tlsrl.nds. The n.rrlngton. Wm. T. Hsrraba. The , Harrington. C. B. Harrllne. Richard Harrington. Frank Harper. Oorflori Harris. Cortland Harris. H. B. Harris, y.aek - . ••Wsrtnian. John A. .••Harvey. W. I.- ^HartseeTl. Frank TIssbrons . Wm. H . Htseb. pn«o .Hasllnga. B. F. natsn. Mr. w.wnt. Carl I.. , Hawkins. Roy_F<.. • •Hsye*. F. H. « Hayes. B. "ays. Jaa KshB, Mnhsmmed KataeU. William Kama, Henry ••Kssper. Jewel Kearny. Cseesr Kearney, Lawrence K earns. Waller Keenan, John Kelns, Clarence Keller. H. U. Keller. Waller Kelly. Pet Keller. Cyclone ••Kelly, Pal B. ••Kelly A Davis ' Kempf. Fred 8. Kendall. Royal A. Kenbo. Psul Kennedy, Chas. Kennsrd. Ed. Kennlnger. Chaa. Kent. C. 0. Kerfgaer. Peter Kettler. Fred KllUon. Frank P. Klncb. HnrrJ Hayd'en. joe A Ola rtelntrman. F. K. Hendrix A McMabon vterel's. C. H. nenehey. Wlillsm Hengel. Steven B. Hssrr, Hsok Henry. HI Ainir.' Austin 0. King. Leo H. King. Charles O. King, Gene Kirk. BOSS L. ••Klrecbhaum. Ham Knight. Hsrry Koebler. A. t. Kobler, Lew ••Roster, Chss. A. Krsnse. Otto Krslnrr. Lools H. Krelnbrlok. Olto s. Kums. Tom KuselL Mstt LeBreqoe H. E. LaMsrr. J. A. LaPortes. The Aerial L.Porte. Frank E. LaBalle. Jos. La Velio. William LaVell. Frank F. TjaWayne The Oreal • Labb. W. H- Lacheco, Lonla I^mberto, John Lamg. Ed a. Lsndore. Robert Lsughlln. B. J. ••Layloa D. H. ■'- Layton. W. B. .Isuella. Jack Lsseb, K. J. - -LsClssr. Bobby. " Leonard, John UrUry; 7 I>«n Lee. Harry A Lee! bnie R." *brosn"s , Dsn d?J. Ssm P„.d. Jseob LereJ A_Elolse Herbert A Vance . 'tarwU.-Cfcis. Herbert A Msndsns ••MsrlC Henry Herman. Me».V-.« --i^-wCT H«rvy nerbert. Hs ,. Hess. Chas. Hester. R. ■ ■■ He!!,. AD—I'.;. ' Hlrks. O. B. .. m i.. r ...>, iRnlil ... Hoar. m. a. t-iaSs HotTmsn Frank a HnrTmans. rvellfrg ■ Hnllaid. Ralnb Ho'mes. W. H. Holt. Edwin nnltnn. Prof Hs naaimaeaa. F. " "onle. Conev >r, v .v,. r . Geors-e Hoots*. Geo. Hnrnhnek. A. ••Hnektna. Jack Hones. Chester Hnward. T#sley Howard. Cbnek nosrsed Hanpy Howe. Lyman B Hreeltt. Charlie • Mcuowen, i nnhbard. Ed«rard - fa Mclnall. Ed. Mnt.hard. L. W. g Melntoah. Allen nndson, Martin W."^j Mclntlre A Co. Hnderni, Ben , ^ ••McKentla A I Hnghes. George ;. •' MrLsln. B. Star Hngbes. Roy j . - ' McMIIler. Frank Hnlett. Will ■ ;•*>. McNe. - Hnlhnrd. B. N " - ' — •»-« Hnll. D. B. Hunt. Csl ixrouun, • •Tying. James W. Lorraine. F. B. Ijarr. Harry Loving, O. W. l^ilgl. Geo. 1. eater. Csrl u t^neh. Irish J. ^ I vtle. Moody S jlcCsfferty. Wslt. >« MeCSrtbr. John MeCnrmrek. H. MeCune, Cbas. McDsnlel. Will C. «J MrParland. W. H. ■ Mi-Gee. Mike McOowen. Ssm •- n.ini, ... ■ i Hnnter. Hsrry C. Hnntlngton. Frsnk ••Hnnlreas f ngslls. . Clyde - Ingersnll. Hsrry II Ingrsms. The Two Ireland. Cnrtls 'rwln. Warm. Trwln, Edwin Irwin, Wm. 1. .. Ires. Nnreltr t.eew. Feed ••Jarksnn. A. \ .Isekaon. Earl Jsnleke. Hsrry Jenkins. Atberl Jenkins. A. B. is eWfasai ■sea. .. 3 MeNotts. Unity rj Mace, James J. Mack. 0. J. _ „„ wm Uasmln P. >taTOlre."Thos. Mains, Will ■ Wsnn, Wllber . Mann si, Jean . Msreaet, Lew ' , ^ Msnaflelfl A Wjlsc. ... Mansneld. C . H. xtarhte. W. R. Marrln. Geo. . Marshall. James B ••Martin A Martin, Jerry ku 8. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 91 Maul, B. L M.r. Sllns MI, TIMCBU Ut-lllTin, 0**. Mr]»l», Bay Malbounw Vl,-U.lles. ••Miller, Geo. Miller, mnk sillier. Lorsoa- Mlller. Morria IIUloD, Clrde MIDI. 0. H. MlDpr, E. K. Mitchell, T. J. Ulicuell. A. B. Mltcaell, BiumII Mllcliell. Fnltoa ••mi, Tom Mollenkamp. Harry Moll. Arthur ••Moll. Antra* Morjdaj. Llttls Moorow. Chae. Moo roe. M. . •Mordant. Arthur Mood. O. W. Moon. B. K. ••Moore, Archie "Moorr. Hsrrj U ••Moore. CTirsler Moore, A. W. ••Moor*. Cheater A. ESSE? Morria, Otter B. Morrison, Hit Morrdock, Will Morpbj, Bart Morris, Charlae a Mania, Re rule Morris. Loots ••Morrow. Iiut» Morrow, Tun UorUB A K.lrtUM Jumrord, 0. Horphy. C. M. Morphy. B. P. Morphy, A. * |> Morphy. Jaa. E. •••Nalba Vp. fi& ftariac** Nrmiiu, VaL - Nichols. Law Noble. Cbu. Noodawa, A. p. ••Sorrel, C. P. Xttjreat. Kd. ••Xye. B. H. OOBrien. J. C. O'Brlrn. Mr. U ••o'Oay, wm. ODelUL li- Odtrklrk. C. J. OfOea. J. B. Oadeo. Oeorra OUf an. ai. _ OKourkr. PraAk ••Orr, B. Ortauers. Felix dutch. Steve ••Padaatl. Oao. M. Packard. Thedloa Pace. ^B1U« t Parker,' W. 9.' . Parkbjural. a. C. Parrl-h. Harry Pannes. Uaoda ••I'arrla. O«o. W., PartrUo, Jark l'.»lU«ln. |> K. Patunua. Kara* Paltaraua. A. T>. Patrlrk A Praaelae ••I'eltersua, C. Pal*. M. P. _ Payor. Uany 0. Pearaoa. Larntoo FMrsall. J. T. I'relrr. H. at. Palrc*. B. Peac*. D. K. ■ ■ P*aa«k^M^A. Peix-a.' Pvrrj. Pelrnw RiX. Phllllpa. Lit. Plerr*. J. 8- Ptaruuat. JoCia Pierre. U. M. PUhrom. llarry U Poeuek. H. P. PollT. Many Polo. <)H.« Port. Pouli Kddr a. r-rea Bensoa, The Iterolun. Geo. Reynard. A. O. Bryonia*, Bail _ Walter abodes, W altar BK*arda, «. V. Itlre, W. H. Blebards. J. Pred Rlnaldo. to. H. Blpp, Mr. Jack BltehlaoD, Oao. Hitter, Bill? Roberts, r, a. Roberta, B. J. Mwmi Jim Roberts, Stanley Roc ben, p. u ••Bodaara, R. J. Rodney. Janes Boliltu, Harry •■■ Bonders,, B. L. Rooocy *c Richard* Ro*e, Dare Bose, A. 9 . . Rooens. The Bow*, William ' mbold. JM. A. Soaaelj: [i A, Hyley. J. Balmon. Fred Haltuaber, Don Baodosa. King Ssurulere, Geo. Bardcll. T. rSaaamao, W. A. Sebleberi. Joe. Beholder. Dick Sekray, j. 0. Scbnlrr. C. B. Scbomm. Harry Em! aavitv Scotl A Cl.rk Searyeant. Geo. w. Seaye, Tb* Serardo A Bltcblsoo OSee William Selby. N. 31. Senior, will SrytDoor, Peta Seymour. Wltlls Sbanp, C. C. e»Sbsrp. Mort. "■--ff*r. Cbaa. B. Sbrrtrs. V. 1.. SberMan A short Sbelby. J no. - Sheridan. Teddy Short. W. U Sborlls. Doe Sbrapablrc Jaa. Sbrlner. Matt Shnlte. Waa. O. K55 Em . SUeer. Jsteaa Slsaeaooa. C Slaslt. James B. Slater A Klnch 81ate*. J. P. Smith. Ray Smith, John Smith. Geo. Smith. O. B. Smltotta. Rarnum Smith, Cbaa. T. R William . Karl ••Snlpley. nrary Soams. Mnslral Sommrrrlllr. K. V Jr. Sorrrabltno. Rnrene Bontbwell.' T.. B. II Sparks. Cbaa. Spears, Kddss 8prtrr*r, Cbaa. i Spellman. Prank P. St. Clair. Tlarry Stanley * , .^aa Sreevna A 8t*e*os Bteloer. H E Sterrasoa. Cay Stereoe. Pr*d Stniia. Tom steltlnrs. The . Stewart. PrMay Staeewa, P. R. Stewart * Baekatt Stnedrlle. Joa .. Jobo W. . .Jml A. I. Poawll. Mr. Albert . Mr, Poarers A W Powell, Mr. at Mr*. Prewett. Bddla R Prearolt. C. I. Preewlts, victo. Prlr*. 8. B. ••Primrose, poor Pna-tor. Oao. B. •• 1 ;n,oj . Cbaa. A. QaiKiey. Jamea Re hi took, J. "Raee. Howard ••Bamaewau Tw* Baa.lo|jibrj. W. Baaa. Martin P. Banb. W. W. ••Kaeetta, Will ••Baaatta, William Bayraonrl A Harper Baymond. Prof. ••RaynMinda, Tba "Beeeea. John Baelea. B. M. BeMter. ureal Bares. Harry Bamar Cbaa. Reno. C. B, •e. Mill Htn.rt. Jack. Stnhblaca. W. H Stria. Ivemiard PnlllraB. T. B. ••Hnren. B. Snttoa. J. n. Swain. C Walter SwaBsn*. Carl Takeaaw. Bike Tsnna. A. P. Tun, Jeaa. Teely, Jark Teller. Dahl Tenaay. K. Tsrry. n . c . Tboma, Cbartaa Thomas, Tammy Thorn. N. P. Tboenaa. Omnje Tbomaa, J. W. Thomas. W. T. ( \ Thorn p»oo. Dans Thompmn, Pana Thornton, Prank Tlaklyan Tlee»ey. Jame* OTtUaon. Dam A. Tittle. Ntek Tie fa no, Clement D. Todd. Ala Trainer. Jack Trary, Wm. ••Traay. Dick Trlnly tr^VIC. TSr:^ 1 " Tnraer, Alnnaa Tyler. B. II. Tyler A Burton C. W. Van Dyne. Vsrrfllsklav Vaaa, Two Vaaot, Ball VeaJ. John J. It. Wbeeter, Joan jjMaWl M.roo Vlto, Jimmy Vlincel. Mlka Vleisn A Barbell Voca, Tom Voa ■rtcheoa, L,. A. Von Jerome. Mr. VonKaofman, Jack Wslbarn. Bay WailSS: fi* K. Warn Irk. W. A Wesson. Albert Waebbom, w. S. Wash bora. C. A. Watson . Cliff Wsterbory, J. p. Way, K O. Wayae, Fred "W«a,ulck. Qny Weaver. Herman Weadlck. Tboma* Wesrer, B. W. Wenatara. Danclnc Webb. T. K. Webster. Peed Weals. C. H. Weed. Dan Welaelm. Fred P. (I Welch Wella, Guy Wells. A. Welch. William Welsob, it. B. Weltch. Kaaa. Wen trick. Hsrrey MM ■ •• Wellington, Gay White. Jeaaa Whitney. A. P. White. Allan HV White. O. K. Wlekaa, Joa. M. Wteble. W. B. Williams. John Wills. CbarU* Wiley, E. P. Wills. Nat M. Wllllamee*, The Wllk. Joa Wllkar, Barry ••Williams. Klrur Williams. W. O Wllllsmae*. Tbo Wilsons. The Wilson. Wilson. _ Wiley. Loo Will*. Mack Wilkes. Mol -Wilson, Larry .'•Wilsons. The JVIsble. W. E. "Whdnrde. Jack Wolf. Pblllp Wolf. J_ It Wrlrtt. Prank Wrieht_ Jos. — ••Teakle. Zadja, Yonnsman Yonnjter, Boh Zamora Brother* Zsrllda. Connt Zearl. H. J. Zeeh. C. Bay m WORLD S GRFATTST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary, Spa oa-savlng. Lit «- •avltiej, Monay-Savlna. To UssThtaChalrla to Make VOUP Bualnaaa G row. Writ. Today. oao. w. BENNETT 744 w . 6th St. . C Inolnnatl. O . Wat. £. BABIMAH, BM 48 I. BeaoU...fl.S0 sr. Grass TS sr. Cannon Rims, com plrte 11.30 Button Parte S3 per M Largest stock In the State* of all slse Rims. Baaelsl Glsss, Backs. Tin. rtate, all stars of 8 I I p a. UoU.xllon. Chemicals, t tc. Immpt Serr Ice. Write for Sample*. W. 1th St., Cin'U, O, " DOLLAR » Opera Chairs Good Kind Low Prions Ettltra Sutiag Go. BrooKvlsw Rani. Co.. N. y ally _ mug* POKER . . M*) and faselnaUmc of all nor. Twenty-four mammoth oteel In a rack. Throw Bee OLD MIIX STREAM Antomatlc morUnj flab pond. A miniature n- prodnctloa of an old ualll acme with the water, the wooden mill wheel, sod the ash. *n In ■» tlon. Write fw fu ll r»rtlrolstwJ.JB._MABOB : TOH AbTOSKMEK- htayar Bid*. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS FOLDING ORGAN It is aim sty hatfa p aaaa kl a far TraTslina; 0s»an« ai aa, ' Muleal Chnrunaa. «5aa»)*rt Imss, OrohMtnu. a a i theaaanda of oth r purposes. Nothina batter known. Bead for fall dosorip tio n and ptiosa. >tau>auracrtarad by SILHORN BROS.. in Laaa tL. caiosi. m The LATEST FAD JUST OUT OEM TJTNE AXUOATOB FOOT WATCH FOB. Jlsde of the real daw. T3c each pwtpald to all parts of tba C. 8. and Canada. H. O. or Bxprtooi Moo. y Order must acco mpany e ach order. Annfaa wanted. JOB. rLElsCHatAM, P. O. Baa LIT, Hawkjasrllla, Oa, Y-GO-ROUNOS We are makers of Morry-Oo- Bonnda that' are- money gettere. ITlce* S3O0 and up.. Send for U- lnatratwna. UB1TBD STATU sTaMMOOWTOOO. BOW TO BECOME A CONTORTIONIST. . Front and Back Rending, each trick UloxtrnMl, ■ ■ ■■ WE ARE NOW READY To oflfer'a class of PENNANTS that will greatly appeal to you. Our line is unsurpassed, both as to price and style of work. Our specialty is making PENNANTS for Schools, Colleges, Outings, Auto-Meets, Aero-Meets, _ . County Fairs, Conventions, Etc. I^lTfi^nw-j,,^ Designs made to suit the occasion. JIWJJBaw--^^ Quick delivery! All work guar- BnaanaBa - *"^ an teed. Our Xin as and New Year's Pennant, size 6x16 inches, price $6.00 a hundred; is a big seller. Send 10 cents for sam- ple. Write for particulars. A. W. HMINSTON & CO., 413 Broome St., - - NEW YORK. ELECTRIC SCENIC EFFECTS and STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES CLOUD EFFECT S, SNOW , RAIN, FIRE, ETC. Also SPOT and FLOOD LIGHTS, STAGE POCKETS, PLUGGING BOXES, RHEOSTATS, and everything used in connection with Electrical Staze Lighting. IMPORTED CARBONS, LENSES and GELATINES AT LOW PRICE S. Send for C atalogue. JOSEPH MEH CHEN ELECTRICAL CO. ( City. U. S. A. JOHN MOJE'S RESTAURANT HOTEL AND RATI -v 1 p4tfe St aid Foirtfc Aw., tun GREETINGS To the White Rats of America, (Ine.) 14th St. and Fourth Ave., Union Square, New York. To the White Rata of America, (Inc.) Gentlemen: — I take this opportunity, throuRhTTHF. BILLBOARD to thank my numerous friends (THE WHITE RATS) for their patronage during the past john moje year, and solicit a continuance of tne same. ' With all good wishes to your great organization, wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Sincerely, JOHN MOJE. K THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS — .... ...JUST OUT... ZIP, THE FIRELESS CIGARETTE Straatman, Dam onatratora,' Fair men, Etc. rod I. Zip 1* Use BIGGEST SKI. I ICR VET. Send 10c for sample. Writ* far price Hat as s 0VZLTT COMPANY. to in sr., Qolck sod easj sa "1st anrt partl cali NEW TOBX CITY. alar*. 'DU GOUT DU TALENT' US W. 4Bnd Street, NEW YORK CIT V. Art Moderns Portra Its at Professional Ri THE BILLBOARD \ SPECIAD COSIPLIMENTARV RATE OX ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OP THE PROFESSION ON PROPES. 92 The Billboard DECEMBER 10. 1910. % ■ MOTION PICTURE T H E A T R E S 1. 9: * In This List Axe Included the Motion Picture Theatres in the Principal Cities of America. The Theatres of This Classification in the Smaller Towns will be Listed in Subsequent Issues of The Billboard. inoit, o. i jCtrud n> NatloDal ThMtn. A. Schlapoecaase. 120 Sabbat Cut. N. C Tar. luta *t- Katlonal. A. 8cklappacaaae. 120 S. Mala Pastime, Whiten A Walker. 80 S. Mala at. Grand. J. A. Blarbamjb. 42 S- Howard st-, A. P. Bottom. 43 s. Msln at. Vsndette, T. A. Simmons. 292 S. Main at. . alBANT, H. T.— Star Theatre. 4S-S1 a. Paarl Fatrylaad Theatre, 384 8. Pearl at. Castas Theatre, TB Himtltoa at. M ai l Theatre, m Oeatral sre. ' Theatre. ISO S. Paarl at. oe HV Pearl at. Percola i mil too at. srseee Hall, — Rldre an. Ideal Tbe.tre. C. B. Wa HA. PA-— 1 — S Twelfth, at. fjaad Theatre. Boblasoa A ^joj^eam Thsst«. J. Theatre. WUmer * Vincent. t, 814 S. Broadway, t mo 8. Cbarlaa at. The Crown.-7S6 OaasMaaa m Tba cupM. 1130 Liabt at. Daly's, 9S0 FenaaylTaala are. Tba Dixie. S12 W. Balttmora at. The Basle, Baatsaa . are. Toe Eastern, Eastern in. The Blektre. 1039 N. Oar at. Kllta. 487 N. " < QJT at^ w Family Theatre. 518 8. Br Tbe Federal. 814 Llcht St. Tba Fremont, SIT- H. Prei Oem Mnasnas, 714 _ The Qllmor. 814 N. GOaaor at. Grand Theatre. 400 E. Baltimore st. Tha Great Wlsard. SOW. Lexln* t on at. T^*Hl|Sand? , S6li Ksstern 1 re" The Carrol tonT m 5oj W**Bal — Horn Amusement Co.. 3018 W. Pratt The Ideal. 80S W. 88th at. The reader. 248 8- Broadway. The Keratotae. 1105 ft. Gar at. Tba IauttnstOB, 814 W. TjaxtBatoa St.. Tbe Liberty. S N. Liberty St. M j Je. tl e . 820 S. Bros d wsj. New Pickwick. 115 N. _ Oljmpls. O'Donni The Oriole. 1904 Anr. PahL 617 1 — Paradise Amusement Co.. 1000 !». ton st. Tb» Patterson. Eastern sre. Taw Pateraon. 1202 Unmu st. The Pickwick. 312 W Plaaa. HOT N. Brosdwsj ' Readers will confer a favor upon The Billboard Publishing- Com- pany by caning the attention of the editor to any errors 1st £j> omissions ■1 • • • •'• • • ••••••••••••••••• City ► • • » w » ••»•.•»*•••••«•• Dal Name of Theatre . . . . - . . . ................. Keith's Theatra. J. C. Keith. 1507 He Troth a*. - " Pastime Theatra. SUvennaa Bros. tTLATTTA. OA. — Alcsssr Thcatr*. Howard Am. BUob Co.. H. L- Cardosa. P. O. Box 122. Orphenm Theatre. Psroclte Theatr*. E. Will, 28 MexrlU st. Xsjastje Theatre. Cbatas * CO.. SO ~ tree at. Elite Theatre, Pasey St. 78 Psrls Theatre, U. Chotas Theatre. ! Majeane Theatra. Qoeea Theatra. ATLANTIC CTTT. N. J. — Tonne-. Theatre, Boardwalk. The Criterion, Walter Wheat] ey. tie see. * Ssrsge, 2122 Atlaa- J. Cantea. 2227 Atlantic arc. re. Boardwalk, r. B. Moore, mgr.. Board- Brjoo Tbesfre. 222 8. Broadway. Black Oat Theatra. 1204 W. .Bait Bine Bell. 1717 Harford arc Bfsoaa. 2R W. Laifarton st. 1118 Urnt st. ■Tt. Pleasant Hoar. 2880 N. Pulton in. Qneen. see W. Tiexlngtoa st. The Rainbow, 428 E. Baltimore st. The Bed Mill. J510 W. Lafayette st Tba Hoysl. 1727 R. Monroe Bnaaefl at Caaaby. 407 W. Laztaatoa sL Stockton. 2 8. Stockton at- - Tba Bebnrbaa. 81BS v . North arc. Teddy, Bear, ■. Baltimore at. Theatoelnm. B.. North as*.. at Bids-. B. North are. -one, 81 W. York Bond. Tba ratrjlsnd. 828 N. Chester st. Colombia, -«20 CotomUa sre. Bon- Ton. 688 N. day tVaftarty * a Thomas H. RIBM1NOHAM, only. BOSTON. Wsshlntten it Old Booth Tbeatra. 829 Wsshinftoo sL Pslsre Theatre. 108 Court at. Cbnrlqoe Tbeatra, 14 Trrmoot Bow. Star Theatre, 7 Tremoot Bow. Theatre. 681 WasMaetoe st. Theatre, 082 Washington st. - Sqnsre TBcatsa. 1 Bow do In 8q. Jonietts Thestre, 138 OoDrt st. Beacon Theatre, 88 Tremont at, Cnltrne Theatre. 700 Ws.blnj-too st. Bosbnry Theatra, 8180 Wadbraatoa at. Orients Thestre. 4154 Waabtactoa it. Portew Ban Tbeatra. .177 Hontlnrton see. 12 ~ Projecting Kinetoscopes THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY It Is constructed of tbe beat materials. Inaarina; long Ufa. Projects the b rich teat nd steadiest pictures, yet is tbe simplest to operate. Yoo^don^tJinTO to ^eendjt to a repair^ .hop. Every part i. inU^mhsnaaahla and. FROM ANOTHER EXHIBIT.*. "We are now using Sre of your ] Ktnetoaoopea, and can only add, the anti tion yonr marhinea are ai i lua - WM. FAIT. Manacer Lu bin's Tbeatra Edison G. W. FILM NOVELTIES 1M. 8Ul Stresest - PHILADELPHIA, FILMS FtW ALL THE LUMMfi IUM«F*CTIt£lS AllfSalee'Co. Films 75 days after, release. "Cold Copy" 4 cts. per ft., with posters. Foreign Films 2c, 3e and 4e per ft. Send >erf oration or badly scratched will be deliv bad perf< Films are sent on" approval against deposit No with Write vm today and teU Moving " want In and Parts of All Makes of Machines Carried in Stock. THE AMERICAN LIFEOGRAPH CO., erturersfss o8 MOVINO »»1 . PROJECTING APPARATUS. 142 E. 14th St.. NEW YORK. Telephone tOS7 YOU PAY CXPKUSAat BOTH WAYS WAKHDfO— Toe oaa't cat sold dollars for BOa, aad yoa aaa't m* W»oi SILVER SAVEI WILL SAVE YOU SILVEB ^ZZT.X ^^'wJ.V tea r*«srea a " re, IBERTY FILM RENTING CO., 1 S wanson-Crawford Film Co. | FILM RENTERS | 723-734 Century Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. FILM UNITED STATES. . . .. -: ■ THE WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DE- PARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Dill board -93 NIckrkKleon Tbtttrt. II Bunil it fmlcoro Temple. 830 Bin* Bill »Tt. Boa too Arena. MO St. Betalph at. BUoa Dr..m. MS Watb|astta tt- rVkln Tbtttn. "tV'na Electric Light Plant Complete HERE IS THE LIGHT TRUST . . .. tt LABGEB PLANTS AT PKOPOKTIONATELY LOW PUCES. This outfit includes The Celebrated Dynamo of sufficient capacity to ItVC. P. Tungsten Lamps for illumination. Total cost of operation from 9 to*25 cent* p«r day. Gives you better light than you can buy! Gitee tame light in the afternoon as at night. Can be operated by boy 10 year*' old. WE CAN HAKE IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. DETROIT ENGINE WORKS, 402 BeDer-e Arc, DETROIT, MICH. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES & LANTERNS £iO;£ARBR. GUT cS^ Co Sr t ; -in. 'Si Sena • «. - THAT PATENTED GEAR COMPOUND Famous for its Quality, Tenacity. Will eliminate the clicking noise of the gears and cam-pin — in itself an advantage. OEM AIO IT! 25c. bub. DISTRIBUTED BY THC STAY-ON OIL CO., 46 E. 14th St., New York City. Every Subject Complete. 12 Meets per week. • • S12.00 LHP. FUJI SCnKf, Baras 523-4-54, 225 Inttt 1 St, CVCACt FILM BUYERS — ARE YOU LOOKING roc iwal (Odd wfond hand FUmtT We atll J oat what you want. Each wi-«k SO rrel* of 4 aad 7.wt*k-raa beat Doxrltlea for tale. EDoraioaa atl ctloo or excellrat alulT mm i^c. No Jaab. Smotlnx concert tabjeet*. Norrltlea boowht on eotumiasloa. Aftnta waai.d tor Canada. Statb and. Central America. Write for I lata. CONTINENTAL FILM EXCHANGE. 30 Oerrard Btraet. Loodoa. W. Bnataad ; ■■'.-y 75 reel* of fine Film. 810 a reel and op: 25.000 ft. of larf* tad tma No warn oat film. K0 aata af Baas SUdaa. BL88 a art aad ars. Qaara blarr. Canadian Flaa. 1 alao bay film aad tlidat if rood. Street. Kew York City. Se a ft. aad asu O. OAIXOT, of Klac BESBjn . 70 Cbrlttubar REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS il A.LB \Ni ST. HliSTOS. MASS. THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. 49100,000.00 INCORPORATION OPERATING TTHE CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE 315 W. 4th Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. AND THE BUCKEYE FILM ^PROJECTING CO. 309 Areede Building. DAYTON, OHIO Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent Output. Reference : — SALES CO., HI E. 14th St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop us a line. 94 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Q. — Bender Broa. M, Anxttania ' FiaiiUa. — •-• ' tre.Bend, HalL J. CHARLESTON,' a. C^-Anitmj of mer A Vincent. Inc. TliaallH luill. 821 »t Wonderland, Paatlme Am ana. Co.. ZDS Klo* it. OHATTAN OOO A. TENN. — Tbeato. 704 Market "-nren Granam, mjr. 839 Market at.. HovoU Graham. Co. — PA. — Orand Open House. R. U. BrawaelL' - - Theatorlum. Uaarna A Pollen, Jr., 723 Kds*- < most ara. Lyric Theatre. Mearaa ft Pollen. Jr.. 723 Edgnanont ato. .- i"". Cbeoter Blosrapa. O. Miliar. 407 Market at. Majestic Theatre, c. ft U. Sehloadh ft Haw- Una. BIJon Dream Theatre. A Greenbnrg Broa. CHICAGO. ILL.— Arcade Theatre. Waa. Bhea- tan, 112th at. and Pullman are. Warner * Oilman, 1813 W. MadaoB et Pr.«id,nt Tbeatra. 3*3 E. lath at, M. Zatorlcb. 128 8. Halated at. Trtanale Amusement Co., VI. P. Hoick. 7107 8. Chicago are. *Mad5on t atl McTo01 * * Oonatdtna. SMS W. Hiram ft BelchhoM, 788 W. Madlnoo at. H. K. smith. 1115 Mich lean are. . B Chrauui, 1803 Blue I elan d aeev- - John Bom an. 4830 B. AetUand are. Lrelc Theatre. 34 8. Halatead at. Henry W. So hell. .8522 8. Aabtand *t.. "" Wm. H. Bwanaon. 1S16 W. 14th at. J»w * Phllllpa. 3040 W. North are. ' Mabel Theatre, 39S8 Klaton'are. et. T.,H. Niion. 82S Belmont arm,. Willi. ma. 112 8. Halated at. r Laplna. 0223 Commercial are. r Lopma. 8220 Commercial are. - gjjManna Lann. 8002 Wentwortb are. . Victor aramekv 4048- W. Madlaon >t. Boyai Theatre. 948 Sheffleld are!^ Harlow ft Stockman, 2524 Lincoln are. J. L. Han. 6903 8. State at. Hammond ft Ball. 225 K. Slat at. Horn an Theatre. 8348. W„ 28th at. Oelder Broa . S88 E. 55th at. . Bwanaon Theatre. 2122 W. Chicago are. JRtte Theatre. 1124 8. 40th are.. XXu. f ""'"P* * Poaret.iiaBa W. 12th nC inllanjf. Alol*. SOSl. MUwaukea are. Geo. Wiley. 2171 Lincoln are. Geo. W. Friedman, 1302 Halated at. H. J. Danlele, UfirB. North are. "termer ft Vo*el.- 4803 a. Halated. B. Schnlaa. 2409 W. North are. . . " B. A. Johnson. 1 11 >w. North are. Wm. H. Bwanaon. 8883 Cottage Qrore .are', Chaa. E. Hynda. 2810 Lincoln in Carl Denote. ,2441 Wenrwortb are. '• Maleck * Pierce. 1838 Chicago are. f^J» T *«'re- A. HambOTger 0249 Elite aee. Leopold Goodman,- 8202 8. — Linden Theatre. Tbon. o, Virginia Theatre PUaen Theatre. Stat, at. Jamre C. Maw 1418 W. _. G..ry ft Peneoa. 2858 Milwaukee aee. C H Wlle-n. 408 8. State at. American Vending Machine Co.. S52 State Amertcw Tending Machine Co.. 340 Stat. BIJon Dream |-R 8. State at. JnUan Theatre. SIR Belmont are. ptreJe Theatre. 1858 W. 12th at, tola Theatre. 1238 Milwaukee aee, J. ft N. Ami — national Th. Janet Theatre. Wllaon Aee. Theatre, Mr. Bnrcn, WUaon ft Bran.lon area. Buyal ToeaU*. .B, W. Bogara, 1389 Milwaukee ft Le w la. 7117 a Chicago Heather ft Wolf. 8234 Cottage Grore are. Sol Stfal. 1252 Milwaukee are. The orchard. 8. Lealn, 859 W. North are. Mra. Lawrence Etten~210S W. Cohen ft VVelng anlen. 1828 8. Pekln Theatre, Boot T. Motta. at. • - - - C. P. Lantenachlafrcr. 8421 W. North are. J. Van Rook el, 234 8. Halated at. Bamnel Dooiaa. 3204 W. 12th at. Grand Theatre. Scott ft Kraratt. 1704 W. 12th ■E Garfield Amnaement Co., F. Berth alomae, 5531 a Halated at. Garfield Theatre, -Madlaoa at. O. A. 2253 W. 12th at. Hdwla-Jobnaton. 5903 Wenrworth are. Edwin Johnaton. SCSI Ogdea are. Bamett Broa.. 1937 Milwaukee are. N. Leeaarla, 8805 a Halated at, N. Leeaarla, 4710 a " ith ft Cohen. 715. E Both ft Cohen. 715 Bobey rw-H^rJTS' L. A. 81 Oder. 8312 a Aahl L. L. _ Jan. H. Mahrr, 388 8. State at. Bdw, SbaokeU, 1381 Milwaukee aee, A. A. Sehmerler. 1887 Grand aee. Irrlng Theatre. Schmidt ft Monroe. 8505 W. IrrTng park Bred, V. C Bearer. 44 State at. OrghMim ^Theatre Co. , A. J. Tnniai. 174 8. Swimming. 2053 W. 35th at. fheatre, M. ~ Kats. 3U0 Wentworu. Booleeard Theatre.' 8. Klein. 1535 W. Taylor at - - Grand Tbeatra. Geo. a Leree. 415 a 43d U. Petri Cella. 1009 a Halated 'at,. TCratocbe ft School. 1214 N. dark at. Ideal Theatre. K. W. Natkin. 1228 a Hal mil, v, iaoo at. State Theatre, T. J. aee. Beaton Amnaement . Co., J. H. ' . Madtann at Lincoln Theatre. 3. G. O'Donnell. 9103 Com- mercial are. Crown Theatre. A. Runqnilt. 0123 Wentwortb An?er.c« ThWre. W. G. To.*, 8848 Uncoln - are.', ■'• ■ • •- Amerlrna. W. G. YoaL 3437 Ogden are. A. W. Borgman. 1022 K. 78tb at. John w. Arhlacher. 8RS0 Went/ — T*. D. Hlmmona. 933 a 43d et. Wettenfrennd'a 12th St. Theatre. P. Weleea- . freund 714 W. 12tti at. — 3 Nickel Amnaement Co.. C. Laemmle. 1257 Mtlwankee aee. rred c. Minder. 5024 a Halated it, John WIIUama.-Sl a 58th at. Ana tin Amnaement Co. (Not Inc.). W. G. Da eta. 408 Park are. G. r. Heach ft Geo. J. Bneta. 4358 N. Ltarltt Choynakl ft Noon. 818 8. Halated Wonderland. 1355 Milwaukee are. . . ~. — . — m . hmw auwiiuEf are Medora Theatre. 4238 W. Harmon Vandette Theatre. 3044 a 92d at. Adrance Amnaement Co.. 481 a H- J. Danlela. 3835 a State at. H. J. Danlela. 3124 Lincoln aee. Henry Wolf 2504 Wentwortb are. •■ «717 a A«hland are. California Theatre. 28th at Verdi Theatre, Geo. EC Cryetal 2701 w. North are. i?j2. T Ij-'d'r. 8R48 nal.ied at. ? , T 1K iSL, p - a,t K£f S 3 W. North are. £- Freeman, 2805 w. Dlelalon at Crown Theatre, Chrlat Bolandaen. 28 aee. Chrlat Bolandaen. 784 Milwaukee aT . grarner ft Rablnaky. 4020 Lincoln aee. Epgiewo-xi Amnaement Co.. 338 W. 83d at. ja« L. Steeeno. 4JS23 Eranaton are! nr"wf TIW^-JSI I"!?* Park Bird. M J.,T r, ,^'? a „ S. 8tate it. Jcau Flntoid. 1384 8. Halated at. Halated at. Tb ' ltr "- c - l"mmle, 1238 a Cheat Andrew*, 355 W. Dlelalon at, Oahia ft cahta 2r« B. Slat at. JoJJna Johnaoo, 8848 a Halatead at People'e Theatre. 8. Berahaw. 1308 a Hal- Bted at. B. Rnaao 1813 8. State at filer. 1005 W. Huron at r_ — — tz. 888 K. 28th at. —•^Theatre, V. c. Scarer, 108 Z. Madl- Theatre. A. J. Jooea. 308 W. North B^" Theatre, Jooea, Llnick ft Shafer. 288 a Itate at. Oem Theatre, Jonee. Llnick ft Shafer 812 a State at. Lyric Theatre, Jones, Llnick ft Shafer. 252 a State at TJnhroe Theatre. Jonee. Llnick ft Shafer. 278 8. Premier Theatre. Iowa. Llnick ft Shafer. 288 . a State at 4 Mill.. 1142 a Halated at. Werner ft Ottnun. 3880 Cottage Orore ten. Henry ft BeUeo, 8118 W. 22d at- Oacar Cariaou, 8047 a Halated at, L. Brnnawlck. 4T43 W. Lake at a C. Zane. 8224 N. Clark at W. X, Coekley. 8032 Wentwortb aee. ft. Field. 8317 a Morgan at. Samuel Manor. 202 E. 47th et Adelphl Theatre. Chrlaty Sandow, 885 a Western are. Frank Viet, 541 W. 43d at O. J. Treullch. 2004 W. Madlaoa at. Chrlatopher Argua. 8002 W. Madlaon at. M. W. Qulnn. 1868 W. Madlaoa at Root C. Valentine, 2338 N. California at. Ideal Theatre. G. J. GOmore. 558 North are. Bmeet P. Grebe. 3522 W. 28th at Iaaac Woods. 8218 8. Halated at Albert o. Elder. 1832 N. Clark at Jan. Vinci. 888 Milwaukee are. Abrahama ft Bona, 8410 Ogden are. 11307 Boeeland Theatre Co.. 1 Chaa. Wecghman. 103 a Virginia T Michigan ate. L. Baer ft Co., 1784 W. K. K.ntre. 4442 a f Bel f eld. 917 W. 83d at, ■ 8254 8. Halated at. 1920 Milwaukee are. Belfeld _ H. Jontenaeii Geo. W. Lynch. 6048 a A ah] and. ftV A. Hunter. 0818 8. Halated at Johnaoo Broa. 3180 N. Clark at. The Fairyland Amnaement Co., 1260 Ml kea ara' ;-• Lmli B«, 882 S. State at. C. C. Woe lan. 4820 Cottage Grore are. Jaa T. Dorran. 1396 Milwaukee are. Bra Slebert 2723 N. Clark at J. Sollnjt. 744 K. 43d at, Lonla Kolorakla. 854 Wentwortb ara. ft. M. to, IB0E:«J;B.. * r Kedile aee, Boah Temple, 800 N; Clark at. Jaa C Weoig. 824 W. 21et at. J no. Sherrlo. 683 N. Clark at. Weber ft Humphrey. 461 North ara. Julltta C. Blrek. 6152 a Halated at Edlaon Wlkelnnd. 6MO 8. Halated at Mra. P. L. Matte*. 2858 Archer aee. - Wesael ft Trolchcl. 2157 W. 21at at, J. C. Orney. 2811 W. 22d at a. C Johnaton, 733 W. 47th at A. Andersen. 236D W. Chicago aee. Dean ft Branle. 8303 8. Halated at Lonla Amtuement Co., A. Hamburger, 1818 E. 65th aL W. H. ft J. A. Bell. 240T W. Madlaoa et, Hmr^Markbam.^sm MHwankea aee. B^nrorwlek A Brnnawlck. 2125 W. Murray ft Mahnke. IflOT Allnort I Murray ft Mahnke. 1WTT Allnort Oarer Plcrlardo. 814 a Halated a_ Hamltton Theatre. Wo. Meytr. 7250 Wett- wortb are. M. Tbeodakla. 1585 W. 22d at Erie Theatre, D. L. Schwartz, 841 M. Clark at ' nnaement Co., D. L. Bebwerts. 708 If ', 4746 W. Booth Chicago Amuaement Co., M. H. WH eon. 9205 a Chicago are. Dreamland Theatre. J. P. Warner ft Son. 3022 W. Madlaon at * . * Glamoar Theatre, John Miller. Fo'rt.t Theatre, C a Thorn peon, 302 B. 85th at Cheltenham Theatre, N. G. change are. Madkwo Tbeatra. S. Catlln. 1381 E. 66tb at North Pole Theatre, r. C. Tbompioo, mi N. Aahland are. Pa. time Theatre, K. W. Thompenn, 70 Madlaon at Paatlme Theatre. H. W. Tbompeon. 109 a H. W. John Victoria boldt Central Tbeatra, Bled. J. ft. Grant, 2451 a Halated at John a Ryan, 2451 Cottage Orore are. Verdi Sooti. Galloio, 1146 Larrabee at. Parte Theatre, Fr. Zumeo. 30O5 W. 28th at. Andrew Mnrphy. 1809 State at The Atklna Tbeatra. Snaan AUlna, 4104 W. 12th at Matt Santheker. 818 W. North are. Franklin Theatre Co.. Gteel ft Beckman. 828 a Slat at Kedzte Amnaement Co.. John P. Ryan. 3204 Madlaon at College Dream. 8. BehUT ft Co, 2111 W. 12th Vlnlet Page. 717 M. Clark at Morrla Belfeld. 448 R. 43d at. Harry Markham. 2413 . Bldgeway Tbeatra. Arthur Chicago aee. Carl Karx. 3234 W. North are, Jnllna I, Kahu. 1515 Milwaukee are. Lonla Flehlenberg. 8037 S. Halated at Dlroo. Brownell ft Helbach. 4464 Wentwortb are. Mr*. A. Hunkler. 422 Larrabee at Mra. A. Huskier. 2017 N. _ Palala Royal. J. p. ~ at. ' Amnaement Co, 230 V. Clark It Jnllna A. II rock. 3234 Annltag* at Landarart ft Co.. 622 W. Dlrtelon at. Grand Park Tbeatra. Lederer ft Leree, We*t Pullman Theatre. Nick Helach. 823 W. 119th at. Ring ft Lute. 1420 Milwaukee are. Lorenao ft tlardo, 401 W. Chicago are. Royal Theatre, J. L. Lederer, Belmont ft Lin- coln are. Raeenir wood Theatre. D. H. Parker. 4525 a Baeeuowood Park. JeftVrana Theatre, Homer Sanndets. 1523 E 85th at. Utllan Theatre. COIrmao ft Coleman. 1923 Milwaukee are. fs*ter Theatre. Wnrtman. Applebtnm ft 5204 Eranaton aee. .Ogden Theatre. Wm. Brarm 2338 Harry Rosenthal. 440 W. 63d at. Alice Theatre, O. P. Striker. ! are. Kenwood Theatre. Waterbory ft Daher. 714 K. 47th at. Jeffereon Theatre Co. fNot Inc.). V. 0. Mc- Donald. 8811 a Related. J. J. Montagu* 841T ST Clark at. . - Fred Olralo. 8. W. Cor. Loom la ft 12th at C. V. Brown, 2840 W. Van Bores at Home Theatre, Mn. L. J. Hooter. S2S5 a Halated at Albert Wallnga, 13328 Brie are. Noble Tbeatra. Edward Tlrtgen. 1071 Mllwan- kee are. ji Century Theatre. A A. Lots. 1421 W. Mad- laon at. ' Banner Theatre. Fred C. Smaller. 1811 W. Rnbey at. GlroUT ft nnfrln. 8950 W. 22d at Bepnhllc Thnatre. Cbaa. Koeater, 8916 Lin- coln are. Ellia Theatre, L. D. Timmona. 938 a 43d at. Argyle Amnaement Co., A a Martin, 4980 Eranaton are. White Palace Ked.le are. 18 a Mra. J. Fenton. HBt W. Madlaon et. Auburn Theatre. Julius Aacber. 7838 a Hal- ated at. ■ P. Pacini ft Tony ninnettl. 1022 E. 75th at Banner Theatre. 1811 N. Robey et B. A. Johnson. 2X38 W. North are. Rsrwin Theatre. Berwtn are: and N. Clark at. CINCINNATI. 0.— Alhambra Tbeatra Co, 148 W. 6th at. Wm. Aacbe. 738 State are. Avenne Amnaement Co., Hard eon ft McLean Atob Amnaenieut Beading Road. Andltorinm Theatre Co, MR. Bllkle. 17«7 Brawn ft Co.. 282 Bnah. Che*. 288 . Camp Washington rain are, Willie Csson. 431 W. Birth at. Centrel Amnaement Co.. 1211 Vina St. Central Amnaement Co, 143 w. fifth at O. Dempsey. 838 W. Fifth St. Herman Eager*, forty ft Vine eta. nternrlao Tbeatra Co.. Wm. Fenton. 818 «. Froat at. F. B. Pnnke, 1711 Rim at. Bd. c. neither. 410 w Firth st ttayety Theatre Co.. 8 K. Fifth st. Oem Amnaement Co., 031 E. McMillan at O'.nd Opera Hone*. Vine ft Opera Place. Hseaerty. John 7*2 *!. MeMIIIra at HBt ft rtel'-ie. 81* w. r.rherty st Jnhn H, Hnfmea. 47" Horn. Empire Theatre Co, 8881 aee. W. H. John. 1708 Bee* at. Rial* T^ehtrnp. 1525 Vln* at. Lincoln Amnaement Co, 80-32 R. Fifth at. Lohln Amnsement Co... Tan W. nth St. Lyrenm TTieatrs. C*nrnil are,, nsar Fifth at. Marral Amnae. ft Enter. Co.. 1829-31 Elm at. Handbook FOR MANAGERS AND OPERATORS By F. H. RICHARDSON The only published text- book on Motion Picture contains on Wiring, The Operating Room, Ma- chine Heads. Lenses, Tables, showing size of lens to use for size pic- ture desired, Hints on the Use and Care of The Theatre and A mine r tion for the operator and indispens able to the theatre man- ager. One manager says: — The Handbook arrived all right and right glad was I to get it. It is fust what I wanted and a good deal better than I expected. 1 am sore that I will learn a good deal out of it. Another manager* as soon at he got his copy, ordered another to be sent to his I Cloth bound, 160 pages, illustrated. Price, $1.50. Postage free. MOVING PICTURE WORLD 123-125 East 23rd Street, NEW YORK CITY. DECEMBER 10, 1910; The Billboard 95 MERRY CHRISTMAS 'ROM- THE H. F. Pfaff Music Co. Creators Our past five years as Music Publishers have been one con- tinuous round of successes, and we are now in our own new and extensive plant, and will continue to publish only TRIED and TRUE hits. Our new songs are the author's own realizations, and run in a set composed Of FOUR NUMBERS: Ho. I- 1 I'M WAITING DOWN BY THE OLD MILL STREAM" Ho. 2— "I'M LONGING FOR YOU SO" No.3-"DREAM'S REALIZATION" Wo. 4— 081 LIFE - LONG HONEY- ii A NEW MARCH SONG THAT CAPTIVATES THEM ALL "YOU ME THE BLOSSOM OF MY HEART, PANSY ' BE SU RE A ND GET TH IS ONE. ANOTHER GOOD ONE "I'M KISSING HER HOW" Word* b y F. E. M »urilng. THE COON SONG HIT "AH'LL RAILROAD YOUS UP TO DAH MOON" A STILL IN DEMAND "MY LOVE GROWS DEEPER FOR YOU DAY RY DAY" HIRAM "DO THEY EVER DREAM OF HOME SWEET HOME" A Petty Walt ITNOW IN THE PRESS"! "IN THE GARDEN OF SUNSHINE" —AND— "MY FLOWER OF LOVE" TWO CLAS SICAL C REATIONS. - The Well-known arranger, WAITER H- COLIEIO. has been added to our staff and we will publish several of own prize compositions. WATCH t"OR them. Sand stamps for Prof. Coplaa. also your PERMANENT ADDRESS. THE H. F. PFAFF MUSIC CO. MOUNTAIN VIEW. CALIF. Mimu, Gilbert are., bet. Hewitt and Hallowaf. _ A McMihon * Jackson, 246 W. fifth at. flechlenbura. Loola. MBlfcal * ~ a a. MFfgttoa, 4u° w. ruth it lfoteh * Meyer. 3046 Oolereln it*. MoTtng picture Theatre Co.. Woodb MoTing picture Theatre Co.. Wuai A ao» ttrllu irn. . N.tlon.l Thr.tre Co.. 128 W- Fifth at. Ohio Theatre * Show Co., 214 W. fifth .t. . Ohio V.udfTlll. Co.. 80S W. rifth it Palace Amusement Co., 1421 vine it. Paatlme Theatre Co.. SI W. Fifth at. Chaa. PbeUter, Ull Vina at. Popp Brae.. 1438 M.ln at. Queen Cltj Amnaemeat Co.. 1 094 30 Freeman are. Frank Balchrith. Spring Grove are. Boyal Theatre Co., 700-11 Viae »t. Martin ttsaa. 1149 Harrlaoo are. Boblnaon Opera Honae Co., Ninth * Plnm ata. Beau * Cornell ua, Ollbert ate., bet. Flerenee * McMillan. Fred Schmrlalng, Ollbert 4k Blair area. Then. Scbwaeger. Quean City are., weat of Shockwell. T. 4 H. Schwaegerle, 3822 Olenwa? are. Schwleterlng ft Bebrena. 1047 St. Ore gory are. H. P. Scott, Uleuwaj « Wiufleld area. Sharp 4k Henry. 324 E. rrunt at. H. Sbublnakl. 1114 HarrlaoB-Htm. Spaeth * Zeatermaa, 1028 Freeman are. Spaeth a Zeatermaa, 4030 Hamilton art. Spaelb * Zeatermaa.', Poplar A V»- eaten. Chaa. Starred. SOO E. front - at. Spaeth A Zeatermaa. 101S Vine ft. San Theatre Co.. 123 W, fifth, at K- Sweeney. Sol are... bet. Jtdwardo A Mlcbl can. '• --• i-.w ** r " Toomey * Doergrr. 1334 Uan 'at. ^ Unique Theatre Co.. U5S-87 K. McMillan at. John B. Webnbuffy. Blkwood Park. Welah a Lebmrr. 142» Central are. Weat End Amuaement Co., 829 Freeman are. CLRVKLA.VD. '«>.— Itnrke's Klec Burke Broa., 3203 Clark are. Buckeye Theatre, Stuerkle a Kb eye Bond and 87th at. Powere, 8006 Harvard at- Aixin Theatre. Ontario at. The Beglater Cafe. J. L. Cowan, 1210 Proa- pect ate. Collaeum Theatre. Mark a Harrla Amoaement Co.. 88th and Woodland are. Broadway Anitue. Co., C. M. Chrlatenaon. 4825 Broadway. nijoo_Theatre. H. C._ Holah. The Dixie Theatre. _ The Boyal Theatre, E. H. Mekkert, 5806 Broadway. The Royal Theatre. C. R. N. Mania, 8808 Broadiriy. Columbia Amoaement Co.. Robert Kolar. 8241 Broadway. Pollah National Hall, 70=6 Broadway. Buckingham Theatre, H. Oppenheimer, 3007 Central it*. Grand Central Theatre. Maurice Friedman. 7110 Central. Kd. W. Sprortz. 4508 Clark are. Clark Kleetrh* Theatre. Kenney a Bonblcek. 4SW Clark are, Little Hippodrome. Vandrnk a Burke. 6101 Clark are. Paatlme Theatre. E. H. Old.. 11004 Detroit are. The Com lone. RncIId are.. S. H. Blaekatoek. Kelth'e Hippodrome Theatre. Euclid are.. B. r. Keith. Pri ocean Theatre. The Prlnceaa Theatre Co. Boyal Nlckelodlan. Lake Amnae. Co.. 410 Eu- clid are. Dreamland Theatre. The Dreamland Co. ■lite ' are. Euclid Theatre, Norman File?" Theatre. P. T. Bowman. Fleet at. Waahlngton Park Theatre. J. Vara. 5212 fleet Cler'el.nd Electric Theatre. J. O. Lake. 8301 Fleet at. Hough are. Theatre. W. J. 811mm. 8521 Hough are. Knlno. Ton Theatre. C. F. Scbroeder. 7700 Lake are. Nippon Theatre. J. M. Hndaon. 1723 Isling- ton are. Grand Theatre, Bullock a Spellner. 2S3S Lo- rain are. Long** Theatre. 4100 Lorain are. The Mernul* Theatre. The General Amuse. Co. Beelt Theatre. O. Schmeder. 8801 Lorain at. The Jewel Theatre. Mr*, o. J. Welt*. Daton Family Theatre. Prick Broa.. 7123 Lo- rain are. The Coay Theatre. H. A. Roaenberxer. 8024 Lorain are. Lakeamnd Theatre. Wke Brenner. 11616 W. QarlhaM^RaJlt. Schaehtel a Krrna. 3223 Mur- Kettn*i TheVtre. H. A. Danlela 613 Prospect at. Corona Theatre. H R.. McMillan. 743 Pre pert are. Ojnluey Amniement Co.. Powmtn A Rosenthal Gordon Park Theatre. J. R. Pelher. St. Clair Coinmhi. Theatre. A. Srhtapi«can>a. 2468 St. Oalr are. fMlaonta Theatre. The Rdlaoota Co.. 3231 St. Clair aee. Patbe Theatre. Warren Scott Corell. 6430 St. Clair nee. Fnn Land Theatre. L. H. Wllk. 10620 St. Clair ■»». Chalnn Theatre, MorrL Freedtnan. Sue.. 3107 SeiiTllle are. Literary Theatre. ft. Thorp. S2S0 Scraaton Road. Park Theatre. Snmmera ft Brown. 1206 Stark- Home Theatre. A. H. Olll Superior and 108th et. Cameennhnne Theatre, Cameraphone Co.. 200 Rnnertnr are. Royal Theatre. L. Colin 228 Sneterlor ave. Creeeeol The. tee. D. M. Mayer. 818 Superior aee.. ft. W. American Thealre. American Theatre Co.. 71 8 Snt-rtne are. - • ••> Superior Theatre. O. H. Helnhnch. Wirrr Supe- rior a»e. The Colonial O. Kohl. fl!"4 Snnerlnr are. The Amnee-tT. J. T. Sehllefenhelamer. 8008 Wade Peek are. Fnirrtanrt Theatre. I. A. Morria, mm Wad* PaHt aee.'- flloee. The.ree. Mar* ft Harrla Amnae. (V. 831 Wondi.nd aee. The Pertr Theatre. Perry Amnae. Co.. 2202 Woodland are. OlTle M. Schaehtel ft Krrna. 2208 Woodland The World's Latest Invention THE DARCHE UTILITY HOUSEHOLD AND; MEDICAL BATTERY SOMETHING YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A Snap for Agents No connections to make. Operated with two dry- batteries. Ready for use for the following purposes: ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK ELECTRIC BELL ALARM ELECTRIC CALL BELL ELECTRIC SILENT NIGHT ALARM ELECTRIC NIGHT LIGHT BY PRESS- ING BUTTON ELECTRIC LAMP TO EXAMINE TEETH, THROAT AND MOUTH. ELECTRIC MEDICAL BATTERY, COM- PLETE. AND OTHER USES Our 84-page book "Electricity and Health" free on re- quest. General Agents wanted everywhere. DARCHE CHRISTMAS TREE OUTFIT 'Xhristau cmm bit nn i jiv." This outfit is complete, ready to attach to any electric light socket. Assorted color lamps, red. white and green. prices: 8 Lamp Outfit, $2.75 16 " " .... 4.75 24 " " .... 6.75 These outfits, in addition to using for Christmas Trees, are used for various decorative purposes — for windows, booths, decorations in dining room, and are very pretty to use on back bar mirrors. Address all communications to DARCHE MFG. CO. 2117 S. Halsted St., (Dept. D.) CHICAGO, ILL. Branch and Factory, Detroit, Mich. — New York. 96 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1010. THE STANDARD The Machine that Gives Results Fireproof, Flickerless Three In use in Crystal Hall, 14th St. and Broadway, New York, for the past 18 months. Say they would use no other. The Standard Rewinder cannot be beat either in price, end u ranee, conven- ience or speed. A perfect Rewinder. 1,000 feet In less than a minute. = Calcium Light and Other Gas Making Outfits Furnished Upon Rtqutit. Hallberg Eeenomlitrt and Wiynt Comptnurwalwa In stock. Fort ya The Standard is the only machine approved by Board of Fire Underwriters of New York City where motor is used. 150 complete machines sold for use in New York City alone during the past six months. Write for catalogue at once, 'Dept. AMERICAN MOVING 101 Bee k man St., YORK CITY, N. Y. * Rahe. 8828 FMli'l Theatre, Cooperman ■Tit Woodland in. gienalda Theatre. ' "Woodland arc Rational Moving ■. 6th at. Grand Theatre, Mark a Harria Amoae. Co.. a. fth at. Wondatlaad Amuse. Co.. r. Nolan, 1TSS a. Fa" l^Thia tra. ^B^Sm"™Thea2» 1 0o.^88a K. Ninth at. The Bdlaonlan Theatre. R. E. Forgaaan. W. 11th at. Majeetle Theatre. Mark ft Harria W. 25 th at. The FatryUrt Amnae. Co., W. a 1888 W. 2Sth st. The Marrel Picture Co.. W. 23th at. The Venua Theatra. A. C 2Sth at Wonderland Theatre. Lincoln Anmaaraent Co.. 8U7T W- 23th at. 0. 8. Theatre. M. A. Walters a Co., 3810 W. 25th at Qrlfflth A Woolf. 1T20 S. 8th at. aaar Payne. Idle Honr Theatra. 68th and Wad* Park are. The Express Theatre, ear. S2d and Lorain are. P. A P. Theatre. «ld at The Arenne Theatre. 8. B. Moore, 98th at and W. Madlion are. The Gem Theatre H. 0. Isaaee. ■. 113th at BIJoo Dream: T.. H. Scott, mgr. American; M. 8. Pol car. mar. " am: J. R. Morris, mgr. a: A. H. Lewis, mgr. B03. O. — Cotnmboa. Thompaoo Bros. Theatre. Brocket a Klonaa, 30 N. Hlch at exhibit Theatre. M. St ComlQUe Theatre. The 200 N. Hllth at Princes* Theatre. The Princess Theatre Co.. 118 S. Rich at Arch City Theatre. Burroughs * Spring. Conneant^em Theatre. C. A. Torrey. 263 N. Monroe at; A. B. W. s. Lyric?" 2I> -X. High at. Temple. 20th and Mt. Vernon are. Arch City. Monroe and Mt. Vernon are. Orpbeum. Mt. Vernon, bet lTlh and 18th ata. Dunbar. Champion and Mt Vernon area, franklin. 527 W. Broad at Palace. Broad at. opp. Wisconsin are. Crrata! , High at N. of Bndaon. Snnderiand. Reed and Parana are. exhibit. High and Lafayette. ; Blpnodrome. 08 X. High at. cSnmhri. hS, ^ ?S2? arS*" LMmnnot. raijco ana Town sis. Prlneeaa . High, bet State and Chaptel ata. Cnkme High and Goodale ata. Bottle*. High. at. and Buttles are. Star. High at and 4th are. Royal. 251 E. Main at. - Orattdppera House. E. State at COVI.NlJMlx; ky.— Saroy Theatre. aarar . .. Amnae. Co. . 628 Madlaon are. Mean Theatre. 0. MIddendorf. 9 Pik- at rn» "1 afala at. P. Aronoff. 804 Elm at. P. O. Cameron, 835 Rim at F. o. Dal ton, 848 Mala at E. a. Hoffman. 327 J no. Harria, Centr Dalton a Ncrflla, r, J. a. DAVENPORT. Iowa'. W. A. L. Van Atta. 1116 Beelr. 14 V altar at. National Theatre, United Amusement Co. Electric Theatre. BIJon Dream, Andltarlam DENVER. COL. — Cryatal Theatra, w. A. Wee- ton. fv- . Cnrtla Theatre. Pel ton a Smntxer. Tabor^ Opera Honae. refer McConrt MoTtmr picture T he atre. 2710 Walton at Amnae. Co., Cnrtla at Morfag Picture Theatre. CI a. 1828 Cnrtla Place, lata Theatre, a. L_ Baxter. 1832 Cnrtla at BIJoo JThaatra. Moore A Orearea. 1724 Cnr- Weat Ride. Meyers A Halle. 7O0 Jaaon at. Midway Theatre. O. H. Wright. 1848 Larimer at Gaiety. Gaiety Am. Co.. 1828 Lavrrence at La Roma Theatre. R- B. Coper, 3S58 Nae- Creicenf Theatre. Drmkln a Lacing. 2715 Sbel- ton at. • Tbeatorimn. Moore A Orearea. 1017 16th at. Hippodrome. Hippodrome Amnae. Co.. 1316 Hippodrome. Hippodrome Amusement Co.. 1210 Cln. Amnae. Co.. 1025 17th F, E WrdiaTI.. 11 at , Star Th. ' Idle ~ at Grand Theatre. O. D. not at. DBS HntxFS. IA.— Colonial at.. C. banner. DBTROTT. MICn. — Canfleld Sacherean. Canfleld at. Paatlme Theatre, O. MrCheaoey. 8843 Wal- Theatre. Walnnf A Grandjrheatra, - . TT1 i Grand Blr- . are. Happy Honr, Moore A er at Peter Sancherean, 1828 Grand Blear am. The American Theatre, 842 Gratiot at Little' Hippodrome Theatre, T. Carrier. 1239 Gratiot are. Fairy Theatre, Parriah A Hot at Ideal Theatre. Schehren A tlot are. are. Bon Ton Theatre, P. Uleile, 1881 Jefferson Lynch Brae., 1417 Jefferson Mirth. If. Lynch. 1467 Jefferson era. Grand, Lancaster Bros.. Jefferson at. W. Or. c. M. Campbell, Lafayette at Jewel Theatre, Jewel Theatre Co.. Ursa are. Cosy Theatre. H. Schneider. Dnlqne Theatre, O. B. Monarch*Tbeetre. Win. Igan are. TJno Theatre, F The Harris Fa Cadillac ate. BIJoo Theatre. W. J. Dlatt. 34 Casino Theatre, Monroe are.. Borate Theatre. J. n Temple Theatre. Moore. 17 Monroe are. . . 84 Monroe at Wiggins Co.. Ltd.. Theatre Cemlqne. 231 Randolph at. Vaudeville. W. Klatt, 384 Randolph Harcnnula Theatre. F. Lonaon. 748 F J?? ftawirCaV, 106 Woodward are. Majestic Theatre. The Casino Co.. 281 Wood- ward are. SKn^Tbear^ are. DUBUQUE. I A. Star Theati Dreamland. H. O. Molrey, 580 Main at. rrlnreaa Theatre. W. ll Rradl.?. 863 Lyric Theatre. W. I* B '"" The Germanla Wot. Hall, _ Mala at 3BTg^ * Grand Opera Honae. Royal Theatre. J. ] ata. DDLOTH.- MINN.— The wick Co. ■tar Theatre. Carter Au. West Bnd Star Theatre, W. Superior at Saroy Theatre, R. R. Hedflrld. 29 E. hope rior at. Empress. J. T. Mslllsnd. 12 R. Superior at. JeTaey 0 at OT ' , ******** r *• of Profeaalonal A Amateur Monolognei. Mlnatrel C0MPENSARC Tfcafa the derica that aarea Mortng Pic- ture men tare thlrda on their electric light bins, and yet glrae better light Did yon aee oar ad Uat week I Well don't look It op-just write foe oor Boo klet 15 018 FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS FOKT WAYNE. INDIANA. 733 —WAN TED- POSITION AS MANAGER tree hooae etaff of legl 7*818' experience la thee* lines. At present em- ployed aa aaaUfant manager at the Cjrrl Thea- tra of Minneapolis. Address all communications to JOHN NEOON. Cyril Theatre. 114 Hennepla Arenue, Minneapolis', Ulna. AT LIBERTY A-1, EXPtH ICNCCD M . P. OPER ATOR or aaat electrician. L. H. DURHAM. H. Y. BIR6IINS! BARGAINS! IN MOTION PICTURE MACHINES Path* Passion Play, Mereoptlcons, Films, «ldea, and Buppllea. Power Cameragraph, $75; Ml*" Kinetoscope. fSS: Olneograph, |38. Many oioera. 33. HARBACH A CO.. 800 l» " " i. Pa. FOR BALE— Nice Morlng Picture Theatre In icoo* "wet" mining town of 2,500 POP. No comlielr tlon. 180 opera scale. No Incline door, plaater ac — tlona, cheap rent. A an at 8700. Addreaa JOB. Aaanmptlon. 111. een. 6ne wall **aW MAGIC SSLTPil Send ft-. lbHa, leapt, 8, 878 W. II at. *• DECEMBER 10, 1910. Nell * I Bbepuerd- 121 B. KL1UKA. *k. T.— Grand. B. J. Toole. E. Water Old Happy Hour. "B. PA.— Bier Sute el. Connelly. State It. J. 1>, .Allen, Ill im Prlnceaa Tbeitre, O. Potter, not State at. Venice Theatre, O. Potter, 1013 SUM it. A Hun Theatre. Albtn UlebeL 1019 Bute it. BUou Theatre. BIJOO . iBMHH Co.. 112* tjtate it. ~' Wildaroeer Electric Tbeitre. 0. Potter, prop. ; Deacon Del I more. m«r.: Waldameer Patk. EVANSVILLK, INI) i 810 Folton nee. ' W. W. W«»tJ«r p J Grand, Nickelodeon 0)4 Fulton^aw. Lyric. Mortis Perrin, 707 Main it. Colonial. WJT W. Franklin at. Main, Win. Hnddy, 414 Mate at. Palace, lull W. Franklin it. Cryatal Palace. Hot a Id VVoo-Ia, Bl« Main at FALL KIVKB, MAttB Academy of Mualc. J. Cabo. Nickelodeon Tbeitre, VI. B. Ekeedy. Savoy Tbeitre. J. Cub. •> Blluo Theatre. L. N. Beat. Mala at. aluouer'e Theatre, J. P. Jloouey. 1834. Pleae- aai ai- Premler Theatre. L. N. Boaa. Main it. rni. hi.. Theatre. W. H. Moire. William B. Stecker, Bedford and Third eta. FlTCMBtlBU. ^AtM.— Ceajulnjrii Tlieitre. nijou Theatre. EL. Knbrtu J04 Mate laL Uamiy Momenta Theatre. 433 Malnet- • FT. WAYNE, 1ND. — Hippodrome;- K. C Wright. Pnfl,' Loccke aV Yoll.nd. 1101 Calboon at. OaU-ty, 1033 Calboon at; B. L Sneer, mar. Fairy, 1110 Calboon at.. Joo. J Star. 1114 Calboon at.; Pearl. Lewie * Caalno. 1211 C GALVESTON. TEX. Lyric " Theatre. HL H. Hnlaey. -2023 Market • at, .... .. Vaodette Theatre. E. H. Halaey. 2103 Mar Majeetlc Theatre. Bendder A Colby. 2112 Mar ket aL Marrel. smart a\ Raeehlo. 2818 Market at. Star Picture Theatre, LeCetoptc * Co.. 23 in CryetaL W. J. Nlchnia. 408 Tremor) t at. * GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. — C. R. Metiger. Grand Opera Booaa VanAerllle. Temple Theatre. Chore hill A Darin. Idle Hour Theatre. E. M. Smith, 12 Caoal ' Vaodette Theatre. A. J. Ollltmh-a,, E. M. Smith Co.. 48 Canal Theatre. Bnparha Amoee. Co.. Canal Boperha Lyrlr T _.J Theatre. P. Boa*. SS Canal at. Lyceum Theatre. Lotto * fink, ISO Canal at ~' Canal at.. Lamprlnl * A. J. onilnsnam. Apollo Theatre, - 12s Smlrlle On. _ Monroe Vaodette Theatre. cent and N. Ottawa ate. ■< ± . OABB1SBDBO, PA. — Lyric Theatre. Borkett ■ * Or ■tor mara. Rlppodrome Txaaatre, mars. HARTFORD Wondyard. A Mra II nek waiter. 4k Bnmfort. CONN.— Nickel Theatre. Chat. ... Aaylum at. Lany Amaaeanent Co., ot Ithaca, ri. X., 1088 MalB it. Park Theatre. Herbert IT HAFKRHII.L. MASS.— Nli Mlckel Theatre Co. Theatre. L. B. Mayer. 8 at. no .tre. A. Benjamin, 188 J. A. Bayer. 183 Merrt- HOBOKBX. K. J.— Empire Theatre. A. *»• ■SB Taaratra. Mr. Plnnlne. Adam at. Lyric Theatre. 20th Century Amoae. Co.. Hod- Hi!? Dim. Theatre. Win. Baalde. MonteaUo Palace Theatre. O. Thorn a a. 118 Waablnaton 407 High H0fJeTOX*5fe.-^«Ur Theatre* 1 WpMaln'at. Scenic Theatre.' BIS Main aL Vaodette Theatre. 41T Main at. Royal Theatre. S0» Main at. .Empire Theatre, 110S Congreai are. The* to, BIS Prairie are. - - Cryatal,- 001 Main aL •. Pll-Sol. 80S Main aL Electric, B14 Main at. INDIANAPOLIS' 1ND.— Orpbeom, U M. Suther- land. Waahlntrtoa, near Pennayleanla. ■■ OrfibHim,- I. • M. Batbertand, 838 E. Waah- Caalao. l" It. Sutherland. 41 W. Waahlaatoo , la M. Botherlind. 48 N. Pennaylra n i . . L- U. Botherlind. ISO E. Wiahlngton Theatre. Lyric Amuiement Co.. 1SS N. 1111- nn|a at Llndlee. Lyric Amoeemeut Co.. US W. 23d at. Ocm, 228 W. Waahlngton at. Theatre. A. P. . Beck, ■ 108 W. Market aL Manhattan. Commercial Amoaement Co.. 138 W. Waablntrton at. --. Theatre. Mary K. Munich. 1068 Vtralala nra. Theatre. Central Amueemant Co.. lit) N. 1111- nola at. New BIJou. .John P. Trolock. 1200 Oliver aL Theatre, Prank Green. 1044 ViTslola are. Theatre, J. A. Victor. 748 Indiana aee. Oeylew. -BM^lndlana * Arbor Theatre, area. Colonial; J. P. Fl fryer aid, mar. J4CB8KY CITY. N. J. — 5c Academy, E. -A B. Klcbardl. 842 Genual arc. ■- • Bijou Dream Theatre, Keith A Proctor Co. Hlupodrume Theatre. BL O. Ueapw,- BBS Den- trainee. ^- . N. C. Melby. S83 Communlpiw lte. Academy of lloalc,, P,'. B,. Ueoderaon. 4 Oreatory aL' i • .J , The Cooilqoe,' tC. T. Hoffman. '81 Harrtaoo ate. ^ • Half Dime Theatre. W. ReaMe. 171 Monti cello ore. ' Bon Ton Theatre,' B. Oadnfan, 40 Newark arc Tbeatorlnm. Wm. Petropolla. 77 Newark are. Keith A Proctor*a Theatre. 174 Newark are. J. Barclay, 848 Newark are. Imperial Theatre. 8ltt Newark are. Peter U. Coo well. 85B Ocean are. - The Hlupolrouu-. Clu>. II. te-. 0O4 IVamnalt aee. JERSEY CITY HEIOHTS. N. J.— Aodltorlum. a MIcbFlfeldrr. 229 Central aee. Star Theatre, Star Amoae. Co.. 445 Central JOHNSTOWN. PA Park. H. W. Sliexaf,. Main Globe. J. G. Foley. Bljoo Dream. J. O. Foley. Clinton aL Lyric Fraokir Stadium, Geo. KANSAS Cm. Empire Theatre. B12 But 12th aL Conaoo A 8tadman. 24th Bs B" Clyamlc Theatre. SIS Weatport Hyde Park Theatre. 3817 Main Brjon Theatre, I t 8th aL Ltewood Theatre. 8247 Trooat are. . ..." Docker Theatre. 3228 B. 12th aL \it Ohio Theatre. 2307 Proapect are.- ^ Roae'a Lyric. 822 Mala aL Mandrtre. 1708 W. SSth aL - " C B.. Haaltn. lis K. Uth aL LaBeTte Theatre. 2008 E. Slat aL • The Palace Theatre. T04B. ISIh aL The Subway Theatre. SOT Walnut aL Zoabar neatre^ 7M Indapandenea are. . , Mlaamri Amoaement Co.. N. B- Cor. 18th A fi. W. Conn. Centropoua. Mo. The Sapphire Theatre. 107 E. 12th aL The I Ha Theatre. 017 Walont at. The Colonial Atrdome. 3308 K. 18th aL The Tale Amoaement Co.. 720 Main at. The Tale Amoaement Co.. Ill B. I2th aL The Stroeet Theatre. Helm'a Park. Beat Hot COMPENSARC This Machine Bleb Lynn. 318 W. 12th " aL The Lnodon Tn»atr». 208-10 B. 12th at. KNOXVItdhaT . T B.N N — Lvceum Theatre. Behln- aon A Smeed. 318 Gay aL " Frank Koarera. bo. Oay at. • ' Cryatal. A. J. Iarwla. 425 8. Gay aL Majeetle. W. J. Thrower, SIB B. Gay . at. Ronlta. Cbae. C. Champ. 818 S. Gay at. Empire. Oeo. A. Dorian. 006 s. Gay at. Theatonnm. Jaci LAWRKNCB. MASS. M ir^itae Theatre. City HaU. J. Dowd. *;-«.._ Premier Theatre. Toomey * Demara. Colonlll Theatre. P. M. Leeje, IS ItTa Vl Theatre. Daniel P. Conlon. 1 Law- LINCOLN. HKB. . Wonderland.' ISIS O aL; L. M. Gorman, mar. Bite No. 1. 1S3B O it.; L D. Stoaar, mir. UTTLB BOCK. 'ARK.— Wonderland. Perd Jeo- ner. HT Main at. Cryatal, J. O. Oorgraeen, 110 W. Second aL Jo Jo, Jobs McClnre. Jr.. 220 Mita at. . Lyric. Lyric Amoaement Co.. BIB Mate i LOS A NOBLES. CAL. — Manhattan Theatre. Orphenm Theatre. Orphe Lyric. J. W. Lee, 284 8. W. H. - at. Orriheum Theatre, G. K. Spoor Co.. Inc., WroL Fand, Walker Theatre, Plpher A Olcorlch, 780 & PaecWa'TMatre. B. A. Ftecher. SSf W. let TaUy'a Theatre, Flacker * Tally. 119 W. lit aL Oriental Theatre, B. let aL International Tbeitre. G. B. Tate, ISO n. CTane'l!" W.' H. Clrme cor. orb and Mate aL OInbe Theatre. B. W.- Nixon. SOS B. 8lh at- New Bmadway Theatre. Talley Seymour. Sth at. and Broadway. . Arrow Theatre A. Hambor«ar A Bona. Sth B^l.^iT Bracket!, 1*3 S. American Theatre, J. Schwarte, LapJTtte, Sonthweat DnTani Theatre. Rente ft way. Ctncorrinb. P. Union Theatre, Main aL . _ . Wooderlana. Pltf* * Kalaer, Ei^oeltlna Theatre. 818 B. Mate at. ... _ Beeal Theatre, Betel Amnaa. Co.. 823 8. Repny Hour. T. W. Jobnav. 118 •L_Bprtna: at. California Theatre. P. A. Short. 2S8 s. Sprint it* Loa° Anrelea Theatre. P. A. Haayerty. 840 BraVkett' Showt W. T. Bono. 433 8. BprteB Ed'a'oo Theatre. Johaa 4% Botha. 498 S. Sprins Rertinan't^Tbeatre, Kennedy A Brady. 460 8. a tre. Ward A Hnmmell, nil 8. FXES descriptive bookie* RE-EN FOPJCED CONCRETE PILINC FEET LONG FEET WIDE AND 1000 OCEAN P ARK, CA LIFORNIA The largest and handsomest Pleasure Pier In the world, now under construction, and Will be Opened June 1st. 1911 ng accidents and (strikes. Ocean Park la to the Pacific Coaat what Atlantic City la to the Atlantic, etcepttny that It la a YEAR 'BOUND RESOBT, 14 mllea from Loa Annejeo, baa a S-mlnnta ear aerrlce now. With a minute aerrlce comment I ml June 1. 1011. Baa a arnwortlnc trlbntary population of 1,600.000 which la Increaalns faater here than In any other territory In the U. 8. There la a pertnaneat all year round beach population of 35,000 which la locreaaed by the lnflnz of winter tuurlata to 48,000 and dnrlna; the aommer month* to 00,000. 8nndaya and holiday! arm areraire from year to year. orer 80.000 peopae a t thin beahtw-and th la att endance la maklna It the BXaTT AU-TXAjEatOUaTD FIELD FOB. CO hlaner < We Inrlte foil in veet lotion before, you lntereat yooraelf In otrr propoaltlon. THE FOrXOWmO - GrjMCEBBXOBB ABE BTULL OPZM: ltlualon Theatre. Trained Animal Show, Bowline Alley, -Box. Ball Alley. Pranot and Popcorn conceeaion. Ice Cream Soda and Candy, Automatic VaoddrDle, • Beateuraat, Cafeteria. Poet Carda, Automatic Vendlnc, Clear conceeaion. Oriental Cnrloa, Shell Cnrtoe, Knife conceeaion. Candy Fiona. Japanese Tnya. Dart Machine. Jewelry Neeettleo. lee Cream Oonea.' Candy, . Lapidary, Fortune Tetter. Palmlat. Sian Painter. Automatic J-noto. Nnrelty Grill Hammered P1pa«.. Cul iHowcn,, Aeroplane Studio, - Tlame.^Flah f-nnd. t-botorranh cc^ceaalon, ■ Billiard Hall. Weight Gocaa.n,. „uo. > Maae. Card- Wrttlmr. Country Store. Glaaa Blowlmt. Wire Jearelry. Infant Incnbatora, Dock aoeaL Bowl At 1 1, and. any lhln« that 1» MOM THAK n% OF O ■<. WE WTIX MOT HAVE A ALVAH W. LAYNE, - Managing Secretary, *'nOO^ VAKK bom Angeles County. CALIFORNIA i E BUILD uild A or 5 on Concession In Live Parks. Write Us. In la Corta true II on Co., aa. ■■ aa '■ ■ aa . aa ■ wm ■ : 98 The Billboard — DECEMBER 10. 1910. LOUISVILLE. KY. — Casino, lrvln slruuu*. 41a. *f«. and Hl—ll *f - - - . . . . Columbia, Irvin Simons, 4th ave. and Market te. v- Princess. Irrta Simons, 4t a st*. - . • tai Theatre, Chris wi J. Ttamu Wind. W«Inat st. Empire. East End Aduk. Co.. Shelby mud Market. Victoria, 3. Erich. 3rd and Market. Majestic, H. Dit truer. 4th. Walnut and Cbeat- nut. Psstime, Barry Bugbee, 28tb and Portland. Globe. J. B. Porter, Slat and Portland. Broadway. J. Steer le. E. Broadway. Orvbeom. 1. Simon*. Jefferson, 3rd and 4th. Grand, George Cuscaden, Baxter are. Lyric. Phillips and Buekner. lBtb and Market. LOWELL. MASS. — A I bam bra Theatre. W. FoX Alnuae. Co. Pa* unit Theatre. ■• Vuyua* Tueaue, Bowl* way Amuse. Co.. -241 central at. - - LaSaia Tbea ere,- 243- Central at. - Lowell opera Uuoae. J. Cahn, 347 Central at. AeadeuiJ of Mu*lc. 14] iTUttOO at. Maihewa Moving Pletorr Palace. J. F. Bourse. . . £S> iratton at. Star Theatre, Merrimack Amuse. Co.. mack at. Ilalhauay'* Theatre; J. E. Hathaway. .Nickel Theatre. LYNN. MASS.— Andltorium Theatre. Kaviiy ilieutre. Alex. Ken. J.- B. Ruben. AhJtueyer- 1 neatrc. Fifth an-. C.-ino Theatre. W. O. * J. Wetoklrcher. 5tb ' are. Orj'henm Theatre. T. L. — ilte. 5th and Wal . ant at*- ■ -_ MALHEN.' MASS.— Maiden Auditorium. W. D. Rradstreet. Pin Bant st. "* Com trine Theatre, L. J. Counter. 107 Plea*. . ant «t. Manchester. X. B. — The Nickel Theatre, 30 Tlenoxer at. The Lyric Theatre. Ebdell * Dauson. Mechanic*' Theatre. D. A. Gallagher. Lowell at. MEMPHIS. TENX.— Majestic Theatre. No. 1, 158 N. C. E. Main st. • ml Theatre. H. Wade. Theatre. G. K. 8 poo MILWAUKEE. WIS. — Crystal Theatre. F. Wln- M.Je-tle Theatre. West. VsudevlHc Vandette Theatre. Pylet 4 " H. Trior. 144S Fond da Brsdy at. Olympls Theatre. Lac ase. Lyric Theatre. Too*. Sax* A Co.. Grand are. Orpbeum Theatre. . Thoa. Sa re. Grand are. Theatre. Fehr A Trortmsu. 381 Grove "'Theatre A. Wseslnka. 471 Mite hell at. Union Theatre. E. A. Gelger. 803 Klimick- Innlc are.. Empire Theatre. H. Trtns.-5»7 Ml' The-. Saxe A Co.. rJOO MltcheU at. Lyric Theatre. Vandette lid at. New Star Theatre. New Star Theatre Co.. 107 Third at. Family Theatre. F. B_ Trotman. 841 Third *t. . ■ * Royal Theatre. Wm. Jacobs. 1222 12th at. Globe Theatre. W. B. Cannon. 12th and Wal- nut eta. Soldiers* Home. J. B. Ollncer. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.— Scenic Theatre. J. B. Rchmlt. 2133 TTenoepIn are. > 1*1* Theatre. T_ E I.nnd. SO S. Sixth at. Wonderland Theatre. L. E. I.nnd. 27 Wash- Inatou axe.. 8. ■'*•.'.. Novelty Theatre. L. E. Land- 38 Washing ton see., s. Majestic Theatre. L. E. Land. 1328 Washing- ton are.. S- Cryatsl Theatre. D. J. LsBar. 306 HennepJn A. E. ». Cyril Theatre. S. B. are. - Dreamland. Henry see. B. lelnes. A. P. .. X. Royal. ISOB E. Lake st. Miner's Empire, 'Mr. Klriaa. Waehlngton. nr. Market at. Gem Theatre, B. Bobrecht. 288 Fifteenth st. The BUoo. 314 Market st. Kleetrone. TV orange at-. Mr. Uetaoej . Electric. Mr. Bloom. 137 Springfield are. Newark Arcade M. P. Co., 051 Broad st. NEW BEDFORD. MASS.— Couuiiu* theatre, A. LaBarre, Accoahnet at. Idle Hour Theatre, a P., Sylvia, ft! net st. Pastime Theatre, M. J. and S. Water at. The Nickel Theatre. 822 Leisure Boar Theatre, 403 Rivet st. New at. Royal at. Ha thaw ay 'a Theatre.- Andrew NEW HAVEN. CONN. — BUoo Dream, cy. Church at., near Crown. Poll's Theatre, E. Wlndach. Church at George St. Thoa. W. Ray, E. Church st., near Or- oesr ■ Comlqoe. Crown. and Nickelodeon. O. Junction. Theatre. DeLnela Franklin ata. NEW ORLEANS. LA.— Alamo. Herman Fitcben berjr. 1031 Canal st. Wonderland. Herman Fltebeuberg. 711 Csnsl at. Dreamworld. D Chaxiea'at. J " E Pe *™* * S °°** 81 Reat-a-Whlle. D. Williams. 1008 Canal at. Nlcielette. D. Williams. 1004 Csnsl st. Shobert. J. M. Dnbbs. 621 Baronne st. Dixie, W. Streetly. 1002 Canal at SEW YO^E^X.^.— Te^p^Tb^rre. 172S Am- sterdam are. Unique Theatre. I OS A are. Van Neat Hippodrome. 630 Morris Park .are.. Bronx. . .. - .- Vincent Caesiraco. 407 Canal St. Villa Theatre. 3083 3<1 are. Victoria Theatre. 5J>1 W. tstst at. Victoria Mnalc BslL 112 114 " Vandette World's j St. 118-120 Rivingtnn Washington -Palace, 1603 Wasbtnittan nee. WDJia Amuse. Co.. 145th and Willis are. Williams Bridge Nor. Theatre. 710 E. 217th st. '.-.' ■ -' . - »'. - .' Westchester Theatre. ■ 2310 Westchester are. BUoo Dream Theatre. 145 W. 23d at, .. — ^Bleecker.-at. .. 3otne st. and soi nurs a™. at. a. '-' .. JVV ' Bronx Theatre. 150th at. and. Melrose are. Catherine Theatre. 84 Catherine of.'-- Carmine Theatre. 21-23 Carmine st. Central Opera House. 217-210 E. 67 tb st* . . Central Theatre,- 1153 1st are. J . - Chantecler Garden Theatre. 137tb and 7th are. •• ' Circle Tbestre. Broadway and anth at. Clermont Tbearre, 1389 1st .nee., -i. Colonial Tbearre. -ltsW Broadway. . ' . Colonial Theatre. 101st st. snd Columbus are. Crescent Theatre. 86-S8 W. 135th st. Cortland Theatre. 705 Cortland are. Dewey Theatre. 126 E. 14th st. - Eagle Theatre-. ' 88th at. and 3d are. Electric Theatre. 551 lb' are.* . Empire M. P. Theatre. 2M3 8th are. Empire Theatre, BIT 0th srs?. Essex Theatre. 133 Essex st. Family Theatre. 117 E. 125th St. Gaiety Tbestre. 787 Sd axe. Gem Theatre. 287 E. Houston st. Gem Theatre, 38S 6th as*. Sheehy-a Theatre, 125th St. aee, . . Dnloo Sq. ) Knickerbocker Theatre, 879 Prospect av« , Bronx. Washington Theatre. 5.17 W. 14th at. West Farms Casino Theatre. 1984 W. Farms Sqnare, TorkTtUr Comedy Theatre. 1488 Sd are. Alrdome Tbestre. 830 6.V2 Lewix are. Aeroplane Tbearre, 135th at. and 8th aee. Alrdome Theatre. 110th st. and 8th axe. Albambra Theatre, 2108-10 lib axe. Anson la Theatre, 8116 Jerome are., Bronx. ApolU Theatre. 304 8th axe. 172 W. 2*d at. _ 1361 5th axe. Avenue C Tbestre. 110 Axe. C. Bsrttestone Moslr Hall. 15 E. 3d at. Raysrd Theatre. 30 Doner;. Venire Theatre. OKU Amsterdam axe. Big Show. S52 8th axe. Yorkxlllr Lyceum. 162 E. 86th at. West End Theatre. 123th and St. Nicholas sxe. Wsco Tbestre. 118-120 Blrlngton st. Windsor Amuse. Co.. 412 Grand St. Yorkxllle Casino. 210 E. 88tb at. New Colonial Theatre. 77 W. 123th at. Mew Theatre, 1510 2d see. Orphenm Theatre. 126 2d are. Owl Theatre. 8373 3d axe. Pcople'a Vsnd. Theatre, 2781 3d are. Park West Theatre. 107 W. 80th st. Primrose Theatre, 371 Willis are.. Plana Theatre, 110th st. and 5th Royal Theatre. 2285 8th axe. Morris Park Theatre. 885 Morris Park are.. Bntger Vaudeville. 30 Rnrger st. Park West Theatre. 107 W- Onth st. People's VaoderDle Theatre. St- Nicholas .Alrdome ~ 3d are. The Never Fails Uth 1448 Broadway. Vanity Fair Theatre. . 84 W. 12Sth at. Windsor Tbestre. 412 Grand at. Webster Press. 19-21 Rose at.. Prospect Palsee Tbestre. 1427 Bronx. are,. 114 319 Plymouth . ... axe.. N. N. Mllo E. O. Freedman. 718 Sixth axe.. N. Dome. W. J. Nexecker. 802 Sixth axe.. X. MONTGOMERY. ALA. — Orphenm Theatre. 11 Court Square. Empire Theatre. 19 Commerce st. Lvric Theatre 117 Montgomery St. Little Queen Theatre. Coosa at. Empress Theatre. Conrt Sqnare. NASHVILLE. TENN. — Elite Theatre. J. W. Wil- liams. Dir.. 233 5th axe.. North. Dixie. W. J. Williams. 224 Fifth axe.. North. Crystal. Wm. Wssmsn. 235 Fifth sxe. NEWABK. -X. J. — Proctor's Theatre. F. F. Proctor. Arcade Theatre. L. 0. Mnmford. Broad and New *t*- Tbeatre. T. M. Wal?h. Theatre. Advance Amuse. Co.. 121 M. stpbiir. 131 Market at.' at Xlcotet Theatre. Rnddhoff A Smith. 281 M.r- Nteolet. Max Gold." 281 Market at. Lyric Dream. W. B- Meier. 308 Market st. BUen Dream- Military Park. F. F- Proctoe. The Model Amusement Co.. B. Robrecht. 100 Lyrie^rSatreJ' Frank: Trenach A Bon, 388 SprfnarfleM SXe. CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Zstshlishsd lfTA ' Oxygen and Hydrogen Gag f nmlabed la tasks for Stereoptlcon snd Mortal to any part of Areata for all makes of Busing Fiotnra Mschlns* BEND 70S Tint sen CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. 108 W. 4th St., CINCINNATI, O. Collasenm Miriif Pietve Operatir ari Beetrieiai Experience on road or atatirmary. Always work- ing and always Ashing for something better. P. O. BOX 110. CUMBER , *F.C.Tay~ 49. wist tSSSX/ftwM. USE THE "PERFECTO"! Tho Now Calcium Light Outfit | FEC $25. OO Ccmptsts with but nor. At laat a calcium gas making outfit that produces the maximum light at the minimum expense can be bad. The "Perfeeto" solves the problem. In this you get more than In any « light, hence a ful light, and at leas ex- pense because of Its gener- stlng process. It Is the simplest or calcium lights and naturally the best; Is non exnloslx . sever gets ont of ordkr. and complete weighs only 13 pounds. There are no frills about the "Perfeeto." It's lost ■ plain calcium gas making ontnt that produce* the pow- erful light that yon moat bare, and above all at the lesst possible coat. Eiee y excbanjre and dealer In lighting outfits should handle this light, and every exhibitor who la forced to use s calcium light should use this one. It's the cheapest In every wax. and the best. Write for mot ship C. O. D. ope $35.00 complete with burn r. CAPITAL XKRORAXTMSB CO MP AST, 781 Tempi* Court Bldg, , Chicago. TJL MAKE YOUR OWN SLIDES Without aid of photography: from ordinary STus^tTc*^^;^^^'*^ "TOSS OWH Announcement Bllde*. Advertisements. Il- lustrated Song Slides, colored pictur e s from eorolc pap er s ppplementa. JUST THE THXYO FOR ELECTIOS. SLIDES can be made In a few minutes. PLAIN OR IX COLORS. Com- plete ootfit snd directions, gl.OO. KTDXAVD TBAVSPAXZBCT OOJrPAaTT. 81B7 goatk Uth ■a,. Dept. a, Omaha, Mr. AT LIBERTY A-1 M. P. OPERATOR Six . Ticket T Tee. metxlstloas. Address CHIC McCULLOUGB, Central Axe.. Fort Dodge, Iowa. How You Can Start a Paying FILM EXCHIHSE on $120.00 I'ABTlCtJLARS sent for t 2c stamp. Fw sale, one To-light dynamo, aucblaee, sscaM'Ba. Mack lents, folding chairs, cane bottom i hairs I * ATM E's bsusd colon a Pmsalan Play. A 114 ft-, for rent or aale. Beat Us aefxlee at lowest prices. Don't faD te ask ahoat itartiag an sxrn ance aii - CRAXCE. 11 W. 4th St.. Tirxn nut u FIGHT PICTU MOTIOV PICTURE OUTFITS bougbt. sold snd exchanged. We want a f w more late model machines. Have severs! bargains In electric sod gas ontata on hand. NATIONAL EMPLOY- MENT CO.. Dnluth, Minn. NOTICE! MOVOfO PICTTTRi: OPERATORS BARNES* PERFECT CEMENT can be non-lnflammsblr or Inflammable fllmi ounce bottle, postpsld. for 25c In It a trial. Address C. C. " Blggsr St., FILM will boy, sell, or ex- change aims with yon. If yon bare anything to do with films, write. We rent films for 81.00 per day. MANSFIELD FILM EXCHANGE. Why Pay $500 for a Screen When yon csn get the i practical I MIRROR - SCREENETTE Curtain Paint on yonr old curtain? Costa bnt 86.00 per gallon. It la this paint. It >rth yonr while to get _ what yon wsnt — Pic- tures of rich quality, tone, depth, action, aa If coming from a mirror. Think of It! Only 18.00. cash with order; charges psld. Order to day. Be lost to- your patrons. Manufactured only by THE MELVTH RICE M0TI0K PICTURE CO.. Ml B. Court Axe., MEMTrTlB, TEW. . St. Louis Calcium Light Co. 1872 Oxygen and Hydrogen Gaa furnished In tanks for Stereoptlcon and Moving Picture Machines. All orders to any part of the United Ststes filled promptly. Also Calcium Burners, Rubber Tubing, Condensing Lenses. Lime Pencils ami Gelatine Colors for sale. Elm Street, St. Louis, Mo., C. 8. A. If yon see it In Ths Billboard, tall than aa. FOR BALE— Moving Picture Shows. Penny Ar- cade Machines. Snooting Gallery (doing fine I ' ' Films. Slock In good Amusement Co.. Optlgrspbs, Edison., M. P. Machines. »15 up; 8un Rlral Light. $3: P. Play, 2.200 ft.. $40; with Holy City Slides. Late*t and best M. P. with Holy City Slides, Lat Light Cjrs. free. F.U t New York. WASTED FOR CAflH-Morlns Tlctare Ma chines. Films, Tents, Chairs, etc. Morlng pic turc supplies of sll kinds bougbt snd sold WM. L. TAMME. 6 Bo. ICth St., St. Louis, Mo FOR BALE— Three Bdlsoa two-pis machines, all complete, ago escb: tiro Edison one-pin ms- chlnes. sll complete. 8100 escb; Films for sale: nr*t cla** condition. S7 to .18 par reel. MATES SILVERMAN, 105 4th Axe,, Pitt sburg. Pa, BAROATaT QT ITLMB AVS 80VO BLTDXA— 1 reel* film, elegant condition. gT per reel snd «p: 60 set. song slides, perfect rondlttoo. 11.73 per S!m ^T&JS*J?2Jrj£S- .uT. P. 0. DECEMBER 10. 1910. The Billboard 99 Roma Tbestre. ITS lit •»«. Ibc Crown-Theatre, us w. iioth sr. -The Lincoln Theatre. 58 W. 1351b at. 8«tu7 Tbestre. 34 lb st. and Uroadway. Cera Tnestr*, 1001 Amsterdam an. Golden Bale Theatre. Ii3 Klvlnglou at. Gotham Theatre. 183 B. 123th st. Gr.nJ Hotel. llWJth at. and at. Ucaarg* • O rand 8t. Tbcatr*. ur.nd St. Tnestr*. US E. I Fulton - mrntm Keney'a Third At*.. 3d nc Imperial Theatre. 4232 3d are. Keith A Proctor** Otb Ata, Tbestre, Broad- w a j and 2Mb at. Red ford Theatre. 2811-11 Webster avt., Bronx. Llneolo Square Tbratra. IsMT Broadway. Lunar arood Theatre, 80S Loogwood ■*•. < Manhattan Pleasure Palace. 40 Manhattan It. Majestic Theatre. Columbus Circle. Hejeetlr Theatre. 8788 8d aee. - - McCurn aV Welaaman Theatre, 606 8tb ae*. Metropolitan. Theatre, 1M Eaaei at. Miner's Theatre. Bowery and Delancey at. Mornlngslde Theatre. 3138 8th aea. Varletlea Theatre. 112 Sd an. Muse* Theatre. 848 Sd are. S. T. Noeelty Theatre. 81 Park N. Y. Roof Theatre. 44tb at. am Cressy,*. Mto£ulr W . UTtlL Open A^r l T»««r*. n, 142I I Ocdeo Theatre. SOS Osden Peon. Theatre. 408 Bib an. Cbaa. MUer. Penn Theatre. 408 8th an. Pastime Amuse. Co.. 1814-1818 Fifth an. reopie'a Palace. 1198 3d an. Parkway Theatre, 88 W. noth at. Prlnreea Theatre. 314 P- 138th at. The Puritan. IS XL 123th at. Planet Realty Co.. 212-14 XL 99th at. Pnxpeet Palace. 1427 Prranwct an. Pros pert Theatre. 904 Prospect see. Pl*-asnre Palace. Boston Road and Pro a peer an. Royal Sin Co.. 118 3d an. ftoesl Italia Theatre. 2000 let in Second Are. Theatre. SBS 2d an. Scenic Thealrr, 808 -8th an. Standard Theatre. 2128 Amsterdam an. Star Theatre. 1718 "Lexlns-too an. Strlgnano Theatre. 188 Grand at. 81. Nicholas Theatre. 1400 St. Nicholas an. Tremont Casino. 708 Ttemoat an. trreaniland Theatre. 184 htulherry at. Cast Side Beauty Theatre. 23S An. A. Theatre. TS Wi _ Thearre. 2808 Weeaater an. Freed Camerafraph Co.. 35 K. 14th it. Grand So Hoik TaadrrtU*. » Suffolk at. Gem Thearre. 408 E. 13th at. Gem Theatre. 4223 Sd an. Root. E. 8ml th. P. O. Box 1871. Coil. Mark*. Manager circle Thearre. Prof. X. H. Powell. 287 W. 88th at. Xaitnarlta A Elliott. 143 E. Houston at. 74. Elslugrr. 128 Rl Tina-ton at. J: L Shapiro, Dewey Theatre. E O. Kdmunde. S3 Liberty at. Max Und. 11 An. D. ■Warren A Sweeney. 848 Sd an. «. White. 214 EL 114th at. T~ A. 8 werdlove. 1748 Waahtngton an.. Imperial Theatre, 80 W. 118th it. C a Hnffme later. Supt.. K. IP. Harlem Op- nonatoa Hlprjodrom*. 141 XL Honaton at. Hirttta Matte Ban. 208 w. 125th it. ^.?re W 'l« Am.'tV j tsf Fua. 847 Prospect an. Keith * Proctor'*. 125th tL IJherty Theatre. 408 B. 118th at. lyrenm Theatre. 808 Sd an. Manhattan Theatre. 6th in. tad 33d it MrKtnley Sonars Theatre. 1381 Boston Road. Metropolis Theatre. 20*4 Sd are. Co.. 148th at. as. Mnrray R1U Theatre. 43d and _ Marleei Theatre. 404 Brook an. ■Morel ty Theatre. 214 Bo»erj. Nontry Theatre. 871 84 an. The Nicole t Theatre. 271 w. 125th at. Stern A Snlerena. 81 W. 3d at. Sake Film Errh. . 1418 Broadway. Park Row Theatre. 81 Park Row. Ttefsl Amnse. Co.. 2028 3d IT*. Warren a Sweeney. 70S Court la ad an. Edward Dillon. 107 fourth an. Th* Belle Pardee, Bars** an sad XL 184th at., Bract. Bronx Theatre, Wenekreer and Park ana. Bl Jon Theatre. Broadway and 30-31 at art. Bronx Cailoo. 2804 Sd an. Ttrldwe Theatre. 118 Park Row. Bohemian Han. S31 XL TSd at. On.. 43 W. - The Breton** i W t -•i • ^ - w HE v 5 A high-clasvs ocal and inotnimental act. Featurinj? "The Rosary." Meeting with big succerw on Fisher's Time The Tysons an. Amber Pastime Theatre. Cbaa. ' Wlehelm, Huntington A Amber ata. Cnllen A Fisher. Hutchinson A Grand ara*. Elm, " Drean St. Dreamland Theatre. W. st. « Fairyland Theatre, M. Martin at. Lemlon'a Parlor. Owen Lemlon. 1317 Moy mennlng an. Nlrkelette Theatre. Thorn aa Blair. 1428 Sooth Bt. ,; Eckhart. Mr.. . 1830 Snnquehannn an. Lyric Theatre. Cbaa. Goodwin. 1718, Scenic Theatre, S- Cohen. 438 N. Second at. McMshoo, Mrs... 3d and Olrard are. a. H. Woelcke. Jr.. 3d A McKecn at*. Best ll^e^ii t^JJtorM for^Skatiag feb Nortri Tonawanda. N. V. ELIj STANDS for HONEST, RELIABLE AMUSEMENT DEVICES. THE CIRCLING WAVE For th* —in amount of capital i swelled, 1* th* moat prod tab la IsmtraanL Th* catxUaat and moat popnlar amnaimnt rtdbag *wsie* b as**. Easily and « ulekly net up and taken down ARM I TAG E *V GU INN. Talawtam anal Bel* Maaafiolaiaia. tfBINfiVIUE. EBIE CO.. HEW Y01I CAROUSELS AMUSEMENT OUTFITTED HERSCHELL-SPILLHU 00. I.T..I.S.1 AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY ELI WHEELS Arst known In 16 difforont o.s We are denloplng other devices that when placed on th - market will bear the stamp and good reputation of ELI. Our company and plan t are run oo one simple rule, it Is DO BIOHT." On this rule we hare bo lit our business and reputation from Alaaka to South Africa and from England to India. We develop new Invention*. You may hare an Idea the world la waiting for. We have h -Iped other Inventor*, and might help you. The Big Ell wheel la the standard amnas- ment wheel of that world to-day. WRITS C81 ELI BRIDGE COMPANY, Builders. Bex 143-B. ROOD HOUSE. ILL., U.S.A. From All kinds of repairing, cardboard cylinder;, new music a specialty; orpins in now, before the rush; attached to any organ at very low prices. JOHN MUZZIO «t SONS, 178 Park Row, - Naw York City. CAGNEY BROTHERS 74 BKOAB WAT, HEW TORS CITY. ATTRACTION IV THE WOXXS. No Park complete without them, earning $1,800 la six days. With proper care Will laat 23 Send for estsloarrse. TRICKS HIGH-GRADE PROFESSIONAL QUALITY YOST A COMPANY, 900 Filbert Strswt, (EitaJdlibayd ISO). Philadelphia. sss>> Maw. Ealafgwd. Illustrated Catalosras). PnFOKHaPIS. PBIVILEOB MEN Those playing week aland* can make 300% profit handling our VEHDIHO CARDS (Raffle). Agent* making from $100 to $300 weekl y. One racket can work In any town tn the U. S. THE STT a stf* FOUNTAIN PEN CO., 418 8Uth Arsons, at. T. City. Send for catalogue and price list of our various propositions. . CARXIYAI. ktEK, FAIR WORKER! — Are yon wise to the latest Novelty Shooting Oalleryl Sure money-getter. Easily I Lake Ase.. The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Bogus ^Mediums are .making fortunes out of the public. Having been called upon hundreds of times to explain these so-called "Spirit " Phenomenas, I 'have procured at a considerable expense, a number of their best tricks, every one of which has proved sufficient to sup- port a Bogus Medium, (create converts to Spiritualism and astonish large audiences. Remember these are TRICKS, pure and simple. Ten minutes' practice will make you a.first-class (Bogus) "Spirit Medium." NO. 1— ^EADINBjSEALED MESSAGES. Tells you how to read and answer questions securely sealed in an envelope without opening or tampering with the seal. Done in the presence of the sitter in bread daylight. Extremely mystifying and capable of many variations to suit different conditions PRICE, 25 CENTS. ■a NO. 2— FIRE CANT BDRN YOU. How to obtain the prt> tection of "spirits" so that -you can literally and actually place your hand or hair, also handkerchief or necktie, etc., in the flames without TOjuryv Enables you to walk on red-hot iron barefooted, without in r "urv^ 3 Wo apparatus of; sleight of hand. You can actually handle ve coals and, hold theftf for several seconds. . . PR ICE, 25 CENTS. «H N&* 3— SPIRIT -SLATE WRITING. Most satisfactory of any me&tod, both tp medium .and sitter. Converts to Spiritualism have bee^made by '.this trick-alone. Sitter may use his own slate. Any menage 5wn-. Be produced. Possibilities for variety of effects un- lypitcd. . Known, to only a few of the cleverest and most successful professionals. - Tou will find the method is simple, but you will be aghast at the profound sensation which the trick produces^ when cleverly associated with a solemn ma nner. . . .PRICE, 25 CENTS ^0. 4— PRODUCING SPIRIT PICTURES. You can develop any picture upon a piece of muslin previously examined by the audience and seen to be free of preparation . Place a lamp behind the muslin so that -the audience can see that no one touches it. Then at your com- mand, the spirits, begin painting or writing, as you prefer, and.the pic- ture grows slowly and with ghostlike effect upon .the cloth in plain view. Can be done in three-colors if desired. A little music, playing or Ringing heightens the effect wonderfully,; and - the performance is extremely weird . . PRICE, 25 CENTS : NO. . 5— SPLENDID MIND READING.. Any. :message con- veyed. No apparatus or sleight of "hand. Mind reader blindfolded anS'lback turned to operator who stands in any part of the 'room Operator and mind reader both perfectly motionless and silent. Tre- mendous effect. Investigators can suggest the message to be trans- ferred. Capable of many variations. . . ..... .PRICE, 25 CENTS NO. 6— BOOK AND SLATE MYSTERY. Taka-any book; let investigator select page or line, and on a slate previously shown bare,' you can develop spirit writing duplicating the selection madelby the "investigator. . . ... PRICE, 25 CENTS£ The above «U Tileks will be DR. B. B. MAC DONALD, for 25 TWO COT STAMPS. BINGHAM TO N. N . Y. LEST YOU F0RGE1 "MY BUSINESS IS UP IN THE AIR' SILAS J.CONYNE rr I AVE PAYS TO ADVERTISE CONYNE'S WAY It la. the top- do teller for publicity. There la no ' t- can -reach the people eo ateenj. It 1 O-rt, kite, 1 .pool of line. . i~ _ 9i 18 ft, with jour "ad" on,/ and f.lUMte dummy ■ trarnrsr performer, ill , complete, . SSEUO The . m .VseVpt-wtt h oot -the dqmioy, llOroO TEBJCS. OHE-TH.1 UU - WITH OEUES, BAL AHCE. C O. D. This outfit, Id the • bright, careful young man, would gltc ron^JtirVt wertO- ^tgj» 950-00 to *75-00 per" week. Yi at surprising low rates." I will same joo Chicago ConcUre Week.. reached 500,000 people ; Tate, 16c p«i m.: Laxamint Co.. Lima. O.. rate. 25c per m.; Blcrax City Brewing; Co., Sioux dtV. Inwg, 20e par m. : On; ml Graham - - -'Aerl - Dallaa. Tex., sent telegram: ' Cerlal 'Ad* great reached 20.000 people la 20 mlnutea." W. P. Hoheaaraaa. Iowa City. la., writes: "Got my money's worth the Brat boot at oar. fatr." Goltra Co.. Fargo. N. D. : "Hot* than yon elalaa; not only the talk or the town, bet or the coon try for 20 mnca " Waldrus Dronln Co., Montreal, Can.: g-VXl.OO worth for- the excluslre _. Mgr. Stobborn Cinderella Co.. es r on the road." I am getting sncb _ i. not or the u uiuiuy tor zu niua. waiorua "It la lust the thing we want: w, win boy > of Canada for one year." Cbaa. A. Goettler en route: "1 can't do wlthont an Aertal 'Ad* HAVE NO DISSOLVING ERK-O-SCOPE , A PERFECT 8TEB-EOPTICON. *>■'• : - Has been used for fire years by the mo st au c t isa f ll l mortng Dlctora r Ira eenWati large doon It beyond P RI C K , COMPLETE W e auke Other dlaaojTlDg lanterns' from $50.00 op. FREER BROS.' OPTICAX 00.. 804 Olirs. fit. Loads. Ha. VyANTED i_<^^oo fi ^ion» THE BTLLdBOARD MAKES A SP ECIA L ON ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION SIONATi ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AT LIBERTY CARDS. Central Theatre. PI 3U14-18 N. 5th at. Cumberland As tl Falrnlll Church, Lehigh lis. A. H. Woelcka. Jr.. 8th Woecket Amnaement at. Geo. Maloae. 11th and Olrard are. Standard Theatre, Darcj A Speck, 12th and South eta. A. U. Woelcke. Jr.. 20th and Federal its. S. H. Beading. 21st and Sooth at*. Miller A Cbrlstlaueoo. 23d and Kldge are. A. H. Woelcke. Jr.. Slat and Baltimore are. Webster Theatre. 722 & S2d St. 1'etlte Theatre. Frank Maxwell, 224 8. 00th Keitb'a Theatre. B. F. Kel:h Co. New Peon Art Amuse. Co.. O. L. Shoemaker. Libert J Theatre. R. W. McFarlaod. Grand Opera House. M. Miller. Broad and Montgomery area. J. Farmaka. S17 S. Broad at. San Carlos M. P. Theatre. P. B. BUotta. 811 Carpenter. J. Raymond. 19 B. Chelton are. 10th St. Theatre, The Amuse. Syndicate. Electric Theatre. Novelty Amuse. Co., 713 Christian at. Lyric Theatre, Lyric Amuse. Co., 1231 Colom- bia are. Lyric Theatre. Miller at Chrlatlanson. 1710 Crosby aee. Mammoth Theatre, C. P. lierland and A. Hart's Theatre. J. ris sta. Empire Palace. Empire Palace Amuse. Co. Casino Theatre. Greenwood h Clspp. 3013 Frank ford are. Daniel A Walker. 4233 Frankford are. Casino. S. P. Barke, 443.', Frankford are. Jumbo Theatre. Front & GIrard. Crystal Palace. M. M. Stlefel, 223* X. Front Br- it. Phil. It. H. Prlwtt?r. G«?rmi _ Lehigh Palace. Hess A and Lehigh sts. H. C. Dennis, 2032 Germintown are. Casino Theatre. S. F. Barker. 2603 German. town are. The Lyric. Miller A Chrlatholm, 2121 German- town are. Union Amnse. Co.. 2711 Gennantown are* Nlretown Amuse. Parlor. H. Goldman. 4301 Gennantown are. Manbeltn M. P. Parlor. Fohrman Bros.. 6123 Germantown are. Vernon r-.Uee 'Theatre. O. F. Stuempus. 6704 Wm. Barry. 228 eI GIrard aee. Forest Theatre. Mrs. Binder. 913 GIrard see. Casino Amnse. Co., R. A B. Weckexly. 2818 GIrard are. Grand Theatre. GIrard Amuse. Co. Tuxedo Arcade. Leslie A Ires. 39S1 Hartford are. . . Sonthwark Amnse. Co.. Jackson and Moja- ssssssaKJ ats. People's TTbaal Royal ■tp. and Cam- MsleerHc Kensln The Victor, F. Snbtbach. 2842 Kensington are. H. Leon Hardt. 290S Kensington are. Electric Theatre. Novelty Amuse. Co.. 2914 Kensington are. Crouse Amnse. Co., 4028 Lancaster are. O. L. Shoemaker. 4047 Lancaster are. dear Picture Parlor. E. Casino Theatre, No. 2. Lobln Caalao, Co.. 823 Market at. Ca-lno Theatre. Lnbln Casino Co.. 928 Market at. Bljon Dream Theatre. H. Darls Amuse. Co.. 12TB Market at. Lohtn Saeoy Theatre. Lnbln Saroy Co.. 1217 Market wL Lnhln'a Palace, Lobln. Palace Co., 1214 May. Bllra Dream. West Amnae. Co.. 1311 Market Grand Amnse. Co.. P. A. Fisher. 5208 May. ket st. Market St. Arcade. Stampber A Wren. 6228 Market St. 20th Ontnry Theatre. C. Stampber, 6017 Mar. ket at ^owrbwark Theatre, t Doaka Halls, . C. N. Zimmerman, 177 rook aee. Sebwarta A Jesser. .1532 _ . T%eet Star. J. l>. nVare, LouliUoa MtffMMK*^* R0C1IE8TEB, N. Y.— Knickerbocker, Oerilnc andlTals. Main and Water ate. Knickerbocker. Gerllnj ud Cralr, Main and Water ate. ■ " - • Albambra, Jamet I at Co., Mala and K. M. Smith Co.. SOB Bijou Dream, Lake Ai Water ata. / Jjrlc. Henry F. Knrtf. 611 Clinton arc. N. lilupodroma. Seneca Amoaement Co.. Mala and Bin ate. mtihusb Rail, Clean Amuaement Co.. Fltn- hush it., 8. Hapuy Hour, Q. I). Curtla, 84 St. Paol at. Metropolitan; A. l» Joffe, 274 Joaeph are. Geneeee. M. E. Oolu. 110 Sooth are. Ptctureland. WV, H. Weatfall, 400 State at. B0EKUNG, X. T— BoabUog Theatre, C. Krwl Hall. 0. rrad . M1UU.— Electric Taeatrt, BY M. co.. sia a. ' Tbaatm, Empire Theatre, Scbolt 4k Carpenter, 417 Oeo- are. "— "■ New Jeffera Tbeatre, The Caalno Co. Bex Tbeatre. 121 8. W a anion on. K. a. WojTtrlar. Mala at. 8AUKU. MASS.— Empire Tbeatre, J. Salem Tbeatre. J. Caha. Cemlirae Theatre, jr. The Knar M. P. Hooae. H. S. Waahlectoa it. BAN FRANCISCO. CAU— H. a. Millar. Diafoa Theatre, c. Bkkelaon. Lrceum Tbeatre. Adoinb iiaaeman. lllaalon Tbe.tortnm. Ed. Slirk. Grind Tbeatre, Foaf Oct. 1 National Tbea t r< Bid - Orahm an. - Orphrnm Theatre. Orflaenm Tbeatre and tor co. Oruheuin Tbeatre. Weal. Vauo. Aaeo.. O. K. Si*x>r Co. Suneet Tbeatre, D. Mm Tbeatre, B. Broadway Theatre. Broadway. Caatro Tbeatre. Mr. BUon Amuaement I Chorea at. » Tbe^ Ilemi - Theatre. W Tlinr. 237 Chorea Mbhc^ Theatre. Brown A Kate*. LXM rill-; 227 Luna Tbeatre. Max Florence, B. 3d B. at. t>un*aiu». iimx aiuevm, tuar. Bea, J. U Aahlon. SAVANNAH, UA.-Orpheam, Jot, A. UruufbUm at-. Eaau Caaloo. U W. Nllaua. Thnnderboldt Park. Criterion. Frank and Hubert Banuj, broujh- too at. Alrdome, Frank and Hnbert Bandj, Liberty aad Barnard ata. Southern Auiueenient Co, 28 Bronfbton at, ■ Idle Hour. Bull and Taylor ata.; 0. S Cam- urlugv, mar. . Orand. Arthur Locaa. Jr.. Broo(hton it.. B. Winter Garden. Herman Stalb, mgr. - Theatre, Montgomery 4 Ebcratela, □ too at., b. heatre. Joeephlae Stllee, w. Broad at.. colored only. Idle Hoar Tbeatre, Cambridge At Prltcharu, ■Bta. SCHENECTADY, N. T. — Art Tbeatre. L. Jonri. Barton Tbeatre. Barton Amuaement Co., 12th and Barton ata. Franklin Theatre. J. J. Bowlln. 2301 Frank- Ua mt«. . . Famoaa Theatre, Famooa Theatre Co., 613 Franklin art. Orpnrnaa Theatre, O. B. MeOlbbona. 5863 Eaatoa at*. Ollrette Theatre, Ollrette Theatre Co.. 2347 SnUlran are. Royal Theatre. Saroll Behwartabarw. si.t Franklin are. Victoria Tbeatre, Victoria Amuaement Co.. 4402 st, LouU are. North Red Theatre.- Bremen Amuaement Co.. 1033 Brem e n are. Howard Theatre. W. E. Elchler, 2227 How- ard at, VlUara-ararola. Oraeola Amuaement Co.. Ore- " Crlf— Vandette Theatre. M. E. Kanrman. 4053 Del mar are. Tower Tbeatre, M. D. Kcnaedy, 1913 E. Grand are.' • • • Bun Theatre. P. Klein*. 2730 Choutean aea. Idaho Theatre, Mra. - M. Krtrba. 6330 Idaho 6T». Tower Onre Theatre. Geo. Jaekeoo. 1126 Tower ~ Baden way. Imperial Theatre. Mootcaoaery. Oaala Theatre, Bark A Letfeld, 38th and - Ohutow arc Oarrleon Theatre. Naab A McDonald. Qarrlacn aad Raaton area. Maryland Theatre. Maryland Theatre Co., 13th ST. PAUL. 3. U Ma- 0. 441 1536 Eddy ata. Electric Tbeatre, Cal. Amnee. Co.. IBM 1*111 Tb^-LxTearaph. Theatre. Par. Coaat Am. Co.. v _ ITJO'Tlllmore at— . ^ ,. .. - m i-. Fillmore Be. Amuae. Co.. 1748 Claaa A Theatre. Fillmore Theatre. Fillmore at.^ Orlenabal Theatre. Salomon At Orand are. Sanaet Tha ata el u m. Rorelty Theatre, B Stelnee ale. Orand Theatre. Helnemaa-Meyer Hayee-at. - a >*. iT jl BjBBj Oppenhelmcr A Height it. Lyceum Theatre. 800 Real Kenmrky Theatre, Lerln Keatoeky at. Cnlcme Amnae Co.. Wobbera A Sblrpeen, 757 - Market at, Athnrn A Leiby 7TB Market at. KH'e Theatre. Cal. A ranee. Co.. BUT Market Moow^Jtteialodeon. Martin Kmrtzlg. 1146 C«y Th./tre, J. Stoaea. I ITS Market It Slleer Pataee. Ben MlrbaeU. TS8 Market at. "• " Howell. UBl Market * Lery, StIT Market 3. Greenwood, 32S1 Mir- L. Leaaer. 2334' Mini nn 2X47 Ml-.lon at. by, 2373 Mil- Alburn A at. Venna Theatre, 8. ket at. Union Nickelodeon mm V"Fwe"m Tbearrv. S. Cryatal Theatre, aloa at. Gramt Theatre. i Aihnro A .Leibr. MOB. Mia- Theat.eejnru. AINrrn A r^ahy. 2614 Viae loo at. Tbe^IHeJa Theatre.^ Darla JBroa., 26*4 11 1 e- Bl ^ OT l^^m Theatre. Alburn A Leaky. 2una VrenVTbeart», ; W. n. Weber. 3380 Mlaaloo • Bkaaea .8. Allen. BUM.PncUe National Theatre. John Ford. Peat and Sretaer •ta. ColnmMa Tbeatre. Lerln A Lerln. 111! Ball- read are. 0>n» Theatre. Albert _ are, Peat.g«V bat. lOa- . J Thaatre. Ftaber A Bnab. ». W. ear. Tth in and Clement. Qtw, Tbeatre. A. I). Porter. 130 Third at. Palm Tbeatre. I. Baraga. 6th and Clement era, . . « J6th nt. Theatre. 16th at., near Mlaelna. Llbertr^ Tbeatre. E. Naaaer. 4200 18th at. Tnek Theirr*. A. Seek. ■ Agf- Theat re. W. Kaowlea, 4ront at. Palm. H. Myers. 117 Paine aye. Boyal. O. L. " Starr. P. F. Sunbeam, mlt St. Temple, Tuos. Snell, 3254 Monro* at. Toledo Amusement Co.. Monroe * 'Detroit. Victory, Victory Amusement go., 414 Adsms Bw* ■ ,i y ■ ^iSsm"' Gt °- U - CUlr -A= Wanda, . Walter Montx. 1337 Nebraska its. TOPEKA. KAN. — Elite Theatre. J. C...Klllott. msr., 418 Kansas in.- i - ■ - Aurora Theatre, J. C. Elliott, mgr., 812 Kan- sas ave. Oxford Theatre, F. A. Campbell, mgr., 528 Kansas ire. 5? Cozy Theatre, Mutnal Amusement Co., 716 aye. Bllou Theatre. North Topes*. ". Princess Theatre. TRENTON. N. I. Crowe, mgr., cor. North Topewa. Limit Theatre. Hudson A Broad ats. J. Boyal Theatre. Chas. HUdlnger. mgr., 110 So. Broad st. 5^*-.v- l&gK? 134 Nlcolet Theatre, Chas. So. Broad st. W Msa . Pletro BIsoldl Theatre. Butler" it. ~A Wblttaker are. . ■ • - Bijou Theatre, B. K. McClurg. mgr.. 23 N. warren st. Washington Theatre. Win. A. Salb. mgr.. 403 Center st. ■ Star Theatre, Papier Bros., mgrs., 7 So. Broad St. Rosenblatt A Bansteln. 565 N. Clinton ava. 7 Prank Tboman, 1063 So. Broad at. Bijou Amusement Co., Klelnert A HUdlnger, cor. Chestnut & Clinton area, on Theatre. & Fred Bnhlmin. mgr. T. — Novelty Theatre, C. ~ Empire Theatre. M. J. Duffy. 57 Novelty. H. Hall. 824 River at. Proctor's Theatre. F. - F. Proctor, Third at. Shea's M. P. Theatre. 22 Third at. CTICA. N. Y. — Albambra Theatre. H. O. Lux. . Jr.. 110 Bl pecker st. WASHINGTON. D. .C— laaac Levy. 020 *H •E, 8. W. C A. Davis. Capitol Amusement Co.. Eastern Amusement Co.. SIS stb St., A. Br'lawakl. BOB Ninth at.. N. W. a. Brylawaki, 827 Psana. in., n. w. A. Brylawaki. 477 Penna. ave.. N. W. A. Brylawaki. »1» Penna. ave.. N. W. A. Brylawaki. 811 Penna. a vs.. N. W. A. Brylawaki^ rOzO Seventh at., N. W. T. II. Stall lugs. 32 NIc hoi. are. B. RoaenfHd, 712 H at.. N. K. Surprise N. W. at Co.. 2035 Georgia ave.. Penna. are.. B- m. 8. B. E. Nash. 1237. H at.. N. B. ., 505 Seventh sr., 8. W. rley, 1838 L at. N. W. in. SOB Nlotn st.,-N. W. i Doonovan. 1913 Penna:* a vs., N. W. t- pavia, 3229 If. at.. N: • B. jfnuaement Co.. 800-2 H at_. N. rju 8. Randall. 1010 3d St.. S. W. ■ • Mender. Amusement Co.. 635-7- Eighth st.. 8. B. L ' ~ • .-- • at; N. W. Dunn A Murphy.- 1602 James F. Chllde. 1D3» La Roy Mark. 1307 B CapMal_ City Amuseme If. Wi 434 Ninth St.. 7smes L. . Hsrvey. 619 Seventh st. William Fshey. 1918 II. St.. N. Cspltsl City Amusement Co.. 1805 C.pUai ** s.-.y. Joseph D. Coblentz, 5 _ Lansburg A Saltan. 621 Arcade Amusement Co.. Park road. N. W. Harris A Frszler. 715 Eighth at.. 3ol. Minster. 3034 Fourteenth St.. N, H. K. Walter. 814 H at.. N. B. Moses Coleman, 632 K st.. 8. W. John J. Noonsn. 616 Ninth st, N. W. Herhst A Hshu. 2105 Penna. ave.. N. W. F. A. Norway. 1342 H at. N. E. Imperial Amusement Co.. 416 Ninth at.. N. W. Joseph J. Leary. Penna. ave.. A 26th at. N. L. J. Slmona. Eleventh and H ats.. N. B. A. Brylawaki. 621 Penns. ave.. N. W. B. M. Chambers. Fifteenth and H sts.. N. B. Peter C- Garden. 1319 Eleventh St.. -8. E. Stein A Shoemaker. 921 H at.. N. E. William P. Herhst, Penna. ave. and Twenty Sixth at. N. w. B_ A. Cochran. Fourteenth and V sts. , n w. Irwin W. Bo bey, 87 Good Hope road. Lord 8. Dsbney, 2001 Ninth st. N. W. John A. Daley, 1419 North Capitol St. John R. Hollander, O st. between 3d and AM ats., 8. W. ■ B. M. Crandall, North Capitol at and New -.Tor* are. -j . ' A. X. Sanford. IV and 4M eta.. B. W. Herman Shapiro, lots 22 and 23, square 692. C. A. Bnrtos, Georgia ave.. between Morton mar.. State st. Dorp- Theatre. W. Gamble, mgr.. O ' Crescent Theatre, L. Smith, mgr.. Proctor Theatre, If. Proctor, mgr.. SCRANTON. PA.— BHon Dream. M. • ford. 327 lack eve. . • • . .- Hippodrome. ST. Cohen. 406 Lack ave. Wooilen. T. Treon. 303 Lack Orphenrn. Orphenm Co.. 216 ^ ^^Jh eye^l05 N. Hyde SEATTLE, WASH. — Chas ave. Exhibit 902 2d ave. Alaska Amusement Co.. S14 2d J. Otto Nelson, 620 Sd ave. Chryatal. 6208. Ballard ave. H. Lnbelaky, Occidental and Oilean. 1413 2d ave. Bell, 1016 1st ave. Jos Levlnson. 1206 2d ave. BIJoo. 1324 1st are. B. P. Gaotler. 504 6th at.. 8. Cohn A Co., 161 Washington. Peoples Amusement Co., 1220 2d ave. Union Theatre, 1407 3d Ave. Circuit Theatre, 90S 2d .ave. Ideai. 1114 2d Ave, National Theatre. 316 Pike st. Pleasant Hour Theatre. 4007 14th. N. B K. Mlyano. 513 King at R. P. Oantler, 604 Sth St.; s. Tlvoll Theatre. 207 2d st, S. Empire. 411 6th st. S. Wm. O. Squlrrler. 1422 1st Eagle. 1221 1st ave. K. Mlyano, 408 5th at. 8. EfTac?; Wt«*u I. 132 B,u " d m r»"pNiT* 7**t iwr »t#»« City, J. SIOl'X I'lTV. IA.— Majestic. C. E. Fourth at. Olyplc. C. B. Wlrlck. 416 Fourth at. . Scenic. Tlerney & Cameron. 70S Fourth at SOUTH BEND. LVD. — National Theatre. M. Mauctnl dt Co., 301 Michigan st Majestic Theatre. Thos. Moss. 129 N. Mich- igan at .... Royal Theatre. J. W. Hlmebaugh. 114 S. Mich- igan at American : Scenic Theatre, T. Hon, 118 S. 30DTT1 ^s1Il\v\MJKRE. WIS.— Electric Theatre. South Milwaukee Theatre. A. Leonard. 91R SPOKANE. WASH.— Arcade. Sol E. Levi. 412 Majestic. Joseph petrlcb. 118 Washington si. Cssloo. John H. Clemmer. 813 Riverside ave. BHon Dream. G. W. Crawford. 612 Main av». Empire. A. J. G rover. Riverside ave. Dreamland, Charles H. Schraeder. 717 Main eve. Star. Alton Tredlck, Mill ft Main aw. Taar, Gay Windsor. 117 Howard at Clneograpb. B. DcLIon. 618 Main at. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.— Savoy. W. W. Watts, 108 J»Sn W i ■» S? % «ingt» Bojral. Karsln A Mills.. 214 a 6th at Colonial, bvron Cyphers. 612 E. Monroe. Lyric. H. T. Looer. 227 8. 6th at Grand. Knni Bros.. 607 B. Washington st. SPRING FIELD, MASS.— Nelson. H. L. DIUen hark. Pictorial Snbway. OoIrtHeln Bros.. Main at «n'- &|p M. D. spur- Crystal Theatre. Fred Oaman. 6th and Charles RoVai; F. M. Newman, mn ST. LOUIS. MO.— Waldorf Theatre, Aggie Prea- ton, 2113 Market st Ideal Theatre, Bottlnelle ft ave: 'and Lynch at, ^ Imp Theatre. Binder ft Pfnffer. 18th and Cass ave. ■ te Theatre. Cnaa Bermeltlnger. 7300 1417 3. Theatre, Blank. * BnttenelM ft BottlnelU ft. .__dway. Crltarlon Theatre. Butterry ft Snowder. 2644 Frsuklln ave. Shensmlnah Thestre. Loula Balbacb. 2225 8. BmsAwavr" ' ium. Barrett'. Theatorlum J Pine st ; Bldd1e4 Theatre.- Btddle Amusement Co.. 112» . . N.-jrth at. ■ • ■ ' • ._ .. Chippewa Theatre, rhlppews Thestre Frosdway .and Chippewa. Carragien Theatre. Jan. R. Carraglen, 16th and Market ate. Lyceum Theatre. Crawford ft Talbot. Sixth .. aud Walunf ate. _ Cot Noreltr The*tn». .O. T. CVmwford. Qrand and EUyOQ ITH. 1 m 4 w *2atr4aMf 'Xl i e - - i * 4*S • \^' The Flying Ernstonians SKETCH A FEATURE WITH THE DODE FISK SHOWS V SEASON 1910. .*< ••>..ewi;« , -.»- •*.:-. - • ' 2123 S. Russell Theatre, Chas. Dlttmlar, Broadway. DeLnx Theatre. De Lax St Charles s t. Broadway Theatre, Walt Broadway. Blvlerta Thestre, Geo. 4. Di way and Page. Etxel Theatre, Ettel Theatre Co., Clara and Etzel avea. Eureka Theatre, Eureka Amusement Co.. 20th and Obear ave. Elite Theatre, Mat Foy, 18th and Park aves. Favorite Theatre, Frennd ft Babenan, Chero- kee and Ohio avea. Fremont Theatre, Fremont Amusement Vo., McNalr and Peataloul. North Grand Theatre. Fisher ft Slppy. 3624 N. Ollv. ft Levy. Grattsn Theatre. Grattan Amusement Co.. Sixteenth and Lafayette. Grand Arsenal Thestre. Grsnd Avenue Amuse- ment Co.. Grand and Arsenal sts. Grand Central Theatre. Grand Central Amuse- ment Cn.. Sixth and Market sts. Eclipse Theatre. Henry Omen, Virginia and Prlmm ate. Coroune Theatre. at Circle Theatre, James Gabriel, Blair and St. aaPgal avea. Bonanza Theatre. Geo. Gerllng. 2917 Olive at. Myrtle Theatre. Geo. Ge nine. Ollre and JVolt tier at*. Merry Widow Theatre. Hayes. Fallen ft Hsyes. 1451 Cbnatesn ave. The Rest Theatre. J. W. Hemans, 4515 East- on ave. Cllnton_Theatre. Charlee O. Hawkins. 14th _ ave. Co.. 11th Washington Thestre. Independence Amuse- ment Co.. 4963 Delmsr avenue. Lafayette Theatre. Independence Amusement Co.. Jefferson and Lafayette. Shields Thestre. Kalaorhoff Amuse, ft Inv. Co.. 1M0_8. 1«th at. Botanical Doric Theatre. A FLYNN'S HEW HOME VEGETABLE KNIFE Non-rustible, perfect workers; five (6c) cents for sample post-paid; rug and em- broidery needle maker. FLVNN KNIFC WORKS, Patoraon, N.J. WISHING YOU A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year JOSEPH ERBER MANAaCft Majestic Theatre, East SL Loais, IB. ENTERTAIN JKT HOME Thar. I. no r gift on sarth than to be able- to entertain. We offer the Oreateat Card Pack for performing clever tricks svar Invented. Yon require no skill at all. Pull Instruct Ions sent for performing an entire evening. No sleight of band manipulation necessary, get Ibe pack of cards, read tbe Instructions, and In 5 minutes you will be able to e nterta in aa clever as a Profes- sional atagiclan. .THE LABTGZK0 OARS PACK complete with all .Instructions, 11.00. Cards told by mind reading. Cards made to rise at Cards a-Iected appear In your pocket. Cards placed In pack are made to of pack at will of tbe perf entertainment of mystery. It. CO.. 1183 Broadway. New Y. pages. 600 trlcka, 10 HAVE A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Prom the Capital of the U. S. Maltese Kittens $5.00 each ; Mixed colored Angora Kittens $7.50 each, either Bex; Singing Canaries S3. 00 each, Rabbits and Guin- ea-Piguor White Rats and Mice SI. 50 a pair. Send for Catalogue. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE 712 I2tb at. N.W., Wasblna-too, D. C LEARN TO THROW YOUR VOICE Have fun and make money. I teach tbe Art of VentrUoqnlsm by personally written lessons adapted to your personality, which Is tbe only correct way to learn properly. No fake. Fine for vaudeville act, ballyhoo, atreet men, auc- tioneers, spielers, all-day grinders, etc., todrsw the crowds. For terms and full particulars address Prof. Sananel H. Luagannan, School of Ventriloquism, 706 R~. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. JACK JOHNSON'S PICTURE rtSe.r.i'i" •»«erestlng . pietnrea for COI OItKl> PEOPLE. ^ llluatratlvo circular free. William The above la an eacellent likeness of Thomas Bereskln, leader of the concert orchestra at tbe Isis Theatre of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Here- akin was born In Russia. 23 years sgo, and slwsys of musical tendencies, bss, for msoy years psst, devot- d bis entire energies to s musical career, bis drat engagement being st tbe I'arla Cafe, of Chicago, a city In which be la now very well known. For the psst three yeses be baa directed cone -rt orchestras at various theatres and cafes Including tbe Ashland of Chicago, tbe Kalaerhoff Cafe of Ulnn- and baa also appeared both with ore he* - _ aa soloist at some of the largest Chi- cago society receptions, where bla exceptional talent as a violinist waa established. Mr. Bereskln haa Introduced programs of favorite claaslcal selections at tbe Isls Theatre, ami u contemplating a tour Of the Northwest Willi a fourteen piece Hungarian orchestra In lb ■ near future. Address all communlcatlona to THOMAS BBRESK1N. care lall Minnesota. U BUBBLES 6 A hot-selling mechanical toy for arrcetmen. demonstrators novelty dealers. 800% I Sample 10c NORTHERN CO., Springfield, Ohio. LADIES* PRIDE (THE SHARP EDGE.) FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PARER. SLICER, APPLE CORER, FISH SCALER, AND CABBAGE CUTTER GYROSCOPE TOPS SAMPLE. EACH, 100. THE FISCHER MFfi. CO., NEWARK, H. 4. Ill 50 COPIES FREE III ' COMTAIMINO - ' 2C0 Biailifal Pith Mnlratisis, ^'"7^. Printed on HXAYT DIAMELZD ART PAPER — Lliard Hkln flu- lahed cover s— BILE ROUND— GOLD TITLKS. World's msal- cal authorities endorse It tbe Kateat Magic book of years. OF. SECRETS. "EXPERT BALL MANIPULATION." ft.OO. fancy antographed coplea |1.»: every tenth order feta one free. Money back If yon wleb. World's Oreateat Card Trick. "WHERE." A mentally RMS FORD UNIFORM CO. 204 W. 43d St., near Timai Sqvara, law Torfc Davey's Money- Makers MAOIC PALM READER. SS. New Invlalble Palm Readings. S3 per 1.000. 8plr|t pnot.e-. future hoiband or wire, 12 per 1.000. T. X D AVEY. 814 B roadway, a omervllla. Mesa. F0REPAU0H ANd'sELLS BR0THER8' H"'' 1 1: of the entire season 1010. Send IB cents in stamps or money to THOMAS BURKE), Room 40, 27 East 22nd St., N. Y. City. mjaua e. h. Aatrologtat. 9St VWSF&LWk%^^-' DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 103 Knickerbocker Tbeatre. Knickerbocker Awue- ment Co., Park ud Compton. Bffw5tWtt» Harry Kapler. 910 Glotw Tbeatre, Kapler Brew., 718" Franklin Pestsiozsl Temple. A. T. Krous, 3300 Pasta lout «t. . • • Caalno Tbeetre. Lyceom Amurarfil Co., Sixth ■od Olive ita. ..^ . • Nlgbtingals Tbestre. Albert Lynn, 3900 _ The^UIJ "iiestre. Geo. B. Lellr. BOOB But oo eve. Shoppers' Kett Theatre. Locust Amuaement Co.. 51© Locost at. Compton Tbeatre, Wm. McDonald, Compter, ■od Eaaton avee. rumllT Theatre. Joe, Ohio ana. rurally Theatre. Jos. Bremen era. Mecce Tbeatre. Mecca Amine merit Co.. Grand • n. I Kinney svsw. „ Monroo Theatre. Moan* Amuaement Co.. Chip- pewa aad California. _ . World's Dream Theatre, Mill* A Karate. 1413 Market at. Monroe Tbeatre, Monroe Amassment Oo. Bastoa ave. Hamilton Theatre. Monroe Amnsemral 1133 Hamilton ara. - . Euclid ThMlrv, i. J. Macklla, 48TS 1 HerMrt Tbeatre. M. J. Nash, 2017 N. Jet- tareon are. Arrnue Tbeatre. Jao. J. O'Brien, Oero 'Theatre. Olive Amassment Oo.. 14 8 Sixth st. Peetsloal Tbes Safety Tbeatre. It. I Aiic Tbeatre. J. I. Aator' Theatre. B. 3. Banco. B Fairy Theatre. Ai Eaatoo. Ro«ttg*r, New Port Tbeatre. 4832 enrols ave. Wonderland Tbeatre, Mlaa II. 1536 8. Broadway. HiniKxirome Tbeatre. Wm. Bwarta, 13 N Broadway. Liberty Tbeatre. Btabl tV Ooldi Ksston ave. North Pol* Theatre. Tony Pranklla st*. Savoy Tbeatre, 8ivoy Amoaemeat Co., 3817 S t M ChaH ea ' Tbea tre . St. Co. 021 st Charles at. Magnet Tbeatre. Ssbelmso A Price. 4338 Man Chester sva. Troeerlero Theatre. Trocadero 2812 N. Vanderratar are. Blloo Tbeatre. FYs ok L. Talbot. Washington. Co.. Palace Theatre, snd Franklin ay*. Pathe Tbeatre. Talkemrjer and Franklin are. Vandnrs Theatre. Vandors Amnsemeat Co., Cherokee aad Texas see. Victor Theatre. Victor Amnsemeat Co.. Ore vols SBd Victor at. Hickory Tbeatre. Hobr. Hickory. Lowell Family Theatre, Woolf * moo n. Broadway. of Lsngbtsr. R. 8. Wi Aveane. Retina Theatre. Basil Vandome Tbeatre. Mr*. Market at. Benton Theatre. Mlcbssl Walsh. ;lth and Bent«n or*.. Alps Theatre. Warner Bros.. 41S4 Kaaton are. Best Theatre, read Wshrenben. JefrVracsi Blilntt^TaVre'. Sam Tatter.' tT01 - fTaaklia ave. M-Klnlev Theatre. Chris. Yonng. 221* S. Jer feraoa eve. Cheater Odeon. Rmll A. ev», . Arlli*»on Theatre. Arlington Amuaement Co. MttB Selena at. C. A. Bnrtoa, L at., between 3d and 3d its.. 8. W. Roland Wallace. -818 Ninth at.. N. W. Brodt's Amoaement Co.. 410 Eighth St.. S. ■. Maurice Dsvla. M. sad Banks at*., N. W. Mlnnchsha Tlieatre 18. R. Reyes). 1213 V st.. N. W. Harry c. Webb: North Carolina are. ana Rleveotb St.. 8. H. Robert Hoy. Peon*, are., between 8th sad nth st*.. a. K. W. L. Kldwell. WssMngtoo Circle. N. W. (Penoa. are. snd 23d at.) Alice J. Bon-ell. 718 Florida ave.. N. W. Smith. Dsbney * Oo... O St. between " Capitol snd First sts. Honey * Miller. Ninth St.. between R. and f. Hnrley A Miller. Nlntl F. M F. KMw W n. BBS H I !»N.^Ijoa N 'rTlilla. J Dreshs 8. T. Poll. et. WHEELING W. VA.— Electric Tbeetorlam. T. h p. Keyser. 1023 Msln st. Lveenm. John Psnullsi, 1SJT Market at. Blloo-Dream, John Papullai. 1408-8 Market Areade. Hands * Hlldcbrsnd. 2022 Chspllne Amtisti. P. fllHear-le 330K Jscob st. rtlnnodromr. n. P. iintrm.n. mm Jscob st. I.yrtc. John Pspnllss. 11S7 Msrket St. "rsnd Opera Honsc. Cbis. A. Fclnler. cor. 12th and Market ate. W J. , 'S. KS ^ ARR1S PA.— Bwalnbank A Wlcb. -We Tbestre, 8. Z. Pol... _ . ^ ^ Rlloo Dream Tbeatre. Treon A Co., 01 Pnb- lie So. Ssroy. Family p. R. Devlin. 8. Main at. Dreamland. W. L. Foatrr, H. Main at. SiToy, Dave Cohen. Pnhllc Square, nnlqne. Harry R. Kggleston. Pnbllc Sqnare. Star. J. D. Williams. K. Msrket st. " H.MINOT0N. DRL.-Tba Palace, 117 Market •t. (For colored people.) 004 Market at. 20 Mill Pickwick Tbeatre. Saroy, 517 Market st. Opera Hotue. 818 Market et. ** BIJorj Amusement Co.. 410 Market at. Hyrnp Amuaement Co.. 411 V BIJon, Worcester Amusement Co., bury st. New Park Tbeatre, Gordon Bros.' Amusement Co.. 12 Front St. Majestic. Csblll A Rsymond, 156 Front st WORCESTER. MAS8. New Psrk, Front St.; Gordon Bros.* Am. Co. rrurrs. YON KERB. N. I.— Palace, A. B. Hamilton. Mate at. YORK. PA. — Lyric Tbeatre, E. GenUler. 723 E. Market et. Auditorium Theatre, B. C. Peats. 8. Beaver st. Mystic Star Tbeatre. George sod Phlla. ste. B. C. Jackson A Son, 04 N. George st, Casino Tbeatre. 18 R. Market at. The Wlaard. 43 Market at. YODNGbTOWN. O.— Dreamland. Walter Han Itch, W. Federal St. Doras. Harry Levlaoti, W. Federal at. BIJoo. Walter Banltcb. W. Federal St. Star. Cbaa. Klopot. W. Federal et. Lyric. J)gB R ort I ns.^ - . Federal at. Mrs. A 551 St. MONTREAL. CAN.— Windsor Star •.. Ill Windsor st. Ir. Wsrnlcker, Lyric _ Catherine St., W. Prince of Wales Theatre. Mr. Hanson, mgr. STB St. Catherine St.. W. " ty Tbeatre, Mr. Benaod, Catherine St., W. Gslety Theatre, Mr. . wine St., W. Nickel Theatre. Mr. Bleary st. no Theati at 283 Oaalno Tbeatre, Mr. A. N. Sharp, mgr.. 48 St. Catherine St., W. Wonderland Tbestre, Thomas 4 Barreket. mgre., 338 st. Lawrence at. Crystal Palace Tbeatre. Mr. Wm. Hodges mgr. Olympla Theatre. 810 St. Laurence at. Starlaod Theatre. Mr. Demetrle. mar.. 280 St. Lawrence at. King Edward Tbeatre. Lewand Bros., mgrs. 278 St. Lawrence st. Crescent land Tbeatre. 208 St. Lawrence at Circle Tbeatre, Kourl Broe.,' mgrs.. 143 St Lawrencv ft. Palace Theatre, N. Hellar. mgr.. 80 St. Law Pariabanla Theatre, 03 St. Catherine et., R. Nonveaotee Theatre. Rlcbsrdson A Onimet mgrs.. 81 St. Catherine at.. E. Natlonaacope Tbeatre. Moataaaml A Dermcrs. agra.. 472 8t. Catherine at.. E. _ NIckelSDd Theatre. Mr. Bach. mgr.. «04 St. Ooimstnscope'Tbestre Mr Oolmet mgr LteSStr^^c^' * Majeatlc Tbeatre. Fairyland Theatre. Mr. Notre Dame. Idaalogrsph Tbeatre. Mr, Star Tbeatre. ; Eden Music Hall. 284 8t: Lawrence at.. O. Bolrln. mgr. TORONTO. ONT. — Variety. Griffin Amuaement Co.. 110 Qnoen at.. E. at. K. TheatoHnm. at. igr.. 473 Cslamatls. mgr. Co., 183 Yooge Co., 218 Ton- Co.. 2S1 Yooge Auditorium. Griffin Amusement Co.. Queen st snd Spsdlos are. Crystsl Palace. L. J. Applegatb, 141 longs st ' . Saroy. S. Kremmer. 214 Queen at.. W. Roeedale. L. E. Jones. 803 Yonge St. Ooloolsl. W. HIU. 48 Queen St.. W. -Plaaa. C. A. Wellamsn. YS2 Quean at.. B. wonderland. ■ W— L. . Jay, 1786 Dnndss st. Cosmopolitan. Goodman A Spiegel. 324-6 Yonge at. Comlqne, D. D. Inenler. 278 Yong* et. Rnby, E. W. Knopp. 700 Dundas st. Occidental. James Lsncsater, 481 Dundss St. Garden. A. Hawea, 280 College st. M. ^UerbltlK. ^W^ tWy at. Mason, Wilbur and Jordan R. H. Burke, 45 Dundas st. K. J. Morris. 524 Queen St.. W. J. Oliver, 684 College st. Mr. Cowan, 700 Dnndss at. W. D. WilUnsky. 364 Queen st.. E. R. J. Bract. 1713 Dnndss St. T. A W. Mordell, 1182 Queen et., W. J. T. Wilson, 1184 Queen st., w. Priest sV Wsgner. 384 Broadview ave. W. L. Jay, 004 Queen St., K. J. D. Phillips, 432H Queen St.. W. J. B. Beamish, 8 Richmond St.. W. Imentonl A Lanawell. 398 College St. D. L. Fox, 1828 Dundss st. J. McLaughlin, 1008 Bloor St.. W. E. D. Morris. 2224 Qnecn St.. R. A. McMsrtln. 78 Geary ave. H. B. Beynolda. SOS Bloor at.. W. O. Dodds. 004 Queen et.. W. A. H. Garrett. 622 Bloor St.. W. WINNIPEG. MAN.. CAN.— Colonial Colonial Amuse. Co., mgrs.. 834 836 Mate St. Btartand Theatre, Starland Co., Ltd., mgrs.. 626 Main st. Dreamland Theatre, Starlaod Co., Ltd.. mgrs.. 530 Main st. Grand Tbestre. S. Klein, mgr.. Main A Jsr- rla sts. . ■ Elite Tbeatre, S°. Klein, mgr.. Portage A Smith sts. Unique Tbeatre, M. Vanrlatine. mgr., 82B M.lo St. Pastime Tbestre. E. Bnrnsldr, mgr.. Msln A Jarrla st. Lyric Tbestre. A. Vnlllsmy. mgr.. Smith st. BRANDON. MAN.— Starlaod Tbeatre. A. 8. Creamer, mgr. Bijou. Theatre, A. 8. Creamer, mgr. CALGARY. ALTA Starland Theatre. C Gra- ham, mgr. EDMONTON. ALTA Starland Theatre. N. Menasse. mgr. KENORA. CAN. — Starland Theatre. P. J. Mnr- pby. mgr. PRINCE ALBERT. 8 ASK. — Starland Theatre. Dreamland -Tbeatre. J. A. VANCOUVER, B. C— Starlaod Theatre. N. Morris, mgr. . . 5 CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS Imported Chins ware, per 100. .......... . All Leatber Purse, per 100 '. - Trick Match Box. per groea Japanese Zithers, per groea Fancy Wood Whlstlee, per gross Japanese Turtle In Olaa* Box. per gross... Fas try Colored Return Balla. per gross... Hons Shoe Mirror, asst. colon, per gross. Novelty Acrobat Skeletons, per 1 Air Planes, latest no.elly. HAPPY NEW YEAR BANNERS with frame on top and tassel on bottom, also calendars attached, size 7x18, with silver lettering, are the fastest selling novelties for the holidays this year. Price per hun- dred, S5.00. Sell for 15c and 25c each. CHRISTMAS DECORATN We b«sr to i 1910 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the most. oom past* Ha* a* NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS is now ready. We will f same to anyone f TMI HOLIOIT lOfELTT NFS. CO •,87 NEW YORK, .7» .78 .78 .80 Terms, half deposit, balance. C O. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO. 041*47 Woodland Arsons. Clsraland. 0. FOR SALE- PASSION PLAY FILM AND SLIDES frmt lAtm of UaMat and Prodteal P. o. Box 17*. WtS*" 1 **. Ind. M0VIN6 PICTURE MACHINES SLIDES, ACCEttOfJIEJ OUatLStebeaOM 3> IOi« Male. S treat. _ _ KANSAS CITY. MO *c its era, novelty nagsatt, slo Mlcblgss St., BaSal*. N. T. 104 Tll€> Billboa 10, 1910. COMBINED CIST OF THEATRES This List Includes the Theatres in the Principal Cities and Towns of America. Data Pertaining to the Smaller Towns Will Be Published in Subsequent Issues. AKRON, O. Happy Hoar Theatre; K. M. Stanley, mgr., raudeTllle. Ldq. Theatre: F. For. mgr.: TnndesUle. Colonial Theatre, F. E. Jobnaoo. mgr.; vaude- ville. • Grand Opera Home. O. L. Elaler, mgr.; pop- nlar price. Norte Theatre. 31. C. Winter, mgr.; Taride- sllle. :• ' _E- E. Mathlaa, mgr.; renderUle. Hall; J. Gilbert Qortlon. mgr.; nrst class. Proctor". Theatre: Howard Graham, mgr.; high cl.i. randeTUIc. Majestic Theatre; Kmtl Delchee. mgr.; Tllle and pletnrea; 10 and 18c . Gaiety Theatre, Wheel Rorle ALTOONA. PA. MlahJer Theatre; I. C. clam. ALLE.NTOWN. PA. Ltyrlc Theatre: N. A. Worman, mgr.; high- Theatre; J. r. AUBURN S. T. Kuril. Auditorium Theatre. J. K. hlgb-claaa. Jefferson Theatre, 3. F. Muldoon, mgr. class. Happjland Theatre, F. Simpson, mgr.; Tllle. Bnrtla Opera Honae. John N. Boaa. popular price. Baltimore, iro. - Music; Iff. I. ; hlgh- rsude- ; Chaa. B. tre; James L. Ke ■.Theatre; J. Albert Y< Columbia Theatre; H. N. Faxren, mgr.; era wheel. Howard Theatre; .x>l Boaenberg, mgr.; era wheel* Gaiety Theatre; Geo. Batchelder, mgr.; East- ern wheel. Keith'. Theatre; Geo. Clark; Tsnderllle. Amrriean Music Hall; Un daay Morlaon; saode- TUIe. Casino Theatre; 0. H. Waldron. mgr.; Bait- ■Natloaal Theatre; BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ' » Smith Theatre; Ira W. Jackson, mgr.; Srat " popular pr: Are the Finest Imitation of CHURCH CHIMES in the World Poll's; 8. Z. *"e; Spit. A' N: BROCKTON, MASS. City Theatre; W. B. Cross. Sbeedy-a Theatre; at. B. Sb Mew OrpOaum Theatre; The Co. Ward at. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Class. Male. tic elaaa. Teller". Theatre; L. a w. o. Grand Opera Honae; J. B. Springer, mgr., popular price. Blsney's Ampblon Theatre; J. J. WUlama, t£E£ Sft Cats, uagr.: pop-Ur FcHy C *Theatre; Fox Amusement Co., mgr..; popular price. Greenpoln^ Theatre; Benedict Blatt. mgr.; henm Theatre; Frank KUbola, mgr.; .ii tr.-; Jam. »r a favor upon The BlllbO&rd Publishing Com- pany by calling from thin Hat. ■ • • - •••>••• • at • •«'•'« • •>••• »>' a • • •**•■•■• at e> a> *> • •>••>• CSty •••••••• Name of Character of Attractions ..................................... . - - - ■ of Informant ................. •^•>. a -v-. ..••.•*;• . *'. • rheatre • ■ • . . • • .' • • , • . . ■ • • ......... _ Theatre; F. O. Keith T.udeTUla. Saroy Theatre; vaudeville. Wilson Theatre; If. C elaaa vaudevf&v> Victoria Theatre; C B. Lewis, mgr.; high- elaaa Taude.llle. Holllday Street Theatre; Wm. F. Rife, mgr.i popular-price comedy and drama. Gayety Theatre; W. L. Ballaur, mgr.; Ootnm- bla Circuit burleaqae. ' Theatre; Montague Jacobs, mgr.: Fulton Theatre: William Trim bora, mgr.; vau- deville. K< oaTina? > ** tr * ' BAYONNE. N.^. e; Yiddish drama. O. B. BINGHAMIUN, N. Y. - -Armory Theatre, vauderille. Stone Opera House, O. S. Hathaway, mgr.; - • . high-class. BIRMINGHAM, AT. A Jefferson Theatre; R. 8. Douglas, mgr.; high BUou Theatre: H. L. Semon, mgr.; high-class. Majestic Theatre; 0. W. Ritchie, mgr.; van- derlUe. BOSTON. MASS. Castle Squaie Theatre; Geo. Clark, mgr.; stock. Opera Orel tJ^Thea tre; Percy O. Williams, mgr.; Colombia Theatre; M. B. Epateln. mgr.; van devflle. • ■ ■ Star Theatre; Wm. Beebe, mgr.; btrrleecrae. Gayety Theatre; J. 1. Clark, mgr.; and no Picture House or other Theatre is complete without a set of them, as you will find use for them every day. The Chimes consist of bell-metal tubes, sus- pended from a wall bracket, and are played by striking with a mallet. Anyone can play them as no experience is necessary. Can be hung in orchestra pit or in the wings. The set includes FOUR CHIMES-producing a beauti- ful chord and sounds very churchy — a wall bracket to hang them on, and one mallet to play the chimes. Weight of outfit about 50 lbs. The price is $22.50 for the complete out- fit, and same will be shipped C. O. D. on examination on receipt of 82.00 to guarantee express Send for our new Illustrated Cat- alogue of ORGAN CHIMES. XYLOPHONES, ORCHESTRA BELLS, MARIMBA - XYLO- PHONES, Etc. Free for the asking. t : Payton'a Lee Am ton, mgr.; stock. Payton'a Bijou Theatre; Corse Peyton, mgr.; stock. Crescent Theatre; Lew Parker, mgr.; stock. Gotham Theatre; Pauline H. Boyle, mgr.; stock* Phillip.' Lyceum Theatre: Lonla Phillip.. BtJTrS-MoSrV Broadway Theatre; J. X. Haslet, mgr.; J. C. DEAGAN to 3810*N. Clark St. ..... ^ Chicago, U. S. A. HOW THEY ARE OPERATED A MERRY From JACK STAFFORD MANAGER and LESSEE NILES THEATRE. NILES. O. Better known as THE BIG NOISE, THE MAN WHO PUT NILES ON THE MAP. Playing a fourth of the best vaudeville acts that can be 'booked. Would like to hear from acts jumping from Cleveland to Pittsburg. Nothing too big for me. JACK STAFFORD, Manager and Lessee Niles Theatre, Niles, Ohio. Emrrire Theatre; L. If. Qui an, mgr.; r.ude- hlgh- Lulll Theatre; -high-class. Majestic Theatre: N. O. Tangerine. CAMDEN, N. J. Camden Theatre: Del Taylor, n elaaa. . CANTON. O. Opera House; E. E. Butler, mgr.; Orpbetrm Theatre; Bred Hilton, mgr.; ▼me. CHARLESTON, B. O. Academy of Music; C. R. Mathews, mgr.; Men-clans. Majestic Theatre; J. H. Hubert, mgr.; t.u- dnrnie. Orphenm Theatre: J. H. Strubert. mgr.; ran- rlrrine (colored only). Oeerge Clark, asgr.; ean- Olymplc Theatre: Geo dVrlne (colored onl y CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Shnbert class. Btfon Theatre; O. A. price. ..a. Five Year Lease on a Beautiful Up- to-date Vaudeville and Picture House fn city of 10,000. One picture house for opposition. A snap. Good reasons for selling. Address J. A. THOMPSON. LYRIC THEATRE, BOZEMAN, MONT. HORSE AND PONY PLUMES For Show Parades, Horse and Pony Acta, Advertising purposes, etc. Send for price list. Manufactured by M. Schaembs, 612-614 Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, N. V. DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 106 Cl.r:i.SEA. MA8S. _ ...rjon'fl Family Thestre; ■KSH Broadway. i ifKsnC »■*• „ ' . _ ni->-ra Hoase. HirgretTM A Co. t'jmUi Theatre. H. D. LllIUAtiO. IU auditorium ulgll-claat. siuurusker OwaV^orttara TtMitn; tV 0. Co.. nigh-class. vTci Geo. C. Warren, mgr. ; UrVleker'e Theatre: OHM Opera House; Harrj As tin, bit.; nigh- claaa. _ ■' Whitney Opera House; Frank O. ram, Bar.; Mgbclaaa. Chicago Opera Honee; Geo. Kingsbury, mgr.; Prlncess'Theatre; lfort B. Stager, mgr.: high- V. 3. Herrmann, mgr.; hlga- W. J. Dsrls. Core Tnestre claaa. Illinois claaa. Powers' Colonial claaa. 0. pace, mgr. ; nigh- popular Garrlck Tbeitre; H. claaa. Olympic Theatre: Sam Lederer. mgr. price. •• . Academy Tbeetre; Wm. Roche, mar.; popular College Theatre ; 0. Jay 8mlth. mgr.; popular price. Globe Theatre: I". C. Kberta. mgr. price. National . Theatre: Ed. Clifford, mgr Peopled Theatre: Jaa. Pilgrim, mgr.! popular Trerltt Theatre ; 8. W.Qolao. mgr.; popular price. Boab Temple; Chaa. Elliott, mgr.: eaude tllle. Un j market Theatre; Wm. Newklrk. mgr.: Amer , |can U Ma»le Ball: W. T. Glow, mgr.: Msjesuc Theatre; U B. Olorer. mgr.; TaO- deillle. Wilson Are. Theatre, afr. Borcb. mgrJ; ran derllle. Julian Theatre; J. Q. Ooaderman, mgr.; ran- derllle. Colnnthna Theatre; will Marahall. mgr.; rsu- <*ftjrtoo" Theatre: Aha J. Alhambra ; mgr.; Theatre: roily ioeatee; -J. J. rennessej i Theatre; Bid 3. RusOO, If Wm. taOQl Star * darter- bar bur bnrleaqne. Marlowe Theatre: Vincent Clare. CINCINNATI. OBIO. Music Hall, auditorium Cor special ercnla Grand Opera Hoase: J. H. Hsrlln. mgr.: hlah-dass. Lyric; J. a. VvaaoaasT. mgr.; hlah-daaa. walnut; X. W. Dustln. mgr.; popular price. Columbia: H. K. Shock ley, mgr.; htgh-claaa vsudeellle. Orphenm. Walnut Bins: I. it. Mania, mar.: hl«b claaa Taoderllla. . ■'.-> American; Harry Hart, mgr.; vaadafUla; Sua Ctrealt. ! . - ;* - empress: s ac. ogrs.; TsadarlDe. . New Rnhlaaoa; Taoderllle; Casino Ctrrolt. Aaditorlnm: W. J. OanBeld, mgr.; TaddeeUle: Bun Circuit. , . ^i.. . 1 truck's. Oeotara . Baock. mar.;, popular price. Lyceum: Qeorge Heork, mgr.; stock. Olympic: Geo. r. A L. rarepaagh Flab. man-i sroea. • : . !« ... » -lv-. Standard; r. J. Clemena, mgr.: 6m league People's: J. E. r-unnes* C01.UMRUS. O. Colonial Theatre; J. V. High st Theatre; 0. W. Harper, mgr.; pop nlar price. • Keith's Theatre: W. W. Proaaer. mgr.: »au- deerila. Coinmbua Theatre; Thompson. Bros.. mgre.r »aode»Ule. . ■ • . / Southern Theatre, Geo. Dnnmeyer. mgr.: Wan- class. Grand Theatre. Jack Lory, meal mgr.; raode- Tllle and pictures. Princess Theatre: Taodevllle and pic tn res. DALLAS. TEXAS. The Majeatle; O. IV Gould, mgr.; high-class 'auderllla. Dallas Opera Bouse; Oeo. Anxy. mgr.; Oral mgr.: •; Grand Theatre; Ed. Milliard, mgr.; popular prion. Blbert * OetcheU, Majeatle Theatre TauderUle. DETH0IT, MICH. Detroit Opera " blah-c'- Oarrlck rr.; Tauje- hurlesune. Orphenm: Brown A Stlnaatt. angra.; 10-20-90 TaodeTirie. • • ' . .<< . DALLAS. TRX. (Oak Cliff). ram I ly Theatre. Mh A Lancaater are.: T. P. rinnlran. mgr.; 10, Joe. ramll* Theatre. 190 Lai dav^btT- 8 " * * 0e ' rr.: Bn ; - nujrhea. mgr.: blghctsi Bonis. Wm. J. RJInek. mgr.: high class. family Theatre: J. Till*. Grand D. L. Hi New American. Cbaa. Berkell. mgr.. eaude- rllle. — n FSS^S'- Victor II. Shaffer, mgr.; DAYTON. O.- "aHajal Theatre; C. Bnrrnwn. mgr.; Elbert * OetcheU. Harry Parent, mgr.; W. t Lyceum Theatre; A. H. Warner, mgr.; popu- lar price. Temple Theatre; J. H. Moore, mgr.; tiu- derlUe. Majestic Theatre; W. B. Schram. mar.; ean- deTlIIe. Casino Theatre; M. Schoener, rule. Arcana Theatre : F- Drew, mg Lsrayette Theatre; Dr. Campbell DUBUQIIK. IA. Grand Thaatra; Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.; claaa. Bijou Theatre; Jake Bosenthal, mgr.; popular price. Princess Theatre; Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.; TandeTllle. N spa noes Theatre; C. D. Sntphen, mgr.; m. Royal Theatre; TlUe. DULCTH. MINN. Lyceum Theatre claaa. Orphenm, H. W. PI T. U Mali N. 3. a Theatre: F. Audltnrinm Theatre: O. _ hlnh^laaa. TAbor Grand Theatre; Peter SfeOoort, mgr.: htgh-claaa. Broadway Theatre: Peter MeOoort. mar.: hurb-clana. ^.a^rlca: rtUnn * Mastic Theatre: D.a.e, McCoy, mgr. I'RS MniNKS. I A. Foater-a Theatre: Ed. Milliard, mar.: ran tail' N. T. Theatre; Lea . Theatre: O. \.. Claaa and Ugh-eJaaa randerlUc. Family Theatre; Shea Brat,, mgra.; high class Happy Boor Theatre; G. H. mgr.; blfb class TauderUle. Moaart Alrdome: O. W. Mlddleton, mgr.; claaa raudeTllie. BRIE. PA. Males tic Theatre; J. L. OUaon. mgr.; claaa. Colonial Theatre; C. B. Cummins, mgr.: pop- ular price. Waldameer Theatre; B. H. Suerken. mgr.; popular price. Fear Mile Creek Park; H. Footer, mgr.; ran- doms*. P Ur £. H,M,; * - ^ GU "■ , Alpha Theatre; K. n. Suerken. mgr.; Star Theatre; J, -Grand Theatre; mgr.: ramie Alban Theatre; A. «. derUte. Bljoo Theatre; a M. NaUttag, _ rllle. _ Bappy Hoar Thaatra: D. H. TandeTllle. Orphenm - Theatre: P. J. Dion, mgr. Tllla. • ■ f ALL It IV KB. MASS. Academy or Mnalc: 0. S. Wiley, mgr.: high claaa. Saeoj^ Theatre: O. W. Wiley, asgr.; eaude Nickelodeon; W. L. Beg* low. mgr.; Tlllr. Premier Theatre: L. M. Boaa. mgr.: ajsiBEbj r_ ._ L . •_ * >..-. m ir.; blgh •. : 10. 20 Cnmlnas Theatre: a H. Webster deetTh*. . FORT WAYNE. IND. tie Theatre; M. a; c. T. Brian, .asgr. ; high. i* »-i i • , _ • — • i • Theatre; V. J. Boyss. angT.; *av> a tro ; Jake O'UooMl 1 . m«T. : .MICH, ^jjji^^ * - Majeatic Thestre; Orwta stair, mgr.; popular r.; ti ti high- Olympic Theatre; Daniel Lynch. Till*. Lyceum Theatre; derin*. - 8ur»rt>a Theatre; HARRIS BI7RO. PA. Ms|^e^ea"rre'l'T. H. Melrick, mgr.; ILARTFORD. CONN. Pareoaa' Theatre, H. C. Parsons mar. : Pros- pect street, cor. Central Row: hlgh-clata Poll's Theatre, S. Z. Poll, owner. 933 Main atreet: high-class TandeTllle. Hartford Theatre. S. E. Poll, mgr.; raude- Tllie. pictures, etc. Scenic Theatre, H. tOJ*. pictures, etc. P. mgr.: a. J. C Young, mgr.; raude- etc. • B |ufpire Theatre: a. m. Tandertlle. Oarety Theatre; I HOT, YOKE. MASS. Buintre Thestre: - hlgh-rlaa*. Sbeedy's Thestre Tandertlle. RnrtrTTON. TRX. Mateatle: Chaa. J Prince" Thestre. Dar* Wels. mgr.: hlgb-«l»e» Cost Theatre. Maurice Wolf, mgr.; \ande rXSL., stock. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Oayety Theatre; B. D. Crosse, mgr.; popular price, - ' ■• JERSEY CITY. N. 3. Majestic Theatre; Frank B. Hendenon. mgr.; bleb claaa. ■ . _ ._ : ~ Academy of Mnalc: Frank B. Haaderson. KeTth r '& "pwfor"': Keith A Proctor, mgra.: TandeTllle. Boo Ton Theatre: Tboa. W. Dlaklna. mgr.: barlesnne. ... .. tOHNSTOWN. PA. ... Cambria Theatre: H..W. Sherer. mgr.; high . Majestic Theatre; M. 3. Boyle. 1 TIE WISE MEN I*.. Controlled and. Managed ay THE COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO. CLARK'S RUNAWAY GIRLS GO. Presented by THE P. 3. CLARK rCO.dne.) P. 3. CLARK, -FEATURING : JACK RE ID, The Fiuiny Natural and Original Comedian inTwo HUarious Farces, WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST. ELLA REID GILBERT, The Stately Burlesquer. FRANK L. WAKEFIELD, The Famous Dope Comedian. ESTELLE ROSE, Character Songs and Impersonations. WINIFRED GREENE, The Artistic Soubrette: ALittleGiri, but a Big Act. And FRANK (BUD) WILLIAMSON, A Real Cowboy. JOHNNY O'CONNOR, The Comical Dude. PERT CROIX, The Bowery Tough Girl. ALICE WILSON, The Dainty Soubrette. And ROBERT M JACKSON, Eccentric and Versatile Comedian. With the greatest and b*>«t play in burUsqu*. as an EXTRA FEATURE REID, WAKE F IELD &, CO. "THE TIE THAT bInDS" A Story of the Undarworld. Instruotlv . With a beautiful and gorgeously gowned chorus of twenty I electrical effecta. Costume, by M. 8IMOWITCH. 38th St. and 6th Are.. New York. Musical Director. WALTER ROEHRBORN. ART ADAIR Former Principal Clown, Acrobat, Gymnast and all-around general Circus Performer, identified with all the large circuses of the country, in now mertinfr with great success in hia Vaudeville offering, an eccentric musical act, "Hank Sponge, the Swede Musiker." A Merry Christmas and Happy New-Year to all Friend*,- new and okL VAUDEVILLE Your Stage) Setting Means much to you. You might aay It la yeuF'advartlaamant. GEORGE LAUTERER , ■ wants; the kind that help you Theatrical Art Draperies, Chair and Table Covers made to order, to add splendor to your act. Parade Banners for Minstrel She — Circufes, etc. (THE ATRICAL COSTUMER) 164-166 E. stadliaa St., .'. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG ON APPLICATION «TTH ANNUAL TOUR HEBER BROS/ GREATER SHOW SHOWS COMBINED -3 CIRCUS : MINSTRELS : VAUDEVILLE Wanted-Good Performers and Musicians. Ave., I THE BILLBOARD'S THE ADDRESSES OP ALL THE The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. Theatrical Headquarters. Centrally Lo ca ted, a I RatM to the T 203 FOURTH St., SAN FRANCISCO THE LA FE&CY. formerly The Rndger House: Lane * Presgrj. Props. ; 261 W. 42nd St.. Phone. 3133. New York.. Well furnished, light airy rooms. Rates reasonable. ETH ELBERT OPERA MOUSE ag loft, sceueij. electric 'op. 1.200. Good show town. E_ H. DUN LAP. Manacer. WRITE FOR OPEN TIME OLYMPIC TKZAXSK, I L. B. VADGHAN, NEW ROBINSON i FAMILY THEATRE night. Those desiring Id participate, send name to P. V. P1LSON. Max.. care Robinson Tbestre. Cincinnati. Ohio. A GOOD SHOW win make rood at ths " VERMONTVILLE, MICHIGAN, OPERA HOUSE "AUDITORI " Big Stone Gap. Va. Seating eapsrJty 430. - "Only flrst-elass atTrm~r ~ dons booked. Send open time and state' an Oat letter, w. P. BAKER, Manager. Clifton, Ariz, i 600. Well equipped for road shows, musi- cal comedies, etc C. P. DUNN, Mgr. Ho, You Fellows! NEW OPERA HOUSE FOB. 8AT.Fr— Motion Picture : Theatre In Kev' fork town of 10.000. *» «nd ram Iw 30O more. Stare, booth «ud >o. S irasi l Ma- chine In first -class order, -la ce nte r of - mats Street. Bent a cinch. Only other smnsemeat hi" town is a dump of a picture show. I thought" I could tun a show in two towns and can't. Also Phonograph sod Mottograph Plc- • sale, separate: good as new. ■t of costumes for "Dolly Var- den" show for sale. Everything good as new. Wigs and all in One Bal costume trunks. Write to: "PAST CASH." care Billboard, Cincinnati. 0. KANSAS CITY, MO. Willie Wood Theatre; w p« high rl ■ ,s Shubert Theatre; Karl Steward, Orpheum Theatre; Martin Lehman, mgr.; high- class TSOdt-Tlile. , . Grand Opera U«u>; Hudson * Judan. mars.: popular-price drams and musical < Empress Theatre; Daniel t. McCoy. 2U-30 vaudeville. Gluts Theatre; E. S. Brlgbam, mgr. price drama and musical comedy. Gayety Theatre; Burt Wilber. mgr.; Eastern wheel btxrlaaiiue- - Century Theatre; Jos. B- Western wheel barleaque. Globe Theatre; "O. K. "~ BUou Theatre. Fred Grand Theatre, ~ TUIe. LANCASTER, PA. Fulton Theatre; C. A. Xeekar. mgr.; high- Family Theatre; Till*. Rocky Springs Theatre; B. B. t Opera H< class. LINCOLN. NEB. Ollrer Theatre: F. C Lyric Theatre; L. M. lar price. Orpbenm Theatre; H. ] derffle. LOUISVILLE. KY. Macanley. John T. Uses and Walnut; blgh-clsss. Masonic. G. Gariety, mgr.; Fourth and Chest- nut; High class. Avenue. C. A. Shaw, mgr.; 4th bet. Green - and Walnut; high-class. Mary Anderson, James L. Weed, mgr.; 4th and Chestnut; vaudeville. Walnut Street, McCarthy a Ward, mars.: -Walnut. 4th sad 5th; vaudeville. Hopkins. Irrln Simons, mgr.; 2nd and Market, vaudeville. Gsyety. ^ Al BonUer, mgr., Jefferson, 3rd and - 4th; burlesque. Buckingham. Horrsce McCrockUn. mgr., Jef- ferson. 2nd and 3rd; burlesque. LOWELL. MASS. - K. A. Ward.- mgr.; high -class. LYNN. MASS. \\. . Olympla Theatre: A. B. Lord, mgr.; van . devUie. Li '1*1 LB ROCK, ARK,. - - Capitol Theatre; J. P. Balrd, mgr.: high- Ma Jestlc Theatre: Interstate .man.: vaodevtile- -MANCHESTER. N. H. New Park Theatre; J. B. high-class. - Mechanics! Theatre; D. A. Co.. Nickel Theatre: M. - •rtna. McKZESPOBT. PA. White's Theatre; F, D. Campbell, mgr.: popular French Theatre; Jnle Layolle, mgr.; high- class. Crescent Theatre; C. price. Blaney's Lyric Theatre: J. Y. popular price. Orpheum --est re: Jules riile. American Music Hall; mgr.; vaudeville. Dsnphlne Tbestre: Henry Greenwaid, mgr.; eaoderUle. Shubert Theatre; J. M. Dubbs. mgr.; rsudr Theatre; G. W. Jacobs, mgr.; high- Auditorium Theatre: J. U. Lederer mgr.; bleb-class. Proctor's Theatre; B. C. Stewart, mgr.; no derUle. American Theatre; Geo. A. JJcDeraltt. mgr.: vaudeville. vaudeville. Arcade Theatre: L. O. Momford. mgr.: »so- devUle. Miner's Empire Tbestre; Leon Evans mgr.: burlesque. Waldmsnn's Opera House; Leo Ottolenser. mgr.; borlesqne. VEW YORK. N. T. Academy of Music. Irving Plsee sod iitb St.: E. F. Van Dnsen. mgr.; blab -class American Music Hall. 42d si. and 6th are.; William Morris. Inc. ingrs.: TsodeTllle. Astor Tbestre, Broadway and 4Sth st_: Wag Theatre, Broadway and 41st St: Felix Ismsn. mgr.; hlgb-cli Casino Theatre, Broadway and 39th St.: Sam S. t Lee Shnhert. Inc. Carnegie Lyrenm T* arc: American A MEMPHIS. TKNN. .Lyceum Theatre; C We fa. mgr.: high-class Jefferson Theatre; A. B. Morrison, mgr.; high-class. BUou Theatre: M. M. Stalnback. mgr.; pop- ol ar pi Orpheum sine. Ben's Theatre ESCANABA, MICH. Bulldlngtolaaaaarforasle. Ask. Tor pal tleutara. WANTED- Small Shows Of All Kinds .onse; seating capacity 500: electric _ chairs, toilets, stage 14r20. with good scenery. A good show town of 1 500 latJon. Dates open to book goo' Address STAR OPERA HOUSE Nash, Manager, WoJcott. N. Y. Grand Opera House JACKSON, O. Under new management. Remodeled, wish to book good companies. Add. D. P. COLL, Mgr. ftMr&birz T: K. Tiulliaa a. Oarerr: Jsa.- aVItrieaa. ■ L. Hayes, mgr drama and musical comedy. . Of. E. Raymond, mgr.; high MAJESTIC THEATRE TU RAN E, CALIF. AflUlatrd with the Western Amusement Co.. Vlsalla. Tulare. Coallnga. Good attractlona that make this territory, write. Equipment A-l. WASTED — Piano Flayer. Singer to do both. Only Mo Sunday ^work. Movlng^lc- 0* Unique Theatre: Jack Elliott, mgr.; 10-20-SO vaudeville. Miles Theatre: W..F. Gallagher, mgr.;; 10-20- SO raoderffle. Dewey Theatre: Archie Miner, mgr.; Western *f*/*\g*an*>l ^QasTsn^S^QCa ° whwl ^Itauuef SImon ' mlr - '■ Eastern Gem Family Tbestre; A. J. Ksrsnsagh. mgr.: " vaudeville. Theatre; W. A. Kelly, mgr, Lyric Theatre. Princess " vaudeville. MOBILE. ALA. Mobile Opera high-class. ■ Lyric Theatre: de-vine. M0NTGOMEKY. Majestic Theatre; W. K. Coach, mgr. tar-pjice and vandeville. Grand Theatre,- H. C. Foartoo. mgr.; first class. NASHVILLE. TKNN. V en dome Theatre; W. A. Sheets, mgr.: high, class. BIJon Theatre: Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.; ■ nlar price. Grand Theatre: Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.: devllle. Orpheum Theatre: Geo. H. Fifth Av^^r. P. silte. NEW BEDFOL New Bedford bigh-clats. Hsthswsys Theatre vandeville. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Comedy TbeatTe. 41st at. and s. a Lee Shubert. Inc.. mars.: btrh-elasv Criterion Theatre. Broadway sad 44th si.; Chas. Frobman. mgr.: blcb-risas. People's Tbestre. Bowery and Del a nee y era. : BdlPtelu a T oro ast e f aky . lessees a nd mgrs. : vau dev lile. " . - . — < «avnv~Thettre. Broadway sod~"Htb it.: Frank .Mrs. Then. Moss. mgr. Weber's Mnale Hall. Broadwsy Jos. M. Weber, prop.: high- West End Theatre. . 125th at. are.: J. K. Cookson. mgr. Ynrkmie Theatre. 1ST E. Mtb St.: Hnrtlg a Sea moo. prop. Alhambrs Theatre. 126th . St. sad Tth sea.; Percy G. Williams, mgr.; vandeville. . Colonial Theatre.. Broad wny^jind^jBd at.: Per. Hamtnenatcta'e TV Saeta' -The alrv. _ and 42.1 at.: Tandevlrie. ' Harlem Oners House. T2Sth at. sad "th sve. ; Keith a PumIoi. msia - . . . Keith a P iwiu fs ■ -mth- He. ■ Thus tie. - Hath I S- A Lee S bul^i t. Inn.. uti aT alrt-tliw. .. l * ai ii> tiaH Th« aU a. Sli^ a a 40rla.-at.^ Chas. 1 - '"^imtt. -mgr.: high^erass.' " : ; fliWr Ttrosiwav saa aeth «!.: KI.w * &Wr (Wt» S Himv. veva and Ovrv^ott FrohmSTl Olniv- TVHIInrhv-n. mrr. tlrsnd Opera H ou s e , fit h Iff. and 2*M at. : r»S»n * fTarHs. mrra. TTammerateln's Manhsttai' Oners House Wth St.. ne-e «th are.: Aaear ' Hammersrrln. Fl»'m» W h nl w it. Ttv**.. rsrra. Marine Wllort's Thestee. SRth «f. esat m Bell da av: flam 8. a Lee Sbnhevt. Tne.. mrra.: hlgh-elaas. Merrnnnlttan Onsra Hons*. Benadarsr het : KmlllA Oattt-Cavaasa. hlsh-elsss. New Amatrrdam Tbestre. BmsdwST s»td 47d an.: Ktaw a Brlingtr mgrs.: hlrb-eUea. New Tork Theatre. Broadway and 45th »,.; Wlaw a Krlancsr. mgrs. Keith a Proetnr*» Twenty-third St. 2M st. and Mb it*. Keith a Praetor's Union Square Theatre. !4rh at., near Broadway. Keith a Piwtofs Flrty-»!sbtb St. Tbestre R'th st.. near M are.: I. F. Albee mgr.: violinist: Seud to-day for Mr special Stritf Offer WE ARE THE SOLE IMPORTERS OF The 'White Diamond Genuine Italian Gut Strings HARRY CLARK JONES COM Dept. C ZM W. 44th St. , Haw York YETTA M 1TTLER EXPERT PLAKISTE AT LIBERTY. 4-1-11 snatl. O. At Liberty Band Leader act also; wife, sword swsUowlng act. Have good reputation. Address WM. FLAKE. Hermann, Mo. AT LIBERTY tre. A. F.ofM. HOFSTETTER, JAPANESE NOVELTIES fer HOLIDAYS JAPANESE MAGIC FAN Fifteen shapes from Send 5 cts. I Price, 13 50 per gross. Special d iscounts for 5 gross or more. Also suitable souvenirs for moving picture show , etc * CO. •MEW-WRK crrv. A HAPPY NEW YEAR To all my friends and acquaintances. Chas. H. Doutrick Theatrical Agent 92 U Salle Street, CHICAGO. The Comedy Unbreakable Hat For stage, maskers, parades, etc, Eaaytopsck: don't hurt to crush it: made to order, any mate- rial, any color, any quantity. Price, 1100 up- LOUIS. THE HAT MAN HANDCUFF PEOPLE B. I. EC EM B E H 10, 107 London Theatre, Bowery, n«ar Stanton it.; jimti H. Curtln. mgr. y.urrsy Hill Tbntre, 43d at;. itt.; Colombia Amoae. Co. Herbert Mack., rea. mgr.; New Star Tbaatra, Lexlngtox I'laia Maale Hall, Madison a?t. ant at: William liorrta. Int. mgr.;. rllle. Third Arenu* Theitw, Third are. and 31»t '. ; Ttude- 4 I 10TU. SL 1 nn ° Street. Tbeatre. 14th at. and «th area.; J. Wealey Boaeaqoaat, mar.; Taod»- Desrey' Theatre. 14tta at., opposite Irvine Place; Joan J. Leo. mar.: t iur laoqne. Gotbam Tbeatre, 182 E. 128th at.; Join J. Leo, mrr. ulcer's Bowery Theatre, Bowery, Bear Broome at.; E. D. Miner, mar.; tmrleaqaa. Mlner'i Eighth Are. Tbeatre, 8th are., near 123th at.: Ed. Miner, mar.; burlesque. Olympic Theatre. 143 E. 14th at; Maurice Krauaa, mar. NORFOLK. VA. Academy: Otto Welle, mar.; Gnnby: Otto Wella, m«r; po, . Colonial; K. T. KIrby, mcr.; OAKLAND, OAL. _• Maedonouah Opera Hoaae; CP. Hall, mar. high-class. ■ Bell Theatre; One Colin, mar.; TandeTille. - Theatre; Oar Smith, mgr.; r»u rllle. Te Liberty Theatre; n. • tock. OMAHA. NEB. Brandcla Tbeatre; W. J. Boraraso. jt . ; firs t Orpheom Theatre; Wffl. J. claaa TandeTille. American MoalcaJ Hall; O. O. hlfb-claaa renderUle. Krnf Theatre; Ch price drama aad Osyery Theatre: K. . PATEBSOX. N. J. Lycum Theatre; F. J. Gilbert,' mar.; popular price. Empire Theatre; A. M. Bretpnu. aaar.: TiodcrHJo. Opera Hooae; J. J. Ooetchlna, mgr. : nigh- rim. PAWTCCKET. B. I. BIJoo Theatre; D. ^.IjtfflnEtpp, PHILADELPHIA Broad Street high claaa. Chew mat St. Opera Honae; mar.; hirh -class. Cnestnot Street Tbeatre BUT-: stock. Garrlek Theatre nlch-elsas. Eleventh Street Opera H but.; hlxh-claea. National Theatre: Joeeph Kelly. Park Tbeatre: Fred O. Nlxoa mrr.; popular price. People'a Theatre: Fred O. Nixon popular price. Street Theatre: Jr.. .- J Tbeatre. Kaufman * Miller, lea- sees and mere.: stock. Orspd Opera Hooae: Stair A Havlln. Haas is; _W. Day too Wexerarth. mgr.; stock. Keith's Theatre; H. T. Jordan, mxr-; »an- _derllle. Hart's : t. r. Hop- RICITMOND. VA. Academy of Music; Leo wise, mgr.: On Colonial Theatre; Ed. P. Lyons, mcr.; Taoderflla. Labia Tbessti rsade rule. Theato- D. L. Tocey, mxr.; 10- cent Dixie Theatre: lira. Alice Thorpe. cent Taoderllle (colored only). Bijou Tbeatre, Cbaa. I. M'Kee, mgr.; popu- lar price drama and mneleal comedy. City Auditorium. City of Richmond Henry P. Beck, mgr. auditorium for special ROCHESTER. N. T. Lyceum, M. E. Wolff, mxr.; hlxh-claea. Shubert, Mr. Allea, mgr.; hlgb-elaas. Cook Opera Hooae, Mr. Mowrey, mgr.; vsude- TtUe and pictures. Temple, J. H. Finn, mgr.; taude title. Baker, J. H. Finn, mgr.; Taoderllle, Baker, F. L. Bar — Corinthian. F. N. SAOINAW, MICH. . F. P. hlgh-claaa. . Bijou Theatre: W. A. Boaco, mgr.; tsnde- Tllle. "~ -> Jeffera* Theatre; C. w. Porter, mxr.; tsa dCvlllS. SAN ANTONIO. TEX. Grand; 8. H. Wale, mxr. ; high- Aurora; Alfredo Tetnayo. mgr.; Empire; J. H. Brady, mgr.; p Royal; Taoderllle. Star; Cart Wylerman, mgr.; Taoderllle. SAN FRANCISCO? CAL. Fan Nets Theatre. Gottlob. Marx * Co.. costs- : hlgh-elaaa. Colombia Theatre: Gottlob. mgra.; hlgh-claes. Valencia Theatre; D. S. Llaberger. mgr. ; popular price. GarrTck TneaJxr; Orpheom Co., mgra.; blgh- claaa. Norelty Theatre; W. L. GraesahaaUD. mxr.; high-class. Grand Theatre. Alburn At Leahy, mgra.; rao- . derille. Orpheom Theatre; John Mkarriaaey, mgr. ; Tsoderille. American Theatre; Jae. I'll ling, mxr.; s. A C. Taoderllle. National Theatre; 2kk Abrama, mgr.; Tan. derate. Star Theatre; 81d Grauman. mgr.; TandeTille. Pantagee' Theatre; W. Z. Tlffaney. mgr.; TaodertUe. * Co.. Chutes .Theatre; Ed. Levy, u price and Pantaxes raude rllle. California Theatre: Ucbtenateln At Michaels. ' mgra.; Taoderllle. WaaUngtoo. Central Theatre; s. E. Howell, mgr.; Taode- rllle. Alcaxar Theatre: C. H. Darla. max.; atock. Princess Theatre; Princess Amuse. Co.. mgra.; ■tock. SAVANNAH, OA. New Savannah Tbeatre, W. B. Seesklnd, mgr.; hlgbclaaa. Bljon Tbeatre. C. W. Bex, mgr.; atoek and ■I '• ;- ' Valenteene Mooree Liberty Tbeatre, Frank Ac Hubert Bandy, mgra.; rauderllle. Orpbenm Theatre, Joe. A. Wllenaky. mcr.; TsodeTllle. 1CHENECTADY. N. X. Tan Curler Tbeatre; Cbaa. McDonald, mcr.; hlxh-elaaa. UZZLE COVER THE It la far superior to all games ever play- ed. Lock, skill, ex- citement and fun. A seller for Fab- Workers and Street- men. Sample, 13c. ELECTRIC PIANOS S200 and Up. All Maktt, CONTINENTAL NOV. CO., OMAHA, NEB. SHOW PRINTING Good work, low prices, prompt shipments Her- aids. Dates. Tickets, etc. Get our price list to-day. Write. RASEJ.EY PRINTING HOUSE. OPEN TIME FOR VAUDEVILLE BEST WISHES TO ALL PER. ADD., HIGHLANDS, N. J. Sketches -Monologues WRITTEN TO ORDER TaodcTllIe. Lyric Theatre; Sam 8. A Lee Shubert. lea . area: Walter San ford, mxr.; blcb-claia. Adelphl Theatre: Sam 8. * Lee Shubert leasers: ; Trslrer asnford. mxr.: hlgh-claa>l victoria Theatre: J. Maatbanm. mgr. Colnnlsl Tbeatre: M. W. Taylor, mgr.: »an deTllle. Liberty Tbeatre: M. W. Taylor mgr.; raun> Tllle. LoMn's Flirhth Street Tbestre: rider. m»r.: TandeTille. Hsmmersteln's Opera House Atr^9i)r^'Thi*t' r}t j L Th W. B. Merrill, mgr. NIxn^Tbintra; T. F. Kirk., mgr.: blgb- Lycram Theatre: B, M. Gollck. mxr.; popular . i Theatre: orlce. . Alrin Tbeatre: class. Grand Theatre; . Harry Darla, mgr.; hlgh-claas rawlaeUla. -~. ■- . '. Senyon Theatre: Harry Pollock, mgr.;. ran- derille. Cegetr^ Theatre; F. Kurtaman. mgr. ; bur- tsMlessjoeT***'^*' H,r, T T *' l "'• , ' pmnesue: Harry Pa vis, mgr.; rilRTI ANI>, MR. Jrirrraon Theatre. Jul ins Cahn. m«r. ; flrst- K *nrat5rlM r " T1 "" tr '' i,m ** - B - V 00 **- m P '- Portl-Ml Theatre.. James W. O reel v. m«r.: ■ Nn, ORB. Theatre: Calvin Helllg. mxr.; first claaa. nd Tbeatre; Rnsaell A Drew. - Lyric Theatre: Re nlsr-prlce drama Orpheom Theatre: I ' elaat TandeTille. Orind: Frank Oofflnherry, mxr.: 10-SO-3S vande- Tirie. • Pastagea'i J. A. Jobnson, mgr.; 10 30 2ft TandeTille. 'TtnVIDENCK. B. I. Opera _Hoaae; A. Wendelacbsefcr, mgr.; hlgb- : hlgb- Woald Ilka, to aacertatn the wheresboota' of Mi f | -plat ^and singer. , Addresa WhM Ukttt lurFrea Colored - Performers — and — Band Men at All Times. J.M. P«nnjuiwmt AAdnm . M 741 Pint, III. With their new Mi ram ba, the largest of its kind In the world, made expressly for them by J. C. Deagan, Chicago, (and it is some in- strument) came to the coast to hide and take a rest but were Discovered by the Managers and forced to accept some good contracts. Can be addressed care Th© I, San Francisco 108 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910 Taylor, mgr.; txu- jnqac. Orpbrum Theatre: F. Breymaler, mgr.; vandr- tOle. Majestic Theatre; M. Shannon, mgr.- popular price. SCRANTON. PA. Lyceum Theatre; Mr. Durban, mgr.; high- gr-; •price. Poll's Theatre- J. H. derllle. Colombia Theatre: G. V. TeeU. mgr.: bar lane. SEATTLE. WASH. Moore: John Cort, mar.: hlgh-claee. Grand Opera House; Gilbert G. Baery. mgr.; pular price. ' .V " : Alex. Pan ta ret. mgr. : popular price. «m; Carl Belter, mgr.; high-class Tan- Pant area: Alex. Pantagee. mgr.: poptu*. price vandevine. Star: K T. Shannon, mgr.; vaudeville. Lyric: Henry Lnbelskl. mgr.: burlesque. Alhatnbra. Rnsael Ac Drew, mgra.; high-class. Seattle Theatre, Harry Cart, mgr.; MiWIe Theatre. John W. Cook. vtUe, SIOUX CITY. IA. Auditorium Theatre; W. H. hlgb-elasa. N hTrh G r?aM. TbM ? x,; M " w - Xew Grand Theatre: If. W. hlgh-elaaa. Orpbenm Theatre: C. E. SOUTH BEND IXD. Oliver Theatre; H. G. Auditorium stock. Indiana class. SPOKANE. WASH. Auditorium; Harry C. Joseph A. Mailer; Chaa. w. York; Baker Stock Co. rasblactok; T. H- Meyers: B.-C. Clreolt; 15e and 2Se r~ eiaae. Majestic Theatre; C alar price. Gaiety Theatre: Smith at Burton, mgra.; no- devMe. plre Theatre; John Connors, mgr.; rande Gil more, mgr.; high Lyreom Theatre - derlDe. Pant area Theatre; H. Besnmoot, mgr. - derllle. : high- D. Phniey. mgr.; ran vaa- 8T- PAUL. MINN Metrouoiitan Theatre; L. N. Scott, mgr.; hlgn- OrM^beatre; H. W. Ptarong. nur,; ^ M *^ ThMtr * : D " ** -»1 *** Star Theatre; A. Mceller. mgr.; ST. LOOTS. MO. Olympic Theatre; Century Theatre; Garrlck Theatre: Theatre; John Fleming, mgr.; nbln Theatre; Lew Sharp, mgr.: devil!.. - Grand Opera Honaa; Harry R. Wallace, mxr vaudeville. .Imperial Theatre; D. K_ Harlln*s Theatre; Win. Daren, mgr.: i Gay.ty ^Theatre: 0. T. I. Kerr, mgr.; Ureal In. mgr. ; vaudeville. Hippodrome Theatre; P. F. Clancy, mgr.; eauoevlUe and pictures. Orpbenm Thealnr; Ford T. Anderson, mgr.: vaudcrlllr and pictures. WASHINGTON. D. a Belaeco, J. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.; high class. Colombia, Fred G. Berger. mgr.; high -el ass. National. W. H. Rapley. mgr.; high-class. Chase's. P. C. Chase, lessee: H- Winifred. IX- Witt, mar-: blgb-claaa vaudeville. Academy of Music, E. D. Stair, lessee: J. W. Lyons, Gayety. Geo. Peck, mgr.; WATEBBCBY. COXX. Poll's Theatre: Harry Parsons, mgr.; high Jacques Theatre; Vivian Wbl taker, mgr.; vau- deville. WHEELING. V. VA. Court; E. I— Moore, mgr.; high-class. Virginia; C-. A. Felnler, mgr.: bigb-clase. Victoria; Geo. Shaffer, mgr.; Vaudeville. Apollo. John Papal laa. mgr.; vaudeville, WILKES- BA HUE, PA- Famlly Theatre; F. E. Devlin, mgr.; Tsude- Ttlle. Pall's Theatre: Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.: van derllle. Grand opera Honse. D. M. Can Oman, mgr.; high-class. — ' • Neabitt Theatre. D. M. Cauffman, mgr.; popu- lar price. Luzerne Theatre. Leon Ferlodinl. mgr.; bur- 1 canoe. WIL3IINGTO.X. DEL. Garrlck Theatre. 838 Market at.; W. L. Dock slsder; vauiierllle. Grand Opera House. 8IS Market at.: Harris Amusement Co., leaaeas; ■ C L. Bradfleld. mgr.; vaudeville. Avenue Avenue Amusement Co., lessees: Con- uess A Edwards, mgra.; 220 W. 10th St.; WINNIPEG. MAN. Winnipeg: W. B. Lawrence, mgr.; high-class. WOR CHESTER. MASS. Worcester Theatre, P. T. Shea Co.. props.; , John F. Burke, mgr.; 20 Exchange st; high-class. Franklin Square Theatre. P. F. Shea. Stair A HSvUn, props.; Jaa. R. Sbeeban. res. mgr.; 3 Southbtidge St.- popular price. Poll Theatre. 8. Z. Poll, prop.: Jos. C Crlddle. res. mgr.: 28 Front at., vandevine. Lincoln Theatre, Worcester Amusement Co.. propa.; Walter Leslie, res. mgr.; 3 Elm YORK. PA, Opera House; B. C. Pests, mgr.; high-class. Y00MG8T0WS. O. Park Theatre: J. R. Elliott, mgr.: hlgh-claaa. Grand Theatre; J. K. Albaugh. mgr.: popular . Prints. Theatre: Walter Hanltch. mfX.;Ti* devllle. Lyric Theatre: Dan Bobbins, mgr.: •»■• MONTRKAIJ, QUE. ~ T ' IIU Majesty.; H. Q. popular price Princess: Geo. MeLelah. mgr.; high Academy: A. Charlehola. mgr.: high- Pram-ala: ■ I. O. Honley, mgj "and . vaudeville. National; Paul , Orpheum : ' Geo. P. v an detlDe. Casino; A. X. Sharp, Royal. O. UcRrien, mgr.; TORONTO. ONT. ITlni-e Royal clas Grand Opera n. alar price. - Bbea'a: J. Shea, mgr.: blgh-clasa Vaudeville. Gaiety: Tbos. B. Henry, mgr.: barleaqne. .Star. F- W. Stslr. mgr.: burlesque. . YonsaV -.Street.';-; George ^W. ~ WILSOI^&ISTERS ■j Two clever, young, fresh and pretty girls. They delight the audience with their songs, dances and hoydenish pranks as well with beautiful wardrobe, special scenery ajidlight effects. Are now meeting with success in Honolulu, care The Billboard, San Francisco. A Comedy Act Really Worthy off the Name THE LA NOLES A Novelty Combination Bar and Bounding Bed Act Opsn Time. Commencing April 10th. 19.1. and later. CHAS. ON, Mgr., 39 Lowell St., Rochester, N. Y. 15 Weeks for Sullivan and Consldine Chicago Office i SYRACUSE, N. Y. Beatable Theatre: S. class. Grand Opera House. C. H. Plommer. mgr. high-class. . Wletlng Opera House. J. L_ bljtb-claaa. Crescent Theatre, John J. vaudeville and pictures. •L WINTER Savoy Theatre. T.' oV and pictures. TACOMA. WASH. S!T , ? ,: r, Cb i?''- ,. He . raW ' m * T -: nUb-rlaaa. 2^i- D : Sr' ¥ or £ J "uderllle. TSRE^ADTE. U'""-' «a-TUl« - Gracrt Theatre; elaaa. Alrrtorne Theatre: Sam Young, mgr.; popular ■ price. lrme. . TBEXTONV N. 1. Taylor Theatre; Montgomery Moses, mgr.: ' '5iESm£titSi Montgomery Moses, mgr.; van- *• oVvm*. rmcA. sr. T' . i An lung good on Fisher's ig novel instrumental _ trick bone solos. Mr. a pulling power thst Western like. 8END FOB LATE CATALOG 07 TBICKS, PUZZI E8 AND NOVKLT1ES. EUREKA TRICK &. -NOVELTY CO., ST WARREN 6T., NEW Y0EK. •••T-r ' ,i:v:..-v, . .. D COHN WITH THE M|fSTER SNAKE RlfBE 1 Home Address, Crystal Theatre, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. MANAGERS AND PERFORMERS AT LIBERTY SHOUL.D AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THE SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY ADVERTISING RATE ACCORDED MEMBERS OF THE l>ROFESSION FOR PUBfclCA- TION OF AT LIBERTY CARDS. *• DECEMBER 1* 19101 T lit ♦££ B 1 1 1 b O a T <1 Riding Devices and Concessions of all Kinds Would like to purcbaee ercoud-hand equipment far > Mystic Cbute, Steeplechase or moat any good riding deelee. Will consider putting In any concession on a percentage or baying outright. Write nhst Jon bare, glrlng full description. J T. NUTTLE, Manager, Wonderland Park, Wichita, Kansas. CHEWING GUM USERS *t* \ WE ARE- THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE OWL PEPSIN CHEWING GUM Now being used by a majority of those following Fairs, Carnivals, etc., for Pick-outs, Paddle Wheels, etc. Write for prices. BALTIMORE CHEWING GUM CO., BALTIMORE. MD. MERRY XMAS -TO ALL ■ • \J #» a. a. STAR THEATRE This greeting would reach them all if placed ou one of our Adv. Airships Can you beat it. at email coat of ai.oo? The onlBt consists of a large 12- ft, from tip to tip Airship, furnished complete for U» ascension, with roll directions for operating. Any ad. * ror TOUT line or business we wUI - letters, oa both aide, of stencil. In hair-root the AIBBHIP, to It can be read when tame la In Bight, Send your ad. and gt.00 to-day for this •jCan^^^beat^ Idea" of InexpenalTe A1H- One-hslf Doi.n, - - 15 00 One Ooxsn •■'• *•■-,•• to oo AERIAL' ADVERTISING OUR SPECIALTY. BRAZEL NOVELTY CO. 1T0O eila Strew*. CINCINNATI,. O. THE MAGIC COINER M|Stlf)tS It AppartaHf Cmtrts 111 Disks mil Net Computet with Directions for 10c. J. R. ARMSTRONG 340 Meyran Awe.., - Pittsburg, Pa. HANDY BROOM HOLDER So ess j. Himple, uaeful article. Hang broom or mop up out of the way Can be attached Inside elc ' IgeSW American Dollar Flag AMERICA! FLA6 MFG. CO., atf-ST EKIOI, PI The Qwl m CubeG am e ruTER must'tnrow • TuITof niVcoLOR to win ★ STAR PAYS $ 1 .00 For 5 cents • BLUE PRYS 75 cents For 5 cents • YELLOW PAYS 50 cents For 5 cents • GREEN PAYS 25 cents For 5 cents • RED PAYS IO cents For 5 cents • BLACK PAYS 10 cents For 5 cents H. C. EVANS & CO.'S LATEST CREATION THE OWL CUBEGAME No Saloon or Cigar Stand should be without this money -ma k ing device. Nothing like it ever conceived of be- fore. Something new and original. Has many advantages over a slot machine. Twenty can play as well as one. Much faster than any slot machine, as player can play larger amounts than on a slot machine. House, of course, making their own limit on betting. This game is so arranged that the house has a good per- centage. But, not so strong as to drive play away. Will get a play wherever in use. We guarantee it to pay for itself the nrst nour it is operated . Game consists of ONE CYLINDER AND CUP, our SET OF FIVE CUBES and our LAYOUT. Price, com- plete, $7.50. Remember, we are the largest manufacturers of Club Room Furniture in the United States. Our STANDARD 31-inch ROULETTE WHEEL stands without a peer. Selling, com- plete with 1000 Harris checks, for $185. Our Miniature Wheel, 22-inch size — sells for $50 — has had the largest sale of any wheel ever invented in Dice, Cards and Games. We lead all others, both in quantity and quality. We fill all orders same day as received — no waits, no delays. Send for our 1911 Catalog. It's FREE. N. a DEALER ALWAYS TAKES AMOUNT PUT UP BY PLAYER WHETHER HE WINS OR LOSES H. C. EVANS & CO. 102 Sc. 104 Van Buren Street CHICAGO, - - - - ILLINOIS DMTZEL CARROPSELLS Are the Best Investment on the Market Today The Artisticness and Fine Lines of Our Ma- chines are the Drawing Cards that the People DENTZEL CARROUSELLS FOR 1911 ARE THE ACME OF PERFECTION WILLIAM H. DENTZEL iSucceaaor to O. A. ■ n*K ! 110 The Billboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. ■ of the Actors' Prao. of amerlca, era parable on Siimiliii t* ' I If rrtora poetise aaoald always be ria-lrsnwi Tbc faad l» it can am eontrnrates to Kline the Indigent. PHOT to lb- _ for the tmponrtabed pnjfeaaknal* was ur hwIi ia Tl y raanal l ao l at il mm arlac dIaproBaraooate and oeuR. >— ■'•"t and olsbesrtenlnjf. This state of affaire bac loDxbFro^admltted and deplored, the Deceaslty tat a chance eoawcded. and remedial fteonestlj *i tempted without eai naa In June. ISfC the pneent Actorf Faad of America ana foanded ud tbmsb St tne dispensation of benevolence to the pabUe aasnsemeat world la ayatetn • tlied and ss booatlf al aa Its u ea aary will allow. It la for the eligible appllaan ta to tta ben aa eeneea to enlarge that treasarr and nuke Its existence pennant well aa yuaaat aeeeaaare reliefs, thereby aadetmc to ellmmate which hitherto has haea a aacrlflce of Independence and a afali au c B O OBti yJabre Jto^p tocorc new life and^aaaaal members to " ""'t.-of'ooTNhir'lEnnsl' JSbiSg sS^t"*»■•• a www s> * s> * w • • * - a « ■ w * *-* a . • w » w • - w - ••..•*..••••**.■• DDBEB8 • •*•••.«»•.•*••••••••*••*••. ••••eaaaaeaaeaawaaeeaaaaeaa-.wvaaaaaaeeaw. TO. ..... - • ww >o ww ...www-...ww. *••••-*•-•-•-••••■■■•••"* ■ Js>ii»>»i>' ••>•*>• •a*waaa>a«oaawaaawaaaaa>aawa*aawaa)a> a wwi.awwww.w.wwsa. a a a • a a •••••aaaaawaaaaa* : 'V- •' :-V. ' EDTRENCm .j... .^..y ,'... • •••••• ! -_' .. if- -m.jfr"-' -', ■ .... .............................................. — ..... ............................ : . . ' . • . r . . . ■ . "• .......... ................. i.... 1 I si (a this application with the full understanding that the Actors' rand la a CHABfTT. no* a banaflt BDChrtr. and that the psjment of two dollars yearly for membership fires the hWtaa> "In the amrnal i claim of any ' " ^maTa^^S^l^iiit^^ v . ............. • ... . rf y .,.*...• —. . ■ ' JOHN EBERSON THEATRE ARCHITECT AND BUILDER HAMILTON. OHIO Theatres promoted, designed and erected. Theatrical real estate bought and pold. Leases arranged for and capital located for good theatrical propositions. Write for sketches and estimates. Report new good locations. List your theatre or lease with the main office in Hamilton, Ohio. THE GREAT BENEDICT Know Thyself Pqctlc Wonder Tt. ael ttat Is ■■ki'Bc hlc ■in, for all ■ infers Permanent Addroaal The Billboard AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED MANAGER Vaudeville or Picture House HARRY T. LAYMON ANACONDA. . . . MONTANA AGENTS-$1 Box for 15c. THEY SAY "WE ARE CRAZY" SO? OUR COM latest and blerest PETITORS SAY baa ant OUR NEW BOX CONTAINS Florodo Perfame, one 25c bottle Liquid Shampoo, one 29c oe 11.00. and worth It COST TO AGENTS 16 CENTS Can yon neat lit Don't atop to fhmre HOW we do It. WK DO DO IT. Sen> yomeelf. Fancy hoaV beaatlfnl labels. Imitation cot glass bottles. nigh • like hot cakra. Glees satisfaction. Blerest flash oa earth for the mooes. PARKER CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOOKINGS for Parks, Fairs, Theatres, Etc. consult JOHN 1\ McCASLIN BALTIMORE'S ONLY THEATRICAL AGENT 123 East Baltimore St.. Baltimore). Md. • . (In Uia Haart of Baltimore)) About fifty have started business here, but I am the only one- who has been successful. Fifteen years experience is my record. The answer is — I have been on the level with all. Managers wanting a REAL agent, with REAL acts, let me hear from you. Acts send home address when you write. MAGICIANS, NOTICE! FOR SALE— The Dice Illusion, Crema- tion, (Crystal) the only one in the world, Billiard ball ladder, cheap. AT UBERTY..., - First-class Band and Orchestra Instructor, Director and Arranger a_ large library of at. ■ band accept poelUop In Har music tor band and orchestra, any part of the conn try. Addmea "KEkeiikWceh." care Billboard. C ;ing. Particu- -vpio, Vaudeville,. Dramatic Miisic, Trans pot READING booklet for ted centa" and b ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Confetti— That Fluffy Kind CANES, WHIPS. SLAPPERS, CONFETTI DUSTERS, SQUA WKERS, HORNS AND PAPER HATS WE ARE HEADQ UARTER S FOR SERPENTINES — — — — .. Our Confetti v/ijl make 25 per cent, more packages to the bag than any other £BS make. Write for sample and price. ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO. 12 South Commercial Street, - - ST. LOUIS, MO. MANAGERS AND PERFORMERS AT THEMSELVES OF THE SPECIAL RATE ACCORDED MEMBERS OF THE TION OF AT LIBERTY CARDS. SHOULD AVAIL ADVERTISING DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboa 111 WILL PAY $100.00 PER WEEK AND EXPENSES SEASON 1911 For superior attraction— FEMALE MIDGET PREFERRED. Must be good entertainer, not necessary. Long engagement. Send full particulars and photograph first letter. Address, CENTURY, care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. Experience — Tlhe Herbert A. PERMANENT ADDRESS : Post Office Box Caters only to Big Fairs, Expositions, Home Comings, Lodge or Commercial Club Celebrations, in need of strictly first-class, dean, side shows or riding devices to entertain their visitors. Our 191 1 season opens on May 22 for a run of 25 weeks, over half of which is already contracted. CoTirnittees would do well to get in touch with us at once if you contemplate a celebration during iqi it You might just as well have the best as to experiment ; besides, it saves you the embarrassrrent of having to make apologies the next morn- ing after the opening day, nor do you need to ask your local news- papers to kindly go easy. This is our tenth season and we have a clean reputation r we don't need to prove it; we admit it The Herbert A. Kline Shows POPULAR EVERYWHERE IF YOU WANT A CONCESSION IN MILWAUKEE The Largest Amusement Park in the North, west (30 acres) with a large portion nicely wooded. Twenty -two minutes from City Hall; four cent fare. Some elegant buildings for good, clean concessions. For particulars, write . RAVENNA PARK CO., - - MILWAUKEE, WIS. t V. J t ) k v- ' EVEREADY CIGAR LIGHTER Tha only Perfect Lighter aver put en the market. Positively cheaper than imtches. Can hot get nut of order, and can be relied on to give a light when wanted. Weighs only 1 1£ ounces and: ia about one-half the size of .au ordinary match safe. Sent post-paid for 60c. Special prices to dealers. Catalogue of novelties, free. Spikltr Kmltj Ci , Dept. A, Pithfciri Pa. XYLOPHONES - HIGHEST PERFECTION. My Latest la Demountable Suspended Sara. Catalog's*. E. R STREET, - 28 Brook St.. Hartford. Conn. FOR LEASE AT CLASON POINT . 'THE GREAT COMING AMUSEMENT RESORT OF NEW YORK CITY ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. A MAGNIFICENT LOCATION Suitable for a FIRST-CLASS AMUSEMENT ATTRACTION. The space is 630 feet aero and has a frontage of 87 feet on the Boulevard (same as Surf Avenue. Coney Island.) The location is in the center of everything: and is between two free parks. Will be leased for a term of years for a good amusement feature. ALSO A NUMBER OF SPACES SUITABLE FOR BOOTHS AND SMALL. CONCESSIONS. CLASON POINT IS THE ONE AMUSEMENT RESORT of Manhattan. Harlem, and the Bronx. New York City. There are 830.000 people within 20 minutes' ride and with a 5-cent car fare. Another two millions within 30 minutes' rule. .Unlimited transportation, both by land and water. Salt water bathing. Large sums now being spent in new features. IF YOU ARE AFTER COIN YOU WILL GET IT AT CLASON POINT. For full particulars Concessions, write to CLASON POINT TWIN COASTER CO. iy. NEW YORK CITY. One Million persons passed thro'uf.1. the R. R. Gates at Brighton Beach Park during the season of 1910. — BRIGHTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT CO. 41 Park Row, New York WAN TED —FOR— CIRCUS SEASON 1911 Good Oriental Dancers and Musicians. Good salary and ac- commodations. Enclose photo and full particulars first letter. ■eb Cook Writ* ORIENTAL, Care BILLBOARD. CINCINNATI, O. Who's Loony Now? Through the columns of The Billboard. 1 want to thank uiy many kind friends and patrons for their consideration of nstronsge for the past aeason. Mr sins from the be rinsing was Quality. serrlce. and Valor. Just oos word to the holiday workrra: As job know. Ojiuaopas set the bis money at this srsson of the yra r. yo u should prepare for the rasa' by sending me sn early order. NATIONAL H0VFXTY i BDTTOa* CO., Buttons. Pens, Tons, Vectors, Oosra ' lith atnst. New York. JOHH A. StAJIXT, Propn.tor. DECEMBER. 10, 1910. THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 10,. 1910. 1 ■ - * look; YOUR EYE ON THE I - ! GREAT PATTERSON SHOWS TO THE PUBLIC: We do nbt say miich [V but we get there just the same. . Look up our route for 1910. Ask our ^General Agent, H. S.-Noyes,^ Watch. our>uterfor 1911 / and you will wonder bow it happened. TO SHOWMEN a." » a. I . . ' Write if you want to get booked with the real show -where you can get the real mon- ey. Am now ready to close contracts for 1911. TO PERFORMERS: Can ISI lady and gentle- man to work lions and domestic stock. Man to break 10-p6ny drill. Man to break 4 ele- GREAT P^TTERSON SHOWSclosedLNoY- 26_at Beaumont,Texas,and are now in winterquarters at Jop- JAMES PATTERSON, MGR., IHt GREAT t*A I I SHOWS, THE ZOO, JOPLIN , MO - — LUNA ■ TIE ONLY ALL-YEAR 'BOUND AMUSEMENT RESORT IN THE WORLD. Los Angeles ■ WITH THE FOLLOW I NO COMPLETED AMU VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, OPEN-AIR ROLLER RINK, MINIATURE RAILWAY, CAROUSEL, JOY WHEEL, AERIAL SWING, FIGURE 8, MERRY WIDOW WALTZ TROLLEY 12-ACRES--12 01 Beautiful FOLIAGE, LAKES and ATTRACTIONS Under contract naaring completion, J. D. Thorn paon LOS ANGELES IN lftOO WAS. 109,133 i for consideration, any and =11 flrat-claaa THE B other^lsnj^ibosA of ^yI 0 ^™^ 11 S 0 *" 16 R«»w«y. Toklo J. pan... Village, hoyal hung Adrian' ban!) Grand Canyon Rid.. for a with a Particularly want, and will Trained wild Anlm.l Show. We bin a ■eating capacity of 1.200. perfectly adapted for an animal I been a flrat-claaa Trained Wild Animal Arena on the coaat. »mV Me' linstock «r Mr' ITi.rirl >• V' optxirtnnlty - for you Mr; Bostock or Mr; Fcrsrl.' LEGITIMATE CONCESSION PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE NOTE. IN OUR YOU CAN DO 366 DAYS' BUSINE PARK EVERY YEAR. WE NEVER CLOSE Would- like to exchange ■ fine' specimen black mane African Lion for a- Lioness. Will also consider. If cheap, other animals, or will exchange. Particularly want a good riding camel and a riding ele- phant. Moat be aafe, docile animals and bar. saddles. LOS ANGELES IN 1010 IS 319.1BN When he used a % Which Would YOU Rather Pay? ,Tht» man is on . 220 volt circuit and as his moving p i t tu ie lamp onlj volts at the arc, he formerly used a iheostat to reduce the voltaae. be paid (or about 3 rimes as much "juice** as be actually needed. Then he. figured be needed this money mo and he bought a - FORT WAYNE COMPENS ARC Now he gets . deafer, whiter, mora intense tinflickrring light and bis bills are ocily about 1/3 what they -were 'before. The machine ha, three adjustment, and the circuit can not break for even as E f.. W# Ng delays, no ' . .' .»,' - ■ UldLy™how,oucar..sta Csbt at 1/3 psjsj present cost. 4 . . i- ; . ' " . Fort -Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind. 1401 BROADWAY \\Afterhe bought 11 aOmpensarc •■*-f" J '.t r r i T DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH, No. 7] The Perfect Motion Picture Machine Your No. 6 is the real ma- chine of the day. C. C. Durkin, Majestic Theatre. Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 15, 1910. We tried four machines be- fore we purchased yours, and we find yours the best for ail purposes. J. D. COBLENTZ, Truxton Amusement Co. Washington, D. C, Nov. 14, 1910. Thought I would drop you a line to let you know that the Power's No. 6, which we pur- chased over eight months ago, is still in our opinion the best Sicture machine made, and we ave not renewed one part. We still have our $100.00 offer for anyone who can equal our pictures, and there isn't any- one that wants to try. Our pictures are rock steady, and absolutely flickerless. It is certainly a pleasure to run a machine like your No. 6, as it is so perfectly balanced that it can be turned without the least effort. This, added to the ben- efit of the large and roomy lamp house, with a lamp that has any adjustment desired, makes the No. 6, in my opin- ion the best machine ever made, and I've run about all the standard makes. Fred V. M. Smith, The Crystal Theatre. Ottawa, Kan., Nov. 10, 1910. I recently purchased from Pearce & Scheck, of this city, one of your No. 6 Projecting Machines. I wish to say that I think it is the very finest machine on the market, at least of any I have seen. The parts of this machine are so much heavier and stronger than those of other makes I have used, I feel sure it will give better and longer service, without any repairs. The new "in front of lens" shutter reduces the flicker to such a minimum that it hardly is possible to notice it on the screen, even in a small hall, close to the screen. Wishing you much success with this model, I remain, Very truly yours, Newton R. Henderson. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 25, 1910. I have just purchased from the Seattle Lighting Co., of this city, a Power's 6, and same splendid results, js giving both in pictures and attendance. W. G. Spurrier, Savoy Theatre. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 21, 1910. I used your Power's No. 6 about two months, and I think it is certainly an O. K. machine in every way. Carroll Hart, 522 Clifford Street. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1910. I am very glad to hear you are selling so many of the No. 6 machines. Ours is giving the best of satisfaction. I believe it is the best moving picture machine on the market. F.'C. Walter, Cozy-Nook Theatre. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 12, 1910. We have purchased a No. 6 Power's ma- chine. It is O. K. John O'Mailey, Pastime Theatre. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 12, 1910. In reply to yours of the 3rd inst., wish to state that we purchased, several weeks ago, through the J. D. Wheelan Film Co., of Dallas, Tex., one of your No. 6 machines. So far, it has proved entirely sat- isfactory in every respect. We have used your No. 5 machines for the last several years, and have two at present. J. C. Clemment, Imperial Theatre Co. Beaumont, Texas, Nov. 8, 1910. I have used your No. 6 ma- chine for the last six months, and the picture it shows is ab- solutely flickerless ; in general, it shows a picture as near per- fect as could be expected.' It is also a .nachine built to wear, and that is what every exhibi- tor, manager and operator is looking for. Bernard R. Sieve, Star Theatre. Boston, Mass., Oct. I, 1910. I think your No. 6 is the world's best, as it gives the steadiest, flickerless picture I ever saw, barring no other Ralph O. Sutton, Olympic Theatre. Okmulgee, Okla. I am well pleased with the No. 6 Camera- graph I purchased of you recently. C C. DUNSMORR. Marlinton, W. Va., Oct. 14, 1910. Will honestly say J prefer a Power's No. 6. I think I know, because I have given this Al. Tbezona, Bijou Theatre. Calumet, Mich., Oct 10, 1910. I have been operating your new model No. 6 for the last seven months, and can say that it gives the steadiest and most flickerless picture of any machine on the market to-day, and consider it the only machine made that will stand the hard, long grind of the 5 cent S HELTON MCCLAIN, Novelty Theatre. Stockton, Cal., Oct. 15, 1910. WRITE FOR CATALOG "O' RIDING ALL NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY For Thirteen Years The Leading Manufacturers of Motion Picture Machi REGISTERED IN UNITED 8TATE8 PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXIL No. 51. CINCINNATI— NEW YORK— CHICAGO December 17, 1910. B ___ . a _ ♦ ❖ AWft 1-MZHCrafI ~ " MISS. i •: v. - ..: _ . ." ;.. ...„»i^_,.._ ■ WHEN NATURE AND THE MILLINER CONSPIRE TOGETHER— hjnlaUe OPERA CHAIRS PREFERRED STOCK Preferred because it is best. Stafford Chairs built to last. No -flimsy, three-ply stock in seats or backs; no IN STOCK AND GUARANTEED. E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS specialty: Prompt Shipment* Low-Priced Chairs Lumber aid Veneer Co. Pert Washington, NEW LINE OF STOCK PAPER -FOR- WESTERN MELODRAMAS will fit most any border drama. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. EXCEP- SPECIAL SALE OF- ' Beautiful Soubrette And Ank l e Dresses MADAM B. WALTER, Theatrical Costraer, 2*4 Fourth Avi., NEW YORK. " DOLLAR » Opera Chairs Good Kind Low Prices Eutirs Siitiug 60. Brookvlow Rons. Co., N. Y. Want Crowds? |Tben gire away a allele of Chewing Gam with YOUR AD ON. Write for sample* and prices. HELMET GUM SHOP, Special, " Premium and Machine Gam, CINCINNATI. CAROUSELS STEIN AND GOLDSTEIN. CAROUSEL M AN- UFACTUBERS. bare rem St., Brooklyn. New York. INDEX EDITORIAL- •- • * * • • • • • »3"4 ICE .SKATING -..'.v......:? 5 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA. .. I . .6-7 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO. 8 THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN CHICAGO 9 THE AMUSEMENT, WEEK IN NEW YORK. 10 MOTION PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE. ? 11 THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK. . : : 12 MUSIC AND THE PROFESSION. . , 13 BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS. ...... OfclS AMUSEMENT IN EUROPEAN CITIES ', 16 BURLESQUE AND BURLESQUERS... •. , 17 THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS. .. 1 , 18 CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL NEWS. ....... .... .-> . . . .ac*ai READERS' COLUMN 24 T. M. A. NEWS 24 SKATING RINK NE\VS'. ...>........ 25 FILM SYNOPSES .". . 26 FILM RELEASES* 29 ROUTES t Perf ormers 3®~45 • Acts' with Miscellaneous Companies , . . , . 34 Acts with Burlesque Companies 34 Managers and Agents 35 Burlesque - • 37 Stock and Repertoire. ........ ' 38-45 Dramatic and Musical 38-45 Minstrel ............................................ 41 Circus and Carnival 41 Bands and Orchestras .•- 41 DXRECTOrvY" ....... «."««.. . . . . . . . . . . 42 MOVING PICTURE THEATRE LIST: . e.\ ....... . . ... .... 46 CONVENTION LIST ...... 1 51 CIRCUSES IN: WINTER QUARTERS./: 54 NEW YORK ATTRACTIONS. 54 FOB EVERY I.OOO The A. H. Andrews Co. ESTABLISHED 1863 " WRITE FOR CAT. No. 1 * Bsc.- --^rTif KM— IMP .£a*ia£ 174-17S Wabash Avenue, Chicago, ill. Bnnchot In all lea fling oi tie.. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have claimed it to be the strongest trunk in America; for the improved we claim the lightest in weight, r 82- lour, 20- wide, 22- 34- " 21" " 23' HP " 22- " 24- 13.00 »s««*IHMit«t»! 14.00 ••••■•••••••••a THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO. 1641 N. Hancock Street. - - - Philadelphia, L. IVf. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE CO. 404-406 SIXTH AVE.. SHORT-VAMP SHOES to matoh all oolora at popular ■fall ordsra promptly flltod. BTSD FOB BW IUU8TBATXD CATALOG DX 24th and 25th STS„ - N. Y. CITY —ROLL TICKETS— ••THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE " Your own special ticket; any printing, any colors, accurately numbered, every roll Your own special ticket, any printing, any colore, accurately numbered, ev» guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET: 5,000— $1 .26 20,000— $4.60 50,000— J7.50 10,000— 2.60 25,000— 5.60 100,000 —10.00 t. Cash with the order. COUPON TICKETS, 6,0 STOCK TICKETS — SIX CENTS. Get the i NATIONAL TICKET CO. 1x2. Cheap Theatre Chairs Abaslatsly Voa.Brsshasls Suitable (or small theatre and morlng picture •bows. W. carry theee chain la stock and can ship Immediately. Second Brdtable for amaU seating (or oat-of door nae. Add. Dept. B, STEEL rOBjU TUBE CO.. Qraad Baplda. Mich. Boa. too. office, 224 Qa« cars And sleepers Southern Iron Equipment Co. ATLANTA, GA. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK M-la. . . M-ia... U.W to- la... u. oe tt-la... la. OS •4-la... 14.00 sa-ta... 15.00 14.00 LOOK AT THE PRICK I HAM iiS Bound with our Cold -Boll ed Steal Bias - injf. Three-ply B. B. 4 B trunk wood, hand-riyeted tipping tray. SEND FOR FKHE catalogue. on O. O. D. ahlnauata. Pann. B. B. & B. TRUNK COMPANY. •28 »m Ithdald St. St. 1 0S raosral St., N. a. iy: ai-te Isabella St., N. «. . 447 pittsbu ma, PA When in the following cities aare and EXPRESS CHARGES by "The Same Trunk," "° — - from the dealers below- New York. N. T.. Chicago, 1U. , Akrea, Ohio , >jj — <£ X Dana Co. (2 _j" am AAA. .................. W . V» . »• » , * r , O E. ST Blrk , H. T. Frank O. Phillip. Butte. Meat Montana Trunk Factory Cincinnati, o The Mabley A Caraw Co. Cleeslsnd. O Llkly * Boekett Tronk OS. Colombo.. Ohio V. Willaci • CrawfortseOle. lad.... Loola BUchoff Cumberland, kid.. ............... B» B. DAearw Dsjton, O. D. LeoBbsrl'sl Som Detroit. Mica. flasdtelt A Castas Postorla, Ohio Tha Fatar ClotblBC 0s. Or.Dd Baplda, Mich. r.ol Elfert Bsmllton, Ont HamUton Leather Goods Oo. India napolla. Ind Ckss. Mayer A OS. Laf*yett»7lnd loeb A Hea e.Os. iAbsaoa, lad............ Blbert Parktas Llms, O Ths Hoorer Bouah Oo. Mlddtetows, O Bitter Bum A Berry Co. Mobile. Ala. Mobile TrjSS Oo. Newark, Ohio • ■ Ed._ fee rbUadelphla. Pa. ..Wm. 0am Psrtlaad; Me... jr. r. Braehett A _0& Port. month. Oak) John Heer rrorldence, B. I. Berry A 0o. Richmond. lad. Miller Harases OS. Saginaw. Mich.... Ueberman Trnnk Os. Wm. McOnnoek . ...B y rsco s s Trunk worsa Wrger CTolhlng Co. .ShorU. Cetiartment Store Wilmington A : Oo. O. A. Mlshler Becker's Leather Goods 0s. Sts A h>lfert Barrry H. K. iu iiie r a r Tbe Warner Store Bprtngfleid, Ohio. . . . Syracuse, N. Y. . . . Tlflln, Ohio Tipton, Ind. Toledo. O. Trenton, N. J. Washington, D. C. Wheeling. W. Va. Wllke. Rarrr. Pa... Zanesrtlle, Ohio.... The Theatrical Profession will a Ate the saving of time and press charges by this ai Watch this list grow! ER 17, we. The Billboard 3* 8T. LOUIS. Room 806 Mlaaourl Trait Build log. SAN FRANCISCO. Weetnank BalMlDaV 830 Market St.. Junction Market. EMU and Stockton Ma. Suite 021. - LONDON, ENGLAND. 170 Temple Chamber*, E. 0. PAR 1 3, FRANCE. 121 Boa '•BUljboy. 1 AllVJUTlKUtt B-kTZB Twenty aaats par Uaa, mgm aaaaii ii a ni a nt . Waato pap. MM; aalr paaa, $T0; aaartar pa**, SIS. So «dm- tleemast auaaaiiaa; leaa tfiaa St* Uaaa aaaeptad. ■ 1 "■ ' '* " - yearr • •"• ■ .... extra chary* to Canadian THZ BTT.T.IHiSST, to far aala as all traini aad nawe-etaada tkreacaoat tka Uniud State. OauaVa. armlak ara eapaliW by the 1m Xawa Co.. and Ita braaobea. it ia alao ea at Braataso'a. 87 Araaaa da l'Dpara, Pari a, Franc*. .Wban Bat ea aala. plaaa* notify tola Bamlltianaa abaald b* The Understudy. . Now and then the understudy of prominent actor or actress is given the opportunity that is watched for every night during the entire season's engagement This opportunity to play leads which comes only once in a while and is eagerly sought for by the understudy, in many cases decides his or her future'. Not so long ago, a prominent though jealous actor became so -incensed at newspaper encomiums, directed toward his leading lady, that he forthwith ordered her to leave the company. The public and press at that time were filled with righteous indignation at this action, and the understudy, who was given the position vacated by the erstwhile leading lady, was accorded more favorable mention per- haps than she deserved ; but she had her chance, and made the hest of it- Last week a New York theatrical magnate promoted a young lady, who had been heretofore playing an obscure part in a western company of a play which is now having a successful run* on Broadway, to the leading r. le. Her. chance had come, and now she is on the direct line to fame. Whether or hot theatrical managers realize the importance of having capable understudies, is a matter for reflection. In several cases during • the past season,- companies were obliged to lay off several days on ac- count of the indisposition or fickleness of the leading lady. In one or two of these cases the principal was not a star of the first magnitude, and her place could easily have been taken by a capable understudy. In other lines of endeavor, the understudy plays an important role in the success of an enterprise, be it professional or commercial. A vacancy occurred that could not be filled by some one of equal if not ae than the person he succeeded. The biggest portion of iity are understudies of one kind or another. The understudy looking, heavy-footed; she wears garish and impossible garments; her hair and complexion show the same tints to-day that they showed yesterday, and will show the same to-morrow. . Granting all that, there must be something extremely fascinating about the chorus girls of Britain, for scarcely a day passes without one of them snaring a member of their native aristocracy, and when any con- siderable force of them crosses the ocean, there are always loud calls for clergymen along Broadway. ' It seems impossible, indeed, for a rich Pitt sburger to resist the charms of a chorus girl, and particularly of an English chorus girl. Every Pittsburger worth more than $5,000,000 weds a chorister at some time or other. It is part of a millionaire's educa- tion in that town. He does it instead of going to college,, taking to airships, or making the grand tour. that can rise to the demand when it comes, and opportunity calls, is the one that has' the chance of becoming even greater than the one who preceded. Uplifting the Picture Business. The outcome of the meeting of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of Ohio, at Columbus, . last week, marks' a move in the right direction. This body of motion picture theatre managers, which orig- inally was composed solely of exhibitors operating theatres in Ohio, is expanding into other territory, and it is hoped by the League's sponsors that in time a national organization will develop from it. The purpose of the League is to elevate the type of performance given in the motion picture theatre, and to systematize the business of conducting playhouses in which photoplays are given. That the task is a huge one is obvious. . It will require the consistent and indefatigable efforts of a strong and influential organization to overcome the impedi- ments with which the industry is beset. Practically since its inception, the motion picture has been the target of numerous self-constituted guardians of public morals. That in some there has been cause for rigid censoring, is- not to be denied with the growth in popularity of the motion picture entertainment, the business of conducting the theatre gradually evolved itself, until new it is on sane and sound principles. The consistent and conscientious efforts of the Motion Picture League, in Ohio, has established a prece- dent, which it would be well for exhibitors in other localities to consider. The formation of similar leagues throughout the country would be an excellent step toward the general systemazation and aggrandizement of the moving picture American and English Chorus Girls. The differences between the English chorus girls and their Ameri- can sisters have long engaged the attention of ethnologists. The Ameri- ican chorister, upon a superficial examination, seems to have all the better of it. She is, in the first place, far more vivacious than the maid from over, the ocean; she has a more strident and penetrating voice, her guffaw is more stentorian, her cartilages are more resilient ; she is, as the professors of dancing say, "more lighter on her feet." Again, she dres-es in better taste than the English girl, and, yet again, there is - variety in her beauty. The imported coryphee is stolid, stupid- Light Attendance and Its Influence on the Actor. • It is a fact beyond dispute that actors and actresses are prone to show their displeasure when being obliged to play to small audiences. Perhaps they overlook the fact that the audience, no matter how small, has paid admission, and expects to see a good performance. .Actors invariably lack a proper spirit in their work if there is a small audience in attendance. Indifferent acting has been so noticeable in many cases that even the occasional theatre-goer could not fail to observe it. La>.t week, a well known American star played an engagement in a large western city, and while it is a deplorable fact, the. attendance during the entire week was very small. A number of those who had seen the play on different nights remarked the star's utter indifference and disgust- ing sneers. Those who paid to see this actor and his company were not to be blamed because others had not come to the theatre. Patrons of play- houses go to be amused. No advertising is so potent as the appreciation of an audience, but on the other hand, a dissatisfied audience may do a show a great deal of harm. Unfavorable publicity travels fast, whether it be voiced through the press or the public. - It would be well for some of our present-day stars to emulate the policy of "Joseph Jefferson, -who, regardless of the size' of his. audience, gave the best performance he was capable of giving, and insisted upon his supporting company doing like- wise. During his long career, he often referred to this policy, which he clsimcfi \v of all of you. and I - deeply appreciate same. Again many thanks. * . , . >*: Denny Mack, manager MeFsdden's Flats.- _ - handed me a letter be received from a chap who -, sriabed a position with Mack as agent. The : -aald chap's letter-bead read: < -"An agent or manager of merit. 18B6 — Max C. Elliott — 1910. Young, reliable, and erperl- - enced. Also a Juvenile man, with A l ward- robe- A atrieny sober business man that routes. Books or wildcats. A few good companies I have been with. ^as agent and manager: C.^R. Under Two Flags Co.. J. W. Gorman's Society Circus, Hubert Lahadle'a Faust. Spitz ft Natb- . ergon's Lord Fauntleroy, A). W. Martin's Uncle -..Tbm-'e Cabin Co..- J. F. Arnold Stock Co., The - Gambler Co., In Louisiana Co.. Ina Lebr Co.. §8§ -W^ Beotfrow'e Jolly Pathfinders. My Clr- erle n c cs_ Brownlee ft Reed, Lowery Lewis' Dog and Pony. EDITORIAL B U L L E T I ,-' -' .-:.. History of Lithography One of the features of next week's issue of THE BILLBOARD will lie an article by Wm. M.Donald- son, president of The Donaldson Lithograph Company, treating of the history of lithography. Mr. Donald- son has, during his long identification with the busi- ness, witnessed many changes that, taken in the ag- gregate, constitute a complete revolution. will be illustrated. The Lives of Famous Showmen An early issue of THE BILLBOARD will contain an article concerning the careers of some of the world's most famous showmen. The article will carry with it an interest such as has never before attached to similar ones through its being made up from the scrap books of P. T. Barnum and Jas. A. Bailey, and it will contain quotations from them. .These books have never before been accessible to any publication or magazine writer and the material will have all the novelty of interest that their long and uninterrupted inaccessibility has lent them. The books constitute a cache of treasure — a storehouse of inter- esting matter that will be treated with a care to the selection and preservation of the salient points. No person who is interested in circus history, biography and personalities can afford to miss this article. Billposting and Amusements Billposting has long been closely associated with the amusement business. This is because amusement enterprises were the first to use large billboard space. THE BILLBOARD will soon publish an article writ- ten by an authority on the subject of billposting in America and containing the details of the inception, growth and development of the business from lowly beginnings to a large, important and dignified enter- prise in which millions of capital and the energy of many able and brainy men are invested. The billpost- ing business was once carried on as an unimportant incidental by the managers of theatres and small-town opera houses. Now the entire business is controlled by large corporations anH with all the pomp and circum- stance consistent with its great dignity. Every issue of THE BILLBOARD will contain one chief feature article dealing with some important phase of the amusement business, some noted person- age, or the history of some allied or associated branch. These articles will be prepared by writers familiar with the details of their subjects because of close as- sociation or affiliation. Read them all. Miss Florence Weber, whose ^"tlra and act- ing abilities contribute largely tq the success of The Climax I (Southern Co.). hss a color scheme of life njl her own. . . "It. must be awful when there Is no color In your dally routine, when you are color blind." '•Just imagine getting up la the you had to go through all s" no color la the wall paper Whit If, after breakfaVt, a gsrde n wham the tew. : no red on the rose, no Uncle Tom's Cabin Experiences Gilbert ft Downs, Lewis er Plate Wagon Mark ye well, thta urteen years, tractions be hss No. 24. Lock-port. N. Y., NOT. 29, 1910. Dear Hir: -At Liberty. A No 1 First Class Expereneed Sobal Reliable Agent Join on Wire Good Press Man. Route Book. Wildcat. Use Brash and Paste. Bel 25*. At Liberty Owelng To W. P.. II Ann Cloaelng 8 Of His Attrac- tions. I Know The Country From A to Z. And Can Jole Dec. S.tb Anywhere. Address As Per Route. Best Wishes,. Max C. Elliott, Agt. Mgr. Agent Dare Devil Dsn Co. (Kindly^ note spelling tni grammar, and also .^in^ Maurice ^Caln.^hJs nest^taU Um^'^arai Hart. What t mightily clever Great, big generous- h eraekerjack "kid." That lad. Danny Mack, Is as Una a sample of Irish goodness as you'll meet In many a day. ♦ . W. V. Newklrk. of Haymarket Theatre, Chi- cago, fame, la now successfully managing B. P. Churchill's dainty vaudeville bouse, the Temple, In Grand Rapid!, and doing bally.,: He has a most capable tressnrer and press agent In Clar- ence J. Perfltt. formerly of Billboard staff In Chicago." Perfltt can lure put 'cm over, and era were all tin painted; green on the leaf. Just suppose all color was taken out of trapptnga and accessories of life. Can yon Imagine Ufa reduced to the dull, onous color of the earth..: "What If no purple bung over, the . no gray hung over the dawn- and . no blue over the ocean? Isdeed, what It life were colorless? "There are lots of p er sons who get up In the morning and find no color in the wall paper, it Is because they have lost the point of view of the other fellow. They've lost the color which the other fellow has somewhere down In hla paint box. "It's your cue to think that everything that's harsh la aa One as eiderdown. Much that seems wrong should be Interpreted aa right. If you have lost the point of view of the other fellow you're going to lose some of the color of life." J. Frank Gibbons is abesd of this gin. Alford L. Webb, chief steward of Singling Shows, purchases all food supplies for this or- sanitation. Mr. Webb has under hla charge a hotel which serves meats throe times a day to nearly 2,000 guests. It requires forty-are em- ployes to eater to this multitude and when It is taken into consideration that too entire kitchen and equipment must be moved every day, the work he accomplishes la nothing short of I Is the whole secret of saving bills.* says Mr. 'Webb. The employee of Bug- ling Brothers' Circus are served with the belt meals money can buy, but. there is never any waste. All that la left goes Into foodstuffs toy the animate. Mr. Webb keeps so vigilant sa eye upon hla stock that If a can of tomatoes too much or too little is used ha wants to know why. In one day the circus consumes 4. BOO pounds of meat, 600 to 100 pounds of bread, 250 pies. 00 to 100 layer cakes, nearly a half ton of batter, two and s half barrels of flour. 130 pounds of lard, IB pounds of coffee, 80 bushels of pota- toes, parsnips and cabbages, 120 cans of canned goods and 75 gallons of fresh milk. (Bandy story, Guy Steely.) The tread mill of divorce courts grind oat story sfter story of unhapplnesa and many sor did details of mtsmsted lives. In Atlanta re- cently. It started off with a decree being granted s chap because Us vrlfs was continually Intoxicated and treated hla cruelly by O skillets at him. Another chap got kts his wife I ' bla whereabouts. If ha worked or not or what at. and Just wanted a divorce quick cause once it quick, the ^"pretty dark-faahad Httle thing twenty years old, btg. bins eyes and awset month, had jury "with her" at once. She claimed hubby pitched the baby-» food out of the Jang* said: ■•Qeutleraen. sign "■ verdict!" Tney did. Many other eases I on usual grounds or desertion, cruel trestenjot. habitual intoxication & «^,£*!£Z* jury that seemed to take their duties vsry-wl- oosly. In ooe caae the Jodga otBeUlty admlttsd that the eon sumption of twelve quarts of Uquov In eight days wsa rather exeeealve, thereby In dl eating to the Jury that f was anfflciant to Insure the voree to the plaintiff who l — Verily the title should Changs to "I'm way to Atlanta." ^ The front ablsss with raptd-worklog signs of mors than clever Sette vaudeville hnuae. era* a the complete oops: EXECUTIVE STAFF. such an accusation granting of a dl- mads each charges. •HE .Manager .Interstate MAJESTIC CIRCUIT. Exclusively booking the follOWtSg fl theatres: Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga Tenn.; Jacksonville. Fla.: Savannah. Oa.: stott St. LouU. ni-s Oklahoma City. Okla.; Tamps, Ha.; Birmingham. Ala.; Little Bock. Ark.: Fort worth, KdTVM^imM^»i!^i.9^ You've certainly got to j hand It to Jotamy lord for dancing. He's a wonder without doom. 1 certainly enjoy rord's^ work immensely. t'a Potta Bros., the aienti.^nfl Pott. Bros., the actors. -■• Ik Orand Rapid. It was my pleaaure to re- new most pleasant s equal atanceahlpa with Mr. Stall on the Pres.. Mr. Junklo on tha Herald sad Mr. Pare.ll on the News. Long Ufe to yon bora, and ' accept my many thanks lor tug favors granted. Ba'a sure soma Nettles, of New Baptda. But that' wasn't that XmtS number of "Old Billy tha reallest ys ever SSwl ♦ Over at Riuhvllle, TIL. economy Is tare tbj wntehwnrd. The sexton of th« that city raised enough oats In wlntsr. ■ 3 : ^233SKIT2 SKATING, or more correctly speak- ing, skates in some form or another, have been in use at least a thousand years. The old Swedes, Dutch and Norse were the pioneers in the accom- plishing of gliding o'er the glazy surface on runners made of bone and wood. In its primitive state, and with the inhab- ' i tants of the polar regions, skating was a necessity and not a pastime. In the frigid countries where the only means of navigation was two strong limbs and indomitable courage, long ' .journeys across 'the ice. fields were only possible by means of the skate or sled. As far back as 1056 skating is men- tioned in literature, and two hundred years ago the German poets made men- tion of the art ' Goethe, Herder and other Teutonic bards have referred to. skating. Just when it became popular as a sport is not known, but it was ob- viously introduced in Continental Eu- rope and England by the sturdy inhabit- ants of the North, or sailors who had gions. l ne use 01 skates for pleasure has, of course, been gradually though persistently popularized; roller skating evoluted from the use of the steel run- ners, and has been sporadically success- ful. A curious fact is that while skating had its indpiency in the open air, the ice skating palace is a child of the roller rink. Compared to other lines of amuse- ment, skating is in an embryonic state. We do not mean by this that the sport has not had its successful vogue,- but that the highly systematized conditions of other amusements have not as yet been attained either by the promoters of roller or ice rinks. At the present time a revival in ice skating is noticeable. Several new ice palaces have been con- structed within the past year or two, and the older ones are experiencing big- ger successes. The successful oonstruction and main- tenance of an ice rink involves a large ex- penditure. The equipment necessary for an ice rink, including the freezing appa- ratus, will cost from thirty thousand to fifty thousand dollars, which is consider- ably more than the outlay necessary for a roller rink. Considering this cost and the recent erection of many ice rinks, it is obvious that this form of amusement is becoming more and more sought by the American public. A number of pro- moters who have heretofore been solely interested in roller rinks have remarked the possibilities for increasing their for- tunes by conducting well-equipped and properly managed ice rinks. Fred Nail, whose experience in roller rinks covers a period of many years, is among those who have recently taken an interest in ice skating. At present he is interested in the Detroit Arena, which opened De- cember 3, an account of which ap- pears on another page of this issue. Mr. Nail has contributed a number of ob- servations, which will bear repeating here. As he sees it, ice skating under modern conditions is a staple and pros- perous amusement enterprise when car- ried on by men of capital, experience and sound business judgment. He points to the fact that in some localities unfav- orable conditions have developed, which he attributes solely to the lack of good judgment or a proper knowledge of the numerous details a rink manager must be conversant with. The advent of the new methods employed in freezing ice surfaces artificially have led a few in- experienced managers to believe that ice skating could be successfully and profit- ably conducted during the summer months. Mr. Nail believes that this is a grievous misconception, and that any at- tempt to conduct an ice rink during the heated term can only result in failure. Short seasons and brief sessions are ad- vocated by him. All of the many ice skaters who have achieved international fame, we can not attempt to mention in this article. The list is long and the successes registered by the individual skaters cover a period of many years. Perhaps the most noted ice skater the world has ever known is Norval Baptie. He has held the world's for more than twenty years, and his record indicates that he is to-day in better condition that at f period during his career. It is *WQ r.\' \iiSUL $727^1 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, into. WHEN SWEET Produced at Springfield, Mass.— New Operetta Has Several Interpolated Songs Destined to Become Hits The Author, Victor Herbert, Given An Ovation on First Night * 3«4d. MUL. Dec 8 (Special to The )— At the Court Square Theatre. Mon- dw BlgL Hit Dew op> gives lbs toil i Dec 8 (Special to The Bill- board). — Louiae 8b*pherd. s member of. Want sod yoke* company sustained a fractured arm in a fall do^ a flight df stairs at the Grand Theatre, Monday -afternoon. She finished the performance despite great pain. SUES COU NCIL MEMBERS. . Amerlcus, G*.', Dec.^J.0 (Special to The Bill- board). — Alleging a conspiracy to 'present " the presentation of Ma play. The Sins of the Father, la Americas. Thomas Dickson baa in ■tigs ted suit s gainst Ore members of the city ^ two local ministers. Victoria, hla Jefferson Todd, Harriet Standoo AMONG THE QUITTERS Several Shows Abandoned Tours Last Week— The Marriage f oY*^ and Lena , Rivers, Principal Attractions Cancelling Bookings 8. C Dec 7 (Special to The Billboard).— MUa Clara Upuus and ber com- pany, appearing in The Marriage of I BUr, closed their season here last Thursday. The company left for New York rla the Clyde Line. Likewise with Wilton Laekeye. He completed his booking, at this point sod Clerelsnd Met, tet's play. The Battle, closed here Dec 3. . CLOSE IN DETROIT. - Detroit. Mich.. Dec. 10 (Special to The Bill- board).— Lena Hll Kitty Gordon Wants Divorce New York. Dee. io (Special to The Bill- board). — Kittle Gordon, wbo baa been appear- ing in Alma Where Do Too Lire? at Weber's Theatre, win endeavor to secure a dlrorce from ber husband, the Honorable Henry BereaCortL The suit will be made In the British dlrorce court. Miss Gordon, to night, gives her laat perform- 1 Weber's Theatre : MEMPHIS MANAGER RESIGNS. Memphis. Tenn., Dec. .16 (Special to The Billboard).— Nest. Saturday, Edward Abrams becomes manager of the' Jefferson Theatre, succeeding A. B. Morrison, who' has resigned. Mr. Morrison will remain In Memphis to look after the Interest of the East End Park which la managed by him. ■ . j LEAVE TH0MP80N 8TAFF. New York, Dec 10 (Special to The inn ■ Hoard).— Harry Kline has left the business staff of Frederic Thompson — the second rscsncy to be crested In the Thompson offices tbts week. The other position vacated waa that held by James Disastrous Fire at Marion, 0. Marlon, o.. Dec. 8 (Special to The Bill- board). — The Marion Opera Bouse was totally destroyed by fire Tuesday. Cnlhsne's Com* edlana No, 1. under the management of Will E. Cnlhaoe. who were filling a week'a stand si the opera house, lost all wardrobe and scen- ery, not a thing being saved. The company will resume Its tour on Monday at Mt. Vernon, o., and all time contracted for by Culhsue's Comedians will he filled. The loss to the Grand Opera noose Company, owners of the theatre, la 175.000. i ; PAUL ARM8TRONG ARRESTED. Chicago III.. Dec 10 (Special to The BUI board) On a warrant Friend, newspaper the playwright, wat _ orderly conduct. Friend cbi abused and ejected from a strong. Barry Paul Armstrong, charged wllh dla gea that he was theatre by Arm Brarfdt In the _ st the Lsfsyette ' Steeleatl H. Stanley, itm vey Kimball. Mrs. V rrnee Cor til la. wle^cloaes to-night w _ ' _ _i"h*v merabrra of SsT^H^rJ^S 8H LIBERT SHOW CLOSED. ^rtngfleld, Mo-^nec 9 (Special to The BUI- fV™T.. ^S. t y te ^-°— y"^- Jj ^"^r were billed ^_'*5 D 5~ 0 '__$ ot cancelled all dates aad, after their performance at tk» Lander, Theatre m thm rtty last Saturday night City at midnight. The company lost raooer tbe^trlr, aldwagh tt^local boV recXni ; TAK ACS RESIGNS. Appleton. Win.. Dee. 10 (SpeeJa] m Tht Bu , board). — Chaa. A. Takacs baa' resigned as nun ager of the Appleton Theatre ' to take chant of the new theatre at Bloomlnatoo, in . u, la anoreeaed by Louis Goldberg, of Chicago. REHEARSA LS CO MMENCED. New T«fc, Dee. 10 (Special t» The Hill beard)— This week David aad Milton Blggtas' ^r. «^"f»«tal B. llT , west into The prcdactloa win be made by Chaa. Dining bam. Engaged for the piece are: Bliss mi- ford. A. W. N e u endor f*. rovo. A. w. Nenendortr. Anoe RatheriaDd. Tbo« McGrsth. Nettle Bourse, Blgelow Cooper, Ida Adams. Mortimer Wesdea,. Aaaa PMds Ben Hendricks, Level Oldham' aad David Hlgglas. Theatrical Man Acquitted ■■ • : . Vln esnn aa. lad., Dae • .(apeeUl Dlspstek to The Billboard).— Menu B, hvsore. local tbeat rlcal Bvanager. wis to-day Maoltted of tbr charge of murdartaa: Charles m, Glhsaai. wealthy oil operator. The plea of the Insanity was h edge of Gibson' ... and It was while tn this atalal. that BllW the^sed-^ ' '' -aaoeneed. thetlc'sBectetora rraahe^ror *Moora and eanfed him from the. courtroom on their should arm. BUILDING NEW THEATRE. Rock lalaad. Billboard). — Ma building operations will 13 (Special to Tat received and the be began at once for tbe new vaudeville theatre to be erected hen. This new playhouse Is to be the largest audi- torium In the Tri Cities, the botldUg to he 82x150 feet, with room on both aides 'tor frits. Plana sad apeclOcstloos cell for a house with a seating capacity of 1838, Including two boxes, each holding ejgbtaea pas s u ns, 'ghaut win ha bat one floor, the aisles wide, and: the aaaa so srrsnged that ate t yeoe - will be afforded i clear view of the stag*. Rot a fioat la the au- ditorium will mar the view. The .stage will r- 55331 1& c^wm ta b7» 5? Tbere will be e store room .on each side of uV lobby aad six otBcea up atalra. TheaProootrra. " WUkea-Barre, Pa., Dec 's. 1»1»- Tbe Billboard, 1> - * .; Cincinnati. .Ohio. . -' *• . 'V. I hare received the following cootrlbnlKa» towsrds .the Oeorgs U Marlon fond, which I wish you would rssbllsh la year next Issue: Olrls From Dlgle Oempsay ll*-* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balls li." ?S John P. Wise The Billboard Publishing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Starr L Plxley - J-^ Snsanne Rocamora l\' Walter Greaves. Manager Pat White Co. ■SSL" "iiW in « Wn « ta • . -s *•» B. 0. Pllkens, Manager BtebardS * Prl>- , g 1 ea' M ltu trels ......««.. •••••«••• TCoorm truly, .. .«■' .- . . D. L. HABT. WILLIAMS' THEATRE REBUILT. KLEIN'S NEPHEW MARRIES. New York. Dee. 10 (Special to The Billboard). — Cyril Phil Klein, a nephew of Chss. Klein, tbe playwright, wss married Wednesday eve- ning to Miss June Hesnette Price, en actress. Oshkosh. WU.. Dec- 10 (Special to The W" board).— Manager John Williams, of the Orssa Opera lions*, known as "Honest W» " the theatrical world, haa rebuilt and Bg ntshrd bis theatre, which U now one efjg handsomest booses la Wisconsin. Ills «*" known methods of intelligent aggressiveness aw energy resulted In aa audience whlrh well tjg tested tbe rapacity of the Auditorium « dsy night for tbe performance ot V and Kemper'a Seven Days. DECEMBER 17, im .ii o a r d 7%e Amusement Week in America PUCCINI'S LATEST OPERA at Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Last Week ■ i New York. Dec. 11 (Special to th* Billboard). —The Girl of the Golden Wet, Poedal's latest open, bated on the dram* of that same by DiTid Balaam, m rang for the lint time on any iUk at the Metropolian Opera Home % SS nr. famou brine Mu pcemlere of en . Oeatln un[ the Karl ro Canrao waa Ji " hUe Sheriff Jack or- POLACK'8 WINTER , *?. ( »PecUl to The Bill boird.— The Polaek Booking Krciiange of Uli city li orgsnlilng a mamaxxh winter etrca to All a aornber of date* which have already teen contracted for and which core* ■ number of large town, throi " and Wcet Vlr»l nla. nearly all week ataada and Itinerary of easy Jumps, eadrr the maples* of KI lodge* only. Sneeions winter quarters huvs been and irficrrmrnti are already being mad* for the opening watch takes place it Canton. O.. limn rr ' 9th. Among the well known amaee- ment promotera who are IdcntJaed with the •bow are W. H. Bice, Sydney wire H. L. Hamilton, George Dooraian. Irving j. Polaek. rtrd Lindsay. ' Jerry Mnglvan and ' X- H. A superb program of aerenteen weil- > hag been arranged (or. In or performing elephanta and glTCD, the ahow carrying Hi own will be nnder the direction, of rick, the well-known director BigtDbeck Show*. " to tranaport the outfit •p-iii hand wagon, a calliope Plea for Uniform Rates Ban- A copy of J. M _ road Oommtasloner* of ... lew. Mr. Busby wae the only when the body met. TO THE HONORABLE; RAILROAD 00 MM is 8I0NER8 Or UHHSIAKA. Orntlrrnco- — I simply ink fOT a )"«t. eqwlt- •ble and uniform rat* applicable to tha move- Benta of one and two-car show*. Aa a rale tola daaa of ahow managers fnrolah smose- snd eatertalnmenta to a class of email tbit hire do opera booses or place* for • entertainment. These ahow* sanally for ^ or If noy heir (Continued on page 81.) ACTRESS OIE8 SUDDEN L Y. Rew York City. Dec 10 (Special Dispatch to The Billboard) — Ells Craven, who bad been appearing with Prod Terry at the Knickerbocker Theatre, died snddrnly. yesterday, at the Bote! Van OonrUs ndt In Went «th street. AIDS FIRE SUFFERERS- HAMME RSTEIN LOSES Tetrazzini Privileged to Sing in Concert Under Management of Western Impresario — Court Order Equable and Contesting Parties Satisfied with Decision New York, Dec « (Special to The Billboard). Judge 1 acorn ha settled the Tetraaxlnl-Bam- mentetn controversy Monday morning. Dec. S. The singer Is to be allowed to sing in concert under tne management of W. H. Leahy, of San that ah* PERRY J. KELLY, wr TntraanlnL^aa) tUdir of her earnings with a trust company In this city. pending the and of the nit." The decision. In part, follows: "If complain- ant war* granted preliminary Injunction pre- cisely aa pr ay ed for. a* would practically be act lit lug judgment in advance of trial, and meantime defendant would be sxpossd. to th* payment of soeh heavy damages for th* h r **r J l of her contract with air. Leahy that even If ah* should anally prevail In this colt she might be On th* other band. If complainant war* an injunction relief and relegated i far damage* for breach of IS * bird of ptsttft and _ 1 1x5 cue. probably maiu hence, u decided. In Ttew of i circumstances It seems th* most eqults" to dispose of this motion as follows: "Complainant mar take an injunction as ? i rayed la the bin. unless defendant shall rtl pu- tts that one-half of all moneys received under the Leahy contract shall forthwith, upon re- ceipt, be deposited la so Interest bearing fund In some trust company la thin dry. to await - the Onal disposition of tola suit. It the parties cannot agree a poo a trust company this court win select one. Defendant shall 01* monthly sworn statements of moneys received under that contract. "la the event of th* failure by tha defendant to ale aa Guy Carlton Hot Springs, anther of A 01 ., Dec .U.-rOay ^Carttoo. Glided real and other drsmst here Bsc. 10. Carlton more than a year ago. suffsrtn tuna. Within a specially contrived chair he wss wheeled to the baths and shout the city oa bright days snd showed much Improvement for a while. Though paralysed and unable to either writ* or make sounds he decided once, while Improving, to renew work on a play and hud sn alphabet letter board msde to lay a nu s* hi* Ian so that letter by letter he could point out to mi«s Anne K Warren, who for era year* baa been acting aa nnree and secretary to Mr. Carlton, the Ideas In his mind that she might transfer them Into the story be wanted to Ktinsriiie. ind.. Dec • (Special to Tha Bill heard) — Minuter .Dare Beehler. of th* New .'J ,D,y T m *"* • beueflt performance to aid etne twelve hundred air Is thrown out of em- oyment because of th* total destruction by » of the Fredrick Cigar Compa ny's factory. BRADY AW ARDE D DAMAGES. Knr York. Dec S (Special to Th* Billboard). — fa. A. Brady waa given a verdict of S5.000 •gainst the New York Taxi Cab Company by n lory and Supreme Court. Brady waa run down SL ■ !"t cab la October. IMS. H* sued fur 115.000. WILLIAMS LEAVES GENTRY. bo^'M'-B^rlisui"^ ma^sSlr. aaTlaZS^3^^» oat with that • ranactty of g. wiiiiam many •»i«on In the ran., SCORE IN LONDON. ?* *-'*'««*» Ikec 10 (Special to The Billboard). WniirlTP""* I**"* I«"don stated that TtsHle ESSXJyS* P"!""™'*" nerson.l success In gy *** Clementine at the Glob* Theatre SS**J*P. jy**** «hla week. (Jeo. Hrmtley. Oorls Reene and Louis Mttson wen also enthusiastic reeeottoni Edward Aheles a rallied bv Mtm Charlotte Manager of Th* Honeymoon Trail, of which Kelly A rttsQerald are proprietors. Empire Circuit ' Meeting Th* monthly meeting of the directors of the Kranlra Circuit was held In the offices of Col. Jaa. K. reaaosay at reople's, Cincinnati, last Tuesday. The most Important matter discussed was the erection of a new theatre to bouse the Western Wheel attractions In Baltimore. Tut- race us the abandonment by the Empire Clrcn" of th* old Monumental Theatre. The new play- house will be located on posits Ford's Theatre, and wilt he ready tor occupancy at nei Boorlae matter* occupied th* remainder of of the meeting. HORTIZ QIVES BENEFIT. Alms, o.. Dec. 10 (Special to The BTtTboard). —Joe Hoctts. in Our Friend Frits, which played the Brst three days of th* week at the Grand Opera House gav* a benefit Tuesday night fur the Santa Claus Association of the Salvation Array. Tea per cent of th* gross receipts of the boose was turned over to the association. Through the kladaeaa of llaaager o. L. Bla- r and Mr. Hortla th* sum of »18.50 was real- Billie Burke's Latest Buffalo. N. ■d).— The Toe piece U an English adaptation by C. Had den Chamber, from L* Marriage de Mile, Ben- lem ana. a Belgian comedy, the authors of which are Franta Fonaan and Fernend Wlehler. The story Is entertaining and well told. Following bar Buffalo engagement. Mlm Burke will make a brief torn- through the Cen- tral State* before solas into New Seek st Ux- bestre at Christmas. THE IMPOSTOR PRODUCED. Atlantic City. X. J.. Dec 9 (Special to The Billboard). — At the Apollo Theatre last night, waa pr od uc e d by Chan. Frobman. a new nmgtlah play. The Impostor. Miss Annie Russell is fea- tured with the company. Like many new plays Th* Impostor requires smoothing over la a num- ber of instances. SHOWS. ROUTE OF ROBERTS' this BILLBOARD ST AFF ENTERTAINED During the recent engagement st the Walnut Street Theatre in Cincinnati of The Newlyweda and Their Baby, tbe entire office atsa* and mechanical force of Tbe Billboard witnessed th* ahow aa guests of the management. Tbe show, aa on Its clnnatl, WIS boasss to the Tom North, who Is bus show, succeeded In resrh! "MAYORESS™ CLOSE 8 ABRUPTLY. Chicago. I1L. Dec II (Special to Tan BUI hoard).— Tha Mayoress, playiag at th* Colo- nial, abruptly closed last night. The ahow bad been hooked for n three weeks' engagement, with n longer run contingent upon the soccess of th* piece. Bat one week of the engagement was filled th* Chicago public refusing to pa- tronise th* ahow. No salaries were paid. It b asld. and as a . many of the choristers were left A wealthy New Tork real estate seed th* show. featured with tbe piece. of the company. DEAD. Chicago. nL. Dec 15 (Special to The Bin- hoard) 8s ta Zaronl. Hindoo jarxler. died sud- denly Saturday. In this city. Za roofs wife Is now playing with the JfV- S**.ls H. D. _ASKS DIVORCE. mtu. Dec. 10 (Special to TheBUl- foe dlTorr* h«* b»»**a brooxnt 8 The Bill t>0 « r cl DECEMBER 17, 1910. === WEBERS B UY AL HAMBRA Former Lessees Acquire Valuable Theatre and Hotel Build- ing at a Consideration off $400,000 — Spendthrift and Other Attractions Continue Long Runs. Chicago. Dec 10 (Special to It — Max and David B. Weber wbo tar hare held the Alhambra Hotel and Bulidixg. at BUte street and Archer sssaer lease, bare pmnhaae d toe inup c alj from tw K uaUi w aateaa , at at ml Life Taau I ■ in m Coan- peay Car ■ Mated caHUcraUoa of $401,811. Be ■Idea the theatre which has a seating capacity aC 1.075. the Iwrlldtng has twelve atom on tn State afreet frontage and four on Archer rreaoc The hotel baa 120 room go State street and oo Archer arcane. The Weber Brothers be GobxaBbla 1 1 *— at Wabaab l»th street. CHICAGO'S HOLDOVER SHOWS. CMcaso. Dae. 7. {Special to The BiUboird).— ' he^Cbitaao Opera Bona*. The Spendthrift (ran* as the central figures, depict the _ ears entrnated to them la a convincing nunncr. The play contains a stealth of material that heeds the attention of an aadleaee and mr w rw srlsb for more. Tola show r'rmM star r midst for a kmc time. ate Clarence A askings, edranre agent of Arroaa the Great Dlrlde Co.. was la CMcaso recently. Be claims that the line! MM of the attraction he reprenenta baa been all that eonld he aaated. The talent of the company has been chosen with considerable care, and wh en l et the anew Is seen nrach comment la made on this s lli aj l i nn. With the .company as —--a." Is Ben. W. Lyons, while those who un ap t h as the east are Chaa Van Annan. Wm_ L. Tucker. Geo. W In^on. Tex Ferry. Joarpfaloe Lyon. HsUy ■Way. Jessie Beaxne. Beaale Fox and Geo. Bas- ■ •-. This show la now playing through the Turners Hold — to The Billboard) tlnde circa a coo cert _l at the North Side Turn — II rut proarama are offered, con- ch© tr singing with "err— aolo Cra. and the moat popular airs for ▼seal . and UaUiuna antal aololata. — ■■■ ■ ■■ on » Orchestra baa been giving tbes~ far the peat few years end Ma ability as a di- rector la well known to the music lor era of Chicago. Bis v ar ious ensajtements dnrlns th T aeaaona at the different parka a in this city has rained for him a aa a leader who knows weO how to dlences with the right sort or pros and AT NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE8. CMcago. Oec. 7 (Special to The Billboard).— The M o nt ana Limited, a atory of the *f -stilt* MUa and Incidental complications which result la s touching lore affair, la this week on dis- play at the Bljoo Theatre. . At Weber* ■ Theatre, where melodrama thrills lta audiences. The little Outcast Is producing demonstrations of appreciation from the and of ' nl * Playhouse. Tbree Weeks, the dramatixatlon of Eleanor Glyn-e norel of the same name. Is the offering of the week at the Crown Theatre, At the Haymsrkrt. The Wolf, a play depict- ing Caaadlan life In an lta romantic splendor. Is the current attraction. At the National Theatre, the favorite show- house of those wbo lire on the South Side la presented Ninety and Nine. Going Some, with Johnny Erers. the famous _»« n I» entertaining the patroua or S" SW* - Tb ** ,T *- Vaatr the new regime, the College Theatre la offering a claaa of shows hard to he equalled by any stock house Go- ing Some la practically a new play. Only a year ago It made Its Initial appearance In Chi- cago, and at that time prored k success. At the Msrlowe Theatre, the home theatre of the Englewoorl theatregoers, la this week 1 The Arabian Nights. irle Net-no stock Company, at the Peo- stre la this week presenting The Flood f»f*. while at the Criterion, the melodramatic """^■.T 1 ™ Great Jewel Myatery. la thla week holding the boarda. At the Globe Theatre The Smart Set Is In Its second week. Miss Ada Walker, of this production. Is doing the honors of the ahow. ROSE STAH L AT McVICKER'3. Chicago. Dec 10 (Special to The Billboard). StaM, In James Forbes' comedy. The opened her farewell engagement erted. alanax Patricia O'Brien at Theatre on Sunday. Dec 11. frank Daniels, In The Girl in the Train, la at in merrily on bis way at the 8 tod-baker The- atre, and on account of the popularity of thla production, lta engagement has been extended. Frederick V. Bowers, who Interprets the JB- venila role In The Sweetest Girt tn Paris, baa been Siren a new entrance number, called How- dy-do, and Bias Frigansa has added a new ballad. Gee. It'a Sad to Be Fat. These two songs ana the result sf Jeesaah Seward's recant rlalt in Chicago. Taw Commuters, with its burlesque on life tn the suburbs, at Paw era' Theatre. Is working ■ long on schedule time to excursion rata crowds. Every laugh promised Is given, and s few ex- tra ones for good weight. -Lower Berth 13 has worked Itself up to such a goi i law nil I stajta taat a No. 2 rra-mrny Is now asm that compose s and la supplied with to of tn the signs of wavering In popularity." while The City, at the Grand Opera House, with Its In- teresting story, is comm and ISg- the -attention of ■f • : '*• TWO M EN AND A GIRL Scintillating and Refreshing Though Utterly Nonsensical Exclaims Chicago Critic — Bailey and Austin Uproar- iously Funny in Their Acrobatic Comedy. Chicago. Dec 8 (Special to The Billboard.) — Bailey and Austin are In their sec on d week nt the Cort Theatre in Two Ben and A Girl, a mr~ leal comedy that has TWO MEN AND A GIRL, an comedy In two acts, with Ballsy Presented by Sam 8. A Los Sbobcrt. lac Bob Bml there, a 'trainer of Gen. Bechelster. bla Mlnleter of Vol lea .. Hairy p. O ribbon Dick Wluowby. a assart young American . - Man rice Brlarre htyaberr Awlheff. Bsniwaaslar of Bear of Hotel Hoejoeoqne. Arthur Dare, am mm; SB sa ss • •- ••- Gendarme, am canoar of the law .... Pall. Dunn Gusts ve Uolaeao. of the Farts Ante Clab . Harry p. MeDernsott Dorothy Dare. "The Aero Girl," ahrtar of the Baa Ryan of Alteusteln jMAX BLOOM RALPH 3TUART T HAINES Julian El tinge's Second Week ■ Chicago. Dec 8 {Special to The Billboard.) — This is the second week or The Fascinating Widow st the Illinois Theatre, la which Julian El t Inge la assuming the title role THE FASCINATING WIDOW, a musical farce la three seta, the story by Otto Hanerbach, the tunes by Karl Hoachna. Presented Dec 5, 1910. at the Illinois Theatre. THE CAST OF PRINCIPALS. Laaktoa Wella Edward Game Tuthlll Leffingwell James Spottswood Oswald Wentworth Gilbert Do titles Bev. Wilbur Watta Chaa. W. Butler Hal Blake .. Julian EI I Inge Nick Bulger James B. Sullivan John Wilson Frank Wentworth Mrs. Leffingwell Carrie E. Perkins Marrsrvt Lpfflngwell .... .. Both Bsycllffe Teaaue Danforth Jnne Bathla ivy Tracy Violet Mac Mlllan In their review of this production, the critics had the roll owing to say: Jamrs O'Donnell Bennett of the Record- Herald: "In such a skit aa thla one there la bound to be a good deal or tedious double entendre, but Mr. Hanerbsch's book la so consistently silly that to take offense st It would require more effort than the ease eeema to demand." Erie Delamsrter of the Inter -Ocean: "The Fas- cinating Widow la an art, la lta own way- It la an art or Julian Eltlnge'a make-up. And, lodging by the mystified exclamations or the feminine contingent of the audience, he baa made It a floe art." __ . O. L. Ball of the Journal: "The public will regard Eltinge as being quite wonderful. He la the' entire ahow." Percy Hammond of the Tribune: "Bnt by way of bending backwards In the matter It will be chronicled that a smart audience of both BUM has been seen la thla part all over Amer- and old regarded the proceedings at the evening as entirely enjoyable." last SAID AND S EEN IN CHICAGO. Chlesgo. Dec T (Special to The Billboard).— Wm. A Singer, brother to Mort H. Singer of the Princess Theatre, returned to Chicago after a brief tour with his company, Hits Nobody from Starland. He claims that this production Is amaablng all records and played to at the American Theatre, 1 PM» «>•) Wallii at Olympic Chicago. Dec S (Special tn The Bill board).— George M. Cohan's dramatic version of George Randolph Cheater's Get Rich-Quick Walling ford short stories, ss presented on Sunday nlgbt, December 4, at me Olympic Theatre, waa unan- imously acceded by the critics sa a (rest suc- cess. For the Interpretation nt tbla production, Br. Cohan has gsthered the following players : GET-RICH -QUICK WALLING FORD.— A fares comedy. In four acts, by George at. Oshaa, sdspted from George Randolph Chester's sto- nted in Chicago at the Olympic iber 4, 1810, THIS CAST. clerk Edward iamb, Willie, office boy Andy Dempsey, landlord ■ ■ Fanny Jasper, stenographer G. W. llamrs Clint Harklns. reporter Abe Qnnther. r Beaale Steers. Jane, chants Gertrude .. .. Royal Tracy . . James Matthews .. J. H. Banning .. Myrtle Ts sorbin .. .. J. D. O'Hsra . . Joseph Kaufman William J. Pblnney .. Carolyn Gordon . Hargaret Haclya . .. ilary klnrphy Ells Sothern Howsrd Jllsslmsr lone. Bright. . Geo. Parsons B. L. narnea Toablm Sakual . Ralph Stnart ■ A. V. Glnaoa Charles Wlllard Abnsr 8jmmonds Dorothy Welles .. .. .. ., Horace Daw (Blackle) .. Charlie, bartender Tosl . . . . . . •• J. Rofns Waillogford. .. . Judge Kenneth B. Lsmptoo Mayor Timothy Battles . . Henry Qnlgg E. B. Lott William Walcott Tom Donahue, detective -. .. Milton Pollock Frederick Hstton of the Post, had the Al- lowing to say: "Get-Rleh-Ouirk Wslllngford baa all the speed, the dash, the local color and the familiar tooch on the scale of patriotic emotions of the plays of Cohan's other •leys.'' James O'Donnell Bennett, of the Secord-Her- sld: "The piece Is smart and lively, and lbs acting mors energetic than Judicious." Ashton 8tevehs, of The Examiner: "It was a performance the like of which we hare ant scan since the Brat alsht or Ths Fortune Hunt- er. It was a stampede of popularity. It waa ■ Comedy ths Amrricta pan. PaU]- Qall Gladys Rich, from the Crated States ... . L. • e> «,. a>S> 'aVat mm mm mm mm mm Aft lrar liaTmaCafi Soto Dancers— Bias Rhea Losby, Bile. Raro TITIAinnnS— Vers BtwwV^LaasiBayaioni Nan 1-arkhorst. Nancy Dal Roy. Oertrnd. Mc- Coy. Oynetto Ds Wolf. TOUR1BTB— Ferrl Bet Fytarson. Bands CHT.IAatH John Otto Harry McDcrmott, DDTCH"OIBJ. B M s h aa l e Vlvyan, Loo Petlrt. Grace Passu lis I . . Clara Chapman. Farm Is Brad sbaw. Helrn Welsncra. DUTCH BOTB— Burt Klrsch. WLUlam Oraaaer. Vlctos^a^ss^^ WUllaan Carpeater. Barry Wst- ''"'^tTKOnTB a* SCaWES. ACT I — Exterior Sssrdssm lam. Bel land. (Pajatad by Lee smith. Built by Waa. Ds- ACT ' II— Lobby, (Fata ted by Lee ~ Following are the various dallies: i Ths Inter Ocean— "A large Cort Theatre apent sosai thing like two half boms last evening Usgnlng at the acrobatic cooeedj of Beasn Ana tin and aasaaaaaaht ths waltsy muaic Th7 Trthsse^' Two Ma. and . Girt and froths like a mshlj opened nettle of eham- iisgas it'a all nraaasnass. sheer, utter non- sense, bat the funniest aad most rra'lieklng ana- cnrSin &&&i%GX3 B S S SS It to said that effects are being i Miss Illington at Chicago, Dee. 8 (Special to The Billboard). - Margaret UUngtoa came to the Lyric Theatre on Monday. Dsceaaber IX for a two weeks' ear- gagement. This week she Is pcesenttag lbs Whirlwind, ths work of Henri Bernstein, was also la the author of The Thief, which was slat acted by atlas lUlngton. Thai asms of ths play which will be p res e nt e d the eecond weak has ss yet not been ■nnsMBcid. It la said tn be a saw play aa yet aaaaased. The play Is sup- posed to have had considerable w i t t ies Is Parte, where it was presented at ths Corned* Franealae Theatre. Those ss sl s tlsg Bias lUlng- ton In the Interpretations of these productions sre: Walter Edwards. Charles Swlckard. Da vis Edwin. Arthur Hamilton, Bsthew Warren, B. Lynton. Bias Georgia Cooper Wood thrope. Miss . LOOK ING B ACK. Chicago. Dee. 8 (Special t- The Billboard).— In his effort to end oat ths ezset sgo of oamsal Thall, booking manager for Bart H. Ringer. MI. Ralph T. Kettering. Br. Siagafa awoaral presa repreaentatlvs, has fsrrsted out Inlerrallog item. IB S Taroma paper of recent data IH»™ the following dsws Item, under the heading mer and Phoebe Da via- Tbes tHcsl Compsny. ) rated his fifteenth year in the ahow boal- Grlsmer celebrated _. seas yesterday. Br. Than la only thirty which la yoathfal for a man who hst spent that length of time piloting theatrical attrac- tions." When confronted with the convicting Informs O. U Ball, of the Joaraal: "Ralph Stuart appears to . he so ideal choice for the Htl» part. He acta with much energy, and "I*™*. Is convincingly the sprctscnlar crook. P«rs»n» gives s delightful performance of Dsw quits natcblat at rTsry point the acting of Smart. The stenographer, whom Walllagford mtrrlfS. la acted with admirable n a t iv e , and wltb msny n pretty touch, by Myrtle Taaaehni. John p. O'llsra playg s hird-flttsd booker, (wtttaf him close to astare; Howsrd Blaslmer glrM a eie.n.cut Impersonation of na^nuproaiwroos real estate dealer, aad Joseph Kaufman. Willis" Walrott. William J. Phfnoey. Rojal Tricy. Msrk Murphy. A. V. Gibson, and a leor of others, fill up ths play with convincingly teal pictures." Percy Hammond, of the Tribe n»: "The ptW gave every evidence nt being n bright »"•••■• »s. Amy Leslie, of the News: "tins sfter l« •pouts up refreshingly like new adages anu lot- able proverbs, rare one upon the other. ™ wit la perfectly astonishing, dean and o"*' DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 9 The Vaudeville Week in Chicago TWENTY-TWO ACT BILL Will be Run Each definite Week Music Hall for In- of New Policy Last this Decision. i Untie Hill _ Thompson bu _J twrot; two act bill until '"?tS Arcl'who iu tatld OTrr from last week, and considered the world'a champion of dlsbolo was inlawed lsst week. Dave Weeton.Mn 111 unrated songs, end lfuon and Bart. Englsnd's representative gymnasts, from the Palace Thestr*. London, were also re viewed laat week novelty acts, (ban waa expected. • Cartmell and Harris In eongs and dance* were al and ArcbaugeU, operatic duo. were The volcea of three perform ere were exceptionally good. Garde, the ahsdowgrapblet, waa slso re- viewed laat week. . • Char lea Henna, The Street Fakir, was slso on tbe bUL He played the American Music Hell about three weeks ago. Hilda Spoil* and Com pa nr. in Bride*. • This, s dramatic aketch, la one of exceptional character, and the acting Is rood. This sketch, with all me members of east. Is ss follows: Lorns Tempertey, s widow . .Hilda aponc Gerald Powya jP*. 1 * Pembroke Gore Was. U Abingdon Scene:— Dra wins Room In Mrs. Temperley's Flat In Mount ■treat. Time: — Laat night. The Connolly Slater* la singing and dancing were eicellent. Sugar Moon. Bllllken Man and Traumerel were tbe □amber* which were vised hv these comediennes, which took wooderfnlly wen. The MetselU Troope were renewed last week. Also the Ugeuner Quartette. Chicago's All-Star Vaudeville BiU CHICAGO ALL-STAR BOX. WEEK. DECEMBER 8. A— Ths CromwaUa, Novelty Juxglla*. American. No. IP, mil Star*. B— BertoMl and Archaogell. Operatic Doo. America*. No. H, In On*. C— Thomaa J. Ryan and Mary Richfield, Comedy Sketch. Majestic. No T. Open la rull. Close In On*. D— Hllda^Snooc. in Bridge, Drsmstlc American, No. 11. mil St McCullougb. " Comedian. Trerrtt, No. t, In mr Fords. Daaclnx. Majestic. No. o. In mil. City Quartette. Ms. No. 10. In Oos. McMabon and Chappel, In the somedy iketcb, entitled. Missing the Train, whleh la s singing. ♦■Hri„* sad danclnr act, were excellent. Jos Welch and Company, In a one act comedy drama, entitled. At Eltla Island, by John Bela- Uart. snd produced hy Ben Teal, waa excellent. Joe Welch Is certainly an actor of merit, and be brought tears Into the eyes of all who saw him. Tbe foilow In* Is s list of characters In the act: Antonio Pemiccbl (an Italian laborer). . . .Joe Welch James Parrel (a clerk In the Dtacbar*ln* Dlrlalon st Bills Islsnd).... William Morr Roam. bU wife (a native Italian woman).. ..Miaa G. Wolfe ) .Mies B. Walne Notice.— This scene Is sn of that portrayed of the Ellle Island. (Continued on pa*e 50.) ASSOCIATION BOOKINGS . — — .. ■ No Longer Used at Trevett Theatre— Sullivan and Considine Now Furnishing Acts— Three-A-Day Shows Will be Continued Last week being tbe last that the Vaudeville Association booked sets Trevett. they aeemed more or lea* careleea In regard to the program, as It waa not up to tbe standard. Harrington, Mildred and Lester, lag, whistling and the glrla hare good Is excellent. Id a wire, . reused lingers and ban- Joists, csn be claaaed aa only fair, not taking at all with tbe audience. Harry Sullivan and Co., In a comedy racing aketch, was good, bnt tbe acting was s little bit too forcible for the sketch, otherwise It would be excellent. The Bliss Trio, who were seen the week pre- vious st tbe American Music Hsll. were good. Lopes snd Lope*, spectacular musical act, re- viewed at the Majestic some time ago, were, as they have always been, excellent. Carl McCullougb, In Footllgbt Impressions, wltbont a question of s donbt. was the hit of This young and energetic come- eicellent voice. aod bis Imitations THE BIG FOUR. PATTER. Mis* Jan* Dellla writs* that then la some mis- take about ber going Into one of Mart Singer's •bosri ., soubrette, bnt It Is definitely nndrr- flood that the Sbnberte of New Y*rk *r* try- log to got Mlsa Dellla ~ two year* for the New Nst Nasser* and Co. The T hare Inst finish ed ■ uteratate circuit. •'•'•y. Wallace, who bad a small part la the Big Banner Show, played tbe matin** her* Sunday, and ' waa told by Mr. Llvtagsloo. the ""nager. to get out of the theatre after the matinee and not return. Some action should he liken In tbli matter, at it bee left tbe girl sirs nded with no means and unable to take car* °r herself, aha should has* received th* cus- tomary two weeks' notice, or either salary for > Stat* Penitentiary, at Jefferson City. Mo.. '. to M. witmarx gt Bona, asking for a ZEE *.V".* *.■«■"■* iLfr ^ ■'* ' : v.'i;'i.'~*"- or Barry Lander, Eddie Foy. and a few others, were tbe best that hare been seen in this city for some time. He has a wonderful and beau- tiful rolce, which holds the attention of tbe audience from the time be sets foot on tbe stsge until bis exit. There Is s grest future In store for Carl, snd we know everybody would like to see him get to tbe top of the lad- d«r, and such s position as that of next to closing on this program la nan* too good far this splendid actor. The Lsngdons. In A Night on tbe Boulevard, did not take with the audience aa well as had been expected. It seemed a* though they had loat Interest In their set. Beginning this week tbe boose will be booked by Sullivan At Coualdlne. and there will be two ahowa at night and a matinee dally, with sir. L I. Montague as manager and H. A. Moter as treasurer. From some private oplnlona on this three a day. It does not look ss though the house would make a success, aa there are too many vaude- ville bouses In that section of the city, and a two s dsy — AMERICAN MUSIC HALL, Harry Jolson, operatic blsckfsce , who took great pleasure In pulling the comedy In Joe Welch's set snd got sway with It, waa Tbe Cromwell*, novel Juggling act. one of the best of Its kind seen on the Morris Circuit, were excellent, Harry Mayo, late of the Empire City Quar- tette, who sang All That I Aik la Love and Lorey Joe. was also excellent. Frsnleln D'Ora Martini, In her graceful gym- nastic *ct. closed th* MIL and waa Indeed ap- -ir such a r singer, who Irglnla Grant, the rho la playing on x^u "na'nYhe'c 2. 3X -XT Thex Th w%re D rhrS, 0 hl, ,h of SfiStegl l&i%f^USi CUc^o B *ls7t wST" " - Framing Sister Act Mlaa Dorothy Armstrong, who last season was known as Tegai Mnlhall, which Is ber right name, la with Joseph Watson and bla Lady Buc- caneers SS * broiler. Ills* Mulball la th* alec* of the famous Z. Molball. who la known all over the world tor bla great Wild West Show. Mlsa Mnlhall received a broken collar bone riding one of th* broncho* about eighteen ago. this being ber reason for not con Honing with tbe show. Mlsa Mnlhall la a very good worker, sad will probably be seen ss a principal next season. Mis* Grace Whitman, who rooms with Miss Mnlhall. Is a beautiful girl, and II that It they decide to leave Th* neers. they will do a slstens act. Sine* Chief of Police Steward has become so active In eleanalnx the local stage, h* might do well to ply his broom In tbe direction of Moore and Moore, a vaudeville team which re- cently appeared at the Kedale Theatre. This art. though a very clever one. aumpruously dressed, has In the male member a stxirer for appmbstlon through tbe usage of severs! sug- gestive remarks. Le* Beer** aod Company are playing * re- turn date this week (December 12) at tie Tre- vett Theatre. Chicago. After this engage- ment they open oca an eight weeks' contract with Walter F. Keefe, at th* foiailnsent of which the; play tbe Princess time booked ajste Sternaa. In May. Mr. Beggs and company a»ll for Ewrone. Many vanderille perform era hav* learned to dread the parasites who are now opera Hag In rhicsgo. In on* rookery are boused three of these hntnan lecchi-e, who are fed blood money W «MM *86&& oMhrir VS. The Current . Variety Bills Apollo Tbeal Case and Co., Modlne Msnrlce Samuel o. Wilson Avenue Tbeal Tbe Eagle and the Girl, Wardette and Co.. ~ Wlllard Staal* M< T«o. Trio, EsteUe ,. John Bax- Foor Banvarda, Harry and Kate oore. Four Jackson. Sealca and Virginia Theatre — Bennington Bra*., Dorothy Lamb and Co., Will Bart. Black and Tan. Caaad and DsVstas. DeVer*. George Ko- Wonderfnl fe*t. that of Mart* Dora's. I re- fer to tbe recently published dispatch to tbe ef- fect that with tbe aid of an automobile driven In defiance of existing Philadelphia apeed laws. Mis* Doeo. In stage costume, dedicated tbe new Nixon Theatre, consuming soma twelve mtnotes la welcoming oration and delivery of speech, etc., and then returned to the Broad Street Theatre In ample time to enter the third act Of Electricity ai If nothing hid happened. I contend, after taking into consideration tbe distance traveled, SOME EIGHTY BLOCKS, tbe time devoted to dedication, etc., cither Mlaa Poro does not appear until Jate daring th* progress of th* third act of Electricity, or some person railed to reckon distance and ths ■wlft Sight of time when hatching the story. Manning and B at c h er are spending a three weeks' rseattoa at their home*, and will re> •nme their vanderille engagements st the Prin- ce** Theatre, In Louisville. Jan. 1. J. O. Manning la spending Christmas at Carthage, Me,, and Jane Butcher Is at Wichita. Kan. They play the Princes* Circuit early la 1911. The Bill at the Majestic Symonda and Adams, entertainers. In s sing- ing and dancing act, were excellent. These boys are "some dancer*," and th* female mem- ber of the act ha* a beautiful vole*. The Three California Girls, who presented s muslrsl offering. Introducing aoloa and trio*. My Hero, wblch waa sung by Mlaa Orae* Marshall, waa good- Christopher Brothers, who do a little sing- ing and talking, were good. They were placed too early on the bill for appreciation. Th* Day-Crane Company. In an original play- let, entitled Hungry, seem to lack substantial matter, bnt the acting was rather amateur- ish. Mis* Lillian Ashley, comedienne. In songs and stories, was good. Her Imitation of children Was eicellent, Thomss Ryan and Mary Bleh field, who pre- sented their greatest comedy by Will M. Crea- sy, entitled Mag Haggerty's rather, were ex- cellent and deserving of n place on tbe All- star hill. This Is on* of the funniest snatch** •ver written. Charles and Fannie Van and Co., presenting Th* Slage Carpenter's Experience, wen good. Th* Fa loid of their own scsnery, In usual, excellent. Th* Big Uty Quartette, one of th* beat oa any vanderille stage in tbe country, took the house by storm. Fannie Ward, by permission of Klaw A Er- isnger, baa aoenr e d n special engagement In vaudeville la a comedy sketch entitled An TJn- Inckv Star. This playlet, whleh opens on s seen* in a room In a hotel, la very good. Miss Paggy Starr, en- actress, played by Mlaa Ward, la seen getting ready to retire, when tbe tele- phone ring*, and an admirer named Billy calls up and asks to see bar. She forbids him. saying that ber bus hand win return at any time. She Is Informed by Billy that he baa seen her husband leave town and will not be back that night. Peggy Starr, however, absolutely refuse* to see or nave anything to do with him. When ready to retire a knock Is beard it the oor. sad she sags who It 1*. "It's Billy." "What do you want BlllyT" "May I come tar' "No!" "Why notr" "Bees use my husband Is coming back." "No, he Isn't: plets* let me In. Peggy," and Peggy, with a softening of the heart, al- low* Billy to enter. She lights a cigarette for blm. and be tells her how much he lores her. when the sound of footsteps Is heard In the ball. "My God. Billy, that's my bnsband." ex- plains Peggy, and Billy, with drawn revolver, waits it tbe door. In tbe meantime her bus- band arrive*. a nd bearing Billy, comes op tbe stairs and sneaks Into a aide door, while Billy is waiting with revolver in hand. Peggy's husband rushes ont and I* In tbe act of firing at tbe heart of Peggy's admirer, when gome on* make* down th* middle aisle of th* theatre and hollers la a coarse tone: "That hi not I rehearsed that act this morning.'' \._ A Utile rough talk The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Amusement Week in New York NETHERS OLE CR ITICIZED New York Reviewers Displeased with Noted Actress' Por- trayal of Leading Role in Mary Magdalene. New Play has Old Theme MAST MAGDALENE, a drama In three acta, by Maurice Maeterlinck. The Raw Theatre. Edward Maekay Arthur Forrest B. Stanford .Wilfred Joseph of Martha .......... Marj Magdalene -Olga Nethenole Kaw York. Dec 10 (Special to The Billboard). — It BeLdoaa happen* that a star of real prom- inence la art tidied as severely as Olga Neth- enole by the writer of the Mew York Times, and ha an ma to voice the sentiment* of ether Mew York critics. His opinion follows— '-Mantle* Maeterltnckra latest play. Mary MalHalrss t ea el sed what la said to have been tta first performance on any stage last night at taw Hew Theatre, via an exceedingly on poet leal translation, by a special company beaded by Mass Olga Ife lhass ole. That a drama by the Belgian post sbonld receive Its Initial perfor- mance here, even If not in the original form, la a matter deserving of comment. "However. Maeterlinck"* plays seldom are pnasaUd In Paris nntll after they bars Joor- aeyed forth lata the world. The Blae Bird, which has seen the light In Rossis. London, and Mew York, baa not yet been produced there, and arts Manna Tanna and PeJless et Mellsande would not be remembered in Paris— they bare raearrsd so few performances there — were It not for the fact that they have been made Into lyric dramas by Leronz and Deb may. Th* fact Is that the Parlatana bars never been sympathetic with this playwright, and he raring little for stage performances of - works has sent them forth in book . Paul Beyie. the writer of Mary of Msgdala. for two of his sttnatloai. that at the end of the first act. where Christ Intervenes a crowd raging against Mary with 'Be that Is without sin among yon the first stone.' sad In the third In whlrb the Msry finds herself of as she Greatest Sherlock HOI Sherlock Holmes John Forman. . ....... Sir Edward Lelghton. Count Ton Stablburg Professor Morlarry. . - Jamea Larrabs*. ..... Sidney Prince Alfred Baaaick Jim Mrs. Faulkner... Madge Larrabee. Thereae ........ Mrs. Smeedley.- ln four acts, by Arthur Coosn Doyle. Win lam OUlette Clifford Brass ...A. Bomsine Callender Frank Andrews Gerald Lane John lilltern William Riley Batch Albert Parker Stewart Bobbins -Grimth Evans ■ . w . s. . David ........... .H. A. Moray Wallace F. THnea Llndsley is Butter ...Mary Campbell Marlon Abbott tt Greene Robinson (Continued on psge 60.) TERRY AND NEILSON SAIL. w York. Dec. 12.— Mr. Fred Terry and Miss Jails Nellson, wbo bsve been appearing m Xew York under the direction of Klaw and Erlanger. terminate their engagement In this country Saturday evening. Dec IT. and return to London to open tbelr own theatre with a ' n revival of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Ttaere- wm pot on a new play caned Mlaa UP AND DOWN BROADWAY. Mew York. Dee. 10 (Special to The Billboard). — Mrs Paul Armstrong Is snlnr ber playwright husband for divorce alleging cruelty. Kryle BeUew Is at tbe City Theatre In Baffles. He end bis capable company received tbe cordial support of a large and enthusiastic audience. Mile Genee. who bad to retire from tbe Globe tre owing to Mme. Bernbardt'a engage* st that house. Is dancing in The Bachelor at the Grand Opera House this weak, sad William Kotb are tbe a st tb consents or refuses to give herself to a "Maeterlinck says that he wrote to Beyse lermhulon to use these incidents, which lgnantly r efus ed. However, since the first of them occurs in the Bible and the second la a dramatic alt nation which has been used b other playwrights, the Belgian poet used them • consent It most be confessed that they seem to be strong points of his play. The second of them Is an incident which Maeterlinck himself Is very fond of. He has nsed it in JoyseUe and he wrote an Inverted version of It la Moans Vanna. De Manpassant, It may be remembered, baa bad something to say about tb* question In his superb Boole de Salt. In which the woman who gave herself to save others reaps nothing but chagrin and shame. (Continued on psge SO.) = BERNHA RDT R ETURNS To New York and is Accorded Enthusiastic Reception. Termed by Alan Dale "The Most Wonderful Woman in the World" L'AIGLON. a play Rostand. Globe 1 Le Dnc da Flambeau .. .'• . afetternlch .. .1 . Prokesch .. .. ..' • Gen. Hartmsnn . . Dletricbsteln .... Le Se ig e u t V Attache Fraaeals Sarah Bernhardt .. M. Decoeur .. M. Masodlaa .. M. Deueubourg U. LOU Tellegen M. Plron ■ . , , ■ . Gents Tlbnrre ,, .. .. ,, Lord Cowley Le TaUlenr Le Docteur D'Obenans Forest I . .. M. Bary .. M. Dorosat .. M. Favlerea .. .. .. .. .. M. Lanrent M. Contler M. Coquelet ■ • • so • a *w£. I'lftTei t . . * • * . . . .. .. If. Bobeo If. QMfgCt APPEARING IN NEW YORK THI8 WEEK. ^^aasssss [ ALBERT CHCVA TLGrH!x7rlCrl?S5c WALLACE CDDINGERj i Jane Corcoran Becomes Star Mew York. Dec. 10 (Special to the Billboard). — Jane Corcoran, wbo bad been playing s small [part In Mother, wss promoted Monday. Decem- ber 5, when the drama moved to the Circle Theatre. She took the title role and fulfilled every requirement of tbe difficult part. Wll- Usm A. Brady, the producer, sprung ber ele- vation as s surprise upon several hundred Scot- tish Rite Masons who were party In tbe Circle. No bed been made end tbe first Intimation. Agnes De Corcoran in her old part. Mlaa Corcoran waa discovered by Brady In a Western company and appeared In severs! of bis productions before she waa engaged tor Mother. Monday night. December 0. waa her first leading role In a Broadway Theatre. LULU GLASER A H IT. New York. Dec. 10 (Special to the Billboard). — One of the best things about Tbe Girl and the Kaiser with Lulu Olaser aa star, la tbe funny work done by John Slavln sod equally remarkable Is the co-operative snlrlt between •tar and players. Miss Glaser gives Slavln free rein end the result la a notably good and even performance. PRE88 AGENT8 CHANGE. New York. Dee. 10 (Special to tbe Billboard). — A. Blodget, general press representative for Henry W. Ssvsge, will shortly represent Mr. Savage In another capacity. James Shes green, for several Tears general press representative win bte New Play by Maugham New York, Dec. 0 (Special to The Billboard —Thursday, Dec. 1, tb* English playwright, W. Somerset Maugham, author of Smith, in which John Drew la appearing, returned to New York after rlslta of a week each to Bos- ton and Washington, where ha. wss tb* guest of local clubs snd dramatic organisations. Mr. Maugham's stsy In America Is now drswlng to a close snd In view of this fsct hs snd Cba*. Frobman held a conference with regard to tbe production of tbe playwright's next work. As s result Mr. Frobman Is sble to snnonnce tbst Mr. Msughsm's new plsy will be of a farcical turn and win have Its Brat performance la London tbe first week In February. Tb* piece will be In three act* snd la called Leaves and Fishes. The playwright gave Mr. Frobman the first set of Leaves snd Fishes, ss completed by him during bis week's stay In Washington. This done, Mr. Maugham hs* laid out for himself a rather unique talk. While tb* rest of the plsy Is pretty thoroughly sketched ont, Mr. Maugham haa promised Mr. Frobman to complete lb; second set of hli new play daring the eight d*y» passage tbst be will shortly ■".■"'..?!!. nt f!L ,r,p to ^""on- *nd complete he third act of tb* new play upon hi* arrival In Ixmdon. Leaves and rtsbes will he Included In Mr. Frobman 'a American production neat season. XMA8 WEE K LO OKS GOOD. New York. Dec. 10 (Special to In* Billboard). — Christmas week looks good for New York theatricals— every Indication points to big busi- ness. Moat of tbe houses are naw - Un Moutagnard .. . Chaateor Tyrol lea . . Bo in belles .. Fanny Eisaler .. .. Marie Louise • • • a. a • • .. .. .. if. Ltrtar • • M. K1«*S M. Letal Mme. Scjlor * linger >. Due tt AMUa wnr ■■■ Mae. IT Uajr oowiey .. .. .. .. .. New York, — Alan Dale. hardt to I he n ina l on. waa there. Perhaps the i figure had gained in wei pent- form scarcely noticeable. •The little Dae sat < In the poos of nineteen yea •tudled edge of a table, vara. Absolutely per- lrssons with the feet! Tbe little Due S^%SWA1SSSi n^bStb^r girl lab enthusiasm to the breast of Maria Louisa. Absolutely perfect 1 In tact, this art, this won- derful thing that persists, that endures, that will not be downed by the cruelty of time, aba- ply crept Into our systems. It wss invigorating. It wss something to watch with awe. It wss s delight. Why boar agat Why even admit • get why not delete Its possibility from our nightmare T I crept from the Globe Theatre ashamed of myself, bees use I generally feel that I am 'getting on.' Sarah was s complete Ion. We know tt. not wisely, hot too play that, wouldn't oust Cyrano " from onr love. It SB d* dull . terribly long. It haa six acta, which la almost criminal. It Is Oiled to tb* brim snd over tbe brim, with 'noble French sentiment* — the sickliest of com- modities, very nice In France, hot not so nice But It haa Its momenta. It Is classical. rdt lifted It tnt It towered I lta ~; Its scan** ware like luminous ton.) Stage New York, Dec a (Special to The nil I board i —The eolation of tb* tipping evU. Insofar as It nertslns to tbe theatrical business, was solved by Percy Williams, the vsndevQIe manager, by an agreement which ha entered Into with tbe Theatrical Union. In which be agrees to materially Increase the salaries of hut stag* employes, on condition tbst they refrain from accepting tips from artist* playing bl* circuit "Tb* prevalent system of tipping stags hand* has been tb* source of much discrimination and criticism." aald Mr. William*, "as high salaried art lata with tb* generous tip received court**'** which the small-salaried acton ware denied because they could not afford so Urgs a tip. This custom became so fixed that a *us* employ* looked upon tb* tip as bis legitimate pcrqulalU- "•r lie re 1* no use denying that such a ays tern did exist, and I wanted to hip It before it reached the stage that I understand II has la other circuits, where artists claim tbst a secrei system of marking Is used upon tbe baggage whereby heads of atage departments would know whether or not the act tipped, and tb* no tip act frequently found Itself handicapped the antagonism of stags crews. "I much prefer to do the tipping mjaelf ■ my own theatres, and I signed the agreement with tbe Theatrical Protective Colon No. 1 st New York. I want tbe smallest act to recti" the tame attention and the same treatment a> my headllnera." MACBETH REVIVED. MACBETH, a tragedy. In all acta, by William Sbakespesre. Broadway Theatre. Duncan William Harris Malcolm Eric Blind I halo P. J. Keltf Mscbelh E. n. *>tuero Hanoi... Sydney Matter Macduff Frederick Lewi* Jj*nnox France nrndtoea HS m John Taylor Mentelth Arthur >ortoo *»gus Frederick ilnlaod Ciilhnes* Fleanre , Slward Key ton Two Officers. A Doctor.... ■eUCTICK Hi-is™ Ernest Slncltll Eleuor Frslte* Tsui Robert* Wendell Morsr Mturlc* Robinson. Milton Morfto :. Albert S. no»*oo Thomas Oder*** - -—sea Rowland Bnck»;;« AM jmmt n wiiton 'fcoii' 'Arthur S"rvw O»ntl*wooian!; Nor ah Ml-g l*ad* Uicboth Julia M*rlo-» - *, • on page 60.) DSCEMBSR 17i 1>ia The Billboard Motion Pictures and Vaudeville EXHIBIT ORS' M EETING Managers/>f Motion Picture Theatres Meet at Columbus, 0., and Discuss Matters of Importance— National Organization of Exhibitors Proposed Dec 8 to The BU (Special toanl).- Legtatatlon, which they deem ncmur. and plana for the addition of • fire Insurance department to tbalr association, win be formn lated by the executive committee of too CZ' hlblton' Liiiw of Ohio. according to the" de- claim mad* at a meeting yretcrd.y In the Chittenden Bo [el bare. 0. H. Brocket!, Coinm M. A. Neff. Cincinnati; W. A. Plttle, eut; O. <>. I.npiil»._LJuja ; V. B. Belcbert, rort CUotoa; and O.0.« pom ttt committee wbleh win frame Tb. League la aeaklac to bare tbe e rights or tbe morion- picture ebew be — Sad. and measure* which will limit the present ■are* trifled powers sf city councils to legislate against them. Tbe desire Co establish s Ore Insurance department of their own stows oot of their claim that U*7 art at present orsr- tsxed. The commltses will report on both quae ttona ax s meeting to bs held next month. Max Stearns, of the exhibit Thostre bere, wss pot st the head of a reflatratloa and employ, ■ent burr. a. to be conducted In the Interests r the League, which .111 plsno players, operators and when desired, bio' mm Exhibitors' Protective CHICAGO NOTES. Mr. Nell Duffy, the well known manager of the Bite theatre la AnrJetoo. as well u the proprietor of esTsrsl other hnosas th r ou g hout Wisconsin, wss n recent Ttaltor st tbe Laemmle mm aerrlce. Chicago. Mr. Duffy claims to be the pioneer independent film renter of Wlneon- sta. Him operation of moving picture bouts throughout tbe country hna gained for Mm a wide aeqaalataace. Be speaks well of the Tom Phillips, of tbe Genre Transparency Co. has jnst completed n sons slide that Is bound to csqae much comment among those who and ass for slides. It U a sort of a motion slide, oss that shows the thing depleted la motion. This hardly sounds feasible, and It seems sl- most Impossible to get this result from one slide, bowerer, Tom has done It, and be now has one of the greatest things In n novelty slide erer pot on tbe market. It will also be " Terr rslnsbls for sdvertudng purposes. Moline Limits Picture Houses Mollae. III., Dec. 10 (Special to The BID- bosrd). — No more picture bouses for Mollae. .This Is the rutins; of the Motlns City Ooonefl, which at a meeting held Dee. S. acted furor ably on s petition presented by property own- ers snd merchants In tbe business district. In which It wss reo.oe.trd that no more licensee be granted for morion; picture establishments. Tbe aimers of the petition set forth thst the tbow places In q oration tend to blockade traffic and that they result In depreciation of business property rsloes. Moving picture boner a In Mollne having been dolus lane bail oess. last season there helm but two snd at present sis. snd two more e'er construction, a hundred OPEN3 CHRISTMAS NIGHT. elation, a smaller organization of moving plctnre men, affiliated with the League yesterday. Fifty ether members were admitted, sereral from Pennsylvsnls. West Vtrxlana and Indiana. Tula csn be coenddsred tbe first step in effectlnx n national organlaatloo. the m e mb ere from oat of the state agreeing to start similar organise lions la their respective sis tea. Resolutions of condolence were adopted on tbe death. Dec. 4, of W. O. Yard, Wells ton, O., tbe first treasurer of the League. Tbe League la already co-operating with women'a dubs of the country In Its effort to derate the moving picture shows, snd Is meeting with good aopport. Only exhibitors not connected with the manu- facture or sale of nuns are admitted to bezwbip. - . HKM TICKET BOX CONCERN. The Hamilton Mfg. Co., of two Blvecs. Wis.. Is placing on the market a new style ticket box for theatres. The Hamilton Company Is a large manufacturing concern and has on the market ARTIST S CONS IDERED New' Lincoln Theatre at Worcester, Mass.. Has All Con- veniences and Comforts for Player as Well as Audience. Playhouse Is Model of Beauty Worcester. Uaea . Dec. 10 (Special to The Billboard).— At a meeting held this week, offi- cers of the Worcester Amusement Company were chosen aa follows: P.. W. Lynch, president; W. M. JLesUe. ^rlce^pr^.^ t ^aml^re.eral ^ m. nage r ; retary. Thla company, which has a capital nf $300.- 000, will own. operate, build and lease theatres for vaudeville la the New . England States. They are now building In Worcester one or tbe ' snd largest theatres In the United State.. IS It will bear, will . of 3.200 people. The of to be of same use aa a books, so arranged aa dresser at home. A urge reception room for the artists, with, all latest theatrical papers filed therein, n pooh and hill lard table for the men to nee; walat and card tablea for tbe ladles. One small room will be fitted op with sew- ing machines aad cutting tables for the Ladles, with every comfort possible. lost off the large reception hall will be writing desks, typewriting machines, station- ery, etc.. for the art lata own nee. The atage door man will bars s supply of umbrellas and rain root! to loan artists In- case of unexpected bed weather. By this the theatre management guards agslnst si La M ass aan> performers losing time. There will be no charge for the loan of these garments. The doctor that wOI be la attendance In the nnraery will scree the art lata free of charge. All dressing rooms will be rentllated. and- air cooled from tbe big roof fane; every pre- caution against drsfts or cold will be taken. The archway at the atage door on Maple street la so bant that artists may antra ana LENZBURG REMEMBERED. Brooklyn. N. y.. Dec. 10 (Special to The BD.I- bosrd). — Jnllna Lenxborg, director of the Col- onial Theatre Orchestra, which accompanied the Bneefant Imperial Danceers (Turin a their Met- ropolitan engagement, brought back nh> or- chestra to the Colonist this week. Aa a testi- monial of their regard for tbe latter an Im- mense floral lyre waa presented by the at- taches of tbe boose. It la expected that tbe Russian dancers will soon return to r TYLER (TEX.) NEW THEATRE. Tyler. Tex.. Dec. 12 (Special to The board). — The new theatre erected by A. will be opened next Saturday nlgbt with The Girt from V. 3. A. Tbe seating capacity of the bonae Is shoot scenic equipment. atage. 23x33. with full fire Urge African Demand for Machines An Essanay Comedy Four of these bouses are New York. Dee. 13 (Special to The BO! board). —Tbe emphstlc success scbtered by Chrlatle HaeDonsld la Boston, In tbe new operetta, Tbe spring Meld, ha a resulted In her coming Into New York earlier than waa flrat Intended. The youthful stsr will make her metropolitan debnt Cbrlatm«e night. Dec. 39. at the 1 Liberty Thee- -ner manager. Werba and Lease ner. sad the Liberty Theatre management bare pre- pared s seasonable announcement proclaiming alias MacDonald'a rise to tre'a gift to the holiday week playgoers. The operetta Is an adaptation by Marry n. and Robert B. Smith from tbe German Die ojeudelfee of Wllbelm and WlUner. — the latter being the author of The Dollar Princess. — sad Ita musical score, which Is a distinct feature, la by Flelnrlch Relahardt. alias MscDoaald la supported by n large com- pany Including Klgte Bow en. William Burrees, Tom McNsnghtoei, Lawrence Rea, Ralph Kr- role. Jessie Bradbury. Charles Meyers. Alfred Thallsen. Blanche Sherwood. Otto HotTmsn. Reth stone, Paul Chute and Charles Metcalfe. FAIR CIR CUIT MEETING. The annual meeting of the Western Ohio Fair Circuit will ha held at Greenville. O.. Monday. Dec. 1». Thirty .ii fair societies In Ohio are now members of Ibe circuit. At the meeting a motion wltt Ve mad. to change tbe name of the on tbe Geo. H. Web- Eaaanay's Is entitled s short length. The story Is as follows: Always on tbe lookout fur _ Lank see aa opportunity to get a square meal when they are Inspired by tbe methods of s blind man. preying noon public charity. Haak snd Lank decide that It Is essy to imi- tate the blind man and bis way Just too Iste, bowerer to see the supposed blind man ar- rested for Imposing on tbe public. Bank bsa the flrat chance, and after painting a algn which Is attached to his cost, be takes his position st a busy corner. Donations come quick snd fsst. Every passerby drops s coin Into his little cup. Lank, who has watched tbe operation with considerable tairrest Is anxious to try his band st the graft, snd the two atroll away to the spot where they had seen the flrat beggar, me a time Lank Is successful until s policeman, who bsd arrested blind msa No. 1. comes on the scene, snd after a straggle takes Lunk away to the lock-up. The film ends here with Lank struggling with the policeman and Bank making n rapid getaway. OPEN CHRISTMAS WEEK. New York. r>ec. 13 (Special to The Billboard). — Ucbler fit On. announces the Judith Zaralue, by C. M. 8. McLellen. will be e-breu Ita premiere production Chrlatma. week, and Mlaa I .rea Ashwell principal roles. be given Its premiere 'wIU W plsT the^rwo 1 CAWTHORN IN SLIM PRINCESS. Joe Cawtborn. the comedian. Joined the B3ai- a Com nan T la Cincinnati during Its en ™«h£"£?iu£i byVm'cowIi!! 1 The Two-a-Day Bunch Otts Shatter, manager ef tbe Reel Ax Vau- deville Producing Assn., baa written material for Fox snd Stewart, of World of Pleasure Company; Lew Fein, with Gay Morning aiories; Little Lew Qlesson. featured Llpmsn snd Lewis, ■d Dwyer. Al Wild, Lew Watson snd Brown and Hacked The Prosit Trio, to Clown Alley, who re- cently cloeed their fourth Buccessrut sessoo with Rlngltng Brae.* Circus, opened December 4. at the Empress Theatre, Cincinnati, for the " lag their show. Barney First, billed aa "tbe dsncing Hebrew snd parody singer." opened Dec. 12 for the r^ted^Booklng ^fflces at ^ Bnllock'a ^Tbe.tre^ Owing to the Illness nf Mrs. Altken, nf The Altkens, hare been compelled to cancel their time on the fins Sun Circuit snd return to tbelr home la New Orleans. They will remain at their home until Mrs. Altken fully recovers. Mrs. Herbert L. Flint, hypnotist, will open her annual tour st Wsokegsn. III., on ChrUtmaa Day; Aaron. 111., and Hammond, lad., to fol- Afrlca I reflj use ting munlratlon with Amer antnmatJc rending machines or sll kinds, reepondenee may be In English, The firm tn I la letter states that weighing machines or those paying games ef skill or chance to do In- terest It. but those baring sweetmeats, l perfumery, or goods of s ten weeks' engagement with the Palace Tbe atre Stock Company at Fort William. Oat., Can. Claude Golden. Anstrallsn cord king, opens on tbe Keefe- Churchill time st the Miles Theatre. Detroit, Jan- S. for n ten weeks' tour. R S. Tan Sickle aad Ed. Brown, the past eeaaon with the Great Cosmopolitan Shows, are attending tbe winter In Hot Springs, Ark. Csnt. W. D. Amrnt'a new raodernie theatre In Meridian. Miss., wss opened lest week. How srd Hogsn Is resident Tbe Kaufmans opened December 10, st Lewla , playlet, from New Turk. Knlser- snd Ba — tbe Princess Theatre, of twelve weeks, Lean, and open on the Cspttal City Amusement Company time st Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 18. Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Lsnry (MabelV.lenteene Mooree) are spending tbelr honeymoon In Ml csgo. Shadrlck and Tallott will soon prod nee a new comedy act. written by J. Brando Welsh. Albert H. Busby and Or. 'VJIIlams are booked over the Norman JclTitle. »tme. Joe Austin. Italian lmper»ooatrrr. opened Dec. 6, nt Centralla. BE, for Cues. Hodktns. Jsmea Harrington, magician, opens his season at Clyde. N. T.. December IS. John A. Lake, monologtat. bss been booked over the Coney Holmes time. Ksmplsln snd Belt will spend the holidays at their home In Cleveland. Texas. Russell Bingham. Impersonator, baa Joined Abbott's Vsodevllle Company. . the loss of her fa La The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Amusement Week in New York NETHERS OLE CR ITICIZED New York Reviewers Displeased with Noted Actress' Por- trayal of Leading Role in Mary Magdalene. New Play has Old Theme bj Maurice Lucius Term Applu ....... Nleodemus Joseph or a drams In three acts, -He New Theatre. Edward Msckay Arthur Forrest ...... Chutes B. Hanford Wilfred Roger Reginald Barker ........... Newman Burr Beatrice Morela Olga Nethersole New York. Dec 10 (Special to The Billboard). • that a atar of real prom- _ aa severely as Olga Netb- by the writer of the Mew York Times, he seems to Tolce the sentiments of other New York critics. His opinion follows — •'Maurice Maeterllnckfe la teat play, Mary M-.sM.lee,., received what Is said to hare been Its first performance on any stage last night at the New Tbeatre, Tla an exceedingly nrj poet- ical translation, by a special company headed by Miss Olga Netnersole. That a drama by the Belgian poet should receive lta Initial perfor- mance here, even If not in the original form, la a matter deserving of comment. ••However, Maeterlinck's plays seldom are " In Paris until after they have iour- into the world. The Bine Bird, the light In Russia. London, and New York, has not yet been produced there, Monna Vanna and Pelleas et Mellsande neyed forth Paris — they have !» there— were it not for the fact that they have been made Into lyric dramas by Leroux and Debussy. "The fact is that the Parisians have never been sympathetic with this playwright, and he earing little for stage performances of bis works has sent them forth in book form. "This latest example baa not yet been pub- The asigitri, translation by da Matt OS, however, has a preface in which the author _ Paul Heyse. the writer of Mary of Itagdala, for two of his situations, that at the end of the first act, where Christ intervenes, ■topping the crowd raging against Mary with the words: He that is without sin among yon let Urn cast the first stone,' and in the third the dilemma in which the Mary finds herself of saving or destroying Christ, according as sbe Wm. Gillette Greatest Sherlock SHERLOCK HOLMES, a play, in four acta, by "William Gillette and Sir Arthur Conau Doyle. Empire Theatre. Sherlock Holmes ....William Gillette Dr. Watson .Clifford Bruse John Forraan .....A. Bomaloe Callender Sir Edward Leigh ton Frank Andrews Count Von Stanlburg ..Gerald Lane Professor Morlarty John Mlltern James Larrabee William " Prince. ............. ............. . Griffith Evani W. S.. David BL A- Morey John Frederick Wallace Billy ....John F. Sines Parsons Edward Lindaley Alice Faulkner Louise Butter Mrs. Faulkner Mary Campbell Madge Larrabee Marlon Abbott Therese ...... ..... Margaret Greene Mrs. Smeedley Nellie Robinson (Continued on page 50.) TERRY AND NEILSON SAIL. New Tork. Dec. 12. — Mr. Fred Terry and Miss Jnlla Kellsou. who have been appearing hi New York under the direction of Klaw and Erlaneer. terminate their encasement In this country Saturday evening. Dec IT. and return to London to open their own tbeatre with a brief revival of The Scarlet Pimpernel, after they win pnt on a new play cat Popinjay. UP AND DO WN BROADWAY. New York, Dec. 10 (Special to The Billboard). — Mrs Paul Armstrong Is suing ber playwright husband for divorce alleging cruelty. Kryle Bellew Is at the City Theatre in Baffles. He and hla capable company received the cordial support of a large and enthusiastic audience. £tT Belles at the Max Rogers to The Summer Widowers, at the West Theatre. (Continued on page 51.) to retlre^from the Globe in The Bacaefor A- complete list of attraction* at New York theatre* appears on page 5*. •' consents or refuses to give herself to a Roman. "Maeterlinck says that be wrote to Heyse g permission to use these incidents, which waa indignantly refused. However, since the first of them occurs in the Bible and the second Is a dramatic situation which has been used b other playwrights, the Belgian poet used them sans consent. - » - "It must be confessed that they seem to be the strong points of hla play. The second of them la an incident which Maeterlinck himself Is very fond of. He haa used It In Joyselle and be wrote an inverted version of It In Monna Vanna. De haa bad in hla superb who gave herself to save others reaps but chagrin and shame. : in uiverieu Texsiuo ok is in ai De Maupassant, it may be rememb something to say about the que perb Bonle de Soif, in which the w (Continued on page 50.) BERNHARDT RETURNS To New York and is Accorded Enthusiastic Reception. Termed by Alan Dale "The Most Wonderful Woman in the World" L'AiOLON a play In alx acta, by Le Doc de ! Flam bean .. .. .. Mattemich .- .- . . Prokeaeh •■ •• ••' •< Gen. Hartmann . . Dletrlchstetn .. .. Le Sergent .. .. .. L' Attache Francals Mann out .... . . • L'Empereur Sedllnsky .. -.. .. . . IS. Decoenr . M. Maxodlan .. M. Denenboorg M. Lou Tellegen M. Canroy M. Bary .. .. M. Dnrosat .. .. M. Favlerea .. .. M. Laurent ••■ ••„ M c Co Selet .... M. nerrat . . . . . . BL Dieek M. Bnben .... M^Oeoih APPEARING IN NEW YORK THIS WEEK. E H SOTHERN J/>BAH"BERNHftRDT n ALBERT CHEVA fiTsT? OLGA msm WALLACE EDDlNGEfUi Jane Corcoran Becomes Star New York, Dec. 10 (Special to the Billboard). —Jane Corcoran, who had been playing a small part to Mother.^ WM^promMecJ^o^y^Decem- Tbeatre. She took the title role and fulfilled every requirement of the difficult part. Wil- liam A. Brady, the producer, sprung ber ele- vation as a surprise upon several hundred Scot- tish Bite Masons who were having a theatre party in the Circle. No previous announcement had been made and the programme gave the first Intimation. Agnes De Lane succeeded Miss Corcoran In ber old part. Miss Corcoran waa discovered by Brady In a Western company and appeared in several of his productions before she was engaged for Mother. Monday night. December 5, was ber first leading role in a Broadway Tbeatre. LULU 6 LASER A HIT. New Tork. Dec. 10 (Special to the Billboard). —One of the best things about The Girl and the Kaiser with Lulu Glaser aa' atar. la the funny work done by John Slavln sod equally remarkable la the co-operative spirit between, star and players. Mlsa Claser gives Slavln free rein and tbe result is a notably good and PRESS AG ENT8 CHANGE. ' New Tork, Dec. 10 (Special to the BR] board). — A. Blodget, general press representative for Henry W. Savage, will shortly represent Mr. Savage in another capacity. James Sbesgreen, for several years general press representative for Frederic Thompson, will become the exen* tlve bead of Mr. Savage's press department. New Play by Maugham New -York, Dec 6 (Special to The Billboard' —Thursday, ^ Dec. 1, the English ^ playwright. which John Drew Is appearing, returned to New York after visits of a week each to Bos- ton and Washington, where be. waa tbe guest of local clubs and dramatic organisations. Mr. Maugham's stay In America Is now drawing to a close and In view of this fact be and Chas. Frobman held a conference with regard to the production of the playwright's next work. As a result Mr. Frobman la able to announce that Mr. Maugbam'a new play will be of a farcical torn and win have lta first performance In London tbe nrat week in February. The piece will be in three acta and Is called Leaves and Fishes. The playwright gave Mr. Frobman the first act of Leaves and Fishes, as completed -by him during bis week's stay in Washington. This done, Mr. Maugham haa laid oat for himself a rather unique talk. While tbe rest of the play la pretty thoroughly aketcbed out, Mr. Maugham baa promised Mr. Frobmsn to complete tbe second act of his new play during the eight, days passage that he will' abort? make on his return trip to London, and complete the third act of the new play upon hla arrival In London. Leaves and Fishes will be Included in Mr. XMA8 WEE K LO OKS GOOD. New York. Dee. 10 (Special to the Billboard). — Chrlstmss week looks good for New York theatricals — erery Indlcatloo points to big busi- ness. Host of the bouses are. now selling ad- Dn Montagnard ., C hauteur Tyrollen Bom belles .... . Fanny Elssler .. , Marie Louise .. . Therese Case. Camera ta L'" »• •« •• - .. M. • e. . . . , •• •• Mme.'sejlor . Mine. Bool anger . .. .. Mine. Doc . Mot. Mac Leas . Mme. Desroches , . ■ Mme. Thomas . . Mme. Remain . . Mme. New Tork, Dec 10 (Special to ' — Alan Dale, In hla nana! style, treated Bern hardt to the following: • "Last night my soul rejoiced. With opera gla s s ed glued to my eyes, I sat and watched for the nnndreth time the moat wonderful woman In the world. Every iUnstoo, or nearly erery Illusion, waa there. Perhaps the sinuous, ear' pent-form figure bad gained In weight. It was scarcely noticeable. "The little Doc eat on the edge of a table, in the pose of nineteen years. Absolutely per- fect 1 Tbe little Due studied his lessons with the childish sincerity of eighteen. Absolutely per- fect 1 The little Doc coddled up In boyish or girlish enthus iasm to the breast of Marie Louise. Absolutely perfect! In tact, this art, this won- derful thing that penis ta, that endures, that will not be downed ny the cruelty of time, sim- ply crept into our systems. It waa Invigorating. It waa something to watch with awe. It was a delight. Why bear age I Why even admit are? Why not delete lta possibility from our nightmarel I crept from tbe Globe Theatre ashamed of myself, because I generally feel that I am 'getting on.' Sarah waa a complete and exhilarating tunic "There la no need to disease Rostand's L.' Als- ton. We know It, not wisely, bat too well — the play that wouldn't ontt Cyrano de Bergtrtc from our love. It Is monotonous, dull, terribly long. It has abt acts, which Is almost criminal it is filled to the brim and over tbe brim, with 'noble French sentiment'— the sickliest of com- modifies, very nice la France, but not so nice here. But it has its moments. It is classical. • ■ ■ It. so I need not it, till it jowe redlj ts on page 80.) Stage Hands Lose Tips ■ ■■: . New York, Dec 8 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —Tbe solution of the tipping evil, Insofar u It pertains to tbe theatrical business, waa solved by Percy Williams, the vaudeville manager, by an agreement which he entered Into with the Theatrical Union, In which ha agrees to materially increase the salaries of hla etagr employes, on condition that they retrain trots accepting tips from artists playing his circuit. "The prevalent system of tipping stags hands baa been the source of much discrimination and criticism," said Mr. Williams, "mm high-salaried artists with the generous tip received courtesies which the small salaried actors were denied because they could not afford so Urge s th> This custom became so fixed that a stage employe looked upon the tip as his legitimate perquisite. "There la no nee denying that such a system did exist, and I wanted to nip It before it reached the stage that I understand It baa Is other circuits, where artists claim that s seerci system of marking la used Whereby beads of stage o know whether or sot the act t- r , tip act frequently found itself handicapped h the antagonism of stage crews. ■ . "I much prefer to do the tipping myaelf » my own theatres, and I signed the agreemanl with the Theatrics! Protective Colon So. 1 of New York. I want the smallest act to rscelv. the same attention sad tbe a 1 Claim Mat a seere. 1 upon the bagasse departments would t tipped, and the no- MACBETH REVIVED. MACBETH, a tragedy, In six acta, by win lam Shakespeare. Broadway Tbeatre. Darncan ....William Harris Malcolm ' Eric Blind Donalbaln P. J. Kelly Macbeth ........E. H. Sothern Bang oo -Sydney Malher Macduff , , Frederick Lewis Lennox .....France Bendtseo — ,......«;... ......... .John Taylor .......Arthur Norton Frederick Roland ; Ernest Sinclair .Elenor Frallcs Paul Roberts .Wendell Morse .Maurice Robinson. Milton SlorrU .-.Albert 8. Howsoo .Thomas OolcmaD Rowland Bockajone ..Mllano TIM" ,« Wilton Lord. Arthur Morris Norsh Lsmlaoe Macbeth....,,... Julia Marlowe (Continued on page SO.) Menteith .... Angus Caithness ... Fissure Slwsrd ..... Say ton ..... TWO Officers. A Doctor...., A Sergeant.. A Porter. DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 11 n Pictu and EXHIBITORS' M EETING Managers/)! Motion Picture Theatres Meet at Columbus, O., and Discuss Matters of Importance— National Organization of Exhibitors Proposed Colnmbui. O., Dm. 8 (I board).— Legislation, which ua t>ian» for the addition department to their aasoeUtloo, will be formu- lated bj the executive eootalttee of the Ex- hibitor*' League of Ohio, according to the" de- rtaion made at a meeting y**terd»y la the Chittenden Hotel here. O. H. Brockett, Colum- sas; m. A. Neff, Cincinnati; W. A. Plttle, Conusant; G. O. La pals, Lima; P. B, Belchert, Port Clinton; and O. O. Carter, Cincinnati, com- nose the committee which will frame the bills. Tb* League is seeking to hare the commercial right* of the morion; picture show business de- nned, and measnree which will limit the present onrea trie ted powers of city council* to 1 exudate ■gainst them. The desire to estsbllsh a Or* Insurance department of their own grows oat of their cUlm that they are at present ov*r> tsxed. The commlteee will report on both ques- tion* st s meeting to be held next month. Max Stearns, of the Exhibit Theatre here, wss e* MI»* *} g conduced "in" tbf taterreJa wUl CHICAGO FILM NOTES. Mr. Nell Duffj. the well-known manager of the Elite theatre In Appleton, as well ss the proprietor of several other booses throughout Wisconsin, was a recent visitor st the Lsemmle rum Service Chicago, sir. Duffy claim* to be the pioneer Independent film renter of Wiscon- sin. HI* operation of moving picture booses rarooghoat the country has gained for him a wide acquaintance. Be speaks well of the ettoatlon to Wisconsin, and predict! great thing* for the future of the form of entertaln- Tom Phillip*, of the has Just com pi to csoae much comment among those who and as* for slides. It la a sort of a motion slide, one that shows the thing depleted la motion. This hardly soond* feasible, sod It seems al- most Impossible to get this resnlt from one slide, however, Tom has done it. and be now has one of the greatest things In a novelty It will sleo be Moline Limits Picture Houses Moline, 111., Dee. 10 (Special to The BIH- hoard).— No mora picture house* for Moline. .This Is the rating of the Molina City Council, which at a meeting held Dec. 5. acted favor- ably on a petition presented by property 01 ^ which It was J ta qucstto at they resnlt In depreciation of property values. Morlng picture bouses In Moline having been doing Urge buslnees. lsst season there being " st present six. snd two more on OPEN8 CHRI8TMA8 NIGHT. t. Dee. 13 (Speclsl to The Billboard). _,.natic suceee* achlered by Christie ktieDonald In Boston. In the new operetts. The Spring Maid, has resulted In her coming Into New York earlier th.n wu flrst Intended. The Toothful *t*r will make her metropolitan debnt ChrUtras* night, Dec. 28, at the* Liberty Thea- tre. and the Liberty Theatre management have pre- pared a *e*soo*ble announcement proclaiming Ml** M*cDon*1d's rlne to atardom as the thea- tre' ■ gift to the holiday week playgoers. The operetts Is an adaptation by Harry B. snd Robert B. Smith from ths German Die Sprudelfee of Wllhelm snd wlllner.— the Utter being the author of The Dollar Princes*. — *nd It* mnalcsl score, which I* a distinct restore, U by Helnrlch Brlnhardt. Miss Mscnonsld I* aupported by » large — William Bu any Including Klgte Bewen. Tom McNengbton, Lawrence Res, Ralph Er- nie. Jessie Bradbury. Charles Meyer*. Alfred TbalUno. Blanche Sherwood. Otto Hoffman. Beth stone, Paul Chute and Charles Metcalfe. FAIR CIRCUIT MEETING. The annual meeting of the Western Ohio Fair circuit will be held at Oreenvtlle. O.. Monday. Dec. 10. Thlrty-*lx fslr societies In Ohio are now members of the circuit. At the meeting a motion will be ran rte to change the nsme of the Th* Tounger* opened on the Geo. H. Web- ster Circuit Deesmbsr 8. eaterday- Fifty elation, a entailer organisation of men, affiliated with the League 7< other members were admitted. _ PennaylTsnU. Weet Vlrgtans and Indiana. ThU can be consldsred the first step In effecting s national organisation, the members from ont of the^stste agreeing to start similar organisation* Resolution* of condolence were adopted on the death, Dec. 4, of W. 0. Yard, WelUton. O.. the Bret treasurer of the Lesgoe. The League la already co-operating with women's clubs of the country In 1U effort to elevste the moving Only i faetnre or sale of NEW TICKET BOX CONCERN. The Hamilton Mfg. Co.. of two Rivers. Wis.. U plsclng on the market a new style ticket box for thestre*. The Hamilton Company U a large manufacturing con market Improved ticket office furniture. racks and other box- ARTIST S CONS IDERED New' Lincoln Theatre at Worcester, Mass., Has All Con- veniences and Comforts for Player as Well as Audience. Playhouse Is Model of Beauty (Special to The this week, offl- Kelsoi retary. 000. will own, operate, build 'an« for vaudeville in the New . England Statea. They are now building in Worcester one of the finest and largest theatres In the United States. The Lincoln, which name It will bear, will have a seating capacity of 3.20O people. The cost of the thestre wss $180,000. Vaudeville, hooked through the Morris offices, will be the policy. Besides looking after the comfort of Its natrons, the thestre management haa not for- gotten the artist. Here U a Ust of the thing* arranged enlely for the playexe' comfort: Each dressing room will bsve a private bath, with shower snd other' modern attachments. In a side room, adjoining each dressing room. The dressing rooms will be furnished In cream snd gold. French mirrors. Urge resting couch, Morris ebslr. beveled mirrors on walls, reading table with lamp, special closets with An Essanay Comedy Essanay'* release for Tuesday, December 20. Is entitled Hank snd Lank— Blind Men. It It a short comedy, the Him being 275 feet In length. The story Is ss follows: Always on the lookout for money, Hsnk snd Lank see an opportunity to get a square meal when they are Inspired by the methods of a blind man. preying upon public charity. Hank and Lank decide that It U esiy to Imi- tate the blind men and hi* way last too late, bowerer to see the supposed blind man ar- rested for Imposing on the public. Hank has the first ehsnce, snd sfter painting a' sign which 1* attached to his coat, he takes his position st a busy corner. Donations come quick and fast. Every passerby drops a coin Into hU little cup. Lank, who ha* wstcbed the operation with considerable interest la anxious to try his band at the graft, and the two stroll away to the spot where they had seen the first beggsr. For s time Lank Is successful until s - who hsd arrested blind man No. 1. the scene, snd after swsy to the lock-up. wlTh te the I ^ll«man h< and Hank "tusking* "a^apld getaway. ■ - . OPEN CHRISTMAS WEEK. New York. Dec 19 (Special to The Billboard). — Llebler A Co. announce* the Judith Zaralne. by 0. M. 8. McLctlen will be ejlven Its premiere production Christmas week. Wilton Lack aye and Miss Lena Ashwell will play the two CAWTHORN IN SLIM PRINCESS. Joe Oawthorn. the eomedUn. Joined the M«l" Janta Company In Cincinnati daring It* en- gagement there last week. He It appearing In the part heretofore played by Bam Collins. that The Twoa-Day Bunch Otto Shaffer, manager of the Real Ax Vau- deville Producing Assn.. has written material for Fox and Stewart, of World of Pleasure Company; Lew Fein, with Gay Morning Glories; Little Lew Glessoo, featured with The Honey- m ooners; Lipmsn snd Lewis, Telegraph Four. Watson and Dvcyer. Al Wild, Lew Herman and Brown and Hackett. The Prosit Trio, In Clown Alley, who re- cently closed their fourth successful season with Rlngllng Bros.* circus, opened December 4. at the Empress Thestre, Cincinnati, for the Sullivan & Consldlne people. The Trio sr fiF^anW awSS* crfnaecutlve' eeaaon^'wlth show. .. Barney Ft rat. billed a* "the dancing Hebrew and parody singer." opened Dec. 13 for the United Booking Offices at Bollock's Theatre. Providence. R. I. He has twelve weeks of United time to nil snd then sslU for England. Owing to the nineta of Mrs. Altken. of The Altken*. hsve been compelled to cancel their time on the Go* Sun Circuit snd return to their home In New Orleans. They will remain st their home until Mr*. Altken folly recovers, Mrs. Herbert L. Flint, hypnotist, will open her annual tour at Wsukegsn. 111., on Christmas Day; Aurora, 111., and Hammond, Ind., to fol- low. Mr. H. Everett Pitkin U directing the tour. The CromwelU, who are here from England to play the Morris Circuit, may remain on this side more than ten weeks If they can set back their European time. Mason and Evsns. who were compelled to lay off on account of Mr. Mr. Haney and Loaf have been booked by Edwin Lang to open on the Pantsge* Circuit In Feb- ruary. They are now working for the Asso- ciation. Jean Horace and Harry Loader are playing hooka, so arranged aa to be of same use ss • dresser at home. A Urge reception room for the artist*, with, all latest thestrlcal papers died therein, s poo* and billiard table for the men to use: whist snd card tablea for the ladies. One small room will be fitted up with sew- ing machine* and catting table* for the ladle*, with every comfort possible. Just off the large reception hall will be writing desks, typewriting machine*, station- ery, etc., for the artists own ate. The sUge door mtn will have a supply of umbrella* sod rain costs to loan artists lr> case of unexpected bad weather. By thta the theatre management guards against sickness and) performers losing time. There will be no charge for the loan of these garments. The doctor tbst will be In attendance In the nursery will serve the art lata free of charge. All dressing roams will be ventilated, an* «; every pre- caution against drafts or cold will be taken. stSt ls^'Kut Vs^sitUts mEr arrive* 'and (Continued on page Bl.) LENZBURG REMEMBERED. Brooklyn. N. Y., Dec. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — Julius Lenxburg. director of the Col- onial Thestre Orchestra, which secompanled the Busalsn Imperial Dsnceers during their M cbestra to the Colonial this week. At n testi- monial of their regard for the Utter an Im- mense floral lyre waa presented by the at- tache* or the bouse. It to expected that the- KosaUn dancers will soon return to 1 TYLER (TEX.) NEW THEATRE. Tyler. Tex.. Dec. 12 (Special to The Bill- board). — The new theatre erected by A. Hick* will be opened next Saturday night with The From U. S. A. The seatUr capacity of the about 800. atsge. Girl boose U scenic rooms. Tyler baa been without a theatre destruction of the old opera ago. 25x33. with fall large African Demand for Machines A Ann of ■ tents In South Africa ha* written to sn Amer- ican consul requesting to be placed m com- munication with American manufacturers of automatic vending machines of all kind*. Cor- respondence may be in English. The firm In Us letter ststes that weighing machine* or those paying games of skill or tercet It. tat those havlnfjri perfumery, or goods of ehsnce to do In- twee tmeaU, ., Australian cord king, opens on the Keefe-Charchlll time at the Miles Thestre. Claude Golden Detroit, Jan. ». for a ten weeks' tour. B. S- Van Sickle and Ed. Brown, the past season with the Great Cosmopolitan Show*, are spending the winter In Hot Springs, Ark. Capt. W. D. Anient'* new vaudev~ In Meridian. Miss., was opened last ' srd Hogan U resident manager. The Kaufmans opened r town. Moot., on - Knlael- and 'Beardon will appear In ste the Princess Theatre. Columbus. O.. for a of twelve week*. Leslie and Knade open on the Capital Amusement Company time at Om»a*. Dec. 18. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Laury (Mabel Valenteene Moo reel are spending their honeymoon In III cage. 8hadrlck and Tallott will *oon produce a new comedy set. written by J. Br*u'«n Walsh. Albert H. Busby and Cora fflMi «re booked over the Norman Jclfcrle. »hue. Joe Austin. Italian Impersonator opened Dec. 6. at CentralU. 1U-. for Cha*. Hodkln*. Jimea Hsrrlngton. msglcUn. opens his se*son at Clyde. N. Y, December Id. John A. Lake. mooolo«rl«t. hss been booked over the Coney Holme* time. Kamplaln and Bell will spend the holidays at their home in Clevelsnd. Texss. . Bussell Blnghnm. Impersonator, ha* Join.* Abbott's Vaudeville <"-" Dsllss Boms tner by death. Nellie Crawford hat Joined the ColonUl I* dies Orchestra. 12 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Vaudeville Week in New ORPHEU M IN NE W YORK? Martin Beck's Greatest Ambition Said to be Soon Realized, Lavish Sum Offered Hammerstein by Western Mag- nate for Manhattan Opera House. ) New York. Dee. 12 (Special to The Billboard!. — For some time past rnmor bu been current that the Martin Beck Interests are contemplat- ing an entrance Into New York, provided some amicable arrangement can be consummated. It has been suggested that a number of theatres were nnder consideration as an Eastern house for the Orpheum Circuit. Not until the past week has anything materialized that would tend to lend any truth to the rnmor. However, from Terr good authority closely in touch with Mr. Beck's movements. It haa been stated that the western vaudeville magnate offered Hammerstein 11.000.000 for the Manhattan Opera House. If some amicable affiliation could be brought about, the vaudeville complexion would be ma- terially changed as it would then allow the Orpheum Circuit to invade the East, thereby violating the so-called Dnsa. As It ' LATE N. Y. NOTES. GLOBE THE AT HE. — I. a Dame sax Camellias, a drama In French in five acta, by Alexander . Sarah Bernhardt M_ Lou Tellegen Georges Duval M. Maxudlan Gaston Blenx : .. M. Denenbouxg Gusteve .. M. Coquelele De Yarville M. Courier Le Doc tear M. Canroy Le Cte De Glray M. Adam Arthur .. .. .. .. .. M. DIeck Le Commissionaire .. .- M. Lots* Kantne Mme. Seylor Prudence Mme. Boulanger Olympe Mme. Dearoehea ... Mme. Doc .. M. Thomas Mme. Laurent . Mme. Ringer on page 45.) .. . H3. 1 w Vaudeville New York. Dec. 11 (Special to The Billboard) — After having spent fust one short week on the vaudeville stage, Charles Blgelow made a hurried disappearance that Quite amased the Broadwayites- No It t be° ( tliat C b1s fopaitursT waY\ymiMtlw«e with that of Kitty Gordon, who left Joe Weber's Alma. Where Do You Live? Company. Sat- urday. December 10. It haa been whispered that the self-termed ugliest man alive is again to return to the legitimate. In the meantime Mini Hsjos was sorely In need of a partner for ' at the ~ a being restricted to that portion of the conn try East of Cincinnati, while the Orpheum Is en- titled to the country West of Cincinnati. As haa been stated In previous issues, the Manh attan Opera House hss been running a bill of over twenty acts for the past three weeks and it could not be learned Just what changes the Orpheum Circuit would roske In the number of acts presented. They have re- mained steadfastly to the nine-act policy up to the present time and an increase is not ex- pected. SORCHO IN VAU DEVILLE Champion Deep Sea Diver Makes Debut at Paterson — Suc- cessful Career Began in Service of United States Government at Time of the Maine Disaster. New York, Dec. 12 (Special to The Billboard). — Quite the most important event In New York vaudeville circles this week was the debut of Capt. Louis Sore ho in vaudeville at the Ma' Jeatic Theatre, Paterson. N. J., on December 12. Sorcho enjoys the distinction of being the world's champion deep-sea diver — holding the records for nearly eighteen years. He Orst came Into International prominence by recovering from the V. 8. S. Maine, one hundred and thirty-two bodies. For this service he wan CAPT. LOU 18 SORCHO. Edward Blondell and Company were substi- tuted st the Orphenm. Cincinnati, this week, to take the place vacated by Chan. Blgelow and THE COLONIAL BILL. New York. Dec. 10 (Special to The Bin- board). — A very pleasant bill was offered at Percy Williams' Broadway house and many a word can be said In behalf of the acts pre- sented. Nat M. Wills, the merriest of tramps and a great exponent of the hobo type, was the feature, especially of the single numbers. The nomad, recently returned from Europe, has copied hla jokes from no one. wherefore they are original and toll of wit — he tells about some odoriferous cows and an English cattle tender on board an Atlantic steamer. Wm. H. Thompson In bis new vehicle, that of Chaa. T. Daxey, the old musician, presents an art portraying both the title-mad opnlent American mother and the sincere, true and loving German such as came over In large numbers back in 1840 and 1830. His portrayal Is so true and withal so convincing that it can he safely stated that the well-known actor has achieved much success of greater than the vehicle he abandoned a month ago. Homer Miles was there and offered Broad- way! tee a familiar character, new to the stag* howev e r . In his characterization of Packer Clancy, a typical happy-go-fetch bnt good fel- low who bluntly brings about the marriage of two lovers in spite of the evil attempts of a detective to thwart the young girl's life. The title of the sketch la On a Side Street, writ- ten Try Allies himself. Bay Cox danced and sane; around in her well- known fash ion doing an Irish burlesque on Ger- trude Hoffmann, portraying an automobile girl, who stood aH sorts of shaking op while trying to enjoy a ride, and flnhvb*"g with an American girl at a baseball game. ■ She told, of Susan front a ou uuU j town, danced in an extra Mgnt hobble skirt of convict ap- He made bis first appearance in vaudeville at the Majestic Theatre, Peterson J., Dec 12. All-Star Bill Co. in The Firs Fight- era. Colonial. Full Stsge. B — Say Cox. Singing and Colonial, la One. C— The Hoid- Up, Dramatic American, Full Stsge. D — Raymond and Caverly, Dutch Comedians. Fifth Avenue, In One. E — The Wow-wows, Comedy Sketch. American. Full St INTEBMI F — Juliet ? Imitator. American, In One. G — The Comstock Mystery. Fifth Avenue, Full Stage. H— NAT M. WILLS, Tramp Comedian. Colonial. In One. J — Wormwood's Circus, Animal Act. Colonial, Full Stage. Mew York. Dec. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — Another big bin from the group or acta offered at the three Broadway houses. A great opener is offered by tbe acrobatic Bremen or the Kills- Now Ian Co.. while no better act could close the All-stsr bill than Wor m w o od's collection of well-trained dogs and monkeys. The Two-A-Day Bunch New York. Dec 10 (Special to Tbe Bin- board). — Frank Fogarry. the winner of tbe pop- ularity contest, who baa recovered from tbe In- disposition which almost Interfered with his run in New York the paat few weeks, an* nounces thst be Is sgaln himself. During his Philadelphia engagement, tbe automobile victor was tendered sn elaborate dinner, well attend- ed by members both In and out of the profession In Philadelphia. E. Daniel Lelgbton snd company, who bare been playing in New York alnce tbe early psrt of October, expect to lesve for tbe west vis Pat Casey's route before the first of tbe year. On Monday, December 12, Brenon and Down- ing entertained metropolitan am" list time alnce their coming f Jacobs Is doing tbe booking. Brosdwsy certainly became entbnalastlc about Nat M. Wills, at the Colonial last week. Enough was put over, presswlsely speaking, to mske the comedian never long to roam sgaln. Mabel Bennett, who has been working ctnb work In snd about New York, recently worked at a dinner at the Broadway Central, given by the Woolen Men s Association. Lewis Ha rr snd Company announce a booking on the two-a-day Keith A Proctor time, to be- gin next March. Tbe Sensational Bolses are doing their winter set and now fulfilling sn engagement at Shea's Theatre. Buffalo, bnt they are not booked for New York City until next Msy, wben they win appear at the Colonial for Percy WUllami. on page «5.) presented with an elegant gold watch by sirs- bee. Since then Captain Sorcho has been fr». quently called Into consultation by gov and prominent engineers nn matters to scientific sub-marine work. Many years ago he conceived the Idea of a submarine diving exhibition— which be hss ei bibtted in every part of the world— winning fame and fortune. Sore no's exhibition differs from all others In so far aa it Is entertainlne and' essentially edn— — » — - — ■ ^ operation of a diver g erlng treasure from the hull of a i — demonstrating clearly how themselves nnder water against _ man or nab — bow v i sa ti e are located i and moat thrilling of all the tecove i y of bodies drowned In tbe wreck. For bis act— Captain sorcho Invented a boge steel tank, the front being of heavy glass, eighty thousand gallons of water are poured In and the divers go to the bottom. The captain la also tbe inventor of the only real successful submarine telephone— by ma ana or which he directs hla men who are working under water. At a teat made In Coney Island Isst summer. Captain " the depth of one hundred C Ocean — hla telephone was soon after be waa talking to tbe tor of one of the Chicago Sorcho contemplates an At nental tour In vaudeville. CRONE R EX PANDS. The profession will no doubt be Interested to learn thst Croner, tbe sparkler man, haa added a show room to his place of business, located at 208 W. 42d street. Now be baa room to display bis new process of attaching sparklers on draperies of all kinds, both curtains and i oaf mm a Much of Crocker's embroidery snd spangle work is used by big productions snd by stars. Among tome of hla work Is thit on the scenery and costumes of Toe Flute Player. Armlds. Tbe Blue Bird. Julian Eltlnge. Carter Dellsven, Both well Brown, Princess Bajah and Lohengrin and Tannnanwr at the Metropolitan Opera House. It waa he who decorated the banner presented to 1'pesldent Taft upon hla address to tbe Actors' Fund. feet In tbe AUsntie At The Vaudeville Theatres New York. Dec. 10 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — A good bill of pleasing variety wss offered st tbe Fifth Avenue Isst week. Kremka Brothers, comedy acrobats, made s very suitable opener, while Sharkley. Os Islet and Lewis showed their right to twos -day time. James F. Kelly snd Anns M. Kent presented, some new material In tbelr act. Ginger Snaps, which hss been tbelr Tehlcle for a number of years. Delro pleased the audience with his strslns on the plino-accordeon, a grafted Instrument, partaking of both these staple Instrument!, and yet being small and portable on tbe shoulder. The remaining seta were the features of the bill, and each clinched their right for repre- sentation on the All-star bin. However Oer- trnde Hoffman la not eligible on this week's All-star program because she waa on it last week. Charlotte Parry, in her portrayal of six ebsrscters In The Comstock Mystery, de- serves no end of praise, while the two Dutch comedians. Raymond and Caverly, In A Booming Town, earned tbelr right to enjoy stellar class! oration. They are using two new gags of the nature of 47 Watt street; one on underwear (where), and tbe other on Try and Oness. the nsmes of two dogs. These boys went big. Gertrude Hoffmann featured tor the second week with the same repertoire: Needless to ssy. she li one of the I devllle to-day. ' - THE AMERICAN BILL. New York, Dee. 10 (Special to The Bill bosrd).— Among the big bill of twenty-two sctj there were a number of luminaries who stood ont above the rest. Juliet spent her second week and gave a few new Impersonations. Sna was perfect In her mimicry of Maria Cahlll a; in Judy Forgot, true to the original. In. Illusive Inflection of voice and tall of every little de- Arnold Dsiy's production of The Stolen Story occupied tbe last position before Intermission, snd stirred tbe audience quite up to the ex- tent anticipated. Tbla newspaper office sketcs wss well scted and prepared the way tor an- otber blond-curdling playlet laid In a lonely tel- egraph ststloo in the alkali waate of Arisone— The Hold-Dp, with W. S. Hsrt In ths leadlni role. Fred Karno's Wow Wowa Initiated Archibald (Charles Chspln) In thslr secret order, much to ths delight of the audience, while Wljb Wynne showed box calibre to be among Ins best top-notchers. Her country girl type >• exceeding clsver, and her bashful song a big »ae- Moissae, in L' Amour de I/Apache, portrayed In pantomime tin alf Ota of the underworld 0( on page 48.) DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 13 Music and the Profession MAKIN G SON G HITS Chicago Music Publisher Enumerates Causes of Successes and Fiascos in Song Publishing. Synopsis of the Origin and Development of a Well-known Firm Id an effort to accentuate oar better quali- ties we are prone to emphasise oar achieve- ments that bear tbe label of success and lightly wait* over tbe failures that have marked tbe paths of oar publishing careers. Tbat'a wb7 most music publishers would rather srrlte their own so-calird and far from newa note* than per- mit an Impartial critic to tell tbe truth and nothing but the truth regarding their catalogs. But I'm Inclined to belle**, that the public would like to hear » plain atitement of the truth and so I am going totell Just bow I en tered Into the business and what I entered Into. One e toning I called upon Messrs, B. H. and P. D. Cochrane, bow familiarly known among their profesalonal friends an the "Cochrane Twins." two young men who bad met with treat success aa Dews paper men. In the coarse of the eventng'e entertainment, B. H.. ac- companied by P. D.. eang their phenomenally successful sane. You're Got Me Ooln' Kid. It fairly took me off my feet and when they, fol- lowed It np with Tbe Lore Bug, my enthu slsam waa at ferer heat. The kid mug pleased me most and when I Informed that It waa BO although one prominent pi — advanced a flatterlag offer. I that song Is mine!" Tbe rest Is history. I simply better proposition and tba Mo Laemmle waa doly established. You're Got Me Going Kid more than fulfilled my fondest expectation Every known means of boosting ami several new ones were employed. No expense was spared. I knew tbe number was "there" and It "arrlwed." To-day. after two years of sctlre service, this number la atlll widely sung and It la an every-day occurrence for performers to write in for a second copy, on tbe plea that the first has been worn oat from constant handling. The Lore Bog was pot oat at the same time. But I made a little mistake on this song, which prored costly. It was essentially a pro- duction number. I tried to "pat It orer" as a regular catalog aong. It took me a long time to see my error and I eodearored to recoup by making arrangements to place It In a pro- duction. Dot the arrangement tell through for various reasons. The number has been used In many good acta, bat It Isn't a bread-winner. While You've Got Me Coin' Kid was selling In the thousands and hundred thousands. The Lot* Hug was trailing behind. I next came oat with another song by the "Cochrane Twins." This waa the case of a number spoiled by a mistake In interpretation. When 1 first heard the tune. It sounded entirely different from when completed. It all came about through an endeavor to change tbe tempo of the song. I consider Let's All Go Home aa great a failure aa You've Got Me Goln' Kid la a success. Of the other numbers the "Twins" supplied. When tbe Band Plays at Night la the most melodious. But you can't keep a good song dowa. I WlStl putting out other numbers. by" recognised Including Shooting Star, by Adama and ters. Alden. (which I thought would be a bit orer Bight), hut the kid song kept booming away n» great shape and was making more progress »"d nwoey than all tbe rest of the songs corn- Tell Taylor supplied my catalog with a sim- ple, rural number, entitled Back to the Oil Home, which baa had a tremendous sale. It U the kind of a song that appeals to all classes, a simple ballad Id construction, and will prose ererlaatlog. My catalog theory la very simple. It la my policy to secure oombers adaptable to acta of different characters. When a new number goes Into the fold. I srant to know whom It will flt and whether tbe person has sufficient attractive powers to lead others to use the number, a beadllber to Introduce and everybody to follow. Of my production numbers. Julian Kit Inge" a American Rag baa proven the most I'll Change the Thorns classic. It will be eonleat was ran to for Arthur J. Lamb's beautiful , Howard Cheney and Alfred Fredericks supplied «he successful score. This melody contest proved an excellent arenue for arousing Interest and. In consequence, this song Is having a won- derful run. Tbe standing of the melody la real- ised when I make the easily proven assertion that many of the manuscripts aubmltted In the wnteat and refused hare been accepted by other publishers when put to new lyrics. I believe that a great many tonga of different kinds go to make Bp a catalog and some that never prove bite suit a claas of people who will doubtless come back for another number that may prove a hit. When all la aald and done, hlta depend on time of tbe year, the concentrat- ed effort put behind the .number. — and "pub- lisher's lock." Also upon the state of mind of the pool lie who know what they want, I leave my gentle readers to guess which of these avenues I cess of a IN PUB LISHER S' ROW Notes of the Latest Successes of. American Song Writers and the Vaudeville Performers by Whose Aid They Are Popularized NEW YOR K MUS IC N0TE8. Caferon and Devlin, who have been using Bead'a Squaw Colleen with great success, have Father. Dear Father, ' With Mlaa Linden Beck with, who has been do lighting tbe Keith and Proctor audience with to KREMER KOM PANY K0MMENT8. The flenderaon School Act. of which there are nine very talented young boys and girls, will puke a big number of Yon Can't Chew My Chew- ing Gum. a new "kid" aong. published by the Victor Kremer Co. Mr. Fred Taber. who la with the act. will sing a beantlful high class ballad (and when we say "high-class." It la not of the usual calibre of ao-eallcd hlgb-claes ballads), entitled Because or Ton, written by Louise Schaffer. and we feel sure that Mr. Ta- ber can do full Justice to the aong in hla own Peculiar style of singing It The above act will also use The Only Girl for Me. and Able, TOM QUIGLEY. the Sporty Kid. published by the anil Starr— "aPoor F«**t La Balls of Why and a mm Be haa formerly In c! turning circles. Dixie i published by the Victor Kremer Co. This number Is without doubt ' tbe greatest march aong of the day. Flora Chaluc la using Little Puff of Smoke, Good night, and Because of You, and reports unusual success with escb number, which Is to be equally divided between the singer and the aonga. "Doc" White la atlll winning laurels in vau- deville and with dne modeaty, telle aa that la Little Puff of Smoke. K. 8. L. Thompson has taken over tbe song. Shine On, Mlater Moon, from the Victor Kremer Publishing Company. He also haa ready two new songs, entitled I Wish I Had a Photo- graph of Ton and Our Glorious Flag. At an early date Mr. Thompson expects to publish three songs, called College Jane, I Have Come Back for To-night Mother, and I Am a Laddie of tbe Qolden West. DECATUR, ILL. Msnsger Tboe. P. Ronan, of the Powers The- atre. Decatur. III., la in Chicago making ar- rangementa tor a stock company to play tbe week of Dec. 19. Morton P. Harvey, manager of the Colonial id Colonnade theatres, at Decatur. 111., enter- tained four members of tbe Mlaa Nobody from at dinner rieeember 2. " with Head'a big ballad. Without Too World Don't Seem the Same. While Under the th.- ahow. Dp and Down Marie Tyler never falls to respond to several encores In her rendition of Ecstacy and Spoony Moon, the tatter being a new number by S. Engel. They ar t or Head. ♦ Clarence the Sterling and Hart bare In rehearsal three of Head's songs. Without Yoo tbe World Don't Seem the Same, In One Glrl'a " Spoony Moon. I Don't Want Just Any Little Girl Is tie of a new song published by the Head and It la very evident that It bit, from the way performers at Arthur Adamlnl writes In saying that Ing Back to the Land or Spagbet la tl Italian character aong that " It la published by the Head the tl- of desk after an absence or two l of Illness, and la kept busy acknowledging the well wishes of bis friends in and oat of the profession. Give Your Smiles to All the Boys was one of tbe song hlta of the bill at tbe Albambra this week, as sung by Mlaa Evelyn Harding, and never failed to bring the young lady back for an encore. It la published by Head. ♦ S. Clarence Engel. manager of tbe profes- sional department for the Head Music Pnb. Co.. Is busy these days Interesting performers la their big ballad hit. Without You the World Don't Seem the Same._ and the Dew song Just LEO FEIST NEWS. Ben Welsh la scoring tremendous with At. Plantadosl's great Italian character great Ital ag. at tbe Marshall Montgomery la making a big hit with oar great march aong. Think It Over Mary, at the Bronx Theatre thla week. He la always bound to get a big encore every time be aings the aong. Joel P. Oorln and hla company. In their playlet,- entitled Entertaining Society, are us- ing all of Leo Feist's songs and are scoring heavily with Cavalier. Think It Orer Mary and Mother's Child. They play Poll's time for several weeka with Orpbeum time to follow. Billy Geller haa Just returned from Phila- delphia, poshing and making all Leo Prist's songs popular la that city. From reports con- ing from Phils-, he certainly created some noise while he waa there featuring the Italian Walts. Think It Over Mary and In All My Dreams I Dream of Yoo. Arthur Deagon, who waa formerly one of the late atars of follies of 1910. Is making some Impression with our Italian aong. That Dreamy Italian Waits. He playa Hammeratetn a. Sun- day. Wright and Dletrelcb pot on Dreamy Italian Walts at Poire. Wukea-Barre, this week, and says. "Best song In a long while." That a going some, yon fcoow— it's some act. Marron and Heine are singing Think It Over Mary, at Loe-'s Sit. Vernon this week and are going very big wlth^the song. Yvette. the new Hammersteln wonder, dis- covered by Dave Boae. Is scoring very big with Joe Nathan'a big aoceeas. My Cavalier. She playing Hammersteln's this week. ♦ Carter and Bluford tried out two weeks ago at Warburton Theatre, Yonkera. and made as: Impression singing oor latest Indian " titled Dancing Starlight. They - scenery and costumes. Al. Herman, who la playing all the time and Is a great minstrel " San Francisco Glide and Motbet knocking them off their eeats. 24.) SUPPRESSING SUGGESTIVE SONGS. • I have been greatly Interested m tbe crusade against suggest! re and Indecent tongs, carried on so successfully by tbe authorltlee in Chi- cago, aays Charles K. Harris. In tbe Music Trades. There the ban baa been placed on ln- namerable songs which seem to be accepted by tbe public in New York aa within the hounds ZS^JSrt& l --v. 2K£=S publication elsewhere and regretted their ac- ceptance by the public, or rather, a part of the public, for I never have believed that there is •ny universal demand for suggestive aonga. On the contrary I have always been convinced that clean, wholesome aonga are what the public wants, songs that can- be taken Into the borne and sung by tbe wives and daughters or me family. I have tried to encourage that char- acter of music, and with success. Therefore 1 was curious to learn what effect tbe Chicago crusade against Indecent songs bad had In New York, A few nights ago r sent two of the best singers attached to my office accompanied by a pianist, with bundles or the lstest music under their arms. Jo visit the various high-class cafes from Thlrty-fourtn street along Broadway to Harlem. Tbe trio visited no less than s dozen or these cares, offering In each place to sing some popular hit. Variety Is what la wanted In M sm.lgj Mle. «nd visiting singers are frequently Inrited to help oat in tbe entertainment. So my boys were welcomed everywhere, and their offer to slog was gladly accepted. They conBned themselves, for the most part, to a pretty little song from The Sweetest Girl In Paris, now playing In Chi- cago. Tbe song Is called Don't Forget the Number. The title gives no key to tbe theme of the song. It might bc_n ton mm t on page 24.) 14 The Billboard 17. 1910. r I. BIG TOWN 1= | AM US EM ALBANY, N. Y. university of hex It back to the town where It Christmas Day Miss Dressier tried out TOile's Nightmare at Harmanoa Bleeeker Hall, receiving assurances from critics and public that the hau a winner. This Christmas Day she Is to re torn to the same theatre to prove to Albany that ir> prophecy was correct. The New Theatre Company makes Its second Ttstt to this dry within the year. Dee. iM«' Jessie Boiler, so Albany girl. Is east In Sister Beatrice and The Thunderbolt. Charles V. Burton, manager for Bert Lytell. Albany's stock star of last summer, was In town Dee. 1. He called on Manager Cordon and the Harmanns Bleecker Hall and there was ling doing" every minute he was here, ne wul bring Bert Lytell back to tlu. hall late In March. If Toledo wfll let him go. Bert Is Ukely to bring with him all the money In To- ledo, judging from reports of his success. Tom Wise was compelled to make a speech every night be waa here in The Gentleman From Mississippi. He baa lost none of his old- many pleasant times with the Kingdon-Conrte* nay Stock Company of other years. . On Dec 5-8. H- B. Warner brought with him in Aliaa Jimmy Valentine, Frank Kingdou, of this old stock company, and be received an ovation. A farther interest to aitm»l«™. in this play Ilea In the fact that one of Its acts la an exact replica of the lobby of the stan- wlg Hotel In this dry. James H. Rhodes, of the Empire, is stOl BROOKLYN, N. Y. was a daughter of Colonel Mosby of the Civil War fame. Mr. Kernan was also in the Con- federate -service, and through a suggestion offered by Miss Mosby. he gave the large sum of money to endow the new hospital. The new hospital will be one of the finest and a model of Its kind lu the United States. Plana are being prepared for a large garage and riding school to be erected on North avenue, shortly, for the Coliseum Biding School Com- pany. It will have a depth of 100 feet and a width of 100 feet. - will be on the The weather continues most delightful for . as well as tor the holi- day shopper and both the theatres and the re- tail stores are doing a very satisfactory busl- The redaction In prices at the Dvjquesne has had the desired effect it is a esse now of capa- city business daily. The benefit performance of the Mikado given Monday night. Dee. 8, at the Alvln Theatre for the George Jr. Republic, at Grose City, was s big success. Speeches were made by the President Mr. Otto Shatter, and by the Secretary Mr. Lloyd Scott, Attorney L. S. Le- vun. chairman, outlined the start of the repub- lic and told of the growth within a few years. ' Plttsbuig seems to be headquarters for new to join traveling ^ " f"'** A few Col. P. B. Wendelacbaefer. of the Providence Opera House, greatly benefited the anti-tuber- culosis cause, when be devised the pan to af- fix s Bed Cross seal on each ticket sold for the engagement of Marie Dressier, In Time's Night- mare, something over 7,000 being sold the first of the week. Edwards. Tan and Tierney made their second appearance of this season at Keith's Theatre but week. Nof ced. Mr Thomas Walsh, well-known here in theat- rical circles, has accepted a position with the Imperial Theatre management. ■« adrertlalng agent. A dever bunch st the Empire Theatre, and al- waya on the Job: Manager. SoL Braunlg; treas- urer Samuel Kaufman; assistant treasurer, John A. Hlgney; musical director. An" stage manager, Ernest Hargraves; _ Boily Bernardlne; scenic artist. Chaa. G. saptd; master of properties, Fred W. Bartlett matrons, Mrs. I. L. Monroe, Mi " CLEV ELAN D, O. That Cleveland enjoys and appreciates big spectacular productions, waa folly demonstrated by the liberal patronage accorded local play- houses the week of Dec S. Webb, the sed man, who Is with the Boyd- abow, baa recently purchased the entire " ^'"ihe* DuSon" Trio, met with accident at the opening per- formance of -the Rhoda Royal and Adams Circus In Cleveland, when the horse she wss riding theatre nights, the United Neighborhood Guild and sal societies the Idea, which Is to ar- range performances at the principal theatres for wage-earners at which half the nsnd price of admtaalon shall be charged, la to be given a trial here. That there are thousands of persons of small incomes unable to attend the best thea- tres and who would greatly enjoy the oppor- tunity of witnessing good plays is unquestioned. The cost of attendance at the theatre la the only barrier which has prevented a Urge and Intelligent part of the public from seeing good plays In the past and the opportunity to Join the league, st the nominal cost of ten cents for ■ year's dues, should be rerr generally em- braced- The moveme nt la In no sense a charity. It la merely an arrangement by whjcb the thea- tres and these special audiences find a reduced admission mutually profitable and by which good plays may be witnessed by persons who hitherto have not felt at liberty to meet .the outlay which theatreguing- usually necessitates. The movement, apart from stimulating an interest In the worthy things of the theatre among a large class of people to whom it win be both an advantage and a pleasure, win have the far- ther effect of increasing the patronage of plays through the additional advertising they will ■ He Tell in Lore With His Wife, Edith Ellis' I i»valar novel. i the flattering notices which the local pa- gave it, the production wfll be a big snc- I on page 39.J ss. BALTIMORE, MD. Armstrong, the well-k , as proceedings hate by bis wife. Mrs. Bella And . The bill of complaint alleges cruelty, and brutality. At present Mr. Armstrong la In Chicago, where he Is looking after his new play. The Deep Purple, which has been re- cently produced there. Mr. Armstrong mskes his home at Annapolis. Md., where he haa a mag- nificent mansion overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong formerly lived at Anne. Md. . and about four years ago — id to Annapolis. They took up their - at Acton, the fine estate of tie late Pay Director James D. Murray, of the navy. About two years ago. Mr. Armstrong purchased bis present mansion. which Is ■one of tbe most beautiful In the ancient capital of^ Maryland^ Socially, at Annapolis, be and contingent. m,nT among the navy The court, through Chief Judge William H. Thomas, signed an order directing the defend- ant to allow S2SO as counsel fees for the sollc- plalntiir. and further, to pay the J a month alimony during the con- 1 of the suit, first payment to date from December 15, 1910. nnleaa cause la shown to the contrary on or before that date. The cou- ple separated about three weeks ago, and it Is alleged that his conduct towarda his wife be- came Intolerable. They have three young daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were married In London on July 24. 1899. and tbe went to princess Anne to live, and later moved to Annapolis. Since Mr. Kernan announced his charitable gift of endowing a hospital for cripple chil- dren, be haa been swamped with letters and telegrams of congratulations from all parts of the country. Most of his letters were requests for financial aasiatsoce. Mr. Kernan la the happiest man in town since he gave ont the news of his Intended charity. The new lust! ration will be known as the Tames Lawrence Kernan- Hospital and Industrial School for Crippled Children. About a year ago. Miss Ada Mosby. who Is a nurse at the present borne for crippled children, requested Mr. Ker- nan to loan a piano for an entertainment, and Instead of making the loan, he gave one as a present. He became very intimate with Mlsa Moaby after that, and discovered that ah* KEITH'S THEATRE, weeks ago five new members joined the BUUe Burke Company her. while last week the Elsie J an is Company was Joined by a number to take tbe places of some woo are to leave. Princi- pal amongst the newc om ers were Joe .Cawthom and his wife Qneenle Vaasar. Mr. Cawtborn ia to replace Sam Co Ulna as the chief comedian In The Slim Princess and Hiss Yaaaar will sing the role of the American GtrL Mme. d> Paaqnaile. coloratura prima donna soprano of tbe Metropolitan Opera Company and Adolph Bo retard, trench pianist in joint reci- tal at Carnegie Hall, were the big attraction of the week. Every effort that can be brought Into play as well as every conceivable plan to raise a to continue tbe symphony LOUIS L. KAUFMAN. NEW ARK, N. J. theatres of this dty gave es for tbe Newark factory a PROVIDENCE, R. I. Vanity Fair Pork, the summer amnsement place down the river, was sold at auction last week to E. P. Lynch, of this city, for fZf.EOO. He stated that be bid it In partly for the bond- holders, who are creditors of the company. Mr. Lynch when aaked what tbe plans for the future were, stated that he did not know. Mr. M. J. O'Hara. repreaentlna- the Press Ticket Co., of Boston, Msaa.. was a last week. Here Is a bunch that work well together st the Bijou: Manager, M. J. Bellley: stage man- ager. Frank Peck ham; electrician. Owen Keddy; door-tender. Chaa. Smith: ticket seller. Geo. Mack; assistant ticket seller. Mlsa McCoy. The bargain matinees inaugurated by In* man- agement at Keith's Theatre for tbe few w«*h* preceding Xmas, struck a popular note, sod lb* Increased attendance bat been gratifying. stepped on her. She win be ont of the game for a couple of weeks. Tbe Dntton Trio will be remembered aa a feature attraction with the Singling Brothers shows last season. Charlie Selgrlst, of the Selgrlat troupe of which* ptev* ta" hi ^fronT'dol * Ma* 1 " m "nt"' ^at^OarroS'^** a** BT tM^^ he* 535 death^ ln^Tdsa*^^ lMt bi f\'lL 1 TbeVJ soclated Fresa published a report of his having been tilled along with a report of tha death of Mrs. Nelson, of the Great Nelson Family, both of whom are with tbe Royal and Adams show, was also published by Tbe Billboard at that time. Considering the amount of applause he gets away with at each performance, It would that there most have been a mistake where. of thorough son slrlans. there are if there Is anyone in any COLUMBUS, 0. win soon harbor bnriesnna from one or the other "wheels," bat nothing definite ran be learned on tbe subject. It will be remembered that the Colombia Amassment Company played hnrleonoe la what Is known as tha Grand, but for soma reason or other about a year ego closed, gome poopla are ready to believe that It was dan to a so rallad reform mayor taking i doubt __ any white thla aforesaid mayor la I Other dlles that are by long odda I rn.d than thla one and there la no gtl o of holler attempt governed To oModge II. Fred JJtMeVngjwr. the porrBlif local conductor of the band bearing his gams, will tab* hi* mm •o Newark eaeb tfnnAtf during the wlnl»r and give on* concert In ifa* ntl'/nnm. retnrnlag fa Dm* m appear in Memorial Half, wl>«r* he g with avHeb **jre**w the paat 8T. ! LOUIS, MO. Wot* West. Tales of Hog- . are the repertoire or the graud^ opera season, here, at Collaeum, beginning The Gem ' room wita tbe pictures. - Tbe following la tbe list of acta which ap- peared at the ink*' Charity Circus, at Coliseum here last week: 81a Klylng Herberts. The Mll- le res, De Voe, The Wards, Teams Troupe, Four Comets, La Tell Slaters, The Bovaroa, Alva Troupe. DdUe, Julian. Joanle Cerrle*. Marietta Lowaada. Linda Jeal. The Ledgett'*. Maud. Bur- bank, Nettle Greer, Ledgett and Greer, La Bells Linda. CoL U den's Trick Ponies. Four Kellers! I zander Bros.. Howard Bros., line. La Mrnte Will Howard. Bice. Bell and Baldwin, r sa follows: Joe Delavoye. Clark Trio. Ed. Sam Bemett, Dan Kelly. Beli. Bice and win, Leon Goodrich. Dick Ruth. - is aa Immense success, and money. Tom s,hHim fa the annoot Charity circus, and te giving Baraum and Bailey flavor. " City Film " that dty nv" to the i JeasM pleted fourteen weeks on Chaa. DoO trick's Circuit ont of Chicago, la their apeetacdar electrical novelty act. opened on the Hodkln'a Circuit at the Majestic Theatre, Waco, Texas, last week, aa a feature act, and acored quite a hit. Jeasl* and Nellie Bused are both wen known In SL Louis, having appeared on the vaudeville stage here for several aeaaoaa. Dan S. Flahell. of tbe P r inc e — Theatre here. Informed by the William weeks that can be guaranteed to the pianist. The Princes* Is being counted on for one or two weeks of the proposed engagement. The a alary will be by far the largest the various managers have ever before been aaked to pay. Mrs. G. W. Davenport writes me that she will offer for sale the haioogllil a to the act of ber husband, whose sadden death la Texas In Novem- ber haa left ber In needy drcumaUncea. Sb* states : hat It Is mostly brand new and of tha bis Uncle Ton's Tbe boas week. George K. Lawrence, Eugene Kmmett. Vera* Alderman. Mabel Butterworth. Breeee E. Ball. H. w. Will lama. Cmsetts E- Astta. Helen King. Clyde Trias* II and Fred Monroe. Tbe Orpheom closed Dec 3. on account of poor aasssksoa The boose waa playing vandevlile. booked by the Princes* Vaudeville Kxchang* of Louisville, Ky. Charles Zerm and J. A. Hunter, of carnival fame, are wintering ta Bi r mingh a m , Ala. The Third Degree Company could not give show Monday night. Dec 8. at tbe Jef- rersoa Theatre on account of the baggage car being lost, B. W. Goes, of Mobile, Ala., t* now advert!*- at Bit- their .SEATTLE, WASH. to figures Issued by the crass, raahlngtua. D. C. Be at tie' a popula tM and Portland 207.214. ahowlng gala over that of 1900 a. at that a popdation was 80,671 snd Port _*» at •Job la W an Immense time Seattle's land 00,420. - Elisabeth Hale, wife of Was. H. manager of the Alba m bra, baa returned to tha atage for a abort period, appearing aa Lygta In Quo Vadla. Mlsa Hale haa lost none of her sweet womanly ways with ber long abaeoc* from tbe stage, George U Baker and Harry L. Cort. of tht Baker Stock Company, at tbe Seattle Theitr*. bare agreed to set aadde the entire third »**» of December tor benefit* ta different chart labia org anlaationa and beneficiary order*. The first spadeful of earth wss turned Novem- ber 28. on the alts of the New Metropolitan Theatre, which Klaw and Erianger will erect ba tola dty at the corner of Fourth avenue and Udverslty street, Charles Derbyshire waa the soloist at tk* third popular concert Sunday, Dec 4 by tb* Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Manager Carl Been, of tbe Moore Theatre haa Installed a squad of four motorcyciuu who** duty will be to deliver to dl P»rt* of the city ticket* ordered try patron* of tb* big show hooee. The B*o*voieat Protective Order of Elk* held their memorial aecTleee ta the Moore Theatre at eleven o'clock Pecember 4. Mode waa fur- nished by the regular Moore T1 the Haydn Quartet and Mtaa Bvi Wiener aa *olol*t. General J. B. Tbe ~ ■ A oomplata Hat of attractions ap- pearing In tha ettiaa mantlorvad on (Vila page ia given In tha depart- rtitnt beginning on p*i0# HL DECEMBER 17, 1310. The Billboard 15 BRIEF 1 SAN FR ANCIS CO, CAL The Empress Theatre, on Market (treat, the new botiac where the Sullivan C'onsldliie attrac- tion, will bare Int run. U completed, end the entire bouse opened Sunday, December 4. It la without a doubt the bandaomeat and be.t appointed popular priced vaudeville theatre la tbe M It la Claaa A throughout, and waa built for the Graumaoa at a coat of (300,000. The walla are divided Into panela. with old row tlnte. artistically stenciled. Features In this Dew theatre are an automatic sprinkling device, bj which the theatre can be flooded at >n Inatant'a notice; aabeatoa cnrtalna an J flre- eeenery; ventilating plant, by which .at baa an Individual ventilator, which prntilta the heating or cooling of the theatre; ball lirarlog, leather-covered opera c ha Ira, with rocking effect, wide alalea and nine exits. The lobby la flnlaned In Vermont marble, trimmed with African marble. The Interior lobby la French plate glass mlrrora on all walla, and contains three hundred lamps. Ladles' retir- ing rooma, gent a' amok Ins rooms, and offices for the theatre are all In keeping with the bt.use. The Sullivan Cooaldlrje Circuit offices will be removed from the American Theatre Building to tola building. Capacity. 1,800. Sid Crauman la general manager. Mia* Rr stria Mlebelena-Mlddlelon. aoubrette with the Max Dill Co.. severed her connection with the company December 1. Miss Maud Lil- lian rterrl. formerly with the Kolb and DU1 Co., replaced her. Mile. Silverado, a elever and artistic novelty gymnast and contortion let, opened on the S. A C. Circuit, and la traveling westward, playing Seattle week of January 23. A big street carnival and mardl eras parade ook pi see here at the North Beach section of the city during the week and pro red a huge success. This la the Brat time a street car- nival ever took place here, and owing to toe Immense success. I: la to be an annual affair. The regulation assortment of side shows under caovaa, free aerial acta, Breworka. band con- certs, paradea, crowning queen and king car- nival were all Included. Roller akatlng to about to begin the winter season at Dreamland Rink. The first of the stating parties took place last week, and waa attended by a large crowd of society people. The Mission District Is holding a carnival to run for three weeks, beginning December a. Virgil Moore, an aeronaut, will make dally bal- . For fully A big wild a the district. (Continued on page SS.t L03 ANGELES, CAL. ..°." T ', r Mocoseo, aaaaager of the Bar bank and Majeetlc Theatres, returned from New York the pt« week, where be completed arrangements tor the production of all the recent ffimbrrt aoceesaes. In the near future, by -the Bnrbank Stock Company. Arrangements were also made for the pre- miere or a new play. Kindling, at the Majestic next summer, with Margaret IUlngten, In the principal part. Edgar Belwyn will come to the Bur bank Thea- tre for a four weeks* engagement, next earn- mer. In a series of new plays by himself. Richard Bennett will also reran for n mld- snmmer engagement at the heed of the Burbank Company. Shirley Olymplna. formerly dramatic writer for The Herald, will go to New York soon, where he will be general press representative for the Metropolitan Grand Opera House. EUGENE d'lNGOMAB. VANCOUVER, B. C. The city council at Ita last regular weekly meeting discussed at considerable length the sptoiotment of a eenaoe for local theatres. On reference to the dty solicitor he itatcd that the council bad no power to establish a eenaor- anlp. aare as arranged In that by-law. under the clauses providing Inspection by the license napeclor. police etc The matter waa left In the hands oi the finance committee along «Uh ^averal other amendments to that theatre Petitions were received for and against the proposed moving picture theatre on Hastings street between Abbott and Can-all streets. There are three theatres in this block Mat and the merchants object to the erection of n fourth. This rustler will he decided by the finance com- mittee at a special meeting. A commission to take the evidence of Mr. John Consldlne of Brattle waa granted last week In the action bronght by W. H. Lucas against P. Burns and D. Burns for $7,000. The plain- tiff's claim la that be negotiated the sale of the Vancouver Opera House to John Conaldlne. the being $200,000. J." Kelly closed a five weeks' engage the Lyric Theatre on MoT. J8, an entire new company began a lengthy engagement. A diversified bill wss presented. Including s mln- •trel act, a musical comedy, a comedy drama and aeveral vaudeville acta. Aa the ahow laata about threw hours there to only one night performance nod a matinee. The prices re- main the same. It la Mlia May Yohe'a Intention to make ■ vaudeville tour of Canada and also to make a tour of the Orient at the head of bar own corn- Dan Shields and Dot Hall have just completed a successful tea weeks' engagement In musical — aedy at the Grand Theatre. They opened Portland laat week at FrleVa Theatre, ere they are booked for a lengthy engage- A complate list of attractions ap- paarin-j m the citiat msntiorved on this page It given in the depart- ment beginnina on paga 18, Mr. H. s. Boiston baa been appointed msn- sger or the Vancouver Exhibition. Mr. II Good, of Toronto, waa to have been manager but for some reason hla appointment did not ma- terialise. The appointment of Mr. Rolaton la a NEW ORLEANS, LA. A big International aviation meet will be held here under the anaplcea of the Aero Club of America from December 24. 1010, to Jan- nary 1, 1911. all the prominent aviators of the world will be hen to take part. Nearly 180.- 000 lo prise money to being offered by the local promoters to have the big meeting here. Flights of all klnda will be made, long-distance Sights from Baton Rouge. La.; Mobile. Ala., or some other cities, from a ateamahlp sixty miles out in the Gulf of Mexico, nights for altitude, dis- tance and cross-country flights, lag flights, away flight*. Mr. I. 8. Berger la here making all ar- rangementa for toe aviators. The New Orleans men that are behind the aviation meet are C. H. Ellis, president of the Board of Trade; Tboa. F. Cunningham, of the Progressive Union; Lawrence Fabacher. of the New Orleans Brew- ing Association : ' Palmer Abbott, Pierre Grab- it.-.. Pearl Wight, William Allen, of the Busi- ness Men's League; w. R. Thompson, president of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange: " and accuracy flights, and get- baa been engaged as leading man and stage director of tbe Glrton Stock Company at the Valencia Theatre, San Francisco, opening Dec. Changes In the Baker stock Company playing at the Spokane are Benjamin Horning, closing; John Sherman, Joining. Franklyn Underwood la now looking after the direction of the stage, assisted by Ed. Lawrence. Harry Hay ward, of the ■ leave for ■ trip to C« MINNEA POLI S, MINN. With tbe approach of tbe YnleUde season, when good cheer is In tbe very air and young and old alike feet an added glow of warmth In their veins, and when everyone seeks life and gayety, what more natural than that they should torn with one accord to the theatre, the foremost borne of enjoyment and diversion, with renewed Interest. How many lives have been brightened, how many cares thrown aside for the minute. In a hearty laugh at the min- strel man. the celebrated musical comedy star or even the side-walk comedian at the always popular 10, 20, 30c. vaudeville ahow. Then again with what Interest sod Intense feeling the more serious problems of the day. the little dramas of everyday life, aa It were, ate watched by tbe thousand of spectators who throng daily to the now moat popular and widely patronized source of entertainment of the day, the theatre. In Minneapolis, as In all other large and enterprising cities, the need and benefit of the theatre aa an educator, an enllghtener and a place of relaxation after a strenuous day la SAM S. SHUBERT THEATRE. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. ' law s j ,iJ l if ^ i ll I ^ I WWMI 1 ' Wlwl Hi* 1 ■ ■ ■ i s . a i i.i|L|ia.asi.i i | f 1,1 This constructed at an expense of $290,000. was Alien In the White Sister. way Company: Theodore Grunewald. of tbe Grunewald Hotel, representing the hotel In- terest. Augustas Post, aviator. In a Curtisa bi plane, wane flying at tbe Sew Orleans Item Aviation Association meet be re. while at a height or about ISO feet hla machine swerved and Post and hla bi plane came tumbling down like a rock the machine being completely demolished and Aviator Post narrowly escaping death. Mr. Post to ' TORO NTO. CAN. L. Sol man. of tbe Royal Alexandra, haa recently returned to town after a trip to New York, and has a nice bunch of contracts of splendid attractions booked to appear short- ly In succession, at this popular house. Mr. Soimsn Rays that Toronto la becoming a popular city among producing managers and they aay If a new play makes good here it Is bound to be a success anywhere. The L. Lawrence Weber Co-Ope retire Book- ing Circuit recently fanned In New York far the estsbllsbmrnt of a circuit of popular- priced theatres, will bare a bouse here, so It to Tbe staff of Shea's beautiful new theatre, owing to the court cay and obliging manners. Is very popular with tbe large clientele. Will Tingle -la the presiding genius of the box -office. West Moran. who has been with tbe establish- an». to tbe competent and man and principal in front popular bead usher. JOSEPH GIMSON. SPOKANE. WASH. Charles Mnehlmaa. manager of the new Amer- ican Theatre, haa juat returned from New York and states tbe new house will open around Christmas. He will make an announcement shortly what tbe policy of tbe house will be. Jack Amory and Miss Laura Adama. who appeared In their new sketch. When Married People Marry, In Calgary, report e d It a big George D. MacQnarrle, who waa leading man be Jessie Shirley Stock Company, here. recognised and admitted, and tbe crowded houses which hare been tbe good fortune of moat of our opera houses testifies to tbe fact more plainly than mere words. the main reasons for the excellent patronage which attends most or the Mill City theatres to doe to the care and earnest endeavor of the management of our various playhouses to bring only what is best and moat desired before tbe public. At tbe petition or the owners or tbe Shn- bert theatre, tbe street opening commission of this City will widen Seventh street between Hennepin and First avenue. North, or tbe block In which tbe theatre la located. In or- der to offset the damages occasioned to other properties and to private improvements by this widening. It wss necessary to assess aU the benefiting properties Cells Haskell, a local girl who baa been appearing with tbe Lyric Stock Company at the Lyric Theatre here, will leave about Dee. 73. to join William Faveraham and hla company en tour. Mtas Haakell will travel with the Upon complaint of Factory Inspector Louise Clspp. M. J. Kavsnaugh. manager of the Gem Theatre, and Mrs. Annie Tyrrell, mother of Marjorle and Robert Tyrell, aged respectively fourteen aod sixteen years, were arrested for violating tbe statute concerning crimen agalnet children, which makes It unlawful for children under eighteen years to appear In dancing acta at a public performance. Tbe case waa tried In the municipal court here, Thursday. Decem- ber 1. with the result that Judge Walte ruled that hereafter no child under eighteen years of age can appear at a public performance here In a dancing, gymnastic or contortionist act. Be found Mr. Kavanangh and Mrs. Tyr- ell both guilty of violating the ordinance, and lined them each a minimum One of 150, which Several changes have been made in the house staffs of the local motion picture thea- tres. Gay Heberelee succeeds M. Volkman aa operator at the Wonderland Tneatre. and Dick Jonathan la now lecturing at tbe Scenic Theatre. G. E. Blondell. who haa been on the (Continued on page 38.) OMAHA. NEB. A canine vendetta, which had lta climax la Omaha laat week, was the cause of the death of "Tip," one of the doga In the eketcb. The Top o' th" World. It waa aald "Tip" waa tbe holly of the crowd of alz collies, and the others bad it in for him. "Tip" waa the ca- Boosevelt. and when be swung his big " In this case waa a set of sharp then submitted. But the other .lew tired of "Tip" and his big and formed a black baud aociety. A few weeks ago. at Spokani. Wash., tbe rest of the collies with one accord pounced upon "Tip" and gave him a terrible beating, which left him more monopolistic than ever, although be was more careful to attack tbe weakest of the others. So when the act waa playing laat week in Omaha, at the Oxpheum. the "gang" Jumped poor "Tip" one day, and when the keener pulled them away there waa nothing left of him but a mangled corpae. There waa an addition to tbe chorus of The Genius company here, a beautiful young from Harlan, la.. Woodruff predict a tody. Mr. Henry Woodruff waa the social lion of many exclusive teaa and informale while play- ing hla engagement in this city, be having many friends here who are neighbors of bla at Scooset by the Ses. hla summer residence. A late addition to the Woodward Stock Com- pany, playing at the Boyd, la Mr. Jaa. 11c- Cabe. who will play the comedy parte. Mr. McCabe was a member of the old Woodward Stock of years ago. and la well and favorably known here. Ha baa been associated with Ed- esoo aod others. One Edith Spencer Stocks Company will play at the Gayety Theatre on Saturday nights hereafter, fllllng the date left vacant by the burlesque troupe playing this bouse. This change is made because of tbe Inability of the extravaganxa company making Minneapolis In time for Sunday when leaving Omaha Saturday night. The American Music Hall la still dark, but Emll Brandeto. one of tbe owners, says there will be a change soon snd the theatres will open, playing either tbe Morris dates or affiliate with some other vaudeville circuit ne- gotiating to come Into the city. Tbe Paotsges are mentioned as "tbe other circuit." Tbe Orpheum bss raised the price of the first dozen rows downstair* to fifty cents the Saturday matinee, to be the role at thto up to tbe standard. Quite an innovation at tbe Willis Wood The- atre to tbe diagram of tbe seating arrange- ment of the theatre, on the counter of tbe box office, under a glass cover. That this la a great conveniences both for tbe box office and tbe pa- ' trons is evidenced by the way It la always In. use. A patron cornea to the box office and asks for teats, the box office Indicates on thto diagram J oat exactly where tbe patron's scats are. and thus insure* satlafactlos to the natron. This la the only diagram In nse In any Kansas City theatre. Mr. O. H. Buckley, business manager, said in speaking about this diagram: "Why. It Is Juat sn Idea of my own. As you. know, I go East every year for my vacation, to little old New York, for I am a New Yorker myself, and while In New York thto paat season I bad occasion to notice that every theatre there to equipped with this diagram, and how convenient and agreeable It la. and so derided that Kansas City and the Willi. Wood Theatre should have one this season. Tbe one at tbe Willis Wood la the only one In Ksnsss City." Mr. Buckley also aald that this diagram of the Willla Wood seats wss saving the theatre a great deal of exchanging of seats, foe now the purchaser knows where be will alt, and can also get tbe seats he desires. It wss sn onnsnsl feature, tbe Sol Jay. Decem- ber t. matinee at tbe Shobert Theatre. Gen- erally the Shobert shows come to town la time for the Sunday evening performance, and It to quite the exception when the Sbnbert la open on Sunday for matlneea. Tula Sunday matinee was that of Tbe Jolly Bachelors being held over for an extended engagement. The Jolly Bach- elors waa the attraction at the Sbnbert the week of Nov. 27, and on account of the Sbn- bert being engaged for tbe Charity Kermisa for three evening performances, from December 8th to 10th Inclusive. Tbe Jolly Bachelors and Stella May hew were retained at the Sbnbert for the first part of tbe week of tbe 4tb. Tbe Kansas City Athenaeum announces tbe engagement of Ellen Terry for an appearance at tbe Sbnbert Theatre at a late matinee Fri- day afternoon. January 13. 1011. In her dls- 1 "Shakespeare's Heroines Triumphant." .. Lawrence Lehman, formerly assist- ant manager of tbe Orpheum Theatre, was given the managership of tbe Aoditortom Theatre, when that house opened November 8 with a high-class stock company. In up-to-date and new and Interesting productions. Mr. G. K. Htglnbotham. press representative of the Orph- eum, now to assistant manager of the Orpheum. and also Is In charge of both the press depsrt- menta of the Orpheum and Anditorlom Theatres. Mr. Htglnbothan ta well qualified for both posi- - both theatres. g<»d^prcM at an act llgiuooman is weu and Is giving ho and' fflg T ST The torlum _. of Manager Lehman. Is making every day. At both tbe. Thanksgiving Day romances all the house records were broken the Immense crowds that attended. Mr. Lehman la giving us some fine stock produr Hons snd all the members of the company are well selected and capable. The stage dlree Hon la under Mr. Geo. Lask. (Continued on page 39.) 16 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. Amusements in European Metropolises LONDON NEWS LETTER City Council Peremptorily Refuses to Issue Permits for Erection of Music Halls— Oswold Stoll and Other Promoters Keenly Disappointed amusement world" as °ls 8 tbe present. So fur u one can Judge, absolutely everything seems to be doing well, and toll, despite a generally troubled political outlook, and a general election coming upon us within a few days. For Instance, at Ills Majesty's Theatre all the elaborate preparations which have been going on for months for the production of a great children's play have had to be drop, ped on account of the unprecedented success of Henry Till. Over the way, at the Baymarket Theatre, although The Bine Bird la once being pnt on for Christmas, It Is only done such at the expense of Prlscllla Away which la going Just as well as It did at the start. Edward ea" latest production. The Quaker Girl. Is booked np until next spring. The Chocolate Soldier Is stm turning away motley, ami taking London all aronod, thea- tres, music balls and picture palaces are baring the time of their existence. After ail. the London County Council has put its foot down with a vengeance on the extension or mnalc halls In London. As I wrote yoa lsat week. Oswald Stoll bad applied for a li- cense for Ore new music balls, spread orer London, which were to be the last thing In con- struction and elaboration. The subcommittee of the Council granted the application last, week, sublcct to the confirmation of the Council ltaeir. The matter came np yesterday, and everyone of these applications for licenses was refused. London la to bare no mora mnalc halls, at least not for a long time, and the shareholders Id the older companies are rejolc . Ing accordingly. It baring been lost announced that Miss Cicely Hamilton Is the author of Gertrude Kingston's oew play. Just To Get Married, had led Bernard Shaw to remark that Are years hence four fifths of the successful plays will be written by women. I'm not so sure that he Isn't right, despite the fact thst Are years ■ ago the theatrical writer lacking matter always fonnd an easy subject In the dearth of the head of the gang, and Fred Lewi, as a mpocs member of parliament, are all really excellent. The piece Is a little off the line of those usually given at this theatre, and la none the less welcome for this reason. It baa, by the way, prevented na from baring an actor member of Parliament for the first time. Al- exander, already a member of the London Coun- ty Council, waa to have been a candidate In the present election, and wonld undoubtedly hare been successful. The work of producing this play, however. Interfered so much with his candidature 'that be had to relinquish It. I ought to bsve mentioned tbst one of the chief features of the piece la the scene on board the yacht. This has been aupervlsed by Sir Thomas Llpton. who tells me thst In its rigging and general details It Is realistic enough to "lift the cup" If entered for the race. The botel PARIS NEWS L ETTER Unique Idea Exploited at Theatre De Monsieur — Gaby Deslys Rehearsing Principal Role in a New Revue to be Launched Soon couple of weeks ago that we a big start In this season's that I waa given > bnm entrance. For aodcls of reaUsnv^a The Dollar Princess comes off In a few weeks, after a run of fifteen months at Daly'a Theatre. George Edwsrdes' next will be Count Luxembourg, but he does not Intend to produce boards tbao there actually For example: The Varieties Is playing Le Bola Sacre (Dec- orating Clementine) which waa a success from last season. The Gymnase baa La Vlcrge Folic, of which the same comment may be mads. The Renaissance Is housing lion Ami, Teddy, btought out In the spring, and the Bouffes-Parla- lens has Xanthe Chea les Courtlsancs. a revival. Le Marl age de Mile. Beuiemsns Is at the Rn- laue, this play having been swapped orer from the Renaissance, and Vlell Heidelberg (Old Heidel- berg) Is the bill at the Odeon. The Comedle- s one^noreltyjn the ' ^mallke" pi aye. Still, we wlU hare to bear In mind the fact that the season started late and la (from thla standpoint) yet yonng. and there are the tnld- THE COM EDI E FRANCAISE, PARIS. playwrights. " It certainly Is curious that the three moat successful comedies running In Lon- don Just now are tbe work of women. Not only that, but a former play of Mlas Hamilton's. Diana of Dobaon'a, had a great Influence on the Brltlab drama In that It Introduced the dor- mitory scene which has now become s necess- ity for every self-respecting melodrama, and Incidentally has brought bark about the 500th - tbe Bad Girl of the Family. ■ there Is a very strong school ~rlghta coming In . tbey are bound t on play^rltlng In George Alexander, at tbe St. James*, gave ano'ber new play by It. C. Carton— Eccentric Lord Comberdene. to tbe world a few nights ago. The piece Is written In a comedy vein with episodes of qnlte a melodramatic char- acter. Described by the author aa "a novelette In three chapters." the story la thoroughly genlst and humorous, and many of tbe lines are qnlte worthy or Carton at his best. The plot revolves around the adventures of the eccentric lord himself, lightly. and artlstlcslly i lordship, at tbe botef. of Glenmorsy, who Is traveling under the name of lln a Drovli while the Russian Grand Duchess Drorinakl has assumed the Identity of the maid, Stephanie. The complications which ensue are Interesting. Tbe dnchesa hat changed her name In order to escape the attentions of a gang of Nihilists, anil the marcblonesa bas brought ber to tbe botel In order to smuggle her across the chan- neL But Jnat previously tbe marchioness haa been the victim of a robbery. In which all her Jewels have been taken. Aronnd this box cen- ters the whole mystery. Meanwhile the two la- dlea discover thst there Is only one yacht available in the little place, and that belongs to Lord Comberdene. who refuses to lend It as be Is trying to escape from a lady who wanta to marry him and wanta to get off on his own account a« soon as possible. The way In which the marchioness, whom Miss Compton portrays In her own Inimitable way as the Imperturbable, shrewd snd yet tan moron* Englishwoman, per- - blm to do ber bidding. Is perhaps the In the play. Just at this point a It really Is tbe box In which the Jewels have been placed by the thieves, and by mistake It la handed to the marchioness by the accomplice, who haa brought It alone But "Mrs. Adair." believing that It comes from her husband, who Is Foreign Secre- tary, anil contains dispatches, does not open It. The box goes aboard the yacht and tbe thieves, discovering their loss make a desperate attempt- to recover It. Incidentally It turns ont thit the captain and crew arc also In league with the robbers, and finally. Comber- dene. who. finding ont there Is a plot against tbe two ladles. In a happy-go-lucky way. at- tempta to aave them, finishes things off bv locking the desperadoes In the bedroom of tbe marchioness, where tbey bare gone In search of their plooder. and banding the box orer to . the lady herself. The surprise of all when the box which they bellere to contain papers la opened and the lost diamond tlaraa of the marchioness begin to roll out, can be Im- agined.'. It is almost Itnnosslhle to describe thla play truly becace* If deoen^s entirely on the acting and nersoosllrr of those taking part. The plot "la amusing, but all th-ongh one Is paying attention .toVthe eccentric but Impressive lord add' »o the '-self-contained but sharp-tnngued marchioness, rather than to snytblne else. All the ' characters: however, are good. Rita .Telnet - the Ruslan dnchesa. this until the new year, when things will have somewhat qnleted down after the turbulence of the general election— which. In thla country, lasts orer three weeks as a rule. off Henry VIII., he will re- Tola ought to be worth by Mscbeth. bier la to play Macduff, anbrugh, will be Lady Msc- Wben Tree place It seeing, his wife. beth. and Tree himself will be Macbeth! Gor don Craig, the great scenic artlat. and son of Ellen Terry, will be the producer, snd alto- gether tbe production la expected to be epoch- making. LONDON MUSIC HALL SONGS. while tbe men. In the persons of J. H. Barnes as the captain of the ahlp. and Lyston Lyle There are probably many people who are not aware that song writing tor tbe music hall pro- fession is s business in Itself. Scattered np anil down the country there are hundreds of Indi- viduals — mostly men — who earn a living by writing songs for mualc hsll srtlsta. In London alone tbe number or inch song writers probably runs Into three figures. Tbe bulk, or at all events, tbe cream of tbe work falls, however. Into tbe bands of about a dozen men, who have a« clients the pick or the profes- sion, and who. taking It all around, are able to command high terms for their work. Not that the leaser lights linger altogether In ob- scurity: bnt It Is tbe men at tbe trip of the tree. In this, aa In other walks of life, who bear of moat of "tbe gnlneaa and tbe glory." Said a prominent member of the music hall profesalon recently: "If yon were to In- quire fully Into the matter, yoo would And tbe leading performers 'on tbe 'alls' have at home tona of stud" which they bare purchased from the author*, even although tbey knew Intui- tively that It would never be a bit of use to them. If an author who baa written a few suc- cessful songs In hla time were to meet with a refusal or two In the same quarter, be might 'plant' his wares elsewhere, and bla very next effort, a tremendous auccess, might fall Into the handa of a formidable rival performer. Prominent srtlsta cannot afford to take aueh risks. In tbe case or popnlsr favorites, their aongs sre more or less their fortune. Their repertoire can alwaya be kept up-to-date. A on page 41.) Continue, the "good boulevards," at this particular sec- tion called Boulevard Montmartre. Go on along the Rue du Foubourg Montmartre, a con- tinuation of tbe Rue Montmartre. and after many long turns, along the Rue Notre Dame ds Lorette and the Rne Fontanea (still a continua- tion of tho Rue Montmartre), one emerges Into a quarter of the city entirely nnlike that from which one atarted. Here Is Place Blanche, and nearby Is Plsce Plgale, the very heart of Mont- martre. tbe "night" quarter of Paris. Hera one finds tbe "Best Rat," an all-night cafe; "Tbe Rat Which la Not Bead" cafe, brasseries, bars, mnalc balls cabarettea and ao on. Hera the demimonde flourishes. Here sre the lit- tle boles In tbe wall where drinks are served and hungry poets recite their verses and un- known song-writers sing their songs for the prlvllge of selling copies after they are snog. This Is tbe Paris We all read about, and Is more tike we Imagine tbe Latin Quarter to be than the Latin Quarter la Itself. Montmartre! That Is tbe name of the piece which la to be brought oat next week at the Vaudeville. Sardou. Daodet. Ouatave Cbarpen- tler, Leon Gandlilot and Pierre Wolff wrote about Montmartre (for tbe atage) before Pierre Prondale, bnt tbe subject alwsyt has that about It which Interests. So Montmartre as a play la expected to pay. Montmartre la tbe most Bohe- mian quarter or Paria. Polka are bound to see the play which describes it. DE MONSIEUR. The Amblgu this week, wss about the only thcr.trc to offer s new production. It Is aome- thlng of an oddity, in lta line, being a sort of plain narrative In atage form. Leo Marches wrote the play from the romance of Georges Courtellnc, wbo, for a long time, refused to give bis permtaslou that thla ehould be done. Two soldiers are ordered by their commanding officer to go to Sslnt-Mlhiel and get some horses. Tbey are provided wltb a bank note or 100 franca and railway tickets. Tbey rail to change cars at the proper Junction and go on to . Itnr lc-Duc. Here, In waiting for the train which will carry them to where tbey. wish to go, tbey get lost In a heavy rain, loae tbelr money and railway tickets and wind np In an evil re- sort, where thry hare ■ scrimmage wltb tbe proprietor because tliey can't pay. Muddy, all In. they are conducted to the barracks of the gendarmerie and sent back to tbelr regiments. Here JjbtJ^jMMM jy^fjM* jjj^g^* most "oY" tbe"?* adventures' 1 being Smaghiattve only. I recount all this simply because I wish to show the oddity or the play. Aa may be seen there Is little or what we call "action" In It, aa a foundation, Ibat Is to aay. yet somehow tbe piece hss sctlon snybow, taking the specta- tor along at a lively pace. It la not bad at all as sn entertainment, and this may be cred- ited to the fact that there la an Infinite amount of detail which glrra the ensemble a "natural- ness" which appeals. It Is a military play and a military plar alwaya appeals to women, and to men. too. In France, where every malo of 21 or over, el I her is actually a soldier or baa been one. At the Telephone, tbe horror piece by Andre de Lorde and Foley, Is the enrtalu raiser for thla production. A NEW PLAY. The Vaudeville has laid aalde the Marchand de Ronhenr and nest week will bring out a new work by Pierre Prondale. It la a comedy In ronr arts, named Monlmarlri'. The Itue Mojiiinarlc, upon which Ih* win- dows of the Paris bureau of Tbe Billboard looks. Is a atald, business-like street, carriages, atttoa and vehicles of all sorts whlaalng by at all hours of the day, lint at night, after II or 12 o'clock. It Is deserted gsve by a few etrsg- and 11 It take* Pari* to do a thing like this. Few other cities In the world could, or wonld do It. Tbe Theatre de Monsieur la unique. It bad Its first performance tbla week. It la In the Roe dea Matherlus. this little plavhouse. snd Is aa neat and as artistic as a theatre could be. lta Interior la done In Marie Antoinette atyle, or tbe style of her period, snd the decorations are aa delicate as the blush or a wild rose. It la email, a regular bon bon box or a house, but It makes up In many other ws.vs tor Its lsck of alse. In ract one would resent tbe Idea of lta being enlarged Ideal tbe way It II Is. conslderng Its purpose. Aa yon enter, attendants In powdered wigs oi*n the doors for yoo. Sonbrettcs. in 18tb century costumes, sell you programs snd show you to your seat. Tbe orchestra players are all dressed alike. In brown silk coats knee breeches and silk stockings. Tbey are bedecked In lace and ruffles and harmonise exactly wltn tbelr surroundings. They wear brown wigs sua plgtslls. while tbelr feet are encased in osr slippers ornamented with large silver buckles. The leader wears s plum-colored costume, wltn fancy, flowered rest. . . The program la In keeping with si! this. First, there was an 18th century "parade of an amusing nature, followed by a pae'oral opera- oomlqne. entitled Annette and Lnbln. words by Mme Parart. mnalc by Blaise. La Tsbleao rarlant ended tbe performance. Anseaume doing tbe words and Oretry the music. The acting la delicious, tbe players being in absolute hsrroony wltb the atmosphere . Mow. De Ilarde. Yvonne Pradler. Ilelcne Jacob and others being among the artistes. „ . M. Andre de Fooqtilercs. tbe Bean aWNHNI or tbe present-day France, delivered a little talk between acta, telling or tbe first Theatre de Monsieur, started In 17W. fcgw MW as** famous and was protected br Marie Antoinette and Monsieur, the brother )ltfjk X \J- A- masterpiece of Oretry. Donl. PbJUdor. Bameso. Monelgny. Rousseau, Lnlll. JlW r.Wa Handel snd others will be Interpreted If, Victor Bllveatre. a thorough v artls- fortunes of the new Bach. tic manager, leada tbe TRAVELING THEATRE. Another brand new Idea baa been put ln» operation by a French theatrical man, M. Oemler. director of the Theatre Antolne. The scheme la to take the theatre to tne peo- ple Inasmuch aa tbe people cannot come to | tne theatre. In America even tbe comparative^ small cltlca aee tbe best attractions going, but In France, people outside Paris seldom see Peris stsrs. snd when these etars do go to ins provinces tbey touch only ft Marseilles, uor- deaux. Lyons. Cherbourg and the bigger towns. Oemler baa planned to - remedy this state of at fairs and so haa devised bla 'Volllng ?««'*•.,, •To-day." be told Tbe Billboard, "my plan la a reality. The rolling theatre la a fact. With two engineers I am now putting on the finishing touches and early next April I shall leave Parla tully equipped to present the best there la. not only In modern stage "teratore. bnt In tbe clnsalca aa well, the parte played by tbe best sclera and actresses we bsve. "There will be a trsln of twenty four cars drawn by eight automobllea. The trains WIN be for tho dirt road, of course. It will trans port from town to town tU.OOO tons of bag gage and materials. Tbe theatre Itself will be "f wood snd csnraa of tbe most aubatantlel sort and will look like a permanent ,bulh"ng when pnt np. It la. to bo 60 feet by ISO «et. and will bare alt tbe necessities end meat M the Inxnrlea of the best theatres In the Una. There will be a large foyer, cloak-rooms sm« ing room, buffet, tollet-rooma of tbe most mod cm fashion and an auditorium seating JWJJ peopte qnlto comfortably. Prices will range from 1 lo S franca (20 centa tn ntl cents). "1 am giving to tbe atage end of the echcrae the most careful consideration. My will ho entirely by electricity, which I WJ"" myaelf. The scenery will be equal to any on any atage, modified somewhat to meet the re on page 24.) DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 17 Burlesque and Burlesquers SPOKES I N THE WHEELS Comment and Criticism^on Eastern and Western Compa- nies-Personal Paragraphs Pertaining to Promoters, Principalsland Ponies By 8YDNEY WIRE. Although my friend Harry Uullllfi has openly lllfMin bli contempt for tie opinion of the theatrical newepaper writer in Central, L never- theless, sm glad to nr ■ n.ln S . in favor of binge In hit tbow aa It now atanda. The Hastings Big ow tbla teason If unutually «ood. and with the eieeptlon of a pair of dirty tlgbta. worn by an end pony, tin- wardrobe la bright and clean, acreral of tbe changea being' particular If attrac- tive. Tbe abow la an expensive one, aa rnla aeasou'e attxactlona run. and la augmented hy a number or neatly dreaaed and good looking chorus bora, who help tbe many pretty etagu plcturra, and glre tbe ttage a crowded appear- "There la lota of comedy with tbe Baatlnga abow. and although a deal of It It of tbe eUp- atlck' order. It la tboraagbly i laugh provoker, and la bandied by m boncb ol willing workers, beaded by comedians _ aa Tom Coyne, tbe famoua "Tad." and Harry Harvey aa a Hebrew. Barry Baatlnga In tbe light comedy rolea la clean and versatile, and leada tbe number, which la the bit of tbe abow. Tbla conalata of two Engllab aooga. Sea- aide and Ship Ahoy, which Baatlnga alnga In an eaay and graceful manner, getting tbe material out In a pleasing atyle. He la assisted by tbe entire chorua. tbe abow girls In neat, white aallor dreasee, while tbe pontes are attired In pretty aallor blooeea and blue roll tlgbta. Tbe leading and prima donna roles are handled by Viola Sheldon, wbo looka well and alnga beau- tifully ber Star Of My Dreeme Bong In tbe open- log, and Tbe Sextette, from Lucia, In the bar- leaque, being especially well rendered. The Sextette did not seem to get the apphvoae that It merited, bnt Ita poaltlon on tbe bill mlgbt be Improved by morlog It up a few numbera. Mooa Raymond and May Corey are alto conaplcuout by their good work, aa are tbe several men who help tbe action, which la rest and furloua. A deal of praise la doe to Tom Coyne for tbe rapid are mrihoda uaed all through the action of the two burlcttss. aod altuatlona follow each other with amarlng rapidity. Tbe Rcrlew of Dancea, at the nnsle of the opeolng, la novel and appropriate. The dancea are all well executed, with the exception of tbe Utile apcclalty attempted by the pontes, which proved tbe worst piece of work they do aU through the show. Frank Wlnneld and Milt Adam, sang and danced aa In the old days, while Mooa Raymond sod Wlnncid msde an at- tempt at an acrobatic dance, which, howerer, larked the acrobatic features. Annie Labart. Id a Ruaalan dance, gave a pretty little perform- ance, while tbe ponies showed a somewhat dis- organised revel, programed aa a French dance. The circus scene at tbe close of the opening abowre a clever burleequa on tbe tent show, and presented a picture both humorous and brilliant. The olio, which wast opened br Bohannon and Corey. In Illustrated Bongs, their act Including aome excellent pictures of tbe Philadelphia and Chicago ball teams, while tbe Ore scenes used to Illustrate The Man Who Fights the Tire were both reallatlc snd approprlste. UIU. Cherry and BUI can boast of a really clerer trick cycling act, and are a real aaaet to the abow. There ; two extra acta when 1 saw the abow. both I. although why tbey were there It II, as the abow at It ttanda la tally 'Dry paid for admission st any of _ which It plays. The two added attractions were Franceses Redding and Com- pany. Id her clerer playlet. Honors, which, al- though a bit hit, appeared to be somewhat over the besds of the sndleare st tbe Pittsburg Oaycty, which however scresmed ttself hoarse st George Armstrong, who held the stage for fully thirty rive minutes, and then left wltb tbe whole houae clamoring for more. Tbe closing buricmiue with the Baatlnga Show Is hardly aa tunny aa tbe opening piece, bat la a nicely ataged piece of work, and the action la helped Pleasingly by tbe frequent Introduction of several really goal numbers, which are sll made at- tractive by the excellent chorua. The slnglug with tbe show Is good, slthougb In tbe Chentl- cleer number, when the chorus waa unaided hy the men. It was evident that many of the girls were not making any effort to stag, sod the work In consequence wss spoiled. If It Is setlon. ginger, pretty girls and good wardrobe which marks the success of the. modern burlesque show, "'fry Hastings msr be truly said to bare a really good ahow. and with such a. comedian aa Tom Coyne, and such a claaslcsl singer as Miss Sheldon, the season's success Is assured. Things with tbe Sheen snd Qalleeer show sre tar from pleasing for the members of the com- pany, and reports from that ahow stste tbst dally rehearsals bsve been tbe role of lste. A week or sow ago. Billy Totter, of the Potter- Bsrtwcll Trio, closed hie act and left for Aus- tralia, where ho had some contracts to Oil. Ids l-ewla. Mamie Edclln. Viola Burns and Tatty Wallace, all choristers, closed with the show ■sat week, while severs! others hsvo declared their Intention or leaving. All apeak In the highest trrnl» of AI Sbetn and tbo manager Of the show, Frank Livingstone, hut declare that tnsTf grlerencrs were caused by the actions of another party also Interested In the management of the company. ..WJst wlh the Eastern Wheel do now that Maudle Robinson snd Florence Berry, both of the nig Manner show, have quarreled? The two girls have been bosom friends for aeveral sossons. and were together with The Parisian Widows, The College Girls) snd Tbe Big Bsnner Show. Let bygones be bygones. Make It uo. glrle, and be friends. Bare Vine, who was to bsve closed with tbe Marathon Olrla. Pittsburg, Is hsck again, and a playing his original part. Dare had a bad throat at Washington, and his pipes were In such s shape ibat the management wss forced to look amund for another man to play the part. The man who waa engaged to play the ptrt was for aome reason let go 'after the first attempt, and Vine waa replaced. I stated In a previous Item tbat Vine had closed with the show, at I waa so Informed by tbe owner of tbe attraction, Mr. Phil Sheridan. Harry Lamont, wbo recently closed with T. W. Dlnklna Jolly Olrlt, to play vaudeville " bsa lust ci booked blm A UNI QUE WE DDING Double Marriage Ceremony Performed on Stage at'jWHkes- Barre Burlesque Theatre — Brides were Members of Merry Maidens Company Wllkes-Barre. Pa.. Dec. 6 (Special to The Billboard).— While there hare been many wed- dings performed on tbe tttge It It eery seldom that a double wedding occurs In this wsy. bnt such waa the case on Saturday evening. Dec. 3. when Mlaa Haxrl Langley, of Philadelphia, and Miss Nellie McCeehen, of Lancaster. Pa.. McCeehen. of Lancaster. the HELEN VAN BUREN, Prima Donna with Jos. K. Watson's Lady Buccaneers Burlesque Co. (Western Wheel). snd baa returned to New York for the holidays. I Palace. London. June 5. for four weeks, booked Barry la busy writing s series of humorous I by Chas. Bornhaupt for the Marlnelll office. Everybody Is wondering why It wss that Jack stories. telUng'of the adventures of a vaudeville team on the amall time. There are aeveral one-night stsnd shows re- hearsing at Pittsburg, snd ss many more pre- paring to take the road from Chicago. Laat week no less thsn three one-night stsnd bur- lesque abows closed, one of them leaving the entire company without means to pay their fares to their homes. Rose Davis, a cborlater with Morris Wain stock's Rector Girls, closed wltb that ahow laat week. Julius Bucbblnilcr, tbe well known mirror artist tgent, closed with Daro Marlon'a Dreamland Show, snd Is now ahead of Hurtlg snd Scatuon's Olrlt From Htppyland, wblcb ahow Is playing to fiirla From Bappyland, which ahow Is^play ing^t< a friendly amalgamation between the forces of tbe Eastern and Western Wheels Isst week st Cleveland, and to show their ami- cable feelings, the s gents of the two coming attractions occupied the same csmp during their stty In town. This was where Frank L. Smith. .her Hnff, fe &&&& apartments at tbe Iroqnls Hotel In the Forest City. George Armstrong. The Happy Chappy, was the extra attraction with Harry Hastings Big Show at Ptttshurg last week, and made bla naual strong Impression. After Christmas. George will play a few vaudeville dates, preparatory to for England, where he will open at tbe Ivory body Is wondering binger let go of this big box who has msde such a hit with ences during the past two Tsckey McFsrland. tbe pugilist, waa tbe extra attraction with the Rector Girls (Weatern Wheel). Isst week st toe Academr. Pittsburg, and proved a big card. Packey lert Pittsburg for Kansas City, where he Is to meet Billy MrCarty In s nght for s purse on Dec. IT. After tbe dght. MrFarland will rej Ham's Imperial", with trave log tbla season. Among the sprightly pontes with Harry Has- tings Big Show, arc two energetic and lissom little workers, who sre making quite a hit wltb the show. These sre Bessie Carey and Constance Booth, who will be aeen In a sister set next seaaon. The Dainty Ptree Burlesqucr*. tbe one night stsnd show organised by the Tolack Booking Agency, opened at the Apolla. Wheeling, on Mondsy. Dec. 3, to excellent business, tbe day's business reachlag the four hundred mark. Tbe show had aa special attractions, tbe Bennett Sisters, snd Mile. Armenia, the Egyptian sacred snake dancer. The show will be divided Into two buriettss, escb taking halt of the chorua, and will play vaudeville time. May belle Morgan, the clever Australian singer now with Gns Hill's Midnight Maidens, bears tbe title of the champion soprsoo of the Anti- podes, and Is the bolder of tbe gold met! tented tt Bsllsrat, Victoria. Australia, laat three days of the week, were brides. In the donble wedding st tbe close or the regular per- formance. Mitt Langley being united to Jog. W. Land ram, of Philadelphia, comedian with the company, and Miss McGeehen to Mr. Beck, a tbeatrlcal man of New York. Patrons of the theatre were all witnesses to the ceremony, which waa performed by the Rev. D. W. Fletcher, on tbe stsge. Members ot tbo company made ap the wedding party. Tbe brides and grooms grouped themselves on tb» stsge facing the minister, attended oa either side by members of the company, the cboms girls attired In bright spangled coat! the Landram-Langley noptlala tbe " were Miss Kerna and Mlaa Lota B tbe groomsman Samnel Trice. For Mefieeben conple tbe bridesmaid wta I Banes, and the beat man Christopher WentseL. After the ceremony the members of the com- pany all went to tbe Hotel Hart, where a wed- ding supper wat served. Mr. S. H. Newhans. representing the Shapiro Music Boose. New York, was a visitor at the Luzerne Theatre on Dec. 3, and witnessed tbe donble wedding there. Mr. Newbsns bss been demonstrating new songs In Wllkes-Bsrre for the psst few dsys. ARMSTRONG HELD OVER. Pit tabor*. Pa.. Dee. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — George Armstrong. "Tbe Hsppy Chsp- r'y." la to stay another week with Harry Hast ngs' Big Show, and will be the speclsl added featore with the ahow at the Star. Cleveland. NOTES OF TH E ROAD Carl McCnllongb. wbo earned the title of "tbe 'tingle' Chicago hit of the season, hat Just finished eight weeks tt headline feature over tbe Keefc-Cburchlll circuit, snd haa met wltb sncb success that be will abortly play re- turn dates over tbe time. He opent at tbo American Matte Hall. Chicago. December lt>. Tbla will be his flrst whole-week eDgagrment there, tt be fllled In for Billy Dillon earlier In tbe season. McCnllongb waa last season lead- ing juvenile with Mclntyre and Heath. The Duncan Clark Female Minstrels will pier three-night stands snd week dates around York during the balance of the Mr. with been* Sou7h d sn'sesso The M.,si, ,,l Johnstons will ssll for Europe. Febrnsry III for soother tour of tbe world, opening In Germany. March 1. Tbe trip will Include the Moss and Stoll tour. Rlrkanl'a Ana- tratlan tonr. and a return trip to South Africa. Tbe act baa bookings until November, 1913. Phyllis Lee. lste star of Commencement Day. which headlined over the United Time for three seasons, and Albert E- liaynes. slso of Com- mencement In more. the nstlonal contest held there a few ago. The medsl Is vslude st S1.00O. Sweeney snd Rooney, after finishing tin weeks' time for Coney Holmes, go Into bur- lesque. Joining Gallsgber snd Sheen's Rig oer Show (Esstern Wheel) In will do tbrlr art In tbe ol parts In the barlrsqne. Miss E si. II,- Booe bss rejoined the Peter S. Clsrk Runaway Girls. Miss Rose turned to this country from Europe. " his com on«. snd Albert E. llsynes. slso or com- rcment Dsy Company, will he seen shortly i."bV 1 VLFwSS^Hr^ 8opb " Soph<> ' GEORGE NELSON TEETS, 18 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. ALABAMA. — SBUBEBT (W. ARKANSAS. XJTXLE HOCK. — MAJESTIC. The Laughing Hon*. Byron snd Langdon, Samson and Dong- las. Bed wood and Gordon. Jay Boj-ert. Emlle • II a reel 1 and la-net t week of 5. KEMP- £ (A- M. Ybanex. mcr.) The Lottery Man Mary Mannerlng la A Alan'e World 7: Mar- aud Mack 8; The Squaw Man 10. CAPITOL CALIFORNIA. BAH FRANCISCO — COLUMBIA (Gottlob. Marx at Co.. men.) Lillian Russell and Co.. second week In In Search o( a Sinner, week Dec. 0; Ellen Terry, mat. 3. SAVOY (Fred Busex. mcr. I The Kitting Girl week 5. GARRICK (N- Maroer. mgr.) Max Dill Co. In Dream City weak 5. PRINCESS (S. Lozlck, mgr.) Beranl Opera Co. week 5. ALCAZAR (O. H. Davis, mgr.) Stock Co. In The Dollar Mark week 8. VALENCIA (W. L. Greeaabanm, mgr.) Special extra performance I'avloua Monlkln Russian Dancers Dec. 4| Glrton Stock Co. 5. ORPHECM (John MoerUej-. mgr.) Mabel Elite and Mike Donlln, Cook and Lon-nz, Richard Nadrange, Scbeda, Win. Farnom and Co., Dnffln-Redcay Troupe. Merldlth Slaters. Sadie Funnan week 4. EMPRESS (Sid Granman. mgr.) Llnd. Mallen and Fnller, Thomas Potter Dunn, Camm and Therla. Polly Pickle's Pets. Helm ChlMren , Kre- tore and moving pictures week 4. CHUTES (Ed. Levy, mgr.) Hardeen, Harry Porter and Co.. Hogb Emmett. DeVlne and Williams, Tay- lor and Bra ham and local act week 4. NA- TIONAL (D. J. Granman, mgr.) Barnes' Rid- ing Sea Lion: Kelly, un tameable lion act; Shayne and King, Howard Wolfe, GUson and Tnian. Downs and Goetx, Doric Trio, Princess Suzanne week 4. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mcr. > Staler ad BIrbeck. John Hlfrgins. T|m McGnlre, Seymoore and Robinson, Besnah and Miller, Five Colombians and moving pictures week of 4. AMERICAN (Ed. Homan. mgr.) Platel and Coshlng, Jaa. Poat Co. and moying pictures week 4. FRESHO. — BARTON OPERA HOUSE (R. G. Barton , m gr.) The Other Woman 4. LOS AHGELES. — AUDITORIUM (L. E. Beby- mer. mgr.) The Qneenof the Moolln Ronge week of Dec. S. MAJESTIC (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) Mrs. Wlggs of the Csbbsge Pstch week of 0. BURBANK (Oilier Morosco, mgr.) Bur- bank Stock Company In An American Widow week or 3. BELASCO (John H. Blackwood, mgr.) Belaaco Slock Company In Sherlock Holmes week of 8. GRAND OPERA HOUSE chl Brothers, Harry Fox and MUlcrshlp Sisters, and pictures week of 5. KEENEY'S EMPIRE P. TIME. (COLORED) ' JOHN BURN HAM, Mgr. c RALPH W. ALICC DE HAVEN an. WHITNEY LAST ROOM, THIRD EDITH— HARCKE-- HEHRI OPERATIC SINGING ACT Unltjavd Tim* ALtTHElA & ALEKO EzponenU of Telepathy and Prophatlc Vision UNO SEVEN LANGU AQES UNITED TIME Andrew Tombes Light Comedian with College Girls' Company FAY TUNIS INGENUE WITH WORLD OF PLEASURE CO. 20 Tlte Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. BONFILS QUITS T AMMEN? F. E. Bonfils Associate of H. H. Tammen in Ownership of Sells-Floto Shows, Reported to have Refused Latter Further Financial Support There Is a rumor solos tbe rounds in c Irons circles, to tat effect tbat P. E. Bonflla, partner with H. H. Tammen In tbe Sells-Floto Shows, baa withdrawn his support from tills circus and other enterprises in which be and Mr. Tammen were Jointly Interested. It Is generally known that a number of changes in tbe policy of the Sells- Kioto Snows hare been made dorins tbe past season, and It Is alleged that Mr. Bonfils has been dissatisfied with these changes. While reports bare had It that tbe Sells Kioto Shows did excellent business throughout tbe season, clrcns men in general are of the belief that con- siderable money was lost by Tammen and Bon Ills- An effort was made to bare Mr. Tammen is rumor, bat when an inter- •t Chicago, he A REMAR KABLE RECORD. Advertising car number one of tbe Hagen- beck-Wallace Shows closed a Tery pleasant sea- son in Trenton. Term. Mr. Eriston claims the distinction of being tbe manager of tbe only car on the road this season that closed with every man on the car drawing a fall season's pay. Erery one that dosed in Trenton. Satur- day night, opened in Pern on April 9. Arthur Eldnour captured first prize as the on the car. " for TO rontes i avenge of 574. It was a Tery spirited contest throughout between Eldnour and Belsa with Beisa in tbe lead untn the last three weeks. The laraest single route waa done by Eldnour out of Augusta, 6a. He pnt 891 sheets and was In for supper. Betas had the next largest single route with 884 sheets out of Sbelby-rQle. Ind. The largest double route was done by C. T. Crip- pen with an assistant oat of Newcastle. Pa. They pnt op 1525 sheets of paper and got In at 8:0o P. 3J. in opposition with tbe Forepaugh- BeUs Shows. The entire crew Is as follows: James Eris- ton. manager: Prank Rossmsn. boss billposter: C. T. Crlppen. Arthur Eldnour, Lou Hanser, E. M. Lessell. Gllsey Abram, Joe Cors. Bert Betas, Ed. Bncher. John Wlngo. Barry Leslie, Chas. Becor and Jack Xedrow. billposters: Albert Eriston and John Foreman on lithographs; Harry Miller, paste-maker; John Admire, pro- gram distributor, and A. A. Farrar, official programmer. Prank J. ODonnell was with tbe car most of tbe time as contracting press SUN BROS.' SEASON. Macon. Ga_. Dec. 8 (Special to The Billboard.) —Tbe San Brothers' Shows finish a tour of thirty sir weeks here. Saturday, December 10. The show opened the present season In this city April 4. Tbe concluding performance will be given under tbe auspices of the Macon Shriners, and the program for tbe day will be made doubly attractive on account of the many local acts and burlesque features to be Interpolated by members of the Shrine. Over 4,000 tickets hare already been sold In advance for the oc- and from Indications It will he a sttc- Tbe Son Show traveled 10.964 miles during the season. Thirteen states were visited. In- cluding Georgia, Florida. Louisiana. Mississippi. Alabama. Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia. West Virginia. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Mich- igan. The largest town visited was Toledo, Ohio, and the smallest town. River Junction, Fla. One slight blow-down was experienced during the season, at Pigeon, Mich. Only fire perform- ances were lost daring the entire tour. No railroad wrecks were experienced. Only two changes were made In the personnel of tbe big top company. Three changes were fused to make a statement, and In a rather un- professional manner invited our correspondent to beat a hasty retreat to the fiery shore of Plato's domain. He also refused to answer any questions orer tbe telephone. His refusal to speak Is therefore tantamount to an acknowl- edgment that the rumor la correct. Several other changes are mentioned In the rumor, not- able among which la the redaction of tbe side show admission prices to five cents, and the elimination of the side show band, which will next season be supplanted by an orchestrion. Whether or not the Sells-Floto Shows will be able to make money at the admission price of twenty-five cents remains to be seen. There are a number of tent shows that have money with a twenty-five cent gate but none of these hsre attempted to put large a abow as the Sells- Plot " 5 1910 tour of the San Show Has been tbe financially since Its inception, nineteen years ago. Extra heavy billing, meritorious performances, bnstllng management, loyal boss- es, and exceptionally select territory waa tbe cause of this prosperity. No street parades were made during the season, and this policy will again be In force for the coming tenting season. The Sun Brothers abandoned this old- time traditional feature five seasons ago, and hare demonstrated tbat It is possible for a tent- ed show to attract immense crowds to the lot, and also to jet them to attend the various ex- blhltlonal departments without it. The show will sgsln winter at Central City Park. Macon. The show for tbe 1911 season wul be the most pretentions effort of this man- agement. New equipment throughout will be added to the accoutrement. Tbe performance sr0J be of tbe best, many prominent feature dis- play acts baring already been booked, and the program will be noticeable for the many big acta and group specialties. The official stall back with the show will remain tbe same for tbe coming tour. NOTES FROM LOCAL NO. 10, MIN- NEAPOLIS, I. A. B. P. & B. OF A. Mike Nagle is home for the winter after a strenuous season as general agent with the Baranm Show. John Hart, special agent with tbe Barnum Show, is spending tbe winter In Minneapolis. - Charles Daffy, after two months' service In the shop, has charge of the snipe route now. Edward "Fits" Fitzgerald, after a season with the Bamam S' in Minneapolis as assistant for the Shubert Theatre. Fay Bardwell. the foreman of one of the swellest shops in tbe country, entertained the wagon men at his new home Thanksgiving Day. with a venison dinner. Charles Duffy was Harley • White Introduced Carl Hasty Davidson says he Is not going trooping next season, bat we know It's only cold weather talk. Nick Petit took Zach LuckemV place while Zach went to the convention In Buffalo. Will F. "Doc" Gardner, was in Minneapolis ahead of Tbe Girl in tbe Kimono, meeting old friends and rehearsing old clrcns car stunts. Billy Lemke says no more Chicago trips for him. One girl la enough. Gene Davidson Is In Minneapolis and will Join Local No. 10. ZACH LDCKENS, Care Shubert Theatre. " WM. T HORP DEAD. Tucson, Ariz., Dec 9. — Wm. Thorp, a circus specialty man. with the Barnum and Bailey 8 how the past season, died here of tuberculosis. He recently appeared In this city In charge of the revolving tables with tbe Barnum Show, at which time be was In a serious condition, but went on with tbe show. A few days ago he returned, too far gone to be benefited, and died without relatives or friends. The remains were removed to a local under- taking company, who are endeavoring to locate the man's family. HERE AND THERE. New York. Dec. 10. — Cook's Opera House, In >r, N. T.. hi as been taken over by Brad' street and. Company, the New England vaude- ville magnates, who have established a prominent circuit. This boose is proving a valuable addi- tion, and under the management of Mr. Mowrie, tbe well known Boston vaudeville manager, who Is Tunning a weekly bill of five acts and three reels of pictures, with two shows a day, the house is developing into a veritable gold mine. Tbe bin at the Wintergarten, Berlin, Germany, for the month of November, consisted of twelve acts, six of which were American acts. There were thirty ladles on the bill. The American turns were tbe Flying Jordans, flying trapeze; Gen. Edward La Vine. Juggler; Harry DeCoe, equilibrist; Lillian Herteln, singer; Kaufman, lady cycle act; Reynolds and Donegan. skating act. All are going big. This Is tbe first ap- pearance at this house of the Flying Jordans. and after tbe first performance, they were offered contracts for work on the continent up until 1912. Miss Lucille Mulhall la at present In vsude- rllle in tbe Middle West, and Lolng well, not- withstanding tbe fsct that she Is working with "hired" horses, as her own stock Is tied up In Knoxvme. Term., pending the outcome of tbe esse between tbe Mulhall Wild West Show and tbe Appalachian Exposition Company and otber parties, who are responsible for the holding of tbe entire aggregation. Lucille, Mildred, Georgia and Charlie Mulhall hare all filed claims to tbe effect tbat certain stock (the best homes In the layout) are their own Individual property, and It Is reported tbat there Is talk of a heavy damage salt for thousands of dollars, about to be Instituted against "some one." Understand that Immediately upon the Mulhall's securing pos- session of tbe stock, they will ship direct to Ne w Yo rk City to embark upon some wild west venture. Learn tbat Buffalo Vernon, the clever Drone rider and steer "buUdogger." wbo gained noto- riety with the Buffalo Bill Show, and at tbe Frontier Day Celebration at Cheyenne. Wyo.. la organizing a ten car wild west show of bta own at Lewiston, Idaho, and will take to the road early next spring. Beat of lock. Buff. Dan DIx, Bill Caress, Cfaet livers, Little Hank, Lain Ferr. Hank Moxle, arrived In Sew York, Nov. 24. from the 101 Ranch Show, with one saddle horse, one backing horse, and three bun-os. They opened at Dorkatadrr'a Theatre, %£^J3£. B r a»cb e : Blllle Burke, of The Maid of Mystery fame, la producing the act. Nebraska Bill McDonald has a cowboy and two Indians and three head of stork ont with A. If Woods' production of the White Captive. By i BUI Is some actor, for beside, shooting etc., be also spesks the way, villains i lines. Mlddleton. 8i Texas Wooing from Europe ■ on tbe Morrl Ian trick and and Company, wllb tbelr returned ft. bag, fat shipping scenery, automobiles, sdrssee, bsggag*, prlrllege. stock snd merry -so- round. Desirable for sh ow a nd dims com pan lea. Reasonable rates. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAE 00,. Room tie, 1M MleBlgu Arenas, — WILLIAM BART ELS GO. 160 Greenwich Streat, Ira Task OHy. SCENERY TH E F1M EBT SHOW fAXMTXEM AT LO' PRICES. Tell os what yoo Dardaad we win •* ad U>W m£lO^*JM OO^fSSeha? £& RUNEY Thaatrlaal-Clraua SHOW PRINTERS BLOCK. TV Ml. ZINC Cincinnati, Ohio Clreua and Juggling Apparatus Clubs. Batons and Nordtiea. Stamp far cat*. EDWARD VAM WTfE, Case laaatl , 0. ■EARS, SNAKES, MONKEYS, Moi KAYS WILD aJfTMAX. BTOaS. as, W. ■ M ass. Buffalo, X. T. SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS JOEsT KE&FUXTH. TENTS 80x100 80x130, 50x90, SOxOOe BOifiO, JOx*o black, SOO camping tanta and*. 000 ft. «*»*■' am* Waii. ».Hk7 mi uto. oa.iot. _» *"-" — "■ M0), Chloaxo. Lsag He- Madlsoa St. (Old Mo. ... tanoa Phone, moaroo teat. TENTS and Show Canvas Black and white; saw or second -band. Bargalna In second hand toga. OMAHA TENT t AWNING CO. OMAHA. NEBR. Wast of Salt Laks 01 ty. A dirt IK TEST * AWMTMO O0. BAN FRANCISCO. CAI~ Side Show People, On arcoaat of the death of air. OhermUfcr. I bnuabt all negatlres and atoek of tbe Brae. All onli>ra from a bore negatlrea will recti re prom"' attention. Hollrtilng yonr orders. 1 yours truly, WBNDT, N. J. DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 21 F.« u ry od the U. B. 0. lime, ne U »W7 LY. 'i' by uiez Battle Wills and a company *%w4" llcllonald. bucking horse rldei\ li tm wlol.r .juartr-ra. at Trenton. N. J.. srfcere be bHbml aligned to duty for tin winter by U tLr'"' e AMrlcn Is top bronk rider with the r~ bard- war." u attain back with the lime OUtllt, after ? ., mm .Ysson with Ibe 101. K_ KlliBi-riild. of Ogdeueburg. N. Y- who twVnty-foiir hour man with th. 101 Show JSb. the season of 1000. bad a story on life „„J r Ibe white lop. In tbe October number of ibe , roimlar Magaalne, tbat for detail and"local man-rial for the "lory orer on Howe a Ureat Fred "num.- P oetn. entitled. "Take Ma Bark to Old Montana." In the Issue of The {tflljourd. dat ed Dec. 3. It la a h um dinger. RING BARN G088IP. Election of ofBcera of Kenaaa City Local No? 14. International Alliance of Blllpoatera and Ulllera. resulted aa followa: Prealdent, It. Aahbrook: vice-president. Dick Blmpaon; treat- orcr Frank Harrison; secretary. Mike J. Barke; buslur-ss agent. Jo». Cora; aergeant-at-arma. Earl Wenn: guide. Fred Bear: executive board. Bicbsrd P.einmer and Cbas. Coleman; delegates To iD.liiatrlal council. Joseph Brans and Jake Martin. I.ou Henry a MMtWrOf-UeBl No. M. died m Kansas City, and waa burled by tbe local. Cbai Darl». tbe well-known circus alew- ar.l at present director general of tbe Interna- tional Avlstors who are touring tbe continent, recenlly purchased a home at PlantarUle. Conn., a suburb of New Haven. The farm la well .locked and It la the Intention of Mr Davis Jo make a specialty of raisin.- Ppultry and BirkaUIre bogs. It la rery probable tbat at tbe conclusion of the present tour. Mr. Davis and vrlfe will retire from tbe abow bualneaa and de- vote tbelr time to tbe new venture. The IHgenbeck-Wellace Shown will bare tbree twenty tour bour men next season. They are: Charles rheeney. B. B. Ooodell and Al Bennett. Carl Munson baa been engaged aa bow blll- noster for advertising car No. 2, and Alton Oslwrn will be manager of tbla ear. R. p. Lester, of Bellefontalne. O.. wUl be one of tbe siiecial agents on tbe Uagenbeck-Wallace ad- vance next season. Mr. Bert Cole baa returned to his Staten Is- land bono-*. Tottenvllle, New York, and la very busily engaged arranging bla neew den. tbe feature of which la a beautiful pair of el vbant tusks welshing Bfty pounds, presented to hlra by B. B. Wallace. Mr. Cole returns to Ibe Hagen- beck -Wallace Show next season making his eleventh year with tbat Institution. Geo. w. Ripley, manager of Geo. w. Klpley's Minstrels, under canvaa, la enlarging; bla wln- termieriers at Homer. S, Y. Mr. Blpley plans to put out a doe outfit next summer, opening shout tbe first of May: aboat thirty peopte will be carried, and traveling wDi be done by wagon. Frank C Rostock's arena baa met with such success In England tbat be contemplates keep- ing the show over there for another year and perhaps for two years. Mr. Bostock'a return to America will no doubt be algnallaed by the general and widespread demonstration among the show folk. Hla abow at Ooney Island, New York, baa been one of tbe featorea at that fa- mous resort for several seasons. Wa. J. Campbell, cbtef adjuster of Tiger Bill's Wild West and Col. Haifa Trained Wild Animal Show, closed bla season at Mobile. Ala. Mr. Campbell waa In Chicago a few weeks ajro during which time be waa entertained by the United Mates Tent and Awning Co. He will spend tbe winter In San Francisco, John BeUlott. animal trainer of the Bagen- brck-Wallare 8hows. Is breaking ten new polar hears to be used with tbe Hagenbeck-Wallace Snowa next season. It Is aald that tbe animals are entirely untrained and very ferocious. The lacerated condition of Mr. HelUott'a left arm attests to the latter fact. The pair of lions bought by Mr. Wallace at the Norrls-Bow* sale, are being trained to take part In an animal act. to be featured with tbe Fiageubeck Wallace Showa next season. Brutus, the virions lion wbo attacked hla trainer sev- eral times during tbe past season, wUl probably be taken out of the act. D. D. I j Rue. formerly genera), agent with the 3. Augustus Jones Shows and Omer Kenyan, who will be remembered aa having been general agent for the Bobby Fountain and Whitney Shows, have been engaged to act tractors for tbe Hi B. M. Harvey, general agent of tbe Hagen beck-Wallace Shows, spent part of last week In Cincinnati. Mr. Harvey, who la Uncle Ben'a chief lieutenant, Is Interested In newspaper and theatrical enterprise* In Perry. Iowa, where be win he for the remainder of the winter months. Buckskin Ben's Famous Shows number one and two consolidated on Not. 7 at Manchester. Oa.. and after several weeka aa one big ahow at the fairs, opened Dec. 5 at tbe Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville. Fla., for a run of eight weeks, putting on tbe abow aa a free attraction. II. H. Tammen was la Fern. Ind., Dec. 8. the gnest of Mr. Ben Wallace. Tbe purpose of bla visit was to look over the paraphernalia of tbe Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, with the Intent of purchasing some new stock to be used by the Sella-Flflto Shows next season. Arthur Hoffman has been re-engaged aa man aser of tbe tlagenbeck-Wallsee Side Shows. This will make bis third season with this show. Al Hoffman will enter hla second season with the Haeenheek Wallace Shown aa advertising Inspector with the advance. C. 0. Bhnlts. wbo has been contracting agent with tbe Tiger Bill Show, haa closed with that show and baa accepted a position with the Miller Bros.' 101 Ranch motion picture depart- ment. Associated with Mr. Bhults Is XI. Powers. . . Frank Maury writes that be baa Jnat closed a season of forty weeks as sgent with the W. I. Bwaln Show, and Is at home In Macon. Miss., enjoying a mnrb noedrd rest. Mr. Maury baa been engaged by the Swain Show foe the sesi or 1011. Fred W. Wagner, wbo bad charge of the privilege car with tbe Hagenbeck-Wallace snowa during tbe past season, will not be wltb this outfit next year. Tbe car will be handled by Mr. Haggerman. wbo will also act ss license adjuster. The rostei of tbe advance of Cole and Boger.< Show Includes, H. J. Williams, general srea K. A. Wilson, assistant; 8. Hire. Fred Ketler. Frank Marks, H. Grey snd Ira Thomas, agents. Tbe show will remain oat until Jsnnsry. Tbe entire band tbat waa wltb tbe I. H. Eacbman European Circus tbe psst season will winter In Minneapolis, and 1* now engaged In furnishing music at one of the Four Cities' most fashionable winter resorts. Dr. J. E. Fitzgerald la In Chicago, 111., where bis Wife Is taking a COUrse of treatment. The doctor himself has been under tbe recently. He reports good business msr Bros.' Shows tbla season. Several of tbe elephants need In tbe Hagen- beck-Wsllsce Shows will play a tan weeks' vaudeville engagement, and will begin about Jan. I. The "bulls" are In charge of Percy Williams, tbelr trainer. J. B. Pettlt. wbo for the past ave seasons haa had charge or tbe opposition brigade wltb tbe Al. F. Wheeler Shows. Is engaged for the same .ltlon with the new Downle and Wheeler Dale, last season manager of the ex In s town snd showing In store rooms. Prof. Wm. Drtscol), who bad charge of the twelve Arabian ponies with the J. H. Eschmsn European Clrcua the past season, will break a almllar act with an equal number of Jet blacks. The Poole Advertising System, of Jackson. Mich., haa purchased the bulletin plant and commercial sign business of the Buby Sign Co., of Jackson, snd has combined tbe two plants. LaBue and Cameron, last summer wltb John Robinson's Ten Big Shows snd now at tbe New York Hippodrome, have signed with the Ha gen beck -Wallace Show for next season. E. J. Kelly, side show manager or the Fore paugh-SelU Show, with bis wire. Mile. Amata, will spend tbe winter In Chicago. They can be addresser, Suite 1, 045 Dearborn avenue. James Davis and wire, or the Hagenbeck- Wallace Show, and Arthur Davis snd wire of the 101 Ranch, are spending the holidays wltb Mrs. Chss. Davia at PlantarUle, Coon. Frank 0'Donnell, wbo la now ahead of a theatrical attraction appearing nn the Coast, will again be press agent wltb tbe beck-Wallace Shows next season. Chss. O. Sine, with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show the paat season, la spending the winter at bis home In Columbus, o.. where he has a po- sition at tbe Metropol Hotel. Cbas. Hamilton, of Scrautoo. Pa., was elected as a delegate to the convention of I. A. II. P. at B., at Buffalo. Mr. Hamilton la second vice- president of the nstloosl body. Hal A. LePitre snd Frederic Isell. lste of the Forepsngb-Sells Bros.' Show, will spend tbe bal- ance or the winter In Florida, looking sfter their real estate Interests. MarceU and i.enett have closed with Gentry Bros.' Show, and bare been re-engaged for next season. They opened In vaudeville on the Inter- atate Circuit Dec. 0. John Kelly, the veteran chef, with the J. H. Eschmsn European Clrcua tbe past season, will remain st tbe headouarters or tbe show at Mln- neapolla during the winter. Tbe Original Tonng Buffalo haa selected ss his main offlce. 85 So. Clark street. Chicago, for the headquarters of the Original Young Buffalo Wild West Show. Wm. Oldknow. boss csnvssmsn of tbe Hag enbeck-Wsllsce Show, la visiting relatives In Hanley. England. He la accompanied by his Wire and daughter. a V. Oonners. who was with tbe Miller toe.' and Arlington's 101 Banch the past sea- n, hsa returned to his home at CbllHcothe. O.. Broe.' son. I for tbe winter. Among the clrcua folks now at Hot Springs. Ark., are Art. Strong. Gua Roe. Fred Faber. John Dlvlne.v. Ben A. Reeler and Geo. A. Bald- win and wife. Cbaa. Ftck. with the Singling Show the paat season, baa teen engaged, by M. E. Fitzgerald as general agent of tbe Fitzgerald Indoor Cir- cus. Fred resile Is wintering hit Barnyard Cir- rus at Decatur. HI. He will go out wltb the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show next season. Charley Corey, of tbe Hagcobock -Wallace Shows, and hla wire, .are sojourning at West Bsden. Ind., for a few weeks. James Beach, special agent of Sun Bros.' Show aw-a ess l^rv 1 °- * Don McGregor has closed his Day or Judge- ment Company snd la now city editor or the News at Des Motnea. la. Fred Fisher baa Man director tor the next season. The Barnctta have clt They have been Wallace Show. They It la reported tbat Yankee Roblnso wn the show from eighteen to ten for next will rut down season. Tbe J. winter Minn. I-ola (Topay) Ml for the season 1911 Clrcua. 11 with _ Is In Minneapolis, re-engaged The tour of Campbell Bros.' Shows will .me to an end at New Orleans, la.. Dec- 18. Chief Debro and wire have Joined tbe Mighty naag Wagon Snows for the winter. Otto Weaver, the equilibrist. Is touring Texss with the Campbell Brothers' Shows. - Mrs. May Holmes Is spending a few weeks at In Memphis, Tenn. A NE W "A LMA." New York. Dec. 10 (Spectsl to The Billboard!. —Tonight Kittle Gordon glees her last per formance In Alma Where Do You Live? at Weber's Theatre. Truly Shattnck opens In the role Monday. PARKER 8H0W8 CLOSE. Coralcana. Tex., Dec. 8 (Special to Tbe Bill- board.)— The Great Parker Boons cloaed the sea- son here last Saturday and all paraphernalia has been shipped to Leavenworth. Kan., too ne* home or tbe Parker factories. Opening tbe season at Oklahoma City on April 17. and traversing tbe States of Oklahoma. Kansas. Missouri. Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota. Wis- consin. Illinois, Indiana, Arkansas, Texas, an I the provinces of Ontario. Manitoba and Saskat- chewan In tbe Dominion of Canada, and making 22* E S5» ».*37 The following staff has remained with tbe show throughout the season, with the exception of Messrs. Smith and Powers. Mr. Smith leav- ing to accept the position or press represents tire of tbe New Majestic Theatre at 1 Iowa, for Jake Rosenthal, and Mr. Powers to accept tbe management or one of Mann's at- tractions. Mr. Moseley baa assumed the posi- tion, of press representative for this compnnv since the departure of Mr. Smith: Con T. Ken- nedy, general manager; B. C. Talbott, general agent and traffic manager: T. M. Warren, treas- urer; F. J. Noethen. secretary; W. M. Moseley. agent; A. A. Powers, agent; W. David Cobn agent; A. U. Eallck, band director; Herman q Smith, preaa representative. Many of the people with tbe abow have not decided where to spend tbe winter, bnt a large party, beaded by the congenial Cbas. G. Kllpstrlck will go from here to Hot Springs. The following attractions sre closing the sea- son wltb tbe company: Trained Wild Animal . W. E. Boxxell, manager; Lotta, A. Wbltney. manager: Craxy House, D. a Mr Daniel, manager: Parker's Museum. C. N. Fair- ly, manager; American Beanty Wheel. A. M. Potter, manager; Human Roulette Wheel. Cbas. G. Kllpstrlck. manager; Texas Bud's Wild West Show; Ferris Hbeel. W. A. Spencer, man sgtr; Tickler, W. A. Spencer, msnager; Carry- Us-All. H. A. Wayt, manager; Kempfe Model City. Leo Show, A. G. Graves, manager: Broad- way Belles. H. Guy Woodward, manager : Ju- bilee Singers, J. Clint Wiseman, manager; Little Horse, Lou Zapf. manager. Thanksgiving day at Clebonrne, Texas, - Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy entertained tbe entire com- pany at dinner, every member Jbelng present. nd™f a'miiy , «n^ T over°rrom Pe5g»M» spang the day. rs. Kennedy will go to Mariln Springs. Tex. to spend s few days, while Mr. Kennedy sees to the train snd paraphernalia reaching Leav- enworth and placed In winter/quarters, after which time be will rejoin Mrs. Kennedy and go to Hot Springs, tor a few weeks of much- needed rest. CARNIVAL NOTES. The Great Martin at Wilmington. >'. C.. Dec. 3. LATHAM SU ED FO R DIVORCE. New York. Dec 10 (Special to Tbe Billboard! —Suit for divorce from Frederick George Latham, stage director and manager for Cbaa. B. Dillingham, has been Cynthia donment and Inadequate support. The coup' were married In London in October 1O0S. Mrs. Latham wsa given got) alimony pending trial. MYRTLE C080ROVE DEAD. Shawnee. Okie.. Dec. 8 (Special to The Bill- board). — Myrtle Oosgrove. leading woman of the Wm. Brady'a. The Man of the Hour died on Tuesday In a local hospital had been confined since November 21. NEW VEHICLE FOR FRITZI. New York. Dec. 10 (Special to Tbe Blllboanli. — Tbe Sbuberts have a new operetta entitled Rosslta In which Frltxl Scheff will appear. Responsible for tbe piece sre Victor Herbert who wrote the music, and Miss Catherine Stew- art, and Joseph Herbert, wbo wrote the book. Adelaide Norwood wi om the bill at the last - spelled to r, Theatre, Det f a bad cold. retire TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS, Car- uv§L Cage Covers. Buy where COTTON grows and DUCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. Sandcrt-Glover Tent Co., Rome, Gas SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAYDEN A CO. 108-10 Broadway, BROOKLYN, V. T. THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. V&S'JSXk COLUMBUS, OHIO SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE I have for sale six Miniature Cages and Tableau Wagons suitable for s clrcua or dog and pony show; almost aa good aa new; used only twenty weeks; cheap for cash. Address It. L, MOR- GAN. Bloomlngton, Ind. STAR WANTED tor cash. S. D. WANTED FOR SEASON 1911 THE MIGHTY HA AG SHOWS "THE PRIDE OF DIXIE" Advance people in all departments, especially good, sober Circus Billposter, who appreciate good treatment and long! G. C MOYER, General Agent. HERKIMER, N. Y. until January 1st After that. Box 107, Shreveport, La. WANTED H. R. POLACK'S WINTER CIRCUS Circus Performers in every line. Riders with stock. Trained Animals, Horses, Dogs and Monkeys. Especially Clowns and others who can double in Good producing Clown. State lowest salary ; pay your own board. Privileges of all kinds for sale for the season of 8 or mor weeks. All communications to THE POLACK BOOKING EXCHANGE Suit.. S16-1T-1S-19 PITTSBURG. PA. FOR SALE— Dog. Pong and Honker vhow. S Performing Ponies. 1 Talktna Pony drill n sj a a ss and nsU nozuss. SS Pvrf. trains Doss. Fvsad*. Poodles and Fox TerrNrrs act and trnnpe. Ktccononl dogs and pony. 7 Monkeys. Tent- sexSQ: Tent. Boston. Tent lOrSk. t 'arte Banners front entrance H*nn*r. UxSb ft. Banoers with pietarea or an I mala of xhosu the bast money eon d boy. All tents and b.nosrs oalj used lata mil. Tan kwrtha of aight-tl-r seats. A Cook-bouse eoaSMSSSe. Tan Uniform*, aood aa new. bilsbt red. trimmed In sold. A Be. toon < Hit (It with two Parachutes and Canaozt«hnte: ait n-w. The man who ntakaa asce nn lons la has*: nukes ascension* SB.OJ a rt.te sod rvsdr to so with each abow It sold. A feature monkey net. tiding down aa Incline. »ft- la mid-m r. lumps a |ai> at feet, la automobile, doing a somersault In the air is feet hlfr. or anile Iran. Tba trappings for ring stuff and pmpa are trained, voonc and snand. t Comedy Bnentna Moss, nosttlvsgy 1 of a I descriptions; five dlffaeeat kinds of lithographs and lota of photocraphs. cuts and display < trainer will go wits tbe show ssd teach one to work tbe animals; he has been with my show five years. The entire outfit will sail, altogether. SS.UO.00 spot cash. Address ANIMAL SHOW. Orlando. Fla.. General Delivery. 50-ft. round top. with one 30-ft. middle, and one 20-ft middle; 9-ft. wall. 8-ounce Government Khaki material. Preserve solution. W»U coated on top, absolutely waterproof. Used t hree weeks. Pr ice. S225.00. MURRAY & COMPANY, Inc. 22 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. Tfceatres and Attractions. IS.) SVIdlr Foy In Up mud Don Broadnj ««ek of 4: Mm-. Kintim week or 11. gabrick m, Bockley. mgr.} Margaret Blingtoa in The WW- wind week of 5: Th- Nigger week of 11. CO IXJMBIA (Frank R. Tate, mgr.) Clayton. White and Marie Stuart, Haw Babes. Blxms. Bnma Btnoa. PrlngJe and Wlllting, Zoo Circtrj. of 4. land week of IMPEBIAI. (D. EL Flat* week of 4: The Shoemaker weak of IT. HAVXJN'8 (Harry Wallace, mar.) Store to be Pitied Titan Seamed week of 4: The Girl and the Detectir* week of 11. CAYETY (Frank Hawlry. mgr.i The New Jersey Ultra week of 4; lore Makers week of 11. STANDARD (Leo Beirbcnbacb. mgr.) The Cory Corner Glrla week of 4: Bohemian Boriesqrjers week of 11. COLI- SEUM BIT ChsrftyClrcns week of 4. ODBON. at. Loots Symphony Orcheatra 4: German The- atre Company S; Anna Parlowa and aaaafaanl Mardkin 10 ST. JOSEPH. — TOOTLE THEATRE (C. TJ. Pbnier. mar.) Imperial Iti—lin Ballet •; The Jolly Bachelor! 11-1 2: Bo n a Mer rfUe IT; Mmc XaiJmora 19. LYCEUM THEATRE (C. TJ. Fuller, mar.) Happy Hooligan 4-7: wnilama* Ira peril In 3-10: sfiyer Thread* 11-14: Gaiety Glrla 15-17. PA STAGES' THEATRE (EL Bean- moot, mar.) Week 4. Sermoor'a Dos*, Jack GoMen and Co.. La Toaka. Allen Shaw. Fred Kramer. Mile. MarJe. Mand Marah and tan Pan- man, mar.) Week 4. The . and A mo. Mary Ana Brown. F. rnorlnn pictures. BIJOU DREAM n— -n Shatters "-10: The Rosary 12-17. ■f**?*Jr»i Acres Scott and Henry Keane, les Francis Ponley and Corlnne Rayle*. J a*. H. fallen. P~nn»n Downing and Company. Christy and Wini«. Anderson and Golnea. and TMTetores r^*k of !S. BMflKE. The Llsaetta. Baker's M/nslral Trio. Holstatt and Renard, IMyon and Hall. Jack Rnyee and MIDI Syra^^-W^^rry-ln^e^ NEW YORK. BHOOWT.TTT. -MON'TATTK: (Edw. Trail, mgr.) The Forcen* Hnnter week of S: Ethel Rarrr- ■or« In Wd.Channel week nf 12. MAJESTIC fW. (7. Frodley. mrr.l Douglas Fairbanks In The Cnh we*k of 5: H- B. Warner In Allan yirome VslenMne week of 12. SAM S. SHU. BERT'S (T.. J. Rodrtrpier. mgr.) Gertrude El- liott In The Bswn of a To-Morrow week of Br Vnrle tw.'.. In Trple's Ntchtmsre week of «.. TFTXFR'51 BROADWAY (Leo C. Teller, mar.) ws-nri. VeCor In The Echo week of S: Th- Pre-*— t*» Hnnter week of 12. GRAND OB- ERA Harrow (J. TL R orl ng e r. mgr.) H* Fell In Tore With His Wife week of 8. All prrfOV it. A. Nelms. mrr.l The white Can- Hw» sreeV of 12. 4WtTTBT f M. T. Mlddleton. n.. i \ Ti p ** the WnorW.e fc * week of B. PAT- TO tt BTTrtrf I florae -F»T*nw." i »*_«0 Pharlotte T»mnle itTow+ T** * " **»* *_ of B. efBTTtpa r-Vl'FUM fToota may.) The Swirttna- Vmm _wk_ of 8. EM- ■ rps 'ell. Four L nken's Lions B-7. .YCEUM THEATRE (Beta Cir- cuit Co.. mgrs.) Sheeban Grand Opera Co. In n Tror.tnre 7; The Firing Una 9. MOZART THEATRE (O. W. Mlddleton. mgr.) The Two Orphans S-Q: The Clanamaa 12 17. ' MEW EO CHETJ.E. — LOEWS NEW B00H- ELLB THEATRE (Harry Doll, mgr.; Lo*w*s Amusement Enterprises, booking agents) B. J. Aopleby. bsnjolst. a deser performer: Ma* Mc- Donald, staging, good: Warren and Faust, com- edy sketch, fah-; Swan and Bambard. acrobats. I hew work la clean and" quickly done: Joale Flyun. character sins**, deeer: The Pfortes. slmrers. Mg hit: motion pictures week of 4. OSWEOO. — RICHARDSON .(Earl Rnrgeaa. mrr.l The Chamnlln Stock Comnans 8-10. TROT. — BAND'S OPERA HOUSE (H. T. Thompson, mgr.) Cinderella 6-7; The Rosary 8-10. TJTTCaV— MAJESTIC II. 0. Brook*, mgr.) The -Rosary V7; The Philharmonic Orcheatra 10. HHI7BERT (Wm. D. Fitzgerald. ■ mgr.) Tom Waller on Mara. Albert Hole. Four Flood*. Cook and Henman Trio. Brent Hares. Moore snd ETTIoft snd pictures week of 8. OR- PHETJM (Ford 8. Anderson, mgr.) Ten Kraxy Kids. Hnnter and Seers, end Lewis Slaters 8- 7: Harry Rabrrader snd ter*. - J. - BB0R0. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (H. mgr.) Sonaa'a Band 8: AI. Field ». *w£ CraCTBTHATL— GRAND (John Harlln. mgr.) Bright Eyas week of 12. KEITH'S COLOMBIA (Harry K. Shockley. mgr.) Sam Mann and Com- PTRE f George -c«« i*ny. Coote Bert end Comnany. Nichols Sinters. Dooln and Mclean. Maxim's Models. Jarrow. and Melrose and Kennedy week of 11. LYRIC (James E. Fcnnessy, mgr.: Shnhert booklncs) Frllrl Sch-tT in The Mlkerto week Of 11. OR- PHKUM (Mr. Jordan, mgr. 1 Edward Blondell. Wnilam Dillon. Venna on Wbeele. Tudor Cam- eron and Bonnie Gaylord. The Metxettl Troupe, and Jones and Grant week nf 1L OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and L. Fbrepangh Flab, mgrs.) Fore- nangb Stock Comnany In Two Orphans weak of U. EMPRESS (B. K. Bohlnson. may.) Bobby Pandonr and Brother. Whitehead and Orterson, Maater David Schooler. Mnrry and Hamilton. Reynold* and Miller. Joh n H amilton, and pic- tures week of TL WAUfTJT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.: Stair and Harlln booklnra) St. Elmo week of 11. GERMAN. Fraeuleln Rekrnt 1L HEUCK*8 (Geo. neuck. mrr.l The Montana TJmlted week of 11. STANDARD (F. J. Clements, mgr.: Eastern Wheel) Star and Garter Show week of 11. PEOPLE'S mgr.; Western Wheel) The week of 1L AKEOK. — COLONIAL (F. E. Johnson, mgr.) Shalero'a Dog* and Pontes. Frank Gardner. lot- tie Vincent and Comnany. McRrlde. Parrel! sod Shelly. Ram Doty. John Hamilton. St. Clair and Van 5-7. The Bgnnon fllrl. Frankle Drew. Ferry In Frogland. The Seymour Trio. Charles Lee. A. Palder snd Company. Wood and Taw- son, Tbalem's Dogs and Ponies 8-10. NORKA (M. C. Winter, ntrr.) The LneanVM. Wm. J. Cutting snd Mlds. Wilson and Rose. Fred - His Musical Kids 6-7. Eleanor —.npauy. Pet* B«ker. The Mnslcal Graces. Tan* and Far. Johnnie Msngelf 7-10. OT^VELAET*. — OPERA HOUSE Richard Carle B-T. COTONf At., The Merry Maidens week of 5. LYCEU M. Bererly of Oraoatark week of 8. CLEVELAND. The Broadway Am- naemrnt Oomnsny in The Montana Limited week of ft RMPTRE. Psrialsn Widows week of K. STAR. Rector's Bi il l "* q u e t* week of B. KEITH'S HIPPODROME. New York ninoodrome Com. parry week of 5. CENTRAL ARMORT. Royal and Ade me' I ndoor Gfrcns week of B. COLT/MBTJS.— SOUTHERN 'Geo, Drmtneyer, mgr.) Girl of My Dream* 14-1B- B lllle RnrV-> In Snxanne 18-17. HIGH STREET (rhaa. W H*mer. mgr.) Fnster Brawn 12-14: Bed Mill 1S-17. B. F. KEITH'S (W. W. Pnwr. mgr.) Rose Plnnnff. headllner: Welch. Me a ter and Montrose. Ooolman Does. Gordon and Mars. Bothwelt Brown. Valerie Bereere'* Courpany. Van Hoy li_ and _Companj, 1 Slma, The _ of b. fairba: Bright nice, pictures week PENNSYLVANIA. EASTON. — OBPHEUM (J. Fred Osterstock. gr.; Shobert booking*) Kirk Brown, assisted by Margocrlle Field* Dec. 8-10: 8neeban Grand Opera Comnany with Joseph F. 8h re ban, 18: Forbes Robertson in The Psalng of the Third Floor Back. 17. ABLE OPEBA HOUSE (J. Fred Osterstock. mgr.; D. B. 0.) Clark and Verdi, character comedian*; Julian Alfred and the Earner Slater*, singing and dancing: Isjpo and Benjamin, acrobatic comedians; The Prim- rose Foor, quartette: Jolly. Wild and Company; The Taemanlan-Vandteman Tronne, lady ath- letes; (headllner): Geo. Harconrt and Theodore Bibcock; and pictures week of Dec S. On th* Housetops, with Knnt* Erlckaon week of Dec 12. PASTIME (L M. Thomas, mgr.; Joe Wood*) Minor, Phrome and Company, in At th* Sea shore Dec. 6-7: and picture*. ERIE,— PARK OPERA HOUSE (Jeff C»Ilan. mgr.) Th* Nello*. deeer; Wenrlck and Wal- dron, poor: Milton and Dolly Noble*, went big: Bos* and Moore, rery good; Six Gyp*y Singers, fair; Byrr* and Herman, bit of bill; week of S. COLONIAL (A. P. Wetehler, mgr.) Carroll. Chatham and Keating, pleased: The Four Hlrsh- boms, entertaining; Shield! and Boot, bit: New Era Comedy Four, went big; Ml** France* Arcry. fair; Hy«Uki Troop* of Japanese, pleased; HARRI8BUB0. — MAJESTIC (it. H. Merlck. gr.) The New Century Girl* 7: The I'aaainx or the Third Floor Back 8: Th* City p-10. OR- PHETJM (Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) Lnlo McOonnell DagwrU Sisters, Gerald Glffln and Company, and Casting Dunbar* week of 4. HIPPODROME (Rnnford and Hexford. mgrs.) Trewey Bros., Tom Mack, Margaret Bradley and pictures week Of 4. LANCASTER. — FULTON (C. A. Yeeker, mgr.) Vogel'a Minstrel* 6: The Thief 8: The City 7; How*** Motion Picture* 8; The Paaalog of th* Third Floor Back 10. MEADVILLE.— LYCEUM (Cass. A. achats, mgr.) Raster snd Brendel. clever; Paneoek and Reefer, rery good, and pictures week of 8. PTTTBBURO.— NIXON (T. F. Kirk, mgr.) The Dollar Prince** Dee. S: John Drew in Smith week Dec 12. ALVTN (Harry Darts, mgr.) Frltxl Behalf In Th* Mikado Dec. 6: Anna Pae- lowa and Michael Mordkln and Imperial Boa- slan Ballet Monday night, Dec. U: remainder of weak, Henry B. DIxey la Th* Naked Troth. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.) High -class rau- deyllle fe* taring Bam Mum and Oomnsny. Bra- ils Wynn and others week Dec 8. Week Dec 12. headline rs. Chriaty Mstthewson sod Chief Meyer* with May Tally. DUQUESNE (Harry Darla, mgr.) Week Dec 8, The Collage Widow; week Dec. 12. The Girl of the Golden West. LYCEUM (it. M. Gollck. mgr.)' Polly of the Cirrus week Dec. 6: The Mtlltonalrn Kid weak Dec 12. ACADEMY (Harry Williams, mgr.) Jolly Glrla week Dec. 6; also fight pictures N*L aon and Horn battle. GAYETY (H. Korts- min, mgr.) Harry Hasting*' Big Show weak I ?SOT^E.^CEUM ,, *Sb ^ — Grand Op- era Company 10: The Cat and the Fiddle 18. NEW ACADEMY (J.mea Docking, mgr.) Poll Stock Company In Before and After week of 6. POLL Mason and Keeler. Amroas Slater*. The Maaaqnoa, Jaa. B. Donoran and Bene Arnold. Kennedy. Nobody snd Piatt, and pictures week of 6. COLUMBIA. Billy WatKnv* Beet Trust 8-7; The Duckling* 8-10. WTT.T.TAMSPORT.— FAMILY (Robert Ellis, mgr.) The Flying Caros. Parrel 1 and LeBoy. Bnrkbardt, Flynn and Vandy. William Schil- ling and Company. Lambert and WUIIame. The Great Alba nr. Madams May Le Brandt, and picture* week of 6. PRINCE YOUTURKEY "KING OF THE WIRE" AND "THRILLING SLIDE FOR LIFE" Sarea seasons with Barn urn and Ball ay* a circus. Re-eagsg*d for ism. Now ploylag win tar **a- son In Honolulu. Booked by I. N. Ooken, West bank Bldg.. Ban Francisco. Address -rh» Bin board." San Francisco. . H0DDY. Sensational Aerial Gymnast ' Up- Side- Down Man. Date* wanted greater Vaod i. 8U*st, F**rla, GARCINETTI BROS. European Acrobats and Hat Throwars Now ploying .auder illc on PaclOe Co**t. Booked •olid with Selli-Fioto Snow* 8e**on 1011. Ad- dress car* Th* Billboard, Bin Franctaco, THE THREE SHORTIES — In TMlr— J??/$z IN VAU0EVILLC. SOMMERS & NORTON It! TlMMP Comedy Skit "I CANT FIND A TREE" IN VAUPEVI LLC WHITE'S COMEDY MULES Th*Tw* FunnlMtMulaa on th* American Stag* wm. LVKcna. MNR KaitR and P costs r PAUL nuav NEVINS & ERWOOD MAX C. HAYES, Mgr. ONfHtUM CIRCUIT CANTER In Vauatarwllla A Bouquet of ( Tied with a Bow of Net UNITED TIME TEMPLE and HUFF OPERATIC COMEDY SKIT E. DANIEL LEIGHTON - LUCI1LE PHELPS & CO. UNITEDrnME BABE CLEMENT COMEDIENNE JOB WOOD CKCUIT The OtiEiDii Hisicil Mioircls Baflioc in VauderiUeon JOB WOOD C1BCUIT FRED G. COLE AND NIS FAMOUS, CHAMPION BULL DOBS ANN TEMIEM OPEN FOR BURLESQUE CHAN. RUTH BURNS & CLARKE TH t Hliatw AND TMC LAOV Now in VsudsTtlW. Add. *ar* W»i»* R»u. The Laf rasers li thilr ttruilii tntii skaleh •'GETTING EVEN- in VAUDCVILLK DECEMBER 17, 191ft The Billboard 23 WTLKEB-BAWa.— OBAND OPEBA HOUSE \i caufman. mgr.) Tbe Bm Mouse S: t„ Uh WrliM >od IMetrlek. Krter and St&?^S-?SBar *■"« MooUn RHODE 1 8 LAND. PHOVIDENOE. — I' BOVIDIN01 OPEBA HOUSB (f. "■ Wtndeltehaefer. mgr.) Maria ErWaler fit MUM Nightmare WMk of 8: The S«3Sm > aa-S »*eg <* «• ■? iP l R f '5s 1 ; SOUTH CAROLINA. ' (JHVEIX8TOH ACADEMY Or MUSIC (a n Jltttnrwe, mrr.) Be«»l* Abbott Opera Com- dim 5: Mr*. Klike W; Repertoire Optra. 8; il Wlirao 13. MAJE8TIC (O. X. Brandtley, mgr.) Loulae Oatle. Benlab Delia*, pleased: Leo Been.. Loolte Ctrrrr and Tom Murray, food; seel of «. COLUMBIA.— COLOMBIA (r\ I*. Brown. sl^Sw r Ar ~ aUM ; , OBXEHVTLLE.— GRAND (B. I. Whltmlr*. Paul Gllmore In Tba Bachelor B: AL O. Mlottrel* 7. 30UTH DAKOTA. _ FALLS. — NEW TBBATBB (M. Jeakn. In*"-: Fred Becner, mgr.) Tba Wolf 4: Baa* MeMlte In 81* Hopklne M; The Uocj» Stock Company 8-12. MAJESTIC. FIT* Jtiggllng Nor- DituT f-rarl Slatcra Joe Bonner. LaJrbrc* and Wilder. Tba DeCUrrille* and plctnm week of 6. OLVMI'U. Cor* Thorn**, Mitchell bin W Ultra .od picture* week of 5 . TENNE88EE. KMOXVHXE.— STAUB'S (Frlu SUab. mgr.) Roaallod at Bed Gate a: HuttooBallrj Stock Compear e-10. BUOC (Fred Martlll. m«r> At I be 8on Went Down S 10. GRAND (Frank Rocen. mgr.) Barrett and Earl. Btrtngford Twlna. abal Mettbewe, and picture* w**k of S. NASHVILLE. — TUB OBAND (Oeeargs Hlefc- mio, mrr.) Fred Boom and C ompany. Bart Leula. Harry Darle. Nrma* a^ ^llaaia. m^t'^.rZ^^ SSk^Senffle teuiedlan*: Joe Cook. DeMlebale Brother*, .treat intwlclant; Fogirty and Jenalng*. Katberine Anjtu* Co.. motion pic tore* week of 6-10, BI- JOU i George Hickman, mgr.) Mia* Bealah Poyn- ter la Thr Little Olrl That He Forgot week of 510; week or 12-1T. School Day*. VKNDOMB (\V. A. Sheet*, mar.) Tb* Sonant In tb* Home 5«: The .sine of a Fatber Dae. 12. FIFTH AVENUE (F. r. Furlong, mfr.) TtaJPhtu- CJ«y ; tout, Zo-ler Trio. W' Kin. nt. Tony Kli 5-10. TEXAS. ADBTEBT — nANCOCK'S OPBBA HOUSB (O. U. W.lker. mgr.) Man of the Hoar S; Fred- erick Ward* 6; Bio* Moose B; Htraaa IX. DALLAS.— DALLAS OPBBA HOUSE (Oeo. Anajr. mar.) Norman BaCkelt la Tbe Cltr 0-7. MAJESTIC (O. F. OoaM, mgr.) Tb* Qnsen of I be Weal, ra Ilaina, Y*ekley and BnnneU. Tbe Imperial Comedy Quartette. Beanie Brown log, LaToy Brother*. Wolf* and Lee. Allen Wtxht week of 4. OBPHECM (Dal ton ■iml Tbe Tbrea Cycling Cogswell*. All man and Nrriro. Zeno and Maodell. Mlaa natal* Andrea. The Kamooa Clemen* Brother* week of 4. IIAI1Y HOUR (Dalton Brother*, mgra.) SI Kirhi. Clark and Werner. Howard Martya, Tba Lx' C MSO W ^BL* r pABO (Crawford A Bleb, turn.) Tbe Bine Mease 44. BOTjbTON.— PBINCB (Dare Warn, mgr.) The 0-*Mc«a of Liberty 5-6: Jamea Powvra In In Reran* T-8; Viola Allen la The White Slater ». The Bloe Moos* 11-12. WACO. - AUDITORIUM (Aran Laakln. mgr.) Atm.-a Encllah Opera Company 8. MAJESTIC (Boi Brother*, mgra.) Murphy, Rorafall and Whitman, Coartney and Jenette. Polly Hargar, 81 Klrhl. Mr. and lira. Bc*bl* Talcott. Francea Fairfield. Edward'* Dog*. Myrtle Vlctorloe. Jease Bua.ell and Company and pletnrea week of 5. WASHINGTON. 8P0KAWE._AUDITORIUM (Barry C. Hay- ward, mrr.) The Nigger 4-6; Tbe Prlnc* of Plltcn 811. BPOKAKB (Chartea W. r.l .under Southern Sklee 4-10. nmr.) Under Sootbern Bkte* 4-10. ORPHEUM Uneeiih A. MnUer. mgr.) Alice Lloyd. Una Clay- .■ .„ w Solly. Farnom. Clark Slater*. Hlbtaart ,S^JJ;. rT * D - tai PWtne* week of 4. WASH 1NGTON (O. c. BUkeili Her Metropolitan lee, mgr.! Bay Donley Mlaatnla. Tbe Ptmr rlr*. Elale Hide ley and Company. Tom and llh Almond. Merlin* and ~ Alrarettea^week et~t A.lania.' Abou° H bint. The Three or 4. a) Chapman. Tb* Three PANTAOSS (B. Clark Mlaa Lanra lo- west VIRGINIA. •WBEOUa.— VIBOINIA (ChiA. A. Fibuar, mrr.! Thuratoo. magician 8-7. APOLLO (H. _w. Racer*, mar.) Oar Pare* Cnmpaay. b*> Ber. mgr. i aitOAwMlle tkallog teat town Cn-endeld. Indiana. ATHENS THEATRE, Ativan a, Teauv— Now open: under new management. Open date* for drat- " attraction.. Town on bbt boom. Write J. C. BEEP, Mgr.; H. H. MELTON, Ktaga Mgr. CRUTCHER'S NEW OPERA HOUSE - j VINE GROVE. KY, Oa miln llo* of L 0. B. B.. 87 mile* sooU of WISCONSIN. BZLOIT. — WILSON'S OPEBA HOUSE (B. H. Wilson, mgr.) Tb* Squaw Man 5: The Cali- fornia Olrt* 6. EOaTD SIT LAC— HENBT BOYLE (P. B. Haber, bct.) Sctcd Day* a. IDEA (Oscar J. Vollert, mar.) Markee Brothers, Edgar Fore- man and Company. Eetella B. Hamilton, Al- sace and Lorraine, Jamea Tkcbell and pictures we ek of Dae. 1. OBHaTOBK. — GRAND OPEBA HOUSE (J. E. William., mgr.) Tbe Defender of Cameron Dam 4; Sarea Day* 7. BIJOU (H. W. Whit- cocnb, mgr.) Altar* and Lorraine. Charles Hitchcock. Mia, O'RUla Harbee and Company. Eerrante, Mart* H aatm tn and pletnrea week of CANADA. LOkTDOkT.— GRAND OPERA HOUSB (A. X Small, prop.) Grace Tan Stnddlford B; This Woman sod This Man 10; Maoda Adams 12; Mme. Bembrlch 14. TORORTO, OUT. — PRINCESS (O. B. 8bep- psrd, mgr.) Mand* Adams la What Berry wo- man Knowa B-10; Chaoncey Olcott In Barry or Ballymore 12-17. ROYAL ALEXANDRIA li- mp.) The Little Damosel 5-10: The > Girl 12-17. OBAND OPEBA HOUSB (A. J. SmsU. mgr.) The Thief B-10; Wildfire 12-17. M ASSET HALL (Norman M. With row. mgr.) Toronto Symphony Orchestra 8. GAY- (T. R. Henry, mgr.) Tbe Bebman Show week of 8: Tbe Midnight Maidens 12-17. STAB (Dan T. Pierce, mgr.) star Snow Girl a week of 5: Tbe Big Rerlew week of 12. BHE3LBROOKE. QUE, — CLEMENT (W. A. Tipert. mgr.) The Bine Monao 7; The Third D*Brca 23. RETURN- PSTPMTC SECURED OB fAI tNI» „. y^^^^ ability, nittttrated Guide Tewttoas wanted aent FBEE. VICTOR 7. EVANS A CO.. d. a. PI AVQ DRAMAS AND VAUDBVILLB ■ tV*"* T 9 SKETCHES. 820 page* TtoderUle material. 50c; my Make- op Book. lSe; Hlnta to Aaaatenra, 18c Catalog FBEE. Addreaa A. E, REIM. 808 Foster Bldg.. Milwaukee. Wit. WAATTEX) Agwnta. Legitimate aubatltute for Slot Ma- chines; pi tented; tells on algbt for $1. Par- tlcnlara. ODJHA CO.. Anderson. Ind_ kOFJTTS — magnolia BLOOM. Baaa Cream, talnkar Spring*, Cars Cora Mssuge, etc. Write mm. | kin woeae thing of Interaat to yoo- M. BAKBB, ere Daytoala Hotel. Dayton. O. hero aocnrthlng axtraordlnary In i twelrc cake sample boae*. ter a. Writ e n*. BTF BB.* I TRIBUTrWO SYSTEM, Dayton. O. - s— £ 51.50. Tattooing Mi Stencils, I0e op. Also color*, etc. Scad ' It yooraelt. Machines, " in. lata, _ for free price Hat- PROF »*.. Wee*. - One Yoor choice of original typewritten Mono- logue*, Vaoderllle or Concert. Sl-OO. "Keeplog Hooe." male: "Bridget'! Troubles," "The Hare*." "Wat She To Blame." female. Add re** M. LILLIAN DAVIDSON. Mankato. Kanaaa. •1 Resort Man to condition a re- airt, get all kind of amnaementa and book pic- nics. My park la located on the main line of Peon. B, B_, from Plttaburg to Chicago. A plac* for B. B. eacnrslons: depot *t tbe p«rk. wfu^- Ad^-.'B^irr Lake- (Cot tola out — It may not appear again.) HOW THEY WIN at slot machines, dice, cards, faro, ronlette. aplndlet, fair game*, etc. Big in narrated circular r Box 145S, Hammond, lnd. L. SATRAjr a MOM. EBMrt aaaakau. «T , 4Tpaw|a W g 1 g, T 4 1 WANTED — Madlcl n* Showa. Lecturart and Doctors We bare tbe best selling remedies In United Btataa. All new dbcorertea. Write at once for a* tuple* and price*. Express prepaid on tarn- plea. HOT BPBINOS BED CROSS REMEDY CO., Crookston, Minn. I CAN PUCE TBI st tbi UnCIIUf SlsSE I personally atalat yon to 'get an act and engagement. 30 years' ex- " cueo eo perleoce. Fre* tnatrucUee eorrespoadenee cooraa of proreaalooal adelce. Thla offer la limite d. Ptrllrsltr* 10c, which 1* refunded. rBZOXBIO T^nwTT.w Box A, Bits tar, lad. Electric Tattooing Macniais, $5.« BtoorUs. 10c up. Dealgn*. colore^ lMfdje s, etc .. at lowaat price*. Price Hat fi 115 Mala Street, Aaron. IU free. B. B. BROWN, FIEE FREE — MAGIC CATALOGUE Batapca. Mind Beading. Magic, New Act* and Creadon*, tod •econd-baod bargain*, Addreaa W. AUERT TRIPP, 8 Ftoater St.. New Bed- ford. Ma Musical GI&mcj POUMAN CM FOR SALE OR RENT ! A 72 foot *leeplag and dining car with baggage end, 6 ateel wheel tracks, ateel platform, large cellar; car perfect condition. Also lot of circa* (eats, tent*, and caoraa walla, etc. Car at Kan- aaa City. Beaaonable term*, J. B. OLSON. 1 Jr., Waterrllet. Michigan. FOR SALE— My Show Boat and Tow Boat for - other good paying property. Most tell or trade; I am too old to ran It. Address F. GENT. Marlon, nta. FOB SALE— Penny Arcade Machines: Quarto- "l•t^^m.rbloe*^rcheT n • Mason City. HI. Almost new Bnescber Trumpet. Model No. 2. B-Fl*t Cornet for aale, or will exchange for a second-hand Edlaoa chine. Cornet good a* new, Fayetterllle. N. C. llaon one-pin mowing picture ma- .s^.v™s$w.^8s: FOB SALE — Sterooptlcon Machine. 12 ft. Screen. 73- ft. Wire, Alcohol Lamp, one flrat-claas Case for tildes. Outfit cost ISO; only need three times. WU1 take MO. Also hare one Bennett Portable Typewriter: cost 818; will Uke *10; brand new. O. H. HICKBY. 838 Cornnna Are., Owoaao, Mien. warted TO BUI on* complete roller polo outfit, including nets. cage*, ban*, atlrk*. and everything that goes with s complete outfit. The field I* saw, and a couple of profestlonaj player* might da well here. Addnaa, SALT LAMB AUDITORIUM. Salt Lake City. Utah. MAIAME L H. BEHHEtT, ASTROLOGIST 82.00. by mail from 51.00 to 40 West 05 tb Street, New York City. Sketches -Monologues WRITTEN TO ORDER Original work, estimate, eoclo SIS W. Clinton Beaaonabl* rates. Writs for H. F. EAXBBAjf, Re'moh Gems HYDE & BEHMAJN AMUBEMgMV COMPANY Temple Bat BuUdiruL BrwoklyTj. N. Star Theatre Brooklyn Always Open Time for Feature Acts. ELGIN WALTHAM In electro plated, gold filled and wholesale allier caaea, (poalttTely no retail). For peddler*, fair*, etr. Send for price Hat. J. Room 47. Jeweler*' Building. 873 Street. Boston. Ma**. only GOOD SHOWS WANTED to play Leesrtii.. La., at National Theatre. Oa paedty 530. Bast enow town tn atats. Popnl* Hon -O.OtXX HI I ua ted on R. C. R. It. be tween Beaumont and Bar* report, A d d r aai I. r WANTED FOR THC MYSTERIOUS SMITH CO. silent Vaoderllle Acts; those doing two sets preferred, state yoor lowest sslsry aa yon get It here. Pay your own board. I pay far* after Joining. Most loin *t once. Dec. 14-15. eon, Iowa; 14-24. Traer. Iowa. AT LIBERTY A-l Pianist and Illustrated Song Singer Bnabaod trap drummer using own " of references. Moving picture i Address K. 0. w., Gen. Del., Vs. AGENTS WANTED FOR "WHAT EVERY SING- ER SHOULD KNOW" The most practical hook for singers ever written. WHITE AT OUCC FRANKLIN PUBLISHING CO., THE VENETIAN FOUR -PREStNTlNQ -- A NIGHT IN VENICE IN VAUDEVILLE SAM.J.CUR.iS&CO. THE ORIGINAL ACT." Featuring their latest Bong tucceaaea, "Come To Me In the Land of Dream*," and "Chew- ing Gum." SULLIVAN CONSIDINE CIBCD1T. LOUISE GATTE "A Real Dancer" Now featured oa Inter-State- time. FRED ZOBEDIE. Bspraaantatlee. JANE its Cooper and Bartell MALINDA K. and P. Tim*. OKACC m LAD YB Wilson Sisters BIPtatBB AND DANCERS The Three Fondeliers .Ntrelty Comedy Acrobats and Jugglara KKITH-PROOTOR Ftsrwnss MOORE and ELLIOTT P n aaii*lr>B a l-asjltlmass C am— Jy *'A M«trimoni«I Substitutr," RUBEDICKIMSOR CX -JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ». a wl C. Cle tmi* . JOHN J. dUiaLKY Easliiarsw A ■*>•>*_ LEONARD and ALVIN 111 Boys with tbi Crazy Feet IN VAUDEVILLE LOUISE BRUNELLE landtag buraana. - Bagth A ^Proctca-'t Tabloid Block Oa.. Addrtaa, A PROCTOR '8. New York 01 r? NEART & MILLER Aaerica's Cleverest Dancing Deo IN VAUDEVILLE Frank Burt Babe; -Comedy Trick Violin and Ttajgflir IN VAUDEVILLE 24 T It e Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. Readers' Column napoUs. Mrt. R. H. WooUcy. fire MetropoUts Co.. Ellzabetbport. N. J., rants the lira. Wul ticker, widow of "Old Pop" formerly with the Bt~ B. P.. care Helen Chicago. III., Ukl Potter. Mrs. Raymond, of Raymond and Raymond, la anxious to learn the present address of Cozaro. hand balancer, lira. Raymond's address Is Gen- eral Delivery. Chicago. The address of Mr. Batchelor. formerly with BTUy Bennett D^n^oc Company la reqnested The address of Mi» Tea Von Is 'requested by N. Edwards. Jr.. 4806 Hentnore are., Chicago. nL J. M. Morrison. Union Depot. St. Paul, Minn., desires the address of F. D. Weeks. J. W. Dyer, care The Radlson Hotel. Aberdeen, 8. D., desires the addresses of Frank E. Welch, this season with Forcpangb Sells 8 bow; Lent Scott, formerly agent for Landes Bros.' Snow. The address of Prof. ~ by the Wlegand Co., " i, Ky. i afreet. Norfolk, Louisville, hy. Miss Edna Waters. 106 Vs.. desires the address of C. O. Mrs. M. N. Payne. Campbell, Mo^aska for the address of Jessalyn Rodger* (Mrs. Edwin Beck). Mbu 15. Monlteer. 530 State street, Brooklyn, N. T., desires the address of the Milmar- Morris Troope. A_ c. J.. Dnhoqne, Is. — See the advertising columns of The Billboard. Dr. BL H. B., Jollet, HL — Address care Stair and Havlln, 1483 Broadway, New York City. G. F., Baggs, Wyo. — The Iroquois Theatre Ore occurred Dec 30. 1803. M. B., Cleveland, O.— Mr. Chester P. Crawford be addressed csre American Film Trading Shaftesbury avenue. London. England. Minneapolis. — There Is always room ■eback riders. The salary depends the performer's ability. PARIS LETTER. i«-> qolrementa of the road, but in no way changed Insofar as the spectator is concerned. I count sat going to the people and telling them: " 'Volls! You haven't bad time to go to the big theatres of Paris. The big theatres of Paris have, therefore, come to you. I bring you Shakespeare. Moliere, 'the grand classics from France and abroad, as well as the best of contemporary works. These I present to "I This Is not a cheap, catch-penny affair. The plan has been made the subject of special med- ia the report or the Under Secretary of It* for the Flee at GABY The Folles- Berg ere has closed its doors for a fsw days, rehearsals of a new revue being in progress. It Is announced that thla la the work of P. L. Flers and Eugene Hero*, and If It states up to the standard of these collators- tors. It onght to be worth while. Mile. Gaby Deslys, the young Frenchwoman who obtained so much publicity all over the entire world by her alleged connection with the said, will be one of the 'big attractions, she taking one of the stsr parts in the new vehicle. MUSIC. The Walts Dream has been put bark on the bill at the Apollo for an occasional perform- ance. Malbrouk a' en va-t-en Guerre, (reviewed tn last week's Billboard) still continues, how- to be the principal attraction at thla Frits Krslaler. the vlollnlat. this week, gave a much-praised recital at the Nouvelie Sodete Phllharmonlqne. He Is now considerably In demand. Monday he played in Brussels. Tues- txrday he_ appe more in Paris. Mi-is Tartelette Is ntlll the Mil at the Children' a Theatre In the Champs-El ysees, the little operetta being quite a- winner there. Rlgolette, La Maladetta and La Crepuscnle Ac Dlru are the scheduled operas at the Na- tional Academy of Music (The Opera). ROLLER RINKS. A 24-hour roller akatlng race Is scheduled to take place it the Vel d'HIv commencing at 11 o'clock on the morning of December 24 and end- ing Dec. 25. at the same hour. One of the prob- able entries will be the well- > prob- Ll known American F—. lease Carey, now la Paris playing "engagement st the Amsterdam (Rue). Rink. This young chap has raced on an average or three times a week for nearly eight weeks now and haa not lost a race, even when heavily handi- capped. The visiting American blue-Jackets from the Second Division of the U. 8. Navy were spectators at some of these races and gave the American winner a big send-off. They also had much fun In personal attempts on the little wheels, and some of them proved to be pretty good at the sport. All the rinks In Paris catered to the sailors and did a good business. LITTLE GOSSIPETTK3. The Jeffries -Johnson prize flgbt pictures arc the main thing scheduled for next week at the American Blograph Theatre. Boxing Is all the jo la Paris end the film ought to The Klnema Gab Ka showsbop which Is near the American Blograph. Is advertising rather largely the Saa Langford-Tlger Smith ngbt-to-a- flnrsh pictures for next week. They have been doing a good business during the past few daya with views showing the Parts floods, end the so- las; ashore of the. world's b — the Prenssen. off the coast ♦ to appeal*" the Sortefy own play produced with Milan. Be has decided to of Dramatic Authors. ♦ The Olympla has Inaugurated Its cinemato- graph matinees with considerable success. Miss Haney, well-known la America and Lon- don, will take one of the leading parts in the new Folles- Bergere revue. La Femme et la Pantin Is the name of at tl Apres Moi, by Henry Bernstein, will be read to the players of the Comedie-Francslae next week. The production of the plsy, which Is expected to be one of the most lmportsnt of the season. Is expected to fotlow soon. ♦ Klstemsecker* does not like It a vast retiring of bis piece. Le Msrchsnd de the vaudeville stage and It waa That Dreamy >o Is playing Loew time la slngln Italian Walts, with great succesi J. FRED flELF CO. Tom Q. Scabrooke la singing with extraor dlnary success the latest comic song bit, Up the Rickety Stairs, words by Arthur J. Lamb. r?cJ!;5. , ei.r r cS ^ii^.J!^ 1 ^, 'r-x" toe popularity of Ererj bodr works But rathe. ♦ Msy Ward Is taking wltb the Italian novelty Marie Sings Chilly Billy Bee. ♦ Up tbe Rickety Stairs Is a big laugbln for Flo Irwin, and tbe greatest comic st she bss ever bsd. I bit The Oklahoma Twirl Hilda Reid. by HARRY CLAY BLANEY AND KITTY WOLFE, In Tbe reported that be expected to soe the manage- ment. He says, however, that be will only ask for the return of bis plsy on tbe ground that the receipts were considerably above ex- penses when It was taken off. ♦ Mile. Mlstlngnett. tbe dancer, who created the Apache dance with Max Dearly, Is to ap- pear at the Varieties soon- NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES. (Continued from page 18.) Jsck (slogan, on tbe Leo. Feist' a professional staff. Just returned from a ten weeks' trl: through New Eoglsnd snd Petrasylvsnls sad re- ports great happening* for Leo Felst'a songa, especially Italian 'Waits and Tblak ft Over Mary. The songs were sung st sll tbe principal theatres and the sale of tbe songs was very big. All the other songs of the catalogue showed up wonderfully, espeelslly In All My m^SUrlSbt* M * Wl "' TO ° CateT ' *" a Tbe Plottla are meeting with sll kinds of success singing oor great Italian *ong. Drramr Italian Walts, and our march song. Think it Over Mary. 'VEST Oh. Yon Bear Cat Rag Is the ber In Loretta Lrroy'a aoog re|.__. - fi*S T »J na « , f , ! le *w •«■" successfully featuring Tbe Oklahoma Twirl. Karl Cooke and bis Comedy Trio continue to use, with freat succesi, pi.y That ~ Tbe seml-claaslrsl ballad hit. My Lore is Greater Than the World, la successfully aung by Lillian Olbson. Reese William., wltb Donnelly's Minstrel.. T. M. A. News CINCINNATI LODGE BALL. Nearly three thousand people attended ii~ first annual masque and dress ball «ivj„ t Central Turner Uall, Tueadsy evening li~ I 1 by Cincinnati Lodge No. 83. Kt *> Artists from all the different theatres In tn_ were in attendance. The motion picture oil? tors, atage employes sad other organisation, sibilated with theatrical, were out eu mSif" omcere in charge of the ball were: Co., w Schweltxer, chief. Committee on arrangement!: Wm. J. Keenan, chairman; Frank Kngllrt. tresi urer; Ed. Uollenkamp, secretary; H. E. Herb.* music. ■** KNOXVILLE LODGE OFFICERS. KnoxrlUe, Tens.. Dec 10 (Special to The Billboard).— For the ensuing year. KnoxvUle Lodge No. 112, T. M. A., has elected the follow- lng officers: president. Albert Fsnx; vlce-nreal dent, Cbaa. Stephens; secretary, j. stabl; tloan- elal secretary. Frank Boyd: treasurer. It. jj Cste. Arthur DeAtl named delegate with Albert ~ During " PATER80N ELECTION RESULTS. Pateraon, X. J., Dec. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — i he following officers were elected yes- terday at a meeting of Patersoo Century Lodxe No. 100, Theatrical Mechanics' Asaocl.tloo: John A. Olben, president; Charles Van Riper, vice-president; David Hardy, treasurer; Thomas Perry, financial secretary; John Hutchlnaoa, re- cording secretary; William Moore, chairman of board of trustees; Jacob Scbilles, serge BALTIMORE LODGE ELECTION. sue annual election oi ouicci Lodge No. 14 took place In u Lebmann'a Hall, 830 N. Howard Dec. 11, and la the evening a The annual election of oScen of Baltimore the lodge rooma, " street, Sunday. _ smoker will be held to which all members and visiting brothen are Invited. At tbe last regular meeting of Lodge No. 14, five candidates were Initiated. The members of Baltimore Lodge bare started a very vigorous sad energetic campaign to la creaae their membership, and nope In the near S5 isr^t^WW 0 ' Mi "- T. M. A. NOTE8. Ted E. Qalbral Vogrl's Big Cll a member of " T. M. A. agent of John W the World Is a kit the Play s hit That Barber Shop Chord continue, to be Pari of Brltton and ker'a act SUPPRESSING SUGGESTIVE (Continued from page 18.) Knew Till Wow. My boys were Instructed '» ssk if they could sing these aooxa TW dropped In at Faust's la Columbus Circle. •'Are these euggestlve songa yon want to slug?" they were asked. The management was dean songs. "Well, Informed they "Well, go ahead and sing tham," was .« SIS? wVl, 'be "thrown* ou? «33W « not be allowed In this pUc. ««a«D/' The boya weat to tbe third street. There the management was equally cautious about tbe character of the aonx. cautious snout, me cuarvcivr «mw ■■ m -. ,_ my boys were told that If tbe songs WOTsJ the slightest degree auggeatlve they could col be aung there. . .. At the Abbey tbe attitude of the ="»»■«*: ment was the aame. And at tbe Kaliwrboffj" College Inn snd all the restaurants slong Bi«" way where a musical entertainment la offer™ the boys found thst Indecent songs were bama. This. It seems to me. Is a most encoiiriliM sign. The authorities In New York have to bear of the result of my little ln/e"ll«aj{*- Let the retailers of nopulsr a a aiq in take asmaj lev.iai CeV DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 26 ROLLER A ND ICE SKATING New Ice Palace at Detroit Has Brilliant Opening— Several New Roller Rinks Inaugurate Season — Julian T. Fitzgerald's Letter DETROIT'S NEW RINK. Detroit, Mich. Dee. 8 (Special to The Bill- board).— Detroit's new brilliantly Merited ar- rJflclal lee Bleating* arena, located on Warren avenue. East, opened Saturday night Decern '*Tbe* crowds which attended were delighted wltb tbe splendid surface, and as well aa with the many arrangements that have been made for the comfort and convenience of spectators, including Ions; heated promenades and large The skstlng surface at tbe arena la In tbe open and is ninety bj 213 or about VO.000 sonars feet that Is covered by a net work of about 40.000 feet of pipe, which la refrl- cerated by the machines, at tbe factory. . >w » have only Just began", said David A. Brown, president of the People's Ice Com- pany. Detroit. "We will set this anrfaee Into a condition never dreamed of by Detroit sksters. They are delighted with It an It Is now. hot wait until we bare finished. We snch big new b offered . Indus- bnalnesa havVset'oat to give Detroit one of the best rinks In the country, and the belt anrfaee to akaie upon and we will not stop snort of s complete realisation of our Ideals." Music la furnished by the Detroit Arena Baud and Is In attendance at all ~" International an opportunity trial nights, getters last Tbe current week, the graceful skating and two-step contest for oouplee, so popular every year, holds forth with the nnala. scheduled for BJturdsy, Dec. 24. Tbe Wednesdsy nights will see an Introduction of that fasclnstlng snd ex- citing game of broom ball. Tola game baa a large following In tbe East and West, but never tried In this vicinity. Training squads are prac- ticing dally to make tbe faat team, which will represent Cincinnati, with "Pony" Joe Airman, well known speed skater, aa captain. Tbe New Rink Team la open for challenges for gsmes. On Saturday. Dee. 17, the 214 mile local relay race will be nm. Three teams are In the Held, and Intense rivalry- exists. Tbe result will settle for all time the disputes thst hare arisen among the devotees of the sport. Thla will be a forerunner of the widely heralded amateur and professional events which follow In January. The date baa been set for the Third Annual Athletic Indoor meet, under auspices of the Celts Amateur Athletic Club, sanction of Central Association, A. A. U. It will be remembered this organisation last yesr hsd the largest entry (463) of any similar sthletlc carnival ever ■ this city. The meet on next Feb- THE DETROIT ARENA. Isld In an artificial Ice Tli NEW RINK, CINCINNATI. The busy bum of the little vrneWe Is sgaln pleasantly echoed through the big hall of the Queen City's splendid skstlng palace. The first mouth of this, Ita seventh consecutive aea- son. bss shown sn enthaalsatlc attendance, the results affording a gratified Increase over the same period the season before. At great ex- pense tbe management secured the magnificent decorations left ovsr from the recent Ohio Vslley Exposition, enhancing Ita artistic beauty when- ever necessary, conveying throughout a general Impression of thorongbneaa and attention to detail", msklng this popular amusement place more Inviting thsn aver before. Tbeae changes esch season form one of tbe Important channels of stimulating tbe Interest In the psstlme. The big outpouring on Thursday, Dec. 1, the occasion being the sea bog' a first Carnival Com lane, demonstrated conclusively that mask car- nivals atlU maintain a tenacious hold on tbe public. The prlae list waa the burs-eat end best yet offered, bringing out some entirely new entirely A noteworthy feature of the past week waa he meritorious performance of Prof. II. A. Simmons. His skill of execution In tbe more difficult movements proved a revelation to the local patrooa, being different from other ex- ponents of the art. Special mention la made of Mr. aimmooa' difficult high stilt specialty and his novel and original corned* act, which was high class. This Is Prof. Simmons' first appearance in Cincinnati, and ale aucceaaful en- gagement certainly stamps him aa an artist of all N SI& J. Hugglm. tbe well known National League ball player, and one of the principal owners of tbe New Rink. Is dlrector-ln-chlef. aMy assisted by Mr. tlermsn Rltt. who was associated with Mr. Fred W. Sail, former man- eger for many prosperous aeasoos. With thla combination, tbe destiny of the Music Hall Rink Is in good hsnds, sssurlng sn Indefinite run of thin populsr pastime for ClnclnnaUans. RINK NEWS. By JTXLIAM T. F Chicago, Dec. 10 (Special to The Billboard.)— The dove of peace haa settled over the dis- turbed hockey sltustkin. The Ice Palace man- agement haa relented and the hockey teama have agreed to play strtcUy smateur games for the glory of the sport. Manager Prior snd the orfirers of tbe Western Ilockey Association met at tbe Ice Palace offices Isst week, signed ar- ticles of agreement lsstlng up to January 1. pro- vldlng for one amateur game a week at least, and arranged for tbe games to be played np to that period. While the Illinois Athletic Club baa not as yet Joined tbe new league, the posi- tion taken by Roy E. Davis, tbe L A. O. hockey team manager. In getting out of tbe disrupted Chicago Hockey Association before the action of the rink put It out of bualness, left Mm In close connection with Msnager Prior, and the (Continued on page 44.) The Best Rink Skate wo believe it. st i know it. Order a sample pair and be continued. Write for free cata- logue. We carry a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for otber makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY, 1123 BstabliAhed 1856 UIZEI< : ftSth Te . ■'.■•r' . - -5--V irV-w • -• • .«.y.'ii*it-*-- .:-;-■■■•> . .. -• - .. • 1 * »*V OsV i>-: TBI MBW WOHLTTZaSB FACTORY — FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose. Tbe wo 60 different itylee, including The world's PlsnOrchr strn. Pianino. Flnte Piano. (Aavonsaueorehestrs) (i3-aot« Player Piano, Mandolin Onnrtat. Skating! Sink Band*, SH-uote Player Piano. Mandolin Soxtaf, Automs tl c Military Ba n d a , Violin Pi an o, Automatic Harp, El o. Wur litter waa the pioneer in the aleetrie musical instrument field and is to- day the world's largest manufaoturer. Branches) in most large cities. Write for big 84-page catalog, picturing the entire Wuriitier line. tsr We Supply the V.S. Government rtith Musical Instruments. THE RUDO.LPH WURLITZER CO. ..0. (67 E. Main); Newman St., Oatford Bt>) CINCINNATI (117 te HI E. 4th): SEW YORK (M at 17 W. tSi. b.t. Ave.): CHICAGO (1S S * tSS Wabash); PHILADELPHIA (las* Ohsstaal <»18 Ptasli CLrvXLAJTD (tot Prospect Ave., 8. £.); COLTJatBTJB, o. LONDON, ENGLAND (Hew Polyphone Supply Co., Agents, S Newman 81 Henley Roller Skates Latest Model. Ball Bearing BIng Skates. Nickel-plated Steel. Ball Bearing Clnh nation Alumlnom or Boxwood Rollers. Henley Racing Skates for Individual use, where tbe finest and complete stats In the market is desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS M. C aHENLEY, Mad. to Sirfiei Rink aid Daci Flttf s Over 1 ,QM In Uaa. Made In Till For Roller Rinks, Amusement Halls. Contractors and Hullo . Machine eaally rented to Contractors era at a net profit of not leas than a day. It la very eaally operated aa' handle la raised ft la Incllasd to saovw forward the only correct BEST machine smooth on any kind of wood floor, old or new hard or soft. Will anrfaee from 6,000 to 7.000 so, ft. once over Is 8 hours. Two to four times over will make It smooth and level. Bead for ear FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION, at- L, a OHXUa V TER, lOS-lOt ST. Ckuaal Street, OsJssjre, 111. Hew York Offloa, 1001 Flat Iron sallaiag. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. have a skstlng to give greater prominence to bona -Ode Professional Skaters— those who act to offer Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters — and to promote roller All the Stars of the Skating World ARK atTaTBT-B OT X HZ ORGANIZATION. JACK rOTOH German Comedian. Fancy and Speed ex- pert roller abater. Presenting the most entertaining novelty comedy act before the public. Address Billboard, Cincinnati. 0. THE HABBAH8 Presenting their latest success RINK LA N D With Special Scenery. ON TBE W. V. A. TIME. VAN FRANK The Dare Devil, features 27- In. top cycle skates, coast or desth, barrel Jumping, high and broad jumping, dancing on the Indians. MISS ADELAIDE E. D'VORAK THE OIRL WONDER. In her marvelous Fancy and Trick Skat- ing Exhibition, concluding each night with a race agalnat any man In the Rink- Ad- dress 3347 E. «3th Street. Cleveland. O. H. A. SIMMONS Greatest living exponent of the art of Patlnage— Superior Artistic Trick and Figure Skating — Astonishing Stilt Skstlng — Marvelous Skating on toy wagons. The - oaly real FANCY 8KATINO BURLESQUE performer. Managers will kindly writs early for booking. Address, 78 Broad Street, N. X. 0117. ON TO AND AT : COMPLIMENTARY RATE ON Time Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. LIGHT EFFECTS everything Electrical for Thsatrat, Parks, Productions and Vsudavllls Aota. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. FILM PRODUC TIONS Brief Descriptions of all Films Booked for Immediate Re- lease by Patents Company and Sales Company— Release Dates and Subject Lengths are Given PATENT8 CO. EDISON. THE CAPTAIN'S BRIDE (drama; released Dec 9; length 1.000 feet). — A. yoring couple on tbelr honeymoon are separated In a shipwreck. The young woman la rescued by the ship's captain, and taken to Ma hot. She la restored to consciousness, bnt not to memory. She has lost all hold upon her past life, and la like a child. The sailors decide that it la not right that the girl should be there alone with men, and that someone should marry her and take care of her; and the choice la Anally left to her. Unconscious of any past, the girl chooses the captain. Meanwhile some scenes bare shown that the husband Is afloat oo a spsr and picked up by a ship, and thus It happens that when the Utile wed dine procession starts towards the church, _tbcy are met ^ by'^the^ jonug husband. who confronts them and halts their progress. At Brat the girl does not recognize her hatband, bnt his use of little bit of lover's by play, starts the train of memory, and leads to com' starts the train of plete recognition at last, AX OLD SILVER MINE IN PERU (Industrial; released Dec 13; length 2SO feet). — This film snows an old silver mine worked by satire Indians. Miners, their forms bent to the earth from toll, carry the ore np from the depths of the mine. Dumping their loads at the mouth of the mine, they return for more, while others arrive. Oil tbelr "capaehes," or small leather bags with the ore. and carry them on their backs to the Chill mill. This consists of a huge stone roller, propelled" by water power, and on It and under It are tossed shovels full of the ore to the ground np In water. The mixture la then conducted to large rata, where It Is allowed to settle; the water Is unit drained off, the ore duced by treatment with quicksilver, and then 1 a native process of smelting. A MODNTJUX MAXD (comedy 13; length 790 feet). — A 1< — and leading lady, engaged for a new r Mountain Maid, unknown to each other, decide to go after local color, and by one of the chances of fate, they si brings Urn to. Gibbe, who breaks down and confesses himself guilty. A tang USD masquerade (Comedy: re- leased Dec IS; length, 1,000 feet).— Paul Dnnlap and Ralph Ford both lore Helen Moore, whose father favors Paul's suit, and anally for- bids Ralph the house. Ralph is Helen's favor- ite and continues bis wooing under difficulties. Hopeless of gaining the father's consent, Ralph decides upon an elopement. Helen makes an appointment with him at the coining mas- querade, describing the manner In which she win be costumed. Her father learns of the plan, and on the night of the ball goes to the ball in the costume Helen Intended to wear, for b idd ing Helen to leave the boose. Helen's note to Ralph has fallen Into the hands of 1'anl. who does not hesitate to take advantage of the Information gained. If a Paul for the masquerade, to seek out the lady costumed as described In the note. Father has scarcely left the noose before Helen calls Ralph on the •phone to warn him of father's plan. Explana- tions follow, and the young people decide that while the father is disporting himself with Psol st the masquerade, they win take advant- age of the opportunity to dope. When father learns what has happened and how he was beaten he makes the best of It with the beat BIOGRAPH. THE GOLDEN SUPPER (drama; released Dec 12; length 90S feet). — Julian loves his cousin and foster Camilla, who la wooed and won by Lionel, his friend and rivsL He is a witness to tbelr to bis Some time later, Camilla Is seised with a serious Illness. It Is believed that PaasnslS is dead, so they "laid ber la the vault of ber own kin." Julian learns of the death of Camilla. Going to the vault, he finds that she is not dead, bnt asleep, aa she awakens from ont of the trance. At the golden Julian returns Camilla to Lionel. His a a •*.,«•••*•*,.•••• • ••••••'• a • * * ■ . . . . . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ................................................................... •----«••«•«••••••-----«•••«.•». aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, a a several times, and the acquaintance ripens slowly. The man becomes Involved In a little difficulty (although he la entirely Innocent) oat of which be. is aided by the glrL A later scene snows the first rehearsal of the 'play, where they again meet. A delightful ending for the story is worked out, PIGS IS PIGS (comedy; released Dec 14; gth 1.000 feet). —The story begins with the :). — The story begi rutnea pigs for. Mr. shipped to the fan ke Flannery, the. nr. insists that the rate on two should be thirty cents. Mr. More- ls to the rates on pets, which Is twenty-five cents, and a violent argument en- sues, the end of which la that Mr. Morehouse retires from the office in a high dudgeon, re- fusing to pay the amount or to accept the con- signment. He writes to the company. The letter la received at the company office, and travels through the various departments In its own leisurely and circuitous way; then Mr. Morehouse gets a reply at the end of a couple of weeks, referring him to the claim department of the company. The same meets the several letters which Mr. Morehouse subsequently writes. During all this time the family of guinea pigs I has cons! ant ly Increased, until now Mike Flan- f nery Is obliged to climb over pens and boxes of pigs In order to transact the business of the place. Finally Mr. Morehouse la advised that he may have his consignment at the twenty-five cent rate. To the office he goes, bnt will accept no more than two pigs. The story ends when Flannery ships off all the pigs to the home office In the city, with a characteristic note In which he expresses his gratitude that the guinea pigs didn't happen to be elephants. HIS SISTER-IN-LAW (drama; released Dec 15: length 908 feet). — Eva and Blanche are two orphan sisters, who live with, their aunt. They tow that come what win they, will nerer sep- arate. However, Era, the eldest, marries Jack. Eva declares that Blanche shall live with ber and her husband. It went well until Jack real- lied that Blanche was dividing Bra's attentions. On one occasion when the tiff la rather strong, Blanche Is an unseen spectator. The poor little girl now realizes the truth, and goes back to ber aunt's boose to lire, leaving a note to explain her departure. A long time after 'she la told by her aunt to get ready to visit Eva. Arriving there, she finds a new playmate— a little baby girl. Her surprise Is extreme when shown ber little niece, and her delight Is Inexpressible when she is asked to remain with ber sister and brother-in-law as a companion to the baby. * ■ ESSANAT. THE COWBOY'S VIN- DICATION (Drama; re- leased Dec 10: length. 950 feet).-Wlll and Frank Morrison, broth- era, are working their mother's extensive ranch, and while Frank is manly and upright. Will a dlsalpsted gam- bler and drunkard. Will becomes an enemy of Jesse Glbbs.^ s gambler. renge for a .wrong. The opportunity occurs when Frank and Win In s scuffle, s gun Is ac- cidentally discharged. Glhbs. who has beard the shot, appears on the scene, takes in the situation, and white the hacks of the two are turned, snoots will in the back and turns, run- ning from the sceoe. Frank la horror-stricken when the lifeless body of hia brother slips through his arms to the floor. Realizing that " nmstsnees look against him, be leaves, row- to find bis brother's slayer. His dew PATHS FKERES. .IN HER FATHER'S ABSENCE (comedy: leased Dec 12; length 544 feet).— Arabella's father does not approve of Al phonso's attentions to bis charming daughter, and It Is therefore necessary for Aipnonso to call when the old man Is ont. With each ring of the door bell, which Alpbonso believes signalizes the return of the girl's father, a biding place must be sought. His brief stays In some very inconvenient places cense him much physical and mental suffering. THE JULIANS (acrobatic; released Dec 12; length 3ST feet). — Ten acrobats give a first-class exhibition. Perilous feats, which Include so remarkable somersaults, the building of human ladders, and swift lesns Into the air, are an integral part of the display. HOBOES' XMAS (comedy; released Dec 14; length S50 feet). — It la the day before Christ mas. The hoboes must have a Christmas dinner. They decide to bold np a train and get money from the passengers. The train flagged, the hoboes rush np and make the paasengera line up. Alas, they are suburbanites returning from their Christmas shopping, with empty Dockets. The hoboes detach the express ear and send the train on Its Journey. They find a esse of tnrkeys In the car, and each takes one. Returning, they cook the turkeys and commence to eat. All are soon In agonies. Then one of them discovers the label on the turkey case marked, "returned, bad." Meantime the police bare been informed of the hold- op, follow the cine, and arrest the CHARLES AND KITTY IS BRUSSELS (scenic; released Dec* 14; length 400 feet).— Two mis- chievous youngsters, living outside Brass* Us, fasten their go-cart to their parents' aoto, and are carried Into the city. Thev detach their cart, and wander around and look at some of the sights. Interesting scenes In Brussels, are shown. LITTLE SNOWDROP (colored fairy tale; re- leased Dec. 18; length 1,000 feet).— The second wife of King Othon Is the fairest lady in the land, and the pos sess or of a magic mirror, which tens her often that ber beauty Is on rivaled. There comes s day, however, when the mirror tells ber that her stepdaughter. Little Snowdrop, excels her In beauty. The lesions queen resolves thst Snowdrop most die. A hire ling is summoned and ordered to destroy the girl, not Instead he warns ber to flee. Learning this, the queen decides to deal - released Dec 17; length BBS feet). — A lost boy is adopted by Mrs. Robinson, s motherless widow. Seven .years later the boy Is s strong, healthy lad, bnt the poor widow Is dying of consumption. Feeling her end la near, ahe tells him how she found him, airing him the clothes be wore on thst day. A few minutes after this disclosure the poor woman dies. The boy la alone, without friends or money. A vision appears to the mother of the lost boy, showing ber successively of his adoption, the widow's death, and da present whereabouts. A search la . the boy fonnd, and the parent's heart made Joyful. SELIO. A TALE OF THE SEA (drams; released Dec. 12; length. 1,000 feet). — Tom and Bill become companions when Tom saves the latter from a watery grave. They lire very comfortably together in a small bnt until Bill marries Sallle. Then Bill leaves. Fire years elapse. Tom baa Just returned from a fishing trip, and meets Sallle and ber children. Before he is aware of It, he Is reconciled to bis old friend and his wife. The two friends leave with a fishing cruise, and Tom and BLU are given the task of spreading the nets. They enter the Utile boat, and when high out st ses. s storm overtakes them; they are driven for miles ont into the unknown, at the mercy of the sea. Only a few drops of water are left In the flask, and BUI sees the chance where he can make repara- tion for his misdeeds. He writes a note of ex- planation, then Jumps Into the sea. Tom awakes, and Is startled at the disappearance of his friend. Just then a large vessel sight, and Sallle and _ ones, Sallle asks for BUI. and Tom, apeak, silently points to the sea. THE COUNTY FAIR (drama; released Dec 15; length 1.000 feet).— Dear old-Aont Abby. the -typical Yankee spinster, whose home was the refuge of pretty Sally Greenawar. who loved the stalwart young farmer, Joel Bartlett, Bart- lett worked "the farm" on shares with Annt Abby. Aunt Abby takea to ber heart the mla- 5 CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS Impacted China ware, per 100 98.00 All Leather Purse, pet 100 8.00 Trick Match Box, per gross 75 Japanese Zithers, per gross T5 Fancy Wood Whistles, per gross .75 Japanese Turtle In Glass Box, per gross .90 Fancy Colored .Return Balis, par gross 125 Horse Shoo Mirror, asst. colors, par gross. Novelty Acrobat Skeletons, per 1911 Air Planes, latest novelty, - Lip Air Whistles, — m Flag Puzzle, asst. a 1.50 . 1.25 Terms, naif deposit, balance, 0. O. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO. Ml -647 WoodUad Armnn: A-1 BARITONE-TENOR WANTS IN M. P. POSITION THEATRE Harried; reliable; can manage or double on drums. Address B. T., care Billboard. Cincin- nati, Ohio. How You Can Start a Paying FILM EXCHANGE on $120.00 particulars sent for a 2c stamp. For sale, one 70-llght dynamo, machines, model Ba, black tents, folding chairs, cane bottom chairs. PATHE'S hand-colored Passion Play. 3,114 ft., for rent or sale. Best film service at loweat S rices. Don't fall to ask about starting an EXCHANGE on * 120.00. DIXIE FILM EX- CHANGE. Price Ray, Owner and Manager. 600 W. 4th ft, Owensboro. Ky. SITUATION WANTED BY AN Experienced Operator of Moving Picture Machine Can giro good reference. Please state salary In first letter. Address J. C. morgan. Lock Box 133, Blpley. W. Va. FOR M. P. OPERATOR who is a class in all ARTIST, 243 port, Conn. ter of the first- Address, Bridge- 100 REELS FILM M 1 '"JF. 00 ? "WllHon. *» per reel If sold In oas lot. $25 deposit, balance C. O. D., subject to examination. CENTRAL FILM AND SUI'I'LY CO.. 117 Bo. Franklin St., Saginaw, Mich. PROPRIETORS .303-5 Broid«*iy, N«v* Voik CM PICTURE MACHINES Oct a new outfit cheap. We handle all the leading makes and pay the highest market prices for old machines, allowing yon 2-3 of the original cost. Glee make of your mach i ne and equipment, etc. • BARGAINS— Power No. 8. all complete and perfect, used one week, (ISO: Patbe iTotesaionaL all com- plete, very slightly used. $150: rebuilt ma- chines from S4S np. All makes. ALUMINUM CURTAINS Best made. 12 H, cents per foot. Come In one piece, any aire ordered. BhVc, « That's UM device that saves Moving Ple- tnre aaea two-thirds on their electric light bills, and yet gives better light. Did yon sea oar ad laat weekt don't took ft np— jost writ* far oar Booklet 15018 FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS ft POST WAYNE. INDIANA. 733 MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Qui. M.StebbtBi, FILMS TO TRADE, $3 PER REEL klOSt ba runable condition. ECONOMY FILM CO.. 4th Ave., sear Fairy St., Plttabnrs. I'a. POE SALE — The principal and beat Moving Pic- ture Show In dry of 13.000 Inhabitants; on Ohio River; seats 830; opera chairs and bow running. Everything up-to-date. Buyer most bars 11.000. Also a nrst-claaa Penny Arcade of 100 alruoat new machines of up-to-date ones. Address st once, C. B. CLARK. I ronton. Ohio. MOTION PICTURE OUTTTTS bought, sold and exchanged. We want a few mora late model machines. Bare several banrslaa la electric sod gas outfits on hand. NATIONAL EMPLOY- MENT CO.. Dnlnth. Minn. FOE BALE— Three Edison two-pin machines, all complete. SSO each; two Edison one-pin ma- chines, all complete, 3100 each: Films for sale: first-class condition. 17 to (18 per reel. MAYER SILVERMAN, 105. 4th Are.. Pittsburg. Pa. baeoatsts nr nun abb bobo ■ubeb-ioo reels dim. elegant condition. «T per real ami np: no sets song slides, perfect condition. ai.TJ per aet, with music. Send postal for Hats. Good mm service furnished st lowest prices la the South. Supplies. Bargains In new and second- hand M I', machines and gas making out — P. O. BOX 80S. New Orleans. La. V I r. DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 27 ehlrvoue slsngy Utile city welf. tn btrg tent to ber from New i S™ o5t lo tM> her dead sieter-e protects Tegfs M Tlse. «> Jisp, fonnerlr ■ J«*e*y, fir J? BS&svstsz&iiB VRsa courtship- in the Mm Is shown J»«"»j»"jf. S^couotrj d.cce lo the old red ham. Tim, the tS»™. training the fern horee. which he ho mtrrea Id tbTTnnnlng race at the County Fjlr. askoown to A ant Alby: the people ijolo, driving to the filr. ail dreited op u their "go to to me >«— the >' riie . )>.twe ton, a younc lawyer, accepts the offer of Si- las Peters, a railroad preasdeat. to tako np a eaae for bias. In Ttertos, Peters b*llsv*a he has a wiUlns toot. Not Mas afterward atlas Claire Mertoa calls on Tnrtoa aad asks him to take ber father's eaae against Peters, and when be LYRIC FILM 4 8UPPLY CO. lesras the true atate of affairs, he recognises that be la being made a party to a fraud, and going to Peters, asks him to let blm see his agrsement to act aa bis attorney, destroys it and becomes connael for Mr. Mertoa. Tbe more Tarton and Claire Mertoa are thrown together the mora they learn to like each other, until Tnrtoa aaka Claire to marry him. She con- 2HBISTKAS (Drama; Dec. 14; length. 740 I m that mskea an Inst DEB AN ECLIPSE. THE LITTLg MATCH SELI, re- ft.) instant appeal to tbe spirit of benevo- lence abroad at ToletMe: tell- ing of little Nellie's hardships and happiness on Christmas are. when almost froaea, bavins* used her mesgre stock of match- es with which to warm her fingers, she tails Into tbe hands of good People, who make both ber and her mother happy. SCENES IN BBITISH INDIA (Scenic; re- leased Dee. 14; length, 333 feet).— Natives of Bombay are coaling big liners In the harbor, trotting up steep, narrow p*»t»s with hugs baskets of coal upon their beads — scenes of 5 ""dSTis *33?2&2SS,*& THE TYRANT OF FLORENCE ( Drama; re- leased Dec 21; length. 67« feet).— The ex- cesses or which tbe tyrannical raters of by-gone dsys were capable are scarcely credible In these times; yet incidents such aa that which form the subject of this dun were not uncommon. The Podeata, or Governor of Florence, Issues an edict that an moat salute his hat on pain as* death. Laiaro aad bis family transgress the " of which they have not heard. Both ~ aad wife are sentenced to death, while, of her beauty, the daughter la re- We then watch the process of re- venae by which the tyrant meets retribution. CHAMOIS HUNT IN TYROL (Sport; release Dae. Si: length, 332 feet).— A chamois hunt la a wild aid beaatlful mountain setting la an excit i n g sport, not unfettered with "danger. A herd of chamois, disturbed by tbe heaters. ■lta the rocky slopes and falls beneath of the nurkamen. To collect "the bag*' fall in almost In HEROD AND THB NEW BORN KINO (Biblical story: released Dee. IT; length. 90S feat).— Now when Jeans was horn la Beth- lehem, of Jade a. in the dsys of Herod, the king, there came wise men from (he east of Jerusalem, la He that la bom King of the Herod, .the kins, had beard these I troubled, and be sent them (the wise men) to Bethlehem. And they opened their Ueaaea ee and presented unto Him (Jeans) gifts. And whan they wen departed an An- gel appeared unto Joseph, saying. Arise and take thy Child and lee. When be arose be took tbe young Child-and His mother, by night and departed into Kgypi- HIS CINDERELLA girl (Drama; released Dec. SO; length, 796 feat).— A aoldler of fortune vial tins; has relative* ands the reception accorded him cold and Indifferent. Because they take bis poverty for granted, be to subjected to many - tbe bonaebold. a distant relative. Is S pathy for ea both ar takes hi for her. nation. servant of t THE OLD BOMB length. TS2 feet).— A This company recently Is located at Terr* l* ^-*** nam recently added the ground door to business, now occupying the entire build- ■eg. having on* of th* most modern dim es> SJJT-i**. aunply bnuses In th* country. The ground floor to uaed for oBcea, salesroom for auppltea and machines. The upper door la where the dim stock Is kept, also tho snog Inspecting and demonstrating rooms this floor, and whom all the shipping and receiving Is done. ,. Ur - Manrle* Leas, who la now president of the Company, started thla business two ysara SB* ,od «*"Pled only one- third of tbe upper r^ea^^r"tirt a iJoi. 7 •*** " ,b * _ Dec 24: is unexpectedly advised that a mortgage la resting on tbe old borne which be baa Inherited from his parents. He laeka courage to meet the neceaaary bard- snip* in order to ssve tbe borne from being sold, and leave* It and his lover for parts un- known. His old servant, who baa been In his father*a family for years, at thla point, etepa In and states his Intention to assist the slrl In raising the money to dear the debt. The wanderer retuma and finds everything paid snd la profuse In bis thanks to his fiancee, and the old servant. CAIN AND ABEL (Biblical story; released Dec. 34; length. 279 feet).— The story la de- scribed In tbe following quotations: 1. Cain and his brother. Abel brought offerings onto the Lord, and those of Abel were acceptable, but not those of Cain. And Cain waa wroth and rose op and slew hla brother Abel. 2. And the Lord Said unto Cain: Tor this art tboa cursed from tbe earth, and a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be. 3. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt In the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. SALES CO. IMP. (Cart Laemmle.) THB CRIPPLED TEDDY BEAR (drama; released Dec 18: length 905 feet).— Win. Daly, a wealthy old bachelor, la taken ill on the street and employer, an Irascible old skinflint, discharges him. Ring returns borne greatly cast down. He tries to find em- ployment hot without sv*n and be and hla fam- ily find themselves without an (Helen t food to keep them alive. Then Klnr's little daughter has an Inspiration—*** will pawn ber Teddy hear. On her way to the pawn-shop she meets Mr. Daly, the Innocent cause of her father's aba leaves him be watches ber, not knowing, of course, whose child ahe to. The girl enters the pawn-shop followed by Mr. Daly, who Imme- diately comprehends the situation. He takes the child away end Inquiring her address take* her home, where ho meets King. Daly offer* King ntonsy. hot King r a f nsne. It la th* day Daly, who to Lonely, la Brush Electric Lighting Set 3 cents a K. W. — what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying the Electric Light Company. Abo save one-half of the lamp current by using 60 volt instead of 120. Use Direct Current, which For Gas, Gasoline or Kerosene; 10 H. P.: weight 1,350 lbs. List ISOO, subject to discount. WXJTE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE. THE CHAS. /L STRELINQER CO. afeat B-S. DETROIT, MICH., U.S.A. POWER'S No. 6," m. THE PERFECT P. Machine It ia easy for ua to SAY: Our machine is the best — Our machine projects the best pic- tures — Our machine will outlast any other— But don't tane our word, find out for yourself. Buy a "POWER'S No. 6" and use it. It it does not do all we claim, you can return it to the dealer and get your money back. Do you know any other machine you can buy on the same understanding? Do you know any other moving picture ' machine that is absolutely teed for oi More "POWER'S NUMBER SIXES" axe being; sold today than of any moving picture machine in the world. Writ* for carta log i NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY, 115-117 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. S wanson-Crawford Film Co. I FILM RENTERS 723-734 Century Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DE- PARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. OP rilJI. on* ahl p*n*nt. with Signs aad Slid e a. S 1 3.00 YOU PAY UPRtWaai BOTH WAYS A gold dollars for SOo. and von san't «*» food films for law SILVER SAVES WILL SAVE YOU SILVER S^S^-^r^a.. LIBERTY FILM RENTING CO.."SW Beat Fllsa Service la the Ices. M P. sold. Film for sale, lc rtlealare, write TBI Watsrtown, wis. parts! CO.. at anti-trust FOB. SALE— M. P. Machine. 4,500 ft. Film, 10 set* " Trunk, all for $200. charge* both war*. 1611 10, Dense , like new: and a S20 28 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. bleMfd with ■ beautiful thought. He has erect- ed at bis home a Christmas tree and Inrite* the tot and her parent*. When his guests ar- rlre he glres them a royal welcome. And one ■i« from the tree C. offering him a tlal man with Mr. fat a letter for John splendid LITTLE NEIi'S TOBACCO (drama; release Dec 22; length 990 feet). — Grandpa Turner Hied happily with his djcrhter Ella and her bos band. Robert Fuller. Uttle NelL bis grand- child, was bis Inseparable companion. Ella is finally taken sick and dies, and after a short lapse of time Robert Fuller marries again. The new wife Is a hard-hearted young ereatarc. whose harshness Is too ranch for the enfeebled old man's heart and he sinks back In bis chair and bis spirit goes to Join his daughter. Tbe new wife suffers the panga of remorse, while the bnsband sees her at last In her true colors. A touching finish Is given the story. THA.VHOCSEE. LOVE AND LAW (drama; release.! Dec. 13; length — ). — Sue Jennings and Tom Egan bare been sweethearts, but Sue decides to marry another man. and holds a se- cret meeting with Tom. In which she returns his lore letters and demands her own. On the same night Jack Demlng. a friend of Tom'a who has lost hearlly in speculation on Tom'a advice, calls at the tatter's borne, very mnch Intoxl- csted. brandishing a revolver and sowing ven- geance. Tom calms the excited visitor, who falls asleep on the conch, after .which Tom writes a letter to bis former sweetheart and dispatches It by bis servant. When the servant returns, he discovers bis master dead on the floor of his apartment and Jack Just after leav- ing the room, revolver In band. Jack Is arrest- «I on suspicion and yoongJJIa. Marsha bright young woman In the detective department Is case. She doe* some clever work In the and proves Jsrk's Inaocense In a novel Incidentally falling In love with tbe man life she Is working to save. On the of her evidence, jack Is set free i hero lore to live for. be starts oat tc new record In life for himself. THE MILLIONAIRE MILKMAN (drama: re- leased Dec 10: length 1.000 feet).— Clara Moore Is a society girl who has won tbe af- feerJoos of Jack Cass, a yonng millionaire. He thinks she loves htm; but It Is really bis money that tbe adores. Prompted by a letter of warning. Jack decides to prove his sweet- heart's love. One reason la that he privately disapproves of the way Clara and her mother have treated a poor relation, an orphan girl, who has been left to their care. Instead of zi'lug her a home, they make a servant of her. Jack's plot works like a charm. His faithful valet gives tbe newspapers a iter? of tbe failure of Jack's mine, and that young man's rata. Clara reads It and when Jack calls and he admits that the reports are correct, she retnms him bis ring and says that all Is over between them. Tbe fact the only per- son In tbe bouse who shows any sympathy for lark Is tbe poor relation. May Dustln. and naturally be compares her with the heart- lees society Ctrl. Jack wants to see mora of May. and Invents a unique way of doing so. Hp boys oat the milkman who serves the fami- ly and In that way la able to can on May every day. Their liking soon rlpena Into love, and May agrees to wed Jack, though think- lng he has nothing In the world bat a meagre salary. After marriage she Is told the truth and Anns that ber bnsband baa money enough to supply her every wish. As for Clara, she b.« lost ber only chance to win a prtxed mll- NESTOB. A DESPERATE REMEDY (comedy: released Dec. 21; length >. — BIH Rodney- was an Ideal father, when sober, bat as Jess very curtly observed, be waa seldom sober. Indeed, It was this fset which caused Mrs. Harmon to look with disfavor upon Walter's prospective bride, so sbe explained In her letter to tbe girl. When Walter appeared, Jess placed this letter before him; then, calling ber brother Jack, together tbe young people went over tbe situation, aad decided upon a plan of action which tbe.v hoped would thoroughly frighten and cure the old Tbe plan worked like a charm, ao much father promised never again drink. BISON. A SIOUX'S BEWAB" (drama; released Dec. 8: length 1.000 feet).— Min- nehaha and Swlftwlnd lore each other. Their fathers are rival chiefs, and at war. Swlftwlnd la cap- tured by tbe girl's tribe, but she severs his bonds and escapes with bim to bis village, with her tribe In pursuit. The pleadings of the lovers with their parents lead 10 the barring of the hatchet and a jollification. A BRAVE WESTERN GIRL (drama 1.000 feet).— By a daring wapes from disclosing their hiding place causes the capture of the terrific running fight. ECLAIB. THE CHILD OF TWO MOTHERS (drama: released Dec 19; length 513 feet I. — Mrs. Vernier, a young wid- ow, loses ber child, who la her only Joy and consolation. Mado desperate through grief, the poor woman kid- naps the child of a friend, and retires to s secluded spot, where she brings the Uttle girl op with all tbe tenderness of s mother. Years pass by. One dsy the glial witA* M trs* Virnler, and returned to ber own parents. But tbe little girl pines for Mrs. Varnler day by day. One day. while tbe child la out with her mother, they meet Mrs. Varnler. The mother in tbe spirit of a most beautiful sacrifice, forgives Mrs. Varnler. and assures them that hereafter the little girl shall have the love and care of two most affectionate and tender mother*. THE MUSEUM OF SOVEREIGNS (comedy; released Dec 19: length 400 feet).— In this film tbe sculptor Introduces world-renowned celebri- ties, namely, Alphonso XII, Victor Emsnocl III, Nicholas II, Francois Joseph. Colonel Boosevelt, and other*. S0LAX. TWO SUITS (comedy; released Dec 16; length ). — Old John Tiffin, a ben-pecked husband, is given tbe wherewith to purchase a new anlt of oolites. In another part of tbe city, pretty Ethel Prentiss Is urging her lover, Charlie, to tbe kandlt. Then It Is proved that he la a de- tective and the situation cleared ap. Bat wbo Is tbe masked bandit? When the mask Is torn i be Arthur ITALA THE SOLDIER OF THE CROSS (drama; re- leased Dec 8; length 1,000 feet). — A spectacular subject, superb photography and acting. FOOLSHEAD KNOWS HpW TO TAKE HIS PRECAUTIONS (comedy: released Dec. 10: re- leased Dee. 10; length 1,000 feet). — A reel of comedy film. Interpreted by Itala's Ft - RELIANCE. THE DISPENSATION (drama; released Dec 3; length 1,000 feet).— This picture shows how two little walft found a home and a mot' and a good woman filled the emptiness in life caused by the loss of her child. THE TELLTALE POR- TRAIT (drams; released Dec. 7; length 500 feet). — This film tells a story of a aoldler and a faith- less girl. TWEEDLEDUM LEARNS A TRAGICAL PART (comedy; released Dec 7; length 800 AN IMPORTANT THANHOUSER RELEASE. aa Tbe Vicar of surrounded by his family. provide himself with a new unit which be can wear at their wedding. By strange coincidence, both men boy anils Identical In style and pattern. This causes mistakes In Identification, which leads to complications In which all tbe partici- pant* fare badly. In the end all righted. CHAMPION. AND H THE TIVE (drama; re- leased Dec. 14: length — ). — A continuous Series of robberies were baffling the pop- ulation and tbe aher- Iff of Elk Lick. Coin- cident with this situa- tion, the arrival Into town of .erner. Is viewed with suspicion by tbe sheriff and with 111 favor by the townfolk. Incidentally, tbe lone sympathiser with Beechwood Is tbe sheriff's daughter, and ber Interest becomes so apparent a* to cause uneasiness to Arthur Simpson, a yoang ranchman, wbo will not brook Interfer- ence from an outsider. Simpson proposes to Ruth, bnt Is refused. Tbe sheriff Isys s trap In wblcb he hopes to catch Beechwood and thns verify bis suspicions. Tbe neat day another hold up la perpetrated and Beechwood feet).— A comedy on Telltale Portrait. In It end as an actor. The comes to THANHOUSER VICAR OF WAKE- FIELD. The Tbsnnouser release of Tuesday, Dee. 27. The Vicar of Wakefield, looks to be one the best classics ever turned ont by tbe New Bo. cbelle producers. The acting, setting and photo- grapby are well nigh perfect, and In the picture we bare one of the best specimens of adapta- tion producing turned out by an American man- ufacturer to date. Tbe Vicar Is played by Martin Faust, ably supported by the Misses Blanchard and Yoang, Messrs. Crane and Rus- sell, the "Thsubouser Kid" and lar faces of the The action of the story, about aa follows: Tbe Vicar of Wakefield, although a man of culture and great learning, la a poor man at business. Despite tbe fact that he Inherited a large fortune, he loses It through tbe dishonesty of others, and at the age of fifty, we find him living In an humble cottage, fighting desperately to support bis large family. At this juncture two strangers Introduce themselves to tbe Vtcar. Id" and tbe other fsmll- tn)iu»i-r act Id^ coinpnnj' . aa tbe film teUs It, Is Tbe Squire becomes infatuated with the vicars eldest daughter, Olivia, and against the warnloaa of ber father, sbe Is Induced to elope with bier the Squire having arranged for a mock marriage! Later Olivia discover* bow she has ben tricked, and leaves Us Squire, wbo visits his wratb upon tbe entire family by having tie Vicar Imprisoned for debt. In prlslon the Vicar' Inspires tbe admiration and affection of ail bis fellow prisoners, to whom be teaches the comfort of religion. Among bis converts is the Squire's tool, who arranged for tbe wedding of Olivia and the Squire. On learning that Olivia la tbe daughter of the Vicar, tbla fellow con- fesses tbst to plsy a trick on the Squire, whoa be really hatea, be bad furnished him a real minister. Instead of a bogus one. The Squire's uncle, 8lr William, on learning tbe true state of affairs, forces tbe Squire to ask Olivia's pardoa on his knees, and the two are re-united. Sir William then discloses bis Identity, and asks for the band of Sophia. The Vicar la released from prison, and he and bis family look forward to a future of happiness and plenty. PATHE PASSION PLAY FILM Also Passion Play Film and Slides: several sets, low price. Power Camera graph. (73; S213 Mo- nograph, new, 8150; Monograph, as new, (100; Motion Picture Machines. 840. ISO to 885; Power Camrragraph No. 6. low: Film, 2c per ft; Rheostats, Calcium Jets. Electric Lamps, Screens, etc., reduced. Many bargains. Get Sup. 33. Motion Picture Machines wanted. WABB8CH A CO.. 80S Filbert Street. . - Philadelphia. Pa. MOVING PICTURE TALKERS WANTED Must be A-L Good salary tat right people. E. P. BE BM A K D I. 128 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati. 0. WE BUY FILM WE SELL FILM Plenty Of feature reel*, 1. 2. Sc per foot. A good copy of James Bros, and Younger Bros. In Missouri, or aal*. CHICAGO FILM BROKERS Cor. Bernard * Afauls* St., Chios**, 111. Attention, Film Exchanges! FILMS FOR SALE .100 reel. »t 15.00 per reel and lists. Address Dept. R.. J. 14th St.. New York City. for Slides. 13c Bend word Ins mat- ter. Sprocket Wheels, 85c: Belt Couplings. 13c, Film for sale, rent or eachas ure. Cataloars*. I- HKTZ. 302 E. 23rd St.. N. Y. City. FOB. rait: a i alovlna; Pletnra Machine, used three week*; two reel a aim, two seta slides, all WAMTED, *OB E. O. SMITH'S CIS CUB AND MUSEUM— Man to run side show; prefer one with outfit, on percentage basis. Also Boss Hostler, on* wbo can take charce of eotlre out- dt If necessary. Want to buy Ticket Wagon and Mlnlatnre.Cage. Address Atwater. Ohio. WANTED First class Violin Player looking for good loca- tion and line Job for da no* and concert work. fiAAlV— d " : - DO dn, - nk,rt - Addrea. A. GAB- BAMON1. McGregor. low*. TICKET ENVELOPES Blank, TSc per 1.000; printed, _ - printed, one side. 10.000, 810.00. fo.28; disc Jlsconnt on ease lot* or 83.000 or more. HAMXX.T0V PRINTING 00., . 5.000 Special BLOT MACHDTE8 — 20 Quartoecopes, 10 Mulo- ■copes. 10 III. Song Machine*. 12 -car Ferris Wheel, cheap. I buy. sell and repair all klnila or show stuff. Tell m* what you wsnt or hsrs for ■■)«. W. L. LINCOLN. 1024 Adama Street, THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. «inn nnn nn ivrnppnRATinM $100,000.00 INCORPORATION ■OPERATING THE- AND THE 315 W. 4th CINCINNATI, OHIO. BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. 309 Aroada Building, DAYTON, OHIO. Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent ut. Reference :— SALES CO., 1 11 E. 14th St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop us a line DECEMBER 17, 1810. The Billboard 29 | FILM RELEASES RELEASE DATES — PATENT8 CO. mHmESSf— Edison, EcIipM-KItlM, False, Ks It* m. Thursday — rridaj— Edison, « -'--j, , VfE VI biturdaj— aaumont-KIeuis. Patse, VI- tagTapa. EDISON October— Feet 18— ST Boom at Seres Oablaa (drama) BBS 21— A Wedding Trip from Montreal through Canada to Hon* Kong 1000 25— His U reach of Discipline (drama) 1000 28— The SwIm Onlde (drama) November— - 1— The Kej of Life (mystic comedy).... 2 Riders of the Plains (drama) 2 — Boy Scouts of America (topical) 4 Thi Little Station Agent (drama).... 8 — A Trip Orer toe Bocky and Selkirk Mountains In Canada (scenic)... •—The 8Dlp's Husband (comedy)..... li— The Adoption (drama) 11— The Lassie's Birthday (comedy)... 15 — Into the Jaws of Death (drama)... 16— The Stolen Claim (drama). ........ 18— The Toymaker. the Doll and the Dsvll (comedy) .......•.....•••••••.••«-• 8B0 22— His Mother's Tbankagtelnc (drama)... BBS 23— Through the Clonds (topical) 1000 2»— The Greater Lore (drama) '999 SO— Amu and tin Woman (drama) ^875 .1000 .) 0O5 . 440 .. 580 .1000 I) ; looo .-ointir r- - 2— The Cowpnncber's Olove (drama) ... a— The Winning of Mies Lanjdon (drama 7— The Life of a Salmon (industrial)... 7 — Amateur Night (com._. — i Captaln r a Bride (drama). E8SANAT. October— 1»— Hiring a Oem (comedy) in— Hank and Lank. Uninvited Quests ( CO DIXIT) ...... e e ee ••••••• • 22— Pals of the Bang* (drama) 1000 26— The Bouquet (comedy) 878 28— Hank and Lank. They Take a Baet (comedy) ......................... *-U" H— The Silent Message (drama) 1000 November — i r>et 1 Hank snd Luk, Life Savers (comedy) 1— The Masquerade pop (comedy) 5— The Westerner's Way (drama) 1000 (concdj I . • ■ e t "sight 51 is— love at First ..... It— The Little, Prospector (drama). (comedy) 22— That Popular Tune (comedy) 22— Ilank and Lank. Sandwich M (com- "western' Woman's! Way' (drama) . . . .1000 28— A .. 2S— The Tie That Binds (drama) "s^Clrcle'o Ranch Wedding (drama). 10— The Cowboy's Vindication (drama) 9«3 r*et iiooo October— ***** IT— The Broken DoU (drama) 0*7 20— The Banker '. Daughters (drams) 8W» 14— The Message of the Violin (drama).... B8T 27— The Paaalng of a OrODch (comedy).... BS7 27— The Proposal (comedy) 21— Two LttUa Walls (rood.™ fairy tale) WT November— reet 8— Walter No. a (drama) «« 7 — The fugitive (drama) 10 — Simple Charity (drama) «»» 14— Sonshlne 8oe (drama) BBS 17-Tbe Troublesome Baby (comedy) 482 17— Love In Quarantine (comedy) ........ BOO 81— The Song of the) WUdwood Bints (dra- ■ ■) 24— Hla New Lid (comedy) 24— Not So Bad as r ■ 28— A Wain 8— The Barly Settlera (drama) 1000 7 — The Lady Barbers (comedy) looo 7— The Bachelor (comedy) 1000 10— The Vampire (drama) 1000 14— Mr. Four rtuah (comedy) .000 IT— Oratltode (drama) 1000 21— No Place Like Home (comedy) 21 — The Doll Baaor (comedy) 24— The Merry Wires of Windsor (comedy) 28— The Queen of Hearts (drama) 1000 December— Feet 1— The Stepmother (drama) 1000 8— The Widow of Mill Creek Slat (com- edy) 1000 8— Id the Wilderness (drama) 1000 12— A Tale of the Sea (drama) 1000 15— The County Fair (drama) - 1000 IB — John Dough and the Cherub (fairy story) 1000 " to Fremont (dranra) 1000 TITAOBAPH. October — Feet 18 — Anld Robin Gray (drama) 991 21— Davy Jones' Domestic Troubles (com- edy) 1000 22 — Clothes Make the Man (comedy) 883 22 — A Day on the French Battleship Jus- tice (topical) 28— Jean Goes Foraging (drama) 28— Csptsln Bsrnacle r s (com- 1008 '(drama)' ••>■••••••.•• 665 Double Elopement (t 4— The Children's Revolt (comedy) 902 B— In the Mountains or Kentucky (drama) 678 8 — A Tale of a Hat (comedy) 11 — The Nina of Diamonds (drama) ... 12— Jean Goes Fishing (drama) IB— Drumsticks (drama) 18— A Modern Courtship (comedy) 18— The Bom snd the Bomb (comedy) . . 19 — Franceses Da BImtnl (drama) 22— Suspicion (drama) 28 — A Four- Footed Pest (comedy) Statue Dog (comedy) •e. Lock and Gasoline (drama). Woman'a Lore (drama) 954 990 Feet 3— Jack Fat and Jim Slim at Coney la- laud (comedy) B81 8— The Prescber's Wife (drama) 1001 Tin-Type Romance (comedy) 898 Law and tse^Man (drama) ™*.1010 Octobe 18— In IB— Tunny dustrlsl) 26— The 81 28 — In the November — M^reewald itteve!o«<*sY ent . (drsms) .liar Trip Through Scotland (i IS— The Rival Barons (drama) 18— An Alpine Retreat (scenic) ~ -Behind the Maak (drama) . -Nantes and Its Surroundings 540 850 788 217 860 142 ....... 816 (scenic) 450 .......... 89— The Return at Midnight (drama) 634 SO— Ramble Through Ceylon (travelogue).. SIB Dacsmuei Feet 7— Death of Admiral Col I my (drama) 992 14— The Little Matcbseller'a Christmas (drama) 22 14— Scenes In British Indts (scenic) 253 21— The Tyrant of Florence (drsms) 678 21— A Chamois Hunt (sporting) 332 650 348 MeTXlKS. _ . Feet 20 — Uncle Jim (drama) BSO 37— Under Stars and Ban (drama) 970 November — . Fee' 8— Birthday Cigars (comedy) lO— A Mountain Wife trtrama) w» IT— His Sergeant's 8trlpes (d«ma)........ BSO 24— The Cowboy* and the Bachelor Qrrta (drama) ...•.•••••••»••••.••••«.. 'as-Aa Feet 1— Both Were Stung (comedy) ...... 1— Picturesque Majorca In tie Medllerra- «cemoer— 1 — Pale (drama) S— What Great Bear Learned ( drama).... 18— Old Norrla' Oal (drama) OAUMONT. (George Kletne). October - 18 — arandmotlier's Plot (drama) ........ nan 18— Phantom Ride from Alx la Balna (travelogue) IS 23— The Cheat (drama) JM 20— The First Gray Hair (drama) *~I nean (scenic) 8 The Fishing Smack (drama) 8— Pharaoh; or, Israel la Egypt (bistort eal drama) • 12— Faithful Onto Death (drama) ... 13— A Trip to the Glue Grotto. Capri, 1080 Italy (scenic) 15— Both Were Stnng (comedy) w» 15— Picturesque Majorca (•eenlci *»1 ^ssriuto^bV^^'tBIbi^' dram.) gS 22— A Woman'a Wit (comedy) -v- Jfl 26— Samson's Betrayal (colored ,drsma)... M» 28 — Csltno Travels aa a Prince (comedy).. 4*9 -The Flat Next Door (comedy) 722 Taraacon on the Rhone (scenic) ^243 . -Lured" by a Phantom (colored drama).. 712 3— Nsncy's Wedding Trip (comedy) 273 « — A Man of Honor (drama) 834 8— Professor Senlemlel's Hat (comedy)... m 10— The Revolt (drama) .„.. 942 IS— A Phantom Rider (mystery) 279 IS — The Closed Gate (drama) "76 17— Herod and the New Born King (Bib- Ileal) 965 20— nis Clnderells Olrl (drama) ......... 789 20— The Kingdom of Flowers (colored bo- tanical) 24— The Old^ ^^, e ( ^Yored 'b'" '"' NESTOR FILMS "IF IT'S A NESTOR, IT'S GOOD" FOR ALL-ROUND GOODNESS GET "THE PILGRIM" "A DESPERATE REMEDY" For Release December 14th (Wednesday) I THRILLER For Release December 21st (Wednesday) EVERY INCH A COMEDY Synopses on Page 28 Rough-House your Exchange for that ONE NESTOR A WEEK-OUT EVERY WEDNESDAY YORK JOIN NESTOR'S MAILING LIST RLIST. 2004." 147 Fourth Avenue. Nestor Films sre sold only by I DAVID HORSLEY, 147 Fourth Aye., New York City. | DISTRIBUTED through The Sales Company "STANDARD" THE MACHINE THAT GIVES RESULTS. Fire-proof. FHckorless. Fully Guaranteed.] The Machine You Will Use Eventually. Start now and save repair bills and trouble. If your Film Ex- change is looking after your in- terest they will show you a "Standard." If not, they are making more commission by selling you some inferior or old time machine. Insist on trying a "Standard" and you will never need another. Good for a life-time. Write for Cetaleeue, Dept. B. AMERICAN MOVING PICTURE MACHINE COMPANY 101 BCEKMAN STREET. - NEW YORK THE MOTIOGKAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WONDER iTf'skaT-relcr^ " L H?°D.. of Keokak. Iewaj_ wrttes^"MoMejrrapk making a BIO HIT and BUSINESS INCREASED WONDEB r. L. V., of Chlcairo, III., writes— "Hard i snd NOT ONE PENNY FOB REPAIRS." a avsav T. i. K-. of Kansas City. Mo.. writssv-^P/««J*!£ JKl Ha"? operated aU makes, hot NONE TO COMPARE WITH MOT1C" PRICES $110.00 and op. The Enterprise Calcium Oaa Outfit ■ tne »» tate for elsctrlc light. Write for catalog" to-dsj.^^ . _ m 'I'EJlPsUjX OrTIQaX. MTO. CO.. 870 Wart aai ^ , OT , 10»3RAPHf" ***** i onlx satlafaetory sobatl- ANTI- FILM COMPANY BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD REEL TICKETS 79 8. Clark St.. CHICAOO TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 4LRVN. ST. BOSTON, MASS. Sa*«J f»* S«mpi«i B*4 •T'«e«» S FOR RENT FIL ing what class goods you are using WE CAN BOOST YOUR BUSINESS goods, 6 reels weekly, $6.00; 12 reels weekly, $10.00. one shipment. Over 6,000,000 feet to select from. WE CAN BOOST YOUK Jbf u»ii>ni,»» UUD ou.^u.. ,^ J. FRANK HATCH FILM COMPANY, Hatch Bldg., 109 Fonrth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. REEL FOR CHRISTMAS, about 600 feet, namely : "Cirist and the Women Who Sinned," $5.00 per night. Book now. 30 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910k ROUTES AHEAD Telegrame inquiring for routes not given in theme columns will bo ignored. repaid. S' DATES. (An additional list of Performer*' Dates, as wall as a list of additional routes, received to^o late for ctasaiiici _ to eon tribute their dates tor thla depart- ter than Friday of each week to Insure publication, tonal* free of charge. Members of the profession are mall addressed in can of The Billboard, and It win Barry, mnk ha 289 4th it, Troy, N. Y. Bartell ft Garfield: 2889 R. KM si., Cleveland. Bium. wilt: 97 Wolcott at.. New Haven. Conn. Beacta, Billy: 120 Randolph at., Chicago. Bean k Hamilton: 838 Hickory it., Buffalo. Beard, BUly: 1401 Drayton St., Savannah, Oa. Beck, - Norman Ed.: 487 Grosvenor are., Mon- treal. Beck A Etui: 14 N. 9th It, Phil a. Becker, Samuel: 3620 Kinsman Road, cieve- Acts with burlesque bo found in another column. When no data given the week of Dae. 12-17 is to be supplied. Abbott * Alba: 12S2 DIveney Bird., C Adams, BlUy: 46 Union at.. Cambridge, ........ Adams As Lewis: 108 Baker at-. Atlanta. Oa. Adrle * Her Lions: 210 H. 47th at-, N. X. Adltr, Harry: White Bats, N. T. C. Ahem, Danny: 1322 Booth B at.. Tacoma, Wash. Aherna, The: 8219 Colorado are., Chicago. Altkan Bras.:. 234 Bedford St., Fall Klver. Altkins, Two Great: 2219 Gravler at. New Or- AJbanJ: 1805 Broadway. N. T. C. Alderrer. Cbas.: Denver, Ind. M lBJM i, Blanche: Athena, Oa Aldrldgr, Chaa. H.: 20 B> Berkley at.. Onion- town, Fa. aii^ «e«. (Grand) Olaasow, Scotland. Mot. 28- 1 125 Brewer it, Norfolk, Va. Anderson A Elllsoo: 3803 Andersons. Australian Twin: 104 K. 14th St., N. T. C. Andrews A Abbott Co.: 886 at.. Phlla. Paul Taiiala. It. St. AnTla7~aOs7'Wm_ *.: 501 W. 138th at.. N. T. Anthony. Wn. B.: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Apollo Quartette: 538 N. State St.. Cblcaso. Archer A Csrr: Oreenwlch, N. X. Arnold. Geo.: Box 193. 8 battues. Arnold. Hazel: The Billboard, CI Arnold A Blckey: Owego, N. X. Artuaa. P.: Cars Paul Tauaur. 104 B. 14th at, n. x. c. Ashnrr Slaters: 12 Bo. Newstead 'are.. Bt. Louis. Aoer. 8. A a.. 410 South 4th are., Mt. V.r- noo, N. X. Austin A FJnmker: 3110 B St.. Pblla. Artuaa, F. (Keith's) Providence. R. L; (Po- ll's) Sera ii ton. Pa.. 19-24- Arooldi, Chel. (Grand) Madison Ind. AlTlno A Rlalto (Orpheum) Mansfleld, 6.; (Vic- toria) Wheall&S. W. Va.. 19-24. Arnold, Jack (Poll's) New Haven, Conn.; (Fo- il's) Hartford 19-24. - Almee. Mile. (Lyeenm) Port Arthur. Ont, Can. Antrim, Harry (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala.' c) Blrm! (Majestic) Birmingham 19-24. Aoatln, Billy D.: Staunton. HI., 15-17. Andra. Bess (Lyric) Oklahoma City. Okla.; (Pastime) wlcblta. Kan., 10-24. Alpine Troupe, Five (Orpheum) Montreal. Alton. Ethel (Gayety) Indianapolis. American Newsboys Quartette (Majestic) St. Panl. Armanis. Five (Keith's) Phils.; (Maryland) Bal- timore 18-24. Alexander, George B. (Apollo) Wheeling. W. Va. Adelmann. Joseph, Family (Orpheum) Minne- apolis, 12-24. Apdale'a Apdale'a Animals (Grand) Indianapolis; (Co- lombia) Cincinnati 19-24. AU M, D .w.ntee 9r i9- 2 4 Utner, ' ) (B "*«~> Archer. Lou (Slttner'a) Chicago: (Empress) Mil- waukee 19-24- Adair, Art (Majestic) Cedar Baplda, I«. ' Allen, Leon A Bertie (Orpheum) ZsnesvUle, O., 15-37; (American) Cincinnati. 10-24. Addison A Livingston (Majestic) So. Bend, Ind. American Trumpeters (Grand) Victoria, B. C; (Grand) Tacoma. Wash., 18-24. A txlaHaba, Six (Orpheum) Denrer. Ahl bergs. The (Orpheum) Denver, 18-24. Anger, Lon (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Comedy Four: Palatka. rh. (Orpheum) Norfolk, Va. , Billy (Palace) Boston. J * Kevins (Lyric) Oklahoma City, Okla. Alpha Troupe (Onmeum) Los Angeles. Allen. Chaa. A. (Pantaaea) Pueblo, Colo. Artola. Jack. Duo (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb. Arlington Four (Qrand) Pittsburg, Pa. BslTHes. 9* eartzVU W. Church at. Newark. O. Bated. Blanche: 12 W. 80th St., N. X. C. Baker A Cornalla: 618 E. 45th at, Chicago. Baker. Bid: ISM Race it, Cincinnati. Banks. Charley: 317 Park are.. Baltimore. Banyan. Alfred: 122 Smith at., Winnipeg, can. Barber A Palmer (American) Omaha. Neb. Barastead. Jr., Ed. H.: 311 B. 29th it, N. X. 42. a. The: 338 Summit at, Toledo, O. Frank: 240 5th are., N. T. C. " Ol: 2002 Fifth are., H. X. C. Bedlal. Mme.: 112 5th are., Chicago. Beecher. Will 8.: White Rata, N. X. c. Beea. Two: 503 Belford Family: Palace Hotel, 518 K. It, Cb' Jeanette A atlas Leslie: Tie Burgess. Ruascll: 834 % S. Angeles, Cat Burt, Ai. J.: Bancroft Bldg.. Altobna. Pa. Bnsby A WiUUms: 561 W. 144th St., N. X. 0. BnaUrk. Musical: 68 Barrow it, N. X. C. Byera A Hermann: 3849 Paxton Road, Cincin- nati. Byrne, John H. W.: 218 W. 34th It, N. X. C. Bradford. Bella (Crown) Toledo, 0. Batter, Amy. A Quartette (Orpheum) Dulnth. Minn., 18-24. Beard. BUly (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Males- tic) Houston 18-24. ._ Boudlnl Bros. (Orpheum) Des Moines, Is.; (Or- pheum) Ksnsss City, Mo., 19-24. Brunettes, Cycling (BUou) Winnipeg, Can.; (Majestic) Butte. Mont, 18-24. Booth Trio (Hatha way 'a) New Bedford, Mass.; (Hathaway'i) Lowell 18-24. Bradley A Ward (Dreamla«d) Traverse City, Mich.; (O. H.) Borne City 19-24. Bnrt. Nellie (Majestic) Montgomery. Ala.; (Ma- jestic) Birmingham, Ala.. 18-24. Basder-LaVeUe Trio (Pantagei*) Denrer. Col. Bebout Duo (Gayety) Iudlanapolla; (Indiana) Marlon 18-24. Brinkman A Steele Sinters (Norka) Akron. O.: (Grand) Toongatowo 18-24. Bloomqaest's, George. Players (Poll's) Wilkes- Barre, Pa.; (Orpheum) Harrlsbnrg 18-24. Bernard A Orlh (Majestic) Montgomery. Ala.; (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala.. 18-24. Bandy A Fields (Star) Mnnde, Ind.; (New Sun) Springfield, O., 18-24. Bergere. Valerie, Players (Poll's) Scranton, Pa.; (Shea's) Buffalo. N. X.. 18-24. Byron A Languou (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tea.; (Majestic) Dallas 19-24. Beban, George (Orpheum) Los Angeles, 12- 24. Bellmontes, The (Columbia) Kansas City. Kan.; (Star) Des Moines, la., 18-24. This blank is available for route data in case you have no route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application. Week Theatre City State • • . PERMANENT ADDRESSES If you are unable to give n manent address listed, kindly pi using this blank. nite, and desire to hay 1 1 o liii ti l i o n , Name i it Address Bernard, At: 4429 8. Bianca. Mile.: Care Max Q. H-. N. X. C. Blgelowa, The: Bilyck'a, Cap 2440 Amsterdam are., N. X. 1159 Octavla St., Ban Bimbos, Blabeo A BE BUek ft Blair * La C. Blenchard 4V Martin Franclaco. BlondeU, Mahal: 1181 N. 8d are., Knoxvllle. Tens. Boston CKy Quartette: 470 Warren at. Brook- itouUn * TBlson: Vvnlte Bats, N. I. C. Boyd, Maxte (0. H.) Bellinger, Tex. Boyd. Eddie: 829 S. Main St.. Los Angeles. Braata. Belma: Can Tamrig. 104 E. 14th at.. Braum's Ladies Quartette: 1129 8. Hill at.. Los Angeles. Brand, Laura Martlere: 515 Main at.. Buffalo. Braun Slaters: Richardson Park. Dels. Brenner. Samnel N. : 2858 Tulip at., Pblla. Brlnkleya, The: 424 W. 39th at-. N. Y. 0. Brltton. Nellie: 140 Morris at., Phils. Brittons, Three Musical: 729 Liberty are., Brook- lyn. Boh N. X. tfc Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 Williams are., Brooklyn. Brooks A Brooks: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Brown A Davla: 24 Porry ave., Newark, 0. Brownies, The, ft Co.: 6th A Jackson sti„ To- peka. Kan. Browning. Bessie: Badus. Aerial: 2€ Bunchn ft Alger: Ky. Bunth A Rndd: Burgess. Hi bora;. Pi. N. X. 0. B. B6th St., N. T. rwuf? .f ° r ? r, ,:i " . Mala it, Louliv are., PlttS- Botter, Hirry, A Co. (Paatigei') Los Angeles. Barry, Mr. A Mrs. Jimmle (Orpheum) Sioux City. Ia.: (MaJeaUc) Des Molnea. Ia„ 18-24. Barnes A Crawford (Poli'a) Springfield, Mail.; (Poll's) Worcester 18-24. -i<*l> * Mae (Chutes) San Franclaco. City Four (Lyric) Dayton, O. a City Four (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Or- pheum) St. Panl. Minn.. 18-24. Biampbln A Hehr (Colonial) Washington, C. H„ Booth A Lynn (Queen) Ida, Kan., 15-17 Barbean Family (Foster) Full Be beea, Tboae (Lyceum) Cloi Barnes ft King (" Bowers, Walters nsU. 18-24. BisebiUltli (MiJeitlc) Cedar Burns A Fell (Nlckle) Ni Coffeyvllle. Kan., 19-24. Bo wen. Arthur (Orpheum) Blonde!!, Edward, A Co. (Orpheum) Bllaa Trio (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Balaars, The (Orpheum) Denver. Bnrk A Carter (Pantagea) Denver. Belmont, Joe: Exeter. Eng.. 18-24; Coventry. 28-31; Manchester, Jan. 2-7; Glasgow. Scot- land, 8-14. BlckneU A Glbney (Princess) Hot Bprloga. Ark. Broad. BUly (Princess) Ft. Worth. Tex: Colemana, Two (Temple) Muskegon, MIcb. Coote. Bert, A Co. (Columbia) Cincinnati. Cameron A Gaylord (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Cromwelts. The (Orpheum) Cincinnati, oirtrr, Roland (Majestic) Denver. Carbrey Bros. (Keith's) Providence, B. I. Carroll A Leslie: I'hlla. Carmen. Belle (Victoria) Baltimore. Chase, BUly (National) San Fri Cleveland, Claude ft Marlon (C lyn. Clark Staters A B"l» r»™ I Cotton's Comedy N. J.. I5-1T. Coventry, The (Poll's) New 1 __ . Wm.: 182 E. nth at, N. Calvert-Parkers, The: Portland. Me. Cameron. Ella: 381 Broad St., New Calboun, Mr. A Campbell-Clark cago. Cari^A BheU: 408 W. 18th at, Kansas city. Carle, Irving: 4203 N. 4lit at., Chicigo Carlin A Clark: 813 Prospect its., Buffalo Carlton Sisters: 483 W. 28th at.. N. T. C. Carol Sisters: 104 W. ietn at. li. T. a Carolyn, The: 218 B. 14th It. N. X. C. taron A Fa mom: 235 E. 24th it, N. X. C. Caron A Herbert: Fair Haven, N. J. Carrol ton * Van: 5428 Monte via I a it.. Los Angeles. Cashburn * Murphy: Melba Hotel, Ft Worth. Caaada, Three: Darlington, Wla. Case, Charley: Lockport N. X. Case. Psul: 81 So. Claras " Cavanauavj A Laocaater: Kansii City, Mo. Chjtstrell A Schuyler: 219 Prospect its.. Brook. Chapman Slatera: 1829 Mllburn at.. Indianapolis. Chase A Carina: 2519 S, Balstssd it, Chicago. Chaae^Cllfton E.: 44 6th at. New Bedrordt Clawaon, Roscoe: 1704 Brownie, at, Marlon, lad. Clayton. Panl: 1420 Kim it., Cincinnati. Clayton Trio: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Clements A Lee: 828 First at., Louisville. Clermont Jean: 104 B. 14th St.. N. y. c Clipper Comedy Four: 537 W. 158th at., N. y, CUt'o A 8y!veater: 224 N. 10th St.. PhOs. Clotllde A Montrose: 823 W. 88th it. N. Y. 0. Coattaa, Three^ Musical: 144 W. Seneca t£ Cody, T&ilss: The Billboard, Cincinnati . ColM. Three Musical: 149 Scab its.. Miaa. lUimbla Mimical Four: 212 W. 42d at., N. T, Columbiana. Five, Inc.: PI ad] ay, Comatoek. Boy: T321 Cedar ave., Conkey, Clever: Wansan, Wla. Cook A HellffllB: IS), Spring at.. Newark. fv.rn.naa. six: 81 Flak are., saaapeth. L. I.. Cotter A Bonlden: Care A Arch at... I'hlla. Courtney a Jeaaotte: 1519 W. 14th Place. Chi. cago. Craves. Edwin P.: 383 N. Sherman it. Bay City. Mich. Crawford, Oles &,: 1438 Baxter at, Toledo. Crawford ft Ninety: 110 ' footalne. O. Crajrton, p- Lawreaee: 70S Crelghton, J. C. : 115 Crolloa. Dick: Vaudeville Comedy Club. 224 W. 48th St., N. X. C. Crooks, .an. M.i Mnskegoo, Mleb. Cullen Bros.: 2919 Ellsworth at, Pella. Chad wick Trio (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (Po- ll's) Wllkrs-Barrs. Pa., 19-24. Church City Poor (Bljoui Bsttle Creek. Utch. Crawford . A Delaneey (Ijrlo Be,lalla. Ho. I . Isry Anderson) Lou la- Dtlei. N. T„ 19-24. Carr (Lyric) Day tea. O.; (Temple) Detroit. Mich.. 18-24. Cullen. Jaa. H. (Keith's) Cleveland; (Grand) Syracuse, M. X. 19-24. Char hi no Itm« . Three (Kelth'a) Phlla.; (Flip. vasdrome) Cleveland 19-24. Carr, Ernest. A Co. (Polfe) New Haven, Conn.: (Poll's) Hartford 18-24. Clifford A Burke (New Grand) Bvaaavllle. Ind.i (Orpbeom) Memphis, Tenn., 10-24. Iff. Laddie (Stb Ave.) NTT. 0. Clifford. Edith. In the Eagle A the Girl (Ml. J^eaMc) Dubuque. Is.; (Archer) Chicago. III.. Chaaalno (Mode Hail) Piwtoekit, B. I : (Kellh'i) Providence 19-24. Cross A Josephine (Orpheum) Portland. Ore. Carroll4?lllette Troupe (Kedsta) Chicago; (Or- (Mystic) Plttaborg. Kan., l Cnmlngham * Marion (Mary Tllle; (Sbobert) Ultcs. N. ' Conlln. Steele A Carr (I Cattya!*Musieil (Orplwam) Oakland. C.i.: (Or. Troupe Peoria 18-24. [uslcal (Orphan . pheum) Los Angeles 19-24. Cooper ft Bob l naon (Orpheum) Brooklyn. Cordna A Hand (Apollo) Wheeling. W. Va. Connelly. Mr. A Mrs. Ervrtn (Orpbenm) Wlnrd. Creasy * burni (Mljeatlc) Milwaukee; Coo. cord. N. H.. 18-24. Calne A Odom (BUou) Duiuth. Minn.; (BIJoot Winnipeg. Can.. 18-24. Dslley ft Well: T58 Bo. Western are., Chlctro. Dale. Dainty Dottle: 252 W. S6tb at., N. T. C. Daly A O'Brien (National) Sydney. Auatralla. Davenport. Peirle B. (Orpheum) Botler Pa. Day ; Csrlta: 588 7th ave.. N. T. C DeArmo. Filly : 503 N Clark st. Chicago. DeBnio, Homer: II E. 7th it.. Brie, Pa. DeCimpe. Gny: Henderson. N. C. De-aye. Liana * Evelyn: 4T W. 29th it. ». DeTami're. Jnlloi J.: 217 B. 9849 St., N. v. 0. Drlmore A Darrell: 1515 9th ave.. land. Cat. DeLorts, Dick: 21R Swan it, Bnffilo. DeMir. Edward: 97 W. Thornton it. Akron. Manafleld. O. Dick. Bay: 523 Ohio ave.. Kokomo. Ind. Dickens A Floyd: 848 Rhode Ialand it., Buffalo. Dickinson. Blchard: Melrose, Miss. „ • Dlston. Madeline: 934 Long wood ave.. N. X. nivolaa. 'ius: 142 E. Stb it. Minittld. 0. Doiao A Lenbirr: 2480 Tth ive., N. Y. C. Donlts: Clarendon Hotel, Chicago. _ Donner, Doria: 343 Lincoln st, Johnstown. Pa. Donovan A Miekln: 1180 Taylor st. Ft Wayne. N. J. Host. Billy: 102 B. High it. Colombia. Tenn. bourlaa. Myrtle: Revere noose, Chicago. Downard ac Downard: Cyeleue. Ind. Downey * Wlllird: 4t iicwood in., Detroit. Dnffln-Bedciy Troops: Beading, Pi. Dunbar A Fiaber: White Rsts. N. T. C. Dnpllle, Ernest A.: Vaudeville Club, London. Eng., Indef. Doming. Parson Jo (People'a) Leavenworth. DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard Pueblo, Col.; - 14. (Putun') III.; DuRosa i OaMnV lSn^Wmt^' Mtt Deinur * Delmar (Pan (Pantsgea') St. Joseph, Dare Bra*. (Cbates) San " Los Angeles 19 24. DcArmo 4c DeArmo (Electric) (O. H.) HUlaboro 10-24. Darts Imperial Three (Carries) Ban Diego. Cal. Dcvvar's. Wra., Comedy Clrctia (American) Cln- < Innatl. DallOD, Thos. B. (Family) Clinton, Il„ 15 IT. Dunrei, Fred (New Grand) EtannTllle, Ind.. 10-24. _ . DeVelda * Zelda (Poll'a) 8c ran ton, Pi.; (Ly- rlr) Dayton. 0., 10-24. Daly'a Onmtry Cbolr (Grand) Portland. On. Drew. Fat (Alamo) New Orleans. Drftenso * La Doe (Grand) Syracuse, N. T. Dlirnond Four (Orpbenm) Dalits, Tex. Downs. T. Nelson (Los Angeles) Los Angeles; (Queen) San Diego. 18-24. Donovan 4 Arnold (Poll's) Bridgeport, Conn.; (Poll's) New Bates 19 24. Darla A Moran (SIttner*a) Chicago; (Empress) Milwaukee IB 24. Dlnkelsplel'i Cnrtstmss. with Bernard A. Rein- old (Orpbennm) Des Moines, la.; (Orpbenm) Omaha, Neb., 10-24. Dallas. Benlab (Majestic) Jscksonyllle. Fla.; (Jefferson) St. Aognatlne 10-24. Dunn, Bill (Palace) AsberlUe. N. 0. Oooln A MeCoo) (Colnmbla) Cincinnati. humid. Wm. (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Dagwell Bisters (Poll's) Scranton. Pg, Davenport's I.ady Minstrels: Palatka. Hi. E.lmao A Osylor: Box 89. Blehmond. lad. rity. mo. nmelt A Lower cllah Bneebods; N. Y. E»IT A Krlnlvh: Ernests, I4J, an«, ngo, Erelyn Sisters: 232 Greene are., Brooklyn Earl. Lola Lea, Co. (Princess) Ft. Worth, Tex. Edmonds. Agnes (Maryland) Cumberland, aid., l.VIT. Encllsh. Jack (Majestic) Montgomery. Ala.; (Majestic) Birmingham 19-14. Erleksnn. Knute, Co. (Keith's) Providence B. I.; (Stb Atc.) N. T. C, 19 24. Facie A The Girl (Majestic) Dnboqoe. la.; Ergottl LtllpnUana (Keltb'a) FhUa. Edararda. Johnny J.: Brooklyn. Flake. Moatcsl (Grand) Colombia. 8. a Petterer, Harry (Majestic) Cedar Baplda, la. Frtislnl (Orpbenm) ClnclnnstL Fraser, Prof. SamncI (Star) Newton, Kan. Poster, Ed., A Dog (Orpbram) Cincinnati. Flemen. Wm.. A Co. (Orpbenm) Minneapolis. Flrat, Barney (Rnllock's) Prorldence, It. I. Florns, Panl (Orpbenm) Ogden. TJ. Falrehlld Sisters: 41 Admiral at.. New listen. Conn. Panning. Jaw. J.: 1W Ollr* at . New Bseen. Conn. Fsntss. Two: 8 TJnlon Square. N. T. 0. Faust. Grsce: 1018 N. 8tate at.. Chicago. te£SBb vi m hWSF*. c fVrry. J. Banks: Buffalo. OMs. VI. will H.. A LaAdella: S041 W. Barens- wnnd Park are.. Chicago. — 11a. Newton, :. Nannie: 1140 8. I8tb It., Phlla w. X.: Spring A Plnm sts.. N< Planer, _■»• Fliaxerald, Troy: SOS W. Green at., Blfh Point, N. C. PloydelU,- The: R at.. San Diego. Cal. Wi Art: S84 WaUlna st„ Brooklyn. Franklin. H.. * Standards line We. Berlin. Germany. Prank. Jos. J.: 138 a. Commerce at., Grand Rapids. Mich. ^amton^N* BaT * h,: U Prey, Henry: 1607 Madison ate.. N. T. C. Prteod A Downing: 418 Strand. W. a, London. _ Eng., April 18. larlef. Prllcble A Adams: White Rata. N. T. 0. Proto Trio: 8700 29th are.. 8.. Minneapolis. Fillton. Chaa. M. : FlehtP^ otto. kane. Psaton's, Jot, Athletes (Jnmbo) Phlla.; (Audi lorlnm) York 1B-X4. roo. Lee Tung (Miles) Detroit, Mich. ; (Temple) Grand Rapids 18-24. Field Bros. (Temple) Hamilton. Csn., 20th are.. 8., Minneapolis. 8838 Indiana aye.. Chicago. Tyroleans Psntages') 8po- Flnrena Family (American Music Hall) ( Neb.; (American) Chicago, HI., 18-24. J/'rry, Wm. (Grind) Indianapolis. * Mirk (Orpbenm) Birmingham, Ala.; _ (HIJoul Atlanta. Oa.. 10-24. Pagin, Noodles (Girrlck) Wilmington, Del. Prink. Joseph J.: Guthrie. Okla. E ^? n » (Pfoetofi 2Sd St.) N. T. C; (nijon Dream) Newark, N. J.. 10-24. Flelils A Hanson (Pekln) Chicago; (Nelson) Chl- cago 18-24. Fen l „n. Marie (Orpheum) Omaha. Neb.; (Or nheom) Bloox City. Ia„ ir Pern. Ray (Majestic) Botte. Wower. Dick J. (Rmpress) press) Milwaukee 19.24. Freeman, Maurice (Orpbenm) Lincoln, Neb.; (Orpbenm) Kansas City, Mo,, 10-24. Finney, u«ud A Gladys (Orpheum) Minneap- olis. • Poller's. Lole. Battet of Light (Orpbenm) Mem- pm.. Tean.; (Orpocqm) New Orleans, La., ra| wg^^-A* CM* Galloway, W. P.: Care The Glenmore, Mont- gomery, Ala. Oanltners. Three: 1068 N. 8th St.. Phlla. OaraoD, Marion: 703 W. 17th at.. N. X. C. (.ay lor, Chaa.: 768 17th St., Detroit. Gsylor A Graff: 18 Abingdon Square, N. Y. C. George A Gott: 214 Lee aye.. Sapolpa, Okla. Oeyar. Bert: Palace Hotel, Chicago. Qlbney A Baric: SOD Madison aye., Toledo, O. Gibson Bros.: 2 Willow at.. Brooklyn. Olbaon, Ted A Kate: 908 Gates aye., Brook- lyn. Olldsy * Fox: 208 State St.. Chicago. Gleason, Little Lew: White Hsta. N. T. a Godfrey, Hal: Care P. Casey, Long Acre Bldg., N. Y. a Golden * Basnet: KIMord, Mass. Oonaalea, A. (Monarch) Lawton. Okla. Ooodbne * Barges*: White Bats, N. Y. Gordon, Don A'Mae: 710 N. mi ft, Omabg, »Tvr., Nat X. Gorton, Ed. A Llxsle: 14 Harrison st., De- troit. Ooss. Eddls: Gould, Wm. st., n. y. a Graham A Randall: 327 Pearl St.. Brooklyn. Grsnberry A La Moo: 1883 Broadway, N. Y. C. Grant A Brewer: 84 Boyce are.. Valla Walla, Grly"?:nld: 28 W. 125th at.. N. T. C. Gray A Gray: 1922 Bird St.. Joplln, Mo. Grdlns * Co.: 8104 8L Clair sre., N. «., Clere- land. Grestrex, Belene: 408 8. 7th aye., LeOrange, IU.. Green A Parker: National Hotel, Chicago. Greenwood, Bessie: 838 N. State at.. Chicago. Orlmtha, Fred Lai Care Tlx-atrlcal Club. SI Monroe at., Montgomery, Ala. Grlgolettl's Aerial Ballet (Winter-Garten) Ber- lin, Oct., Dec. 1-31. Groom Slaters: 803 N. Hermitage aye., Trenton, N. J. White Rata. N. T. C. Pa. ipe (Able) Eiston, Pa.; (Or- pheum) Hsrrlsbnrg 19-24. Golden, Claude (Ositey) at. Lonls 5 Jan. 6. Goodwin A Elliott (Sbubert) Dtlca, N. Y. ; (Majestic) Paterson, N. J., 18-24. Gran at, Louis M. (Treyett) Chicago; (Colnm- bla) MUwankee 10-24. Grimes, Tom. A Co. (Orpbenm) Newark, O. ; (Orpbenm) Mansfield. <).. 10-24. Oraber'a. Capt. Max. A Mile. Adellna'a Anl- mala (Keltb'a) Colombo*. O.; (Grand) Syra- cuse. N. Y., 1934. Owen. Btnel (Trent) Trenton, N. J.; (5th Ate.) Pa.; (ro- Clty; Oordon A Marx (roll's) IPs) Bridgeport, Conn., Ororer. Mildred (Orpbenm) (Orpbenm) Denver, Col.; Granaliie A Rogers (Majestic bis) St. Louis 10-24. GUden Slater*. Three (Grand) Hamilton, O (Walnut St.) LoulsTUle. Ky.. 19-24. Graham. Joe (Orpheum) Cincinnati, allien, Tom (Majestic) Denrrr. Gtlasandoa, The (Miles) Minneapolis. Oelsha Girls. Eight (Keith's) Phlla. Grapewln, Olrla fro N. T. OoodroO*. Great (Princess) Msrshsli, Mlcb. Oordon, John It., A Co. (Greenpolnt) Brooklyn. Holmes A Riley (Unique) Minneapolis; (Bijou) Duloth, 19-24. High Lire In Jail. W. H. Mack, mgr.: (Orpheum) Inneapolia; (Orpheum) Des Moines, la., 10-24. 208 Monroe are., Memphis, Mil Hawley, George: Tenia. Hlnes A Fen ton: 143 W. 83d at.. N. Y. C. Baya A Held (Majestic) Cedar Rspldi, la. Hamilton, John (Empress) Cincinnati. Hess. Monroe A Powell (Orpheum) Denver, 10-24. Borton, Henry, A Co. (Orpheum) Denver, 10-24. Hitchcock, Chaa. (Miles) Minneapolis. Hawthorne A Burt (Keltb'a) Providence. B. I. Howard A Howard (Orpbenm) Kansas City, Mo. Hanson, Harry L. (Pekln) Chicago. Bayward A Bayward (Orpheum) Memphis. Tenn. Hammond A Forrester (Majestic) Botte. Mont. Hayman A Franklin (Palace) Cardiff, Wales. 10-24; (Trlroll) London. Eng., 26-Feb. 4, 1011. Henderson A Thomas (Psntages Sacramento) Cal. Brmer, John B. (Keith's) Boston. Holey A Baley: 1127 Pierce Bldg.. St. Lonls. Ball A Briscoe: 66 Orchard at., Norwich. Conn. Ball. B. Clayton-Eather Collier Co.: Klmburat, Pa. Billmia A Mnrphy: 913 McKean ,ter. ■al worth, Himmon A Hampton A Bsssett: 4S88 Wlnthrop are.. Chi- cago. Haney A Long: 117 State at., N. Vernon. Ind. H.niev A Jarvla: 230 Hoboken et., Rutherford. N. J. Manly Helene: Plana, 0. Hardy. Jas. K. : 48 Poller at., Toronto. Htrnlab, Mamie: 78 Park St.. Bralntree, Mass. Harper A Jameson: Box 1143. Muskogee, Okla. Harris A Robinson: 182 Lake St., Chicago. ■ Harris. Fred: SSI K. 40th St., Chicago. Mask en. Loney: 47 Lexington are., N. T. O. Batch, K. Warren: 74 Sydney at., Boston, Mass. Batches. The: 47 K. 182d at:, N. T. C. Hawes Sisters: 3892 Betmoat are.. Chicago, flawklna, Bomer: xet Boyd st.. Grafton. W. Ts. Bawley A Bacben: 1347 N. 11th st.. Phlla. Heather. Josle: 2123 84th at.. Beasonhorat, N. HeTen^ Ls Belle: 83 W. 7th St.. Mt. Vernon. Ben'dereon A Sheldon: 184 E. Randolph at. Chi The: 105 K. Morgan St., SedslU. Mo. Herrmann. Adelaide: Gllsey Rouse, N. T. C Hewlett**, The: 1200 201b at., Denver. Hllhcrt, Ben: 828 Sawmill aye., Alleghany, Pa. Bllman. Lucille (Vendome) Boastoa. Tex. ntllonlana. The: 23.11 Chatbsm St.. Cincinnati. Hnltoa, Geo. A.: 22 Bank St., Brunswick, Me. Hoppe. Vera: RldgeSeld Park, N. J. Howard A Boyd: 8381 Rtsel are., St. Lonls. How** Slater.; 438 Jlth St.. Jacksonville. PlS. N. J. nnUlnffr. Dillon: The JAMES E. COOPER 4a» ■ ■»■ "^waP* ^ssss- 1 * ^8j»P r ^ssw*' anVV a-Sbwaasl IBs. m THE NEW JERSEY LILIES CO. LhUDI hKKUL. PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN James E. and Lucia Cooper "CHATTERING CHUMS'* Millar Musical Four PREMIER INSTRUMENTALISTS Johnnie Walker "THE MON FRA KILMARNOCK" Stella Chatelaine "THE RAG DANCER" Hazel Crosby "THE SMALLEST PRIMA DONNA iM BURLESQUE" Robert Algier PLAYING THE LIGHT COMEDY ROLES THE GREAT BENEDICT Know Thyself Psychic Wonder Ths let thit ia Mkiag big ■nit fir ill ■ VBVJ IVI III Permanent Addraasl The Billboard $48.00 IN THIS FOR YOU! A Regular 5-Cent Package a^ QvOsVg* \SP EARMINT For 1 Cent - .KB AT ONCC. Dl-08Ssrro GUM co., Rochester, m. v. The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. Br*tt * i«2 w. Hyde A TalboCr Tarxington. Harris & Bsnrtall (Gaveir) (Grand ) Him ntiwi o.. 15r-24. Harris A Wilson (Griftn'e) HuksU, X. T. HnrVr. Fnd J. (Orpoenmi Ikft«^-, N. H- Hastj. Charlie (Majestic) Charleston. S- C. Hoaxer A Got (Colonial) Atchison. Kan.: (Bi- los-Dream) St. Joseph. Mo.. 19-21. Bnlbrrt. Laura, A iladie DeLong (Majestic) LaSaUe. IB-. 15-17: (Majestic, CbUllcothe, Mo.. IS -21: (Colombia) Chicago. 111.. 22-2*. Harris. Fred: 323 Broadway. Padocab, Kj. Baumi (Grand) Portland. Ore. Hanson. Harry (Pekla) Chicago; (Wilson) Chi- cago 1U-24. Herman. !<* (New Bon) Springfield. O. ; (Grsnd) Col om bos 19-24. Bood.^Sam^BlJoo^PfciQa. O.; (Majestic) Little Hnfi' 4^?rVm« 2 a-r.>ti]i Milwaukee; (Miles) MlaneapoUa 19-24. Haas 4 Adair (Maryland) Cumberland. Md. Hotmiit. Harry (Poll's) Wilkes Barre. Pa. ITlssli (Lrmiai den. Utah; (Casino) Salt Lake City. 19-2*. Herbert. Frogman (Majestic) Charleston, 8. C; (Orpbenm) Savannah. Ga-. 19-24. Hedge. John, A Ponies (Ashland) Chicago. Hawley. E. Frederick, A Co. (Temple > Boches- ter. X. Y. : (Keith's) Colnmbos. 0.. 19-24. Hawthorne. Hilda (Orphram) Ogden, Ctab. 19- Hart. Marie ac Billy (Orpbenm) Portland. Ore. Haney. Edith < Swindler's) Chicago; (Temple) Ft. Wayne, ind-. 19-24. Hole. Albert (Orpbeom) Harris bur*. Pa.: (Colo- nial) Norfolk, Va_. 19-24- HamlHoD. EateQa B. (Majestic) 6L Paul. Harris. Grose. Ac Co., In the T snghlng Horse CMalestie) FT- Worth. Tex.: (Majestic) I>al- las 19-24. Hoey £ Hour (Majestic) Bl (Majestic) Charleston, s. C. HnvvJoeks. The (Gayetyr f (Majestic) Madison. Wis.. _ Girls Co. (Orpbeom) Portland. Barfs. Joseph. Little Stranger Co. (Colonial) S>. Y. C-: (Orphemn) Brooklyn 19-24. Harfs. Joseph. Oinkelspiers Christmas Co. (Or- phenm) Des Moines, la-; (Orphenm) Oma- ha. Neb.. 19-24. l asts ui nental Trio: Hector's Cafe. 17th and Cart Is sis.. Dearer. . Two: 3084 E. 71st st.. CI err land, asm Jap Tronpe: 7300 Sangamon St., Chl- ) MltebelL S. D-. 15-17; tie) Colnmbos. Ga. It; (Main St) 516 Are. C. San Antonio. Tex. Jarrls A Harrison: 28 McKinley St.. Hartford, Conn. Jennings A Renfrew: 714 Broadway. Everett. J.-sicr. Jolly Jean: 423 8. Park it.. High Point, X. G. Jennets. The: 948 X Western are.. Chicago. Jewel. Boy E_: S12 ST. 23d St_ Matloon. in. Johnson Bros. 4c Johnson: 6245 Callowbill st-, PMla. Johnston. Musical: 388 Eighth are.. X. Y- C Jones. Boy C. : 1553 Broadway. X. T. C Jones 4c Whitehead: 47 W. 28th St., X. T. C. Jordan. Earl: 209 E. 8th st.. Lexington. Ky Jack S. (Hippodrome) Dnlotb MJ Emma: 53« CortbLnd 'are.. Bronx. X. T. C. Jones. Alexander (Grand) Topeka, Kan. Jeter 4c Sogers (Orpbeom) Montreal; (Domin- ion) Ottawa 19-24- Jackson. Ollie (Wigwam) San Francisco. Jennings. Jewell 4c Barlow (Orpbeom) Allentown, Pa. Jc». A Dell (New Dime) Mangnm. Okla. 15-17. Jotly-WIld A Co. (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga.; (Col- onial) Norfolk. Va_. 19-24. Jarrow (Columbia) Cincinnati. Jones 4c Grant (Orpbeom) Cincinnati. Jerome. Clara Belle (Keith's) Providence, R. t. Jennings A Renfrew (Orphenm) Montreal. KsrWlo T Bros -^atMao 1 *' £ tL - J c ! ,ieM * 0 - Kanfmans. The: 240 E. 35th St., Chicago. Keating & Morray: Wlliiwood. X. J. Keeley A Parka: Care Mrs. Davidson. 281 W 150th St.. X. T. C. Keene. Mattle: Hotel Gerard, X. Y. C. Keleey. Sisters. Three: 4832 Christiana aye.. Chi csgo. Kelly. Joe u.: (Stha sc Arch St.) PMi. Kelly 4 Henry: 2738 Frankfort! are.. Phils. Keltners. The: 133 Colonial Place. Dallas. Tex. Kenney A Hollla: St Harvard are.. Allston, Kent A Wilson: 6036 Monroe are.. Chicago. Kinc Bros.: 211 4th are.. Schenectady. N. Y. King. Violet: Winter Gardens. Blackpool, Eng. King A Bailor: 206 W. 49th St., X. Y. G Klnssloy ft Roberts: 320 Baltimore Bldg., Ok- lahoma City Okla. Klein A Erlsneer: 138T E. 42d St., Cleveland. Klein Trio: 4753 Oldenberg are.. St. Lonla. KHdo. J. F., 2149 Thomas St., Chicago. Klinefelter*. The: Box 4S2. Hawarden. la. Klos SLstera. Three: Care Paul Tanslx. 1 E. 14th St.. X. Y. C. Knlsely ft Besrdon (Princess) Colnmbos. O. Knlcht Bros, ft Sawtelle: 4650 Sheridan Road. Chicago. Kohler. Frank ft May: 240 S. Chestnut st., Msryrvllle. 0. Kohl. Gns ft Marlon: 911 Fourth at., Milwaukee. Kolllns. Stnart. ft His Bano Girls: 1553 Broad- way. N. Y. C. Koppes. The: 117 W. 23d St.. X. Y. C. Kotaro. Frank: 90S Bace St.. Phlla. Kramers. x«c Analomink. Pa. Kramer-Brnno Trio: Care Taoslg, 104 E. 14th - sr., X- Y- C. Kramo ft N'ormen: 203 Gostlln St., Hammond, Ind. Kroaco-Manstleld Trio: Xew Mil ford. Conn. Ksnns ft Poston (Lyric) Beatrice, Neb.: Des Moines. la.. 19-24. Keller. Jessie— Venns on Wheels (Orphenm) CIn elnnaH; (Princess) St. Louis. Mo.. " Kotaro (World in Motion) " 17; ( Family > * Kitsmam Japanese Troupe (Majestic) Milwau- kee; (Columbia) St. Louis 19-24. Klein ft Clifton (A venue) E. SL Louis. 11L; (Colonial) St. Loots. Mo.. 19-24. tnfmans. The (Bijoo) Great Falls. Mont. Keatons, Three ( (Hathaway's) Xew Bedford. Mass.; (Poll's) Bridgeport. Conn.. 19-24. Knixbt. Harlan E.. ft Co. (Orpbenm) Seattle; (Orpbeom) Portland. Ore.. 19-24. Klng Bros. (Majestic) La Crosse. Wis. Kovarick (Merrimack) Lowell, Mass. Kohns, Three White (Orphenm) Los Angeles. Kelley ft Went worth (Varieties) Texre Haute. Ind.; (Temple) Ft- Wayne 19-24. Kaufman Bros. (Orphenm) Denver - Kane. Leonard (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark. Kramer ft Elliott (Majestic) Greeley, Colo. Kenny. Nobody ft Piatt (Temple) Hamilton. f«" Kragg Trio (Orphenm) Minneapolis. Kennedy ft Lee (Star) Laconla. N. H_. 15-17. LaClabr ft West, (Republic) Cot LaTortaJada (Orphenm) Denver. Lore Waltz (Orphenm) Mlnaeapoua. Lester Harry B- (Keitb's) Providence. R. L Lang ft May (Lyric) Des Moines, la. Lawrence ft Sylvester (Hudson) Cnion Hill. X. Leslie. Geo. W. (Variety) Buffalo. Levett, MareeU (Majestic) Ft, Worth. Tex. Leon ft Adeline (Empress) Ft. Worth, Tex. Lewis. Adeir (Harfs) Phlla. Loop. Edmon (Xew Son) Springflesd. O. L« Crandall: 1738 E. Spring st.. New Albany Im. Belle. Harry: White Rats, Chicago. Labi, Cecil ft Avery: 1017 Lagnna sL. San Fran La Centra ft LaRne: 2461 2d are.. X. Y. C. Lakola ft Lorain: Palace Hotel. Chicago. LaDelles, Four: Decatnr, Ind. LsMarcbe, Frankie: 482 W. 28th sL, Chicago. LaMarr, Frank: General Del.. Grand Rapids. Mich. Lamblottea. The: ML Vernon, o. LnMers. Paul: 27 Monroe St.. Albany, X. Y. Lsmonte. Frank (Majestic) Phlla. LaMont's Cockatoos: 1553 Broadway. Tf. Y. C. LaMonre Bros.: 64 Cedar Lake arc, Minneap- olis. '. Mr. ft Mrs. Tom: Xew Castle. Dels, ft Miller (Arcade-Grand), t. Belt! Lansings, The: 210 X. Broadway, Baltimore. LaBocca. -oxy P.: Box 62, Washburn, I1L La Rose Bros.: 107 E. 31st st_, X. Y. C. LaRne ft Holmes: 21 LUUe at., Newark, N. J. LaSalle ft Llnd: Jamestown, X. Y. LaToska. Phil.: 135 W. 22d sL. Los Angeles. Laughing Horse Co.: 601 E. 178th St.. X. Y. LaVeen, Cross ft Co.: 71 Sea it., Rockland, Me. LaVHlas, The: Grand Pacific Hotel. Chicago. LaVlne ft Inman: White Rata, N. Y. C. Lawrence ft Wright: 1553 Broadway. X. Y. C. LeClalr ft Sampson: 112 5th are., Chicago. LeG range ft Gordon: 2823 Washington BPS . St. Louts. Mo. Lenerts, Two: 8838 Union are., Chicago. Lennoo. Beet: 559 W. Washington sL. Chi- cago. Leo, Jolly: 1829 Vineyard st, Phlla. Leonard U Phillips (Hong Kong )Toledo. O. LeBoy ft Diamond: White Rats, X. Y. C. Leslie. Bescina: 361 Tremont St. , Boston. Le Verne ft Johnson: 4802 X. Seeley are., Chi- cago. Levloo, Dolpb ft Susie: 14 Prospect St.. W. Ha- ven, Conn. Lincolns. Four: 2159 Huron st., Chicago. Lines. Harry: 420 6th st S.. Minneapolis. T-fS." «%|«S5 R h ocn-- Pougbkeep- Lloyd ester, x. Y. Look woods. Musical: 133 Cannon st sle. Jf. T. Loisset, Katie: 104 E. 14th St. X. Y. 0. Lombards. The: Care Paul Tanslg. 104 E. 14th st. X. Y. C. LCB ' L ° Ck CitT H ° te1 ' SW<>nDTlUe * Lowe, F. J.: 2720 18th are.. Sooth. Minneap- olis. Lowe. Leslie J. (Hong one) Toledo. O. ' : 1728 X. 21st St. Phlla. (Majestic) St Paul. Luce: 92s n. Broad St. Phlla. Lawrence _ ft Edwards (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; ) San Diego, Cal. LlttleOeld. ^(Majestic) B s) Xat * Co. ( Lot en berg. Chaa., Hi mgr.: (Orphenm) K Leightons, Three (BIJoo) Phlla., Pa., 19-24. Lennon. Bert (BUoo) Iowa City. Ia. Lyres. Tnree (Alhambra) X. Y. C. Lavalls, The (Bijon) JacsaonriUe. Fla.; (BIJon) C. X. H. : U; (Frio- St Joseph. 1 O. H.) X. Y (Shea's) Buffalo 19-24. LaTeU Bros. ts*srk) Msncbester, (Whiles) Concord 19-24. Lansing, Mae (Poll's) Xew Haven, Conn.; (Po- ll's) Hartford 19-24. Lea, Emille. ft The Lnclfers (Poll's) Bridge- port Conn.; (Poll's) Worcester, Mass., 19- LaFayette-Lamont Co. (Garrlck) Ottomwa, la.; (Kedzie) Chicago, DL. 19-24. London Quartette (Pan taxes') Langdona. The (Circle) Chic Larimer, Herbert (Orpbeom) cess) St Louis 19-24. Lord ft Mack (Wslnut St) Louisville; (Hippo- drome) Lexington 19-24. Lovenberg's, Chas.. College Life (Keith's) Cleveland: (Keith's) Columbus 19-24. La Toy Bros. (Majeatle) Hoostoo, Tex. Lowe, Musical (Lyric) Terre Haute, Ind.; (Co- lonial) Indianapolis 19-24. Longworths. The: Chicago 12-24. Lane ft O'Donnell (Orpbenm) KSPS SB City, Mo.; (Orphenm) Des Moines, la., 19-21. Leonard, Grace. Co. (Majestic) Hot Springs. Ark. Lacey. Will (Majestic) Denver. La Ford, Chas. (Majestic) Ft Worth. Tex.; (Majestic) Shrereport. La.. 10-24. LaMont Harry ft Flo (Dreamland) Bath. Me,. 15-17; (O. H.) Romford Falls 19-21; (Gem) Berlin. X. H.. 22-24. McConnell Sisters: 1247 W. Msdlson «!.. Chi- cago. McDonald. Eddie ft John: 210 Soolb are.. Wit- klnsbnrg. Pa. McDonald. O. L.: 818 Superior st. Toledo. o._ 1 st, Han Fran- Mclntyre ft Groses: 403 E. 15th st, DsTettpnrt, Actors' Society, 133 W. 45th - r i& jog jjnnk at acu. J9» n„ Mack, Billy (Casino) Gslreston. Tex. Mack. Lee: Wlcklow Hotel. Cnlcafo. Macks. Two: 245 X. 59th st. Phils. MaJlla ft Bart: 221 W. 42d St. X. Y. C. Msngesn Tronpe: 1553 Broadway, X. T. C. Manning Trio: 70 Clancey st. Grand Rapids, Mich. Msrlmns Band (Winter Garten) Berlin. Oct., Dee. 1-31: (Hansa) Hamburg. Jan. 1-31. Msrshifl, Geo. P.: 8308 8. Washington St. Mseion Ind. Marston ft Emiaon: Oarhondale. Pa. MarTlna: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Martlne, Carl ft Rodolpb: 457 W. 67 fh St.. N. Y- C Martlnettle ft Sylvester: 6726 Leeds St. Phils. Martya, Howard: 28 Second st, Mt Clemens. Mien. Mason, Chaa. A.: 121 W. 42d st. X. Y. a Masons, Foot: Fair Haven. X. J. McFarland. Carroll (BIJoo) Kingston. X. Y. Moss ft Frye (VIon) Xew Bedford. Mesa.. 15-17. Mean. Sargt (Orpbenm) Rock Island. 111.. 15- 17; (Orpbenm) Rockford. 18-21; (Orpbenm) Ft ee port. 22-24, Mardo Trio (FoUy) Oklahoma City. Okla.; (Pr int s as) Wichita. Kan.. 19-24. Morray, Mr. ft Mrs. n. J. (Msjestle) Alvs. Okla.. 15-17. Mooree. Mabel Valentine (Orpbenm) Rockford. HL Mann, Sam, ft Co. (Colombia) Cincinnati- Maxim's Models (ColnmbU) Cincinnati. Melrose ft Kennedy (Cotambis) ClncInastL Maseru Tronpe (Orphenm) Cincinnati Mason & Bart (Orphenm) ClncInnatL McLeod, Andy (Pantages*) Denver. Motoring (Orpbeom) Denver. 19-24. Martina. Flying (Orpbenm) Denver. McKinley. Nell (Miles) Minneapolis. Murray. Marion, ft Co. (Keith's) Providence. K. I. _ MDJman. Bird, Co. (Orpbenm) Kansas City. Mo. Melrose Comedy Poor (Majestic) Bock Island. DL Mutogirl (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Meeker, LaBelle (Majestic) Denver. Mortons. Four (Kedzie) Chicago. Mathlesen. Walter: 843 W. Ohio st. Chicago. Maxwell ft Dudley: 106 W. 96th at, X. Y. C. Maxwell, Joe.: Room 12. X. X. Mayue, 'Elizabeth: 144 E. 48th St. X. Y. C Mayo ft Howe: Care Bert Levy, 144 Powell White Rata. X. Y. C Melnotte-1 berland, Melrose C Chicago. Melville, Marvelous: Interlaken. X. Y. Mend ft Mend: 742 S. Bobey st. Chicago. Menth, J no. B. : 2637 8. 41st arc, Chicago. Merritt ft Lore: Fair Haven. X. J. Meyer, David (Lyceum) Edmonton, Alts, Can. Meyers. Belle: 442 E. 138tb St. X. Y. C. Meyers. Jack: 212 E. 106th st. X. Y. C. Milan ft DuBois: Wellington Hotel, Chi Miller, Larry (Princess) St jT Miller, Theresa: 118 W. " City, Okla. Millers, Three ton. Pa. MiUman Trio (Winter Garten) Berlin, Ger., Dec 1-31; (Hansa) Hamburg, Jan. 1-31. Mbberly ft Crelly: 3430 Bbodes are.. Chicago. Moffett ft Claire: 111 E. 125tb st, X. Y. C. Monson, B. Thomas: 918 W. 48th st, Los An- geles. MontreU, Chas.: 104 E. 14th St. N. T. a Moo res, Frre Flying: 800 F st, Mnncle. Ind. Moore. Tom ft Stasia: Care B. A. Myers, 1402 Broadway. X. Y. C. Morgan, W. E. : Box 31, Hunts vllle, Ala. Morgan ft Chester: Phoebus, Vs. Morris, Leon: 63 W. 7th st, Mt Vernon, X. Y. Moss ft Frye: 586 7th ave.. X. Y. C Most Twins: 334 Fayette St. Bridgeton, X. Mowatts, Peerless (Apollo) Xnrembnrg, Ger.. Dec. 1-31. Murphy, Harry P.: The Bllbosrd, Cincinnati. Murphy, J. C: 425 S. 5th ave., Xashrllle. Tenn. Murray ft Hamilton: 503 W. Adams St., Mnn- cle, Ind. Mylle ft Orth: Mnscoda. Wis. Mack, Floyd (Shea's) Buffalo; (Shea's) Toron- to 19-24. Merriott Twins ft Co. (Xovelty) Topeka, Kan.; (Folly) Oklahoma City. Okla., 19-24. Marlo-Aldo Trio (Orpbenm) Portland. Ore. Mack ft Walker (Poll's) Bridgeport. Conn.: (Poll's) Worcester. Mass., 10-24. Moore, George Austin (Bronx) N. Y. a Mtlmars, The (Sipe's) Kokomo. Ind.; klna') Lonlarille. Ky.. 18-24. Markee Bros. (Miles) Detroit. Mimic Four (Majestic) Bntte. Mont.. 19-24. Metropolitan Minstrels, Win. J. Dooley. mgr. (Majestic) Seattle. HcGee, Joe B. (Hippodrome) Cleveland 19- 24. Montgomery, Marshal (Greenpolnt) Brooklyn- (Proctor's) Newsrk. X. J.. 19-24. Morris. Miss Felice, 'ft Co. (Orphenm) Los An- geles. Murray ft Hamilton (Empress) Cincinnati McKay ft Cant well (Orpbenm) Minneapolis- (Orphenm) Dnlotb 19-24. Mangels, John W. (Orpbenm) Lima, O.; (Or- phenm) Zanesvllle 19-21; (Gland) Colnmbos Melrose' Comedy Four (Msjestle) Rock Island, Meilcsn Marimba Quartette Marvin Bros. (O. II.) .Mien. 0. McNamee (Wigwam) San ~ Sacramento 19-24. Msrcell ft ]>nett (Majestic) Ft (Msjestle) Dallas 10-24. Mtrribews. Musical (Manhattan) Ii Morette Slaters (Xovelty) Topeka ly) Oklsboma City, Okls., 19 24. The. A f)og Snnorer (nijon) Iowa *.£V r - }*:'• (Otthenm) Borllngton, 19 24. "V. 1 .^ (Pol''*) Worcester, Mssa.; (Po- ll's) Scranton, ps., 10-24. Bsrtla ft Polk (filjon) Hnperlor, Wis.; (Msjes- He) Slonx Falls. S. D., 19-24. Mstthswa. Hsrry ft Mse (Crystsl) Colnmbus. Ind, Merrlt Frank R. (Oak) Chicago. i.*l2L fc .i* (Orphenm) New Orleans. McDonald. Cb«s., Crawford ft Montrose (Or- phenm) Minneapolis. Merrlsm, Billy A ; B»a (Gem) St. Louis. Mo. Mlnnes' ^,"*,p f 5 4 np "** ) «""'«'••■•! (Unions) M ^&'h°:w mm (K " ,b '• , Urt Tmanr * (Crystal) H, Las Vrg... N, Rs.b ft Rfnehsri: 2*1 CntHm tit.. : N Cf3: Just Off tho Pr«»«. New Son, Til PROVE TRUE 1 RING SLIDE For CAROUSELS "Catch tie Brass) Bins; and Get a Free Hide." We make the best Brass Trimmed Slide alao Camsaail Blags. W. F. KAJIOZXa 00.. A* Xew Ad Beery Week.?" T ^ ALL THE TOST * COMPANY. Florence Mills with COLLEGE GIRLS COMPANY AT LIBERTY! Cornet and Violin, JOE BULLINGER. I Orchestra, LYLE ALBIRTZ. ORANGE, - TEXAS Position Wanted By O . K . C is ri at- A. F. of M . No Cranes I. AMeeksas GEVY, B I Inboard , wjaCM, ft. (10) FOR LIST BOOK OF THEATRICAL MANAGERS, ROOKING AGENTS EXCHANGES AND In'tha UnltsMt Stat**) and Cans- as. Aipt Contains add r ag Mj^ ^sea i WWy p*rto rm iTi Tha Billboard Pub. Co. 410 KUH ST.. CINCINMATI, O. if wm ooo n i DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 3 Kayd.-ne, Petite: 2023 Froltvale ««., Oakland, CaL Nelson. Oswald A Barter: ISO E. 128th at. N. Nemo. Carl: 721 N. 2nd at.. Qutncj. DL Newman, Harry: 112 Fifth are., Chicago. Nlblo * BUey: 168 Third are., Brooklyn. Nichols * Croix: White Beta. N. Y. a Nlchol* 4 8ml Ui: 812 Add la ton are., Chicago- 8ga'SS»B5^ ChlcMO. Norton, Great: 944 Newton at, Chicago. NifUjora, The (O. H.) Men Jon" I1L. 15-17; (O. H.) Carthage 18-21; (O. H.) Plymouth 22- XamOo Troupe (Orpbeum) Brooklyn, 19*24. Noble, Billy, A Jeanne Brook* (BIJoo) Deca- tur, III.: (Lyric) Danrille 19-24. Normans. Juggling (Colonial) St. Lonla. Nelaon-Nlchole Troupe (Shea'a) Toronto. Newton, Glayda (Alamo) New Orleana. llM iS r«rS7* Co. (Shea'a) Buffalo; (Shea'a) NlTtoUSlstera (Columbia) Cincinnati; (Shea'a) Buffalo, 19-24. Nugent, 1. C. (Orphean.) Dea Molnee, la., 19- 24. Nevlna 4 Krwood (Orphenm) Spokane 19-24. Nannery, May, A Co. (Empress) San Fran rlaco; (Bell) Oakland. 10 24. Nallo, LaBelle (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Nonet te (Kelth'a) FTOTldeoce. B. I. O'Dolea. Two: Havana. 111. OllTtrs, Three: 3243 Crenshaw at., O'Neill, Ray B.: 712 Pulton Bldg., Orbasany'e, I ma. Cockatoo*: care B. 1431 Broadway, N. Y. C. Oaborn, Teddy: Til Conrtland are led. Or erne Id, A.: 369 Glenwood are.. Buffalo, N. X. SSS fSSS^&Sff 90,11 rt - Chieva - O'NeUl Trio (Victoria) Lafayette, tod.; (Aee- noe) 8L Unto. 111.; 19-24. Ollrers. Four Sensational (American) San Fran elaeo; (National) Baa Francisco. 19-24. Onettl A Boa* (Majeatlc) Cedar Bapldt. la. Olympler*. Tin (Keith'*) Prorldence, B. I. OUre. Mile. (Trerett) Chicago. Pryor A Claire (Star) Caney. Kan. Podlnore. Frank H. : 194 Oleoo are., Jersey City. N. J. Pepper Twtna (Onlqoe) Dickinson. V. D-. 15-17: (Topic) atandan. 18-21. Pandour. Bobby. A Bro. (Empress) Cincinnati. Potta. Chaa.. A Co. (MUe*) MlnneapoUa. Parka A Mayfleld: 1288 E. 23th at.. Loa An- geles. Parland Newhall Co.: 431 Bnaaell are., Co ring- ton. Ky. Parti*. Jr., Geo. W.: Phil*. Pauline. J. B- Kokomo, Pearce A Ay I ward: Peane * Mason: Tan Buren Hotel, Peek A Ferguson: 1212 N. ~ Phillip*. Harry F.: PhllUp* * Newell: 218 So. Howell at., Owoaao, Mich. Plkea, Mualcal: 103 W. Oley at.. Beading, Pa. Plane. Fred 8. (Prince**) Duluth. Minn. Polrters, The: White Rata, Chicago. Porter. Chaa. 008 Lincoln are.. Bay City. filial 4k Harrla: 17TS Lei and are Chicago. Powell, Eddie: White Bat*. N. T. C. Power, Chaa.: Portland. Conn. Power*. Frank J.: 324 N. Academy at.. Janes- rille. Wis. Power*. Great: 1758 Larrabee at., Chicago. Price A Bell: 182 Floyd at.. Dallas. Tex. Price. Harry M.: 934 Long-wood are.. N. T. C Pattee'a. Col. J. A., Old Soldier Fiddler* (Or- phenm) Salt Lake City, 19-24. Pierce. Lolita V. (Gem) Duncan. Okla-. 15-17. Pryor A antra: Nowata. Okla.. 15-17. Parry. Gene A. (Majestic) Horn ton, Tex.; (Prince**) Hot Spring*. Ark.. 19-24. Person! A Hall! day (Main St.) Peoria, m.: PTtogte* Whittof (Grand) " Queen Mab A Wela: «»_. Phil*. Qulncy. Tnoa. : Jackson Til le. PI*. Qnlgley Bro*. (Orphenm) Portland, Ore. Queen Mab A Wela (Prince**) Wichita, Kan.: (Orphenm) LeaTeuarorth. 19-24. Sinn A Mitchell (Orphenm) Denser. 19-24. Ian. John: 001 Chouteau a Ye.. St. Lonl*. Randall, Billy: 1000 E. 3th at., Dayton, a Ray. Eugenie: 8002 Prairie are.. Chicago. Raymond. Evelyn: 48 W. Erie at.. Chicago Reading Slater*: 411 W. 30th at.. N. T. C Reed A M.rlow: 793 Main *t.. Dallas Tel. Reed. Wm. D. : Gallatin Pike. NaahTin*. Tenn. Keerea. Roe: 138S Broadway, N Y. a ■ T** Lewi*: 64 W. 118th *t-. N. T. C. aw, Bert: White Rat*. N. Y. C. a. The: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Rex Trio: 201 K 2nd at.. Peru. Ind. Bey. Billy: 1011H Congress are.. Houston. Tex. Reynold* A Donegan (Rooacber's) Vienna, Aus- tria. Dec. 1-31: (Han**) Hamburg. Jan. 1-31. Rhonda' Marionette*: 33 W. 8th at.. Chester. Pa. Rice. Frank A Tane: 6340 Vernon are.. Chicago. Richard*, Two Aerial: 288 Jencka at., Fall Riser, Rlckrode. Harry E Rlnner-Bendo Trio: : York Springs. Pn. 238 8e Tenth at.. Grand Bap- Ida. Mich. Rio Bros.. Poor: 1220 28th »t.. Milwaukee. Ripley, Tom: 336 B. 123rd N. Y. C. RlTenhiU. Fred: 290 Central Park. N. Y. C. Roberta, Dainty June: 1319 Halaey at.. Brooklyn. Robert*. Hayes A Roberts: Cedar Manor. Ja- maica, N. Y, Roberta A Little: Block Island. B. I. Roberta. Little lord: 454 E. 47tb *t.. Chicago. Roblaon. Bobbie A Raaelle: B12S 42nd as*.. So- il I nne.polta. Roger* T* Roland A Francl*: 31 Bomanoff*. Three: 133 lTlh at., V*. Romola. Bob: 218 Turner at.. Zanesrille. O. Root A White: 688 Fluahlng are.. Brooklyn. Roaen. Chaa. E : 45 W. 117th at., N. Y. a Rosenrs. The: 438 Llnwood st., Brooklyn. Rosa A Green: 74 E. 114th *t„ N. Y. C. Ross sisters. Three: 63 Cumerford sr.. Prorl- _ dence, R. J. Rnffy. Chaa. J.: 43 Merrimac »t.. Rochester, Russell 'A D«sls: 1316 W. Ray. J. J. (0. H.) Rose Slaters. Oladya A Sadie (Lyric) Abilene. Kan., 12-14. Buaaell. Mabel (Manhattan O. H.) N. Y. C; (Shea'a) Buffalo, N. Y-. 19-24. Bnaaell, Jeaale. A CO. (Star) San Antonio, Tex.; (Lyric) Palestine 19-24. Bow A Ellla (Majeatlc) Eau Claire. Wla.; (Ma- jestic) Tad nasi 19-24. Bntan'a Song Birds (Orphenm) Lima, O.; (G*y- ety) Indlanapolla. Ind., 19-24. Rant, Claude (Poll's) Bpringfleld. Mas*. RnaaeJl A Smith'* Mlnatrela (Shubertl Ctlca, N. Y. ; (Hippodrome) Cleveland. 0., 19-24. Blanoa, Four (Orphenm) St. Paul 12-24. Relff, Clayton A Relff (Plau) Chicago. Holland. Geo. A Co. (Empress) Cincinnati; (Em- preaa) Milwaukee 19-24. Us wla A Von -Kaufman (Bijou) Winnipeg, Can. Boaalre*. The (Majeatlc) Butte. Mont.; (Waah- Ington) Spokane. Waab.. 19-24. Boaa. Eddie O. (Majeatlc) Montgomery, Ala.: (Elk*') Pine Bluff. Ark., 19-24. Roasow Midgets (Orphenm) Omaha. Neb.. 19-24. Bran. Thos. J.. Rfchfleld Co. (MajeaUc) Chi- cago; (Grand) Indianapolis, 19-24. Bice. Sully * Scott (Kelth'a) Columbus, 0.; (Temple) Detroit. Mich.. 19-24. Be ad Bros. (Orphenm) Dnlnth, Minn.; earn) St. Paul 19-24. Rocamora, Suzanne (Mary Anderson) Louis rille: (Lyric) Dayton. O.. 19-24. Raymond. Ruby (Temple) Roches tar, N. Y, (Maryland) ~ Rathskeller ' 19-24. Rohra, Three (Majestic) Butte, Rockway A Conway (Orphenm) (Majestic) Jacksonville. Fla.. Roode. Clande M. (Shobert) Ctlca, N. Y.; (Or- Roae Sisters, Gladys' A Sadie (Victor) Kansas City. Kan.. 18-17. Raxdale. Betty A Zema (Star) Dnlnth, Minn.. 15-17; (Orphenm) En Claire, Wla., 19-24. Richards, Ralph: Gen. Del., Detroit Reynolds A Miller (Empreea) Cincinnati. Klsotl. Caesar (allies) MlanaaaooU*. Bedford A Winchester (Orphenm) St. John A Sanf ord A Phil a. Bantaqutna, Aerial: 930 Narajo st,. Denser. Sasoy A Savoy: 39 Hubbard Court. Chicago. Sawyer A DeLlna: 48 Pembina at., Buffalo. Sberer A New kirk: 18 Good ell St.. Buffalo. Bhlasonl Troupe: can Paul Tauslg, 104 E. 14th at.. N. Y. a . . ■' _ Schrier. Mr. A Mrs. Wm. K.: 808 W. 12th st_. Cottage Grose are.. Chi- cago, Seda-wlck*. rise: 3309 Are. L. Galveston. Tex. Selby. Hal M. : 204 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. Semen Duo: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. Seney. Vincent A Seney: 1182 So. Main at.. Fall Riser. Mass, SenieU Bro*., Flying: 213 Eleanor© at,, Pltta- Searle*. Arthur: r. N. Y. -. Hunt- Bneriock, Frank: 514 W. 133th jt., N. Y. C. Shields A Bodger*: Box 29 Brldgeman, Mich. Shields. Johnnie: 276 Woodward are.. Atlanta. Shields. The: SOT City Hall, New Orleana. Short A Click: Box 1101, Dallas. Tex. aiebrecht, Arthur: 323 So. Broadway. Lei log SUtcdo'a* Co. (Pantage*) St. Joseph. Mo. Simmons, Great: 2072 Ogden ara.. Chicago. Skremka Sisters: 104 E. 14th St.. N. Y. a Bilker, M. L-: 43 N. Broadway. Akron. O. Sksaaon. Pauline: 4545 Michigan are., Chicago Smith A Adams: 1139 W. Van Boxen at.. Chl- Smun°*. Brown: 1324 St. John are.. Toledo, O. Solar A Rogers: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. 8oren*en. Chris: 1802 N. Western are.. Chicago. So wash Bro*.: Crest on. I*. Spanldlng, Dupuee A Y. Stanley A Phua. o.anley. Harry K 1 206 N. Sunton. Walter A Yal: 1 Steeena. Max (Clnograph) Los Stewart A Donahue: care Ted Ingtoo, Chambers, Boston. Stewart A Earl: 125 Euclid are.. Woodbury. Stesrart A Malcolm: Box CT. Cynthlaniu Ind. Sttckney. Louise (N. Y. Hippodrome) N. Y. C. Stoke. A Byin: White Rats. N. Y. C. Story Morical: Palace Hotel. Chicago. Stutsman A May: 619 Washington *t.. WilII«m»- Sn^lranf Harry: White Rat*. N. Y. C. Swanson, Hazel May: Commercial Hotel. Cbl- Sylow°" Henry: 1553 Broadway. N. Y. C. Rtts A SYt*: 140 Morrla St.. PhDa. ISrltt Troupe (Winter Circus) BuMo. N. Y.: (Winter Clrcua) Rochester 12-24. Sam rase A Rellly (MaJratlc) Little Rock, Ark.: rwatestle) Ft Worth, Tex., 19-24. SyroaS StinlVy (>>w Sun)' Sprlngfleld. O.: (Grand) Columbus 19-24. a.~l~- Seott A Wilson (Loa Aogelea) Lo» Angeles. (Garrlck) San Diego 19-24. ,„. „„. Stafford. Frank. A Co. (MaJe*Uc) Chicago. (Columbia) St. Loula 19-24. Suiana. Princes. (Jcae) SulllTao. Barry. A Co. « * JH l Ave.) Cnleago. (Gayety) SprlngBeld 18-24.«n. Lennox A Co. (Cnlqnel agara Fan*. N.Y.. 19-24. Stlne Cha*. J. (Shea'a! Rnffalo. 19-24. - Strlrtland" Rube (Majestlel Madison. WI*.: JZFFtZSZ t&SZkm Gre.t F..1S. snj»rn?in.DeForr*t A Co. (Bltoijl Dnlnth. Minn.: (BUou) Winnipeg. Can . 10-24. ,.,„_,,> Snowden. Marie (Star) Miracle, Iod.: (Murrayl Stirs'"" StorkV tM.lestlcl«»»llle. Ft*-: (Jefferson) St. Angnsttne 18-24. Stirling ft Chapman Koekford. CoL. IS-IT. Tbomaa. A. J.: 1401 W. 4 th an., ~ Tenn. Trolley Car Xra> < Auditorium) Den Tends, Harry (Dominion) Ottawa. Can.; pie) Hamilton 13 It Top o" tbe World Dancers (Orpbemn) Minn.-, lurphenml St. Paul 1S-14. Terry * Setadta (Majestic) Uloox Falls. 8. I) Temple Quartette (Orphetxjn) O akland . Cat-; (Orpbetnn) Los Angeles lft-Zi. Tarn bo a Tsmbo (Empire) ~ 1HI: (Empba) o" Us, Ireland. 2-7; Cllne ft Bone: 1730 W. Lake at.. (Meap. Ural ft Dog: 400 HawUjoraw are.. Newark. N J. t'Loul. Vn.lrlaaa (Jrwwl) Grand talaml. Sefc . l^IT: (Ma«eetle> Coane!l Bluffs, la.. 19-21. Flying: Tbe BUDnaxd. Clnrjn- 328S Broadway. N. T. C. _ Trio: 571 B u ll i ll st-. Detroit, at Beno: 1017 Dlrtalon are., Karen-port. La. Vernon. Paul: 614 K. Birch at.. Crestan. la. Veran. Ceo.: 2218 N. Lambert sr.. Phila. Veronica * Hurl Falls (Empire) London. Ena;., Dee. 12. lndef. Vice. Fred M. : 213 4th are.. Homestead. Pa. VIctortne. Mereyn: White Rata. Chicago. Vincent. John H. : 820 OUre at.. Indiana pol la. Viola. Otto: 41 Sheffield are.. Brooklyn. Vlrden .V Donlap: White Rata. N. v. C Voniello at Nina: Continental Viola ft George (Majestic) Salt Utah: (Majestic) Proro 10-24. Viola Broa. (Forsyth) Atlanta. Oa.; (Colonial) Norfolk. Va., 10-24. , Van. Billy B.. ft Beanmoot Slatera (Victoria) T. C; (5th Are.) N. T. a. 10-24. Van Hot en (Lyric) Dayton, o. ; wank re. wit., 10-24. Yerdoo, Perry ft W liber (Grand) Tacoma. Waters, J as. B_: care Clarice. 1500 Broadway, K t. a WatsoB's. Sammy Farmyard Ciress: 333 N- Pauls ■ta, Jeraer City. X. J. retier. Chaa. D.: 828 Taaker at.. PhUa. Welch, Jan. A.: 211 E. 14th st,. K. Y. C. Wenrsrorth A Bans (Orphetrm) El Paso, Tex. Wesley. Lynn at Una : PorrsnMjath. O. West ft Beaton: 31 School sL. Buffalo. N. Y. West, Dare Deril: Tremont Hotel, DanrUle. 111. Trio: 2241 E. clesrOeld St.. ft W likens: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Ada: Harrison. N. 1. Wiles. Monte Tom ISm) Cincinnati. Williams, Chaa. : 2852 Bntger at.. St. Louis. Wniiams. Happy Frank (Huston's) Klamath r-alla. Ore. Williams. Harry A.: 55 Sells are., Atlanta, Oa. WOJa. Nat M.: 301 W. 96th at.. N. Y. a wills A Hassan: 130 Manhattan nee.. N. Y. 0. Wills ft Hutchinson: 253 W. 55th St.. N. Y. C. Wilson, Grace: 1527 LaSalle ere.., Chicago. Wilaon. Jtmmle: The Billboard. C! acinus tl. Wflaon, T * — 175 Franklin sr.. Baffalo- Wilson A Klch: 73 Graham are.. Brooklyn. Wings tes. Minstrel: Detroit. Mich. Wlthrow ft Glorer: 882 N. Emporia are., Wich- ita. Kan. - Winston's Seala (Winter Garten) Berlin. Oer„ Dec. 1-3 1. Wolfea. Misdeal: White Bats. Chlcaco. Wolf, Moore * Yoong: Gloucester. N- J. Wood, Milt: White Bats, N. Y. C. Wood, OUle: 534 W. 139th sL, N. Y. C. Woods, Lew: 5030 Falrmonnt at.. St. Loots. Woods Mnadcal Trio: 1511 W. Tucker at_. Phils. Wormwood's Monkeys: 554 W. 49th at., N. Y. Wright ft SI WyckonT. Fred: WyUeks, The: W flof*' Xa tiers. Four: 2144 W. 20th at., Chlcaxo. Yamamolo Bros.: Winchester. 0. Yeakle, Walter w. : The Billboard. Chlcaxo. Torka. The: 0810 Prescott ait. at. Loots. Mo. Young. Ethyl: 18 W. Ohio st,. Chlcaxo. Young. Dewltt, ft Sister (American) Ban Fran- cIaco:.(San Jose) San Jose 19-24. Yeckley at Bunnell Co. (Majestic) Houston. Tex.; (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark., 10-24. Young, OlUe. ft April (Poll's) Springfield. Maaa.: (Poll'a) Waterbnry. Conn.. 19-24. Zamlob A BDJle: 1080 02nd at.. Oakland. CaL Zeno, Carl: 344 E. 2nd st, Erie, Pa. Zerado Broa.: can B. Lerey, . 144 Powell at.. Ban Franrfactx. Zlegier Trio: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Zlrrow, Harry: The Billboard. Cincinnati. N. 8th sL. St. Joseph. Boaob De Vera Four: Cahlii, Wm.: AL Beerss' Rolllckers. Mlas New York, Jr. I Kentucky nalltf Coltow ft Miles: Fads ft follies. Collins. Elmer p.: Sam T . jsek's : OoUlaa ft Hawtsy: Tanks* B Colltna A Sherry: Pennant Cook ft Sylria: Vanity Fair. Cooper ft Brown: Bon. Tons. Cooper. Jaa. B. ft Loels: Jersey Tillss CorSatt, Ada; Miss New York, Jr. Courtney Bisters: Batman show. Craig Blehy: Ooay Oorner Olrla. (Valghton Bros.: Midnight Maidens. Criapi. Ida: Irwin's ana ~ Crosby, Haiel: Jersey Cortln ft " Daria ft Harris, Drains; ft Alton: DeWoife. Linton ft Dixon A Hearn: 1 Dixon, Bane: College 01 Doner Ij a . The: Amerb Dollar Troupe: Beauty Drasmlaad: Dreamland B Dnaedln Troupe: Boo Tons. de Parle Olrla. Fad* _ ft Kelly: Bon Tons. Flake. Gertrude: Brigadiers. Flocede. Nellie: Columbia Burlaaquers. Foo, An Llnx: Bohemians. Franela ft Dnry: Imperlala. Frank Slatera: Mlas New York. Jr. Frans. Bin. * Edith: Ginger Girls. Freeman Bros.: Gins from Hi Gallagher ft Bbsan: Big Garden, Geo. K-: Olrla Ounsara. Mildred: Br Golden, Bam:.. Wssalngton QoldJa, Annette: imperials. Highlanders. Musical: ] Grant ft Oatllng: Fat WalU's Cherry Graarnis ft Mack: Arnolda. Chaa.: Cottar Stock Co. Bowman. Billy R_: DeBne Broa.* Ml ash si a Bromley, Ben: Fair of Pinks. Csatano. Edward: The Midnight Bona. OeVsre ft DsVara: Two Amaa" DnBerry I s l sial Frank J. Ellas, Harry : Voxel's Mti Fmlrrhlld. Bell: Frank Wash.; (Grand) Portland. Ore.. 19-24. k Andrew (PoU'a) ~ Springfield, Mass. Van Bros. (Majestic) Chicago; (Grand) Indian VIsoecbl. Anthony ft Andrew Poll's) Bp— Hartford, Mass.. 19-24. - apolla 19-24. Vagxes. The (Queen) San Diego. CaL; (Majes- tic) Deneer. Col., 19-24. VanDyck ft Fern (Majestic) Bntte. Mont. Vlriaaa. Two (5th Are.) N. Y. C: (Colonial) Lawrence. Maaa., 10-24. Wllaon ft Doyle (Miles) Mlnneapolla; (Grand- Family) Fargo, N. D., 19-24. Wlllard A Bond (Majeetlc) Montgomery. Ala., 19 24. Williams ft Segal iTemple) Hamilton. Can.; (Dominion! Ottawa _ Wakahama Troupe (Crystal) 1 -V17: (Bijon) Racine 19-24. Wla., . Lew" (Hippodrome) Charleston. W. Va.; fairyland) Hlnton 19-24. hteatone. Netty (Victoria) N. Y. C; (5th tre.l X. Y. C. 19-24. er- Kreia Trio (Park) Erie, Pa.; (Grand) Bradford 19-24. Will la ma. Great (Bl)on) Elgin. DJ.; (Majestic) MUwsnkee, Wis.. 19-24. Wsshbnrn ft Wilson (Lyceum) Chicago. Wormwood's Bicycle Monkeys (Orpheum) Brook- . lyn. Warren ft Blanebard (Circle) Chicago, 15-17. W leaser a. Dean (PanUgea') St. Joseph. Mo.. 12*17. . Frank: 2321 Kedile are.. Chicago. Wagner ft Bhodes: 110 W. Main at.. Paoll. lnd. Walker. Musics! : 1524 Brookslde at.. Indiana po- lls. Wallace ft Beach: 324 Carmen it. JacksonTille. Fia. WaltonB. six: 39 N. Superior at.. Toledo. O. Wanser A Parmer: 21 EL 30tb st.. Chicago. Ward. Billy: care Belch VaoderUle Clrruli. 205 Richmond at, Toronto. Ward ft Weber: 1107 W. Poplar at. York. Pa. Ward A Webster: Ward, Starr ft Oosa, j'oo.: Vogel's Minstrels. Groaa ft Jsckaon: Marinas Girl Co. Hsrriaon. Lao F. : Fighting Hay dan Family: Bohtnson 1 Hal aha J Vogel's Minstrels. ar*. sss£: ?:^oS-c- Laroy ft Adman: DeBne Broa.' I Powell. Clarence: Richards ft Prtngle Minstrels. Panes, Lnefla: Keith's Stock Co. Stanton A Klotlng: Brown from Missouri Co. Ty-Bell Bisters: Royal ft Adams' Indoor C Ire OA. Whipple. Waldo: George Bldnay Co. will loon. Herbert: Field's Minstrels. Woodward. Romaln L.: Oorton'a Mhaaxrala. WITH BURLESQUE COMPANIES with which -m'rfftoi; ■ aaa ... 11814 Mobile, Ala. Warren ft Franela: Box 843. Wsrrirxa. The: 1132 Sedgwick i Wartenborg Una' esOW Paul Uth St. N. Y. C. Washburn, Pearl: '50 Cathedral »- Y. C. With.' Adams ft Gohl: . Adams ft Wmneld: Harry Hastings 8h Allen A Clark: Robinson CrnsoaOlfU. Alrin ft Kaxmay: Tiger LOlea. Alpine Qnartotta: Bowery Bnrlasqnera. American Quartette: Americans. , Threw: Jolly Olrla. Geo.: Serenaders. iters: Irwin's Big Snow. Austin ft Blake. Miaaaa: Girls from Haanyland. Austin A Sweet: Majesties. Baker- DeVos Trio: Dainty Duchess. Battnana, Three Joggling: Olrla from Happy) and. Ban tea. Four: Colombia Burt esou era. Barrett A BeDe: Bohteaon Crusoe Olrla. nan- Slaters: College ,irla. Barto ft MeOoe: Midi gfat Belmont May: Canto. y " Bell. Belle A Arthur Bennett ft Bow: Bote Bydtll'i Bern hard ft Dunham: Bohemian Basins. Clam, ft Co.: Boaieksra. 5*2 * WMta: QirU from Hsspylsad. Bl«k. loo. .J., ft Co.: MUM New Tort. It, g^"?™ *.Cor»^- Harry Harness- Mew, Bonnets. The: Brlgsdlera. Brady ft Mahoney: Irwta's Big Shew. Brlansa Trio: Hector Olrla, Broadway Comedy Gnartetta.- Jardss As Fartw Ofarta. Brawn, Ian ft Ones): Parisian Widows. Gaiety ~ . Blossoms, way Olrla. Grores.* Bnrg: Parisian Widows. Ball Bros.: Vanity Fair. Hanlona. The: Pennant Winners. Hanson ft Bonet: Lady Buccaneers. Hsrconrt, Frank: Cracker Jacks. Hareourt Daisy: Tiger Lilian. Hariowe, Beatrice: Jolly Girls, Hsaeall. Lou. ft Co.: Behmsn waarttig. * Wilson: Marathon ' Hsynss, Beatrice: Amerleans. Hayes, Gertrude: Follies of the Day. Hayes ft Beynolda: Follies of the Day. Hantltoa ft Hat: Washington Society Girls. : Foille. of the Day.^ Harry H Hilton, Maria: Follies of the Day. Hold en ft Barron: Knickerbockers. Howard ft Lewis: Vanity Fair. Hnmes ft Lewis: Pat White's Gaiety Olrla. Imboff, Conn ft Oortnne: Fans ft Follies. Irwin. Both: Irwin's Big Show. James. Prior ft Algler: Jersey LHlea. Jensen ft Fltxxerald: Bowery Boriesqners. Jenkins ft Flann: Tiger Lilies. Johnston * Buckley: Goldsn Crook. Johnston ft HBoon: Imperlala. g."ft".w ft 8a wt ell a: Moulin KeBy A Bio: Knlckerbocksrs. LaFreya 1 - - Lang, Karl: Girls from Dixie. Lawrence ft Thompson: Bohemians. Las Bisters: Moulin Rouge. Leasltt ft Campbell: Jardln de I Leffier ft Clayton: Tiger Llllsa. Leraer, Dare: Americana. Leroy. Loretta: AL H ceres' Bea.oty Lewis ft Green: Dainty Duchess. Lexsatte ft Her Models: Hector Glria. Urtngston, Cora: Jardln da Parte Olrla. Lockwood Slatera: Star Show Olrla. Lorraine. Bits. A Co.: .Tiger Lilies. Lore ft Payne: Cherry Bl o sso m s. MscNsllya. Foot: Imperlala. MaeBae ft Lerertag: Cosy Oorner Girls. Majestic Maaical Four: Broadway Gaiety Girls Mardo ft Banter: ComT Corner Girls. Marion. Dare: Dreamland Bnrlesqi Marlon ft Thompson: Girls from 1 Marlon ft Lillian: Century Olrla, Mario, Louisa, Bad Rarea cadets; Marr ft Erase: Irwin 'a Big Show, Marehafl ft King: Golden Crook. Mirtrll Family; Kentucky Dellea. Martin A Wars: Lady B oocs Dears. Merita A Damsel: Ducklings. McDonald ft Price: DwUlags. Melatyre ft Acker: Follies of the MeOairy and MrOarry: Pennant ' MrOrsgor, Baady: Brlgsdlera. Melroaa Comedy Four: Lady Bi A Krames : Onaena of the Jardln da Parle. Millar Mnadcal Four: Jersey Lilies. Millard Bros.. Bill ft Boh.: Boss Sydell's don Belles. Mltefcella, Moasreh Four: ^^nClflg . I « 1 ftf frw York. Jr. Mario Slaters: Bowery fUrflssqaeti. Morton, Bd.l Maralbon Olrla. M alien ft r Mo Ma ■'Mo A Boeneert pa rial ea Widows. VlHt**, Frank: Colamsis Barlearroeri. aorion, sa,i sflsrainon uina. 4 alien ft coogaai HnnMHm, Jawfir, IS ft Oo.l Star Bhow Olfla, « a dell A Bell- Bofllekera. G&S Neverbreak Trunks ARE GUARANTEED Here is a Facsimile of the Certlncete Fnral TRAVELERS' CMUALTY COMPANY ■ Is pamMOroUj ■ i tacbe-d to G ft $ TRUNK A o*rClfleat*j> whloh Is unoondltlonal, ■bsotut* and unllmltad In timt — whloh offsr. th. ONLY PRACTICAL assur- ance of 0O — and whloh doas not cost you a ptnny «lth#»r at tht tlm* Of purchsM or Of f u IfJ llmsn t. t * 6 G&S NEVEBBIEAK TRUNKS hare a B 4,8 Nsrswrbmaat Trunks in. 34 in. 34 in. 38 m. 40 in. S SIS SIT SIB StO '111 GOLDSMITH cV SON I — A Trap Drummer with fall eonl drams and trope and able to play FIRST MAJESTIC THEATRE. Good Feature Acts Only real ones need write. Address J. 0. FBEDBICKS. Mgr.. Dresmland Theatre. Betle- eUle, Ills. Wanted for the BLONDIN SHOW Cornet, clarinet, baritone or Oandyorabb "Don »»l" SiBhla PHICE, S2B.0O TBE GREAT UAMDT MACBIKE. CAUTCnlM 04, lac. tarne Creak, ana Kaally laeraed by sayoas la a lew wears* usil ta»ra»o control other* Hsorasa ears. Very eeasM t osa. writs rer Fail UoogLgT to St. D. BETTB,ahs. S, Jsehsoa. Bdch. orange m&mtfgML* LARGfeST THEATRICAL COSTUMERS IN AMERICA a^ll*i"I-3C aad Ankle B u ses a. srmy sf the DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 36 Orpbeos Comedy Four: o. r QmM of _ Parte. Opp. Joe: Kentucky Belles. Palmer, Lew: BeMaeon Crnaoa Patrldge. Mildred: Kentucky : Feelson, Ooldle at Bill: Ginger _ Preroet _ Reded * Hedley Bald. Wakegeld Beeere * Xnlr: Roatlna, Adeline: : Moulin Booaa. ■tar Show OlrU. Ran* way atria. Bob lappa, Ckae. its of Om afirdla d» Puk m Crusoe Olrls. Romas, *U BBsUsb: Inrte's Biff Show. Bo— _ KotbortM: Dneklfnc*. * Georgette: Pat Whlta'a Gaiety OJrU. Oladye: Midnight " * nrnrlnl: Wash Duo: Olnger Olrla. The: Yankee Doodla * Gordon: Skew. Snyder A Buckley: Pad, aad FoUlee. Sectety Trie: Cherry Bloaa i— a. rime. Maria: Parlatea Widows. Clair, Fannie: Boa Tana. Stewarts. Musical: San T. Jeek'e. Btroosee. Jark: Golden Crank, ■weeoey * B ooaa y i Big Banner Kb Thorn too. Oeo.: Bowery Burl esq orr*. Tom bra. And raw: College OlrU. Toiedo roar: Beauty ~ ▼alrrao * Leasere: Ti Talmnre. Lola A Mlifired: Vao Barea. Halra: Lady Tedder. Panale: Baa Tnaa. Vlareet. rtorrnee: ran Ira of tka Di Tea Btrtr Btetari: Marathon Olrle. Vyoer. Idylle: At Beeves' Beauty Ward. Will J.: Follies of tka Bay. Walaaa W a t iaa: Dainty ~ Welch A Ma It land: Vi Weston aV Waldree: Sfc White. Boaeta. Ballooa Girl win i. ma. Motive. * Co.: C Williams A Brooks: Cracker wand Bros.: TaaJty Pair. Wartk At Wolfe Tata * Ortaff: BredfleM. A. Kayo: Manager Bachelor's Boaey. Oertrode EUlett Co. Manager Kilt Up I . Oaatral Bradford, Walton _ Bradford, Chia.: Agent . 158: 1 Brady, I. Tboe. : Agent Century OlrU. Bragg, Chu. : Agent Knickerbockers, Brandon, Cbaa.: Aseat Oow and the Urea nit. J. A.: Agent Uncle Dara — Brenany, Jack: Anal Paid In mil Co, Brill. W. II.: Agaat Uriah t Brooke. Ckaa. H. : Manager Broekeniklr*. W. P.: Man Wife's Fsmllv Co. Brawn. Cbaa. r. Brown, r. K. : Aral Madam* Z, Weatera Co. Brawn. O. H.: Agent Tb* City, Bantam Co. Manager Gsskell * McVlt- ■t Wafnbal * fanlty Pair. Btar Show OlrU. airy Pair. M Ucrrr ktaMrna. Cony Corner £M a. Manner Stotaoa'a U. T. a Brown. C. Wsrde ty'a Rosary Co. Brown tee, J. W.: Co. Bruner. Frank V. : Aarat Robert Bdeeon On. Bmce. Bert B.: Agent Wllsoo'i Two Orpbani Co. Bryan. Hairy J.: Agent Flirting Ptlnceee. Bryant. B. BL: Manager Olrl to tka Tent. Julius: Agent Olrla from Happy SIX FLYING BANVARDS WORLD'S GREATEST AERIAL ACT NOW PLAYING OIPHEUH CIICUIT Addrean BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. AIR ATTRACTION — Flying Baldwins t» W. 8BXXBXXAT. Mgr.. 114 ». trd St.. Oa. Burton, P er c y : Manager Forbes- Robertson Co. Bnaatng. Barry B. : Agent County Sheriff. Batter. Orrnond It.: Manager Grace Van 8 tod dlford Co. On Me, Oeo. P.: Agent Tka Squaw Man, South- ern Co. Onto. Maurice: Agent In Panama Frank: Manager Pnekllnga Call of the Wild, d Boy. OanahenJ Cbaa. C: Agent Beverly. Campbell. wm. H. : Manager Bone SydeU's Lon- BeUee. _JnV Jan.: Oaaby, A. n.: Cnaby, C. S.: Cased, " rial Co. Cam. Col. J. ■.: Manager Sqaaw Man. Want- E. P.: Agent Little Damoael. t .... Caldwell. A. B.: Manager Caldwell. J a a.: Ageat Peek' Callahan, Cbaa. 8.: Agent MWB90HN6 F0I1S11 Parb.Fm.Celwritiiis.Etc. Alvarado's Acrobatic Goats THAT QUALITY ANIMAL ACT Largest and beet troupe of Educated Goat* in the World. Play Pinuuit Miftss, can White Bits, 1SS3 BnatHray, Km Tin Cv* Showmen. Magicians MANAGERS AND AGENTS in thin lint, fill out blank. HAVE TOtT AIT ARTICLE T0T7 WAIT MACE TO OBSXB O B atAj rOTA OTTIBBB I If ao. tend oa dearrlptlon or drawing to cellmate from. We made the CDfCOTATI BOhTBSBI BAIL- WAT MTBXATTrBX, 2S8 mllea. S4 feet long. Mlnlatnree gat big money, airltc la U , Fr1c3:Vii n w^ Name MANAGERS AND AGENTS ... Olrla. Partolaa Wldowa. Ageat The City, kairtarn Oa. Manager MarUa*a D. x. c. H. kt.i Agent Btabhora OaderaUa. Alaawortk. O. B. : Ageat Planting Arrow Aleiua. Arthur C: Manager At the Old Orona Alton, Tkoa.: Manager Blp TAB Winkle, fcoth iSW'Ma^AU^S Allen, c. O.t Agent Pally of the Aadrewa. Fred O.t Andrewh. B. C: Manager Paid to Fall. Ankrrmliler, Skill: Manager Bailey A Aortln Apple I on. Oeo. J.t Anaatroag. Oeo. A too. I.lndaay: -_. Anaklnga, Clarence: Ageat Acroea tka Qreat I>l»Ula. _ A r i-« worth. Arthor J.t Maeager Tlrglala On, Barketder. a A. I Agent I Bacheldae. A. W.I Ageat Baeea. C. B.: Agent Chat — . Baii.y. Harry a.: Manager The Thief. Bailey. L. B.I Manager Clara Unman Co. Baker, Joo. T.I Maaagrr Btar Snow out a. Barry. Prank: Agent The Thief.. Bar «t. ./. ».: Agent Billy Ihe KM. Ban . j. r U: Maaagrr Fortune Hunter. Baallek ..atiyt Agedt lakmael, • Bathoret. tin.-. Ageat Btalr a Baella'a Wolf Co. Beard, Oeo. Franrla: Co. Beektol. F. O.I Aoent Trail. Weatera u> ' rkk. AI.I Agent Allen Stork Co. • .. kidney: Ageat Man on the 1 tf. Arthur: Agant Bereant In i the _ amlo. Cut: Agent alulae Mltott Oa. on. Wm.: Manager Volunteer OrganUI. Bemalaln, Robe: Age tit Pat Whlta'a Oatety OIHa. BIgelow, joe: Agent Ward and Venae On. Blaateatkat. Oeo.: Manager Nauahty Marietta. Walah Oa. Walter D.: Agent Henry Woodruff Co. at Manager Oraca Cameron Cbenet. Oeo. A.: Manager Grace George Co. Cblpman. B. W.: Manager Olrla ~ Camp. Bdwta J.t Maaagrr The Boood-Dp. L^ Agent ^~ ' '"a^laBPB'j a W.: Manager Clrcoa Chap. W.I Manager lahmael. D. A.: Manager In Old Kentucky. " kt Ageat Ole Oleoa. Manager Newlyweda and Their On. Cooper, J". Cory, U. B.: K Ooagroee. J.: Ooetan. Oeo.: Oontra, J no. B.I Baby, Wee t em Co. Cuyn*. M. Ol Agent The Spendthrift. Weatera I- : Manager Throngh Death Val- Agent Three Twine, lanager Behlllar Ana. Manager and tka Olrl Co. Oroamen. Pomat a. : Crotrkabank, Frank C: Baatr.a Co. Cnanlngham, Bam net: Manager Co. 'a Paid In Fall. Cnrran, Joo. : Agent In Curry, D. C: Catter, Wallace It. : catfer. Fred ft. : Manager surer Tbreada. liar I it ton, Barry: Ageat Walker Wklteelde Co. -aetdeoo. Ed.: Manager Bobtnaon Cruaoe Olrla. raon, Stanley p.: Ageat Ckrckeia. ton. Brightly: Agent Gentleman from Muv aalppl. D'ArcT. R, A.: Agent John Maaoa Co. Dean, Teala P.: Manager Francea Starr Co. Perker, W.: Agent Broken Idol. Beeker. Bd.: Agent Aa the Baa. Went Down, nelaaey. Bddle: Manager Bla perktaa. nelmore. I_: Maaager Human Hearta era Co. TVMiit. Joe.: Maaager Cheekern. Twmpeey, a P.: Agent Olrl of tka Moontatne. TieMntk. B. 0.1 Manager Three Twine, Weatera Oo. Deanla, Barry a: Agent Olrl and the Banger. TVaaaner, Sam: Agent World of Pleaaare. Diamond, Bd. K. : Maaager Oolng I ±L.B.l A rent Bh.dnwed_hy ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED fop th« L0MBARD0 SYMPHONY BAND AND eeaaon la Chicago and other cltlea. Heat lid prospects. Only thoroughly reliable. Good returns guaranteed. Park and ran Addrene SECRET ABT, Suite 21. The musical hit of laat restore of ballet. Solar Experience unneeenaary. andannuaer time, 1911. Auditorium Bldg. THEATRICAL MANAGERS I ACCOUNT BOOK ■OF- RECEIPTS Md EXPENSES Qoth cover, pocket sire, 10 eenta, poet paid. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. 416 Elm Street, CINCINNATI. OHIO. THE ACTORS' FTJ1VD The dues of annual members or the Actors' Fund of America, are payable on Noeember 34. It will be of asalatanee to the Fund if return postage abonld alwaya be en closed. The fond la a charitable organisation, and what It can ease contributes to rollers the Indigent. Prior te Its aatabllsbment. asalatanee for the Impoverished professional aa principally casual. Indlscrlmln- atlng. dleproportlonate and meagre, humiliating and dlabeartenlcg. Thia atate of affaire bad long been admitted and deplored, the necessity for a change conceded, and remedies frequently at- tempted without success. In June, 1883, the p r ese n t Actors' Fund of America waa founded, ■ml throuitn It the principal dispensation of brnerolence to the public amusement world In ayateaa- attsed and aa bountiful aa Ita treaanry will allow. It la for the eligible applicants to Ita beneO- incee to enlarge that treaanry and make Ita existence permanent and thereby assure future aa ell aa present necessary reliefs, thereby aaalatlng to eliminate further appeala for outaldV aid bleb hitherto ha a been a sacrifice of Independence and a stultification of professional p r " rocore new life and annual members te the Fund, and also aubeerfoers of The Actors' Fund Borne. Do not procraatlnate; do not backslide, al membership application blank, here Jt properly Oiled oat. and signed by S& ^"wlth'two'Sol.'ar.'Sd " i THEACTOR S^FUND OF AMERICA EXTRACT PBOM BT-LAWS: "SECTION 18. The Executive Committee may admit aa a member any person pursuing the profession of acting, alnglng, dancing on the stage, the management of theatres and other places of amusement, and other persona Interested and concerned to or who earn a living from or to — mecUoa with any reputable place of amusement, on payment of the dues for one year." N A VI K * s a a> a e a a a a a • a a a a a a • • * te • a a> *> a e e a a • a a a aiataiK •••••■•••ttiiontus eee»eeeeeseea.....a.aee*aaaeeeaeeeaeeeeeeeaeeeeeae«eeeeoaee.,ae LINE ae*eaeea,eaaaaas»e>ee*oeeaaaeneeeee aaaaeeaaa.aeeaeeaeeaeaaaaee eaaaaaaaaaavasaaaaaaoeaa OB COMI'AN Y ATTACHED TO . .assess. •eeaasaaaeaaaaaae ee.aa. eaaaaaeaaaaeeeaeaaaaaeeeeeaaaaaaa.aaaea.a.aa eaeeeeeeeeeeeaeneeeeaaaeeea ■ a a a a a • a a a ae • a e a a a a a a a a a * a ••••.......»»••• ........... .......a. .«,*•• ........ ............ eaaaaaaeaaaaaeaaaeee.aaaaaaaaeaaeeeeaeaeaeeeaeaaeeaaeee.aaaaaoaeaeaaaaaaeeaea.aeaaeB I sign this application with the full onderatandlng that the Actors' Fnnd la a CHARITY, not 36 The Bi Uboa rd DECEMBER 17, 1910. Doherty. Camtno W-: Agrn: Prince of HI* Bace Dolan, E- J.: Ag-nt The Koaary. Southern Co. Docutzetta, Lewis hi- : Man ag e r Girt Cram tor's. Donoghoe. Chaa. P.: Min«rr Miss Nobody trao SSttsS, Dorwj. Jot: Agent Sur Boo*. Girts. Uoreey. BJesard: Manager Lillian Russell Co. Dorthick. Wallace: Ascot The Bnrrotnis trr Drew, Wm X.: Manager Tiger Llllles. '. A.: Arrat Harrj Kelly Co. Frank: Agent Three Weeks. Tiffany: Agent Troemderoa- Waller 8.: Agent The Bosary. Fmmin, Adolph: A cent The Cltj. Eberle. Bobt. M-: Msnsger Wm. Gillette Co. Eckhardt, C. W.: Agent Cat sod the Flddle- Edmooatoo, Jos.: Asm I The Thief, No. L Edwsrds. Chaa. P.: Manager Cherry Blossomi Kl.t>lt. Kurt: Manager Mar Irwin Co. Elliott, wm M.: Agent J. E. Dodson Co. EUner. Harry: Manager The Nigger. E 'candiea? t Co". A^"**** '** U ** °* * ELroy. Edwin: Agent Claser*! St. Elmo Co. Eisner. Edward W.: too Ox Els ton. J. A.: Agent Mack's Hypnotic I Co. El. Earnest: Bis wire. Emery, H. B. . . Emery. Boy C: Agent Eastern Co. Epstein. tODiS. Brans, Bobt. II.: Eastern Co. Brans. Maurice J.: Manager Co. Everett, Edward: Agent AJ_ H. Wilson Co. Farnham. Harry: Manager Millionaire Kid. Faint, Jack: Manager Centnry Girls. PedrU. Jno. M-: Manager Chi on cry Olcott Co. Feltx, Jas. A.: Manager Wm. Macanley Co. Fennessy. Wm.: Manager Miss New York. Jr. Fe ticks. Jno.: Agent Man of the Hoar, East-, ern Co. Fields. Chaa.: Agent Summer Widowers. Plnherg. Abe: Agent Americans. Flnley. W. A.: Agent East Lynne. Finney. C. W.: Agent White Sqnaw. — . B. B.: Agent Vsnghan Glaser Co. Haskell, oilman: Manager Dollar Princess. Spe- cial Co. Hayes. Chaa.: Agent The Arcadians. Hayes, Harry K. : Manager Quincy Adams Saw- yer. Haynes, D. W.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hayward. Fred A.: Manager Bine Moose, West- ern Co. Heaxn, Harry E. : Maniger Message from Reno. Heam. James: Agent Kentucky Belles. Heath, Percy: Agent Lottie Dazooxei. Hedges, Harry H. : Agent College Girls. HeoVrlln. Chaa. H.: Manager Three Weeks. Heltman. Dare: Agent Mae I-aPorte Stock Co. Manager School Days. Manager TJtrt of lly Dreams. L.: Agent Madame Sherry. Co. Agent Great Powers Co. of the Wild. Hewitt. J. : Hewitt. Wm. Jndklns: Wm.: Agent E. H- : Agent P.: Manager HOI. H. fi- at Bed Gate. Fltchett. Ben T.: Fitzgerald. Gerald: Agent Fleck. Fred, Jr.: Agent ~ Goddess of IJberty. Ethel Barry more Co. Baby Mine, Western Manager St. Elmo Co. Agent Cyril Scott Co. ' Midnight Sons, West Frankel, Jos. Co. Frsnklsnd. Geo. Freedman. Samnel: Itrrmin, Frank K. : 'Agent Queen of Bohemia. Friedman. lawn: Agent Follies of 1010. Friedman. Philip: Manager The Climax. Co. J'm.* Co. Pol ton. Jess: Msnsger Rowland * Clifford's Wolf CO. Galbralth. Ted E. : Agent Vogcl'. Minstrels. Gsle. Howard: Agent Three Twins, Western Co. Gardner, Doc: Agent Girl in the Kimono. Osxnetd, B. M. : Manager Candy OlrL Onryn. W. B. : Manager Vangban Glaser Co. Gerson. Sam: Agent Frltzt Senerf Co. Gibbons. J. T Glffen. B. L. Gil man. Wm.: - * » Frank: Agent The Cllmi .: Agent Mrs. Flske Co. i.: Manager The Sqnaw 3 Gllckanff. Chaa.: Gate, Western Co. Goett, Geo-: Manager Newly weds Co. Goldslne, M. - Golden Kst: Agent Gordinlrr. Clyde H.: PA Bepertolre Co. (■Qordlnter. E. G.: Manager M tolre Co. ■F Gordon, Cbsa.: Manager Uncle Dave Holcomb. Gordon, Max: Agent Passing Parade. Goring, Jno. P.: Manager Firing Line. Gorman. Wm. E.: Agent Foorth Estate. Gorman. Alex D. : Manager Kolllckers. Grady. Hogh A.: Manager Julian Eltlnge Co. Grainger. Jas.: Agent The City, Eastern Co. Greaves. Walter: Maaagar Pat White's Gaiety Girls. Green. Maurice: Agent Robert Hilllard Co. Greene. Arthur A.: Agent Robert Manten Co. Oreenway. Harry: Agent Kissing Girl. Grew, Jno.: Agent Human Hearts, Northern Co. Gnats. lazy: Manager Dreamland Grasadt, Henri: Agent Prince of . Gonn. F. T.: Manager O'Nelll'a Paid In Full Co. , Goran. Dave: Agent Love Makers. Hate, Geo. M-: Agent Bohemians. Hale, Jno. 8.: Manager Wright Lorimer Co. Hale W. M.: Manager I Jon and the Moose. Hsmmrtt. Melville: Manager The Lily. Hamberger, Alfred P.: Manager Loola Mann Co. Hamburger. Al.: Manager Mother. Hanley. Jns.: Manager East Lynne. Hardy, Marlborough: Manager Boater Brown. Harris, Arthur: Agent Girls from Dixie. Harris. Wm.. Jr.: Manager Robert Edeson Co. Harrla. Jack: Agent G^der, Girl Harris. Geo. H.: Manager Gentleman from Mta ■ alas! pnl. _ Harrison. Sam: Manager Adeline Gene* Co. Barley. Burt: Agent Ninety and Nine. W. P.: Manager My Cinderella Girl. : Manager Up and Down. Broad Girl. oadley. Fred R_: Hogarty, Jno.: Manager LOlIan Russell Co. Hodgeman, Thos.: Manager Prince of PUsen. Hoffman, Erwln: Agent House of a Thousand Candles. Co. A. a Hog an, Prank: Agent Louts Mann Co. Hogan, Jno. B.: Manager Wagenhala A Kemper'a Paid In Full Co. Idney Drew Co. II Manager Al. H. Wilson Co. Honingaworth, Frank: Agent As the Bon Went Down. Holly, Chaa. M.: Manager Man of the Hour, Eastern Co. Holmes, Ned: Agent Grace Van Stnddlford Co. Hope. I. W. : Agent Merry Widow, Eastern Co. Hope, Jno. V.: Manager Girl In the Taxi. Hope, Franc la X. : Manager Adelaide Thurston Co. Hopkins, Frank: Manager Richard Carle Co. Hopper, Geo. F. : Manager Ward A Vokea Co. H os kin. W. H.: Agent Final Settlement. Hottensleln, Fred: Agent An Aristocratic Tramp. Houghton. Arthur J.: Manager Montgomery * Stone Co. Hoover. C. L.: Agent Chase-Lister Co.. North- Manager Queens of the Jar : Agent Ell and Jane. South- on the Howard, Job. M.: din de Paris. Howard, Wm. H. ern Co. Howe. Ben H.: Manager Trail. Eastern Co. Hoffman. Erwln: Agent House of a Thonssnd Candles. Co. A. Hughes. T. E.: Agent The Sqnaw Man. Central ^Co. ^ Henry Msnsger Powers' Comedy Col Hunt. Geo. B.: Agent He Fell In Love With His B WUe ~ TnaM A bo Una t CUB fl , WoJ£ Co. Hnrtig. Loo: Msnsger Ginger Girls. Hutton, J. S.: Agent Viols Allen Co. Hyde, J. Clarence: Agent Frances Starr Co. Isaac Phil B. : Manager College Girls. Jack, E. B.: Manager The Spendthrift, Western Co. . Jacks. Billy: Agent Ramnm-Baffels SeDsatlons. Jackson, Willie P.: Manager Bosallnd at Bed Gate. Eastern Co. Jackson, Harry J.: Manager Benlah Poynter Co. Jacobs, Maurice : Manager Moulin Rouge Jscohsoo. Clarence: Manager Country Boy, Co. B. Jennings, Wm. V.: Agent Jersey Lilies. Johnson, B- A.: Agent Sanford Dodge Co. Johnson. J. Bart: Msnsger Life for Life. Johnstone, G. D. : Agent George Sidney Co. Jones, ^»ck: Agent^Our N ' w 0) M j nl,, ^ r £ i|b(rtJ ICshn^'job^le^Agent^Mo^ ern. Ksrro. E. J.: Agent Lens Rivers. Kane. Bobt. H-: Msnsger Manhattan Opera Co. Kane, Thos.: Agent The Nigger. No. 2 Co. Katx. Lonls: Agent Robert HUHard Co. Kavanaugn. M. J.: Manager Kissing OlrL Keller, Arthur J.: Agent Loin Glaser Co. Keller, Wm.: Agent Bailey A Austin Co. Kelly. Perry J.: Manager Honeymoon Trail. Keene. Ltpmsn: Agent Thompson's Polly of the Circus CO. Kennedy, Jno.: Agent Beverly. Western Co. Kennedy. V. EL: Manager Wm. H. Crane Co Keogh. Cbsa. W.: Msnsger Lottery Man. Kerr, Geo. P.: Agent Circus Chsp. Klllmeer. B. H_: Agent Stewart's My Wife's Fsmlly Co. Kimble. Fred: Manager The City. Klncald. Bert W-: Manager Our New Minister King, Earl 8.: Manager Cyril Scott Co. King. Fred: Manager Arsene Lopln. XIngston, R- G.: Msnsger Girl from Home. Kleckner. Jas. G.: Msnsger Boysl Slsve. Klein. Philip: Manager The Gamblers, Kline, David: Agent Wm. H. Crane Co. Kohn, David: Agent BIp Van Winkle, Southern Co. • K rouse, Ben: Agent Vanity Fair. Krerer. E. F. : Manager Flaming Arrow, l3&Xg3&#lZ2fittS^ a Fall- are? Lane. Joe: Agent Silver Threads. 1 K-: Agent Home Stock Co. L.: Lesvltt, Leo S-: Leavitt, Joe: Lesvltt. Harry Geo.: " . Jos.: Lemle, Wm. H. : era Co. Leonl. Harry: Manager Cracker Jacks. Leslie, Jno.: Agent Cherry Blossoms. Lester, Edwsrd: Msnsger In the Bishop** Car risge. Levitt, Joe: Manager Orris from Msle, Llbermin. J. J.: Agent Merry Whirl. LlenVr. Jap.: Agent Daniel Boon* os taw Tuff. Essteru Co. TJenlng. Ona: Manager Follies of raw Ihjy, Ling. Henry W. : Manager Pair of Cflwsr rv K Ms- Link. Harry: Agent Robinson Cr ssw a Girt*, Uthgow, Stewart: Manager Henry Wo^rosT O, Little. B. W.: Manager Cecil Spooner Co. Livingston. Frank: Manager Big Banner Show. Urtepton^Lowls:^ ^Msnsger^ Runs way Girls. Lohman, Al. E. : Manager Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch. Long. Bobt. Edgar: Agent Henry E. Direr Co. Lothian, Chaa.: Manager Seven Day*. Lotto, Arthur A.: Agent When Bweet Sixteen. Lnbln. AL: Manager Bohemian*. Luce, M. p.: Agent Martin' a D. T. C. Co. Lather. H. H.: Agent Mme. Nail mors Co. Lyon. Geo. W.: Manager Across the Great Di- vide. MacDonald. W. D, : Msnsger Glsser's St. Elmo Co. Mac Karl and. E. A. : Manager Blanche Bates Co. MacGeachy, Chas.: Agent Wm. Gillette Co. Maclntyre, Geo. D. : Manager Henry E. Dlxey Co. MacMsbon, Jno.: Agent Madame X, Western MscVltty. Karl O.: Agent Bosallnd at Bed Gate, Eastern Co. acaoley, J. T.: Msnsger Kirk Brown Co. scksy, Andrew: Manager Boss Melville Co. Mackenzie. Archie: Manager Harry Kelly Co. Mackey, Frank H.: Agent Wad*'* Time, the Madden, Billy: Agent Washington Society Girls. Madden, Richard J.:- Manager J. E. Dodson Co. Magnlre. Wm. E.: Agent Midnight Sons. West- ern Co. Mahara, Frank: Manager Hello Bill. Manley. Edmund: Manager Cat and the Fiddle. Ma Marble. W. H. : Agent May Bobson Co. Mattel], Oliver: Agent Beulab Poynter Co. Martin, Wash.: Agent Lady Buccaneera. Martin. D. Li Agent Bed Mill. Mathews, H. P.: Agent Fortune Hunter. Mattox, P. 8.: Agent Midnight Sons. Western Co. Maurice. S. T. : Manager John Mason Co. Maxwell. Edwin F.: Msnsger The Rosary, slayer, Fred M.: Manager Lulu Glaser Co. slayer, Leon: Manager The Arcsdlana- dcAleer, Frank: Agent Beauty Trust. HeCsrroU. Everett: Agent Daniel Boon* on the Trail, Eastern Co. MeCllntock, Chas.: Agent The Nigger. No. 2 Co. declare. J. J.: Agent The Rosary. sTcCollough. B. J.: Agent Volunteer «cDsnleI. Bobt., Agent Royal Slave. VcDonald. Geo. H. : Agent Live Wli_ fcDonald, Chas.: Manager Rip Van Winkle, acDowen, Bobt.: Agent Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch. icDowell, Ed. N. : Agent Max Flgman Co. sTcBntee. Jan. p.: Agent Firing Line. KcFarland. B. W.: Manager Little DamoseL 4cKee, Taos. A.: Agent Marie Tempest Co. McGlbeny, C. D. : Agent Henry B. Warner Co. feOlne, Jas. A.: Agent Norwood's Senas tlone. Me«regor. Geo. W-: Manager Wm. Faversbsm 4, Al.: Manager Flake O'Hara Co. sTcIntyr*. Botrt, B.: Manager Baby Mine. West- ern Co. aTcKlnney. Chas. H. : Manager Live Wire. fcNamara, Jack: Agent Follies or the Day. ST CH ween. J. 8.: Agent Message from Reno. tfcVenn, Sherman: Manager Light Eternal. aTeara. Jno.: Agent John Drew Co, Messing, Moe: Manager Passing Parade. Ifewlager, Walter: Agent Girl In the Taxi, detxger, Frank: Agent Ducklings, dryer. Harry 8.: Agent Miss New York, Jr. tfeyers. Waiter: Agent JoUy Girls. Keyers. W. J.: Agent Jo* Hortbi Co. mlchael, Jaa.: Manager Bsrarly. sTIcheL, Jnlloa: Agent Runaway Girls. ^"^^"Z^i b^SemVrf £Z M^pp, dlllar, Ted: Agent Brewster's Millions. Miller, Gilbert: Manager Servant in the House, dlller, Arthur: Manager Dollar Princess. Miner, Chaa. T. K. : Agent Blanche Bate* Co. aUller. C. W.: Agent Kirk Brown Co. Kills. Robert: Manager Pennant winners, mltehell. B. A.: Manager Daniel Boon* on the Trail, Western On, mltehell, Richard: Agent Ethel Barrymore Co. sfltcbeU. Tbeo.: Agent LiUlsn BosseU Co. Holltor. will F. : Mans gar Mag Flgman Co. afontagne. Jno.: Manager Girl In the Taxi. Ifoore, Chas. A.: Manager Chocolate Soldier. gent Cat and the Fiddle. LOOK HERE!! We are the low- OATALOO [GORDON I Jewalw* and Opticians ssle JewHry sad Novelty House la America. w»jfr E pom CUT-PRICE CATALOGUE We has* every, thing of ths latest spd largest stock Of UUTLZJtY hTOVELTIEg W* are ezcluslvs D. 8. A, Agent, for the greatest Moan GORDON «V MORRISON wtrswt, Cwteag*. m, SOUVENIR goods Ageai tat Pi Paid la Pan. woore, roster: ifoore, G.: Ages' Morris, Jas.: Agent Wlae Gay. Morris. Ramsey: Agent John Drew Co. Morris. Tom: Manager Peek's Bad Boy. worrlson. H. A_: Agent The Wolf. Vorrteon. Walter: Agent Jolly Olrla. Morrison, Jno. J.: Manager Ednard Waldmann Co. Morrow. Thos. : Agent Arthur Donaldson Co. stone. Frank B.: Agent Grace Cameron Co, Wade U: Manager Thorn ' C: Agent Lion snd Agent Round lip. kjoion, Wm. JL: Manger Ths city, Western Co. Vloenater, Wm. F.: Managar Jaa. K. Hackatt afulligen. J. T.: CsndTes. sTurray, Geo,: strels. murphy, r. A.: Western, dorphy. Mylss J. aawstwrj. dy«ra. Sol.: Manager Tanks* Doodle Olrli. Tamaek, Thos.: Agent Maud* Adams Co. UtAttm. J. W.: Msnsger Morey Stock Co. fewell, Ned: Manager Port of Missing Men. Jolan. Geo. T.-. Arerit Aesen* lajplo. <«jr», Tom: Agent Mewlywsd. Sttd Their Rear em Co. «or«ow win D.: Agent MeFadden'* Fiats. Oske, At, fj • Agmt Mlstionfi oirl, tl*rmntt*, Um\n J.s Agest Broadway Gslalj CneJs. FBfr»i», Brijsch: Agent Cathrlrw Contitlss Co. Chas, Mfclrel: Agsul Ths Boiary. CAflOt 1 WoefcOnly HUNT & CO. 56 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. ILL. A.J.6mHh 3247VonBi.rez.St err^oajo • Msvfkskf4c. u twr ■ of - Al MJ !■ f"l IWw-tarsasa ssfl ssW "7 0wt §■ IWaeSnal. rwoilna ro. BV u « km >.~> TV. 12" FIOHT PICTURES Hwa's yaw sslv skaass as as skas. ralloa Save steeps* ■i k jtaiiauaa aliens aaaav WDiamondS gRgk) rnl/tt m <**-u KUI. ooU) saaia — l.k raeaay raai !e»_e*" TOUR PICTURE II I POS- TAL II ORE ttilOTE The picture* are i_ - toned and flol«h*d a *m- gle deeeloplna eolutloo. Clr- cnlara deecrlhlng eair ;>■ chine* sent rree, AMERI- CAN MTBTJTE PHOTO CO.. Dept. J. P.. 7*0 W. ltth Street. Ghloago. PL MENZELI School if Professional Dancing as I*t» Bt.. bet. nth Avs. A lfway. M. T. 0 DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 37 Payne, Harry L.: Manager Heart of Rockies, feede, i. 0.: Manager Mm. flake Co. reel. Norman: Ageat la UH Kentucky. _ _ rearson. Koger: Ageat Through Ueata Valley. r>nnrpacker, Henry: Ag«at '1M LUau. fapple. T. Twignt: Agent Cotter's My Wlfa't Family Co. carats*. Bert B.: Man agar Qroat Power* Co. ferlcj, Frank: Manager Tratellng ttaleiman, Co. B. petting ill. Jo*.: Ageat Dollar Pr in ce—, fejiuu, Joa. K. : Maaager Volontecr urganlst. fbslps. Prink: Manager MeFsdden's Flat.. Phillips, A.: Agent Ulrla Iran Happyland Phillips, A. J.: Agent Bowery Barleaqaara. - Jefferson Co. ftlnney. Arthur S.: fickens. J. W.: Agent Ileld-s Plerce. F. 8.: Manager Trocaoeroa. fterson. Henry: Manager Harry Clay Blaaoy Co. iMtoo, Jr., Augustus: Manager Traeallng Sale* man. Co. A. rlxtey. Starr I*.: Manager 8 In* or a Father. Plunkctt, Joseph: Manager Henry B. Warner Co. Pond. I- E. : Manager Port of Missing Men. Co. B- fowgrs, Howard: Manager Toe Shoemaker. tery. ' Prsy, ttoland O.: Manager CatHrte* Conntlee Co. prescott. F. P.: Manager Olrl and tha Banger. Preston, Stsnley: Manager Marl* Tempest Co. Price, E. U.1 Manager Robert Billiard Co. Prleal. Robt. W.: Agent l(e Wolf Hopper Co. Purdy. D. O. W.: Agent Bohemian Ctrl. Qolgley. Doc: Manager Field'a Mlnatrela. otunn, Vincent J.: Agent sweetest Olrl In Dixie, iadford. c. B. : Manager House of a Thousand Candlee, Co. B. gay. Wbltaker: Agent delcbenbseh. Harry: Agent av-ia, Louis: Manager Hans leno. C. B. : Manager Homi era Co. steynohft ?oo a B. ^gent^d^*?! Bona, East- era Co. Reynolds, Win. Bartlett: Manager Blanche Ring Rbelnatrom. A. L.: Manager The Arcadians, nice. M. B.: Manager light sternal. Bice. K. L-: Agent ousel's St. Elaso Co. Rice, H. W.: Agent Olrl from C. Co. Rich. AL: Manager'. Million*. Richards, Dick: Agent Country Boy, Co. B. Richard*. Alan: Ageat La Urn ore A Leigh stock Co. RSchardaott, J. B. : Manager Jessie Col ton Co. Rlehardeon, Frank W.: Manager Missouri Girl. Eastern Co. Rider. B. Dick: Manager Bowery Barlssu a. "— enberger. Arthur L-: Agent Serenader*. y, Wm. Franklin: Agent Agent White 8. A., Central Bobb. Bad: Manager Thomas rob*. o. Roble. Lonls: Manager Knickerbockers. Roberts. J. k. : Manager The Thief, No. 1. Kobe v. H. C : Agent Jan. T. ro we r s Co. Bobhlns, Jas.: Ageat Th* Spend thrift, Baatera Co. Robinson, Sam: Manager Cosy Corner Girls. Babtaaoo. J no. B.: Ageat Sam T. Jack's Bnr lesquera. Robinson, a. 0.: Agent Wm. Collier Co. Rode). R. A.: Manager May Bobson Co. Roddy. W. H.t Agent Merry Widow. Roe, Thos.: Agent Cowboy and the Thief. Roles. Walter If.: Agent Flower of the Ranch. Roehm. will: Maaager Jardla da Paris Girls. Roe*. Harry: Agent Big Bertew. Roeenbaum, Kd : Manager Folllea of 1010. Boaanbanm. Kd., Jr.: Agent Richard Carl* CO. Rosenthal. B. M. : Maaager Follies of New York sad Parts. Rosenthal. J. I.l Agent Julian Kltlnge Co. Hoaa. \\ II. on H. : MsBager la Matrimony a Fall Roth'. aT^S 0 :' M.Mger!)eWo'r m Hoppl l r rl 'Co. Roth. Nat: Manager Prltal Sebeff Co. Rowland. Jr., Kd.: Manager Cowboy and tha Thief. ttockett. su L>; Agent Jas. K. Haekatt Co. aUgeraon! ! >.' P.: Maaager A "the Mercy of Ti- Sallsbnry, Chas.: Agent Frederic Clarks Co. Samoela. 0*0. W.: Agent Nat C. Goodwin Co. Sander*. J. A.: Manager Sbeeban Opera Co. Bandera, A. R. : Agent Mildred and Rood ere 8* under*. T. B.: Maaager Tim Murphy Co. Saunders, Claude: Agent Olrl or My Dreams. Saunders. C. k. : Manager Three Twins, Eastern Salter. Ed.: Manager Flirting Prince**. Scbayer. B. Richard: Ageat TrareUsg Sales- man, Co. A. Scoots. Eugene: Manager Merry Widow, Bast- era Co. Ballon. Chaa. A.: Manager Cow and the Moon. Seymour. Dare: Manager Broken Idol. Sharer. Bdward: Maaager Merry I' " Shapiro. Harry: Ageat Imperial*. Shaw, Chal.: Manager Seventh Daughter. Shea. Daniel: Manager Brans' Hooey Boy Mtn Shelley. Howard: Agent Naughty Marietta. Sherwood, Col. Wm. H. : Ageat Boa* Meltllla Rbirid.^ tt.: Manager Bowery Detect!**. W**t- Btiocmiker, Jack. Manager Jefferson DaABgells Simons, Bob: Manager Fads and Folllea. §1 moods, Teddy: Manager Americans. Simpson. Ben P.: Ageat Rosalind at Bad Oats. _ western Co. Sterla. U J.t Manager Beverly. Western Co. Smith, Mall: Maaager Midnight Sob*. Western M rjoward: tQfrUI iY^l%V Smith. Merle ■.: Manager Golden Olrl. Smith. Prank I..: Agent Harry Haattugs' Show. . . - Smith, Leslls B.: Manager Phil Bihar Co. jsser^«Ti Spears, Joa.: Manager Oet Rich -Quick- Walling - Manager Jo* Hortla Co. Agent Tooa. K. Bbea Co. Steelsmltb, C. M. : Poet- Stephenson. Fred: Agent Dockatader's Mlnatrela. Story, Alex: Manager As Told la the Hills. Stout, J. M. : Manager Madame Sherry. Co. B. 8trassman. Albert: Agent The Arcadlana. Strops*, Harry M. : Manager Lady Buccaneer.. 'fflEtrois?**' B " ***** H °°* 7 7 Sal Mean. Geo. A.: Agent Turning Point. Suit lean, Jno. F. : Manager White Sqosw. Sutherland, J. C: Manager Under Southern Skies. Swestman, Harry: Ageat Tim Murphy Co. Sydell. Jack: Agent Boa* SydcU'a London Belles. Talbot, Lewis: Manager World of Taylor. Chaa. E. : Manager Midnight 1 Tha H. Charles Msrk: Agent Wildfire. Thompson, Franklin: Manager Old Homestead. Teas, Cues. A.: Manager Daniel Boose on the Trail. Central Co. Thomas. Artbor O.: Manager My Cinderella Girl. Thompson, Harry: Manager Beauty Trust. Til ton. E. It.: Manager Mary Maanerlng Co. Tlmbsll, Fred: Manager The City. Tlerney, Edward: Agent Wm. Macau ley Co. Toohey, Jno. P.: Agent Jolly Bachelors. Towers. David: Manager Fourth Bstate. Trseer*. Wm. M.: Manager Blanche Wslsh Co. Trousdale. B. E. : Manager Man oo the Box. Tnek' r, ftom T - : ***** Turner, Wi Co. Turner, Smith: Agent At the Mercy of Tib* rltas. Van re, E. W.: Agent Bowery Detect lee. East- ern Co. Van Btten. W. H.: Detect!**. Vetter. J. K. : Manager Victor, Leon: Agent Hi Vloo, Jos. F.: Manager Vogel. Jno. W-: Voo Ot linger, - Waggoner. Bod: Agent Miss Nobody from Star- Wagner, N. C: Agent Way Down Wall. Jas.: Msnsger Adeentnres of Polly. Wslsh, Townsend: Agent Otis SX Inner Co. Walsh, Wm. H.: Agent Old Homestead. Walters. Elmer: Agent Wright Lorlmer Co. Walters. Chaa. U: Maaager Happy Hooligan. Walters. Geo. D. : Agent Adventure* of Polly. Ward, Hsrold: Agent CIsra Llpman Co. Warner, Edwin: Msnsger Soperbi. W.uaon, Law: Msnsger Wsshlngtoa Society Mrs*. Wee. 0. K-: Manager Olrl of the Moratsias. Weed en, Jsmes: Manager The Shoemaker. Weinberg, Sam: Manager Wis* Gay. Wertbelmer: Agent Orsastark. Southern Co. Wheeler, A. P.: Agent Honse of a Thouaand Candles. OS. B. Wtdtbeck, Frank: Agent Harry Clay Blsney Co. Walts, Ai. W.: Agent Flak on sr.. Whits, J. Lonls: Msnsger Bessie McCoy Co. Whtta. Geo. F.: Agent Winning Miss. Whit*, WU1 L. : Manager Fins] Settlement. Whlttler, H. H. : Manager Bowery Detecttrs. Whlftsadal*. Jas. : Msnsger Polly of the Clrras. Wleersnd. Chaa. F. : Manager Queen of Bohemia. Wlosbsrg. Frank: Maaager Star at Garter Show. Sam B. : Agent Star A li. a.: Manager Merry Wilcox. Thos. a: Agent St. Elmo win. Jacob: Agent Bsby Mine. Western Co. Wm. U: Agent Boater Brown. ... Arthur 0.: Agent Olrl of My Dresms. Williams. C. R. : Ageat Soul Kiss. Eastern Co. Williams. J. R. : Msnsger Msnds Adams Oo. Williams, Frank: Manager They Lored a Lassie. Williams. Fred O: Manager Oranatark. Sooth- era Co. . Williams. Art: Msnsger Panama. Willi ama. C. Lee: Manager Dockatader's Mln- atrela. Williams. Chaa. A.: Manager Artsona. Williamson. D. R.: Manager Tiger UUes. Wlllard, Frank M.: Agent WUIU Amnse. Squsw- Maa Co. L R,: . the Olrl. Western C< WlUels. Clarence W.: Wnson, B. O.': Msaa Central Co. Wilson. Chaa. D. Mlsalaalppl. Wllstach. Jno.: Agent Mary Mannering Oo. Wtlatacb. Claxton: Maaager Sothero Marlowe Co Woodthorpe, L. B.: Manager Nat C. Goodwin Oo. Woolfolk. Wm. W.: Manager In Paoama. Wool folk. Boyle: Msnsger Winning Mlas. Wright, Fred E. : Agent Wm. Hodge Co. Woerts, Chaa. H. : Manager Bright Eyes. Wystt, Henry: Msnsger Fighting Person. Yager Walter D. : Agent Olrl from Rector's. Yale. Chaa. H.: Manager Midnight Sons. East- Young. Henry: Msnsger The Climax. Young, Fred Grant: Agent Adelaide Thurston Co. Teeanaos. L. 0,1 Manager The Wolf. Young. Chaa.: Agent Schiller Any. Co. 'a Pstd Msnsger Gentleman from BURLESQUE. Americans. Teddy Boston 13-17: (Bon Ton) (Folly) Peterson 22-24. Beauty Trust, Hsrry W. (Hurtle A Sesmon's) N. T. C, 12- H1II) N. Y. C, 19-B4. BehmiD Snow. Jack singer, mgr.: (Garden) Buffalo 12-17: (Corinthian) Rochester 19-24. Big Banner Show. Frank Livingston, mgr.: (Oayety) Detroit 12-17; (Gsyely) Toronto 19- 24- Big Reelew. Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: (Star) To- ronto 12-17; (Royal) Montreal 19-24. Bohemians, Al. Lubln, mgr.: (Standard) St. Lonls 12-17: (Empire) Indianapolis 10-24. Boo Tons (Wsldmsnn's) Newark 12-17: (Em- pire) Hoboken 19-24. Bowery nurletquera. E. Dick Rider, mgr.: (Star) Brooklyn 12-17; (Wsldmsnn's) Newsrk 10-24. BrlRsdlers. Louis Stark, mgr.: (Folly) Psterson 12-14; (Ron Ton) Jersey City 15-17; (Colom- bia) Sera ii ton 10-21; (Lttserue) WUkee-Barre 22-24. Broadway Gaiety Girls, Loots Oberworth, mgr.: (Kmnlre) Newark 12-17; ( N. Y. C, Century' Olrls, Jack FausL .mgr.: (Academy) Pittsburg 12-17: (Star) Crerelaad 10-24. Cherry Blossoms. Chas. F. Edwards, mgr.: (Buckingham) LonlsrUle 12-17; (People's) Cin- cinnati 10-24. College Girls, Max Colombia Bnrlcsqu. . (Gayety) Boston 12-17; (( Cosy Corner plre) India Tllle 10-24. Cracker Jl Hoboken 12-: C. 10-24. Dainty Dochess: (ColrjmbU) N. Y. C. 12-17; (Osyety) PhU*. 10-24. Dreamland Borlesquers. Iaxy Grodx. mgr.: (Bow- ery) N. Y. C, 12-17; (Folly) Peterson 10- 21; (Bon Ton) Jersey City 22-24. Ducklings. Prank Calder. mgr.: Lay-off «t Fads'and WmBmt Chss* 1 minster) 10-24. Follies of New York end Psris, E. M. Rosen- thal, mgr.: (Olympic) N. Y. 43., 12-17; (Ca- alno) Phlla. 19-24. Ginger Glris, Lon Hortlg, mgr.: (Casino) Bos- ton 12-17: (Empire) Albany 10-21; (Mohswk) Scfaenectsdy 22-24. Girls from Dixie, Jos. Learttt, mgr.: (Monu- mental) Baltimore 12-17: (Lyric) Allentown 10: (Aesdemy) Reading 20: (Majestic! Harrla- burg 21; IMIshler) Altoona 22; (Cambria) Johnstown 23. Girls from Happyland. E. W. Chlpman, mgr.: (Osyety) Pittsburg, 12-17; (Empire) Cleve- land 10-24. Golden Crook, Jas. Fulton, mgr.: (Murray Hill) N. Y. C, 12-17; (Metropolis) N. Y. C. 10- H S\r«En?p , S'To^ W olO.^ Pl "! atnl "«- Imperials. Sim Williams, mgr.: (Century) Kan- sas City. 12-17: (Standard) St. Louis 10-24. Irwin's Big Show: (Osyety) Brooklyn 1217; (Olympic) N. Y. A, 10-24. Jsrdia de Paris Girls,. Will Roehm. mgr.: (La- fayette) Buffalo 12-17: (Star) Toronto 10-24. Jersey Lilies. Jss. Cooper, mgr.: (Gsyety) Kan eaa City 12-17: (Gayety) Omaha 19-23. Jolly Girls. R. E. Psttoo. mgr.: (Stsr) lsnd 12-17: (Folly) Chicago 10-24. Kentucl Love Makers. Harry. 8. Clark, mgr.: (Gayety) St. Louis 12-17; (Gayety) Kansas City, 10- 24. Majesties. Fred Irwin, mgr.: (Empire) Albany. 12-14; (Mohawk) Schenectady IS- 17: (Gay- ety) Brooklyn 10-24. Marathon Girls, Ssm L. Tuck, mgr.: (Star A Carter) Chicago 12-17; (Standard) Cincinnati 10-24. Merry Maldrna. Edward Skater, mgr.: (Lyceum) Waah.. D. C. 12-17; (Monumental) Balti- more 10 24. Merry Whirl. Loots Epstein, mgr.: (8th Are.) N. Y. C. 1217: (Empire) Newark 10-24. Midnight Maidens. Chas. Taylor, mgr.: (Gay- ety) Toronto 1217; (Garden) Buffalo 10-24. Mlaa New York. Jr.. Wm. Fennessy. mgr.: (Folly) Chlcsgo 12-17; (Arenoe) Detroit 10- 24. Moulin Rouge. Maurlre Jacobs, mgr.: (Bon Ton) Scranton 22-24. Parisian Widows. F. Abbott, mgr.: (Empire) Toledo 12-17: (Albambra) Chicago 10-24. Passing Psrsde. Moe Messing, mgr.: (Avenue) Detroit 12-17: (Lafayete) Buffalo 10-24. Pennant Winner*. Bobt. Mills, mgr.: (Empire) Brooklyn 12-17; (Miner's Bronx ) N. Y. C. 10-24. Qneen of Bobemls. Msx Spiegel, mgr.: (Me- tropolis) N. Y. C. 12-17; (Westminster) Providence 10-24. Queens of the Jsrdln de Psrls, Jos. Howard, mgr.; (Gayety) Phlla.. 12-17: (Gayety) Bal- timore 10-24. Rector Olrls. Morris Wainstock. mgr.: (Empire) Chlcsgo 12-17: (Stsr) Milwaukee 10-24. Recces'. AL. Besuty Show (Gayety) Milwaukee 12-17; (Star A Garter) Chicago 10-24. Rentx-Santley. Burt Kendrlck. mgr.: (Gayety) Wash.. D. O. 12-17: (Gsyety) Pittsburg 10- 24. Robinson Crusoe Girts. Ed. Daeldeou. mgr.: (Gayety) LouIstIUc 12-17; (Gsyety) St. Louis 10-24. Roillcker*. Alex. Gorman, mgr.: (Columbia) Scranton 12-14: (Lnrrrne) Wllkes-Bsrre 15- 17: (Trocsdero) Phils 19-24. Runaway Olrla. P. 8. Clark, mgr.: (Alhambral (Chicago 12-1T: (Garetyl Detroit 10-24. Sam T. Jack's. Geo. T. Smith, mgr.: (Dewey) Minneapolis 12-17: (Star) St. Panl 10-24. Serenaders. Geo. Armstrong, mgr.: (Gayety) Baltimore 12-17: (Gayety) Wash.. D. C. 10- 34. Stsr ft Gsrter Show. Frank Wlesberg. mgr.: (Standstill Cincinnati 12-17: (Gsyety) Lonls- Yllle 10-24. Star Show Girls. John T. Raker, mgr.: (Royst) Montreal 12-17: (Howsrdl Boston 10-24. Sydell's, Rose. London Belle*. W. S. Campbell, mgr.: (Corinthian) Rochester 12-17: (Mohswkl Schenectady 10-21; (Empire) Albany 22-24. Tiger Lilies. Wm. Drew, mgr.: (Majestic) Hsr- risbunr 14: (Mlshler) Altoona 15: (Cam- bria) Johnstown 16; (Academy) Pittsburg 10- 24. Trocaderos. Chas. H. Waldron. mgr.: (Gsy- ety) Omaha 12-16: (Gayety) Minneapolis 10- 24. Vanity Fair. Jos. Pr-ttlnglll. mgr. (Cstlno) Phils.. 12-17: (Stsr) Brooklyn. 10-24. Washington Society Girts. Lon Watson, mgr.: (Star) St. Paul. 12-17: (Lyceum) St. Joseph 2224. Watson's Burlesciuers. W. B. Watson, mgr. (Trocaderol Phlla.. 12-17; (Lyceum) Wash., D. C, 19-24. White's. Pat. Gaiety Girls. Wslter GreaT**. mgr. (Lyceum) St. Joseph. 1S-17; (Century) Ksoss City, 10-24. Wise Guy (Loxerne) Wllkes-Bsrre. 12-14: (Col- ombia) Scranton. 1S-17; Lay OS at Phlla.. 10-24. World of Pleasure. Lonls Tslbot. mgr. (Howard) Boston 12-17; (Cnlnmbts) Boston. 10-24. Yankee Doodle Girl*. Sol Myers, mgr.: (Ca- elum Brooklyn. 12-17; (Empire) Brooklyn. BABY ESMOND Child Actress There ha* been. offered $10,000 to equal. Chattanooga Times- asys— "She Is ths cutest little star that ever appeared on the atsge. She la well trained lo carriage, dances pleasingly, snd sings like a bird." Boy or girl parte. Permanent address. Billboard. Plat** for all Cannon Maohln... •8.00 a 1.000; less than a 1,000, 70 eta a 100. Frame* like cox. (1.13 per gross. We eel! all supplies for minute pic- ture machines at a cut- Musical Bills J. C DEAGAN gS00-10 BT. Clark SL. ' CHJGAOO. Inventor sad Mfr. to i rollsbl*. Incandescent Lamps 1 fi" M I CH kTaN "aVK. i ot •tsaar. «o. : ooloiad. To. SAFETY ELECTRIC 00.. IS Michigan, MONKEYS— BIRDS Dodging Rhesus Monkeys, ready for work, with barneaa. »io ; » ca.h with order. Canary Birds tolndlTldoal willow esges for wb**U snd pick out. Small aalmala for Inngl. snows. Writs for further particular.. ATLAsTTIO ABO Fft- cmo BTBTl 8TOBB. gtt aTaalsoa tt. Oalaags, . MANUSCRIPT"^.- PLAYS'" BALE , + a LA SAL L C 57. ILL. THING FOB YOOB ACT. VAUDEVILLE EQUIPMENT CO Now York. PIOTTJRX _ 1.200. No competition. Account of . aees, must sell. »5S0 buys the piece, which Is 205* lees than coat to Install. Inreatlgate. J. V. YABGBB, Del Norte. Colorado. ELECTRIC SHOW The Girl Who Tame* Electricity. This U a noral act. la a headllner for ami ng nlcture .bows. csrnlTSls. fairs, mnseoms. $150 boys complete set, ready to set up and work. Litbocrspbs for the act. Foe partlcolara. addreaa O. W. A T . T . TTH . Mfr.. xtOS 7th At*.. B«w T«rh City. Catalogue or Professional A Amateur Sketches. Monologue*. Minstrel F»l Catalogue or 6 treat, Bsw „' Of BEW YOBS. VISIT C. SCHULZ'S RESTAURANT Table de Hot* Dinner SOc- : atth Sr.. between Tth Ave, sad GOOD LUCK NEW YEAB Great novelty for post card dealers to Oak iivmij % St lavCif SPORTING GOODS Dice snd cards a specialty. Cat. free. > TIONAL SDPPLY CO., Box 260, Edlna. Mo. The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1*10. STOCK & REP1 ►IRE iUxStar of kinase Stock Ca, Wi S. Y. C. Am- 2». ladef. Alrnxar Stork Co.. BeUsea & Mayer. »r< : I Sen riMriKO. Ctl.. As*. 9. ssesnT. ' mia<~I>. C. more. M/L. Sot. a. rsde£. rOlr-. Fla.. Oct 2. radef. Btrrbxak Suck Co.. Oilier Aepdea. O0-. ladef. CoCeze Stock Co.. VI. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL X. T. Los Oak Park, CM- lopnlil Th aa l ia Stock Co.. KILmt A Gexsolo. ■m.: Chlraco. m.. InyUf Indiana Stock Co.: So. Bead, lad.. Sept. 4. Incrrsoti stock Co.. Wm- li Lake. V.. Sept. 4. lndrf. llWrs». Lorraine. Associate rnayers. H lodrf Keith Stock Co.. Ji LaorL Me.. / Kta*/. Joseph, S. ladef. Lawrence Players. D. 8. Lawrence, mar. tic. Weth.. July 25. lodrf. Isrwl.-OllTer Stork Co.. Oil. Ollrrr. '• Pa.. Sept. T-: Lyric stork Co.. L. M. Xrb.. An. 29. Lortrf. Lyric Stork Co.. Chan. P. Minneapolis. Minn., Indef. i.imi Viozhin Stock Co.. Cbaa. Barton, mar.: Tol«oo. X. J.. Indef. °^PWUu' tade? C °" Grmnt L * f ' rtJ - ">«*.: Partritofriock Co.. W. A. Partello. mar.: OH- gary. Ait... Can., Indef. Paaule Stock Co.: Paoaale. X. J.. Indef. PlJWO Stock Co.. E. S. Lawrence, mar.: To- ledo, o . Anf. 28. Indef. Peyton's BIJon Stock Co. Corse Pay ton, mgr.: Brooklyn. X. v.. Sept. 5. Indef. Peyton's Lee Arenne Stock Co., Com Payton, max.: Brooklyn. X. Y.. Anjf. 29. indef. Payton Stock Co.. Cone Payton. mcr.: Do b-ken. N. J.. An*. 2». Indef. People's Stork Co. : Flint. Mich.. Sept. 5. Indef Prmrhl-Gypxene Co.. C, D. Peruchl, mar.: Tampa. Fla., Indef. Platnfleld Stock Co.. Barry Brunnell, mar.: - N. J.. Sept. 5. Indef. Scranton, Pa., Nor. 21. Indef. Oo.. Victor H. Schaffer, mcr.: Davenport, Ia.. Indef. Prtncrre stock Co.: Oes Moines, la.. Ana. 28. Indef. . » ; Prtnglc. Delia. Co.. C K. Van Anker, mgr.: Everett. Wash-. Indef. Bonyna A Dorner Players: Kimlrs. N. J., Oct. . s. ladef. ••• ■ ■ Bnaaen A.Drew Stack Co.: Seattle. Waah.. Anr- 28, indef. ■ Edna May. Stock Col, Mary Olbba , mcr.: Jerrry City. If. 3., Oct. 8, ■ ■■ Do Tow Lire, Jo* M. X. T_ C-. Sei*. as. toael. ATiaaar. Tk*. flikra A Hania naaan.: C. Dee. C inset. At ft* CM Croaa Bonds. Anwar C Aiatos, Ac aacx.: Vorfonr. T«_. 12-17; BJck- SMS. »an wreart Deww. Artkar C. c: Mrnmlrle. Tool, 11-17; Grand Opera Co.. MU too ft Sar- nin OkJakonu City. OUa.. £2-14; MriWWT IS: Mnakocee IS; Totaa 17. Aa Told tm rke TTITIa, Alex Story, max.: Gneav Arld. O.. H; Saktaa IS; Jaaacatswm IS: XeaSa 17; WaxkiwkUB c II- i»; laaraalrr »; Jtew Lexiaxion 21: Crookxrille 22; Pleas- nx 23: BaxawwnUe 24. AX rke Mercy of llbeilna, Glaaer * Stair, msxa.: Basiwakwaj. aa. 12-17; Memphtl. Tenn., IV- 24. Adrcstwrea of FoTJy. Blao* J Sporic r Am. Co.. Inc. aacra.: Dayton, O-, 19-17; dcreland. Ml » I iiioa rke Great Dtride. Geo. W. Ljoo. mar.: Barlawd. 111.. 14; Vihu IS; Toloro IS; Bou- oke 17; DlTemon 18. Wokaxt Da. Oscar L_ Goodfrimd, 1117: Baby Mlse (Eastern). Wm. A. Brady, mcr.: X. T. C . Anr. 22. twdez. Bailey dc «— «- in Two lien and a Girl. Skamerts, mcra.: Chicaco. 111., Dec 4. Indef. Bates. Blaaeke. la Xobody'a Widow. Da rid Bel •ore. mar.: X. T. C Xor. 15. Indef. Bernard. Sam. In He Came From Ifllwaokee, The Shnkerts. men.: X. T. C-. Sept. 21. Indef Bor Bird. The Shnbrrta. mcra.: X. I. C. Sept. 2S. Indef. Honeymoon. GUaon A BradOeld. Owrokee, Okla., 14; Manchester 15; 18; Pond Creek 17: Enid 18; Klnc- naer^, «Iaeo^2^ Mariow 21; Doncan 22; Boss of Z Ranch. Geo. W. Attebery. mcr.: BawwUTlHe. Ark, 14; darkaraie 15; Osark IS: rt. smirk 17. Bright Eyes. cnaa. H- Woen, mcr.: Cincin- nati. O.. 12-17: Loolrmir Ky.. 19-24. BBIy the Kid. P. B_ Hoadley. mar.: Detroit, Mlrkv. 12-17; OereUnd, O., 19-24. Bnster Brown. Boater Brown An. Co.. props.: Colnnxbna. O.. 12-14: Marlon 15: Morend, afiekw IS; Jackaon 17; Grand Baplda IK 21 Blaney, Harry Clay, In the Boy from Wall Street, Henry Pteraoo, mgr.: Minneapolis. Minn.. 11-17: Chlraco. ID.. 1831. Brewster's Minions. Al. Blch. mar.: St. Paol. 11-17; Mlir^poUa^2l^^ 14; Akron 15-17; Yotmastown t. W. Vs.. 22-24. Brrerly (Western), Drlstnster A Norrla, mcra.: f « H i ni » a t. bad.. 14: Kokomo 15; Frankfort 16; CrawfordsTflle 17; Terra Hants 18; Shel- brrine 19: Cotcmvbos 20; Greenabms; 21; Madison 22; EransrUIe 23-24. Bias Moose (B) B. J. Carpenter, mcr.: Bris- tol. Tenn.. 14: Johnson City 15: OreenTllle Id; hlorrlatown 17; Mlddleboro. Ky.. 10. Bernhardt. Sat. Sarah, la Beptrtolro, W. F. Connor, mcr.: N. T. a. B-24. • Carter, airs. Leal!*. In Two Women, John < '••rt. X. r. C Xor. 29, Indef. ncr.: Chl- Cltr. The. The Shuberta. men.: Chlraco. III., Xor 8 Indef Collier. Wm.. in I'U Be Ha need If I Do. Lew Fletda. mgr.: N. T. 0. Nor. 28, Indef. Commuter*. The I Ba stern). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C Aog. 18, Indef. Commnters. The (Western). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Chlraco. III.. Oct. 31 -Dec 24. Concert, The. Darld Belaaco, mgr.: X. Y. C- Oct. 3. Indef. Country Boy. Henry B. Harria. mgr.: X. Y. C Ang. 29, Indef. Curt la. Allen. Mualcal Comedy Co.: Dearer, Colo.. Dec. 24. Indef. Clark*. Delia. In the White Bqnaw. Loula F. Werba. mgr.: Bellerllle, Ont.. Can., 14: Gsnsnocjne 15; Morrlsborg Id; Cornwall 17. Clarke, Frederic, J. Ooagrore, mar.: Port Ar- thur, Ont.. Can.. 14-15; Ft. William 18-17. Curie. Blcbardi In Jamplng Jupiter, Frasee at Lederer. mgrk.: PhBa.. 11-24. City. The (Eastern), The Sbobcrts. men.: Johnstown. Pa.. 14; Creeusbarg 15; Butler 18; New Cnetle IT. Coantlss, Catherine, In the Awakening of Helena BIchle, B. Q. Pray, mgr.: PhUa., 12-17. Checkers. Stair A Harlln, mora.: Kanaaa City, Ms., 11-17; St. Josspb 1S-21. Cameron, Once, Co., Kerr Am. Co., Inc., props.: Baker City, Ore.. 14: Pendleton IS; . Walla Walla. Wash.. 18; The Dalles, Ore.. 17; Portland 18-24. Cameron, Daisy. Co., Kerr Am. Co., Inc., props.: Washington, Is.. 15; Blgonrney 18; Marengo 17; DaTenport 18. Cat and the Fiddle. Cbaa. A. Selloo. mgr.: Wukes-Barre. Pa.. 14: Scranton IB; Bfng- hamton. N. Y.. 18; 8chenectady 17. Climax, The (United Play Oo.'a), H. B. Cory. mgr.: lameatown. N. D.. 15: BUmareh 16; Mandan 17: Dickinson 19: Olendlre Mont,, 20: Miles City 21; BUllnga 22; UTlngston 23; Baseman 24. - Deep Purple. Llebler & Co., mgra.: Chicago. Til., let. 8, Indef. Dill. Max M. : San Francisco, Cel., Oct. 21 Indef. Dodge. Sanford, B. 8. Ford, mgr.: B. C, Can.. 14-18; Kelowna IS-l" Daniel Boone on the Howe, mgr.: Pa Portsmouth 0„ 16; Bellalre. 0.. 17. Daniel Boone oo the Trail Mitchell, mgr.: Pierre, 8. D., Iroquois 16; Elkton IT. Donaldson. Arthur. 0ns Hill, mgr.: lllrmldg ham. Ala.. 12-17: Atlanta. Oa.. 10-24. • est^Dsoy, Oto»n EB and Jane (■mirhiia). Harry Orses. mgr.: Dwsasa. Ark.. 14; Arkansas City IS; Lake ruiace l«; Ciuaailt 17: WTlsaot 20. EZUocr. Maxtor, ha the Inferior Sex. Goo. J. St. Psnl. Misc. 12-14: Ml— taanlai 15-17; DeJalk 19: W. Saptrlor, Whv, 20: Fkrgo. X. D_ 21; Grand Forks 22: _ U Eewtsa. mgr. 14; Bastm 18; Yoakom 16: Caere 17: ram 18: ranresrlTJe 19; Peareall 20: De- Ttmt 21: Sabbaal 22: Del Bio 24. Freark Opera Co.. Jules Layoile. mgr.: Xew Oraraas. La.. Xor. 22. ladef. rl -lll l rn W/oa.. In the World and His Wife: Desrrer. Colo.. 12-17; Kanaaa City. Mo.,19-24. Flirting Princess. Mart H. Singer, mgr.: Cls- exBBatJ. O., 11-17; St. Lotus. Mo.. 18-24. Firing Use. Delaaaater A Xorria. mcra.: Sy- rsesse. X. Y., 12-14; Bochrstrr 14-17; Phils., Pa.. 19-24. Fortmar Hmrter (Western) Cohan A Harria. : Dexrrer. Colo., 12.17. Mis., la Becky Sharp, Harrison Grey , mgr.: Augusta. 0a., 14; MtlnbU. 8. a. 15; Salhvbavg, X. C. 16; Blrkmood. Ys.. 17. . , . Firman. May. la Mary Jane'a Pa., John Corf, mgr.: Seattle. Wash.. 11-17. Flower of the Ranch. LeComte. Flrshrr A Wade, mgra.: Parsons. Kan.. 14: durante 15: In dependence 18: CotTerrllle 17; Sapulps. Okla.. 18; YtalU 19; Tulaa 20; BarUearllle 21: Isaastogee 22; Fayrttrrlllr. Ark.. 23: Ft. Smith 25. Gamblers, The. Aotbors' Producing Co.. mgra.: X. Y. a. Oct. 31. indef. ' _ Get Blch-Qulrk WalUngford. Cohan Ac Harria. mgra.: N. Y. a. Sept. 19. Indrf. Get Klrh Qnlck Wslllnfford, Cohan * Harria mgra.: Chicago. IIL. Dec 4. Indef. Gillette. Wm., In Brpertotre. Cbaa. Probman. mgr.: X. Y. C Dec MB. Otri la the Train. Cbaa. Dillingham. Bp.: Chi- m. Oct. 18. Indef. Glaaer,' Loin, In the Girl and the Kaiser. The Sboberta, mgra.: lT Y. a. Nor. 21. Ipdef Olri and the Banger (J. A. Xormans). F. P. Prencott. mgr.: Ooalcate. Okla-. 14; Ada 15: Hoi dm rll Ir 16; Okmulgee 17: Klefer 18. Granrtark (Eastern). Baker A Cattle, mgra,: Dearer. Colo.. 11-17: Sterling 19: Central City. Neb.. 20: Columbus 21: Norfolk 22: Hioux City, la., 23; Vermillion. S. D-. 23. Granstsrk (Central). Baker A Castle, nrnu Plymonth. Mass.. 14; Tstrntoo 15: Fall Wrer 16-17; Putnam. Conn.. 19; Soothbrldge. Mass.. renabtrrg 17: cirTh.«V W Aurora 20: T-lnita. Okla., 21: Tulsa 22; Perry 23: Enid 24. Girl from Home, B. 0. Kingston, mgr.: Wash- ington C H., O. 14: Brownstown. Ind., 17. Goddess of Liberty. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Ft. Smith, Ark.. 14: rayetterllle 15; Moskogee. gkla..^ 16: ^ 1 ^™»^^^ T ^ To J 1 *" ^ Golden Girl. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Mo.. 14; Mexico 15; Columbia 16; City 17; Bed alia 25. dlaser, Vanghan, In the Man Between. Vaoghan Glaaer. mgr.: 8L Louis, Mo.. 11-17: In- dianapolis. Ind., 10-24. Girl From D. 8. A. (Eastern), Harry Scott Co.. mgra.: Waldeu. N. Y.. 14: Sangertles 15: Plttaneld. Maaa., 17; Wlnslcd. Conn., 19. Girl from U. 8. A. (Central). Harry Scott Co- mers.: Buiphnr Bprlngs. Tex., 14; Oreen- Tllle 18; Terrell 16; Knnla 17: Waxahaehle 19; Ft. Worth 20; Ooralcana 21; Mexla 22; Bryant 23; Merlin 24. — Girl From D. S. A. (Southern). Harry Scott Co.. mgra.: SandertrrlUe, Ga.. 14; Sparta IB: Madison 16; Winder 17; Griffin 10; Xewnsn 20; OalnroTlUe 23: Athens 24. Gentleman from Mlaalaalppl (Wm. A. Brady'a). Geo. H. Harris, mgr.: 8t Joseph, Mo., 25- Hsrtman. Ferris. Mualcal Comedy Co.: Los del. Honeymoon Trail. Kelly At FltaOerald. mcr«.: Livingston. Moot.. 14: Boarman 15: Butte 17- 18; Great Falla 19: Helena -20; Mlaaonla 21: Spokane, Wash.. 28-24. Human IT carta (Southern), Len Del more, mgr.: Jacksonrllle, Fla.. 13-15; Palatka 16: DeLand 17 Sanford 19; Arlando 20: Bartow 21; Mul- berry 22; Lakeland 23. Hello Bill. Frank Mahara. mcr.: Queen City. Mo.. 14: Atlanta 16: BrookOeld 16: Mooerly 17; Troy 19; Elaberrr 20; Perry 21. Her One False Btep (Elliot t^ A AMlitnn^'a) : Bnt- Ne'wcomerstown 17: Ub'ichtTrile "' - brldce 20; at Pleasant 2i_ : Cirri Happy la., 24. Hltcbcock. Baymond, In the Mtn Who Ownt Broadway. Cohan At Harria. mars.: Baffalo. N. Y.. 12-17: Cincinnati. O.. 19-24. House of s Thousand Candles (Rowland A Oaa kril'a Co. A.), Oso, J. Klmore. mgr.: Spear- 8ah. S. !>.. 14; Lead 16; Belle Fourrhr in. 20?'„,fdM : 2^ fl Sn,e.h , nr b ,; ESN Sterling 23. noose of a Thousand Candles (Rowland A Qae- kell'a Co. R): Calrert. Tex., 14; Hearne lit: JackaonTlll* 10. Natiogdorhea 17; I.urmn in- Llrlngalon 20: Beaomont 21: Port Arthur 22; Lake Charles, La.. 2>; Jennlnca 24. Irwin. May. In (lelllng a Polish. Llehler * Co.. mgra.: N. T. <:.. flit. 1. Indef. Importance of Being Barnest. Chaa. Frnhtnan. mgr.: N. Y, C, Not, 14, Indef. In Old Kenltirky. A. W. Dingwall, mgr.! LonlsTllls. Kf,. 1LI7: lUrtitnond, Ind.. ]& la Matrimony a rallnre. Darld llelasen. mgr.! St. >/mls, M»., II 17. vasyFaX ^ elnnall 18-24, In ti>- BI«rio(>'a Carriage, Raker A Castle, ftlif JIAprfrlsi l«l Mr/aksgfttj IT; li.n"e dreek "w^l^coVu"^ lB*f MM A Amtff AtHHiUfmtt JOHN H.W.BYRNl Wraat flap tkat Maf Rjgat D B x . r :i< u./. s- CAROUSELS AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS HEBSCHELL -SPILUHI CO. LI.IU Tbf Kf Bi Vkttl FOR 1911 aa the boiled down naiaLi eg mil ham csl skill, combined with years of ex- pcrtmrr. om the road and in the shop, to hall 8 the best ever part as. AND Wat DO. We hare happily cem- bin d the heaaty of abaoJate safety. A alisaan to own te on, of those asess y grt tui. which are In use from Canada as Booth Africa. Write for new price list and adranre information for 11. E±J BJUDOE CO MP AST. Bsi 1U B. ZThs, U. S. A. THE FIRST INSULAR FAIR OF PORTO RICO SAN JUAN, MARCH 2-7, 1911 Supported by the Insuli wiU find this a ram opportunity to do a good buai- nvas during the i J. W. NEWMAN. Porto Rico. Adores* THE CIRCLING WAVE For the small amount of espltsl rscjalred. U the moat profit a bla lanwatsaead. The cstchlest and moat popular amnsesaewt ragbag dericr la organ. Now U the Catalogue, price sad ARMITAQE 4 GUINK, PaUataaa ami 8sW Huaflll _.. tPRINGVILLE, EIIE CO., NEW YORK AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY Kit * 1>* -k^ M _ • "... V AMI HANKIIAI Jj NOVBtVIUai DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 39 BROOKLYN, N. Y. (Continued from page 14.) A utronjt I lit of attractions la announced for thu 8hnbert Theatre for tba bolldaye and the a-erk* Intervening. A change In the Sunday poller of the Ma Jeslle Theatre has been made, loatead of the vaudeville programea which bare been presented every Bandar "Igbt thaa f.r thla season, mov- Ing plctorra will be the attraction, nod there will be afternoon aa well aa areolar entertsln- int-ntn. The Liberty plrtm-ee formerly bad a Itrrat vogoe at the Majestic, and the manage- ment belTerea that In returning to them It baa inaile a chance that will be popular with Ita.Huu day petrooe. John Nestor, the little man with a big voice, la one of the feature* of the Bandar concert, riven at Percy O. Williams' Crescent Theatre here. The Dreamland Company are making treat pa rat Ions for next aeaeoo. and are aaaMM manr changes at the trig amoaement park at Coney Island. Owen Morao, the conqueror of Battling Xel- wn^waa jbe^ewtra attraction at be a'etrong dn ttractloo ^at I^de ijlfli- BALTIMORE, MD. (Con tinned from pace 11.) A -2* w VIM Pl*n>»» theatre win be. erected on West Baltimore itreet sear Greene street. It will be known aa the Cosmopolitan Theatre. It will be ISO feet deep and 3dfeet wide. It "!.'! J 1 "' ■ P"*** ■■r ks i front. An effort will be made to coos tract a highly ornamental building. A moving pletnra theatre will IMO-12 West 1 — preparing the cost 18.000. The Moving Plctnre Exhibitors- Association of Baltimore held their Drat annual banqoet at the Bennert Hotel. Xorember 30. The ban qnet waa a wrest success, and It broacht to- gether many of the owners of the local moTlnc picture thealrea. A hoot 150 men were a.eem- He said that be was lo favor of era n tin* picture theatres a amaller fee than I* now charred for licenses. Hs faeora a graduated scale. The moving picture theatre which seats but one hundred persons, should not be required to pay the same license fee aa a larger theatre. Mr. E. w. Sherwood, counsel for the Asso- ciation, also tare an Interesting talk. He point, d out the fact that the Joint morlng nle- mre theatres In Baltimore realised orer H.500.- ooo per year, and that It was one of the moat promising and locratlTe lines of baaloess In ex- latenre at the present time and la growing rapidly. The officers of the association are aa follows: J. C Weldman. president; A. C. Steen. vice-president: William Fait, aecretarr and treasurer, and Watson K. Sherwood, conn- JV^: Vtu h vjsm ^hm*p Prltal 8c be II nerer saw The her impression of the play wool n print, aa the plar got on h In the city last week. The fact la that Sebeff waa playing at the Auditorium . Round tp waa Bring off at the Academy *■» ■ ■■a theatres are adjoining on Howard S£t Madame Sebeff waa aloglag a pretty K"5I T J? The Mikado when the battle scene IS Th'Ronn'l-Bp atarted off with Ita outline gun. Winchester rises and other Implementa I',™' 'be prima donna waa unnerved by the CLEVELAND. O. (Continued from page It.) 5™ ck ™" lr r eonrpanlea who haa It on MB age*, they hare got to go aome. Palna- tOUag 1, every detail and graceful to every morement, his riding U a feature of the show. lls?vawa£VaaS*a&*i l U iT 1 ft 'heir capacity ! iw, tL °f the 8th In Cleveland, with oxer noo^. P ^!^ 0r ?L7 , .t" .I 0 "?- OM ,|B » iheatrleaj EEJKLJ SS !&. ,h * largest number of pro- JJJftJJj "TOP'* who "ere erer In Clsvelsnd at The orpheom Theatre, at Alliance, baa re- el^ rSS!" Uk *" °, r * r DT ,he Clereland Vaode- rllle- Company, and la now doing a capacity Ss;lr*!r..v T ir/ p*»n«» «t xVode vllle with two sputa a week. Noisy Jack Stafford, of tbe Nlles Opera Honae. J", 11 "bo made Nllea rsmoa*. who haa tried eaw"L*s?3£S I't!* ""'table, la sow booking his acta through .the Clereland Vaudeville Com- pany, of . tbe _ people. . attended Friday. Dec. p. Manager Parcell. of «yria. one of tbe ant men to Introduce Tsudeenle in coanecttoa with motion pictures In email time houses in this tSSSSk ?1S 989H**E P engagement with the nereUBd \andrvlllr Oompanr. to look after the """V"™' °t «>« larger houses thla circuit has recently taken oxer. Guy Daly, the human flab, of Pittsburg. Pa.. ex-champion swimmer of tbe world, with a record of t minutes and 4T seconds nnder water, has lust anlshed twenty weeka for tbe Clereland tsnderliie Company, breaking all records In every boose. Among the acts of merit on tbe Ctereland fandevljie Circuit, mar be mentioned: Levitt rSh.r"v! LaffiSK talking act: Tbt Cuban Mghilngalrs, who hare accented twentr flee week contract; Bascoe and 81ms: The Oreai „J contract; . -.- Great Giles Rnttoo. YrJn'r'dolng'a'seriiialloBal haod-rnff. milk eaa and tank act while worklne at Wallacehurg. Ont.. for the Clereland Vaudeville Corona nr. after m _" lni L announcement regarding (ho danger- fna nature of her set. waa restrained from work- baaard of tbe a^* ( of Vaudexills Company booking acta Into that ter- ritory, their complaint being that tbe Cleveland Vanderlll* Company get higher salaries for tbelx acts than the established price. It Is said that they bare a onion scale of prices for arts in certain sections in Michigan, and the Clereland VauderUle Company hare been paying acta mora money than thu scale ealla for. Call Sutler, tbe well known comedian, la lay log off a couple of weeks In Clereland. rial ting freeman, the handcuff kind, la also visiting friends in Clereland. K. Dean Smyth, last eeaaon manager of Mixpi tbe mind reader, baa taken tbe management of (sabrel's family Theatre, at Sharon. Pa. let Banb and Scottle, trick house acrobats, wbo Jumped from St. Louis to play aa engagement with tbe Clereland Vaudeville Oompanr, will spend Christmas at their home In Johnstown. Pa. Jack Lyle. who worked Keith's Prospect The- atre last August, has opened a booking office In Aew York City, and will be tbe eastern repre- sentative of the Clereland Vaudeville Company. Meade and Mamie WernU. two Clereland aerial artiste, plsyed the Presents the week of tbe 8th. Thla is their sixth trip to Cleveland, their native city, aa a festure attraction. In one of the down-town thestree. Ther hsxe without doubt one of tbe greateet and most sensational aerial acta of any team In vaode- TlUe. The Grand Theatre haa a pleasant treat Is store for the poor children of Cleveland- On December at, ther will give them a free per- formance, at which time each child wUl recelre a Chrlatmas box In addition to two hoars of entertainment. The manager of a certain picture vaudeville house In PalnrixIUe, Ohio, recently conceived a novel - advertising scheme. For two weeka he admitted during the afternoon performance any child under thirteen years of age. the price of admission being a potato. In two weeks be received twenty Ave bnabele of potatoes. Dick ford, producing clown with the Boyal- Adams Circus, cracked a good ad lib Joke In conversation tbe other night. The subject of dlecnaalon waa a certain well known theatrical manager who is noted for his extravagance in all ventures, snd the remark waa made, "He la lousy with money." and Mr. Ford replied. "He la lousy wHhoot It, too." DON H0LBB00K. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. (Con tinned from page 18.) Billboard xlaltora laet week Included Mr. and Mrs. Llnd. now msklng their second American tour; Jamee Dyso. a recent arrival from Aus- tralia: ITlnceea Susanna, midget tlsht wire won- der; Hal and Marlon Munson. and Loolse Buck- ley and Harry Hamilton, aketch artlete. - Owing to the Instant success of the Garrln- ettl Brothers st tbe National Theatre laat week, they were Immediately booked to play tbe Grand, Sacramento to follow, with more S. A C. time. I. N. Cohen Is their special, repre- sentntlxe for the Pselde Coast, This office Just received a act of twenty-Bve postals from Wlofleld Blake and Maude Amber, wbo are now In Europe, showing them la an all around tbe world tour. They are photo graphed In almost all parte of the Old World. Evelyn Vaoghan (Mrs. Bertram Lytrll) and Bertram LyteTl Join the Alraxar Stock Com- pany December 26. Article of Incorporation of the Bexanl Grand Opera Company hare been filed In the county clrrk'a office. Principal place of business la Oakland. Tbe directors are B. 1- York. L. N. MniDeon and Olin Al. G. Hamr-a' Wild Animal Circus la win- tering In San Francisco on a lot on fan Xres avenue and Grove atreet. tbe site of the former Van Ness Theatre. Barnes haa the use of a life. Is Mrs. Frank Mlnxey. baring married frank Mincer, an actor in her company, about a year ago. and with the shove-mentioned per- formance of Sla Hopkins, ahe retired from the Stat*, and will enter upon domestic life for a One of Minneapolis' popular actors, Charles Undholm. wbo waa formerly appearing In vau- deville with tbe comedy sketch. The Man from Minnesota, baa taken up stock work again, and la now with tbe Arrlne-Beoton Stock Company of Indianapolis. Use Society of Twin City Maglclana met Tnesdsy nigbt. December O. at tbe Borers Ho- tel to discuss plana for the annual banquet. President David E. Stlfft and Secretary John J. Brown, of tbe society, state that there will be many new magical tricks Introduced at the dinner, and that It Is planned to make tba af- fair a - full square block. Ia tbe meantime hla acta are all working at the different vaudeville the- atres here and In adjacent towns. Llnd. tba classical dancer, waa tbe feature act at the Grand Theatre. Sacramento, and received considerable praise for bis srttsttc offering. The fourteenth Annual Benefit of San Fran- cisco Lodge No. IS. T. M. A., took piece De- cember 2, st the Princess Theatre. The follow- ing volunteered their services: Lillian Russell atria MIchelena. besides vaudeville sets from the Orpheom. Empress, Chutes. American. Na- tional and Wigwam theatres. Full attend- ance. — flora McDermott petitioned the Superior Court tu cancel the leaae held on tbe Novelty Theatre by Ben Lust, and also to declare void the aub- leaae rrom Lnat to the Greater Novelty Theatre Co.. and to give her Judgment against Lnat tor tl.ono. alleged to be owing for arrears In rent The lease waa executed to Lost on Mar S. 1 000, for three rears st a rental of MOO a month, and renewed at Its expiration for seven rears at the tame rental. The report of Ulante Cnshmao. receiver for Ibe Kola and Dill property, consisting of scen- ery, wardrobe, props, etc.. that aame baa been •old for $3.(500, was confirmed hy Judge Thomas Graham, of tbe Superior Court. It la rumored that Max Dill waa tbe purchaser. Tbe Xaglea* Convention for 1911 takes place In this city August Zl-SS. Inclusive. Polly of the Circus, with Ida St. Leon In tbe title role, opens st the Columbia Theatre week IS. - for a twe MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. (Continued from page IS.) road so far with the Savor Brothers* Carnival Company, haa closed with that concern and Is on the door at the Novelty Theatre. Manager L. k. Lund haa also engaged a new illustrated wot alnger at the Novelty In tbe rnlse or K Mann, baritone, rormerly wltb the Metropolitan Italian Grand Opera Company, who la making a decided hit with patrons. Tbe Cyril Theatre la busily preparing for tbe winter season by adding a storm front to Ita lobby. Mr. John Nelson, wbo wss formerly associated with forest Park aa stage manager, and later with tbe Gayety Theatre house staff. Is now assistant manager at the Cyril, which •till remains the only motion picture house In town throwing the pictures upon s sheet of glass from behind. Rose Melville, well known la the professional world snd to theatrical patrons for her many years of socceaa In tbe role of Sla Hopkins In the play of that name, appeared for the last performance of this character upon ... OMAHA, NEB. (Continued from page 15.) "Doc" Breed, manager of the Krng. Is In re celpt of s letter from frank Pbel| the Ward snd Yokes Co., In which The Trouble Makers are turning them away. Tba Kmc attraction, are gaining a better claaa or patronage every week. When Mme. Schumann cently, Mary Mnnehhoff. tbe famous artist, whoae borne Is la Berlin, bnt who proudly points to Omaha as her blrthplsce. went bscfc of the stage to visit Mme. Schumann Ilelnk dressing-room, which was full of Omaha society folks. She turned to Mme. Munch ho fj. and placing her hand lovingly on her shoulder, aald: "The people of Omaha do not appreciate the fact that they have In you. my dear, one of tbe greateet of operatic singers. Yon shall sine wltb me In Chicago In eoocert." Whenever there la a vacant seat at the Gay- ety, the crowd all get op In their aeata and gase amasedly at the empty chair, wondering what lobster foolishly forgot to take In tbe do- ings at "Omaha's fnn Center." Tie Elks' annual memorial services were held Sunday morning. December 4. at the Or- pheum Theatre. The services this jesr were the most elaborate snd Impressive the lodge has held for msny years. The program con- sisted of music, both vocal and Instrumental, with addresses by brother Elks. A score or more Elks from tbe theatrical profession, now playing In tbe city, weie In attendance. Man- ager Win. C. ("Billy") Byrne, aa la bla usual " the theatre te hla brother J. BOOT. act aketch, John axe anxiously f ormance. Charley Littleton, assistant treasurer of Hod on Theatre. Union Hill, la now an Elk. be bav late taken the ikann of tbe order at tbe meeting of the Hoboken Lodge, Friday, Decem- ber 2. Seven vaudeville sets, esch one s hesdllner. with 'the irodaoogn ' weekly by Masai er . Theatre. Union HIT popular prices, snd cr viola Tsscot. tbe Hammersteln's Hoof < Ited Jerse search of I with 1 York. The Comet, a moving picture bouse, wltb a seating capacity of too. has been opened In West New York. Presenting one show nightly, with matinee every r noon for children, by the manager. J. P. each one a hesdllner. la tbe bill presented Peebles at the Hudson Two^ahow. dally, at teln'e Eoof Oard^n T N7w fteST'lSf wU£ KAN8AS CITY, MO. (Continued from page 15.) Mr. Guy De La Facte, now In hla aeaaon aa bead usher at tbe Orpheom Theatre, haa been advanced to the position of one of the two asalatant treasurers. Mr. De La Foot* haa been Interested in theatrical work for several years, outside or hla experience at tbe Or- beum. for he waa usher at both tbe Willis food and Shubert Theatres. Mr. De La Foute baa always " forming hla an cress. Miss Beulsh tbe morning of runeral or ber mother. Mrs. ter, wbo died at the Ui Monday. November 28th. Bethany. Mo.. Mrs. December 1st. 1810. - Mr. Jen. B. Dnnrgan, manager of the Cen- tury Theatre, secured the rights to the Nelsou- Morsn flgbt pictures, snd these pictures were on view twice dally st Mr. Doncgsn's pretty little home of frolic the week of December t. Fltxgerald'a Indoor Circus la announced for Convention Hall tbe week of December 12th. Tbe attraction la brought here by tbe organ- ised labor unions of this city, and tbe pro- ceeds, after expenses are paid, will go toward paying for a heating plant and completing the auditorium at the new Labor Temple at Four- teenth and Woodland are. Charles flek. sd- vane- man for the circus announces that there will be a profeaalunal mstlnee Thursday. Dec. 15th. to which sll theatrical and circus people lo tbe city are Invited to attend WILLI A M W HARRISBURG, PA. Best Hnic ii tie World for Statist RMs Writs for Catalogues and Prioss. north Tow a war da ■■•leal Insttsmsnt Works a. N. V. Lew McCord la borne for a short while, after a nine months' tonr In vaudeville. He to put- ting en tour several companies playing vaude- ville. It la proposed to tour several of tbe older countries a cross the pond. The J. 0. Ferarl Winter Zoo haa opened with a floe patToaase In tbe car ham. Mr. ferarl advertised In The Billboard and ob- tained some excellent vaudeville and animal performers. His season will Include all of tbe colder weather la Harrlsburg Pa, His prep- a rations for next spring are eery elaborate and will have some remarkable animal acta. The Silverman Bros., of Altooos. have Just thrown open to tbe public their expensive plc- In Harrlsburg. Pa., with line building on Market atreet ai light pictures, Isaac Sll charge snd be Is universal! Mlsa Emma Oardlnl. the They hare obtained a three-story ■ 'ret street and will present day- Isaac Silverman will be in universally popular, dial, the soloist. Is enjoying abort season at borne. Her operatic efforts have been quite anccesafnl. Wayne Lyter la much praised for hla work in the abow. Tbe House of a Thousand Candles. Felix Davis Is getting ready to announce his extensive plana for Paxtanc Park fo season. WILL M. TAIT. NEW JERSEY GOSSIP. Madame Schumann ttelnX. the famous vocal- ist, fare a gratia performance before an an- rilence of 2.300 lovers of music at tba Jersey City High School Auditorium. Frank Bobbins, the well-known animal train- er, has Installed several of his wild animals In the furst dry goods store. Jersey City, for the winter set ~" faulty to holidays. The game of "Sixteen Hundred" may best be described as an elabora- tion of Five Hundred, which in turn is a combination of Euchre and Bridge. But Sixteen Hundred is more, much more, than a mere hodge-podge. It literally abounds in snares and pitfalls for the un- wary, and consequently provokes no end of mirth and hilarity. It appeals strongly to the skill- ful player also, for its possibilities in the way of subtle strategies and clever coups are well nigh count- less. PRICE, TEN CENTS. CHURCH PTC CO. 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, O. glass. Brtntaairy g u ai ant aa d t tn last solid aoiddlaunoiad mountings. Wills Toqanratytsrtng.pinorstadoas Pisu aal all ennrgse ^J-MSMMylasfvsaea. *sT Metis rev Free 40 Time Billboard DECEMBER 17. 1910. tO— I— < from page 3S.» — ia I be Otter TeBaw. Walter X. Law-*-ea**e. mgr.: i«~p QL, 12-17; Mia a*apo!3s. IBM , i£-5|_ J oily Earhelcc-s. Lew FMdi. nrr - I Wn Seb.. I5-1S: MJn-mea-nUa. 18-31. " for a Million (Perry**-. Enge-ae sr.: Advance, lad.. 1*: Lebanon IS: i«: Frank-fort 17: Flora 19: Ifoote- 21; Moooa SS; ~ 13. Frank TaBBckffl, mgr.: Chi cago. in., let. is. taat-t. Hie for Life. J. Bart Johnson, mgr.: WU. Ms Btwdsbo-f, 15: Baraboo 1«; Lisbon 17: Boesford. HL. 19: W< Mowterio 21: Portace ~ LIxAt Eternal. V. F. Rice max ST. 12-17. tittle DaatoaaL Hrfnry W. Savage, mxr-: OnftaaJ. O- 12-17. Lflr. The. David Belaaeo. mgr.: Newark. >" Letter^Maa. Frederic Gage sngr Kteratoa. Out.. Can_ 14: Brneat a at 1«-17- Uon and the Xoaf. Henry B. rfsrrts. T* i Atlanta. Ga_. 13-17: ChartaBoara. T erm i» Lottery Man. The n, 15. aTeFaddenTa Flats. Eartoo A Kasaaa CIrx. M. la the Sprlnx Maid. Wcr ba A Laaeber, in 1 : Boston, haa., 5-17. ataBary. CUftom. D. H. Cook, mgr.: MVVSe- ' T. Vl. U-M: BaaAavph 15: St. Jofajuimrj 12 10: K. T. C. Sot. 14. Pklla_. Dee. 13. la- Maid. Weber 5-17. GreenrBJe. Mis*.. 17. Mr Friead twarm. Ed. darn. X. T_ 14; 1«: Caaaj ajw ju le 17. laecacatiiaa Opera Co.: l a a taafaa aaal Omti Co.: 4Eaatera). _ X. T-. 12-17. Mr anieV FiikIt. *sj*. L- brasi. E. C_ " Gratis 2X. . Boy. Geo. D. li; Stale Center — orr rr. aOIUoaaire Kid. Kllroy & Brlttoa. harx. Pa.. 13-17. U s T aaina The: Chicago, rn 5-17. Montana Lnalted. Klimt * Gamin, rarrs.: Cta- »Lvn at the Hour: Nnruk. O-. 17. "W- *? S*S "»PP«eat Nl^fat of Hal Life Frxree A Lederer, mgra: Rochester. X. 1 . 13-14. nfsrta s M Sherry. Frxree. Lederer A Woods ■am.: X. X. C_. Ant. 3D iodef. Madame Troabadoar. The Shnberti men - N T. C_ Oct. 10. ladef. Menhartwn Opera On.. R. H- Kane. mar. : Ma bOe, Ala.. Xor. 21-Dee- 31. — Opera Co.- Montreal. Cam. Oct. 31- '.: X. T. C.. Mart. Otlle. is Plnnlgan's Ball: 14: Port Arthnr. Tex.. 15- Honston 18: Galveston 1»: AatooJo 21: Tit lor 22: Temple 23: Waro »l Madame Sb«n-v fB). Pi-tree. Lederer at Wood*. man.: Milwaukee. Wis.. 11-17: Sarin-*- 1C- Boeaford. tlL. 19: Dnboqoe. Ia.. 20- Clinton 21: Gilesbnrr. ID.. 21; QulDey 23: Hannibal Mo.. 24. MIMred and Booelrre. In Princess Iris Han-r B/rocJere. mrr..- Seottdale. pa_ 14: Vt- P>*aat miootoarn IB: Morrantown. w. Va.. 17: Fairovnt 19: Bnckhannon 20* Parsons 21: ElUaa 22: Doxi, 2rt: w— *»« MrCor. Be»He. in The Eebo, mxr.: S. T. C. 12-17. >atea. J. 14: Deo , 17; Dallas 19. WjwotI GW (Euterol. mrr.: Harrisfaox-r. HL. 14: eton City 16: Marlon 17: Quoin 2T>: Carbondale 31; Murphjaboro 22; Sfarn 23: lit. Vernon 24. ^rw?n-dfaer M 1pa!.?4: Barn^boro^ aty c-IndereCa GIrU No. Jl Delamater & Xorrla. JfvPdjl Gnthrie 1S-20: Ft. Worth. Tex.. 21-22: Dsnas 2*1-24. Cinderella Girl. No. 2. Detamater A N orris _Ri <^"w> Mich.. 14: Unslnr 15: Jack- •on K; Flint 17. Melrme. Rose. In Sis Hop tins. J. R_ Stlrilna ■ax.: Omaha. Xeh.. 11-14: Uneoln 15: Topeka' Kin.. 16; St. Joseph, Mo.. 17: K«im« City MUnizht Sons (Lew F Smith, mrr.: Bfrmlnrham. Ala.. 14-15: Minister's sireetbeart. Dire land. O.. 12-17. Man of the Hoar, C. M. H„. mie. Ky.. 14: Evansrille. Ind_. Lords. Mo. 18-24. Mdntromery A Sto raitaRhtm. rn-r.: Boston, Mass.. 14 Dec. 17; St. X. C-s. 19-24. :sss , * t 7->3i HeDIT w - Sm ^- - Frs\I£' , ^- K ^ W " MtV Madame X (Son I Jaekson. Miss... 1. TiDe Ala.. 17. Merry Widow (Eastern I . Henry W. Sarape. mcrr • Detroit. Mich.. 13-17. Merry Widow (Soathern), Henry W. 8aTsge. mrr.: Lafrobe. Pa.. 14; DnBols 15; Williams- port 18: Wilkes- Barre 17. Miss Nobody from Btarland. WP1 A. 81na;er. mar.: Henderson. Ky.. 14: Owensboro 15; 16; Leilnrton 4 7; ClndnnsH. 0.. G. L. .: Seattle. Wash.. Kansas Man oa the Box. E. E. Trocadale. _ coba. HL, 14; TsyaorrCle Uf BlootadarUB 17. Maa on the Box. W. W. Tronsuale. mrr.: Ida Grore. Ia_. 14; Lake City IS; KoekweU City Id; Maxaaoa 17. Xsnshty Msrierrs, Oscar Hammertgeln. mrr.: X. T. C-. Xor. 7. index. XeOsoB. J alia. A Fred Terry. Klaw A ErLanrtr. man-s.: X. Y. C. Oct. 24-Dre. 17. Xinrty and Nine. W. T. Boys, mrr.; Cbicazo. HL. 4-24. Newljweds. and Their Babs- (Eastern). Leffler- Branon Co.. props.: Detroit. Mleh , 11-17: Chits-ro, HL. 18-24. Newlyweda. and Their Baby (Western). Lelher- Erauon Co.. props.: Co n ejocd l a. Kan.. 14: Hasrinra. Neb.. 15; Tort IS; Grand Island 17: £ Platte 19; Cheyenne, Wyo., 20; Greeley, Colo,. 21; Ft. Collins 22: Boulder 23. New York Hippodrome show. TTbe Shnberts. mxra.: Indiana poBs, Ind , 13-17. N lexer. The, with Gny Bites Post, The Shn- berts. mars-: St- Laania, Mow 13-17. Xaal iiMi ia . Mme. A lia , In Repertoire. The Shn- nens, mxra.: St- Loots, Mow 13-17; St. Joseph 19: Bt-rUnztoa. Ia., 22- Xew Theatre Co.. The Shnberts. mxra.: New Hares. Conn-. 14. »*bertoIe. OLga. in Mary Vardslpne. Llebler A Col. mxra.: x. T. C 5-17. Oleort. Chamaeey. tn Barry of Ballymore, An- etrstss Pltyoo. mxr.: Toronto, Can., 12 17. O'Hara. Fiske, AL MrTjtsn. mgr.: Brooklyn. X. Y_. 12-17. Ole Oisen. J. H. Hewitt, 11-17. Old Hofneotesd. Frank Thompson, mgr. City. Mo.. 11-17: Omaha. 18-24. Oct New Minister. Harry Doel Parker, mxr-: Mlsnonls Moot.. 14; Bntte 25-28. Powell A Cohan Mmdral Comedy Co.: Marion, and. Not. 21. index. Paid tn FtsIL E. C Andrews, mxr.: Valparaiso. Lad., 14: Ham mood 15; So. Bend 18; Cold- water. Mleh.. 17. Polly oT the drena, Frederic Thompson, art.- San Francisco. CaL. 12-24. Polly of the Circna, A. S. Stern & Co.. mgrs.: Altoona. Pa.. 14: Marietta, O.. 15: Parkers brrrx. W. Ta, 18; Zanearflle. O.. 17: Hamil- ton 18; Plana 19; Marion, Ind.. 20; Mnncie 21: Richmond 22; Terre Hante 22-24. Powell A Cohan Moalral Comedy Co. (Eastern!. Powell A Pattella, mxra.: Nokomos, HL, 12-17: Ccalinsrme 18; Centralla 19-24. Pry or Vnrie.1 Comedy Co.. Chas. . A. Pryor. mgr.: GalTeston, Tex.. 11-17; Corpus Chrlsll 18-24. Pointer. Beulah, in The Little Girl That He Forrot. Burt A Xlcolai, mgrs.: KnoxriUe. Pair ot'eoontry Elds (Western). H. W. Link, mgr.: Loop City, Neb., 14* Alnsley 18; Broken Bow 17. . Prince of PQsen. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Butte. Mont., 14; Great FaBa 15: Helena 18; «nis|r a 17; Hastings, Xeb„ 19; York 20; Uneoln 21: Fremont 22; Norfolk 23; Sioux Falls. S. D.. 24. Port of Missing Men (Rowland A GaakcU's). Ned Newell, mgr.: Newark, X. J.. 12-17: Baltimore, lid . 19-24. _ Paid In Fun. . M. Horkbelmer. mgr.: Valpa raise. »nd~ 14: Hammond 15: South 18; Cbldwater, Mleh.. 17. tn Full, Wagenhals & .Us. Ind.. 12-17. _ Want: Montreal. Can., 12-17. . of the Highway. Morrison * Hcfferlln mgrs.: Pfalla.. 12-17: Brooklyn. X. T.. 19-24. Bebaeea of Sunnsbroot Farm, Jos. Brooks, mgr. : X. Y. a, Oct- 8. indef. Bobson. May. in The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary. L. S. Sire, mgr.: Wash., D. C, 12-17: Cleveland. 0_ 19-24. Rlp Van Winkle (Eastern), Chss. McDonald, mgr.: Rochester. Ind., 14: X. Manchester 15; Cburnbnseo 16: Albion 17; Syracuse 19; Nap- panee 20: Bremen 21; Lsporte 22; So. Bend 23: Elkhart 34. Bl^Tan Winkle. Thos Alton, mgr.: Wsverly. B p^tu^Ue. ( ^Pa!^4^^oa|eR-^l^ 'vorli 21; Chambersburg 22; Reading 23;' Mabonoy City 24. Royal Slave (Western). Geo. H. Bobb, tngr.: Sanborn. Is.. 14: Primghar 15; Bock Raplils. Id: Larchwood 17: Chataworth 18; Aaron 19: Orange City 20; Pauline 21; Sioux Rapids 22: Newell 23: Storm Lake 24. BoaselL Lillian, in In Search of a Sinner. Jos, Brooks, mgr.: San Jose. CaL. 14: Oakland 15-J7; Fresno 19; Bskerslieid 20; Santa Bar- Rivenslde 22; Redlanda 23: San Mac- IH-trolt. Alexandria 15: Fergos Falls 18: Wahpeton. X. D., 17: Watertown, S. D.. 23; Brookings 24: Huron 25. Rosary, The (Rowland tc Clifford's Southern), Wm. H. Lemle. mgr.: Jackson. Mich., 14: Grand Bapids 15-17: Detroit 18-24. Bosary, The (Rowland A Clifford's Westemi. M. S. Goldalne. mgr.: Terre Hante. 1ml. 12-14; Brazil 15: Crsw/ordsville 18: Frsnkfort 17. Robertson. Forbes, in the Passing of the Third Floor Back. The Shnberts, mgr..: Boston. Mass., 5-31. ilL Annie. In The Imposter. Chss. Froh- n, mar.: Hartford. Conn.. 14: Bridgeport 15: New Haven 18-17: X. Y. C. 20. Indef. Rosary, The, Rowland & Clifford, mgrs.: I'roT- ldenee. B. I.. 12-17. Red Mill. H. B. Emery, mgr.: Newark. O.. 14; Col timber, 15-17. Ring. Blanche, in the Ysnkee Olrl. The Him- berts, mgrs.: Portland. Me.. 10-17. Smart Set (No. 1). Barton A Wlawell. mgrs.: Chicago. III., 4-17; Columbus. 0„ 10-21; To- ledo 22-24. Smart Set (Sonrhern). Barton A Wlswell. mxra,: Little Bock. Ark.. 14; Pine Iitnff 15; Hot Springs 16: Msrlsnng 17: Jsrkson, Miss., 19: Corinth 20: Aberdeen 21: Tuscaloosa, Vltty Carpenter Co., " lot, " n., 14; /- Stahl. Rose. In the Chorus Lady. Henry B. llsr- rls. mgr.: Chicago, in.. 12-1T. Scheff. Frltrl. In The Mlksdo. Ths Hhul-erla. mgrs.: Cincinnati. O.. 12*17. Shea. Thomas, in Beperlolre, A. II. W'xxls, mgr.: Boston. Msss.. 12*17. Stampede. The: Baltimore, Md„ 12-17. Servant In the House. Henry Miller Co.. mgra.: Greenville. Miss.. 14; Colntnbus IS; Tuses- looss. Ala.. 16: Selma 17. Sins of the Father, Geo. II. Hm-flan, mgr.: Memphis. Tenn., 14-15; Vlrfcalmrg, Miss.. Sklpnor. Otis, Chal Ten Days. Waxenbsls A Kemper, stars. : Boa- tost, Mass.. Oct. 24. Indef. Speckled Band, Chas. Frobmaa. mgr.: N. V. C. Xor. 21. indef. Spendthrift. The, Frederic Thompson, mgr.*. CM* - HI.. Xor. 14. indef. Girl in Parts. Harry Ask In. gen. mgr.: 111.. Aug. 29. indef. Girl U lilzle 17. (Miller Bros.'): Man- Sherman's Musical Comedy Co.. E. A. Wolff, mgr.: Calgary. Alls.. Can.. 4 Jan. 7. Shadowed by Three, L. C. Zeileno, mgr.: WUet- more, Ia., 14; Emmelsbarg 15; spencer 16; Austin. Minn-. 17: EstherrUle, Is.. 10; Lake Park 20; Sibley 21; Hartley 22; Sanborn 23: SfaeUon 24. Smbborn Cinderella, Chas. A. Goe tiler, mgr.: Colorado Springs. Colo.. 14; Boulder 15; Ft. 'G.ass^tatr.'mgrr: St. 11-17. Sidney. George, in The Joy Blder. E. D. Blair, mgr.: New Orleans. La.. 11-17: Atlanta, Ga.. 19-24. Super ba, Edwin Warocr, mgr.: Grand Rapids, Mich.. 11-14; Port Huron IS; Saginaw 16-17; Bay City 18. School Daya. Stair A Iiarllo, Inc., mgrs.: Nash- Tilie. Tens., 12-17. Sunny Sooth (J. C. Rockwell's): Battle Creek. Mlcb.. 14: Kalamavoo 15; Michigan City. Ind., 16; Hammond 17; Waukegon, 10.. 18; Baclnr. 21; Belolt Soul Kiss (Eastern). Mlttenthal Bros., mgrs.: CsUkUl, X. Y- 14; Schenectady 15. Soul Kiss (Western), Mlttenthal Bros., mgra.: Peoria. 111.. 11-14; Springfield 15-17. Sothem. E. H.. A Julia Marlowe, lo Beperlolre. Clalton Wllstacb. mgr.: X. Y. C, 5 31. Shoemaker, The, Gns Hill, mgr.: St. Louis, Mo„ 12-17; Kansas City 19-24. Starr. Frances. In The Easiest Wsy, David Belasco. mgr.: Flint. Mich., 14: Battle Creek 15; Toledo. 0.. 16-17; Ann Arbor. Mich., 19; Jackson 20; Lansing 21; Saginaw 22; Bay City 23; Port Huron 24. Sis ferklns IC. Jsy Smith's). Eddie Deianey. mgr.: Canonabcrg, Pa., 14; Marietta, 0„ 15: Athens 16; Charleston. W. Va., 17: McKees port. Pa.. 19-21; Wheeling. W. Vs.. 22 24. Sqnrw Man (H. E. Pierce A Co.'s Western), Co). I. E. Cat-en, mgr.: Albert Leg, Minn., 14; New Dim i 5: S t- Peter 16: Stillwater 17: 8t. Cloud 18: Bralnerd 19; Valley City. X. D.. 20: Jamestown 21; Bismarck 22; Mandan 23; Dickinson 24. Sqnaw Man (H. E. Pierce A Co.'s Southern): Belleville. HL. 14. Squaw Msn. Wins Am. Co.. mars.: St. Marys. 0., 14; Van Wert 15; Marlon 16: Sandusky 17: * 19; Teal. Raymond. Musical Comedy Co.: El Paso. Tex., Xot. 21. indef. They Loved s Lassie. Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.: Pittsburg. Pa.. 12-17. Through Death Valley (A. K. Pearson's). Cnss. L. Crane, mgr.: Bridgeport, Conn.. 14-15: New Haven 16-17: Boston. Mass.,* 19-24. Time, the Place and the Girl (Western). L. R. WlUsrd, mgr.: Aberdeen. Wash., 14; Olympic 13; Tacotna 16-17: Seattle 18-24. Tesss Uaaufer (Western) mgr.: Boxers, Ark. Chelsea. Okia.. IT. Trass llsnger (Eastern). J, A. Stsntoo WwMler. O.. 19; Mssslllw 30; Ilarfaerloo ZZ; Alliance 35; Two Auierlesns Abroad (Eastern). L. L_ mgr.: Kltiannlng. Ps„ 14; ' * trobc 16; Altoona 17. Two Americans Abroad (Central), a mgr.: Marios, IIL. 14; Christopher IS; 10; ManAysboro 17. Thurston, Magician. Dudley McAdow. mgr.: Akron. 0„ 13-14; Anderson. Ind.. 15; Ft. Warns 16-17; Milwaukee. Wis., 18-24. Trsvellng H al est n aa (A), Henry mgr.: Memphis. Teno , 12-14: Miss., 15: Vlcksbarg i«; " Orleans, U.. 18-24. Traveling W a lesm s a (B). N. Platte. Xeh., lt: IS; Bock Sprlocs 16: Ogdeo. Utah, 17. Third Degree (A). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: New Orleans. La.. 12-17. Third Degree (B). Henry B. Han M uncle. Ind.. ]«; Blettmond IS; trllle 16: Springfield. HL, 17. Tborston. A del sid e . In Miss A Harris, mgra.: Paul 15-17. Turning Point. Jay L. X. Y-. 13-17. Thief. The (Eastern), Ceo. A. Laconla. X. H.. 14: Ply Franklin 16: It lx heater 17. Three Twins iWeartern). Joa. M- Galtes. mgr.: Topeka. Kan.. 17. Up and Down Broadway, with Eddie Foy. The Shnberts. mgrs.: Kansas City. Mo., 12-17. Uncle Tom's Cabin (AL W. Martin's). Wm. Kibble, mgr.: Grand Island. Neb.. 14: Beatrice 15: Manhattan. Kan.. 16: Topeka 17. Unci- Tom's Cabin (AL W. Martta'sl. C F. Ackerman, mgr.: Elmira. X. Y- 14; Cries 15: Amsterdam 16: Troy 17: Batlaad. VL, 1»; Plsttsbnrg 20: ~ Lima. 0.. Virginian. The, Klrke LsSiwIie Co.. St. Louis. Mo.. 12-17. Van Stnddltord. Grace. In the Bridal Trip, T. V. Arthnr, mgr.: Bostoa. Mass., 13-17. Volunteer Organist: Cairo. CaL. IS. Ware, Helen, in The Deserters. Henry B. Har- ris, mgr.: Phils . 5-24. Wilson. Francis, la the Bachelor's Baby. Chas. Frohman. mgr.: Bostoa. Mass-. 28-Dee. 17; Syracuse. X. Y.. £9: Bortester 30; Oswego 21; Buffalo 22-24. Warde. Frederick: Denlson, Tex.. 14: Sher- man 15: Wichita Falls 16; Amariilo 17. Warner. H. B . tn Allaa Jimmy Valentine. Lleb- ler A Co.. mgrs.: Brooklyn. X. Y.. 12-17. Winning Miss, Boyle Woolfolk. mgr. HL. 4-17. white Captive: Brooklyn. X. v.. 12-17. Wilson. AL H.. Sidney R. EUIs. m 8. C., 14* Aurusta. Ga.. 15: Atlanta 16-17; Brrm Ingham. Ala.. 18: Xew Decatur 30: Chat- tanooga. Term-. 21; Known, v 22; Asbertlle. X. C. 23; BrtstoL Team.. 34. When Sweet Sixteen. Ever w all Co. . Inc. mgrs. : Atlantie City. X. tS-14; Trenton 15-1T: BalUmore, Ml. 19-24- WcJf. The. Stair A Havlia. wird"i r THE "WONDER" SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN ISA MATCHLESS SELLER FOR STREET WORK saTRPPTMPN Get busy — order some at on O 1 IVCiEa 1 ITlEill easily to be made profits. of these We have good supply hot no more on hand. First come, first served. Send Fine high-grade finish, elegant looker, satisfies everybody. No. J. 4741. Grade 1. Dos.. SI. 33 No. S4742. Grade A, Dot.. 1.10 N. SHURE CO., Groan. $13-00 Grow. 12.30 CANES and PENNANTS PHOH FACTORY TO KBTAJLES We manufacture the mot line in the country. If you wish to enjoy a sensation of loonuns big profits get in touch with us and our low prices. Do it now, before you get mired in the nit of poor stun* and poor sellers of other makers. Catalog free. Samples submitted. Quick action. etSMO MFC. C0„ 311-312 W. Wictefii Stmt OKAN. U BIG MONEY IN OUR SOAP AGENTS f t| Sssivrled [raeliages with valuslile iTrinliiins liar I the dash anil valor that get the mnnev. r-T»ryV«1y ««ea Miem. MAKK fill I: AT HI It IV KM UN V»H SHOWS. FAEXITAUs BTT. Hers for esnvsssers ami takers, tine young msn rlesrod gt.tWev.5S In « months eartva... Are you dtdna as well? If not. send postal today. g. St, DAVIS 80 AP CO., Ml Untoa -park Oaart. Caleago. V ' 7 gelleri stralshl on s le/isse I: .. We trill fsseh yon how. NOTH.NO GETS THE MONEY IN PARKS LIKE A RIDING DEVICE $•.600.00 is mioiikI, |a | inj . for t |„, be»l . HOVVSE PORTABLE COASTER OrinyS-** 1m ttmt tmtf. Wrllr. PAUL D. II OWN ffiifr. . 9»m iw*), Imj \m. Mer.,. VMy, 11 Mgr. Koro«t 1 DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 41 Waldniaon, Eduard, 1. t. Morrison, mgr.: River- brad. N. 1*: ft. Jefferson IS; Xortoport Woodruff, Henry, Id Tbe Uenlus, Hurt H. mgr.: Ft. Madison, la., 14; 0«'— ' IB; Kiwuh 10; Bloomlngtou 17; 18; Burlington, la., 25. Wlldnre, Harry Doel Parker, mgr.: Tomato. Can.. 12-17. n'Uow ivrklns, F. J. Oruber. mar.: Tracer, Minn.. 1': Marshall IS: Litchfield 16; Benson 17; Glenwood 10; Herman 20; Morris 21; Until Valley 22; WlUnar 23; 'Granite Falla 24. Wliard of Wlseland. Harry Scolt Co.. mgrs. : Eldorado, Ark., 14; Arkadeipbia 10; Hot Sprloca 17-18: Bateevllle 10; Newport 20; Joneakoro 21 : Paragoold 22 Poplar Bluff. Mo.. S3: IMSota 24. Zlnn Musical Comedy Co., A. M. Zloo, mgr.: El Paao, Tel.. Not. 10, "- Woodstock 14; Barton A Wlswrll'a Down la Dixie. H. D. Col- llne, mgr.: Madlsonvllle. Ky. 14; Henderson IS: Owenaboro 16: HopkinsvUle IT. Coborn'e. J. A.: Dawion, Ga.. 14 Amerleus 16; Columbus 17; Flticerald 20; Moultrie 21; Quitman 23; Valdoata 24. DeRue Broe.': MUlTllle, N. J.. 14 IS; Salem 16; Swedesboro 17. Dorkatader'a. Lew: Fall Hirer. Springfield 16. Crana' Honey Boy. bore, Miss., IS. Fleld'a, Al a.: Williamson, W. Va.. 14; Caarlee- ton IS: Huntington 16; Portsmouth. O., 17. Fox'a Lone Star, under canvas. Roy E. Fox. mgr.: Flatonla. Tex., 13-14; Waelder 15- 17. Got Broa.'. O. R. Guy. mp. : Woodstock. Ont., Can.. XT. Belnnrld'a. Sip.. Lady: (Crawford 1 !) St. Loo- Is. Ma. Indef. Skating Rink Attractions. Alice Teddy. Crapaey. Geo. B. U^Tenn^*: 19-24. CARNIVAL COMPANIES -J St. Fair La.. 12-17. Armstrong's Greater United 12-17. Barkoot Amusement Co., No. 2, J. C. Simpson. mar.: Waldasta, Ga.. 12-17. Campbell .United Sbowa: Arkansas City. Ark.. 10-15. Cosmopolitan Sbowa, H. Snyder. Tex.. 12-17. Great Martin Carnival Co., are.. St. Louis. Mo. Jones'. Johnny J.. Exposition Sbowa: Balnbrldge. Ga.. 13-17; Ocala. Fla_. 19-2S. Juvenal's Stadium Show. J. M. Juvenal, mgr.: Lake Village, Ark.. 12-1T. Kriuoe Greater Shows: Fttxgerald. Ga.. 12-17. Lee-Grant Mardl-Gras * jubilee. H. Grant, mgr.: Haleyrllle. Ala.. 12-17: Red Bay 10-24. Llttlejohn'e United Sbowa. Tbos. P. Llttleiobn. mar-: Tift on. Ga.. 12-17. McKlnnej-Aecner Racing Combination, Hadd&m. Kan. Nlxro A Loos Shows: CoTlngtoo. La.. 12-17. ^'tonfc'a Sh 1" 'l7 E ' W " We4Ter ' mlT - : Washlng- Sassaman A It race Amuaement Co.: Spartanburg. S. C. 1217. " Blatrnnk^Co.. N. E. W. Slatrnnk. mgr.: Cochran. La.. 12-17. CIRCUSES Campbell Bros.': Rayne. La.. 14; St. MsrUns- rllle IS: Pstterson 16; Sew Orlesns 17-18; season closet. lnd. Kd " * " OB * s * oow ' Te"* Hante, Fitxxersld'a Indoor Circus. Kansas City, Mo., 12-17. ^Nch 1 " 1 ***" * PoB * Sb< " r - cl *T- ">'*Jja. Geo. W., Old RANDS & ORCHESTRAS. O'Urbano'a Italian Band, Geo. Cballla, mgr.: Dulutb. Minn.. 14-17; 'MlnneaooU. ld- 2 - ^ Neel a Carl. Band: Cochran. Ga.. 12-17. - Orchestra. H. O. ~ N. Y.. 14; a 17. LONDON MUSIC HAUL SONGS. 16.) •one that shows any algn of failure to 'draw 1 or to arouse most be dlacarded on the Instant. One or two poor songs might seriously Jeopar- dise their reputation In tbe estimation of a puh- .. , . b,t eon»'»ntly crying out for novelty. And tbat la doubtless tbe reason why many Prime favorites of the public "keep a bard on tbe -remises,' to to apeak. la other won. they pay a particular song writer a retaining re« all the year round In order to have first call . b, ■ aervlces. ■*» arrangement ( ucb aa this la by no meant uncommon: An artist pays s man a retaining fee of, perhaps, two, three or four guinea, per week, oa " be ■landing that on D la part la tikes wim tbe publishing Arm tbat agree, to place the aong upon tbe market. Such in ar- rangement. It la apparent, la not at all bad. from tbe autbor'a point of view. He not only baa hla retaining fee, and tbe lamp turn for ment*t t u h P 5J s ;h ' u ^irt,e? t bV able' to'pocklf^ addition, * tiny little royalty upon •rrsjry copy told. Tbe fact that popular perform* ra are prepared In this way to pay a salary all tbe year round In addition to tbe purchase price of any piece accepted, only abowa tbe value which they place upon an attractive aong. It la weU known tbat a eong wblch turns ont a popular 'hit' may be worth 1.000 pounds at tbe very least to a front-rank artist." CINCINNATI, O. The Actors' Union and White Rata of America gave a benefit performance at Robinson's Thea- tre Thursday night. Dec. S. Twenty-aeven acta from the various Cincinnati theatres made up the bill. Financially the benefit waa successful. Charles Murray Is tbe new manager of the Auditorium Theatre, wblch waa recently ac- quired by the James 3. Meyers Amuaement Co. Vaoderllie continue* to be tbe policy, five sets In conjunction with motion pictures composing the program. Several actresses, members of the Elsie Janla Company, playing at tbe Grand last week, had a narrow escape from death In a fire which par- tially destroyed the Honing Hotel, where the women were a topping. No one waa Injured, al- though the three actr es s es lost aocne of their belongings. Ralph Peckham, excursion agent for the Sing- ling Bros.' Shows, passed through Cincinnati Dee. S. A meeting of the Empire Circuit Directors waa held at the offices of James E. Fcnnessy, In People's Theatre building, last week. A de- tailed account of tbe meeting appears on tbe burlesque page of this Issue. Cincinnati Lodge No. 33. T. M. A., gave its first- annua] mask and dress ball at Central Turner Hall, Tuesday evening. Dec 6. Details may be found In the T. M. A. columns of this I .Milan Kemble baa returned to MANCH ESTE R, N. H. On November 28. Keith's resumed vaudeville at Its local boose after an absence of three years to big business and consequently the other booses felt It aU week as boslnesa has been very rrolet with them. Manager Lo return, of tbe local Keith's house, styt that It will be the policy of his house to ran nothing bat tbe best vaudeville that can be got and tbe booking that be baa shown our correspondent verifies this atatement. George Freeman haa been made manager of the Bijou and la making good. At. Oahler la stage manager of th Kel th'a bona*. Business haa been very good with all the local picture bouses. ^ ^ BRE3XAHAX HATT1ESBURG, MISS. far In Hattleabnrg id the The theatrical season hss been of the most managers eac" Probably tb a tire than formerly, of which hank accounts at- test. There are some critics in our plneland who are prone to do injustice when they should If we all had diamonds we would doing. TOLEDO, O. _ and all the rest of the matters of tbe magic art. have nothing on Bill Buah. with his trick tack. He has been one of tbe bead- Uoers about here drrrinr bra recent stay. Maurice Calne. tbe local Irish thrush, from Jersey, who baa spent ten days In our city, telle alt about tbe times In the South and what he will do next season. Calne la the real pilot of the Panama Company. Lydell-Vaughn closed with tbe stock under tbe said name- at the Auditorium Theatre last week. She leaves for a ten weeks* engagement on tbe Coast, and will rejoin the company at Albany. Harry Lydell la the owner of a large ranch In tbe West, and this engagement will permit him to visit this ranch. They have a most flattering offer for their services on the Coast. The genial manager. Burton, will con- tinue to handle tbe company for several weeks In toll city, md will route It for future book- Cbarlle Wilson la with us again, and la In rmooal direction of the tour of Hanlon's Superba. Miss Grace Tan Anken. the charming yotia^ leedlng lady, who la to take tbe vacancy or Miss Vaughn at the Andltorlnm Theatre. h«» srrlred In the city, and has begun rehearsing Charlotte Townsend. another new member of the company, has also arrived. WANTED A Second- Hand Mat In good condition, tnltable for working horses on s large atage. Send full description and low- est price Immediately. MISS OL1YK SWAN. 101 Ranch. Bliss. Okla. ANATOMICAL WAX MODELS and Heads or Masks of noted Criminals or other characters, made to order. Suitable for MEN ONLY SHOWS. ELBERT H. ROSCOE. Sculp- tor. 413 W. St. Joseph St.. Lanalng. Mich. The box office at the Lyceum received a new coat of paint laat week. Word baa been received from Business Man a ger Alton, of tbe Millionaire Kid. that be plays the Lyceum In January. Some show for Million sire Alton. " flSfiS. °L Pl ^i Sme 2£S ca company, are playing aome good WITH THE STOCK COMPANIES. Streetmen, Agents! Something new; a live wire seller: bank account profits. If yon want a snap, get la line at H. W. RUT0N CO.. Goshen, Iod. ust Completed — - NEW OPERA HOUSE Seating capacity 500. Write i N. S, McGRUDKR. J. D. Kerr, manager of the Alamo Theatre (formerly tbe Pioneer). Plalovtew. Texas, bat finished remodeling bit playhouse, which Is now one of the finest picture and vaudeville theatres In tbat section of the country. Mr. Kerr Intends to plsy small atock companies In tbe near future. Joseph Hostelry haa been engaxed by Richard Baker, atage director of the Temple Stock Com- pany of Camden, N. J., to play heiTlei and character parts with the Temple Company. Hollcxy formerly was a member of tbe Schiller Players st Savannah. Ga. Messrs. Chase and Robblns. of tbe Chase- Lister (Northern) Company, have erected a manoment over tbe grave of Will 8. Ha inner, who died and was burled In Aberdeen. 8. D. Mr. Hamner was a member of the company last Rogers Barker, formerly leading man with the Lyric Theatre Stock Company. Minneapolis. Minn., has accepted a atock engagement In Scranton, Pa. Mlaa Ethel Adamaon, formerly with The Fisher Stock Co.. has Joined the Trueadale Man Of the Hour Company. Ward writes tbat tbe Pair of Pinks has finished a successful tour of the Chamberlain Harrington time In Iowa and Illi- nois, and haa Jumped south for a tour of the Cotton States. Business hss been uniformly good, and the company will remain out the en- tire year, returning to Colorado In May for Its usual summer mountain trip. With the com- pany are ten people. Including Dorothy Owen. The Roaeya. The Bromleys, Harry Bennett, Harry Ward and Nettle Wilson Ward. The McAllister Stock Company haa opened for an Indefinite engagement at the Lyric Theatre, Springfield, Mo. Harry Wilson, with bis P. As W. Players, who have played at tbe Lyric since Sept. 20. la now located In Kan tas City. WM. A. NEWMAN ILL. Wm. A. Newman, a member of Detroit Lodge. T. M. A., eldest son of Robt. C. Newman, grand, secretary-treasurer, wag operated on " pendlcltle at the Harper Hospital. Mich., recently. Grand Secretary Newman re- ceived a long-distance call from Detroit aa his son wst being taken to the operating table, and waa at the bedside next morning with Mrs. Newman, having left Toronto on tbe midnight train. Father and mother found their son In a low state but from last accounts he la Im- proving nicely and haa every chance of a complete recovery. His mothgr remained In De- troit. ALBA FLAMING ARC LAMPS A real novelty that combines artistic effect with advertising -value. LIGHT is the cheapest and most effective lure for patrons. Turn your street into a GREAT WHITE WAY for 75 cents per night with "The Light vou see on Broadway." Send for Catalog "C." CHARLES L. KIEWERT CO. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO PITTSBURG MILWAUKEE RIDES THAT MAKE PARKS We are buildere of the WORLD'S BIGGEST RIDE and over 100 small ones. Our prices are the smallest and our experience the greatest. COASTERS FROM $6,000 UP. Nothing Too Big— Nothing Too Small. COASTER CONSTRUCTION CO. White City, Chicago UP-SIDE-DOWN- MILLETTES Will Have some Open Time After January 1st, for a Double Head-Balancing Trapeze Act The only one in America. Reliable Managers and Agents, if you are looking for something good, write ED. MILLETTE, Gen. Del., St. Louis, Mo. CAN PLACE AT ONCE, FOR K. G. BARK00T GREATER SHOWS No. 2 Good ELECTRIC SHOW. PENNY ARCADE, good is alwaya welcome-. Booked solid for e do good here. Legitimate Concessions writ* or ' Dec 12; Uva Oak, Fla., week Dec. 19. WANTED FOR UNITED MARDI 6MS AND STREET FAID 00. Freak or Vaudeville Show. AU Concessions $10 par week. Will place Glass Wheel. Country Store Wn-eL WIU sell exclusive Ball or Cat Rack. No Knife or Candy Wheels. Want Plant People. Will be ont all winter. Jonestown, alias., Dec 12-17. WANTED - FOR METROPOLITAN CARNIVAL Good Merry Go-Ronnd st • Knife Rack ALL WINTER SOUTH ■e; also Platform Show sod Comedians for Plantation Show. Cam asd Novelties and Con_(ettl._ Also man for High Striker. Writs Or !C 12-17. 42 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 191Q. DIRECTORY Of A genu, Hotels, Music Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus ' Park Supplies, Alphabetically ibliabed, properly claaaiaed. In the rate of *10 for one jolt m>. prodded they are of so acceptable — Price ISCSSSSS cm jeare subscrip- tion to The Each additional Une or additional clssdflea- tloo. wlthoot sabserlbtJoe. $7-50 per saaam. One Uae will be allowed to sdrertlaeis free etebarse for each SI 00 wortb of spare oaed ssiMiig one year. This directory la rerlaed and corrected weekly, ■ ™~* b> arm names and addresses being re- «s soon as tbey are rc cd e o L ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Bowery. Kcw York City. Co.. 220 Madison at.. Chicago. ADVERTISING STICKERS. L Elsrnsteln, 44 Ana St., Maw Tort City. Xieaiilli Bros., 82 Atlantic are., Boston. Mass, i Mfg. Co., Ml Woodland are., Qsis 0. 8. Scenes A Bon. CO Aaa at.. Hew Tort City. Shxyoek-Todd Co.. 824 X. 8th St.. BL Loola, Mo. .X. Share Co.. 220 Madleon at.. Chicago. Blafcr Bros.. 82 Bowery. Mew York City. Weetern Bargain How. 272 C. Madlecci. Ch'gs- CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. J. H. Hallberg. 86 K- 23d sL. Haw York City. CAROUSELS. 0. A. DeatseL 8841 Hcrsrhell-SplTTTfl as Co., H. C w. Parker, Abilene. Kan. CARS (R. R.) Anna Pslses Horse Car Co., " Chicago, Tn Hacks 1 11 1 r sad Oar w< at.. Chicago, m. Soothers Iron * Eeedpmeat Building. Atlanta. Ga. Be Vesica Trans. Co., Sd HatJaaal Bank Bide.. Bt Loola, Mo. CASH REGISTER8 (2nd HAND). Co.. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS. Helmet Co.. Int. 13 W. Sth St., ' " O. AERIAL ADVERTISING. J. Cooyae, 3508 McLean arc, Chicago, ill. AERONAUTS. _ Co., Seed City. Mien. De Tonda. Box 798, Otsego. Mich. --■at. T< _ City. AMERICAN TAILORS. *. Co.. 188 Bay at.. Toronto. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Hencbetl KpHlman Co.. No. Tonawanda H Y a W. Parker, Abilene. Kan. U- 8- MosJe Co.. 1839 x. weat ANIMAL F™- J^^Jf 0 - MO Greenwich St.. N. Y. C. nod n_ Filar, North Waterford. Me. ssV'coL*™"*' K * M " CltJ - ^ ■ AN NOUNCEM^N'/sLI DES. Ox. Inc.. 24 Union Sqoaie, K-, N. Y. C- ARC LIGHTS. J. H. HaHbers. 36 E. 23d st. Hew York City. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Botanical Decorating Co.. 310 plftn are ™. cago. ill. Gssthoff ft Co.. Danrtlle, m. " Slower Co.. Inc.. ASBESTOS CURTAINS. 5°"=^ * tandla Cc^. 417 S- Clinton at.. Ch- K o. C W- Trainer. SO Pearl at., Boaron. Haas. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONO- MIZERS. m ^3*°^"*- « at 33d st... Hew York City H - Po " cr Co.. 115 Kssssn st. Hew York City AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. i*** * Hcaly. 206 Wabaah are.. Chicago, m. BADGES, BUTTONS. ETC. "^Sefnf"* * Co. 1030 S. 4th , HawnuB Mfg. Co.. 641 ■~ d. O. Wendell-Greenwood Co.. 122 S. 4th at.. II irr— T BALLOONS-HOT-AIR. BALL THROWING GAMES. atl Korelty Co.. 204 16th at.. Cln'tL O BAND INSTRUMENTS. Fillmore Music Honae, 528 Elm st. Cln'tL 0 Lyon A Healy. 205 Wabaah are.. CUeaJro. 11L Bodolph Wariltser Co.. Cincinnati and. Chicago BAND MUSIC. Fillmore Mnalc House, 528 Elm at. Cln'tL O „ „ BANNERS. «• 8. Tent and Awn. Co., 22-28 N a. Labia. 836 Market st. Philadelphia. Pa. Lacramle film B ai l l oa. IBS Lake St., Chicago; BraasnUa, tad.; Memphis. Tana.; Omaha. Neb : Bait Lake City; sOssawsaska. Mima.; Portland, Ore.; MaatlssL Qoe. Can.; Wbrat- peg. Man.. Can. Marshy. C. J.. Elyrla, 0. Neator Film Co.. 147-157 4th are.. H. Y. City. X. : Hew 57 Edisoa Mfg. Co.. 10 Fifth ars.. H. Y. C. and Orange, s. I. ' Gicmont Co.. Congress see., Flnshlsg. l. l 3. H. Hallberg. SB B. 23d St. Hew York City Hsrbsch * Co.. 80S Filbert at.. Philadelphia p, H. * H. Film Serrlce, S60 Monadoock Block Chicago. IU. - ft fO^a*. ■rSHji are Hew York City. Erleiril!, 1^ u'eB^J^TrJi': Chleigo; Heb.; Salt Lake 1 City!" MlnneapUla. < 3j!n D ^ Portland. Ore.; Montreal. Qee., Can.- vUmi'- peg. Man.. Can. 8. Lnbln. 026 Market st. Philadelphia. Pa. Magnetic Film SerTlce, Cincinnati TS? Mcboi.i Power Co.. US Hasssa st. R. Y. c Ps^^Orssastogysph Co.. 41 W. 25th «.. R. Plttsborg Csldnm Light ft FUm Co.. Plttabnrr Pa.: Des Mrt s es . la.; Bocbeater. H. T. : Lin- coln. Neb.; Cincinnati. O.; Omaha. Neb • Wilkes-Bsrre, Pa. Eberhard Schneider. 10S E. 12th st. H. Y. C. Booth. FUm Each.. 346 Main st. Norfolk. Va. Btebblas, Chaa. U . 1028 Mala sL. Kanna City, Mo. Standard FDm Each., 161 Washington »t_. Chi U. 8. Film Each., 81 8. Clark st, Chicago. YUscepe Mix. Co.. 112 E. Randolph ,<_, Chi- cago. MUSICAL GLASSES. L Brsssetss. 484 Flatboah. Brooklyn. H. Y. MU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS Lyon A Hedy. 306 Wabaah are.. Chicago. North Tonawanda Masted Instrument Works. North Tonawanda. N. Y. Bodolph Wariltser Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. NOSE PUTTY. M. Stela Cosmetic Co.. 130 W. Slat st. X. Y. C. NOVELTIES. Cos. Tonga A Co., SOS Loess are.. Mo. Goldsmith Toy Imp. Co.. 122 B. 4th, < Gordon 85 -~" Goldberg Jewelry Co.. Ill W. 6th at. Kasaaa City. Mo. Holiday Norelty Mfg. Co., 37 Crest Jooes (t, Rew York City. T. o. Mart, 415 Dearborn «i_. Cbteagn. IU. Bodolph Bros., 520 B. 5th st, Philadelphia. N. Share Co., 320 Msdlsos at. Chicago. DX Bhryoek-Todd Co.. 824 R. 8th st. SL Loots. Mo. Stager B roe. . 82 Bowery. New York City. 8L Leeds Confetti Co.. 13 8. Commercial gL, SL Loola. Me. Mfg. Co.. 8SS Broadway. Rew York Korelty Co.. y-K 6th OPERA CHAIRS. x. 315 Wabssh arc, Cnl'to. A. H. Andrews. 1T4 Wabaah are.. Chicago. Carole-Goodie Mfg. Co-. SOT Delaware at.. Kan- aaa dtp. Me. J. H. Hallberg, 36 E. 23d it, New Terr. C!tj. Hal Btsti Mffe. Co. . Canal Dorer. O. a. a. Milan Sating Co.. New Philadelphia. O. Boyd Metal Mfg. Co.. 1821 Dearborn st, Chi- cago. B. H. StaSOrd Mfg. Co.. Chicago, steel Fassaaaas Co.. Grand Bapids. Mica. ORANGEADE. The Corner Co.. 80S Msrylsad at-. Boffalo. R. Y. Chaa. T. Morrtssey Co.. 2490 Harrtaon, Chicago. ORGAN8 AND ORCHESTRIONS. C P. Bath. Still ma Ksa. A. Bernl. TtO W. 14th SL, Hew York City. OsrioU A Co.. 81 Boad St. Rew York Cry. Johannes a. Gehesrdt Co.. 8034 Lawrence gL. Philadelphia. Pa. Lyom A Healy, 206 WabaaS are.. Chicago, in. John Mosdo A Son.. 178 Park Bow. N. T. C. North Tonawanda Maded Iastrament Wotka. Rertb Tonawanda- K. Y. Bodolph Wariltser Co.. Clsdnnatl 4 PAPIER MAC HE. 167 I PATENTS SECURED. Victor J. Brass A Co., Washington. D. C. PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES. WHOLESALE. 8. Cstaasare A Co.. Peon are.. A 23ad rt. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY. Klngery Mfg. Co., CtadaastL PENNANTS. Nsdd * Shlmmet, 144 Park Bow. H. Y. CJtj. PERFORATED^ MU8IC. V. 8. Mnalc On.. S»S0 W. Lake et. Chicago. PHOTO BUTTON MACHINES. Amer. Mlnnte Photo Co.. 720 W. ISth. Chlcogc, Cot Kate Photo Bspply Co.. 1347 8. Halate* •t, Chtcsgo. Chicago Perroty N* t Y. l Pemty^6o^,"6BVi Dstaneey _ at.." N. Y- W. B. MoBBtfnrd. 160 Maiden Lane. H. Y. C PHOTOGRAPHERS. Too eg ft Carl. N. W. cor. 7th and Vies da. Cincinnati. O. *. PLAYS AND MSS. Seslars ts. Asthsn, Assets sad Brokers. Dick ft Fltsgerald, 228 Aaa d.. Hsw York City. Adolnh M. Belm. SOS Faster Bldg., Milwaukee. WU. POPCORN. Brsdsbaw Co.. 280 Q i e ea al eh st. H. T. Citj- Dlroblrger Popcorn On.. 186 B ass e s et.. Boffin*, asrdra Cite Popcorn Whs., 48 state St. Chi go. Bockbdm Bros, ft r ' DECEMBER 17, 1910k The Billboard PORCUPINE* P08T CARDS FOR MACHINES. PRINTERS. Litbo. Co.. Emu City. Ho. ' Oo., Kllwukw, Wis. it.. DlUll, PRINTERS. Of TWtttal tillaifcnli. Contracts ul Pro- Ctarth Printing Co., 419 Dm ft., Cincinnati. O. RACING COASTER BUILDERS. Cle r' land, O. * **** ' ROLL TICKETS. MlBoBll RoU Ticket CO.. mi.mnfcln p,. Bojal Ticket Co., Sbamoa-la, Pa. ROUGE. U. Stein Cosmetic Co., 130 W. 31st it., N. Y. C. SCENIC PAINTERS. stages* Cox. 1528 Vsa Bares St., Chicago. macla C. t>W7cr. 361 K- 4th »t_, N. Y. O. Eakeboll Art Co.. 5306 M. 27th at.. Omibi. Neb. SONG . 117 384 WHUam at.. BOOKS. r. N. T. Cltr. Maw York City. SONG SLIDES. BM, Chl- Cltj; Baa Ffla Berries. S*> Mansdaocs Black. . m. aaggp rum startles, ISO Laka at.. Chicago; ■raatrUIa, lad.; Memphis. Tans.; Osuha, Mao.: Bait laka City: Wane* polls. Mrsa.; Portlana. On.; Montreal, Qua.. Can.; Wtnnl- 9*9. Mam,, Cam. Lake Baer* BUn at flopply Co.. 814 Superior St.. Cla-eslsa*. otk. l*Tl Oo. , inc., 34 UaJoa Sonars, Maw Yark City. Baralty aUlaS Oa., 231 a 53d it,. N. T. City. Be Landis Co., 411 8. Clinton. Cblcaco. Toouey A Volland Scenic Co.. 2313 Market at., St. Lonla. IfO. Howard Tattle, 1203 Crater at.. Milwaukee, Wla. 8CENIC RAILWAYS. Pant D. Howie, 167 Dearborn St., Calcaio. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Dials FUas Exenaag*. Oweeaboro, Ky. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Berry- Wood Piano PUrs Co.. Kansas Cltr. afo. Lynn at Healr, 200 Wabash aee., Cblcato. UL Rudolph Warlltjer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. D. 8. M aaic Co., 3830 W. Laka at.. Chicago. SHOOTING GALLERIES. NOTejty Co.. rVAenettadT, M. Y. - pole. 800 Vina at-. Philadelphia. Pa, M. B. Ho H man * BOB. 542 Ji " 8IDE 8H0W PAINTINGS. a. Bock. 338 Bins Island are.. Catena*. UL Da MoaUa Bros, dt Co.. OrscaTllla. DL BakeboU Ait Co.. 5306 N. 27th at,, Omaha, Neb. B. J. Harden A Co.. 108 Broadway. Brooklyn. C. a. Teat and Awn. Co.. 23-39 N. Desplalnsa 8IDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Caaabaidca, Mass. SKATES Bleoroand. lad. Skate Co.. SLOT MACHINES. aT and Dsalan la. MoteatT Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. ' «■ a. raasasr a Co, 4S4 3d assXMttBbasrs. Pa. tjres. A Healr. MB Wabaah aT*.. Chicago. HI. Mills Norelty Co.. Chlcaeo, DL C. 8. Music Co.. 2830 W. Lake at.. Chicago. Bndnln h Wartltarr Co., Ciaelnnstt at Chicago. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTES. Co " shakk' dealersT* W. 0'Dell Lean, Baa Antonio. Tax. A rmrt rooa; Bask* Co., San Anteaalo. Tsxas- BuanaaTtua ' - Co., ISO W. Slat St., M. Y. a t B. OMm 6r >S l Lu.** D ¥ ARE ' H Y tt VIEWS. Co., 300 07 tk St., STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES, Bar Talr YeT Cos. Yoag* Co.. 904 Lccaa as*,. 8*. Lev Bark Bros. §29 Broadway. N. Y. C. at. M. D.rts Soap Oa., ho Union Park Chleaco. Goldberg Jswalry Co., Ill W. St* St., Kansas CUT. Ma. Cl a r dBl * Morrison. 190-301 B. Madison, Ck'an. HefldsyJtorSty^^^Co^gT' Qrlat JeS**!: Maw Tort Cltr. Lsrta Bros.. ~ _WW Olare- land. o. Shryock-Todd Co., 834 M. 8th at, 8L Lonla. Mo. M. Shorn Oa,, 330 Madison at,, Chicago. la. la, Tesrag Co.. t» Contain. Boston. Mass. B*B*» iS^^J!^ Sr^j^Tm^' r^^^ ' TJL Harry Walaaamn. 3(4 Madison it. Chicago, OX Westera Bart-am Hosns. 373 B. Madison, CVgO, T eat at Oa, 900 Filbert at.. Philadelphia. Pa. . TALKING PICTURE MACHINES, Qaanaoat 0a, Crragrsss are.. rinaMnx, L L. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. lit Main SL. Aorers, HL TENTS. iter * Lockwood. Tth A Wrandotts its., Kan aaa tatty. Me, aiassbaa Tent aad Asm. Co., Oilamaaa. O. C*£njs-Ooodls pa., B0T Delaware St., Tsaaas Brca.- Tsnt Co.. 109 A Mafaa at.. Bt, TICKET CHOPPERS Bright. Stream Bid*.. dsTaland, TICKET PRINTERS. o. H. Y. Arena Ticket Oa.. SOB Dearborn at Matlnae! Ticket On,. Baaassktn. Pa. Bee* PHattBt Co., I Otk A Hamsy its. , Omaha. at.. M. Y. TOY BALLOONS. Brands Frleka. Barter. Waah. MaaaDa Bras,, 83 Atlaatle as*.. Bastes. 0*8. A PstarsL 41 Warren St., Maw York City. Shryeek-Todd Oa., BM N. 8th St.. St. Lonla. Mo, Bros.. S3 Bowery. Mew York City. 273 B. Madison, Ch'go. A Co., 1030 A VA SEVILLE AGENCIES. VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. 0. r. Ames. 31T A 85th at,. Haw York City. WATCHES. M. Shura 0*., 330 Madison st, Chlcsge, DL - T —THIS IS OUR— $1.25 Combination Cut WILD ANIMAL DEALERS, Pa mass's Pet and Wild Animal Store. aa hlaa taa at,. Buffalo. M. Y. a Bain, fat Grand St,, Maw Yark City. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. T. 0. Matt, 419 Dearborn at~ Cadeaara, dl WANTED ATTRACTIONS J. C. Oeaa A Co.. Detroit, Mich. D. M. Kerr Mis;. Co.. 1007 W. Madlsoa at,, CaBenaajw W. H. L— hhaoxa. Murray A Co., lac. Taarascsi A TandlTssr, V. A Ysjnt — * ix a. CoTtnartan. Ky Inc. 940 Meridian THEATRE FR0NT3 AND CEILINGS THEATRICAL^ CoTtUMeTaND A rsetsr. 521 W Slant St. Bt, THEATRICAL INSURANCE EX- CHANGE. Jan. b. Base, 416 Bleetrle Bid*,. OeTsland. 0. THEATRICAL LUMBER. Jeaa aunapls Lombsr Co., Lorabac ft Beward FLORALA. ALA. Population, 3,000; Txckhart, 1 mile, 2,000; Paxton, 2,000; Lake wood, 1,500. Stage onening, 32x18. Pros- cenium arch, 22 feet. Can bang any scenery. FIEICI ft EWMQ, NEW K. of P. ARMORY THEATRE slEFFCRSONVILLC, INDIANA Capacity 1. 100; licensed boose; only one In city. • ansdesn: lab — beat. Oyer ■or ear- llsjht- IEW EMPIRE THEATRE, SASIATOOI, Bask,. Oa n sds. Oood show town; population 1 8,000. 8sa Una capacity 1.290. Want A- 1 At tractions. D AV I D DOC Q LAS, Manarer. THEATaE TO BEST to rsnnensthle party for H of profits; also tare 3 N. T. Military 4S-key Bud Orsnna, Peerless BJec Plane, M. P. Ma- te, foe sal* at^ons^kslf oelce. Doat wrtta For Letterheads, HeraJds and Ne papers it can't be beat. We are just beginning. Watch na grow. Quality perfect. Service unexcelled . sm. , , . , m a a at * ** a, iieauicai utrarus & rniuif cs CINCINNATI, OHIO. This is oar 75-cent HsJf-Toneu or • 3x4 for $1, cttsb with oraar Knoxville Engraving Co. FIVE FOOT RBBESSiS OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO., OMAHA, I Personal Hand-Colored Post-Cards These are made for you, and you only. Your portrait is inserted in a beautiful border. Border in one color, and the portrait hand-colored in four catchy colors. Our circular explains everything GRE AT for the Hobdays or Matinee Souvenin. Four cents bring you complete in ONE COLOR ONLY We insert your portrait in a in one color. TWO COLORS We print border in one and your portrait in another. FIVE COLORS Print border in one color, portrait in another, and then hand -color. Bent Weak THE QUEEN CITY ENGRAVING CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. RINK NEWS. (Continued from ptge 25.) L A_ C. team Is slated -to plsy the Dnlnth Northern!* on December 7 and 8. when they come from the far North to make a clean-up of the Chicago' players. The managers of the different teams of the Dew league hare shaken bands and agreed not to steal one another's players. The defunct White Sox team was al- most entirely composed of players taken In wholesale fashion from the I. A. C. BANQUET TO WOOD. Morris Wood, the world's champion speed skater, after winning his last race at 3ie Ice Palace before tearing for the East Wednesday but, was the guest of honor at a dinner given by his friends at a popular cafe on the West Side. Covers were laid for sixteen and the i was given a rousing send-off. Five I Immediate friends, Joe Hawkins, Bert Emmett Smith. James MeCune and of Wood' ANDERSON TAKES FAST RACE. Thursday's race at the Ice Palace in the form of a three-quarter mDe open class "A", skated in two bests at a half-mile and the final at three-quarters, wss an exhibition of fast skat- ing in which a number of spills and tumbles were In evidence. The event was won by A. C. G. Anderson, of the Illinois Athletic Club, by twenty yards. Walter E. Gnnderson, of the same clnb, was second, and Fred J. Marxolph, third. The time was 2:211. Norval Baptle won the one-quarter mile professional handicap race from Herman Leweck. who skated from the 80 Sard mark, Cland Wilson, TO 9 yards, and George Gi time was 0:49 seconds. visited the Ice the gnests of S. skater. NORVAL BAPT1E IS WINNER. Norval Baptle won the one-qnarter mile pro- fessional handicap race Thursday, December 1. at the Ice Palace, from Barman Leweck. who skated from the SO yard mark. Claud Wilson waa third, with a handicap of TO yards. The time was 4fl seconds. -HURRAYS WIN HOCKEY GAME. The Shamrock-Murray hockey game at the Ice Palace, was pulled off Friday night. December 2. before a large crowd, the Murray team win- ning, T to 3. Bough tactics of some of the player* were In evidence throughout. The Mur rays made three goals In the first half and four In the second. The Shamrocks made their three goals In the first half. Wagner, the point of the Shamrocks, did some especially clever work on the defense. lAae up : Murrays (7) Leader (1) am HARD RACE FOR What promises to be the most bitter struggle In the history of the skating game for the office of president of the Western Skating Associa- tion, will take place at the annual election. Al- ready two candidates an In the Held for the position. Jowepb Keane and W. H. Paterson. both prominent In the skating game. Keane Is prob- ably the best known, he having been a friend of the abaters ever since he became an active mem- ber. Last spring, when the city roller Cham ptonshlps were skated, Keane donated a large silver cup for the racer who acquired the most points during the series. Since that time he has been the moving spirit in the association having settled many of the difflcnltles which have al- ways been the cause of factions In the W. H. Paterson. one of the oldest Ice sksters, the other candidate for president. Is a member of the Northwest Skating Clnb and now a mem- ber or the Board of Control of the association. He became connected with the Ice sport when his club could not secure the necessary permit to hold on Ice carnival In the parka, way back In the early 00'a. and distinguished himself by running the races shout 6 o'clock in the morning before the police reported for duty. This act alone stamped him as s man or determination and ■ that time he has made a repntatlon In various offices be has held in the organisation. Julian T. Fitzgerald, who has the office of secretary for two years, is after the nomination again and this year several others are In the field for the same office, but the skaters who have had many dealings with the present secre- tary, will be loyal to him and back up his nom- ination. Nominations ror offices will be made at ■ ssW B jt isTS held at King's HaU. 112 Fifth who recently defeated the Joe Forest, of San _ returned from Honolulu. greatest sksters over there. Is skating Mhire Sherman a series of Ave races at the Coliseum Rink, Kansas City. Missouri. The first race was won by Sherman. Forest losing out on ac- count of the breaking of his skate He was In the lead at the time and bad a Hue chance of winning. Sherman won the second race Nor. 2D. by about six feet. HOCKEY RULES CHANGE. A radical change has been made In the Cana- dian hockey rules. It appears that .the legis- lators of the Ice game had taken a lesson from the shifts In the American football rules. The number of periods has been lengthened from two to three. Canadian teams will play three twenty minute periods Instead of two thirty-minute sessions as was the case last yesr. There will be ten minute intermissions Instead of five. The name of the new organisation la The National Hockey Association of Canada. The number of dubs was fixed at $5,000. The C« take over the Cobalt. SOME DAVIDSON RECORDS. Davidson, champion roller skater of and holder of many records, on ice a great family of Ice la In over, giving exhibitions and races. They have been before the public for twenty-two years In Ice and roller skating, running baseball, la crosse and bicycle racing, and hare won over two thousand first prises in these branches of sports. Harley'a partial Hat of performances Is: Roller skating; won championship northwest 1S85 at St. Paul: won ten-boor continuous race at St. Paul In 1881, making 127 miles. In Ice skating — 1802: won northwestern championship. Blcycie racing— 1893: won novice at Winona, Minn.: same year defeated J. S. Johnson. Jullsn P. Bliss, Harry Tyler. Taylor, Dnrnberger, then the fastest men at the L. A. w. meet, Minne- apolis, winning half-mile open and one and two mile handicaps. Ice racing records — 18S4: one hundred yards standing start, 9 seconds; 100 yards flying start, 7 seconds; 220 yards standing, 17 1* seconds; 300 yards competition. 23 seconds. BEAUMONT IS FIRST. Seventeen of the fastest roller skaters In the city took part In the one mile scratch race, held at the Sans Souci Rink. Friday night. Dec. 2. The entries Included H, Palmer, B. Anegellca, O. GlUIckson, M. Kruse. M. Newfleld, B. Grodeta. E. Parker, N. Kraft, H. Beaumont, A. Read, A McCnesney, C. Shafer and J. Lowery. The race was won by It. Beaumont, after H. Palmer, who sprinted from the start, had set * fast pace for nine laps. The latter finished second and B. Angelica third in 3:22 2-5. A mile novice race, in which twenty -three started./ provided amusement for the crowd, the contestants falling In bunches at each curve, so that but three men were on their feet at the finish. The rsce was won by Leon Kimm In 5:22. GIRLS' RACE. A girls' race waa the attraction at the Ice Palace. Monday. Dec. 5. Miss Evelyn Matnleu, seventeen years old, won the event. Her time for the quarter mile was 0:51. Although three others competed against her. two of whom were her sisters, she won. by Just a few feet over youngest sister, Miss Alice Mathleu, sixteen a old, and Miss Clara Smith, third. NEUL IN FORM. - rank NeuL the "Midget" - roller skater of Chicago, is now skating In rare form, and re- cently broke the world's record for one-half mile, which was held by Fred Tyrrell.. In 1:15 3-5, on the Rirervlew Rink banked track. Neul skated the distance in 1:15 flat He la also boiuer of the one mile : the distance In ! at the Sana Souci Rink a ago, Neul skated three miles with a -broken band, and finished third. The following Sunday he won the two mile race at Rlvexvlew Rink with John McDonald second and AI Krueger Neul has Issued a challange to skate any young skater from 14, mile to 28 miles, on any rink In the country. He Is slso anxious to se- cure match races, or will compete In any amateur race meet In the country. He has one of the beet collections of medals and cups of any amateur skater In this part of the country, and In alse Is some of the smallest skaters that ever pot on a pair of rollers. LEWECK DEFEATS WILSON. Herman Leweck; better known a* Dare Devil Leweck, one of the greatest backward jumpers anil acrobatic Ice'akatera. defeated Claude Wil- son in a quarter mile race at ■ the Ice Palace, Monday night, Dec. 5. The race was a match race. In which Leweck was to skste backwards while Wilson skated forward. Leweck won the race In 48 seconds. HOCKEY AT ICE PALACE. Chlcagoans sre to be treated to an lee hockey series between two Eaatcrn college sevens. Man- ager Prior, of the Ice Palace, closed negotiations with Yale and Cornell for games In Chicago* Dec. 30, Si. and Jan. 2. The contests will mark the first Intercollegiate bOCkey gainer, ever played In Chicago. The ice game la played annually song the Eastern colleges, and dnring the illdaya, vacation trip* are made through the West, Tale and Cornell are two of the strong- est teams In the Ini hi to *U ■e. A yontbful akstlng marvel wa* discovered at the Ice Palace, Tues Tuesday night, Dec. O, Id the boy's race, when Paul Leonl, seven years old, defeated a field of twelve opponents In s quar- ter mile handicap race. He had a handicap of twenty yards over boys up to the age of fourteen years, and covered the distance in record time for a boys race. Holger Jensen, skating under the colors of the Douglss Park Clnb, won the one quarter mile handicap amateur race with a handicap of fifty yards from Harry Halvorsen snd Walter E. Gunderson, of the Illinois Athletic Club, who skated from scratch. The time wss 37 secoods. and Halrerson took second place In nearly a dead heat. Norval Baptle won the fesslonsl hsndlcsp race, ak seconds list: Herman Claud Wilson third. HAND BOOK PUBLISHED. The new hsnd book on skating. Issued by the Western Skating Association, which has been under way for over a year, la at last resdy for the skaters. The book la the best ever Issued by any skating association or authority, and, besides rules governing events, contains a wealth of information concerning prominent skaters, in- door snd outdoor rinks, and other sksting data. These books sre to be given only to members who sre in good standing In the association, and will be given free of charge. No books will be given to any other than a member of the dif- ferent skating associations. RACES AT PORTLAND. ME. Information received from C. K. Hart, of Portland, Me., states that Portland intends to promote a big roller race meet In the near future, and are after the skaters who will help make the meet a success. Mr. Hsrt has written to me asking for the names of sksters who are willing to compete In his meet. Mr. Hart's sddress Is P. O. Box 66S, Portland, Me. PERSONALS. Johnny NUIson, ei champion professional skstcr (ice) of the world, was a visitor at the Ice Palace, Chicago, lost week, snd put on bis skstes and gsve the spectators present s few of his fancy stunts. NIHson ssld that be thought the fever had a hold of blm after he took off bis skates. Usrley Davidson, the world's champion roller skater, played to packed houses at tbe Roll-A* Wsy Blng, In Minneapolis, Minn. John E. Strauss, the St. Psul, Minn., skate manufacturer. Is as busy as a bee with tbe man- nfactnrlng of Ice skstes since tbe demand for them has been caused by the opening of artlflclal Ice rinks. John Karlsen, the Mlnnespolls-St. Panl Ice skater, who skates In summer and rides a bicycle In winter, as the story goes. Is sgaln looking for a match race. Karlsen certainly gets away with The amateur hockey players bad s little more trouble to mske for tbe managment of the Ice Palace in tbelr last game. It seems funny that amateur hockey players in this part of the country should demand money for playing hock after given access to everything In the rink t the safe. Over to Canada they have to pay to play in the rinks. St. Louis, Mo., will this winter be represented by some good Ice sksters. Oscar F. Blanken- melster and Joe Forsbaw say they will show the other skaters that they can get Into first-class condition. They raced at Chicago last year at the Western championship races, held by the Western Skating Association, and without any training made a creditable showing. A committee is at work to New York organ- izing a national society, whose object will be to stimulate renewed Interest to expert figure skat- ing; a winter's sport whose devotees have become fewer and fewer In recent years. Only once since tbe International union was founded. 20 years ago, has an American skster qualified for a European competition, principally because tbe American style of figure skating Is so radically different from that abroad. BRIDGEPORT SKATER8 WINNERS. New York, Dec. 10 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — Tbe Bridgeport roller skating relay team, composed of Harry Burke and George Chatneld. sprang a big surprise on the New York team, consisting of William Blackburn, the Eastern professional champion, and Frank Brower, last Thursday night at the Metropoli- tan Roller Rink, Broadway and Fifty-second street. Tbe event was st live miles, the men to relay at will, and tbe latter team was picked to win easily. The Bridgeport • duo. however, showed unexpected rorm. and won by nearly a half lap In tbe fast time of 15:30. Their vic- tory was largely due to the phenomenal speed displayed by Harry Burke, and most of the A MANAGER'S VIEW. That tbe sport of roller skating basis Is not a fad or a spasmo an Institution which Is being operated on sound huslness principles. Is tbe contention of C. E. Aldrlcb. manager of tbe Coliseum Rink. Elgin. 111. Says Mr. Aldrlcb: "A great many h>ve carried tbe Idea that tbe present roller skating era would be of short life. Perhaps they would be right in their supposition if the same condi- tions existed today In the roller rinks that were In evidence In the old skating days. We all re- member tbe old boxwood .rollers on pin sales with nicked edges and the trusty whose duty It was * to shower the pumice and chalk on the corners st frequent Intervals' to enable the skater to make the corners at a good speed. Very little discrimination aa to who waa ad- mitted so long as they bad the price.. To-day tbe conditions tbst surround tbe well appointed rink are vsstly different. The a port is on s business baais to-day. - Tbe best conducted rinks bare only gentlemen to wait upon tbe patrons. Tbe surface Is kept In a perfectly smooth con- dition with no dost from puratce or chalk. "Yon should know that your skates are st til times In perfect order. Keep your music popular and see that they get plenty of It. Keep away from the racing game and give them plenty of features tbst are new. Skatlnr Is here to stay for tbe manirer who will keep son, Carrollton; nutt, Carrollton; Carrollton. CORPELE FAIR A SUCCESS. Cordele.Oa., Dee. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — The officers and directors of the Crisp County Fair Association met at tbe Court House for final reports. J. A. Llttlejohn, tbe treasurer, ststed that a balance waa In the treasury of 1210. It Is the purpose of the association to hold another fair In ,1911. 8TOCKHOLDER8 MEET. up bis Interest in tbe game and will give his undivided sttentlon in every detsll. Once the reputstlon of a place Is estsbllsbed for csreful management and kept that way the road Is SIMMONS SCORES HIT. What may be accomplished In the way of fancy - roller skating was . demonstrated last week at the New Rink. Cincinnati, where Prof. H. A Simmons appeared n a sneclsl attrac- tion. On the Utile wheels he Is truly an art- ist Simmons' act Is divided Into two parti — the first embracing an exhibition of difficult skating on stilt skates. In tbe second period be does s comedy set of merit. Simmons has been n skater since tbe eighties. He has appeared In England. France. Australia. India and otber foreign countries, besides hav- ing extensively toured tbe Ststes. He has also had experience aa a rink msnsger. Besides bis exhibitions. Simmons Is so aid to the manager In tbe way of keeping blm advised of new special events, and assisting to putting TWO NEW RINKS. Pennsylvania will hsve two new rinks in the rery near future. Homestead. Pa., snd Cell- fornls. Ps., sre tbe towns In which they will DEBT I S RE MOVED. Frederick, Md., Dec. 10 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — The ststement of receipts snd expen- ditures of the last Frederick fair shows s net profit to tbe Frederick County Agricultural So- ciety of g3.703.04. This enables the society to pay Its Indebtedness, snd lears a surplus of t Is "* taw wlr Is shout $1*00 ahesd nn this year's exhibition. 1)1 rectors were elected to succeed thorn selves as follows: A. C. Ellis, Jacob Dobm snd J. P Ksbm. of Greenfield; Lester Vineyard snd El- mer Grlswold, of While Hall, and Robert Bird- csstle, of Under. Tbe directors then met and elected the fol A W ^C* inns™ Gr^enneld""-'" - — *' ! - - P " , ". ,dcn ' Vineyard'. White . ilsfl; 'l Wheeling, W. Vs., Dec. 8 (Special to The Billboard). — A meeting of the stockholders of the West Virginia Exposition and State ratr Association was held ' laat week, board of directors were unanimous follows: A Reymann, 0. Ed, Men N. B. Scott, II- W. Mel.nre. C C A^Bey^nn,^C^rady, JP. 0. f Rl „ - wt3' be°nVld Jsnuar? 2°"* ' CARNIVAL NOTES. Delgarlsa and Zlnney recently closed tbelr show with tbe Herbert A. Kline Shows st Sin Antonio. Texas. Mr. Delgarlan is now In Chi- cago, and claims that the season was unexpect- edly successful. Mr. Zlnney at tbe present time is In New York, In tbe Interest of tbt show be represents. It Is the Intention of Mr. Delgarlan and Mr. Zlnney to join the Kline Shows sgaln this coming season, which opens st Flint, Mich., on May 22, ion. The Baby Jim Show, under tbe management of -Jos. Schleberl dosed Its outdoor season at Beaumont. Texas. Tbe Verno Show, under the same management, also dosed at Beaumont. Baby Jim will open in vaudeville at St. Louis, snd tbe Verno Show will be stored to Esst St. LonlS. After a prosperous season, playing United Fairs Booking Assoclstlon dstes. Bachman's An- Imal Show has gone Into winter quarters at the fair grounds to Pensarols. Fla. Trainers en- gsged for next season's tour of the show are Paul Johsnnlng. Capt. Woods. Jas. White. Mile. Marguerite, Florloe Gssklll snd Kittle Ellen. Sir. C. 0. Mojer, general agent of The Mighty Haag Shows, waa in Chicago Isst week looking after the Interests of tbla organisation. Mr. Moyer claims a very prosperous sc. son. but clslms tbst next year be will sot wander so far from home. I. L. Peyser, who for many years has been tbe general agent of the N.t Rels. Og val Company, and his wife hsve gone to New York to spend the winter. Thos. Qulncy. the "Ik* «*»*. 'J* J>gg*£ thirty-two weeks' season with the Smlth Crester Shows, snd has gone .to Jacksonville, Fla., for the winter. Jack Lynch. Billy Stanwell and -Bsldy'' Swain, talkers, have dosed their season of fairs and Joined the J. Stanley Roberts Show. W. S. Campbell, recently with tbe Osterllng Shows, has Joined the New Olympic Shows. sast .y larlag FROM PERFORMERS. In a lire which partially destroyed the Brnsd- WSy Theatre. CblCO. " Dolllver, sister act. otber property. A given st the theatre Wm. H. Pea ti Music. Kishkili < tlon picture snd vaudeville company. As a consequence no road attractions will be plsyed at tbe Academy thla season. Olive Eaton haa commenced her tour of th- Orpheum Circuit In Victor H. Smslley's come- dy, Msn Proposes. Woman Disposes. She t to partially destroyed the btosu- ». Cel.. tbe Misses Rogers and t^io« j^^jg^y • ire for them. Pes tile haa leased tbe Academy of balll on Iludsoo. N. Y.. to s mo by William 0. Slider and Rnston here dosed their tour of time In tbe Southwest, and contract with Mr. : Theatre. Los An ssststed Strouse. Smith Frankell bare opened on a Allen, msnsger of geles. Managers Schmidt and Wolf, of I be Jewel Theatre. Wtoflcld. Kan., hare added rsode- rllle to tbelr program. They are giving one show In the afternoon and two at night. Chas. Heclow, or Chas. and Uarle He clow, la now on tbe Gns Sun time, doing a single set His wife. Marie Heclow, expects to do s sister act with a new partner. The Three Lelgbtooa. sotbors of Casey Jones. '.7 "eT-norne tow^a'turf 'Vll.-^iJ bsve Dec! 13. Ulllsn Herleln, the American wss one of the big features on bill at tbe Winter Garten. Berlin. Harry Burns, bag-puncher, who 1 sglng Jsck Lester, pugilist, hat vaudeville, opening December 5. Franta Caesar and Mrs. Karl _ been called to tbelr. home In St. Paul, owing to the death of tbelr mother. Large: Stick if BERMH0R8AIS Jut Rieiirtd. For Carousels and Skating Rinks. Msnufse- turer of esro- bosrd music. Bought, sold LISTER!— Hear Cub. Spotted Lynx. Rhesus (se- cllmsled) Monkey, snd four Prairie Dog". »» healthy and good feeders. First 160 > takes tbr 1.1 N WOOD FLINT, North Ms-tie. Wsler- DECEMBER 17, 1910. The — i BUI too ar d 45 Additional Performers' Dates. Brluon,'i>h'i School Boy. A Olrl. (Orpheum) South Bend, lnd„ 12-17; (Bijou) L.Ming, Mien., 19-24. Buaby A Winun (BIJoo) Greensboro. K. C, B.'rncs*" * King (Majestic) Cedar Baplde. Is., 13-17. Clark, H. H. (Orphanm) Los Angeles, 13-17. Darts Bros., Three (Grand) Bradford. Pa., 13-17; ( Auditorium) York, 10-24. Darmody (Leavltte) Saaford. Me.. 12-17; (Seenle) Beaton, Mass., IB- 24. m DeVllbla, Great: Kankakee, IU.. 13-17. Foley a Karl (Elks) PrescotL Arts.. 12-17. Force, Johnnj ( Pray more - C a • 1 no ) Baltimore, Hlman's., Oapt. Sidney. Lite Saying Dog. (0. H&. P A VarVeTwW 250, 8L> der. land. Hill * Wbltaker (Poll's) Hartford, Conn., 12-17; proctor'al Newark, N. J.. 10-34. Baegel A Taylor (Lyric) GreenelUe. Tex.. 12-17. Jones A Cooroy (Family) Carboodals, Pa., 13-17; (Family) WMkea-Barre 10-24. Jewell's Manikins (Orpheom) Los Angelee, 12-17. Kelts***. The (Lyceum) Port Arthur. Can., 13-17. Kelmers, The (Lyceum) Port Arthur. Oaa., 12-17. Karrell f^emgle)^ Grand Bapjds, Mich., . 13.17; a. o.. lo-iT; Is.. 12-17. (Miln^tO jg^*, *?.'•. 'it* 4 /.. Lolxlo, Joe J. (Orpheam) 8outli Bend, Ind.. 12- 17; (Bijou) Lansing. Mich.. 19-24. Lasoe (Temple) HagetatowD. Md.. 16-17. LeaUe A (Lyric) CaHUcothe.Mo.. 18-17. Uorelsnds, Tb* (Vaudette) Plymouth, Pa. Troupe (Miles) Detroit, O'Nell Trio (Hamlin) CM ego, 13-17; (Aanr- oan) Yoangetowa. 0., 19-34. Esmaay. Don (Hub) Boston, 15-17. Rl-boro Bros. (Family) Ottawa, Can. Boas Ung Toy (Gaiety) Springfield. IU. BnaseU, Rick A Lids (Temple) Grand Rapids, Mich.. 12-17; (UUes) Detroit. 10-24. Sampson A Sampson (Deedwood) Deadwood. K- D„ 10-17. symooda. Jack (Scenic-Temple) Cambridge. Mass. 13- 17; (Beacon) Bostou. 19-34. Shorties, Three (Lincoln Sonars) N. T. C. 19-17. Btms Beoukle (aittaer'e) Chicago, 13-17. Blstmora. Arthur L. (Clinton) Clinton, la. SSL Standard Comedy Quartette (Majestic) Cedar Baplde, la. Stsfpooles. Poor (Liberty) Phils.; (Palace) Phil... 19-24. Schooler. Darld (Empress) Cincinnati. Bcbenk Family (Pantagea) Dearer. SUrersdo, Mile. (Unique) Mlnneapolla. Singer, Fred (Orpheum) Ksnsss Ctry, Mo. Sculling, Wm. Family (Kenyon) Pittsburg, Ps. Seymour A Dupree (Orescent) Syracuse. N. T. Small, Johnny. A Slaters (Grand) Indianapolis. Bprlsgtord Bros. (MaytsUe) DaUaa, Tax. 8ol)y A Phelps (0. H.) " SttllWan. Daniel J., A Springs, Cot.. 12-17; Ms., 19 24. Troubadours, Three (Bennett's) Hamilton, Ont.. Can. Tucker, Sophie (Pantagea) Denrer. Tiugmy. Bra '(Keith's) Phlla. Tambo Duo (Masonic) I ronton, O. Trod ell A Puller (Oem) Nowata, Okie.. 10-17. Troop* Three: SL Louis, 12-17. Orma. Hetty (Majestic) Denrer. Tana A Hoffman (Psatges) Tan der Koors, The (Keith's) Prorlilence, B. I. vols t A Voigt (Star) CoffeyrUle. Kan., 13-17. Wells. Mr. A Mrs. Wm. J. (Oem) Baraboo. Wis,. wl^^U^^ 1 ^^ (Cryatal, Gal ess ton, 19-34. Wheeler Slaters (Sun) Springfield. O. Wssher Bros. (Hippodrome) Lexington. Ky. Whitehead A Orlereoo (Eat press) Cincinnati. WUUama A Beld (Orpheum) CincInnatL Wade. John P.. A Co. (Orpheum) Dearer. Warren A Lyon A Meyers (Orphenm) DenTcr. West A Tan Slclea (Majestic - W«t.n_A f«gyg§| " City. — * Oordon (Jeffsresoo) St. Augustine. Wills A Hutchinson (Lyceum) Amsterdam. N. T.. 15-17. . Vouogman Family (Unique) Minneapolis, MISCELLANEOUS. Abbott's Vaudeville Co.. Sam Abbott, mgr.: Welch, on... 13-17. Barnum-Rafflea Sensation, R. O. Barnnm. mgr.: . Menominee, Mich., 11-17. Congo King. W. A. Tbomss. mgr.: Stockton, Kin., 14: Downs 15: Klrwln 16: Norton 17- 18: Republican City. Neb.. 19: FrsnkHn 20; _ Oxford 21: Holdrege 33-23: Bios Hill 24-28. Crawford. Magician. W. O. Crawford, mgr.: PL Washington. Wis.. 18-18: Sheboygan 17- 18: Greenwood, s. a, 30-31; Marinette 22- 28. n.nlel. Msglclea, Joe Koapp, mgr.: Green- wood, s. e.. n-17. Delia, M Titer! on.. Dell M. Cooke, mgr.: Hau- orer, Pg., 18-17. Duncan A Co., A. O. Howard, mgr.: Blythe- _ ellle. Ark.. 1317: Little Bock 19-34. Edw.rta.. j. s., A nimal Show: Kansas City. Mo., Indef. Gilbert A McKnlght Tsudsrllls Co.. Albert 011- _.bert. mgr.: Charleston, TIL. 13-14. ITerbert'aWnin Show. Kd. 8. Gilpin, mgr.: Net- tleton, Ark.. 12-17. Hrajry, Great, Chea. Douglas, mgr.: Sea ford, Litchfield. Nelll. Trio: Colorado. Tex.. 14 Albany IB: Lancaster 18; Celeste 17: DeBJd der. La., 18; Portland. Ark.. 21; Crossed 22; ■ Hemborg 33: McGrbee 24. Lyndon VsndsTlHs Co.. nr Chaa. Lyndon. It.. 12*17. Mysterious Smith Co.. A. P. Smith, mgr.: Da- mon t, la., 14-16: Relnbeck 26-27. Newmann. the Grest. Hypnotist: Moon tain Home,' Ida., 12-14; American Falls 15-17; Of- den, Utah. 19-21; Salt Lake 22-24. New Orleana Students. Dan Palmer, mgr.: Tay- lor, Wis., 19; Gran ton 20; Chill 21-22; Lind- ' ser as. .tlons, M. H. Norwood, mgr. ; an.. 13-17. of Palmistry: Sao FTen- Cedartown. Qa., 13-17;" Atlanta 19-24. ' — * Raymond, the Great: London, Eng., Oct. 81, In- A Co., Guy C. Roberts, mgr.: Omaha, Neb.. 11-14; Council Bluff., 1... 18-17: North Platte, Neb.. 19-21; Grand Inland 22-24. 1 Thompson's Entertainer., Frank H. Thompson, mgr.: N. Andoror. WIS., 12-14; Glen Ha Ten 16-18; roto.1 19 24. Todd. Wm., Show: CI ax ton. Ga.. 12-17.- Victor, Magician, Eugene Kiick. mgr.: An dnbon, la., 14; Coon Rapid. 15; Woodward 16; Ogden 17; Ames 19: Clinton 20; Keokuk 21: Burnslde. III.. 22: Slots 23; Bardolph 24. Waldsa A Co., Stewart Word en. mgr.: Galon City, lad.. 14; ElyrU, O.. 16; Basn 16; New Dover 17; Csn.l Fulton 19; Atwater 20: Wlodkam 21: Lsetonla 22. Williams'. Prof., TroubsdOUTS. R. C. PttggS- Icy. mgr.: Cltra, Fli.. 14; Anthony 15; Lees- ADDITIONAL, ROUTES. (Bscarrsd to* late for ehvisUcatlaa.) Flirting Princess, Mart H. Singer, mgr.: Cor- rection— Cotambus. O.. 13-14; Plqus 15; Co- ■ Iambus, Ind.. 16; BrasU 17; 8L Louis, Mo.. 18-34. Golden Olrl. Mort H. Singer mgr.: Correction— MUwsnkee. WU„ ll-tT; Waukegsn, ni.. 18; Jscksonrllle 19; Colombia. Mo.. 20; Mexico 21; Hannibal 22; Moberly 23; Jefferson City 24. Girl" In the Kimono. Chaa. . Biggs, mgr.: Bios Earth. Ulan., 14; Fa ribs alt IB; Mason City, Is.. 18; Algona 17; Sioux Fslls S. D., 18: Mitchell 10: Yankton 20; Sioux City. la.. 21- New 20. Woodruff, Henry, la The Genius. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Mt, PUaaant. Is.. 14: Ft. Msulsoo 15; Kewsnee. IU., 16; Rock Island 18. ' DRAMATIC AND MUfllCAT.. Arc.dlana. The, Chaa. Prohman, mgr.: CTere- laod, 0., 12-17; Detroit, Mich.. 18-24. Arcadians. The (Special). Chaa. Frolfmaa, mgr. : Athens, G... 14; Chattanooga. Tenn., 15; KsoxTtlle 18-17. ■* __ Arsons Lupin, Chaa. Prohman. mgr.: Troy, N. v.. 14; PlttaOeld. Maas., 15; North Adams 16; Worcester 17. _ Adama, Maude, In What Rrery Woman Knows. ChAS. Frohman, mgr.: Oswego, N. v.. 14; -rirsr^Ss'fe'!'..^ burg. Miss., 21. All.. Jimmy Tslsntlns, Llehler A Burlington. Vt.. 14: Ban* 18: 16; Banning ton 17, Arlaou, 0. A. Will lama, mgr.: FL Collins. Col.. 14; Greeley 15; Cheyenne. Wye., 16. Boston Grand Opera Co.. Hepry BusseU. mgr.: Boston Mass., Nor. 7, Indef. Opera Co.: San Francisco Cll. 4-17. BobemUn Olrl. Mil too A Sargent A born. sa. onto Can. . 12-17. nrxe, BIUU. In Snaanne. Chas. Frohman. mgr.: Dayton. 0., 14: Sprlog8eld 15: Colnm- bus 16-17: Wheeling. W. Vs 19; Johnstowa, Ps.. 20: Lsncaater 21; Beading 22; Atlantic City, N. J., 2*24. , _ _ . Bsrrymore. Ethel. In Mid Channel. Chss. Froh- man. mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. 13-17. Bellew, Kyrle, In Bsffres, Chss. Frohmsu. mgr.: Jersey City, N. J., 12-17. _ . Burs ? om..trr^h:e, ^fm. P. Cnllen, mgr.: Chi Bc'u'bSJ. 1 T. 1 ^. Ealand mgr : ,Somersst, Ky.. 12-14; Cynthlana 15-17: Paris 19-21. Broken Idol: Chlco, Cel.. 24. Country Boy (B). Henry B. Harrla, nig^- Nor folk. Ya.. 14-16: Roanoke 16; Lynchburg IT. County Sheriff, 0. B- Wee. mgr.: Berlin, Ps.7 14: Meyersdsls 15; Somerset 16; Johna tawn 17; Akron. O.. 19-21 . .. Cabin, Marie, in Jndy forgot, D. T. Arthur. mgr.: Baltimore. Md.. 12-17. _., Chocolate Soldier (Eastern), F. C. Whitney. ClUnVxl ThTjoT M. Webir, Sir:: Worc-Ur. Campbell. ^It. Patrick, In ths Foolish Vlrglo. Chss. Prohman, mgr.: PhUadelphla, Pa.. 12- 17; N. Y. C. 19, indef. ''• Cherallcr. Albert, In Daddy Uebler A Co., mgr.-: N. Y. a. Not. 5. Indef. Call of tbe Wild: Bay Oty. Mich.. W. Dollar Princess. Chss. Frohman. mgr.: Balti- more. Md.. 12-17: PhUa.. 19-Jan. 14. Dollar Prlnceas (Special). Chs* . Frohmsn, mgr.: Salt Lake City. Ota^lB-lT. Draw. John, la Smith. Chaa. Frohmsn. mgr. , . - a * gfjum Dlxey. Henry E.. In the Naxea rnnn Brady, mgr.: Pltteburg, Pa.. 12-17. Drifting: Wash., D. C. 12-17. Dressier. Marls. In Tlllls's Nlghtmara. Law Fields, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-17. Dare De.ll I).n. H. A. DuBoIa. mgr.: Warren. Pa., 14: TltnsTllle 15. _ The, Joe 3. Bebasmen. mgr.: Thomas, Okls., 14: Clinton 16; Hlntoo IT. Bdeson. Robert, in Where the Trail Dl rides. Henry B. Hsrrls. mgr.: St. Psal, Mian., 1214; Mlnneapolla 18-17. , Kltlnge. Julian. In the Fsselnstlng Widow. A. H. Woode. mgr.: Chicago, IU., TJ-24, Follies of 1910, r. Blegteld, Jr., mgr.: Phlla., Fortune * Hunter (Eastern), Cohan A Harrla. mgr..: Brooklyn, N. T., 8-24. _ _ Fourth Kstate, Uebler A Co.. mgr..: N. T. 0., 13-17. _ . Flaming Arrow, E. F. Kreyer, mgr.: Deflaace, D„ 14: Kenton 18. _ _ Girl of the Mountain., O. E. Wee. mgr.: Salis- bury. Kd., 14; Crlsfleld IB; Dorer, Dal.. Genee. Adeline, In the Bachelor Relies. Klaw A Rrlanger, mgr..: Bsltlmora._Md., 12-17. Harnsd. Virginia, In the Woman He- Married, Arthur J. Ayleewortb, mgr.: Minns. poll., Minn., 12-14; St. Psnl 18-17.. -. HUilsrd, Robert, . In A Fool There Was, Fred- eric Thompson, mgr.: LoulsTllle, Ky., 12-14; Decatur, IilT li. nana, the Flute Player, Oscar Hsmmernteln, mgr.: Phlla., 28 Dec. 24. , Hopper, DeWolf, In A Matinee Idol. D. V. Ar- thur, mgr.: Denrer, Col., 12-17. Ho oss With the Green Shatters: Wash,, D. C. 12-17. House of a Thoussnd Candles, 81m Allen, mgr- : Princeton, Ky., 14; MadlaoaTlUe 10; Hender- son 18: Owens boco 17. Hodge, Wm., In the Man from Horns, Llebler • A Co., rngra.: Phils., 21 Dec. 17. Human Hearts (C. B. Reno's Southern), Harry Beany, mgr.: JaeksonTllle, Fis., 18-16; Pa- LATE NEW YORK NOTES. (Continued from page 12.) Msdsme Bernhardt is keeping Broadway busy — s new bill erery night, and each one r — that no one waafs to miss. latka i6;°Deisnd 17. Hnrnan Hearts (C. B- Beno's Northern) ester, N. Y., 12-14; Syrscuae 18-17. in The Whirlwind. Edw. Boeh- 8T0CK AND Alley Comedy Co.. Y. C Ga.. indef. Boston Comedy Co., H. Price Webber, mgr.: Mlddletoo, N. S.. Can., 1217. Buckley. Lsnlae, Stock Co.. Harry Hamilton, mgr.: Ssa Joss, CaL. 5-17; Santa Cms 10- 31. Csrr Stock Co., Wm. A. Carr, mgr.: Cam- O.. 12-17: OrrrUle 19-21; Barber ton Caledonia, in. Comedy Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.: Scotts- dalo. Pa.. 18-18; BoaweU 19-24. Cbaae Lister Co. (Northern): W.tertown, S. D., 12-14; RedSsld 16-17; Huron 19-34. Chaoncey-Kelffer Co., Fred Cbanncey, mgr.: Waynesburg. Ps.. 12-17; Wsshlngton 19-31. Chicago stock Co., Chaa. H. BoaaKam, mgr.: Elmlra, N. Y., 12-17. Choate Dramatic Co.. Barry Choate, mgr.: Tal- luln. 111., 12-17; Tlrginls 19-24. Cnlhana's Comedians. So. 1. Will E. Cnlhane. mgr.: Mt. Vernon. 0„ 13-17. Cnlhana's Comedians, N». 2. Maclya Allyn, mgr.: ChUUcothe. O.. 12-17. Cuihana'a Comedians. No. 8. Tom Alexandria, Ind., 13-17. Culhsne's Comedians, No. 4, Wm. H. mgr.: New Castle. Ind.. 12-17. Dougherty Stock Co. (Dougherty A Cox'a) : Langford, S. D.. 13-14; Button 16-17; Lldger- wood, N. D.. 10-21; Elleadale 22-24. Dudley. Frank. Stock Co.: Central City. 12-14; Madlsoonile " George, Gladys, 8 toe mgr.: Delphos, 0., - 24. Grayce. Helen. Co., N. N. I., 12-17. Hall, Don C. Repertoire Co. 12-17; Huntley 19-34. Hlckmaa-Pt ssey Co.. Foad do Lac, Wit Hlllman's Stock Co., Kan., 12-14. Hlllmsn's Ideal Stock Co., Lucy M. Hayes, mgr.: Mlnneapolla. Kan.. 13-14. Hlmmelsla's Imperial Stock Co., Jnn. A. Hlm- meleln. mgr.: Danrllle, HI.. 13-17: Cham- paign 1B-2S. Hlmmeleln's Assoclsted Players, J no. A. Hlm- meleln. mgr.: Noblesvllle. lad., 12-17; Leb- anon 19-24. Hyde's Theatre Party, W. O. MeWstters. mgr.: Clarktborg, W. Va., 11-17; Newark, O., 18- 24 Jearona. Pjgj^JSgf pi 3o 'i2.1T M *" ,MTOn *- Keith "stock Co.Vcsto K Keith, mgr.: Ash- land. 0„ 12-17; FL Wayne, lad., 10-34, Kelly Stock Co., Sherman Kelly mgr.: Marsh- neld. Wl... 12 17: Grand Banlds 19-24. Klark. Gladys, Co.: J. K. Balfoar, mgr.: Cbel- ses, Maas., . 13-17. kit.. I. Mm Stock Co.: Johnstown. N. Y.. 12- LsPorte. Mae. Stock Co., Jos McEnroe, mgr.: LaPorte, Ind.. 12-17; Logansport 18-24. Latlmore A Leigh Stock Co.: Chippewa Palla. Wis., 12-17. ' ■ Lockes, The. Harry Sohns. mgr.: Sterling. Ksn.. 12-14; Solomon 18-17; Olaaco 19-21: Junction City 23-34, Ixxir stock Co.. Frank E. Long, mgr.: Calu- met, Mich., 21-Dec 24. Maher. Phil.. Co.. Leslie E. Smith, mgr.: Lit- tle Falls. N. Y., 12 17. Manners Stock Co.. H. H. Billings, mgr.: For- est City. Mo.. 12-14; MsysrUla 15-17. Maxwell-Han Stock Co.. Jefferson Hall, mgr.: Belolt. Wis.. 12-17. Mock-Sad-AUl Stock Co.. Jim Wallace, mgr.: Norsb&eld, Minn., 12-17; Msnksto 19-24. Morey Stock Co. (LeComte A Fleaher'a), F. A. Murphy, mgr.: Lamed, Kan., 13-17; Pratt 10-24. Murray -Mar key Co.. John J. Murray, mgr.: Mid- land. Out- Can.. 13-14: Llndaay 15-17; Peter- horo 19-24. Myrkle-Harder Stock Co.: Amsterdam, N. Y., 12-17; Oneonta 19-34. ' Marka Bros.' Co.. Ernls Marka, mgr.: North Bay, Ont., Can., 12-17. Nleleon. Marls, Co.: Yoakum. Tex., 12-14: Hsl- lettsellle 16-17. Perry Stock Co.: Plsttsbnrg, N. Y.. 13-17. Perkins. Cblc. Co.. Frank O. King, mgr.: Mis- souri Yslley. Ia.. 13-17. PIckerts. The Four, Co., WUlla PIckert. mgr.: Greenrllle, 8. C. 12-17; Wadesboro, N. C. 19-21: M.i ton 22; Lumberton 23-34. Rosar-Maeon Stock Co.. P. S. Bosar. mgr.: Mar ■ball, Mich.. 12 17. Sbsnnon Bros.' Stock Co., Hsrry Shannon, mgr.: Hleksnile. 0.,- 12-14; Montpelrar 15-17; De- troit, Mich.. 18-24. Sights Stock Co., J. W. Sights, mgr.: McFaM, Mo.. 12-14: Jameson 15-17; Sumner 10-24, Spears. Baldwin, Stock Co.. Ray McDowell*, mgr.: Logansport, Ind.. 13-17: Peru 1" " Spooner Dr.rn.tic Co., F. E. Spooner, Strawn. Tax., 12-17. Tempest Dramatic Co., J. L. Tempest, mgr.: St. Johnsrirle. N. Y . 13-17. TrsTaln, Billy. Stock Co.: Bowling Green. 0., 12-24. Taylor Stock Co.. H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Kings- ton. N. Y.. 1217. . Turner. Clara. Players. Ira W. Jackson, mgr.: Wssh.. D. 0.. Indef. Taylor. Albert. Co., R. J. Laaserrs. mgr.: We^^«^itlU La-. 14-15; " CARNIVALS. bUl at the Globe stinted approval. Sarah Bernhardt was ia an auto accident— no damage nil < B osto n has put the bsn on prise fighting mov- ing pictures. Oh, yes, boxing mstches are still permitted there. There Is one silk hat less on Broadway. Oscar Hammer. te In has sailed for Europe — of coarse we hare John Rogers left. Truly Sbattnek will Kitty Gordon hi Weber', play. Alma. Emma Dunn, formerly the star of Mother, has left the cast snd will go Into vaudeville. a play THE TWO-ADAY BUNCH. (Continued from pags 12.) Captain Louis Sore ho snd his deep ses direr, are entertaining the cltlaens of Pstexson, N J.. this week, at Urn Majestic. James Foster MUllken, well-known lawyer to the) profession and one of the old-timers In tbe business, baa made a alight shift in his office ?2^Pu^n? T B^T du^rl^^hif 00 "! 2 wtak. NEW YORK ALL-STAR BILL, urn page 12.) Aa for single acta, neier has a better crop of ■Ingle acts been Included on one program. Bay Cox, placed la position H. merely to Include her In this selected program, although aha wsU earns a higher place; Juliet and Nat M. Wllla, the last mentioned winning feature position honors beyond all doobL His Jokes sre the Brest and most anginal sad bis smile the meet comical of any comedian la New York at the present time. As to skstchsa, W. 8. Hart ha the To. Pred K.rno-. Wow-Wowa. and Charlotte Parry In The Comstoek Myatsry are without betters. Then, too. Raymond and ' Car - erly. ths Dutch comedians, who SS ths been place?. eertalnly belong where t THE COLONIAL BILL. 12.) ■5 ons)"mIght expect .at her billing, aha wss one hig hit. Gene Oram p r ese nt ed his atudy la song, go- ing big la v i, id ia ha Rag, Casey Jones and Piano Man weU interspersed with ths facial contortion accompaniment, so characteristic of the blond entertainer. Jeter and Rogers, skatorial pair, opened ths bill, both pro. lug their (kill on ths wheels However, there ia a pneafhUity of now ranch comedy felling. Ths Dixie Serensdsrs, four men and two woman of colored blood, stag aooga la fit fsshloa showing much that isiatwss the sndlence to the atmosphere of the eada show tent sa one almost feels ths sod under one's feet sa yon picture ths colored doing a turn long enough to let the side show manager regain his yolce. Ths 8aal act and one that dsservss a on ths All-star bni la that of Wormwood's Cir- cus—the big Simian hlcycls rider, poaching hag auger, musician snd household wrecker could THE AMERICAN BILL. Paris. His twirling masterful. Ctssle Curlette lived while Belaya added Paderewnklan work. The Four _ sad Ths Four Amaranths stamped tbemselees eery pleaalng qusrtelts In their reipectWs lines. " Bsaniort Count da tnrn. Introduced Bub, and lastly pro- and New York Use decided to to convince the an "this* . his concerting solos, ths smallest wind-played Instrument ye.. La Frays exhibited her poses once more, whils Monroe snd Mack made them laugh with their The Third Degree. C Tom opened the bin, with Bernard aad Larola following tn order. Tbe - by Frtts's Dogs. MAJESTIC THEATRE. (Continued on pags 9.) and the stage hands or Peggy carry off s heap Amid of props scenery sad •ops tn the leave poor middle Of the applause tbe curtain drops. This Is owe of the most aorel acta erer seen at ths Majestic, and Indeed It wss a grand success, whereby Miss Fsnals Ward haa won ths honor of thxtngj Ths BOIboerd's All-star bin. Mr. Frank Tinney, who will soar* ths with Fannie Ward as headlining ths earns bill, pulled her whole act with the professor of ths orchestra, making him rehearse erery line of his monologue with him. "Yon slant-syed mnsle director, that Isn't ths way I i s h s ai ss d this act this morning." and so on, keeping the- audience In an uproar erery minute. His act was a riot. closed the bin. sad they are •des? < toe 46 The Billboard DECEMBER 17, 1910. ARE YOU WISE AWAKE? GET AHOLD OF THIS SNAP. 150 Brand New Reels & Can at 4c per ft. The pick of best makers of Independent film in the world, comprising such brands as, Ambrosio, Itala, Cines, Lux, Aquila, Eclair, Lion, Etc. Write immediately for our list. They won't last long. Address, C. B. DAY, 575 11th Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. MOVING PI CTURE TH EATRE LIST Small Town Nickelodeons in the United States Data for Which Has Been Gathered for Billboard Readers-Additions Will Be Made from Time to Time Anniston— Tbeetortom Tbeatre; W. Levy. Andainala — N. A. Me~ 1812 r Amm — Eectrle Theatre; H. Strret- g-nsley— Franklin. 19 th st and Alrdome.^tb'and Ave., E. ; ■tar Theatre: O. Trssrexson. 1»1» Arenaa a. Ill lll i ui — O. J. SowelL Florence — elon-uce. J. A. Pruett, mgr. Oadsden— Amuse-U. Broad at.; J. Rosenbaam, mgr. . : : , New Alamo. Broad at.; J. a. Wells, mrr. QmBTtlla Pastime Theatre. Gen. BmatrMUs— Theatorlnm Theatre. Taeatorlam Theatre. D. Petri, fjmrenie — Loverne Amusement Co. Laraae Amusement Co. " ' ■ Hew Decatur— Star, Lafayette at.: C. ■am mar. ■alma— The Majestic Theatre; Louie Phillips, 08 Broad at. Brim* — Comet; Victor A. Peres, mgr. Tillaseaa — O. O. Too Tsacalooaa— Electric E M Caraway, Tuscaloosa— Unique: Simon Myer. mar.: W. Far- are.; at ARIZONA Btabee — Royal Theatre; Beta * Boaeh. htaln at. Clifton — Clifton Theatre. Dunn & Loom la. Theatortnm. Dunn & Loomta. OUfton — Empire Tbeatre; Dunn A itre; Lc A. L. 3. A. Bchlln, SI A Wood. cor. A. H. -Theatre; John L. Tocaon— Clifton Theatre; F. P. Congress st. Tocaon Amusement Co . Wlnalow — Electric Theatre; H. L. ow — Cbas. B. Howard. Theatre; A. I*, i — Williams A IjaMJBaVl arkad* iphia — AJrdome Theatre: Cecil Norman. Alrdome Theatre; T. Cecil Norman. Arkansaa^l'ry^^'Lrric: E Er^. m i^, MS 8. Joneabnro — Theatorlnm Tbeatre. Blelek A Hack. 8ecood Show Tbeatre. Blelek 4 Hack. Jodaonla— Electric Tbeatre; J. 8. Kelley. Lanoke — Electric Theatre; O. C. Herb. Majestic Theatre. CardweU * Moore. Majestic Tbeatre. CardweU ft Theatre; Marked Tree— L. M. Mens— Electric Pine Bluff— Elks' Tbeatre; C. E. Phil pot, mgr. Orpbeo Tbeatre; Wllholt Phllrot Co.. men. Farsgould — Opera Hoose. J. L. Whltsltt Rector — Grand Theatre. Rogers— Tbeatre; Ozark Russell vlHe — Electric V FILMS FOR SALE New bis list of over 800.000 feet Just out, from 13.00 to 112.00 per reel. BEND FOB LIST Ions; Sets. XI. 00 each, with copy of music. Will send subject to examination HATCH BTTPPLT 00atPAjjfY [ jfoarth Are. Bear Fairy St.i yittabttTf, Pa, -NOW INDEPENDENT - HL & H. FII M SERVICE CO. { Monadnock Building, Chicago, Ilia. QUALITY FILMS. S> STEMATIC SERVICE. I Buyaraofall independent Makes. Special agents for Monograph, Power and Edison Equipment!. Promptest attention given I to orderajot supplies and amdrles^ Wrltena forjateat aim UsTa^catalua-o,. * f Auditorium; Grlbbtea A Wi Star Theatre: N. E. Lunu, Hanford— Hanford Opera Hoose, G. F. Aahby, Healdsbora — Bub U llama. Hill at. use, West 7th Pike it. Los Oetoe — John Daets. Marysrtlle — Gem Tbeatre: Criterion; M add era Grand Tbeatre: W. B. 120 D ft. ear. B A F. 4*16 E. 14th St. ■ >v ..........I ....................... Searcey — Grand Theatre; J. H. Goodman, P. O. BOX 481. Stamps — Electric Theatre; Logan & Moore. Stuttgart — Opera Hoose: Williams Bros. f»t. Joe— Public Hall. C. A C. Wade. Sulphur Springs— Superior Motion Picture Parlor; Atkins — Moving Picture Show. C. B. Croons. Atkins— Electric Theatre; Wilson ft Matthewa, Railroad are. Augusta — Fair View Theatre; Blirrmm A Snort. Bateaville — New Auditorium Theatre; Hall A Stephenson. Benton — Majestic Theatre; E. Y. Stlnson. Beebe — O. L. Dye. Black Rock — E. F. Mlfleuhelmer. BlythertUe— W. J. Brown. B tinkler — Crystal Palace: Stlmsou A Mitchell. Bonanza — Electric Theatre. Anger A Bowcn. Carlisle — Lyceum Tbeatre. Cltaa. S. Long. Clarendon— Pathe Tbeatre; Jackson Bros., P. 0. Box 224. Conway — Crystal Palace; Pence A Rogers. Electric Theatre; W. N. Owen. Dardanelle — Moving Picture Show; F. H. Web- er. Main st. - * De Queen — Electric Theatre. Dennott— Electric Theatre; J. R. Nell, 2d at. El Dorado — Bijou: H. G. Craft, mgr. Eureka Springs — Electric Tbeatre: Eureka M. P. Parlor; W. N. Owen. Fayettemie — Lyric: Frank Barr. mgr. Ozark Theatre Co.: W. D. McXalr. mgr. It. _Smlti— Joel. 808 Garrison ave.; H. C. tre; H. G. Craft, 804 -Electric Tbeatre. Owena A Ricks. Theatre; J. C. Simpson. Hartford — Electric Theatre. W. H. Laney. Hartford — Broadway Theatre: J. Belea. Beber — Park Theatre: M. FranenthaL Bigru ^Theatre; H. Hudson, 211 Bighton at.; — T St.; Lex Graves, a V. Brown, 211 . . Broad St. Tan Buren— Edisonla Theatre; H. A. Todd. 450 * Con- Walnut Ridge — Jo-Jo Theatre: J. Warren— Watren Theatre; W. G. Com p. BRITISH COLUMBIA. CANADA Vancouver — Orpbenm Theatre: Consolidated Am. ' Co. Victoria— New aldlne. Alameda— Park Tbeatre; Mersten, Mott Park at. Altnrasj — J. C. Arrowood. Angels' Camp — Electric Theatre: H. J. Richards. Novelty Theatre— Mrs. E. Dleren, Main at. An tloch— Lyric Tbeatre; California Amuse. Co. Auburn— Fairyland Theatre; FederolT A Nlcholla. Bakersflelrt— Parra's Theatre, Chester are.; M. R. Parra and A. Pont. mgra. Morley'a Theatre, Chester are.: Cbas. Grogs;, mgr. Aerodrome. Chester see.; J. R. Dorsey. mgr. Berkrley — The Varsity Tbeatre: J. F. Ward, 2233 Shattnek are. Pastime Theatre; F. H. Mitchell. 2483 Shat- tnek are. Coalluga — Electric Theatre. Coluaa— Criterion Motion Picture Co.; B. A. Pry or. 188 Firth at. Crescent City— Star Theatre. 0. B. Lanff. Dnnamntr— Beaty Bros.' Novelty Tbeatre: Sac- ramento are. Eureka— Liberty Tbeatre. Wm. Ontbof. Eureka— Empire Theatre: J. Van Sant. Jr., E at The Pastime Theatre: J. A. Takel and C. A Clayton. Fort Bragg — Robert Gardner. Fresno — Empire Theatre: Mr. Fair Tbeatre: Iwata Bldg.: Fresno — BIJoo Tbeatre. Frultv ale— Star Tbeatre: F. M. Wade. E. lftb Fischer's Tbeatre. 8448 E. 14th St. Mala HarysvUle — Dreamland T Merced— Grand Theatre; H. Ki meda st. Opera Hoose; R. Barcroft A street. Mill VaUey— Te Village Theatre; H. T. DnlTord. Modesto— Modesto Theatre; Cravens A Peeraoo. Glory Tbeatre; Em 11 Mayo. 816 10th at. Monterey— Star Theatre Bldg., Mark Hanoi's Star Tbeatre. Victory Tbeatre; Benjamin A Napa — Hayea ' Needles— Venice 1 ood st. Nevada City — Broadway Broad at. Oeeano — B. W. Maxwell. Ocean Park— Banna's Park Theatre: I na. Box 852. La Petite Theatre: B. A. Wbeeteek. Park — New Shell: Perham A Bnhlert. — Oto Tbeatre: O. A. Scott. City Parlllon, Meyers at. O™"''— Victory aaeatre: Mra. B. 0. Newton. D'a Theatre: D. F. Armstron*. P. O. T. Baa- Pasadena— Tally's Tbeatre: Fischer ft Tally. Theatre: M. A. Benwell. 18ft E. J. Tally. 29 W. Cote- Palo Alto— Novelty TJnL are. Paaadena— Tally's. rsdo at. Petaluma— Star Tbeatre, 188 Kentucky at American Tbeatre: T. Squires. 1M Mala at. Untune Tbeatre; J. A. Kenney, 4th at. PlaeerTtne — Elite Theatre;* J. B. TreveUe. Pleasanton— Novelty Theatre. Pomons-«tar Tbeatre; a C. McKey. 2T8 Thorn. W. J. Oodlay, Port ervllle— Novelty P. O. Box 181. Red Bluff — New Empire Hennlng. Walnut st. rte^Ing-fltsdlnm: Miller A Clark. Market at. Bedtends^-The Euflrf Tbsstr " 19 SUte St. 9 rJedoode— Parlllos Bldg. ; L. R. Fine her, Pier street. Riverside— Auditorium Theatre; Bae Odette, 10TB S. Main at. Jacramento— Majestic; Prank It. Thompson, mgr Sacramento— Grand Theatre. C. W, " 0. W. Tripp A W. A Cook. BIJoo Theatre. kTdaar Strakcam.'aaMi.^ Empire Theatre, J. W. Dlataalo, 420 K at a^w^r m l Lyric Theatre. B. Wolf. «tb at. bet. K ana L. . - Acme Tbeatre, C. W. Oodard. 1115 Savaatk at. Wonderland Theatre, C W. Strakoach. 81B Sth at. SU- Helena — G. A G. Tbeatre; 1. Galewakl and J. Goodman. Mala St. San Jose — See tale: B. E. 8tebb!ns mgr.. let at Lumlna; R. E. Stebblns. mgr.. T W. 1st at. Lyric; Mrs. A. BofZechnelder. mar.. 61 2d at. 6c Tbeatre; A. 8. Winter node, mgr.; 8. ket at. Salinas — Uolq-ae Theatre: R- W. TTtaae Elite Theatre; H. MeKlnnon. StnVt^^OM. in bet. A. A B. its.; 8 119 I* Union, 788 Fifth it: F. W. _ Grand. Sth. bet. B. and C. ate.; mgr. San Diego— Elite; C. N. Carrlngttoo. Jr., mgr Pickwick : Edw. M. D rocker, mgr. tar and Crescent Theatre; o. • Tbeatre; C. E. Hart, B st, P. O. Box 478. San Pedro — The Lyric Tbeatre; E. B. Ttolar. Star Tbeatre; S. W. Anderson, 501 Beacon. San Rafael— Lyric Tbeatre. M. Vocerino. Santa Ana— Temple Tbeatre; Dr. A. M. Third and Bash ata. Santa Barbara— Victory Theatre; K. C. Lee. 819 State at La Petite Theatre: H. K. Marble. 823 State at Santa Crmv— JewaU Theatre; w. a f a n g eldor f. Lyric Theatre, 48 Pacific are. Santa Ores— Swala'a Theatre. Leo Cbrlatal Bell Star wen. 303 Third at. Boss — C. W. Carrtngton, Jr., Donne 11 Bldg.. 4th st Santa Boss — Nlcfealodeon Amuse. Co., 414 FoortJ Santa Reaa Theataratte: < 507 Fourth at Sawtellc — Old Belial National Theatre; C. Fourth at Honors — -N. T. Amuse. Co. Theatre: H. H. Case and J. E. Baer. Stockton— Acme Tbeatre. Fred wills. Tlvoll Concert Hall. Jos. Bulx. Stockton Otvsneam aJeatre; Docaellan A 0o> Uer. Acme Tbeatre: J. Morrison, SO N. Eldorado. Forrest Theatre; 0. L. Archambanlt Batter n R. E. Stebblns, 18 Batter a.. Lyric Theatre; w. D. K II born. 28 t Novelty Theatre: Alex Kaiser, We Batter Creek — Popular Theatre: T. Johnson A Cmaholm. Tulare — Electric Theatre; Btodgett ft lit Kara at Tuolumne — Road Snow; Beaaat A Porter. TJklab— Victory Tbeatre; a A. Rife, s. Stats st Vallejo— novelty Theatre; Wm. OoUlna. ' tre; 3. T. Cm. - e; B. Wetsamsn. Georgia at . F. Carr, SOB Georgia ft. I'M. Mendelsoa. cor. Mais » .Mre^ C.^wtoo.^ Venice— t. Hi Ventura— Woni™ Vlsalla— Norelty a«, Watsonvllle — La Pame West Oakland— Pala Tbeatre: J. L. Wertbslnier 8>eeath and Campbell ata. Willows — Pastime; P. M. Brat J. 0. Ft Tehama at. COLORADO Alamosa — Colorado Theatre. A. B. Bnby. Aspen — Opera Boose: J. Bowman. Aalt-" Theatre. " Van Daren. McNott Anlt— o. W. McKlnler. Bertboud— Moving Picture Tbeatn Jwd?" 1 Te* TT 'i ^ Tn""trt> : i fsaV ^ilder^FklTyland?"! 1 *! thtsn Open House: l na Vl.ta— Kllnaler A Rrlgaton Poena VI Canyon Clt, ■treat Majestic Theatre; Main st Opera Hoose: Prank Milton. 815 Mate st Curtis DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard mim oo.; r. a. _ »»•. Tulor * Ftord: 318 E. Dewey, R.nnett Thaatra': r. rrlek. -lav TkHtn; at o. ._ . Theatre. 0. JaStlB. _ Majestic Teaatra; F. J. Welsh, 138 W. Mala net Collins O r phaa m Theatre; No. Ooio. Am. Oo.. College ass. Fort Morgan — idle Boor T InOK. Co. - FowAa r — A. L. Mock. Ontt * Maek. Qem g atown Swaa A Lake. atartersat. mar. Norf ! IT, (18 Miln at.; B. E. Qll7, mp. Crystal, 553 Mala st; B. Tbomai, mfr. Oreelcy— rark. Man* ft Bunny, Uijtttk. w. H. Tabar. — GbbhIwd— NoTtlry Theatre*. Idaho BprtMt— DNlmlaad. Jalaaborr— Electric Tbntn. Lafayette B. r . CAsffee LeJunta— Wondsrly. Dorgherty Block. Colorado art.: C W. Wenderly, m*r. I. o. 0. r. Theatre: «a A. Lead rule— Dreai Lu ABlntae— 8tewett * — aaaUnd; 1 LeedrUle— Morlng _ UmtorUla-llaJeatte Th* Model; 1T._T. Lor a land — Lyric Theatre; Adams * Looe-mont— lala; 0. D. J. H. Goddard, m_ Odaoa; B E.* Geo. Lalng. Mob trot Crystal; E J. Cooper, mgr. Qayety ; victor Wanee, mgr.. Meat* Vlata— Broadway Theatre, Second ara.; • Leon Oaborn. nr. Ouray — Honm Plettme T b an ti o. i- iBmgiZ- Idle Hour. Bradbury * Adktna. Harms Pletnn Tbestrs. Paonls— C. A. Cooper. Paeeila at. • Paablo— Karl Tbeatra; w«t Btataa Vaadav. Dresmlasd Theatre; A. W. tic Theatre; Walts City Tbeatra: K. Union at. Grand Opera a Man Theatre; A. aML , Paablo A. 3. Ksfe. »u Vaa Bores at. gjae — John Cnmmlngs. Rocky Fbrd-^Tte Edison. 811 B. Mala at: L Lumbar, mar. Tbe Gem. 906 S. Mala at.: J. A. BtsrtlaaW, TaUmlde— HE Trinidad — Dreamland. Ntfilrrr, mp. Mane. 108 W. Main a*, tela, WUaoo A Gill. men. Central Park. 8. D. Patrick. Victor— Idaal Theatre: ~ Third et. Walaenbart* — 1 ■Mat*.. Ma Ban Berne mar* Temple Theatre; at, •an Ptegv— Plekwtek mar.. 1033 Fourth it. Cm on Theatre; F. W. Firth at. Jewel Tbel * O ate. Bmplre Tbeatra: . Ray B. CONTfXCTICTJT anaemia — Oem. Mr. McMaboa. 8 Bank at. Anaonla— Anaoola 0. H. ; Pindar * Baltic— Dime •treat. Bristol— The Opera Bouse; J. 1 e tree i. Daahory — On the Hoed; J. H. Taylor Opera Booaa; F. Bite Tbeatra, - VaodeTtlle; O. A. V. Weodsworth. Dale— Untoa Hall Middle town — Oreaceot; Henry Engle, mitr.. ITS. Main at. V ■ Wddletown— Nickel. 154 Court at.; Bolloek A Parts, mgre. Untie — Peqoot Tbeatra. Nauntoc*— Orm Opera Hoeas; I. A. Morse, cor. Chnrch and Maple eta. New Brltien— Scenic, Main at.; Geo. Ballby. BI]on.' Mala et.: John Capllimn. njrr. Raw Caaaaa — Theatre; Jaek Riley Amnataeat Co., maim. New London— Blyoa Theatre: at. R. New Ornheam Theatre; " Oo., Bank at New London — Rmptre- Rew Loodoo— Opera Booaa. D. J. Moraa. New Mil ford— mar Theatre; I. 8. Bnrbsnk. Norwalk— Paatlme Plctnra Palace; Parson. Norwich — Breed Theatre: Oooper A Melfnlty. Mala and Church ata. Sheedy'i Auditorium Theatre, 101 Water at Pntnam— The Bradley Theatre; Klebart * l^.'mWreV.rtor; F. Galla.t. U phret at. RoekTtlla— Tneatre: B. B. Sherman, mgr. RockTllla— Imperial Tbeatra, Adaaa at. Rock-atMlet (aanmar only). 0. ITS DAYS ARE NUMBERED With the continued and increas- ing co-operation of exhibitors, the trust will soon cease to wield the power in the trade. Are you going to lend it your moral and financial support, or will you be satisfied with the Finest Mov- ing Pictures in the World, selected from the following ? The^Program You Will Eventually Use OUR PROGRAM IS ALL-CONVINCING There is no guess-work about the Independent Product of today. It stands out a mighty monument to pluck, courage and determi- nation. It speaks for itself. Finest Program in the World You are the judge. Isn't it Are doing? Here is the regular ORDER OF RELEASE.' IT MOOT) AY ■CT.41B— kVlalr Film Company. - it MoTlny Pictures Co. Film Co. aee lc an Ftlm MIR. Co. tvtaT TUESDAY BISON — Now York Motion Plctnra Co. POWERS— The Powcra Co. THANHOCSRR— TTl«nh«iwr Co. EVERY WEDNESDAY AMBBOSIO— New York Motion Plctnra Co. ATLAS— Atlaa Film Co. EVERY rSTDAY BISON— New York Motion Picture On. SOLAX— Solax Co. LUX— B. Prlenr. YANKEE — Yankee Film Company. GREAT Co. it ala — New York Motion POWERS — The Powera Co. CAPITOL— Capitol Film Co. LIST OF BUYING EXCHANGES DECEMBER 17, 1910 All others^offering these brands for rent can supply only worn-out subjects. or Applet ath. L. I.. * las Tonya at, .. Toronto Canadian rUra^Ix. .^.JCely^^ ^Alberta ......... .^.^ . . ^^ ^^^ Vyjj nlpea* . Man. CALIFORNIA California Film Ex.. 1063 Mlaalon at.. San Francisco MUea Bros. ....180 Turk at., San Franclaco Weetern Film Co. . 108 E. 4th at. . .. • •>•••• ay a a> a e aVaM *t»HaI4«*S 301 Railroad DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Paramount Film Ex., 428 8th at., N. W.. Wash i n gt o n QEOROIA Conaolldated Film Ex.. Rhodes BIdf ., Atlanta Anti-Treat Film Co.. 79 S. Clara at., Chicago Chicago Film Kxch., 40 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, ill. Bncene Cllne 88 Dearborn at Chicago Globe Film Serrlce, 101 E. Madison at., Oh'fo 11. A H. Film Serrlce Co.. 88 Jackson Bled. Chicago, 111. Laemmle Film Sere.. 196 Lake at.. Chicago Standard Film Ex., 156 B. Wash, at., Ca'so. INDIANA Central Film Serrlce Co., 110 K. Market I Da. ■ ••*•■•*■•• • • * * ■ y e ■ e ■ e " *^*_* * *aJ2jj* "ip. MTJnfZSOTA Leemmle Film Service. 400 Sykes Bids.. ........................... Mlnnaapolla MICHIGAN Michigan Ftlm A Supply Co., 1108 Union Treat Bldg. Detroit MISSOURI Btjoo Film A Am Co.. 1223 Grand are.. Kanaaa City y. W. Morgan.' 1310 Walnut at.. Kawaa City Swansea-Crawford Film Co., Century Bldg. ......«•....•..•••...... St. Louis IXRA Laemmle F. Sen., 1517 Parana at.. Omaha Albany Film Ex.. 418 B'way. Albany. N. Y. Victor Film Sere.. 39 Chorch at., Buffalo HEW .YORK CITY Exhibitors* Film Co. 203 B. 15th at. Empire FUm Co. 150 R. 14th at- Great Eaatern Film Rx 21 E. 14th it. Hudson Film Co. 138 t ,14th it. peerleaa Film Co .......... 84 Wm. stelner F. Ex 11" Capltal FUm Serrlce Co.. 423 N. High at. Cotnmbna, O. Cincinnati-Buckeye Film Co., 808 Ar- cade Bldg. Dayton Clncinnatl-Bnckeye Film Co., 815 W. 4th St ....»■•.■•..«.••••.. Cincinnati victor. F. oerr.. Prospect «k Haron ats.. OBZOOV Independent Went. Film Ex., SwaUand Bldg. Portland OKLAHOMA United M. P. Co., 112 Main at., okla. City PENNSYLVANIA Eagle Film Ex.. 143 N. 9th at., PhlladelpbU independent F. Ex., 415 Ferry at, PlttSborg Phils. Projection Co., 44 N 8th at., Phlla. Philadelphia F. Ex.. 934 Arch at.. Phlla. Texas Film Exchange, 311 Rim at, Dallas Atlaa Block, Salt Lake City WASHINGTON Pacific FUm Rx..... Globe Ride Seattle Motion Picture Distributing and Solas Co. Ill East Fourteenth Street, New York City Stafford Springe — BIJon Water at TAemcnamTlUe — Skanlo Chnrch st Walllngford— Colgne — ran — Paatlme. 6* Tin Rock Oreee. Weae Ha ren. Conn.: Gordon Bros., mgra. WnhnantJe— BUoo; B. M. Gale, Mam St : I. F. C lun e. TBS Main at u _ j_ Lanrel-^R. S. Waller. Laurel — tanrat Arnna Lawea— W. R. Walsh. klUford— Dreamland Theatre; RradBald. Mil ford— Cnaa. D. DcVallnger. " 0. G. Wttta. FLORIDA Apala#hje»ja— Baetrie Theatre; V. 8. Noa. Fort Uyera — Royal Palm: J. W. Smith, mgj Qal nea r lll e E lectric Tneatre: G*. I. Dots. Electric Theatre; . Paatlme Tonafre ■Taekaon-Hoyt Oo. A. B. Hoyt, lis w. Bay at Taa Gnat White Way Theatre; D. M. Tl ley. 133 Mala St Key Weat — San Carlos Tbeatra: Bargest, Daytona — Crystal; H. T. Titus, mgr. Miami — Kmodronae : Burger * Rati iff. Miami— Aleasar Theatre, c. o. rati * MnPhj*S ¥ F. W. Faletka Wowdarlind Lemoa at Pen aa cola — star, N. BUoo, N. Palafax at Elite. N. Bamaaa st St Augustine— Orphetun, Oenorar. mar. 8t Petejahurg — . atrsst Aoguta— The Grand Theatre ; H. Barastala. CarterarUle— Elite. 21 B. Mala at: 4 Camarata, mgrs. OOlnmhna Drearriland Thaatra. tocas Theatre. Commons— Elite Theatre; H. R. Dadly, Broad at Dal ton — Am nan: A. D. Gregory, mgr. • Dublin — Amoan; H. P. An " Dooilae— Family TUatra. Fl tagerald— Benjamin A " tre: J B. Melton, 454* Macon— Lyric ; Dan Hol't, nrop.. 414 Tbsstoclom: Daa Holt, prop., 488 Quitman — Qaartermsn A Wads. Roans— Elite. Broad at; John TbomaerUle— Broad St mgr. Valdoeta — Grand Thaatra. Waycroaa — c H. Redding. 14 Mary at. Mounts Station. Majeetic Theatre; A. W. Lang, 18 •treat KAWAHAM BRaaMBB Honolulu — Robert V. Orarend. Art ' Tbeatra. Bailey A Lawmm, Empire Theatre. Ray M. Oran Oem Theatre. Helde A Knbeig. Honolalo— Royal Theatre; Blear Mill Co. (To be con tinned In a anbaeonent namber.l HEW OPERA HOUSE OPENING Amaterdam. O., Dee. 24, 1810: aeatlng eapar lty. 000: good a how town; 2.000 popnlatloi. with as many to draw from. Want good a how waek stand: don't ask for data If yoa are ao- good. Address H. C. HOFTMAR, Amatardam Ohio. FOR SALE— Edlaoo one-pin Ex. Machine, fa. One shape, with take-op. electric bnrner. ala. Model B Oaa Outnt, largeet sue Phooograph Curtain, aeren Films, and other things. Mas- sell at once. Prices, low. Address XERTUCKT CO., Junction City, Xy. chines. Films, Tents, Chairs, etc Mo Ting pie tore supples of all ktnda bought and sold. WM L- TAMME. « So. l«th St. St tools. Mo. Send for oor list of us tare machines and fllma. In good running condition at moderate prices. REPRODUCTION JOHNSONvlIF- FRIES FIGHT, Complete, JIM. 08 ORIGINAL WOLOAST - NCLION , FIGHT. Complsts, — ORIGINAL NELSON FIGHT. Complete, ~ CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE Chlcags, Omaha, Oaairar, Salt Lake CaTjj 48 - - -. ' The Billboard 17, 1W0. tAMtr. Mr*. Hittie AJdrlck. Mbs Blanche Ules. mm inJii B. Iiihn Ids. Frank Gormlcj. Matte Coord. Hil Cnaij. Win Gladys **Gz*y, Ma. Florence K. Onr. MIm Both Bailey. Miss BUM* ' BaRantyne. Mrs. C. Q Barfield. Mrs. C. X. Butt, Almee i-«r. Mr» ai. stsadti n ■«■■■■ Mies Hum BcGar. MsrJ* ••Brim. Sim. & U Grer. Gain. Mia Dot Hell , Ethel Hampton. Mba rrniaw H arris. Mia* DLJe Harris. Mlaa Frances ■ Harris, mas Dixie ••Berry. Itecara Black, kins Katbryn* Slags. Mrs. Jos BoariU, Mra. Jai Bowers, Mrs. B. B°'dd' mI. Be BrittriB. Mrs. Hodge. Mrs. Royal Hodge, Bos* Kojal -Hoffer. Cora Mlrklc ••BtaJllngar, Boas Dims*. Mrs. W. BL Holt Bwtett, Hiss Irtw Bii as ill Mrs. BBs I tu iM l i — Mjrtl* Barton, Genoa Elizabeth H. Ckastar. Miss Ones dark. Mrs. Eddie Clark. Mn. 0. T. Clark. Mrs. Wa. Clifton. MMs Gladys jabnra. Mrs. S. W. Ooceptao. Mrs. J. W. -Vaaneli *. Mrs. Lraor* I*, fksmarf. Mrs. Mabel Cooler. Mis. J. H- oetello. Mis. Bslph Coulter. Hajsel Crtatlne. Mar. MBMs ITAImaln*. Boss trail. Miss Dorothy Dallas. Beolah danlela. Mrs. Dells Dsnker. Mrs. W. P. Oarllng. Miss Alice Dsrta. Mlaa Darin* ••Dsrls. Mrs- CU War MB Darts. Mrs. Jack Darts. Mis* JoardU JosnsoB, Matilda Jadge, Annabel la KewUy. Mrs. FSt Kehne. Miss Mary KeUey. MaD> King, : K tax. Neil I* Kranj. Mia* Pater Knight. Fssnay Bern Ksowlas. Basal* C KorHr. Kns Brlra _ Gladys LsVlerre. Helen . LaVIgn*. Mrs. Joe Lareer. Mrs. James LsTenberx. Miss Ady raraara. Madam Ledgert. Mrs. Fred Leonard. Mabel LeRoy, Glsdjs LeRoy. Mlaa Locetts LeBoy, Hilda LeBoy, Mrs.' L. 0. Mrs. J. F. OeLarsb, Mlaa DsMyer. Miyme OsVorak. Miss Lsdaet, Mrs. Doily ' .-e. Mrs. Date B. Lee. Mrs. Jxxrlss ' • lie*. Mrs. Gladys I^ord. Miss Buby ••Leonard. Mabel Leslie. Mrs. Laona * Mlaa dies K. is. 8. P. resnett* arses Mack. Mlaa T. Adeline ••D'Vorik. Adeline "Desn. Mrs. Gladys T. Deaa-Orr Slaters Miss Daisy fit. Msjorle C . MI«"I Soma •"Dentufit. Oelmaln. Ml . Desmond Stock Co. 0/lrUn. Ml** Any Dixie. Pi l uces * Dodaon. Mrs. C. G. >odjre. Mn>. Llllle Doherty. Mis* Arnea Oooley. Kate ••Doran, Bath Dimes n. Mix* Cots Marlon. Mis* B. Marten, Mlaa B. A. Marten. MIsa DoUle Marttno. Birdie ••Mason, Hilda Mattbetts. Mlaa E. I Dade L. . O- J. Brine. Miss Msble .mdor. Madam mart. Mrs. Mandle Cilia. Madam Brick. Mrs. Harry Miss Eva McDonald. Flora McGonor. Mrs. C. A. McBea. Mrs. Lester ••Meadows. Madge Melnney. Mrs. K. Melrflle. Miss J. MUco, Meble Mills. Mis* JS. Milton. Jesn Mitchell. Loin ••Mogul. Edith Ferarrl. Mrs. Emma Petiex, Mis. A. A. Held*. Mrs. France* : Field. Mis* Msrjmrite Finney, Mlaa Maria Fliber. Mrs. Delia Fl.ah. Mrs. Hattle Flore ore. Mis* Bath ereeland Nell Marl ren. Mrs. Charlsa MnlbaU. Lncfle M array . Fay Myers, Mrs. Rose KadJL Miss ••Nalbandlan. Bell W. ••Nalbandlan, Belle Nichols, Mrs. Law Nltrsm, Bessie Norrell. Miss ACS** ' RsmsAss_ Mrs. WE. ••Randall. V a belle Raskin. Bobby Band. Violet HasaWnb, Jane ». r.tKre^ri MJaS G. Bar field. Miss Florence Begins. Marl* Beroolda, Bote Bice. Mrs. a B. BJley. Beanie ••BJztaldo. Ida BloaJdo. Miss Its Bio. Miss Babe 8alliTAa. Mayme Tuples, Princes* Taylor. Mia* M. B. Taylor Blafets Tbxlford, Miss B. () Thompson. Dsns Tbsm too. Mlaa Do tile Tllton. Mlaa Loetlle TltBsrarth, Msadle Tompkins, Msble Tracy. May Treeland. Mnrlel TTenneh. Mrs. Bo. Tnrner. Bes trice Boas, Miss A. M. Boaa. Wilms C. Booasey. Mas. C E. Ryan. Acne* Bysn. Gertrnde Schlcausberg, Dolly Sella, Mrs. Bos* Serpentina Shaffer. Miss L. ••Sneehan. Falsrle Shlelda. Mrs. Lonlaa Showbera:. Lola ami to. May B. B. Smith. Sadie Snyder, Mrs. Margie . •Hommerfieia. EUlc Samer. Miss Kit Hot a nkl. Princess Sparrow, Marie Bpeoeer. Golds St. Claire. Msble St. Leon, Ads ••Shelby, Grace Star. Miss Carrie Hte. art. Mrs. Q. Velar*. Mrs. Msye Vernon. Dorotoy Vernon,. Mlaa May Vinson, 8. L. viscettl. Pearl Vlocmt. Hum Both Vlxrarn. Mrs. T. W. Waldo, Mia* G. Walker, Has Walker. MIsa Myrtle Wallace. Mia* Anna Warren, MIsa K. Wstsoo. Erelys wS. 1W ' Weil In — Welllns Bisters i) Welch, Kaaa Wenael, Mlaa Leafy Wert, Anna E. White, Evelyn .White, Llllle Wilson. Mlaa Gladys Williams, Francs* Willis. Loolse ••Williams. Jolcy WUaoo. Mr*. I-. Woods, Mrs. Law W right. LUUsn Tberrl. Lola GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Abbott ac Clayne Ov. AUntt, Charlea "rosdley. Jsck Brophy, Boy B. Brown, Milton Brown, . Arthur "Brows, Chas."' Brown, Norman J. Brookfield. Tom Brown Family Browse, 'Darld G. Brownlee, 1. w. ••Brace. B. E. ••Brace, Balpb Essos BocklDzhsm, Frank Broth at. Ties Bnnele. Wm. T. Bn rfi ss, That. 1. Borne". WhJtle Barnesa, Boy Borrow* A Leslie Bnrnhardt. E. H ••Bnynj. Hurt Crawford, a. 0, Cres lore, Francesco Creators. G. crlaty, O..W, ... Cromwells, Aerial, Crowoorer. C'uu. Col ten. W. P. t Caiilasn. Tbos. J. Cnnnlnfbsm. Psnj Currant, Mike Currao. Jack Cuahman. Wm. z. Cotter, frank }, fuller. V. Xa. Dale, Arthur Daley * Erarett Dallas. Wm. mm*. Burton, Joanne Bosch. A. B. Byers * Herman Byrd. Bobert Byrd. Lords CabllUn, Vlrlan Cain, J as. L. Caldwell. A. B. "•■>■«•, Fred Callahan, Chss. Conch Campbell, T. W. Ca afield. Will F. Carter. Charlea J. Carter, Don Carter. Herbert J. Cartledse. B. D. Csrr Trio Carl. K. P. Carlton, W. E. t srtwriyht, Charley Carutb. Borr Case. W. E- Csssin.^Jsca. ChaBS, James Charley. Cbeyena* Champion. .Jack Chaney. Loo Charms u. H. E. Chsppmsn. Whittle Chapman, F. Chapman, Wm. _ Prot. B. *. Dano, Boa* Din, Brides Darllnx Fred D.. Djrnrll. Jesse Davenport. W. G. Daren port. Lriand K. Dsries, Link Darta & Cooper Dasla. CD. Daridaon. P. Dsrls. George Darta, Csrl Uarla. J. L. ••Darts * Dooley • Dsns, Loon Darts. L. H. Dawson Jr. Booth Dawaon. Jamea Day. Bobert Day, AL DeBorde. Bobert ••DeClalrrille, Sid DeBsps. Ernest , DeForrest, Hal DeKresro. Charles DeLosaa The Dearmln. W. B. Denton, Loo Dearth. J. L. Delators Harry Dalwtt, Jack Delno, Bert Delcarlaa A Kinney Dennis, John W. Dent, R* Irish Y 4+4,4.+ * ++++**+*++++*+***l% it* * * I ********* *** * * * *** ** * THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE ■ \ at The headouartera res. where all an more conrenlent for In addreaalruj man to lndlridnala In care of The BLllhoard. kindly Indicate what parry (if any) each la Identified with or In what line of the business ha la eoasaed. When possible, addressees abonld be Identified by lncorporatlnaT the name of the show or company la tbe address of stall test to them. This Insures prompt dell eery or despatch and am re* Infinite trouble In The Billboard's postofflce department, mall sdrsrtlasd In this Hat U bslns b< ********* * *****■***++ Adam*. E. K. Dlck A^nja,^Geo. H. Admits, Urrlmc C. Ah mat. Nina Almee Albert. H. 0. Albert. Vincent Albright, Dan M. Alexander. J. P. Allen, Harry Arthur O. W. Batburat, Nasi Bean ft Hanultaa Bear. Alfred 8. Bseklsy. Sao. B. Becker, M. W. Beckman, Fred Beckman. Fred Reckwltb. B. L. Behan, Geo. .Belts, Hairy HaH, Cba«. Aliro.' Writer B. ••Allen. Willi,- X. ••Allan, Wm. N Allen. J. C. Alton, B. K. Altenbsrx. Wm. Alward. Mnaleal Amis, Harry Amory, Jsck B. Anderson. B. J.' He.L Jo* Belmoot. Blduey inedlct Tt Anaelsbers. Anth o ny Ancer, Geo. Anthony, W. W. ••Armand H. Arm*tronc. A. Arm en to. Ansel Am «oAwa& Oeo.W. "Bts- abutys Mm. Robert Gates. Bo-wens Otlhert. Ml— Grscs **GlTC9S' unlan OUrm Miss rTetHS Glrreee Parr. Mlaa Lohs , Parrst, Mrs. Edna Pstten, Miss Jessie ••iv.rsm. Mrs. Ralph ••Pelbam. Una' ' Pfcmips. MMs Berth* Powekv Aaas Prsttymaa. Mildred Price. Aim* B. swpritsksrd. irma On In ta row . Veda Atkins. B. B. Att.Thi.ry, B. D. Atterbury. A. D. ••Atterhnry. George Atterbory. Geo. * Wo Auatln. Dick ••Anatln. Gilbert Arery. Randolph Aycock, Joseph P. Bacon, Frank A. Bacon. ~ Bailey. Bailey, nlca Baity Bros. Bailey A Edward Baker, Dutch Biker. Nick ••Balsetrier Louts D. Ballln, Eoaene ••Bale Van Family Bane. Albert Benfleld. Frank E. Benedict. Harry Benjamin. Bd R. Bennett. Bam ••Benedict, H. J. Be rare It. Prof. G. D. Berry. Jack Berry, Jim 'teat. Bonier J. Bidwril. F. it. indwell. Fred E. ••Bllllck. Hirry Rlsbee. B. M. Blrtner, BUI Blackmore, T. Blair, Harry J. Rledaoe. J. H. Bletsacker. Charley Blossom*, Tbe Blnmbardt. Wm. Bolln. Jack Boone, John C. Booth A Lynn Bosley. Joe Ross. Walter Bnewell, Paytso ••Boswell, Peyton Bowers, C. A. Bowers. Clande Bowers, F. Beyer, L. M. rwxre... as. ••Bracbard. Rray. Chin. Brsd*h*w, I Breckenrldre. John F. Brewer, Oiaa. Rremer. J. 0. II Rriras. JHnml* Brrsfol. W. Brfnke. Fred Chsrblnneu. Georgs Cbefrio, N. 8. Cberney. Albert Cheflor. John CheuTTont, C f> • •Christen ssn A SplUsrd Christy. G. W. Christie. BllUe Cllgren, A. A. Clark, Bob Clayton. Jerry Clayton. Cspf. Cbis. Clark. Edward Clark. Bernard Clinsmm. Frank I Clark A Berry Clark, J. C. Clark, Tom Clark, B. W. ('lark A Conner Clark C. P. Clark, B ug e n a Clarke, Harry Clements, Joe L. Clements. H. L. ••Clergg. P. H. CIcTriand. Oao. W. Clifford A CUfford Clifford. BlUy CTifton. AI. Clifton, Wta. B. Clow, Jack CI oral Clare, B. H. Cohn, 0 ay I rf^grDODtl. *- Desmond, w. L. Diamond. L. D. D'.rken. Emory Plladlne. Harry Y. Dixon, Albert Donnelly, Deals Donobo. C. B. Don. Darld L. ••Dooley. Jim Dorsey, J. O. Cole, W. W. Coleman. A. ID, A. 8. Coleman, W. J. Coleman. W. B. Collier. Ben E. ••Collins, Chss. Collins. Earl Collins, H. D. ••Collins, J. J. Comedao. Eddie V. Comalock, H. Conley, 0. B. ConnoM Family Conroy, Alton * Con- Cock.' Carl W. Cooper, Geo. R Cooper, C. H. Copes, Mnilral Coftoo, Colorado Conyhlln, John X. Conslns, Jack Cortagton, Zelloh ••Cow en, Rnheft Cenrles, C. W. f earner. BsthSS Cramer, Jos Crilg, Alex ^ Tounger Crawford , Donglaa A Dougherty Downard A Downs. C L. Downs, Fred D. Dopes. Chss. Dam on t. Arthur Dono, H array Dunbar. Cb a a. B. Dunn. Cbaa, H. Bonn. Jaa. ••Dnalop, Harry W. ••Dnnn_ Dnrkln, , Duv.ii. Billy Esry, Fred Eastwood, Clarence Rbaugn, Don C. Eberstein, M. 0. Bberhart, T. H. Ebrrt, Fted Eckert, Clarence Rckhoff A Gordon Edgar. Harry Edmonda, B. J. Ed son. Bnhert B. Edwards, J, H. Kllet. Charlsa Ellsworth, Phil Elliott * Straley . Ellis. 11 L. Elmendorf, Car: J. Ely. B. W. Emhree. Clinton 0. Emerson, Cspt. Bslph Eosiso. Msta ErllttBSr. Henry Baser. William Erirtng*. Chaa. r Katoelet, AI. D. • Bnrblar. Otto - Krerhart tlroe. Fiber, Arthur Faber. B. let ah Fscessd*. Albert ••Fstwlly. Bob Fa richer. E. Firmer, Bill Pinst. Ben K.n.t. Jake Fawaatt, H. A. Fay, Boy Ftllg. Oeerge ••Fsaelom. Chaa. B. Ferrla, Wiley Kerullo. Prof. Ferris, Jos k' »■ ra uaon . fl IBS Flddea, Mr. ••Fields, Lew Ftnalgan, Jamea H. Herbert a v Herbert A Finn, I re in* H Flnoegan. Bill] "Fink, Walter Flak. L M. Sacra, J. H. Herr. Prof. B. E. Harmaa. W. H erman . I' Hewitt. Wm. Hicks. J. L. Hacks. O. B. HUdebrand. M. E. ••fllldrcth. " 0. M. isr C. Julian T. .tw^e Edwla Flaslo : FlOStkar. Henry Flowers. Assy Florida, C. F. Foley. Edward ••Ford, J. T. Ford. Thomaa Ford.. Cliff Ford. Jaa. J. Foreman H. Banatj Holt, Hoojaaswns. F. W. lisarnbDck, A. Edwla Jack Freak How aid. Bert ••Foster, w. E. Foteh. Jack . row ley, Ed. Fox, 0. Boy . Franks. TV ""—> Frank iyna. The Franklin. H. H. Frsser, AL O. Freeman. Hairy a. Frsry, Fraak French, J. A. Frederick. Tim Great Frledjoaa, Jake Fnl Ur. Waa_ Oainsbarrg. H. H. Gap, BeoatioBSl OalUan, JlaamJa Callsgwaf. Jaa. H. Garrtt. Harry Garfield. Herman Oars in Vs. Oarealler ••Gardner. _ Oerser. Ma. Gardiner. Ja Giles. Writer Oasis. Geerss ties try. SL B_ Geanter, Henry Gendler. Eran U C.ethle. Albert orbsom. Del Glltaert. Henry Glial or*. Bert Gniannre. The srd, Happy Lyman B. Howltt, Char lie Edward C "odsoo. Martin W. Hndawm, Baa Hugo. Victor Htighaa. Boy HoJeiL WDJ Hull. D. R. Hntto*: John Hnwert. Edward Bert Irujlls. John M. IkjTetaoU. Harry MaaTChaa. Gil mo re. Gllmorr. Gllaou. Laos A_ nisseock. Foster Glascock. Mlks_ Glum. Char les H- Olorer. WBI Gordon. Fraak Gordon, J. Ssi Gortoo Mlnst. Onsseg*. Oca. 2«Tt. Emory Oray. Bee Ho Grady. AL Grant A Dhtbre Grant, Doc Grsrrs. B. A. Green * Tall Oisnlock. Bes ■Urny. llna^ll KeBsr. Cyctos* —Kstty. Pat B. —BsHy A Dart* K rate. Pari rie. Tom tley. 8. T. ley. Dock llalnse. Hypnotic Hall. Jack HsUett, Jo* Heller. Bam C s&>'b>r Frank Hamilton * Crass Kennedy. Cb Keasard, Ba. KeetsMSt. Jo* Ke tiler, Fred Hank, Rocky ML Handler, A. H. . n* — KlSCh. Harry KiSaj. J. BL Klag. Anxtta a King. Lee H. King. Charles 0. Klrslake. HB Kltt. W. C - ehler. A. Is bier. Lew Harder. Myrkla Hargsr. Press Harlanda. TV* Harding at Wa Harper, Tbormas Harris. Wllllsm J. ■rig*. 811m arr>on.Fi arrlaon. Jim Her Ran Harrison, . Harpsf , Gordon ••Hartmsn. John A. ••Harris. Jackson ••Barrey, W. I. Harddng. Van Bartwril. Fraak Haabrook, Wm. H. Ramler, Chaa. Hiseh. Hugo Hilling*, i. F. Itatso. Mr. Hawthorn. Billy Rawpt, Cart I. Hawkins, Boy F. Hayes, Arthur •Mi a yea, F. H. Marts. R. Hays. Jas. naydan, Joe At Ola Hayes, Thoe. J. Harro. Tb* n*lti' Kaatar, Harry _ Kratner, Lntua H. Kretnhrlnk. otto Kisarer. Pttlllp Knspp, Bd. C KnselT. Matt LeBreaiwe. R. B. "LsBlck. Jos. La Coma. Chaa. La Porte. Fee La* Tie Jos rivello. wnUim LaTcM. Freak F. LsWays* The Geaat Dr. Lan*. Bd a L*sr*s. Hsrry Laptss, Harry Lark. Leonard II end tlx A' . _ Hennr, J. A. Henslla, o n. nearbsy, William He nasi, gtsrss B. nenke, Henry Henry, Haak HI Jam Le*. Harry A VtrgtlU Lea, Chaa. K. Lefwrer. Harry Lakrais'l DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 49 Leonard, Am DM Co. Ceoo. Dan Lester. Sam Lesley. _ Utter, Jim _ Leslie, Ore. W. I.eVlno. Mr UTlB. WU1U Letla * Lord ••Una, Ckaa. Lewis * Lewis, Allison Lewis. Oriaa Lewis. Jack MU, A. ••I*wts, Henry "Lewis. Harry Lewis. Is. O. Llegcl. J alios Lillian, Frank 4k Baby Ions, i- n. riylBf Clare Dee Comedy Co. Net.. Andy Narta. 0. t. New en. Mr. Ralph »« man, Val . . Nichols, Lew Nondnwa^^A. ^ P . Nuxrot, J. w. ••»y#TB. H. ••Nye. B- II. OCrBrUu, J. C O'Brien. Mr. L. ••fVDay. Win. o'iWOl b. ndsckirk. c. J. Of dan, Chaa. T. OUatetn, Morrla o-Naiu. Jamaa **Looa*. Ja_. Lam&f . r. m, MM . 0. W. Loeky'a Dos circus Lorlx. will Lynch. I risk j. MeCaffsrty. WaK. hteConaeu. Lawraaea kfcConnlek. H. McCua. Ckaa. McDaalal, Will 0. McFarlaad. W. H. McOlll. Csssy XeOer, Joe 8. Ortaneye, Felix OaterUaa. Mr. Geo. OH. Charlie Oil., Bart Falser! '. A. T. Parker. W. M. Parrlah. Maury "Parrla, Oao. PsrtsUo. Jack Pssqnsls. D. Patrick * ••Patterson, a Par*. M. P. rarWwa w.. Jr. Velatyre. Mr. Mela tire A Co. "McOrafl * Parry ••UrKrnslr * anal MrXata. B. Star MeMUter. re ■ IteNS, Wm. Hit-Lean. Ja sat*- 11 - Majali Mala*. N. Mann. WtDsea- Mania. Chester Maaaflald. W. J. Ma nnal. Jsaa BaaSBli*.... Markle. W. B. Mann. Prank • • Msrshall. John Marriott Twine M. Leon kink. Bin* Msrtle. Is. D. Mirtla. Of*. MaiahaU. Jam** M. Msrrrlaa. Chaa. Maul. a. U a. »?• n. -- I * Wilson Meebaa, M. A. Mear*. Daa J. Melrell. _ HeWraa. Oeo. M. ria. Bar Melroj. Barry Mrlaotts, Claude 2»a^b. war On Icier. Andrew Qajataaoa. Bhraor Rarhoalarts, B. ••Baa. John o. Rati. Wtllford Kamoa. Stanor EaTwTw. ••R.s.eta. Will William Meyer. Dare Reeastt. S. Mlekelaaa. Millar. Ba "Miller. Oeo Miller. J. Go ». O. W. Bar wood eh Harper ••■UyaMwda. The Two Bar, John J. He been. John Miller. •Raoies. Seees. Ilarr. Header. Oml Joe Nonoae Miller. _ Mate*, Clyde », Hljado. a. «.*1»T. J. W. aaaa. Harry ••Meyhan, Mr. * 1 "Moore. Archie yMoorn^Cbeater Ed", it" ■tee an. rtaak Reasjoa. The Raryaard, A: D. Bhsada, Welter Rhode*. Walter Richards. R. T. RJcbardeoa^Maater Pie*. W. n. Rled. Praak Rlealrke. Ted Rlnstdn. k. H. Bltchey. Win M. Rltrhlsen. Oeo, Rlrter. Silly Kofia»ri », F". H . Rnnerta. 8. J. Morrlaoa. Ray Moredork. WlU Morpbe. Bert ••Morrla eh Krsesser Morrla, Charles C Morrnn. James A. - iww, „ - . _ Morton » rslrmsld Moss. M »« r JjT u Mam ford, o . C Menso, ~ Nadall. FraC. . "Nslhan.ll an. Jak* NaSk, Al. i n. : _. Jim Roberts. «t. mar Rodney. Jaasea Rodrntmrr. B. H. Rollins. Harry Reek, U B Rosenthal. RM Beat. Waiter J. Base A Lank Rowett, WlTllsm Rows, B. 8. Rnssetl. J. A. Brier . J. Fred Salmon, Tom kardell. I. ■ekleberl. Jos. Rrhmy. J. 0. Bearler. Q Srhlehsri. rrsnk B. Scott, J no. M. Seott A Clark Bsstjeaat. Oeo. W. Sssys, The Beeardo 4k Bltehlsea OS** William Ben lor. WU1 Serin, Willie Seymour, Pete Beyuoor, WUUa Scymoor, Twin* Sbeaap, 0. C. Sharp, Oeo. B. Skallereee. Barry A. Bbaw, tvslabtea Sharer, Id. "Mharp, Mart, Sherwood. Doaald Sbsrldsn * Short Sbepard, b. c. BbeS, Barney Sheridan. Riss O. sHrp^ RWpiar. wm. Skropsairs. jaa. Bhrlotrr. Mstt fMbley. W. K. ■Bear. Jamas Slaimeaa. C. telaals ButS; jTf. Smith. ~ S. I. .. — sons*. Joan FhUtp «wd. i?- M ^a^jg&P. lUrry Btsmley. Bart Stark. Joe Stead mas. Flank S terene A Htersas B totaer. B . B. Rtaw*arhRa>OaB, OdX "Btaiaae. B. A. Iterate*, Fred R te»l na. Tom St, — 8t> StlnfleM. Mark Stoeddle. Jo* Story, - . Stockton. Oao. arrant. B. D. 8 trans. Bkldy So ttos. J. B. Rwata. C Walker Cart At- Takeaaw. ttk* Tassa. A. T. w- Taaa. BtBr Taabrtsa. Os>o.-^- Mr. J.rk- Testa. Jeaa. -•sr- Teely. Jsek J*e. • Tenner. B. Tarry, B. 0. • •»»- Charts. _ J*, r. T h orn s. . Osorve Taraaaak, J. t. Thomaa. J. W f) Thorn pwsw. Dana Thomas. Chaa. Tboasaa. W. F. Tlaktyaa Tleeney. Jsmss OTtUssB. Daa A. Tittle. Wick TVraao, dement n. Todd. Ala Trscy. wm Trainer. Jack •Tracy, biek Trailer. Pan! Troop. Chss. Tnrker. Harry Is. Tnoper. O. M. ' Trier. B. H. ■Tyler A Barton Tjuisa. Or. Was. Upeharch. Ortcady VaaSlckle, Bay Vans. Two Vaa Dyne. J. H. Varl pa US, Bar., Veal. Joba Veda' A Qalnta r oase Verooo. rrsnk Vesaella. 8. Marco ••Vlolinaky V I.Ian A BurfceU Voe*. Tom Von Jerome, Mr. VonKanf pun. Jack Wanner. Jock Wsibora. Bay Willaca, Joe. K. Wallace. Oeo. Wall, Lswrencs Walters, 0. W. Wallace. Jack Wane. AC Wslln«r, C Wsrnlck, W. V. WaahlBRtoa. B. Wassoo. Albert Waahbnra, W. S. Washburn . C. A. Wstso*. Cliff Watertmr J. J. F. Wayne. Fled •• Weadlck Hoy Weaeer. Beraua Wsadlek. Thomas Webrarnt. Fiad F. OWelrh WeBa. Ony WeUtaytoD. Dick Wells, A . Welch. WllUsm Welecn, M. B. Walls, Ony O. Walteh. Esss. Wset. C. W. Weston. Bert . ' ■ j. w. Water. Geo. Wheeler. John ••Welllactan. Oar White. Dan Whitehead, Dr. Wblttaker, 8- T. Walts. Tsd White. Otto Wblttaker. Jaa. T. Whitney. A. p. Whits. Allan H. White. O. K. Jos. M. Je. J. D. WOtoa. Al. T. wnsm. B. Wilson. Larry WUltaau. Lob la WniooB. Joale Wllsoa. Cheater Williams A Wells wnia. Artie WltKams. John WIRlnaaa. Klnt Wilis Charlie Williams. Win ton wnasa. Bans Williams. Oscar Williams. «. fl Will la rose*. The Wilsons. The ••WHssn A Heldelle Williamson A Wstsoo Williams B. Willi. ms. J. ••WllSOraa, The Wudarde. ' Jack Wolf. J. M. Wowsck. WHMnaas Wrsy A Ray Wrlfht, J. D. Wrtyht Billiard Wriaht. Praak TTrtCht. Jess. H ••T»akl». Walter W. »pp. Praak y Inner. Mike Toaey. James J. Tosblda. K. Rsdjs. Zsa r*rlMs^C« Zesrl. H. , Reck. & .Reirer. IVst* ••Bemster. Chaa. z*do. Dick ETtlle. Mart W $54.00 PER DAY THE RECOID OF THE CAMERA-SCOPE And we can prove it. Anyone can operate it. Makes 6 finished But- ton Photographs » minute. Price or Cam- era - Scope with sup- plies for making: 300 pictures (enough to pay for the complete outfit), saa.oo. Extra DVttOJafJB, $1 sfroaa. Be I ode pen - daa? and make money for your arlt. Write to-day. W, B> kteaatfsrd. ISO Rmldsa Lane. Maw Task. M. T. KOUTK TO THE OF THEATRES * International Vaudeville M. MEYERFELD. Jr. MARTIN BEClt OrbM Hrfr. Ornhena. Rolldlatf •*aelu.».St> DsSbIbB Bnlldlntf New York Majestic BssJldlakf) Chlcaajo M. Novelties, Jewelry, Specialties, Singer Bros.' New Book of Specialties TNC BEST CATALOdUE IN THE TRADE If yon are a Concessionaire. Norelty, jewelry. Notion or Fair Worker. Csnrssser. StTsst- n, Asctlonaer. Knlfeboard Man, Hoop-la Game, or General hfsrehsnt, yon cannot afford "Tt contains 'foil and comiJete linen In newest Noreltlos. BoaTenlrs. Watcbea. Jewelry, Foaatstn Penn. Optlrsl Goods. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Yankee Notions, Caruirsl Woods, etc. etc., at wboleeale oaty. Ry a'stlsfylnr na that yon are a lesltlaaate daslsr 1»1L r. U. May — , 1911. Oreenvilie. Tan i Bankers' Aaaoelatlon. May Mayneld, of Taxaa. »rt Worth. Blehmond— American Cotton tloo^ May 18-18. C. B. 1 Btklu*— Wett Virginia Whole**'* Oroeara' Aa- aoelatlon. April or May, 1811. W. C. Mc- Cbnaogbcy, Parkers burg. W. Va. Hnntlngtan— Tna Greet Council of W. Va., Im- proved Order of Bed Men. May 8-10. T. H. Clay. 0. 0. of H., Rooma 104-5 McCroroy Bldg. -Waat Virginia Sunday-School -Waat Virginia Snnday-Scbool A a- Wheeling — Orand May™. Fran nt, W. Va rood do Lac — Rural Letter Carrier*' Aaaoela- tlaa of Wlaeonala. May 30-31. B. L. Dem- . areat. 788 Berlin at. Waupaca. Wla. laaC r eaos W isconsin State Council k. of C ...May 12. W. L. Boaalter, looal aecy. Milwaukee — National ' Millinery J oh here Aaaoel- atlon. May — , J811. v. w. Heal tra Ball Bldg.. Cblcngo, 111. •d Council Royal D. Slmonda. 7 Mack canaii* Winnipeg, lab Am they rural** tbenr lew. not this a dear cat* or i the Individual a «t»V Your Honor, I bt_ to the fact that the rallroada that lectlnr to the rata I aak are largely: '» the mlnorltr; The Iron Mountain, Tno Bock In- land, K. C. A S. A 'Frhv-o. and the a. * P. now nana la affect and have bad for year* practically the rate I aak, and In fact aome of tno "gentle- men told me to-day they considered my demand* reasonable. Now your Honor. It la no argu- ment for tb* jrentlemen to atat* aa did air. Turner, Mr Laako and one or two other*, to nay wa don't want toe business, e»en at a forty dollar mlnlmnm, Do yon suppose tna stock- hoLdar*. or u w ia e i * of * railroad went -to torn down boa l naaat They any It delaya train, . to pick up ibow cart, tela ntnally comuta of MARRIAGES NOWI.INO-BICKBR8TAFF. — Mr erataB. proprietor of the Speyrrer Hotel. Hocheater. »■*.. and Mlae Sarah Nowllng. of Bearer Falia. Pa., leader of the Majeatlc The- atre Orcbeatra. Rochester. Pa., fer the paat T. .0 boy Mr*. John Fernlock (Nina rut-pound boy, at Detroit. Nor. waa leading New York City— National Aaaoelatlon of Man- ufacturer*. May 15 IT. Geo. & Bocdtnot, 30 Church at. New' York City— National Aaaoelatlon of Em- ploying Lithographer*. May — > 1811. P. D. Orlatt. 838 Granite Bldg... r New York City — State Grand ana* Inatltatlon. May 2. " Ttb Are.. Troy, NTT. Olrott— Twenty-eighth Beglment N. Y. S. Vol- on tee re- Aaaoelatlon. May n e w. Boy re. 830 Main at. Buffalo, N. Y. - NORTH CAROLINA * A _ Wilmington. N. Chapter ^Boyal ^Ai May 8-10.. Jaa. O. - rmmnndery Katghta ' Ttmplar. P KRKSTLVAnTI A Philadelphia— American Ootid Aaaoelatlon. April — . 1811. H. T. Odell. 18» Tremoot at. Iloaton. kla BOOTH DAKOTA I. O. O. F. of 8. D. [uron °S. D U "* I Carl 81m gau algbt hare dona much for the dim business, la now pl.elna hla Blma In ■ new field, that will oodoobtedly mean much to that form Of amusement, ilia la teat branch la the trarellng dramatic and atoek companies to whom ho la now offering hln latent feature dim. The Ro- mance of Count De Beanfort On account of the Immense amount of publicity tbe Count baa secured thla 81m without a doobt would prore eery ralnable to tbeea travel Ins; orxanlaatlona. READY'S NEW HOUSE READY. NaabrlUa, Term.. Dee. 5 (Special to The Billboard).— Tbe new Alhambra Theatre, a rcry handsome motion picture house, will throw open Its door* some time next weak, to the waltlnc public who hare been eager '» get a glimpse lu tbla beautiful boose. Mr. W. P. Ready, who will be Ita manacer. baa Informed The Bill board correspondent that be Intends Naahrula what a "rear PLEA FOR UNIFORM RATE. (Continued from page 7.). blllty from loan anient by accident negUganco. Louisiana la the only stats No "wesTof ono can terelltgently handle tbla claaa of ■an when there Is absolutely no way of knowing what wo ai* go'ng to pay for our tranaportatlon. Within tbe last three weeks I base paid four different prices for precisely tbe ssme aerrlee. these prices rangtag from twenty-are to fifty dollars, and most of them an adrance over tbo rata paid two years ago. Yonr Honor, tbe rallroada haul Pullman car* without any charge to tbe Pullman Company, "ALICE TEDDY" ■ " - W^B^ A wonder of the world'. Alice can skate to beat I W HI the band, forward, backwards, waltzes, races and ■ *s*M do€S numerous others tricks, on ball-bearing roller mk skates; also good wrestler; weight, 215 pounds. C w Alice sits on chair in lobby and shakes hands ' ^ Write for open time. Address, GEO. % CRAP- SEY, Chicago, 111., care Richardson Skate Co., 311 Michigan street. Twenty minute act; playing vaudeville and rinks. A wonder of the world. Ali( one conpllng. do they s a pse t to get twenty are dollars for a ten- mile ban] and b* put to absolutely no trouble or effort? Your Honor. It seems they contend for tna money and growl because they have to render some isswaai for the money. Aa for the la, * N. w.. they certainly hare some reason for not wanting to risk tbe boslneaa orer their line. If the Honorable Commission would tske one trip orer their line they would understand what I mean. I don't baUere their can won paaa M. C. B. Inspection on any arst-clssa Una. Aa to tna gentleman'e eta lament about nndlna out tb* character of show* before letting them go orer hla Una. and then writing to the lead- lag plan tare down the Una ta aee If they wanted the ahow la really laoxhabie. Does the gentle- man of hts L. B. AN. Inquire into tbo brand of whlakey before It goes orer hla Ha* to aee If It la forty rod, aq turret, white mule, or on* hundred proof T Your Honor, I am naklttg for the asm* rata that la bow In affect, as i aald. In all of the states west of tbo Mississippi Rrrer and north of tbe Ohio, and In fact on most of tbe roads In Louisiana. Sorely If the roads orsr three- fourths of tbo United Stale* can and are glad to handla us at tbo rates I should fall In line. Y< of the Commission. I hearing of thla - HAMMER8TEIN LOSES. , (Continued from par* 7.) tb* court will entertain an application by hunt to modify the prarhnona of thla or- der.' In the erent of eomplalnant'a unreason- ably delaying to prosecute thla cue to dual bearing tb* court will entertain a similar ap- plication by defendant" Aa Mme. Tetr***tnl la at* tad to recel** from W. H. Leahy (3.000 a performance, one- hair that amount she wUl be forced to deposit In some bank In Mr. Bammsreteln's fsror. pending a anal nettlem ent. ■ • UP AND DOWN BROADWAY. 10.) The Bnalgn. a melodrama of nasal life. Is billed at the Academy of Music tbla week. Tb* Arlator. James Montgomery'* comedy, opened at the Aator Theatre Tuesday night. December o, with Wallace Bddlncer la tbe ti- tle part* Albert CheTtller'a engagement In Daddy Du- fard. a comedy of English concert began at the Hackett Theatre, i LOOK HERE, MR. ARTIST. (Continued from page 11.) leave the theatre under shelter at all time*. The private cab aerate* of the theatre will be at the service or the srtlsts tree after algbt performancei. A buffet room la being. Installed, with a ' modern complete equipment of otenall*. for laa* of srtlsts during their engagement. Baggage will be received at the depot and to same by tbe bouse management, harge- Pool lively no employ* allowed any tip or fee. Any artist known lo m ploy a will he lined the Charity to^ceept -. glee or offer one to any employ* will 810. which will be forwarded to Fund of tbe Actors' noma good. Distilled wstrr tanks with fresh supplies dally will ba la each dressing room, eaeh artlat to use bis or her own gUsa excluarveiy. State law compete that no public drinking cup ba al t program, free of ch A forty-foot plunge, ten feet used. If wanted for swimming, the hours of a performance. 1-OB SALE — Ail ktnakt of Merry go SrS o-MIScb; tt£S*r££ c** *. T., KiaaXBrtoxwr ot Mbttj r> tOBlCst, FOB SALE- weada, with I flO» LoU of Carloallas* at h*ii price. rTELSOS, Borth C*m bridge ~ GET ] ABB ] "HOW" TO 8WZLL MMDJOm mULMM TOVt, six*. 10x18. made of 14- In. altaraat* atrip* khaki bhowmaN'B SALE— Belles. Curios bey's Museum Sale. Banners. Teni from Ho- Oooda. Boy .no atamp for price U Ave.. New York SOW I list. City. ta, aa id get bargain*. O. W. ALLBN. 2306 Tth PLAY BABE BALL — navlnr perfected tbe eet stunt ta ram. board, legttlmai He a play: . Prl board' nouBlj." Price, |1. Money refunded If not eu- llrely ml. factory. JAB. JOBTZB, Athens. 0. ~" ^ , BOc; aasorted. 10x14 Pataloa Play Herald*, or Rand SSjwr LOOO: 4,000. glo. b. BABKOV PLAT LECTUHE, typewritten. 3 for 11. Passion Play Hair sheets. 3e each BUle. in Ohio. BOB BALE— Moving Picture and VsudsviU* House and PUtnres; . cost 84.000. Clovt*. N. M. New town, threw year* old; population, B.OOO; 12,300 buya outfit. Wire or writ* for partic- ulars. Address W. W. OOMBTOB. Osttar, NOTICE— i.. n . MAX1B (perhaps with Bob and Eva McGlnley Company 1. coma to your wife** bed*.de; aerlouely 111 ; plead* to aee you. Her parents muet not know conditions; all ta far- given; has money. Address Barer* Boas*, chi- lli. 50c-14 BZAX PARODIES 50c— AH Kit*. All on late songs. Sketch for 1 M A 1 W n xbe. Straight .BL. Monol^^O^Bc^TBe. Llrrrnool. Onto. L. OA MB I.E. Writer. W A B T B B— Tor FRANK HALL'S VAUDE- VILLE SHOW— A-l Sketch Team that can da double* and singles and change for one week. Single Performers Writ*. Can also place A-l Lecturer. Addreae FRANK MALL. Jerome. MUSEUMS OF ANATOMY BARGAINS SO, 108 or 200 Model Museums, or sep arate fl g- ures cheap. If bought quick. DB. HATTTELD, 1808 aTarkat, St. Zaeoa, Ma. WANTED— CIRCUS PEOPLE Including Aawats. tenttna ee**on 101L Wanted to purchase — Trained Animal Acta, Privilege* to Bant, Performers address JOB BERRIES. All others add re** CIRCUS, WANTED-PARTNER To Inveat la a ear one night stand Tent Show for 1911. Can aet aa t re a an ear. Have nearly complete outfit: experienced and a bustler. If you do not mesa business, do not writ*.' "LP. showman, anr* Stile* Opera Hou.o, BOaaoarL THC LARGEST CIRCUS PROGRAM PUBLISHES! IN THC WORLD I. a. tainsiis. 14*2 tarsSway. saw Tort Oty. 1 am sun adding to my list, and want j to hear from all circus managers who want aa experienced publisher, with a large efficient force of eocceaami eollrttora, handle their programa for tbe coming cir- rus season of 1811. Lot mr bear from you, and I will make von n proposition. CLARINETIST AT LIBERTY • All kinds of experience. Travel or lo- ate. Am also a Piano Tuner. Don't use quor or tobacco. Beat references. Add - V. C. T., 8MB BUlbowd, Cincinnati, O. , WANTED, IMMEDIATELY For The Lac h man Greater Shows Westcott United Shows a three thousand Woodmen, featuring Tbe Oreat Berlin!, spiral tower, anal aa free attractions. Can place good Ballyhoo Show and 1-gltlmste Coaee*. aloaa of overy description. No exdnalre* for thl« big *T*nt. Thin will be one to 1 a* It la tb* Woodmen's first annual holiday teatiTltler and billed 111 stay out all winter and will make nothing bn Th illboa Film Releases (Coo tinned 'from page 29.) UUH COM I- ANT. ■ 19— ^Tyranny of the Dirk (drama) 21— Th. aVtacsOaa of nixabeth . BimwB Tie Wnm).;. x> ^ah^adUB rrtt'a Gram ode (diuu) . 97 3— 11m Booth Rider's _ 4 — ruirer Quad's Ssertftce (drama) •—Tor a Woman's Uuaor (drama) . 11— A Mm and a Qlrl (drama) .......... 11 — The Attack oa Vbct Hidrely (drama) Drama or tat PrasiiU (drama).... 99u r'» Indian Bride (drama) ... loou (drama) (drama) 870 2— Oder Aldan's Indian Bride (drama):.. MS 7 — Baefcel (drama) ...1000 8 — Toe Beacon or Moil 7 Tinner (drama) 1000 LUB1N. ar fe be r . Saat 17 — -Hearts and Politics (drama) 900 " Hat (comedy) 800 M— Tns Country Boarder (drama) _ t gHrTte-BeTdril«. Doom. (comedy, 1 — A Child's Judgment (drama) ar Aspirations or Gerald • (comedy) Feet tfbu "(tares) louu Archery (comedy) 450 • la the Boekles (drama) 900 M-Brotbera^dr^T™* ' ..»«««»■••••••••••.. 14— The Street Preacher (drama) 17— Right in Front of ratter (comedy). Feet . 990 1 niisouj Bam (comedy) .. a— On the Mexican Border >'a ■mastm'st (1 PAXME-FBEEES. "W^Sie on _Max (comedy) 17— -Jlnka Wants to be _ sdy) 19 — Outwitted (drama) ..... 19— Around Pekln (1 — Ufa (or ■ eal drama) 7 tonaly Gulch (drama) -Host (drama) .. 749 - Menagerie (educational) 203 IS— Motor Fiend (comedy) 810 -Brnaea. Belgium (scenic) 370 . -Max In the Alps (comedy) 810 »— Bnffalo right (colored topical) 358 995 783 213 919 as) • ••*,.-■•■•*• 730 ~rohstie) MS (catena biblical) 908 Jlemency (patriotic drama ) • V. •• Z . .1030 7— Max la a. Dilemma (comedy) 448 T— Mlcro-Clncmatography — Becnrreat Fe- a*T (ed oca Oonal ) 449 9 — Mexican Legend (drama) 1033 11— A Black Heart (colored drama) 623 11 — Dateh Types (colored scsaiej ........ SSS 19— A- Gambler's End (drama) .. . .1000 14— A Shadow of the Past (drama) 883 19— Lore Laughs at Locksmiths (comedy) 693 18— gnsslan»olf Hnnt (scenic) .~TT. 29S 19— Phracdra. (colored drama) 718 15- MIHtarj Crcllsta of Belgium (edaca- 99— The Other Way" (comedy rV.". 995 SI— The Old Longshoreman (drama) .... SSI SI— Wen Sooth Wales Cold Mine (educa- tional) ..- v 859 IS — Bow Baatoa Gets His Turkey (comedy) 508 23 — Wonderful Plates (colored trick) 397 78 Isis (colored Egyptian drama) 492 net (drama) 479 -1 — Their" Day of Thanks (drama) (d WAS 9— Twixt Loyalty and Lore (< 12 — A deeer Bi ............ 990 (comedy) 600 12— Fslthful Max (drama) BOO ■5— The 1'oor Stodeot (drama) 990 Crippled Teddy Bear (drama) 993 e Nell's Tobacco (drama) 990 THE POWERS COMPANY. 19 — Weepy Jones (drama) 18— The Derll (comedy) 22— Hearts or Gold (drama) 25 — The Plot That Failed (drams) 25— The Lord and the Lady (comedy) .... 29 — Adre nrnres of a MUlWnalre (drama)... NwTeuibei — 1 — Th* Sheriff and Mies J. 1 — Mental Science (comedy) 6— A Bcssian Romance (i 8— Moonshine and Lore (< 8 — When Lore fat Toons <' 12— The Ordeal or Helen Gray ( 15— Hor Women Lore (drama* 19— A Woman Lawyer (com 28 — The Woman Hater (<" 29— Who Wins 29 — Wanted, a December— 3 — When the World Sleeps (drama) 6— The Medicine Msa (comedy).... R — The Rehearsal (drama) (drama). .......... ....... . . .1900 ...1000 1000 ) 1000 .. 600 T 344 Feet 2— The Tale the Mirror Told (drama) 646 9— What a Dinner (comedy) ............ 344 5— The Maid of Niagara (drama).. 998 ■ — The Clerer Domestic (comedy) 485 Mexican Tumblers (acrobatic) 476 (coioredMcaicr' 348 Nick of Time (drama)." 800 — . Kjtis (coEfdy) 384 10— Her First rjnsband's Be turn (drama) . . BOO 12— la Her Father's Absence (comedy)... 544 12— The Juliana (acrobatic) 387 14 — Hoboes' Xmaa (comedy) 440 14— Charlie and Kitty In Brussels (scenic) 400 16 — little Snowdrop (colored fairy tale)... 1000 17— Sared by Dtrbe ~ B RELEASE DATES — SALES CO. Vntoaday— Eclair. Imp. Yankee. r'Toesdsy — Bison. Powers, Tbenkonser. Wednesday — Amhrosto, Atlas, Ch - Thursday — Itala, Imp, Defender, Friday — Bison, Solar, Thanhi Saturday — Great Northern, (Carl Lsemmle.) 17— Mother and Child (drama) 990 20— The Fur Cost (comedy) 995 24 — The Count of Mootebello (couedy) lOOn XT— Mendelssohn's Spring Song (drams) .... 500 27 — The Hobble Skirt (comedy) 560 81— The Idol's Eye (drama) 990 November— Feet 9 — Willie (comedy)" 99" 7— Keeping His Word (drama) 990 u) 990 Jdrama) .... 9BS B> 18 — The Lure of Gold 21 — The W 25— The Girl 1— The Fatal Gold Nugget (drama) 4— Bed Wing and the White Girl (dn 8 — The Branded Man (drama) .........1000 11 — Bod's Triumph (drams) 1000 15— The Flight of Bed Wing . (drama) 1000 18— An IndUn^Malden's Chol ce^td rama) 1000 a 1000 .1060 December— . Feet Child of the Wild (drama) 1000 .1000 .1000 October — Feet 19 — Tweedledom's Sleeping Sickness sad How He Waa Cured (comedy) S64 19 — Bxcurskra on the Chain of Mount Plane (scenic) 632 26— launching the First Italian Dreed- : naught (scenic) 600 26 — Tweedledum Wants to be a Jockey (comedy) 500 Nor ember — Feet 2 — The Blare of Carthage (drama) 1000 9— A Floating Message (drama) 1000 16— The Mermaid (drama) 500 16 — Tweedledum Gets Employed In the Corporation Body (comedy) 50O 33 — Gounod's Are Maria (drama) ........ 500 23 — The story or a Pair or Boots (comedy) 500 80— The Judas Money (drama) .... 000- 3n— The Two School Boarders (comedy).... 500 7— The Ten Tale Portrait (drams)...... 500 Learns a 22— In the Gray of the DaJJt; (drama).... 29— The Armorer's DsoghtirTt drama) 1000 5— Where Sea and Soars*: Dotn Meat (dream) ".. «<*tu.., 1000 12— Under a Changing Sky 4 drama) 1000 19— Moulders Ot bonis (drama* 100° 29— Bo Bona tba Way (draaaxL 1000 Dei i nilw I ebb 8— When Woman Wllla (drama) 1000 (drams) 1000 F-t •sse.aaeea 29— In the NoTsaber— ■ 12 — The Heroine of the 101 ma) 19— Oklahoma BUI (drama)-.. ^26— Stags Coach Tom (drams) ... 8— TlaTcattleinen's Fend (drama) AMERICAN FILM Noti ruber— 14— Romantic 17— The Lure of the 91— Starlight's 1 — A Touching Affair (comedy) ......... 5— Vers, the Gypsy Girl (drams) 930 9— Two Leery Jims (comedy) SO LAX. October — 21— A Child's Sacrifice (drama) ....... 28— T he Sergeant's Daughter (drama). November 4— A Fstsful Gift (drama) li— A Widow and Her Child (drama) 19— Her Father's Sin (drama) 23 — One Touch of Nature (drama) ..... 3— What Is to be W01 be (drama).... 8— Lady Betty's Strategy (drama) ... IS — Two Suits (comedy) October— 20— The Call 22— The Falsa 22— Foolab ITALA. (drama) .. a (drama) Between Two Fires (com- edy) 500 27 — Bain (drama) '. 1000 2S— Excursion on the Lake of Garda (sce- nic) .... 29— Foalsbesd V< ^(comedy) 3 — The Fault of Grandmother (drama).. 1000 5— Where^Hara' I^ut^ify 'Fountain Pen 1 " 00 (comedy) 200 10— The Black Gondola (drama) 500 10— A Stormy Sea 500 12 — Foolabead Knows and Does An (com- edy) 1000 12— The Coalman's Soap (comedy) 414 17— Judge and Father (drama) 1000 18— Foolahead Victim of His Honesty (com- edy) 600 o Original Palette (comedy) 600 (drama) .................. .1000 ■A Loosen Marksman (comedy) 600 A Windy Day (comedy) 600 nber— Feet 1 — A Painful Debt (drama) 1000 8— The Big Drum (comedy) 500 8— The Doc grepcr (comedy) 500 8— The Soldier of the Cross (drama) 1000 8 — Foolshesd Knows How to ~ 18— Oh, What a Knight (comedy) 1000 21 — Their Child (drama) 1000 25 — Young Lord Stanley (drama) 1000 28 — The Fairies Hallowe'en (fairy story).. 1000 Norember— Feet 1 — Mistress and the Held (drama) 1000 and the Queen (drama) 1000 - let (comedy drama) 1000 the Queen (drama) 1000 _ Virginia (drama) 1000 18 — The City of Her Dreams (drama).... 1000 22— A Thanksgiving Surprise (drama) 1090 25 — A Wild Flower sod the Bose (drama) 1000 29— Valoe Beyond Price (drams) 1000 December — Feet 2— John Halifax. Gentleman (drama) 1000 6— Blp Van Winkle (drama) 1000 9— The Girls Be Left Behind Him (com- •The Sign of the Hying A" "LIVE WIRE" FILMS Films that will get you COMEDY The RUMMAGE SALE RELEASE MONDAY, pEC. 12 A Comedy of Class — a Screech from the first foot to the last. The BINDING SHOT THURSDAY. DEC. It A Drama Original ai Thrilling Climax. Photography. GET THEM )TH AMERICAN FILM MR}. GO. CHICAGO. "The Tenderfoot (Western Comedy-Drama.) SATURDAY, BZ0. IT. IT ft. a One rein of clover s no eel story, deallns art rase employed by an est to outwit s bsnd of blah' . Acted In the characteristic style amid picturesque scenery. "The Greater Call" (Drama.) MBMAMED TTTESD AT, VXD. 99. Length.- Apprax. 70S ft, A simple bat besr-gripplnc story of the .tare that will appeal to any ssdl- A 'fslthfnl portrayal of life behind the curtain, stared with singular fidelity to detail and Intel Chicago stock par excellence. "Hank aid Lank, Blind Men" Krerybody u scqosloted with Hank and Lank now and this Haslet shows them In one of their most la askable stunts. ESSANAY FILM MF6. CO., Keep Your • On US INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS. INC. 94* 499) Nssw York city LARS EST DEALERS IR THE WORLD IN * SECOND-HAND FILMS AT LIBERTY After December 1 7th High-Claw (A. F. of M ) For Vaudeville or Pictures. Address ... H. A. VON MEYB0HM, care Birmingham Hotel, Birmingham, Ala. PARK SETTEES CHOATE SEATING CO.. Albany, N. Y. POWERS PICTURE PLAYS TUESDAY— ALL EXCHANGES FURNISH TH EM— SATURDAY 17. Ill CHAMPION. ' *T»^>;to7en by Indiana (drama) BOO 2«-lmlnff »t the Bench, (comedy) ^MU "Y-^aosht bj the Cewboya (drama)..'... KM n-TM BioekBM aad tlw Mbrr Mrtmu) l«-Tb,- Way of the Wee t< drama) MO ri— Ix t oa Glee Thanaa (dram) MO SO— The Ioulan Lead Grab (drama) ^MO DinNDtB. " • ' October — Feet «0 — The Bract of a Cowboy (drama) 27— A cum* la the WUI (drama) KoTrmbei— v ',. S— Cehea'a Oeneroalty (drama) .. 10— The Last Straw (drama). .... IT— Thr Edaeallon of Mary Jus 14— Fcrilrea (drama) LCI. October— sa-The Tyrtflt (drama) gTT B^tWr>S^'m»-kmfK ^ edy) 223 ST— Where Too Go, I Oo (mohJj) MT Boioeilioi Swot s-Fitty Bays a Bath (comedy) 2TS »-Hft Diary (drama) ...... . JTO 11— Tb. Troth Berealed (drama) 838 11 — Bill u a Boxer (eonaodyt 8JT 15— BUI aa • Km (comad/) 883 U-Bloppa la Search of too Black Hand .. 901 — (diama) Ml Do tem b er t FMt 3— BUI aa aa Operator ( M a n ly) .. 483 2— Neeeeelty la the Mother of Inremtlom (drama) 440 t— What It WUI Ba (ca ndy ) 481 Camo Back (comedy) 432 atlas film oo. IS— The Cat Cama Back (comedy) -Imperfect Perfeetoe ( c om e d y ) -A Toachlaf Mratery (i - _ -Turniui of the Worm (i 2— That dor Gone D*> (comedy) »— The Kmc of Befjrare. (drama) It — The Hud of ProTideace (drama) .... 25 — Cut Thy Bread Upon the Water (dra- ma) .,.•■■■.*..«.....•«.•«......•« ■•0— eared by a Vlaloa (drama) _ Oat ■Vet IT— Or. Oocttrey'a Cooecleuce (drama).... 838 IT — An lad Ian Chief. Oaaeroalty (drama) S21 ■ m m. by Bar Dos (drama) 483 M — The Abeeat Minded Doctor (comedy).. SIS si— little Mother (drama) .... SI— The Ma aafa c t ura of Chaem fort (ladaatrlal) Nereeaber— . . - T-Th. BcaarrecUo. of — - ,edr~thmal) Mg no Mother (<_ 28— The Wreck (drama) .." 580 28 — A Difficult Capture (fairy atory) SM Datcmber— Feet S— The Price of a Sacrifice (drama) 833 a — The Laundry Olrl'a Oood-alcht (com- _ edy) MS 11- Tba Bowtte- Craaa (comedy) ........ 445 ea (comedy) 470 ■ (drama).. 64S Maaenm of Sorrreirua (comedy).. 400 GREAT NORTHERN flLSI CO. October — Peet J3— The Arttat's Lack (drama) IS— Wb* U She (drama) liovember— Feet S— The Jewel Oaaa (drama) 8— A Fatal Plcale (comedy) IS— World's Wraetllas Cbamploua (topical) 12— Morher-In-T-aw_ArrlT»a (comedy i- lh« i - : : .- -<- Exhibitors and SMOKE THIS ! fflm la. as Ions aa IN and bae^NBVTO i to eon ea a RUN Do yoa think for oae mlnote that your patroue care If yoa ma 5-day. 10-day or so-day alma Joat aa tone- aa your dime are CLEAN. IN GOOD CONDITION and aome- thins they hare NBTVKR ana before! Br good CONDITION we meaa "AL- MOST LIKE NEW." Thla la what oar rleanlns proceaa dots to old film. Mr. Exhibitor: Almoet a car load of ■Mean fllma for rent cheap. They are all for tale. too. Write to-day. Mr. Ezehaase Maaater: Dig op aome of Tour old rilny film and let oa clean It for job. Too will profit. Aak oa. COMMERCIAL FILMERS 171 1. Irson It, ssMr^Ilt) tL, OHlCAttO, ILLINOIS. *• MACHUna, IH.0O. TJPj p. P. Slldre, f! T vf- **• STImaTSM; Optlarapb No. 8 M. P. "■chine, with 1,000 feet >llm, 840. I4ata, •lamp. The new M. P. U gbt, wltb Jet. *». Circular! free. T. Z. SMITH. Amaterdam. H. T. October— Jt— The Bo; • of Topay Tarry Bench (dra- ma) J. SS» John Wrlaht of atlaaoort (drama) STO Feet • a— The Olrl from the But (comedy) MO T — The Conquering Hero (comedy) S— The Wiwdainan (drama) SM 14 — The Ptlfrlm (dnma) A 18— The Uanrnman'i Bride " - In Indiana (CO Folk* rdramai oqorHui Rrra (corned 7) 14— The - PlUrrlme (drama) 21 — A Deanerate Beanedy (comedy) YANKEE FILM COMPANY. Oct oner— root IT— The Copper and the Crook (drama).... Cat Came Bark (comedy) 12 — A 18— H the Nihil lata (dnma). _ J settee (drama) ...... Plant for MOlloaa (drama), ennlt of - a nates of 8— Wee tern of the Hidden Mines (drama). . _ of the Theatre, the Trl-Cltlea' fhre ai o at TamssraUe playboow, win launch Into another fSB of endeeror la the amnaeaeat Bald. Mr. «erkell haa Joat cloaed a deal whoebr he eecorea a lceee on the balldlns at 428 Brady street, Dar en port. Iowa, and trill betln at once to tnatall a morlnx picture theatre, aame to be opened before the boUdaye. The nolldlne; la to be com- pletely remodeled aad redecorated, taclodlag an Oriental front. Johnny Phllllber. foimeriy the popular comedian of the Elite Stock Company, will be local manager. Thla hooae when com- pleted, will make Darenport'a fifth motion pic- ture theatre. " - • The Nickel Theatre la ' Hartford, Conn., the prat moiios picture bonae to be eatabllabed la that city, baa cloaed. A recent Bale of tb- whlch the theatre waa located Every IMP Film is a "Daisy !" Extra Impl -plahi- Extra Imp! Famous Count de Beaufort ■Tdsssssssssssssssssssm tflaTassssssssssssssssss^^ ssfsfsattafssBBBBBs™ " tsssssssssssssssssssssssm First real, live, blown-in-the-bottle nobleman to appear in Moving Pictures. Posing exclusively for the '-Imp" in a full reel entitled "The Romance of Count de Beaufort," giving dramatic incidents from his exciting life. This is an extra release — the big feature of the year! Think how sore it would make you if your licensed competitor had anything like this to offer the patrons of his house! Help us get this feature to you! All you have to do is to keep writing your exchange till you know you will get what you are writing for — the Count de Beaufort Feature Imp! It's a "daisy!" - The "Imp" Christmas Release Is entitled "The Crippled Teddy Bear," and will be released Monday, Dec. 19. It is a daisy! One of the prettiest stories you ever saw in moving pictures. The kind that brings a lump to ihe throat and then turns out happily. Watch the little girl in this playlet. You'll love her from the very start. She's a daisy! Another Imp Daisy Is our release of Thursday, Dec. 22, entitled "Little Nell's Tobacco." There's a stepmother in this picture whose neck you would like to twist, but Little Nell teaches her a simple lesson she'll never forget. i. Loot Storitt First-class Camera Man Wanted at One*! Scenarios tor Wanted At One*. Highest Prices Paid tor the Right Kind ot Scripts! etc., *0±li INDEPENDENT MOVING PICTURES CO. OF AMERICA. 108 W. lOlet Street, New York. Carl Laemmle. Pres. . . IN WINTERQUARTER8. Carnival Com- Miscellaneous Tent May B« CIRCUSES. * Bailey. Bridgeport, Conn.. (We*t- 721 ! Institute Place, Chicago. HI.) Buffalo BUT* wild Wat, combined with Paw- nee BUl'a Far But. Trenton. N. J.. (New York Offices, 818 Putnam lildx-. Tim em Sq.) Campbell Bros.', Fairbuir, Neb, Downlta' Dot A Pony Shows. Medina, N. T. risk, Doda, Sbowa, Wonewoc, Wis. rorep.ugh. Adam, - at Sella Broa.', Beraboo, Wla., (Chicago Offices, 221 Institute. Place). — M.'. Bloom iOKtoo. Ind. roe.' Baraboo, wla. [Wallace. Pen, Ind. i Great London BflOWS, Verons. P Buffalo Haneh W. Warren, Laafont Broa.' Salem, flL '" -* MlUer Broa.' £ Arlington's 101 Ranch WDd West, Passaic. N. J. Robinson. Danny, Famoss Sbowa, Nsahvllle, . Robinson's. John. 10 Big Sbowa, Terrace Park, O., (Cincinnati Office, Second National Bank Bids.) v WSmBm Broa.'. Baraboo, Wla., (Chicago Of- I flea, 221 Inatltnte Place.) ■ Frank A.. Jaraey City, N. J. 288 Byrnes Bids.. Denver, C Central 0lt7 Park, Macon, Gs. . Thoa. F., Shows, Harrtsborg, IU. . Al. F.. Shows, -Oxford, Pa. .. Buffalo's wild Wear, Peoria, ill. Yankee ■ Koblnaen Show, Granger, la., . (General Dee MoLnee, la.) ,' CARNIVAL COMPANIES. ' '.- Birnoe, I. J., Amusement Ca, Poplar Bloff, Mo. ; . Blaster's Combined Sbowa. Geo. - W. mgr., Williams port. Pa. Goodell Shown , C M. -Goodell. mgr. : UL. (P. O. Addreaa, Colfax, la.) Great Patterson Shown, jopiin. Mo. ' Kline, Herbert A.. Sbowa, Flint, Mich. '• ■ King ft Cooper Carnival Co., Augusts. Oa. Parker, a W.. Carnlral Co.. Leavenworth. MISCELLANEOUS A. K. Ranch Real Wild Weat. 21. Modale, la. James, No. 2 . Charlotte, N. C. d"», Jethro. B. R. nard CIRCLE (Hoi I In E. Cooler, mgr.) sec ond week of Its ma at thin theatre. CITY (Samnel F. Kingston, mgr.) Vaudeville twice a day. COLONIAL (Percy G. Williams mar.) Vaude- ville twice a day. COLUMBIA (I. Herbert Mack, mgr.) Dainty Pin In as. WILLIAM COLLIER'S COMEDY (F. R. Com- atock, mgr.) William Collier In I'll Be Hanged If I Do. third week. CRITERION (Charles Frohman, mgr.) The Commuters, eighteenth week. DALY'S (Robert Robertson, mgr.) Baby Mine, seventeenth week. DEWEY (Wm. Fox Am. Co., men.) Vaude- ville and moving pictures. EMPIRE (Cbaa. Frohman,. rxgr.) Will lam Gillette, second week. C FOURTEENTH STREET (I. 'Wesley Roaen- qneat, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving plctoree. e GAIETY (J- « Fred Zimmerman, mgr.) Get- Rlch-Crolck Wellington], thirteenth week. GARRICK (Charles Frohman, mgr.) The Speckled Band, fourth week. GLOBE (Charles Dillingham, mgr.) ' Sarah Bernhardt, second week. . -- GOTHAM (Wm. Fox, J mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. GRAND (Hirr tnrea and t.uU. . . GRAND, OPERA HOUSE (Jack Welch, mgr.) Echo. .-• i HACKETT (Ed. ' V. Gomerly. mgr.) Daddy Dnfard. aeeond week. HERALD SQUARE (Harry M. Hysms, mgr.) Loin Glaaer In The Girl and the Kaiser, fourth ■week. HIPPODROME (Jobn B. Fltxpatxlck, mgr.) The International Cup, with the drens sets; The^ Ballet of ^ Niagara and The Earthquake. r.) Nobody's land Sbowa, Carmen, okla. Bomjbton'a, Billle, Overland . Browne's. Ed., Overland Show, Bath', Maine. Bark's Combined B. R. Shows. C. E. Reverie. mgr.. Topeka, Kan. . '■ ' ' Bark's, Geo. If., wild West. Fargo, n: T. • Bark's Uncle Tom's Cabin, State Fair Grounds. Topeka. Kan. Clark, M. L_, A Bona' Sbowa. Alexandria, I J. Carl In Bros.' New Model Sbowa. 2118 8. oath St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Canada Frank's. Show. F. M. Myers." isru^rwnd^wWt Show. W V»V liWst., New Tr - * - hty. Okla. California .Frank's All -8 tar Wild West 8 how. Augusta, Ga. i J., Big Teut Show. Pine Grove. ■. ' •a,. H. W., New Show, 80S Grant St., Nllea, Mlcb.- Foantaln, Bobby, Dos A Pony Shows. Ho. reat Miller Show, Swan wick. 111. . raat Wagner Show. General Delivery. Dayton Whlteley Shows. Bethany, Mo. T.. A Winters, 420 Market St.. Office io. Harrlaburg. Pa. irlea Bros.'. Nixon. Tex. a Animal Shows, Kanaaa City, Mo. s. J. E.. Wsson Show, Stonewall. Okla. Bros.' Minstrels. J. M. Busby, Pane, UL her Bi Batter Broa.' Show. 288 B." 17th. ave. o, • ... .. • t^n 7 Honest Rill's Show, Qoeaemd. su. Jones. H. D.. Riding Galleries A Concessions Anderson. Ind.' "*'" — '•*'' '** " " Kennedy*! X. I. T. Ranch. Perry. Okla. Keller Bros.' Wagon Show. Ont hri esvlRe. J3. C. Levant's Bis Tent Show" Tbompsonville,' Mich. Locke, Fred, Show, Pancoastbary. 0. Lowsnde's. Oscar. Bay Stale Shows. Reading Lee A Kelly's Imperii] circus Carnival, New Rocbelle, N. Y. Lambrigger Animal Show. Orrvllle O. Nelson's. BllUe. Show. North Cambridge, Mass. Ogreeta, Msndelelgh. and Her Big Bnncb of Blackberries, 8237 Ada at.. Chieago. III. Rolllna'. Geo. W., All New Zoological ooogress ■ Central City Park, Macon, Ga. Blpley'a. Geo. W.. Old-Tlme Minstrels. Geo. W. Ripley, mgr.. Homer. N. Y. fort ^Jut' ° M mgT '~ Box 881 rrank - Sharps, The Adrian D., Tent Shows. Gary, S. D. Shannon Bros.' Big Teot Show, H mgr.. Lodlngton Mich. Scbepp's Dog, Pony and Monkey •' cent Hill. Louisville. Ky. Swift's. Jack, Alrdome Shows. Goldengate, ni Bllver's. Bert. Model Tent Snow, Crystal, Mich Starrett's Circus, 87 -Clermont are., Brooklyn , Cres X 4 1 Smith's. E. G.. Colossal Shows & Trained Anl mil Exposition. Atwater, 0. Spurn.- Byron. Media. Pa. Tiger Burs Wild Weat^No. 1, D. W. Penlne N ^tt«ctl R- McCune, mgr.) Vaodevllle twice a day." KEITH i PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (23d St.) Moving pictures and vaodevUle. KEITH A PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (Un- ion Sq.) Vaudeville and moving plctnisa. , I KEITH * PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (58th St.) Motion pictures snd vaudeville. KEITH & PROCTOR'S HARLEM OPERA HOUS E. VandevlUe, slock and pictures. KNICKERBOCKER (Harry Q. Bommers. mgr.) Fred Terry and Julia Nellson in Henry of Na- varre,' third and', last .week, . • - ;« LIBERTY (J. W. Mayer, mgr.) The Coontry Boy, sixteenth week. . _, . LINCOLN SQUARE (Cbaa. FergusoD. mgr.) Moving pictures and vaudeville. , « LOEWS SEVENTH AVENUE (Marcus Loew, Inc. mgra.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. LYCEUM (Daniel Ftobman. mgr.) The Im- portance of Being Earnest, fifth week. LYRIC (Sol. Mannheim, r. mgr.) Mrs. Leslie Carter In Two Women, third week. MAJESTIC (Wllbnr Shnbert Co., mgra.) The Blue Bird, sixth week. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Ham mersteln. mgr.) VaodevUle twice a day. MANHATTAN (Wm. Gane. mgr.) Vaudeville and — M. mgr. 5r opera METROPOLIS (Leon Berg, mgr.) Queen of Bohemia. MINER'S BOWERY. (E. D. Mloer. mgr.) The Dreamlands. • : . , -* , MINER'S EIGHTH AVENUE (E. D. mgr.) The Merry Whirl. ' MINER'S BRONX (E. D. Miner, mgr.) The Follies of the Day. MURRAY HILL (Fred Ealdmann, mgr.) The Goldeu ■ Crook. ■ ' NAZIMOVA'S 3I)th STREET (Ralph Lou*, mgr.) Mme. Troubadour, third week st this theatre. NEW AMSTERDAM (Klaw Ac Erlsoger, mgrs.) Madame Sherry, sixteenth week. . NEv. YORK (Klaw aV Erlsnger, mgra.) Naughty Marietta, sixth week. NEW THEATRE (Wlnthrop Ames, mgr.) Olga Netbersole In Mary Magdalene, second week. OLYMPIC (Maurice Kraus. mgr.) The Fol lies of -New York and Paris. .- PLAZA. (Wm. .Morris. Inc.. mgra.) Vaude- ville and moving pictures. PROSPECT. Moving pictures and vaudeville. REPUBLIC (David Bets sco, mgr.) Rebecca of Sonnybrook Farm, eleventh week. SAVOY (Je rome Rosenberg, mgr.) Vandr vllle and moving pictures. ■ STAR (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Vsudevllle and mov- ing pictures. themont. Stock Company. UNIQUE (E. L. Weill, mgr.) Moving pic lures and vaudeville. VICTORIA (Wm. Hammersteln, mgr.) Vaa- devllle twice a day. VICTORIA ROOF GARDEN (Geo. R. Klllman, mgr.) Vaadevllle and moving pictures. WALLACK'S (Chaa. Bnrnham. mgr.) May Ir- win Id Getting a Polish, slxlb week. WEBER S (Jos. M. Weber, mgr.) Alma, Where Do You Live? twelfth week. WEST END (J. K. Cookson. mgr.) The Fourth Estate. YORKVILLE (Marcus Loew, mgr.) Vaude- ville and moving pictures. COMEDY (Albert Ksuffman, mgr.) Moving pic- tures snd vaudeville. FAMILY (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Moving pictures and vaadevllle. NEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Vaudeville and pic- ture". NATIONAL (Marcus Loew, Inc.. mgra.) Van- LOO K ! Manager At Liberty! Thoroughly reliable; capable handling any theatre or attrac- tion; strong press worker. Can furnish bond; guarantee success. Nothing too large or small. Would consider rent- ing theatre for permanent stock or vaudeville. Wire or write full particulars. Address William C. Cushman, Evanston, Ills. BROTHERS WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS ■ New Equipment High Class Accommodations —-ADDRESS — W. H. HORTON, BARABOO, WIS. BILLPOSTERS WANTED Forepaugh & Sells Bros.' SHOWS BEST ACCOMMODATIONS J. D. NEWMAN, 221 Institute Place, Chicago, Ills. THE FAMOUS CABIN JOHN BRIDGE PROPERTY The Greatest Park and Amuse- ment Proposition around Washington Washington's most jilctnrcsque suburban rvsort. prscUcall* no competition, nor ran tbi-ra rrer be any to the city of Washington. Seven miles from the city on the famous Conduit Roeit. •'"V;?' to the historic Cabin Jobn Bridge, tbe largest stone arcfi In the world. This property mtalu about seventy acres, lays blgb and level, overlooking tbe Potomac Diver, Its entire length sMit halt a mile. Magnificent beauty and natural scenery: most wonderful place In the conntry. Jira- p roved by a arat-claaa forty-room Hotel and Boad Boose, large Oarage and Carriage aneds. ano IS $23,000 ateel Foot Bridge, leading from electric cars to hotel and grounds. Accessible by an street car lines and also by the famous Conduit Road, the finest In the conntry for motoring, nra be put Into suburban n-sltv. Biggest bsrgsla In the conntry. Dor terms address w. a. WANTED— FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS Families doing several acts ■ also good Wild Animal Acts for GRAN CIRCO PUBILLONES, ADDRESS, CAFE CENTRAL, HAVANA. CUBA. WANTED-CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS ON PERCENTAGE OB WILL SELL OUTRIGHT at 8t. Louis, to be held in 1911. During the Tournament of American Bi the Coliseum, JANUARY 21st AUDKR8S ST LOUIS BOWLING TOURNAMENT CO., 307 Odd rTellowa BIdg., St. Louis, Mo- WANTED Shows and Conossulona for my Indoor Carnival Company As I sm booking large citlra. I can make room for two more shows, such as F.t Olrl. ■ *f£jf ,3s Midget. Boake, Cigarette Klcnd, Class Show, Smsll Boise or Freak Show, and I will onlv iiooa » more snows; first come, first sefved. -The following concessions are open: Cane Rack, hniie n>i>i I'almtstry. one Ball Game and Lunch. All others aro sold.. We played, to. capacity business Colombia City last week. Everybody getting good money, why not yonT ■ If you are a """" , 0 r will be pleased to hear from you. No room for knockers. I play nothing bnt trie aui| Vsn Wert this week, under the auspices of Merchsnts' Band. Am booked su Address all communlcatlona to E. I. cxrif MINaa, Van Wart. O., II-1T, after that as y- bands, ahead, route. DECEMBER 17, 1910. The Billboard 66 HALLBERG, THE ECONOMIZER MAN'S Specialties for M. P. Theatres Hallberg Economizer— for M. P. Machine saves two-thirds oh current bill and gives 40% Improvement in light. All makes Motion Picture Machines. Electra Pink Label Carbons. Full line of selected Supplies and Repair Parts. «J. H- HALLBERG, Free Catalog 36 E. 23rd Street, NEW YORK. STREETMEN We carry a foil Una of cooda (or Blab pitch and itiwt corner ealee. Cheep Jewelry for package lata; White stone Pine. Blnca. Stnda and Broocbea, Cutlery, Bason, Shear.. Baaor Strops, Bruaoei, Soap. ate. Self fluina roan tain Pena. Hooka, Combe, No Canea, Whlpa. andia fall Una of Camleal of all Mode for OaraJeal Workers. Cat- on all C. O. D. $15 to $35 Per Day Thta la what yon can make by operatlna one or oar Wonderful Ferrotype Machine*. Oar lata*. Model Mo. t Won. awful Ferrotype Marhlna makaa tbraa alaee of Kio- to™, oa' plate* tKxlH. IV nH and u U Bunas plau.. It le a«.o l«w ramble rortaklna rroapa.T*tile)ae and booeee. Unr lateet model. TMo Camera Drape, make. • button plo- turae In one minata. Wi aleo nun. factor*. Mwra) dlt T e t ant a t J lea of ■I rapt tie type macbtnea and enp- pllea for earn*. We are the ortilnal manurartnme of the Ferrotype ■IXTa htarhlaa. Hand tor oar frm oataJacaa. atrfna fall NEW YORK FERROTYPE CO. Dept. a law Tw laeooy at. new tors crrr. it. t., v. *va. OUR MERRY CHRISTMAS ANO HAPPY NEW YEAR BANNERS at- TUB. with aUrar lettering, are the faateat eell- Ids noreltlea for the bolldaja tbla year. Price per hundred, •3.00. Sell for ISc and SSe cacb. Cbrlstraaa catalogue with lateat decoration norel- tlea nulled free. -THE • HOLIDAY I0TELTT HFB. CO. Dept. B.STQ r— tjon— St.. NtywVerk. H.V. Advance Agent AT LIBERTY Not a drop of booze. Route, book, wildcat. Just closed 36 weeks under canvas. Ad- dress "LIVE AGENT," BILLBOARD. CINCINNATI. O. The Kunkely Tent UwningCo. OF NEW YORK, Circus and Show Canvases. Canvaa Work of a-vwry^d.aoriptlon 163 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. WAMTEIV- On percentile In Be Theatre. Act! Jf Myatcry, Hynnotlets. Mind Reader., llln- •toriH. Freak, and Bide Show Attrectlone (with Dinner.), «h!cb can ha featured and draw. •ii atace. Wbra In or near Cinc innati. 51" Santa Claus's Advice to Streetmen "Boys, You Should Handle the Shore Winners if Yoi Wish to Sell Goods Quickly and Make Money/' BOUNCING MONKEY, well-etnSed body, made of bear cloth, doae Imitation of regular for, " bear doth, doae Imitation of regular fur, fancy ICE MUTES, the lateat atyle out. made of One cot preaaed ateel. with, beat tempered eteel runner, notb- - popular. Sample on — . Per J00 SPECIAL HOLIDAY GOODS FOR STREETMEN there are none batter. Theaa are attractiTe gooda, popular, and pay big proflta , . to the hoaUar. Or. Dob. Tumbling Clowaa. dreaaad. t.oo .so RoUr Polly, am all alae. aaa it. _fl ffures . ...*••.*......•••••. 8.DO -SO area. 6.00 • .55 .80 I old Bolly Polly, Polly Santa Clan.. _ MECHANICAL TOYS-SOME NEW ONES ■Tap Tap Cart, with man poahlas It ........ Epli «Alrahlp. Zcppollu modal. Qaack Curt with throa ducks palling- It — Cycle, wril- known Tarr lntaiaatlng ••••.••••••■•■••■•••••••*•••.•> A FEW VERY GOOD STAPLE TOYS i. completo. larger. ..»•••■ ...... .......... a...... ....... ..a...... •a. .a. ...... ...... ....a N-SS8S Tin violin.. N-MSS Tin Vloltna. aa abora. N-T1S*. Santa CI ana, mama, papa N 0077 aaUrrd Canary Bird WhlaUe N--.22S HaKlni Mice, black nnl.h TojSW.trhe., larg. ailectloa of atjle. at Baatri'aper Bella for Xma. decoration, at per grotuj 80c. |1.00, •S.80. 18.50, 117.50 Wreathe and Bella for Xmaa decoration, two azcallant itylaa, ~ .ad rr.oo a 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 l.BO 1 S2.W. We tend no catalog and ship no good* to In writing for catalog, say if you want Strectmcn's 256-page or the large 776-page book, and state when last you received our catalog. WI SUPPI.T A'a- O p aa a aota. Street ralr and Camlral Worker.. TraeeUng atedlcln. chanta. We are Manufacturers, III i aod TTIiiiIi— lim BIGGEST LINES IN N.SHURE CO. 228 222 CHICAGO, Stmt ILLINOIS Jrwrlry. WatChOS. Cutlery. Can**, Slleer ware, Tanke* Notion*, Noreltle. and Special tlae ra Immiaae Tn liaty. Quick aeUera la Stationary, Dry Oooda. Bondriea, lea ) Babhor Premium AdnrtJslag Ooo Oooda Oaraleal ■ ot ail r CONCESSION *'* PEOPLE K WANTED International Aviators' Show | New Orleans, Christmas Week (Dec 23, Jan. 2) i EW ORLEANS WE PLAY SOUTHWEST AND COAST. ■ igitimate concessions. No grafting or gambling games. 81 it show above the earth. Playing all guaranteed time. ■ AFTER NEW ORLEANS WE PLAY SOUTHWEST AND COAST Can place dean, legitimate concessions. No graf ting or gambling games. Thie is the greatest show^above the^earth. Playing aU guaranteed time. ^^ga 1 arid Memphis. Address* LSSflff^mi 'P.: ANDERSON.'Hotel ■ DeSoto, New brleans. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BM1 ROLL TICKETS Tear Own Special TVkat, any artattac. fraat and bark. ••LOOK THESE PRICES OVER" 6.000 — SI .26 20.000 — $4 .00 60.000 — $6.00 10,000— 2.50 30.000— 6.00 100.000— 9.60 Btaek Ticket., sis Otrnts ■ ROYAL TICKET CO.. Shamokln, Pdnn Sample Package Free WEMIUFICTU1E OUR ON FEMO- TTPE PLATES ud mCMIES ■■- sell than dfrset t» ihe STREET iUI. Don't be fooled TOBY and get FRESH O O O 1)9. WE make all alw PUtea to St an Machines. Writs for sample Pack- age and 1B11 PRICE LIST. THE MOUNTFORD MFG. WORKS 86- 8» loo liHa tana. Vow York aty. AT LIBERTY Musical Waiter Comet Solos. Standard orrrtorea with giant Xylophone, and doeta with two Cornets. Doa- ble bend and play amall line of parte, win Join any good company or locate In theatre or randerlUe bona, for winter In Sooth. Wire or writ.. UTTSICAX. wait Kit. week Xtam. IS, Winter Garden, after that Qen. Del., New Or* AT LIBERTY ADVANCE AGENT Sober and All-day Worker. Write or wire . WM. R. ANTHONY Care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. MILITARY BAND ORGAN Slightly used. Big bargain for quick purchaser. Suitable for Rink or Niekolette. Address TITSWORTH & CRUSER, Montrose, Pa. Repertoire Company E. ALBRIGHT, Mt. Vernon, Ind Silk, Spon 811k. Sllkollne, Wonted and Cotton Tifht* and Shirts, Leatarda, Combination Suit, and paddlaca mad. lid athletic ate. Send tor price Hat and aamplea. JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Sncceaaor to Joaeph Nolan. SS- ST lii.rySt.. Brooklyn. H. Y. Tucksr Bros.' Famous SHOW PAINTINGS TUCKER *V MILLARD 670 Communlpaw A«W., J.raay City, N.J. Slot Machines Black Top, DECEMBER 17, 1910. THE BILLB OAR D DECEMBER 17, 1910. at Music Hall Week COLUMBIA FILMS l NOTE— The release of 'THE CATTLEMEN'S FEUD" baa been postponed to December 24, 1910, and from then on we will to all RELEASE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1*10 11 ■ - A thrllllnc drum portraying an Incident In the life of a bud of mooaahhun. fall of action. Strong and fluid In lta Interpretation. Done In the Weetcrn coon try with a faith- ful delineation of character and Incident. A picture of the claaa which coast tor aaccaae. a Bcnaatloa and foil of life', blood— a drama of the mind and heart. Xrrrr haTe this reel In lta eerrice. A p let are of the kind of which than are na If -•■.*- -'' m Columbia Film Co., ?•< City « -S 1 LADY BETTY'S STRATEGY T WO SUITS rise comedy, s pl en d i dl y acted, atart to ftnlah (aao Synooale) . BBCE1E8ZX ttd. Thta picture abounds in cidents — one of the bljucett ont. "Nail" thla one. THE PAWNSHOP Tony, a- hqttofore hard worktng orfan jriader, > liu tilled with .the 'cambtlac spirit. Be Throe Morw Solax Winner* SOLAX The BEST Film Made (who. by toe way?. I atary). Thla aecntlcy belaa; refuse*, hlarletta. hla .sweetheart. oCtra herself ee_ security. Bow he truitratee a burgliry and secures the money tor - Marietta's release u told to a awe*eehj and lntereatlm meaner. The Sales Co., Ill E. 14th St., New York City. 2-4- ^ AND GOOD ONES, TOOI THE THANH0USER-2-A-WEEK RELEASE OF TU E6DAV, DEC. SO I RELEASE OF FRIDAY, DCC. 23 K-o't rtj SpeDa THAXHOUSEBt ' HOLIDAY ffPKHAL! LOCKING FORWARD I Tbe Childhood of Jack Harkaway Haw* you put In your rwqueat for The Vicar of Wakefield 271 Remember, this will be the prize drawing card of the month and there is a_trc- mendous demand for it. First come, first served. Get at your Exchange Nowl TH AN H OUSER COMPANY, Now Roohollo, Now York — 2-4-U. REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXn No. 52. CINCINNATI— NEW YORK— CHICAGO December 24, 1910. 2 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. specialty: Prompt Shipnaats Low-priced Chairs The Wisconiln Lumber and VaneerCo. Port Washington, Wis. LINE OF STOCK PAPER FOB WESTERN MELODRAMAS will fit most any border drama. THE D ONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT, onomrm KENTUCKY. * . I Ti l, LSI W ATL EXCEP- SPECIAL SALE OF- Beautif ul Soubrette Ank l e Dresses B. WALTER, Theatrical Costnner. 244 Fourth An., Ntw YORK. m " DOLLAR " Opera Chairs Good Band Low Prices Eatiira Sealing Go Brook view o., N. Y. THE WORLD'S GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary Sp..Co-a.ivin 0 , Llfo- aavlng, Monay-aavlng. To U so This Chair Is to Make Your Business Grow. Writ* Today. OCO. W. BENNETT 744W.Sth St.. Cincinnati. O. CHAIRS, PARK SETTEES CHOATE SEATING CO., Albany, N. Y. Want Crowds?-™^"- *s Hail WIHRUVI YOURADON. Write for sample* and price*. HELMET COM SHOP." Special, Pr emium ana Machine Gam, CINCINNATI. CAROUSELS • AND GOLDSTEIN. CAROUSEL MAN- " have remored to 128 Bopklna SKETCHES, etc.. written to order. Send stamp. 14 real I'arodle.. OOc: all blc bits on late soncs. Sketch 1 M. a art 1 P.. 25c; Oajr Bonk. 25c; fltralght M. Monoloime. 25c: Two Recitations. INDEX EDITORIAL 3-4 HISTORY OF LITHOGRAPHY , 5 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA 6-7 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO... 8 THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN CHICAGO 9 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK. ... 12 MOTION PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE.... n THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK. . . 10 LIEBLER & COMPANY'S ATTRACTIONS 13 BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS 14-15 AMUSEMENT IN EUROPEAN CITIES 16 BURLESQUE AND BURLESQUERS 17 THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS 18 CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL NEWS.. ....20-21 T. M. A. NEWS 24 SKATING RINK NEWS...... 25 FILlVt SY^jN^OPSES «•..«. ...a.. ...... 26 FILM RELEASES .29 ROUTES:— Performers 30-44 Acts with Miscellaneous Companies 35 Acts with Burlesque Companies. . : 35 Managers and Agents 36 Burlesque ■ •.««•••••.•.•••••••..••••••.••....•...••••• 38 Stock and Repertoire.. 40 Dramatic and Musical.... 40 Minstrel i.. Circus 3nd Carnival . . ••...». • • . ■ * . ... . . . • . # a . a . 44 Bands and Orchestras.'....: 44 aDIaREa-^^T^^a^eL'^L^ .... a 'I) n^ a •. a 4) • •'• •> • • S S »•**•••• ■ • ■ a • ••••«• 'S • a . a a^st? MOVING PICTURE THEATRE LIST 46 LETTER LIST 48 CONVENTION LIST ........ 44 CIRCUSES IN WINTER QUARTERS 54 OEM* FOR EVERY PURPOSE J*T^*«3 I.OOO STYLES Z 1 ESTABLISHED I860 WRITE FOR CAT. No. 1 The A. H. Andrews Go. 174-1T4 Wabaah Annua, CHICAGO. ILL. Branohee In all leading oltlea. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have claimed it to be the atrongeai trunk in America; for the improved we claim the lightest in weight. 82- loof, 20- wide, 22- M- » 21- " 28- MltMIIIMMMI $ 13 . 00 • *>••••••••••••• lsw.00 • ■««■■•••••*••■ 40- 28- THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO. 1641 N. Hancock Street. - - ' Philadelphia, Penn. Li. 1VI. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE GO. SIXTH AVE., BET. FOR STAG E AND Originator, of SAMPl£ AND SHORT-VAMP to m.toh mi ooiora .t popular price. Mall order, promptly flliad. T°r«\Y. CITY. —ROLL TICKETS— "THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own special ticket, any printing, any colon, accurately numbered, every roll SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET! 5,000— ST.26 20,000— S4.60 50,000—47.60 10,000— 2.60 26,000— 6.60 100,000—10.00 ^£^ h ~?i th J£^ order ^ £*? UPON TICKETS, 6,000—13.60. Ir2. STOCK TICKETS — SIX CENTS. Get the samples. NATIONAL TICKET CO.. Shamokin, Penn. Cheap Theatre Chairs Absolutely Bon-Breakable Suitable for small theatre and moTlne picture shows. We carry these cbilra in stock and can ship Immediately. Second baud chairs, alas seating for oot-of- door use. Add. Dept. B. STEEL FTJRNI- TVBB CO., Grand Bsplds, Mich. Bea- ton Office. 224 Cob- atreet CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People Southern Iron- Equipment Ce. ATLANTA, GA. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK S -YEAR GUARANTEE LOOK AT THK PRICKI tS-la... 810.00 IS In... 11.00 SO- In... 11.00 88-ln... 18.00 84-ln... 14.00 IS In . . . 10.00 SB In . . . 10.00 40-ln. . . 17.00 tt-la. . . 18.00 83.00 with our Nats < old -Boiled Staal Bias]. Is*. Tliree-ply B.B.4B trunk wood, nand-riretad tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE poasj t required' on C. O. D. abl parents. B. B. cV B. 447 Wood St. TRUNK COMPANY. £S»8i» .... s. » -40 St., N. S. PITTSSUHQ, PA. When in the following cities save TIME and EXPRESS CHARGES by settlor. "The Same Trunk," "Same Guaranteed from the dealers below: New Tor*. N. T Ojmbel Bros. Chicago. Ill llaraball Field. A Co. Akron, Ohio J. B. S|*ncer Alioona. Pa Altoona Leather Ooedi On. AnrteieuD. lad .................... BoaBOB Sea iaawta, Oa Augusts Trunk Oa. BaTllmore, Ma.. a J. Dunn Co. etrolt, Mich Sbadbolt ft Chaee Koilorla, Ohio... Grand Bsplrts. H,* Hamilton. Oat Indianapolis, lad...... I-aKayette. lad Loeb ft llene Co. Ixbanon. lad Elbert rerktni Lima. O The HooeiT Bon.h Co. Mlrtdletown. O Blttar Biraras ft Rngegr Co. Mobile, Ala Mobile Trunk Co. Newark, Ohio - • • Ed. "00 Philadelphia. Pa Wm. Curry Portland. II J. I* Bracket t ft Co. rnrtsmnntb, Oblo John Ileer .The Peter Clolhlsj Oa. rani El'ert . .Hamilton Leather f!t**l; Co. Chaa. Jlayer ft C Berry ft Oo. Miller Hsrnea. Co. IJeberman Trunk Oft Wm. McCnllocb ....8yrscnse Trunk Work! Elrjter Clotblna Co. ..Rbortle Department Store Wllmlneton * Co. O. A. Mlsbler Becker's Leather Good. Co. Et» * Selfert Harrey K Keromerei ....The Warm* Store The Theatrical Profession will appreci- ate the saving of time and excessive ex- press chargea hy this an Watch this list growl Providence. B. I. Richmond. Ind Snitlnaw. Mich Sprlntfleld. Oblo... Syracuse. N. Y.... Tlmn, Ohio Thdnn, Ind Tolitlo, 0 i Tronton. K. J..... Washington, n, c. . WlM-ellnf, W. Va. Wllkrs-nirre. Pa.. Zanesrllle. Ohio. DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 3 NEW YORK; 6, Holland Building, 1440 Telephone 1630. Bryant. CHICAGO. ScbMer ISulldlng, 103109 8T. LOUIS. LONDON, ENGLAND. 170 Temple Chimb*™. E. a PARI8, FRANCE. W. H. D0NALD30N, Publisher. WEEKLY, led entered •« Second-Clam Mutter it Poet Office. Clncln- Addnm lU cotnmuDlcittODl for the editorlil or baslseai department to PUBLICATION OFFICE: BILLBOARD PUBLISHING 418 Elm Street, Cincinnati, 0„ U. 8. A. "Billyboy.' ti»«m«n t mnnriif lew taut an linet aoocptad, SobacrlntioD. |4 a year; 6 ■ montai. |l. Piy.blo in adraaee. Hi t Xo _ •criberi. THE BIIXB0AED ll for ill. on ill train • asd aawfttaada throughout tba Unit-d BUtea and Cinidi, which are aunnlied by the * marten Now. Co.. end it. btaaahes. It U alio on eale it Breataao'i, 87 Aveane da l'Opara, Parla, France. When aot on aale, nleaae notify thla Bomittaacea ahonld be made by The s copy, A Merry Christinas. Once more the glorious season of Christmas approaches, and our hearts are filled with an ineffable joy and peace. Good fellowship pre vails, hostilities are cast aside, and a general spirit of friendliness is seen on every side. On this most befitting occasion, The Billboard begs to extend its thanks to the numerous friends and supporters, who have, during the year, been ever watchful, faithful and true. To our readers, advertising patrons, correspondents and representatives do we extend our sincerest appreciation for the favors they have shown us. To our boosters, ever quick to appreciate our efforts, always alert to aid us, and never tiring in their praise of 'our enterprise, much thanks is due. To the actor, and performer, manager and agent, proprietor and employee, we extend our sincerest thanks. The year now rapidly waning has been one of delightful associations. The growth we have shown and the progress we have made, indicates positively that the year has been one prolific of newly formed friendships. To all our friends, to those who believe in us, and those who will, we repeat: A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! The Tipping Evil. The tipping evil has been the subject of much discourse recently, and, in a, number of places, the practice has been entirely abolished. In America, with the possible exception of two or three of the largest cities, it is not necessary to tip as many persons as in Europe, but the usual amount given in London or Paris would either be returned with thanks, or scorned by an American. The stage tip is an evil which should be eradicated entirely, if a fair and impartial treatment is to be given all actors. The system of discriminating between the artist who tips heavily and the one who either offers a small fee or none at all, has worked many hardships on the performer with a small purse. On the stage as well as in all walks of life, the man of moderate means finds it hard to pay excessive tips on every turn, but he must do it if he wants service. Within the past fortnight, a prominent Eastern vaudeville manager has made future tipping at his theatres impossible In entering upon an arrangement with the theatrical union, this manager has agreed to increase the wages of his employees, with the understanding that they will not accept tips from any performer. "The prevalent system of tipping stage hands has been the source of much criticism, as high-salaried artists, with a generous tip, receive courtesies which small-salaried actors are denied, because they cannot afford so large a tip," argues this manager. The custom has become so general that stage employees consider the tip a legitimate perquisite. A system of marking the trunks and property of the no tip performer now exists, and woe to the artist whose baggage is thus marked. He can expect but little assistance from the stage hands in the next city he visits. This should not be. An artist is necessarily under heavy expense, and often, after hotel bills and railroad fare are paid, he has little left. This is especially true when long jumps are made. The New York manager referred to above has established a precedent managers throughout the country would do well to follow. Moving Pictures and Science. Once more the moving picture has stepped to the front in the interest of humanity, this time to further one of the most worthy causes ever promoted for the improvement of health and the eradication of disease. During the past week, thousands of moving picture theatre managers in America have projected a film showing how tuberculosis is bred and developed where unsanitary conditions exist. For some time, a crusade against the white plague has been waged with a firm and persistent pertinacity by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, and the Red Cross Society. Columns and pages of newspaper space have been devoted to publishing news of die good work these institutions are doing, but the simultaneous display of the film throughout the country, showing with an exactness that might almost be called cruel, how the dreaded disease has its birth and develop- ment, will do more toward arousing public interest than all the publicity that might be given through the medium of printers' ink. In a number of moving picture theatres, booths, presided over by Red Cross nurses, were placed during the time the pictures were on dis- play, and the amount realized by the sale of Red Cross Stamps in the moving picture theatres will be large. This is not the first time the moving picture has espoused the cause of science. On many other occasions in the past it has been utilized to demonstrate scientific lectures and educational subjects in the theatre, as well as in the class room of colleges and universities. Notwithstand- ing the excellent and valuable assistance the moving picture has proven to be as an educational factor, there are still many reformers who will utterly overlook the good, and take every occasion to denounce the moving picture. This class would do well to look at the doughnut, and not the hole. This also applies to cartoonists. The Play Pirate. While it occasionally occurs that some filibustering manager in America has the temerity to advertise and produce plays without the permission of the original producer, the abuse is less frequent in this country than in other sections of North America. Of late this flagrant and abominable practice has been carried on in Canada without the slightest pretense of concealment, but thanks to several prominent man- agers in the English Colony, measures have been adopted that will serve to eradicate this piracy entirely. Recently, a wild cat company, playing a well known metropolitan success, without permission, was intercepted by the Canadian authorities, and obliged to discontiue their tour. The manager of this show hastened to New York City, where arrangements were negotiated with the owners of the play, and now this company is again operating in Canada, though paying the usual royalties. This is a form of piracy which producing managers would do well to give their attention to. In most cases the company that will attempt to offer, without authority, a production of some other manager, is far from first-class, and usually leaves a bad impression in the communities it plays. The Musical Leader is greatly incensed over the printed statements that the police, of Chicago, were responsible for the hasty and abrupt withdrawal of Salome from the Chicago Opera House. Their editorial, which contains an entirely different view of the matter, is as follows : "What purpose was served in publishing broadcast a deliberate false- hood concerning the withdrawal of the music-drama 'Salome,' is not known, but the stories, as printed, were in many cases wide of the mark. This paper gave the only authoritative version of the matter, when it stated that the board of directors, with the general manager, Andreas Dippel, acting of their own volition, concluded that the wiser course, in face of the many criticisms aroused and the freely expressed comment, was to abandon for the time being any further presentation of the Wilde-Strauss work. "The general impression, according to the newspapers all over the country, appeared to be that the chief of police ordered 'Salome' with- drawn from the boards of the Chicago Opera House. This is an abso- lutely malicious statement, lacking any foundation, save an interview purporting to give the chief's ultimatum. Anything more ridiculous was never perpetrated on the public Objection was introduced by certain stockholders and sustained by some of exceptional influence, in whose opinion the production was prejudicial to the interests of the opera company, and might be retroactive with regard to next season. With such strong argument against the opera, it was decided that a pacificatory policy would be advisable, and that while no decency had been outraged, yet it was best to submit with good grace to the conservatives who de- sired that the new company should stand well before all classes. It was clearly not a case of coercion; nor of command,, but of simple expedience in conceding to certain expressed wishes of those most nearly affiliated with the promotion and concerned with the success of the Chicago opera or 4 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. character singing spectacle, highest novelty in vaudeville, every char- acter In Ira natlTe language, costumes designed by Madame Cngare. Vienna. " ranged by Director Chicago. Flrat change — Italian Street Singers — from the comic opera. The Veteran and his Daughter. Second chance — French Peasants — from the comic opera. MamzeLle Ango. by J. Offenbach, t W I negrowers. Time, 1S0O.) Third change — German Peasants — from the comic opera, Vienna Birds, by Zlehrer. Fourth change — Hungarian Gypsies — from tile comic opera. The Gypsy Count, by Richard very newly •Thirl in, •• ey kept a kitchen garden, j "aa I was passing through 1 saw some asparagns ready for erbsps you'd like to go and gather the first fruit of the season yourself?" She wonld lore to, hnt she wasn't an ■on not tic ultmre .'If she went ai gions blonder. - -I ten yon what. Herbert." exclaimed the girl-wife enthusiastically; "we'll go out to- gether. Ton shall pluck It and I will hold the ladder!" Ernie Toong, rated among the best treasurers to the business, is dealin' 'em out at the American Music Hall, Chicago. Ernie -was for a time at Salt Lake City. According to Frank J. O'TMnnen. the folks In Salt Lake wonld come op to the window and ask the price of admis- sion. Courteous at all times. Ernie wonld say: — Ural -- the _ to Frank J. ing a recent Interview.) ♦ House sUff of K. 4 E.'s Orpheom Theatre, Atlanta.: H o anet P. Cm i an .. .. . . , , . .Manager Jack Youngs Treasurer B, C Arrowood -- .. .. ..Assistant treasurer J. R- MacEachron. Jr. Head Csber J. Busby .. .. .. . -Advertising Agent J. steams .. - • .. .. . . . . .. ..Orchestra W. C. Hines ..Stage Carpenter ». T. Bojtacrow Electrician C J. Maahbnrn .. .. „ Properties Pat Short has the following capable staff at his Century Theatre. St. Louis: Business Manager and Tress. .. . . W. D. Care f"^*"!: Treasurer Charles Nail Mnalenl Director William B, Madden Scenic Artist p. J. Toomey Advertising Agent ..D. J. Ligfatoer Stsge Carpenter .. .. .. Phil «ni»n.i. r Electrician Lonls Foster Master of Properties WUliam Keed doorkeeper Ben J. Willow Had a dandy visit with my old office pal. Jack Youngs at Atlanta recently. Jack and I worked out of the Lincoln J. Carter offices when In their prime. He Is now treasurer of the Or- pbeum Theatre, the K. 4 E. boose. Atlanta, and looking fine. Has been little in bnt on road now to good health and prosperity. Jack has numbers of good friends that win be glad to bear of this. Walter Messinger Is shead of The Girl In the Tail Did some splendid work In St. Lonls re- cently. Walter advises me It is not snort beds that keeps his pate so bald; claims Its looking for stories In the St. Louis BepobUc that the champion long distance promises, Mr. Head, promises to a rents. We are all commencing to agree with yon. Walter, on that score. Mr. Head is sure some promiser. Web^ n A^u? e - CT ** ,n - U,e Thomas Business Manager J. Manager Stage Manager Carpenter Property Man A. k Nat Goodwln'a I Manager L. _ f Business Representative .. .. Geo. W. Sammis Stase Director Argyll Campbell H*"" Carpenter TI Odo Sboff Electrician Chas. Oser Property Master John Hartmann * The star success at Deimar Garden Comic Opera Company, season 1910. Miss Leona Step- hens, singing comedienne and original "Boocle Boo" girl. That's her billing and that's a fact. Miss Stephens has 'em goin' In vaudeville and la a mighty clever deserving young lady. + The Dallas. Texas. News, one of the greatest newspapers of the Sooth, recently celebrated Its silver anniversary by appearing seventy-two er!^ri > rersa^ D w^^use J Vc^to ra,t 172** C ° M " Learned men tell us that In Latin the word "editor" means something to eat. In all the United States newspaper offices I're been In, It, it means "hustle like — ." * J. D. Bnden is the chap to see In Atlanta relative to " J. F. Fourton has reins of the This He drank cold water EDITORIAL BULLETIN Moving Picture Reviews As announced in THE BILLBOARD several weeks ago, a special department will be instituted in the ed- ition of January 7, in which reviews and comments of all releases from the Motion Picture Patents Co. and Sales Co. will appear. The recent announcement of the inauguration of this plan has been received with much interest by the moving picture exhibitors all over the country, and The Billboard has, since this announce- ment first appeared, received a number of communi- cations from interested persons highly endorsing this plan. These reviews will be reliable, authentic and comprehensive, uncolored and impartial, thereby in- suring exhibitors a correct report of all releases. The Lives of Famous Showmen The next edition of THE BILLBOARD will con- tain an article concerning the careers of some of the world's most famous showmen. As announced in our last edition, the source from which this information will be obtained has never before been accessible to any amusement publication. Not only will this article treat of the history of circus celebrities, but it will contain many interesting anecdotes of circuses, when these most famous of amusements were in their infancy. The article will be illustrated. ;. .«. The Film Number. The edition of The Billboard to bear date of Jan- uary 28th will be designated as the Film Number. This edition will contain several especially prepared articles on moving pictures, contributed by a number of well-known persons whose association and long ex- perience with the film industry qualify them for con- tributing the most authentic and reliable information on this subject. Pertinent hints to exhibitors will be published along with the reviews of all films released by the several manufacturers of each faction. This edition will furthermore contain a number of illustra- tions of the stock companies of the various manu- facturing companies. The cover will be in two colors, emblematic of the enterprises it represents. In addition to these special features this edition will con- tain the usual departments devoted to the week's news and information. History of Amusements in America. A series of articles giving a brief history of the theatrical and amusement business in the larger cities of America is now in preparation, and the first of these reviews will be ready for publication in the near future. These articles will begin with the inception of the amusement business in each of the cities represented, and will deal briefly, though definitely, with those pioneers and their enterprises to which the present system of amusements owes its foundation. Illustra- tions of theatrical landmarks and the founders of amusements in their respective localities will be features of this series. In addition to the histories of the beginning and development of amusements, the present status of theatricals in each community will be dealt with. This series will constitute a budget of information no one interested in the amusement business'can afford to miss. "If folks wonld only laugh at something nice and gentle," aald Jim Rutbrrord. the famous clown, to me recently, "It wouldn't be to bad being a down. Bnt they won't. No. they want a fellow to do fault. We've educated the people np to where violent monkey shines, and. hang It. we have to give that sort of thing to them. "If one of the tumblers makes a mli-calcula- tlon and lands on the end of bit spine instead of bla feet, there la a cry of horror from the audience, and everyone looks anxiously to aee If the man Is hart. Bat If a clown does s doable somersault, lands on the bare ground on the small of bla back, everybody laugh.. And they expect the next clown to do thia or something even funnier. When be doesn't they seem surprised and say: «.y the first fellow was the funniest of the lot. wasn't beT" "Why in the heaviest of the show foot of one of the clowns and of hla toes very badly. He let genuine pain and went bopping across the lot on bla good foot, the Injured one tightly clasped In bla hand. Well, yon never heard anything like the abrlek of laughter which which greeted the accident, and- It kept op aa long aa four of the ring hands, who carried the man out. were In sight, I wonder bow many of those who witnessed that affair and laughed at It, knew afterwarda that that man was taken to the hospital and has been there ever since. "There's one thing more than any other, though, when I am sorry that I am a clown. That it on street parade. That la rarely the moat trying professional doty that the clown has. For all along the line of march there li feelings. Some men. or more likely boys, will shy a brick at the down on parade. It will hit him on the head and cot him badly. "This Isn't a ' mere supposition case. I've teen It happen many times. Well, everyone screams with delight when that brick lands on the down. Bnt if the brick were thrown at any one else bat a clown, the man who threw it wonld be roasted good by the rest of the crowd. Bit brutality wouldn't be tolerated. Yet because the brick bit a down It la a good Joke. "Why I bad a lot of boys follow me ail along a line of parade once, with a ' pin tied to building laths. ' six feet away and Insert a of hat pin la me. whenever they wanted. And they did It for the greater part of an hour; to the Intense amusement of ail who aaw It. Wonld a crowd hare stood for thia being done to any one bnt a; clown? "Once In a street parade I was driving a Shetland pony bitched to a light racing cart. Close to the curb stood a nun with a small boy. Toe man carried a heavy cane. The hoy said : 'Ob. papa, here co m e t the down. Isn't be funny T Hit him over the bead with yoor cane.' Papa complied at once. He brought the cane down with a smash on my bead and I pretty near failing oat of the wagon. When I gathered my scattered wlta together, everybody was Jttighlng. and no ot« to heartily the worst execrated town. My act waa called a prominent citizen' by one the other papers the circus ni tr^g n visited that assault on and all of to aay about srbo bad made an unprovoked attack on a peaceable citizen." There la a chapter out of the life or a circus clows, ♦ W. L. Wilkin* la sponsor for this one: The Buster Show played Angola. lad., one night re- cently. Everything waa ready for the big troupe when Chas. Udell, the company car- penter aaked the house carpenter If It waa an 8:15 curtain. For hla reply be got: "I don't know what aise It Is." The Midnight Maidens enlivens the atmos- phere. The performance commences with a one- act musical comedy called A Trip to Hono- lulu, which la replete with tuneful melodies, tty girls and gorgeous costumes. Gladys pretty girls and w.,r t£r^»ng ,h * One Who Loves M CtvlghtOO, spotllgbt by < of. and finally had to baostlon. The Bonnie Scotch Fusiliers (snd they are bonnle) conclude the first act with some blgh- claas drilling. Clad In kilt and tartan, these young women revive vocal recollections of Annie Laurie, Auld Lang Syne. The Banks snd Braes of Bonnie Doone. and Oh. Where and Oh. Where la My Highland Laddie Done? ^ \ comedlerfn^fealurea "the 1 o*l»*'°Otb?rs m^tlSl part of the program ' are Barto and McCue, acrobats: The Crelghton Brothers, and Dr. Vol- ts, electrical marvel. The Girl I Met at Rector's winds np the per- formsoce. Henry Wtchter. tt an old sport, banules the comedy end la a good manner. Ton bare got to give It to Gladys Sears. What a remarkably clever girl the It. w Judging from the old men made boyt again on every clrcua day. a clrcue It really Iht foun- ttln of youth. Iowa lost slipped a hot on* fn the ,m v*orid? m " "" h ■ Ed P. Morris, the styles himself. It Cblqulta. Charlea N. Matthewa tgaln haa ebarga Arsdemy at Charleston, 8. C. fine of th. fellow. Mr. North — Wasn't a cirrus man of the saving: "If I shoot at the i hit 1 tlar"1 (Tea detr Inquirer, It Wat P. T. The Billboard Lithography was discovered by Aloys Senefelder, who was born at Prague, the capital of Bohemia, in 1771. The discovery dates probably from 1796, when Senefelder's attention was drawn to the properties of lithographic stone by a singular occurrence. One day, while experimenting, and having only well polished litho- graphic stones, his mother came into the room and asked him to write out a bill for the washerwoman. Having no paper or pen at hand, he jotted down the items of the bill on a clean stone, using for this purpose the ink he had prepared as an etching ground, which was com- posed of soap wax and lampblack. Sometime later, when going to rub the writing from the stone, it oc- curred to Sene- felder that he might etch it in relief, and, if nec- essary, it might prove an easy method of getting his musical pieces THE DONALDSON I would say here that he was a playwright and publisher of music, and being very poor, he had difficulty in get- ting the money with which to publish his com- positions. H i s attention had previously been drawn to the fact that on one of die lithograph- ic stones which were then used as hearth stones in that country — as the stones were very plentiful and frequently used for that purpose, and were susceptible of being grained and polished — a bowl of porridge had been spilt, and he noticed afterwards that where the porridge had been spilt, the stone remained clean, but gradually it attracted the grease and dirt, which gave it a stain, different in appearance from the portion where the por- ridge had been spilt on the stone. He conducted his experiments with great patience and perseverance, and finally a new discovery dawned uiK>n him— lithography. His first experiments were by placing his work on stone and etching it so as to raise those portions of the stone in relief, making what is called "high etching," but he soon found that the real principle in lith- ography, which was, in short, a daub of grease on a clean polished stone, would receive printing ink and refuse water, while the other parts of tlic stone that were not affected by the grease would retain moisture and ; refuse to take on ink, the natural principle of the mutual repulsion of ] grease and water coming into play. And this is practically the secret of lithography, as our printing is done on an absolutely flat surface, having neither cavity nor projection. Senefelder continued his experiments, and he constructed a rude wtioden press, and was his own artist and printer for a time. He tried to get aid from the German Government to develop the in- dustry, but was unsuccessful; he, however, turned his attention to the 1'rcnch Government, which appropriated $6,000.00 for the purpose of pron-oting the enterprise. This was the means of first making the in- dustry practicable. From this time on, lithography appears to have 'gradually gained in use, and, finally, in the year 1840, lithographic- color printing was brought out in London, and its first appearance produced a general sensation. A number of lithographic establishments were i opened, not only in England, but also in France and Germany, and although the finest color work appears to have been done in London, yet the trade grew in Germany more than any other country. In proportion to its population, it may be said that Germany leads in the greatest number of lithographic establishments of any country in the world. I would say here that lithographic stones had been used by the Turks many years prev- ious to this time, in the construc- tion of their mos- ques. It was their favorite stone and used more than any other. Within the last twenty great ments have been made in litho- graphic machin- ery. The Ameri- can Lithograph- ing Company, of New York, built the multi - color press which prints a number of col- ors at one time. There are a num- ber of firms that bought offset presses, which are the most rapid producers at the present time. Between the years 1803 and 1850, many distinguished artists tried their hands in making crayon drawings on stone. Among these were Charles Heath, John Landseer and Thomas Bewick ; also Turner, Harding, Roberts, Simpson, and even Queen Victoria is said to have made some drawings on stone, which were very creditable. By this time there were quite a number of establish- ments in America. New York City, of course, had the largest and best establishments, but there were quite a number in the principal cities of the United States, but, as a rule, they were small, the work being done on hand presses, on which the output was very little. In Cincinnati the first establishment was started by Archibald Mac- brair, who was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, February 26, 1805. He started in the lithographing business in Belfast, Ireland, in 1840, printing on a hand press that he had made himself. He came to this country, bringing the press with him, and opened a shop in Cincinnati in 1849, being the first lithographer west of the Alleghany Mountains. He en- larged his plant from time to time, and after his death in 1882, he was succeeded by his sons, who, in 1885, incorporated under the name of The Macbrair Lithographing Company of Cincinnati. This company still has the old Belfast hand press which Mr. Macbrair brought with him. The next to open in Cincinnati was a firm by the name of Fleetwood. Mr. Fleetwood came a year after Mr. Macbrair. and his business was, like Mr. Macbrair's, very small. He conducted his business for quite a number of years. Following him was Mr. Menzell, and after him was Mr. Wallace, who, like Mr. Macbrair, came from Scotland, bringing his on pag* 45.) CO.. NEWPORT, KY. 6 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. LAY- OFF W EEK Is the Seven Day Period Immediately Preceding Christmas Al. G. Field's Minstrels Following Usual Custom, Will Enjoy Week's Holiday. The AJ. G. Field Greater Hinstreli lure made It a rule to lay off the week preceding and there win be no exception this season. That part of the season already passed has been eery successful. At Roanoke, v... Dec 12. the company bad the honor of the presence of the Elks from the National Home at Bedford, Vs. They came as guests of Sir. Field, on a special train to and fro. and left do thins undone that would add to their comfort or enjoyment. A special matinee performance was siren for their exclu- alve amusement, after which a luncheon was tendered the visitors by the local Lodge of Elks. The banquet given the old veterans by Mr. Field wss served at noon by request of the the rbearrlcal profession, and tbey'^ii^mw acquaintances amona; the members of the mla- atrvl company. A». Q. FlekS, who had been incapacitated with a bronchial trouble for tome time, re- joined the company at Roanoke. A «mn K loprmltTQ baa cone forth tbrotich the coiomna of certain newspaper! that Al. O. NEW OPERA HOUSE. West Liberty. Ia., Dee. 19 (Special to The Billboard).— The New Opera Home which wss reeeatly erected by the K. of p. Lodes, opened with Its first attraction on Dec. C The dedicatory play was James Forbes' Traveling an. which played to an overcrowded The next attraction waa Daisy Cameron which played this house on Dec. 19. 740. The management has not yet opened negotla Ins agency and Is only bo trartlona which come In t If axon Is the manager. NEW SPRINGFIELD THEATRE. Springfield. Mass.. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bll board). — Property at the corner of D wight and East Court streets has been purchased by The Springfield Theatrical Company, aa a site for a new theatre. Ground for the new theatre Indoor Circus Went Broke St. Louie, Mo.. Dec 17 (Special to The Bill- board). — The Indoor circus, organized by Mr. ntagerald. who during the past season had charge of some of the acta with the Barnum and Bailey Show, waa dlabanded here. Flts- olanned s season for bla show, play- Hla first geralil bad planned a season for bla show, play tog under the auspices of Elk lodges. Hla first stand waa St. Louis. The second day of the engagement he realised that the affair was go- ing to be s failure, and Immediately made ar- rangements whereby the Elka took charge of the show from Tuesday of the engagement on. snd psld the salaries of the performers from the time that they took charge. It was learned here that Mr. Fitzgerald ad- vanced as high as $75 to some of the perform- ers, who afterwards collected their salaries for five days from the Elka. and did not even offer to pay back to Mr. Fitzgerald any of tbe amount that they were overpaid. The failure left Mr. Fitzgerald unable to take tbe ahow to Kansas City, which wss to be tbe nazt stand. In large Mi- Field bid been compelled to give amount*, oaring to the legal proc ee dings Inst tuted by various booking agencies. As a mat- ter of fact no bonds were ever required of Mr. Field, as be wss on tbe winning end In every action. Nor wss tbe attraction over prevented from playing In any house where contracted, ex- cepting at Akron, O., when tbe Colonial Thea- tre wss dosed to the company after It was ad- vertised. The matter Is In the bsads of at- torneys and will probably be adjusted out of court. FIRST PRODU CTION Of New Play, We Can't Be as Bad as All That, By Henry Arthur Jones, Will Be Made in New Haven, Conn., December 29 New York City. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- hoard) Henry Arthur Jones' latest play. Wl Can't Be ss Bsd aa All Tbst. will have it « premiere stage production at tbe Hyperion The- atre in New Daren, Conn., on December 29. re- maining there for four performances, following which s New York engagement will open on January 2. Tbe production will be made by the Authors' Producing Compsny. The csst ln- " ed. Charlotte Granville. Al CUPID ENSNARES JANE GORDON. Minneapolis. Minn., Dec. 14 (Special to The Billboard.) — Miss Jsne Gordon, second woman with Virginia Homed, and Lonla H. Baker, of Omaha, Nebr. . were married Monday, December thsemane L P. Johnson officiating. Miss Gordon was man He Married December 12-16, and Mr. Baker Omaha, as this waa tbe nearest to tbst city the compsny played. Miss Virginia 11am. -d gave a wedding supper after the evening per- formance of December 12, tbe Hotel Radlsson being the scene of these festivities, which were enjoyed by tbe entire cast. Miss Gordon closed her theatrical career with the Saturday night, December 12 performance of the play In St. Pant, Minn., and will engage In domestic pur- suits In the future. 12,_st_ the Gethsemane Episcopal Church, Her. •latins. Tbe company In which at the Sbubert Theatre here DENIES REP ORT OF CLOSING. Shelbyrille, Did., Dec. 15. 1910. Editor The Billboard. Cincinnati. OMO: Gentlemen — Will yon kindly do me tbe Jus- tier, to deny the published report thst the Powell & Cohan Musical Comedy Companies have closed. Week of Dec 19, tbe Eastern show U playing a return date at the Grand Opera House. Decatur, 111., while the Centrsl company is In North Vernon. Ind. The report waa circulated I discharged employees, snd was done to Injure our standing. Thanking yon In advance for the favor, I am. William Hawtrey. Ito flam W *" ,c * * YALE PROFES SOR I N NEW ROLE New Haven. Conn., Dec 10 (Special Dispatch to The Billboard.) — Last week waa unique In tbe annals of things theatrical in New Haven as no less a personage than William Lyon Pbelpe, Professor of English at Yale, came out in an open letter in all the local papers orglng people to attend the production of Slater Bea V"' t4of ti Ph , . , l^ ri . 0 ei,,^^ n ^• 7 .J? 1 ?"' K 14. Prof. Phelps' argument was thst no oar should miss seeing the New Theatre Company, as It la, without doubt, the greatest atock com- pany In America, While all this la doubtless true It was sorb an unusual thing for some one out of tbe pro- fession to take It upon tbemself to urge tbe public to attend any theatrical performance whether good or bad, unless prompted by adrrr- " that when Prof. Pbelpa came out print with ecstsetlc praise of tbe without saying that m ' d thst Mr. It goes took m ager or the Hyperion. boose for Bister Beatrice, even bad the merits of the company not been heralded In advance by hla special "ad" writers. Such then la the power of greatness, for Prof, Phelps, in bis own exclusive way. Is a law unto tbe people In New Haven. The night of Sister Beatrice marked slao the second appearance In New Haven of Bulb St. Denla, under the management of Henry B. Harris. The Incident la worth chronicling, at taat year when she sop Lsqujk* wry extciwl ctly, l reputation other than that gleaned from the newspapers and New Haven Is loth to accept many new things. Tbe second performance was a matlnea and the house wss packed, while at tbe night performance, there was not room snd tbe managers were obliged excess press papering even. nn ruroeiciiug. ni at tbe Grand, tbe t had to paper the came here art thorn to cat The Matinee. Olrl Musical Comedy Company closed for the holidays, December 17. in Ok- Is boms City* About toe middle of January tb» compsny will be reorganised and tbe to or re- Wm. Gross, with his wife el" baby, will soend the lay-off Haas Returns to Dubuque Dubuque. Ia. Dec IS (Special to The BID- board). — Wn. A. Haas, recently manager of the Theatre Beautiful, at Waukrgan. 111., bsi returned to Dubuque, Iowa, and assumed all former position ss asslstsnt to Manager Bases thai. Mr. Haas waa aimply astounded when be inspected Mr. Rosenthal's $100,000.00 new Majestic, and promptly nailed down his deal ■■"im ,; wishes to state that he la not the Billy Haaa In tbe lima light recently In the Sooth ss a vaudeville performer. Mr. Haaa' show experience covers a of twenty years, twelve years of this being spent with Jsmea B. Walts and Very truly yours. HALTON Olney Theatre Is Destroyed Olney, 111., Dec IS (Special to Tbe Hill board). Hyatt'a Opera House, one of tbe largest and finest playhouses In southern Illin- ois, wss burned to tbe ground Saturday after- noon. Tbe opera bouse wss built 12 years ago Tbe Ion la about $50,000 with $20,000 In- surance. The fire waa started by a cigar thrown on tbe atage. EARLY PRODUCTION FOR BAL- KAN PRINCESS. New York. Dec 17 (Special to The mil board). — Tbe Sbnherta announce that one of their first musical productions for the new year will be The Balkan Princess, and Louise Gun- ning Is to bsve tbe stsr role, with Flerlsrrt Corthell as principal comedian. This piece hss met wltb great success abroad, and Its Amer- ican presentation Is being looked forward to with much Interest. Cbsppell A Co. publish the music. Charles Frohman, Tuesday, Dec. 13, com- pleted arrangements whereby Miss Irene Van- brngh will shortly appear In London in the role of Mary Fenfon In The Imposter. tbe new Iconard Merrirk-Mlrhael Morton play In which Miss Annie Russell appeared at the Garrlck Theatre Dec. 12. Bonnie Gaylord Wants Divorce St. Lonla, Dec IB (Special to The Billboard) — Suit for divorce wss to-day entered In the city court by Bonnie Gaylord Brown afalnat Tudor * The c Mr. and Mrs. Brown are professionally known ss Tudor Cameron and Bonnie Gaylord. Last " :i. h< in 'Sffj&lSS 2 ^pb ? , - ,n -'S , " t^ •• aa ' and Off. GOT WRONG BILLBOARD. Tbe Slatersvilla papers contain notices of a practical Joke polled off by Tom Lerong, stage manager of tbe Apollo Theatre, on Billy Apple, a popular mixologist of tbe oil city. Apple told a friend to get him a "Billboard" while In Wheeling, meaning a copy of the publication of that title. Tbe friend saw Lerouz, and together they framed up s Joke. Lerouz dug out a billboard containing a big lithograph of The Olrl In Blue, a dancer who recently appeared at the Apollo. He wrapped . tbla up carefully and ex- pressed It C. O. D. to Apple. It csme to Ap- Kle's home during his absence and bis better alf paid tbe express charges. Apple waa kept busy explaining for some time.— Wheeling Heg- Jake CO-OPERATIVE BOOKING CIR- CUIT. Chicago, 111.. Dec 1» (Special to The Bin- board).— The plan for the establishment of tbj new Co-operative Booking Circuit, a new popular price theatre circuit, baa been carried to tu that the promoters are now assured thirty of tM forty theatres they wlU Include In the chain. Tbe circuit will extend from Boitoo to {Jam- ba, and will Include theatres In every P™"'"" city between these points. at- M JggB. however, not to bavo any houae within fire mure of any other house on the circuit. ... The price of admlialon to these the« rei wUJ be 10. SO snd SO cents, snd tbs enterteloBeni will luclude principally comedy, melodrama ana musical comedy. The promoters have been offered alx th.-atrea. sll outside the loop, but not more I three or four of these will be accepted. York will have three or fonr theatre; chain. Boston will have one, Brooklyn two. Philadelphia three. Weber Brothers, who operate the and Alhambra theatrea. arc the principal of tbe new circuit. JOHN RUSSELL— NOTICE! Helena. Okla., Editor The Billboard: Dec. 18. mo- ot Red Gla» your address to me. ^ DB ^ D * Vn oYle, DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 7 The Amusement Week in America NO TR UTH IN RUMOR Of Carl Hagenbeck's Death— Wm. Hagenbeck, the Deceased, Was Half-brother of*the Animal King, and an Old Trainer A cablegram .onouoclni the death of Carl Hagenbeck, tbe famous animal king, was re- ralred by Sol Stephen, of the Cincinnati Zoo. lilt week. Later diapatcbea from Germany Hate that tbe flnt report was erroneous, end PATRICIA O'BRIEN DROPPED. New York. Dec. IT (Special to Tbe Bill hoerd).— Immediately following her farewell performance aa Patricia O'Brien In Tbe Choroe Lady, at Jersey City, on January T. Boee Btah] will commence la earn rat the rebel new play. Mantle Pepper, Cleln la the author. OPEN NEW HOU8E. Tbe Flaming; Arrow Company win open tbe aew theatre at LoudouTUIe. on Tuesday. Dee. tT. The company laye off the week before Chrlatmaa at Lorain, O., opening- In the name town for matinee and night performances Chrlatmaa Day. ▲ Chrtatmas tree win be* glren by tbe com- pany at notel Frankfort, and all members will be present ARMSTRONG ANSWERS SUIT. Annapolis. M.I.. Dee. IT (Special to The Billboard).— Absoiote denial or all the material allegation* made by bla wife In her salt for dlrerce Is embodied In Paal ArmatroDe's answrr filed laat Thursday. Mrs, ' that her husband waa ralthfnlneas. OLD ACTOR DEAD. Boston. Masa., Dee. IT Alexander Daymood. or Sydney Alexander, aa he waa professionally known, died at hla home - In Jamaica Plains. Bs wss sn actor of the old school.' baring appeared In the snpport of Edwin Booth and Alma Company Stranded ..f5 m ?2 poM !v MUm - °*£i 11 (Spec'sl to Tbe Billboard.)— The Alma. Wo Wohnat Dot eom- psny which appeared st the Sbobert Tbestre. Dec. 8-10. Is stranded here sad the foorteea members who hsre from SOO.OO to $230.00 tag are ralnlj- ararrhlng for Conolly. tbe inlawing manager. The company's end of the box -office reeelpta are tied np with an attachment screed by the National Hotel mansgemeut and amount- ing to I1T.00. William Fischer end Frederick Kledalsch, members of this company Interrlrwed the third assistant • city attorney December ■ IS. bnt were sdrlsrd thst nothing conld be done to secure their back pay ss fsr ss the city Is con- cerned. The show broke n 0 once before In Oah- kosh. st the time when tbe irsdlng lsrty. Cora Morena. waa taken III and obliged to retire to a Chicago hospital, bnt waa afterwards patched together and continued to operate fasorihly throng h the state of Wisconsin, until tbe emasb- — ed In Minneapolis. CHANQE8 IN CA8T. tbat It waa not Carl Hagenbeck, but a hair brother, named William Hagenbeck. Tbe Bnt report was glren mnch credence, and a number reports of the death of the celebrated showman. William Hagenbeck la an old-time animal trainer, and baa two eons, who train with eer- WllUam LIEBLER' S LATE ST PLAY The Pomander Walk Produced at Montreal Last Week for First Time— Story of Play Deals With Surburban Life in London and is Very Pleasing Montreal. Dec. IT (Special to The Billboard). — Llebler and Company produced at tbe Prin- cess Tbestre here last Monday nlsbt. Loola N Parker"* new comedy. Pomander Walk. The production wag the Brat to be glren on any stage, Tbe piece waa recelred with entha Pomander Walk 1* a comedy of London an LEON A WATSON. ta m 1 n.„ , ^ r ?" r ' , .w n,, been engsged by Llebler * ROCKWELL 18 MANAGER. *' w Tork Dee. IT (Special to The Bill- board) — R. o. Rockwell has sccepted the posi- tion aa manager for the Hlghwsy Amnaement Oo. Mr. Rockwell will open tbe drat of their theatre*. Tbe Imp. on Klnsjs Highway. Rrook- £n. Jan. 1. and the rest of the honses will he opened |„ rapid snereaatnn until they will hare •circuit of arreral weeka In Greater New Tork. Mr. Rockwell state* that the policy will he "I* ,•"">* •» «»■ the Princess Clrcnlt In the CHANGES IN CASTS. . ^"'e" t,ane has Joined Zclda Scare Oom- P«nr In The Nest Fee. now playing at the BIJoti Theatre In New Tork. William J. nnnmsn. a member of the Than- °" n, c Company, at the Bnah Temple Theatre. thicfiR-o. two years a so. will enact the heary rolea for Kllmt A O amnio st the Imperial The- atre. Chicago, opening as John Rnrkett Ryder. ■Tbe l.lnn and Ihe Monse. Christmas dsy. wJSSS "e«»ees Reere hss been en traced by "m hsTe'a'part'ln tm^sme^Iece** wm, * m " Sayle, otherwise known ss lick, with g country heiress. Jack calls on the Admiral and falls in ion with tbe daughter of a French widow, who la a neighbor of the Admiral's. Tbe girl reciprocates Jack's feeling. Tbe widow turn out to be sn old sweetheart of Lord Otford. whom be had Jilted at the behest of bla own father to make just such a match as be la now trying to force on hla son. The nmsl compUcstlons ensue, and by tbe time tbe last - ends. Lord Otford. who la a widower, la it to marry bis old lady lore, while their tv i iu a nine pruning, local cri that toe piece should prors soceeeefn and Company hare glren tbe play containing and picturesque settings. The cast, which Is composed players, la excellent. A •cored by Bdgar Kent, who of Jack. The cast: of Englli .Geoffrey Douglas .Stanley Latbbnry •B. N* Prie# .Le*lt« Iff. Clnpt Hi ant Manager Guilty of Arson $1 .. 111.. Dec. IT (Special to Tbe Billboard) — J. C Weber, proprietor and msn- •r of the Rljoa Theatre, was found guilty sraon. by tbe circuit court, Mr. Weber was see sod mansger of the Alrdome Tbestre. which was not a profitable venture. One night In August the theatre, together with sll con- tents, wss mysteriously burned. Suspicions were st once csst toward Mr. Weber. He waa Indicted he the Grand Jury, tried and found guilty. The penalty Is from one to twenty r— In the penitent Isry. Application was at made for a new trial. MRS. CAMPBELL'S NEW PLAY. Philadelphia, Dec. IT (Special to The Hill board!.— The Poollsb Vlrxlo. Henri Batsllle'a drama of modern French life, bad Its first pro- duction In this country, here, this week. Mrs. Patrick Campbell portrayed the leading role, saal.tod hy R. la l«» grand opera company by contributing In exchange for Its artistic offerings the first four week, of the season. The nrnmr of f 180.000 represents sctual receipts. Inrtud. Ing sdvsnce given. DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 9 in EXCE PTIONA L BILL Draws Audiences of Immense Proportions to the Majestic Theatre — Annette Kellermann and Stafford and Stone Register Big Hits icro- the gave vilie for some time. The program (or thla w«l waa c ceptloual talent and one that drew the theatre at every The Two Decomu. f s novelty juggling act. for such a position. Toe Hawaiian Duo were good but they placed a little too early on the bill. The voire* were splendid. The Three Livingstons. In aerobatics a riot This Is ooe of the most comical batlc acta seen which seta away allly ordinary comedy which Is so played. Everything being original - comedy wss tsken and It rrlng of the credit the "'Irene Hawley. the Manhattan Girl, singing f do songs, smong which were: I Don't Care What Becomes of ale. I Feel Immense, and the Bear Cat Bag. which were aplendld. Frank Stafford and Company, presenting an original novelty, entitled A Hunter's Game, was excellent. Mr. Stafford carries his own scenery, electrical effects and everything which sets off the stage wonderfully. His Imitation of birds was excellent, which places Mr. Stafford In a claaa by himself (or we have never yet wit- nessed ettcb a performance as was given by Mr. Stafford, Miss Msrle Stone and his wonderful English setter. The scene takes one back Into the wooda of the Adirondack mountains and ooe ccold certainly Imagine himself in snch a place when witnessing Mr. Stafford's splendid per- f °Asn?ey " and Lee, In some entertaining fun olsms were very clever. This Is a scene In one with a special drop showing a street In Chinatown. The act opens with a Jew com- plaining about bis business being poor, his business being on the order of a del lea t store. A dope hrlngs the coi by everybody Carl McCullough's Novel Experience Chicago. III.. Dec. IT (Special to The Bill- board). — Carl MeCulloueh. in his footllgbt Im- pressions, scored the moat pronounced hit of the aessoo with the audiences st the Main Street Theatre. Peoria. Itt. Doe to trouble with his biff*. re. Mr. McCol- longb missed his early train Monday morn- ing from Chicago, and was forced to take s later one. which srrlved In Peorls st 3:30 lu the afternoon. Being headlined st the theatre, the management reared thst business would be hurt If be did not make the matinee, so they wired him to try and get ready on the train. After purchasing the use of s drawing-room on the Chicago * Alton train. Mr. McCnlloogh had his Japanese valet go Id the baggage room and get his wardrobe and make-up. He was ready to go on the stsge when he arrived at Peorls at 3:35 P. M.. and after being rushed to the theatre In a taxi-cab. he walked on to the atsge at 3:43 P. M.. without any rebesrssl with the orchestra, and scored the unquestion- able hit of the season. The audience clamored for mora until the young man stepped to the footlights and thanked them. McCnllough said: "When the management wired me to get ready on the train 1 thought It a good Idea, but when I came out Into the daylight with all my make- up on and saw the people stare at me I felt mighty cheap, but after being so well re- ceived by you this afternoon. I feel gratefully rewarded for my trouble." An effort was msde by the management to bold McCullougb over for the following week, hut as be Is booked at the American Music Hall. Chicago, It was found Impossible. Be Is now booked up until September, so the Peo- rtana will have to remember him until he re- turn, next winter. P ATTE R. " Motey. stern has been given the management of Marry Too Tiber's office In the Grant Hotel during Ben Bornsteln's absence. Ben Bornstelo will return to Chicago tmmedlstely after the «ew Tear. Be writes that there are two or three new songs In press which will be the hit of the West, Annette Kellermann. who doea a diving act. Is ulnglng I Lore It. Bolton. Hayes and Bolton, who hare Just rotne off of Doutrlcb's time, are elngtng I Lore It and Lovey Joe. with greet success. Garnet Raymond Is doing well with Lovey Joe. Jones. Llnlck and Schaefer Company, have •ocured the tease on the Stsr Theatre on Mil- waukee avenue from the Cole Estate and Asso- ciates. This la a class lire house with a seat- log capacity of over 1.800. They took po«»cs- •jon or the house Monday, Dec. U, with Charles R. Hagedora as bouse manager. Beginning Dee. 19, three shows s day of alx vaudeville acta and pictures, will be given. The bookings for the present are to remain with the Western Vaudeville Association. City on tbe^mh "f "j ntun from Nt " w Yo,t Mr. Thomas Smith and the were good, but might have been better should they sdd a little more substantial matter to the act. The act la too ridiculous to be one of merit- The girts bsve good voices and are clever dancers. The Imperial Musicisns. This is one of Jesse L. Laakey'e greet productions and Is one of which AMERICAN MUSIC HALL Has Bill Combining Quality and Quantity — Among the Twenty-Two Numbers are Adele Ritchie, Godlewsky Troupe, Bob Fitzsimmons and Other Features board) tul gymnastic act trated songs were Venus on Wheels which is a rival to Annette Kellermann for the moat perfectly formed woman on the stage. Her bicycle act Is one of art but we are sur- prised to think that Chief Stewart did not take act off. aa It la much mora suggestive ANNETTE KELLERMANN. She was featured on the bill at Majestic Theatre, Chicago, week of December 12. Trevett Bill Below Standard Chicago. 111.. Dec. 17 (Speclsl to The Bill hoard).— This being the first week the Tre'e- has been under the new management, namely Sullivan and Consldtae, Anna Eva Fay was of- fered aa the feature act which gave distinction and superiority to the Trevett Theatre. Ber set. The Cabinet Mystery. Is Interesting. Eugene Trio, comedy bar artists, were clev- "savery and Wells have a comedy singing snd talking sketch, entitled Mr. Piker vs. Miss Kid- der. The comedy In this la mediocre and the pleee. therefore, not deserving of the title of "s comedy sketch." Mann and Franks bar* a and mediocre sketch, entl lime to the Ridiculous. Lee Beggs and Company, preeentln Homestead of Vaudeville, entitled The Old Folks st Borne, were excellent. Next week will be seen st this theatre Felix and Cairo and Frank Bush. The program In the future must be much bet- ter then the one offered last week or business will fall off considerably. Annette Kellermann has Issued pamphlets with her photographs which have been mailed to nearly an the theatres In Chicago, advertising her at the. Majestic Theatre. Mis Old Chicago All-star Vaudeville Bill ILL-STAB CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE BILL. WEEK OF DEC. 11. A — Godlewsky Troupe. Russian Dancers, American No. 19. Foil Stage. B — VMInsky, Piano and Violin. American No. 20. In One. C — Bond and Benton, Comedy Sketch, Ma- jestic No. 10. Full Stage, spire Comedy Four. Singing snd Tslk- lug. Majestic No. 11. In One. E — The Operator with Lyster Chambers and Alice Weeks. American No. 12. Full Stage. F — Ashley and Lee. Singing and Talking Comedians. Majestic No. T. In One. 0 — Lasky's Imperial Musicians. Musical Act. Majestic No. ». Full H— FRANK STAFFORD * CC SKETCH, Majestic No. One, Close In Foil. da Theatre. No. S. .... J-MandrlUo. Band. American No. IT. Full Graham. English male Impersonator, wss fsirly good. Ber walk In overdone. Captain Webbs' trained seals, without a quea- tlo i°'...* doubt. Is the best act of its kind m vsuderllle. l'berrl and Taylor. In a alnglog and dancing specialty, were good. Their exit, however, waa poor. UeClalr and Sampson. The Strong Men? have one of the beat laughing acts In the acrobatic line seen this season. Walter James' Imitation or well-known com- edians, wss fsirly good. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fltxslmmons. presenting A Man's a Man For All o* That. Mr. Fltsalm- th* 1 * h mll! 1 bt *>» « actor If ha bad a voice, but _ ho H Iscklnff. Mrtt. h l list mrnons has a ad use. it to h( ballad, which she slogs In act- Ber male Imitations. for her clever. The Operator, which has been and time again, la not In need of review, except to aay that It Is one of the beat dramatic pieces seen in vaudeville and will be for some time to come. Miss Basse and her delightful offering of Little Toy Terriers, went well. One Jog. which impersonated Eva Tanguay. In 1 Don't Care, made a decided hit with the audience. Adele Ritchie, the -Dresden China prima don- na, sang two or three numbers, one of which wss entitled Winter. She Impressed the audi enee. The Earle Trio Is one of the best acta of Its kind working In one. The trio consists of one >er working In black face, a straight and in pianist. Among the songs used were MandrlllS P snd° bis "band'of °hTt ered an Mme° beauri'ul^pPeces 'that' took' we'll." This set Is glveu the closing position on the All star Bill. (Continued on psge 45.) With the Busy Vaudevillians Chicago. UL. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- board-) — Lew Fuller and Little Johnnie, the original Mutt and Jeff, who are playing around Chicago, are "screams" 'wherever they perform. Lew Fuller, who Impersonates Mutt, made such a tremendous hit with* Wltmark's Gee WbLs. Sweetie, I'm Stuck On vou. that he waa forced to atop the act to respond to the numerous en- cores. Williams. Thompson snd Copeland. who arc playing over the W. V. A. time, are using for their feature number. Armstrong and Clark's latest success The Entertaining Man. The Three Dancing Sunbeam,, woo were at the National Theatre last week with the Girl from Rector's, dsnced their wsy Into popularity to the a trains of Down Where the Big Bananas Grow. Casad and De Verne, who are presenting at Chicago's various playhouses a neat up-to-date singing act are creating a sensation with Wit- mark's Where the River Shannon Flows, and bare also added thla moat popular publishing house's latest number to their set. entitled. Dutch Kiddles. Miss Emlne Esrle, the dainty singing comed- ienne, was a caller st the office or M. Wltmsrk * Sons, snd sfter trying out several of then- late productions decided upon Tske Me Back to Babyland, I'd Like to be Loved by a Boy Like Ton. and the Entertaining Man. Bobby Stewart and Gertrude Earl, who are presenting the comedy sketch A Devil of a Mix-Dp, over the S. and C. time, are creating screams of laughter and holding their audience with Wltmark'a Gee Whls. Sweetie. I'm Stock On Ton, and Lovesick, another Witmark song, used ss a conversational number. The best evidence of wbst is a rest song hit snd bow quickly a song becomes popular when It has merit la the fact that performers and singers fairly run to put the song Into their set before It la hardly off the press. A proof of thla fact may be cited with Hawthorne, ~ -mood, s company of eight people, pre- The Turn Yum Girlie, and using Ted of Wltmsrk A^Sons, Dow^V" galnlng popularity with the song hit. Love. Karl Emmy, who la playing the Poll time with the act known as Karl Emmy and Bis Pets, waa taken down with rheumatism recent- ly. Be went to a hospital In ooe town and win spend a week or so yet In rest before reopen- ing his season. A letter received from him brings the Information that be la feeling an right again. Irving Newboff and Dode Phelps are playing the Bntterfleld Circuit and reported to ban scored big success st Bsy City laat week. New- boff and Phelps came Wei ' on page «.) 10 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Vaudeville Week in New York AMERIC AN MUS IC HALL Continues Twenty-two Act Policy and Does Enormous Business— Bill of Diversified Attractions Runs Continuously for Three and a Half Hours Sew York, Dec 17 (Special to The Bill board). — The magic nnmersls "22" draw large Irnim. last w»k, to William Morris' Amer- ica* Music Hall, where a program of vsrlety. Bloc from 7:30 to 11 o'clock every evening, for an e~ rial period every afternoon, prove tha magnet- Nana, a European Importation — iHny her New York debut, la the particular ■tar In a program of Intricate dance*, assorted by It. Aleuts. The act Is presented on tbe "" stage, set elaborately as a ball-room, and m dances U their with a man garbed In Their acrobatic measure*, executed with ire strongly reminiscent of although vastly mors sen- actor. Tom Teniae and Ms com- pany era retained In his splendid adaptation of Charles Dickens* A Christinas Carol. In which he plays the part of Old Scrooge, the miser. It Is rtbrsnt with the spirit of the YnletJde. the atmosphere being faithfully simulated try the sound of Bow belle, ringing out the reapers, the caroling of the Christmas glee-singers, and Che po w d e i ed snow that clings to the garments of those who enter the portals of Scrooge and SIsricy-a chambers. assisting Mr. Terries, who a 1 -" t supei i ls ee the entire production are the following capable players: Tim Kyley. Ed- samsd Pollock. Wall la Clark. Buchanan Wake. That . W. L- Dewey. Maude ^'ake^ch of merit -is John 8. Carroll's leJodrama. The Ttn Horn. In which Arnold Daly sa manager, presents Frank Cam- pesn la the title role. The atmosphere of Arl- amss la depicted with fidelity, and the types ere fairly well drawn. Mr. Campean as Saul Warren, la conrtnrlng. and bis "innger" cough ta isallsllt without being offenaiTe. Miss Mary Cscfl plays opposite him ha the part of Mamie. gtTtng the character a distinct Indlrtdoallty, sad rising nobly to the demand* of the sentl ■ ia*i' Dsasages. Others tn Mr. Campaan'a Performer Dies in Dressing Room la.. Dec. 17.— Prank White, black- face comedian, of White and Simmons, died at 3J20 this afternoon to the dressing room of the Gerrtck Theatre. In this city. Mr. White, with his partner, had lost completed their set. He had retired to his room, washed and waa ready to dress when be sat down and expired, death being doe to heart dlaease. Mrs. White waa with him at the time of hla death. This being his last week on the W. V. M. A. time. Mr and Mrs. White had contemplated going home for^ChrlatmaSL^^ ^ jnae, d wss one of the orlglnarofd lime minstrels of this eoon- The local lodge B. P. O. E.. No. 84 pped the body to hla home lodge In Newark. IT- J. Mr. Simmons, his partner for thirteen years, waa rery deeply touched since this waa so sudden. TAYLOR AFTER VAUDEVILLE. New York. Dae. IB (Special to The Bill- board). — Now that melodrama has an balded con- siderably In popular estimation, and offers few Inducements to the playwright. Chan. A. Tay- lor, who made his name In this Held, bss be- come s rsnderrilie sketch writer. Among bis beat known melodramas are snefa as King of the opium Blng. Queen of the White Slares, Tracker! Around the World. Queen of the High- Way. The Female Detectives, which brought oat the Russell Brothers, and From Bags to Riches, which developed Joseph Santley. who tuat left the Broadway Theatre with Marie Cabin In Judy Forgot. Taylor's proline humor sppreclable In his thrillers, has also sup- the lines for his rsnderllle .ketches, those st present using his sketches In i Js Ben^ S. Mesrs.^Jate of Ben Hot. BUCKLEY AND 8KINNER PART. New York. Dee. 16 (Speclsl to The Bill- board). — After yesrs of close association be- tween Otis Skinner sod Jos. Buckley, beginning In the time when theatrical hardships brought them together and made them Inseparable, the two friends will part as soon ss Sire. Oris Skin- ner's new play, la prodncrd near the first of the month. This time Bnckley will In no manner be connected with the management. Report had It that they would not be together at the 1 this season, but such waa not the amicable rra tiers tending Is said to „ place between the two frienda whereby each will go bis own way without the company of the ether. nan IT- ruar i batoning ^of hare' taken I MOUNTFORD EXPANDING. New York. Dee. 16 I) W. S. (Special to The Blll- 1 has Incressed hls^es- who runs a joint In a rear room of "Chi" Smith's Honkstonk. A bank has been robbed and Frank Price, the rival of the gambler for the affections of Mamie, seeks to direct sus- picion toward Sanl. At the aame time he writes him a letter advising him to "hit the trail" as the Sheriff suspects him of the rob- bery, and that Mamie and be are going back (Continued on page 90.) THE FIFT H AVE NUE BILL Nat Wills Heads Program at Keith and Proctor's Theatre. Bill at Colonial with Odiva as Feature Best of Season's Offerings at this House New York, Dec. 17 (Special to The Billboard). — Nut M. Wills, with bis robust and melodious voire, bis comical smile, and nonchslent vsgs- bondsge has held the audlencee at Keith & Proctor's Fifth Avenue Thestre In liege sppro- bstion this lut week. Hla act, which Is prob- ably the beat monologue In vaudeville, was re- viewed In these columns last week. Sharing headline honors with nifty Nat are The Cour- tiers, B. A. Holfe'i latest candidate for popu- GRACE EDMONDS. Sadie Leonard Granted Divorce New York. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).— A surprise that amaxed the theatrical folks of the country during the psst week waa the newa that Sadie Leonard, wife of James Leonard, had been granted a limited divorce la the Chicago courts. Proceedings hod been In- stituted sgslnst the Tsuderllllsn while be was abroad during the summer In Csrlsbsd. They bed been married about one and a half years. PAYTON CHAN6E8 POLICY. New York, Dec. 10 (Special to Tbe mil-" board).— After laat Saturday night's perform- ance, Dec. 17. of the stock company. Corse Pey- ton changed the policy of his BIJou Thestre In Brooklyn, to that of a moving picture and vaudeville home. •Twenty-flve acts for twenty-live cenls," hla One cant an act." Up and Down Broadway The comic opera Amsden and Davenport, formerly known as Temple and Huff, have decided to resume their own original names, Claude A mad en and Tlaael Davenport, to presenting Just For Fun, Ibelr own origins! comedy, eccentric and talking 'ketch, on tbe United time. It Is understood tbst flattie l.aliianr, the French Canadian girl who was acquitted on Thursday. Dec. 15. of tbe charge of murder to Ronton, la to sceept an engagemsot on tbe atsge. she bss s sister, Irene, with whom ■be will more Iban likely couple, forming a sister act. Roy Applegate snd Company, lately seen with Mnrgsret Bennett In Cupid M. D., at Keith ami Proctor'a Fifth Avenue, anon com- mences hla new act. The World of Melodrama, by Chan. A. Taylor, while Miss Bennett Is about to stsrt out to a new vaudeville act alas. O'Dell and Ktogsley, acrobatic dancing act, - ist finished tbe Poll time tn New Bng- ( Con tinned on page 60.) lar approval. It ta an act along lines slmllsi to hla successful Ye Colonial Septette. Eleven people, eacb of whom la a vocal or lustra- mental artlat of ability, attired In tbe costume or the Middle Georgian period, the gentlemen In •mail clothes and snrtooU. and tbe Irdles to hodlced wsttesu gowns, constitute the company, the persnonel of which U aa follows: Alms Moore, soprsno; Boy Dietrich, tenor; William A. Oalpen. bnrliooe: Jennie Oriff. flute; Henri Schulrr. Nettle C. Coborn and Ethel Adsmsoa. cornet: Lillian A. Garris. 'cello, and Raymond 8. Evans and Charles W. Harris, trombone. The scenic frame Is the sumptuous Interior of an rid English eaatle, and the act opens with a tenor and soprsno duet, exquisitely ren- dered. This la followed by a musical ensemble Involving tbe whole company. An appealing baritone solo by Mr. Gal pen. and a medley of national a Ira by Mr. Dietrich and Mine Moors, are Interspersed, the act finishing strong with lie Pilgrim.' THE CO LONIA L BILL. New York. Dec. IT (Special to The Billboard.) — Never baa Manager Percy O. Williams pro- vided a more entertaining program than that which occupied the boards laat week. Odiva, tbe Samoan mermaid, wss the stellar attract! on and her grace of movement and wonderful en- durance evoked great applause. She sews, eats and reclines at tbe bottom of • huge glean tank, remaining submerged for a minute and 52 second. Acrobatic etunta under water and a series of thrilling dives completed an aquatic set without a peer. Bdwto Holt and hla compel . Ade'a refreshing comedy. The - Manicure. Tbe sketch reveals tbe or 1st to hla beat vein, and sparkles New York All-star Bill A— The Vivians. World Challenging Sharp- shooters. Fifth Avenue. Full Stage. B — Wlnaor McKay. New York American Music Ball. Is One. C — The Two Pucks, Character Songs snd Dances, Colonial, Fall Stage: Close In Ons. D— B. A. ROLFE'S THE COURTIERS, Elsb orate Musical Offering. Fifth Avenue, Fall Stage. INTERMISSION. B— Nana. Dana cea Dsnses, assisted by M. Alezsla. American Music Hsll. Pull St F— Laddie Cliff. English Singing and Comedian. Fifth Avenue. In One. O— Edwin Holt and Co., In The Mayor and the Manicure, by George Ade. Colonial, Full Stage. H — Ben Welch, Hebrew Dialect Comedian. Colonial, In One. J — Brothers Lloyd of tbe Double Bounding New York. Dec. 17 (Special to The Billboard). — Gauged by both atandarde— their ability to draw tbe dollars Into the bog-ofllre. and their popular sppesl— tbe All-star offerings this week represent tbe cream of New York's vsodevlll. bsoquet. On both counts tbe plsca of honor mnal be given to B. A. Rolfe'a Tbe Courtiers. It embodies prsctlcslly every requirement of the Ideal entertainment, possessing something to suit every fancy. Its beautiful atsglng. It» picturesque costumes, and Ita graceful artiata constitute a delight for tbe eye. while Its mil terly program la well calculated to charm tbe aursl sense. Above all. It Is pare and lofty to Ita appeals. It Is an entertainment par excel lenre for tbe family circle. Nana, who make, her New York debut, la a graceful dancer, and M. Alcrsls asststa her to a program of seoas tlonsl novelty. Edwin Holt messurrs np to the life In George Ade's clever sketch of "diamond cut dlsmond, The Mayor and tbe Manicure, and bla select company share honors with him la the diverting comedy. Laddie Cliff occupier fourth ponltlovj by reason of the superior sr- tlstry of his work. Ben Welch likewise Is en- titled to recognition for a distinct creation— the Ghetto -Jew. aa we may see him dally Tbe Rrothers Uoyd combine skill sod novelty, snd deserve credit for getting away from the beaten track of wire acta. Tbe Two Puckr bsve sn ortglasl wsy of dellnestlng the Bow- ery character, and their planologue feature Ir refined . aa well aa entertaining. Tbe Vlvlant are skillful tnsrkamrn. and their shooting tun>'> aa well aa a delightfully " DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 11 otion Pictures and Vaudeville MAR Y PICK FORD Known as the Biograph Comedy Girl, is Engaged by Carl Laemmle — She is One of the Best Known Picture Actresses in the Profession New Tork, Dec 19 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). —Quite toe molt Important event In tbe flliii genie last week «u tbe acquisition by Carl Laemmle to hla company of Mlaa Mar/ Plesford. iiromloenlly known aa tbe "Biograph Comedy Girl." for aonie lime paat Mlaa Plckford baa ap- peard lo Biograph picture*. giving remarkably clever portrayal* lo all Instances. Especially pleailnr were ber effort* In Biograph picture taken during that company'* atay In Cali- fornia not m! very loog ago. all*, Plckford 1. one of tbe moat prominent of motion picture by mm of ber loot association with tbe Biograph Company. In role* auch ah* baa portrayed wltb tbe Blocrapb Company. Mlaa Plckford la tbe peer of her profession. DAY LIGHT PICTURE8. Colombo*. O board).— S. L. Rolhapfel Dec IT (Special to Tbe BIU ■ of Philadelphia, here tbe paat week Installing In the B. F. Keltb me a ire tbe "day light pictures." which after a trial at Monday'a matinee, were pronounced a inccea* by tbe large audience present. By Mr. Bothaprera scheme It la poaalble to hare tbe theatre perfectly lighted and itlll show a pic- ture on tbe screen that la absolutely perfect, •r the inventor flnlahe* installing bla Inven- > In tbe different Keltb hour* It la hla Intra " to completion hi* Invention for tbe - In any moving HAS FILLED THE BILL. The question of keeping a morlng picture aucblne property oiled, and with the right kind of oil, has perplexed many as operator. However. -Stay-On" Oil seems to settle their worries and la gaining genera] oas amongst (hla claaa of people. The company that man of act urea It claim It free from foreign snb- ~ Bra and lust thick enough to be effective. I* the product or the Stay -On Oil Co., 40 14th street. New Tork City. De Beaufort Film Is Released Chicago. 111.. Dec. 10 (Special to The Bill- board). — Tbe mock-talked of and long. anticipat- ed (Urn of tbe Ufa of Count De Beaufort la now an the market and viewed by the many who are anxious to see depicted tbe many things they bees read concerning the Count and hla tribulations. When a film of thla magnitude la placed on the market It la needless to dwell on those many minor things that go to make op a regular re- lease. Tbe subject In Itself It too lane; the world wide publicity of the Count has created the demand. Thla void muat be Oiled and Carl Laemmle bit on the logical method when be aarnred the Count to pose before hla earners. Tbe atory of tbe Oonnt'a life la familiar to practically every cltlsen of the States who can read. It ta oeedleas to review It here. Sot- lea It to aay that the Him shows the most Im- portant evente from the time De Beaufort landed In New Tork to the preaeot day. In- cluding hla encounter with a chauffeur, bis work on the railroad and hla endeavor to gain admittance to tbe hospital where his wife lay bnt baa disposed of bla Interests to Mr. West- burg. The Unique Theatre. D. P. Long A Co.. managera. Racine. Wis., la also among tbe Hat of new picture house* which bare recently been opened, and which has been doing a very nice bnalness from the atari. Messrs. Long and Son baee operated a number of houses re- cently In the northern part of the state, bnt lately bare located back In their home town, where the elder Long for a number of year* waa connected with the Racine Theatre. THE RE D CROS S FILM Moving Picture Showing How Consumption has its Birth and Development Stimulates Public Interest in Fight Against the White Plague. Last week moving picture theatres through out tbe United State* bad on display the Bed Cross film. This subject demonstrated bow tu- berculosis find* its birth and development where unsanitary conditions exist. Tbe film ahowa various scenes taken In the tenement district of New Tork City, and polnta out In what ut- ter indigence aome of the people of tbe lower East aide are obliged to lire. A more potent means of arousing public aympathy could not have been devised, ss tbe Dim (bows with - THE HUMAN DOLL'S DOINGS. Holding tbe title of the smallest . on tbe stage. Little Lord Robert, sometimes called tbe tinman Doll, la now being hooked aa one of the feature attraction, oxer tbe Web- ster Time through tbe North and Northweat. Lord Roberta haa a clever act 'that consume* seventeen mtnotes sod consists of two mate anil two female Impersonations. The latter are i on Julian Kiting*. ARCHER THEATRE. The Biograph Comedy Girl, woo haa been engaged by Carl Laemmle. The little Lady ta eiideMlngJy^reforred^. to ss -utile .Mary" and she U on intimate terms with, every person who U Sullivan, ever known, „ Chicago. III., Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- board) — Appearing at the Archer Theatre were The Plve Galfncy Slaters, singing and dancing: Carolina Comedy Pour. Rose Johnson. George Qwest*, character vocalist: Waahbnrne snd Wilson, singing anfP dancing. At tbe Lyda Theatre were John tbe greatest battler tbe world baa •PPearlng with Jake Kllraln. the gams and able "'"jwelght who fongbt him for the champion- ship when be waa In hla prime. In a talking, boiing and ring exhibition sketch and other one vaudevill e fes tores. MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. The Mo-Ju-Vate Theatre. Sooth Milwaukee, wis., ts a large and spacious building, wltb •"'"tine capacity for over 300 people, and flrat- diss In every respect, and so far haa enjoyed a very nice run of buntnes*. Mr. Poto formerly operated the Coliseum Theatre, at Cudahy. and sold the same to Jak* J. Dlach, the former manager of tbe Lvrlc, at South Milwaukee, o I"."' 1 Theatre. Chaa. Tlede, maoager. Grand Sapid., wis., la also .a new theatre which haa whleh^at^Uat "•-.tbVrg. 1 " Fight Against Ticket Speculators New Tork City. Dec. 17 (Special to Tbe Bill- board).— Harry Cohen, a ticket speculator, tempted fate laat night when be entered the lobby of tbe American Music Ball and attempt- ed to sell ticket* to prospective patron* of tbe American. He waa ordered away by a special patrolman, but Instead of complying with In- structions, knocked tbe officer down. A lively Bgbt followed, hut Cohen waa Anally quieted and taken to tbe West S7th Street Station, where Magistrate Herman fined blm S3, which be paid. POLICE BAR FIGHT PICTURES. Minneapolis. Minn.. Dec. 14 (Special to The Billboard).— During the week of Dec. II, pa- tron, of the Dewey Theatre were disappointed In not viewing tbe advertised motion pictures of the Moran-Nrtsuo prise fight. Chief of Police Corrlstrm notlllrd Manager Archie Miller that the plcturce could not be shown. Mayor Haynea stated that he had Issued no order to the Chief were acting on i-Jeffrlea plts and presumed that the poire* the order prohibiting the John oris* fight pictures in tne future. t)l rr*'t 1 to Essanay Will Enlarge Plant Chicago. Dec. 16 (Special to The Billboard). —It I* the Intention of tbe Essanay Film Mfg. Co. to maintain an office In the loop dis- trict Instead of the commodious aulte they sow have, when their atndlo on the North side has been enlarged. At tbe time of- Its completion tbelr business offices will be moved to those quarters. Work already has been commenced, and several of the mechanical departments are finished. A large and commodious outside studio NEW ORPHEUM PLANNED. Blonx City. la.. Dec. 19 (Special to The Bill- board!. — Accompanied by Herman Pebr. of Mil- waukee, and Jacob Kohl, of Chicago. Martin Beck, the vaudeville magnate. Hopped off In this city laat Saturday. He announced that tbe Orpbeum Circuit would build a new theatre here. Several sites were Inspected, bnt no se- lection waa made. Beck visited tbe Orpbeum Theatre, and Instructed Local Manager C. F. Wilder to make some Improvements In tbe bouse. Mabel Taliaferro, who Is now living In Chi- cago and studying French and singing, sxpeeta SSai £ mS 8SCIRHK endured by these destituted families. .The Red Cross Society and tbe National Association for tbe study and Prevention of Tuberculosis has been waging a relentless war on tbe White Plague, and through the aale of Red Cross stamps tbey are doing much to alleviate the suffering of consumptives. Throughout the United States, moving picture theatre managera have granted the Red Cross Society tbe privilege of sailing stsmps in tbelr theatres during tbe time this film was on display. In Cincinnati, tbe Lob in Theatre, managed by Louis Jacobs, had the film on for two days, during which time the Red Cross nurse* sold thousands of stamps. Tbe film Itself la very good, and the company who posed for tbe picture was excellent. The dim waa released by Edison, and a synopsis sppears on another page of this edition- MUSICAL CATES ACCEPT CONN'S The Poor Musical Catea have been advertising to tbe effect that they are the finest saxophone artists on esrtb. sod bare Issued a challenge of $1,000 for all comers. An Eastern music paper refers to this challenge to a sarcaatlc manner, and offers to meet The Four Moatcal Cates with The Four Saxollan*. tbe Utter being considered by Conn better muslclana than tbe former. They agree to meet The Four Musical Catea at any place or time designated by the original chal- lengers. Tbe Poor Chtea have written The Bill- board accepting Mr. Conn's challenge, and agree Poor J" - to meet The In an Iowa, aow being sbont February I. the Sullivan A The management lotte, Mich... „ Jon Picture Theatre Is Destroyed Newark. N J., Her. 14 (Special to The Billboard).— A spark from g cigarette fall la a moving picture machine and lighted a 130,000 blase. Dec. 13, which Imperiled tbe live, of ISO residents of Nntlsy. Harry Stooe, of New Tork, tbe machine operator, waa badly homed about tbe hand*, and half a dosen women who were entrapped by the flames were esrrwd down Udders by firemen to safety. All that la left to-day of kfasonle Hall, at High street end Franklin avenue, where (be fire occurred. Is four brick walla. Tbs Interior of the building waa reduced ts ashes, and with it cosily paraphernalia of half a " In thla city fresh In their minds, ran to the window* and prepared to lean. These, with on* exception, were prevented from men In the audience. The •: Royal Langdon. wife Of * doing so by MOVING PICTURE THEATRE8. W. B. McCanna and H. B. Sands, of Neenah. Wis., have purchased from the Western Film Company, of Milwaukee, tb* Majestic Theatre. Appleton, Wla. Mr. afeCanna will he manager, and th* nam* of the theatre will be changed to afer*lfae. Theodore I.. Monaco bas Just purchased the Interest of hla partner, drone L. Sunder! In B!Sa»Sis a Boot. Theatre, merly rla. Tb* Palace la the name of a new motion pic- ture theatre opened In narrtsonborg. V*.. hi Messrs. Wm. 8ne*d and Perry Manila. The Cosmopolitan Theatre Company will erect in Baltimore a new motion picture thea- tre to cost about S40.000. T. O. Thomas b«« opened a motion picture theatre at 402 Main street. Mt. Carmel. 111. Licensed Alms are used. Cecil Mean' new Gem Theatre at Bljthevllle. Ark., haa been opened. Vaudeville and ple- tnres ts tb* policy. Tbe Alnn Theatre. Cadillac Mich.. Into the possession of 0. Lot* r Gnatav Von SeyfferHfg. one of Charles Froh man's play producers, haa Jnat returned from Europe, where be has been snpervUtng the selection and shipping of the costume, for The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Amusement Week in New York BERNHAR DT IN M ADAME X Noted Actress Impersonates Role of Degenerated Mother With An Exactness Unapproachable by American Stars. Newspapers Profuse in Complimenting Superb Acting New York. Dec 17 (Special to The Billboard.) — The moat important theatrical event of last week was the appearance of Sarah Bernhardt in LaFemme X. This play is being given at the Globe Theatre, and opened December 12. GLOBE THEATRE — LaFemme X. a play in four acts and a prologue, by Alexandre Bis- M TUB CAST. Jacqueline Mme. Sarah Bernhardt Fleortot M. Maxndlan Noel If. Danenbourg M- Lou Tellegan .. 1C Canroy .. M. Decoeur M. Contler Valmorin .. .. M. Duroxat Mertoel M. Laurent Le President Da Ttlbnnel M. Farieres Fontaine M. Plerat Victor .. SI. Coqoelet Un Greater M- Dieck TJn Halssler M. Rabens Row .. „ Mme.^BotU^nger wSSSt '•• '•• - .'.". M ^llme. 1I Duc The press was nna nl mons in its commenda- tion of Divine Sarah's interpretation. The World bad the following to say: Degradation that invades the heart and brain, that steepa the soul and lulls the still, small voice, that oozes ont at the pores in the physi- cal embodiment of complete abandonment — this Is LaFemme X, seen here as Madame X in Eng- lish — which Sarah Bernhardt presented last night at the Globe Theatre. The achievement of this fearful picture in all its repulsion was perhaps the greatest tribute to the French woman's marvelous genius that New York has yet seen. There was no travesty of make-up to add lines to that sodden face, none of the artifices which transform the char- acter of a countenance. It was the debased humanity that crept Into It. that, looked out at yon through the eyes, that leered at you in the conscious smile. Sarah was In truth LaFemme X. the woman of unknown quantity, the flotsam and Jetsam that drift by to the whirlpool. Her ascendancy In a play which aside from the one situation es it possible offers no entertainment Private Secretary Revived to The New York. Dec. 17 board). — William second week at the _ revival of The Private Secretary. It will be remembered that Mr. Gillette is the author of this farce, which he has played more than two thousand times. At the opening performance. December 12, a fashionable audience leagued long and heartily. Toe farce was capitally acted by the company now surrounding Mr. Gil- lette in the farewell revival of bis own plays. The Herald had this to say: "Although It has been years since Mr. Gillette has been It the title role, that he was Just the same In speech and action as when he was appearing In the play, which ran so long before being •farmed oof to stbck and repertoire compa- nies, who have done It from Red Bank, N. I., "Mr. Gillette as the Rev. Robert Spauldlm-. private secretary, was there with his 'worldly goods and chattels," his sandy wig and placid face. The audience gave him a great 'hand" wben be timidly entered the London lodging house, and from that time there was almost constant laughter when he was oo the stage. He flew in and out, dived ont of the window, bopped over chairs and sofas as lightly as ever. "Mr. William EUey Hatch as Mr. Cattermole. an Irascible, old ~ the query about fol In bis stormy was Douglas Catti the private secretary, tor and Josephine B Interesting pupils. "Mr. Charles H. Bradshaw was Sydney Gib- son, the tailor with social aspirations. Others who gave the atar excellent support Included Abbott: Mr. Cattermole . . Douglas Cattermole Mr. Maryland . ; - . . Harry Marslaod Mr. Sydney • Gibson Joan . . . . ■ William Gillette William Riley Hatch • . . . Clifford Bruce .. .. Frank Andrews Albert Parker Charles H. Bradahaw . George D. Hubbard Stewart Bobbins _ In the acute was wholly unsympathetic. But the veil which the woman convicted of murder wound about her head and drew over her con- vulsed features in the first moment of realiza- tion that her own son was defending ber as her lawyer is something no one could forget. Whether It fell back In ber I lawlessness or crept up to hide her trembling month, or waved In air when ber despairing cry for death echoes The Tribune said Mr. Gillette acted with much of his former vigor and charm. The Sun's critic believes that much of the comedy In The Private Secretary has lost its potency, bat concluded that revivals is New York especially, are always interesting. EGYPT IAN DA NCES Given by Ruth St. Denis Give Evidence of Long Study and Thoughtful Care — Balalaika Orchestra Accompaniment Enhances Beauty of Her Dances New York. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).— One of the most delightful entertain- ments of the season wss given by Miss Ruth St. Denis at the New Amsterdam Theatre, oo the afternoon of December 12. She appeared In dances symbolical of the ancieot religious customs of Egypt. The Russian Balalaika Or- chestra provided the music. She presented four numbers, supported by a company of fifty. The first waa The Prayer to the Nile Goda, 1 of of- LENA ASHWELL. cast upon the rising waters of the Nile- imboura. a dance typical of the Feast of Eternity, a memorial featlvlty given by the aristocracy during the early dynaatlea; Ttn Mystery of Isla. In which the goddess manifests herself aa Keith and Hatbor, and The Festival of Ra. In which ahe danced the Dance of r typlcai of the rise and fall i " Dance of Night, Indicative the Soul. Mlaa St. Denis gave evidence of thoughtful care in the preparation of her dances, which were elaborately and tastefully staged. Indi- vidually ber performance was successful In tb. compllsbed only by thorough understanding of what abe waa doing. And that conviction which appeared to be here waa transmitted to the audience with marked effectiveness. Miss St. Denia, lu ber desire to give color to her settings, however, employe numerous assist- ants, many of whom destroyed the very effect that she wished to produce. This was partic- ularly true In the banquet scene In The Feast of Eternity. There the dancing and the con- versation and the general effect was anything but old Egyptian. It waa only wben Miss St. Denis appeared upon the scene and all the others were quiet that the illusion was estab- lished and sustained. The Balalaika Orchestra again won for it- self the heartiest approbation. W. W. An- dreetr. the conductor, presented a varied pro- gram of Russian folk snags, both sentimental and comic, which in simplicity of theme and in artistic expression were a delight to the ear and the imagination. Perhaps his most success- ful number was the Song of the Boatmen of the Volga. Other delightful songs were M. Andre* ITS own Butterfly Valae. I Have Been Dancing With a Gnat, and Oh, My Garden! My Garden! The latter is supposed to be ad- dressed to the Bowers In a garden which bloom so soon under the tender care of the gardener, only to quickly fade and die. Ernest Trnax. of the Rebecca of 8unnybrook Farm Company, now playing at the Republic Theatre, married Julia Willi, formerly a hello girl, last Saturday, Dec IT. Lena Ashwell Reading New Play New York. Dee. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).— Lena Aabwell, the English actress, woo appeared here several years ago In The Shtilamlte. returned to New York December 11. upon the White Star liner, Arabic. She will appear In Liebler'e production of Judith Zaralne. a new play by C. M. S. MeLrlzln. She has given the play a number of readings, and is letter perfect in ber part. "It is sn exceptionally clever play." abe said. "I know of oo drama that I have found more Interesting. I fancy the part will suit me because it appeal! to me greatly. I am Indeed glad to get off the stormy Atlantic and back to peaceful and strenuous America. I am anxlona to appear again before American audiences, for I find a great pleasure In ap- pearing before them." Miss Aabwell asked the ship news reporters for news of the American atage. She wanted lo know about her friend. Mlaa Margaret An- glln. and the American players who bad ap- l>eared with her In Mrs. Dane's Defence. She " about William Vaughn Moody, the so- The Great Divide, and expressed ares' and sorrow to bear that be had died. Pinero in | Marie Tempest Lighter Vein in Becky Sharp New York. Dec 17 (Special to The Bill- board). — Sir Arthur Pinero has written a light comedy, entitled Persevering Mr. Panmnre, which Mr. Fronmin will produce at the Com- edy Theatre In January. It is several years since Sir Arthur wrote a light play. HEARD ON BROADWAY. New York. Dec 17 (Special to The Bill- hoard). — According to his custom. Chaoncey Olcott will not act during the week before Christmas, bat rest it his home in Saratoga. He will resume his tour In Barry of Ballymore. December 2A. William Faveraham bas engaged Martin Sa- bine for one of the leading parts Is his forth- coming production of The Finn, by Edward Knoblauch. Mr. Hahine appea r ed with Mar- garet Angtln in The Awakening of Helena A Complete list of attra etlom at New York Theatre, ap Mara on Pa E9 22. New York. Dee. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).- — The New Theatre announces tbat. fol- lowing Its policy of occasionally presenting playa in which atari may appear aa "gueat artiata," with the regular company, the direc- tors have Invited Mlaa Marie Tempest, the English acireaa, to play the role of Becky Sharp In a revival of Vanity Fair. Mlsa Tern- pest has accepted the Invitation. It la atated that the production will be made early In the new year. The other parta will he played by the regular members of the New Theatre Com- pany. Vanity Fair was written by Cosmo Gor- don-Lennox and Robert nirbena. and waa pre- sented In J/indon ten years ago, with MIm Tempest In I be aarae part which she will play •t the J».w Theatre. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA AND PAGLIACCI AT METROPOLI- TAN. New Tork. Sec. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).— For the third time this season Cay. alleria Rustlcana and Pagllaccl were snor^o ber ^"attracted "the'uinal "large* and respon- alve audience. Mr. Herman Jadlowker ap- peared for the flrat time thia season aa Tnr- rldu, and while he sang the mualc very wen. he wai neither magnetic nor sympathetic. Ml»a Florence Wlekham aang Lola acceptably, ano Mlaa Destlno falrlv outdid beraelf as Santoxaa. a part In which she la always dellgbtfnl. Mr. Caruso aroused much laughter by ^la^ tics on hie entrance In ilaccl, and aang aa ■ favorite role. Miss Belli Ing Nedda. Mr. Amato times after his fine singing of inch laughter by bis in- the donkey cart In rag- iplcndldly aa ever tble 11a Alien wai a charra- ito wai reeilted msnj (Special to The Bltl- .nd Jnlla Marlowe en- New York. Dec. 17 t>o»r<1). — IS. A. Sot hero tred npon their second week December 12. Im their Shakespearean repertoire. The per- romance of Aa Too Uke It waa aa a whole about the best la the repertoire of ' stirs. Other well-known Shaken »dl»», faelodlag flaml New Tork. Dee. 17 (Special «o The Bill- board). — Charles Emerson Oookc. for asnag years general press! representative for P> van Belasco. haa rejoined that manager's staff to •ct is bnilneai manager of the David War- field Company. Since hi. v stiff > year ■!>». -- " late he haa been a I from Mr. Belasco's baa been making atar* e hai been a meml*r DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 13 t«£ IAMBS' or MDTTMW 14 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. I □LLC TOWN A M U S EM ALBANY, N. Y. •ring the engagement of the New Theatre l 5* *"* <* Laughter any amount or advertising. Tbe Virginia, the new moving nicinre and vaudeville tbeatre. erected by August a Busch. opened last week with aa elaborate ceremony. The tbeatre haa a seating capacity of 1.000, and Is one of tbe most elaloratel, equipped buildings In tbe city. H. M. Schmlti is the manager. Beginning next week the vaudeville bills at tbe Princess Tbeatre will commence on Sua- day Instead of Monday aa heretofore. The «s announced by wire from New Tork SmTor»,rbei*IcMr his control for tbe Princes, here. Madame Sherry will open here at the pic Tbeatre. Christmas day. for a two stay. It is tbe first trip to this city _ received much advertising here for s year. The original company comes with It. Announcement la made that an International exposition of Inventions to demonstrate and promote patented machines, appliances and de- vices of merit, will be held la the Coliseum, here, on April 10, and ran for a week. It will be tbe first ex position of Its In America, and wfll Pavlowa and Mr. Mordkin. dancers, played a return date here on Dec 10. at the Odeon Tbeatre and almost duplicated tbe business oboe at their former visit this season. The price of admission waa from J- down. Tbe Palace Opera House Company, direct from Chicago, and nnder the direction of Samuel L. Wetnsteln. played one performance here Dec 11 at the Shnnert Tbeatre. to big business. This office haa aa Inquiry for the whereabouts of Miss Itrena Msck, and Information addressed WILL J. FARLEY. SEATTLE, WASH. Theatrical business was rather quiet In Se- attle tbe week of December 5. as the Moore and the Grand have been dark with the ex- ception of Ellen Terry's dramatic recital at the Moore December 7. which packed this theatre to overflowing. For evenings of December 3 sad 0 tbe Grand presented some motion pictures by B. B. Dobba. the Arctic explorer. Tbe pictures tbe trail, were an aye-opener to those who da not understand the hardships of the North. The polar bear bant and tbe film showing the herds or thousands and thousands of walrus, and tbe roll which depicted tbe lee churning through Bering Straits, gave the audience an under, stsndtng of the Immensity of tbe "great white silence." Native dances, mining, trading and films depleting every phase of life In Alaska also were thrown oa the canvas. These pie- tores will be nary interesting to the many east- ern people who bare not bad tbe pleasure of peeing these sights for themselves. The funeral or CoL B. 8. Harrison, publisher and editor of tbe Alaska-Yukon magaxlne, was beld In Seattle December 8. Fined with a booyant ambition to become • second KuhlUk or Saraaatr. young Robert Vel- ton. violinist, thirteen years old. son or Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Velton. of this city, left December T. for Boston, to continue bis studies under Henry Wltek. of Berlin, the newly appointed coneertmeiater or the Boston Symphony Orches- tra. Tbe Seattle Frees Club presented their first •Woitrs" at the Alhambra Theatre. December 8-9. to two capacity houses, resulting In s nice snag sum towards their building fund. Boor day in the near future they expect to haves borne or their own. In addition to a number of amateor stunts. Tracy and Carter. Waltoa and Merrill. The Temple Quartet. Helen Lowe and the Misses Olga England and Minerva Joes- son, loaned by the different vaudeville *■- made op an evening of splendid LEU A. - That peculiar Indisposition known aa a cold, amounted almost to a contagion amongst the actors in Toronto laat week. In every com pany from five to fifteen were suffering severely tna tbe trouble. or the Maude Adams engagement at the Princess last week were estimated st Manager Thomas Henry, of tbe Gayety left town last week to attend the funeral of nil mother In Philadelphia. Mr. William Calger, who successfully man- aged the tour of Mme. Melba. under njesjj Shlpman, lesvea In a few days to act with Mr. Bblpman in the tour of Mme. Nordics. P n saw sous s JOSEPH O1MS0N. BIRMI NGHA M, ALA Visitors at tbe Birmingham Billboard office. 180.H4 Third avenue this week were aa follows: Charles Hott, Lola and Laird. Billy '""tS - Harry Crawford. Irene Shallcross. Jesse T. Mc_ Ron/. Laurence Darrill. tbe Le Perrea. p" f *** Le Gere. Merkel Sisters and mother. Hicks ano nicks, Henry L. Brown. B. A. London, r. w. Fuller. T. tl Fsrrell. L. D. Vlck. E. T. .Alex ander. Billy La Celle. W. H. Alexander. Jlmtnie Ttirkrr and Mrs. p. L. 8 ha tits. Miss Bessie Abott. the grind opera linger, on Dec. 12. assisted the Isdlea of Birmingham u DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 15 news| =4TnT= | brief I SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The Empr*** Theatre waa thrown open to the public Dee. 4. and the first performance opened at 2:30 P. II. to ■ turn-sway house. Sot only were the 1,700 eeeta occupied bat ful- ly four bandred people were satisfied to stand. On the appearance of Nick Brown, the weU- gnown musical director, he wee greeted with applause and during the OTcrtnre of Star Spangled Banner, which opened the show, the entire audience rone and stood np until the goal strata*, ranged and that always Over Arty large floral pieces were presented to the management and a flash light photo of tbe audience was taken. In the ermine tw< shows were given to packed houses. The staff of this house la Bid Or* am an. manager. Geo Borer, publicity - musical director. Tbe Orpbeorn lost the ... railed ticket scalpers, which Included seeeral saloon men. hotel keepers and dear store keen- en, who do builneaa In the vicinity of tbe Or pbrum. In the test case of Billy Bice, who rood nets s saloon dose by. Police Judge Well, held that the law did not apply and directed tbe dismissal of the access Oca. Tbe Judge elalme the ordinance was framed to reach eases of dealers who made a business of ticket acalplnr and did not apply to one who sold only n few rickets for the sole accommodation of patrons to his other Imalnisja whatever that might be. Coder tbe law, be stated, it would be lmpos •tb'.e to conrlet unless It could be shown thst the accused person sold numerous tickets on certain dates and thst he made a regular botlneaa of such practise. Hiss Beatrla Michel ena Mlddleton. who re- cently resigned from the Max Dili Comnany. Joined The Kissing Girt Company and will be started. She opened at the Savoy. Miss Lillian Bussell waa the honored guests at the^jtnks a J m( ^ r f Jt™j£ gl^rrsndsc^Press Clob for the past ten year*. Among those present was Miss Dorothy Russell. Theodore kitchen. De Wolf Hopper and James C. Mars, raw* sristor. A golden key to the club room. engraved, was presented to Miss at the conclusion of a midnight lunch. A program of Press Club talent enlivened tbe rrenlng. A big attendance and a big program was tt the Premiere Theatre. Friday afternoon. Dec. 2. tbe occasion being' the benefit of the S. F. " two acU were offered. Katberlne MUey. who U on a Tldt here, has Mr. and Mrs.* Hugh Emmett an bark home. Uat week they were the real hit at the Chute. Theatre. Last week we had three ventriloquists play- ing at three different TaodeetTle theatres, and all rleeee pel fm met a. Herr Richard N.draare waa at the Orpheum. Cann on the Empress bill, and Hugh Emmett at the Chutes Theatre. Work on the American Masle Han continues eery slowly of late. Market street Is to hare two more moving picture theatres, one between Third and Fourth ■treeta. *nd the other between Fifth and Sixth Kelly the priesthood him while a ibla. 8a Toy and Garrick all com of exceedingly dnll business Isst week. NEW HAVEN, CONN. new play. Drifting, opened t week. Mr. Gibson was bra re In a sense to open another new play here as It was In New Haven Just s year ago thst tbe pro- duction of Tbe Turning Point, waa given to an audience that crowded tbe Hyperion to Its doors, an audience that thought tbe play wonderful and brilliant to a degree until Lesley Mason, a col- legs stripling, came oat In the New York World lbs next day with an expose of Mr. Gibson's method of twisting and turning the brilliant epigrams gleaned from several of Oscar WDde'e cleverest comedies to fit the uses of bis own piece. Bat Mr. Gibson has a following In New Ba- ven. He la a graduate of the University and »a» one of the athletic heroes of hla time. And Tale men are bound to give him a wel- come no matter whose eplsrama be selects to hand oat to them. Tbe New Haven smart •et also take* a passing Interest la this yoong Playwright's ambitious efforts. Vet It to sn III wind thst blows nobody some pod and that Lesley Mason, a teolor at Tale, .t the time a student absolutely un- known outside of bis own smslt Ale and rank should have occupied aa Inconspicuous seat In the gallery of the theatre that night and " have disco re red that nearly every brll- llne In tbe piece was the twisted or at product or the late Oscar Wilde. ■ lorn for Mr. Gib*™, a _ .her PP ln'"'thla jfZkxT if sprung Into Immediate prominence with •11 the metropolitan managers one of whom made him an offer before he graduated last ." 0 . ,, -_ A, iwesent he Is In the employ of rre werle Thompson. „, T *"Wcal folks fsr and wide will learn ?■ death of Boh Kelly, of New Haven, with "epest Mr> Kelly waa one of tbe nest known property men In that country. For jaore than a quarter of a century he had held that position at tbe Hyperion. Theatre in New Haven and could count among hla friends some the moat famous actors on toe stsge for 2 P*"t 28 years. Henry Irving. Job Jeffer- son. Mansfield. Clara Morris. Pete Daly and 'berleaa old-timers knew him well and con- red him one of the most capable men In end' i" fJatber" all classes. Hla e. He studied fo- besxlng not failed be might . have become famous In that profession rather than the one be finally adopted. Mr. Kelly's death was sadden and specially ssd aa he was hard at work collecting proper ties for . the production at the Hyperion of Jimmy Valentine when stricken. The doc tor* pronounced It heart disease. Mrs. Kate Vermllye. the writer whose play Mrs. Dakota, produced here a year ago. 1« spending the winter at the bungalow of Ella Wheeler Wilcox, who. with her husband la In India for the winter. tt la aald that Mrs. Vermllye la at work on a new play thst has been ordered on appro- val by one of the best known New York mana- JEAN PA OM AHA. NEB. The American Mnsle Hall, of this city, recent- ly under the management of the Wlllam Mor- ris company, will reopen on New Year's Day under the name of American, but aa a Sullivan and Conaldlne theatre, at 10. 20. 30c admission. The American has been leased by D. Jsck Bondy. a Minneapolis theatrical man. who will book the shows or the S. * C. Circuit. There will be three performance* a day— one at 2:15. one at 7:43 and one at 9:30. "The lease of the William Morris Company has been can- celed, and I hare taken the house for fourteen tre. Business Is reported good from the different Him exchangee located here. - The routine of Sella- Floto Shows wintering here Is now down to a fine point, and everything moving along nicely. The animal, are getting accustomed to their surroundings, and the large crowds that journey out there every Sunday are an Indication that the people are Interested In the wintering of a circa*. The Tabor Grand Is a popular- price boose, but many high price shows come to the Tabor- — shows that elsewhere command high prices. Here's wishing tbe thes tree— the show folks a prosperous JULIAN 1 VANCOUVER, B. C. Mr. William Faversham. tbe noted English actor, has decided to make Vancouver hla home. He haa purchased a Due piece of property at Point Gray, and the contract for the building has been let. Mr. Faversham will move his family from England, and direct all his bus! nees from here. He expect* to return here about June I. Mr. Faversham la also at the head of an English syndicate that la investing besvlly In Vancouver ret ' PRINCESS THEATRE, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. On Monday. Dec. 5. the city council's spe- cial committee considered the proposed theatre ordinance introduced over a year ago by Alder- man, A. W. Mover, and It Is stated that «f- orts will be made to bare this ordinance paaaed. before the newly-elected council takes charge. The ordinance aa submitted fixes the blame and responsibility for the presentation of Immoral, lewd and Indecent performances and exhibi- tions upon the agents managers and owners of, may be Stock will hold forth for two week* at the Southern Theatre, managed by W. A. Kelly at Seven Corners. Beginning lsst Sunday after- noon Dec. ISth. the Southern Stock Comp, perseded the Pantage* and Edw. J. vaudeville hitherto playing thla boast present four plays changing bill day, Dec. 22. Sunday Dec. 25, and Dec. 29th. At the end of thla period the Soutl era will again return to vaudeville at popular prices aa before. On Saturday afternoon. Dec. 24. Manager Kelly baa arranged to have a apo- dal Christmas celebration for the children. A large and beautiful Christmas tree will be a feature and every child attending will re- ceive a present and a bag of candy. The Princess Theatre. In East Minneapolis, which np to this week hss been offering popu- lar-priced vaudeville, has discontinued this pol- icy and win be operated la the high-das* motion picture theatre. Hitchcock remains ss manager. On Friday. Dec- 23. Minneapolis Lodge. So. 44. B. P. 0. E., will act a* Santa Clans to all poor children In thla city, both the Inmate* of the various asylums and also those whose names are banded In by organisations devoted to char- ity. Manager Theo. L. Hay*, of the BIJoo Opera House, hss donsted tbe services of his theatre In accordance with hla yearly custom, and will also act as chairman of the committee overseeing the entertslnmeot. The affair will be held In the BIJoo on Friday afternoon, and wtU include a vaudeville entertainment, and an enotmoua Christmas tree, with presents, fruits, candies and nnt* for the little ones, and a most realistic Santa Clans who will a to the tota In the mystic glow of the mechanical lights and effects of the (Continued on page 38.) This bouse is managed by J. Frank Head, and play* vaudeville acts. year*," say* Mr. Bondy, who arrived in the city Saturday. "1 intend to move here ana give tbe American Theatre my whole time.** No one Is now connected with the American who ttt any way was connected with It under tbe Mor- ris management. The Sullivan and Coosldlne Circuit once before Included Omaha In their The Woodward Stock Company deserves un- stinted credit for the artistic staging given their plays. The Gayety has the whole town at Its feet. There are aome vacant seats In this house, but Ibis occurs about as often aa a tip from Hetty- Green. Pavlowa and M ordain, with their Russian Dancer*, drew one of recorded In the city** Impression in At Cosy C ady. to aa Miss Girl. the reading li and very well Used, "Doe" Breed, manager of the Krug, was host to t score of Western Union messenger boy* re- cently, at tbe performance of Happy Hooligan. The kids occupied the lower boxes on this oc- casion, and Happy performed hl*_hest, to (he newsboy* to ■ time. EL J. ROOT. The civic finance committee refused to grant a license for the proposed a tre. to be erected on tween Carrall and Abbott. Those three boys, Vardoo. Perry ■cored a big alt at the Orpheum Theatre re- cently. One of their songs. Dream of the TJ. 8. A., they changed to the Dream or tbe Union Jack, and It certainly went big with the audience. It la very seldom that acts having songs of a distinct American flavor do such a thing, thst the audiences certainly appreciated tbe efforta of Those Three Boy*. At the last meeting of T. M. A. Lodge No. 34. the following were elected to membership: Mlas Dot Hall. J. Sutherland and A. Tom It a. Tom J. Mack and His Musical Maid* com- it at the Grand J. M. Mclean. DENVER. COLO. Denver, a city of 213.000 people, to say noth- — T of adjoining sobarhs. not under ehsrter of - for show lent that th We receive special anno great French tragedienne. Mme. Sarah Bern- hardt, will Include Denver In her Itinerary. All local houses are reaping a holiday harvest. The annual poultry show of Eaatertt Colo., will be held In Denver Ian. 18 to 31. All picture show* are doing nicely as the holiday crowds running shoot drop In for a The Denver theatre* have Inaugurated a sys- KANSA 8 CIT Y. MO. The Kansas City Press Clob Is to hare It* first benefit, and alnee It to a new organisa- tion. It will be decided then whether It will be an annual affair. Th* benefit I* to he the night of December 19. at the Willis Wood Theatre, and the Climax Company will be the attraction. The entire house belong* to the Press Club, and as each member took a big block of seats and the aalea reports are very good, doubtless the Willis Wood wtU be crowded to capacity by those Interested In the Press Club and their friend*. A* this will be so "amateur affair," those that attend will both benefit the Preen Clob and benefit themselves. Tare* member* of the Jolly Bachelors Com- pany, which closed a week and a hairs en- gagement at the Shnbert Theatre, December T. were taken to the Penn Valley Hospital, all suffering from severe colds. The afflicted members are Lacy Weston, tbe comedienne: Al. Leach and Mrs. AL Leach. The Jolly Bachelor* Company rested her* the letter half of the week of December 4. and so the illness of the principals did not give any understudies the desired chance, bat did give the principals long enough time to rest and recover before starting en tour. Mr. Lawrence Lehman, manager of tbe new Auditorium Stock Company at the Auditorium theatre, hss given It oat that next year, the stock company will put on some very delightful TO LEDO . O. Bernard Gardner Is trying ont all hi* latest publications of mnsle in the Sunbeam before bending them to the mnsle publisher*. If they meet with ss much appreciation and success with toe public a* they did here they win he W The T *Hearts Theatre la piling them In with all the late .ketches that appear In I ji J They undertook the School Days show last week snd did so well thst all the theatregoers have aaked It to he repeated. The American theatre will have attractions after the first of the coo,.-. Joe Peters has th* He. the shirt, the banjo. Great act, Lydell and Vaughn, late of tbe Theatre, have left for a ten weeks* on tbe coaat. Mr. Lydell will look over ranch In the section before going Into re- h 'The* I m.ny friend, of Frank Holme, the genial derk at the Wayne Hotel, will regret to heir of hi. death, which occurred last week. W L. Martin, the hustling sdvsnce or The Red Mm Company, that I* mod to appear at the Lyceum, waa la toe city with all the advance matter tor the ^coming of the said company. Martin learned theWalter Moore- arm trick and waa most s ut ci ss fnl. Manager Borrow*, of Dayton, p.. baa hlmneit Charlie Schafer. the local hox^Oee man. has taken charge of the Emptre_Tbeatre. Boor, Bippoa. the former treasurer, will conduct tne publicity end of the bouse, owing to tne re- tirement of Johnny Sullivan, who will go on the road again. Business waa quit* at the Shobert's house. In Louisville. Ky.. last week, sod Geo. Sensrer. tbe former treasurer of the said aWS*. aai vas— city, came home for a few day* to say neuo to hla many friends. Ike WaB. with all his ores, .torlea. tm Pltt.borg. Mr. Sid. Wire El ■**•»,<■» and with hla hammer and the MttfcKtff the stage before the sodleuce^ la making «■«*» jm sit np and take notice. Try and get Ike a pic- ture, not on aale In the ball of fame. Otto Kroger, late of the Paycen Stock has Joined out to the Aodltorlnm Tbe- tre Stock end bss a atrong part In The Soldier of For- tune. The steel pillar, for tbe new Kleth Theatre are arriving rapldlv and the little White War of thla town la tied on with traffic. No time seems Is being lost and tbe opening of the big vaudeville house wlU occur ss soon ss the bonding can be finished. The stsge bands' local did have some last week and the treasorer has a big > for the savings department of the organ' Other dances thst are to occur at th* — Hall in the near future are the treasurers, oa Jan. 5. E 3. Channel, at one time performer and all around In theatricals met In tbe_ Oyster Bay Green Boom last week. Peter he has i int. A oomplat* list of attraetione ap- pearing in th* cities mentioned on thi* page is given in the cUpart- I beginning on pago 18. 16 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1810. Theatrical and Amusement Week in Paris MONTMA RTRE A SUCCESS New Production Written by Novice Finds Instant Favor With Critics — Mile. Polaire, the Famous Apache Dancer, has Leading Role Btondmle 1* a brand newcomer In the Id of dramatic authorship, but It seems to the consensus of opinion that be baa a fa- rare. His play In f oar acta. Montmartre. aa produced tbla week at tbe Vaudeville, while not altogether a maaterplece, was well received, and though tbe "loog-bslred critic*" picked flaws In Its structure here and there, they admit that It la entertaining, and on tbe wbole fairly worth the price charged to tee It Paris weren't all tenderloin) section, the ren- dezvous for Bohemians, or would-be Bohemians, would-be musicians and near poets, painters and what not. And, of course, women who — watch and pray. The Brat act of Montmartre abowa tbe garden of the Moulin House. Mart e-Cla Ire (played by BtUe. Polaire). a babltnee of tbe "mill," falls In tore wltb a typical struggling Montmartre , and the musician, full of the hope . decides to marry her and take her oat stamping ground ot painted ladles and —sice; why not any ItT Act II. shows the home ot Pierre Msrechsl. tbe musician, and his wife. It la a email lit- tle, sad little, ordinary little borne, and Marie Claire la already beginning to tire of tbe tame sort of life she Is living. Friends of hers, friends who "bang ont" at tbe Montmartre cabarets and concert halls, call In to tell ber the news. Homesick for ber old life, Msrle Claire can't resist tbe call any looger. In spite or Pierre's supplications. In spite also of the news Just received by Pierre that bis accepted by the Ljrtque. she tells htm aba is going back to ber old haunt., that she doesn't care for art and mnslc. that she Isn't Intelligent, original or any thing: all she thinks about Is the life of tbe cabaret. Good-night! Act III. Place— Ostende. Pierre Marecbal la there to produce hla work, for Pierre 1* no longer the struggling musician, bat the rich and successful composer. He meets up wltb Marie Claire and learns that a be la the "friend" of a millionaire, and that together they are aeetng Ostende. They talk over old times, sod in the end Msrle Clslre tosses over the million- sire and rushes away wltb Pierre. She ever, tesrs a pearl necklace from her throat and flings It back to tbe millionaire rrlend who gave It to ber, tbe string breaking and causing s ■bower of pearls over tbe stage. Aet IT. Once sgaln we are back at tbe Moulin Rouge, Montmartre Pierre la doing the rounds of his old banots in a snlrit of adven- ture. For be Is aad. perhaps bitter, snd any- way a cynic. Marie Claire hss deserted him again. The lore of tbe scarlet glare has been too mncb for ber, and back to them abe has gone. Pierre and Marie Claire meet again, hers where they drat met. Tbe one Is sadder ra be atari ed out to do the very beginning. The other . and seversl rounds nearer the bottom or the slide which sbe had really never quitted —with both rest. And abe looks older. This la at act It the beat of "" one ot Donnay. wltb tions. bitterness, mlgbt have beens.' Loots Oantbler plays opposite Mile. Polaire, and la very good Indeed In tbe part. Jean Dax U the millionaire lovee of Marie Claire. Mmea. Dherblsy. Plernold and Farna, are praiseworthy, aa are MM. Brousse snd Lerand. In Le Dllemme is remindful of the Grand Guig- nol, snd save for a more literary finish to It, recalls to mind Soger La Home. Henri Dor- meoll. after a violent quarrel wltb bis ancle, from whom be la to Inherit a, large sum of money, quits tbe bouse and spends tbe night away from home. The uncle la found mur- dered the next morning, and Henri la arrested. He really was st the bouse of his fiancee, and by making tbla public be could secure bis re- lease. But be refuses. SHAKESP EARE I N OPERA Macbeth .Furnishes Argument for New Opera Which Has First Performance at Opera Comique— Franz Lehar Writes New Opera, The Robber's Daughter Paris has hsd little new In tbe wsy of mu- sic In s long time until this week. At tbe Op- en Comique. Macbeth wss produced for tbe flrsl time, book by Edmond Fief, mnslc by Ernest Block. There sre three sets snd seven scenes. Act I.— Scene 1— Shows Macbeth hesitating to kill the good king. Lady Macbeth determines him to the deed, however, causing blm to bsnish bis scruples. Scene 2— Macbeth kills tbe king, while Lady Macbeth awaits blm, nnessy. In sn sgony of Tesr. Macbeth returns. "Macbeth la the millionaire HLhSS Lacrolx. Baron, their respective t Is that major portion of tbe new bill at the Theatre des Arts. Le Caraaval dea Eo- fsnts (which needs no translation) Is s three- set piece by Saint-George ds Bouheller. snd wss produced this week. The mother lies dying. Two sisters (whom ■be bsd not seen for ten years because she hsd fled from home) wsteb by ber side, snd srs hard-hearted enough to tell the dying woman's two children, one a mere child, and tbe other a girl or sixteen engaged to a boy or twenty, of the erring ways or tbe mother's esrly life. The mother confesses to tbe elder child, woo recoil, from her. She dies nnforgiven In spite of the years or tender devotion she bsd glnut her offspring, years of tbe purest living. The boy lover returns to bis child sweetheart, after at first fleeing from ber In shame wben he hears tbe truth. Together they lssve the room of the deed to Join In tbe carnival fan which la going on Joat ontglde tbe windows. And In *that , of V t 1 hi°dead e "th* tbe d room » d J» ln - £l a r mb ' ia °'- The author of tbla play— a great tragedy It would be ir a few unimportant scenes were elim- inated— waa a poetic prophet at seventeen and Bid a following. Since that time he has been likened to Balzac. Verlalne. Heritor and even Shakespeare- Tbe latest plsy from his pen doesn't qnsllfy exsctly for such sn honor, but It can at least be ssld that be baa written a curious plsy fur tbe Theatre des Arts, snd one which comes near, at least, being mighty good. Le Slcillen. one or Mollere's delicious farces, ends the bill, putting tbe audience In a bit lighter frame of mind, especially as Lulll'e Theatre Mollere this week Inaugurated a doable Mil. two three- act plays, Le Dllemme Dilemma) and La Bonne Baison (Tbe ), the first by Mme. Adrleme Cam- BLANCHE TOUTAIN, 8° 9 bsod ss The Merry Widow, Fra Tbe story ss I base had It told ma at the Apollo Theatre runs ss follows: The Princess Son's father, the king, dials pear*. In reality be goes to the aratutaS. snd becomes the fsmons bandit chief. Hadll bis confreres of tbe British nsvy. that ha eta capture tbe brigand chief alone. But the sattrs party, among whom la the princess herself. Is captured by the terrible robber and '-■ ransom. Tbe American officer offers all hla fortune If tbe chief win spsrs grin cess even, bat discovering tbe girl to Is daughter the brigand lets all go free. In tbe hut act tbe princess Is reunited srlfa her father, en route to America, but ska wtO never know who the brigand realty la, thanks to her lover, the American csptstn. Perbsps tbe story la not exactly as I ksvt related it here, aa it comas second-handed ts me. But In tbe main. I think, it Is secants enough. At tbe Theatre Costa nil at Room, where the operetta was^ | — * QUA NO GU10NOL. There are five new pieces on the program al the Grand Ooignol which had a thorough hones One of the fsvorltes of tbe At tbe last moment. In order to as re ber lover, the girl In the case confesses, completely exonerating Henri from the crime of killing bis uncle. She thereupon commits sntelde. At this Inatant an officer announces the arrest ot tbe reel murderer. It la a sort of Borneo end Juliet useless sacrifice finish, for the curtain falls on this scene. Tbe plsy Is well Inter- preted by MM. Almette. Poncet, Durand and Mmea. Cnanore and Beaoval. La Bonne Salson thst Is to aay. find that after tbelr honeymoon do not care a great deal for one another. An old pbysiclsn sends the one to Evlnn snd the other to Alx. Hoshsnd snd wife meet sgsln st — TrouTllle, the Atlantic City-Newport comblns tlon of France. They meet In a restaurant, and what la more to the point. SHE Is wltb s flirt or a very pronounced type, while HE is keeping company with a "lady friend," also somewhat pronounced in ber ways. There's a row and tbe green-eyed mounter cornea In to prove to each one that tbey really loved each other after all. Tbe same players, plus Mmea. Dares Fersne, I and M. D artier, plsy the comedy well. BUU DCIOTU. I son la on altogether happier. Jollier lines. A young couple tbelr bone/moon Is over tbey The costumes for Cnsntecler are flnlahed. and tbla week were ablpped to America. Tbe cos- tume wblcb Miss Maude Adams will Cbantecler cost *300. aa did tbat of There were almoat tomes In all. and were made by tbe aame cos- - tbe Port Halut Martin com- etc. Day breaks and the doth murder drunken guard era the crime. Act II.— Scene 1— Macbeth Is king, snd sees the ghost of Bsnquo. Wild, be brandishes bis dagger. Tbe symphonic Interlude here la tre mendonaly riotous, sad tbe effect la Scene 2 shows s wood. Macduff Is belh. His fsmlly Is masaacred. people cry tor vengeance. _ Act III.— Scene 1— Macbeth Is shown aa hav- ing conquered bla remorse. The witches tell him be shall not be conquered until be sees the a is tre- splendld. 2«S wood coming to meet bl betb st bis csatle. the Scene 2 snows Msc- ■et In the d lata nee. Lsdy Msebetb's great remorse scene. The for. eat la announced aa moving toward tbe castle. There la a prologue which I forgot to apeak of In tbe proper place, showing lbs sorceress telling the fortune of Macbeth. "You will be king.'* Tbe acting aa well aa tba alnglng. Is splendid, snd the first night wss a real ova- tion. Albers singe the role of Macbeth snd Mme. Lurlenne Rreval. one of the sjreateit of French singers. Is Lady Macbeth. There were five recalls after the Isst act, three after tbe Brat, many after tbe second. NEW OPERETTA. Of COUrSS America Will see this. France will do the like, probsbly toward tbe end of this n; certainly at the beginning of the next. cleaning and reopening tola wsek. Ss torn In la the title at the opening piece. It tells tbe story of a man who discovers after a long time that Ms wife has s child living. It Is by Edouard Thorns — tbe play. I mean, un- pen d'Ideal (A Little of tbe Ideal) is by rjrbabj OothJer. A burglar persuades the wife of a maglatratr that be la worth more than a ssa- ator any old time, even one wltb tbe el becoming a minister some day. Three are responsible for Sabotage (Property Wreck- ing by Strikers), one of tbe besdllners on fas bllL They are named Hellem, Valero* ass] d'Eatoc. Tbe child of ■ worklogman has fas croup. It la night. The physicians find that the child will die unless tbey operate, cutting s plsce In tbe throat and Inserting a tabs far breathing. In the midst of the operation fas electric Tight falls. Tbe baby dies. The father baa gone on strike, and It waa bs who persuades the others to cot tbe electric light wires, thai rectly m ordering bla own baby. Tbla is fas kind of piece the Grand Onlgnol lutes. Condolences la tbe nam* of s fares by Paul Arosa, which follows this piece. It le stars!) csrlcstures the defile of friends before fas csaket or one Inst dead. This ts followed by another ••terror" piece, snd tbe "Prince ef Terror" himself, Andre de Lordr, la lbs anther of It. Figures de Ctre (Wax Faces) Is the title. A bunch of young people see celsbrstlaf at the Montmartre tete. sad one or the nambst accept* a bet to pass the night In a wax-wafts museum where famous crimes srs rccooatltatse In the most lire-like way. Utile by little fear steels over blm snd tesr Increases to terror sa tbe midnight hours go by. Suddenly bt sees ons of the figures move, the figure of s woman, snd In sheer fright be drops deed. Ths Ogars Is just s young girl who hsd come In oat el the wet by s side door which hsd been left ma- faatened. There la quite a thrill la thla piece, yet tbe man who drops dead do esn 't utter s cry. Le Pbsrmsclan la the till ender. and Is s fires. It tellt of a pharmacist who glret morphia* b and aunoa dies from the ef plars ot blsmnth. fee ta or tbe scare be Beta. The patient take tbe morphine and tbe pbenneclsn Is Bncb 1* tbe new program at no], tbe terror playhouse. HAROLD BAUEB. On* of the lateat ru^, 0 so C ^eT, r 'k*no,rin b A, Sonata I or! tea. MOTION PICTURES. atf*,. ■bowing tbs^eV Grand. Armee. ^ The American Blogrspb 1* running tba Jet r lea-Job neon fight pictures at their theatra ■ the Roe Tattboot. Tbey sandwich In ths •**• formencea. between others, at I0:S0 A. 6:30 P. M.. and 10:30 at night. 8p*clal ptk*», beginning at two trance (40 cents) sre charges for admission. The rial! of the Second Division of the American fleet st Cherbourg bss furnished tas •object for some qolte Interesting pictures. Tb» Tinting Jackie a themselves help fill the bonsss- ♦ The Olympla la meeting with • big wltb Ita afternoon sessions of mottr- BOLLER SKATING. Jess* Carey, the American racer. Frenchmen this week at tbe Rue Rink, and defeated both men easily, Jules Chevreau and Marcel Mellssssgns MISS Adelaide l>' Voras. the ClSVelsnd champion of tbe little wheel*. Is gplj tremendous bit at the American Blnk. ■«• Dldler. She rsces at sight and at matins** Jlees^sgen^d exhibition* of dancing. She I* •» At least two Americans will be «j_ths Mf twenty-four-hour race, to be polled off st tsa Vol d'HIy Roller Rink here. 0^*?°"JiS' Tbey sre Jesse Csrey and Camilla de Vauorsy- (Continued on page **.) DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 17 Burlesque and Burlesquers SPOKES I N THE WHEELS Comment and Criticism on Eastern and Western Compa- nies — Personal Paragraphs Pertaining to Promoters, Principals: and Ponies By 8YDNEY WIRE. In ■ recent article In The Billboard on tba subject of New York'* Overproductlvlty. tbe writer paid a very pretty, although obviously tra*. compliment to burlesque. Inaamncb as he. In tbe coorae of hie remark!, stated that "bur- lesqoe looka to t» a farorlte." Tbe writer nye (bat dirty theatricals are orar with, and that material cbaogea an being wrought In tba tbe etrlcal situation. Be prophesies tbe return or eisdevllle — the modification and reiurrettlon ot melodrama. Big changea in vaudeville mathods. the wane of tba aanl-lmmora] farce coined j of to-day. and the rise of tbe light musical re- rue and extrivigiuxt, stating la tba course of bis logical tynoptli of tha sltoatlon. "that burlesque looks to be tbe farorlte. •■ Burlesque la. and has for a long time past, been tbe populir favorite of the fsosrsl theatre- gorr all orer tbe country, and a brief glance st the sltoatlon la all enmclent to convince the akeptleal as to the true condition ot af- fairs. Imagine nearly s haadred shows di- vided Into two wheels, playing a consecntlre •ataaon of from forty to forty-four weeks, mak- ing all week stsnds, sad playing the pick of tbe larger cities only. In a number of tbeae towns two ah ows are pitying st one time. In direct opposition to esch other, sad still are showing to .phenomenal Dullness. When tbe . C, la baring aplendld business, fl'rle from Hippyland. which waa the at- trtction last week, did exceedingly well. Mlckle O'Brien, well knows under another otme In bnrlesqne circles, hit been tuning on tbe oae-algbt stsnds. She Is at present with of' be* PoTacV^cw'roeT^howt.* MIckTe "TIT itii with regret tb* I chronicle the detth -\ Ployd Turner, for lereral seasons tttlatant advertising stent st the Stir. Brooklyn. Floyd w.. better known sa "Shorty." and waa well liked by all who knew blm. Bla death took place at the Homeopathic Hospital at Pitts- burg, from tube rewinds, which developed from ■ cold rsught while on a Barnnm • Bailey ad- ranee car during the latter part of this eea- Tbt Apollo, at Wheeling, i. making all kinds of efforta to aecure burlesque attractlooa tor tbst house, to fact, several shows hire been hastily thrown together especially to play this house. Needleaa to ear, moat of three •bowe tie of mediocre quality, tad tn fsr rrom sn honor to tbst branch of amusement •mown aa bnrlesqne. It It to be regretted that msnigrrt should encourage the existence of aborts of this description, aa the one-nlaht •tend manager who hti got n enow haa dim- MUM enough without hiring to suffer for tbe bad reputation left by "ng shop" attractions which bars preceded than,. Fred Oreen, ahead of Harry Wllllama' one- elthter. the title of which baa been changed ao often that It 1s hard to tske sny chances by giving the show s nsroe. renorts excellent bust- neat tarongboat Peonnylvsnlt. The chow It playing return to Liberty return dates this week snd in following The I am In receipt of a very gratifying letter from my esteemed friend. Prank L. Smith, business manager for Harry Hastings, Frank was pleased with tbe mention siren blm in this column, and gave me a most eloquently worded acknowledgment of bla appreciation. Msny thanks. Prank, your letter reminds mo that si] people are not aa appreciative aa you. Tom McCracken. please " THEAT RE DA MAGED Tammany Hall Sustains Loss by Fire and Performances at Olympic Theatre are Stopped for a Few Days— Water Damages Scenery and Fixtures New rork. Dec. 18 (Special to The BUI board).— Manager Krans' Olympic Theatre wai damaged by water from the Ore bones that Ts*mmsny lK ilsl! i V (i^'^'-cd? lnlp " UM nlgbt. lie. 12* *Thls dwhM m'lsst' Four- teenth street It very valuable and the nre de- partment took ample care to restrict the growth of the flames wherefore tbe burlesque theatre which Is operated by the Columbia Amusement Company wsa subjected to a con tinned direction of water which worked lit wty Into the tndl- ■ awessubid pertormucat of The ral- lies of necessitated some repairing both to tbe of the house snd to tbe stsge scenery, which belonged to the com of wblch belonged to the hot Then on very few good American plan homes where barlesqnen can get a decent meal and a comfortable room at a reasouuble rate. A good mtny of the old tttndt hive been turned Into European booses, owing to tba pres. ent high cost ot food stuffs, while miny places which wen once noted tor their excellence. have deteriorated considerably In tbe paat few eessous. Then la atlll one really excellent American house which Is always well filled with people from both wheels, snd where the ataadard of excellence never seems to fade. I refer to Billy Rbea'a popular bouse at Louis- ville, wblcb It coming to be the ttlk of the shows on both whoela aa eoon at the shows begin to get In the vicinity of the Louisville date. Ton can alwayt get The Billboard at BUly Rbea'a. and be Is an Interesting encyclopedia of show business, with a knowledge wblch goea back tor a number of yesn. Bill hat been tttge mtnager at tbe Louisville Buckingham for a number of. yesrs. and la a great local faror- lte. He It also a talented scenic artist, and la responsible for a deal of attractive work. All those who psss tbst wsy please give Bill snd hit ttftble wife my kindest wishes. ♦ Tba Liberty Olrls la tbe abow wblch played Wheeling list week, and which wsa hastily thrown together at a few days' notice to All the data. The show It tba property of a Pitts- burg state hand, and carrlee sixteen people. The special restore Is The Olrl With the Silver Muk. a Salome dancer, who waa recruited from the raaka of the tton around the local small time vaudeville agencies. Tbe La Volss. tight and alack wire performers, wen tbe feature of tha olio. I didn't see the show, but beard sbont it. I am told that the numbers wen put on by C. N. LsRoox, the stage carpenter at tbe Apollo. Mr. La Boux told me himself that be had put on tome of the numbers, to the ttttement must be ■ ecu rite. ♦ Manager J. hi. Ward, of the Gaiety, De- troit, has received a grand offer to go to Aua- tnlls. when he bss been offend the eeoersl ement of a powerful English syndicate. Intention it la to build a circuit of the- atres, which will play attractions similar to oar American borlesqae. The proposition ss ten- dered to Mr. Ward, waa an excellent one, which, however, the genltl and well-dressed John re- fused to consider. Eastern Wheel managen would one ind all be sorry to lose the popular bead of the Detroit Oayety, and we may be. one and all. thankful that be U going to atay with us. ♦ Wherever The Ginger Glrla play, tbe ad- mirers of red hair an prominent In tbe aod- lenees. After tbe show then ts alwsyo a small group of waiting ••Johnnies" it tba stsge door, ind sfter sn boar of fruitless waiting, and aa the last few stragglen an leavlog tbe theatres, some ot tbe admirers of tbe Titian shsde or hair usually brace up sufficient cour- age ts to nervously enquire: "If tbe little glrla with the red hair have gone yet " The gtrU with the red hair an the ponies with tbe thow who weir red hatred wigs In the opening of tha ahow and ting a pretty CHICAGO BUR LESQUE. Chicago, Dec. 17 (8peeUI to Tha Billboard). — The Parisian Widows an entertaining aaanV ences at the Albambra and Al. Beld and bin Beauty Snow an tbe attraction at tb* Star and Garter. The Kentucky Bellea are at tiTiu'X&Z' ™* - HURTIQ PIED POOR. Maw York. Dec. 18 (Special to T board).— According to a statement bla executors. Ben NOTES OF THE ROAD. The Bear-Wllaon Music Company cat notch In their gun, wblch shoots nothing tat forty-four calibre hits, when they published Oee, It's Great To Be in Lore, which Is being mi™ Pauline Parks. This Mitt Petri Dawson, now framing over tha Pantagee* Circuit, his sdded to her repertoire of snugs, I Wsnt to Hesr a Southern Tt Is her claim that this Is one of the i novelty songs she hit ever used. She It to highly that she saw fit to substl for on of the rutins hits of the day. This num- ber cornea from the house of Seer- Wilson. Bowers snd DeVlne. In their comedy singing ■ketch. Tbe Bellboy snd the Lady, have jua* finished ton weeks over tbe Weber ▼sodevUle Circuit out ot at. Louis and opened on Tad arks' time at Kansas City. Mo.. Dec. II. ith the entire circuit to follow, en waa tbe last two seasons wit ton's Cowboy Olrl Company. Mr. rnd Manchester, who, with Joasroas Prtngle holds tbe leaae on the Everett Theatre. Evert tt, Wash., Is more thin pleasing bla sn- dleacea with bla alnglng. It It aa much bla staging as tba bills played that draw tha crowds. s. B. O. la common with the Prtngle Company. Tom Waters, who Is scoring besvlly on the Orpheom Circuit, la at the Columbia. Ctactn- nati. this week, thus enabling him to spaas] tba bolldaya with bla two tout, who are itn- dents at the O. M. 1. la Cincinnati. Mrs. Wa- ters la accompany bit her hnsband cat bis toar- The Crumwriis. a novel Juggling act. Im- ported by Wm. Morris, an making a success tn this country. The first week on this side they played tbe Amerlcsn. Cblraio. snd were Immedi- ately booked for the Pintigee and interims time, besides having offers from other circuits. htlsn LaCraadoll la at her home m New Al- bany, i e nun c ia ting from tbe effecta of a re- cent operation. 8 be will toon Join the Three Coles, bounding win set. opening tn Now York. Jan. 2. The act will be billed aa Cate- LtCrtndsll Troupe. Howard and Boyd have commissioned lack Gorman to write for them a new act with a novelty finish, to be delivered wtthta three weeka. After breaking In the act. the team axpeet to go to New York for a showing. Next sessoo John White, owner of White's Comedy Mnlee, plant to pat on the road eight animal acta. John White. Jr., wUl miaage tbe sets. The comedy male set Is booked over the United time until April 1. Bobble Zeno and Ers Uandell open on tbe flulllviu snd Cousldme time at Butte. Mont.. March 4, for seventeen weeks, after which they work all of Paul Oondron't Urns through tbe Middle West. W. C. Mefodden (Billy Utck). for the last connected with the Princess Tbe- la now located In Little led by GlrL Every time I tee the name of Prank Dam- sel. I think of Clerk's Runaway Olrls and Tbe Saltan's Dilemma, which wss to my mind one of the meat attractive burlesque shows ever pro- duced. It waa certainly the forerunner of the many excellent productions which hava been seat SS7 seT-ouTs^. sud^'pere ^k«A>ff^ the praise Is due for the prevent high standard ot the burlesque attractlooa in general. Prank Damsel plsyed tbe Snltsu. and played It well, making a flue ind distinguished sppes ranee In bin Oriental mike up. and reading alt lines In bis own polished snd lnlmltsble manner, far Pvank. unlike most burlesque light comedians snd straight men. la ss srter. and It natv sta t e d of t splendid and sonorous voice ot mag- ical qualities. Clark 'a abow wis the talk of burleeque circles thst seasea. and hacroded aa its cast. If I remember rightly. Jo* Bo ware. Prink Damsel, Abe Reynolds. Ida Bmtr tan. Clara Berg. Bert Wiggins, and arveeol others who have since become famous fas varlooa ltxeen. Frank Damsel It this season with Tba Doek- Ungt. when ha b 18 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. AND ATTRACTIONS In Towns and Cities Everywhi MONTOOMXEY. — GRAND (EL C. Fonrton. mar.) Abbott Open Company In Grand Opera tt£GIrl m the Tail IS; Ben Hnr IB 21. ilA- JESTIC (W. K. Conch, mgr.) Week of 12, Frl- voll. Nellie Burt, ringing: Marie YnM and Bobby Boyd In Wanted. A Minister; Jane Boyn- ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK. — MAJESTIC THEATRE. Week December 12. Homer Lind and Company. Samp- Ma and Keller. Grace DeWlnters. M. Samayoa. Al Coleman, Arthur Rlgsby, Arnold's Performing Leopardi. CAPITOL THEATRE (P. S. Pennell. mgr.) Dec. IS. Geo. Evans* Honey Boy Minstrels. XEMI'NEE THEATRE (A. IS. YOanex. mar.) Dec. 12, Goddess of Liberty: Dec 14. Smart Set; Dec. 16-17. John Mason In Witching Hour. CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO. — C OLUMBIA (Gottlob, Marx A Co., mgra.) Polly of the Circus week 12. SAVOY (Fred Basey. mgr.) Madam* X week 12. GARRICK (N. Wagner, mgr.) Max DDI Co. In The Merry Widow and the Derll week 12. PRIN- CESS (S. Loviek. mgr.) Bevanl Opera Co. week 12. DREAMT, AND (W. L. Greenabanm. mgr.) Tjtaexxlni In concert Dec. 12, 17. 20. ORPH- EUM (John MorrUsey. mgr.) Mr. Hymack, Marvelous Grlfflth. Hilda Thomas and Lou Hall, Stanley and Norton. Mabel HIte and Mike Don- lin. Cook and Lorens. Richard Nadrange, Scbeda week 11. EMPRESS (Sid Granman. mgr.) The Rials. Beatrice Turner. Comaln. May Nannery and Compa n y, Billy Chase, Happy Jack Gardner and Csut. Stonewall's Riding Seal, and moving plctnres week 11. CHUTES (Ed. Lery, mgr.) Bell Family, GDmore. Kinky and Gllmore, Dare Brothers. Tony Genaro, John and Mae Burke, Winnie Baldwin and moving pictures week 11. NATIONAL (D. J. Granman, mgr.) Susie Leh- man Walton Brothers. Agnes Mahr. Wayne C. Christie. Brabam and Taylor. Malale Rowlands and oaring pictures week 11. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) McNamee, Flo Adler. John Dillon. Chaa. Wayne and Company. Johnson. Davenport and Lodel la, Llad and moving pictures week 11. FRESNO.— BARTON OPERA HOUSE (R. H. Barton, mgr.) The Kissing Girl 13; Lillian RnsseU In In Search of a Sinner 19. EMPIRE 09. Hoen. mgr.) Spaol ding's Musical Company m Bal-LunaUcs 10. LOS ANGELES AUDITORIUM (L- E. Behymer. mgr.) Queen of the Moulin Boon week of 19. MASON OPERA HOUSE (W. T. Wyatt. mar.) Blanche Walsh In Ihe Other Woman week of 12. MAJESTIC (Oliver M..r- Idol" week - of 12. ^imBAlSs (Oliver SSSZ mgr.) The Borbank Stock Company In A Mes- sage From Mara week of 12. BELASCO ilohn H. Blackwood, mgr.) The Belasco Stock Com- pany in Old Heidelberg week or 12. A Stranger 111 New York week of 1ft. GRAND OPKBA HOUSE (Chaa. V. Kavanausb. mgr.) Ferris and Company in The Earl and the of 12. Same company In The Tor- of 19. COLORADO. DENVER. — PANTAOES' (W. A. Weston, mgr.) Sophie Tucker. The London Quartette. Andy McLeon. Bark and Carter. The Schenck Family and Vann and Hoffman week of 10. TABOR GRAND (Peter McCourt. mgr.) A Stub- born Cinderella week of 18. BROADWAY (Pe- ter McCourt, mgr.) Dark week of 19. MAJES- TIC (J. Rush Branson, mgr.) West and Van Slclen, Roland Carter, Slgnortna Bae Venera, La Belle Meeker. Hetty Vrna. Will Lacy and Tom GUlen week ot 10. ORPHEUM (A. O. Carson, mgr.) Augusta Glose. " Monroe sud Powell. Henry M< Qnlnn and Mitchell. Flying Ahlbergs week of 19. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT.^JACKSON'S (J. J. Fltxpat- rlck, mgr.) At Belmont (local) 12-13: Annie Rus- sell 15: Through Desth Valley 16-17; Mme. Bernhardt Jan. 2. POLI'S (Lewis Carrey, mgr.) Gerald Grlffln and Company. Fay. Two Coley's and Fay. Howard Brothers. Emlle Lea and Locl- »fer. Nlbbs snd Reilly. WUbur Mack and Nella Walker. Great Namha Troope and pictures week of 12. KEENEY'S EMPIRE (U W. Aswalel. mgr.) Three Banjo Fiends, Van Camp, Holmes and Holllston, Msdge Hughes. Hoelton's Ani- mals and nlctnre* week of 12 HARTFORD.— PARSONS (H. C. Parsons, mgr.) Henrietta Crosman In The Duchess of Sods 9-10 POLI'S (S. Z. Poll, mgr.) Vaude- ville, hesded by Mr. and Mrs. Gradner Crane week of 12. MERXDEN. — POLI'S (8. 'Z. Poll, lessee: W. Klrby, mgr.) Gus Edward and His Ten Country Kids. Musical Tannens. The Two Comlunes. lu- lls Raymond Tracy. J. Francis O'Relll*-. Hoyt Company. Four Largarges. 11. An- te The Impostor 13. DELAWARE. WILMINGTON. — AVENUE (Conn ess and Ed- wards, mgra.) Avenue Stock Company In The Crisis week of 12. LYRIC (W. H. Benner. mgr.) Hawley. Talford, Ed. Parker, Billy Mur- phy. Harry Finnerty and pictures week of 12. GARRICK (W. L. Dockatader, mgr.) Dr. Her- man. Beatrice Morgan and Company. James Young, Noodles Fogan, Lea Alexandras. Four Melody Monarcba. Miss Amelia Stone and pic tares .week of 12. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON.— BELASCO (L. Stoddard Tay- lor, mgr.) The Princess Theatre Yiddish Stock Company 19-20. COLUMBIA (Fred G. Berger, mgr.) Henry Miller in The Havoc week of 19. NATIONAL (H. W. Rapley, mgr.) Adeline Genee m. The Bachelor Belles week of 19. CASINO (A. C Mayer, max-.) The Balloon Girl. Ash and Carr, Myers and Tomsel. Mimical Macks and El Gordo week of 19. CHASE'S (H. Winifred De Witt, mgr.) Marlon Murray and Company. Bow of 19. Beef Trust week of 19. ACADEMY (J. W. Lyons, mgr.) The Stampede week of IS. GEORGIA. MACON.— GRAND (D. G. Phillips, mgr.) The Girl In the Taxi 10. SAVANNAH- — SAVANNAH (W. B. Seesklnd. mgr.) The Girl from U. S. A. 10: A). H. Wil- son in Hetx In Ireland 12: Walker Whiteside in The Melting Pot 25; Mr Cinderella Girl 20: Paul Gllmore in The Bachelor 27: Madame Naxl- mova Jan. 1; Seven Days S. BIJOU (Charles W. Rex. mgr.) Mrs. Flake In Becky Sharpe Jan. 1; George Evans' Honey Boy Minstrels 12. LIBERTY (Frank * Hubert Bandy, mgra.) Mrs. Peter Maher, Frank Mostyn Kelly, Hatch Lusby, The Two Mstthlens, snd The Velde Trio. Ter- rUl's Orchestra and pictures week of 12. ILLINOIS. CHICAGO. — AUDITORIUM (0. Ulrtch. mgr.) mgr.) Grand Opera; seventh week. COLONIAL (James J. Brady, mgr.) Dark. CORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.) Bailey and Aub- tln In Two Men and a Girl; third CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (George mgr.) The Spendthrift; sixth week. ILLINOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr.) Julian El- tin K e in g Fascinating Widow; third week. GARRICK (Herbert C. Dure, mgr.) The Choco- late Soldier: thirteenth week. LYRIC (L. J. An halt, mgr.) Margaret Illlng- ton in The Whirlwind: second week. LaSALLE OPERA HOUSE (O. L. Henkel. mgr.) The Sweetest Girl in Paris; seventeenth week. McVIOKER'S (Geo. C. Warren, mgr.) Rose Stahl In The Chorus Lady: second week. OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer, mgr.) Get Rich Quick Walllngford; third week. POWERS' (Harry J. Powers, mgr.) The Com- muters; eighth week. PRINCESS (Mort H. Purple: twelfth week. 8TUDEBAKER (Ed. Sullivan, mgr.) Ul Sally: first week. WH1TNE"" Deep T.) BY OPERA O. Peers, Marriott Twins and Company, novelty enter- tainers; The Majestlcecope. ILLINOIS R._Tay lor. mgr. ruff in T fan 28. INDIANA. EVANSVILLE. — NEW MAJESTIC (Henry Meyers, mgr.) St. Elmo 9-10; Lyman Twins 11; Howe's Pictures 12: Arthur Donaldson 13; Gay Maaqoeradeis 14; The Msn of the Hour 15-17; Miss Nobody from Starland 25; Madame X Jan. L WELL S BIJOU (Chas. Sweeton, mgr.) Robert Hill lard in A Fool There Was 16. NEW GRAND (Martin Beck, mgr.) Lucky Jim. Ernst Pan tier and Company, Moratln Opera Company, Minnie St. Clair. Samaroff. Sonli, Jay Roberta, Moody and Sue Goodwin, week of 11. _, XOKOMO.— S1PE (O. W. Sloe, mgr.) High Flyers 14; Grsostark IB; High Flyers (return date) 17, MUNCH.— WYS0S GRAND (F. 8. Love, mgr.) The Third Degree 14. STAR (Ray An- drews, mgr.) La Veen and Company. Lord and Meek, Marie Snowden, Bates and Anderson, and pictu res week of 12. RICHMOND. — GENNETT (H. O. Sommera, lessee; Miss Effle McVlckers. mgr.) The Third i?§ oSsrs Howe ' , p,ctur " l9: PcUj IOWA. BURLINGTON.— GRAM) OPERA H0U8E (R. F. Holmes, mgr.: Don Stuart, hooking agent) California Girls 12; Hsppy Hooligan 17; Paul Raxter Lecture 18: Henry Woodruff In The Oen Ins SS; Isbmsel 26; Beverly 3L GARRICK (J. M. Root, mgr.; W. V. M. A., hooking agents) Week of Dec. 12, Brat hslf: Buckley. Bums, Fern, comedy black art, very mystifying; Harry LsBelle. novelty aerial artists, excellent: Wll- bemlna Bowman, comedienne of merit: Wilson and Wilson, the hit ot the program; Eddie Gray; and Garrlckscope to good business. Last half: Beth De nam ore, musical set; Bob Lock hart, singer; White and Simmons, comedy: Haael Swanson, singing comedienne; Lafayette LaMont City •.•.••••.••.■...••...•...........*......... •■*.... Dste ••••••••.«••••••«••■■•.••••• ■ THE VENETIAN FOUR — PRKSENTINO— A NIGHT IN VENICE IN VAUDEVILLE SAM. J. CURTIS & CO. THE 0RI0INA1. "SCHOOL ACT." Featuring their latest To Me In the Land of Dreams," and "Chew- ing Gum.'* 8DIXIVAN-C0NSID1NB CIRCUIT. LOUISE GATTE "A Real Dancer" Now featured On Intrr State rime. FBXD ZOBEDXE, BopnufiUU?*. .•••••..•••••.■•••••■.•••••••••••••a ...>•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••*•••••*•••••• ••••• MUSIC HALL (Col. Wm. Thorn p- indrvllle. (W. P. Shaver, mgr.) Berch- TREVETT (Cant. Montague, mgr.) BIJOU (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Side-Tracked. COLLEGE (T. C. Gleason. mgr.) St. Elmo. CRITERION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Montana Limited. CROWN (Panl Rlckson, mgr.) Ninety and Nine. GLOBE (JVR. Brown, mgr.) Paid In Full. HAYMARKET (J. H. Brown, mgr.) The New- lyweds and Their Baby. MARLOWE (Capt. Montague, mgr.) Monte Crista. NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) Three Weeks. PEOPLE'S (John Prince, mgr.) Dark. WEBER'S (Weber Bros., mgrs.) The Jsmes Brothers. . __ . ALHAMBBA (Weber Bros., mgrs.) Parisian Widow*. _ . . EMPIRE (J. J. Herk, mgr.) The Kentucky Be Ilea. FOLLY (J. J. Fennessy. mgr.) Cherry Girls. STAR and GARTER (Wm. Beebc, mgr.) Al. Held In The Beauty Show. ALTOS. — TEMPLE (Wm. Sauvage. mgr.) Miss Nobody from Starland 11-12: The Shoe- maker 18; Moulin Rouge Girls 24: The Soul Kiss 23. DECATUR. J— POWERS' (Tbos. P. Honan. mgr.) Powel'i-Cohn Musical Comedy Company week of 19. The Soul Kiss 26. BIJOU (A. Mg- frled. mgr.) Harry Sullivan and Company. Fair- man, Fnrman and Falrman. The Lelanda. The Three Lelghtons. Lambert Brothers week of 12. JACKSONVILLE. — GRAND OPERA H0U8E (L. P. Anderson, mgr.) The Man on the Box 13; Tie Golden Girl 19: The Olrl on the Tail 21. MOLTHE.— THE FAMILY (H. A. Bodlnl. mgr.; SodinI Circuit: Western Vandevllle Assn. book- ings) First half of week: Marriott Twins snd Compsny. novel entertainers: Miss Hilda Ortb. Illustrated song; Ingrsham and Held, singers, dancers and change artists: Annabell - Hampton and Newton Bassett. sketch: McNInh and Mc- Nlsh: The Famllyscope. motion picture*. Last half of week: The Great Parker Comnany. nov- elty Jugglers: Miss nilrts Orth. lllostrat-d song; Emlle Labors, black-face comedian: Hawkins. SIddons and Company: Toughey snd Tooghey, singing, dancing, talking and Irish bagpipes; The FamMyscone. motion pictures, ROCK ISLAND. —MA J KSTI C (J. P. Qnlnn. mgr.; Sodlnl Circuit; Western Vaudeville Assn. bookings) First half of week 12: Thomas Pul- ton, singer and talker. Editor of the Dafrrvllle News; Mrs. Mae Richard Cssey; Lowell and Esher: The Revolving Mlnervss; The Melrose Comedy Four, singers and entertainers: The Msjestlcscope. Last hslf of week: Anns belle ■ Mrs. Ma. Rich- CEDAR RAPIDS.— MAJESTIC (Victor Hugo, mgr.) The Great Ahern Troupe, Wilson Bros., Hickman Brothers snd Compsny. White snd Simmons. Csrdownle Sisters. Msrxello snd Wolf, Duke, Huston snd Walters and pictures week of IB. GREENE'S OPERA HOUSE (W. S. Col- lier, mgr.) Baby Mine 10: Fifty Thousand Dol- lar Beauty 13; Morgan Stock Company 18-24; The Lion and the Moose 25: Prince of PUaen 31; Paid In Fall Jan. 1: Adelaide Thurston 2; Grsostark 3; Beverly 8. PEOPLE'S (Victor lingo, mgr.) The Trousdale Brothers Stock Co. week of 19. (JUNTO*.— CLINTON (c. E. Dixon, mgr.) The Girl In the Kimono 25. FAMILY (A. Sar- dlnl, mgr.) Toughey snd Tonithey. Hawkins. Slddon and Company. Emlle Selbera, The Great DAVENPORT AMERICAN (Chaa. Bcrkell, mgr.: Wm. Morris bookings) Week of 12, Geor- gia Gardner and Compsny: Charles EL Colby, comedy ventriloquist; Fred Jarvla and Fred- rlcka Harlrson. The Smiling Maid and the Jester: McKee Richmond and Company: Dills and Temnleton; The Amerlcsscope. I'AI.M (Johnny Pbllllber, mgr.) Now nnder construe- tlon, opening about the 25th. PRINCESS (Vic- tor 8haffer. mgr.) Week of 11. The Princess Stock Compsny lo The Girl of the Golden West. BURTI8 (William Klines, mgr.; Independent booklnirs) Henry Woodruff In The Genius 11; Daisy Cameron In Nancy 18: Lower Berth Thir- teen 25. GRAND (D. L. Hughes, mgr.) The European Hippodrome 25-20. DTlBUaUE.— GRAND (Wm. L. _ Adelaide Thurston In Miss Ananias 10: booker Stock Compsny week of 11. MAJF (Jake Rooenthsl. mgr. I The Eagle and Ihe Delroore and Da ter Company, f lint week of 11. 0SXALO0BA.— MASONIC OPERA noUSB (Busby Bros., lessees and mgrs.) Ishmscl 12; Hsop y no ollgsn IB: St. Elmo 16. WATERLOO. — SYNDICATE (A. J. Busby, mgr.) The Trsvellng Sslesman 10; raid In Full lion a^d T tne I 'Monse A 26 , ' a * T) Tne KAN8A8. FORT SCOTT — Davidson (Hsrry 8. Er- "'i'L m f ' The lx>st Trsll 13. LEAVENWORTH.- PEOPLE'S (P, II. Alex- ander. mgr.) The Isle of Spice Dec. II: Hit TZ T " n, lTJtS!-l T '' Thr " Twins 22: The Cllrnsv 25. ORPTIEUM, M. B, Hhanherg, mgr.) (ill roy. Harne* snd Montgomery; Dsn Mnlpy. I. TIIEATRR (Ja- Ring In The Yankee JANE Cooper and Bartell In thsnr Comedy PhkywA MALINDA K. and P. Tim*. ABACI OLAOYS Wilson Sisters SIMQCRS AND DANCERS Special scenery, elaborate wardrobe. Now The Three Fondeliers Novalty Comedy Acrobats and Jugglers Sis. Pslmsr MOORE and ELLIOTT "A Matrimonial Subttitute" In VaudavtM* RUBE DICKINSON EX-JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 8. and C. Circuit. JOHN J . ouiolcv, Exclusive Agant, Qaiety Theatra B idg. . Now York City. LEONAA The Boys D and ALVIN artth tin tni| Feet IN VAUDEVILLE LOUISE BRUNELLE ti1i1r—a. SKITS 4% PaoCTO **■, N«w Tort Clo NEARY & MILLER America's Cleverest Dancing Duo IN VAUDEVILLE Frank Burt Robe- Comedy Trick Violin mud ll IN VAUDEVILLE DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 19 FRED ROWLAND IN VAUDEVILLE MAVBELLE BILL.V ROTHER AND KEL6ARD -In PIANOLOGUE AND SINGING ACT CH AS. E. WILSHIN, Cnlutlv* Agent Mile. Auline Reno Thi 6irl M tki Mtai Blibi * A neat and pieaaimj set. and paraphernalia. A dot which always Mtn agon. FRANCESCO CREATORE AND HIS BAN DA VERDI •ntlng th« Piotu •A Night in Mew In Vaudeville. Billy Grahan - Le Moyne ft Co. THE COTTON BUDS —PRESENT— "Moonlight on the Levee" K. A P. TIME. ALABAMA COMEOY FOUR (COLORED) JOHN iB URN HAM, Mgr., 214 w. 20th si.. N. Y. C RALPH w. ALICE DE HAVEN »■ WHITNEY P reaei»tlngjTs»slr Comedy Playlet LAST ROOM, THIRD FLOOR EDITH— HARCKE-- HENRI OPERATICJSINGING ACT United Tim* ALETHEIA & ALEKO Exponentn off Telepathy and Proprieties Vision •PEAKINO SEVEN LANQUAQCS UNITED TIME Light Comedian with College Girls' Company FAY TUNIS ingenue With WORLD OF PLEASURE CO. H. A. DAVIS & CO. Preeentlng "HIS LAST BET" •PECIAL SCENERY H. A. Parte. ArttUMrfcrSS* Frad Tuakar. Clrl 18 17. B. F. KEITH'S Hum E. Moore, mgr.) Keltb'i Stock Co. Id Texu, 12 and twk. PORTLAND (Jamc-a W. Grecly. mgr.) The Villas. CLoir. great sluglnc act: Harry Booker and Company, The Hyland Slater*. ilnglng and dancing act; Owley and Randall. Humpty Dumpty Juggler*; Whitman and DaTla. pro- tean artlaU; picture pl*y* 12 and week. CONG- RESS (Emil II. GeratUe, mar.) Ell Dawaon and the Gillette Slaters, comedy and Gibson and Banner. Burden Brothers, edlana and acrobat*; Cbarlea Fraxer. comedian and concertina expert; moving plctorea 12 and MARYLAND. BALTIMORE. — ACADEMY OP MUSIC (M. J. Lebmayer, mgr.) The Dollar Prlnccaa week of 12; Sweet Sixteen week of 19. POBD'8 OPEBA house (Chaa. E. Ford, mgr.) The Bachelor Bellea week of 12; J. E. Dodaon In The House Next Door week of 19. AUDITORIUM THEATRE (Jeff D. Bernat.ln. mgr.) Marie CahlU In Judy Forgot week of 12; Sbeehan Grand Opera Co. week 18. MARYLAND THEATRE (P. C. Schan- berger. mgr.) Theodore Koaloff and Maria Bal- dlna and the Imperial Rnaalan Ballet, Wm. Born- baun, Horace Wright and Bena Deitrlch, Cor- ing ton and Wilbur, Lemalze, Bennett and La- maize, McDevltt tnd Kelly. B. A. Bolf. and Ilia Bolfoolans week 12. SAVOY THEATRE (8. J. Sapbler, mgr.) The Boston Player* In The House of a Thoussnd Caadlea week 12; The Bachelor's Honeymoon week 19. HOLLXDAY STB BET THEATRE (W. F. Rife, mgr.) The Stampede week of 12; Port of Missing Men week of 19. LYRIC THEATRE (Berahard Ul- rlch. mgr.) Mile. Anna Pavlowa. M. Michael Mordkln and The Imperial Rnaalan Ballet and Orchestra Dec. 13. GAYETY THEATRE (W. L. Ballanf. mgr.) The Serenaders week of 12; Queens of the Jardln de Paris week of 19. MONUMENTAL THEATBE (Montague Jacobs, mgr.) Tbe Girls from Dixie week of 12: Merry Maidens week Of 19. VICTORIA THEATRE (C. E. Lewis, mgr.) Salvatore Maltese and Co., rhllllpa and Clinton, Rnby Mack. Bessie Ls Count, Kennard Brothers and Florence, The Cartera, Karri II and De Aman, Frobel and Rouge week of 12. WILSON THEATRE (M. L. Bchalbley, mgr.) Lole Bridge and Co., Ad- ams and LewU. Joyce and Wlllelt*. Loona. Martini and Troy. Frankle Parrel I. Boldnc and Roy, Springer and Church, Woodford's Midget Cirrus. Eddie Reeves week of 12. CUMBERLAND. — MARYLAND (Wm. Crt doc. mgr.) Thomas Kerr. Toder and Toder, 13-18: Phil Ott'a : The Msn on tbe Box Jan. 2; Minstrels 8; The Nigger " ■he Joy Ride 11. HAOEBgTOWg. — ACADEMY OF O. Field's Minstrels Sidney In Tb e Jo y (Chaa. W. Borer, mgr.) Monte Carlo Olrla 20. ft MASSACHUSETTS FALL RIVER. — ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Geo. 8. Wiley, mgr.) Lew Dockstader's Minstrels ls Orauatark 10 17. SAVOY (Louie If. Boas, mgr. 8. Cook - u iTer. Misses Hayes and Shelton. " EPRjSrorrELD.-CODRT SQUARE (D. 0. more, mgr.) Sister Beatrice 12; Tbe ThoiL_. boldt 13: The Climax IS; Dockatadcfe Mlaatrela 18: Rath St. Denis, with Rnaalan Symphony Or- chestra 17. POM'S (S. J. Breen. mgr.) A Night In a Turkish Bath, Three Brennona, Claude Raaf. Rita Redueld. Barnes and Craw- ford, Sylvester and Redmond. Black Brothers and pictures week of 12. NELSON (H. J. DUIenback. mgr.) M< Areiing. Comedy 811 Schlomer and Grlner son week of 12. WORCESTER. FRANKLIN SQUARE (Jan B. Shcchan. mar t Th. Queen of the Outlaw Camp week of 12: The Final Settlement week of 19. WORCESTER (Jno. P. Bnrke. mgr.) Tbe Climax 12-14: Dockatader'a Minstrels IS: Relkln Yiddish Company 18: Ararne Lupin 17: Did 2827. POM'S (Jos. C. Crtddle. mgr.) The Photo Shop. Miller snd Lyle, Ha Grammon Lyons and Yosco. Peter Lawrence snd Company. Kramer and Splliane, Tbe Camilla Trio week of MICHIGAN. BAY CITY, — Washington (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) In the Bishop's Carriage 10: The Call of tbe Wild 19: France* Starr In The Easiest Way 23: Rose Stahl In The Chorus Lady 25: Uy Cinderella Girl 25. ALVARADO (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) Tbe Queen of Qneen Street week of II. BIJOU (Dan. J. Pllmore. mgr.) Bala- den. Newboff and Pbelpa: J. K. Murry and Clara Taae. The Advance Musical Four. Burk'a Musical Dogs, snd pictures week of II. FTJWT.-JJTONE'S (O. A. Peterson, mgr.) This Woman and This Man 12; Sonny South Company 13: Francea Starr in The Easiest Way 14. BIJOU (Frank W. Bryce. mgr.) Eva Fay. Loesses. Patrice snd Company, week of 11. RICK (W. N. Harris, mgr.) The Peoples Stock Company In A Gilded Fool week of 12. JA0EB0H.— ATHENAEUM (J. H. Porter, mgr.) Seven Day* 13; Tbe Rosary Is: My Cin- derella Girl 18: Buster Brown IT: Frances Starr in The Easiest Way 20. BIJOU (Frank R. Lampman. mgr.) Mills and Moulton. Mi reena. Nevaro and Mareena. Billy Brown. How- Fcttrrcr rt Jo»'e"lcI^ of ll? 07 ' H ™* SAOINAW ACADEMY (R. Hartwlck. mgr.) Seven Days 10: H.nlon'e Superbas 18-17: My Cinderella Girl 19. AUDITORIUM (T. P. Walton, mgr.) Frances Starr In The Easiest Wsr 22: Rose Stsbl In Tbe Chorus Lady 25. JKFFERS- (Wm. A. mgr.) Lillian Morti- mer and Company, Harrla and Robinson Trio, Church City Four. Musical Fredericks and pic- tures week of 11. BIJOU (W. A. Rusco, mgr.) The Fatal Wedding week of 12. MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS— SIIHIIERT THEATRE (A- J. llalnbrldge, Jr., mgr.) The Jelly Bachelor* week of 28. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE (L. N. Scott, mgr.) The Other Fellow, with Thomas Jefferson week of IS: Tola Woman and That Man week of 23. BIJOU OPERA HOUSE (Tbeo. U Uarea, mgr.) Brewster's Millions week of 18: The Defender of Cameron Dam week of 25. LYRIC THEATRE (Chaa. P. Sallabnry. mgr.) Tbe Lyric Theatre Stock Company wltb Sarah Troax In La Tosca week of 18. DEWEY THEATRE (Archie Miller, mgr.) The Lady Buc- caneers week of 18: The Jolly Girls week of 2.1. GAYETY TnRATRE (S. R. Simon, mgr.) The Trocsdcroa week of 18: Tbe Love Makers week of 25. UNIQUE ^Elliott. ■« rr.) mgr.! Number jgjj MI Keogb, Francis and Clayera, Olive and Harding, Paris Green. Toney and Norman, HU1 and Ack- ermaa, Eugene White and the Mllescope week of 18. SOUTHERN THEATRE (W. A. Kelly, mgr.) The Southern Stock Company In reper- toire week of Dec. 18. ORPHEUM THEATRE (G. E. Rsymond. mgr.) At the Waldorf. Rame- aea. McKay and Ckntwell. Artola Brothers, Force and Wllllama. Paye. Miller and Weston, Dn Gallon and tbe KInodrome week of 18. DULU TH. — ORPHEUM (H. W. I'lerong. mgr.) McKay and CantweU. Mr. and Mm. Connelly, Harvey and De Vora Trio. Reed Brothers. Mile. Benee. Saro and pictures week of 11. EM PRESS (L. J. Maltland. mgr.) Sherman DeFor est. Raymond and Hall, " Calne and Odom, Bento _ week of 1L LYCEUM (EL Baby Mine 15-18. MISSISSIPPI. NATCHEZ. — BAKER GRAND (J. Olrti' IB?* 6 * P,MI 121 Tb * Lott " 7 ' MISSOURI. ST. LOUTS. — OLYMPIC (Pat Short, mgr.j Week Dec. 12, Is Matrimony a Failure T Dec. 18, Robert Billiard. 8HUBERT (Melville Stoltx. mgr.) Week Dec. 12, lime. Kaxlmova In Little Eyolf, A Doll's Hons* and The Fairy Tale; Dec. 18, The Flirting Princess. PRINCESS (Dan 8. Fisbell. mgr.) Week Dec. 12. vsnde- vllle ss follows: Joe Welch. McMahon end Cban- pelle. Harry Jolaon. Connelly Slaters, Long and Cotton, Great TaUman, Marie Dorr, Polk and Polk. GARRICK (Harry Buckley, mgr.) Week Dec. 12. The Nigger, century (Pat Short, mgr.) Week Dec. 11. The Virginian; Dec. 18. The Climax. COLUMBIA (Prank R. Tate, mgr.) Week of Dec. 12. vaudeville aa follows: The Sus- pect. Four Fords. Walter McCulloogh and Co.. Lillian Ashley, Frank Tinner, Granville and Rogers, Kremks and Bro.. motion pictures, Her- xog-a Stallion*. AMERICAN (Jno. Fleming, mgr.) Week Dec. 11, Tbe Man Between: IT 18. The Man of the Hour. IMPERIAL (D. Ruaaell, mgr.) Week of Dec. 11, Harry Field* In Tbe Shoemaker: Dec. 18, Tbe Iale of Spice. HAVLIN'S (Harry Wallace, mgr.) Week Dec. 11, The Qtrl and the Detective: Dec. 18. The Outlaw's Christmas. STANDARD (Leo Belcb- enbacb, mgr.) Week of Dec. 11. Tbe Bohemian Burlesque rs. Including Andy Gardner. Ida Nlco- lal. Mile. Zulelka, Ah-ling-Foo and Nelson Moran Fight Pictures. Dec. 18. Williams' Im- perial RurUsq tiers. GAYETY (Prank Hswley, mar.) Weak 11. Sam Howe's Lovemakers, Including Bam Howe. Bob Scott. Vera Desmond. Lenal Bruce. James Dixon. Dec. 18. Robinson Crusoe Olrla. ODEON. Sunday. Dec. 11. (matl- rtee) St. Lou la Symphony Orchestra: Dec 11. ( evening). German Theatre Company In Ein Mutter hers; Dec. 12, Newman's Travel Talks. COLISEUM. Dae. 12 and week. The National I -and Show; Jan. 2, Grand Opera season. GEM (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.) Week Dec. 11. Bruna- wlg Bros.. Adams and Colvln, Dotty Cliff, mo- tion pictures . XAHBAfl CITY. — WILLIS- WOOD (Woodward A Burgess, nun.) Week 11: Denman Thomp- son's Old Homestead; week 18 Tbe Climax Week 11 Eddie Foy and Emma Cams In Up and Down Broadway; week 18 William Paver- sham in Tbe World and HIa Wife. OBAN- OPERA HOUSE (Hudson A Jndsb. mrra.) Week 11 Checkers: week 18 Rose Melville In 81* Hopkins. ORPHEUM (Martin Lehman, res. mgr.) Excellent vsndevllle week 11 ss fol- lows: Howard and Howard. Bird MUlman, J. C. Nugent and Company. Fred Singer, Witt's Rose* of Klldare. Lane and O'Donnell. Arthur Bowen, actios pictures. EMPRESS (D. F. Mc- Coy, re*, mgr.) Vaudeville week 11 aa follow*: Van's Imperlsl Minstrels. LeRoy and Clayton. The Craera. Four London*, Jubilee Poor. Lester and Moure, photoplay. AUDITORIUM (Law- rence Lehman, mgr.) Auditorium Stock Com- pany In Tbe Morning After week 11. Same company In Onlda'a Motha week 18. OILLIS IE. 8. Brlgham. mgr.) Week 11 McPadden'a Flats. Week 18 Tbe Lost Trail. CENTURY (Joe. R. Doners n, mgr.. Western Wheel) Week 11 Williams* Imperials: week 18 Pat Whlte'a Gaiety Girl*. GAYETY (Burt MePhaE. mgr.. Eaatern Wheel) Week 11 Jersey Lilies; week 18 Tbe Love Maker*. ST. JOSEPH, MO. — TOOTLE THEATRE (C U. I'hliiy. mgr.) Jolly Bachelors 11-12; Rose Melville 17: Three Twins 19-20; Fortune Hunt er 23-24. LYCEUM THEATRE (C U. Phuley. mgr.) Silver Threads 11-14; Gaiety Olrla 15- 1T: Checkers 18-21: Waablngton Society Girls 22-24. PANTAGES' THEATRE (H. Besnmont, mgr.) Week 11. Edwin Keongb snd Company, The Leo Joe Troupe, Welsser snd Desn. Knots and Knnts. Carpoa Bros.. Maud Marsh and Pan ;escope. MAJESTIC THEATRE (Fred Cos- man, mgr.) Week 11 Irving. Leever and Lan- der: Snglmoto Troupe, F. BUllng-sley and mov- ing picture*. BIJOU DREAM THEATRE (P. N. BUx. mgr.) Orejean and Matter are bead- 11. NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. — OLIVER (F. C. Zebrung. mgr.) The Jolly Bachelors 18-18: The Climax IT. LYRIC (L. M. Garmen. mgr.) The Governor's Son week of 12: Tbe Talk of New York week of 19. ORPHEUM (H. B. Billings, mgr.) Man- rice F reman snd Company, Swor and Mack. Ward and Curran. Tbe Prey Twins. Kajlyanna. Goff Phillips. Boralul and Nevaro, week of 11. BRANDEIS (W. J. Burgess, mgr.) Tbe Old Homestead week of 11. KRUO (Chaa. Breed, mgr.) Sla Hopkins 11-14: Holty-Tolty 15-17. ORPHEUM (Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.) Al. Joalln. Force and Williams. The Bison City Four Ramesea. Marie Fenton. Parsbley. Tbe Police Inspector and pictures week of 11. OAYETT (E. L. Johueou. mgr.: Eastern Wheel) Tbe Trocsderos week .f 11. BOYD (Wm. Warren, mgr.) Miss Eva Lang In Soldiers of Fortune week of 11. NEW JER8EY. ATLANTIC CITY. — APOLLO (Fred Moore. ST.) When Sweet Sixteen 12-14. SAVOY (Harry Brown, mgr.) Stewart Sisters. Walters and Prank Herbert Brooke and Company. Payne and Lee Honey Johnson and plctorea week of 12. YOUNG'S PIER: Mrs. J. 51. Munyon, Chaa. Olcott. Wood well Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Espostto, Wlllard Lee Hall and Com- pany. De Noyer and Dante. Chaa. Hen-era and plctorea week of 12. BAYONNE. — BIJOU (Bert Howard, mgr.: Chaa. Fttxpatrlck, booking agent) Week Dec. Molke, classic poseur; Grace DeMar, le poseur; Grace DeMar. mag- ; ^Dlxon^and Hall; Small and & In Their Comedy Skit "I CAN'T FIND A TREE" IN VAUDEVILLE WHITE'S COMEDY MULES The Two Funniest Mulss on th* American Stags WM. LY KENS, AGENT Kelt h end rule I ei PAUL RUBY NEVINS & ERWOOD MAX E. HAYES. Mgr. THE HUXTABLES A Bouquet of Songs Tied with a Bow of Nestnea UNITED TIME TEMPLE and HUFF In their Burlesque OPERATIC COMEDY SKIT UNITED TIME E. DANIEL LEIGHTON — LUCILLE PHELPS & CO. In their Comedy 8k* tab TUB OAMB UNITED TIME BABE CLEMENT COMEDIENNE JOB WOOD CHCUIT Tie Original Musical Moiarcfcs Iff. 1 KMT COIUUI HmSON Sailing in Vaudeville on JOB WOOD CIRCUIT FRED G. COLE AND HIS MMOUS CHAMPION BULL DOGS AND TEIMIEM 'cSSSS* ^SfflkFt'EEt sS Mow la New Task. OPEH FOR BURLESQUE CHAS. RUTH BURNS & CLARKE THE HEBREW AND THI LADY Now In Yaade-rille. Add. ear* White Bats. The Lafrasers li Ifctir ttntsiic wwd, tkifts "GETTING EVEN" IN VAUDEVILLE THE THREE SHORTIES ACT 20 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 191o!" AT LAST Satisfactory Agreement is Reached Between Principal Circus Proprietors and Associated Billposters — Convention to be Held Later ebleh promises to be of far- importance In the circus world nas been determined on by the principal circuses. Concluding thst common action would be of benefit, an agreement has been signed, looking to action In common in the business relations of the circuses with the Distributors. The ■ dps! circuses are parties to ■lading the John Robinson. £ x-ck Wallace. BDlTalo BUI Sclla- and and Campbell The undersigned circus proprietors, for the Purpose of securing soluble terms and condi- tions gorernlng bill posting space, and for mutual protection, hereby agree to set tn com- man; god for this purpose each show agree* to appoint one represents tire to a contention which shall organise and appoint a committee to meet the Associated Billposters with a Tlew a fair and equitable agreement for of 1911. The circus proprietor* agree to the action of the contention and under no circumstances make any arrangement with the Associated Billposters lndlvidaally. or excepting as agreed to by all of the "reus proprietors, or by their ts authorised by letter to act foe This contention prior to the asnnal agents and the circus commltl elated Billposters, snd at the < All the principal agreement, lnclodlr Floto. Hagenbeck Pawnee Bill, Sella Bros.. 1' Gentry Bros., Bros.' Shows. Then' Is no intention of becoming Intolred In a light against the bill posters or anybody else, but this new departure on the part of the circuses Is in line with the trend toward unified action In business, and marks the pasting of lndltldoallsm, which has been a remarkable feature of the circus business. It Is to be expected thst many matters other than bill posting will be taken op and common action preralT. as there are many lines in which such action can not fall to be extremely beneficial to all circuses, snd as such are properly within the scope of the new organisation. A prominent circus agent In talking of thla organisation, says thst the raise In rates on the part of the Association la probably a con- tributing cause to Its formation, and that the new rates which will mske It cost twenty cents per month to post a sheet of psper costing from one to four cents, will force the circuses Into new methods of sdtertlalng, owing to the pro- hlbltlte cost of bill posting. Commercial sdrertisers the country oter are protesting against the advance in rates and in the opinion of a number of prominent Al elation bill posters, they will be withdrawn. CAPT. H. SNIDER, 8HORTY TURN ER DEAD. Mttsburg, pa.. Bee. 14 (Special to The mil board). — Floyd Turner- known all oter the country aa "Shorty" Turner, and a member of the Billposters' Alliance, Brooklyn Local No. at the Bomeopathie r Dec 11. ristaat to Hyde * Be isn'a^Star _^Sr Cook. Tetania the close of the season "Shorty" contracted malarial fever and re- turned from Texas to Pittsburg, where be bad Intended to spend the winter. The csnse of death la said to hare been tuberculosis. Mr. Turner was a great fatorite among hia many GRAN CIR CO PU BILLONE8. Hsrsna. Cuba. Dec. IS— The winter season of the Gran Clrco PnblUones began here Nor. 30 tn Central Park. This outfit will show here until Jan. 15. and then make a tour all oter the Isle of Cuba until April 13. the show goes to Porto Rico. Wi-. Islsnds. Venezuela. Colombia and Central ea. ending the season Oct. 1811. The acta with the show at present lnclnile John Frederick snd Chan. Clarke, riders: The Dorlanda. Jardy Trio. Meers Trio. Mile. Anita. Bobledlllo, wire artist. Carmellne RobledlllO, afsnsanero Family. Mstsu roots Troupe of eight Jape, Mr. O'Ballaran. Mr." H. Tstslt. LaBelte — tall. George O'Meers snd Pito Choco- d Aurelio Reyes, clowns. The per- of the elephants in gKen under the of Bertie Heed. P08TER ADVERTISING. Poster Adtertlning Is the title of a talnable hook published by G. H. E. Hawkins, sdrer- tislng manager of the N. K. Falrbank Com saury, of Chicago. In it Mr. Hawkins gitea many helpful hints snd sensible suggestions to poster adrertfsers. Thirty-two pagea of full color reproduction* of posters used t adlslUaeiS are printed In the book. HERE'8 TO YOU. Chicago, Dec. 16. — Charles (Red) Merton, late of the Royal Amuse. Co.. and one-time old- S3 Esst gathering place gentlemen bare show " they WIRE WITH POLA CK CIRCUS. Sydney Wire, well-known as a publicity pro- moter, and wbo was director of publicity for the Pittsburg Land Show, which was held re- cently, has returned to the circus Held tla the route of general press representative for the Polack Win' ganlsed. star Circus, which ts The circus will play under the ans- ilcea of the Elks. Eagles snd Sbriner lodge* pices of the 1 throughout the BARNES' SUCCESSFUL SEASON. It* season at Cel., on Saturday. November 10, after a tour which began at Spokane, Wash., on April is last. The tour wss one of the most successful tn the history of any snow of Its character and covered the territory in Washington, Idaho snd Montana around Spokane after which be- gan the long trip through Canada, lasting from the sixth day of June, opening at Fernle, B. C, and closing at New Westminster on Oct. 8. During that period all the Important town a In British Columbia. Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba were visited. Including the fslrs st Calgary. Brandon, Gladstone, Dauphin. gaaka- toon. Prince Albert, Edmonton, Vernon, Victoria snd New Westminster. The Barnes Show Is the Brat to have ever t lilted Vancouver Island and was recelred with open arm* at every point of exhibition, both on the Island and every place In the Dominion. Outside of the fslr dstes one-day atands waa the rule and the ahew left a most fsrorsble Im- pression with nearly Invitations to "come again" at etery point on the rents. Not a single dsy waa lost by reason of the failure of the railroads to land the snow on time or Its being In readiness to gits a performance dnrlng the entire toor; In feet, only one day aland was lost snd that waa by reason of a down pour of rain which precluded any possibility of glrlng a performance. After leaving Canads all the Important towns In Washington snd Oregon were visited snd sll made a most sstlsfsctory showing. California foUowed with a repetition of the preceding business In spite of the fact that the Bsrnnm and Bailey and the Buffalo BUI Shows had cov- th? l 8« e "."uln'v.lie? a* nuttTo^'ef towns"', " AN EQUIPMENT BARGAIN One Tent, 12x14; six-foot wall. Poles and stakes, complete. One Banner, 10x12. Two single-burner Gasoline Lights. All good as new. One Octopus or Devil Fish; measures 8 feet across. Price, $85.00. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS for BOLTE «V WEYER LIGHTS. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. EOW. P. NEUMANN, Jr., JOHN C. MoCArrmv. WALTKR r. D-IVIR. vie— Pre*. COWARD ft. LITIINOIR. Be***. 22-28 North Daspla I no. Strswt, CHICAGO, I LI.. UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc Sell fir CATALOG. Br Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. Western Uniform Co. 21* 8. CLARK ST. CHICAGO 30 Tims SEPuUHOl Bid 01 111*1 Hal GOSS' SHOW CANVAS y 8L»CK TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS . Waterproof Covers SEND FOR »fW rtlilOl. ISO Sf C010 HMO LIS! The J. C. GOSS CO. "\iY,"m" n & Vandiveer MAMcriiTrinBBS or CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. aia East Pssrl Straw*, Cincinnati, o. BRUSHES FOR BILLPOSTERS "Ei. Ex. Clren" $3.75 "Eio.ltior" $3.26 ' 2.76 "It. 1 RijiI" 2.60 SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blu* lalantl A»»., CMoag*. Ilia. TENTS ■HOW TKKT8, BLACK TENTH. CANDY TOPS. MKKRY OO HOUND COVEHH sod everyming la canvas, ■end for eatalogos. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT I AWNING CO. 109-n testa stain Street, • St. tenia. Ms. PORTABLE LI8HTS FOR ALL PURPOSES TIE MITE I WEYER CO. S K. Mlehlgan CHICAOO. ILLINOIS TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and can give quick action and close price. QUALITY THE BEST THE COIIMBH TUT ft AffMNC ft OHIO wx have roa LEASE, shipping scenery, anlomob: CABS, BO ft. long, for lira, advance. ' prlrilege, stock sad mrrrr av-rvooda. r sbuw snd clrcos eoaiuaol*-s- Resaoaatate tea. TEX ASM* TALAOt H0BSX CAB 00., Boom DM. IN monigaa Avasne. Calasgo. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. DfaJar* Is Wild Atml—ai.a SCO OrMsvloh gftrsst, V«v Tsffc Olty. — — .w- THL KM _ - m SCErvER* THE FINKST SHOW PAlSTJjrag AT LOWES* rKICEfl. Tell sa what von Deed sod we wO] send LOWE8T estimate sod IUnstrst.-d catalog. — OLL akt CO.. Osuha, XaW. DllUrV ■HOWPRINTCetS KUNLY BLOCK. TYPS. ZINC Clnelnnatl, Ohio Triaatrleal-Clreua Photaa raphe's. Circus and Juggling Apparatus CI aba. Batons, and Novelties. Stamp for cats- EDWARD VAJf WTCTC. CWuaatl. O. TENTS and Show Canvas Black and white; now or s t coad band Bargnlna la secoad-baad tops. OMAHA TENT i AWNING CO. OMAHA. NERR. West o f Salt lake City. Address . ^a^a5c!s^ai?°- THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. VnW&A COLUMBUS, OHIO ln( LAfluilT CIRCUS PROGRAM PulLitHrt IN THE ■" I. ■. MUTNIU, mo: WORLD Ire Tort Ot|. I am stilt adding to sty Ua«. and -est to brer from all circus mar ra wbo wsat SD eiperlenred publllbar. StllB S larfS aBd efflelest force of snecassfsl solicitors, to basdle tbslr programa for toe coming cir- cus sesson or ltfii. Let me bear from 70s. sad I will make vou s SHOW PAINTINGS K. J. HAVDKN A CO, a. s- DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard made that h*»e borne a bid reputation from the obowmen'a point of view for a Dumber of wrmn. but which mora than redeemed them i,|rn by tb« hearty reception accorded the Harnr* Bliovca. The gratifying part of It III that tbe nil* of lb* afternoon aboar brine tbe big aboar the nlgbt performance always equaled and Id many cue* asrpaaaad toe afternoon bualneM. Not a elofte railroad accident or a serious accident of any nature to eltber performrra. train*™ or employee occurred during tbe tour and* tbe aboar treat Into wlnierqusrt*™ In Ban Francisco arllb practically the " working staff Intact. Tbe ataff wlili b conducted tbe abow ao «oc ceeefnlly were: Al. O. Barnea. proprietor: II e. Tyler, manager: Harold Bttebea. general agmt and tratne manager; W. a Pack, con- tracting manager; B. L. Davenport, preee agent; w. i- Campbell, manager car number one: Max French, bona canaaaman: Cbariea Cook, tralnmaater; Prof. B07 Markham. mualcal director: Dick Smith, bou bottler. The abow, tbla eeaaon. Included one advance car end eighteen care back. For eeaaon of 1911 twenty dre can will be need, twenty-three back and two adrance can: alao a new 130 ft. round top artth three ba ft, middle pieces. At the winter- quart*™, work la already commenced building acme) aew eagre, tableau care and band wagon, and painter* are repainting all lb* other itnfr. SPENCER Q. STOKES. Spencer Oulnn Stokee waa born In Cincinnati. O.. July IS. 18 IB. In 1828 Purely Broafjn came to Cincinnati. Young Btokee, when tan jeara of age. made the acquaintance of Mr. Brown end waa a favorite of the manager and a con etant attendant at all bla performance*. Tbua be acquired a Oeetre to become a clrrue rider, and during tba abaenc* of Purdy Brown'e Clr- neart'a content. Tbla continued until 1832. when Levi J. North arrived la Cincinnati to fulfill an engagement. Mr. North waa tbe embodiment of grace and atylt. and captivated young Stokee. Prom that boor tbe ambltlooa boy waa determined more folly than erer to become a e Irene- rider, and. to pat fa practice hi* cbertebed plan*, be ran away from home and Joined Benedict A Kldred. a new arm J oat beginning management. The Black Hawk War bad J oat terminated, and the famous chief and hla follow*™ rial ted the abow at Detroit, at that time a military poet, and of In 18M Mr. stokee lert and engaged in mercantile ilte nalll I MO. etgnaTlng hi* return by la 1BBI be Bonne, taking with Ugf fOBr era] children who bad aeqabred greet eklll nnder hla schooling, end etarred with them In London, Part*, and tbe principal cltlea on the Oontlaeot. rtobecq n enlty he oegaalaed tbe New York ctr- cua Mr. Btokee gained tnocb fame daring hla aarofeaaalonal career a* n hoc a* breaker and train and enviable reputation a a a director of Mara aa Ella . many yean: end hla danghta . Katie. Kiia. Emma and Belle, won eminence In the profession. The modern appliance need la the teaching of fall are. rendering danger and Injury to the nor. ice Impossible, U an Invention of Mr. Stoke*, for which be never nought e patent, drelrlng that Ite benrnta atmuld become the property of tbe proreaaloo. without royalty or benefit to hlmeeir. •Tbe Mechanic." ea It le called, le now la nee by all tearhera of equestrianism throughout tbe world. In 18oi Mr. 8 token die- banded bla New York Clrcu* In Hamburg. Ger- aad returned to America. In April of — w to tbe In New M. Brooklyn, artth tbe'lnteatloo of glv- np tbe ring forerer. After four perivnce In the Iron trade be found gone, end once more reeumed ble ol ta lf«97 at Lenta New York Circus. Mr. Btokee and bla three daogfatera traveled with rorepangb, Dan Bice and Baraum. In 1*7* Mr. Btokee managed a garden at Phila- delphia doling tbe Centennial exhibition. Hh tut engagement waa with Harnum In 1RT* Peruana the meet tntereetlna feature of V , and returned to America. In April yeer be preeented "Ella Zoyara" to lean public in Klblo'* Qardra, In ] I ben under tbe management of Jamea u In 1882 Mr. Btokee engaged In the tertotja ED* Zoyara, who concealed hi* aex from the public of Europe and America for nearly fifteen year*. A few year* before be began hi* European tour, Mr. Btokee while In New Orleans, conceived the Idea of stipplylng the lark of female performrra by the substitu- tion of cornel v boy, A youth named Leon. SSSrtrS ! rl • ^othn. ■»•«• » (mt .neeeea. Omar Klogeley. a Creole boy of eeven year., with long blonde batr. atted tbe pert so well that be waa apprenticed to Mr. Stoke* who trained blm with apeclal care. Be bad the boy wear bla woman'* drer* even In the atreet*. iSOC , dl *»^'** waa kept op euccessfolly on IU Klngaley. or Klla Zoyara aa be waa called, waa twenty -ooe year* old. Be accompanied Mr. Btokee throughout bla ten yeare* tour of Europe, exciting In England. France and Italy tbe aame RING BARN G088IP. J. I- Alien, well known aa a etreue agent, la again with Meaare. KHroy and Brltton, and la tbla aeaaon. ahead of Tbe Millionaire Kid. Alten la doing excellent work all along the line and la receiving a warm welcome from hie many frlenda (round tbe country. Bill Bice, the well-known clrcu* and carnival promoter, la aetlog aa general agent for the big winter t whim Te being organlxed by the Polack Booking office. Mr. Bice baa aecured the acre Ice* Of Sydney Wire, aa hla right-hand man and to act aa gaoeral preee r a pr eoa u tatrca. ..Th" '•'"owing clrcna people are wintering at the Blecketooe Botel. Appleton. Wle.: Ceo. Kngler end Howard Anderaon. of tbe Rlngllng Bbow: Joe Kngler. laat eeaaon with the Baranm S-Mf* ■••3 "Thuraday" Hamilton and "Rich" Hamoela. of the Bella Roto Bbow: John "Dingbat" Beanller. of tbe Two Bill a- Bbow. and W. Howard Fit*, of tbe Wtaalnger Bros.' Show. - US J .°*'' Aabton. rider, laat eeaaon artth Al. F. Wbeeler-e 8 bo are. la re-engaged for the coming eeaaon with the Downle * Wheeler's Show*, She t* epending the winter vacation at bar comfortable home at Orange. N. J., breaking In eocne new a rock for an entirely aew and original riding number, which will be aeen for the ant time with thee* shows. E- P- Wiley. r,,r eeveral eeeeona twenty -four boor man with Sella A Dovrca' and Cole Broa. of the Great Vernon, baa aeeered hla connection with Mr. Vernon and will again be aeen with > of the ctrcnaee. ago. Thla will be need aa tbe repair abop for the abow equipment thla whiter. Owing to the Immenae amount of carnival property which will be repaired and repainted tbla year, work will begin at once, ao there will be no possibility of It not being flnlabed for next eeaaon. Tbl* I* the Oral time In three JMiJ^that all the ahow. have wintered. *t the BIG DIVIDEND DECLARED. Butler. Pau. Dec. 17 (Special to The Bill- hoard).— Declaring a dividend of 12 per cent,, the atnckbold*™ of tbe Boiler Driving Park and Fair Association to-day decided on lmprove- menta for 1911 and elected tbeee office™. OFFICERS ELECTED. Lewrenceborg. lad.. Dec IT. — Tbe d tract ore of tbe Lawrrnceborg Fair Aaaoclatlon bar* re- elected the following office™ to aerve throogh- ont 1*11: Oeo. Knn*. president: Victor Obert- Ing. vice- prealdent: W. H. Ertal O. Blelby. secretary Kile Cart wrlght. engaged aa mer the peat eeaaon 3 falo Ranch Wild Writ, ta gency Boepltal. Bet bom* I* In The Danny cloned and are now In their new winter quar- ter* at the fair grooade. NaahvUIe. fan. 8even can will be *f- twenty-twe car ahow. Deacon Delmore. _ r of tbe aide ahow of the Broa* Shown. _9w t \m mi M.od Minerva were vial tor* to The Billboard laat week. They open with Bee- ale Minerva In vaudeville with their novelty Iron law ,t at Bock I aland, 111., week of De- al rm. Barry Patter, of write* that be hnaband' proving: alao that they ha and will be located In Barry. Ill-, peraianenfly DuV ale. clown, late Of the, A " I* recently undergone an opera- > to hla home In Saginaw. Mich., and win then play vaudeville, agent for the AL F. J. L. SPRINGER, Preajj Agent with Boblnana'* Ten Big Mow* '"""on- He ha* been re engaged for eeaaon CARNIVAL NOTE8. Addition* to the of tbe new Olym- pic Buuaie are Mr- end Mm- McOade. Slim Dry. Capt. Denham, Mrs. Denham, Aleg. Relm- ar. Armatrong'a. Family Band and Harry Mur- phy. The Company la now carrying five abowa. merry-go-round, hand, free act. and aeveoteen c ence ai lon*. Armatrong'* Vaudeville and Elec- tric Show* are the lateat addition* to the llne- trp of attraction*. Capt. David Latllp la In Oklahoma City. Okie., building an entire new outfit for the new repertoire company which he will take out un- der canraa. A ten-piece bend will alao be car- ried. Capt. Latllp will do hla blgh die* aa the free attraction. J. A. Martin, of the Greet Martin Carnival Co.. which cloeed at Wilmington. N. C. waa a Billboard caller Dee. 18. Mr. Martin la en route to St. Louis, where hla ahow will go In aalnterquertera. A. O. Batllff. with hla Dial* United Show*. Joined the Da via Amusement Co. at laola. Mis*. The two companies will be under tbe Joint management of M e e aia . Darts end Batllff. among carnival Mr. Lanaa win take a aeat la tbe clarionet eec- tlon of tbe band. Tbe Red Mill, under the management of Mr. Fred Rogers, la continuing to draw crowds with an excellent line of vendevM*. motion pictures - - selections In t he penny arcade, re looks after tbe comfort* of the > a "real father." ADDIFJ L. EAST LIVERPOOL, O. There la so denying the fact that a higher grade of theatricals la bring presented here thla eeaaon at all bonaee than heretofore. It ap- pears that tbe day of the lO. 20, so cant propoeltton. which baa had its roll ran here In nait year* I* a d*ad tetter. Tbe public de- mand la for the beat, and tbe manager* are giving the public Juat what they want. Loral No. 123. International Alliance of Stage- hands and Employee, at a apeclal meeting, De- cember 12. elected tbe following office™ for the coming fiscal year: Free I dent. J. E. Bolton; Vice-President. Leland Swain: Recording Sec- retary. Kiti* Alllaon: Financial secretary. Wal- ter William*; Treasurer. A. 1. Appell: Tras teee. George Bratt. Barry Framta and John Many penny; Executive Board. Elsie Alllaon, Frank Or*y and Oec*r Nelll; Ruslnet* Agent. L*l and Swain: Delegate ta Convention. Walter W JJi.'" "I? : _ A 'i A- J. Appell. '■Bm" Rnaby baa been named treaanrer of the Ceramic Theitr* by Manager WUligm Ttllmtn, Busby raceeeds "Red" Merrtmsn. who hae a ooe to the rear of tbe bone* In an executive posi- tion. William Hocking, booking agent for Bock Springs Park. Cheater, W. Vs.. baa more picnic dstee booked for the 1911 season now then be bad for 1810 a year ago. A Pittsburg office HAMILTON, ONT, CAN. O pe ra^ ^ or *\bt M Ha^mcrrWocSr^t5ub** deserved recognition to hla ability. Manager John R. Stewart, of tbe Bnlene tre. baa been forced to add more see ting cane- city to hla cosy Market atreet theatre. The location being ao central, directly opposite tbe city ball, and tn tbe heart of tbe largest market la Canada, forced tbe energetic manager to make ma for tbe lacresidng raatreaua*. Dot Bice, the pretty little dancing and etng- g comedienne who captivated tba patron* of the Crystal Palace Thee tre a few weeka ago. baa eceeed etraagty all over Canada, where eh* baa appeared. Mia* Rice la a member of tbe Melon* and Jacobs' School Day* Company, which broke tbe box office record of tbe Palace during elr recent engsgement In tbla city. Claude and Fannie TJaber have one of tbe genu of vaudeville. In tbe ivml-hnnaoroaa. aym Kthetlc aketcb. Fagtn'a Dearleton. Tbla aktt and hlctler'a Marionettes, an European novelty, re the feature* of Keith hlgb-r!*** acta at i Temple, week of December fC Manager Jack nlrton waa there with hie nox-offlc* smile. hae been engaged by tour of tbe world. manager of the park for next . George W. park, manager of Newell Park, has returned here from a trip to tbe Pacific Coaat. Be I* tbe western representative for tbe Homer Lnogblln China Co.. and la admitted the beet domestic pottery saleeman In the Catted Btatc*. M. K. Z1MEBMAM. Automobile Aerial Racers, a ride nrat eon- stroetsd under patents of Ass O. Nevelle. at Lagoon Park. Ludlow. Ky.. In lnon-to, hae* been erected at Deleter Garden. It. other parka. Tl operated tn park TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS, Car- nJwal, Cage Cover*. Buy where COTTON grows and DUCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. SMdei-x-G lover Tent Co., Rome, Ga. 6ENUINE BUNTING FLA6S Or ALL NATIONS FOR CIRCUS WAGONS, 60C EA. Atairlftaa Flag Mfg. Co., Eastta, Pa. CAR W. lot laee than 80 reel long. Dea photo. Lowest price for eaah. Oen. Del.. New ratrlcal agent, ha* at Heb leaaed Ark., a watera. Kulalle Laecelle. wild animal and dog trainer, haa Juat left the Banatarlum at Alexandria. La.. after an attack of typhoid fever t--»i"g nine Wataon'i Bur- be Identified with the Ring J agent tbe coming eeaaon. eber Uprtngs. mineral E. O. Smith's Colossal Mneeum will open Ite water O.. April 2 J. CoJwcll Murphy, female In hi* eighth week In vaodrrllle. the Downle and Wt " bT M « ling J. J. Richards, bandmaster with tbe pangh-Selle Bros.' circus tba paat aeaeon. Is epending tbe winter In Kansas City, Mo, Mr. and Mrs. rra B> b. Miner cloeed with the Mighty iiaag Sboara, Nov. 33. They hare been re-engaged for next eeaaon. Wm. P. Ttnnln baa signed with Bxalth's Col- •oaaal Sboara aa assistant manager, making his fourth eeaaon. C. e Dickey will band with Smlth'e Coll Rimer Meyer* will hare the prlrllege* with Smith'* Colossal Shows next season. Ed. Thlree bee charge of tbe winter quarters of tbe B. O. Bmltb'e Colossal knows. AT PARKER HEA DQUARTERS. Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. IT.— Henry nickel, rontlractlon engineer at the Parker plant, haa left for a three weeka trip to the Eaat. when be will vlalt the modern aoos la search of Ideas for Ibe large ano to be erected by Mr. Parker during the coming pear. Thla building will he the moat up-to-date la the country, embracing all the lateet la animal hr again be the leader of tbe moessl fshoavs next eeaaon. Coo Kennedy will make thla city hla future me. Me will boy a house here and move at 60-ft. round top, with 30-ft. middle. 10-ft. wall. 0] Has boon used orfo month. BARGAIN ' wine deposit. ... - - - - - mu. Drill all through. MURRAY & COMPANY. Inc «VS IVf atrial Lara gtx-aeaet. , . „ CIRCUS MANAGERS TAKE NOTICE On account of not taking my own show out to the circus field. If you want A-l side the money, address at once to JOSEPH N. I have decided to i one that will get you WANTED FOR GOLLMAR BROS. SHOWS FOR SEASON 1911. TOR THE ADVANCE— Contracting Agenta. Special Agents, 24- boor Agent*, experienced Clrcu* - a. FOB TRE BIO SHOW — Sensational Act. suitable for free outside Riders, comedy Bar Acts and good Comedy Acte of all kind.. Clowns, oerlt. Novelties, etc.: Concert People who double In big abow gives SHOW— rreaka. Curiosities, good Snake Act. lady Dancer, acta or all kinds, sultabl* for aide ahow*; Man to take charge, meke openings, etc.: alao Ticket Sellers. Sober and reliable Train Heater, one who can repair care: Paint*™ and other Mechanics for wtae- ternnartere; B os* Caavasmaa who moat be bands who wUI address J. D. HOIXINOER. Mt. BROTHERS. BABABOO. WIS. FOR SALE — One Cars, one Wwktngwtan'a Sleeper, several Female " QOLUIAR BROTHERS, BABABOO. W18C. able to get quick resnlts; Musicians for big aaae other* address QOLLMAB Carroll. 111. All WANTED I LOOK I Concrete account of H. SANOIR INDOOR FAIR COMPANY AND SOCIETY CIRCUS To tola Jan. 3: illusion Show. Ohoat Show. 4-ln-l, Platform or Freak Snow, or any tret that can act up tn email space. One more Free Act. Will eell exclusive privilege Car 22 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. Theatres and Attractions. (Continued from pace 18 ) Dooley. comedy acrobats; rwcj and Emma Pol- lack; Pusey and Ba x land . (Infers and dancers; U HOBoS- Eill'IKE (A. If. Brnr reman. trtmn and mgr.} Week Dee. 12 . Crscterjicts, Week IS. Bon Tons. GAYETY (Corse Payton, lessee; Isldor Cohen, wgr.t Week Dee. 12, Lovers Lane bj Claude Payton aad Peyton Stock Company; week of 19. The Honae of a Thousand Candles. aTEWABLK.— NEWARK (A. W. Bobbins, mgr.) Toe Lily week of 12. WAUMtaN*S (Lee Otto- lenqae. mgr.) The Boo Tons week of 12; The Bower jr Bartesqners week of 19. MINER'S EM- PIRE (Leon Brans, mgr.) Broadway Gaiety Girt* week of 12: The Meny Whlrt week of 19. COLUMBIA (J. W. Jacobs, mgr.) The Port of Mlsianx Men week of 12; The White Captive week of 19. PROCTOR S (C. R. Stewart, mgr.) IfabeTs Animals, fair: Mae Melville, good; Adolf Zlnk and Company, good: Frank Mayiie and Company, very good; Prank Whitman, big hit; Sam Chip and Mary Marble, bit of bill: Barry and Wotrord, good; Four Konery Brothers, week Of 11. NEW YORK. ; STEW YORK CITY. — ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Win. Fox. mgr.) The stock company in The Boose of a Thousand Candles. AMTAMBBA (Percy 6. Williams, mgr.) Vau- deville twice a day. AMERICAN MCSIC HALL (Wm. Morris, Inc. mgrs.) Vaudeville twice ■ day. ASTOR (J. L_ Bnford, mgr.) The Aria tor. third week. BELASCO (David Belasco, mgr.) The Con- cert, twelfth week. BIJOU (A. C Campbell. The Xert Egg. firth « ■ BROADWAY (Wm. BRONX (Percy G. ne twice a day. CASINO (W. L. CIRCLE (Hollla E. Cooley. mgr.) third week at this house. CITS (Samnel F. Kingston, mgr.) Tflle twice a day. COLONIAL (Percy G. derflle twice a day. COLUMBIA (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.) Mother, Col- W1LLIAM COLLIER'S COMEDY (F. R. Corn- stock, mgr.) William Collier In I'll Be Hanged If I Do. " DEWEY (Wm. Fox rilie and moving; EMPIRE (Charles GClette. thir d we e k. FOURTEENTH STREET (J. Wesley Rosen - quest, mgr.) VanderUle and moving pictures. GAIETY (J. Fred Zimmerman, mgr.) Get- Rich -Quick WaUlngford. fonrth week. GARRICK (Charles Frohman, mgr.) Annie Russell opened 20. GLOBE (Charles Dillingham, mgr.) Sarah Bernhardt, third week. GOTHAM (Wm. Fox. mgr.) VandevtDe and (Harry pictures and vaudeville. GRAND OPERA ~ Follies of 19 10. HACKETT (Ed. Onfard. third HERALD SQGj Lola Glaser in The HIPPODROME (John B. Fltxpatrlek. mgr.) The International Cnp. with the circus sets, the ballet of Niagara and the Earthquake, six- teenth week. HUDSON (Henry B. Harris, mgr.) Widow, sixth week. HURTIG * SEAMON'3 if Hnrtig. mgr.) The Beauty ending Dec. IT. KEEXEY'S THIRD AVENUE (Edw. J. Mc- Msbon. nurr.) Yaodernie a nd m oving pictures. KEITH & rROCTOIt'S FIFTH AVENUE (G. S. McTnne. mgr.) Vaudeville twice a day. KEITH & PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (23d St.) Moving pictures and vaudeville. KEITH & PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (Union Sq.) VanderUle and moving pictures. KEITH A PROCTOR'S BIJOU DREAM (56th St.) Motion pictures and vaodeville. KEITH A PROCTOR'S HOUSE (C. J. Holmes, stock and pictures. KEITH & PROCTOR'S 125th ST. (C. Hal- steln. mgr.) Stock, vaudeville and pictures. KNICKERBOCKER (Harry G. Sommers. mgr.) Foolish Vlraln opened 19- LIBERTY (J. W. Mayer, mgr.) The Country Boy. seventeenth week. LINCOLN SQUARE (Charles Ferguson, mgr.) ovlns picture* aad vandeville. LOEWS SEVE SEVENTH AVENUE rMarcus Loew, Inc.. mgrs.) Vandeville and moving pictures. LYCEUM (Daniel Frohman. mgr.) The Im- portance of Being Earnest. portance of Being Earnest, sixth snd last week. LYRIC (Sol. Manhelmer. mgr.) Mrs. Leslie Carter In Two Women, third week. MAJESTIC (WUbor Sbnbert Co.. mgrs.) The Bine Bird, seventh week. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Ham- merstein. mgr.) Vaudeville twice a day. MANHATTAN (Wm. Gane. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. MAXINE ELLIOTT'S 'Ralph Long, mgr.) Th e Gam blers, eighth week. METROPOLITAN" OPERA HOUSE. Grand METROPOLIS (Leon Berg, en Crook. MINER'S BOWERY (E. D. Miner, mgr.) Broadway Glietr Girls. MINER'S EIGHTH AVENUE (E. D. Miner, mgr.) Follies of the Day. MINER'S BRONX (E. D. Miner, mgr.) The Pennant Winner. MURRAY HILL (Fred Beauty Trust. NAZIMOVA'S 39th STREET mgr.) Mme. Troubadour closed week at this house Dec 17. NEW AMSTERDAM (KJaw A Erl anger, mgrs.) Madame Sherry, seventeenth week. NEW YORK (Klaw A Erl.mger, mgrs.) OLYMPIC (Maurice Krana. mgr.) Irwin's Big Show. PLAZA (Wm. Morris, Inc. mgrs.) VanderUle and moving pictures. PROSPECT. Moving pictures snd vaudeville. REPUBLIC (David Belasco. mgr.) of Suunybrook Farm, twelfth week. SAVOY (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.) and moving pictures. STAR (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Yandevll lng pictures. TREMON'T. Stock company. UNIQUE (E. L. Well, mgr.) Moving pictures and vaudeville. VICTORIA (Wm. Hammerstein. mgr.) Vau- deville twice a day. Victoria ROOF GARDEN (Geo. B. Kill- man, mgr.) Vandeville and moving pictures. WALLACE'S (Chas. Buraham. mgr.) Pom- ander Walk opened Dec 20. WEBER'S (Jos. M. Weber, mgr.) Where Do Too Live? thirteenth week. WEST END (J. K. Cookson. mgr.) Fourth Estate closed week ending 17. YORKV1LLE (Marcus Loew, " Vaudeville and moving pictures. COMEDY (Albert KaurBTman. mgr.) lng pictures and vaudeville. FAMILY (Wm. Fox. mgr.) Morlng pictures and vaodeville. NEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Vaudeville and plc- The Mov- N'ATION'AL (Marcos Loew. Inc., mgrs.) Vau- deville and moving pictures. ALBANY. — HARMAXUS BLEECKER HALL (J. Gilbert Gordon, mgr.) The Soul Kiss 12-13; The House That Jack HnUt 15-17: Marie Dress - Weston, went big; Tom Nawn snd Cotnpiny. ex- cellent; Mscart and Bradford, a laugh; Maxim's Models, One; International Polo Teams, a big novelty hit: Floyd Mack, very clever; Anita Diss's Monkeys, fair; pictures cloaed a line show. Week Dec. 19. Bolt's Courtier*. Valerie Bergerle's Plsyers, Jane Courthope snd Compsny, World snd Kingston. The Nichols Slater.. Clif- ford Wslker, 1'ojss and Uno. _ STAB (Dr. P. C. r.) Wo Cornell, mcr. eek Dee. 12. Raymond Hitch- cock In The Man Who Owns Broadway: Dec. 22-24. Francis Wilson In The Bachelor's Bsby. TECK (J. H. O label, mgr.) Week Dec. 12. Lew Field's production. The MidolRtit Sous: week Dec. 26, H. B. Warner In Alias Jimmy Valentine. LYRIO (J. Laughlln. mgr.) Week Dec. 12. Tbe T urnin g Point; week 19. Tbe Thief. LAFAY- ETTE (Messrs. Bagg and Bui It ley. mgrs. ) Week Dec. 12, Jardln de Paris Girls, good business: week Dec. 19. The P - (Chae. White, mgr.) night Maidens. BTNOHAlfTOB*. — STONE OPERA HOUSE (O. S. Hathaway, mgr.) Time. Place and Girl. 10; The Round-Up 12-14: Tbe Cat and the Fid- dle 18. ARMORY THEATRE (C. Sheehan. mgr-) Tenhrooke and Henry, Tbe Runtoua. Grimm and Sacbtell, Three Weston Sisters. Grenler and La lose, and pictures 12-14. KINGSTON.— KINGSTON OPERA HOUSE (C. V. Du Bo la, mgr.) Taylor Stock Company 12-17. BIJOU (Seymour Warner, mgr.) Miners and Toerner Stock Company 12-14. School Boys and Girls, Campbell and Morris. Fowler and Farlow 15-17. TJTICA— HIPrODROME (P. F. Clancy, mgr.) Wilson snd Frsukford, Dare Devil Frank. Mao- THE ARCADE THEATRE, DURHAM, N. C. This coxy theatre with Its sesi leatlng capacity of 600. Jefferles' sttractlons. managed by Oscar F. Ier 26-27. EMPIRE (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.; East- ern Wheel) Irwin's Majesties 12-14: Tbe Col- lege Girls 15-17. GAYETY (Oscar Stacey. mgr.; Western Wheel) The Ducklings 13-17. BROOKLYN.— MONTAUK (Edward Trail, mgr.) Ethel Barry more In Mid-Channel week of 12; John Drew week of 19. TELLER'S BROAD- WAY (Leo. C. Teller, mgr.) Tbe Fortune Hunter week of 19: The Old Town week of 26. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. H. Springer, mgr.) Flake O'Hara week of 12: Arseoe Lupin week of 19. MAJESTIC- (W. C. Frldley, mgr.) H. B. Warner in Alias Jimmy Valentine week or 12; Lew Dockstader-s Minstrels week of 19. SAM S. SHUBERT (L. J. Rodrlques. mgr.) Marie Dressier week of 12: The Chocolate Sol- dier week of 19. COURT (M. T. Mlddleton, mgr.) The Court Plsyers week of 19. AMPH10S (L. A. Nelms. mgr.) Queen of tbe Highway week of 19. PHILLIPS' LYCEUM (Louis Phll- Ups, mgr.) Stock. CASINO (Chas. Daniels, mgr.) Yankee Doodle Girls week of 12. EM- PIRE (Geo. McManua. mgr.) Pennant Winners week of 12; Ysnkee Doodle Girls week of 19. PAYTOX'S BIJOU (Corse Psyton. mgr.) I«h- msel week of 12. PAYTOX'S LEE AVENUE (Corse Payton. mar.) Othello week of 12. GO- THAM (Paollne H. Boyle, mgr.) Forbes Stock Company In Fsncbon tbe Cricket week of 19. CRESCENT (Lew Parker, mgr.) Crescent Stock Company in Caste week of 19. STAR (Jsmes Clark, mgr.) Bowery Borleaqnera week of 12. GAYETY (H. B. Denny, mgr.) Irwin's Big Show week of 12: Irwin's Majesties week of 19. GREENPOINT (Benedict Blatt. mgr.) Mr. Frank Keenan, Marshall Montgomery, John R. Gordon and Company. Three Lyres, Melanl Four. Stlckney'a Comedy Circus. Patay Doyle. Four Floods week of 12. ORPHEUM (Frank Ktlholz. mgr.) Gertrude Hoffman. Taylor Kranaman and White. Homer Miles. Kelly and Kent. Tbe Kraton. Dixie Serenaders and Wm. H. Tbomp "'btOTAM.-^HEA'S (M. Shea, mgr.) Week Dec. 12, Lillian Shaw, a hit; Bernard snd ley and Halll and pictures week of 12. ORPH- EUM (Ford S. Anderson, mgr.) Rsthskeller Trio. Josephine Saiton am] Five Dlile Kids. Etbcl Chelae. 12-14. Geo. Rsndoll and Company, Mar- clta. Three Fredericks. Prof. Welmer snd pic- tures 15-18. SHUBERT (Wm. D. Fltxavrsld. mgr.) The De Haven Sextette. Glenn Zeathoa' Doss. Claude Roode. Al. Carleton. Goodwin and Elliott. Clark and Verdi. Lavlnoe Clmaron Trio and pictures week of U. NORTH CAROLINA. GREENSBORO. — OPERA HOUSE (n. H. Tate, mgr.) Pan! Gllmore 14. BUOU (Slater !-> Margo'a Manikin. Dolly Rapier. Phillips and Gordon, k of 11. OHIO. - CINCINNATI. — GRAXD (John Hsvlln, mgr.) Raymond nitchcoek In The Man Who Owns Broadway week of 19. KEITH'S COLUMBIA (Harry K. Shockley. mgr.) Miss Fannie Ward. Howard and North Howers. Walters and Cronk- rr, Apdale'a Zoo Circus. Ilarrv Atkinson. Tom Waters. Milton and De Long Sisters. Tbe Ba- llots, and pictures week of 18. Lyric (James E. Fenneasy. mgr.) Mlsa Nobody From Star- land week of 18. ORPHEUM (Mr. Jordan, mgr.) Arnold Daly. Juliet. Rene Orahame, Nan Aker and Company. Johnson and Wills, The Brown Trio, Tbe Six Jnggllng Jordsns, Oeorge W. Day snd The Four Avolos week of 18. OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and L. Forepangh rtsh. mgrs.) Forepangh Stock Company In A Bach- elor's Honeymoon week of 18. EMPRESS (" B. Robinson, mgr.) The Three Alex. snd Gardner. Six Gypsy Bfngcra. LeFevra anil St. John. Billy Ilarron. Williams snd Brown and pictures week of IS. WALNUT (W. F. ££S£i- m 9&) ,n Panama week of 18. HKt.'CK'S (Oeo. neuck, mgr.) Barney Oll- ?« 0T, „ I S.JE?"Z Tnm ■">•"'» '■>• of 18. GERMAN. Bchnrewlttcben ond dl« Sleben HARRIS and RANDALL In Their Rural Comedy I "50yiLES FROM NOWHERE " (OO THREE NATIONAL COMIQUES COMEDY ACROBATS «V C. CIRCUIT OWCN QCRTRUDK WRfSHT & STANLEY Tatt Aubrey Rich Character Delineation in Song IN ECKHOFF & GORDON Mosical Lii|hukers • UUIVAN-CONSIDINE CIRCUIT NOUN, SHEAR aid NOLAN "WHIRLWIND ACROBATIC C0HI8KS" IN VAUDEVILLE -THE- DANTE S FUJI SEANCE That Mo^t A max! no. Meat Amusing Mystery Known. Dean - Orr Sitter* «W Skeet Gallagher PAT REILLY flsaaslnllij MTItfl FI 0 TTTt I fl In lhi Military PlaykH " IN THE DAYS OF '61 " •ulltvan-Cwnsiainei Circuit OUKKR. LCE ■CRTOOOOCOW DUKE and BERT ■•■1 Co wpnnch.r. Id Vandeville LULU DIXON QaisrCter and Dancing Allan and Chenault DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 23 Z»vrgc 18. matinee; IN. evening itlnee; Die Lleder dH Masibentea STANDARD (K. J. Clements. Wheel) M.rsthoo CUrla week of 8 ST&S SSSwJTl AKBON. — COLONIAL (F. E. Johnson, mgr.) Schaar-Wheeler Trio. Percy Waran and Cotn- isnr. Stuart and Keeley. Joan Dale. Cowboy WIllfiiM, Ross and Aabtoa 12-14. Deltorella arid ClIaMnds. Uae M. Bursa. Edna Beoalag Cmpanr. Quo. Herbert, Lillian Lerarde. Two nmciiTi. Schaar-Wheeler Trio and plctun-e 15-17. QltAND OPERA HOUSE (0. L. Eltler, mer.) Lyman Howe'a Pictures 25: Barney Oil- more '20 -H ; Tbe Girl from Bector'e 29 SO: Sereo '"fjLEVELAMD.-OPEBA HOUSE. Tbe Arcsd- lana week of IT. COLONIAL. Tbe Little Dam- 3 week of 17. LYCECS1. Eocene Blair In The I.lgnt Eternal week of 17. CLEVELAND. A Minister'. Sweetheart week of IT. 8TAR. Jolly Girl* week of 17. EMPIRE. Hastlag'a Illc Stow week of 17. HH'PODHOMK. Bessie Wyun and College Life, headline!*, week of IT. i KKSCIIJ.A. bon'a Wastrels and Tanderllle " CHTTJ-IcbTHE.— MASONIC OPEBA HOUSE (A. It Wolfe, mgr.) Gay Morning Glories 10. EAST L1TER*00L.— CERAMIC (William Tallmsn. Jr.. mcr.) Tbe Bed Mm 12: Tbe Olrl of My Dreama IS; Ott"a Cotnedlana 18-20; Couoty 8berlir M: Minnie Madden Flake Jan. I: Tbe Nigger «: The Olri In the Tail 7- AUDITORIUM THEATRE (Cen- lated Tbeatrea. leaaeea; M. Shea. Dee. 10 Tbe Squaw Man: 14 Tbe 17 Tbe Man of tbe Hoar; week IS Hyde's Theatre Parly. ORPHEUM THEATIT <0. O. Murray, leaaeo: M. F. Bassett, local manager) Week of Dec. 12 The Rajah of Bhonc Company with Jamca T. Crowley and Ed. Barnes. gPRTHOnELD.— FAIRBANKS. Mlaa Blllle Burke In Suxsoor IS; Tbe Third Decree 17. NEW SUN. Adam, tbe Man Monk, Jules Held and Compa ny. T hree Slna-lng Glrla week of 12. STrrjBEJTVTIXE.— grand tArthor Morley. mgr.. Ward and Votes 14. NATIONAL (Wm. G. Hartahorn. " Moran. of UE TOLEDO.— VALENTINE. Francea Starr In The Eaileat Way 16-17: Blchard Carle 26. LY- CEUM. In Panama 11-17: Red Mill 18-21: Smart Set 22 24: Boater Brown week of 25. AMERICAN. Haxel Kirk week of 11: Carmen week of 19. EMPIRE Parisian Wldowa 11-17: Ratting Shown 18-24. PENNSYLVANIA. 5.— NIXON (T. F. Kirk, mgr.) In Smith week of 12: Tbe Three week of 19. ALYIN (Harry Darls. mgr. i Henry E. Dtxey In The Naked Troth week of 12: Tbe Bohemian Girl week of 10. LY- CEUM (B. M. Oollck. mgr.) Tbe Millionaire Kid week of 12: Tbe Girl from Rector's week of 18. DUQUESNE (Harry Darin, mgr.) Tbe Harry Darts Stock Company In Tbe Girl of tbe Golden Went week of 12; If I Were King week of 19. GRAND (Harry Dsrls, mgr.) Vsade- rille. featuring Christy Matbewaon and Chief Meyers and May Tolly week of 12. OAYETY (H. Korraman. mgr.) Tbe Glrla from Happy- land week of 12. ACADEMY (Harry Will lama, ma r.) N ew Century Girls week of 12. BUTLER.— MAJESTIC (Geo. N. Burkhalter. mgr.) Tha High Boilers 10: Tbe City 18; The Wolf 17. LYRIC (C. C. Cart ton, mgr.) Erie and Leo. Tbe Two Treats. Jack Dora. Lynn sod Una Wesley. Myrtle Boiler and pictures week of 12. ORPHEUM (Lloyd Gnlicb. mgr.) Frederick and Errleb. Herbert and Camp. The Hartleys. Long and Long. Joe Sagas. Smith and Becber and pictures week of 12. ERIE.— PARK OPERA HOUSE (Jeff CaUan. mgr.) MrBrlde. Puree! 1 and Shelly. Yon Horen. Wlnkler Kresa Trio. Gaylnr and Wiltate. Bal- 1-rlnl'a Wonderful Dogs." Walt Terry and Nellie Elmer and Company week of 12. COLONIAL ( ler. mgr.) Mile. Cor to and Compat. a. Locadoa. Lena Harriett. Rich mpany: Sir Wayfarers. Loeado*. Lena Bartlett. Rich- ards sod Beverly. The Ten Dark Knlgbla week or 12 ALPHA (J. J. Raymond, mgr.) Rouse sod Beed. I -aura Blsndoo. Mlas Leader. SDd pic- tures week of 12. HAPPY nOUB (D. H. Con- nelly, mgr.) Kal-Crspoa. Da Brell and Ret well, and nlctnrew week of 12. HABBJBBTJBO.— MAJESTIC (M. n. Melrlrs. mgr.) The Tiger Lilies 14: Howe'a Travel Pic- tures is: Joseph Sbean Grand Opera Company IS, ORPHEUM (Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) Carl Henry and Models of Jardtn de Paris. Babcoek. Harconrt and Company. Qnlnlan and Richards, and plctorea week of 11. JOHXSTOWsT. — CAMBRIA (H. W. Sherer. mgr.) polly of tbe arena IS: Tbe City 14: Rich Rollers IS: Tbe Tiger Ulles 10: Three Twins IT; BIB l« Burke 20: Tbe Round -Up 23- * LANCASTER FULTON (C. A. Yecker. mgr.) Tbe Passing of the Third Floor Back 10: The Rotmd-Up 15-17. FAMILY (Edw. Mo- •art. mgr.) Old Heidelberg week of 12. SCRAiTTON. — LYCEUM (Tbomaa Gibbons, mar.) Sherman Opera Company 10: The Cat and the Fiddle 15. COLUMBIA (Geo. Nelson Teeta. mgr.) The RolUckera 1214: Edmonrt In Tbe Wise Guy 15-17: The Brigadiers SET — B ARRE. — O R AND OPERA HOUSE M. CanfTman. mgr.) Sheehtn Opera Com IS: The Cat aval the saddle l«i The Merry • 17. NKSBITT THEATRE (D. M. Caalf- man. mgr.) The Neabltt Stork Company In The White Slater 2*. POLI'8 THEATRE (Gor- don WrlKbter. mgr.) Gordon and Key*. Belle Adair. Marlon Carson and Company, Amaroso Slaters. Donovan and Arnold. Three Maacagnla 12. Dougherty's Poodles. Rita Redneld. Tbe strolling Players, Chadwlck Trio, tbe Foot Bed- •llnis. and Harry Hnlman 19. LUZERNE THE- ATRE (Leon Ferlndlnt. mgr.) Umpires 12-14: RolUckera 18-17: Moulin Rouge 10-21: Brl- c •.filers 22-24; Americans 20-23; Dreamland 20- 31. WTXLXAVSFORT. — LYCOMING OPERA norSE (L. J. Flsk. mgr.) The Thief 14: The Merry Widow 10. FAMILY (Robert Fills, mgr.) n«rry Brooks. Musical Ten Eyrks. Rus- sell's Minstrels. J. A. Schuenk Company. Tom- week of 12. RHODE ISLAND. PROVIDENtfC — PROV4DKNCB1 OPERA IIOI-BE (F. R. Wendclseuacfrr, mgr.) The Chocolste Soldier week of 12. Week of 10. dark. EMPIRE (Sol Brannlg. mgr.) The Bnaary week of 12. Wm. II. Turner In Father and the Boys week of 19. IMPERIAL (Geo. Gray, mgr.) Baldwln-Melvllle Stock Compsny n The Lost Trail week of 12. Same company Tbe Lion and the Mouse week of 26. WEST- MINISTER (Geo. F. Collier, mgr.) Fade and Follies week of 12. Queen of Bohemia week of SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON.— ACADEMY OF MUSIC (C. R. Matthews, mgr.) Al. Wilson 13; Mrs. FIske IS. MAJESTIC (0. L. Brandtley. mgr.) Cbas. Innet and Maude Ryan were good; Hom- ers aod Stork; Clarence Oliver, monologues; N or- ris' Baboons la s clever torn; business week Dec. 10 good. Program Dec. 17, Herbert, tbe Frogman ; Charles Haitle, Dixon and Hanson, Tbe Three Lorettas. oEAsoEBirao.- academy of music (J. M. O'Dowd, mgr.) A Japanese Honeymoon 12; Paul OUmore In Tbe Bachelor 23. TENNESSEE. JACKSON.— ELITE (Otto E. Joaea. mgr.) Lois sad Laid, tbe Wenta Brothers and pictures week of 12. MARLOWE (M. Kahn, mgr.) Thomas Dixon in Tbe 81na of tbe Father 14; Mada me X 16. NASHVILLE- — ORPHEUM (George Hickman, mgr.) Billy Link. Valentine and Bell. Nolan and Wilson. Slg. Maximo, Bradlee Martin Company, and pictures 12-17. BIJOU (George Hickman, mgr.) School Days 12-17: As tbe Sun Went Down 19-26. VENDOME (W. A. Sheets, mgr.) The Sins of the Father 12; Tbe College Widow 19. GRAND (George Hickman, mgr.) Sully Duo. Blossom Boblnson. Ansel and D oraln. Nash and Bernhardt snd pictures 12-17. FIFTH AVE. (F. P. Furlong, mgr.) Nedjl. Preston and Vaughn, Allmas. Tbe De Espe Family, and pic- tures week of 12. TEXA8. AUSTIN. — HANCOCK'S OPERA HOUSE (Geo. H. Wslker. mgr.; Amer. Theat. Ex.. booking agents) In Havana 13; Mary Mannerlng 14; The City 17; Murray and Mack 20: Bessie Abbott 21. THE TEXAS (Wtsbert * Marshall, mjrrs.) Ches end Checkers 8-10- DALLAS. — DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (George Auy. mgr.) Mary Mannerlng In A Man'a World 12-13: Frederick Ward In Julius Cesser 14; James T. Powers In Havana 15-17. MA- JESTIC (0. F. Gould, mgr.) The Motor Girl. The Be reels 81ngers. Lawrence and Edwards. Billy Beard. Allle Leslie. J ere Ssnford. and The Carlisle, week of 11. ORPHEUM (Dslton Brothers, mgrs.) Diamond Comedy Four. Th« White Beauty Horse. Cbaa. Weber. McCee and Hoyes. Eddie Dolan. MUe. Jenny week of 11. ORPHEUM (Dalton Brothers, mgrs.) Diamond Comedy Four. Tbe White Beauty Horse. Cbas. Weber. McGee and Hoyes. Eddie Dolan. Mile. Jenny week of It. HAPPY HOUR (Dalton Brothers, mgrs.) Hsrrv Maletesta. French and R week of 11. EX PASO. — EL PASO (Crawford 4t Rich, mgr.) Tbe Man of the Hoor 11-12. HOUSTON. — PRINCE THEATRE (Dave Wela. mgr.) Tbe Blue Mouse 11-12: Mary Mannerlng In A Man'a Word 16-17: Murray and Mack 18. MAJESTIC THEATRE (Cbai. A. Fsrland, mgr.) Mlaa Bessie Browning. Imper- sonator, excellent: Miss Lucille Mulhall. the horsewoman beadllner, great: La Toy Brothers, la aongs, very good; Tackier and Bunnell. In Trying It Out. pleased: Wolfe and Lee. mus- ical act, drew applause, snd motion pictures week 11. COZY (Maurice Wolf, mgr.) Fire Ksma Kleht Troupe, beadllner. excellent: Joe and Ola Hay den. very good: O'Dowd and O'Dowd In singing and dancing, pleased: Miss Myrtle Vlctorine. very good: Mlaa Jessie Ed- wsrds snd her spits dogs, woo applause, and motion pictures week 11. EMPIRE (R. B. Morris, mgr.) Wren Stock Company. SHXBJCAJf. — OPERA HOUSE (A. Saul, mgr.) Tbe City 12; Frederick Warde 13: Elks' Minstrels 16: Polly of tbe Circus 24. WACO. — AUDITORIUM (Aaron Lsskln, mgr.) Going Some 9. MAJESTIC (Box Bros,, mgr».i Keeley and Parka, went well: Rem Brandt, good: Weston Raymond snd Company, good: Williams and Sterling. Mary Lee. fair: Car- rey and Darle. Harry Feldmao. and Mae WaddeU. week of 11. VIRGINIA DAKVXLLE. — rrTTEATRE- Al. G. Field's Minstrels 10; Paul On more in The Bachelors 12. WASHINGTON. SPOKANE. — AUDITORIUM (Hsrry C Hay- ward, mgr.) Ellen Terry 15; Chinatown Trunk Mystery 16-1T. SPOKANE (Cbas. W. York, mgr.) The House of a Thousand Candles 11-17. ORPHEUM (Joseph A. Muller. mgr.) Alice I-loyd. Gas Hlhbert, Fred Warren. Harlan E. Knight and Company. Frannm and Clark Staters. Lew Sully ElCots 10. WASHINGTON (G. C. Blakeslee, mcr.) Howard Truesdale snd Com- pany. Lrs Ploeta. Larella Slaters. Olio Trio. Lester sad Kellett. Hart and Berrlek. and The Cbamberllas 11-17. PA NT AGES (E. Clark, mgr.) Ray Thompson. Renee Family. Lea Rapoll. Cbas. B. "Nelson. Mamie MlUedge, Bert Swor 11-17. WEST VIRGINIA CHAELE8TOS. — BOBLBW OPERA HOUSE (N. S. Burlew, mgr.) Tbe Flirting Princess 10. WHEELING. — VIRGINIA (Chat. A. Fela- ler. mgr.) Joe Hortla. In Our .Friend Frits 8-10: Barney Gllmore In Kelly From the Em- erald Isle 12-14. COURT (E. L. Moore, mgr.) Richard Carle la Jumping Jupiter 9-10. APOL- LO (H. W. Roar»rs. mcr.) Liberty Girls Bur- lesaners 12-17. VICTORIA (Geo. Sharer, mgr.) Barlloldy and his troupe of trained cockatoos; McC.resgor and Elmlra. novelty act: DeFrey, flypsy violinist: Shannon Shaw, singer ami jjggjr •SjpM»£l ^•~;, ,c ^ pt * r i^ , , I 0 < r ° l2 ""' WISCONSIN. FOND DTJ LAC — HENRY BOYLE (P. B. Ha- ber. mgr.) Hlckman-Beesey Company week of 12. BXLOIT. — WILSON OPERA HOUSE (R. n. Wilson, mgr.) Fl-Fl of the Toy Shop (local) 7-11. MADISON. — FO.I.flR (Marcus Hrlman. mgr.) Thomas Jefferson 12: This Womsn snd This Man 14. MAJESTIC (Btederstadt Brothers, mgrs.) Oracle Emmet and Company. Wilson Brothers. Pierce snd Rosslyn. Elliott .Blair and Big", and Vera Berliner week of 12. GRAND (Geo, Sayle, mgr.) Qlendover and Maaalon. Three Burns Slaters, Jacobs aod Sardell. vniard. and James A. Dunn week i CANADA HAMILTON. 0NT. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Allls B. Londoo. mgr.) The Thief 12: Mamie Adams la What Every Woman Knows IS: St. Elmo 14: Victor Moore In The Happiest Night of RIs Life 15-16: Gertrude EIIU of To-morrow IT. LONDON. 0NT GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. T. Mlnhlnnlck. mgr.) This Womsn and This Msn 10.- Msude Adams 12; Tbe Call of toe WUd 13; Mat. M. Sembrlch 14; Tbe Thief 15; Gertrude Elliott 16; Victor Moore IT. MONTREAL. — HIS MAJESTY'S (H. O. Brooks, mgr.) Grand Opera week of 12. PB1X- cess (H. c. Judge, mgr.) Pomander Walk week of 12. FRANCAIS (J. O. Hooley. mgr.) Beach and Maye. Elsie Ford. Harry Leclalr. DeVean Sisters. Doris Opera Troupe, and The Flying Werntz week 12. ORPHEUM (G. F. Drlacoll, mgr.) The Leading Lady, Edwards Darts, Tbe Picture of Doraln Gray. Blxley and Fink. Leo Caiillo. The Musical Hodge*. May Elmore. Al- pine Troupe, Harry Tsuda week of 12. ROYAL (0. McBrlen, mgr.) Star Show Girls week of 12. TORONTO, OUT. — PRINCESS (O. B. Shep- pard. mgr.) Cnauncey Olcott In Barry of Hal lymore 12-17. Victor Moore la The Happiest Night of bis Life 19-24. ROYAL ALEXAN- DRA (L. Sol man. mgr.) Tbe Bohemian Girl 12-17; Gertrude Elliott In Tbe Dawn of a To- morrow 19-24. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.) Wlldnre 12-17: Tbe Turning Point 19-24. MASSEY HALL (Norman N. Wlthrow. mgr.) Mme. Sembrlck 16. MAJESTIC (Peter T. Grif- fin, mgr.) Popular vaudeville 12-17. STAR (Dsn T. Pierce, mgr.) Tbe Big Review 12-17: Jardln de Parle 19-24. GATETY (T. R. Henry. mgr.) Midnight Show 19-24. 12-17; Big Banner BYRNES & WALSH THEATRICAL C0STUMERS Gowns and Millinery. Expert Corse ttj era, Cos- rum «w remodeled. Orders promptly executed. S47 W. 4Ad St.. mm York. Phone Bryant 21S8. TICKET ENVELOPES Blank, 73c per 1,000: printed, one side 5,000, 16.25; printed, one side. 10.000. (10.00. Special discount on case lots of 35,000 or more. HAMILTON PRINTING CO., Ashland. O. Silk. Span Silk. SUkolIne, Wonted and Cotton Tights a nd Shirts, Leatarda, Combination Suits and paddings made In a few hours' time. Lsamte ji w. Ver y snaaU eoes. Write for Fauts Boo i ur to St. D. BEITS. Sta. D, " If you hsvo givon up all hep* Of ever Qsttino your Catarrh Cured you are la the same position that I was In sev- eral years ago. You write plainly your name and address and mall It to-day tow. A REED, Box 218, Smyrna, DeL, and I will send to yon by return mall, a free sample of the herbs that will core your catarrh. MEYER'S MAKE-U P Our object is not to see how cheap but how GOOD we can make our Make-up and other Theatrical Goods. In all forty years, we've not had one complaint. It's worth a good deal to one who uses make-up daily to be able to secure Guaranteed Goods. Meyer's Make-up is pure and harm- less. Take no other. Sold by DMlaeoovorysvnoro or address Cus Hirer. K-28 Uaiea Si, Kit Tort PRINCE YOUTURKEY HODDY, Sensational Aerial Gymnast and Cp-Mde-Dosra Man. Dates wanted. Greater Vaudeville, etc. Street, Peoria, nitaois. GARCINETTI BROS. Hat Now playing esudsvUle oa Pacific Coast. - solid with Sells Ploto Shows Season 1»U. Ad- dress ear* The Billboard, San Francisco. Throwers BERNARD WINT0N THAT HEBREW CLOWN THAT'S ALL With JAMES SILVER "MUSICJU, RUBE" of tl> THE ORIGINAL KEELEY and PARKS "THE KID AND THE KIDLET" HOOKINS CIRCUIT EDWARD L. NELSON "OB You Voicss" Care The Billboard HUFFORD and CHAIN Tks Mmsl Paruraari ti^Mfistril Ma VV. V. A. CIRCUIT MUSICAL ALWARD XYLOPHONIST In* Cli BEATRICE TURNER SINGING COMEDIENNE Circuit DOWNARD and OOWNARD "Bracli^ S Up" Norman W. Merrill "THAT TILE FRESHMAN" II HUBEIILLE ALWATS I0IIIII. ARDELL BROS. ATHLETES ALP. T. WILTON, Mgr. THE ORIOINAE. NEVAR0S High-class Tight Win Walkers. Jumpers, a, Crcllsts. ere. Address an Luaiiaposi to CHARLES NBVABO. 8SB LaytOB SUSIE PAYNEI — COMEDIENNE — a simiNa, TAuam and damim act I The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. T. M. A. News OFFICERS NOMINATED. Cumberland. Md., Dee. 17 (Special to The B. W. Melllnger; Tlce-preeMent. B. a secretary. J. Joe Kellej; fin- ancial secretary. E. W. Grayson; treasurer. M. Oil III i . maraheli, L. W. Peterman; sergeant- et-erma D. T. Bees; outer guard. C M. Gam- ble. J. Bametta: physician. Dr. H- V. Dam- ' tgi troateea. If. Sbertser, B. C. Twlgg. L- Peterman. C. C. Bandera; delegate to con- C C Chandler. E- W- Grsyson. J. Jos Keiley. OFFICER8 O F TOL EDO LODGE. Toledo, O.. Dee. 17 (Special to The Bill- board).— Toledo Lodge No. 20, T. M. A., at Its last meeting elected the following officer*: E. K. Smiley, paat president; George Schwab, prssident; Cbaa. Palmer. Tlce-prealdent: Wm. Loan, recording eecretnry; T. J. Tripp, financial secretary; Wm. Crowsman. treasurer; Ed- J. Lot*), — Curt CoUett. sergeant-at-arma; Jack Heck. Wm. Cameron, E. B. Smiley. — taes; Wm. O. Grossman, E. B. " gaxss to co n v e n ti o n . At the same meeting sixteen c a n d i dates were admitted to membership, n lnatallatlon of ■Id January T. M. A.' OFFICERS OF NO. 33. At tbe regular meeting of the Cincinnati Lodes No. 33. held December 1*. the following officer* were elected to serve during 1911: Wm. J. Kacnan; president; Andrew G. Hetteahelmer, Tics- president; Ed. HoUenksmp, secretary; Frank r T "g"* 1 '. tressurer; Walter Thompson, auranal; Charles W. Sweltser. Eugene Laurie gad Arthur Sutton, trustees. Delegates to the Brand Lodge Convention to be held In W. Vs.. next July are. Wheeling. > i ot. Texas. Dec IT (Special to The Bill- board). — Officers elected by Houston Lodge No. Is during toe ensuing year an: President, Al- bert Couch; Tlce-presUlent. Cbaa. Koenlg; tress srer Fred Kereten; r ecor d ing and ft".*'.' sec- retary, Julias F. Hall; mirshill, Tom Bspl- port; sergeant-st-srms, Lotus Boos; past presi- dent, Wm- B. Ethridge; trustees. J. B- Hll- B. Kelly and W. it- Kthridgs; pby- H. Bulls, la. D.. Mo. 811 Congress BENEFIT THIS MONTH. Norfolk, vs.. Dec 17 (Special to The B ill board).— Norfolk Lodge T. M- A. will give Its annual benefit performance during tbe present month. Actors at the various play- houses the week of the benefit will participate. The lodge generally returns the courtesies of tbe artists with a Delmonlro banquet at one of the local cafes. - SPOKANE LODG E BENEFIT. Spokane. Wash.. Dec 17 (Special to The Billboard). — Spokane Lodge No- 47, T- K. A, will glre lta annual benefit performance at the American Theatre. December 22. A program of vaudeville acts, which will be donated by the Tarioua Spokane playhouses, win be glTes. OFFICERS ELECTED. At tbe regular monthly meeting of Lake Cbarlea Lodge No. 117. T. M. A, the following officers were elected: J. H. Tattle, president; A. B. Parker. Tlce-prealdent; L. a Addison (re- elected) fl"T"r'*' secretary; W. G. ™ shsl; Ed- See. sergesnt-st-arma: Cbaa. L Cogglna. PARAGRAPHIC PENCILINGS. By rTRABT.TJI A. WHITE. Chicago. Dec. 17 (Special to The Billboard.) — Bert Loveridge la to atep from the ranks of drcusdom. Be bss signed contracts to devote hi. attention to the Interests of the Associated Bill Posters for a period of one year. Mr. LoTtridge, so I am Informed, la to act i Inspector-general, flitting from place to ad reporting to his superiors the eoudl- of Tarioua bill posting plants In tbe United 8tatei. He passed through Chicago last week en route from Minneapolis to New York City, where be Is located for the next four weeks. ♦ Mr. Sol I.ltt, manager of McVlcker*a Theatre, announced Tbe Nigger, now being scted at his bouse, baa not been rewritten by tbe policeman who recently aat In censorious watchfulness orer Edward Sheldon's play. The only chsnges made In the play were two emendations effected through tbe removal of epithets not in common use In polite society. (Ind.) Star, and la ordered sold by Rumor baa It that tbe property of the Star Publishing Company, which publishes the In disna polls Star, the Muscle the Terre Haute (Ind.) Star, the court. Frank J. 0*DonneU will throwing a fit of Joy. ♦ a well The other day of a I can Ham Morris' lnatallatlon of tee . ict bill at the American Music Hall baa I the scratching of many managerial heads Marlon Lord, formerly Calumet Stock Corn- Well! of the Grace Hay ward panics, have JolneC " le^to portray tbe Barry Scott, late of the Calomet Stock Com- pauy, baa been engaged by George Oatti to de- wlth the Grace Hay- Tbe first of the George Amusement Company'! products to throw op the sponge Is St- Elmo. The company will take the count at Qutocy. UL. Dec. 18. Bad business la said to hsrs George Helns, a dealing a few winning tre these days. George is PETE YOUNG, (TfVrrarra The Hlckera lust recelTed the manuscript of s new vaudeville set written .by Barry Gray. It la a comedy, entitled Two of a Kind. ' R. C. NEWMAN, v»a»»*r,i?.w- General Manager International Aviators' Association. lay my hand on the moat sarcastic man In the Windy City." - Being the only person within ten feet of the 1 naturally ~ manager apeculat to the cir- cus naji i nil j as "Wits." ta auil manipulating tickets in tbe Olympic Theatre box office. While "Wits" baa bad a thorough understanding w A stock company la now being organised to bold forth at the Columbia Theatre, Mllwan- kee.^commencing Moodsy^huiusry^ 2. Wllllsm leading roles. * The new Imperial Theatre. Western arenoe and Madison street, which Messrs. Kllmt snd Gaasolo will open Christmas Day with The Lion and the Moose, should pro re to be one of tbe best paying stock houses In the city. The loca- tion Is ideal, being In the eery heart of s com- munity that has been compelled to travel many blocks to view palatable theatrical offerings. Henry Howell and Edltb Ton Luke will por- tray the leading roles, assisted by Pete Bay- Frederick Julian, Harrey Hayes, Sam with the Hamlin a few sparks of of vaudeville that Lyds till. t. snd just to show be Is offering s hrsod many dimes Into the Since substituting moving pictures for tsu- dsTlile, the Garfield bss lumped Into promin- ence. For m nickel one may now recelTe courte- ous attention, view up-to-the-minute pictures snd listen Jo the ditties of two well-voiced ueadllnen who ulsy Chicago's neighboring tsu- dfTme theatres, bss shelved her clever plsylet. Mis. Bright, Decorstor. in fseor of s two-scene play, entitled Tbe Little Mother. While Miss Kelm may hire displayed lodg- ment in the selection of her asw vehicle, it Is quite evident that she erred when ordering its scenic lnTestitnre. Evidently she did not glre thought to tbe fact that there are Tory few theatres of the outlying type with suffi- cient stage room to accommodate so massive so Miss 8tabi's Theatre maki Chorus Lady, stregoers who "fsrewelL" During a mass-meeting of the Lake View Pro- tective League, at ths First Presbyterian Church, the nickel thsstrss and dance halls were ds- oouh^ed ss being the cease of much rvil to the - of the district A it bss been announced that ths The Sweetest Girl la Parti ~ to gladden ths hssrts of who Inhsblt Chicago's " date selected Is December 2d, the place LaSall. Theatre, and the time, 10:80 A. M. Thai will be s huge Christmas tree grossing Its load of caudles snd presents while sndcr Csrr masqueraded ss Santa and Mist 1 Frisian as the fairy god-mother, wUl be its Idcnco. Ad-'-'— - T " - will be glv Count De Bee u fort baa hied bis roysl nrss sari in f£~3@. w^ilSSS'. — who receives rsv for having; bitched The Deep Purple, aid several other clSTer playa. baa been lightened In bank roll to the extent of twenty dollsrn Is keen for things i loped'' into a local the. tre tbe other" and whooped hie opinion a few. This Chlcsgo. Iocs ted fsr from the rolling pralriea Paid was naturally on the — • - ~ gaUoDuut The proceeus derived from the performance given st the Colonial Theatre Thursday sfter oT^tncae^wbo 'suffered 1 embarrassment tb^oug. the demise of Tha Mayoress. Those who arrange the bookings for ChleiroV Colonial Theatre have come within a halr'r breadth of causing the stately edifice to be dabbed the "try-oaf* theatre. They have also Interrupted tbe peaceful slumbers of genial James Jsy Brady through their careless eelec- Our Miss Glbbs, a concoction of "crutch" humor, was the first nightmare wltb which poor Jay bad to contend. And. while on the subject. It Is bat fair to stste that Mr. Brady not op a desperate fight In behalf of Gibber He even went eo far as to diminish severs! pencils singing praise of tbe play, hot to no avail, for the public refused to be tm f-nl Tbe next blow waa dealt when Tbe Msyorese hobbled Into the Colonial. She waa a weD gowned little lady, cbsperoosd by May DeSouas. sad heralded to be tbe sort Chicago would embrace, but Chicago failed to open Its snna Sequel: An "angel" wltb singed wings, some between Chlcsgo snd New York, and a local manager-scribe searching for Mr. Jonah. HOT S PRING S, ARK. Tbe Bund ay lid la atOl on all theatres la the Vapor City. A petition, signed by hundreds of bus ines s men, was p re s ent e d to the inuw Hiring attorney asking perm I as Win to operate theatres on Sundays. He refused to give bis consent for Sunday performances. As ths 1«S»II 1ls| at taraey Is the leader of tbe reform element, li seems aa if all theatre* will remain closed as for i . be has Improved considerably abac* taw MUras and Conaldln* acts hare played this popular theatre. Jerry Muglran to a late arrival la the Vapor On Bert Bowers la hard all season. Among the many prominent visitors Is Tors Byan, of that Norrto show. Pete Baker and wife are hare enjoying life (also working at a tr ' Chris. Brown, the agrr of Sullivan sad _ at ths AHlagtno Boss!, J. W. r»"»'~ has been enjoying the sous tabs walks bar* for a few weeks. Boy Dee to another prominent •■trooper'' la the Vapor City. Avallon Family Is I dry ef Vapors. Frsd E- recent visitor to _Tbe Grand Opera — Tbe DeArmoad Sisters' -f— T had Intended playing stock all season, but doll business com pel led them to cases, BUI Bnckaf allow baa tsturned to the Vapor City sfter an almai i of several aaaaaaai Bill wag stater ef the mtbaalia at tha Grand Opera Boose tor a aassbar of aaaajaaa. Many per- r r s rm s r s will remember him WSSS s hoy of tender age, Ida e y e s ig ht waa lost. He is s musician of rrisslnsrshss talsat it prominent Stars booked far raary. During the sesst the Auditorium penally Marry — MONTROSE, CAL Tha Gayaty Theatre, owned by Wanes Bros., ass been purchased by Edward J. Cooper snd F. E, Wash barn. Tbe Gayaty has been oper a ted as a moving picture boss* for severe) years. It la now the Intention of Messrs. Cooper snd Washburn to convert It Into s nrst-claaa opera bouse, adding upholstered folding chairs, balcony, new scenery sod new entrance. Mr. Cooper owns the Crystal mosUI picture house here ss well as one at Tellurlde, Cola. A stock company sad vends villa will atr. Opera Houss. gave a benefit for tbe Santa Clans Asportation of tbe ties Army. Tan per cast, of the gross i sf the bouse was given to ths SHOelstlon. Thtwagh the kindness of Manager O. L. m» ler sod Mr. Thurston, 133 waa turned ever ss tbe association. Mr. Thurston also gsve ft" check for $10. Maaager Si. O. Winter, of the Norks. has bouse for repairs and to «" r JJ DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard SKATIN G RINK NEWS Chicago Rink Manager Contributes His Views on the Future of Skating — Jordon Wins Race at Metropolitan — Fred Nail not Financially Interested in Detroit Arena BELIEVES SKATING PERMANENT. III.. Dm. 12. 1910. «t|, o. . article* pertaining to roller news •oil poller have arouaed much Inter- Mt~ here, sod being desirous of doing oor •ban Id exehsnglng ideas wltb other rink man. •gen. which can not belp being of mutual Morot to all concerned. I take pleasure In writ :ng a few tinea concerning the altaatlon In thia "'¥he Idea wblcb aeema prevalent among a Urge MKentage of rink managera aa well as with the nasral pobllc. that roller akatlng la a passing tad. good bnt for a year or two. la flatly eon- tradlcted by tbo altaatlon In Chicago. Tbere are four flrat-claaa rlnka la this city, ill doing well, and Sana Sooci Rink, now In Ita nflb Tear, la doing aa moch business aa It ever did. Of courao It taken considerable work tad thought to keep up tbe Interval of the pub- Ik. and to All op tbe ranka of those who for various reaaooa drop tbe sport, ao that the man- ager who follows tbe policy which suffices while Ckt game 1« a novelty— that la. merely tnrowi eoas tbe door* and waits for tbe pobllc to come mm ln*Vatrons^'aartte^oT™w r wwuS off. aid will nnd himself compelled to devise vsrious to time to " eoeoltles from time keep tbo people • Baas Sooci Blnk we bar* • tchednle cot- ertng every day In tbe week, with a different attraction each evening, nnd s complete Changs eebedale from time to time, as conditions ^ to warrant ^TbU schedo^ is follows:** " *** »"*••" eat In tbe West, and speeders as B. Angelica. A. MeCbesnsy. B. Proctor. H. Palmer, C Onllleksoo. A. Bead. at. Krsnas. C. Shafer. M. Caswell. H- Beat. ■ ant, B. Qrodeta. M. Kraft?. If. Kewfleld. E. Parker. P. Grodets. 0. Carlson. Nip Melrer. Wm. Boblnson, C. Keppler, and many others almost aa fsst. As aa added attraction, erery •Teniae of tbls week, we hare ao exhibition af trick and fancy akatlng by Prof. Albert Walts, tbe old-tloje^sT^te^^ho^^^lTUg^s rs%ar*enstomera^°ss >> we]i as* attracting new saws by his excellent act. These attraction! euffice to bring the pobllc. bat It Is no less Important to so conduct the rtak that those who come once win come again, to ALLAN I. BLANCH ARD, President of the of America and L. Skating Association. floor managera In the boalneaa. aeaiated by Edw. Hlarnc. These men are on the floor, at all tlmea to help beginners, free of charge, and 10 present order, not the slightest sign of rowdyism being tolerated, and oor crowd at all tlmea wilt be found aa orderly and well be bared aa any gathering of the aame slxe at a dance bill or lecture. gamming np tbe whole altaatlon briefly. It seems that If rink managers will use their en- ergy to get tbe crowd coming, and then see to It that their rinks are nest and clean and or- derly, toe roller akatlng game promises to be ss Isstlng and popular, aa a meat In the larger cities at or the theatre. BISK, AN ERRONEOUS IMPRESSION. To Tb Tbe I ao only. JORDAN EA8Y WINNER. Impression tbst baa gone broadcast that Interested In the Detroit Arena, la true, far as to watching, with interest, tbe eat of tbe first artificial tee anrface In no other way. Soars very truly, FRED W. N ALL. New York, Dec. IT (Special to The Bill- board.)— "Joe" Jordan, former A. A. TJ. champion, won one of tbe easiest rsces of bis career last week, when be led borne a large field from scrstch In tbe two-mile event for am- a tears, decided st the Metropolitan Boiler Blnk, Broadway and Fifty-second street. Jordan gare handicaps ap to ISO yards, bat displayed each exceptional form, that be easily caught up to the leaders before tbe one mile mark had been passed. From there to the finish, be held ling tbe finish line la tbe fairly 6:31 2 5. Tbe real contest was Barry Clark. 00 yard bandl- soo. 00 yards, fighting It ont MEET DAT E8 A NNOUNCED. New York. Dee. 17 (Special to The Bill- board). — January 24 to 26 are the dates decided upon for holding tbe annual Sarenac Lake ice skating races at Saranac Lake, Foil owing the roller skating published by tbe Western Skating Association at Chicago b now ready and aU amateur abater. The raise and regulstloos of the Association, together with many pertinent hints to skaters, a complete Ust of records and Ulnstratlons ard biographies of leading champions are features contained to this booklet. The book baa been compiled with that doss attention to details which characterless those directly interested to the promotion and general aggrandisement 0 f akatlng. Tbe Billboard publishers on till p a photograph of Allan J. Bl a nch e r d. presdd of the international Ska tin, ' and honorary president of lag Association, to aid to BLACKBURN RETAIN8 TITLE. New. York. Dee, IT (Special to The Bill- board ) . — Harry Burke, tbe youthful skater from Bridgeport, made a game effort last There- In a two-mile match race between the two, de- cided st tbe Metropolitan Boiler Blnk. Hew York City. But the experience and speed of tbe older skster told, and be was returned tbe victor oxer hta younger rival by several yards, la tbe fait time of 6:00 1-5. (Continued on psge 44.) Largs Stock rl GtRMIIQRMIS J ost Rsesirsd. For Carousels and Skating Rlnka. Manufac- turer of c board music. tt» W. 14th St.. Haw York. TsL The Best Rink Skate know it. Orderassxnpleriir^ be •ee.Ttnoee. Write for free cata- logue. We carry a complete line of tink supplies!. We supply parts (or other makes of ok* tee. COMPANY, 1123 THE MBW WURLITZKR FACTORY— FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Automatic Musical Instrument! for every purpose. Tbe world's largest and only complete line. 50 different styles, including Plan Orchestra. Pianino. Flnrte Piano, (satomstic Orchsstr.) 6 3-note Player Piano. Mandolin Quartet, Skat tin (< Sink Bands . 88-no te Mayer Pi a no. Mandolin Sextet. Ant o ma U c Military Bands, Violin Piano, An t o m a U c Harp. Eta. Wurlitxer waa the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field and ia to- day the wo rld's lajwesrt manufacturer. Branches' in moat large cities - . Write for big 84-page catalog, picturing the entire Wuriitser line. K7 We Supply the U.S. GoOemment With Musical Instruments. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. Ave.) CDfCTtTHATI (117 to 121 E. 4th); SIWYOHK 11* * fT W. gad, hat, B'way. m tth PHILADELPHIA HU1 Chastastl; »T. " Ave,. 8. E. ) : COtTJXBUB. O. (»T ~ CHICJ ISA V* asa m. saa/s i HI t Ml Wabash) cm - . LOOTS '.wsf Henley Roller Skates latest Model, Ball- Bearing Bink Skates. Nickel- plated Steel. Ball Bearing Club nation Alnmlnnm or Boxwood Boilers. Henley Racing Skates by speed skaters everywhere, aad are alas isairahla for Individual ass. where the Inset seal sweat « emulate skate la tbe market la swatted. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS it*. Catalog ue. M. C. HENLEY, Madita Sirfui Bint aid Duct f has Over 1.000 In Use. M ado In Three Olios. For Boiler Rlnka, Amusement Companies. P ence Halle. Contractors and Builders everywhere. Machine easily rented to Contractors and Build- ers at a net profit of not leea than f 10 to 133 a day. it la very easily operated ss when the handle la raised ft Is inclined to move forward of ita own accord. Built on the only correct principle. Guaranteed to be tbe BEST machine with which to produce an even, smooth surface on any kind of wood floor, old or new, hard or soft. Will anrface from 8,000 to 7.000 so. ft. once over In 8 hours. Two to four times over will make it smooth and level. Send for oar FREE TRIAL PBOPOSTTION. at. L. gCHXTJE- TER, 1CJ-10S H. Oaaal Stmt, Chicago, HL stew York OA OS, 1001 Flat Iron Building. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. have a akatlng fat to give greater prominence to boaa-Sde PrnfsaalnTisI Skaters— those act to offer Managers seeking sTthlhltlna Skaters sod to All the Stars of the Skating World JACK FOTOH German Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex- pert roller skater. Presenting the most THE HARRAWg Presenting their latest success RINK LAND ON W TH« 8 ^ Cl V. A?"53iB. VAN FRANK The Dare Devil, features 27-tn. top cycle skates, coast of death, barrel jumping, high and broad Jumping, dancing ea the rollers. Carry own a tags floor. Playing rinks aad vaudeville, audioes. BrookvUle, Indiana . MISS ADELAIDE E. DVORAK THE SXBX WOKDE1. In her marvelous Fancy and Trick Skat- ing Exhibition, concluding each night with a race against any man in the Risk, Ad- dreee 3347 B. OStb Street, Cleveland. O. H. A. SIMMONS Greatest living of the art of Skating— Astonishing Stilt Skating — ] FANCY SKATING BTJBXB3QTJB peril Ifldissa. 71 Breed Street, N. X. City Artistic Trick sold sxeaaaged aad WOK FOB BALE— In Ms t toon: good town of 12.000. Site 80x100. Fine Iocs t ion: low rent, 130 pairs good Richardson skates and everything it 'rtMinnf Irir'^riiiin Tif" 26 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. SEEN O N THE SCREEN Brief Outlines of Stories Told in the Latest Productions of the Patents and Sales Companies— Release Dates and Lengths of Subjects Are Given SALES CO. IMP. (Carl . UNEXPECTED HONEYMOON (Comedy; released Dec 26; length, 005 feet).— Bob Black's uncle leaves taint his entire fortune or *500.- 000, on condition that he marry. The legatee has no desire to tie himself down with a wife at his time of life, so he hits upon a capital plan to evade the spirit WI1L althoo - lng to the letter of It. He writes James Henshaw, Instructing him to hunt np a h. veleaa, homely girl and offer her *25.00O to become bis wife In name only for a year, at tbe expiration of which time they are to be di- vorced. In tbe same mall with Bob's letter, Mr. Henshaw receives a letter from bis niece, Bella, requesting him to obtain a position for her. Henshaw asks her to call, and explains Bob's proposition; bnt ahe objects, because she is not one bit homely. Henshaw persuades her to accept, which she finally does. Tbe wedding ceremony Is performed and the year passes by. Bob gives a dinner to bis friends In honor of tbe divorce, which Is to be granted the follow- ing day. When tbe next day arrives, be ac- companies bis lawyer to the borne of bis wife, and la greatly surprised to And it to be a mansion. Bella enters the room, stylish and beautiful, and when be Is presented to her. Bob almost faints. Immediately his desire for a state of single blessedness leavea him. Tbe divorce proceedings are Immediately stopped, and Mr. and Mrs. Black start on their honey- moon. UNREASONABLE JEALOUSY (Or mm a; re- lease Dee. 29; length. 990 feet). — Eva Norton, the wife of Dr. John Norton, is Jealous. One night ahe goes to tbe theatre where she meets Irving Blake, an actor, who. admiring her girl- ish beauty, invites ber to go to supper with and ahe. In a spirit of retaliation for ber schoolmaster arrives to take woman learns that Jack Is ~ picture ends with tie the ■ back Jack, tbe : own boy. The turned out of bis mother's NESTOR. ELDA OF THE MOUNTAINS (Drama: re- leased Dec 28; length. — feet). — Prank Stock bad been accepted by Mildred, the daughter of Judge Sutton, likewise tbe most Influential and the wealthiest man in the country. El da Car- ter, the mountain girl, whom he bad been fool- ish enough to imagine be loved, demanded an explanation upon seeing Mm embrace hla flan- cee. It resulted In his dismissal by Mlsa Sut- ton. The Carters, father and son, bad seen Elda In tears with an old admirer, Lem Hard- ing, trying to comfort ber, and misunder- standing their relationship, bad driven the girl from him. This, Prank coolly Informed bis former sweetheart, interested him not In the leaat; but aa Lem appeared and challenged him to a dnel. hie coolness forsook him; then was shown to Elda the cowardice of Prank and the real worth of his rival, Lem. Prank at- tempted to get revenge by stirring np trouble at tbe Carter Home, but hla sinister motive becoming known, be is fortunate to escape with hla life. Bnt with tbe arrival of tbe minister the thoughts of tbe Carters were turned into 1 all, eyes different channels; for tbe Carters, one were happy and very thankful that tl bad been opened In time. SO LAX. THE PAWNSHOP (Drams; released Dec. 23; length, — feet). — Tony, a worthy Italian youth, becomes addicted to the gambling evil. For a time lock favors him, but at last the Inevit- able occurs, and be returns home broke. To obtain more money be permits tbe pawn-broker to keep hla sweetheart as a pledge. Witt $100, thus received Tony departs to again tempt fate, while the girl remains to do tbe housework of the pawn broker and his mother until such time as Tony will return and get her out. Tony again loses. Downhearted over hla misfortune, he la back again on tbe street ird's List or motion picture theatres Is being revised for publication. Contributions to this list an solicited, iaform.ats win please Ml out tl Kama of Theatre husband's neglect, accepts. They are observed by s friend or Dr. Norton's, who tells the doc- tor what he baa seen. Norton goes to the cafe, and there finds the couple. He makes no dis- turbance, however, but returning, quietly borne, awaits ber coming with an aching heart. Upon bar arrival be starts to chide her for ber reckless behavior, but ahe, delighted at having at last aroused his Jealousy . leaves Mm without a word of explanation. Irving Blake Is short- ly afterwards struck by an automobile and hla ssnll fractured. He la taken to the hospital of wMcb Dr. Norton Is chief oS staff. When Norton discovers the identity of the patient be at Brat refuses to operate upon Mm, although an Immediate operation Is necessary. Finally, however, hla sense of professional duty over- comes hla personal feelings, and be performs the operation, and Blake's life Is saved. When Eva learns of her husband's nobility of soul, ahe goes to Mm, and making fall explanation ad Is fMly for- gTven." THAKH0O8EB. LOOKINO FORWARD (Comedy; released Dec 20; length. 1.000 feet) Jack Goodwin Is a young student of chemistry, who la far In advance of the times. He discovers s compound that baa the power to pot a man to sleep for r which be will tests this mar that It works, one hundred years. There Is no hitch In Jack's experiment, and be wakes np In 2010. as much surprised at the people as they are at Mm. He discovers that tbe rapid transit facilities have been greatly and strangely improved, and that Instead of there being any light for woman'a rlcbta It la tbe men who have their troubles. Jack finds a friend and admirer In the Lady Mayor, and she finally wins bis band, bnt not *■« SSjrTn t n£ C own sleep for any stated period of time, after Ich be will be as physically fit aa ever. Jack ■ narvel for the period of a week, finds •rks. and decides to take a rest for THE CHILDHOOD OF JACK HABKAWAT (Comedy: relessed Dec. 23; length. 1.000 feet). — Jack Harkaway Is of aristocratic birth, be- ing the son of a wealthy Englishman's daughter and a poor young man with whom ahe eloped. Hex parents bring about a separation, and com- pel her to place ber child In the bands of strangers, who are bribed to keep hla where- abouts a secret from bis mother. At the age of - twelve Jack Is placed In s acbool. Being rough- ly treated, he escapes from tbe school. Wander- Ing along a country road, be accidentally over- hears two sneak thieves planning to rob a house. Jack makes his way to tbe bouse in time to warn Its mistress of tbe proposed robbery. Wben the thieves pnt In appearance, they are captured. a h w-r«/ SWB^*«L- 'when' &. with Jocko, hla monkey, and trying to secure money for the release of Marietta. Accident- ally be overbears two robbers plan to rob a house, and follows the men. Aided by Jocko, Tony manages to frustrate tbe robbers. As a reward for Ma efforts, he la presented with a hundred -dollar bill, which, means to him — Ma- rietta. His face wreathed In smiles, Tony re- deems bis pledge. • AN INDIAN'S TEST (Dra- ma: released Dee. 13; length, 1,000 feet).— Hero- ically attacking and van- quishing a trio of cowboys who are holding bis wife captive. Brown Bear wins tbe admiration of his tribe, and la restored to a position of honor, after having been unjustly exiled for coward- lee. A GIRL OF THE PLAINS (Drama; released Dec 16: length, 1.000 feet).— Barricaded In a shack to which tbe Indians have set Ore, tbe ranch foreman battlea for his life while tbe rancher's daughter runs for assistance. With a whoop tbe cowboys leap Into their saddles and galloping madly to tbe scene, surround the red skins, who are exterminated after a furious bat- tle. DIDO FORSAKEN BY AENEAS (Drama; re- leased Dec. 14; length, 1,000 feet).— A sensa- tional subject, showing tbe capture of tbe Tro- jans by the Carthaginian Amazons. Dido, qneen of the Amazons, falls In love with Aeness. the Trojan hero, and would make him king. The King of Numldla, the rejected suitor of Dido, besieges Csrthsge with bis army, and - the assistance of Aeneas, who Ms escape. The populace revolts against Dido, and abe la executed. Oueen Dido, HIS GYPSY SWEET- HEART (Comedy-dra- ma; released Dec. 17; length, — feet).— Edith Marlowe, a Toons so- ciety women, visits s gypsy camp to hsve ber fortune told. She pro- poses to a gypsy girl „,,,,,.„ to exchange dresses. JMBttutK Dressed aa a gypsy. Edith goes to the woods and there ahe meets her handsome new neighbor, Robert Hsrlowe. It Is a case of love at first eight on both aides. Edith bribes tbe fortune-teller to let her assume ber place, and sic tells Robert's fortune. Zorelll. a gypsy, seeing Hsrlowe making love to Edith, and believing It Is M« own sweetheart pursues Hsrlowe with a knife. Edith saves ber lover's life. A great Is In store for him wben h ■jJffTK NESTOR FILMS LOOK BEFORE YOU LEA PI We LOOK very carefully and SEE to every detail, no matter how insignificant, hence: IF IT'S A NESTOR, ITS GOOD. For Release Wednesday, Dee. 21, 1910 "A DESPERATE REMEDY" Every For Release Wadnitdir, Dee. 28, 1810 "Elda of too Mountains" and a study In A rustic masterpiece ante. Road Synopsas on this Pane. THESE ARE FEATURE FILMS! YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE THEM!! ROUGH-HOUSE FOR THEM— GET THEMtl its, write) to"Naatorllat zoos, " 147 Fourth Ave., New York, NESTOR FILMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY I DAVID HORSLEY, 147 Foorttt Aye., New York City. DISTRIBUTED through Ths Sales Company MAKE Your PATRONS a CHRISTMAS PRESENT and Your Patrons will Make You Presents All the Year This is the season of good-will when we iow our friends our appreciation of their friendship. Why not show your patrons that you value their patronage and want it to continue? How can you do this? Nothing easier; install a "POWER'S No. 6" CAMERAGRAPH in your oper- ating room and present the best moving pictures in the world. Yes, when we SAY "best." we i BEST, and any exhibitor who "Power's No. 6" will back us up. you our Catalogue "O" describing all Our NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY, 115-117 Na - NEW YORK CITY. S wanson-Crawford Film Co. | FILM RENTERS 723-734 Century Building, ST . LOUIS, M O. LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE IN THE UN ITED STATE S. WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DE- PARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES m DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 27 the pretends she don not know him. but all It made clear when the gypey girl enters and de- mands her coatoroe. CHAMPION. HIS If OTHER (Dra- ma; relet ».- aggrrsted fear of Ore. lu fset. his unwar- ranted nervousness In tbls respect approaches the ridiculous, and has become a source of great annoyance to hla friends and associates, rinally hit friends decide to revenge themselves upon him. Betting off s Urge supply of Bengal lights directly under the window of Mr. Cow- ard's domicile, the Jokers soon hsve Mr. Cow- ard ruahlng for the afreet. He baa scarcely opened the fr. home and Informa bla father. Immediately the police are notified, aa " IS* " nmt * Be »«oundreto . tie the prisoner. HOW HR WON HER Dec. 16; length. 344 reet).- _ marriage to /Miss Retry to raised . lady t mother, who driven the unhappy Bert !•? ,ron > b «r home. But Bert la not dlscour- ultF "? PU '* ln, ° •**" " pUB b * whlcb he IT A LA. THE ; PALSfl ACCUSATION (Dram*: released thrilling ' ,0?? -*««*>— ™» PATENT3 CO. THE BED CROSS SEAL (Dramatic and educational releaaed Dee. 16; length, 1000 feet). — A girl of the tenement district U struggling for ex Ittence. Her tad face attracts the attention of a young man ot wealth and acta him think- ing. He decides to see how the other half of the world Uvea, so. donning old clothes, bs se- cures s room In the cheap tenement where ahe Uvea, and here a new world opens before bla gaxe — a world of poverty and want, a world of Buffering and sickness. He keeps his Identity secret snd wstches the progress of events. He sees the young girl struggling for existence — sees her striving to win the prise for the Red Cross atamp design for Christmas time. He sees her success — ahe baa won the prise. And here he also sees what sacrifice means In Its noblest form. She gives up her future, ber little price money, that mesns so much to ber. so that ber neighbor's ton might be cured of the awful White Plague; and here the young man also area that be haa fallen In love with a noble, self -sacrificing girl. She does not know or even anapect that her great sacrifice haa won for ber a glorious future, a great love, and great riches until the dosing scene of the drama. THE POLICE FORCE OP NEW YORK CITY (Descriptive: released Dec. 20; length, 905 ■ small section lew York City Is ordinary day at the Junction of Broadway, Twenty-third afreet and Fifth ave- nue. Then la taken up the work of the mounted police, starting with the breaking. In of green horses for police work on Long Island, showing the whole force at drill In Central Para, and then giving several views of mounted officers stopping and catching runaways. After that la taken up <-r police work In the har- bor, showing taiem in a typical rescue of a drowning man and catching some river thtevet who have attempted to ateal a row boat. Finally are ahown the police dogs, which are the latest adjuncts to the force. THE JOKE THEY PLAYED ON BUMPTIOUS (Comedy: releaaed Dec. 21: length. 900 feet).— A Joker and three of bla friends proceed to put to test result in t . at the expeni the waiter off to mix numerous cocktails of harmleaa ginger ale. Then they proceed, one after another to persuade Mr. Bumptloua that these Innocent cocktalla are having a very dla- tttrout effect upon him. and that he to be- coming disgracefully drunk. The suggestions bea-lna to take effect very aooa. and Bumptious ahowa real nneaalneaa. While the Jokers are enjoying the result of their success, the old grey-haired steward of the club cornea by. and aeelng Rnmptlooa' condition, llatena to hla alory and tella him of the toko which has been played upon him. Mr. Bumptloua decides that the Joke haa more than one aide and that be wilt ahow the Jokers the other. He suddenly seems to hsve acquired a very hilarious sort of a Jag. and with a poker, demolishes chandelier, glasses, bottles, steins, lamps snd everything within reach. Finally he dropa the poker, and then, winking mischievously to himself, saunters calmly out of the club, lea' ' Jokers to psy the occasioned by their A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Drama: released Dec. 23; length, 1,000 feet).— The story begins In the office of Scrooge, described aa "a wrench- ing, aqneealng. grasping, covetous old alnner." He to visited by the charity workers, who want him to contribute to the Chrlatmaa funds for the poor. He shows them the door, and then declines an Invitation from bla nephew and the latter'a Chrlatmaa wtahes. bees use the Spirit of Christmas to not with him. After finish- ing hla Chrlatmaa eve's work by scolding his poor, humble clerk. Bob Cratcblt, ho hies him home. At the door we tee the knocker change visibly before hla eyea to the face of bla former partner. Marley. long since dead, and during the night he It vltlted by Marley. who Introduces him anew to the long-forgotten Spirit of Chrlstmss. The Spirit ahows him in succes- sive visions hla happy childhood days, when he waa young and free, the breaking of bis engagement to the woman who later marries happily, and then shitting to the present Christ- mas, ahowa Bob Cratchit's humble family en- Joying their Chrlatmaa dinner, whlcb consists of the bare neceatltlea of life. He tees his nephew disappointed by being refused the hand of the one girl he loves, because of hla pover- nu xnrce ot nis menus pruceeu to an experiment which they think will a great deal ot fun for themselves tense of little Bumptloua. They tip y to nimaeir, ssosicis ub. leaving the astonished ippslling bill of danugea heme. STOP THAT NOISE OF YOUK PICTURE MACHINE BY USING I 3 a ten ted Gear Compound Famous for Its quality, tenacity. Will eliminate the clicking noise of the i In Itself an advantage. DEMAND IT. 25c a can. "STAY-ON OIL" 23 cents per half pint t i tried, always The best oil for M. P. machines. Doe a not thin and run off bearing or spatter on your Urns; mlnersl snd does not gam on mtcblne. Distributed and manufactured also free from carbon or _ by the STAY-ON OIL COMPANY. 8BLL1NO AGENTS — P. O. Dempaey. 132 Washington Ave., Scranton. Pa.:~R. SklUman. 418 E. Baltimore St.. Baltimore. Md.; Oeo. MtUer. 1208 Grand Ave.. Kansas City. Mo. M East 14 th Street. N. Y. City. Selling Agents Wanted. MOTIOGRAPH Motion Picture Machine ia A WONDER And will INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS. It projects njCKKRLEsS. STEADY and WONDER FULLY BRILLIANT pictures, has patented lVk minute rewind - proof AS L ^.hotter, etc.. C. H. D.. of Keokuk. lows, writes— "Mo HIT snd BUSINESS INCREASED WONDEII F. L. P.. of Chicago. 111., writes— "Used every < snd NOT ONE PENNY FOR REPAIRS.'* r. J. K.. of Kansas City, Mo., writes — "Operating Motlogrsph nearly two yea rs. Hsve operated all makes, but NONE TO COMPARE WITH MOTIOGRAI'H." prices, ,150.00 u d up. The Enterprise Calcium Gaa Outfit la the only satisfactory substi- tute for electric light. Write for catalog to-day. — E OPTICAL MTO. 00.. 570 Waat Randolph Street. CHICAGO. ENTERPRISE I SEND YOUR ROUTE TO BILLBOARD TO-DAY. THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. 9100,000.00 INCORPORATION ■CRATING THE CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. AND THE 316 W. 4th Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. || 309 Arcade Building, DAYTON, OHIO Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent Output. Reference :— -SALES CO., Ill E. 14th St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop ub a line 28 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. ty — poverty which Scrooge could help. And then, peering forward Into toe futon, the Spirit .bow. him the pictures Of himself dying In bis lonely room without the care or lore of anyone. He reads bis osm tombstone, which tells a pitiful story— that be Used and died without a friend. This vision proves too mnch for 8crooitr'» hardness. He repents of his ~ ' of life and staggering back, drops ■ his bed. When he awakens man. with s firm determination to live a life of lore for his friends Instead of for bis funds. He srrordlngly calls on his nephew, and when be nods the nephew with his little fiancee, be Jives him a paper telling him that aa hla partner he will be amply able to many the girl of hla choice. And then be takes the young people with him, and load- ing themselves with good things, they repair to Bob Crstrblt's bomhle home; now Crgtchlt snd his little, lame far in the future. THE TENDERFOOT MESSENGER (Comedy; released Dee. 17; length. — feet).— The story of this picture revolves around the cleverness of Shorty Blair, the ex- press messenger, who. by his tenderfoot ap- pearance, manages to carry the most valuable packages through the bandit-Infested country In which be operates. THE GREATER CALL (Drama; released 2D; length. — feet). — Richard Grey hss " Clandlne Do rand, in actress. Three years later their marriage Is blessed with a wee girl. Clandlne finds the lore of the stage too great and returne to It, leaving her hus- band and child. Ten yean elapse. Clandlne la at the theatre ready for the performance to she receives word ^that ner ' The child l holds out 'who sinks on her knees snd lifts THE GIRL SPY BE- FORE YICKSBTJBG (Drama; release Dec. 28: length. — feet).— In this film Is * feat ot the plucky girl whose dar- ing baa been so ad- mired In other Kalem "girl spy" pictures. Miss Gene Gsunfhler plays the "girl spy." THE stranger (Drama: release Dec 30: length. — feet). — A symbolic drama In which happiness, symbolised by the old stranger, into a home of discontent snd works a The Stranger la played by Mr. Bob- feet). — A . Raymond, finds stsnraerlte se- riously hurt by ■ fan from her horse. He bean hex home. Thereafter he frequently visits Marguerite and the grateful father, until one day the old man surprises the two young peo- ple In loving embrace. Raymond la forbid- den the premises. The girl pines for her lov- er snd her Injury grows worse, afarguartite's condition brings the old man to reason. He recalls Raymond and love proven an ex cell ent physician. COACHING IN DEVONSHIRE. ENGLAND (Scenic: release Dec 28; length. 348 feet).— Through the fair county ot Devon, near Lyn- month and Lyntoo. quaint Forloek town, with Its thatched roofs, then to Lyr — tor and Leigh Bay. the coach which the tourists Journey along the ~ n " GATJMONT. THE ADVENTURESS (Drama; relesse Dec. 27; length, 995 ft.). —This picture tells the Inci- dents connected with an UTflTOC- cessfnl plot to cheat ■ rich ranchman. By feigning injury in an automobile accident, the adventures s is enabled to claim the ranch owner's hospitality. While a member of bis household she leams hla private affairs snd wins his besrt. On the occasion of his selling s Urge herd of cattle, for which he Is paid Immediately, she money. Throngh the maid the plot Is failed. THE DOCTOR'S SECRETARY (Drama; re- lease Dec. length, 9S1 feet).— This film portrays a lore story, abowlng youth the victor over old age In a contest for the besrt of sn orphan girl. The nephew, who hss acted as bis uncle's private secretary, la called away and the old doctor employe a beantlfnl girl to take his. place. Immediately he falls In lore with her. hut makes no progress In winning her affection. On the return of the nephew, be and the girl fall In love and marry. The trade's heart Is broken. ' but realizing that old age must gtve way to youth In the battle for SEJJQ. JOHN DOUGH AND THE CHERUB (Fairy story; re- leased Dec IB: length. 1.000 feet). — The prophecy Is ful- filled, snd- John Dough be- come* the king of Lo-HI. As of the Lowlander* and Highlanders, he ss- oV^rfafarilou"^™^"!!' ■ to himself, as the evil of the witches and trend of natural events with shaggy breakers the path of the of state. The alchemist entrusts his ~ elixir of life to the baker woman for safe-keeping. She, being color blind, mis- takes the precious elixir for rheumatism rnn, snd the sppllcstloo of startling effects. Neg- lecting to dispose of the contents of toe bowl, same Hods Its way Into toe baker's bread, and tbe result almost proves the undoing of Lo-FH. John Doucn gives his assistance to the celebra- tion of the Fourth. No end of trouble results from the Invasion of hla peaceful rest by the mnch -despised Mlffktta. Then cornea the cherub, who introduces Dough to his animal friends, and Incidentally secures supplies. He then visits tbe fairies' garden and later interviews the Princess Oxms. who makes a pbopnecy: "The throne of Lo-HI shall vacant be until tbe coming be air or sea of an oven-baked man and a Cherub wee." Accordingly John Dough drops Into the Land of Ox. and meets the Cher- ub. Throngh their companionship then we see them encountering the tempestuous seas of frills and pains alike OVERLAND TO FREMONT (Drama: released Dec 22: length, 1,000 feet).— Blsck Bear and his squaw. Bed Bird, disagree over the drink* lng of rum, and the squaw is wounded when she tries to destroy the .bottle. An old tre riper the shot, runs to tbe spot from id came, fads Bed Bird wounded and her off to the army post, where the kind old Colonel Beverly and hla daughter order her cared for. and ahe la Anally nursed back to life and becomes very friendly to the Colonel snd his devoted dsnghter. A series of events which follow place Colonel Beverly's daughter In the hands of hostile Indians. To fro* her VTTAGBAPH. PLAYING AT DI- VORCE (Drama; Ce- lt): length. domestic wife and husband throngh Hons of their folly by theli THE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR BOAT RACES (Topical; released Dec 18; length. 388 feet).— This turn shows the International Motor Boat Races held August 20. 1910 st Larch- mont. N. Y. : on Long Island Sound, for the Harms n of In trophy. A DIXIE MOTHER (Dnms; released Dec 17: length, 997 feet). — A picture showing some- thing of what la meant to have lived In the South during tbe Civil War of 1881-8-1, and to have suffered and endured for the "lost cause." THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW (Drama: re- leased Dec 20; length. 997 feet).— The story of this Vltagrapb life- portrayal Is that a good daughter la Invariably a good wife. CLANCY (Drama; released Dee. 23: length, 955 feet).— "One of the finest" is Clancy. A policeman's life Is not always a happy one, but this film Is a happy hit. It gives an Idea of what Christmas or any other dsy means to those who an martyrs to duty and service. PATHS FRERES. GET RICH QUICK (Drama; released Dec 19; length. 739 feet). — Blu- ster is a man with a Adjoln- _ a part - be rents a suite of offices under an assumed name, and has them con- nected by means of a slid- ing panel. At home he la considered a man of means, proud of his — anghter. snd aaeagaum to see her married to the man of her choice At the office he beguiles many dupes Into parting with their cash on the strength of fabulous tales aa to the wealth to be made from In- vestments in hla companies. Into hla dutches! falls bis daughter's fiancee, who la ruined. By young man _ learns of HUNTING (Scenic; released Dec 19; — This picture portrays a si have participated. THB RUNAWAY MOTOR CAB (Comedy; re- leased Dec 21; length. 555 feet-)— Jim Scowles has the automobile fever bad, and when his un- cle writes him that be Is send in g _ lets carriage, hla joy knows no bounds. In an- ticipation he borrows a friend's car, with the result that in hla Inexperience It runs away with him through miles of country, and after many Incidents he Is hurled through the sir , and falls to the ground home, be Is In s few convalescent, when one day Bridget and tells him the horseless carriage la MAX GOES 21; length, *2i triet Max takes bis first lessons In the art of aki-Ing. He la plucky, and In spite of nu- merous falls, sticks to bis purpose, although bis attitudes and the knots In which he ties himself are excruciatingly funny. Finally, he makes hla lint lesp; It Is not exactly s uc cess foi. In the list scene the unhappy novice ap- pears to be endeavoring to escape from the snowballs that the children of the vllisge an pelting him with. THE LUCKY CHARM (Colored fairy tele: released Dec 23: length, 6u7 fast). — Albert Is in love with Lrtltis, but her hard-hearted guard- ian drives him sway when be comes to visit her. Albert Hods a horseshoe, sod. picking tt up. It turns into a fairy, who tells him that •II hla wishes will be realised try means of this ' to tbe cattle and Us marrlsga to to per (Comedy; 23; length. 304 feet).— Betty playe truant ails her satchel with crackers and other fireworks. School -mistress, scbolan, two gossip- ing women, two policeman snd many other peo- ple suffer when she explodes tbe crackers. Has supply being exhausted, Betty returns to tbe store, where she sets Are to the complete stock of fireworks, which necessltstes tbe p re sa g es of the fin brigade. SUNSHINE IN POVERTY ROW (Drama; re lease a Dec 24; length, 1,000 feet).— Toe story relates to two poor children whose father Is out of work, sad whose mother is sick. It Is the dsy before Christmas, ssd the children write s letter addressed to "Mr. Santa Clans. Heav- en," Id which they ask him to remember ihem. The letter Is sent to the post office, sad Is banded tbe postmaster. That gentleman be- ing of a kindly nature, goes to tbe home of tbe poor children, snd the next morning when_tbey visit is BIOGRAPH. THE LESSON (Dnms; re- leased Dec 19; length. 994 feet).— Tbe Rev. Mr. Hams- ter, nesting the lsst mile- stone of life's Journey, has bnt one ardent wish, sod that Is to see his son, James, westing tbe doth that be moat now lay aalde en ac- count of bU old age. James Instead of heark- ening to his father's pies, thongh he ostensibly ids most of his time In the The old minister's condition old man h c.lU , for bU My. if- 1 ■ % I* .-'.*H-.*>-.£T:'— In person, but take this yon better In 191L Wishing y on a lx XMA8 and a PROSPEBOCS YEAR, I remain yours truly, PRICE BAT. Owner snd Mgr. Dixie Film Exchange, BOB W. 4th St.. Owexntboro, Ky. P. 8,— Don't forget to ask about starting a paying FILM exchange on (120-00. Moving Picture Soon. Effects ALL KINDS OF IMITATIONS Sana for Cuts log deaarlblng our Special S30 Outfit. YERKES MFG. CO. 87TH eV 3RD AVE., NEW YORK CITY low Too Can Start • P.ylnr FILM one 70- light . tents, folding PATHB'S hand-colored' Passion Play. 6,114 ft., for rent or sale. Best film service at lowest prices. Don't fall to ask about etartlng SB EXCHANGE OB $120.00. DIXIE FILM EX- CHANGE. Price Bey. Owner end Msaagse. 609 W. 4th St.. Owensboro. Ky. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES SLIDES, ACCESMIIES, Ctaj. M. Stebbiat, t> 10IE Main •tr»«A KANSAS CITY. MO BassvasasssssC I ' most have si. ooo Arcade of 100 almost of up-to-date ones. Address tt 0. B. CLARK, fronton, Ohio. TOE SALE— Three Kdlaon two-pin ataektaes. all complete. tfO each: two Edison one pto ma- chines, an complete. 9100 each: Firsts far sale: nrat-cls«s condition, 67 to gig per reel. MAYES SILVERMAN, 106 4th Ave., Plftaborg, Pa. BAROATsTS tsT TTLMS AMD BOsTO fTTTfsTt IfHT reels 61m, elegant condition. IT per rvsrl ssd op: 50 sets song slides, perfect condlttoa. (LTI per with mmrlc. Send posts! for lists. Oood Jim .service frrml.bed st lowest prices In the South. Smjplles. Bargains In new and seeewd P. O. BOX SOB, (few Mesne. La. PATHE PASSION PLAY Tar Rest or Sa le; In very best condition. Write oulck. J. sjmeCK. a028 W, Clark. Chicago, 111. 100 REELS FILM FOR SALE 15 and |10 per reel; (In. condition. Sons 8] Idea, tl per set Power Rheostat, IS. Power No. S Careers graph, J2S. Closing out; must be sold quick. CHAS. RAT, Oreespoer, N. T. I wTO sell my new Edlstra Exhibition Model Moving Picture Machine, complete, for 1108.00 essb. Hever been need M. 0. SIMMONS. 908 Lsfsystls Parkway, Chicago, III. FILMS TO TRADE, S3 PER REEL Meat be rnaMe eonSItles. ECONOMY S1LM CO,, 4th Ae<„ near ferry it., PltUbsn, R. THE BAD MIN S CHRISTMAS 6IFT A Christmas Pester. Photoplay by the Eaaanay Western Company. EfTT . F i HT) SATURDAY, DEC. K Length. Approx.. STS ft. The most painstaking care baa been by our Western producers la making tbla dramatic photoplay a truly notable release. la acting, story sad photography, in its besatlfnl end stirring situations. It all previous have It on date. 6IRLS WILL BE BDYS ▲ Norstty In Pbotafarc**. GET THB FORCES. ESSANAY FILM MFG. CO., 466 M. OUrk tt., fTsTT0gs>O, wv 5 CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS 3 Imported Obiaaware, per _ All Leather Purse, per 100. Trick Msteh Bos, par Japanese Zithers, par Pane; Wood WMsiJss. per Terms cash. Personal checks m us t be NEWMAN MFG. CO. PASSION PLAY FILM Also Passion Play IDs and Slides; several seta, low price. Power Cass ers gra p b. |T6: CIS b> Hosts ph. new. 6160: Monograph, as new. 6146: Motion Picture Mschlnes, MO. SS0 SS ISSt " No. S, lowi Film, if esr Jets. " KtlWIffrT ft CO.. ^ _ 406 rilbsrt Street, - - PhJlsdslnkla. Tt. mi Pay $500 for a Scriei When you can get tbe same practical results ky MIRROR - SGREENETTE Curtain Paint on your aM curiam! Costs bat 68.00 par gallon. It la worth yoar while ts Jfet this paint. It produces what yon wast— Pin- ts ree of rich quality, tone, depth, artleo. si U cotnlag from a mirror. Think of It I Only H*6. cash with seder: charges paid. Order to-day. as Jest ro same narrows, Msauf a i ts a ssdenry _»r THE aTTtrTE EICX M0TI0E riCTV** 00., Ul L Ocirt Ave.. KXXTKZV TOT WE BUY FILM WE SELL FILM Plenty of feature reels, f_ t, tc per foot A jood^copy or Thaw-WrJte Case and Gan* Neiso. "cHIC AGO FILM BROKERS Osr Bernard ft AJjulse St. , Oh! ,t Slides, ' DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard hat be at tbli hoar Is In a mIooo Intoxicated. Cunuurrlng ber pride. Ruth toe* to too ••loon to bring bam* ber brother. The sslooo-keeper. aoriredeilng ber embarraeament, bege ber to leare promising to Mnd 1st 007 bom*. Junes atlaroaatrure his actios and atrlkea blm Is reecntmesl of a fancied Insult, felling blm. When ibe police arrlre they and tbe brawl baa mulled fatally for the saloon-keeper. Bath („ (oitra James boma. Tbs police follow Ji lenittb. 588 Oac S3; ; feel 1. —Harry loeed Batty, and Tire but Harry was fsarfoly baibfuL Ha arrltes bla propoaal. and Intents a acatlnMOtat coda of alguala. The letter reads: "It joa will accept me, wear red roaes; It yoa are la doobt, the pink: If yoa do not tors me and re- vet me, wear the white." The mesne n g a r hoy encaged to deliver tbe dowers, mixes ap mattera •o that only the white rosea reach Betty. Harry, serine Betty wearlac the white rosea. Is la •Saas of despair, w" chanted to Joy when Itself. THE RECREATION OF AN HEIRESS (Com- edy: released Dec. B: tenets, 410 feet). — A designing mother strongly adrlaee her son to look aho " ' recelres reada: "I am sending my niece, whom too bare peter seen, to you for a little recreation. As yoa know, ahe la an belraaa now, so kindly entity her eeery whim." The eery chance; k when tbe joaox lady srrlTSS wits her maid the boy Immediately gets busy. The heiress, of for Is wise, and ber to recreete. real race CaJa Ho we eel. la no pises feels moat deliver a Jolt to this family of fortune Banters, snd hence ehe writes tbe following lat- ter: "By chance I leeraed that tbs belreaa at roor bona* changed placee wits her maid be- fore irrlrlnf . If yi yon are after her mosey yen bad better make np to the maid." Tbs soa at once ahtfts hla attentions to the maid, and tbs ■iere allows blm to m far enough to embarrass [filmreleases RELEASE DATES— 8ALE8 CO. Monday — Eclair. leap. Yankee, iSSST Powers, Tbaabaaaii. 14— Tbs Oowat of at< 17-Th* Hooble Skirt _S1— Ihj Idol's Kya ( (eoseedy) Hla Wl Is— The i— Will la Hla Ward (1 lei 'a Redemption (, Doable (coasady drama) Wheel (drama) ... Day of Thanks (drama 1 _ Too a tr-7 Baardar (drama) _■— Tbs RsrslelBf Doors (csassdy) ....... s 1— A ChOd's I S— The Aaplra (ecasTedy) . 8— Twtrt Loyalty asm Lore (dr «*— A deesr Ross (enmity) .... IX— Faithful Max (drama) IS— The Poor strident (drama) IB— The Crippled Toddy Bear (drama) . Xf— »••••» V.Tve - 600 MO BOS TBI POWERS OO MP ANT. _ Flat That railed (drasu) •5— The Lord asd tbe Lady (comedy) ... — Adreotnrea ear s Mmiaaatrri (drama) . . 1— Tbs Sheriff asd Hiss Jonas (drama). l^Meotal Sdeoc* (comedy) ....*«.«...* a— A Bsastsa gto aes eco (drsass) ........ g — Moonshine and Lots (drama) •— Wbss) Lore Is Young (comedy) U— Tbs Ordeal of Belen Gray (drama)... ah Ho w Woanea Ksto (drama) U — A Woman Lawyer (coasedy) ........ J8— The Woman Hiter (drtmg)... ........ *» — Woo Wise the Wtdswf (drama) 2S — Wanted, a Baby tcemsay) .... Pscaahor 1 a— Whan tbs World Bleeps (drama) •—Tbe Medicine Mas (coasedy) . . . . •— Tbs Reersaraal (drama) ........ 10— Tbs Ride to Death (drama) .... IB— A Plucky W eaters Kid (drama) ne—Te- — "'-rcllat (rx — > ethssrt ( *— A Child of tbe Wild (drama) «— A fflosx'a Reward (drama) S — A Rene* W eaters flirt (di (drama) .1000 October— **— Lsaschtsf tbs first Italian Dreed- aaajrht (aceaic) Wants to bo a ••••..*•».•■»••..*.•*.•«•. Sorrmber— Feet ji— Tbe Blare of Carthage (drama) 1000 .J— A Bloating! Mesaage (drama) 1000 16— The Mermaid (drama) 500 19 — Tweedledum Gets Employed is tb* _ Corporation Body (comedy) BOO 23 — Oooood'a Ave Marts (drama) BOO 23 — The Story of a Pair ef Boots (comedy) BOO *>— The Jndaa Money (drama) 600 *}— The Two School Boarders (comedy) 600 T— Ttm^eH^TsJe^Portrelt Mramn)..^. BOO > >s • • • a •• • s • • • • • •» 800 Amen (dram 1O0O »— Rain (drama) 1000 J» — Excursion on tb* Lake of Garde (sce- nic) 600 28 — F h o l s h aad Volunteers on tbe Red Cross NoramhSS^" - *' Feet 5— The fault of Grandmother (drama).. 1000 6— Al Bnffmr of Insomnia (comedy) ....1000 B— W here Hare I rut My Fountain Pes m-*JSwS2Paiii2i i&izi 23 l*=WoSSS Known ' and* *Doae ' All (com'- "° Sdy) 1000 IX— Tbe Coalman's Soap (comedy) 414 IT — Judge and rather (drama) 1000 I B rn o T i h aad Victim of Bis Hoossty (com- llv-An^Srle^'Jp^te' ' (comedy )' V.* 20 — A Windy Day ( 1— A Painful Debt (drama) . , Big Drum (comedy) .... .1000 ..... 600 BOO Feet .....1000 ....... 600 8— Tb* Dog Keeper (comedy) 600 S — Tb* Boldier of tb* Cross (drama) 1000 10 — Foolabead Knowa How to Take Bla Pree-sntlon* (comedy) 1000 IB— Tbe ralee Accusation (drama) 1000 IT— Tb* Mother"* Shadow (drama) 600 IT — Thleree aa Qnlck-Chanaw Art lata (com *6» BOO THAN HOUSES. 36— Young Lord Stanley (drama) 28— The Fairies Hallowe'en (fairy story). November— 1 — Mlafisw* sad tb* Maid (drama) a— Tbs American and tbs Osama (drama) 8— Tb* LatU* fire Chief (comedy drama) U— Tbs Americas asd tbs Qaeea (drama) 13 — Paul and Virginia (drama) 18— The City of Bar Drenms (drama)... -A TkankxaiTlng 8urprt*^^dr»ma) -Vain* 1000 Feet 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 B— JsBni Ha 8— Rip Tub .. B— Tb* Girls Bs S— The^l'ron^h'ad ' LoVrr' (comedy ) •••••• IS— Lot* and Law (drama) is— The Mtlltaaatr* Milkman (drama)... n . Meat (drama) ..„....„. Changing Sky (drama) 1000 IB MeoMsis of sools (drama) 1000 ^BB-jq Kans tb* Way (drams) 1000 a — when Woman WDla (drama) 1000 lO^Wapenaatloa^ Ijrimi) jjjjjjg 1000 October— 20 — In tb* Web (drama) Woroanbae met 15— Tbs Heroin* of tbs 101 Ranch (dra- ma) lb— Oklahoma B01 (drama) 20 — Stag* Coach Tom (dmma) 1000 Oeessnbse— Feet 24 — Tb* Cattlrmen'n Fend (dmma) 1000 gl-Trapc-ed (drama) Mnes mbst ^ ^ „^..„„ w ** t IT — Tbe Lore of tb* City (dramai ....... . 21— Starlight's Derotloo (drama) B80 34-aiothlag^Bnt btos«y (axnmdy) 740 JUnrnii ' 1 re*? 1— A Tooeblnr Affair (comedy) BSO n— Vers, th* Oyxwy Olrl (drama) BSO a — TVn Inrtt ilma (conrMty) BBS It— Tb* Rummage Sal* (comedy) 16— Tb* Binding; Shot (drama) Fatal Mtrtan* (drama). nd'n Deception (coasedy) .. ie Parcel (comedy) SO LAX. a— A raraful 01ft (drama) 11 — A Widow and Bar Child (drama). IB— Bar Father's Bin (drama) Touch of Nature (drama) -What M to be Will bo (drama) . Bettys Strati Feet ■Vast 1— Caught by tbs Cowboys (drama) a— Tb* Ranchman and tb* Miser (drama) T — Hearts ef tb* West (draaas) 14— Tlss Sheriff and tb* Dstscttes (drama) SI— Bla Mother (drama) 900 BOO BSO •SO Pea*, •so 950 pemandfoplmpsi A GREAT IMP COMEDY wlU be released tbe day after Christmas. Monday. December 26. It In entitled "Tbe Unexpected Honeymoon." It deals with a bright young chap who aeeka to marry the home 11 eat girl ho can Bnd. in > dlTorce her at tht end^of a^ear.^and thus 1 s A POWERFUL DRAMA wm be released Thursday, December 29, entitled "Dniesnoonble Jealousy." It telle the atory of a doctor'a wife who la Jeatooa of her hnshand'a patlenta uf the gentler eex. Tola Jealousy Inr. the couple In n series of dramatic e rente which lead to tbe -4-U' THE THANHOUSER-2-A-WEEK Relsaaa of Tuesday, Dese. 27th. TRW Than houaar Mastatpleoel THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD This Is tbe classiest classic that erer TOD saw, and yoa MUST bare your PATRONS see ltl It'a a not to -be-mlaavd releaae. Sim- ply bang— bang nt the exchange man until be naya "It'a Xonra" to you. NO. in. CODS WORD. VICAR. Rati aha BS> of Friday, Dae. 30th. It will MESMERIZE You I HYPNOTIZED Is a atory of lore, true and false, that you'll like for tb* Ttry air of reality about It. The picture -' ■ •: it pltfi this — country to-day. NO. 1T2. CODE WORD. HYP. The Thanhouser Photoframe consisting of portraits of the famous TBnnboaner "Stock" framed In solid oak. mlaalos finlahed. SS luchea la width and 43 la depth, complete w" '" GOBS TO TOD FOR 83.50 with order. Thle le the oris* „ tore the country orer ere calling THE GREATEST LOBBY DISPLAY BARGAIN BVEXt Inches la width and 43 in depth, complete with glaaa and easel (S fast bleb). i tilt that tickled- to-deatb nBbj- SHIPPING DEPT., TBANBOD&RR COMPANY 2-4-U AND GOOD ONES. TOO! VOU MY CXPRCSSAthC BOTH WAYS WARNINO — Yoa asat gat gold doilara for SOo, and yorj eaua't get good Sims foe I SILVER SAVES WILL SAVE YOU SILVER J^^ t SSMi^SS'£ LIBERTY FILM RENTING CO.. 1 SEND YOUR ROUTE TO THE : • TO-DAY. 30 TI»e Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. Telegrame Inquiring for roi given in these columns will be unlaw answers are prepaid. PERFORMERS' DATES. additional list of Performers' as well as a list of additional received too late for classiAoa- ■y be found in to contribute their dates for this depart - tlun Friday of each week to Injur* publication, la free of charge- Members of the profession are addressed la csre of The Billboard, and it will Barnetts, The: 338 Summit at.. Toledo. O. Barrett. Frank: 240 Sin are., N. Y. a Barron, Geo.: 2002 Fifth are., ft. Y. C. Barry. Frank L.: 289 4th St.. Troy. N. T. BarteU * Garfield: 2899 E. 53rd at.. Cleveland. Banm, Will: 97 Wolcott at.. New Haven. Conn. Beach, Billy; 120 Randolph st.. Chicago Bean A Hamilton: 338 Hickory St.. Buffalo. Beard, BUly: 1401 Drayton st. Savannah. Ga. Beck, Norman Ed: 487 GroSTenor are.. Mon- treal. Beck A Brans: 14 N. Bth st., Pblla. Becker, 8a mo el: 5620 Kinsman Boad. Clereland. BedlnL lime. : 112 5th are-, Chicago. Beecher. WIU S.: White Rats, N. Y. C. Bees, Two: 502 Bryant are.. Chicago. Belford Family: Palace Hotel, 518 M. Clark . no date is given thi 19-24 is to be supplied. Abbott A Alba: Adrle * Her Lions: 210 E. 47th at-. N. Y. C Adler Harry: White Bats. N. Y^C Ahem. Danny: 1822 So. E Aherna, Altken Altkena. Two Great: 2219 Gravler sr.. New Orleans. _ _ AThanl: 1895 Broadway. N. Y. C. Alderfer. Chaa.: Denver. Ind. Aldracb. Blanche: Athens, Ga. Aldrldfe, Chaa. H. : 20 E. Berkley St., Union- town, Fa. aTfr.l m , Jno. L.: 5430 Loom] AH, Geo. (Grand) Glasgow, ' 1 L . Va. Bnrgeaa, Harvey J.: 827 Trenton are., Pitts- burg. Pa. Bnrgeaa. Bnssell: 83H4 So. rigoeron St.. Los Angeles. Burns. Billy X.: White Rata, N. T. 0. Burt. Al. J.: Bancroft Bldg.. Altoona. Ps. Busby A Wllllama: 561 W. 144th at.. N. Y. C. Bosklrk. Mnatcal: 88 Barrow at, N. Y. C. Byers A Hennsnn: 36*9 Paxton Boad, Cln- clnnati. Byrne. John H. W.: 218 W. S4tb at. N. Y. C Blcknell A Glbney (BIJoo) Qulncy, III.: (Car- rick) Burlington, la.. 26-31. Brooks A Kingman (Arcber'e) Halifax. N. 8.. Can. Blaney, Hngh F. (Folly) Oklahoma City. 0x1 a.; (Princes) Wichita, Kan., 20-31. Broodwlcka. The (Savoy) Bearer Falls. Pa. Burt. Nellie (Majestic) Birmingham, Ala.; (Ma- jestic) Little Rock, Ark.. 20-31. Boisea. Sensational (Temple) Rochester. N. Y. ; (Shea'a) Buffalo. 28-31. Bowers, Walters A Crooker (Columbia) Cincin- nati; (New Grand) BeansvlUc. Ind.. 26-31. Bnrton A Bnrton (Empire) Indlanapolla. Bush's School Boys A Gills (Bijou) Lansing. Mich.;( Jeffera) Saginaw. 28-31. Beggs. Lee, & Co. (Miles) Minneapolis: (Majes- tic) St Paul, 28-31. Barry A Wolford (Majestic) Pateraon. N. J.: (Kelth'e) Boatoo. Mass.. 28-31. Beers. Leo (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala.; (Ma- jestic) Birmingham, 26-31. Brisson. Alex. (Idea) Food dn Lac. Mich.; (Crystal) Milwaukee, Wla.. 28-31. t Fell pfc rtlfc) ^cjg^Ba, « Butler, Beard. BHlT (Majestic) Houston, Tex.; (Majes- tic) Montgomery, Ala-.. MJl. This blank is available for route data in Cards will be mailed AWnel'e. Jos.. Peter the Groat: St. Hoboken. N. J. Alrarado/s s.. Goats: 1235 N. Main at. Deca- tur. HL Alem A Zeuda: Box 365. Dresden. O. American Dancers, Six: 10 Plain at. Provi- dence, R_ L American Singing Four: 410 E. 163th st. Bronx. N. Y~ Amsterdam Quartette: 131 W. 41st, N. Y. C. Anderson & Ellison: 3603 Locust st. Phlla. a Hrs. Win- E-: 501 W. 139th at, N. Y C Anthony, Wm. R. : The Billboard, Cincinnati. Apollo Quartette: 539 N. State st, Chicago. Archer A Carr: Greenwich. N. Y. Arnold. Geo.; Box 193. Shattnck. Oil a. Arnold, Hazel: The Billboard, Cincinnati Arnold A Rickey; Osweeo. N. Y. - Artnaa. F. : care Paul Tauslg, 104 E. 14th. st. N. X. C. Aabner SLiters: 12 So. Newstead are.. St Louis. Aner. S AG.: 410 South 4th are.. Mt Vernon. N. Y. Austin & KJnmker: 3110 E st. Phlla. American Trumpeters (Grand) Tacoma. Wash.: (Grand) Portland. Ore.. 26-31- . ■ Jjern. Danny (Majestic) Bloomlngton. HL; 167 ■t, Chicago, 28-31. oupe,~Flve (Colonial) Lawrence, Uasa.; (Keith's) Providence. B. L. 28-31. Artnaa, P. (Poll's) Scranton. Pa- AItIho a Rial to (Victoria) Wheeling, W. Va.; (Princess) Yoonggtown. 0., 26-31. Antrim, Harry (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala.; (Majestic) Utile Bock. Ark., 28-31. Andra. Bess (Pastime) Wichita. Kan. Armanis, Five (Maryland) Baltimore. Adelmann. Joseph. Family (Orpheum) Minneap- olis: (Majestic) De» Moines, la., 28-31. _, Apdale's Animals (Columbia) Cincinnati; (New Grand) EvansvlUe, Ind., 26-3L Allen. Leater (Empress) Milwaukee; (WHIard) Chicago. 26-31. . Archer, Lou (Empress) Milwaukee; (WHIard) Chicago. 26-31. Allen, Leon A Bertie (American) Cincinnati; (Gayety) Indianapolis. 26-31. Adair A Dahn (Gaiety) Springfield, HL; (Lyric) Terre Haute. Ind., 28-31. Arns. The (O. H.) Hlllsboro. HI. Avolon. Foot (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Austin Bros. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Aker. Nan, & Co. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Atkinson. Harry (Colombia) Cincinnati. Alex. Three (Empress) Cincinnati. AhTbergs, The (Orpheum) Denver. Ardell, Franklin. A Co. (Majestic) Denver. Ahem Troupe (Majeatle) Cedar Baplda. la. At the Waldorf (Orpheum) Ml ' Artols Bros. (Orpheum) Mlnni Adonis (Keith's) Columbus. 0. Artols, Jack. Duo (Orphenm) - (Lyric) Dayton. y) She (Cutter's City (Crystal) Anderson 26-31. JSsBass, Four: 2834 W. Church st, Newark, Baird, Blanche: 12 W. 60th st. N. Y. C. Baker A Corn all a: 613 E 45 th at, Chicago. Baker. Sid: 1606 Race. st. Cincinnati. hmh Charley: 817 Park are.. Baltimore. Banyon, Alfred;' 122 Smith st, Winnipeg, Ota. Barber A Palmer (American) Omaha, Neb. Barnatead. Jr., Ed. H.: 311 B. 29th st, N. Y.O. Week Theatre City ... State If you are unable to give route, and i manent address listed, kindly provide the using this Name. Permanent Address Bernard. At: 4429 So. Liberty st. New Or leans. . Bema. Mlaa Leslie: 718 Buckingham Place, Chi- cago. Blanca. Mile: care Max Hlrscb, Metropolitan, 0. H., N. x. a Blgelows, The: 2882 Monroe at, Chicago. Bilyck's. Capt. Sea Z4ona: care Daa Program- me. Berlin, Ger. Bimbos, The: 694 Pacific st. Appleton. Wis. Blabee A Connelly: Hotel Rookery. Kewanee, HL Black Ic McCune: 19 Neponset are., Boston. Blair Ic La Foe: 2040 Amsterdam are., N. Y. C. Blanchard A Marlin: 1159 Octavla at, San Boston City lyn. Boyd. Mazle (O. H.) Balllnger, Tex. Boutin A TUlson: White Rata. N. Y. C. Boyd. Eddie: 929 So. Main st. Los Angeles. Braatx. Selma: care Tauslg. 104 E. 14th st. N. X. C. Brahm'a Ladles Quartette: 1129 8. Hill st, Loa Angeles. Brand, Laura Martlere: 515 Main st. Buffalo. Braun Sisters: Rlehanlaoo Park. Dela. Brenner, Samuel N. : 2858 Tulip St. Phlla. Brlnkleys. The: 424 W. 3Blh St.. N. Y. C. Brltton. Nellie: 140 Morris «t, Phlla. Brit tons. Three Mistical: ~ Brooklyn, 615 20 Williams N. Y. C. Broadway Comedy Quartette: are., Brooklyn. Brooks A Brooks: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Brown A Davis: 24 Forry ave., Newark. O. Brownies. The, A Co.: 8th A Jackson at*., Topeka. Kan. Brownlpg. Bessie: 340 E. 66th st. N. Y. C. Bndds, Aerial: 28 N. Union st.. Aurora. III. Bunchn A Alger: 2319 W. Main at., Louisville. B K tn A B d I 910 Belde e Chicago Brunettes. Cycling (Majestic) Butte, Mont. Bradley & Ward (0. H.) Boyne City. Mich.; (Majestic) Charlevoix. 28-31. Reboot Doo (Indiana) Marlon. Ind. Brinkman A Steele Slaters (Grand) Bloomqueat'a, burg. Pa. Bernard A Orth (Majestic) Birmingham, Ala.; (Majestlci Little Rock. Ark.. 26-31. Baody A Fields (New Sun) Springfield. O. S w is s e s , Valerie. Players (Shea'a) (Shea's) Toronto. 20-31. Byron A Langdon (Majeatle) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma- jestic) Houston. 26-3L Beban, George (Orpheum) Los Angeles. Bellmontes, The (Star) De» Moines, la.; (Prin- cess) St. Paul. Minn.. 26-31. Barry. Mr. A Mrs. Jlmmle (Majestic) Dea Moines. la.; (Orpheum) Omaha. Neb., 26-3L Barnes Ic Crawford (Poll's) Worcester, Mass.; (Hammerateln's) N. Y. C 20-31. Big City Poor (Colonist) N. Y. C, 20-31. Bison City Poor (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Orph- -enm) Minneapolis. 26-31. Bios soma. The: Neosha, Mo.; West Plslns. 28- Sl • Bradfords. The: 461 Kast Morrison st.. Port- land. Ore. Bathing Girls (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.. 28- Jaa. 7. Bordon, Eiklle (Empress) Kansrn City, Mo. Beheea, Those (Majestic) Alva. Okla., 22-21. Buch Bros. (Majestic) Lacrosse. Wla.; (Main St.) Peoria, III.. 26-31. Brlatow A Warner (Grand) Waterlown. S. D.. 22-24: (Scenic) Ames. la.. 20-31. Bowers A DeVIne (Bljon-Drrsro) Bt * Mo.; (North) Columbus, Neb.. 26-31. Barron. Billy (Empress) Cincinnati; (i Milwaukee 26-31. BrIggs_A Wbltford Merry Mlnslrela: Y.. 19-24 Brown Trio (I Bsllots. ~ Barry 31. Blgelow'a Merry Yo » (Orpheum) i Cincinnati. Wanted-Dramatic Companies Alao Tauderllle seta playing percentaca s n EOOEB8. Lyric Thaitra. Sarssots^essaT SPORTING GOODS ~ a specialty. Cat free. Y CO.. Box 266, Edict, y ssw«w9SE8bi I CAN PUCE YOU II tsB YAJBEYIUi STME Experience unnecessary. I personally assist yss to get an act and engagement. SO years' as> perienr*. Free laatmetlva i fSSaasasssSSs l easrss of profeaalonal advice. Tola offer la UmltaSL •*■ la rafunded. FAirmio Electric Tattooing Micilees, SUN Stencile, 10c up. Desbrne. colore, ssadlsa. ate. at lowest prleee. Price list free, t K. BRO WW ' 115 Main Street. Aurora. HI. THEATRICAL LAWYER MAURICE HAROLaO ROSE. FREE — MAGIC CATALOGUE — FREE traps*. Mind Creations, sad W. ALB EST TRIPP, 6 ford. Mass. DRAMAS AND YATJDBV1XU Agents. Legitimate snbstltnte for Bet Ma. chines; patented; sella on sight for 11. Par- ticulars, GISHA CO.. Anderson. Ind. (Cut this out — It may sot appear again.) HOW THEY WIN st slot m a chi n es , dice, cards, faro, roalatta. spindles, fair games, etc., exposed. Get ■ las. Big Illustrated circular FREE. HAM. B. CO.. Box 14.13. Hammond, lad. Exsart L. DATHAH St SO w. Streetmen, Agents! Something new; a live wire seller: bank aeec proflta. If you want a snap, get la UBS once. H. W. BUTON CO.. Goahen. lad. PLAYS Large Lux of New Profes- sional and Amateur Plays, Sketches. sug» TRICKS FOR STAGE USE TOST A COMPANY. 900 Filbert Street. (Established 1870). Philadelphia. «av New. Knlarxad. lUuttatad CUtalogaa. HOT Crooks too, Minn. Sketches -Monologues WRITTEN TO ORDER Original work. Baaasnabla rates. Writs fee eatlmate, enclosing stamp. H. P. HALBBAV, SU V. Clinton Street. Olsaa, Vsw Tsrk. HYDE &BEHMAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY Temple Bar Building, Brooklyn, N Y. Star Theatre Brooklyn Oayety Theatr* .......... Brooklyn Oayety Tbestrs Plttabnrg Star and Garter TO TRAP A Limited Tims Offer Shell. I a 14. Shall. US aaaas { Solid Mania. Rosewood or Wal- nut. IS ana platad thumb asrsw sssa. Ssbsssssml absssbs or Hast Calf Dram Beads. We ship wiu pnviiaga of • days' trial. E. P. Zaldlsr Drum Co. Daps. O. ns»slsn« Oslo- WATCHES ELGIN and WALTHAM Alt clean goods In aleerro plated, gold-ailed sliver csaea. from up; who! sea l s (positively no retail). For peddlers, auctioneers. {•Jra. ah. ,*>i*__ror fttce.i?*-^- fe.JtF^JS^ and DECEMBER 247 1»10. The Billboard 31 Baad. r LaVelle Troop* (Pantafrea' ) Denver. Brown * Ayer (Kelth'e) Providence. It. I. Bergere. Valerie (Hippodrome) Cleveland. Belmont. Joe: Mancbeeter, Eng.. Jin. S-7: uiasgow. Scot.. ML Broad. Billy (Orpbeum) Delias. Tel. oun. Mr. A Mr.. Wm.: 182 B. 17th »t, N. C arkere, Tli«: Portland. Me. Ella: 381 Broad it.. New Carl * Rbell: 408 W. 18th St., Kanaaa city. Mo. Carl* Irving: 4203 N. 41at at.. Chicago. Carlln A Clark: 913 Prospect are.. Buffalo. Carlton Slaters: 463 W. 28th it.. N. X. C. Carol Slaters: 104 W. 18th St., N. T. O. Carolya. The: 213 E. 14th at, N. Y. O. Caron at Farnom: 233 E. 24th at.. N._ T. O. Caran * Herbert: Fair naven. * Van: Tex. Ft Caaads. Three: Darlington. Wis. Case. Charley: Lockport, N. T. Case Paul: 81 So. Clark at.. Chicago. Csvsnsugb 4 Lancaster: TOO A Indiana are., Kansas City. Mo. ■ „ ChantreU * Schuyler: 21» Prospect see.. Brook- Clayton. Paid: 1420 Elm St.. Cincinnati. O. - ' — Trio: The Billboard. Cincinnati. at Lee: 829 First St.. Louisville. _ Jean: 104 E. 14th at.. N. T. a a In per Comedy roar: 637 W. lSath St., N. dlto * Sylreeter: 224 » . 10th at. PhlU ClotUde A Mootrose: 823 W. 38th at., N. Y. C. Oo attss. Three Oswego. N. Y. Cody, Louise: The Coles. Three Mnaleal: 14B Seals eve., Blloxi. Conkey, Cook A N. J. Cornallas, Six: SI Flak are., alaapeth. L. I. N Y» Cotter A Boolden: care Norman Jeffries. 9th A Arch i Courtney A caro. Crates. Edwin P.: 233 N. Sherman tt. Bar City, Mich- Crawford. Olen 8.: 1439 Baxter St.. Toledo. Crawford A Delancey: 110 Lodlow at. Belle- Crayton. F. Lawrence: 703 Heniek at. Hmlra. Crel'ghton. J. C: 115 Clymer at. Brooklyn. Crollos. Dick: Vnudevllle Comedy dob. 224 V 48th at. K. Y. C . Crooks, baa. M. : Mttskecon. Mich. Coll en Bros.: 2»18 Ellsworth St. Phil*. Canghllnc. John X. (Orpbeum) Canton, O. Cotton. Lolo (Poire) Bridgeport. Conn. Cunningham A Marlon (Shnbert) UfJea, N. Y.; (Greenpolnt) Brooklyn. 26-31. Cbadwlck THo (Poll's) WUaei-Bam. Pa.: (Hammersteln'a) N. T. C. 26-31. Crouch. Bosa. A Oer Welch (Grand) Syrictiae. N. Y-: (5th Are.) N. Y. C 5M1- Carbrey Bros. (Kelth'a) - (Colonial) Law- i Cycling (Majeatlcl 8t Joseph. ..-js) Kanaaa City. 28-31. Crawford A Delancey (MywUcV Pittabnrg. Kan.; (Electric) Nowata, Okla., 28-31. Coolm. 8teele A Csrr (Temple) Detroit; (Tem- ple) Rochester. N. Y.. 24r*l_ _ _ _ CrAlen. J as. H. (Grand) Syracuse. N. Y. ; (Ot- pheom) Harrlabnrg, Pa., 28-31. Charblno Bros.. Three (Hippodrome) Cleveland; (Lyric) Dayton. 26-31. Oarr. Ernest A Co. (Poll's) Hartford. Conn.: (Poll's) Bridgeport, 26-31. Tenn. ; be Ctrl Coasslao Cross A Csrroll Gillette Trocpe (Orpbeum) Peoria, 111.: (Orpbenm) Booth Bend. bad.. 26-31. Cuttys. Una leal ( Orphean) > Lae Angeles. 10-31. Connelly. Mr. A Mrs. Erwln (Orpheom) Omaha. Neb., 20-31. Clayton Trio (Grand) Manlatee. Mich. A name: 24 Sooth at. Concord. N. H-. A' (Worn (itljou) Winnipeg. Cm. A Pearson (Soothe ro) Minneapolis: id) Chicago 26-31. -J, Three (New Meyer) Eaaton. Pa. nwells. The (American) N. V. C; (Fulton) Brooklyn 2841. Cardownle Slaters (Majestic) Cedar Rapids. Is. Celeste (Majestic) Denver. Coartbope Jsne. A Co. (Shea's) Buffalo. CofkVe Dogs (New Grand) Bvanevllle. Ind. Coleman'a Cats A Doge (Hippodrome) Caere- .. Belle (New Nixon) Phlla. Clark Slaters (Orpbenm) Portland. Ore. Cleveland, Claude A Marion (Family) Ottawa, Cotton's Comedy Donkeys (BDon-Dream) New- ark, n. j.. 22-24. Corentrys. The (Poll'a) Hartford. Conn. Costaa, Three (RUou) BaeJne. Wis, Dnnn, Bill (Alamo) Charlotte. N. 0. Dantes, The (Star) Chamberabarg. Pa., 22 24. DeRenxo A LaDue (Orpbenm) Montreal; (Do- minion) Ottawa 26-31. • DeCorata. Edward A Co. (Poll'a) Springfield. Maes.; (Poll'a) Worcester 2641. DeWars. The (Orpbenm) ^Cincinnati. ""ids: " a °" on * W ""™ < M, l" ttc > <>*»«• R «P- nnGsllon (Orpbenm) Minneapolis. Dean Cliff. A CO. (Orpheom) Ogden. Utah, lvnollla A Valors (Grand) Knoxvllle. Tenn. Doffln-Redcay Troupe (Orpbenm) Oakland, Cal. Dallry A Well: 758 So. Western are., Chicago. Dale. Dainty Dottle: 252 W. 86th at. N. Y. C- Devenport. Pearle B. (Orpbenm) Butler. Pa- Day, Carita: 586 7th are.. N. Y. C. DeArmo, BUly: 003 N. Clark at.. Chicago. Dl Bttlo. Homer: 11 E. 7th st, Erie, Pa. DeCampe. Ony: Henderson, N. C. OeFaye. Liana A Evelyn: 47 W. 28th at. N. x. c DeMar Bros.: Cadillac, Mlcb. DeMarlo (Clrcns Clnlaelll) 8t Petersburg, Bua- aia. Dee. 1-81; (Bonaeher's) Vienna. Aoatrla. Jan. 1-81. DeMora A Oriceta: Flndlay, 0. Dempaer. Albert A Jack E. : Marion. Ind. Denlekes. Moslcsl: 619 First st. Macon. Oa. DeVoe A Mack: Mansfield, q. Dick, Bay " Dlckena A DlaSnT^adViineT" 934~ Longwood are.. N. X. 0. Dlvolax, The: 142 B. 6th St. Mansfield. O Dolan A Lenharr: 2460 7th are.. N. Y. C Donlta: Clarendon Hotel, Chicago. Donner, Doris: 343 Lincoln at, Johnstown. Pa. Donovan A Macktn: 1130 Taylor st. Ft Wayne, Ind. Doric Trio: 937 N. Dorscfa A Russell: 604 S. srk. N. J. Doss. BUly: 102 So. High st. _ Douglas, Myrtle: Severe House. Chicago. Downard A Dovmard: Cyclone. Ind. Downer A WUlard: 41 Llnwood are.. Detroit Dumn Rcdcay Troupe: Beading. Pa. Dunbar A Fisher: White Rata. N. Y. C. Dunlsy A Merrill: Union Hotel. Chicago. Dnpllle. Ernest A.: Vaudeville Club. London, Eng. lndef. T>urnlng. Parson Jo (People's) Leavenworth, Kan. DnRoss A Oslvln: 1637 Waverley sve., Cln clnnstt. ___ _ Dsvls Bros., Three (Auditorium) York. Pa. DeArmo A DeArmo (0. H.) Hllleboro. 111. Danmody (Scenic) — Downea Slaters. Little (Majestic) Tex.: (Temple) Temple, 28-31. Delmar A Del mar (Pantagea) St Joseph, Mo. Dare Bros. (Pantagea) Los Angeles. DeLlale. Juggling (Grand) Indianapolis; (Grand) EtamrviUe. 28-31. DavU Imperial Three (Majestic) Denver. Duprea, Fred (New Grand) EvsnsvUle. Ind.; (Grand) Indianapolis, 26-31. DeVelde A Zelda (Lyric) Dayton. O. Daly's Country Choir (National) San Frandaeo. Drew A Newton (Winter Garden) New Orleans. Downs. T. Nelson (Queen) San Diego, Cal. Donovan A Arnold (Poll's) New Haven. Conn. Dsvls A Moran (Empress) Milwaukee; (WD- tard) Chicago. 26-31. . _•; Dlnkelaplel'a Christmas, with Bernard A. Be In- old (Orpbenm) Omaha, Neb.; (Orpbenm) Slonx City. Is.. 26-31. _ Dallas, Beulah (Jefferson) St Augnatlne, Fla. ; (Majeatlcl Colombns, Gs.. 26-31. Ed man A Gay lor: Box 30. Richmond. Ind. Edytbe Corlnne: 225 So. Sober at, Chicago. El Bart 6: 2531 -N. HoUlngwood St. Phlla. Emmeraoo A Wright: 2811 N. May at. Kan- aaa City. Kan. Emmett A Lower: 419 Pine at. Darby. Pa. English, Rosebuds: 2841 W. lat s t, Brighton Beach. N. I. Eoff A Belnlsch: 814 High at, Des Moines. Is. Ernests, Three (Empire) London, Eng., Nov. 14-Jan. IB. ^ Espe Trio: 1711 Wells St.. Et hard- Evans, csgo. Evelyn sisters: 252 Greene are.. Everett Co.: Springfield. O. (Hippodrome) Wlnaton-Salem, N. c. English. Jack (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala.; (Majestic) Little Bock. Ark.. 28-31. The dues of It will be of of the Actors' Fund of America, era parable on November 24. to the Fund If return postage should always be enclosed. The fond ns • ebnrtUMe ore^iihujUon. and what It can save contributes to relieve the Indigent Prior ts Its establishment, assistance for the Impoverished professional as principally casual. Indlserimla- atlng. disproportionate and meagre, humiliating and disheartening. This state of affairs bad long been admitted and deplored, the necessity 'or a change "needed. e5 rambles free? tempted without success. In June, 1882, tie present Actors' Fund of America wis and through It the principal dispensation of benevolence to the public amusement world Is a tired and as bountiful ss Its treasury will allow. It Is for the eligible applicants to Its cesces to enlarge that trraaury and make Its existence permanent and thereby aaanzre rntoxs) aa w Jr t *^, p ^ e,,en, uecesaarr rellefa, therebr assisting to eliminate further appeala for outside alt which hitherto has been a sacrifice of Independence and a stultification of professional pride. S'renuoualj labor to procure new life and annual members to the Fund, and alao subscribers to- ward the maintenance of The Actors' Fond Borne. Do not procrastinate; do not backslide. cut out this annual — two Fund membei msn It with two i inal membership application blank, have It properly filled out. and algaed by lars*and JJJ* TB J1 J 9 ^f g;e on ^ the 'pSxTa ddlrewsl m * n ** tr * *■ refersncea; thea .....■••••a DATE PERMANENT ADDBESS LINE OP BUSINESS THEATRE OB COMPANY ATTACHED TO I sign this application with the full understanding that a benefit society, and that the payment of two dollara yearly the Fund Booms, to vote and to take part In the m ANY PECUNIARY BIGHT, nor constitute a " Applicant's Signature All does date The Actors' York City, ..a* as ...... ■••(.„• THE GREAT BENEDICT Earl. Lola Lea, Co. (Orpbeum) Erickaon, Knote. Co. (5th Ave.) N. Y. 0.; (Greenpolnt) Brooklyn. 26-31. Eagle and The Girl (Archer) Chicago. Barr A Landore (O. H.) Chicago Junction, O., 22-24; (Comlque) Detroit. Mich.. 2641. Elliott A Neff (New Majestic) Dubuque. Is. Edenherg. Charlie (Alamo) New Orleans. 19- Fowier. Kate (Majestic) Denver. Floras. Paul (Orpbeum) Denver. 26-31. Finn A Ford (Pantagea*) Denver. Flake. Musical " Fare. Miller A Flsber. Mr. A Mrs. vllle. Ind. Eav. Two Oolers A Far (Keith's) Providence, Farnum. Wm.. A Co. (Orpbeum) Oakland. Cal. Fen Daltoo. Harry (Oxford) Brooklyn. 26-28: (Novelty) Brooklyn 29-31. Flnaer. Maud A Gladys (Orpbeutn) St. Paul Floras. Psnl (Orpbeum) Salt Lake. Utah. Furman, Ba " Falrcbtld 8Ii Conn. Fanning, J no. J.: 139 Olive at. New Haven. Coon. Fantia, Two: 8 Union Square. N. T. C. Faust Grace: 1018 N. Stste st, Chicago. Fern A Msck: 840 So. 8th St. St. Louts. Feruandea-May Duo: 207 E. 87th st, N. Y. C. Ferry. J. Bsnks: Buffalo, Okla. Flelda. Will H.. A LaAdella: 3041 W. Bavena wood Park sve., Chicago. Ftneberg. Nannie: 1140 So. ' Flsber. W. X.: Spring A ton. Iowa. Fltsgerald. Troy: 208 W. Green at. High Point, n a Flordells, The: 8132 H. st. Ssn Diego, Cel. Foner. Art.: 264 Watklna at. Brooklyn. Forbes A Bowman: 201 W. 112th at. N. Y. C. Ford A Louise: 128 So. ~ Mlnn. Pox. Frank : Revere Horn . Pox A Summers: 517 N. 10th Mlcb. Franklin. Oheer A Co.: 612 N. Dearborn are., Chicago. Franklin, H„ A Standards: Mucble. Berlin. Frsns. Stg A hamton. N- Y. Frsser. Marvelous: Highland Park, Qalncy. HI. Eraser Trio: 16 Inman ave.. Railway, N. J. French, narry: 318 N. Main st, Mt. Pleasant. ave.. N. T. a Know Thyself Psychic Wonder ThitetftatitaiklifUi (trail i The Billboard THEATRICAL MANAGERS THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 416 > ACCOU N T BOOK RECEIPTS and EXPENSES INCINNATI, OHIO. Showmen, Inventors, Magicians KAYS YOU ANY ABTXOXJE YOTJ WANT MADS TO OBBBB Oat stANTTT ACTtntTD 1 If as, send us desc ription or drawlnc to estimate from. We made the UlMUUIaTAXX SOUXHXJLsT sUTTe- WAY XmATTJRK, 238 mllea. 34 feet long. Miniatures gat big money, excite tn taeeat, whan made as we make them. We mske applications (or patents, copyrights, etc aVUEULXS PAYBaTT OITICK, 111 WALNUT ST., CLHUINMATV. OHIO. ' IF YOtJ IT IN 32 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. Friend A Detrain*: 418 Strand, W. C, London, Ens-. Apr. IS, indef. Frltchle & Adams: White Rats, N. Y. C. Froao Trio: 3705 28th are.. Sonth. Minneapolis. VQ1 ton. Chan. M. : 3SS8 Indiana are., Chicago. Fogsrty. Ituk (Hammeratetn'e) N, V. O. Vore*, Johnny (Frsymore-Caaino) Baltimore, 19- 81. Fores 4 William* (Orpbeum)' MInneapolla. Fray Twins Co. (Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orpheom) Sioax City, la., 28-31. Fleehtl's, Otto, Tyroleans (Pantages) Seattle. Fannin's. Joe, Athletes (Casino) Phils.; (Audi- torium) York, 2S-31. too, Lee Tune (Temple) Grand Rapids. Mich. Field Bros. (Temple) Hamilton. Can.; (Domin- ion) Ottawa, 26-31. Ilorens Family (American Music Ball) Chicago. Ferguson * Mark (BIJoa) Atlanta. Ga.: (BIJoa) Jacksonville. Fla.. It! 31. Vtena, Joseph J.; Dallas, Tex., 2*1 31. Fox A Brans (Bijou-Dream) Newark, N. J. Fan ton, Marie (Orphenm) Sioux city, la.; (Or- phenm) Minneapolis, Minn., 28-31. Flower, Dick J. (Empress) MRwaokee. Freeman. Maurice (Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orphenm) r Fuller's. Lole. Oshberts. Two: Whl Oage, Juggling Its Rata, N. T. C. 179 White It, Springfield. Care The Glenmore, Mint GaRaway. W. P.: gomery, Ala. (sardlners. Three: 1868 H. 8th St., pblla. Garson. Marlon: 703 W. 178th St., N. V. C. Gay lor. Chaa.: 748 17th at.. Detroit. Gaylor A Graff: 18 Abingdon Bq., N. V. O. George & Gott: 214 Lee are.. Sapulpa. Okla. 2 Willow St., Brooklyn. . Ted * Kate: 80S Gates see.. Brooklyn. A Fox: 208 Bute St.. Chicago. 1, Little Lew: White Bate, K. V. C. y. Hal: care p. Casey, Long Acre Bldg., i Bagfaes: Mnford. Mao. (Monarch) Lawton, Okla. Goodhue ft Bnrgeas: White Rata, N. Y. G. Gordon. Don ft Mae: 715 N. 17th at.. Omaha, Gorman A Bell: 138 4th are.. N. T. C. Gorman ft West: 1855 Lexington are.. N. T. C. Gorton. Ed. ft Lusts: 14 Harrison St., De- troit. ttaa. Eddie: Raymond at.. Fall Hirer, Maaa. Gould, Wm.: Green Room Club: 138 W. 47th at.. N. T. a Graham ft Randall: 327 Pearl at. Brooklyn. Hall. E. Clayton-Esther Collier Co.: Pa. Elmhorst, Halfman A Mnrphy: 818 McKean St., Phils. Ig«nia 2 rd: & lf 8 , 5^e^m T .t MohUe Halwortb. Jack: 128 W. Hammon ft LyteR: 484 N. X. Hampton ft Basse tt: 4888 Wlnthrop ere., Chi- cago. Baney A Long: 117 State St., N. Ternoo. Ind. Hanley ft Jarrla: 230 Boboken at., Rntherford, N. J. Hardy, Heiene: Plana, O. Hardy, J as. E. : 48 Fuller at., Toronto. Harnlah, Mamie: 78 Park st, Bralntree, Maaa. Harper ft Jameson: Box 1145, Muskogee, Okla. Harris A Robinson: 152 Lake at., Chicago. Harris. Fred: 851 E. 40th at.. Chicago. Haskell. Loney: 47 Lexington are., N. X. 0. Hatch, E. Warren: 74 Sydney at.. Boston. Hatches. The: 47 E. lSZd at., N. Y. C. Hawes Sisters: 3852 Belmont are., Chicago. Hawkins, Homer, 228 Boyd St.. Grafton. W. Va. Hawley. Geo.: 208 Monroe are.. Memphis. Hswley A Bachen: 1347 N. 11th St., Pbtla. Heather, Joaie: 2123 84th St.. Bensonhurst, N. Y. Heiene. LaBelle: 83 W. 7th at,, ML Vernon. N. T. (Winter-Garten) National Hotel. 1. Resale: 838 N. State Fred L.: care Monroe at. , Montgomerj Grlgolettt's Aerial Ita * Berlin, Ger., Dec. 1-81. Groom Slaters: 603 N. Hermitage are., ton, N. J. Grant ft Greet: White Bate. N. Y. C. Johnnie: New Brunswick. N. J. • t) k. St Louie, UL: (Ha- . H.) Albion. N. Y. ; (O. H.) lvnn-Yan. 26-31. Grimm ft Satcbell (Orphenm) Brockton. Maaa.; (Colombia) Attleboro 28-31. Gibson. Sydney C. (Empire) Plttaneld.. Maaa.; (Keith's) Boston 26-31. Greer. Robert (Palace) Shrerenort. La. Gordan, Wm. C. (Shea's) Buffalo. 28-31. Grabame. Rene (Orphenm) ClndimstL ' Gtrsrd A Gardner (Empress) CIncRmstl. Gypsy Singers, Six (Empress) Cincinnati. Glesaon. John A Bertha, ft Haullhan (Majestic) DenTer. Galettl's Monkeys (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb. Graham's, Walter. Manikins (Orpbeum) Omaha, Neb. Green. Paris (Miles) MInneapolla. Gems. The (Keith's) proridence, R. I. Gardner. Eddie (Grand) Hamilton. O. Girls from Melody Lane (Lyric) Dayton. O. Good rode. Great (Majestic) Battle Creek, Mich. Hart ft Woodley (Vanrlette) Boone, Is., 22-24. Harger Polly (Royal) Ban Antonio, Tex. Howard ft Graff (American) Chicago. Harrlgan, Jno. (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Howard ft North (Columbia) Cincinnati Baa*. Monroe ft Powell (Orphenm) Denrer. Hortoo. Henry, A Co. (Orpheom) Denrer. Hamilton Broe. (Pantagea ) Denrer. Hop kins- Aitell Co. (Keith's) Phils. Hlrkman Broe. ft Co. (Majestic) Cedar Raplde, la. SL Augustine. Fla Hammond ft Forrester (Washington) Spokane. (Park) Erie, Pa. (Pantsgea-) Sacramento, Harniah, ae— ty. Henderson ft ft Moaar (Majestic) Charleston, S. C. -: 1127 PI Haley ft Haley Han ft ~ :., St. Loola. Pslace?* Montreal; Mo. Henderson ft Sheldon: .184 B. Randolph at.. Chicago. _ _ Herrmann, Adelaide: Gllaey Bonae, N. Y. C. Hewlettes. The: 1200 20th St., Denrer. HUbert Ben: 828 Sawmill are., Allegheny, Pa. Blllman, Lncllle (Vendome) Houston. Tex. HDlonlana. The: 2531 Chatham at.. Cincinnati. Hlnee ft Fen ton: 143 W. 63d at. ft. Y. O. Bolton, Geo. A.: 22 Bank at. Brunswick, Me. Hoppe, Vera: RldgeSsld Park, N. J- Howard ft Boyd: - 5551 Etael are., Bt. Louie. Bowie Slaters: 438 6th at., Jacksonrllle, Fla. Bollinger. DUIon: The Billboard. Chicago. Huntings. Pour: Fair Haven. N. J. Huxtsblea. The: 18 Ollrer st., Salem. Maaa. Hyatt ft LeNore: 1812 W. Lanrale at.. Bald- more. Hyde ft Talbot: Torrlni Hanaone ft Co. (O. H.) Hayes Slatera (Crystal-: plre) Montreal. 20 31. Holier A Gosa: Kansas dry. Mo.; (Lyric) Con- cordia. 20-31. High Life In Jan, W. H. Mack. mgr. (Orphenm) Dee Moines, Is. ; (Orphenm) Kansas City, Ho., 26-31. Hole, Albert (Colonial) Norfolk, Va.; (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga., 28-SL Holmes A Riley (BIJoa) Dnlnth, Minn.; (BIJon) Winnipeg. Can., 26-31. HR1 ft Whlteker (Proctor's) Newark, N. J. Harris A Randall (Grand) Hamilton. O. Hultert, Laura A Madia DeLong (Colombia) Chicago, 22-24: (Orphenm) Freeport, 26-31. Harrie, Fred: 323 Broadway. Paducab. Ky.. 18- 31. „ Hnntresa (National) San Francisco, 26-3L Hanson, Harry L. (Wilson) Chicago; (Garfield) Chicago. 28-28; (Crystal) Chicago: 28-SL Barman. Lew (Grand) Oalumbus. O. : (Orph- enm) Portsmouth. 26-28: (Hippodrome) Hunt- ington, W. Va.. 28-31. .„ Hood. 8am (Majestic) Little Rock. Ark.: (Ma- jestic) Ft. Worth. Tex., 20 31 . Hill ft Ackerman (MUes) Minneapolis; (Msjes- tlc) St. Panl. 28-SL Holman, Harry (PoU'a) WBkes-Barre. Pa. Heaale (Casino) Salt Lake. U.; 2804 Manltoo are., Los Angeles Cal., 28. tndef. Herbert, Frogman (Orphenm) Sarannah, Ga. Hawiey. E. Frederic, ft Co. (Keith's) Colum- bus, O. Hawthorne, Hflda (Ornheum) Ogden, U.; (Or- pbeum) Salt Lake. O.. 28-31. Baney, Edith (Temple) Ft. Wayne. Ind. Harris, Grore ft Co.. In The Laughing H. (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Majestic) Bona Boey ft Moaar (Majestic) Charleston. 8. ) Sarannah. Ga.. 26-31. The (Majestic) Madison, wis.; Barelocks, tumble) MRwankes, 2831. Hanlon Bros. (Orpbeum' Portland. Ore., 28-31. ton, (o> ) Seattle; (Orphenm) Howard lira., Flying Banjos (Poll's) New Ha- ; (Poll's) Springfield. Mass.. 26-31. (Orphenm) ren. Conn. . . Hart's, Joseph, Bathing Ofrle 60. Oakland. Cal.. 26 Jan. 7. Hart's. Joseph, Little Stranger Co. (Orphenm) Brooklyn; (Alhambra) N. Y. C. 26-31. Hsrt's. Joseph, Little Stranger Co. (Ornheum) pheum) Omaha, Neb., 28-81; X Orphenm) Sioux Hay ward A Hayward (Ornbenm) New Orleans; (Msjestlc) Montgomery. Ala.. 26-31. Henna ft Poston (Majestic) Dee Moines. Is. Instrumental Trio: Rector 'a Cafe. 17tb ft Cur tls are.. Denrer. Irwlns. Two: 8084 E. 71st at.. Cleveland. bhfkawa Jap Trottpe: 7300 Sangamon at., Chi (Union) Infold ft Howard (Main sr.) Peoria. HI. I grams. Two (Bijou) Huron, S. D., 23-24. I usees ft Ryan (Majestic) - ^Majaatfc)^ Birmingham | jlieAa^n.^"n% S ('Emp.r , e) d WVTlln'tr.' CsiTT (IrU) Chico. 26-81. Jones ft (illlam (Grand) Rutland, vt. Bellows FsRs 28 31. . / Juliet (Orpbeum) Cincinnati. JohnaoB ft WeDg (Orpbeum) Cincinnati. Jordans, Six Juggling (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Jackson. J. B. • KashrOle. N. C. Jackson, Ciementa: 318 are. C. San Antonio, Tex. Jarrla A Harrison: 26 McKlnley at.. Hartford. Conn. Jennings ft Renfrew: 714 Broadway, Everett. Mass. Jerome ft Leroy: 814 Mary sL. St. Joseph. Mo. . . Jeum-ts. The: 848 N. Western ere.. Chicago. Jewel. Roy K. : 612 N. 23rd St.. Mattoon. III. Johnson Bros, ft Johnson: 8246 Callowblll it., Phil a. Johnston. Musical: 3S8 Eighth are., N. Y. C. Jones. Boy a: 1558 Broadway. N. Y. C. Jonee ft Whitehead: 47 W. 28th at.. N. Y. C. Jordan. Esrl: 209 E. 6th at. Lexington. Ky. Jeter A Rogers (Dominion) Ottawa, Can.; (Shea's) Toronto, 28-31. Jones' A Oonroy (Family) Wilkes Barre. Pa. Jolly. Wild ft Co. (Colonist) Norfolk. Vs.; (Or- pbeuvn) Harriabnrg. Pa.. 28-31 Kalcbl Trio: 1227 B. 71at ft., Chicago. Kartello Bros.: Paterson. N. J. Kaufmans. The: 240 B. 35th at.. Chicago. Keating ft Murray: Wtldwood, N. J. Keelry ft Parks: care Mrs. Davidson. 150th St.. N. Y. 0. Keeoe. Mattle: Hotel Kelcey Sister*. Three: Chicago. Kelly, Joe K. (8th ft Arch sts.) Pblla. Kelly A Henry: 2788 Frankfort are.. ! .>.. = . Keltners, The: 133 Colonial Place, Dallas. Tex. Kenney ft Hollia: 64 Harvard are., Allaton, Man. Kent A Wilson: 8036 Monroe are.. Chicago. King Broe.: 211 4th are., Schenectady. N. T. Ring, Violet: Winter Gardens. Blackpool. Eng. Xing ft Bailey: 206 W. 48th St. N. x. C. Klngaley ft Roberts: 820 Baltimore Bldg.. Oklahoma City, Okla. Klein ft Brlanger: 1587 E. 42nd at., Cleveland. Klein Trio: 4768 Oidenberg are.. St Louie. Klldo. J. P.: 2148 Thomas St.. Cblcsgo. Klinefelter!, The: Box 462, Hawarden, la. KIos Bisters, Three: care Paul Tauslg. 104 E. 14th St. N. Y. C. Knlsely ft Reardon (Princess) Columbus. 0. Knight Bros, ft Sawtelle: 4450 Sheridan Road, Kohler'^Prank A May: 240 S. Chestnut at, Marysrllle. O. Kohl. Gus ft Marlon: 911 Fourth St.. Milwau- kee. Kotltna, Stuart A Bis Banjo Girts: 1558 Broad- way, N. I. 0. Koppea, The: 117 W. 23rd at., N. Y. 0. Kotaro, Frank: 90S Race st, Phils. Kramers. The: Ansiomink. Pa. Kramer-Bruno Trio: care Tanslg, 104 B. 14th at.. JJ. Y. 0. Krsmo A Normen: 203 GoaUln St. Ind. Kronco-Mansfield Trio: New Mllford. Karrell (Main Bt) Peoria. HL Kotaro (Santoy) Lsnsconjng, Md.. 22-24. Kelfe, Zona (Batbaway'a) LoweU, Maaa.; (Batb- away'a) New Bedford, Keller, Jessie. Venus ~ Lonls: (American) Karl (Maryland) Baltimore; (Batbaway'a) New Bedford. Mass.. 26-31. Km-tla' Roosters (Temple) Grand Rapids. Mich.; (Mil. si Detroit 26-3L Kltamnra Japanese Troupe (Columbia) St Louie. Klein ft Clifton (Colonial) St Lonla; (Lyric) Terre Haute. Ind.. 28-31. Keatonn. Three (Poll'e_) Bridgeport. Conn. Knight, Harlan B.. ft Co. (Orphenm) Portland. Ore. Kuhna. Three White (Orpbeum) Salt Lake. U., 28-81. Kaufman Bros. (Orphenm) Sioux City, la., 26- 8L Kelley ft Wentworth (Temple) Ft Wayne. Ind.; (TrsTettl onlcago. HI.. 26-81. . . Keigley. Gnat (0. B.) BardweU, Ky.; (0. H.) Harriabnrg. 111.. 28-SL Kokln. Mignonette (Orpbeum) Omaha. Neb. Keogh. Francis ft Co. (Miles) MInneapolla. Leslie ft Knade (Beaale) South Omaha, Neb., Leo M 049 E. 148th st, N. ! ft St John (Empress) Cincinnati. Y. 0. LaBelle. Harry: White Rata. Chicago. LahL^ Cecil A Avery: 1017 Lagnus at. San Ls Centra ft LaRne: 2461 2nd are.. N. T. a Lakolo ft Lorain: Palace Hotel. Chicago. LaDelles, Poor: Decatur. Ind. LaMarche. Frankle: 482 W. 26th St., Chicago. LaMarr. Frank: Gen Del., Grand Raplde, Mich. Lamblottes, The: Mt. Vernon O. LaMrra. Paul: 27 Monroe st. Albany. N. Y. Lamonte. Frank: 2018 N. Bread at., Phils. LaMont's Cockatoos: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. 0. LsMonre Bros.: 64 Cedar Lake are.. Minne- apolis. Lancaster, Mr. ft Mrs. Tom: New Cattle, Del a. Lancaster ft Miller: (Arcade-Grand) Boqalam, Wean. Langdon ft Morris: 1427 Mclienry at, Balti- more. Lansings. The: 210 N. Broadway. Baltimore. LaRoces. Roxy p.: Box 62. Washbnrn. ni. LeRoee Bros.: 107 E. 31st st. N. Y\ 0. LsRce ft Holmes: 21 Llllle at. Newark. N. J. LaSalle ft Und: Jameatown. N. Y. LaToaka. _ Laugl ' LsVe He. LaVillaa. The: Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, LaVlne ft Inman: White Rata, N. y. C. LeC^'ft SsmialoS^r 555 B ' LeGrange ft Gordon': Lonls. Lenerta. Two: 6838 iaile ft Und: Jameatown. N. Y. are., Chi- : 14 Prospect at. W. 133 Canaon at, Poogb- csgo. Leo. Jolly: 1828 Vineyard at. Pbila. Leonard ft Phillips (Hong Kong) Toledo. 0. LeRoy A Diamond: White Rats. N. Y. C. Leslie. Regins: 361 Tremont st. G LeVerne ft Johnaon: 4802 N. Seeley raico. Lerlno. Dolph A gsgvwaVMn CoUO* Uncolns. Four: Lines. Harry: Llngerman. Sam Lloyd ft Falls eater. N. Y. Loekwooda, Musical keepale. N. Y. Lolaaet. Katie: 104 B. 14tb at.. N. Y. a Lombsrds.^bs: care psnl Tsnslg. 104 E. 14th Ixmnbori, Lou: Lock City Hotel, BwormriUe, N. Mm Lows, F. J.: 2720 18th are.. South. Mtnnespolls. Lowe. Leslie J. (Hong Kong) Toledo, 0. Lubtns. Four Dancing: 1728 N. 21st st. Phils Lucsa. Havel Boston (Majestic) St Psul. Lace A Luce: 926 N. Brosd St.. Phils. Lsfsyettes, Two (Dewey) Phils. I-elgh. The (Galrez) Gslreaton, Teg. Lontie'i. Mile., Monkeys (Varieties) Terre Haute. Ind. Lewi a A Otaapin (Park) Erie, Pa. Iienra, The (Orphenm) Freeport, III. Lorenherg'a, Chis.. Nespolltsna. M. LlttlefleM. mgr.: (Orphenm) Kanaaa City. Mo.; (Or- phram) Klovix City. Is.. 26-31. ^SSS'-JH* EST* n ""»™. Conn.: (Poll's) Longworih. The (Lyda) Cblcsgo; (Trerett- Cblcsgo. 28-31. Lawrence A Edwards (Msjestlc) Houston. Teg. SAMPLE BUTTONS 1911 EACH YEAR WE GgOWBICaERRD,, BETTER. This year we are big enough to make our own Ferro- type Plate whicb en- ables us to give voi> BUTTONS that are betterthanever Writ* for our ' 1811 Prloa Li at. It win Interest YOU. THE MOUNT FORD MFG. WORKS 88-18-100 Maiden Lsne, Maw York. Tfei Kg Eli Wbeil FOR 1911 bntld the amuse ma n t wheel ever out up, AND WBJ DO. We hare happily can. blaed the beauty or the wheel with the reliability of construction, which pleases the eye end also satlanea the sense of absolute safety. A pleasure to owe and operate one of these money-getters, wbkk are In nae from Canada to Booth Africa. Write SOUVENIR goods NOVILTIKS (or . Houses. Jobbers. Aacnts and I WIRK artists 11) ePL I as Send for free illustrated list of goods. T. HL adOTT CO, 41S - »1J ltUte« ST, OHUta, I AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY AND BASEBAIiLi NOVEI/TIKS frits for price I art WM. wtrarrrxjcraT, Manr.. OS V. IiiiiI FhllaAslpfela. Fa.. V. 8. fa DICE CARDS w« OICC S»ar»O0 CARDS 1-0O HUNT «V CO. 56 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. ILL. WIG Real Hair, Crop Wig, «• Clown. Tto L^aISa^ks vsra.""" A DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 33 fcrfllcgwell, Nat * 00. (Majestic) Denver, Ool.. UUhtoo.. Three (Keltlvn) num.; (KeltbV Usaerff>f|ik> t*WW Buffslo; (Shea'e) To- U T?n 0 'BrS.? l '(Wbll»«) Concord, JL H. Kmllle A Th. Lucifer. (I'olTe) Worceeter, ua, . (l'oll'a) Hartford. Conn.. 28-31. urayette-LeMont * Co. (Kedale Aes.) Chi- c .go; (Temple) Ft. Wnrne, lad., 28-31. Larimer. Herbert (Princess) Bt Louis. WneeTlng. W. V... 26*81. line ft OUooneil (Orpbeum) Dei Molnee, Ia.; (OrpLeuih) Sioux Cltjr. S8-81. L.M0S1. Harry * Flo (Oem> Berlin. N. H.: (Poriland) rortland. Ue.. 28-31. uVord, Cbss. (Msjestlc) Shreveport. La. LesHeT Scott. Co. (Superb*) Augusta. y Aod.r«a, LooUtUI. lurubeum) Memphis, Tsan., 20-81. * Meloolte Twlni I Clay Smith (Temnle) Bocb Viler, N. 2.1 (Kllta'l) Hoaton. MASS.. W- xtoorre. Mabel Valenteane (BljOo) Iowa City, Ia„ Harebell. Ueo. P. HeUose Comedy Foor JJIaJaaUc) Bt, Paul; (Miles) Minneapolis M-Sl. Hark. Floyd («•>•»'•{. °£?5V > * **" A ui tin. Chicago, 111. • 26-31. Murray Mr. * Mrs. H. J. (Alamo) BtUlwater. OUa.. 22-M. Martini. Don (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. Motorlnc (Orpbeum) Denver. Martins, Flying (Orpbeum) Denver. Mann 8am, * Co. (Kelta'a) Phlla. atacagnos, Three (Keith's) I'nlla. MaraeUo * Wolf (Majestic) Cedar Baplda, Ia. Maxim's ModeU (New Grand) EvanaTiUe, lad. Melnaa A Kennedy (Maw Grand) KvanavUle, xuioUeU, _Chas. .(Keith's) ^rOTldence, I. at.. Chi- MtConnell Blstera: McDonald, Eddie * John: 210 Booth m., WU- klnsburg. Pa. McDonald. O. L-: 818 Superior at., Toledo, O. Macdoaald Slaters: 18 Bach* at., Ban rraacle- *tc?ntyre * Groses: 408 B. 18th at-. Davenport, McKeeSj nree: Actors' Society, 183 w. «Sth UcKinley, Nell: 288 Bank St.. Newark, N. J. Mack, Billy (Caalno) OalTaatoo, Tax. Mack. Leo: Wlcklow Hotel, Chicago. Macks. Two: 248 N. 59th at., PhUa. ~ milia A Bart: 221 W. eld at.. N. Y. C. ataloney. Joe: 8016 Low* ava., Chicago. Mangean Troupe: 1663 Broadway, N. I. C. Manning Trio: TO Clancy St., Grand Baplda. Mich. . ., Marimba Band (Winter Garten) Berlin, Oar.. Dec. 1-31; (Haneal Hamburg Jan. 1-31. Marshall. Geo. P.: 8808 S. Was hingt on at.. Mar- MartlnetUe A Byleeeter: 0728 Leeds St.. Phlla. Martyn, Howard: 28 Beeood at., alt. Clemen*. Meara. Sergeant: Wbita I Melnotte-Lanole Trio: 48 Chas. A.: Ml W. 42d St., N. T. C. Masons. Four: Fair Haven, N. J. Mathleeea. Walter: 843 W. Ohio at.. Chicago. Maxwell A Dudley: 108 W. Svth St., N. T. C. Maxwell, Jos: Boom 12, N. I. Thaitra Bldg., N. Y. C. Mayne, Kluubeth: 144 ■.48th at,, It. T. C. Mayo ft Kowe: car* Bart Levey, ltt Powsll St., Bin Francisco. _ ats, N. T. C. laryland a vs.. Cmm- UeTroes "comedy Four: 8100 Groeelshd are.. Chi MrtVEle. Marrdons: loterllkea, H. T. Mend ft Mend: 742 8. Bobey St., Chicago. Menth. John B.: 28ST 8. 41*t are., Chicago. Merrltt ft Does: Fair Haven. N. J. Meyer. David (Lyceum) Edmonton. Alts., Can. Meyers, Belle: 442 E. 188th at., N. Y. 0. Meyera, Jack: 212 E. 108th St., N. Y. C. Miller. Larry (Princess) St. Paul. Miller, Mr. * Mrs. Frank B.: Shrareoort La. MUler. Theresa: 118 W. Qrano ate., 6gJakoma Miller.' •Tbrea' Joggling: 827 RMge are.. Scran- Ion, Pa. Mlllman Trio (Winter Garten) Berlin. Gar., Dae. 1-81: (Hanaa) Hamburg Jaa. 1-31. Moberly A Crelly: S4SO Bhodea see., Chi- cago. ' aloffett ft Clara: 111 B. 128th St., N. T. a Monaon. B. Thoa. : 918 W. 48th at., Loa An- Montreil, Chat.: 104 I. nth it. N. T. 0. Hoorei, Fire Flying: 800 F at., Moncl*. Ind. Moore. Tom ft Staala: car* B. A. Myers. 1402 Broadway, N. T. C. Morgan, w. K. : Box 31. HontsrUla, Ala. Morgan ft Cheater: Phoebua. Va. Morrta, Leoo: 8S W. 7th at., lit. V.rnon. N. Dec. 1-81. Murphy. Harry P.: The Billboard, Cincinnati. Murphy. J. 0.1 428 8. 6th are.. NaahTllte. Tenn. Murray A Hamilton: 803 W. Adama at., Mnncle, Ind. Utile ft Orth: Muacoda, Wla. Merrlhews. Uualeal (Park) OoeMa. M. T. Mlllman, Bird (Orpheum) Sloox City, la.; (Or- . rheum) Minneapolis, Minn.. 2841. Mirdo Trio (Princess) Wichita. Kan.: (Or- pbenm) Leaeeaworth. 28-81. Murray, Chas. A., A Co. (Empress) Mnwankre. Mean. Bergtaut (Orpbeum) rreeport. 111., 23 MeNamca (Grand) Sacramento, Cel. I (Jam) Sin Joss, H-81. Usrcell ft Lenelt (Matestlc) Dallai. Tag.; (Me- , Jntlc) Hooeton, 28-81. More,,. Blatere frolly) Oklahoma City. Okla.; ^^T^lVSL^lo^ Bnr- "ngton? I..;' (Orphan m) rreeport. 111.. 28- Mlller ft Lylea (Poll's) Bcranton, Pa.; (Poll's) WUkes-Bsrre, 28-31. Msrtln ft Polk (Majestic) Blonx Falls. 8. D. Melelllo A Hlgglna (Orpheom) San Franclaco. 28- 31, McDonald, Chsi., Crawford ft Montrose (Or- MontroaV. EnTfh "(UnhJuV) Mlnneapolla; (Uljnn) DtjlDth, 26-81. Merrltt. Hal (Keith's) Columbus, O.; (Grand) Syracnao. N. Y.. 28-31. Marriott Twins A Co. (Folly) Oklahoma City. Okii.; (Prlncaia) Wichita. Kan., 26-81. Msrlo-Aldo Trio (Orpbeum) Ogden. U.. 28-31. Mack A Walker (Polt'a) Worcester. Maaa.; (Bronx) N. Y. C. 28-31. Moore. George Auatln (Bronx) N. Y. C. Mllmara. The (Hopkins) Loulsrllle; (Grsnd) Nashville. Tenn.. 20-31. Markee Bros. (Miles) Detroit. Mimic Foor (Mslestlc) Butte. Mont.; (Waablng- ton) Spokane. Waah.. 28-81. McOee, Joe B. (Hippodrome) Cleveland. Montgomery, Marshal (Proctor's) Newark, N. J.; (Keith's) Phils.. 28-81. Morris. Miss Felice. A Co. (Orpheom) Ogden. U., 28-81. McKay ft Cantwell (Orpheum) (Orpheom) 81 Mangels. John (Orpheum) 2941. Mason ft Keeler (Shea'e) Buffalo. 20-81. Milton. Frank. A DeLong Slaters (Columbia) Clnclnnstl; (Keith's) Columbus. 28-31. Mstthews. Loman 8.: 810 Lakewood avc, Lake City. Minn. Meksrenko Duo (Orpheom) Savannsb. Oa. ; (Ma- jestic) JicksooTllle. Fls.. 28-31. Nash ft Blnehart: 281 Carlton are., Brooklyn. Nace A Fordney (Crystsl) B. Las Tegss. N. M. Nsjdeoe. Petite: 2025 Fmlteale are., Oakland. Nellon. Oswald ft Borger: ISO E. 128th St., N. Y. C. Nemo. Carl: 721 N. 2d at, Qolncy. m. Newman, Harry: 112 Fifth are., Chicago, Nlblo ft Bllay: 168 Third aye.. Brooklyn. Nichols A Croix: White Rets. N. Y. C. Nichols ft Smith: 812 Addlston are., Chicago. Nanette: 154 Henry St., Brooklyn. Norton, C. Porter: 6342 Klmbsrk e»e., Chicago. Norton, Great: 944 Newton at., Chicago. Nosaee. Musical: New Brighton, Pa. Neons ft Etdred (Orpheom) Omaha. Neb.. 28- K Normaadle. Natalie (8c*n!c) Providence. R. I Nelson, Chas. (Family) Ravenna. O.. 22-24. Naftaajers (O. H.) Plymooth. III.. 22-24: (O H.) Macomb. 28-28: (O. H.) Mt. Sterling 29- 81. Namba Troupe (Orpheom) Brooklyn. Noble. Billy, ft Jeanne Brooka (Lyric) Danville. III.: (Btjou) Qnlocy. 28-31. Nawa. Tom, ft Co. (Shea'e) Nichols Blstera (Shea's) Buffalo. Nngent. J. C. (Orpheom) Des Moines. Ia.; (Colombia) St Loots. Mo.. 28-31. Nanus ry. May. ft Co. (Bell) Oakland. Cel.: (Wigwam) San Francisco. 28-31. Nevlna ft Erwood (Orpheum) Spokane: (Or- pheom) Seattle. 20-31. Nooetta (Poll'o) SprlagSald, Mass.; (Grand) East on. Pa.. 26-31. „ _ Naynoo's. Boss, Birds (Grsnd) Tscoma. Waah. NO. 44 (UotCjOS) Mlnneapolla. NsTsrroa, Three (Keith's) Providence. B. I. Operatic Feetlvsl (Colombia) Clnclnnstl. Olive A Harding (Miles) Minneapolis, le. (Msln St.) Peorle, HI. : Havana, in. 8243 Crenshaw at., Chicago. O'Nein", Ray B.: 712 Fulton Bldg.. Plttatiurg. Pa. Orbaaany'i, Inni. Cockstooa: care B. Obenaayer» 1431 Broadway. N. T. 0. Oabora. Teddy: 711 Coortland are.. Kokomo, Ind, Orerfleld, A.: 369 Glenwood are., Buffalo. N. o«\n. Dorothy Mae: 3047 OOth at.. Chicago. Olivers. Four Sensational (Nstlonsl) 8an Fran Cisco; (Hippodrome) Sao Francisco. 26-81. O'Neill ■rirfo (American) Youngetown. O P. , rk i ^ > M , iy«.!r ParTand-Newhan Co.: ParT^Jr^'oeo. W.: 2534 N. Phlla. . „ Pauline. J. R.: Dsnsrllle. N. Y. Paoll ft Walton: 728 Bth axe.. Pit tabu nr. Pa. Pearee ft Ay 1 ward: 285 Michigan aye^. Chicago. Peirae A Meson: Van Rnren Hotel. Chlcsgo. Peek ft Ferguson: 1212 N. 28th St.. Birming- ham. Ala. Pelham ft Imtg: Platea, Pa. Patera ft Chamberlain: 268 24th Place. Chicago. Phillips. Harry F.: Hotel Washington. Salem. PhUlip. ft NVrell: 218 8. HowaU at.. Owosso. Mlci. Phillips Slaters (Collaenm) PlkM,' MuVlcal: 103 W. Oley it.. Reading. Pa. Plane, Fred 8. (Princess) Dnlnth Po triers, Tt Porter. Cbaa. F.: 606 Lincoln ire., Mich. Potter ft Harrle: 1716 Lelanrl are., C Powell, Eddie: White Rats. N. Y. C. Power, Cbaa: Portland, Conn. Powers. Frank J.: 324 N. Academy St.. Ji Tills. WIS. Powers. Great: 1TS8 Larrsbee St.. Chic Price k Bell: 182 Floyd St., Dallas, r Price. Harry M.t 934 Lowwood eve.. > Pepper Twine (Arcade) Mlnot. N. D„ (Star) Wllllstoo. 28-28. _ Primrose Four (Poll's) New Haven. Conn.: (Pol I' a) Bridgeport. 28-31. Pojj^ft Uno (SnesTs) Buffalo; (Shea'e) Toronto, Pendlerone. The (Waahlngton) Spokane; (Ma- jestic) Seattle. 20-81. Perry, Gene A. (r^or^s) Hot Sprtnaw. Ark. Pr ingle ft Whiting (Colombia) Cincinnati; (Or- pheom) Bvanavllle. Ind.. _28-81. Pattea'a. Col. J. A.. Old Soldier FIdlera (Or- pheum). Salt Lake, U.; Colo.. 28-Sl Beautiful Italian Marble Relief PJacqnes SNAPPY, UP-TO-DATE AN ID EAL PR ESENT Mounted on dark green wood. 1 nine inches in diameter, well j packed, prompt shipment, $1.60 I each, F. O. B. New York. For ' other styles write for lists A. R. MARRYATT MANUFACTURER 32 Park P)«ot>. New York City 28th St.. Loa An- llcuo. £7U Pswsoa. The (Arcade) Atlanta. Oa.; (Qoeen) rST|B (T?»P1.) Orgnd Rapid.. Mich.: (Mllesl^trplt. 28-81. Psatser. Osrl. Trio (Majeatlc) Denver. Prosit Trio (ttnloos) Mtaaeapolls. Pearl ft Pearl (Jnllsn) Chicago. C.*M««S^8».k ,0th CANES and PENNANTS FROM FACTORY TO RETAII.EK We manufacture the most extensive line in the country. If you wish to enjoy a sensation of looming big profit, get in touch with us and our low prices, Do it now, before you get rnired in the rut "stuff and poor sellers of other makers. Samples submitted. Quick action. COSMO MFG. CO., 311-312 W. Michigan Street. CHICAGO, ILL of poor" Catalog 1 , free THE "WONDER" SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN IS A MATCHLESS SELLER FOR STREET WORK O VpCCTMCM Get busy — order some at one tJ 1 aaVCJai 1 ItIEi ll easily to be made profit*. Ws have good supply hot no more shipments expected before fin "and. First corns, first served. Bead money with order; high-grade finish, elegant looker, aatlafias a vary sodr. No. S4741. Grade 1. Dos.. SI. .1.1 No. S4742, Grade 2. Doa.. 1.10 N. SHURE CO., Wholes* Gross, 919.00 Gross, 12.S0 220 Madison St.. CHICAGO. BIG MONEY IN OUR SOAP -AGENTS b, 3&¥ SSfi Oct onr prices on sosp and toilet articles. They will Interest yon. Our advertising assorted packages with valuable premlams hsve the flash and valoe that get the money. Everybody uses them. MAKE OREAT SOUVENIRS FOR RI10WM, CARNIVALS. ETO. Money getters for canvaaaera and fakers. One young man cleared $1,008.88 In 8 months straight on a house to house canvass. Are yon doing aa well? If not, send postal today. We will teach yoo how. Z. X. DAVIS SOAP 00., W8 Union Park Court, Chicago, reeogatsed sll inowTedged I VAUDEVILLE and "ts'lvho 'ara'alq o.ln'ted'wTt'h'l fiFuS 'beat '^n .UdTlon^pJIa' colt In America. This la not -talk." hot real "FACTS." and ws by all and all aroand satlsftctory circuit can and - will suhstsntlste these otjalneu prospect* with ' KIP AGENTS, when yoo can secure superior service la every particular at no Increase In the Inferior and unreliable kind, which sooner or Ister. If used, will mean the rata of trT US PROVE OUX ASSZSTIOaTS. Look these over — and there are many _ A DUBOIS. WESTON A JTWXLL 'AHXTT * AOXE* BOWXBJ A DKVUnt BLACK A 1X0 XUBSEXX ItXUX A OATH OUTTZI A BODIJC OaOJXAaT A UXtAMXK VAN g, CLEJCEMTa BtTRHH A BTBJKE BTDhTXT JXROMZ A 00. OWTSTN a OOSSETT *ni^g°A oo. S*^2- * DELAHCT THE GRETM0jrT8 TOM A AKalA OOIXIHS HAJaJtT A VTAOIX T.TB WTXjrUX A uassrsoTna OOLEaLAhT a oahfield JACK BOB A rLOHAJICE intni OHT BHOTTTER8 WZSSAUtAV A WOOD «0T A PROST ORARTR ZjrAXJR A ADAMS TEDTSPARKS' VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT (Member of Association of Affiliated Vaudeville Agents.) CXVTURY RUXLDJMO (All night phone and tslsgnphle arrangement) "»"■ cm, MO. Queei It.. Phlla. Qolncy, Thoa,: Queen Mab A •th. The 1911-1912 BILLBOARD DATE-BOOK — WILL BE READY— JANUARY 1st Leather Cover — Tough Paper Cover 25c. -10c. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO. 416 Elm Strait, - - -. - - - CINCINNATI, OHIO. 34 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. Qulgley Bros. Rose Sll 20^31. la. Mo.. 10-21* Rio (Orphenm) Bice * Prevost (Majestic! Rogee, Leon (Keith's) Phi Bice. Andy (Keith's) Phlla. Kondlne Bres. (Orpbeam) r Rolfe's Courtier* (Shea'B) Barneses (Orphenm) Minne; Roland, Rolfe'i ' E Booney & 1 Bitter & r 31. Rlcharda, Great (5th Ave.) N. Y. a Sogers. Clara (Majestic) i. John: 801 Choutest St. Louis. . Hilly: 1000 E. 5th st,' Dayton. 0. Bay. Eugenie: 5602 Prairie ave., Chicago. Raymond, Evelyn: 48 W. Brie St., Chicago. Beading Slaters: 411 w. 30th St.. M. X. C. Seed A Marlow: 793 Main at.. Dallas. Tex. Reed. Wm. D-: Gallatin Pike, Nashville, Ten. Keeves, Boe: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. 0. BeUly A Lewis: 84 W. 118th St., N. Y. 0. itenshaw. Bert: White Bats, N. Y. O. Benxos, The: The Billboard Cincinnati O. Bex Trio: 261 E. 2nd St., Para, Ind. Key, Billy: lOUtt Congress ave., Houston, Tex. Beynoids A Donegan (Bonacher's) Vienna, Aus- tria, Dec. 1-S1; (Hansa) Hamburg, Jan. 1-31. Rhoeds' Marionettes: 33 W. 8th at., Chester, Pa. BI St Panl; (Orphenm) Winnipeg, Can., 26-31. Rocamora, Suzanne (Lyric) Dayton, O.; (New Grand) Eranavllle. Ind.. 28-31. Raymond, Bnby. A CD. (Maryland) Baltimore; (Keith's) Phlla., 2rV31, Rathakeller Trio: Mollne. DX; Bloomlngton 28-31. Bohra, Three (Washington) Spokane 26-31. Rockway A Conway (Majestic) Jacksonville, Fla-: (Jefferson) St Augustine 26-31. Bandale, Betty A Zena (Orpbeam) Baa Claire, Wis. St John A Bridges: 427 E. 58th st. N. Y. a Ssnford A Darlington: 3060 Perms grove st, W. Phlla. Santaqulnx. Aerial: 930 Navajo at, Denver. Savoy A Savoy: 39 Hubbard Court. Chicago. Sawyer A Detina: 43 Pembina st, Buffalo. Sherer A Newklrk: 18 Goodell at. Buffalo. Shlavonl Troupe: care Paul Tanalg, 104 K. Hth st. E Y. 0. Schrier. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K.: 808 W. 12th sr.. Chicago. Searlee. Arthur: 8858 Cottage Grove ave., Chi- cago. Sedgwlcks. Five: 3309 Ave. I, Galveston. Tex. Selby. Hal. M. : 201 Schiller Bldg.. Chleago. Semon Dno: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. a Seney.- Vincent A Seney: 1182 3. Main st. Fall River. Mass. genre II Bros., Flying: 213 Eleinore at. Pitts- burg, Pa. Shades, Carl F., 733 Clifton are.. Springfield, O. Shaw. Edythe: 508 N. Clark at., Chicago. Shaw, Lew A Nellie: 1445 Ogden ave.. Chicago. Shea. Tex A Mabel: 522 N. Main St.. Dayton. O. Sherlock. Frank: 514 W. 135th St.. N. Y. C. Shields Shields. Ga. Shields, The: 207 City Hall. New Orleans. Short A Click: Box 1101, Dallas. Texas. Slebrecht, Arthur: 323 S. Broadway, Lexington. Ky. Stlveno A Co.: (Pan taxes') St Joseph. Mo. Simons, Great: 2072 Ogden ave., Chicago. Skremka Sisters: 104 E. 14th st.. nTy. C. Sltker. M. Ia: 45 N. Broadway, Akron. O. Slosson, Pauline: 4645 Michigan aye.. Chicago. Smith. C. X.: 121 N. Martin St.. Monde, Ind. Smith A Adams: 1139 W. Van Buren st, Chi cago. Smlth A Brown: 1324 St John ave.. Toledo, O. rets: 1553^ Broad So wash Bros.: Spauldlng, N. Y. Stanley A Chambers Phils. Stanley, Harry 8.: 208 N. more. Stanton, Walter A Val: 1536 Broadway, N. Y. C. Stevens, Max (Clnograph) Los Angeles. Stewart A Donahue: care Ted Scheoeder, Hunt- ington Chambers, Boston. Stewart & Earl: 125 Euclid ave., Woodbury, N. J. Stewart A Malcolm: Box 87, Cynthlana. Ind. Stlckney, Louise (N. Y. Hippodrome) N. Y. C. Stokes & Ryan: White Rata, N. Y. C. Story, Musical: Palace Hotel. Chicago. Stntzman A May: 61S Washington St., Wllllams- port Pa. Sullivan, Harry: White Bats, N. Y. C. Swanson, Hazel May: Commercial Hotel, Chi- cago. Sylow. Henry: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Sytz A Sytz: 140 Morris at. Phlla. Swor A Mack (Orphenm) Sioux City. Ia.; (Or- phenm) Des Moines 2941. Slegrist Troupe (Winter Circus) Buffalo; (Win- ter Circus) Rochester 28-31: Sampsel A BeUly (Majestic) Ft Worth. Tex.; (Majestic) Dallas 26-31. Strlcklln's Dogs, Pony A Comedy Mule (0. H.) Davenport, Ia. Syman, Stanley (Grand) Columbus, O.; (Or- phenm) Portsmouth 26-31. Sullivan, Daniel J., A Co. (Empress) Kansas City, Ho. Story. Musical (Family) Mnscattne, la., 22-24. Symonda, Jack (Beacon Honse) Boston; (Colum- bia) Attleboro 26-31. Sugtmoto Japanese Troupe (Empress) Kansas City. Mo.; (Majestic) Des Moines, Ia., 26-31. Stagpooles. Four (Palace) Phlla. Sherman, Deforest A Co. (Bijou) Winnipeg, Can. Somen A Storke (Jefferson) St. Angus tine. Fix. ; (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala., 26-3L Slmma, Cartoonist (Majestic) Batte. Mont., 24- Scott A Wllsop (Garrlckl San Diego, Cat; (Grand) Denver, Cot. 26-31. Stafford, Frank A Co. (Columbia) St. Louis. Sullivan. Harry, A. Co. Gayety) Springfield, in.; (Family) Lafayette. Ind., 26-31. Sonaghan. Lennox A Co. (Hljou) Dulutb. Minn.; (SI Jon) Winnipeg, Can.. 26-31. Ska tells. The (Arcade) Niagara Falls, N. T. : (Court) Newark, N. J., 26-31. Stlne, Chas. J. (Shea's) Bnffalo; (Shea's) Toruu- to. Can., 26-31. Strickland. Babe (Star) Chicago; (Circle) Chi cago, 26-28; (Grand) Chjr Snowden. Marie (Murray) Springfield. O.. 26-31. Sully A Hnaaey (Majestic) ; (Sun) Ja g g Chicago 26-31 Spragne A Dlion (0. H. Sampson A Douglas (Majestic) Houston Salvall (Orphenm) Nashville, Birmingham, Ala., 26-31 ; (Orphenm) Stephens. Hal. Co. (Orphenm) New Orleans. Splssell Bros. A Co. (Orphenm) Salt Lake City. Utah; (Orphenm) Denver, Col., 26-31. Huron. E. (Grand) Watertown. S. D., 22-24. Sterling limn. (BIJon> Mnnett. Mo.. 22-24. Sweeney A Booney (Clark) Chicago. Sheck A D'Arvllle (Orphenm) Champaign, ID.; (Majestic) E. St Louis 26-31. Stolen Story (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Slmms, wiilard. A Co. (Orphenm) Denver 26- 81. Seldoms. The (Keith's) Phlla. Stcpp. Mehllnger A King (New Grand) Bvens- ville. Ind Schilling, Wm.: Akron, O. Seymour A Dupre (Family) Wtlltairiaport. Pa.. Seldom's Venns (Shubert) DtJca, N. Y. Small. Johnny, A winters (Mary Anderson) Lonlsvllle. Sprlngford Twins (Majestic) Houston. Tex. 8pann, Byron A Catherine (Orpheom) Dover, N. H., 19-24. Tasmanlan-Vandlemana (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga..; (Colonial) Norfolk. Va.. 26-31. Tower A Martin (Family) Detroit: (Thestorinm) Lansing, 27-28; (Idle Hour) Grand Baplda, 29-31. Thurber A Madison (Orphenm) Denver, 26-31. That Merry Three (American) Armoordale, Kan. Tracy, Julia R. (Poll'a) Norwich. Conn. Talbot. Edith: 218 W. 34th at.. N. Y. C. Tanner, Wm.: 18B0 Third ave.. N. Y. 0. Tekara. Magician: 1831 Central are., Indian- apolla. TerriU, Frank A Freda: 857 N. Orkeney at, Phlla. Texana A Beynoids: 2717 Dnmalne st. New Or Thomas A Wright: 503 Wells at, Chicago. Thompson A Howard: Fountain ave.. Dayton, O. Thompson, N. C. Thompson, Thurbert ' N. Y. Tint A Nelson: Hermitage Hotel, Grand Bap- Ida. Mich. Topack A West: 1388 Pear at, Camden. N. J. To pa. To pay A Tops: 3442 W. School st, Chi- cago. Tracey A Carter: 717 6th are., Seattle. Treat's. Oapt, Seals: Tonawanda, N. Y. Tremalnes. Musical: 230 Caldwell st, Jackson- ville, HI, Troy. Nelson A Troy: R. F. D. No. 1, Box 8, Turner A Glyndon: 101T W. Stat* at, Olean, Turners' Musical: 1806 Felix at, St Joseph. Thomas. Toby (Wloter Circus) Buffalo; (Win- ter Circus) Rochester 26-31. Tallman. The Great (American) New Orleans; (Princess) St Louis, 26-31. Tom- Jack Trio (Orphenm) Norfolk, Va.; _ (Keith's) Phils., Pa.. 2M1. • Toney A Norman (Miles) Minneapolis; (8t Pan! 26-31. Tends, Harry (Temple) Hamilton. Can.; (Hath- away'a) New Bedford. Mass., 26-31. Top o' the World Dancers (Orphenm) 8t Panl; (Columbia) St Loots 26-81. Temple Quartette (Orphenm) Los Angeles, 19- 81. Tambo A Tambo (Empire) 26-31: (Empire) Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 2-7; (Ei 16-: DHne A Oral A Dog: Valentines, The Billboard, Cln- : 318 South ave., Bridgeport. Conn. Valletta & Lameon: land. St Clair ave., Cleve- VaUey Forge Comedy Four: 81 Wilsey at, New- ark, N. J. Van Atken, Lillian: 10130 Parnell are., Chicago. Van-Barckley Co.: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Van Dalle Sisters. 514 W. 135th st. ,N. Y. C. Vandervllts, The: 207 M, Overland St., 1E1 Paso, Tex. Van Horn, Bobby: 139 Best st, Dayton. 0. Vanlon. Great: 072 South 6th St.. Lonlsvllle. Variety Comedy Trio: 1515 Berth are., Indian apollB. Vedmar, Bene: 32S5 Broadway, N. Y. C Venetian Trio: 571 Russell st., Detroit. Vernon A Reno: 1617 Division ave., Sheveport, La. Vernon, Paul: 614 N. Birch st, Creston. Ia. Verno, Geo.: 2218 N. Lambert St., Pblla. Veronica A Hurl Falls (Empire) London, Eng., Dec. 12. Indef. Vice. Fred M. : 213 4th ave.. Homestead, Pa. Vlctorlne, Mervyn: White Bats, Chicago. Vincent, John B.: 820 Olive st, Indlauapolls. Viola. Otto: 41 Shenleld ave., Brooklyn. Vlrden A Duulap: White Rats, N. Y. C. Vo niello A Nina: Continental Hotel, Chicago. Viola A George (Majestic) Provo, Utah. Vivians, Two (Colonial) Lawrence. Mass.; (Keith's) Providence, R. I.. 26-31. Vsn, Billy B., A Beaumont Sisters (5th Ave.) N. Y. C; (Keith's) Boston 26-31. Van Hoven (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Majestic) Chicago 28-31. Vardon, Perry A Wilder (Grand) Portland, Ore. Viaocchl, (Anthony A Andrew (Poll'a) Spring- field. Mass. Van Bros. (Grand) Indianapolis. Vaggea, The (Majestic) Denver. Viols Bros. (Bljon) Augusta, Ga.; (Palace) Asherllle, N. c. 26-31. Voelker, Mr. A Mrs Frederic (Keith's) l'blla. Vlrden A Dnnlap (Unique) Mlnoeapolla. Van, Chaa. A Fannie (Orpheum) Harrlaburg. Pa. VaUeclta'a Leopards (Orphenm) Duluth. White's Comedy Mules (Chsse's) Wash.. D. C. Ward. Fannie (Columbia) Cincinnati. Williams A Brown (Empress) Ctncinostl. Wright A Dietrich (Keith's) Phils. Waterbnry Bros. A Tenney (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb. Walker, Clifford (Shea's) Buffalo. Wilson Bros. (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia. White A Simmons (Majestic) Cedar Baplda, la. World A Klngaton (Shea's) Bnffalo. Waddell, Frank: 2321 Kedzte ave., Chicago. Wagner A Rhodes: 110 W. Main at. Paoll. Ind. Walker, Musical: 1524 Brookalde St.. Indianap- olis. Wallace A Beach: 324 Carmen St., Jscksoovllle, Fla. w:n^r"•* S p.Srotr• S •21 S0 IrsSfh^ , •• T ° U *°' °* wauzer A Palmer: 21 E. 30th i Ward. Billy: care Belch Vaudevl Richmond at, Toronto. Ward A Weber: 1107 W. Poplar at, York, Pa. Ward A Webster: Palace Hotel. Chicago. Ward. Starr A Ward: 250 N. 4th St.. Memphis. Tenn. Warner's Juvenile Minstrels: 113% Jochlatn St., Mobile. Ala. Warren A Francis: Box 643. Cheyenne, Wyo. Warrlcks, The: 1132 Sedgwick St., Chlcsgo. Wallenberg Bros.: care Panl Tanalg. 104 E. 14th at, N. Y. C. Washburn, Pearl: 50 Cathedral Parkway. N. Y. C. Washer Bros.: Oakland. Ky. Waahla. Hlggl A Laura: 471 Mitchell st. Mil- Waters. Jss. B.: care Clarice. 1560 Broadwsy. N. Y. C. Watson's, Sammy, Farmyard Circus: 333 N. Paula ave.. Jersey City, N. J. Weadlck A La Due: White Bats. N. Y. C. Weber, Cbss. D.: 826 Tssker st. Pblla. Welch. Jaa. A.: 211 E. 14th at, N. Y. C. Wentwortb A Burna (Orpheum) El Paso, Tea. Wesley, Lynn A Una: Portsmouth. O. West A Benton: 31 School st. Buffalo. N. Y. West Dare Devil: Tremont Hotel, DanvUle. HI. Western Union Trio: 2241 E. Clearfield st. PhDs. Weat Sisters: 1412 Jefferson see.. Brooklyn. Westons, The: 1013 Story ave.. Lonlsvllle. Weston Sisters, Three: 282 E. 201st st, Bronx. White, "Edward B.: 215 E. 100th St., N. Y. Whitehesd A Grlersoo: 2466 8th sve.. N. Y. C. Whitman Bros.: 1335 Chestnut st. Pblla. Whitney, Tilley: • 86 Kane st, Buffalo. Whltworth A Pearson: 9413 Oormsn ave., Cleve- gSr t^ss^sr^^' *■ T - d Wllks, Monte Tom (Snn) Cincinnati. Williams. Chaa.: 2652 Bntger st, St Louis Williams. Happy Frank (Huiton'a) Klamath Falla, Ore. Winiams, Harry A.: 65 Sella ave., Atlanta, Wins', Nst M.: 801 W. 96th St., N. Y. C. will: A H H-ufc^on« & _. Grace: 1627 LaSalle ave.. Chicago. Wilson, Jltnmle: The Billboard. Clncvlanatl. Wilson. Ltxsle: 175 Franklin at. Buffalo. Wilson A Rich: 73 Graham ave.. Brooklyn. W !. ,br0 S * Olntt: 862 N° Emporia ave., Wleb- Its. Kan. Wlnaton's Scale (Winter Garten) Berlin. Oer., Dec 1-81. Wolfes. Musical: Wolf. Moore A Y. White Bats. Chlcsgo. -onnat: Gloucester. N. Milt: White Rata. N. Y. C. J. Wood, Ollle: 534 W. 159th St., N. Y. C. Woods, Lew: 5030 Falrmnnnt st, St. Louis. Woods Musical Trio: 1511 W. Tucker St.. Phll- sdelphls. Wormwood's Monkeys: 554 W. 49th St.. N. Y. C. Wright A Stanley: Van Buren Hotel, Chicago. WyckOff, Fred: 60 Water at, Lyons. N. Y. Wylles, The: 635 W. Romsns St., Ssn Antonio. Tex. Wysoog. Lealie E. : 423 N. 8th st, St. Joseph. Mo. White A Simmons (Majestic) Cedar Ia.; (Majestic) Dubuque, 26-31. Waters. Tom (Columbia) Cincinnati St Louis 26-81. Williams A Segal (Dominion) 01 (Orpheum) Montreal, Can., 26-31. Wash's Jig 'Em Dp Klda (Cryatel) kee. Wilson A Doyle (Grand Family) Fargo, 1 (Crystal) Milwaukee. Wis.. 26-31. wTflUnes A Sterling (Crystal) Galveston. Tex.; (Coxy) Houston 26-31 Ottawa, Can.; Mils N. D.; Mechanical Toys! Over 100 Kinds. THE CLIMBING MONKEY Climbs the string moving srms and legs, and repre- sents lite In all us mors- ments. Simple snd darablai *sm! b !fkitC 6nt of Will climb by a gentle, poll on upper or lower string If yon want an article which" aella at eight and attract! everybody'a attention, order thla. It It the best toy out Sold per gross, 421.O0; pet dozen. $1.80. Sample. 23c Streetmen's Toys snd noma snd goods for holiday trade. We carry a large line of Canvassers and Peddlers' goods. Everything that sella well and brlnga In the coins. Catalogue free. YONGE & CO., 9th and Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. a,* ''''/V'-*.. —J*' * * 7*"*^. , ii*. *>», : n CAROUSELS Cadsenes, Muij fit-| Otattf Muty -Eini if Itricis AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS HERSCHELL-SPILLHAH CO. tltiil, It. Tt I.I..B.I.1 THE CIRCLING WAVE For ton small amount of capital required, is the most profltabls investment. The cstcslast and most popular amnaamant riding devtea ta oas. Baelly and quickly set np and taken dawn, Inexpensive to operate, and to transport^**) Seate 80 p*o?l"e. aSXwr^JSSt'lSF. Sf organ. Now la the time to place roar order. Catalogue, price and testlmonlale eat appllCStiSS ARM I TAG E «V GUINN, Pataatasa aast Sols MsnxfKitxrsrs. SPBIN-VILLE, EBIE CO., NEW YOB- LOOK HERE!! Ws an taalow- eat price wsole- aala Jewelry asd Novelty Honse Is ffVrAg^hffS tie graat^t Mossy B^i H W?4j aiao Hamilton beat GORDON «V MORRISON WhoUsala Jrwalara -toi «. HaHsan Street. Ohloage. B TOUR PICTURE II I POS- TAL II OIE MIRUTE Tas picrnraa are developed, toned sad flnlaasd a a alt da v.i opinx aalotlea. ar- eolars descrTblag enrms- DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 35 Wr ll,. Mr. k Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyric) JaDesTllle Wis • (Illjou) Benton Harbor. Mich.. 28-31. William* * Oordon (Jlaje*tlc) Charleston, 8. C; ,M:iJ.»Hc> Mobil*, Ala.. 2«-31. William*. Thompaon A Copeland (Kedsle) CM- ,-« K .>: (I'lau) Chicago 20-81. William* & Warner (Columbia) St. Louts; (Ma- Jrrllel Milwaukee 26-31. Wafcabama Troupe (BUou) Racine. Wla. Wlllanl & Boml (Maieetle) Montgomery. Ala.; illrnbcum) Sarannab. Oa.. 20-31. _ tromla, Lew (Fairyland) Hlnton. W. Va.; (HIp- ■Kidrome) Lexington, Ky., 26-31. Wbli.-atT- Pennant Winners. OaokA BylrUi f Miry ijopar A Browa; Bon Tons. Cooper. Jaa. B. A Lncla: Jersey Ullea. S?"f B ^ Btstara: Bekmsa Show. «, Rlehy: Cost Corner flirts, Jj*>*«o» Bros, t Mldalght if Orlspl, Idai Irwln'a Big Bkow. groaby. Basal: Jersey UUes. Onrtin A Stereos: Century - Dane, Louie: Follies of the Day. Daels A Harris, Misses: Jsrdln ds Parts Olrls. Darts, Geo. T,: Pat White's Gaiety Olrla. Demlng A Alton: Americana. DeWolfe. Linton A Lanier: Lore Makers. Dixon A He am: Taakea Doodle Olrla. Dl Freeman Show. Dollar Troupe: Beaoty Trust. Dreamland Trio: Dreamland Burleaquera. Duaedln Troupe: Bon Tone. Dnaette, Vlolstts: Moulin Rouge. Kdwsrds, Cbaa. P.. A Co.: Cherry Blossoms. Elliott. Mauds. A Co.: Jersey Ullea. Ellsworth, Mr. A Mrs. Harry: Century Olrla. Bmsrls, Mile.: lady Buccaneers, Emerson A Hills: Robinson Crusoe Olrla. Breretr, Gertrude: Fads AT" Feeley A Kelly: Bon Tons. Finks. Gertrude: Brigadiers. Floreda, Nellie: Columbia ~ Foo, Ah Ling: Bohemians. Fr ancle A Deary: Imperials. Frank Slaters: Miss New York, Jr. Big. A Edith: Ginger Olrla. n Broa.: Olrla from Happy land. _ er A Shean: Bit Banner Snow. Garden. Geo. E. : Glrle from He; OUmore. Mildred: Broadway C Golden. Sam: Waahtngton Society Ooldla. Annette: Big Banner Snow. Ouodnrr A Hag bee: Imperial a. Oordon Highland era, Mualcal: Pa rial an Widows. Grant A Catlln: Pat WUte'a Gaiety Olrla. OraarlUa A Mack: Cherry " Green, Winifred: Runaway Orosea A Banc: Parisian V Hall Bros.: Vanity Fair. Han Ions, Tbs: Pennant Winners. Hanson A Boost: Lady Buccaneers. He reou t t . Frank: Cracker Jacks. Harcourt, Delay: Tiger Llllea. Hsrlows, Beatrice: Jolly Olrls. Baaeatl. Lon. A Co.: Bebman Show. Heatings A Wilson: Marathon Olrla. Heynee, Beatrice: Americans. Hayes. Oertrude: Follies of tbo Day. Hayes A Reynolds: Follies of tbs Haselton A Hunt: Washington Bod Hsarn, Sam: Follies of tbo Day. Helena. Lb Belle: Kentucky Belles. Hickman A Bently: Paiialan Widows. BUI, Cherry A Bill: Harry Hastings HUtoo, Marts: Follies of tbs Day. H olden A Barron: Knlckerbockera. Howard A Lewie: Vanity Fair. Homea A Lewis: Pat White's Qalety Olrls. Imhoff. Conn A Corlnne: Fads eV FoUlea. Irwin. Ruth: Irwin's Big Show. Jsmes. Prior A Algler: Jersey Miles. Jaoeen A ri tigs raid : Bowery Bnrtesqners. Jenkins A Flarln: Tiger Ullea. Johnston A Buckley: Golden Crook. Johnston A Hllaoo: Imperials. Kanfman * Hawtelle: Moulin KaUy A Bto: KMekerbockers, Kennedy, Tony: Jolly Olrla. Kerr, MR ton: Oollega Olrla. Klpp A Klppy: Knickerbockers. Kirk. Ethel: Beeuty Trust. LaFreya: Marathon Olrla. Lang, Karl: Olris from Dixie. Lawrence A Thompaon: Lee Sisters: Moulin Bt Laarttt A Campbell: Jsrdln de Leffler A Clayton: Tiger Ullea. Lerner, Dan: Americana. Leroy. Loretta: a I Beeree* Beanty Snow. Lewis A Green: Dainty Dncheea. Laasstte A Her Models: Rector Girls. Urlngston. Cora: Jardba de Parte Girls. Lockwood Sisters: Star Sbow Olrla. Lorraine, B1U, A Co.: Tiger Lilies. Lore A Payne: Cherry Bloss om s. MecNallya. Four: Imperials. MacBaa A Layering: Coay Corner Olrle. Majeatlc Mualcal Four: Broadway Oalety Olrls. Mardo A Hunter: Cosy Corner Olrla. Msrlon. Dese: Dreamland Borlesqneia. Merlon A Thompson: Olrls from Dixie. Marlon A Lillian: Century Olrla. Mario. Louise. Bad Raven Cadete: Vanity Fair. Marr A Erana: Irwln'a Big Sbow. Marshall A King: Golden Crook. ESSrUSi* ££%uc^ Martin A Damsel: Ducklings. McDonald A Price: Ducklings. Mel n tyre A Acker: FoUlea of McOarry and McOarry: McGregor. Sandy: Brigs Melrose Comedy Foot: Mlkof A Kramas: Queens of the Jardtn da Parle. Millar Mualcal Four: Jersey Lilies. Mlllsrd Broa., Bill A Bob.: Boae Sydell'a Lon- don Belles. MltcheUs. Dancing: Ulaa New York. Jr. Monsrcb Four: Golden Crook. Moore. Helen Jessie, A Co.: leequera. Marin Sisters: Bowery Burin Morton. Ed.: Marathon Olrla. Mullen A Coogsn: Screnaders. Murphy. Frank, A Co. : star i Nadell A BeU: Bolllckera. Nlbio A Spencer: Partalsn Wld< O'Brb-a. Frank: Colombia Burl . Orphena Comedy Four: Queens of the Jsrdln de Parts. Opp. Joe: Kentucky Belles. Palmer. Lew; Robinson Crusoe Olrls. Patrldge. MUdred: Kentucky Belles. Pealaon. Goldle A mil: Ginger Girls. Pearl A Meeban: 8am T. Jack's Burleeqoers. Pelyi'S. Cnas. E.: Kentucky Holloa. Phelps, Augusta: Jardtn de Parle OtrU. rtcaro Troops: Parisian Widows. Ptrosconla Family. Fire: Cracker Jacks. Potter-HartsreU Trio: Big Banner Show. Powder A Capman: Follies of New York end Peru. Prerost A Brown: Moulin Rouge. Seded A Hadley: Star Show Olrla. Redding, Franceses A Co. : Harry Hastings' 8boW. Raid. Wakefield * Jackson: Runaway Olrla. Resere A Yolr: Pennant Winners. Routine. Adeline: Queens of the Jardtn do Parte. Robinson. Cbaa.: Robinson Crusoe Olrla. Romas. Six English: Irwln'a Big Sbow. Boss. Ka Uterine: Ducklings. R oaser A Georgette: Pat White's Gaiety Stria. Bears, Gladys: Midnight Malde— Belblnl A Oroylnl: Washington Duo: Ginger Olrla. SIX FLYING BANVARDS WORLD'S GREATEST AERIAL ACT NOW PLAYING ORPHEUH CIRCUIT Address BERT BAN YARD, Manager, care The BUlbosrd, New York City. Flying Baldwins Act. T. W. QRZZHIXAT, Mgr., lit B. Ird St. Qainey, NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. Parts, Fairs, Celebratwus, Etc. baI AeroataUc Oymnevats of i ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO Alvarado's Acrobatic Goats THAT QUALITY ANIMAL ACT best troupe of Educated Goats in the World. Play, ing Vaudeville. Time booked solid. mitt Rats, 1553 Broadway, New Tfrt Crtj §1 jf# i W R\ the band, forward, backwards, waltzes, races and ■jRfggf ^Bj ^ oes numerous others tricks, on ball-bearing roller Wm skates; also good wrestler; weight, 215 pounds, t "eflet Alice sits on chair in lobby and shakes hands. Write for open time. Address, GEO. B. CRAP- SEY, Chicago, 111., care Richardson Skate Co., 311 Michigan street. "ALICE TEDDY" The Roller Skating Bear Twenty minute act ; playing vaudeville and rinks. A wonder of the world. Alice can skate to beat gsxyder * Buckley: rarte Society Trio: Cserry Bio St. Olalr. Fannlei Boo Tons. Stewarts. Musical: Sam T. lack's. Btremase, Jack: Golden Crook. Thornton, Geo. : Bowery Borleaoners. JAMES E. COOPER PRKFHTfi THE NEW JERSEY LILIES CO. LEON ERROL PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN James E. and Lucia Cooper •'CHATTERING CHUMS" Millar Musical Four PREMIER INSTRUMENTALISTS Johnnie Walker \ "THE MON FRA KILMARNOCK" Stella Chatelaine "THE RAG DANCER" Hazel Crosby "THE SMALLEST PRIMA DONNA MM BURLESQUE" Robert Algier PLAYING THE LIGHT COMEDY ROLES THE UNDER CO., 560-562 WalBrtSMareasCfylh. SPANGLES In Metal Iridescent, black and all ether 900 different aha pes. . MILLOT BROTHERS, Mfrs. Something The Billboard DECEMBER 24. 1910. ' Andrew: College Girl*. . Pour: Beaaty Trust. Tareane * Lamm: Yankee Doodle Olrla. Valmore, Loll A MUdred: Bohemian*. Van Burvn. Helen: Lady BMW V adder. Fannie: Bod Ton*. izr^rzzz: tea «w? r • Vyner. Idylls: AL Reeres' Beaaty Show , Ward. Will J.: Follies of the Day. Wataoa 81atera: Dainty Dncrwaa Wales * Mall land: Vanity Fair. Waatna * Waldron: Star Show Olrla. WtrJte. Boneta, Balloon Girl: Brlftdl Win lams. Motile. * Co.: Cracker Ja WID la ma ft Brooke: Cracker Jack*. Wood Broa.: Vanity Fair. Wartkt ft Wolfe: Merry Maidene- Tale ft Orioff: Cosy Corner Olrla. Doodle Quartette: ~ Mm, Harry: Agent Olnger Olrla. Frank: Manager Parisian Alasworth, O. Alston. 1 Roads. Alton. Tboa.: Manager Bin Van Winkle. an Co. Allan, Barry: Manager Third Allan, c o.: Agemt Pony of the Alser. OHle: Manager Base Steal vw. Aiman. Dare: Manager Minister 1 * Swietaeart. Andrewa, Fred G.: Manager Qranstark. Cartaam Co. Andrewa B. C: Manager Paid fa Full. Anxermlller, atoU: Manager Bailey ft Austin Co. Applatna. Geo. J.: Manager Mario. BHllott Co. Axon. Lindsay: *r"* aa^Vr-alrr Kid. Aaatlnra, Clarence: Agent Acroaa the Great AyloawortB, Arthur J.: Manager Virginia Ramed i m. A.: Ageat CbocnUU Soldier. . A. W.: Arent m.»rf>. Walah Oa. C. B-: Arent C na nnc er Oleott Co. _j Harry A.: Manager The Thief. Ballay. u B.: Masagcr Clara Lipaaa Co. Baker. Jno. T.: Manaxer Star Show Glria. Co. Board. Geo. Co. Bsrhtol. F. a: Trail. Waatara Co. A«ant Allen Btoek Co. : Agest Man oa the Box. Ageat Ban ant ha the Hoone. Axeat Marina Elliott Co. Wm.: Manager Volunteer Organist. Itarnatata. Babe: Agent Pat White'. Gaiety Olrla. Btgetow. Joe: Agent Ward and Token Co. Blair, ham: Manager onia Mack Co. Blnmaaiaal, Geo.: Manage* Naughty Marietta. B o di es. C W. : Agaat Heart of ^"-rlee, Bolan. Ben.: Agent hCdnlgbt Maldaaa Bond, BoUia: Ageat Lottery Man. Booth, a H.: Manager Madame X, Co. Borer, W. T. : Manager Ninety and Nine. Brant: Dry. Barry: Ageat Port of Mleetrtg Men. Bteawn, Bder. A.: Manager Elule Janla Co. Bradneld. A. Mayo: Manager Bachelor's Honey- moon. Central Co. Bradford. Walton: Manager Gertrude Elliott Co. Op and Down Broadway, jqaaw Man. Western Co. School Daya. Brady. J. Tboa.: Ageat Century Olrla. Bragg. Chan.: Agent Knickerbockers. Brandon, Chaa.: Agent Cow and the Moon. Breaolt. J. A.: Agent Undo Dare Hoi comb. Brebany, Jack: Agent Wagenhal ft Kenmer'a Paid la Fan Co. Brtll. W. n. : Agent Bright W. F. Wlfa'a Family Co." Brown, Chaa. F. Brown. F. K.: Ageat Madame X, Wegtera Co. Brown. C. H. : Agent The City. Eaatera Co. Brown. C Warde: Manager Gaakrll A MeVlt ty's Boaary Co. Brownlee, J. W.: Manager Bteteoa'a V. T. C. Co. Bruner. Frank V.: Agent Robert Edeaon Co. Brnce. Bert B.: Agent Wilson's Two Orphans Bryan, Barry J.: Agent Flirting Princess. Bryant. B, E.: Manager Girl In the tw»« Burublndcr. Julius: Agent Girls from Happy- Bneil. F. T. : Agent Madame X. Eastern Co. Bulkley. Chaa. T.: Manager Thompeon's Polly of the Clrcna Co. Ball en, Wm.: Agent Fortune Hooter. Borne r , Chaa.: Agent Human Hearts. Southern ^Ool rtii> Mans Forbes- Robe Bntler* Ormond H. : Hautefbue ^Van^Btod- dllerd Co. OsMe. Geo. F. era Co. Oalder. Frank Caldwell. Agent la Panama. Manager Duck I lags. Manager Call of the Wild. Caldwell, j.aj Aavnt_ Peck's Bad Boy. Oanahan, Chaa.. S. ESSm Wm. S.: Agent Be early. Manager Boaa Byaell'e Lou Chenet, Geo. A.: Chrpman. B. W. Caofnn. Geo. Co. Clark, Clansman Clifford, t. Camp. aha, Edwin X Agent The Squaw Man. Boathora Arent Big the OnUaw'i I.: Ageat Hi itTV: Manager The Bound -Dp. Manager Sonl Klaa. Bastem Co. Collier. Walter: Manager Was. Collier Co. Conine, TJlrlc B. : Manager The Nigger, No. 2 H. D. : Manager Down In Dixie Mm- Coooly, Joe: Manager Alma, Who Wobaat DsT Cooper, Jaa, E.: Manager Jtraay Lilies. Cory. H. R_: Manager United Play Co. -a Climax CoagroTa. J.: Manager Frederic Coat an. Geo.: Ageat Suim ba. Contra. Jno. K. : Ageat Newlj Baby, Western Co. Coyne, M. a: Agent The Spendthrift, Western Crane, Chaa. X,: Manager T hiuug h Death Val- ley. naaton, w.: Manager Wade'a Tims, the Place rl Co. Cnrlrkshank. ' em Co. Co. 'a Paid la Cnrran, Jaa,: Agest la the Bilhop'a Carriage. Curry, D. C: Manager Viola Allen Co. Cutter, Wallace B.: Manager My Wlfa'a ram- Caoar. Fred B. Ds-rldeoa, Barry: Agent Walker- Whiteside Go. DaTfdsoD, Ed.-. Manager Boalaaoa Crusoe Girls. Dark, Harry: Agent Virginia Barned Co. Darla, Lester A.: Agent Paid - D'Arcy. H. A.: Agent John Maaon Co. Iwan Tunis P.: Manager Frances Starr Co. ntchett. Ben T. : Agent Pennant Winners. Fitzgerald. Gerald : Agent Honeymooa Trail. Heck, Fred, Jr.: Agent Chinatown Trunk Mje- tery. Fleck, Fred P.: Manager Girl from Rector' a. Florida. Geo. A.: Agent Olrl from Rector" a. Floyd. Walter: Agent Cyril Scott Co. Ford, B. 8.: Manaaer Sanford Dodge Co. Ford, Geo. D. : Agent Jefferson DeAngelia Co. Foreman, J. W.: Agent Kentucky Bellea. Foreman. Chaa. E.: Manager Krntocky Folaom, Arthur: Agent The Shoemaker. Foaae, t^nbi^J. :^ Agent Cecil Spooner Ctk^ Co. * Fox. I>. C: Agent Ooddeaa of liberty. Frank. Wm. : Manager Ethel Barry more Co. cranial , Job. W.: Agent Bab? Ulna, Western Co. Franklaad. Geo. W. : Maaager St. Elmo Co. Franklin. Chaa.: Agent Rector Olrla. W. B.: Manager Bine Monte. Agent Cyril Scott Co. ..-> Manager Midnight Bona, West- era CO. Freeman. Frank B.: Agent Qneen of Bohemia. Friedman. lawn: Agent Follies of 1910. Friedman. Philip: Manager The Climax. Frost. Shad: Agent Forbes- Eobertaon Co. Pulton, Jan.: Manager Golden Crook, Co. Gale. Howard: Ageat Gardner, Doc: Agent Girl In tbe Kimono. Garfield. B. M. : Manager Candy Girl. Qaryn, W. B.: Manager Vaughan G laser Oerasn, Sam: Agent Frital Scbeff Co. Olbbona. J. Frank: Agent Tbe Climax, Qlffen. B. L.: Agent Mra. Flake Co. Oilman, Wm. : era Co. QDmore. Jno.: Rosary Co. Glenn on. Jno. L-: Ollckaoff, Chaa.: Gate, Western Co. Goett, Geo. : Manager Newlyweda and Their Baby, Eastern Co. Ooettler. Alphouse: Manager Stubborn Cinder. M. B.: lat: ft. - Gordlnler, Clyde H.: Repertoire Co. lnler^E. O.: The Roeary. Gaiety Gtrla. Delaaey. Bddla: Manager 81a Perkins. Delmore, l~ : M—t— Bamaa Hearts, Booth- era Co. DeMflt, Jos.: Maaager Checkers. Drmpsey, C. F. : Agent Girt Of the Mountains. DeMuth. H. a: Manager Three Twins, Western Go. Deanla, Harry a: Agent Old and the Banger. Dreamer. 8am: Agent World of Pleasure. Diamond. BaL &.: Manager Going Borne. Dibble, U H.I Ageat Shadowed by Three. - Dillon. I. J.: Manager White Capttre. DItmaa. H. C- : Manager Smart Bet. Dixon. Henry P.: Manager Big Bartow. Do berry. Cameron W.: Ageat Prince of Hie Baca. Doles, BL J.: Agent The Boaary. Southern Co. Doiaon. Alfred Ei Agent Boaa Stahl Co. Dossgbey, Frederick: Maaager Deep Purple. Donaietta, Lewis K. : Manager Girl from Rec- tor's. Oonogbne, Chaa. F.: Manager Mhra Nobody from Start and. Dorney. Joe.: Ageat Star Show Olrla. Domey. Blebsrd: M"T" t »n»„ Boaarll Co. Dortblek. Wallace: Agent The Burgomaaur. Drew. W1U N.: Manager Tiger UUIea. Dnchemln. A. A.: Agent Barry Kelly Co. DnColn. Frank: Agent Three Weeks. Ongan. Tiffany: Agent Trocaderoa, Dnggan, Walter 8.: Agent The Boaary. Kaatman. Adolph: Agent The City. Eberie, Bobt, M.: Manager Wm. Gillette Co. Bckbardt, C. W.: Agent cat and tbe Fiddle. Edmonatou. Joe.: Agent The Thief. No. 1. Edwards. Chaa. P.: Manager Cherry Blosaoma. Elsfelt. Kurt: Manager May Irwin Co. SUIott, Win M.: Ageat J. B. Dodaoa Co. Earnest: Manager He Fell In Lore with nrton, J. A. : Co. Sly. - His Wife, tarry. B. B. : Manager Bed Mill, emery. Boy C: Agent .Boaallnd at Bed Gate, Eastern Co. tpateln, Ionia: Manager Merry Whirl. !rana. Bobt. M.: Maaager The B astern Co. St ana. Maurice J.: Co. trarett, Edward: Agent Al. H. Wilson Co. rsrnhsm. Harry: Maaager Millionaire Kid. Tenet, Jack: Maaager Century Olrla. red r la, Jno. M. : Manager Cbanacey Oleott Co. Felts. Jaa. A.: Manager Wm, Macanley Co. Fenneeey. Wm.: Maaager Miss Mew York. Jr. rnUeke. Jan.: Ageat Maa of the Boor, East- ern Co. lelda, Chaa.: Agent gnmroer Widowers, taherg. Abe: Agent Americans, lalry. W. A.: Ageat Mist Iyaoe. C. W.: Agent _WhIU Beesw. ^ Gordon, Chaa.: Manager Uncle Dare Hoi comb. Gordon, Max: Agent Paaxlng Parade. Goring, jno. P.: Manager Firing Una. Gorman. Wm. K. : Agent Fourth Batata. Gorman, Alex D.: Manager Roll lexers. Grady. Hugh A.: Manager Julian El tinge Co. Grainger, Jaa.: Agent The City. Eaatera Co. Oeearea, Walter: Manager Pat Wblte'a Gaiety Olrla. Greene. Arthur A.: Agent Robert Man tall Co. Oreenway, Harry:' " Greet, Mauri Grew, Jno.: Co. Grata. In;: Manager Dreamland Burleson ere. Groaalt, Henri: Agent Prince of PUaen. Onnn, F. I.: Co. Bale, Geo. M.: Agent Bo Manager Hale. Jno. 8.: Hale. W. M.: Bammetf, Melellle: Bamberger, Alfred P.: Mi Hamburger, AL: Manager Mother. Hamilton, B. IV: Agent I'olack'a ens, Hammond, Ben: Agent Dreamland danley. Job.: Manager East Lmne. Hardy. Marlborough: Manager Boater Harria, Artbnr: Agent Olrl* from T Harrla, Wm., Jr.: Maaager Robert Harria, Jack: A Harrta. Geo. H. : alaalppl. Harriaoo, 8am: Maaager Adeline Genes Co Barley, Burt: Agent Ninety and Nine. Harmon. W. p.; Manager My Cinderella Obrl. Bp and Down Broad- Agent My Cinderella Olrl. — lager Dollar Prlnceaa, Bpe, Hayea, Chaa.: Agent The Arcadians. Hayes, Barry E. : Manager Qniacy Adams Saw- yer. Haynee. D. W.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hayward. Prod A.: Manager Bloc Moues, West- era Co. Bean, Jamea: Agaat Kentucky Bailee. Heath, Percy: Ageat Little Damoael. Bedgea, Harry if: Agent College Olrla. Hefferlln, Chaa. B.: Manager Three Weeka. Beltman. Dare: Agent Mae La Porte Slock Co. Herman, A. W.: Manager School Daya. Rerodon, Blchard: Manager Olrl of My Dreimi. Hertxman. Chas. L.: Agent Madame sherry. Co. Hewitt, J. H.: Manager Ola Olaen. Hewitt, Wm. Jodklaa: Agent Great Powers Co. Beater. Wm.: Ageat Call of the Hlbbeo. E. B.t Agent Roaemlaaa. HIIL H. P. am. b. h. Hllhoura, B.: Hi'Loa 0 *' T PROF. R. MURPHY ■ I 4 v gl : V' § 1 % 52 w»- . IA -- 5 ig Agents take notice. Prof. II urn he. Troupe of Trained Bat* and Bnnkera, ts la Dumber. One of tbe greatest novelties in ran. devtile. A big money-getter for manaaera Look Tor my open time. PBOF UOBPSY, — TtWatrt! Bwdefs* *" Incandescent Lamps 15 MICHIGAN AVE. te.60 a; laaa faaa a TO eta a MS. Frames like ent, tLl* per grass. We seD an a op pi lea for minute pic- ture machine, , eav rata price. Price Hat aaat arsru. Oart-nsts Paste Wanted, A-1 Resort Man TO CONDITION A RESORT Oct eH kind of amusements and book plealra. My park la located oa the main line of Peaa. B. R , from Pittsburg to Chicago. A place for B, B, ex cur aloes; depot at the park. Good boat- ing and fishing- Wish a practical man to co- operate with me. Addreae BOX TO. " Ohio. HO r i 10 AS! r b SANDWICHES Big profit in them. We make the beet : Haee made them for years. W. F. BLAH GELS 00.. ^MttASPECfALTYOF ^ Al At CUTS. LET 4 •tVVflEALVSr P0«r CAJtOz v ...v AWDOUALJTV. JEFFRIES-JOHNSON <9l nVFIQHT PIOTURE8 It aslr eaaa Mk* sa,. .topped erVtaal (naaalle MONKEYS— BIRDS _ STOBZ, m 1 .. SLOT MACHnrra— 20 Ouartoacope.. 10 Mote- ecopes, 10 III. Song Machines, U-car _ Ferrtt Wheel, e> — of show ror aal*. Chicago. Smf-Tmt ^^repKlVS PIANISTS Tr'aa^S. ! a, . Z&J^Mn'tX. fif 5rt BgAlffrtO booklet for tea ceat* a»d ttaa* TUUI O. Baa*. >. BaarrlOe, t* a*. I t la • £ an ACT OR DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Blllb o a r d Boailley, Fred B. Bogarty, Jno.: ■ Hodgeman. Thoa, Hoffman, Krwln: Candle*. Co- *• Bogan. Frank: ' Bogan. J no. B. : — nid ib ran Co. Hoog*. AL: AgT— Holland. Frank: Holllngswortb. ' Ned: Agent Grace Van staddlford Co. . W.: Agent Merry Widow, Butero Co. Jno. 7.: Manager Girl la the Taxi. Hope. Franc la X. : Manager Ad el a id e Thnraton Co. Hopklna. Frank: Manager Richard Cart* Co. Bonner. Gee. P.: Manager Ward It Vokea Co. i. W. H. : Agent final Settlemeot- alela, Fred: Agent An Aristocratic Tramp, loo. Arthur J.: Manager Montgomery * r. C. am. Howard. Joa. M. : Manager Qneena of the Jar- din de Parte. Howard, wm. H. : Agent Ell and Jane. Sooth- em Co. Howe. Ben H. : Manager Daniel Boone on the Trail. Eaatem Co. Hoffman. Krwln: Agent Hooaa of a Thousand Candle*. Co. A. E. : Agent The Squaw Man. Central Manager Beolah Jackson. WllUa T.z Gate. Kaatern Co Jackson, Barry J. Co, Jacob.. Manrtee: Manager Moulin Bongs. Jacaoaaa, Clarence: Manager Country Boy, Co. B. Jexnlnga. Wm. V.: Agent Jersey Lilies. Johnson. B_ A.: Agent Banford Dodge Co, Johnson. J. Bart: Manager Ufa for Ufa. Jobs* ton*. 0. D. : Agent George Sidney Co. Jane*. Jack: Agent Our New Mlnleter. Jaaea, A. Bmeraoa: Manager Goddess of ' Jordan, Pn-d W. : Agent Grace George I Joyce, it. J.: Agent Smart Set. Kabn. Johnnie: Agent Morey Stock Co., era. Harm. K. J.: Agent Lena Rrrer*. Ktne, Robt. H. : Manager Manhattan Opera On. Kane. Tbo*.: Agent The Nigger. No. S Co, Kate. Loola: Agent Robert HIDlard Co. Xaeaaaagn. M. J.: Manager Klaatng OirL Eellar. Arthnr J.: AeeotFrltxl SchrfT Co. J. P.: Agent Texan Ranger. Eastern Co. wm.: Agent Bailey * Ana tin Co. .. Perry J.: Manager Honeymoon Trail. Kelly. Edward J.: Agent The Virginian. Xeene. Llpenaa: Agent Thompson's PoJty of the Clrrna Co. Kendrlck, Bart: Manager Sollickers. . Kennedy. Jno.: Agent Beeerly. Wee tern Co. Keogh. Chas. w. : Xanager Lottery Man. Kerr. Geo. P.: Ageat Ctrcna Chap. Klllmeer. B. R.: Ageat Stewart'* My Wlfa'a Pamlly Co. Kltnbla, Pred: Manager The City. Kraback. Walter 8.: Agent BoUlckera. Kuan Id. Beet W. : Manager Oar New Minister. Klag, Ba,] g, : Manager Cyril Scott Co. King. Pred: Manager Amene Lnptn. Klng-aton. at. O.: Manager Girl frees Home. Kleckaer. Jan. 0.: Manager Boy a] SJnee. Klein. Philip: Manager The Gambia ra. Kobn. Daeld: Ageat Rip Van Winkle, Sonthara On. Erenee, Bea: Agent Vanity Pair. Kreyer, E. P.: Manager Plan lag Arrow, tejaaert, Harry: Agent Sercn Day*. Lanioo. J. Sheldon: Ageat I* Matrimony a Pall- nrat Lane. Jo*: Agent surer Threads. R. Ia.1 Maaagor Lorraine Keen* An- WolfCa- FS ~** Uaeltt. Lao S.: Ml Learttt. Joa: Manager Otrla Preen Dtxla. Learltt. Ha fry: Agent Minister** Sweetheart. Learltt, 8am: Aim*. Wo Wofanst Dot le flier. Geo.: Agent Oraaatark Eaatem Co. Lehman. Joa.: Manager College otrla. Lemie. Wm. H. : Manager The Boaary, Son th- em Co. leonl. Harry: Maaager Cracker Jacks Je* ( n>. Ja* rlage. laaeltt. Joa: Manager otrla from Dixie. Liber man. J. J.: Agent Merry Whirl. Uefler. Ja*.: Agent Daniel Boone oa tba Trail. Eaatem Co. Uealnar. One: Manager Follies of the Day. Link, Henry w. : Maaager Pair of Coon try Kid*. Unk. Harry: Ageat Robinson Crrrsoe Girl*. t! throw Stewart: Manager Henry Wood rn IT Co. Little. R. W.: Maaager Cecil Spoon er Co. Llftagatba. Frank: Manager Rig Banner Show. LMagerna. Lewis: Maaager Runaway Girl a. Lothian, lotto. Al._ town. Al.: lance. M. P.: Lather. H. H.: Lyon. Geo. W. Tide. MarDeoald. W. D. Co. MacPartand, ». A. Place and the Girl Co. . Kelly Co. Wade'a Time, the Madden, Billy: Agent Washington Society Girl*. Madden. Richard J.: Manager J. E. Dodaoo Co. Mag nl re. Wax. E. : Agent Midnight Sons, West- ern Co. Mabara, Prank: Manager Hello BUI. Manley, Edmund: Manager Cat aad the Fiddle. Mansfield, E. W. : Manager Third Degree, Oo. Marble. W. H. : Ageat May Bobaoa Co. Mart* II, OUrcr: Agent Benlah Poynter Co. Martin, wash.: Agent Lady Buccaneers, Martin. D. I_: Agent Bad M1U. Matbewa. B. P.: Agent Fortune Hunter. Mating, P. 8.: Agent Midnight " Co. Maurice. 8. T. : Manager John Mason Co. Maxwell, Edwin P.: Manager The Boaary. <*jer, Pred M.: Manager Lola Oluar Oo. gayer. Lean: Manager deAleer. Prank: A acCarrolI. Ererstt . , Trail, Baiters Co. MeCUntoek. Chas.: Agent The Nigger. No. g Co. declare, J. J.: Agent The Boaary. dcCullougb. E. J.: Ageat Volunteer Organist. 4c Daniel. Robt.. Agent Rojal 81a re. Agent Lire Wire. Van Wlakla, dcDonsld, Geo. dcDoxMld, Chas. Eastern Co. dcDowaU. Robt.: Agent Mrs. Wlggs of th* Cabbage Patch. 4 c Dow ell, Ed. N. : Agent Mas Ftgmxn Oo. dcEatse, J as. p.: Agent Firing Line, dePnrlaad, R. W : Manager Little DamoaeL McGIheny, C. D. : Agent Decry B. Warner Oo. frOlne. J as. A.: Ageat Norwood's Sensx t loos- McGregor . Geo. w. : Manager Wm. Parerxhsm Baby Mtna, Wtgt- dcLaan. Al.: _ dc In tyre, hoot. B.: era Co. sTeKlnney. Chan. H. : Manager Lire Wire. acNamars. Jack: Ageat routes of the Day. teVenn. Sherman: Mansger Light Eternal. Meek, Pred: Manager Pomander Walk, xaars. Jno.: Agasi John Drew Oo. •leasing, Moe: Manager Passing Parade, seialnger, Walter: Ageat Girl fax th* TaxL ~ k: Agent Etuck llnxs- B-: Agent Mian Maw Tort, Jr. Manager Tba Family, gent Mart atlchei. Julius: Agent « Mule Urn, Harry C: Millard. E_ Norman: Agent Marlon Stock Oo. siller. Lents: Agent Gentleman from Mississippi dinar. Tad: Agent Braw*t*r*a Minions. Millar, Gilbert : Maaager Set-rant In the Honxc. dlller. Arthur: Manager Dollar Princess. Miner. Chan. T. K. : Agent Blanche Bates Co. dlller, C. W.: Agent Kirk BrOWB Oo. dills. Robert: Manager Pennant Winners, tfltehell. S. A.: Manager Daniel Boone on the TraU. Western Co. etlteaeU, Richard: Agent Ethel Barrymor* Co. diteheU. Theo.: Ageat Lillian Boaaell Co. doll tor. Will P.: Manager Max Flgman On. aloatagne. Jno.: Manager Girl tn the TaxL Moor*. Cbaa. A.: Maaager Chocolate Soldier, doore. Poatar: Ageat Cat and tbo Piddle, star*. 6.: Agent Paid tn ML tforrts. Jan.: Agent What Got. dorria. Ramsey: Ageat John Drew Oo. aTorrta. Tom: Manager Peck' a Bad Boy. Wolf. No. 1. JoUy otrla. rr Ednnrd Wxldmxnn Morrow. Then.: Agent Arthur Donaldson Co. dorse. Frank ■.: Agent Grace Cameron Oo. dorton. Wad* la.: Manager Thnraton. Magician. sTott, Samoa! C. : Agent lion aad tba Moose, tfoxley, Geo.: Agent Round- Up- atoxon. Wm. H. : ntsnager 'gpa city. Western Co. duenxter, Wm. P.: Macgfer Jan. K. Hackett emiligan. J. T. : Agent House aC • durray. •trel*. •nrnhy. Waal* dorphy. My lea J.: Ageat Gentiemaa from Ml* alaalnpL atyers, Sol-: Manager Tanks* Doodia Glrln. tamnck, Thoa.: Agent Maude Adaaaa Co. Ned row. J, w.: Manager Moray Stock Co. '•well. Nad: Manager Pert of Mlaalng Men. taenaa, Harry: Agent Yankee Doodle tewton. Chas- L.: Manager Bast Lynns. (olaa, Geo. P.: Agent Ararat Lnpta. Miss Monica Merrifield Manager Glaeer'a St. Elmo -, Jan.: Ageat Madame Z, Weitera MaeVttty. Karl O.: Ageat Roe al had at Bad Gate, Eaatem Co. Mtranlay, J. T.: Maaager Kirk Brown Co. Mackay. Andrew: Manager Boa* MateBle Co, Th* Only Lady Punch.r In Those who have seen this act claim it to be a genuine novelty. Miss Merrifield has been taught the art of self-defense by some of the greatest masters, such as Cnoynski, Fred Gilmore. . — ADDRESS — Care of Billboard, Leslie Carter Oo. N( Co. ■forth. Tom: Eaatem Co. Norton. WIU D, Oaka, Al. H. : Agent Missouri Girl, rterworth. Lows J.: Agent Broadway Gaiety i'Brien. Branch: Agent Catbrloe Counties Co. J' Conner. Chas. Michel: Agent Th* Boaary. J'Doaneli. Frank J.: Agent Th* Nigger. I'MaU, W. H.: Manager Paid la Full. Twig. Chas. B. : Ageat Manhattan Opera Co. •e borne. Roland: Mansger Lost Trail. Pag*. Wm. A.: Agent Elsie J an la Co. .'■ckard. J. L.I Managar r flat, Loala: Manager Mrs. rnlMr. Jaa. H.: Managsr Parks. Ira: Agent Going Some. (*arker, C. D. : Ageat Bin* Moan*. Harris, Lac: Agent Sqnaw Maa, Wi Patton, R. B. : Manager Jolly Girls. Pawling. Arthnr a.: Manager Sam T. Jaek'a Barleaqntr*. Payne, Barry U: Manager Heart of Rockies. P eeda. J. O.: Maaager Mrs. Ptske Co. Peel. Norman: Agent In Old Kentucky fsaiaoa, Roger: Agenf Penny packer, Henry People. T. Twigbt: Agent Cnttar-s Mr Wife's Pamlly Co. Perkins, Bert B.: Manager Great Powers Co. Parley, Prank: Maaager Traveling Bnleaman. Co. B. Peterson. F. V.: Agent Bine Moose, /attlngiil, Joe.: Agent Dollar Princess. Peyton, Jos. E. : Maaager Volunteer Orgaalat. Phelps, Prank: Managar McPadden'n Plata. Phillips, A.: Ageat Girls from Happy land Phltllpa, A. J.: Agent Bowery Bnrlesqner*. M L.: Maaager Thoa. Jefferson Co. t Through Death Valley. Agent Tha Climax. °Arihnr Ptekaaa. J. W.: Agent Field's Mrawtret*. Pierce, p. S.: " Ptoraon, Henry On. Plton. Jr., Augustas: man, Oo. a. Plllry. Starr L. : Manager Srax of a Father. MENZELI School of Professional Dancinf a 1 ltth It. bat m Ava. | ramp. W. T. C FOR SaALaE AutomoblllaVta, Attention t Hnetng sold my toortng ear, wUl sacrifice all my fan, also my wife's and daughter's, con- sisting geatlemaa'a Australian mink fur-lined coat. elea*iae Persian lamb collar, black broad- cloth: seat CSS: mat 1180: pair of clnnxmo " robes, ran. cost *140; one lady's FT* orb coat, ISO: cost 1328: my daoghter's " ter caracal coat. 125: coat tTS: n coat, S30: cost xso: and n new. nerer worn. Writ* 28th St. New York. FOB SALE — l Illusion known aa the Headless. Ton cot off your own head and suspend It A great anceeaa of the late James H. James. In- cluding mirrors, banner and cut. 223 takes It 12 nine Helmet Band Bats. good. gS: S reels of Films. |30: good; 1 Knee Figure, 22: 1 BUI Wa- fer wagon show, 123; Crane Bar*. &Vat«, Poles for SO ft, fcpTDi Where sit show people congregate and ev old doe; where yon can get a well cooked plate of lunch free. PERFORMERS send in yotrr let- terheads and photographs and hare them sttrsc- trrely displayed. BILLBOARD AND CLIPPER always on tap. Glad to bear from aad ate all old fri end* sod also ms he ne w ones, CHAS. nags. ■ Acclimated Monkey. 4 Prairie Dogs. Spotted Lynx. Bear Cab. Pint WO gets tbo whole lot All healthy. Good feeders WOOD FLINT, N. Watrrford. Maine. UN- FOB BAXJE — 18x30 Tent T-f t- wall, round end. bins aad whit* drill, alternate stripe. SO Inches wide: thoroughly roped: swell for jangle or pit IxdUniS" ' kkerhai::/! a -CARS- Several new steel framed Hotel Cars for rent. H. J. ARMSTRONG, 204 Schiller BIdg.. Chicago. SHOWntAjrS SALE — Relics, Carlos from Ho- ber'a Museum Sale. Banners, Tents, and Show Good*. Buy now a- for price list. O. New Tort City. CRUTCHER'S NEW OPERA HOUSE VINE GROVE, KY. On aaaln line of 1. c. R. R-. ST Bailee sooth of Loolsrille. Population 1.000. Seating capnclty Good show town. Open dates for th* boll- W. E. CRTJTCHER, Manager. FOR SALE PALACETHEATRE,STEELTON,PA. Tanderlll* 18.000. Can b< selling, hare ot BOX 357. Harrlsborg. Pa. FOX la»ssV- Theatre. Sooth Side. Chicago. Will stand thorough InTeatlgatlon. Good pay- ing business. Other business cause* proprietors to it-are city first of year. 11.250: a bargain. Address mall to C. L, O.. 312 M. Park Avenue. Ana tin. 111. FOB BALE, PICTURE THEATRE — Cost 11.200: I cash If sold soon. Address THEATRE, Qulncy. HI. IEW EMPIRE THEAIRE. SASUT00I, Kara SEE to E200 Wsskly ■saw, la s T lss* U sn» s «Di»»***eVs*U*,la« _ Jsjaga**aa***X*sns* llaoaslaa roa In a ■ sf saorasskaatoass mm till iliilil aoaksnl , tm agsnajnl AT LIBERTY B0SSHARD & ALLEN AERIAL ARTISTS In their revolving ladder and contortion act. Address in care of Billboard. STRING BASS At Liberty At Once First-class and experienced tn all lines of the dorse. FRED feCHDLTZK, Majestic Theatre. Firat-CIass La\DY viounist AT LIBERTY L. KANTZ Ota. Dtl, Ctlaudo Iprlngt, C«Ib. CONCESSIONERS WANTED EXHIBITION ACTS All kind* wanted for Arcade. Palmist. 01a«a Blower. Nor el ties. Freak*. Carlo*. Speclaltlea; anything that will get the legitimate. Open for the era Good business. "ARCADE," Lynn, Mesne rhonettn. GOOD SHOWS WANTED SXBAX EnBTEBK BROWS WAR two mora Shows that do not conflict and two or three mors legit Concession*. T. E. KINKADB. Mgr.: F. h wumarth. Secy., aa per root*. WANTED— ATTRACTION On* or three nights. Address JOHN LAB- MOBS, care .Alba rubra Opera House. Enlghts- BtencuS, 10c Tattoos remo' H. W. REBEC, Ffipy*. Iowa. XXXT WANTED One 00x90 ft- Tent, for cash; must be cheap. W. D. 8PURLOCK. 413 Edmond St-, 8t. Joseph, MlaaonrL Moat " MAY Monologue Writer In the THE m AMD ~ WM. COOM, Elkhart, lad. TRICKS and ILLUSIONS HAI^TOW^^AKMW^* Send for cstslog 10. La BOT CO.. Larxeat MfXB. asoaa rn th* world. MS T W. Madison St, Chicago. FREE CATALOG Cards. Dice., ChlM. Furniture KKRNAN tar a. CO. 185 Dearborn St., Chicago. a Them n a for a Parrlats. . hess Qema are chemloalwhlt* wapphlres. ran i bo told from dUmomls except by an export, i Stand acid and are diamond tests. Bo _ hard they cant be Hied and wrtU *wt Siassw Brilliancy aosrantssd «* rsara, AO mounted In liK solid golddlsniondnaoontlnga. Wlllssnd sou ana rtjlerlni. pin or s tu d on BpSS=Bj i&**3%2^±m Moulin 'Rouge. Maurice Jacobs, mgr.: Ojoaerne) Wllkes-Barre. 19-21: (Columbia) Scranton, 22-24; Lay-off at Phlla.. 26-81. Parisian Widows. F. Abbott, mgr.: (Alhsmbrs) Chicago. 19-24; (Standard) Cincinnati 26 31. Passing Psrsde, Moe Messing, mgr.: (Lafay- ette) Boff.lo. 19 24: (Starl Toronto. 26-31 Pennant Wlnnera. Root. Mills, mgr.: (Miner a Bronx) N. Y. C. 19-24; (Sth Are.) N. Y. C. 26-81. Queen of minster) 26^31. Queens of the Jsrdln de mgr.: (Gsyety) Baltimore. Wash., D. C. 26-31. Rector Girls. Morris V Milwaukee. 19 24: (Dewey) 81. Beeves', AL, Beauty Show . Chicago. 19-24: (Gsyety) Detroit. 26-31. Benta-Santley. Bart Keodrlck. mxr.: (Osjety) Pittsburg. 19-24; (Empire) Cleveland. 26-31. Robinson Crusoe Girls. Ed. Davidson, mgr.: (Gayetv) St. Louis. 19 24; (Gsyety) Kansas City. 28-31. Rolllckers. Alex. Oormsn, mgr.: (Trocadero) Pbll. 19-24: (Lyceum) Wash.. D. C. 26 31. Ruoaway Glrla. P. s Clark, mgr.: (Gryeryt Detroit. 19-24; (Gsyety) Torooto. 2681. Sam T. Jack's. Geo. T. Smith, mgr.: (Stsr) 8t. Psul. 19-24; (Lyceum) St. Joseph, 23- 31. Sen-nailers. Geo. Armstrong, mgr.: (Gsyety) Wsab., D. C. 19-24; (Gsyety) Pittsburg, 26 8L Star * Garter Show. Frank Wleahers. mxr.: (Gayety) Louisville, 19-24; (Gsyety) St. Louis. 26 31. Star Show Girls. John T. Baker, mgr.: (How- ard) Boston, 19-24; (Columbia) Boston. 26 81. Sydell's. Bose, London Belles. W. 8. Csmpbell. '.mgr.: (Mohawk) ScbenecUdy, 19-21: (Em- pire) Albany. 22-24; (Casino) Boston. 26-31. Tiger Lilies. Wm. Drew, mgr.: (Academy) Pittsburg. 19-24; (Stsr) Clevelsnd. 26-31. 26-31. V, B D ro;k,yn*. ,r i9 , 24-;- ^tts^rb!^ 31. Washington Society GlrliN Lou Wstson. mgr.: (Lyceom) St. Joseph, 22-24; (Century) Kan- sas City. 26-31. Watson's Burlesquers. W. B. Wstson, mgr.: (Lyceum) Wash.. D. C. 19-24; (Monumental Baltimore. 26 31. Wblte'a. Pat, Gaiety Girls, Walter 0 reaves, mgr.: (Century) Ksnsss City. 19-24; (Stand- ard) St. Louts. 26-31. Wise Guy: Lay-off at Phlla., 19-24; (Casino) Brooklyn. 26-31. World of Pleasure. Louis Talbot, mgr.: (Col- umbia) Boston. 10-24: (Bon Too) Jersey City. 28-28; (Folly) Paterson. 29-81.. Ysnkee Doodle Girls. Sol. Myers, mgr.: (Em- pire) Brooklyn, 19-24; (Miner's Bronx) N. Y. C. 26 31. steal Trnak Is a saw sal of «trsoita-avns Un A BASS SABIal It ' !UranS MANUSCPiPT PLAYS'" GklL . LA SALc: S" BITCMTt SECURED OR FEE RETURN- TH ItHIJ ED. Free report as to patcat- ablilty. nluatrated Guide Book and Hit of la- ventlooa wanted sent FREE. VICTOR J. EVAMB A CO.. Washington . D. a T)it^l/KETHE (Sim WEfteSESS ! mm.M,EiiG.ftEftii;fl cm r 8 Plays Professions! A Ameteoi Catalog Plays. L Jokes, Reeltstlons. Make-nn Goods etc.. sent Fit KE. DICK A FITZ0EB ALD, 28 Ann Btreat. New York. MonolfMrues, altoatrel Mske-i (10) FOR LIST BOOK OF THEATRICAL MANAGERS, BOOKING AGENTS AND EXCHANGES « n e) Cann- J I th* U nlt*d _ a. Alpr,.t>.tlo«!iy Conuim about 144W add A valu and Th* Billboard Pub. Co. 416 ELM ST.. CIMCIHHATI, O. ORANGE MFG. CO., 10 ^^ LARGEST THEATRICAL COSTUMERS IN AMERICA Costnmera to the leading Broadway Managsrs. Boabrstts and Ankle MM •jJJfir PlSSSI S Special attention to Individual orders. Military uniform?- ■ say navy or th* world, any period. Bend for color** fiatnlftg Ns DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 39 CLEVELAND, O. (Continued from page 14.) Bom & Shaw, musical nondescript artleta, after plavlDs twenty-two weeks 00 the Bert Harebell Circuit, accepted a contract for toe balance or Ibe scsson with The Lady Buccan- eer*, Western Wheel Burlesque, ss the fea- ture number In the olio. Bert Marshall also reports bavins placed Richard Maddoek. Oer- inin romrdlan with the same company. The Martin Guild Musical Comedy Company ass accepted twenty weeks' contract on the Pol.rk lime. Ctrl Statirr got off a food parody on Alia- rrcre from II Trovatore. while the orchestra sai rendering that selection at the Olltey House the other evening, which runs some- thing like this: "The Erie. The Brie, I took the Erie and I never cot there." The Desmond Mnalcal Comedy Company, which recently arrived In Cleveland from the Sotilb. accepted contracts over the Bert Mar- ■ball Circuit. Mlaa Palay Glenn Is psylng her annual Tlalt to Clereland. She has accepted 12 weekl' con- tracts for tbe Clereland Vaudeville Company Mlss'Crace rarrand. who played the part of Ike old maid In The Cabbage Patch with Mr*. Wl««. I» making a decided bit around Cleve- land In a single vaudeville act. A very pleaalng entertainment was given on tbe afternoon of Dec. 14, for tbe benefit of tbe Associated Charities of Cleveland. Manager J. A. Morris, of tha Wade Park Orphenm. loaned tbe use of his theatre and about $230 vis rained. Miss Ida Howard. • Cleveland toubretle. enlisted tbe services of the profes- sional acts several of whom were furnished through the Cleveland Vaudeville Company. Tbe program Included the best-known of Cleve- laod'a juvenile performers. Maxwell and Shaw, original comedians, fav- orites, are playlog some of the better clsss or tine around Cleveland. Managers are asking for a return data engagement of their act. J. B. Farrell, president of the Cleveland Vaudeville Company, met with a patnfal ecel- f^tured hi. right Vlat H« isSpMthe George Armstrong, the Happy Chappie, booked la the Empire Theatre the week of Dec. IT, as an ettra added attraction with Harry Big Show, got a big hand at Be baa a big time act t to T " SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. -(Continued from page IS.) now iu (Oil ity-nve dars. a beautifully and electric Tbe Mission Btreet Carnival Is bow In roll swing and will continue for twenty-five Prom Dec. 14 to 26 the street Is " decorated with flsgs eve rgr eens I llrots. and baa been christened "Carnival Wa.v." Parsdes. drills, tight rope exhibition, tilde for life and fireworks are among tbe free attractions. Barnes' Wild Animal Show, are riving dally performances under canvaa, Fred Kltcble baa bla famons Snake 8bowa. Drake Broi.' Craay Bouse, a Ferris wheel, merry-go- round and a doeen other shows are distributed throughout the street. Thontanda of people from all parts are attracted to thla section of the city, and at the crowning of Queen Carni- val, the streets were almost Impisslble. Thla method or boosting tbe Mission district, shows wonderful reanlta. and other large cities would e new nopnlsr-prleed syndic. te circuit being organised -- "■- -- operative Booking Clrc statement of Mr. Theo. both of these theatres. noth of the popular-priced vaudeville houses "ere. the TJntnne Theatre, booking 8. * C. "me and tt, e Mllea. booking Independent, who sbsmlooed the Illustrated song feature some time since, have reinstated this act again aa n-kir" 2* , ,n * weekly bill, and Mr. Jerome wnite, baritone, haa been engaged br the Pulque while Maste™ Rugene white! ew nopnlsr-prtred syndicate -clrcntt.^.^^ 8. rteo. La Hays who manages board correspondent, atated: "That scheme of having Fltigerald'e Clrcot here Is sll off. They didn't show up here for tbe opening, which waa to have been December 12, for the week, snd as far aa I know they are not coming to Kansas City at all. The date la off." Major Oosney Is a well-known circus nsme. be hav- ing beat. -*«a all the "big tops," snd slso Is well ajd ttTorably known In Kansas City. It waa bla piaa to have with this Indoor circus alt the bla acta that were with the big abowa dur- ing the en turner. Major Oosney haa a great msny friends here. There waa "some" wedding at the Century Theatre tbe night of December 9. Miss Nellie Burnell, the petite show girl with Tbe Bohe- mian Burleaquers. wss married on tbe stage of tbe Century December 0, In full view of tbe audience, to Hugbey Bern hard, a black face comedian. Thla la the first snd only sure enough stsge wedding thst Ksnsss City hss ever hsd. Mr. Bernhsrd bad a line ln hla song about "the rice and- old aboes are all ready." Mis. Bomell waa given away by Al. Lobln. ager of the Bohemian Company; Joseph R. egan. manager of the Century, ceremonies and a boat at the which waa served to the ptoy after the wedding. The newly organised Benevolent Order of Bo- hemians opened their club room, at 812 Wyan- dotte street the night of December 8. 1910, with a Dutch lunch, followed by ■■turns" by theatrical people playing at tbe rarlona Kansas City theatres that week. Don- ir of the toastmsater. George Carmen waa WILLIAM W. SnELLEY. vocall.t'at tnw'Mnea, RODERIO STB FI.KITRE. product!) mnsle.1 KANSAS CITY, MO. (Continued from page 18.1 jn of light opera, comic opera, and . " M , r V 'bows. All tbe members of the compsny S*_™e«t»fl In dramatic llnca and these mnalcal compin* d proT " u Innovation for a atock th» , Vi 0r % Oosney, who waa In charge of 1 rlnr Eltageratd'a Indoor Circus to of im* ''J.' 7 ,or tB « "*■«»* 0f labor nnlona ■p,. hllu 1 ' ! oa tBe n * w temple of labor they "* """ding here, In an Interview to The Bill- TOLEDO, O. (Continued from page 15.) Tom SeweU. of the Lena Rive year. It la aald that Bod Wagner will soon be among na with one of the Mrs. Nobody from Starlaod. Joe Cooley. one of the local boys with a Enchant for circus life ln tbe summer. Is try- g hard to keep Jimmy Spralgs, ot tbe Ring- ling clown forces, from the fever. Be keeps the clown from making trips on Dorr street, the local grounds for the white tops. BUI Wool folk, manager of la Panama Com- pany, la wearing glasses. It would be advisable for all that know How- ard Leeee to take ont life Insurance. With tbe Pale Ale Limited, he Is 1 yon at baa left the local thla city have a new paper called Tbe Buay Bee. Jimmy Woods, with bl. bull dog for tbe dog show at Chicago. AH the vicinity town managers called upon ma Isst week snd reported business good. Hugh McPhall, of Bryan. O.; Ed. Fisher. Morenel, Mich., and tbe usual caller, Thos. Cooley, or Bowling Green O., were among them. Kid Moor, tbe hustling agent at the Lyceum, la aparrlng around with a etrong Alvln Joel In diamond. Johnny Sullivan, the local . publicity man at the Empire, haa left for an Eastern trip and will spend the holidays with his folks In Fall River. Mass. k Harnett, tbe local manager of the Theatre, spares no time or money In _J what the picture lovera want. He gave na the Red Cross serlra laat week. JACK TIERNEY. CLOSED Magic Rainbow Fan 15 shapes can be made with it. Just th« thing for sou- venir purposes. Price, $3.25Gr«ti. Mites.! Co-panj Headquarters for StreStman's Goods 248 Madison It IMoafw, :-: III. PIPE TONE —4 Organ. SIMM. I octave ■onboard, think of It: Mission Oak or Mahogany finish. This la -VMS banner offer Beet Ac tton. Be lows. Cass and Tone ever offered: shipped na ap- proval: send no money until •atlanerl. Little Olant No. S. ao. in. C. CADHILL SHOW PAINTINGS ARTISTIC— BRrLLIANT— DURABLE PRICES RIGHT (At Coney Island Laat Season. ) Now Permanently Located at Old stand. »1 HANOVER ST.. (Walker'a Studio.) Musical Belli J. C DEAGAN Inventor and Mfr. tt tbe profession. Write fbi our new Illustrated cat alog. New bits. Al ZU&b POCKET TRICK MAGIC Illua. Catalog tnetadad Saad Sc. Magte, Dept. «, 17t W. »» St., aT. T Electric Light Plant Complete $91(1 35 A SOLUTION of that LIGHTING PROBLEM ■"■aU V LIGHT TRUST BREAKER! LARGER PLANTS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICES. This outfit includes The Celebrated Detroit Kerosene Earftaa and Dynamo of sufficient capacity to furnish crura- as nt for your Are and 10 18-C. P. Tungsten Lamps for *" Total coat of operation from 3 to 23 cents per day. QiTtaaama light Gives you better light than you can buy! afternoon aa at night. Can be operated by boy 10 yean* old.' WE CAN HAKE IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. DETROIT ENGINE WORKS, 402 Bdleroe Atc., DETROIT, MICH. A SNAP FOR YOU Locks instantly. Operated with one hand. Stays locked until you cgen tt. Canjt foul. ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Costa no more than THE WALSH SAFETY LOCK SNAP CO., BeUevue, 0. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT aeavsir. gUBISISa OFFICE BT/IXJTAJI AJTO OOIbTDIHZ RLDO.. AMD atATJiBov axaxETs. TTDLD LIMOOlij, Oenfatgr. NEW YORK CITY, o. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. 1117 and HSS ataxkwt at,. H. D. ROOSEN COIVf PANY ARC THC LEADING M ANU FACTU REM OF PERMANENT POSTER INKS FOR BLOCK WORK, ZINC and STONE Inks since we bare made a apsetalt/ by our competitors. UROOKLYN. N. V. Compare tile bright soil snappy appearance of theatrical of tbem agalnat tbe regular poster Inks PERMANENT REOS A SPECIALTY. THEATRICAL LUMBER THE JOHN GIL Lumbar and Seward Straata, IC LUMBER COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. At $6,500 complete, will earn you just as much money as any other at any price. Write me for particulars. PAUL D. HOWSE. 167 Dearborn St.. Chlcgtsjo. Supt. Sam Souci,1899-1903. Mer. White City, 1904-8 Mgr. Forest Park, 1909-10. ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY The mnalcal nit ot laat season In Chicago and other cities. Next season with the additional feature ot baUst. Splendid prospects. Only thoroughly reliable. Unsocial party awed answer. Experience nnntcsassry. Good returns guaranteed. Park and resort managers write for sprrag and summer time, 1»11. Addreaa SECRETARY. Suite 21. Auditorium RIdg.. Chicago. M. SEND TOUR ROUTE TO THE BILXJJO \KI> TO-DAY. 40 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. &R] _ of M cue Stock Ob.. Wm. Fox, San Frsccl*«>. CaL; mgr.: 5. lndef. Andltorlum Stock Co., Goo. L. bnu City. Mo.. Not. 8. tndef. And Uorio restock Co^^Toledo. 0., UU Alley Comedy Co.. T. a Alley, mgr.: A 6a., lodef. Baker Stock Co.. Geo. I*. Baker, mgr. kane, Waah.. Sept. 4, ladef. Baker Stock Co., Geo. L. Baker, bit.: — 1 Or*., Oct. 17, lndef. Stock Co.. Geo. Lu Baker, mar.: -Ik, Sept. 11, lndef. Baldwin-Mel rllie Stock Co.. Walter 8. win. mar.: Prorldence, R. I.. Nor. 14. Belaaco 4 Stone Stock Co.. Belaaeo Ac mgrs.: Los Angeles. CaL. lndef. BUon Stock Co.. Kllmt * Gasaolo. mgre. cage. IU-. July 8. lndef. Stock Co.: Pal ' Bpo Part- Bsld- ladef. lUhop's ^Players, : Chi- s. to- Co.: Tolas, Okla-, Oct. Baltl- Playere. Geo. C. Wilson, mgr.: • Md., Nor. J** Bnrbauk Stock Co.. _ Angeles, CaL, lodef. Barton Comedy Co., BL Price Webber, mar.: Kentrflle. N. S.. Can . 22-24; Windaor 28- 28; New QUarow 29-30. Brown. Kirk, Co.. J. T. Macauiey. mgr.; Wil- li* maport. Pa.. 26-31. Buckley, Louise, stock Co.. Harry tr.mtiton mar.: Santa Crux, CaL, 19-81. College Stock Co., M. Gleaaon, mgr.: Chi car o, III.. Not. T. lndef. Copeland Bras.' stock Co.: Wichita, Kan.. Oct. 17, tndef. Oomrll'a Harry, Player*, J. W. Gillette, mar.: Bntte. Moat.. Am. 14, Craig. John. Stock Car 29, lndef. Crescent Stock Co.. Percy Williams, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. 8. lndef. Carr Stock Co.. Wm. A Can-, max.: Orrrllle. o.. 19-31: Barberton 22-24. CarroU 8. D.. IB- Vlr- Atnstet dam. W. Y.. 25-31. Cboate Dramatic Co— Harry Cboate. ginls. IB-. 19-24. Dana Stock Co.. Harry j-iarlx, mgr.: Pa.. Sept. 6, lndef. Dominion Pisrers. W. B. Lawrence, mgr.: Win- nipeg. Can.. Aog. 29. tndef. Dowlan Stock Co.. W. C Dowlan, mar.: Port- land Ore.. Oct, 1. tndef. Dotnchertx Stock Co. (Donxherty Ac Cox's): rJdgerwood. N. D.. 19-21: wiu».d .i«, 22-24; Lisbon 28-28: Lamonre 29-31. Dudley. Frank. Stack Co.: Owenaboro, Ky., 19-24. DeLacy. Leigh. Co.. Monte Thorn peon, mar.: Brockton, Mass.. 12-24. Empire Stock Co.. Monte Thompson, mgr.: Holy, oke. Mass.. lndef. Eastern Theatre Co.. Wm. Wamaber. mar.: Rlchfleld. C. 18-21: Monroe 22-23: Mantl 24. Forbes Stock Co.. Go* A. Forbes, mgr.: Brook- In. N. T.. Sept. 3. tndef. Forties Stock Co.. Gna A Forbes, mgr.: Stam- ford Conn.. Not. 28. Index. Forepsugh Stock CO.. Geo. f . t L Forepengh „FIsb. mgrs.: ClnctanaH. O.. Sept. 18, lndef. German Stock Co.: Cincinnati, O.. Oct. 2. ln- def. German Stock Co.: Milwaukee. WU., Sept. 25. lndef. German Stock Co.. Theo. Bnrgartb. mgr.: N. Y. C. Sept 24. lndef. German Stock Co.. Max Haniscb. mgr.: Pblla., Oct 2, ta- Grahame. Ferdinand. Stock Co.: Richmond. Ind., Oct 3. lndef. Grand Stock Co.. M. Keener, mgr. Oct. 24. lndef. George Gladys. Stock Co.. Joe. H. Eiwood. Inn.. 19-24: _ Gontrnler Bros.' Ben Inter, mgr.: Doe Terre 22-24. 22' iDrt*r 1J,te PU ™* : Key We »t Fla.. Oct B? 8 C ° ind W f m - °" en - ^ Bt - ^ ait - H m'. , ^n"def r * Ce ' StOCk C °" : °* k P,r *- Cblcago, "aftJaB C.. Repertoire Co.: Hlckmsn-Bessey Co.. Jaa. D Prone Appleton. Wis.. 18-81. ' Hlmmeleln Imperial Stock Co.. Jno. A. Hlmme- iem. mgr.: Champaign, m.. 19-24. Hlmmeleln Aaaorlate Players. Jno. a. Hlmme- leln. mgr.: Lebanon. Ind.. 19-24. Hlllman'e Heal Stock Co.. No. 1. Lney M. Hayes, mrt.: Glaaco. Kan.. 19-21: Belolt 22: Greenleaf 23-25. Hyde'e Theatre Party. W. O. Me Wat ten. mgr.: Newark. O.. 18-24: 8andnalry 25-3L " .Co.. Kllmt * Oanolo, L. Sept 4. loreraon stock Co.. Wm. Ingersoll. mgr.: Salt Lake. tL.Sept. 4. lndef. Keene. Lorraine. Associate Player*. H. L. Law- rence, mgr.: Bloomlngton, HL. lndef. Keith Stock CO.. . James E. Moore, mgr.: Portland. Me.. April 19. lodef. K ' D «- Jowph. 8tock Co.: Lancaster. Pa., Sept ' 0». Inner. Keith stock Co.. Cato 8. Keith, mgr.: Ft. Wayne. Ind., 19-24: Battle Creek. Mich., 28 SI. Kelly rtrock Co.. Sherman Kelly, mgr.: Grand Baplda. Wis.. 19-24: Wansaa 28-31. Lawrence piijen. D. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Seattle. Wash.. July 25. indef. Learln-Olirer Stock Co., Otis Ollrer, Lyeenm Stock Co., Lyric Stock Co.. Chas. P. Salisbury, mgr.: Minneapolis. Minn., lndst Lanham'a Lyric Players: Flndlay, O.. 11-81. La Porte, Mae, stock Co., Joe McEnroe, mgr.: Logansport Ind.. 19-24: Union City 28-81. Latlmore A Leigh Stock Co.: Crookston. Minn . 19-24. Lewln Stock Co.. W. H. Lewis, mgr.: Bird- wen. Ky.. 19-24; Harrlsbnrg. UL. 28-31. 19-21; Grore 29-31. _ . Long Stock Co.. Frank B. Long, mgr.: Calu- met Mich.. Not. 21-Dec 24. Majestic Theatre Stock Co.. C. P. Fairing ton, mgr.: Schenectady. N. Y-. Not. 12. lndef. Mock-Sad- Alii Stock Co.. Jim Wallace, mgr.: Mankato. Minn.. 19-24; Rochester 28-31. Morey Stock Co. (LeComte * Flether's), P. A. Murphy, mgr.: Pratt, Kan.. 19-24: Alra. Okla.. 26-81. _ . ; Morrri-Thnrston Stock Co., Wm. B. Morris, mgr.: Milwaukee. Wla.. lndef. Mnrray-Mackey Stock Co.. John I. Murray, mgr.: Kingston, Oat, Can., 19-24; Ottawa 28-31 Myrkle- Harder Stock Co.: Oneonta. N. Y., 18- 24; Bingham ton 28-31. Marks Bros. - Co.: Ernie Marks, mgr.: New Can.. 19-24. Morgan Stock Co.: Cedar Rapids, la., 18-24. National Stock Co.: Montreal. Can., Aog. 18. Met, Nelson, Marie. Players, Rodney Banona, mgr.: Chicago. III.. Sept 5. lndef. New Criterion Stock Co., Kllmt Ac Ganolo. mgra.: Chicago, HI., Aog. 14. lndef. New Theatre Stock Co., Wlnthrop Ames, dir.: N. T. C Not. 7. Indef. North Bros.' Stock Co.: Topeka, Kan., lndef. Nielsen, Marie, Co.: Humble. Tex.. 19-21; Ui- 22-24. Players: Pateraon, N. J., lndef. ' Co.. Grant Laferty, mgr.: Phil a., ParteUo Stock Co.. W. A. ParteUo. mgr.: Calgary, Alta.. Can., Indef. Passaic Stock Go.: Paaaale, N. J., tndef. Payecn Stock Co., E. 8. Lawrence, mgr.: Toledo, O.. Aug. 28. indef. Pay ton' a Btjon Stock Co., Corse Payton, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. Sept 8. lndef. Payton' a Lee Arenne Stack Co.. Corse Payton, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Ang. 29. lndef. Gone Payton. mgr.: Ho T», lndef. . Mich., Sept 5, Indef. Perncbl-Gypzene Co.. C. D. Perochl, mgr.: Tampa. PI a., lndef. Plalnfleld stock Co.. Harry Bmnnen, mgr.: PlalnBeld, .4. J., Sept 6. lndef. Poll Stock Co.: Scranton, Pa., Nor. 21. lndef. Princess Stock -Co.. Victor H. Schaffer. mgr.: DsTcnport, la., lndef. Princess Stock Co.: Des Moines. Ia.. Ang. 28, Pringle. Delta Co., C. K. V Poor, Co.. Willis Pickett, mgr.: . N. a, 19-21: Mexton 22; Llncoln- xoa Z9-24: w llmlngtoo 28-81. Perry. Augusta. Stock Co.. Walter Downing, mgr.: Rutland. Vt. 19-24. Robyna A Dorner Players: Elmlra, N. J., Oct 3. Indef. Russell, Edward. Stock Co., W. G. Campbell, mgr.: 8. Bend, Ind.. Nor. 28, lndef. RnaaeU * Drew Stock Co.: Seattle, Waah.. Ang. 28, lndef. Richardson ft Lewis Stock Co.: Idaho Falls. Ida.. 19-24. Roaar-Maaon Stock Co.. p. C. Roaar. mgr.: Albion, Mich.. 19-24: Po " Bussell's, Edward, Players 19-24. Snow Stock Co., Mortimer N. Y.. Nor. 7. - Belllngfaam , Spooner, lndef. Shannon Bros.* Stock Co.. Harry Shannon, mgr.: Detroit. Mich.. 18-24. Sights stork Co.. J. W. Sights, mgr.: Bethany. Ho.. 19-21: Leon. Ia.. 22-23: Ottumwa 24- 28. Spears. Baldwin. Stock Co.. Bay McDowell e. ^^e^f^GreenJnie. 8. a. 19-24. . Virginia, Stock Co.: Wash.... indef. Trousdale Bros.' Stock Co.: Cedar Raptda, Ia. Sept. 28. lndef. Tempest Dramatic Co., J. L. Little FaDa. N. T-. ~ Turner. Clara. Players. Wash.. D. C. Indef. Taylor Stock Co., H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Schen- ectady, If. Y.. 19-24. Taylor. Albert Co.. E J. Laaserre. mgr.: Cal- rert. Tex.. 21-22; Heame 23-24. VanDyke A Eaton Co.. C. Mack, mgr.: St. Loo la. Mo.. Indef. Winston. Laura. Co.: Maaoola. Wolfe Stock Co. J. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Kan., Aug. 29. indef. Woodward Stock Co., O. D. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Alma. Where Do Ton Lire. Jos. M. Weber, mgr.: N. T. C. Sept 28. Indef. Aristor. The. Cohsn A Harris, mgra.: N. T. C. Dec 8. lndef. Across the Great Dlrlde. G. W. Lyon, mgr.: Tsylorrnie. 111.. 21: Glrsrd 22: Vlrden 23: LItrbBeld 24: Bellerllle 29: Greenville 26: Rorento 27: Mt 01 1 re 28: Morrison rllle 29. Alma. Wo Wohnat Dn? Detroit. Mich. 19-24. At the Old Cross Roads. Arthur O. Alston, prop. * mgr.: Richmond. Va.. 19-24; Pateraon, N. J., 28-28. As the Sun Went Down. Arthur C. Alston, prop. A mar.: Nashrille. Tenn.. 19-24: Chat- tanooga 26-81. As Told In the Hills, Alex. Story, mgr.: New Lexington. 0., 21; CmnkSTtlle 22: Pleasant 23: RarnesTitie 24: Btrnbearllle 28: Neweom- erstosm 27: Carroll ton 80: Minora 31. At the Mercy of Tiberias. Glsser A Stair, mgrs.: Memphis. Tenn.. 19-24; Nashrille 28 31. A <1 ven fores of Polly. Blaney-Boooner Am. Co.. Inc.. mgrs.: Clerelsnd, 0., 19-24; Bnlfalo. N. Y.. 25-31. Arcadians. The. Chaa. Frohmsn. mar. : Detroit Mich.. 19-24: Chicago. 111.. 29-31. Arcadians, The (Special), Chas. Frohmsn. mgr.: Atlanta. Os.. 28-28: Birmingham. Ala.. 29: Montgomery 80: Mobile 31. Orseoe Lupin. Chas. Frohmsn. mgr.: Brook- lyn. N. T.. 9(1-81. Allen. Viols. In the White Sister. Llebler A Co- mers.:, rr. Miss.. 21. Opera Co.: >n»tln. Tex.. 2t. Arlxona. C. A. Williams, mgr.: Fremont, Neb.. 21; Des Moines. Is.. 22-24. Adams Maude, In What Erery Woman Knows, Chas. Frohman, mgr.: Newark, N. J., 20-31. Baby Mine (Eaatern). Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N- Y. C-. Ang. 23. lndst Bailey A Austin In Two Men and a Girl. The Chicago, 111., Dec. 4, la- . la Nobody 'a Widow. Darld Ra- laaeo. mgr.: N. Y. C, Not. IB. lodef. Bernard, Sam. In He Came from Milwaukee, The Bbnherta. mgra.: N. T. C. Sept. 21. In- def. Blue Bird, The ShnberU. mgrs.; N. Y. C, Sept 28, lndef. Bine Moose. W. B. Fredericks, mgr.: burg, Pa., 20. BeterTj (Eastern), Delamiter A Norrls. mgra.: Youngs town. 0., 19-21; Wheeling, W. Va., 22-24: Bearer Falls. Ps.. 2«: Canton. O.. 27; Warren 28: New Castle. Pa., 29; OU City 80; Franklin 31. Bererly (Western), Delamatar A Norrls. mgra.: Greensbnrg, Ind., 21: Madison 22; Branarllle 23-24; Danrllle, 111., 28; Strestor 27; Jollet 28; LaSaUe 29; Galesborg 80; Darenpott. Ia., 81. Brewster's Minions. Al Rich, mgr.: Minneapolis. Minn., 18-24; Milwaukee. Wis.. 25-31. Blaney, Harry Clay. In the Bey from Wall Street Hairy Pi arson, mgr.: Chicago, 111.. 18-31. Boater Brown. Buster Brown Am. Co.. props.: Grand Baplda. Mich.. 18-24; Toledo, 0„ 25- Blliy the Kid. F. B- Hoadley. mgr.: CTereland, 0„ 19-24. Bright Byes, Jos. M. Galtes. mgr.: Loulsrille, Ky., 19-24: Milwaukee. Wla.. 25-31. Bachelor's Honeymoon, Gllson A Bradoeld, mgn.: Harlow. Okla., 21; Duncan 22; Co- manche^S; Wanrika 24;^ " tonga 80. Bell Boy. T. H. Biland. Tenn.. 19-21: Mlddleboro. tol. Tenn.. 29-31. Bernhardt Mme. Sarah, in Repertoire, W. F, Connor, mgr.: N. T. C. 8- Boss of Z Ranch. Geo. W. BentonTfile, Ark.. 21: Re__ Sprlngg 23; Monett. Mo.. 24: Webb City 25 Joplin 28. Bachelor's Honeymoon (Central). Gllson A BrsdSeld. mgrs.: Little Falls. Minn., 21; 8t Cloud 22; Winona 29. Beranl Opera Co.: Oakland. Cel., 18-24. Boston Grand Opera Co., Henry Russell, mgr.: Boston. Mass., Not. 7, tndef. Bachelor's Isle: Webster. 8. D.. 21: Waubay 22; Wllmot " son. Minn., field 80. Ben Hnr, Blaw A Ala.. 19 Han Girl. Pittsburg. Pa.. 19-24; Cincinnati, 0- Burke, Blllle, In Suzanne. Chaa. r ' Lancaster. Pa.. 21; Reading 22. _ S. J.. 23-24: N. T. C 28. lndef. Ba ity mot e. Ethel. Chaa Frohman, mgr.: At- lantic City. N. J.. SO-SL, Bellew, Kyrle. in Raffles. Chas. Frohman, mgr. Norfolk. Va.. 28; Richmond 27-28: ~ 29 Cam Chaa. def. Carter. Mrs. Leslie, In Two Women. John Cort. mgr.: N. T. C, Nor. 29. tndef. Cheraller, Albert, Is Daddy Dnfard. Llebler A _.0b., mgrs.: N. T. C, Dee. 6. lndef. Cbocolste Soldier. P. C. Whitney, mgr.: Chi- cago, m.. Sept 28. lndet City. The. The Shnberta, mgra.: Chicago. Til.. Not. 6- Dec. 24. Collier. Wm.. In I'll Be Hanged If I Do. Lew Fields, mgr.: N. T. C . Nor. 28. lndet Commuters. The Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. T. C, Aug. 15. Indef. Concert The. Darld Belaaco. mgr.: N. T. C. Oct 8. indef. Country Boy. Henry B. Harris mgr.: N. T. C. Ang. 29- Dec. 24: Chicago. Hi., 28. tndef. Curtis. Allen. Mnslcsi Comedy Co.: Denier, Col.. Dec 24, indef. County 8heritf. Chas. H. Brooke, mgr.: Akron, 0.. 19-21 :- Springfield 22-24. Csndy Girl. B. M. Gsrneld. mgr.: Red Wing. Minn.. 21: Csnnon Fsils 22: Wsterrtlle 23: Shakopee 24; New Prague 25: Faribault 28: Maplrton 27; Wells 28: Winnebago 29: Lake Crystal 80: Mankato 31. Commuters. The (B), Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Chicago. 111.. 5-24; Anrora 25: Rock ford 28: Elgin 27; Srreator 28: Dixon 29; Jollet 30: Bloomlngton 81. Co 5 n,rT «. Bo T.. CT 5i B1m * 301 Tacoma 31. DHca, N. Y.. 28: Rome 27: Anhnrn 28: Os- „7»xo 29: Wstertown 80: Ogdensbnrg 31 CTIm.x. The (United Pl.y Co.'.). H r7 Cory. Wm* Mlies City. Mont. 21: Billings 22 """"V"" 24: Helena 28: Ham! II ton 28: Mlssonla 27: Sand Point. Ida.. 28- Lewtston 29: Genesee 30: Colfax. Wash.. 81. Cow and the Moon. Chas. A. Be! loo. mgr • Pln» Bluff Ark. 28: Helena 27: Clarksdsla. Miss.. 28: Memphis. Tenn.. 29; Nsahriile .tn-31. 81* ""Ok Mystery: Seattle. Waah., 28- CT^f". The. Jos. M. Weber. City. Mo.. 18-24. Chicago Grand Opera Co • 8. Indef. Chocolate Soldier (F. C. Whitney's Eastern) Lords Stern, mgr.: Brooklyn. N Y 10 ?l' Phils.. Pa.. 28- Jan. 14. " z * Crone. Vic. Co^ Ada. Kan.. 21; nareard 22: Solomon 23: Hope 24. Crane. Wm. H.. Chaa. avnhmsn. mgr.: Tren- _ t0 ". N. J.. 28: Chicago, til.. 81-Jsn. 7. %L.'oc,. Ie -8. I 1:ne'f r * °°- Cb,( " 8 ' Danl-i Bon. on the Trail (Eeaternl. Tten IT. Howe mgr.: OslilpoIIs. 0.. Hi Rsrrnns 22: Glonster 23: New StrsttsTllle 24: Zsuesmie ?5i.!L nr1 5" f S, M S : MeConnelsTtlle 2«: Ws.h- Ington C. H.. 29: ntilshoro SO: Georgetown 81. delphU. 19-Ja Dollar Princess "'indef 1 " U " 8 * n rr * Bel » e A Cel.. Oct 24. Doosldsoa, Arthur, One Hill, our.: Atia». 0a„ 1D-24; New Orleans. La.. IfrSl. Ul Dodaon. J. B.. In the Hoaae Next Door. Ookaa AHarrla. mgrs..- Baltlam. Md., l»-2-t • e^ohmaa, mgr.: PblU- Drew, Jobs, 1b Smith, Chas. Brooklyn, N. v., 28-81. Dressier. Maris, la Till la's Fields, mgr.: Albany. N. Y., _ The. Joe 8. Bebsamen. mgr.: Piedmont Okla.. 2i; Dorar 22; Hennessey 28; WaukomU Defender of Cameron Dam, DsrreJI H. Lrsll mgr.: Bt Paul, Mian., ig.o 4 . Mlnceapoiii 29 3 1. Drifting: N. T. c, 29. lndef. Elliott, Max C. Co.: Bloomlngton, Ind. 21- MaxtlnrrUle 22; JssonrlUe 21: Coalmont si-' Siltnont^nd-TsL^ 11 ** W W Bdeaon, Robert. In Where the Trail Dlrldra. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Omaha, Neb., 25-2? pes Motnss, La.. 28 S0; MarahaUtown' 31. ' Ell and Jane, Harry Green, La., 21; Monroe 22: Delhi Miss.. 28; Nstcbas 27. Elliott. Maxlaa, lp the Inferior Sex q«o. J Appleton. mgr.: Fargo. N. D., 21; Graid Forks 22; Winnipeg, Can., 23-24: Bluings Mont. 28; Butte 27: Great Palla 28: Missou- la 29; Spokane, Waah.. 80-31. Salt Lynne. Chas. L. Newton, mgr.: Derlss. East Lynne: Rochester. ». Y., 19-21; Srricuse 23>94. El tinge. Julian. In the Fascinating Widow. A BL Woods, mgr. : Chicago, m. Elliott. Gertrude, In the Dswa of a To-Morrow. Llebler A Co.. mgra.: Toronto. Can.. 2831. FoUto.^1910. F. Zlegfeld. Jr.. mgr.: N. Y Final Settlement: Worcester. Mass., 19-24. French Opera Co.. Jules LayoUe. mgr.: Hew Orleans, La-. Nor. 2% lndef. Flgman. Max. fas Mary Jane's Pa., Will F. Mol- Hor. mgr.: Beartls, Waah., 11-24: Ts corns 25- 28; EUenahnrg 27; North Yakima 28; Walls WaUa 29; Colfax 30; Lewis tow. Ida.. SI. FaTerebam, Wm., In the World and Bla Wife, Geo. W. McGregor, mgr.: Kansas City. Mo., 19-24; Bt Louis 28-81. Flirting Princess, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: 8t Louis. Mo., 18-24; Terre Haute. Ind.. 25-28; ■ 27; Logaasport 28; - Firing L sMfti Fortune Hunter (Eaatern). Cohan A Harris, mgra.: Brooklyn. N. T-. S-24_ Fortnoe Hunter (Western) , Cohan A Harris. mgra.: St. Joseph. Mo., 23-24; Kansas city - 25-31. Flake. Mrs., in Becky Sharp. Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.: Atlantic City. N. J„ 28; Tren- ton 27; Reading, Pa.. 28: Altoona 29; Johns- town 80; Wheeling. W. Va.. 81. Flower of the Ranch LeComte. Flesh er A Wade, props.: Bartlearnie. Okla.. 21: Muskogee 21; Fayette rills. Ark.. 28; Ft Smith 25. Gamblers, The. Authors' Producing Co.. mgra.: N. Y. C, Oct S3, lndef. Get.Rleb-tJTUck Waliiagford. Cohan A mgrs.: N. T. C Sept 19. lodef. GeTRJck-Qrdck Waliiagford. C ' mgrs.: ChJearo. II L. Dec. Gillette, Wm.. la Repertoire. mgr.: N. T. 0. Dec. Ml. Girt In the Train, Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: Chi- cago, TIL. Not. 14 Dec 24. Glsser. Loin. In the Girl and the Kaiser. The Bhuberta, mgra.: N. T. C. Nor. 21. la def. Girt In the Kimono. W. K. Zlegfeld. mgr.: Sioux City, Ia.. 21-22; Perry 23; Boone 24; Clinton 25: Cedar Rapids 28; Independence 27: Iowa Falls 28: Emmstahorg 29: 8penr*r Glr? : f^th 1 "^* "tains Richard G Herndoa, mgr.: Phtla. Dec. 12, lndef. Granatark (Eastern). Baker A Castle, mgrs.: Columbus, Neb.. B] Norfolk 22: Sloox City. It., 28; Vermillion. 8, D., 24; Taaktoa 28; Mitchell 27; LeMsrs. Ia.. 28; Cherokee 19: Webster City SO: Boose 81. Granatark (Southern), Baker A Castle, mgra.: Vlnlta. Okla.. 21; Tulsa 22: Enid 24: El Reno 28: _ 27: Bapnlpa 28: Mt Oklahoma City 81. Glaser, Vaughan, la ' Glsser. mgr.: I nil . Tills. Ky.. 25-81. Goddess of Liberty. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: in- dependence. Kan.. 21; Coffeyrnie 22: Parsons 23: 8pringSeld. Mo.. 25-28: Joplin 27: Pitta burg. Kan., 28; Chaante 29; tola SO: Topeka SI. Golden Girl. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Mexlea. Mo.. 21; Hannibal 22: " City 24: Sedalta 38 27; Junction City . SO; Ft. Scott 31. Olrl from D. 8. A. (Central). Harry mgr.: Corsica na. Tea.. 21: Mexla 22: Bry- ant 23: Marlln 24: Temple 27; Taylor 28: Ban Antonio 80; Victoria 81. Olrl from U. 8. A. (Southern). Harry Scott, mgr.: aalnesrllle, Os.. 28: Athens 24: Green TlTle. 8. 0.. 26: Pelser 27: Piedmont 28: Laurens 29: Newberry SO: Camden 81. . . Gentleman from Mississippi (Wm. A. Brady's). Geo. H. Harris, mgr.: Bt. Joseph. Ma. 23- 28: Hutchinson, Kan., 38: Trinldsd. Col.. 29. Oenee. Adeline, la the Bachelor Belles. A Erlanger, mgrs.: Wash.. D. C. 19-24. Gllmore. Barney. Hsriln A Ntenlal. mgrs.: C ctamaM, o., 18-34: Akron 38-28. Olrl of the Mountalna. O. B. Wee. mgr.: > bnrg, Pa.. 19-34: AkTOD, 0.. ! Hsrfmsn. Ferris. Mnslcsi Comedy Co.: Loa Aa _ge»ea. Cel.. Oct 17. indef. Huntley, O. P., A Hattle Williams. Chss. - nys, mgr.: London. Eng., Nor.^S, Hiniard. Robert In A ' eric Thompson, mgr.: Baltimore. Md.. 38-81. Honeymoon Trail. Kelly A FltsOerald, stirs.. Mbssessla. Mont. 31; Spokane. Wash.. 23-M. Walls Walls 38-38: North Taklms 27: Klleas- hnrg 38; Hlmt 38; Aberdeen 80; Centralis mgr.: Medea, f 23: Jefferson an. 28: Sal las DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 41 Hippy Hoollfto, Ou* Rill, lli ; 10 21: Peoria 22-24: Grand Rapid*. Mich.. 29-31. Hltcbcock. Bavmood, In the Man Who Own* Broadway, Coban * Harrle. mgra.: Cincin- nati. O., 10 24: Chicago. 111.. 28-Jan. 7. House or a Thousand Candlea (Rowland A Gaa- kell's Co. A), Geo. J. Elmore, mgr.: Bridge- port. Neb... 21: Juleaburg. Col.. 23: Ster- llsg 23: Laramie. Wjo„ 23: Rock Springs 27: Green River 28; Bvauston 29: Coalville, Dtlb, SO. House of a Thousand Candle* (Rowland A Oai- ketTa Co. B> : BMBBUWt Tex., 21; Port Ar tnar 22: Lake Cnarlea. La.. 23; Jeaalnga 24; Lafayette 2S; Crowley 26; Opelootae 27; Washington 28: New Iberia 29; AbbeTllIe 80; Jeanerette 31. Haroed, VlrglnU. In the Woman He Married, ur J. Aylei worth, n , 26-28: Colnmbna. O.. the Flute Player. Oacar .: Pblla.. 28- Dec. 24. ■r. DeWolf. In A Matinee Idol. D. V. Ar- -. Birr.: Denver. Colo., 23-31. I of a Tboaaand Candlea. 81m Allen, mar.:, Ind„ 21; Oreenfleld 22; OoaneraTUle 23: Richmond 24. Hodge. Wo., la the Man from Borne. Llebler A Co.. mere.: Pblla., Nor. 21, ladeT. Hortli. Joe: Pblla.. 19-24. Havoc. The, Henry Miller, mgr. : Waaa.. D. G. 19-24. Importance of Bel of Kern eat. Cbaa. Vrohmsn. mgr.: N. Y. C. Nor. 14-Dec. 24. : Strathclalr 31 31. Jntenlle ss atone 30 fust Out of College, Bothner A Campbell mgra. : Oklahoma City. Okla.. 22; Anadarko 23; Cblckaaba 24: Guthrie 23; Ardmore 26; Ft. Worth. Tei.. 27: Dallaa 28: Coralcana 28; Waco 30: Ban Antonio 31. Jolly Bacbelore, _Lew Fletda. aagr.: Mlnne- soolls. Minn.. 23-31. Kidnapped for a Million. Eugene Perry, mgr.: Reaxaelaer. Ind.. 21: Monon 22: Fowler 23: ^mlrVce 00 ^ 24 : wenonI°M M La«n °31 ' ' "™ Ctng of the Cattle "in? (Elier'e)?Beecb Parrett. , mgr.: Stromaborg. Neb.. 21: Wolbach 22; Oreeley 23: Burwell 24. Katie Did. Jo*. M. Qiltea, mgr.: Maaa.. 12-24; Worceater 28-27: Conn.. 30-31. Lower Berth 13, Frank TaanebUl. mgr.: Cbl- cigo. HL Oct. IB, lndef. ' Leigh. Bert. In the Man on the Box. Harry P. Brown.jngr.: Gsdsden. Ala.. 21: Blrmlng- ~ Jaekaoa. Mia... 24; Madgmo X (Weatern), Henry w. Savage, mgr. 8au Francisco Cel.. 11-24: Sacramento 23- 23: Stockton 27: San Joe* 28; Oakland 29 Freaao 80; Btkerrtcld 81. Madame X (Southern) . Henry W. Sivige. mgr. Chattanooga. Tenn.. 23-27: Laalngton. K> 28-29; Mt. Sterling 30: Frankfort 31. Merry Widow (Batten). Henry W. Singe, mgr.: Toledo, 0.. 28; Colombo* 27: Dayton 28: Hamilton 29: Lexington. Kj.. 80; Chat- tanooga. Tenn.. 31. Merry Widow (Southern), Henry W. Savage mgr.: Dover. N. J.. 28: Harrlabnrg, Pa., 27; Hagerstown. Md„ 28; York. Pa., 29; Lan caater 80; Beading 31. Moore, bring. Musical Comedy Co.. Irving Moor*, mgr.: Haverhill. Maaa.. 19-24. MacDouald. Chriatle. la the Spring Maid. War ba A Lurcher, mgra.: Boiton. Maaa.. 5-24; M. T. a. 26, lndef. Moore, Victor, in the Happleat Night of HI* Ufe, Frasee A Lederer, mgra.: Toronto, Can.. 19-24. MHIer. Henry, la The Havoc: Waah.. D. 0.. 10 Minuter** Sweetheart. Dave Altman. mgr.: Dayton. 0.. 19-21; Colnmbna 22-24. My Wife's Family. W. L. Stewart, mgr.: Mae leod. Alta.. Can.-. 21; Cardatoo 22: UcOrath 23: Baymood 24; Letbbrldge 26-27. My Friend Hogan. Ed. Holland, mgr.: Herk lrner. N. Y.. 21: Canaatota 22; Oneida 23; Seneca Falls 24: Lyon* 28. Manhattan Opera Co.: Peneacola, Fla.. 19-24. Metropolitan Opera Co.: N. T. C Nov. 14. lndef. Metropolitan Opera Co.: Pblla., Dec. 13. it def. Naughty Marietta. Oacar Hammersteln. mgr. N._ T. c., Nov. 7, lndef. Newlywed* and Their Baby (Eastern), Leffler- F rat ton Co., prop*.: Chicago, HL, 18-24; Cleveland. O.. 28-31. Newly-weds and Their Baby (Weatern) . Lefflrr Brat ton Co.. prop*.: Oreeley. CoL, 21; Ft. Collin* 22: Boulder 23: Denver 23-31. Ninety end Nine. W. T. Borer, mgr.: Chicago. 111.. 4-24; Rochester. N. X.. 26-28; 8yra-2s; Blchmond. Vs.. Sears. Zelds, la the Neat Egg. L. c. mgr.: K. T. C. N*r. 22/lndef. Seven Days. Wsgeaasls A Kemper, mgrs.: Bos- ton. Mass., Oct. 24. ludef. Spendthrift, The, Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Cble»go, ni.. Nov. 14-Dec. 2i7 weetest Olrl la Paris. Harry Askla. gen. angr. : Chicago. IU.. Ang. 2». lndef. Sweetest Qlrl In Dixie (Miller Bros.'): Wln- dom, Minn., 23. Stshl. B oa*. |a the Chorus Lady. Henry B Harris, mgr.: Bay City, Mica.. S3; Sagin- aw 28; Flint 27; '^~'"g 28; Port Huron 28: Ann Arbor 30; Marlon, o. Si. Smart Set (No. 1), Barton A- Wlswell, mgrs.: Columbus. O.. 19-21; Toledo 22-24; Ft. Wayne. lad.. 25: Anderson 26; Mnnele 27; 8t. arys. O.. 28; Dayton 28-31. Smart Set (Southern) Barton at Wlswell. mars.: Aberdeen. Miss., 21; Tnacaloosa. All.. 23; Andalusia 2«: FloraU 27; Tallahassee. Fla.. 28; Qulncy 28; Bain bridge. Ga., 30: Abbe- ville 31. Spooner, Cecil. Bl*iiey-Spoooer Am, Co., Inc.. mgr*.: Memphis. Tenn.. 26-31. Sherman - * Musical Comedy Co.. E. A. Wolff. . mgr.: Calgary. Alta.. Can., a Jan. 7. shadowed by Three. L. C. ZeUeno. mgr.: Sib- leg. Ia., 21: Hartley 22; Sanborn 23; Sheldon 24: Chataworth 25: Bock Baplda 26: Orange City 27: Paulllna 28; Sioux Baplda 29; Cher- okee 30; LeMarg 31. Stubborn Cinderella. Cbaa. A. Goettler. mgr.: Dearer. Col.. 18-24: Salt Lake City. 28-81. St. Daw, Q laser A stair, mgr*.: Grand Bap- lda, Mica.. 25-28. Sidney, George, la the Joy Rider. E. D. Stair, mgr.: Atlanta. Ga.. 18>r 26V31. Snperba, Edwin Wamei i£ School Days. Stair A Bavlln. Inc.. _ snsvllle. lad.. 19-24; Cincinnati. O.. 25-81. Sunny Sooth (J^C. Rockweir.): Delavan. Wis. 21: Kr 28; 31. Sotbern, tolre. 31. wen,, Starr, laaeo. 22: I E Sis Perkins (C. Jay Smith's). Eddie Delsney. mgr.: McKeeaport, Pa., 18-21; Wheeling, W. Va.. 22-34: Galllpolla. O.. 28: Mlddleport 27: Murray City 28; Shawnee 29; Crook ar 11 le 30: Zaneartll* 31. Sqnaw-Man. Wills Am. Co.. mgr*.: Plqaa. 0. 21: Dayton 22-24: - ?o\ puSTh^i. Snnaw-Man (H. E. Pierce A Co.'a) Weatern). J. E. Caveu. mgr.: Bismarck. X. D.. 21: Han- dan 23: Dickinson 23: Glendlve. Mont.. 24: Miles City 25: BlUlngs 26: Livingston 28; Anscoada 28: Great Fall* 30: Helena 81. Sqnaw-Maa (H. B. Pierce * Co.'a). Wm. Oil- man, mgr.: Springfield HL. 25: Kankakee 2«: Hoopeaton 27: Danville 28; Decatur 29; BloomtngtOB SO: Jollet 31. Sfaeehan Grand Opera Co.. Jos. F. Saeehaa. mgr.: Baltimore. Md.. 19-24. Stamped*. The: Waah.. D. C. 19-24. Sins of the Father. Geo. H. Breanan. mgr.: Jackson. Miss.. 26. Soul Kiss (Eaatern). Mlttenthal Bros., mgrs.: Montreal Can., 19-24. Soul Kiss '(Western). Mlttenthal Bros., mgrs.: Decatur. HI.. 28. Sentimental Sally: Chicago. 111.. 19-24. Spendthrift. The, Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Memphis. Tenn., 26-28. Sklnner. Otis, tn Sire. Chas. Frobman. mgr.: Trenton, N. J.. 24: Phils.. 26-Jnn. T. St. Elmo, Leo Moses, mgr.: Dawson. Neb.. 22: Verdeu 23. Silver Threads. Joe Lane, mgr.: Grand Island. Texss Ranger (Weatern), Boy Sampson, mgr.: Osceola. Mo.. 21. TV t as Ranger (Eastern). L. A. Stanton, mgr.: Wadswortr AsbtabnU vine 28; Third Degree (B). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: rt. Wayne. lad.. 26: Elkhart 27; Goshen 28; Ksl- amasoo. Mich., 29: Jackson, SO: glint SL Travellag Salesman (A). Banry B. Harris, mgr-: New Orleana. La.. 18-24; Mobil*. Ala., Ml Pens* cola. Fla.. 27; Montgomery. Ala.. Xg| Beims 29; Birmingham 30-31. Traveling Salesman (B), Henry B. Harrla, mgr.: Salt Lake City. 26-31. Two Americans Abroad (Eastern). Robt. H. Hat> rls, mar.: Sax ton. Pa.. 21; Lewis town 88; WUUamatOD 23; Tremoot 24; Berwick 89: Jersey Shore 27; Lock Haven 28; Phllltps- burx 29; Bootsdale 30: Trenton, N. J.. 31. Two Americana Abroad (Western), c. A. Teaff, mgr.: Chester, IU.. 21; Anna 22: Carbon- dale 23: Marlon 24: Tama. la.. 28: Glad- brook 27; Grundy Canter 28; Relnheck 39; Traer SO; Belle Plains 31. Through Death Valley (A. K. Pearson's). Cbaa, l* Crane, mgr.: Boston, Mas*.. 19-24; Wor- cester 26-31. Time the Place and the Girl (Weatern). I*. R. WlUard. mgr.: Seattle. Waah.. 18-24; Everett 25; Vancouver. B. G. Can.. 26-27: Victoria 28; New Westminster 29; Belling hsm. Wash.. 30. Thurston. Mag id in. Dodlej MeAdow. mgr.: Milwaukee. Wis.. 18-24; St. Paul, Mian.. 25. 31. Three Week*. Morrison * Hefferleln. mgrs.: Chicago. IU.. 11-24: Hamm hsrt 26; Ft. Wayne 27 28: . son SO: Hamilton . O.. SI. Teal. Raymond. Musical Comedy Co.: Tex.. Not. 21. lndef. This Woman and Tbat Mas, Forrest A mar*.: St. ~ 25-31. Thief. The, A. H. Wood*, mgr.: Buffalo, N. Y.. 19-24. Time, the Place and the Girl (Eastern): ftyra cose, N. Y., 19-21; Rochester 22-24. Turner. Wm.. la Father and the Bora: Provi- dence. R. I.. 19-24. at Man. Forrest A Osrneld. Minn.. 18-24; Minneapolis. Tnrnlng Polnt. Jay L. -«u.. 19-24. Twins (Eastern). Jos. M. iburx. Pa.. 19-24. Twins (Western). Jos. M. Leavenworth, Kan., 22. Uncle Tom'a Cabin (Al. W. Martla'a), C. W. Aekerman, mgr.: Burlington. Vt.. 21; St. Jo has bury 26; Bsrre 27: Newport, N- H-. 28; Windsor, Vt.. 29; Keen*. S. H.. 30; Ben- nington. Vt., 81. Under Southern skies. Harry Doel Psrker. mgr.: TJncii Tom's Cabbs (AL W. Martla'a). Waa. Kibble, mgr.: Wichita. Kan.. 21: Wtnnetd 22: Oklahoma City. Okla.. 23: Gothrl* 24; Independence. Kan.. 28: Joplln. Mo.. 29; Webb City 30: Springfield 31. Uncle Zeke (Crawford's): ' 22; Graextfleld 23-24. Uncle Tom** Cabin Tv re p s ngh , mgr. : Oswego 23. Uncle Ton.'* Cabin (Stetson's) Leon W?isaV _ Wood*. Wolf. T 18-21; 31. Wolf. The (No. 1): 27: New Caatle 2b: 30; Franklin 31. Ware, Helen. In The ris, mgr.: Wise". The*. A.. In A Gentlemen from Mississip- pi. Was. A. Brady, max.: Pittsburg. Pa-. 28- 30-31. Wilson. Al. H., Sidney R. Ella, mgr.: Chatta- nooga. Tenn.. 21: KnoxvUle 22: AshevlUa. N. a. 23: Bristol. Tens.. 24: BlueOsld, W. Va., 28: Rosnoke. Va.. Richmond 29-30; Norfolk, When Sweet Sixteen. Ever-WaU Co.. Inc. mars.: Baltimore. Md.. 19-24. Ward * Voke*. la Trouble Maker*. B. D. Stair, mgr.: Pittsburg. Pa.. 26-31. Wizard of WIselsnd. Harry Scott, mgr.: Jonas- boro. Ark.. 21: Paraa-oald 22: Poplar Bluff. Mo.. 23: DeSoto 24; Oglncy. 111.. M; Spring- Held 28: Lincoln 29: Canton SO: Monmouth H- m wm m 42 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. DIRECTORY Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged. Advertisements not exceeding one line In length will be published, properly classified. In this directory at tbe rate of $10 for one year (52 Issues), provided they are of an acceptable nature. Price Includes one year's subscription to Tbe Billboard. Each additional line or additional classifica- tion, without subscription. XT.50 per annum. One lute will be allowed to advertisers free of charge for eacb (100 -worth of apace used during one year. This directory la revised and corrected weekly, changes In firm names and addresses being re- corded as soon as they are received. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. N. Shore Co.. 220 Madison sr., Chicago. ADVERTISING STICKERS. St. Louis AERIAL ADVERTISING. i J. Conyne, 3508 McLean st« AERONAUTS, nt Sisters Balloon Co., Beed City, Mich. Dorothy De Vooda. Box 796. Otsego, Mlcb. Chas. Swarta. Humboldt, Tann. St. Clair Girls. Thorn peon vllle, Mlcb. AEROPLANES. 78, Madison 8qtomre, New York city. AMERICAN TAILORS. i at Co., las. Bay St., Toronto, Can. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Herschell-SpUlman Co., No. Tonawanda, N. T. C. W. Parker, Abilene. Kansas. V. 8. Music Co.. 2830 W. Lake St.. Chicago. ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartela Col. ISO Greenwich St., N. Y. O. Llnwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Maine. Home's Zoo Arena, Kansas City. Mo., and Denver. Colo. Lotus Robe. 248 Grand St.. New York city. Wens A Mackensen, Yardley, Pa. ARC LIGHT8. J. H. Haliberg. 30 E. 23d at.. New York City. ARTIFICIAL FLOWER8. Botanical Deer .-a ting Co., 310 Fifth aye.. Chi- cago, in F. Gastboff A Co.. Danville, III. Schsck' 1677-1879 Artificial Flower Co.. Inc. Milwaukee are., Chicago, 111. ASBESTOS CURTAIN8. Sosman 4 Landls Co., 417 S. Clinton st. Ch'go. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONO- MIZERS. 7. H. Haliberg, 36 E. 23d St.. New Tork City. N. Power Co.. 115 Naaaan at.. New York City. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. Lyon A Healy. 205 Wabash are.. Chicago, 111. Rudolph Wurlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. U. 8. Music Co., 2930 W. Lake St., Chicago. BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. De Moulin Bros. * Co., 1030 S. 4th St., Green vllle. III. Newmsn^Mff. Co., 641 Woodland ays.. Cleye- Tbe Wendell-Greenwood Co., 122 S. 4th St. Minneapolis, Minn, BALLOONS- HOT-AIR. Northwestern Balloon Co., 2405 Clybourne are., Chicago. BALL THROWING GAMES. Cincinnati Novelty Co., 204 15th St., Cln'tl, 0. BAND INSTRUMENTS. Plllmore Music Douse. 628 Elm at-. Cln'tl. O. Lyon & Healy. 206 Wabash ave., Chicago. 111. Bndolph Wurlltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. BAND MUSIC, mimore Music House, 528 Elm St., Cln'tl, 0, BANNER8. 0. 8. Tent aod Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Deaplalnea BOOK AND ROYALTY PLAYS. Bennett's Dramatic Exchange, 59 Dearborn at.. Chicago. BOOKING AGENTS. Ted Sparks' Vaudeville Circuit, Century Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. BUILDERS OF RIDING DEVICES. Construction Co., Rockefeller BURNT CORK. "I Co., 120 W. 31st St.. N. Y. C. CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-H ydro ge n Oas Manufacturers Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., 108 4tb, Cln'tl. Erker Bros.. 004 Olive St.. nt. Louis. Mo. pmsburg Calcium Light A^Fllm Co.^ Pmsburg, coin. Neb.: Cincinnati. O.; Omaba. Neb.'; and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. St. Louis Calcium Light Co., 516 Elm St. Louis, Mo. Western^ Calcium^ Light Works, CALLIOPES. at Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Cleve- land, 0. S. Seboen A Son, 60 Ann at.. New York City. Shryoek Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th St., St. Louis, Mo. N. Sbure Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. Weatem Bargain House. 272 B. Madison, Ch'go. CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. H. Haliberg. 36 E. 23d St.. New York City. CAROUSELS. O. A. Dentxel, 3641 Gennsntown are.. Phils. Herscbell-Splllmsn Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. C. W. Parker, Abilene. Kan. CARS (R. R.) Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Monadno Chicago, ill. Hicks Locomotive and Car Works, 277 St. Cblcsgo, III. Southern Iron A Equipment Co., 217-19 CASH REGISTERS (2nd HAND). Queen City Bk. * Second-Hand Caab Register Co., 615 Vine at., Cincinnati, O." CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS ledo, O. CIGARS. u cK ta * 1222 24 °* * K *°~ CIRCUS SI New and H. S. Tent & Awn. Co.. 22-28 N. St., Chicago. CIRCUS WAGONS. Sullivan * Eagle, 15 Canal St., Pern, tad. CLOWN WHITE. Ic Co.. 120 W. 31at St., N. Y. O. COASTERS. Paul D. Howae, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. COLD CREAM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st at.,' N. Y. C. COMEDY BOOKS. Madison's Budget No. 12, fl; 1404 3d are.. New COMPEN8ARC Fort Wayne Electric Works. Fort Wayne. Ind. CONES. P. £* Tamil Wg M Co'' S 2« , Kinrie!Tuc«o. CONE MACHINERY. Turnbull Mfg. Co.. 460 N. Market Place, Co- lumbus, 0. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES.' A. T. Diets. 127 Michigan St.. Toledo. O. W. Z. Long,, 172 High St., Springfield, 0. CONFECTIONS. Bueckhelm Bros. ft Eckstein, Harrison ft Peoria, CONFETTI. Wm. B. Johnson. 80 Pike at., Seattle, Wash Bndolph Bros.. 520 S. 5tb St., Philadelphia, Ps. si . Louis Confetti Co., 2 8. Commercial at.. ; St. units, Wcatern Bargain House. 272 E. Madison. Ch'go. CORN POPPER8. W. Z. Long, 172 High St., Springfield. O. COSTUMES. Carnival Costume Co., 267-269 W. Water St., Milwaukee. Wis. Frits Schonltx * Co.. 75-77 E. Lake St.. Chicago. CURTAIN COATING FOR MOVING PICTURE CURTAINS. Worthlorton Scenic Studio. 100 E. Joseph at.. Consolidated . Gregory^ Fl DEC0RAT0R8. A Son Co.. 10-12 Garfield Place. Cin- cinnati, O. ELECTRIC FANS. J. H. Haliberg. 36 E. 23d at-. New York City. ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS. Chas. A. strcilngcr Co., Detroit, Mich. ELECTRIC STAGE EFFECT8. Jos. Mencben, 360 W. 50th st. N. Y. C. Universal Elec. Stage Lighting Co.. 1393 Broad- way. New York City. EYE BROW PENCIL8. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 81st St.. N. Y. C. FACE POWDER. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st St., N. Y. 0. FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt Sisters. 147 W. 4«th at,. Chicago. HL T. O. Mott, 415 Dearborn St., Cblcsgo. 111. FELT PENNANTS. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co., 37 Great Jones St., New York City. FESTOONING. National Tissue Mfg. Co.. 305-307 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. FILMS. Manufacturers, Sealers in and Rental Bureaus. American Film Brokers, 157 4tb ave.. New York. Amer. Film Service, 77 8. Clark at., Cblcsgo. Amu. Film Service. 158 N. Main at., Memphis. Anti-Trust Film Co., 77 8. Clark St., Cblcsgo. Chicago Film Exchange. 46 Jackson Bird., Chi- cago; Omaha; Denver; Salt Lake City; San Francisco. Cincinnati Film Exchange. 317 W. 4th at. Cln'tl. H. Davis, Watertown. Wis. Dixie Film Exchange. Owenaboro, Ky. Edison Mfg. Co., 10 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. and Orange, N. J. J. H. Haliberg, 36 E. 23d St.. New York City. H. * H. Film Service. 360 Monadnock Block, Flushing, L. L, Not. Mot. Pic. Co., 422 Turk at., San Francisco. Ohio Film Exch.. 40 S. Third St.. Columbua, 0. Patbe Cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th at.. N. Pmsburg Calcium Light ft Film Co., Pittsburg, Ps.; Des Moines, Is.; Rochester, N. Y.i Lin- coln, Neb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha. Neb.; Wllkes-Barre, Pa. .,, Southern Film Exchange, 17 Opera Place, Gln tl. South. Film Exch.. 245 Main St.. Norfolk. Va. Standard Film Exch.. 161 Washington at., CJ 1 go. Spoor. Geo. K., 62 N. Clark St.. Chicago, 111. Swanson Crawford Film Exch.. 1041-5 Locust St., St. Louis Mo.; Louisville, Ky.; New Orleans. La. TJ. S. Film Exchange. 81 S. Clark st., Chicago. United States Film Brokers and Importers, 41 Union Square. New York City. FILM CEMENT MANUFACTURERS. Atlas Sopply Co.. Manayunk. Philadelphia. Ps. J. H. Haliberg, 36 E. 23d St., New York City. FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS. The Antlpyros Co.. 170 Greene St.. N. Y. C. FIREWORKS. [*.w«rka Co.. Beading, O. ... 115 Dearborn St., Ch'go. 32 Park Place. N. Y. C. tady Fireworks Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. Co.. Trenton, N. J. FLAGS. Bndolph Bros., 620 S. 6th St.. Philadelphia Pa. U. 8. Tent and Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Desplalnea St., Chicago. FLOOR 8URFACING MACHINES. M. L. Schlneter. 103 S. Canal St., Chicago. FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. S. Bower, 117 Harman st, Brooklyn, N. Y. GAMING DEVICES. Spindles, Club House Fxrnitnra, Etc. Charlo« A Co., 887 Tin as*.. Sew York City. H. C. Evans ft Co., 102 Van Buren at., Chicago. GASOLINE BURNERS. W. Z. Long. 172 High St. Springfield, 0. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Mako-Up Boxes, Cold Cream, Etc. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slat St.. N. Y. C. HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Osks Novelty Co.. Osbkosb, Wis. HARNESS. Plumes and Trappings for Circus and Using Tjse. Edward Elcke, 157 Cansl st.. N. Y. 0. Scbsembs Plume Co., 612 Metropolitan Brooklyn, N. Y. ICE CREAM DISHERS. Kingery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES. W. H. Barton. Gordon, Neb. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Taklto, Ogawa & Co., 166 E. Lake St.. Chicago. JEWELRY. For Stage Use. Bennett Jewelry Co., 1645 N. 10th st. Phils. R. E. Dodge & Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago. N. Shnre Co.. 220 Madison St., Chicago. Shryoek Todd Co., 824 N. 8th St.. St. Louis. Mo. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Western Bsrgain House, 272 E. Msdlaon, Ch'go. JUGGLERS' GOODS. r. Van Wyck, 1665 Pnllan are., Cincinnati. KNIVE8. Cleveland Cane Co.. Cleveland. O. Goldberg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6th St., Kansss City, Mo. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve- land, O. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Harry L. Wetabsum. 242. E. Madison st. Ob'go. Eaa^^m,^. i™* mo. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRROR8. J. M Naugbton, Hotel Mayer Bldg.. Peoria. IU. LIGHTS. Torches, for Circus and Tent Shows. Bolte * Weyer. 8 E. Michigan at.. Chicago. III. U. 8. Tent and Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Desplalnea at, Chicago. Windhorst A Co. K MAGIC LANTERNS. 8 tarsal? ti cons. Etc. C. X. Stebbtna. 1028 Main at., Kanaaa City, Mo. MAGICAL 8UPPLIE8 AND 8CH00L. Bamberg Magte and Novelty Co.. 1193 Broadway. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMU8EMENT DEVICES. American Box Ball Co., 1260 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. Harbach ft Co., H. * H. Film Chicago, III. C. B. Klelne. 602 6th ave.. New York City. Laemmle Film Service, 196 Lake at.. Chicago; Evansvllle, Ind.; Memphis, Tens.; Omaha, Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis, Mum.; Portland, Ore.; Montreal. Que., Can.; Winni- peg, Man., Can. 9. Lnbln. 926 Market St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Magnetic Film Service, Cincinnati, 0. Nicholas Power Co., 115. Nassau St., N. Y. C. Pathe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 25th at., N. Y. C. Pittsburg Calcium Light * Film Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.; Des Moines, la.; Rochester. N. Y. ; Lin- coin. Neb.; Cincinnati, 0.; Omaha, Neb.; Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Bberbard Schneider. 109 E. 12th St.. N. Y. C. South, Film Excb., 245 Main at., Norfolk, Va. Stebblna, Chas. M., 1028 Main st, Kansas City, Mo. Standard Film Exch., 161 Washington at.. Chi- cago. Swanson Crawford Film Exch., 1041-5 Locust at.. St. Louis, Mo.: Louisville. Ky.; New Or- U. U S?*FUm' Exch.. 81 8. Clark St., Chicago. MU8ICAL GLA88E8. I. Brsunelss, 494 Flstbusb. Brooklyn. N. Y. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lyon * Hesly, 206 Wsb North Tonawanda Musical aawanda^N. ~ nose" putty. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. C. NOVELTIES. Coe. Yonge A Co.. 905 Lucaa are., St. Louis, Goldberg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6th st, Kansas City, Mo. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 37 Great Jones at.. New York City. T. 0. Mott. 415 Dearborn at.. Chicago, 111. Rudolph Bros., 620 S. 5th St.. Philadelphia., N. Sbure Co.. 220 Madison at.. Cblcsgo. Shrvock-Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th at., St. Loull. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. St. Louis Confetti Co.. 12 8. Commercial at., St. Louis. Mo. ■ Strauss Mfg. Co., 355 Broadway, New York City. United Novelty Co.. 305K 6th are.. N. Y. C. Western Bargain House. 272 East Madison. CMc "°- OPERA CHAIRS. American Besting 1 A. H. Andrews. 174 Carole Goudle Mfg. Co., CANES AND WHIPS. Cane Co.. Cleveland. O. Co., 122 B. 4th. Cincinnati. New York Chicago. 111. Gaumont Co., Congress are.. NY S. Lnbln. 926 Market at. Philadelphia. Ps. Laemmle Film Service. 196 Lake St.. Chi' Bvanavllle, Ind.; Neb.; Salt Lake City; Portland, Ore.; Montreal, iK&e« Iblcago; Omaha, nn. Inur are., N. Y. City. aaa City. Mo. New York City. N. Y. IUU JKUBfJul avla IUU* MfdV* SaS^fiSi Herscbell-SplUmsn Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. W. F. Mangels Co.. Coney Island. N. Y. C. W. Parker. Abilene. Kansas. A. J. Smith, 8247 W. Van Boren St.. Chicago. Wm. Wnrfflrln. 208 N. 2d at, Philadelphia, Pa. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGAN8 AND ORCHE8TRION8. Rudolph Wu"Jritxer*C W *Clncln" e tY ."'"Scsgo. MILITARY GOOD8 FROM GOVERN- MENT AUCTION. Franela Bannerman. 601 Broadway, N. Y. C. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE8. American Film Brokers, 157 4th ave.. New York. American Vltagrapb Co., 116 Nasssu at.. New York City. Amer. Film Service, 77 8. Clark st, Cblcsgo. Amer. Film Service, 158 N. Main at.. Memphis. Anti-Trust Film Co., 77 8. Clark St., Cblcsgo. Cincinnati Buckeye Film Exch., 317 W. 4th st„ Cincinnati. I^SvJr; 4 8a't C Lake B CitT; San 10 Fifth ave., N. Y. C, and ingress are., Flushing, L. I., Haliberg, 36 E. 23d St.. New York City. Cblcsgo Fll csgo; On Francisco. Edison Mfg. Co. Orange, N. J. Gaumont Co., 4 J. N li. Y - J. H. Haliberg. 36 E. 23d at.. . A. K. Mlluer Seating Co.. New Philadelphia. O. Royal Metal Mfg. Co., 1821 Dearborn St., Chi cago. B. it Stafford Mfg. Co., Chicago. Steel Furniture Co., Grand Beplda, Mich. ORANGEADE. ORGAN8 AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. Bath, Abilene. Kan. A. Bernl. 220 W. 14th at. New York City, csvioii A Co., 31 Bond at. New York City. Johannes 8. Oebhardt Co., 3024 Lawrence St.. Philadelphia. Ps. Lyon & Hesly. 206 Wabaab are., Chicago, 1U. John Muxslo A Son. 178 Park Bow, N. Y. C. North Tonawanda Mnaleal Instrument Works. North Tonawanda. N. Y. Rudolph Wnrlltxer Co., Cincinnati sod PAPIER MACHE. American Decoratlne. Co., 1400 B. ^*Sijfc wu k '' PARK BUILDER8. D. Howas, 167 Dearborn at.. Chicago. PATENT8 8ECURED. Victor J. Brans ft Co., Wsshiogtoo. D. C. PEANUT8. ALL VARIETIE8, WHOLESALE. S 'p«t.bS" , °pi P * Bn * 22Dd PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY. Kingery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. PENNANTS. Nadel ft 8blmtnel, 144 Park Bow. N. Y. City. PERFORATED MU8IC. For Eleotrlo Pianos. 0. B. Music Co.. 2880 W. Lake St., Chicago. PHOTO BUTTON MACHINES.. St., Chicago. _„ _ ._ Chicago Ferrotype Co., Ferrotype Bldg.. Ob go. Nat l Photo Machine Co.. 80 Besver at., N. Y. C. N. Y. Ferrotype Co.. 168H Delancey st, N. I. W. 'sT'Monntford. 100 Maiden Lane, N. Y. C. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Yonng ft Carl, N. W. cor. 7th and Vine st*.. Ctnclnnstl, O. PLAY8 AND M88. Sealera in. Authors, Agents and Broken. Dick ft FItsgerald. 223 Ann st. New York City. Adolph B. Helm, 306 Foster Bldg., Milwaukee. POPCORN. Rradsbaw Co., 280 Orccnwti Dlrnblrger Popcorn Co. Garden City Popcorn Wks. Rnckbelm Bros. A Eckstein oris its., Chlcsgo. POPCORN MACHINES, ong. 172 High at., Sprlngfleld. a PORCUPINES. H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. PORTABLE PIANOS. The Columbua Piano Co., Colnmbos, o. PO8T CARDS FOR MACHINES. Da^dark Spwlalty Co.. 603 Temple Bldg.. 8 iwlcb St., N. Y. City. 185 Seneca st.. Buffalo, is.. 40 State at.. Ch'go. teto. Harrison and Ps- DECEMBER 24, 1010. The Billboard 43 Of Plot* rill PHtm, Bis Type f, Etc. PRINTERS. Strwntn, AckermannQulgley Lltbo. Co., Kanaaa Cltr. Mo. American Show Prlnt^Co., Milwaukee. Win. ^Sr1 W \VUmMi.°^8 e '^merc«' it.. Dtllu, Tex. PRINTERS. Letter Head., Contract* and Pro- Church Printing Co.. 416 Elm at.. Cincinnati, O. RACING COA8TER BUILDER8. UeKay Conatructlon Co., Rockefeller Building. Cleveland. O. ROLL TICKETS. National Roll Ticket Co.. Sbamokln. Pa. Royal Ticket Co.. Sbamokln. Pa. ROUGE. M. Stein CoameUc Co.. 120 W. 3Iat at.. N. Y. C. 8CENIC PAINTER8. And Dealerm in Scenery, Etc. Eugene Cox. 1538 Van Bnrcn at.. Chicago. Enkeboll Art Co. 8306 N. 27th at.. Omaha. Neb. John Berfurth, 2183 Boone at.. Cincinnati. O. New York Studio*. 1004 Time* Bide. N. Y. C. Sehell> Scenic Studio. 330 Sycamore at.. Oo- Soimin i Landls Co., 417 8. Clinton. Chicago. Tooni-y * Vollind Scenic Co.. 2312 Market it.. Howard Tattler" 1202 Center at., Milwaukee. W "' 8CENIC RAILWAYS. Panl D. nowae, 107 Dearborn at., Chicago. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Exchange. Owenaboro. Ky. ■-PLAYING PIANOS. no Player Co., Kanaaa City. Mo. . 206 Wabaab in., Chicago. 1U. nrlltxer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. B. Uulc Co., 2930 W. Lake it., Chicago. SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamond Novelty Co., Schenectady, N. T. E. E. Hippie. 800 Vine at.. Philadelphia. Pa. E. H. Huffman * Son, 642 Jackaon Bird.. Ch'go. W. P. Mangela Co., Coney laland, N. T. C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. A. JT. Smith, 3247 W. Van Buren at.. Chicago. J. J. MrCnlloogb, Sheridan's Walk, Coney la- land. N. Y. Wm. Worffieln. 208 N. 2d it., Philadelphia, Pa. 8H0W PRINTERS. Calhoun Show Print Co., 3M Aaylom at.. Hart- ford, Conn. Boney Show Print, Liberty A Logan ita.. Cin- cinnati, O. 8IDE 8HOW PAINTINGS. 8. Bock. 728 Blue laland are.. Chicago. IU. DeMoolln Broe. * Co., Greenville. III. Knkeboll Art Co., 6309 N. 27th at., Omaha, Neb. B. J, Harden A Co., 100 Broadway, Brooklyn. TJ. 8. Tent * Awn. Co., 22-28 K. Deeplalne* at., Chicago, 8IDE 8HOW 8UPPLIE8. Wm. Nelson. North Cambridge, SKATES. American Roller Rink Supply Co.. Sandnaky, 0, Chicago Roller 8kate Co.. 11 at a 'Hen'"*\lcnmond Ind Samuel ^°neTow R r£m°a>.! 1 ' 8LOT MACHINES. Manufacturers of and Deal era In. Diamond Novelty Co.. Sebenectadr, N. X. A. J. Fisher At Co., 434 2d are.. Plttabnrg. Pa. Lyon A- Healy, 206 Wabaab ave., Chicago, 111. Hills Novelty Co.. Chicago. III. V. 8. Music Co.. 2930 w. Lake at.. Chicago. Rudolph Wnriltser Co., Cincinnati 4k Cblcago. 8L0T MACHINE SUBSTITUTES. nlaha Co.. 1012 Main at.. Anderson. Ind. 8NAKE DEALERS. W. O'Dell Learn, San Antonio. Tax. Armstrong Snake Co.. San Antonio. Tea. Bwwns»IHe Snake rarm. Box 278, Brownsville. SONG BOOKS. SONG 3LIDES. Tor ninatratad Song.. rilm Exchange. 48. Jackaon Bird., Chi- cago; Omaha: Denrer; Salt Lake City; San Franclaco. H. A H. rilm Chicago, 1U. EranaTllle, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn. : Omaha, Neb.: Salt Lake City: Minneapolis, Minn.; Portland, Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; ~ peg, Man., Can. Lake Shore Film * Supply Co.. 814 at.. Cleveland. O. Levi Co., Inc., 24 Union square, New York City. Novelty Slide Co.. 221 E. 53d at., N. Y. City. S. Lubfn. 028 Market at.. Philadelphia. Swauson-Crawford Film Exch.. 1041-3 Locuat at.. St. Louis, Mo.; Louisville, Ky.; New Or- leans, La. 8PECIAL 8LIDE8. For All Purposes. The Brayton Mfg. Co.. 77-70 S. Clark at.. Ch'go. SPECTACLE8 AND EYE-GLASSES. Low-Priced. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery. New York City. 8PIRIT GUM. M. Stein Coametlc Co., 120 W. Slat at.. N. X. 0. 8TAGE HARDWARE. J. It. Clancy, 247 Sallna it., Syracuaa, N. X. STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. J. H. Hallberg. 30 E. 23d at., N Joa. Meochen Electric Co., 300 New Xork City. STREET MEN'S SUPPLIE8. For Fair ~ ITmS.. 8 Chicago. Goldberg Jewelry Co., ill W. oth at., Kanaaa City. Mo. Gordon * Morrlaoa, 100-201 E. Madlaon Ch'go.. Goldsmith Toy Imp. Co., 122 E, 4th. Cincinnati. Holiday Norelty Mfg. Co.. 37 Great Jonea at.. New York City. LeTtn Bras., Terrs Newman Mfg. Co., land, O. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th at.. St. Lonia, Mo. N. Shore Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago. L. L. Young Co., 88 Cornhlli. Boa ton. Mass. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, N. Y. C. Slack Mfg. Co., 126 frank] yn at., Chicago. Harry Welabaom, 258 Madlaon at., Chicago, IU. Western Bargain Home. 272 E. Madison. Ch'go. Yost * Co.. 000 Filbert at., Philadelphia. Ps. TALKING PICTURE MACHINE8. Gaomont Co., Congress are.. Flushing, L. I., TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Edw. E. Brown. 115 Main at., Aurora. 111. TENTS). Baker A Loekwood, 7th A Wyandotte ata., Kan- aaa City, Mo. Columbua Tent and Awn. Co.. Columbus. O. Csmle-Goodle Co., 807 Delaware at.. Kanaaa City. Mo. Dougherty Bros.' Tent Co.. 108 8. Main aL. 8L Louie, Mo. ave., Clete- ■t., D. ^i.°Kerr*M ( fg'.' Co.T'ioOT*'.?.' Chlcsgo. Murray A Co., Inc., 040 Meridian at.. Chicago. Thomaon * Vaodlveer, 810 H. Pearl, Cincinnati. "at 8- ^ Ch B |cago AWnln, 22 28 D*«P 1 » lnM THEATRxTfroNTS AND CEILINGS THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND WIGS. Wm. Beck A Bona Co.. 10-12 Garfleld Place. Cin- clonatl, O. A. Forger. 821 Walnnt at., 8t. Louie, Mo. THEATRICAL INSURANCE EX- CHANGE. Jaa. B. Boge, 418 Electric Bldg., Cleveland, O. THEATRICAL LUMBER. John onilaple Lumber Co.. Lumber * Seward ata., Chicago, 111. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Slcgman A Well, 78 Wooater at., N. Y. City. TICKET CH0PPER8. H. V. Bright. Straws Bldg.. CleTelaad. O. TICKET PRINTERS. Arcua Ticket Co.. 800 Dearborn at.. Chicago. National Ticket Co.. Sbamokln. Pa. Reea Printing Co.. 10th A Harney ita, Omaha. uug \*v. t iwl «. - . — - , Press, 87 Albany it., Beaton. Mass. , Wllllama 4k Uck. Fort Smith. Ark. Wrldon, Wllllama A Lick. San Franclaco. Cat. TIGHT8. Slegman A Well, 78 Wooater at.. X. X. City. TOY BALLOONS. Frincli Frlcke. Bnrley, Wain. Naeella Bros.. 32 Atlantic are.. Boston. Masa Geo. A. Paturel, 41 Warren at.. New Xork City. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th at.. St. Louis. Mo. Singer Broa.. 82 Bowery. New York City. - Roose. 272 E. Madlaon. Ch'go. TRUNKS. Belber Trunk A Bag Co.. 1841 N. Hancock at., Phlla. B. B. * B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at., Plttabnrg. TURNSTILES. o. H. V. Bright, Strawn Bldg., Cleveland, UNIFORMS. Fourth at., Ch'go. De Moulin Bros. * Co., 1030 S. QreeoTllle. III. Western Uniform Co., 214 8. Clark at., VAUDEVILLE AG EN CI E8. Pacific Coaat Amusement Co., Bldg.. Seattle, Waah. Ted Sparks' Theatrical Exchange, Century Bldg., Kanaaa City, Mo. VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. 0. F. Ames. 217 E. 85th at.. New Xork City. WATCHES. at.. Chicago. Hi. 490 WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam's Pet and Wild Animal Store Washington at.. Buffalo. N. X. Lou la Rube, 248 Grand at.. New York City. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. T. O. Mott, 416 Dearborn at., Chicago, ill. SINGER WANTED A gentleman or lady linger (Or illustrated Bongs; must be flrat-claaa. also plain In pronunciations. No other need apply. Bute lowest aalary and it place of employment In first letter. Six mora weeks' engagement to right party. Ad dress PALACE THEATRE.!. Ps, _WANTED TRAP Moat be good effect man. State full particulars and give references. Ohl< Address TUX EXHIBIT. Colo LYCEUM COMEDY CO., (UNDER CANVAS), WANTS QUICK Sober Actors doubling brass; Plsnlst, Cornet, Clarinet, Tuna, Slide Trombone, Leader, Henry and loading Man capable of playing &L Elmo; Character and Heavy Woman. Addreaa AL. 8. EVAN1 Madison, lis., week IS; Live Oak. Pis., WANTED For the Blondin Show Clartooet, doable aecond Ttolln; Musical Team (man), tbat double stag* and ■nythinff In band; Leading Man and Comedian that doable braaa. Addreaa LEO BLONDIN, Globe. Ariaona. Wanted- -Black-face Comedian For Med. Show. If yon come on this show and yon drink, yon will ho closed without notice. only. Clyde. Kane. WANTED AT OHCX— For Widow McCarty Co., Trap Drummer and A-l Musicians. Mnst be sober. State lowest. Pay own. Pay own wlrea 23 weeks' work. Boonvllle, Mo., 22; Htgbee, 23; Olsagow. 24. COMEDIAN WANTED— Musical Comedian. Mon- okogtat. Dancer, Change. 915 week, or X23 for team. Moat be clean. Always open. MAJES- TIC THEATRE, Denton. Texas. ThU is our 75-cent Half-Ton-, or at 3x4 for $1. csvah with caret** Knox ville Engraving Co. 515 Bati Strait. KN0XV1LLE, TENH The game of "Sixteen Hundred" described aa an elaboration of Firs which in torn la a combination of I Bridge. Rot Sixteen Hundred la more, much mora, than a mere hodge-podge. It literally abounds In snares and pitfalls for the unwary, and consequently provokes no and of mirth and hilarity. It sppesls strongly Co the aklllful player also, for Its possibilities in the way of anbtla strete- giea and clever conn s are well n igh PRICE, TEST CEVTS. CHURCH PTG. CO. 411 Elm St., Cincinnati, O. OUft (>0$TCfikO -SAMPLES on Receipt or .v' ; eii!;: OUfi 75 CErlT HALFTONE. 3 x n Poultry^ Aaaocla- W1SC0NBIN Fort Atkli . tlon. Jan. 25-30. Claire Bol WYOMTBO Cheyenne — Grand Commandery Knlghta Temp- lars. April 5. A. J. Parsball, secy. Cheyenne— Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons. April 6. A. J. " SPOK ANE, WA8H. Alice Lloyd, the English comedienne, broke all records st the Orphenm Theatre, week of 4. on the night of December 8. The Elks bought out the bouse In ber honor. Miss Lloyd being the only woman Elk In the world. The theatre was decorated with elk beada over the boxes and the lights throughout the colon of the order, purple and wblte. Her songs almost caused a riot with the audience. At the end of ber act Mlaa Lloyd waa presented with a handsome bouquet of American Beauty roses. Mrs. George Bonce, sister of Tom McNangh- ton. who Is the husband of Alice Lloyd, arrived w »SgL"''° ^ n "^Hrr , .„ d Am C e 0 ric P ." -HI "SA^ wraiern cour. Her trip to America will be so exjMbence long remembered. As aha boarded tho Majestic at Qoeenstown, the English sutbor- Iters notified the American Immigration antbor- IBea that Etbel Leneve. former companion of Dr. Crtppen, had engaged passage on the Msles- tlc under an assumed name, and from the time Mrs. Bnnee boarded the big liner, she waa the object of suspicion to the crew sod passengers, and the climax came when the authorities at Ellis Island detained ber for boors ss s sus- picious character. The arrival of her vandevllle agent straightened out the tangle. DURHAM, N. C The Academy of Muale has been dark for t™ weoks. owing to the fact that almost all ?J . 1, t k ^ ,t,r .. ct,on • """if 1 n,d touaa 0T ""ought that this city was a dead one. but they were mistaken, as the little sttrsctlons hsvs Jumped In here sod tsken swsy first money. Sines the trouble with Klsw A Erlanger this boose haa been booking Independent shows, and tbey have about lost out altogether. I understand that commencing the first of the year tbe man agement Mr. J. ** rili" ^'..^ ^ B ° m pfi, will commence * , Sl n . w " 11 ,he . K ; * E - •hows, and we expect a better run of abowa and more good ones. It Is understood fbst Mr. 8. A. SchlOgS to get the boose bere. bat Mr. J." W." jSmSBS has s Jesse for ten yesrs, snd It will be Im- possible for Bcbloaa to get the bona" m M that lease expires. Lonls Cobn Is In town shaking bands wltb bis friends. He Is known ss tbe young fellow that played tbe leading role In all the shows st tbe Casino here this summer. £* £Z2^*z W5S5I !S •He commencing tbe first of He Is also figuring on atsrtlng out a lady mln strels some time in Jsnosry. Tbe management of the Arcade Theatre hers. Mr. 0. F. Wllkenon, hsa secured the greatest bill be bss ever played at his theatre for Xmaa week. This house playa tbe Norman JeBerler attractions of Philadelphia, and Jenerles has been sending him the beat of everything al- ways. Mr. Wllkenon hss Just sdded lots or touches to tbe tbestre. It waa built at a coat or S30.O0O, and tbe front la a beaoty, having about 375 lights. Tbe seating capacity is aoo. Tbe Edlsonla Theatre, a moving bouse, is a till dob ways runs three shown In tbe city. The John W. Cox Circuit baa just added two more weeks to Its wheel, snd they now hsvs a total of 21 weeka In all. Tbey play the acta leaving tbe Jefferles Urns down South. Stsr Course pot out by the RadcUSe Washington, are running their acts on They are all good. picture and al- ls LACKBURN RETAINS TlTLt, 23.) relying upon tbe difficulty In passing a man on the flfteen-lsp track of the Metropolitan Bisk. Blackbnrn seemed content to let Burke set the pace, and followed alsng s few ysrds la the rear, until tbe mile and a belt msrk bsd been psased, when be suddenly swooped down on hie younger rlvsl, snd before the letter wss aware of tbe fact had taken the lead. He beld on to this advantage until tbe ' Burke made severs! fore. Bleekbnrn about a yard. RINK finish, although >rts to regain the line a winner by Tbe rink at Garden City, Kan., Is now open, and Is doing good business, according to Man- agers Smith and Chapman. Skating attrac- tions are being booked at the sink. Alice Teddy, tbe roller abating bear, bar Just finished plsylng tbe Internets Circuit of Rinks for W. K. Oenno. of Erie. Ps. Cspt W. D. Ament baa opened tbe Temple Blnk In Jackson. Tenn., snd reports big bnal Martin W. Hod son has sll the at tbe Detroit Arena. Detroit. Mich. PARI8 LETTER. 18.) There appears to be considerable trouble be- tween rlvsl factions of the Bne d'Amsterdsrs Rink management, each claiming the right of control. There are rumors to tbe effect last the building bas been sold for circus purposes. I state the newa with all reserve. QOSSIPETTKS. Japanese wrestlers. Msssettl, lto-0. Ojkartio, and others, are drawing cards at the Casino a* The Shakespeare Tneat week wltb Le Songe d'l summer Night's Dreem) Bessie cisyton. Lois Selblnl and the sixteen "Blossom Girls." are bogs) blta at tbe Olym- pla In connection wltb the revue, Vive Parts) '' Cam ALL YOU iTEES to boy a complete outfit— Woo- J plat... »»•' ~. »5i 100: gilt frames. per gross. 500% PROF, trig. Write to-day foe FRCC CATALOOUK. Chios go IFenotjpeCe. Beit. Chios no. HI- All- Round Comedians Who CAN PUT ON and MAKE GO. aU the OLD- TIME N1QGER ACTS and FARCES. Perms nent city engagement. ONE PIECE A WEEK. NOT A MEDICINE BROW. A HEAL VAJDDJfj CAL LAN'S COMEDIANS Presenting Hlgh-olaee Vaudeville Want 8. and D. Comedian and Sonbrette. Sketch, Musical and Novelty Acta, Female Impersonator, Planlat. Man with M. P. machine and alms or att-reoptlcoo snd slides for songs, poses, etc. All chsnge for three nights. State everything and lowest salary. I nay expenses. Report Dec. 28; open Jsn. 2. F. AL. pearce. Gen. Del.. AO- bom, New York. HYPNOTIST WANTED— For 8 days, either tbe week before Christmas or wsek after Christmas. In rink bunding. Beating capacity about 600; population 6,005. Wire night letter. - terms. C. R. LeROY. Logan, W. Ya. ung lady or gentle- vaug ability, for lljjlj sketch for 1BU. A tumbler la also dWred. .Add. M. BLOOMOBBN. Gen. Del.. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED — To hear from man as partner, wltb FOR SALE — Moving Picture Theatre wltb small stsge; csp. 180. 140 opera chain. Fins loca- tion. Must sell qnlck or dismantle bouse, r™-' going on the road. Bargain: 8500 caab. B. J. P.. 88 B. 10th St.. Covington, Kr. DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 46 EXCEPTIONAL BILL. (Continued from page 0.) i, th< Mirrackt of toe Ftrtt Imperial Hoiuri. toe '» original and composed and sr- m- Jlr. Cbarlea Bertoo. Toe act went „n,l and Benton, who were the features of ,™ fllrl In tbe Taxi, presented a playlet, en- rjtled My Awful Dad. which went bff . The c ,st l.i aa rollowa: Aaonls Evergreen (Just •bout 45, young and rlRorous) V.- ""? Bond Hlchnrd (his eon) .Page Bpenser *. Carrie Wallace (a young widow)...... Fremont Benton Seme— Rlchard'a Office. Time — 10:30 In Ihe ""Fmnlre Comedy Four, which la an act de- serving of a position on the All-itar hill, met with big success at the opening performance Mondsv matinee. The comedy la rich and wholesome and the harmony la beautiful. Ml«» Annette Kellermann. the Diving Venna, who closed the bill, waa wonderful. Never be- fore on the American atage hare we witnessed inch • divine figure. Her diving and swimming act l« one of exceptional character. Miss Kel- lermano waa the first woman to attempt to swim aero** tbe Engllih Channel and the first woman that wis ever presented on tbe vaudeville atage In *nrb an act. She la Indeed worthy of the honor or holding a position on Tbe BlUbosrd's All-star bill. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. (Continued page 0.) Ballen and Hayes, tbe daffy dancing com- edians, did not go aa well at tbe Hall as they do In the smaller bouses where there are not so msny acts, Godlewsky troupe of Russian dancers, are very spproprtste for the opening position on the All-star BUI. Tbe art went well at the Hall. Vlollnsky, a wlsard at the piano and a genius on the violin, held one of the best positions on tbe program, that of next to doting the bill. Hla act. wblcb takes up but live minutes. Is short but sweet Indeed, and the audience cried for more but were refused. Wsrtenbrrg Brothers. European novelty acro- batic act. eloaed the bill. Next week we bave that young and energetic comedian. Carl McCullough. who will show th sodlenre st the Hall bow to alng Stop Stop. Stop, and will prove to them that It la the per- former that makes tbe song suggestive end not tbe lyrics or music. This song has been for- hldilrn by the police of t his city *nd as Mr. UcCullougb has proven to them the above state- ment he will probably be allowed to use It next week. James J. Morton, the boy comic: Maxlol and • dojt: next antic Bodhr. those clever acrobats, with their doer Limb's Manikins, and Charles A. Blgelow will be amonr the twenty-two acts to be seen nexl Sew YesVs Ere there will be two glgai abosrs. one it 7:30 and the other at 11:30. WITH THE BUSY VAUOE- VILLIANS. (Continued from page D.) Barry Langdon ha* drawn caricature* of Ktlfrr and Kline which be presented to them lsst week. Langdon end Kelfer and Kline were formerly with B. C. Whitney's The Show Qlrl. The Three Yoscarrya are playing Winnipeg tola week for William Morris, after a few weeks for the W. V. M. A. Tbe Majestic Theatre at Columhos. <;».. la booked by Roaalle Mackenfuas, of tbe Interstate offlce again tbla week. It waa previously booked by her but changed agenla for a abort three weeks. "Any newst" waa tbe Inquiry made of John Nub. or the Chicago Sullivan and Conaldloe offlce. last Thursday. "This msy Interest the public." be replied, banding over a report of Ihe show at tbe Hamllo Theatre the first half of laat week. Every act waa marked "extra good'* by the bouse manager and Nash smiled complacently while It was read. The acta were: Berman Lleb and Co.. In Dope; The Rlnsldos with their new act; Bliss Trio: Locaa and Fields: and the Burkbardt-Bervy Co. Helen Rhoda and Flo O'Kell bave Joined binds and are appearing In t neat little alng- log and talking act entitled The Cowboy Olrl and the Auto Lady. They will be known aa tbe Florenie Sisters. , Bert Collon It assisting Frank Q. Doyle until January 1. Frank Hunter Is again at work with hla new rsrtner. Sylow. They are playing S. and C. Circuit, and were In Cleveland. Ohio, last week Since Carl McCnllongh baa made auch a de- cided bit here In Chicago, tt might be suggested to him that be use Little Maid of Old Chicago. ;■ most of them have fallen In love with this handsome chap. The White Rata will bold a scamper _ on Tuesday. December 20. at their official hall In Chicago. Frank Koppelborgcr. manager of tbe Males tie Theatre at La Cross e . Wisconsin, has taken over the Crystal Theatre at Waterloo, Iowa, "■tilth It lo be booked by Sullivan and Cons! dine and which will open December 20. American Music nail of Omaha baa beer, taken over by Jack Bondy. He waa formerly uunager of the Majestic Theatre at St. Paul theatre will be hooked by Sullivan and line Const Circuit and will open January The t Conaid Miss Leona Pam recently tried out her new ael at Ihe Circle, using » number of exclusive songs written by Out Kahn and Orscc LeRoy. One of these entitled Hoop a Palsy, waa a posl- live Hot. This song looks like a big hit and '■us Kahn continues to smoke 25c clears on the strength of It. Godfrey and Henderson were compelled to at the President Theatre tlita week on account of the sudden Illness of Mrs. Godfrey. •Jim H. Rutherford and Company replaced 2Jt» and proved to be a great success. The William Morris office baa arranged several Allen Rnmmrrs It going Rtat Wider the r-etioB of Weber.. of Weber and Evans. the titled the di- ms haa~ donated to the United Charities of Chicago. 2.000 copies of popular music among which- It Little Maid of Old Chi- cago, with which Count de Beaufort made a decided hit at tbe American Music Hall. Mr. Sumner wants It thoroughly understood that It la not for prestige that he it doing thla, but solely on account of tbe needy ones In Chi- cago. Now that he It making a success of bla business he thlnkt tbe leaat be can do la to help some who need It. Ten or fifteen North Side debutantes wilt sell thla music In tbe of- flce buildings la thla city at 10c. a copy. Thla wUl swell the Charity Fund to 12,000,000. Ethel Swinaon waa married a week ago to Walter Horn, a professions! man who haa left the bnalneaa, and will enter Into • new field with hla fattier about January 1. Everybody wishes the couple happiness and success for tbe rest of their lives. Dave Tine, playing tbe Dntch comedian In Tbe Marathon Girls, states that be Intends to remain with the ahow tbe rest of the season bin voice gives ont completely. He hit hid ■ terrible time with It lo the past two or three weekt and on the program It states that Mr. Joe Friend haa taken hla place, which la a misprint. THE WHIRLWIND LAUDED. (Continued from page 8.) Aahtrm Stevens, of the Exsminer, used the following heeding: "The Whirlwind, French and frank. Bernstein drama better than 'Sam- ton;' starts where most 'Problems' stop." James O'Doonell Bennett, of the Record- Herald: "Is feeble In Invention and pointless In Its tppllcttlon as a criticism of life. Lack- ing the Ant attrlbote. it ftllt to sustain the interest of the auditor; lacking the aeeond. It falls to provide tbe element thst makes so sordid a tale endurable. Mlsa Illlngton enacted the role of the wife with abundant emotional prowess, and she haa made a marked gain in the command of repose." BERNHARDT IN MADAME X. (Continued from page 12.) through the courtroom aa they * announce her liberation, that veil waa Inseparable from the figure of tbe woman. . . Tbe court scene aa the crisis gave the wretched prisoner in the dock ber greatest opportunity In tbe conflicting motions which beset ber— horror of her husband, present to watch his son's first great caae, absorbing tenderness for the boy, from wbom she must gusrd the secret of . mother, and protest sgainst the taw which would condemn a tinner for the crime Inspired by ber one pure motive. But It was the cnmulstlve force of tbe portrayal which won the actress such Isstlng plaudits snd such tribute of tears. The Tribune wsa equally spontaneous In !ta apprvclatlve comments snd said: Muw. Bernhardt rises fully to tbe demands of tbe old. old situations In their new guise. It Is no difficult tssk for her. perhaps, to produce again tbe fitting tricks from that bag Oiled with the tttge experience of hair a century, but her performance la wonderfully effective, none the less. Ainsilngly realistic are ber at- titude and her look of blank bewilderment after the hit killed her lover, and thenceforth the rises from climax to climax, ending with a death acene that la not drawn from the bag, where, so many are stored, but Is worked up anew, with ghastly realism. The trial la a triumph of her silent Bernhardt sdded. laat -' of her virtuosity to From the Herald: The French actress hat a role In Ihe Blaton drama that la wonderfully anlted to her art and talents. She abstained from making tbe second act aa grewsome aa It baa been played here, rather tempering tbe portrayal of tbe ether drinking woman. Bnt tbe trial scene gave her the opportunity for wonderful emotional acting that brought tears to msny eyes. Mona. Msxodlsn aa tbe Fleurlot waa admir- able, and Mona. Lou Tellegen played Raymond with convincing boyishness. Mons. Deeoeur was artistically brutal aa Laroque, and all of Ihe other rolea were ably filled. ' In whatever language It la played. LaFemme Z It a gripping drama. The Sun remark! that Mme. Bernhardt a share In the sctlon of tbe play Is slight, so In qusu- tlty tbe audience has comparatively little of her. The quality of what she offered wss In- comparable, and ahe not only acted the aband- oned, hopeless mother very resllstlcally. but she looked the part so completely that there wss no necessity for the unconscious spology that some of her appearances have Irresistibly suggested. HISTORY OF LITHOGRAPHY. hand press snd a few stones. He, shortly after commencing business In Clnelnnstl. aa- aoelated himself with Mr. E. C. Mlddleton, of the firm of Mlddleton. Wallace and Company, now the Strobrldge Lithographic Company. Thlt comninv speedily came to the front as one of the largeat In the West, and soon acquired the reputation of doing tbe very finest work, and tbla reputation they have preserved up to ,b In P, W5. t tS' writer became an apprentice In the old firm of Mlddleton. Wallace and Com- pany, and was fortunate In being assigned to a press next to one being run by an old gen- tleman hy the name of Fabroulus. who was a relstlve of Senefelder. and who had worked for 8enefelder. and wit one of the oldest printers at that time. A kindly old gentle- msn. a good mechanic, aod my recollections of him are of the plesssntest usture. ss he related to me many Instances connected with the bualness. especlslly the wages which lith- ographic printers msde In London during the fortlca, when color printing came Into use. snd when lithographic prlntera could make W0.00 a week, which was an enormous salary In those d *In' 1883, the writer established the firm of Donaldson * Elms— now the Donaldson Litho- and bss continued In the present time. During this i become wonderfully de- vrorld. In 1873. tbe Tuchfsrber Company, who were tbe pioneers In the manufacture of metal, glaaa and wood tlgna by tbe decelcomanla pro- cess (Mr. Tuchfsrber being the originator of this clsss of work), commenced business. The steam press first csmo Into existence In tbe sixties, tho Hughes and Klmber preites bnt they gave way to the Potter press, man- rtftctnred In this country, and afterwards *tbe Hoe press became the favorite. The output of one of our Improved presses to-day la greater than the output of tbe entire plant of the largest establishment in Cincin- nati in 1808. United States Lithographing Company, Company, la nnatl. They now the largeat plant In _ have made a fine reputation for good work, and their trade covers practically tho United States. One of the latest proceesee In lithography la tbe Heuhner-Blelsteln patent — not yet in use. Mr. Blelateln It dome the most wonderful work accomplished In lithography up to the present time. His transfers are made entirely by photographic process, and bla work equals the On est three-color process work. It would teem that hla la the crowning Invention in lithography np to tbe present time. In conclusion, I would a ay thst In crossing the ocean tome yean ago, I met Mr. John M. Wright, a missionary from Persia, who told me that In Persia, nearly all documents and much of their printing waa done entirely by lithography, and he thst be had seen documents produced by lithography which he thought sntedsted the birth of Senefelder. If he wat correct In thlt, It would teem to prove the oM saying, that. "There it nothing new under tbe sun." Mr. Wright seemed to be very positive in his recollections of what be had teen. H EARD ON BROADWAY. (Continued from page 12.) Mr. Arturo Toacaulnl. Italian musical director of the Metropolitan Opera Company, received a telegram from Paris signed jointly by De- bussy snd D'AnnunxIo, stating that they were working together on an opera bssed upon the martyrdom of St. Sebastian, and that tbey looked to him as the musical director of their choice to preside st Its premiere. The Sboberts bars engsged Cbsrles Cherry for the role of Duke Serglnt In their produc- tion of The Balkan Princess, which la now in rehearsal. Mr. Cherry last season appeared In The Spitfire, st the Lyceum Theatre, snd the season before under the Shubert management, was tbe stsr of The Bschelor. Howard Katabrook Frank Sheridan, Emily Stevens and Ruth Benson hsve been engaged for The Boat, In which William A. Brady will present Holbrook Bllnn before the close of the month. MIRROR Ferrotype Plates are ALL We Guarantee every one of them t o make Good Picturee o r Money Re- funded and the Price is Right. Send for FREE Sample Package and 1911 Price List. Til iOUITFORD MFG. WORKS. I-T. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR BANNERS with frame on top and tassel on bottom, also calendars at- tached, slle TxlB, with sliver lettering, are the fastest sell- ing novelties for t thlt yetr. Price p- 15.00. Sell for 15c an each. Christmas catl With latest decoration ties mailed free. —J THE— HOLIDAY I01ELTT UFO. CO. Dopt. D,37are.tJon.tSt. rYorK, N.Y . If You S*m It In The BlUbotrd, Tell Them So. -FOR- MILLER BROS.' AND EDWARD 101 RANCH WILD WEST FOR SEASON 1911 People in All Departments • Billposters snd Lithographers address Paul W. Barren. Mgr. Car No. 1. Edenton, N. C. Excursion Billposters address John D. Carey, 1ST Btyoei it., Buffalo, N. V. Banner Men address Joe Rosenthal. Mgr. Car No. 3. 001 Ttmea Bide.. New York. Press Agents address W. E. Burlock, 601 Times Bldg., New York. Bonte Riders, Checker-up, Mailing Agents and Progriimniera sddress Geo. B. Degnon, Gen. urslon Agent. 213 West 26th 8L. New York. All others for the advance sddress Edward Arlington, 8303 13th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Arena People address J. C. Miller, Bliss, Oklahoma. Freaks, Working Acts, Oriental Dancers. Electric Lady, Side Show and Concert People of every description address George V. Connor, Chllllcothe, Ohio. Cook Tent People address Arthur Davis, Caterer. Wlnterqusrter*. Psaaalc. N. J. Canvasmen and Seat Men address Ed. Lacey, Supt. Canvaa, Wlnterquarters, Passslc. N J. Side Show Canvasmen address Harlan Hall, Supt. Canvaa, Wlnterquarters, Passaic. N. J. Train Men address Darwin C. Bawn. Supt. Transportation. Wmterqnartere. Paaaaic N. J. Drivers, Helpers snd Grooms sddress Wm. Fbrkner. Snpt. Stock, Wlnterqnsrters. Pss- salc. ft, J. F » Gil S L SI I Ca Wtot uart Pa I N J Chicago, III. WANTED — Calliope Player. Ticket Sellers, first -els as, sober, reliable, to run privilege car. No boose or gambling on car — snd all others -ADO GEORGE ARLINGTON, 8405 13th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. DOWNIE & WHEELER'S WORLD'S BEST SHOWS WANT SIDE SHOW MANAGER with several good acta for Inside; one who can make strong, convincing openings; man snd wife preferred. SENSATIONAL ACT FOR OUTSIDE, STRONG Men to pull sgalnat horses, doing other acta. Versatile People for Ring, Side 8bow and Concert, email Colored Band that can sing snd dance. Solicitor for Elephant and Camel Banners. TRAIN- MASTER, BOSS HOSTLER, BOSS CANY ASM AN. Address Oxford, Pa., or Medina, N. X. MACY AND MATTHEWS NEW OLYMPIC SHOWS Lnrerne, Ala..- week Dee. 19; Elba, Ala., week Dee. 28; on streets. We carry eight piece uni- formed band and free acta. Florida all winter. Can place Plantation or any good Snow. LegKl- mate Concessions. SEND YOUR ROUTE TO 46 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE LIST Small Town Nickelodeons in the United States Data for Which Has Been Gathered for Billboard Readers— Additions Will Be Made from Time to Time IDAHO Blackfoot — Isls Theatre; W. H. Kestner. Boise— Lyric, 7th and Main sts.; H. Kaiser, Caldwell— The Scenic; Holdennan * Cur. The Magic; Idaho Amass. Co., Main at. Ooanr d'Alene— Majestic Theatre: D. E. York. ■Lyric Theatre; Edmnndson A Paine, 2d at. Emmett — Electric; F. A. Larkln. Faystte — Edison Theatre. H. H. Sparks. Electric Theatre. E. H. Ford * Co. Soodlng— Arcade Theatre; Clarence Van Deosea, Arcade Bldg. Gooding — F. T. Turner. Halley — Star Theatre; A. 1 Ballsy — Elite; Thorns A Snarp, mgra. Idaho Falls — Joe George. Broadway Theatre; Scenic Amuse. Co., R. ^BVaagnsr. Star Theatre; R- A. Waagner, Park are. larwtston— Flaming Arc: S. S. Taylor, mgr. Theatorlmn. 630 Main St.; E. M. ' mgr. Mslad— Jedd Jones, Jr. , . _ Kdntpaller— Family Theatre; Blnehart 4 Tboo- tfaacow— Crystal Palace; Moscow Electric Sop. Co. Hampa— Orphenm Theatre: C. F. Knater ft Co. Unique Theatre: B. H. Ford. Mala st. .. II am pa — Crystal .Theatre. C K. Koster * Co. Kysaa— Theatre; Pound* A HfJmer, mgrs. Embree A McDonald. last week.) Christopher — Electric Theatre; W. H. Pease, N. W. cor. Market and Viator ate. Christopher Holder A Joseph. Clinton— M Theatre; OF. W. Meyera. D. S. Prerton— Novelty Theatre. Eaxuuxg 165 X. 'SOTtlu jinasuv. .. -Electric Theatre; C A. Trlskrli. Main and Center sts. St. Anthony — Grand Theatre: B. F. P nlhsm. Opera House; IVmlry A Kingsbury. it Anthony — Fred Spanldlng. ■jjsjjssj city — Scenic Theatre; ' one — Ttteatorlam. A. F. City— O. D. Klrby. - [ Theatre. Bex Theatre Co. __stre; A. B. And) Theatre; &alllvan estre. numbers A rmHora Albion — McManaman A Alado— S. T. Ash. W. T. Areola— Areola Theatre; A. Aaanmptton— New Central; Mrs. I. Mclntlr.. Assumption— B. W. Bight. Aarora — Palace: Frank Thlelen. mgr. Majestic, Brick A Lnckner. mgra. Aarora— Genera Theatre; A. Schumann, mgr. Barry — Wars A Hess. aUtsTis— The Odeon; J. Odentnal. 10 w. WI1 •an at. "Kg e Theatre: tavla stsl Bland; C. «0B K. Main at. BalTldere — Majestic, S. Tabor ft Babcock, a Banld— Hill ft Tentoo. ■aafrm Oayety Tbestrs: ft Locust St..; Blaomlngton -Nickel W. Front st. _. Washington. Colonial; Wm. Peterson. . Main St-: Out Strickle. J. Q. GeselL US 426 N. Main. 410 N. Main. Msdlson st. /Haln St-: Ony Strickle, mgr.. 410 K / Scenic: Chris. Jsckson. 304 N. Slid I Bradford— Otla Braldwood— Lycrnm _ Bridgeport — E. H. Grove. ■ " teport— BIJoa Theatre. er inn — M. F. ft F. B. Booalnger. mell— Dreamland Theatre: Jackson ft Web- ber, mgra.. Cor. Hurst ft Crawford sts. flairs — Theatre: Moors A Jsckson. mgra.; Stoae Bros.' Bldg. o— Paths Theatre. Ed. p. Fltxgerald. ton — Empire. 25 S. Main at: J. C. SUver- nall. mgr. Dreamland. 153 N. Main at.: John Lekey. mgr. Oarbondale— Ark Theatre; Yerby Land, 240 8. Weat at. Oarbondale — Casino Theatre. Csslno Theatre Co. Carriers Mills — Simpson A Parrel]. Osrllnvllle — City Opera Home; 0. E. McKeoo. B. Broad st. Oarlyle — Electric Theatre: W. 8. Avery. Electric Theatre: 0. W. Robinson. Carml— Fire-Cent Show; J. DIeti, Walnut at. Canal — Electric Theatre. Archer A TTellner. Carroll too — Electric Theatre. J. M. Block. OartsTrllle — Csslno Theatre; A. DelavUee, Main 8 pence. Orphenm, 10 S. Jasper at. Grand Opera Hoase M. P. Theatre; O. K. Spoor Co.. Inc. Tarsi ty Theatre; H. Konhorst, 121 W. Brad Lyric Theatre; F. Wilson, N. Locust St. Casino Theatre; F. L. Canine. 110 8. Locust •treat. : • - - Oaasnpalgn— Theatre, SO N. NeU at ; L a Mathews, mgr. OaandJervfllr — Theatre: Wm. C. Hopper, mgr. Oaarrisatoo— Colonial Theatre; S. W. McClelland. ty — BIJoa Theatre; C. Jenkins, Scenic Theatre; E. 8c htm an die. Wchea^MoTtog Picture Show; R. O. "SSSE The,tre! rot " tJ - 044 Bes aa Bros. Creaton — Thomas Joce. Ouba — Bell Theatre; Bell ft Kelso. Cuba — Dreamland Theatre. John Bod en. Danville — Olympic, 140 E. Main it.; Jay FItts. mgr. Majestic. 117 N. Vee St.; A. J. Will la. mgr. Danville — Colonial; L. JardoakI, mgr., 117 E. Main at. Exhibit: J. W. Dillon, mgr.. 47 N. Ver. at. Decator— Colonnade. SOS N. Water at.; Colonial Hinckley— Electric Theatre. C. F. lie ajpeston— Virginian. 30S-310 E. Main at. Homer — Past 1 me Theatre; C. BorkoardL Jacksonville — Gaiety, Public Square; T. s>. Scott, mgrs. Jacksonville — BIJoa ; Jaa. C. Weber, mgr.. 315 MaTe"a»c1 t w'! t 'L. Eck. mgr.. E. State at. .boson City— Csslno Tbestre; Tony • r Jollet-Cryatal Stairs Theatre; L. M. 119 The Gem cago at. New Lyric Theatre Jefferson St. JoUet — Grand Theatre. L. Goldberg. Kankakee — Princess Theatre; 0. C Fsrls. Royal Theatre; Tborman ft Piers, SO Bast are. Bijou Theatre; Mrs. J. Herbert. 243 Schuyler are. B. M. Drokker, 203 Court st. Kensington— Lyric Theatre; Mr. Flynn- Kewanee — Dreamland , N. Main at-: Chris Tay- lor, mgr. Majestic, East Second St.; W. J. West mgr. Nickelodeon. N. Chestnut st: Chris Taylor, mgr. rrlncesa, cor. Second A Chests Glinilsn, mgr. Kewanee— Happy Hoar; Ollflllsn Knojr^Sli— J. J. Kerna. P. O.. St. Angnstlne. La con — F. H. Earl. . ■ . La Salle— Majestic Theatre; Sea-man ft Helae. Gooding ft Second ats. VandeUe Theatre; H. 1 ot ate.: Kent ft Woodruff, Tbestorlum 5- Cent Theatre; H. W. Theatre Co.. Colonial. 300 N, Co., mgrs. Bijou, 358 N. Da Kalb — Barlne St.: Theatre Water St.. ■ ft. Walts. Stiles ft Swsnaon. Armory Theatre; W. D. Martaon ft Stiles ft Svrenson. 858 Main St. • 711 Jot Theatre; W. D. Eppateln, N. Dixon — Family, Chas. H. Eastman, mgr. Dundee — Dundee Opera House: W. H. Hamn ' Theatre: Bald ft Team. Casino Theatre Co. La 8alie — Majestic Theatre. Newman ft Helse, Cording A 22d sts. LawrrDcevllle— BIJou Theatre; Grow ft Logar St. Lewlston — Electric Theatre. King A Lexington— C. W. Shade. Lincoln— Empire Theatre; B. Latham. 110 apoo st. Lincoln — Broadway Theatre. Ony M. Strickle. "oil— Electric Theatre; F. QUleeple. Theatre: F. Gillespie. 221 State at. lid— Park Palace Theatre. Frank Ottlaa- Msttoon — BIJon; Mrs. Belllnm. prop. Lyric; Chas. E. Wheeler, mgr. Macomb— Dreamland Theatre: T. L. c 80 N. LaFayette at McLesnsboro— Hsll A Hobba. Madison— Madison Theatre; DooUn ft Fourth ft Madlsoo ata. SSSZZ5%£ TularE Fmtrlck * AXlmm. • • e> ••••••••• City • ••••••••■•>•. . . . •••••••••••< Nam* of Miniff Location (Street Number) Name and Addraaa of Informaat . • •••••••*••« • • «*••••••••*•• • ••••••• m • 1 1 1 i i «i • ihi m i * m ■'• • • m n • i • •••••••••••••>•>••■•••••.•••>••• ■ « • ••••••••*•••*>•••■•••••••*•••••• • ■••••*>•• ••••••• si •••••••• •>•••••• aidofado — Csulno; J. Elglo— Olobe. 57 Groie a«.; Jmn. SsIUtui. c. «4 Orovt* (.▼*■ ; C. T. ■Templf; Ft an It ir, N. Sprlnj: at. illti Iqiullty— G. H. Oodfnr. Kranatoo — T««fBr»y A New. ralfbnry — Electric Theatre; IaOOfft A Kill*. • rjilrfleW — Tbe 0«m» Main fL; Dr. B. W. Pit- Majestic Opera House; Bennett ft Wilson. Farmlngtoa — Dreamland Theatre. Baater Bros. Free port — M. B. Angle. Majestic M. P. Theatre; G. K. Spoor Co., Inc. GsJeoo— Star Tbestre: Kramer Bros. Dresmlsnd Theatre; A. E. Long. 10 Main at. Oalena — Electric Theatre. Bremer Bros. Gal esburg— Colonial. 58 8. Prairie: J. A. Doo- ColonnsdeT 02 S. Prairie; J. A. Doollttle. mgr. Nickelodeon. 53 N. Cherry st.; Kennedy Bros-.. Oeneseo^A. M. Warner. Geneaco— The Gem: Axel Patterson, mgr. ~ J. M artel L Princess Theatre. M. Wheeler. M it. enoa— Genoa ParHlon Tbestre; P. A. Qnan- ailleaplr "llreamland Theatre: F. L. Hlreb, Main at Oilman— Five Cent Theatre. J. 0. Zenk. Orsnlte city— Pastime Theatre: Wackerle Bros. Family Theatre; Parker A Colin. 1837 Stats •treat Granville— J. W. Grovee. GrayvlUe — Wm. Dnnlsp. Oreenfleld — Delmer Theatre; Campbell ft Entre klen, X. S. Square. Greenun — Ewart Theatre. West Cumberland at.: A. W. Bntton. mar. Greenville — Nickelodeon; A. L. Bbear, 815 Mala street. Hammond — Princess Theatre. 140 8. W. Englehard. Banisbnrg— 10 West Poplar St.; mgrs. Cor. South Main A Church ata.; Matt A Brans, mgrs. Harvard — E. Sanders. Havana — Dreamland Theatre; C. H. Log ft Son. Hermoaa — Hexmosa Theatre; Anderson ft Orle- bei. 43d street. Herrlo — Idle Hour Tbestre; 8. L. Rot en berry, P. O. Box 411. Herrtn — Csslno Tbestre: B. A. Hllk mgr. Herron — Casino Theatre. Casino Tbestre Co. Hlllaboro— Armour Tbestre; O. Bin. . «ts. W. Atwatar. Johnson, 8. B. 1 B. B. Clark. M. Market St. Stsr Theatre; M. C. Lawrence, 1100 Square •treat Marseilles — Empire Theatre; F. Marshall— Johnson's Hall; B. F. cor Sq. Sixth at Melrose Park— Raven Theatre. Frank Baven Malvln— 8. C. Powell. Msndota — Scbwarta A Mllford — Sherman Holt Mollne — Bsrrymore: J. A- Monroe, mgr.. 1807- 1011 Third ave. East End; Geo. C. Martin, mgr., 2310 Fifth ■re. Grand; Frank Deal mgr.. 522 15th St. Mollne— Vandette. 1313 Stb ave.; Boss A Ross, mgrs. Lyric; Woodyatt ft Meldtke. mgrs.. 1508 nth ave. Mollne — Boas ft Adler. Morrison — Panl Baxter. Morris— Flynn ft Miller. Morris — Empire Theatre; B. V. Pierce. 804 Liberty at Montleello— New Model: 8. T, Mound City— Belts ft Perks. Mt. Carroll — F. _ 402 ft Phillips. A. Wskedeld. Mt. Pnlsskl— Bcroggln Opers Snyder. Mt Sterling— T. L. Skinner. Mt Vernon — The Tbestorlum. Mowesqua — Arlhnr Gregory. Moweqoes— Orlle Hill. Murpbyboro— Atkinson ft Rently. Oem Tbestre; A. La Bneno, 1100 Arc Tbestre: Phh,.ps. " Eleventh A Locnst sts. Nsprrvlllc — stsr Tbestre; 0. W. Stafford Electric Theatre — J. J. Gregorie. Nepooaet— Bonina' Motion Picture; 0. A. Bol New Baden— St. Oeorge Tbertre; Koch Bros. Nokomls— Electric Tbestre: C. H. Hoke. Oakland— Pastime: W. A. l-lckle. mgr. %i}~"Tr?"7"'*'Z? Tbestre; O. Bf! Spoor Co. Oblong-Alhsmbrs Tbestre; J. B. Wall. N. Kange St. Olney — Crescent Theatre: Ferrimsa ft Olney— Casino. Ned Burke. Ottawa— Colonial. 8. W. Allison, mgr. Pslmyrs— C. B. Collins. Psrls — Msleatlc Theatre, n. C. Bogaldrom. I'..«..j,|,„ Oonsa: James Serra. Psiton— Tbestre, Lee and Grayson Bldg. Pecstonlcs-«tsr Theatre; Waller Clark mgr. Pekln— Vaodetle Theatre; L. a Woodrow, S. 1 ~ - ** " • irmi ir , As Ita^aw Tk«itra1 PUt. ft "The Sign of the Hying A" AMERICAN FILMS THE BEST FILMS OF THE WEEK SIRUES A (imedy of Three Giils and a Man. MONDAY. DEC. 2S THE SQUAW AND JJEMAN A Western Story of the Apache Country. Write Yobt Eicbaage fir Them Today AMERICAN FILM MFG. CO. ■■nil Floor, Ashland Block CHICAGO, ILLINOIS REASON IT OUT! THINK IT OVER! Can't yon see why Use FILMS ws HUNT and SELL are BETTER than tbe •tnn*. AROE8" IBB IS have the LARGEST and _ PED FILM CLEANING PLANT IN* EX- ISTENCE. JtlbT THINK— Two entire Boots. fl.OOO sq. ft. of apnea, devoted to the LATEST, BEST, HOST SCIENTIFIC and SIOST PRACTICAL methods for IMPROVING the CONDITION of FILM. in connection with this we BTJX SELL FILMS. Also RENT tht OUR PRICES are no mors ■va ' If we know that yoo THE QUALITY of have been paying for Jonk. If yon once 8KB som FILMS and GET ACQU. be DELIGHTED. fair' TBJB^AT^UBNT will "MAKE A HIT" with YOU. yog,? 8 L^J'SJ^U"^ 17S I. Irso ft., rvssr Laka IL, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. DECEMBER FILM BARGAINS Send (or our list ot osed moving pie- tar in prices. REPRODUCTION JOHNBON-Jtr- FRIES FIGHT, Complex*, SI 78.00 ORIGINAL WO LO AST - NELSON FIQHT, Com pl.t.. S3SO.OO ORIGINAL NELSON • OANS fight, Com p lata, S1SO.00 CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE r, Salt Lake City WANTED FOR CASH— Moving Picture Me chines. Films, Tents. Cbslrs, etc. Moving pic- ture slum i lea of all k I mis bought and; solii. WM, L. TAMME, « Bo. 18th St.. St. Lonls. Mo. Oct yonr curtain covered with MIrrona and Im- prove your pictures 100*. Price 4W.O0 per gsl. Cut your light bills In two. Be In line with up- lo-dste hoiiKes. G. 1NOMAN. Tipton, lows. » Yon Bee It In Ths Ml DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 47 KiliUu".*^ 1 ?^*. B, Barsrly. Court s„a-Nlckeldome: T. V. Holly Focn-th st. Nlckel-tle: W. 0. Res; 1KB FootU it Mux>— No Name Ttnn: Dorr * 8aaer. Bi.r; O. t tom OonjroJ DeltTsry. p|«n»--Tof«iT«; II. T. Wood, mgr. Pelo-8eurr * Hla"»J; „ _ _ Pent lac— Bond's, W. Madison it.; F. H. CoST'N. M1U sL; W. ■. McKlnney, Sr., rootluc— Alcaur; Geo. Handly, mgr.. W. toon it. Princeton— Star Theatre; «. O. Stereos. S^tj-Kljoo Tbeatre; Patrick * McOooneU. Nlekelette; Baker * Moara, 117 W. Birth art. Bantou'— T^eatorlam:''?!''?' Waogler, Kentucky OwrTlioowi BhlUTSB ft Martin. Bldieway— Bldgewsy Theatre. B. T. Ashley. Bobtueoii — Lyric. E "< Walnut at; M. C. blew art, mgr. Mad- art, mgr. Boblnaoo Opera Boom, Jefferson it.; W. T. \vl»<-inan, mar. — Bocheile— Star Tbestrs: D. H. Hooley, Wash- ington at. Bocklurd— Hock ford. W. Btate at.; W. Clara. Prvatnland. W. state at.; Star. G. State it.; Chaa. Ollberte, mgr. Olympic. Seventh at.; C. A. Johnson, mgr. Colonial. W. State at.: Bert Gibbons, mgr. goodhouee— Mclrer A Thompson Theatre, toaarlllr — J. B. Batter. Bock Iiland— Colonial; Co.. 1S0O Second are. Lyric: K. B. Or r.miij; Tlrlan ex^Cher'ee — Parooet T hu s lis: J. Bur Theatre; Unveil * Haraa. Bijou Tbeatre; OFsussa, W B. Mala at. It. DiTld— Fire-Cent Theatre, ■wanaon A Cling lancfwtc'b — lioyal; Wm. Burkhart, mgr. Banana— Curte' rlTa-Oeart Theatre. M. B. Mala at. ghawneet usu Cleaeltn at Kimball. Electric Theatre. Cleerlta ft Kimball . •tar Tbeatre. CI earl la ft Kimball. Bheibyrllle — Lyrte Theatre. Bbelbyrllle— JOBS Morrow. Isartt— Star Theatre; J. C B — Odeoa Tbeatre: W. T. lk.uw, • Sparta— Electric Tbeatre. Joe Hewitt. Cam bridge— Theatorlum; Darla ft Harris, P, O. BOX 858. Osnnellton— Mormg Picture Tbeatre; 1. L to- rn, Clinton— Mellon Orores. Clinton— Lewis ft Wllsoa. Columbia City — Chjetal. Oolnmbla City; A. B. Bang an. Ooluiubua— Alrdome; C. F. Cramp, mgr., etb at. Bljoo; Bennett & Norman, mgrs., Waablagton at. Lyric; M. Lindsay, mgr., 412 Waablngton at. Connvrevllle — Vaudette; W. H. Hendricks, mgr.. Central are. Lyric; J. A. Cbrlamer. mgr.. Central are. Coring ton— Theet orl a m ; mgr. OrawtordsTUle— Thaatorfn, cruwu 1'olnt — Central Muale il all, J oil it at.; J. B. Lehman, mgr. Lyric; A. J. Bader, mgr. Cynthlaaa — Aire C. Montgomery. Decatur— Star Theatre; J. B. St •on at. Crystal; C. P. Schmnck, Decatur — Grand Theatre. 1 Dagger — Electric Theatre. Dunkirk — Theatorlum Theatre. H. O. Dwyer. ■eat Chicago— Caaa. P. McCoy, P. O. Box 262. B. Chicago— Vaudette Theatre; II. E. Brooks, Chicago are. Bdrntrarg — Star Theatre: Kraanor A Dolbelmar. Elkhart — Bljoa Theatre - Crystal Theatre; F. Royal Theatre; j. Main at. Elwood— Prlnceas Theatre; 8. Anderson at. Majeatle Theatre; Orbach ft Weber, 203 B. Anderson at. rsrnersburg — Cecil Jennings. Crystal Theatre. 0. J. Jennings, rt. Branca — Theatorlum Theatre; J. Oatee. rort Branch — Electric Tbeatre. Wm. Hrumrjeld. FortTtUs— Star .ueatre; Wm. Eckenbnrg. FortrUle— Lyric Tbeatre. Barnes ft Co. rrankf or t— White Pearl Theatre; J. B. Purl, N. Mais st. Fsmlly Theatre- B. M. Th -\sr. 8. Bide So. and Clinton at. A Boon, 112 ALBA FLAMING Will turn your street into a "Great White Way." The lure of light is irresistible. Let us tell you how you can have a Broadway of your own for 76 cents a night. Charles L. Kiewert Co. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fran- cisco, Pittsburg, Milwaukee m St.; Jar st; White' Palace. Beat Market St.; W. F. Hens *r. mgr. Tatar.— RlghClaai Paalnt Hiii— a, ■. Bton— Electric e. a. ft Leonard. Use ft Mac I mass Co. Virginia— Tbsnaaa Opera Boose' W. B. rina. Warsaw— Main St. Theatre; Barrla ft Reynold, Waskegan— Waabtngtoa. B. Waahlngtoa at.; Wm. Max lam, mgr. ~ 6'. ^Oenejjee^ Sreaona — Wenonaaeope Oo. West Frankfort — Are lnaetr.; J. I. White Hall— Rhodes ft Oo. Winchester— Boarfe Bros. Whitehall — Fairyland Tbeatre; BL o. Wilmington — A. at. OnlTCT. Woodstock— 8UT Thtltrs; Thomas ft Bectiag. IBDIAMA Nickelodeon — CTree 0. Tramp, mgr. Asdemen— Roeal Tbeatre; J. O. Smith. 4n,ola— Brokaw. 144 W. Maurice at., Joe Bro- kaw, mgr. Mejeetle: Klya ft Blaele. mgra. Attica— Degnsn * Earnest. inborn— Err -.Ire Theatre; Mies ft 121 W. Heeenth at. Anbnra— Hob Theatre. B. O. Henry. aarora— Nlek.lo: J. O. Traeloek, Mats at. Lyric Theatre — Ruahworth ft Kyis, Theatorlum — T. H oil en camp and O. , Second aL Badfoed-«rand Tbeatre; Oonrad * Hany, J HliD »t. .Royal Tbestrs: S B eatrs; W. R. San ford, 106 s. Collage •l»r Tbi ' are. Blnfftoo— Star Theatre; W. B. Sanford. 10B B. College are. flar ThMtre: Ki. FoasL Wonderland Theatre: Traeta ft Angel, B. Mala . street. Boonfiiip-rictor, Theatre. S. 8. Pabllc Boosts. Frank Forrest, mgr. Fdeetrle. Put, itc sqttarj; rtank Fn treat, mgr ■"all— Majeatle Theatre. B. L. Boaster. Lerlc Theatre. Mrs. K. Martin. Eg* W se t tls Theatre. Wlckwtrs ft Conway, ^P%BB Arc Tbeatre: . a»e. Hlekelodsohi A. P. Koe.ter, 108 W. Rational ^.." T •• ■d Theatre; Frsncb Uck— Crystal Tki Garrett — Paatlme Theatre Fsmlly; J. F. Crane Gary — Indiana Tbeatre. Orpbeam; v. u. Yonng, mgr. Vaudette; Wenta ft Sarage Bl Derby: Inane aid Moe, mgr. Broadway; lngwald Moe, mgr. fltl City— Chaa. Belpp. Ooabaa— Ixwla Tbeatre; J. a, Goshen — Tbeatre; Joe. Fl GoodUad — McCnrdy ft — - il N. Jackson at. OTeendeld — Grand Tbeatre Co.. 18 What'a Nan Theatre, 18 W. Was fa Nszt Theatre " What's Next Theatre 6. B. Blake. 12-14 JetreraonTllll -The Anm Theatre. Tsarl St.; M. Swltow. Ksatlsad— Blsctrle Theatre; Batch Weber Oo. Knox— Mrs. BahMbsta Fits. Kokomo— Ideal. N . Main at.; H. Powell, mgr. Picture! and; B. Albaugb, mgr., Ill W. Syca- more at. Falrrtew: Weed A Rayner. mgra.. 109 E. Syca- more at. Star; Dick Heed, mgr.. Buckeye snd Walnnt : c. Family Theatre; D. Maurice. La Bnrdette Theatre: BaU Oahla Oo. Lyric Tbeatre: Boy Johnson. Lagrange O. A. Kerr. ■Ports— Fluents. 619 Main at. HWiaB fa a T— S aSBaaWaft Opera Hooae, street, Nlckelo Theatre street. MsJeatle Theatre: L. W. Ors _Jberty— TJatou Theatre: J. O. Linton— Raymond Wearer. Crystal Theatre— J. B. W. F. Waraeford. 80 High Nlckelo Theatre: B Oem Theatre; Ham ft Wells. Loogootre— Klectrle Theatre. G. O. Lowell-J. A. Reed. Lyons Electric Theatre, will Shorter. Madison— I. E. Holwauer. JOB ■. Main at. Stelgerwal A Schmidt. 112 K. Mala St. Oh. He. Glheon. 11« W. Msln M. Marlon— Indiana Theatre: O. K. Spoor I — s:_e. K Royal Theatre; Leroy Tudor. ~ilrs; John mrr. 40 Marion— Tbs Empire: MartlnaTllle— Scenic ,rh I i at°^i , ^«;nron iD m« ,t -- *"* ^^Tv£J»n*\\T&"& ft 4th st*.: ld°e h H™V%nk,lJr»t.. pst, 4th ft Bib Ooy nocntna. mgr. Lyric. Franklin at., bet. Ttb * 8th ets.: Wsl- ter Oram. mgr. _ ■. Mlddletown— Nlckelo: T. Wright. Mtsbaweka— Klectrle Theatre: Henry Century Theatre: Aahllng ft Mitchell— Cryetal Tbeatre: W. Theatorlum: M. Moore. MoVroeellle— Paarl Dre.m Theatre; Pearl Amass. Moatleello— J. O. Sharer. Are Theatre). Carl Brims. M»er^5e' m ,r The.tre; L. at. Harding, tea. gSfe U B. Mt. Vernon— Crescent STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE NOW Wonderfully Successful Moving Pictures Owen Moran— Battling Nelson FIGHT HELD AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALL, NOV. 26, 1910 Big hit at Pronounced to be 2,800 FEET OF FILM Wire or write to N. Y., for two i and clearest pictures, erer taken of i J. W. Cof froth, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. Git* alt. Geo. Coffee, mgr. Monde— Boys], 207 Cannon, mgrs. Crystal. 215 S. mgrs. Uric. 200 8. sc. bet. 1st * Bad: Mala at.; Jackson ft New Albany — Heath* Theatre. St. Grand Theatre; J. A. Wats. IBS B. Market at. Nsw Caatle— Theatorlnm. cor. Broad A loth ate. ; Warner Schmidt, mgr. Colisenm, N. 13th at.; Ward A Jsmlaoa. mgra. mar, W. Broad; C. 0. Barley, Aleaaar, Race at.. B. F. Broi ^ Princess: Schmidt Bios^mgri NoWes^ls^^da*0wra 'hooss. A. P. Back. North Vernon— Peart Tbeatre; Louis Thomas. Opera Bona*; 3. D. Hanek. Oakland city— Electric Theatre. Clyde Dema- ssy. Otterbeln— Dreamland Theatre; L. A. Ohradle. OtterbeTn— Klectrle; T. O. Mtaalck, Mala at. Oxford— Crystal Thsatrs; Crlglar ft ~ Pem— Palace. 73 8. Broadway. Chandler * Lip WaJUce D Theatrs, Wsst Mala St.; C A Hoi den. mgr. SbelbyrUle — Nlchelo; Jos. Cook. mgr. Oryatsl; Geo. Bembosch, mgr. Lyric: Harry Hotel, mgr. peterabarg — Crescent Theatre. B. tt. Plymoatb— D. W. Ds Witt. Plymouth — Orphsam Thsatrs: rortland — Hoyal Campbell, mgr. alTt aos w. Ope r a Hoose; J. Tipton — Lyric Theatre. Boy BtoggaU, rjalOB City — Darld Miller. Urbane O iu bs iu a Thsatrs; atanay Faiparaken illjou Theatre: w. H. Ttnsl Lyric Thsatrs; O. M. atriagar. Vaodette: H. H. Noyes, 803 Lafayette at ^»—a- . O. Oram Willisana. Vsway— w. ▼tacennes— Boyal. etb ft Wabaah^alaur Thsatrs: A. J. Wabash— Oatla ft Glaaton. W ataa a CW n ln a l i l Thiatie Co. Waet Bsdsa — Mate* etc. Weet Baden West Baden Springe Co.. mg ft Mutton, mgra. Dixon, mgr. lorn: J. ^ 420 B. Mala at. M^t'lc^Dsrs l pa^tt. m ro^' 4 3» B. Main !l ■hlrinaj Palace Tbaatrsr aa. b. Hsylsa Wlaamic — Palace; II. J. Oisss. People's Theatre; People's Thsatrs 0s. Winchester— The Arcade Tbeatre; Ha s. at. Dap. T. Oonnty. Alhra — J. B. Bentoa. N. a. cor Sana™. Algesia— Broad Thsatrs: A. O. Batters. Stats si Ames Scenic Thsatrs: Virgil Johnson. A n a mo o a — Klectrle Tbeatre. EL w. Lobnnaa. Atlantic— atajsstlc, 017 Cbsstant St.; ft Laach. mgra. Caloas. B14 Chsstaat at.; Smith ft A toco— New Thsatrs; Bloat A Barn Bedford— Vogue. Bert ft Thompson. Bens Plain— The Lyric; ft. E Bloom. Crystal Theatre; 0. A. Meridian st, Theatorlnm Thsatrs: F. rtdlan st. Prince too— Electric Theatorlum; J. Bedkey— ^Nickelodeon: a Powell. Bed Key— Frank Meeker. Bsnssslser — Princess Theatre. L. W. Rhode. Blchmood— Theatorlnm. 620 Main St.; 8. Cook. mgr. Arcade. TIB Main at.; Roy Parka, mgr. Palace, 818 Main at.; R. M. W-nger. Theatorlum: BldgerUle— BldgsrUls Bocheater^jcat Gee Tl 211 a _ Tbeatre: F. W. Rockport — Pic tors Theatre; Bryan Bros. Boekport— Crescent Theatre. Boekellts— Blsctrle Theatre. Prnltt ft RockrUls — Majestic Theatre; C. B. Moors. Ruahrllte — Palace Thsatrs; H. A. Meredith, BSC N. Main at. Vaudette Theatre; H. O. Wolrerton, SOS N. Main at. Grand Theatre: J. H. Carr ft Son. Salem— Caal no Tbeatre: P. W. Gladden. Nlckelo Theatre; O. B. Bsrklsy. Bcottabnrg — Princess Theatre. Hill A Bey roonr—T>ream rand Nlckelo Tbeatre; P. M. ahelhorn — Electric Theatre. Arcade. J. C. Wood. Ralrd ft Bannister. SnlllTsn — Cryetal Theatre. R. M. pear. Co. B. M. ^^^^m'MZSS^U W* 1 !?; lay . Opera Hooss Block; C. o. BIJoo. £?0 NT' Ma to at.: H. O. HUdebrand Osoar^r'llrg ■tr/TtC Theaf •; a a Vlles. Cedar Rapids — Amnss-TJ, B10 lat are.; A. Henly. Lyric.' BOS let BSB.| Mr. Angel, mgr. Princess, 821 2nd are.; Dlebold ft Tonng Theatre. A. Nolln. Bakrr A Moore. Osdar r.ii.-Ma}e.t!c Tt Chsrlton— Lyric Theatre; C. Temple Theatre: J. U H. Chariea City— fa Tbeatre Clarion — Bmplrs The ' Clin ton — Nickel odeoa ond at. Colfax — Union Tbeatre: B. J. Jacobsoa. OonacU BroJfs— Elite Theatre: Nicholas Diamond Thsatrs: Jensen. Klein ft Oeetoo — Ooaaet: Comet Amass. Co. Oarinda — Delpbna Tbeatre. Delphna Co. Clarion— Family JThearre. C. L. Hanks. _ Thsatrs. .. Main at. Dassnport— star. 224 Harrison at.: Boss Bros.. ' mgrs. Baits. aOS W. Bad at.; Jos. Mlchlstettsr. ann». Iowa, S2« W. 2nd at; W. !" on psgs Bl.) The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. LADIES' L18T. faun Bit •.lien. Miss Blair Anders, Un.. Frank Arthur. Mrs. EL W. AihwelJ, Miss Fern aubrey. Mae Ines Aubrey. Miss Btkl ••Banvard. Maudle lerller. Mln Bonier Barthold, Miss Gertrude Bhdud. Mta Thren BeGar, Marl* -BeHn. Mrs. B. L. _ Mabel Berger. Anita Bergere. Mln Mary Berkeley, Gertrude Bernstein. Luelle ••Berry. Florence Blake. Mrs. Joe Bonelll, Mra. James Mrs. B. . Mrs. L. St. „.o*d. Lain Brookfleld. Miss Sadie Brooka, Mlaa OUTe Brown. Mra. Loin Brutsche. Mrs. Emma Bryant. Mlaa Nana Runnel!. Mrs. Ella Bnrbank. Maude Bums, May Bun n la ta, Myrtle Burton, Grace Blanche _ Mra. E. VJTIIsti Elisabeth H. Mln Grace Clark, Madam Clark, Mra. C. T. Zaoa Clifford. Mln Edith Clifton, Mln Gladys ostello, Mra. Ralph Cotrely. Mln Emma Coulter, Hayael Coorie. Katberine Coxart. Anette * Crawley. Genevlew D'AJmalne. Rose Daly. Mln Dorothy Dallas. Beulafc Banner, Bon H. - g. Mlaa Alice Delia .-. Mln Dorine uartj, Mra. Jack OeCoursta. Mra. Edward DeMyer. Mayme ••DeVon. Mint. F. ••Dean. Mrs. Gladys T. Oean-Orr Slaters ••De'.ltodt. Majorle C. nelmaln. Mln Soale Derby. Ethel Devere, Charlotte Devere, Ethel Devere, Marie Jlvlan. Mlaa Any Dtile. Prlneen Dixon, Mrs. Grannla Dixon, J. W. dodge. Mrs. LUlie Doberty. Agnes. •"Doran, Hnth ••Do ran, Ruth Duckett. Miss Irene ••EarU Violet Earle, Violet Barle. Mln Dude L. Eaton, Mrs. O. J. Hampton, Mln Lillian Harris. Mln DLUe Harris. Mln rraneea ••Harrington, Conine "Harrington, Mra. Guy Hay den, Mrs. E. L. Hayes, Mrs. J. H. Heath, Mln Frankla Herr. Mln Nosdle ••Hill. Christine ••Hitchcock. Alice Hodge. Bon Royal ••Bolter, Cora Mlckle Roland, Bessie Honeycutt, LlUlan •-Hopping, lln. Harry Hortenae, Olga Jean ••Hudson Sisters Huston, Edna Lngersoll, Bessie Jackson, Bessie May Jackaon. Miss Dora Jackson, Mln Edith Jackson, Mildred Jartnsen, Mrs. C. H. Jardy, Mln Tony Jewel, Mta M. Johnson. Mln Doda Judge, Annabella Karr. Mrs. B. F. Karshncr. Mrs. Anna Kelley. Molly Kennedy, Glennette Kennedy, Irene Keppler, Mrs. C. J. Knowlea. Bessie C. Koenlg, Mlaa Helen LaBarber, Hose LaNeta. Mile. r^Salle. Brine La Verne, Evelyn LaVlgne. Mra. Joe i ,g „n.r Jessie Lanlgan. Flussle Lane, Miss Gladys Lane, Mrs. Myrtle Lansford. Mln J. Lsveer, Mrs. Jamea Laveuberg. Miss Ady Laxara, Madam LeBoy, Mln Loretta LeRoy, Hilda '*Ror. Mrs. L. C. Lea. Dells Ledger?. Mrs. Fred Lee, Dare Lee, Mra. Duke E. Lee. Mrs. Louise Leeds. Florence Leonard, Mabel Leont. Mln Baby ••Leonard, Mabel Leslie, Mrs. Leon* Levelgne . Miss Alice K. Lewis. Ids Lewis, Winnie Lloyd. Me«. 8. P. Loader. Elsie ••Long. Jesnerte Grace Lorton. Mrs. J. McCann. Clara McDonald. Flora McGonor. Mrs. C. A. Melntyre, Mrs. G. H. MeKlnley, Mable MacXean. Mrs. P. G. Manbart, El dor. Madam nils. Madam Ellsworth, Lillian •Jrlck. Mrs. Harry Emery, Mlaa May Esther, Madam Gallon. Mln Bra Fanchettl. Miss Minnie •"enton. Mln Fay Ferarri, Mra. Emma Fetxer. Mra. A. A. Flaher, Mrs. C. Fisher, Mrs. Delia Flash. Mrs. Hsttle Fox. Miss Frank. Mettle B. Franklin. Lottie Franks, Jenle J. ■Teelsnd. Nell Fries. Mln Mabel ••GniTlna, Lillian Geary. Mrs. Joe Gibson, lsabell Gibson. Nora Gilbert. Mtn Grace GIB, Minnie Gillette Sisters ••Given*. Ionian ••Grrlns. T.llHaw menu. Mln Nettle Glover. Ml«s Constance Grey. Flore in s Coin, Mln Dot rrall. Ethel Ball. Mrs. H. 1 Han, Lillian Ban. Nellie Marten. Mlas Bertha Martlno, Birdie Martyn, Dollle ••M.aoo. Hilda Mattbens. Miss Elsie "•May. Ethel May. Gertie ••Meadow*. Mad". Melnney. Mrs. Edith Meyers. Mln Belle Milton, Jean Miller. Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Mrs. G. B. ••Mogul. Edith Monte. Mln Marie Moody. Mln Once . Mowistnl. Stella Mulhall, Ladle Murray. Fay Newton, Miss Ore Nichols. Mra. Lane Nina. Prlneen Mtram, Bessie Vorrell. Mln A anas Norton. Mrs. Gnats O'Brien, Lonlse O'Connell. Mrs. J. M. 0'n>. The ••O'Doud Sisters Ordlar, Mile. Oston. Mrs. ••Palmer. cults.** Park. Edna * Sam Parr. Mlas Lola n 't»«i. Mis* Jessie Patterson. Mrs. Grace ••>n. Mrs. Ralph ••P'lhsm. Una Phillip*. Mln Bertha Powers. Mrs. Jean Prettyman. Mildred ••Pritahard. Irma Use. Mln Billy "Rsmsden. Mrs. Wm. ••R*nrt«ll. Mabelle Rankin. Bobby Band. Vlalet R.n.v>inb. lane Peyflelrl. Mlaa Florence Kittle Bnth Bene Richard*. E. J. BOey. Bessie ••Rlnaldo. Ida Btnalrlo. Mlas Its Rio. Mln Babe Roberts, Mrs. C B. Rons, Mln A. M. Boss, Wilms C- Roussey, Mrs. O. B. Ryan. Gertrude Sea ford. Mrs. Emma Selig. Mrs. Beee Serpentina Severlnce, Margaret moon. Evelyn sneebsn. VsJsrle Sberley, Mln Ma, i May Louisa Daisy Smith. Resale K. Smith. Nellie E. Smiths, Mlaa Anna C. Snyder, Mln Edith ~ der, Mrs. Margie Somer. Mln Kit Sotanki, Princess Sparrow, Marie Spencer Golds St. Claire, Mable St. Leon, Ada ••Shelby, Grace Stanley. Minnie Stanley, Mrs. Peat Star, Bell Star, Mln Carrie Stewart. Mrs. Q. Stewart, Claudle P. Stone, Mrs. Maude Strawb. Edith Sullivan, Msyme Tarn ten, Prlneen Taylor. Mln M. B. Thompson, Miss Mar- garet Tillman. Miss Grace Ttlton. Mln Lucille Tltssrorth. Msodle Treeland, Muriel Trlpplett. Mrs. Vk Tritt. Mrs. Arthur Turner. Beatrice Turner, Blanche Tattle. Mile. Velsrv. Mrs. Maye vfr^t. D Mta b Buth Vlnsen. Mr*. T. W. Wagner. J anette Walker. Elr-.i Walker. M'«. Myrtle Warren, Vlda Watson, Evelyn ••Waye, ltorutuy Webber, Ada Webster, Mrs. Era Wedlner. Georgians Welling Sisters O Welch, Esse Wenxel, Mln Leafy White, Evelyn White, LiUle WUlUams. Miss Clara B. Williams. Mlas Gertrude ••Williams, Jolcy Willis. Ionise WlUman. Miss Dixie Wilson. Mln Gladys Woodall. Miss Tomnile Woods, Mrs. Lew Wright, Lillian Yberrt, Lola Zampa, Mln Zednay, Mln Sylvia Zenors, Queen Zlmmer, Annie Buckner, J. A. Bunele. Wm. T. Burgess, Tboa. J. ••Burna, Harry Borrows A Leslie ••Burton. J. B. Buecb, A. S. Butler. Frank L. Byers A Herman Ityers, Chester Byrd, Louis Byrd. Robert GENTLEMEN'S LI8T. Abbott * Clayne O. ••Abott, Jack Adams, Dick Adams, E. K. Adams, Frank Adams. HI Kl Admire, Irving C. Ahmet, Nina Ahnee Alton. Thoe. Albert, H. Albert, H. G. Bates. Fred J. Bathurst, Neal ••Bauer, Charlie Bangh, T. A. Bayles. Wm. Recker. M. W. Becfeman. Fred Bedell, Gna Beecher, W. Beban, Geo. I..I,IU,. V . . ••Callahan Dramatic Co. Camllle's Dogs Csmpbell, I. K. Campbell, J. C. Campbell. T. F. Caraeclolo, Joaepb Carmen & Roberts Carroll, Charlie (Red) Carroll, B. L. Carson, Walter Carter. Don Cartledge, S. D. Carl. K. P. Carlton, W. E. Carr Trio Cartwright. Charley Case. W. E. Caah. T. I. Champion, Jack Cliapman, F. Chapman, Wm. Charley, Cheyenne Chan, Lotus CheOor, John Cherney. Albert Cnenrront, C. c • "Christen een * Splllard Christie, BlUle ■ Cllgren, A. A. Clansman, Frank I I Clark & Berry ' Clark, Bernard ' Clark, Bob Clark. B. W. Clark, C. P. Clark, Edward Clark, J. C. Clark. Tom Clark. Walter Clayton, Capt. Chas. Clayton, Jerry Clifton. AL Davie. George Davis, Logan Davis, Mark ••Daugherty, Jaa. Daugnerty, Lewis A. Dawson a Booth Day, Robert UeBorde, Hubert DeCora. Walter UeForrest, Hal DeKreko, Jim UeNova. Fred ••DeOro DeVItt & DeVItt Dearth, J. L. Decker, Otla Delavoya, Wm. Delicti. Jack Del more Barry Delno, Bert Denote. John W. Derrlll, F. M. Diamond, Chan. Dlsmond. L. U. nieken, Emory Dickinson, Melna G. Dierlckx Bros. Pllsdlne. Harry X. Dlxlon, P. L. Dixon, Albert Dodson, C. G. Don. David L. Donnelly, Deal* Donobo. C. R. ••Dooley. Jim Dorsey. Charley A. Dorsey, J. G. Dougherty, L. H. Donglaa A Moacrop Douglas- West Co. Downard dr. Downard Downs, Bob Downs. C L. Dngan, Billy Dngan, Phil Dukee & Bert • •Dnlmage. Leo Dumont, Arthur Dnnbar, Chat. B. ••Dunlop, Harry W. Dunn. Chas. H. Dunn, Harvey Dann, Jai. THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE % * The headquarters of this gratuitous distribution of mall are at toe CINCINNATI T offices, where all such matter should be addressed, unless U Is known that It will be T more convenient for addressees to receive It through the New York or Chicago bureaus. T In addressing man to Individuals In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate what com- j. parry (If any) each Is identified with or In what line of the business be Is engaged. j. When possible, addressees should be ldentUed by incorporating the name of the show + or company In the address of mail sent to them. This Insures prompt delivery or despatch and saves Infinite trouble In The Billboard's postoffice depa ' - All mall advertised In this list Is being held st the \ Indicated by the characters • (New York). •• (Chicago). Parcels at Cincinnati office and amounts due. Baxter, B. te Bingham. Mis Burke, Mr. Bnrnette, Bobble 4c Cannery. Jack 10c Costello. Dave Frazee. Al. G. 6c Johnson. BOlle 3c Levis, B. 4c Cant, Miss Elenor Mills. Leo 4c Mott, Ed y. J. W. B. 7C Norman, . Ned Pryne. Mrs. Martha 4c Patterson, A. D. Shah. Manek Tamhlyn. C. J. Wllllame. Harry Albert. Vincent Albright, C. Alethels A Aledo Alexander & O'H-ire Alexander. I. P. Allen and Chenanlt Allen, Arthur Allen, J. C. \ilen. T«e Allen, Sam Alpert. Chas. Altenberg, Wm. Alton, B. R. Alwsrd. Musical ••Alzed.-i, Prof. Amis, Harry Amory, Jack B. Anderson, B. J. Applehsus, Geo. Aratl. Tan Arm en to. Angel Armstrong. A. Armstrong. Harry Arnold, Alnsworth Aahbangb, Geo. w. Ashhurn, Vernon Atterbnry, A. D. ••Atterbnry. George Austin, Dick ••Austin. Gilbert Avery. Randolph Bacon, Doc Bacon, Frank A. Bacon.. J. G. Bailey A Edward Bailey, Blasky Bailey, Geo. W. Baker. Dutch Baker. Nick Baldwin, Harry E ••Rale Van Family ••RsleMrler Lonls D. Ballard Sc. Alberta Bane, Albert Bane. Algamont Bsnfleld. Frank E. Barlpaty, Ssva Rarnell, Jack Barnes. Jsmes ••Banws. Jas. B. Barrett, I. IV, Barrette A Del .nan Barry. Ed. L. Bartlno, J. W. Barton. Geo. 8. Barton. T. J. Bary, E. RsaMtr. Ben Batcbelder, T. F. Belts, Harry Bell. Ed. N. Bell. Julias ••Benedict, H. J. Beuner. Joaeph \. Benobdlc, Eaxaro Renolt, Andy Bentley, Hampstesd Berry, Jim Berwelt. Prof. G. D. Best. Homer J. BIsbee. B. M. Blttoer. Bill ••BUckmore, Bert Rlsckmore. T. "ledaoe. J. H. Blossoms, The Rtnmhsrdt. Wm. Rolln. Jack Bonnelli, James Bonnells. Musical Boone, John C. Boaley. Joe **«**. Walter ••Roewell, Peyton Bowen, J. M. Bowers. C. A. Bowers, F. Boyer, L. M. Boyle, Francis J. ••Brscbard, Paul Rradsbaw. Ernest Brat ton. Ivy Bray. Harry "reekenridge, John F. Bredan & Paul Bremer. I. 0. M. Tlnke. Fred Briscoe. Careless Bristol, Jack Bristol. W. Proadley. Jack Brookfleld. Tom Brooks, L. 7. Brooka, Sonny Brophy, Bo y B. Brown. Arthur ••Brown. Chas. Brown. Milton J. . US-BM- Bnrthut. Tire Bryant. C. F. BocbmlBer. Fat Buckingham. Frank Clifton, Wm. B. Cloval • •Cochran. J. E. Cody. Victor F. Conn. Guy Colcher. Harry Coleman, A. 3. Coleman. W. B- Colllns, Arthur L. ••Collins. Chas. Collins. Earl Collins. H. D. ••Collins, J. J. Gompton, John Comstock. H. Co D '*y, C. E Connelly, T. F. Connors Family Cooroy. Alton A Con roy. Conk. C»rl W. Cooke. Babe Cooper, C. H. "•Cooper, Frank C. Cooper. Geo. B. Cooper. Milt C'»pe*. Mnalcal Corey. Ed. Corrigan. Geo. E. Cotton, Colorado Conalna. Jack Covington, Zelloh ••Cowen. Robert Cowle*. C. W. Cox. Sid Craig, Alex Younger Cramer, Joe Cramer. Nathan Crawford. Robert C. Crawford. 8. O. Crayton. Lawrence Creators. Francesco ••Creason A Werner Crossett. Ralph W. Cnllen. W. P. Cunningham Thomas F. Currant, Mike Coabman. Wat. ~. Cutler, r. L. Dallas. Wm. Dalton, C. M. Dan, Bridge Dane. Bo«* Dantes, The Darling Fred D.. David, Frank D. Davla A Dupont, Ed. Dork In. Tom DnraU, Billy Dyer, J. W. Dynes, W. G. Esrl, Albert Eastman. A. B. Eaatwood, Clarence Ebaugh, Don Ebaugh. Don 0. Eberhart, T. H. Eberateln. M. C. Ebert, Fred Eckboff & Gordon Edmonds. R. J. Edwards. Joe Awards, 3- H. EHIs. H. L. Elson. W. W. Ely. E. W. Embree, Clinton C. Emerson. Capt. Ralph Enalxo. ftleta Esmond. Babe Esslg & Snyder Enchler. otto Everhsrt Bros. Faber, B. Irish Paccend*. Albert Fslls. Billy A. Fancher. John ••Faselly. Bob Fanfca. P. B. Fanning. Tom F. Fanton. Clarence Farmer. Bill Farnell. Happy Final. Beat Faust, Jske Fawaett. H. A. Fay, Boy •Tension. Chn. E. ••Fenn. Jake Ferullo. Prof. nswr" Ferris, Joe Flddes. Mr. ••Fields. Lew ••Fink. Walter G. Flnnegsn. Billy Elf her. Elmer 0. Flaher, William W. Fltsgerald. Julian T. Fltsgerald, Valdo Flagg. Gilbert Flenagaa, Ed. Flavlo Bros. Florida, C. F. Plynn, Joe Foley, Tom Ford, Jas. I. J. T. Foster. Ed ••Foster, W. K. Fowler, Edward Fox, 0. Boy Fox. G. W. Francellaa, The Great Francis. Clint Franklin, N. H. Franklyna. The Franka, Th» ■"— •> Fraser, AL G. Free. J. M. Freed, Joe Frey. Frank Friedman. Jake Fntch. Reginald Gabriel, Jim Galneburg, H. B. Gap, Senatlonal Gardiner. Albert Gardiner. Jamea ••Gardner, Eddie Garett. Harry Garfield, Bordette M. Ganlsld, Herman Garglulo, Chevalier -Garrett, Sam Gates, Walter Gavin, M. Geanter, Henry Geddia. Gas. Gendler, Evan L. Gentry, E. B. Gethle. Albert Gettman. W. O. Geyer, Bert ••Gilbert Albert G liber t-McKnlght Co. Gilgls. Jamea Gllmore, Bert GUI, Fred GUI. Tom Gillespie. D. H. Gillespie. Dave GlUett. Edward Gllmore, Billy Gllmore. Frane Gilson * Barfleld Gllaon. Leon A. Glrard. J. E. Glaacock. Foster Glascock, Mike Glenn, Charles H. Glenns. The Goldman, Lonls GolleDStein. John Gooding. Marshall Gordon A Gordon Gordon, J. Saunders Gordon, Richard Gorton Must. Grace. Ed. (Blsckey) Grady, Al. ••Graham. John Graham, Bnasell H. ••Graham. Wlllard Grsnlck. C. A. Grant & Dlsorc Grant, Doc Gray. Bee Ho ••Gray, ruissell Green A Tslt Green. Phil D. Grrmmer, T. B. Grentock. Bea ••Greteneord. Frank Griffith. Frank Ur'.mes. Bnfos GrlswoM. Frank E. Groat. John Grossman. Ben Grobbs, G. W. G ruber St Kew Guise Guthxelt, Wm. Guthrie, Tom nsckley. 8. T. Hsdley, Dock Hslnn, Hypnotic Ball. Jack Hall. John ••Haller, Sam Q. Hamilton, Geo. Hamlin, Richard Hampton, Jack Hampton, Marin* Hanford, Elmer Handler. A. H. Hank. Rocky ML Hanson, Arthur Harder, Myrtle Harding. as Wasaen Harding, Richard Harding. ^Van^ Hsrfands. The Harris, William J. Harrison, Horace Harrison. Jim Hart * Woodley Hart. Alans Hartge, sum "'•Hsrtmsn. John A. r»U, Frank Harrahs. The Harrington. C. E. Harrington. Frank Harrington. Wm. T •"Harris. Jackaon Harris. Otto Harris, Bay (Honey) Hart we 11, i ••Harvey, W. f. Ila.brook Wm. H. Hsseb, Hugo ••Haaaan, K. Hauler. Cfaaa. Hastings. B. p. Hastings, Geo. W. Hawkins, Hoy r. Hswpt, Oart t. Hawthorn, Billy Bayeo. The Great Hay dsn, Joe at U |* Hayes, B. Hayae, Thoe. J. Healey, Michael Relntanan, K. k. Hemingway, c. G. Hendrlx as MeMshon Henchey, William Benella, 0. B. Henke, H. Hesry, Hi Henry, J. Albert Henry, J. A. Herbert * M*i_ Berscbell, Win Herbert, Harr Herman. Max Hermans, Mu Herrman. w. Herro, J. B. Herachal. will Bess, Edwin Beuman, Frank Hewitt, Wm. Jadklni Hlstt. Bert Hicks, t». s, HUdebrsnd, M. E. "BUoreth. Bobt. HU1, Joe Hosg, M. S. Hobbs, Fred Hoffman Frank Hoffman, Geo. W. Hoffmann. Cvcling Holla no. Ralph Holt, Bd win Honlc. Coney Hooker, George Horabraok, Augnitna Hotchklas. Frank Boose, -Chester Howard. Bert Howard. Chuck Howard, Earl Howe. Arthur Howe. Lyman B. Howltt, Charlie Hubbard, Edward C. Hubbard. Geo. Hughe*. Boy Hugo. Victor Hnlett. Will Ball, D. R- Hont. Cal Hunt. Harry Hunter. T. J. Hatchlns, C. M. Hntton. John ••Huttons. Hurling. Byde. Bollle Ingenoll. Harry H. Inclla. John M. Ireland. Corllf trloo. Chaa. Irion. F. H. Irons, Wsrren E. Irwin. Edwin Jsck, John Jsckaon. Frank Jacobs. Bert James, Everet James. VIrgU James, Wslter E. Jamison. Chas Jancek. Samnel J. Jams. E. J. Jenkins. B. C. Johannlng. Paul Johnson. Bowman Johnson, J. C. Johnson. J. H Joauueon. Frank Jones, Dick Jones, Frsncll ••Jones. Harry Jones. Roy F. Jones. B. Tattea ••Jordan. Stanley Jordon. J. W. Jnblter. Bodd Kshn. Mohammed Kanell, Wm. Ksrdowa. The ••Kara, John D. NOTICE I POST CARDS FOR THE PERFORMERS WHOSE NAMES APPBAB IN THE LIST GIVEN HEREWITH, ABB NOW BEADY. EOT CANNOT BE FORWARDED UNTIL WB KNOW TO WHAT ADDRESS CARDS ARE TO B SHIPPED. 1NO ROUTE FAB INSURE SAFE ~ Adair. Art Adams. E. Klrke, A Co. Almee. Mile. Alvtn, Jack Aaher. Max Avallon Troupe 1 "Baby Dot" Bacon. Bet«y Blenlng. Mr. * Mrs. Brand, Laura Martlere Brown, Lonlse Bntler, Helen Msy Csrrsl. Helenn SCE. OIT- Hsll. Nellie Harper A Jameson Huirord A Chain UrTetafMlle. lender. Geo. 8. Lee*. Two Origin*! Medley Boy* Merediths A Dog Sooo- Meyer. David Mill.. Ed. Chester. Chas.. A Co. Mitchell A Br"!" 1 '" Cowles. Marrelons. Fam- Moore. Geo. rainier lly Crayton, Lawrence Croighton, John C. Ctirran A Milton Davis. Glrdls May DeHaven A Whitney Ennood. Baby Fielding A Carlos Oarnold, Jolly r Glyndon, Tel lie Goodwin. Sao e. Mite. Smith. Alts Stone. Belle Thorn. N. F. Torcst * Flw D Alls* Volgt tt Volgt Weber Family West. W. A. DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Bl Uboard 49 t'Ki-MT, Jewel Kit„..| B. KfiH'T. Doe Kearney, IifWI Keltb. W«U Keller. H. H. Keller. John ••Kell.v & Hull Kelly. L C. ••KellT. P»t B. Kelson, Frank B. K, D bi>. Paul Kaanarrl. ma. Kennclj. Chaa. Kennedy. Murray Kerfsser. Peter Keren. Clarenca R>«tmeot. Joa Ktetier. O. Klkurbl. H. Clar. 1- B. KiolW. o. N. ••Kirk. F. Pearson Klrelake, nil Kltcnen. Logan gttt w. c. Klask-. llcrmu Klaas. Fred Knupp. Ed. 0. Kohler * Adimt Kobler. Uw . Kostcr. BUTT Kralner, Loo Is B. Kramer. Prank Krelntirlnk. Otto Krelt. Vim. Knurr. Philip LaBelle. Edwin ••UBICk. J 01. UBIrd, Chas. LaComa Trio LaDare. C. A UFfirl A UFeirl LaFrldar. Frank LaMar. J. A. L.Mont. W. E. Larortea. The Aerial LaRoai. Joe LaRne. Bert Labb. W. B. Larbeeo. Lonl« Larhman, I. S. Lackey. Prof, taw Lackey. Perry Lacy, J. 8. Utird ft Mark Lain). Dr. Lamb. Lee Lindore. Robert Lane. W. C. Laplni. Harry Lark. Leonard Laaley. Art Laaserre, E. J. UnrhMn. Lsnrniln. J. it. Lovelle, Frank F. larelle. Lew Lawrence, Go. ••Layloo I» aa. Laaetta. Jack LeBreqne. B. K. Leroy, Frank L»K..y. Leon - l^virm. Mr. Leech, E. J. Leu. J. S. Lee. Chaa. K. Lererer. Harry Lelcb. Joseph Leo. Frrd. Leonard. Ann* Oo. I.ealle. Geo. W. Melllian. Geo. Melroy. Fearless jlelroy. Harry UfWIIIc. Arcbls B. ••MeWlo. Bart Alwvla. Boy Merrill, Norman W. Uerryweatber, Gordon Mertln. Mr. Cbaau aivyer. Dare MestcM, 8, Mlckeleoo, Barry Millar. C. a Millard, Norman Miller, Bock Miller. C. W. "ilicr. J. C Mill.. B. A. Mllla. Mr. John Mills, Wm. J. ■nor. W. B. Mltcbel, Otta "•irbell. A. B Mitchell, Jaa. A. Mitchell. Russell ••Mix. Tom, Q. ••Lsrao. Chaa. Lewi.. Lonl. >^w|», (Irlen Lick. Andy Ueael. Jollna t-isbt. Dick Llcbtbawka. The Llndslen, The ■■Ink. Harry W. LInplncott. Samuel "Usls. B. D. Unrrl Sid Lockahay. D. D. London. Jamea Lonr. J. B. ••Lnac. Jim— W. lortne. 0. W. loyal. Frank Lneky'a Dor Cirrus Luther. Martin B. Lynch. Irtah J. McCatrerty. Walt. McCl.ln. Clata McCouoel). Lawrence McOrtnlck. H. McCnne. Chaa. MeJJaUfL will C. McGer. joe B. M.<:ill. Casey McClnnU, P. E. JS5»"«*i "an . %&5S' y Mr W C - W " Uclatlr* ft Co. Mclntyre. Mr. B. H. "MeKeoale 4k Shannon llcLalo, B. Star MarLean. Jaruea McNe. Wm. McXutt, Laurel M«ek. K. R. MsRby. J, l). Mauulre. Jimmy Hsln, Barry Maine. N. Maine. Will Jlaodet, Lew M.insnetd, w, J. Msntial, Jean Mnrkham. E. E. Uarkla, w. B. Marrtntt Twloi J "rah. nine Ma r s h al l , John Marshall, Leon •'•rllfj, L D. Martin. Mlcbaal J'arv. ire. «,b«». Mason. Mr. B. ■'""I. R. I. Mnury. Crank Maxwell. Harry H**wtu, U H. May. Thorn a » Meaker, A. E. Meehaa. M. A. Jicyra Dan J. Meliell. Delbart All. Moll. Arthur ••Moll. Arthur ••Monaban. Mr. ft Mrs. T. J. Moon. Robert E. ""Moore. Arrhle Moore, A. W. ••Moore. Cb*ater A. Moore. Ed. R. Mnralea, The "Moray ft Coon era "Morris ft*l_.. ••Morrow. Carlo Morrow. Jaa. A. Mortimer. Cbaa. Morton * Patrflcld "«es, Charlay Moaa. Mr. ft Mrs. T. MeehTSdobadac. 8. Muklnaky. T. J. Mumtord. o. C. Monro, Prince Morpny. A. * L Murphy. C. M. Mrjrpby, B. P. Murphy. Jaa. K. Utrrray. Jos. • artall, t^or. Nance, B. B. Narder. Nat %aan. At. Saab, WU1 venman. H J. Needbam. W. P. ••Neher ft Kappel ««tn». Mr. K. E. Nelson. Chaa. Nelson Comedy Co. Netada. Emmet Xewman. Balph ••Nlbo. Prof v.H.inwa. A. P. Vnrrla. Clareaca Xorrla. ». Nnarent, 3. W. Net Franklin O'Brloo. Wn. ■' II. B. Aa>len. Chi«. T. Oldbam. Mrs. Henry Olrliteln. Morris O-Nelll. Jamea "etaneya. Fella Ortoa. Myron Oaterllnf. Mr. 0*0. Otle. Bert Ott, Charlie Owens, Blllle ••Padsjett. livo. M. Pan. Blller Palmer. A. T. Parker, W. M. Parnell. Ceo. W. Parrlsta. Harry r>araon«. Clanita Paaaoal*. P E. Patrick ft Francisco ••Patterson. C. fatton. B. J. l'anl. Frank _L». i'ear«all. J. T. Prarton. Lenton Penny. A. B. "•nnork. Murray a. Pepper. H. L. rercy. Boht. W. Perham, 8. A. Perken, Bay Petera. Emmet Pbelpa. Verner Phelps, wm Phillips, riyda Pbllllps. C. A. ■'hllllus Percy Pierce, Mr. AI. Pierce. J. S. Pllr>ean. Mr. F. E- I'llcrlm. A. A. Polo, J. 0. Poole. Beaajle Porter. Cbarlea Powell, Eddie Powsr, W. W. Powers. The Oreat Powers. Prof, F. J. C. J. Price. Godfrey ••Prlmro— . I*ei» —■.•tor, Geo. B. i.aj. Chaa. A. Quia ley. Andrew Qulncy, Thos. Qulotanoa. Slgnnr Bahblt. Jack ••Rae. John G. Randalr. Harry Bill, Wlllford Ramon, Bonis Ramonea, Mexican Randall, Dan Batllff, A. 0. Ranh. W. W. Ray, John J. Raymond at llarner Reaile ft Wright Reaiten. Jimmy Rebecb. John ilecklaw. Reckless Reeder, Orral ••Reeiea, John ••Rellly, Dan Kelly. J. Bernard Rclso. Geo. RenaUa. tie no, C. R. Beno, Prof. Ed. ttenonlt, Chaa. Renqnnoe. Jacob Rice, C. B. Rice, Dsn ••Bice, B. H. Richards, E. V. Blcbards, Harry Richards. J. J. Richardson. Master Bled, rrank Rlaatdo, is. B. Bltcbey. W1U M. _ D. B. Robinson. Jim Robinson, Robert ••Roblson. Robert Roc bob, Fred Rodney, Jamas Roarers, Wilson Rogers, 0. B. Rollins. Barry Book. L. B. Roes, A. J. Roaa. Walter J. Bows. William Bowstt. William Rnmboldt, Jaa. A. RosseM. 3. A. Rutharfocd, Dick ••Byao, T. W. Rrley. J. Fred a»a^* Sanders. Mr. 8. Bandosa. Klw Schneider Richard Sehram, Chaa. E. Schrter. Q. Schroy. J. f. Scbnmm. Walter oeott A Clark Scott, Jack Seays. The Serardo ft Rltehlsoo •Sele. Lonls M. Willie Pete «bemp. C. C. ShaUcross, Barry A. Sharp, Geo. E. ••Shsrp. Mort. Bhafar. Ed. Shea, Barney Shelby. Roy Sheridan. Blaa G. Sherwood. Chaa. Sherwood. Donald Sherwood. John Bheeera. P. L. Slhl P eyT"wT , K. Sickle. Fred silrer. Jamea Simmon. Jamea Simpson. Don Sims. Leslie Slrtamano. Felix Stasia, Jack •eiater. J. r. Smith, Chss. T. Smith. Ed. W. Smith, a. P Smith, 0. W. A. Smith. J. M. Smith. John It. Smith, " Smith." Smith.? Smiths* a Sralts. :{ ••Snlplsj Salssrr. ••Snyoea Soams. Sohna, Bury ••Sorcho. 'Cant. _ Sorrenhlmo, Ennne Soatsmsn. Leon ••Sonaa. John Philip ••Spabn. J. K. Snayd. D. M. Spellman. Frank P. ••Snlker. Boy Spofford. Eocene St. Clair, Harry Stanley. Bert Standlford. J. G. Stelner. B. E. SteRtnna. The ••StereBS, B. A. Sterrnaon. Coy ToT Stevens. 1". R. Stewart A Mercer Stewart. RUIy Stewart. Musics! Slice, it. A. Stlres. F. W. Stlrsfleld. Mark tnckton. Geo. Story. Balph Stranc. Baldy Strode. W. A. Stroot, B. D. ••Susamoto Japa SnlllTan. Henry Swain, C. Walter Sweat, Stanley Tahesaw, Elko Tann. BlUy Tanna, A. 1\ Tanner, Sari Taahylan. Geo. Taylor, Archie Taylor, Bad Taylor, Mr. Jack Tenney, E. Terry. B. C. Thom. N. F. Tbomaa, Chaa. Thomas, w. r. (I Thompson. Dsns Thurston. Leslie Tlaklyan Tterney, James "Tracy, Dick Trainer. Jack Trezler, Paul Trout. 0. B. Turn be rs. w. M. Tnrglnson, Hawy •Tyler ft Burton Typton, Dr. Wm. Upehnrch, Q randy Van. C. Varlpatla. Saras Veal, Joins Vernon, Ben B. Vessel's. 8. Marco Vincent, Rob ••Vlollnaky Virian ft Barbell Voce. Tom Wade. L. z. Wales, Barry H. Wall, Lawrence Wallace, Geo. Wallace. Jack Wallace. John E. Wallace. Jos. K. ••Walters. K. W. Wsrnlck. W. C. Wsshbnrn. C. A. Washlncton, B. Waterbury. J. V. Wataost, Cliff Watson, B. Ia Wayne, Fred fehb. T. J "Weber Family Weber. Geo. H- Weoer. J. Webster. Mack "Wellington. Gay Welaeh. M. H- Weltcb, Ease West, Al. B. West, J. W. Wee ton. Bert ••Wheeler. Bert Wheeler, John Wbooley, L. A. Whitehead. Dr. White, Allan B. White, O. K. White. Robert C. White. Ted Whiting. Barry A. Whitney. A. P. Whlttaker. Jaa. T. Whlttaker, 8. T. Wlckes. Jos. M. WlckUffe. J. D. Wicks. Johnny Wlagtna. Mr. Chester Wllen. B. Wilkinson. L. F. Wlllard. C. D. Wnilama A Wells Williams. Earnest Williams B. Williams. Harry A L. Williams, J. Williams. John wnilsms. Oscar "Wlllmore. W. fills. Charlie Wlllson. Jnnle ••Wilson A Heldelle ••Wilson. Barry Wilson. Hans Wilson. Jsck Wilson, Larry Wilson. Lew Wilsons. The ••Wilsons. The Wilton. Alf. T. Wins;. R. G. Winters. J. 8. Wlrebsck. 3. Wolte. Jim Woods. Harry la, Woodward. B. L. Wowack. William Wray A Ray Wrlaht, Frank Wright. BUllard Wrlcht. J. B. Wright. J. D. Wrlsbt. Jos. Tt. ••Taw, Dan Fin Yoney. James J. Toahlda. R. Younger, Bob Zadla. 7.smora Brothers Zarllda. Count Zello. Prof. E. "Zeraldas. F.lllle. Mart W Zlnne.T. Mike 5,000 Army Horse Blankets S2. $S. fS each. Don't lose this chsnce. EDWARD J. KANE. Ml Ann St.. N. Y. City. FOR BALE — At sll times. Somersault. Boxing, THICK DOGS snd Doves, I*. Machines. Films, Crank Piano. Will exchange or buy Shetland Ponies. Films. Magic, Illusions, or auythlnc for small show or park. PROF. HARRY SMITH. Grata. V*. FIRST, LAST AND FAIR WARNING! In view of the fact that several attempts have been made, and recent an- nouncements proclaimed, that an encroachment on the name, fame and reputation which has become of great value to us as a trade-murk, owing to its original and historic association and the reputation pained through- out the world on account of the exalted character of the exhibition created by ourselves, and because of our distinct personality, we deem it just to the public, and to ourselves individually, to WARN ALL PROMOTERS, INVESTORS or "PROFESSIONAL ANGELS" Who may in the future attempt to promote or induce others to sub- scribe or invest in the corporation, promotion or presentation of any ex- hibition bearing the names of BUFFALO BILL, or PAWNEE BILL, or any part of such professional titles or acquired trade-marks, and we hereby further emphatically state that every legal means, pressure and influence will be used to protect our legal and just rights in this respect. It has come to our personal knowledge that certain shows during the past season were advertised and operated under such misleading titles as "Young Buffalo," "Buffalo Ranch," and other fictitious names closely re- sembling Buffalo Bill, and it is now publicly announced that it is the intent and purpose to place other and similar shows before the public, bearing the title of "Young Buffalo Bill's Wild West," or otherwise, with the intent and purpose of misleading, confusing and implying that the original and only "BUFFALO BILL*' — COL. W. F. CODY- someone closely resem- bling him, will appear and impersonate, or lead the public to believe that the great plainsman, whose reputation is one of the most valuable assets in business, is in some manner connected with that or any other fraudulent outfit. It has been decided and adjudged by the highest courts in England and America that in all equity, legal and moral right, the identification nom-de- plume of "Buffalo Bill" is a legitimate, legal title and trade-mark, and that anyone other than Col. W. F. Cody, who may attempt to use this title, is perpetrating a swindle upon the public, and liable to imprisonment for fraud with fines and cost of action. Therefore we will use every proper and justifiable means to protect our interest in the enterprises* bearing our names, with which we are personally identified, and our attorney, Francis James, Esq., of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been and is hereby authorized to prosecute any and all parties infringing upon our rights in these premises. (Signed) Cel. W. F. Cody - Major G. W. Lilll* BUFFALO BILL and PAWNEE BILL OUR 1910 NATIONAL SLEEVE CAMERA, Ne. 20 New sad perfect. A m oner-maker. Best of Its kind. Makes i\ pictures. $30.00 to »SO.0O per dsy can be made in good locations. _ roslre cup. Lens with adjustable focna and dial plate for taking pictures at different instances; also magnetic rereralble plate bolder for taking (roups. Takes pictures rapidly : as fsst as you can get persons in front of the lens. No experience required. Any one can operate tbero bj following printed Instructions. Camera, complete, f 17.50. Plates, le eacb. Developer. 25c per package. Mounts. 25c to EOc per 100. Deposit of S3.nO required on all orders; balance. C. 0. D., and charges. Will answer all questions promptly. We are also dealers In all sizes of dry ferrotype plates. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPH MACHINE COMPANY, YORK, H. Y. WANTED — SEASON 1911 Yankee Robinson Circus People In aU branches of clrcun business. Want people for big show, doing two or more sets: good concert, specialty people; want freaks for aide show, ticket sellers, etc. Address Fred Buchanan. Das Koines, la. want people in working departments. Can use first-class boss bostler. Best of salary. Address C. w. Buchanan, Aral on Flats. Daa Moines. Xjl. FOR SALE — One Den. Go ss Cage. Ticket Wagon. Cook House Wagon, Seats. 100 ft. R. T. wltb three 40-ft. middles, two Flat Cars, two Coacbes. Will trade for other show property. Address, YANKEE ROBINSON, Des Moines, la. Blsckle Williamson and BUI Foraker. write. WE WISH TO SELL AN ELEGANT ALLEGORICAL SERIES OF OIL PAINTINGS ENTITLED "KING VAUDEVILLE'S COURT," Consisting of Nine Pictures (Averaging 5x6 ft.) •■TRAGEDY, ROMANCE, MUSIC AMD COMEDY, PAYING TRIBUTE TO KING VAUDEVILLE," "OPERATIC MUSIC," "CLASSIC DANCE." "UNDER THE CHESTNUT TREE," "THE ATH- LETES." "THE JUGGLER," "THE DANCER," ETC. Elegant work In bright stronp; colors painted In oil colors on canras and suitable for side wall embellishments In any Tandcvtlle house or for framing. Panels were made for a high-class vaudeville house, bnt on accvnnt of chancea la architecture, could not be used. If Interested, write, and we will mall photographs of the set. THE MYERS COMPANY, Inc., Scenic Artists, Steubonvillo, Ohio. LITTLEJOHN'S UNITED SHOWS WANTED---ONE MORE SHOW attraction that docs not conflict. Carrying three shows now and need only one outfit. We have two real brass bands. 8. Battlato's Royal Italian and 81 Hare open, exclusive Doll Rack. Cane Rack, and Noreltlea. Mo srs Into Florida first week In January, and stays out all Ga.. Dec. 19-24. 60 Xtie Bi Uboard DECEMBER 24, 1910. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. (Continued from page 10.) to reform. "The Tin Horn' Mamie and confirms the fact that ahe laves Price. Holding- her happiness ss more than bis, be relinquishes her to hla rivsl, bat lint holds him up and recovers the money which Price haa stolen from the bank. Then hanj- Ing them a bag of gold, he bids them begone. While bis back Is turned, a lounger wounds Saul, gratis the money and seeks to make off. hot is .hot by Mamie, who aees the deed through the open window. la arretted by and enters. sobbing ly. an the curtain "descend* Another sketch which Is fairly good Is A Night In a London Club, played by Fred. Karoo' s London Comedians, under the management of Alt. Beeves. It Is described as a pantomime farce, a description that does not spply In the American conception of the word. It Is ■opposed to portray an amateur contributed entertainment, and Its humor Is Indnced by the presence of several distinct types of lower mid- dle class personages, who clash temperamental* ly and physically.. Charles Chaplin la the Ine- briated Archibald Rinks, always seeking- a dis- turbance. Others In the east are: Misses Mu- riel Palmer, Amy Minister and Emily Seaman, and Messrs. Arthur Dandee. Albert Williams, B. Jefferson, M. npany musical farce, entitled A Session at School, from the pen of George W. Day. Sam waa greeted with hilarious applause In the tola of Ham Silvers, the fat boy, with a penchant for tricks on hla teacher. Olive Drown, Elsie Gilbert and Isabel Crawfo r d are a trio of Jolly schoolgirls, and Tim Faust Is an angular schoolmaster. Mr. Curtis renders a number of pleasing songs during the act, among those worthy ef mention being Little Puff of Smoke, Good-night and Think It Over, Mary. An Interpolated number that goes big is When the Old Oaken Bucket was Mew. the words of which were composed by George Mori- arty, third baseman of the Detroit team of the American League. The Four Amaranths, a quartette of r obust young women In bine costumes direct from London, created a sensation with their acrobatic Broughton. English contralto, playing -i accompaniments on the grand piano, delivered a notable program of song, Ja which she had the assistance of Denla Creadon, vio- linist and baritone. The Brothers Lloyd are another pair of Eng- lish Importation, and they reflected credit upon their native land by .contributing one of the most novel and skillful acta on the bounding cablea In the whole Held of variety.. Their act occupies the entire stage,' which la set. aa an English battleship, and the Lloyds In naval cos- tumes, dance hornpipes and play violins on the bounding wires. They conclude their per- formance by turning somersaults while playing the violin, landing upon the cables without missing a note. Other acts which entertained the American clientele during the past week were Wmsor Mc- Kay, cartoonist of the New York Herald, and creator of "Suas" Welch Rarebit" series, and "Little Nemo," who drear a "Story of Life" in chalk; Allan Sbsw. expert coin and card man- ipulator, who picked motley from the curtains, and from thin air; Elliott and wills, two young men at the piano, who vocalised attrac- tively, and purveyed a wholesome bit of phil- osophy In the song. It's a Foolish World After- All: Ed. La tell. In blackface, who Bang, talked and msde music on the banjo and mn-dcal sleigh bells; Franklin and Pierce, a young man and woman In dances and blsarre . capers; La Petite Mlgnon, comedienne with tuneful lays and Imitations of Bert WSUama. George. M. Cohan and Marie Dressier- The Woman In the Case, a twentieth century Illusion; Murphy and Francis. In coon dialects: Sidney Falk. singer of topical songs, and WTU Van Alien, musical THE COLONIAL BILL. (Continued from page 10.) gram and good-natured cynicism. ' It has to do with s shrewd politician who matches bis wits with those of a peroxide blonde manicure, and ssves his son from an entanglement that threat- ened to blast his career and his father's political — l Mr. Holt made an ideal mayor, and Choate aa the manicure; Edward B. mess as the sou, and Ethel Lloyd aa the tatter's fiancee capably supported him. Joseph Hart's production of The Little Stranger was another welcome offering. It Is dominated by a fine touch of sentiment Ideally in keeping with the Tnletlde spirit. Frank Craven and George V. Hobart are the authors, and they bare created a story that grips the heart-strings to this vignette of the race track. The Little !!".?*"' J* ">* name of a horse entered on a Southern track, which a broken trainer plays for his last lire spot, acting on the hnnch furnished by tbe expectation of a "little stranger" In bis home. A prosperous horse owner and bis negro servant watch the race with him from a distant part of the course. While the cheers rend the air the horse owner convinces the broken sport that he has won. and cashes In hla pasteboard ^^T,* 3 ??' Wl >en he haa left, tbe negro servant calls his master's attention to bis "mistake." and he explains that he has thns taken the most deli cate way to make a present to "the little stranger." George Pierce plays the horse owner. Blchsrd Webster, the old negro servant (sn Ideally delineated characterization), and Panl Dulzell. the broken trainer. Ben Welch nave ns a faithful picture of tbe •wise guy" Hebrew, a type conspicuous on the East 8lde. snd won ronnds of applause from his blended hnmor and philosophy. He finished In a Dago make-np. affording a striking demonstra- tion of bis versatility. Morton and Moore, white-face grotesques, re- cently stsrs of The Merry Whirl, whistled, sang and danced, and finished strong In a burlesque "slater act." The Orest Lestfr Just returned from his Lon i trlilinnhs. m ~ lie his yawned. Tsui Spa don I made hla entrance In full dress and started bis act of novel surprises by bm-ttng a detached chandelier upon a book suspended from tbe (lies snd lighting the stage. Ai ' by a comical valet he Juggled .11 of the CSS; sofas, which ha balanced on Ma chin. Return- ing In garb of an ancient Teuton. Spadonl Jog- gled heavy cannon balls, catching them on hla back and shoulders. Tbe Two Pucks went big In second place, open- ing with a planologue and closing with a Hick song and dance In costume. My Little Queen. Wentworth, Vesta and Teddy, a man. a woman and a dog, opened the show with comedy acro- batic novelties. UP AND DOWN BROADWAY. (Continued from page 10.) land, and have returned here, awaiting the arrangement of their Orphenm bookings. Harry Yerkes. once a drummer, and well known to various members of the profession, and now Junior member of the Yerkes Manu- facturing Company, had a trunk containing two hundred dollars of stage sound effects, stolen from an express wagon, upon his return from the road. H. A. Davis snd Company haa Just returned from the West, and have already received a route through Pennsylvania from W. S. Cleve- land. This week they are the feature of an eight-act bill at tbe State Street Theatre. Trenton, N. J. The caat Is made up aa fol- lows: Arthur M. Perry aa the crooked Jockey. Fred Yunker aa the Italian bootblack, and EL A. Davla^aa Charley ^tdCTngb^tee^ploDgt r. April L " Mlaa Grace Edmonds, who has recently re- turned from a suc cessful tour of Ana trails, where she played the prima donna in - The Dollar Princess, will return to vaudeville. She has In preparation a new sketch, entitled. Nancy In which Mlaa Berry. Mr. William Mc- Kee aid herself will appear. . '■ Flake O'Hara Is another star who will rest during the week before Christmas- He will spend the week on his farm near Canaan, Conn., and resume his tour In Tbe Wearing of the Green at Altoona. Pa.. December 28. Lee Shnbert entertained three hundred blind children from the various Institutions for the Juvenile blind la New York City, at the Hip FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. (Continued from page 10.) ter-day wire-pulling by Oliver White, called Politics and Petticoats. Illustrating woman's Influence on affairs of atate. It paaaesses an Ingenious plot and Is capably acted. Laddie Cliff proved to be a magnetic youth, with an Infectious good hnmor thst caught the fancy of hla auditors. He demonstrated the fact that' American audiences can appreciate English hnmor when presented by an artist who understands Its moods. He Bang a budget of new songs, including a droll ditty asking What Can You Do for a Quarter r His eccentric dancing, attired aa an Eton boy. took the house by storm. •* ' Lydla Barry, daughter of -the late comedian. Billy Barry, assisted by a young man at the showed hereditary talent as a perform- e sang a song extolling tbe virtues of the clan, and showed the contrast between vsndeville of to-day and tbe variety or "twenty years ago." while habited in a black and white hobble skirt. The . Pedersen Brothers, Cart and Victor, gained mingle spplsuse and laughter by run- ning up perpendicular posts, catching them by the toes, and eliding down with comical gy- rations, performing on the flying rings and executing other unique stunts. The Tasmsnlan-Van Die man Troupe, six stur- dy yoong women in attractive costumes, exhib- ited rests of eqnnrhrtam, and performed skirt dances In the from trapeses. Tbe Vivians showed their a kill as extraor- dinary marksmen, shooting with hidden sights, Igniting matches by riffle shots, and perforating three swinging targe ta by a single shot. They game a demonstration of the Maxim muffler and Its potentiality far evil, and concluded by playing tones by shooting, st s musical target. Ray Montgomery and tbe Healy Slaters, a young man and a couple of pretty girls In pink and blue, entertained with Jolly songs and repartee, and neat dancli with a rube dancing and gained Immense spplau DRAM ATIC NOTES. New York, Dec. 18 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — The order of Wm. Gillette's reper- toire for the final week la: Christmas matinee and evening. The Private Secretary Dec 27, Too Much Johnson; Wednesday mati- nee and night. Dec 29. Secret Service: Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday night and Saturday PLA YHOU SES. Sam End Cook,, of Indiana, his bought the Majestic Theatre at Denton. Tex. This la a live city of 8.000 population, near Ft. Worth, and as Dr. Cook la a hostler and a born enter- tainer, we bespeak great success for blm In tbla Held. He Is always open for clean vaude- ville. The Grand Theatre, Balelgb, N. 0.. has been leased by Messrs. Aronson snd Brown. K. A E. attractions are being played at the Grand. WITH THE S TOCK COMPANIES. William J. Bauman, author of Adelaide Ketm'e new playlet. The Little Mother, baa signed con- tracts by which he win be connected with the Klimt and Gazsolo Stock Company at tbe Im- perial Theatre, Chicago, opening on Christmas day. Lanham's Lnroc Players, who have 'been play- ing an Indefinite engagement at the Majestic Theatre. Findlay. 0., resume their road bnslnesa December .11. Tbe company la trader tbe man- agement of O. F. Lanham. others with the •how are: Karl Lanham. John Newman. Jack Sr.yder. Bill E. Bryant. Franklin McNsrry. I). H. MacVay. Embadwax Sisters. Bessie Sea- hrlght. Clara Jeaklns. Karl Sapp and Mrs. O. F. Joseph E. Howard la back In town again, baring left the destinies of Tbe Goddess of to his understudy. He will remain In MA RRIAG ES. REILLT-ANTHONY.— Chaa. A. Anthony, of Anthony and Allen, and Miss Eva Atkins Bell- ly. were married December 12, In independence. Kan. Mrs. Anthony will Join her husband's act. which will be known as Rellly, DEATHS. The SCARLETT.— Fred Scarlett, father of LeRol Scarlett, actor author, and uncle of Clara Belle Jerome, well-known actresa, waa killed In Tennsogo. Pueblo. Mexico, Dec. 12. Burial waa made in Mexico City. Dec 14. CHESTER.— Mrs. Teddy Chester, wife of Teddy Chester, tbe German comedian, on Capt. Ghost Show the past season. died with typhoid fever In the Henley Hospital at Meridian. Mlo., Dec^.^She^waa 22 yesra _ W. Scott, better known In as "Scottle," died suddenly at In Honston, Texas, Friday, December 9. from an attack of heart failure. Mr. Scott was 33 years of age and had been In the show business for the psst 16 or 18 yesrs. Prior to his desth be waa electrician of tbe Prince The- atre. Houston, for the psst Ave seasons bnt was formerly with Pain's Fireworks, and several theatrical companies. He waa a charter member of Honston Lodge No. 15 T. M. A. and I. A. T. 8. E. No. 5L Funeral services were held OPENS A T CA NTON, O. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 18 'Special to The Bill- board).— The big winter circus which Is being organized by H. R. Polack, of Pittsburg. Is to open st Canton, 0., for one week, commencing Jan. 9, under tbe auspices ot tbe local Elks. Tbe local committee is working hard In the promotion of the show, and a big success la as- sured. Tne show Is booked for - eight solid weeks, snd will play under the strongest of local aus- pices only, playing all week atanda. The towns already booked and contracted are Canton, Ak- ron, Yonngstown snd Dayton, D. While Me- Keesport and Pittsburg. Pa-, will follow, mak- ing np a complete season of about eight weeks. The promotion is being handled by several of the best known amusement promoters In the business, and will H. Rice haa been engaged aa general agent. Mr. Rice will be supported by • staff ot well-known amusement promoters, snd has secured the services of Sydney Wire as general press representative. The superintend- ent Is Jos. J. Conley, with George Phillips, master of properties. George Dorm an Is treas- urer, snd the ' local promoters are H. L. Hamil- ton, Sydney Wire. 'Sam Ach and Lark In Har- din. H. B. Polack, of the Polack Booking Ex- Change, w)Il handle tbe booking of all sets and will be the general manager of tbe show. A bout. one hundred people will be carried and a progatm of thirty acts will form tbe else of the enthrtalnment. which will include a number of the Seat-known circus sets In tbe business. A full Vrens band will be carried and special paper is being msde for the Show by tbe Donald- eon I.Itho. Co., of Newport, Ky., and by The SAID AND 3EEN IN CHICAGO. Chicago. 111.. Dec 19 to The Bill- board.)— Mflllcent .Evans, who has been acting with Douglas Fairbanks in The Cob. will be one of the players in George Ade's new comedy. United States Minister Bedloe. which will dedi- cate the new Blackstone Theatre, on tbe last night of this month. ■ Christine Nellsen, who last sang here In The Belle of Brlttsny, succeeded Else Bysn In Two Men and a Girl last Saturday night, when Mlaa Ryan left that company to Join Louise Gunning In Tbe Balkan Princess. Gertrude Vsnderbllt. recently of Our Mlaa Glbbs. Is to go into The Hspplest Night of Hla Life, the east of which la being strengthened to^mske^It rwdy for Its proposed ru^ln^the engagement. ' Victor Moore la the star of the piece. Tbla Is the last week of Tbe City at the Grand Opera House. The Chocolate Soldier will be followed on Jan- uary 8 by an all-stsr cast In Tbe Prince of PUseo. Forbes Robertson comes to the GsTriek on tbe 23d of January, for Ave weeks. Adolph Marks, the well-known theatrical law- ?er of Chicago, secured Judgment against Guy B. rills In behalf of Walter snd Msy, performers, for $50.00 and coats, for breach of contract. The trouble started when they were booked into the theatre at Sana Sonci Park last season, and after giving one performance, their act waa closed. The La Grand Theatre, on the North side, which has been playing popular priced vaudeville, will play stock commencing Christmas. Tbe Gordon Associated Stork Company will open the new regime with The Belle of Richmond. Mr. Laograft Is tbe manager. Wilt Rosalter. the Cblcago publisher, mourns the loss of one of bis family. His "daughter", Adele Oswsld. wss recently married to Johnnie Collins, of the Martin Beck office. Hairy Sanger, known to practically everyone In the carnival bnslnesa. Is now operating sn Indoor fair snd society circus, which he calls The San- ger Indoor Fair and Society Circus. Chas. G. Kllpatrlck. who operates the ronlette wheel with the Psrker No. 1 Shows, strolled Into Chicago Isat week In the Interest of tbe Roulette Wheel Company which he represents. PADEREW8KTS RETORT. The planlat. Paderewakl. Is well known among bis friends ss s wit who generally has s resdy answer, even In English, a Isngusgc which he has mastered with wonderful ease. One night, during tbe Loudon season, be waa the chief per- former st a smsrt concert, but, unfortunately, he wss detslned in srrlvlng, snd did not turn up until be waa Jnat In time to hear the host- ess say to a meat, a well-known popo player and an excellent amstenr musician: "Oh! Csptsln. do be s dear kind soul snd play na a solo until Paderewakl arrlvee." Paderewakl did not make Himself known to his hostess until sfter Ihc young man bail finished hi. solo_ snd then turning Mo tbe ama- teur, he gracefully congratulated him upon his perrnrn- eu?e. said tbe young man modestly, •■» u I of you to congratulate mc, but Tai more painfully aware of the fact of 1 a difference there ta between ui» ••Ah!' very klL_ body Is a bow great "flhl" WITH WESTCOTT SHOWS. With Weatcott'a Doited Shows, now tourlna the Sooth, are tbe following shows and con cessions: Shows— Will's Laugblaod, Westcott?. Plantation, Alteberry's Blgluske "show . John son's Tlpplt Show. Four In One. Outlaw .Show Cant. Stewart's Jungle Show, Electric Theatre and London Ghost Show, besides Ferris Wheel and merry-go-round. Twenty concession- art carried. Prof. Henley's Cornet Band, and Blr tin!, spiral tower, .aa free act, are also with tbe show. The company will remain out all winter. Concessions with the company are held hi Steve Malcbay, J. Hampton, Miss Jennie At- lea, Bradley Sparrow. Fred Holland. Jim nodi en. Dad Nagate. Harry Richard son, Oliver Smith, John Veal and Willis Carraway. Tbe executive stair la composed ot: M. B Westcott. proprietor and manager; Howaai Seeman. adjuster; Mrs. Westcott. treasurer- Wm. Wayt, superintendent of concessions: Floyd Carraway, press agent. The company plays Hattlesbnrg, Miss., week of Dee. 19. VAUDEVILLE POL ICY ADOPTED. Steubenvllle, O., Dec IT (Special to Tbe Billboard ) .—Commencing Christmas Day. the Grand Theatre will be given over to vaudeville. Five acts will be booked; three ebowa a day will be given. The Grand was on* of the links In the Bela Circuit, affiliated with Tbe Sbu- berta. The last road attraction to play hart was Ward and Yokes, last Wednesday. FAIR GROUNDS 80LD. Monroe, Mo., Dec IT (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — The Monroe City fair grounds and other property of tbe association, has been sold at suction to satisfy a debt, and waa bought by Chas. M. Sullivan, the price paid belni tB.BOO. It Is probable that the sssoclstion wUI " and other fairs held.' NOTES OF THE ROAD. Chas. Merrltt. of Merritt and Lowe, has closed a contract with Nathan and Sommers for some European time, following the conclnsloB of their tour over the S. * C. Circuit. They win salt In May. Mrs. Merrltt (Naomi Ethardo) will accompany them. Oracle Emmrtt win appear next season In a three-act comedy, which la now being written. For tbe past eleven years Mrs. Emmett hat otno. VSU&Af » tne' time until June 5. Nelson Kooera, of the Four Koners waa discharged from the Polyclinic r New York last Wednesday, after a battle with appendicitis. f~ route tbla week at Poll's open January 1 la Cincinnati, on the A Cooaidlne time, presenting A Mat Substitute. They will nuke a tour of the West before returning to New York In June. Carl Bed en bender and Mone Linn have formed a partnership to appear In vaudeville. A sketch called The New Cook ha* been written for them by Harry I>. Newton. The team opens on the Hodklna Circuit Dec 26. Jack Symonda baa been given contracts for a return engagement over the Qulglej time, opening Feb. 18, Syvaonds opens Dec. 28. st Attleboro. Mass.. for six weeks of B. M. Letheyan Bekrab. petite violin soloist, wu at Robinson's Thestre. Cincinnati, last week. Thla week ahe la appearing at the Colonial The atre, Covington, Ky. Coney Holmes Is direct- ing her tour. Tbe Renowned Cevenes dosed their season with Sua Bros.' Show st Macon. Ga.. Dec. 10. snd opened their vsndeville tour December IX. st Paris, m. They return "to the white-tops next season. Bert Howard snd Elea Graf, in A Dream, are playing a ten weeks' ei over tbe Morris Circuit, dosing at after which they open on tbe Pantaf at Calgary, Tbe vaudeville - Hayes, no longer exists. Tom Hayes, of the team, bas formed a partaersblp with Blench Jpelslre, tbe act being known as Hayes and Blrknell and doner have Jnat finished tbj Interstate Circuit. They have time booked solid ontl! Msrch 12, when they go East for fourteen weeks on the Wllmer snd Vincent ana Poll time. Frank X. Mack, formerly, known ss lb» Orest Mack, alack wire artist and Jnagler. bat Daly and O'Brien are basing a successful engagement In Sydney, Australia. They art using as their feature number Where't Mttf O'Brien, published by tbe Thompson Music Co. The Keltners are In their fourteenth week for Geo. Webster, snd sre meeting with big success. They opened on bis Csnsdlan urns December 12. at Port Arthur, Canada. The Lyndon Vaudeville Company closed tot season at 8lnux napids. Ia„ December 18. and the different members of the compsny bsve left to visit their respective homes. John "Peerirss" Bejan. novelty acrobat, and Ed. Keno, formerly of the Komedy Kenoa. lurt Jotued bauds, snd sre presenting a new aci called Tbe Rent Collector. Clara DeMar mourns the loss ot ber rniiier. who psssed away December 3. He waa t'", rl ™ under Orsnd Army honors st Forrest Homo cem- etery, Cblcago. Will N. Corbln season as advi aaflon Show, next lesion. has dosed a thirty-six weeks agent for French'a New Sen DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 51 Moving Picture (Continued from page 47.) Dseorah— Prlaceea Theatre, IMS .\lulues — U'uluue, Colonial, Tut) VValuUl at. Faulty. SuT Locust sL Hier. KM Walnut at. Lyric. «-I Walnut at. Daoorab— Empire Theatre; S. K. Bond en. Water street. ■egle Orove— B. ' w. Groesbeck. gagi* Grvve — Z. B. Stewart. Bmuieitsburg— Crystal Tbratre; H. B. Itah, Elks' Uiuck. 8. Sixth at. Sillier. II Is — J as. S. Cox d^hle U n«»n takes a leading part In tbla etory). Tbla _ sweetheart, Msrlells, offers liersrir as security. lluw Tony fruatrates a proiweed burglary, and receltea to procure nle eweelbi'art'a ivleaae, la depicted In tereatlng manner. (See sywrtejls on pa as 26.) FRIDAY. DECEMBER SO. MRS. RICHARD DARE A spirited comedy, brimful of Uogbsble IncldrotA B frosn start to Bnlah. (See eyoopala FXX9AT, JABT/ABT • , (Split lieel.) A NIGHTCAP Comedy— A -big hearty Ungb. SALMON FISHING IN CANADA r 111 E. 14th Street. Solax Company 147 Fourth Avenue New York City at.; T. W. Chatham L; Leo Qonnlsan. Grsjihlc; C P. Menslng Amasement Co.. mgrs., Til Commercial at. C F. Menalng 821 Commercial at. Bloc Bsplds— Bag Theatre; E. B. Wrtrtn. B Miner Springs— Tbel ma Palace; D. M. I Klectrlc Theatre: O. ~- m-wmm Bnrllngton Electric Theatre; gar. Caldwell— Wm. a Wise. Canny — aaactric T. BL Smadlay. Cheaate— Alrdwne. P. U WUllams. rala-Jewal Theatre: M. D. Oar. «• Oat ijeals— Jewel Sellara. 814 W. Fifth at. Clay Cantor — Crystal Alrdoma. Br. O. W. Clyde — Wonder land Theatre; B. Antes. OoaTeyrUls Beanie Theatre, a V. Tanner. Star 'Theatre; James AlVer, 808 W slant Odenm Theatre: M. O. Eboe retain. Boyai; W. T. nXackbon. 125 W. BgbC Ool umbos — U cOhle'a Alrdome, Main at.; McOhle, mgr. Mystic. Main at.: w. C Smith, mgr. Concord l a— Lyrie Theatre Prank Moon Council O to e s O. B. Beams as, Ooancll OroTS— Electric Theatre; a T< *. P. Cos. SL j St. w. u. ■ekridge— C. B. Tan Yoorte. _ _ Bareka — Flee trie Theatre: J. C. Baiter. Port Alley — Pont Oymnaatna; B, W. tnmpksrs. Pranktort— Opera Moose, a J. Warn. Predonla— Lyric Theatre: w. BL Cunningham. kUactrie Theatre; B. O. Mania. Mans at. Fart Scott— Theaterette: H. F. KaUogg; 181 Market at. Ft, Scott— Fandette. 108 S. Mam it; O. L T* H. Main at.; Ernlch A Jordan. W. a Lassyhtts. tas Oardess o.. B. Bp BletllrT. Oamsees, mgr.. 1824 Washington. Orand; Otto Frees, mgr., 1908 Main. Star: J. W. SaelorTf B. 110 N. Pittsburg— Crystal Mystic: 122 8L 4th. Klectrlc: Frank Bally, mgr.. 420 N. Broadway. Pratt — Phoenix; J. B. Meek. Saline— Nickelodeon Theatre. W. J- Price. 118 N. Snntn Fa st. Sarins — National Theatre: M. PrV ^ : w K TT HoltorA-F. W." Johnson m Soring Picture Then- C. Green. ortno — odeon; t. J. Oem; E. L. Petri ng. 'ihnso HorcVlnaon^Magte: m }lro»er Hill, mar. HotrMoson— Ellts Tbeatra; Dr. James Becker, Humboldt— BHta Kelly: Fulton A Balln. Indeoenilencr— Elite Theatre; WttnOn A The Star — Jobnaon A Clark, 101 S. 10th at. Independence — Alrdome. W. Baa Bell. Iols— Alrdome. n. B. T-ejan. Blectric Theatre; U Daley. Majestic Thearre: Leng. B1»1«T A V.nd.rfoed. Junction Clly— Lyric Theatre; " Aurora Theatre; McSbans lngton at. Kansas City— Star Theatre; Mike Saneome. 837 Kanaae sve. Electric Theatre; A. Baker. 848 Mbxa. are. if. A O. Theatre; O. Orenhal, Jr.. 1S08 K. Eighth at. Victor: W. A. Andlaoer. mgr., 521-523 Mln- nrsots ere. Kingman — The Crystal tal Amuse. Co. JLMnln at. SrarBag Faiplis Theatre; A. B. hVmshTsa* ■y I stuns Elettric Theatre. Shirley A Co. Syi s tu as El n tuli Tbantie; J. West Mlnerxl-Lrrk Oil re at. . tnUme Theatre; Ms Wast Mineral— John Weet Mineral— Crystal; Pastime, E l m et laws Lyric. Fred Mecca, mi Wichita— Tale Theatre; Wichita — Colonial, 115 aSDOdjETB BO, UBT. Mnrpls, 417 B Donglae are.; B mgr. Noeelty, 410 B Douglas are.; WAST TO r TO BUT seats, ed nested ponies, flrat- loug sleeplog car or combination car. Ad- SHOW MANAGER, 28 01 on wood Street. Warren, l*a. BABO AIM— Bond Outfit: Ed. Cnlrersal Machine, new; 2.000 ft. FUm, 2 nets Slides. Screws, ail for |73. Will ship for exam, on 810 deunsIL Big bargain. ■ L. HOBKBDIBB. Canton. Oslo. BIO BABOAUfS In Merry-Oo-Bonnda, Ocean Ware, Airship, Ventriloqolat. Punch and 11 ari Od- ette Figures, Lunette. Black Art. Tenia. Or- gans. Museum of Anatomy. ~ of Trained. Goats. Harness of Anatomy. Galatea Statue, pair ants, Harness and Waguo, ate. W. H. 1. SHAW, Victoria, Mo. CASK l-OB at. F. ~ ~ Chain, ate. If 3 description and : Canton. Ohio. F. Bart. Fort Springs — Theatre; mgrs. Frankfort- :— Capitol Tbeatra; J. M. Parkins, Mata street. Gem Theatre; J. 0. Taylor, 18 St. Clair ar. Frankfort — Crystal Theatre. Crystal Thestre Co. Fulton — Cltlsena' Theatre; " Fire-Cent Then tori am; _ J. B. Bean. Benderson— Nlckendocn B^B H i?l5tui ToTb I^xlnrton — Bine Tirana Theatre; B L. so W. Main at. Hippodrome; Is, H. Ramsey. Princess Theatre; 8. A. Piatt. MaJ antic Theatre; Grsrea A Elliott. 10 North upper at. LadJnw — Wilms Theatre; Q. W. BIgga. S J. B. Henley, mgr., Tth at. ne. West Beenr " Hohbard. mgr. MonUeello— Oem Theatre; Oem A Mt, 8 J r M ln » E ^J m ^2d" Jia "- T1P<°n- 1 Si Sfo TneatreT* HaunsgaA *' f Nlcholasrilln— NIcnoIasTlUn Amuse. Co.; Rots. NlrJsolssxeBls Aaroan. 0a; M. H. Bars. Oweaano r o p e np l e's Theatre; A. R. Baslgna. mgr.. 1» W. Sd at. Os ss a tias Fu ds iAa Ttsaaksriam; B. C Msyfleld— Lyric; _. Mayer a le — I'aatlme, Weat Second at.; T. Neat M. H. J. C BXBTITCKT Co., Oreensp st Ashland— «. L. Martin. Theatre Co. BsIIsTae— Belleroe Am nan. Co. Bowling Green — Bowling Green Main A College ata.; J. M Crescent. Fro sen Run; Mr. Noeelty. lis In St.; 0. W. Onrronton — Oscar Mlddendorf. Opera House. W. C. Se b ol l . Ontletubnrg— The Whltaway Thearrs; Amusement Co. Oorhln— SJersbon A ! Cyatblana— Star, Main at.; Opera House. J. w. 410 Wonderland Mela st. Majestic Theatre; A. 8. Harass, tlB W. 8as> and street. idncaA — Kentnckr T h a n t ra ; If. J. Fnrnbi Koxy; L. Famll. 417 Broadway. Bljoo Theatre: M. J. Fanbakar. Padocah — Carney A Goodyear. Psutareflta— nnaklnn Broau Paris— Parts Orand: U A. BeU. Princeton— The Comet: So. Main at.; Be. Shsln^rt'a^Ssecent Opera Boose; H. a, tomeraet— Oem Nlckelo. T. M. Thatcher, Star Nlckelo. A. J. MeCarty. mgr. Springfield— Star Ar Springfield — Opera I Stanford — Stanford Mnts at. Williamsburg — Palace Amusement Co. Winchester — The Winchester; S. Dinette. Auditorium; B. P. 8cobee, mgr. (To be SOLAX RELEASE OF -MRS. RICHARD DARE." again to the front with another of those light Cimerilee. which wbTte thcr seem to~bo so es- sentially popular, are difficult to get. It Is called kirn. Richard Dare. Captain Blcbard Dare, e gallant yonng army o3cer. has Just married the girl of his choice, and two losing hearts heat happily with hot one atnale cloud in the horlxon of their bliss— the possible wrath of Uncle Henry— Captain Dare's mlllhmslre rrlstlre. Captain Dare's ef- forts to have bin rich uncle acqnlescn to Ida marriage are funny. 62 The O II lb o a rd 24, 1910. POWERS PICTURE PLAYS TUESDAY— ALL EXCHANGES FURNISH TH EM- SATURDAY Film Releases (Continued from page 29.) LDI. 27 — Bewitched (comedy) -*-| Heqnlred Strength end I ..IS ... 279 . .. 970 S27 462 27— She 27-wSg. foi-Qo;-i-Oc- Yeomed>V November — 8 — Fatly Boys a Bath (comedy) 3 — Her Diary (drama) .■ 11 — The Truth Bevealed (drama) 11 — BUI as a Boxer (comedy) 18 — BUI aa a Lover (comedy) - IS — Bloppa In Search of the Black Band (comedy) 408 25— In Friendship's Name (drama) 901 20 — In Frlendahlp's Name (drama) 901 December— Feet 2—iiiu aa au Operator (comedy) MS 2— Necessity la the Mother of Lnreatlon (drama) 449 9— What It Will Be (comedy) 491 0 — And She Came Back (comedy) 4S2 16— How He Won Her (comedy) 344 10 — Her Favorite Tone (drama) . 550 ATLAS SUJI 00. (c, Feet October — 28 — A Tone November' 2 — Turning of the Worm (comedy) 2— (That Dog Gone Dog (comedy) 9— The King of Beggars (drama) 16— The Hand of Providence (drama) .... 23 — Cast Thy Bread Upon the Water (dra- by a Vision (drama) I (drama) .......... of the Law KCLAIB. Feet aved by Her Dog (drama) 485 " Absent Minded Doctor (comedy) 7— The Resurrection of Iazarna (Biblical 7— ReUg^us Fetea s't Thibet (e'dnMtlODsY) 830 14— Olnhara (drama) 720 ieiiV.' ".;«"™v £!X (fairy story) 880 Ml "OfifS Oood < night* ) (co"m" RELEASE DATES— PATENTS CO. Lubln. Pathe. Sel VUagrai ph. . Ka- SeUg. Vltagranh. ine. Paths, VI- Tharaday — Blogn Friday— Edison, Katurday— Eaaasay, Ganmont-1 tagranh. EDISON MANDFACTTJBINO COMPANY. October— Feet 28— His Breach of Discipline (drama) 1000 ^28—jrbe^ Swiss Guide (drama) ^990 1— The. Key of Life (mystic comedy) 2— Riders of the. Plains (drama). 2 — Boy Scouts of America (topical) 4— The Little Station Agent (drama) 8— A Trip Over the Rocky and Selkirk Mountains In Canada (scenic ) ........ 9— The Ship's Husband (comedy) 11 — Toe Adoption (drama) . . . 11— The Lassie's Birthday (comedy) 15— Into the Jaws of Death (drama) IS— The Stolen Claim (drams) 1000 18— The Toymaker, the Doll and the Devil (comedy) 990 22 — His Mother's Thanksgiving (drams)... 995 28 — Through the Clouds (topical i 1000 29 — The Greater Love (drama) 1000 SO— Anns and the Woman (drama) 97S December— Feet 2— The Cowpuncber'e Glove (drama) 1000 6— The Winning of Miss Langdon (drama) 995 7— The Life of a Salmon (Industrial) 440 7 — Amateur Night (comedy) 650 . 9— The Captain's Bride (drama) 1000 18— An Old Silver Mine In Pern (Indnatrlal) 250 18— A Mountain Maid (comedy-drama) 730 14— Pigs Is Plaa (comedy! 1000 18 — The Bed Cross Seal (dramatic and edu- cational) 100* 20— The Police Force of New Xork City (descriptive) 995 21— The Joke They Played on Bumptious (comedy) 9»n 23— A Chrlstmss Carol (drama) 1000 27 — moors, the Fruit Girl (drams) 1000 28 — A Family of Vegetarlana (comedy) .. 990 ESS A NAT. FV»t 5 — The Jewel Case (drama) Feet 5— A Fatal Picnic (comedy. 12 — World i Wrestling Champions (topical) 12— Mother-In-Law Arrives (comedy) 19 — The Diamond Swindler (drama) 2C — Keen, or The Prince and the Actor (drama) December — 8 — The Birthday Present (drama) in— The Poacher (drama) 17 — A Chrlstmss Letter (drama) NESTOR FILM 00. October — ■ Feet 28— Bev. John Wright of Missouri (drams) 970 November— Feet 2— The Girl from the East (comedy) 950 7 — The Conquering Hero (comedy): .. 9— The Woodsman (drams) Sfln 14— The Pilgrim (drama) — n'a Bride (drama) 9S0 5— £ n " a i n .J? dUllJ (comedy) 80 — Valley Folks (drama) ero (comedy). .) ..... YANKEE FILM COMPANY. October— 24— Solving the Bond Theft (drama) 31— Italian Sherlock Holmes (drama) Sovesabei -> 7 Eotrit of the West (drama) 14— The Infant Heir's Disappearance (dra Feet Wolf's Trust (dra mat of an Actress (drams) . Feet - "t o> Nihilists (drama) 9— Westers Jostle* (drama 1 li-A FbrJrt f»r Millions (Drama) ~M lliaer'i Doll (Drama) ..... • nt >V HldAan Mines /drama) . 1 of Uncle Sam (d CBBJB. the Pledge RELEASE Di NEO08 CO. GNOME M. P. CO. 12— The Birth Of the Gnomes Feet .Feet 28 — The Bouquet (comedy) 878 26 — Hank and Lank. They Take a Beat " (comedy) 298 29— The Silent Messsge (drams) 1000 November— Feet 1 — Hank end Lank. Life Savers (comedy) 1 — The Masquerade Cop (comedy) 5— The Westerner's Way (drams) 1000 «— A Fortnnste Mlsfortnne aenmedyi.... 12— The Marked Trail (drama) 15— I-ove at First Sight (comedy) 19— The Little Prospector (drama) 22— That Popular Tune (comedy) 22 — Hsnk and Lank. Sandwich Men (com edy) 26— A Western Woman's Way (drama 1 .... 10OO 29— The Tie That Bind* (drama) _90S December Poet 3— Circle C Ranch Wedding (drama) 1000 in— The Cowboy's Vindication (drama) 950 18— A Tanale.l Masquerade tcomedy) 1000 17— The Tenderfoot Messenger (comedy- llmillfl) ajaasaeaeasaasaasssaaaeaaia 20— The Greater Call (drams) 20— Hank and Lank— Blind Men (comedy) 273 BIOGRAPH. H— SN Meesage of the Violin (drama).... »97 27— The rawing of a Gmnch (comedy).... 537 27— The Proposal (comedy) 461 21— Two Little Walfa (modern fairy tale) 097 lorember— Feet 8— Walter No. 5 (drama) 997 7— The Fugitive (drama) 906 10— Simple Charity (drams) 903- 14 — Sunshine Jjue (drams) . «iVj 998 17 — Lnve^ln Qnaran^lM^(^eome,lT^^_ . 508 ma) ... ..... 998 24 — Hla New I.ld (comedy) 5C3 24— Not So Bad aa It Seemed (comedy) 432 ... 997 Feet ... 997 ... 998 ... 418 90* "... 908 ... «"' ... 68S RELEASE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1910. TRAPPED f9 THAT YOU GET IT. THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS MR. EXHIBITOR — Insist on getting Columbia Films, for it will pay you. A thrilling drama portraying an Incident In the Ufe of a baud of moonshiners, full of action. Strong and Quid In lis Interpretation. Done In the Western country with s faithful delluestlon of character d Incident. A picture of the claas which count for success. Every inch a sensation and full of life's blood — a drama of the and heart. Every exchange >uld have this reel in Its service. A picture of the kind of which thorn are too few. Notify us "supply yoa. l> * n ** INDEPENDENT SOLD DIRECT COLUMBIA FILM CO., 301 W. 37th St., New York City. Itala Song ' (drama) December — 1 — Effecting a Core (comedy I Va Stratagem (drama) . . : the Tables (comedy) .. Jack, a Hero (comedy) . . P!— The "Golden Supper (drama) ... tS — Hla Plater-In-Isw (drams) (drams) (comedy) ....... on of an Heiress 41'' BELIG. Feet 24 — Oh, Yon Skeleton (comedy) S83 24 — Ghent of the Oven (comedy) 383 27— Blasted Hones (drama) 1000 31— Settled Ont of Court (drama 1 1000 3— The Early Settlers (drsms) ...1000 7— The Lady Barbers (comedy) 1000 7 — The Bachelor (comedy) .1000 10 — The Vampire (drams) 1000 14 — Mr. Four-Fln«h (comedy) 990 17— Gratitude (drama) 1000 21— No Place Like Home (comedy) 21— The Doll Razor (comedy) 24— The Merry Wives of Windsor (comedy) 28— The Queen of Hearts (drama) 1000 December— Fe<-t 1— The srejmother JdranuO^ - y^y - ^' m ' 1000 edy) »,..»•••••••.«.••»«..»•••«••»• 1000 R — In the Wltdernea* (drama) 1000 12— A Tale of tb» Sea (drama) 1000 15— The County Fslr (drams) 1000 19— John Doagb and the Cherub (fairy story) 1000 22 — Overland to Fremont (drsms) 1000 ViTAGRAPH. October— feet 25— Jean Goes Foraging (drama) 1006 28— Captain Barnacle's Chaperon (com- - edy) 994 29— The Telephone (drama) 085 "STANDARD" THE MACHINE THAT GIVES RESULTS. Fire-proof, Fliekarlsss, Fully Guarantsod. ThO Machine YOU Will US* I Start now and save repair bills and trouble. If your Film Ex- change is looking after your in- terest they will show you s "Standard." If not, they are making -more commission by selling you some inferior or old time machine. Insist a a "Standard" and you never need another. Good for a life-time. Writs) for Catalogue., Dept. B. AMERICAN MOVING PICTURE MACHINE COMPANY 101 BEEKMAN STREET, - - - NEW YORK ROLL TICKETS Yonr Own Special T|5Xct. any printing, front and back. •• look these prices over •■ 6.000 — SI .26 26.000 — $4.00 60,000 — $6.00 10,000 — 2.60 30.000 — 5.00 100.000 — 9.60 Stock Tickets, Sir Cents a Thousand. SPECIAL TICKETS FOR PARKS, BASE BALL, MEHSY-00-B0UNDB, ETC. Quick shipment, accurate numbering guaranteed. Cash with order; no C O. D WB1TE FOR f ROYAL TICKET CO., Shamokin, Penn. FOR SALE-50 REELS OF FILM Of all makes and all varieties of subjects, dition. Price, S10.00 a reel and up. All in good con- Address G.MONROE, - 5651 Kimbark Ave., ANTI-TRUST FILM COMPANY BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD 79 S. Clark St., CHICAGO OPES FOR EBTOAOEMEHT — Have VI. scope Spe- cial If, P, Machine and Compcnaarc. Can operate ami manage tbealrc. Have dnughter that la good caahier. Wife can stso manage theatre. Sober. Am now In charge of the (Ammo i at Enfanla. Address J W MAT- THEWS. Enfeula. Ala. *' W< MAT KLIEGL BROS. *. a. l. o.., in w. nth at. ». *• DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 53 „__jnr»i-r — sVet l_A Doable Elopement (comedy) 998 1— The Cblldren'S BeVOlt (comedy) 892 8— In Ihe MounUlM of Kentucky (drams) 9T8 s-A Tale of s Bat (comedy) 954 It— The Nine of Diamond! (drama) |Z-^Iean G<*-« Fishing (drama) IS-nruiuitlcka (drama) .. W8 Modern Courtship (comedy) .... mi!..- Bum and. the Bomb (comedy) . l»— Franctuca Da Rlmlnt (drama) .... B-Susplclon (drama) 2s — A Four -Footed I'est (comedy) Z>— The Statue Dog (comedy) M— |.ove. Luck and Gasoline (drama) 2»- A Woman'a Lore (drama) December— Feet 2^ Pat and Jim Slim at Coney In- land (comedy) 901 1— The Preacher'! Wife (drama) 1001 6 — A Tin-Type Romance (comedy) 998 a— He Who LauRba Last (comedy) 821 10 — The Colour Sergeant's Horae (drama) 978 in—The Law and the Man (drama) into is_ri»vlnj: at Divorce (drama) 0O.*> ja— The International Motor Boat Races < topical) .168 11— A Dixie Mother (drama) nor 30— The Light In the Window (drama) 907 O— Clancy (drama) ;.. 993 21— Jean anil Ihe Waif (drama) 988 27— In Neighboring Klngdoma (medieval comedy) HOT. 50 — Crssy Applea (comedy) o-o -Where Ihe Wroda Blow (drama).... 987 ,. 'signet Ring (drama) *8« W— In the Spreewald (travelogue) ""^Tragic Concealment (drama) ... 2- Croaalng the A odea (traTelogoa) ...... 830 a— Tli- S«r»t of the Cellar (drama) 788 »- A Trip Through Scotland (acenle) .... StlT 18— The Rival Barona (drama) 880 in—An Alpine Retreat (acenle) 142 a— Behind the Maak (drama) BIS 38 — Nantes and Ita Surroundlnga (acenle) 480 W— The Return at Midnight (drama) 634 10— Ramble Through Ceylon (travelogue) .. 319 December — FVet T— Death of Admiral Collgny (drama) 992 14— The Little Matcbaeller'a Chrlatmaa (drama) 749 14— Scenes In Brltlah India (acenle) 2flS 21— The Tyrant of Florence (drama) STS 'biranin Hunt (sporting! 333 itrxlcan Romance (drama) WO la Devonshire (tra' * Clgara (comedy) .•••...■•■* "a Wife (drama) 980 nt'a Btripea (drama) 930 ya and the Bachelor Otrte ■Ml .....a... mr lMTt*•. LUBIN. uet«>),„r— Wet }— Mike the Boaaemald 090 J~3y Taming of Wild BUt (drama) .... 880 a Myatery of the Torn Note (com- laa ~. r ''y 1 ••••••••••••seasse.sseessssees &60 14_?S! S*"^' Charm (dram) 450 • • * • jjjjo :::: Son 24— Romance of Laay K (comedy) 990 28 — Br mabln e and Shadowa (drama) 980 December— Feet 1 — spoony Sam (comedy) Deo 3 — On the Mexican Border (drama) 980 8 — Reggie's Engagement (comedy) 880 IB — The Musical Ranch (drama) 18— The Dead Letter (drama) 22— An American Count (drama) PATHE FKERES. October— FV**t 24— Another'a Obost (drama) 74S 24 — Bagenbeck'a Menagerie (educational) 203 20) — Motor Fiend (comedy) 610 26 — Brugea, Belgium (scenic) 370 28— Max In the Alps (comedy) 610 28— Buffalo Fight (colored topical) 338 29— The Indian and tbe Maid (drama) 993 SI — Mix Has Trouble With His Eyes (comedy I 81— Mew style Inkwell (comedy) 2T2 11— DarJIUng (acenle) 381 November — Feet 2 — Cowboy Justice (drama) 730 2— Tbe Facori Family (acrobatic) 348 4 — Woman of Samaria (colored biblical) 802 6— Abraham Lincoln's Clemency (patriotic drama) 1030 7 — Max In a Dilemma (comedy) < 1 — Micro Cinematography— Recurrent Fe- Tsr (educational) 440 •—Mexican Legend (drama) ..... 1033 11— A Black Heart (colored drama) 623 U— Dutch Types (colored scenic) 838 12— A Gambler's End (drams) 1000 14— A Shadow of the Paat (drama) 863 18 — Love Lansha at Locksmiths (comedy) 893 18 — Ruaalan Wolf Hunt (acenle) 293 15— Phraedra (colored drama) 718 18— MMltary^ Cyclists of Belgium (ad oca- ^ tlonal) 639 33 — How Baatua Gets His Turkey (comedy) 398 23— Wonderful Plates (colored trick).... 397 28— lala (colored Egyptian drama) 492 23 — A Doc's Instinct (drama) 479 26— Aa Eleventh Hour Redemption (drama) 998 28— A Border Tale (colored drama) 678 18— A Freak (acrobatic) 283 80— Who la Nellie (comedy) 680 80— Finland— Falls of Imstrs (colored ace- nlc) 844 Oecember— Feet 3— Tbe Tale tbe Mirror Told (drama) 646 2 — What a Dinner (comedy) 344 8— The Maid of Niagara (drama) 893 6— The Clever Domestic (comedy) 483 6 — The Mexican Tnmblers (acrobatic) 476 7 — The Animated Armchair (comedy) 630 7 — Cocoanot Plantation (colored scenic).. 348 " ved In the Nick of Time (drama) ... 800 l Bla Xyea (comedy) .... .... 184 rat Husband's Return (drama).. 880 12— In Her Father's Absence (comedy)... 844 13 — The Julians (acrobatic) 3S7 14 — Hoboes' Xmaa (comedy) 440 14— Charlie and Kitty In Bruaaela (scenic) 400 10— Little 8nowdrop (colored fairy tale)... 1000 IT — Kaved by Divine Providence (drama) 90S 19 — Get Rich Quick (drama) 733 19— Hunting Sea Lions In Tasmania (acen- le) .4 266 21 — Tbe Runaway Motor Car (comedy).. BBS 21— Mas Ooea Skl-lng (comedy) 43" SzSftJ^^Tee^.Vk'a IS,"" 7 * W SS HALLBERG THE " ECONOMIZER MAN " SAVES two- thirds on electric bill and makes BIG CUT on the first coat o f your com- plete equip- ment. I ca rry stock off ■ II meK.s M. P. Maohlnaa,Oper« Chslrssnd SUP- PUSS. Free Catalogue No. B 8. J. H. HALLBERG, R&LVBIft Keep Your m On US INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS, INC. 147 dtlt Ave., flew York City LANQEST OKALKRS IN THE WORLD IN SECOND-HAND FILMS IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS Be. moot, FOR BaXE— 1.000 ft. reels Sim, (3 to 323; Edison, Power. Lubln new macblnee, $100. Several theatrea for sale. Model R. and Ed- ison gas outfits, 823; song acta. $1: odd slides, ship- Four past season's j I successes j i NEXT TO YOUR MOTHER, WHO DO YOU LOVE? YIDDLE ON YOUR FIDDLE, PLAY SOME RAG- TIME OGALLALA THE GRIZZLY BEAR THAT MESMERIZING MENDELSSOHN TUNE CALL ME UP SOME RAINY AFTERNOON SWEET ITALIAN LOVE STOP! STOP! STOP! PIANO MAN THAT BEAUTIFUL RAG If you If out of we. will be at ye Trn ouvnrD on 112 West 38th •***»*• IlU oNTUlK uUs, NEW YORK city. CHICAGO OFFICE: — Oneoita Mr, FRANK CLARK, Manager. , or Rent— 12.000 ft. late film, one ablp- -AT LIBERTY — A-l M. P. Operator and Electrician Can deliver tbo WRITE TODAY FOR BIG CATALOG ! Best — Cheapest Music . - . ^\ CnM*>DlnLe D!e4iieo dea%aaaas The, nujera of Lynn & Healy Instruments lav Cludo the— most For "Rinks, Picture Shows Merry-Go-Rounds Tlionsaiids of Testimonial and a business of the biggest kind; prove that we can: .. .. lat— Sotlsry jourbaslnessputroas. Xiid-Suve you money. ... Remember, good music is what you must have. . .. . .", The Lyon & Healy ^VJJilitary Band x ^Organs^j^, 0 * brass band; are per- fect in instrumenta- tion ; play in faultless 'time, and do not get out of order, fteen sises, f i om the smallest Easy time payments The Famous Welte & Sons Kensington Automatic Rewind 654loteKanos^2«ir r and steady service, able proposition in the market. Send for onr biff free catalog. Lowest prices in America on Automatic Musical Instruments of the highest musical value, and of guaranteed durability. Men- tion this paper. 28» OB Adams Street CHICAGO, ILL. qos> REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON, MASS. S*>rsaf far *> m — • 1 • a and Pnct* 64 The Billboard DECEMBER 24, 19,0.. Additional Performers' Dates. _ "WfJjTf Quartette . (Empire) ,Csl- S**7. Can.,- IB 21. Arlsona Trio (Imperial) Ft Worth. Tex., 19- IJ : tM»JeatlCi Sbreveport. La.. 2S-31. ArdeR Bros. (Majestic) B. St. Lords, 111.. 19- 24; (.Welty) St. Louis. Mo., 28-31. N \* ^"^ T Bond < L ? ceum ) Amsterdam, BUmpbln & Uehr (Grand) Orrrtne, o., 13 24 <0. H.) Troy. 28-31. Carl* * Una (Lyric) Joplln, Mo.. 28-31. DeWar'e, W»., Comedy Circus (Gaiety) In- dUoapolU. lB-fc.. (New Murray) Kicumoud. 26-31. Kmmett, Grace (Star) Chicago, 19-24; (Gaiety) Indianapolis. 28-31- Edmonds. Agnes (O. H.) Carlisle, Pa., 10-24. ■thardo, Noaml (Pantages) Portland, Ore., rnnclfcaa. The (0. H.) Chicago, 0., 22-24; (Majestic) Findlay. 28-31. Gardner. Eddie (Grand) Hamilton, O-. 19-21: (New Morray) Blchmond, Ind., 2*31. Hlnton. Leslie £ Lettte: 207M. B. Overland at.. El Paso. Tex. Hawthorne*, The. and Ynm Tnm Girls. (Lyric) Gslesbtm, ML, .19-24; (Lyric) 28-81. Hamilton, Hndspeths, The (Orphenm) Alliance, O.. 19-21 Haaa * Adair (0. H.) Carlisle. Pa.. 19-24. Hayes Slater (BIJon) Three Rivers. Que., Can., 19-24; (Anditorlom) Quebec, 26-31. Jackson 4 Lone (Lyric) Beatrice, Neb., 22-24: (Hljon) Muscatine. la.. 28-28; (BIJoa) loin City. 29-81. Jennings, Jewell A Baxlowe (Orphenm) AI- toooa. Pa., 19-24. Koater, Harry (American) Atlanta. Oa.. 19-24. LaNale, Ed. * Helen (Kites) Kites, O.. 18-24. Leslie * Knade (Bessie) So. Omaha, Neb., 22-24; (Crystal) Alliance. 28-31. LaVettes. The (Family) Creseo. Is., lfl-24. Merrltt. at Lowe (Grand) Tacoma. Wash., 19-24: (Grand) Portland, Ore.. 26-31. Merrltt. Frank R. (Slat St) Chicago, 22-24; (Grand) Madison, wis.. 26-31. Horns' Baboons A Monkeys (Forsyth) Atlanta, Oa.. 19-24; (Majestic) Little Bock. Ark., 28-81. Powell, Archie E. (Colonnade) Qntncy, IU-, 19- 24. Bawla A VonKaufman (Majestic) Butte, Mont. 22-81. Reed Bros. (Orphenm) Dalotb, Minn.. 19-24- Schooler. Master Da rid (Empress) Milwaukee, 19-24; (Unions) Minneapolis, 28-81. Sloans Duo (Star) Monde. Ind., 19-24- Tnompaoo. Hern (Kenyan) Allegheny, Fa., 19 24: (Hippodrome) Parkkexiborg, w. Ta., ML Tsylor^A T s^ylor (Grian) T- HERE AND THERE. By OUT WEADICK. • New York. Dee. 18.— The Christmas Number of The Billboard was a dandy, and as predicted by the publishers sold ' out on all news-stands almost Immediately after Its arrival. Saw many folks In New York chasing around to get one after they were all gone. Like Ping. It IS always a good plf special numbers in advance. "Heard In Advance." that trlboted weekly by ~ North. Is one of Billboard's cousin by the many who follow bla witty > regular as the paper la Will Rogers, the Oklahoma fancy roper, who has been a beadllner In vaudeville for the past five seasons, tried out a new set in Bayonne, N. J., week of December 5. It consisted of the following: Miss Arllne Palmer, lady Cossack rider; Miss Ooldle St Clair, champion lady bucking horse rider of the world, who made such a reputation on Bed Sandy, the outlaw bucking hone, at Frontier Day Celebration, at Cheyenne, Wye., but August; Miss Florence La One and Miss Hazel Moren. world's champion lady fancy ropers: Miss Mabel Hackney, with, her high school horse. Bed; Mlas Ttllle Copen- hagen, lsdy trick rider (all ladles mounted): eowboys. Berate St Clair. Guy Weadlck, Char- lie Tompkins, a total of ten people and eleven horses. Exhibition ran sixteen minutes on foil stage, roping by two ladles, high school horse, Cossack riding, and trick riding by ladles, and riding of bucking horses by cowboys and Mlas Ooldle St Clair. But although the act went big with audience. It was deemed too big for the vaudeville stsge. so Mr. Rotters baa framed op a new roping act (he doing the roping), and using Buck McKee ss he formerly did. also added the bocklng horse riding of Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair to the act Miss Arllne Palmer left for Chicago. Miss Morsn Is doing a slnrle set. Cbaa. Tompkins. Mabel Hackney and TUUe Copenhagen have framed up a high school and bucking horse act for vaudeville, and Weadlck and LsDue. with their cow pony. Poncho, re- torncd to vaudeville with a new act, featuring Miss LaDne's Merry Widow Walts in the rope, and Guy Weadlck. original burlesqner with the lasso on Princess Rajah's Oriental dance. They open on united time December 19. lfr. J.' 0. Miller arrives in New York City Dec. 19 to witness the performance of the western vaudeville act. entitled A Day at the 101 Ranch, which will appear that week at the Hudson Theatre, Union H1U. N. J. Ed. Kates, the hand balancer. Is New York, for a two weeks' then retnrns to the road. Julia Allen and her are playing some vai adelphla. California Frank Hafley Is here In looking np some time for bis all star .aggregation for the 1911 season. Hi past one was a good one for him. the OPENED IN HONOLULU. the SIcgrlet-SIlbon troupe of three women and six men, casting and return act; Prince You- turkey, wire act; Tato and Tate, clowns; Frank Voerg. musical act; Prof. Geo. Settler's troupe of performing' canines, the Yalle Trio, musical act; The Weldons, aerobe ta. PLANNING FOR.. 1911 SEASON. Miller Brothers snd Edward Arlington are al- ready making preparations for the forthcoming season of the 101 Ranch Wild West. At the close of the season, October 19, all the horses, buffaloes and long-horned steers were shipped to the Miller Bros.' ranch at Bliss, Okla.. while the wagons, seats, lights, cars snd equipment went to Edward Arlington's eastern winter quar- ters at Passaic. N. J. The eastern quarters are In charge of Fred Bee km an, who la busy rebuilding and repainting. J. C. Miller Is now on his ranch at Bliss. He has purchased a large herd of buffaloes, which will .Increase his holdings to about one hundred, and a* he la possessed of the largest ranch In America, he will almost control the buffalo Industry. Edward Arlington, who la an equal owner with the Miller Brothers In the 101 Ranch Seal Wild West Show, Is laying out hla campaign for the coming season. The show will be larger In all departments, and will absolutely stand on its merits. Performers have been secured from foreign countries, aome never seen in Amer- ica before. Kew novelties will be sdded, en- tirely foreign to the Wild West show, and some surpassing any ever seen with a tented show. of the old superintendents have been The cook teat will be under the supervision of Arthur Davis, who successfully handled it last season. • Ed. Lacey will handle the canvas, with Mike Quintan, first assistant, and Eph Sella, second assistant. Wm. Faulkner will have charge of the stock, and Frank Oil- son will be superintendent of sleeping cars. Darwin C. Hivi will be master or transporta- tion. Geo. Connors, of Chllllrotbe, 0„ will handle the side shows and outside shows, as- sisted hy Gene Milton. Butch Conn baa been re-engaged to handle the candy stands, and Boy Gill has been retained as auditor. George Arlington will be general manager, assisted by RING B ARN GOSSIP. The Revolving Mlnervas, novelty Iron Jaw act, closed a season of thirty weeks with the Fore- pa ogh-Se 11a Bros.' Shows, snd came to Cincin- nati, O., where they were Joined by Mlas Geneva Minerva (Davis). After a week's rehearsal with their new apparatus made Into the shape of an aeroplane. - they opened ' In vaudeville week of Dec. 12. The act la booked solid for this win- ter In the Bast, and will again be with the Forepangh Show next season. Sim S tough, contracting agent, ahead of Hester's WDd West was arrested at Ganado, Tex., for posting bills without a license. The charge -against Mr. S tough was withdrawn upon the. payment of four dollars for yearly license for posting bins in Ganado. George H. Degnon, for six yesra connected with the Buffalo BUI WDd West and the Two Bins' Show (ss It later became), will ha with Miller Bros, and Arlington's 101 Ranch Wild West next season and will occupy the position of traffic manager. 2has. A. Pheeney, of the Hagenbeck- Wallace stall, is now located In the box-office of the Auditorium Theatre. Denver, Colo. Pheeney waa formerly twenty-four hour man and contracting agent with the Hagenbeck-WalT It la wondered why tbe Eastern wheel (Bnr- lesqne Circuit) won't make its' entry in this city. Why, the business would be great. It was tried here about live years ago, but alnca then things have been changed from a theatrical standpoint and the community assures success. The Portsmouth navy yard across the river with between 4.000 to 0,000 men alwaya sta- tioned permanantly. the burlesque gsme would be a mint. This city Is no longer a one-horse burg, but a live tandem town. You New York "wise ones" get wise to the situation. And now Is the time to take ad- vantage- Special mention should be made of the great success Mr. Stephen H. Butler, resident mana- ger of the Orplieum Theatre across the river, Portsmouth. Vs., haa had with tbe neat two- " A*u tbe Ue theatrea In this city are making preparations for great . attendance during the holiday week. Mr. George Baker Moore, a local young man prominently connected In social life of this city, played the Juvenile part of Jefferson Byder In Henry B. Harris' Lion and the Mouse Co. Young Moore haa been connected with the foot- lights about three years and he certainly is making great headway. LOUIS S. SALSBDBY. EBERLE TH REE 8C0RE TEN. Robert Eberle. for the laat sixteen years manager for William Gillette, has now reached hla seventieth year, almost of all which have been of a theatrical connection, as actor, man- ager and producer. Hla relations In the by- gone years associated htm with Lawrence Bar- rett, Edwin Booth and other atage celebrities of a generation ago. The septuagenarian's greatest activity took place In 1889, when In the August of that year be went West to California with Barrett to prodnce a repertoire of playa that the famous actor brought out at the old California Theatre. Besides this association with Lawrence Barrett Eberle also acted as stage producer " McCulIough and other contemporary In 1889 he returned to New York with Barrett, and acted In the capacity of stsge director of all their Shakesperlan productions during Bar- rett and Booth's partnership. Between this connection and tbe commencement of bla ss- soclatlon with William Gillette. Eberle pro- duced playa for Katherlne Clemmona, who later became Mrs. George Gould, and produced moat of tbe earlier Augustus Thomas plays. In 1894. he accepted his present engagement with Gillette, and will no doubt remain with this Broadway favorite for the rest of bis working hours, as bis position with Charles Prohman seems life-long. JONES SHOWS IN FLORIDA. Wallace Show. It ta i put oat _ which will take the road from North Vernon, Ind. Cooke Is an experienced showman. wife are at the Hermitage general the past Tbe Johnny J. Jonea Exposition Shows will remain out all winter, having been booked into March In Florida. In January the company playa a two weeks' engagement In Key West Next season the Jonea Show will be en- larged to seven cars. It la planned to play an Tbe executive staff of the company Is com- posed of Johnny J. Jones, owner and manager; C. B. Turner, business manager; Joe Opplse. secretary and treasurer; Geo. S. Man-, general agent; Ed. A. Kennedy and Harry C. ' Altlng. promoters: Ward S. Manning, sped si agent; Capt Cnrley Wilson, manager of animal depart- ment, with Ave trainers; C W. Col grove, chief electrician: E. B. Jonea, master of trans- portation, and Zel Moss, general announcer. " ' a, triple pera- P7. J. Lester, contracting agent for the Famous Robinson Shows, la spending his vaca- tion hunting in Mississippi snd Arkansas. Ed. Burke, with the Famous Robinson Shows the past season, left Nashville, Term., last week for his winter home in California. The Jennlers, society acrobats, riders and aerial I sts, are _ will be ii.-aritt during the winter Warren Corey, who waa with the Famous Rob- inson Snows, la managing the Senate, at Nash- ville, Term- , NEW JER8EY GOSSIP. Seven vaudeville acta. ' each one a beadllner, was the bill at the Hudson Thestre, Union Hill, laat week. Manager John Peebles has ar- ranged an excellent bin for hla patrons for Xmae. Emit Katxenateln, musical director, has composed a Christmas overture, which he will The Bijou, an -laborate moving picture opened at Union Hill. N. J., playing Saturday and Sunday to capacity J. P. . The Slegrlst, SUbon snd Foster Show had a suc c e ss fnl opening at Hoootnln, Hawaii. Dec 6. Tbe big top was packed -and grass bad . to be placed on the Hippodrome track to accommo- date the crowds. Tbe venture promises well for It la the first circus to visit the Islands In years. The performers with the show came direct NORFOLK, VA. Mr. Marshall Pinckney Wilder, the "Prince of Entertainers, snd tbe Entertainer of Princes." was tbe Colonial beadllner lately and truly tbe box-office stsff of the popular boose bsd all they could do for tbe week booking orders. While, of course, the majority of the ps Irons •- r-gnlars. Bnt some "volunteers'' came from vicinity as Old Point Comfort, Fortress .Monroe and the surrounding outlying territory. Mr. Wilder waa entertained socially by aome of the "old time clientele." True old Southern hospitality reigned su- preme during bis alay here. One day the humor- iat visited the Courts, while tbe "dsrkey" cases were on- He took notes, sod yon should have vlalted the " week dorlng hla Kolored Komedy Mr. Claude West, the old time minstrel, hands the "glsd band" to all of bis friends In the profession vlil ting this city. He conducts He took notes, snd you should e theatre the remainder of the s engagement for some Klat.y CAMPBELL BROS. IN WRECK. Goliad, Tex. Dec. 16.— Campbell Broa.' cir- cus narrowly escaped s serious wreck on the morning of Dec 9. one mile east of here, by the spreading of the rails.' Aa the train waa running slowly, only four flat can left the tracks. No one was injured snd only slight damage waa done to the cars. The show ar- rived at Edna, their next stand, at B P. M.. where an evening performance was given. Louis J. Denser haa left the Barkoot Sbowa No. 2. to Join the Molssant and Hamilton In- ternational Aviation Company, at New Orleans. MUSICAL COMEDIANS Always workifijr. Originators of pbono mm] Yotlcl Ducts. P1X YOUR A.CTT Find ■ good finish; something that cots .~. back for the two and three bows. Her* It SI FOR A. DOLLAR A penny a thought for- the brightest til* Mwtit'a K.U.. w l,_ SAA. — . - — I logue; also one perpendicular mils of mooolomi all for the cost of typewriting. MauT° £2, one dollar money order. It will j umi , Ton ; sslsry and place on the MIL I give you loo Tm the best stories ever told. 1,000 laugtnt boiled down to one perpetual scream. Twenty-one urn author and atage director of New York suceeaafe- Is guarantee. I know a laugh when I hear out (I'm deaf), and 1 will return your money ir It's not good. Why do I do this? I want to write you an act to order. Show you how to advertise, place your act where it belongs. CHAS. A. TAYLOR, author of King of the Opium Blng. Queen of the Highway, and so- others. Over 30 of my acta in vaudeville. Write to-day — It means success. 120 E. 34th New York. WANTED ATTRACTIONS BIJOU THEATRE KANKAKEE, ILL Population, 22,000, Seating Capac- ity, 700. Ground-floor Theatre; No Oppo- sition. Address J. REMINGTON, Mgr. WANTED Second -Hand Tents of every description. Spot cash paid for same. EDWARD J. KANE, SO Ann St. N. T. City. High School Horses —WANTED— We desire to purchase two good High Menage Horses. Give full particulara. G K.N TRY BROS., Bloomlngton. I nd ia n a. WASrtS) — Combination Piano Player end Stager for 4T. p. Thestre. Gent preferred, bnt lady will be considered. Must be able to make rood. Have had enough of wottld bes. No maUnsea, no Sundays. State sslsry wanted- Address E. K. BIXBY. Franklin. O. WASTED AT 0HCB— Medicine People. Team, Novelty Act, for week. Salary every I yon getjjt Address MO a. a. D. —WANTED — LADY SINGLE TUKZE PEVORHEIS One that can work la or do other acts. Lespsrl for "tn ra met Must be^cleve r^ jkddr eaa Wat. At Liberty for die Seuon 1911 LARGEST TATTOOED WOMAN IN THE WORLD Height « feet 1 inch In stocking feet. Weight soo pounds. A perfect blonde. Address CI1B18- TIANA SBTCNO, SM 8. Dallas St., ~ Maryland. AT LIBERTY ADVANCE AGENT Pot Carnival Company or A-l Close con- tractor, sober and reliable: can route and book ronr show in mod terrltorv and deliver tea in good territory goods. Knows the Southern territory, AGENT, ear* Look Boat 51. Bs Hairs. Ohio. MAJESTIC THEATRE TULARE, CALIF. Affiliated with tbe Western alnoeement Oew Vitalit. Tulare, Cosllnp*. Good ittracllooi tail make this territory, write. Equipment A-l- ELECTRIC SHOW Th* Olrl Who Tsmes Electricity. This la a ocrrel act. la a beadllner for moving picture shows, csrnlvsls, fairs, museums. < ISO buys compi;" set, ready to net up sod work. Uthogrsjjh; ro» the set. For particulars, address O. W. ALL**. Mfr„ MM Tth At*.. Raw York City. BIDE SHOW losltles. Bis l»rlcc. For I'latrorm and n-In-One nuows. free. WM. NELSON. Mo. Cambridge. Mam. W MEN — End of tbe yesr sslo of Cur- llg swell ones, with pointings, st bait t I'latrorm and O-In-One Shows. List . c ,. n . i » \ f . a. t 1 FOR SALE : » R."> pair Richardson Roller Skates, si moat n*", »2 a pair; 15 pair Plalea, new. cheap. 3TW Spring Drove Avenue, Cincinnati. Ohio. FOB SALE — oo pairs Tilchsrdson Roller Skstss DECEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 66 PHOTOGRAPHERS, ATTENTION 1 (Passat Applied For.) THE HYDKO-rHOTO POlTAtUE UGHT MACHINE la tt«wolu«l*na*y> After |MI1 Of waiting hn li your own la dependent pic- ture light machine. Equal to *ny electric light for pbotogrgpha— poet caida la particular— just aa faat ud uiket as perfect plctsrc*. — 110 Pronounced _ by camera manufsctur- era. Kit 8,000 candle evenly distributed and backed by adjustable sterling nickel re- flector*. Tbla machine la as- aerabled and pat In opera- tion In a few minutes-— eon- enrnee bnt a dim*'* worth or gaeollna par eTenlng. Tbla "njdro-Photo" light machine baa the aame manufacturers reputation back of It aa oar Famoci Prlmo Portable Ma- chlnea and Are Lamp* in use by ahowmen erarywaere. write for areolar aad rrieeLhrt. WINDHORST ek CO. an* of the raaaooa Frlma Shew light*. 104-8 H. Uth atraot. St. Louis, Mm. Wireless Supplies and Electrical Novelties COMBINATION POCKET LIGHT AND CIGAR LIGHTER The beet metallic friction apark lighter on the market. Will laat a lifetime. Press the button, the lid spring* np, and the ■parka from the "Cerlc-Iron" pill Ignite the wick. Unscrew ralte and an with 40 drape bensine, guollne or alcohol which will laat 8 dare. Benalne preferred. Begnlar price. $1.50. Onr price, by mail, poatpaid Mo Extra ■•Cerlc-Iron" reflll Pill Mo NICKEL TUNGSTEN FLASHLIGHT, WITH BATTERY AND PROCESS) MERCHLOR « .95 IM 1.60 .as .*» AGENTS WANTED. In allrer flnl! In gold flnlah ................................. Extra Battery (Mercbior) Extra Tongaten Bulb (flat) LATEST QUICK ACTION CIGAR LIGHTER. SAMPLE BY MAIL, POSTPAID, SO CENTS. Turn the wheel— that'* all— and the tparka from the pyrop borer under wheel Ignite the benilne WO carry a complete atoek of Wireless artery Lamp,, Telegraph Ootflta. Motors. Send 4c atamp for oar Wlreleaa Booklet and PfilCES: Wlreleaa Booklet. Net; Large Catalog. 20 per Torn the wheel— that'* all— and the tparka from the prrop! aatttrated wick. Extra pyrophorer Uaata 8 months) 10c. W< Goods. Flaab LIgbta and Batteries. Tungsten and Carbon Bate* Engine*, Train*, Tore, and Pocket Cigar Lighters. ' General Catalog of Electrical Noreltlea. ANDERSON LIGHT AND SPECIALTY CO. 70 LA ftT.t.a 8TB.EET, SHOWS AS LA SALLE LIGHT STORE (Opposite the Hew City Hall), CHICAGO. «* carry a full line of street corner sales. Cheap Jewelry for package Ma; White Stone Pins, Kings, Stnda and Brooches. Cutlery, Baaora. Shear*, Baaor Strop*. Crashes, Soap, etc.. Self-ailing Fountain P e n *, ■aery Stance, Memorandum Books, Combe, No- doss. Canes. Whip*, and a fan Una of Carnival feed* of ill kind* for OaxulTal Workers, Cat- free. Deposit required on all C. O. D. Shryock-Todd Notion Co. «T. LOUIS. u. s. A. $15 to $35 Per Day operating one of oar Woodcrfal Ferrotype Machines. Oar latest Modal No. 4 Won.lerful Ferrotype MartatD* makes these slses of pfo- earsa on plates aKaxM. iVrW and 41 L. Bnttoa plates. It Isak-o re- vs raibie for taking groups, realties and bouses. Dor latest model. Tsto Camera Scops, nsakaa a button plo- tnra* In on* ruinate. We also saann- factor* serer*! different straw of street tin type machines and sap. We are tb* original or tbe HEW YORK FERROTYPE CO. Bop*. A, 1MX Delancey St., MEW YORK CITY. N. T.. U. 8. A Tha Kunkely Tent & Awning Co. OF NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Circus and Show Canvases, Canvas Work of every description 1S3 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. FOR SALE— SLOT MACHINES Witlin g's. Bung alow*. W. A. HACKER. 130 W. Bay St.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ".• 1 "llman for rent Aim hate new ■laMrcl first part for .ale; end. middle and or- Jjestr. suits. 20 chair covers, bugles, drum*. &. Al «".blgh striker and Mule Maud at bar- WANTED FOR THE POLACK WINTER CIRCUS Circa* Acts of all kinds: Rider* with stock, good Ground Act*. Clowns that double In concert. A-l Producing- Clown. BAND LEADER who can furnish twelve- piece uniformed band. Eight weeka of real indoor circus work under b«*t of local au*plce* that are properly handled and promoted by tome of the beat local promoter* in the business. W. H. Rice, General Agent: Sydney Wire, General Pre** Representative; H. L. Hamilton. Sam. Ach, I ark Id Hardin. Billy Mosely. Local Promoters: Joe. J. Conley, Supt.: Geo. Donnan. Tress. Our route; real towns with real people: Elks. Canton, 0., Jan. 8; Akron, O., Tonngstown, O., UcKeeaport. Pa., Dayton. 0., and rfttsbnrg. Pa., to follow. ALL WEEK STANDS. WANTED — PRIVILEGES OP ALL. KINDS on Bat rate. Cane Rack. Knife Rack. Strikers, NoveltleSjCsndy stand* and Wheels, GIsss Stands and Brlc-a-Brac, etc., etc. WANT TO BUT— Ring Pad and King Curb. WANT TO BENT— Twenty lengths of Beaerred and twenty length* of Bloe*. DON'T OV ERL OOK TH IS C HANCE OP EIGHT BIO WEEKS. All commnnicatlons to THE POLACat Warm CTgCTJB, Lyosnm Theatre Bids.. Bui to. 616-17-18-19-20-11, Pittsburg. Pa. CREATORE AND HIS BAND Southern Tour. January 8 to February 11. APPLY FOR FURTHER DATES JOHN JOVINE, Representative Room 509, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg.. 1402 Broadway, N. Y. City. Shows and Concessions* Attention! kff> Showmen — If you have something that la clean and a money-getter, let me hear from yon, I S» room for J oat on* more show. Can also place one or two more Concessions. Let me .w AJbst yon have. I play Bncyros, tbla week. In large andltorlom, under tbe auspice* of tbe Catbotfe Church, with an advance aale of 4.000 tickets at tbe door. Next week. Shelby, 0., under anaplces of Shelby Band. Both place* are billed like a circa*. Everybody boottlng. If yoa want all winter'* work, yon will make no mistake In Joining. Good opening for fat girl Am booked six weeks ahead. Don't mlas Shelby for Christmas week. Address all com to E. L. CTJMM1N0S, Manager Indoor Carnival Co., Bncyros, Ohio. GRIFFIN CIRCUIT Haa plenty of time with short jumps. Novelty features and real acts write or wire PETER F. GRIFFIN, Booking Agent, Griffin Vaudeville Circuit, Variety Theatre Bldg., Toronto, Canada. —FOR SALE- Cambridge and Ryesville (Ohio) Billposting Plants Population 18,000. Fourteen hundred running feet of tongns and Price of plant H.soo caah. A big bargain for somebody. Adi HAJCatOHD BROTHERS, Colonial CHARACTER AND GENERAL BUSINESS Good wardrobe, quick study. Age, 28; weight, 168 lbs. ; height, 5 ft. 9 inches. Twelve years of stock, rep. and one-night racperience. Can join at once. Respon- sible managers write or wire. Add. ED STERLING, care of Trans-Alleghany Hotel, Connellsville, Pa. , WANTED Band Leader, Juvenile Leading Lady Western Bill. Join on wire. STEINER*S RAILROAD SHOW, Napoleonville. La. FOR SALE I I SENSATIONAL I I RIDING DEVICE Very thing you want. Address J. W. BOURKE, 17 Leyland St.. Dorchester, Mass ELECTRIC SCENIC EFFECTS AND STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Complete line of CLOUD Effect*. SNOW, RAIN. FIRE. Etc. Also SPOT and FLOOD LIOHTS, STaSi I POOlX-Tri, PLUGOINCTBOXKS. RHEOSTATS and everything used In connect*, with . .. — J, os^koaa, Una** and QsIatUee at law prises. Band for SXXOnUOAX. 00.. Largest Uannf.ctorera of Electrical •so West SOth Btraat. Mew cataiaSgdb.- atagv. Appliance* In the World. Tork City. U. 8. A BtUiBOARD'S ADDRESSES OP ALL THE LEADERS. Tho Bast Catalogs If yoa are s Concession* Ire. Novelty. Jewelry, Notion or Fair Worker, " Auctioneer, Knifeboa General Merchant, yon out It. It contains fall and complete lines la newest Novelties. Souvenir*. Watches, Jewelry. Foun- tain Pens. Optical Goods. Pocket and Table Cut- lery, Yankee Notions, carnival Good*, etc.. etc., at wholesale only. By satisfying us that yoa are a legitimate dealer, (as we want to keep tbla book out of tSa» consumer*' hand*), and sending us your perma- nent address, wo will be pleased to send Ton tbla book free), SINGER BROS., 82 Bowery, NEW YORK CITY. RING PERFORMER Will Job Recognized Act at Once At present with Joe Fanton'e "Awakening Ath- letes." past three years. Age 22, height. 5 ft. 4 In., weight 125 lbs. Permanent address ID- WARD FANT0N, 650 Pre* ton St, Philad el ph i a. Pa. • " Novelties. Jewelry, Sp ecialti es. Singer Bras.' Hew Bilk If Specialties AT LIBERTY GENE CARDONA Animal Trainer and Performer Sixteen years' experience. Just closed a two-year engagement with the Jos. Q. Ferari Shows. Have also been with the Great Parker Shows for three seasons. Address care of The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York City. AT LIBERTY GERTRUDE H0MEW00D HIGH SOPRANO BILLBOARD, CINCINNATI, O. AT LIBERTY LEADER Violin — Clarionet. Experienced in all branches of the business. Will require ticket if too far. G. D. HAYDEN, Meridian, Miss. AT LIBERTY 5 -piece Orchestra ed In van- •lSaSbbT Beat on earth, derllle, hotel, moving emok Gems Not Imitations The greatest triumph of the electric furnace — a marvelondy reconstructed gem. Looks like a dia- mond — wears like a dia- mond — brilliancy guaran- teed forever — Hand* filing, are and acid like a dia- mond. Haa no paste, foil or artificial backlog-. Set only in 14 Karat Solid Gold mnnntlng*. 1-S0th the coat of dlsmonds. Guaranteed to contain no glass— win eat glass. Sent on approral. Money cheerfully refund- ed It not perfectly satisfactory. Write to-day for oar De-Lmte Jewel Book— It's free for the asking. Addre** — REM OH , JEWELRY CO. . 459 N. Broadway, 6L Louis, Ho. The Buyers' Directory telb* you DECEMBER 24, 1910. THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 24, 1910. Santa Claus's Advice to Streetmen "Boys, too Should Handle the Shore Winners if Yoo Wish to Sell Goods Qoickly and Make Money." BOUNCING MONKEY, well-staffed body, made of bear cloth, close Imitation of regular for. fancy Ted cap with bell. 8V4 Inches Ions- With siring Per doa., 41-76; gross, 120.00 O ICE SKATES, the latest style out, made of flue cot pressed steel, with beat tempered steel runner, noth- ing like It erer before offered, either In quality or In design. Slsea »S to 10M; each In carton: will be Immensely popular. Sample on receipt of 80 cents. Fer 100 Palis tSO.OO SPECIAL HOLIDAY GOODS FOR STREETMEN ad pay Mg N-121 N 122 N-120 N-11B N-124 These are attraetlra to the hustler. Celluloid Holly Pol Holly Polly Santa Bollr Polly Bant) Walking Figures, ........ Tumbling CI BollyToUy, . 0>t, fljcuri.'*. .................... . ■ •>••*•••>>••>-•••*•■•■• asksas«i**" •••••*•••••.? MECHANICAL TOYS— SOME NEW ONES Tap Tap Cart, with man puahlng It. Epll Alrahlp, Zeppelin modal.. Or. .*».oo Qaark Quack Cart with three docks pulling It N»»w Century Cyd*, wll- kn own . ......................... B«*su«» large alxe. Tcry tn teres ting , A FEW VERY GOOD STAPLE " K-2SSS N-2386 N-7I82 Tin Violins. Tin Violins, aa Santa Cites, mama, papa talk Colored Canary Bird Wblatle Running Mice, black Bed Paper Bella for _ rroo. 48.50. . ....... , ■ irdti Dos. .SO .10 .88 1.80 LBO Leo 1.60 Tor Watches, large selection of styles at Xmaa decorations at per gi .-.JO, 417.50 Wreatba and Bella for Xmaa gross 80c. 11.00, 42.80, 44.00 snd 17.00 We send no catalog and ship no goods to consumers In writing for catalog, say if you want StreetmeirV 256-page or the ' you received our Cans Back and Knife High and Carnlral Workers. TraTellng Medicine Shows, Circuses. Auc- tioneers, Concession- aires, Premium OIt- ers. Schemlats. M. O. Hen ai We are N.SHU RE CO. 221-2221 Jewelry, Watches, Cutlery, Canra. BUrer- ware. Tanks* Nosrll fori aw. ricty. quick sellers In Stationery, Dry Oeoda, Sundries, lea- ther and Bobber Goods. Beoka and Son- Premium S, *.l».Ttl«lni[ sr- A$ Ute Ctocrator] teoKs at it As the Operator at It Fort Wayne Compensarc I was installed. He can control the machine perfectly now with one hand-gets a clearer, whiter, steadier | flight and can adjust it to any of the three intensities without even the When we told this machine we guaranteed it would absolutely Cut 2-3 from th« Monthly Lighting Bill] That soiirtcicH almost too good to be true, but they put one in I on c. - 30 day iree trial plan. Did the machine "male good?" Well, the first month it re. I dn^ed the bill (ran $22.70 to S9.Z4 and they operated more hours | and got better light than ever before. V-V can do just as well forVou of what solugr yoo are usiag sad I if yoo will srnd lor our mm booklet, well es plain how we do it. I Remember you ste pay Inn ihe Lighting Company 66 2-3 per ceal mote than I you need to every day you wail. Fort Wayne Electric Works 140t Broadway Fort Wayne, Make A Sensible 1911 Resolution! Tbe New Year will be upon us in a few days. Mr. Trust Exhibitor, you can make no better resolution than decide to use Independent service. Contract for your service NOW. Start with a clean slate. You can get our original films (not dupes) only from the 63 exchanges listed below, who now serve 65 per cent, of the exhibitors of the country. Help, us. make it 70 per cent., and we will then have an OPEN MARKETfand no more trust. The spirit offcompetit ion in the In- dependent ranks promotes quality of films and excellence of service. Run your own theatre and get the finest film in the world from 'the ollowing: The Progra m You Will Eve ntually Use OUR PROGRAM IS ALL-CONVINCING There is no guess-work about the Independent Product of today, out a mighty monument to pluck, courage and determi- Itr- It Finest Program in the World You are the judge. Isn't it worth a are doing? Here is the regular ORDER OF RELEASE.' EVER! MONDAY ECLAIR— Eclair Film Company. Pletoraa Co. - Mff. Co. EVERY TUESDAY York Motion Plctor. CO. Powers Co. ihooser Co. H^^ m Rr t, ^S. Iork Motion Picture Co. .ATLAS — Atlas MID Co. CHAMPION— Tie Champion Him Co. NESTOB — D»Tld Horsier. EVERT THURSDAY *ew York Motion Plctnra BISON— Now York GREAT ITAIsA — New York Motion POWERS — The Powars Co. OAPtTOI— Capital FOB, On, LIST OF BUYING EXCHANGES DECEMBER 24. 1910 All others offering these brands for rent can supply only worn-out subjects. dupes or Male FUm Co.. 803 Chamber of Com- merce Bldf Blrmlnfham, Ala. CAN ADA Apple.; • i h. L, J.. * Bona. 148 Tons* at.. — ,,. Toco n to Wlm Rz. Oalfary. Albarta Film Co.. Kennedy Bid*.. _ Wlnnlpatt, Man. Oanmont Co., 104 St. Catharine at, Montreal CALIFORNIA California Film Ex., 1005 Mission St.. -• - • • • Ban Francisco ■* Bn ?i. - XP 0 .^ & 5" Film Co., 108 R. 4th ' COLORADO IT. Swan son Film E. . SOI Railroad Bld». Dearsr DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA n Rz.. 428 frth at., N. W.. • •Vi •••••>••*••#•••••... W a mh 1 ii g 1 1 1 □ GEORGIA llm Ez.. Rhodei Bid*.. Atlanta IXXINOI8 Antl-Trnst Film Co.. 79 8. Clark at. CblcaRo g?Fen« t Cl!na....B0 Dearborn at.7..CbleaSo Globe Film Serrlce, 107 E. M.dlson at. Ch'Jo H * H. Film Berries Co., 88 Jackson Bivd Chlcazo. ni Leemmle Film Berr.. IBS Lake St.. Chlcazo Standard Film Bz.. IBS E. Waah* at.. Cvfo. INDIANA Central Film Berrtce Co., 119 N. Market Rsf ••••■■•eaaasa.e. Wichita Film * Supply Co.. 122 N. Mar- kei tl • • • •£ 0 - T j^ A ^^- Wichita Dixie Film Co.. 720 Unison Blanche Boatoo niro Rental Co., 605 Washington it •••••a(aa«** asaaa> . v . a4aa( 13 00 t()D W. B. Orean Film Bz.. 228 Treoont ■ l •*••_•_••• •« *" Hid*.. bltsn rilm i BUon Film * Am. Co.. Kw.nsonCrs NEW YORK CITY Exhibitors' Film Co. 300 a. ISth at. Empire Film Oo 150 a 14th at. Great Eastern Film Rz II B. 14th it. Hanson Film Co. 188 B. 14U at. Peerless Film Oo 84 Fifth an. Wm. Btelner F. Rz no rourth are. OHIO Capital Film Barries) Co., 412 N. HUh at. Columbus, 0. Cincinnati Buckeye Film Co., 808 Ar- cade Bids Dayton Cincinnati Hnekeye Film Co.. 818 W. _ 4tn at Cincinnati Toledo Film Ez., 818 Superior st.. _ Victor, F. Berr., Prospect * Hon isaaiiiissssis ssssk Independent West. Film Sr.. Bw OKLAHOMA United M. P. 00., 112 Main st., Okie. City FFJ TN S t L TANIA Essie Film Ex.. 148 N. (nth at., Philadelphia Independent F. Bz„ 415 tiny it. Plttibari Phtli. Protection Co., 44 N 9th it.. Pblla. Philadelphia r. E x.. OSS Arch at.. Pblla. TEXAS 1 llm It, Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Co. Ill Eaat Fourteenth St root, Now York City REGISTERED IN UNITED 8TATE8 PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXIII. No. 1. CINCINNATI— NEW YORK-CHICAGO December 31, 1910. 2 The Billboard 0PER4 CHAIRS - . i All oar cus- tomers sayeo Write today. ROTALMETAL MFG. CO. —1821— CHICAGO, ILL. specialty: Prompt Shipment! Opera Chairs The Wisconsin Washington, Wlt. : . PREFERRED STOCK INDEX EDITORIAL ...... EDITORIAL BULLETIN . . . £vi ; LIVES OP FAMOUS SHOWMEN . THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IK AMERICA THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN CHICAGO ....... THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK EN. NEW VORKl . . . VAUDEVILLE AND/MOVING PICTURES. 11 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK 12 PROHMAN ATTRACTIONS IS BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS. .' . . .". : 14-15 ....... e. a e I • .• . ••• - Page ■ ■ 3 .. 4 5 .6-7 . 8 . 9 . 10 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN EUROPE BURLESQUE AND MUSIC . . .-. THEATRES AND CrBCUS NEWS . ...... » • • « • >*•••*•* ..........•■■■.■••■< >»••>■ t • ■ e a • a e ■ 16 17 18 20 24 24 26 26 READERS' COLUMN T. M. A. NEWS. . .^jj - ■- • • • - .... SKATING RINK NEWS. ....... FILM SYNOPSES ROUTES — Performers Dates Acts with Miscellaneous Companies Acts with Burlesque Companies. Managers and Agents Burlesque .■■■«■... . •«.«.« ■ . Stock and Repertoire. .' Dramatic and Musical ...... ............ ...... Bands and Orchestras Minstrels ■•»•*•.■■.■••■■.•.■••■•.••••.■■■■■■.....•.■■. 46 Skating Rink Attractions • ••••■•■■.«■•... ............. 45 ......... 30 S4 34 36 37 38 38 45 Miscellaneous .... ................... ' Carnival Companies ...•••••*••••••••..... Additional Performers Dates >..... r . . . . . r Preferred fit is beat. Stafford Chairs built to last. No flimsy, three-ply stock in seata.'/or backs; no h to ve plate standards to snap or break. Chairs like cut IN STOCK AND AUARANTECD. E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO. a.k for Catalog 303. CHICAGO, . . - - ILLINOIS 'M OTIO N PICTURE LIST LETTER LIST \ ' FILM RELEASES .......... EW CONVENTIONS AND PAIRS NEW LINE OF PAPER I FOR- WESTERN MELODRAMAS will fit most - any border drama. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT, oSSggS,, KENTUCKY. ..............••*• .......... ...e.oe • • i ...... • * . . . 46 45 45 41 42 .. 46 . . 48 .. 62 .. 65. Theatre Chairs Aneolntelr ° Bon-BreakaMe . Sellable, for .mail tbe. tre .mi hjotIuj picture .bow.. Wi carer three chain la ■tock and can. .hip immediately. Secant hand chair*, alas * -.tin* tot ont-of door M. Add. Dept. B. STEEL FURNI- TURE CO., Or* ad Rapid.. Mich. Bea- ton Office. 224 Ooa* Mas.. New Tort CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show Ptsople Equipment Ce. ■ ■ • ; 'IS. »* '■ ' . ATLANTA. GA. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEAT1ICAL THINE FOR EVERY PURPOSE l.OOO STYLES The A. H. Andrews Co. 174-17* Wabash Annua, CHICAGO. ILL. Bran oh. a In all leadlnn oltl... " DOLLAR " Opera Chairs Good Kind Low Prices Eittern Sealing 6s. Brookvlaw Rene. Co., N. V. THE WORLD'S GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary. Spaoe-eaving, Llfe- eavlng. Money-aavlng. To UeaThle Chair la to Maka Your Buelnoea Grew. Wrlta Today. OEO. W. BENNETT T44 W. 5th St., Cincinnati, O. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have claimed it to be the atrongeit trunk in America; for the improved the lightest in weight. turn Sa- il' 2»- 24- 28* 25* .......••.••■•a 14.00 15.00 16.00 THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO. 1641 N. Hancock Street, - - - Philadelphia, Penn. OPERA CHAIRS, PARK SETTEES W. A. CHOATE SEATING CO.. Albany, KVY. Want Crowds? Wrlta ■BOP*. _ CINCINNATI. Then dee awar a atlck of Chewing Gam with YOUR AD ON. IB. HELMUT QDM nd Machine Gam. lA/Iat^C Doteb. in.h. Coon. lew. »*-- ■FW M aSloJ JOc, °- Milm U.o«e ™ w Hue-eere 3bc ■annua thle ad. A. E. BSTJC, 401 Grand Are., ■'•H ..- ■ -.V -T04-406 SIXTH AVE., BET, 1_. IVI. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE GO. FOR STAOE AND STREET WEAR. Orlglnatora of sami'i i: AND SHORT-VAMP Hoalary tw^maaon oo^or. . t jjo pu li ■BID roB new illustratd* OATALOor/a. Z4th and 26th STS., . N. Y. CITY M-ln... sa-la... 10- in... LOOK AT THE PRiCEl nan is-oo CoU'Rellnl Steal Bind- Thraevply B B. A H trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR fEee catalogue on O. O. D. TRUNK COMPANY, I Bt., N. B. lowing oit and EXPRESS CHARGES by gettina "The Same Trunk," "Same Giuuantee" from the deal era Mow: , NVw York, N. Y. ................. .Olnbanl Bro*v Chicane, ill MarehaU Field A Oo. Akron, Ohio v.J. B, rtpeocef Altoona. Pa Altoona leather flo«5. Oo. Ainlerwori, Ind llodeou Broav Augu.t.. Oa. Antuala Trunk 00. BaTltnure. Ud a J. Dsm C«. (1 ■tnrae) Boaton. U.aa W. W. Wlajhte BDcrrna, O B. Btrh BQlfalO, N. Y. "Yank 6. I-hllllpa Botte, Moot Montana Traak rartorj ClDdnaatl. O The Mablay * Carew Oa, CleTel.nit. O Ukly A Beckett Trunk Oek Colnmbna. 0 • rrawfardiTtlla, lad ..Leala Btoehot Cumberland. M ..8. II. Hnearer Darion, O D. IVteahaM'eSoa l«eln>lt. Mlcb Bhedbnlt A Cuaat Foalarla. Ohio The Peter. Clotnlnx Oo. Grand Replda, lUeh ;......r.ui Hferl Hamilton, Ont namUtoa Leather Ooeda Oo. roll --RO LL TICKETS- "THE BIO TICKET AY THE SMALL PRICE" Your own -pedal ticket, butt printing, any colore, aeettratehr nambered, gw 3. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIO BOLL YICKEY: 6,00O-»1.26 20,000— *4.fl0 60^)00— f7.«0 10,000— 2 50 25,000— 5 60 100^00—10.00 nt. Ca»h with the order. COUPON TICKETS, 5.000— $2 60. 1x3. STOCK TICKETS— SIX CENTS. Get tbe mmpim. NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokln, Penn. 1 1 mil 1 1 1 uii, urn uunuioa «_-_. Indlinipolia, lad ...Caae. Meyer A Oa, laFiyeile. lad Loeb A nene Oo. l^hanon. lad. Bhert r»f»™f Lima. O ....The Heor>-r Hooah go. MMilletowa, 0 Bitter Harare* A Bam Oo. Jlnhlle Ale. Mobile Traak On. Newark. Ohio v.... Philadelphia, Pa ml, Me. I'nrlle Ed. Doe rnriemnota, Ohio.... rro.hteBce. B._ I............ ........... . In'rteldr'ohf' Brraenw. N Timn, Ohio. 1*. b Braekril ..John _ Berry * go. Hlchmond, I Illl. e»eea>a*a«e g" B , ln «w. Mich. UebtrmkB Trajl ; Oo, Hprlnafleld Ohio . . Wg. MKMlMk Srr.raiw. N. Y . Bjiet ae* Trnoh Worka Timn. Ohio ....««»♦• Oolhlaa Oe. Tll'lnn, Ind SbortU tVi..rinirot Store Toledo, o WIlMlaaioa A Oo. Tn nlnn. N. J 0. A. MtaWer Wyahlnkton, D. C. . .Becker"! Le.lher Oo. WlH-ellna, W. Va Kt« A Saltarl Wlike. fiarre. Pa BArw n. Kemmeret, Ohio .Tee Weraer Store The Theatrical Profession will appreci- ate the eavlng of time and exeeeaive ex- press ehargea by this l Watch thlt list growl DECEMBER 81, 1910- The Billboard NEW YORK. , . 6.' Holland BnildlBf, 1*40 Broadwar. Telephone 1630 Bryant. CHICAGO. UOS ScbUier Bulldln*. 103-100 Randolph 8t. Telephone Central 08*4. ST. LOUIS. SAN FRANCI8CO. Weatbank Bolldlnc, Mo Market St., Junction Market. Ellin and Stockton BU.. Suite 621. LONDON, ENGLAND. 170 Tempi. Cbamber., E. a PARIS, FRANCE. 18&TJED WEEKLY, ul entered u Second CI a »• Matter at Post 019c*. Clnctn- ~ Mo. Addre*. all communication* for the editorial or baalnea* " FTJBLICATIOH OFFICE : THE BLLLBOAIW PCBLISHTVO COMPANY, 416 Elm Street, Cincinnati, O., V. S. A. ill wkm I |,|.» —mi ^w »«.j i line, agate maaa ar a n na t , Whole pan, |l half paga, |70: quarter para, 1*5, No ad* tieamant maaaariac laaa than ire Uaaa aeeapt Bubecription. >« . year; • month*, at; month*, fl. Payabla la adranoa. So extra charge to Canadian or aeribera. If laar- THE BIXLBOAHD la far tale aa all tralna and new. etanda tanaa-boat the Halted States and Canada, which are aappliod. by the Amertcaa Ham Co. and ite braaahaa. It la alas aa aala at. Brantano'a, ST Arena* da r Opera, Pane, France. When not on aala, plea*, notify thla i by pal. expaaaa money order, or raaiaterad latter ad- drsaaod or mad* payable to The Billboard P«b- liihinr Company, to return nana- Vale 1910; Welcome 1911- Another year has gone by, and with it many of the profession whose memory will lone be cherished by the amusement-loving public Not only have more deaths occurred in the profession, but a greater percentage of fiascos in the theatrical business have occurred during this year than in other seasons. . The year of IQIO has gone into history as one of greater trials and vexations in the amusement business than in the preceding year. Not for many years has the circus suffered as it did during the first few months of ioro. Many inauspicious openings were made, several shows inaugurated the season in snow storms, while a few postponed the begin- ning of their tour until the severity of the elements had abated. Added to the inclemency of the weather were numerous cases of unprofitable opposition fights, which greatly aided fn diminishing the profits. The circuses undoubtedly made more money than other amusement enter- prises, for, while the first few months were unprofitable, it is a fact that business during the summer months reached normal proportions. The parks suffered in no small 'degree in the spring. The cool weather kept the public indoors until the early part of summer, and even though the weather in most localities was delightful during the summer and autumn months, a material falling off in receipts was noticeable. Theatricals have had a trying season, with many hard struggles. The iqio offerings have, in the aggregate, been little better than passable, and the real meritorious productions have been greatly outnumbered by those of mediocrity, or even inferiority. Vaudeville has advanced in popularity and quality. The construc- tion of theatres throughout the country, where vaudeville is the form of attraction, indicates unequivocally that vaudeville as a popular form of amusement stands upon an adamantine foundation. Not a small num- ber of shining lights in the theatrical firmament have embraced vaude- ville during the past season with variable success. Burlesque has shown remarkable development. The indomitable perseverance of its promoters is beginning to manifest results, and their efforts covering a period of several years, have at last demonstrated that burlesque can be produced as a pastime for the classes as well as 'the masses. Seeing a woman attend a burlesque theatre is no longer a spectacle to cause amazement, as the quality of burlesque has been so materially aggrandized that a husband need not hesitate to take his wife to this class of theatre. While this is true, there are many communities in which the burlesque theatre is still considered a place only to be visited by the sterner sex. Agricultural fairs met with variable successes. In some locations, records for attendance were established, while in others, business fell short of former seasons. The motion picture business has undergone many changes, for better and for worse. The fight between the two factions, the Motion Picture Patents .Company on one side and the Sales Company on the other, has not been ended, although there was less display of hostility than in other seasons. The fight between the licensed and independent companies has not been as severe as that which marked other seasons, and were it not for a few mudslinging film periodicals, no sign of any differences would be apparent. Although the foregoing epitome of conditions in the several branches of amusements does not present a very alluring picture, there is no reason for alarm. A closer view and careful study of the situation should suggest remedies— bearing .in mind the public and its capricious testes. No vast degree of perspicacity is needed to discern the fact that the public's tastes are undergoing a change. This statement applies to all form of entertainment. The process of evolution has been going on since the history of the world began. Sometimes there is a reversion to old forms and old desires, and the astute purveyors must take note of these whims. The people must be amused, and the managers with the foresight to provide the form of amusements in demand will profit. Those in the professional ranks who apply their wits and capital tj meet the desires of a fickle public, will succeed, as all such men do. This being the season when thanks for extended favors are in or- der, The Billboard acknowledges with sincere pleasure and gratification, all gratuitous advertising which has been given it by its s in their reading columns during the year 1910. Reaping the Reward. In this land of ours there are many real people — people, whose per- severance, grit, stick-to-it-iveness and abilities are brought to popular notice tn rough achievements out of the ordinary. But sometimes it happens that an unappreciative and indifferent public fails to observe and take cognizance of the certain few individuals who are within their midst in every-day, commonplace existence, and yet who are possessed of. virtues far, yes, very far out of the ordinary. One of the greatest triumphs the individual man can accomplish is that of doing well the things that are his to do. His station in life may be ever so humble, yet if he fills that station creditably, he has succeeded - well. A man who exerts himself to the limit and gives to a non-observ- ant world the very best that is in him, and draws therefrom a mere liveli- hood in compensation for his untiring efforts, is certainly a great, strong, compact personality. His is not the career that solicits applause, neither can he feel the intoxication of being popular, nor the attractive- ness of the "much-made-of" idol. His only happiness and contentment comes from the beautiful thought of being true to himself and to the standards set by custom and environment consistent with the position in life that his natural fitness provides. This thought is prompted by the death of such a man. He was a per- former, a man subservient to the dictates of others; one whose voca- tion was to entertain the masses, and make them forget the cares and troubles of a hard and sometimes cruel world. Yet how little they knew of Air troubles. The memory of this man only tends to enliven within u.s a sort of revolutionary pirit towards those who were indirectly re- sponsible for his death. As we said before, this performer was engaged by a well-known manager of a well-known vaudeville circuit. His work was strenuous. Through whim of satirical nature, the physical man rebelled. A nervous breakdown was evident unless he could take the time to rest and recuperate. He appealed to the manager only to learn that if he did not appear at the scheduled time, and present his act, that his con- tract for all future bookings would be canceled.. Then the spiritual man asserted itself — that dominant trait that has made man master of the world— came to the front, and he continued to work and work, be- ing present every night and not in the least endangering the success of the performance by any soldiering on his part. Of course, the inevit- able happened. The performer is taken from his dressing room to the hospital, where in a few hours he was forced to give up the great battle, and in a feeble whisper murmurs his last farewell to wife and friends. This man's indomitable spirit to do or die teaches one of the grandest lessons ever taught. His only, reward— the self-consciousness of a no- ble effort. Really, does not the: world owe such men greater rewards? The New Berth Rate. Now that we are to have a reduction in rates on upper berths, it is to be hoped that the obliging porters will not become so much more atten- tive, that what is saved on the berth, will be applied by necessity to the tip. Speaking of porters reminds us of the following anecdote : A trav- eler had with him $5,000 in bills, wrapped in a package, which he dis- covered he had lost directly upon leaving the train. Rushing into the Pullman office, he acquainted the manager with his loss. The manager summoned the conductor, but this individual had seen nothing of the package. Calling the porter, the manager said to him : "Jim, did you find a package of money in the car?" "Yes, sah," replied the porter. "How much was in the package?" asked the manager. "Five thousand dollars," answered the porter, as he handed the package to the manager. "Why didn't you report it immediately, you black scamp," retorted the manager. • The porter, with an offended and disappointed air, replied: "Boss, I done thought the genman left it for a tip." "One way to measure your success is by the earnestness with which your competitors lie about you." — Benjamin Franklin. 4 Th e B t lib oar d DECEMBER 31, 1910. JOHNSON Watched" Brooks Johnson Is not slender. ' Nor would yon call him tall; HI* chest's by no means hollow. He has no waist at all. He boasts no cheeks deep sunken. Nor caverns round bis eyes: He has no wasted biceps. Nor spindling shanks nor But he has got ways i Inning — A broad and unctuous smile — And finally not least but last. Colossal nerve and guile* He sells mankind a cure-all, (And "sells" is good, you bet). They think they're buying medicine; Spring-water's what they If e'er he tires of water, His many gifts and rare, W1U bring; him In a living. Selling sky, gold-bricks or air. How does he put It over. Repeating It anon, And make his victims like it? Oh, reader! Just read on. He bails from Old Kentucky, And hence, what heed to say — Loves horses, girls and bourbon. In good, old-fashioned way. A king among the gourmands, . They say he can't be beat At judging table ' It's a Joy to see He's full of anecdotes and Of stories simply rife; Non-expurgated— print them? : You'd go to Jail for life! That's why he can sell water. That's why his dupes don't' yell. That's why they even whisper When wishing him In helL And^furthemiore^he^s Irish, Ca^'uckle'each one'fvanHy, By methods all his own. He's most intensely human. And always on the Job; So everybody likes him. Including Father Cobb. A man like this, some principle That he himself won't drink. George Cohan needs him badly, At least, that's what I've heard. To play the title role In "Get-Rlch-Qu!ck Walllngford." — West Baden Journal. EDITORIAL BULLETIN ■ ■ ■ ■ Managers and Agents Series The Billboard has in preparation a series of illustra- tions of managers and agents with the leading theatrical attractions. This series of portraits will constitute a gallery of well-known scouts and managers with wide acquaintances among persons interested in amusements. These reproductions will be of especial interest to mana- gers and attaches of theatres, as well as others, whose employments bring them in contact with theatrical people. Managers and agents desiring representation in this series, may send their photographs to us. Heard in Advance Below Is a reproduction of an editorial carried recently by Detroit Free Press, and It la a pleas- ure -for me to give same tbe wide publicity If deserves because If ever a press agent bad one Rood friend, a real friend, 'tla my mighty good friend, veteran Geo. P. Goodale. Here'a a man that greeta lanre and small alike. No line drawn and {a a living reminder of Buskin's famous saying, "Greatness of mind Is not shown by ad- mitting small things, but by making small things (treat under Its Influence: be who can take no Interest In what Is small will take false Interest in what is great." May yoa live long and pros- per, friend Ooodale. MR. GOODALE, 'DEAN OF DRAMATIC CRI- TICS. FYjrty-flve years ago to-day. George Fomeroy Goodale began bis service on The Free Press, a service which has never been. Interrupted and which has uniformly reflected credit not only upon the worker himself and upon his paper, bot also upon all dramatic art and criticism. Mr. Goodale today is the oldest writer on stage topics in continuous active service In America — perhaps In the world. Bis knowledge of his field Is not exceeded by any man and y It Is sot equal ed. Mr. Goodale la fortunate In many of bis en- dowments, not the lesst of which Is a genius tor hard work/ By means of It, he developed from a boy printer with a liking for the atage .. into a thorough master of the English language, .^.Vearattoctlou- acquired by very few even of those who are accounted successful writers. By means of It. he gained the power of making accurate and nice distinctions, and of weighing and bal- ancing men. methods and plays. Be learned to distinguish almost unerringly between honest endeavor and bluff. He Is uniformly patient and helpful toward the former, and always justly severe with tne latter. Mr. Goodale never fails to recognize the man or woman who tries, and ' he Is quick to detect talent TJ uouah bis genius for work, the dramatic - editor or The free Press has performed 'a service that would hare exhausted, many a naturally robust physique and brain, simply because of its monotony of - theme; but today, -Mr. Goodale Is as keen 'and' alert as ever he was. This ability to work has also kept him abreast of the to ac i the art. he has s voided the pitfalls |__ of the older critics have It la Inconceivable that 1 old in spirit. mUe - any mention of outdoor amusements at this season of the year may be considered incongruous, the fact' that a large number of letters asking for .information concerning outdoor amusements have reached us, indi- cates that more than usual interest will be manifested in outdoor enterprises next season . This being true The Bill- board has been prompted to arrange with several of the foremost authorities on outdoor amusements for the con- tributiop of articles on the industries they represent, if the popular belief that fortunes and misfortunes run in cycles is'-'to be -credited; we can look' forward to a very prosperous park /.season next year: The articles in p rep a ra- tion will give reasons why the season of 1910 was not a good one, and will point out the indications forecasting better success during the coming season. The several articles will treat exhaustively the subject of operating . and managing the Summer park, and also gi ve many hints for the successful organization of the agricultural fair. . As articles of this nature, .in order to be of any. real value, must be accurate and; comprehensive, The Bill- board has solicited contributions from only those, who by long association with outdoor affairs, have become so well familiarized with conditions, that their opinions constitute unquestionable authority; These articles will not only be of intrinsic value to those, engaged in the pursuits they represent, but will be of sufficient merit from a literary standpoint, to hold the attention and interest of all Billboard readers. Don't miss them. . Advertisers and Correspondents, Notice ! As the next edition, which will bear date of Jan- uary 7, will go to press several hours earlier than usual, correspondents and advertisers are requested to get their copy in as soon as possible this week. The mails were delayed last week owing to the large num- ber of Christmas parcels in transit, and it is possible that the rush will not be over for another week or two. This being the case, a reasonable time should be allowed for delays that may occur in the transmission of letters and packages. Get your copy in early ! But mere lor* for work tad the ability to perform It alone could not have made Mr. Oood- ale whet be la to-day. It was fortunate Cor aim and doubly fortunate for the world, that his In- " nry could call to Its aid • keen Intellect a naturally lovable personality and a broad '. These things ware tha foundations upon his will to do. worked. As the years the toss's faculties to a cm rata more' uniformly ^effljllg in " Among the Messinrf showered upon htm it a birth. Mr. Goodale, received from the gods one of the rarest and meat useful gifts, sn al- f soilless memory. To-day he has sheaves of reference books In bla library, bnt be seldom turns to them because he also possesses in his well -stored mind as encyclopedia that eas al- ways be called op at a second's notice from the pit of the subconscious and opened to any page. paragraph or line. As .ire,,!, Indicated. Mr. Ooodale la more than a critic of stage people and stags happenings. He Is also an o bserv e r and weigher of people and of lire, a kindly and charitable one. It Is true, bot none the lass a searching eras, it fol- lows, therefore, that be Is a philosopher. To this the persons who habitually reed bis "Kaleldo- scope" can abundantly testify, for they sad In It the t noughts of oraa who baa attkdked the mean ■ * depths of life from the sssaag aa a aid student 0 f ucs. asr. isswni'i year* and wide acquaint* ._ have. given htm an Inexnaastihla stock of remlnlscenca and Illustration, which often la tar more forcible than dogmatic utterance. And bt la never dogmatic, for SS suggested, his mind Is slwaya open to the acceptance of possibly un- known truth, and thla attitude baa little room for dogmatism. Mr. Ooodale Is s post a* well s philosopher prefers to suggest and lead rather than to .direct. He to • poet because, be does not versify, be habitually clothes _ ughta in the greater besntlea of the gag- him. It follows from an thee* things that Mr. Goodale I* loved by tbe public, which, in propor- tion as it knows him, takes bla Judgment oa things dramatic as sacred, writ and bis obsecra- tions on life ss the utterances of s tags. Ha to loved also by tbe acton from tbe humblest to the greatest, by the plsywrishts from tfcs basis- bla Judgment on the In scene or a drams, sr' with reamee*. He la Bnt to to con* The Free forty-live of it. Witnessed Stair * Havllo's company to The Wolf recently. It to certainly a powerful ^..rpu^-Th.' ftttS feS a besrt of naton. " At no Urn* baa tbe Walter faculty for char acter drawing of the grimly burner drsms, and particularly in the Scot, whose conviction thai anybody or Isylng claim to Scotch nsUvlty to and unmatebable Is not to be argil him. His observation that "the _UM mast have been eareleaa when be mad* the Swedes, indicates bla familiar Scottish acquaintance with the Deity he criticises and asslshly ss- enses in a breath. _ Tbe leading role. Jules Besubeln. to grace- folly and attractively plsyed by B. Fernandas, who wss the Mexican yeses sgo in Alisons, sad plsyed here In Going Some last jrear. Tom Burroughs was even as Andrew^JIrtsvlah. ^ind ir'to Dssbon ^s^ptlste "& Grand; William Crlmrolni. McDonald, tbe engineer, and J. via Pendleton. George Hontly, Both ss to plsy sod acting, la an acceptable entertainment. , d) ' "Ever play tbe ponies T" casually remarked the racetrack tout to the man sitting near him In the Seneca Hotel lobby. Rochester. N. T. "Not quits." smiled tne other; "bnt I've played tbe lion in The Wlsard of Oa. the dog in Buster Brown, hslf tbe elephant in Wang, snd (be bear in Tbe Kewlywedi." (It wit Al. Grady that answered ) " . Mn. Geo. McManus had just returned from her annual trip to the mountains. "Well. George." she ssld to her husband, "did you keep open noose during my absence r "I should say I did. florenc*. dear," Oeorg* replied. "Why there wasn't a night I didn't lock the doors at nine o-eloek." _. Teat and where rid yon go toenr" |M4»» kill) £ Jagarllle to tbe title of the presented by the Jardtn de Paris season, tbe entire company later sp — a mlnatrel show called Miner's Minstrel Maids. In the first part Cbas. Hack and William man- ton, aa Willie Wee and Wee Willie, produce ■ large share of the comedy In rough and ram- ble acrobatic performances. They are to- main of a saoltorlum conducted by Prof. High- ball, who heeltatea to prescribe for himself tbe drink" cure which works wonders for his pa- tients. The part of tbe saturated - professor Is well taken by Ralph Rlckn*. Abe Leariti ,■« Hana Schmidt to a comical, portly German with an excellent voice. Sleepy Head and Bandy are the best of the songs la the sketch. In the last part Abe back npeatedly In hi* set Once, and It el en Davis ssng In s plesslng way. . Cora Livingston. slid to o* tbe ehsi female wrestler, appean dally. Ilia •ton meets sll comers, the msnagemen (28 to anyone whom *be falla to throw ten minutes. , v The restore of the performance to tb* Monti- Nelson moving pictures. Tbe entire right or eleven round* to shown, the view* being markibto clear from tbe flnt bell to .tbe. ; mmmwm _ Heard st tbe ticket window Michigan Central Detroit, recently! . "Give me a ticket to Reno, Nevada." "Blnflel" "If ! was do yon think I'd b^^ge^r i^lrto k twS ISvttr December ti,--«ML ■ . ■ The Bilib o a r d 5 Lives of Famous Showmen •'•^\v'** \A ■•■•'<: ■ w To attempt to enumerate all the incidents of interest in the lives of famous showmen, of whom this article treats, would be a stupendous task. Besides, our limited space compels us to give only those facts which are most important and which are of the most interest to the reader. ' It is only fitting that the article shall be commenced with a brief out- line of the career of - that peer of showmen, P. T. Barnum. Phineas Taylor Barnum was born and left his home. He obtained work on a farm, receiving the munificent wages of $3.50 a month. Later on he became a bell boy in a hotel at Pontiac, Mich. This was really the crucial step in.his life, because fate Mm in Bethel, Connecticut, July 5, 1810. His father, a country storekeeper, died poor, accordingly, Barnum, at a very early age, earned his living, engaging in several lines of busi- ness in different towns. In 1828, he returned to Bethel, where he open- ed a store. Soon after he was mar- ried. His business was unsuccess- ful, and he established a weekly newspaper with no better fortune. In 1834 he removed to New York and entered the show business with one attraction, Joyce Heth, a col- ored woman, announced as the nurse of George Washington, and 161 years old. With this attraction, Barnum registered his first success. A year later, Joyce Heth died, and then after a lapse of another year, Barnum purchased Scudder's Amer- ican Museum, changed it to Bar - mim's, and his fortune began to ac- cumulate. In 1842, the dwarf, Gen- eral Tom Thumb (Chas. S. Strat- ton), was engaged and exhibited by him successfully in the United- States and Canada. In 1849, he made a contract with Jenny Lind for a concert tour of one hundred nights in America, at $1,000 a night. He gave only ninety-five concerts, but made ah enormous profit from this speculation and many others, and retired temporarily in 1855, to live in his oriental villa, Iranestan, in Bridgeport, Conn. He expended large sums in improving and beau- tifying that town. Having endorsed notes to the amount of about one million dollars for a manufacturing company which failed, he was finan- cially ruined. In 1856, he returned to England with Tom Thumb, and partially retrieved his fortune. Re- turning to New York, he opened and conducted a museum, but it was burned July 13, 1865, as did another which he opened afterward. In 187 1 he organized his great traveling circus and menagerie, with which he was remarkably successful. The circus is still continued under his name and that of. his partner, James A. Bailey. Barnum possessed remarkable instinctive for advertising possibilities, and his original methods created for himself and his attraction world- wide publicity. One of his sayings, "that the public like to be humbugged * resulted in his obtaining much gratuitous publicity. Even to-day it is used with much frequency. As a showman, he was first despised, then ridiculed, then tolerated, and lastly, for many years, abundantly wel- comed. His charities were many, and he was one of the most public- spirited citizens in Bridgeport. On several occasions he was elected to the Connecticut Legislature, besides being Mayor of Bridgeport. He died April 7, 1891. mi 4p In his most successful enterprise, P. T. Barnum was associated with James A. Bailey. To Bailey was given the title of "King of Showmen." He wa S born in Detroit Mich., in 1847, being of Scotch-Irish descent. Like his distinguished partner, Bailey was born of poor parents. At the age of ten; he conceived the idea of tempting fortune of his own accord, ordained that he should meet there the man who gave the future circus king his first chance. The man who had that honor was Fred Bailey, the general agent for the Lake and Robinson Circus. He rapidly rose from billposter to general agent, becoming finally a proprietor in 1872. In that year he entered into part- with J. E. Cooper, forming the celebrated Cooper and Bailey firm, proprietors of The Great Lon- don Show. That same year the partners took the show to Australia, New Zealand, South America, and India, returning to the United States in 1878. By 1880, P. T. Bar- num had realized that the younger and rapidly- forging-ahead snowman would be a better friend than a rival, with the result that he offered Mr. Bailey the co-partnership with the present world-famous amuse- ment enterprise, known as the Bar- num and Bailey "Greatest Show on Earth." The actual management and policy of this show from that time on formed the life-work of Mr. Bailey. He planned and di- rected the European tour of the show, which during its five years abroad exhibited in England, Scot- land, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Austria - Hungary. From the start it was a great and triumphant campaign. In 1905 he took the show to the Pacific Coast for the first time in its history. Not only did Bailey build up, control and direct the greatest show on earth, but, at the same time, he was supervising the movements and policy of the Buffalo Bill Wild West, of which he was an equal owner with Col. W. F. Cody. He also owned the Forepaugh-Sells Show in conjunction with Ringling Bros. In 1868, Bailey married Miss Ruth Louisa McCaddon, of Zanes- ville, Ohio. She was his constant companion, and in his will the great showman paid a touching tribute to her devotion and love through the many vicissitudes they had experi- enced together. Bailey died at his home in Mt Vernon, New York, on April 11, 1906, erysipelas being the cause of death. His remains were interred in Woodjawn Cemetery, on Saturday, April 14. Admittedly one of the rivals of Barnum and Bailey, when these show- men had reached the pinnacle of their success, was Adam Forepaugh, the proprietor of Forepaugh's aggregation. Forepaugh entered the show business in a rather peculiar manner. He had been a butcher boy in Cincinnati ; later was in the employ of a butcher and horse dealer, then he operated the stage line in Philadelphia, and afterwards dealt in horses and cattle. It was through his connection with the latter named business that Forepaugh entered his career as a showman. In 1861, he sold to John O'Brien, who was running a small wagon show, sixty-two head of horses at $9,000, and took as part payment an interest in the show. At that time Forepaugh had no idea of permanently embarking in the show business, but visiting the O'Brien Show in Pittsburg, he purchased it, and buying Jerry Mabie's Menagerie, combined the two, which formed the nucleus of the leviathian proportioned, Great Fore- paugh Show. The Mabie purchase consisted of two elephants and eight animals, for which Forepaugh paid $42,000. The property was delivered to him at Twelfth and State Streets, Chicago, on the very day of the on pat* 21.) .... ... _ ^MkSsid^y^- The Billboard — 81, 1*10. Amusement FAIR OFF ICERS MEETING Held at Greenville, Ohio, Last Week, Attended by Repre- sentatives from Thirty-six Fairs in the Western Ohio Fair Circuit At Greenville. Ohio, last Monday, wa* belt. tb*. annual meeting of the Weatern Oblo Pair Circuit. composed of thirty-six fain In Oblo. The officer! of the association in charge of the meeting were: I -resident. A. P. Handles, or Put- aam county, who la also secretary of the Oblo State Fair Association; vice-president. I- J. Vlnlng. of Mercer county; aecy.-treaa.. Adam E. Sb.rr.r. of Auglaize county. The Executive Commute* la composed of B. 8. Sweet. Bowline erven: E. F. Armstrong. HlcksvUle: R. V. Ken aedy. Kawaon; B. B. Grieve, Xenia; J. E. Bu»- aaU. Sidney; C. A. Graham. Lima. The seaaloo was open.-d with an address by A. P. Bandies. Mr. Bandies covered every phase of the fslr business and urged the fann- er! and boards to ronse tba sgrtcnllural Interests to greater activities In the production of crop*. At thla meeting the following counties answer- ed to roll call:— Oreen, Mercer Clark, Darke, Champaign, Hardin. Aogula*. Logan, Defiance, Benry. U .acock!* Van ^eTtf°8Mby*^Mlord, Locas. IT, ble. Union, Miami. Wood, Fulton, ftVudnsky, Erie, Bleb land. Marlon. Stark. Seneca. Putnam, Butler snd Morrow. Two new counties were admitted to member- ship, Scioto and Franklin, and it wan agreed that the membership should be kept open until 1911. the data of the meeting to be _ asSaV ot Darke; Senator G. K. Cetone. Montgomery; Cbas. Oan- ■oo. Champalgu; B. V. Kanoedy, Uaneock; 0. D. Martin. Miami. During- the year paat two members of the Association hare passed away, Irwin. York, of Darke County, and W. S. Ely, of Montgomery I — Win Klnnan. Lo Morgan Ink, Seneca; "W* would recommend that the several fairs name aucb dates aa may ault the IndlrldoaL fair, ami report date selected to the secrrtsry of this circuit. Such date to be selected and reported to the secretary of thla circuit on or before March 1. MIL" - After the adoption of the foregoing the fol- lowing report waa presented and adopted: "Your committee on resolution* beg leave to report aa follows: ' , (Continued on page BO.) THE HA VOC PR ODUCED H. S. Sheldon's Drama Given Premiere at Columbia Thea- tre, Washington, D. C— Author has Handled Theme * Logically and Convincingly is Verdict of Critics Washington. D. 0.. Dec. 24 (Special to The nillboardl.— The premiere produellon of The Havoc. H. S. Sheldon's drama, was given thl* week at tbe Columbia Theatre. The Havoc la bnllt npon tbe eternal Mangle problem— bttsbsnd. wife and lorrr. Sheldon has handled the theme treating It with a logical Tlew and In a manner thai Is moat convincing. Local critics are nnaulmons in declaring that 1 CHAS. E. GALAGHER. Vlnlng, Mercer, and Barry 8 liver. Preble! mmlttee em Dstea — It. D. Jones, ITardlo: J so. Crowl, Champaign; C. A. Wilson. Msdlaoo; ■. V. W attorn. Tan Wert, and Jaa. Knapp, Marlon. The afternoon session was abort hut full of business and. s/tsr being called to order tbe re- port or committees waa called for. The following report wss read snd adopted: Is Matrimony a Fidlure? 8t. Louis. Mo.. Dec 23 (8pedal to The Bill- board*.— The la Matrimony a Failure! Com- pany, which played here last week at the Olympic Theatre, under the management ot David Belaaco. closed the season last Saturday, and after paying all bills, the company wss sent back to New Turk. A member of tbe company declared that the play waa far from a failure, and If tbe Intentions ot the manage- ment are carried out tbe pUy will be again oext .Wsi^lF; Robert Hllllard, who la here In A Fool There Was. waa at the Olympic thla week, and said that the play could nut taU with David Belaaco behind It. It has been taken off, be said, nrobably because It bad ran oat Its natural Billiard alao stated that The be taken off of the WHO'LL GET THE EXPO.T ' lw B*|* lm «'- "in. Be*. 20 (Special to Th. Bill- board).— When Congress takes up tbe Question il.r^ J* 1 ? 09 '" 011 nS there la f '*** J^*a*in |w *f a merry war in Washrag- JV e 1 !** originated that the comple- tion of the big ditch that uncle earn U digging through the Istbmua of 1'anama should be com- memorated with a national celebration In the shape of an exposition, Sew Orleans loomed UP as the proper place for the big event and tbe nation applauded the citizen, of the Crescent 2 t7 J*. tbolr . p,W 'i lc eBort "Xt energy. Then th* good people In San Francisco thought their town should have the big show snd for many month* much printers" ink has been used In chronicling the merit* ss to these rival cities in claiming tbe exposition. Several week* ago a committee of Tbe Trav- elers and Merchants' Association of Baltimore went over to Washington and told the mer- chant* and business men of the National Capi- tal, that Washington was the proper place for tbe exposition snd thst Baltimore business men " co-operate with them and uae all their in landing the coveted prize. Mayor Is Interested. The city council baa ty drawn up a resolution thst will be S - granting 1 to* mayor the power to ap- ■ commission to assist the Wasblngton- ln this great enterprise. Every Influential ^e*Sj bar**?Ix S p px*OglCTl**tl a* r\r*i Int*?r- slewed on tbe question and all nave expressed • deal re to assist tbe citizen* of Washington So the Interesting Besides tbe serious snd effective mould of tbe theme. Sheldon bss produced a play which ■»****•** • high degree of lllerarr merit. Ween- Inglon reviewers ear that tbe play has oncov- en-d a new drams 1 1st of no Hill* ability. Tbe «tory telle of tbe breaking np of the Craig borne by the Invasion of lb* "friend " Richard Craig <4hs husband, leave* Paul lies sett, "the friend," a *u>ianier In Ike Craig household vrblle tbe husband depart, no s busi- ness trip to another city. The husband returns and slowly tbe endear* of bis wir»'i perfidy Is marshaled before him. lie dor* not shoot, but .crept, the philosophy of bis friend tor practice, gnnti blTwlfe ■ divorce, and makes aa the only condition that he (Craig) shall lit* with Heaaert and the object *f hi* passion when they are married. Th* aeroad act pursue* with tbe same Irony tbe second stag* *f th* former Mrs. Craig, now Mrs. Heater!, snd bar new boaband. Ia a onlqoe a! to. I Ion 1* which Dessert ao«|>ecta Craig of the aame Infamy of which he was guilty tbe donnnemcnl Is laid and then Craig deliver* some line* which alnn* would stamp the author aa a worthy crarrsmsn. n as- sert 1. shown in hi* whole moral rottenness. Henry Miller, aa Henry Craig, tbe gave a characteristic Miller perform. support— that of two other player*. F Byrne ss Psul Heseert. and Laura Hope ss Mrs. Craig (beside* • very few line* deliv- ered In one of the acta by Daniel Penaell) 1* happily chosen. Mr. Miller speech In appreciation of tbe tercet manifested. Calls were author, bat be did not appear. mad* ■ briar enthusiastic In made for the WOLF JUMP8 INTO AUDIENCE. New York. Dec. 24 (Special to Tbe Bin board).— 0 rim realism was added to the per formsnre of The Queen of tbe lllghbloders at Ampblon Theatre. |ig,^alnii. Kettering Signed for White City Chicago. 111.. Dec 24 (Special to Tb* Bill- board.)— President Morris Belfeld. of Whit* City, baa re-engaged Ralph T. Kettering for next summer. Laat season Mr. Kettering scted ss assistant to air. Belfeld snd lo addition managed the press and advertising department*. Next summer. Id addition to bla previous oecupallona, be will handle tbe convention bureau of the park. Mr. Kettering, who baa been given the title ot "Tbe Press Trait," owing to bla moooiiol bu- tton or ten Chicago theatres snd ss road companies In addition to being vaudeville editor of tbe Inter-Ocean, baa engaged Arthur H. Wallue, st present with the Shubcrt force*, to ■Ct as bis private secretary next summer. L. L Montague, manager of tba Trvvrtt Theatre, will b* Mr. Kettering'* drat assistant and Cbarlss Brown wlU again assist In tbe publicity depart of DevUsboof lo tbe Bohemian Girl Company, tbe A born Opera Company. Against Sunday Dallas. Tex., Dec. 24 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — County Attorney Clark baa started a campaign against Sunday amusement, and will seek to forfeit the charter* of all theatre com- panies that violate tbe 8unday law. All tbe theatres In Dallas are operated under charter, from the state and any concern violating tbe low laya Itself Dable to have It* charte r forfeited. DALY R08TP0NE8 TRIP. New York, Dee. 24 (Special to Tbe Bill- bos rd). — Arnold Daly baa postponed his trip to Europe, and on Monday blgbt will open In Cleveland In the gay.' Homeward Bound. MUST RE MAIN CLOSED. Bockford, Til., Dec 24. — All efforts to make Rock ford a city of open Sonday theatres were rendered useless, when on tbe evening of Dec. tbe M table* With the One-Nighters The dyptherla quarantine at J.sonvllle. 1ml.. wag raised last Sunday. The Alrdome. under the management of S. Goldstein, baa reopened wltb vaudeville. Bookings are Independent. The Opera Houae had tbe Marie Orey Stock Co. aa It* first sttrsctlon. C. O. Redman, msnsger of lbs Garden Alr- dome. L.wreocevllle 111., baa b for a •HUMS opera bouse to play and vaudeville. Tb* New Stuart Theatre, Brazil been entirety remodeled snd will open January 2. wltb Aebton and Carle's Orpbentn Mln.lM.. V. A. Jones bss pnrrbssed tbe Terra Hniils. lad.. Vaudeville Exchange from Wm. C. Drsne. The Paler* Theatre, st nlcknell, lnd„ hail changed It* pulley from vaudeville to eombloa- tlofls. Members of tb* Orphean Ideal* were enter- lalned laat week by Manager KIttt, of tbe Grand Theatre, Clinton, Ind. baa 7- fc\ President Morris Belfeld. of Whit* City. I. endeavoring to secure Mile. P**l»w* for s ses- aon or four weeks st tbe South Side amnarment nark. Ho bss slresdy secured * Bnaslaa band or singers and dancers snd bss msde contracts wltb M. Llberatl to lnstsll an oisrra company for ten weeks to p recent grand snd comic opera In an open air theatre which will be erected Is tb* Terrace Garden*. . IN RECEIVER'S HANDS. Alliance. O.. Dec. 24 (Special to Tb* Bill board).— W. E. Dsvls baa eecrrrcd a. order front tb* court to conduct tb* Columbia Theatre- ne ha* retained Raymond 8. Wallace as act Ing manager. The regular stage force will also remain, klr. Davis has spoiled to th* court of Common Pless for permission to borrow $1,000 with which to pay taxes, purchase coal and oth- er needs. The extensive business Interests of J. Stsnley Smith Is probably tbe only res so* thst can he given ont as tb* «xplanatloo of this move as the theatre alwaya seemed to' be sue cessful In a business war; Tbe boos* will con tlnne to remain on tb* Moss Bels Circuit. DODSON'S TOUR CLOSES. New York. DM. 24 (Special to Tb* Bill board).— Tonight, J. E. bodann'a tonr In The House Next Door, enda In Baltimore. Cohaa and Harris, Dodaon'a managers. piny for their *tar. FROHMAN ACQUIRES RIGHTS New York, Dec. 71 (Hneclal to Th* board).— Cltss. Frohtaan baa pnrrbssed rights of a new plsy by Owen Davis and producs It later in the season. Th. title or pl*C* II DOt 1 7 The Amusement Week in America SEELEY VERSUS MORRIS •\ i'i'v.-, V'*- Rupture of Relations Between Wm. Morris Company, West- ern, and the Vaudeville Magnate is Confirmed by Wm. H. Seeley— Eastern Company Not Affected dan Francleco, CtL, Dec. 24 (Special to The Billboard I. —A local dally paper printa a etary of > rupture of relation* between William 11 or rlt and bla San Francisco associate*, known The Wm. Morrla Co... Western. . It U said by the newapepere that Morrla haa failed to ac- count for $40,000 to hla San Francisco partner*, which csuaed the latter to aever all relatione that eilaled. Talk is beard of ■ nit to bo ta- .tltuted by the local people to compel an ac- counting of the mosey. An Interview with William Hoff Seeley, who baa been manarer of the Win. Morrla Company, Weatern. la aald to hare brought forth a con. Urination of the atory. Quretioned for farther Jetalls, be preferred to remain silent, The Morris Weatern Company la aald to bare given Morrla atock In Its organisation and made i twenty-live year contract with him to pro- ride acta for > chain of theatre* located In eltlea west of the Mlaaourt river. Theatres were opened Is the West, but pro-red unsuccessful. It waa Juat a year ago when William Morris ... ont here with Harry lender, that the San mneleeana made their deal with him. Ons ulna: he Inflated npon wsa that they pure bass • half Interest In the narreafonl Circuit In Great Britain. The price waa to be (175.000. Tbey paid In advance $40,000, to bo need aa a drat payment, provided, after the late George leaventrltt, of Near York, the attorney for Morrla. Inquired Into the affairs of the Bar- reaford Circuit, he recommended the purcbaaa. Laet eprlng Lraventrltt crossed the Atlantic, made hit examination and advised against It. That ended the matter. The $40,000 first pay- nent not being retnrned to them a month * later, the San Franciscans made s demand on Morris for the money. Much to their surprise and In- its. Incorporated, of New York. Lsat Kay Seeley went to New York and soed aim for the money. - He managed to set to- cerher of the sum sad turned It over to Seeley. On Morrla' promise to make ■ final nut TITLE CHANGED. New York. Dec 34 (Special to koard).— The titls of o. at. 8. KcLellaa and Iran Caryll's new musical comedy, which will he produced hj KIsw A Krl anger, has been changed from the Satyr to Gay CUodbss. Ins- aaedlately after the holidays re k— rails will bs commenced. " Kittie, Famous Horse, Is Dead Hundreds, yes, ws might say. tbooeande of troopers will learn with sorrow the death of -Kittle" (Kate). Kittle was only a homo, hat tor history ss ■ trooper Is well known, and bar death, which was most pathetic, as playing ■'ber last lot." win Interest bee many, assay friends In both Baraum and Ballay's Show and The Two Bills' Shows. On Tuesday. December 30. at 4 P. hi.. Geo. Conner discovered her 111 In the center Be Id of the race track at the Inter -State Fair Ground*. Trenton, . N. J., and at once cot her Into her stsll. where medical attention wss fives. She appeared to have a touch of colic, and waa treated as such esses are. During the night a speclsl watchman wss Instructed to watch her closely and administer her medi- cines. At. 3:SS A. hi.. Wednesday, ah* cot tor footing £al I surted. ont of .tor st.- not notnennc nar. aim after ray of the etablee .be ton ward* the rear end of the stable where her old baccy stood, snd sftsr getting to the baccy, she laid her bead In the seat and dropped dead. There on the cold earth she remained a sad pic- ture to case npon until hurled by lovlnc band*. How well she knew ber bnigy, a erode affair oaed by Bert Davie and wife, the homespun eon- pls known as Hiram Birdseed snd Aunt Ucla- ay, the rearm-*- down-tovm attraction of the Two rtllla' Shows. Several troopers who have beet with Kittle for years actually shed tears at the slcht or her In cold death, with her bead rcatlnc in the seat of ber own buggy. Billy Anstin remembers Kittle ss being with the rtamtim Show *a far back aa 111*3. She waa then the junior member of the rnllnp team ft Tom and Kittle. In 1«JW sba waa made I" 1- . "L «"•■ Jamea A. B.llcy'a featured 40 • forty) horse band wsgnu team, driven by Jim Thnmae. and In sncb espsrlty she went to Kn- rone during the winter of ISOB. when the Bar- nnm Show placed the Olympic In London. She came hack with the Ramnm Show and remained in America fnr two ycara. returnlnC'tn Itnrone In October. ISST. and totreed tba entire Contl- oent for Ave ennseentlve years, sfterwarda re- maining In this counter with the Bsrnnm Show for two years, when aha was purchased by Ma- ]»r Gordon W. Mill* (Pawnee Bill), and bas been featured by Hiram Birdseed and Lnclndy with the Two BlUe' ERECT N EW T HEATRE. Texarkana. Tec, Pec. 34 (Special to The Bin . Doardl . — A new theatre will be erected here by w * V- nardln. formerly mayor of this dry. Hardin erected the present Grand Oners nonaa several yean aim snd sold It to Krlleb Brothers, who are now onsratlnat it i aettlement at an drawn. St. Louis. Mo., Dec. 28 (Special to The Bill- board).— Dan 8. Flahell. director of the Prin- ceaa Theatre, the local Morris theatre, speaking of the break between Wm. Morrla and hla San Franciscan associates, itsted that Uw Western compsny hsd no effect on the Esstern concern, presided over by Morrla. The Princes* la af- filiated with the Wm. Morris Esstern Compsny. AVIATIO N TENT BURNS Canvas Used by international Aviators Totally Destroyed by Fire — General Manager of Association Slightly Injured— Prompt Action Averts Panic. Orleans, Dec. 23 (Special dispatch to The Billboard.) — The canraa used by the Inter national Aviators. Inc., aa hangar, burned Christ msa day. enUUInc a loss of $23,000. The fire started from a burning piece of toe salute bomb used to announce the commencement of the af ternoon flights. While the names roared and Ihe worklnc force were removing the fourteen aeroplanes from the burning tent. President A. J. Molssnt coolly ordered to*- exhibition to com- me nee and J. B »•-■—»• •*-• — rd aviator. Stock Will Be Installed Belolt, Wis.. Dec. 24 (Special to The Bill- board). — A atock company will be Installed In the Wilson Opera House, and ons at the Meyers Theatre la Janeavllle. Wis. The two companies encaged— The Helen Aubrey Company and the fh^Tsrc-'theatV^ the two tneatret, remain ids two weeaa ai racu STOCK IN LOUISVILLE. Louisville. Ky„ Dec. 24 (Special to The Bill- board I.— To-ranrrow sight the Burton Stock Company opens Ita seseon at the Wslnot The- atre. Captain Impudence will be the Initial offering. With the company are Chester De- vomle, Grace Van Anker, Carl J. Brlekert, Charlotte Townsend. Mary Louise Malloy, Bea- sts Lewrroce. Frank Base. Louis Raines. Wm. I. Ama.iell, Otto Kmger, T. A. Magrane. slag* director; Cbas. Mather, stsgc manager; Joan Gorman, Jo*. Lavey and Aba preparing a new ' A Dearth Of Attractions Mollne. 111.. December 34 (Special to The Bill board).— On account of a dearth of attractions, motion picture will bo Installed In all the the- atres on the Illinois snd Iowa Circuit. An- nouncement to this effect ha* been made by M. S. Scovllle. auditor for the Chamberlain Inter- eats on the Iowa and Illinois Circuit. This move will not Interfere with the bookings al- ready made, aa the picture policy will be In effect on nights when no road attraction la booked. Among the houses that are to be used for pictures are tbe following: The Illi- nois. Bock Island ; The Clinton, Clinton; The Orand. Muscstlne: The Grand, Keokuk; Tbe Grand, Canton. III.: The Ottawa Theatre, Ot- tawa. Ill-; Tbe Free poet Opera House. Free- port, III. Tbe policy of .the Bnrtls Opera Honae. Dav- enport, and the Mollne. at Mollne. will the same as ever, sad will not be the contemplated movement. "ailed Into the air aa tbe dames destroyed thai tent. Over ten thousand people cheered the ■ laring aviator and hla brother, whose coolness prevented s panic. . General Msnsger P. CL Young, was severely burned about the face and bands in hla valiant efforts to prevent that from reaching the gasoline tanks. W. L well-known showman, who waa ng the us* of one of his big w canvas could be ordered offered show tenia until from New York. Swain's test to the race track late Christmas night, and tba f the greatest aggregation of flying exhibited In tbe world NO MORE 8UNDAY SHOWS. , Mich.. Dec. 34 (Bnedal to Billboard)- — Mayor Burke has leaned an that all theatres In Owosao must i " dsy hereafter, tre and all " all well AL WILSO N RE HEAR8INQ. Haw York, Dec. "24 (Special to Tba Bill board).— A). H. Wilson Is rehearsing a new romantic drama called A German Prince. It la a dramatisation of one of the late Archibald Qarertng G anther's popular stories. January ifija tba data act by Sidney R. Bill* for the CIRCUS TAX REDUCED. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 24 (Special to Tbe Bill- board). — The City Council will make a reduction tn tba tax upon circuses from $1,000 to $500. This waa decided st a meeting of council beta NO SUNDAY REHEARSALS. Toronto. Can., Dec. 24 (Speclsl to The be no mora Sunday rehearsals tn Toronto. organisation baa taken atepa to prevent orchestra rehearsals on tba Sabbath. Institution of T. M. A. Lodges Lynn (afsaa.) Lodge No. 134, was Instituted last Sunday by District Deputy Moses P. Pteksrtnc o< Boston. Past Grand President John W. Thompson, of Mew York Ledge No. 1. assisted Mr. Pickering. The following were elected as officers of tba Lodge: Cbas. A. Toong. president; M. hoe. vice- president : Samuel Harris, reei rag secretary; Frank Jones, financial secretary; rieorge Friend, asslstsat financial secretary; Walter H. ftymonda, treasurer: H. K. DowUaar. ■art Boswell. Wm. DeWolf. trustees; Dr. C. L. Rich, physician; Dennis Casey, marshal: Boy K. WsOtWOrth. aergeant at imi Fifty three charter members were BI8BEE HA8 LODGE. Blsbes (Aria.) Lodge No. 120, T. M. A., wsa Instituted at tbe Royal Toes tre, Blabee. with about thirty charter member*. Election of officers resulted as follows: M. B. Butler, part K-aldent; L. W. Hubbard, president: M. D. tn. vice-president; C. J. Alden. acertary; W. R. Denlson. treasurer; W. T. Owen, financial secretary: VI. Barr Welat, aergeant at arms; a. T. Locale, nvarshal; L. I. Overtook. Bart, well Noweli and W. 8. Lanford, trnateea; Dr. C. r. Hswley. physician. The next meeting of tbe lodge arm he held Jan. 4- THEATRE SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. New Orleans. Ls. Billboard^.— The SI three large bnataea mated at $390,000. Dee. 2S (Special to' COHAN' S NE W PLAY. New York. Dec. 24 (Special to The —Tbe I/>ve Sick King la the t tie . George M. Cohan's new plsy. With this attrac- tion Cohan and Harris will open the new thea- tre at 4M street and Broadway. In 'be cast will be the Cohan*. Tom Lewis. Donald Crisp. Edna Baker and Emms Jsnd ler. Shadrtck snd Tsllntt will be seen shortly In s new set written by J. Brandon Walah . At SST* *T " tortnm otock Company. Kansas City. Christmas The Amusement Week in Chicago THE ARCADIANS OPEN At Illinois for the Holiday Period —Three Twins House with Original Principals, Including Clifton Crawford. Dec 23 (Special to The Billboard.) — Arcadian opened at tbe Illinois. Sunday tor aa engagemi-nt which extend* crer to*, holi- day season. To* score of Too Arcadians fa by Lionel Moockton and Howard Talbot and tbe book Is by Mark Ambient and A. It. Thomp- son. The plot opena In tbe land of Arcadia of James 8mlth, . tendency for the untruth, the wi Smith In the Well of Troth and hla ary elait to London la ample excuse for ex epdstts numor, hanntlna; melodies and dainty stage pictures. The east includes Frank Mou- AU^il^aS' te^T* 1 - Knight. Connie aemence, Mary Mac kid, H. B. Meyer. THE DAMOZEL AT WHIT- NEY. ' . ' Cblcsgo. Dae. 21 (Special to The Billboard). —After a week of darkness the Whitney Opera House opened on Christmas night with Henry w. ■ansa's The Little Demonl. for- an In- This play la said to bare been eery suceeasfullT. prod need In .Wyndbam's Theatre. London. . and It Is expected, .that i thla will be dopllcated here. This arganlza la headed by May Buckley and . Cyril tley ana sersrsl members of the original CHICAGO'S H OLDO VER 8HOW8. Obleago, Bsc 21 (Special to The BUtboerd). — This .week brines many changee to Chlcsso's theatre, and atao marks the opening, of tha^Jew BUrkstone. Those plays which intent' be set ss harln«- bed Ions runs and which will ' with os ontll attar tbe New Ye.r are: it Girl in Perls, the bright and snap- comedy which holds forth at the -a Bonn; TW Chocolate- Soldier, at _. with Its weelth of good melody. 1 The Deep Fnrple at the Princess s play .fall of genuine entertainment. . Get Rich (Julrk Said and Seen In Chicago ...i aito." Mr. Selwyn and his wife. Miss Sslwyn'a play. The Coon try Boy, ,. war 'playing at Powers' Theatre, there Is s scene showing the dining room of a the- atrical boirdlng boon In New York City. Mr. Selwyn lifted- this scene, from - a fsmoos tnetlrotlon of tola character which -wss ■ located Forty -Brat street. New -York, sbont Mr. Selwyn and 1 _ . Used there, together with tbe - rtb. Engae Walter, Eleanor . Ansnt Belmont), May Bill, Cooke and Jane KeWaraT^.TT? tnffalo ■ la ; now signing — > of 1911. He already -- . era on hla shooting staff. Mile. vers. Baby Rath, the smallest rifle' shot In the world; Tex Baker, champion of Texas* Joe Knight, champion wing shot of Canada, and himself. The Great Wllmots, - csitlng act. Tommy Bums, tbe champion roper of Anstrs- and Pearl le May*; High School act. fea- tnrbis^ her 12,000 White Beauty, hair* also Chester, the magician, has Just closed twenty- four weeks through the Central States, playing week stands In his playlet entitled The Oaah- lngtona. Chester was In Chicago during the holidays and atated that ha bad about twenty more weeks of good time to follow. George Armstrong, Happy-Chappy, wm Join Harry Heatings' Big Show when {bit organisa- tion cloaca Its Chicago engagement at tbe Star and Garter. Tbe Smoke Qneen, a sketch which hss been playing Western VsndeeUIe time under tbe guid- ance, or Jlmmle Casaldy. who alao assumes sn -? P°rte?t part in thla playlet, baa been pnr- nXfi*.Jr^ blm .*El M L M Vlriln I - on -rt"»- The £r*lv ™ u ?f"L. ,b r e . characters, and wm open to the Butterfleld time st Bockford. December The executive ataff for Sam 8. A Lee Shu- b «"i to* - Jn Up and Down Broadway, now playing at the Lyric Theatre, Is as follows: victor Harmon, manager: Charles Bradford business i manager; Emma Cams. sUge director: James Jsy Daley, stage msnsger; MUbury H. Kyder. aniatant stage manager; Harry Staf- ford.- master mechanic: Lemuel Tower, carpen- ter:. Harry BUey. assistant carpenter: Thomas J. Coleman, master of properties; Thomas Smith, properties: Benjamin Pflsom. master electrician: -.Charles Miller, electrician: Mrs. S. Lewis wardrobe mistress; Mrs. F. Whitney, wardrobe. It has been rumored that Miss Mabel Harri- son la 111 with consumption and will leara Lu- ln's Hnahende for the rest of tbe season. She win. lease immediately for Southern California to remain until spring. Wsllrngford Is firmly established as one of the succ esses of tbe season and bids fair to remain In Chicago for some time. . Two Men and a Girl la in Its last week at the Cort Theatre, this production Is to followed in at that thea- tre by Henry w. Sarage'a The Great Name, on Jan. L John Land, musical director of tbe Chocolate Soldier, at the Garrlck, baa been transferred to the weatern ^ company, ^and^ wUl Join lt^ar. western company, will come to the Garrlck. UP AND DOWN BROADWAY Attraction at With Eddie Foy and The Chicago. Dec. 21 (Special to Tbe Billboard). — The Lyric Theatre la now the scene of a more or less incoherent resume of current esenta, theatrical and otherwise. Up end Down Broad- way, with Eddie Foy and Emma Cams hating tb^fuowl ess?-"™** '° r th * ho " lUT * wItD THE CAST. Immortals. Momoa, Janitor of the High Brow Clob on Mt • ■ .. .. .. ■■ ■• Eddie Foy it of tbe club . Jno. Goldaworthy WILLETTE KERSHAW, Appesrlng In The Country Boy, which opened at Powers Theatre, Chicago, December 26. Clifton Crawford's New Vehicle Chicago, Dee. 21 (Special to The Billboard). — When Clifton Crawford la done performing In Three Twins. In which be Is now playing st tbe Chicago Opera House, he wm here a new musical comedy called Nary Bloc. AL. VON ARX IN CHINA. Chicago. Dec 21 (Special to The Billboard). A postal recrlTed at this office shows Al. Yon An. the magician, making a trip around tbe world, at a street fair la Pekln. Chins, Al is surrounded by s bunch of tbe natives and by the surprised look on their faces, we tblnk be has them guessing. Be la en route to Calcut- ta. India, where he expects to stay for about six months. THREE TWIN8 AT CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE. Chicago. Dec. 28 (Special to Tbe Bllbosrd). Jos. M. Gsltes' successful comedy. Three Twins, opened at tbe Chicago Opera Rouse on Sunday, December 5. This promotion Is Hied with many striking noreltles and contains much whole- some entertainment. Those employed to In- terpret this production are: Clifton Crawford, Meyme Gehrne, Delia Blren, Daisy Leon. Elate Maynno, lot. 'Alleo^ Boc^ F>7 ^ t "lpb Locks, At Neighboring JPlayhouses Cblcajj Dec 21 (Special to The Billboard). —Uncle Tom's Csbln Is the Chrlstmss week at- traction at the BIJon. and tbe James Boys In Missouri, one of the most sensational of main- dramas, moTed from Weber's to tbs Criterion. Another thriller. The Outlaw's Cbrlatmaa. la offering at Weber's snd Tbs Boy From Wall Street, la holding tbe boards at tbe Na- tional. Paid In Full, which played at the Globe Ust week. Is holding forth st tbs Crown snd The Man of the Hour Is the attraction at tbe Bsymarket. In Panama Is entertaining the patrons of ths Globe. The resident stock com- Rt D , 7, mt J£* Marlowe. Is this week Interpreting Girls, while tbe People's Theatre Stock Com* S". D7 „V, C oI !Z ln « Master and the Man. The College Theatre Stock Company la offering Kftby. which deplcta life on the ahores of the Mississippi when gambling held forth. Several old favorite* will bare the leading rolea. They are Marie Nelson, Oamllle D'Arcy Henry Bowell snd Rodney Bsnoaa. ANNUAL TREAT AT MeVICKER'8. lJ«£He! "Mpaelal to The Billboard)— Jw« -.JJ™' 0 .* 7 l> . ,ck »' McVleker'a for s two weeks' stay, baring opened at tbls play- ft?*b C liS? 8uD 5f 7 - This wonderful pl.y wlih Its bright comedy snd Ita happy-go-lucky bud »_?ii Ck .* n J!l n , le "'-! : «!« ,,r £ , *» »• «500ib time In — - awe njae Florence Bother • - .. Mae Ealy . Patta Hamilton Dorothy Barest Brato, a high-brow post .. .. Oscar Schwam Nabba, Parnassus policeman .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . . .. Harry M a cD onongh. Jr. vidua, club member Harold Robe Terpsichore, muse of dancing . Melissa Ton Eykv Thalia, man of comedy Euterpe ., ciio .. .. .. :.. gs? 2 v. rrsfr^i S&T&S&r?- :: ;: Genua, club pas* ii „ .. Mathilda Bodreiuei ^VXF!!- " n "<>I tragedy, with a minion to bl xb. brow lae Broadway ... .. Bmma Ci Morula Mr. Cohen, from Bridgeport .. Barney George Bumpkin, a tared basslnees Henry Write, a bookkeeper ..' • • Harry Msrlhsaonali Jr Harry^ Boakem, a baaeball fan . Jaa. Diamond Mrs. Shark, a landlady Mrs Bumpkin, a stout lady Mass Frite. a maiden lady .. Lasts, a errr.nt lady . Bunco Bill, a ticket speculator , o> Dnteh McOee. an Beat Sider .. Jaa. I Willie Bun. e messenger Boy . , Jaa, I Officer Cany, of tbs traffic squad .. • • • • a*, JlUbory EL Sing HI. a chink Chu Gum. a chop Willie Dolt* " Jean Gareon, aires Allen .. Mas Baly . Franklr Bice Anna MeNabb Oscar Schwartt Jaa. Diamond Jaa. Diamond RtoV. a head w An Umpire, tbe usual George Lusblngton. Mrs. Sboplelgb. 'alter .. Harry 1 fATOTlto ■ well Gene For croft . Geo. Lymti • cDonmjb jr. Jas. Ills .Bay Dodge TsadeTflle patron .. .. ' . • ■ - .. grannie Bice Mrs. Sblrktlat, another .. .. Petle Hamilton Fan Tan. a Chinese maiden .. Matin Tea Krks Jim Jam .. .. ' . . .. Tarn as Jay Delay Beth Smaller and Mae Baly 8TN0P8I8 OP 8CKNB8. cat page 60.) Sentimental Sally At Studebaker Chicago, Dec. St (Spedsl to Tbe Bnihoardi —Ob Monday night, Dec. 18. Charles tMOIagnaai will present at the Btudebeker Theatre. Henti mental Sally. This play constats of three acta end la by Dartd and Mil too Hlgsioa. The story dealt with the lit* la New York aasosf the so called Bohemians and such characters as paint- ers. Ttollnlata. base fiddler, clarinetlat. art deal- er, a French cafe singer, a slangy chorus lady, a shop keeper and a prima donna wfll be de- pleted. Thoae who wfll aaanroe nrtaetpel parte in this production are: Dartd Hlrglna. Mortimer Weldoo. Ben Bendrlcks. A. W. rteurndorff. Btgelow Cooper. Bliss Mllford. Anne Nettle Bourn. Ids Adams and Anna Fields. K H. Sothern and Julli gsgement Is thla city s ' at the Lyric. In March. At tbe termination of the engagement of Ed- die Foy and Bmma Came. In Op and Down Broadway, at tbe Lyric. Stella May haw will bring oa bar Jolly Bachelors. John Lane Connor baa returned to the nijoo Theatre ea leading men at the stock company. He will make hie first appearance oa New leer's Day. Msrgsret Nertlle. former leading lady at tbe Bijou, will be seen there again on New Tear's Day. She will replace Gladys Von La sue. Belle Oarfney. who acted at the College The- atre during the Brat geatoD hss been sddad to the i perlal. Thomas Csrmody, who waa the late Charles B. Kohl'r which h_ Jones, Llnlek _ bis poalllon a. of Its entraMon, ly at the nw Im- wss the late Charles n representatlrs at tbe Star Theatre, LIEBLER ENGAGES ROBERTS. New York Dec 34 (Special to The Bill board) — i.lehler and Company hare engaged ™eodor, Roberta to play the part of the Rer. The Silent Call. The addition of Boberta to the company to appear In thla play. mike, n reminiscent of the original Tbe Sqnawm.n Com- pany, aa Roberts,' George Fswcett and W. 8. Hart, all of The 8llent Call cait. wore, retpec- tlrely. the original Tahywano.' Big Bill and Cash Hawkins in Mr. Royle's earlier drama. . lo addition to Mr. Farnnm and tbe three oth era mentioned, the complete eaat of Tbe Blleni Call Include. Rosalind Coghlan. George' W Deyo, Bimer Orandln. Thomas J. McOrsse. DECEMBER SI, 1810. The Billboard 9 ■ ... The Vaudeville Week in Chicago A STER LING PR OGRAM i •> —————— ~ Headed by Burr Mcintosh and Bessie Wynn, Current at Majestic Theatre— Other Acts on Bill up to the Usual Standard Dm. 21 (Special to Taa Billboard), jtrimoeh. a* famous ' tutor, leet eeee la Chicago s* "A armiimm from M leaned ppi. appears el to* Majeetle this week aa tbe head- liner In « ITMt holiday blU. He la one of tbe moat intereatlug men on tbe American itage to- day. Since leaving Princeton Cnlreralty be ban auoceaafollr been a Journsllst, netor. pho- tographer, publisher and lecturer. Bat It U •■ an actor. pbotocTapber. publisher and lec- turer that be la beat known In the East. Be an tbe rounder of tbat beautiful act publi- cation. Tbe Burr Mcintosh Monthly. As a pho- tographer, wbleta vocation be left tbe stage aloe years ago to panne, b* ma beeem* noa- ,ibly tbe beat know, la the country, bat while it tbe belfbt Of bla success, the opportunity to accompany President Tsjft as official pboto- faaaoaa Philippine trip, dee years sgo, presented Itaelf. Mr. lfelbtoab U playing Tbe Ranchman, a breeiy Wyoming drama roll of Ufa aad Interest. . Beaala Wynn. tbe beaotltnl alnglng comedi- enne, always a prime faTorlte to Chicago. Is tbe bright particular mnslcsl fasten of the bin. introducing a anmber of new aaaga. A big mnalcal art la Tbe Courtier*, one of Bolfs's most ambltloos efforts. It Includes a doeen lnatrnmrntallata and opera and provided TREVETT THEATRE. 30 (Special to Tbe Bin board), •■'one opened tbe bill and were mnalcal artists. Tbelr set the audience, aa they did net ao at all. Tbelr music leek* vitality, and we would sourest that they take a weak or so off Id rehearsing;. lone and West, who wars th* extra added at- traction, were the poorest we hare aeon at this theatre, same old b Majestic's BUI Last Week ■ » Chicago. Bee. 20 (Special to Tbe —Lou Anger, la bis German mono tied The German Soldier, waa a kit at tbe Majestic laat week. It seldom bap- or three people bsre gnu* Into hyaterla over Ao ger's ability to band It to them In sncb s comical war. Woods snd Larson. In singing sod dancing, were fairly good. Tbla act would have been Immenee had tbe female member of the team t good singing rolce; wa« excellent. Herbert Oermaala. Koropeao coete •r. waa escellent. Ills* Bose Roma, who entertained on the vi- olin, weal well. Kremka Bros., novelty eccentric and comedy i (rebut*, who do a band sod bead balancing, *er* Immense. Coakley. Hanvey It Dunlevy, tboee ever fun- ny town kali minstrels, wvrs Indeed clevet. My Roma la Georgia. Dear Old Moonlight That'a tbe Fellow Tbat I Want to Get. and lunaie Band, wars among tbe numbers offered. Walter Lawrence and Lillian ntsgersld. la s mu.icai Irlab comedy aklt. entitled Jnst MfSint. were a riot. Tbe Irlab eertalaly abow tbemeelve* off to great advantage wbea tbelr burner and Wit Is placed Into tbe bands of Walter Lawrence for delivery. Connelly and Webb, la tbelr mnalcal nbsard- tjv. entitled A Stormy Finish, wss excel lent. P'» It I DObsMMctl act, with Init enongh ho- One of tbe moat delightful acta on tbe bUl la tbat of Bessie Brown Bicker, s soelsl favorite, whose readlnx* and dialect stories bsve made her a universal favorite with both children and grown-ups. The Barrows-Lancaster Co. play a amsrt mil- itary drama called .Tert!ea v which waa pre- Al. Jolaon. tt tore of the bill, Clark aod ~ tertainlng VAUDE VILLE P ATTER Jones, Linick and Schafer Lease Star Theatre for Years at a Consideration of $92,000— Personal Notes of Performers Chicago. Dec. 21 (Special to The Billboard). — Jones. Llslck snd Schafer hsve rented tbe Star Theatre, at 1*47 to 1*35 Milwaukee ave- nue, from Henry C Meagher, president of tbe Star Theatre Company, from December 12 of this yesr to August 30. 1»1T. for a term rental -«-■■-« j aw nuguai vv a a cr s a , awi aa --T" VI " of S92.00O. Mrs. Fidelia Wlae, who owns tbe ESS3r*&& Vyeara.^ .Th-23 rental of ♦...000. Harry Orleans, and ts aauclpatlag great the Orat of tbe year with bla FRANK TINNEY, onr In It to make It absurdly funny. n. T .Sf JT 01 !'* '"apeetlon. by Clay Ore-en sad Harrleon Araatrong, a dramatic sketch, wag rood. /tarry Willi. m. aad lean Sehwart*. who are renr. ...„,t n>[ , h e two meat eocceasfnl anag writ- lug team; m America, went well. ..,**. *"»-»te Kellerm.nn claasd tbe Mil i~ laat week, and waa Indeed a big ho* of- two ~"?I"' r - . J *. ,w *>»'™>ann has delivered ^.reut'l^olraSS; * »•• wis - & ■" M - **J «Me city laat }**£». "a, "J" '»'"*«'s of Harry mating*, tbe *"f>'«ine producer and manager, who-e I, ,h l "_ , .' l,c,lnB * J"* Haatlags Bluj rlhow. Is wnie?.'i BI "V Ml S itrtrr ,l,te wwi*. "Toe show. 5 * S said to be one of tbe aaeat attrition. Plsywd the Colombia Amu*- menr aa?£nL , flSn 1 ****** *>r Viola Itbeldoa. 2 L f ,h \ b t r * soprana singer* oa the boric*-, we wo'erilan 001 ^'J™*- etaT « r character . ,'''7„ [JJ-nts^Rsnkta soeeeeded Ulas Bdaa to„ J n . ttf P»1.of the comic servant ta The Ski 1' 2T"fi ,h# l«'ter sctrewa wltodrawtng to „. np r SS tO P«"'l fl " •» the star nf The ' Mlae Hoe* Stahl: en, "Si we* www DO* 11 IOO g Ob rus Lady, Uft vacant hy Lore a Little Girl Like Too, Boalta. Alexander and Scott, aad the World'a Comedy roar are using some of Harry-'s songs. liar Bash, with AL Beeves Beauty Show. Is making a big success. »g tbe anaga used by Ml** Bnab are Colored B s a aan aad Meaeaager Boy. which have gone good. Will Johnnie Guise please write to the Chi- cago otuce of The Billboard for bla malL Chaa. W. Racey. known batter to nrofaaslnn, ala as Lee BaadaU, baa handed la bla two weeks' notice to Mr. WUfolk. of The Winning MIsa Company, so wo shall Frank* Stafford A Co.. who played bU. BL Louis, last weak, will return to Chi- cago Monday, to play six or eight week* of the email time to break as a new dog. Mia* Aubrey Bkrh, the dainty Singer of pop. alar songs, who hag Just flnlabed playing the 8. A C. time, and la bow aula* back over tbe eame time. I* using with sm i sea To the Bad of tbe World With Too, Cheer op. Brothers, aad Sweet Italian Lore. Mlaa Blek L - tralto vole*, and k uow a bow to owe Baa shares tbe honor oa every bill. Dlgja aad Boras, who played the Cox aad Century theatre* last week, are tsnag the beat Irish ballad written in years. For KUlarary aad Too. which baa proved a winner for them. The Collate Trio are using Yiddish* Love, which la a big number with them. Carl McCullooxh la ovJng Borne of Thee* Daya. Friendly snd Jordan at the Caalao thai week, are singing Patay Club and Yum Yum Tree. Four Cooka are alnglng Tom Yum Tree. Ran nlngtna aad Howard are elagtng Ma Belle Base aad I Love it. Three Bam bier Girls are alng- lng Lovay Joe. Sophie Tucker la alnglng Yid- dish* Rag. Vaa II roe.' Mlaatrela are alnglng Lovey Jo* and Ma Belle Boas. Loretta LeBoy Is singing 1 Lor* It snd Lovay Joe. Mr. Henry K other win Name. New Tear' a rtwafj by MlaMh Wbytal. Upon the fnJflUmeat of her contract with Chicago All-star Vaudeville Bill At the WiUard Theatre Chicago. Dec n (Special to Tbe Billboard). —A Tery strong sggregstlon of acts made op the program at the WlTlsrd Theatre last week. Bingham and Oabte opened tbe nil with a mnatral art which waa indeed a credit to tbe Doyle Agency. The mile member of tbe team played two cornet* at one time, which waa aovoethlax aaoaual and novel In a mnalcal act. The Solly Family, la sa original farce by Mr. Seerl Allen, entitled The Solt Case, was a riot. Tbla comedy farce la one which confused »i— audience from the time the curtain weat ontll It dropped oa tbelr act. It la one tbe moat abeardly funny acta la vaudeville. Maude Webb. In Uluatrated songs, wss good. Herman Ueb and Co., with a eelected com- EoT plsrera la a dramatic sketch entitled . waa Immense. This twenty-two playlet, en by Joeepb Medlll rttterson Is s Jslr sample of the great work aer-ompllshed by this playwright. Acting of exceptional .eharacter \* eeea la .this sketch, not only by Mr. Ueb, but the whole es.t. Such sa act aa thU Is eer- oT deserving of a dtlon on tbe All-stsr lately bill. Krssmer sad Wlltsrd. the alnglng. talking and dancing team, made a decided hit. George t Delta ore A Jnlea W. Lee. who are conaldered as America's foremost athlete* do a revolving ladder aef In black and white, which went big. Tbla Is one of the best Mils given at the Wlllsed Theatre this Th* last half of th* week will by seen Bomm. B-r-r-r Trio la ■ mnalcal act. At the American Music Hall Chicago, Dec. 21 (Special to The Billboard). — Following It tbe opinion and criticism of Asbtoa 8tevens, vaudeville critic for the Chi- cago American: "Fluent terrlce la the quick-loach spread of twenty-two courses st the American Music Hall waa heard to creak at podding time, when Sophie Tucker, the large and uucensored cele- brant of rag-time, appears to be crowded by a couple of acrobatic waiter* In tbelr ea g erness to meet tbe schedule. Even without seef — them the audience did not care a syncope hemt-deml-seml-anaver for the antics of l waiters. Tbe audience wanted mora pudding, more of that a la Sophie with tbe bard aaace. Ton looked to see tbe luckless waiters atom- ised while they watted. Socb a blaat blew the gale for Sophie. Her megapbonlc organ alon* could have been beard above the tumult, aad It waa "Watchnr want," shouted Sophie, and ev. erybody shouted Grisxly Bear, which, of course was refused oo account of the police prohibit- ing any performer of orcbeetra to use eame. She compromised by singing Tlddlsher Bag. which waa a riot." Thus endeth the chapter of Asbtoa Stevens: "After iwe bad been eerved with dessert, tbe next course waa demt-taaa*. which waa tadeeC Invigorating. la tbla fnrre we have Carl McCallortgh. who waa without doubt the only rival Mta* Tucker ba1 for firet place. McCnlloogh can be cewwldered aa ob- server rather than an Imltatloolit. and we dare aay that before another seeeoa has rone by. a CHICAGO ALL-STAR BILL. WEEK OF DECEMBER IS. A — Kremka Brae., Comedy Acrobat*. Majeatlc. No. S. In roll. B — COakley, Hanvey aad Doalevy, lag. Talking aad Dancing Majeatlc. No. «. In One. C — Herman Lleb and Co.. ~ WiUard, No. 4. Fu D— Kraemer aad WiUard, lnff Comedian*. Wltlard. No. 0. la On*. m — The Police Inspect loo. Dramatic Majeatlc. No. 10. roll Stag*. " Kramer. Black No. 6, in One. G — Connelly sad Webb, Majeatlc. No. 8. Full n— loo ANGER. German O Majeetle. No. 9. la Oat. H — SOPHIE TUCKER. Ringing American. No. 11. la Oa*. I— Era WlUlama and Jack edy Sketch. a. performers will be Imlrarla* ta* cororental Carl. Mr. Stevens aay*: "McCoUnogh I* ao amiable Snd. I'D water tbat even Trlxle rrlgauia, the arch enemy of Imltattoaa. tbe avrastng Nem- eala of the body *a*tebera of the living, win and something to admire as well a* aatlrla* ta Mr. McCnUongb'i new aad forgrreabl* way of ■picking the bra tea' of actor* aot ao widely unknown *a Mmeeif. By way of a asag. aad a ' song at tbat. Some or These Daya. gh gave aa 'cartons' of Fey. Co- rfleld la th* set of singing It. And It la the best work of Its kind slace • many yeire gone when Henry B. Mxay, K w*'laad , *a ■ og. "whlcb waa Indee d clever. Morris aad Kramer. Maek-faewd ahagev* *pd danevra. who are tbe beat alnghsg aad daarlac act of 1U kind oo the MorrU CtrculL They . . V*-. • .S.^K.. 10 Tlte Billboard DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Vaudeville Week in New York FRANK KEENAN , Tops this Week's All-star Bill. Offering, The Oath, Is Given Masterful Presentation. Van and^Beaumont Sisters Score a Big Hit NEW YORK ALL-STAR BILL. L DECEMBER 18. _ Lyres, Harvey, Henderson and Lewi*. Musical Artists. Colonial, Open Foil Stage. Cloae In One. „ Crumwells, Novelty Jugglers. American Music Hall. Fall Stage. C — Dora Rooca, Gypsy Vlnllnlat Fifth Avenue, In One. D— FRANK KEENAN AND COMPANY, in Full Stage. INTKRinSSlON. B. Tan and Use Beaumont Sis- term, In Props." Fifth ATenue, Open Full Stage, Clone In One. ■ - .->; Georgia Campers. Colored Whirl- wind Dancers and Singers, amcirican Music Ban, Open Full Stage. Close in One. G — TroTolIo. Originator of Scenic VentrU- oqnlal Acta, in At the - Boaton Road Inn. ■ - American Music Ball, Full Stage. Belle Clark and Her Horse, Grand Duke. American Music Hall. Full Stage. bills st the Offerings reflecting the Tela ride. la I- all of the this week, the abandon of. the An-star selections this holiday attitude has been con- sidered, out likewise that pathos which can not he dissociated with the season of the Nativ- ity, has been siren a place, nils Is the primal reason, bat by* no — ssssi the only one, for placing frank Keesan's drama of Irish crofter life. The Oath, In the stellar place. It pal- Walter a Bankrupt Hew York. Dee. 24 (: —Walter N. ~ a pel' ~ ■ties are 156.104 " '« doe, 11.891 to The Billboard), txfcal manager, filed tltion In bankruptcy thia week. His liabll- Caah in bank, . of . two -plays; merest In the play. The Other Fellow; of stock In the Walter N. Lawrence two claims for 150,480, one of which Is s suit against a newspaper for alleged libel, fourteenth interest In fourteen lots in subject to Tsrlons claims. Among creditors la Richard Crothers, the author, » whom Lawrence owes 13,500. ARLINGTON AT C ONVENTION. Eddie Arlington, of the 101 Ranch Wild West, broke into the holiday week by departing Tues- day. December 27, for Chicago, to attend the ~~\ Owners" Contention in the Windy City, is In the best of health and ertdenOj the FAVERSHA M'S N EW PLAY- New York, Dee. 24 (Special to The Bill- board).— At the Marat Theatre. Indianapolis, on January 2. Win- Faversham win giro Ed- ward Knobloch-s new play. The Faun, Its pre- miere production. Later the piece will be taken Into New York for a metropolitan hearing. MANN RESUMES TOUR. New York. Dec. 24 (Special to The Billboard). —Next week Louis Mann will resume his In- terrupted tour in The Chester at Kansas City. It Is pl anned by Mr. Mann to alternate The Man Who Stood Still with The Cheater. Vooerte has ■ 6 to her London time 10, owing to i is featuring the for her by H. P. .Hart and Woodley here opened on the W. T. M. A. time with t w enty weeks' contract, booked by Burton, of the Des Moines branch of the AaeoHetioTI ....... .■./'".' . Just Jodsoo. the contortionist snd trapeze per- isr, In a fan to SB sates with life as only those who hare lived, and lored, and hare been bereft, can know, and it la permeated with the humble faith and ca- pacity for angering that has made the Irish race heroic. Mr. Keen an, aa the peasant father, reveals the same capacity for faithful charac- terisation that made his Ranee In The Girl of the Golden West famous. As a fitting foil, the of Billy B. Tan and the Beaumont His -property man" Ion page 60.) VAUDEVILLE PERSONALS . ... Paragraphs About Artists and Their Stanton Engaged to Support Maude Adams in Frohman's Production of Chantecler Following his time-honored custom. Mr. Percy G. Williams gave nearly three hundred turkeys to his employes Christmas ere. esch snd every person on the Williams* payroll being remem- bered with s One bird. The distribution took from the stages of the Colonial, Alb am bra. re en point. -BETH TATE, • W.MII0MIMI Playing the United Time. She was a soubrette In the original production of The Girl Actors' Exchange New York. Dec 21 (Special to The Bin- board). — As Albert Chevalier and his company, appearing at the Hackett Theatre In Daddy Dufard, give matinee perform an era on Thursday, whereas the Engllab players appearing in Lonls N. Parker's Pomander Walk, at Wsllack's. play the conventional Wednesday matinee, the two companies will exchange visits this week. On Wednesday the Daddy Dnfard company win see the "comedy of bapptoess" at Wallace's, and On Thursday the quaint dwellers In Pomander Walk will leave AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Chicago. and fellows of the profession whose expressions of good cheer snd holiday greetings hsve memorable this Chris tmea at the Chicago office of The Billboard, we extend the compliments of the season. Oar sinc e r e wish is tbst tn--y who bare so t bo ugh tf oily brightened s business association be assured that their expressions of Up and Down Broadway Rehearsals for a new musical comedy by C. M- S- MeLellan. with moale by Ivan Caryll. S U ^VUT» un . r i? bt ,rter holldaya under the direction of Messrs. Klsw A Erlsnger. The offering was produced In Paris two years ago sa a farce, named The Satyr. It baa been re christened Gay Claudlne. The " ductlon win be made early In The Lily will come to Cohan _ Opera House this week, plsyed Just as It baa been played for more than an entire season st the Belaseo Theatre. Those still In the com- P*°r are Nance O'.Nell. Charles Cartwrlght. the English actor, who has been considerably of a sensstion since he has been under the direction . . n f '?. B *Ji»«2: ,0 "« n«sn. Alfred Hickman. Antoinette Walker. Oaesr Esgle, Rtbel Orey Terry. Douglas Patterson. William C. Bolden. George Ade has secured Lonls Massoo. the Americsn Engilsb actor, for the role of the and Valora on the Interstate Clr- cult at E. 81. Lonla. Jll.. Dec. 11. Tbsy hsve been booked for twenty-two weeks by Mr. alockeofptse snd Rosalie Muckenfos*. mas girt, a solid silver tare, sent by her former On i ssi i isIiiiIiiiii of Lelp Bod Ftsber, talented young cartoonist of the "New York American/' who recently took s filer In vaudeville, baa leaned a book comprising the principal cartoons of his famous Mutt and JeS aeries, which he has put on sale at leading news-stands. The book Is dedicated to "toe Hanv^tb? UtteY bring thrTweU known < amus? ment promoter to the Knickerbocker Theatre Edward Blrnbsnm, manager and father of lane Eleanor, the child wonder aonbrette. write, from Niagara Falls that the utUa artiste is dangerously 01 to that city. She waa operated upon Dec 20 at St. Mary's Hospital at Niagara rally Walter Stanton, originator of the comical rooster on tbe musical comedy and vandevlllt stage, has accepted sn engagement with Miss Minds iasssssB for a special part In Charles Fmhman'e production of Ch-antecler. Moss. Ho. Und's plsy U now. to its Alfred Rossi and wife, who wUl be remem be red aa proprietors of Rossi's Musical Ele- phants which played sixteen weeks at the New York Hippodrome, and two afiasnna with Buffala Bill's Wild West, presented their new musical act last Sunday at Percy G. Williams' Al hamhra Theatre. The Rossi's set music and jugglery with eccentric comedy, ia full of novelty and diversion. Jt Is Pearce and Ay 1 ward Resting off for the holidays at their nati. The team, which Is a new been formed st tbe opening of tbe present see son, bss been very- siirrissfal Pearce Is now working to black-face snd Aylward hand 11 of the end of straight. Tbe hoys do s NOTE8 OF THE ROAD. .. . The Crystal Theatre st War. dosed three weeks ago. was opened Btiaaber 28, with s strong bin. lbs theatre la bow under the management of J. Jolly Jones, formerly of Ft. Dodge, Ia. A new balcony baa Just bees Installed, increasing the gas ring capacity ts about 700. Tbe bouse win play four vaudeville acts and moving pictures. After s separation extending over ten years, Amos Harker and Edwsrd O'Connor have teamed op again and are billed aa Tit Wave Our and the Rube. This act opened at the Lyric Thea- tre. Bayonoe, N. J., December 1», and wti tot - s S?wu,c£n Theatre at Mattoon. Pa.. " n and Conaldlne 1«,_0» the JgJJ has a seating capacity of Is manager. J. A. Breault has been appointed manager of tbe Star Theatre. Newport. B. L Breault Company, of which he was part owner, and tb» Cnda Dave Hoi comb Company with Wm. Law- Lewis Thorn, musical closed with the Yankee theatres are controlled by the Loew Enter Boy Company, position as Hal Newport, for the past several seasont engsged by tbe BoMnson Ten Big 6 bows • ■ clown, has Joined with Mr Btlrk. snd will do s knockabout comedy torn In vsodevllle dnrlnr the winter months, Newport retard to the Robinson Show next season. N. H. Buhl, formerly msnsgee of the Or pheum Theatre to Bntler. Pa., baa taken chsrrr of tbe Carlton Theatre In DuBola, Pa., and will be there until tbe summer, when be will do sn set with his wife. Pearls B. Davenport. Little Lew Glraaon. who was compelled ts leave tbe east of The Hooeymooaere on se- coout of thmst trouble. Is well sgaln and ex- pects to rejoin he company New Yesr's eve Gleasrm will plsy the principal comedy psrt. Charles Row snd Co.. In their elever sketch. A Broken Heart, are toorlna the Pantagea Clr cult with DECEMBER 81, 1910. The Billboard ELIMINAT ING PR OFANITY St. Louis Vaudeville Theatre Managers put Ban on the Short and Ugly Words -New Ruling Also Bars Abbreviated Costumes. Dcrd).— Th._«hort ud ugly * n 2?.j2!*! > ,. v Z!l ST be 'evoked when somebody sccldentelly bit of the rich old nu suffering from - other uratullr planned -will ■ the stan. -will no tha ltotUgata. If the. d by some of die local language *"i in* their dressin g- _ yesterday tor tlx guid decisis that Impropriety of I not be tolerated, agaluat anything offenalv. extends , » to tbe costumes, ud srtJsts, when they (eel doubtful aboot any feature on tbalr respec- tree terns, at* advised to eaaandt with the uiuiw before solas oa for tbe ••Hell" and "damn," with an be oaten •Do let BK oee word of profanity oo. yoor reada tha art of Iron-clad regulstlons went Into affect at tha Princess Tfcea- •The .Introduction In yoar act of any sones- ttre word or s snt seoloa Wfll t In Inatant enttUatkm. TU shows at this theatre most as aa clean throughout aa the proverbial "nt 'movement la la Una with the determlos- oee, aooM time in, to ahollah tha ' mother- in- law" aehool of alleged yokee. "1 bellere " aald Dan S. nsheil. of the rrtacaaa, "that patrons art entitled to sbsolute Lsca that they will not ha of- e of the Don augers pm-etiaaod. on December IT. the Star Crescent and Palace Theatre.. In Huntlng- ton ' Ind. Tha Star and Crescent are running straliW picture., and tha PaUeeJs pis "Tbe word, 'bell aldertd harmless by a' (rent majority of thea- trcfocn, bat even thoae words are going oat of the Princess' lexicon hereafter. "With tbe almost general Inaugural of 23- eant matinees for high class vaudeville, a policy adopted by tha Prineeaa Theatre, more women and children will attend r.udevllle than over otion Picture NEW VAUDEVILLE HOUSE At Baltimore, the last Word in Modern Construction- augural Ceremonies Attended by Municipal Authorities. Vaudeville Will be Policy of New Playhouse .i board) t 1 h f tf r 1 n itrvtt waa aa erect of sreat local interest. It wan a notable occaalon aa It marked the Inauguration of a handsome addition to Baltlmore'a pley- honaes. It la a beautiful and coatly atrnctnre which haa been completed after much peraever- aaoe and hard work. A large audience waa present for the opening and It waa a brilliant and fashionable assem- blage. Tbe orchestra began with the a trains of the Star Spangled Banner and tbe audience ETHEL ALTON, Not Hold IU., Dec 24 (Special to The BU1- aoard). — -Following an opinion Jewleddo wn by City Attorney A. H. Kohler. a ty Clerk Olde- - ember II. leaned a U- I of tha American Tbe- ._ V tha Mollne, City Ooun- a rnllng Uniting the number of mo- ra houses. The American Theatre at this time waa well under way of constmctloo hot had not aa yet received a license. The proprietors. Oeorg* hi 111a and John Hole tin, af- ter the passing of this ordinance, consulted the dry clerk, who before issuing tha licen se wrote tha dry attorney, asking for a wrtttss. epialon on the action of the dry council. ToUowlng Is the reply: "Tour favor of the 18th Inst., asking any legal eg-*- 1 — ha wdtlag sa to the action takes by the city council De- cember 8. 1P10, on petition protesting against say more licenses belag learned for motion pic- sows, received. *our question la: Would of council amend or Invalidate opera March U. 1905, and any other opera -an effect at that _ The rrgnlstlon of opera houses and the- atres and alio show*, at moving picture shows, (a established by ordinance regularly passed by the city council, aa SI. In year offlcsu This srdbune* protldee for the lasuance of a license ipon tbe payment of 125. There are other con- flrloas and regulatlooa. bat the main one in- •sired la the license fee. It la a well-known tad la municipal law that aa ordinance can- not be emended, repealed or suspended by ree- amtton. The action which amends, modifies or i a law should be of equal dignity with the which enacts or establishes a Taw. A reeoln- or an order la sot a law, bst merely the In which tbe legislative body NEW LEXIN GTON THEATRE. Leiingtcn. Kj.. Dae. U (Special to The Bin- aoard).— Lexlagtoa Is to hare a saw vaudeville theatre. It win be located on the site of the at Hippodrome at S2S west Main street. MANAGER RETIRES. fan Hirer, Mass., Oee. 9*.— William B. sleeker, msnager of the Palace and Scenic The Urea, has retired from the theatrical business end win return to the West, where he former- ly resided, to engage in the cattle bssloees on • Montana ranch. A theatrical masager named Graham, who belle from Warren. R. I., will sneered him at the Palace. The Palace la a new vsodsvlll. sad picture theatre seating eight hundred. Prank M. Adams bss bonght tbe Star Theatre •< nsslesrond, a suborn of Pittsburg. Pa., and Is remodeling " She ts a comedy playlet, entitled Birds of a feather aad la too ring the Qua Sun A Viduable Forming Another Chimpanzee! Vaudeville Circuit Portland. Ore.. Dec. 24 (Special to The Bill- board). — Chan. Judge has brought salt against tbe Northern Pacific Hallway Company la the circuit court here, to recover $200,000 damagea for the death of Charles tbe first, the edu- cated dUmpanaee. Tbe Oregon law allows the for the life of a man Judge says m hla complaint that Charles the .Jrst waa worth I1SO.OO0 aad that erlth the eandeTtlle contracts he held to exhibit the chlmpanaee would bring tbe total sum to orer gS0O,(WO. Judge dellrered Chariea the First to the bag- gage master la Seattle May 15. Be claims that la spite of hla warnings the animal waa placed acalnat the steam radiator. When the train arrived In Portland. Judge found hla aul- SSawms toe' aVrST* S^LThJLSyU he Of S quire and operate a circuit of thirty la Michigan, to play vaudeville. RepraoentatlTee of the company are at I to I GOLOEN'S LATEST PRODUCTION. New York. Dee. 20 (Spedal to The board).— M. Golden, manager of the Ro dancers, now appearing In the Esst with nomenal ancceea. haa a new act In preparation which will be produced for tbe Brat time et tbe Albambra Theatre. Lynn. Mass., Jan. 3. If paat performance, are taken aa a criterion, thla latest effort of the experienced manager something entirely original and merl- The Golden Troupe baa been highly all the dtlea It haa played. seats, former Deputy State's 'linn© appeared bejfor** tlM f ootll (h tat i red tbe dedicatory address sad In doing so, bad considerable trouble. The boys la the gallery were Inpatient to eee the show sad they frequently Interrupted the speaker. Mr. O'Dun ne aald that a theatre like the one la which he stood, which bad for Ita Ideals daaa enter- tainment for ladlee end children, where the per- nicious Influences of certain forms of modern entertainment would be entirely removed, was a cause which any son of Maryland might wall be proud to dedicate. He also explained some of tbe detailed beauties and conrenlencea of the new pi ay bouse. After the speaker had finished, tha curtain row for tbe performance. The first set to sppear waa Carleton Mary and stands Hall, la a Comedy sketch, entitled A Timely Awak- ening. Then came tbe Jupiter Brothers aa cowboy magicians. Carney sad Wagner, two winsome young ladles, appeared In a clerer stag- ing and dancing act The BarteUa, as comedy musicians, were eery entertaining. Post aad Russell made a hit In a comedy staging and dancing ad. Lillian Stone la of the type of Maggie (3fae. There were other ads that made . good Impression. Several new films were shown which completed the bill. The regular show will be a continuous per forms nee from noon until midnight. After the sndlence hsd been dismissed, a sumptuous baa; qoet was served oo the stage aad a large anm ber of representative society folks, prominent cltlaena aad representatives of the press were Hons "tor the feist. The AThambra Theatre, theatre st Nashville. Teua, 15. The house was I aged by W. P. Beady. winter Pathe Evinces New York, Dec. SO (Special to Tbe Billboard. I — On Monday, December 19. an explosion oc- curred la the power house la the middle, of the yard of the Grand Central Depot, New York. Within thirty minutes after the eataatreobe la which a number of people were killed and much property damaged, the P. ties- steica photogra- phers were on the aeeae recording typical views of the disaster. . Through their promptness, mors of the .leaked aad fallen debris sad the work of the rescuer, can be seen oo tbe alms which were ran off for exhibition as soon aa p nasi hie. >e length^ofjbe ree^la one hundred^ sad £ftj feet and hi exhibitors. LEO DI8P03SESSED. On Mondsy morning, December 19. the Lee Booking Agency were surprised to find them- selves dispo ssess ed from their suite of rooms on tbe eights floor of tbe Forty-fifth street Ex Change Building. The res sons sd is need by the landlord were that a number of hla tenants were complaining that some of the fresroenter. of thl. booking agency made tbemaelves quits undesir- able and annoying. However, Joe Leo did not allow hla- temporary dlsoomforture to interfere with business aa he notified .11 dsltora by s cud oo hla old door that be was using tbe quarters of the Baff and Sheridan Agen«7 where he found enough roc STre^l't- afaowl NEW LYNN THEA TRE OPENS. Lynn. Mass.. Dee. 24 (Special to The Bin board). — Thla week the new central Square Theatre wss opened to the pontic. The Central Square is playing four acts of vaudeville and pictures. Slmond Fraakel and Michael R. Con- nolly are the managers of the boose, which Is on the Loew circuit. N. VAU DEVIL LE NOTES. Capt, Lou!. Sore ho and hla great deep ees direr, created a hit at tbe Majestic Theatre, I'atersorj. N. J., wherefore they come to New Tout, csptsin Sore bo. I. now el.bor.ting upon his act and will Introduce s new feature tar It that of laying and exploldlng mines under wster. He .sntlclpatea opening la the metropolis after the suHdays. staatger John Burnham. of the Alabama Com- edy Four, singing and dandag act, who have played 'he Keith and - ■ - that they commence tbe near To tore. 7. B. Eallberg. the agent of the Monograph Co. recently Installed a machine of their make h the Keith and Proctor Fifth Ave- nue Theatre, for the display of day-light or light-bouse Bins, tbe Invention of S. L. Both spfel. Tbe msthlne proved so satlafaetory that .even more hevs been added for tbe family de- partment tbcatrie of thla circuit. Mr. Bill berg haa also eqilpped these bouses with his 12 The Billboard DECEMBER 81, 1810. THE F OOLISH VIRGIN Mrs. Patrick Campbell's Latest Vehicle has Premiere at Knickerbocker Theatre — Does Not Appeal to American Playgoers, is Consensus of Opinion Robert Oraoet .. .. John Flood .. .. Shelly Hull . Campbell Gollsn . .. Francis Verdi J. Homer Bant .. .. Kdgsr Bill Patrick Campbell Adelaide Nowak Marcel Armaury Duke Amedee de Gaston de Cbaraoce .. The Abbe Boux - . . Secretary to II. Al Secretary to Duke de Fabien »• • • ...... Fanny Armaory . . . . Ducliesa de Charance Diane de Charance . Kltly .. .. .. .. . New York Dec 20 (Special to The Billboard). The consensus of opinion concerning The Fool- ish Virgin, which had Its premier* on Monday. December 19. la that Henri Bat si lis has written a play very strung- and pleasing tor the hypo- thetical Frenchman, hot not entirely adaptable to the American stage because of the differ- ence in characteristics between the two nation- alities The play, which dealt with morality and Immorality can not find the ready sympa- thy In the hearts of the New- York -audience*, accordion: to one of the New York critics, prob- ably because of Its dealing with an extreme case In an extreme way. From beginning to end The Foolish Virgin la criticised as sn nn But it was a lot to ask a New York audience to abelleve in, although the novelty of the dramatic scheme la welcome. There are compelling moments in the play, and these do not fail to make their effect, hot there are also long stretches of dialogue that retard its action." «.) pleasant story. The for which only character there Is any sympathy felt being: the wife, who, In spite of- her husband's baseness and Improper rotations with a young girl with whom he has eloped; persists In believing that her husband - will return to her. In the meantime a be stands ready to do all she can to protect him from the maddened brother and parents of the girt "be hag led to ruin. At - the conclusion the wife meets this girl and convinces her that a wife's love Is more sacred than that of a mistress, whereupon the latter shoots herself. No similar treatment of complicated love has been offered la a play np to the present time, wherefor toe critics can not wholly agree as to its success. The Herald has this aray : "This view of love Is. st lesst, a new one of the old tri- angle, snd It offers some new situations which the audience seemed to relish, for It applauded Warfield's New Play Announced clal to The Billboard). David Be- baa anally New York, Dec. 21 (Sl —The title of the new Isseo bss written for Ds\ _ become known as The Betnrn of Peter Grimm, a play which In many ways promises to he one of the moat worthy turned out by the aesthetlc play weight. It to to have Its first perform a nee st the HoUls Theatre, Boston, Monday, January 2. Supposition has become busy and there la talk astir that this new play with the long title may replace The Music Master In Warfield's repertoire. The Grand Army Man was written tor that purpose, but could not afterwards be used, and It is stated that Mr. Belasco has determined not to stagnate Warneld In a single role forever, as waa the — - of lames O'Xell In Monte Crlsto. and other performers of big play Is in three acts, and the position to as- sumed therein that there Is life after death. The company la said to have been In rehearsal for a period of six weeks, and Includes In Irs csst Marie Bates. Jeannettr Dunbar. Marie Relchardt. John SalnopoUs, Thomas Helghao, Joseph Breonsn. William Boag. John F. Web- ber. Percy Bolton snd Tony Seven. OLD HEIDELBERG REVIVED. NEW THEATRE. — Old Heidelberg, a play In ore acts by Wllhelm Meyer Fo raler. THE CAST. Karl H Dr. Jut Hejnrlcb sarge .. Von Brletenherg Von Mc bring .. Lots Srholermann . . Frank GUImore Loula Calvert E. M. Holland Ben Johnson Edwin Cuahman Stewart Baird .. Ferdinand Gottselialt .. .. John Sutherland Albert Easdalr .. .. Robert Hamilton William McV/ly ..' .. .. Helen Reiner Mrs. Sol. Smith Jessie Bnsley tasks' /ohos . •• ■• .. victor/Johns . ... m'*- :-. Victor/ Johns _ _'ke .. Stewart Balrd First Vandal S'ewf" Von Wedell Edwln/Coshmsn Kel term a nn .. - - AJhrf Brnttlng ~ .aell Held Cordoba Billboard I. tre's policy noteworthy times both In tely staged for with the • ... Kurt Bngetbrecbt .. New York. Dec. 21 (Special to — In accordance with the New ' of presenting occasional rerlTS plays. Old Heidelberg, seen a German and English, was eta s. The story. I life of the nohll HEARD ON BROADWAY News of the Productions and Actors Appearing in York— Gossip of Their Present Activities and Plans for the Future The entire company appearing In Bebecca of Sunoybrook Farm, at the Republic Theatre, will be the guests or Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs for six o'clock dinner. New Years' night, at their residence, 145 West 88ti street. Mrs. Bins Is known to the professional world as hate Douglas Wlggln. author of " those who will be present are Taliaferro, Mary Day. er Walk Pleases POMANDER WALK, a comedy In by Lonla N. Parker, Wellack'e. three acta. John Sayle. Tenth Lieutenant the Hon. John Admiral Jerome _ The Rev. Jacob Bternroyd, _ ?. Wygney P« ■II Prtngle ...Reginald ................... . a .Sta nl ey Lai Mr. Basil n The Muffin Msn. . The Lamplighter The Eyesore Madame r.nce Laeheaass. fotfoi J. ........... . 1 Yorke Stephens Bayle. K. N Edgar Kent .Oeorge Olddena . .Lennox Pawle I).. F. B. A Pereyval Id Dance Latbb nry X........B. N. Price . . I . .Chariest Clugston - Leslie M. Hunt Margaret Phillips New York Dec 21 (Bpeclal to The Billboard). — Without suffering the disparagement of one of New York's critics Pomsnrter Wslk The Impostor Criticised ABRICK THEATRE.— The Impostor, a play lo^three^ acu, by Leonard Merrick and Ml- THE CAST. .. Charles Rlrhman .. Wilfred Draycott .. .. Oswald Yorke .. Wilson Reynolds . Frank Williamson .. Oeorge T. Baker .. .. Clara T. Bracy .. Esther Lyon .. .. Grace Csrlyls Kaf" Frost, Violet Blake Wslford .. .. Lottos Wslford . . . Charlie Owen .. -.. Mr. Hampton .. .. Vslet .. .* •• . . Walter »• «• , • •• Mrs. Wslford ..... Mrs. Fowlar .. .. Mrs. Owen . . ,, Chsmbermald .. .. Dodswell .. .. . Mary Fenton .. .. New York Dec. 20 (Special to The Billboard) — Annia Russell's new vehicle has not beet, given the approval of the New York critics so yearningly looked for; not because of the abil- ity of the alsr. bnt rather because of the ah aence of any particular strength In the drama. A considerable amount of sentimental sppeal has been woven Into ths Leonard Merrick snd Michael Morton three-set comedy, hot the crll- s that It lacka the elemsat of I pace 45.) Deives. Violet Fortescue. Mercereau and Etta sod _ the Messrs. Archie Boyd. Ralph Kails rd. Sam Colt, Harry Buchanan and Ernest Trass, •• The second medal presented by the foundsrs of the New Theatre will be given to Miss Ellen Terry, the English artists, la rscoanaltloa of her services to dramatic art which have covered a period of fifty-four years. The presentation wDI occur In January after s professional mati Of The Thunderbc" - ■ awarded to Dr. I year. Cbas. Frohman has taken eseeptloa to the slmllsrlty of Introduction by . the on of the prologue between Lonla N. Parker. Ike British playwrlght'a — land's r one SOTHERN AND MARLOWE IN REP- ERTOIRE. New York. Dec 21 (Special to The Billboard). — E. H. Sotbern and Julia Marlowe returned to the comedies of Bhakeepeare by presenting The Taming of the Bhrew at the Broadway The sue, Monday night, December 19. The co-stars presented the comedy ss a fares, so that, ac- cording to the World. It was la a broadly hu- morous spirit, and with swiftly moving, buoy- ant, rollicking action that It waa give. Tie mode of Interpretation of the pla ' of choice. Other eminent actors a more restrained key of high cot Sotbern and Miss Marlowe are quits In the manner In which they act It, Sotbern as Petmchlo curbs Katharine with ample violence sad tyranny, sett always betrays his feigned roughness by lbs) eattsSed tWlnkla In his eyes. Miss Marlowe's Tfa thai las Is the proud, stubborn, viaanalaxt woman H | ■ sM aad through until the gentleness that la latent la the character, wells np at the Baal eurtala. Her Interpretation la charmti New Play Disparaged NAZ1MOVA THS4 by Pr three sets. Thomas A 1 1 lira Stanley Horteusc Usury Will is in Hit inner Isabel Kerr .. .. Uorotby Armstrong John Jerome .. , . Arthur Ellsworth .. Victorlne .. .. Walter aaals Frank OoJ dsin lib .. Hghwrl Muaroa .. ... Aaa Archer OsDstaaco jyjjfcssl . .. Charles MahS lamas Mattes Uraee Morrissay Mew York, Dee. zi |ti pedal to The BiliboanJt. — Preston ulbaua'a new play ass bees uahcred into New xork la a manner not laullcstlvs of s aucveaarol run. Dlapsraursiassit'lB accgoiad It by the uiajurity of taw Manhattan criUce, mnca ou the same ground, as that given lhe Im- postor. Use weakneso of tan ttrasua Itself. From NEW GILLETTE REVIVAL EMPIRE THEATRE. — riecrst Service, a play by s^sTsaaM TUB OAST. >■■■ . ■ • " .rwuilam r " Wilfred Varney ,. J__ Caroline Mltford .. .. .. Atlas Jusepalas Brvwa Lewis Duuiuut William Usury Dttiuost .. ... .. .. .. dittoed Urucs Mr. Beaton Arrelsford J una Mil tarn Miss Kliuklge Miss Margaret Ureesa Martha ;. ..... .. Jonas .. .. ,. i.i. ulenant Maxwell Lieutenant Foray . Lieutenant Allison Lieutenant Tyres , Lieu tenant Easing sergeant Wilson .. Sergeant K 11 log too Corporal Maisun .., Cavalry orderly _ Abbott Char Me U. uradahaw .. Uswrge R. Uubbard , Ai Roaualue Calieudsr . trrsslerleh Wallace .. Uersld Lane . .. ..'-at H. Oram . .. .. UHdlth htvsns .. Xaouiae tuign .. .. ... U. A. More; .. .. Btcwart Bobbins New York Dec. 30 (Bpeclal to Tns Billboard) service, a ruflisnc* of lbs con War. . . »ed at the K at pi re TImmIM. Moadsy ulght. December 1U. A lapse of twelve years uas intervened since the Brwsdway ravorlie was DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Bill 13 (O^d^N^IEEACIITaNiS The Oscar Wilde comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, was revived at the Lyceum Theatre, New York, last month, and proved to be one of the most noteworthy of the season's productions. 14 The Billboard DECEMBER 31, 1910. USE BROOKLYN, N. Y. The "week before Christmas was a disastrous one for theatre managers in -Brooklyn, and poor business was the rule for tbe week at all bouses excepting at Percy G. Williams Orpbenm Theatre, where Gertmde Hoffmann was tbe headllner. Replying to a rumor that tbe Brighton Beacb Mnslc Hall will be coder a new management next summer, tbe lessees of that popular sea- side playhouse authorize an emphatic denial. The lease of the bouse, which Is the property of tbe Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, runs for Ave years more, and emphasis Is laid on tb*- faet. tbat, during that period, there will be no change In management. The music ball will ls usual early In Jnne. and will make m e for'the^ease.* 8 " 1S " >7 o!Ie " been Fred Irwin's two burlesque attractions did unusually large business considering the holi- days, at Hyde dc Bebman'B Gayety Theatre bere. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trail, of the Mnntauk. 1284 Pacific street, were kept busy on Friday. Dec. 16, receiving congratulations of their many friends, the occasion being tbe twenty-fifth an- niversary of their wedding day. The mails brought numerous congratulatory letters and messenger boys many telegrams, while ■ the ex- press companies delivered packages containing handsome and appropriate gifts of silver. Mr. and Mrs. Trail celebrated the event quietly with a small dinner at. the Clarendon, with a few in- timate friends. They were married Dec. 16. 18S5. In St- Peter's Church. Manhattan, and of their wedded life ba BALTIMORE, MD. A heavy gale blew over the city on the night of Dec. 15 and the Daxle-Daxer at Electric Park, was shattered Into splinters. This amusement device was very popular at -the park In sum- mer and it Is now a wreck. Mile. Genee and some of tbe ladles of The Dol- lar Princess Company assisted in selling Bed Cross stamps at tbe appointed places last week. They reported large sales and -their attractive manner caused many men to respond with alacrity. There will be a novel spectacle January 6. wben tbe Fourth Begiment will march through the streets in full dress uniform and attend a theatrical performance. Tbe regiment will at- tend the sbow at the Maryland Theatre as the guest of the commissioned officers. Farson's Band will head tbe regiment as usual. The members of the Builders' Exchange at- tended the performance of Tbe Bachelor Belles at Ford's Opera House. Dec. 14- There were about 000 In the party. A happy romance culminated Dec 15. through tbe assistance of SI. L. Schalbley. manager of tbe Wilson Theatre. Miss Lole Bridge, owner and leading lady of the sketch. The Runaways, and Berney Harnett, who plays the leading male role in the sketch, were the principals In a marriage ceremony. They de- cided that they were tired of playing stage lovers and they wanted to try it in reality. They told their troubles to Mr. Scbalbley -sn-l be gladly consented to assist them In securing the necessary document that would legally bind two hearts as one. They were then driven to the parsonage of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, where the ceremony waa performed. "ie ceremony they went to a hotel for and later they went back to the ' After^the ceremony ^tbey went to a hotel ^f or lon C T^atrc d to a pweed y wtTh^neb^act ^L^tte evening, they were given a rousing reception by East. They are both well known SYLVAN " SCFIENTH AI,. CLEV ELAN D, O. Down town moving picture an almost unparalleled business the week pre- ceding Christmas but the regular theatres did but a light business. Tbe Colonial Theatre, the Shubert house, was dark the week- of Dec. Other theatres In the vicinity of Cleveland, which were dark, the week of Dec 24 were the BIyria Opera House and the Orpbenm at Al- liance. The Orphenm Theatre at Cleveland, which discontinued vaudeville some weeks ago. re- opened as a vaudeville bouse on Dec. 19 with a strong vaudeville hill booked by the Bert Mar- shall Vaudeville circuit. Carl Statzer waa the feature attraction. JH fe*g» « '» setting ready a new act which will shortly open on the S. & C. time, carrying special scenery, and from the attention shown to a certain party during his visit here It looks like bis next act will be baled statser and . Look out. Carl, we are wise to you. Bert Marshall has recently added three houses located in Rochester, Syracuse and Albany s T., to his circuit He reports a very bright outlook for 1911. He recently furnished 1' big acts for tbe Nottingham Business Men's annoal convention. George Bartlett. who has recently closed 22 weeks on the Loew time. Is spending Christmas at his borne. Cleveland. Rose Bnnnln, of tbe By-Gosh Trio, while playing at the Com [que Theatre, Detroit, Ml-h.. last week, was married to Fred Lund, another member of the Trio. The entire bill were guests at the wedding, while the Comlqne Or- chestra furnished the music. tear night will be given In this house through out tbe balance of the season. Charlie Willis, a Sioux Indian boy of 18. Is making good in an Indian act. He wears hi* native costume ou tbe streets In tbe small towns and Is a good advertising medium. Hla act it one of merit. Bobee and Hyres, The Cuban Nightingales, who have been piaylug for the Cleveland Vaude vllle Company, open at the Family Theatre, Detroit, as one of tbe features. Grace Farrard. who " Just fell heiress to T" 50 lots at Erie. Pa. tbe i tion. The Kline children, aged 9 and 12 venlle hnck and wing dancers, opened In Ont.,- Christmas. Among the acts working on Cleveland Vaude- ville time, may be mentioned Tbe Sicilian Trio. Humphrey and Fair. The Shelly Trio, from Cincinnati, Cody and Kennedy; Mack and Bur- gess and Morrison and Parrot t. Miss Helen Cla Velle has been creating . a sensation around Cleveland with a refined sinn- ing act. She expects to open on W. M. V. A time the .first of tbe year. The Aerial ~ ST. LOUIS, MO. Mr. J. H. Boyer of East St. Louis. 111., who has successfully piloted hiR Jesse James Show for a number of years, last week sold his car 999 to Geo. W. Qulne. of the A. G. Allen'* New Orleans Minstrels, and will be used by them for their next season's tour. The car Is 84 feet In length, and outside of his car "Kutb." is the finest car on the road. Messrs. Fred Ernst. Walter Gaxxolo and Jno. DIx have returned from Buffalo, wbere they attended the convention of the National Alliance of Billposters and Bniers. and have brougbt with them the 191 1 convention for St. Louis, and also tbe election of Mr. Walter Gaxxolo as president of tbe 1911 .convention. Mr. Geo. W. Qulne left St. Louis last week, for Detroit. Mich., wbere be will spend the holidays with his relatives. Mi. Thomas Rankine ls filling engagements as a lecturer in the many theatres of this city. His subject Is that of Ceylon, and la given with slides and motion pictures. It has proved a M7 d ^klu n S» 'a"* compete raccee* as*" lee" turer. Mr. J. H. Boyer, of Borer's Famous Shows, has purchased the private car "Sadowa," In Chicago, and will be used In conjunction with bis car "Bnth." which will Increase bis sbow to a two-car show next season. It has been used previous as a private car of the president of tbe railroad, and It is said to be the hand- somest private car on wheels. Its length la 74 feet Mr. Sam McCracken. on his way through this city, stated tbat the Forepaugh-Sella Sbow would open its 1911 season In St. Louis on April 24. He is at present on his way to purchase Dew stock for the sbow and states that his show will be replete with new features next sea- son. Tbe Imperial Theatre and Havlln's will change policies January 1. Havlln's Is to again play traveling companies and the Imperial will become tbe home of a stock companv. Manager Harry Wallace will open Havlln's with Tbe Montana Limited, while Manager Russell win begin his .stock season on tbe same date. Charles Williams is stlU making good on tbe Northwestern time and will begin bis third swing around the Interstate Circuit In February. The St. Louis Ladles" Quartette, newly or- ganised, are making a marked bit at the Lyric Theatre here, and they are considering offers to enter the vaudeville circuits ont of the city. The Colonial Theatre Is again preparing to open, this time they win try a stock company. The boose opened original' was unable to make It a Iglnal Intention when the win be tried out. It Is to of the year. Silas Leachman. of Chicago, who owns tbe famous eight legged horse, and who exhibited this wonderful trained animal at the fairs and carnivals tbe past summer, will enter the vau- deville circuits with bis horse this winter, and besides displaying the education of "Limit" he will combine his black-face turn. He was the original Casey- and did all of Jhe negro dialect records for the first Edison phonograph record's. The E«gle Theatre In East St. Louis, III., is preparing to open as a vaudeville theatre. This will make three theatres playing vaude- ville In this city, as tbe Majestic, and Empress sre both playing vaudeville to good business. Tbe box sale for the grand the Coliseum on Jan. 2. with but few the i The Orphenm Theatre Inaugurated the policy In Cleveland of giving an Dec. 21. for the first time A complete list^ of attraction* ap- — ing in the cities mentioned on ie given in the J Dee. J». and It looks like . sold out for the company ar- WILL J. FARLEY. DENVER, COL. Here's to the New Tear. Tbe theatrical folk were nicely rememhere-t by Santa Clans Cbrlatmas day. The mall car- riers report a big delivery to tbe various thea- tres. Tbe Empire Theatre of Salt Lake City was purchased by a syndicate of Denver people last week. The patronage at tbe flells-Flnto wlnteronar- vers Is very gratifying. The doors are thrown open to the pnbllc each Sunday afternoon. The theatre portion of the Auditorium Is to b- reduced In slae. At the a«me tlnte It la to be made one of the most artistic and coxy play- bouses in the West. After theatre parties were held In all the cafes Christmas eve, a ret made several weeks In JULIAN HELBER. . CINCINNATI, 0. Cincinnati, too; Is susceptible to the whima (and purses) of the public aa tar aa theatre attendance Is concerned. Last week, as is al- ways the case here as well aa elsewhere, pat- ronage at tbe local amusement temples was be- low par. Christmas time, or more correctly speaking, the week preceding Christmas Is one that ls dreaded by amusement caterers. This year was no exception. All the local houses suffered, but with tbe season of gifts over, tbe purses of tbe public being replenished, tbe at- tendance at theatres will again be normal. Phil Sheridan, whose Marathon Girls were the attraction at the Standard Theatre last week, accompanied by bis manager, Sam L. Tuck, was' among The Billboard's visitors laat week. Charles E. Gallagher, who la singing the part of Devil's Hoof In the Aborn Brothers' revival of ' The Bohemian Girl. sented at' tbe Lyric Theatre this week. Is s na- tive of Newport, Ky., near Cincinnati. Galla- gher studied In this city. Cbrlatmas cards aplenty have been . received by Tbe Billboard during the last week, ex- pressing the spirit of the sesson. To these well-wishers and to all In the profession Tbe Billboard -reciprocates compliments. Miss Lillian Kcmble, leading lady of Tbe Forepaugh Stock Company at tbe Olympic The- atre., was out of the east last week on ac- count of Illness. A quartette of players new to Cincinnati aud- iences, make their appearance with Tbe Fore- paugh Stock Company In the Olympic this week. They are Frederick Forrester. William Lambert. J. Francis Kirk and Leopold Lane. The next meeting of the Cincinnati Lodge No. 33. T. M. A., win be held at the lodge rooms. 515- Walnut' street, on January 4. The meet- ing wDl be an important one, since the an- nual' election of officers will he held, ami other mattera will " be "' NEW ORLEANS, LA. CTat^Doll'^nd^oy 1 Fnnof "vvtth ^I0rri m ^Jm m of tickets for the best seats in the house. Miss Allen paid at the boi-offlce personally for this contribution. Mr. Victor H. Smaller . press representative of the Orpbenm, was operated on for appen- dicitis at tbe Touro InBrmary Dec. 12, is im- proving very nicely. Indications pointing to bis George 8Idner. of Busy Iny fame. Miss Car- rie Weber, and an array of chorus girls from his company. The Joy Riders, gave several street corner concerts in automobiles and a float fixed up to represent a stage. Elmer Chap- man, leader of the orchestra of Tbe Joy Riders Company was at the piano, for the benefit of The Times-Democrat Doll and Toy Fund. Mr. James O'Neill, of Monte Cristo fame, wss the guest of honor at tbe Mercantile Club, to a luncheon, where he gave a talk, last week. Mr. Charles E. Delse. of this city, and an actor of much prominence, with Mrs. Deixe. bis wife, also an accomplished actress. Is here to spend the holidays with his father. Mr. Lnclan J. Deixe. At the annual meeting of tbe board of di- rectors of tbe French Opera House Sec 16, It waa decided to spend $25,000 more for tbe Im- provement of the old historic temple of music and make It a modern theatre. The following hoard of directors were elected to serve for the coming year: H. T. Howard, W. R. Stauffer. W. G. Vincent. G. W. Noot. John W. Phillips. Simon Pelfer. George Denegre, W. R. Irby and Hnnt Henderson. News was received here with much regret of tbe death of Col. William H. Bowles late D1 « n ?f«' of the Tulane and Crescent theatres or this city. He also was manager of tbe old 8t. Charles Theatre and Academy of >i« , of Mn.'c. wben these theatres were under tbe Klaw & Er. linger management Col. Bowles waa well known here and his many frlenda In this city greatly deplore bis destb. WILLIAM A. KOEPKE. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. During tbe presentation or La Tosce by the Lyric Theatre 8tock Company and Miss Sarah Trnax last week (Dee. 11-17). Manager Charles p. Salisbury, tbroogb tbe courtesy of Robert Edrson, was fortunate to secure the services of Arthur Vsn Buran. leading man with Mr. Ede- son's company plsylog Where the Trail Divides, to appear In the leading role of Mark) This wss msde possible by tbe fsct tbat tbe'Edeson company had no booking for the week before Xmaa. Mr. Van Bnran la tbe son-in-law of William Bernard, stsge director of tbe Lyric Theatre Stock Company, having married the former's daughter Dorothy, early last year. SS SSi %' "„" rrT S" T Blaney In his new 5wr. u J^" T a Froro „, W "" -* « ne BIJoti Opera House. Mr. Blaney gave complimentary seats to all the newsboys of Minneapolis, set- SS ° 7 "' sEiS" f t ,he house for them. The newsies gathered at the office of the Min- neapolis Journal and marched In a body to the theatre where they were met by Business Man- jger Arthur Lamhy. of the BIJon. and Ilr. sMfW** aawejgf, and escorted to their seats. Miss Jennie Oreen. s local messo- soprano. Is — W ""'•™ , "' ln f with Herman LaFlner In rend- ering the illustrated songs at the Bconlc Thea- tre she snreeedlng Master Eugene While. Th* well-known local actress. Jsnet Priest mi"', "resent resting In Atlantic city. She will begin louring In a new vaudeville sketch In the nesr folnre, r£SISJ rS* 'W'l,. '* Minneapolis TESEr, „. ' KB". VM " n Terry, the famous English scire*, will 1* beard III 11,1- clly. Jnn. K. In a leerur* which will Include personifies pesre * heroines of Hliakea- -.5*3*'. ftfr**!* "***»•« frnokaton (Minn.) girl, who has been appearing In Tilly Olson and In vaudeville and who la well known and liked In the Mill City, waa seriously Injured In a railway wreck which occured In Michigan sums six weeka aloce. " Mlsa Green ls rapidly recov er lug and expects to - continue ' her vaudeville engagement after New Year's day. Ml am Vera Marie Townsend. a local girl who has appeared both In the legitimate and in vaudeville auccesafully. Is now playing Ingenue roles with the stock company operating at the Mosart Theatre of Elm Ira. N. V? The first of three races between John Clark a local fancy skater, and Fred Mnrree (Brl ' Star) a full-blooded Indian, was held at Roll A» ay Rink. Sunday night. Dec 18. 1 races were a mile each, tbe second and third beata to be run at later datea, and the winner of two out of three to receive the aide bet. Murree Is the Instructor, at the Roll-Away Rink RODRRIO 8TB. FLBURK. - - ■ ■ ',. VANCOUVER, B. C. The question of the appointment of a censor for tbe theatres of Vancouver 'came up at a - of the council held recently. A le by one of the aldermen that to tbe city charter be obtained giving power to appoint a censor for all ai men ts, the authority . extending to the i vision of tbe bllla posted, programs, etc Mayor took tbe floor In opposition to the tion. Be said tbe proposal aimed at taking away the right of cltlaeus to judge tor them- selves as to the right or wrong of things hi the amusement line. There had never been any- thing at local theatres which warranted a call for such drastic action. The police were keeping watch on the theatres and anything which bad tbe appearance of be- ing harmful waa stopped Immediately. He cited Toronto, where a censor waa employed, wblcb allowed a play that was barred In many cities. Bllla were posted up the like of which has never been seen here Adults should be allowed to to a certain decree as to the class of en iment they preferred. He thought it was tbe parent, to look after their children. ■ dom of legislating when -evil. The motion waa H.dVnot«e ■nta will be presented. A en are opposed to granting "* ned"" cred U ""''t '"l lost. Ibe request of the Welsh Choir for permisaloo to give Sunday evening concerts In the Opera House, waa laid over for further consideration wben a general resolution covering Sunday evening entertainment* will be presented. A few of the side such permission opening wedge fi all theatres. Miss Ellen Terry. In her lecture on Sbaket- peare'a Heroines, was enthusiastically received by a brilliant and appreciative audience tbat crowded tbe opera bouse to the doors. Miss Terry was tbe recipient of many handsome floral offerings. She was also presented was an ad- dress of welcome beautifully mounted on silk. The top panela bore views of London and Van- couver and beads of Portia and Ophelia. Tbe " with, national emblems. The Press Club gave a special vaudeville performance at the . Vancouver Opera House. Dee. 16. Myrtle, the Ore-year-old daughter of Mr. Drlacoll. the leader of the orchestra at tbe Pantagea Theatre, waa burned to death two weeks ago. John U Sullivan, while playing the Pantagea Theatre here several months ago. In- vested f 10.000 In' Point Grey p i op e ity . In a letter to a local real estate broker he states that be will return here for the summer and even go so far as to build a residence on his property and reside here for tbe beat part of each year. Business at the Lyric 'Theatre has Increased since the new policy baa been Inaugurated. The policy now consists of two vaudeville acts and a musical comedy. Mr. 8. E. Lewis pro- duces the musical comedies. Work on tbe new Avenue Theatre, being erect- ed by tbe Western Canada Amusement Co.. Is progressing rapidly. The brick' work Is now well under w«y and given a couple of more weeks of the present Weather should be under "° f >>'.'-:■ », II. MCLBAJI. Seattle!, Wash. An accident occurred at Bremerton, Wash., on December 10. sod three rolls of films In the Rex Theatre were destroyed and Henry Tic t Jen, the operator, waa severely burned. Tretjen wee trying out new films wben In some unexplained manner they caught fire. The lampbouee was lire-proof and no damage waa done outside. Tlet- Jen waa burned about tbe face, bead and .arms. John Consldlne arrived In Seattle, December 14, from an extended trip to tbe larger cities In the East. While en route to Seattle, on the same train waa bis neighbor, Joseph Gardner, who was arrested to Norfolk, Va.,' on a charge of forgery, committed In Seattle some time since. To sbow how liberal and kind-hearted Consldlne Is. be wired hla brother Tboraas to have ten thousand dollars In gold 't (nVe* headquarters to furnish ball, and Instead of Gardner going to Jail, he waa delivered to his wire and little child at bis -borne on 17th avenue. D. II. Rockwell, manager of the Tacooi* The- atre, visited Pasco. Wash.. December 14. on a mission to locate a site for a modern theatre for that city. ■■ Kmtna Bunting, who has been called Reside ■ favorite slock actress, arrived In Seattle from Atlanta, Ga., December 10. The Ijwrcnce and Sandusky Stock Company, which has bad great success at tbe tats tlx 6ast six months, left Seattle. December IT. for pnkanc and will open the new William Morris Theatre In that city after a week's rest. The Health. Elks held their snnusl old clothes charity social session December 16. Through the kindness of tbe managers of theatres in Seattle, a splendid program wss presented by «" theatrical profession. ._„_ I.EM A. 8HORTRIDOE. DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 15 BRIEF j 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. Tetrssslnl. the Omou rioter, was th« "event" of last week and fully 4,000 attended her coo- ceri at Dreamland Rink, end fully 1,500 anxious people nit turned away, owing to tbe hall being too email. Tbe crush was so Brest that a detail or police and firemen were necessary to bom guard. It was her first re-appearance here after is sbsense of flee years, She received s record "demonstration" auch as no other artlat erer received In tbls city, and that U surely going soute. A great muoy bogus ticket* were used In tbe gallery. They were passed by the doorkeeper to the rush, aa the doors opened at T'lj and during tbe first fifteen minutes, over 1000 person* were admitted to tbe gallery. The aviation meet will take place here Jan- uary 0 to IS Inclusive. KuJJj (100,000 was raised for prises. A bill posting feud broke oat last week be- tween the American And E inp ies * Theatres and resulted In the arrest of Richard H. Baldwto, William Scbuld and Joseph Kennedy for mali- cious mischief. Tbe three men were caught tear- ing down posted bills of tbe American Theatre. Tbey declared that George Lane, who posts tbe bills of tbe American Theatre bad failed to obtain a similar contract for tbe Empress and In consequence bad posted American paper over Empress billboards. When they discovered tbla rhry promptly tore tbe advertisements of tbe American from the boards. The arrested men see employed by George Booyer. publicity man- ager of tbe Empress Theatre, and were prompt- ly balled ont by him. And the funny part of the whole thing la both tbe Empress sod the American are Sullivan and Consldlne booses. Looks like busy time* at AM. O. Barnes vein- terquartera. Already the painters are at work repainting the entire outfit and contracts arc oot for new cage* and wagons. Tbe Quarters are located on Van Ness avenue and occupy large spacious barns Just suited for the purpose and as Mr. Barnes said, could not have been built to order any better. Plenty of room for training purposes, good light and air. All his acts st present are playing at tbe different rsu- derllle theatres and In the Mission district he bas established a BOO during- th*> csrnlvsl fes- tival. E. J. Snook, comedian, and the Gladstone Children, singers and dancers, left for Hono- lulu on tbe Isst steamer. December 13. Mr. George Booyrr. press agent for tbe Em- press Theatre, la getting lota of publicity. Al- most dally he secures good apace In all the dally papers aB d hla billboard work speaks for Itself, for there Is not a section or Ibis city tbst Is not literally posted. Although the house Is Seen easy two weeks, tbe entire population la The Oldfield.. after playing . sneeessful week la Hllo. n. T.. returned to Honolulu for a re- newed engagement, Tbe success of the North Beach Carnival, held Thanksgiving week, and tbe splendid success of the Mission Carnival now In progress, has In- spired another section of the city to follow tbe plans, and now what la known aa tbe Hayes Val- ley District will bold « carnival and atreet fair lasting four dsye. beginning February 22. 191L Charles Alberts, formerly musical director at tbe National Theatre, now occupies tbe same po- sition at the Wigwam Theatre, replacing Nick Brown, who went to the Empress. Tbe Cypress Theatre Company Bled articles of Incorporation at Sacramento. The company, which Is to operate In Oak Park. 1* capitalised at, S23.0O0. The board of directors consists of Allen Italian, of Oakland. I. Christie, of Sacra- mento. J. 8. McMabon. of Oak Park. Joseph Holmes, of. Sacramento, and L. B. Waggoner. Sacramento. _Bllly R. Dally. Caro O. Miller, manager of flee CciaMhlans, Baoman and Bellrllle. Wright and One hr ess and Doberty and Levey were BUI board visitors Isst week. final arrangements have been made for the building of the New Alcasar Theatre on O'Par- rell street, one block west or tbe Orpheutn. The new house win nest 1.BO0 and will cost taoO.OOO. It Is scheduled to open Thanksgiving week. "II. Ground will be broken tbe first week la January. The Odeon Care, a first-class establishment, located on Market and Eddy streets, close to tbe Portola Cafe, of which It will be a direct spposlt on. opened Saturday, December 10. with vsudevllle attractions, and from tbe start, looks "Si. ' wl " surely be a successful venture. The Orpbeum, In spite of all counter attrac- tions, continues playing to packed bouses at •very matinee and evening performance. Mansger D. J. Granman Is keeping the st- tendsnre of tbe Netlnnal Theatre up to tbe usual standard. Last week be offered nine acts snd two reels or pictures. It's hard to beat this proposltlna. The Fatnolla Bell, consisting of nine people, is one of tbe most pretentions set* yet seen at a popular priced house. The Chute* Theatre headlined t hu lcf> which offers musical num- bers on stringed Instrument";, marimba players. I*'**— a* well ss Spanish dsnclng sad some singing. Tbls troupe I* from Mexico, and nff ,kl ..P ar " appearance here. The Mission Carnival la keeping the crowds In the Mission district and the Wigwam Theatre »ss the scene or much merriment and excite- ment ss the queen was crowned on the stage In 'ho presence of the mayor and a capacity boas*. "nte capital stock of the ransma Pacific Kx- ^yjju^mrssny was Increased from ts.000.000 Musics) ' Wilson* , rr | r< M here from Australia. sLHffal their first visit to American. liberty and Levey, recent arrivals from Chi- £!• Playing California date*. The now Empress Theatre, opened recently, rt drawing Immense attendance dally and every- n°* rl ™ II. Mucblmsn, assistant manager. .. *. Chrlstmss celebration followed tbe evening performance ror the member* or the Baker Slock Company and the employes of tbe Spo- kane Theatre on Christinas. A Christmas tree, with presents for everyone, was provided. It Is announced that Frank Finney, whose home la In Spokane, WU1 retire from the stage after tbe first of tbe year. He I* a well-known comedian and Is at present playing In tbe East, Ha will take up hla residence here. Harry Green, one of tbe best known turfmen on the coast, died here December 14, of Bright* disease. Be waa 47 years of sge. He was also known in theatrical circle*,' and a great friend or John W. Consldlne, who made a special trip to see blm before he died . He wss also a great friend or Jamea J. Jeffries. Hla laat trip away from Spokane waa to see the Johnson-Jeffries SSii- vPso" 1 December 18. OMAHA, NEB. Business at the local theatre* ha* only been fair during the week previous to Christmas and the holiday week, which was expected by the local managers, and the booses did not have anything out of the ordinary to offer their pa- trons. However, the patronage has been about on an average with the past yean, during the Yuletlde season, Omaha will be tbe farthest western point In tbe tour of the New York Hippodrome, which cornea to tbe Auditorium for the week com- mencing Jan. 9. The company numbers 600 and takes a train of fifteen cars to transport th- scenery snd all. To give tbla huge apectsele room, tbe atage of the Auditorium will be ex- tended Into the body of tbe house thirty feet, and speclsl arcs put In to light it. The Audi- torium seats eight thousand and Manager Gil- Ian expect* tbe seating capacity to be taxed at every performance. Matinee* will be given dally. There are only about a dozen cities to be visited by tbla great traveling organisation and Omaha feel* proud of tbe fact that It ha* been placed on the route. Col. W. r. Cody (Buffalo BUI) dropped Into Omaha Dec. 18, to spend a few days visiting bis boat of old friends. He left a few days after for North Platte. Nebr.. his r uiuiug. 10 remain uje rest vr. me sum anu ly spring. Col. Cody has been looking over mln « v. m - [in i ii . v.uaiii as ocrrrmnu. A. Lerlcbe. and Mme. A. Barelly, aa ar^^st&^iare sm AT TBE ANTOINE. La Femme et le Pantln (The Woman and the Jumping Js<-M. which this week saw the light for tbe first time, at tbe Theatre Antolne, Is In four acts and five scenes. It Is by Pierre Looys and Pierre Froodale. Aa tbe title suggests— and personally I think tbe title la a corker — tbe story simply shows bow a woman makes a Jumping Jack of a man. Dam Mateo Diss, a rich Hnaniard. bsa had tor years as bis mistress. Blsnca Romaol. Bnt suddenly be falls In lore with Co nebs Peres, a Gypsy dancing girl, and determine*, at any cost, to poaa c ae her. Blaoca beseeches Concha to leave Mateo to her and wttb tears streaming from her eyes telle how she care* for blm. Concha laugba at her and tannts ber for ber weakness. She tells her that Mateo Is nothing to ber. Concha, and for tbe other woman to tske him If she wsnts him so badly. Mateo ap~ peara and drive* Blanca away and obtain* a promise from the gnysy that she will be his on prom! tbe ■ morrow— providing, she atlpnlate*. b tell anyone. But In Ma elation Matt dancing girl's mother and glvea her he not tbe |_ Disgusted. Tbe Spaniard nest fiuda bis affinity In a Spanish dancing ball. She la doing a dance In the semi nude before English tourists (whom tbe author cuttingly make* tbe sole spectators). There la a patching up of affairs and — new promises on the part of the gypsy girl. Bat when Mateo calls st the*bouse of bis enamor- ata. she laughs In bla face and abnta tbe door on hla nose. The last act shows the boos* of Mateo. A Frenchman haa come to Dlead the cause of Blsncs, snd Mateo seems to be stricken sud- denly with a sense of dnty. He agree* to take Blanca back and go to France. Tbe Frenchmaa goes to find Blsnca and while away tbe gypsy girl appears on the scene. Again teasing and playing with Mateo, b* give* ber a aevere beat- ing with a wblp, and. conquered at taat. ah* falla Into hla arms and tells him aba loves blm. Aa will be seen this play Is not nnllke La Mslson de Danses produced last season st ths Vaudeville. It not onlv baa a danrlng girl or the lower type for heroine, bnt one of the stage setting* la quite like the other, tbat showing the Spanlah dancing ball. Mile. Reglna Bsdet, one of the moat charming dancing actresses la France, appears s* the gynsy girl and score* me*, sppeara aa the gynsy girl and scores personal triumph. M. Oemler aa Mateo Is splendid. The support la all that It should be. REVIVALS. Aa a matinee the. Porte-Balot-Martln this week revived two well-known piece*: Craln- nnohllle. by Anatote France, and La Voile da Bonheur. by Georges Clemen eesn. the ex-Prims Minister or France. .A« special performances these playa met with a big success. They will be repeated from time to time. SHAKESPEARE. Tbe Theatre Rhakeepeere'a program thla weak la Lc* j., ye uses om meres de Windsor (Th* Merry Wives of Windsor) and It waa a bug* success for tbe entire week. The Thestrs Femlna la uaed for this revival. NEW PLATS. La Vlerge Foil* next week will gl»* way to La Fugitive at the Qymuase. Tbla plec* la a comedy, In four acts, and la tbe work of Andre Plcard. Mme. Yvonne de Bn tbe principal feminine rolea. bote. Georges Marlsod and tbe male Interpreters. Tbe 8arab-Rernhardt likewise will have a change of attraction.. rnomme Mysterlrus and I'Attaqne Nocturne will he taken off and In their stead will be seen La Damme sua Camellia, with Mme. Marle-Lnnia* nerval and M. Darsay In the principal parts. Thla will be only a temporary revival of Ct mine, bow- e»er. aa rehearsals will commence at once for Les Noeea de Panurge which le shortly to be produced. Thla play la In five acta and alt tcmea. Felix Oallpsux. the actor who shared honors with Lnclan Guttry In Chsntecler, be playing the Blsckhlrd. will Interpret th* mala theme, tbe role of Pannrge. The [ Is rehearsing • titled La Plgeonnette. " I will take place next I will bare a Brat night I Ms. (Continued on page aa.) DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 17 Burlesque and Music SPOKES I N THE WHEELS Reviews, Remarks and Live News Items from All Depart- ments of Both Burlesque Wheels, Gathered Especially for The Billboard By SYDNEY WIRE lelr next *e**on'e production* and scanning (be situation to find ■ (or tbelr show*. Agents, msu- Chrlttmaa In pained nod we aball noon see the earning; of » new and unexplored year. All ofthoae who travel with tbe many burlesque organisation* of both tbe Eaatern and Western Wbeele will breathe a alxb of relief now that tor holidays are over and that tbe expense of remembering our friends bss gone for soother Tear. Now that tbe holidays hare gone man- agers may expect a general Improvement In bull- n'ai and all of us will soon be settling down CO a taring mood and taking steps to Isy sslde i few "beans" to help pay tor that pleaesnt vacation which most of us are contemplating. When tbe Brat day of Jsnosry bss gone, tbe days apeed rapidly by. and tbe balance of tbe season slips psst us before we know where we are. Managers are beginning to look around for material for tbelr next sesaon'a ate carerully eulteble people ■ gen and performers will all be doing their best work at this period of tbe year, as we oerrr know who !■ noticing our work and the better we attend to oor business the better oar chance* of success, for, like la all other btialncwi", owners and msoagers are always on the lookout tor people^who can make good. The more one sees of Billy W. Wataoa'e work, the more la one con rl need of bla super- lorlty aa a burlesque eomedisn, and whatever Tbe Girl* From Ilappyland may lack In other directions, the deficiencies sre fully overbai- •nced by tbe genuine humor sod true originality of tbe Inimitable Billy. Above all things, Tbe Girls Prom ilappyland la fast, and the speed of action ta dne to nothing dee than tbe light- ning methods and energetic efforts of tbe all popular Billy, whose tunny slide Is fsst beoom log femooa sll orer tbe country. The Girls From Happyland la essentially a one-man show. Billy Watson holds the itagc throughout the up on the stage, and more than that be keeps tbem laughing, snd they Isugb and laugh, un- til the laughter grows Into an uninterrupted itorm. which continues aa long aa Watson la on the stage. 1 see many burlesque snows, and am familiar with the work or almost terry comedian on both wheels, bnt I cannot recall any of tbe beat of tbem on either wheel, whose premier entrance la tbe signal for more sin* cere spplsuse than that of Billy W. Wstson. Bla general appearance and make-up. his char acterlatlc poses, bis deter fsclsl expression and abote all bis ludicrously original slide, baa made blm a favorite with Eastern Wheel audi- ence., and be la becoming more popular with erery arisen. There may be better comedlana from an artlatlc stsndpolnt. but " tar style of comedian, so sulfa I for hard work and a need, there i eqml tbe popular Billy W. sre few who Among tbe deter principals who support the scintillating atar ot tbe Happylanda, are Joe Buckley, Buck Freeman. Ed. Borers. George Garden. Tom Brooke*. Florence Belmont. Ida Baytoo. Margie Auetln. and Ndlle Watnon. all of whom are competent and comely. Tbe action of tbe two burlettaa runa smoothly but feat, while s fairly good olio helps to relieve whatever monotony that rosy exist. Tbe olio It opened by Margie Auatln and Daisy BUke, wttb a tinging and dancing act of merit. Mar- gie Au.tln has apparently improved since I Hat beard her sing. She leada e-versl numbers with tbe show, and U toon s favorite with her audience. The Joggling Bannana do tbe aame clever clnb thrnwiog and Juggling act.aa of yore, and are H big a bit at ever. Tbe Freeman Brothers •log and dance snd were sll well applauded, aa were tbe two English girls, who are billed as Blsrk and White, and of whom we have beard so much. Tbelr art la a melange or acro- batic dancing and contortion, and la clean and somewhat out of the ordlnsry, especlslly their clever finish which made a good ailed hit. George Oarden, formerly of Garden and 8om- mera. closed the olio, working alone, snd played severs! solos and medley* on the xylophone, aa b* only can play It. Tbe numbers are all food, rapeclslly. Jungle Bsnd. I love Boss. Csite. itnti. Bun. Bun. snd several number, •a the bnrlewne. which were not Hated on th* program. The patriotic finale of the first part la slao worthy of mention aa ta the The Tuttl Frntfi Hand led by Blltv Watson, who makes the be.t burlesque hand leader I have ever seen. There Is very little wrong with The Girl. nm m IL«waJ»»*. and with auch a favorite a« oonbt - XTmUm> - Jj ,u head, there I* little **SC| Melville closed with the Crusoe Girls, at Chicago, reeen'ly. Mi* ta said tn bars arranged to work la Block at a local theatre, ".t" u£ r1lU Mr " •""<>* Melvlll* la prl- E. W. Chlnman Is manager of Hnrtlg and eeamon a Olrls From rtsppTland. and report, lif 7" bn,llw »" «'l through the East. Tbe atmiv i» now, on Its way Weat and expects to a. ,."." "cnrilg between Chicago and Omaha, air. c hi tuna n Is a snowman of long and varied "perienco and bss piloted attractions on both shed,, living been for tsvrrit seatona with Mea.ra. nice snd Bsrton. with their Bote 11111 JJJly Co.. sod Ister with Bsrney Oerard'a rniiies or The nay (Western Wheel). This 9 I"" aecond aeason with Messrs. Hurttg and Sr."": m - Waxl MM that Otay Olrls. Isst In? *rm'-. He was for many years a leading light In tbe minstrel world snd wss considered one or tbe best Interlocutors In the buslneta. ♦ For brightness In scenic setting snd extrava- of properties and detail, none of tbe ■ Ma-on% IN PUBLISHERS' ROW Notes of the Latest Successes • of American [Song|Writers and the Vaudeville Performers by Whose Aid They Are Popularized HINTS FR OM H AVILAND'8. Grinn 4b Satcbrll are nalng That Fussy Rag. Published by F. B. Ravlland Pub. Co. ♦ Goodall and Craig are singing f've Cot Your Number snd Somebody Else. It s Always Some NONIE REYNOLDS, soubrette, (Eastern this Wheel.) Rents Ssntley Show, which with a few changes would line up nicely wltb the few of tbe better burlesque effort* of the season and might even be considered as sn entry roe the Coln mhls aummer run sweepstakes. The changea referred to would cooalat or a rew change* In tbe dia- logue and a considerable acceleration of the action all through the show, especially In the closing hslt. One or two more numbers might be sdded. using the entire chorus Instead of the ~ system . or separate numbers. The nsed by th* Bcnts-Santloy Show tbla season Is described on the program as a two set mu- sical comedy ami Is called Tbe Rollicking Olrlles. It's title Is not smtss ss there sre plenty of girls with the show, most of whom are rollicking and aeveral of whom are mora than good looking. Then- Is but little sem- blance of a story to the alleged comedy, tbst c listing, consist Ing of the efforts of two escaped convicts lo elude the vigilance or a somewhat energetic female detective. The escaped convicts are Tom Robinson and Fred Russell, with whom It Intrusted the bulk Of the L of these , with whom la intrusted me mux comedy work throughout the show. Both .e work well snd secure a fair percent- laughs although there la an apparent "art of ictTon i\\ which It hastened, J. on page 24.) body Else. Both song* are going big. Pub- lished by F. B. UavUaad Pub. Co.. N. Y. Co. Happy Daya In Georgia O Eli. la Morris continues to use Somebody It's Always Somebody Else, end You'll Back. Published by P. B. Havlland Pub, n. y. Six O'Connor Slaters are making g< »;;ed\y%v n H^;:nd%Vco'. Tempest and Sunshine are singing I've Got Your Number. Published by F. B. BsvUsnJ Pub. Co.. N. T. Jesnnett* Cbleld* will shortly be featured In Else. Come , Co.. with That success Havlland Pub. Your Pub. Vincent and Haywood have added Ttppersry Twirl to tbelr act. Pnbllabed by Havlland Pub. Co. and Brown continue to use I've Got .-saa by f. b. O'Dell and Olh Pub. Bom* Slaters are featuring Tlppersry Twirl and I've Got Yonr Nnmber. Published by I*. B. Havlland Pub. Co. ♦ Kitty Morris Is singing I've Got Your Jt'B At Canfleld la alt Published by F. B. Havl ♦ Dan Dody la 1 desk every day. NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES. When Mlaa Linden Beckwlth time In Trenton, ahe will ballad. Without Yoo 11 ind Hart, who are restoring I'm do- tal Bsrk to the Land of t to score heavily wltb this llshed by Head. BUmore. that clever kid Impersonator, la using Just You Wslt 'Til Alter School. In her new set. entitled Kid Dsys. snd write* to tbst It always takes three and four encores. ♦ Fred Clinton, chler plsnlst wltb th* Hesd Music Pub. Co.. bss just finished a new march, on tbe Bonss style, which be bss placed wltb tbe firm. Same will be ready for professional as* shortly. The title la Clnb Life. Nlblo'a Oarden. lo the Bronx baa a splendid addition to tbelr form of entertainment. In tbe singing of popular songs between daneea by James jg| W nfU mS. who I. fe.t ur lnx___"_n"mg Xmm W*«U Mrt bsv* met with great time, are featuring I Don fhri Pub. One ot the big hit* or Pete Clark'a Girls. Is tbst Irish-Indian song, entitled Squaw Colleen. Published by the House of Hesd. ♦ Among srtlsts using comic songs Sidney Grant stsnds out. In his rendition or Hesd's Fstber Hear. Fstber Come Home With Me Now. ♦ Miss Vlrslnls Wilson, one or the features at The Yorkvllle Caalno. Is mneb plested with tbe manner In which her audiences receive her rendition or Without Yon the World Won't Seem tbe Same. The song Is published by the Head Music Pub. Oo. Th* Joseph Morris Co. wishes to announce tbst they sre msklng wonderful strides with tbelr new 1910 eopyr'ght*. Tbe numbers tbst sre showing rro particularly well are: Th* h-llsd besutlfnl. When I Gather tbe Myrtle With Msry. I nsven't Oot a Thing on lor To- night. A Utile Bit or Levin* Goes a l ong, long Way. Wbat'a Yonr Hurry Birdie. Love Will Forgive and Forget. It'a Awful Hard to Try and be * Tadv. Mr. Sweenev Was • Brainy Man. Mississippi Mooch. Sl-enyhead. etso tbe two Mg song hits. Honey. I Witt long for^You: Cntey. Who Tted^Yoor Tie* snd have Among tbe sets who sre restoring the Msrvls Oo.'s songs exclusively sre: Mag Bessie Wvuus. Grace La Rne. Frank Morrell. Kanffman Bres.. Temple Quartette. Alpine Onartette. Emnlr* Ooartette. Bessie Browntns-. Marshall Mou'gona- ery. Winifred Green. Will Outran, with The tiny Bros.' Minstrels: Vaughn Comfort, with Th* Geo. Evans* Minstrels: Avon Comedy Four. Arthur Connoly, inire and Farrell. Geo. TJsvia. Sam Fox. Eil. Csssldy. Peers EldrMgr Clare Mavnard, Peatrlce Rose, Wenrlck »nd Walnrou, O'trlen. with rtumoot'e Minstrels: Boor I.neas and many others. To these Mr. Joe Morris wUhes to t the Eleoeore R*vere and May Yulr. ot tbe Pen- nant Winners Company, continue to score heav- ily with tbelr biggest bit. Play That Barber on page 41.) 18 The Billboard ■ THEA r The Bookln rRES lis of The, AND AITI .tees in Town, anc RACTIONS ALABAMA. BTRJCrHGHAlt — MAJESTIC (Cart BetUck. mgr.) Larklns and Burns, Max Loub, Maka- reoka Duo, big bit; Leooa Stephens, a big •cream : Norrls Baboons and Monkey*, went big week of 19. AT. AMO (Fred Knapp. mgr.) Allen and Kenna Stock Company In The Mis- adrentores of a Bachelor week of 19. SIAK- VEL (Percy SpeUman. mgr.) JnggUng Darts, went good; Van Arding, went big; Musical Flaks, great; Percy and Fred Elliott, excel- lent; Palter and Erie, good; Ton! Klamber. iS r ^„ KOO S : Bra c - Dnncan week of 18: PAS- TIME^ (Sam Pearl e, mgr.) Hicks and Hicks. scream"; Harr/ B^wnf"^ g^od^week 1 '?? ' 19* ARKANSAS. LITTLE HOCK. — MAJESTIC, week Dec. 19. The Devil. The Servant and the Jimmle Lucas and Francis Fellds, Boynton and Burke. Vnlll and Boyd, Fred Zobedle. Sam Hood, May- belle Fisher. KEMPXEB. House dark all week. CALIFORNIA. BAH FRAJJ CISCO. — SAVOY (Fred Bnsey. m «{-) Second week Madam X week of 18. CO- LUMBIA (Gottlob. Marx & Co., mgrs.) See- s' 1 w . et £r, 0 £J Polly of the Circus week of 19. GARBICK (N. Magner. mgr.) Max Dill and Co In The Merry widow and the Dertl 19. ALCAZAR (G. H. Darts, mgr.) Stock Co. In St. Elmo week of 19. DREAMLAND Or. L. Greenabanm, mgr.) Tetrarrlnl Concert. matin ee.Dec. 30. OBPHETJM (John Morri- sey. mgr.) Edwin Arden and Co.. Alexander and Scott. Joe Jackson, Maud Roches and A Night In a Monkey Maslc Hsll. Mr. Hymsck. Marrelous Griffith. Thomas and Hall, and Stanley and Morion week of 18. EMPRESS (Sid Grauman. mgr.) Che Taller De Loria, Tennis Trio. Geo. Yeoman. Brown and Mills Three National Comlqnes. EckhonT and Gordon, The Hayes Trio. Danes and Bernley and moring pictures week of 18. CHUTES (Ed. Lery mgr.) Woods and Green. Mile. Morcerean and Co.. Harry Leonhardt. Senepps' Circus. Mor- gan Bros., LIbbey and Trayer and moring pic- tures week of 18. NATIONAL (D. J. Grau- man. mgr.) Matllde and Elvira. Barnes- Bears. Vlrian and Alton, Earl Singing Four Kath- ryn Miller. Williams and Wright. Richardson's Posing Dogs, Kelly and Violet and moring pictures week or IS. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) PoUy Pickles Pets, Hallen and Fuller, Helm Children, Carnm and Theria Tbos. Potter Dunn. Eretore and moring pictures McGwire. ^P^cT week of 18. • COLORADO. DENVER.— PAJ.TAGES (W. A. Weston, mgr.) Baader-Larelle Troupe. Frederic Big- low s Merry Younestera. Hamilton Brothers. Finn and Ford. O. Gnlldlnl week of 25. AUDITO- RIUM (Geo. A. Collins, mgr.) De Wolf Hop- 2*. r a Matinee Idol week of 28. BROAD- WAY (Peter McCourt. mgr.) Blanche Walsh Z n \ 2L - MAJESTIC (J. Rush Bronson. mgr.) The Carl Pantxer Trio. Franklyn Ardell t™. Co" 1 ?™^ £ obn Bertha Gleeson and Fred Houlihan. Rice and Prerost. Celeste. Kate Fowler week of 19. OBPHEtTil (A. C Car- spn. mgr.) Barry of Barrymore and Rankin Company. Old Soldier Fiddlers. Wlllard Slmms «nd Company. Splssel Brothers and Company. week b of og d M, d ,- soD, Paul Florls, and Bio CONNECTICUT. BBTOOEPOBT.-JACKSON'S a. J. Fltxpat- 5 . • "fl 1 " ««- Jr.. Berue FoUIes oflftto. with Anna Held Girls week of 24. GAYETY (George Peck, mgr.) Oueens of i de Paris week of 24. LYCEUM (En SQ?T« K £T 1 * n .-. n, 'Z.? Tb ' Ronlckers*week*of 24. It W ' n!fr « d DeWltt. mgr.) Bert MiiSV'aiSi t, , OS* GOTr Ee B. Reno's MlsOt Army. Royal Trakens Hones week of . 25. CASINO (A. C. Mayer. mS °)Lou7w Mor rison and Comnanr, Lew ~— --' - Port of ILLINOIS. CHICAGO. — AUDITORIUM (C. 01 rich, max ) grand opera, eighth week. COLONIAL (James J. Brady, mgr.) Raymond Hltebrock In .The Man Who Owns Broadway. COBT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.) Bailey and Aus- tin In Two Men sod a Girl, fourth we " CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (George mgr.) Three Twins, first week. mgr.) The Area- t.) n ILLINOIS (Will J. Darts, dians. first week. GABBIOK (Herbert C. Dace, olate Soldier, fourteenth week. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Harry Ask In, mgr.) Marriage a la Carte, first week. ILYRIC (L. J. Anhut, mgr.) Eddie Foy In U p^ and ^DoCT^Broadway.^flrst^ week. ^ H „g i. week. McVICKERS (Geo. C. Warren, mgr.) In Old Kentucky, first week. OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer. mgr.) Get Rich Quick WaUlngford, fourth week. POWERS' (Harry J. Powers, mgr.) The Conn- try Boy. first week. PRINCESS (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) The Deep Purple, thirteenth week. STUDRBAKEB (Ed. Sullivan, mgr.) Sentimen- tal Sally, second week. WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE (Frank O. Peers, mgr.) The Little Damns el. first week. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (Col. Wm. Thomp son. mgr.) randerllle. BUSH TEMPLE (W. P. ACADEMY (Wm. Roche, mgr.) vaudeville. MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.) vaude- ville. TREVETT (Capt. Montague, mgr.) vaudeville. BIJOU (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Uncle Tom's Cabin. COr^LEGE (T. C. Gleason. mgr.) Cameo Kirby. CRITERION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) The James Boys In Missouri, first week. CROWN (Paul Rlckson, mgr.) Paid in Full. GLOBE (J. R. Brown, mgr.) In Panama. HAYMABKET (J. H_ Brown, mgr.) The Man of the Hour. MARLOWE (Capt. Montague, mgr.) Girls. NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) The Boy from Wall Street. PEOPLE'S (John Prince, mgr.) The Master and the Man. zona 23; Girls 31; in The Prince Beverly of ssa trp.f- : ins - The City 13. INDIANA. EVAN8VTLLE. — WELLS' BIJOU (Jake Weill, mgr.) The Virginian 23-26. MAJESTIC (Henry Meyers, mgr.) House of a Thousand Candles 18; Gaiety Girls 20: Beverly 23-24; Miss Nobody From Starland 25-28: The Lottery Man 27-28; X Jan. 1; The Flirting Princess Jan. 0. NEW GRAND (Martin Beck, mgr.) Copln's Does. Mailm's Models. Stuart and Murray, Fred Du- prex. Melrose and Kennedy. Stepp. Meullngcr and King week of IS. KOK0M0.— S1PE (G. w. Slpe. mgr.) Grace George Stock Company 26-31. LOG AYSFORT— NELSON THEATRE (Mayme L. Cox. mgr.) Moulin Rouge Girls 19. BROAD- WAY THEATRE. Week 19 Mae LaPorte Com- pany. CRYSTAL THEATRE (Frank SchalTex, mgr.) Week 19, Texlco and Company. MUMU1E-— WYSOR GRAND (F. S. Lore, mgr.) Polly of the Circus 21: His Honor the Barber 27: The Flirting Princess 29. STAB (Ray Andrews, mgr.) Gilbert Fielding and Company. The Tambo Duo. The Sloans. Harry Haw k a nd pictures week of 19. RICHMOND.— GENNETT (Miss Affle Mc- Viekers, mgr.) Polly of the Circus 22: House of a Thousand Candles 24: Jumping Jupiter Jan. 9. MURRAY (O. G. Murray, mgr.) Maude Powell the Great Violinist 19; The Flirting Princess SO. IOWA. BURLINGTON.— GRAND OPERA HOUSE (R. P. Holmes, mgr.; Don Stuart, booking agent) Henry Woodruff In The Genius 23; Ishmacl 26: Commercial Traveler 27; Broadway Girls 29; Wizard of Wiseland Jan. 1: Gran stark 5; Bev- erly 12. GARBICK (J. M. Root, mgr.; W. V. M. A., booking agents) Week Dec. 19. a tim Is stow being made. To procure representation In below and forward this slip to The BmboarvL Data City Zffaaaa aaxt Address) of iBgocaaaat AT.HAMBRa (Weber Bros.. Mgrs.) Boble's EMPIRE (H. J. tury Girls. Blossoms! (I ' '* STAR and GARTER (Wm. Bee be, mgr.) Hast- ings' Big Show. AI The L Soul Kiss 25; 26-3L DANVILLE. — GRAND OPEBA HOUSE (Har ver B. Day. mgr.) Beverly of Grauatark, 28; Soul Kiss, 27; Margaret Tllington. 28; Girl in the Taxi. 31; Gaines and Browne Jan. 3: Flirt- ing P rincess 6: Wizard of Wiseland 7. DECATUR. — POWER'S (Tbos. P. Rod an, mgr.) The Girl and The Outlaw 28; The wman 29; Polly of the Circus Jan. 2; The Wolf 2: Prince of POsen 6; Flirting Princess 7; Adelaide Thurs- ton »; Mrs. Flake 12. NEW BIJOU (A. Slg- frled. mgr.) The Fire Musical Lassies. Hufford Year 19. JACKBONVTLLE. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (L. P. Anderson, mgr.) The Golden Girl 19. MATTOOH.— MAJESTIC (J. P. Knechler. mgr.) Dark week of 19. LYRIC (B. D. Par- rlsb. prop.) Geo. B. Sinclair and Percy Girls. The Sloane Duo 19-21. GRAND (Mat Stein, mgr.) Phelps Cullenblni Trio. Miss Alice Fed- dor. Harry and Kate Jackson Company 19-21. FAMILY (H. A. Sodlol. Western Vaudeville Association book- ) First half of the week 19. The Bamlnos. edy moslcians: Sutton snd Sutton, acro- bats. In The Pumpkin and the Girl: Simons. Ryan and Adams, singers and dancers: The Nettie Carroll Troupe of Tight Wire Artists: The Famllyscope. motion pictures. Last half of the week. Mitchell. Wells and - Lewis. The Rathskeller Trio. Hugh Kelner. Illustrated song; Tetsuwari Japs. Oriental athletes: Beth Densmore. Instrumentalist; Harvey Hammond snd Comnany. In the skit. His Dude's Rival: The Famllyscope. istest motion pictures. THE MOLINE (Fred Leavens, mgr.; Independent booklncs) Happy Hooligan 25: Wisconsin Glee Clnb 30.- Lower Berth Thirteen 31: Beverly of Grsustark. 3tn.^U Barrier.^ -Bnraed^Aw^j 2; Howe's Pictures 17. ROCK ISLAND. — THE MAJESTIC (J. P. Qulnn. mgr.: Western Vsuderllle Association bookings) First half of the week 19, Gilroy, Haynes and Montgomery: Henry La Belle, contor- tionist and aeriallst: Buckley and Fern: Book- man and Gross, slnclnc comediennes: The Ma- lesticseope. Last half of the week. The Bramlnos. European comedlrns: Sutton and Rut- ton, acrobata: Simons. Ryan and Adsma. sing- ers and dancers: The Nettle C-rrotl Tmime of tlcht wire srtlsts: The Hs]est!cscope. THE II, LIX0IS (R. Taylor, mgr.: Independent book- ings) Henry Woodruff In The Genius 16: Arl- and Co.. mans, songs snd stories, and Garriekscope to Christmas business. Last half. Banda Roma Band. Ingraham and Llnd. Bob Lockhart. Haptoo and Bassett. Charlotte Dnncan, cos- tume commedlenne. and Garriekscope. CEDAR RAPIDS.— MAJESTIC (Vie "Inro. HnffoerT'^rl rS5n° ni^ V^If^M^I^ Hufford and Chain, Dan Maley. Doutrlck. Doyle and Keefe. Murray K. Hill. Sitters Reed, and picture week Of 26. GREENES' OPERA HOUSE (W. S. Collier, mgr.) Morgan Stock Company In Repertoire 18-24: The Lion and the M Prince of PUsen 31: Paid In Full Jan. 1: Thurston 2: Grsustark 3: Bererly 8. (VIC Hugo, mgr.) The Company week of 26. DUBUQUE. — GRAND Madame Sherry 20. mgT.) Tom Linton's Japanese Troupe, ZadeBa. Elliott a: week of 19. DAVENPORT — THE NEW AMERICAN (C. Berkell. mgr.; William Morris bookings) Week of 19. James A Dunn, mimic; Walman. vio- linist, the quaint virtuoso: The Delno Troops, out of-the ordinary gymnasts: The Grest Cll- vette Compsny. magician and shsdowrrsnblat : Glendower snd Maonlon. The Amerlcascone. THE PRINCESS (Vlcler H. Shsefer, mgr.) The New Princess Stock Compsny In A Soldier of the Empire, week of the 2T.lh. THE GRAND (D. L. Hncbes. mgr.: K. & E. book- ings) Dec. 25-29. European Hippodrome; Arl- zoos 1. THE BURT1S ( William Kllnck. mar.: Independent bookings) Arthnr Demlnx In Lower Berth Thirteen 25; The Commercial Trareler 28: New Broadway Olrls 30; Berrriy of Grau- atark 31: Jess Dandy In The Prince of Pllsen 1: The Lady Boeesneers 2: Barriers Burned Awsy 3: Paid In Full 8; Grauatark 11. DEB MOINES — 0RPHEUM- VAUDEVILLE (H. Sonnenberc. mgr.) Week of 20, Howard and Howard. J. C. Nnxeot and Co.. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmle Barry, Lane and O'Donnell. Joseph Adelman snd Fsmllr. KsJIyama and Klttn- dmme. ACDrTORICM (H. F. Heflwlrk. res. mgr.) Nazlmova 20; Prince of Pllsen 27: Lion E! M °i'?* 25 FOSTER'S (Ed. Milliard, mgr.) The Climax 26: Hobert Edeson In Where the TraH Divide, 5--30. OR.NP (Ed. Milliard, mgr.) Vacation Time at Palm Beach 1B-21: Arlrons 22-25. PRINCESS (Stock; Elbert 4 Oetchefl, mgra.) Week of 18. Mrs. Oorrlnae-s Necklace: week of 25. Rosemary 08KAL008A. — MASONIC OPERA HOUSE (Bu»by Brothers, mgrs.) Henry Woodruff Is The Genius 27. WATERLOO.— SYNDICATE (A. J. Bnsby, P»V I-'"t) and the Moose 26. WATER. J/OO 'A- J Busby, mgr.) Prince of Pllsen 2S. ORPHECM I J. w. Mercellea mgr.) Will n. Fields snd La Adells. Herbert " Three Demonlos. Pesrl E. Pope)oy. Mnrray and pictures week of 19. BERNARD WINTON THAT HEBREW CLOWN THAT'S) ALL Witts ■UN BROS.' SHOWS, SEASON 1»t« JAMES SILVER "MUSICAL RUBE" OrlilsMtor of the Pipe- Plsno (Patented) Pirates keep ofl THE ORIGINAL KEELEY and PARKS "THE KID AND THE KIDLET" HODKINI CIRCUIT EDWARD L. NELSON "Oh You Voice" Care The BtUboarrJ HUFFORD and — Prwasantlno Tl« Ctiatfie P»rsn iwi W.V.*. MUSICAL ALWARD XYL0PH0NIST BEATRICE TURNER SINGING COMEDIENNE Sulllvan-Consldlne Circuit OOWNARD and DOWNARD in their Comedy Sketch "Bracing Up" Norman W. Merrill "HUT TALE FRESHMAN" II HUOEIILLE tllin IMIIII. ARDELL BROS. ATHLETES ALF. T.WILTON, Mgr. THE ORIOINAL mr NEVAROS nigh class Tight Win Walkers. . Usseera, Cycilsls. etc. Addresa all eorTvsefs- ileoce to CI1ABI.E8 NKVAU0. SS9 Lay' 0 * Boolerard. Mllwankee. Wla. SUSIE PAYNE DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard HARRIS and RANDALL In Their Ruitl Comady I IN VAUDEVILLE THREE NATIONAL COMIQUES COMEDY ACROBATS ». eV C. CIRCUIT OCRTRUOE WRIGHT & STANLEY Tli Mate ibJ tfti SHMh S. * C. CIRCUIT Aubrey Rich in Sobs IN VAUDEVILLE ECKHOFF & GORDON Musical Laugtunakers SULAJVAH-CORSIDIHC CIRCUIT NOLAN, SHEAR and NOLAN THE- DAN T E S FUJI SEANCE The Moat AniBmlnq, Most Amusing Myrury Known. Dean -Orr - Sisters -a Skeet Gallagher O BB By Singers and Dancer* S u lltva n-Con sldlns PAT REILLY •« IN THE DAYS OF ■ n-C-onaldlr OUKC R. LCC BKRT OUOaCOR DUKE and BERT Cowpnncbera la Vaadavllla Th iaw lna, «op»iplnnlng, Fanay Rifle Shooting, Lariat Datialna. LULU DIXON Allen AIT1STIC IR VAUDEVILLE KANSAS. TOHT SCOTT.— DAVIDSON (Harry Ernlch. ruRr.i Three Wrtka 22: A TV ra n Banger 26. LEAVEMWORTK.— PEOPLES (P. H. Alexan- der, mgr.) AI. Martin's Uncle Tom'a Cabin IB; The O.lmax 25. NEW ORPHEUM (M. B. Sban- berff. mar.) Harry Richards and Company. Dels and Wela. Hufford and Chain. Toe be Mutha, KlUal and Atlma, The Pre* Setters Four, Garden City Trio and Cadleux 15 23. PALM (C. F. Menslng. mgr.) Wilbur and Harrington, and We^on^and ^ JeweU^^Bowera and De Vine and LOU 131 AN A. HEW 0 BLEAKS. — TULANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) The Traveling Salesman, week ot 18;: Ben Hnr week or 23; The Arcadians week or Jan. 1. CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) The Olrl In the Taxi week of 18; George Evani" Mlnatrele week of 25. DAUPHl.NE (H. Green wald. mgr.) The Lattery Man week of 18: The Midnight Sons week of 25. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (J. Cowan, mgr.) Airs York, Larola, Mabel Jobnatone. Troeadero Quartette, Caaetta and Aslta. Wataon and Dwyer. moving pictures. Moran-Nalaon Fight, week of 18. FRENCH OPERA UODSS (J. Layeile, mgr.) Mlrelllle. matinee. 18; Msmxelle Nltooche. night. 18; Sigurd 20; Samaon et Da..U 21. ORPHEUM (J. Blatea. mgr.) Lola Fuller. Ballet ot Light, Hal Stephens, Clifford and Bnrke, Satsnda Japs, Mlaa Hamld Alexander. Hayward and Hayward. Johnny Small, KInodrome week of 19. MAINE. PORTLAND JEFFERSON THEATRE (Jn- llua Cahn. mgr.) Olga Netberaole In Mary Mag- dalene 28. a F. KEITH'S (James E. Moore, mgr.) Kelth'a Stock Co. In Our New Mlnlater 19 and week. PORTLAND (James W. Greely. mgr.) Gna Edwards' Country Klda, Gretcben Spencer, tinging comedienne; Swisher and Et- ana, comedy alngers and dancers: Palmer and Lewis, travesty art lata: Ernie and Ernie, ac- robatic comedy dancers; Picture Playa IB and week. CONGRESS (Emll H. GerstUe. mgr.) Sarah Brandon and Co.. Eretto Brothers. Euro- pean-head and hand equllibrlata; Eugene King, comedian and alnger; Lambert Brothers, singers, dancers and banjo artists; moving pictures 19 and week. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE.— ACADEMY OF MUSIC (M. J. Lebmayer, mgr.) When Sweet Sixteen week of 18; Robert HlUlard In A Fool There Was week of 28. FORD'S OPERA HOUSE (Cbaa. E. Ford, mgr.) J. E. Dodaon In The Honae Next Door week of 19; The Third Degree week of 28. AU- DITORIUM (Jeff D. Bernstein, mgr.) Sheeban Grand Opera Company In II Trovatore week of 19: The city week of 28. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger. mgr.) Maid of Mystery. James Young,_McConoell _and Simpson, The Fire Ar- manis, Karl. Ruby Raymond and Company, Went , Vests and Teddy. Bedlnl and Arthur ot 18. NEW THEATRE (C. E. White- worth. Vesta and week ot 18. NEW hnrat. mgr.) Deltorelll and Gllesando. Gallando. The Barrows, Holmes and Rolllston, Carney and Wagner, Percy and Emma Pollock. Charles Lee Calder and Company. Cooper and Brown week of 18. UOLLIDAY STREET (W. F. Rife, mgr.) The Port of Missing Men week of 19; The White Captive week of 28. SAVOY IS. J. Saphler. mgr.) The Boatou Players In The Bachelor's Honeymoon week of 19; The Man on the Box week of 28. GAYETY (W. L. Ballaot. mgr.) Queens ot the Jardln de Paris week of 19: The FoHles of New York and Parla week of 20. MONUMENTAL (Montague Jacobs, mgr.) The Merry Maidens week of 19: BUly Watson's Beef Trust week ot 28. VICTORIA (C. E. Lewis, mgr.) Baby, The Manning Trio, The Great Legerts. May D'Eagle and Company, El Gordo, rrlnt George and Company. Beltrah and Beltrah, Blockson and Bums week of 19. WILSON (M. L. Schalbley, mgr.) Robert McDonald and Company. The Great Kroma. Fagg and White. Bernard and Harris, Cbarlla Banks. LaZell Sisters. Holden and Le Claire. Winnie Worth. Morton. Weat and Morton. Eleanor Cameron. Flaber and Hicks week Of 19. MASSACHUSETTS. FALL RXVER.— ACADEMY OF MUSIC . E Raymond, mgr.) Capt. George Anger and Company. Bird MlUman, John P. Wade and Company. Waterbory Bros, and Ten- ny. The Bison City Quartette. Maria Fenton, The Australian Wheelers and the KInodrome week of 25. MILES THEATRE (W. F. Galla > ~ MISSOURI. WILLIS WOOD (Woodward & Burgess . mgrs.) The Climax week of 18: The Fortune Hunter week of 25. SHUBERT (Earl Steward, mgr.) William Faversham In The World and Hla Wife week ot 19; Louis Mann In The Cheater week of 25. CONVEN- TION HALL (Lonla Shonae. mgr.) The New York Hippodrome, en tour, 25-Jan 7. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Hudson A Jndah. mgrs.) Rose Melville In Sis Hopkins week of 19: The Three Twins week of 25. ORPHEUM (Martin Leh- man, mgr.) Rock and Fulton. Maurice Freeman and Company. Lola Merrill and Frank Otto, The Six Flying Banvards, The Neapolitans, The Frey Twins. Goff Phillips week of 19. EM- Press (D. F. McCoy, mgr.) D. J. Sullivan and Company, Hayden. Broden and Harden. Jean- ette Adler and her Picks. Five Suglmoto Japs, Maxwell and Dudley. M array's Dancing Dogs, and pictures week of 19. AUDITORIUM (Law- rence Lehman, mgr.) Auditorium Stock Com- pany la Moths week of 18: Forty Ore Minutes from Broadway week of 25. GIT.T.IS » organised by "old" John Robinson. I of the famoua Robinson family of clr- neonle. tie was born In Cincinnati In I and with Gilbert 51. EJdrcdge. organised the Robinson and EWredge Great Southern Clr- crs which waa Bucerssful, partlrnlarly In tlie Booth. In 1830 be retired, but nnable to wltb- ■tan't tbe call, be re-emhsrked In tbe business In 1«7. purchasing tbe Flagg and Aymar out- Bt whlrh be recbrlMeneil The Robinson Shnw. During the season of 1858 he formed * co-part nersMp with Phil Ukf, an - contlnned nntll 1882. The be nude 1 Jno. Flllujttoa. trustee*: Zsllah Bell, aer a^at-ann*: Jack^BoMg. A gr*nd the local Pat Valdo. of tbe Barnnm and Bailey Show, who was discharged from tbe Cincinnati. O.. Hospital on Dee. 7, at which institution be bad been confined with tyt " with typhoid fever. Is again In at BIngbamton, N. Y„ bis home, a relapse en route from Clncln Valdo would like to and may be addressed at II Doubleday ■trcet, BIngbamton. N. Y. Will 0. Tarklngton. connected with the white ™, I "" t af, een years, having been r-n.rnl . x cnt for the Gentry Snow. Yankee eh. , ^r,i M . , ^.- K, . n » 1,B -H" ( ? nd C,h '- n, .• h " I* 1 at of Buffalo Birr* wnce Bill"* Far Kaat. csn be ■tera, Trenton. N. J. E. L. Braooan, trafflc manager, the past Ma- un with tbe Yankee Robinson Shows, U ■pending the winter at Parsons. Kan. w?lUce C *" IN WINTER QUARTERS. Whir* th* Circuso*, Carnival Com- paniaa and Miscellaneous Tent May Be Found. CIRCUSES. Barnnm A Bailey. Bridgeport, Conn., era Office*. 321 Institute Place, 1U.I '.. Show*. UarrUbnrg. I1L Wbeoler's. AL F. . Show.. Oxford. Pa. Yonng Buffalo's Wild West. peorts. Itt. Yankee Robinson Sbow. Granger, la.. Offices, Den Moines. Is.) Home'* Animal 8how*. Ransaa City. klo. Harr/so'n Rr^"' "^"^ h °"' - UO i W<11 ' 0k,a - Pasa BeDer O. Honeat BlU'a 8how. Jones. H. D.. Bl Anderson. Ind. Lanrbrlgger Animal Sbow, Orrrllle 0. Nelson'*, Blllle. Sbow, North Cambridge. Mass Ogreeta, Maudelrlgb. and Her Big Hunch of Blackberries. 8237 Ada at.. Chicago, III. Rollins'. Geo. w., All New Zoological Central city Park. Macon. Oa. Rlppel Bros, Go* Blppel, mgr.. Box 80. Frank- Sharps, The Adrian D. , Tent Sbow*. Gary, 8. D. Broa.' Big Tent Show, Harry Shannon. Lndlngton. Mich. ''nuiT*Lc«is°fii "k Mco ** t CIrra *' Cre *" Swift's. Jack, Alrdome Shown. Goldengate. III. silver's, Bert. Model Tent Sbow. Crystal. Mich. Starrstt'a Circus, 87 Clermont are., Brooklyn, N. Y. Skfrbeck's Wild Went * C Irons. Dorchester. Wis. Smith'*, B. 0., Colosaal Shows ft Trained Ani- mal Exposition. Atwater, O. Spann, Byron, Media, Pa. tiger BlU'a Wild West No. 1, D. W. Penlne, mgr.. Eaton Rapid*, Mich. Tompkins' Western Attractions. Charles H. Thompson, mgr.. New Hope, Pa. Cden'*, CoL. Dog A Pony Show, Flanagan, in. Welder, Will 11.. Shows, Coal too, O. Wonderland Tent Shows. J. W. Boebxa, mgr.. ElJenboro, W. Vs. Wren Bros., Lelpslc. 0. Tank ee American Show, 1013 8. 14th at.. She- boygan, wis. i_ 7 •- -r r— l - ■„ 3 h4 rjS [g k^e |S GARROS AND HIS AIRSH 1 P DEMOISELLE Barn**, I. J„ llo. Chapln, Bleater-a Combined Sbowa. Oso. W. mgr., Wllllsmaport, Pa. Ooodell Snow*. C. u. OonrleU, mgr. Hi.. (P. O. Address, Col rax. la.) Great Patterson Shosrs. JopTIn. klo. Klta*. Herbert A.. Bbow*. nint. Mich. King A Cooper Carnival Co., Augusta. Ga. Parker. C W.. Caralral Co.. Leavsnwortb. « A. K. Ranch Real wild West. Geo. Kirch, prop.. Bag 31. alodsla. la. Adams". James. No. 2 Show, c. F. Haraden. mgr.. Charlotte. N. C. almond'*, Jelhro. R, R, Show. Albemarle. N. C. Ralley'a. Mollis A.. Show*, nnnstnn. Texas. Raraea. At. O.. Ctreua. 8s n Francisco. Cat. BOBbenr Bros.' Greater Golden Mascot Over- land Show*. Carmen. Okls. Bonghton's. mille. Overland Sbow, Ambla. Ind. Browne's. Ed., overland Sbow, Batb. Maine. Berk's Combined R. R. Shows. C E. Beyctle. mgr.. Tonek*. K*n. Bora's. Gee, BL. Wild Welt F*rgo. N. Y. Bnrk'a Dncl* Tom'* " Topeka. Kan. Clark. If. L., A _ Carlln Bros.' New Model Shows. 2110 & «4tb Q^^^nK'*Sho*;. P. Carllale's WUd West Show. 647 W. 120th St.. New York. N. Y. Cheyenne BUl't _ City. Okls. California Frank's All-Star Wild Weat Sbow. Aoguata, G*. Dnlsney'a. Ssm J., Big Tent Sbow. Pin* Grove, W. Vs. Freed 'a, H. W., New Sbow, 606 Mlcb. Fountain. Bobby, Dog A Pony Mo. Great Miller Sbow. Swanwtrk, Til. Great Wagner Sbow, General Delivery, O. Great Wblteley Sbowa. Bethany, Mo., T.. ft Winters. 420 Uarkst St., Offlce No. 10. Harrtaburg. Pa. " Niton. HEARD IN ADVANCE. Pretty girls In ticket booths In front or moving picture shows remind ua always or tbe fair damsels or romance who were shut np In towers snd dungeons for brave knights to res- cue. Esneclally In cold weather we reel sorry for these unfortunate ladles, snd If we were not an old married man and father we should be tempted dally to take s theatre by assault and bear a bine bnt beantlful prisoner away to a eteaxn radiator.— Colller'a - A young man. pondering the marriage, went to a wise man for "Sod," said tbe wise man, "marry or re- main aa yon are — whichever course yoo take, yon'U regret It." luia la measurably true or all one regret* will I wa* paying my bill at the American Hotel, bi. Louis, when a "rural guest" said to th* hotel treasurer: "I tuiok yun on on my bill, lady." "Whyr' •"Cause we didn't use tbe bath tub or tbe telephone, and my wife made up tbe bed this morning." ♦ It's compulsory to have s sweet disposition around the Ijrceum Theatre In Detroit. Why la It? Well, to begin wltb It Is absolutely Impos- sible to be otherwise. You commence to reel tbe Inoculation when Allle Warner greet* yon: yon feel more when Harry Bart says "bowdy:" commence to lose around when J. Oliver Smith •peska "salutations:" you slip hard when "fix- It John." the advertising agent, yella "hello;" bnt you're gone Into a whirlpool for fslr when th» "broilers" In tbe candy shop aay "welcome ktddn. how are you tbla season." Lot o" class to all connected with the Lyceum and yon reel aa though an agent'a life had Anally blossomed Into one worth living and there comes Chas. Altman. with bla and the dream la o'erl NEW L EADIN G MAN. Wilmington. Del.. Dee. 24 (Special to Tbe Billboard*. — Cues. F. Stiller, who scored anch a success aa leading man with the Arrnne Stock Christmas day. opening up In The College Widow. TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS, Car- nival. Cage Cover*. Buy where COTTON growsand DUCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. Sandfrt-GIover Tent Co., Rome, Ga. The Kunkely Tent&AvningGo. OF NEW YORK, atanofastursts oT Circus and Show Canvases, Canvas Work of nvary deeoription 163 SOUTH STREET, AT LIBERTY PONY TRAINER Booked after March 20. pick-out. Trick Stuff and Drills my line. I aek B. B. fare. For full particulars, write FRANK B. KELSO, Figure Fire, Ark. WANTED Side Show Privilege with small R. B, or Wagon Show. We hare the ontflt. All new. JONES 4 GBAUFMEB. Fair- neld. Neb., or St. Charles. Mo. SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS JOHiS HEBITTB.TH. 2183 Boons Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Showman's Exchange* of Chicago Cba*. (Bed) Merten and J. W. Mans. Prop*. 63 E. Congress Street. Chicago. FOB SALE— One GO ft. It. T.. three 30-rt, die pieces, marquee entrance, all complete. '„.. poles, stakes, fails tackle, main guys, etc., hags, dag halyards, 8 length* Otter reserved aeata. 12 lengths 10-ttrr blues, atake puller, two bill trunks. Entire ontflt nail Just one season . and will be sold to quick buyer lor $350 cash. Also have tour gaaoilne lights. 8 mantles to each light, which 1 will aril very cheap. Add. Seoi'la 0 ' P " HAU " W WllHehm " 8t " i"* 0 ^ AT LIBERTY — LARRY GANARD TUBA AND STBING BASS EDITH GANARD Thoroughly —AT LIBERTY — TOP MOUNTER Hand balancer and ground tumbler. Also do blgb forwsrd cross shoulders, row back forward, basket double*, hair twister, three high hand to hand full twtater, pitch and catch on shoulders. WonldJJto tp_r ' I like to join troupe or Isdy serobats. Ad- BILLY BEDELL, 18 Third St.. Norwich. — FOR SALE — Sea Grill and Restaurant S furnished rooms, complete. Included. Good location: low rent: unlimited lesse. Csab busl- Hnbed two yfirt, Ereryttilnc up- .ml ate. Doc- BILLP0ST1NG PUNT FOR SALE In city or 40.000 Inhabitant* In New York State. 3.300 running feet board* In flrat-class condi- tion. Complete equipment, horse, wagon, office fixtures, and leaae of plant. Big business. lav entire JOHN N. BOSS. 147 Gen. see Street. Auburn. N. Y. FOB, BALE — Copyrighted three-act Musical Farce Comedy with thirty different etytes. five-color lithographic special paper st two cents s sheet. Including all rlgbta: also FOR SALE A $ecoDiI-bantl MerTj-Oo-Rnnrjil with eljtht-l power strain engine ami a nt*w . LINCOf N SQUARE (Charles Ferguson, mgr.) Moving pictures and vaudev ille. LOEWS SEVENTH AVENUE (Marcus Loew. Inc.. mgrs.) Moving pictures and vaudeville. LYCEUM (Daniel Frohman. mgr.) Blllle Bnrs-e In Snxnnne opened 28. LYRIC (Sol Msnbelmer. mgr.) Mrs. Leslie Carter In Two Women, fourth week. MAJF8TTC (Wnbur Sbubert Co.. mgrs.) The Blue Bird, eighth wek. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Ham mersteln. mgr.) Vandevflle twice a day. ^MANHATTANJWm. Osne. mgr.) Vaudeville Movl ig pictures sud Vaudeville. FAMILY (Wm. Fox. — and vaudeville. NEMO (Wm. Fox. mgr.) ing pictures. NATIONAL (Marcus Loew. Vaudeville and moving pictures, ALBANY.— HARMANUS BLEECKEB HALL (J. Gilbert Gordon.- mgr.) Yale Dramatic Club 23- Marie Dressier In nine's Nightmare 26-27: Henrv Kolker in Tbe Great Name 28: The Girl and the Drummer 2B-o.- Sothern and Marlowe Jan. 2-3. EMPIRE- (J. H. Rhoades. mgr.: Eastern »»ueel) Edmund Hayea In Tbe Wise Guy 20-24. BUFFALO. — STAR (P. O. Cornell, mgr.) Week 19, Francis Wilson In Tbe Bachelor s Baby: week 28. Victor Moore. TECK (J. Olshel. mgr.) Week 28 H B. Warner In Alias Jimmy Valentine LYRIC (J. Lanehlln. mgr.) Week 19. Tbe Thief: week 26. The Ad- ventures of Polly. LaFavette (Bagg A Buck- ley, mgrs.) Week 19 Tbe J5t»»» week 28. Miss New York. Jr. 8HEA'S (M. Sbes. mgr.) Valerie Brrgere Plsyers. Jane Courthope snd Co.. Nichols Sisters. World and Kingston. Onettl Slaters Josephine Joy. Clif- ford Walker, and Pope and Uno; pictures clos- ' " B R00KLYN . — MONTAUK (Edward Trail, mgr.) John Drew In Smith week of 28. TEL- LER'S BROADWAY (Leo C. Teller, mgr.) The Fortune Hunter week of 19: .Montron^ryS'one in The Old Town week of 28.' GRAND OPEBA HOUSE (J. H. Springer, mgr.) Arsene Lunln week of 28. MAJESTIC Tb * Olrl from Rector's week or 19; Ward and Yokes In The Trouble Makers weak of 20 GAYETY (n. Knrtzmsn. mgr.) Bollleklrg r.lrls i week of 10: Serensders week £ 2 %, ACADEMY (Harry Williams, mgr.) 7*.% Tiger Lilies week of 19. CARNEGIE H ALL . Bn rton Holmes 21. WTLKE8-BABBE. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE (D. M. Cauffroan. mgr.) The Passing of the Third Floor Rsck 20-27: Dockstader's Minstrels 21): Wright l»rlmer In The Shepherd King 30- nenrletla Crossman In Matrimony 81. NBS- BITT (D. M. Cauffmm, mgr.) Nesbllt Slock On. ,7. V"" »eek of 28. POl.I'B (fiordon Wright. mgr.> Dougherty's Poodles, niia nedneid. Strolling riayers. Boys In Bine, Chsdwlck Trio, Tbe Two Beddings, nenry Hoi- msn week of 10: Glngrass. Miller and Lyle. Jl*n I"" snd Patty. Allison. Ellds Morris. zn^AJiSS Pederson Brothers week of 28. LUZERNE (Irfwn Perlndlnl. mgr.) Mou- lin IJonge 19-21; The Brlgsdlers 22 24: Tlve Americans 20-2S; Dreamland Bmlesqners Mil nw&WW*!; ^— "COMING OPERA tYv -iTTl Company week of 28. FAM- com n . ( nV >h * , r.,-- ll . , •• w "i a."- h 0,11 «a s^ n,P N,?ho,. 0, 'i",!rred 'Zl.™^ ' FRED ROWLAND HEAVY : WEIGHT : JUGGLER IN VAUDEVILLE MAYBELLE BILLY ROTHER AND KELGARD PIAN0L0GUE AND* SINGING ACT C H AS. E. WILSHIN, Afl.nt FRANCESCO CREATORE AND HIS BAND A VERDI Prsiantlng ttl* Plotu rosq u. R.vl.w "A Night In Naples" Now In Vaudivtllt. Billy Graham -LeMoyne & Co. THE COTTON BUDS —PRESENT — "Moonlight on the Levee" K. *. r. TIME. ALABAMA COMEDY FOOR (COLORED) JOHN BURNHAM, Mgr., 214 W. 20th St.. N. Y. C RALPH W. ALICE DE HAVEN >ri WHITNEY Pr.Mn 1 1 n o Comply P lay l.t LAST ROOM. THIRD FLOOR EDITH HARCKE HENRI OPERATIC SINGING ACT ALETHEIA & ALEKO nts of Talapathy and Prophatlo Vision SPEAKma SEVEN LANCUAOta H. A. DAVIS & CO. HI^ LAST* BET M . SPEC I AL OCCNCttV — Cast Indndss t— B. A. Darts, Arthur M. Pvrry. Fred Tunker. PRINCE YOUTUAKEY "KINS OF THE WIRE" AND "THRILLING SLIDE FOR LIFE" Seven seasons with Barnnm and Bailer's Circus. Be engsaed for 1011. Now plarlnjr winter sea son In Honolulu. Booked by 1. N. Cohen. West- bank Bids;., ban Francisco. Address "Tbe Bill- board," San Francisco. EBWTJr H0SDT, Sensational AerUl Ojmnast and Up Hide-Down Alan. Date* wanted. Indoor Expositions, Circus. Ttlntts. Oreater Vanderllle, etc. Address MOI B. Adsn» BtrOSt, Psorls, Illinois. GARCINETTI BRDS. European Acrobats and Hat Throwera Now plsylnj vsndevllle «» sHelfle 06«»t. Bo»lMj| DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 23 Learn to Hypnotize! Tea Hay Haw Master This Wonderful ICyster- LmtUc Tonr Own Homo, s«nd You Addrsea at One* and Heooie* a TREE Copy of a Wondarfal Book ea Hypnotism, Persons! KagnatUm, Xsguetlo Iv> you want to know how to utilise th* moat powerful and myiterioua fore* of nature? Do von v*lo* control over others 1 Do you valne tb» idpidi of securing friendship and personal In tar on? Po you value tb* power to and banish sickness, to reform friend, to gain baaJneaa a ne e —a. to position and happiness? If 700 do, 7011 moat learn to Bypnotlar— Why not? No other neeotn- pllabment U so easily acquired. It can. be mas- tered In a few hours' tins* without leaving your bom*. Then yon can surprise and stsrtle all your friends by niacins other* under this hyp- notic spell and making them think, act and feel Just as yog desire. Yon can perform the moat wonderful and astound run- feats and create fun and amusement for boor* at a time. You can auks money by giving exhibition*, curiae d le- ssees or by t seeking the < art to others. In short. Hypnotism hi toe eery key to Health. Wrilth and Happiness. The coat of Iss ruing la but a trifle. Success ear*. Inrestlgsts now/! Write at once for free illustrated booklet on Hypnotism. Personal Magnetism. Magnetic Heal- ing and other occult sciences. Just sand yonr time and address and the book will he sent at mice by mall, free and D. BETH, Bta. 100 Kinds. THE CLIMBING MONKEY (limbs th* string mOTtng arme and leg*, and repre- sents life In all Its mov*- ments. Simple and dursblst nothing to get ont of order, win climb by n gentle null on upper or lower string. If yon want an article which sella at eight and attracts " "■ attention, order tb* beat toy ont Bucn everybody** attention, order ■ , Itit I doaeau $ I .HO. Ham pie, ' 20c. thla. Bold per Streetmen'a Toy* and Bona and goods for holiday trad*. We carry a large tine of Caneaaaera and Peddlers' good*. Everything that Bell* well and brings In tb* Cat. logo* free. COE, Y0N6E & CO., ^trfnd Luoai Art., St. Louin, Me. CAROUSELS Mwiy-Ct- -EaralBf Dmrieu AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS HERSCHELL-SPILLMAH GO. It. Toiivtadt, I. T., D. S. i. RHODE I8LAND. PROVIDEHCE. — PROVIDENCE OPERA HOUSE (F. B. WcDdleschsfer, mgr.) May Irwin In Getting a Pollah 20»l; Olga Nethersole 20-31. IMPERIAL (Geo. N. Uray. mgr.) East Lynn* week of IB; Baldwin Melville Stock Company lu Darkest Russia week of 26. EMPIRE (Sol. Bran nig. mgr.) lhe Thief week of IB; Wo. 11. Turner in Father and the Boys week of 28. WESTMINSTER (Geo. F. Collier, mgr.) Queen of ^Bohemia week of 10; Oolden Crook week SOUTH CAROLINA. JTOW.— ACADEMY OF M08IC (C. B. Matthews, mgr.) Walker Whiteside 27. MA- JESTIC (O. L. Brandtley, mgr.) Herbert Dixon and Hnnsouln. Charlie Beetle, The Three Mnalca) Lorettaa week of 10. COLUMBIA. — COLUMBIA (F. L. Brown, mgr.) Seven Daya Jan. 2. The Bight of Way Jan. 4. 80UTH DAKOTA. SIOUX FALLS.— NEW (Fred Becher. mgr.) The Girl In the Kimono 18. Prince of Pllaen TENNE8SEE. JACKSON.— MARLOWE (M. Kabn. mgr.) The 8mart Set 10; Seinfeld's Lady Mlnatrels 20-24. ELITE (Otto E. Jonea. mgr.) Iaahel Vaugh. Ben Preston, snd picture* week of IB. KhTOXVTLLE. — STAUB'S (Frit* Staub. mgr.) Al. H. WHson In Met* In Ireland 22. GRAND (Frank Rogers, mgr.) Lark Ins and Burns, De Hoiless snd Valors. ('airman, Furman snd Fslr- man. Bert Lewla, Leona Stephens week of 10. B M M£l^L B Lfo , U be JSeT S&hi mgr., Aa the Sun Went Down week of 18 24; At the Mercy of Tiberius week of 26-31. VENDOME (W. A. Sheets, mgr.) The Soul Kiss Dec. 26; The Virginian 27-28; Cow and the Moon 30-31; The Spendthrift week of Jan. 2. THE GRAND (Geo. Hickman, mgr.) McCormack and Wallace, Bice. Bell and Balwln, Salvall, hesdllner; Evelyn Klncald, beadllner, motion plcturee week of 18-24. FIFTH AVENUE ul Sept. 23, In the employ of the O. T. Craw- ford Booking Exchange at St. Louis, Mo. I am not living at tbe St. Charles Hotel In St. Louis, nor have I bi'en for the past eight months. Any Information one can give me regarding my hus- band's whereabouts will be greatly appreciated. MBS. CHAS. W. COLEMAN. Professional name, Lillian May Coleman, 2324 N. California avenue. Chicago. III. Tbe Billboard Publishing Co.: Gentlemen — Kindly let Mr. Arch Putnam know through your paper that his mother died tbe 22nd of laat month. I aent telegrams to Chicago and Toledo, bnt could not And him. Thanking you for your past favors, I beg to remain. Sincerely. WM. BRIDGE. Adr. Agt. Ceramic Theatre, B. Liverpool, 0. The Billboard Publishing Co.: Gentlemen — The mother of Leon B. Book would like to know Us whereabouts, as his ■later. Gertrude, died December S. Any In- formation regarding him will be very much ap- preciated. MBS. FANNIE B. BIGGINS. SOS Lafayette are., Moundsvllle, W. Va. The Billboard Publishing Co.: Gentlemen — Please publish following notice: We wish to let agents, managers and friends know that the Original Diamond Comedy Four consists of^Harry rUl gert. Jack A/laMar; the^Mine m ^** eT ^^ OT '^^™**^^^''**^ I solid on the United . and meeting with - gents and managers, of booking a Diamond Comedy Four ontslde of above names, as we are the original. Best re- gards to friends. THE ORIGINAL DIAMOND COMEDY FOUR. ♦ A party who met Chief Prairie Dog at Wil- mington. N. C. and Charlotte. N. c, would like to bear from him. A letter addressed to The Billboard, carrying Inquiry Department, will be promptly forwarded.' ♦ Mrs. Carrie Elfin. 1327 8. 4th street, Minn- eapolis, Minn., would like to have Information thereof Johnny Lambert, laat Haag Shows. Is dead. Anyone knowing hia address kindly communicate with htm The party desires to communicate with J. D. Mont- gomery. Letter aent care the Inquiry Column ?/ Ezsgttiffi&itgr' win proBpt * Miss Tea Von win learn something to her Interest by communicating with N. Edward. Jr.. 4908 Kenmore sve., Chicago. * Margaret Laird. 1129 California are.. Bakers cernin CEl R w t GaI M I[k pj to b» r e g Information co n - Tbe Billboard would like to have tbe address or Billy Golden. Parties having this informa- tion will kindly address Inquiry Department. _ + Fred Leo should communicate with S. H. Miller, 718 E. Brooks St.. Galesburg, 111. Information as to tbe present address of Leah Patsy, soubrette. Is wanted by D. R. MacdonneTJ. IT E. ISth st., Chicago. * Aweekly reader of The Billboard would like to know whether or not Sam Brown, at present with the Bowery Burlesque™, was with that company last season, and if not. with what show be pUyed. S. W Sangster. 604 Central Trust Bldg.. g»£ as *jst £ tea Miss Jean Milton. Jacksonville. Fin., Is very anxious to locate John W. Comnton. manager aide show with Hsag's Circus In November last + Miss Ethel Wlllard. who was wltb WlUard's Electric Show at Toronto three seasons ago. will learn something of Interest by communicating with Dolly C. Williams, general delivery. New Orleans, La A reader of The Billboard would like to know In what company J»an Caskle Is now playing, what Effingham Pinto, who played In Tbe Climax last season, and In what company las. Cooler Is now. If this Information Is fumlsb»d ™* Billboard. It will be published In the next Milter, a Chi Cbas. Howard, of know tbe address of cago promoter. Clara DeMar. 2125 Lexington sr.. Chlcszo. wishes to communicste with Jaa. Tomlln. care Tomlln & Bom. at once. It Is very tbst she hear from him at once, i Walt N. L. please write J. C. Matthews. 99 N. Pedro St., San Jose, Cal., would like to know It tbe reported death of Evelyn Laverne, In Chicago, about a mouth ago, is correct. and we will I A. D. : Send us your with yon by li An inquiry has been received for the present address of Earl Hornbrook. He la the son of Gus Hornbrook who had tbe Ossified Man and Fat Emmy with Barnnm and Ball y and Pawnee Bill's Shows. It Is of tbe utmost Importance that this party - Information la- ment of Tbe v. ii is or tue utmost importance be Billboard. Anybody knowing tbe whereabouts of Miss Maggie Fielding, who has been In the theatri- cal business for a great . number of years, traveled with Andrew Mack, and up to tbe paat two years waa with Chauncey Olcott Co.. please communicate with Mr. E. L Sudhelmer, secretary Peteler Car Co., University ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. SPOKES IN THE WHEELS. (Continued from page 17.) Welckt as the very genteel store proprietor, worked easily and looked well, dressing bis part in a moat refined style. He la evidently new to burlesque and Is free from the usual coarseness — or should I say bmsanenesa, of the average straight man In burlesque. Jimmy Connors, as Willie Note, an actor, did remark- ably well and made a big hit with his parodies, which be sang during the action of the second act. All of the and all are the show when I saw It laat week at the Pitta- burg Gayety, and of this act I feel bound to aay a few words. Tbey were tbe Mazettl Troupe of acrobats, consisting of nine people, seven men and two girls. Their work la of tbe or- dinary run of acts of their kind excepting that they surpass anything of tbe kind ever seen on a bnrleaqne stage, or for tbst matter, on any other stage. Their four high pyramid work and tbe triple somersault of the yonngest top- mounter onto the shoulders of another member of tbe troupe, fairly brought the house down, with regard to the Kentz-Santley Show I might say that there are better shows on both wheels bnt all In all Ihc show Is good and Is possessed of ^ any ^f est u res which sre an Innovation and ♦ There la a new theatrical paper on the market which Is to be devoted solely to the Interests of burlesque. If tbey keep on coming the variety Barney Gerard la still waiting for a check from the Big Fonr. In payment for the damage done to his ahow by the baggage car Are on that road last April. The railroad considered Bar- -natter of pay- ■ The Omaha stand baa been an exceedingly successful venture for the Columbia Amuse- ment Co., although It has its disadvantages. Insofar as a deal of the profits are taken np by the expenses of the long Jump to Minneapolis, the following stand. By some arrangement with the railroad the shows were given a week at the Omaha Cayety at the corn- full An Actor s Resolution. An Christmas time has come and And left us full of cheer. With, mem'rlea of half -salaries. And friends that cost us dear; We shake with apprehension Center our attention * * On the goodly resolutions we Make for the New Tear. Ob, the times I've sworn off drinking. loen resumed when cups were clinking — Starts me busily to thinking Just bow futile such things are. When I place a ban on smoking, I Invariably 'wake, choking. And go searching In the darkness for a. Match and a cigar. I see my friends all wag their heada. And smile quite knowingly, Wh-n I hold np my hand and say: "Get this new one from met" It's "No more superstitions;" Ah, you lsugb When your suspicions Prompt the thought that never from them Can an actor-man be free. Oh, you'll raise your eyebrows slightly When yoa hear me whistle nightly In the dressing-rooms unsightly. To dispell their dismal gloom. It will make me all the gladder. To walk under that prop, ladder. Watching you grow mad and madder. Apprehensive of my doom. When ' I unpack my make-up box. And find the mirror broke, I shall not roundly curse tbe luck. Bnt take It as a joke. Shonld the house possess an organ, ' All the wealth or Pierpont Morgan Cannot keep me from attacking it — Tbe dusty keys I'll poke. If. when walking to the station. All ths black cats in creation. Pass. me. without hesitation I would pet a dark feline; And when sleeper-Jumna we're hear ma This request you'll I am going to sell that good old And buy a camel-back. '. Just to see your frightened faces When yon watch me as I pack. Should I find an ancient curtain. Whose efficiency's uncertain. Ton will see me kick the roller with A strong and sturdy whack. What's that I Hear the ahow ia closing I Tea. I must have been a dosing. Oh. a fine you are imposing, 'Cause I slept and missed my cos! Well. It's only retribution For my inane resolution. And I scat my ex, cutlon. If that foolish dream came true. Eastern Co. PHIL LANG. Time, Place and Girl, Season 1910-11. principals who are Audrey Lang. Loretta Moore, Isabella Miller. Pearl Reld. Morva Williams. Eleanor Carroll, Helen 8cott and Flo Dumont. The last two axe choristers bnt are well worthy of mention, especially Miss Dumont. who led a number in the opening, which waa one of the musical hits with the show. The number was Moonlight on Broadway. In which Miss Dumont, who looked - and ssng well, waa as- sisted by part of the chorus, all of which carried suit cases. Daring tbe song, tbe girls changed from their dresses to neat knlckerbocker suits, while tbe chorus boys Joined the ensemble in a shuttle, which waa danced upon tbe tops of the suitcases which were laid flat upon the stage for that purpose. At tbe exit tbe girls picked np the suitcases and turning: them around to- wards the audience, disclosed a transparent ef- fect through which glowed the light of small Incandescent lamps. The stage and house lights were thrown off and a pretty effect was ob- tained. All of tbe women did nicely aa did the National Poor, a quartet of excellent singers who materially belped the show by their pres- ence and versatility. One or those, boys ia an exceptionally quick wooden-shoe dancer and made quite a hit with bla solo work In tbe dancing number with Pearl Reld and the four boys. Tbe numbers are consplcous by tbelr variety and difference from tbe general routine work of the every -day burlesque producer — but then Jack Mason Is a producer and a dancer and doubtless was Inspired to do bis very best for a ahow In which he ia financially Interested. There la a deal of originality In the work, and several of tbe numbers sre out of tbe ordinary. Sleepyhead, with tbe ponies entering In a roll over through traps In tbe side of the depsrtmcnt store counter, tbe Moonlight on Broadway num- ber and the automobile finish, sre all clever creations, and have been produced wltb care and attention to detail. Tbe patriotic number used as a finale to tbe opening act. la on the old, worn-out flag order, but the andlence liked it. so what's the nse of criticizing. The girls all look well, but the cb»ru* la far from even and an effort has evidently been made to em* body three types of chorus girls Into too small a chorus. There are ponies, show girls and mediums, one of tbe show girls being of so lofty a statue tbst she would make an excellent candidate for the next vacancy aa giantess with one of tbe b'g summer tricks. Our lofty friend has, however, several redeeming features, aa she looks well, la not ungraceful In her pres- ence and Is possessed of an exceptionally flue voice. There waa an extra attraction with This, however, baa been fonnd Impracticable, and tbe conditions of last season are again In force, the shows now leaving Omaha on Saturday evening arriving at Minneapolis, early on Sunday. This gives tbe shows but twelve performances at Omaha In place of fourteen aa at all other stands west of Cleve- land, and a corresponding decreaae In the re- ceipts Is thus caused. When tbe eastern shows are able to Invade aome profitable town within easy Intermediate distance of Omaha and Min- neapolis, or can, by aome other means, over- come the present unsatisfactory condition, tbe Omaha stand will become one of the banner weeka of the western bouses. ♦ Did yon catch Billy Hurt's pretty tribute to his charming wife. La Belle Merle In the Christmas Special number of Tbe Billboard 1 Billy said lota of pretty tbtnga about the ver- satile Marie, and tells how she can sing, dance act, walk a wire, do contortion and acrobatics, play musical Instruments, ride a horse, shoot a rifle, and best of all. cook Billy a awell meal and sew buttons on his refractory shirts. Billy baa Indeed a reason to be thankful, as Marie Is surely a prise. Yoo've picked a winner. Bill. ". nd J ? ",°. r * fb " t IS m friends will re- ciprocate the good wishes yon heralded " week's issue. tided In last I wonder how Tom Mccracken and Gladys St. John liked tbe big picture of them which appeared in a recent Issue of The Billboard? I wrote to Tom a few montha ago. addressing my letter to a well-known theatrical paper. Tbe letter waa alncc returned unclaimed where- upon I agalo_ wrote, addressing my letter to heard noth still snotber paper. ' I _ Ing from my friend Tom. altbongb I believe be la atlll In vaudeville. Can It be that he Is Playing so many shows a day that he Is unable to flnil time to write to bla old friends? Gee! but you most be busy, Tom. + Alice Brophy. this aeaaon with The Duck- lings (Western Wheel) baa been Indisposed, and was obliged to lay off for a few days. She closed wltb tbe show at Scranton. but will rejoin as soon as her voice Is sufficiently rested to resume her work. ♦ Ned Norton, the aood-looklng young straight man, this season with nnrtlg Seamon'a Fol- lies of New York and Paris, rinsed with the show while at tbe Gayety, Brooklyn. Ned was T. M. ^ News NEW OFFICERS OF NO. 66. „-Jus*y (O.) Lodge No. 00, T. M. A., elect- ed the following officers at a regular meethVe last Sunday: Past president. JoUu I "t,™ p e,"f d>nt Cbsrles Rice: vice president. Harry !."„„. recording secretary, George Ladd; financial ace. relary and treasurer, frank Wleland; marshal! Charles Bang: aergeant-at-arme. Alf. Kllllan- trustees. Charles Bang. Harry Dunn and Prank Wleland; delegate to Wheeling convention* Cliarlea Bang. The meetings will hereafter be held In rooms at tbe Hotel Wayne. NEWARK L ODGE OFFICERS. Newark Lodge No. 28. T. M. A., held regular - Dec. 18. 1910. and the follow. ing officer, elected for the year 1UI1: President O. R. Glentworth; vice-president. Gus Price treasurer. J. C. Lacey; general sect Cullen; marahall, J. 8. McDougall; tary, M. 1. • HnisniiMr-a. u. aicifuuguu; aergeant-at- . T. Cunningham: outer guard. A. J. Wal- ters; trustee, D. J. Sweeney: Physician t\ew- ark) D. H. S. smith; physician (New Vote) Dr. 8. Kelson Sarin, delegate to convention 1911. Fred Richardson; alternate to convention 1911. Geo. R. Wolff. Installation of will take place on Sunday, Jan. IS. at the lodge rooms. 401 Plane street. A social session will be held and all visiting, brothers are cordially Invited to attend. T. M. A. NOTE3. Lynn. Mass., Lodge No. 124. organised laat Sunday. Mosei deputy grand president, of Boston, the lodge. lies. with a B. George Armstrong, who hat been for the put two weeka with Harry Hastings' Big Show, has Joat received an offer from tbe Morris office for Immediate vaudeville time. George la asking a big figure for bis act and la undecided as to bla Immediate arrangements. He Is at present at bla home to Chicago, and will play a week with tbe Al. Reeves Show at tbe star & Garter, after which be will prjhably real un- til after the holidays. The one night-stand ahow which opened it the Appollo. Wheeling, and aent out by tbe Po- lack Booking Exchange, opened to over S'no at the Wheeling house and played to fair business for the remainder of the week, Tbe show his been strengthened and will play aa many oee- nlght stands aa can be booked, tbe opened weeka to be played by splitting the ahow Into two parts, eseb burletta taking half of the chorus, and playing some of the small booked by the Polack office. Those who have played the Gayety. St. Lonla this aeaaon, are rejoicing over the many im- provements which have been made at that bouse. The dressing rooms there were always noted for tbelr inconvenience and general die comfort, but conditions have been changed. The place baa been entirely renovated while bot and In all of the cold running water have 1 dressing rooms. . - George Belfrage. with Tbe Gay Moralax Glories. Is playing the oue-nlghters through Pennsylvania, and reports fair business I met bla agent, Geo. H. Turner. In Pittsburg. Br waa looking for chorus girls, and staled that girls were the chief dlffirultr on the one-night stands. Mr. Turner Is making good ahead of the "Glories." ne waa. last aeaaon. with W. H. Trnehsrt's Csllfornla Girls, another burlesque ahow of tbe "Turkey" variety. ♦ John D. Doogall. local manager for tbe Shapiro Music House at Pittsburg, states that be has re- ceived sn offer from Harry Hastings to g» with the "Big Show" next aeaaon. Mr. Dongall la some singer and made a bla hit laat anmmtr. singing with Nlrella'a Band, at the Hippodrome. Pittsburg. Murray Simons la again with Tbe Glrla From Happyland, and baa charge of all of Ihe me- chanics! and electrical lighting effects. Tela ■ ♦ Christmas la done and gone, and I snot**" that It la now np to us to wish each other a bappy new year. I feel aa though I should op- hold the existing fashion, and certainly oniat to thank my many friends In tbe burleatne fleli for tbe many kind presents, kind wishes and letters of congratulation which so many of yo° felt pleased to send me. I wish yon sll aoc cess and a 1011 of good health, and naloter ropted prosperity. The new theatre at Savannah. HI., waa opened Dee. IB with tbe United Play Company's pro- duction of The Lion and the Mouse. The to" baa a nonutalloa of B 000 and haa been wltbtmt theatrical entertainment for some time. Mlaa Annie Busarll waa obliged to cancel • matinee at Parson's Theatre. Hartford. J» 14. ss she and her company were unable l» reach the city In time to play tbe cnRag meat She played in tbe evening to a large eta well-plraerd bouse. . Roalna nrnley. Ihe young daughter of m late B. J. Henley, and recently leading wjasj In The Man From Home, has been engaged m Llehler and Company for Marriage a la MTW the new musical comedy by C. M. S. MeLelli" and Ivan Caryll. Orrln Johnson haa resigned his loading man with Henrietta Duchess of 8nd*. Will H. Dorbln Is The Man on tbe Box, of K. E. Trousdale. _ ai In T* DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 26 SKATIN G RINK NEWS Harley Davidson Defeats Frank Rryant at Duluth— Remi- niscences of an Old Skater — Notes of Skaters and Rinks By JULIAN T. FITZGERALD. Chicago. Dec. 21 (Special to The Billboard).— That William Robinson, the undefeated roller skating stsr of 1908 «nd 1000. .till la In the lame, wss shown bj the grest exhibition of raft jkstlng that be ahowed In an exhibition he skated at the CoIIkud Roller Rink at Food do Lac. vast- December 10. Roblnaoo waa aeked to go to Food du Lac at the request . of Manager Al Flath. who bai taken the Coliseum Rink for the aeasou. Robinson baa not appeared In anr skating eveot for over a year, and went Into hla akatlnz exhibition without any train- ing and put op oat of the fattest exhibition* for' a balf mile that would do luetic* to the best Id bl* claaa. It la now hoped that we will ire Robloaon back In the racing game be fore the teaaon la .orer. Bllllc said after hit return that he felt Juet »• good aa ever before, and that he may enter Into competition In the near future. "Coddle" Winters la now an athletic Instruc- tor at Caae College to Cleveland, ao report, bare It that hare been received from hla frlt-nda hi Dnluth. He bai the hockey aqaad at Cite — i all accoontn la — at the game, I attribute my condition to the excellent care I've taken of mjraelf," be tald. John H. O'Mella. of Augusta. Me., who left the employ of the atate to become aaalstant auperl itendcnt of the Fidelity Irani Building In Portland, bat the great, at record at a roller akater of any man who ever lived In Uolne. He akated thousands of mllea during bit career at ao amateur and professional tpeed artist, and never balked at any dlatance from one mile to a tbouaand. When be waa seventeen years of age he akated tlx daya. a total of 1100 mllea In 142 hours, and took tecond place. The win- ner. Win. Donovan, of Elmlra. X. V.. died from the effects of the terrible pace to whlcb be waa driven. O'Mella'a balr wat gray when he fin- ished, and be waa a physical wreck. In tboae days there waa no ancb thing at teams. Ev- ery man akated all of the time. O'Mellm be- gan aa a akate boy In the old Institute Fair Building, on Huntington avenue, Boston, where the American League baeebill gronndt are now situated. After he had been working a boot tlx months he entered one or two rsees aa an amateur and won. Finding that be could show speed, be went after the championships snd CHAMPION MORRIS WOOD'S RACING STROKE (FRONT VIEW) out an Intercollegiate championship team. Win- ters knows the game aa frw know It. He has •pent many years at a pack rbaeer. and cer- tainly knowa the finer polnta of the game. He It one of the beat that Dtiltitb ever produced, and the Ohio Institution la fortunate In secur- ing hla services. Ha Harley Davidson finished a three daya' en- gagement at Dulntb. Minn. On Friday night. December O. Uarley met Frank Bryant, the winner of forty-four race*, and champion of the bead of the Iskes. and defeated blm easy by one. fourth of a lap. On Sunday night, De- cember 11. he met the same skater and won from him by three-fonrtbs of a lap. without any training only a little fancy sksttng the week before st Minneapolis. The crowd Sunday night numbered about 2.000 people, and In addition to Hurley', rsce. be gsve bis nana! fancy akat- Ing before the race, narley la working oat something new In the skstlng gsme. snd a* soon aa It la bronchi to ao laeue he wilt let the nubile know snout It. In sll the time nsrley lived In Minneapolis and St. Panl be never via- lied Dnluth. Harley aa.vs that he rscre better "Although t am old won 72 medals and the one-hour championship before be turned professional. At a professional he won a silver service st Worcester. Maaa.; a diamond belt at Springfield Mass., snd quite a large number of purses. His trsiner wss K. A. Skinner, then the five mile champion now s prominent Boston automobile dealer. Johnny Nelson, then a champion bicycle rider, now a large dealer In Jewelry, prevailed upon him to en- ter the nrofeaslonM ranks. One Christmas day he stsrted In his first professional race, having for opponents Skinner, Cbas Walton (the old Lewis- ton polo player), snd others, and won. O'Mella'a explanation of how he happened to get Into the slx-dsy race was as follows: "Pete Dnryea. who married Viola Allen, came on to Boston, and asked him to enter snd he did so. The race wss held In Madison Square Garden on a track which bad nine laps to the mile. He skated for sll that was In him and nearly won. He alept for seversl dsys sfter the rsce. snd when he awakened, thought the pumice stone dast wss still In his hslr at first, but It never waa dark again." "Jack- has never tried to "come on page 44.) The Best Rink Skate • Ws believe) it. Thosianda of othera know it. Order a sample pair and be oonvlnoad. Write for free cata- logue. We carry a complete lino of fink supplies. We supply parte (or other makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY, 1123 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL. Eewjtbllahed 1856 &5U> Year THE NEW WURLTTZBR FACTORY — FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose. The world's largest and only complete line. SO different styles, including PUnOrcheatra, Pianino. Flute Plans* (Awtssssssts Oasfesatsal 63-notv Player Piano, Mandolin Uasrtal, Skating! link Bands. 88-aote Player Piano. Mandolin Sextet. Automatic Military Bands. Violin Piano. AalomsUc Harp. Eta. Wurlitxer was the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field and is to- day the world's largest manufacturer. Branches in most large cities. Writ* for big 84-page catalog, picturing the entire Wurlitxer line. (7 Ws Supply the U.S. GoOernment tilth Musical Instruments. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. CrSCnrHATI (117 to ltl Z. 4th): HEW YORK <>5 ft 17 W. ttd. bat. Bwny, ' " — abaih); rTTTT.gnyT>HIA - In.): CHICAGO (26fl A 163 W.baah) ; P TTTT A PE a (MM 301.1) UatBDB, O. a Mb. LOTH* Henley Roller Skates Wciel-iJlaUd 1 ' 8^". B !laU^S5i otlTsta'tssf with'PSrZ Btsaf Oonxhl aation Aluminum or Boxwood Rollers. . Henley Racing Skates by spaed akatara everywhere, sad ars alas for Individual use, where the Sasst sad ' la the market Is SsstlsS. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS' Bend far Skats Official Polo Quids M. C HENLEY, 1 Indlaaau MHs to Sirfaci Riak and Daici Flttrs Ovsrl.eOS In Uss. Masts In Three a las a . for Boiler Rings, Amusement Onoipsnles. Danes- Halls, Contractors and Builders everywhere. Machine eaally rentsd to Contractors and Buiid- t of not less than gio to I — eaally operated aa when at a sat profit or not lass than $10 to US- a day. It la very easily operated aa when the handle is raised It la Inrllnsd to move forward Of Its own accord. Built oa the only correct principle. Guaranteed to bs ths BEST with which to produce aa even, smooth surfacs on any kind of wood floor, old or new. hard or soft. Win aorfaes from 5,000 to T.000 sq. fx. once over In S boors. Two to four times over will make It smooth and I.Tel. Sand for ear FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. have a finished skating ta general. "aef ?. to bona Bos the Start of the JACK FOTCH German Comedian. Inner and Speed ax- part roller skater. Presenting ths most entertaining novelty comedy act before ths public. Address BUI board, Cincinnati, o. THE TTAT.RAHS Presenting their latsst toccata RINK LAND With Special Scenery. ON TUB W. T. A. Tibia. VAN FRANK The Dan Davit, features 27-ln. top cycle aka^es, coast of^ dcato. barn 1 J amp lug, rtDka^aad vaoda a, draas. Brook e. MISS ADELAIDE E. D'V( . a race a gains t any mania ths RL disss 8S47 B. 65th Street. Osvslaa IRAK k Skat- it with 5, iff d. o. ===== H. A. SIMMONS Greatest living exponent of ths art of Patlnaga Superior Artistic Trick and rirsre WAICTSO— Oommontretlona from fancy and fast skat- i era. Want to hook Such aa attraction.. Wah-Way-Tay , naton. Jllch. Bought, sold axchangsd and repaired . m^SW^sw^aitv The Billboard DECEMBER 31, 1910. SEEN O N THE SCREEN Brief Outlines of Stories Told in the Latest Productions of the Patents and Sales Companies — Release Dates and Lengths of Subjects Are Given PATENTS CO. EDISON. ELUOIIA. THE FB.U1T GIRL (drama; released Dec. 27; length 1.000 feet).— Robert Norwood. bod of a wealthy real eatate man. fails In love with Eldora. toe fruit girl. This is unknown lo the father, who baa made other plana for hla bor's future. Finally. Robert- eonfldea In hla father the troth of hla affection That hi* father become! greatly aw tum of attain, hi putting It t day he sends for Eldora. and ■ ! scene, «bows hex bow little the wife of his ion; and bo she, poor girl, proves her great lore by sending for her lover, and In one of those wonderfully enacted scenes which reach the height of dra- matic climax, ahe laughs at him, makes light of his devotion to her, and finally proclaims ber love for another. This has the desired effect upon the boy. She bis done ber duty, sbe bas kept ber promise; bnt her little heart la broken, and Mr. Norwood never realizes how true, how noble ber love Is until .the next day, when he in the paper of ber attempt to end her Then be realizes what he has done. To- gether father and son hurry to the hospital, and Here the father sees two young bears A FAMILY OP VEGETARIANS (l leased Dec. 28; length 890 feet).— This story of Mr. Brown, a vesetarlau, and Mr. Jen- kins, a meat ester. Mr. Brown baa a marriage- able daughter who rather likes meat, but does not dare to express her desire. Mr. Jenkins pretends to be s vegetarian In order to win the heart and band of the daughter. The young people marry. Returning to their home after a brief honeymoon, they are almost famished for wsnt of meet, each planning and scheming as to • the best course to purine In order to satisfy the craving. In trying to deceive each other regard- ing their true appetites, comical situations arise, and a Isugsab.e climax Is reached when they accidentally And themselves face to face In restaurant, both eating - meat like two hunt Dec. 28; of various g hunt of THE AMERICAN FLEET IN FRENCH WA- TERS (topical; released Dec. 28; length 1? feet). — A view of the V. S. squadron Em ate: bonrg. IN FULL CRY . length 331 feet).— A stages and episodes the season. CATALAN, THE MINSTREL (colored drama; released Dec. 30; length 768 feet) .—Catalan, the famous minstrel, is murdered by a party of archers, sent by King Phillip of France, to guide the minstrel to the royal palace. The archers returned to Paris and told the K li, . that they had not met bis guest. Left dying la tbe woods, the minstrel was found by Juliette, a peasant girl, and be. with his last breath begged her to carry to the King a written message from Queen Beatrice. Tbe king gave tbe girl an audience and learned of bis archer's treachery. Their guilt being known, the king ordered awlft punishment to be meted out to them, snd be bad a cross erected over tbe spot where tbe famous minstrel was so cruelly slain. Jollelte, ^who^h.d^been strnck^br^the minstrel's any. CARNIVAL OF JAPANESE FIREMEN IN the customs of the Orient to those we are acquainted with. THE YAQUI GIRL (drams; released Dec. 31; length 1,000 feet). — Silver Arrow la fascinated by Pedro, handsome Mexican troubadour. Learn- ing - that Pedro prefers bis sweetheart, Mar- gnerlta, to bar. Silver Arrow swears vengeance. A few days later tbe Indian maid witnesses a bold-op of tbe express messenger by Pedro, who Is disguised ss a cowboy. In the presence of Mar guerlta, she denounces Pedro as the bandit. Margnerlta ascertains from Pedro tbart tbe Yaqul girl's words are true, and to prevent Silver Arrow from Informing the authorities, the two lovers overpower the Indian girl, and binding her flat on tbe back of a large white horse without bridle or saddle, send the animal different are I Billboard's list of motion picture thaatrea Is I this list ara sollellsd. Informants win Mama of Taaatra hunters. An understanding between them la brought about, and they resume eating meat, evidently enjoying it. Tbe following day, -Mr. Brown, the staunch vegetarian, is also caught devouring meat with a ravenous appetite. How that the members of C other, they all agi THE ROMANCE OF HEFTY BURKE (drim. released Dec. 30; length 1,000 feet).— Hefty Burke la a big-hearted atordy boatman of tbe E.«t Side of New York City. He Is engaged to Mamie Casey. One "Big" Marks, a rough sort of a character, who It a sailor boarding house rnnntr. has aspirations for Mamie's hand, and Is extremely Jealous of Hefty. This lesions nature causes him to adopt various methods to cause a break between Hefty and Mamie. His schemes bsve all the prospects of attaining for hlm hla purpose until his profligacy Is "' PATHE FRERES. THE ATONEMENT (Drama; released Dec 26; length, 856 feet). — A chem- ist finds his wife resist- ing the enforced atten- tions of s so-called friend. In a minute he bas turned him out of the house, bnt on returning to eontlnne bis work he Is so flustered as to make a mistake which caused an explosion that blinds him. From that day poverty and >le are hts lot. His wife receives s letter from a friend, offrrlng to place bis wealth at their disposal. Instinct warns the poor, afflict «d rellow tbat something unusual Is afoot By accident his hand encounters the letter lylnr on tbe table. Picking It up be tells his son to read It. The father listens silently, then at the finish of the letter rises and < his bsnd to his friend, who has made a per- sonal call, in token of forgiveness. THE BOWLING FIEND (Comedy; released Dec. 26: length 344 feet). — Alfred, who has Just taken to bowling, becomes a regular fiend for the game, and wishes to practice on every available opportunity; in fact, he Is tempted to knock over all and every upright object tbat •may come in bis path, using for '"' any handy object- HI. victims m He la, however, soon suffering bin at the hands of those whom be baa tormented. RUNNING AWAY FROM A FORTUNE (com- edy; released Dec. 28; length 040 ft).— A lawyer goes In sesreb of Denny Houlihan to Rive blm the will of bis uncle, making him heir to 910.000. Tbe lawyer drops the papers, which are picked np by Denny's dog. As the roll of Bapers greatly resemble a stick of dynamite, enny. fearing for bis life, runs away, with the log following him. He la finally stopped, tbe IsTese with Its burden towards the boundless prairie. All Indian aees tbe horse, and with the aid of the cowboys, affect Silver Arrow's rescue. The Indian girl leads ber rescuers to the Mex- ican's cottage, where a fierce pistol fight takes place, Pedro finally being vanquished. MELIES. IN THE TALL CBASS COUNTRY (drama; released Dec. 28; length ).— Bob and Nell bee-urns engaged. Bob's sister, Helen, writes him that she Is coming to tee blm. The letter, which Is signed "Yours, with love, Helen." accidentally falla into the hands of a gossip. This person hurries to put Nell wise to Bob's perfidy. Nell takea tbe bait, and Bob Is "in bad." To atill add to bis troubles, the old mischief-maker tells Nell tbat Bob la bringing the Eastern girl to his aback, and she saw them coming down. Sure enough. Nell sees Bob caressing tbe girl as they are driving along together. One day, while roving over the prairie, Helen Is surrounded by a prairie fire. Nell res cues her while she herself falls fainting at tbe edge of tbe stream. With the aid of the cow- boys. Bob goea over the trail and rescues Nell, lie carries ber to bis home, where ahe recover!. Sbe shrinks from Bob, and tells him to declare bis love for the girt from the East. Bob be- gins to see the lay of things, and teils Nell tbst she Is slightly mixed In her conclusions; taking Balsa by the hand, he relieves Nell's mind by introducing bis slater to her. Nell Is dazed, then looks foolish, and savei herself, from fur- ther embarrassment by throwing her arma about Bob's neck snd receiving the comfort of bis loving embrace. THE CRIMSON SCARS (drama; releate Jin. 5; length 080 feet). — Little Alice bas s grest desire to be an actress. Sent on an errand, she stops at the theatre to look at the dlsplsy of photographs of actors and actresses, sod soon loses herself In reverie. While thos engaged, the leading lady arrives for rehearsal. Sbe speaks to Alice, becomes Interested in ber, snd gives her two tickets for the sfternoon'a per- formance. Pleased and delighted with the gift, she rashes home to her mother, who tskes the tickets from her, scolds and whips ber for not attending to her errand. A neighbor comes In, and Allce'a mother shows her tbe theatre tickets. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES JTEBE0PTIC0NI, SLIDES, MCESS0IIES. Chas. H. Stebbins, EXCLUSIVE STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE 101 RANCH Real Western Pictures Taksn and Manufactured on tha Largest Diversified Ranch in the World. AMUSING INSTRUCTIVE THRILLING 1 THREE REELS J J 3,000 FEET 1 FIRST RUN GOOD WORK SURE WINNERS THE FALL ROUND UP Showing 10,000 head of cattle, branding, roping and riding wild bronchos and steers, chuck wagon, concluding with Pickett's death-defying feat, throwing a wild steer with his teeth. Showing Indian Camp, games and dances, buffalo hunt and killing with bows and arrows. Tbe most costly picture ever produced. Cost over $5,000.00. 101 RANCH FARMING Cattle growing and pastures, also showing vast fields of wheat, corn and alfalfa, and many other interesting industries. HOUSE MANAGERS, NOTICE These pictures will pack your theatre. If you have not had them, write or wire us and we will have agent call oil you. GOOD REFERENCE and SURETY COMPANY BOND STATES FOR SALE NEW YORK CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND MASSACHUSETTS VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE MAINE TEXAS ARIZONA NEW MEXICO ONTARIO, CAN. MONTANA NEVADA FLORIDA LOUISIANA ALABAMA ARKANSAS REPUBLIC of MEXICO QUEBEC, CAN. NEW BRUNSWICK, CAN. SASKATCHEWAN, CAN. ALBERTA, CAN. STATES CONTRACTED INDIANA ILLINOIS KENTUCKY TENNESSEE IOWA WISCONSIN MINNESOTA CALIFORNIA NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA MISSOURI OKLAHOMA KANSAS PENNSYLVANIA VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA WASHINGTON OREGON MICHIGAN FULL LINE OF BEAUTI FUL LITHOGRAPHS FOR EACH PICTURE. Write at once for full particulars. MILLER BROS., 101 RANCH, BLISS, OKLAHOMA. DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 27 Invites the neighbor to attend "the •how." «nd thev are soon on their war. Left »t home, dis- i„„o!iiie; hrr geese, exchange* clothea wlrb her, and take* her place u a peasant. The Prince ei- chinaes plscee with * miller, and. thus dis- guised, they meet and faU In love. He aaya that he would like to marry her. hot he la of royal blood, and ahe aaya the aame thing. DIa- rusted with their experience*, rhey go back to their palaces. The two Kings still Insisting upon the marriage, the Prince and Prince** Snally consent The dsy for the nuptials ar- rive*. When the Prince and Princess realise that they are the tame persona who met In dhj- gnlse *■ a goose girl and miller, they both, Tore each other dearly, ranch to the Joy and delight of the two klnga. CRAZY APPLES (comedy: releaaed Dee. SO; length 098 feet).— A comedy built upon the superstition that certain apple* contain Insanity germs. WHERE THE WIND BLOWS (drama; re- leased Dec. SI; length »S7 feet). — Poverty sens rates s family of loved ones, the man being compelled to take to the aea for a livelihood. Shipwrecked at sea. the men are picked op by different boat*. Upon their return to their na- tive town, they find the bona* which the women had occupied la now deserted. Througn the mrdlum of Jean, the family', faithful dog who act* ss guide, the loved one* are happily r«- KALEU. TEIE BOLTED DOOB (drama; re- OH Door tellt the story of • beautiful yc girl who married elderly admirer rather than wait for the poor young man of her heart 1 * choice. In a few years ahe learned, too late, that she bad lost her life's happi- ness, and could not regain It— the door was bolted and locked forever against her. THE RDNAWAV BNOINB (drsms; release Jan. «: length ).— Allan Peter*, the son Of a railroad president, determine* to learn the business from the bottom, and starts aa a lire- man. He fall* In tore wlrb the engineer's pretty daughter, bat hit father objects. By arrl.ient. an engine geu away from the roood house, sod la ruablnx down the track on which the president's (pedal Is speeding. The girl, who la a telegraph operator, learna of the dan- ger, and falling to And brr father, takea out bin engine alone, speeds ahead of the apeclsl. ami when her engine approaches the runaway. nukes a leaf for life, and allowa the two en- gines to crash together, thus ssvlng the speclsl. BIOORAPH. WINNING BACK HIS LOVB length 004 feet.)— Mr*. Wallace (drama; released Dec. 2S; girl, who believes Frederick Wallace to be a single man. A note It sent to Mr. Wallace by the actress, aaklng blm to accompany her to a Utile after- thctbow tapper, to which he hastily complies. This note fsds Into the hands of the wife, who Is beside herself with grief. A friend of the famiij nob Msrtlo, suggeata a remedy to cure SS , of '>•• r °"T- The remedy Is to pay him hack In bla own coin, to-wlt: Mrs. Wallace Is to the care In hla (nob's) company, and pre- tend a reckless abandon, thereby putting the "shoe on the other foot" Repugnant aa this procedure Is to her, she 1* Induced to consent, as it wlH mean one thing or the other decisively. Mr. Wallace It brought to a realization of hit proflgacy. and the value of hi* wife's lore, which he Imagines he hsa lost. Rushing borne, be offers a firm purpose of amendment, bestowing upon her love and attention ahe hungered for.. BIS WIPE'S BWHBTHEART (comedy; re- lessed Dec.- 20; length 082 . feet) — Jenkins baa purchased .for bla wife a beautiful far-lined coat and picture hat. Entering bla home with these articles of feminine apparel, the covetousnes* of the servant* Is excited. The housemaid, wbo has * date with her sweetheart, wears the cost and bat. Mr. Jenkins sect the housemaid thua attired In tbe ami of a atranse man. He mis- takes the housemaid for his wife. Boshing np. he proceeds to annihilate tbe supposed wrecker of his home, while the coat and bst, with Its wearer, disappear. When Jenkins enter* hla borne and finds his wife asleep snd tbe articles In place, he la mystified, satisfied In a measure that be was mlstsken. Sneepllshly he exit* and •tarts bsck to the railroad station, where be I* mis time ]nat one second too late. Nothing to do now but go home and wait for the train. On tbe way bsck. be eaple* the cost snd hat, the wearer Id the arm* of a sailor. Thl* time It l* the kitchen maid. Wlrb a cry. "What, another?" he springs at the sailor, and I* effectively done op by the 'burly tar. the kitchen girl bavins beat It. putting the coat back where It Is later appropriated by the colored maid. Mra. Jenkins awakes, and discovering the Iota, gives alarm, and ■ policeman la put on tbe trail. This pollee man nod* tbe missing dnda In Jenkins possession. for he has csnght the maid and taken them from her. Things look conclusive as to Jenkins betog the thief, and be Is arrested, hla -wife notified, snd through her Identification. Is re- leased. Jenkins' Utile act of generosity cost him several cases of heart failure, an arrest, a bedraggled suit of clothes, and two black eyes. AFTER THE BALI, (comedy; releaaed Dec. 20: length Sll feet). — Brown baa accompanied Smith and Jonea to the masque ball. It I* tbe wee hour* of tbe morning, and yet Brown Com- eth not. Mra. Brown sits waiting for him with a rolling pin. which she Intend* to bounce ntr his besd. At length she retire*. She hsa bardie done so when Brown and hla frlepd enter, still wearing their masquerade costume*. Smith aa a burglar. SPd Jone* aa a copper. The sight of the filing pin lying oo the table arousee Brown's realisation of what he may expect. A scheme: Jonea as the copper mnst hide. Smith ss the bur* Far I* to overpower Brown, tbe Skirmish to awaken Mr*. Brown. But a false move on tbe part of tbe trio discovered them, snd then— trouble Brush Electric Lighting Set Save the difference between 3 cents a K. W. — what it costs with a Brush Outfit — and tbe 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying the Electric Light Company. Abo save one-half of the lamp of 120. For Oss. Gasoline or Kerosene: 10 IT. P.; l.SOO lbs. Hat S800. subject to discount. WRITE TO-DAY FOB CATALOGUE. Use Direct Current, which is far superior to Alternating Bob B-3. THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CO, DETROIT. MICH.. U. S. A. ?SIOE», f 130.00 and up. for electric light Writ, THE MOTIOGKAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WONDER And will INCREASE YOUR BC8IKEML It projects VTJCKEHLX8S. STEADY and WONDERFULLY URI1.1.1ANT pictures, has patented 1% minute rewind from main crank, revolving magaatoe*, antooatlc fire- proof shutter, etc, not found In other machines. WILL WEAR TWICE AS LONG. O. H. D.. of Keokuk. lows, writes— "Motlogrsph MAKING A BIG HIT and BUSINESS INCREASED WONDERFULLY." r. J. K.. of Kansas CI OjparateJ Sll makes, hot NONE .00 ud ip, The Enterprise "SHOOT 1VIE 2 IMPS EVERY WEEK" Keep hammering away at your exchange aud you'll convince it of the necessity and advisability of sending you TWO IMPS every week. That's all you have to do, Mr. Exhibitor. to get the beat results for the money you spend. Meanwhile keep your eye peeled for some good news we're going to spring soon. Also read about the next two Imp releases — "THE WISE DRUGGIST" ff^'^-tS hinges on an overcoat taken by mistake and a bottle of supposed "poison." Read the plot elsewhere in this Issue, and you'll realize what possibilities it contains. Release Monday, January 2nd. ^DIT_T TrWTl' 1 'sLi'ar*a» A story of a boy and girl. The feature which will cause rommcnt oy i in this* film is the factthat the Imp has a "fifteen-years-later" jump in the plot, yet does it in splendid shape— a thing which is considered one of the hardest ' ing a moving picture playle't. Before you put down this advertisement, make a note reminding yourself to te your exchange to "shoot me two Imps every week." INDEPENDENT MOVING PICTURES COMPANY OF AMERICA, 102 W. 101st Street, New York. Carl Lacmml All "Imp" Films sold through the Sales Company. THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. 8100,000.00 INCORPORATION CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE 316 W. 4th Street, CINCINNATI, OHl"~ AND THE BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. 309 Arcade Building. DAYTON, OHIO Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent Output. Reference : — SALES CO., HIE. 14th St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop us a line. 28 The Billboard DECEMBER 31, 1910. POWERS PICTURE PLAYS TUESDAY— ALL .EXCHANGES FURNISH TH EM— SATURDAY SALES CO. nr. (Carl Laemmle) . THE WISE DRUG- GIST (comedy; release Jan. 2; length 903 feet). — The Nrwljwed* are the apoonltst. happiest couple In existence, un- til one day Mr. Newly- wed Inadvertently ex- changes overcoats with a business associate, and brings tbe coat borne at night. Tbe next morn- ing, in his baste to get to the office, he forgets bis overcoat, and bla wife, after vainly calling him back for It. dis- covers in one of Its pockets a bunch of lore letters, which seem to prove to her her hus- band's perfidy. Almost prostrated by the ap- parent evidence, she decides to commit suicide, trying and giving np as unpleasant stabbing by means of a dagger, and lying with ber bead across tbe railroad track.' Sbe Anally bits upon poison. and going to a drag store, the druggist divining ber Intention, gives her a bottle of powdered sugar. This sbe takes borne soil swallows a goodly portion of it, and then wisely telephones her husband. Be dashed home as rapidly is be can, finding the bott, Parka. Productions a „ * Vaudeville Aota. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. PHOPpIIETO PS 1393-5 Broadway, Naw Voest City 5 CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS Imported Cblnaware, per 100 $3.00 All Leather l'nrse, per 100 3.00 Trick Match Box, per gross TS Japanese Zithers, per gross 73 Fancy Wood Whistles, per gross 75 Jspanese Turtle In Glass Box, per gross 00 Fancy Colored Return Balls, per gross 1.25 Horse Shoe Mirror, aast. colors, per gross. . 1.00 Novelty Acrobat Skeletons, per gross Ut Japanese Flag Puzale, asst. colors, per gross 2.BO Terms cash. Personal checks must be certified. NEWMAN MFG. CO. 8M-M7 Woodland Avenue,, Cleveland. 0. PASSION PLAY FILM am c-aasivu Flay Film and Slides. low price. Power Cameragraph, $73; $215 Mo- nograph, new. $150: Motlograpb, aa new, $100: Motion Picture Machines. fin. IW to 186; Power camera graph No. 8. low: Film, 2c per ft.; Rheostats, Calclnm Jets. Electric Lampe. Screens, etc.. reduced. Many bargains. Get Sup. 33. Mot ion JPIct nrt SO* nihert Street, CH fir CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. How You Can Start • Paying FILM EXCHANGE on $120.00 PARTICUUtRS sent for • Se stamp. For sale, one 70- 1 la; tit dynamo, machines, model Bs. black tents, folding chairs, cane bottom ebalra. PATHE'S hand-colored Passion Play. MM ft., for rent or sale. Best film service at loweet prices. Don't fall to aak about starting in BUSSf**" D,x, '" pn " W. 4th St. FILM FOR SALE — Twenty reels, sll in first class condition; cheap. rathe Life of Christ snd Crucifixion. Song sets with mnslc. ARTHUR Main St., " CLOSE, 306 W. FOR BALE— Edison two-pin picture mschloe. with three reels film snd Model B. calclnm light outfit, $100, or will trsde for vaudeville tent with stsge, Pssslon Plsy or crank ptsno. V. WAYKICK, Hrtdsvllle, N. C. contact with the night taaaell becomes Ignited. Hank, after a short period, is awakened by a violent fit of sneering— he smells smoke, and. thoroughly frightened, turns in a lire alarm. Then we have a realistic picture of tbe Fire Department In fall action — tbe engines leaving tbe fire bouse — tbe thrilling rare to tbe scene of the fire, and tbe fire apparatus In active operation. Tbe firemen, unable to find tbe fire, rush from room to room, until tbe boose is a complete wreck, windows broken, ceil- ings down, snd the whole place In a state of genersl delspidatlon. Finally one of the firemen spies Hank wltb his flaming nlgbtcap; snd suspecting tbst he Is tbe cause of all tbe trouble, rush lilm to tbe front of the bouse, where they proceed to "pot tbe fire out." Tbe poor fellow Is nearly drowned. * SALMON FISHING IN CANADA (Industrial: release Jao. 6: lensib. — -feet). — This Inter- esting and Instructive scenic production of sslmon fishing shows many beautiful scenes of forest and stream. The canoes shooting the rsplda with llgbtnlng-llke velocity— the fish lumping tbe eas-ades— tbe skl'ful handling of the trawl and line by the fishermen, and the qnlck and bewildering succession of primeval e. sn combine to make tbla plctnre one will be greatly appreciated by tbe city FOR BALE — Tbe best Motion Picture House In the twin borough. First-class place In good running order. Population 0.500. Also other stsge furnishings snd opers chairs. Must be sold qnlck. Owner to r*tlr\ Particulars. BEN J. F. BRTJNNER, Royeraford, Pa. TOR SALE — The principal and best Moving Pic tore Sbow In city of 19.000 Inhabitants: on Ohio River; seats 350; opera chairs snd now running Everything op-to-date. Bayer most hive COM Also s first-class Penny Arcade of 100 almost new machines of up-to-date ones. Address at i, C. B. CLARK. Irnnton. Ohio. FOR BALE— Three Edison two-pin machines, all complete, 160 each; two Edison one-pin ma- chines all complete. 1100 each: Films for aale: fSifw&jR?^ * * w err.'.*"- maybe Ave., Pittsburg. Ps. BARGAINS I» FILMS AMD BOKO SLIDES— 100 reels film, elegant condition, K per reel and np; slides perfect condition. »1.7". per set. with mnslc. Send postal for lists. Good film service furnished at lowest prices In tbe ESTis ""PP"*"- nargalnn In new and second m & a>W*V«s*a l 'la£L a JS* *" making outfits P. O. BOX SOS. New Orleans. La. Fl LMS TO TRADE, $3 PER REEL J. 1 /!" JS ™ Mbl * condition. ECONOMY FILM CO., 4th Ave., near Ferry St., Plttsborg. Pa. A GAMBLER OF THE WEST (Western Drama.) RELEASE OF SATURDAY, DEC. SL Length. Approx... 1,000 ft. A strong dramatic photoplay by the Evsanay Western play r* pointing a moral wbleb cannot but strongly Impress both The plot develops a love ■rotsm of a little West m woman In her efforts to redeem the wasted lives of ker gambling father and swethesrt. She Is successful and tbe play closes In a way which cannot bnt wr of aU who view It. THE REDEEMED CRIMINAL The Essanay Eastern players hare ren- d-red an exceptionally brilliant dramatic photoplay In tbla subject. Tbe acting la excellent, tbe photography or excel richness. It Is the feature of the Do not miss It! ESSANAY FILM MFG. CO., Ml, First Nations) Bar CHICAGO. XXX. London, 5 War do or Ht.. w Berlin, St Frtsdarlch Str. HALLBERG THE " ECONOMIZER MAN" SAVES A. J two -thirds on .Wli L I electric bill and TM— 3-LV makea BIG CUT on tbe first cost of your com- plete equip- ment. I oarey stock of ■ II make. M. P. MionlnssOpsra CrialrsandSup- J. H. HALLBERG. XOSlSBSk Moving Picture Theatre —FOR SALE— In Ohio town of 8,000. Best equipped theatre In Slste. Can sbow business netting from sou to $f0 weekly. Good reasons for selling. ■< will take *4.6o0 cash to buy it. If tnjff? have It, don't write. sa I-ICTUHK TIltA- THE. csrc The Blllbosrd, Cincinnati. QhK FILM SNAP 140.00 buys 8 reela of good servlcesble fil" Send money to guarautec expressase. JUit FIELDING, Chadron. Nebraska. lBc. Send wording mst- ter. Sprocket WbeeU. 8»e: Bell Couplings. IV. rilm for sole, cat J« Mm. S02 K. 2Srd mm N. V. Pity. _ FOB SALE— Etllsnn Machine, all cnmplcl<\ WW arc lamp and rheostat. Model B gas outfit. "B burner, two reels of good films, set SSS slides, etc. All In picking case. *T3. 8TEMn» BBOITiEBS, McCook. Nehr. DECEMBER 31, 1910. The Billboard 29 NE8T0B. AT CEDAR n I do io (Dram*: relsssed Jan. A- lenstb — fret).— It wss notblnv but coDtrarl- «» on ber fsttisr's part, no Dot declared, which Seut him from rrsllzlnir Ned Sherwood'* superior- it, otct I.ewli Huntley, who. while not a bid man «t bcart. cotwtenlfj' splrd upon bcr and told her father e»ery time she and Nod met. The upabot or the matter waa that Dan Nelaon decided to send bla daojrbter away to acbool. And It waa after Jack bad drljen off with her for the autlon that Ned and Pan sot Into 5 arn-umeot. Hot-headedly the older man drew bin Ron, arm In the struggle which i enaued. ac- tldenllr dlscbsnfed It, wounding nimaelf. As Ned bent over tbe unconscious form, however, ba believed that ba bad killed bla employer, and realizing that Dot would have to know, he ran trtstulesslv ttmninh tbe wooda to bead bar off. Aliooat orercome with the great misfortune which .he bellewd bail fallen upon her. the girl atlll bad presence of mind left to Insist noon Ned Eolue Into biding until thlnga should quiet Sown. And right slid waa she of her fore- tboueht. for. scarce?? h.d Ned left the bnacy than a posse of men. beaded by Lewi., who h.d bad beard the ahota and hurried to the old man'a aide. boTe In sight, Sendlnir them In an opposite direction from which Ned bad taken. Dot drove borne with alt nowlble apeed, where she bad the happiness of dndloa b r father allgbtly wounded, but rery mad man. Knowing It waa best for Ned to re- main away for a few daya. Pot hurried up to the care with a bssse t of aupplle*. In tornlng quickly, however, to anawer Ned'a call, the girl fell from the rock., and tbe reanlt waa a broken leg: ao that, much agalnat her will. Ned waa forced to carry her home, and brave the old man'a wrath. FVtrtnnately for blm. Jack had ancceeded In convincing Pan and the men that the wound bad not been made by Ned's reTOlYrr, ao that when the yonng man appeared with Dot. he waa eager- ly arreted, and while the doctor looked after Dot. Dan cxpn-aaejl bla approval of Ned In a manner to cauae the young man to beam with tuattujac ▲ FATHER'S LOVE